#half up braided wedding hairstyles
1989edteach · 5 months
i’ve been thinking way too much about ed’s wedding hair and him having a small little braid in a half up half down hairstyle with purple and white little flowers in it all along the back the crown of his head, even a few framing his face
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greypetrel · 1 year
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"Shoes are an evil way to oppress people and I won't wear them." cit.
Finally finished with her clothes concepts! (the first plan was doing 6 of them... Oops, I guess)
Aisling's wardrobe/story through clothes. Guess her favourite colour. Some notes under the cut!
She loves colours. She has a palette she loves best (teal - purple - yellow) and would stick to it. In Haven she just borrowed the plainest, more muted clothes she could find to blend in better with the rest and not stick out so much. Stopped braiding her hair back to hide her tattoos and look less like a fish out of water and take some attention away from herself. She had to be convinced to go back to leg wraps (it's an extra pair of Solas she adapted to her size).
The teal doublet in her Casual Skyhold attire was the one thing she really asked for when Josephine and Leliana cornered her down to choose a wardrobe that was tailored on her. She doesn't really care all that much for clothes, she just... Hinted at Josie her colour palette, the fact that she doesn't like restrictive skirts and hates shoes, and a couple of infos on how the Lavellans dress up to compliment her wardrobe and bring something of home with her.
"And then, everything changed when the Inquisition Nation attacked". I realise afterwards, I would say I'm sorry if I actually were, but I'm not.
Halamshiral: I did two variations, number 1 is more inspired by Orlesian fashion, the silhouette is Orlesian but with a Dalish twist. I like the colours and how it brings to her formal outfit, but meh. Number 2 is the one I got with and what she actually wore. She couldn't be turned down from wearing a more disctinctly Dalish style dress to that ball, she just conceded in wearing shoes underneath (no socks, she slipped off her shoes to explore the palace and silk stockings would just be pointlessly ruined). Number 3 is the more historically accurate version, fully 1643 fashion I drew for the Three Musketeers inspired series. I kept it because I'm affectionate to it.
Wedding: She pulled it out in Lavellan style in maybe half an hour, braided some elfroot for her crown and picked some forget-me-nots from a flower bed. No she's not feeling very well, the Anchor is flaring and she lost weight.
Post-Trespasser in the Fereldan countryside, embracing local hairstyles. New foot thingies Dagna designed to be easier to pull on and off by herself with just one hand. She begrudgingly admitted that skirts are not that impractical. Lots of heavy sweaters because IT COLD. I wanted to paint some tartan so here you go, there's no really any more reason to it.
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Female companions (+ Ellie) reacting to an F!Sole asking them to help manage her long hair (cutting it or helping to put it in a braid, bun, etc. — your choice)?
This one is so incredibly sweet and a perfect one for me to write!!! 💞💞💞 As someone with longer hair, I find it very relaxing when my hair gets done by someone else. I hope you don’t mind, but I ended up adding the boys as well. Just couldn't help myself, it was too cute to pass up!!!
Sole had always taken great pride and care for her extremely long and luscious hair. After the bombs fell, she decided against chopping it short wasteland style. Instead she chose to wear it proudly, coming up with alternate ways to keep it out of her way while working or in combat. After a long day out in the Commonwealth, Sole fluffed up the now jungle of her hair with a frown. She turned to her companion and asked for their help in getting it back under control.
The Girls:
Piper Wright: Goes over the moon with excitement. She’s helped Nat with her hair hundreds of times and has been dying to touch Soles extravagantly long hair. Piper is very coordinated when brushing out Soles hair, knowing all the tricks to get out any stubborn knots by alternating between a comb and her fingers. They both agree to put up Soles hair in a swirled half bun with a lovely little bow, letting the rest flow charmingly over her shoulders.
Curie: Very enthusiastic about helping Sole, although she doesn’t have much experience as her own hair is cut very short. She is very delicate in her work, taking extra time to properly moisturize and brush out Soles beautiful hair in sections. Her touch is so light and feathery that Sole barely feels her working from behind. Curies final French braids are a little messy and uneven in some areas, but it adds a little extra appeal to the whole hairstyle.
Cait: Ask if Sole is absolutely sure that she wants her to be doing her hair, as Cait isn’t really an expert on any kind of hair care. Her own Mother wasn’t all that careful when brushing her younger self's hair, often being overly rough and grumbly to get it over with. That poor mistreatment had left small bald patches in her hair, partly why she doesn’t put much effort into it. Despite that, she is very gentle in pulling the comb through Soles long hair. With lots of guidance, Cait is able to do it into a messy high bun running into little to no trouble. (Other than the fact that her finger somehow got tied in there at one point)
Ellie Perkins: Also flies over the moon with excitement and practically shoves Sole into her office chair so they can begin right away. She herself takes great pride in maintaining her own head of hair, so she is more than happy to give Soles rare kept locks such treatment. Ellie beautifully brushes and sculpts her hair into an elegant swirl on top of her head, finishing it off with a shinning star pin. Once she is done, Ellie hopes that Sole will return the favor by helping her with her own hair that sometimes goes out of wack.
Da Bois: (That’s how I’m spelling it, you can’t stop me)
Nick Valentine: Smiles warmly at Sole, gladly accepting the request. He already has experience with helping Ellie do her hair and memories of the old Nick watching Jenny practice doing her hairstyle for their wedding. First he makes sure that his exposed metal hand is covered by a glove so there isn’t a chance that her hair gets caught in it. (Would be a huge pain to untangle) Once they both are settled, Nick brushes then diligently works Soles hair into a graceful braided bun. He even brings out a flowered hairpin that he kept stored in his desk, gifting it to Sole to use in her new style.
Codsworth: More than happy to help Sole with managing her long hair, stating that it’s a nightmare whenever he gets a look at unkempt hair. Codsworth first trims off the dead ends and gives her a full spa hair wash, insisting that it’s necessary to give such a rare sight a fine treatment. He then moisturizes and wraps Soles hair into delicate curls like the prewar women often did, finishing it off with a ribbon headband. The poor sweet Mr Handy gets a little emotional at the end result, saying she reminds him of the more simpler times before the war.
Preston Garvey: He has helped other settlers and fellow Minutemen manage their longer hair, but this was Sole, his General and close friend who took great pride in maintaining her hair. He is shaky during the first part of brushing, constantly asking if he’s pulling anything too hard or if he is straining her neck. After Sole assured him it’s alright and he gets a little more comfortable and relaxed. Preston finds the gesture to be more relaxing. He settles on doing Soles hair into twin braids, nothing overly fancy but still sweet and charming.
Deacon: Dude grins a smile bigger than his confidence at Soles asking. He immediately has her sit in a chair away from any mirrors or reflections, saying that the final product will be a “surprise” and she must not peek. (Oh no) Sole just has to sit there will Deacon gently brushes her hair and occasionally snickers from behind her. She can feel that he is piling up her hair on top of her head, He finally brings out a handle held mirror, telling Sole to “behold” his creation. She looks into the mirror and bursts into hysterical laughter, her hair now up into a hornets nest complete with little paper hornets sitting around it.
Danse: Gets a bit of a lost puppy face when Sole asks for his help, but he accepts nonetheless. His entire face reads, I-don’t-know-what-I’m-doing-send-help-plz for the entire duration of the brushing period. The fear of pulling too hard or getting the comb tangled in Soles beautiful hair is a threatening presence over his head and he wants to avoid that at all cost. So every move he makes with his hands for the comb is delicate and perfectly planned. He swoops it up into the standard military bun, a little disappointed he couldn’t do something different for her. But Sole is still delighted and she thanks him so genuinely that it puts him at ease.
Hancock: He shrugs and snatches a brush, claiming that he will give it his best shot. Hancock hasn’t had to deal with hair for a long time, but he hasn’t forgotten how painful it is when tugged on too harshly. So he keeps his strokes on Soles hair light and slow with constant questioning if she is still with him and if he isn’t pulling Soles brains out. Twin ponytails is what he ends up doing after much debate, draping them over Soles shoulders before stepping back to admire his good work. Not gonna be great in combat, but for now she can enjoy the lovely look and feel of it.
MacCready: He is quick to jump aboard, having helped Lucy with her own hair so he knows what to do and what not to do. Not that he isn’t a little nervous, it’s been awhile so it does take a moment for him to remember how it goes. The trick of pinching sections of the hair while brushing comes back first, followed by everything else. MacCready brushes and gathers all of Soles hair into a high ponytail, making sure the rubber band isn’t squeezing the life out of her roots before securing it. The ponytail ends up being a little lopsided and it bothers him enough that he redoes it completely despite Sole insisting it was alright.
X6: Recoils a bit at Soles request, pushing back all facial emotions of shock. He’s a courser and a trained killer, not a barber. So why would she want or trust him to do her hair that she valued so deeply? After Soles insistence, he reluctantly agrees and picks up a brush. X6 has no idea what to exactly do or how to even start, but he catches on pretty quick just from memory of Sole doing her hair. He decides that a military bun would be the best style tactically and he achieves it almost flawlessly with a few loose flyaways. Although, Sole would look pretty nice with all her long silky hair down…
Strong: Stares Sole down for a long while with much thought on his face. Then factually tells her to rip it all off so it doesn’t get in her way in battle ever again. He's even nice enough to throw down a bloodied machete for her to use for this occasion. (Please don’t ask Strong for beauty advice)
Dogmeat: Borks happily and buried his wet nose in Soles hair, doing his best to flair it up into something nice for his favorite human. (My boy is really trying, give him credit)
Moral Of The Story: Long hair would be a nightmare in the post war Commonwealth, literally. You’d probably be walking around looking like Medusa 75% of the time, scaring everything in your path.
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againtodreaming · 9 months
Firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
@lyloneliness you send the first ask but also @mavr4xx @vinylbiohazard @ghostsinacoat @yumaisbored you also asked this too and omg i love u all but also, why do you do this to me 😭😭😭 i was already struggling a lot to think of 5 things with the first ask (and i still haven't even gotten to the tag game of this), and now I have to think of TWENTY-FIVE?!? ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ (plus 5 more if I end up finding the tag game again plus the ability to think of 5 more...)
Anyways, thank you so much for the asks (´,,•ω•,,)♡ ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊♡ (even if they are the hardest asks I have done in my life 💀) (it was interesting and fun tho 🌟) you are all awesome 💖🌟💞 now here we go:
(25 things here in the same post bc…not sure I just started doing it after @ all of u and I am doing this draft in my phone and separating this in the other asks i still have to look for is too much work) (apologies for the length, the further i got, the longer some of the answers became😅)
1 - My hair (used to be really thick and my mom used to make this amazing hairstyles almost every day when I was a kid—there was one that was a huge rose made of braids or smth, the hairpins were awful and it took so long but it was so pretty, I think my mom even made it for the wedding of one of her friends, anyways I lost maybe more than half of my hair when I was like 15, stress probably, and then I decided to cut it even below the shoulder—first time in my life it was so short—bc I was so mad with it but also bc I had zero energy to even try to take care of it by that point. Grown back until like my mid-back—used to have it like waist length before—by now and now I got maybe a little more than half of the hair that I used to have at 13 which is a lot better than it was at 15 and hopefully it gets back to what I used to have in a couple of years more, but for now it's enough to start playing with it and doing braids)
2 - Open-mindedness
3 - Creativity
4 - Patience
5 - That I'm an older sister
6 - Uf, how do I explain this one—like, empathy? kindness? feeling things deeply? putting yourself in the other person's shoes and being considerate of that? being too sentimental? which can be really annoying too but I wouldn't trade it so...
7 - That I can talk really fast
8 - Being expressive
9 - Always thinking things through
10 - Confident in my likes? (okay, so this one feels complicated, but for example, when I was a little kid, 6 or 7 years old probably, I loved superheroes, but my classmates in my all-girls school were like, that's for boys 😒, and I felt horrible bc that was just another thing in that i didnt fit in with everyone else and i always wanted to fit in, but somehow—which looking back feels weird bc who even knew i could be surprisingly confident in some aspects—was that i never thought i was in the wrong for liking superheroes? Like, yeah, I always wanted to fit in and I felt bad that I didn't, but even with all the social insecurity I was constantly plagued with, I never felt like I was in the wrong for being myself or that I should change myself or pretend to like stuff I didn't just to fit in (that strategy didn't even cross my mind until I was…can't be sure, it was somewhere in the last few years in this country, it was either a documentary, fiction, or the group therapy, but the idea of actual people in real life doing smth they didn't agree and had no purpose except to fit in was like: 🤯!?!!?!?!) (I didn't handle it that well either to be fair, if I wasn't with my friends i just decide to hide during recess and/or to not speak at all with anyone, until I changed schools) (I liked the 2nd school better). I assume that in my head I was like: "shame that I'm not like all of you but what can you do, I'm me ╮(╥﹏╥)╭ "
11 - I'm usually also all or nothing with almost all things? Like, for example, math. I don't like math, it has always been the class I struggled with the most and all my math teachers in Peru were really strict and thank goodness that my dad loves math and really good at it or I would have been lost without someone to explain it to me. But last week, my parents got an email from my math teacher who was telling them how proud she was of me and how I always strove to understand everything and there was some implication that I did it bc I liked what I was learning, which like, I mean, I like geometry a lot more than algebra bc it's simpler, and I don't exactly hate it, but I certainly wouldn't do it for pleasure. At all. And yeah, I ask her about everything I don't understand (she insisted to the whole class to please ask her anything if we needed help, so i had permission; if she wasn't available tho, I just would have asked my dad or a friend who is good at math to explain it to me) and ask her to show me exactly what I did wrong and what would be the correct answer but all of that is bc well, if I'm going to do well in the class, I need to understand what I did wrong in order to fix it, and like, math classes always build on each other, so if I don't smth I will later have problems with it, and also like, I'm already stuck with the class whether I like it or not, if I'm going to do smth, I'm going to do it well. Which is smth my mom has complained a lot of times, especially during last school year when I had a lot of late assignments bc I was too anxious about doing any of them bc I was afraid of doing it wrong or bc I didn't have the energy to think clearly so I wouldn't be able to do my best so like yeah…I ended up not doing the assignments at all (this is the part that I hate about this all or nothing thing with me, but let's focus on the positive side right now). Or with projects, I once stayed awake until like 5 am like several nights straight to do a project for economics class which like…I decided to make my own illustrations for each slide of the ppt to illustrate the information on top of doing the reading and answering the questions stuff…and I was already in a hurry with it bc I didn't know the school put assigned summer readings in the school's website (it was my first year in this country and nobody had said anything about it the year prior, plus it was quarantine time) and the teacher gave me a few extra days bc I still needed to hurry up in reading the book so yeah, I should have done smth more simple and fast to just submit it and get a grade but it wouldn't have been doing my best, not even near my best and I was already compromising on some stuff to not take too long since there wasn't too much time for my initial ideas so…yep. The teacher loved my project tho (and gave me a 100 even tho it was one day late) and asked if she could use it for her class of next year soooo…totally worth it. But yeah, i was sort of confused that Geometry teacher thought to send an email like that when I have only been trying to understand the concepts I am assigned to learn?
Thinking, thinking, thinking….you know what, I want to put my height in here just annoy my sister (she would be all dramatic annoying fake pitying dramatic gasp about it and would drag the younger ones to her side of the argument) but she wouldn't even see it plus I don't actually care about heights (I just care that she's annoying about it almost daily) so that would also be a lie so another thing….you know what, i already got 11 in one morning, coming back to this later
12 - Okay, so I hate all my health problems, absolutely hate them, so annoying and expensive and restricting and confusing BUT—how do I word this…it has 2 parts…umm…okay, so I'm really familiar with the clinic in Peru I used to go all the time and, okay I hated having to go to the clinic so many times, especially towards the end, but I liked being familiar with it? Like, the people, the sense of a community, the building, the routine. It was probably more familiar than my schools since I changed schools a few times while the clinic was there ALWAYS (until we moved countries and I never expected to miss the fucking clinic but it happened which wtf but also makes sense which also omg mila (ノ◇≦。) but also, the medical system was definitely easier and less expensive than whatever the fuck they have going on here, plus not having all our usual doctors, so there is also a practical reason aside from me unreasonably missing everything that was familiar including things I didn't even like much). That's the first part. Second part is that it has brought…lessons ig. Like, idk, it's been a huge formative part of my life. About health and food and family stuff and experiences. Like, I hate having the health problems (they are A LOT better now than when I was younger as long I do some things to keep it that way, but yeah, really grateful for that) but also, I don't really know who I would be without those experiences? Changed the whole family too so like…idk, it's weird but felt worth mentioning.
13 - That I'm really curious and like learning.
14 - Sense of style
15 - Loyalty—to people (like, even swallowed down all my shyness and anxiety to try to reconnect with some childhood friends I hadn't talked in forever bc moving countries and depression thing) (going well, really happy that we are talking again) but also like to interests and values ig? Like, most of my likes (superheroes, anime, drawing, maybe writing but not sure about that one, all started before I even turned 8 y/o) and like, aside from maturing and a couple of things, I don't think I've changed much at all. I have never stopped liking smth I used to like anyways.
16 - Openness ig? Like, I never want to be a bother so it depends on the person and the history i have with them and sometimes on the occasion, but I never really had any problems asking for help or speaking about my problems or feelings
17 - My handwriting when it's not written in a hurry
18 - My attention to detail
19 - Not getting mad easily—which is you know good with being an older sister too bc like...my dad is really annoying (but like jokingly annoying) and a lot of times bc of it (or some other times other family members) my sister and my mom get mad about some small comment they take seriously and then they get angry and leave the table or living room or whatever and then it's like all awkward bc the mood got broken (which also, a little hypocritical especially bc the sister also loves to be annoying in purpose with everyone of us) but unlike them, the middle sister and me like...we don't really care much about it? We are usually the ones that get more teased by the others but it's like, smth one therapist didn't understand, which was so annoying wtf did setting boundaries had to do with my siblings being annoying, I don't care that they are annoying bc it's like, we usually get along well (presently; there used to be constant fighting between 2 of them we were little but they are better now) and they have always been annoying but it's like, a game, I know they are not serious about the matter. I can be annoying back if I feel like it and it's all in good fun. The only times I don't like it it's when it's actually serious, with you know, intention to hurt or being passively aggressive mad about smth, stuff like that. Point is that yeah, it's also good for sibling diplomacy bc I'm rarely the one getting mad with the other ones.
20 - That I like dogs
…I can't think of 5 more. Uf, let's see…okay, getting desperate here but—
21 - That I'm Peruvian
22 - Good at cooking
23 - Good at planning
24 - My self-awareness
25 - That I like to be more positive and hopeful about things in general I think? (myself is usually an exception) Constant argument with my sister bc she can be so pessimistic sometimes. Like, life is already hard enough as it is, having fun and connecting with people makes things more enjoyable, so why not try to focus on the bright side whenever possible and make things better. She thinks I'm naive, I know I can be naive, but also, if I have to live I'm going to enjoy it bc what's the point otherwise. Generalizing things doesn't help. I think.
Thank you again and I hope you are all doing well <33
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I would appreciate some opinions from my beloved mutuals 😊🌸
I still can't decide what hairstyle to wear for my wedding. I intended to just go with my hair down, curled, no decoration, no braiding or bun, very simple. We are having a simple wedding, with very few guests. Pretty much God, a Priest, our parents and the two of us.
My mother is already extremely annoyed over our choice to make it an intimate wedding with only a handful people, not to decorate, not to have a party afterward, etc. So when we discussed my hairstyle, she got even more pissed that I had decided to keep it simple and said I need flowers or something in my hair and to at least have a half-updo.
The thing is, I really dislike how I look when my hair is up. Any kind of way, half up, braided, loose, curled, it doesn't matter. I don't like it. This is going to be a very important day, and I want to feel really beautiful so that I can be attractive to my future husband. But I also don't want to get more animosity from my mother, the topic is already so delicate to together between the two of us, she won't stop complaining about pretty much every decision we have made. And we'll, I live in her house until the big day so there is no escaping.
Can I get advices please? Is a bride with a very simple hairstyle really improper? Any recommended hairstyle maybe?
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mysticstarlightduck · 10 days
Your characters are attending a wedding! What are they wearing, what present are they giving the couple, and what do they get arrested for when the night is over?
I'll go with a few of my characters from my WIPs!
Tarrant (Song of Thorns) -
What he is wearing: An impeccable blue robe with gold trim and delicate embroidered details, with a ruffled white shirt, tight black pants, and delicate boots. He also has delicate black silk gloves and golden jewelry. He may or may not be wearing light traditional makeup. His long strawberry-blond hair is either loose and styled with delicate silver chains or tied into a neat ponytail.
What present is he giving the couple: Something expensive but standard. He probably doesn't have time to spend choosing something incredibly specific, so he chooses the next best thing: something of quality that he knows will be considered useful by the wedded couple.
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Getting into a fight with an important guest who got too drunk and tried to hit on him inappropriately.
Jack (Supernova Initiative) -
What he is wearing: An elegant white suit or a pitch black smoking, with a loose "button-up" shirt and no tie. He wears well-tailored pants and fancy shoes. He probably has styled his hair a bit more than usual with gel but otherwise keeps his same usual hairstyle. He still wears his trinket necklace. Most of his fancy "black-tie" clothes are likely rental, except for the shirt.
What present is he giving the couple: Something that will impress them, likely something incredibly unique or at least unusual. Very likely stolen too, given his occupation is literally being an "intergalactic thief".
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Doesn't get arrested because he is way too good at what he does. Since he most likely doesn't know the bride and groom, he probably has robbed them blind and is halfway to a space diner with his sister and friends right now to celebrate another successful heist.
Masen (Of Starlight and Beasts) -
What he is wearing: A pristine and intricate red and gold bard's robe with simple grey pants and leather boots, along with a fancy fur cloak. His long curly brown hair is loose but styled with two simple braids and iron jewelry. He also carries his best lute.
What present is he giving the couple: A cask of the finest and most exquisite wine of the land, which he hopes to enjoy during the celebration as well.
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Trying to use his bardic magic (literally) to enchant the crowds at the wedding into giving him all their money and then trying to make a run for it.
Kane (Song of Thorns) -
What he is wearing: His finest suit of armor, polished especially for this occasion, along with his famous bear fur cloak and his silver sword proudly on display at his side. His hair is loose and combed into semi-perfection.
What present is he giving the couple: A finely crafted duo of swords - one for each one of the duo.
What does he get arrested for when the night is over: Having a little too much to drink and then getting into a brawl with someone who tried to insult his family name.
Cassiopeia (Supernova Initiative) -
What is she wearing: A glittery dress with their galaxy's constellations perfectly etched onto it, with delicate party slippers. She also wears her half of the trinket necklace.
What gift does she give the couple: A newly built robot of her own making possibly one to help around the couple's house.
What does she get arrested for at the end of the night: Same answer as Jack's (her big brother). Doesn't get arrested and flies away on their spaceship to a space diner to celebrate a successful heist.
Elodie (The Forgotten Ones) -
What is she wearing: A ruffled shirt with tight black pants and a fancy green vest/corset, with new leather boots.
What gift does she give the couple: An enchanted and rare kind of butterfly that is said to grant wishes. It's known as the Moonflight.
What does she get arrested for when the night is over: Getting too carried away and trying to steal some of the silver cutlery and small ornaments from the party.
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muertebloom · 5 months
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A run down of Kirsi Ninelives' questline, The Cat Burglar.
In Act 1, a member of the Horned Syndicate will attack at night, trying to take revenge for the death of someone named Agni. The best outcome is the attacker being talked down, as Kirsi will reveal the most information in that scenario, explaining who the Horned Syndicate were and her involvement in Agni’s disappearance.
During the Tiefling party ( or if the player initiates it, ) Kirsi will offer to spend the night with them. She will teach the player Theives’ Cant, if they don’t already know it, and falls asleep cuddling them. When they awaken, Kirsi is frozen to the touch, whimpering from a nightmare - this is where she will tell the player that her magic is tied to her feelings, and that extreme emotions can cause her ice magic to act out.
In Act 2, the party can find a letter in the Shadowlands on the corpse of a courier ( Highlighted with a D10 Perception check ) addressed to Kirsikka Virtanen, rescinding her disowning and inviting her back to House Virtanen, signed by Dame Ilmi and Sir Kamal. If Kirsi is confronted about it, she will try to say she knows nothing about it, but can be persuaded to tell the player about her family and being disowned - and not knowing why her mother and step-father would invite her back.
During this act, Kirsi will have a long rest scene where she’s trying to put braids back into her hair, but is struggling doing it alone. The player can offer to help, and after a time skip, Kirsi will have her new hairstyle. A romanced Kirsi will ask to kiss the player, moving her into the partnered stage.
In Act 3, her plot culminates during an attack on the player’s camp ( similar to the attacks on Astarion and Aylin ) where, if Kirsi drops to 0HP, she is kidnapped by members of the Horned Syndicate.
Regardless of whether or not Kirsi is kidnapped, the player can Speak with Dead or find instructions on the attacker’s bodies, showing that Kirsi was to be taken House Virtanen in the very upper edge of the Lower City.
Whether or not she is kidnapped, the player will need to make their way to House Virtanen. Outside of the house is Vetle of Elturel, a well known adventurer ( level 12 ) who shares a striking resemblance to the party’s sorcerer. He will tell the player that he, too, is visiting House Virtanen, and will enter with them. If Kirsi is with the player, she will meet her father for the first time here. It’s so sweet.
Once inside the manor, the party will meet a human man calling himself Lord Agni, who is chatting with Dame Ilmi about his engagement to “Kirsikka.” If it isn’t obvious, the player can find a journal confirming that Lord Agni is the same Agni that ran The Horned Syndicate, and the engagement is his ploy to get back at Kirsi and gain a noble title.
If Kirsi is kidnapped, the player will have to sneak around to find her, where she's locked in the basement. She will explain that her mother is forcing her to get married to some lord. The player can tell her that the unknown lord is Agni, to her revulsion. From there, the player has the option to break her out then and there, or wait until the wedding. Breaking Kirsi out then and there is hard, and it is advisable to wait for the wedding.
If Kirsi is not kidnapped, but is there when the party enters House Virtanen, her mother will spring the engagement on her, happily welcoming her “beloved first born” back into the house. Kirsi will immediately think something is wrong, but the love-bombing is somehow not tadpole related. Instead, Dame Ilmi will quietly threaten Kirsi’s half sister’s life if Kirsi does not comply.
Regardless, once the player has learned of the wedding, it will take place in 3 days. The party will need to go to House Virtanen on the day of the wedding, if they’re to put their plan in motion.
At the wedding, the party can have dialogue with most of Kirsi’s family. Her step-father, Sir Kamal, is a checked out, depressed man, but the player can suggest he stand up to his wife - that it’s what a true noble would do. Her half-sister, Kielo, is lethargic and vacant, and a Medicine check will reveal she’s under the effects of poison. If challenged on her behavior, Dame Ilmi will rebuff the player, saying that all noble women are forced to get married, and Kirsi should have expected it. Agni will taunt the player, especially if Kirsi has been romanced.
Once the ceremony has started ( by talking to Kirsi, who is glamoured to be a human, similar to Agni ) the Player can either object themselves or allow Kirsi to object. If the Player objects, Agni will challenge the player to a duel. At half HP in the duel, or if Kirsi is the one who objects, Kirsi will break the glamour on herself and Agni, and reveal her mother’s plot in front of high society. This will cause a fight with Agni’s Horned Syndicate, Dame Ilmi’s guards, and Sir Kamal’s paladins. Unless, of course, Sir Kamal was talked into standing up for himself, in which case, the Paladins will be on the side of the party. Once the wedding has stopped, Kirsi will get the Inspiration Point, Speak Now: Object to an unwanted wedding.
If the player wants, for some reason, for Kirsi to go through with the wedding, they can instead Hold Your Peace. By convincing Kirsi to keep her mouth shut ( much easier if the player has encouraged her to be more reticent throughout the campaign ) the wedding goes through normally, and Kirsi will be lost as a companion. Returning to House Virtanen the next morning will see Kirsi nearly non-responsive, poisoned like her half-sister was at the wedding. Agni will pledge to have the Horned Syndicate join the final battle, as thanks for helping Kirsi “come to her senses.”
A romanced Kirsi’s final scene will happen after the wedding, where she will be in her wedding dress in the ruins of the wedding venue. She and Tav will talk about the future together, and Kirsi will admit she’s had enough of weddings - and doesn’t need one, unless Tav wants one. Regardless, so long as Tav chooses to stay with Kirsi, they will help Kirsi undo the wedding dress, and have sex together.
EPILOGUE: Speak Now Kirsi will have continued adventuring alongside her father, Vetle, who comes to the party as well. She’s enjoying catching up on years of missed father-daughter bonding. If inquired about, the player can learn that Dame Ilmi was thrown out of House Virtanen, which is now headed by Sir Kamal. Hold Your Peace Kirsi will not be at the party.
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
Wayne Girls AU, that was Bruce with Rachel and Janis. Especially Rachel.
Grown man had to hype himself up when it was time to lay down the law. Couldn’t stand to have any of them be upset with him. Alfred had to stand guard to make sure he didn’t go back on any of his groundings.
Diana getting a crash course in Girl Dad™️ when Batman had to lecture Robin. The man was close to sobbing into his hands after Robin ran out of the room crying “You’re breaking my heart, Daddy.”
Diana: You’re the parent, is it not normal to discipline one’s child?
Bruce: You don’t understand, she’s mad at me. She won’t want to talk to me now.
Diana: I see, so men are the weaker parent.
Bruce taking Cosmetology classes when he first gets Rachel to make sure that he’s able to do her hair. Brucie Wayne might be a ditzy himbo but his little girls are gonna be rocking the cutest hairstyle anytime they leave the house. Braids, updos, ponytails, bows, clips and ribbons he has it all mastered.
Bruce buying those child alarms that are popular in Japan for all of his girls when they first start as Robin as a precaution. They all get a case of bedazzled pepper spray for a gift at least once.
Bruce having a slight fear of when the girls decide to band together for a common goal that’s not for the greater good. Either he’s gonna get played, someone will have their self esteem destroyed, half a city will be on fire, someone will get robbed, and/or all of the above.
Bruce joking that Carter is his favorite cause he finally has a bro to talk to in the house. But really it’s cause Carter won’t roast him as maniacally when he does or wears something corny.
While all the Robins are quick witted and can talk smack, Janis was the most vicious one. She never lets anyone get the first or final word, any kind of fight she made sure to win, always making sure no one saw any weakness. She was a literature/theater nerd she had a talent with prose and word play.
Though it was never directed at anyone she viewed as defenseless or vulnerable. She tried to be the symbol of strength and protection that Robin was to her.
Tabitha being the best liar of the whole family, cause that’s just how kids with strict parents grow up to be. Can and has gotten away with lying to Superman. Could probably get away with murder but won’t cause then she’ll let Rachel down. Struggles with living up to the image of being a “Good Girl” and her actual thoughts, wants, and needs. Janis jokes that Beth’s anxiety and people pleasing issues are the only things keeping her from taking over the world.
Rachel having conflicted feelings of being settling down and having a family. Not wanting to be tied down so soon but being worried she’ll miss her window. Unsure if she’ll be willing for perform any more emotional labor for more people especially since some days it seems like her sibling will always need her on speed dial. Flip flopping between adopting or wanting to experience pregnancy.
Dami growing up with love advice that basically sums up to “Communication is key” and “Dump him” but each sister was a different interpretation for each situation that she might as well just flip a coin. Janis, a true Jane Austen die hard, maintaining that romantic outlook for her Mister Darcy but is sadly less self reflective than Lizzie.
Alfred being worried that none of the girls will have a traditional wedding but still having a dream wedding journal for each one if the time ever came. He’d be a terrifying drill master to make sure the day went perfectly but it’s all with good intentions.
Bruce having no conscious desire for grandkids cause his babies should stay his babies. But once he gets that first grand baby it’s like he fell in love all over again. All his grandkids are his best friends and he’s their “Grand B/Paw Paw/Grandaddy.”
Sorry I've had this saved in my ask forever bc I keep rereading it because it's always so much Fun when someone engages with your dumb, indulgent AU.
Bruce is, at the same time, both a stricter but also more permissive parent with the girls. You're So Right that he hates when they're mad at him and dotes a bit more on them than he did with the boys. But at the same time he is bound and determined not to make a big deal of the fact that he has daughters, that they're just as capable as sons. He stood up so much for Rachel when she first started as Robin, justifying her skills and making sure no one thought less of her. For all the fights and struggles the kids have with B over the years, they never forget that he supports them 100% and never treats them as less.
I also love exploring the relationship each of the Robins has with their femininity. Rachel came to the Manor way more girly, she was used to parading around the circus in dresses and with pretty accessories. Growing up the adopted daughter of a wealthy billionaire, not to mention becoming the first young sidekick, not to mention female sidekick, made her dial back to be take seriously. Plus as she grew into a beauty it soon became uncomfortable at times to express herself that way. Janis was a Tomboy and saw it as a weakness which is just another point of contention when Beth comes in as (seemingly) a sweet princess. Beth was raised to be a pretty, thoughtless thing so her combining her rougher, more practical side with the fun frivolities of being feminine is about her claiming herself and not what others want to make of her. By the time Dami comes along, there's a whole spectrum and femininity around and she's able to decide what amount works for her.
Tabitha is the first to marry but Janis is the first to have (ie adopt) kids and Bruce, who was so stoic with his kids, just melts for his grandkids. He loves his daughters so much, respects them but also fears them bc of how capable they are a) as vigilantes and b) at manipulating the hell out of him. Beth will turn on her big sad eyes, Rachel will shyly twirl her hair, Dami will bite her lower lip and he will do Anything. The JLA makes fun of him but they're not much better when the Bats use their evil powers on them.
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beauty-makeover · 11 months
Hair cutting and styling for girls encompass a wide range of options, from short to long hair, classic to trendy, and everything in between. Here are some popular haircuts and styles for girls to consider:Bob Cut:Classic Bob: A timeless chin-length cut thats versatile and suits various face shapes.Long Bob (Lob): A longer version of the bob, typically ending around the shoulders.Inverted Bob: Shorter at the back and longer in the front, creating a stylish angle.Pixie Cut:Short Pixie: A daring and low-maintenance option with short sides and back.Long Pixie: Slightly longer on top while still maintaining the pixies edgy look.Layered Haircuts:Face-Framing Layers: Soft layers that frame the face, adding movement and dimension.Shaggy Layers: A messy, textured look thats playful and trendy.Bangs:Side-Swept Bangs: A classic choice that adds a touch of elegance to any haircut.Blunt Bangs: Straight-across bangs that make a bold statement.Curtain Bangs: Center-parted bangs that frame the face on either side.Long Hair Styles:Beachy Waves: Effortless, tousled waves that give a relaxed vibe.Straight and Sleek: Smooth, straight hair that looks polished and chic.Braids: Various braiding styles, such as fishtail, French, or Dutch braids, for an intricate look.Ponytail: High or low ponytails can be both practical and stylish.Specialty Styles:Updos: Elegant styles for formal events, like buns, chignons, and twists.Half-Up, Half-Down: A combination of up and down styling, providing the best of both worlds.Space Buns: Two buns on the top of the head, often seen as a playful and youthful choice.Color and Highlights:Balayage: Hand-painted highlights for a natural and sun-kissed effect.Ombre: Gradual color transition from roots to ends.Pastel Hues: Soft, muted colors like lavender, pink, or mint for a whimsical look.Bold Colors: Vibrant shades like blue, purple, or red for a striking appearance.Classic Updos:Elegant Bun: A timeless choice that can be styled into a sleek, high bun or a softer, low bun.Chignon: A sophisticated low bun often adorned with accessories like pins or flowers.French Twist: A twist of hair that creates an elegant and polished updo.Half-Up Half-Down Styles:Curled Half-Updo: Half of the hair is pulled up and secured, while the rest is left down in cascading curls or waves.Braided Half-Updo: Incorporate braids into the half-up style for a romantic and bohemian look.Braided Styles:Crown Braid: A braid that wraps around the crown of the head, creating a beautiful halo effect.Waterfall Braid: A flowing braid that cascades down the back or side of the head.Loose Waves and Curls:Soft Waves: Effortless waves that exude a natural and romantic vibe.Loose Curls: A glamorous option that adds texture and movement to the hair.Vintage-Inspired Styles:Retro Waves: Old Hollywood-inspired waves that are glamorous and sophisticated.Victory Rolls: Vintage rolls and twists that evoke a nostalgic feel.Boho-Chic Styles:Messy Updo: A relaxed and tousled updo with loose strands and a carefree vibe.Flower Crown: Adorn any hairstyle with a floral crown for a whimsical and bohemian touch.Sleek and Modern Styles:Straight and Polished: Straight hair styled with a sleek finish for a modern and chic look.Geometric Updo: Create unique shapes and twists for a contemporary and artistic style.Accessories and Embellishments:Hair Accessories: Enhance your hairstyle with decorative pins, combs, tiaras, or hair vines.Veil Integration: Coordinate your hairstyle with your chosen veil placement and style.Formal Events:Classic Chignon: A sophisticated low bun that exudes elegance and grace.French Twist: A polished twist of hair that adds a touch of glamour.Sleek Ponytail: A high or mid-level ponytail thats straight and sleek for a modern look.Vintage Waves: Old Hollywood-inspired waves that bring a touch of retro chic to your style.Side-Swept Curls: Elegant curls swept to one side for a romantic and formal appearance.
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wiltingdecay · 2 years
was bored and couldn't get my pea brain to focus on writing after expending so much energy today so here's some half baked rowan charm "plans" (i use that term very lightly here)
halloween charm rowan
• banshees are just yassified ghosts so tattered white gown + white hood/veil thingy + some kind of waist corset thingy to rowanify it some more.
• hair MESSY and flying out around his head.
• dark and extremely smudgy make-up, maybe some white foundation as well (i don't think banshees have freckles :( sad)
• arms out pose so big ripped sleeves can dangle and be centred
• face like >:] and general heehoo im gonna getcha vibes
baewatch charm rowan
• beeeeeg sunhat, smthing similar to portia's but with darker colours perchance
• they probably didn't have obnoxious patterned hawaiian shirts in ye olden times but he's getting one anyway
• tiny lil dark plain coloured bikini top underneath bc said hawaiian shirt must be oversized + unbuttoned
• either equally tiny full ass out shorts or full transmasc board shorts. might sketch both and see which i like best
• chunky wedge sandals bc he's apparently been short coded, he can't not remind ppl that he is Tall
• pose..... idk but he will be holding a margarita. would be floating in a big donut but too similar to asra's + hides outfit. perhaps crouching by a rock pool befriending a crab
wedding charm rowan
• sitting SEXILY. legs crossed ass and thighs in full view.
• can't imagine rowan getting married at his ingame age/maturity level so make him look a lil older
• longer hair? longer hair. would be styled like his regular hairstyle but Fancier. thinking braided back like muriel's hair in his route
• white + gold outfit obviously but with red accents... red tie? red hair accessories? red lips? red bottom boots? yes
• white ruffly poet shirt showing off hefty amounts of chest... gold underbust waistcoat or corset w red detailing... frilly ass pants with gold embroidery.... white or gold heel boots... fuck maybe a white w gold or just straight gold tailcoat too he is getting MARRIED he should go all out (but on the other hand i don't want it to just be a recolour of his masquerade fit so we'll see)
• fanciest gold jewellery i am willing to spend time drawing
wonderland charm rowan
• i guess rowan is alice?? only thing that really makes sense lmao
• turn alice's skirt into shorts and her apron into a lil waist corset and we have ourselves a rowancore outfit
• pose + background elements; based on scene from the beginning where alice is falling into wonderland - pose rowan partially upside down/falling headfirst perhaps
• have plot important stuff falling with him; the emerald necklace, cards from asra's deck, myrrh pouch, julian's research, red beetles, etc
fruit charm rowan
• rowan is already a fruit and today that fruit will be a mango. red + green + lil bit of goldish yellow fits his aesthetique to a t
• outfits seem to be modern au + matching the fruit's palette for the most part soooooo... slightly slutty punkish dark academia outfit that's red/green/little bit of gold. idk what that would even entail but i'll figure something out
• pose/background details; sitting legs crossed on beeg half-mango "boat" and holding/eating smaller mango?? idk the composition of these charms confuses my pea brain for some reason
potion bottle shaker charm rowan
• finally i do not have to cook up a new outfit. breathes a sigh of relief
• pose.... idk he'll just be sittin. either he'll be a bit slutty about it or takin a nap against the side of the bottle, i could go either way
• heart shaped red bottle with a gold stopper inlaid with a turquoise gemstone(s) to match/reference their necklace. might have some gorse flowers around the top too. perchance.
• contents of bottle: two tarot cards. sammi. a chibi version of the tower (Uh Oh). the notebook that they scribble investigation stuff/General Thots in throughout the routes. a little flame.
tired so i'll plan out the rest some other time
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seekmeek · 4 days
The Ultimate Guide to Assorted Hair Accessories
Hair accessories are more than just practical tools for managing your hair; they are stylish additions that can elevate your look, make a statement, and complement your outfit. From everyday essentials to special occasion pieces, the world of hair accessories offers a wide variety of options. Here’s an ultimate guide to understanding and utilizing assorted hair accessories to enhance your style.
Hair Clips
Hair clips are versatile and come in various shapes, sizes, and designs. Classic bobby pins are perfect for securing stray hairs or creating sleek updos, while embellished clips with pearls, rhinestones, or floral designs add a touch of elegance to any hairstyle. Snap clips and alligator clips are great for quick and easy styles, offering both functionality and fashion.
Headbands are timeless accessories that can be worn in numerous ways. Wide headbands made of fabric or leather can give a boho-chic vibe, while thin, jeweled headbands are ideal for a more polished, sophisticated look. For a sporty or casual style, elastic headbands are both practical and stylish, keeping hair away from the face during physical activities.
Hair Ties
Hair ties, also known as ponytail holders, are essential for anyone with long hair. They come in different materials, including fabric-covered elastics, scrunchies, and spiral hair ties. Scrunchies, in particular, have made a significant comeback, offering a retro look while being gentle on the hair. Spiral hair ties are known for their ability to hold hair without leaving creases, making them a popular choice for those who frequently switch between wearing their hair up and down.
Hair Bands
Hair bands, or hair elastics, are similar to hair ties but are designed to create more intricate hairstyles. They can be used to create braids, ponytails, or buns and often come with added features such as beads, charms, or decorative ties that enhance the overall look.
Barrettes are decorative clips that come in various sizes and designs, ranging from simple and functional to ornate and decorative. They can be used to hold larger sections of hair or simply to add a decorative touch to an existing hairstyle. Metal barrettes with intricate designs or gemstone embellishments are perfect for special occasions, while simple plastic or wooden barrettes are ideal for everyday wear.
Hair Pins
Hair pins, including U-shaped pins and decorative hair sticks, are perfect for securing updos and adding a touch of elegance. U-shaped pins are great for holding buns and French twists in place, while decorative hair sticks can be both functional and ornamental, offering a sophisticated look.
Hair combs are not only tools for detangling hair but also serve as stylish accessories. Decorative combs can be used to secure sections of hair in updos or half-up styles. They often feature embellishments such as pearls, crystals, or intricate metalwork, making them suitable for weddings and formal events.
Scarves and Bandanas
Scarves and bandanas are versatile accessories that can be worn in a variety of ways. They can be tied around the head as a headband, wrapped around a ponytail, or even used to cover the entire head. Silk scarves add a touch of luxury and can transform a simple hairstyle into a chic and elegant look.
Hair Chains and Headpieces
Hair chains and headpieces are unique accessories that are perfect for making a statement. Hair chains drape across the hair, creating a bohemian or ethereal look, while headpieces, such as tiaras and crowns, are ideal for formal events or themed parties. These accessories often feature intricate designs and are adorned with jewels, making them perfect for special occasions.
Assorted hair accessories offer endless possibilities for creativity and personal expression. Whether you prefer the simplicity of a classic hair tie or the glamour of a jeweled headpiece, there’s an accessory for every style and occasion. Experimenting with different accessories can transform your look, allowing you to express your unique personality and style effortlessly. So, don’t be afraid to mix and match, and discover the perfect hair accessories that work for you.
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glambyridhimathukral · 2 months
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For brides in Caledon, finding the ideal bridal makeup artist is an essential makeup artist near me preparations. Every element, from the gown to the accessories, is meticulously selected to craft a breathtaking bridal makeup artist in brampton. Yet, amidst these considerations, one crucial aspect often overlooked is the significance of complementing your bridal makeup with a party makeup, ensuring a flawless and radiant look from head to toe.
A keratin treatment can work wonders for your hair, party makeup in brampton wedding day when you want your locks to be lustrous and manageable. This bridal makeup keratin, a protein naturally found in hair, to strengthen and smooth Natural makeup artist. The result? Silky, frizz-free hair that's easier to style and maintains its elegance throughout the Natural makeup artist near me.
Imagine walking down the aisle with hair that looks Natural makeup artist in brampton, reflecting light and framing your face in the most flattering way. Whether you opt for a sleek updo, indian makeup artist near me, or a chic half-up hairstyle, a keratin treatment ensures your hair behaves exactly as you desire, staying picture-perfect from the indian makeup artist in brampton dance.
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In essence, the synergy between a professional party makeup in bolton and a keratin treatment creates a transformative experience. It elevates your bridal look to a level of elegance and party makeup near me not only your guests but also immortalizes your beauty in photographs for years to come. So, as you plan your bridal makeup artist near me, remember to include a keratin treatment in your beauty regimen for a truly flawless bridal bridal makeup artist in bolton.
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redyellowblueflag · 4 months
Top 10 Glamorous Hairstyles for Every Woman
Choosing the perfect hairstyle is a form of self-expression and an extension of personal style. For women, finding the right hairstyle is not just about the cut but how it complements their lifestyle, face shape, and fashion sense. In the world of beauty and glamour, staying updated with the top women's hairstyles can make all the difference in enhancing one’s confidence and elegance. From timeless cuts to modern trends, this article explores the top 10 glamorous hairstyles that are sure to turn heads and make a statement.
1. The Classic Bob
The Classic Bob is an iconic hairstyle that has stood the test of time, renowned for its versatility and elegance. This chic cut can be tailored to suit any face shape, making it a favorite among women of all ages. Whether you opt for an angled bob that adds edge and dimension or a textured bob for a softer, more casual look, the bob can be styled in numerous ways to match any occasion. It’s perfect for those seeking a sophisticated, yet low-maintenance hairstyle.
2. Beachy Waves
Beachy Waves epitomize the ultimate laid-back glamour. This hairstyle exudes a carefree spirit while maintaining an air of sophistication. Achievable with a curling iron or a flat iron, these effortless waves work on various hair lengths and textures. For an extra touch of glamour, add a texturizing spray to enhance the volume and tousled effect. Beachy waves are ideal for both everyday wear and special events, offering a perfect blend of simplicity and style.
3. Sleek High Ponytail
A Sleek High Ponytail is not just a convenience; it's a statement. This polished hairstyle elevates the classic ponytail into a chic and sophisticated look, perfect for both casual outings and formal events. To achieve a sleek finish, straighten your hair before pulling it back, ensuring there are no bumps. A light application of hair serum can add shine and reduce frizz, while wrapping a small section of hair around the base of the ponytail gives it a refined finish. For added drama, tease the crown before securing the ponytail to create volume.
4. Soft Layered Curls
Soft Layered Curls bring romance and elegance to any look. This hairstyle is all about creating volume and movement through strategic layers cut into the hair. Using a curling iron or rollers to add curls to the layers enhances the hairstyle's dynamic nature. It's suitable for women with medium to long hair, offering a timeless appeal that's perfect for date nights or formal occasions. To maintain the curls, use a lightweight mousse or curl-enhancing cream that won't weigh down the hair, keeping the curls bouncy and voluminous throughout the day.
5. The Pixie Cut
The Pixie Cut is the epitome of boldness and simplicity in women's hairstyles. This short hairstyle can be customized in various ways— from adding textured layers for volume to incorporating soft bangs to frame the face. The pixie cut is ideal for those who desire a low-maintenance yet stylish look. It beautifully highlights the facial features, making it a popular choice among women looking for a dramatic change. Styling products like pomades and waxes can be used to add texture and movement, allowing for different looks with the same cut.
Moving forward, I'll write about the remaining hairstyles, ensuring we cover all ten glamorous options for women.
6. Half-Up, Half-Down
The Half-Up, Half-Down hairstyle strikes the perfect balance between elegance and casualness, making it versatile for any occasion. This style works beautifully on long and medium-length hair, allowing the face to be framed while showing off the hair's length and volume. Accessories like hairpins, clips, or even a small braid can add a unique touch to this classic hairstyle. It's especially popular for weddings and formal events, offering a graceful look that's both sophisticated and effortless.
7. The Top Knot
The Top Knot is a trendy and practical hairstyle that has gained popularity for its stylish yet easy-to-achieve look. Perfect for those days when you want your hair out of your face but still look put-together, the top knot can be worn sleek and tight for a more polished appearance or messy for a relaxed vibe. This hairstyle is ideal for all hair types and can be adorned with accessories like scrunchies or headbands for an extra flair.
8. Side-Swept Bangs
Side-Swept Bangs add a soft, romantic touch to any hairstyle, effortlessly framing the face and highlighting the eyes. This versatile fringe can be paired with long layers, a bob, or even a pixie cut, making it suitable for various hair types and lengths. Styling side-swept bangs is straightforward—simply blow-dry them with a round brush to achieve the desired sweep and volume. This look is perfect for those wanting to refresh their style without a complete overhaul.
9. The Long Layered Cut
The Long Layered Cut is a fantastic way to add depth and dimension to long hair. By incorporating layers, the hair gains movement and becomes more manageable, especially for those with thicker locks. The layers can be cut to frame the face, enhancing its natural shape and features. To keep the layers defined and the hair healthy, regular trims and moisturizing treatments are recommended. This hairstyle is timeless and can be styled in countless ways, from straight and sleek to wavy and textured.
10. The Bold Undercut
The Bold Undercut is a daring choice that combines short shaved sections with longer hair on top. This contrast creates a striking look that's customizable and edgy. The undercut can be hidden for a more conservative setting or displayed proudly for a bold statement. Styling the longer sections can vary from slicked back to wildly curled, offering a range of looks depending on the occasion. This hairstyle is perfect for those looking to make a bold fashion statement and stand out from the crowd.
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robert-sims · 5 months
Transform Your Look with the Platinum Blonde Lace Front Bob Wig
AFBeauty highlights are for every lady. No matter your skin tone and age group, you can choose to give it a try. this wig will show multi-level color changes under different light and dynamics. Premium Wig Material 1.Unlike other synthetic hair wigs, this hair texture is more natural and softer, more comfortable and lighter weight feeling and longer lasting use. 2.It looks natural and realistic, just like your own real hair.
Hot Product
Platinum Blonde Wig Short Lace Front Bob Wigs for Black Women Realistic White Straight Shoulder Length Pre Plucked Natural Hairline Glueless Synthetic Heat Resistant Fiber Hair Wig 16 Inch Gift
【SHORT BLONDE LACE FRONT WIG TYPE】 Half Hand Tied Glueless Lace Front Wig ,Color is Blonde length is 14inch, Pre-Plucked Natural Hairline,Thick and Full, Soft Tough&Natural Looking, Silky and Smooth Like Human Hair.No Harm For Health, No Odor, No Tangle, Minimal Shedding, No Hurt For Skin.This Blonde Bob Wig Will Make You Feel Like a Whole New Person When Wearing It! Soft and Comfortable to Wear,Looks Very Real as Human Hair. You Will Be Surprised By How Many Compliments And Confidence It Brings
【HEAT RESISTANT】100% High-quality heat resistant hd lace frontal wig, Blonde Lace Front Bob Wigs High Temperature fiber(up to 180 degrees), so you can permed or styled it as you want(under 320F), White Blonde Short Bob Synthetic Wig is so soft as your own hair, Full but not heavy.Beautiful natural and impressive curls, braids, ponytails and any other hairstyle you create! The color of Swiss Lace is transparent, very soft feeling to skin, fit for all skin tones, Suitable for long term use
【HEAT RESISTANT】100% High-quality heat resistant hd lace frontal wig, Blonde Lace Front Bob Wigs High Temperature fiber(up to 180 degrees), so you can permed or styled it as you want(under 320F), White Blonde Short Bob Synthetic Wig is so soft as your own hair, Full but not heavy.Beautiful natural and impressive curls, braids, ponytails and any other hairstyle you create! The color of Swiss Lace is transparent, very soft feeling to skin, fit for all skin tones, Suitable for long term use
【AVERAGE SIZE Wig Caps】Synthetic Middle Part Wig Average cap (Circumference 20 – 22.5 inches) fits for most head size/shape. 2 adjustable straps and 3 combs inside the cap, You can loosen or tighten the wig to reach a most comfortable condition, easy to adjust & durable
【OCCASIONS】 Fashion wigs for women, The realistic platinum blonde color lace front wig, it features various trendy styles, suitable for girls and women to wear on parties, wedding, dating, wedding, cosplay, costume, theme parties, video shoots shopping, concerts, working place or just for daily wearing and any other occasions. can help you to make a perfect looking for daily, Carnival Themed Party Wig,Fancy Dress Party Wig and Also be Given As a Gift
【PACKAGE INCLUDES SERVICES】1 * Platnuim Blonde Straight Bob Wig + 2 PCS Free wig caps. All synthetic wigs happen to be minimum shedding and tangling which is normal. We try our best to provide high quality service to you. If you have any questions or are not satisfied with our products, do not hesitate to contact us.Thank you for choosing us
Review Of AFBeauty Wig
🌈 Realistic White Straight Magic: Shoulder-Length Beauty
Step into the world of flawless style with the Platinum Blonde Lace Front Bob Wig. The realistic white straight magic effortlessly cascades in a shoulder-length bob, allowing you to embrace a look that’s both modern and timeless. 🌈💁‍♀️
👩‍🦳 Pre-Plucked Natural Hairline: Seamless Blend with Your Beauty
No more compromises on natural beauty. The pre-plucked natural hairline ensures a seamless blend with your own hairline, giving you the freedom to flaunt a hairstyle that looks and feels incredibly authentic. 👩‍🦳💕
🚫 Glueless Convenience: Effortless Wear, Effortless Removal
Say goodbye to messy adhesives. The Platinum Blonde Lace Front Bob Wig offers a glueless design, making it incredibly easy to wear and remove. Enjoy the convenience of a flawless look without the hassle. 🚫💆‍♀️
🔥 Heat Resistant Fiber: Style Your Way, Effortlessly
Unleash your creativity! The heat-resistant fiber of this wig allows you to style it as you desire. Experiment with curls, waves, or keep it sleek – the choice is yours. Heat resistance ensures your styling preferences are met with ease. 🔥🌀
🎁 16-Inch Glamour Gift: Sparkle in Style
Looking for the perfect gift for a fashion-forward friend or family member? The Platinum Blonde Lace Front Bob Wig is not just a gift; it’s a glamour statement. Give the gift of confidence and style in a chic 16-inch package. 🎁💄
Conclusion: Effortless Glamour, Instant Confidence
The Platinum Blonde Lace Front Bob Wig is your shortcut to effortless glamour. Whether you’re aiming for a red-carpet look or just want to embrace a new style, this wig is your companion to instant confidence and radiant elegance. ✨💖👑
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hockeymusicmore · 6 months
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bestwigoutlets · 7 months
Are Front Lace Wigs the Ideal Choice When Attending a Wedding?
Front lace wigs can be worn on any occasion. So yes, you can wear them if you are attending a wedding. But you need to find a wig that matches the occasions you are attending. Keep in mind that these wigs are available in different styles and lengths.
Are Front Lace Wigs a Versatile Choice? They have gained immense popularity in recent years because of their natural appearance and versatility. They are constructed with a sheer lace material along the front hairline. Thus, they allow for a natural-looking hairline and the illusion that the hair is growing directly from your scalp.
Realistic Appearance They can mimic the look of your natural hair. Thus, they make it nearly impossible to distinguish between the wig and your real hair. This ensures a flawless and natural appearance, which is perfect for special occasions like weddings. But make sure that you are wearing high-quality wigs.
Style Versatility These wigs come with the flexibility to part your hair anywhere along the lace front, giving you the freedom to experiment with various hairstyles. Whether you prefer sleek and straight, glamorous waves, or an updo, they can adapt to your chosen style. Then again, it still depends on the quality of the wigs. To make sure that you are wearing premium wigs, make sure to only shop them at Best Wig Outlet.
Long-Lasting High-quality front lace wigs are durable and can last for a long time with proper care. Hence, it is pertinent that you invest in a good-quality wig that can ensure that you have a reliable option for future formal events as well.
How to Style Them for a Wedding? Choosing the Right Wig Start by going to the Best Wig Outlet online store and choosing a wig that matches your desired wedding look. Consider the length, color, and texture of the wig to complement your outfit and the wedding’s theme. It is essential to choose a wig that makes you feel confident and beautiful.
Prepping Your Natural Hair Before applying the wig, prepare your natural hair by braiding it or slicking it back. A wig cap can help secure your hair and provide a smooth surface for the wig to adhere to. At Best Wig Outlet, we often give out a wig cap when you purchase something. Thus, make sure to visit us regularly to spot such an offer.
Proper Application Carefully apply the wig. Make sure that it aligns with your natural hairline. Use adhesive or wig tape to secure the wig in place. Be patient during the application process to achieve a seamless look.
Styling the Wig Do it according to your preference. For a wedding, consider elegant updos, loose waves, or a chic half-up, half-down style. Use heat styling tools if necessary. However, be cautious not to damage the wig.
Accessories Enhance your wedding look with hair accessories such as hairpins, tiaras, or headbands that match your outfit and the wedding’s theme. But in most cases, the wig is enough to help you achieve your best look.
Final Touches Finish off with hairspray or styling products to ensure that your chosen hairstyle stays in place throughout the event. A spritz of shine spray can add a beautiful luster to your wig’s hair.
Style Versatility These wigs can indeed be an ideal choice when attending a wedding due to their natural appearance, style versatility, and durability. When styled and applied correctly, they can give you a polished and glamorous look that complements the occasion’s elegance.
If you are looking for premium quality front lace wigs, make sure to stop by our online store. Our wigs can also be an ideal solution if you are dealing with balding, alopecia, and hair loss.
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