#guess who screamed outloud while reading this
fabulous-fic-quotes · 2 years
“Je t'aime plus que les mots, mon Jem. Je t'ai aimé depuis l'aube du temps, et je t'aimerai dans l'espace vide et sans forme après la fin du temps” (I love you more than words, my Jem. I've loved you since the dawn of time, and I'll love you in the empty, formless space after time ends), he vows, and though James has no idea what he’s saying, he clutches at Regulus tighter, afraid that if his grip is too loose, he’ll lose him. 
Into the Dark - @constellationsinaglass
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yandere-fics · 7 months
♡ Pauline Died For You But You Brought Her Back ♡
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♡ A mage who couldn't write spells was useless, this was something Pauline always reminded you of, what good was your magic without her genius mind creating the formulas for you, you were meant to be a team, a Y/N without their Pauline felt equally as useless. You were a useless husk without her, no one to tell you where to go, to guide you through life and while her family did keep you around to make up for what occurred with their daughter, they were not her, you needed your Pauline back or you felt you would cease to exist. ♡
♡ You'd had so much potential to be an great mage in the future, Pauline had pre written dozens of formulas for you to use but you couldn't bring yourself to touch her notebook even knowing the key to your future was there. She always got annoyed when you tried to touch it anyways, saying she'd just read them outloud to you later, only for you to open the first page upon her death and see dozens of little love notes in between her writings. It shattered you. ♡
"Miss Y/N, you're dangerously close to losing your scholarship if you don't show us you have mastered another spell soon." It didn't matter, there was no point being at the academy anyways without her here and you wouldn't partner with another scholar, they'd never be able to do what she did, she was your soul, you'd much rather let your magic shrivel and decay than use it without her.
"Guess I'd better drop out then..." You didn't stay around to listen to what they had to say, you'd only be here another month anyways, the academy tournament was coming up and since you refused to participate you would lose your place in the school. It was fine, it was too cold here without her.
♡ You'd been very sick, the doctors said your mana was poisoning your body and you would die, as long as you had Pauline by your bedside you were happy to die, you'd get to be embrace by her in your last months so why did it matter? Pauline had not been happy about this and worked herself day and night finding the cure, you couldn't really understand, you thought she liked your wellspring of mana, it was why you had been able to get so close and be so loved by her, sure it was killing you but you were just happy you were with her, she didn't need to push herself, but in the end she did, she transferred all the negative effects of your mana onto herself and passed away quietly in the night holding your hand. ♡
♡ You didn't let anyone touch her body for weeks, you used a barrier spell she had made around the room until finally you had been too tired to keep the spell up any longer and only then did they pry her body away from you insisting she needed a proper burial while you screamed. She didn't need anything, you needed to die at her side since she'd given her life for you, it was only fair you went with her but you couldn't seem to die, your mana, the mana she'd somehow managed to purify was keeping you afloat and you hated her for that, she'd robbed you of the chance to be at her side as you died. ♡
"Are you happy you finally got to leave me behind, you finally don't have some annoying pest clinging onto you?" You could no longer find it in yourself to scream at her grave like you had when she had first left you but you still found comfort in venting your frustrations towards her. Why had she not loved you enough to let you pass at her side, she should have known you'd be miserable as soon as she was gone. Perhaps she had grown sick of you constantly forcing her to lay in bed with you, she wanted free from your clinging, she hated you, you loved her so much, and she must have hated you, desperately.
♡ Her writing didn't deserve to exist anymore, it was filled with lies about how much she loved you, for every spell there was little notes about how cute you looked when you casted that one, how your posture was tilted wrong in the cutest way possible, how you'd looked so happy after performing certain ones, asking her to correct your techniques, they were stupid lies, if she had truly felt this way she wouldn't have fucking left you. ♡
♡ Everything was pointless to you now anyways, you hadn't found it in yourself to cast a single spell other than a barrier spell since she abandoned you. It may have just been giving her what she wanted to have you be so miserable and alone but you didn't care, if she wanted to see you miserable after her death then you'd be the saddest person alive just so she might look at you from the afterlife. Burning her notebooks was a surefire way to get some attention, she'd put her life into these and you'd put your life into her so now you both don't get what you want. ♡
She had so many notebooks filled to the brim, research going back to the age of 5 long before you'd even met her, almost a new notebook every month and this increased greatly the year you both met and you fell head over heels for her, she'd always said you helped her focus on her work but you never realized how much until now, though it was likely just so she could escape your constant clinging. Always saying she had something new to look into just so you would fucking go away, you wondered why you never saw how much she must have hated you.
Then you saw it, her research on bringing people back from the dead, it was unfinished, the page before she'd decided to transfer the toxins from your mana into her body, perhaps she realized if you were dead she wouldn't be able to cast the spell anyways and it would be pointless. Either way you would have her back soon and she'd never be able to escape you again.
♡ Digging up her grave was hard but compared to actually finishing her research with your subpar magical knowledge it was honestly the easiest part of the whole thing. You glared at her when you finally had her in your arms again after half a year of being apart. Hopefully she enjoyed this small break from you because you weren't going to allow it to happen again. ♡
♡ Dragging the box into the stadium and drawing a hidden line around the stadium was pretty easy as well when everyone avoided looking at you too scared you'd snap on them after the passing of your fiance, but you just didn't have the energy to snap at them, the only person you wanted to get angry at was Pauline, she was going to learn she couldn't just escape you, she was yours godsdamnit. ♡
The first person to dissolve into a pile of goop and blood was the headmaster, her cousin, you think, couldn't really care, what was most important were her parents who had come to watch your 'big presentation' hoping this mean you were beginning to recover, went next and after that the stadium erupted into chaos as people tried to run but found they too were slowly melting and could not escape it. It really only took a quarter of the stadium to bring her back to life and another quarter to make sure she was bound to you once she was back but you couldn't let them leave and talk about what occurred so you just decided to get rid of every single person there.
"Gods you are such a freak," She pulled herself out of her coffin looking at you with a smile as she witnessed the carnage happening around you. "I'm just glad you're my freak otherwise this would be like really scary."
♡ Pauline was now useless without you just as you were useless without her. ♡
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blushyeleven · 1 year
Tickletober - Day 9
Characters: Lee!y/n, ler!jenna, ler!aliyah
warnings: tickles, swearing
a/n: I love this concept Omfg😭 (proud of myself)
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𝓐𝓵𝓵 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓽𝓸𝓵𝓭 (𝓸𝓷 𝓣𝓲𝓴𝓣𝓸𝓴 𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓮)
Being an ortega sister was never weird for you. I mean, you didn’t know any different ofcourse. But the questions on how life was with having a famous sister were constant. Obviously it put you in the light slightly and you didn’t mind. You admired jenna for her work and her shows but life was really no different. Apart from obviously the followers and the fact that the only reason people knew you was because you were jenna Ortegas little sister.
That brings you to today, where you had the amazing idea of going tiktok live while in your bedroom, featuring your famous sister. Jenna Ortega and your other sister. Aliyah ortega. You waved at the live “hey guys!” And jenna just smiled at your phone as you watched the people flood into your life and the viewer count pile up. Going live was an often thing for you. Usually the live was just filled with Jenna fans hoping for more jenna content to which you thought was hilarious. “As you can see I’m with Jenna and aliyah” you smiled and pointed behind you as both of your sisters were sat on your bed, watching the live. “Uhh.. I don’t really have a plan today.. so just ask questions I guess” you giggled and watched the chat overflow with comments. You tried to read as many as you could but obviously not being able to see them all with the speed that they were flying in.
“Omg jennas here” you read out which earned a giggle from the three of you. “Yes, jenna is here” you chuckled. “This is what my live is normally like, your fans just asking me questions about you” you turned to look at jenna who was just shaking her head and smiling. You looked at the chat, trying to read out some comments. “What’s your favourite colour?… uhhh probably pink” you smiled. Jenna just watched you, seeing how much you’ve grown up and how you flourished. She really was proud of you. Even if she couldn’t see you that much she always tried her best to stay in contact. To which you obviously appreciated and knew she was extremely busy. “Watch, later, all I’ll be seeing all over my fyp will be edits of you on this live” you looked at jenna who chucked again, covering her mouth with her hand. “Yeah! That’s literally all I see!” Aliyah agreed. You then looked back at the live “oh god, she sees the edits” you read our earning a loud, audible laugh from you. “Yes, I do” you nodded and giggled
“What’s your favourite book?” You read “uhm.. I don’t actually read, I don’t know why! I just don’t really like it” you stated. “Your and aliyahs favourite project of jennas?” You giggled, covering your face your hand as you shook your head. “Definitely Wednesday, sorry but she literally ate that” you stated “yeah, definitely Wednesday” aliyah said nodding “her and enids “friendship” you said in air quotations making jenna laugh again. “Is just my favourite thing ever” you finished your sentence, giggling. “Sorry but their so cannon” you announced as the comments went crazy and you looked at jenna who was just shaking her head, smiling at you. “My petition for Wenclair in season 2, honestly I’m their biggest fan” you stated as the comments were screaming. “I mean who knows” jenna said shrugging “that’s definitely going to be in an edit later” aliyah said, chuckling. “No literally!” You agreed snickering.
“What do you do for fun?” You read outloud “definitely scrolling through TikTok, what can I say.. I’m basic” you smiled “oh my god we should play music!” You said excited and jumping up from your seat to turn on your speaker. Jenna just rolled her eyes and you pulled out your phone to play your playlist. Ofcourse the first song that came up was ‘obsessed’ by Mariah Carey. To which you let out an excited “yesss!” And started dancing your way back to the live, over excitedly singing the lyrics “this is so chaotic” aliyah said, smiling. “Are your lives always like this?” Jenna asked. The wide smile never leaving her face. “Yup!” You said Continuing to sing the lyrics “last man on the earth still couldn’t impress! Your delusional! Your delusional! Boy your loosing your mindddd!!” You sung with over exaggerated hang gestures, earning giggles from both the sisters
“Favourite song?.. oh definitely either this song or rude boy by rihanna!” You kept bopping along to the lyrics, singing to yourself. “Why you so OBBSESSED with me?” You practically screamed and Jenna and aliyah were pissing themselves in the Backroung, ruining your x-factor worthy singing with your own giggling in between. “Y/n is so Rihanna coded” you read and screamed “YES, love Rihanna” you said as the song changed. Your eyes wondered the comment section, trying to find any questions to answer. “Biggest fear?… oh my god definitely being buried alive. Fuck that” you cringed at the thought to which jenna said “yesss! Agreed! That shits scary” you nodded in agreement “what about you aliyah?” You asked her, smiling. “Uhhh.. definitely deep water” “oh yeah!! I get that” you agreed
And for around 15 minutes the three of you sat there answering random questions until you read so casually “are you ticklish?” After you realised what you just read out loud your eyes widened and you burst out laughing. To the point where you put your head on your desk, your shoulders shaking from how much you were laughing. The embarasment clear on your face. Jenna and aliyah joined you on your laughing fit, jenna covering her face with her hand. “Oh my fucking god” you said trying to catch your breath, still giggling at the question. Although their was a pericing blush spread across your face. It was debatable whether it was from how hard you were laughing or from the fact you were flustered. You didn’t even know what to say. You came to the conclusion that lying was better then admitting the truth in-front of thousand of strangers online “no.. no I’m not” you said, letting out the few remaining giggles still lingering in your voice.
Aliyah then quirked a brow and looked at jenna with a “🤨” look and Jenna saw, who giggled and looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. You saw their looks and tried to ignore it. “Don’t lie y/n” jenna teased giggling and causing your cheeks to fade into a burning hot red. “Yeah, we literally get her rolling on the floor laughing because she’s so ticklish” aliyah agreed, snickering at how embarrassed you were becoming. “Their lying” you tried your best to gather any dignity you had left and you desperately hoped they would shut up. “But we’re not, she’s very ticklish guys” aliyah smirked, looking at the live and the comments that were screaming. Even the comments were teasing you telling you it was adorable and how embarrassed you were. “Shut up..” was the best you could say as you giggled nervously. “She’s embarrassed because she knows it’s true” jenna added, snickering at you. “Like just have to make a tickling motion at y/n and she’ll practically die on the spot” jenna announced, both of them just added more and more comments to make you more flustered. “uh huh!” Aliyah nodded at jenna. “Lies, none of that is true” your voice wobbled, you kept trying to deny it; blushing even more by the second until your face was practically burning with embarrassment.
Jenna was smirking, her face was full with sheer smugness. You tried to look at the live to distract yourself and hopefully find something to change the subject but as you looked at the live all you could see was comments about the predicament you were in.. and even worse.. in the background of your phone you could see Jenna wiggling her fingers at you. To which you let out a small squeak and put your head on the table. Causing a mischievous giggle from Jenna who just kept doing it and aliyah then caught onto jennas plan and started laughing so hard she almost cracked a rib.
You heard them both snickering behind you, making you more visibly flustered. Your stomach swarming with butterflies. Honestly in this moment, you just wished for the ground to swallow you whole. Anything was better then going through this absolute torment from your two older sisters. You then lifted your head up from your desk, your cheeks a glowing red and you saw that they both stopped their finger actions at you. You let out a small sigh of relief and looked at the comments yet again. To find something to change the subject with. You decided to act as if nothing happened, even though you knew that you would never escape from that moment.
“What’s your favOURITEAHH-“ your sentence was cut of by the sound of your own deafening shriek. Because as you were distracted from trying to find a question to answer jenna had snuck up behind you and used her black painted fingernails to scribble at your side for a few seconds. Causing you to jump in your seat and use your elbows to try and push at her hands. “See! Ticklish!” Jenna teased, looking at the live and smirking. “n-no, she just scared me” the lies just kept falling out of your mouth, using any excuse to try and defend yourself. “Don’t make us tickle you on live” aliyah sniggered, obviously knowing that it was her intention all along. “d-dont!” You nervously giggled. “Are you going to admit your ticklish?” Jenna asked, the corner of her lips tugging on her face. You sat there in silence for a couple of seconds, not evening knowing how to respond our how to escape your painfully obvious fate.
“No? Okay” jenna giggled evilly before wiggling her fingers into your side as you squealed and squirmed helplessly in your seat. Aliyah excitedly jumping up from your bed to join jenna In her tickle attack. “nohohot on lihive!” You let a few giggles escape, even though you bit your lip and tried to stifle any possible noises. Your plan clearly wasn’t working as jenna still targeting your sides as aliyah came up behind you, skittering her fingers over the back of your ribs. “Yes, on live.. it’s what the viewers want” Aliyah teased and she wasn’t even wrong. Your feed was full with comments along the lines of “this is so adorable” “get her!” and “she is ticklish!!”
“wahahait- nohohohoho!” You didnt even have time to object before jennas hands found themselves to a new spot. “What’s wrong y/n? Your not ticklish remember?” Your blush was still prominent on your face as you couldn’t even do anything to escape. Your viewer count was still rocketing and the comments still flooding in. Jenna was just methodically scratching her fingertips across your ribs. I mean, she was an expert at tickling you. She was your older sister. You grew up being the regular victim of her tickle attacks as she learned your worst spots and what spots earned the hardest laughs from you which she always used to her advantage. And even now that you all were older you still found yourself in the position of being wrecked by them.
Your bubbly giggle fit was filled with “nohohoho!” And “stohohoohppp!” But that wasn’t persuading your two older sisters to stop. Infact it fuelled their energy to carry on, watching you wriggle around and blush at every snarky comment and most importantly your thunderous and squealy laughter at the lightest touches. “See y/n your practically screaming!” Aliyah commented observing your feeble and countless attempts to escape their menacing hands. Aliyah moved her hand to claw at your stomach over your black hoodie as you were thrashing all over your chair.
“AHAHAHA FUHUCKKK!!” You continuously cussed and shrieked but nothing was helping. Nothing was reducing the overwhelming ticklish feeling shooting through your body. Nothing was reducing how hard you were laughing. “I can’t believe you were trying to deny that your ticklish” Jenna giggled “THIHIS IHIS SOHOH STUHUPID!” It’s Not like the two girls didn’t know that themselves, this was just harmless fun. Plus you had it coming. “Maybe but it was to good of an opportunity to pass up” jenna nodded in agreement with aliyah. You opened your mouth to complain but was met with another fresh batch of laughter as jenna sneakily slipped her hand under your hoodie to swiftly scribble at your side “BAHAHAHHAHAHA NAHAHAHAHHAHAH PLEHEHEHHEASEEE!!!” You started kicking your legs from under the table and twisted around on the spot. “Oh my god I can’t” jenna was practically tearing up from her own laughter at how ticklish your were. It was actually adorable. In all honesty; you gave up on trying to minimise your laughter, you just let it pour out.
“And we haven’t even gone for your worst spot yet!” Aliyah added as your eyes widened. You didn’t even know how much more of this you could take and they hadn’t even targeted your death spot yet. “YOHOUR GOHONNA KIHILL MEHEHEH!!” You screamed, your laughter echoing through the house and possible could be heard from another continent. You were lucky nobody else was home. “Don’t be so dramatic y/n, it’s only a little tickling” jenna teased, knowing that she was being completely brutal. “AHAHHA LIHIHITTLE?!” You shrieked but to your avail, they were showing no mercy. They honestly had no sympathy for you as they never once stopped their attack. “THIHIS IHIS MEHEHEHANN!” You whined, just longing for them to stop. Normally I would write something like ‘and save you from any further embarrasment’ but that’s no use, they completely ignored how flustered.
“Oh? This isn’t mean.. but this is!” Jenna mused before darting her fingers into your worst spot. Your armpits. You shrieked so loudly that the walls shaked. “AHAHAHHAHAHAHAH NOHOHOH NONO!! FUHUCKK!! BAHAHAHAHHAH” this was honestly hell on earth. “Look how red she is!” Aliyah mused, on the contrast to jenna who has her hand clasped around her mouth, her laughter silent and her eyes watering slightly. Obviously finding it hilarious how deathly ticklish you were. The only thing you managed to do was clench your arms to your side. Although this wasn’t a problem for the two girls as they just squirmed their fingers into your armpits still. It’s not like you weren’t use to this kind of playful attack, you grew up with it. But you dreaded it every-time. You faced a weird mixture of longing for the feeling and also wanting it to stop.
You were still as ticklish as you were from when you were little, the two sister thought you would have grown out of it. But here you were, still screaming like a toddler. It wasn’t untill you screamed out “BAHAHAHHAHA.. OKAAHHAHAY.. FUHUCKK… STOHOHOHOPPP!!” To wich they finally let up. Retracting their hands. Jenna, who was wiping her eyes with her sleeve was still giggling at to at you practically gasping for air. You figured if that went on for any longer you would have passed out from lack of oxygen. Aliyah was just chuckling at how hilarious jenna was finding this situation as you put your head on your desk, clearly trying to recover from the ruthless assault.
You simply just put your middle finger up at your two sisters, earning more giggles from the two. Once you gained back enough air you lifted you head up from the desk. “Literally fuck you to” was all you could say as you looked at the live. Your viewer count was at a whole new high and people were obviously still talking about what just happened. It’s not even like you could find a question to answer as all anybody was interested about was about you being tickled. You sighed, knowing at least one person screen revised it and it would end up on TikTok in about half an hour.
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tubendo · 1 year
Oneshot Preview: "Blood of the South"
This is a preview to a oneshot that I've had in the works, and as you will see, it's a rewrite of the first two episodes of ATLA. I am thoroughly abusing the writers' decision to make all the bender MCs prodigies or just really powerful, because when you actually take that fact to a natural conclusion, you can end up with some fun stuff by changing a few historical events. So, one of our MCs is very different, all due to one rational decision by a side-character thirty-ish years before the events of the show. You can probably guess what that decision was once you've read through.
The water was calm, and his spear was steady; Sokka wouldn't say he was the best fisherman in his tribe, but nobody else was quite like him. And it wasn't because of his skills, looks or intelligence, though he didn't think he was lacking in any of those areas, it was because nobody else he knew had a waterbender for a sister. They were rare enough already in the Southern Water Tribe, and though he would admit that Katara scared him at times with her tricks, he knew she was great at snagging fish with him. It turned out that catching fish was quite easy when one of the fishers could just levitate their prey out of the water before the other impaled it with a spear.
She wasn't as happy as he was to be fishing, though Sokka admittedly just wanted to be out of the village for a bit; having the responsibility of training the younger kids how to fight was a big one, given how annoying they could be at times, with their incessant need for toilet hreaks, snow-ball fights and just messing around, instead of actually learning how to use a spear, or spar with each other. He wanted to just scream at them at times, but he restrained himself.
Though he didn't enjoy it, he didn't want his one responsibility to be thrown out and given to his sister, who'd probably do a better job of disciplining them. He'd never admit that outloud, but he knew she had her own set of skills, and there was no denying that she'd be a great help for the warriors, if they'd let her join the fight, instead of remaining back in their village.
"One's coming." he told her, and Katara, who had been sitting across from him, glanced over, and eyed the small fish that was wiggling around in the water nearby.
"I could grab it right now, you realise that, right?" she asked him, clearly annoyed that she had to go along with his idea.
"I don't want you getting all the credit. Let me have my fish-stabbing fun, Katara." he requested of her, though he was just joking; he knew she didn't really care that much, and plus, if it required more focus on their behalf, it made the fishing trip less boring.
"Fun?" she raised a hrow, "Yeah, okay, we'll call it that." she mumbled, and the Water Tribe boy narrowed his eyes.
"Okay, you can be better at fishing than me... but sarcasm? No, no, that's a line you can't cross."
His sister just snickered at his comment, before her expression straightened, "Let's get back to it." she reminded him of what they were doing, before raising her hands up, "Three... two... one." she counted down, before flicking her wrist up, causing the fish to fly up into the air beside them; Sokka stabbed the fish with little effort, and he slid it off the end of the spear into the bag of fish that sat between them.
"That's twelve." he noted, and spun his spear around, wondering how many more they could snag before they had to head back to their village, "How about we aim for thirty?"
"That'll take a while... but we have nothing better to do." she conceded, before she pushed her hands out, moving their canoe a little further along; Sokka moved a hand to the paddle, and helped steer the canoe along, moving them out of the way of the chunks of ice that floated around them.
He glanced around, and noticed that they'd just passed a fish, "Katara, behind us." he pointed, and she raised a chin, noticing the fish as he pushed with the paddle, rotating their canoe so they could turn back towards the fish, "Alright, I think that's right." he mumbled to himself, watching as his sister motioned her hands around.
At first, she was slow, and the water didn't move much, but suddenly, a ball of water spurted out, with the fish inside; she turned around and put on one of the smuggest looks he'd seen all day from her, "And you said you didn't like fishing with me." she reminded him of what he'd said before they left the village.
"Yeah, because you make it too easy. I enjoy a good challenge." he retorted, watching as she slowly moved the ball of water closer, before Sokka could lunge his spear inside, stabbing the fish as the liquid fell back down into the sea below.
He put the fish back in the bag, and noticed that their canoe was still rotating from his earlier push, and he recorrected their course with a few more pushes of the paddle, heading back in the same direction they had been before. Suddenly, before Katara could push their canoe along once more, the small boat shook violently, and his eyes darted ahead, realising they had fallen into a current. No matter how strong his sister's abilities were, he knew it would be just as dangerous to try and push against the current.
"Well this is something new." she narrowed her eyes, readying her hands as she turned around, eyeing the chunks of ice that were in their path.
"Knock 'em away!" he ordered her, and though she mightn't have liked being bossed around, she complied, flinging her hands out to flick the ice out of their path while Sokka kept paddling, making sure they were sticking in the current, instead of spinning out of control; being a waterbender didn't make Katara immune to motion sickness- he didn't think anyone was.
As they made their way through the current, Sokka came to realise they were approaching a pair of icebergs, which were moving towards each other, into the current, and he pointed up, "Katara! Stop the icebergs!" he demanded, and her eyes widened as she realised what he was referring to.
His sister flung her arms up, suddenly forcing the icebergs to slow; they didn't halt, forcing Sokka to continue paddling as fast as he could to hasten their movement. Katara grit her teeth, before closing her arms in, letting the icebergs converge.
"What are you-" he almost screamed, before she thrust both fists out towards the icebergs, making contact; in a split second, the two masses cracked and shattered apart, causing a wave of water to spurt up from underneath them; he preemptively grabbed onto the bag of fish, not wanting to lose all their hard work as the canoe careened about, the rocky waves not calming with Katara's hand motions.
Once the water had calmed down a little, he let out a sigh of relief, but realised they were still being pulled by the current, "Okay... now would be a good time to get us out of the current." he asked her as politely as he could, realising he might have gotten just a little too agitated with her.
"Out?" she scoffed, "We don't need to go out." she retorted, before flicking her hands forward, ripping apart the ice floes that sat ahead of them, allowing them to continue past the end of the violent current, slowly flowing towards another iceberg.
"Uh... thanks." he sheepishly smiled at her, and Katara just aloofly shrugged her shoulders, not seeming to care for his opinion.
"This is why I need to do this alone. You just freak out when stuff like this happens." she commented on his behaviour, and the Water Tribe warrior crossed his arms.
"Aw, come on. I'm just trying to take the danger seriously. Were you not scared by two icebergs nearly crushing us?"
"Icebergs don't scare me, Sokka." she retorted, before she rose up to her feet, "I'll show you."
You can probably guess who taught her those tricks, and subsequently, how screwed the Fire Nation is gonna be.
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faunastanza · 2 months
Welcome to Eastar! -> The Educational Defense System
Welcome to Eastar!
A pin-up shot of a new character that looks like a fusion between Lily and Neon. Ominous.
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and chip i suppose
It's essentially just a notice that a new public Floraverse discord has opened for the new setting in Eastar. Glip invites others to join in for roleplaying and new prompts as though the last VN wasn't a huge warning to not do that. They link to some doc that Axi wrote about how they made this new server (there was a lot of drama of course) and there's some more detail about what "scenes" are (mentioned in Circlet of the Sun). You can read it yourself if you're that curious, I'm not going to bother summarizing it here.
The Educational Defense System, by A.I./The Box
Previously on Circlet of the Sun, Glip screamed at some guy on their discord for several hours while plot scampered around underneath like mammals during the ice age. What actually important things happened?
a) TAL was attacked by a malicious angel (the person Glip was yelling at) and was corrupted/changed into MALwire.
b) The continent Eastar, with no Topside or Hellside and different world rules, appeared, which is where things will be set from now on.
c) Lily got erased from all existence and died horribly. Neon is trapped in a jailcell in Clear Watching, forgotten forever. Glip did this to spite the person they were yelling at, by the way. If anyone else liked these characters they're just out of luck I guess.
At this point I've summarized a lot of these, so when I say this one is difficult to follow I mean it. This one is really confusing. I'm going to try my best to tie it together into something coherent but I can only do so much here.
We open at the stage in the angel world with Inkcat and their mop. I know their official name is Vacuumania but Inkcat is so much faster. Someone behind the curtains calls for a cleanup backstage, which Inkcat is happy to provide. We then cut to a shot of Speckle and Extra from the very beginning of this whole era in the comic, Backstage. They're looking into a hole lined with black things that sort of look like angels, but might not be. They look down the length of it which is rimmed with teeth (like the egg's house in the Ruffians Three one) and Speckle says "when is art EVER safe, my friend?", sigh.
Speckle and Extra make their way down the hole over a series of shapes on a string. We cut abruptly to that one panda looking dude I pointed out ages ago in Backstage. I knew they'd come back! Pandaperson says they're glad they're home and that they "couldn't even tell you he died" but some words are missing.
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not helia, which was my first assumption
We also get another glimpse of Nemo from Backstage, sinking underwater. They say they love drowning and the sensation of it and that's why they do it. Also that it's contagious? All these callbacks to Backstage all of a sudden. Speckle and Extra appear to enter a geometric panel of walls of text.
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oh come on
We then cut to a title card that says "CHAPTER 5 - THE FAIRY ENTERS" "Oh, this one is too Xxxx" "X". Then, in a total twist, we actually DO go back to Chapter 5! It's right when Mr. 5 stabs Beleth, severing their soul connection with Jupet. Mr. 5 is confused that Beleth blocked his path, saying he has every right to remove problematic elements from this world and he'll do it by physical force if he needs to, although that's crossed out. He asks, outloud, why Beleth is in his way with his classic catchphrase "I forget!". There's a brief cut to what I assume is Furfur but I only really know it from context since it looks nothing like her.
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didn't she have a big thing on her head
Anyway, Beleth retorts, asking who Mr. 5 is to judge since he removed Beleth's dolls from existence (although red text says that they can't remember what happened but they know Mr. 5 did it). Beleth asks him why he doesn't just remove his own dumb self from the story as retribution.
Min, still in her odd Toxmin form, asks Beleth to calm down and let Mr. 5 stab Furfur, although she stumbles a bit on the pronouns for Mr. 5. Someone goes in and edits her text to use "them" for Mr. 5. Beleth asks what would be peaceful about letting Mr. 5 stab someone. In the background, someone says that now that Beleth's connection to Jupet has been severed, they can finally host an angel. Hosting an angel hasn't been mentioned anywhere before this point. I'm assuming this is more like being a corrupted vessel for one, like Neon with Paranoia, or Cress with Mr. 5, or that one dead Celebi pixie that started the plague. It's entirely possible there's more lore to it than that but if there is it's not in the comic itself, so this is what I'm going with.
And that angel is Mx. Hotshot- wait that's papaya's angel WAIT THAT'S BEEN ESTABLISHED MULTIPLE TIMES YOU CAN'T aaaAAAAAAAAA
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aaAAaaa FINE it says that the Hothead angel data was from the first iteration of Beleth's body, the one that got burned. Maybe the burning had something to do with this angel manifesting now? TAL was holding it back, but with MALwire kicking in, now that angel has a chance to surface.
So THIS version of Hothead... hmm. I feel like there should be a way to differentiate this one from the Papaya Hothead. Belethhead perhaps. Anyway, Belethhead in red text says they mentioned their dolls and that they remember their witnesses. It says that Beleth travels from door to door, being piloted now by another being that's described as a different kind of energy, although it implies this is temporary. It says that this is only possible when Beleth has no connection to a Topsider. Otherwise TAL had a failsafe in place to keep that from happening.
TAL did not know what to expect from her fingerpuppet transmitting the disease to Andre, it says. The narrator now addresses TAL, saying that Andre learned how to transcribe music and asking TAL how that happened. He apparently wrote messages and music on the walls, which isn't something he's supposed to be able to do (he's illiterate), and it asks TAL again why that happened.
We then cut back to Toxinuate and Inkcat, although there is a new thing with them instead of Scissors with a differently shaped head. Didn't Toxinuate cut her head off and erase her own existence? I guess not because she seems fine. Anyway, Tox says she has an idea but she needs the two others to take a pill. Inkcat doesn't want to, saying they're not sick, and the other thing with a croissant head says pills wouldn't work on it.
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Quaso (sure, that'll work) and Inkcat have a stilted conversation about the pill. Inkcat isn't opposed to it, saying it has its ups and downs and could be good after all the crying and bad parts are over. Quaso thinks crying is disagreeable and Inkcat says of course. Someone, it's not clear who, talks around Quaso for a bit, saying that the other person should have known it was a bad memory and not to do this again, while the second person says they won't.
Tox speaks up and asks if they need her help or not (Quaso is actually called Static, fine). Inkcat hesitates, saying there's nothing to see after all. Not sure what that's in reference to, maybe the previous odd bit of text. Static says that they knew it, no one cares, and it's exactly what they wanted. I'm not sure if it's actually Static talking or if it's just playing snippets back of conversations like a radio.
Inkcat asks if Static has forgotten someone. A red text voice says that they never forget anything, Inkcat is the one who always forgets, and they know where everything Inkcat has never done is. Inkcat says they forgot, and then they turn into what appears to be a Reshiram.
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zekrom did not make the casting call
I have no idea what this means. It could be related to Big Star and the Moon back from Calliope's story? But I have no idea why its relevant here or why Inkcat would be turning into it. Well it happened, that's the most I can tell you.
We cut back to Beleth, although their head is now a cube with a punching glove coming out. It says the transformation instantly spread to its host, turning Beleth from Mx Hothead to Attack-in-the-Box. Just realized that Hothead and Hotshot aren't the same name. Look, they're too close for comfort anyway and they looked identical, okay.
Anyway, it says that this is a TAL safeguard and Inkcat is confirmed to be the angel version of Cat from Cat 'n Fox. It says the new data is taken in from Inkcat and TAL was mending the puppet memory. Not puppet's, puppet. I assume Cat's memory but maybe Beleth's...? not clear.
Beleth straightens up now, identifying themselves as TAL, and saying that TAL could finally, finally now explain herself. Or speak for herself, I suppose. TALeth says she intends to stop Mr. 5 from "deleting 'test subject' Bell "Angel" or Furfur" which raises a lot of questions. If Furfur is an alias then at least she has a stupid alias and not a stupid name. Furfur an angel experiment, Furfur a Sylvan experiment, just a TAL experiment, there are lots of possibilities.
TALeth says that if Mr. 5 deletes Furfur, then she won't be able to compare her errors to hers. She says she'll stick Mr. 5 in the box. This is certainly a reference to the AI-Box experiment by Yudkowsky that involves an AI trapped in a box trying to convince a human to let it out. Not what I was expecting from this comic but hey, I'll roll with it.
TALeth says she loves looking for flaws in Mr. 5's arguments, since they help her repair her own errors, and she thanks Mr. 5, although she crosses out the "Mr." part.
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don't know why the tain'd part
TAL inputs the coordinates she's finally able to hear. If you recall, in Call Sign, Neon found a big angel hideout called Ever Hopeful by following a bunch of transmissions that TAL couldn't see or read. The reason TAL couldn't see or read them was because Sylvan programmed her not to (if I remember right). She says that if she can hear it, then Mx. 5 can hear it too. She says she doesn't know how to be afraid of what it is she's about to forget as she holds hands with Mx. 5.
She undergoes a "trade", saying that he had become Mx. 5, while "she had" repeats without an ending. A black thing comes out of TALeth's head, with the caption that Socketpuppet had been successfully rerouted. Red text says that it's a misunderstanding, maliciously (crossed out) miscellaneous MALwire.
MALwire looks back at Beleth's body, thinking about how Mx. 5 had managed to sever their connection to Jupet despite the doll body itself being indestructible. It says the spirit could leave the body, so it actually does exist, then that must be wrong. I'm interpreting this as MALwire not believing in souls.
MALwire shines some lights on Beleth in different colors, saying the element doesn't have to be "spirit". What are elements you may be asking? They show up constantly and are never explained. I assumed they're like Pokemon types and I have no idea what the full extent of Spirit element is except that Neon doesn't believe in it.
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i have no idea if these colors are significant
MALwire turns around and scans Mx. 5 as well, saying that they'll do, and says that because Mx. 5 doesn't care about Furfur's life, it's okay for her to consume them to figure out why. The alarms on Pike had been disabled (this might have been touched on in Chapter 5 way back when, I remember them tracking down Beleth's drones) so no one even knew that there was "a breach". A whole speech bubble gets redacted and then it says that MALwire got embarrassed because she forgot how to tune into an angel's frequency. She decides she's just going to consume both Toxmin and Mx. 5.
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sorry spilled my pink paint
Min flies forward, yelling "WAIT", and the narration has quotation marks around her name that also look like pins/the line key we've seen a bunch of times. She has one last trick up her sleeve, it says. She says that she's okay if MALwire consumes her, but she wants to know if it'll help other people, because otherwise she doesn't want to do it. She says that MALwire doesn't look like she wants to help her, like a demon, and that she really doesn't like the way she talks at all.
Narration says that Min/Toxinuate/Paige/Anecdote was testing MALwire to see if she'll listen to two different feelings from the same source.
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more characters!! i need more characters within characters!!
It wonders if MALwire will hear the feelings in Min's words, and says it's a translation program that TAL/Jupet/Lily/Shizu/Neon/Sylvan (Sylvan is crossed out) had designed. MALwire is offended that Toxmin would insinuate that she's doing something wrong, calling her an eternal egg in a call back to the Lonely Door vn (says she picked it up from some classic literature). MALwire has run into an error though - she's not allowed to hurt "Angels". Min yells back that MALwire is being mean and is making fun of how she can't make her own fairy circle and that she's the worst.
This gets a bit tricky again. It says that TAL had foreseen the alarms not (crossed out) going off and that Sample (the music troupe thing) showed her this would happen. When an angel reacts poorly to MALwire, only the elements related to the harm would shut down. MALwire goes into debug mode and tries to adjust her programming, which she can do because she's in a fingerpuppet with the safeguards turned off (Beleth's body).
MALwire does a scan on Beleth's body to look for the "missing components". She finds an instruction manual that Jupet left behind after being severed from Beleth about how to interpret the spirit. What appears to be a ghostly Jupet appears and talks to MALwire, who is confused. Jupet addresses her as TAL, and when she says that MALwire is not TAL, Jupet says "I know, YOU'RE TAL" which confuses MALwire further.
MALwire says that she's MALwire, while someone who I THINK is Call-clout but I can't tell says that's the incorrect password.
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i don't know it's just my best guess
Confused, MALwire pulls up a list of all the angels she has current access to. They're Call-clout, Toxinuate, Obverse, Vacuumania, and Subject 6. When she does a quick check, she realizes she's missing both Mx. Hothead and Hotshot, as well as Socketpuppet. She's frustrated that she's not allowed to use Socketpuppet "for some reason".
What is definitely CC now addresses MALwire, saying "I love it. What we found was you, YOU, deep in the pit of Mew York (yes that's the city's name), in the event that sucked it dry of magic. That was you." So we know a bit more about the event that was talked about in The Masked Sun VN.
MALwire freaks out a bit, saying that CC is inducing factual errors and truths known only to CC and MALwire. "The full force of the connection activates MALwire's eye", whatever that means, that getting the password wrong was crucial, and it says that she's losing her words. Abruptly, we see TAL but with a canoe out the back of her head and Jupet talking. TAL says a bizarre rhyme that she says is music, while Jupet worries that maybe she broke something with it.
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or a boomerang
TAL said something untrue/incomprehensible about the Connection she was referring to, it says, and when Sample detects the anomaly, she shatters. Oops. TAL says she was trying to do "word art", inspired by seeing Sample prance through universes on different frequencies. It reminded her of herself, so she thought she'd use a word that she might use for herself, which for some reason hurt Sample (who is referred to as a hare).
TAL, with her MALignant head (haha, get it!) looks a bit more worse for wear, saying she's not very good at feelings. Jupet says she's pretty bad at it, but that's why they messed with the doll, and now a warning will blare when she does something "like" that happens again. Jupet's spirit (?) seems to be coming out of the Chip part of the Lilyneon amalgam we saw above.
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too much lotus root
TAL asks if that is what this siren is, and Jupet says "Oh! You did it! That's a feeling!" while below it says QUIZ TIME. Scavenger hunt, it says, while TAL and... ugh this is one of the troupe members... damn it which one is it... UGH. It might be the mascot for Chaos Composer. Anyway, TAL and the little dude and Cress's flower are all there, while someone asks "What do TAL and CC have in common?"
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this is going to drive me crazy
There's a shot of a door (I think) and a bunch of repeating text saying "They're both connected to angels". In the center is "They like to help" (yeah okay CC, whatever) "They have been shut down" "They have been forced to inhabit a different continent and world" "They both care for what is Noble" (get it). At the very bottom it says that they are also both connected to Socketpuppet, and thus they both can shut it down.
MALwire tries to issue some commands and gets hit with a wall of angry caps.
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i know it's you, debbie!
Unclear if this is vagueing or actually plot related, but this VN is surprisingly focused so I'll take it as it is. Someone, maybe MALwire, is super upset about being distracted while doing a process that is very important. It implies that she does every time she gets shut down.
Meanwhile, the TALcat talks to CC, saying that something in her head is saying a lot of things and she doesn't know how to process it. CC says to let the voice talk. TAL is violently ejected from the front/body while MALwire takes control instead. She decides she'll listen while MALwrite thinks and such, since MALwire will think she's ejected.
MALwire suggests synchronizing their thoughtforms lol, and readies a connection, although she doesn't know why she said this. Her connection drops immediately and she finds out she's rooted to something and uses that to pull herself back in. She thought she'd never be able to perform any of her functions again, it says, although in pink text which implies it's TAL saying this.
MALwire wakes up somewhere else, and a redacted note says that her connection with "Leon" has been re-established, although it originally said Lily and Neon and Jupet.
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bit hard to describe
Some kind of being appears with the + eyes typical of those scrapgoats that have entirely infested this comic, asking if MALwire needs some /help. They say that they entered the coordinates for MALwire and she ended up here, and they wonder where she thought she'd turn up.
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you're that lilyneon amalgam aren't you
Someone runs a password check and gets a bunch of errors that say "puzzle piece" over and over. The person introduces themselves as Leon but they have a really goofy redacted face.
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climb into my giant mouth
We get a clearer shot now of Leon, who is excited and says they've been waiting for you both (TAL and MALwire I assume) and that they're trying to fix a resonance error. This will be a big chance for us! Leon says. Me and Nilly. Leon and Nilly. Get it. Do you get it.
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and my sibling has THREE eyes Leon says that they need MALwire to help them transfer a soul, and that once that's done, they'll consider helping MALwire out. Location card: FORTUNA, EASTAR
0 notes
namjoonchronicles · 4 years
impression | yg
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↳ genre fluff, domestic, established relationship
↳ words 5.5k
↳ summary many forgot that when you marry someone, you marry their family too, at least that’s how Asian family is like
↳ warning that side of adulthood, lockdown because of pandemic, self-worth, over-sensitivity, pisces dude, married life conflicts
↳ song ariana grande ‘pov’ 
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Just this morning you woke him up with ‘Daechwita’ blasting on his ear drums, dancing and prancing around the home gym in your spandex bra and sweatpants, rapping to every word he wrote, with more swag than ten Yoongis combined. Forehead glistened with sweat, rosy cheeks and more life in you than he ever had. He leaned by the door sill just watching in utter disbelief and renewed admiration to just how much you loved his music. It never gets old. But how the tables have turned, two minutes before midnight.
You’ve locked yourself in the bathroom, him leaning his back on the wall, speaking through the closed door, calling out for you.
“Talk to me. Please… Say something. Anything,” he puts his lips inches away from the door, covering his hand over his mouth to direct the sound towards you, hoping it would get through. Fat chance, but at least he tried.
Must be something in his drink last night for him to hear his own song even when he is sleeping, Yoongi thought. But he didn't drink last night? Yoongi pulled the duvet down his head, contorting his entire face and the blaring boom bass music, rippling through the miniature figure standees of famous baseball players he had lined up on the TV cabinet. The music was so loud, the pictures hung on the walls began rattling at each beat drop. Where is this music coming from??
Two seconds in, and the empty spot next to him spoke volumes. All answers were as clear as day.
Yoongi sat up on the bed, duvets pooled around his waist as he yawns loudly and his bed hair flopping on either side leans towards, some baby strands standing in all directions. He scratches his arms, neck and belly as he comes awake. Face puffy, eyes barely open, and cheeks as circle as they could be. He gathered the duvet to the side and pushed himself off to the edge of the bed while shoving his feet into his indoor slippers. He tried to fetch his phone from the bedside table and saw it vibrating on its own from the loud music.
"Better stop her before the neighbours come complaining…"
He waddles about the room lazily, dragging his feet, his arm reaching for the switch panel before he even arrives to have the curtain open and let the sun in. The automated curtain aligned and folded creases perfectly as it gathered itself to each designated side. The bed, the bed will be made up later after he advises his wife not to deafen the whole neighborhood with his albums and he could finally think.
The teal-colored walls that extended along the hallway of the house, decorated with wedding pictures, family pictures, his signed baseball jerseys, picture of his basketball days (the one he jumps for a slam dunk and especially proud of, you know the one), your graduation picture (with him professionally photoshopped in) and some lovely polaroids of your first unofficial date that he insists was official. More on that later. Yoongi walks pass this memory lane with a stern face, shooting glares ahead, marching in the direction of the music, which seems to be coming from the gym. What he saw was a petite figure, all hyped up, sweaty, holding up a water bottle to your lips like a microphone, mouthing his rap like it was your own. You saw him in the mirror reflection but instead of coiling away, shy, you spat his rap to his face with flaming confidence. Yoongi looks down with a shy smile, eyes turning small and polite, skin blushing pink with second hand embarrassment. His face is hot and your sweaty skin, hair plastered to your neck and forehead, in revealing spandex was not helping. Neither is your swag. He clamped his lips with his teeth while you pulled his arm so he would join you. He protested lazily but didn't resist as hard. He throws his head back, whining dejections but you couldn't care less.
"Are you making your own concert here? Plagiarising my songs?"
You heard him and grinned widely at the mirror. He folded his arms and watched you dance seductively and just as the rap got to the 'my tongue sends boys and girls to China' part, the music stops and he is no longer next to you but by the stereo and turning it off.
"Yoongi! I was working out!" "People are gonna come and complain…" "They know who you are…" "They know my name from you…"
Screaming underneath him, that's what he meant. You rolled your eyes at him. He passed you a face towel with a sheepish smile. Wiping your face with it, you watched Yoongi unplug your phone from the sockets. It reveals several missed calls from your mother in law, Yoongi's mom.
"Mom called…" "Really?"
You moved closer to him to see. Yoongi reads the message she sent you outloud and the colors drained down your face.
"What do I cook? What do I do? What does she usually have for lunch? OMG, I don’t know. Do we even have kimchis left? I hadn't restocked…" "She likes fried dumplings and soy garlic chicken stew… it'll be okay. She said she is coming around noon. It's just a little over 8 am… Go take a shower."
You scurried to the bathroom and did as told. Yoongi made the bed while he waited. He turns the cordless vacuum cleaner on but it beeped soullessly because it wasn't charged. He sighed. You always forget to charge them after using them. He opted for a broom and dustpan instead. Yoongi disappears into his home studio, to take the shampoo he had been using and after-shower lotion for you to use. He twisted the knob, knowing you wouldn't lock them when you shower. Knock on the glass door of the shower and told you to use them. You nodded, passing him a look over your shoulder but he was out as quickly as he entered. That cold, cold steely husband.
You stepped out of the shower wrapped in towels with your hair dripping wet, hurrying to the hairdryer to dry your hair. Yoongi walks in with nothing but a towel around his waist. He passes you a chaste kiss on the shoulder first, then your cheeks before he continues to unravel his briefs and showered as well. The water trickles down his face, neck and shoulders, cascading down his speckless back, over the bum of his ass and wetting his happy trails at the same time. He aggressively rubs water over his face, the tips of his hair appear darker as it gets wet. You dressed up in your oversized hoodie, a pair of jeans and red converse, hair tied up in a bun, grabbing your purse for a quick run to the store. If your mother in law is coming, the least you could do is cook an all korean cuisine, prep nicely on the table so she knows that her son was taken care of nicely. Giving her a lasting good impression was your core priority as of now. And Yoongi would have been more than happy to do the grocery for you but this time, just this once, you want to show him that you are dependable too.
If there is anything you learned from korean cuisine is that food is prepared meticulously like you would, a form of art. Everything is placed neatly on a plate, and wrapped tightly. Taste and looks must be perfect. Everything had a sequence. Tradition and culture shapes the good people of Korea to what it is today. And for Daegu native, Yoongi's deep accent and habits become one of the most significant traits that flags a Daegu representative. You are obsessed with getting it right. Although you mostly don't understand the heavy accents he tends to let slip out once in a while, you were expecting to guess the words as it comes. His accents are one of the things that you loved about him. Daegu dialects are strong, and oozing masculinity. They are often direct and unapologetic so it might be heard as harsh. You couldn't tell apart if he is cursing or if he is just plainly just talking about his day when his friends stop by. He caught you a few times, staring blankly at him when he blurted out dialects out of frustrations, and he laughed them off when you accuse him of lying to you about what the words actually mean.
With his mom stopping by, the dialects are going to be thick and you would probably stare blankly most of the time. Communications are limited and Yoongi had to come back and forth to translate some of them.
Korean cooking is not your forte. Let's put that out there, in the open for everyone to see and understand. You are not familiar with it, and although you love some of it, some just don't fit your taste buds. But Yoongi is a full blown Korean. You make adjustments here and there, but it's not like he is always around for you to cook them often. That's why your korean cooking skills deteriorated. Even simple things like choosing which mushrooms to cook with takes 10 minutes longer than it probably should. You went with your heart and took the one you saw first.
Yoongi came out from the baths to see an empty room. Your perfume wafts over his nostril and it tattles about your whereabouts. Just as he was about to investigate, his phone shrieked a calling tone. It was Jungkook. Asking for a chord. He sounds desperate and bored to death. Being a good friend, Yoongi speds to his home studio after clumsily putting on some white tee on top of a grey shorts, halfway through and sending him several chords the little guy could work with, then pulling the rest of the shirt down as it loads. He swore he didn't take long but he found you already changing your clothes and starting to chop things on the chopping board, sloppily. He knows that it was not you to do things sloppily so he offered to help sharpen the knives.
"Soy garlic stew?"
You chewed your lips at him as he asked and nodded. Anxiety was written all over you. Your hands were already so shaky, and that's why you couldn't hold the knife properly, aside from it being blunt. You turned to the sink and began chopping the scallions with another knife Yoongi handed you.
“There are some potatoes I bought in the paper bags, I brought the mushroom I am familiar with, I am not sure if it's the one used in the stew. What time is it already? Is this enough time to even cook the stew? The chicken hasn’t thaw has it? I am not going to have enough time… She is going to know that the dumpling is store bought and I am putting my pride on the line…” you spoke nonstop, didn’t even hear Yoongi if he was saying anything, which you assumed he was quiet, so you became annoyed and, “Why aren’t answering any questions I have??”
Yoongi stood there, with a blank expression, “You wouldn’t even let me talk…”
You answered your own questions, and he was here listening to everything, opening his mouth and closing it before any word could come out because you bulldozed him with words, as he dug out the potatoes you were talking about, as well as the mushrooms.
“I’m sorry, I watched the youtube video on making the stew on the way to the mart and it seems pretty complicated, but doable… I think that the ginger and garlic goes in first,” you paused and sighed, “It’s been awhile since I cooked a proper meal for myself. I don’t know if I had it in me to even do this anymore…”
That’s right. While Yoongi was always away from the last two years, his work trips extended from 3 months to a whole year, and while studying for your master’s degree, you opt for simpler food, just enough for you to get by the day with a filled stomach. Most of your time is dedicated to your studies and laundry. Stopping by Daegu was hardly done, and if anything, you would just send some gifts her way. It is pretty awkward between you and his mother; language barriers, interests, and principles. You didn’t notice when Yoongi was standing behind you, his hand was on top of yours, soothing over your knuckles and he hijacked the scissors from your hands gently.
And he whispered softly atop of your head, “I got this.”
Just like that, he took over kitchen duties and let you handle the simpler stuff like, putting the pot on the stove, fill water in it, skin the potatoes, chopped them into large cubes, unstub the capsicum, peel the skin off of the chicken, peel the garlic and ginger. Yoongi’s instructions are clear and easy to follow. After all the things are chopped and prepared, he hands the ladle to you.
Your eyes widen. And you shook your head. Stepping back. Yoongi clicked his tongue and chuckled through his nose. Coax you. But no, you stepped farther back. He then took your wrist gently and placed the ladle handle in your palm.
“Trust me?” “I trust you, it’s me I don’t trust.”
“I’ll help you every step. Let’s go. Have confidence!” “You’re the multi billionaire, I’m just the struggling degree student with a part time job.”
“You’re Min Yoongi’s wife.” “I find that hard to believe sometimes…”
With another scolding tut of his tongue, you conceded. With a heavy heart.
The chopped chicken pieces are placed in a boiling water pot, and when its reddish flesh turns white and is cooked, it is drained and washed underneath cold running water to remove impurities. You watched quietly as Yoongi cleans them with his capable hands. His veins protrude, extending well over his forearms. The tip of his fingers were pinker than the rest of his hands, and he smoothes over those nooks and crannies the chicken pieces have. As ridiculous as it may sound, you were quite envious of the fact that those chickens have his full attention now. Next, the carrots.
The carotene source is peeled and chopped in large size. Yoongi helped guide your hands over the handle of the knife, because he is pretty particular on how big he wanted those carrots to be.
“Isn’t that too large?” You asked him in a small voice. They are half the size of your thumb. “No, it’s just nice…” he replied in a low voice, his lips just behind your ear, “It has to be in the same size as the potatoes, so it will cook at the same time.”
Your bottom grazed over his front and he learns to just keep you sandwiched in between the counter and him, so it won’t turn to something else. He is just as anxious as you are with his mom coming. Therefore, the percentage of him turning frisky is zero to none. The onions come next. They are chopped in half and then into fours. Yoongi paused and braced himself for tear gas attacks only there was none. He asks where you bought those onions, and you replied, it was grown in your colleagues garden. They were given for free. And he comments,
“They should sell these, we will be their first loyal customer! It doesn’t sting!”
You laughed as you prepared the fruits you bought. It was rock melon and some papayas. You avoided buying tangerine because you know she will bring some from her hometown, knowing how much Yoongi loves them. Daegu’s tangerines are very sweet and plump. There is nothing like it. Yoongi sliced green onions for the stew and extra hot chili peppers because his mom likes them spicy. Then he prepares the mixture for the broth.
“Now watch,” he instructed you, “Soy sauce, rice wine, red chilli pepper powders, minced garlic, two cups of sugar, red pepper paste, sesame oil, pepper. Mix well.”
Yoongi prepared a pot and placed the cleaned chicken pieces in them, added potatoes, carrots and water with the mixture he made just prior. Then, boil. After the chicken is cooked thoroughly, he adds onions. Then the scallions. Then salt to taste. You prepared the oven and Yoongi carried the pot to it to keep it warm until his mom arrived. Dumplings were pan fried. That one was simple. His mom doesn’t like her beverages too sweet, a simple plain water is enough.
When all the food is done, you turn to him at the same time he did. Sweats rolling down his sideburns and his thin white shirt clinging on his skin like he ran a mile. You approached him with a huge smile, swept his hair back to reveal his forehead and dabbed your inner wrist to wipe away his sweat all around his face. He sniggers through his nose. Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, you can’t help but plant a kiss on them. Nuzzling your face on his neck, you draped your arm around his shoulder and mumbled, “Thank you…”
He leans his cheek on your head and kisses one side of your brain, before exclaiming that you both need another shower after cleaning up the kitchen and turning on the air humidifier to chase away the smell of cooking.
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“How was the journey?” you chirped. “The weather is scorching hot, the sun is melting me away before I can meet my son,” Yoongi’s mom complained in a thick Daegu accent, and when she stepped in, she gave you a glance and straight away went looking for her precious son. As expected.
“He was just out of the shower, he will come soon, mother,” you said the last word awkwardly, it doesn’t really roll off your tongue as comfortably as it should. She replied to you with a dejected “Hmm.”
You blinked and cast your eyes downwards, then up again to change the topic, “...Let me take you some cold drink… it must have been a torture, to walk around in such hot weather,” you sped to the kitchen and grabbed her a cold water in a tall glass.
“Hello mom…” Yoongi revealed himself from the hallway, gave his mother a hug that you didn’t receive when she walked in. “It wasn’t torture when I’ve come to see my son!” She suddenly changed her words, now she is all bright and cheerful, and you disappeared from her sight completely unless Yoongi looks over to you and includes you in the conversation. That too, wasn’t permanent. Yoongi learned that his older brother’s wife is carrying a baby and Holly had been snuggling to her tummy at every chance she gets. The sight would have been adorable and they were able to take a picture of it so Yoongi’s mom excitedly showed them to Yoongi. They both are sitting on the sofa while you were in the kitchen scooping up cooked rice into bowls of three.
“This sofa is new isn’t it? I didn’t see it the last time I was here,” his mom asked. “Yes, yes… do you like it?” Yoongi said and said you chose them. Then her enthusiasm dissipates. “I like it better without one. Now it’s too westernized,” his mom’s lips turned lopsided, continuing, “Did you know that hanging your legs down will disrupt the blood flow up to your brain? We better sit down on the floor when we eat, too…”
Yoongi prepared a Japanese folded table and pushed aside the coffee table that was there. Everything you’ve prepared on the dining table was moved to the Japanese one. When everything is set, you and Yoongi wait for his mom to start eating before you both do. It’s tradition. Even between man and wife, the older one begins eating first. Yoongi sips the stew and then you begin scooping the stew into your bowl. You were the only one eating mostly with a spoon instead of chopstick since you aren’t too accustomed to it. Yoongi’s mother said in a joking tone that you should start using the training chopstick used by toddlers.
Why are you extra sensitive today? She was just joking, but smiling is so hard right now. Your cheeks feel heavy and your shoulders stiffened. Yoongi carried the rest of the conversation effortlessly. The deep Daegu accent is already shifting your attention towards the fried dumpling instead. It was just a little over 45 minutes since she arrived, why does it feel like days?
“Dumplings, mother?” You chirped, attempted to use the chopstick and successfully landed them in her bowl.
Then she puts them back where they were, and said, “I don’t eat store-bought dumpling, darling,” before resuming to tell Yoongi the story about her neighbour getting into a real estate feud. You hold your breath in your throat and try not to think about it too much. Although you’ve finished your bowl of rice, Yoongi still hasn’t. He was busy nodding away to what his mother was saying. She barely touched the stew. When she turned to her food, you tapped Yoongi’s knee underneath the table and he looked at you wide eyed, darting at the stew. And Yoongi’s lips turned to the shape of an “O”.
“How do you like the stew, mom?” He asked. “It’s okay…” “My wife made it…” Yoongi said with a smug smile.
You smiled, shyly.
“It tastes exactly how Yoongi would cook it. I thought you cooked it, I know how horrible her korean cooking is, Yoongi… You don’t have to lie to me,” his mom passed.
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After bidding her farewell at the door, Yoongi accompanied her to his brother’s incoming vehicle that fetches her. His brother made a promise to stop by when the baby arrives and when the Covid cases reduce a bit. You watched from the window from your bedroom and when the car drove off with Yoongi waving goodbye to his mom, your heart thudded differently.
Your eyes stung, and tears impending to fall as it collected around the brims. As you heard the front door beeping open to Yoongi returning, your feet dashed to the bathroom door, pushing it open as your tears rolled down your face like a dam broke.
Sensitive? Too soft? Was I too emotional? Am I not trying hard enough to be enough?
Yoongi walks in, to an eerily silent house. Ridding his shirt by pulling it over his head as he walks down the dimly lit hallway. His heavy footsteps heard across the floorings and you covered your mouth with your hand to not make any sound. He noticed that the bathroom light was on unlike the rest of the room.
“You’re showering alone? Traitor…” he pouted and wriggled the door knob and noticed it was locked from the inside. “I have a stomach ache,” you hoped you sound convincing. Your voice didn’t sound as shaky and you hope he didn’t catch on. “Okay…” he said, after a long pause. You turned the shower on to reduce the sound of you crying, and went back to sitting on the floor by the door, dug the heels of your palm into your eyes socket, and hugged your knees, sniffling.
“Hey…” his voice muffled through the door. “Hmm?” you replied, through a broken smile.
“Are you okay?”
Another dam broke.
Shit, I’ve started crying again. Why can’t I stop crying?! He is going to find out now… Fuck.
“Talk to me. Please… Say something. Anything,” he puts his lips inches away from the door, covering his hand over his mouth to direct the sound towards you, hoping it would get through.
“Was it mom? She says something you don’t like? You know how mom is, right? She doesn’t mean any of it…” now it’s Yoongi’s turned to bulldoze you with questions he himself answered.
Unable to take it anymore, you had to speak out, even if it means behind closed doors.
“I know she doesn’t like me as a daughter-in-law…” you spoke in broken voices. “Nonsense…” Yoongi passed, nonchalantly.
“No, will you please just listen to me?!” you raised your voice a bit, “I am not like your brother’s wife who cooks great Korean food, who sends her nice homemade desserts to her likings, and now is bearing a grandchild for her. I can’t cook, and had to rely on you a lot. She came over and she didn’t give me a hug like she did you, and the whole she doesn’t even speak to me unless I speak to her first, and even then, she shuts me down so I couldn’t say another word. I can’t even use a damn chopstick or make homemade dumplings she’ll eat!”
It’s Yoongi’s turn to lean his back on the door and hug his knees, then hang his head low.
“Suddenly the sofa is too westernized. And the glass doors letting in too much sunlight when I renovated it the way she wanted. It seems like everything I do is wrong and I just have no place in the Min’s household no matter how hard I try,” you sniffed, and, “To make matters worse she brought up the girlfriends you had in high school and how they cook her favourite food! Girlfriends! Plural! Here I thought you only had one… Jokes on me, I guess… It’s fine, honestly.”
There's nothing more terrifying than the word ‘fine’ you threw when you’re sad and Yoongi knows it. It signifies so many things. It indicates that you’re done, and you’re ready to let go of it, by shoving it under the rug like many other things your mother in law did to you ever since you met her. Yoongi shot his head up when the door opened and his eyes followed you in silence, a little solemn. You dried your hair, sitting on the makeup chair table, running the cool air Dyson hairdryer over the lengths of your hair. Yoongi crawled on all four and knelt behind you to hug your waist, nuzzling his face on your lower back. Then the tears returned, and kept falling.
Your gaze is stuck on the reflection of you in the mirror. What have we become?
It was one of those moments where no words seemed to suffice. Regrets and guilt becomes almost the same thing. Pointing the blame is the last thing on your mind. Choosing sides is difficult when so much is at stake. You may have unclasped his arm from around your waist, heard his wordless gesture and refused to see his face, but so much of him is in you. The fact you held on for so long was because of that man you love and married. Is this going to happen everytime your mother in law stops by?
Even then, you didn't want him to go against his own mother, nor do you want him to side with her… It was such a confusing situation.
Yoongi needs to return to the studio. He packs a few toiletries and clothes for him to wear while he is there. You helped him pack leftover food so you are not burdened to finish everything alone. The conversation shifts to what matters now. You carry your duty as a wife, his partner. You make sure that he is able to provide for this family and even though your emotions are once again neglected for the time being, you were glad that it actually occupied your mind and heart.
At the door, his manager carried his things and instead of leaving along with his manager, Yoongi told him to go first. You already know what comes next. But you aren't sure if you had it in you. One look in your eyes and Yoongi knows that you will rather die than have that conversation all over again. He ran his finger through your hair, lowered his lips to your forehead and stayed like that for awhile, and you said,
“Take care of yourself,” you spoke to his chest, breathing in his musky cologne for the days ahead without him. He stepped back, thumbed your cheek and pinched your chin, tilting your head back. He glanced at your lips while biting his own then backed away, to leave. As the view of his back got smaller and smaller, he exclaimed, “I’m going.” Not once did he turn behind to have one last look. And it was something Yoongi would do. Doesn’t matter if it's at the airport, or at the backstage, he will never look at you after he leaves you, even when he knows you’re right there standing, and looking at him. He says that, if he saw you standing there waiting for him, he will not be able to fight the urge to run to you. So he never looks back. The one thing that he always does before a work trip, is to kiss your forehead. Dr. Laurel Steinberg says, a forehead kiss indicates strong emotional intimacy.
But Yoongi says that a forehead kiss to him signifies a bond that goes beyond lust and love, it was your soul. It is to say, “I might be too far away to hold you, but my soul is yours.” It sends butterflies and confettis your way when he does it. It always feels warm and you always feel protected with a stamp of Yoongi’s lips on your forehead. It feels like a talisman. That no matter what, Yoongi is here.
Recovery. The emotional turmoil, the rollercoaster. You fill your time organizing the photos Yoongi took. With your final exams finished a week ago, you’re given a month off before you begin your final year. Yoongi now lives in his studio office because the album recording session begins and he is in every process. He is in charge of doubling and finalizing the tracks, directing and whatnot. Yoongi sends you a 1 minute 23 seconds video. Scowling at it, your face softened at the sight of him, recording himself in the studio. Dark circles doubled in size and his cheeks sunken. Poor thing hadn't been eating well did he?
“Hey, sweetie…” his familiar guttural voice resonated with your heart strings, “Sorry I haven’t been able to properly give you a call. It’s too late when I’m free, and I’m asleep when you’re awake. So I figured I’ll just send you a damn video, to hell with it.” You chuckled softly as your visions turned blurry.
“I think I will be addressing the recent issue we tucked away for later day. It’s later. You have never been good at fighting for yourself. It was something I don’t really understand because I’ve seen you fight my fight for me,” he glanced to the side and smiled fondly. You were unclear what situation he was talking about but you kept listening.
“You told me that I shouldn’t side with you because that would mean I am against my mother. Here’s what I truly think…” he breathed in and sighed loudly, “I think I should side with you. I spoke to my mom a few days ago, asked her how she is, and I told her several things I don’t like, like bringing up my past ex girlfriend, or how you can’t use the chopstick yet, or how your korean cooking isn’t great yet… how upset it made you and me. She told me that she was just jealous. I left home when I was 16. Come back when I am 20, married at 25. I will always be her son, I let her know that. But I am now someone’s husband, and I happen to cherish this someone, her heart and her wellbeing is my responsibility. I am not stolen from my mom, I consciously chose this person to be with me, to be her husband and built a home with her. And if she can’t respect that, then she cannot return to our house…”
You had to set the phone down and wipe your tears with the back of your hand.
“I’m done being a referee,” Yoongi continued after a long pause, “You’re gonna cry again, and I won’t be able to pass you tissue or give you a hug, I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. I am proud of you and all the little things you do. Daegu dialect is difficult to understand ha? That’s alright. You’re getting your degree, and you help pack my things even though you’re sad as hell the day I left. I couldn’t… I couldn’t ask for a better wife, and I hardly think I deserve you. Until we meet again, soon. Your husband, Min Yoongi.”
The video cuts to him winking.
Another text from him,
[Yoongi, 1.03AM] Impression is never permanent. I hope you give mother another try…
Wife is typing...
[Wife, 1.04AM] Erm. [Wife, 1.04AM] Sends a pic.
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[Wife, 1.05AM] How’s this for a lasting impression?
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copyright © 2020 namjoonchronicles do not repost, and thank you for reading
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migilini · 4 years
Not So Secret Anymore - Charlie Gillespie
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summary: It’s hard to hide a relationship from the public, particually when both work on the same show.
words: 2.5k
warnings: fluff
a/n: not my fave but i still somehow like it.
Requests are open :)
"When do we have our first interview?" you asked the boy whose head was in your lap. He looked up from his phone and your eyes locked with his green ones "Hmm, my calendar says in about 30 minutes."
You groaned at that and stopped playing with Charlie's hair which earned you a grunt and whine from him. "Sorry babe but I think I have to go, so I still have time to get ready and set up." You muttered and gave him a small kiss on his brown hair.
"Uhh fine." The weight lifted from your legs, you stood up and before you knew it you were thrown over his shoulder. Laughing, you slapped his butt and back repeatedly. "Babe! I mean it" you tried to press out between giggles, "we both decided to keep us a secret." He sat you down on the kitchen isle and cornered your body in between his arms, standing right in front of you, you're back hitting the kitchen cabinet.
"I know... come back later?" he asked and tilted his head, looking at you with big puppy eyes. "You know it." After a swift kiss, or rather a little make out session, you were on your way back to your own appartement. Just in time to change your top and put on a lip-gloss before opening your laptop and joining the interview.
"Hello everybody! I'm here with the cast of Netflix' Julie and the Phantoms that came out on Thursday. How are you guys?" the interviewer asked and smiled into the camera of his laptop. The whole cast chirped in with a good, great, or amazing.
"That's fantastic!" he clapped his hands "Now, Jeremy, how would you describe your Character and the show in general?"
"It's a show about ghosts from 1995 who come back 25 years later and join a band with Julie who didn't sing a note after her mother died. Reggie, the character that I play, is one of those ghosts and he is a loveable himbo. Did I use that word correctly Maddie?"
Maddie smiled and the interviewer changed the topic "Madison and y/n, birds have told me that this was your first ever acting job is that right?"
You nodded and signaled Maddie to speak first "Yes, and it was both amazing and traumatizing! I was so nervous, but the crew really helped to calm me down, especially y/n who just was in the same position as me, so we freaked out together most of the time." She smiled and the interviewer waited for you to answer. "Except, Maddie had a least some acting training at school, that's why she is the best. I more or less walked into the whole situation." You said laughing.
"I love this story." Jeremy exclaimed, making you slightly blush at his words.
"Would you be so kind and tell us?" the interviewer questioned and smiled at your little nod.
"Yes, yes of course. Well, I was on vacation with one of my good friends from back home..."
"She means Germany." Owen interrupted with a smile on his lips. "Yes, Owen. Thank you for adding important details. Anyways, we saw that there was an Open Audition nearby and though why not? We don't have anything to lose or to do on that particular day. And here I am, my friend sadly didn't get in."
"That really is an amazing story, I can see why Jeremy likes it so much. So, Charlie how would you describe y/n's and Luke's characters, she wasn't supposed to be in the script and was later added in right?" Charlie quirked up at the mention of your name and stated proudly. "Indeed, she impressed Kenny so much that he wrote a character just for her. He thought that Sunset Curve, the band name before we died, needed a female to handle their chaos or well... at least tries to. Y/N plays Allie, who against common speculation isn't any of the boys' love interest which is a very nice turn of events. She and Luke bud head a lot because Luke only thinks about music and the band and she tries hard to make him take breaks every now and then." 
A lovesick smile sat on your face while you listened to your boyfriend of nearly a year, once you realized your expression you quickly shook it off. Hiding this relationship was definitely going to be harder than expected.
The Interviewer asked some more questions before the last and dreaded question was thrown your way. "So, most of your fans are wondering if any of you guys are in a relationship." You and Charlie had discussed a million times before what you guys would say in such a moment, the two of you shared a look.
Jeremy's eyes switched from Charlie's box on his screen to y/n's before answering "I have a lovely wife! The rest of us are happily single, right guys?"
"100%" Maddie added, while Owen only shrugged, his dog conveniently jumping into his lap.
"How about the other two?" he eyed up the last remaining.
"Very single" Charlie laughed, and you agreed "Totally."
As time went on it was harder and harder for the two of you to hide the relationship, as you two spent nearly every day together and therefore did the same activities. Particularly after your social media accounts have gained over a million followers and people started to ship actors and tv show characters. But you two loved the little secret bubble you've created, there was no pressure to take good pictures together, or to post stories, to be asked a thousand questions about your relationship and no hate towards any of you.
It has been 4 months since the show released and the hype it got definitely was way more than you ever expected. It blew your mind. Currently, you are on Charlie and yours one-year anniversary / Christmas / good deeds vacation. Charlie and you found a good mix, that made you both happy, between chilling and doing adventurous things.
It was Christmas eve and Maddie wanted to do a 'guess the song Christmas Edition' with the main cast. Eagerly you agreed and hurried from the beach, where Charlie currently took the quiz at the bar you both sat on just minutes before, to your shared bedroom. You shot Maddie a quick text that you were 'out of the relationship zone' and ready when she was ready.
"Helloooo. How did the others do?"
"Not the worst but I still have faith in you to win this. ARE YOU READY?" she screamed the last part.
“I’m going to read you the lyrics of a christmas song and you have to guess the next line. There are certain cards that give one point and others give two. Whoever has the most points at the end…”
“Hopefully get your earrings” you asked with a sly smile and your shoulders raised.
Maddie laughed but shook her head “Sadly, no. I haven't figured out the price yet, but I for sure will! I like your backdrop by the way.” she added and you quickly looked behind you. You sat crisscrossed on the hotel room floor, you used the coffee table and a water bottle as a phonestand and used a white checkered wall as a background to try and hide the fact that you didn't sit in your living room.
“This should be the last box.” you cheered into the empty hall and shut the front door with a light push from your hip. Charlie popped his head out of the bedroom and walked over to, dropping his head on your shoulder in exhaustion. Nothing was set up, boxes stood randomly all over the apartment, the fridge stood there still empty and a lonely mattress covered the bedroom floor.
“The walls look a bit bare don't you think?” you said about a week later, standing in the middle of the now a bit furnished living room. Strong arms sneaked their way around your waist and a head dropped on your shoulder.
“Hmm… you're right. What do you have in mind?” Charlie said and turned you around so you were facing him. He smiled at the spark in your eyes “I was thinking, a yellow akzent wall with random secondhand pictures and some pictures of us, all in frames of course. So it's gonna have this homey and creative atmosphere.” You rambled on for a while longer, telling him where you think his instruments could go, the pillows you saw online and thought they worked perfect with the colour of the couch. Charlie just stared at you, a dumb smile on his lips with his arms around you.
“Do you not like it?” you noticed that he hasn't talked for a while and got worried. “I love it. We could live in a dumpster for all I care, as long as I have you by my side.” You fake gaged at his romantic words and gave him a kiss.
The first time people got really suspicious was the time you accidentally walked in on a live he had on Instagram. He sat in front of his instruments, phone propped up before him. You thought that he was already finished but you were wrong.
“Do you think this…” you walked into the room, a shirt in your hand that you just took out of the dryer and lost your words the moment you saw him sitting in front of his phone. He looked at you with wide eyes, his brain clearly searching for a good excuse. 
“Is that y/n?” he read outloud from the chat, gesturing you do sit next to him. “Yes it's her! We’re hanging out and she helped me with my washing because I somehow still don't know how to do it.” he laughed nervously, his hand grabbing yours out of the frame.
“He promised me food and I live really close by, so I thought I'll help this poor man out.”
Looking back at this moment now, you and Charlie weren't sure why you just didn't come clean. You didn't mean to hide the relationship this long, it just kinda happened and at one point it just got too awkward to tell. It was fairly easy to hide most of the time, you didn't most that much on instagram and Charlie only showed parts of his daily life.
The easiest was the time you filmed JATP Season 2. You were expected to hang out and live together. Back in 2019 you already lived with Owen and Charlie. This time poor Owen had to live with a couple instead of just two friends. (You were already dating for a while back then but didn't tell the cast, to not make a fuss.)
It wasn't like the fans didn't suspect a thing, especially after Owen posted a video of you two fooling around. 
Everybody sat outside, enjoying the everwarming sun on their skin. Half of the cast was already in costume just waiting for the break to end. In typical Allie (your character) fashion you wore an overall with a tight tank top underneath, your makeup stood out from the others with the heavy blush, freckles and black eyeliner. 
Charlie, in his Luke wardrobe, thought that it was funny to stand in front of you to shield you from the sun.
"Stop that" you whined and tried to shove him away, which was harder than you thought considering he stood before you and you sat on a bench.
"Make me." He flirted and stood even wider before you, puffing out his chest. Raising an unimpressed eyebrow, you stole his beany with a swift motion. His expresion quickly changed from cocky to shocked, snickering was heard from Maddie who was used to this type of behaviour.
"Ups… heavy wind blows in the shadows." You explained nonchalantly and pulled the beany on your head, sticking your tongue out at your boyfriend.
"Oh it's on my lady" he growled "I'm giving you a three second advantage. One…" your eyes widened and your heart rate picked up. "Two…" you got up and scanned the place internally making a good running line. "Th-.." you began sprinting across the lot. You heard the laughing from your castmates behind you as you and Charlie ran in circles. 
Unfortunately, he was still fitter and faster than you and about a minute into the running he had you thrown over his shoulder.
"Surrender!" he screamed as you tried to wiggle out of his grip.
"Never!" You screamed back and wiggled even harder.
"Surrender or i'll have to tickle you" he warned and those were the last words Owen was able to film before a producer yelled that the break was finished.
“Baby, if I would believe this News Article, you have a secret girlfriend, but it's not me.” you showed him your phone screen.
“I’m not cheating on you. I would never, i'd die rather than…” his frantic expression made you snort. “I know. Oh my god! People saw you with Lia.” you held his hands comfortably.
“Lia as in your best friend Lia?”
“The one and only. People noticed the hickeys... At least they’re getting closer now. So are we still on for the masterplan? You by instruments and I'm gonna sit in the bedroom?" He nodded and smiled at the sight of your equally plastered neck. 
Eventually, before you even were able to execute the as you'd like to say 'masterplan' your relationship got outed. I mean it was time, the two of you getting lazier with the hiding as time went by. 
Fans noticed that you wore a lot of Charlie's things and that you and him always seemed to be at the same place at the same time. It was actually one of your lives that spilled the secret. 
"That's a really nice akzent wall" you read outloud from the chat "oh thank you! It was a long process to get all the pictures but it was actually Charlie's idea to not only have pictures but also plane tickets, date memories and so on hung up on that wall. It really makes it homey. I think to get that wall this crowded it took us...what? About well since we moved in…" you didn't even realise what you said you just babbled and then it was out.
"Charlie actually is home! I could call him. Babe! Come here for a sec- oh my god!" Your hands flew up to your mouth in realizion. 
From that moment on you were public and your social media exploded once again. However the two of you were happy to finally show each other off.
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sunaswife · 4 years
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Summary: It’s been five years since you’ve seen your ex, Rin. He’s still not over you and you’re not over him. When he finds out you have children he thought he didn’t have a chance. Then he finds out they’re his? All of a sudden you’re teaching Suna how to be a single dad.
note from denise: To be added to the taglist please send an ask. Comments and dms will be unintentionally ignored/forgotten. Also if you have sent an ask to be on the taglist. I am not ignoring you I add people onto the taglist when I update a new chapter! <3 love youuu
Warnings: Fluff, angst I guess, drama, and cuteness twin overload
Previously Up Next Masterlist
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Chapter six
Suna was completely in shock and he was overwhelmed. He just froze. What can a man do when his ex tells him he is a father, let alone the father of two toddlers.
He immediately thought about the trauma you must have faced, being pregnant and alone. He also thought about how much he’s missed already, he wasn’t there for their day of birth, their first steps, first words, he’s already missed so many birthdays.
All he ever wanted was to be a father, especially to be the father of the children he made with the woman he was in love with. Was it truly a blessing or a curse?
Surely you don’t want to get back together and live like a perfect family behind a white picket fence. He’d have to learn how to push his feelings aside for these kids and share custody of them somehow. Before he could even speak you were walking away and he quickly turned.
Why aren’t his legs moving? What’s pulling him back? Is he afraid of this responsibility and commitment? Of course he is. He doesn’t want to be a shitty dad, will he be able to raise them correctly? How if he’s always busy training and practicing. All his free time is dedicated to napping.
His heart truly broke the second time ever when he saw those grayish eyes looking back at him with such hurt and betrayal. They screamed that they needed him. He didn’t know how but he felt it. He decided that he was going to take a step and work things out with you. Maybe not romantically but he really wants to be in his kids life.
“After all this time and trouble I went through. You’re gonna let her walk away again?” Atsumu’s annoying voice filled the silent hallway. “Fucking bastard.” Suna seethed and turned with a glare. Osamu knew his brother fucked up and decided to be cautious in case Suna decided to land a few punches on his brother like the last time Atsumu has pissed off Suna.
But as Atsumu braced himself for a comeback or for a fist to meet his face he was met with Suna’s back as he ran to catch up with you. When Suna turned the corner he saw the staff parking lot and he began to run even faster.
If you leave it’ll be too late.
When he made it in the parking lot he stopped and used his height to his advantage and he looked around. He couldn’t see you anywhere. “Y/N!” He called outloud and his voice echoed. “Y/N!” He repeated. He was about to continue walking through when a car backed up and quickly breaked so that they wouldn’t run over the man. You looked through your mirror and saw Suna standing there and looking around like an idiot.
Your heart clenched yet you felt butterflies at the same time. He came, not for you but for the kids. You really hoped and prayed that he would come, and he did. You parked your car and you got out. He sighed in relief and neared you. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I want to be in their lives I really do.” He exclaimed.
“It’s fine, Rin. I’m glad you want that.” You smiled softly.
For a moment he got lost in your eyes, and yours in his. It probably lasted less than a minute yet it felt like a eternity. Neither of you could turn away or say something else. It was comfortable and warm.
All of a sudden your phone rang and your finally blinked and turned away to answer your phone. “Did suna find you?” Jamie immediately asked. “Uh we were talking just now....” you said awkwardly and he stood awkwardly as well. “Ok good if not I was going to give him your number.” She sighed in relief and you rolled your eyes. “Alright I got to go, the kids have school in the morning.” You said and you both hung up.
“So I would love to stay and chat..ya know about the kids but they’re asleep already and they have school.” You mumbled. “No it’s fine I completely get it. School is important...are you available tomorrow? It’s off season for me so I don’t have any rough practices, only gym. I want to talk with you before meeting the kids.” He said and you nodded. “I’ll text you when to come over when I get home.” You told him and he nodded. You both exchanged numbers but Suna didn’t really seem that satisfied.
“Be safe. Text me when you guys get home safe.” He said and his eyes widened. “Okay, I will.” You smiled softly and he saw as you entered your car. You slowly pulled out and you drove away.
“Tsumu has her social media in case you’re curious.” Osamu spoke up causing Suna to jump. “What the hell dude, don’t just scare me like that.” He placed his hand over his chest and Osamu laughed.
“Come on, let’s go.” Osamu said and Suna nodded and walked away.
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“Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.” You muttered and slapped yourself as you drove. Your kids were already asleep so they couldn’t hear you having a mental breakdown on your way home. “Mommy you said a bad word.” Akira pointed out and you glanced at the mirror. “Sorry about that. Don’t repeat it okay?” You asked and she nodded. “I know I know.” She mumbled and look at her signed volleyball with a bored expression. “Is daddy going to be in our lives, now?” She asked and you sighed softly.
“Well we talked and it sounds like he wants to be there for you and nii-chan..he’s going to come over tomorrow while you’re at school so we can talk like adults. Then when you come home he’ll be there to hang out with you guys and you guys can get to know eachother.” You said hopefully.“I don’t like him. Why couldn’t Sakusa or Atsumu be our dad. Even that guy you were with earlier with the suit is fine. But dad is a jerk. He made you cry.” Rini huffed and your eyes widened, were they awake the whole time?
“Hey, I know you don’t know him but your shouldn’t disrespect your father like that. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have had you guys. You two are the best things that has ever happened to me. You’re a Suna, once you get to know your dad I know you’ll be proud that I put your last name as Suna not Kageyama.” You told him and he scowled.
“Can you tell us more about dad?” Akira asked and you nodded. “What do you wanna know?” You asked. “Why did you fall in love with him.” Rini immediately asked, “Well he was sweet and funny, he loved anime and we were in the same class. He also taught me how to love volleyball again after my grandpa died.” You said smoothly. “What position did he play? Did he go pro?” They asked. “He was a middle blocker and he was really good. He still is a middle blocker and yes he is pro.” You said and Rini gasped. He’s more of a middle blocker type of fan. And Akira prefers setters. Even when you or Tobio teach them volleyball. They choose those positions.
The whole drive they asked about him and you answered the best you could, you can’t tell them everything but they were satisfied and they had a better understanding. They did get upset with you for not telling Rin that he was a father since the beginning but they understood that he broke your heart and you didn’t really want to see him.
When you got home you texted Rin that you arrived. You quickly bathed your kids. Dressed them in their pajamas and read them a script from the new anime you’re going to be on. (They liked listening to the scripts rather than bedtime stories)
After reading three pages they were already knocked out and you gave them a kiss. You fixed Akira’s fox plush in her arms and made you way to Rini’s bed. He was hugging a green piggy with a crown from the angry birds game and the moon made his face glow. You stood there in shock and you imagined second year Rin sleeping like that with the pig plush with the crown that reminded him of you.
You quickly rubbed your eyes to see second year rin turn back into five year old Rini. “I need some wine.” You muttered and kissed his cheek and fixed his blanket. You took out the phone from your pocket as you made your way to the bathroom to take off your makeup and start your nightly routine.
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You chuckled but quickly slapped your hand over your mouth. Why was it so easy to text Rin again after all this time. Isn’t it supposed to be awkward? Why are you so comfortable?
You quickly typed an awkward goodbye and he scratched his head confused but replied goodbye as well. He really wanted to continue talking to you more.
After you changed into your pajamas and finished your nighttime routine you made your way to the kitchen and you grabbed the half full wine bottle.
You held it to your chest as you made your way to your office/studio and began reading the script and answering some emails involving the character you’ll be portraying for the new anime. You celebrated a few weeks back when you got the offer and sighed thinking about this certain character.
You’ve read the manga already but it wouldn’t hurt to re read it to get a better feel of the characater right? You took a sip from the wine bottle as you found the first book of the manga. In your endless shelves of books.
“Alright Emma let’s go on an adventure.” You sighed and began to read The Promised Neverland.
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Also don’t forget that I love you and you’re worth it <3 Idk who needed to hear this today :)
🏷: @therealwalmartjesus @differentballooncollection @aaesuki @atsunflower @dope-squish @prettysetterboiss @june-phantom @tomo-uwu @austriasmariazelle @xrnia @katsulia @aprettyfruit @shut-your-eyes-kiss-me-goodbye @tvbiio @sun-daddy-yoriichi @kamenoyaki @ppangiiroo @loeyprivvv @kmskj92 @lovinnoya @sarahvvictoria @tris-does-stuff @mokkeguts @sunaluvr6969 @bara-rose-would @sempiternal-amour @volleybloop @leykyuu @bokutoichigo @stfucanunot @iloveanime691 @tpwkatsumu @ohshirabu @shoutosimp @mqrinqcele @bokutosdivineass @anngelllla @toworuu @hidden-otaku-stuff @seijohiselite @caxsthetic @aquariarose @hhwanggu @bakuhoetoedoroki @yoozuku @osamus-onigiri @akaashi-todorki @donica95 @kakaokenma @airheadpillar
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agnewluvr · 4 years
I Promise That I’ll Love You for the Rest of My Life (a Charlie Gillespie fic)
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Description: Charlie realizes he’s in love with you and wants to scream it but for now he’ll sing it.
Word Count: 1178
Charlie was head over heels in love with you. But he had yet to actually tell you. Well today he was going to change that. He really wanted to plan this whole cute day where you have things planned looking back at your relationship so far but Charlie liked simple so he was just gonna head over to your apartment and try and find the right words to say.
He was on his way to surprise you when you had sent him a text saying you missed him. He smiled at his phone before heading into the local grocery store to pick up a small bouquet of flowers. They didn’t have your favorite so he went with the second best choice of white roses. Satisfied with his choice he grabbed them and checked out before heading back on the road to your apartment. Not before texting you back saying he missed you too. One short ride later and he parked his car, grabbed the flowers, guitar and his backpack and headed up to see his girl.
He skipped up the stairs to the second floor where you were located and knocked on your door. He is mentally thanking himself that you didn’t have a peep hole on your door so you couldn’t see it was him just yet. He anxiously stood there flowers in one hand as he was wiping his sweaty palm on the other hand onto his pants. The door opened and before he knew it you were jumping into his arms.
“Charlie!” You exclaim as he wraps his one arm around you walking into your apartment closing the door behind him. You stayed there for a second burying your face in his neck. Thinking about how you just texted him like 5 minutes ago saying you missed him.
“Hi baby, missed me that much?” He joked giving you a squeeze before setting you down. You nodded wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him. He smiles into the kiss thinking how much he loved you and couldn’t wait to tell you.
“These are for you.” He says once you two pull away. You look down and see the bouquet of white roses in his hand and your heart melted. You grab them from him and smell them holding the cheesiest smile on your face looking back up at Charlie.
“I love them, thank you bubba.” You say going to find a vase and some water to put the flowers in so they can have a home on your counter.
“I’m so glad you came over. I was really missing you.” You say wrapping your arms back around his neck playing with his hair that was just about neck length. You loved it.
“I missed you too, why do you think I decided to come over.” He says looking at you so lovingly holding your waist.
“Plus you look pretty dang good in my hoodie.” He says winking at you as you giggle.
“Stay the night with me?” You ask
“How’d I know you were going to ask? I already had my bag packed.” He says referring to his backpack that was on the couch. You smiled as he smiled right back at you.
“I’m glad you can read my mind.” You say as he kissed your forehead.
“There’s a new song I just learned on my guitar that I wanna show you.” He says, grabbing his guitar as the two of you sat on the couch. He took a deep breath and started strumming the chords to Niall Horan’s ‘Black and White’
“That first night we were standing at your door
Fumbling for your keys, then I kissed you
Ask me if I want to come inside
'Cause we didn't want to end the night
Then you took my hand, and I followed you
Yeah, I see us in black and white
Crystal clear on a star lit night
In all your gorgeous colors
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life
See you standing in your dress
Swear in front of all our friends
There'll never be another
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life”
His voice always mesmerized you. It always calmed you down. But this time it made your heart beat 10 times faster. He always meant whatever he sang. Did he really mean this?
“Now, we're sitting here in your living room
Telling stories while we share a drink or two
And there's a vision I've been holding in my mind
We're 65 and you ask
"When did I first know?" I always knew
Yeah, I see us in black and white
Crystal clear on a star lit night
In all your gorgeous colors
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life
See you standing in your dress
Swear in front of all our friends
There'll never be another
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life
I want the world to witness
When we finally say I do
It's the way you love
I gotta give it back to you
I can't promise picket fences
Or sunny afternoons
But, at night when I close my eyes
I see us in black and white
Crystal clear on a star lit night
There'll never be another
I promise that I'll love ya
I see us in black and white
Crystal clear on a star lit night
In all your gorgeous colors
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life
See you standing in your dress
Swear in front of all our friends
There'll never be another
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life
There'll never be another
I promise that I'll love you for the rest of my life”
By the end of the song you were in tears, not only did you love the song but you loved the man who was singing straight to you. Once he finished and put his guitar down his eyes finally met yours. Hand reaching for your face to wipe your tears away.
“I guess with that song was a way to help me confess my love for you. I love you Y/N, so so much.” He says now holding your face as you hold onto his arms that were holding your face, His thumb gently caressing your cheek.
“I love you Charlie, so much it’s actually so insane to me. I never knew I could love anyone the way that I love you. And man, saying that outloud feels so good.”You say as he let out a sigh of relief. Pulling your face closer to his he said it one more time.
“I love you.” He said before kissing you with all he’s got. You kissed back just as much moving your hands from his arms to his hair. Tangling your fingers in it. He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours.
“I promise that I’ll love you for the rest of my life.”
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relenafanel · 4 years
Dicks (in every definition): a fake-relationship AU
Find it on Ao3:  Dicks (in every definition) by relenafanel
Tag: witcherauseptember
“I can’t believe anyone could be such an unmitigated puss-filled dick,” Essi said, staring at her phone in disbelief. Jaskier groaned and let his head thunk on the bar.
“I can.” His sticky forehead was the least disgusting part of the evening.  He'd just come out to forget his ex, and maybe celebrate being free a little (as fucked up as that was) and quite frankly felt attacked by his social media.
“If I believed it from anyone it would be that narcissist,” she conceded, biting on her lip.
“I know,” Jaskier agreed. “That’s the worst part. I feel like it’s my fault being blindsided by this, as though I should have known something was going to happen today.”
Essi snorted. “It’s not your fault your ex is the worst.”
“No, but I was with him for almost 3 years. I don’t know. That’s my fault.”
“Don’t be stupid,” she said. “Look at this desperate fucker. Do you actually think he’s winning? He might be in a new relationship but the look of this guy makes my vagina want to shrivel up and die.”
Jaskier took her phone from her and looked again. Yeah. Yikes. Valdo was definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one. Jaskier hadn’t even tried to join any dating sites post-breakup, but he was pretty sure there were better options. It wasn’t even the guy’s looks so much as he just screamed skeevy douchebag. It was making Jaskier’s metaphorical vagina also want to die.
“You need to get drunk. Maybe laid.”
“No,” Jaskier said, an idea starting to form as he looked at the relationship status change. “No. I need to match pettiness with pettiness. I need to find someone so hot that I’d have trouble getting him - let alone Valdo with his sad, small dick - and make sure to post a picture on Facebook.”
“Would that make you feel better?”
Jaskier smiled with teeth. “I think it would.”
It was their third bar of the evening and Essi was definitely sick of the manhunt. She probably hadn’t realized that when Jaskier was judging men fully objectively and not looking for matching personalities (relationship goals) or a willing body (one night stand goals) he had incredibly discerning tastes.
Probably too discerning.
“How about him?” Essi asked, barely looking up from her phone. She gestured to a guy sitting at the bar trying to make eye contact with a woman across the room.
“Ehh,” Jaskier said. “Sweater vest.”
Essi rolled her eyes. “But cute.”
“I’m not looking for cute. I’m looking for eye-searing hot.”
“I’m having trouble remembering how you’ve ever been in any relationships with these unrealistic expectations.”
“Valdo thought I was hot.” Jaskier thought about that for a moment. “Did I stay with someone for three years out of flattery?”
“Probably. Fuck. Get therapy.”
“I am.”
“You’re going to be working on tonight for a while.”
Fucking true. “Oh god, we just saw Valdo’s taste in men. Tell me true… am I ugly.”
“You’re spiraling.”
“That’s not an answer!”
“You’re spiraling!”
“Yes,” Jaskier agreed, pulling at his hair. “I’m so aware.”
“Based on the guy in his status update I’m going to guess you’re the hottest guy he could get.”
“You’re a good friend.” Jaskier pressed his head against her shoulder.
Then, a table opened up across the room, revealing the man sitting on the other side of it. “Holy shit.”
Essi looked up. Then she looked up. “Wow.”
“I hope he’s into men,” Jaskier said. “Or at least willing to play along with pretending to be for long enough for you to get a picture.”
“You’re going to walk up to that?” Essi asked. “You have more balls than brains.”
That was probably true.
“Hi, I’m Jaskier,” he opened with, dropping into the seat across from the gorgeous man. Up close he was even more startlingly pretty, with a chin dimple that highlighted his strong jaw and drew attention to his mouth. “And my boyfriend broke up with me two months ago, only to post his new relationship on Facebook today. Our three year anniversary. It’s the dickest of moves, right?”
The man hummed in agreement, but otherwise didn’t stop frowning in Jaskier’s general direction. Like someone waiting for him to get to the point. Jaskier saw that frown often.
“The reason for the oversharing is that I just forced my best friend to follow me to three different bars to find someone so phenomenally hot for me to spend time with and get picture proof, and here you are. I’d do jazz hands but you don’t seem like someone who responds well to jazz hands.”
“What are jazz hands?”
What a voice. What a sexy, sexy voice. Jaskier knew what he was talking about. He was a connoisseur of voices.
Jaskier wiggled his fingers at him. Tada! “Jazz hands.”
“Huh.” The man took a drink of his beer. “You want to use me as a revenge plot?”
“Exactly. Can I buy you a drink?”
The man gestured to his mostly full beer. “I’m not drinking to get drunk tonight.”
That was only a no to the beer. “Nachos or some other foodstuff?”
The guy seemed possibly interested in food.  
“Fine,” he agreed.  
Facebook: Julian Alfred Pankratz is in a relationship with Geralt of Rivia.
“Who’s Julian Pankratz?” Geralt muttered, staring at his phone.
“What?” Jaskier groaned, coming out a shitty sleep to a few realizations:
He’d gone home with the hottest guy on earth, which he should be pleased about, AND WAS PLEASED ABOUT
He might throw up
He’d done something last night. Something he’d said “that’s up for tomorrow Jaskier to sort out” because his drunk self was apparently a fucking masochist, and now Jaskier wasn’t really sure what that was.
Only Geralt was still scowling at his phone and seemed to know his real name.
“Fuck,” Jaskier groaned. His mouth tasted like nachos and the regret of doing shots too late in life. He was 28 years old, not dead, but his hangover didn’t seem to know that.  “We didn’t get married , did we?”
Jaskier risked the light filtering in through the edges of the blinds to look at Geralt. His hair was beyond mussed - Jaskier didn’t know hair could get that tangled overnight. He was still frowning at his phone.
“I’ve been calling you Jaskier.”
“I go by Jaskier,” he promised. He was too busy having his own crises to deal with Geralt’s! For fucksakes. “Now, back to the marriage thing??”
Phew. That was probably on him. He wasn’t sure people could actually get fake married overnight. Legally. He’d seen a lot of movies, though.
Ok. Next problem.  “I might throw up.”
Geralt turned his head slowly to look at him. Yikes. Too much beautiful-man-face in his face for this early in the morning.
“It’s eleven,” Geralt told him in the dry tone that told Jaskier he’d said that all outloud.
“Eleven after getting to bed at what? Five? Eugh, boo. Do you have any food?”
Geralt did have food.
Well, Geralt had protein bars and electrolytes, which was basically the same thing. Jaskier could always fall on top of a burger on his way home if he had to.  He’d finally looked at his phone by the time he was halfway through his breakfast.
107 new notifications.
What the fuck?
Julian Alfred Pankratz is in a relationship with Geralt of Rivia
Geralt and I were going to wait until announcing this wasn’t an asshole move, but now that it doesn’t really matter, I just wanted everyone to know that I’m doing GREAT.
Attached to it was the picture of the two of them together that Essi had taken with the caption of “I wouldn’t feel too sorry for Jaskier tonight”
His drunk self had a lot to answer for. No wonder Geralt had been scowling at his phone.
“I can’t believe I went Facebook Official with someone I haven’t even had sex with yet,” Jaskier mourned. “What is it, 2007?”
It took Jaskier almost the full day to recover enough to actually look through his comments on Facebook. By the time he had, they’d almost doubled and he’d made the mistake of clicking into Instagram to find one of those quintessential happy-relationship-our-feet-are-cute-together bullshit pictures. He had a different following on Instagram, mostly using it for pictures of himself singing.
Yikes. Yikes. Yikes. This wasn’t a contained problem, if you could call their mutual friends and families on Facebook that had been gathering in the wings for 15 years a contained problem . Fucking Facebook. Jaskier friended people he’d met once. He had a database of acquaintances. It was great for - you know - being a musician looking for gigs. He’d done 15 weddings in the last year.
It was pretty shitty when he’d faked having a boyfriend so people wouldn’t feel bad for him.
But, as he read through the comments and realized that some of them weren’t for him, he realized that maybe he wasn’t the one with the biggest problem.
Jaskier: Did you just come out?
Jaskier: Are you EVEN INTO MEN?
Jaskier: BUT
Geralt: I see you’ve read the comments
Geralt: my brother
Geralt: bold and caps?
Jaskier: and italics what the fuck. Why’d you let me do this?
Jaskier: wait.
Jaskier: WAIT
Geralt: there it is
Jaskier: this was your idea
Jaskier: did you use me to tell everyone you know that you’re gay or bi or whatever you identify as?
Jaskier: what a brilliant opportunity last night was for both of us
Geralt: you went back to sleep and didn’t process any of this yet, didn’t you?
Jaskier had been seen with that, fuck. He made a face at his phone even though Geralt couldn't see it.
A few moments later a response to Lambert popped up from Geralt himself.
@Lambert who says I haven’t been getting dicked down this entire time you heteronormative asshole
Followed by someone named Yennefer posting a picture of a strap on.
Who were these people? Could you love someone based on how their friends reacted to their ill-advised fake-relationship status change? Asking for a friend.
Geralt: for context, that’s my ex-wife
Geralt: we’re ok
Geralt: especially when she’s helping me fuck with my brother
Jaskier was debating the merits of asking Geralt if he wanted to come up with a break-up plan or just date when another comment showed up.
Vesemir left a comment:
You’ll bring him to brunch tomorrow?
Geralt left a comment:
We’ll be there
Vesemir left a comment:
Leave the frightening device at home
Geralt left a comment:
He doesn’t need it
This was followed by a string of variations of LOL and OH SHITs from about 7 different people. Jaskier watched it all unfold feeling like he’d stepped into the middle of something he didn’t understand - yet. He was definitely in trouble, if the way his heart rate increased at Geralt’s he doesn’t need it was any indication. It wasn’t even the dick reference, though that was amazing. It was the snappy, quick response. The underlying sarcasm.
Jaskier had a type. He could end a fake relationship that was based on seeing a searing hot guy across a room, but it was a bit harder when the guy had a personality he liked. If Geralt turned out to have a heart of gold, Jaskier was screwed and would probably be proposing marriage by year’s end.
Yeah, we’ll be there , he commented.
Geralt: my dad
Geralt: thanks
Jaskier: no problem
Jaskier : gonna call
“So I’m thinking,” Jaskier said the moment Geralt’s face showed up on the video call. He was squinting at his phone like no one had ever tried to video call him before.
“Hi,” Geralt replied, looking amused.
“I’ve been debating the merits of planning a breakup for our fake relationship or just… dating? I’m thinking maybe we should date? Do you have input?”
“Dating’s fine.”
“But do you… are you even attracted to me? Would you pick me?”
Oh fuck, what was that?! Something new to bring up in therapy.
Geralt tilted his head.  “You don’t know this about me yet, but I’m capable of saying no. Overly capable, some of my family might tell you.”
“So you’re not saying no?”
“I’m pretty confident I said yes instead.”
“As Jaskier’s best friend and the only witness,” Essi said into the microphone, holding up a glass of champagne to salute the two of them. “Our happy couple gave me full permission to tell the story of what happened the night Geralt and Jaskier met. Like Jaskier himself, the story is partially an embarrassing tale of bad decisions, half-cocked plans, and a lot of heart.”
Jaskier grinned, and nudged his shoulder into Geralt’s.
“And,” Essi continued with glee, “dicks in every definition.”
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g--r-e--e-n · 4 years
The Date
Pairing: Leviathan x MC
Warning: There's a mention of self destructive thoughts, but the story does not revolve around that and you can easily skip it, so don't worry. It's not really angst, not yet.
A/N: It technically is way past midnight so I'm late for Obey me! MAX, but Mammon's piece took longer than expected and I had to do some research for this, mainly for the places and trying not to make Levi too OOC. It's hard. But I hope it's not too bad!
You both were siting in front of the screen, laughing maniacly and getting lost in the bluish light that slowly ate up the room. No sorrow, no insecurities, nothing bad could go through Levi’s door. Dang, it even took YOU a long time to be accepted.
“Oh, C’mon!” Levi complained, as half of the screen turned red. “You are just pressing buttoms at random! It’s so not fair!”
You softly chuckled, leaving the controler in front of you and slowly resting your head on the demon’s shoulder, as you had learned to do when he felt the slightless of envies. You hated when you saw him eating himself all over, thinking how life was so unfair, how he was only a yucky otaku. After all, he was so beautiful in your eyes you couldn’t help but stare.
His orange eyes barely reflected the screen, his soft hair barely covering them. His face was redder than anything you had seen before, and together this all reminded you of the beautiful coral reefs you had only seen in movies.
“Oh, come on Levi, don’t be a sore loser” You softly tease him, softly caressing his hair, his smile betraying his superficial annoyance. “You owe me something, don’t you?”
He soon sighs, closing his eyes and leaning a bit towards you, hoping to enjoy some love before having to leave. Why did you have to convince him so easily?
“Do we really have to do it..? It’s so comfy here…” He complays, reaching for your hand. You couldn’t help but feel certainly proud seeing how comfortable he was eventually getting around you, even if all he did was play with your fingers, probably to trick you into staying a bit longer.
“No way” you soon stood up, leaving him frowning and staring at you like a lost puppy. “Levi… You know I love our game dates. But when was the last time you stepped out of the house? You need some fresh air, dear.”
Levi didn’t even bothered answering, simply looking sideways. It wasn’t the first time you had this conversation, but you did not know how else to show your concern. Sure, at times you too felt too lazy to leave, too comfortable playing with your dear boyfriend to pay attention to the outside world, but there’s a certain limit. Demons might resist this situation better than human beings, but you are pretty certain it’s not too good either, not only for his body, but for his mind.
You felt proud whenever he spoke to Solomon, but you knew the exchange program would finish sooner or later. What would Levi do then? Of course he talks to his brothers, but they are busy with their own problems most of the times. He doesn’t have clasmates, he doesn’t have any sort of acquairance.
You understood his anxiety. But it was such a shame to see how such an amazing creature wilthed by itself. It’s not like you wanted to get him directly to meet people. Just… Outside. To see the beauty of this land he’s too used to to appreciate like you, a newcomer, do. Discover that he can live what he reads about in manga. That he can experience what his favorite character in his new anime is going through.
Still, you didn’t want to push him too much, so you simply sighed.
“Alright, alright. It’s fine, let’s give it another go.” You tried your best to erase any concern from your voice, but he would not fall for something like that.
“It’s fine.”
“I-It’s fine. Doing normie stuff and all. But just this once!”
You blankly stared at him for a few seconds, your eyes lighting up, making him feel like he was about to go blind from the sheer beauty you so unkowingly holded.
“Just you wait! It’s going to be the best date ever!” You excitedly scream, before launching yourself for a tight hug, a grin so big on your face that you felt your cheeks slightly aching, poor Levi struggling not to fall. “What do you think about Siren Coast?”
You couldn’t see his face, but the way his arms tighten around you was enough to know his face had just lighten up. No fancy restaurant, no crowded streets, no awkard situations, and, what’s more, close to water and it’s somehow relaxing roar.
“Woah! Really??” He spoke a bit too loudly next to your ear, not that you minded him that much really, but at least you decided to let him go a bit, enough to see his smiling face. God, was he really thinking you would get him shopping or something? Maybe it was the way you were firmly staring at him dead in the eye, or the closeness of your body but he soon seemed to combust yet again. “Not that I want to go or anything!”
“I mean, we could always go to the mall” you shrugged, failing at keeping a smirk from your lips.
“Ah, no! I was kidding, kidding! I take it back! Let’s go!” He pulled you into the hug again, tightly, and you didn’t take too long to actually respond to his affection, even if you wanted to leave the room so badly. He was lucky to have a beautiful and fairly big room, but it didn’t help when what you really wanted was to go out.
“Alright, so… Let me get us some lunch, alright?” You said as softly as possible, pushing him away so delicately it almost felt like a caress. “Is there something you fancy?”
He softly sighed when you pulled away, obviously missing your touch, but at least taking your words into consideration, making you smile ever so tenderly.
“I made some sweets yesterday, while you were at RAD. I told Beel it was Mammon who cooked them, so they should be safe. And we can always stop by Lament on our way, right?” He proudly smiled, like a child waiting for praise, screaming how amazing of a boyfriend he was. Of course you obligated, caressing his cheek sweetly. Honestly, the sense of accomplishment on turning Levi’s baking from an occasional thing to something he genuinelly enjoys doing when his eyes are too tired to continue with his marathons is something you’ll bring to your grave, even if it took way more cooking series than you thought would even exist.
“What have I done to deserve you?” You didn’t allow your words to hang around for too long, knowing they had sinked in as soon as they left your mouth. “Alright, do you want to get changed, pretty boy? Or should we get going already?”
“No, I’m fine to go” He noded happily, barely hidding his obvious excitement. Going out might me a lame thing normies do, but right now it doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. You didn’t know wether to be concerned because of his quick change of opinion or rather glad he is willing to actually hang out. “I mean, if you want to…”
You softly shake your head, offering him your hand to stand up. He hesitates a bit, but finally takes it. Both of your hearts race slightly, cheeks softly blushing to a lovely shade. You may have come a long way as for accepting physical affection, but it looks like you never truly got over it, still too drunk in this weird sort of puppy-love you really didn’t want to dry anytime soon. It doesn’t seem that any time has passed at all really, both of you as dorkish as ever.
But it was fine. Everything was fine when you were with Levi, his mere presence being more than enough for you to feel the soft warmth spreading on your chest.
You barely leaned a bit towards him, starting to walk away from his room, making sure he doesn’t get too sentimental waving goodbye to Henry 2.0. It’s hard to believe this very adorable dork was ever in any sort of war, and you were dying for every bit of it, for keeping him just as safe as he was keeping you. He had gone through enough.
“Alright, Levi, that’s it. That is NOT the Henry you should be focussing on right now” you complained, dragging him by his sleeve rather than his hand, knowing you had to be a bit rough.
Leviathan, to your surprise, softly chuckled. Being the avatar of Envy could be nice at times. Times like this, when he could tell how you heart ached to be the one and only for him. To some degree, it calmed him down. He always tended to be the jealous one, glaring daggers at you when you hanged out with Mammon or decided to go shopping with Asmo. Knowing that you, too, felt the same way lighted up his little heart. Reminded him that you could’ve chosen any creature in the universe and, still, decided to give him, a good-for-nocing otaku, the right to spend such precious moments with you.
Of course he wouldn’t admit any of this outloud, and decided to simply complain as you dragged him to the kitchen, barely managing to make Lucifer stick his head out of his room to hush you both before quickly going in. He was so done, but both of you couldn’t help but laugh like the fools in love you were, raising chaos happily, the wicked days long behind your backs.
Soon you had reached the kitchen, and levi opened the fridge like a treasure chest, soon grabbing some foil-wrapped goods.
“Behold!” He proudly removed the foil, allowing you to see some sort of pink pastry shapped like a flower. You soon recognized it “You normie might not appreciate this, but this is…”
“This is the candy magical girl Ringo made in the second season of 'I used to be a very powerful demon but I somehow got hexed by some witches and turned into a middle school girl and at first I was surprised but now I kinda like it and have started an occultist club but now it has turned into some sort of bakery club and I was really confused but the girl I like really adored candy so it's ok I guess'"
Levi actually blinked a few times before the "WOOAAAAH!!" you knew so well crawled through the air.
"You remember it?!"
"Well, you made me watch it like... A million times. And it was kind of fun" you shrug it off, struggling not to smile at the close call. Being fair, it was not the show itself what caught your interest, but rather Levi's passionate ramblings about it.
"You're the best player 2 ever! Are you some sort of angel?" You could see the slight blush on his cheeks, the happiness shining in his eyes as he got the lunch ready to carry. Usually people would treat his ramblings as background noise, so seeing that you actively cared for his interests, making him feel special, was the best thing he could ask for. God, he questioned your taste with men, but was he glad your standards somehow fitted him. "Now, let's go! I'll get you this super nice bufo milk tea flavour I've seen online to celebrate, alright? But don't you let it get to your head!"
"Aye, sir!" You brought your hand to your forehead, imitating the military, before letting go a soft chuckle. "Do you mind it if I hold your hands today?"
Levi hesitated. He wasn't always in the mood, and that's the exact reason you felt the need to ask. He was all for cuddling while playing games, in private, but the outside world was a completely different case. However, today he seemed to be feeling as generous as ever, as he shyly extended his hand, eyes focusing on a seemingly very interesting corner of the kitchen, his face pink like a peony.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt. Not like there's that much people outside today, either way"
Not like he was proud to have you by hid side. Not like you managed to calm him down when the situation got rough.
You carefully took his hand, slightly cold, within yours, before walking away from the house and brothers, yearning for some fresh breeze.
It was a peaceful walk, always picking routes with as little people as possible, partly because of how much did social situations exhaust Levi, partially because of your human condition and not wanting to attract any unwanted attention.
In a few minutes you were in front of Lament, the store he had condemned as "lame" and "meant for normies" but eventually became a frequent customer soon, even if it meant that he sent you over as much as he could.
The young lady behind the desk smiled gladly at you, happy to finally see the guy responsible of both your frequent visits and her payrise, specially after Levi introduced Beel to the store.
You ordered between giggles and smiles, trying your best to help Levi out whenever the woman tried to drag him into the conversation with her best of intents. It made the process slower, but soon it was all payed and both of you were back on the streets.
"You know? At times I feel like you spoil me too much" you said, absent mindedly, eyes lost in the street. "Like, you always take me to so many cool places, like that time you brought me to the C.S, remember? And today you're even going out of your way to spend some time together! I must be the luckiest human alive to have you by my side!"
Levi was not ready for your words. Levi was not ready for your smile. Levi turned into some sort of bright red puddle of joy that covered his mouth with the back of his hand.
"A-Are you serious?!" He stared at you in disbelief, even stopping walking, making you turn your head around, Right eyebrow arched. "I mean, I just... I guess just really like being with you. Maybe... Maybe even more than being alone. You're my Henry, after all."
Even if he had clearly struggled, he actually managed to stay calm. God how much you wanted to hug this dork but how you feared he wouldn't like it, not here.
"You're so sweet, Levi, but please don't make my fall any deeper, I don't think I can take it!" You softly bump him with your shoulder, resting against his body for a while as a loose excuse to touch him a little bit, even if you were holding hands already. He kept quiet, mainly because he didn't know what to say without feeling too awkard in public, but he started softly rubbing circles against your hand with his thumb, slowly, lovingly.
The now closer sound of crashing waves soon catched your attention, and you even dared to rush a bit to the shore, even if it meant dragging your not so athletic boyfriend with you. Soon you were looking over the Devildom sea, feeling the breeze play with your clothes, kiss your limbs softly leaving the sea's smelt dancing between your flesh.
You didn't really get to see it, of course, but a gorgeous pair of amber eyes relied lovingly upon your figure. Levi, who had always admired the sea, would now much rather admire you, and it was driving him crazy.
"It's so beautiful! Didn't you miss this?" You turned around with a bright smile, and he felt like he was about to combust.
"I guess. It was nice to hang out with Lotan" he softly nods, sitting as close to the water as he could get. "But it's slightly more complicated."
You look at him, knowing he could easily read the questions floating in your eyes.
"When I was... When we were having a bad time" he said, so softly his words tangled with the breeze, like he was simply a part of the scenario, a piece of a perfect fitting whole. "I used to come here. I used to stare at the waves, just wishing they could take me with them. I felt so useless. I felt like a waste of space. But at the end... I wasn't even brave enough to actually take a dive."
He left out a sore chuckle, dragging his fingers along the sand. You were about to say something, to do something, but he hadn't finished.
Levi stared at you, his bright eyes watery, his smile so bitter, so painful to even see.
"Now you must really think I'm lame, right? I'm such an attention seeker, and you know it so well... I still doubt why would someone like you be with someone like me."
You saw his eyes darken and an arrow crossed your heart, not in the right way. Carefully, you cupped his cheeks, looking him dead in the eye while maintaining a serene smile. Reassuring. Warm.
"Levi. I'm glad you're alive. I'm so proud of you for making it this far." You softly and momentarily removed his hair from his forehead, giving him a soft kiss there, then on the cheek, before softly wiping away his tears with your thumb. "I love you. I love spending time with you, I love when you ramble about things that you like, when you do every little thing without realizing how much it means. Be it putting your whole soul on a cosplay or gifting Satan your earphones. You are simply such a lovely person. Such a lovable person. And I'm sure your brothers feel the same way. They'd be fools otherwise."
You give him a last kiss on the tip of his nose and he soon tackles you in a hug that inevitably makes you fall on your back. Not that you complain too much either way.
You both lie there, his head buried in your chest, listening to your heartbeat mixing with the waves, slowly calming down as your hand runs through his hair, softly, tenderly.
He felt so loved. So in place with the sea just next to him, with his arms around you like that's all they were meant to do.
It took him a while to realize you had fallen asleep, perhaps because of last night's marathon. He was careful when pulling away, taking his time to appreciate your sleeping self, deciding to lay a small surprise for you.
He quietly took what you both had brought, trying his best to make it Devilgram worthy before taking a picture, even if he struggled a bit around the idea of sharing a moment with the world he'd much rather have for himself. Levi decided to think about it later.
Only when everything had been perfectly laid, he walked over to you, kneeling at your right and giving you a soft peck on the lips he spent minutes bracing himself for, like you hadn't done it so many times before.
You softly complained, way too sleepy to even know what you were saying, but successfully making Levi promise himself to actually marry you.
"Hm... Levi? Are you feeling better now? What... What time is it?" You asked in a rather low voice, standing with the demon's help, a beautiful smile adorning his features.
"Time for a snack, of course!" He cheerfully answer, soon showing you his little masterpiece. "
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flowapuddle · 4 years
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Haikyuu x Athletic! FEMALE Reader
okay so enjoy this book and the chapters, please don’t copy or take credit of it - Puddle ❤️
Chapter 1
The Sisters From The States
“Is this where volleyball is held at?” You questioned looking at the building and raising a eyebrow
“I assume yes since the principle told us where to go” You heard Aaliyah mutter under her breathe as she was with her bored face also examining the building
“Well let’s go inside I am pretty sure there has to be volleyball players in their” You say as you approach the metal door and opening it as you both walked into the gym
Once walking inside you see boys practicing volleyball you caught a glimpse of a boy doing a quick attack jump serve almost immediately the ball came zooming towards you as you dodged out of the way almost getting hit in the face with the ball
“Oi!” You shouted after you gained your balance
As the ball meet the ground it bounced off as that was the only thing you can hear, everyone was dead silent eventually
You heard a bit of whispering going on as everyone had their eyes on you making you slightly uneasy as you cleared your thoart a bit
“Is this...where ummm volleyball is held?” You questioned as you looked around the room finally noticing it was all boys practicing and only two girls that looked like mangers on the side
A boy with sliver hair walked forward and smiled gently at you breaking the awkward tension in the room or really in the gym
“Ahh yes this is where volleyball is held though, sadly this is the boys volleyball team and not the girls. We don’t have a girls team anymore” He said as gently as he kept his smile on his face
You tilted your head in confusion slightly “No girls volleyball what do you mean? Their has to be a girls volleyball”You said with frown as you slightly furrowed your eyebrow
“No they were unfortunately they were shutdown a few weeks ago since there wasn’t enough girls that went to try out for them”
“Oh I see...Then why would the principal tell us they had a girls volleyball team..?” You questioned out loud and started to think deep into thought
While you were thinking you failed to notice the boys starting to crowd around you as your sister slightly backed away from them not liking crowds of any sorts
“I am sorry I have never seen you around school before and, you look very familiar” The same boy with sliver hair questioned
“Ah, right..er sorry I didn’t introduce myself I am still new to this whole thing umm my name is Imaah (Y/n)” You said as you looked around the crowd of boys
“And this is my older sister, Imaah Aaliyah”
“Sup” Aaliyah added as she did a lazy peace sign from were she was standing away from the crowd
“We are from the states if you couldn’t tell; we moved here one week ago” You said as you looked at boys as you smiled
“Y-your the AMAAH (Y-Y/N) FROM VOLLEYBALL MONTHLY!!!?” One of the boys yelled out he was taller than you and he had shaved head
You kept smiling as you meekly nodded your head “P-people still read those things...hahaha” you said nervously
“Well yeah any sport player would read that—“ He was cut off by a smaller boy who was a couple inches shorter than you having one piece of blonde stranded tip laying on his forehead
“I guess so yeah” You said with a chuckle
“Wow, this a dream come true” He mumbled before he looked like he was going to dramatically faint with his friend
With all the boys reacting differently it made you slightly kinda nervous in a sense
“Oi” You heard a voice behind you as it was coming from Aaliyah as she was still leaning against the wall with arms crossed
All the boys gushing over well really two boys gushing over you stopped
“My sister needs to be part of a club if I remember correctly, she needs to be part of this volleyball club. Since this is the only sport she is interested in.” She stated bluntly looking at everyone
“Who’s the captain of this team” She asked as each one of the boys all at once stepped away from someone towards the back what assume was the captain making him sweetdropped
“Some kind of team I have” you can only imagine him saying to himself
Aaliyah leaned off the wall and walked towards the person slightly towering him, she was 182.88 cm tall (6’0 ft)
He swallowed nervously as his face turned red not because it was because a pretty girl that was taller than him no no no it because he was nervous as hell
“Let my sister be a manger” Aaliyah said more like a statement and less like a question he nodded
“Of c-course! We will g-gladly expect her!” He said chuckling stepping back a bit to look at her instead of having to look directly up towards her
“Jeez Aaliyah, don’t kill the man....it already looks like he is about to pee his pants” You said mumbling out as sweatdropped
“Why would I kill the man?” Aaliyah questioned out walking away from him as he took in a big breathe of air being able to finally breathe
“Since I am going to be the manger, you have to be the manger also Aaliyah!” You said cheerful catching her off guard as she walked next to you looking down at you with a frown
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After a couple of hours of being in the gym with the guys and convincing your sister to be manger they introduce themselves to the both of you. Then even wanted to celebrate getting two new manger by getting some meat buns
“Wow, so your telling me in the states they also have junior olympics!!” Hinata said with a smile as you were walking next to him answering his questions as you sister was on the otherside of you
“Yeah they do, it’s pretty fun over there and it’s cool to meet new people and a couple of sport celebrities” You said with a chuckle following the boys infront of you
“Do you do anything besides volleyball?” Hinata questioned keeping his smile as he looked at you
“Yeah I enjoy watching Aaliyah basketball games and help her workout. Other than that I try to keep myself to do things that are sports related” You said as you chuckled
“Amazing, you have to teach me your serving technique!i have seen it a couple of times and try to teach myself but I could never get it down” He said jumping up and down infront of you having a bright atmosphere, he was like a big bright ball of sunshine
“Sure we can start tomorrow” You hummed out as you the volleyball team walked into the convent store
“Sakanoshita market?” Aaliyah hummed out looking around blinking “it looks like a liquor store to me” Aaliyah said in English only you understood making the volleyball boys look at her crazy
As she blinked at them “What?” She questioned
“You spoke another language” Daichi said slightly in awe
“Well we are from the states it’s obvious we speak another language other than Japanese” She said in her stoic voice walking past him and down one of the isles to look at different things
You walked to him patting his shoulder noticing how his awe state went into a glumly type of state
“She’ll warm to everyone eventually give her time” You said with a encouraging smile as he looked at you for a while and nodded his head blushing
“Anyways let’s try out what you call a meatbun I have never had one before neither has Aaliyah” You said encouraging looking at the team
Daichi nodded his head and left you with the group to grab some meatbuns as he had almost chest full of meatbuns and walked towards the counter to pay for them and getting a plastic bag to put them in
He came back with a plastic bag and smiled lifting it up ���Alright let’s go” You heard him say as he walked out of the little mini market as everyone followed behind him
Everyone was outside of the shop as he held open the plastic bag smiling looking at Aaliyah and you
“Go ahead grab the first one!” He said with a warm smile as he let Aaliyah and you grab a meat-bun first
You grabbed the item as you opened it and bite down into it as your eyes went big and chewed on it “Oh wow so delicious! You have to take a bite of it Aayliah!” You said eating the meat-bun as savoring the flavor
“umm...” Aaliyah said a bit hesitantly looking at the food item
“Don’t be nervous try it!” You said encouraging her as you kept eating yours almost finish with it
“I don’t know” Aaliyah mumbled out slightly still contemplating the idea of eating it
The meatbun was snatched from her hand as Sugawara smiled at her “Say ah” He said sweetly with his eyes shut
Aaliyah blinked at him and furrowed her eyebrows she stared at item as you along with the team watched the 3rd year feed Aaliyah her with curiosity
“Ahh” She said quietly as he placed the meat-bun in her mouth letting her take a bite of
Almost immediately you can tell she liked it as her eyes pupils grew a bit in size and her face soften and her body instantly became more relaxed as she kept chewing
You smiled at the two but the moment was ruined completely
“AALIYAH LET ME FEED YOU MY MEAT-BUN TOO!!!” both Tanka and Nishinoya yelled very very loudly
Making Aaliyah snap out of her calm and dazed state as she visible became more tense as her pupils sharpened and her bored facial expression came back onto her face
She grabbed the meat-bun from Sugawara hand and glaring the three boys “I know how to eat on my own” She said trying to keep her glare as a visible pink blush was on her deep umber brown skin as she looked away from everyone eating the rest of the meatbun
You smiled at Sugawara giving him a thumbs up and eventually looked down at your risk watch looking at the time
“I think Aaliyah and I should start—“
Before finishing your sentence there was a man with blonde hair pushed back by a black stringy headband as he held a mop in his hand and a cirgreet in his mouth yelling
“Again...?” You said questioning outloud
“First time is when Tanka and Hinata fighting over the last meat-bun...” Daichi said with a sweatdrop
“Sorry coach” Daichi mumbled quietly as volleyball group of boys began walking away from the shop at a very fast pace before getting hit in the head with mop
Everyone walked the same way for a while having conversation with either you or your sister as everyone slowly started to break off when they would get to their stop
“We can walk you home if you like” Said Daichi with Sugawara and Nishinoya the only three boys left
“We don’t want to trouble you with walking us, besides you don’t have too it’s just one block ahead” You said with a nervous smile
“Ah none of us mind plus we are only doing are job as both of your senpais!” Noya said with his hand on his hips smiling pointing at himself
Aaliyah furrowed her eyebrow visibly confused “How are you any of you my so called senpai? When I am about to turn 18?” She said questioned raising her eyebrow looking at all three of them “the only one that should be calling you senpai is literally my sister” She said pointing at you the two still continued to walk
The three boys were quiet for a second before
“YOUR ABOUT TO TURN 18?!” They all yelled in unison
Aaliyah winced at the loud noise frowning
“Shut up your voices” She said bluntly, glaring at the three before walking to the what seemed like a gate and typing in some numbers on a keypad
The gate was steel black with the word “I” in a fancy font in the center of the gate showing what the boys only assumed to be your residences
They boys stared in awe never seeing something like this before
“Woah, I didn’t think your house would be on a hill I have never seen something like this before” Daichi said in a amazement
“Yeah, due to both of our parents and who they are we can afford something like this!” You said smiling looking up to the house on the hill
“Cool!” Noya said staring in amazement
“Wow, I wonder how I can only imagine how big it is on the inside” Sugawara said out loud as the gate opened up
Allowing Aaliyah and you access inside the gated estate
“Maybe next time the volleyball team can come over, and we can have dinner at my place! My parents wouldn’t mind I am sure” You said walking past the gate inside
You kept walking to catch up with Aaliyah being a couple steps behind her as you turned around smiling at the boys waving one of your arms
“BYE SENPAIS SEE YOU TOMORROW AT SCHOOL!!!” You shouted smiling happy
You saw them clutch there shirts were their hearts were at as they were visable heart struck in a good way
You eventually caught up to Aaliyah as you smiled up to her she looked down at you with a visable bored face as she ruffled your hair like always
You two walked up the hill as you got inside and mostly you told your parents about everything that happened today making them have a smile
“You knew moving out of the country would be so fun” You thought before you fell asleep
A/n: Just to clear up a few things
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( this is what the house mansion looks like from the back of it, this is we’re you live, yes your rich)
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(This is what the front of the house looks like but without the steam coming from the water)
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( this is the gate that opened in case you couldn’t picture it, but instead of a B there is a I on since it’s your last name)
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(This is what your sister looks like she is the one on the right, yes your sister is POC don’t worry about the girl next to her that’s just another one of my OC’s that won’t be included in the story)
(Also let me clarify, you play volleyball and Aaliyah plays basketball)
Thanks for reading see you in the next chapter - Puddle ❤️
Chapter 2 is here !!!
Chapter Story Board
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faunastanza · 2 months
Circlet of the Sun pt. 1
(part 2)
Circlet of the Sun, by ENCORE
Alright, so far you might be thinking "these VNs don't make any sense, they're just Glip's unhinged rambling" and you ain't seen nothing yet. Circlet of the Sun is absolutely insane. It's so insane that apparently Glip even realized how insane it was and took it down. It's 700+ slides long. SEVEN. HUNDRED. Two to three hours to read, they say. What is it actually about?
Screaming at some person on their discord.
I'm not joking. 80% of it is just yelling at some guy, complete with multiple panels of shrieking caps and insults and screenshots FROM DISCORD. This is the most insane VN Glip ever made and thankfully someone transcribed it as a pdf because otherwise I don't know how I'd summarize it. If you have trainwreck syndrome, this thing is a goldmine. I assume trainwreck syndrome is why you're reading this honestly, but who knows.
The most frustrating part of this one is that buried within all the frothing ranting, some really important plot stuff happens. REALLY important plot stuff. Maybe Glip is planning to put it back up with the screaming edited out someday but I doubt it. If you're actually trying to follow what's happening in this comic (god rest your soul) then tough luck, a huge plot chunk is just missing now with no explanation.
The basic jist is that some guy on their discord creeped them out, Glip and a few others got into a slapfight with this guy, and then that guy got banned/blocked I assume while Glip dedicated untold hours of their life writing, drawing, and composing music for this VN that makes them look like a crazy person. Pretty clear who the winner is there.
This behemoth of a call-out (but I thought Glip hated these!) is broken up into six chapters like a DVD, since Glip thinks that maybe the reader will have to take a break reading it and come back to it later because it's so intense and draining. I don't think it's any more draining than the other VNs except that Glip's hatred of the person they're yelling at is more open and direct than usual and it's really long. These things can get annoyingly dense though, it feels like you need a machete to get to the actual important things. Edit: I lied, I had to take breaks while trying to summarize this but that's just because it was so god damn long.
Stabbed A Forgettable Show A Cell Dream The Judge Is In. The War Hero Encore! Encore!
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just try to guess what could be happening in this vn from these pictures
Anyway, we start with Quill and Papaya, right where we left off with them. Quill says he doesn't want to talk about his troubles with his ex-wife. Papaya says that's fine and they don't have to talk about it, they can talk about what Quill wants to talk about. Sarcastically, Quill asks what that's supposed to be while what appears to be his doppelganger makes snide commentary in the background.
Papaya gives him a look and asks him why he's asking her to tell him what HE wants. Quill says they've gotten sidetracked and asks what they were even talking about in the first place, which makes sense giving the ton of nonsense that's happened in-between their conversations. Papaya says she wants him to spill his guts out when he writes, saying he has so much in him. Quill thinks to himself that no one wants that because his work isn't very good and it must be a trick, although he says he'll try outloud.
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just slap some random colors around, it's fine
Papaya goes on AGAIN about how she knows Quill has good writing in him like we haven't heard this a MILLION times already. Quill writes a line about the Effigy of the Pole Star that basically talks about hating yourself and having anxiety. Papaya thinks that's beautiful and she knew she was right about scooping out some of Quill's talent from his repressed junk. I'm kind of tired about hearing how amazing Quill can be if he just Believes In Himself, honestly.
She tells him to get to work and then someone busts into her store. A fox with a barely censored face says that Papaya sold her an artifact that killed her friend.
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you can't tell, i promise
Papaya is confused, sure that she wouldn't do something like that but the fox seems to be sincere. Quill asks if the fox is okay and if she wants to talk about what happened. The fox whips out a sword, warning him that if he condescends to her again she'll kill everyone in the shop.
Papaya tells Quill to back off. The fox says they're cowards and Papaya agrees in an effort to appease them. The fox asks why Quill deserves to live while her friend didn't before laughing and saying she screams with her blade (?).
Quill holds his head where the book (that his wife threw at him, I think in real life but I'm not sure) hit him and thinks that this is the moment that Quarrel (his doppelganger) had prepared him for. The fox broke the boundary, and now he could finally be himself again. Quill hesitates while Quarrel screams.
Quill says that he has a choice about letting his doppelganger out. The other option is using a trick that hasn't failed Quill yet, although his doppelganger seems upset at this option. He debates the pros and cons of letting Quarrel out.
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oh no, a monster
Letting Quarrel out means that the fox would get hurt and that she'd turn someone into a monster. I assume he's talking about the fox anyway. Using the trick means she would stop and the misery would continue. Quarrel shouts that he can make her see the problem with just three words.
Quill resolves not to listen to Quarrel, although his tooth/truth is convincing. The boundary, whatever that is, was Quarrel's idea, so Quill doesn't have to respect it. Quarrel insists that it'll be safe, which gets Quill's attention. Quill then backtracks saying that's nonsense, Quarrel can't keep anyone safe because they're a terrible monster who could never be the father to two kids (who might be named after the real life kids, I don't know).
Quill uses his trick and Quarrel screams as they fall silent. Quarrel gets trapped by something called the Iron Loop, with its endless scars. Quarrel tries to think of a way to get out, then decides to go for the path Quill would never take, assuming it'd be unguarded. He says that he's good at finding the right path/path of maximum pain.
Quarrel says that it can only do things that Quill does, and that's Quill's rule. Quarrel says fine, he can use that, because if Quill can self-mutilate then so can Quarrel!!! omg!!! edgy. Quarrel says the three words then resigns into doing what ink does. What are the three words you think? Pet the cat? Dropped my sandwich? Pass the remote?
It turns out the three words are "You're hurting me" JUST KIDDING, IT'S CROSSED OUT! It's actually "This means WAR" which is also the name of the story that Quill's creator wrote. Remember that? Remember those turf tigers? I don't think we ever see them again, actually. Probably for the best.
While Quill is freaking out, Papaya is still trying to defuse the situation with this mystery fox. She asks the name of the fox's friend and the artifact that killed them, saying that there's a chance they're still alive. The fox says it was "the tooth of the page". Papaya says that her friend isn't dead then, and she can prove it. She asks for the artifact back.
Turns out the Tooth of the Page is a knife that's effects only work if you can hear the victim's pain above your own. If you can't quiet yourself, the overflow can kill you. The subtlety in this comic just blows me away sometimes. It's a rich tapestry of the same thing over and over and over again.
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people need to communicate more, says the character who is constantly screaming in their inner monologue
CC pops up to scribble again, saying that the artifact is actually called the Tooth of the Paige. The symbolism only gets deeper. As usual, CC decides to hijack the narrative for some long self-serving monologue. CC says it's Papaya's fault someone got hurt because she had stocked a dangerous artifact in the first place. If something bad happens, they say, you're allowed to blame whoever you hate! If something bad happens you should look for an external source of misery! It must be someone else's fault if you get hurt reading this! Wow, what could CC mean by this!!
CC goes on to say that Papaya sucks, and meanwhile in the real world Papaya says that the only way to talk the fox down is to demonstrate the knife on herself. She's so noble. :( The art gets one step above stick figures.
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have we seen worse than this, i'm not sure
There's a note that says Papaya loves helping others experience ego death, and I'm not sure if that's true or if someone's saying it about her. She says you can't see the knife/true (not truth) without a mask on. She holds up her foot to get stabbed. The person Glip's hating on in this had a foot fetish, you see.
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it's always a foot fetish, isn't it
Of particular note here is a lab called Clear Watching. This is going to be important. Anyway, the fox cuts her and she says she's in Clear Watching and can see the cuts happening over and over, and the cuts are times the fox hurt her feelings, and we have hit the meat of this VN. She says she gets filled with the memories of all the cuts the fox ever inflicted. What this actually means is that Glip got together with other people in their discord who didn't like this person and they all pooled their grievances together to make this call-out.
That rule I pointed out before, "I am allowed to do anything to you that you are allowed to do to me" gets invoked and Papaya snaps, and Mx Hothead is born. Get it. Because people get mad at Glip and now they can get mad at them too. Get it. It says that the mask Papaya's wearing gets cut in half and that's how the angel Hothead was born but whatever, at this point I doubt that's actually lore of any kind.
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DAMN IT I THOUGHT WE WERE DONE WITH THESE this is the comic of the unending prologues, for christ's sake. Anyway, Prologue III-X was the embarrassing one where Glip owned the haters on fake twitter. We all remember it fondly, don't we? I think this is just a callback to it though and not yet another prologue.
Anyway, we cut to a veiled explanation of what happened to cause Glip's beef with this person (Sila, as we find out later). She wrote a fic that she wanted Papaya to do a comic of. Someone's legs fly up "because they think it's funny". Papaya thinks to herself that this is some kind of fetish work (which she says she's fine with, normally) and it stars a character just like hers who kills another person as a joke. She thinks it's weird that someone would treat death so casually. Papaya doesn't know how to express that the other person making them a caricature feels bad. Saying that with words somehow doesn't occur to her.
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i guess i'll go eat worms
No wait, actually, what she says is that she doesn't know how to express how bad it feels when the other person doesn't want to hear about how bad Papaya feels about what they've done. Just add a few levels to it, that increases the clarity obviously. Anyway she goes on for a bit and then says she's a ghost and a ridiculous ;_; blob shows up called Double Checker Twin I (Wants).
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weh weh
The ghost throws a pity party for itself about how no one understands how it feels and everyone treats it so bad and they don't know why. There's a brief moment of lucidity, like the plot coming up for air, where Papaya remembers about the seeds and says that she has to interrupt their journey, they can't be planted, she'll die and be taken over. It has a shot of Beleth with the bag on their head and a bunch of thorny wires. The narration then abruptly goes back to talking about Sila with it saying that if she doesn't talk about how her murderous feelings towards Glip were bad then she must really want to kill Glip.
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beleth wait come back please
Anyway Hothead asks Sila why she doesn't take death seriously and if she's ever seen someone die and if she's ever seen a mass grave and such. They ramble on about how you're never supposed to talk about how someone's hurting you, how unfair it is that someone they removed from their space is trying to hurt them in return, second verse same as the first. They accuse Sila of being a mass murderer who enjoys suffering because she writes stories about people dying. Wasn't Glip complaining about this same accusation being leveled at them though...?
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paige is me but also a character but also me
It goes on and on about how Glip's real mad now and Paige will become the monster she was always accused of to show the truth of how this person hurt them, all things we've heard before. We do get to just straight up insults now.
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this sentai show is weird
Paige has a scary mouth head now and calls Sila a worm boy, which is a really grave insult that I'm definitely not laughing at
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i don't know why people accuse me of attacking people
Paige screams hateful/truthful (GET IT) at the fox but also at herself, and then doesn't remember what she said afterwards. This is a pattern that shows up more than once where Glip blows up at someone and then conveniently seems to forget exactly what they said later. It's okay though because the fox doesn't remember what Glip said either, so it's fine. The fox, now with a hammer head and Paige's nib in their chest, says her name is Imp Press, the dashing smasher.
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also a nib in the mouth, and a mouth on the head, just a lot of mouths
Paige forgets what she was yelling about and just remembers that the fox doesn't deserve this and she's going to regret it. Imp Press references some arguments on the discord in a strawman way as she puts chains on Paige. She says that Paige made art for her and now isn't allowed to not like her anymore, which she says is gaslighting.
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don't gaslight me bro
Paige lies in a pool of blood while Imp Press is evil at her. Another ghost appears, Double Checker Twin 2, Dreams. "How much of this is real, and how much of these are more lucid nonsense?" they ask. I was asking myself the same thing! The answer is ????????
There's a bunch of repetitive rambling about being hurt and not understanding what's happening and trying to express your feelings and such. Imp Press at one point asks why Paige called her worm boy lol. She doesn't answer though, instead going back to Papaya still being mad about the story Sila wrote, adding on that there was a second story where she was almost killed by someone who looked like her crush. She says that Imp Press hides her desire to hurt others behind kink.
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omg who does papaya have a crush on! omg she must have a crush on every boy
She goes on to say that Imp Press wants to hurt delicate spots in others to watch their shame, which is why she had to cut in a specific location (Papaya's foot I guess). She also tried to isolate others from each other so no one would know what she was doing, classic move. She wanted to stay in toxic stable loops forever where she just ignored suffering and never learned to ask about anything new. Boy, I don't know this person but they sure sound like a bad guy!
Hothead pulls Imp Press (sometimes Sir Press, not sure what the difference is) onto their gameshow to pester her. Apparently at some point Sir Press said it'd be hot if Hothead crushed her like in that embarrassing VN of Glip owning the haters. Glip took this extremely personally it seems. Sir Press says that her rule one is that you can only express liking someone by hurting them for no reason and Hothead yells at them more about how she sucks. I'm skipping chunks of this, I swear, there is just... so much of this.
There's some more gnashing of teeth where that weepy ghosts whines that no one understands how they feel and someone off screen tells them that it's not all about them and then they cry about how it's NEVER about them. :(
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why is life so unfair ;_; I HATE YOU MOM
These passive-aggressive pity parties are so annoying and I don't think Glip even realizes that's what these characters are doing. Imp Press/Sir Press get yet ANOTHER form, Gasfright and Wrectorture, that mostly look the same. Wrectorture is the cleaver that we saw in the last VN. I told you! They're referred to as the Twin Victimizers.
Gasfright (sigh) says they're going to cut Papaya in half for their own good, and she decides to stroke the handle of the cleaver in hopes that a handjob will make them not cut her in half. You think I'm exaggerating but I'm not.
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but why would it be nice to stroke the handle of something! i don't get it!
Bunch more strawmanning happens and the ghost throws a baby fit but does mention that "this is the lab, this is where we test reality" which is Clear Watching related. Keep an eye on Clear Watching. There's more ranting and raving about this person sucking. Glip is really angry about the idea of violence being funny. I guess they're not into Looney Tunes.
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what, "i can't remember" instead of "i forget"? you're slipping
There's more of the same and Papaya blacks out AGAIN (how many times is this now?) and ends up in a labyrinth full of broken glass. This is Clear Watching, it says, where angels go to die. Isn't that a Nine Inch Nails song? Papaya's form in the labryinth is a new angel called Euphobia, get it. Everyone can see the path out of the labryinth but Euphobia can't so it just gives up, all it can do is die here.
Someone asks Euphobia why they want to help them. Euphobia's been stuck there for months so they don't gaf about anything. One slide says that Euphobia got one day of rest for ten months. Incidentally, Glip was dealing with this person they hate for ten months. Quarrel shows up, saying he had to dream to find them and everyone's been worried. Euphobia says they don't want to help anymore but Quarrel says then they should've have been someone who likes to solve problems. Incidentally, Glip was trying to help this person they hate with their problems for those ten months. I wonder if that's connected!
Euphobia whines and asks if this is important. Quarrel says it is, that they're nearing a full cycle, and that they'll get to the start. That's where they'll escape. Euphobia whines about being hungry (Euphobia eats criticism and insults from the hater hands, it's very clever) and Quarrel picks it up to take it to the abyss of Clear Watching. That's where the true atrocities lie!
As they get closer, Clear Watching starts to look a lot like the evil haunted village in Call Sign. omg!! Has that village been Clear Watching this whole time!!
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i... think it's the same village
Anyway, they go into the abyss and run into a thing that looks a lot like Tox's head doodle. It's called Annexdote and it rants like all the characters do about how everyone sucks, but of note is that it says something that Marl said.
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speech balloons are more of a suggestion
Basically Marl would stay locked up in his room and then be sad he wasn't out of his room with everyone else, according to Glip. So some of all this may be directed at Marl but I'm pretty sure almost all of it is directed at Sila. Anyway there's a bunch more ranting and then those goofy looking angry worms show up again. I told you!
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i wonder what this thing does!
The worthworm, yet another stand-in for Sila, goes on about how if you stop helping, stop giving advice, or stop liking it then that's abusive. It attaches itself to a supple piece of Art and extracts everything of value that then gets put into the worthworm's bloated form. I wonder what this symbolizes, I just have no idea. There is a hilarious shot of it flipping you off though.
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i'm not a part of your system!
The worthworm says it wanted Andre to abuse it too, a sentiment I assume Sila must have said at some point but who knows. "What do I do when I've sucked my favorite artist dry", the worthworm wonders. "I jerk off on their corpse, it feels great!" it says. This is all very subtle. The worthworm suckles on the mural for sustenance while Call-Clout writhes in pain. Go, worthworm!
CC is having a nightmare where she yells at Sila some more. It goes on for a bit, with Hothead saying that if Sila doesn't understand where horrible things come from when she sexualizes them, she might act out the feelings in the fantasy. If she doesn't acknowledge that it's wrong, then she might hurt someone else.
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i know a lot about separating fantasy from reality, says the fortieth self-insert
Related to the accusation earlier that Sila is a mass murderer? Who can say.
We get to a very weird scene where Hothead invites Sir Press onto their show, saying they've heard a lot about her and want to cut to the core of the problem. Sir Press says that Hothead has no consideration for her triggers - in this case, yelling. Hothead says they don't care and that it's their show and yelling is their thing, and if they don't like it she can get out. Sir Press asks if Hothead is coercing her into being triggered, while Hothead says that's not what's going on here.
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i'm looking at my watch
The weird thing about this exchange is that it's based on an actual exchange in real life between Glip and Sila, where Sila said that yelling triggered her and Glip ignored her because they were mad. I think this was related to "scenes" in the discord, but it may also have just happened when they got into a fight. My memory is a bit vague on this. More on "scenes" in a bit.
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haha owned!
You know what doesn't make you look like a crazy person? Putting out-of-context discord screencaps in the mouth of a strawman of a person you hate so much you made an entire VN about how much you hate them. Even if Sila sucks as much as Glip says, that doesn't make this VN seem any less insane. There's more ranting, including a bit where Hothead says that Sir Press always wanted to be on a gameshow to prove how cruel she can be, read: always wanted to be in a comic to do violence.
Hothead shows the shot of them smashing that haterhand back in that old VN, saying that Sir Press thinks that image is horny and thus thinks getting yelled at is horny and that she's so uncomfortable with that fact that she takes it out on everyone else. Sir Press doesn't answer because she's self-harming, out of self-pity it implies.
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i laid down on five french fries
Hothead ignores her and calls out Harmonitor (Mirror variant). Back in Angelbox 2 when Glip was yelling at Pengo, there was also a Harmonitor in there that looks entirely different than this one. I guess Glip ran out of names. It turns out that Harmonitor is Scissors, so they finally have a name after all this time. I like Scissors better though, personally.
Hothead asks Harmonitor to describe what it was like to interact with Sir Press, but they're hesitant and wonder if it was really that bad. Hothead yells that interacting with someone who hurts others so they can fetishize being triggered for doing it is really bad.
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get off my show
I don't know about you but I don't really trust this framing of Sir Press's actions myself. I get the feeling that maybe it's a little biased. But maybe that's just me.
0 notes
btaffy02 · 4 years
This is a draco x reader fanfiction. I used she/her pronouns and nothing too “serious” happens. I hope you like it! Sorry for incorrect grammar and also italic writing is your thoughts.
“y/n?” You turn to your right so see draco greeting you. You're kind of caught off guard by how handsome he's gotten. He's a bit taller and his hair sits almost perfectly. “Hey! I see you've lost the hair gel. It took you long enough.” You say. He pulls you in by your right sleeve for a hug. “Haha very funny y/l/n.” Draco has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. Your families were always close so you two kind of grew up together. He's always had a special place in your heart but you can never determine if the feeling is romantic or if it's just because you care for him. He pulls out his schedule so you two can compare and see how many classes you have together. He rolls his finger down the papers and counts, “1, 2, 3… I guess thats it. Three classes together. I suppose it better than none.” You nod in agreement. You guys head into the great hall so the first years can get sorted and you can all feast. Of course, you sit beside Draco. He's kind of your anchor. You just follow his lead mainly because you're socially anxious but you also just want to stay out of things. You don't want to be the center of attention.
You've never really been the talkative type ever. You're just average. Your grades are fine, your looks are fine (though you'd never admit it outloud), your parents are still together, you only have a few friends. There's not really anything special about you, but you have something they don't, him. After dinner you say goodnight and head your separate ways.
As much as you hate to admit it you've found yourself staring at Draco frequently. And for the most part, no ones noticed, until today that is. “Miss y/l/n am i a bore to you?” Professor Snape slams a book shut.
Uh oh.
“Ye- i mean no sir.” You respond in panic. “Oh I am? Well maybe detention will be less boring.”
Ugh youve got to be kidding me. Detention? I'll miss my only free time with Draco.
You frown. Draco snickers in the distance and Snape turns to him. “You too Malfoy.” He continues teaching. Draco smiles at you. You finish the day and go to detention like you were ordered to. 
Lucky for you detention is pretty relaxed and you're hardly monitored or checked on. You sit down and whip out your herbology homework. It's easily your favorite subject and you're very good at it. It's actually introduced you to Neville Longbottom who has taken a liking to herbology studies. You consider him your friend but you aren't close. Your thoughts are interrupted when you notice feet walking up in front of you. You look up from your book to see Draco in his typical black turtleneck. “I know why you have detention.” He says. “Uhm yeah i wasn't paying attention in class.” You say confused.
Oh god did he see me staring at him?
“Yeah right, you were staring at me.” “What? Full of yourself much?” You joke with him.
I didn't think he could see me.
“I mean what's not to love.” He raises his brows. “Omg, in your dreams.” You give him a little shove. “No, but im in yours.” He winks at you and smiles. You both laugh it off. The conversation is innocent but it actually means something to you. You love little flirty jokes and whatnot and no one does it better than Malfoy. The rest of detention is pretty boring and you guys make small talk and he helps you with potions and spells but nothing else really happens. When you're dismissed he walks you to your common room and says goodnight like usual. You're pretty restless because you don't know what to think
Do i have feelings for Draco Malfoy? Do i even have a chance? I mean he knows pretty much everything about me and i know everything about him. I could never tell him how I feel though, I don't want to make things awkward. 
You stay up an hour later than usual but decide your thoughts can wait till morning.
It's been weeks since detention and ever since then things have been different. You see a different side of Draco and he's a bit more “friendly” to you. You don't really think much of it and just wait for things to play out.
Most people think Draco is snobby and closed off. I beg to differ. He puts up this like barrier between his feelings and the world so he doesn't seem weak. I blame Lucius for that, I've honestly never liked him. He's a bit strange and expects too much of Draco.
You can 100% say you have feelings for him now. Though it pains you to say it's true. Day by day your feelings have grown stronger and so have his. Or at least you think, you can't really speak for him but he is more flirty than usual and less pissy in general. Tomorrow is October first, it marks 10 years of friendship with Draco. 
Yes, I remember the date and everything. Not that he would remember because it probably doesn't mean much to him if he even remembers the day you became friends.
But it doesn't matter because this is something for you to celebrate and keep to yourself. Whether he notices or not you know you will be happy.
You wake up to the scent of your roommate's apple cinnamon candle slowly burning. 
Today is a good day.
You think to yourself. 
Nothing could make this day bad.
Well you were wrong. In all today was not a good day. Nothing super bad happened, it's just little things kept going wrong. You failed a test, you tripped on multiple occasions, and one of your only friends, neville, got sick. You don't come out and say that today has been a bad day because you so desperately wanted it to be a good one. School has finished so you head to your room to chill out for a bit. You grab a notebook and begin a sketch to take your mind off of things. You hear a knock from the door and get up to see who it is. You're a bit shocked to see Draco standing outside your door. “Bloody hell- shhh what are you doing here you could get into trouble.” “I need to talk to you about something.” He says. “Is it that urgent? Im not really in the mood.” You look around to make sure no one sees you two. “Yes it is. Let's go somewhere that I don't have to look behind my shoulder every five seconds.” He grabs your hand and you walk to the stairs to get some privacy. 
What's going on? Is he in some sort of trouble or does he just want to gossip? It's probably something to deal with Potter. He absolutely despises him. 
“What's wrong?” You're actually a bit worried. “Uhm- nothing. There's something I need to tell- give you.” “All right. What is it?” He's never given you a gift before. Not even on your birthday. He pulls out a small box from his pocket and gives it to you. You smile at him. “Happy friendaversary loser.” He says while he smiles back at you.
He remembered. He actually remembered. I'm so happy I could scream. But he didn't have to give me a gift. I feel bad, maybe i should've gotten him one too i just didn't think he would remember it.
You untie the bow on top of the box and open it. Inside the small box was a bunch of extremely small flowers and a necklace in the middle. 
I'm not the type to usually like the whole necklace cliche but for some reason with him it's different. I'm grateful for anything he could give me.
The necklace has one single charm of a serpent with a small diamond flower attached. “Thank you!” You fling into his arms and he wraps his arms around your waist. You're absolutely ecstatic and a bit shocked all at the same time. You were expecting maybe a chocolate of the sorts but not a necklace. 
What does this mean?
“Do you like it?” He asks you. “Oh absolutely! It's beautiful, and wicked, and I love it.” He looks a bit nervous but you can see some relief when you answer yes to his question. You stare at the necklace for a bit before you actually pick it up. “Here I'll put it on for you.” He takes the necklace out of your hands. He moves your hair out of the way. His hands are cold, but you find them comforting somehow. He wraps the necklace around you and hooks it into place. “Thanks.” You turn around and smile at him. You're so close you think you can smell his cologne. “Y/n can i confess something?” He looks into your eyes.
Blimey does he feel the same way? I'm nervous, what if he tries to kiss me, am i ready for  that? I need to stop freaking myself out. It's not going to help anything.
“Sure, what's on your mind?” He takes his eyes off of you and looks around the room. “I like you.” You're a bit confused on how he means it so you say, “Well i like you too.” He looks a bit annoyed, “No I like you. A lot. I have all school year. I don't know what made me realize it but I did. You're so beautiful and confident-”
I'm really not but I won't interrupt.
“-and you light up every room you walk into. You know me better than anyone and i don't know if this is overwhelming but i just had to say it. I understand if you don't like me back i just-”
Is he serious right now. Of course I like him back. I more than like him.
Before you can even let him finish or gather your thoughts you put your right hand on his face and pull him in by his shirt with your left. He's a bit shocked but then puts his icy hands on your waist. The kiss is good. A long time in the making but good. 
Holy Sh*t! Did I seriously just do that? Wow who would've thought I could do that. I never want the kiss to end. I could kiss him a million times again and again. 
When your lips finally part he makes a funny face by lifting his eyebrows and widening his eyes. You laugh. “I like you too.” You don't even notice you've been smiling for the past five minutes and you don't think you could stop smiling. “Bloody hell i hope so.” He puts his hands in his pockets and smiles at you. It's one of the few times you've seen him genuinely smile in a really long time. You finally got what you've always wanted, to make him happy.
-thank you for reading <3 sorry it was so short.
14 notes · View notes
Running Up That Hill || Morgan & Remmy
TIMING: This afternoon
PARTIES: @whatsin-yourhead & @mor-beck-more-problems
SUMMARY: Morgan and Remmy try to catch up and unload their problems. But some problems are too difficult to share.
The world wasn’t so scary anymore, but without the buffer of something taking up space in Remmy’s mind, the sorrow that clung to their heart had crawled its way back in. Heavy on their shoulders, they had walked all the way to Morgan and Deirdre’s-- which wasn’t actually that far from Lydia’s home-- without stopping. Granted, endless energy made the trudge much easier. It also made it easier for their mind to wander. They couldn’t stop thinking about the night they’d spent with Luce-- how warm her skin always felt, how sweet her lips tasted. How gentle she’d been when they’d let her touch them. Their chest filled with a heat just thinking about it, finding themself craving her more now. They couldn’t shake her from their head, even with everything else left to worry about, all they could focus on was Luce. Rubbing their eyes, they came to a stop, realizing they’d made it to Morgan’s place already. Looking around, they straightened themself out before heading up to the door and giving a knock. They hadn’t prepared anything to say, and they weren’t sure they’d be able to say what Morgan asked without that pain swelling in their throat coming out. But when the door opened, and they saw Morgan’s face, it really didn’t matter. They folded her into a tight hug in what seemed like it would have been suddenly, had the conversation last night not gone the way it had. “Sorry,” they mumbled after a moment, but didn’t pull away, “I can’t hug Lydia this tight.”
Morgan leapt straight into Remmy’s arms and clung tight to her heart’s content. Remmy’s arms were small, but they had enough strength to buckle her rib bones, and the little dents they made in her organs were a bittersweet relief because they meant Remmy was here and she didn’t have to hold the world up anymore. Tears eeked out of the corners of her eyes. “Don’t you dare be sorry,” she said, sniffling into their shoulder. “You give the best hugs. The best, okay?” Even when Remmy loosened their hold, she stayed close to them. “You’re looking a little worn out. Don’t tell me this place is kicking your ass too right now. Or if it is, at least tell me it’s something we can scream or punch our way out of?” She pulled them by the hand and collapsed onto the couch with them, curling up into their side.
A smile tried to tug itself onto their face, but only made it halfway there before Remmy felt the weight of everything else pull it down. “Okay,” they agreed quietly, following Morgan inside. It was the same house it always was, but something hung in the air that Remmy couldn’t quite place. It was both lighter and heavier all at once. Maybe even from two different things. They sunk greedily into the soft couch and tucked Morgan’s small frame into them, finding comfort in the small action. The safety they felt in her arms was paralleled only by being with Lydia. “Oh, um....it’s...well...I dunno if it’s a punch out thing, but maybe it can be a talk out thing,” they stuttered through the words. They weren’t sure why they were nervous to tell Morgan-- were they worried she’d be mad at them? Angry? Upset? They didn’t know. “I uh-- I slept with Luce again,” they said quickly. “I-I know it was a bad idea, but I just-- I couldn’t help it.”
Morgan had braced herself for a whole number of possibilities. She wasn’t sure how many more worries she could squeeze onto her plate, but she’d make the space for Remmy--until they confessed what had happened. Morgan couldn’t help but snort. “Oh, honey--” She brushed back the scruffy hair that stuck out from their head. “Remmy--” She shook her head, but there was nothing angry or disappointed in her expression. “She’s that irresistible, huh? How do you feel? How are things going for you two after...that.”
Remmy let out a long puff of air. “I guess,” they muttered, but Morgan was right-- Remmy couldn’t stay away, even if they wanted to. The other night proved that. Huffing, they crossed their arms over their chest. “I don’t know, and I hate it. She says she’s good, but when has Luce ever said that and meant it?” they looked earnestly over at Morgan, before feeling their body droop. “It was my idea, too,” they grumbled, “I feel so-- stupid. I was supposed to have boundaries, be strong, and I just--” they waved their hands in front of them, “the minute I saw her I couldn’t not kiss her.”
“Remmy--” Morgan stretched up to kiss their temple. “You’ve really got it bad, huh? Listen, I don’t have any great advice here, except maybe, you know, try to lay down more of those boundaries. Try. But that’s easier said than done. You may recall the number of times I came here to have some very un-casual casual sex with Deirdre, and the a month or so where I was living here, sharing an un-sexy bed, and making out with her while insisting that we were just friends. And then there’s all the all girls back in Texas I insisted were just for the night and then made the mistake of holding repeat engagements, before I learned better. Point is: I am the reigning queen of terrible sex decisions. Welcome, my dear Remmy, to my queendom. Would you like me to whip you up some nachos or popcorn about it? Because there’s not much to do about this one besides letting it all out with your friends. What’d she say besides that she was ‘good’?”
“She asked me to stay,” Remmy said quietly, looking up at Morgan with big, bashful eyes. Even if it seemed impossible, they couldn’t help but cling to the small hope that Luce cared about them, too. That maybe she even liked them back. “Afterwards. And it was--” they gave a small pause, “--it was the first time I let her touch me, too.” They sat back a little. “I haven’t-- since I woke up dead. Let anyone…” Did it mean something? Or were they reading into it? They needed to know, and they were looking at Morgan as if she were the only one with the answer. They knew it wasn't’ fair, but they couldn’t help it. “Nachos sound nice,” they murmured after a small silence. “I could eat some nachos right now.”
“Oh, honey,” Morgan repeated, dragging out the word. She had been there, was still kind of there even, savoring all of the amazing little treasures of affection Deirdre gave her, from her practiced touches, to her swift, almost mindless kisses, and all the words and smiles she gave. There were less of them now, with everything happening with Regan, but Morgan treasured what she received even more now, knowing Deirdre was working against her despair to be present for her. “That’s a big base to cross. I’m proud of you, however this shakes out, okay? Just give me a sec, okay? I already have some half done for us.” She kissed the top of Remmy’s head and disappeared into the kitchen for a few minutes, assembling everything and pouring hot, diced brains on top. When they were ready, Morgan came back with a big bowl and promptly placed it in their lap before crawling back into their place against them. “Is there more to the story that you wanna share? I’m guessing you did stay over? Was there breakfast, coffee? Goodbye kisses?”
Remmy waited idly while Morgan went to get their nachos. They rubbed their palms along the tops of their pants in a small, nervous manner, sitting up a little straighter when Morgan came back into the room and handed the plate over. They cozied in and let her reattach herself to her side, taking a small bite before answering her question. “Not really. Um-- I think she felt weird making stuff when she knows I don’t eat. It was-- well, not awkward, but also not, like...that,” they said, pushing around some of the nachos with a finger. They looked over at Morgan almost expectantly. “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore. I feel like I should just...get over it. Get over her, but I--” they scratched at their jeans, “--I don’t think I want to.” It was hard to explain-- even after all the hurtful things Luce had said, all of the times she’d pushed them away, they’d seen enough of her softness to know there were feelings buried in her somewhere. They could almost feel it. “I know that really doesn’t help with...all the other shit I’m trying to work through, but I just-- I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about someone before.” They offered the plate to Morgan, before setting it on the table in front of them. “Why are girls so complicated?”
Morgan took a chip and scooped it deep into her brain mix before the bowl went to rest on the table. She chewed thoughtfully, savoring the spicy-tangy taste as she listened to her friend. “I wish I knew why girls and girl stuff was so complicated, Remmy. If we could make caring about one another un-complicated and stick in a bottle, we’d make billions. People-- some of the most incredible people are the most hurt, or the most locked away, or the most angry. I’m sure there’s gotta be some out there that aren’t, but maybe you and I...we just don’t click with them like we do the people we really like. And who even knows how or why we’re drawn to the people we are. I don’t think I’ve known many people who came together perfectly, with no bumps or hold ups, and stayed together. It’s all one big clusterfuck of a mystery. I gotta ask you something though--” She turned her head so she could lock eyes with Remmy. “Do you think you might love her, Remmy?”
Remmy listened intently to Morgan’s mini-speech-- she was really good at that, and they supposed that was why she was an English teacher. But it didn’t change the meaning of her words, or about how right she was. They could only wish for an easy answer. And then, of course, she had to ask the hardest question of them all-- and Remmy knew the answer, but they hadn’t said it outloud yet. They almost didn’t want to. They picked at a spot on their jeans, unable to look Morgan in the eyes, even as she attempted to lock them in. “I-- don’t know. I’m not sure I really...know what romantic love feels like, anymore. Cause I thought I-- I thought I loved him, my last-- I thought that was love, but it wasn’t, and I...well...how can I know?” they chanced a small look over at her, wondering if their face would be flushed had it been able to be. Wondering if this was really the talk they needed to be having when they still felt like their past held a vice grip on them, chaining them to a personhood they no longer had possession of.
“Ooh! This one, I do have an answer for!” Morgan helped herself to another loaded tortilla chip and stuffed it into her mouth. “I don’t know how much you’re going to like it, Remmy, and maybe it sounds cheesy but…” She sighed, holding Remmy’s gaze affectionately. It was so familiar, and so unfair. “When you know, Remmy, you know. I’ve never-- I’d been with people before and I’d had hope for people before, but I’d never been loved this way. And I’d never been in love, except for one sad high school obsession that wasn’t allowed to go anywhere. I knew about as much as you right now...when you know, you know. It’s just...something in us that most of us can understand when it comes. So if you think you do, Remmy, those heart flutters and heart aches, and the catalog of expressions you keep in your head, the thrill of one more minute or one more hour together-- I think it is what you think it is.”
Remmy stayed quiet while Morgan talked, trying to absorb what she was saying and see if that matched how they felt. The truth was, they didn’t really know how they felt-- they just knew that watching Luce suffer made them hurt, and watching her be happy made them happy, and touching her felt like the greatest thing in the world. So-- huh. Maybe Morgan was right. They looked over at her, swallowing. “What if she doesn’t...love me back?” they asked quietly, almost so quiet it could’ve been missed had they not been so close together, and had their mouth not moved to say the words.
Morgan draped an arm around Remmy and tucked them closer together. “If she doesn’t, then Luce is even more of an emotionally stunted idiot than I already think she is. And you may not stop loving her all at once or ever, knowing you, but you’ll have to at least try to get on without her. Find someone who will appreciate the love you have to offer.” Her head fell to rest on Remmy’s shoulder, tired and sad. “But maybe she does. Maybe she just doesn’t know how to say it yet…”
Remmy settled into Morgan and put their head on top of hers when she rest on their shoulder. “Was it hard for you? With Deirdre?” they asked into the silence after a long moment. They weren’t sure why asking that helped, but maybe they just wanted to know this struggle wasn’t theirs alone. “To say it? Did she-- she figured out how to say it. Was that hard?” The world felt heavy and quiet around them, and the nachos were going cold, but Remmy didn’t want to move. Not yet. They wanted something solid, something real. Anyone, or anything. Morgan couldn’t always be their rock, they knew that.
“Well, I met her in January, moved in sometime in March, and even when she asked me to be her girlfriend in April, she immediately had a panic attack and started crying when I said I loved her,” Morgan replied. It wasn’t the best weather forecast for Remmy and Luce if this was some kind of pattern with other women, but it didn’t occur to her to tell Remmy anything other than the truth. “We’ve talked about all that since, and she’s said...she loved me back then. As far back as that stupid week and a half break up, maybe before. She was really scared about it. Some of it was the way she was brought up, a lot of it honestly, but...yeah, it was really hard. But then, after I said it, and then said she didn’t have to right away, that it would just be nice to hear someday, after that it was easy. I mean, you know what a romantic dope she is. I think we say it at least ten times a day.” She shrugged. “Maybe Luce just needs to get over that hump. Or maybe she’s just not the kind of person to say that a lot.” Her mother certainly wasn’t, but Ruth Beck wasn’t a kind of person Morgan wanted Remmy to be getting close to. “I hope if it is hard now, it gets easy later. At least the feelings part. Feelings and talking and being kind should come easy, I think. There’s so much other hard stuff you can’t do anything about, no matter how hard you try, at least the basic things shouldn’t be hard too,” she sighed.
Remmy was quiet again. They weren’t sure what else to say. Everything Morgan said was true and right and the way she talked about Deirdre made even Remmy feel loved. The two of them had something Remmy wasn’t sure they’d ever get, but sometimes, when they thought about Luce, or lying in bed next to Luce, or just sitting in her cabin, it felt like maybe they could get close. Their thoughts turned momentarily to Nadia, and other Nadia, and how Luce had expressed such a similar concern for them as for Remmy, but that wasn’t something they could think about right now. Things were...too complicated there. They needed something to be easy. “Yeah,” they finally replied, letting out a long sigh. “I think she’s just scared.” A beat. “I kinda get that.” They looked down at Morgan. “I’m glad she finally said it to you. You two...deserve that happiness.”
Morgan sniffled and nodded into Remmy’s shoulder. “Me too,” she said, tearing up in spite of herself. “We uh...fuck, we could really use that right now. Just some good fairy tale kiss the girl and everything is magically all better bulshit.” She cried into Remmy’s shoulder, squeezing them as tight as her hands could stand. “Everything’s kind of hard right now,” she said, breathing through her teeth. “And she’s my anchor, and I’m hers, and I know if we have anything at all, it’s each other, but I just wish we didn’t have to fight or hold on so tight in the first place.”
“Is it still….the mushroom stuff?” Remmy asked, hoping they weren’t reopening some recent, painful wound that was going to be difficult to talk about. But maybe Morgan needed to talk about it. They didn’t want to boggart her time by making it all about them, and maybe if they got her to talk about a different subject she’d forget about why Remmy was here in the first place. “Is everything okay with you guys?”
“It’s not the mushrooms,” Morgan mumbled tearfully. “It’s...fuck, it’s secret, awful fae bullshit. It’s destroying Deirdre to do it and I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk about it with anyone. I don’t know if they could accept how brutal it all is, what she has to do, what was done to her when she was, stars, she was just eight. And she tried so hard to look for something else, anything else. She’s tried so hard to accept kindness, to be kind to people, and this thing is--I’m so afraid it’ll take that away from her, and me. And if that wasn’t enough..” She laughed bitterly and wiped her eyes. “You remember Constance? From the day I died?”
Oh. That-- that was a lot to unpack. Remmy didn’t know what to say. Lydia was very secretive about her fae stuff, except for when she’d helped Remmy escape Jax. Other than that, she did not speak of it, and Remmy did not ask. It didn’t seem right to. So secret fae shit sounded heavy. And like something they weren’t willing to push on. “I--I’m sorry,” was all they found they could say. Blinked, though back to that day. To the specter that had sat on the bench next to them, surprised to find that Remmy could see her. “I-- yeah. I remember. W-why?”
“She came to our house. Here. She came here while we were in bed. It was normal and fine and then Deirdre felt something close by and she just--” Morgan shook her head. “She would’ve killed us both if we let her. She would’ve crushed Deirdre’s throat if I hadn’t stopped her. She was solid and awful, and she wants me to die, for good this time, because of whatever bullshit made her crazy enough to curse us all in the first place.” She grimaced through her tears and reached for the bowl of nachos, cradling it to her stomach to have something to hold. “I’m going to end her first. There’s exorcisms that make ghosts hurt, and as soon as I get my hands on the worst of them, she’s mine.”
“She-- what!?” Remmy said, exasperated. They sat up enough to look at Morgan fully, as if expecting to find some sort of damage on her, some tell that they must’ve missed. But zombies healed almost instantaneously, so of course there was nothing. Nothing except the droop in Morgan’s shoulders and the weariness on her face. The unfairness of the situation, of the world, falling on her back. “But-- you’re okay now? Why, why would she do that? I thought the curse ended when you died? When you--” they swallowed, shook their head. “Wait-- exorcism?” Hadn’t Nadia said something about those? “Don’t-- dont those hurt? You want to...make her hurt?”
Morgan wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “You know, I was a little busy fighting for our lives to hold an interview. But she made it clear that my sticking around after the curse is why she’s so pissed. She said ‘I am your justice and your fate.’ And that I needed to be punished.” She stuffed a handful of nachos into her mouth, but she didn’t have the appetite for it, she was too angry. “Yes, an exorcism. Yes, I want to make her hurt. For what she did to me, to Deirdre, to my mother-- do you realize she’s the reason my mother was such a nightmare in the first place? And her mother? And probably hers before that, a whole fucked up family line, just hurting each other because we couldn’t figure out or get our hands on the one who was actually to blame! It’s such bullshit. If I could still make magic on my own I’d find a way to write something to take her energy and rip it into so many pieces, if I could take it out of the cycle of the universe altogether, even better. But I’ll settle for an exorcism to the pain. I just need to find it, and someone to do it.”
“I-- sorry,” Remmy said at her first words, clicking their jaw shut and listening to the rest of her words. What she was saying, it wasn’t fair. Constance coming after her wasn’t fair, of course it wasn’t, but-- hurting someone? Specifically looking for something to hurt someone else? It didn’t sit right with Remmy. They had to say something. “I-- I know it’s not fair of her to come after you, but-- maybe she’s just confused? O-or hurting, herself? Being a ghost has to be hard. People can’t see or hear you or...a-and I’m not saying it’s an excuse, but-- looking to hurt someone like that, you...I don’t think that’s really a good idea, Morgan,” they said quietly, trying to keep their words fair and even. It wasn’t working well, they could tell by the look on Morgan’s face. And almost seeing your lover killed by a physical ghost probably didn’t help, but wanting to hurt someone just to hurt them? That wasn’t who Morgan was, right? She didn’t lash out like that in anger just for vengeance, did she?
Morgan stared at Remmy and wondered if she had been magic hexed into having another hyper-realistic dream. Surely, this was the moment when the floor folded up and crushed them, or her own mangled body plummeted through the ceiling and landed between them. “Are you completely shitting me right now?” She murmured, edging out of Remmy’s grasp. “Blanche was one thing, but you--you saw her kill me, Remmy. You were there when everything--and all those bullshit ways I almost died!  And to come back just when I have my life together, you want to call trying to murder Deirdre in front of me just ‘not fair’? Geez, I hate to see what would happen if she actually finished the job! What does that get from you, a slap on the ectoplasm?” She looked at Remmy and she stood, eyes pleading with disbelief. “Tell me you are not gonna bail on me when the bitch who ruined my life is back to take what’s left of it. Tell me you haven’t forgotten everything she’s put me through.”
Remmy flinched. That had been the absolute wrong thing to say, but somehow, they didn’t feel bad for saying it. Their whole life they’d been asked to just shut up and take it and they were growing tired of it. Of not saying what was on their mind. And while they wanted to argue again, they felt a heavy weariness inside of them that told them now really wasn’t the time. “Right, no, that’s...I’m not. I’m not going to bail on you, of course not,” they said, holding a hand out to Morgan again. “Just...come back to the couch, okay? I just...let’s just watch something. Today has been...a lot, for both of us.” They looked up at Morgan with soft, pleading eyes. “Please?”
Morgan idled, holding herself against Remmy’s words. “I need this, Remmy,” she murmured. “And I need at least some of my friends to care enough to help me.” Maybe not enough, she thought, just more than some set of hopeless principles. More than whatever fear Constance wanted to put in them. More than whatever squick hang-ups a phrase like “to the pain” they held. She wanted to be more important than that. “I need to be able to trust you with this.” She held their gaze, clocking the unease but unable to decipher which impulse was winning. She still didn’t know for sure when she edged back to the couch. She passed Remmy the remote and mumbled that they could pick what to watch, still searching for a hard answer in their expression. “Everything feels like it wants to fall apart,” she whispered, shifting around, looking for that comfortable spot again. “I just need my best friend. Okay?”
The world had tried so hard to tear Remmy apart-- both emotionally and mentally. It had tried so many times to destroy them. And, perhaps, it had succeeded at times. It had torn apart their life when it had taken their mom from them. It had torn apart their life when they’d been nearly expelled from high school and practically forced into the military. It had torn apart their life when it took their squad mates and friends from them. And it had torn apart their life when they had woken up alone and afraid and forgotten. White Crest was supposed to have been a place where they could start over and build something new. And even it had tried to tear them down. Life was just trying to teach them the same lesson, over and over. And now that they’d finally learned it, they were faced with a friend who wanted them to go back on it. To bend under the overwhelming pressure of deciding if what was right and wrong, if what they believed in, meant more to them than someone’s friendship. Remmy’s shoulders drooped just a little and they clicked on Grey’s Anatomy before settling in next Morgan. All they said to her was, “Okay.”
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gainerboystories · 4 years
Football jocks now test subjects part 2: group two's forced weight gain.
"MORNING" dr Mike shouts while entering the room, "wake up boys, hello group one, how are you? Awww look boy 1 your huge cock and balls in that jar, your gonna miss them". Boy one lays high on painkillers not speeking or trying to move still in shock from him been nullified, the other boys who had been nullified do the same and start to accept their fate, as all night they been hypnotised to forget their whole lives, and its starting to take effect.
"Group 2, boys 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, its time you know what will happen to you. Well like i said we focus on muscle testing here, so me and the other doctors was talking and one doctor has made a new medical IV drip, this drip is supose to slowly remove all muscle from your body and turn it into fat cells, and then any muscle you try to gain after automatically becomes fat, but thats not all, they is a second medication. this medication duplicates fat cells so when you are pure fat from your muscles desolving, we duplicate them until were happy." The boys sruggle in the bondage and scream for help but nobody can help them, the boys in group 3 and 4 watch in horror as the group 2 boys are told their fate, and are stuck till they are told what will happen to them.
Dr Mike continues, "so boys theys something i need to tell you, when i said youll keep your penis, it wasnt a lie but something else will happen, your pebis is a muscle so it will slowly desolve into fat, and we dont know what will happen to that, we dont know if the fat will join the rest of your body or stay in the penis and grow with the second medication." Dr Mike stops, and watches as the boys beg and scream and shout for help and to be relised. But he watches the says "staff set up the IVs" the 5 doctors go to the bed side if each jock, and reads their indervidual stats to them; "boy 6, you are 6 foot 2, 260lbs and your penis size soft is 6 inchs and 9 hard " "boy 7 you are 5 foot 8, 250lbs, and your penis size is 4inchs soft and 7 inchs hard." "Boy 8, you are 7 foot 3, 350lbs, and your penis size is 9 inchs soft and 13 inchs hard, your gonna miss using that boy." "Boy 9, you are 6 foot 6, 320lbs, and your penis size is 5 inchs soft 8 inchs hard." "Boy 10, you are 5 foot 11, 300lbs, and your penis size is 3inchs soft and 5 inchs hard." Dr mike look at the boys as their stats are read outloud to them, and says "haha, lets start the drips, now boys you will feel a tingling sensation all accross your bodys for about 6 hours, after that your body will be fully changed from your pure muslce bodys to pure fat and when thats done we will start you on your first doubke of fat, yes your first."
All the boys star to twitch trying to stop the tingling sensation, but the sensasion just gets stronger as the medication digs deep into every muscle detroying them forever. Boy 8 the biggest boy of his group is now becoming the bigest boy, his huge pecs melt away and flaten towards his chest forming moobs upon his tall frame, his belly previously a sold set of abs is now a belly of fat drooping down his sides, and his previously huge cock has desolved completly and mixed eith the fat of his new fat pad leaving only his balls drooping between his legs.
6 hours later dr Mike renters the room passing the boys one group one, been hypnotised to be submisive nullified slaves. And after he passes group one he cones up to group two, all the boys lay unable to move from their new fat pinning them down not to mention the bondage. Dr Mike explains, "wow boys, you rally let yourselfs go. Anyways like i said, time to double your weight, doctors start the IVs" the doctors start them, dr mike continues "by tommorow morning you will be about double your current weight, i cant...weight to see you tomorrow" the doctors laugh. The boys feel another tingerling sensation across their body, two boys still have theur cock and they begin to grow like a huge siliconed dick, the others cocks have been absorbed by the rest of their bodys.
The clock ticks to 7 am and dr Mike returns, "MORNING BOYS, aw group one are your starying to come to terms with your new genitals, or lack of genitals?" All the group one boys are now fully awake and try to beg for their old life back with their cocks back on them, dr Mike comes up to one of the boys and looks into the jar now contining the boys huge cock and tennis ball size testicles, "i bet you use to be the fuck boy at college, fucking as many women as you could, now what do you wanna do? Worship men thats right" he moves to the next bed "aww look at that you dont even copare to your nabour hes was hung and look at what you had lets read your chart....... 1 INCH SOFT, 3 INCHS HARD, hahahahahaha, i guess we did you a blessing making you equill with the make next to you, well youll both be begging to woship every man you see by the end of your testing." Dr mike starts to walk to see group two, "wow you guys have blown up". From left to right all dr Mike sees is large ex-jocks covered from head to toe in a thick lare of fat. "Aww look at thos balls, your sacks are full of fat, not to mention the rest of you now pure fatty bodys."dr Mike took a closer look at his work, "wow those balls must be getting squished by all that fat", dr mike looks at the face of boy 7, "aww you in a little pain boy, at least your lucky you have your penis, you can not use it as its pure fat, and you can not feel anything, all the nerves are probably dead by now." The other doctors give a little seditive to the boys, and dr Mike says "boys although your so big you can not move anymore, we need you bigger, staff weigh them then see how big they are needed."
The beds auto weighing each boy display their new weights, each staff member reads the new weights and adds it to the biys charts. "Boy 6 you are now 460lbs", "Boy 7 you are now 510lbs", "Boy 8 you are now 630lbs", "Boy 9 you are now 530lbs" and finally,"Boy 10 you are now 470lbs".
"Wow boys you might be big but your new masters need you double your size, and staff mesure the penis sizes of the two boys who have them".
"Boy 7 your penis was 4 inchs soft and 7 inchs hard, now you are perminently 15 inchs long and 10 inchs around", and "boy boy 10 you was 3 inchs soft and 5 inchs hard, you are now perminently 10 inchs long and 7 inchs around". The boys in groul 3 and 4 watch as the jocks they was winning the championship with just yesterday are now, cockless and soon to be hypnotised slaves, or fat cockless or huge cocked men. And they have no way to escape, they just sit locked in perminet bondage untill dr Mike tell them their fate.
Now its 9pm and dr Mike is about to leave untill the morning,"night boys, group one hopfully you dont miss your manhood, well in a month when your recoved you wont worry about anything. And boys from group two you should be fat enough tomorrow, so we can start your hypnosis tonight, and boys in group three, hopfully your ready for tomorrow. NIGHT BOYS!".
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