#halo game series
zilentis · 2 months
For an art project at college, I needed to create something suspended in mid-air, and I remembered I had a whole bunch of Halo ships since 2019 I got just for doing a diorama I never completed. Rushed this up together and I think it’s pretty decent.
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wolfy1298 · 11 months
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Core memory
God I love my dad
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inafieldofdaisies · 3 months
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Halo (2022-) | Season 2, Episode 8 “Halo”, The Season Finale | Favorite scenes (vol. 2-2)
“This armor doesn't belong to them. It belongs to me. To the ones who are gone. And the ones who are still in the fight.”
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notrandtumblin · 3 months
I can only have twelve options and I’m very much certain I forgot something obvious
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hollytanaka · 10 months
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The plating was about to fail, there's viscosity throughout the gel layer. Optics, totally fried. And let's not even talk about the power supply.
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a-bluedream-posts · 9 months
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Cortana #12 by Gryephon
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sad-endings-suck · 2 months
Back to report that I have seen the first episode of the Fallout tv show on Amazon Prime and it fucking slaps. Along with this, The Last of Us (HBO), Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Arcane: League of Legends (obviously), and many more, we can now say for certain that we are in the un-official golden era of video game adaptations (at least if it stays the course *knock on wood*).
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ageless-aislynn · 2 months
Angst! 16
Fluff! 13
Misc.! 16
And… for characters I’m going to throw out Kai, Alenko, and Soap. Do whatever pairings or friendships you’d like. Also I’m not gonna die if you choose not to use those characters. Or prompts. I dunno, I just wanna read your stuff man.
*glee* Thank you SO much for sending some prompts my way! These are all pretty short but mark my first time writing 2 of the 3 characters, so I'm just carefully dipping a toe in the COD and ME pools, lol!
Thanks so much again! 😎👍
Angst 16. “Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?”
Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish & Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
"Are you hurt?"
"Then why are there bruises all over your face?"
"You ought to see the other guy, Lt," Soap said with an unrepentant grin, unmarred by the fact his left eye was nearly swollen shut and he had a prominent cut on his lower lip.
Ghost sighed slightly behind his skull balaclava. "Sure I'll recognize him by all the bruises on his knuckles," he said dryly.
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Fluff 13. Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
Kaidan Alenko/Commander Shepard, Mass Effect (reader's choice as to whether it's male or female Shep 😉)
"Are you flirting with me?"
"You finally noticed?"
Kaidan squinted, several Commander Shepards swimming in front of him in the dim bar lighting, all wearing fondly amused expressions.
"You are flirting with me!" he stated as if having uncovered a core secret of the universe.
Shepard's smile broadened. "Think it's time to take you home and tuck you into bed."
"I'm going home with Cmdr. Shepard," he proclaimed loudly to the crowd around them. Several people raised a glass in good-natured salutes.
"Yeah, they know." Shepard got an arm around him, sliding him off the bar stool and onto his feet. "Most of them were at our wedding, after all."
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Kai-125 & Vannak-134, Halo the series
John heard Kai's shout from the hallway outside of the Spartan quarters and shoved the door open to see—
He blinked. For a solid moment, he wasn't quite sure what he was seeing, actually. Kai vaulted over her own bed, being pursued hotly by Vannak.
"That wasn't honest," he said grimly. "You're just being mean."
"Look, it's not my fault that that penguin documentary was kinda lame and—"
"IT WAS NOT!" Vannak bellowed back and took a swing at her that would've definitely put a marine in the infirmary for a month, if not in the ground, permanently. For Kai, it would've at the very least mussed her hair. "Those penguins are adorable and—"
"Lame. Laaaaaame," she singsonged, ducking a flurry of punches, then doing a very impressive parkour run up the wall into a backflip that sent her soaring over the enraged Spartan's head.
John looked over at Riz, who was calmly sitting at a nearby table, reading something on her padd. She met his gaze, shrugged, and then went back to reading.
They crisscrossed the room rapidly, with Vannak coming close to getting his hands on her but, ultimately, Kai would manage to slip away at the last second. The entire time, she continued to issue penguin insults that, for some reason, the other Spartan took extremely personally.
John opened his mouth, about to say… something. Then he gave a slight shake of his head.
"I have paperwork to do," he announced to no one. "Don't I, Cortana?"
"I can find you some, Chief."
"That would be great," he said and just turned around and walked away.
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Sentence Starters
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mbangelofdeath · 10 months
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Armed & Dangerous
Some simple Halo Infinite screenshots I’ve taken last week. Enjoy
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zilentis · 6 months
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a Forerunner Builder, Inspiration-From-The-Domain, and her little Huragok; Far Too Dense.
The Forerunner is less impressive, but I’m still happy with her (she looks like a Forerunner). What I was really focusing my effort on, was the cute Engineer, I really really wanted one and I’m so proud of him. Almost entirely sculpted from Greenstuff
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empresskadia · 4 months
Could you imagine fighting side-by-side with the Master Chief from Installation 04 all the way to the end of the war, and meeting him again on Requiem. "I wanted to be like you, Chief."
YES, I can. I just adore these asks, gets my creative juices running. I really said we're making a short-fic with this.
The first thing that comes into mind is a Marine or an ODST that fought side by side with John through the ring. Someone who he ends up trusting considering they went through all this with him, the halo, the flood, and all that ‘fun’ stuff between. Honestly, he’s impressed they haven’t been killed yet but also how you had the ability to keep going despite everything you had faced and seen. John can think of commanders and captains who didn’t have the same resilience as you. He might even make a brief comment that you would be a good squad leader or commanding officer much to your delight.
So when he first goes MIA, it’s hard to believe that the Master Chief is gone and there is a lot of denial, but the years press on, and time doesn’t wait on anyone. I also think you would not only be grieving John’s ‘death’ but also Sergeant Johnson’s as he would’ve been your commanding officer during the war and a role model. Ultimately, you take John’s words to heart and climb up the ranks into command.
There isn’t much surprise when you are scouted out for the Spartan-IV program as one of the newest generation of Spartans by Musa Ghanem. It is surprising when he starts talking about John in an almost familiar tone and how he heard about the battles the two of you faced together on the halo. You are sold on the idea of the program as soon as Musa brings the Master Chief into the picture, what else was there than to be like him? And that maybe, if he did somehow come back, you could even have John’s back and fight for him.
As you delve into the Spartan-IV program with five others, you progress through the augmentation process, and enhancements reshape your body which lasts nearly three weeks. When it comes to training and field exercises, you and Sarah Palmer wipe the floor with the rest of the candidates. By the end of the program, you took the position of lieutenant commander as Sarah's right-hand Spartan. [Note: you and Sarah are probably besties after bonding by kicking ass. Also, Sarah has to stop you from committing something that might get you court marital a multitude of times on the UNSC Infinity, aka you almost punching the daylight out of 'captain' Andrew Del Rio.]
By the time Requiem rolls around, your reputation as a Spartan-IV and a capable leader has grown. So when you hear the distress signal, you know it's Cortana by voice alone and you are demanding to investigate, which almost prompts a fight between the captain and yourself that Commander Lasky has to intervene and side with you.
Conversation snips-
[Lasky] "I know you don't like Del Rio, Lieutenant, but I almost thought you were going to punch him."
[You] "I was this close."
[Lasky] "Your fingers are touching."
[You] "Exactly."
[Lasky] "I've never seen you lose your cool like that."
[You] "I-If there is a possibility the Chief is alive, it's our job to investigate it."
[Lasky] "I feel like there is more than you're letting on."
When the UNSC Infinity crashes on Requiem, you manage to round up a squad of Spartan-IV and go scout the jungle area. It's the flash of metallic green that had you holding up your hand to stop the others from firing.
"Chief?" You call out in disbelief, your gun lower just a bit. You knew there was a possibility he was still alive but seeing him in the flesh, if it wasn't for the Spartan training, you would've started crying.
"No way...[Y/n]?" The feminine voice rang through your helmet and the sound of her on TEAMCOM had a grin touching your lips.
"'Tana! Long time no see." You gave your team a signal to hold off while you approached the Master Chief, he almost seemed to be scanning you up and down.
"You're huge! And wearing MJOLNIR."
"Ma'am yes ma'am," You chuckled. "Hi, Chief. It's good to see you up and causing trouble." This time around, John didn't seem to tower over you, he was still taller but it no longer felt like you had to crank your neck up.
"You became a Spartan?" It was a question, the first words to hear him say after all these years and you were grinning to the point your cheeks hurt.
"I wanted to be like you, Chief." You gave him a shrug. "I got scouted and here we are."
"I feel like there is more to the story than just that." Cortana quipped and you could absolutely imagine her with her hand on her hips, giving you that pointed look she did back on installation 04.
"Tell you what, we make it out of here, I buy drinks and I'll tell you everything that's happened in the last four and half years." The Spartan-ll tilted his head ever so slightly before giving you a curt nod.
"I think we would like that very much." The teasing tone in Cortana's voice didn't miss you by much and there was certainly a smile in her tone. Was she teasing you? That would have to be figured out later as several blips appeared on your radar. "So, just like old times?"
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inafieldofdaisies · 3 months
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Halo (2022-) | Season 2, Episode 7 “Thermopylae” | Favorite scenes
“Get it out of your head. He's not coming.”
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halo-adicto · 1 year
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brett-jones-art · 1 month
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Some video game characters I've drawn over the years.
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a-bluedream-posts · 9 months
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Cortana by JannetIncosplay
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marv3l-drag0ns · 1 year
devastated by the choices people on the webbed site are making. changed the poll. suck it blue.
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