#gurjin fanfiction
wd-ghosty · 1 year
Victory AU
I've been thinking about this for the longest time, but what if there was a AU where the Gelfling won the garthim wars?
After watching their loved ones be drained and murdered, and watching their towns burned and destroyed, I feel like the Gelfling would start playing by skeksis rules and beat the shit out of them.
I have a couple of head cannons but let me list the biggest ones.
The castle of the crystal has been destroyed.
During the war I feel like the dousan warriors would ride their flying things (I forgot the name) over the castle and bomb it. After thru captured all the Skeksies the would take the crystal and bomb the castle.
General Seledon
I'm a really big Seledon x Gurjin fan and I thought this up while thinking about them. So Gurjin was a very high ranking General, and Seledon would've planned out they're battles. (She would've read some books about war and battles strategies in Faras library) So one day Gurjin was positioned in ha'ra because they had a big battle coming up. Seledon was alone in the citadel because all the guards were on the front lines or ded, and Brea was in the dessert, so she let gurjin stay with her. In the middle of the night the citadel and all of Ha'ra was attacked by garthim, so gurjin went to protect the people and in the process was severely injured and in a coma line state. So Seledon decided that she could fight as the commander as Gurjins Substitute, and I feel like she would wear Fara's crown into battles to feel as if Fara is still with them. ( and she's obviously wearing Gothic armor on the battle field)
Captured Skeksies
Because of course some of the Urskeks need to go back to there home world, instead of executing the Skeksies they would have them locked up in a different part of thra, and they would be watched by their ur counterpart. (Like that one guy in the caves of grot) I feel like after the Gelfling started to win more Skeksil would get SkekSo to call all the other Skeksies back to the palace for protection, but that would lead to their down fall Because it was easier to get them all when they're in the same place.
Hiding spots
So we all know they used the crystal bat's to find where the gelfling were hiding, but if the garthim can't get to them they'll be safe. I feel like the safe spots in thra would've been,
- the Caves of grot (they got the nurlocks, Arathim, and a bunch of hiding spots)
- The drenchen swamps (of garthim can't swim they'll just sink into the water, the swamp could be hard to get through and once you get off the hiding spot all the Gelfling would be gone)
- Any island they can find (if they can't swim you are good! And the mermaid mystic can protect you)
- with the Sifa on boats (war ready cruise ships, they would take you to the island)
- In the valley of the mystics (the mystics can control the garthim so they would just leave)
Of course only childlings and care takers would be sent to safe zones with gaurd just in case.
Obviously all the Gelfling would have different roles in this battle that would contribute to their victory.
- Brea, Seledon, and the rest of the Madruas would making battle plans and think of ways of persevering their race throughout these terrible times. (Brea would go on rescue missions from time to time)
- Rian, Gurjin, spider Tavra, Hup, would be generals and on the front lines of WARRRRR. spider tavra would lead the arathim while chilling with onica on a boat from time to time.
- Deet, Hup, and Brea would be rescuers. Brea and set would have their own group of soilders to assist them, and the majority of them would be women because wings. They wound attack the garthim that captured Gelflings in the safe zones and fly away with them in hand.
- Nia, and amiri, would be the heads of the medical department.
- Kylan, and Rek'yr, would be clan representatives. And I feel like the sprinton and Dousan would work together the get everyone food. (and the sprinton area would be most protected because they have the best soil)
All Madrau Seledon
This one is also for Fara. After Fara died Seledon would try to be a leader just like her, and after gurjins sacrifice she would lead her troops into battle just like fara. And she would learn how to use weapons but her favorite was an axe because it reminded her of Fara. Because of Seledon being a, Goth, warrior, Madrau, she would've wore Goth makeup and clothes onto the battle field, and she also would cut her hair (shoulder length in the front, below ears in the back with triangle bangs.) I also feel like it was seledons idea to storm the castle of the crystal, and they did it in the middle of the night to make sure that the Skeksies would be off their guard. Seledon may or may not have tortured Skekso into telling her how to control the garthim, and after they Skeksies weren't a threat anymore the could start on rebuild the destroyed villages.
Rebuilding Gelfling society
- The first thing Seledon would declared as the new All Maudra is that its 100% Legal to mate and marry out of your clan, (because of her love for gurjin) and Maudras aren't allowed to discriminate against or exile anyone who dose.
- I think they would've had the most battles in Stone in the Wood, and after the forest had been destroyed by the garthim the Stone in the Wood clan would have the biggest city. Because Skekmal isn't in the black forest anymore anyone can now live there, and they expand the city alot. IDK if Maudra Fara had any kids but if she didn't O think they would have a group of people running the city. (They would've the they first democratic clan in thra, and obviously Rian would've been the leader of this group)
- after the Skeksies are gone it still takes awhile to get over clan racism but while rebuilding the cities together it fades away, (after a bunch of manual labor, and a war you stop caring about where another person is from)
Fun ship head cannons
-Brea and Rek'yr would go on a date to the well springs. During the war there were some grace periods when you can just live, and Brea was in the dessert alot so during the grace periods they would go on dates. Rek'yr would've taught her how to fly one of the flying fish.
They would have two houses one in the dessert and one in Ha'ra. Every six months they leave one horse and head to the other, the Ha'ra house would get summer and spring, while the dessert house would get winter and fall.
- Seledon and Gurjin would really like pressing flowers. Seledon was really stressed with everything falling into her, and gurjin taught her how to press flowers to blow off some steam.
Seledon fell in love with gurjin because he was always so happy and it helped her get through her depression. So when she saw him laying unconscious on a bed she couldn't help but feel rage. With her mom and Tavra she was so helpless and mortified, but with gurjin she was basically engulfed in the flames of unnatural fury. The Gelflings were losing because they refused of actually murder the already dead garthim, but seledon decided to start playing the the Skeksies. She is constantly compared to the Skeksies by some soilders, so she would actually start to act like one. She didn't care if it was unethical she was gonna win the war by any means necessary, she told Gelfling if they didn't destroy the garthim they would be punished and soon there were that many left. Not after long everything fell into place and they won the war, Seledon believed the Gurjin was gonna die and if it went for Brea she would fallen into the puts of despair but two months after the end of the war Gurjin woke up. (He was asleep for 10 months) but after he awoke she acted as if nothing had happened, but he was shocked by her hair.
- Onica and Tavra continue to be the best ship.
Thank you so much for reading please tell me if you liked this AU and please like this post. Luv you bye ♡♡♡♡♡
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Gurjin protecting you imagine...
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance 
Gurjiin x female! reader
Requested: By @harrington-lover​ Hey I saw u write for the dark crystal! I love it so much! Can I get a gurjin fic where u reunite with him at the last episode and one of the skesis almost kill u but he protects u. Super fluffy cause they missed each other so much since they last saw each other and were worried abt each other. Maybe they celebrate the victory together as well. Thanks so much!!
Authors Note: so i did not check for spelling mistakes or anything like that so if there is im sorry. but this is kinda one of my short writings its just something to get me back in the groove and kinda work my writing gears idk what im sayin lol. but i adore gurjin and i adore the dark crystal like fam i know it may look a lil intimidating and a lil scary but if u havent watched it i suggest u really do cuz its amazing and so beautiful and so creative and just there r so many good things about this show.
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You fought with your whole being. Understanding the importance of bringing down the Skeksis and knowing that should you fail, all of Gelfling would be no more and they would be wiped out from the population. You couldn’t let that happen to your people. You fought for your family, your friends, your lover, the people who depended on you. 
You were one on one with a Skeksis. He was much bigger than you. You were terrified for your life. You swung your sword trying to hit his chest but he moved out of the way. You hand’t seen Gurjin since he split from the group and all you wanted to say were your last words to him for this was surely the end of you. The Skeksis lifts you up from your hair and is about to thrash you against a rock when Gurjin comes out of the bushes to your rescue. 
“My love!” You smile seeing him. 
“Not to worry for Gurjin is here.” Gurjin started smashing his weapon against the Skeksis while you were dropped and you watched in amazement. Gurjiin finished him off while you were astounded seeing how strong a Gelfling could be. 
“You came back.” You searched Gurjin’s eyes. “I thought you-”
Gurjin quieted you down by embracing you. Tears fell down from your eyes as you thought of the worst. 
“I’m right here my love. I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner.” Gurjin wiped your tears away as he held your face. 
“All that matters is that you are here now, with me. Thank you my protector.” You leaned your forehead against his. 
Gurjin kissed your forehead and then your lips. “I swear to protect you. You matter more to me than anything else in this world.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​​
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
Please Reblog, like or comment! It means a lot to me and I truly appreciate it:)
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drenchen-gang · 5 years
Gurjin and Brea's daughter oneshot -Tieraney
Okay I did it!!! Finally.
Brea's Labor thing
As the pains of contractions overwhelmed her, Gurjin listened in agony as his wife labored to bring forth the life of their first childling. Her moans and sobs tore through his soul like a blade, and suddenly he could not stand sitting outside the labor tent for another moment.
"No, I can't do this, I'm going in," he said to Rian, standing up from his place beside his best friend.
Rian caught him by the cape of his cloak, "Gurjin, you know fathers aren't allowed--" but Gurjin was already ducking under the tent flap and sealing it behind himself. Rian took a deep breath, sat back, and took a big gulp of his ale as his son ran after Drenchen childlings playing a game of Gelflings Versus Skeksis.
Inside the tent, there were herbs and potions Gurjin had never seen before, bowls of hot water and dozens upon dozens of towels. Brea's brow was wet with perspiration, tears streamed down her cheeks as she rolled her body onto her side to prepare to push.
"Gurjin!" His mother snapped, "You should not be here, it is blasphemy in the face of the three sisters!" The Blue Stone Healer, as his mother was called, was serious about her work. Midwifery was only a small portion of the medical work the Maudra did for their clan. Veterinary work, trauma recovery, and minor wounds took up most of her time. But she would be damned before she missed the birth of her first grandchild, or let a lesser midwife attend the birth.
"I want to be here for her," he said, kneeling beside his wife and stroking her smooth, straight white hair. He brushed a few wet strands away from her sweat-and-tears streaked face and planted a kiss on her forehead, "you're doing wonderful, my love," he said tenderly.
She gripped the front of his jerkin so hard her knuckles, impossible as it sounded, turned whiter than they already were. "Gurjin I swear to Thra itself I'm never doing this again!" She screamed, "oh, Aughra's Eye this is horrible, I think I'm dying!"
"You're not dying, dear," Maudra Laesid said, gently stroking Brea's hand until she let go of Gurjin, "it is simply the pains of bringing life into the world. I went through it thrice, once I had to birth two in one night! We women are the most magical force of Thra, able to create life and nurse our childlings until they are able to feed themselves." Her soothing voice did not seem to change Brea's mind.
"Never!" She wrenched her head back and screamed like a wounded landstrider, "Never again!"
Gurjin exchanged a horrified look with his mother, "I see now why men aren't allowed," he said, but nevertheless he stayed.
Suddenly his mother's hand disappeared below Brea's birthing gown, "It is time. She has reached the final stage," she said, withdrawing her bloody hand and wiping it clean with a wet towel. "Brea, my dear, it is time. Gurjin!" She looked at him as a commander would look at a soldier, "make yourself useful and bring me a bowl of that water and a stack of towels! And when you've done that hold her leg up! She needs something strong to bear down on when she pushes and my strength is waning in my age."
Gurjin did as his mother told him, and once he had done that he held onto Brea's leg and leaned back, allowing her to bear all her weight down on him as she pushed. He had never felt more useful, more proud. He was helping his wife bring their childling into the great song.
Brea screamed in pain, and she cried. But Gurjin knew she would be okay. He had heard countless women in Sog scream exactly the same way, with his mother there to help them. She was not alone, and she was not the first nor the last to yell and carry on this way.
"One more, big push! You're doing great my dear!" Maudra Laesid said, and Gurjin beamed at his mother. She did not return his smile, and he faltered for a moment, something was wrong.
After the last push he saw what it was.
Their baby was born, but she was not crying. She was not moving.
"What's wrong?" Gurjin asked, and Brea tried to sit up but winced in pain and struggled to look from where she was laying. "Why isn't she crying?"
"Its a girl?" Brea asked, looking tired. "What's wrong with our baby?" She cried, looking down at the pale childling that laid at her bottom.
"I do not know," Maudra Laesid said, keeping her composure, but Gurjin knew she was panicking inside. He knew the look on her face. Blue light radiated from her hands and she placed them on the baby girl's chest. "Her heart is beating. She lives, but she does not breathe. Yet. I will do what I can."
Gurjin sobbed as he watched his mother work with all her might to bring his daughters lungs to life. It felt like ages, but after what could only have been a minute, his daughter took her first deep breath and let out the most ear-ringing, wonderful cry he had ever heard. He reached down as his mother finished wrapping the darling girl in a warm towel and cradled her in his arms, she was a tiny little thing. She was pale like Brea, with a hint of clay green upon her cheeks and brow, her arms and legs and little fat stomach. She sure was Drenchen. Her tiny gills opened and closed as she learned to breathe air without being surrounded by fluid, but she had long Vapran fingers and toes. Her hair was beautiful, little white curls that would surely grow into long white dreadlocks. She looked every inch the mixture between a Drenchen and a Vapra, the most beautiful baby girl he had ever seen.
He handed her to Brea, who sniffled and let out a cry of relief. The baby stopped crying instantly when Brea held her to her breast to nurse, and Brea's warm tears wet the baby's head. "Tavra," she said, "she's my little warrior, Tavra."
That night the Drenchen clan sang like they had never sung before, thanking Thra, the three sister moons and anyone else who would listen for the life of their Maudra's first grandchild.
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rocky-fennek · 3 years
My current Dark Crystal fic, explaining how the AU family of skekSon, Rijan, and Jen came to be ❤️
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amethystgelfling · 3 years
KovJin - Alone with You (Modern AU smut fic)
KovJin smut because i am unhinged and girlbossing my way though my final year of uni and this is my coping mechanism
18+ content! like pure filth :) enjoy! i'll tag the content so if thats not your thing pls just scroll away. im not throwing hands today
Canon x OC content, following a Modern AU
Kovina sighs as she casts her phone aside. It lands on the nightstand with a dull thud and the room is dark again, the hazy glow from the streetlights cast along the wall are the only source of illumination this late at night.
She hates the weekends.
Gurjin works late on the weekends and although she’s glad he’s working amongst friends, she hates eating dinner alone and bitching about whatever trash reality show she’s decided on for the night alone and she hates showering alone and she hates making cocktails alone. She hates getting changed into one of his oversized tees alone and most of all, she absolutely hates sleeping alone.
She turns onto her side with a huff, closing her eyes in a feeble attempt to fall asleep. Even the pillows smell like him and she’s a strange combination of sad and furious. Not furious at him, of course, furious that his shifts are so late and take him away from her so late at night.
She sighs deeply, his scent still lingering when she inhales again. She’s frustrated now, the anger ebbing away as arousal slowly claws its way up her skin; the longer she lets her mind focus on the remnants of his presence the deeper the ache in her abdomen grows.
Kovina lets out a shaky breath as she kicks away the blanket with her feet, letting it fall just below her bent knees. Gurjin’s shirt sits comfortably at her ribcage, deep green fabric covers her hardened nipples but leaves her bare from the waist down. One skilled hand grazes across her clothed nipple, spreading her palm flat as she drags it slowly across the bud. It provides a teasing amount of friction, just enough for her to bite her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment. Her other hand has already begun it’s descent along the length of her abdomen and when it finally reaches its destination, the moan that slips past her lips is nothing short of needy.
Her sapphire eyes flutter closed, her back arching into her own hand as she uses her fingertips to rub slow circles across her clit. She follows a steady rhythm for a short while before picking up her pace ever so slightly, the circles becoming tighter.
“…am I interrupting something?” A deep voice asks from the other side of the room.
Kovina pauses, lifting her hand away and opening her eyes. Gurjin stands in the doorway, leaning against it casually, his expression something of amusement.
Kovina sits up hastily, pulling the shirt back down over her thighs.
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you come home.” She stutters, embarrassed and frustrated. Gurjin tilts his head at her before stepping into the room, finally. He kicks off his shoes before quite promptly kneeling onto the bed at Kovina’s feet, leaning forward so he can hook his hands underneath her thighs and pull her down the bed towards him.
Kovina lets out a small noise of surprise as he settles between her thighs, his lips already placing gentle kisses at the junction of her knee and her thigh. One of his large hands reaches up, pushing his shirt up her body again. Kovina assists eagerly, pulling it up and over her head. She tosses it onto the floor, her eyes locked onto him as his kisses trail lower and lower down her plush thigh.
Gurjin glances up at her once, holding her gaze before he averts his gaze to press a kiss to her clit. Kovina melts immediately, leaning into his touch as a breathless sigh falls from her lips. The first brush of his skilful tongue threatens to undo her right then and she has to take a moment to mentally right herself. He wastes no time, immediately developing a rhythm that has Kovina seeing stars. Her back arches against him, her hips grinding against his tongue as she gets closer and closer to her climax.
“Did you miss me, then?” Gurjin asks between strokes of his tongue, his gaze travelling up her body to admire the mess he’s made of her. Her head is thrown back against the pillows, one hand gently fondling one of her breasts as the other rests gently atop his head.
“I always miss you.” She gasps when he briefly suctions his lips around her clit and sucks ever so slightly. He quickly resumes his rhythm of dizzying tongue strokes.
“Show me how much you missed me, baby. Let me see.” He tells her. It’s a command, she knows it is, but he asks in the firmest, yet sweetest way and Kovina can’t help but cum against his mouth with the next brush of his tongue. Her thighs shake in his gentle grip as she rides out her orgasm, but Gurjin doesn’t stop yet. He offers a few more strokes of his tongue, savouring her taste a little longer before pulling away when she finally stops shaking.
Gurjin crawls up and over her, capturing her lips in a searing kiss as his hips press into hers. She moans when she tastes herself on his lips, breaking the kiss to gasp when he rolls his hips against her and she feels how hard he is beneath his sweatpants.
Kovina manages to turn their position over in between desperate kisses and she shuffles down his body to rest between his knees, her fingers reaching underneath the waistband of his pants to pull them down. Gurjin complies immediately, raising his hips and quickly pulling them off. They join the shirt discarded on the floor where they’ll likely stay for the night.
Kovina wastes no time, taking his cock in her hand and strokes a few times. He is hard and heavy, the tip glistening with arousal already. She drags her tongue along his length, swirling around the tip before taking him in her mouth shallowly at first. Gurjin groans in response, a hand finding its way to her platinum locks, grabbing a fistful as she continues to take him inch by inch.
Soon enough, she’s taking him in her mouth at a rapid pace, the taste of his cum coating her tongue. Gurjin moans beneath her, the hand tangled in her hair following her rhythm as he starts to approach his own climax. He pulls her away before he can cum, watching as she parts her swollen lips in confusion. Kovina gazes up at him through half-lidded eyes, waiting for his next instruction.
Gurjin pulls her up towards him, assaulting her lips once more as he rolls her onto her back, his large frame looming over her smaller one. Kovina complies eagerly, her knees bending and her thighs parting to accommodate his hips. Gurjin smirks and chuckles lightly when he feels her legs wrap themselves around his waist. He nudges his hips forward and presses into her wet entrance, slowly edging inch by inch.
He bottoms out eventually, letting out a ragged gasp when he’s fully sheathed inside of her. She feels so soft and warm and so unbelievably wet for him. He’s not going to last long, he can already feel his orgasm building again, but Kovina isn’t going to last long either based on the way she mewls beneath him when he offers a small thrust. He picks up a pace that immediately has Kovina crying out for him, her nails digging into the sculpted muscles of his back.
“Are you going to cum for me, baby? Do you want me to make you cum again?” Gurjin asks her breathlessly, his lips hovering just above her ear. Kovina nods eagerly, unable to form a response, merely offering a nearly incoherent chorus of “yes,” and “please.”
Gurjin’s hips snap against hers with added force and she cries out, reaching her second peak. Gurjin groans as he feels her tighten around him, threatening to send him spiralling immediately after her. He holds off for a few more thrusts, shuddering when her hands find their way to his braids, the way she pulls on them sending waves of pleasure through his veins.
“That’s it, you’re so good for me,” He praises her between moans, “you’re going to make me cum, babe.”
Kovina practically begs him for it, for him to finish inside her and that’s all it takes for Gurjin to reach his orgasm and he spills inside her with a deep moan, his face buried in the crook of her neck as he comes down from his peak. Their combined panting is the only sound that fills the room for a few moments, before Kovina sighs with relief.
“I should work later more often.” Gurjin muses, flashing her a grin before finally shifting above her to collapse onto his side of the bed with a tired sigh.
Kovina snaps out of her haze to glare at him for a second.
“You absolutely should not.”
“I absolutely should. You never beg me like that. You never beg.” Gurjin teases, pulling Kovina into an embrace as he pulls the blanket over them both
“… I missed you.” Kovina admits finally, burying her face in his chest to hide her embarrassment.
Gurjin cracks a smile before pressing a kiss to her forehead, brushing away a few stray hairs, “I missed you too, love.”
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tofadeawayagain · 3 years
Story Update
Chapter 2 of Maudra is now live! https://archiveofourown.org/works/26671624/chapters/84256462
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sweetiepie08 · 4 years
Future Dark Crystal AoR fanfics
Hi, in light of the recent disappointment (can’t even say it. So sad) I thought I could help by maybe giving some of my fellow fans a few things to look forward to. 
Lately I’ve had a burst of gelfling-related creativity and I’ve begun many WiPs for our heros of Thra. Here’s a list of things I’m working on , a short description, mu plans for them, and where they are in progress. 
One thing to note, though. As I am a sucker for a happy ending, all my fics take place in a no-gelfling-genocide au. (unless otherwise specified)
All I Ask of you: First few chapters are up here. Cannon compliant love story between Deet and Rian. The first few chapters will follow the story of the episodes with novelization and extra scenes thrown in. Once I finish the season 1 chapters, I plan on taking the story past cannon and hopefully give it a good ending. (Stonegrot)
Time not Wasted: First chapter up here. Slice of life about friends having a few drinks and having fun. Will be 2 chapters long. Chapter 1 is about Gurjin, Mira, and Rian enjoying a night off in a tavern. Chapter 2 will be about the heroes of Thra getting together after the war to share the different drinks of their clans and enjoy each other’s company. (Chapter 1: Rian x Mira, Chapter 2: stonegrot)
Trial au: A cannon divergence au in which Rian is captured at the Crystal Castle after witnessing Mira’s death. He is then put on trial for Mira’s murder in a case that draws the attention of all of Thra. Currently in the outlining stage. Will be multiple chapters. (implied future stonegrot, and maybe Gurjin x Rian x Deet OT3? we’ll see what develops).
Child Rian fic: A pre-series slice of life fic about Rian growing up in the Crystal Castle. Ordon attempts to bond with his restless, mischievous son while teaching him the lessons he’ll need to know to succeed as a Stonewood warrior. Currently in outlining stage. Originally planned as a one-shot but it’s getting long, so, it most likely will be broken down into multiple chapters. 
Gelfling Pride & Prejudice: Pride & Prejudice au. Takes place in an au in which the Skeksis never came to Thra and the gelfling progressed without their influence. Stonewood Warrior, Rian, and Master herbologist, Deet, meet at a ball and fall in love. They seem incandescently happy together until Rian unexpectedly leaves her without an explanation. Brea, Deet’s best friend, must help mend her friend’s broken heart and get to the bottom of what happened. Also, she must figure out why Rian’s dour friend, Rek’yr, won’t stop staring at her. (In case you couldn’t guess, Deet & Rian = Jane & Bingley, Brea & Rek’yr = Lizzie & Darcy). Currently in the Outlining stage. Will be multiple chapters. (Stongrot, Brea x Rek’yr, and a splash of Tavra X Onica).
This is all I’ve got for now. Unfortunately, I don’t have a timetable as to when each will be out, but I am determined to turn these WiPs into finished fics. I know I’m not a particularly popular writer in the fandom, but I hope I can give you something you’ll enjoy.
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beanie-on-a-string · 4 years
Finally - Modern AU! Dark Crystal AOR
Hey! So, a few months ago, I posted a Dark Crystal AOR Modern AU post, and someone sent in this ask:
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And a few months later, here I am. With the fic. Idea by @canadachild9​
If you want, you can read my Dark Crystal Modern AU post first for context HERE
“Gurjin, that’s a terrible idea.”
“Aw, come on!” Gurjin rolled over from his sprawl on Brea’s couch, moving into a sitting position and leaning in closer to Brea, who was sitting on the floor in front of him. “We’ve tried everything else.”
Brea scrunched her face up a little. “I still don’t know. Maybe it’s –“
“What’s going on in here?” Tavra poked her head into the living room. “I heard… how shall we say… heated conversation.”
Brea turned to face her sister. “Hello Tavra. What, no Onica this time?”
“Oh no, she’s in the kitchen.” Tavra gestured to the doorway. “She’s cleansing her crystals. Anyway,” she said, smirking, “I didn’t forget the reason I came in here. What’s going on?”
“Gurjin wants to put Rian and Deet on a boat together,” Brea replied. “He thinks that they’re going to confess their love for each other or something.” Just as she said this, Lore, the family pumi, shuffled into the room and curled up into Brea’s lap
Tavra laughed lightly at Lore, then looked back at Gurjin. “You’ve been watching too much Disney lately.”
Gurjin huffed and sprang into a standing position. “We’ve been trying to get these two idiots together for – what, a year now? – but they’re both so dense that they refuse to believe they’re liked back. It’s literal torture, you know. I’m always telling him that Deet very clearly likes him, but then he’s all,” Gurjin’s voice shifted into a mopey impression of Rian, “ ‘Oh no, I don’t know, Gurjin. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t.’ It’s so stupid I could cry. Neither of them have made anything even close to a move yet, and anytime we try, they undermine themselves.”
“You have got a point there,” Tavra murmured. Brea emitted a little cry of betrayal as her sister said this. “I mean, whenever I’m around them, I want to kick myself. And trust me, I have come close to actually doing it.”
Brea huffed. “Usually I’m up for these ideas, but this sounds like the equivalent of locking them in a closet, you know?”
“It’s not really like that, Brea,” Gurjin insisted. “A closet has… implications. But a boat? If it goes wrong – and let’s damn hope that it doesn’t – they could just have a conversation or something. And if they don’t like it, they could always swim back to shore.” That last remark earned him a slight dirty look from his friend.
After a moment of thought, Brea spoke up again. “I’m still not convinced. Too many things could go wrong.”
Gurjin pulled at his bun and inhaled. “Okay. Brea. If you don’t do this with me, I will make sure that you find a pigeon in every room in this house.”
Brea’s eyes widened, whispering a soft “no,” as Tavra doubled over.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Brea scowled as they stood at the line where the dock met the grass, watching Rian’s silhouette approach them. “Correction – I can’t believe you dragged me into this.”
“Look, it’s nice to drag someone into something instead of being the one dragged into everything for a change,” Gurjin shrugged. Brea shouldered him lightly with a soft “you’re lucky we’re friends.”
“Hey guys!” Rian jogged to them, pulling Gurjin and then Brea into quick hugs, then casually placed his elbow on Gurjin’s shoulder.
“Hi Rian,” Brea giggled as Rian softly poked Gurjin’s bun, the mass of hair slouching to one side.
“Give me a break, why don’t you?” Gurjin lightly bumped his friend off of his shoulder as Rian gave an exaggerated huff. Gurjin rolled his eyes but smiled as he took his hair down to fix it. “Now all we need to do is wait for Deet. Right?”
“Deet?” Rian’s eyes widened. “Deet’s coming?”
“You didn’t know?” Brea asked. “I thought we’d told you.” She turned to Gurjin. “I thought you’d told him!” She hissed quietly.
“I must have forgotten,” Gurjin whispered back. “Sorry. I had to help Naia prepare for a trip, and it completely slipped my mind.”
Brea shook her head a little. “It’s fine. Sorry.” She turned back to Rian, who was quietly waiting, fingers absentmindedly lacing through his necklace.
“So. Deet.” Rian laughed a little nervously. He brushed his bangs out of his face. “Yeah.”
Gurjin resisted the urge to facepalm. “I forgot to tell you about it earlier. She got pretty excited about observing all the plant life out here. She also got pretty excited when she heard you would be coming.” His delivery was one of someone who had gone through all the possible options and was now on his last leg.
“Oh?” Rian’s eyes lit up slightly. “Well –“
“I’m sorry I’m late!” Rian’s gaze snapped over to the girl racing towards them, cheeks flushed from running. She stopped, chest heaving, by Rian, who was staring at her with a wide-eyed mixture of fondness and nervousness. She turned to him and uttered a ‘hello’ with a small smile, and the two observers could swear Rian melted.
“Hello, Deet,” Rian softly said back, all confidence replaced by a flustered air that he never had around anyone else.
“Now that we’re all here,” Brea said, causing Rian and Deet to jump, “we should probably get to the boats.” She approached the rental booth, beckoning to Gurjin, who followed behind, leaving Rian and Deet alone together. For a moment, they did nothing, simply looking at the grass, then each other, then back at the grass again. Finally, Rian spoke up.
“You’ve got a – you’ve, uh –” Fumbling on his words, Rian decided to just pick the leaf out of her hair himself.
“Oh!” Deet’s hand flew up to the spot where Rian had touched it. “Thank you! Are – are there more?”
“I don’t see any more,” Rian said. “Wait, hold on.” He moved closer to her, turning to peek at the back of her head. “Yep, no more.” He pulled back, then frowned. “Deet, you alright?”
Deet furrowed her brows in confusion before realizing that she was holding her breath. She exhaled. “Yes. Thanks, Rian.” She smiled.
He smiled back, pink coloring his cheeks, and was about to say something else when Brea and Gurjin returned, life vests draped over their arms.
“So,” Brea said, clapping her hands together. “We got two boats, each one holding two people.”
“Brea and I are going to take one,” Gurjin said, “and you two can take the other.”
“…Us?” Rian asked after a beat, pointing to him and Deet.
Gurjin gave an exasperated sigh. “Who else? Now let’s get these on.” He threw a life jacket to Rian, who was too busy gazing at Deet to catch it. Deet giggled at the vest lying limp on the grass as she put hers (which Brea had simply handed to her) on. Flustered again, Rian made haste in acting like nothing happened and putting on his vest.
Soon enough, the two boats were on the water. While Gurjin and Brea were comfortably chatting (and sneaking glances at the other boat), Rian and Deet sat on opposite sides of the small rowboat, doing everything they could to keep their feet from touching (and sneaking glances at each other).
Rian cleared his throat. “Deet.”
Deet looked up. “Rian?”
Rian looked up at the sound of his name, surprised for some reason that Deet actually responded. “Oh. Yes. Um, lovely day, isn’t it?”
She giggled, her large black eyes glittering. “Oh yes, absolutely! It’s absolutely beautiful. Everything looks so alive.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I can see what you mean. How’s Fizzgig?”
“He’s alright,” she replied, referring to her pet dog who seemed more like a pompom with teeth than an actual canine. “He’s been a little more feisty than usual these past few days, but otherwise, he’s okay.” She grimaced. “I bet Hup’s got quite a few bandages on his fingers.”
Rian clucked his tongue, shaking his head a little. Hup was a boy who lived a couple houses away from Deet. He had big dreams of becoming a knight and was never seen without his trusty sword in hand. (It was actually a large wooden spoon, but everyone chose not to say anything about it.) He was often seen fighting dragons (Fizzgig) and saving a damsel in distress (often Deet, or a halfway enthusiastic Brea).
“I wonder what Brea and Gurjin are up to,” Rian mused. Deet followed his hand as he ran his fingers through his bangs to keep them out of his eyes, then squinted through the sunlight to watch the other boat. Turns out, the other boat was watching them, and Deet laughed as the other two waved to them.
“They can be so strange,” she giggled as she leaned cautiously to observe a particularly large lily pad. As she did this, Gurjin started waving frantically to Rian. Rian furrowed his brows, mouthing a “What?” Gurjin mouthed something, and Rian grimaced, circling his pointer finger in an ‘again’ motion. Gurjin mouthed again, and this time Rian understood.
Tell her.
Ah. So that’s what this was. Rian ran his hands through his hair again, this time in slight annoyance, as he pulled his phone out.
You: Really?
You: Did you set us up?
Gurjin is typing…
Gurjin: maybe
You: DUDE.
Gurjin: I’m sorry I’m just rlly rlly tired of watching you two making goo goo eyes at each other
Rian rolled his eyes.
You: We don’t make goo goo eyes. Please
Gurjin: yes u do
You: Shut up
Gurjin: tell her and I will
“Rian? Is everything alright?” Rian’s head snapped up, and his eyes softened immediately at the sight of Deet, hand just touching the surface of the water with a small, concerned frown.
“Yes, it’s all good,” Rian replied as he tucked his phone away.
“I was wondering... may I braid your hair? I mean, there’s not much to do on this boat, and –“
“Of course, Deet,” he said, already turning so that his back was to her. “Shall I scoot back, or…”
“No, no, I’m on it,” she said, the boat creaking quietly when it shifted under her weight. Rian could feel her breath on his neck as she gathered his hair up and gently tugged it away from his neck.
“I can never believe how long your hair is,” Deet murmured as she combed her fingers through his hair. Shutting his eyes at the sensation, he leaned into her touch.
“It’s beautiful,” she continued as she sectioned his hair into parts. “My hair could never be this soft. It’s like it’s made of silk.” She made to brush away a wisp that had fallen away from a section, but her hand caught the necklace instead.
“Nngh,” Rian’s eyes fluttered open and he winced as the necklace began to grow tight against his neck. “Deet…”
“Hm?” She felt a tug against her finger and saw the necklace wrapped around it. Then she saw Rian. “Holy Thra!” She twisted her finger, and the necklace fell back onto Rian’s neck. She could hear him suck in a breath. “Rian, I’m sorry-“
“No, it’s alright,” Rian quickly waved his hand.
“Should I stop?”
“No! No, please continue.”
“Alright then,” she said as she adjusted again, picking up the sections. After some braiding, she spoke up again. “I’ve never asked about your necklace.”
“Oh.” Rian’s voice was deeper, more relaxed. Deet could feel the blush growing on her cheeks at the sound of it. “It was a gift from Mira. She left before you moved here. A year before, maybe.”
“That’s lovely. What’s the bottle in the front?”
“Ah. The vial.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “A few years back, Mira and I… we used to date.”
Deet blinked. “You did?”
“…yeah, we did. We eventually broke up. Well, obviously,” he said, the smile back in his voice. “but it was on good terms. When she was about to leave, she gave me this. She made it herself. The vial was… something of an inside joke that’s kind of a long story to tell – don’t worry, I’ll tell you eventually – and something to remember her by. Oh, and it glows in the dark.”
She laughed. “I like glow in the dark things.”
“I know you do.” His words were interlaced with a chuckle.
“Okay – done.” She leaned back a little to admire the French braid in his hair, smiling at the streaks of blue peeking through the brown.
“Can I see?”
“ ‘Course you can! It’s your hair, after all,” she said as she pulled out her phone. Leaning back just a little bit more to get the right angle, she snapped a picture. “Here.”
Deet leaned back in to show Rian, and he twisted to look.
“It’s amazing,” he breathed, sounding as awed as the first time she had braided his hair.
“Thank you,” she whispered back. Rian was suddenly aware of how close they were, and that their hands were touching, and-
“I like you.” The words tumbled out of his mouth, and he couldn’t catch them in time. Deet froze.
“What?” Her voice was quiet, shaking. He slowly looked up at her. Her large eyes were on him, wide and surprised.
He inhaled. “I like you, Deet. A lot. It may even be more than a lot. And I understand if you don’t feel the same way –”
“Are you crazy?”
Damn it, Rian, he cursed himself. You were an idiot to think she’d ever return your feelings. He looked back down, shoulders beginning to sag.
“Of course I like you.”
What? “You- you-” He looked at her again and nearly melted. Her eyes were soft, and she was beaming. “I thought you didn’t –”
“I thought you didn’t!” Deet began to laugh, which caused Rian to do the same. Soon, the two were laughing so hard the boat began to sway dramatically, and the laughter died down as the gripped the edges of the boat to keep from capsizing. Rian met Deet’s eyes, a silly grin wide on his face.
After some time, she spoke up. “I would really like to kiss you right now.” She blinked, her eyes wide. “Sweet Mother Aughra, did I just say that out loud?”
Rian chuckled, scooting closer to her. “Yes, you did. And I would just like to say that… I wholeheartedly accept your offer.”
“Oh, good, ‘cause I-” She wasn’t able to finish the sentence before Rian had brushed his lips against hers.
“Sorry for interrupting,” Rian muttered, face impossibly close to hers. His voice was low again, but heavy this time. Deet was sure she was blushing furiously.
“It doesn’t matter,” she muttered back. She saw his eyes flick down to her lips, then back up to her.
“Can I kiss you again?” He asked quietly.
Deet answered by closing the distance between them. She could feel Rian’s arms wrap around her back, gently pulling her closer. She slowly moved her hand to rest on the back of his neck, her fingers lightly tangled in the wisps of hair too small to stay in the braid. She tried to soak up the moment as best she could. She wanted it to last forever.
Deet and Rian jumped back in surprise, Deet emitting a little yell of shock. Gurjin was close to standing, Brea attempting (and failing) to tug him back down as her laughter resounded across the area.
“I’ve been waiting for goddamn ages. Ages!”
Deet turned her head slightly to Rian, her eyes meeting his. She raised a brow, clearly amused. “Rian, how long exactly have you liked me?”
“Uh…” he ran his hands through his bangs. “Around since you moved here, if I’m being honest.”
“Oh?” Two years? Deet began to giggle. “Two years? Rian, I- I-” she couldn’t find the words, so she settled on pulling him close again and pressing her lips to his.
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soloragoldsun · 4 years
A donation fic for @tunnelscreamer, who wanted a fic featuring Kira and Jen being given Brea’s old journal in the aftermath of the movie. I hope you guys all enjoy it!
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rian/Deet (Dark Crystal), Amri/Naia (Dark Crystal), Brea/Kylan (Dark Crystal) Characters: Rian (Dark Crystal), Deet (Dark Crystal), Amri (Dark Crystal), Naia (Dark Crystal), Brea (Dark Crystal), Kylan (Dark Crystal), Gurjin (Dark Crystal)
After a victory against a wave of garthim, our heroes celebrate with a drink.
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Hey anyone, is there no Gelfing x reader/oc works? Like come on I take one look at them and I’m like yep I would like a fanfic about them where I can live a happy life. It’s strange how all the thirsting is after Skeksis smh
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glow-moss · 5 years
“Innocent Blood” book masterpost
Here, I will be putting all the chapters for my book, Innocent Blood!
Deet, lost to the darkening, has now turned to cannibalism, murduring gelfling left and right to satisfy her needs. Rian, Brea, Gurjin, Naia, Kylan, and Seladon now have to find Deet and a way to save her, before she succumbs to the darkening forever
I’m making the story as I go on, so I apologize if things don’t flow together well
WARNING - This book contains blood/gore, murder, body horror/posession, and cannibalism
Check back for updates! So far, I’m releasing a chapter a day, but that could change as time goes on.
Chapter 1: https://www.wattpad.com/794606952-innocent-blood-chapter-1
Chapter 2: https://www.wattpad.com/794960278-innocent-blood-chapter-2
Chapter 3: https://www.wattpad.com/796591285-innocent-blood-chapter-3
(Future chapters coming soon!)
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drenchen-gang · 5 years
My girl bumpin 502gang while writing fanfic and I'm here for it
"Shawty my lil gangsta see wit her it ain't no changing, aye wit her it ain't no pain, so you know it ain't no games aye she fuckin wit a boss she ain't fuckin wit a lame" 👌🏾💕
She writing some mf NASTY Gurjin x Brea fanfiction ya heard 😂😂 I WAS NOT expecting that! She crazy. I love her. She too mfn DOPE 😭🥰 always thinkin 2 steps ahead yall. Why did I never think of that. She is makin Brea NASTY. Why she so mfn SMART.
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(I just REALLY-REALLY wanted that Stonegrot parallel 0K?!)
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This started off as just something I shipped in my head for a while before I actually decided to really talk about it with @lilac-city-skylines and what do you know? to my complete elation/surprise they were totally on board with it! QwQ
Ural belongs to @lilac-city-skylines and he makes his very first appearance in their AMAZING Gurjin centric fanfiction: “You Could Use a Friend”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21236309/chapters/50561810 as a recurring character (But Grottan girl isn’t in it so don’t expect to find her)
Soot’L belongs to-well- I did first thought up the idea/concept/design of her BUT it was really Lilac who really brought her to life, NAMED her, and figured out her personality! In otherwords
Soot’L is joint :3
(NOTE: not quite finished with this yet-still adding a bunch of details to their outfits but I couldn’t wait to post it! > ^ <)
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schyrsivochter · 5 years
I was tagged by @thanatasia.
Rules: Tag 4 people you’d like to get to know better.
Top 3 ships:
Gurjin × Rian (Gurjian)
Rian × Mira (Mirian)
Rian × Deet (Stonegrot)
(I seem to have a favourite character … at least for shipping …)
Lipstick or chapstick: Neither.
Last song: oh, what a vague question all on its own …
Last song that I listened to: either Andrew Bird – Skin Is, My or Within Temptation – See Who I Am, I don’t remember.
Last song that I played on piano: Starset – Echo
Last song that I sung: Coldplay – White Shadows
Last song that I played on piano and sung: Evanescence – Your Star (in the original key and octave. I’m a madman, I do that.)
Last movie: frankly, I don’t remember. The last movie-like thing that I watched was Doctor Who series 4 episode 6 ‘The Doctor’s Daughter’.
Reading: two dozen tabs of unread AoR fanfiction open on my computer … and I’ve started on the Dark Crystal novel series but I’ve only read Shadows so far – Song is on its way, though, and I’ll probably get it in the next couple days and dive right into it.
I tag: @tickfleato @venterry @lilac-city-skylines @redrosessoulcabin (let me know if you’ve done this already)
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aughraseye · 5 years
hi! I saw you welcomed character asks!! favorite TDC pairings (and headcanons about them)? Which “smaller” characters do you love? Are there any you don’t get the hype about? - @hegaveyoubones :) ♡
Thank you @hegaveyoubones for asking! I truly do love getting stuff like this!
My favorite dark crystal pairing is definitely Tavra and Onica. I adore them with every fiber of my being. I really love each of them as individual characters, and finding out they were in a relationship and getting glimpses of that relationship in the books cemented them as my all time fave TDC pairing. Plus I’m wlw so it was kind of inevitable.
I have a ton of headcanons about them too, but here are some that I’ve come up with a little more recently.
Tavra fell first and fell HARD. Onica fought it in the beginning, for various reasons, but once she couldn’t fight it anymore she fell even harder.
Tavra has never had Onica read her future and Onica has never offered. Though reading bones or runes or ta leaves is part of her role as soothsayer, it’s an art not a science and hardly exact. So, neither of them puts too much stock in it. But all the same, without ever having talked about it, they both decided to focus on the present moments they get together and the future they hope to one day build.
And finally, SO many inside jokes. Yes I read the books, but you really can’t convince me that Tavra isn’t funny. And the way Onica said ‘it seems you’ve completely erased Elder Cadia’s memory’ was comedy gold. They’re constantly making witty asides to each other and cracking jokes that no one else understands. While their relationship can be achingly soft, burn with passion, or hold as strong and fast as bedrock, sometimes it’s just a little quip, a sly look, and shared laughter.
I don’t really feel as strongly about any other pairing as I do Tavra and Onica, and frankly I can appreciate most of the ships I’ve come across in this fandom whether it’s Rian x Deet, Brea x Kylan, Brea x Rek’yr, Naia x Amri, Seladon x Gurjin, skekGra x urGoh, etc. The only pairings I actively dislike are the ones between a gelfling and a skeksis (looking at you Seladon x skekSo fanfiction).
As for smaller characters, I really love every single podling that’s ever been on screen. I love the podling that asks Rian to dance. I love the podling Brea has to bathe at the deterge, and the podling that runs around pantsless. I love the podling that buys Rian a drink, and the one who serves it to him with a bit of the ol’ wink wink nudge nudge. And I ESPECIALLY love the podling who worked for Aughra. He deserves a name and top tier pension plan.
I really just want more podling characters and podling based storylines in season 2. In the books it’s brought up that skekMal has been hunting the podling and I’ve thought EXTENSIVELY about how that could be tied into the gelfling resistance. Maybe? even having a certain aspiring paladin? bridge the podling and gelfling causes against the skeksis..? I digress.
Anyway, I will also add that while I don’t love him, I really want to see more of the guy leading the order of lesser service. I know that we all adore Juni, but the stern task master speaking matter of factly about the ‘filthy podlings’ did pique my interest. I think it would be cool to bring him back later to make the gelfling confront not only the huge divisions and biases about the different clans, but also about the other sentient creatures of Thra.
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