#guys do u get it (this is the third time im making this joke)
cappiecarp · 2 years
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laverre my beloved theyre so dumb i love them
guys im running out of pokemon drip marketting at this rate im going to have to start pulling genshin out of the vault. um. just know that my finals end this week so next week i should actually be able to post new art. until then...
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riki-riks-chick · 4 months
HIII im sorry forr requesting this again i just love how u write, can u make another non affectionate niki? where his affectionate gf stops being clingy bc niki is annoyed with it yet he got jealous when he saw his gf pat or hug someone
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Cling To Me ┃N.RK
non-affectionate!riki x affectionate!reader
riki gets upset bc yn isn't being clingy like usual and she's giving the other guys attention instead.
cw: fluff! jealous riki, kisses, hugs, riki secretly likes yn's clinginess.
wdct: 858
don't be srry for requesting again bc I'm lowkey obsessed w non-affectionate riks too. the first one was originally js for me but now im obsessed.
Third Person POV~
Today you had plans with Riki and his friends, so you got up early, wanting to shower before he got up so you could make sure he had breakfast. He often skips so sometimes you have to semi-force him.
You took a quick shower, wearing some sweats and a loose tank top, and setting your outfit out to put on once you finished getting ready.
You made breakfast, a simple meal consisting of some fluffy pancakes, and some fruit. You also poured two glasses of orange juice, setting the table before heading back to the bed room to wake Riki.
"Riki.. Wake up.." You shake his arm, pushing his hair out of his face as he groaned. "Hm?..." His eyes flutter open as he gazes at you. You chuckle. "Get up... I made breakfast."
He sits up, stretching before getting out of bed and following you to the kitchen.
He mumbles a sleepy thank you before eating, albeit slowly.
"After you're done eating we can leave once we're both ready." You mumble as he nods. "Okay.." There's little conversation as you both finish eating, and Riki offers to do the dishes while you finish getting ready.
Once your hair and makeup is done, you put your planned outfit on which consisted of a pretty top Riki had bought for you and some jeans.
After finishing the dishes, Riki took a shower, spending minimal time getting ready, and once he finished, you both left.
The car ride to the arcade was short, and Riki had tried holding your hand and placing his hand on your thigh through out, but you rejected both actions by ignoring him.
He was confused because of how unlikely that was of you, but he tried to ignore it, not wanting to read too much into it.
When you finally got to the arcade, Riki opened your door for you, and you smiled, giving him a kiss to his cheek as a thank you.
The two of you walked in, immediately spotting Jungwon, Sunghoon, and Heeseung who were standing near the prize counter.
"Hey, guys." Jungwon greets as you and Riki walk over. He gives you a hug which you gladly return, making Riki pout. He gets even more upset when Sunghoon and Heeseung hug you too.
Now that he's thinking, you didn't give him a kiss or a hug when you woke him up, which is highly unlike you. And he can't tell if you're mad at him or not because you still made breakfast and you gave him a kiss on the cheek just a few minutes ago. It's all really confusing.
Once the rest of the guys get to the arcade, you all start playing games, and for the most part, you stick to Jay. And it's no surprise to Riki because you and Jay get along well and you call him your dad as a joke since he treats you like a kid and spoils you the same way he spoils everyone else.
But it's clear something is wrong when you guys leave the arcade, heading to a restaurant that you all wanted to eat at, and you don't sit next to Riki.
Not wanting to argue or make a scene, he decides to let it go, but it kills him everytime he glances around the table and he sees you giggling with Sunghoon and Sunoo. For some reason it irks him that he's not the one with your attention.
He finds himself wondering if you ever feel like this, and if it's one of the reasons you're so keen on affection, but he still can't wrap his mind around your reason for avoiding him today.
This bothers him until you get home, and you're both quiet as you change, getting comfy for the night. You're taking off your makeup and doing your skincare, but Riki is already on the bed, a pout set on his lips.
He waits until you finally climb onto the bed to glance at you. "Are you mad at me?..." He asks as you look over at him, confusion settling on to your face.
"No, why?.." You question as he sighs. "You've been ignoring me all day.. And you haven't hugged or kissed me at all, even when you woke me up this morning."
You chuckle at his words. "I didn't think you would care.. Usually you call me clingy when I'm all over you throughout the day." You mumble as he sighs. "That doesn't mean I don't like it... I was suffering all day because I thought you were upset with me. I went all day without a single hug or kiss from you."
You laugh at how pouty and adorable he is, moving to hug him, before pulling back to pepper kisses all over his face and then his lips.
He smiles, deepening the kiss, his large palm cupping your jaw. He eventually pulls away with a smile. "Please don't ignore me again.. I want you to cling to me.."
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jjenthusee · 23 days
Racing Hearts Pt. 4
f1!driver!jason x reporter!reader
A/N: hello my gremlins <3 i wanted to share with u guys that i successfully moved YAY so that explains the update being slightly behind and the less responses i’ve given to comments (i read them all i swear <3) BUT HERE IT IS \(^o^)/ i took way too long to edit and rewrite the way i believe the story should go, im having so much fun with this series and i want to thank all of u who are supporting it from the beginning or saw the updates as they came. ENJOY the fourth chapter of the Racing Hearts series (ALSO THERE’S 300 FOLLOWERS WOW 🥹 THANK U TO ALL THE PEOPLE THAT LIKE MY PAGE AND CONTINUE TO SUPPORT MY CRAZY SAD WRITING AND MY DRAWINGS i love reading your funny comments, unhinged reblogs, and talking about your favorite parts of the story, it really gave me the push to write and contribute to the jason todd community) and i just wanted to remind yall…i haven’t forgotten about that hurt/comfort tag :)
Check out the Racing Hearts masterlist! It shows all the updated chapters and upcoming ones <3
Tags: banter, agonizing fluff, hurt/comfort, strangers to friends to lovers, spicy if u squint, we’re hitting halfway thru the story so let me introduce what i do best…angst HAHAHA
Word Count: 4.1k
“In all of my career, I have to say that I never thought I would be standing here wearing…these.” Jason looked down to his feet.
The camera focused on the two of you standing next to one another, the lens following Jason’s stare toward the ground. The camera woman zooming in on the bright red Lightning McQueen crocs he was wearing.
You sheepishly admired the shoes, proudly smiling back up to Jason. Bewilderment plastered on his face as he couldn’t believe you actually gifted him Lightning McQueen merch, not even in private but in an interview with multiple cameras pointed at him.
What a predicament he was in. He was definitely not offended when you told him how similar the red car and he were.
“It’s a small thanks from the company for completing your third interview with us.” You smiled brightly at Jason. “Also consider it as a way for us to say ‘good luck’ for your upcoming season.”
Jason couldn’t believe it as he laughed. No matter how much time he spent with you, you always surprised him in the best ways.
“Y’know, I thought the Cars jokes were going to fade out, but you’re a bad influence on my fans.” Jason lightheartedly teased you, stomping his foot enough to let the crocs light up.
You fought a straight face, holding in laughter and trying to stay as serious as you could, but you were about to break any second. You bit the inside of your cheeks to prevent yourself from smiling, internally promising yourself that you would make sure to get a picture of him later.
You already had his new contact picture picked out.
“I couldn’t think of any other way of showing you my support.” You nodded your head proudly.
“Really? Nothing else?” Jason’s eyebrow rose, his tone sarcastic.
“You’re the best F1 driver I’ve ever interviewed.” You smirked, watching the shoes sparkle.
“I’m the only F1 driver you’ve ever interviewed.” Jason looked at you in disbelief.
“Anyway! We’re closing this as the last part of our series, I’m glad you were able to be a guest before you get busy putting on the RedBull uniform again, I know your fans will really enjoy that—” You wrapped up the finale, finalizing the last public appearance the two of you would have next to each other. A bittersweet ending.
But you always had the Jason laying with you on your couch. Feeding each other dinners, taking motorcycle rides late in the night.
“This can’t be the last time I see you. You’re my favorite interviewer.” Jason lulled his voice, rephrasing your earlier comment back at you. “After all, you gifted me something so…special.”
You paused, shocked at Jason’s forwardness with you, the timber of his voice adding an underlying flirty tone to him.
You’ve never talked to him about the public appearance about the two of you. Could you go public?
It’s for the camera. You silently told yourself.
“You have to win for me to see you again.” You smirked, quickly playing along with his attempt to fluster you.
“That’s too easy, you could try to make this a little harder for me.” Jason chuckled lowly. “It’s almost like you want to see me.”
Oh my.
“So much talk for someone who hasn’t started his comeback season.” You playfully rolled your eyes. “You also didn’t start your last season smoothly, so don’t talk so confidently.”
“But who sat at my last press conference celebrating my win? I don’t end things so easily.” Jason tilted his head as he looked down at you, tension increasing. “I’ll come back when I win, it’ll be our little secret.”
Jason winked at you, the cameras focused in on his face and your reactions.
You raised an eyebrow, trying to decipher between the RedBull Jason on camera and your Jason.
He was his playful self, the signature half smirk trying to get you to blush, but his eyes were soft when he glanced over to you.
You calmly gave in, maybe it was for the camera or maybe it was for you.
“Aw, that’s so sweet, but I don’t think I could keep that a secret.” Your polite smile opposing Jason’s mischievous one. “I don’t think you realize but,” you leaned toward Jason, pausing to eye his figure up and down, gleefully watching him pay attention to your every word. Your smile getting wider at how easily he was wrapped around your finger. “I’m a reporter, I can’t keep that beautiful face to myself.”
“But I’m really good at keeping them.” Jason stepped closer, eyes never leaving yours.
His eyes beamed a playful hue to them.
You cleared your throat, looking at the camera woman who also stared in awe.
Crap, the office was going to get suspicious.
“You should focus on winning first before you make any promises.” You coughed, diffusing the atmosphere Jason created as the film crew watched. “Then call my business number and you don’t have to keep any secrets.”
Once the camera stopped rolling, you resumed your professionalism. Saying goodbyes and getting final pictures for the website and both social medias.
All the previous interviews went well. The fans saw Jason’s personality in action, gaining more attention and love for the racer. Jason’s management team was satisfied with you and the attraction he was gaining before the season started.
It gave him the right press he needed to put him in the spotlight.
After Jason left with his management team, you finalized the video upload that his company agreed to. Your draft for a new article about Jason to be edited and reviewed for the upcoming week. It was business as usual.
Getting work done during the day, then meeting Jason for the evening.
When you got back to your desk, you organized yourself to overlook the release date for the final interview and reviewed for the next big project to tackle now that your work with Jason was finished. Multiple meetings with project managers and your team.
Work was picking up for you, managing larger projects, interacting with larger faces.
Jason lit the hallway to opportunities for you.
Your phone lit up next to your laptop, distracting you from one screen to another.
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: pick you up at 6?
You smiled to yourself. Happy, but bittersweet.
You reminded yourself that Jason’s off-season was ending. You wished time could slow down.
—— “Gosh, you’re so clumsy.” You adjusted Jason’s helmet. All the time spent with him reflected in your familiarity with the motorcycle helmet.
“Only for you.” Jason stood there, leaning down to let you reach around his head. Watching you worry about the two of you.
Jason had kept his promise to pick you up.
Most of the time he waited on you to get back from work. Sometimes pushing the boundaries and secretly meeting you for a quick lunch. Meeting him far from where your coworkers frequented.
Your first encounters were hidden behind the idea of work, finding answers to questions for interviews, or suggesting new places to eat.
It was like you couldn’t be apart from one another.
Oh, how you can change a man.
You let Jason fake his ignorance through certain tasks, giving him any reason to get you close to him.
But you gave into his every attempt. Not fighting against his clinginess.
Your roles would switch soon, he wouldn’t wait for you after tiring days of work. You would have to watch him race lap after lap on live television like the rest of the world.
He was leaving soon, you knew he would be busy, it was inevitable, but you wanted as much time before he left.
You sat behind Jason, his body warming the front of you as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
Holding onto him close, wearing the helmet he got you, feeling his solid stomach shift the motorcycle as you rode around the city. You were getting used to your new lifestyle, despite the hidden secrets you shared.
He couldn’t announce a relationship after you were waiting for the last installment of your interviews.
The timing wasn’t right and the meetings this would cause for you and Jason were going to give you a headache.
You heard the motorcycle engine interrupt your thoughts.
Jason slowing at a red light. He stopped, placing his feet on the ground to stabilize the two of you while you waited. The red glow reflected onto Jason sitting in front of you.
The streets were almost empty. Gotham barely waking to the darkness, a city that never sleeps.
“Jay.” You hesitated behind him.
“Hm?” Jason unconsciously acknowledged, resting his hand over yours around his stomach. Rubbing the fabric of his gloves onto yours.
“I want to stay with you longer.” You calmed your voice, careful in verbalizing your feelings.
“You want to drive around more? I think we can drive by—“ Jason continued to rub your wrists. Cars passing in front of him, the opposing traffic keeping you still.
“No, I don’t want to leave you tonight.”
Jason paused, his hand resting on yours, no longer moving. If the cars weren’t in front of you, crossing the intersection, you would have thought time was frozen.
Jason tilted his helmet back, to get a look at you.
You don’t know what he was looking for, your face covered by a protective helmet like his was, but he found what he needed when the light turned green.
It was green, but you stayed there, no other traffic surrounding you.
Just you and Jason.
“Want to come to my place?” Jason kept his black visor on you. “I have a killer TV to watch Cars on.”
You chuckled. Squeezing his waist a little more.
“Better have a good speaker for playing Life is a Highway.”
Jason smirked, hidden from your eyes as he watched you lean back into his warmth.
The humid air covering the two of you into summer clothing. Thinner fabrics and showing more skin.
Jason wore a simple fitted thin long-sleeve, matching the look of his helmet and gloves. It made a great view of his broad back.
A quiet exhale as he looked forward again, revving his engine to life to make a quick turn, opposite of your home.
You were racing the rain as Jason was taking you back, but after you spoke the magic words, how could he send you back home?
The dark summer rain clouds were no longer behind you, the two of you heading straight for them as you watch Jason take you down new streets, an unfamiliar path to Jason’s place.
“I don’t think you’ll make it to the living room before then.” Jason quietly spoke to the light drizzle hitting your bodies
“What did you say?” You couldn’t hear above the engine.
And he was right.
After you were soaked to the bone, fabric sticking to your form, water droplets falling down your skin. A glossy sheen from the harsh rain falling all around you.
Jason had pulled into his garage.
He was in the same state, wet clothes stuck to his skin. The water from you and the motorcycle dripping onto the concrete floor.
You pulled your helmet off, the only dry place.
Once Jason parked the bike, he took off his helmet, placing it on the nearest work table. Your body shivered as you threw your leg over to maneuver yourself off.
You looked down at your state, smiling in disbelief at being caught in the rain.
Maybe you could wear Jason’s clothes after a nice warm shower. You internally thought to yourself. Excited to enter Jason’s place. A new location unlocked.
When you put your helmet next to Jason’s, you could finally take in all of him.
Black shirt tight from the weight of the water, his hands littered with scars, free from the gloves. His hair dry, but messy.
All his muscles more prominent.
You stood in awe, your chest rising from the breaths you took. Humid air invading the inside of the garage, elevated from warm summer nights.
The sight of Jason reminded you of the professional pictures taken of him, leaving his Formula 1 car after a race. He was sweaty, running his hands through his hair with a towel in hand.
After all the time you spent together, it was your favorite photo of him. You secretly saved it because there was something about the look on his face, happy to win, alive on the track.
How attractive he looked was a definite bonus in your opinion.
Jason glanced over to you, finally realizing the state the two of you were in. He slowly looked you up and down, lost in the same visual you were in awe of once you saw him.
You suddenly remembered the last time you and Jason were enclosed in a garage, close to each other, messy from a hard day of distributing winter jackets and food to those who stopped by.
A slight warmth increasing on your face.
Jason stepped closer to you, hands grabbing for your waist to pull you in. His hands reaching under your chin to stretch your neck to adjust to his height.
Breaths mixing as your lips touched only from the movement of your lips unconsciously opening, ready to kiss him.
He waited.
Letting the pressure build as he spoke.
“There’s no volunteers to interrupt us now.” Jason lifted you, letting you sit on the surface of his work table. His arm swooping everything off as he cleared enough room for you.
You could hear objects fall, but you couldn’t care less as Jason stepped between your legs. Quickly, but carefully rubbing at your legs with his palms, his hands getting closer to the blurs of where your thighs met your waist.
Everywhere felt great that you didn’t know where to focus.
The feeling of your lips, your sides, his body between your legs?
You could only huff between the intensity he was igniting in you.
“Jay—inside—it’s cold.”
Despite your words, you didn’t bother to move. You kept touching, feeling everything before Jason lifted you again, the placement of his hands as he carried you, lifting the edges of your shirt.
The feeling of a mattress beneath you as you uncomfortably tried to peel the clothing off your body.
Jason chuckled at your frustration. You couldn’t bother to give him a snide remark as he also struggled to get your soaked clothes off.
When lifting the shirt didn’t work, you tried rolling the fabric, but it only bunched just below your sleeves.
You could only laugh as Jason desperately tried to get the shirt through your arms. Tangled in the mess you both created that you were left with a heavy shirt stuck around your biceps.
“Why is there always something stopping me from seeing all of you?” Jason laughed as he kneeled above you, his shirt completely off at some point along the way to his room.
“I don’t think a pair of wet clothes are going to stop you now.” You smiled at him, glancing up at his figure through the darkness. Only the city lights creeping through the blinds, illuminating his skin.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” Jason yanked your entire shirt off your arms.
You sucked in a breath at his desperation, memorizing the look of his face as he leaned down closer.
“I want to turn you into a mess.” He whispered into your mouth, kissing down your body.
Overwhelming gasps and breaths left your mouth the more he touched your skin.
“I want to touch you too.” You exhaled, trying to coherently express yourself.
“Next time, sweetheart. I want to focus on you. Everything I want is you.” Jason moved your hair out of your face, stuck from the sweat covering your skin.
The night filled with you repeating Jason’s name, no distractions keeping that man off of you.
After a shared warm shower, Jason gave you a nice pair of his dry clothes. You walked around his place, relaxed after Jason’s…expertise.
What you weren’t prepared for was just how normal his apartment looked. It felt like yours, but bigger, a little more luxurious like it was bought with the intention of having better quality to last longer.
You hoped he had no plans of moving anytime soon.
You stood in the kitchen in awe.
“You have a kitchen island.” You whistled in excitement. “Formula 1 money is good, huh? Maybe I need to pick up a Redbull uniform.”
Jason chuckled, hugging you from behind smelling like the same soap in your hair, his face nuzzling into your neck. You continued to speak.
“No, I can’t steal your fame.” You whispered to yourself. Jason feeling the vibration of your voice the longer he leaned into your neck.
“I’m happy you’re here.” Jason mumbled into you, ignoring everything you said.
“Me too, I’ve been curious where you live.”
“I invited you before, but I guess we’ve always gone to your place.” Jason smiled into your skin. “What do you think?”
“Its very…Jason. I like it.” You glanced around.
You more than liked it. It smelt like Jason. A smell you’ll never grow tired of.
His apartment was slightly bare, the space a little too large for the one man, but that was charming too. It felt like you were able to occupy that small empty space in his life.
When you walked around, Jason following you like a duckling, you noticed the small knick-knacks you bought with him on your dates.
Matching plushies, a book you picked randomly, a bookmark you gifted him, and a tiny paper frog you made while waiting for your table before dinner.
You felt cherished, looking at the physical representations of your memories together.
He grabbed you again, wanting the closeness. You fell back into him, the small paper frog in your hand, made from old receipt paper.
Jason resumed his prior back hug, absorbing your warmth.
He was more clingy than usual tonight.
“How was your trip to the charity today? I forgot to ask you about it at dinner, it must be hard to take a break from them to race again.” You leaned into him more.
Jason buried himself further. Not a great hiding spot since he was larger, but it was the thought that counted.
“I would love to hear about it.” You put the frog back on the shelf, letting it watch the two of you.
“It was good, I got to do one final check to make sure everything would be good when I’m gone. But…” Jason hesitated, squeezing you a little tighter.
You waited, rubbing circles on his forearm.
“I had noticed a lot of stuff come in, it’s a good thing, but it wasn’t like our usual haul. I didn’t recognize it as the stuff I brought over either.” Jason breathed, agitation filling his voice. “When I asked around about it, they said Wayne Enterprises had it delivered.”
Jason went silent. He was tense.
“I always tell that old man to fuck off. He never listens.” Jason sighed.
The last thing Jason wanted was another check from Bruce. Taking over the hard work he had volunteered for months.
Another sanctuary was being taken away from Jason’s grasp.
“I can’t stand it.” Jason whispered. His eyebrows taut.
You maneuvered your head back to kiss him on the cheek.
“I’m sorry, I know that was the last thing you wanted to happen.” You soothed.
Jason leaned in for more kisses.
“Don’t worry, I’m feeling better already.” He exhaled, his shoulders relaxing. Jason smiled into your skin, his voice returning to normal. “But looking at those damn crocs every morning makes me mad.”
You laughed as he grew bolder, pushing the topic aside as you leaned to the floor buried from Jason’s affection surge.
If he was deflecting, distracting himself from his hurt then you could let him kiss you a couple times to distract himself.
Shared kisses, lost in each other’s presence, too occupied to notice the multiple buzzing sounds from Jason’s phone.
Once the public release of the third and final interview was released to your company’s website, the usual flood of comments embraced the look at the two of you.
You lost yourself in the positive comments, ignoring the negative ones, but that was the price of social media. It was the evils of publicity.
You read comment after comment about the excitement to watch the fresh new season. Iconic racers coming back to their playing field, excited to reveal new car designs, getting the opportunity to collaborate with anyone and everyone.
As the time for Qualifying reached you, the temperature fully warmed and Jason wasn’t next to you to enjoy it.
He had conferences, practice drives, and flights to catch. Now that he was past elimination, it was time to test his fastest time.
It wasn’t even the peak of the season, but you were missing him.
You sighed into your phone, a small vibration felt in your palm. A message from Jason appeared.
It was a photo of his Lightning McQueen crocs on the plane. A big contrast to the fancy carpeting, expensive seats, and an up-to-date screen playing the children’s movie.
You smiled to yourself in your desk chair, but a small prick to your heart struck you.
The difference in your lifestyles hitting you. He was a rich racer, traveling the world in one of the most expensive suits in modern racing.
You felt…small.
The two of you hadn’t talked about what would happen once he started racing full-time again.
How far was this relationship going?
Would you follow him to his races around the world? Should you follow him?
Would you officially announce anything?
Was this an off-season romance? Only an off-season romance?
What about your job?
“Hey, we need to be there by one. Should we grab a quick lunch?” Your coworker called out to you, interrupting your pessimistic thoughts to yourself.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there. Meet you in the lobby?” You locked your computer, grabbing your key badge, ready to go out of the office.
You quickly typed out a message, taking advantage of Jason still on his phone.
You: Hey slow down try to give the other guys a chance
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: fast is the only way I go. you, especially, should know that ;)
You blushed, quickly putting away your phone to catch up with your team.
Jason’s performance during qualifying went as expected. He performed in P1, claiming and boasting as he usually did. His time seemed to be getting faster, raising the competition standards for everyone.
You only shook your head as you looked at the results on your phone, a small smile on your face.
Jason was busy going to opening days, press conferences, driving on the racetrack. His replies were becoming sparse.
You: I knew those crocs were good luck charms
No read receipt. No reply.
You kept yourself busy at work. Falling into a routine.
You checked your phone again during lunch. No messages.
Your apartment felt empty when you came home, no lovable man standing in the kitchen.
Still no reply from Jason. It would’ve made you sad if you weren’t so tired.
Your phone rang as you got ready for bed. Letting your head hit the pillow as you heard Jason’s voice in your ear.
“I just saw— paper frogs that—vendor—the street and—grab some.” Jason’s voice went in and out of your mind, fighting the urge to sleep.
His voice was too soothing.
“That’s nice, Jay.” You slurred.
“Sweetheart? Are you awake—“ His voice started to get farther and farther.
You couldn’t keep your eyes open and your dreams filled with you sitting in the stands, watching Jason race.
Wind hitting your skin, watching the flags fly in the air, engines roaring past you.
He was so far away and kept driving further away from you.
You jerked awake. Looking for your phone in the blankets.
You had fallen asleep while on your first phone call with Jason since he left.
“Shit, I wanted to hear his voice.” You shook the blanket in the air until your phone fell from it.
You looked at your call history. Apparently, it had been a video call, but you hadn’t realized after you woke up this morning.
Jason not only heard you embarrass yourself, but he saw it too. You quickly opened your messaging conversation.
You (Yesterday): I knew those crocs were good luck charms
You (Today): i’m sorry I didn’t know it was a video call
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: don’t worry about it, I got to see u when your phone fell off your face
“Nooo!” You screamed to yourself.
Your face fell in your hands as you read the messages coming in.
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: I got something out of it HAHAHA
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: let’s talk next time
(Handsome) Mr. Todd: I wanna hear your voice
You sighed.
Getting up to start your weekend, putting Jason’s live race on the TV screen.
Putting on the shirt that smelled like Jason.
Tag List: @jaybirdstreet @gallusstuff @meowkn @velvetberries @i0lovepink00 @rayaskoalaland @spidernuggets @janybabyy @deimks @yasmin-oviedo @bigraga-sk @indulgentdaydream @uhhellnogetoffpleasenowty @idontknowanythingsblog @xakilicious @livvyliv15
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kissitbttr · 9 months
ANA! ANA MY LUV!! idk much about miguel (a travesty i knoeww) but i saw ur fratboy post n now i cant stop drooling at the idea of fratboy!miguel introducing u to his frat buddies!! being so possessive: holding ur waist or pulling u to his lap; kissing ur neck even when his friends are right there. oh my goddd im gonna sob hes so!!!
bby you HAVE to hop on the miguel simp train!! HE IS SO FINEEEE😩😩
it was around after the third date when miguel nervously asked you to come to the frat house to meet his brothers. he didn’t want to overwhelm you of course, he knew how annoying and pushy his brothers could be but still, he would love for them to get to know you just as he had when he was with you,
you saw how nervous he got, but you assured him by squeezing his hand and telling him that you were okay with that. he smiled in return, kissing you softly on the lips as a thank you,
“i never express any gratitude towards anyone in my life except my parents but i want to thank you so much for finally saying yes, it was fucking annoying to hear him yapping about you non-stop. all of us had enough of his corny shit”
one of his frat brothers, glen had mentioned. feigning a relief expression while he smirked at miguel who gave him the finger,
“i literally thanked Jesus when i heard him going on a date with you, y/n! you are our life savior”
miguel threw his head back in annoyance, groaning at how his frat brothers continued to spill his secrets. but you giggled instead, looking over at him who avoided your gaze out of pure embarrassment.
“what else did he do?”
miguel shot you a warning look, “don’t encourage them, muñeca! they’d go all the way out!”
“oh believe me, we have many” beck had answered, playfully snickering at the amount of times miguel had ranted about you. “which one do you want to hear? one where he talked about you while he was high? or one where it was late at night—“
“fuck off, kingsley!” miguel had interrupted before he got too far, in which beck put his hands up in defense.
miguel snaked his arm around your waist, giving your hip three taps to prompt you to sit on his lap which you obliged.
you happily plopped yourself down on one of his thick thighs. he helped you with shifting your body into a comfortable position with your legs crossed.
the rest of the boys sat in the living room, piling in the same area as they all stared at the two of you. millions of questions running through their minds, desperate to know if miguel somehow blackmailed you into agreeing to go out on a date with him or something worse,
miguel sensed the stares from his brothers and, to be frank, it was quite uncomfortable. though he knew for sure they wanted to know the same thing.
“are you guys wondering how i got to take her out or what?”
they all responded with a ‘yes’ in unison, making him rub his temple and you smiled
“so? what did he do, y/n? because i’m starting to think this is a joke”
“could be. i mean, carlos went all 110% for a girl when she rejected his offer the first time” glen shrugged, earning a frown from carlos himself,
“i did not—“
“yes you did. you stood outside of the campus library with a boombox over your head” one boy chimed in while sipping his beer,
“okay see, i was—“
“oh! and remember when he threatened to pull his—“
“shut the fuck up! focus! we’re not here for me but for them!” carlos gestured his hand at both miguel and you. “can we leave my shit behind? that would be great”
carlos's cheeks went beet red as the other guys teased him for it, beck patted him on the back and told him that it was nothing to be ashamed of but carlos only swatted his hand away,
you found it so endearing at how the frat guys were so playful and funny with each other. typical boys will be boys type of thing. they were definitely far more different than when you see them during parties,
“well to be honest, he really didn’t have to do anything” you simply replied, tucking a hair behind your ear. “but definitely persistent, in the most politest way and less creepier though”
“you saying what i did was creepy?” carlos pointed at himself with a defeated look,
“i mean, if you had to ask then yeah”
the rest erupted in a peal of loud laughter while carlos’s shoulders slouched. propping his back against the chair with his arms crossed, a chorus of ‘see?’ and ‘i told you so’s’ made you laugh,
miguel settled his elbow on the armrest, eyes glinted with adoration whilst his mouth stretched into a lovesick grin. he watched how you managed to pull joy out of them and there’s nothing he’s appreciated more than that,
the way you threw your head back as another cute giggle escaped you while holding onto his shoulder for balance was enough to make his heart ponder,
“man, you’ve got wicked sense of humor, y/n—say if shit went sideways between the two of you, just know I’m available”
miguel frowned upon hearing that as his nose scrunched up in disgust as he leapt the nearest pillow at his brother’s direction for that comment. he wrapped his arm around your waist far more protectively,
“watch it” he warned, glaring at him. he knew it was a joke but he still didn’t like how that sounded, “i’ll kick your fucking ass, monty”
upon seeing that, your hand moved to find his cheek, lightly tapping his chin with your finger to get him to look at you,
“easy there, big boy” your words soothed him in seconds, especially when he heard his favorite nickname leaving your mouth, "I'm with you"
the confirmation made him giddy and his heart blossomed,
he moved dangerously close to your ear to whisper before kissing the back of it making you giggle. “you look so pretty tonight, muñeca” miguel dragged his fingertips up and down your exposed thigh, then squeezed the soft flesh. “so so pretty— do i get to see you in this dress more often?”
the question came off too excited despite his best trying to hide it, again, if there was nobody around, he'd actually take you right there and then.
you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. “but I thought you like me better when i’m naked?”
“oh there’s no doubt about that, mi amor” he winked with a chuckle, “am i… about to get lucky tonight?”
“you might” a seductive response laced on your tone, winking at him as he squeezed your waist before
the boys let out a couple of groans and fake puking sounds at the sight, but the two of you remained still in your element,
''you guys make me sick" glen protested, shaking his head before getting up from the chair to walk away but you caught a small smile on his face,
"jealous you don't have a girlfriend, mayback?" miguel teased at him, glen only threw him the middle finger before cracking another can of beer from the kitchen,
the rest of the boys followed his actions after, not before congratulating miguel on scoring with you.
the word girlfriend made you bulldozed, eyes darted toward his smiling proud face before yours stretched into one as well,
"i'm your girlfriend?"
his smile faltered after he soon realized what he had just called you, he swallowed a nervous gulp. opening and closing his mouth because he was unsure what to say
you must admit you enjoyed seeing him like that.
"well i-i mean--i wasn't--surely you were--uh--what was the question again?"
you tucked your lower lip in between your teeth, head tilting to the side as the adorable man in front of you became a stuttering mess.
realizing that he is on the edge of a nervous breakdown, you leaned closer to his face before smashing your lips against his. his body went still by your action, but soon found himself lost in your kiss and sighed out of contentment,
you pulled away after a few seconds, tousling his soft chocolate hair before replying,
''i would love to be your girl, o'hara''
please please PLEASE tell me this is good!! i was writing this in the car and I couldn’t concentrate for a second because people were honking too much!! bhhshshs
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the-moon-files · 4 months
...now ur just sweet talking me 🥰 /lh
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Not years, well maybe 1 year-
but i have wanted to ramble desperately to smone, even the tumblr void if i had to, abt humans vs. hylians so much, esp with a guide reader or male reader bc whatdya know im into niche stuff that only u and like 2 other ppl like lmao ¯\(ツ)/¯
Anyway im so shocked, since ur like the third person to be interested in this and wanna hear abt it 🥺 🤲💌 here u go!! Hope u like it <333 👉👈
Sun: Masc!Reader (he/him)
Orbit: Humans are Not Hylians/Humans are Space Orcs AU, Headcanons-ish, long overall but each section is kinda short
Stars: Mostly worldbuilding! you've been warned, don't get mad me for not talking abt the boys too much✌️
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cursing, mentions of private area/joke in the clothing headcanons, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
just some quick headcanons bc tbh i haven't given it too much thought, and i feel like I've been able to somewhat get into it in other posts? or maybe im thinking of stuff i have in my drafts idk-
Imma make another list, so buckle up for the short ride lol
Courting periods/dating/marriage
individual/small groups society-based hylians v. large personal groups/large community society-based humans
simpler foods hylians v. complex food humans
clothing modesty/style/relationships with fashion
fighting styles/strategies
entertainment complexity/differences
and language
1st one, not much yet, im also making a separate post bc someone else asked me to talk abt that more 🥺
(tysm for all the enthusiastic asks guys <33)
anyway, basically hylian courting is a lot shorter, think “lesbians with the uhaul” type of energy, like sort of the classical medieval “does thee wish to pursue marriage with this one?” ← how hylians ask u out for the first time lmao
if it helps, they do tend to get to know one another well, talking about morals/kids/life goals/preferred lifestyle/house/etc. pretty clearly and quickly, then using the in between time to sort of stew on that information
id say the total time is sort of something like 6 months? maybe 3/4 if they're really compatible
(so bc i love interpreting video game logic for real world building, I actually blame this on how fast Zelda/link get together in games despite having sometimes never met before that moment lol)
like i said, ill be posting about this later
2nd one!!
pretty basic, just saying we don't really see hylians in big groups, despite the organizations they form, like kingdoms/knights or on a more personal level, towns/families/etc.
(once again, in-game appearances/video game logic translated to real life to draw these conclusions)
like not only are family units pretty small, like nuclear family setup, with like 2 parents and 2 kids, or single parent 1 kid type of situation, but the towns or collections of these families arent very big either
hylians kind of use their government the way it was intended lmao?
like the villages and towns matter more for everyday decisions than the kingdom/royalty, like Zelda would esstientally just be the mayor of Castle Town for those constant decisions,
while occasionally is called on to make decisions like for several towns or like is a natural disaster happens
meanwhile humans are, in comparison, in Way Bigger groups, both on an organization scale, and a personal scale
like u have all these specific branches of government, whereas im sure the population difference doesn't help,
and on a personal level, humans can easily have like multiple parents, lots of siblings, and once u combine that with each parent having family too, and those families like to meet up? All together??
yeah, itd look insane to any hylians (who’s smaller extended family may just make up their own village and that's it)
3. I've touched on this
like the use of spices, syrups, seasonings, etc
but also the complexity of dishes too, like chilling cream and mixing it for awhile to make ice cream, or even just getting ordering a pizza,
that's a lot of processing, like making the dough from flour and other ingredients, to letting it rise, to making the tomato paste, making cheese, then combining those things with any other toppings, all into one dish??
i like to think that hylians have only just started to touch on actual complicated cooking processes (as in BOTW, where they sell flour and salt, so people besides Link/Wild must know what to do with it)
this has the advantage of impressing any hylian with what a “creative genius” you are lol
4. look im just a fan of medieval time periods Links
so i think its funny if the hylians are used to like 4/3 layers and ur over here like, “wym, if i take off my shirt there's nothing underneath?”
one of them gets bold enough to ask, “d-do you not. do you not have undergarments??”
you “just my boxers? like just to cover my di-”
also this makes its easy to seduce people here? LMAO
clothes are def higher quality, after all there's not as many artificial processes or materials interfering,
plus u usually get some sick embroidery on it too!!
5. so like i get it, Link is the main fighter in games
but like, the few times there is a war/army in loz games, there's rlly not a lot of strategy, beyond just finding the enemy and fighting
tho im partial to that hylians/most inhabitants of Hyrule abide by the “lets meet up either literally by inviting each other or just between our territories to fight”
with occasional guerilla warfare (by any means necessary/stealth/ambush attacks/strategy) that's only rlly used either by Demise/Ganon, or by the wilder individuals/races in games
or maybe even the more civilized fighters in an emergency
and so that means by this logic that all of the Chain use kind of wild techniques compared to their race/kingdom lmao
id imagine its not too surprising to also see “every fight is a bar fight if its for my life” from individual travelers, so im sure they're not viewed too crazy (esp when ppl know their the hero that constantly has to deal with guerilla warfare from Ganon)
but its be hilarious to watch the reactions of both the Links realizing they’re in a bigger group that should be using “proper” fighting strategies and seeing the general publics reaction to this absolutely feral, armed to the teeth, trained hylians with their equally wild human lol
LMAO everyone thinks ur the reason they started using the more brutal fighting methods bc ur human, ur a bad influence lol
(humans would use it primarily, esp after we converted to use that method in warfare a couple hundred years ago i think?)
changing course a bit, hylians tend to use weapons (to compensate for difference in strength compared to humans, and since they don't experience/get a lesser version of adrenaline)
while humans tend to equally rely on weapons and our body as a weapon (marital arts/basic self-defense)
6. this is mostly bc the hylians only rlly seem to have the basics of music, books/stories, theater, and art
i have, surprise surprise, another post abt how i think this came to be,
mostly based on how human curiosity is indomitable and insatiable and the endless force that has not yet met its immovable object.
or at least an immovable object they haven't at least poked a little, out of curiosity lol
like we went to space for that reason, we reach the most dangerous corners of our planet (deep underwater/volcanoes) out of sheer curiousity/for the sake of simple knowledge of the thing
so needless to say, curiosity can absolutely drive any field to its limits, including the arts, which is why we can have stained glass, or movies/tv shows, hell, the marvel that is Hatsune Miku lmao
(fully for entertainment, a projection of light and sound, what is essentially magical illusions but u did it hte hard way, to the hylians)
on a different entertainment related note, i don't know if the hylians would be super into sports, or not really at all? mostly bc they have to use their fighting/training against real threats, not the sort of “fake” threats that sports are
but on the other hand i could see people like knights wanting to use their abilities for something other than violence and fighting bc their life or their villages lives depended on it
bet the Links would enjoy it for those reasons especially, what with at least sumo wrestling being a sport or activity for them at some point in history, and practically beg u for any new games to play, or to ref their games, bc whewwww
im sure they could get pretty competitive lol
7. obviously, their mostly influenced by the Japanese language
id almost like to imagine a sort of, if not outright Japanese (like with earlier heroes like Sky) then a sort of English-Japanese hybrid further along the line
sort of like how English has German/Greek/Latin roots and therefore u can see what words or structure comes from where, or even how u can understand a fair amount of basic words when other languages share the same roots (english, pants = spanish, pantalones)
would make for some funny miscommunications
or even better, most hylians liking ur unique accent or the Links love to hear u talk bc of it lol
well the fever has broken, i am now free of the sickness that made me hack this up geez
i hope u got some enjoyment out of these my beloved anon!! esp since u were so nice as to ask abt it <33
hope u guys have a great weekend, look out for some more posts, bc its been great to get some more asks in lately and very motivating,
not to mention i actually have time to write now that my siblings graduated/we’ve moved several states over 💀
so i have reliable internet now too! sheesh :’)
Peace out,
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emperorundying · 8 months
TLT Dashboard Simulator- Pt 5
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💀 drearybruh Follow
10,000 y/o lyctor gf who exclusively calls me 'lovey': Ugh they're still debating the ethics of using cavaliers as a resource to suck dry, I can't deal with this empire today.
me [heard 'suck dry cavaliers' and got so hard i got nauseous]: I think I hauve devils in me
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🫁 soulosexualll
omg guys im so sorry ive been MIA!!! the alexandrite id been talking about won custody over our baby so i had a bit of a crisis about my future on the fifth house alone and loved only by the spirits. and then of course i visit the third over vacation and get roped into a multi-week bender [have u ever snorted dried marrow? life changing] and then i was lost on the third for likeeeee four days and had to find my way back through hitchhiking and bartering with my own blood.
but i promise ill update my Joy/Patience/Duty threesome fic soon :333
#rpf #munposting #EEEEEEE GET EXCITED GUYS #joy strap time? joy strap time.... #i see ur messages in the askbox and i super appreciate them btw but i cant justify answering all of them #BUT I SEE U AND I LOVE U &lt;33
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🦴 skeletal-system-bracket
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We had two ties last round [within a margin of error of .1%!!] , so we decided it would make the most sense to make this a four-way poll. Propaganda:
Occipital Bone: do you want an unprotected cerebellum??? the infernal surface is groovy af, and all the nuchal lines are actually goated. are u seriously going to look me in the eyes and tell me the three-part bone of all time [father son and holy spirit, anyone?] can even be stepped to by some normie basic bone shit???????? cmon..... [via. @skullfuckbonegod]
Fibula: VOTE FIBULA!!!! bone with a best friend <3 Tibia already got out round 1 so its ur legal duty to stand up for its legbestie... also my hounds r named Fibula and Tibia and theyre adorbsies [via. @sodiumradiation]
Thoracic Vertibrae: twelve bones. twelve bones, one combined goal: fuck shit up, take names, keep that back backing. least commonly injured part of the spine for a reason. its built different. this shit protects ur spinal cord, provides attachments to your ribs, supports your chest and abdomen, and literally lets yr body move. objective best bones. [via. @ithinkthereforisam]
Scalpula: Scapula sweep!! Those are your angel wings. Watching your Cavs shoulder blades move under their skin while they carry a big sword is the best part of being a necro. They're also just such a good plane of bone they're perfect for breaking up into little pieces for bone adepts to store in their pockets. Also the attachment point for a bunch of muscles!!and the yummy little joint cavity… [via. @kavkisser]
#polls #tumblr polls #skeletal system #tibia #fibula #vertebrae #scalpula
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📷 devoutofmymind Follow
📷 devoutofmymind Follow
For my Edenite followers this is like if gun disappeared
12,345 notes
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🫀 gorewanker Follow
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I swear they're like the septum piercing havers of cavaliering 😭😭😭
🦀 xx-0ct0g0ne-xx Follow
Ah. So you're unable to handle the pressures which are expected of the average Eighth House devotee, and as such, fall back upon insecure insults. Get a life + Praying for you + L.
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👤 boobmonger-deactivated-2917220
holy shit tower prince announcement this is crazy. liveblog time
👤 boobmonger-deactivated-2917220
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🦷 bitingyoubitingyoubitingyoubitingyoux3 Follow
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(14,088 notes)
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☠️ is-the-emperor-undying-d34d-yet Follow
322 notes · View notes
lagataprrr · 17 days
Blame it on the Club's Playlist| Chapter 3 No Hands
S. Gojo x plus!size fem reader
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Warnings: slight dry humping, heavy makeout session, Gojo being completely obsessed with reader, readers insecurities maybe getting the best of her AGAIN
Blame it on the Club's Playlist | Masterlist
Credits to @super-marvel-dc for the gojo divider!!! They have more on their profile🥹
a/n: I did not edit this so im sorry beforehand for any grammatical errors. I hope yall enjoy this one!!! I wanted to delve more into like how self conscious one can feel when it comes to intimacy and I think I did it a lot on personal experiences. I love yall and you are all so beautiful!!!!! also if you'd like to be added to the taglist please let me know <333333
Also!! Should I name readers two friends??? Give me suggestions in the comments!!
should I make an actual playlist for this series?
Enjoy reading <3
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"Please do not forget that I expect your drafts of the introduction and methods section of your study, and please for the love of God. Write your own work." The professor lets out a breath. "I am so tired of having to send half of my class to the honor council because they can't write their own paper. Make smart choices." As soon as she turns around to leave, everyone starts packing their stuff.
You quickly type in your project to your reminder app on your laptop before closing it. Slinging your bag over your shoulder and stepping out of the classroom you're met with one of your friends.
"Well there's my favorite friend, ever." She says, a sly grin on her face and you furrow your eyebrows.
"What is it?"
"I was just wondering if you texted the hottie you so sneakily went and did." You shake your head with a laugh as you both walked out of the science building. The slight chilly air on campus making you cross your arms over your chest.
"No, I have not."
And somehow, because the universe felt like exposing you. Your text ringtone chimed, twice. Your friend raising an eyebrow at you, and another chime making it a third message.
"Uh huh. Has he texted you by chance?" You roll your eyes, and pull your phone out of your pocket. Hottie with the body sent 3 new messages. "That's an interesting contact name."
"It was how he saved himself." You say quickly unlocking your phone and moving it away from your friends prying eyes.
Hottie with the body
how was your statistics class?
wait are u taking that class with Professor ibrahimbegovic?
she's so mean
You are quick to type in your responses, your friend watching with a curious look.
It was alright, gotta finish up my draft for my study lol
and yesss
im guessing you've taken her class
"So did he text first or did you?"
"He did, but it's just talking about classes." You say, locking your phone and glancing at her. "What's with that face?"
"He's into you, babe"
You look away and scowl. "Not this again."
"Y/N, you have got to stop thinking that no guys can show you genuine interest because of your looks." She says earnestly, linking her arms with yours. "You're gorgeous, smart, and know how to throw that ass back like a Goddess."
"Oh my god." You let out a laugh.
"It's true!" Both of you reach the cafe and the bell chimes, "Go ahead and get a table I'll order our drinks." You nod and find a table near the window. Setting down your stuff and unlocking your phone again, this time scrolling through social media. You could hear the bell of the door chime again but you payed it no mind.
Your phone chimed again and you opened the message.
Hottie with the body
you look cute
Your head immediately looks up and you're met with Satoru standing at the entrance, his dark haired friend standing next to him. He shoots you a smile and heads your way. You don't miss the way your heart skips a beat as he makes his way towards.
"Hi." You greet, feeling your nerves pick up.
"Hey, fancy seeing you here."
"Oh yeah, totally not because everyone likes to come here after being grilled by hard professors." You joke and he chuckles.
"Oi, same thing as always?" His friend asks and Satoru nods. "Oh, you must be Y/N." His friend knowing your name catches you off guard.
He's talked about you? How cute!
More like embarrassing. Your mind battles with your thought.
You nervously laugh and nod. "I am. Yeah, t-that's me."
"I'm Suguru Geto, it's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." And he nods, heading to the line to the cash register.
"So, what's your study about?" Satoru questions as he takes the seat next to you. You catch a whiff of his cologne and fuck did he smell good. Your eyes went from his face and down to the rest of him, the black compression shirt he was wearing accentuated his form, and holy shit, were those abs?
He's way out of your league.
"Uh... well it's about the desensitization in peoples reactions to certain news headlines." Your eyes were still on him, going down to the grey sweatpants he wore, until you finally looked back up to his eyes. A smirk on his lips, clearly amused at your unashamed gaze.
"That's actually really interesting. For our class we had to do it about students anxiety levels between online and in person classes." You nod as he continued to explain, your eyes on his lips now.
Snap out of it you idiot, he's talking to you. Your mind practically yelled at you.
"Okay! One medium Y/F/D and a cheese danish." Your friend says, setting down your drink and treat as she takes the seat across from you. "Oh! Hello! You must be Satoru." She greets and you widened your eyes at her.
Satoru glances at you with his smirk again before nodding at her, introducing himself and making small talk.
Please swallow me Mother Earth.
"Oh! Y/N did you invite him to go out with us tomorrow?"
You tilted your head in confusion at this. "Tomorrow?" You did not have any plans tomorrow.
"Yeah, remember, we're supposed to go to the club again tomorrow." She says with a sly smirk. "We're trying to get this one to go out at least every Friday! She's a scholar but she needs to make memories."
"Sounds fun, you going?"
"Yes." Your friend and you say at the same time. You glare at her and she wiggles her eyebrows. "She is."
Satoru nods, but his eyes were on you the entire time. "I can meet you there, if you want." He's almost begging with the tone he used, his eyes on yours before glancing down at your lips, as you gnawed on that delicious lip he was literally aching to kiss again.
You felt heat creep up your neck, unsure. "She'd love it, in fact. Y/N since I'm picking up Y/F/N, you can ride with Gojo and meet us there!" She suggests, and Satoru nods in agreement.
Gojo? Who the hell is Gojo?
"I don't mind picking you up, if you're okay with it."
Gojo is his last name. Keep up.
"Sure." You respond almost unsure at your own response.
"Great. Then we'll see you tomorrow!"
And that is how you currently find yourself running around your apartment trying to make sure everything was perfect. You weren't expecting Satoru to come inside, but if it does happen, then at least everything would at least be decent. This time you were wearing a black romper dress, with matching black heels.
As you went back and forth in your apartment, your cat followed you, curious as to what could you possibly be doing. In the middle of your stress your phone chimed, and you let out a groan. Going to your room to grab it from the nightstand.
Satoru :):
I'm here.
but take your time, no rush at all
I know you're getting all prettied up
You felt heat creeping on your cheeks as you shake your head.
I'm done, let me grab my ID and I'll come down
Satoru :):
sounds good, pretty
still can't believe you changed my contact name :(((((
im sorryyyy
it was distracting
You made sure to lock your door and headed down, stepping onto the sidewalk looking for his blue BMW until you furrowed your brows. Looking down at your phone and starting to text him to ask if he was sure he put down the right address, until you heard a wolf whistle. Looking up to see a black Mercedes G-Wagon, the one that came out this year, at that. Satoru gets out of the car and gives you a boyish grin.
"Never fail to leave me breathless, pretty." You give him a wide smile, thanking him as your eyes raked over him. The white crewneck and black jeans doing wonders for him, along with his baby blue nike dunks. A pair of glasses sat on his nose and holy shit, did he smell good.
"You look good too." You reply, and he grins. Opening the passenger door for you and holding out his hand. You thank him as you take it and get in the car, unbeknownst to you Satoru glanced the light blue color that flashed from under your dress and he felt heat all over his neck. Closing the door and jogging back to the drivers side, he starts heading out in the direction of the club.
Your eyes glanced around the interior of the car, the smell of expensive leather making you wonder just how much does this cost. "How many cars do you own?" You ask absentmindedly, and then you slap a hand to your mouth. "Sorry, didn't mean it like that."
Satoru laughs, "It's okay. I don't mind." Giving you a reassuring smile. "I have two of them here, my other cars are in my house in Shibuya."
"Other cars?" You ask incredulously. "We are in different tax brackets I see." You joke and he lets out a laugh, a smile on your face at the sound.
You both continue talking throughout the ride until you reach the club valet, only to furrow your brows as it seems the security guards were waving people off. Satoru was quick to roll down your window.
"Oh, Mr. Gojo, unfortunately sir we have a couple of pipes that burst in the restrooms so we're closed until they get fixed."
"Okay, thanks man."
"Mr. Gojo?" You tease as he rolls up your window.
"He's just being nice."
"Mhmm." You say as you text your friends group chat.
The Three Muske(hoes)teers
club is closed
Musketeer #1:
so I got ready for NOTHING?
Musketeer #2:
im not even ready yet
but damn
Musketeer #1:
this was a sign for me to work on my backup assignments
Musketeer #2:
we can go out next Friday
Musketeer #1:
Are u still with Gojo?
"Do you want to go eat something?" You glance up to see Satoru already looking through his phone.
"Are you hungry?"
He tilts his head at you with a smile. "I asked first."
"I am, are you?"
"I am." He nods and quickly puts in an address not the screen of the car. "I'll take you to this place that's nearby."
You nod and go back to your phone.
Musketeer #2:
she def is
she's probably not answering bc she's busy
sucking dick
Musketeer #1:
throat goat fr
Musketeer #2:
Hawk TUah
You lock your phone and glance out the window, heat on your cheeks and Satoru raises a brow at this. Though it's soon forgotten when you see the expensive restaurant that he's pulling into.
"Tapas Molecular Bar? Satoru..." You say as he puts the car in park. "This is expensive."
"I know." He says as he kills the engine, getting out of the car and heading to your side. Opening the door for you only for you to stay seated. His eyes meet yours and he gives you a smile. "I'm inviting."
"No, that's too much. I mean we barely know each other, and I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of this-"
"Y/N, I don't think that of you. I just want to spoil you with some good food. I would've preferred this to be a date, but, I don't think you want that. So I'm inviting you to eat."
You gulp nervously at his confession and maybe just maybe... "Do you want it to be a date?"
"I'd love it if it was. But I respect your wishes."
Carefully stepping out of the car and watching him close the door, you let out a shaky breath. "Okay... it's a friends date then. As friends!" You clarify and It was like an instant light switch, the way Satoru beamed at this. A wide smile showing his perfect pearly white teeth, eyes crinkling because of how wide he was smiling. "But! Just this one time... okay?"
"Great! Now stop over thinking, this is a friends date and I'm treating you to the best food." You laugh as he practically bounces as he walks, and you link your arm around his. Just to make sure he doesn't actually float away with the way he was acting.
The double doors were opened and the restaurant could not look any fancier, it made you feel so out of place.
Satoru was quick to let the host know he needs a table for two, and you were both escorted to a windows seat on the second level. With a beautiful look out to the city, making you grin. Opening the camera app and quickly snapping a picture of the view and sending it to your friends.
Satoru was so ecstatic as he pulled out the chair for you and pushed you in, rambling on and on about how you'll love the food.
You felt nervous, your hands felt sweaty and could almost feel your entire body jitter. You cleared your throat a couple of times, trying to calm down.
"Good evening, what can I get for you tonight?" The server sent you a polite smile, before her eyes landed on Satoru. Interest shining in her eyes as her whole demeanor changed into that as someone interested.
"I'd like a coke." Satoru answers as his eyes skim the menu.
"I'll just have a water."
"Great, I'll be right back with your water." The servers eyes never once lifted off the white haired man sitting in front of you.
As soon as your gaze landed on the prices of the menu you felt like throwing up on the spot.
All those zeroes are supposed to be there?! You mentally screamed.
"Stop thinking so hard on the price, and find something you want to eat." Satoru says, a soft smile on his lips as his eyes meet your own.
It gave you the chance to really study his eyes, the striking blue that genuinely exuded the gentle calmness of a lake. The rest of his features complemented him so well, from his pretty pink lips to the sharp jawline. His hair that stuck out makes him look so handsome, it made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
"It's thirteen courses?"
"Yup, and they're all so good."
"I think I read this menu and gained at least ten pounds." You joke, but Satoru didn't laugh.
"That's not true." He pouts, and tilts his head at you. "You seem to make a lot of comments about yourself negatively."
"It's a coping mechanism."
That's what you've told yourself your whole life.
"Stop that." You furrow your brows. "You're beautiful, no need for all of that."
As you were about to respond a glass of water was placed in front of you. Satoru sent you a wink and turned to the server, "We'll have the set menu with the five premium wine flight."
You read the menu to see what he was ordering and you choke on your spit. "Satoru-" He's ripping the menu from your hands and handing it to the server, shooing her away.
"Get ready to try the best food ever."
Three and a half hours later you're sat in Satoru's car in a fit of giggles at one of his antics. The wine in your system making you feel more comfortable in your skin, as he drove you home.
"So, this friend date, how would you rate it?"
You thought for a second, raising a brow. "I'd say a 9/10."
Satoru dramatically gasps, as he parks in front of your apartment complex. "What took away that one point?"
"That's for me to know." You teased, unbuckling your seatbelt. You glanced at the apartment complex and back at Satoru. Chewing on your lower lip, and inhaling softly. "Thank you for tonight, Satoru. I had a lot of fun."
"So I take it, you enjoyed the friends date?"
You nodded with a smile, opening the car door and stepping out. "Do you..." You trailed off, a nervous tingle running up your spine as you glance back at the entrance of the complex to avoid his eyes. And that ridiculous boyish grin. "Maybe want to come in?"
He has a little pep in his step as he follows you up the complex and to your apartment. Praying to God that you left it as decent as possible. As soon as your front door opens your met with your cats excited meows as a greeting.
"Oh, who's this?" Satoru asks, bednign down to run his fingers over his soft fur.
"This is Luxio."
"Luxio? Like Pokemon Luxio?" He asks as he glanced up at you with a raised brow in curiosity. Your entire face heats up in embarrassment as you cringe, but nod nonetheless. "That's the most perfect name for him."
Your cat meows at this, purring loudly as he leans onto Satoru's hand, almost like agreeing with his statement.
"Well, anyways, welcome to my home." Your cat glances up, sort of narrowing his eyes at you and meows. "Oh, I'm sorry, welcome to mine and Luxio's home."
"Thank you for welcoming me." Satoru responds, scratching Luxio behind his ear.
Your phone chimes and you unlock it to see the dozens of messages from your friends.
The Three Muske(hoes)teers
Musketeer #1:
Im so mad the club is closed.
I wanted to shake some ass
Musketeer #2:
they posted their playlist! ive been listening to it while doing hw
Musketeer #1:
"Oh hey! One of my friends just sent me the link to the playlist they were going to play tonight in the club." You say as you head over to the small stereo set next to the tv in your living room, turning it on and connecting your phone. "Do you want to drink something?"
"What you got?" Satoru still engrossed with your cat.
"Pretty sure there's a tequila bottle under my sink."
After fighting with your bluetooth connection for around four minutes, the stereo finally pinged and the robotic voice of 'the bluetooth device has been connected' you mentally cheered. Pressing play on the song that began to blast through the speakers.
Listen to this track, bitch
"Finally!" And Satoru laughs behind you, already heading your way with two shot cups he found next to the tequila bottle. Handing you one and pouring your shot along with his.
"Pretty sure me and Suguru got drunk for the first time with this song." He says and you giggle, putting down your phone.
He clinks his glass with yours, "cheers." Both of you throwing your heads back as you swallowed the burning liquor.
Girl the way you're movin', got me in a trance  DJ turn me up, ladies, this yo' jam (come on) I'ma sip Moscato and you 'gon lose them pants
Luxio took his place in his cat tower near the window of the living room as you and Satoru poured another shot, the tequila building up on the wine both of you drank earlier and the room feeling hot.
Then I'ma throw this money while you do it with no hands (leggo) Girl, drop it to the floor I love the way yo' booty go All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move And I'll proceed to throw this cash (Flocka, Waka Flocka, Waka Flocka)
With no shame, thanks to the liquor, you kick off your heels and throw your hands over Satoru's neck, dancing as you both laugh.
All that ass in yo' jeans Can Wale beat? Can Roscoe skeet? Long hair, she don't care
His hands finding comfort on your hips again as you moved, His gaze focused on you and only you. You grin at him before turning around, pressing against him.
When she walk she get stares Brown skin or a yellow-bone DJ, this my favorite song So I'ma make it thunderstorm Bud, want it Flocka, yeah Blow it, fuck it, I don't care
Your ass grinded against him, the alcohol burning through your blood and this time Satoru wasted no time to grind against you too. His jeans felt tight on his crotch in no time, feeling his cock harden at the sensual movements of yours that were driving him insane.
I'm tryna hit the hotel with two girls that swallow me Take this dick, wanna swallow, Pink Moscato got her freaky Ayy, you got me in a trance, please take off yo' pants Pussy pop on a handstand, you got me sweatin' Please pass me a fan, damn (Flocka, Waka Flocka, Waka Flocka)
And just like the song, Satoru definitely needed a fan. His entire body was heating up, and fuck did you look so good dancing on him again. And once again did you have him reeling behind you, when you suddenly bent down, hands on your knees and the view of you back so sensual bent made him groan.
Girl the way you're movin', got me in a trance  DJ turn me up, ladies, this yo' jam (come on) I'ma sip Moscato and you 'gon lose them pants Then I'ma throw this money while you do it with no hands (leggo) Girl, drop it to the floor I love the way yo' booty go All I wanna do is sit back and watch you move (ayy, ayy) And I'll proceed to throw this cash (Wale, uh)
His grip tightened on your hips, your ass moving in circles against his hard on. And fuck, that sensual look you sent him as you looked over your shoulder made him bite his lip. You sent him a flirty wink as you leaned back up hands now over his on your hips and swiveled them, pushing them with a precise pressure over his cock.
She said, "Look ma, no hands" She said, "Look ma, no hands" And, no darling, I don't dance And I'm with Roscoe, I'm with Waka I think I deserve a chance
"You're driving me insane." Satoru says in your ear, lips grazing the tip of your ear making a shiver run down your spine. Your panties were soaked, sticking on you and you're sure your juices were only seconds away from trailing down your thighs. His lips pressed soft kisses over your earlobe, slowly training down on your jaw and reaching the corner of your mouth. "You've been driving me insane since I met you." He confesses, pressing a particular almost feather light kiss near your lips.
You turn in his arms, once again your arms around his neck. Feeling his cock press against you. "Show me." You swear it was the alcohol. There's no way you just said that to this hot man standing in front of you.
You mentally ignore the loud and mean voice in your head, yelling at you about your physique and how you shouldn't.
"You sure? I don't want to scare you away." He whispers his blue eyes making your stomach churn in nerves.
"Show me, I..." You trailed off, bracing yourself in disbelief at your words. "I trust you."
Satoru wasted no time in pressing his lips against yours, his hands coming up to cup your face tilting your head up to be able to kiss you better. You let out a soft moan into his mouth, his tongue tracing all over your tongue.
"Fuck." He moaned, pressing hard kisses on your lips, bending his knees and now moving his hands to the back of your thighs.
"Satoru- wait!" He's lifting you up in no time, making you panic and wrap your legs around him tightly. Now his hands holding you under your ass, "Satoru I'm heavy, don't please."
"Shut up and tell me where your room is, baby." His lips sucking on the spot right below your ear, making you gasp.
"F-First door to the left." His legs move automatically, almost kicking your door down and closing it behind the both of you. His sucking and nibbling on the skin of your neck as he slowly lays you down, one arm still gripping your thigh to be pressed to his side while his other arm supported him from fully laying his weight on you. Satoru pulls away to look at you, and you looked so beautiful like this. Under him, a little breathless and lips starting to swell from kissing him so fervently. He could also notice how you slowly but sure started shrinking away from his gaze, and Satoru would not allow this. Not this time.
"You're so fucking stunning." He says, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. Your hands are fisting his shirt, letting out a whine into his mouth as he slowly ground his hips against your core. Your brows pinched up at the feeling, eyes looking into Satoru as you let you a gasp of pleasure. "So fucking beautiful," He presses kisses down your jaw, reaching all the way to your collarbone, sucking a bruise into your soft skin. Satoru slowly leaned back, leaning on his legs as he looked at you with lust filled eyes. His fingers ran over the romper you're wearing and reached to the neatly tied bow on the back of your neck that held the material on you. "Can I take this off, baby?"
Your eyes shown a glint of uncertainty, and Satoru was quick to cup your face and lean his forehead on yours. "Don't-" He was quick to whisper to you. "You're so beautiful, I want this. But do you?"
You let out a shaky breath, fiddling with a button of his shirt nervously. "I want this, but I just- I'm not really umm... confident without something covering me?" The alcohol was making you spill all the details. "Maybe not tonight?" Satoru not wanting you to feel uncomfortable he nods, placing a soft kiss on your forehead and moving off of you. Seeing his fallen look on his features made you feel so guilty, and you immediately felt so uncomfortable in your own skin.
"I think you should go."
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Taglist: @bankaixx @shiftinghoe @uniquecutie-puffs @thewomans-stuff @plathsotherib @lanaismotherrrrrrr @fangirllookingforlife I love yall and thank you for reading <3
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bloodybreakupscene · 1 year
I had sent a request like yesterday- and AAA IM SO HAPPY TO SEE IT DONE ALREADY!! IT WAS SO CUTE >^<
I had another idea, cause my brain has been absolutely filled with different thoughts! Once again, earth 1610! Miles morales- but this time with a very well off partner who tends to spoil him alot. Like gift after gift, as soon as Miles is saying he likes or wants something- they're getting it for him!!
It's just something they really enjoy doing and they love seeing the smiles they get from Miles when he sees the gifts!!
-> 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐇.
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miles morales x reader
-> u like to buy ur cutie patootie bf miles expensive gifts and he's like aw :(
-> btw guys i do other characters LOL i kinda wanna try writing for hobie!! i've been trying to research british slang but i can't stop laughing (it's the AMERICAN 🤓🇺🇲🔥🔫 in me i swear)
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you and your boyfriend miles were walking along the streets of brooklyn, occasionally stopping for snacks or to observe the stores placed amongst each other. you held his hand and he held yours. this was just another after school thing you two would do.
". . . and when i walked in he was wearing my shoes! like what the hell man." miles ranted, slightly shifting the story because if he told you what actually happened he'd reveal his identity as spiderman, and that wasn't a path he wanted to go down just yet.
"pfft, that's funny. you know, if it bothers you so much i could just buy you another pair of shoes." you reply, nonchalantly.
"huh? no way! that's your money, besides, you already bought me enough stuff."
"i gifted you stuff," you corrected, before joking once more, "you deserve it anyway! i mean, c'mon miles be grateful."
"i am grateful! i just feel bad, you know, they're all so expensive." he defends.
"name ONE gift that was expensive."
"the ohuhu marker set!"
it was miles' birthday and you were at his dorm for a small celebration, just the two of you [ ganke left because he didn't wanna third-wheel. ] so, you two were just sitting on the floor as he opened the carefully wrapped gift.
"so, how's being fifteen so far?" you make small talk, while a pit of happiness boils inside of you as you can't wait for his reaction to the gift you got him.
"totally fun. can't wait to do adult stuff." he laughs, and just as he finishes his sentence he sees a black bag with markers in them, specifically 216 markers. it was a set that cost roughly $170.00.
"oh my god!" he stands up, that's the reaction hoped for, "these are so cool." he rushes to pull you up, kissing you on your lips, holding a side of your face with his hand.
"how much were they?"
"don't worry! it's your birthday you deserve it." you pull him into your arms, embracing him.
"i looked it up when you left and they were almost $200!"
"you're worth more than $200 miles."
"aw," he leans his head on your shoulder as you both continue to walk down the street. "wait! what about that other time, when you got me a camera.”
it was summer time, you and miles walked into a random electronics store. as you both observed the different assortments of cameras, miles picked one of them up, a small, old digicam.
"my uncle used to have one of these." he says, as he moves the camera around in his hand to look at the many details on the camcorder. over the few months you've been dating, you noticed the admiration he had for his uncle, he even mentioned going down under the subway tracks to graffiti on the walls.
"do you wanna get it?"
"nah, it's $40. let's go get lunch, i'm starving."
"wait! but you like it right? i could get it for you, if you want."
"what! no way, i should be the one spoiling you." he wraps his arm around your waist.
you both eventually walked out the store, but later, for christmas that year, you gave it him as an early gift. miles felt like crying, not a sad cry, more like, 'i've never felt more appreciated in my life i love you so much' kind of cry. he couldn't stop hugging and kissing you that day.
"the camera was a gift for both of us." you rolled your eyes, "i just gave it to you to hold, indefinitely!"
miles gives you a look, "whatever, you know i'd love anything you give me, regardless of price."
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modelbus · 7 months
I’m obsessed with the way u write Tommy, the witty dialogue is so >>>> lately I’ve been fixated on the drunk MCC video so if you’d like to write a oneshot based on that it would be super appreciated! Reader probably takes beky’s spot so they’re on the same team, and the more drunk they get the more affectionate and distracted they get and the chat is just eating it up teehee
I actually had to hunt down the video because I haven’t seen it… for anyone curious the video is called “Minecraft But I’m Drunk”!
Pairing: Cc!Tommyinnit x Gn!Reader
Flirting Fools
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The cider you were drinking—same one that Tommy had stocked up on—ends up on your monitor rather than down your throat. Whose idea was it to do a drunk MCC again? Oh, yeah, Tommy fucking Innit.
“Why can’t you say hello like a normal person?” You sigh, wondering if Tommy even has his headphones on.
“Y’know, I want to watch the woman movie but my girlfriend insists I see it with her and I haven’t had the chance.” Jack says, speaking up.
“Oh, Jack, you have a girlfriend?” Tommy asks.
“Acting like you aren’t dating someone too.” You say pointedly, giving a deadpan look to your camera.
“Because you’re amazing! The El-Oh-Em-El! Love of my life!”
“Never spell an acronym out loud again.” You plead.
“What’s an acronym?”
Tubbo’s laugh in the background seems more like a cry of help.
“We’re dropping like Fortnite!” Jack exclaims just as the floor vanishes from under you and everyone is out into elytra mode.
“Shit wait we’re playing Fortnite? We playing Fortnite?” Tommy immediately hops on the joke, and you mentally tune him out.
“I love Fortnite!” Jack agrees eagerly. Twenty seconds later, he dies. “I fucking hate Fortnite!”
“I died too.” You inform him, picking up the can of alcoholic cider to take a drink.
“WAIT!” Tommy screeches. “Cheers! Cheers with me!”
You raise your drink to your camera, assuming Tommy is doing the same in his office. Afterward, Tommy slurps his drink far too close to his mic.
“I’m gonna vomit.” Tubbo declares.
“Don’t back down and give up, that’s some shit Kenergy.”
“Guys, I just bought myself a pack of ‘Colon the Caterpillar’ and if we win MCC I’ll open them.” Tommy’s voice announces during the loading between games. Do you know what that means? No. Do you want some? Fuck yes.
“Share. Share? Share?” You ask, taking another sip of your drink.
“Come over babygirl.” Tommy answers you. For a second, there’s a complete pause in the call. “…I’m going to kill myself.”
“What the FUCK?” Jack shouts.
“Tom, Tom— never say that again.” Tubbo pleads, are you’re inclined to agree.
“Maybe just… keep your mouth shut.” You advise Tommy.
“Oh, Jesus, it’s harder to stream when the— when.” Tommy says, quite eloquently.
“Ah, yes, I when the when all the time with you.” You agree.
“We are when the when-ers.”
“Can you two shut up?” Jack asks.
You grit your teeth, groaning when a player kills you, picking up your drink again. Slowly but surely, you’re getting drunker and drunker. So much for not having a hangover tomorrow.
“We’ve literally gotta get this dub guys or I don’t get my sweets.” Tommy reminds everyone. “Why is talking like fuckin’ on extreme difficulty?”
“Is it?” You ask idly, taking another drink just for fun.
“Worse than when I’m kissin’ you and shit.” He confirms.
“Stop making Tubbo and I the third wheel.” Jack pleads.
You grin, laughing. “Nah.”
“Listen to me now! Look me in the eyes!” Tubbo says, his character moving to stand directly in front of Tommy’s. “You’re my best friend okay and we’ll get you through this.”
“Tom, Tommy, Toms, listen to me.” You giggle, moving to stand next to Tubbo. “You are my boyfriend. And I will not get you through this.”
“Okay, fuck, well I gotta listen to you. Sorry Tubbo.”
“I’m gonna get the coins in the middle!” After his declaration, Tommy sprints to the middle platform and starts mining away at the yellow coin block.
“Jesus fuck, At least wait!” You sigh, shooting a random person.
“Wha— how are you getting them?” Jack agains, laughing wildly. “How is that working?”
“Cause I’ve got backup! My backup’s the best!” Tommy responds, turning in circles.
“You know I’ve always got your back.” You answer.
“Cause you’re cool like that. You got the moves like Jagger.”
“That I do, Tom Simons. That I do.”
“Y’know what? It makes me quiet.” Tommy gives no context, leaving you on your own to puzzle out that he’s talking about being drunk.
“Huh? We literally got plastered that one time and you wouldn’t shut up.” You disagree.
“Well, yeah, ‘cause it was you.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Means I like talking to you, bitch.”
“And you don’t like talking to me?” Jack asks. “Oh, yeah, I see how it is.”
“I got priorities man!” Tommy defends himself.
“Priorities being…?” You question, giggling.
“I’ve got to say, I think there’s a huge lack of focus on the team.” Jack says, coughing pointedly.
“I think I’ve got to agree with you Jack.” Tubbo hums.
“Yeah, and it ain’t us Tubbo.”
“The fuck you saying about me and my boyfriend?” You ask, splash potion of harming in your hand. “You wanna fucking repeat that?”
“No no no no— you guys are great! Teen love— TUBBO RUN—“
“Tommyinnit meet and greet on the rocks outside the pier in Brighton at 1am?” Tommy asks. “Any muggers don’t go there though.”
“I’ll go with. Mug both of us.” You offer.
“Yeah, we team that shit. Power of love right there.”
“Love lets people get mugged together?” Jack laughs.
“Not all love Jack.” Tommy corrects.
“Just ours.” You agree with Tommy. “Our love is special, Jack.”
“Oh, it’s certainly something.”
Sands of Time has you immediately frowning at the screen and taking another drink. It’s such a shit game, it deserves to be drank to.
“I went to the bathroom guys and I was just like oh by the way…”
There’s a second where you, Tubbo, and Jack wait for Tommy to finish his sentence. He doesn’t.
“‘Oh by the way’ what?” Jack finally asks.
“Oh— oh, I just stopped.” Tommy laughs. Cackles, more like.
“Oh by the way I’m coming over to your place after?” You ask him.
“Really? We can watch that new movie you’ve been wanting to see, if you want.” He doesn’t even blink at the subject change.
“Works for me. Might be a bit before I sober enough to not get murdered in the streets though.”
“I’ll just come get you, love.”
“You’re drunker than me.”
“I’ll scare everyone off with my many muscles.”
“Do you even have one?” Tubbo asks. “One muscle?”
“Many manly muscles.” Tommy doubles-down.
“I’ll just walk.” You sigh.
“Guys stop calling me ‘daddy Tommy’ I’m clearly a twink.”
“Tom?” You ask.
“Shut up, please.”
“Whatever you say!”
<Tommyinnit> Tubbo kisses his cousins
“I do not!” Tubbo exclaims, outrage painting his voice.
“I’ve seen Tubbo bare-lipsing his cousins.” Jack argues immediately.
“Have you?” You ask Jack.
“I’d kiss you even if you were my cousin.” Tommy says to you. “That’s how much I love you.”
“You’d what?”
“No, cause it’s my love.”
“Tom, man, I think it’s time for you to be done.” Jack says wisely.
“Well, no, cause what’s wrong with what I said?”
“So many things. So so many things.”
When you blink your eyes open the next morning, everything is hazy and painful. A throbbing headache makes you immediately close your eyes against the bright sunlight of morning, only for you to try again a few moments later.
There's a weight thrown across your middle; upon further inspection, it's Tommy's arm. Heavy and warm, and also keeping you trapped next to him.
"Tom." You groan, knowing that you need some water and Aspirin. He probably does too, considering he definitely drank more than you. "Tom, please."
He mumbles something, barely relenting his grip on you. It's just enough so that you can stretch across the bed to grab your phone from the charger. There's a few messages from friends checking up on you and Tommy (including a shit ton from Wilbur that you're just going to... ignore...) but you swipe open social media.
Only to immediately close it when you realize that you and Tommy are trending for what happened during MCC last night. Although it could very well also have been from the photo Tommy posted of you two kissing, to be fair.
"Stop moving." Tommy groans, pressing his face into your shoulder.
"We need Aspirin and water." You tell him. "And we're trending on Twitter."
"No." His hold on you tightens. "Five more minutes."
You know damn well five minutes will be ten, then thirty, then two hours, but you relent either way.
"Five more minutes."
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maxybabyy · 6 months
i’m thinking about your max run club au again 😵‍💫 does daniel realize… the effect… max’s voice has on him? when do daniel and max meet in real life (if ever)?
😫 😫 i am always thinking about max run club ... but im sooo glad you're there with me! 🏃
in my mind they don't meet until after he and scotty break up. Daniel in a moderate sized LA apartment trying to figure out what to do with a bum knee and no race seat, when he goes to one of martijn's shows, and look who is there also :)
below the cut is the third part 😏 (part i, ii)
The first time he sees him, Daniel almost doesn’t notice.
He’s face-down on the sofa with his phone held loosely in his hand. He should probably be in bed, has an appointment with his physio in the morning, lunch with Blake after that. But Scotty’s in Canada for training camp, has been for the past two weeks, and Daniel hasn’t been sleeping well.
He had offered to come with him, with Scott. Made a joke about getting on the slopes too, “My knee’s been better, yeah? Reckon I could probably take you down for a run or two.” His knee still isn’t great but like, he could probably hang out in the hot tub, work on maybe, like a nice tan.
But Scotty had laughed, told him not to waste his time, “You don’t even like the snow, Ric. I’ll see you in a month, yeah?”
Daniel thinks maybe he’s allowed to feel like this, lonely and sad, scrolling through Instagram.
It’s worse then, when he sees the picture of Scotty. He’s shirtless and smiling, how Daniel likes him the best. There’s a sunburn on his nose, red and angry, and Daniel knows it must be painful. Can imagine almost how he must be complaining about it, refusing to put on aloe because he doesn’t like the sticky after-feel.  
It gets him a little hot, his hips pressing against the sofa almost unconsciously. He could probably like, get himself off. Come into his own hand and send him a picture, saying some shit like, thought of u ;).
But also, like. Daniel hasn’t heard from him in a few days, thinks maybe he’s not going to be the one to reach out this time.
He’s deep in his twitter feed, focus only half on the screen when he hears the voice.
He rewinds it and presses the phone to his ear, the volume turned loud as he listens, and there it is. Just a handful of lines in that sharp accent that Daniel recognises immediately with an odd sense of excitement.
He loops it over to hear it again, and Daniel feels it. The sudden burst of energy, conditioned almost by sound alone. He wants to put on his shoes and run, Max’s voice hoarse in his ears coaxing him to be faster, to be better. To make it good, make it last. And Daniel would, for him. For Max.
He grinds his dick into the sofa, reckons it would be half-hard if he reached down to touch it.
Daniel doesn’t do it, obviously. It would be too much, he knows. Getting hot and bothered by the sound of a voice, or like, not even that. Because it’s GP’s voice he can hear now, deep and British, and decidedly not Max’s. But even like this, Daniel feels out of control.
He loops it again before he even thinks about it.
Daniel doesn’t realise until he’s on his third listen that GP is talking about Max, “- and he can be himself with me, which I think is really important when you work together the way that Max and I do.”
There’s a shuffle in the background, and Daniel almost misses it, rewinds the video just a few seconds to watch as a guy pops in from the side to hug GP.
Daniel doesn’t have to think about it, knows already that it’s Max on the screen.
He can only see his backside but he’s already so fucking hot. The wide line of his shoulders, trim waist obvious from the cropped running top he’s wearing. His shorts are almost indecent too, sit barely below his ass to show off strong thighs.
Looking at him like this, Daniel cannot fucking breathe.           
Belatedly he noticed the link on the screen, a tag to their socials. It takes him to a YouTube page, Red Bull Running, and Daniel almost doesn’t – feels as the sour taste builds in his mouth.
It’s, like, objectively okay what he’s doing. He’s just a fan, that’s it. And like, Red Bull has probably hundreds of athletes, it’s barely even a connection.
Daniel doesn’t find it until he’s almost given up, hidden away at the bottom of the screen on a playlist called Max V. His cheeks feel flushed, his eyes heavy with maybe not sleep but something else, the illicit feeling making his fingers tingle.
He scrolls through it with his knee pulled to his chest, flicks through videos of Max on the treadmill, going over data with GP, crossing the line at the London marathon. He’s just as pretty as Daniel thought, wide smile and kind eyes as he laughs at his own silly joke.
He’s almost at the bottom, an absent yawn escaping his lips when he finds it. Yoga for Runners.
Foolishly, he clicks it, watches with a dry mouth as Max introduces himself. He sits squarely on the mat in a sunlit room. He isn’t wearing a shirt, back so straight it makes his pectorals look obscene. There’s a low-fi beat in the background, not too loud to drown out Max’s soft instructions guiding the viewer through a series of poses.
Daniel’s thumb hovers over the home button, ready to close out, to go to bed. And then Max bends over, ass to the camera in his tiny running shorts. It goes on forever. Max speaking softly, demonstrating with his hands the muscles he stretches, how to increase the pressure, where the strain should not be.
Max counts himself down, “You got, it. Four. Breathe deep for me, please,” lowers his knees and folds his chest almost to the floor, keeps his hips up high. “Here, you will feel the release of your rib cage. Obviously, like this it will give you a great stretch in the back also. Yes, just like this. You are of course doing so good.”  
Daniel bites into the meat of his palm, pants into his own sweaty hand. He balances his phone against a pillow and slides his hand down to his dick.
He digs out the bottle of lube that hasn’t been used in months, pours it into his hand, onto his dick. Pretends the slick sound of his hand is something else. It’s easy to do like this, Max’s voice steady in his ear, body moving with impressive control on screen.
“Sink in a little deeper for me, we are so close,” Max says, voice soft, hoarse. “Breathe into the sensation. It should of course feel good when we do this.”
Daniel should feel embarrassed, maybe, but he comes just as Max is winding down, spread out on his back, breathing heavy. “Max,” he sobs, breathless.
The video ends, replaced by a moment of silence. And then in an all too familiar voice, “Hello, everyone,” that makes Daniel’s stomach drop.
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wcamino-confessions · 5 months
hi, seraphronos/v01d4l_n0x here (yes the real one /silly) probably this doesn't look the most professional considering I literally just retired but I've been frustrated about certain things that happened whilst I was on the team and I've never really had the change to vent it all out. and yes I know this isn't really relevant anymore but I just needed to rant a little little disclaimer: my time on the lt apart from this situation was great!! loved it on there and I loved working with everyone else frfr !! so this is not intended to slander them at all this is mostly about the helper anon here, so to clarify for anyone unaware: void-anons is not me. they are a blog made to purposely impersonate me, and no I don't know who they are. I have my suspicions, but I'd rather not risk falsely accusing someone considering that's literally what happened to me lol. also this is mostly about me and my experiences so I'm not speaking from the team as a whole here so to start: literally fuck you helper anon. not cool man 👎. you didn't have to make the blog look like mine and could have made it completely anonymous but no you really just had to drag me into it (which im assuming was because im not the most active in chats so it was easier to make it seem like it was mine cause there would be no one to back me and my actions up). also I'll forever be annoyed at the rui aesthetic. like that is literally my guy ☹️. I understand you had frustrations about how things were handled and yeah I get it, but you really did not have to drag me into it??? and then joke about me getting demoted afterwards and act proud of the fact you did???? again just really not cool boooo 🍅🍅🍅. I hope both sides of your pillow are warm tbh I really do not like you my second point: the chats after I returned. yes guys I did read up. I definitely get why the other helpers were frustrated as was I but I felt some of the comments were kinda personal about me?? like I saw the point about how I wasn't close with the other team members show up a few times and like?? that isn't really about the confession that's about me 👎. and just to add on yes I'm aware this was like 8-9 months ago now, and most people part of that discussion have now retired third (and probably final point): the team as a whole on the issue. First of all, it took 2 days of constant bumping and sending proof I don't own the account just to get back on the team. 2 days I was waiting to see if they'd actually believe me. if it was me I honestly would have admitted it, but the fact it isn't and that it's completely out of my control is the worst feeling. little note here but I did really appreciate the members of the lt who sent me pms apologising/asking if there's anything they could do, thank you guys, love u /p. but the fact still stands that they haven't been demoted, and I have pushed for any updates/information that I was allowed to know, but I just kept getting told that 'we're working on it'. I know it's a difficult situation but it really just came across to me like nothing was actually being done. extra few little notes here but the fact that the first confession mentioned how they were on a burner account then proceeded to make it look like it was mine?? why would i do that?? also why was I immediately demoted without being given the option to explain anything first. I feel the actions from the team were very rushed and whilst I do understand it was quite a unique situation, I feel like the steps taken weren't completely thought through. to add to this though I'm glad I did get an explanation in ufc not too long back. I appreciate the transparency /gen. last note from me but I'd like to add the reason that I have so much to say here was because I felt as if I was being shut down at certain points. naturally, this was brought up in casual helper chats more than once and so I'd rant a little, but I had to hold myself back in case of anything.
I did proofread this a little but it is long so pls ignore any mistakes 🙏
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Trigger warning for Donnie’s suicide note!
Leo finds out last.
She’s at the apartment, unloading the groceries she’d just gotten home from buying. They had a bit of excess food money this month, so she’d splurged and bought some special treats for herself and her brothers. She knew Mikey loved those gross sticky gummy candies, so she’d bought a huge family size pack of them just for him. Raph tended to forget to eat when he was in a hurry, so she’d picked up some meal supplement bars that she’d make sure to sneak into his backpack. Donnie, she’d spent some extra time thinking about. His texture issues made buying food for him harder, but she’d eventually settled on a box of water flavor packets that had some great nutritional stuff in it. Hopefully Donnie would like it, and if not she would just dare Raph to drink the packets raw.
She didn’t hear her phone ring from the table, too busy with her task. She couldn’t the stuff that needed to be refrigerated go bad.
As she finished she gave a twirl, feeling free in her new dress. Of all people, Casey had found it for her! It had tons of ruffles in the skirt that made it super poofy and felt so soft against her skin.
She took out the recycling while she was at it.
When she got back to the apartment it took her an extra ten minutes to remember where she’d put down her phone. When she finally found it anxiety spiked in her chest.
Fifteen missed calls.
Thirty-two texts from Mikey.
Ten texts from Raph.
Forty-six texts from April.
Seven texts from Casey.
One text from Donnie.
She opened the backlog.
Donathan💜👓: Hey, I left something on your bedside table. Grab it when you can, okay? Love you.
She frowned. The message was weird. She could count the number of times they’d texted “I love you” on one hand, and she only had three fingers! She made her way towards her room as she went and opened up the rest of the messages.
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: dude call raph
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: smthn bad happened with don
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: pls answer ur phone man
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: raph needs u 2 get all dons paperwork stuff
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: were at the hidden city main hospital
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: call when you can
Sewer Bigfoot🏒: im so sorry
Alright, now she was getting scared. She got to her room and immediately found what Donnie had left. A piece of paper, folded in perfect thirds. She had bought him this cardstock for Christmas. He only used it for things he thought were of the utmost importance.
I want to apologize to you. We made a promise to each other, a goofy promise, but a promise nonetheless. I’m going to break that promise.
I’m really proud of how you’ve grown. You’ve become one of my favorite people in the world, despite everything. You are strong and brave and you’ve learned how to love with your whole heart. I know you’ll grow and do amazing things.
Mikey and Raph have grown, too. Mikey’s art is going to take off in the Hidden City, I just know it, and Raph has the potential to do anything he sets his mind to. Gosh, I sound like I kindergarten teacher, but it’s true. I couldn’t be more proud of my family.
But I’m holding you back. I haven’t grown. If anything, I’m regressing. I can’t see a future for me where I do anything but hurt or hinder you, and I never want to do that. I want you to be free to live without the restraint of caring for a useless burden of a brother.
So I’m taking myself out of the equation.
I know it’s unfair of me to ask you to understand my reasoning. I know its unfair to ask you not to be sad or to not grieve.
I just hope one day you’ll understand.
Please don’t follow me.
Your brother always,
Leo called Raph.
Yay! If you like it I’ll write everyone else’s perspectives, too.
-Monster Anon
anyway I was thinking of how donnie would try to kill himself and I thought of him and his brothers joking around and Leo being like "Remember when you got so upset you turned yourself into a monster for like a week??" and Donnie laughing and saying "Yeah, b-b-but in my defense I've l-learned from my p-past! I only drink p-poison when I know ex-exactly what it'll do!" and they all laugh and Donnie is just sitting there like: They Dont Know I'm Going To Mystically Poison Myself :)
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taeraerizz · 1 year
soldier lee seunghwan
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「seunghwan x gn!reader」
genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst & suggestiveness
warnings: dirty jokes, war mentions, food, basically it. oh yeah not proofread at all honestly
summary: quality time w the love of ur life seunghwan! (kinda)
a/n: im back w… something (definitely not the best) . its not the seunghwan fic i made u guys do a poll abt i ditched that one bc it just didn’t turn out how i wanted. anyways enjoy and pls reblog or like so i dont procrastinate on writing😁
Im free nowwww
Got ur fav ramen w me hehehe
You quickly turned off your phone and headed out of your apartment door. You make your way towards the familiar dance studio down the road that had become a part of your daily routine. Visiting there almost every single day all because of one reason: lee seunghwan.
When seunghwan came back home just after getting eliminated… it was hard, to say the least. If it had been any other time for any other reason, you would’ve been happy about seunghwan being back home. More movies, more dates, more cuddles, more kisses. But this time? Oh it physically pained your heart to see him walk through your front door with drooped shoulders and a torn expression. He trudged in as if he was a traumatised soldier coming back from war. Except you guess it kind of was like that for him. War. Fighting his hardest just to prove himself worthy. But also like war, things don’t always go your way. Sometimes the borders that you had built and the weapons you had prepared go shattering apart and you’re forced to shrink back down to where you started.
And you saw that happening to seunghwan many times. It hurt to see the love of your life in such a state, but you knew how bad it was for him as well. you remember the times he worked multiple jobs just to afford a small dance studio to continue practicing for another survival show. Or every single time a company turned him down for who knows what reasons they had up their little asses. And even all the rants and breakdowns he has almost once every week. You were always there, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Things have changed a little now. He got more popular, and his growth was amazing. Companies had actually started to give him offers and he even held fan meetings! Because of this though, he was feeling a little mixed up. With the amount of support he was getting now, was it really worth it to go enlist so soon? That was a big topic in your conversations lately, the number of times you’d talked about it must be countless. Regardless of the decision he makes though you knew, your arms would be open and ready to welcome him anytime.
Knock knock knock
You heard quick shuffling of feet getting closer and the door sprang open almost immediately after your third knock. Not even a second later large sweaty arms indulge you into the broad chest of its owner. “oh oh be careful the ramen might spill,” you reminded the boy in front of you.
“who cares? I don’t. if that spills I could just eat you instead?” he replies with a disgustingly beautiful smirk. You stared blankly at him, “you’re so gross hwan, I would never let you do that to me especially not in the state you’re in right now. I don’t taste that good anyways.”  At this point your hug had been broken apart and you walked past him to put away your food against the mirror across the room. Not giving any attention to the boy behind you and what he was doing. “hey- “ you were cut off by bright eyes staring deep into you, his hunched body making your proximity to him almost as close as it could possibly get. Nose tips pressed against one another, lips slightly brushing together, and breaths mirroring each other. Gosh were you in love with this man. “hwan... what are you doing…” you somehow managed to utter out. He chuckles a little, “I can always double check how you taste anytime you want you know,” he teases.
There were a few seconds of silence and once you processed those words into your brain, you instantly pulled away from the slightly intimate position you were in.
“oh hell no hwan. Get your horny ass out of here, the only thing you’re gonna be doing right now is eating and showering. Now come here before the ramen gets cold.”
An annoyed groan fills the room.
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iloveslllycatss · 1 year
hi pookie!! 😈😈 im v annoying and i love sending my pookies my brainrot so today i chose you:))
bachira who immediately jumps on you after a game, and kissing you thousands of times.
bachira who gets you guys matching sweaters sometimes nice...sometimes corny
bachira who tried to learn how to croquet "KEYWORD: TRIED" he was trying to make you a lil teddy for your birthday failed and ended upo getting you chocolates and wtv you want:(( you kissed him over and over as a thnkyou for his hard work
bachira who licks the icing of the side of your lips or nose after you eat icecream
isagi who takes these pics of you when he be third whealing:(( :
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𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙢𝙮 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮
𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺……… 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘪 😞
𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 : 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘢 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘦. (𝘫𝘴𝘱), 𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘪 𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘤 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘦 😞
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✯ you love bachira. he’s yours, and your his. no one can come between that.
✯ …..except yourselves……. and your stupid ass thoughts 😞 
“meguru are u sure we aren’t gonna die?”
“no…. but atleast we’ll die together!!”
✯ like, there was this one time, you guys thought it’d be a good idea to fake-get married…. but your boyfriend INSISTED on being the bride. why?, you may ask
“you already are megs”
✯ isagi got that whole play-argument on video……… your instagram blew up after he posted it.
✯ there was this other time, where he tried to learn how to crochet so he could make you a teddy bear….
✯ that yarn deserved a better life tbh.
✯ he TRIED to make it, and at first he thought he was doing so good but he ended up knotting it all wrong and the yarn started to split.
✯ he fr cried when it didn’t work 😞
✯ he ended up just buying u chocolates and flowers 😞 
✯ another time, he tried buying u matching sweaters…….
✯ never trust him to go clothes shopping again.
✯ the sweaters were salt and pepper… and it literally said “your the salt to my pepper” and “your the pepper to my salt” 
✯ ……….. you returned them behind his back and told him that it was probably lost.
✯ also, the second he sees you after he plays a game….. 
✯ kisses. hugs. EVERYWHERE. 
✯ one time after a game, this mf JUMPED ON YOU. and he got confused when u fell 🤬
✯ whenever you, bachira, isagi and a couple other players hang out, you and bachira were play fighting
✯ the whole. fucking time.
✯ isagi one time, he made a fan page about you two on instagram as a joke and posted all the pictures he got of you two when he was third wheeling
✯ it blew up.
✯ it blew up like HELLA.
✯ isagi decided to keep the account instead of deleting it, why? u may ask
✯ he was literally making money off of u two 😞
✯ bachira still doesn’t know isagi owns that account.
“hey bachira, i ate a good meal with those 20 dollars u and y/n got for me”
“wym ‘u and y/n got for me’?”
“ahahahahaha……. nothing”
✯ there was this time when u got ice cream with your boyfriend
✯ mf licked ice cream off your nose and lips…….
“meguru what are u doING DMDKFDK”
“oh wait baby i missed a spot”
✯ piggyback rides. all the time.
✯ you always find a way to JUMP ON HIS BACK.
✯ he doesn’t care tho, he just goes with it 😭 
✯ hes just the perfect boyfriend tbh.
✯ 10/10
i want a bachira in my life 💔
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plz don’t copy my work 😞
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ghostiiess · 11 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - kane trying to speak your native language
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pov: title say it all!
warnings: none
type: wholesome
member: kane ratan
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For this headcanon, let’s say your first language is not English
It can be any languages (i won’t write for a specific one), as long as it’s not english, since Kane talk in english 😅
Let’s get started :)
He would be so cute!!
(More under the cut!)
He would download duolingo or any others applications like that, just to learn better your first language
learning a new language isn’t easy, but this man will not give up
He would be so proud of himself for learning how to say « my name’s is » in your language, like isn’t he so adorable? 😭
And he would say it in front of you
« This mean my name’s Kane, right? »
« yay, finally! I said it right! »
He wouldn’t even got Duolingo notifications saying he’s late from one day 💀
Because this man would be on duolingo whenever he can, just to make you proud and happy
Kane would even play in the competitions (you know what im talking abt if u have duolingo)
No bc when someone you like is trying to learn your native language, it’s like the cutest thing ever
« Take that back gamerboy78, i am in front of you! » 💀
« baby!! Something horrible just happened »
Then you’d be like « what »
And he would be like « GAMERBOY78 IS IN FRONT OF ME! WE'RE TIED BY 10XP!!»
You’d be like «  👁️👄👁️ ok? »
No bc i see Kane being… well, not mad, but like upset, because he is not at the first place 🥇
« wdym, i don’t need to be at first place? Am i learning your language or not? I want to be good for you, babe »
This boy would be fluent in seconds
Sometimes, he would talk to the boys and start talking in your own language and the boys wouldn’t even understand
Btw, kane and you would insult them (as a joke) in your language
This man would surprise you with little notes that he wrote in your language
Why am i imagining Seb trying to learn your language just so he can understand what you guys are saying, but give up after 3 days 💀
For sure, he would still make some mistakes here and there, but like he’s trying his best and he’s already super good, do not judge him
Ngl, even if he made mistakes, it’s still cute
Sometimes, he would mix your language and English
For example, he would say « i love you » then use a petnames in your language
Btw, fluent or not, just know he will not let gamerboy78 win
For sure, learning a new language is hard and do take times
You can’t be fluent in one night (unless you are like reaaaaallyyy good)
But Kane would take his time and would put efforts to learn it
Ratan would not give up, even if doing the same exercise for the third time is tiring, he would continue to learn it
Please, do not let him go, he is a precious bean, he is so cute and so adorable
Taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you’d like to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
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pumpkinsy0 · 6 months
now,,,usually i dont make x reader hcs,,, BUT FOR THIS???? IM MAKING AN EXCEPTION🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
•he heard about konpa and he thought he was gonna be so slick and try to impress u but whole time it looks like hes humping the air, he does NOT got those moves
•so that means teaching him konpa!!!which also means him flirting w u nonstop while u show him how to move both of yalls hips, he does get better at it though
•u talk shit about dallas to his face in kreyòl in fights but also just to the shepards and hes just sitting there like “:/“
•u bring over haitian rum and he cannot handle it, well he CAN but hes gonna have to force himself to keep going at some point to not look like a wuss
•when he found out about kremas he thought it was a lil weird at first and wouldnt try it, and turns put he WOULD like it but he likes his kremas runny and a lil strong (what a fucking weirdo ik)
•he literally learns kreyòl, its like his third language atp (he only knows sak pase and n’ap boule my fucking christ)
•u probably joke about voodoo a lil and how ur gonna turn him into a fox tail or somethin if he keeps pissing ur off LMAOOOO
•some haitian dances quite literally rely in the person being at least SOMEWHAT graceful, so maybe ur pretty graceful at least w some things u do and he finds that quite enticing
•when u guys get into arguements u slip into kreyòl and he has to asks tim wtf u said and it takes tim a while to understand what u said bc once again, dally is NOT fluent, but once he does understand he laughs to himself cause damn u had to be REALLY mad to say what u said
•everytime hes about to do something illegal u mumbke under ur breath “w’ap kon jorge”
•when he gets on ur nerves u say “ki tet papa'w” and it happens so often he picked it up and started saying it around the gang and the gang is like “????” minus pony cause yknow, he hangs w curly
•he loves griot actually, when he gets back from jail he just has a rlly big craving for that w pikliz
•when u call him cheri u essentially get him to do whatever u want him to do, he rlly likes ur accent lol
•WHEN U DANCE W HIM (or more realistically u dance around him) SOMETIMES U WHIP OUT UR FOULARD (for anyone who doesnt know its this silk piece of cloth thats used for clothes but also used in haitian dances) AND WRAP IT AROUND HIM TO PULL HIM CLOSER AND HE FALLS FOR IT EVERYTIME WOOOOO
•ur oarents call him a vagabon they HATE him
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