#gwenny writes
brotherscain · 3 months
precanon wincest hair washing drabble, 2.3k, teenchesters/weecest
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The hunt that night went well. Dad had this shifter pinned under his thumb since the first night in town, all they had to do was get to the thing and kill it dead.
If Dad had only brought Dean along, they would’ve weeded it out a day earlier. He wanted Sam in on this one, though, and Sam was still new enough at hunting to warrant a training wheels protocol. It had to be nearest to a sure thing as they could hope doing what they did. And it was. For Sam—for John and Dean right there with him—it was no question. Dean staked the final blow, gravely recognizing it kept Sam from being a killer for however longer.
In the car, John stretched his hand behind Dean’s head and scruffed his nape firmly enough to jostle him. Father to son, man to emerging man. Dad smiled, disheveled and not quite happy, but proud. He wore it to glance at Dean, then Sam. Proud and grateful.
“You boys did good tonight.” John served up no elaboration, he didn’t need to. Dean let the praise wheedle its way into him. He wanted to look over at Sam but didn’t because he knew Sam had already forged himself indifferent to Dad’s opinion. Dean wanted to enjoy it for a second longer, Sam wouldn’t get it.
Back in the motel lot, Dad fished his pocket for a few crumpled bills to give Dean. “Why don’t you take your brother to the vending machines? I’ll unload.” Dad stopped giving them so much junk food change right around the time Sam started wearing Dean’s too small hand-me-downs. Tonight he prompted Dean almost like he had a thousand times years ago, to a different kid.
Dean’s door creaked on its hinge, Sam’s following moments later. An ease settled over Dean. Everyone made it out okay. Dad wasn’t losing his head bunting orders at them about what they should’ve done better. Sam likewise kept whatever brewing comments he had under the lid. Dean figured he could count on at least one of the lit up vending machines having a Reese’s. As far as hunts went, it could’ve been a lot worse. They did do good.
The vending machine’s artificial blue-white beam bugged every so often, dimming before a kick-start into throbbing fluorescence. Sam scuffed his beat up sneakers against the pavement directly in front of it, eyeing up the options and sticking an open palm out in Dean’s direction. Dean slapped a bill down into his waiting hand.
He watched Sam hunch to look down at the buttons while punching in a code. Off behind him, Dad lifted a bag over his shoulder and reached inside the Impala for a second one. All around them cicadas chirped over one another and the night swelled with trapped mugginess. Dean thought about melted chocolate on his fingers and instead of feeding the leftover change into the slot, he stuffed it all in his back pocket.
Sam straightened to his full height, lifted the chilly soda can closer and tapped on the top rim three times before cracking it open. It burst in loud fizzy pops. Sam tipped his head back to swing a short, gulping chug. This way Dean could see parts of Sam in a new light. Small spatters of dried blood flecked the underside of his bottom jaw, a shiny red sheen bloomed on the high swell of his cheekbone. Dean kept himself from lacing his fingers through Sam’s hair, but made a face at the matted mess of it.
“You have monster guts in your hair,” he said, staring as Sam used the back of his limp hand to wipe the carbonated trickle from his mouth. Sam felt around his head curiously, coming away with a tacky coat of muddy crimson and a grimace. Dean laughed at him, couldn’t help but to. “That’s gonna be a bitch to get out, man.”
Sam cut a glare Dean’s way. He was extremely touchy after hunts, and Dean knew better than to prod him. Knowing better didn’t make it any less funny. That was Sam’s fault.
“Eat me,” he threw back dryly, annoyed Dean had the nerve to carry around a sense of humor about these things.
Sam wet his caked hand with driblets sweating off the soda can and cracked a small grin. Before Dean thought a little smarter about what that meant, Sam was dragging the mess all down the side of his shirt. Not that it hadn’t already been stained and ruined with a lot worse, that’s not what mattered. It was his snot-nosed brother thinking he could retaliate.
Dean jumped on him seconds after, first by shoving him away hard, then fisting the ribbed collar of his tee and tugging him closer. This past year Sam’s gone through a growth spurt, shot straight up like a beanstalk, but he still only came up to Dean’s shoulders. Between that and his knock kneed gangliness, Dean could still push and tilt and trip him any way he wanted. His shirt twisted up in Dean’s grip against the current of Sam’s squirming to get away. They were laughing together or maybe just panting or maybe they weren’t making any noises at all except for their shoes on the ground and their hands nipping each other’s skin. Dean thought about wrestling him to the concrete and shoving his face into all the boot prints. It would be easier to wrangle the drink out of his hands and spill it down his boxers. In all its sloshing, it had already splashed them enough times Dean could smell the cola while it dried sticky.
A door opened and shut firmly somewhere close in the long line of identical rooms. Dean didn’t really care to stop their roughhousing until the commanding voice boomed out. “Boys!” Dean positioned ramrod straight, Sam’s shoulders hunched while he uselessly looked to iron out all the wrinkles in his shirt. Dad waited for Sam to finally glance up. He was going to chew them out for being so loud at the late hour, for acting like mutts more than sternly raised men.
None of that happened. Dad stalked a few steps closer to the parked car, raising a brow at them as a wry smirk fixed itself to his face. “Gonna pick up some dinner. You boys get cleaned up before I get back.” He was in good spirits, but it was still a demand all the same.
“Yes sir,” Dean shot off. Sam didn’t say anything, only nodded his head to show he’d heard and understood. And if it had been a worse night Dad would call him out on it, start a whole thing that didn’t need to be started. Dean felt lucky when Dad just tapped the roof a few times before getting in.
In between the engine roaring to life and tires crunching gravel, Sam stuck Dean in the side with his pointy elbow. “Your bet?”
Dean zoned out on the glowing tail lights, thinking. “Burgers,” he finally said, blinking back to Sam. “Yours?”
Sam drew in a heaving breath before pressing his lips together. “Chinese.” They used to bet each other’s left overs on it. Now it’s habit enough just to go through the motions.
Mosquitoes ate him alive, buzzed around the lip of Sam’s drink enough to keep him from sipping any more. He really was a mess. Hair knotted in clumps, face scratched up. Sam wouldn’t mind until he saw all of it in the mirror and remembered other kids his age didn’t track monsters down for a living. Then he’d get all huffy for first dibs on a very long shower and not want to talk much the rest of the night. There was no such thing as a good hunt in Sam’s eyes.
“Come on.” Dean bobbed his head in the direction of their room. “First shower’s yours.”
Inside the A/C churned cool air out through a low and steady humming. It was prone to spit water out, so Dean couldn’t comfortably sit in front of it and soak up the chill. He dropped himself down on the couch and sprawled out, feeling gross and mucky but sated somewhere deep in the pit of his belly.
Sam dug through some bags and came out with a fresh pair of boxers, a towel, and some small miscellaneous bottles. He padded in a direction opposite the shower, Dean didn’t have the energy to search his motive out. But then Sam was behind him, gazing down at him without saying a word. He’d taken his shirt off and since neither bothered turning on any lights when they were walked in, the moon pooled shimmering light across his chest as it fell and rose strongly.
“There won’t be enough time,” he said, keeping his voice soft. “Not for both of us before he gets back.”
The solution was easy. It was what it was. Sam knew that as well as Dean. “Okay Sam,” Dean replied slowly. Sam had red marks down the base of his throat, and Dean wondered if that was from earlier tonight or left hy him near the vending machine.
Sam didn’t break their tense staring, but he did inhale a terser breath. “Are you going to make me say it?” He didn’t look pained either way, only impatient and intentionally guarded.
“What are you talking about?” Dean still asked anyway. Like he didn’t intimately know. Like he didn’t lay awake thinking about it a lot more than he should, when Sam would look for him next. Ask for him. And pretending not to know should’ve made it easier, too. To stop letting it happen. But it didn’t.
Sam became fed up with Dean’s pretending. “There won’t be any warm water left for you.” He took off, headed toward the bathroom without turning around or faltering even once.
A panic peeled the skin from around the achy center of Dean’s chest, awoke the crescendo of its relentless pounding. It felt worse than anything Dean’s ever felt before, and it was always the same at this crossroads. One day he should see if it kills him in letting it run its course. One day, maybe.
“Sam.” Dean caught him as Sam’s finger flipped the light switch. “Okay.” He nodded and got up, trying not to give away his shakiness, hoping Sam would still wait.
They shut the door and turned off the flickering light since there was a window in here, too. The bathroom didn’t make space for two people, but neither of them wanted it anyway now that Dean had given in. He brushed past Sam’s warmed skin to turn the shower knob. Then he worked around Sam’s form, pressing into it, to get to the sink. He tried avoiding his own reflection as he bent for a drink of tap water.
Sam set down his things and caged Dean in from behind, his hands finding the hem of Dean’s top, skirting along and underneath it to dance goosebumps across his abdomen. He moved up, up, up. Traced the thick chain of Dean’s amulet, had it bouncing subtly off the plane between his ribs.
Dean rocked back against him, to push him off more than anything. But he was still trying to be gentle. He didn’t want Sam to get the wrong idea. Dean was here, he was with Sam. But— “Get in, it feels nice,” he whispered, pebble skipping his gaze around his baby brother’s face. “Let me wash you.”
Sam understood and found Dean’s eyes before tipping his head in agreement. He stripped completely bare, tapped Dean’s arm to let him through and allowed Dean to pull the curtain back for him. Sam closed his eyes under the stream, loosed some of the tension his body clung to.
Dean got to work, shrugging his top off before reaching for the shampoo bottle, squeezing a dollop into his palm and rubbing his hands together to coat them. “C’mere,” he murmured, even though he helped guide Sam close enough.
It had started when they were both younger, because Sam couldn’t do these kinds of things by himself yet but Dean could. Then, somewhere in all the gunk of their lives, it grew on them. There was routine in it; Sam would shut his eyes tight, roll his neck this way and that as Dean’s sudsy hands directed him, and they tried not to talk too much. Both began to understand there were going to be things Dad just shouldn’t know about.
Dean stayed careful around the tangles, worked them out with his fingers as gently as he could. Sam never winced or whined about it anymore or anything, but Dean couldn’t kick the habit. He threaded his hands through its soapy slickness, dug in by the base of his neck, eased the notches out.
Sam hummed and sighed, drooped and sagged. Content. His hand circled around Dean’s wrist for no reason other than to feel him.
Sometimes, more often than Dean could confess, it grew into more than this. Dean would undress himself, Sam would coax him under the water with him. They’d roam and glide their touch all over their slippery bodies. Tonight they would need to be quick, quicker than usual. So Dean crept in and pressed his chest to Sam’s back and scrubbed them both down without meaning to linger very often. Sam turned his cheek to Dean’s shoulder, pressed his open mouth to the wet flesh and scraped his teeth against him lightly. They were both close to hard, but there wasn’t time and Dean tried to believe it wasn’t about them, only bodies and their closeness.
Dean got to fooling himself this was better, as long as it was just this. Eventually he’d have the willpower to deny it altogether. Eventually.
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biff-adventurer · 2 months
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fan lyrics for queen eternal, phase 1
Cozy towns, sunny smiles A happy family swarming the streets It’s like a dream! I can’t believe, how dear you are to me
Fantastic towers, a sword aloft Our ardent promise we’ll do you just Laughter swells, sorrows quelled, a home in perfect harmony
(Operatic interlude)
War rears its ugly head Objective: subjects’ lives How can I deliver my people from the pain of death itself (grief’s a heavy burden to bear)
Commence strategic analysis To be forgotten is worse than death Initiate evaluation of all critical assets acquired
(Desperate times call for desperate action)
On wings powered by the stars With your smiles I bear in my heart I won't let you all down I swear upon this crown I'll build our home anew as queen for you
No matter the cost that I pay Your smiles take all my pain away I swear to protect you My arms here to shield you Live and love forever more, eternal and true
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penwrythe · 6 months
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Still working on Eightenate! Got the first of her poses cleaned up, next is expressions!
Some rough lore stuff below
Might do corrections on her arms tomorrow. It's fine her arms change their length between poses here. I like the idea that whatever a living object is doing, their limbs will shift their mass for that purpose.
An ability called Ichormancy.
I.e: jumping from a high place onto the ground requires the limbs (Eightenate's arms in this case) to thicken to absorb the shock when landing. If climbing, they lengthen. If fighting (which happens very often for earthkind like Eightenate), their limbs form thicker skin/scales for protection. And so on.
Advanced Ichormancy may allow an object to shift their limbs to extreme forms or disconnect them, allowing the limbs to float and have a wider range of movement. Example: Swords and their floating hands.
Eightenate's eye is a rare form of natural Ichormancy where she had gravely injured her core but her strong will prevented her ichor structure from retreating into a kernel. This forms a germ at the site where her core was injured. As with some partially revived objects with this rare condition, eventually, this germ may need to be extracted to prevent further injury as it will absorb any material surrounding it to create a new curio.
Eightenate is lucky that this germ is dormant...for now. It occasionally throbs, but it's nothing that a sip of mercury can't soothe. As long as she does not need to be revived again, Eightenate needs not worry about it.
Oh, and the die in her eye is mostly for cosmetic purposes. She can't see out of it, but she likes the way it looks.
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iqmmir · 6 months
My beautiful mutual gwenanan is away fighting in the war so im defending ena for them .
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poetinprose · 1 year
🎶 share a happy moment. ANY happy moment. You must have ONE.
I have several lol. But I asked my co-writer Bailey which one I should share and she asked me to take this one which she wrote (it's from our wip Aeternum where I write Thanea's pov and she writes Nevras' pov).
It's a flashback to the day Nevras met Gwenny for the first time. 🤍
In the next moment he didn't trust his eyes. A tuft of red wavy hair popped up from behind the rotten handrails. A young girl in a too long nightgown peaked over the rails.
Nevras kneeled down and said: "Hello, my little one. Who are you?"
Her head turned around and her piercing red and tear-stained eyes browsed the hallway, apparently searching for who he was talking to. Tears rolled over her cheeks when she turned around and ran through a closed door.
So the family's daughter has turned into a banshee. Poor little one, he thought as he approached the door through which she had disappeared.
He cautiously knocked at the door and asked: "Do you not like visitors?"
To his surprise the door slowly and creakingly opened after a click. He entered the room which was the only one that still had an intact window and a door that was still in its angles despite the long weathering. A dollhouse stood on a table in the one corner and in the middle a broken canopy bed made out of light pink silk. Everything was covered in dust as if one had locked the door and never gone into it again.
The little girl was hiding behind her wardrobe and flinched when he kneeled down on the floor and held his open arms towards her. It didn't take a minute of eye contact until the little one ran into his arms and started to weep bitterly.
"You held on so well, my little one", he said softly and stroked her back until the weeping let up.
(Little spoiler because I didn't want this to get too long: Nevras will buy this property and basically adopt Gwenny. ^-^)
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multitraveler · 2 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Alexa & Katie (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Alexa Mendoza/Gwenny Thompson, Katie Cooper & Alexa Mendoza, Dave Mendoza/Lori Mendoza Characters: Alexa Mendoza, Katie Cooper, Lori Mendoza, Dave Mendoza, Jennifer Cooper, Jack Cooper (Alexa & Katie), Lucas Mendoza, Reagan (Alexa & Katie), Hannah (Alexa & Katie), OC's, Dylan (Alexa & Katie) Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Awkward Flirting, Flirting, Blushing, forced to work together, family support, friend support, more stuff i can't think of yet, mentions of the show Steven Univeres, bonding over Steven Univers, Rivals to Friends to Lovers, no beta we die like stevens childhood, Light Angst, Fluff and Angst Summary:
There had always been something between Alexa and Gwenny. At first it was just a school rivalry that was kind of intense, but, over time it had become less of an anger and more of a mutual passion to out do each other. Could it be, however that the passion they felt was more romantic than any one had thought.
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perksofbeingpoet · 2 months
to: dead poets society (knox_ovrstreet@webe... & 4 more)
attached: newyears.jpg
subject: new year's '75
Hello everyone,
I hope you're all doing well (and I hope these are the right email-adresses, Gwennie helped me look for them).
I also hope it doesn't seem too weird for me to suddenly reach out- it must be 12 years since we last saw each other, and I'm sure you've all got lots of things to do, not much time to reminisce about old times.
At least I know I felt that way- My daughter Cathy just got her first boyfriend, which took lots of long dinner-table talks, work is quite busy and our dog seems to have caught some sort of virus (or maybe he's just getting old).
But I'm not writing to you to complain about my boring everyday problems (though I'm sure you'd love to hear more about my dog's sickness, Gerard, I've heard you have two yourself?), I'm reaching out because I found something.
You see, I was researching for a new book, and in my perusal of an old calendar, I found the enclosed photo. I must have gotten it developed after our trip to New York on New Year's '75, but ended up never sending it.
So, after some struggle to convert it into digital form (in which Eric, Cathy's boy, helped quite a bit - I'm starting to think she might have good taste in boys after all), here it is, just 12 years late.
12 years. Funny to see it written out like that, isn't it? I honestly couldn't really believe it when I found the picture with a scribble of pencil beneath it - 01/01/1975. I remember that in our Welton days, I never would have thought we'd go that long without seeing each other, and it made me think.
I would love for us all to be part of each other's lives again, in whatever way seems fit- I've realised that I do not know what any of you are doing at the moment, where you live or if you've got family, and that does not feel right.
I've had to think of you all quite a bit these past years- I'd see a pretty girl in a red sundress and remember how enamoured with that Henley girl you were, Knox, or I'd hear a song and wonder if you had already listened to it, Steven.
If your busy lives allow it, wouldn't it be nice to meet up once again, or at least keep up some sort of correspondence over mail?
Let us seize the day once more.
All the best,
uuhh might turn this into fanfic?? if people are interested??
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
could you make a Spider-Gwen x anomaly venom reader pls I love your writing If you don't want to write this just ignore it Thank you very much :)
Gwen holds Y/N and Venom close…
Gwen: I don’t care what Miguel says
Y/N: no home, no universe
Venom: but the three of us can make our own home then.
Gwen: I love you both so much
Venom: and we love you, Gwennie
Gwen giggles as Venom and Y/N nuzzle her…
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pupyuj · 2 months
not to be a freak HAHAHA but any chance u'll write g!p bini anytime soon 👀? if so which members do u think ang bagay for it hmmm
well 👀 papi line obviously 👀👀 SI GWENNY KO MOSTLY BCS HEHEDJDJEUCN sometimes that girl dances like she has something in between her legs like guys ang gwapo potagina 😭😭💓 while some of them i cant rlly see with a dick (kikay line with the exception of sheena so that’s 3/4 😭) it doesn’t hurt to use our imagination to its greatest degree so if done correctly, i think bagay naman sila lahat TEE HEE 😝
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Looking at this pisses me off because its so rough to read (not the writing itself but what the character is saying. I get what is intended for this) but also this character misinterpreted the Ugly Duckling story so bad.
But then again, comparing Gwen to the ugly duckling story IS an intention. Because in the story, the duckling isn't actually a duckling but rather a swan. So the "duckling" being compared to other ducks which resulted to unreasonable discrimination. Similar to Gwen, she, already is beautiful, but because she's surrounded by "ducks" she's suffered being interpreted as ugly.
However, if placed along with the people in Leelathae's homeland, no one would think of anything else but that she's beautiful...
Anyways Gwennie you're not a beautiful duckling (edit: and DEFINITELY not an ugly one) but a beautiful swan instead. Also, that girlie really saying offensive things about cursed people which is yeesh.
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brotherscain · 3 months
anatomy of a firework
wincest, pre-series ficlet
set during july 4th 1996
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it’s july 4th 1996 and dean’s been steadily stocking a crate of fireworks for a couple weeks now, whole time thinking to himself how much sammy’s gonna freak over it. john bails. case got him a few days away already. it’s just him and sam and dean doesn’t know why but he wants to do this right. doesn’t even know what the fuck that means.
they grab burgers from the only diner shitty enough to stay open on the holiday. it’s hot and sticky, and sam insists on a rocket pop anyway. they roll up to the field, sam pulling the chewed wooden stick out of his mouth to ask what’s going on. and dean smiles, loves that he’s getting one over on him. loves even more that there’s no way sam won’t love it too.
sam protests, weakly, when dean lugs it all out of the trunk. eyes dean warily like he hasn’t put down a dozen monsters, he couldn’t possibly know how to light a damn sparkler. and then sam loosens, grins up at the show dean’s put on just for him. spins and spins under the falling embers with a laugh he hasn’t let off in years. dean finds him under the shower of light, and he swells. dean loves him. never wants it to end. wants to run out and steal a dozen more to keep sam exactly as he is, forever if he could.
when it’s done they figure the cops will be by soon. dean’s ears are ringing, sam’s all flushed and bright eyed. a fuse starts burning behind dean’s ribcage. he can feel it reaching the spark. his heart might burst if he doesn’t get it out of him right now, and he hasn’t got a clue what to say.
how did you like it?
i did this for you.
you looked beautiful out there. wanted to feel you.
i do it all for you, you know? you do know that, right?
dean didn’t say any of it. couldn’t get it out over the beating in his chest. got in the car, heard two doors slam shut. sam started saying something lame, probably about the gunpowder making him loopy or some shit but dean couldn’t hear any of it. just saw his baby brother, his sammy, so full of life and because dean made it that way. oh, fuck, his heart never hurt this much. it wanted out, it wanted to blow up inside him and paint the car red with all the dumb, dangerous, terrible things dean was thinking.
sam stopped babbling, looked at dean with worry. it was all dean could do not to burst open right there and spill his guts all over them. sammy, i’ve thought about you in the shower. i’ve thought about your whines smothered against my belly while you rut against me. sammy, i’ve wanted you for forever and i don’t know how to make it stop feeling like this.
dean leaned in and kissed him. and everything inside him took off as a bleary streak.
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biff-adventurer · 17 days
FFXIVWrite2024 Prompt: Reticent
It didn’t seem to bother Biff that the dark knight did not name himself. Ever mistrusted it. While she was not intimidated by him, finding it hard to be intimidated by a Lalafell shut up in black armor, she did not trust him. Miss Pudada, for her part, easily followed him in the darkness. Perhaps her encounters with Eyrisunn and H’zula had emboldened her, but Ever could not be sure. With a cool-headed healer and an adventurer eager to pierce through the mystery of the manor, she need not completely vilify the knight. Ever had her spells at the ready for any foes that would come their way. And any so-called friends that might turn their coat.
“It’s quiet,” said Pudada. “I expected the house to sigh a little more, I’ll admit. It’s so large, and…”
“I bet me whole family could fit in here,” said Biff, waving his arms. “Me own, me da’s sister’s, me da’s aulder brother’s. That’s, like, fifteen grown children with families of their own!”
“A veritable dynasty!” Pudada laughed. “I’m not sure it could fit quite that many people, but it could certainly house half of them.”
“Not that anyone would want to live here,” spat Ever. “Anyone who tries will end up choking on cobwebs before they meet any of the beasts that have made this place their home.”
“It’s curious we haven’t seen any,” agreed Pudada.
“Oh, they’ll come out!” Biff did a cartwheel down the hall. “They always do! They could be stalking us right now and we wouldn’t know it!”
The conjurer gasped. “You don’t think we’re being stalked by a void-sent, do you?”
The dark knight, who had been walking at the head of the party, only glanced over his shoulder at this. He’d not spoken a word since they’d entered, and barely mustered a syllable when their party had come together. Was he not afraid, or was he being a plain, old jerk?
“We’d be dead by now,” said the knight.
“Here, here!” cried Biff, performing yet another cartwheel. “Cheers tae not bein’ dead!”
Ever grumbled to herself. What was it her mother always said? Ah, yes. “If you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn’t say it at all.”
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penwrythe · 5 months
Hoping the worldbuilding pays off ahahh
Writing Gwenny's backstory draft rough:
...But, alas, the thronewolf sensed something nearby and turned its massive mossy rusted head towards Gwenny and his curios. Gwenny ushered the curios on, allowing the eldest of the group to lead, and tried to distract the thronewolf from killing them and devouring their kernels, dooming the youths to an early final Death. Risking himself of grave injury, knowing the curios are scared and panicking, Gwenny unlatches his silver suppressor collar and summon forth magic.
As a fragile, especially an Apparel, Gwenny had to wear a suppressor to keep his magic from harming himself. It is common law in most kingdoms, though lingering rumors question its relevance and hindrance in the daily lives of fragilekind, especially in extreme circumstances as this. For the law demands that all fragiles must suppress, least they be a danger to themselves or to others. However, such a law implies that Gwenny should, in this situation, completely sacrifice himself to the beast to save the curios. Dying a violent true death with no hope of revival. To give the curios a briefest chance of escape. Knowing his beloved, Alitash, would see him no more.
Gwenny knew that the curios were still too far from the Abbey and his death will only satiate the thronewolf for only a moment. It is a large beast, possibly decades old. Battle scarred, rotted, and rusted, hungry for ichor to repair its molding splintered wounds. Gathering his wits, with knowledge of both Calderian and Longermorian wildlife, Gwenny spurred forth fire from his hands. Ignoring the searing pain of the flames burning his fabric body, he forced fire onto the ground, allowing it to spread towards the beast. The thronewolf tried to plow forward through the flames, embers licking at its mossy head as it opens its great maw of rusted metal and molded wood. The beast lunged and Gwenny dodged, his right arm caught in the beast’s blackened jaw. Angry and hurt, Gwenny poured more power through his right arm straight into the beast’s cavernous body.
Screaming, Gwenny briefly feels a sudden burst of pain as his arm incinerates from this spell. As he grows weak, the thronewolf, finally realizing it met its match, released Gwenny in a panic as flames ate through its body. It turned to leave, but before it ran back into the forest deep, a blade soar through the air, stabbing deeply into its back. Another sword and another, and the beast fell. With one final living blade slicing off its head, the beast dies as its ichor retreats into a decaying withered kernel within its smoldering chest.
[Name], nobelhatched mage staff of the castle of this area containing the Abbey, swiftly puts out the flames before they can do anymore damage. But for Gwenny, as his vision fades, sees the anger of the staff as he stared at him. Gwenny knew, his thoughts just barely coming through as his ichor retreats, that his actions cost him everything....
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ashironie · 4 months
tmagp ep 18/may 28
“GWEN (absolutely losing it) SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!”
okokokok starting now
incident elements: -strong language
ohhhhh starvation
ah alex is doing the intro hope the case is norris
ohhhh wouldn’t it be cool if there was no case? what lore happens IS the case?
i’d allow that
oh celia? alice mumbling? ALICE!!! TEDDY!!!
Alice you girlfail
teddy is the jobless friend that you just randomly find in your life that you have no clue what their doing at the store buying coal, baby food (they don’t have a baby and are not expecting), and ten boxes of plastic bags
Sam? ew lena
he’s nervous around you you fuck
i hate lena
uggggghgghhhhh it’s called being kind and sociable, at least when gwen does it she’s purposely being a bitch
you don’t know your own employee’s kids name???
actually that’s fair
i just hate her
that interaction is making me love sam more
what’s his name
AUGUSTUS!!!!!! that’s not how you spell it is it?
i hope this is so fucked up
is this the drowned victim?
nah, i don’t think the drowned died of dehydration
OH MY GOD WAIT IS THE BOUTA BE ALIVE? I WAS LITERALLY TALKING ABOUT MY SISTER ABOUT HER TALKING TO DEAD BODIES (she wants to become a pathologist, aka someone who dissects dead bodies to know more about illnesses)
mother???? the web?
wait alone?
maybe it’s a ritual???
god i hope alice doesn’t hear this. agustie’s kinda a bitch
end of statement soon :(
it’s getting more robotic but he isn’t getting less emotional? oh no he is dw
wait was he lying? how can he lie???
thank god alice want listening
Sam shut the fuck up
she doesn’t need to know
knowledge isn’t always power my man, not when you have very little of it
she so can just ignore this, she’s been doing this for years
she kinda slayed that
like how that woman got slayed—
who is that???
i’m gonna kill lena
Alice pleeeeeaaaaase don’t poke the bear
sam i’m going to fucking kill you im going to murder you dead im going to fucking stab you i’m murdering you as we speak i hate you more than lena for this moment
Sam go kill yourself
Gwennie are you ok?
Celia :)
So jack is real
georgie c:
i hope she’s able to date melanie :)
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in3rci4 · 6 months
Can I Get An Angst With All The Boys, Basically They Never Believed The Reader, And They Get In An Argument Because They Thought Reader Drew Over Gwen's Homework ( I Saw It On TikTok ), And Basically In The End Moose Confesses It Was Him, But It's Too Late, After The Reader Said : " I'd Rather Get Kidnapped By The Grabber, Then Stay With You Assholes, You Think Everything's My Fault ", Reader Gets Kidnapped, And Like I Said, Moose Confesses, But It's Too Late, And They Regret It But It's Too Late? Sorry IF It's Too Much To Ask, You Don't Have To Do It If You Don't Want To, But I've Never Seen Someone Do That, So I Would Love What You Comes Up With ❤️❤️
Jsjskskdkdkk this is gonna be interestingly hard to do , but I appreciate that you trust my writing and sent your request , i really needed so I don't slow back 😭🫶
PROMPT : Reader is confronted by the The Black Phone boys about something they didn't do , and that would be the last time reader would be seen alive before getting kidnapped killed by The Grabber
Characters included : Finney Blake , Gwendolyn Blake , mention of Susan / Suzanne { Gwendolyn's friend } Bruce Yamada , Amy Yamada , Robin Arellano , mention of the two jackass dudes on Gwen's vision about Vance , Vance hopper , Griffin Stagg , Billy Showalter , Buzz , Matt , Patt , Moose ( idk his last name )
Author's note : I'm really sorry if this isn't what you wanted , but I believed that in some cases it would be practical or better to write in different yet similar situations excluding Gwen's direct participation or writing the exact phrase you told me and changing it instead for every character, hope you like it anyway , I really enjoyed writing this 👍✨
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His little sister is someone that will share everything with him , her celebrity crushes , her latest gossip , her favorite new book , etc , and he would listen everytime even if he didn't care that much about it
But Finney noticed that she was more quiet lately , but Gwenny would always say she was tired , and that's it .
Until one day she confessed his older brother that she had some of her notebooks pages scratched , tore apart and with really awful drawings and messages , some really gruesome to describe a little girl . Finney was of course mad , because did not only Gwen hide something from him , but there's someone messing with his sister that he knows she didn't mess with first
Gwen defended herself saying that she was trying to find who did it but she couldn't do it , until yesterday , when she asked her classmates once again who did it and they said that someone older enter her classroom when her backpack was still there
Suzanne , her best friend , added new information about the situation : She saw you entering to her classroom with color papers rolled up
He knew you from the mathematics class , so when he saw you escaping trough the empty hallways , he followed you , and decided to confront you
" Stop it , I need to talk with you "
You turned around and saw him grabbing tight his backpack shoulder strap
" You need to stop doing those things to my sister , she's only a 6th grader and didn't do anything to you , it's not ok to draw those disgusting things and write that stuff on Gwen's notebooks , you're older than her , you should know that "
On Finney's perspective , he was in front of a kid of his same age that has been bothering his sister not only in a anonymously way , but in a constant way too , trying , no , decided , to make them back off from her
But in your perspective , you woke up and didn't have the opportunity to eat even an apple as a breakfast because your parents started to bark at each other again and then you , when they couldn't find the keys of the car and saw you existing on your house
Who would guess that the only time you entered on a 6th grade classroom was to put some color papers for the kids by your art's teacher orders ?
You obviously got offended , and started to tell your version of the story , you were not only dealing with your family madness once again , but this too ?
When he saw you not backing off and not telling " the truth " he told you to stop playing the innocent / victim card and just accept what you " did"
You couldn't simple just pretend you didn't call slut shaming names to a child .
His insistence , the way he was talking , gas lighting you like your parents did before , triggered something in you that made you started to blurry your vision and just walk away when your tears started to fall down your face
Not exactly aware where you going , you walked away from school , and sat on the edge of the side walk hiding hour face in your arms and legs
That's when you heard a strange voice say
" Why's the river dear child ? Would magic make those tears disappear ? "
2 weeks after that encounter your missing person poster was all over the town .
One of those days once again , Gwen finds in her notebook a bad quality drawing of you dead with a speech bubble that had " It wasn't me" written on it
Finney was ready to walk home side by side with Gwen but she had a serious expression on her face this time , without saying nothing , she takes her notebook and shows the drawing of you to him
The siblings could never look at your photos again without feeling guilty , 3 days after you went missing the unholy trinity bastards of Buzz , Matt and Patt admitted the fault , making them feel stupid for not thinking about them as suspects of it in the first place
Specially Finney , who can't stop thinking that he was the last person that saw you alive , yet that time he made you cry , he made you go away
He was the one that has the fault for your gone , and he has to live with the feeling . All .His . Life .
Coming back from chilling on a friend's house Bruce goes upstairs to change clothes on his bedroom but when he was on the hallway of the second floor he hears quiet sobs coming from his little sister's place
Confused , he puts his ear close the door to hear better and knocks at the girl's door , but there was no answer , she continued crying
Slowly , he opened the door of her bedroom , and found his little sister Amy sitting on the floor with her cheeks all wet from so many tears dropping from her eyes . Bruce had to admit that lately he and his sister weren't close like they used to , him being a teenager and stuff
But even then , he sat next to her and rubbed her back asking what happened and why she was so sad , he was expecting the reason to be a broken toy , a nightmare , a heartbroken from her playground crush , anything
Anything... Except that someone of his class was making fun of her and breaking her favorite school notebooks and pencils , the ones she cherished the most , and threatened her to stay quiet ... The little girl being too scared of even mentioning the names of the responsable... Or responsables...
" Don't worry Amy , I will make sure they stop bothering you , I promise "
The next day when the teacher sat down to look over some papers he asked permission to talk with everyone in the classroom about what happened , and find out who did it
" Y'all probably know I have a little sister , Amy , yesterday when I came back home she told me that someone in this class was mocking her in all possible ways and breaking her stuff like favorite notebook or color pencils . If you have a problem with me , I have all the time of the world to solve however you want to , i don't care , but messing with my sister and 6th grader kid ain't right , you're supposed to know better than that , unless y'all cowards that will stay silent and not tell me the truth in the face "
The teacher was too shocked to speak with the sudden serious attitude of the star student and the people sitting on their desks were unsure to speak or react since they didn't want to messed up more and makes things more difficult more than the situation already is
Until a girl said that he should go and tell the same exact thing to you , the " guilty " one , that has been gone the entire class after asking to go to the bathroom and probably knew he was going to find it out
You in the other hand were going about to have a breakdown and didn't want it to be around everybody that categorized you as the " ugly quiet kid " from the back of the classroom , you wanted some time alone , and went to the bathroom , where you cried over those horrible thoughts in your mind until your eyes were to dry to drop more tears
You washed your face and tried to compose yourself to not look " recently sad " and did your regular breathing exercise in these cases . Now done , you went outside the bathroom , and just in a few steps , you saw Bruce
You tried to give a closed lips smile to give the " I'm ok / friendly " facade , but he didn't return the gesture , he was in fact , not as happy and smiley as the usual Bruce , he was .... Different
" You should've know I would find it out sooner or later , when did I did something wrong to you ? What Amy's had to do with this ? Why involved her ? Why mess with her instead of just , I don't know man , tell ME those things ? "
You were confused and disoriented , you couldn't put the pieces together of why Bruce was being this harsh or what he was talking about , all you did was stare
" You're not gonna say something ? You have nothing to say after breaking her stuff , telling her to die , to stop eating and to leave the country where she was born ? To a innocent little girl instead someone of your age ?"
You tried to defend yourself but it was useless , the entire group blamed you to keep the spot away from them from being guilty and nothing could change Bruce's mind about it , after all , if you were innocent , why you went out of the class on the first place ?
You didn't have the energy to keep arguing or to stay while the principal or teacher called your parents and wait for the worse to happen , for something that you didn't do , so you walked out from school and decided to head straight to your best friend's house , your only safe place
But you never got there .
That night after the Yamada's were done eating dinner , Bruce knocked her sister's door , opened when he got Amy's permission and with a smile , he told her
" Hey Amy , I just wanted to tell you that I already told the bad person to stop bothering you and they promised to stop doing it , you don't have to worry anymore "
But the smile soon fade away when Amy's asked her older brother if he told the boyfriend of the girl to stop too
And then he realized what he done ... His mistake ....
That girl was his rival baseball team pitcher's girlfriend , and since they were afraid to put anything up with Bruce due his popularity , they came for Amy instead
He would ride his bike on the way to school hoping to see you again , to apologize and start over , but he never did , he never had the chance , only your missing posters like a painful reminder of who you were are .
He's used to be called all type of names , he's a dark skin hispanic boy living in the 70's after all , although he doesn't let himself be down for it anymore , and instead he learned to be proud of who he is
So when he would see racist slurs on his desks or papers with written messages on it on his backpack , he would only sigh because how tedious it was to clean those from his desk and sometimes laugh at the creativity of some insults
But the anonymous dutch bag didn't only stayed with him , oh no ...
Not surprised at all , it wasn't Finney who would admit having insulting messages written on papers that had a long list of homophobic slurs hided on his backpack , but Gwen , who told him what was going on with his friend
With a mixed feeling of anger and sadness , he only told his buddy that It'll be over as soon as he found who's the coward behind all this , and thanked the girl with candies
It was harder to find the fucker this time , no face , no voice , no nothing , except one thing , their hand writing
He may not be math's smart , but he's for sure an astute dude . When nobody was looking and the teachers were eating lunch , he entered the classroom and started to check one by one the hand writing of Finney's classmates , comparing them with the last " letter " that they left for him
Unlucky you , your hand writing was almost exactly like the one in the paper , and with your name already known , Robin was ready to clarify some stuff with you
On your way to school you heard someone calling your name , and by your surprise , the one calling you was the second toughest kid in school , and that caught the attention of other students walking on the streets . Walking towards you , calm yet with a serious expression Robin said
" You know my friend Finney , right ? Your classmate ? The one that has to deal with your bullshit every fucking day ?"
Oooooh's were heard from the kids and you honestly started to get scared because the situation felt unreal to you
" I'm getting tired of telling this over and over , you know ? Fuck with Finney again .."
He stops , just a few steps from you
" I'll fuck with you . Get it ?"
You couldn't just stay silent so you spoke your yourself
" Excuse me but I don't have any idea of what are you talking about "
For you he only nodded in silent after you talked , in the other hand , it was taking all of Robin's inner strength to not smack your face for pretending to be clueless about this
" Finney had to deal almost A MONTH with your paper shit that has your hand writing on it , so stop pretending you're innocent , cus you ain't "
You still couldn't believe what was going on , the whispers between the crowd that you didn't know when did it formed started to get louder , but your voice was still stucked in your chest that was pumping from the adrenaline
" Don't believe me ? I'll show you "
Suddenly your arm was grabbed and everyone gasped , Robin takes a paper from his Jean's pocket and shows you a paper that has the message " Better kill yourself like your mother did faggot trash " with yes , an identical copy of your hand writing , now how can you explain yourself at this ?
As soon as the young chorus started to scream for " Fight !" you feared the worst , so unintentionally your eyes started to water up and you plead to be left alone , that it was mistake , that it wasn't you
But he didn't believe you , instead , he started to shake you while keeping the paper close to your face
" If I ever saw your hand writing again on this shitty papers I'll make you read every fucking message you wrote after I beat the shit out of you in front of everybody in school , understood ?"
You tried to explain , you tried to make him understand that it wasn't you who did everything that he said
" I said , UNDERSTOOD !?"
Defeated , you nodded , and he let you go with a disgusted expression . Not being able to handle more eyes staring at you , you walked back to your home hoping your parents were still there and didn't went to work yet , so you could at least have a shoulder to cry on
But you never went back home .
1 week before Moose and Robin's fight and 3 after your disappearance another message was found on Finney's notebook
" your cocksucker friend got the wrong one fairy bitch"
Moose got what he deserved right after , but at what costs ?
You were gone , and everytime Robin walks in the street and sees your photo on the missing posters can't stop wondering why he didn't did the right thing and looked further instead of just blaming you
But nothing that he has to say would bring you back , ever .
Billy would focus only on paying attention in class , do his homework , study and repeated all over again , it was like that since he left the football team , and it wasn't bad either
He was on the middle ground between popular and invisible , and he was thankful for it , because he didn't have to deal with a lot of people or assholes that saw him as inferior to them
But everyone has to taste suffering once in their life , right ?
At first , in his desk he would find the usual vulgar drawings and slurs that were similar as the one written all over the men's bathroom walls . They were easy to erase , no big deal
Then the messages had his name on it , but he didn't felt like a personal attack to him , his name is a common name between boys , no panic
But the messages started to be written on his notebooks and school manuals , and those were harder to erase or ignore like the previous one
Billy was pissed , he didn't had the energy to deal with a bully and his school material ruined after working so hard in keeping it on shape , but his " consolation " was that the one doing this didn't even have the courage to show their face .
They were miserable people with free time on their hands that decided to make him their target , they must be really bored to choose him though . And nothing works better for these type of garbage than ignore them
The last part being ... half true .
When the insults got boring , repetitive and easily forgettable , the no name writer took a more serious turn , took the challenge of making him mad on their own hands
His concern grew up faster when the messages talked about jumping him in the hour of his paper news delivery , writing his house direction repeatedly and scary drawings of dead dogs
Now he couldn't let it slide . Not with his dog , not with his best friend , not with her . He needed to put a stop to this , needed to find who
He packed his stuff more slower this time watching over his shoulder wich classmates were faster to go and who stayed longer to leave
And you , he never noticed before , always were the last one to leave
He went to the cafeteria to buy a snack and time and went back to the classroom , he walked into the classroom and , oh surprise , you were there again
Billy didn't understand why you hated him so much , he doesn't mess with anybody on this god damn school , but now he doesn't have time to listen your reasons , now you will listen to him
" You better stop writing that shit on my notebooks and manuals or I will tell the teacher about your sick messages "
Confused , you tried to come back to reality after you zoned out for so long to understand the situation
" I'm sorry ? What messages ?"
He step closer but never too close to you , frustrated
" Oh come on man , you're the only one that stays after class in this place , the only one that takes a eternity to walk outside the classroom , I'm tired of your fucking bullshit ! I don't fuck with anybody or you in the matter , AND YET , I have to tolerate my notebook and manuals ruined because of you ! "
You tried to speak to clarify the situation but he interrupts you with a much louder voice , you never thought it was possible to see him like this
" I better not see you at the streets or I'll throw a god damn paper new on your face , less than anything to my dog , you better not touch my fucking dog or I'll do worse than that !"
Oh no .... A ... Dog ? .... Like .... The once you had but lost recently ?
Before Billy took his backpack from the chair , he looked at you one last time
" My parents and I work hard to get what I have , you know ? ..."
You felt sorry... This isn't your fault , it's so sad what he's telling you , but-
" I don't care if you insulted me or whatever , but don't fuck with animals , they can't defend themselves... So you better watch out what you do "
That left you with a bad taste in your mouth , someone wanted to hurt his pet , his companion in his daily life an mornings of delivering
School's over , you waited for your parents to pick you up while you were thinking of what Billy told you , you really needed to tell him tomorrow that you ain't the one he's looking for . You only stayed alone on the classroom because you were grieving by your own the death of your dog
But the day tomorrow never came for you .
The same day of your kidnapping , your classmates waited for Billy to throw rocks at him while he was riding his bike , he almost fell down , and Harper almost looses her eye for those bastards
When he came back home and his mother started to patch him up , he couldn't stop thinking that he barked at you for no reason , that he didn't even let you speak for yourself , how stupid he was for letting Harper be hurt by his incompetence
Seeing your photo on the paper news was like a kick on the stomach
" I'm sorry for what I said to you ... "
But it was just a piece of paper , while the real you was buried 3 feet under the ground of that man's basement .
Griffin at first was the perfect target for bullies . Kind , non confronting , quiet , a "weak " book worm that didn't anyone either to stand up for him . With time , the same bullies got bored of him , as if they were expecting a more dramatic reaction from him , but no , he would just let it happen , and that took the " fun " of bullying him they thought
And for for many years , he would be invisible for everybody , he told himself he liked being left alone and have his privacy , but deep down , it was the acceptance to the fact that he didn't have any friends , and nobody wanted befriend him neither , not like he felt he had a lot to offer
But at least he was in peace to study , eat and read whenever he wanted to . At least he has that .
Or well , he had .
He would found his backpack on the trash can , maybe a bully confused his backpack with another poor bastard ?
But It kept happening , so that was not a confusion anymore .
Sometimes his notebooks would be all scratched all over the pages until it was full black , some manuals of his had broken pages as well His mom better not find that out
Different from the past , he tried to make it stop this time . He tried everything , changing places where he kept his things , carrying his backpack whenever he could , even changing locker combination and writing them down on a secluded notebook
But no matter what he did , how he did it and when he did it , his backpack would always have a horrible surprise waiting for Griffin to see
It was almost like some poltergeist was messing with him at this point .
He was already frustrated from so many bullshit going on , but what sent him to the edge of explosion was that the book he got from the library , " The little prince " by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry , got dipped in presumptuously dirty toilet water , a book that he needed to return or else the librarian would not allow him to take books anymore
The moment he thrown the book away back into the trash he rushed into the bathroom and cried from anger . Griffin could only ask himself , why ? Why someone wanted to ruined his life so bad ? Why after so long jerks remembered his existence ? Why or why this is happening to him ?
The next day after he had P.E he saw you taking his backpack out of the trash , and since he had so much frustration accumulated inside him , instead of rationalizing you helping him , he saw you as the persecutor of his misery , blaming you without second thought
He grabbed his backpack with disgust and anger and looked at your other arm where you held your books .... And saw the name of his recently bought book " Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury "
" Hey , that's my book , give it back ! "
You put both of your arms in front of the two of the books , the story and the big grammar manual
" What !? no ! it's mine ! I was just trying to get the backpack out of the trash ! "
He dropped his backpack harshly , he was not having it
" Cut me some slack , will ya !? I only wanted to read and do my homework like a normal person in school and you had to make my life a living hell ! The librarian lady don't trust me anymore because of you ! Give me back what it's mine !"
You tried to protect the book with your arms but Griffin with all the strength his body was grabbing your arms and trying to open them , you were really struggling to keep fighting much longer
The moment you dropped the books he took as fast as a light switch the one he was looking for , but you didn't want him to go away with your favorite book , so you both started to pull harder to get it
But the book was teared apart as you both fall into the ground , you with only the half of the cover , and he with the broken book
" Look what you've done ! You ruined another book again ! "
Frustrated at the boy's attitude you got up from the ground and went after the teacher's to call your family because " you started to feel sick " , and lucky you , they were planning on taking you out for lunch
Your family noticed that you were more quiet than usual , but you only said you were tired ... Tired of regretting to help someone and get your stuff stolen so much
Outside the restaurant , you saw trough the window a puppy that started to look around and seemed lost , you tried to tell your family about it , but you couldn't see exactly where did they go
You went outside , it was just a one sec thing .
You called the puppy and put your hand close to it so they could smell you . The puppy started to cry and move it's paws , as soon as you started to pet it they started to lick your hand , tickling your skin and making you giggle
In one sec you got outside to pet that cute little puppy , and in one sec , the bad wolf , the so called The Grabber , took you away .
Griffin wanted to kick himself when he saw the same book that he broke inside his backpack , deciding to tell his mom once for all what was going on so she could help him buy a new version of the book and give it to you
2 days later , your missing posters were all over the school path , making the boy scared of how fast this Grabber was taking kids away , making the boy sad for having two copies of the same book because he didn't checked his backpack first
Later on lunch break he found his backpack once again in the trash , hearing a group of girls giggle behind him
He wishes to go back in time to make things different , but that's something that happens on books stories only .
There was no doubt Pin Ball Vance Hopper was the toughest kid in school , and he knew it , proud of his status that gives him the ultimate " Don't fuck with me " power
A lot of people had tried to take his title away , many wanted to have the privilege to say they defeated him , but the more time would pass , the more feared he was , because he would win again , and again , and again .
So that being said , nobody wanted to even look at him in the wrong way , walking on eggshells whenever he's around , and that's how he likes it or how he got used to
Now tell me , if everyone in the entire school knew to stay on their fucking places , why the fuck he had his pencils stolen and broken in two ?
Now , he wouldn't wait to find out who , oh hell no , he's not gonna tolerate that shit happening
He started to ask and grab by the shirt any poor idiot that looked at him more than 2 seconds when he demanded explanations , but they would always answer the same thing
" No please , don't hurt me !" " I'm sorry , I don't want any trouble ! " Chill man , I don't know what are you talking about !" " please stop you're hurting me ! " And bla , bla , bla , bla , bla
But it didn't only stayed on messing with his pencils , no , no , no , the motherfucker started to write his locker all over with threats and a colorful variation of insults
But nobody saw who did it , nobody saw nothing , nobody sees shit when you need it , and that made Vance even more cranky than he already was
The no name no face fucker pulled up a move that nobody has dared to do before , touch his drawing notebook .
He couldn't find it anywhere , students were scared for their lives even if they didn't even knew that thing existed when he started to shout like a furious demon , teachers couldn't calm down the problematic student or make him explain calmly the situation
And then he walked out from the class , from school , without saying anything else , only coming back the very next day with a crowbar to open himself every fucking locker until he founded his notebook .
Teachers yelled at him to stop terrified , students were on a distant circle shocked about what they were watching but too nervous to stay close to Vance Hopper with a possible weapon on his hands , you being part of that confused and scared crowd
He opened 9 , 10 , 11 lockers , and no signal of the only drawing notebook that he has , number 12 .... Your locker , it busted open , and it inside had a similar looking notebook of his . He grabbed the notebook , checked the pages , and he confirmed that he got back what he was looking for
But Vance needed an answer , now .
By your surprise , the people got away from you and kept starting at you in a way of saying " This is the owner of the locker "
He dropped the crowbar and speed walked towards you , and since you knew you wouldn't be able to defend yourself in any way, you started to run away , and so did him
You felt your feet almost slipping away , his angry breathing and foot steps sounds behind you , along with the distant sounds of the students keeping the track to see your public execution
You don't remember how exactly you did it , but you lost him , and got away hiding behind the school block's back place
Tired and with your legs and lungs burning , you lay yourself to the wall and try to compose yourself , never acknowledging that you were on the school's block , yet outside on the street
With your eyes closed and a body that had already gave everything to escape before , it was easy for the bad man to kidnap you inside his van .
The school suspended Vance for a week , nothing new he would say , but this time the police was more rougher than before the time they came for him
The majority of the people thought that the young man Hopper had something to do with your disappearing , and the police did too , but he told them the truth , and said he didn't even knew you were gone if he was on his house all day and that was .... Half true
He saw your missing posters all over the neighborhood , but he didn't care that much , he kept living his life while trying to beat his damn high score , another kid was lost in the town , so what ? He's too strong to be kidnapped anyway .
The police set him free , and he went to the Grab n' Go once again
Inside , Mrs Ellen wasn't there , and his dear pin ball machine had .... Had a crack on the glass of it !?
He looked around to see if somebody was there as well , but nobody was on the sight
If The jungle queen machine could speak , it would cry over the graffitis they made over the tigers on the sides
" Motherfuckers .... "
Two familiar boys entered inside the mall , one with straight brown long hair and other with a black curly hair and a bandage on his right arm
" Remember us dip shit ? We told you were coming for you "
The two had a pocket knife and a thirst for vengeance , vengeance that they should have kept anonymous
Angry like a wild hungry animal , he fought the two kids with his bare hands until carving once again on their arms with those tiny ass knifes whatever shit would come to his mind as if the first time wasn't enough for them
The kids ran away trying to keep the balance on their step , but failed due how fucked up their faces were and the pain on their arms
Vance sat tired on the ground with his hands covered in blood . Him seeing those two dumb shits run remembered him the last time he saw you
We really ain't nothing in this life , isn't ?
He chased you for nothing , and God knows where the fuck you are now , probably dead , never able to see the sun again
The lady of the mall screams in fear to see the blond messy hair kid like that after getting out from the washroom
" ... I would say I'm sorry if I could or if you were still alive , but that wouldn't change shit . What it's done , it's done .... "
The junior Pin Ball wizard thought as he heard moments later the police siren coming for him .
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multitraveler · 8 months
Fanfiction and rewrites
Hello to all the people who follow me, and to those who simply come across this in the wild. I have mentioned this before on my blog but, I have a fanfic on ao3. I am currently working on editing it for the first time, seeing as when i wrote it is was stream of thought.
The old version is still up right now if you would like to read that version, but the 2.0 version should be up soon if you would like to wait for that. I can't be sure how often i will update it as I am also working on an original novel. but if you have questions about the fan fic or the novel, I will try to answer as best as I can
link to the fanfic below.
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