#handicap people are people
changelingirl · 1 year
"you are HARASSING A CRIPPLE" ".....foot." "a shark ate it." for some reason this genre of humor (making everyone else vaguely uncomfortable by joking about your disability/bringing it up on every occasion a la "the weather is homophobic because it's inconveniencing me") is my favorite fucking thing. god i hope it continues. i hope izzy tells everyone he meets a different story about how he lost the leg (fought a lobster, cannonball incident, cursed by a witch, "what do you mean? my leg's right h--OH MY GOD"). i hope he has a spreadsheet entitled "jokes i can make now that i only have one leg". he's completely deadpan and no one knows whether they're allowed to laugh or not. it's great.
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sansastarq · 2 months
nooooo you don’t understand, it’s absolutely crucial that daemon learns about the song of ice and fire prophesy and the birth of daenerys’ dragons and the white walkers so that he realizes that he’s a piece of the puzzle that helped daenerys fulfill her prophesied destiny of uniting westeros, killing the night king, and saving the world! oh wait
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snekdood · 10 months
notice how when you hear about all these rich white men in high positions of power doing heinous shit, none of them end up being trans men or mascs 🤔 but surely we're just as privileged as any other cis guy right?
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theriu · 1 year
Oh my word, you guys.
Clark Kent's glasses. What is they aren't fake.
As in. He doesn't need a prescription. But what if the glasses are prescription? Have you ever tried looking through prescription glasses that aren't yours? How wonky it is? I'd find it pretty irritating to go around all day in some that were even slightly off.
But I'm thinking about it and . . . this guy is physical perfection, basically. But he's always pretending to be an ordinary, even somewhat klutzy, human. That must be hard to maintain all the time. Having to constantly make sure you aren't TOO perfect? Always trying to find a balance of acting slightly off-kilter, even klutzy, so people would never suspect?
Maybe giving himself bad vision is a simple way to naturally handicap himself. Make him just a little more cautious and unsteady. He's still have to be careful, of course - but Clark is always super (ha) aware of his own strength. Maybe the glasses help make it a little easier, take a little of the pressure off, because they naturally give him a minor, normal weakness he doesn't have to fake?
It's a little thing, wearing wrong-prescription glasses when he could just wear non-prescription frames (and hope nobody every looked through them and questioned why he was faking). But maybe that little bit of distortion of his vision, making himself feel just slightly off-balance but in a way that he can shed when he needs to save the day . . . maybe it helps him feel a little more human.
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super-marvel-dc · 1 year
Y/N: *Points to a parking space* park there.
Bucky: It's for the handicapped.
Y/N: I am handicapped.
Y/N: I'm psychotic.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
Wheelchair user Saruhiko because I have to use a wheelchair and want comfort.
Wheelchair Fushimi and the first thing S4 has to do when he’s hired is make the place more accessible because all those stairs are not disability friendly, Munakata you should be ashamed. Imagine Fushimi who has always needed to use mobility aids in some capacity, maybe he can stand if needed for short periods but largely he needs the wheelchair for day to day life. He has a ton of trouble at home though because his giant house also has a huge staircase and you know Kisa wouldn’t even care that her kid can’t physically get up the stairs, his bedroom is on the second floor and if he has to literally drag himself by his arms to get there then oh well. Since normally no one is home Fushimi just commandeers one of the first floor rooms to be his, sleeping on a couch because he can’t bring the futon down from the other room by himself. Niki probably enjoys causing Fushimi a lot of trouble with the wheelchair too, hiding it when Fushimi’s sleeping or throwing it down the stairs and breaking it and Fushimi has to drag around this rickety wheelchair held together with duct tape because he can’t get a new one.
At school he’s allowed to just coast through because no one expects anything of the kid in the wheelchair and Fushimi figures if they think that way then why should he even try. When Yata saves him from being bullied Fushimi assumes it’s pity for the poor wheelchair kid and throws that in Yata’s face. Yata ends up troubled by it because he didn’t expect Fushimi to have such a sharp tongue and was he assuming stuff on his own. Imagine once they become friends though for Fushimi it’s like this is the first time someone’s seen past the chair and treats him just like anyone else. If anything Yata thinks the chair is cool, like Saruhiko’s so good at maneuvering it and you can go so fast, with the right tools Yata’s sure Fushimi could make a super awesome futuristic wheelchair. And because of this Yata is the first one Fushimi ever allows to help him too, like anyone else who touches the handles of Fushimi’s wheelchair gets a glare (imagine he puts spikes on them or glues knives on) but he’ll sometimes let Yata wheel him around when he’s feeling lazy and doesn’t want to push himself. (Yata also visits Fushimi’s house, sees Fushimi sleeping on a couch in a side room, and brings the futon down from upstairs without needing to be asked.) When they move in together imagine Yata being really conscientious of what Fushimi needs too, like they took a room on the first floor but there’s a single step to get in the doorway and Yata gets some wood and nails and bangs together a ramp so Fushimi can easily get around in his chair on his own.
In Homra is when all the old feelings of uselessness come back, Fushimi feeling like of course Yata thinks Mikoto is so amazing, Mikoto can walk. I imagine a lot of the Homra members at least initially being wary of Fushimi being a member too because of his chair. Even Kusanagi is hesitant for a moment, like them being middle schoolers already gave him pause but he’s really not sure about putting Fushimi in danger this way. Fushimi just glares when he starts to say anything though, and Kusanagi quickly realizes how competent Fushimi is regardless of the chair. Despite that trust Fushimi pushes himself more and more to be stronger, imagine he gets super skilled at maneuvering his chair in a fight and his chair is probably just decked out in hidden knives (oh imagine he can even pour his power into the chair too, Fushimi would totally be willing to run over anyone who pissed him off). 
When Munakata first shows interest in him Fushimi assumes it’s just being patronizing but it turns out that no, Munakata thinks he’s useful even with the chair. I imagine once in S4 Munakata gets Fushimi like the best chair money can buy and maybe Fushimi even customizes it too, like it’s got a computer built-in and Fushimi has fun with that. He adds more hidden knife compartments too, it’s pretty much a combat wheelchair at this point (and then he has a second more ‘normal’ wheelchair for when he’s in the office doing paperwork, and he can ‘accidentally’ run over Doumyouji’s feet with it when Doumyouji doesn’t finish his reports on time). Fushimi won’t admit it out loud but it’s important to him that Munakata sends him on missions alone and doesn’t act like he’s fragile or can’t do things, and even the squad think he’s super amazing. There’s probably some grumbling when he becomes third in command due to both his age and disability but anyone who works with him quickly finds out that the wheelchair in fact just makes Fushimi more dangerous.
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astral-crescent · 9 days
Today our abusive mother tried to burn the house down to try to get her shitty narcissistic attention fix and now we are terrified for our lives!
I know everyone just tunes us out and accuses us of ""scamming". But we need emergency funds to survive the year and try to raise up enough to MOVE OUT. Please donate so my partner can escape this horrifying situation!!!!!!!!
It's bad enough that we can't afford medication or groceries!!
I cannot afford my groceries, bills, medication, or surgery: -> Ko-Fi | PayPal |  Flight Rising Adoptables
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mediumsizedpidegon · 2 years
I feel like naruto doesn't get into the fact that naruto had literally no one give a shit about him until like. iruka-sensei? And sure, he was in an orphanage but then we learn that he's had the APARTMENT HE LIVES ALONE IN AS A TWELVE YEAR OLD CHILD THAT THE ENTIRE VILLAGE DESPISES since he was 4 or 5 i think (i will not check this. the timeline of naruto is dumb and makes me cry). and even in orphanage it isn't like the staff there were treating him right. why else would be given his own apartment by the hokage when he's four? i know they let sasuke stay in the house of his dead family and let itty bitty kakashi live alone after his father died but they are The Last Loyal Uchiha and a prodigy respectively. the rules are different compared to naruto himself, i believe.
Like, yeah– Naruto is loud and brash because he wants attention– and never has it unless he provokes others– and almost certainly neurodivergent (I think he has ADHD and depression). He doesn't know any of the theory behind being a shinobi, doesn't even know what chakra is. But Naruto has been criminally neglected, socially isolated and if not physically abused by some people in the village then certainly threatened with it often at the least. I'm more on the side that says that the ANBU can't stop everything and that by ditching them all the time Naruto actually ends up in more Very Bad situations but that aside:
I genuinely believe that Naruto would not know how to read when canon started. I think he doesn't how to use a washing machine (he washes his clothes in the Naka river because no laudromats will accept him). I think he holds his chopsticks wrong. I think he has half-picked up ANBU handsigns and how to mimic other people's voices to an eerie degree but he doesn't know a single thing about nutrition besides what can be obviously observed and tested (ie, if I don't eat something green at least once a week my body will Not Like It). I think he doesn't know ANYTHING about medical care except "if it's popped out, shove it back in the socket," or "wrap it in cloth scraps."
He's can be so quiet and stealthy that the ANBU lose sight and sound of him but he doesn't think unconditional love exists. Or at least, not for him.
I desperately want to see more of a Naruto that is brash and loud and loving and hopeful, yes, but also, once you peel back some layers, extremely eerie. Naruto is an orphan that raised himself in a village that would leave him dead in a ditch at the first opportunity: he is a child that raised himself in enemy territory. He is a child seen as a beast to the ordinary and a weapon to the higher ups. and do you know what people do to beasts and weapons that are unruly and too smart or lazy and useless? they put them down.
there is no way that Naruto is unaware of this. he's a child, but children can be perceptive and Naruto has to be to survive. And it's not like the village is being subtle. so. I want to see a Naruto that is so so aware that the ANBU are both to protect him and destroy him, that the hokage might hesitate, but no one else will. So: here is Naruto, who is a child who is a monster who doesn't want to be put down. who has to be cheerful and stupid and harmless enough to not be a threat, and strong and naive enough to not be useless.
just. just. a Naruto that has had to learn everything on his own, through trial and error, people-watching and his own common sense (naruto's sense is NOT common). And he's good at it because he has to be. He's a mimic through and through– he learns much from the ANBU and the vendors in their market stalls and the conversations that families share with each other. But the problem with being the outsider looking in is that sometimes you fail to see the context. meaning that Naruto has a SHIT TON of just. objective incorrect ideas of why certain things are the way they are. and it's not his fault– his conclusions are completely logical with what he has on hand, but the point is that he doesn't have all the information and he never does, on the outside. meaning: Naruto is a walking talking version of using the wrong equation on your math test and getting the right answer. he has to reverse engineer all this shit! and especially when it comes to jutsu, what's behind the product isn't obvious.
and now we come to the reason i actually made this post. the ridiculous, funny misconceptions i have headcanoned that naruto has, not the heartbreaking rage enducing ones.
the raw meat shame tax. so naruto eats raw meat (because no one has told him that eating raw meat = becoming ill, but he has kurama to take care of that anyway) if he's hungry enough or can't be bothered to cook it. but one time someone came across him during raw meat mealtime and reacted in horror and disgust. then naruto notices that sushi is like. super expensive despite how easy it is to catch fish and that cooked fish is cheaper as well in restaurants. SO naruto comes to the conclusion that eating raw meat must be shameful and taboo and something that can only be done alone or with close family in private BUT people like playing with the taboo so you can have sushi (which has non-raw meat elements to make it less scandalous) at restaurants AS LONG AS you pay an 'eating raw meat in public' tax. this is my most ridiculous headcanon and i love it to bits. like. i believe that out of all of the funny misconceptions naruto has, THIS is the one that is so baffling that it makes sakura just. give up. she leaves the room and walks directly into the Naka river.
what??? is?? the??? difference?? between?? girl?? and?? boy??? look. naruto knows that people can have different equipment: he lives in a bad part of town and is constantly eavesdropping on people. he doesn't just know that people have different equipment, he knows what sex is by the time he's 6. but naruto thinks that it can't be based on that because it's too stupid. like, if it were based on that, why would people cover up that part of themselves and treat it like taboo in public? it would make it really hard to tell who's a girl and who's a boy. naruto keeps coming up with shit and then disproving it over the years and is still unsure. but he nows knows he CANNOT ask people whether they're a boy or a girl because they will get mad.
which leads into clothes/hair aren't gender-specific but they ARE clan or occupation specific. Naruto does show up to class wearing dresses on multiple occasions and doesn't understand why Ino is extra mad at him those times. However the first time he sees someone with a haircut similar to sasuke's he's like 'that's not allowed! he's not part of your clan!' and it takes two hours to for sasuke to find out what the fuck dobe was talking about–
doesn't know what a library due date is. the library doesn't know who stole all the various craft/cooking books that have illustrated steps but they're never getting them back.
unintentional poison eating. naruto's cooking is.... so poisonous. he has eaten everything that looks like it could be eaten in the forest and if it doesn't make him sick then he deems him safe. there are SO many things that naruto forages that would straight up kill anybody else. naruto tries to share his food with team 7 one time because that's love and care babyyy!! and then there's ten minutes of screaming where sasuke and sakura genuinely think this was a murder attempt.
if someone leaves stuff unattended in public for more than half an hour then it's up for grabs and no longer stealing. this is how he gets most of his plants. and his bags. and his winter jacket. also his shoes. this is also how he garners even more hate from the village.
anyone above the age of seven can budget, haggle and save money. Naruto has been living on his own since he was four and he's been in charge of his own budget since then. he is merciless with money because he has to be and thinks that it is a normal thing for children to be capable of since he's doing it just fine after some trial and error. Naruto grudgingly thinks kakashi is smart for trying to foist the bill for ramen off on him every time by disappearing (good way to save money– don't be there when the bill arrives) but ALL of that goodwill evaporates when they go on a mission and kakashi spends the whole budget in the first week. also the image of naruto talking about finances with his teammates in a 'you know how it is' manner in and getting blank fucking stares back is hysterical. however sasuke is in legitimate danger of naruto dragging him through budget boot camp if naruto finds out that sasuke, the fucking clan head-in-waiting of the uchiha, is filthy rich and doesn't know anything about money.
there are three sets of teeth and if you lose an adult tooth you grow it back. this is (unintentionally) kurama's fault actually. naruto ends up with three sets of teeth: useless little baby teeth that he have fully lost by 6, child teeth (which are actually human adult teeth) that are fully lost by 12 and then "adult teeth." "Adult teeth" are nightmarish and are somewhere in between fox and human teeth. and if he loses an adult tooth naruto will grow it back sometime between a week and a month after he lost it.
team seven has never been more confused.
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whirling-fangs · 8 months
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[[ I GOT THE JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I start next Thursday!!!!!! Unemployment begone!!!!!!! ]]
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ladsofsorrow24 · 1 year
one of the... weirdly good thing about AI art invading the illustration field is that now, whenever i look at art that doesn't cater to my weird fucking taste, i'm able to appreciate the efforts and creativity that are put into making the artist's own personal vision come to life
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4spooniesupport · 3 months
We are over at my parents house for the fourth and my mom parked weird so I have to maneuver to get in the garage. I told my partner "she's in the handicapped spot. She's knows better!" 😂
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midwestemoboyfriend · 3 months
“Tell me about a time you intentionally sought to work with someone from a different background than you”
question i was asked at an internal job interview today. not gonna lie that sounds racist and noble savage-y as fuck what the hell 😭 hi i like to tell people they are odd and incomprehensible and study them like zoo researchers
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madtomedgar · 1 year
It's weird that ime, by and large, disabled people get that whatever the new inoffensive language of yesterday was is the derogatory language of today, and sometimes that language is SO derogatory that it's gotta go, and sometimes you have to insist on a word's neutrality despite others using it as a pejorative, and sometimes you use what is understood to be offensive on purpose to make a point, but that doesn't make that offensive word suddenly neutral, and it's a matter of tone and degree, not something to make neat if then rules for. But ime by and large millennial and younger lgbtq people don't get this at all.
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justthatspiffy · 7 months
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Why does every single aita post involving a disabled person (and especially disabled children, for some ungodly reason) turn the comments into a raging cesspool of eugenics
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Now hyperacusis is weird because it's not a known handicap and so you need to explain it to people and when you ecplain it to people they have many reactions ranging from:
"Wow that's so cool, it's like a superwpower? Like can you hear me when I whisper like this?"
"That isn't really a disability it's just hearing a little better than other people"
"I'm so sorry about this" ( proceeding to be really careful around me with sounds as if i was a scared kitten )
And these are a reaction to the fact that this is a commonly unkown thing and people haven't been taught to deal with situations like this but then you have this dudebro:
He noticed my earplugs, he asked if i had hyperacusis, acknowledged it and made sure in the correct situations ( for example playing music ) and would ask me if the volume was too loud.
And I want everyone to act this way and I think to a larger scale it kinda applies to all handicaped/disabled people cause as a society people aren't taught how to deal with people different than them and how to act accordingly which sucks.
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