#guys gone beyond saving always say that and wow
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this kinda line is why i watch any romcom
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Twst with a very little twist
Part 3 - Leona’s chapter / If at first you don’t succeed
Summary: Local baby appears in a coffin in a different world with no identification or way home. Prevents several mental breakdowns accidentally. More at 11.
Leona stared at the kid Crowley was trying to hand off to him. He kept his arms firmly crossed over his chest to block this from happening, but this was not deterring the man from trying.
“Kingscholar,” Crowley said, his smile strained at the edges. “It would not be fair to leave all of the responsibility to Heartslabyul alone!”
Trey Clover smiled nervously over the Headmaster’s shoulder. “We wouldn’t mind.”
“He said they wouldn’t mind,” Leona said, lifting a hand briefly to gesture for Crowley to turn around and leave.
The Headmaster, though, saw this as an opportunity. He shoved the baby into the crook of his elbow, forcing his arm to close around it, and Leona was forced to either grab hold or let the kid fall.
Leona, regrettably, chose not to let the kid die… actually, perhaps chose is not the correct word to use. It was a force of habit more than anything – he was a Magift player, of course he was going to make sure the projectile that was practically tossed at him didn’t hit the ground. He’d lose possession of the ball!
By the time his brain had caught up to his body, Crowley had taken flight. Literally. Shooting hundreds of feet up in the air because he knew that it was the only way Leona wouldn’t be able to catch him and give the child back.
Leona had half a mind to try throwing the child at the man but, frankly, he didn’t trust Crowley to save them, and attempted child murder should always be avoided. Especially when there are several witnesses around, at least one of which is apparently attached to said child.
Speaking of…
Leona glowered at Trey Clover. “What are you looking at?”
Trey’s eyes widened and he took time to send one last wave to Curly before turning around and booking it out of their dorm.
Absently, Leona noted that the boy was surprisingly fast despite his somewhat bulky frame. He could be a threat in the upcoming Magift games.
Leona should take him out.
Unfortunately, Trey was in his third year. Third-years are expected to be very well versed in flight and wind magic (Leona should know, seeing as this wasn’t exactly his first time being a third-year). Which meant making him fall down the stairs was not exactly an option. Beyond that, though, he wasn’t exactly a ‘careless’ person, meaning staging a different kind of accident would be even more difficult.
He heard the guy baked, and Leona wanted to do something with that, but he only did it in the safety of his dorm, meaning it would be hard to get Ruggie in there without being noticed…
So… it would be hard to take him down directly. Maybe if he was distracted by something else?
He glanced down at Curly, who was waving after Trey long after he had disappeared from view.
If the guy was that attached to the kid after barely a month and a half, so much so that he would come into another dorm so he could bargain with Crowley up to the very last second, then how attached was he to that childhood friend of his? If Riddle Rosehearts were to, say, take a little fall, would he try to help?
Maybe, if Leona was lucky, the both of them would accidentally work against each other while trying to catch themselves and each other, and he would take two powerful players out of the game at once.
The kid, apparently, finally realized that Trey was gone and not coming back. They slumped over his arms.
Wow. Zero years old and the kid was already done with life. Leona had never related to a child more.
Maybe Cheka had been a fluke. People always talk about kids being the best, most fulfilling part of a person’s life, or whatever the hell. Maybe this was what they were talking about. Solidarity, with a small little someone who practically never leaves your side for fear of starving to death. Was this what character development feels like? A new understanding?
Curly peered up at him through their messy fringe.
And then they reached up, towards the top of Leona’s hair.
Nope. Absolutely not. No no no. Gross. Character development canceled. He flattened his ears back before they could touch them.
The kid did not seem particularly happy about this.
Good. At least Leona wasn’t alone in his misery.
Though he would prefer not to be miserable at all. He handed the kid off to Ruggie. “You deal with it.”
“Oh hell no, I don’t want to take care of it either –!”
“I’ll pay you to babysit.”
Ruggie looked down at the baby for a moment, seeing them in a new light, dollar signs practically shining in his eyes. “How much?”
“Three thousand madols a day.”
“Don’t be stingy.”
Leona scoffed. “Don’t be greedy, more like.”
They were silent for a moment. Ruggie’s face lit up in a strange kind of smile, one that was more than a baring of teeth than anything else.
Ruggie pushed the child into Leona’s chest once again. Leona was starting to get deja vu. Curly did not seem particularly happy about getting passed around like a hot potato.
At least Ruggie seemed to be having a good time. One of them had to be.
“Oh, woe is me. The Headmaster so graciously handed the child over to you, it would be wrong for me, someone who is not even Vice Housewarden, to have such a task delegated to me. I could never go against direct orders from the person who runs the prestigious institution at which I reside.”
Leona gritted his teeth.
“Stingy,” the kid parroted.
“Exactly right, he’s so stingy, isn’t he?” Ruggie said.
Curly nodded firmly.
They don’t even know what that word means!
They grabbed a braid in his hair and pulled. Oh, for the love of –.
“Five thousand madols,” he gave in.
Ruggie smirked. “Pleasure doing business with you.”
And, with that, he turned the kid in his arms.
“You and I are going to be best friends,” he told the kid.
Curly reached up and, this time, succeeded in grabbing an ear. Ruggie, to his credit, only barely flinched, before tipping his head forward to allow the kid full access.
The kid beamed. “Fluffy!”
And, so, a vaguely exasperated Ruggie resigned himself to being pet.
Unfortunately, this did not mean Leona was completely free from the responsibility of taking care of a child. If he wanted to take out the competition before the Magift Tournament, he would need Ruggie to use his Unique Magic, since it would make it seem more like an accident to passersby, and carrying around a toddler was not good for stealth.
He grimaced as he watched the kid wander around his room. He had tried to make Curly lay down for a nap, but it seemed Curly had recently decided that naps were government propaganda to make you less productive, because they kicked and screamed until he eventually let them back up.
He had hoped that would be the end of it, but alas. It seemed that Curly’s crusade against naptime extended to other people, too. The moment Leona laid his head down to sleep, he was woken up again by his tail getting stepped on.
He snatched up a giggling Curly. Did they think his bared teeth were a joke?!
Leona took a long, deep breath to steady himself. And then another. A third one for good measure. He looked at Curly for even longer, trying to get across just how unamused he was.
Curly, being a toddler, did not seem to care, wriggling in his grip.
“Fine,” he gritted out. “What do you want to do?”
Curly beamed.
You know, despite having spent… longer at Night Raven College than the average student, Leona couldn’t say he had been to Sam’s shop that many times. It was just as strange as he remembered it. Classic groceries contrasting with the many occult items. The almost overpowering smell of disinfectant, likely to cover up something, but he was fine not knowing exactly what. Shadows that seemed too whole, almost seeming to move when he wasn’t looking directly at them.
Let’s just say that Leona didn’t send Ruggie on all of his grocery runs solely due to his laziness.
It was mostly laziness, don’t get him wrong!
But there was also a healthy level of wariness, too.
Curly, of course, did not seem to have a single self-preserving bone in their body. They waddled through the door with the kind of determination that only a toddler in search of candy can have.
Sam grinned at the pair of them from behind the counter. “Ah, littlest imp, you’re back!”
Curly spun around on their heel to wave at the man, immediately distracted from their mission. “Hi, Mr. Sam!”
Leona watched, mildly amused, as the kid made their way over. They smiled widely at the few shopping students they passed, who all smiled back, with varying levels of sincerity.
Curly really did like everyone.
It was, frankly, as if they didn’t have a favorite person at all.
Leona crossed his arms over his chest. Frankly, he thought it was weird. And dangerous — even Cheka tended to stick with his family members, since he was smart enough to know that strangers might be assassins in disguise.
And, even assuming the kid didn’t have to deal with assassins, had their parents never taught them stranger danger? What if they got kidnapped?
… wait, was Leona technically harboring a kidnapped child?
He grimaced at the thought. And then decided that he was simply no longer going to think about it.
He made his way over to the only part of the store that was ‘new’ — a kids’ section. Fully equipped. There had always been kids' items, for the sake of people who become teen parents, but usually those things were kept in the back of the store, and would be brought out only upon demand.
Not anymore, though, for whatever reason.
Maybe, with all of the shopping trips Ruggie had been forced to take Curly on, Sam had realized that having the items out for the kid to see would ultimately get him more money.
“— it’s soft, too! Here, touch!” Sam said, kneeling down to present Curly with a fuzzy onesie.
Curly reached a pudgy hand out and gasped at the apparent softness.
“We’re here for candy,” Leona said, seeing as both the kid and Sam seemed to have forgotten.
Curly looked up at him, wide-eyed, the onesie still hugged to his chest like a teddy bear. “I wannit.”
“You —?” Leona groaned. It wasn’t worth it to argue. “Fine, sure, whatever. Go grab some candy, too, so we can go.”
It was not that easy. For, you see, every time Leona would look away, even to check his phone, Sam would present Curly with a new item, and Curly would beg for it. Leona wasn’t sure where he was pulling them all from. All he knew was that his hatred for Sam’s shop was only growing by the minute.
And there was a lot of minutes.
They left the store a half hour later. Leona glowered at Sam over his shoulder, the straps of his many grocery bags digging into his hands.
Sam simply smiled, lifting a hand in a wave. “Thanks for the business! Come again soon!”
Ruggie laughed at him for a solid three minutes when he came back to find Curly in a bear onesie, a stuffed mermaid toy hugged to his chest, passed out on Leona’s rug for some reason even though there was a perfectly good bed a meter away.
“Didn’t know you had a soft spot,” Ruggie teased.
“I’m docking your pay.”
Ruggie spluttered.
“Wait, hold on, Leona, learn to take a joke —!”
Leona didn’t have enough curse words for what was going on. And he spoke several languages!
He was woken from his nap to a lot more shouting than he would personally prefer, someone shaking his shoulder persistently. He scowled, flipping over in bed to try and get away from the evil that plagued him, and pressing his face into his pillow, half-hoping he could somehow suffocate himself this way.
The hand was back, and it was back with a vengeance.
Leona was pushed to the floor.
For a moment, he thought about falling asleep in a heap on his rug (Curly might have been right, it really wasn’t all that uncomfortable), out of sheer spite.
But then he opened his eyes.
Mostly because Ruggie said, “Hey, Curly, could you help me wake him up?” and Leona really didn’t want to find out how the kid would interpret that.
Ruggie looked mildly disappointed that he didn’t get to watch Curly kick him, but panic was quick to swallow even that.
“Heartslabyul is picking around.”
Leona narrowed his eyes. “Did you leave anything behind?”
“No!” Ruggie said, surprisingly confident about this despite his concern. “I don’t know why they’re here!”
Leona mulled this over. So, Heartslabyul was here… they shouldn’t know that they were behind the mysterious injuries around campus. And, even if they had known, Leona doubted they would care all that much…
“Any chance they’re looking for Curly?”
Curly lit up.
“Someone told me they were looking for Jack Howl.”
Leona wracked his brain for a second. “That one freshman?”
Ruggie shrugged, nodding.
Okay, fine, Leona was curious. He pushed himself to his feet. “Alright, let’s go see what they want.”
Ruggie picked up Curly. “I’m guessing you wanna see them all, too?”
Curly nodded, beaming.
“Good, ‘cause I wasn’t gonna leave you in this room alone,” Ruggie chirped, pinching Curly’s nose, smiling when they giggled and batted at his hands.
And he said Leona had a soft spot?
They found the Heartslabyul group while they were talking to Jack. And two other people that were on Savanaclaw’s Magift team, Louie and Ronno, who were clearly trying to get the Heartslabyul kids to flee.
Jack just seemed annoyed that Heartslabyul wasn’t letting him leave the conversation, to be honest.
“What’s going on here?” Leona sighed.
Instantly, everyone went tense.
The three Heartslabyul students in attendance softened, though, when they saw Curly. Ruggie set the squirming kid down, and they immediately ran over to hug that one annoying freshman with red hair.
Said freshman smirked at his two dorm mates. And then knelt down to hug Curly back. “Hey, kid, they treating you well here?”
Curly nodded, his eyes gleaming. “They give me lotsa candy!”
“Jeez, they’ve already assimilated,” Cater said mournfully, pulling at one of the bear ears on Curly’s onesie.
Leona blinked. He’d noticed that Curly had had a favorite outfit, but he’d never really put any thought to it. The outfit was just as soft as Sam had advertised it, surely there wasn’t much more to it. But, now, he wondered if they wore it because they felt out of place in a dorm where almost everyone was a yajugen.
“Of course they like it better here,” Ronno said. “This is the best dorm, y’know.”
Cater made a disbelieving clicking sound with his teeth.
Ronna narrowed his eyes, taking a step forward, as if preparing to fight Cater. Leona almost didn’t want to stop him, just because it would be a pain, but it wouldn’t do to have one of his Magift team members getting disqualified…
The blue-haired freshman stepped in for him, though:
“Guys. Trey’s hurt. This isn’t the time to be messing around.”
(When Curly hugged his leg, though, he immediately uncrossed his arms to put his hand atop their head, his serious expression softening.)
“Yeah, yeah, okay,” Cater said, waving off the boy’s seriousness with a wide grin. He turned to Leona. “There’s been a string of ‘accidents’ involving Magift players, so we came here to warn you guys about it. Not that I think you’ll have much difficulty with it, Leona.”
Leona fought not to let anything show on his face. “What?”
“Since you’re so intimidating!” Cater said. For a second, his eyes narrowed at Leona, and then they continued on the crinkle in a smile that was so fake Leona’s skin crawled. “So, we’re mostly just here to tell Ruggie and Jack here to look out.”
Ruggie’s lips twitched in that way it always did right before he laughed. Leona sent him a severe look out of the corner of his eyes.
Jack scowled. “You couldn’t have done this during school? Or track club, Deuce?”
The blue-haired one, Deuce, flushed red. “It seemed more convenient to do it here, so we could tell both you and Ruggie at the same time.”
“Besides, it’s hard to investigate dorms without stepping inside them,” the redheaded one added, flippantly, though there was something sly in the way he smiled. “So… here we are!”
“Are you accusing us of something?” Louie asked.
“Yeah, I am, actually,” said the redhead.
“Ace,” snapped Deuce. He was ignored.
“You’re super suspicious.”
“On what grounds?”
“You are acting a little hostile,” Cater said, smiling.
“I’ll show you hostile —,” snapped Ronno, stepping forward once again, only to be stopped by a hand on his chest.
“No. You’re going to get disqualified if you fight them. Instead, how about we all play a little game of Magift together?” Leona smiled, all teeth. “No holds barred.”
Ruggie walked over to Jack, Curly held out in front of him.
“Heyyyy, Jack, take care of Curly for me while we teach these trespassers right and wrong, yeah?”
Jack looked like he was going to disagree.
But then his arms jerked forward to meet Ruggie’s, his hands closing around them.
Ruggie dispelled his signature spell, smirking and saluting Jack. “Thanks, man!”
Jack was left standing there, a squirming child in his outstretched hands, his eyes wide.
Curly was looking at Jack, clearly just as surprised.
But about something else entirely: “Woooooah, you’re big!”
Leona snorted as he walked away, towards the middle of the field, summoning a Magift disk so they could start their little ‘game’.
They managed to get through a little over a game and a half before Jack came back over. Curly was attempting to climb him like a jungle gym, but he was clearly trying to pretend it wasn’t happening.
(His tail was wagging, though, which was definitely giving him away a little.)
“Are you guys done picking on these amateurs?” Jack asked, coldly. The effect was dampened by the child who had noticed his tail and was now trying to grab it.
“Not really!” said Louie.
The three Heartslabyul students, who had been damn near on the ground, immediately attempted to ‘look natural’. Ace went from being flopped on his back to lounging in the sun. Deuce, who had been on crawling on his hands and knees, found his way into a more casual sitting position. Cater stood straighter, arms crossed to hide the way his chest heaved with every breath.
Note to self, Leona thought, bemused, being scared of looking like a wimp in front of a child is a good source of adrenaline.
“What you’re doing is disgusting, and I don’t want to see it,” said Jack.
“Awww, gonna be their knight in shining armor?” Ruggie teased.
Jack scoffed. “Hardly. But if you continue with this, I will have to try to stop you.”
Leona groaned, the amusement bleeding out of him as if it had never been there at all. “You’re ruining our fun.”
“Good!” said Ace, spitefully.
Leona rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Let’s go, everyone.”
Ruggie made his way over to Jack, stepping on Ace’s stomach along the way, to take Curly back from him. “Thanks for your help! Come by my room anytime if you wanna take care of him again!”
Jack rolled his eyes. His tail was wagging, though.
Leona raised an eyebrow. “If you have someone else do the work for you, I have no reason to pay you, Ruggie.”
“Nevermind everything I just said, Jack!”
The freshman’s ears drooped just slightly.
“Running with a kid in your arms is hard,” complained Ruggie, mostly to himself. He flopped into Leona’s bed, lifting Curly above him. “You’re heavy, y’know, I should cut back on your sweets.”
Curly gasped in absolute horror. “No!”
“Ahhhh, you’ve convinced me, I guess,” Ruggie said, smiling. “It’s Leona’s money, anyways.”
“I’m going to dock your pay again,” Leona warned as he stepped out of the bathroom..
Ruggie immediately jumped off of the bed, his eyes wide. He turned to look at Leona. A nervous smile made its way across his face. “A-ah… Leona… didn’t… know you were home yet!”
For a yajugen, Ruggie really was unobservant. He barely ever used his enhanced senses. They were, clearly, wasted on him.
He probably had no idea that Jack was currently lingering outside of their door.
Leona tapped his foot on the floor. “So? Are you going to tell me what you had to run away from?”
“The Heartslabyul kids totally suspect us,” said Ruggie.
Leona crossed his arms over his chest. “Do they have any proof?”
“Nah. They noticed my UM yesterday, when I made Jack grab Curly here, but that’s not really proof — just circumstantial evidence.”
“Then continue on as normal, just be more careful,” Leona waved off his concerns. “Speaking of… Jack, get in here.”
For a few seconds, it was silent. And then Jack, slowly, opened the door, making his way inside.
“I… wanted to see Curly, again.”
Liar, thought Leona. “You wouldn’t admit that if it were true.”
“What’re you actually doing here? Need someone to sing you a lullaby to get you to sleep?” Ruggie said, grinning. “I’ve gotten pretty good at that recently.”
Curly nodded his agreement.
“… why are you two doing all of this?” Jack asked.
Leona sighed. “Ruggie, go put the kid in the bath so I can explain everything.”
Ruggie gave a mocking salute. He went out of his way to shoulder check Jack on the way to the bathroom.
Leona waited until the door to the bathroom was shut before turning back to Jack. If he knew anything about kids, it was that they could not keep a secret for the life of them.
“We went up against Diasomnia in round one of the tournament two years running. We were eliminated both times. We’ve got a wall full of championship trophies, but Malleus Draconia ran circles around us like we were still in diapers. In front of the whole world. I looked like an incompetent moron. And now the pro league recruiters pass right by Savanaclaw.”
“That just means we’re not good enough!”
Leona shrugged. “I agree. That’s why we’ve gotta even the playing field.”
“This is wrong!”
“And?” said Leona. “It’s my job to look after this dorm, so I’m going to make dang su — damn sure — we succeed. This is our last chance to go up against Draconia, to restore our reputation! And you’re going to throw it away over, what, morals?”
Jack hesitated. “I can’t let you get away with this.”
Leona smiled. “And what will you do? You have no proof.”
Jack reached into his back pocket, smirking. Only for his expression to drop. He started patting himself down, even looking at the floor for a second.
Ruggie chose that moment to poke his head out of the bathroom, grinning widely. He tossed Jack his phone, any footage he may have gotten deleted.
And then he gave Leona a slightly wary look. “Er… I don’t have anything for Curly to wear tonight. I wasn’t able to get to the laundry, what with Heartslabyul chasing me everywhere.”
Leona sighed. “Just give them one of your shirts. You’re pretty scrawny, it should be fine.”
Ruggie looked mildly offended, but was quick to disappear in search of his stuff.
“I… will stop you,” Jack said, firmly.
Leona snorted. “You can go ahead and try.”
Ruggie came back, his jersey slung over his shoulder. He sent Jack a smile and mocking little wave before disappearing into the bathroom again. Not even a minute later, Curly came out with Ruggie.
The jersey was way too big on them. Hanging off of both of their shoulders. The short sleeves nearly falling over their hands.
Leona punched a pillow. He was cool and suave and hated children he hated them he hated them so damn much.
At least he wasn’t the only one having a hard time. Ruggie was using the hand that Curly wasn’t holding to hide his face, mumbling curses under his breath. Jack looked perfectly fine, but his tail would have knocked over anyone who came within two meters of him.
The next morning, they had Magift practice, because damn if having a kid to take care of was going to stop them all from winning. This was an unfair disadvantage. Maybe Crowley simply hated them.
(Ignore all of the unfair disadvantages they had created for the other teams.)
But that begged the question of what to do with the kid while they practiced. It was early, on a Saturday, there was no way any of their dorm mates would be awake — and, even if they were awake, it was doubtful that they would agree to take care of Curly.
So, what to do…
Leona sighed and helped Curly onto his broom, getting on behind them, their head under his chin and his hands over theirs. Whatever. He could play Magift in his sleep, and the small handicap could help him get better at playing.
Curly gasped as they lifted off of the ground. They swung their legs back and forth, as if trying to run through the air, trying to help them go faster.
And, if any of his teammates dared to point out that Leona had wrapped his tail around the kid to ensure that they wouldn’t fall, then he would go extra hard on them during practice that day.
In the end, their plan didn’t work out. Heartslabyul had beaten them, Jack had helped them, and Savanaclaw was disqualified for the year.
Leona groaned, his face in his hands, sinking to his knees.
Diasomnia would win, and Malleus Draconia would be inducted into the hall of fame. Their chance at redeeming themselves was gone. All because of a rat in wolf’s clothing and a bunch of people who were mad at them because he went after their dorm’s Dad (or whatever the hell).
A small hand touched his shoulder.
He sighed, deeply, and removed his hands from his face. “What do you want?”
Curly looked at him for a long moment, before smiling. “A hug! I wanna hug!”
Leona barely got time to blink before Curly was crashing into his chest. Tiny arms wrapped around him — or… tried to, they barely even managed to get all of the way around his chest.
He blinked down at the mess of curls beneath his chin.
“I think you’re the coolest, Mr. Leona!”
It was a kid. And an overly friendly one at that. Their standards were probably very low. This meant nothing.
They were clearly trying to comfort him. It was a clumsy attempt, but…
Slowly, he returned the hug, hiding his face in their curls.
For a few minutes. Curly, a typically squirmy kid, didn’t move an inch. Just… stayed there, allowing Leona a moment of reprieve.
Finally, though, he detached from them. Looking at his defeated team.
He cleared his throat. “The inter school Magift Tournament will be happening, and we can — and will — redeem ourselves then.”
For a moment, his teammates looked at him in disbelief.
And then they all jumped to their feet, grinning, already reaching for their brooms and magic pens.
Jack stood off to the side. Awkwardly.
He was a traitor.
“If you want to play, you can.” He grinned, sharply. “But I can’t guarantee your safety, if our teammates want some revenge.”
Jack met his grin, inch by inch.
“Don’t hold back!”
Leona smirked. He had not intentions of doing so.
And, as he got on his broom, holding his hand out for Curly…
He wondered if kids were, really, all that bad.
Nevermind. Kids are the worst.
Leona watched Cheka and Curly talk animatedly, their hands waving wildly as they spoke. Cheka had come to check on him when his team hadn’t shown up, and now he had two mini menaces to watch.
And Ruggie was laughing at him.
“Unca Unca Unca!” Cheka said, tugging on his arm. “Can Curly come visit for the holidays?”
Leona pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply. What did he do to deserve this? Besides the sabotage, of course.
Curly and Cheka looked up at him with eyes that seemed to shine with stars.
“I wanna play with both of you!” Curly said.
And Leona could only give a small shrug. “If the Headmaster allows it, they can come.”
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Improv Baby
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“Baby I know it’s super last minute but if you don’t mind and if you want, do you think you’d wanna be in one of the skits?”
Jack managed to say before running back over and changing into another costumes. He was out of breath from running around and all of the different costume changes but he loved it.
Jack was Hosting and Performing for SNL everything was hectic but a good kind of hectic the smile he had on his face never fell or left since the show started.
“You want me to be in a skit? Why.”
“Well I know how much you love watching the show baby and I asked Kenan and he said you can join one of my skits I’m in.”
“What will I wear? And I don’t even know the lines, I don’t even have lines actually.” Jack smirked and pulled out the perfect costume for you, your eyes widened before glaring at him playfully. He smirked and nodded his head slowly.
“Oh no I’m not wearing that no fucking way.”
“Come on baby I think this will be the perfect costume and it’s called improv baby just make anything up.”
“What skit is this Urban?” Maggie was beyond thrilled and proud of Jack this entire year he’s been winning and achieving so much she couldn’t be anymore more prouder.
“I think it’s the one that Jack dresses up as a giant tampon.” Urban laughed and Maggie looked at him horrified.
“A giant tampon? Out of everything, well that should be a really interesting thing to watch.” Maggie went back to talking with Jack’s grandparents while Urban and Sunni busted out into a fit of giggles.
“Oh it’s definitely going to be something very interesting to see.”
“Very interesting indeed.” Sunni added on.
“Okay, is everyone ready? Let’s go out there and do this shit.. by the way nice costume Y/N.” Kenan laughed and went back to the side of the curtain.
“See baby I told you this costume is the perfect costume and you kind of match with me.”
“I just hope Maggie doesn’t get a heart attack or something seeing me in this.”
“She’ll love it trust me baby.”
“Curtain is opening in 3..2..1.” The curtain opened up, you watched how all the actors got “interviewed” and did their skits, you were beyond happy and proud of Jack he’s achieved so much this year, you knew he was super nervous about tonight but he’s been killing it so far.
“Okay Jack you’re going to go out first and then Y/N we’ll introduce you before you walk out.” Your started rubbing your hands down your costume something you always did when you were nervous, Jack noticed and took your hand in his.
“You got this baby I’ll be right there with you the entire time.” He leaned down and attempted to press a kiss to your lips but the giant string that stuck out of his tampon costume made it a bit difficult.
“We’ll save the kiss for later.” You laughed and he nodded his head in agreement.
“You’re on Jack.” Mike the director whispered.
“Tina! Remember we said we were wishing he’d show up tonight! And he did it’s a frat guy dressed as a tampon!” One of the actors on the show said as Jack walked onto set, everyone immediately erupted in laughter.
“What up! What up! Sigmaaa sigmaaa.” Jack yelled out loud in his frat boy voice, Jack had to take a second to pause or else he would’ve broke character.
“How are you tonight?”
“Oh, I’m chillin bro sigmaaaa!!” Jack yelled out loud and did the Shaka wave that all surfers do.
“Alrighttt sigma, but now I have to ask, how has the costume gone over?”
“Well you know women who are like smart are like disgusted by me but everyone else the vibe it’s giving it’s chilling and you know.”
“And do you have any plans for tonight!”
“Actually yeah I was going to go out and you know get into some legal trouble see a few baddies you know the vibes.”
“Wow well that just sounds amazing!”
“Y/N you’re on.” The director told you and you waddled into the set, here goes nothing. You told yourself.
“Did you say see a few baddies? You aren’t seeing any other baddies but me!” Jack and David immediately broke out of character and started laughing seeing you dressed as a pad.
Jack had to turn around because he simply couldn’t contain his laughter.
“Oh no what’s wrong Frat boy?” The “news” anchor asked Jack.
“I just.” He laughed “I just fuck I mean, Baby what are you like doing downstairs?” He laughed his cheeks turning a bright pink.
“Is that Y/N dressed as a pad!” Maggie laughed out loud.
“Is sure it.” Urban laughed.
“Babe! Like go back upstairs gosh babe I swear I thought I told you stay with Kevin?”
“You did! But all your lame and drunk friends were like totally messing up the vibe.” Jack sighed dramatically and tossed his hands up well somewhat did.
“You see I’m in a interview right babe gosh!! You’re always messing up the fun.” Jack was starting to break character he tried his best not to but seeing him dressed as a tampon and you dressed as a pad was honestly sending him.
“You know what I’m totally done with you!”
“Babe wait up! You know this tampon costume doesn’t make me walk fast.” Everyone laughed watching the two of you waddle off the stage.
“Wow you both did so good, especially you Y/N.” Kenan congratulated the two of you.
“Thank you Kenan it was actually really fun being out there.”
“I’m glad you had a great time, I’ll let you two change.” Kenan gave Jack and You a quick hug before going back on stage.
“Looks like you killed it after all baby, all that stressing for what.” You rolled your eyes at Jack and took off your costume before helping him out of it.
He sat back on one of the couches in his dressing room before patting his lap wanting you to sit on him and you did, wrapping your arms around his shoulders he rested his hands on your thighs.
“I’m so proud of you Jack you honestly have no idea, you’ve achieved so much this year and it isn’t even over yet.” He grinned and gave your lips a quick kiss.
“Thank you baby it means a lot hearing those words come from you. I just can’t wait for this to be over though.”
“Why is that?” A devilish grin appeared on Jack’s face.
“You should know why baby girl. I think once we get back to the hotel I deserve a little treat for all my good work.” You pulled back and placed your hands on your hips.
“Oh is that so?”
“Hmm what do you say?” You thought about it for a second just to tease and play with him before running your fingers across his chest, grabbing his face softly and making him look directly at you, your lips hovering over his.
“I say.. yes I’ll let you have a special treat tonight.”
(I hope you guys like this 😭💗)
@moody4world @heavyhitterheaux
@lcandothisallday @harlowthot
@jacksmoviestar @jackharloww
@jackmans-poison @babyharleezy
@a-moment-captured @nattinatalia
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har-rison-s · 3 years
mask & seek: 4
batman x fem!reader
based on: Hello! May I request Battinson x SpiderWoman!Reader fic where she's from the MCU but then she ends up in Battinson's universe and meets him? Maybe he doesn't trust her at first but once she saves him from something, he relents then begins to trust her and maybe then a relationship ensues?? Thank you so much and have a great day!! ❤
a/n: fuck, i just realised i've put the wrong synopsis of this story for the last 2 chapters i'm so sorry guys, my mistake LMAO. sorry to break y'all's reality like that, i really am. so hi. because this is the first chapter that really deals with the multiverse stuff head-on, i have to clarify that in this DC universe new york doesn’t exist. i haven’t read a lot of the batman comics, so i’m not really sure if it exists there. but since gotham (at least in my opinion) is based off new york city, i’m writing it so in this au that new york isn’t a place in America. hope you get what i mean :D happy reading. i’m seeing the batman again tomorrow!!!!! beyond excited
main masterlist
bruce wayne masterlist
part three
part five
warnings: descriptions of injuries, of fixing one; brief mention of using a knife, mentions of needles and catheters (i hate them so much); slight insecurity talk; oh and the best one - silent pining :)
word count: 4.8k
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a/n: (who got you frowning like that baby girl) took me 15 minutes to find a suitable gif, god help. full credit to owner / maker!!! 
y/n grunts and wobbles from one foot over to the other, holding her side. it hasn’t been a particularly successful night, to say the least. one of their opponents had a nasty knife, and, unluckily, she wasn’t as agile to avoid its sting. “my place is so far away…” she whines, thinking of any other place to go where she could tend to her wounds and rest. just a little. only an hour or two of sleep sound heavenly right now. plasters and gauze around her waist sound nice, too. and she’d love some water. or hot cocoa.
bruce’s ears prick up at the desperation in her words, and he turns his head sharply to her. “we can go to mine,” he tells her in his vigilante-husk that she knows fades away as soon as there’s only the two of them in a room without their masks on. she gives bruce a confused look and quizzical eyebrows. he notes her unstable stance and tries to identify her injuries.
“you sure?” she asks.
he’s never taken her to his place before. he’s never even offered to take her there, either, in the last four months of them working together. she doesn’t know where it is, what kind of property it is—but does that really matter? they’ve always gone to her place because it’s in the center of gotham, and she’s just always had the upper hand in that. plus, she has a first-aid kit and wound-tending skills, which—she’s quite sure—batman doesn’t have.
bruce nods and then struts the few steps over to her. he reaches an arm around her shoulders, his other arm circling the front of her torso, holding onto her hand above the problematic spot in her side, “i’m sure,” he tells her and begins to lead her down the dirty old alley, into the depths of the narrows, it seems to y/n, helping her with every step, “i’ll take you on my bike.”
she finds the last remnants of humor in her system and makes a chuckle, “that’s what a girl’s gotta do for you to take her on a motorbike ride—get nearly beaten to death?” she asks him teasingly. bruce has learned over time to take her humor as it is—as humor—even in gloomy situations. and so his lips tug upwards in a half-smile at her joke. but he can’t distract his mind from her being as injured as he was on the night she saved his life. okay, no, she’s worse tonight than that.
“here we are,” he says once they’ve rounded the corner far from the site of their recent fight, and a beautifully subtle motorcycle comes into y/n’s view. bruce rests her against a near-by wall while he goes to unlock the vehicle, and y/n can only make out a “wow” at the sight of the thing. all black and, though it has signs of frequent use, all the surfaces look like silk. this motorbike sure is worth getting beat up for.
bruce unlocks the bike and comes over to y/n again, with two helmets in his hands. he helps her put hers on—y/n’s vision has started to blur and sway a little, and her limbs grow weaker and weaker by the second—then he secures his own helmet on and helps her walk over to the bike, his hand on the small of her back, the other still holding her hand. once at the bike, he places both hands on her ribcage, right below her chest, and, trying to do it both gently and with strength, lifts her up onto the seat of the motorbike.
y/n cries out like a hurt child—first time bruce has seen and heard her like this in all this time—and her face twists up from the pain, her features and the tears in her eyes visible in the as-of-yet open screen of the helmet. it breaks bruce’s heart to hear that sound from her. “i’m sorry,” he tells her quietly, sincerity thick in his husky voice, “i know it hurts.”
she gives him a momentary glance through the slit in her helmet, and their eyes connect in a deeply private look for a few moments. trust, loyalty and submission are dark undertones in their eyes, and for those few moments, they just stare into each other’s orbs, searching them, exploring them, emerging themselves into them, not saying a single word. they’re sure that not even thoughts pass through their minds in that brief time.
their faces close, bruce’s hands on her body. care for her pulsating through them with every pump of blood his heart makes. y/n nearly reaches out and runs her hand across the side of his face. if only he wasn’t wearing the helmet, she could thread her fingers through that night-black hair and be even closer to him than she is now.
he knows her. he knows nothing about the her that she is on the surface. he doesn’t even know her name. but he knows her essence, he knows her depths. and he knows how important it is to her what she’s doing, and what they’re doing together. he hadn’t realized how much meaning it held to him, too, until now. and he, too, almost reaches out to touch her face. both of their shyness wins over their boldness to act.
but when he finally does, having gained the courage and boldness to, he touches her to close the screen protector on her helmet, so she wouldn’t get any dirt, mud or possible rain into her eyes or face while they drive. the air of disappointment hangs between them afterwards—a sour one. but y/n is losing consciousness and willpower too fast to dwell on it much. and he’s supposed to be caring for her so, even though his body screams at him to move his hand lower, to cup her neck from the side in the gentlest, most affectionate manner, he withdraws from her to get onto his motorbike.
y/n is feeling or seeing hardly anything at all right now, but when batman rests his gloved hands on her legs to move them on each of his sides, she almost moans. almost, and thank goodness for that. he finds her arms next and pulls them around his torso, pulling her body closer onto his. “hold tight onto me,” he tells her, “don’t you let go.”
and she tries her best to do that throughout the quick and bumpy ride around gotham. she has no idea where he’s taking her exactly, she couldn’t map it out in her current state if she tried. all she sees are lights and objects flashing past her at lightning speed, and she hears all kinds of different sounds around her, as well. the world blurs into one big tornado milkshake from her point of view, and she can hardly keep herself conscious. but she has to, otherwise her arms will let go of bruce and she’ll fall off. and merely the thought about those consequences sobers her up for the remainder of their ride.
the noises and lights fade away towards the very end of it, and y/n furrows her eyebrows as she feels the world around her go quiet, so quickly and suddenly. she sees only darkness now around her, the single light source in it being batman’s motorbike light at the very front. she moves her head slightly to the side and lifts it, too, to try and recognize her surroundings. as if that’s going to do her any good, what with her state and the unknown place she’s in.
then batman pulls his motorbike to a stop, inside a room or hall—y/n can’t really tell—that has some barely-working lights on the ceiling, as well as rows and rows of something moving, something alive. she can’t see what it is, but it looks like a huge quantity of some small creature.
bruce makes sure to move y/n off the bike before she can slide off it, and he hoists her up bridal-style in his arms, carrying her over to one of his desks afterwards. he lays her down gently on her back, lifts the helmet off her head, and does the same to himself, ridding himself of his cape and armor, too, immediately afterwards. y/n tries to move, tries to sit up on top of his messy desk, tries to get a hold of herself and the situation, but bruce captures her again before she can make any movement. “don’t move,” he tells her in a half-commanding and half-pleading whisper. he takes her mask off—he’s seen how she does it before, and he slips it off with complete ease—and looks into her eyes again. he sees her eyes for real now, and he sees her face, too—hurt. a bruise on her cheekbone, a cut in her cheek. how did he let this happen? her eyelids are fluttering in weak efforts to stay conscious, but she mostly fails. how can she look so heavenly even in a state like this? “just stay with me.” bruce finally tells her before scooping her up into his arms again. she won’t get the help she needs down in his lab cave.
perhaps alfred has some first-aid kits. no doubt he has those, he’s patched bruce up many times before. bruce gets into the elevator and presses the level number for the living quarters of wayne manor. he glances down at his partner, and his heart lurches in his chest. her face has gone pale. he looks down to where her side is hurt, her hand still lightly hanging onto that spot, and bruce gulps. her thick, dark blood is seeping through her suit. it’ll be ruined.
his trembling hand reaches over to the dark patch, and he cups the side in the gentlest way he can, so as not to cause her any more pain. and he feels the wet liquid against his skin, coating his pale pigment a dark color immediately. bruce grows scared of it, of how that feels. her blood on his hands. his first instinct is to let go of her, of what makes him scared. but he doesn’t. he can’t. he pulls her even closer into his hold, and now he looks at her face again. his blood-coated hand absent-mindedly reaches up to her cheek.
he just wants to feel her in his hand, feel that she’s still there, feel that the silk of her skin is still intact. y/n doesn’t feel much of anything at the moment, bruce’s touch on her in those multiple places is such a far-away feeling. one she wants to feel completely, but is miles away from, unable to reach. she’d much rather drift off to sleep now. she feels so tired. there won’t be any harm in simple slumber now, will there?
bruce doesn’t understand how this escalated so quickly. she was joking just some ten minutes ago, and now the very life is fading away from her. bruce doesn’t know if he’ll be able to… he doesn’t even want to say the words. in short, he’s not sure if he’s fully capable. he needs help.
and it arrives sooner than he expects. as the elevator pulls to a stop at the right floor, the door slides open and no other than alfred is standing right behind it. the older man is immediately confused about bruce using the elevator at all, he’s confused as to why the man who will always be a boy in his eyes has come up at all. bruce breathes a quiet gasp of pleasant surprise, and then he almost trips over his own tongue while trying to say something. “bruce, what are you—” but alfred’s question stops half-way when he notices the limp figure in his godson’s arms. and the blood on the figure’s side, the blood on bruce’s hand. and then he sees the desperate look in bruce’s eyes.
“help,” he manages to say, “help her.”
alfred sees the slowly-healing bruises on bruce’s own face and arms, but he nods. the woman in his arms is in need of much more urgent care than bruce himself. alfred doesn’t need any closer inspection to determine her state of health, and how important it is to act now. so without another word, he ushers bruce to the spare room he set up himself a month or two after bruce started his vigilante night shifts. a room with everything that a badly injured person could need. a bed, medical equipment, books, even a tv, and a bathroom connected to it. one of the guest bedrooms that alfred couldn’t bring himself to make into a storage room.
his breath trembling, arms shaking, eyes filling up with tears, bruce carries y/n to the large bed as quick as he can. he and alfred lean over her for the older man to determine what they should do first. cuts along her arms, those two bruises on her face, and the big, bad bleeding injury in her side. alfred looks to bruce. “what were you doing?” he asks his godson, and sees he’s staring at the woman before him with glassy, strong eyes so full of emotion as he’s ever seen.
bruce shrugs. “nothing extraordinary,” he says, “was like any other night. only…” he gulps, “only the thugs had more weapons we didn’t know about.” he shrugs. “i don’t know how it happened,” bruce’s breath hiccups in his throat, his voice now verging on crying, “can you just help her, please?” he finally looks at his godfather. bruce doesn’t care how he sounds. he just wants her to look alive again, to be alive.
“we both can,” alfred assures him, “we’ll need to take off her suit to get to that horrible wound. you do that,” he walks off towards the small trolley of medical equipment in the room, “we’re gonna clean it, and then we’ll have to stop the bleeding first and foremost.”
bruce looks at y/n again. he needs to take off her suit. will she be okay with that? would she be okay with that? he wants to ask her, but, judging by the pale, unconscious look on her face, that’s quite impossible now. bruce just doesn’t wish to expose her to him while she’s unconscious and doesn’t know he’s doing it. but he needs to get over that, over those anxieties. her life is at stake.
so he turns her over to her side just for a moment, while he finds the hidden zipper in her suit and unzips it. she makes a small noise, a near acknowledgement of bruce moving her around. much to his peace of mind, a bra comes into view, the black strap of it hugging around her back. as soon as the zipper is down enough, bruce turns her over to her back again and carefully, with all the caution he can muster up, he takes the suit off.
holes show in places where the suit—and her skin, too—has been cut into. dried blood sticks around the corners of them, but some blood is fresher than some other. bruce gulps at the sight of it, but keeps peeling the spandex off her. once he’s peeled off enough for the biggest injury to be out in the open, he leaves the rest of it be, the elastic fabric bunching around her hips now.
god in heaven, it looks really bad. she hasn’t just been cut, she’s been properly stabbed. somewhere near her large intestine, though bruce doesn’t know precisely where, and just hopes that it’s nowhere critical. alfred has come up beside the bed, where bruce sits with y/n, and prepares some disinfectant and cloths for them both to use. disinfectant. just the same one she always uses on her own and bruce’s wounds. he’d make a smile at that connection if the situation was any less grim than it is.
“here, just—” alfred hands the tools over to bruce, and he quickly takes them.
“i know how,” bruce tells him and immediately gets to work. alfred gives him a puzzled look, and bruce can feel it on his temple as he gets to cleaning her bad injury. there’s so much blood, it’s seeping down into the sheets. they’re gonna have to change them if she’s staying here.
alfred connects the dots. “so she’s the one after my job of patching you up nearly every night, is she?” he asks his godson. alfred begins to prepare a needle and catheter for the stranger’s vein, so he can hook her up on a pain-killer patch.
“think it’s the other way around now,” bruce tells him. alfred shakes his head with an almost-smile. no matter how long bruce holds a cloth to her wound to stop the blood, it keeps pouring like a waterfall.
“she’s losing a lot of blood, bruce,” he tells him, “you know a hospital would do a much better job than us.”
bruce gives him a sharp glare, “and you know why we don’t do hospitals,” he says in a grave voice, “she also heals faster than us.” he adds then, and keeps tending to her hole of ever-pouring blood now that he’s cleaned it. alfred raises his head after adjusting the catheter into her vein. she makes a small noise at that, too, obviously having felt the prick to some extent, no matter how subtle. bruce’s heart lurches in his chest at the small noise, his eyes immediately looking to her face.
“what do you mean, bruce?” alfred asks. bruce just looks at him momentarily.
“she’s enhanced,” he says, “doesn’t work exactly like you and me would in these cases.” alfred’s still confused, but he brushes it off, telling himself he’ll probably find out later or won’t need to. the important thing now is to make sure this woman survives the night.
“what about her blood? does that regenerate faster, too?” he asks, and then shakes his head again. “we’ll need to get more for her. you don’t know her blood type, do you?”
bruce doesn’t, but he can find out. he finally dares to look below her face, where those sacred letters lie, an abundance of information with them. that tells him everything.
y/n parker
birth date: 04/06/1994
city of origin: queens, new york city, NY
occupation: barista at saint jeremiah's coffee
former occupation: waitress at mudd's cave
OPEN MEDICAL FILES? the system suggests.
bruce hesitates a little, processing all this new information on her all at once already, but then nods at the system’s question. an out-poor of medical records, vaccines and tests done comes up in his vision. thank god he didn’t take out the lenses in the cave, or this would have taken a lot, lot longer.
allergies: lactose, strawberries, tulips
blood type: AB+
chronic diseases: none
blood type AB+. the same one as bruce’s. he looks to alfred, who meets the younger man with an awaiting look. “she has my blood type,” he tells him the discovery. and she wasn’t born far from his birthday, either. just a couple months earlier. how curious.
“interesting,” alfred says finally, “i’ll try not to drain you too much, bruce, so i’ll take just a drop now and we’ll see—”
“take as much as she needs,” bruce says with dark determination in his eyes, “i’m not injured.”
“can’t exactly let you die, sir,” alfred argues back and prepares another needle and an empty plastic patch to withdraw bruce’s blood. bruce doesn’t care what happens to him. alfred might take every drop of his blood if it meant y/n would be saved. saved. certainly an interesting word.
alfred knows what bruce thinks of himself in this case. he never cares what happens to him. what matters to him is what happens to the world. that his job has been done, that it has been done well. bruce doesn’t care if he dies, either, as long as his message and goal has been fulfilled. this time, the world is swapped for y/n. she’s all that he cares about, all that matters right now. y/n. what a name.
knowing this, alfred fills two of those empty patches with bruce’s blood. just to see if it might be enough. the prince of gotham has to admit he feels light-headed already, he guesses his worries and stresses, and over-all regular exhaustion from the fight before have been slowly draining him, too. but he helps alfred patch y/n up with cotton and gauze to secure her injury, protect it from the outside factors.
alfred handles the patching up itself—plasters, balls of cotton and gauze. bruce merely helps move the unconscious y/n around slightly, so that alfred has no trouble wrapping the gauze around her waist, so that they don’t make her injury worse. bruce’s hands splay on her partly-covered hips, the very tips of his fingers only digging into her skin very slightly to lift her hips up and down from time to time. bruce has to say he feels awkward and not right, handling her the way that he is, while she’s unconscious and ignorant of the way he touches her.
but that over-whelming care he feels for her, that has gained almost an animalistic trait, seeps through and makes that anxiety of his sink. he’ll just have to tell her about what he and alfred did while she was unconscious, and she’ll understand. there’s no way she won’t. he won’t tell her, of course, how right her silky flesh felt against his rough hands, how well she fit into his hands, and how his first instinct was to touch the rest of her skin, as well. he’ll keep that to himself, and will hope that urge will pass with time.
after her injury has been wrapped up and secured in isolation from any harm, the two men of wayne manor work to settle y/n into bed properly. while alfred changes the sheets, bruce lays her on a near-by couch, and rids her of the rest of her suit, throwing the ruined piece to the ground. thankfully, she’s not as badly injured anywhere else in her body, so she can rest now. bruce searches the cabinets next to the large bed for any clothes, and, luckily, there are a couple pieces laying about. he chooses sweatpants and one of the plain shirts for her.
while he pulls the pants on her with ease, bruce experiences trouble with the shirt. how can he put it on if she’s connected to the blood patches through her vein? he has a bit of trouble figuring it out, but at once he does. he pulls the shirt over her head, puts her mobile arm through the sleeve, and then carefully puts the attached-to-the-patches arm through the sleeve, as well, but leaves the small wire that’s pumping blood into her to snake upwards. it now runs across her upper arm and sneaks out through the top opening in her shirt, further running up to the adjusted patch, just closer to her now.
she doesn’t make a noise or move at any point in all this ruckus, and bruce is glad to see her at peace. she’s not as pale anymore already, and her breathing has regulated. she’s healing herself and is getting the amount of blood she needs. as she now lays in the bed, dark grey sheets tucked around her, pillows in the same dark grey tone tucked behind and below her, bruce just watches her. alfred is cleaning up their medical equipment, but he’s doing it quietly in another corner of the room. bruce hardly acknowledges his presence at all. he just watches her as he sits in bed beside her.
how her chest rises and falls with long, even breaths. how her eyes flutter here and there—she must be dreaming—and how her fingers twitch slightly at her sides. he hopes it’s something pleasant she’s dreaming of. y/n. his whole world seems to have changed now that he knows her name. y/n parker. it doesn’t change her in his eyes, and it’s strange that he knows her name. he’s not entirely sure he wanted to know her name, now that he does. it’s strange.
her origin being new york city explains… exactly nothing. bruce doesn’t think he’s heard of a place like that before. the system showed him a state, too, behind the city, but it didn’t ring a bell, either. what could she be doing here, in such a place as gotham, if she’s from there? it sounds like a famous place, one bruce should know. but he doesn’t. though, he reckons, he’ll spend some time searching for it during the day, once she’s all settled in under the covers.
even though he wants to be at her side at all times. he wants to be here when she wakes up, he wants to be here with her when even the smallest thing happens. but he also has her suit to work on. that ruined, full-of-blood suit. after this incident, he can’t let her roam around the city in spandex and rely on her agility or his protection to keep herself safe. he won’t hear any protest from her about it, either. he can’t let her be this vulnerable to these thugs, or to anyone for that matter.
bruce blames himself for what happened to her. he never cares what happens to him, either if he’s fighting alone or together with her. he didn’t even catch one of the thugs striking her with a knife, brutally stabbing her, until the very end of the fight. how could he have not seen it? how could he have not heard it happen? he should have been by her side, should have kept a closer eye on her. yes, they’re both kind of independent in their fighting styles, but still, they work as a team, they’re supposed to be looking out for each other. how could he have let this happen?
the dawn rises and ignites light across the sky, which can be perfectly seen through the window of this bedroom. bruce sees it only when that light hits y/n’s cheek in a soft manner. he turns to look around the room, then, and finds alfred sitting in a chair in one of the corners. bruce rises to his feet and draws the big curtains closed, so that y/n wouldn’t be bothered by light from the world and could sleep as long as she needs to. he feels a sour tone as the last ray of the sun caresses his own face, but he pulls the curtains completely closed.
“you should get some sleep, too, bruce,” alfred says quietly as he rises from the chair, “she’ll be alright without you. just needs time.” he walks over to the door. bruce turns to look at him.
“how much?” he asks in a hush. his and alfred’s eyes connect. the older man shrugs.
“a couple days, if she gets better.” he answers. “a week, just to be sure.” he tells bruce. “if she doesn’t get better, well… then we’ll really need to get her to a hospital.”
bruce averts his eyes from those of his godfather’s, but nods. neither of them are doctors, scientists or miracle-workers, even if they try to be. so they can’t always expect themselves to be able to do everything. some things are out of their hands.
“i’ll send breakfast up for you, you need your strength. then you can get some rest,” alfred informs bruce, his ringed hand tapping on the thick mahogany door, “as for her,” he looks to the sleeping woman in the bed, “we’ll get her a meal as soon as she wakes up, alright?” bruce nods in response, still not saying anything. “good night, master wayne. or should i say—good morning.” alfred says and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. bruce knows he’s exhausted, too. the paper work usually keeps alfred up at night, but when that’s not the case, then it’s bruce that keeps him up. this time, it’s both bruce and his accomplice.
alfred will enjoy to get acquainted with the woman when she’s in a much better state, because, dare he say, she’s been keeping bruce busy in a healthy way, and she’s been caring for him now that bruce forbid alfred to do so. bruce has also been in better moods lately, and alfred can only thank her for that. he just has yet to know this wonderful person.
with half of the sent-up breakfast in his stomach, the blood loss and exhaustion wearing his body down and the darkness of the room due to the drawn curtains, bruce can’t keep himself awake anymore. sitting by the bed in one of the bigger sofa chairs, on the side she lays in, and watching her, he feels himself nodding off every once in a while. eyes drifting closed and head dropping onto the mattress. so he finally gives himself that sweet release—bruce gets comfortable with half his body on the mattress and half still in the chair—and lets slumber take complete control of his body and consciousness.
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A Stark and her Soldier ~ Part 1
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Imagine: Reuniting with Bucky when you end up helping Sam with the Flag Smashers.
Warnings: TFATWS SPOILERS! This takes place during the first two episodes of the show.
A/N: I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’M BACK (with a new header lol)!!! AHHHHHHHH! It’s been nearly two years but here I am… posting this makes me SO nervous, so feedback would be highly appreciated! More parts and some information about what I’m planning with this blog to follow soon! 
“You held us together – do it for them,” he paused before adding, “Promise me you’ll do it for them.”
You blinked away the tears, knowing what was coming, “I can’t promise that...”
“Y/N please,” the way he begged you with that shaking voice was nearly enough to push you over the edge.
“I-I promise.” He squeezed your hand before letting you leave.
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“You’ve reached James Barnes, sorry I couldn’t take your call, please –” you hung up before the recorded message could continue, face burning with frustration. This was the 9th time you had tried calling him this week, not to mention the countless text messages.
You scoffed thinking of Steve’s last words to you, how were you supposed to hold them together when you barely held yourself together on a good day? It doesn’t make it any easier when the person you’re supposed to be holding together is so keen on letting himself fall apart.  
Every time you tried calling him, you ended up feeling furious, miserable, or like an absolute failure – usually all three. You promised Steve, you promised, and you failed. You groaned and chucked your phone across your bed.
The last time you had seen him, Steve had still been around, and you hadn’t even spoken to him since Tony’s funeral.
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 You and Pepper had walked to the lake, each holding one of Morgan’s hands, and you had sat at the dock watching the arc reactor – his heart – float away, the people behind you forgotten in your grief. The weight on your heart was unbelievable, you had already lost your best friend, Natasha, and now your brother was gone.
You promised him that you wouldn’t cry at his funeral – he always knew it was inevitable – and so you sat there, sending him away with a pained smile.
You had no idea how long you had just sat there, staring at the horizon across the lake, trying to make this last moment with your brother last forever.
“Y/N?” You felt a hand squeezing your shoulder, “You should come back inside.”
“What happens now, Steve?” Your voice was softer than he had ever heard before.
“I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out together,” he paused for a moment before gesturing to Bucky, waiting outside the house behind him, “He wants to talk to you.”
You gave Bucky a small smile, “Hey.”
He walked over and dropped down next to you, Steve leaving the two of you to chat, “I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” You nodded solemnly.
He added, “For everything, Y/N… he probably wouldn’t even have wanted me here, but –”
You shook your head and took his hand, heart fluttering at the contact. You had always been attracted to him, and it had only grown with every interaction. “That wasn’t you.”
You knew your brother never blamed Bucky, you all knew how it felt to have people mess with your heads and Bucky had had the worst of it. He was furious at Steve for years, but never at Bucky – you could never bring yourself to be angry with either of them, not after the stories you grew up with. Your father had adored the soldiers and you had been one of their biggest fans, and later one of Steve’s closest friends.
There had come a point after the battle between Tony and Steve when you had become sick of all the back and forth. You were lucky enough to find an escape when T’Challa got in touch with you, offering you a chance to come to Wakanda and learn about their technology – you weren’t ashamed to admit that you were the one who contacted him to beg for it. You hadn’t known that Bucky was already there. Slowly but surely, the two of you found comfort in one another and became good friends.  
He gave you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “You should head inside, it’s getting late – I’ll see you again soon.”
He stayed true to that statement, the two of you stood with Sam and Bruce, waiting for Steve to come back after returning the stones – only to have him shatter your hearts.
You only saw Bucky in passing after that, occasionally visiting Steve at the same time – you never said a word to him, beyond a smile or a wave, and then you stopped seeing him all together. You tried, for the sake of your promise to Steve, but he never answered your calls or texts.
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“We’ll figure it out together, right, thanks a lot Steve,” You muttered.
You jumped at the sound of your phone ringing, and your shoulders sank a bit when you saw Sam’s name flashing across the screen, “Hey.”
“He’s doing an interview,” You knew exactly who Sam was talking about, “Good Morning America.”
Your stomach turned, “That’s the last thing I want to see.”
“I know, I just thought I’d share my joy with someone,” Sam chuckled, “Any luck with Bucky?”
“I’m just wasting my time at this point,” You could feel the tears returning to your eyes as you said it.
“Hey, come on now, he’ll come around, he just needs some time.”
“Listen, I called because we have a lead, wanna join?”
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“I hate it, his stupid face plastered on every wall, it feels like he’s mocking us.”
“Don’t you start, Y/N.”
“Seriously Sam, I get that he’s the new Cap – the fake Cap, but don’t you think that this,” You gestured to the posters around you, “is excessive?”
“Shouldn’t have given up the shield.” Your heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice and your face heated up with anger, you hadn’t realized it was possible to feel such contrasting emotions at the same time, but here you were. You noted that his voice was a bit hoarse and wondered if he had been sick.
“Good to see you too, Buck.”
“This is wrong.”
“So is pushing away everyone who cares about you.” He finally looked at you and you saw shame glistening in those steel blue eyes.
He said nothing before turning back to Sam, “You didn’t know that was gonna happen?”
Wow, ignoring your calls was one thing, but outright ignoring you while you stood in front of him, that caused a different kind of hurt.
You stood in silence as Sam explained where the two of you were headed, trying to push away the pounding in your head, and suddenly, you found yourself in a jet sitting next to Bucky.
“You could have answered, even once. Could’ve at least let me know that you were still alive.”
“I know,” Was all he said.
“We were friends once,” Nothing, “and I still care for you.”
“I know.”
“Four months, a full four months and I didn’t hear a single word from you, I’m going to need more than ‘I know’.”
He sighed, “I’m sorry.”
You could tell that he meant it and didn’t know what more to say, so you got up and headed towards the open door of the plane, “I’ll catch you boys on the ground.”
You watched Sam follow, and considered helping Bucky as he fell through the trees, but you decided against it. He hurt your feelings and now you could call it even.
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Super soldiers? How on earth were there more super soldiers?! You didn’t have much time to ponder on the thought as you got kicked in the face by one of them and fell off the semi – definitely should have let Tony make you a helmet like he insisted.
You flew back up only to see him dropping out of a helicopter, Fake Cap, fuck.
“Looks like you guys could use some help,” Your blood boiled at the sight of his cocky grin.
You weren’t winning, and you weren’t stupid enough to continue trying, let Steve’s knock-off take care of it.
You flew off just in time to see Bucky lying on top of Sam, the latter groaned in displeasure.
“Hey, can you gentlemen save the PDA for later?” You joked, earning a glare from both of them.
With the adrenaline slowly draining from your system, the pain from the blows you took started to set in, making you dread the trek in front of you. As if on cue, you heard a horn honking and Fake Cap pulled up next to you, “It’s 20 miles to the airport, you guys need a ride.”
“I think we’re good,” You simply stated.
“You won’t make it with that limp.”
You gave him a crude smile, “I’d rather crawl.”  
They stopped and opened the door, you exchanged a look with Sam and Bucky, silently deciding to join them.
You sat between Bucky and Sam, and felt the anger and disgust radiating off of both of them with every word that was exchanged.
“Y/N Stark,” You despised the way he said your last name, like he wanted to devour you, “You are one of the original seven, I trust you know the importance of having a strong team. I’d suggest giving a word or two of advice to your friends here.”
“Did you really just compare being on a team with you two, to being on a team with the Avengers?” You glowered at him, “A word of advice Walker, you’re not Steve, you might be holding that shield, but you will never be half the Captain America that he was. So quit fucking pretending.”  
“I didn’t realize Stark’s sister had such a mouth on her,” He smirked, he knew exactly what he was doing and as much as you hated to admit it, it was working, “Vicious.”
“Go to hell.”
The ride didn’t last very long after that, and you had no complaints when Bucky demanded them to stop the car.
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You opened your eyes and rolled over to see Sam still asleep on the seats across from you, and Bucky was sitting on the large crate in the middle of the jet, “Not tired?”
“Nah,” He shook his head.
You pushed yourself to your feet and hopped up next to him, “You’d think they’d make those seats a bit more comfortable considering the amount of time we spend on these things.”
He chuckled and the two of you fell into a comfortable silence. After a considerable pause he turned to you, “Y/N, I meant what I said earlier, I’m sorry.”
The dark bags under his eyes were a stark contrast from the beautiful blue that you were looking into, which you noted which had lost its luster. You noticed that his voice still had a bit of that hoarseness from earlier in the day, and the dots connected. You remembered how hoarse your voice used to get when you’d wake up screaming from the nightmares after particularly rough missions. You understood why he was awake, he didn’t want you and Sam to see him like that.
You nodded, “I know, I just wish – I was worried sick about you. I know it hasn’t been easy for you Buck, but we were good friends once and I miss you.”
“I wanted to call, it’s just been tough,” He admitted, and you reached over to take his hand, only to quickly pull away as Sam woke up.
“You two okay?”
“Yeah,” You both said. You wondered if Bucky’s super soldier ability allowed him to hear the way your heartbeat picked up from that brief touch.
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Your mind was racing a million miles a minute, you had barely kept the tears in listening to Isaiah’s story, both out of anger and sadness. How? How did this happen? How was this man tortured, then brushed under the rug? How did no one know about it? Why the hell did Bucky keep this from you?
Sam mirrored your pained expression, but something darker lurked beneath his eyes, you couldn’t even imagine the rage he felt. The sound of a police siren pulled you out of your thoughts.
Your anger only grew at the argument that ensued, “I am calm, what do you want? We’re just standing here talking.”
“Just give him your ID,” You glared at Bucky as the words left his mouth.
“Why the hell should he? He didn’t do anything wrong!” You growled, at the same time Sam said, “I’m not giving him shit, we were just talking.”
“Hey, hey, look, is this guy bothering you?” The officer asked you and Bucky. Your eyes widened, he can’t be serious right now.
“No, he’s not bothering us, do you know who this is?!”
You couldn’t even stand to look at the guy as his jaw dropped in shock upon realizing who Sam was, you felt your body shake with anger, and you didn’t even want to think what would have happened if Sam hadn’t been an Avenger.
The officer returned from his vehicle and turned the tables, announcing that there was a warrant out for Bucky’s arrest.
Watching him being handcuffed and put into the car shattered your heart, if the events of the day hadn’t already left you feeling nauseous, you knew this would be the nail in the coffin. All you could see was Bucky on his knees with a gun to his head nearly seven year ago when Steve barely prevented T’Challa from killing him and the four of you had been arrested – Tony had been furious with you, but it was the shame in Bucky’s eyes that had hurt you the most, and here you were, witnessing it again.
You reached over a grabbed Sam’s hand and squeezed as hard as you could, desperate for a lifeline to keep you from sinking into those painful memories.
You maintained that same grip on the poor man’s hand as you sat at the police station waiting for Bucky to be bailed out, “Sam, Y/N, I’ve heard a lot about you two, I’m Dr. Raynor, I’m James’ therapist.”
The two of you shook her hand and Sam thanked her for getting Bucky out.
“That was not me –”
“Christina!” You’d recognize that voice anywhere from the way it made your skin crawl, fuck, “Good to see you again.”
You clenched your jaw to keep yourself from punching the stupid grin off of his face as he pointed to himself when Dr. Raynor asked him who authorized Bucky’s release. You knew you had a problem with constantly wanting to punch people in the face, it was a trait that ran in the family, but Walker’s face was definitely one of the most punchable ones you had seen – a good ol’ pop in the jaw wouldn’t hurt, right? Just one?
“He’s too valuable of an asset to have him tied up –”
That was it, that was all you were willing to hear, you couldn’t stop yourself from getting in his face and hissing, “Call him that again, and I swear to god Walker, I –”
Sam put his arm around you, hand pressed to your stomach and pulled you back, “Y/N.”
Walker simply smirked and turned back to Raynor, “Do what you have to do and send him off to me. Got some unfinished business, him and I, you too Wilson, and bring your guard dog with you.”
It took everything in your power to keep from snarling at him.  
“James, condition of your release, session now,” The doctor ordered, “You two as well.”
“I’m good, I’ve been to enough therapy,” You shook your head, at the same time Sam said, “That’s okay, I’ll be out here with –”
“That wasn’t a request,” You couldn’t help but chuckle, and decided that you liked this woman.
You and Sam sat on either side of Bucky, facing Dr. Raynor as she got started. You couldn’t help but notice the way Bucky’s eyes shifted and jaw clenched as Sam tried to weasel his way out of the session, and your chest tightened. He looked so tired, and not just the ‘hasn’t slept in a few days’ tired, but more like he was tired of trying – he looked broken.
You decided in that moment that you would try, and not just for Steve, but for the man next to you who had held a piece of your heart before he even knew you, and managed steal that piece away when you had met him years later.
You realized how hard you’d have try when Bucky answered Dr. Raynor’s question with, “In my miracle, he would talk less.”
“Exactly what I was gonna say, isn’t that ironic?” You sighed, so hard.
She turned to you, mimicking the expression on your face, “Y/N, can I trust you to give me a proper answer?”
Try, Y/N, try. You saw a glimmer of hope in Raynor’s eyes as they met yours, but you simply shrugged and looked away, unable to bring yourself to open up, and she let her shoulders fall slightly.
“You guys are leaving me with no choice. It’s time for the soul-gazing exercise. Y/N, you can sit this one out, you get along with both of them well enough.”
You rolled your eyes at the reactions from the boys, this’ll be good. You couldn’t help but chuckle as they got closer to one another, maybe I should have taken part in this exercise. They made eye contact and continued to hold it, you realized what they were doing moments before the doctor did and let out a genuine laugh – earning a glare from Raynor, don’t encourage them she seemed to say.
“James, why does Sam aggravate you? And don’t say something childish.” Your head filled with a hundred different ideas about what stupid things Bucky would come up with, only to have them fizzle away at his cheeky grin towards the doctor, followed by the lick of his lip. It left your throat dry. Snap out of it, Y/N, what’s gotten into you?
He paused for a moment, his expression changing, and turned back to Sam, “Why’d you give of that shield?”
You held your breath, you knew this was going to come up, but weren’t expecting it here. You couldn’t take your eyes off of Bucky, noticing every change in his face, it becoming more pained with every word that left his mouth, and your chest tightening alongside it, until finally, “So maybe he was wrong about you. And if he was wrong about you, then he was wrong about me.”
The break in his voice cracked your heart into a million pieces. You looked up, trying to keep the tears swimming in your eyes from falling. You turned your attention towards Sam and noticed the emotion behind his glassy eyes – it was different than anything you had seen in him before, it was almost as though you could see the burden he was carrying on his shoulders, the pressure that was pushing him in every direction.
I have to fix this, you told yourself, you couldn’t stand to see them like this, I have to try.  
Your mind was roaring with thoughts, you hadn’t even noticed that Sam and Bucky had left until Raynor asked, “What would be in your miracle, Y/N?”
You snapped your head towards her, then to the door, you weighed your options and headed towards the latter. You grabbed the handle and stopped, without turning towards her you whispered, “I’d find a home again, and they’d find some happiness.”
You pulled the door open, “Y/N, I don’t think those two things have to be separate.”
Her words swam in your head until you found Bucky and Sam walking outside, Walker and Hoskins storming off in the other direction.
“What’s that all about?”
“Walker being Walker,” Sam shrugged.
“So, what now?”
“Bucky wants to talk to Zemo,” Every memory that you spent years trying to forget came flooding back: Zemo using those words to turn Bucky into the Winter Soldier, who then proceeded to trash the compound and nearly kill you and your friends; watching your family fight each other at the airport and being forced to pick a side; watching the footage of your parents dying; desperately begging your brother and the man who had become your brother not to kill one another.
“You what?!” You gasped.
“Y/N –”
You stepped between the two of them, close enough to Bucky that you had to tilt your head up to look into his eyes, and whispered, “Bucky, no.”
“This might be our only lead, Y/N,” You stared up at him, silently pleading him, he reflected the same in his own, “Please Y/N.”
He took your hand and you instantly melted, “I – fine, but promise me you will be careful.”
“I promise.”
Read Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 and Part 6
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fruggo · 3 years
Hi hi can I req Danny, Leon and Steve with a male s/o who's a real goofy guy? Cracks jokes during chases, just can't take things too seriously, laid back and chill guy who prioritizes having fun
absolutely, thanks for requesting!! :D this is cute haha. i hope you like it!
danny, leon, and steve with goofy m!s/o
danny would consider himself a pretty fun guy, though perhaps his idea of fun would not be the same as a normal person's. so i wouldn't take his word for it if i were you.
honestly? he thinks you're the shit. he genuinely likes your bad dad jokes great puns, will banter back and forth with you, and he might even give you the hatch instead of a mori. although he would love to have your picture, it can wait until the next trial. or the next if he still doesn't feel like it. who knows?
he likes that you're not too serious about everything. since danny is the entity's golden boy, he never has to worry about anything! he likes it here! and it's cool that someone else has a similar mindset about things. although he might have misunderstood "making the best of the situation and just being a goofy person" for "liking it here". you never really clarified which one it was, and why should he ask?
when danny finds out that you act basically the same way with all the killers, cracking jokes and laughing things off in chases, he gets all pouty. he thought he was special. well, looks like you're getting that mori now.
he still likes you though, and he gives you even more special attention now in the form of tunneling and camping! he means well <3 (no he doesn't he is a little bitch and a loser)
but then he hears stories from the other killers about you, and is pleased to find that you are significantly more fun with him, and, dare i say, flirty!
but he still wants to tunnel and camp you.
when you realize what he's doing, you don't get mad about it. what's the point? in fact you think it's really funny.
the first time danny proximity-camped you, you found it rewarding to just talk and talk and talk until he finally talked back. it took a while, but he did finally respond.
you would just say dumb shit, and then you would say more dumb shit, and then it got annoying and danny had to tell you to shut up. and then you would just dramatically whisper something like "okay, pissbaby."
and danny thought maybe he should be angry with you, but he just wasn't. he couldn't be mad at you, because even if he was, you wouldn't care. you weren't scared of him.
so when he finally left and you got unhooked, he tunneled you obviously. it makes sense, okay?
"wow, am i that handsome and gorgeous and attractive?" you monologued while smashing a pallet onto danny's head. "i'm really just so irresistible that you want to tunnel me? honestly, danny, i'm flattered. i'm touched."
danny couldn't remember since when you were on a first name basis, but he let it slide. just because maybe he thinks you are that handsome and gorgeous and attractive.
dude danny is kinda fucked up but like. he's funny. and charming. and he also let you take off his mask once, and so now you know he's also hot. he has a few things going for him as long as you ignore the part where he chases you with a knife.
leon, our favorite rookie :D he's so cute!!! sorry im gushing i just cant resist i love him !!
and you love him too, so much. that's why you accidentally distract him during trials by goofing off and almost getting him killed
it's out of love. leon knows that. you don't really mean to.
while leon's doing a generator, you are probably somewhere nearby trying to find something even remotely interesting to do. and that might involve climbing a tree, then falling out of the tree. but it wasnt your fault! you swore the crows were attacking you, they didn't want you up in that tree because they knew you were just so cool up there and the Entity couldn't have somebody being better and hotter and funnier than itself so high in the sky.
leon could only smile and shake his head, inspecting you for the wounds you inevitably had. when you said you were fine, he was very skeptical, because your version of fine was never the same as his.
the killer knew where you were now because of your very loud "FUCK!" as the crows supposedly attacked you and forced you out of the tree, so you immediately put on your game face and got ready to command some attention.
leon said no, you were not in the right headspace to get chased. you only shrugged at him, slapped his ass, and ran towards the killer yelling, "HEY YOU WANNA HEAR AN AGGIE JOKE?"
leon was used to this by now, and he found it rather endearing. you were an enigma to him, really. how you could be so laid back about this whole murder-die-sacrifice thing was beyond him, but it was refreshing. he liked your enthusiasm.
since he had just come from raccoon city, he was still in his "i have to do the right thing and save everybody because it's my duty" kind of mood. you made sure to lighten up that burden and remind him that it's okay to chill sometimes, and he can't save everybody, especially not here. if you were in a particularly bad trial, you always made sure to get him to crack a smile.
likewise, leon wasn't always too jazzed about your "funny guy gets killed so the team can live" complex. he knew you didn't care, or at least you said you didn't, but he still hated that you constantly sacrificed yourself and acted like it was no big deal. to him, it was. he hated going back to the campfire alone and waiting forever for you to show up again; he cared about you and it hurt to see you sacrifice yourself so much even if he knew you would return.
leon didn't have a stick up his ass or anything--he had his fair share of humorous moments (i mean have you seen infinite darkness ashdjshdf that man just wants love and food). he just wants to save everybody, you included. it's frustrating to come to terms with the fact that he can't.
he loves it when he can hear you yelling at the killer mid-chase from afar, be it a pun or a swear or both. you've even influenced him to crack his own jokes while being chased sometimes--it comes out more often if he's being tunneled. if you ever happened to see him do it, you would wipe a fake tear from your face and start clapping. you were very proud of your rookie.
the killers hated you and steve, and i mean like despised you
you were so chill. and for what???? why do you have chill???? nobody else has chill, what makes you think you deserve to have chill????
they could never make you angry and that made them super angry
you and steve would quip back and forth between chases, sometimes going so far as to pretend the killer is not there and talk about something like what kind of cheese you missed eating the most. let me tell you, that did not make the trickster happy.
he was a star!! a star, and here you two little shits were, ignoring him to talk about cheese. honestly, the audacity.
you and steve ran to the killer shack with the trickster on your heels, still talking about cheese. how the conversation had gone on this long was a mystery, and it continued to be a mystery while the two of you shared a chase in the shack.
steve was very happy to have found someone to share his sentiments with. everybody was so serious all the time, and while he was similar to leon with his altruistic streaks, he was slightly less responsible and occasionally enjoyed doing dumb stunts just for shits and giggles.
you can bet that whenever you are in a trial together, it's a competition to see who can hold the killer's attention longer. your teammates don't mind--all they have to do is complete gens, so their job is fairly easy. and it's always entertaining to catch sight of one of you sprinting with a new flashlight in your hand to go annoy the crap out of the killer.
there's no question that steve would die for you a hundred times over, and you would do the same for him. you didn't see it as a very big deal--you didn't see anything here as a very big deal. steve was the only important thing you had, really, and you cared for him a lot. saving him? kapeesh. no sweat.
scenario: steve is being chased, you throw yourself in front of him, the killer has noed, you are hooked, you give him a thumbs up as you die, he flips you off because why the fuck would you die for him what is wrong with you he's supposed to die for you and you know that?? why would you do that???? great, now steve gets to escape and it's all your fault.
you would simply smile. he was so cute sometimes.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
He’s Lost - Bakugou Katsuki - Part 3
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sexual mentions, smut, 18+, daddy kink, fingering (fisting?), f!receiving, alcohol, cursing, LONG WRITING PIECE, Bakusquad a teensy wheensy bit ooc, BAKUGOU BEING A BIG ASS SIMP
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Summary: After the classroom moment, Katsuki’s been doing everything he can to get you back. You’ve both come to terms as friends who are mutually pining for one another, but how long will it take to finally be found by one another?
A/N: Y’all I just have to keep saying thank you to all of you. The love and support is incredible and I never expected my one shot to be so likeable. Anyways, this piece is what will bring the whole story together. Just HELLA fluff. Hope you enjoy!
A/N: If you guys are curious as to what I put for Y/N’s quirk, I’ve titled it Phoenix. She has all the abilities of a Phoenix, like fire powers, regeneration, and flight ability with beautiful wings of fire that can come out on command. Honestly, her quirk isn’t really a big deal in the story but if you wanted to know, there you go.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“I fucked her in the classroom,” Bakugou so calmly said while taking a sip from his water bottle.
Kirishima felt like he was gonna faint. He told his friend to talk to her so they could make up. He didn’t expect him to dick her down.
“Wow Kacchan, didn’t know you were an exhibitionist,” The electric blonde said while nudging Bakugou in the arm with his elbow.
“I’m not......well-“
“Katsuki” Kirishima said with a warning tone because he did NOT want to hear about his friend’s kinks.
“Right. Anyway, it was fine. No one was there...actually why weren’t you guys there? We all had class you idiots.” Bakugou asked.
“Mr. Aizawa told us the day before that we were going to meet up in gym gamma for an all day training sesh. So we were all shocked when one of our best fighters didn’t show.” Kirishima explained.
“Well nobody told me we were having an all day session.” Bakugou complained.
The group then raised their phones showing the texts sent to the group chat the boys of the Bakusquad shared.
8:47 a.m.
🦈 : Bakugou, tmr is all day training in the gym. Make sure you’re there
11:21 a.m.
🕷: You gonna be in the gym wit us tmrw Bakugou?
2:10 a.m.
⚡️: Sooo we’ll see u in the gym tmr Kacchan?
After some silence and Bakugou’s soft “oh,” Bakugou asked another question. “Well why wasnt Y/N there then?”
“Just like you, the girl wasn’t in class the day before so she didn’t know. She spent the day interning with Hawks.” Sero stated while taking a break from his bag of chips.
‘Hawks huh? Guess it made sense. You both had bird-like quirks, so you guys go well together’ The blonde thought to himself.
“But enough of why you weren’t there, tell us what happened with Y/N,” Sero added on.
“The hell? Why are you so invested in how I fucked her?” Bakugou said with attitude.
“Not that man,” Kirishima intervened, “we wanna know what happened after.”
“We also wanna know which desk you fucked on so we could avoid the cum splatter.” Kaminari said, earning a wack to the back of his head from Sero.
“Well I thought we were gonna make up and get back together,” Bakugou started and the trio of boys stared right at him as if he was going to open some buried treasure.
“But I guess she’s not ready for the relationship again. At least not yet. She said she wanted some time and then she’ll come back to me. All I gotta do is wait.” Bakugou said while getting comfortable in his spot on the common room couch.
“Says who?” Kaminari added.
“ ‘scuse me?” Bakugou asked.
“Who says all you gotta do is wait?” Bakugou looked at his idiotic friend.
“She did, Dunce Face.”
“Well you could wait for her, but if I was you, I’d still treat her like my girlfriend.” The electric blonde stated.
“Huh?” The entire group asked.
“Bakugou look. Give Y/N the time she wants, but you could still treat her like your girlfriend. It’ll remind her of the times you had and it’l-“
“I’m gonna stop you right there Kaminari.”
As the group turned towards the doorway, they saw Y/N. She seemed to have gotten back from some extra training considering she was still wearing gym attire and her duffel bag was still on her shoulder.
“Hey Y/N, just got back from the gym?” Kirishima kindly started up a conversation with the girl.
“Yeah. Had to take a shower there too to save some time. I’m heading back out to go on a late night patrol with Hawks after I drop off my bag, but I can spend 2 minutes to explain something to you, dorks.” You started walking towards the group, more specifically behind Bakugou’s seat.
“I’m gonna make this real simple. Katsuki and I don’t need a grand plan to get back together. We just need some time,” when you finally made it behind Bakugou, you gently wrapped your arms around Katsuki’s neck area, “besides, Suki knows I’ll always come back to him. He’s my one and only after all, right?” You said the last part while looking at Bakugou.
“Right.” Katsuki proudly replied.
You leaned in to give him a little hug from behind and pecked his cheek before walking off to your room.
Katsuki couldn’t help but smile and watch as you walked away. He knew you guys would end up back together. All he has to do is wait. But his moment was ruined by a certain dunce face.
“Damn dude, what the fuck kinda dick did you give her to get her to act like that with you?” He shockingly asked.
“SHUT UP!” Bakugou screamed as his two other friends laughed.
Ever since, Bakugou and You grew closer and closer. To others, it looked like exes who stuck to being friends. Best friends, if anything. Y’all played together as best friends, fought and bickered like best friends and looked out for each other and loved one another like best friends. But in reality, you and Bakugou were just falling for each other even more day after day. Yes, it was clear to you both that you were already in love with each other, but damn y’all didn’t know love could grow so strong.
Bakugou stuck to his word though. He was doing whatever it took to get you back, and yeah. Maybe he took a little bit of Kaminari’s advice and continued to treat you as his girlfriend. The only difference was that he didn’t and couldn’t claim you so it kinda hurt him but he was ok because he knows what’ll happen in the end.
So now we have this Bakugou who’s at your every beck and call, even when you don’t call. Thirsty in the middle of class? Bakugou’s got your favorite drink with him on standby. Craving something special? Bakugou will learn how to make it for you. Tired after a hard day’s work? The angry Pomeranian was there to carry you back to the dorms. What a simp.
And there goes the bell for class. As students walked into their respective rooms, the students of 1-A notice the two entering.
“And here comes Bakugou holding the door for his lady,” Kaminari spoke aloud.
“Hey man, they’re not dating, remember?” Sero reminded him.
“Yet. That’s the exciting part. 2 lovers, patiently waiting for each other. And Bakugou being so willing to drop everything just for Y/N, and Y/N willing to tussle through challenges for Bakugou. Ohh it’s so romantic!!” Mina said with a squeal and excitement.
“Bakubro really doesn’t want anyone else but her....they’re gonna get through this!” Kirishima hopefully said. “If they don’t I’ll beat his ass myself after all the shit I went through for this relationship. You know, THE RELATIONSHIP IM NOT EVEN IN!” He said loud enough for Bakugou to hear.
“Those idiots,” Bakugou growled. “CANT A GUY JUST SPEND SOME TIME WITH HIS GIRL WITHOUT SOME CRACKHEADS WHISPERING ABOUT US?!” He yelled at the group. But with that last comment, you raised your brow.
“So I’m your girl, huh?” You said with a sly demeanor.
This caused Katsuki to blush like crazy. “You know what I meant you little dumbass!”
“Yeah, I’m a dumbass. But apparently I’m your dumbass.” Your snide remarks were beginning to drive Katsuki crazy.
“Ok, that’s it!” With that, Bakugou grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the classroom before Mr. Aizawa came. As the 2 left the room, the boys of the Bakusquad knew exactly what was about to happen.
“Annnddd they’re they go. Off to a place of sweat and ecstasy.” Kaminari sighed.
Ever since that time in the classroom, you and Bakugou have had sneaky links here and there for the past few weeks. A little make out session in the kitchen, a little grinding in the common area, some receiving in many different places. However you were both cautious and made sure it never went beyond that. No vaginal penetration with a penis!
Though you both said you weren’t dating yet, it was obvious where you both would end up.
“What do you mean?” Mina asked.
“It���s nothing you have to worry about, just let them do them.” Kirishima explained.
Fortunately, only the Bakusquad boys were aware of these secret meetings. Once Bakugou told them of the classroom sex, they could tell whenever you two were interested in doing the deed with one another. They also steered clear from Bakugou’s desk. When they found out you both had gone to town on it, they made sure to never go near it unless they knew Bakugou cleaned it up thoroughly.
“Mm...Suki..” you breathed out in between the heated kiss.
Here we are in the storage closet. Y/N seated on top of a small standing shelf with Katsuki standing over her and his fist deep inside her.
Katsuki was in the process of marking your exposed breast and enjoying the feeling of your soft walls around his hand. He couldn’t help but speed up his movements.
“P-please....slow down-“ you were cut off by your own moan and cry of pleasure as his fist hit a sensitive area.
“Oh c’mon, you know you love it. You also know you shouldn’t have given all that sass. You knew exactly where it would lead ya,” he spoke as he continued to bite and suck at your nipples. “But I bet you wanted this, didn’t you. You little slut.”
His fist sped up even more and went deeper than before earning loud cries to leave your mouth.
“Ahh...fuck! Y-yes! I wanted this so bad...ohh shit Suki!” You cried out. You felt the coil in your stomach tighten and Katsuki knew what was coming right from the look on your face. He quickly pulled his fist out and dropped his head down to meet your glistening cunt, and continued to finish you off.
“Shit....you taste so sweet.” Katsuki couldnt help but eat you out as if you were his last meal. He groaned as your hands went to tug at his hair to push him in deeper. As he stuck his tongue out to enter inside you, your hips moved on their own and began to grind against his face.
“Yes...yess oh my god..just like that Suki please,”
Katsuki was desperate for more and so his hand went to your clit. He viciously rubbed at it until your legs began to shake.
“F-FUCK!... oh yess...ah!” You let out.
“Let me taste you....come inside my mouth like a good girl and let daddy taste you.” Katsuki demanded.
And you did just that. You released the white honey all on his tongue and Katsuki lapped at every drop, sucking you dry. As he finished his meal he kissed your cunt and continued to kiss you up your body from you stomach to your chest to your neck until he reached your lips. He gave you a passionate kiss, all tongue and love, and you could taste yourself. He was right. You were sweet.
During lunch, the Bakusquad, including Y/N, all ate together and had friendly conversations and arguments as usual.
“Man that steak hit the spot!” Kirishima exclaimed with a breath of satisfaction.
“I bet your already full too, huh Kacchan. Bet you already had your fill of Y/-“
As the tray slowly slid off of Denki’s face after so rudely being thrown at him (curtousy of Sero) he was revealed to an angry Kacchan.
“Shut up dunce face!” Bakugou yelled.
“You’re one to talk Suki. If anyone should shut up, it should be the one with the booming voice.” You said as you ate your udon noodles.
“ME?!?” Bakugou exclaimed.
“Yes you ya dummy!” You retorted.
“You wanna go shitty woman?!?” Bakugou said while standing up now.
“Bring it on Blasty! I’ll take you on any day!” You replied while standing on top of your chair to beat his height.
‘Typical,’ the Bakusquad thought.
You guys would go from lovers to enemies in a split second with a besties vibe somewhere in between. The fun and teasing bickering went on like this for awhile and has been happening for awhile too. But at the end of the day, there was no real beef between you two of course. Just a mutual pining that involved some attitude.
“Man, you guys have so much energy. Cant you guys tone it down, we’re pretty sure you shouldn’t be so energized after you both just fu-“
Sero was shut up with a tray (revenge from Denki) before he could finish his sentence and expose the soon to be lovers’s dirty secrets.
“I KNOW!” Mina popped up. “How about a beach day?” The pink alien girl suggested.
“Huh?” The entire group said while Y/N and Bakugou sat down again.
“A beach day! We all have pent up energy and some of us wanna relax so why not get everything out at the beach? Oou! And let’s go at night, it’ll be way cooler and so much more fun. Plus, that’s the best time for us to sneak out!” Pinkie explained.
“The hell do you mean sneak out dumbass? It’s a Friday, if we wanna go the beach, we can just go on Saturday, tomorrow.” Bakugou said.
“Jeez you moron, wheres the fun in that. Look this may seem a little wild since we’re hero trainees and all but how about we take a car to get to the beach?” Mina proposed.
“Mina, we’re under 18. We can’t drive.” Kirishima said.
“Legally. But Bakugou here knows how to drive! Remember that one time Mr. Aizawa made him pull the travel bus around the corner because he was too tired to bring it himself?” The alien girl reminded the group.
“Not only that, but Denki’s parents are outta town!” The girl added on.
“Oh yeah! We could totally take my Dad’s car! There’s definitely enough room in there!” Kaminari said.
The group was now starting to get excited. Except for one blonde of course.
“No way. Like you said Pinkie, we’re hero trainees. We can’t risk ruining ours or UA’s reputation just for some trip to the beach.” Bakugou said while downing his rice bowl.
“Aww c’mon man!”
“Whaaat but pleaseee!”
“Seriously dude?”
“Awwww :(“
The group all said in unison. But Bakugou wasn’t cracking. He wasn’t going to risk his career as a future pro just for a quick trip to some sand and sea.
That is until he felt a tugging on his sleeve. When he looked to his left he saw Y/N holding onto his sleeve with a pout and puppy dog eyes. His heart was about to blow.
“Please Suki?” You whined.
You basically embodied the “🥺” emoji. Bakugou had to turn away so he could deny your request.
“Mm mm” he said while staring out the window next to the table.
You let out a huff of frustration while looking towards your group of friends that were staring at you in desperation. You guys were going to get that beach day.
So you pulled onto Bakugou’s arm and pulled his side into your soft pillowy breast. You reached up and whispered into his ear to make sure no would could hear your next words. With a seductive voice, you spoke.
“Please daddy?”
And now here we are. The Bakusquad currently on a road trip to the beach at 9:45 p.m. Y/N riding shotgun, Mina and Kirishima in the seats behind you, Kaminari and Sero in the third row right infront of the trunk, and Bakugou behind the wheel. He was just thankful that there was almost nobody driving around here or else they would’ve noticed this young group of teens driving late at night. He was also very thankful that during lunch yesterday, nobody noticed his raging boner after Y/N whispered in his ear.
“Oh my gosh!! We’re almost there!” Mina squealed from behind.
Although it was almost 10, the weather was still really warm so it would be a fun night. Just the moon, the stars, the sand and sea, and your best friends. Perfection.
“Oh! Suki, you missed the turn for the shortcut.” You pointed out.
“No I didn’t dumbass, we’re taking another shortcut.” Bakugou replied.
“Umm, says who exactly?” You retorted.
“The one driving this damn car, now settle your fine ass down before I kiss you.” Bakubitch replied with.
“Ok, just because you add a little flirt and flare to your reply doesn’t mean your in the right.” You stated.
“Oh but I think it does.” Bakugou came back with.
“Oh! Okay Bakubitch, I don’t know who you think you’re getting smart with-“
“I know exactly who I’m getting smart with, teddy bear.” Katsuki said with a smirk on his face.
“.....Fight me. Fight me right now.” You deadpanned while obviously joking.
“I’ll beat your ass any day of the week you shitty woman-“
“Except you’ll LOSE Bakubitch.” You added.
“You wanna fight that bad, huh shitty woman?!” Bakugou now started yelling in a very Bakugou manner.
“I do! I really do Katsuki! Bring it on Explosion boy!” You said
As you and Bakugou started going at it with your words in the car, the squad was starting to get a little tired of this endless pining. JUST DATE EACH OTHER ALREADY. Mina finally snapped.
“OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT?.....I’m just gonna say it.” Mina started with.
‘Huh’ You looked behind you while Bakugou took glances from time to time in his mirror to see Mina as she spoke.
“Why don’t you cut the horse shit, and get to the part where you admit your feelings for each other?” She added on.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh spare me, spare me, spare me!” Mina went on with. Then, Kirishima joined in.
“Yes yes Y/N, he’s a brute, I know-“
“Hey!” Bakugou interrupted but Kirishima just continued.
“He probably reminds you of a bad relationship and gosh you’d like a real nice man to settle down with,” he added on.
“But admit it! You’re real curious to know what he’s like in the sack nowadays!” Kaminari joined in.
“You idiots are dead meat,” Bakugou said.
“And you! HA!” Mina began to speak. “Well you’re just a big man baby who’d rather act tough then show his true feelings because the last time you opened your heart, you got hurt.....OWIE” Mina said in a baby voice.
“And now,” Sero began, “rather than admit these feelings, you’re dancing around one another with this mind numbing and frankly boorish mating ritual.”
Mina spoke once more.
“So PLEASE, for our sake, either quit your bickering, or PULL OVER, TEAR OFF THOSE CLOTHES, AND GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY!!!”
“Aye, I said what I said.” Mina concluded with her hands up at her side in defense.
As Bakugou and Y/N blushed ferociously, the squad behind them finally settled until Bakugou sped up, swerved the car and hit the brakes.....he was parking.
“Oh look, we’re here.” He said.
As he turned around to look at the group, he saw his friends all mixed up and thrown around the van.
“You guys good?” Y/N asked as she turned around in worry.
“Ugghhhhhh.” Her friends replied, clearly a little bruised.
“Alright then, let’s get going!” Y/N said with a sweet smile and exited the car.
After everyone had changed into their swim suits, everyone began setting up. The girls stayed behind with Denki to help set up the towels and seats and bring out the coolers, food, and tables. Bakugou, Kirishima, and Sero went out to collect firewood for the bond fire they were gonna make.
As you looked around the beach, you were glad that nobody was around. You guys could be as loud as you wanted, do what you wanted, and just have an awesome night. And the fact that this was a wild beach meant that there was so much more to do. You guys could go cliff diving, mountain climbing, or forest roaming. No lifeguards to stop you.
As the guys came back with fire wood, Mina and Denki pulled out the cooler.
“Hey guys~, guess what we have!” Mina said.
The group watched as Denki pulled out various beers, wine coolers, and a bottle of Hennessy and shot cups.
“Alcohol?” Kirishima asked, “where’d you guys get that.”
“We grabbed it outta my garage fridge. My family likes to turn up a lot so we also got some spares hanging around,” Kaminari explained.
You guys weren’t first time drinkers. You were high schoolers and you’ve been to parties so of course you guys have already had your first taste of alcohol. Hell, even Bakugou had some before. What can he say, he couldn’t help himself after he saw his friends seem to be enjoying themselves a little too much after getting drunk the first time.
As you started the fire with your quirk, everyone else began to get comfy near the blazing flame. Denki was the last to sit since he went to grab his acoustic guitar to play some tunes. When he finally sat down he began to sing a song.
“Let’s sit around the campfire and sing our campfire song! Our C-A-M-P—“
“NO!” The group all yelled.
“Oh alright!” The electric blonde huffed.
The group all laughed and Kaminari then began to play a chill melody on the instrument. The group was happy, laughing, enjoying themselves and having so much fun...well one of them did have something on their mind but nonetheless still enjoying themselves.
Faces were being stuffed with delicious food, alcohol was being passed around, rounds of shots were being downed like water, and everyone was having a good time. A little game of truth or dare started up and ended after Kaminari and Kirishima both threw up in separate bushes after being dared to kiss each other by Mina.
“Never again,” Kaminari said.
“Yeah I’m good with never having to get kisses from my bro again.” Kirishima sighed.
“Oh whatever you big wussies. It was a fun game while it lasted.”
Everyone laughed in agreement.
“Alright well,” Sero spoke, “we all came to the beach, why don’t we get to the main event. I’m gonna go for swim, you guys in?”
As everyone agreed they all started walking to the water. Well except for two people. As Y/N was walking to the shoreline, a hand stopped her as it grabbed onto her arm.
“You idiots go, me and Y/N are gonna join you later.” Bakugou said to the group and they all said their ok’s and went in. “You, come with me.”
As you and Bakugou walked back to the car, he asked you a question.
“So..you’re not drunk are you?” He asked precautiously.
“Just a little tipsy but I’m still in control. Still aware of everything, so no. I’m not drunk.” You answered.
“Ok cool.” He said as he got into the driver’s seat. Once you finally got in and buckled up, he drove off. In the middle of the drive, you asked him a question this time.
“Hey Suki? Where are we going?”
“I found a special place while I was looking for wood. I wanna show you.” He simply stated.
As he continued to drive off to wherever you rested your hand on the center between you and Bakugou and let your face sit in your right palm as you stared out the window. The songs playing throughout the car gave it a loving and chill vibe. You enjoyed the comfortable silence.
As you continued to stare off, you felt Bakugou’s hand intertwine with yours. You looked back and saw he was blushing while holding onto the steering wheel and staring at the road. Man, he was so hot. In nothing but his swimming trunks as he leaned into his chair and drove off. His defined abs and chiseled chest was definitely eye candy. His giant veiny hand gripped the wheel and his jaw was so sharp as he turned and looked around for other drivers. Yeah, Bakugou was definitely one of those people that looked attractive as hell when they began to drive. You looked down at your hands and squeezed his. You were really enjoying this car ride.
When the car came to a stop, you finally noticed how you were in the middle of the forest.
“Where are we Suki?” You asked him.
As he grabbed your hand he spoke, “just follow me teddy bear.”
You guys walked for what felt like a good thirty minutes until you came across.....a cave?
“I know it doesn’t seem like much but wait until you see the inside.” Bakugou said. As you walked in, you finally realized where he took you. A gorgeous crystal cave. Its colors were shining and its gems were sparkling. All the walls were covered except for the top where there seemed to be an opening. It was letting all the moonlight enter the cave causing the crystals to sparkle even more, including the giant pool of water at the center of the cave.
“Suki it’s beautiful,” you said in awe.
“Yeah, knew you’d like it,” He began.
You both sat down at the edge of the pool just dipping your legs in and enjoying each other’s company.
“Y/N.” Bakugou said.
“What’s up Suki?” You asked.
“I can’t help but keep thinking back to what Mina and the others said in the car.” He admitted.
“What? About pulling over and tearing off each other’s clothes?” You chuckled.
“No. About our feelings for each other.” Bakugou said as he just stared at the pool.
“Oh. That.” You calmly said with a hidden smile and soft blush.
Bakugou grabbed onto your hand before speaking again.
“Y/N I really, really, really, really, really love you....a lot. And I’m so sorry for everything I said and did,” Bakugou started.
“Suki....” you softly said while looking at him. You noticed he was staring down at your arm where your now tiny burn mark was. A scar that won’t be forgotten and a memory that was permanently burned into your skin. Literally.
You saw how Bakugou cringed at the sight of it.
“I am so, so sorry for everything. I don’t even know what I could say that could even make up for what I did. Every night memories of what happened keep coming back to me and I’m still in complete shock that I could even do that. To you of all people! The love of my life....I’m just really glad that you said you’d come back to me and that you gave me another chance to get close with you again. I know I said I would wait for you for as long as it takes but I don’t wanna wait anymor-“ Bakugou was cut off as you raised his head to give him a deep kiss. As he kissed you back, Bakugou put everything he couldn’t say as words into that kiss, hoping you’d understand.
When you finally pulled away, you leaned your forehead onto his while staring into his ruby eyes.
“I don’t want to wait anymore either, Suki.”
With that, Bakugou gave you the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. He pulled you in for another kiss and a tight hug.
“So....you’re mine again?” He asked.
“I was always yours Suki. You’re my one and only after all, right?” You teased.
“Right.” He proudly stated. Katsuki Bakugou finally got his girl back. He finally got his love of his life and his teddy bear. His world felt like it came back together again and he no longer felt lost.
After you both spent more time in the cave, exploring, finding all the gems, and enjoying your renewed and fixed love, you and Bakugou found yourselves back in the same spots you were sitting in when you first arrived.
With his eyes closed, chin resting on your head, and an arm wrapped around your waist, with you cuddled into his side and leaned onto his chest, you had a realization.
“Oh hey, Suki.” You said.
“What’s up teddy bear?” He asked with his eyes still closed.
“We never got to go swimming” you said with a pout.
As he opened one eye to look at you, he noticed your adorable pout and the simp in him came out along side with the devil.
“Alright then princess, let’s go for a swim. We have this crystal pool all to ourselves so why not?”
As you gleamed with excitement, you excitingly got up to jump into the water but before you could, Katsuki stopped you.
“Not so fast princess. Our little game of touch and tease is over now since your mine again. I wanna make up for lost time,” he said with a smirk.
“So you’re saying...?” Y/N asked confused.
“We’re going skinny dipping.”
At first it shocked you but then again, this is Katsuki we’re talking about. So you played his little game.
“Maybe your game of touch and tease is over but mine is still running.” You said with a smirk as you walk towards him. You placed your hand on his toned abs as you began speaking again.
“You wanna go skinny dipping Katsuki?” You then slowly went up to whisper in his ear.
“Then let’s get in daddy.”
As you walked away from him you started to undress yourself in a seductive manner. You started with your bikini top, pulled on the string to untie it and tossed it to the side. As you stepped to the pools edge, you did the same to your bikini bottoms and looked over at Katsuki. You didn’t fully face him as you spoke, but as you were holding up your chest pretending to cover yourself up, you showed just enough cleavage to get him riled up.
“You coming or not?” You teasingly asked before you stepped into the water letting its surprisingly warm temperature surrounded you. You had an idea and used your quirk to turn the pool into a hot spring. As the steam surrounded you, a blush from the heat began to show on your face and Bakugou couldnt hide his hard on inside his thin trunks. He undressed himself and entered the now spring.
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aotimagines · 4 years
Hey! I love everything you guys write. I’ve been following since like 2016? 2017? Lol, and I never get sick of it. Your character writing is just so on-point! :) I wanted to ask for headcannons or a scenario (whichever you feel more inspired to write!) for Eren and his s/o. What would their relationship look like transitioning from the early Survey Corp years to now? It also breaks my heart seeing how he’s changed, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on this and how it’d play out :,)
Wow, anon! I’m speechless, tbh. Mod Spookzz and I created this blog back in 2016. It was a time when a lot of snk blogs weren’t active with the exception of two or three. To know that you’ve stuck with us for this long really means a lot. Thank-you so much! I’ve...thought about this, a lot. Like, a lot. There may be some projecting in here based on my own OC, but this is genuinely what I think would happen. I hope you enjoy! Happy Valentine’s Day, btw! My gift to everyone is...angst. Again. I’m sorry, lmao. MANGA SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT. Also, fun fact, but this post is our 666th post, lmao.
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✩ I know the recent fandom interpretation of Eren is that he’s some charming, charismatic fuckboi, but that is...not him. At all. Not that there’s anything wrong with fanon interpretation, ofc, but Eren is...lmao.
☾ Eren doesn’t know anything about romance, period. He canonically ignores Reiner, Jean, and Armin when they are praising girls and shows zero romantic interest in just about everyone. 
✩ He’s preoccupied with other things, you know? His mind doesn’t really wander to romance often, so his s/o probably started out as his friend. 
☾ Like, it’s hard not to fall for Eren’s idealism. He’s a super passionate speaker and has some really inspiring thoughts and ideas. He’s not stupid--not by a long shot--and this magnetism draws his s/o to him like a moth to a flame. 
✩ His s/o probably realizes that their friendship and admiration for Eren has shifted into something romantic with all the ensuing drama that happens during their first trial expedition in the Survey Corps. The fear of losing Eren again really hits home and they are at a complete loss. 
☾ They wouldn’t want to ruin their friendship, so they would keep the feelings locked away for a long time. 
✩ Truthfully speaking, I can’t see Eren and any s/o getting together until the events between the four-year time skip. 
☾ Yes, Eren is worried about what he saw the day he touched Historia’s hand and often wonders about whether or not the future he peeked into is set-in-stone. 
✩ It changes his disposition. The bright, energetic, blunt boy that his s/o once knew is gone. Eren is quiet and often lost in his own thoughts; it’s not like him. So, they would cling to his side, trying to figure out what was wrong with him and what was bothering him. 
☾ How no one else doesn’t notice the change in Eren is beyond me. I’d imagine that his s/o is so aware of it that it becomes almost painful to see how withdrawn Eren has become. 
✩ Eren almost comes clean to them numerous times, but doesn’t want to put that burden on their shoulders. By the time he’s around eighteen, he realizes that he’s in love with his s/o. They are a constant in his life--always helping him and trying to distract him by taking his mind off things. It’s the only time Eren feels normal and he comes to crave their attention just as much as they do his.
☾ He confesses to his s/o beneath the stars on a night where they half-dragged him out of bed to see a meteor shower. When he finally gets to kiss them, Eren feels alive for the first time in almost three years. Everything seems perfect and he becomes scared to let go of their hand in fear that his happiness he’s found could slip between the cracks of his fingers at any moment. 
✩ Which is what happens. No matter how happy Eren is to simply be by his s/o’s side, the realization that the future he saw would come true no matter what he did makes Eren realize that being with him would only hurt his s/o down the line.
☾ As much as it kills him on the inside, he’d break up with them. They’d be in tears and ask why and the only thing Eren can think to say is that he isn’t in love with them, anymore. They are both broken hearted, but Eren knows this decision would save their life. He would never fathom asking them to go along with the Rumbling idea and loves them too much to be selfish.  
✩ The next few months are painful. It’s obvious to just about everyone, Eren’s s/o included, that he broke up with them for some unknown reason. Despite being broken up, Eren and his s/o still meet up and spend time with one another. Even though he broke up with them, Eren can’t stay away. 
☾ When Eren escapes to Marley, his s/o is crushed and wants answers so bad. Even though they trust Eren, his actions become hard to justify when he kills innocent people just to keep Paradis safe. 
✩ In canon, Eren and his s/o wouldn’t have a happy ending. It makes me so sad to think about, but...maybe in another life, they’d have a chance at happiness. 
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
#HarringroveApril Day 16: Nostalgia
When Billy signed those discharge papers, piled into his dented Camaro and headed west towards the sunset despite the screaming redhead banging on the windows crying “please don’t go!”, with an aching chest both metaphorical and physical, he didn’t think for a second about looking back.
So how he ended up back in the same shithole he turned his back on ten years ago was entirely beyond him.
He had made a life for himself in California. He got his associates degree at the local community college and worked his way up from a nine to five teller position at the local bank all the way to branch manager, making an upper middle class salary. It was easy work. Boring work, unfulfilling work, but easy and worth every penny. He had a couple of friends, mostly coworkers, more so acquaintances than friends. He had a fancy apartment in the city, he went on dates, though they usually ended in one night stands where the other guy snuck out in the dark hours of the morning leaving Billy to sleep in a bed that was just too big for one person. But he was free from all of those forces in his life that always held him back and pinned him down, and each and every one of those forces just reeked of small town America.
He hadn’t heard a peep out of Hawkins since Max had given up on calling around eight years ago, or at least he hoped that she’d given up and something worse hadn’t happened to her. He regretted not answering those calls everyday. The guilt of leaving her behind like that weighed heavy like an anchor, but he did it anyway. Bad decision after bad decision he was surprised he made it to where he had today, and he just wished she’d call again.
But he also wasn’t sure enough of himself that anything would change if she did, and that phone would likely remain on the hook until the ringing stopped and she was left to the sound of his voicemail.
“You’ve reached Billy Hargrove. Leave a message.”
He wasn’t home the day she finally did call, which fortunately took that decision away from him. Her message was tossed in with a mix of telemarketers and employees calling in for days off, it could have easily been dismissed, passed over like every other piece of junk in the system if her voice hadn’t been exactly the same as it was the day he left her.
“Hey Billy, it’s Max. I know you probably don’t give a shit, but Neil died of a heart attack last night…” Billy stopped listening after the words ‘Neil died’ came over the speaker. He had to replay the message to hear the rest because by the time he’d gathered himself it had already ended. “...the funeral is next Saturday in Hawkins. Nobody expects you to come but I thought you should know anyway and that everyone would still like to see you. Call me back at…” Billy wrote the number on the back of a blockbuster receipt and set it flat on the counter quickly with a firm hand and a quick retraction, like it might burn him. Max’s name and a ten digit number below it in a blue ballpoint pen stared back at him and he just drummed his fingers on the counter and bit his lip trying to think everything over.
He looked at it for probably another thirty minutes while the rest of the voicemails cycled through in the background before he decided to make a call of his own. Slowly and shaking, he dialed the phone number and tried to even out his breathing while he waited for the sound of the pick up. He was partially hoping that it never came.
But it did. The click sound was followed by a voice that didn’t belong to Max, but one he still recognized.
Billy took in a deep breath. “Hi. This is Billy.”
“Wow, I’m surprised you actually called.”
Billy huffed and if it had been ten years earlier he would have already hung up the phone by now.
“Who is this?”
“Lucas Sinclair. I take it you want to talk to Max?”
Billy tensed at the mention of her name, as if that hadn’t been the whole plan in the first place. “Yeah,” he said, a little bit of shakiness to his voice, “could you put her on?”
After a few short moments of silence and a little bit of movement in the background, he heard her.
“Hey Billy.” she sounded… glad… and it made Billy let out a heavy sigh of relief.
“Hey Maxine.”
“It’s Max.” There was that tone, she hadn’t changed at all.
“Yeah, I know.” There was a pause, Billy twirled the phone cord around this index finger to the point it started going pink and then purple while he tried to get the question to leave the tip of his tongue. “So, he’s really dead?” he asked, blunt as ever.
“Yeah. I don’t expect you to want to come for the funeral, but I just thought you should know, and if you need a place to stay you can– hold on one second” Billy could hear muffled bickering and Max yelling ‘Lucas Sinclair’ through clenched teeth and it brought a smile to his face. It reminded him of all those times he’d eavesdrop on her phone calls with him just to piss her off, just to hear her yell at him through their shared wall before she’d chase him around the house. Those were good days. “As I was saying. You can stay here if you need. We have a spare room.”
“Thanks for the offer.”
“I really hope you decide to come.”
“We’ll see.” He was just about to hang the phone back up, but he stopped himself, “Hey Max?”
“It’s nice hearing the sound of your voice again.”
Billy wound up taking the week off and driving that same old Camaro, restored back to its former glory, that did the distance twice before, back over to Indiana, to the place he said he’d never go back to, and he really couldn’t figure out the reason why he didn’t just go into work. There was nothing to drive him to go but the weird feeling in his gut that refused to go away until he called in, and a little bit of that pressure was released.
For each freeway exit he came across on the over thousand mile journey he contemplated turning around, getting back on that on-ramp going the other direction and save himself from whatever hell he’d be walking into.
Because that’s what Hawkins was to him. Hell. There were monsters like his father, and then there were real, legitimate monsters as well and Billy wasn’t safe from either of them, well he was safe from one now. He couldn’t imagine why Max decided to stay in the shithole and not get out like he did.
Maybe that’s what makes him the coward.
The welcome to Hawkins sign gave him chills. He remembered seeing that for the first time, following behind the rickety Uhaul pulled by their beat up truck when Billy decided not to follow them into their next turn, and instead got lost on the “scenic route” of Hawkins which really meant “trees, trees, and more trees” when he hit the Quarry’s dead end and nearly went off the cliff into the water below.
At the time he might’ve thought it would have been better if he had.
A lot of things had looked to have changed about the town since the last time he saw it. Places that he remembered being nothing but vast forests now had neighborhoods and restaurant chains and the place that once had a natural canopy was now completely deforested and exposed to the sun.
But the Quarry was exactly the same as he left it.
From the beer cans crushed and scattered, to the sounds of gravel pieces bouncing up and chipping the paint on his car.
The continuities continued to add up when he stepped foot out of the car, pulling on that same old denim jacket he hadn’t worn in years after trading it in for a suit and tie. His boot hit the gravel path just like it always had, with that same stomp that demanded attention, like each time he got out of that car he had to play into the dramatics, put on the mask and play the part he chose for himself. The breeze and the smell, it was all the same as before, as if the industrialization just several blocks north hadn’t had any effects on this little corner of the town where the birds still sang their songs in harmony and the smell of nature was pungent. It felt like no time had passed at all.
But it had been the sound of a rumbling BMW rolling down the crushing gravel that made him feel exactly like he was back in highschool again, the same rotten kid who used fists as forms for problem solving, the kid who as an adult had worked on his impulsivity, standing there, staring up the gentle slope with his fists clenched so tight his fingernails left marks on his palms. All that work, all that progress he thought he’d gone through, thrown straight out the window at just the mere sight of something from his past.
The BMW pulled up beside him, and the quarry apparently wasn’t the only thing that hadn’t changed. Steve still had the same big swooped back hair and that same exact look on his face when they made eye contact through the passenger window, the same exact look he had the day he told him he was leaving, and screamed at him to get out of his hospital room.
That was the last time they spoke.
Steve got out of the car without a word and just leaned against the door, looking him up and down, and Billy didn’t feel like he had any right to say the first word, considering he’d had the last one.
“It’s good to see you Billy.” Steve broke the silence, and it was almost startling, with both the sudden change of volume, and the sound of that voice he’d almost forgotten singing in his head like a song he didn’t remember learning the lyrics to.
“Is it?” Because it felt like it was all just a formality coming out of his mouth.
He wasn’t expecting an answer to that, so he shouldn’t have been surprised when Steve changed the subject. It was oddly refreshing seeing Steve write the script this time, steering the conversation his way.
“Looks like we both kept our old wheels,” he said, slapping the top of his car twice, maybe a little too hard. The sound of a hand against metal echoed through the trees. “though there’s not as many dents from what I remember.”
“I had it restored.”
The majority of Steve’s body was hidden behind the car that separated the two of them, but he could see in the way that his shoulders moved that his hands had found his own hips, doing that same stance of a mother who just caught their kid in the act of something naughty. “Some good memories happened in that car.”
“Some bad ones too. Or do I need to remind you how the dents got there in the first place?” Billy crossed his arms over his chest, as if the thousand pound chunk of metal that served as a barrier wasn’t enough to protect him. Because it felt like Steve could see directly through him with the way his head tilted when Billy threw his words back at him. Because they both knew that it was horseshit. Memories of whatever happened between Steve and the Camaro existed only in the dents that remained and the neck pain that still lingered. He didn’t actually hold any grudge about that, and he never did.
Because Steve was right. There had been good memories in that car, some he didn’t remember until seeing him again, some that still played in his mind when he went to sleep at night. Maybe that was the reason he kept it around for so long, that one piece that contained all of those few good times, all of those times with Steve.
“You were always so good at that.”
“Deflecting. Pushing people away.”
Billy opened his mouth to defend himself, but there was nothing that came out but his own breath, but Steve filled that silence anyway before Billy would have even had the opportunity to speak.
“You cut your hair.”
It was like he was being interrogated.
“Company policy, they practically had to strap me down and take the clippers to my head themselves.”
Steve actually laughed, and it seemed genuine at least. Billy pulled out the pack of red that he always kept on the seat like it was muscle memory. His hands would only ever stop shaking when he had that little stick between his fingers, and they were only shaking more since Steve got out of that car.
“You still smoke?”
Billy put the cigarette in between his lips and lit up, pausing for a nice drag before bothering to answer Steve. Just letting his eyes fall shut and experience just a short moment of relaxation.
“Some old habits never die”
Steve pursed his lips. Every single one of his mannerisms were exactly the same. This one meant that he wanted to say something that he didn’t know if he should.
“Was I just an old habit too?”
Steve just kicked the side of his car with his knee, sure to leave a dent of his own. The sound was loud enough that the consistent stream of chirping birds transformed into a cascade of flapping wings as the birds on the trees flew away from the scene. He walked around to the front of his car and the physical object that once created separation was gone, and suddenly Steve was within reach and he couldn’t breathe.
“Glad to know it’s harder to quit nicotine than it was to quit me!”
Billy chucked his lit cigarette at the ground and scuffed it with his heel into the gravel. “Who told you it was easy?!” He had a finger pointed to Steve and had closed their distance a few feet more, less than an arms length apart from each other.
“You left!”
“Because I had to! You know I did!”
“You didn’t have to leave me!” Steve practically screamed that final word, his face was now just inches away from Billy’s and he was nearly foaming at the mouth and from an outsider's perspective, Steve looked about two seconds from either kissing him, or killing him.
He did neither. He took a step back and recollected himself with a dramatic clearing of his throat. “You didn’t even ask me to come with you.”
“And you don’t think I regret that every fucking day of my life?” Billy’s voice broke, trembling throughout the sentence like he was containing a ticking time bomb. “Why are you even here?”
Steve just rolled his eyes at the steer. “Max sent me.”
“Of course she fucking did.”
“She cares about you y’know.” Billy scoffed, because how could she? After all he did to her? He could still hear those palms banging against those windows and her muffled screams for her to stay every time he got into that car. “Why are you here?”
“Did she not tell you the part where my dad died?”
“I know damn well you didn’t come all this way to pay your respects.”
Billy let himself drop to the ground and sit on the rough terrain with his back against his tire, unable to continue standing, his legs were ready to betray him.
“I have no idea why I’m here, okay? I just am.”
Steve nodded his head, and he didn’t say anything, no quip back in his face, he just followed Billy to the ground.
“Are you upset he’s gone?”
Billy let out a groan and tried to rub the growing migraine from his temples.
“I’m feeling a lot of things, but I don’t think ‘upset’ is one of them.” Neither of them said anything after that. They just sat there on the ground and enjoyed the silence together like they used to do. Looking up at the clouds and arguing over what shape they were. There’d be none of that today though, and it had nothing to do with the overcast skies. “You still keep a six pack in your trunk?”
Steve laughed and got up from where he was seated and popped the trunk. He was right. Some old habits never fucking die.
Steve tossed a can over to Billy and sat back down on the gravel, maybe a little closer than he had been before. Billy took a long swig and swallowed the bitter taste down. He hadn’t drank much since he was a teenager, he traded in his Coors for Cola and he doesn’t understand how he used to enjoy the taste of it before.
“Why did you stay in Hawkins?”
Steve dug his heel and pushed a pile of rocks forward, kicking a plume of dust into the air.
“Nobody ever gave me a reason to leave.”
Billy wanted to ask if he would have even come with him had he asked him to. But he opted against it, instead just taking another drink from the can and a genuine “I’m sorry.” passed his lips.
“You know I followed you?”
“Yup. Made it all the way to St. Louis before I turned around.”
Billy was just staring at him at this point, unsure if he’d just heard him right. He just sat there with his mouth agape, catching flies and waiting for Steve to say more.
“I knew that you needed to go. I knew that you were hurting and it took me almost ten hours on the open road to realize that you needed time to heal.” Steve’s eyes looked glossy and his cheeks flushed but he kept his smile on. “So I came back home, and I waited here for you to come back. I wanted to make myself easy to find when you needed me.”
“You waited for me?”
Steve inched his hand over to where Billy’s was propping himself up and let his fingers gently trace the back of his hand. Steve’s touch was everything. It made his heart start racing and his palms start sweating and it felt just like 1985 all over again.
Billy took Steve’s hand in his own and entwined their fingers together and Billy let out a long exhale as they did.
“Billy,” Steve said softly, scooting his body just a little bit closer, less than a foot of separation now between the two of them, and he looked Billy in the eyes. Billy had almost gotten entirely lost in those pools of deep brown before Steve had the chance to speak again. But he heard it, loud and clear. “I’m still waiting for you.”
He waited.
Waited ten fucking years.
Billy wasn’t going to make him sit there and wait for a kiss too.
Billy closed the distance at the moment the penny dropped, sinking all of his weight into the kiss in a frantic and uneven pace just like they were eighteen again trying to squeeze both of their bodies into the backseat of the Camaro, refusing for even a second to separate themselves from the one point of contact that sealed them together like glue. The kiss felt just like their first. In the same spot, instead under the stars and the two of them both drunk off their asses, and that time Billy tasted of only blood and liquor.
But it was that same feeling. That desire to never pull away, that fear that it would end and that it would be the last time. He had that fear with everyone of Steve and his kisses, that each one might just be their last.
So he made a point to savor all of them.
They kissed until they physically couldn’t anymore. Out of breath with swollen lips and an inability stop the smiles that peeked through every couple of seconds. They sat there with their foreheads touching and their clasped hands still intact, relishing in the heat that was each other’s breath on their faces. Billy was crying, just streams of tears paired with a smile that Steve gently wiped away with his thumb, the brush of contact making him shiver.
“I missed you so fucking much.”
Steve cradled Billy’s head in his hands and peppered a few short kisses to his lips.
“I missed you too.”
“You think this is why Max invited me here?” Billy asked. “I can’t imagine she’d actually think I would want to come to this thing.”
Steve laughed. “No. She’s not an idiot. She figured you’d want to crash the funeral.”
Billy immediately got up from his place on the ground and held his other hand out for Steve to grab onto. “Well you wanna join me while I go piss on my old man’s grave?”
Steve took his hand without hesitation and let Billy pull him up off the ground.
“It would be my honor.”
Hawkins made a lot of bad memories for Billy, most of which he locked somewhere far away, but the good still remained. Right there in the look on Steve’s face with the way he looked back at him.
And he was happy to make a couple more.
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
Hello!! Can you write something with thor please where he and reader get in a big fight and he storms out but then he misses her and goes back to her and makes up in a cute way🥺🥺♥️♥️ Ineedangstandfluff 💗🥺
come back to me
thor oneshot
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thor x reader
angst, fluff
i actually love this sm thor makes my heart go 🥰💞💞
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what had started out as a simple disagreement between you and thor had now become a screaming match. you didn’t even know what you were arguing about anymore, if you were being honest. but the tension between you two had become so thick that neither of you were willing to back down.
you were both stubborn in that way, a trait you admired and hated in each other.
“i’m just saying,” you threw your hands up, exasperated as your throat burned from screaming, “a relationship goes two ways. i make time for you, and you have to make time for me, too, thor.”
“and you believe i don’t?” his voice was low, threatening as he stared at you in disbelief. “you believe that i don’t give my best efforts to be here when i can, y/n?”
“when you can,” you mocked him sarcastically, “you mean when you’re not off trying to save the world or being a king on an entirely different planet?”
“my people mean the world to me, y/n,” thor snapped, “they have lost odin and now they need me. i thought that you of all people would understand that.”
thor was hurt that you didn’t understand that the lives of the asgardians were important to his wellbeing, too. but that was the thing — you did understand. he had said it best, you more than anyone understood that it was thor’s duty to be with them. it was his destiny to be their king.
but, as his wife, he could at least pretend to have a place for you in his life, too. he could at least pretend he knew that he was hurting you by leaving for months at a time.
time on earth and time on asgard were different. to thor, he was only gone for five weeks but for you, it was five months. five months of pure torture, five months of lonely nights spent crying over the absence of your husband. five months of staring at your wedding ring, wondering if it was even worth it to be with him anymore.
“don’t you dare,” you pointed an accusing finger at him. “you know that i understand. you know that i have always been aware that your people come first. so don’t sit there and pretend i’m crying to you over nothing, thor. because this — this has been happening for years! for years i’ve waited for you to tend to your people! for years i’ve been stuck here in absolute hell, wondering if i’ll even get to see you again! i’m not an asgardian, thor. i’m human! and every time you leave, every time you abandon me for months on end, my life span shrinks. the time i get to spend with you is so little anyways, but now — i feel like i’m gonna end up spending more years without you than with and i just—”
you couldn’t stop yourself from sobbing as you finished your little rant, the years of bottled up emotions spilling out.
thor looked at you in a mixture of shock, anger, and hurt. “i thought you knew that this was what you were signing up for, y/n,” he said.
“not like this,” you sobbed as you fiddled with the golden ring on your finger. “not anymore. thor i— i-can’t take this anymore. you being gone so much, i just—”
“no!” thor shook his head as you began to remove the expensive band, disbelief overtaking his features. “y/n, don’t you dare—”
“i’m sorry,” you broke down as you placed the object, a symbol of your now broken love, in his fists. “i just can’t. i can’t be married to a ghost anymore. i’m sorry.”
the hurt on his features was beyond comprehensible. thor looked like he was dying right in front of you, face twisted into agonizing pain.
“please,” he took a step forward but you stepped back. “please, don’t do this y/n.”
“i’m sorry,” you were like a broken record, repeating yourself over and over again. “but i think you should leave.”
you and thor both stared at each other for a moment, the pain behind both of your eyes enough to torture the entire earth.
he didn’t want to go. you didn’t want him to go.
but it was for the best.
“if i do this,” thor gripped the metal band tightly in his fists, “i’m not coming back.”
it was a threat. one last attempt to hear you make him stay.
and god, did it break your heart. you couldn’t even meet his eyes. you knew you’d break, and so you stayed silent while you stared at the wooden floor.
thor stormed away without another word.
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the party around you was in full swing.
another shindig thrown by the one and only tony stark, celebrating some holiday that you hadn’t bothered to remember because you had been too busy mourning the love of your life.
nothing had been the same ever since he left. it felt like there was a hole in your heart now, large enough to leave you with physical pain.
his absence hurt you night and day, it haunted you in your dreams. before, it had at least been bearable because you could at least count the days until he was coming back.
but now...
your heart squeezed painfully as you remembered his last words.
he wasn’t coming back.
suddenly, the red cocktail that you were holding became blurry as tears welled up in your eyes.
“what’s up, buttercup? why are you crying in your wine?” the voice of tony stark made you quickly look up.
you nearly rolled your eyes as he swaggered over and plopped next to you. there was a grin on his face and you didn’t like it. not because you were annoyed at him, specifically, but because it hurt seeing other people happy now that you were miserable.
“not now, tony,” you mumbled, turning away from your ex-husbands colleague. you chose to stare out of the expansive windows instead and tony raised an eyebrow.
“what’s up?” he suddenly became more serious as your sniffles could be heard over the loud music. “did something happen? are you hurt?”
“no, no, i just—” you dabbed at your eyes in embarrassment as you began to cry right at his party. you couldn’t believe it! you were supposed to be celebrating, not sobbing into a glass of expensive wine.
“hey, hey,” tony frowned as a sob escaped your lips and quickly wrapped his arms around you. “easy, easy,”
“tony,” you let all of your sorrow loose on his ten thousand dollar suit, his jacket becoming wet with your tears as you cried. “i can’t do it. i can’t do it anymore! i thought i could just ignore the fact that he’s gone but—”
“this is about thor?” tony asked, frowning while you nodded. “wow i didn’t know you guys broke up.”
“it was my fault,” you admitted, regret seeping into your veins. “i couldn’t cope with him being gone anymore. i...i told him to leave. even gave him back the ring. but now...i regret everything.”
“oh honey,” tony cooed while you wiped your eyes with his handkerchief. “i’m sure wherever he is, he misses you too.”
“that’s the thing,” you hiccuped, shaking your head. “i don’t know where he is. he hasn’t been on earth for months. i can...i can feel it.”
“have you tried contacting him?” tony asked.
“you and i both know how hard it is to get in contact with him,” you said.
“well have you tried yelling at the sky and screaming out his name?” he asked.
you chuckled, “i don’t think that’d work.”
“and what about praying? isn’t he like god or something?”
“alright, alright,” the older man held up his hands in surrender. “i just wanted to see that smile of yours return. can’t have people talking about how my parties are so depressing people cry into their wine glasses.”
“only the ones that have lost their intergalactic husbands,” you sighed.
“if there was some type of technology that allowed us to communicate...” tony sighed. “you know i’d do everything i can. but with stuff like this, i just don’t know, kiddo.”
“i know,” you gave him a small yet appreciative smile. “i appreciate the thought, anyways. and you coming over here to check on me. it was sweet.”
“i’m nothing if not a people pleaser,” tony winked.
you chuckled. “why don’t you get back to the party,” you suggested, knowing that plenty of people were here for him. “i’m sure there’s just hundreds of broads ready to sweep you away.”
“you gonna be okay?” tony looked like he wanted to take your suggestion, but he was hesitating.
you gave him a firm nod. “go. the show must go on!” you waved your arms dramatically and tony chuckled.
and then, with one last farewell, you were alone again with nothing else to accompany you except the night sky, exposed by the expansive windows that surrounded you.
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some air, you decided, would do you some good.
after all, you were beginning to grow tired of the stuffy atmosphere of the party so you came out here, to the field in front of the avengers compound, to get some fresh air.
you inhaled deeply as the bitter wind whipped at your face. in hindsight, you really should have brought a jacket. but you figured it was too late to go back now so you stayed, admiring the way the stars glimmered in the sky.
absentmindedly, you let your eyes flutter over to your favorite one.
“three stars north,” you heard thor’s voice in your head, “and one star to the right.”
it was where you could always find the ever watchful eyes of heimdall gazing over the earth, he had told you. it was where you could always find him.
another sob threatened to escape your lips but you quickly pushed it down.
maybe tony was right, you began to wonder, your eyes gazing at the star hopefully, maybe if i just call out to him...
it was a silly idea, you knew it. but you also knew that you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you didn’t at least try. you would never be able to rest if you left on bad terms with your husband forever.
and so, hesitantly parting your lips, you kept your eyes on the stars as you quietly called out,
your voice was nothing above a whisper but a whisper was all you needed, he had told you.
one word, and he would be there.
you were counting on that.
you bit your lip as you waited, slowly rocking on the balls of your feet.
you felt silly as you looked at the star, expecting it to speak back to you.
actually, you didn’t know what to expect. you had never done it before, as many times as you were tempted to.
and honestly, you weren’t even sure it would work this time.
would thor even want to come back and see you?
a horrible feeling began to form in your stomach.
what if this was a mistake? what if thor could hear you, but he didn’t want to see you?
after all, you had broken his heart. badly.
you found yourself letting out a whimper at the thought.
“please...” your eyes glistened with heartbroken tears, “come back to me, baby.”
you waited again.
and waited, and waited, and waited.
and finally, after a few second passed, you were ready to give up.
your shoulders sagged, and you glared at the star as a huff of frustration left your lips.
“dammit,” you cursed and then prepared to turn around, heading back into the tower before you legs collapsed and left you stranded outside.
but then, just as you began to turn your back, you were suddenly blinded by a bright and multicolored light.
you knew that light. in fact, you had spent years hoping you would see it, for it meant that the one person you wanted in the entire universe had returned to you.
your heart swelled as the light faded and sure enough, the god was standing there. he had his hammer clutched tightly in his hands and a wide smile on his face as he rushed over to you.
“you remembered,” he said breathlessly, a laugh escaping his throat.
“oh thor!”
you couldn’t help yourself as you launched yourself into his arms, meeting him halfway.
you didn’t care that you had a dress on — you wrapped your legs around him and clutched him tightly, sobbing as you buried your head in his neck.
“you came back,” you sobbed, utter relief flooding your veins.
“did you ever doubt that i would?” thor asked, his own voice thick with emotion.
“i— when you left that night, i thought that you were serious. i thought that you were never coming back to me, that i would never see you again.”
“i could never stay away from you, my love,” thor confessed, pressing his forehead against yours. “even if it was your dying wish, i don’t have the strength to be away from you.”
“and i don’t ever want you to,” you told him, “i’m sorry.”
“no, i’m sorry,” thor said quickly, shaking his head. “during our time apart, i realized how selfish and ignorant i have been to ignore your needs over my own. you are right, i want to cherish the time we have. i want you always and forever, just like we promised.”
“so you’ll stay?” you asked hopefully, a smile on your face.
“no,” your heart sunk, “you shall come with me to asgard. there, we will have all the time in world to spend our lives together. you’ll rule beside me, as my queen, until the universe decides otherwise.”
“you mean it?” you asked, gripping him tightly as tears glistened in your eyes.
thor nodded. “i wouldn’t have it any other way,” he promised, before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s R&S - Minor’s Memos
🍒This R&S (韩野的备忘录) is part of the Dream Heart Lake event which has not been released in EN🍒
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More r&s from the event: 
> minor’s memos ♡
> tilted time
> little bro’s self-cultivatiion
> ashes
[ Chapter 1 ]
The First Memo
I was beaten up.
This morning, I was especially courageous and pasted a "Evil Spirit Begone" challenge letter on the school bully’s lunchbox. But I didn’t stop myself and pasted too many. The other party brought five people and cornered me in a small alley. I straightened my back, but felt a chill. What happened in the end were the four words I started off with... I was beaten up. With a bloody nose and a swollen face, I suddenly felt that there truly weren’t any heroes in this era... Even an ardent youth like me had to face such tribulation...
Suddenly, a pair of white sneakers stood before my eyes. Lifting my red and swollen eyes with difficulty, all I saw was an icy outline. He reached out to grab the neck of one of the school bullies, and had a sharp look in his eyes!
Oh my... It was actually Se! Nior! Ga! Vin!
Today, I finally witnessed what was a true 1 v 5 looked like. Gavin blew the dust off his hands, lowering his eyes and giving me a glance before leaving. Quick-wittedly, I tugged on the bottom of his trouser leg.
Senior turned out to be just as cold and indifferent as the legends said. During the entire process, he only said one word - “Scram”.
He’s such a MAN!
Hence, there’s a small goal in my heart. I want to learn the supreme feat of Senior’s 1 v 5!
The Second Memo
I looked for Senior many times, but was mercilessly ignored by him... He was either wholly absorbed in drinking water, or wholly absorbed in sleeping... I decided that I had to take the initiative! So, I came up with a plan to perfectly understand Senior.
Cough cough.
With this, I started embarking on the dull and dry life of “tracking” Senior. At 7.30am, Senior would appear at the school gate punctually, carrying a flat schoolbag. I don’t know if there are any books in it... Forget it, is that the main point? Nope!
After Senior reaches school, the first thing he does is head to the small kiosk in the north to! Buy! Breakfast! Does he actually lead such an ordinary life too? I even thought an existence like Senior’s should be above worldly affairs, and that he wouldn’t eat the food of common mortals! Hey hey hey! It seems that Senior really likes to eat fishballs? He’s been eating them for three consecutive days!!! Isn’t it good to change it to something else?!!!
During class, I deliberately went around the upper levels where the Year 3 seniors were, pretentiously passing by Senior’s window. Of course, Senior typically wouldn’t appear in the classroom at all. But!!! He was here today!!!!
As expected, he was assigned to sit in the last row, and was sleeping without restraint...
Did nobody care?! Wait, why am I feeling envious?
After school, Senior walked around, and I had no idea where he was headed to. Finally, he walked into the library. I couldn’t help but think - Senior really lives life as he pleases...
Huh? Hang on! Why would the Underworld Senior go to the library?!
He not only went to the library, but the thing which startled me even more till my jaw dropped was - I saw Senior helping the prettiest girl in class retrieve a book from the shelf!
He even... s-smiled...
Had my vision gone blurry? This was the Underworld Senior who’s said to be cold, unruly, and scares girls away?!
[ Chapter 2 ]
The Third Memo
I was beaten up again...  Writing these words is truly lamentable... Why did I have to rescue that stupid, unsophisticated and immoral four-eyed boy? But isn’t that what a hero does? What this era needs is a hero like me!
...this era might also not need such a weak hero like me...
That’s what I thought when I was pressed against the ground and punched by a school bully. My conviction was about to collapse. All of a sudden, I recalled the sharp look in Senior Gavin’s eyes. It’d have been nice if he were around...
Perhaps God happened to hear my wish, and Senior descended from the sky! With a dashing left uppercut, the other party lay on the ground, and I was moved to tears. 
Senior asked, why do you keep causing trouble for yourself? I very righteously said that it’s because I wanted to be a hero, and couldn’t stand to see school bullies targeting the weak. Senior then said, don’t you know that they call me a school bully?
In my heart, I responded that I knew. But I shook my head very firmly. The look he was giving me suddenly had a hint of bewilderment added to it... like he was looking at a... hm? An idiot? ...
Senior is very difficult to understand. He even told me about what true heroism was, which went beyond the words I recognised from Senior. He actually said two sentences! I’ll note them down, I’ll note them down...
Who cares about him! From what I see, heroism is about rushing to the rescue when one sees injustice!
The Fourth Memo
Today, I! Was! A! Hero!
I was following Senior around secretly today, though I don’t know how many days it’s been, and encountered Senior being ambushed! Those guys were the school bullies who beat me up the last time! A total of ten people were there! Terrible! Tyranny of the majority! How could I, Minor, allow such a situation to happen!
Without much thought, I rushed forward to help Senior! Of course, I was beaten up yet again... but I discovered one of Senior’s nuclear abilities-
1 v 10! Too dashing, too dashing. I don’t think Superman, X-Men or Iron Man are as dashing! Senior is a god in my eyes!
But Senior was very cold. He said two words to me which left me utterly heartbroken: courting death.
Feeling wronged, I told him that I wasn’t courting death. This was what heroism meant to me. 
Senior scoffed, then told me not to follow him around sneakily in the future, because it was annoying.
What what what? Was my perfect “Understanding Plan” exposed since a long time ago?!
For some reason, I spoke up at this moment. “Senior, I saw you handing a book to the prettiest girl in class... Are you...”
Senior coughed, then covered his mouth with a hand... W-was he actually blushing!!!!? Oh my goodness - did I discover something disgraceful? Senior actually blushed! If I say it out loud, would I get silenced?!!
[ Chapter 3 ]
The Fifth Memo
On the first day of becoming Senior’s, oh wait - Bro Gavin’s little brother, hehe, made me feel like I was suddenly floating. Today, I finally walked beside him in broad daylight, and felt as if a gust of wind was blowing past while walking hahahaha! I saw people looking me with that gaze! That~ Gaze~
But I never expected Bro Gavin to be so strict... All I did was mention casually that someone gave the prettiest girl in class a love letter again, and Bro Gavin suddenly got angry, and asked me to grab those people over.
Catching people is really tiring. I had to run to several classrooms, and it was really annoying to move personnel. In the future, I definitely wouldn’t do such work.
Bro Gavin glanced at them and didn’t say anything. Was I supposed to save the show?? After recalling how teachers typically lecture me, I copied them wholesale and gave them a lecture: At this young age, they should concentrate on their studies instead of fooling around.
[Note] I translated “copied them wholesale” from “原封不动”, which literally translated to “not touching the original envelope”. This is a beautiful choice of idiom because that’s exactly what Minor did later on LOL T^T
Seeing the fear and trepidation in their eyes, I became even more excited.
While I was lecturing them happily, Bro Gavin walked over and only said one thing: Get the love letters back. If you scare her, don’t blame me for being difficult.
Wow, Bro Gavin is so cool! Come to think of it, did I discover a little secret that I shouldn’t be aware of? For example, that Bro Gavin’s feelings towards the prettiest girl in class are actually..
The Sixth Memo
I think Bro Gavin is most likely, indeed, and definitely in love. Recently, I became Bro Gavin’s private detective, specialising in focusing on the prettiest girl in class. Maybe next time, I should change the way I address the prettiest girl in class to “Sis-in-law”... Well, since the ancient times, heroes have always loved beauties!
As of now, Bro Gavin isn’t really Bro Gavin anymore -
He hangs out in the library every day. If you want to know where Bro Gavin is, all you have to do is ask where the prettiest girl in class is... He no longer fights, no longer goes to the sports field, and no longer plays ball games anymore. He’s like a salted fish which has lost its dreams. And he actually started reading “5 Years of College Examinations and 3 Years of Sample Questions”... I just want to cry.
[Note] “5 Years of College Examinations and 3 Years of Sample Questions” (”5年高考3年模拟”) is a supplementary book for college entrance examinations used in China!
At noon, we had a PE class together, and I excitedly told Bro Gavin that Sis-in-law had chosen basketball! I initially thought Bro Gavin would snatch up a territory to play basketball. In the end, Bro Gavin hauled me over to the nearby volleyball court...
He said that it was a good place.
Good? What’s good about it? My basketball... I still wanted to display my coolness!
Afterwards, I found out that, tsk tsk, Bro Gavin was truly very sly...
The volleyball court was actually even closer to Sis-in-law’s location as compared to other basketball courts!
When I almost accidentally smashed the ball on Sis-in-law’s head, it was blocked by Bro Gavin, who was far away... How did Bro Gavin do it?!
He actually ran diagonally across the volleyball court so quickly?!!! Does he have some special ability? Will it appear!
But Bro Gavin isn’t attuned to flirtatious expressions at all...
[Note] I translated “flirtatious expressions” from the term “风情”, which literally translates to “information about the wind”
When Sis-in-law thanked him, his face was even colder than when he’s facing me... And when I “accidentally” pushed Sis-in-law onto Bro Gavin! He actually gave me a merciless killer glare. Just thinking about it makes my heart feel pained...
He didn’t recognise my good intentions, sob sob sob sob.
[ Chapter 4 ]
The Seventh Memo
Today, I saw another side of Bro Gavin! That is - the Bro Gavin at the sports meet! He’s such a MAN!!!
In the ten-lap long-distance race in the sports field, Bro Gavin won the first place, leaving the second place runner far behind him by three laps. He didn’t even pant!
What kind of supreme feat is this? Before, I used to think that he was only super capable in fighting. Looks like there are many other things I have to learn from Bro Gavin!
It was only today when I realised that although Bro Gavin is so fierce and is always called an Underworld Senior, he seems to be really popular, based on how the female students looked as if they were about to glue their eyes onto Bro Gavin’s body -
Ah, I just want to “tsk tsk”.
Bro Gavin seemed to be in a good mood, but when I asked him to teach me 1 v 10, he assigned me to work as a private detective again...
He was very concerned about Sis-in-law’s sprint. Perhaps he’s a tsundere or something, so he didn’t go himself, and insisted that I went instead. He even tossed his phone to me.
What’s that supposed to mean? His phone? Did he mean that I should sneak pictures? Am I, Minor, such a person?
I called out to Sis-in-law. She turned her head, and I managed to secretly photograph an utterly beautiful side profile. It looked really good. This time, Bro Gavin would definitely teach me 1 v 10, right?
In the end, he! Did! Not!
Bro Gavin is someone who values a lover more than his little bro!
What can I say? I had no choice but to squat at the side and watch Bro Gavin staring at the picture on his phone, occasionally revealing an unusual smile... 
Oh my, Bro Gavin smiled again!!!! It makes me feel frightened!!!!
Love makes people lose their minds!!!
[ Chapter 5 ]
The Eighth Memo
Bro Gavin looks very low-spirited recently. If he was a salted fish with no dreams before, then I reckon that right now, he’s not even a salted fish... He seems to have fallen in love with being in a daze lately.
After being in a daze in the piano room, he’d be in a daze in the library, continuously staring at the empty seat where Sis-in-law used to sit, and I have no idea what he’s thinking about. 
But I really didn't expect a person who sleeps in class to be in a daze in the library for an entire afternoon... Did Bro Gavin and Sis-in-law have a fight recently?
Very curious, I asked around, and found out that for some reason, Sis-in-law has been hurrying off after school, and no longer goes to the library nor the piano room. I also heard that she’s been doing her revision for exams at home... Could it be that she’s hiding from Bro Gavin?
Oh my god, why don’t I write an eight o'clock soap opera with such an imagination? It might even become popular!
Returning to the original topic... should I tell Bro Gavin about this? If Bro Gavin also thinks that Sis-in-law is hiding from him, he might be heartbroken.
I’m worried...
The Ninth Memo
Bro Gavin disappeared for quite a long time, and finally returned today! But he brought with him a body full of injuries, and it’s very worrying because I didn’t know what happened! He also stuffed a letter to me, saying that it was for Sis-in-law. Even though the envelope was flat and smooth, it had a lot of blood stains.
Did Bro Gavin do something dangerous? He bled so much! I asked him to go to the hospital but he refused... Bro Gavin is truly too wilful!
But he is really different today. Why do I feel like I’m handling funeral arrangements? Touch wood!
He also said that he’d teach me 1 v 10 when he we meet again... Wow! If Bro Gavin wasn’t hurt, I’d have wanted to pounce on him and give him a peck! Bro Gavin is the most dashing! Bro Gavin is the coolest!
Come to think of it, Bro Gavin is about to take the college entrance examinations, and the seniors from the graduating classes have been pretty sad recently. The next meeting Bro Gavin mentioned was probably summer vacation? Hehe, I’m looking forward to it a little!
In that case, while Bro Gavin isn’t around, I’ll be the one to help Sis-in-law block off all the rotten apples!
Other men, don’t even think of approaching my Sis-in-law!
She! Is! Bro! Gavin’s!
The Final Memo
During the entire summer vacation... I didn't see Bro Gavin...
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More from the Dream Heart Lake event: here
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amesstm · 3 years
AOT boys with a badass S/O
Characters: Eren, Jean, Levi, Reiner, Armin, Erwin, Zeke, Porco,
A/N: Not me secretly wanting to enforce my top energy into my writin. P.S. I do not own literally any gifs because I do not have that talent so check these folks out!
Eren Yeager
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You bet that this boy came to you for help with his ODM gear
“Y/N, can you please help me?” Eren would ask with a pout and puppy eyes.
Ngl, you enjoyed having him beg for you. Okay not like that but maybe later
You help him out and all that, growing closer because you’re just that good
Mikasa gets jelly because someone is getting closer to Eren with as much gains as she has – seriously, how does she have such nice abs with little protein??
HOWEVER, when he shows off his Titan powers and starts to edge towards your Titan kills? >.>
Don’t do this at home, kids
Well, you two would make it a competition to see who could have more kills after every expedition
Levi would promptly kick your butts, as he could, because he’s the only one who can
The only time Eren could beat you in a fight was Post-Marley. Sorry, I don’t make the rules
Jean Kirstein
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At first, he’d be intimidated by how strong you are
Let’s all admit it, this boy had a bit of toxic masculinity going on so he’d probably be like “wtf, a girl can’t be this strong.”
Did I mention that you could get this lanky, tall boy into a chokehold?  
Because you do :
Afterwards, he doesn’t make those comments for obvious reasons.
He’ll start to respect you much more. Soon, he might even like when you show off your skills
Toxic masculinity? Gone.  
Simping? Fully.
If you were to get into a fight, Jean wouldn’t even be concerned lol. He’d just watch like “yep, that’s the girl I love landing a roundhouse kick” - super casual  
He loves when you stand up against people, especially if you’re small. When you landed a blow on Eren, Jean might’ve gotten a nosebleed.  
Levi Ackerman
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At first, it’d start with respect until it shifted into something more than that.
Again, he wasn’t looking for much when he went into the Scout Regiment beyond just saving his friends from trouble.  
But when his friends – uhh y’know, stuff – the emotional strength you also had?  
Your ability to comfort healed him and brought you two closer
When you two started to date, it wasn’t much of a surprise. In fact, it seemed like it was the right thing to do because power couple much???  
Honestly, everyone is intimidated by you two when you’re both on the field
Regardless of your personality – be it bubbly and dorky or stern and quiet – there’s a presence you both carry
Like somehow you and him can go toe-to-toe with each other easily
Titan kills? Almost equal. 
Assisted kills? Close.  
Ability to make Eren Yeager shut up? Definitely equal.
Reiner Braun
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Because of Annie, he was already used to strong girls in his life
What he wasn’t used to was being put into a chokehold from what looked like an unassuming opponent
Where did you learn this??? It wasn’t even in the program???  
He doesn’t understand but he likes it – you being strong, not the choking. Just for clarification.
Or does he?
After that, he’s asking to spar with you in the hopes of not being forced to submit to you
Unfortunately for him, you always have him in submission
What can I say? Natural top.
Even if you’re not a top, you certainly can make Reiner a bottom
Armin Arlert
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He’d love it without a doubt. Literal simp since day one for you.  
Armin would probably remember meeting you beating up these bullies because 
Sure, Mikasa existed but... why like her when you’re there?  
At the beginning, you’d basically be his bodyguard.  
No one was allowed to make fun of his bowl-cut without the consequences. Periodt.
But after his glow-up???  
Let’s just say ummm baby boy don’t need that much protecting anymore
Erwin Smith
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Okay imma be real, he probably just sees you as a means to his goals
Hold up, hold up. But that’s because he trusts you to get the job done
His confidence in your abilities is so high because he knows you could kick anyone’s ass in the whole regiment – except for Levi’s, of course.  
But then his time working with you led to more than just respect
Unlike him, his façade about caring for humanity was a stark contrast to your willingness to die for the people around you
You were everything he wanted to be. You may show off sometimes but you surely had the credentials to back it up. You had a strong will and moral compass
You made him want to be better than he already was
Why did he charge into death on that suicide mission? Because you would do the same. Or you had already done the same.
Zeke Yeager
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Y’all, brains and brawns but make it a couple
Okay, you can have smart moments but that’s not the point of this
You were the only qualified kid that had little interest in being a Warrior
It’s not that you didn’t want to help out your family, but likeee your dad was the past Armor Titan. You didn’t like saying goodbye to him
So, when Zeke told you he was entering the program, you might’ve punched him in the gut
And you might’ve ran off crying
For someone so tough, seeing you cry showed Zeke a whole new side to you. Because you hated being vulnerable, you refused to cry in public
Cue Zeke and you having a moment uwu
“You don’t always need to be so strong. You know that right?”
Porco Galliard
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You know that he’d make it a competition.  
If you’re competitive, too, it’d be a daily thing where you try to out-perform one another.
If you’re not competitive, but still win??? Nah, he’d demand rematches
He loves your natural ability, but he also admires the determination to enhance your technique
Porco is the type of guy that loves strength and respects those that are better than him
He just loves a strong woman
You were the counterpart that he didn’t think he’d ever meet. Someone that finally meets his standards without even trying? Wow.  
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barcaavengers · 3 years
Weakness || Bucky Barnes Imagine || Pt. 4
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Note: Here we go! This part is mostly a short fluffy moment. Reader being there for Bucky when he talks to Yori, and supporting him when he admits he will always be missing a key person in his amends. Next part will probably be more fluff, domestic and carefree Bucky cause we all know the Wilson's bring out the best in him. I'm thinking of what else to add to it so I want you guys to tell me what you'd like to see in part 4!
Updated: The first posting was all messed up and cut parts for some strange reason so it is now updated correctly!
Disclaimer: Gif not mine. All credits belong to @ryangoslings Tag List: ❤️ @hanakin-im-panakin, @evie-pr, @justinekomwriterkru, @felicityofbakerstreet, @maaaaryx, @ijustwantedplums, @winterberryfox, @ttatum14, @pastelbabygirl19, @love-buckybarnes, @forever-aimless, @izzlenizzlebizzle @pastel-boy-sungjae, @johnmurphys-sass, @ren-ni, @rachelizabethgraham
"This looks so different…" Bucky says as you two walk down the streets of Manhattan. "Steve and I would come to a hot dog stand on that corner after school. I would get him the same order every day" he says as you two walk.
"Wow, the same order" you smirk.
"He felt bad whenever I paid him, it was the cheapest order so he always asked for it no matter how many times I told him he could order something else."
"I have always admired your loyalty to each other" you say. "Never gave up on each other, always had each other's back no matter what."
"There was a time we were all we had left" he says and you could hear the nostalgia in his voice.
"Well, things change now" you bump into him and he chuckles, hands tucked in his jacket pockets. "You are not alone. You got Sam and you got me" you smile at him and he looks at you, smiling back. How much you loved this happy side of him was beyond words.
"I couldn't be more thankful," he says. His hands fall from his pocket and for a moment you see him hesitate after lifting one hand, until he realizes you were on his left side, so he drops it.
"You can do it, you know?" His eyes go wide for a moment, like if you have read his mind.
"Was it that obvious?"
"A little" you giggle and you can see his cheeks flushing. You reach for his gloved hand, but he moves it out of your reach. "Easy steps, remember?" You pause as you look at him. He nods his head before moving his hand to yours and you hold it. "So…" you trail off and get close to him, taking his arm and wrapping it over your shoulder. "This is what you wanted to do, right?" You ask him with a smile.
"Too predictable?" He asks.
"Not at all," you grin. You notice he is almost hovering it, he is touching you alright but not letting it actually drop on your shoulder. "Relax," you say. He let out an air through his nostrils before he rests it completely. The arm wasn't that heavy, or it wasn't to you. You haven't said anything about the Serum still having a slight effect on you although you have slowly felt it leaving your body.
"Thank you, for being so patient," he looks down at you as you two walk down Central Park.
"I told you I'd wait for you, I meant that" you admit. "I'm sure you will get the hang of being around a girl real quick again" you tease.
"I wonder what Steve said to you about me" he chuckles.
"That you got all the girls, even the dates you got for him" you smirk. "A true charmer" you say playfully.
"Jerk" he chuckles. "I didn't even try."
"With those looks? Of course you didn't try. One word and girl's would show you their ankles in one go" you laugh.
"Now I see enough ankles" he looks around and you elbow his side playfully and he pretends to be hurt.
"Don't you dare look other girl's ankles, Barnes" you tease.
"I'll try," he chuckles. "How have you been feeling though?"
"It's...almost gone" you shrug. "I mean, I feel it still but it isn't like the first time."
"I don't like that," he frowns.
"I know. If that stays in my system you won't see me as someone you have to save or help cause I can take care of my own."
"It has never been about that, doll" you duck your head so your hair falls and covers your cheek. The word making your cheeks flush instantly. "I'll still be there to save you, and you don't need saving so it isn't even that. You don't need help. I'm just worried of the toll it could have on you. That was a prototype, we don't know the side effects it could have…" he admits.
"Hopefully none" you bite your lower lip.
"We will figure it out," Buck says as he stops to pull his phone out when it starts ringing. "Sam?" You eye him curiously as he answers.
"Look at those lovebirds, taking a walk through the park like old people" you hear Sam on the other side of the phone. Your eyes look around the green areas, but he was nowhere to be found.
"Considering I'm a hundred and six" Bucky is looking for him too, dropping his arm off your shoulder.
"You dumbasses realize that I can fly, right?" That makes you two look up and you squeak at the sight.
Sam was above you, his wings and uniform were different, more white than the colors that Steve used to wear for his Captain America uniform. It was a sight. He lands perfectly in front of you, wings extended before they get concealed.
"Holy shit, is that what you asked Shuri to do?" You ask Bucky.
"Just a little something," he shrugs.
"Damn, Sam." You laugh as you go around him, his wings coming out scaring you off making him laugh.
"You like it?" He asks.
"I do" you say and squeak again at the shield on his back. "Oh, that's awesome." You say as you poke the shield.
"Thanks, man." Sam says to Bucky with a grin.
"No problem." Bucky says with a nod of his head. "What's up?"
"Karli is going to try to sabotage the votes in the GRC tonight" Sam says.
"If you give me a chance to change to something more comfortable I can be there."
"Alright. Voting starts in an hour. I'll send you the coordinates" he says and the jetpack initiates. "Sorry for ruining your date!" He shouts as he goes up to fly away.
"Right," your lips pressing together and you turn to Bucky. "You are going to change too?"
"Nah, I think I'm good. I'll go with you."
"If you want you can go and meet with Sam. I'll be quick" you shrug. He eyes you and you tilt your head, "I'll be fine, Buck."
"Be fast," he says and pecks your lips before he walks away without a glance back at you. It takes you a second to process that gesture before you start running back to your place.
When you get into the building, Sam, Bucky and Sharon were already inside in their respective places for the mission. Karli was forcing everyone out, which you had to admit, it was quite smart. Then you find yourself in the garage of the building where the armored cars with the Senators were leaving from. "Bucky?"
"I'm here," he says as he comes from your side. "Karli distracted me on the phone." He says as he takes the keys from one of the bikes, tossing it to you before he gets on one of them. "You are coming with me."
"Seriously guys, you had one job," Sharon says from your earpiece.
"You worry about your guy" Bucky says as he accelerates the bike. "Stay behind me." You nod your head before reviving the engine and taking off as instructed.
When you arrive at the meeting point of the Flag Smashers, Bucky turns to you, "You still have that adrenaline rush?" He asks, not stopping his bike.
"I think so!" You shout.
"Get ready!" And with that he hits the break of the bike, sending him forward and he tackles one of the group.
You jump off yours before taking the bike by the handles and flinging it forward to the group, taking down two of them at once. You are quick to run to them and kick one on the side, sending him back a few feet away, the other one comes at you and you avoid their hits for a moment before they take both of your arms. You screech as they try to hold you back but you are quick to kick the back of the knee of one of them, making her lose her grip before you move backwards behind the other person, making them follow you for a moment which gives you the chance to use their weight to your advantage and fling them over you and to the floor with a loud thud.
"Karli!" You shout as you see the group lighting up both trucks. Bucky is quick to try to open one and you go for the other one but to no avail.
"Morgenthau!" Walker's voice echoes and your eyes widened and you look at Bucky.
"How the hell does he keep showing up?!" You ask, but not really expecting an answer.
John is getting beaten by the Flag Smashers and Bucky is quick to save him from one of them, and you get to Karli, kicking her on the side, sending her against a fence. "Don't make us do this, Karli." A member of the group catches you off guard and wraps their arm around your neck, Karli delivers a few punches into your stomach that takes your breath away before punching you in the face. You are let go of and drop to your knees. Yep, the Serum was wearing off. Your vision was blurry, but you see Karli kicking Bucky and you see him sliding to the edge of the construction site before falling, hearing his scream. "Bucky!" You shout and are quick to stand up and run to the edge.
Everything keeps happening in quick blurs. John helps hold back the falling truck you couldn't open, and he manages to almost do it until the group kept going at him making them all fall to where Bucky was. Sam stops the truck from falling and is able to open the doors thanks to Redwing, so you help the Senators before jumping down to where your friends were. Batroc throws smoke grenades and Karli and her crew escape your sight until Sam identifies them and you follow, along with Walker.
Next thing you know, Sam is bringing Karli's body and talking with the senators and you had to lean against one of the trucks to process her death. Of course you didn't know her, but she was just a kid fighting for a very good reason but in the wrong ways. She was just a kid.
The next morning, the sound of a knock on your door woke you up. You lazily stand up, dragging your legs across the floor to your apartment door. Usually you would ask before opening the door, but you were too tired from the fight from last night to even be careful. When you open the door, you find the Sergeant right in front of you. "Hi" he breathes out. "Sorry, I- I didn't mean to wake you up."
"No. It's okay. Um...Come in" you step aside and he walks in. His cerulean eyes look around your apartment while you close the door. "Is everything okay?"
"Uh, yeah. It's just...I want to go visit someone, you know, about what Sam talked to me about...I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. If not it's okay. It's early but-"
"Yeah," you interrupt him and he sighs in relief. "Just let me change real quick before we go" you pat his chest as you walk to your room, leaving him behind you. You pull your shirt over your head, tossing it to the side and grabbing a bra and pulling it on, then throwing a shirt on. You reach for your jeans and step on them in front of the mirror, only to catch Bucky's eyes before they drift away like the gentleman he is.
He takes you in his bike to his destination, your arms wrapped around his waist. This felt too... intimate and your head can't help but wander off at the situation, you have to shake your head when things get heated in that daydreaming you were having. He parks the bike on the street side and turns it off. He was quiet, jaw clenched, eyes showing his concentration.
"Buck?" You call as you step out of the bike, following him. "Are you sure you are ready?" You ask him as you step in front of him.
"Yeah…" he clears his throat and your head tilts to the side.
"I'll be out the door, okay?"
"I don't know where to start…" he admits, looking at the entrance of the building. He was nervous, fidgeting with his own fingers, his voice slightly trembling.
"You will when it comes to it" you nod your head. You take his vibranium hand in yours and give it a reassuring squeeze. "Just one more name and you will be free, Bucky." A smile goes up your lips and his head nods.
"I know... It's just...he trusted me from day one. Telling him this about his son after so long…"
"I'm sure Yori will understand, not right away, but he will" he returns the squeeze of your hand before letting go. He walks inside and you follow him closely. He hesitates in front of the door before knocking. You lean against the wall, he looks back at you and you nod your head before his eyes return to the door as it opens.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Yori asks as he looks at James. "It's early, come in before someone calls the cops" the man says before he catches your form a few feet away. "Is she with you?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah, but don't worry about her…" Bucky waves off. You nod your head to the man with a smile before Bucky walks in and the door closes.
You wait patiently outside, your head resting against the wall and closing your eyes. Not even twenty minutes go by until you hear the door opening and Bucky walking out, shutting the door close behind him. You could see he was on the verge of tearing up, the tip of his nose red, his shoulders hunched and his head hanging low. "Bucky," you call quietly and he looks at you. He walks up to you and you wrap your arms around him. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay…" you coo as he holds you close to him, the few tears he let out wetting your shirt. "You gave him closure, Bucky. You gave yourself closure. You did the right thing…"
"He won't forgive what I did. What I did to his son…" his voice was shaking and it broke your heart into a million pieces.
"He won't forget, but he will understand later that it wasn't really you. I promise" your hand moves to the back of his head, your fingers soothingly moving along his scalp.
After a few seconds, he pulls away before taking his book out of his jacket pocket, taking out a pencil as well and scratching the name off his book. He stares at the book for a moment, looking at all the names he has crossed. Your hands place on top of his and you press your lips against the back of his palms, he looks down at you and nods his head before sighing and putting the book back on his pocket. "I need to do one more stop…"
After taking the bag with the book and an envelope with Bucky's gratitude. He takes you back to your place. You don't remove your arms from around his waist until after he turns the bike off. "Feeling better?" You ask, your chin resting on his shoulder blade.
"I do," he says with a nod of his head.
"Come on," you say and pat his back before stepping out of the bike and walking to your apartment. He is quiet as he walks with you and comes through the door, sitting on your couch. "We have to drink for today" you say as you walk to your fridge and pull two beers out, tossing one to him which he is quick to catch with his vibranium arm. "For closures, for partners, and for the beginning of something new" you say with a smile as you sit beside him.
"Cheers to that" he raises his beer before the two bottles make a crystal sound as they bump into each other. He takes a sip from his drink and stares at the bottle afterwards, his mind somewhere else.
"Steve would be proud, you know?" The mention of his best friend's name makes his eyes light up. "I know I am" you say as you take a swig.
"I thought I would never be able to finish that list," he says. "There's still one person I couldn't even apologize for what I did back then. I know they hated me for it but-"
"You are talking about Tony?" His head nods. "He never brought it up after what happened" you say. "Tony felt betrayed, Steve kept that from him, never mentioned it. That alone and the accords complicated things to a different level."
"That was a horrible moment…"
"Tell me about it" you say and take a sip of your beer, so does he. "I had to step out, I couldn't fight Tony, I couldn't fight Steve or you. The best thing I did was to stay out of it. I couldn't have forgiven myself if I fought any of you…" you say. "Tony wouldn't have admitted it...but I know he knew it wasn't something you could've controlled."
"Even then, I never got a chance to say something about it…" he says as he fidgets with the bottle. His cheekbones doing that thing you couldn't describe but you found attractive…
"I'm sure he understood in the long run…" you assure him. Bucky was looking at the floor, lost in thought.
"Hey, no. Let's not ruin the good moment we were having" you whine as you lean against him and he let out a soft chuckle. "We have to celebrate later with Sam. He is officially out there as Captain America," you raise your bottle and grin.
"True" you can see how proud Bucky was of Sam by the smile that appeared on his lips. "I'm glad he took the shield back."
"I'm sure he is too, and he will do a great job. He already did with that speech." There is a moment of silence. "I'll go get another one, you want one too?" You ask him noticing his beer was about to be empty.
"Uh, yeah, sure" he lifts it up.
You walk towards the kitchen and open the fridge, pulling two beers. "I have to restock-" you say as you turn around only to be met by Bucky's body a few inches away. His gaze was soft as he looked down at you. You could feel his hot breath close to you, and you were sure he could hear the fast beating of your heart. His tongue runs along his lips, and you can't help but bite on your lower lip as you look up into his eyes. "Bucky-"
"I just...want to try something…" his vibranium takes the beers from your hands and sets them aside, then resting it against the fridge, caging you, but where in any other situation you would've been defensive, you were calm because this was all Bucky, not the Winter Soldier. His other hand moves to the side of your neck, his fingers resting on the nape of it, moving ever so slowly. You can feel your cheeks flushing, your breath hitching as he leans in, his lips pressing against yours slowly. Three times you two have kissed, three times he has kissed you differently and three times you have felt different.
The first kiss was an impulse of yours, very out of place, but he kissed back anyway, even if it was a liplock kind of kiss. You felt guilty about it, you felt like you took advantage of the situation and you two had a small argument about how you shouldn't apologize for it. The second back at Sam's house which he initiated. It lasted somewhat longer than the first one, it was something that happened with the moment because you were talking about your status. Now this, which you wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to try that something. You melted into the kiss, trying to mold your body against his. Your hands rest on both sides of his hip ever so lightly, your lips moving slowly against his, his tongue brushing your upper lip. Your head tilts, deciding to test the waters by deepening the kiss, and you were glad when he didn't pull away like the first time.
His body presses closer to yours and your fingers curl around his shirt, unconsciously pulling him closer. Your teeth graze his lips and he hums, and gosh you would lie if that didn't awaken something in you. He pulls away slightly, and you take the chance to get your breathing in check, your eyes open slowly while his remain close for a few more opens until his eyelids lift. "You good?" You ask under your breath and he nods, noticing he was short of breath as well. One of your hands let go of his shirt, moving up his side and wrapping around his neck, the one on your neck moves to your waist, holding you close to him but he leaves against the fridge his metal arm.
His lips connect with yours again, this time isn't slow, it's more urgent and you can't help but give into it. You bring him closer, if possible, as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss. Your tongue trails his lower lip, and he grants the access, a soft moan escaping your lips as his own intertwine with yours. His finger traces your skin where your shirt rolled a bit and you shiver under his touch at the contact of his hand touching a part of skin he hadn't touched before.
Then your phone goes off and you break the kiss, your forehead resting against his as you pant, so does Bucky. "I-"
"Yeah. It could be urgent…" he clears his throat and drops his left hand from the fridge and the one on your back. You look at his lips one last time, catching your breath before walking to the table and picking up your phone.
"Hey, Sam" you say as you look at Bucky who slowly turns to face you.
"Hey, kiddo. Just wanted to invite you and Barnes to a cookout my family will have tomorrow."
"Oh, uh" you look at Bucky who shrugs. "Sure, I'll let him know."
"He already knows, huh?" Sam chuckles.
"Shut up, Sam," you say playfully.
"Well, be safe. Have fun. Not too much fun though" Sam chuckles.
"Weren't you the one to tell us to take baby steps?"
"Depends on how big the baby already is."
"I'll see you two tomorrow! Bye now!" And he hangs up.
You stare at the phone in your hand before sighing. "Cookout tomorrow?" You offer the man an apologetic smile, tapping your phone against your palm.
"Would be nice to go back," Bucky shrugs, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I go if you go."
"Only if you want to" you walk to the counter, standing on the other side of it so it was the only thing between you two. "We can take the first flight tomorrow. I can go and pick you up," you shrug. Then you have that idea… "Or you-" you stop yourself. Nope. Too straightforward. "Nevermind."
"What were you going to say?" His head tilts, eyeing you curiously.
"Oh, nothing" you put your phone down on the counter and scroll through the airline app looking for a flight. "There is a flight tomorrow at 5am. We can get there early to spend some good time there." Best attempt to change the subject, but when you look up, Bucky is eyeing you. "Oh, no. I'm not gonna talk."
His lips purse and he walks around the counter and you curse under your breath. "Would it be that bad?"
"Terrible actually," you swallow harshly as he stands in front of you, his arms crossing against his chest making his biceps bulge out. Why was he like this? His head nods in agreement, but he has that face that you know he won't let go of it until you speak up. You sigh. "Fine," you pause. "Can I walk you through a hypothetical?"
"Using my words. This sounds promising" he says, and you see that playful smile on his lips which purse as he waits for the answer. No matter how many times he smiled, you were glad about two things. One, that he was now falling to the Bucky he once was, he was getting his personality back. Two, that his smiles were around you, that you in a way have helped him. Yes, there was still a long way to go because he still hesitates about some things, but it was okay. Every new thing he tried you took it as a huge step.
"So, what if, hypothetically, you…" you trail off, "you stayed the night and we go to the airport." His gaze softens, and you see he is thinking of your words. "Hypothetically, okay? Like, just an idea. That way we just go straight to the airport." You can't help but chew on the inside of your cheek nervously.
"That's- I would- I would like that" he was stammering. "But, um...I don't want to make you feel-"
"If you say uncomfortable after you kissed me not more than five minutes ago I'm gonna kick your ass" you say and he smirks, but he remains somewhat serious. "You can sleep on the couch" you were regretting this. The more you say, the more you felt you were screwing it up. "I mean, if you want, Buck. It was a random suggestion." You wave off and turn around to continue looking for the flights.
"Hey" Bucky calls and you continue on your phone. His hand rests on your back before it reaches your waist and turns you around, you avoid his gaze but he bends down a little to meet it. "I would like nothing more than to stay with you, doll" he starts. "But I- I don't trust myself enough to stay around you while the nightmares are still there. I don't want to hurt you."
"Bucky," your hand rests on his cheek, his stubble poking the inside of your palm, feeling his warmth. "I trust you." He leans against your hand and kisses the inside of it, sending warmth all over your body. His cerulean eyes were looking at you with such affection that was making you weak. "I know the Winter Soldier is gone. It's just a matter of time that the nightmares will stop, when you feel more at ease."
"I know, doll" he nods his head and you smile softly at him. He pulls you closer to him, leaning in and kissing your forehead. Lips lingering there for a moment. "I'll go get my things. Text me which flight you choose" he says as he pulls away, letting go of your body before walking out the door.
You felt like this trip could help him. There was nothing to be worried about. No Zemo. No Karli. No Flag Smashers. He could now be at ease and sort his thoughts out now that he has finished his book. This could be the perfect getaway if things planned out right.
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shotofire · 4 years
There’s Just Something About Him
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•Overview: having feelings for the icy hot boy just seemed like a lost cause
•Warnings: just some cursing, meantions of anxiety.
•Season: 3
You’d always found the split haired boy attractive, but nothing ever went beyond that. It seems that even if you wanted it to nerves would just be in the way. Besides, everyone’s working to become pro-hero’s, who has time for a relationship? With all the shit going on you were almost positive that Todoroki didn’t have you in mind at all. The constant sneak attacks from villains, not knowing when the next person is going to get hurt, it was all too much.
Atleast that’s what you tried to convince yourself. The sweet, quiet boy who’d caught your eye since the first day of school just couldn’t possibly like you. He couldn’t possibly let a thought like that even make it halfway into his head. You’d lost hope a couple months into school, realizing fate definitely wasn’t on your side.
The two of you never got partnered up or even in the same group. It’s as if something is telling you it’s not meant to be. Sure you’d taken your own initiative and made conversation with the boy, but it’s always short lived. He wasn’t the best at talking unless he was on an adrenaline rush during a practice scenario. You had never gotten the luck of him wanting to use your quirks together either.
It truly felt hopeless.
You tried your best not to dwell on these things. If it was meant to be it just would’ve happened by now. Right?
The thoughts left your mind as you walked with your fellow classmates. Today is an exciting day, it was time to move into the new dorms. It took way too much convincing with your family, but eventually they caved in. You knew it’d be hard, they’re just worried about you. At this point the whole world was worried about all of the UA students safety. But everyone can agree that dorms are the safest it can get with all of the new high tech security.
You all stopped, admiring the new tall building in front of you. Knowing Todoroki was going to be in the same building as you every night had your anxiety on edge. But you were also... excited? For what, you had no idea. It was just a swirl of emotions.
Oh no, he’s gonna see my puffy morning eyes.
The happy chatter was cut short when Mr. Aizawa started talking about hero licenses, something that seemed to slip everyone’s minds. He was rather intimidating, eyes stern and serious. It sent a wave of uneasiness throughout the group. He knew the whole class was aware of the plan to save Bakugou, and he wasn’t happy. You stare at him with legs beginning to tremble.
His words cut deep as he threatened the possibility of expelling the entire class. You definitely wouldn’t put it past him, he seems like the type. But, as he said, due to All Might’s retirement the need for hero’s was strong. He couldn’t just get rid of such potential.
You looked at Todoroki’s face and it was frozen, he seemed more worried than anyone else. His heterochromia eyes stayed fixed on Mr. Aizawa, and you couldn’t help but let yourself take in his features. Sure you see the boy almost everyday but it’s hard to get good long looks when you’re sitting in class, he’d easily feel your gaze. There’s already been a couple times where he’s caught you and the embarrassment was too much to handle again.
His jaw was cleanched and sharp as ever. You just loved it. You wondered if it was weird to think about running your slim fingers along the bone of his jaw, it was just so beautiful.
“(y/n), are you even listening to me? Or are you just going to stare at Todoroki?”
In that moment it felt like you were going to throw up. All eyes shot to you, including Todoroki. Mr. Aizawa was a real ass sometimes but this definitely was the worst thing hes ever done to you, and he’d made you fall on your face after taking away your quirk infront of the whole class. That was absolutely nothing compared to this.
“I- uh, I-I wasn’t, I just-“ you were totally at loss for words. You’d never been more embarrassed in your life. The heat on your face was hotter than ever, and you knew it was visible as well.
Mr. Aizawa rolled his eyes, no longer caring about the predicament, “Anyways, that’s all. Look alive, enjoy your new home.”
That statement didn’t help anyone’s nerves after his little intimidation speech, but you had it the worst. Your face was still red and you could feel your heartbeat in your ears. Today was not going the way you hoped, and you didn’t dare even peak at Todoroki. You couldn’t help but think he thought you were weird. A girl he barely talks to constantly staring at him, there’s no way he didn’t think that.
The speech about where the boys and girls were was given, including where everything else was. But you could hardly pay attention focus on anything, and you didn’t dare look up.
It was time to decorate your rooms and make it your own, and you couldn’t be more relieved. Finally away from that embarrassment, even though it was waiting for you on the other side of your closed door.
“damnit,” you cursed. No one was going to forget that and you knew it. And the girls were beyond nosey when it came to crushes, especially Ashido.
After a couple hours of getting things together there was a knock on your door. You immediately froze. It’s like you had forgotten where you were and what had happened for a little bit, but of course you were quickly brought back to reality.
“Who is it?” You asked.
“Its Uraraka, can I come in?”
Shes always the sweetest and you knew she wouldn’t bug you about anything. Especially after seeing the way you reacted. Uraraka always had her suspicions that you found Todoroki cute, your eyes practically lit up everytime he did something.
You granted her permission and continued to put your pillows neatly on the bed. She was in her pj’s but definitely seemed wide awake.
“Oh wow, your room is so cute (y/n)! Nothing compared to mine,” her smile was huge. You just adored her, she always brightened up your mood.
“Thank you so much Uraraka, you’ll have to show me your room later before that is confirmed,” you smiled back.
“Oh course! Actually, speaking of rooms, that’s what I came here for. The girls and I convinced the guys to show us their rooms and we kinda turned it into a little contest. Wanna join?”
Her request was extremely appealing. You immediately wondered what Todoroki’s room looked like, and now was your opportunity to see it. But the nerves were still there, and the embarrassment was even stronger. You just couldn’t face everyone right not, especially Todoroki’s. He probably didn’t want your creep self in there anyways.
“Thanks for asking Uraraka, but i’m very tired. I was just planning on finishing my room and crashing. But I still would like to see your room sometime tomorrow,” you said while trying to hold your smile. But she could see the said frown behind it, but she didn’t want to bother you any further. She could only imagine how she’d react and feel if Mr. Aizawa did that to her. She’d be completely horrified.
“You got it, see you tomorrow (y/n). Sleep well!”
She leaves, shutting the door behind her. Your smile quickly fades and your shoulders fall limp.
I really wish I could see his room, I bet it’s awesome.
In all honestly you figured Todoroki would be relieved you didn’t show. God, class tomorrow was going to be hell. You just knew it, there’s no way you’d be able to focus knowing the whole class knows you’re a freak who can’t keep your eyes off the icy hot boy.
You pushed your thoughts aside, ignoring them to the best of your ability. You attempted to sleep, but the constant stamper of footsteps above you and outside your door was keeping you from the world of dreams. The world where assholes like Mr. Aizawa didn’t completely humiliate you.
Just as sleep started to creep up on you, there was another knock on your door. It was soft, and you immediately knew it wasn’t Uraraka. You sat up in the darkness, reaching for your bedside lamp. It faintly lit the room with a yellow glow, and made a light buzzing noise. You were too tired to speak up and ask who it was, so you forced yourself out of bed.
Maybe it was Momo, she did say she was looking forward to seeing your room. You pushed your wild hair out of your face before opening the door. And when you saw who was standing there a sharp breath immediately got caught in your throat. You let out a light cough.
“Todoroki?” you asked confused. He was all alone, no one with him. The lights in the hallway were out, one could only assume the competition was over and everyone else had gone to bed. Yet here he is, standing before you.
“I wanted to talk to you,” he says as if it’s the most normal thing ever. You didn’t know what to say, he’d never even approached you first. But he can knock on your door late at night to talk to you?
You looked at him in disbelief. In that moment you realized how little you knew about this boy, and how odd this situation was.
“What time is it?” You asked, completely ignoring what he said. He huffed, he knew you’d be difficult. You two may not talk much but he’s good at observing. He knew you more than you’d think.
“Almost 12, not too late. Can I talk to you?” This time he asked, therefore making it harder to avoid.
“Uh, I-In here?” You asked.
You couldn’t help but think he was here to tell you to stop being a creep. He wasn’t interested in you and would really appreciate it if you could stop with the creepy stares.
“Anywhere is fine,” he answers.
At those words, you move aside. Widening the door so that he can come in. The smell of vanilla hit you in the face as he walked past, and his eyes immediately began to observe your room.
Todoroki is in my room... what the actual fuck is going on!?
His hand comes up to point at your wall, “Did you draw those?”
Your eyes dart to the colorful art pinned to your wall.
The constant stuttering was making you loose your mind. But when your anxiety is this high you can’t manage to think straight. Not even one word can come out without a struggle.
“I like them.”
You swallow, hard. He probably heard it. The room was so quiet without one of you talking, unbearably quiet. Without words the only sound was the faint buzzing of your lamp you’d turned on only a few minutes ago.
“Oh, uh, Thanks,” a blush began to creep onto your face. Your hand came up to cover your face as you looked down. You knew you looked odd in the moment, but it was better than him seeing how much he can effect you so easily.
Todoroki looked at you with sweet eyes, although you couldn’t see them due to your current state. He thought you looked cute right now, all bashful. That’s something he has always liked about you. Your cheeks got red so easily when you were embarrassed, nervous, flustered, even when you were tired.
He noticed these things because you interested him, you always had. You were way too cute and sweet to not catch his attention. He just truly sucked when it came to talking to girls. Especially pretty girls like you.
“I, um,” this time it was Todoroki at a loss for words. He had a plan before he came in, but now as he stood in your room it was much harder to think clearly.
You looked up at him, his hand was raking through his hair. He seemed almost... nervous.
Why the hell would he be nervous?
“I was uh wondering if you, uh, would like to,” he took a deep breath to clear his mind. He was stuttering too much and overthinking, it was just a simple question he was trying to get out.
He locked eyes with you, “Would you like to go grab some food after school tomorrow?”
Your mouth fell open, but you quickly covered it with your hand. There was no way, no damn way.
“You mean, j-just me and you?” You asked, making sure you were  interpretating this correctly.
“Yeah, Yeah,” He nervously laughs, “Like a uh, date.”
Like a what now?
There was absolutely no way this was real, you had to be dreaming.
“is this a joke?” You ask, but you meant to only think it.
His eyes widen and he quickly began waving his hands, “W-What? No, of course not! I really want to go on a date with you, I think it’d be fun. Plus you’re super sweet and pre-“ he stops himself.
C’mon man, you’re gonna scare her off by being too forward.
“Yeah, i’d really like that Todoroki,” your smile was surpressed by your teeth sinking into your bottom lip. At this point you wanted to jump for joy, but you didn’t want to scare this chance away.
“Okay cool, so after school. Tomorrow, you and me,” his nervous laugh comes back, “on a date.”
You can’t help but giggle, you’d never seen Todoroki so nervous before. Not in this way at least. It was one of the cutest things you’d ever seen.
“You got me after school Todoroki,” you giggled again, “You and me on a date.”
And with that, the two of you said your goodbyes, which were a little awkward considering the two of you kept letting nervous laughter slip.
As soon at the door shut, you let out a happy squeal. It didn’t even bother you that he might of heard it, you really didn’t care. You were so overjoyed that nothing could kill your mood.
On the other side of the door Todoroki had the geekiest smile on his face. He walked to his room completely satisfied. He did it, he finally asked the girl he liked on a date.
“Hell yeah,” he whispered to himself.
This definitely was heading in the right direction.
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dailydnp · 3 years
Daniel Howell on Depression and How to Get Through The Night
Daniel Howell is the YouTube star breaking boundaries about depression, who has now released a book to help people with mental health issues.
Daniel Howell is one of the most popular YouTubers out there, with millions of followers and a refreshing line in self-deprecating humour that has made him stood out from much of the braggadocio on that channel. He is also someone who dared to go beyond the jokes and gaming on his channel to reveal his battles with depression to his young audience a few years ago, producing a huge response from people. Now he has written a book about mental health, called ‘You Will Get Through This Night’. A mix of information, advice and laughs, the book is a welcome addition to the elevation of mental health as a national issue, and it manages to be so in a way that is going to connect brilliantly with young people. We grabbed a word with Daniel over Zoom to find out more about it…
When did you decided to write the book and what was the process like?
It was a very serendipitous journey I never planned. All this talking about myself and mental health, and sharing these quite intimate details about my own life, was never the plan. I started my career trying to be funny, just being a clown on the internet, but as time went on two things happened: one, a sense of responsibility creeping up on me where I realised anyone with a platform has an impact on people, and even if you think you’re just being funny, if you do share yourself, people relate to you and you end up resonating with them on some level.
Also just for me, I have always been so career focused, I’m one of those guys that pushes their well being to the back, and after years of me doing that it just got to the point where I couldn’t do it anymore. It was not only affecting my ability to be good at my job, and be friends with people and nice to be around, but creatively it was this real hump where I felt like if I don’t sort my life out, and get on top of these problems that I know are lurking behind me, I’m not going to be able to go forwards.
It was that which led me to talk about my experiences with depression in that YouTube video ‘Daniel and Depression’ that I uploaded in 2017, and that was a huge moment for me. Even five years ago, there was such a taboo around mental health. These days people go, ‘ aren’t we all open about mental health now?’ but just five years ago, it was a completely different world. I thought me bringing up a word like depression would destroy my career. ‘Are people not going to want to work with me? Are my friends going to think I’m strange?’
But I was honestly surprised, for the first time in my life, by the reaction I got from humanity. Because my upbringing led me to being very cynical, to be very defensive and to protect my vulnerability. Actually when I shared something that was so raw, people appreciated it. On some level people were like, wow you articulating it made me understand something I didn’t get about myself, or my mum’s been through this and I finally get it, or now I know what my friends are going through.
When you open yourself up, despite the fear, people appreciate it because this is how people think and feel. We’re all vulnerable, we’re all trying to protect ourselves, we’re all putting on this front, focusing on our careers, pushing everything to the background; but then it’s a truth that when you open up about how you really feel, not only is that a weight lifted for you but it lets other people in.
Then I became the mental health guy. I didn’t ask for it, it became my thing.
The book always had the question of what it might be. People always want to write their life stories, but firstly my entire life story is already out there on the internet, it was there in real time. I thought if I’m going to do this, I want to do a mental health book that just gets straight to the point, it’s not going to be too scientific, it’s not going to be too spiritual or flowery, it’s going to give you the information you need, the tools, the tips, the life hacks, the stuff that science has shown will make a difference, as bare as we can, in bullet point form. And then my job is to make it stupid and funny by using myself as a punching bag doing everything wrong in terms of managing your mental health. For me it’s the book I wish I had five, ten years ago.
Was putting it together enjoyable, once you’d given yourself permission to have fun with it?
Yeah writing a book and collating all these life saving tips on mental health, was good for me. The process of writing the book was like reading it. I needed the experience of putting it together so I could learn from it myself.
What I’ve learnt from just being funny is it’s a bit of an excuse to give yourself therapy. You’ve set yourself the task of telling this story, making this point or joke about something, and in the process of trying to find out whatever this point or joke you’re making, there’s a bit of a moment of self reflection in there.
So it’s fun to have an excuse to tell a story and be funny but for me it’s been emotionally cathartic too.
What are the main things you learned or that even changed you?
One thing was the 360 around your lifestyle. The book is structured practically into 3 parts. The first part is what are things you can do right now to change the way you feel, the second is lifestyle, what changes can you make, and then the third part is looking deeper, at more long term things about readjusting your mindset and working out what makes you as a person.
The process of going through the lifestyle for me felt a bit like a roast. Things like the importance of your social life, the importance of your nutrition, the importance of how often you move, and it was very difficult to be aware of what might just be my personality and preference. I’m an introvert, I’m a bit of a nerd, I like to stay inside, I don’t like to party a lot, and I just learned that if you don’t go jogging you’re going to have more anxiety than someone who doesn’t. It was good to have all that shown up.
A nugget that was quite profound is that you can always change the way that you feel. I was always having days where I was really stressed from what I was working on, or a period where I’d be really depressed, and sometime I would wake up and immediately know I’m not having a good mental health day. When I’m not going to be able to perform, I’m not going to be a very helpful friend. I just used to say to myself ‘this day is a write off’. But what I learned from this book is you can change how you feel by doing something. Your activity directly influences how you feel.
It got rid of the excuses because sometimes it was like, ‘I’m having a bad day I simply cannot do that task’  when you probably can. It’s empowering for yourself to say, ‘Actually if I eat something, if I get a change of scenery, if I talk to someone, if I problem solve to question my thoughts and readjust my mindset, you can change how you think and feel on any day.
With mental health so many people ego through their life thinking it’s this weird mysterious fog that they can’t impact on. Sometimes you feel bad and there’s nothing you can do about it. But actually we’re just weird hairless apes, we’re not that complicated, and there are little things we can do to snap ourselves out of it.
How do you think it’ll fit into the current times?
The idea that this book is coming out when our society is opening up again is almost a divine intervention! There is literally no better time to sort your life out. We’ve all gone through so much, this collective trauma, and the dent to our lifestyles and ability to self-care. Not only have we had all the joy ripped away from us, but people haven’t been able to go to the gym, to get support from friends, and this is a new chapter for everybody.
I’m seeing it as: can take this next step and not fall back into bad habits? This is a good time to put a pole in the ground and move forward in a good direction.
What are the key things you’ll be taking forward?
It’s not just the lifestyle stuff, it’s also about mindset changes. I’m a worrier, one of these people that thinks myself into oblivion. It means I’m analytical but I’m not very present, I spend a lot of time in my head prophesising my own doom. One of the things in the book is realising that you are not your thoughts. If you get a negative thought in your head actually that’s just your brain’s suggestion that you should feel stress about this, that and the other but we don’t have to stay fixated on these worries.
I’ve spent the last ten years in therapy, deeply going into myself asking questions about authenticity, confronting my sexuality, but also it’s been about just day-to-day having a better relationship with my own mind. That when I get these emotions that want to spiral into a panic, or make me feel very stressed, just to talk back to myself with the right attitude and say I don’t need to go down this rabbit hole due to this thought. I can just acknowledge it was an idea my brain had to think about and I can choose to do whatever I want with it. I can choose to solve the problem and break it down, I can ask for help I can give myself a reality check, or I can just acknowledge the thought and say ‘No thank you I’m going to do something else with my day.’
Back to the first depression video – are you aware of the difference between you then and now?
It’s profound, I would say me aged 26 was someone who didn’t question anything. You think you have a career priority and if I have any emotional baggage, it’s just not important right now.
Obviously there was the huge issue of my sexuality which had a huge impact on my mental health. My entire life story from childhood to how I was perceived as a public figure, how I operated day to day, and even my acceptance of a thing that I knew was true deep inside me, I had an incredibly toxic view of that at the time. I needed to understand it. I went to therapy and learned a lot about the way I would talk to myself, the way I would beat myself down and tell myself that things are the way they are and there’s nothing I can do about it. I should tolerate certain situations, and that was all wrong, so I’ve become much better at being fair to myself. Accepting my own vulnerability instead of building up a huge wall; letting it down, being honest with myself which is important if you ever want to change anything for the better. Also you get closer to other people when you feel like they can really see you.
How have conceptions of masculinity affected that?
The whole concept of masculinity was huge in my life. I had a very macho dad, he didn’t emote, he didn’t share anything, it was all jokes and all on the outside. I got to 16, 17, that age when you notice adults for the first time and cotton on to it. I could see the pain he was going through but he didn’t want to confront it. I also went to an all-boys school where there’s no vulnerability, you can’t give a small opening for someone to jab a compass in. That was the culture that shaped me. That continued into my late twenties when I had the moment when I realised being honest with yourself about something going wrong is bravery. It’s not weak to admit vulnerability if it’s going to help you grow. It’s not a sign of weakness to go to the uncomfortable place. Life is a series of uncomfortable obstacles that you put off, but every single time you go over them, you look back and go, ‘oh why did I waste so much time not doing that sooner?’
Is masculinity shifting do you think?
Definitely, roles in society have been so Neanderthal. If you have a personality with a stiff upper lip and it works, good for you, but someone else may feel pressured to hold things in and eventually they’re going to crack. It’s ok to ask for help and to let go of that, that’s what we’re learning in society. Conversations in mental health are so much more normal. There’s a long way to go in terms of judgment and misunderstandings, but I hope the book will spell it out for a lot of people. The book has been fact checked by a psychological professional, Dr Heather Bolton and all of the advice in the book is from evidence based practices that have been shown to have a good effect. It’s not just a nice sounding idea. We all have that friend on Instagram who’s like, ‘Positivity! Yeah here we go!’ And you go, ‘Wow that image had great graphic design it must be true.’ No it isn’t. So we’re in an age of people opening up but there’s also a lot of nonsense on Facebook so when we’re thinking about how we feel and making changes to our lives, we need to trust the experts.
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theninjamouse · 4 years
3, 12, 40? With the shoregrillster trio? In any combination you like
3. A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond.
12. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
40. A gentle kiss that quickly descends into passion, with little regard for what’s going on around them.
This is going under a cut because one, it got hecking long and two, it got mildly SPICY. Nothing explicit but you have been warned
Parties are....they’re supposed to be at least a little fun, right?
When it was announced that Gaster’s work on a new environment friendly, cost effective and all around sick public transportation design had been accepted by the city council, there was also the call to a party to celebrate the occasion. You’re beyond happy for Gaster, for his accomplishments in finally getting more steps taken to integrate monster magic into human technology on a world changing scale.
But holy crap, this party is boring.
Calling it a party at all is being generous. It’s just an excuse for people of ‘classier’ society to act like they’re taking part in something grand and to show off how fancy they are by sipping at cocktails and standing around pretending to care about what the other party goers bring up for conversation. But it is an important part of getting full funding for the project, as well as schmoozing up to anyone who might open up lanes for future development, so here you all are.
The majority people here are humans that you don’t recognize in the slightest aside from the occasional ‘oh it’s...that guy. Yeah’. There are a handful of monsters from the science and tech division all involved on the project. They’re mostly keeping to themselves, nervously socializing as little as possible.
Sans was here at some point. You don’t doubt he’s snuck off to find a corner to snooze in, if he hasn’t left the party outright at this point.
Lucky jerk.
However, you will admit, there is an upside to this whole thing. Gaster is not usually one to dress up. At least, not in any level aside from his beloved lab coat that you highly doubt contains more than a scrap of the original material thanks to all the repairs that have had to be done on it.
He’s been talked out of the lab coat and is instead wearing an utterly dashing three piece suit of the deepest purple you’ve ever seen captured by fabric. From the distance between where you’re leaning up against a pillar to rest your feet and him being caught in a circle of engineering heads pelting him with questions, the suit looks black until he shifts and the light catches the lines of shimmering purple.
You sip appreciatively at your drink, eyes taking in the way the suit fits his skeletal frame. Perhaps the night won’t be so boring after all.
“He cleans up really good,” you muse as the air to your left grows warm. “Almost makes the feral cat fuss he made about getting in the suit worth it.”
“Says you; I had to actually drag him out of bed while you were in the shower. He actually tore holes in my sheets.” Grillby leans against the wall as well, offering you a plate of ‘fancy people food’ he snagged from one of the wandering waiters.
Ah, you were wondering about those. You take a piece, not exactly sure what the heck it even is and pop it in your mouth. Your expression twists. “How is it that rich people food always looks so good but tastes like sour air and dried regret?”
“I’m still working that out myself.” Grillby finishes off the plate and sighs.
You shift your gaze to Grillby. He too is dressed to the nines, with a deep red button up, a black and gold trimmed waistcoat and matching tie. He always looks good of course but damn if his snazzy outfit isn’t making the worst kind of butterflies flutter in your belly.
“I’ll make us something actually substantial when we get home,” he continues, oblivious to your less than pure gaze skimming over him.
“If Gaster hasn’t imploded by that point.” The poor guy is fidgeting like crazy. It’s difficult for him to be around so much noise and fuss, this you know from experience.
Grillby looks at you, gaze sharpening a bit as his eyes trail over your outfit. Said outfit for the night is a deep blue one piece, sleeveless suit dress. The smooth material hugs your frame just enough to offer a hint at the form underneath and is blanketed by a sheer capelet that rests over your bare shoulders and gathers together at your waist with a thick belt.
The intensity of Grillby’s staring sends a delightful thrill of heat up your spine. “I guess I clean up alright too,” you murmur, brows lifting teasingly.
“’Nice’ is not quite the word I’d use.” He’s moved closer, plate of food discarded and hand rising to rest rather low on your hip. “Ravishing. Tempting. Something like that.” His head has tilted down, eyes fixated on your mouth.
You pull a goofy face at him, because if you don’t, you’re pretty sure your face will burst under the growing blush in your cheeks. “That’s me, the ultimate temptation.”
He’s not deterred by your teasing. He merely glances around just enough to see if anyone is currently looking your way before his grip tightens and he presses a warm kiss to your lips. It’s soft and gentle and a smile easily comes to your face as you kiss him chastely back.
Then-oh his mouth opens, and you quite forget about your boredom and the fact that your feet are killing you and the taste of bland rich people food on your tongue because Grillby tastes so much better. Your hands rise, gripping the edges of his waistcoat, pulling him closer to you and he makes a sound deep in his throat that urges your mouth to move faster, go deeper-
A laugh rings out, clear and far too close and Grillby jumps like he’s been shocked, pulling away with an eruption of blue over his face. Both of you guiltily look over towards the noise but it would seem that it was just someone laughing at a point in conversation. No one is staring in aghast mortification at the social faux pas.
A little breathlessly, you giggle. “Wow, how scandalous of you. We’re out in the open and everything.”
He shoots you a heated look. “You kissed me back.”
“You used tongue, you cheater!”
He flushes a brighter blue, but you can’t help but notice that his hand remains firmly on your hip. This isn’t fair, stupid party, stupid crowd….
An idea sparks in your heat addled brain. A dumb idea but, well, you’re rather past the point of caring too much.
You press up closer to him again, eyes darting out over the crowd for the briefest moment. You dance your fingers up his buttons. “Why don’t we go rescue Gaster? I think we could all use a... social recharging?”
He blinks and the soft “oh” that escapes him when he realizes what you’re getting at gets your ears burning.
But he doesn’t say no. In fact, he simply nods quickly, steps back and offers you his arm, which you gratefully take. Heels suck and your ankles are not pleased with you. “You want to take the lead?”
“Absolutely,” you say with only a touch of a manic grin actually reaching your face.
Gaster looks on the verge of whipping into a ranting frenzy or throwing an actual punch as the two of you approach. The human speaking to him is going on about engine semantics or something. Incorrectly, going by the promise of violence glinting in Gaster’s eye sockets.
“Pardon me,” you say with syrupy sweetness, cutting off the man speaking. All heads turn, faces going blank with subdued irritation at the interruption. “I need to borrow the good doctor for a bit. Doctor Gaster?”
Gaster inclines his head. “Excuse me,” he says with the sincerity of a child apologizing for stealing cookies. You swap to hold onto his arm and let him sweep you out of the ballroom, Grillby following on your heels.
“You are an angel,” Gaster groans. “Those imbeciles were trying to convince me to add in ‘a profitable angle’ to the design. Pigs.”
“I think that’s an insult to pigs.” You carefully look him over. “Are you holding up okay?”
He sighs heavily, coming to a stop out in the hallway where the only person present is a coat attendant lost in a book.
“Objectively, yes” he says, rubbing at his skull. “I just wish Asgore did not insist on me staying and playing nice with these people.”
“Sounds like it’s just been a big pain.”
Grillby tugs on your arm.
“It is!” Gaster proclaims, sweeping his free arm back towards the ballroom. “Vultures! Well…most of them are, there was actually a rather fascinating young man who had his facts mixed up but the core of his idea was not a bad one—”
Grillby tugs harder.
“Mmhm,” you hum, raising your eyebrows at Grillby. Just because you can, you let your tongue dart out over your lips for the briefest of moments.
He looks as frustrated as a fire could possibly be. Were the coat attendant not glancing up over the edge of his book, he probably would have scooped the two of you up and gone to work right there.
“Uh, is something wrong?” Gaster, finally noticing the agitated flick of Grillby’s flames, looks between the two of you.
“Well, we’re both kind of…hmm, how to be nice about it…bored? Sorry,” you pat Gaster’s arm. “I know it’s your special night.”
“That’s fine, I’m quite bored myself,” Gaster says dryly.
“Oh perfect!” you chirp brightly. You glance to Grillby and smile slyly. “We had a thought about how to recharge our batteries. As it were.”
Not for the first time, Gaster displays an impressive ability to give the look of raising eyebrows without any actual, yanno, eyebrows. “Do tell?”
“It’s not really a tell so much as a show-oop!”
Grillby’s run out of patience. His hands land on both yours and Gaster’s backs, urging you forward and down the hall. The coat attendant is very pointedly Not Looking as you pass by. Grillby must have done recon or something when you first got here because he seems to know exactly where he’s heading. He takes you down a small flight of stairs and round a corner that leads to a small room that’s empty save for a few boxes stacked against one wall and some unused furniture.
And just your luck, it’s unlocked.
Going by the rising purple on Gaster’s face, he’s caught on to what exactly your ‘recharging’ idea is. “Uh-um, yes I—”
“I didn’t have much of a chance to say it earlier.” Your arm slips smoothly away from his and you turn to him. You have to lift up a bit on your tip toes and pull him down to you to press a kiss against his cheekbone. “You look very handsome tonight. And we are your dates to this thing, and yet we haven’t hardly had a chance to even talk to you.”
Gaster’s blush is now bright enough to nearly compete with Grillby’s flames.
Speaking of Grillby-
He’s moved in behind you, hands dropping to your waist as his mouth descends down on your neck. The heat of his body and fire presses against your back and you have to take a moment to catch your breath.
Gaster’s eye lights have gone wide and bright, flickering with a nervous sort of energy as his gaze darts between you and Grillby. He swallows, though he really has no need for it. “I…this isn’t really the best…what if someone sees…?”
“Then you better move fast,” you murmur. Tugging on his tie, you pull his face down closer. “Kiss me,” you demand breathlessly. “Please?”
There’s a moment where his eye lights shift in such a way it almost looks like they’ve taken on the shape of stars and then Gaster’s hands lift to your face, nearly bonking your nose with his teeth with the speed at which he kisses you. Kissing a skeleton is difficult sometimes, given his lack of lips.
But you’ve had plenty of practice.
One of your hands shifts to pull Gaster closer to you while the other desperately scrambles behind to find purchase on Grillby. His own hands are quite busy, one running gentle circles on your hip and the other moving up, closer to where your chest is pressed up against Gaster’s ribs. His fangs scrape deliciously at your skin, nipping lightly in a way that makes you squirm with a mixture of ticklishness and building heat.
Your hand finds Gaster’s spine, prominent even through his suit and you grab on just below where his ribs end. He jolts at the contact, a breathless curse falling out in a rush of air. Grillby takes the chance to pull away from your neck and captures Gaster’s attention with a heated kiss.
Now quite solidly squished between the two, a soft and breathless noise escapes you as you drink in the building pressure of their bodies, basking in the contrast of Gaster’s silk smooth suit and Grillby’s growing heat. His hands continue to work at your curves, every touch sending a searing wave of warmth over your skin, kneading with a gentle intensity that makes you arch into Gaster.
You have just enough presence of mind left to sputter, “D-don’t tear the capelet.”
He growls, low and deep and oh if that rough and wild sound from such a restrained monster doesn’t make the most embarrassing shuddery moan hum in your own throat. “Take it off then,” he suggests with a tug at the belt around your waist. 
So off it comes, fluttering down the floor, soon joined by Grillby’s more carefully folded waistcoat. Then you find yourself being pulled back, led by him to an armchair covered in a cloth. The force of him sitting makes a heavy whumph sound thanks to your added weight on his lap. 
Gaster had let the two of you slip from his grasp while the extra bits of clothing were being discarded and he watches you now with a face openly full of warm affection. When you grin and beckon at him with a finger, he huffs out a sigh that is probably meant to be taken as annoyed, but just comes off as fond and longing. 
“You two are going to get me in trouble,” he grumbles. “There is a party I’m supposed to be at right now just down the hall, or did you forget?” 
Grillby, busy at work pressing scorching kisses over your bare shoulders, pauses and lifts his head. “So eager to get back, are you?” 
“Not at all. But I’ll be missed if I stay away much longer.” 
You sigh heavily, letting your weight lean back against Grillby’s chest. You might just happen to let your hand trail down to your thigh and lightly run your fingers over the fabric there as you pout at Gaster. 
He’s broken out into a bit of a sweat. 
Sweetly, you plead, “Five more minutes?” 
He stares. He sweats. Then his hand smoothly tugs at his tie and it and his coat joins the other outwear on the ground. “Five more minutes.” 
It winds up being six minutes and forty-two seconds but well. 
Who’s counting?
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