#guys I’m very okay about Julian!!!
pararinn · 10 months
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Forgot I drew this and posted on here 🥰🥰🥰
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Literally all of The Shadowhunter Chronicle romances are completely unhinged it’s not even funny (I lied, it’s very funny). Here’s just some examples:
William “Will” Herondale/James “Jem” Carstairs + Theresa “Tessa” Gray: It totally would have been a vee type polyamorous situation if it wasn’t for all the death and 1800s London society going on.
Henry Branwell + Charlotte Fairchild: How dare this misogynistic society put us together, I mean, we wanted to get together anyway, but not for those reasons. Welp, time to be as unconventional as possible.
Gabriel Lightwood + Cecily Herondale: Look, you made fun of my sister, it’s only fair that I marry your sister; that’s the rules.
Gideon Lightwood + Sophia “Sophie” Collins: Dad, I have a perfectly valid reason to betray you and go to the other side. What your doing is wrong and – nO tHiS haS nOThiNG to do wiTh tHeIR mAid wHy wOUlD yoU eVEn sAy tHat?
Jesse Blackthorn + Lucie Herondale: Your request to not be brought back to life has been denied, deal with it.
James “Jamie” Herondale + Cordelia Carstairs: He didn’t commit arson we were just having sex – why are you all looking at me like that’s worse?
Anna Lightwood + Ariadne Bridgestock: Listen, there’s a lot of society going on right now, so we’re going to have to get together in secret. Oh, you don’t want to? Okay, never mind, fuck society, let me win you back real quick.
Christopher Lightwood + Grace Cartwright: Oh good, you broke into my house, now we can talk about science.
Thomas Lightwood + Alastair Carstairs: I’d really like to hate you, but I think the biggest problem with that is that I love you. Once I get over that hurdle, I think we’ll be in the clear.
Lucian “Luke” Graymark + Jocelyn Fairchild: Good job on us for breaking away from the genocidal cult run by our best friend/husband; we should hook up, you know, as a reward.
Jonathan “Jace” Herondale + Clarissa “Clary” Fairchild: Ayo the same guy conducted experiments on our blood, that’s crazy; btw so glad we’re not actually siblings.
Alexander “Alec” Lightwood + Magnus Bane: Marrying each other is against the law? Okay, fine, I’m a law biding citizen. Oh oops, I made it legal. I am the law now, and I want a wedding on the beach.
Simon Lovelace + Isabelle Lightwood: It makes sense to have our engagement party on the day of my brother’s death, that’s when we really started bonding.
Helen “Alessa” Blackthorn + Aline Penhallow: Well, I guess we’re going to go in exile together. Yes, I said together; your exile is my exile, what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine, that’s how relationships work.
Julian Blackthorn + Emma Carstairs: Yes, it’s a technical war crime to love each other, but the law itself is not really our main concern about it.
Kieran Hunter + Mark “Miach” Blackthorn + Cristina Rosales: We’re really living that cottage core aesthetic, and all we had to do to get here was do a small war and some amnesia. Worth it.
Gwyn ap Nudd + Diana Wrayburn: I’m going to stand by just in case something happens, but it probably won’t, she knows what she’s doing – WHY IS SHE JUMPING OUT THE TENTH STORY WINDOW OH MY GOD WAIT
Tiberius “Ty” Blackthorn + Christopher “Kit” Herondale: We take cosplaying Sherlock and Watson VERY seriously, so of course we needed to go to all the most illegal places, it’s only natural.
Ash Morgenstern + Drusilla “Dru” Blackthorn: So anyway I saw them in a sort of fever dream like state this one time and they’ve still been on my mind for years.
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m1ssunderstanding · 3 months
I don't get why John was ever seen as crazy for thinking Hey Jude might have been about him, at least partially. I mean "You have found her, now go and get her", "You're waiting for someone to perform with" from around the same time as JohnandYoko becomes a thing - it's more crazy for me to assert the song is chiefly about 5 year old Julian Lennon. Not saying he didn't have a distorted perspective on many things, but tbh I'm kinda annoyed at how easily people jump to call John paranoid and delusional.
You are very smart and way ahead of me anon. I don't know why I fell into that 'silly John' line of thinking before. Maybe because he says a lot of out-there things, even in the actual quote where he says he thinks the song could be about him. Here it is in full, by the way:
“I always heard it as a song to me. If you think about it… Yoko’s just come into the picture. He’s saying, ‘Hey, Jude – hey, John.’ I know I’m sounding like one of those fans who reads things into it, but you can hear it as a song to me. The words ‘go out and get her’ – subconsciously he was saying, Go ahead, leave me.“On a conscious level, he didn’t want me to go ahead. The angel in him was saying, ‘Bless you.’ The devil in him didn’t like it at all because he didn’t want to lose his partner.”
So here's what sounds crazy in that quote (imo)
I sound like one of those fans who reads into things. -- yes.
Go ahead. Leave me. -- why would you have to leave him to get together with Yoko?
On a conscious level he didn't want me to go ahead. -- do you know that? What sign did he give you at the time that that was how he was feeling?
The devil in him being the conscious part and the angel being subconscious. -- so basically Paul is consciously evil but unconsciously good?
But the more I pay attention to the lyrics, the more I definitely see what he's saying.
The song starts out with two lines that very well could have been directed at Julian. (Just like Two of Us starts off as something that was probably about Linda but turns into a song for John). "Don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better." Could easily about Julian.
But after that it veers off. "Remember to let her into your heart." "You were made to go out and get her." "Let her under your skin." Can't be about a five year old but could be about Paul himself or any random guy.
Then quickly it gets more specific. "Any time you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders." Sounds very much to John. "The pain" sounds like something John would reference in their talks and Paul's response would definitely be along the lines of "just don't feel it then."
This line, "for well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder," also sounds just like something John might've said to Paul, telling him his coldness was a mistake.
And finally, "you're waiting for someone to perform with. But don't you know that it's just you. Hey, Jude. You'll do. The movement you need is on your shoulder." It's clearly for John. And it's clearly giving him the okay to go off on his own and do his own thing. Which was not what John wanted and which would've hurt.
Anyway, tldr: John was not crazy to think hey Jude was about him and we should probably take his lyrical analysis of Paul's songs a little more seriously.
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andofone · 1 year
SNS fic rec
I have found lots of SNS fics that I think deserve even more love and recognition, so buckle in and here we go!
-PS, if you don’t want your fic on this list, I will take it off.
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou an idiot? by Skyheaven
Naruto thought he could impress his crush by landing the role of Romeo in their school play. With Sakura playing Juliet, it would be the perfect way to get close to her. So how is it that he ended up being forced to play the modern version titled Romeo and Julian with his arch rival Sasuke instead?
(It’s a full, flushed out fic. It was a joy to read through)
(This is part two - a POV change to see what Sasuke is thinking, I strongly recommend reading after the first.)
And Julian is the moon by Skyheaven.
Ever wonder what Sasuke went through when he got stuck playing the romantic lead together with Naruto in their school play about Romeo and Julian? Here's the answer.
A pov change of the fic 'Oh Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou an idiot?'
The Frog Dealer by lilypheria
Naruto’s trusty frog wallet breaks down after years of faithful service, and someone delivers a new one to his office. Naruto is elated, not caring if it’s proper for the Seventh Hokage of Konoha to wander around with a wallet like that. But then he starts to get even more deliveries to his office—frog-shaped keychains, fridge magnets, everything you can think of.
Naruto has no clue who has found out about his affection towards frogs. But the gift giver is closer than he thinks…
(It’s a adorable one-shot. What else could you possibly want.)
Unrequited: sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn't by KizuKatana
Naruto hates to hurt people's feelings. So when Hinata puts him on the spot about dating her, he doesn't want to come straight out and tell her he doesn't like her that way. Instead, he comes up with a poorly thought out idea to tell her he is dating someone already. All he needs to do to convince her is to show her a photo of the guy. He just needs to get a picture of someone so ridiculously hot she will know it's hopeless. He actually has someone in mind, a guy he'd had a one-sided thing for from his gym. Although, the guy is sort of an ass and probably wouldn't agree to posing for a picture. Naruto decides to ask him anyway. What's he got to lose?
(Another wonderful, simple one-shot. Easy and very nice to digest.)
In Good Company by weialala
This will sound a little ridiculous, no matter how Sasuke phrases it. I see dead people is embarrassingly tacky, and I'm half-spirit seems like something Sakura might say when she's stoned sky high. So he settles for a shrug.
(This is a gem of a fic. Highly recommend.)
Iced coffee with extra base by Dotec_1
Working in a cafe certainly isn’t the worst thing, that is if you find a certain raven a few tables down.
(Not too long, just 25,000 words and a good plot.)
Fire & Wind by Cyllia
Wind and fire: it's the most powerful combination of elements there was. So when Sasuke, the most talented fire elementalist in his year, pairs with Naruto, who has the greatest air element seen in centuries, they should've been the most formidable team in history. Yet they can't seem to win one match.
(OH MY GOD, okay, this has got to be one of my favorites on this list. And these are all some of my favorite.)
all i want to do, just like this by lunoiere (aeon_uriel)
"Good morning," he whispered, content, and peaceful. 
Naruto's nose twitched, still asleep. His lips were pursed to form a pout that somehow looked even more childish in this state. 
Sasuke's smile got wider and wider and something in his chest bloomed and exploded.
 Unbidden, a thought passed by: he loved that man so much it was unreal. 
Sasuke gets another reminder that waking up with arms around his waist and the smell of sunshine filling his lungs means opening his eyes to yet another good dream.(Because Naruto is there and he’s never leaving.)
 I hope this gives you some good reads!
And if you want more, check out another SNS rec I created here
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taduki · 1 year
M6 w/ on MC’s birthday
Happy belated birthday 2 me and @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia!! Thank you for the help with my writer’s block too.. 🥺 Written using voice recognition, my fingies hurt…
Will never forget your birthday. Always wants to go all out for you. They get so excited decorating the place for you, they try really hard to hide it from you but always fail. Oh, and get ready for streamers EVERYWHERE. On the floor, on the walls, streamed across the ceilings, and probably in their hair too if I’m being honest…
It’s up to you if you want them to bake you a cake or not. Selasi is always prepared to make one if anything goes wrong. If anything, he already has the cake batter prepared each year…… Asra is quite experienced in baking anyway. What’s the better than baking you a surprise cake? Baking one with you! Azz just wants to be close to you on these special days and has little to no problem if you want to join him in preparations. They wanted to be able to serve you in this way, but they’ll toss it aside if it means they get to hold you while you mix frosting!
As for presents, they definitely overthink it. Should they make something? Should they take you out for dinner? Will it be good enough? Or should they do all of the above? Oh, DEFINITELY all of the above. The entire day is your birthday! (He definitely joked that he was your present at least once, c’mon).
Faust: The Cake Thief™️. You know she’s up to some thievery when you hear a faint, “Ooh, tasty!!”
If you didn’t know any better, you’re skeptical if Asra had some sugar or coffee early in the morning. They were gentle waking you upppp and walking you down the stairssss, but they seem to be literally rattling with excitement…
To tell you the truth, they were making homemade decorations all night after you fell asleep. They slept a little! Just not enough. So they found this “morning tea” stocked in their surprise cabinet, and they just assumed it was like a gentle coffee, and they were SO wrong. It was basically a double shot of espresso, and now they’re trying not to bounce off the walls all morning. When you tell him you guys can do something with that energy, he lights up and skips his merry little way to the musical side of Vesuvia with you to dance it off!
All in all, your birthday celebrations with Azz are very spontaneous and never secluded to just one day. They planned way too many things to fit all in one!
No! Nobody had to remind him what day your birthday is! …. Oh GOD he needs a notepad STAT.
Okay, actually he did remember. As soon as you told him what day it was months in advance, he wrote it down! …. Somewhere…….. He ended up forgetting about it surprisingly close to your birthday, but luckily for the both of you, Jules can’t keep his mouth shut, and the entire South End remembers your birthday and the plans.
The poor guy drives himself a little nuts trying to get everything in order, especially with so many people wanting to help. Like, just when he thinks he’s done, someone brings up something else he told them and he’s like “Why would I say that??”
The day is planned as such: First, a casual picnic breakfast by the docks together. Then, a nice walk around Vesuvia and maybe some undercover window shopping at the Red Market. Once he thinks you’re in need of a little rest, he tells you he’s got this truly amazing nap spot…. Yes, it’s the up in the theater rafters. He’s basically got a nest up there, real nest in the corner courtesy of Malak.
Malak brings his present before Julian gives you his. 💀 He gave it to you after Julian left you to take a nap. It was a stolen earring, of course… You made a mental note to return it to its owner once you had time.
Julian uses your nap as a means to prepare the stage for his short play. Since he kinda forgot a couple days before, he really wants to get this right for you and freaks out when he sees you peering at him from the rafters in the middle of setting the stage. He scrambles up to you and mumbles a bunch of different stuff about “Please go back to sleep”, “I’m sorry I’m so frazzled — I just wanted to dazzle you”, and “Wow, I should write that one down.”
You tell him you really don’t mind and he doesn’t have to stress so much about a day that you’re both supposed to enjoy, honest. It takes a bit more reassurance, but he caves in to the treacherous healthy habits and hugs you. He’ll still try to salvage your surprise though, and he asks you to chill out up there for a little longer.
As it turns out, he had a whole short play planned out for you! He had a couple of friends who owed him a favor or two and he performed a short and sweet show just for you !! He booked the stage for the bit and sat with you for the next show after his performance.
At the end of the night, Julian handed you this small, twine-wrapped parcel. He nudged you to go ahead and open it with a tired smile. When you opened it, it was a single earring. He explained he must’ve dropped the other one somewhere backstage and didn’t want to disturb the stage technicians for the moment, so you brought upon god’s wishes and showed him the other earring to his pleasant surprise. You told him Malak took it, and Julian just did nothing but smile and look at you, lovingly. He didn’t have to tell you happy birthday.
Ohhh, she remembers every year. She’s one of those gals that prepare a party like a month in advance.
She is VERY good at hiding the preparations. She is the gaslight gatekeep girlboss of birthday parties. She actually talked about it a lot with her friends and acquaintances! … and ended up hosting a potluck for your birthday. Everyone was just so excited! They couldn’t help it! Now, Portia doesn’t have to decide on a menu because it seems like every food you could possibly think of is laid out on the dozens of tables.
For the most part, Portia set up a simple, traditional birthday party surprise. The day started with you two going out to the market for some frivolous spending. She keeps a really good eye out for things you take a liking to and also finds a super cute new outfit for you to wear for the day! You tell her you didn’t have any big plans for the evening though, and Miss Girlboss just tells you she likes it when you dress up and winks. You know the wink.
Now, she has to keep you busy for a little longer without tiring you out too much so her friends have time to set everything up. So, she takes you on a little street food stall date where you guys try unusual flavors of jalebi and bara — where you try a couple jalebi with voice-switching syrup and try to make each other laugh the rest of the trip.
She didn’t actually have an idea when her friends would be done, so she was really risking it all, taking you back to the cottage. It’s not like you could tell, though. Her confidence was impenetrable on the walk home, and her intuition served her well because you two showed up just in time.
She covers your eyes before you walk into the clearing andddd SURPRISE !!! There are people here !!
She has to hold back from hugging and loving you up the entire time you walk around to explore. There are activities you would find at festivals here like apple bobbing and craft-making, along with the excessively long food stands, of course. It’s a very social event, so she’ll understand if you want to get away from the buzz most of the time, but she’ll still want to come with you! She values the quiet time.
The party itself goes on into the later hours of the night and the dancing just gets crazier and crazier. (Portia likes to be twirled). It doesn’t go into the early morning since some of Portia’s friends brought their children, but you say goodbye and thanks to everyone as they leave and you feel your body crumpling a little as the last few people go. With a lazy, goofy smile on your faces, you both leave the cleaning for the morning and crawl into bed together while Portia gives you one last mustered, “Happy birthday, MC…”
Obviously, she goes all out every year for you! Banquet? Vacation? Party? Honey, she’s got it covered months in advance. All complete with a super tall cake you could swear was designed for a wedding and anything you could possibly ask for, honestly.
If there was ever a year Nadia forgot your birthday, she would’ve had to have been SWAMPED with work and burnt out to the point of forgetting days or even months. The last thing she could’ve imagined was forgetting such an important day, and she assumed she would be reminded by an advisor or just being brought up mid-conversation, but she was reminded by YOU. OF YOUR OWN BIRTHDAY.
It’s literally the five stages of grief for her, and she’s in denial until she checks her calendar and remembers the dates leading up to today.
She throws her arms around you in a tight hug and apologizes deeply and repeatedly. She tells you of all the things she had planned as if she doesn’t have the power to set aside all her duties for the day just for you. She’s aware of this of course, but she feels so guilty for forgetting… When the palace servants and advisors realized she’d forgotten, they went into a frenzy, asking her if she’d like them to have preparations done as quickly as possible. It’s up to you if you try to stop her.
If you allow her to go through with the emergency preparations, she’ll feel a little more relief that she can still pamper you. She’ll line the dining table with your favorite foods and at the end of the meal, you’ll have a — Nadia’s definition of— modest sized birthday cake, gorgeously decorated with edible flowers and tasty treats. Every servant working that day was paid extra for the trouble. Honestly, Nadia probably prepped the rest of the WEEK for you on the same day.
If you opt to stop Nadi in her tracks and explain you really didn’t want anything too big anyway, she’ll be gracefully surprised and a little disappointed in herself. She has the resources to treat you and your refusal feels like you’re disappointed in her too! But she understands and asks you what you really wanted for your birthday after assuring you she can give you the world.
And so Nadia allows you to have a modest birthday… on her yacht. She couldn’t help it !! Your skin glows in the sunlight and you look cute in a big floppy hat! She packed some fancy snacks, supplies for things you’d like to do on the yacht and beach, and a cute bakery-sized cake with “Happy Birthday, My Love” written on it in cursive. She will insist on feeding you if you’d like, like always. She wants to do anything you want to do today! And I mean anything, alright…
One of Muriel’s bad habits included not keeping track of the days. The only times they really mattered were when seasons changed. Slush on the forest floor meant it was time for him to stock up on food and wood. Smells like a rainstorm? He’s gotta get those holes in the roof patched up before dusk.
But NOooOooOoo, you just had to show up and show him life is beautiful! Disastrous for the poor guy, truly. Now, he goes to bed thinking about nice things that happened during the day like how sleepy your face looked during breakfast or how cute you looked carrying that basket of herbs.
The point is, he knows how important birthdays are to people, (He’s learned his lesson from the “Asra-stravaganzas”), and he wants to make the day special for you too! So, he double checks with Asra a couple times just to make sure he’s got the day right. His preparations include: pancakes, flower garlands, and a mental list of embarrassing things he wants to say to you (literally just romantic stuff like I’ll love you always).
He’s surprised he’s actually kind of excited — or is this nervousness? You’ve always told him those two are hard to differentiate between…
When the day comes, he wakes up first as usual and goes about his daily routine. The only thing that changes is that he regrets not practicing how to make pancakes in advance… Not to worry! He read up on it before and knows exactly which ingredients to use and what to do. Thank goodness it actually comes out properly and just in time for you to wake up. He’s never been so excited to tell someone “Happy Birthday…”
As for his present, he realized he dug himself a hole because he regularly gifts you things. Some things that require a lot of time! He probably gifts you a handcrafted wooden figurine every month because it was simply his go-to, but now he’s gotta step out of his comfort zone. So, what does he do? He makes another wooden craft. Except it’s not a figurine, it’s a 3D model of your name with stories of the adventures you’ve gone on carved into the letters. You spend a good part of the day tracing your fingers over them and reminiscing with him (while trying to rearrange the letters to spell other words).
He takes you on a late picnic so you can watch the sun set and the stars fade into the sky, and if you fall asleep, he’ll carry you home and tuck you in.
Surprisingly (sorry, Lucy), Lucio remembers your birthday and anticipates it for like a month before the actual day! Lucio’s birthdays were big excuses for throwing extravagant, luxurious parties and what better to do than throw you one?
Obviously doesn’t have the resources anymore to give you the type of party he always threw, so he starts thinking, and then worrying. He figured this would be the last thing he’d ever worry about. Just a couple of drinks, some music, and a cake, right? Except now, he wants the best for you, regardless of luxuries, which means he has to be willing to do what you want. What DO you want??
Aaaaand that question opened up a can of worms. What if you want to spend your birthday without him? Maybe with Asra? That guy is annoying, for sure, but they DID bring you back to life after he killed you. They’re basically your family. But you’re also HIS family… right?
The days keep going by and he tries not to think too hard about it, being his happy-go-lucky self, picking up a bottle of something or two, but every other purchase in your spirit urks him. It’s a miracle he gets to sleep the night before your birthday.
He gently wakes you up with a little ache in his heart and kisses you out of bed. You two have the whole day for yourselves !! Now you get to do what you want to do today as Lucio is secretly clenching his heart that it involves him.
As soon as you say you wanna do something with him, he crumbles and clings onto you and lets all the troubles flow out of his mouth. He was so worried. He loves you so much, he wanted to spend today with you more than anything. He saved his money for the occasion, and he’ll take you wherever you want to go. Hell, he doesn’t care if you wanna celebrate the whole week! As long as you’re with him…
(Feel free to make fun of him, just a little. He’ll allow it, but he’ll grumble and huff about it all day, all week how, “This counts as your ONLY birthday present, MC! You’re not getting anything else!”)
You end up going a couple of places he suggested like a diner that overlooks the marketplace and going to see a “very overrated showing” at the theater, as he claims. (He ended up just watching you laugh half the time). As for your present, he gifts you a shiny box that Mercedes steals immediately after he takes it out and proceeds to throw it around with Melchior. Lucio is definitely humbled by how worried like hell he was about how expensive the contents were. Once he’s worn out and ready to give up, Mercedes just walks up to you, sets it on your lap, and plops beside you for belly rubs. It was a custom made silver bracelet with two wolves chasing each other around it. Lucio and Melchior plop down on your other side and Lucio tells you one last, exhaustive, “Happy birthdayyyy!”
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tyhxrondxle · 3 months
REREADING LADY MIDNIGHT BUT I would kill myself and everyone else in this world to keep Julian Blackthorn protected AND appreciated by those to whom he has given so much (yes Mark, I’m talking to you)
Part 3😘😊
i swear to god there are some scenes that I can’t remember ever reading. But hey, in one of those Emma realizes she wants Jules!! Go baby!!!
THE SCENE WHERE CRISTINA CUTS MARKS HAIR???/?2€2!2!2€:€ Okay, hear me out. When I read this book for the first time back in 2016 I had already spend over two years obsessing over Julian and Emma, and I must admit I did not give a shit about anyone else until I read Lord of shadows BUT NOW THAT IM OLDER AND WISER CRISTINA AND MARK IN THIS SCENE MADE ME GIGGLE LIKE A TEENAGER. "You would be lovely in the Court” Mark Blackthorn get a grip.
THE CAR/IRATZE/JULIAN DYING SCENE. i’ve spent years obsessing over this scene. it has played in replay in my mind so many times that by the time I reread it I was sure it had been a fever dream of mine. but no, here’s Julian Simp Blackthorn being the horniest for Emma while also fucking dying???:!2&2!/! He’s so in love I might actually die.
Cassie foreshadowing Livvy and Cameron’s relationship in Thule (it might not have been intentional but let’s pretend) *clears throat* and I quote: “In Emma’s defense, Cameron’s annoying, but he’s hot. I mean, if you like guys who look like a redheaded Captain America, which I…don’t? (Livvy speaking)
kieran and mark my beloveds. Cristina looking at Kieran while he was looking at Mark and thinking “Never had a faerie looked so human to Cristina as Kieran did then”. I screamed actually
okay looK!!! I have a thing about a very specific trope which fits exactly with Emma and Jules, being childhood best friends to lovers but the man is and has always been a total SIMP. well, i’m gonna quote Julian thinking about Emma’s hair and i’m gonna pretend i did not cry while reading it: “emma’s hair. maybe because she took it down so rarely, maybe because emma with her hair down was one of the first things he’d ever wanted to paint”
julian and his siblings relationship has always been something that made my heart physically ache. So Julian falling with Tavvy on the stairs and hitting himself to protect Tavvy but also immediately checking if HIS baby is okay. you can not fucking tell me he should not be loved for eternity by fucking everyone
the fact that Julian can’t be physically close to emma without mentally collapsing. i mean, the man was dancing with her and he was floating. the intimacy, the CONNECTION, THE TOUCHING *chef’s kiss*
also, last but not least. alexa play When Emma falls in love by taylor swift.
okay, i’m done, shutting up now, goodbye till tomorrow I hope (also, would love to know your opinions on the scenes I talk about and shit, I’d love to make friends that feel ass passionate about tda as I do🥺)
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usbotthrills · 2 years
Trans YA book recs
Because I’ve been feeling shitty about being trans and I think we all need some trans positivity.
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Cemetery boys (by Aiden Thomas) : Now, I’m going to say this about all of these books but I ADORE this book. It’s mlm with a trans guy as the protagonist. BUT THATS NOT ALL… Yadriel, the main character, accidentally summons a ghost, a guy who goes to his school, Julian. He fights to figure out what happened to him and to finally be accepted by his family. Honesty this book has MY HEART.
Between perfect and real (by Ray Stoeve) : My personal favourite ;) Dean is cast as Romeo in the school play and realises that he is trans. The whole whay through the book he’s trying to figure out how to come out and accept himself and AHHHHH I love it. It also includes Romeo and Juliet references, which is just a bonus to me <3
Heartstopper (by Alice oseman) : Now, this one doesn’t have too much representation but I’m giving it a mention because I love it. I’ve found that it’s very difficult to find a book with trans femme representation, despite the fact I’m found so much trans masc stuff?? In this, Elle, a side character is a trans girl and, while it doesn’t talk too much about that, it’s a nice little bit of rep
I was born for this (also Alice oseman, I love her OKAY) : This follows a two characters, a band (called The Ark) and a fan of the band. It makes a statement on fan culture and I think it’s just SO well written. The singer of the band is Jimmy, a gay, trans guy. It’s doesn’t talk too much about being trans, but I adore this rep, it’s just *chefs kiss*
The passing playbook ( by Issac Fitzsimons) : I must admit I haven’t read this one in a while (even more reason for you to read it). It’s about a trans (gay?) guy, Spencer, who joins a new school for a fresh start. It all goes well, he gets a crush on a guy, joins the soccer team BUT THEN he’s found out to be trans and is benched from his team. He has to fight for his right to be on the team and it goes from there… (I think I might actually re read this one, I forgot how good the premise is)
Felix ever after (by Kacen Callender) : Felix is a trans guy who has never been in love. When he is publicly outed, he sets out for revenge but it all goes a bit crazy (but don’t worry the person who does it PAYS). I LOVE this one, I think it was the first trans book I read and it has a place in my heart <3
Please tell me if you liked this because I could always make a mlm one… Just saying I have A LOT of recs and I’m always willing to share
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splinnters · 1 year
happie pride month please give me all your thoughts on heavymetal shipping. unless they are bad thoughts if that is the case I will not listen
omfg I didn’t recognize the ship name so I searched it and I’m literally shaking its so good I’m- it’s so cute istg okay
heavymetal pride month headcanons!
Cole + Zane are in a romantic relationship, Pixal + Zane are in a romantic relationship, and Cole + Pixal are in a queer platonic relationship
Cole is gay and has known his whole life that he likes guys. his dad wasn’t too supportive to begin with, and he ended up dating a lot before becoming a ninja mostly to spite Lou
Zane is pansexual and non-binary and they intend for Pixal and Cole to be their first and last relationship. they’re the one who asks them both out!
Pixal is a lesbian and transfem, she jokes that she’s exclusively non-men. she’s very protective of Cole and Zane
Zane didn’t know anything about being LGBTQ+ because Dr. Julian had never asked them, however he was supportive when Zane came out :]
Zane was the first to make a move out of the three (surprisingly). they figured out that they loved Cole and Pixal soon after the ninja met Pixal 
as soon as they reached the real dating part, though, Zane lost most of their confidence. for a while they were overly polite with Cole and Pixal because they didn’t want to mess anything up
Cole and Pixal talked in private and then worked together to make sure Zane felt comfortable at all times plus reassuring them that they loved everything Zane did for them. after a month or so, Zane finally settled into the relationship and became a lot more comfortable around Cole and Pixal
Cole and Pixal had an awkward moment when they were trying to figure out what they meant to each other since neither had romantic feelings. for one (1) day they managed to fake feelings, but then they “confessed” to each other for real and decided to stay platonic 
when they cuddle, Cole is usually in the middle since he runs hot. Zane and Pixal both run cold, so with one on either side, their temperatures cancel out and it’s perfect <3
they all enjoy teaching each other as a way to bond. Cole teaches dancing, Zane teaches baking/cooking, and Pixal teaches tech stuff. even if most of the time it turns into just hanging out, they all enjoy it thoroughly 
sometimes they go on little getaways together. most of the time they bring a picnic and do a little hike in the mountains or to the beach. they get to relax together and away from the craziness of the rest of the ninja
they’re all quite laid back from day to day, but when there’s an emergency all of them jump right into action. they work very well as a team with Cole as the brawn, Pixal as the brains, and Zane as their mediator :D
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goofygooberton · 1 year
Ok listen here fuckers if you like the mighty boosh, think Julian barratt is cool, and need more deranged girlbosses in your life then BOY OH BOY do I have the shows for you.
Alright we’ll start with the more lighthearted one first. It’s called Bloods, it’s on Hulu or sky tv, and it’s about paramedics. It’s fuckin hilarious. The main character is played by the same guy who played oluwande (Samson kayo) from our flag means death and the other main character is an older women, which we almost never get on tv so that’s already two wins (and their dynamic is hilarious). Where Julian comes in is that he plays the love interest for the batshit depot manager (her names jo, and I love her, she literally bites people). They have a very stupid, awkward and violent friendship it’s fuckin hilarious, 10/10. I’d say Julian’s character (his names Lawrence, btw) is abit of a himbo but he’s pretty emotionally intelligent, he’s just subtle about it. Also another thing about Jo is that she’s played by Lucy Punch who also played Lilith (the witch) from what we do in the shadows. (Oh and there’s also another deranged girlboss in this show her names Kareshma she’s awesome)
Alright the next show is a fucking sledgehammer to the emotions. I stg by the end of watching this I had been emotionally eviscerated and simultaneously had my faith in humanity restored. It’s about this depressed middle aged children’s book author and his family, Julian plays the main character. It does have a depiction of attempted suicide (it’s not that graphic tho and imo the story handled it very well) so know yourself and what you’re able to handle. It’s such a beautifully done show, I’m not really sure what to say about it other than watch it without giving to much about it away. I reccomend it if you like crying, positive father-daughter relationships, cannon lesbians, and more crying.
Okay thank you for coming to my Ted talk now go have fun watching these :D
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thydungeongal · 5 months
hiiii what are ur thots on the megaversal system? i’m currently in the midst of hyperfixation revival for TMNT, and i found there’s a TMNT rpg from ‘85 that uses that system, as well as one called ‘after the bomb’ that i think is a more open-ended version? (like not limited to just post-nuclear NYC jsgskdh)
the lifelong, childhood fan in me is like MUST HAVE ALL TMNT CONTENT while the Grown Adult is like. homie the chances of this rpg book from the 80’s being something you’ll actually enjoy reading/making a character for are Very Low
also there is not a lot out there abt this game jsgskdh like there was a pretty popular kickstarter last year, but the funding period ended so no luck there rly, and from one of the reviews i saw, they liked the world building/story side of things, but would’ve preferred the gurps system… which i am also unfamiliar with 🫣 oh and the game is called ‘teenage mutant ninja turtles & other strangeness’ if ur interested at all jsgskdh
but yeah do u think the megaversal system is like. approachable for newcomers to rpgs in general? i’m familiar w 5e, blades in the dark, and kids on brooms, but looking at all the unfamiliar terminology for megaversal is. intimidating 🤧
(also totally feel free to ignore this if it’s like way too much info to look into jsgskdh i do not want to take up your time 🫡)
okay, so I haven't actually played any Megaversal System games, but I am familiar with their reputation. Based on what I've heard the games that utilize it (RIFTS, Palladium Fantasy, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness, Heroes Unlimited, and After the Bomb [which is basically the TMNT RPG but with the licensing removed once they lost the license]) are barely functional but have a strange charm to them! One of my favorite podcasts, System Mastery, are intimately familiar with the system and hearing them describe it is always a blast. If you want to learn about the games from two really funny guys for whom those games were a formative experience, I recommend checking them out!
So anyway those games are apparently pretty wild. I think they're decipherable by relative newcomers if you're willing to accept a bit of extremely eighties design. I don't know how much of that will be rectified in the upcoming rerelease. But don't take my word for it, because the internet is a beautiful place and with a little bit of digging on your local free-rpg-pdfs-legally-i-swear dot gov slash co dot uk you should be able to find PDFs of the original game
But now is when I yap about a completely different but related game, because as it happens game designer Julian Kay's first RPG as a child was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness, and as an adult Julian decided to make an homage to that game called Mutants in the Now. Now, unlike Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness I have actually read Mutants in the Now, and what I can say based on simply reading it is that it is a fantastically written RPG with a lot of love for its subject matter and the game system actually seems functional! The character creation system is wild, consisting mostly of rolling on random tables to discover who your character is, and the actual game system owes a lot to 13th Age (a modern D&D clone that Julian has written for and that is actually pretty dang good!) in addition to the Megaversal System. There's a few quirks that are mostly there out of homage to the Megaversal System to my knowledge (skills are d100 roll under, while combat pretty much works like any ol' D&D with d20 rolls to hit and various types of dice for damage) but ultimately it is a very coherent system.
Anyway the presentation in Mutants in the Now was so strong I immediately ordered it and its supplement Mutants in the Next, and I don't have a single regret about my purchase. I actually liveblogged the (admittedly intensive) character creation process. You can find them if you look under the tag #mutants in the making. Now Mutants in the Now is slightly more complex than 5e, but most of the complexity is front-loaded into character creation. The gameplay is about on par with 5e in terms of complexity.
Anyway I'm not sure how helpful that is but it at least gave me a chance to gush about one of the coolest games I've discovered during the last year. If you're interested in a game with actual TMNT branding I recommend looking into the original game if you can find it before you make any decisions or wait for word from Kickstarter backers about the revised edition whether it's good or bad. But, like, Mutants in the Now is also there if you're not too particular about the branding and just want to play cool mutant animals and enjoy random character creation where you get to really experience finding out who your character is during the process of creation.
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paperstorm · 11 months
Hi! So, you’re always nice and respectful in your replies so I’m gonna ask. In my real life I have friends whose political views I might not agree with, so why do I struggle not to think less of Ronen because he is so friendly with J*li*n ? Like all the cast seem ok with JW but he seems closest with Ronen (and Brian). Maybe irl he’s not how he comes across on social media but he has followed Trump and Andr*w T*te so I totally understand why the fandom doesn’t like him, and I feel the same. But then Ronen seems to really like him and loves hanging out with him and this just makes me conflicted.
That is a good question and idk that I have a good answer. I don't know very much about Julian, I don't pay super close attention to any of the actors (other than enjoying their thirst traps and photoshoots etc) but I have sort of tangentially seen the fandom have issues with him. He gives off kind of frat boy energy imo that I don't necessarily fuck with but other than that I don't know a lot of details, but Andrew Tate is straight up a human trafficker so ... yeah if he still actively follows that guy, that's kind of a problem. I guess we just don't know how someone is in real life. Who someone follows on Instagram doesn't tell the whole story of their person, which isn't to make excuses for him but it's just to say that the people who know him in real life are in a better position to judge his character than we are. But I also think it's okay to be disappointed in someone or dislike something they've done, and still like them anyway. People are complicated. I think 'I love Ronen' and 'I wish he wasn't such close friends with julian' are thoughts that can coexist. Nothing is as cut and dry as twitter brain makes it seem and trying to force everything into the box of either morally pure or problematic is itself pretty problematic, because it leaves no room for growth and it demonizes the very idea of someone becoming more educated and changing their mind, which is the literal progress that we should be aiming for.
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walkingstackofbooks · 10 months
DS9 4x05 Rejoined thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
[28 June '23]
"It's a trick!" "Of course it's a trick!" Oh, Quark 😆
"Painfully shy, introverted, a slight lack of confidence, just the kind of person who might want to dazzle the world with his magical abilities." - Okay, new headcanon that Julian is speaking from experience from when he was younger - he decided magic tricks would be how he'd make friends at new schools.
Interesting camera angle from Sisko's window
"Am I that dispensable around here?" "We'll never notice you're gone." I love their easy friendship and joking <3
"I'll be fine." That waver in her voice though ~
I love that Kira is the one who extensively knows Jadzia's lives. And I love how it really feels like they are all - even Quark - really, actually friends now.
The way Kira breaks into laughter at Julian's trick, I love her smile!
Kira's little touch of his arm, I live for platonic displays of affection.
"The Trill feel very strongly that it's unnatural." "Unnatural?" I LOVE Kira! Her outrage is just SO cathartic
"I don't understand how two people who've fallen in love, and made a life together, can be forced to walk away from each other because of a taboo." I know DS9 could generally have hit harder on LGBT topics, but this is Actually Very Good
"Curzon was even late for his hundredth birthday party." "You're never gonna let me forget that, are you?" Interesting that she switched from Ben's use of Curzon to "me" - highlighting how much she is the other hosts as well as herself.
"I'll be fine," she says, while pinning her badge on upside-down. 😅
"What do Klingons dream about?" I love Kira's gaiety and curiosity here
Hah! Had forgotten Worf's "Things that would send cold chills down your spine and wake you in the middle of the night. It is better you do not know. Excuse me." Okay I do like his deadpan humour.
"Quite an audience." "Seems a shame to disappoint them. Maybe we should do something." Their entire conversation at the party is electric
That purposeful look away they both do when the guy leaves them alone on the bridge.
"That's because you were a pilot and it made me nervous. Made her nervous. Torias being a pilot made Nilani nervous." The mixing up of pronouns - I love how complex the whole situation is allowed to be
"And whatever part of me is still Torias is very sorry and wishes he'd listened to you." - Lenara's nod of acknowledgment.. ohhh, I knew this episode was amazing but I'd forgotten just how compelling and emotional the threads all the way through were
"Would you be interested in dinner? I mean, I'm having dinner with some friends and I thought you might like to go along." I've never seen Jadzia this uncertain of herself!
Pffff Jadzia you made all that up about having dinner with friends?! You've got it baaad
"Something tells me I should say no, but you know I won't." Oh, Julian. And that kiss on the cheek!
Julian's so sulky, my goodness, what a child (affectionate)
Their chemistry is SO - JUST - Y'KNOW
No, I can't even, his little face is so scrunchy! I'm sorry ladies, let's go back and rewatch you rather than Julian being too ridiculous.
"Curzon would be horrified I'm a scientist." I thought Jadzia was a scientist before getting joined so didn't he know?
"The irony is, you and I have more in common than Torias and Nilani ever did." And that is what makes a tragedy 💔
Julian's complete startlement when he's hailed on comms 😂
"I think he enjoyed himself... Maybe not." You think? Especially if you were going through the highlights of your life he's already heard :p
Lenara just giving her the earrings!!! Like it's nothing!!! Like it's not deeply romantic!! I cannot be normal about these two!!!
"There is nothing going on, alright?" But you wish it were, don't you, Lenara?
Jadzia's so pretty in her gown and hair down (she's always pretty shhhh)
"I don't want to do anything to hurt you." Guyssss
Jadzia's brief touch to Lenara's face and forcing herself to take her hand away I cannn't
"I missed you." Oh boy the first time watching this thinking they were going to kiss? But no, and being disappointed but not wholly surprised, it's the 90s BUT NO WHAT'S THIS, they actually DO KISS and it's just so tender. This episode has my entire heart o swear.
I hate that this reasoning why Jadzia should stay away - that the consequence of exile would impact Dax the symbiont - makes sense (even if the taboo doesn't). And that Benjamin can sound so reasonable in trying to dissuade her.
"But I also know I love her, Benjamin." MY HEART
"If you're sure, if this is what you really want, I will back you all the way." After all the other arguments, thank you Ben, that means a lot. <3
Actually, no - it's weird that Dax is seen as a passive part of this decision - the poor symbiont who'll die if Jadzia gets herself exiled - but it's Dax who also, as far as I understand, very much has feelings for Kahn and Nilani, just as much as Jadzia does for Lenara et al. So Dax should also have a say through their link woth their host if they want to choose love over exile.
Jadzia's striding down the corridor to rescue Lenara (and others, ofc)
"I don't want to lose you, not again." "Not again. Never again. Never again. Never." MY HEART, DAMN YOU 90S, WORF WAS NO REPLACEMENT FOR THIS
Jadzia getting down eagerly onto her knees as she asks Lenara to stay. She's so sure she'll accept! And why shouldn't she be!
"Everyone is trying to look out for us. Protect us from ourselves." THIS IS STILL SO RELEVANT
"I can always come back later." I can't help thinking, what if she did change her mind a few years later... Maybe in that 3 month window between season 6 and 7? ... Why am I making myself sad like this? 😭😭😭
The way their eyes meet. Fuck this episode. (affectionate)
God, Jadzia was a wreck over that phasing-planet guy - what she's going to be like over Lenara who she's known for centuries? I just wanna hug her
This is just such a good story though, like even without the gay metaphor and actual gayness, aliens having dilemmas over their society's morality is fascinating, and the Trill very much so!
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noitsbecky127 · 1 month
rebecca watches ds9: dramatis personae
what are the valerians
ah they worked with cardassians. that seems like a good reason to not let them onto a bajoran space station
but yeah ig you can’t do much without proof
wtf is julian doing in ops? doesn’t he have a sickbay to be running? aren’t there people who need medical attention?
so much for the klingon vessel!
hello there klingon!
good thing julian was here i guess!
or not, given that the klingon died anyway. go back to sickbay julian. do your job
whatever caused that ship to explode is coming for ds9 next
jadzia are you okay
god she’s so beautiful
klingons are a menace to quark’s profits. and quark in general probably
i love how bitchy odo can get with quark
odo are you ok
i don’t think he’s okay!
wtf is julian gonna do. does he know how to treat liquid medical issues
“your body chemistry defies analysis” yeah that fully tracks
julian you should probably try and learn a bit more about changeling biology and stuff. given the changeling on the station
julian are YOU ok. you’re acting a little conniving here
the bajorans aren’t gonna kick starfleet off ds9, don’t worry, you still have six more seasons
“you’ve become quite friendly with major kira” i think jadzia’s a little more than FRIENDLY with her but what do i know
ok everyone’s acting SUPER FUCKING WEIRD
kira wtf are you doing
wtf is anyone doing rn tbh
the little they’re getting out of this journal sounds pretty bad!
i have many questions and not many answers
“the two loveliest creatures on ds9” give it up quark, let them be sapphic in peace
“what can i do for you, major?” “get lost” SHE’S SO REAL FOR THAT
ik smth is messing with their minds but even so there is no heterosexual explanation for this scene
dax is being very reminiscent rn
“i’m getting rid of sisko” no you’re not, it’s only season 1
kira put him in a neck brace??? that’s downright impressive
i don’t think you’re getting satisfaction
miles what are you doing here
ok so whatever happened to the klingons is the same as what’s happening here. only questions are why and how
no fucks were given by sisko on this day
kira’s looking…cozy
time to find out wtf caused all this
ah. the energy spheres did it
interesting clock you’re making there sisko
oh hello again bashir!
so during all this bullshit he’s just been continuing to be a doctor
“i’m certainly not behaving out of the ordinary” julian my guy that is EXACTLY what someone behaving out of the ordinary would say
alright he and odo are gonna fix everything
not soon enough apparently! shit just got dire
odo: i’m playing both sides, so that i always come out on top
i feel like this would make a very good weapon. just unleash it on your enemies and watch as they destroy each other
bye bye telepathic energies or whatever those things were
when in doubt, open the airlock
this was, without a doubt, one of the star trek episodes ever
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vesselslut · 9 months
One more secret won't hurt / Bunny x reader
Part 1 Part 2
Chapter 3: Gossip sessions can be very productive
I reach my dorm and walk directly to my room, trying to avoid anyone in the hallways. Once inside, I close the door and drop all my stuff on the desk. I reach into my minifridge and grab a leftover sandwich, then drop onto my bed to eat it, staring quietly at the ceiling. I am usually much more productive than this. None of my assignments have ever been turned in late. How could I let something so lame as a group of dorks derail my Saturday like this?
'Not the group of dorks, just the one guy' says a tiny voice in my brain. I shake my head, as if to make the voice physically go away.
Is it right, though? The guy did seem interesting and all, but enough to make my brain this useless? If I wasn't so self-conscious, maybe I would've walked over to the group and talked to them, take the mystery away, then I might be able to focus on my homework. Maybe a nap will help clear my head. Yes, a nap. Good idea. To make the image of the dorks go away. And the guy, of course. The loud guy.
I finish my sandwich, throw the wrapper at the garbage can next to my bedside table, and miss epically. I close my eyes and try to think of anything else, hoping I will fall asleep soon. It's quite early, though, and I'm not very sleepy. I've always had a hard time sleeping during the day. I toss and turn, get under the covers, and quickly climb back out. I swear I can still hear the words in the strange language floating around in my head. I wish I knew what they mean. Or how to spell them so I could look in a dictionary for them. Or even just know what language it is. There is something so intriguing about how it sounds. Is that it? Or is it intriguing because it came out of his mouth? I wonder what his name is. If I wasn't such a coward, I could've asked him.
I'm wrestling with my thoughts when a loud knock on my door gets me out of my trance. I’m grateful for this merciful distraction from that spiral I was slowly falling into. “Coming!” I yell. I walk to the door, trying to smooth my hair down with my fingers after tossing in bed for half an hour. I open the door and I’m greeted by Judy’s bright smile. “Hey, girlie!” she says, quickly stepping into my room and throwing herself into my bed with a sigh. “Ugh, I’m exhausted!” Exhausted came out more like a grunt than an actual word. “Do you have any idea how many costumes I sewed today? Way too fucking many. Is it too early to bring out the wine?” she looks up at me from the bed. “Nah, it’s 5 p.m. somewhere!” I say, opening the minifridge, and reaching for one of the bottles. I take a seat on my desk chair and roll it closer to the bed.
- “Girl, you okay? Cuz, you look like you really need that wine.” She sits up and reaches for the glass I’m holding out to her.
- “Ugh, don’t even get me started. I was supposed to do a bunch of work today and did exactly zero percent of it.” I take a sip of my cheap wine. “I was actually hoping I could ask you about something I saw today?”
- “Of course! Shoot.” She leans forward, as if indicating I have her full attention, and looks at me expectantly while taking a big swig of wine.
- “Aight, so. I was in the library, and there was this group, I’ve seen them around before, but never so up close. They’re kind of weird, dressed kind of old fashioned, speaking in a weird language… ring any bells?”
- “Ah. I see you met the Greek club” she says, rolling her eyes dramatically. What else can you expect from a theater major… Greek. I knew it had to be that or Latin. I nod at her, urging her to go on, provide more info. “Yeah, they’re very particular. They’re Classics majors, so they only take classes with one professor, I don’t think you’ve ever seen him cuz he’s just as weird as them, a complete hermit. His name is Julian, I think.” She squints her eyes, and bites hard on her bottom lip in that particular way, like she’s digging around in her brain for the correct data. “Anyways,” she shakes her head, coming back to reality, “what about ‘em? Did they say anything to you?” Her voice turning an octave lower at the end, the international Judy signal for ‘spill the tea!’
- “Oh, no, nothing like that. They were a few tables away from me, working on something in what I now know was Greek. They were just so mysterious, and I just can’t stop thinking about one of them.” I realize my mistake a second too late and see the smirk already forming on Judy’s lips.
- “Oooooooooooo someone has her very first Hampden cruuuush,” she says in that annoying sing-song voice she uses to tease me. It’s like I can physically see the goblin energy flowing through her body. “And on one of the Greek weirdos, damn Y/N, that’s bold. But honestly, you’re kind of weird too, so that makes sense,” she says, matter-of-factly. I should be used to her teasing by now, but I still feel the blood running to my cheeks, and I groan.
- “C’mon, Judes! It’s not like that. I’ve just never heard Greek before. It caught me off guard, I guess.” I finished my wine in one big gulp and poured myself another glass.
- “Right, right,” she says, rolling her eyes again, “quit being a wet rag and go back to the boy. Was he hot?” her eyes grow huge as she waits for my answer.
- “I mean, yeah, I guess?” I close my eyes, trying to picture his face again. Yeah, I would consider him good looking. I give Judy a nod.
- “Well, don’t get any ideas. As far as I know, Francis is very gay. Like. Gay as fuck,” the last bit comes out barely above a whisper. I’m not sure why this information disappoints me, it’s not like Judy was right about the crush. “I get you, though. His hair is to die for! I wish I was a natural redhead too. My mom always said that-”
- “Wait, redhead?” I interrupt her rant. “No, I did not mean the redhead.”
- “Oh, shit. Sorry! I mean, he’s the hottest one so I assumed you meant him. My bad. I’m guessing you mean Henry then, and he is kind of handsome I guess, but dude, he is so weird. Not just weird, he’s mean. It’s like, I don’t know, like he thinks he’s better than everyone else? That one really needs to pull his head out of his own ass, and out of that weirdo professor’s ass.” She’s ranting so passionately about this Henry that I can only assume she’s had a really bad experience with him in the past.
- “Judes, slow down. Which one is Henry?” I ask, already suspecting she’s got the wrong one in mind. What she’s describing definitely does not match the vibes I got from the guy. The wine bottle is half empty already, but I still pour us both another glass.
- “Tall one, dark hair, looks like he has a stick up his ass,” her hands are moving a bit more clumsily than usual, she’s tipsy already. For someone who drinks so constantly, she’s such a lightweight.
- “Yeah, no. Again, that’s not the one I meant. I was talking about the blond one, with the-” my words are drowned out by Judy’s screech as she jumps up, waving her arm in my face.
- “Oh! Oh! Charles! You mean Charles! Dude, you have terrible taste, like, honestly. I mean, they’re all pretty weird already, but add the freaky twin thing into it... And don’t get me started on the girl twin, that bitch is legit crazy. Camilla. She came close to clawing my eyes out at a party one time. Swear to god. I was just minding my own business, spilled a little bit of beer on her by accident. I can be very clumsy, you know.” I swear she is doing it on purpose. I let her continue her rant, sipping my wine patiently. “That huge weirdo, Henry, was standing between us in a second. He looked ready to beat me up. Now she gives me the stink eye every time she sees me. And so does her twin. They are freakily close, those two. Did you notice they dress the same? I swear she just wears his clothes half the time. I tell you; you don’t want to get involved in that twin mess. No sir.”
- “You done, babes?” I ask her, raising an eyebrow. Once she nods, I continue. “As I was saying, I meant the blond guy with glasses. Not Charles.” Her face contorts in a weird way, like what I said makes absolutely no sense. Realization creeps into her features, slowly at first and then all at once. She looks at me like I just puked on her cat.
- “You can’t possibly mean Bunny? Let’s see, was he being the loudest thing in a 3-mile radius?” I nod. That’s a bit of an exaggeration, but he was kind of loud for a library. “Yup, that’s Bunny.”
- “Bunny…” I whisper, the name sounds funny on my lips. “What kind of name is that?” I ask, eyeing her suspiciously, thinking she might just be pulling my leg.
- “His name’s actually Edmund Corcoran, but everyone calls him Bunny for some reason. No idea why. But dude, he’s like, I don’t know. He’s the most down to earth one out of the bunch, but he’s also the most annoying one. I mean, you saw him.” She chuckles and spills a bit of wine on my bed. I don’t think she even noticed. “I’ve seen him around at some parties. He’s nice, but again, quite annoying. Plus, he hangs out with the other ones, so, my advice is: stay the fuck away, girl.”
- “Yeah, well, I was just curious. It’s not like I was planning on speaking to any of em. You know I’m shy with strangers.” She squints her eyes at me, clearly not believing any of my bullshit.
- “Well, I’m just glad you were not talking about Richard, cuz that one’s mine,” she throws her head back and laughs. “Fellow Californian, he switched his major to classics recently, he’s pretty cool. Hope they don’t turn him into a pretentious ass before I can fuck him.” I love Judy, she knows what she wants and doesn’t fuck around. I wish I could be more like her in that sense. “But really, this Bunny guy…” I quickly try to change the subject, hoping she’s kind enough to just drop it. “So, what play are all of those costumes for?” She rolls her eyes, but immediately yields, and starts telling me all about their latest production of some Oscar Wilde play.
I pay as much attention as I can, asking a few questions, laughing at her little jokes, trying to follow her stories about disastrous stage mishaps, but part of my mind is somewhere else, wondering how hard it could be to learn Greek. Imagining the delicious feeling of those sounds, rolling off my tongue. And Bunny. Mysterious Bunny. His thunderous laugh disturbing the quietest corners of my psyche.
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fauvester · 1 year
ok, so. Since your adoption AU has quickly become my no. 1 new obsession, I would totally love to make some fanart or write some fanfic about it. Would you be okay with that?
If not, that’s totally fine! If yes, I’d really like for you to ramble to me about these questions I have (if you have time) because if I make fanart/fanfic I want it to be 100% accurate, because I’m a perfectionist. So, correct me if I’m wrong pls:
Elim “Lim” Junior likes to cook, was the first to get adopted, and is the oldest brother. He seems to me to be a calm kinda guy. Gives me safe vibes, like I would let him bear hug me. What does he do, I wonder? Like, for a living? Or what does he want to do when he’s older? Idan is the youngest, absolute cutie, I adore him. What does he want to do when he grows up? And what are his hobbies? Iskra is Garak’s little girl, except she’s not even that little and also she marries a Klingon doctor, am I right? Is she the one who tries out tailoring, do I remember that correctly? What does she do for a living? Or is she actually a professional tailor?? Then, there’s Jocasta. She’s older than Iskra, right? She’s a nurse. Does she work with Julian sometimes? What else does she like to do in her free time?
Yes, I’m interrogating you, yes I want to get to know them, I’m sorry if this is too many questions at once. Don’t feel obligated to answer all of this. Hope you have a great day! :)
Oh man I'd be so flattered!! come on into the sandbox!! I'm so chuffed that you like them as much as I do! Let me try to put stuff down that I've been carrying around in my head re: the kids -
Young Elim ("Lim" "Elim Garak, no relation") is of a very calvinist cut (always busy, always doing something useful, always sober, always parsimonious). Repairs, cooking, cleaning. Inclined to be grumpy. Phenomenally stubborn. Probably a good hugger but on the stiff side. Remembers the most about his family before the Fire, and for decades his grief manifested as anger and the most convenient subject for that anger was the Manifestation of the Old Cardassia, Garak senior. They had a contentious relationship with him until Lim got into his twenties and mellowed out a bit, but they had some bitterly cold grudge matches before then (Garak, beefing with a child? MUCH more likely than you'd think!)
He's a full time housekeeper, first for his Castellan father (he's the cardassian jackie kennedy. refurbishing the Castellan's home, overseeing the rest of the help, hosting events, etc) and then for his mayor wife (and their many future children). Nobody would suggest that it's an unmanly line of work, but they may privately think it. Lim was never a particular stand-out at school and decided to let Iskra be the ambitious one.
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His wife is a lot. She REALLY wanted to marry into the Garak family for political cache and set her cap on him but he was NOT having it at first. She had to do a lot of courting. They get along just fine now. Iskra doesn't like her but maybe that's because they're too similar.
Idan is IN STARFLEET! The first Cardassian, and Cardassia isn't even part of the federation! By the time he was growing up, Bashir's disillusionment with the Federation softened enough to weave lots of tempting tales of adventure and discovery for his youngest.
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Worf is his idol (first Klingon solidarity!) but where Worf recognized the "you have to decide whether to be liked or be respected" decision and decided to be respected at the expense of coming off as an unpleasant terminally humorless zealot, while Idan plays up his natural goofiness to keep his classmates from feeling threatened by their 6'4 appropriately strong, fast Obsidian Order/Starfleet Medical raised Scion of Cardassia classmate. He's actually very capable and very dangerous when he isn't pretending to be an idiot (or more of one than he really is, at least). Just wants to be liked. Kind of a jock, plays racquetball and does vulcan martial arts. Enjoys Romulan pop (rpop) like every other young Cardassian.
Has a tail. Accidentally trips people sometimes.
Iskra is for real that little. She's very short.
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She gets along best with Garak, at least until Lim grows up-up. She was taught from a young age to memorize, recite and debate at length, and naturally did well in academics. She goes to some Federation planet (Andor?) to study comparative law, and then back to Cardassia to read Cardassian law as an apprentice. Through a combination of bald nepotism, personal charisma and actual merit, she snags a position as the attachè of Ambassador Lang to the Federation, where she spends a few years advancing her father's administration's diplomatic interests. Once he steps down and Lang takes his place she ends up... somehow... on a Starfleet mission......?...... and meets her eventual wife! She serves... some diplomatic purpose. Besides amusing herself. I just haven't decided what that would be yet.
Jocasta (oh sweet babbygirl I have not developed you much at all lol) gets along best with Julian because he does enough talking for both of them. She started out helping him with office work in the hospital, but she's the sort of person who Does Work when it Needs to be Done and took enough tasks onto herself that she's become indispensable. Bashir taught her what she needs to know about nursing, and she helps him with the cultural missteps he occasionally still makes. She's the last line of defense if someone's a particularly hard stick because she can throw a needle under tough scales like it's nothing (she could have been a good Obsidian Order torturer).
She would have been the Housekeeper of the family if not for Lim, so she does the decorative stuff that he doesn't - mending and eventually sewing, gardening, even a little art. It reminds Garak a little too much of Ziyal sometimes, but that's a kind of gift, too.
ANYWAYS THATS THE KIDDOOOOOOOOOS! I have a lot of stuff thrown in the #garashir adoption au tag if you're looking about for other tasty bits, it is all approximately Fauve-canon but feel free to play in this space however you like.. I love to talk about them! I'd be so tickled if you wanted to do something with them.
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julianrchandlerx · 2 months
setting: the fire station
featuring: julian chandler & efe umukoro @firefighterxefe
The flyer was so crumpled that much of the ink had rubbed off from the creases, only half legible but Julian had looked over it enough times to have it nearly memorized. In the late nights when he was alone, when his girlfriend had no choice but to succumb to the mortal desire to sleep and the rest of Lunar Cove seemed so far away, he read it time and time again. The call for volunteer firefighters was probably not knew in a small town like this, and normally he wouldn’t heed it, but it sat in the back of his mind since last summer when the Playhouse burned down and chaos inched closer and closer to home. As things became more and more fraught around Lunar Cove, Julian felt an ache, a desire to do something, be someone useful. And the more he poured over that old flyer, the more he wondered. Maybe this was it, maybe this was how he prove he can be a help during dark and trying times.
It was this very thought, uttered in the recess of his mind during the darkest hours of the night, that brought him standing there before Lunar Cove’s fire station, swallowing back a big gulp of nerves to summon whatever courage lay dormant within. “Okay, Chandler… We’ve gone over it, and we’ve rehearsed it. You go in, you introduce yourself, you state why you’re here… You can do this. You’re a strong, capable young man.” And maybe being a soft, sensitive artist just wasn’t enough. Swallowing the thought, he let out a long and slow exhale before squaring his shoulders and walking in. It hadn’t taken long to locate him — Efe was hard to miss, even on a foggy day — and with a jovial smile on his face, the vampire approached. “Hi,” so far so good, he hoped not to stumble on his words as he continued, “I’m not sure if you remember me, but.. my name is Julian Chandler, um, I work at the art store? Blank Slate? Anyway, you came by a little while ago… Well, actually months ago, back in the summer… You said you guys were looking for some help. Talked a bit about how this can help you give back, gain purpose… Anyway, I guess that resonated with me, because it brought me here, all this time later. And look!” He pulled out the rumpled flyer, “I even held onto this, and wow I realize that’s not as cool as it seemed in my head, anyway, what I’m rambling around while avoiding the whole damn point is…” He let out a breath, “I’m wondering how I sign up… If you guys are still looking for new recruits, I mean.”
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