#guitar hero ii
videogamepolls · 9 days
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Requested by anon
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badhum · 6 months
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Gutar Hero II – PS2
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g4zdtechtv · 9 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: Cheat! - Can't Make Up Your Mind? | 12/21/06
Taking the rules out back, and shooting them like a lame horse.
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liugeaux · 6 months
The Best Games of 2006 | The 7th Gen is Here
In 2006, with the release of the Wii and PS3, the 7th console generation was officially in full swing. This list ended up having a nice mixture of all the consoles on the market, but 2006 began one of the most pivotal era of video games, and this top 10 is a vivid snapshot of the industry at the time.
As always this will be written as if it was written in December of '06 so any later commentary about these series will not be mentioned. Here we go!
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#10 - Tomb Raider: Legend
The Tomb Raider franchise has always had a reputation of being a fun, yet arduous series. The puzzles were obtuse and frustrating and controlling Lara was a bit of a chore. This year, the team at Crystal Dynamics has finally gotten the formula right. With the transition from generation to generation it's hard to know which franchises will successfully make the jump to new hardware, and Tomb Raider proves Lara Croft has legs (no pun intended).
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#9 - Tetris DS
Tetris is the best puzzle game ever made. It's the puzzle game on which dozens of other puzzle games are built. Tetris has seen a consistent flow of releases over the years and the quality has been shaky, but Tetris DS gets it right in nearly every way. The controls are tight, the gameplay is true, and like its Game Boy predecessors, the DS makes for a great pick-up-and-play Tetris machine. Even the touch-specific game modes are a welcomed detour, but the real star here is the presentation. Most Tetris games have a reverence for the Tetris method, but Tetris DS has a reverence specifically for the original Nintendo-published Tetris titles and that makes all the difference.
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#8 - Resistance: Fall of Man
Ratchet and Clank developers Insomniac tried their hand at an FPS this year and for the most part, hit the jackpot. They created lore and a world engaging enough to explore and sprinkled in just enough Ratchet and Clank gun chaos to make the experience a unique one. Sure it has many of the issues you see with console launch games, but it lays the groundwork for both future Resistance games, and other hard-hitting shooters on PS3.
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#7 - Gears of War
Last year's Resident Evil 4 turned out to be much more influential than I thought. Where RE4 established the over-the-shoulder camera as a viable 3rd person game mechanic, Gears of War has perfected it. Borrowing the fast-paced nature of the best FPSs, the over-the-top gore of a Mortal Kombat, and revolutionizing the cover-based shooter, Gears is a new franchise for a new generation. Sure, it's a bit repetitive at times and by the end, the chest-high-walls gimmick begins to feel flimsy, but like Resistance, this world is hungry for my action.
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#6 - Marvel Ultimate Alliance
As the spiritual successor to the solid X-Men Legends games, Ultimate Alliance didn't have to be amazing to stick the landing. After being handed the keys to nearly the entire Marvel kingdom, Raven Software built an adventure that successfully translates the enormity of the Marvel universe, while still being an engaging Action-RPG. It even acts as a shortcut through the deep lore of the source material. I learned more about B-tier characters like Thor, Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, and Captain America than any other medium has been able to teach me thus far.
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#5 - New Super Mario Bros.
Mario has been bouncing around 3D environments since '96's Super Mario 64. Outside of weird esoteric one-offs here and there, Mario hasn't had a proper major 2D adventure since Super Mario World. I don't count Yoshi's Island, that's a Yoshi game. New Super Mario Bros. is a glorious return to form. The simple idea of, let's make one of those old 2D Mario games, but with up-to-date graphics, seems like a no-brainer, and it turns out to be a winning formula.
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#4 - Guitar Hero II
Better in every way, Guitar Hero II improves on its predecessor and proves the fad from last year is still in vogue. The only downside to Guitar Hero II is that it's a PS2 release. Moving the series into the new generation would have unlocked a lot of potential. Luckily Activision has announced it will be hitting Xbox 360 in the Spring, so maybe putting this game on the 2006 list might be a bit premature, but few other games have soaked up as much of my time this year as Guitar Hero II.
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#3 - Okami
When a team takes an established formula (The Legend of Zelda) and attempts to make a stand-out game, they need to come up with something fresh and brilliant to garner respect and attention. With Okami, Clover Studio did just that. Like Shadow of the Colossus last year, Okami is squeezing every bit of power out of the PS2 that it can. Enough like a Zelda game to feel familiar, yet beautifully animated with stunning watercolors to make it stand out, Okami puts an exclamation point on a tried and true formula whose days might be numbered.
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#2 - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Ever since Space World 2000 Nintendo has been on the hook to give us a more mature and realistic Legend of Zelda game. Windwaker, arguably the best game in the series, had its detractors, so Twilight Princess had a lot to live up to. Full of polish, and style, this game is the perfection of the formula established by Ocarina of Time. Its dungeons are the best the series has seen and while the wolf transformation mechanic may seem lazy at first, it pays off in both gameplay and story. Twilight Princess is what we've wanted from the Zelda series for a long time and it definitely lives up to the hype.
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#1 - Wii Sports
Swooping in out of nowhere, Wii Sports is not only the game of the year, it could go down as the most important game of the generation. With the launch of the Wii, Nintendo has reset the market on what it means to be a gamer. It's hands down the most accessible game ever released and is far more than a proof of concept for the Wii platform. Bowling and Tennis alone are worth the price of admission, even if that admission is the cost of a Wii. Nintendo has successfully predicted the market and given us what we didn't know we wanted: motion controls. As with any new tech and launch there's a layer of jank here, but it's worth it to experience the action that has gotten millions of gamers off the couch and swinging their Wii-motes.
Notable Omissions
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - There are a lot of things about Oblivion that make it not a game for me. It's a heavy RPG, with a fantasy setting. Everything about that turns me off.
Bully - I might have enjoyed Bully, but since I hate playing GTA games, I stayed away from it.
Final Fantasy XII - This series has never been on my radar as it is WAY too anime for my liking. It being a heavy RPG doesn't help my interest either.
That's it! Next time we dive into 2007.
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mikeladano · 9 months
REVIEW: Extreme - Extragraffitti (1990 Japanese EP)
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carnivore-voyeur · 3 months
A Lengthy List of Per Eriksson Facts for Future Reference
(Based on the Live he did on Instagram. I rewatched it and made a list so you don't have to)
He's a t-shirt collector and he (allegedly) has more t-shirts than Jutty Taylor.
He says he barely paid attention in school b/c he was too busy playing guitar.
His favorite tattoo is the one on his chest. It was his first tattoo.
The back tattoo took several sessions and 30+ hours. It was very painful.
His stomach tattoo hurt the most. It's his least favorite and he wants to get it removed.
He took out his lip piercing b/c it was uncomfortable to eat with. He kept biting it.
He likes playing realistic first person shooter games. He's a PC and Xbox gamer.
His favorite guitar is the Fender Stratocaster. It's the one he uses in Ghost.
He was invited to see Rite Here Rite Now in LA.
He saw Ghost for the first time in 2011 when he was in Katatonia.
He started out as a touring guitar tech and worked for Opeth, Meshuggah, Dark Funeral, Katatonia, and more.
He's been playing guitar for 35 years and he thinks he's a mediocre guitar player.
Per started out learning how to play drums b/c his older brother was a drummer.
He had his necklace custom made in 1999/2000. He rarely takes it off.
He says his Finnish is not good.
He doesn't speak Spanish very well either. He understands more than he can speak.
He's a Snoopy fan b/c his mom got him a Snoopy plushie when he was two. He still has it.
His favorite horror movie is The Shining. He prefers the movie to the book.
His favorite Katatonia song is Sweet Nurse.
He loves animals.
He does enjoy black metal.
He thinks his hair sucks.
His favorite horror game is Silent Hill II.
He had an apartment in Barcelona, but he no longer lives there.
He was in a band called Genocrush Ferox that he says was a technical death metal band.
His favorite food is tacos.
His favorite band is Macabre.
His favorite colors are black, red, and purple.
He's seen Metallica live many times. It was his favorite band when he was a kid.
He says the hardest part of touring is traveling and boredom.
He loves true crime and he studied serial killers. He doesn't support them, just interested in their psychology.
He'd love to play with King Diamond some day.
He prefers still water to bubbly water.
He's seen SOAD live a couple times.
Toto was one of the first bands he saw live.
He's played Dead by Daylight but it gave him motion sickness.
He gets nervous playing live.
He loves good drummers.
He plays guitar, bass, and drums. He likes to sing too but says he's not great at it.
He says he had a bad experience meeting one of his heroes.
He's seen Rammstein and loves them.
He loves the word dong because they use it in his favorite show, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
He doesn't understand why he has fans.
He says he will never do anything with Bloodbath ever again.
He hates social media.
He absolutely loves his baphomet plushies.
He prefers dark evil horror than gore.
He likes it when people call him babygirl.
He doesn't like anime.
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novemberthewriter · 22 days
hi so ive been back at work for a few weeks since that time was ill & they've just ... not paid me? and until i can get things sorted out with payroll i need help with my phone bill & immediate essentials since i was counting on my money finally coming in today. im so sorry to ask for help again rn but im disabled and just really going through it tryna finish my damn degree keep food on the table & stay sane/relatively healthy lol. any help appreciated.
$0 / $100
cashapp /venmo / paypal if you dm
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wilwheaton · 1 year
Hey, Wil! Sorry if you've already been asked this, but a quick search of your blog didn't give an answer so I figured I'd just go ahead and ask :> I was watching a video documentary on youtube and saw that you were in the credits under "industry thanks" for Guitar Hero II, is there a specific reason why?? Hope you have a good day!! <3
Oh wow I didn't know that! That's so cool!
I knew the team on that game and Rock Band, back in the day. I guess I was maybe some kind of protoinfluencer then? I talked about that game to anyone who was around me, and kept talking about it long after they'd lost interest. I was a HUGE fan. Rock Band, too.
I love that they thanked me for basically being enthusiastic and believing in them. That's really sweet. Thank you for telling me.
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ohraicodoll · 2 years
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Joel Miller x f!Reader The Last of Us (show/game) 4.8K Words (3rd POV) Summary: Two broken people clash. “Even when he hated her presence, it stirred something deep in his belly to see her spitting and angry at the world. Like a confirmation that only the cruel survived. That if something sweet like her had turned into a monster then he shouldn’t have expected better for himself. Permission. He was justified in his edges and bitterness.” Warning: Depictions of graphic violence Part I | Part II
Ellie had told him that the woman had been trying to be a singer before the world went to hell. He hadn’t asked, because he never asked, but had learned it the way most information came from the young girl. Rushed and mostly to fill the silence between them when she wasn’t being entertained. He didn’t care about before because that world was over so why did it matter- who they were before- but he could see it in his mind sometimes.
She would have been young, a lot younger than him by a decade at least, and soft skinned with bright eyes and an eagerness to share something beautiful. An artist type with her voice as the brush. He knew that type well. When he was younger, he’d wanted to be a musician too. Had learned to play the guitar, played a few gigs to keep himself occupied while Tommy went off to the army trying to be a hero. Met a girl that way though it all came screeching to a halt when she got knocked up and then quickly dipped when Sarah was young. There was no time for guitar and dreams while raising an infant as a single father. He had just been an average joe then. Not too smart, not too many goals, but good with his hands and at building things. The only job he was qualified for. He hadn’t had time for beauty or art when he’d been too busy trying to pay the bills, keep his brother out of trouble fresh from discharge, and his daughter fed and taken care of. Now neither of them had time for that. It was only about survival and this teenage girl tethering them together. The mission. The woman, who Ellie had taken to calling Red for some reason he wasn’t paying attention to, wasn’t soft skinned anymore and probably hadn’t been for a long time. She was all bared teeth, sharp edges, and brutality. A bobcat whose first instinct was to tear and shred rather than be gentle. That’s how he first saw Red.
They’d been clearing an old building for the night to possibly stay in and had stumbled upon a group who’d camped the area, knowing what a prime location it was. Scavengers, vultures picking off whoever came through and taking what they could. There’d been a good number of them and Joel was only one man with a highly valuable ward so he did the rational thing and ran. Ellie had stumbled badly, falling behind in the blink of an eye. He’d cursed at himself later and reamed himself a new one at the fact he didn’t keep her in front of him. It was an amateur mistake and he wasn’t an amateur. The scavenger that had been persistently tailing them had been there fast, machete raised, still pissed at the blow the girl had landed on him earlier. Quicker than he could raise his own arm and shoot the guy Red had come barreling from a side room, swinging a metal bat so hard into the guy's head it dented. All teeth, growling like a goddamn animal, bashing the bat over and over into his head until it was nothing but pulp. Breathing hard, her eyes met his and it was like looking into a mirror. Hollow and broken and rage. Even when he hated her presence, it stirred something deep in his belly to see her spitting and angry at the world. Like a confirmation that only the cruel survived. That if something sweet like her had turned into a monster then he shouldn’t have expected better for himself. Permission. He was justified in his edges and bitterness. She’d helped Ellie and gotten them out, her choice made after seeing the asshole go after the girl. It took all night to get out of the city limits and far enough it was safe enough to rest. Then the damn kid got attached. She refused to go on without the woman after only one night, no matter how much Joel growled at her absolutely not. Red didn’t have anyone, was just surviving from one night to the next. The heavy implication that there had been a group, had been other people, once hung in the silence. And against his best wishes, Joel agreed if only to get the kid moving though he kept an eye on the woman diligently for at least a couple weeks.
They both didn’t like each other at first, but she looked after the girl and it helped having someone look over his shoulder after Tess… But she wasn't the smuggler who had been all broken edges and selfishness. Red didn’t give a shit about herself to a fault, so selfless at times it felt like it was a punishment or a goddamn death wish. Like she hated herself. She used her body like a weapon and made Ellie her sole priority as if she had nothing left tethering her to life until she saved the girl. He reasoned that it made his job easier, but if anything it made him more on edge watching her throw herself into every fight like a rabid animal with no care for her own safety. Joel reasoned that it was because seeing another person die would make Ellie harder to manage, but he wasn’t so sure. He wondered who she had lost to act that way and then he shoved that thought into the back of his mind because he didn’t care about her enough to wonder that. As the days went on, he could see the leftover marks from the world before and the person she used to be, small whispers of that bright eyed girl. A small tattooed “Love ya” in someone’s handwriting on her inner arm. Dainty flowers on her ankle. Stars on little strings under her collar bone. What you would expect a young woman to get if there weren’t an apocalypse. When she pissed him off, he called her Starshine mockingly, unable to see something so small and lighthearted without turning it bitter. She called him Tex after Ellie had spilled that’s where he was from. He hadn’t been able to hide the wince at the name so she kept at it like a bird pecking at an open wound. The memory of Tess's voice calling him that late at night had long since merged with her wide scared eyes as he left her to die. It flashed in his mind every time. It made him hate her more, but the anger kept him focused. Starshine. Tex. The pain was a revolving door. Red protected her bag religiously. It held everything that she owned, the only remnants of that life before. A small mixtape cassette of music, a couple of pictures, a pair of keys that were rusted and useless, a journal. He’d seen her damn near behead a guy who had attempted to rip it off her and she hadn’t stopped hacking away until she was soaked in blood and panting. It was the one time Ellie had been scared of her. Joel had been impressed. All teeth. She didn’t speak for days after that. That softness wasn’t completely gone though, just buried underneath thick callus-like skin. Sometimes he could catch it peeking through. When they’d happened upon a stream, she’d forced Ellie to wash her hair and he’d watched as Red helped her lean her hair back into the water and had even laughed when the girl swung it to splash her. She’d sat behind Ellie later on and combed through the long mess, complaining the kid was letting it get matted. Then she’d rolled her eyes when Ellie had complained in turn about Red’s aggressive brushing. She could handle people trying to kill her constantly but not getting her tangles brushed out. Joel had watched them out of the corner of his eye, warm coffee in his hands, and simply shook his head. The kid liked her and it kept Ellie from pestering him constantly, though he was finding he didn’t mind it as much. She would take turns asking them questions whether they be about the world or how things worked or their lives before. Sometimes she simply liked to read things out loud from her dumb joke book to whatever books she’d grab. It was the few times he saw Red crack a smile, her hand on Ellie’s bag to keep the girl moving forward and making sure she didn’t trip on anything while distracted. He was minding them both less and less. When they’d gone through a store, Red’s fingers had trailed over the tops of old records lovingly, wistfully. Joel had watched her linger for a second and the way her eyes had lightened, her lips pressed together as if she were remembering. When she caught him staring, her hand had snatched away and the light had sputtered out before she kept going. He’d resisted going over and seeing what records she had touched, finding the spots in the dust hers had made. One time after having found two whole bottles of booze and a safe enough spot to breathe, they’d both gotten drunk after Ellie had passed out. It’d been a hard day of travel and they had needed it. Joel hadn’t had alcohol in months and his tolerance had diminished, the liquor hitting him harder than it had in a while. She’d mentioned a younger sister and a guy named Harry and he didn’t have to wonder who she had lost anymore. The name burned in his belly along with the taste of the alcohol and he imagined someone handsome and young, maybe the owner of the “love ya” handwriting. He didn’t ask questions, didn’t pry to see how long that wound had been there. His own was twenty years old and still festering. Hell, there was a new one just a few months old. They’d switched to other topics. Music mostly, Texas, the Fireflies. Nothing too personal, but holding tiny glimpses of themselves. She’d fallen asleep first and his eyes had traced the tiny stars too many times to count, hand gripping the bottle of liquor to keep from reaching out. They both learned each other’s patterns. Months of traveling together, working together to keep Ellie safe, had given her the ability to read what he wanted without him even saying it. Survival did that. Flank left, check around the corner right, keep back with Ellie while he cleared the rooms. He trusted her to take care of the girl, but that selfless tendency sometimes reared its ugly head…except Joel didn’t know when things changed. When it stopped being a pain in the ass for him and instead drove high keeling panic through his body. The sun was getting low and they’d unintentionally come too close to what seemed like a fortified cabin. The owners had been out and stumbled upon them, a case of the wrong people at the wrong time, and Joel knew instantly what type of people these were. Not just preppers like Bill, but kill-first-zero-hesitation survivalists. Apparently simply knowing of the safe house’s location was a death sentence and they’d attacked before he could process. Joel had a guy in a chokehold, squeezing so tight he could hear the distinct crack of bones splintering. There’d been four, the first easy enough to take care of but while Red was finishing him, another was headed towards Ellie and had managed to hit her. The woman had thrown herself at him, literally, clinging onto his back and driving her knife over and over into his chest. But he wasn’t going down so easily and had grabbed onto her arm in turn, trapping her there. She didn’t see the fourth guy walking up with his gun trained. Didn’t see that she was seconds from being another name on the list of people who had died in Joel’s life. But he had. White hot panic shot through his chest and he hadn’t thought, hadn’t even grabbed the pistol that had fallen to the ground. Joel lunged, gunshot ringing through his ear, and tackled the man. Blood warmed his skin as he punched over and over and over again. He hadn’t needed a bat to do the same damage she had done that first time, he was a weapon himself and even as bone fragments embedded in his hands, skin caved, and brain matter splattered all over the ground he destroyed whatever was left of the man underneath him. “Joel!” her fervent whisper shot through him and the sound of his name, not just Tex, finally got him to stop, breathing hard. In the dying sun, he could see her perfectly standing next to him. Like starshine. Still alive, the barest graze of a bullet on her shoulder. But she was okay and Ellie was okay and the man was dead. And she wasn't afraid of him, sitting atop the mutilated corpse that he had done with his own hands. “You okay?” she asked and he wanted to laugh because she was asking him? But he nodded gruffly and attempted to stand, only pausing when she offered him a hand equally covered in blood. She used to be a singer. He’d be a musician. Now they were matching monsters. For some reason, seeing her blood soaked hand in his irked him. She hadn’t been paying attention to herself and was only focused on getting the guy away from Ellie. It was careless and remembering seeing the gun raised at her irritated him even more. “You damn near almost got killed, Starshine,” Joel growled, his anger finding its usual target, “You’re lucky I managed to get to him in time and all you got was a graze instead of your brains splattered all over the damn floor.” “I was protecting Ellie,” Red bit out, hackles raised, “I’m sorry, I thought that was the point? Would you rather I make sure her ass stays alive or mine?” He grit his teeth together and clenched his fists, the pain shooting up from the torn skin helping keep him grounded. The answer should have been easy. Ellie, always. She was the cargo, the whole reason behind this journey. But the fact he couldn’t make himself reply, wasn’t satisfied with either option, made him turn his back and walk towards the house in silence. He didn’t like what that meant. They could see why the group had wanted to protect the small cabin. It was a goldmine and if they didn’t have a goal, a mission, Joel would have loved to keep fixing the place up and stay there for the rest of his life. They had their own generators, a high concrete fence, a water well, and even a small farm behind the house. They even had electricity and running hot water. It was a goddamn oasis in the middle of the forest, a more rustic smaller version of what Bill and Frank had. After clearing the whole place, it was decided they all would stay at least a day or two. It was safe enough and that would give them all time to rest, restock, and breathe before continuing on to Wyoming. It was a luxury and there was no sense not taking advantage of that. 
Ellie had happily raced through the whole house, digging through the previous occupants' belongings as if she hadn’t just witnessed all four of them get massacred. She flipped through their books, went through the pantries, and even shouted happily to Red at the discovery of a radio and collection of tapes. She’d paused only to scrunch up her nose, looking at the two adults, “Actually, you both should take showers first. You both need it so I’ll go last.” Joel had looked down, blood and mud covering his arms and pants while Red’s torso and hands were crimson as well. Now that the adrenaline was seeping from his body, the sting of his knuckles were making themselves known. He nodded his head at the woman, brow furrowed, “You can take a shower in the Master. I’m gonna take stock of all their shit and use the hallway one.” For once, Red didn’t argue, only pressed her lips tightly together and nodded before heading down to where they’d discovered the large master bedroom. She was usually quick to argue about being told what to do, but Joel tried not to think too much about it and chalked it up to exhaustion. The hot water was a godsend for his bunch up muscles though it stung like hell on his wounds. Hands pressed against the shower wall, he let the water run over his skin and wash away all the blood away. The murky rust colored water swirled and disappeared down the drain and though his brain told him to be efficient, clean and get in and out, he allowed him a small bit of time to stand there and zone out. There’d been a fixed up jeep in a makeshift garage out back. They could tear every salvageable supply from the cabin, fill it up, and finally make it to Wyoming in record time instead of the weeks, months, it’d been taking walking there. A couple days to rest and they’d be on their way. But with a plan set, his mind inevitably went to the woman he’d just butchered a man to protect. It hadn’t been like that moment with Ellie, standing in front of the FEDRA soldier. That night his mind had disappeared, seeing the light of the gun and knowing there was a young girl behind him that was the same age Sarah had been made him flashback to that moment. He’d been there again, but different. More brutal, more capable. He wouldn’t let her get hurt again. No, this was different. Pure instinct had taken over his body and he hadn’t thought at all. Ellie hadn’t been the one in danger, Red had, but the reaction had been visceral. He hadn’t wanted her name to end up on that list of people Joel couldn’t save. Hell, he didn’t even know her real name. No one to mourn her but him and the kid. Running a hand over his face, he finished washing up and turned the water off, not wanting to take all the heat before Ellie could get cleaned up. His muscles had loosened but that only let every ache and soreness seep in, his knuckles a mess of skin and small fragments of bone stabbed in. They were going to smart for a while and he needed to get the splinters out. Joel threw on a loose shirt and clean pair of jeans, water dripping from his damp hair even as he tried to comb it back. He’d seen a small suture kit in the master bedroom with some tweezers. Cursing himself for not grabbing it, he left the bathroom and barely missed being bulldozed over as Ellie ran in, “my turn!” He frowned as the door slammed shut loudly in her eagerness, shaking his head at the teenager and sighing. Red had to still be in the shower so that would give him enough time to grab the kit from the bedroom and try to clean up his hand. Most of the fragments were in his right hand, his dominant one, and it was gonna be a bitch to get out. The master bedroom was more like a stockpile than what it previously was. All the outer windows had been boarded up, the only entrance to the house being the front door. Racks of fabric, supplies, all sorts lined the walls. Nothing decorative, purely functional. Turning to the bathroom door to make sure it was still shut, Joel went over and found the shelf of First Aid supplies and rifled through until he came across the small kit. No alcohol, but there was some ointment and bandages so better than nothing. “Shoulda just used the gun,” Red’s voice was soft despite the words and he turned, finding her leaning against the open door frame in nothing but a towel. Steam poured from the entryway, light reflecting off the mist and surrounding her almost in a glow. She looked cleaner than he’d ever seen, skin shiny and hair sticking to her neck. The little tattooed stars winked at him even from across the room. He forgot how quiet she could be sometimes. “You rather I take three seconds to find my gun in the dark and let you get shot or deal with a busted hand?” Joel bit out gruffly, hand clenching reflexively though he wasn’t sure if it was out of pain or because he wanted to trace the long line of her bare neck. She didn’t reply, arms crossed over her torso before padding over and grabbing the kit from his hands. Her face was never relaxed, lips always pressed together in a slight purse and brows lowered. A line between her eyes was beginning to develop, the apocalypse wearing and tearing her down like the rest of them. He wondered if she had been a smiler when she was younger and shared her music but then clamped down on that thought. “Sit,” Red bit out though she accompanied it by shoving a hand against his chest, forcing him to take a seat on the edge of the bed. His own brows furrowed into a hard line, back stiff, at the none too gentle movement though his mouth went dry for an entirely different reason as she kneeled in front of him. He could see the little stars up close, peering down at her as she shoved her way between his knees on the floor. She smelled of soap and something floral which had his brain confused because it didn’t fit her. Maybe the her before, but not the one soaked in blood that usually was at his side. She grabbed his hand in her’s without even asking him and pulled it forward to rest on his thigh, laying out the contents of the kit next to them before pulling the tweezers out. Joel could only watch and control his breathing, trying not to shudder at the feel of her warm skin against his jeans or the brush of her hair over his arms. It’d been a while…since Tess and he wasn’t going to deny that Red was attractive. Hell, any man probably would have a hard time keeping his thoughts pure with a pretty woman between his thighs. But her on her knees, fingers skimming over his knuckles, made him clench his teeth in an attempt to remain neutral.
“You don’t have to-” “Shut up, Miller,” Red muttered, holding the tweezers and working to dig out one of the larger splinters, “I’ve seen you use your left and you’re shit with it.” Joel huffed and tried to focus on the pain, his breathing, anything but her touch. He should have yanked his hand away and shrugged her off, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Not when she was this close and he could watch her, memorize the freckles along her shoulders and the trail of water sliding down. She pulled out a few large fragments of bone and he watched in morbid curiosity at the small pile. They’d once belonged to the skull of another person. Joel had managed to smash his head in so hard they’d dug underneath his skin, silent retribution in the last moments of that man’s life. Now he was in his house, using his water and his things, taking his bed. “Luckily it doesn’t seem like you fractured your hand,” Red muttered, adding another small bone to the pile. One of her hands was holding the tweezers while the other wrapped around his fingers, his own hand almost gently wrapped around hers. He tried to shrug it off as her holding it to maneuver it around. 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Joel grumbled and cleared his throat as her thumb trailed over the cuts on his knuckles. The small movement was surprisingly gentle, something he didn’t expect from her. “You saved me,” the words were whispered softly as if she didn’t want to speak them out loud into existence. But he’d heard them, had been acutely aware of the sound of her breathing and the way her lips formed the words even as she concentrated on pulling the splinters out. And her saying them, confirming what he had done, shot a different kind of pain through him. Because he had saved her and for all the excuses he tried to come up with, they were just that. Excuses. The real reason why wasn’t something he was willing to admit to. But it stirred that anger he relied on when confronted by something he didn’t like. Vulnerability. “I wouldn’t have had to if you’d been watching yourself,” he growled low and tried to jerk his hand out of her grasp, but she held on strong, “Should have stayed back and behind me like I told you to.” Her eyes flickered up to meet his hazel ones under her brow and those long lashes, the look hard and sharp. “Right. It’s always listen to you or do what you say as if you’re the expert on surviving,” her voice was low and rough like a crackling flame, “Anyone ever told you that you have control issues, Tex?” The sight of her angry, on her knees in just a towel and wet hair clinging to her skin, framing those little tattooed stars had something stirring deep inside. His free hand dug into his thigh and he tried to ignore how soft her hands were even as they gripped his injured one, “My control issues have kept me alive this long. You knew what you were signing up for when you tagged along. I didn’t need a second little girl to watch over if that’s how you want to act, Starshine.” She chuckled humorlessly and leaned in towards him between his thighs, “No, you see at first I thought that was your type. That you liked being obeyed and I was almost sure that’s how you liked getting your rocks off. Some sweet damsel in distress who needs you and gets on their knees to please you however you want like good girls.” As if emphasizing her point, she sat up straight all prim and proper and he tried to ignore the trickle of water that slid down her cleavage and into the towel. Red wasn’t wrong entirely. The sight had his mouth watering and as her hand rested on his thigh, squeezing the thick muscle there, arousal flooded him. Then the hand still holding his injured one squeezed and he hissed, a strange combination of pleasure and pain hitting him, “But the more I see you, I don’t think you want some submissive sweet thing at all. I think you like someone arguing with you more, right Tex?” Joel glared at her, blood pounding through his veins. He was loath to admit to her being right, at confirming that she had read that part of him, especially as she sat there half naked and looking so smug. Maybe she was right. Hell, that had been what had drawn him to Tess. He didn’t like gentle, didn’t trust it anymore. Gentle got you killed and even if he did want her to listen and do what she was told, it’d been born out of wanting to keep a distance. But she wasn’t gentle and she didn’t listen. She was a wild animal, all teeth, and hell if that hadn’t made her attractive even while driving him wild. “Guess you got me all figured out, don’t ya Starshine?” he hissed, leaning towards her. Her fingers clenched onto him tighter and he got the urge to lick the star pattern along her collarbone, just to see what she’d do. But he didn’t, eyes narrowing and drilling into her own, “Except you’re wrong if you don’t think I like seeing you on your knees for me.” Her pupils were wide and blown up, skin flushed and scars in even more stark relief. Each deep breath made her chest rise and fall and he knew even if she was trying to hide it, his words had affected her the same. Joel only leaned back and ripped his hand from hers, moving to stand up, “Now get dressed and go to sleep if you’re done bothering me.” He’d snatched the suture kit and tweezers from the bed, stepping around the woman and leaving her still on her knees as he went for the door. He felt the urge to look back at her, to see her reaction, but he only pressed forward and left, shutting the door behind him. If he didn’t look back, she would stay the same monster as him in his head, not the girl who smelled of flowers and gently pressed against his thighs. And he needed that reassurance even as the memory of her skin on his made his fists clench. 
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dailyhomestarfacts · 14 days
Homestar songs have appeared twice in different Guitar Hero games. "Trogdor" in Guitar Hero II and "Because, it's Midnite" in Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s
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forever1kay · 1 year
HIII I DON'T KNOW IF YOU STILL DO REQUESTS BUT- It you do, may you write this pls🤭
Miles morales x male! Reader who he meets at a school trip? The reader is very sarcastic or chill? (Reader has a personality that's like Mai from ATLA!)
The reader is like famous for their voice and guitar and art skills (brrrr) so when miles met reader he started to get interested in em so he follows reader whenever they go while on a school trip ✨
<3 ignore if you seem uncomfortable with this, lob youuuu
(I've requested to you before ;) )
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Summary: Reader and Miles finally confess after years of dancing around each other. But first, let’s go back into where it all started…
Pairing: Miles Morales x M!Reader
Notes: I know exactly who this is. I apologize for not doing this sooner. I know you requested this months ago and I’ve been slacking off. I hope this makes up for it :) I did kinda diverge away from the request a little and went more so towards the direction of your previous requests. I hope that’s okay!
Warnings: Reader is probably more sassy than stoic tbh, Miles is very much aggravating in some of these, Miles and reader were born early 2005 (or late 2004, up to you), mentions of school, graduation, reader is a smoker (not really), Soulja Boy, Nick and Charlie slander, slow burn relationship. Let me know if I forgot anything!
The Ten Times You and Miles Danced Around Your Feelings
I. Taravella Playground - EST. 2008
A red and blue flash from a small size 4 shoe piques Miles' interest as he lazily glances up from his position in the middle of the sandbox. Miles looks up from the intruder's feet to their face after noticing how he’d wordlessly been staring for a while, but the boy's scowl leaves Miles feeling horribly disappointed (and afraid, might I add). He wasn't prepared for such hostility from a fellow Spider-Man fan—not that he knew what hostility meant anyway—but he was sure the expression on the boy’s face would haunt him for many lifetimes. Nevertheless, Miles made an effort to introduce himself and be sociable.
“Hi, I’m Miles.” He says with an apprehensive yet polite smile.
“I’m Y/N.” The boy responds, detaching his shovel from his bucket before settling down on the boards that surrounded the sandbox.
Miles searches his small brain for a conversation starter—not that there were many in there to begin with—and decides on a topic that he’s confident he can discuss without tripping over his words. His favorite hero. Spider-Man.
But, apparently, he asked a question that was entirely too obvious.
“Do you like Spider-Man?”
Y/n looks down at his own shirt and shoes then looks back at Miles, raising an eyebrow. “Isn’t it obvious?”
Miles sighs and gives Y/n a mostly toothless grin before returning his attention to his bucket. "I wanted to be sure.” He says. “I like Spider-Man too, you know.”
“Good for you.” Y/n replies, looking slightly agitated and mildly uninterested.
Suddenly, Miles wants to go home.
II. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade - EST. 2009
Y/n shakes his head as he watches a small figure run through a large crowd at the parade. He made the decision to turn his head away and pretend he hadn't seen anything, but the next thing he knew, he was lying on his back, staring up at the sky.
His mom had forced him out to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, and he was less than thrilled. He tried to avoid it, but wasn’t given much of a choice. Saying as he was under his parents’ rule and wasn’t yet allowed to make his own decisions.
But, after this less than pleasant experience, he knew he should’ve pushed harder to stay home. This kind of stuff wouldn't happen indoors.
“Oops, sorry!” The culprit said with an annoyingly recognizable voice.
It was Miles, the Spider-Man fan who Y/n had to (painfully)endure seeing each Thursday evening in the park.
"Oh, it’s you," Y/n deadpanned. "I knew it."
Y/n sat up, and Miles reached out to help him up. But Y/n quietly declined and stood up for himself.
Miles opened his mouth to speak, but he was suddenly grabbed and placed on the shoulders of a lanky bald man wearing the coolest shoes Y/n had ever seen.
“Sorry about that, little man.” The bald man spoke while lowering himself to Y/n's level. “My little nephew can be a bit much at times.”
"I know him, Uncle Aaron!" Miles informed his uncle, pointing his finger directly in front of Y/n’s face.
Y/n looks at his finger and shakes his head no, slowly lowering Miles’ hand.
“He bothers me at the park.”
"That's not true!"
Aaron looked at Y/n who nodded rapidly, providing a counter argument—or in this case, action—to Miles’ statement.
Standing to his full height, Aaron chuckles, "It's okay little man. You’ll grow to love him.”
Aaron then turns to Y/n's teenage brother, Leon, who was standing next to him silently watching the events unfold.
"I'm sorry my nephew accidentally knocked your brother over."
Leon shrugs. “My dog does it all the time. It isn't anything new.”
Aaron chuckles. "Well, you gentlemen, have an amazing rest of your day."
And as they walked back to wherever they came from, Miles waved to Y/n.
III. Briarwood vs. Montgomery Elementary school field day - EST. 2011
Miles thought Y/n looked silly, watching him emerge from the bathroom wearing a shirt ten times bigger than the one he’d just been wearing. Not too long ago, he’d been pushed fell into ice water when the kids were all instructed to go and grab a juice of their choice from the overly large cooler under the Pavillon.
Today, Miles’ and Y/n’s school were having a field day. It was supposed to be a competition, but it turned into a lot of fun when the kids from both schools started to become friends with each other.
That was cool with Miles, until his his best friend TJ suddenly took interest in playing with Y/n’s best friend Kaiden. This wouldn’t have been an issue if the teachers didn’t say to pick a buddy and stick with them. Miles would walk away if he could. But since he couldn’t, he found himself face to face with his worst enemy while his best friend and his worst enemy’s best friend had their own conversation.
“I know you pushed me into the cooler, Miles.”
“No, I didn't.” Miles promptly refuted. “You’re lying.”
“No, I'm not,” Y/n countered. "Because Toby told me, and Toby never lies."
“Well, maybe you don't know Toby as well as you think.”
Y/n took a breath, seemingly in an effort to calm himself down. “If Toby said he seen you push me in the ice box, it’s true.”
“Toby is a liar.”
Suddenly, everyone in the area gasped, never expecting to hear the truthful Toby labelled a liar.
You could have heard a pin drop in the absolute silence. Or, in this instance, swift footsteps and small but powerful hands pushing past a crowd.
“…’Scuse me, 'Scuse me, 'Scuse me.." Toby finally finds himself in front, face to face with his accuser. "You calling me a liar?"
"Um.." Miles freezes. "N-no, no. Of course I'm not.”
"Yes you are." Toby countered, "I heard you when I was over there with Emily"
“That wasn’t me.”
“…So, like I said.” Toby repeats. “You calling me a liar?”
The whole crowd of grade schoolers started to ooh at the interaction. Quite frankly, Miles is terrified. But his Uncle Aaron always told him it’s best to stand his ground.
“So what if I did call you a liar?”
Miles is given a blank look by Toby before he suddenly lunges at him, grabs his shirt forcefully, and yells at him.
“I am NOT a liar! My grandma told me I’m a good boy and I believe her! Take it back right now, squiggles!”
“Fellas, fellas!” Miles’ friend Harry butted in, pulling them apart.
“I’m sorry.” Toby said. “I lost control.”
“That’s fine, but I think I know how to fix this.”
Less than two minutes later, Harry had them in court—whatever that means—and all Miles could wonder was where is my teacher?
Harry clears his throat and begins to talk, but is shortly interrupted by his friend (and sidekick), Walter. “We are gathered here today because- wait, what? Oh, sorry that’s for a wedding. ORDER IN THE COURT!”
Let’s just say, Miles pleaded guilty to pushing Y/n into the cooler that afternoon and was given a stern talking to by his best friends when they made it back to their school.
IV. Brooklyn Museum - EST. 2012
“Alright, kids! Single file, single file!�� Miles’ teacher yelled as the students piled off the bus.
Today, Miles’ elementary school—along with seemingly every other elementary school in the district—have taken a trip to the local museum.
In all honesty, Miles would have preferred to stay at home, but he had no choice. Particularly because when they returned to school, he was given an exhibit to write about. Everyone takes advantage of the opportunity for a free grade!
When all of the children exited the bus, the chaperones divided the single group into smaller groups. Miles voluntarily zoned out for a moment while his group waited patiently for the final few groups to form.
He forced a smile on his face and gave himself a mental pep talk to try and convince himself that this will have a positive outcome. Surprisingly, it was working. But little did he know…
Ms Brown explains that the students will be placed into groups, and must pick a buddy within their groups. They must stay with their buddy and near their chaperones. You know, the usual.
“Do I make myself clear?” Ms Brown asks after the brief explanation.
“Yes Ms. Brown!” The kids reply.
“Alright!” She smiles, grabbing the roster from her seat. “If I call your name, you are in Mr. Kyle’s group!”
Today, Y/n’s school—along with every other elementary school in kings county—were being forced to go on a trip to a children’s museum.
The idea of visiting a museum made Y/n anxious. He had never visited this museum before and had no idea what to expect. For the record, he was expecting dinosaur fossils because, well, he's deathly afraid of dinosaurs. That would be kept a secret from others. Think about how people would respond if the cool, chill Y/N Y/L/N admitted to having a fear of dinosaurs. Y/n doesn't know and never hopes to find out.
Realistically, he could have just dropped the form in a puddle, let his dog eat it, or "forgotten" to get it signed, but his teacher made it his mission to let Y/n's parents know about the trip before the school day was over.
Thanks a lot, Mr. Kyle.
Y/n made the mistake of looking around as the kids, who have now been divided into groups, pile haphazardly off of the yellow school bus.
Unfortunately, Miles also made the same decision at the same time and the two boys unavoidably made eye contact.
Could this day get any worse?
V. Brooklyn Medical - EST. 2014
Y/n emerges from room 212 with a group of friends and a relaxed look on his face. If people didn't know any better, they would believe that he killed someone right here in the hospital and had no problem with it. But in all honesty, he was on his way back from a visit with his cousin TJ.
In an attempt to skateboard with Y/n and his friends, TJ broke his arm. But if you asked TJ to explain to an adult what happened, he rolled down a hill. Both boys were not yet allowed to ride a skateboard, especially not without an adult present or the necessary equipment, but he wanted to protect his cousin and himself, so blaming the hill seemed like the best course of action.
For Y/n, TJ was always like a breath of fresh air; he was different from the people he hung out with at school, from the people in his area, and even from his immediate family. He thought TJ understood him completely, and he never once thought he needed to disown him. Aside from perhaps the now, when he realizes that TJ is still in fact friends with one Miles Morales.
“Miles?” Y/n speaks softly, surprised, squinting to make sure he’s seeing things correctly. Y/n’s friends leave almost immediately upon seeing Miles’ face.
“Oh hey, Y/n!” Mike’s replied. "I heard that TJ fractured his arm because of you. Disappointed, but not surprised.”
“Actually, it isn’t my fault this time.” Y/n shrugs. "Why are you here anyway?"
“Because TJ is my best friend,” Miles said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Really? He said that he dropped you.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“You never do.” Reaching out to Y/n, Miles says while extending his hand. "Allow me to show you something."
“You don’t need to sound so professional.” Y/n responds under his breath, choosing to ignore the tingling sensation Miles' touch had given him in his hand.
“Sorry.” Miles responded, pulling him toward the front desk to ask for TJ’s room number.
“Where are we going, Morales?” Y/n asked, growing tired of being pulled around.
“To ask which room TJ is in.”
“212.” Y/n curtly responds, nodding his head toward TJ's room.
Miles reads the signs and guides himself and Y/n in the direction of room 212. After finding the room, Miles peaks his head in the doorway and tells Y/n to stay put, to which the boy responds, "I'm not a dog."
“TJ!” Miles yells excitedly, walking into TJ’s room.
“HEY MILES!” TJ yells back, hugging Miles with his left hand because his right one was damaged by the skateboard.
“Your cast is so cool!” Miles yells. “Can I sign it?”
TJ goes to respond when he notices movement at the door.
“Wow,” Y/n lets out an exaggerated sigh, walking into TJ’s hospital room. “I can’t believe you’ve done this.”
“I told him to leave, he wouldn’t leave.” TJ lies terribly. “You’ve gotta believe me.”
“I don’t.” Y/n shrugs before receiving a text message and looking down to see what it said. “My mom asked if you guys want Wendy’s.”
Miles says no to be polite and TJ basically asked for the whole menu. In the end, he ended up with a 4 piece and a frosty. Y/n got a Fanta.
About time Y/n’s parents arrived with the food (and also to retrieve their kid), Y/n despised Miles a little less. Not that he’d ever find that out though.
VI. Yankee’s Game - EST. 2016
Everyone in the audience holds their breath, sat uncomfortably on the edge of their seat. The Yankees had been behind the entire game, and it's the ninth inning. Jeter had sprained his foot during the sixth, and the Yankees only had about three star players left.
In the hope that his wish come true, Y/n bowed his head and closed his eyes as he began to pray to all the gods and Santa Claus that there’d be a miracle.
He looked up when he heard the crowd cheering, but a fugly red and blue tie-dye shirt sadly blocked his view.
Y/n’s eye twitched and he took a breath to keep his composure, then trailed his vision upwards.
Miles Morales was the perpetrator once again.
“Do you ever go home?” Y/n questions. "Why are you always where I am?"
Miles shrugs and sits stiffly in the empty seat next to Y/n side eyeing him nervously a few times.
“So… how is the the weather?
Y/n gives him a quick blink before returning to the activity.
This is gonna be a really long final inning.
VII. Brooklyn Bridge - EST. 2017
On the trip home from the movie theater, Miles is startled from his nap long blink by a loud "Oh my God, what is that?!" from a few rows behind. Select schools in their county were forced to watch a Nat Geo documentary about Brazilian native animals. Naturally, due to his lack of sleep after staying up late having a solo dance party for quite a bit of the night, Miles slept through it.
However, his dazed state was short-lived as he heard his friend Steven screaming in panic.
"Bro, there's something chasing the fucking bus!"
“Hey! It's crucial that you all keep your composure and refrain from speaking in the same way that Steven did!” Screamed his teacher, Mrs. Nance. “We will all be fine!"
Then, out of nowhere, came a loud thud that landed atop the bus, as if danger itself had been listening in on their conversation.
Mrs. Nance contradicted her statement. "Holy shit, we're all going to die!"
With little explanation and in a hurry, Miles hastily pulled out his phone and texted his parents about the issue. This worried his poor mother, who hurriedly left work and hopped in her car to come get her son.
Miles made the decision to say a quick prayer because they were all genuinely convinced they were only two seconds from dying.
He was about to say amen when a nasty knock on his window forcibly interrupted him. Even though the person who caused it fell, the source of the sound stuck.
There was a web. A very familiar-looking web that Miles was all too familiar with.
"Spider-Man is here!"
As soon as they realized they could be saved, everyone hurried to Miles' side of the bus in joy, but the happiness didn't last long.
A tentacle instantly grabbed Spidey's neck, ripping his mask off his face in the process.
“Welp, nothing to see here! That kids dead.”
Everyone returned to their seats, but Miles remained transfixed.
The face seemed oddly familiar. If only Miles could connect the dots, then-
Miles gasped. "Is that Y/n?"
VII. Brooklyn Visions Academy Valentine’s Day Dance - EST. 2018
“Can you at least smile?” Y/n’s friend Melissa asks him, randomly slapping his forehead to illicit some type of energetic response.
“Yeah, I got you when we’re walking in. We can put on a show for all your pristine rich people friends.”
Melissa rolls her eyes and speaks sarcastically. “That’s the spirit.”
Y/n chuckles for a second until the car comes to a stop in front of the drop off for the dance.
“You mind going in without me? I’ll be in eventually.”
“I don’t trust you not to try to pay off my idiot brother to drop you back off home.” Melissa says. “Let’s go Y/n.”
Y/n sighs and opens the door on his right, stepping out and then holding his hand towards Melissa which she takes happily.
“Smile!” She reminds him, “my dad will be here.”
“Man, fuck yo daddy.”
Melissa deadpanned. “Behave.”
“Why can’t you just tell him that I’m not dating you and the both of us are gay?”
“His image! You know he’s one of the richest men in New York.”
“Nah, I don’t think you’ve said it enough over the four years that I’ve known you. Tell me one more time?”
Melissa slaps his shoulder and he chuckles.
“I’ll behave for you, Melly. But if I see somebody fine, I’m leaving you.”
Melissa shrugs. “Fair enough.”
Finally, the two of them arrive at the school's front door and enter the gym, which has been set up for the event.
Y/n swears he could almost pass out as the smell of several different perfumes suddenly fills his nostrils, but he keeps himself together for Melissa.
“I want something to drink.” Melissa announces, pulling Y/n into the direction of the drink table.
Y/n started to wonder what drinks they’d have available, but unsurprisingly enough there was a large bowl of punch sitting there waiting for them.
“Do you want a cup?”
As several of Melissa's friends and admirers approach to say hello, Y/n waits at her side.
They had only been here for a few minutes, but it was already starting to get very tiring.
Miles and his friend entered the room, and Y/n swears he has never been happier to see him.
But Miles would never find that out.
“Y/n!” Miles exclaimed before absentmindedly widening his eyes and changing the depth of his voice. “I mean… Y/n, hey.”
Y/n nods. “Morales.”
While Melissa's admirers came and went, the two of them and Miles' friend stood there in awkward silence.
They expected that to continue, but then a group of them first greeted Melissa before heading over to Y/n.
One girl stepped forward and Y/n could tell that the other girls were there merely as moral support.
“Hi! You’re really cute and I-”
Y/n didn’t even look in her direction.“Sorry, I’m gay.”
The girl turned red and the lot of them walked away.
Miles’ friend giggled in the background while Miles himself stared at Y/n incredulously.
“Your mother ever teach you it’s rude to stare, Morales?”
VIII. Kings County Schools camping trip - EST. 2019
“For fucks sake, Morales.” Y/n sighed in exasperation. “Go play with your friends or something. You don’t need to follow me around.”
Miles threw his arms up in surrender. “I just want to talk!”
Y/n nodded. “Cool, bro. I support. But you talking doesn’t have to include me.”
“Kind of does, since it’s you I want to talk to.”
“Fuck, okay fine.” Y/n sighs. “Can y’all like… go back to the tent or something? I need to talk to Morales.”
His loud friend Jamari laughs. “GAY! GAY! GAY!”
His other friend Michael sighs and grabs him my the ear, pulling him away. “Shut up, Jamari.”
When his friends are finally out of earshot, he turns to face Miles.
“What’s up, Morales?”
“Well for one, I-“ Miles stopped himself, “Why do you call me that?”
Y/n raised an eyebrow. “Your name?”
“My last name.”
Y/n shrugged. “Feels right.”
“So if I just call you y-“
“No. What do you want?”
Miles took a deep breath. “I seen you!”
“Yeah? When?”
“On the Brooklyn bridge two years ago when I was on a school bus.” Miles said quickly.
“Oh, word? What was I doing?”
“Swinging and flipping and flying and-“
“DANG,” Y/n chuckles. “I almost believed you but last time I checked, humans don’t fly.”
Miles blinked. “You know exactly what I mean.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow. “Do I?”
“Yes!” Miles threw his arms up. “Why do you always deny everything like I don’t have proof?”
“Why do you always lie and say you didn’t push me into the cooler?”
“That wasn’t me.”
“And that guy on the bridge wasn’t me.”
“But I seen you.”
“Everybody has doppelgängers, bro.” Y/n stated nonchalantly. “For all you know, that dude could’ve been named Jimmy.”
“Anyways,” Miles rolls his eyes. “I just wanted to tell you that I know and that your secret is safe with me.”
“There is no secret,” Y/n shrugged, popping a starburst into his mouth. “But, it’s nice to know that if there was a secret, you’d have my back.”
Miles goes to respond to Y/n, but freezes up when he hears something that sounds a lot like a bear growling.
He turns to ask Y/n if he heard it too, but Y/n has already grabbed his hand and started to carefully back the two of them away.
Moments later, Miles' shoe suddenly flies off, and as he races back to get it, the bear charges in their direction.
A lot like the white people in horror movies, Miles fell to the floor and decided to stay there screaming.
With the help of his webs and quick thinking, Y/n easily caught Miles and his sneaker.
So much for not being Spider-Man, right?
When the two of were next to each other again, Miles went to celebrate that he had been right all along when Jamari came around the corner and asked Y/n to play a song on his guitar.
“Yeah,” Y/n said after picking himself up off the ground and dusting himself off. “Tell them that I'll be there soon.”
Jamari nodded before returning to the other campers, and when Y/n was sure that Jamari was gone, he turned to face Miles.
“Tell anybody about this and I’ll steal all your money.”
IX. Lincoln High vs. Beachside Charter basketball game - EST. 2021
Y/n feels out of his element. It’s the first game after quarantine, and a lot has changed.
For one, there’s little to no people in the crowd. There are a few parents there, all of which look uninterested and have definitely been dragged there by their kids. Uninterested attendees result in little to no interaction among the crowd, which makes Y/n unmotivated and unable to concentrate.
On top of that, a few of his teammates are sick, so the team is definitely not at their best.
Y/n could never see himself saying this before, but he wishes there’d be no basketball season until the world got its shit together.
Not even the mascot is helping, nor the music playing lowly in the background to set the vibe.
The team isn’t doing well right now, and they really need a miracle.
The coach calls timeout and calls the team towards her. She tells them to put forth their best effort, but due to circumstances, she can’t get on them about their performance. She tells them to have fun, and that she won’t make them run laps if they lose.
The boys laugh a little before breaking up and making their way back to the court. Everyone’s spirits became the slightest bit higher after that talk, but Y/n’s spirits definitely lifted when he looked into the crowd and spotted one Miles Morales.
Suddenly, Y/n felt like he had to do his best. Even though Miles was his rival by default.
(+ the One Time You Acted On Them)
X. Kings County Class of 2023 graduation trip: Phoenix Arizona - EST: 2023
Miles cautiously walks towards the edge of the ledge after getting the directions from the best friend of a certain someone. It’s been over a year since they last seen each other and Miles has finally accepted the reason why. Miles likes Y/n—he thinks—and he’s finally ready to confess his feelings. He’s hoping that things go right tonight so that he won’t have to hurl himself over the edge.
“Hey.” He starts, standing behind to Y/n who’s sitting dangerously close to the edge with his legs nearly dangling. “Is this seat taken?”
“You don’t see anyone else sitting there, do you?”
Miles chuckles silently and takes the hint, sitting so close yet so far away from Y/n.
He looks to Y/n and takes in his appearance. Hooded eyes, head tilted back to watch the moon, and a hint of sadness in his eyes as he blows a misty cloud of smoke from his lips.
Now that got Miles’ attention.
“You smoke?”
“It’s a fuckin’ Smartie.” Y/n replies with a blank look after hesitating for longer than he’d care to admit.
Miles giggles before he can stop himself. “Wow, Y/n. How cute of you.”
Y/n roles his eyes. “I told my elementary school teachers I’d never do drugs. I’m no liar.”
Miles chuckled then took a deep breath, leaning back before speaking. “Hey, uh…” Y/n looks at him, “I actually need to talk to you about something.”
“Talk to me.”
“So, um…” Miles starts, playing nervously with his fingers.
“…If you need a moment, I can go get another drink and let you marinate.”
“Where would you be getting a drink from? You’re underage.”
Y/n shrugs. “I know a guy.”
“You know more than one!” A random guy whisper yells from the bushes.
“Not now, Carl!” Y/n whisper yells back through gritted teeth. “My bad, Morales. You found your words yet?”
“Yeah, uh…” Miles takes a deep breath. “I know when we were kids we had our differences, but I feel like we’ve come a long way since then. I mean, you haven’t death glared me in a while, and I haven’t pushed you in a cooler since before we were like five.”
“I knew that was you.”
“Uh- Yeah, I’m sorry.” Miles scratches the back of his neck. “Anyway, what I’m trying to say is…”
“So this is a love confession, right?”
“Okay, let me stop you there.” Y/n starts, standing up to his feet. “You like me, and I just so happen to not hate you, so I think we have a deal.”
“A deal?”
“Yeah, we can be the next Nick and Charlie but better looking.”
“That one guy is cute.” Miles points out.
“Is he?” Miles nods at Y/n’s question. “Mm, okay.”
“So what now?” Miles asks. “Am I your boyfriend?”
“Nah, I’m just kidding. You can be my Soulja Bae.”
“I hate it here.”
Y/n chuckles and takes another hit from his smarties. “Anything else?”
“Yeah, two things.”
“You’re Spider-Man.”
“You knew?”
“You’re not as discreet as you think you are.” Y/n shrugs, standing up and dusting his pants off, then reaching a hand out to Miles. “Let’s go get some drinks, yeah?”
Miles smiled and took Y/n’s outstretched hand. “Yeah.”
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© forever1kay, 2023
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
Trails of Love Hori's been paving down in the build up for the series' ending
Part II: Decoding the love story being told through other characters
Part One | II. Kirimina | Part Two -> IzuOcha?
.•° ✿ 4. KamiJirou ೋღ
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The next 'couple' that helps Horikoshi tell bkdk's love story is Kamijirou. They don't say it as explicitly to the readers as Gentle/La Brava and Kirimina do, but this moment is still worth mentioning as it's another example of other characters speaking for BkDk's actions.
In the first war, the Midnight group were traveling to go against the villains at their hideout, and Kaminari was scared out of his mind, unable to cope with his anxieties from the dangers facing him.
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Tokoyami tries to calm him down by praising his guitar skills, to no avail. Midnight is apologetically saying he's being involved in the war efforts because the adults don't have what it takes to fight alone.
She then tells him something which acts as confirmation of Kaminari's feelings for Jirou, for the first time in the manga.
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Think of the person who matters most to you, right now.
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They're both thinking of each other. This telepathic soul mates vibe reminds me of how BkDk are with each other, too.
This is my favourite drawing of Kaminari, he looks so pretty to me and I think it's because his situation and his expression shows the love and worry in his heart for Jirou. Up until this point he's been quite an elusive character to me that hit on the girls in the class at the beginning and suddenly we see he actually cares a great deal for just one... Jirou. It would seem he's found his match in her. ^_^
This theme of "thinking of the person that matters most" to stave off your fears never went away... because almost 100 chapters later, Hori draws upon it again when Katsuki realises sAFO was only interested in killing him and would not stop until he was dead.
None of the heroes had the power to prevent it... his hero wouldn't make it in time, his own efforts failed and his body and mind were brutalised in a really humiliating way.
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Knowing he was soon going to die because sAFO wanted to use his death to hurt his most precious person was a very frightening experience for Kacchan. Thoughts of "the person who matters most to him" provided him emotional comfort to get through it all.
Stripped completely bare and facing his end... all Katsuki could think about was Izuku being right there beside him, and he never let himself give in to sAFO's provocations. Instead of feeling betrayed by Izuku's love, he felt empowered by it. He wanted to be strong for Izuku's sake. His spirit would not be broken.
Just like how Kaminari realised what his feelings for Jirou were, Kacchan also realised how much he and Izuku were loving each other right then, during this very dire moment, and he used their precious feelings as his strength to keep pushing forward.
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Next Part -> IzuOcha Back to Part One
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sailoryooons · 2 years
Suga's How-To Guide | Solo | myg (m)
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☾ Pairing: Camboy!Yoongi x f. reader
☾ Summary: Min Yoongi has been a cam boy for a few years now. The work is easy, the money is good, and he has loyal viewers. When he approaches you and asks if you want to be his muse for a ‘how-to’ series, your view on the infamous Yoongi changes.
☾ Word Count: 2,112
☾ Genre: Friends to lovers, pwp
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
☾ Warnings: Yoongi as a sex worker, explicit language, Yoongi being a little bit sad and confused, sexually explicit content including male masturbation, voyeurism, masturbation to a live audience, Yoongi thinking about reader while getting off, light depictions of vaginal sex and oral (f. and m. receiving) while Yoongi is imagining scenarios with reader, brief mention of female masturbation and depictions of feeling ashamed and dirty because reader's ex is sending her really mean things, very very brief POV switch
☾ Published: January 1, 2023
☾ A/N: This is a totally unplanned and unexpected update - I wanted to get something out for SH2G because it's been a while and I know people were waiting for something, and I was randomly inspired today. So here is a little Yoongi solo drabble and a little bit of a POV from him and how he is taking reader's unexpected silence. I will try to have the final official chapter 'interlude II' posted soon!
☾ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
Masterlist | Ask | Series Masterlist | Part of Hali’s Happy Agust | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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Yoongi stares at his phone, chewing his lip tentatively. The text he sent you yesterday goes unanswered, the ‘delivered’ underneath his little blue bubble driving him wild. He has never hated a function on a phone until now, the tiny little word ruining his train of thought and driving him up a wall.
It’s not that Yoongi has never been left the morning after - he has countless times. Sometimes it hurt, but most of the time it hadn’t. Usually, someone leaving his apartment - or dorm when he was in college - before he woke up to avoid any awkward conversations was mutual and appreciated. 
Finding himself alone yesterday morning has been disorienting. He plays back your conversation from the night of Seokjin’s party, trying to sift through each word and emotion. Did he read things wrong? Did he gaslight himself into thinking you were telling him that you liked him? He isn’t sure and the longer he thinks about it, the less accurate his memory of the words exchanged is, blotted out by the dominant memory of skin on skin and the way you grow breathy when his name slips from your mouth.
Now it’s just radio silence.
Sighing, he gets up from the couch, tossing the found with a muted clatter against the couch cushion. Maybe you need time. Maybe you’re busy. He knows you got that promotion at work and yet… something in his gut is unsettled. A deep, instinctual feeling that something is off. 
Honestly, Yoongi doesn’t know a ton about you. He knows a lot, like the wines you like, or that you have a tiny freckle on your hip, or that you like breakfast sandwiches with extra runny eggs, or that you’re really good at guitar hero - or used to be. But Yoongi has no guide for the inner workings of your mind, or emotions, or anything that goes deep into what makes you, you. 
And now you’re silent and he doesn’t know if things are okay and it’s driving him mad. 
Coffee doesn’t help. He relentlessly checks his phone when he hears a text come through, but it’s never you. He contemplates texting Seokjin to see if you’re okay, but he thinks that might be too obvious. Though perhaps he had made it pretty obvious the other night that he has a relentless crush on you.
Does it count as a crush if he’s already fucked you? He doesn’t know what to call it, but it is something and your silence cuts deeper than he imagined it would. 
“Fuck,” he sighs when he sees the time reflected on the stove. He has a scheduled stream tonight, just something easy and solo. He had hoped you might want to come around and watch him stream. The idea of you sitting beyond the camera with your glittering eyes watching him… well that wasn’t going to happen now.
Going about the motions of setting up isn’t the same kind of foreplay it usually feels like. Typically, setting up his bedroom with dim, focused lighting and putting out his dark sheets was its own kind of foreplay. It was a steady build toward hitting that live button, before getting to touch himself and watch the way he affected viewers.
Now the movements feel broken and disjointed. He trips on a cord for his ring lighting, he puts the fitted sheets on the wrong way, and he spells something wrong in his ‘live soon’ notification. He’s so caught up in thinking of how he wanted today to go and why it isn’t happening that when his setup is complete, he suddenly wonders if he should just… cancel. 
Yoongi originally joined his line of work because he needed the money and because he enjoyed sex. He likes exploring new tastes, and figuring out what makes his body tick. He continued his line of work because he has fun with it and because it pays well. But now, staring at a blank spot on his bedroom wall and zoning out, he knows he isn’t going to have fun tonight.
With a heavy sigh, he contemplates his options. He already said he’d go live, his room is ready, and he has nothing better to do. But there is a small weed of guilt rooting in the deepest part of him, knowing he’d be… performing more than usual tonight. That his heart isn’t in it as long as he’s emotionally distracted.
“Fuck it,” he mutters. Maybe it’ll be a healthy distraction from trying to figure out what the fuck he did wrong. 
Silencing his phone, Yoongi shakes off the thoughts and doubts surrounding you. He settles on his bed, trying not to think about how for the past few weeks, you have occupied the space here for his camera. His shirt is off and his sweatpants are pulled low, a hint of boxers peeking over the waistband. 
Before hitting live, he takes a second to center himself. Yoongi takes deep, even breaths, inhaling for seven seconds and exhaling for seven seconds. He closes his eyes, letting his hand lightly sweep up and down his stomach as though to soothe himself. The touch, though not as nice if it was someone else, does feel good. 
Letting out another long exhale, Yoongi shuffles and hits the button to go live, settling back gently. He’s practiced with his movements, dragging his fingers along the elastic waistband of his briefs where he knows he’s extra sensitive. He feels his muscles twitch as subscribers log on, the slow trickle of greetings turning into a quick flood of commenters. 
Yoongi smirks. He’s different on camera than in real life. Here, he is confident and in charge. He knows what he’s doing as his voice is low and raspy when he greets a few of his favored viewers. He chats with them and makes them feel important. Because they are important. To his income, obviously, but also they are people looking for a release or just looking for comfort in someone else.
Doing cam work long enough has given Yoongi a little bit of wisdom and experience. Sure, he knows that there are weirdos. Everyone has them. People who push boundaries and who demand things of him he will refuse to do, and people who he inevitably has to ban and take care not to have back in his chat again. 
But there are also real people there he knows who have formed a parasocial relationship with him, and he tries to be aware of that. Tries to give people his attention while he’s live, because they’ve asked for it and they need it.
That thought alone helps him slip more into his role. Helps him tease the seam of his zipper, the soft purr of metal making the muscles in his thighs jump. As he chuckles lowly at the comments, easing his jeans from his hips, he notices a new username join. 
Charmeleon93 has joined the stream
Yoongi’s movements pause, jeans stopped on his thigh. To his viewers, it looks like he’s teasing them and they flood the comments begging and sending small payments to keep going. Yoongi grins and resumes taking his jeans off, but his mind begins to race. 
It’s a strange username. And one he knows for a fact he’s never seen before because he would remember seeing a pokemon username. Most people had something filthy, personal, or at least somewhat sex-adjacent. But Charmeleon? That was different and a standout. Like someone who wasn’t sure what to pick, but thought it would be unassuming. 
And Yoongi distinctly remembers in college that you had a rare stage 1 Charmeleon card in college and that you had refused to sell it to Seokjin who had gone as far as offering $500 for it. It could be a coincidence, but it takes up a corner of Yoongi’s mind as he gently squeezes his now-hardening length over the fabric of his briefs. 
And your birthday, he thinks. He knows you were born in 93. 
Licking his lips, he greets the newcomer. They don’t say anything, a silent viewer, and there is that tiny tingle of instinct again that he follows.
Even if it isn’t you, Yoongi allows himself to think that it is. Let’s his head rest against pillows as he brushes his thumb across the sticky wet patch in his briefs. Things of how good it feels when it’s your hand taking his heavy cock out, giving slow and generous strokes. 
Thinking of you here with him comes naturally. Yoongi slides into the knowledge that it could be you watching. He feels his stomach twist from more than just the pleasure sparking as he smears precum down his shaft, stroking himself just the way he likes. The way he taught you. 
“Fuck,” Yoongi breathes, eyes fluttering. “Wish it was your hand instead.” 
Yoongi often speaks to his viewers, but now he’s speaking directly to you, messages between the lines. “Feels so fucking good when you stroke my cock, baby.” 
His comment feed is rolling so fast that he can’t read the comments. He bites his lower lip, hips twitching upward as he squeezes the base of his cock, pleasure shooting through him. He pauses his movements, leaning to grab lube. He pops the top with ease and lets it drip down the flushed, swollen tip. It’s cold, making his toes curl but as Yoongi spreads the lube with his hands, it warms nicely, making the glide between his fist heavenly. 
“Hear how fucking wet it is?” he purrs, half-lidded eyes trying to keep track of the comments as he jacks himself off in earnest now. The wet slide of his hand is vulgar and spurs him forward, hips bucking slightly when he squeezes. “God I wanna feel you wrapped around me. Wanna watch you bounce on my cock until you’re fucking crying.”
And he does want those things. With you. He manages to keep his statements broad - Yoongi never wants to gender his viewers. It’s an unusually hard task tonight, trying not to let his mouth slur out how fucking desperately he wishes it was your cunt sliding down his slick shaft and not his own hand. 
Yoongi loses himself in the memory, letting his words turn into senseless moans and breathy sounds. He doesn’t talk anymore, afraid that he’ll say something he doesn’t mean to. Afraid your name will slip past his lips because all he can think about is the warm slide of your tongue on the bottom of his shaft as he fucked your throat, and the way that you twitch underneath him and twist to the side whenever he sucks your clit into his mouth, or the way that you go boneless for him when he’s fucking into you with purpose, finger pressed right against the rim of your ass-
Orgasms rarely take Yoongi by surprise, but this one does. All at once the thought of you and the sounds you make snap in his stomach. His thighs clench as he cums, growling through clenched teeth, one hand fisted in the sheets and the other continuing to stroke himself through his orgasm, painting his stomach white with ropes of cum. 
He keeps going, forcing himself into oversensitivity, feet sliding against his sheet, breath coming out ragged. But he likes when it lasts just a little more than he can normally stand, the pleasure and pain blotting out everything for a moment. 
Then he stops, dropping his hand on the bed next to him, sticky and wet with cum. He gasps for air, looking up at the ceiling, legs still spread so his viewers can watch him catch his breath, cock still in view, visibly dripping in his own release.
Beyond the dull roar in his ears post-orgasm, Yoongi can hear the comments and tips pinging on his computer. But all he can think about as he tries to catch his breath is that things between the two of you aren’t damaged. That he didn’t ruin it by saying he had feelings or that he liked you, and that tomorrow, everything would be fine.
Because it would, right? 
Across the city, in the dark of your apartment, you flip over your phone, thighs shaking. Your face still feels sticky from the tears and you can feel your phone buzzing as your ex berates you. Sends more vitriol about how dirty you are. How ashamed he is of you. 
And perhaps he’s right, because there you are, hiding in your apartment, wordlessly watching Yoongi get off and in turn, getting off yourself after you left him without a word and ignored his message with no explanation. 
You’ve never felt worse. 
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g4zdtechtv · 2 years
AOTS Classic - Game Break: 2.14.07
Wii Play With Guitars.
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jackiequick · 2 days
Bird Set Free - Bridget Thatcher
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Full Name: Bridget Lennon Rose Thatcher
Nicknames: Birdie, Brid, Lenny, Rosy, Lonnie
Stage Name: Dusty Rose
Aliases: The War-Time Songbird, The Voice of Hope, HYDRA’s Nightingale
Age: Appears to be in her mid-20s/early 30s (Chronologically in her 100s due to suspended aging from HYDRA’s experiments)
Status: Single 
Nationality: American
Place of Origin: Chicago, Illinois
Time Period of Origin: 1940s (World War II era)
Past: Singer, Entertainer, War-Time Icon
Present: Advocate, Mentor, Survivor, Public Speaker
Past: USO (United Service Organizations), SSR (Strategic Scientific Reserve), Howard Stark, Captain America, Peggy Carter, Elizabeth Stark and etc
Present: SHIELD, The Avengers Young Heroes and etc
Bridget possesses a striking, vintage beauty that harks back to the golden age of Hollywood. Her chestnut brown hair, often styled in soft curls, frames a face that exudes both grace and sorrow. Her wardrobe, a blend of 1940s elegance and modern practicality, reflects her effort to hold onto the past while embracing the present. 
Her iconic guitar, though worn from decades of neglect, is still a symbol of her enduring spirit. Her eyes, once bright and full of life, now carry the weight of her suffering, though a flicker of hope still remains.
Waning Crescent Moon Necklace: Bridget wears a delicate necklace shaped like a waning crescent moon, a cherished keepsake from her past.
Bridget Lennon Rose Thatcher was born in 1921 in Chicago, Illinois, to a humble and loving family. From an early age, she found joy in music, singing at her local church and community events. Her talent blossomed, and by her early twenties, she had become a beloved figure in the local music scene, captivating hearts with her gentle voice and radiant smile.
When World War II broke out, Bridget adopted the stage name Dusty Rose and joined the USO, eager to bring comfort and joy to those serving in the military. Her charming personality and angelic voice made her an overnight sensation, and she performed tirelessly for the troops. Her music became a beacon of hope, offering solace and courage to those fighting on the front lines and their families back home. Bonds with heroes like Captain America and Howard Stark enriched her journey, solidifying her status as a symbol of resilience during the war.
However, as her fame grew, so did the threat she posed to HYDRA. They targeted her influence, capturing her during what was supposed to be a routine USO performance. For decades, Bridget endured unimaginable hardship, subjected to experiments aimed at breaking her spirit. Despite the darkness of her captivity, she clung to her passion for music, using it as a lifeline amid the shadows.
HYDRA’s attempts to control her only fueled her inner strength; even as they sought to erase her identity, Bridget remained a symbol of hope for those around her, refusing to let her captors extinguish the light within her.
After HYDRA's downfall, a hidden bunker was discovered by SHIELD agents, revealing records of Bridget’s long-forgotten story. Footage surfaced showing her resilience, where she fought against brainwashing, often whispering songs to herself in a bid to hold onto her sanity. Despite the oppressive silence of her captivity, her spirit endured, a testament to her strength.
Bridget was finally found by chance, frail but alive, her eyes filled with a flicker of hope that had never fully dimmed. The journey to reintegrate her into society was a tender and gradual process. SHIELD offered her psychological support, helping her navigate the modern world that had changed so much in her absence. 
Many recognized her as the legendary Dusty Rose, yet she struggled to reconnect with the life and people she once knew. Younger heroes, inspired by her unwavering spirit, rallied around her, helping Bridget rediscover her voice and place in a world that still remembered her.
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Past Personality: Dusty Rose embodied the essence of a wartime darling—vivacious, charming, and possessing a warmth that could light up any room. Her songs, a delightful blend of upbeat melodies and heartfelt ballads, resonated with the emotions of those she performed for. Known for her approachable nature, she was always ready with a playful quip or a comforting smile, drawing people in with her sass and lovable personality.
Present Personality: After years of isolation and torment, Bridget’s spirit remains resilient but carries the weight of her experiences. She is more introspective and gentle, her once-bright demeanor softened by the scars of her past. Although she speaks less and often appears lost in thought, her words hold profound meaning and insight. Despite the sorrow that lingers in her heart, Bridget retains her core values of kindness and empathy. She is on a journey to learn how to live again, embracing each day with a cautious but hopeful heart, slowly reclaiming the joy that music once brought her.
Skills and Abilities:
Vocal Talent: Bridget’s voice, though marked by her trauma, still carries an ethereal beauty. It is now deeper, filled with a haunting resonance that reflects her pain and resilience.
Musicianship: She is an expert guitarist and songwriter. Music was her lifeline during her captivity, and she uses it now as a form of therapy and expression.
Symbol of Hope: Her legacy, both as Dusty Rose and as a survivor, inspires those around her. She has become a living testament to strength in the face of unimaginable adversity.
Resilience and Mental Fortitude: Despite the psychological and physical torture she endured, Bridget’s willpower is remarkable. She resisted HYDRA’s attempts to break her and retained her sense of self even in the darkest times.
—Marvel Projects and Appearances
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Agent Carter (TV Series) - Cameo and Flashbacks:
Season 2, Episode 6 ("Life of the Party"): A flashback scene shows Bridget, as Dusty Rose, performing at a USO event alongside Howard Stark and Peggy Carter. Her presence serves as a symbol of hope and unity during wartime.
Season 2, Episode 10 ("Hollywood Ending"): A subtle reference to her disappearance is made, hinting at HYDRA’s role in her capture, foreshadowing future revelations.
 Captain America: The First Avenger (Film) - Reference:
A poster of Dusty Rose can be seen in the background during a USO performance scene, showcasing her role as a war-time entertainer.
Black Widow (Film) - Reference:
A brief mention of her influence on the Red Room is made, as a historical figure whose image was misused to manipulate trainees. A haunting rendition of one of her songs plays in the background of a scene depicting Natasha’s training.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV Series) - Mention:
Season 1, Episode 4 ("The Whole World is Watching"): Sam Wilson mentions Dusty Rose in a conversation about forgotten heroes of the past. This serves to emphasize her symbolic role as a beacon of hope, much like Captain America.
—Current Status
Bridget is gradually finding her place in the modern world, embracing the opportunity to mentor younger heroes who look up to her. Through sharing her story, she offers inspiration and wisdom, using her experiences to educate others about resilience and hope. While she may never fully heal from the trauma of her past, Bridget is learning to live again, discovering solace in the music and people she once cherished.
Her legacy as Dusty Rose is finally being celebrated, bringing her the recognition and peace that had long eluded her. Each day, she takes small steps toward rebuilding her identity, embracing the love and support of those who admire her strength.
Reintegration and Rehabilitation:
Bridget’s rediscovery by SHIELD and the younger generation of heroes ignites a spark of renewed purpose within her. The initial shock of awakening in a drastically changed world is overwhelming, but she finds strength in the support of her new community. Living in a safe, private location provided by SHIELD, Bridget is enveloped in a sense of security she thought she would never feel again.
Frequent visits from a community—who have become her new family—bring joy and warmth into her life. These gatherings are filled with laughter and meaningful conversations about history, culture, and the rapid evolution of society. Bridget treasures these moments, as they help her reconnect with the world she once knew while also allowing her to explore new ideas and perspectives.
Eventually moving to Avengers Tower, Bridget embraces this new chapter in her life, filled with both excitement and trepidation. The camaraderie of her fellow heroes fosters an environment of support and understanding, helping her navigate the complexities of her reintegration. While she mourns the friends and time lost to her captivity, Bridget discovers comfort in the bonds she forms with the next generation of heroes. Each relationship becomes a reminder that hope, love, and resilience still thrive, illuminating her path forward.
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The Return to Music
At first, Bridget is hesitant to sing again. The trauma of her captivity, along with the sorrow that lingers in her heart, makes it difficult for her to reconnect with her once-beloved music. However, the act of songwriting becomes a form of therapy for her. She begins to pour her pain, her hope, and her struggle for freedom into her music. She sings a couple of songs and slowly regains her confident, such as singing "Moonshadow" in the halls. Even encouraged to sing at a bar downtown in NYC.
However, her breakthrough moment comes when she writes a new song, "Bird Set Free." The song is a raw, emotional reflection of her experience—of being caged, silenced, and longing for freedom, but ultimately finding her strength and voice once more. It’s a song about reclaiming her power, about breaking free from the chains that once bound her, both physically and emotionally.
The lyrics, while deeply personal, resonate with many who have faced adversity and come out stronger. Bridget sings about her voice being silenced, about being afraid to fly again, but ultimately deciding that she won’t be caged any longer. The song becomes a powerful anthem for her, marking her triumphant return to the public eye.
And I don't care if I sing off key I find myself in my melodies I sing for love, I sing for me I shout it out like a bird set free
When she finally performs "Bird Set Free," it resonates deeply with her audience, inspiring many who have faced their own battles. The song becomes a rallying cry for resilience, a reminder that even after the darkest nights, the dawn will break, and freedom can be found again.
Music: Bridget has an enduring love for music, which serves as both a comfort and a form of expression. She enjoys listening to various genres, particularly jazz and classic folk, and finds joy in playing the guitar.
Nature: After her long confinement, she finds peace in nature. Whether it’s a quiet park or a garden, the sights and sounds of the outdoors bring her a sense of calm and renewal.
Community and Connection: Bridget cherishes the relationships she’s forming with younger heroes and the support they provide. She enjoys shared meals, storytelling, and the simple act of being present with others.
Nostalgia: Bridget has a fondness for vintage clothing and memorabilia from any era, as they remind her of her past and the music that once filled her life with joy.
Art and Literature: She enjoys reading classic literature and exploring various forms of art, finding inspiration in the creativity of others.
Isolation: Having spent decades in captivity, Bridget has a deep aversion to isolation and confinement. Crowded spaces can sometimes trigger memories of her past.
Dishonesty: She values authenticity and struggles with deceit, having learned the hard way how damaging it can be. She appreciates transparency in her relationships.
Rushed Conversations: Bridget prefers deep, meaningful discussions over superficial small talk. She often feels overwhelmed in fast-paced environments where genuine connections are hard to find.
Negativity: After all she has endured, Bridget finds it difficult to engage with negativity or cynicism. She strives to maintain an optimistic outlook and encourages others to do the same.
Loud Noises: Sudden loud sounds can be unsettling for her, reminiscent of her time in captivity. She prefers calm, serene environments where she can feel at ease.
—Fun Facts About Bridget Thatcher (Rose)
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1. Tea Lover: Bridget has a deep love for tea, especially chamomile and green tea. She drinks it almost every evening, and it's her go-to drink when she needs to relax or think.
2. Loves to Dance: Even in private, Bridget still loves to dance like she did in her younger days. Sometimes, when she's alone in the kitchen or waiting for Sam, she puts on a record and dances around, losing herself in the music.
3. Writes in a Journal: Bridget keeps a small leather-bound journal where she writes down her thoughts, feelings, and snippets of lyrics. It’s become a way for her to process her emotions and reflect on everything she’s been through.
4. Slightly Superstitious: She has a few quirky superstitions she still follows, like always wearing her crescent moon necklace for luck and avoiding black cats crossing her path.
5. Has a Soft Spot for Kids: Bridget adores children and is always kind to them. Her warm, motherly presence makes her an instant favorite among kids, and she’s often caught giving them little treats or words of encouragement
6. Terrible at Modern Technology: Bridget struggles with modern technology, often getting frustrated with smartphones, computers, and even microwaves. Sam Wilson is her go-to tech support, and they often joke about how much the world has changed.
7. Prefers Handwritten Notes: Even though technology has advanced, Bridget prefers writing things down by hand rather than typing. She often keeps a journal in her room as well.
8. Loves Animals: Despite her tough past, Bridget has a soft spot for animals, especially dogs. She’s mentioned a few times that she’d love to adopt a rescue dog once things settle down.
9. Sings to Calm Herself: Bridget still hums or sings quietly when she’s nervous or anxious, a habit she picked up during her captivity. Sam has caught her doing it and finds it endearing.
10. Has a Fear of Fire: Due to an accident at home when she was a young adult, Bridget developed a deep-seated fear of fire. She never tells anyone, but she avoids open flames whenever possible.
11. Favorite Color: Her favorite color is deep blue, the same shade as the evening sky just after sunset. It reminds her of moments of peace during the war and her time performing under the stars.
12. Always Carries Lipstick: Even in tough times, Bridget always carries a tube of red lipstick. It became part of her stage persona as Dusty Rose, and it’s something she continues to wear as a reminder of her resilience and the woman she once was.
Ahh I hope u like her! It’s was my excuse to use Mandy Moore as FC due to my new love for This Is Us
Let me know what you think 💭
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @djs8891 @starkleila @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @rickb-chaos @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @ximehs @savemewattpad @lazywolfwiccan @terry-perry @triptuckers @daughter-of-melpomene @superspookyjanelle @aidanxsophxoxo
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talaok · 1 year
Joseph Quinn & characters
♡ = smut        ☆ = fluff        ➹ = angst   
1) Long overdue   →    You're famous and a part of the stranger things cast.You joined the show this season together with Joseph, whom you have a huge crush on, and even though you always thought he didn't like you that way, turns out, you might have been wrong all along... (♡)
2) I’m yours →   You are part of the stranger things cast and in a relationship with Joseph. One day during shooting he sees you being a little too friendly to Keery for his liking, and he is determined to clarify who you belong to. (♡)
3) Bad Influence → You and Joe are in a relationship, and you have never had any problems with being professional during interviews. That was until you met him. (☆)
4) A good deed → You work in a music store and when one day Joseph comes into the shop he remains mesmerized by your knowledge of music and guitars. (☆) (pt.2)
5) Tired of resisting → You are a part of the stranger things cast and even though you never admitted it, you and Joseph both like each other, and one day, when he invites you to his house to "practice a scene" your true feelings find a way to come out.  (♡)
6) The proposal →  Today's the day you have to shoot the infamous sex scene with your least favorite co-star, Joseph Quinn. And even if you certainly didn't expect it, you find yourself confusingly turned on by it.   (♡)  
7) Out of your league →  You're the lead singer of a famous band composed of you and your friends Christian, and Martha. You've always had a huge crush on Joseph Quinn, and have never hesitated to render it public,but at the same time, you've convinced yourself to not have the slightest chance with him. As it turns out, you might have been wrong all along.  (☆)
8) Be quiet → You and Joe have sex in his trailer in between takes(♡)
9) Distracted → You wear a revealing outfit for a scene and Joe can’t seem to concentrate... (♡)
10)Costumes →  You visit Joe on set and find him in his Eddie costume  (☆)
11)The slut and the hunk  → the paparazzi take pictures of you and Joe having not-so-vanilla sex and people's opinions are very different for the two of you.  (♡ + ☆)  
12)Private lessons  →    You've had a huge crush on your math professor since the beginning of the year, and it would have been a waste not to use the opportunity presented, once he offered to give you private lessons.    (♡)  
Stressed →  You, Jamie, and Joseph are on the press tour in Brazil, and when they realize you're feeling stressed, they offer to help. (♡) (kinda pt.2)
1) Steve can’t know →  Steve is your overly-protective older brother that is very opposed to you frequenting the wrong crowd, and especially to you dating Eddie Munson. Still, when you meet each other one day at lunch,it seems there is very little he can do to stop the inevitable.
[ Chapter I  Chapter II   Chapter III   Chapter IV  Chapter V   Chapter VI   Chapter VII   Chapter VIII ]
2) I thought we weren't supposed to be heroes → Fix it fic where Eddie cuts the rope that connects the real world with the upside-down to buy more time and you and Dustin find a way to reach him anyway.( ➹ + ☆)
3)A one time thing →Your ex-boyfriend Eddie invites you over totally innocently (♡)
4) A special arrangement → Steve Harrington × Eddie Munson x innocent!reader (♡)
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