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Main Character Web Weaving, #1
Mychal Halwood
a game of thrones- george rr martin // “wait for me (reprise)” from hadestown- anáis mitchell // joan of arc // verberation- tumblr // product of my own design- artio// blossoms- the amazing devil // apelcini- tumblr // from “on earth were briefly gorgeous”- ocean vuong // work song- hozier
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transbookoftheday · 6 months
The Heretic Prince by Theo J. Malloy
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The first Mychal Halwood died ten years ago, and no one can ever find out.
A transmasculine prince, running from his destiny.
A princess with forbidden magic, days away from being promised to the enemy.
And the heir to the evangelist northern kingdom, starting to doubt…
Seventeen-year-old Mychal is a squire in the Holy Army, serving the officers by day and giving their secrets to the Resistance by night. It's risky work, but he's used to that; the Army would kill him if they ever found his greatest secret, that he and the missing princess are one and the same. Mychal ran away to become his true self years ago, but his kingdom is still occupied by the Holy forces, ten years after they executed his mother and brother.
Meanwhile, Samira, his best friend from childhood, is harboring a secret of her own- she is a mage, with forbidden powers, only weeks away from being promised to the mysterious Godhead. Never mind that the only one she ever wanted to be with rode away in the night with a new name, leaving her behind. And Edris, the crown prince of the evangelist kingdom to the North, is still haunted by the night he helped Mychal escape. But when he meets a handsome knight from an enemy kingdom, he starts to doubt his commitment to the Faith.
Mychal never meant to overthrow an empire. But when Samira asks him for his help and his first battle ends in disaster, he finds that he has to go home- and take his brother's name and place as heir to the throne.
The Heretic Prince is the first book in the Heretic Prince series from new author Theo J. Malloy.
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whatfordyouyearn · 11 months
I wrote a book! Support the Kickstarter here!
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THE HERETIC PRINCE is a queer, trans and sapphic high fantasy YA novel about a runaway transmasculine prince who claims the crown to save his family- and the love of his life. Full summary below!
The first Mychal Halwood died ten years ago, and no one can ever find out.
A transmasculine prince, running from his destiny. A princess with forbidden magic, days away from being promised to the enemy. And the heir to the evangelist northern kingdom, starting to doubt…
Nearly a decade after wars across the borders gave the militant Priesthood the opportunity to occupy the kingdoms of the Triad, the sinister Godhead’s rule has affected everyone. For Mychal, a young squire in the Holy Army, it meant the deaths of his mother and brother, and the need to hide who he truly is. The Priesthood would kill him if they ever found out he was working for the Resistance, and not just because he and the missing princess are one and the same. But when his first love asks for help and his first battle ends in disaster, Mychal finds he has to go home– and take his brother’s place as heir to the throne.
The Heretic Prince tells Mychal’s story, as well as Samira, his childhood friend and first love hiding her outlawed powers in the wake of her betrothal to the Godhead, and Edris, the heir to the Priesthood’s closest allied kingdom who meets a handsome knight and begins to doubt his commitment to the Faith. As their paths intersect with each other's, they discover that Mychal and Samira’s love for each other might just be enough to topple an empire- and win their freedom to be together.
My name is Theo, I'm a transmasculine author and artist living in Cleveland, Ohio, and this project means the world to me! I grew up reading all kinds of fantasy stories, and I want to write ones I can see myself in. With your help, we can get this story out there, the first of a fantasy trilogy with queer, trans and sapphic heroes, for everyone out there who needs it.
Click the link below for project details and if you'd like to support, there are some great rewards for every donation level!
This project means the world to me and I'm so excited for more people to be a part of it now. The project is already 2% funded from the first few hours! Please share this post if you can!!
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grizzcore · 11 months
My partner has finished their trilogy. A three part story told from three point of views
A knight who gave up his identity as a princess to pursue his own truth, only for the life he’s built for himself to be disrupted. His twin brother had been put to death by the Holy Army years ago when his father resisted the occupation, and Mychal had taken his brothers name to honor him as he found his peace- but now must take on his identity to reclaim their homeland- and his betrothal to Samira, his own childhood best friend after his fathers death leaves the land vulnerable.
A princess- her whole life she’s been promised to a man. Her First betrothed , Mychal Halwood was executed alongside his mother by the Holy Armies of her next promised match, Riyan Duane, Godhead of the Duality. As she prepares for her declaration, and second engagement- she sees a familiar face. One that is almost her best friend who fled years ago, but also a ghost of a boy long dead. Her discontent brings about a discovery of magic- but it isn’t the only thing Samira is struggling to understand about herself in the time before her holy wedding.
A prince with secrets. Years ago he helped his betrothed escape into the night, after a startling admission- they never should have been a princess at all. Since then Edris has been left with a horrifying question- is there another way to live? Is it that easy to choose your own desires, over the weight of the title you’ve held since birth? Can someone dare to carry both? And what will he do when that very same escapee returns and starts an army under the name of a boy his own father had executed? When someone is pursuing dreams you won’t let yourself have, is it easier to call them lies?
The Heretic Prince , the first novel in a trilogy by my amazing partner- needs YOUR help to be brought into the light! Donate now if you’re interested in a queer story , or three, by a queer author.
You can also follow the author @whatfordyouyearn and the series page @thehereticprinceseries
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bronzethesling · 6 years
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Blurry by BronzetheSling@DeviantArt
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Natural History S2
I'm doing a re-watch for my Chexton fic. I'm trying to find all the scenes they had in season 2 that could've lent some clarity to their ship but I'm distracted by Will's admiration/desire to have a family as close as Maggie's and of course the friendship between Connor and Ethan.... like that's​ going in the fic.
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paper-lioness · 7 years
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Xavier’s birthday party was relatively small, mostly consisting of friends and family, although a few children from his daycare did attend.
Although he is in some sort of an arranged marriage with Rain, I did let him talk to that little girl for a while.
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ghosta-r · 6 years
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hurray I have finished the character lineup for my comic final
most of them are inspired by my best friends here at college. Halwood is inspired by me. Ridley Grim is not inspired by a specific person, but he’s voiced by another good friend of mine
I love them all so much
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alfonslx2 · 7 years
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El gran...Mike Halwood.
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Ships: Could They? Would They? Should They? Part 2
So, the last time I did this I said that the sky was the limit and I meant it! (LOL) Also there are a few ships that I know are rare (my beloved rare-pairs) that weren’t even hinted at; as well as some obvious ageism issues and exclusion of cast members so here we are with Part 2. Also, I’ve taken liberties of developing each one with bits and pieces of canon and fanon.
*Side Note*
I don’t expect this to be as popular as the other; mostly because these characters aren’t as popular in the Tumblr Fandom.
April Sexton/ Natalie Manning
Ship Name: Mexton
Why They work: Both Nat and April have a great balance of hard work, drive, and compassion for their patients. They are both strong, inspirational, and have been disappointed or heartbroken in different ways by the men they have let into their love lives. April’s nurturing side would be great with Owen, and Natalie could step up in a stronger personality role for April who is often backed into a corner or allows herself to be taken advantage of. Dates would consist of breakfast in bed, gushy text messages, and Natalie serenading April with her violin.
Why They Won’t: The show was really awful about using their friendship to boost Natalie’s needs and if we went off of that then Natalie would be horribly not-supportive when April is going through hard times. April is a catholic Afro-Latina and from a pretty strict upbringing, being out wouldn’t be easy in those worlds. Also, I honestly think if April were to get into a femme relationship with anyone it’d be with Sarah.
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Natalie Manning/ Sarah Reese
Ship Name: Meese
Why They Work: The episode when Natalie and Ethan removed a prototype from the little body-hackers stomach opened the nerdy-world of a young Natalie Manning we as an audience were not privy to before. But that girl still exists within in her and it would probably be a draw for nerdy Sarah. I could see them on dates to the Smithsonian, playing the crossword over breakfast in the morning, and playfully arguing over peer-reviewed medical journals. They’d borrow each other’s scrubs and Natalie would quiz Sarah on her boards; and missed questions would mean Sarah would be doing the laundry. Sarah would be in awe of seeing a classically trained violinist whose back-up was being a doctor and Natalie would easily bond with the prissier parts of Sarah’s personality. However…
Why They Won’t: Canonically, Sarah made it clear that she does not want children and Owen (although rarely seen or spoken about since season 1) is very much a part of Natalie’s’ life; it’s a deal breaker folks.
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Sharon Goodwin/ Daniel Charles
Ship Name: Choodwin
Why They Work: Meticulous, wise, funny, and successful these two have always put their careers first (even to the detriment of their personal lives). When they talk you are for sure there is a story accompanied with their advice/musings. I could see late night coffee dates where they slowly disclose little surprising pieces of their history, maybe Sharon worked as a casino showgirl to pay for school and Daniel performed his own experiments with psychedelic medicine made popular in the 60’s (on himself). They have a friendship that slowly turns into something more and they don’t feel the need to label it; they just let it be. This is the mature, relationship goals, we all want and the peace that healthy drama-free love actually is.
Why They Won’t: There is a reason Daniel has been married 3 times and none of it seems good. Also, even though the show hasn’t mentioned much of her, Daniel has another daughter (aside from Robin) who Sharon would need to warm up to. Also, if we take into context the age of his daughter; we should ask ourselves how long it’s been since his last divorce and if he is even in a position to date again; Sharon too. I would hate to see some of his baggage and demons hurt Sharon when she’s had her heart broken not once (Bert) but twice (losing her first love to parasites) on the show. In all honesty I could live my entire life not seeing her cry again.
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Will Halstead and Sarah Reese
Ship Name: Ralstead
Why They Work: Smarty pants. Everyone on this show is brilliant and has to be especially to be doctors, but there is smart-nerdy side to Will that seeps out in all kinds of episodes; he geeks out over medicine a lot. We have seen Sarah develop into someone who is way more confident in her abilities and willing to challenge the rules a bit more than she was in season one. They could meet on these overlapping personality quirks and interests. There would be dates where they traded off into nerd-world and then into classic fun.
Why They Won’t: Sarah is a lot more progressive socially than Will. I could see her being offended on a regular basis with some of his not so subtle sexist ways. Also, the show hasn’t stated yet but I can see Will being into more traditional life-steps: house, marriage, kids. We know Sarah doesn’t want kids and I wouldn’t be shocked if we found out she wasn’t into marriage either.
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 Jeff Clarke/ Ethan Choi
Ship Name: Cloi
Why They Work: Bros’ that think they’re bros and then end up in bed together. They would’ve been bonding over their past lives in the military, swapping war stories, and trying to one-up the other in crazy hi-jinks from the past. I could see this ship beginning as the two of them going out and picking up women, having beers, and playing games but then eventually leading to quieter activities like staying in; instead. One thing would lead to another and they would wind up in bed together. I could see them being each other’s “first” in that regard.
 Why They Won’t: Machismo and homophobia would be the main stumbling blocks for this ship, one or both of them would not want to make the relationship public and it wouldn’t seem like a problem, but could you see how hard that would be in episodes like Monday Mourning? Or Cold Front? I think it would stress the little ship and it’d crack.
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Will Halstead/Ethan Choi
Ship Name: Chalstead
Why They Work: Smart, hardworking, and both Chief Resident (although at separate times) these two could work. However, I could see this being another “secret relationship” but not because of homophobia but purely for professionalism. They are both incredibly focused at work and no one would even know they were together unless told. But at night and on the weekends the two can be found in bed reading medical journals, summing up the weird stories of the ED, and trying different restaurants.
Why They Won’t: Although both professional; Will is still the attending and higher on the totem pole. Even if they could be professional they are both still a bit egotistical and the fights would spill over into their home. Also, the rigid professionalism would begin to take a toll. I mean who doesn’t love a quick peck on the cheek from your partner or spouse before starting work?
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Maggie Lockwood/ Will Halstead
Ship Name: Lockstead or Halwood (honestly, they have so many possibilities)
Why They Work: There are all kinds of ships that happen naturally on Med and Maggie and Will are one of them. They have a great friendship and on some ways canonically she is his only friend. A supportive friendship is always a great basis for a romantic one. This ship would be one where we watch as Will pines over Natalie and even dates Nina all while not realizing that the one person he doesn’t have to hide anything from is Maggie. He realizes out of the entire staff he is the only one that has met her family and she constantly looks out for him. In other words, the person you love has been in front of your face the entire time. She is feisty and not push over, something he definitely needs, and he has just enough confidence to take a powerful personality like hers on.
Why They Won’t: The nonsense Will has displayed with his treatment of Natalie and Nina. His behavior with Jennifer Baker; all of it would be a turn-off to Maggie. She is a charge nurse who understand order within the chaos but order none the less and that mess in season one with Will would’ve turned her off; also no one wants to be second pick…let alone third.
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Maggie Lockwood/Sharon Goodwin
Ship Name: Goodlock or WinWood (a ton of name possibilities here too)
Why They Work: Maggie always has everyone’s back and none more than Sharon’s after Bert leaves. I could see Maggie bringing Sharon food, making sure she took care of herself, and sitting with her at night so she wouldn’t have to eat alone. They would reminisce about the old days of nursing together and Sharon would push Maggie to pursue more within that field. And although Maggie has expressed attractiveness to men like Connor and Jeff, women; in particular, make comments all the time on the attractiveness of both sexes without any romantic interest. In other words, the show has never clearly stated that Maggie is straight. Hanging out could lead to co-habitation, and then maybe more.
Why They Won’t: I could honestly see Sharon being into Maggie but then running from her feelings because it’s not what she’s used to. Also, this show has done NOTHING with Maggie as far as her interests go, she is work, work, work and so is Sharon; so, when would they have time to truly nourish this new avenue?
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Jeff Clarke/ Sarah Reese
Ship Name: Cleese
Why They Work: This is the “It gets better” “Let me show you the ropes” ship. Sarah and Jeff could bond over the indecision they both have had in their careers. Jeff being military, then a fireman, and now a doctor. Sarah in the field but confused about which discipline to go into, emergency medicine, pathology, and then psych. She’d be shocked that he was flirting with her (just replace Noah in that “I watch you” scene and that’s how she would be). He’d be in awe of how smart she is. There would be a few dates and some really hot hook-ups…
Why They Won’t: …Before they realize there just isn’t a future there. He is a bit older and is still trying to get his footing and she is focused on being the best in psych. They would care for one another but would probably realize there isn’t enough common ground to sustain a relationship. They’d part ways amicably. (Also this is actually the rarest of ships as I don’t think these two even shared a scene together! photo courtesy of ChildofLoki)
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Jeff Clarke/ April Sexton
Ship Name: Clexton
Why They Work: They both have heroic personalities. They are the type to go above and beyond to do the right thing in helping people and that compassion would be there but for each other. April helping Jeff dress his wounds after he is accidentally shot etc. Before White Butterflies, when we as an audience realized Jeff’s sole purpose on the show was to show Natalie’s ability to move on, I thought it would be a lot more fitting or realistic if he had been on the roof with April and almost kissed her. He always came across soft, and kind around her. He was the only one to implicitly express condolences to her about her miscarriage and then ask her how she was holding up. It was just that easy and no one else could do it. I could see him taking her for a drink and then they would hang out a little more and then….
Why They Won’t: But there is still only one resident spot and it went to Noah. How juicy the story-line could’ve been if they had decided to put Jeff and April together and then there would be tension about who got the residency, their break-up would be inevitable because Jeff (being the admirable person he is) wouldn’t want April to feel conflicted. He’d try and get the Hawaii residency and it would be this really sad ending to a “what could’ve been” ship.
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Connor Rhodes/ David Downey
Ship Name: Dhodes
Why They Work: Connor respects brilliance and Downey was just that; brilliant, but also adventurous, wise, fun, and caring. His talent was renowned and that was what Connor would hope to be one day. Connor was not unlike Leah Bardovi in his wide-eyed admiration of David Downey. I think David saw a lot of himself in Connor as well as limitless amounts of potential. But often there were times when he looked at him that made me go…hmmm. It’s easy to cast Downey as the father-relationship Connor never had but it would also be a bit sexist of us to believe that men too can and do fall in love with other men because of “daddy issues.”
Why They Won’t: Cancer. Downey would still be sick and he probably wouldn’t want to begin a relationship knowing how heartbroken Connor would be that he couldn’t fulfill it (think “Me Before You” levels of unconsummated love). The scene when he emptied his ashes in the ocean would be even more serenely heart wrenching.
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Sarah Reese/ Daniel Charles
Ship Name: Cheese
Why They Work: Could you imagine?! This would really be an illicit affair; Sarah sleeping with her mentor?! They’d be sneaking around and we’d be wondering why? How? All I could say is that the line would probably begin to be crossed after the Monday Mourning episode. Sarah being one of the few people to show concern for him, maybe she checks on him at home and vice versa for him. Seeing the other out of the work profession and opening new avenues for conversation could happen. Sarah doesn’t seem like the type to care about marriage and kids and that would work for Daniel because he doesn’t seem interested in doing either again.
Why They Won’t: Let’s be real…eww lol. Aside from the obvious father daughter vibes, this ship has platonic written all over it. I would hate to think the show would cross that line and put them together. Also, Daniel would be risking a lot of his integrity starting a relationship with a subordinate and the messy psych dynamic would be…well messy.
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blairemclaren · 4 years
Marisa Halwood Death | GoFundMe - Memorial | Obituary - Dead
Marisa Halwood Death | GoFundMe – Memorial | Obituary – Dead
Marisa Halwood | GoFundMe – Memorial | Cause Of Death | Obituary
Marisa Halwood Death / GoFundMe – Friends and loved ones are totally devastated and saddened about Marisa  dead Family of the deceased are unhappy as they are mourning the passing of their loved ones who has died.
Part of the statement on the GoFundMe page reads…
Any donations are greatly appreciated to assist with funeral services…
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The Heretic Prince, out March 26!
Some of the favorites from the character photoshoot we did yesterday!
Thank you so much to everyone involved!
Theo Malloy-Judd ( @whatfordyouyearn ) as Mychal Halwood
@credencecore as Samira Hollis
Jared Linder as Edris Thorne
Josh Sciko as Xander Neill
Photo credit to @credencecore and Nicole Fiorelli
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crarsports · 5 years
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akata-u · 6 years
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Halwood's Automotive Service by TooMuchFire Used to stand tall in Fresno, CA. RIP. https://flic.kr/p/29ujVp3
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arizonamugshots · 7 years
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Delaine Halwood http://ARRE.ST/AZ-112669246
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bronzethesling · 7 years
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ISSA BABY by BronzetheSling
ERON MY SWEET SON WHEN HE WAS A WEE THING ugggggggggggghhhhhhhhh Posting this in celebration of his birthday. He's turning.... what. He's not. He's not turning 19. That's not true.... That's impossible...
Eron (c) Bronze the Sling
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