#guess I’ll tag base game since some of them are in this
stuffyflowers · 1 month
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On the Surface
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peetapeetapumpkineata · 3 months
Peeta Mellark X AFAB!reader
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Summary: you're worried about him during the quarter quell
Tags: fluff, slight angst, insecure little Peeta baby😔, kissing, one or two innuendos, three uses of y/n, established relationship (your in Katniss's place, obvi)
wc: 3.134k
Notes: there is definitely not enough Peeta fics!! I'm also working on a hijacked Peeta fic based off of one of my favorite songs! (idk when I'll finish it). Enjoy! also reposting this since it flopped
It had been three hours since Peeta hit the force field and Finnick had to resuscitate him.
You have been keeping a frantic eye on him, just in case there was another deadly object he wants to bump into (silly lil Peeta. You can’t take him anywhere fr fr). 
“y/n- I swear I'm fine. You don't have to keep watching me.” Peeta mumbles and glances at you.
“I know, I'm just scared.. Maybe you shouldn’t be so clumsy.” you tease, trying to calm some of your nerves.
“Ok, ok. I get it. I thought everyone knew I was the weak one in the alliance.” he chuckles and shakes his head.
 “What do you mean? You’re not weak, Peeta. You won the games.” you look at him and raise your eyebrow.
“Are you sure? I won the games because of you. I was just.. Lucky.” he looks back at you and shrugs.
“Lucky? Peeta, I’m the lucky one. We probably wouldn’t have made it together if you didn’t find those berries.” you sigh and scoot closer to him. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and squeezes you gently. “y/n.. Just because I found some berries, doesn’t mean I’m not weak. I’m just a baker.. You deserve someone who can take care of you.”
You gently grab his chin and turn his head to face you. “But you can. You’re the only person I feel safe with. And I like that you’re a baker. It makes you more adorable.” you giggle softly and stare into his eyes. 
“You’re just saying that.” he blushes faintly and rolls his eyes playfully.
“No, I'm not.” you brush away a piece of his hair and shake your head.
He smiles at you and wraps his other arm around you.
You rest your head in his lap and lean against him, smiling back up at him as he strokes your hair. 
“So it's true. I guess the ‘star-crossed lovers’ are actually real.” Finnick snorts, nudging Johanna next to him.
“Isn't it obvious? I thought it was hilariously clear when she started whaling on him and shouting at all of us after his heart stopped.” Johanna laughs, nudging him back.
“I thought she was gonna start punching me after i gave him mouth to mouth.” He laughs with her, glancing at the two of you.
“‘Peeta! Peeta! Omg Peeeetaa!!’” Johanna mimics you, laughing even harder with Finnick.
You glare at them and sit up from his lap. “Do you two ever shut up?”
“Oh please, we all know how you got that ‘baby’ inside you.” He grins and wiggles his eyebrows at you.
You roll your eyes and scoff. “You two make me sick.”
“Whatever, lover girl.” they laugh again and walk back over to the rest of the group
You sigh and lean back against him “I can’t stand them sometimes.” 
“Me either.. I just wish they would give us some time to ourselves.” he mumbles and kisses you on the forehead. 
“‘Wanna go for a walk? For a break?” you smile and raise your eyebrow
“Yeah, why not?” he smile back at you and stands up
“Hey ‘love birds’! Come back with another bun in the oven so we can get some sponsors, eh?” Finnick shouts and laughs harder. 
“Don't make me shoot you!” you shout back and grab his hand as you head deeper into the jungle.
You lean against a tree next to him and rest your head on his shoulder. “I miss home so much. I would do anything to have your cinnamon buns one last time before my stupid inevitable death.”
“Cmon y/n, you’re not gonna die. I’ll make sure of it.” he strokes the side of your head with his thumb. “Once we get home together, I’m gonna make you your own batch.” he chuckles and pecks the top of your head softly.
“Peeta, you know it's practically impossible to get out of this together, right?” you glance up at his face and smile sadly.
“I know, but I'm willing to risk those odds. I’m sure I'm lucky enough” he smiles back at you and moves his hand from your hair to your cheek.
You grin and pull him into a soft kiss. Not a forced one, for the cameras or for the capitol. A real kiss. 
“you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to.” he says after you pull away.
“I know.” you nod and kiss him again.
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cocogum · 3 months
what is waven like what happens in it
It took me some time to organize my thoughts which is why I couldn’t answer you sooner Anon but I’m here now ✨
Just before I begin though, I just want to tell you that since Waven still needs to update more (like the fact that it needs to showcase more races cuz we only got five) there will be some specific things that I will have to skip explaining because they’re not fully shown. But don’t worry, I’ll be able to explain to you the general basis of what’s going on. So at least you will know a lot more than nothing.
I started playing the game just a few days ago but I already had the context of what was going to happen way before I began playing.
So here’s how it goes:
After the events of Season 4, some events will happen in “The Great Wave” Wakfu manga (coming out on April 19 on allskreen.com) but after that, 10 years will go by and that’s where a new era called Waven will begin.
We don’t know how but we know it will somehow involve Yugo. Yugo, at some point in time, will be the next danger to the world and will invoke the most gigantic wave ever made. It’s so gigantic in fact that it will swallow multiple kingdoms and many lands. We don’t know why he will do this and we don’t know if he will do it intentionally. We also don’t know when and where he will do this. This is why the next era is called “Waven” because it’s based on the great wave that ravaged so many lands.
His wave would be such a huge disaster to the world that it will be a bigger calamity than the time Ogrest had been crying.
So now that the lands have been completely wiped out, and Yugo’s body count is higher than ever, the World of Twelve will somehow survive this thanks to the remaining lands that survived the disaster. These lands will be turned into islands. The main transportation will be by boat.
Kingdoms and great countries will turn into islands while other places such as Brakmar and Bonta will still be called “nations” despite not looking like one. A lot of people died obviously but they don’t specifically tell you. You can just tell by how it all looks.
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Based on the screenshots I took for you, here are the places that will remain in the world (listed in order by how I placed them) :
Vampyre Boat
Brakmar nation
Tofu island
Amakna nation
Crackler island
Whisperer island
Bwork island
Chafer island
Bonta nation
Gobball island
Albuera nation
Pig island
Taur island
There might come more locations in the future but who knows.
If you’re wondering about the characters then no worries. The main characters are still alive which is a relief at least.
For the Percedal family, Evangelyne, Dally, Elely, Goultard, and Pin are still here. Pin grew up a bit and now looks to be Elely’s age. He can be seen tagging along with his father everywhere he goes.
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We don’t know where Elely is yet but Tot did say that she was going to have her own series during Waven so all is good for her. As for Flopin, he’s alive as well. His progress with Madagaskan will be shown in the future.
For the minor characters, we can actually see that some of them have survived the great wave as well.
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We can see Ogrest lazing around and singing in his garden. Given his peaceful behavior, I’m guessing Otomaï and Dathura are doing okay too.
We can also see Elaine with her father as well as Bordegann and Kabrok with his wife still working in their shop.
We even see Lotie, an osamodas girl that Yugo and Adamai met in Season 1 AND have seen her again in the manga. She can now be seen fully grown and playing with Igor.
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Her father and brother don’t seem to be around the area and her speeches didn’t involve or mention them in any way.
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Goultard is very much alive and well. He teaches you how to defeat the shushus as soon as you wake up and choose a race. He’s kind of like your guide for how the fighting is supposed to work in Waven.
Speaking of which, the main enemies you will have to face off as of now, are shushus.
There are giant floor openings in different locations of the World of Twelve that let out shushus and are quickly spreading around the world. You, as the player, have to get rid of them while also battling some characters that have gotten possessed by them. Also, you can actually get to see some gods (for now you can only see the Cra goddess) from their former selves in need.
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The Cra goddess, for example, can be seen but she seems to have her whole body missing. Her head is the only thing intact and Evangelyne decided to check up on her.
We also get a piece of information from Astrub that helps us understand the world better and how the people reacted to the change:
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“To whoever reads these lines: you are a survivor. You have been chosen to help rebuild the World After. You are one of us, and we welcome you. Welcome to Astrub.
The lands of Before are but a memory.
When the Great Wave crashed down ten years ago, it ravaged everything in its path, leaving behind only ruins and desolation. A few places survived, as did a few lucky survivors. But the World of Twelve, drowned under the seething waters, died.
Heroes are gathering. In the past, they had already proven their courage and bravery in the service of the common good. Once again, they are taking the fate of the world into their hands. They are organizing themselves into four cardinal Clans to help the world rise again. A new era is dawning. Life is asserting itself. Hope for a new future is growing.
Order, Nature, Science and Trade are now working in harmony to maintain the balance in his New World. History is on the march again.”
Other than that, that’s all I have for now.
Like I said before, I’ve been playing the game for over a week now so it’s obvious that I missed a ton more info on the world not to mention that I didn’t even start talking about the remaining lands and what their deals are.
Waven is available on Steam for your PC and on the App Store for your phone if you’re interested in finding more on your own.
I’ll be sure to let the ones who can’t/don’t want to play it be able to know new things I find here cuz A LOT is going on already!
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ofsappho · 1 year
Heartless, Chapter 5
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🔞 Simon “Ghost” Riley x reader 🔞
Fake marriage/marriage of convenience, SMUT
You get into trouble and Ghost disciplines you for it.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: in the first part of this chapter, homophobic slurs (fag, faggot) and insults are tossed around. From an inconsequential side character towards Soap. I want to note that I myself am queer/nonbinary, and I have been harassed/attacked/bullied for being queer. Additionally, this scene is directly inspired by real events. A friend of mine, who is queer + nb AND is a veteran, got into a fight during their service with another Marine on their base for saying vile homophobic shit. My friend dropped the guy in an instant. My friend knows I am interpreting their story in this chapter, and they approve.
SMUT TAGS: degradation (a lot of it), humiliation, spanking, bondage, dumbification, edging, spit kink, dacryphilia, bratting/brat taming, choking, face slapping, praise kink, overstimulation, squirting, care taking (tbc next chapter!). Knife kink. All consensual. By degradation, I mean degradation in the context of the smut.
Everything goes wrong like this:
You’re out with Ghost and Johnny to explore the base. 
They show you the fields where people like to play soccer. “It’s football,” your friend insists in his thick Scottish brogue. Ghost agrees with a grunt like the traitor he is.
Your heavy, exasperated sigh draws out chuckles from them both. “I’ll stop calling it soccer on the day you beat us at football.” And you don’t even like football. But fuck the British if they think they can get one over you. Well, the British and Scottish. Whatever.
The two of them start chattering- correction, Johnny chatters, and Ghost genuinely listens, you can tell, about sports and teams, and you regret bringing up the topic at all because you can barely follow.
What’s the difference between Manchester City and Manchester United? Isn’t that, like, the same thing?
As your husband discusses a recent game, a few guys kick around a ball, and some people smoke a few feet outside the designated smoking area. You watch a guy stub out his cigarette on the sign that says not to smoke elsewhere.
You’ve gotten too comfortable referring to Ghost as ‘your husband.’ Hm. You should check that impulse before it spirals into something that might validate Alejandro and Gaz’s conspiracy theories about love at first sight. Gross.
Do you know what else isn’t helping? Ghost’s refusal to let you be alone with them again. He doesn’t try to stop you or interfere, but you can’t ignore him lurking in the background like a little stalker whenever you socialize.
It’s… kind of cute.
Oh, and you finally encountered Roach in the wild. You spotted him in the mess a couple of days back, collecting the randomest assortment of snacks (Cool Ranch Doritos, a pre-workout drink for balance, you guess, a chocolate milk, and three lemon sugar cookie flavored energy bars).
He had on some interesting cat ear headphones, so you just waved and wordlessly gestured that you liked his headgear. He waved back, then shot you a thumbs up.
You tap back into your surroundings. Ghost has wandered into the smoking area to light up, and you might as well join him.
When you stretch out your hand, he plucks a smoke from his pack and places it delicately in your palm. He even lights it for you from a Zippo engraved with skulls, with one scarred hand cupped around the flame to keep it steady.
Johnny wrinkles his nose. “That’s gonna kill you in five years, you ken?” He stands on the other side of the painted smoking area line to hang while letting his disapproval be known.
You take a drag instead of laughing in his face. After all, he was the one who charmed every convenience store clerk at the young age of 17 into buying what he wanted without getting carded, smokes included.
“Since when have you been so health conscious?” You say as you blow the smoke away from Soap’s face.
Ghost does the same without thinking - like he’s stood somewhere and smoked while chatting with Soap enough times to make it a routine.
You envy the easy way they complement each other. You used to be like that with Johnny, and you wish… you want your own routines with your new husband, to know that he goes out into the world and does something different for the rest of his life because of you.
Distance is only natural, you tell yourself. You’re new to their friendship.
But Soap has been one of yours for so long, and Ghost is becoming yours faster than you thought possible. Like a rapacious strangler vine or fungal colony occupying a rotted tree, you find that you’re plotting all the ways you can twist yourself around and into Ghost.
Soap laughs. “Aye, well. You try getting shot a couple o’ times. Am not goin’ down over one of them cancer sticks.”
You hear it just as you tap some of the ash off the end of your cigarette.
“...can’t believe they let those fuckin’ fags…”
You bring the smoke to your mouth to conceal your grimace before turning ever-so-slowly. You’ve learned this lesson many times over; gathering further context is important— no need to bring a knife to a situation that does not call for knives.
The same guy you heard before continues with his little rant.
He’s a miserable-looking dude with a pasty milk face, no defined chin, a bad haircut, and a shitty name tag on his shitty uniform that says ‘Pvt. Langford.’
But somehow, despite lacking any discernible charisma, he holds rapt court with a bunch of other similarly-miserable peeons. “They’re a bunch of pussies, like, it’s pathetic, bro. Gonna give me fuckin’ AIDS or some shit if I gotta be in the same room. Criminal.” By now, he’s seen you watching him.
The corner of his thin-lipped mouth lifts as if he’s said something funny.
Eh. He’s maybe got half of a foot on you. At most. There are worse odds.
Then he slides his smarmy, revolting gaze from you to just over your shoulder, and his smirk grows. He’s looking at Soap.
You’ve seen this exact look before. You know what it means, what nerves motherfucking Langford is trying to trample on.
Before anyone can stop you, you’re across the smoking area and in Pvt. Langford’s face in about five seconds.
Soap thinks he’s about as level-headed and reasonable as the average man, but Langford has been getting on his nerves for way too fuckin’ long. For the whole time they’ve been stationed at this base, so, weeks.
Everyone knows Langford is a little shit. Everyone hates him and his bitch boys.
You’re just the first person willing to do something about it.
So while Johnny has never felt the urge to personally handle the Private’s homophobia because swatting flies is beneath him, he’s content to sit back and watch the show.
Naturally, Ghost tries to follow you. You’ve got the poor fellow whipped and wrapped firmly around your little finger.
He supposes he shouldn’t have expected any less.
Soap holds your husband back with an outstretched arm. “Let the lass do her thing,” He advises. You won’t appreciate it, and Soap has no intention of being on the receiving end of your wrath.
Ghost rolls his shoulders back. “Not gonna stop her?”
The Lt. doesn’t know, does he? “D’ya really think ya can?” Even more reason to let you go off. This will be fun and, frankly, a necessary introduction.
Ghost stills. “…” Not so new, then.
What a bloody buzzkill. Now look who’s fussing and clucking? Like a rooster.
Soap watches his teammate flex and crack his knuckles and decides that you owe him for what he’s about to say. “If she needs it, we’ll grab her before it goes too far,” He reassures Ghost before leaning against the ‘Smoking Area’ sign.
It’ll work out one way or another. No big deal.
The scowl on your face as you stare down Langford is somethin’ real ferocious. “What the fuck did you just say?” You demand, voice low and proud and loud enough to catch the attention of everyone in a ten-foot radius.
Langford laughs and tries to play it off. “That’s classified.” Oh, haha. Real fuckin’ original. Like half the girls in town haven’t heard soldiers try that line a million times.
The Army sure didn’t take Private Langford for his brain cells.
Next to him, Riley shifts from foot to foot. “She always like this?” He asks as if the words are throwing themselves against his mask and demanding to be let out.
“Mmm. Since we were wee mates.” From here, Soap can see how viciously you throw your cigarette to the ground and grind out the lit ember with your heel like the poor thing did something to you.
“No. Say it again,” You snap, cracking the sentiment over Langford’s thick head like you’re breaking a chalkboard in two.
Ghost stiffens up even further, and behind the mask, his eyes glint in the sunlight like that flame you just put out.
Is it possible that he’s…  impressed by you? “Go on. I just want to make sure that I heard you correctly. That we all heard you correctly,” You say icily.
Global warming would be solved in a day if they could translate your tone into real ice.
Watching Langford take a small step back without realizing it is funny as hell. Even his minions have backed away as your aura of menace sets off their self-preservation instincts with the subtlety of a pulled fire alarm.
Lt. Riley’s eyes narrow as he memorizes your scowl and how you crowd Langford forward without letting up. “Spitfire.” Damn. That’s some bloody high praise coming from him.
Riley’s hood can’t hide the shadowy hickies on his throat; one would think that Ghost has realized it by now.
Are those teeth marks he spots? “You sound surprised. Figured she was teachin’ ya that already,” Johnny leers.
Ah, the expression he can make out under the skull mask. He wishes he had a camera so he could show you later.
Ghost closes his eyes for a long moment. “Shut your face.”
Across the way, Langford musters up a little courage. “Aw, are you mad? Did I make you mad ‘cause I spoke the truth, snowflake? Did those faggots get to you already?”
In the aftermath, even the birds stop chirping.
“Fighting words. Surprised you’re not out there with her,” Ghost says.
Only a fool would think the Lieutenant is relaxed right now; Johnny can tell that his breathing has slowed, that he’s holding perfectly still with an unbreaking focus on his prey.
That’s part of how Ghost manages to disappear in broad daylight. When those subtle signs of life go away, it’s easy to overlook him, unsubtle mask and all. 
He’d best save it for the field, but that’s none of Johnny’s business.
You two are so well-suited. “That’s the thing. About bein’ her friend. That bird- that bird’s a psycho.” If your marriage outlasts the bets everyone’s placed on an irrevocable breakdown, Soap figures he could make a killing on a matchmaking side hustle.
You take a deep breath. “I didn’t hear the truth. I heard a bunch of yapping from a little boy who a recruiter conned into signing his life away to lick the boots of his COs because he was a complete waste of resources otherwise.”
Occasionally, Johnny regrets quitting. He regrets quitting now, specifically; he could use the calming rush of nicotine. You’ve never ended fights in a good way, but this will end… spectacularly badly. He can see it already.
Ghost lets out a low whistle. “Jesus fucking Christ.” Then the Lieutenant looks around, and Soap realizes he’s checking for their Captain or any other superior officer.
Soap was planning on doing that anyway, and your new husband wins another point of approval in his book for thinking of it on his own.
“Pretty nice though, canny lie. Who else d’ya know that would fuck up a man for you without hesitatin’?” He says as he watches you open your mouth again.
“How does it feel to know you’re just that worthless?” Your voice rises and rises, acrid enough to melt paint, and it keeps Langford frozen in place.
“How long have you known her?” Lt. Riley asks.
“Eh… give or take sum’ ten years, prolly.”
“She like this the whole time?”
You go in for another round. “Thank God you’re not deployed anywhere important. It would be like the Bay of fucking Pigs all over again.” You’re close enough to spit on the Private, right fuckin’ close to his sallow face, and as your lip curls up, Johnny knows you’re definitely considering it.
Anger thrums in the air as bitter as gunpowder; it’s infecting Lt. Riley, churning in his posture, and it’s (unfortunately) starting to break through Langford’s shock.
“Aye. Never seen a law, or a rule, or a fuckin’ polis stop her. It’s nice not to fight alone, an’ if she had her way, I wouldn’t have lifted a finger in school.” He pauses, then looks at Ghost.
Johnny picks his following words with care. “Bet that one could carry the world on her shoulders if we’d let her. You know that she’s taken to you right quick?”
And then…
“Shut the fuck up, you dumb whore. Who even are you? Some slut whose only accomplishment is spreading your legs for a uniform? I’m not afraid to hit a little girl.”
Fucking Langford. Way to ruin a moment between mates, when Soap was just trying to help you.
God knows you need it; Lt. Riley is a piece of work.
The other man puts out his cigarette.
Now Soap has to think about how many soldiers he needs to threaten into silence after Ghost is through and how Soap will hide Langford’s body once he gets the final hit. “Lieutenant-“
They start moving in tandem, trying to get to you as fast as possible, like sharks circling after tasting blood in the water.
“Yeah, well, that’s funny ‘cause ‘little girl’ is what your mom calls me when we fuck,” You jeer before raising your hand.
Johnny loves you a lot, but man, do you make stupid choices sometimes.
Private Langford stumbles to the ground like a little bitch.
Damn. You didn’t backhand him that hard, and you’re not wearing any rings.
You can take a slap way better.
You stand over him as he clutches his face, practically cowering on the ground, and your knuckles are stinging, and all you feel is the adrenaline flash-flooding through your veins like cocaine or a really good fuck.
And then- strong, immovable arms clasp around your waist and yank you away.
Your hair’s in your eyes, and you can’t tell who’s holding you back, but whoever they are… you’re gonna make them regret it.
“Fuck you!” You howl at Langford, kicking and thrashing against the stranger’s grip.
You try to get an elbow in the side of whoever it is, but they evade it with ease. “Let go of me! I’m going to fucking kill you, you inbred motherfucker!” You scream as Langford gets to his feet.
The stranger carries you a few steps back and eliminates your chances of getting your nails in Langford’s face.
You redouble your efforts to free yourself. “Let me go! Let me at him! I’ll rip his fucking head off!”
The person shakes you like a rag doll. “Calm down. Calm the fuck down, lass. It’s me, Johnny. Stop your fucking fighting,” Soap hisses.
Oops. You stop moving all at once, causing Soap to almost drop you.
The adrenaline levels off, leaving you empty, and you drag breath after breath into your lungs to make up for it.
You shove your hair behind your ears just in time to watch Ghost put Langford in a headlock with beautiful, immaculate, careless ease.
It’s the first time you’ve ever seen him take anyone down, and it takes away the breath you just found. Like, your mouth goes dry, and you forget Soap is restraining you.
Just… holy shit. He moves like the hand of God, eyes flashing and skull mask fierce.
Langford blacks out the same second Ghost gets his arm around the other man’s neck, crumpling to the ground like a chewed-up paper doll.
Oh. Oh no.
Now you understand why Soap keeps you in place because Ghost tosses Langford’s unconscious body to the side without blinking twice and then beelines straight. towards. you.
Your hands push and hit Johnny’s arms. You need to- you need to run this time, get away, and get out of Ghost’s path.
Flee. You need to flee before he unpicks you with his teeth and eats your fucking bones like a fairy tale monster.
God fucking damn it, why won’t Soap let you go?
A rush, you can’t breathe, oof, your stomach hurts, have you been swept onto Ghost’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes?
The upside-down sight of his very well-formed ass in his jeans tells you that, yes, you are hanging from his shoulder as he takes you to a secondary location.
All the blood in your body surges to your head. “Ghost. Ghost, let me down,” You tell him, voice jostling with each step he takes.
No reaction.
If you could just breathe, an action obstructed by his stupid shoulder jabbing into your stomach, and clear the fuzz from your mind (thanks hanging upside down!), you’d make him regret this.
“Put me the fuck down. I’m not fucking kidding.” Again, nothing.
If anything, Ghost actually tightens the hold he has on your hips, accurately predicting that you’re seconds away from kicking him.
Fuuuuuck this. “PUT ME DOWN, YOU OAF. I AM YOUR WIFE, YOU CAN’T JUST-“ You try to be as loud as possible, so maybe someone will hear and save you? Or irritating enough to make him set you on the ground?
Ghost keeps walking. “No,” He tells you before digging fingers into the back of your thigh. It’s painful, and you inadvertently shut your mouth, teeth grinding together. For now.
Once Ghost unlocks your front door, he shoves it open viciously with his boot and locks it behind you without letting you go.
You fully expect him to unceremoniously drop you on the bed, but he- he doesn’t.
He pulls you into his arms like a husband carries his wife on their wedding night and lays you down gently.
Then he backs away as if burned by your skin, backs all the way to the other side of the room.
Shit. Shit. You’re in trouble. You’re in so much trouble, Ghost leans against the wall and crosses his arms, and you can’t meet his gaze; you can only look at his shoes.
He sighs. “You know what’s gonna happen next. Nod if you know.”
You nod, still looking at the ground, and feel the humiliation and anticipation trying to strangle each other in your stomach.
“If you don’t want it, you need to get the fuck outta my sight. Right now. I can’t look at you,” Ghost tells you.
You’re not sure how to find the right words. Do you want to beg? Resist? Ask him if he’s proud of you? You end up shaking your head in a negative and propping yourself up on elbows planted firmly in the bed.
He doesn’t say or do anything for a few minutes. You know he can see you squirm, how your fingers flex and feet tap the ground.
You pick yourself off the bed and walk towards him like a moth drawn to a flame.
Ghost moves as soon as you cave. He plants his large hands on your shoulders and pushes you back, back, back, until your back slams into the wall with his body boxing you in.
Before your head can hit the wall, he slides his palm around the back of your skull to cushion you.
He braces that same arm on the wall as he speaks. “That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen some stupid shit.” You’re not really listening because his flexed bicep is right there, above your head, and he has to tap your cheek to get you to focus.
You look up into Ghost’s mask and his eyes- his eyes burn, greedily eating up your blush and your throat bobbing as you swallow your nerves.
His other hand trails along your neck and then wraps around it. “Thought you were s’posed to be smart. My smart, clever girl,” Ghost croons, all condescending like he’s talking to a misbehaving animal.
Then his voice deepens to a sound that’s just a touch inhuman. “You could’ve gotten hurt. That fuckin’ wanker almost laid a finger on you.”
Your heartbeat pounds fast, screaming in your chest. “I got him first,” You point out.
Ghost’s eyes crinkle at the ends. “That you did. You were brilliant there, love, won’t deny it.” Here’s where your flush brightens, where the praise makes you look away. “I see that went straight to your pretty little head.”
He falls silent when your tongue darts out to wet your lips.
“But oh my fuckin’ god. You can’t go ‘round gettin’ into fights like that.”
“It was for Johnny,” You protest weakly. You don’t regret a single thing, but you find yourself caving at the slightest pressure.
The hand on your throat tightens, not tight enough to do anything other than remind you that you’re his. “I don’t bloody care if it was for Jesus Christ himself. Nothing is more important than you. Than your safety,” Ghost amends.
But you heard him. Nothing is more important than you, he says.
Why does he care?
Ghost sees the fight flare up in your face. “Listen to me. Nothing. Not Soap, not me. You- you are…” He’s supposed to be scaring you right now. He’s meant to be reading you the Riot Act, and the part you play is the frightened doe he teaches a lesson to.
You’re scared for a whole different reason.
Ghost is looking at you, looking through you, and it’s like you’re a little girl again, learning that the only time people give a fuck is when you do something for them.
‘Nothing is more important than you’ plays over and over in your mind.
He lets go of your throat to grab your hand, the one you hit Langford with, and his gaze drops to your reddened, bruised knuckles.
When he talks, his voice sounds odd, like he’s shaking the rust off his vocal cords. “Fuck. I was so-“ Ghost cuts himself off.
His fingers are gentle with your fingers. He turns them over, runs his thumb along your palm. You’re not used to people touching you like that.
You find your words as fast as you can. “What? You were so what?” You challenge him.
You feel him drop your hand in favor of digging his fingers into your jaw. “You’ve talked a lot today, doll. The next thing you say better be a fuckin’ apology.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“That’s how you wanna play this?” Ghost asks, eyes flat and unreadable.
You let him apply more pressure so your mouth lolls open, you let him think he’s got you. “Yep.” Then you poke your tongue out and lick the side of the finger pressed into the corner of your lips.
“Another stupid choice,” He tells you before letting go.
He wears holsters strapped on his back and jeans, and for the first time, you’ll get to meet what he keeps in them. “See, I was gonna be nice. Was gonna… fuckin’, I dunno, say some sappy shit, be real sweet, make sure you were okay…” Ghost says matter-of-factly as he finds a single-edged switchblade that is definitely illegal for civilian carry.
There are rules for that sort of thing. The blade is an inch too long, and that popping mechanism was outlawed in 1958.
You know that he keeps bigger knives on him, ones that look like they violate the Geneva Convention. In comparison, this is small fry.
Ghost deliberately pinches the collar of your shirt between his fingers. “But you’re gonna be a bitch about this, aren’t you? I’m gonna have to get it through your thick fuckin’ skull?” He asks, moving far slower than he’s capable of, slow enough that you can stop him if you want to.
You hear yourself pant desperately, you look at him with wide, vulnerable eyes, then hold perfectly still so that he won’t nick you.
The tip of the sharpened knife pokes a tiny hole in the fabric. “Hope you’re not too attached to these, doll,” Ghost tells you before slicing a clean line down the middle.
It’s cold in your bedroom, you had the air conditioner running earlier, and you blame your instinctual shivers on that instead of the need brewing under your skin (and between your legs).
When he pulls the tattered remnants of your shirt from your shoulders, you let him.
Your bra goes next. A swift rip and then your tits hang free and bare, nipples already beginning to harden.
He makes sure to click the blade back into the handle before reaching out to caress the heavy swell of your breasts, unable to resist stroking your soft skin even when he’s mad.
You picked a good day to wear a skirt that falls just past your ass with a hemline that dances teasingly around your thighs. To be clear, it’s not a good day for your skirt itself.
When the blade comes out again, Ghost cuts your skirt with steady fingers that brush your curved stomach.
Then he slips the knife between your underwear and your skin, carefully aiming the sharpened edge out so you feel the cool metal press into your heated skin without risking an accidental cut.
He doesn’t react to how your panties stick to your cunt when he takes them off you, most likely to deprive you of the satisfaction of any reaction at all.
You see part of his balaclava twitch, and after a moment, you realize he’s raising an eyebrow.
Right. Shoes. You kick them off with far too much eagerness.
He returns the closed knife to its designated holster. It’s very safe of him, very proper.
“I won’t go easily,” You remind Ghost.
He answers by covering your eyes with his hand and kissing you, his mask bunched over his nose and pressing awkwardly into your skin.
Each kiss makes you dizzier, hazier, you forget why you’re fighting, he ravages your mouth with his, and when you moan, it makes him even more feral.
He sinks his teeth into your bottom lip, and you shout at the pain and try to curl away. But the hand over your eyes keeps you in place, and you shudder against him, naked and helpless.
The webbed straps of his chest holster grind into your breasts and leave rough streaks of chafe wherever they touch your skin.
His tongue slips against yours, Ghost tastes like smoke and something uniquely him, it feels like he’s pouring nicotine into your synapses, and your spine relaxes, your muscles soft and compliant.
When you try to bite his lip back, he pulls away without acknowledging your unhappy whine.
“Open your fucking mouth,” Ghost snaps.
You do that and even stick your tongue out for good measure. You might not be able to see him, but he can see the little tease of how good you can be.
You hear him spit before you feel the glob of his saliva land messy and hot on your outstretched tongue. Your legs shift, and you press them together, anything to help with the pressure beginning to build in your core and the arousal trickling down your thigh.
Cloth rustles, and then Ghost removes the hand covering your eyes. His mask is back in place like he never lifted it at all. “Step away. Hands behind your back.”
You turn around on unsteady legs, then put your wrists together behind your back as ordered.
Something unclicks behind you, and then he pulls it off his… pants? His belt - he’s cuffing you with his belt, deftly weaving the nylon strap between your wrists and securing it into place.
As you test the strength and make sure he’s restrained your hands in a way that doesn’t cut off circulation, Ghost gathers your hair and drapes it neatly over one shoulder so it won’t bother you.
He touches your back and neck with an almost unbearable fondness. Fuck.
You feel him kiss your shoulder through the mask, closed-mouthed and chaste. “This isn’t coming off until you’re ready to behave,” He murmurs into your skin before sliding an arm around your waist, pulling the mask down, and biting the place he just kissed.
You struggle and twist in his grasp, but he holds fast, and you slump into him with a pained moan. Is he trying to fucking brand you? It sure feels like it.
When Ghost releases you, he turns you around with a hand on your bound wrists and then walks backward faster than you can keep up.
Then he sits on the bed as proudly as a king on a throne and beckons for you.
Without your arms free to help you balance, you stumble a few times, and Ghost watches you with a pleased glint in his gaze. That may be the point.
By the time you get to him, you’re thoroughly unbalanced. “Come on. Yeah, over my lap.” You kneel without complaint, too busy avoiding eating shit to consider resisting.
He helps you lower your torso with an arm placed below your collarbones and a hand flat on your stomach so you don’t face plant into the sheets.
“Are you going to-“ You feel him guide your hips up, encouraging you to place most of your weight on your face and shoulders.
Conveniently leaving your ass exposed. And- and he can see your dripping folds, see proof that you crave him.
He goes on as casually as if he were describing the weather. “Spank you? Yes, I am. A slag like you can’t see reason, obviously. Got to train it in ya.” You practically jump out of your skin when you feel him drag a finger along the inside of your thigh, tracing the rivulets of slick trickling from your pussy.
You feel like a thing, like putty in his hands that he can bat about and talk to like you’re not even there.
“Don’t act like you don’t fucking get off on this. Be honest. Or are you too stupid to do that?” Ghost asks as if he’s just remembered that you can answer questions.
You clench around nothing and desperately wish he’d take that finger playing with the sensitive skin of your thighs, and do something useful with it. “…I do.”
“There’s my needy girl.” He neatly fists a hand in your hair, somehow mindful that you won’t appreciate losing a few strands without you telling him.
His free hand caresses your ass, then up and down the backs of your thighs. You feel him grab one cheek tightly, grinding down with his fingers so he can see red marks bloom under his touch.
You jerk forward with a cry when he hits you the first time, though the hand in your hair keeps you from going very far. Ghost doesn’t spank you hard, more of a warning tap than anything.
The shock smarts more than the blow did. But you’re determined to show that you can, in fact, take a hit better than Langford, so you dig your knees in and psych yourself up for the next spank.
“Fuck is wrong with you?” His voice cracks like thunder, then he follows it with another spank.
This one hurts. Hot, hot pain radiates from the spot he hit, but your body wrenches with a different sensation as your body processes that pain as… well… pleasure.
When he spanks you again, he takes the time to force your head further down into the blankets. “Hm? Running your dumb fucking mouth, talkin’ all that big shit?” Ghost snaps at you.
Each time he spanks you, you cry out, your eyes roll back, and it hurts, and he keeps hitting the same spots, so even when he isn’t touching you, you’re sore. 
Another set of blows, each one harder than the last.
You gotta- you gotta tell him- you push back against his grip, and he lets you lift your head. “God, Ghost, please-“ Your voice is choked-up and pleading, mirroring your thighs trembling with want and your aroused, needy core that he’s fucking ignoring.
He slaps your ass again, this time right where your ass cheek meets your thigh, close but not close enough.
“Please, what? Please, what, doll? Come on. Dumb little doll doesn’t know how to talk?”
Your breaths are ragged, labored, you’re shivering and there’s so much pain that you can’t tell where it stops and where the want begins.
“Harder-“ You cut yourself off with a gasp when he does just that.
That one burns. That one feels like an open flame, like Ghost’s touch is burrowing into your muscles, down down down, like it will leave a lingering mark that you don’t want to fade.
He rubs over your heated skin, massaging away the worst of the soreness. “You’re welcome. Now listen to me,” Ghost speaks in a low, reassuring tone like he’s gentling a startled animal.
He notices the exact moment you get lost in the feeling, when you push back and fucking present yourself in the hopes that he’ll give you more.
Then he cracks his hand against your ass; the sound is louder than your answering shriek. “Listen. You are going to apologize for almost getting hurt. You’re going to mean it. You’re going to swear you’ll never get into a fight again.” Ghost tightens his hold on your hair and twists his wrist to push your face back into the bed, taking back the advantage he granted.
“Or what?” You won’t be able to sit comfortably for a week at least, the ache and the bruises forming have you strung out for the tiniest scrap of pleasure… but you did tell him you wouldn’t go easily.
“Or…” Ghost trails off slowly. Your scalp begins to tingle as his grip grows even tighter.
It’s so painful that you almost miss the two thick fingers he slips into your pussy. Almost.
“Fuck!” You keen, your mouth open as your nails dig into your palms.
He thrusts them into you slowly, lazily, totally unsympathetic to your pleading noises and your muscles quivering around his fingers as he drags them in and out of you.
Your cunt has to stretch to accommodate them, and he grinds into you each time he gets knuckle-deep. And then he holds your head down like you don’t get the privilege of looking at him… Your pussy clenches around him at the thought.
Eventually, Ghost stops moving at all, but you’re gone, you’ve been gone, and when you start fucking yourself on his hand, he lets you.
You can tell he’s rock hard, you can feel his dick through his jeans, but he has far more willpower than you could even imagine, and brushing up against it does nothing. “Oh- oh my god, fuck, that feels…” You pant as you chase the sweetness, chase the tension twisting up your guts that’s so close to boiling over, so close.
Your clit is aching, screaming for pressure, for stimulation, but he doesn’t grant it to you. You can only work your hips against his hand, over and over.
Your eyes close as you speed up, you’re whining, you’re gonna come any second, your cunt can’t stop twitching. “I’m so close, wait what-“
Ghost pulls his fingers out before you tip over the edge.
“Or you’re not coming tonight,” He informs you, and you can hear the stupid fucking grin in his stupid fucking voice.
When you try to protest, to get up and fucking bite him or some shit because that’s not fair, Ghost spanks you with the hand you soaked.
You’re sort of blissed-out, sort of pissed, and a lot horny. “I’m sorry-“ You start in the hopes that Ghost will fold and give you what you fucking want.
His mask rustles as he shakes his head. “I don’t believe you.”
Then he slides you off his lap like you weigh nothing so he can stand.
Ghost keeps you in the same position, head down, ass up, and nudges your thighs open a bit wider.
You can’t see him through any of this. That seems to be something he’s taking full advantage of. You can’t touch him, you have no idea what’s happening next.
The only clue you have that he’s taken his mask off again is when he puts his tongue on your sensitive, aroused clit.
(He really should just take the damn thing off more regularly. This is inconvenient, and it’s not like there’s anything under there that could make him less attractive.)
He laps at your swollen folds with his hands on your hips to steady you, and the thoughts melt straight out of your head and drool from the corner of your mouth.
You struggle against the belt in earnest this time, maybe you can loosen it enough to slip your hands out and get away from Ghost and his planned torment. As much as your body pleads to stay put, as much as you want to push yourself back and let him consume you, let him fuck you stupid with his tongue, you know it will end soon.
And he’s going to be fucking mean about it.
Ghost takes his breathing break as an opportunity to taunt you. “You’re not goin’ anywhere,” He promises, leaving handprint bruises on your thighs.
Your stomach churns as he sucks on your clit, like there’s a knife slicing through you, and it’s the hot, burning pleasure pulsing through your body.
You’re not sure you can hold yourself up any longer, your knees waver like you’re a baby deer, and oh God, you’re going to come again, you can feel the spasms in your cunt grow stronger and stronger.
The beginnings of your orgasm tremble through your muscles, so close that you can taste it, you feel it throbbing with every beat of your heart.
He keeps sucking, his wet mouth relentless and dragging you painfully to the edge of the cliff. “Ghost, please, please let me- Fuck!” You wail as he backs off. 
Tears well in your eyes as the tremors fade into nothing.
You get yourself upright before he can stop you. “Why are you being such a dick?” You blurt out, lurching forward on your knees like if you can get to him, you can do… something. You’re not sure what, other than that you want to kill him.
Ghost blinks a couple of times.
In the silence that follows, the deadly, threatening silence, you realize your mistake. “Just- just let me come, I’ll be good. I promise. Just wanna come.” You beg, you sit down and tilt your head up like a dog doing a trick, and you pray he gives you grace.
He gets his hand around your throat faster than a snake striking its prey. This time, Ghost squeezes the sides hard enough to make you see white lights. “I am being a dick,” He agrees congenially. “But that’s not what you need to say, is it?”
“…no,” You mumble.
The next thing you feel after he releases you is his palm meeting your cheek. Hard.
“Have I spoiled you that much? You think you can fuckin’ ignore me?” Ghost sounds so calm, so authoritative.
After the ringing in your ears clears, you’re proud to see that you’re still upright. “No, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.” You stretch your jaw a few times to release the ache from his slap.
He hunches over, puts his hands on his knees, and gets right in your face. “Oh, but you did,” Ghost whispers. 
There’s something about the fogginess clinging to your eyelashes and the inside of your ears and the folds of your brain that makes his skull mask seem more than real.
A hovering specter of exposed bone, hollow eye sockets with no end, and a gaping, horrifying maw.
You’re starting to understand why people call him Ghost and mean it.
Your mouth goes dry. “Please, I’m begging you,” You whimper, eyes round with awe and flustered blood rising in your cheeks.
He nods, and you swear there must be hearts in your eyes at his approval. “Mm. I like that. Beg again.”
“Ghost. Husband. I’ll be so good. Anything. I’ll do anything. I can’t take it, I need to come so badly.” You lean forward to touch your forehead to his, making yourself as obedient as possible. For the most part.
“That’s not an apology.” Then he sighs, long and drawn-out and aggravated. “Anything, you say?” Ghost asks.
“Alright. You can come…. When you promise not to fight. And you’re gonna wait until you do,” He tells you as he slips his hand between your slick thighs.
“No…” You moan. He’s doing it again, torturing you again, you just want to give up, you feel him play with your throbbing clit, and it hurts so good.
Ghost clamps a hand on your shoulder, forcing you to roll your hips against his hand. “Sounds like you weren’t listening. Now that makes me think you don’t care.” Shit. Shiiiiit. He pushes a single finger into you, and you collapse into him as you start to ride it, hips jerking unconsciously.
He laughs when he hears you squeal. “You’re just a mindless whore who’d let half the fuckin’ base run through you, aren’t ya?” He’s found your g-spot, he rubs the patch of ridged flesh inside your cunt over and over.
Sweat beads on the back of your neck and drips down your spine, your fucked-out gaze can hardly focus on him, you feel like you’re burning alive in your skin.
“Don’t even need me at this point…” He circles your clit one more time and your mouth hangs open and you want to beg, but you can’t focus-
Tears fall down your cheeks when he wipes his fingers on your heaving breasts.
“No, no, no, Ghost, I need you. I want you. No-nobody else. I do care, please, you’re the only one,” You sob into his chest, pushing your nose into the fabric of his hoodie because it’s soft and smells like him, warm and like home.
You feel him rub your back, then slip a few fingers between the belt and your wrists to test your comfort.
You nod without lifting your head. “I- I was- I’m listening, promise, I can’t- you gotta make me come, don’t want anybody else.” You’re so tired, so worn out. There’s a patch of dampness on his jacket from your weeping, and you let out little high-pitched whimpers like a neglected kitten.
He frees your hands in an instant. “If I gotta repeat myself, I’m gonna leave you here,” Ghost tells you, though his voice isn’t as mean as before.
Your arms cling to his neck as you nuzzle your face into the space below his sharp jaw. “Ghost. Don’t go.” The edge of his balaclava muffles your words, but you don’t have the strength to say them to him straight.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being so stupid,” You sniffle before bringing a hand to your nose to wipe a little snot.
Ghost gently knocks your fingers away and replaces them with the edge of his sleeve, delicately cleaning the mucus from your upper lip.
Next, he dries your cheeks with the shadow-black fabric.
You protest when he unhooks your arms from his neck, and your hands scrabble for purchase in the hood of his jacket.
One soft look, his fingers brush your chafed wrists, and you let him lay you down. “Took you long enough,” Ghost quips as he unbuttons his pants and pulls out his dick, mouthwateringly hard and long. He pumps his cock a few times.
You’re in a daze, hovering in that raw space on the other side of crying but wanting him anyways, needing him more than anything.
“Spread your legs, love.”
Ghost leans in like he’s about to kiss you. Then he remembers his mask and changes his mind, having lifted it enough today.
He taps your sensitive clit with the fat head of his cock, and you suppress your shudders, how your legs automatically try to close and get away from the feeling. “I won’t do it again,” You tell him, voice breathless and sweet.
Once he’s coated in enough of your arousal, he keeps one hand flat on your pelvis as he pushes in. “Fuck- fuck, I…” You groan. There’s never any room in your body left for air when he fucks you. Never.
He’s so large that it hurts a little when he’s bottomed out, you can hardly twitch or clamp down like you desperately want because of how fucking full you are.
You can feel every inch of him, you’re on the brink of crying again because all of those denied orgasms are tearing at your insides, and your painfully aroused cunt screams that you can’t take it, that it’s too much, too good, he’s too big.
You have to be good. “Uh, I won’t fight, aah-“ That’s the only thing that gets you to say the words he wants through numb lips, especially when Ghost starts to thrust, and your pussy convulses around him each time.
He moves slowly, really slowly, shallow at first, your tits bouncing in time, and you’re crying out underneath him, so used to all that edging that you subdue your pleasure on instinct.
The slick sounds of his cock sliding in and out are loud and profane, filling the room more than your weak, almost pathetic whines do.
The solid, imposing weight of his body settles you down so you can enjoy his faster, harder pace, and his balls slap against your ass as he fucks you open. “Promise?” Ghost pants, his hands pressing your knees almost to your chest.
He’s looking for something. He moves your legs every few thrusts, opens you up a little more, tilts your pelvis up and-
When his dick catches on your g-spot, your tears cover your cheeks and trickle into your hair in earnest. “Yes, yes, shit, hngh- I promise…” You’re so wet that you can feel it dripping down to the bed and pooling under you, you feel that familiar pressure building, except this time it’s stronger, it’s got a stranglehold on you.
Every time the fly of his pants brushes your engorged clit, your eyes go large and you hiccup, unable to moan properly because it’s like electricity is coursing down your spine.
He kisses the side of your face before nailing that sensitive spot with terrifying, mind-breaking accuracy.
“Come on. You can do it,” Ghost groans, cursing under his breath when you squeeze him so tightly that he almost loses his grip on your thighs.
Oh. Oh. He wants- he’s trying to make you…
“I can’t, I don’t know how, I, I-“ You sob, the pleasure is so intense that you feel nauseous, he’s rutting into your body furiously, and you’re stuck on a horrible knife’s edge of needing to come or you’ll die, but it’s not happening.
He nudges your knee until you wrap one leg around his hips. “It’s alright, love. Let me help you. That’s it, that’s a good girl,” Ghost shushes you before slowing down so he can place his hand on your throat and restrict the blood rushing to your head.
Everything goes sweet and hazy, and you give him a cock-drunk smile in return, eyes rolling back and drool stuck to the corner of your lips.
Once you’re suitably pliant, he slides that hand between you and finds your aching clit. “Just focus on me.” He’s pressing his forehead to yours, you look into his dark, fathomless eyes ringed with pale lashes.
The coil tightens, and you arch into him, gasping and biting down on your lip so hard that you draw blood. 
“Ghost, fuck, can I-“ You beg, voice choked and strung out as his fingers move faster on your clit, circling it in tandem with his cock pounding you so deep that it feels like he never ends.
“Go on. Come for me. I know you can.” Ghost pinches your clit, and you come with a wail, thighs shaking, your cunt seizing and it fucking gushes out of you, you soak his jeans, you clamp down so tightly that he slips out.
He replaces his dick with three fingers slotted right on your g-spot, moving in quick, jerky thrusts to see you through it. “Holy fuck. Did you just…” He mutters as your eyes screw shut, and your nails snag his shoulders. 
You feel like you’re dying, you can’t stop fucking squirting, the waves grow and grow-
Your hips jerk for the last time, and you’re left a whimpering, quivering mess of oversensitive nerves, the last of the aftershocks still simmering in your muscles.
Ghost kisses your forehead as he carefully withdraws his fingers. “You’re too good to me,” He tells you with something like awe in his rough voice.
You slump to the bed, boneless and empty, not even giving a fuck that the sheets are all messy with sweat and… squirt?
That’s new, you think blearily. That kind of shit only happens in porn? Right?
Your head lolls to the side so you can watch him through lidded eyes.
He moves you out of the wet patch with one arm under your back and the other under your knees, then tucks himself back into his boxers.
“Wait… you didn’t- you didn’t come…” Your voice is fucked up and hoarse, and maybe you should give in to the overwhelming urge to sleep, but…
Did he not want to? You did everything he asked.
He shakes his head. “Nah. Don’t need to. You were perfect, you learned your lesson.” He splays a hand out on your stomach, luxuriating in your squishiness.
Your brow furrows. “Ghost…” Then you rub the sweat and crusted tears from your eyes and set your mouth in a mulish, determined line.
He watches you like a hawk. “Yeah?”
“Please? Fuck me?” You ask as you touch his forearm with a weak hand.
A beat passes. “You’re crying. And you drenched me, the bed too,” He tries to reason with you. You see him swallow harshly, you know he’s shifting where he sits because he’s given himself blue balls.
Your eyes flutter when the exhaustion almost gets you, but you power through it. “It’s okay. I- I’m tough. I want you to come.”
“Yeah. Alright… Tough girl.” Then Ghost reaches for your hips with all kinds of enthusiasm that tells you the truth.
It was sweet of him to try and be gallant. You’d rather he break you open and fill you up.
To be extra nice, you even hold your knees apart so he can push back in.
You’re not going to come again, you’re too fried for that, but it still feels… incredible. You’re glad for all the extra lubrication and that you can make him feel good.
Ghost fucks you with abandon, and deep, animalistic groans echo from his throat. “Shit- I could fuck you forever, you’re squeezin’ me so tight, fuckin-“ He grunts, head tilted back the tiniest bit and composure gone.
Breathe, you tell yourself, breathe. Do it for him.
“God, you’re beautiful.” Your swollen pussy spasms from the praise, constricting him so tight that he cries out. You just can’t help yourself when he says shit like that, especially when he’s making you ache in such an addictive way.
His hips move faster. “You like that? You like it when I tell you how good this fuckin’ pussy feels?” Yeah. Yeah, you do.
“Fuck, fuck fuck-“ You feel him orgasm, he paints your walls with his cum, then grinds those last few thrusts so deep that you cry out.
His pelvis bumps the backs of your thighs like he’s trying fuck his cum in as deep as it will go.
Ghost catches his breath as he softens inside you, panting as raggedly as you are.
He pulls out before dropping his chest harness to the side and unzipping his hoodie so he can clean you up.
You can’t stand the thought of anything touching anywhere near your beat the fuck up pussy right now, so you shove his hands away and drag Ghost down to snuggle.
Of course, he obliges you and helps you rest your head on his shoulder as you curl into his muscular frame like a little bug.
“What happens if the fight comes to me?” You ask. 
He’s running a hand up and down your spine, soft touches to bring you back to earth in a gentle, comforting way.
His hand stops until you kick his shin, gently, then he starts up again. “You run,” Ghost says.
“What happens if I can’t run?” You press your cheek into his t-shirt, so close that you can feel the heat of his skin through it. And a little rhythm that must be his heartbeat.
Next, Ghost threads his fingers through your sweaty, messy hair and attentively smooths it away from your face. “You call me. I’ll come get you. Every time.”
Hope y'all liked this one! Next chapter will be super soft/sweet/fluffy with lots of caretaking, I promise.
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Eighteen (JJ Maybank | Outer Banks)
Summary — Your life changes for the better after you go against your family’s idea of an ideal boyfriend.
Warnings and Other Tags (Contains a Small Spoiler for the Plot of This Work) ➳ Fake dating; friends to lovers; cursing; mentions of sugar mama antics; physical affection (kissing, hugging, etc.); John B trying his best; Reader’s parents are jerks (trying to set the Reader up with Rafe); matching tattoos (including mentions of needles); Reader is a kook; my new hyperfixation with this show is still shining through.
Notes ➳ Word Count is 3,315, including lyrics. ➳ Reader uses feminine pronouns (she/her) and gets referred to with traditionally feminine nicknames (“princess”, “pretty girl”, and others).  ➳ This is for everyone who voted for JJ on my recent poll. Don’t worry, “Stolen Love” will be coming very soon for those of you who chose John B! 💗 ➳ This is based on “Eighteen” by Anarbor. That song screams JJ Maybank energy! ➳ This work has a visual edit!
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Eighteen, crazy! Pulled up in your daddy’s car! You wanna move in with me! Guess we're off to a heavy start!
The sound of an approaching car drew JJ’s attention away from his motorbike. The vehicle’s striking red shade made it instantly recognizable. He waved at you with a smile as you stepped out, though it quickly faded at the sour expression on your face.
“What crawled up your ass?” he chuckled.
You rolled your eyes, choosing to ignore his question. You crossed your arms over your chest, and then asked, “Do you think John B would care if I stayed here for a while?” 
JJ’s eyebrows shot up at your question. He glanced at the Château. John B was inside and probably having lunch or taking a midafternoon nap. JJ twirled a wrench he had been holding in his hand as he narrowed his eyes at you. He then placed the wrench back into his tool bag and wiped his hands on a rag.
“Not with an attitude like that.”
You huffed, shoving his shoulder. Despite your bad mood, JJ could make out the remnants of a smile growing on your face. He grinned and began poking at your ribs until it appeared. 
“There you go!” he exclaimed, pinching your cheeks and gently shaking your head from side to side. “Now, tell Papa J what’s wrong.”
“Stop calling yourself that,” you laughed before shoving his hands away.
His grin only widened, “It made you smile though! That’s a win in my book! But seriously, why do you wanna stay at the Château? Get tired of Figure Eight, princess?” 
“More like my parents,” you scoffed. “They tried to push me off onto Rafe Cameron at their stupid business dinner last night—”
“Gross,” interjected JJ.
“I know!” you exclaimed. “Anyway, it’s been non-stop arguing with them since then. Mostly my dad.”
JJ nodded in understanding. He had more issues with his own father than he cared to admit. To you, at least. He didn’t want you to worry too much.
“They want me to date some washed up, rich boy if it means more money in their pockets at the end of day. They’ve been trying to increase their chances of a business deal with Rafe’s dad, Ward,” you continued. “I guess pawning me off to his son was something they thought would get themselves in his good graces.”
“Sounds shitty,” said JJ, once again glancing at the Château. “C’mon, I’ll talk to John B for you. I’m sure he won’t mind. Got any bags in your car?”
Another smile brightened your features. As you nodded, JJ couldn’t help admiring your sudden cheerfulness. He quickly helped collect the few bags you had shoved into the backseat of your car, carrying them into Château as he thought about how to explain your situation to John B.
Should’ve seen this coming from a mile away! I’ll play your game! I know what you want from me! I know what you want from me!
Thankfully, the pogues had a rule about sticking together. Not to mention, John B had always been a good friend to everyone. He had immediately welcomed you into the Château with open arms, even offering you his own bedroom while he took up the couch. You had politely declined, of course, not wanting to overstay your welcome in your new refuge. 
JJ, on the other hand, had been a little more difficult. He refused to let you sleep on the couch, and vice versa, which eventually led to your current situation.
You furrowed your eyebrows, pressing your face into your pillow as quiet snores echoed in your ear. You sent an elbow into JJ’s ribcage. He let out a groan, and muttered, “What?”
“Get off me and stop snoring,” you replied. 
JJ, albeit begrudgingly, complied with your demands. He removed his arms from their position around your torso. The blankets shifted as he rolled over, turning his back to you. 
Within seconds, he was snoring again with the blankets pulled up to his chin and his face squished against his pillow. You rolled your eyes with a smile before trying to rub the sleep from your eyes. 
For the last month or so, ever since you came to live with the boys at the Château, you had been staying in JJ’s room with him. Thankfully, John B hadn’t said anything about how much closer the two of you had become. You probably wouldn’t know how to respond if he did.
Waking up with JJ clinging to you had slowly become a regular occurrence. It was one of the many things that had changed about your friendship since you left Figure Eight. The two of you were much closer, both physically and emotionally.
Your family didn’t know where you were. Either that or they just didn’t want to intentionally come to the Cut, lest their precious reputations be ruined. And, despite their constant ignored messages and phone calls, you had no intention of telling them, especially when they had recently gotten Rafe in on the action.
You could only imagine your father’s face when Rafe told him you had blocked his number. Your parents’ idea of a perfect match, rejected not once, but twice. What a nightmare this must be for them. 
But later that day, as you wandered through the farmers’ market with JJ slowly trailing behind you, poking your sides as you tried to choose some flower seeds. Despite the boys’ hesitations, you were determined to clean up the yard of the Château as a thank-you to John B. 
“Can I at least choose the color?” asked JJ. “ Get forget-me-nots! At least they’re blue! John B and I don’t want the place to look too... frilly.”
You scoffed, “Seriously? Has no one ever given you flowers before?”
“Nope,” he shook his head, “can’t say they have.”
You hummed, giving him a once-over, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“What’s that supposed to—?”
He was interrupted by a voice calling your name. Looking up, your eyes met the surprised gaze of your mother, who stared at you as though she were seeing a ghost.
She stood on the other side of the table, a bag over her shoulder and eyes shielded by an extravagant sunhat. Typical.
“Let’s go, J,” you muttered, quickly grabbing his arm, only for your mother to dart around the table and block your path. 
“Please, wait!” she exclaimed. “I—uh—I miss you! And I’ve been worried sick!”
You scoffed, shaking your head at her, “Yeah, right. I’m sure you’ve just been worried about what the country club thinks about your kid running away. Or have you even told them? Wouldn’t wanna ruin your precious reputation, would we?” 
“Your dad wants to make things right,” she whispered, tears welling, though you couldn’t tell if they were true or for a performance. “Just hear him out, please? Come home for dinner tonight. We want you home again.” 
You felt JJ’s arm escape your grasp. His hand slid up your back, gently rubbing the space between your shoulder blades. His clothes brushed against yours when he moved closer. Only then did your mother seem to notice him. 
Her eyes narrowed in his direction and, for a moment, you could see through her façade. Taking a deep breath, she spoke in a strained voice, “Friend of yours?” 
In an instant, you hatched a plan. Whether JJ would go along with it, you weren’t entirely sure. But maybe he’d be surprised enough to fall in line. 
“Boyfriend, actually,” you smiled.
Her reaction satisfied you. Though you had to ignore the way JJ’s attention suddenly snapped to you, eyes wide and mouth slightly open in shock. Your mother’s reaction was similar, although you could see disgust flaring within her. More than her bewilderment anyway.
Her jaw clenched. Her eyes slowly raked over JJ, whose hand had moved to tightly grasp your shoulder, silently asking the only question that was running through his mind. What the hell are you doing?
Taking advantage of your mother’s silence, you feigned innocence, “You know what? I think I will come over tonight. I’ll even bring JJ along.” 
JJ practically choked on air. His grip on you tightened even more. His fingertips dug into your skin and his hand shook under your mother’s gaze. Her eyes were burning with an internal fury.
After a moment, she took another deep breath, “I will let your father know then. See you tonight.” 
She scurried away. If she had a tail, it would be between her legs. The thought of such a thing made your smile widen. It wasn’t until JJ suddenly grabbed your wrist that your focus was brought back to him.
His blue eyes appeared as though they would pop out of his head at any second. Slowly, his lip curled, “We gotta talk.” 
You know I’m broke, so you pulled out your daddy’s card! I drink, I smoke, you ate it up from the very start!
Ever since the two of you got back to the Château, the house had been filled with nothing but interrupted sentences, conditions, denials, and partial agreements as you tried to come to a compromise with JJ. Though it didn’t take him long to agree to being your fake boyfriend for your parents’ dinner, the two of you were still working out your respective terms and conditions.
Meanwhile, John B sat in silence, slowly eating a bowl of cereal, as his eyes repeatedly shifted between his two best friends. You sat to his right while JJ took up the chair to his left, sitting directly across from one another at the kitchen table. That gave John B a chance to enjoy the show. And he had been doing so for at least an hour and a half, according to his watch.
“I get to touch your butt at least once—”
“You do that anyway, perv—!”
“I do not!” glared JJ, crossing his arms over his chest when you gave him a look of disbelief. “What about a hand in the back pocket?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, kissed your teeth, and then sighed, “Fine! One time.”
JJ pointed at you with a grin, “In front of your dad.”
“Don’t push it,” you said. “But if you get to do that, I get to choose what shirt you’re wearing!” 
“Shit,” he muttered, groaning loudly as he thought it over. “Alright, okay! I get to throw something extra in to really piss ‘em off though. And you have to sugar mama me so I can pay for it! And you can’t know what it is until tonight!”
“Only if you lend me your good surfboard for tomorrow’s swell,” you replied. “Not that shitty one you gave me last time.”
“Deal,” smiled JJ, holding out his hand for you to shake, which you did. “Pass over the credit card, pretty girl.” 
You rolled your eyes at him. He quickly snatched it from your hand after it appeared out of your back pocket, grinning mischievously as he said, “Thank you! See ya tonight!”
As he darted out the door of the Château with your father’s credit card in hand, you turned to John B, and asked, “Should I be worried?”
“Oh!” he scoffed. “More than you’ve ever been!” 
He smirked upon hearing you let out a loud groan. Your forehead then thump!-ed against the kitchen table as you allowed your head to fall forward, thinking about what nefarious plan JJ could possibly have up his sleeve.
So if you wanna piss off your parents, date me to scare them, show them you’re all grown up!
You anxiously paced in front of your parents’ house, searching for any sign of JJ. He was late, which, to be quite honest, you weren’t sure if you were disappointed or impressed by. You could only imagine the smirks on your parents’ faces inside the house, probably expecting you to concede to their ideas about Rafe.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, a red and blue dirt bike tore into the front yard. JJ grinned when he came to a stop, looking over his shoulder to see how much damage he had done to the yard. Your mother’s flowers were destroyed and mud had been ripped up and strewn about your father’s freshly cut lawn.
He approached you with a smile, slipping the credit card he had borrowed earlier into your back pocket. He then patted your waist with a wink, “Ready for this, babe?”
You snorted, rolling your eyes at him, “As I can be.”
“Let’s get this show on the road then!” he grinned.
You blinked in surprise when he suddenly began pounding on the front door of the house with his fist. You chuckled when he winked at you again. You couldn’t stop yourself from admiring his appearance.
Per your agreement, you had chosen his shirt. A deep green cut off that you thought brought out his eyes, but knew your parents would hate no matter what. The rest of his outfit was all JJ though. His usual pair of thick workers’ boots, some cargo shorts, and his favorite red and grey hat, which sat backwards on his head.
It wasn’t long before the door was yanked open. In front of you stood your father. His eyes twitched in irritation and he sneered as his gaze trailed over JJ’s appearance. He then turned away without a word, not even bothering to greet either of you.
With wide eyes, JJ looked at you with a sarcastic grin, “We’re off to a great start, aren’t we?”
If blond hair and tattoos are what attract you, baby, then you’re in luck!
“So,” your mother began, “what does JJ do for work?”
For what felt like the millionth time, you raised your eyebrows at her, “Why are you asking me? Talk to him. I’m sure he’ll be glad to tell you.” 
And again, she looked shaken by the very thought of speaking to a pogue. She had yet to address him directly, choosing to ask you about him instead. She obviously preferred to treat him as though he wasn’t in her presence at all.
Meanwhile, your father had done nothing but glare at JJ the entire night, especially when JJ had very obviously groped your behind like the two of you had agreed. Right after JJ had given him a high-five instead of a handshake, all with a wide, arrogant smirk on his face. 
“I mow lawns and stuff sometimes,” said JJ, shoveling some spaghetti into his mouth with a loud slurp, almost making you fall apart with laughter at the sight of your parents’ disgusted expressions. “I’m a busboy too.”
You heard your mother take a deep breath. Her hand gripped her fork so hard you thought the metal might snap in two.
“Any tattoos?” she asked, still speaking to you rather than him. “You know how I feel about—”
“Oh!” interrupted JJ. “I’ve got one, but I’ve been thinking about getting more!”
Even you looked at him in surprise that time. You never knew JJ had a tattoo, especially since he had never mentioned it or shown it off. You watched as he stood up from his chair with a mischievous smile. 
It was a bad decision to take a drink of your water at that moment. You choked on your drink as JJ lifted the bottom of his shirt and slightly tugged down the waistband of his cargo shorts.
There, on his right hip, written black ink and a beautiful font, was your name. It still had the protective, clear wrap on top of it and his skin was slightly red around the edges of the ink, meaning he must have just gotten the tattoo recently.
Your mind flashed back to the moment he’d asked for your credit card, claiming you’d see his surprise during dinner. This must have been what he was talking about.
Your hands flew to cover your mouth as you stared at the tattoo. Sure, JJ had always been a wild card, totally unpredictable, but this was something else entirely. As your father’s chair suddenly scraped loudly against the floor and his stomps echoed behind him as he left the room, your mother’s silverware clattered onto the floor. She looked like she would be sick if JJ continued showing off his new ink any longer.
With a smile and a quiet laugh, JJ glanced at the tattoo before his eyes met yours. They twinkled with an emotion you couldn’t pin down. His blue eyes sent chills down your spine, though they weren’t out of fear. In fact, you were certain that they did so out of excitement instead.
Finally, he decided to speak, “Pretty cool, right?”
And I know it’s just a phase! You’re not in love with me! You wanna piss off your parents, baby! Piss off your parents, that’s alright with me!
Sprawled out on JJ’s sheets, you stared at the ceiling of his room. He had been mindlessly scrolling on his phone next to you since the two of you got back from dinner with your parents, who both agreed you were no longer welcome until you ‘came to your senses’.
“How much was it?”
JJ hummed, furrowing his eyebrows at you. He turned off his phone and rolled onto his side to look at you. When you did the same, you repeated your question, “How much was the tattoo?”
He huffed, “Don’t worry about it.” 
“So you’re never going to tell me?”
“Nope! And you’re not allowed to look at your dad’s bank statement to find out!”
You bit your lip, trying to hide a smile, “He’s gonna be pissed.”
“That was kinda my job,” he whispered, as though you didn’t know that, “and I think I did it pretty well, don’t you?” 
“I suppose so,” you laughed quietly. “Don’t expect too much sugar mama money anymore though. I have a feeling they’ll cut the allowance they add onto my card each month. All I’ll have is my paycheck from the Wreck soon.”
“With that, my money from the club on Figure Eight, and John B’s, we should be okay,” he shrugged, before giving you a mean smirk. “Just means I’ll have to put up with you as a roommate for way longer than I wanted to.”
He laughed when you punched him in the shoulder. He quickly grabbed your wrist and tugged you closer, “Is that any way to treat your boyfriend?”
Now, leaning over top of him, you paused. JJ’s fingers ran back and forth over your wrist, helping you keep your balance with a hand on your waist. He looked up at you, eyes softening as they examined your features. 
“Before they cut me off,” you muttered, “I wanna give you some flowers tomorrow.”
JJ furrowed his eyebrows, unsure of why you were bringing up your conversation at the farmers’ market. That is, until your free hand gently caressed over his hip, where, just beneath his shirt, your name lay engraved into his skin. And a smile grew on his face at the thought.
And I know it's just a phase! You’re not in love with me! And I know it’s just a phase! You’re not in love with me!
JJ held onto your hand, gently caressing your knuckles with the pad of his thumb as you winced at the feeling of the tattoo needle against your skin.
Your left hip was being decorated with JJ’s name, along with a small bundle of forget-me-nots. He had already gotten an identical copy of the flowers added in the space next to his own tattoo.
He leaned down, pressing a series of kisses against your forehead, “So does this mean we’re actually a couple now?”
“We better be.”
You wanna piss off your parents, baby! Piss off your parents, that’s alright with me!
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jennilah · 7 months
so pins are the new about-me pages I guess
let's make one, shall we?
⬇ Click through to learn more about me than you want to! ⬇
Heya! So my name is Jenna.
I am a 3D animator for film and tv. I genuinely adore my job and think I get to make some pretty rad stuff! Once in a while you’ll see me sharing trailers and reels, or just talking about it in general.  You can check out my vfx work in my tag, or on my website.
I’ve been using tumblr since 2011, you are simply not getting rid of me no matter what dumb thing Staff does.
In that time, I have gone through several fandoms and have made so many memories in each one. People may remember when I was big into Supernatural, record-holder as my longest-lasting fandom, as many of us were. I may have since put that part of me in a nice little box with a nice little bow labeled “happy memories,” but I am still thankful to those who have stayed with me ever since. 
I typically get extremely deep into a new fandom every few years. I apologize to people who don’t care to see it, I try to tag it all for your blocking needs! You can see my up-to-date current obsessions labeled in my blog bio! ☝
I am also a shameless, unrelenting shipper so block any of those tags that might bother you too. (I love imagining characters in love, what can I say)
Art Stuff
My drawings tag (all polished art, original and fanart mashed together.)
My doodles tag (non polished sketches, junk drawer of doodles. Things I deem unworthy of my drawing tag.)
Other social media links
Big ole list of other tags to be found here
In addition to my current main fandom, I also have several other interests that I talk about less often but do still come up occasionally. For your reference, intrigue, or blocking needs, here are some of those things:
-Slashers -Godzilla -Undertale / Deltarune -Marvel -Half Life / Portal -Deux Ex -Action and Animated movies in general  -Pokemon -Zelda: Breath of the Wild -Splatoon -My twitch streamers like Jerma, Kitboga, Criken, Charborg, & Wayneradiotv 
I also love playing games and going to the movies. And I also love convention-going! I am not a serious cosplayer by any means, but I do enjoy trying to whip something up based on my current favorite characters. 
I also have a passion for VR! I think it is an incredibly immersive and fun gaming & long-distance social experience. Sometimes I’ll post screenshots from my VRChat adventures!
I also love birds. Like, the animal. They’re so cute and I love trying to identify them. I like the idea of birdwatching but I am too casual to get up early and go to parks. I am an amateur birder if anything!
And I also love tattoos and plants and dinosaurs and penguins and getting high and science and really, really, really stupid memes.
I think thats it.
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thatoneao3author · 1 year
randomized fic tag game
fuck it I’m creating a fic brainstorming challenge in an attempt to interact with the fandom ig
so I used this au generator to assign you an au, this fan fiction trope generator to give you a trope/situation/sometimes another au, feel free to keep clicking until you get something that inspires you.
then try to come up with the title, plot, vibe, and details of a fic including whatever the generators gave you. you don’t actually have to write it, just put the concept into the world! this is basically just a thought experiment
for example, here’s mine:
The AU generator gave me: summer camp au 
The trope generator gave me: Your characters are neighbors and hold up notes in their windows across from each other to talk all the time and they're both developing huge crushes.
okay okay I GOT this 
title: i’ll beat your ass in the color war, red
- we got teenage!gallavich, i’m talking season one ian-still-has-freckles little gallavich 
- ian gets a scholarship to the camp via a raffle his school did for kids on the honor role. technically, lip got it, but he handed the voucher off to ian because he’s caught up with karen at the time and wants his brother to have a good summer. that’s why ian’s there. 
- mickey is put into foster care for one reason or another, something with terry, and his foster family sends him. that’s why he’s there. mandy’s around here somewhere, too. 
- all the cabins are really close together, but ian + mickey are placed separately. right next to each other, actually. ian and mickey both happened to take the low bunks next to the windows, which are facing each other. 
- ian recognizes mickey as someone from the south side, like him. he also befriends mandy early on, but he doesn’t really speak to mickey. 
- UNTIL! there’s a power outage on the camp grounds, knocking out the lights in all of the cabins. And Ian sees a flashlight in the window across from his when he’s trying to go to sleep. 
- with the chaos of everything, it doesn’t work, and a generator powers up some of the cabins. for safety reasons, they send those without power to sleepover in the cabins with power so that everyone’s together and warm and guess what?? mickey and ian end up together. sharing a bed because there aren’t enough.
- they bond, but their schedules don’t line up the most and they end up doing the notes-in-the-window thing every night while trying to sleep for a week. they also pass this old notebook back and forth, giving each other doodles and thoughts and questions through the pages. they talk about how weird the experience is, how different the kids are from southsiders. 
- then, they get to pick new classes at the beginning of the following week. for the first time since the power outage, mickey approaches him directly and they pick similar classes
- they keep using the notebook throughout the summer, writing down things that are too hard to say out loud like “you’re pretty, red” and “i think i really like you and i don’t know if that’s a good idea”
- they spend free time together in the field, mickey sitting there while his sister and ian make flower crowns. 
- they do other arts and crafts together. ian makes them matching ‘friendship bracelets’ and mickey claims to think that it’s stupid. but he wears it anyway, just to see him smile
- idk man you get a summer’s worth of them being cute but not actually dating. mickey causes some trouble, they end up kissing at the camp fire, some sneaking around is involved, there’s a color war (which is like, fun team-based games like capture the flag or huge water fights) where they’re on opposite teams, maybe a little pride event at some point since we’re in the summer time. generally just huge summer love vibes
- i imagine there’s some issues near the end of camp bc mickey likes what they have but he isn’t sure if it can continue when they go back to chicago, he only feels safe doing their whole thing bc they’re away from literally everyone they know.
- one possible ending is mickey telling ian how much he cares, but they have to wait until they’re older and he’s away from his dad for good/he’s more comfortable in his sexuality. BAM! possible timeskip sequel, bittersweet ending. the other ending is ian offering him a place in the gallagher home, BAM! domestic vibes, some found family, and it’s more happy. either one could work depending on what i want from the fic
alright alright i’m all done now. don’t feel pressured to try it if you don’t want to, but i’m gonna tag @creepkinginc @softmick @gardenerian @lupeloto and @this-is-estrelya​
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makemeanangelpure · 2 months
April 10, 2024- 111.6
I can get back down to 108 by Friday morning by just doing what I do, and keeping to the liquid fast. I tried cooking for myself when Soul left. Nothinh astounding I guess, just an egg sandwich that’s special because it’s what momma used to make me when I was little and her and papa were still together… when they seemed alright at least… but it’s a comfort I guess and ever since I made it for Soul, I’ve been having one sometimes. It’s not the same though. I think eating it just makes me sad. I haven’t seen her in so long. But like momma I’ll make them for him, because he really likes them. Soup is pretty adamant about anything I cook and lately has had such a love for cream cheese chicken that he told me he dreamt about it the other night. Haha. Next time I make that I intend have half of one, take a few bites and then put it in the fridge. Then the time after that not have any do he can work out all 4, as is or I can put a sliced one on a sandwhich like he was drooling about. He’s so cute. I love feeding him after a hard day of missions and/or school activities. So I tried to eat the sandwich earlier… and I just felt… too full and gross… I drank water to try and help the nausea but I wound up getting sick… so I won’t make one for me in awhile… it’s really greasy anyway… I should be eating things more clean like fruit and vegetables and maybe I’ll boil my eggs… cause protein will help will my muscle build and my body will burn more naturally that way during the day so I’ll be super healthy! ^^
Soul is going to get home pretty late after piano practice and basketball with Kid and Blackstar, so he’ll bring something to eat home. Sometimes he’ll eat half with them and finish it home later with me. Our meal times together are usual so it makes me happy hes even subconsciously out of his way to have dinner time with me. Getting sick like that stole my energy, and I want to read some on my rest day today, so I’m having an energy drink. I used to never drink them, but soul has the Reign sometimes and I found sometimes when I’ve uo too late studying, it’s just what I need for a little kick here and there. I’ll get a case maybe when we go grocery shopping Sunday, among more necessary things like toilet paper and tooth paste. I got a part time job to help with living. You know grants can’t pay for everything forever. I’m really happy for soul too, he picked up a few shifts at a record shop we live pretty close too, just a 5 minute drive on his motorcycle, so I don’t have to worry about him being too late when he’s sluggish in moving around, doesn’t have to be there til 11 anyway. I tried so hard to find a bookstore to work at… but nothing was available unfortunately, so I’m making do with retail, working register or organizing shelves. They sell a lot of older items and the people that come in a pretty nice. Tomorrow I get to open the store which is nice. First time doing that so I’m a little nervous. My manager said if I’m still doing well in a month or two, he’s going to move me to the back to help with truck. It would be 7-3 pm shifts. Lots of lifting, tagging merchandise and stacking and the last 3 hours I could be called to go help with register but it would be fun to be promoted and get to basically workout with weights instead of the more cardio base that’s happening now. So yay! I just have to keep it up to get to that point. Which reminds me soul’s birthday is a month and half away now. He’ll be 17 which is amazing for him, I know he’s so excited to be 18, but still just enjoying the moment… I guess he’s taught me that it’s okay to look forward to something but not let it overwhelm you… just enjoy the the ride. The month after I’ll be 16! I know sweet 16 is a big thing, but I really prefer putting together surprises for other people. I almost feel bad sometimes when so much is attention is on me. It will be fun though, I’d really love to just cook everyone something and play games, or go out for sushi and go to an arcade… OR a picnic and swimming party since it’ll be summer time. The hassle of swimsuits though… I mean I don’t mind it… I love swimming and I’ve really missed it… it just going to be kind of embarrassing. I don’t know. The last thing I want to hear is how small my chest is… or I don’t fit a swimsuit right or ‘ of course I’m wearing a one piece.’ I kind of feel like the odd one out. Tsubaki, Liz and Patty and Blaire… they have beautiful womanly bodies… and I’m just different. My momma had a petite frame too- I’m not mad at her for the body she gave me… I can go down a rabbit hole about papa not being satisfied with momma and that’s why he treated… all the women I see him with definitely look a certain way. Whatever. If we swim for my birthday… I might even recommend it and I’m sure the others would bounce on the idea… beach volleyball… the boys would love. Liz would drag me and tsubaki to go tan a little while, so warm in the sun, and Patty and kid could make amazing sand castles and giraffes. Haha. Soul would be happy about popsicles. Creamsicle sounds so good!
I’m blabbering so much but I haven’t really said everything out loud before… or written it down really I just think about everything.
So swimming in two months and half potentially, well actually it’s for sure going to happen that sounds so fun. Liz will love if I ask her to help me find a nice swimsuit, and be totally positive about me getting a two piece. I think I will… maybe it can be light blue or white? My body and face is still really soft. I guess you could call it baby fat, and being more active lately, being more carful about what I eat, I can kind of see a bit of toned stomach action happening. I’m excited for what I can achieve in two months and even the one you know? Getting rid of baby fat and butterflying cacooning into my more young adult body will be good. I’m always going to be small and I’m trying to work on being okay with that, so I just have to make myself as proud as possible of the way I look. I’m going to look strong and healthy, so what if I don’t have the greatest curves, I’ll have skinny curves… angles and definition that I earned by working so hard. I’m almost 5’3 instead of 5’0 now from when we first moved in together and I was 14 so my baby weight is evening out and gosh soul is growing too. He already called me shorty but sometimes he looks down at me in such this smug way, like he’s so cool for being taller. He’s almost 5’7 now. I assume he’ll stop growing at 5’9 since I think Wes is around there or 5’10. Soul has always looked really handsome and like me, he’s growing into a more young adult version of himself, angels of his facial features a little more sharper, shadowed by a vague sleepiness like always, more movement to the way his scar runs along his chest in abdomen from natural definition. He’s the type of person to not workout barely at all, and look like he must go 3 days a week and eat like a clean freak, but nope, typical boy like Blackstar to be able to hork down unhealthy food and still look like he puts the work in. Ah being young with a great metabolism. Haha.
Oh what else…?
Oh yeah, last I made an entree, I was saying how I was nervous to get my hair cut, to repair damage and try something new for the warmer weather. Liz got highlights in her hair too, and even trimmed her front hair pieces ( evenly of course) to frame her face; it looks so pretty she’s like one of those victorious secret models. Tsubaki didn’t cut her hair, just a basic trim. She so pretty all the time, and Patty did a more blunt look with her bangs. My hair is shoulder length now, so we took 5 inches of dead hair off. It’s a big change. I can’t really wear my hair in pigtails right now in my normal mid spot because the hair at the nape of my neck is just barely too short to stay pulled up. I can do really tiny low pigtails but it’s really not helping with my “ growing up glow up” as the Thompson put it. I’ve been wearing it in half up pigtails when we’ve gone on missions so my hair isn’t swinging around in my face, like I did for the dance two years ago. But my hair will be around my upper arms in October, and then I’ll fully put my hair up again, and it won’t matter if it’s a more girlish hairstyle, I’ll be so confidently me by then it won’t even matter and I can pull off anything. Since I’ve lost some baby weight, I’ve noticed Soul doesn’t really knock at me having ‘ fat ankles ‘ anymore like he used to joke. Maybe he realized it hurt my feelings or i actually did have bigger legs and don’t anymore… if so then goodbye preteen fat. He’s been sweet too, picking me up from the couch to carry me to bed and either he’s just proud of how strong he is, but doesn’t brag because that wouldn’t be cool, or I’m actually fun to pick up because… like me lifting him in scythe form, it’s not a challenge? Rather than poking fun at me in what feels like an almost mean, taunting way, he’s been calling me ‘ itty bitty’ and ‘ little maka’ when he’s done his proud looking down at me..: or we’re just walking around town and sat for some deathbucks and he just kinda set his hand over mine, emphasizing how he could hide my fingers completely with his, sounding like he was marveling instead of mocking me when he said, “ you’re so tiny.” His comments are sounding more like compliments than half annoyed jabs, and I guess it’s him just becoming g more mature? Either way, it’s made me feel really nice and even a little more proud of my petite stature. If my partner thinks it’s cute rather than unattractive and off putting, then why should I feel so bad? He hasn’t said anything about my chest in awhile… maybe because I’m not so flat chested anymore? I did go from an A32 to a B32, and I think honestly where my chest size will be sitting at even when I’m momma’s age. Maybe he’s noticed I’ve grown a little… maybe he’s too embarrassed to say anything? Maybe it wouldn’t be cool to point out my chest or body changing at all because he doesn’t want to get slapped with a book? I’m overthinking everything… but doesn’t it feel kind of nice imagining he’s been able to see me grow and evolve some the same way I’ve seen him. I just texted him to tell him I’m proud of him. I know how much it bothers him his parents not approving of his work and how he’s going his own way about things apart from his family’s expectations. We were hugging a few months back after a slight argument I don’t even really remember what it was about but we were hugging about frogging eachother afterwards and I teared up telling him how proud I was of him if he ever felt like no one saw how hard he was working, I did. I feel his soul swell with emotion, and he’d tighten his hold on me, uttering a cool thank you, though I’d heard the way his breath shook like he was soft. I keep thinking about that day a lot, so I hope even when I don’t say it, he knows how proud I am of him. I know he’s proud of me too, especially lately trying to be nicer to papa, comforting me too when plans with him don’t really work out. I cried on his chest a few weeks ago when I made plans with papa and he forgot… too drunk when he’d been talking to me I guess to remember because when I went where we supposed to meet
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andrevasims · 1 year
Sims Tag
Tagged by @ho3sferatu​! Thanks ^_^
Readmore’d cause it gets a bit long :P
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Probably fright, cause the animation is so funny like they have time to pause and check their pulse before dropping dead
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I can tell this is aimed at TS4 haha I had to google Alpha CC to check I knew what it meant - So semi-realistic? I mean obviously I lean towards Maxis Match, but if I like how something looks I’ll use it even if it’s not from the same style.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No, that actually happened to Klothilde because she kept eating fish and it takes so long for them to eat fish that she got fat after eating it once lol - But TS2 fat meshes aren’t even really fat, so it doesn’t make much difference to me heh
4. Do you use move objects?
Only for placing deco things, cause I don’t want to end up placing a chair or something that’s actually inaccessible and not find out until after I’ve built everything else around where I placed it
5. Favorite mod?
No Red Pause Lines, cause it’s 500x more annoying if I have to crop that out every time I take a screenshot
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
University, I pretty much got all the TS2 stuff as it came out heh
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
aLIVE, but I think about it more like how a TV show says “We’re live” or something since that’s where the game actually progresses in time
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Cirrus! There’s some close seconds, but Cirrus actually has history in my game versus just being a face I liked, and the way her parents’ genetics created the little side smirk she has that I don’t think I could recreate in CAS
9. Have you made a simself?
I did when I was 13 - I was exactly at that age where child sims felt too young to represent myself, but teen sims felt too old. I went with a child sim just for the proportions lol but yeah that was the last time I was interested in making a simself.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Well to keep it TS2 themed, I think it’d be something like this:
Tumblr media
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Um black? That’s always the default color I pick when doing any sort of dress up game
12. Favorite EA hair?
Tumblr media
It’s the only hair I’ve never fully replaced with a default, I just do a texture default
13. Favorite life stage?
Adult I guess, they just have the most stuff available to do
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
Both, I like building but I like to play the lots I build. And when I’m playing, I think of what kind of builds would be fun to play, and so the gameplay also inspires my building.
15. Are you a CC creator?
Kind of? I’ve made clothing recolors, makeup, hair recolors, etc. but I haven’t done anything besides sharing lots/sims in a while.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Not particularly, I have mutuals that I always like seeing on my dash/activity but I’m not the most talkative person on tumblr lol
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
2 of course ^_^
18. Do you have any sims merch?
No? lol
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Technically yeah, it’s my “personal” YT account but 90% of my videos are of The Sims.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I used to do more semi-realistic CC, just based on what I’d accumulated and liked the look of at the time. I still have a lot of that CC in my Downloads, I just don’t use it as often anymore as more recently downloaded Maxis match stuff.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
idk, I think I have one but I’ve never shared anything for TS4 so it’s kinda useless lol
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Ooh that’s a tough one, @platinumaspiration​ comes to mind cause I really love how bright/colorful a lot of their CC is and I like a lot of the clothing/hair styles :)
23. How long have you had a simblr?
2012.............. lol
Here is the 1st post I ever made on here, it’s for TS3 and has way more straightness than my game has had in years lmao
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I explained it here sort of a few years ago, but I have a newer version of Photoscape and I don’t have access to Photoshop anymore. I still do the highlight/shadow tweaking stuff, but I use Photoscape to do that now.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Well obviously that’s not a question for TS2 lol but something that both TS3 and TS4 have that would’ve been cool in TS2 is careers that you can actually play/interact with instead of the sim disappearing for 8 hours.
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Nightlife, I love everything about the themes/aesthetic/gameplay, it has objects/features I use more than any other EP to this day, it’s just exactly my style.
Tagging: @krabbysims​​ @potentialfate-sims​​ @aondaneedles​​ @simmer-until-tender​​! Feel free to ignore if you’ve done it already haha
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verai-marcel · 3 months
Another Chance (Astarion x Tav/OC, BG3 Fanfic, 18+, Part 1 of 2)
Summary: Phaedra Tiernan, a drow druid, savior of Baldur’s Gate, had not returned to the city in fifty years. When she returns, she meets up with old companions and renews a friendship… And perhaps, something more? 
Author’s Notes: Is this some Tav/OC x Astarion bullshit that I’m about to write? Sure is. This is 100% based on my first playthrough of BG3, so my drow druid had romanced Gale, but her outfit matched Astarion and he was always in the party because I had multi-classed him a rogue/monk/fighter, and he was damn near unstoppable.
Tags: Gale x OC, Astarion x OC, angst, tragedy in the beginning, time skip, post-game content, friends to lovers, porn with feelings, prone bone, other positions probably
Word Count: 4099
AO3 link is here, sweetness.
Chapter 1 - An End and A Return
Fifty years. 
Fifty years since the defeat of the Absolute.
Fifty years since Gale had asked her to marry him.
And fifty years since Phaedra had been back to Baldur’s Gate.
Sure, she had sent letters to friends, met up with some of the others in Daggerford, a small town just south of Waterdeep, or invited old friends to visit the tower in Waterdeep proper. But she had never ventured back to the city she helped save.
It wasn’t as if Gale had kept her away; no, far from it. Gale had always asked, “Phaedra, my love, would you like to visit once more?”
She had always put it off. “Perhaps some other time,” she always said. There were always new lands to explore, after all.
But she could no longer say that to him.
Phaedra stared at the simple, yet beautifully decorated tombstone, Tara by her side.
“It was his time, dear,” the tressym said. “But I do miss him.”
Being a drow, Phaedra knew she would outlive Gale by centuries. But having to face that fact now tore at her heart. The only thing keeping her from spending another month crying in the tower was that Gale had given her one final mission. 
Gale, the sentimental fool, had written a bunch of letters to their mutual friends, for her to deliver in case of his death. Perhaps he had guessed that she would need something to distract her. 
No, he knew she would need the distraction. A final, farewell gift to show that he understood her. That he cared about her. That he loved her.
Phaedra swallowed the lump in her throat. “I miss him too, Tara.” She hefted the stack of letters in her satchel. “But I know for a fact that he doesn’t want me to stay still for too long. He knows… knew me, all too well.”
Tara wanted to stay behind and watch over the tower until she returned, or if she didn’t, wait for one of Gale’s apprentices to take over the tower, if she judged them worthy. That left Phaedra free to travel to Baldur’s Gate and hand deliver the letters to each of her fellows. 
Her first stop was in the former Shadow-cursed lands. Halsin had greeted her warmly, hugging her tightly and seemingly unwilling to let her go. She spent a night there, entertaining his plethora of adopted children and touring the town, which has grown quite large in the fifty years she had been gone. The original children she had remembered were all grown up now, and these new children were either recently adopted, or children of the original war orphans who enjoyed spending time with ‘Daddy Halsin.’ 
Though reluctant to let her leave so soon, Halsin bid Phaedra farewell after wrangling a promise to visit sooner than fifty years. She traveled along the River Chionthar to find Shadowheart and her father, still taking care of their menagerie of animals and their farm, living a quiet, simple life. Phaedra gave her respects to her mother, who had passed long ago, leaving a small bouquet of wildflowers on her gravestone. 
“I need to find Lae’zel somehow as well,” Phaedra said, staring at the letter that Gale had written for her.
Shadowheart held out her hand. “I’ll give it to her.”
She blinked. “R-really? You know where she is?”
The cleric shrugged. “She visits me from time to time, when she is able to take time away from her duties in the Astral Sea.”
Phaedra smiled. Wow. I’m glad they still see each other, to be honest. She hardly ever came to see me. “So how is she?”
Shadowheart shrugged. “She looks nearly the same as she did when she left. Apparently one doesn’t age in the Astral Sea.”
“Ah. Well, give her my best. And tell her to visit me, dammit.”
Shadowheart smiled. “Of course.”
Phaedra handed over the letter, had a pleasant dinner, and spent the night in the barn with Scratch's great-grand pup and the owlbear for old time’s sake. The next morning, she bid farewell and traveled onward towards the Gate.
Along the way, she stopped by the old ruins where they had first run into Withers. Though the tomb was empty, she left Gale’s letter for him on the sarcophagus and camped outside for a night. The next morning, she went to check again and saw that the letter had disappeared.
It didn’t take long for her to find Jaheira, though when she asked about Minsc, the High Harper only shrugged and would speak no further. But the shielded pain in her eyes said enough. Phaedra handed both letters to her and wished her well before visiting her next two companions.
Tucked away in the lower city, a small house with flowers and a signpost above the door, decorated with flames and two crossed swords, brought a smile to Phaedra’s face. She knocked on the door and waited.
A crashing sound, followed by the pounding of feet, made her cringe, but she managed to put on a smile right before the door swung open.
“Aunty Phaedra!”
A young tiefling woman immediately grabbed her and pulled her into a huge bear hug, lifting her off the ground and swinging her back and forth.
“I’m glad to see you too, Rieta,” Phaedra said, squeezing the woman in return. About two years after being forced to return to Avernus, Karlach and Wyll had found a way to fix her engine and they returned to Baldur’s Gate, as the Twin Blades of Avernus. They had made a good life, and though they didn’t officially retire, they had left most of the adventuring and fighting to their daughter while they helped train Flaming Fist soldiers.
“Soldier, it’s good to see you,” Karlach said as she came outside. She looked just as brilliant as she had the last time she had seen her ten years ago in Waterdeep. “Took you long enough to come back.”
As Rieta dragged her into the house, Phaedra smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry that… certain circumstances brought me back.”
Sitting at a dining table with Wyll, Karlach, and Rieta, Phaedra handed them the letters. “Gale… wanted me to hand deliver letters to everyone…”
She swallowed. She felt better with each letter she gave, as if the physical weight being lifted was lifting the weight off her heart as well. But it still hurt.
Fortunately, Phaedra was quickly surrounded by hugs, and they had a good evening of conversing about the past and catching up about the present.
“So who else do you need to visit?” Wyll asked, sitting with Karlach and Phaedra by their fireplace. Rieta had gone to bed, to be ready to wake up early for a mission in the morning.
Phaedra pulled a letter out of her satchel. “Well… just one more now.” 
“You can probably find him at the Elfsong,” Wyll said. “He’s… changed.”
She tipped her head. “In… a good way?”
Karlach and Wyll shared a smile. “I’d say so,” Karlach said. Then she frowned. “Didn’t he send you letters too?”
“He did on occasion, but they were… not very descriptive. Mostly a ‘I’m doing great, murdering the bad guys.’”
They laughed. “Sounds like him. When you find him, maybe ask him more about it. He’s more of a talker than a writer,” Wyll said.
Phaedra nodded. Interesting.
The next morning, Phaedra went with Wyll and Karlach to help train the new recruits at the Flaming Fist. There were certainly some wide-eyed recruits who asked a million questions once they realized who she was, and she weaved them a tale worthy of a bard’s approval. After doing some actual training, she spent the rest of the day walking around the city, looking at all of the ways the city had grown, and reminiscing at the things that hadn’t changed. 
And once the sun began to set, she made her way to the Elfsong.
Nursing a drink at the bar, she immediately sensed a certain someone making their way toward her.
“Darling, you’re a sight for sore eyes.”
Turning around, she expected Astarion to be his usual fabulous self.
Instead, she was surprised to see him wearing a dark blue shirt and leather breeches, simple adventuring gear. And yet somehow, it still looked good on him. Ridiculously good, in fact. “You’re not looking too bad yourself.”
He flipped his hair a bit with his hand and turned around to show Phaedra his outfit. “I look good in anything, my dear. But you already know that.”
She laughed. Gods, I didn’t realize how much I missed his sass. “Right, right.” 
“But I’m sure you’re not here just to look at my clothes.” He looked around. “Where’s your other half? I’m sure I would have heard him lecturing me by now.”
Her lips trembled.
It only took a moment for him to realize it, and he frowned.
Ever since Phaedra had helped him kill Cazador, she had noticed that Astarion looked at her with a kinder gaze. He spoke with her more often, shared his thoughts with her more openly. They had become friends after everything, and she truly cared about his happiness. 
After he had run off to hide from the blistering rays of the sun on the docks that fateful day, she had tried to look for him, but he was very skillful in hiding. She knew that, of course. It wasn’t until Withers’ banquet six months later that she saw him again, hugged him, and told him she had missed him. She had been pleasantly surprised to hear that he had become an adventurer and hero in his own right, dispatching criminals in the night.
“See you later, darling,” was the last thing he had said to her.
And now, he stood before her, close enough to see the kindness in his eyes once more.
It was enough to bring out her emotions once more. Shakily, she took a breath. “I… I have a letter for you, from Gale.”
Astarion stepped closer, not quite crowding her, but close enough so they could speak quietly. He took the letter gently from her grasp. “I am curious. Do you mind?”
Phaedra waved her hand. “Go ahead. I’ll just finish my drink.” Turning away to sip her mead, she subtly watched him as he read the letter. His eyes widened slightly before his expression went back to being neutral. When he finished, he tucked the letter away in his pocket. 
“Thank you for delivering this, my friend.” Taking her hand, he squeezed it gently. “Did he have you deliver letters to everyone?”
She nodded.
He sighed. “That man.” Putting one hand on the small of her back, he led his drow friend away from the bar and into the moonlit night. “This can’t be easy for you.”
Phaedra shook her head. “I knew I’d outlive him. But… I wanted to hold onto him for as long as possible.” She stared up at the sky. “He talked to me before”—she swallowed—“before he passed, about how much I meant to him, and how much he wants me to be free after he’s gone. To go on living and loving with vigor, because that was why he fell in love with me.”
She realized that Astarion was walking quietly with her, taking her along well lit streets, letting her speak. “I think he knew that I would need this, to go on a journey, to see our old friends, to reconnect with the world.” Phaedra turned to him, a wry smile on her face. “I spent a whole month holed up in his tower, not doing a damn thing. That doesn’t sound like me at all, does it?”
Astarion laughed. “No, it doesn’t. I would have thought you were a changeling, if I had seen you like that.” His eyes traced the shape of her face. “You’ve grown your hair out since I last saw you. You always kept it to such a short length before.”
She shrugged. “I, erm, didn’t really… pay attention to much of anything, after Gale passed.”
He watched her for a moment, clearly thinking. “Would you, perhaps, like to help me with something tonight? If you’re up for it.”
“What am I helping with?”
“Oh, just a small problem.”
“I know how ‘small’ problems suddenly become larger with you, Astarion.”
He chuckled. “Alright, well, there’s this group of ruffians…”
It was invigorating, being in the fray once more, fighting the good fight, helping folks in need. Phaedra finally felt like she had come back home, after six months of staying in Baldur’s Gate. She was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to distract herself with helping others, and in a way, giving her purpose. 
She missed Gale, of course. She missed being in their tower, sitting on their favorite settee on the balcony, watching the sunset and sharing a book. She missed helping Gale with magical experiments, practicing her druidic arts in the yard with him taking notes, taking short trips to the surrounding areas to explore new sights, collect new herbs, and maybe help a few people along the way. It had been a lovely, idyllic dream.
Now, being back in Baldur’s Gate, she had a new dream. A dream with friends who were close by, that she could see every day if she so wished. She split her time helping Karlach and Wyll train the Flaming Fist, assisting Rolan at Sorcerous Sundries, accompanying Rieta on some of her missions, and even taking breaks to visit Shadowheart and Halsin. 
But she spent most of her time with Astarion. Every night was a new adventure, whether it was breaking up a bar fight, getting chased by the guards of an illegal underground gambling ring, or reverse pickpocketing a small child who was begging for money in the alleys.
“So has this been your life for the past fifty years?”
“Has that much time passed?”
“I suppose it’s not long for us elves,” Phaedra said, huffing slightly in the cold night air. They were sprinting away from the Undercity, trying not to let the Zhentarim thugs on their heels catch up to them. However, the jangle of gold in Astarion’s pouch was giving them away.
“Well, it’s a drop in the bucket for me, since I’ll live forever.”
“Lucky you.”
Phaedra glanced over, surprised at Astarion’s bittersweet tone.
But soon she had no time to ponder it, as they found themselves at a dead end.
“I thought you knew the Undercity!” she hissed.
Astarion shrugged as he pulled out his dagger. “Look darling, I don’t know every tunnel in this place. Especially since people keep digging new ones.”
Phaedra rolled her eyes as she got ready to wild shape. “Pick one.”
“Hm, I haven’t seen your owlbear form in some time.”
“Good choice.” Turning to see the thugs brandishing their swords, Phaedra grinned as she stomped on the ground, feeling the wild change take over her body. “Let’s go.”
Adrenaline running through her veins, Phaedra ran alongside her partner in not-quite-crime, laughing into the night air. She followed him back to his home, a simple townhouse in the lower city with a ground level and a large, windowless basement. 
Just as she was about to part ways, Astarion cleared his throat. “Do you want to come in?”
Phaedra was a bit surprised. After six months, this was the first time he had invited her. “Sure. “I’m curious what kind of place you’ve been living in all this time.”
The ground level merely consisted of a vestibule with a small sitting area, a door to a small guest bedroom that was minimally furnished, and another door leading to a stairwell. The basement was very lavishly decorated, and she could see three doors that connected to other rooms. It also had an emergency exit into the dark alley behind the building, just in case.
“Gods, did you see the look on their faces when you transformed?” he asked as he led her into the living room in the basement. “I got a free hit on them, they were so dumbfounded.”
Phaedra cackled. “Good. Hope they dream of me beating their faces in while they’re passed out.” She dropped her gear on the table in the basement living area. “I’m surprised you didn’t kill them.”
Astarion shrugged. “I fed on one of those other thugs earlier, no need to murder all of them so quickly.” He sat on a luxurious armchair, taking out a rag to clean his daggers. “Have to keep some of my blood supply intact for the future, after all.”
“Wow, you really have changed.”
He laughed softly. “I’ve learned to enjoy life with a little bit of planning. Something I learned from the rest of you.”
Phaedra smiled as she looked around Astarion’s living room. There were classic paintings, some she recognized as loot they had taken from various heists around the city back in the day.
“Didn’t you steal that from Lady Jannath’s estate when she was preoccupied with that artist?”
“And you provided an excellent distraction. I never thanked you for that.”
Phaedra shook her head. “I probably would have told you to put it back.”
“And that’s why I never mentioned it.” He finished cleaning his daggers and put them aside as he got up. “And now it’s here”—he gestured towards the painting—“splendidly adorning my wall.”
She sighed. “Well, I suppose no one has missed it since then…” Getting up to join him, she admired the colors, the paint strokes, the whole composition. “I have to admit, it is beautiful.”
Phaedra looked over at Astarion to see him watching her, a curious look in his eyes. Wait. That look. “Astarion?”
He stepped closer to her. “Yes, darling?”
“What are you doing?”
“You have some debris in your hair,” he said, reaching up to pick out bits of dirt from her snowy white hair. His fingers trailed down to the tips of her hair before he softly caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles, his gaze softer than she had ever seen.
“Um, thank you.” Phaedra stepped back, suddenly shy. He’s been doing this more often as of late. It’s not unwelcome, but it’s certainly an odd development. “This is the first time I’ve been to your place,” she mumbled, changing the subject awkwardly.
Astarion stepped back, and he was suddenly his usual self again. “Well, let me give you the grand tour.”
It was only three rooms, but he chattered away as he showed them to her. The luxurious powder room had two sinks and a tub large enough for two, with a door that connected to a grand bedroom with minimalist, stylish decor. There was a king sized bed covered in black silk sheets, and night stands on either side with two drawers each, clearly stuffed with knick knacks and jewelry.
The last room was a classically styled office, with an ebony stained mahogany desk, and bookcases along all of the walls, floor to ceiling. They were all filled, and there were even a few stacks on the floor where extra books couldn’t fit.
“That’s… a lot of books.”
Astarion shrugged. “There might be a few duplicates in there, I’m never quite sure.”
“Did you pilfer these too?”
Phaedra grinned. “Do you want me to help you pick out the copies? We could donate them to the library.”
“You’re always so… nice.”
“Those thugs we clobbered underground may not agree with you.”
He laughed. “No, I suppose they wouldn’t.”
They were back in the living room, Phaedra staring at her pile of loot and her quarterstaff leaning against a chair. “So, I guess I should head back to the Elfsong.”
“You’ve been staying there for the last six months. Why didn’t you take Karlach and Wyll’s offer to stay at their place?”
Phaedra shrugged. “You know me. I don’t want to inconvenience anyone, nor outstay my welcome.”
“You could stay here.”
“Did you not hear me?”
“I did, and I’m telling you that it’s more of an inconvenience to me, having to go over to the Elfsong to find you.”
She snorted. “Alright, that’s fair. But you have to help me move my stuff.”
Phaedra piled her stuff into the guest bedroom upstairs. It was a modest little room with a small night stand, a twin sized bed, a chest of drawers, and an empty bookcase. 
“It’s like you didn’t even attempt to make this look lived in.”
“Why? No one comes here. And I’ve laid traps on all the entrances and windows. A thief would have to be extremely talented to get past all of that.”
She could only nod as she put her things away. She paused when she pulled out a small, dark blue brocade pouch. 
Peering over her shoulder, Astarion hummed. “Is that the necklace I gave you back then?” 
Phaedra nodded as she opened the pouch and pulled out the delicate silver chain, studded with small sapphires. It was an elegant and minimalist style, designed to be more like a choker. “It was so pretty, I couldn't bring myself to sell it with the rest of the loot.”
Her memories came bubbling up from deep in her mind.
“Where did you find this, Astarion?” 
“Does it matter?”
“If I wear it and someone recognizes it, then yes, it matters.”
Astarion shrugged. “No one will recognize it. Just take it. When else will I ever be this generous?” 
“True. Oh, did you need my blood tonight?”
His gaze was heated as he smiled, his lips curving perfectly. “Darling, I'm always up for a little treat.”
“Yes, yes, now put your seduction face away, you know it doesn't work on me. And Gale will get mad.”
Astarion laughed. “We wouldn't want that now, would we?” His expression softened as he stepped closer, placing his hands delicately on her shoulders. “I know I don't always say it, but it's a gift every time you let me taste you.” Dipping his head down to her exposed neck, he whispered reverently, “Thank you,” before taking a bite. 
Astarion could tell Phaedra was spacing out, so he gently took the necklace from her hand. “Hold your hair up, darling.”
Phaedra came out of her memories and did as he asked. 
His fingers glided along her skin as he carefully clasped the necklace around her neck. Staring down at her neck, Astarion felt the urge to hold her close and bite down, but he restrained himself. It had been so long since he had tasted her, felt her slight tremor as he drank. He knew she had fed him as a friend, but he still craved the closeness those few precious moments offered him.
Reaching up to run her fingers along the necklace, she turned around and tipped her head curiously at him. “Well? Does it look good on me?” 
“Of course it does. I picked it out, remember?”
Remembering the myriad times he had pilfered a piece of jewelry or some other knick-knack that ended up being worth a sizable amount, even as they were trying to survive the onslaught of the Absolute and everything in between, Phaedra laughed and batted at his arm. “You always did have good taste, even if it got in the way of our work at times.”
She noticed that Astarion had stepped back. Looking toward the only window, she realized a faint sliver of dawn light was seeping through the blackout curtain.
“Oh. Right. Better get you back downstairs.”
He nodded. “Get some rest, darling. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Good, uh, well, have a good rest, Astarion.”
Smiling at her, he winked before heading back to the basement.
Phaedra remained unmoving until she heard the basement door close. Then, without really thinking, she plopped down on the bed and fell into reverie, letting the memories wash over her.
Astarion climbed slowly into his grandiose bed. Normally he’d revel in the feel of the silk sheets against his bare skin, but today, he longed for something else.
He longed for her. It pained him to have her so close, and yet she felt just as far as she had when she was in Waterdeep. He wanted her in bed with him, to feel her skin next to his. To touch her. Not even in a lustful way, just… skin to skin, laying beside her.
Sighing heavily, he fell into a trance, but his mind tortured him by remembering all of his interactions with Phaedra. 
He'd be lying if he said this wasn't a common occurrence. 
Let me know what you think in the comments!
Chapter 2 Here.
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rav3nston3 · 6 months
hi i'm gonna try keep this part brief
i have a (latest version, currently 1.20.4) minecraft server:
✨ rav3nston3.apexmc.co ✨
it's just a silly little map made to be a big playground since i can't really hang out with anyone irl (i tend to call it my "tag map" because there's a datapack that lets you play tag! but there's lots of other stuff too) and i wanted to finally kinda release this! i'll be streaming on my twitch from it (mostly building but i could do some tagging/showing folks around if anyone shows up) around when this post goes up so come check it out maybe! (also there's some, Things on it- everyone makes dicks in minecraft don't judge me- so if that would make you uncomfortable then sorry! i guess!)
i'll try to update this post with some information regarding the map under the read more in the future, leaving it pretty short at first so i can post it Now, if you're seeing a reblog it might not be up to date and you should click through to this original post!!!
down here is where the information Will go, for now i’ll just say that it’s not particularly beginner friendly? the spawn area has quite a bit of reading and it’s easy to accidentally breeze through it and not actually see any of the important stuff… also some Very important things are left out like talking about the Random Events or how most of the animals have fun and funky behavior… i’ll try address this soon!
edited March 8th, sorry for the wall of text
the base mechanics of the map include, tag, radars, random events, a "sprint meter", randomly spawning item boxes/animals, custom advancements, shops, and more i'm probably forgetting at the moment!
Tag: there's 1 "It" player and everyone else is "not it", y'know like tag, when not it players are tagged their spawnpoint is set to that location, there's also a slight grace period where tagging someone back is less beneficial, and some events are effected by being it or not, as well as a few "doors" being open depending on your it status
Radars: all players get a "radar" of some type that points to the nearest/all/??? not it players (depending on the radar type, this is explained more on the actual map), when you've recently tagged someone the grace period stops you from being tracked by the new it player for a bit
Random Events: currently there are 12 randomly occurring events, they can happen every 90 seconds, they range from a "group hug" event that teleports every not it player to one not it player at random, to everyone getting levitated into the sky, to a server wide game of rock paper scissors, and more!
Sprint Meter: when sprinting there will be a meter that fills up above your hotbar, your speed will gradually increase (in steps) until the bar fills, the bar will go back down twice as fast as long as you're not sprinting (or sneaking), and sneaking at the highest few levels of the meter will grant you jump boost!
Random Spawns: item boxes and animals (chickens and sheep) will randomly spawn around the map. the item boxes can be "opened" (they're shulkers, so you kill them) for various drops, they come in various types that are area dependent each with different loot tables! the animals have unique effects (with some very minor exceptions), all chickens will instantly die upon getting close to them (unless they're babies, or "The Chucken"), and all sheep spawn with a land mine on their backs (unless it exploded and they somehow survive, steer clear of sheep or try to activate them from a safe distance)
Custom Advancements: there's advancements for dying to various sources, looking at various things through a spyglass, and other (hopefully) fun activities, you can even reset your advancement progress at a special location for some extra loot
Shops: there's currently 5 shops on the map, one that sells chicken, one that sells explosives, one that trades eggs and chicken for gold, a secret weather charm shop, and a prize counter at the carnival. 4 of the 5 work by putting your currency on the counter (each shop might take different currency depending on what they sell/trade) and clicking the items you want to buy, the 5th works like a villager (shhhhhhh)
Some other things to note: there's a custom resource pack on the server, it's mostly there for custom hats but there's some other stuff too! if you're interested in playing, feel free to send me an ask! i'd be happy to show anyone around :3
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kaihateszeus · 5 months
So…..I need mutuals cause I’m lonely 😔
My Pronouns : So my Pronouns are they/them, but idm if you use he/him :)
I’m feeling random, so here’s my favourite emojis based on my favourite fandoms cause I’m in so many…
My Fandoms: Percy Jackson, Good Omens, Blue Eye Samurai, The Last of Us, Life is Strange, Cherry Crush, Star Wars, Hades(if it counts) Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact 3rd, The Hunger Games, The hatchetfield triology, Fear Street Triology, The Owl House, heartstopper, Jurassic Park Movies, Ghostbusters. There’s one more but you gotta guess >:)
I am going to post more often, but I’m not entirely sure how to make a key on here. I’d love help 😭
What I’m Gonna Do On This Page :
Random Shit
Bracelet Ideas
And Self Help!
One thing about me is that I love helping others, and sometimes I don’t do it right, but I’ll help in any way I can. Some things I’m not experienced in, since I haven’t lived life to its full extent. But whether it’s picking a name for a playlist, or a friendship breakup, I’ll be here, always.
My Mutal Tags so far!!
Like I said, I don’t have many, and I’d love more :)
@cutebisexualmess dude your incredible and I love being in ALL your picrew chains, TAG ME IN ALLLL ‼️‼️
@queerfansstuff i haven’t talked to you a lot but I LOVE YOUR PAGE!!! we have to talk more often :D
Thanks for reading this for whoever did, way to go superstar<3 (take a guess at the final fandom I’m in from that sentence)
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twofee · 1 year
Sims tag
Thanks for tagging me @episims :)
1. what’s your favorite sims death?
old age with the hula dancers welcome but mostly i try not to let anyone die!
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
i’m somewhere in the middle, i have a game thats more heavy on the semi realistic content and another that’s more maxis match-y.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
i wouldn’t say i cheat, but i do have them work out a lot to change back
4. Do you use move objects?
of course but i usually wait until the end of the decorating stage to do that.
5. Favorite mod?
i don’t use a lot of mods but i guess whatever one adds custom sliders or at least the bodyshop sliders to regular CAS
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
Well my simming career started back in the sims 1 release days and I got double deluxe base game followed quickly by unleashed shortly after it’s original release.
7.  Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
like LIVing
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
i am very partial to Malle, Echo, Abba, and my legacy founder VJ!
9.  Have you made a simself?
in the past yes but i never really did much with her. there might be a saved file of her stashed away somewhere...
10. What sims traits do you give yourself?
very few outgoing points, plenty of nice points, a good handful of active
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
umm i tend to make lots of blonde sims but not with EA’s yellow blonde...so Brown I guess??
12. Favorite EA hair?
The shaggy surfer dude one
13. Favorite life stage?
Adult I guess
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the game play?
i’m more in it for sim creation and decorating that playing or building.
15. Are you a CC creator?
yeah i’ve got a whole downloads tag worth of it but i wouldn’t say i am good at it and i don’t do it very often.
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sims squad?
i’d like to think you’re all my friends but a few are closer/more interactive than others
17. What’s your favorite game (1,2,3,4)?
TS2 forever, with a special space for sims 1 in my heart
18. Do you have any sims merch?
no, not really my thing
19. Do you have a youtube for sims?
i tried dabbling in sims machinima at once point way back in the day, even had a couple voice actors record lines for the start of my little story. i made a little prologue video that i posted on youtube. not sure if it’s still around in some dusty corner of the internet....
20. How has your “sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
while i have embraced and started leaning a little more maxis match since coming to simblr wayyyyy long ago, i would say it hasn’t changed too much, it’s still a mix of everything that i like and falls victim to my current mood and whims, but it’s maybe a little more cohesive now. i’d like to think someone could recognize twofee style decor or sim.
21. What’s your origin ID?
i don’t need it for sims as my install is off the discs but i think it’s twoffee
22. Who’s your favorite cc creator?
everyone who makes cc!! no way could you narrow that down!
23. How long have you had a simblr?
my archive says January of 2013 is when i finally gave up lurking!
24. How do you edit your pictures?
wow it’s been so long since i’ve done it, but i’ll crop, run a super old action i got from another popular simblr, then resize and be done. if i feel fancy i might add a little boarder shadow thing. but really not much.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
i just want more content of any variety. new hairs and clothes, new decor items, floors and walls, conversions from other games, new recolors of everything. maxis match and semi realistic. or even bringing back some long lost content. I have an entire folder of 2000s content on an old external HD that I would love to just plug into a fresh game folder and see whats in there. it was all stuff i downloaded to save while i was in college and not able to play but didn’t want to lose or forget.
i’ll tag: @charmandersims, @holleyberry, @ove51, @simmer-until-tender, @lurking-lilibeth, @andrevasims, @lifetime-want, @simoleontree, @grilledcheese-aspiration, and anyone else who wants to participate!
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nerdishfeels · 1 year
Tumblr media
I posted 391 times in 2022
50 posts created (13%)
341 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 375 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#important - 56 posts
#true though - 39 posts
#lol - 29 posts
#bts - 28 posts
#writing - 24 posts
#awesome mutuals - 20 posts
#pretty books - 16 posts
#on my tbr - 15 posts
#booklr - 15 posts
#mr sunshine - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 109 characters
#i’m just grateful that i have this time to learn about myself and take care of myself for once in my life lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
Not book-related but praying that Extraordinary Attorney Woo ends well. That drama has my whole heart and soul and Young woo deserves the world 🥹
11 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
Summer Readathon Tbr!
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Hey guys! For the last two months, I didn’t read much sadly coz I had a lot of other stuff going on. But this month, I want to up my reading game like I did in February, so of course, I joined @logarithmicpanda’s readathon!
It took me time to figure out what I wanted to read, as I didn’t want to be overly ambitious. I didn’t read a lot of Asian fiction last month, so I wanted to include some books that fit that genre. I recently finished Yolk by Mary H.K. Choi which I really liked (and unofficially included for this readathon), but after that deep book, I need some light-hearted reads to build up my spirits lol.
As pictured, the books I’ll be reading are:
Gilded by Marissa Meyer (fun fact: I had this on my other readathon tbr and still haven’t gotten to it, so that needs to change!)
Love boat Taipei by Abigail Hing Wen
A Spindle Splintered by Alix E. Harrow
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim
As always, I’m not going to pressure myself into reading everything on my TBR since my life is still hectic as usual, but it’s nice having a pretty stack to choose from 🥰
13 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
Summer readathon update!
Hey guys! In the nick of time, I finished Six Crimson Cranes! I really loved this book. I was looking for a light-hearted read (i.e. not based on heavy topics) and this was it! Here’s a mini review:
Six Crimson Cranes - 5⭐️
This fantasy book was not only inspired by Chinese and Japanese legends but different fairytales such as rumpelstiltskin, the wild swans (which I haven’t read) and cinderella, which I loved!
This gave me spirited away/studio ghibli vibes! We had a charismatic dragon and paper birds, one who is called Kiki and is close to the main character, Shiori!
This story was whimsical and had a lovely quest-like plot to it. I loved Shiori. Even though she was already strong-willed and bold in personality, I liked how her character developed throughout the book. You saw her grow stronger physically, overcoming obstacles that her curse caused her and dealing with the way others treated her.
Raikama was an interesting character. At first, you think she’s a typical, stern stepmother who dislikes Shiori and magic but you realise there’s more to her character and her motives. I would have liked to see more of her but I guess that’s how the story is.
I loved seeing the interactions between Shiori and her brothers. It reminded me a lot of how I am with my brothers, so those moments really touched my heart. Get yourself a book that showcases the love and loyalty of siblings 😭
I loved the magic system and how Shiori can conjure it by embodying a piece of her soul into whatever she touches or wills. It was also interesting to see how other forms of magic worked either from or against dragons.
I also loved that Shiori got to fall in love on her terms rather than through the arranged marriage. Even though it’s fate that brought them together, I loved that the romance was gradual and sweet and you saw that emotional connection build between Shiori and Takkan. Just the kind of romance I like 😉
I do find it funny how people try to protect you by not telling you the whole truth but if only they did, you wouldn’t be led on by others who don’t have your interests at heart. But I guess it all worked out in the end lol.
I liked the twist towards the end and the lead up to the sequel. There’s still much to learn about Shiori’s magic and the power of a dragon’s pearl, so I’m curious to see where the sequel takes us!
14 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
Just finished my first book of the romance readathon, The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow! I loved it so much! It was such a fantastic book.
I thought I'd do a mini review before I start on the next book:
The Once and Future Witches - 5*
This book basically had everything I love reading about: Sisterhood, magic, romance, women empowerment, fairy tales, the love for books and words, you name it.
I love the magic system in this and the way fairytales are incorporated as spells or as witch-tales. It was cleverly thought out!
I also love how this book avoided the narrative of "all men are bad", especially when it tackled the treatment of women as witches. There were male characters who wanted to help women in need and respected them.
I also love that this book didn't focus on the suffragists (who would advocate for some women, not all) but on colored women and those who were poor or hard workers that are usually forgotten. Every woman had a voice in this book, especially a trans woman too, which was refreshing.
I loved Quinn as a character. She is so vibrant and charming! I also loved the Eastwood sisters and how their bond grew stronger after being apart.
The romance was beautiful in this. While the book doesn't focus primarily on the romance, we got some sweet moments, especially with the interracial w/w relationship (can we appreciate the rep we got in this book??)
I also loved how the book developed, with every chapter getting more and more interesting and intense. For a book that is around 500 pages, there wasn't one part that was slow or boring.
This book also spilled tea about how women are portrayed by some men, which I really enjoyed.
Honestly, I could go on about this book, but I don't want to dive into any spoilers, so I'll leave it at that. If you love books that involve sisterhood, magic and the importance of fighting for your rights, I highly recommend this book! 😍
21 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
1kpages Readathon Tbr!
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Hey guys! I will be participating in the lovely @books-and-cookies’ 1kpages readathon! This almost feels like a tradition for me lmao.
Here are the books I’m planning on reading:
The Bone Spindle by Leslie Vedder - 97/404 pages - I’ve started reading this book recently but haven’t been able to get a break and enjoy it. I roughly have about 307 pages left to read. I’m really liking it so far! It’s giving me Uncharted Lost Legacy vibes with some magical elements!
Spy x Family Vol 1 by Tatsuya Endo - 220 pages - This manga has been pretty popular and from the sound of the premise, I’m not surprised! It sounds like a found family in the making, which I LOVE! I can’t wait to read this!
Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater - 320 pages - So, my friend @logarithmicpanda really enjoyed this book and when they mentioned it being warm and fuzzy, I knew I needed to get this book! So, thanks Panda!
A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro - 321 pages- I’ve been in a mystery kind of mood and I’ve had this on my tbr for a while, so I thought it’s about time I get to it lol.
Total pages I’m hoping to read: 1,168
Four seems like a satisfying number for me when it comes to creating a tbr lol. It would be great to finish all four books during the readathon but I won’t hold my breath.
My life is still as hectic as usual, so wish me luck that I get some sweet alone time! Good luck to everyone participating! ❤️
28 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
Koroushi and Hikari
Assuming you meant Koushirou, I will write about Koukari here, anon. <3
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not:
It does - one might have to take a very close look to notice it though. The screenshot taken from the episode above might be the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning these two, as they’re getting paired up during the World Tour arc in 02 to travel to Hong Kong together. However, ever since Hikari was introduced in 01, very late in the series, there have been several instances of Koushirou being curious about her (and her strange connection to the Digital World), him interacting with and encouraging her - and he’s actually the only person Taichi tells about their childhood, thus he’s aware of her having been prone to sickness and getting hospitalized due to it. In fact, one of Koushirou’s main roles in the Dark Master’s arc is being the (emotional) support system of the Yagami siblings, which provides a nice set-up for the two of them - at least in theory. Because unfortunately, they don’t interact as much with each other just on their own. 
With Hikari being Taichi’s sister and Koushirou being his best friend, it should be a given to assume that there’s at least some kind of familiarity between them, but for the most part, the viewer has to guess how deep their bond actually goes. Hikari obviously tags along with Taichi’s group in 01 and then again with the new Chosen Children in 02, as the entire group treats Koushirou as their mentor there, but they’re not really seen talking to each other a lot. That’s even more obvious in Tri, where they’re maybe standing next to each other once or twice (culminating in the stageplay, where they aren’t interacting at all). Kizuna at least provides a shot of him panicking once he notices that she’s in danger, so he immediately contacts her brother - which basically summarizes his overall interaction theme towards her: She’s in danger/sick/some kind of otherworldly state, so he does whatever it takes to (help) saving her. The reboot, despite putting them together in Team Light, doesn’t show much interpersonal interaction between them either and the only notable thing that happens in regards to them in the novels is Koushirou sneaking out of his room in the middle of the night to confirm that the beeping dot on his digivice is indeed Hikari Yagami... 
The most interesting framing may take place in the PSP game, because it actually lets them bond; They’re talking about physical things they’re being attached to (her whistle vs. his laptop), about flowers and “the thought that counts” - and Hikari actually has a lot of praise for Koushirou as well, boosting his self-confidence in the same way he did for her in the anime, so he ends up offering to teach her how to use computers and that’s probably why she knew how to send mail in OWG... Then again, there’s also the infamous (non-canon) love letter drama - which creates a humourous non-existing “love triangle” between Koushirou, Mimi and Hikari in which it is at least implied he maaaaay have written the letter for Hikari... 
So tl;dr, there is not nothing and there IS a lot of soft potential.
Whether I think why and how they’d work:
Based on the fact that I just spent quite a while talking about the sheer potential of these two - I definitely believe that they could work. First of all, as mentioned above, they should be close(r) to each other due to their closeness to Taichi. Second of all, we see Koushirou’s protective and kind nature shining through towards her in 01. Paired up with their curious and sweet interactions in the PSP game, I am convinced that the “hyperempathic girl with the magical connection to the Digital World” and the “knowledgable support guy with a technological interest in the Digital World” could be a great (contrasting) combination to end up as a romantic couple. They’re both “weird” (and in their own worlds) in their own ways, both incredibly prone to self-sacrifice and can get pretty mad at others for doing the same (Taichi in particular, but I’m sure they’d be the same towards each other too), so they already have a lot in common. Curiosity and the will to create a wonderful, symbiotic future for the Digital World and the real world is also something that could connect them.
Thanks to the “I’m gonna teach you how to use a computer” bit, I am also sure that they’re very communicative, talking and texting on the phone/computer a lot and there’s a reason why people often headcanon Hikari providing pictures of the Digital World to Koushirou for his studies. I mean, why else would he have opened a shady looking link coming from her immediately (in Kizuna) if he wasn’t at least somewhat used to her sending him things? It’s incredibly endearing to imagine them being kind and supportive towards each other’s goals - ESPECIALLY since Hikari is aiming to become a kindergarden teacher and who would be more suitable to help her than the person who likes to teach, rant and ramble anyway??? 
They’re both not very offensive/forward when it comes to (facing) their feelings though, in fact, they tend to keep those to themselves rather consistently. Thus, it may be a veeeery persistent slow burn - and Takeru would prooobably have the time of his life dropping hints towards both of them. Koushirou might not get it and Hikari would pout at him and get defensive - but they’d get there. One day, for sure.
I also love the idea of them going on double dates with Taichi and Sora - Team Light should generally be much closer than what canon was showing and I cannot imagine Taichi not giving Koushirou his blessings (despite everything that happened in the infamous love letter drama mentioned above).
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship:
In case it hasn’t been obvious, I love the idea of these two falling for each other and helping the other to realize that their self-sacrificing tendencies have been quite unhealthy in the past - growing and healing while building a future for the Digital and real world together. However, I also like the idea of them just being platonic study buddies, as outlined above, forever giggling together over Taichi bluescreening his PC for the millionth time.
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canon-can-fight-me · 1 year
F/O Reveal except it’s a contest [CLOSED]
see winners here
Originally I was going to simply reveal my main f/o (one of them, anyway), but I thought it would be more fun to make it a guessing game of sorts. The winner of said game will receive ONE sketch of either:
- their self insert
- their f/o
- their s/i with their f/o
How to play?
1. Submit your guess to my ask box. You don’t need to put the source to win, just their name.
2. You can ask questions about my F/O, (also through asks) the only questions I won’t answer are about things not stated in canon, and what source they’re from.
3. You can submit multiple asks. However, if your question has already been asked, I won’t post duplicate answers.
4. I will post all my asks from the contest with #rina’s f/o game, so everyone can see what’s already been answered, including character guesses.
5. The first to answer correctly wins!
6. If for some reason you guess first and DON’T want the prize, it will go to the second correct guesser. You will, however, still get credit for being first!
Notes about the prize:
Since I have no way of knowing what F/O I will end up drawing, I want to make it clear that:
- the drawing will be SFW
- I may struggle with non-human characters, but I can try!
- No inappropriate ships, please. For example, I will not draw a romantic piece of you with a minor if you are an adult. If the F/O is strictly platonic please make that clear.
- Any other details will be discussed with the winner in pms :)
Ready to play?
The f/o in question is 💫, one of my main f/os. I will provide a few details, and their tag is…in the tags. Here are a few details you can glean from the tag:
gender: male
media source: film (live action)
tall or short?: more tall than short
well known: yes, I’d say so, but not a popular f/o based on what I’ve seen
villain or hero?: hero
Also, for the sake of accuracy, I will not be including any personal headcanons of the character into my answers. This is to avoid confusion, and also because I believe people are entitled to their own headcanons. So if you ask something like “do they like smoothies” and have never expressed if they do or do not, I’ll simply say “their source to my knowledge does not specify”. More power to you if you think they like smoothies, though.
Thanks for reading if you read all the way through! Good luck if you’re playing 🤍
— Rina
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