#hands are weak for some reason
analog-transid · 2 months
Transharmful/ed ramble
I'm transharmful in the transharmed way. I want to hurt someone not because I chose to, but because someone else said I should, and it'd be wrong not to listen to them! I want to be manipulated and gaslit and forced to dissociate to the point where I can not tell myself what is right, where I only feel emotions my abuser friend says I should, where I feel no remorse for hurting people because "they deserved it"
I want someone to feed into my hallucinations, too, tell me they are really there even if only I can see/hear them. Tell me they're right, that I AM no better than a heartless killer, but that it suits me. I want them to say they love me and that I'm worthless without them in the same breath, that if I don't have orders, I'll end up dead because I will just go killing without a plan and get on the wrong person's bad side.
I want what I had with my Boss (/source), but now, with the version of him I'm with, he'd never do that, even if I asked. He wants me to be good, but then FEELS BAD when I only behave out of fear of him because I'm not meant to fear him, either. He's a good partner, but I don't WANT that. I want what I used to have. I want the familiarity.
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puppyeared · 1 year
Hey I’m new to the LMK fandom, why do so many people ship Sun Wukong and Macaque??
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A lot of people like the hurt/comfort potential because of their backstory and because they’re just really good counterparts lol. Macaque even makes a whole play about their past relationship, which is where a lot of that fuel for the ship comes from and the whole “the hero and the warrior were like the sun and the moon” spiel that people love using for shits and giggles. There’s also a really strong enemies to lovers sentiment and i think it’s kinda sweet
Personally, I just really like riffing off the divorced energy. To me, these idiots would rather beat the shit out of each other than make up and I really really eat that up. Not just as a joke, maybe as a way to cope with their feelings like “I want things to go back the way they were but this is all I can do”
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trustworthycinnamon · 2 months
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Feeding my sick as fuck baby bro some dope milk
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meyerlansky · 8 months
I have successfully boiled my problem with most of the izzy reads that i hate down to a sentence:
he's not sexually repressed, he's emotionally repressed.
#they are different and ihave paragraphs and paragraphs of thoughts on it#but dressing like a leather daddy and holding your hand over an open flame and literally everything else he does#is not the behavior of a man who doesn't know or realize what gets him going#he's not closeted. he's not homophobic. he thinks having Any Positive Emotion not related to violence makes you vulnerable#[and he's right for his experience and circumstance but i won't touch that now]#his conflict is emotional; ed's ability to captain isn't compromised by his being attracted to a man. it's compromised by Having Feelings.#their ability to survive a world that wants them dead isn't compromised by either of them being queer; it's compromised by being SOFT#by having WEAK SPOTS#pets are a weak spot. lovers are a weak spot. get rid of them to stay safe. not out of spite.#not out of a disdain for those relationships themselves. out of disdain for what Feelings Do To You#idk man maybe i am simply emphatic about this nuance because i get—more than I would like—the impulse to be SAFE#even at the cost of your self and some chances at being happier#he doesn't even care that lucius is gay in the deck scene and i'd go so far as to say he doesn't really care that lucius is slutty#insofar as. like. he doesn't know him and pete are open. from a monogamy-normative perspective it's a betrayal.#your partner being unfaithful when you expect them To Be is ALSO A THING THAT CAN GET YOU KILLED#like idk i just. i think people don't get how much of him is about safety?#and i know the show's created this atmosphere of 'homophobia isn't a real threat'#but they haven't removed the violence and danger crews other than stede face for Other Reasons#so. he's very security-driven. and that's why he speaks to me.#and it's annoying that people just make 'lol izzy's closeted' 'peak homophobic gay' jokes instead of. engaging. with the shit izzy AND ED#went through to make them emotionally closed off the way they are#THE SENTENCE IS A SENTENCE BUT THE EXPLANATION SURE ISNT
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comradeboyhalo · 8 months
Ive been chasing the high of bad revealing he was possessed by the egg since it happened and nothing has gotten close
ok im derailing ur ask a bit but im TIRED of people acting like c!bad wasnt a mastermind as well! he had everyone strung along! and he was so hot for that! that reveal hit so hard because, as viewers, we realized WE were played too! it was so good!
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drifloonz · 1 year
i think how i write steven as a ""retired cryptid"" is extremely funny bc he still lives in pallet town. just in a walled-off part. he would never willingly reintegrate with society fully but just. imagine if he did at least partially. imagine if some delivery guy came to pallet town and was like asking the residents where a "mr. steven" would live and theyre all like
"The guy on the edge of the town???? The cryptid??? Our local boogeyman???" "yea that one"
#wispy chatters#steven strangled red#big tag ramble on this one i have THOUGHTS i LOVE domesticated cryptid steven#its funnier bc his 'side' of pallet to the west or whatever is walled off#and i imagine its walled off enough to the point where its like hard to climb or jump over ( at least if you're short or weak )#so its just like. the deliveryguy has to go thru that. and has to text steven like. 'Dude i cant deliver the package like this'#and hes just like 'idk drop it on the other side'.#deliveryman just goes 'i am not legally liable if the package gets damaged ok' and steven just groans#and goes outside to reach his hands above the weird stone gates and picks up the package and just goes back in his house#Imagine domesticated cryptid steven is what im saying.#i also like to imagine he'd scare the residents for fun by ominously sitting at the edge of the stone gates at night#and glaring at people w his red eyes.#for literally no reason other than to scare people bc he probably finds scaring people funny#i call him a retired cryptid but hes still pallet towns local cryptid who is really playing into the role after he stopped actually killing#and also probably when he was too but like less so.#imagine theres like a day dedicated to steven in pallet for some reason where people just offer things near the gate for him to pick up#bc its smth the kids of pallet who were told the story of steven just kind of imagined like#'oh well sometimes you give offerings to legendaries or during ceremonies. or so the cryptid at the edge of town doesnt eat us.'#imagining the residents of pallet or whatever and sometimes other people drop him gifts on like... his birthday or the date of The Incident#and also cuz yk during his depression spiral ppl constantly gave him gifts#i think he'd just be very confused and very conflicted esp if they did make it on the Incident Day bc hes just like.#'i dont want your pity.' but then the day after all of the gifts r gone cuz he took them anyways.#almost all of them r prob given to miki bc its 'her' day unless its food then he splits it between em. and his partner if he has 1.#he just sees it as 'oh cool i dont have to go to the grocery store today. thanks.'#also prob happens on other dates too like christmas/halloween/his birthday#I think if steven was more normally adjusted and his side of pallet was open he'd make his house a haunted house on halloween#and would just scare people for funsiez and if he caught them he just throws them out . maybe give candy n then do tht if theyre a kid.
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ducktollers · 1 month
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i miss boxing
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Behind every great warrior woman is another woman who is choosing kindness. For now.
#this is about io & laezel#ive been thinking about their dynamic esp since i plan on having them go do the whole revolution thing#also trying to workshop their tag/title/ship name#'calloused hands heavy hearts' is nice but im not sure it quite fits?#silver is a throughline b/c of the silver swords and eilistraee#some of the taglines have clicked immediately and some of them are. not doing that#but ive been thinking about these two w/in the healer x warrior framework#and how their backgrounds affect that#io *knows* how to fight. they're always ready for that possibility (eventuality really) since. you know.#holy war anti-lolth rebellion etc etc#but they were *exclusively* a healer pre-game. they hadn't even really left the baldur's gate area#and also. the importance of both warriors *and* healers during revolutions and rebellions#literally and figuratively#those on the front lines will run out of steam quickly without people supporting & sustaining them#something something kindness is not softness. softness is not weakness. weakness is not a moral wrong#something something a hard stone will grind itself to dust without something to cushion it#both io & lae'zel have calloused hands if for different reasons#one set of skills is not more important than the other. they compliment each other even#'new growth'? maybe? you can't grow a garden w/o both pulling up weeds and carefully tending to it#idk if this makes sense but. i am turning them around in my head#sticking them under a microscope#bg3#bg3 tav#my post#jay rambles#io dein#(im having trouble with their epithet too but that's a ramble for another time)#woman* (nb woman. she's trans femme and her gender shifts around a bit. 'woman' is the cliffnotes version)
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
Would an ancient survive ancient poison (and effects) like what's prescribed to Boreas ? Are there not drugs that could make him too sleepy to attack instead of paralyzed by pain ?
base dose most likely, yes! especially for an Ancient of his size and strength. i do feel like though that if he has some sort of immunity system, the dose would have to get stronger by time to combat him getting used to it n so at some point the stuff would become too much for an Ancient equivalent of him. the main thing why it hurts like a bitch even on the starting size is where exactly it is administered
usually the venom would be a localized thing, usually injected into a limb and that would make the thing go numb. not really all that painful. but Boreas gets it into his body through the tube which allows the venom to get into close contact with his puppet's main nervous system n also to circulate a bit through the body (especially the back) n that's when the ouchies come in. when the ouch eventually wears off it leaves quite sleepy which Is the actual thing the Houses r aiming for
dkfknsjgnxks pump him with wheel flower juice sknfjskngnkdn like sure there are, but those drugs would be reserved for the people, i feel like. n there isn't exactly some sort of economical deman for the venom on the market And it is easy to get n so you can see the appeal of using That to capitalistic minds
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sensitivegoblin · 3 months
I'm so high n so ticklish, y'all should do something about it
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pocketramblr · 1 year
I like to think of 3rd as a former bodyguard of All for One, maybe he wasn't born with a quirk too. Maybe he received one from All for One and dedicated himself to serving him as a result only to come to his senses later on.
There was a bit of time when I thought that the ponytailed masked bodyguard of AfO was going to turn out to be the same as the pineapple silhouette one, (the indents on one's mask being similar to the shape the other's headband made from the side) and that like, he put his hair up when he changed sides and wore slightly new clothes and that he was the one to either get Yoichi out of that vault or pass information onto Second so he could get him out. But then we got more clear shots of Third with lighter hair and it seemed more likely Giga was the fate of the bodyguard... But I'll always have a fondness for former AfO guard Third. Perhaps his turning is why Yoichi is glad to see Izuku trying to save Tenko, perhaps that's why Third kept away from Izuku, shame or sure that he'd fail because at least Third was an adult at the time, and what hope do they really have, and why drag the kid in further... Love that plus I think we really should have more former villains in the OfA lineup
#also if AfO gave Third fa jin i think i would hate the quirk a lot less#it's so booooooring and dumb and just ofa-lite and i was really hoping for interesting weak early quirks#to test Izuku's quirk clever thinking#like the ability to increase the temperature inertia of a small bit of liquid- keep a cup of water cooler longer or a bowl of soup warm#and now Izuku's got to figure out the combat use of that boosted to 100x#BUT see now if AfO really did keep finding so many little stockpile quirks#itd kinda make sense that he'd just be tossing em out#to his expendable body guard and his weak little brother and who knows who else#stockpile being common like that and thrown away and then two of them together contributing to the downfall of AfO?#to the one who devalued them so much? that'd be neat!#but noooo the most villainous we can get is 'ohhh second and third killed a few people in their fight against AfO'#which as it happens after the reveal of AfO's extensive murder -> zombie guard pipeline and the villains killing thousands on thousands#with cities activity wrecked and the only reason it's not a total villain victory at all is the Hawks murder moment like....#yeah I'm not exactly feeling the weight of Second or Third having blood on their hands and possibly occasionally losing sight of the#humanity of their enemies. especially since the only specific we see is them rescuing Yoichi anyway so like#that would have hit more of we had seen some of their prior actions! that could have been actually setting up past villain users!#Third having actually worked for AfO first! even if it was i don't know‚ a double agent move‚ could have really dug that point home#but anyway yeah i like that. third deserves more cool backstories in fic#anon#pocket talks to people
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lady-tortilla-chip · 2 years
I really love that in the tgcf fandom Xie Lian’s kindness is celebrated 😭❤️
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deoidesign · 1 year
A general cane guide for writers and artists (from a cane user, writer, and artist!)
Disclaimer: Though I have been using a cane for 6 years, I am not a doctor, nor am I by any means an expert. This guide is true to my experience, but there are as many ways to use a cane as there are cane users!
This guide will not include: White canes for blindness, crutches, walkers, or wheelchairs as I have no personal experience with these.
This is meant to be a general guide to get you started and avoid some common mishaps/misconceptions in your writing, but you absolutely should continue to do your own research outside of this guide!
This is NOT a medical resource!!! And never tell a real person you think they're using a cane wrong!
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The biggest recurring problem I've seen is using the cane on the wrong side. The cane goes on the opposite side of the pain! If your character has even-sided pain or needs it for balance/weakness, then use the cane in the non-dominant hand to keep the dominant hand free. Some cane users also switch sides to give their arm a rest!
A cane takes about 20% of your weight off the opposite leg. It should fit within your natural gait and become something of an extension of your body. If you need more weight off than 20%, then crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair is needed.
Putting more pressure on the cane, using it on the wrong side, or having it at the wrong height can make it less effective, and can cause long term damage to your body from improper pressure and posture. (Hugh Laurie genuinely hurt his body from years of using a cane wrong on House!)
(some people elect to use a cane wrong for their personal situation despite this, everyone is different!)
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(an animated GIF of a cane matching the natural walking gait. It turns red when pressure is placed on it.)
When going up and down stairs, there is an ideal standard: You want to use the handrail and the cane at the same time, or prioritize the handrail if it's only on one side. When going up stairs you lead with your good leg and follow with the cane and hurt leg together. When going down stairs you lead with the cane and the bad leg and follow with the good leg!
Realistically though, many people don't move out of the way for cane users to access the railing, many stairs don't have railings, and many are wet, rusty, or generally not ideal to grip.
In these cases, if you have a friend nearby, holding on to them is a good idea. Or, take it one step at a time carefully if you're alone.
Now we come to a very common mistake I see... Using fashion canes for medical use!
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(These are 4 broad shapes, but there is INCREDIBLE variation in cane handles. Research heavily what will be best for your character's specific needs!)
The handle is the contact point for all the weight you're putting on your cane, and that pressure is being put onto your hand, wrist, and shoulder. So the shape is very important for long term use!
Knob handles (and very decorative handles) are not used for medical use for this reason. It adds extra stress to the body and can damage your hand to put constant pressure onto these painful shapes.
The weight of a cane is also incredibly important, as a heavier cane will cause wear on your body much faster. When you're using it all day, it gets heavy fast! If your character struggles with weakness, then they won't want a heavy cane if they can help it!
This is also part of why sword canes aren't usually very viable for medical use (along with them usually being knob handles) is that swords are extra weight!
However, a small knife or perhaps a retractable blade hidden within the base might be viable even for weak characters.
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Bases have a lot of variability as well, and the modern standard is generally adjustable bases. Adjustable canes are very handy if your character regularly changes shoe height, for instance (gotta keep the height at your hip!)
Canes help on most terrain with their standard base and structure. But for some terrain, you might want a different base, or to forego the cane entirely! This article covers it pretty well.
Many cane users decorate their canes! Stickers are incredibly common, and painting canes is relatively common as well! You'll also see people replacing the standard wrist strap with a personalized one, or even adding a small charm to the ring the strap connects to. (nothing too large, or it gets annoying as the cane is swinging around everywhere)
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(my canes, for reference)
If your character uses a cane full time, then they might also have multiple canes that look different aesthetically to match their outfits!
When it comes to practical things outside of the cane, you reasonably only have one hand available while it's being used. Many people will hook their cane onto their arm or let it dangle on the strap (if they have one) while using their cane arm, but it's often significantly less convenient than 2 hands. But, if you need 2 hands, then it's either setting the cane down or letting it hang!
For this reason, optimizing one handed use is ideal! Keeping bags/items on the side of your free hand helps keep your items accessible.
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When sitting, the cane either leans against a wall or table, goes under the chair, or hooks onto the back of the chair. (It often falls when hanging off of a chair, in my experience)
When getting up, the user will either use their cane to help them balance/support as they stand, or get up and then grab their cane. This depends on what it's being used for (balance vs pain when walking, for instance!)
That's everything I can think of for now. Thank you for reading my long-but-absolutely-not-comprehensive list of things to keep in mind when writing or drawing a cane user!
Happy disability pride month! Go forth and make more characters use canes!!!
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the-joy-of-knowledge · 5 months
25 Laws of power for women
Conceal your goals especially the ones that are appealing. Losing weight, reinventing yourself, marrying wealthy. Instead talk about your altruistic goals - to help children, invest in education, this will chase insecure people with vile intentions.
Do not give anyone your source of power: Was is a book that changed your life? a mentor? a movie? Never give up your secret to success. If forced to do say allude to God, the universe, the a random phenomenon
Use the patriarchy to your favor; we live in a world that is, only associate with men who have power, use that power for good.
Never appear too perfect but be selectively vulnerable when needed. Only share something that you will be comfortable saying. You might say “I forget my keys all the time,” “I don’t know how to perfectly park a car “. But never disclose something you are not comfortable with just because you are afraid of being perfect.
Maintain distance in relationships. Friends are the best and you need them. But if you feel that they are becoming too dependent, see them at your own will. But also the reverse could be the case. Your friend may keep a distance, and that is the way of life. You have got to move on from it.
Develop your own style that makes you unique, beautiful, and elegant. Avoid trying to fit in the crowd of people who claim to care less about their style yet have too many opinions about other women’s style
Avoid male friends at all cost, you will have male colleagues, male bosses, male acquaintances, business partners. Keep it that way. You do not want a Truman Capote divulging your secrets to the world. Do not keep a man who does not fit your standard.
You do not have to win at every game. Pick and choose what is best for you and leave room for others. And step down if you have attained that level of success, do not let the society do it for you.
Trust people but remember that we are all humans. So trust with discretion!
Confuse people with kindness; people are not always comfortable with beautiful and intelligent women. That power is too intimidating so confuse them by being genuinely generous, curious, kind, and passionate.
Keep your strong opinions to yourself.. if you support a movement, a way of life, do so silently.
We all have dirty laundry, wash them privately, don’t expose yourself. Remain silent when people try to attack you or shame you. Whatever is not confirmed is not true. You are the only one who knows all the truth about you.
Don’t attract pity or praise: People who pity you do not help you, in fact they might think that you are weak and could mock you at their annual gossipping meeting. And if you are doing things for the sake of praise you are wasting your time.
Choose yourself all the time; never put any one’s feelings above yours.
Trust your own intuition if you feel someone is being malicious towards you, giving you back handed compliments then you should let them go
Never speak bad of another woman. Do not lazy around gossipping. Keep your hands clean and your conscience clear.
Avoid women with low self esteem they will bring you down. For some reason they do not like seeing other women who are doing better than them
Be careful who you seek validation from. Not everyone needs to be pleased. If they are in no way capable of contributing to your life in the ways you prefer, then don’t ask them for their opinions or please them.
Do not compete with other women, if you do you are only putting them on a pedestal. You are making the the standard by which you measure your progress. If you do compete, begin digging your grave.
Do not give unsolicited advice, do not share the inner workings of your mind, If your mouth is very charitable you better start journaling.
Be well-rounded and interesting. It attracts people. It also keeps you busy because you are continually improving and learning. An idle mind is an easily subdued one.
Avoid women who want to live vicariously through you; they want to know who you know, shop where you shop, befriend who you befriend, wear what you wear.
Pay attention to the source of your discomfort; get rid of them. You tell them your dreams and they remind you of all your hindrances. They ask why are you dressed so fancy as though fancy isn’t subjective. They undermine you interests and goals. They will also be quick to bring you down because they are afraid of your potential.
Do not fear power or please power. When we see powerful people we try to hard to befriend them, to be close to them but you need to be comfortable without them. Don’t push yourself in the name of friendship, do not try too hard to be in their inner circle. Your independence of mind is the most important. Instead become a powerful woman, aloof to the presence of power but aware of its importance. Be an ingenious and intelligent and use your creativity to uplift yourself. When you do so it will be hard to ignore you. Even the powerful will become an ally.
Enjoy moments of solitude. Use that time to develop yourself, improve your body, learn new skills, create with your mind, read widely, become more elegant, then launch yourself.
Remember the most powerful women are the most intelligent. Inspired by Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power. Use at your discretion.
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zombienarc · 7 months
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kamitv · 27 days
Thinking about Gojo who…
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Spoils you like crazy.
He's got so much money and no idea what to do with it so naturally, once he starts dating you he spends ridiculous amounts of money on you.
Plus, every time he buys you something you have that pretty smile on your face that makes his heart ache. He'd go bankrupt just to see you with that smile on your face for all of eternity.
Doesn't believe in personal space whatsoever.
Technically, you picked up on that before the two of you started dating but either way once you're his girlfriend his touchiness only gets worse.
He loves touching you. How could he not? You have such cute reactions when he rests his head on your shoulder or when he grabs ahold of your waist just cause. Plus, you're shorter than him so don't be surprised when he places his hand atop your head because he finds comfort in it.
And even if you were closer to him in height, that wouldn't change anything. You'd be a tree he's willing to climb, a woman he's down on his knees for. Your physical appearance never really matters to Gojo, if you're his-- he's gonna touch you regardless.
Mocks you 24/7.
Especially during sex. He loves your moans but he also loves teasing you when you can hardly speak, making fun of you for not being able to say his name properly as if he's not the reason why. "Toru's cute baby but that's not my name, y'know." "C'monn, you can say the whole thing," He'd taunt while upping the pace of his thrust, fucking you dumb with a smile on his face, "Satoru baby, say Satoru." "Mmh, close but I want you t'say it without stuttering." "Fuck you're so cute mumblin' like that." "Yeah, yeah, that's close enough. S'toru, heh, sounds like you're missin' a letter there, sweetheart."
If you're nagging him about something and facing the opposite direction, he's mocking your mannerisms and hand gestures because he finds them cute.
Follows you around because he's addicted to your presence.
Hungry? He's trailing behind you into the kitchen. Gotta use the bathroom? How convenient, he has to wash his hands and just can't wait. You're on the phone with someone? Well, put it on speaker so he can talk with you!
There's times where you have the nerve to leave him to go to the store alone and Gojo figures it's a simple fix-- he'll just teleport to you, saying something ridiculous like, "I needed to get some more chocolate," after scaring the shit out of you and despite leaving a home with a pantry full of sweets.
Fucks you like a madman.
Well, when you gaze up at him with tear coated eyes and a cute pout on your face, how could he possibly resist fucking you harder?
You’re his woman and he cherishes you of course but in bed he sometimes acts as though he hates you. His cock is so lengthy so he’s always in deep, muttering some nonsense about needed to go deeper despite having you shaking and crying in pleasure beneath him.
From praises to calling you a slut for his cock, Gojo never knows how to shut the hell up either. He knows you secretly like hearing his “annoying” voice during sex so that’s why he’s always talking you through it.
Sometimes his words are soft just to purposefully contrast the way he’s pounding his cock into you.
Knows he’s the strongest but for you, he considers himself weak.
And for you, he’ll tell you over and over how he’s a weak man.
Whenever you look at him, his heart is doing backflips and his stomach is churning trying to figure out the next thing you’re going to say or do so he can react appropriately.
Before you two got together and he was merely crushing on you, he’d get so nervous simply being in the same room as you.
Struggles with self identity and often finds the missing pieces of himself in you
Claims to be scared of women before he met you.
Although he was nervous at first, once he got to know you he suddenly remembered who he was— cheekily flirting with you as soon as you showed the slightest bit of interest toward him.
He’s a dork, really. But he can tell you fell for him that way do he’ll never try to change that about himself.
Is 100% a drama king.
A big pout is almost always on this man’s face over the smallest things. How does someone with infinity stub their toe? You have no idea but Gojo manages to do so just to come pouting and whining to you.
If someone messes up his food order, he’s calling you to take care of it in a heartbeat and then standing behind you with his arms folded as if to back up whatever you’re saying. (Even though he could’ve taken care of this himself perfectly fine).
If you miss even one of his texts or calls, he’s spamming you and then assuming the most outlandish things afterward. You didn’t see his text because you were in the shower? Oh so you hate him and want him to die??
Calls you the silliest nicknames.
Yes he calls you pookie. And yes you laugh every time because it sounds outlandish coming out of his mouth sometimes.
He’ll make shit up too like— my beautiful girlfriend who reminds me of cupcakes with extra sprinkles on top.
As for normal nicknames he’ll settle on calling you baby, love, sweets, or sweetheart in no specific order.
During sex it’s relatively the same but he won’t hesitate to call you a slut or his lil’ cocksleeve whenever he’s really into it.
Occasionally has a way with words that make you gush.
It’d be so random too— the way he’d just look at you one day and tell you something like, “Throughout the heavens and the earth, you alone are the only woman my heart yearns for.”
“You make my days brighter, love.”
“I love the way you laugh, it’s makes me feel like a teenager falling in love every time I hear it.”
“Even in the afterlife, it’s only you I’d ever search for.”
Finds the missing pieces of himself in you.
Gojo’s always struggled with self-identity considering how he’s always been good and anything and everything and how he’s the strongest but after meeting you, it was like he found meaning-, purpose even.
He’s never really had any imperfections so when he meets you, he finds an odd feeling of joy in his heart once he realizes you deem yourself to have a thousand imperfections despite him seeing you more perfect than himself.
Brings you up whenever he can.
Why wouldn’t he? You’re his partner and he loves you.
The conversation could be about the next curse to fight and he’s throwing your name out randomly and talking about how he can’t wait to get home to you.
Smiles at you whenever you’re not paying attention.
Things have always come so easy to him so when he sees that you actually put effort into different activities, he finds it so alluring. How could he possible take his eyes off you when you’ve got your brows furrowed slightly and you’re completely immersed into whatever you’re doing?
Especially if you’re doing something important like work— the way focus takes over your features and you’re immersed into whatever it is you’re doing, he finds it so unbelievably attractive.
Has a smart mouth no matter what.
You could tell him how handsome he looks and he’ll say something like “Oh yeah?” In that cocky tone of his, knowing damn well he’s got butterflies blooming in the pit of his stomach.
“Why are we arguing again?” Is something he’d blurt out mid-debate after you’ve been going back and forth about a specific topic for the past hour or so.
You can try to tell him what to do sometimes but most occasions, he’s scoffing out a, “And if I don’t?” With a brow raised and his arms crossed.
Could get off using a picture of you.
Gojo’s infatuated with you so all he has to do is pull up any picture of you on his phone while his hand is wrapped around his lengthy cock— precum dribbling out his tip at the mere thought of you beforehand.
It doesn’t take much jerking off to a simple picture of you for him to be making a mess all over himself, groaning out your name as if that’ll get you to appear in front of him somehow.
Participates in any and all ridiculous trends you want.
You wanna stack donuts on it? He just so happened to have ordered them already!
Wanna paint your nails the same color as his tip? How convenient, he knows the exact shade for you already.
Put a bow on his muscles just to watch him flex and rip the fabric? He’s got a blue ribbon ready for you to do so.
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A/N: Not proofread so sorry if there’s any errors! Also, this is both in honor of my lovely Satoru returning to us and an anon req from a few anons!! <3
Also, thank you guys for 2k followers here, hello?!?! ^.^
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