#had to rb this here for bill
puppyeared · 5 months
i had some free time today so i decided to compile some useful pages ive saved over the years and made a resources page on my blog ^_^
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agayconcept · 1 year
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
how about Jason with the prompt "text me when you get home"? the one time they forget/fall asleep before sending the text and Jay loses hid mind. rushes over expecting them to be dead but they passed out on the couch as soon as they got home
really superbly SCRUMPTIOUS prompt Aud. I love protective jaybird 🥰‼️ thanks for sending something in 🫶
jason todd x gn!reader. worried protective snuggly jason. no warnings really, ya boy is just paranoid and madly in love with you 💓
request something! I rb all fics to @sanguinelibrary
As soon as you get out of your last class of the day, your phone rings.
You answer it, wedging the phone between your ear and shoulder as you fish in your bag for a couple of bills. You're already walking to the train station.
"Hi, snookie bear," you say into the phone, slightly delirious with hunger and sleep deprivation.
Jason snorts on the other end. "That's a new one. Hey, baby. Y'heading home?"
"Indeed I am."
"Need a ride?"
You wait and listen. Eventually, you hear the sounds of hitting and grunting in the background. You roll your eyes—only Jason would be in the middle of a fight and then ask if you need a ride home.
"No, I'm okay. It's not dark yet. Plus you sound busy."
"I'm never too busy for you," he says immediately. "And it's gonna get dark in an hour. Are you sure—"
"Yes, Jay," you say gently. "I'm sure. Don't worry about me. I'm going straight home."
You're already at the station. There's a good amount of people, students and workers alike. The university is in a relatively okay part of town, especially during the day. You're not worried. It's not like you traipse through Crime Alley on your downtime.
"Okay." Jason takes a deep breath. "Just—just be careful. Text me when you get home."
You note the hint of worry in his tone. Maybe this week has been particularly saturated with crime. Jason tends to get a little overbearing about your safety when he's had a tough week. You know he had go down to Blüdhaven and help his brother—with what specifically, you don't know.
Most of the time, you're sure you don't want to know.
"I always do," you say. The train pulls up to the station. "Ooh, train's here! I'll talk to you later. I'm thinking of ordering takeout. Too tired to cook."
"Okay, sweetheart. Be safe. Love you. Lock your door."
You roll your eyes fondly. "Yes, Jay. Love you too. Bye."
You hang up as you step onto the train. You pull your headphones out of your bag and shut your brain off during the ride. By the time you get off the train, you've lost hope that you'll be doing any work tonight. You're absolutely wiped out after three back-to-back classes.
It's still light when you get home. You lock the door after you get in, the habit ingrained into you, and dump your bag onto the couch.
Takeout is a no-go. You're hungry now and about thirty seconds away from passing out on the couch.
You change into your home clothes, eat a granola bar, and call it a day. You'll eat more later.
You turn off your phone to bar any annoying notifications and fall into bed, eyes closing immediately.
The sound of your deadbolt being teared off its chain wakes you up. You flinch and jump awake, trying to blink through sleep. Your mouth is dry from how hard you slept, and your eyesight is slightly blurry from the sudden flood of moisture.
Your bedroom door swings open, and suddenly you're pulled into warm, heavily muscled arms. You hug back on instinct; you'd know the feel of your boyfriend anywhere.
"Jay, h—"
"You didn't text," he says, voice shaking. "You said you would. I was—I thought you were—"
You tense, guilt knocking into you.
"Shit. Jason, I'm so sorry. I meant to, I was just so tired..."
Jason pulls back to look at you, hands still on your shoulders. His expression is stern.
"I'm gonna pick you up from now on. When are your late days?"
"Jay, no, GCU is across town. You can't possibly pick me up three days a week. That's too much! What about patrol?"
"Somebody else is out at this time," he says stonily. "Crime Alley can wait an hour while I get you home."
His eyes blaze green, a side effect of the Pit. You can tell he's putting every effort into keeping a lid on the worry and fear and anger over your silence.
"Jason." You cup his face. "Honey, I'm safe. I'm sorry I didn't text you. I'm sorry I worried you. But your adrenaline is spiked right now, Jay. Everything feels magnified. I don't need to be picked up. I was perfectly safe coming home. Okay?"
He shakes his head, holding your wrists. "Anything could've happened. I was so—fuck, baby, I was so scared. I-I checked the station footage and the traffic cams, and I didn't see you after you cut through the park, and I thought—I was sure you'd—"
Jason pulls your arms around his neck and buries his face into your shoulder. He supports you by the backs of your thighs, tugging you into his lap. Then he clings tight.
"Oh, Jay," you murmur, petting his curls. "I'm alright. This end of Gotham isn't so bad. And I know you'd have found me even if something had happened. But nothing did."
"Can't lose you," he chokes out.
"You won't lose me, honey," you say. "You keep me safe."
He trembles in your embrace. You kiss the shell of his ear and continue to pet his hair.
"Let me pick you up tomorrow, at least," he pleads. "We'll get dumplings at that place you like. You barely ate anything when you came home."
"Okay, Jay," you say, because you know he needs that reassurance. He won't relax without it. "That sounds good."
You keep stroking his hair. "Y'wanna order in now?"
"In a minute."
Jason lays you both down on the bed. He throws a leg over yours and pulls you into his chest. It's now that you see just how much tension is locked in his shoulders. He's exhausted.
"Jus' wanna hold you for a bit," he says, lips resting on your shoulder.
He's drowsy, the adrenaline finally ebbing. You close your eyes and snuggle into his arms.
"You can hold me for as long as you want," you say, threading your fingers with his. "I'm not going anywhere."
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strangecowplant · 2 months
please help me pay my kitties emergency vet bill!
ive never done this before but one of my cats just had to get an extremely sudden emergency procedure and i don't know what to do, my vet and i have reached out to a couple incredible programs here to help with the bill but one is less than half and the other hasn't replied back yet, i've already declined the blood work (CA$356) to lower the bill at the risk of possible underlying liver and kidney issues not being found but its still a monumental amount for us right now. i just feel so helpless
we had enough to pay the minimum deposit to get the procedure started in time thankfully, but we were already scraping by as it is and now we're in desperate need of funds to eat/pay rent/pay off any remainder of the bill. i am disabled without aid and have been unable to work/haven't worked since 2015 but am on track to hopefully start working pt this fall. i live with my mom who has 3-4 jobs including one seasonal job which needless to say is stressful and wearing her down. we unfortunately are stuck in the most expensive place to live in canada with the inability to save up to flee so the cycle is never ending.
this is Teddy, my typically very silly vocal happy boy who's not quite 2 yet, my comfort king, my little muffin who acts like a weighted blanket for me at night and eases my anxiety, his favourite toy is his pink unicorn poof, he loves car rides and he can shake paw!
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he got a sudden urinary blockage last night with no straight answer as to why and progressively got worse as the night went on, i didnt sleep at all, i was panicking and bawling, naturally, and raced to the vet to get in as soon as the door opened. i assumed it was a uti which wouldn't have been as costly, but it turned out to be much more severe and life threatening. i never expected my usually extremely healthy boy to suddenly be at risk of that and im still trying to just process whats been happening
he needed to be sedated and given a catheter and some medication, the total bill came to CA$985.62, of which we were barely able to pay 500 of, and one program was able to donate 300 leaving a total of CA$185.62 for the bill. this, of course, leaves us scrambling for food and rent as well
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i know there are a lot of fundraisers out there needing donations right now, and i really hate letting myself be so open and raw like this but even a dollar would help tremendously and i would be forever grateful for any help whatsoever, even a rb to signal boost is greatly appreciated <3
TLDR; my cat had a sudden life threatening issue and now we can't pay the full vet bill or pay for food/rent
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sipho-pearl · 1 month
analysis of the soul contract
(if you haven't seen the translation for that yet, look it up or look at my original translation post here)
Major spoilers for the entirety of Gravity Falls and also MAJOR Book of Bill spoilers for like the whole thing so go look at that first, ok? (Seriously, this post makes more sense the more you know about the content of the book...and the series)
**if i make any mistakes within this analysis in terms of existing lore or there's something i should add, send me a dm/reply to the post!! or just rb it with the information lol
Under the cut because it's really long (but contains information that I believe to be very important to the overall lore!!)
There are three really interesting things hidden in the translation for the soul contract that I actually NEED to talk about because I haven't really seen them discussed anywhere else?? (yes it's divided up into sections, don't worry)
The Soulmate Passage
The soul contract passage starts off with Bill's lawyer talking about all of the things that they can legally do with your soul, but then they go into the idea of soulmates, and something about this passage feels eerily familiar.
(sorry for the long quote but it's kind of important here)
He gets way too specific here, even going into the first person to begin talking about how he will always be there for you. In the Book of Bill, the main concept is that Bill is attempting to win over the reader in order to convince them to make a deal with him and, therefore, release him from the Theraprism, and he seems to be doing the same thing here with the reader.
However, in my opinion, because for the majority of this he talks about you using third person pronouns, it can be somewhat inferred that he is talking about himself and his soulmate. Not specified who that is (totally not the canonically divorced couple), but it can definitely be interpreted as him doing some introspection.
The references to loss of memory could also be a reference to how Stanley defeated Bill by wiping his memory, and how up until the last minute, Bill believed that he was back in Stanford's mind.
"THOUSANDS OF LIFETIMES" could be a reference to the trillions of years that Bill has lived and all of his exes, as well as how in every single one, he was the one getting broken up with. And, also, the many other muses that he (unconfirmed) may have had.
Moving on!!
2. Bill's control over souls
**As far as I am aware, this is the first time in the canon that we see what control Bill has over the souls that he collects.
According to this, Bill's control over souls when signed over gives him the ability to, (as first shown in Sock Opera, but in a more limited way) put souls into other objects, take them out of your body. While put in a more simplistic way in this passage, it is clear that he has a lot of control over souls, and, when signed away, may have the ability to do anything with one that he wants.
However, going back to the mischaracterisation present in the first quote where it sounds as if Bill is talking, now that we know it was his pen, it is clear that he also has the ability to control the souls to do what he wants.
The time limit on how long these soul contracts last for is indefinite, as Bill's soul lawyer himself says.
*Side note: it is revealed, in relation to souls, that the human soul is 21 grams.
3. The afterlives of the universe of Gravity Falls
So, later in this passage, all of the places that you can go to after you die are revealed. This is mainly important because you can see more of the in-universe lore, but also because we can see more of what Bill Cipher was hoping to happen when he invoked the Axolotl at the end of the series.
A definitive list of all of the afterlives present within universe:
Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
"Big Corner"
"Flow State"
"The Dream House" <- The Dream House could possibly be a reference to either Bill's Dream Realm or Bill's Nightmare realm.
"The Reincarnation Processing Center" <- This is where I believe Bill was hoping to go once he invoked the Axolotl. Going by what he said in the last few moments of Weirdmageddon 3, "A-X-O-L-O-T-L! My time has come to burn! I invoke the ancient power that I may return!" It is clear that he thought he was going to be able to reincarnate by invoking the Axolotl, and by doing this, he would be able to escape going to hell.
"AXOLOTL" <- This is a reference to summoning the Axolotl when about to die, such as what Bill did. Axolotls are known for being able to regenerate, so going back to what I said before, Bill probably believed that invoking the Axolotl would give him the ability to reincarnate or regenerate.
"S TANK AND CONSEQUENCES HOLD" I'm pretty sure that this is a longform name for the Theraprism.
More Notes:
The passage is written entirely in the cipher for the journals rather than any of the codes that Bill often uses (alchemic, theraprism, combined, bill's symbols) which I believe ties back to my theory in 1.
While dogs can sense when a soul is missing, cats don't care. Not important, I just thought that was interesting.
anyway, again: if i got anything wrong in this please rb this and add more stuff!! :3
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1mlostnow · 2 months
I hope that caught your attention :)
I’m also hoping to get more input from the queer community here so please comment or rb with anything you have to say.
Please read I think this is incredibly important.
Okay ⬇️
I am a trans man and I have only socially transitioned. I don’t usually like to talk about the fact that I’m trans, because I have this underlying fear that it will somehow remind people that I’m “not really a man” or something. Internalized homophobia, I guess. But this feels really important to talk about.
The 2024 Election. I am confident in my belief that we will have a second trump term. It is so incredibly important for trans kids to build community. If he gets elected, that puts us and queer people as a whole at risk.
Depending on which state you’re from, you may have already gotten a taste of this. I’m from a primarily red state and we’ve got bathroom bills, book bans, and transparency bills.
Bathroom Bill -> bans trans folks from using the bathroom which aligns with their gender identity, requires them to use bathroom that corresponds with their sex at birth. I know for a lot of states, this also removed gender neutral bathrooms in a lot of places.
Book bans -> thank you Ron Fucking DeSantis (florida governer, ran for president but dropped from race in January 2024(?)) Lawmakers can decide what books they consider inappropriate for schools, and have them removed. They defend it by saying they’re banning “sexual content” but majority of it is mentions of queer folks in books. To them two boys holding hands for one sentence may as well be a book full of smut. Overall, they’re only retracting what they want to, excluding gender/sexuality mentions and critical race theory.
Transparency -> OH MY FUCKING AHSHDHDRRR. Okay so. In my state and many others, there’s something referred to as a transparency bill. It was advertised as transparency in education and a right for parents to know what the schools’ curriculum consists of. Part of this bill requires teachers and administrators to out a student to their parents or guardians if they come out at school. — Going into this school year, I was unaware this bill had passed. I emailed my teachers the week before school and on my second day, the principal was legally required to phone home. Luckily, everything was fine on my end and my mom already knew.
Now these are the things that have already happened. There is so, so much more. Bans on gender affirming care, legally classifying marriage as between a man and a woman, and SO much more that I can’t even comprehend enough to type out. Please do your research.
It’s so hard to stay positive when I fear for my wellbeing, my future, and my life. I am a teenager. I am meant to be going to school to learn math and science, not the Ten Commandments. I’m meant to be able to use the bathroom without feeling out of place, no matter where I am.
I know this focused primarily on trans people but this also affects the queer community on so many levels.
I cannot be happy in a country that believes that being queer is a mental illness.
I hope to god I’m reaching people. I think building community is one of the most important things that we could be doing right now. As well as educating and encouraging others to vote blue.
It’s between a man on his deathbed and a felon.
It’s between a man who doesn’t know where he is and a man who claimed this country would become a “unified reich.”
A democracy or a dictatorship.
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that-ghost-pal · 3 months
I've had this playlist for Ian Beale from @marypsue 's Reincarnation Blues for ages now and after sharing my Judgment Day playlist I thought "what the hell, might as well share this one too." So here it is :3
Also bonus, here's the art I did which was heavily inspired by @eggsistential-breakdown 's incredible art ^-^ (go look at it now, this one in particular only made me a little (very) insane)
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I've also provided some explanations for the songs included under the cut for those who are interested ^-^
First things first, there's a lot of Tim Minchin songs here, an Aussie musical comedian writer who features as much as he does here cause in my heart I just know Ian would like his sense of humour/general philosophy xD
I did try to fit songs that at least kinda fit Ian's vibe tho, especially Not Perfect (This is my brain, And I live in it [...] It's tucked away behind my eyes, Where all my fucked up thoughts can hide, 'Cause god forbid I hurt somebody), and Apart Together (I can handle the entropy, If you promise to stay with me, I give you my heart knowing things fall apart, Praying you will decay with me). Lullaby is also totally fits what I imagine he'd be feeling when he first becomes a Dad, it's perfect.
Moving on, Exterminate Regenerate is a Doctor Who fan song which 100% fits Alcor's perception of Ian/the reminants of Bill within Ian and you can't convince me otherwise!
Firestarter is a song I WILL one day make an AMV for if it kills me, I can so clearly see how each lyric connects with specific moments in RB (I'm the self inflicted, mind detonator yeah, I'm the one infected, twisted animator).
Love Like You is the kind of song I can picture as being a duet between Ian and Mira (especially post him learning about the whole Mizar thing) (When I see the way you act, Wondering when I'm coming back, I could do about anything - I always thought I might be bad, Now I'm sure that it's true, 'Cause I think you're so good, And I'm nothing like you).
The instrumentals from Across the Spider-verse (Across the Spider-verse Intro and Spot Holes 2) are 1 part there cause I went through a period where I was just listening to the soundtrack on loop and adding ones I likes to my main playlists, 1 part to fulfill the Animation part of the Funny Animation Man title, and 1 part general vibes, Spot Holes 2 especially so. It just reminds me of the scene in Area 51 after the name spell has completed and all hell breaks loose :3
I won't go through all the songs cause there's a fair few and I'm always on the look out for more to add anyway so I'll leave it there, but if there are any songs that y'all wanna know why I added them hit me up ^-^ (the answer is almost definitely just ✨️Vibes✨️ but I can certainly try to explain myself haha).
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guu · 2 years
remaking this post for my sister. it’s been a week now since our mom passed away, and my sister lived with her. she’s autistic and disabled, applying for jobs, but really needs some help with bills now that half her income each month is gone.
every bit helps SO much right now. please rb so i can help her out! (c*shapp tag had a typo, it’s been updated)
her c*shapp: $jllewis111
edit* she also has a very cute etsy shop you can order from! (link here)
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messmers · 7 months
LETS BE REAL HERE OKAY. they're all stinky but one of them gotta be the stinkiest
i didnt have room for every member so unfortunately i had to add the 'other' tag
pls rb im curious
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reshiram · 2 years
_(:3 」∠)_ halp!
trying to make this as lighthearted as possible but um. Hi i’m calico i’ve asked for d0na@tions before so to tl;dr my story, my dad is a cancer patient and he had surgery two months ago. he unfortunately has had a weakened immune system after the surgery and got sick again last week. so our income has taken a dip while he recovers. i’ve been able to pay for groceries and such but now my medical bills are due again (i am disabled) and i am struggling once more. my goal to cover everything due by the end of the month is roughly $100. my p@yp@l is here.
anything helps! post will be deleted after i reach my goal, but if i happen to be slow and get extra it will go towards next month’s bills. :) rb if u cannot giveth. thank u.
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jorissportsstories · 1 month
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Tennessee Titans: Best/Worse Case Scenarios 2024 NFL Season
Bottom Line: This Team Will Be Better Than Most Expect
• A: Development of Will Levis
• B: New Key Pieces
• C: Coaching Change/Culture Shift
Call it “homerism,” but being a small market NFL team often means being underestimated. However, if you’re not paying attention to the Tennessee Titans, you’re missing out. The Titans are doing what most teams do when they believe they’ve found their quarterback: building a solid roster around him and creating an environment for success. With a quietly strong roster on both sides of the ball—featuring an upgraded offensive line, a reinforced wide receiver room, and an improved secondary—this team is poised to win games this year, even with Mike Vrabel no longer at the helm. Before the mainstream media writes this team off, here are some key factors to consider:
A: New Key Pieces
Titans GM/VP of Football Operations Ran Carthon has had a stellar offseason, acquiring talent through the draft, free agency, and trades. Let’s break down the additions:
Free Agents/Trades:
• Calvin Ridley (WR)
• Lloyd Cushenberry (C)
• L’Jarius Sneed (CB)
• Chidobe Awuzie (CB)
• Tony Pollard (RB)
• Sebastian Joseph-Day (DT)
• Kenneth Murray (LB)
• Jamal Adams (S)
• Quandre Diggs (S)
• Tyler Boyd (WR)
Draft Picks:
• JC Latham (OL)
• T’Vondre Sweat (DL)
• Jaylen Harrell (LB)
• Jha’Quan Jackson (WR)
• Jarvis Brownlee (CB)
Clearly, this team is heading in a new direction, and I’m not mad at it. Times change, and the Titans are adapting. Pairing Ridley with Hopkins seems almost unfair, and when you add a solid receiver like Boyd along with Treylon Burks, who’s ready to take the next step, the wide receiver room is no longer among the league’s worst. All of this has been achieved without sacrificing the run game. Both Pollard and Spears can run the ball the way Callahan wants it done, and I believe they’ll prove their worth this season.
On the defensive side, the moves made almost brought tears of joy. Drafting T’Vondre Sweat, who is unbelievably fast and agile for his size, was a masterstroke. Sweat is a certified run-stopper and will also affect the passer, drawing double-teams a solid percentage of the time. Pairing him with Jeffery Simmons, who also requires double-teams, will force opposing offensive lines into some tough decisions. Adding a talented, budding linebacker like Kenneth Murray to an already physical Arden Key will secure the middle of the field and boost the pass rush.
Then there’s the secondary, which has been reinvigorated with the additions of Sneed, Awuzie, Adams, and Diggs, alongside preexisting talent like Elijah Molden and Roger McCreary. This group has the potential to lock down a lot of yardage this year. Bottom line: the Titans’ defense has improved significantly.
Before I forget, let’s talk about the offensive line. With the addition of first-round pick JC Latham and the continued development of Peter Skoronski under new offensive line coach Bill Callahan, this unit should be miles ahead of where it was last year. Improved blocking, especially from the right side of the line, has been a highlight of the preseason, addressing one of the major issues from last year.
B: Coaching Change/Culture Shift
Please note, I am not a Mike Vrabel hater. I appreciate everything he’s done for this franchise—instilling a culture of toughness and grit, leading the team to an AFC Championship run, and managing an injury-riddled roster. However, I acknowledge that change was needed. The league is evolving, and the Titans were at risk of being left behind.
Brian Callahan and his staff bring a fresh perspective, new energy, and a balanced approach to Nashville. Players are reportedly thrilled with new defensive coordinator Denard Wilson and offensive line coach Bill Callahan. The emphasis on physicality and toughness remains, but there’s also a focus on balance, which I believe will help the Titans adapt and thrive in this new era.
C: Development of Will Levis
One crucial factor for the team’s success is the continued development of second-year quarterback Will Levis. Levis showed a lot of promise last year, stepping in for the injured Ryan Tannehill and pushing the ball downfield with confidence. He clearly won the team over, and his growth will drive this team as far as it can go. With a strong supporting cast around him and improved protection, Levis has the tools to succeed.
One concern is Levis taking unnecessary hits. We get it—you’re tough. But we’d also like you to have a long, successful career. All in all, I believe he’s ready to take the next step.
Best Case Scenario:
In the best-case scenario, the offensive line gels quickly, Levis makes sound decisions, and the defensive line dominates early by stopping the run and pressuring the passer. If everything clicks, a 10-win season and a playoff berth are within reach.
Worst Case Scenario:
On the flip side, if the offensive line takes most of the regular season to figure things out, if Levis regresses, if the run game falters, and if the defense spends too much time on the field, the team could be exposed. An undisciplined, sloppy defense could result in a 6-7 win season, or worse, and no playoffs. However, I highly doubt that happens, given the personalities and talent on this team.
The Tennessee Titans are primed to surprise many this upcoming season. There’s a fresh energy, new vibes, and a modern approach in Nashville. The Titans are changing with the times, and as a fan, I couldn’t be more excited for what’s to come.
If you liked what you read from this article, feel free to give us a follow, leave feedback, and share it out! Let’s grow the audience! Head on over to my friend @chompinatthebit and check some of his great content as well!!
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sanguineterrain · 2 months
Hiii i love your writing SO much💕, you're so good with the characterization of the boys it's crazy. I was wondering if I could request a second part of your dick x assistant fic?
thanks sm! i surely can deliver a 2nd part of these two :3 pt 2 to this.
dick grayson x gn!rogue!reader. flirting, canon typical violence, reader being a brat teehee! all fics are rb to @sanguinelibrary
This coffee shop is packed.
Normally, you'd say 'fuck it' and just go without caffeine. But you've stayed late for three nights in a row, and Bruce requested coffee ten minutes ago.
And because you work for the local billionaire, you have to buy from the expensive, organic, ridiculously priced coffee shop across town.
The cashier looks up. "Next?"
You step forward in relief, opening your mouth to recite the order you memorized a year ago, when a man cuts you off.
Oh, hell no.
"Hey, what the hell is your problem?" you ask, patience finally snapping. The four people behind you also express their anger at the offending cutter.
He turns around, and suddenly you're looking into blue, blue eyes. Dick smiles apologetically.
"Sorry." He turns. "Sorry, everyone! Everyone's coffee is on me."
That soothes the line completely, and a few even clap. You, however, are unamused.
"I've never seen you in this coffee shop," you say, folding your arms as Dick gets out his wallet.
"Really? I'm here all the time," he says easily. He points to you. "I'll order for them as well."
God. He thinks he can just flash his pretty smile and have you eating out of his—
"...And can I get that with no foam? Thank you," Dick says, finishing the order. He pulls out his card. "D'you mind if I pay ahead for everybody here in line?"
The cashier, predictably, is absolutely dazzled by Gotham's pretty prince, their eyes big and awed. They nod as Dick puts four fifty dollar bills in the tip jar.
"I just wanna say that that was so great, what you did for those kids in the hospital last week," the cashier says. "I live in Blüdhaven, and you're definitely our hero. I mean, wow. Between you and me? You outshine your dad, too."
Dick laughs and hands them another fifty. "Well, someone's gotta keep him sharp, right? You have a good day, okay?"
You stand there blankly until someone behind you says, "You gonna move or what?"
Gotham. City of manners.
You leave the line and walk to the pick-up area, where Dick is chatting with another customer. Good God.
"What was that?" you ask, not caring if you're interrupting.
The lady chatting up Dick begins to protest, but Dick quickly soothes her, apologizing profusely. She leaves.
Dick turns to you, cocking his head. "Hi. What was what?"
"I had to order Mr. Wayne's coffee, too. And mine! What did you even order?"
"I got both of yours," Dick says. He holds out a brown pastry bag. "And I got you a white chocolate raspberry muffin."
"I hate those," you lie.
Dick's face falls, crinkling the bag. "Oh. I thought... uh, sorry. Someone said you..."
You're suddenly hyper-aware of what a jerk you're being. What has Dick done to you, besides be a nice guy?
It's just... you know you should be wary. No guy is this nice and polite and pays for coffee and compliments your laptop stickers and laughs at your jokes and doesn't also have a secret. Dick probably goes American Psycho on the weekends, or does pig's blood sacrifices in his basement. Rich people are weirdos.
He did buy you coffee, though. And a muffin.
"Actually. Sorry. I, uh, thought you said something else. I do like those. Thanks." You take the bag.
Dick perks up. "You're welcome."
You eat the muffin, mildly humiliated but extremely hungry.
"Order for Dick?"
The barista slides a cardboard cupholder with three drinks. He smiles at Dick.
"Hey, man. Nice to see ya! Thanks for the save."
Dick waves his hand. "No trouble at all, Darryl. Take care!"
"And how do you know him?" you ask, following Dick to the creamer station. "Or are you going to tell me it's because you're in here all the time even though I've never seen you here once?"
"Okay, you got me," Dick says, smiling sheepishly. "I don't come here. I know that guy 'cause I found his dog. And saved him from a mugging. Nice guy. He's getting married in November."
"He invited you to his wedding?"
"Yeah! Not sure if I can make it, though, which is too bad. They're having it at the Botanical Gardens. I've always wanted to go there."
"What—" You stop, looking down at the cups. One is Dick's iced caramel mocha, one is Bruce's hot black coffee, and the third is your exact order. "How do you know what I order?"
Dick shrugs. "Just noticed when you bring it to work."
You thought Dick couldn't say what he eats for breakfast, much less what you eat.
"Do you stalk me?" you ask.
"What, no! I don't stalk you. I'm just... observant."
"That's exactly what a stalker would say."
"I would never stalk you." Dick raises his right hand. "Scout's honor."
"I doubt you were ever a scout," you mumble, fixing your own drink.
"You're right. I actually got kicked out of Boy Scouts. I wanted to be a Girl Scout 'cause of the cookies. My little brother was a Scout, though. Got an Honor medal. Never let me forget it."
You turn from the counter, suddenly remembering your exasperation. "Mr. Grayson—"
"Dick! Or Dickie, if you prefer. Why won't you call me Dick?"
"Because it's unprofessional," you say frostily, sipping your drink. "You're my boss' son. And I'm not calling you Dickie."
Dick leans against the counter. "But we're friends now, remember?"
"I don't think I ever agreed to that."
"Pretty sure you did! I have an excellent memory."
You sigh. "Just—"
The TV blares loudly, 'Special Report' popping up on screen.
"And in a shocking turn of events, Brendon Sommer was found dead in his apartment this morning, just two days before his trial. D.A. Colson says this is a tragedy but insists that neither he nor the police suspect foul play. Sommer was a key eyewitness to the Maroni case..."
"What the fuck?" you burst.
No. No way. You had him.
Dick squints at the TV. "This doesn't make any sense."
"Yeah, no shit! Colson is fucking guilty! That had to come out in the trial!"
He raises his brows. "I... didn't know you were following this case so closely."
Shit. Too much. Dial it back.
You fold your arms. "No, I mean, I'm not. Well, I am, but... it's just that Sommer was an assistant, so it's personal to me. The lowest rungs on the ladder are always getting stuck in the shit."
Dick's eyes turn soft and sympathetic. "Yeah. That's true. He was only trying to protect his boss."
Fat lot of good that did him. Those Fortune 500 hotshots are all the same.
You wonder what Nightwing thinks of all of this. You're sure he's full of righteous fury at Sommer's death, but what good can that do? You were at least trying to stop more little people from getting stepped on.
"I have to go," you say, taking your drink. "I have, uh..."
"Work?" Dick offers.
"Yes. Right. Work." You nod. "Thanks for the... and the... you're really, um—you didn't have to—"
Dick grins. "It's no trouble at all. I'd buy you coffee every day if you'd let me."
Seriously, what is wrong with him?
You can't manage anything but an awkward wave in response, bumping into the shop door on your way out.
You're going to the coffee shop by your apartment next time. You doubt Bruce is lucid enough to know the difference.
Beeeeep! Beeeeeep! Beeeeeeeeep!
You wince as the museum alarm goes off. You have maybe two minutes before the cops get here. Inept as they are, you don't want to have to slip out of handcuffs.
Hopefully, he gets here before you...
"I thought stealing diamonds wasn't your thing."
Nightwing lands three feet away from you and the display case with the special ruby on display at the Gotham Museum.
The ruby that's now in your hand.
"It's not. Diamonds are overrated. Rubies, however..."
You toss him the ruby. Nightwing catches it one-handed.
"I don't..." He sighs. "Did you do this to get my attention?"
"Not like I can look you up in the phone book, Wing Ding," you say, strutting past him. "C'mon, we have about a minute before the cops show."
Nightwing grabs your arm. "I don't think so. I have you on two counts of breaking and entering and falsified evidence."
"Wing, baby, you'd have me even if I didn't do all that," you say, patting his arm. "And as much fun as it is to be apprehended by you, I can't play with you tonight. We have serious business."
He presses his lips together, and you watch him fight the battle between doing what's right and what's good.
He finally exhales through his nose and puts the ruby back. Which is fine. The diamond necklace you swiped before he came is safely in your pocket. Just because they're overrated doesn't mean you don't have rent to pay.
"Let's go," he says, stalking out of the museum.
You happily bounce after him. "Oh, Wing, I knew you liked me! Am I your favorite thief with a heart of gold? Be honest. I can tell when you're lying."
"You certainly keep things interesting," he says, leading you up a fire escape and onto a rooftop.
"Why, Wing," you say, skipping behind him. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. I'm choked! I'm touched!"
Nightwing stops and turns, hands on his hips.
"I don't feel good about letting you go, so start talking. What happened with Colson?"
You sober at the mention. "I swear, I don't know. He was supposed to be arrested. I laid it all out."
"You turned him to the cops?"
"Yes. I had no choice. Somebody didn't want to help me bring Colson in."
"The way you were doing it was illegal," Nightwing says.
"Yeah, well, Colson's free and Sommer's dead, so it doesn't really matter, does it?" you snap. "I couldn't even get Colson before killing Sommer."
Nightwing steps forward, frowning. "Hey. His death isn't your fault."
"No? Because I could've done anything to make sure Colson got what he deserves, and they got Sommer anyway."
You take a deep breath. You can't get worked up now. Nightwing is a resource you can use to get Colson.
"Why do you care so much about this case anyway?" he asks.
"Because Sommer gave everything, and he was still disposable. That's how all of us little folk are treated. We're just bricks in the wall."
Nightwing tilts his head. "You're including yourself in this analogy?"
Whoops. You shouldn't be giving personal information away. Dammit. How is he so good at putting your defenses down?
"Well, I do have a life outside of this, Wing."
"Really? I don't," he says, grinning.
"No? Not even a special someone?"
"Hm. No comment."
You try not to deflate at that. "Well, anyway, Colson needs to go down. He can't get away with this."
"The circumstances certainly implicate him. But we have no evidence that he was involved in Sommer's death."
You perk up. "We?"
A sigh. "I suppose we can work together, considering the time you've invested into this case. But I have rules," he says.
You grin. "Sure, Batboy. I'll go slow since it's your first time."
He ignores you. "My first rule is that you can't commit any more crimes."
"What!" you say. "But I'm so good at them!"
"Number two is that we have to do things my way, by the book. We can't rely on illegally-obtained evidence. I will help you with every resource I have, but we have to be good and honest about it."
"You're stifling me already, Golden Boy," you say, spinning around him. "Where's your sense of whimsy and joy?"
"I left it at home. Are we clear?"
You stop and heave a dramatic sigh.
"I guess. Are you really dating someone?"
Nightwing scoffs. "Is this you telling me that you're interested?"
"Well, yes. I can fight, by the way. I'll fight for you, babe."
He smiles. "Eh. They're feisty. They can probably fight better than you."
"Ouch! Who's this challenger? Can they promise a dowry of more than five goats and three cows?"
Nightwing laughs a real laugh. You beam at the sound.
"What would I do with goats and cows?" he asks.
"I dunno. Build a farm, I guess."
"I have to build a farm, too? Sounds like a lot of work."
"Marriage is hard work, Wing!"
"Sorry, my heart belongs to someone else."
"I'll court you, yet. I'm an excellent chef. I'll bring us grilled cheeses next time," you say.
He shakes his head, but his posture is relaxed. "You're unbelievable. Really. Criminal, but..."
"I reject the label of criminal. I prefer 'independent contractor.' Or 'director of joy and whimsy.'"
"Okay, Director. No more breaking into museums," he says.
"But how will I get your attention, O Wise and Beautiful?"
Nightwing gets close, breath fanning your cheek. His hand rests on your back. He tilts his head like he's... like he's gonna—
Your heart stutters.
"You've already got it," he murmurs, tongue resting between his teeth. "Meet me here on Friday. Oh, and..."
Nightwing holds up the diamond necklace you took on a single finger. Your eyes widen.
"How did you—"
He grins. "You wouldn't want these, anyway—they're overrated, remember?" Nightwing shoots his grappling gun to the opposite roof and swings away. "Have a good night!"
You watch as he disappears beyond the skyline. You try to muster anger or regret for getting caught and losing the diamonds, but you can't. If anything's criminal, it's that damn smile of his.
God. You are so screwed.
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twistedsewerwitch · 2 months
i never thought I'd need to make one of these but here I am, I've neglected to talk about this for a while bc I hate asking for help, but I've been struggling financially since my surgery on april 12th, I thought I had saved enough money saved to pay my bills for the foreseeable future and quit my job bc they were treating me like shit. I just overdrafted on my bank account when buying groceries yesterday, it just crept up on me with food and meds. I've been eating less and less each day already. i don't have the money for food or my dilation supplies anymore i.e. lube, pads, wipes and I don't have any money coming in the near future and I need money for our car loan, and dilation supplies very soon. i met with a non profit to help me and my partner find jobs quickly, but that won't pan out until like 2+ weeks from now.
I've made it this far but it feels like my world is crashing down on me. if you could spare anything it would be much appreciated. rb's are so so so so welcome, and my venmo is @twistedsewerwitch.
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roseverdict · 2 years
A New Normal
After the events of the Nether Battle, Mango and Purple try to figure out where they stand with each other. When Purple sees Mango as a father figure (and has serious baggage regarding parental authority) and Mango is still trying to regain control of his temper (after all, he'd been in a grief-stricken rage for months beforehand), however, things don't always go as planned.
Sometimes they react on instinct in the worst ways possible.
Also on AO3! link in rbs so tumblr doesn't hide this haha
so. i'm writing abt sticks now. the adhd event is UNREAL this month fdsahfjkslfhlsdj hurt/comfort bc i just Can't Not
Mango flicked through his wallet and grimaced.
As it turned out, a side effect of pouring himself into his quest for vengeance had been focusing purely on that. Not on anything that could have happened after.
(Of course, Mango knew the real reason for his shortsightedness had been far more deliberate, but he didn't really want to unpack all of that quite yet.)
As a result, his spending habits had worked under the belief that he wouldn't need to worry about money once he finished the job. Getting ahold of a command block without going into Minecraft himself had cost him quite a pretty penny, and so had the constant purchases of metals and magics.
And yet, here he was, dethroned, directionless, and somehow done with his plans anyway.
His wallet and the measly handful of bills inside were mocking him.
He would need to figure out a way to build his savings back up, and fast, or else-
"Uh…hey, Mango," came Purple's voice from the kitchen/den/entryway, "did you want me to start on dinner? I think I'm getting pretty decent at boxed macaroni."
Mango closed his wallet and poked his head out from the bedroom hallway. "Sounds good. I'll be right out."
Purple nodded and walked just around the corner, and Mango heard them start running the faucet.
Mango stepped back and slumped against the wall. Hopefully he'd be able to scrape together enough for a grocery run soon; he wasn't sure how many more days in a row he could eat macaroni before he got sick of it.
With a sigh, he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through Stickdeed. There had to be something out there somewhere that paid enough to support two people instead of just one person- and one person who was able to cheat and spawn his own food into reality, at that.
He scrolled almost mindlessly past the dozens he'd already applied for in the past few days, already knowing that any more attempts would get him a "Sorry, you've already applied here!" page and nothing else. There looked to be one from a small, locally-owned business on the outskirts of town that had just opened up recently, so he sent in his resumé and went looking for the next one-
Something crashed to the ground in the kitchen with a clatter and a splat, and Purple yelped in surprise.
Mango was already scrambling out into the main room by the time he fully processed what he'd heard, and by that point he could already see the absolute mess of moist noodles on the floor, the newly-dented pot rolling slowly away, and the completely-frozen Purple standing between the sink and the stove.
No, wait, on a closer look, Purple was shaking slightly.
Oh boy.
"Purple?" asked Mango, carefully stepping forward.
As if jolted into motion, Purple dropped down to the floor and hastily started scooping the fallen pasta back into the pot. "I-it's fine, nothing's broken, haha, I just dropped it but I'll take care of it, I promise-"
"Purple, breathe," Mango pressed, stepping a little closer.
This got Purple to breathe, but much too quickly to be any good. "Y-you don't have to worry, I'll get this cleaned up and get dinner going i-in just a few!"
And in a moment that he immediately regretted, he snapped:
"Purple, listen to me!"
Purple went as still as a statue, then nodded meekly.
Right away, Mango wanted to hit himself. Barely a week after the Incident and he was already blowing it. Good going, genius.
He swallowed, then tried again. "Look, I promise I'm not mad at you. It's probably a good idea for you to go cool down a bit, alright? I'll get this cleaned up."
Blankly, Purple nodded, then got up and walked stiffly away.
Mango dropped his head into his hands.
He wasn't sure which would be worse: if he'd done all of that to Purple himself…
…or if somebody else had gotten the ball rolling for him.
Still, the mess wouldn't clean itself up.
Mango picked up where Purple had left off and scooped the remaining noodles into the dented pot, nearly scalding himself in doing so before he remembered he still had a roll of paper towel on the counter.
How hadn't Purple reacted to the heat of the water? Or of the noodles, for that matter-
-and that was enough thinking about that sort of thing for one night. He was already spiraling; he didn't need to make it worse.
A glint of light got in his eye when he shifted to collect the last few noodles, and when he looked for the source, the framed photo of himself and Goldenrod reflected the setting sun directly into his eyes.
Mango sighed, hefted the pot onto the counter, and picked up the frame.
Goldie sat on his shoulders, draping himself over Mango's head and waving to the camera with one hand. Mango himself was caught mid-laugh.
The two of them looked so happy.
What would his son think of him now?
He let himself sag a little, then steeled himself and marched himself to the bedroom hallway.
(Well, it felt like marching, anyway. To any outside observers, it probably would have looked more like a nervous shuffle.)
His own door was still closed, as it had been before, but Purple's door, usually open save for when they were trying to sleep, was closed as well.
Mango took a steadying breath, lifted his hand, and knocked gently. "Purple? You okay in there?"
Mango bit back the instinctive urge to point out how stilted their response had been and instead turned so his back was leaning against the door. "That's…that's good to hear."
God, how was conversation so difficult?!
"I, uh…I wanted to apologize," said Mango, fiddling with the frame in his hands. "I snapped at you earlier when you were already panicking. I, uh…I shouldn't have done that. I could probably blame it on my temper, but that wouldn't change the fact that I still raised my voice at you when it was the opposite of a good idea. I'm…I'm sorry, Purple."
There was no response.
Mango grimaced. "I…I can't guarantee that I won't slip up like that again. I think I'd been so focused on my plans for so long, it's…it's hard not to slide right back into that mindset. I can tell you that I'll try, however. You deserve at least that much."
Still nothing.
After a moment more, Mango slid down until he was sitting at the base of the door. With a bitter smile, he snorted. "Don't know why you stick around, honestly. I…I hurt you with a lot more than with a frustrated order. You didn't deserve any of it, but I still gave it to you anyway."
His mind helpfully brought up how often he'd snapped at, swiped at, and even (in one particular noteworthy instance) slammed Purple into the ground several stories below.
"You're a good kid, y'know that?" Mango was saying now, no longer quite as able to keep his mouth in check and scrubbing at his eyes with one hand. "You deserve so much better than an angry old man like me. I'm so sorry, kid, I-"
The door opened inwards, and Mango felt himself tip backwards for a moment ("Whoa-!") before he was being twisted around and clung to like a lifeline.
He swallowed the rising lump in his throat and shifted slightly so he could return Purple's hug without his lower back screaming at him.
Purple sniffled into his shoulder, then managed a quiet, "S'okay."
It really wasn't, said a part of Mango's mind that had been all-too-happy to come back to life that day in the Nether. The kid shouldn't be just accepting this, what the hell?! Who hurt them? Besides Mango himself, of course.
"…you wanna go out for dinner?" asked Mango unsurely. "Maybe…I don't know, pizza or something?"
Purple snorted wetly and nodded. "Sounds good. And…you're not that old."
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silver-wield · 3 months
With all the recent flops of Square Enix with he FF series has been making me feel the absence of Hironobu Sakaguchi. His last major role in the FF series was X-2 (which was pretty fun and memorable), every other game after that lost it's magic. Yes they were visually appealing, but storywise—it was pretty meh.
The other writers are awesome at creating concepts, but Sakaguchi just knew how to temper each idea evenly, and make them believable and human despite our already suspended beliefs.
It was the death of Sakaguchi's mother that inspired the theme of the permanence of loss but love everlasting in FF7 and how all the characters dealth with it—and why the overarching story had such a poignant, dark but hopeful theme.
A great video essay explains it here, but basically FF7 RE and RB doesn't feel bleak as it did in the OG. Almost every other location is a tourist spot, even the undercity slums are bright with cheery citizens. Shinra wasn't a hungry snake eating it's own tail—they were—misunderstood. Normal people seem indifferent to Shinra, while in the OG, they were angry at Shinra for ruining their homes and way of life in exchange for minor conveniences.
Even the surrounding area around Midgar didn't seem so polluted, making Avalanche's cause of saving the planet pretty moot. The writers are creating their own "everybody lives" fanfic and it's disappointing.
The only ones who seems to have any sense of grieving for what they've lost is Tifa. Thank goodness they love her too much to fumble her character.
Anyway, I just really miss Sakaguchi's guiding hand. Aerith was my least favorite in the OG, I just never liked the cutesy kawaii female characters, but they've made her insufferable in RE and RB.
I wonder how Sakaguchi feels to see his catharsis butchered like that.
Just wanna say none of the ff games have been flops. Even 13 was a hit technically, despite it being a ff7 fanfiction fulfilling toriyama's weird ass shipping fantasy.
The slums are polluted and so is the planet. You think the bay should be full of green water under junon? Monsters are literally the deformation of regular animals. It's in otwtas. And we don't start near midgar, we start in kalm, which in og is situated in a massive green field. We already passed the wasteland at the end of yuffie's intermission scene when the group get on chocobo bill's truck.
And all of junon area is a deadland. Corel is a desert. The only green areas are the grasslands and gongaga, plus the Northwood.
One of Tifa's defining traits is excessive guilt and self blame. We see her literally stopping herself from apologising just for being concerned for the bkack cloaks. It doesn't mean nobody else cares, it just shows she cares too much.
Tbh while I think rebirth is a massive piece of crappy filler story wise, it's not the worst game se ever made (looking at you ff13 series)
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crypticenbug · 1 year
Stuff from my time as a barista
I used to work for a local chain coffee shop, and here's some of the best stories I can remember
I had someone come through the drive through and order a cold brew with steamed milk. This prompted my coworker to scream into the headset as the person was driving away "WHAT KIND OF FUCKING PSYCHOPATH ORDERS A COLD BREW WITH STEAMED MILK". I had to look this person in the face as I handed them their lukewarm drink in a plastic cup. As soon as they left, I heard "Enjoy your microplastics!!" Over the headset
So usually, a caramel latte is 1.5 pumps caramel to a double shot espresso. To me, that is a mere suggestion, so when I had someone order a caramel latte with "extra extra caramel", I just grabbed the espresso pitcher and started going. I ended up getting distracted while filling the pitcher with caramel and ended up filling the espresso pitcher with what I think was like 6 pumps of caramel, which is half a pitcher. I was in too deep, so I made the latte. This customer was an old old white guy, and he didn't come back to complain about it being too much, so I take that as a win.
On top of recipes being a suggestion, I would kinda just add whatever amount of syrup I felt like, the only acception being drinks that will be literally awful with too much syrup (mostly our fizzy drinks or lemonades). I have had so many people come back up to me and say that it was the best drink they've ever had and I just go "Thanks! I have no recollection of how much syrup I put in that, so I will not be able to recreate it perfectly." They still enjoy whatever I give them. No two drinks I make are the same and it shows. My fiance will probably rb this talking about the drink I used to make them.
I once had a woman come in, completely covered in dirt and grass stains, handed me a 20, and said "I kinda want one of those fruity fizzy drinks, but I don't know what I want, surprise me." And then she went to the bathroom. I panicked cause I had no clue what to make, so I did blackberry with an extra shot of lime (we already add lime to most of our fizzy drinks to cut the sweetness of most of the syrups, I wanted to do something more tart so I added an extra shot). I present her with her drink and her change after ringing her up. She then says that this drink was the exact thing she wanted, then proceeded to ask me my name, then tell me her full name, and then talk about how she had just come back from visiting a famous person's grave. She then asked to shake my hand, saying she visited the grave of greatness and is now shaking the hand of greatness. She then proceeded to put most of her change (her change was like $14.60-something) in our tip jar and then hand me the remaining $10 bill. I almost started crying on the spot, she made my evening and I hope she's doing great.
The very last person in the cafe before close witnessed me put on a wonderful performance of 'Super Trooper' by ABBA while I used my broom as a microphone.
I loved whenever my coworkers started getting used to my dad showing up and them ringing him up for the drink I was making for him and every time without fail my coworkers would try and give him his drink for free and EVERY TIME he would argue with them because he "Can't leave a tip if he doesn't pay for the drink" cause he never carries cash. This would always end up with me yelling at my socially anxious coworkers to "LET HIM TIP YOU GOD DAMMIT JUST GIVE HIM MY DISCOUNT"
I once had a coworker make me and a shift lead try espresso mixed with lemonade. She then proceeded to excitedly tell us "It tastes like pee, right?!". I took a single sip, made a face, and then just dumped the rest in the sink. My shift lead doubled down and drank the whole thing. It did taste like pee but I didn't want to know why my coworker knew that (The drink was warm, too.. eugh...)
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