#hannigram (also kinda)
pimsri · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's <3
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craqueluring · 1 year
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i think this is my absolute favorite sequence of events in all of hannibal. will watches dolarhyde nearly choke hannibal out. you can hear hannibal gasping for air and you can see while dolarhyde has him, it does not look like he is able to fight back at all. hannibal looks beat.
if will just stayed put and let this happen, dolarhyde could've killed hannibal, and then will could've (at least tried) to kill dolarhyde. he could've run to get his gun and shot him, and hannibal and dolarhyde would both be dead, just like he originally planned with alana and jack. though obviously he wasn't actually planning it himself, still this eliminates any doubt.
but no, he pulls the knife out of his own shoulder and saves hannibal with it. he saved hannibal. he saved hannibal's life! this is such a "if i can't kill you, nobody can" moment. this is will choosing hannibal and everything that comes with him
and this is the exact moment 'love crime' starts playing. because hannibal saved will by jumping on dolarhyde's shoulders first just before will got his spine broken, and then will saved hannibal directly after. they are finally, after all this time, working in harmony.
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antichrists-plus1 · 9 months
Watching the dynamic between bonny and read vs stede and ed in s2 ep4 was such a rollercoaster cause it went from me thinking "oh no they're just like stede and ed but if they actually ran off to China together and had a loving happy relationship" to me getting further into the ep and thinking "oh no they're just like stede and ed but if they ran off to China together and their relationship turned fucked up and toxic cause that's what happens when two traumatized pirates run of to live in isolation with eachother on a whim".
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rocksalt-and-pie · 2 years
shout-out to the makers of NBC Hannibal for (clearly) reading all four books about Hannibal Lecter by Thomas Harris and going "hmm. actually we will make the gayest possible version of this" going on to COMPLETELY disregard the other main character and (canon) ?love interest? of the series and never even MENTION Clarice Starling. Like it's so funny to me that she never even appears on the show when book!Will Graham literally fucks off after The Red Dragon and wants nothing to do with any of this anymore and book!Hannibal is obsessed with Clarice in the same way that tv!Hannibal is obsessed with tv!Will. like they really took a whole book franchise, picked out the cherries, and made it their own personal little gay AU. that's so refreshing and should be a leading example in television adaptations. in this essay i will
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abigailhobbsenstein · 3 months
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i made stardew-ish sprites for the murder family :]
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slinkyarts · 1 year
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been a while since i drew these idiots huh
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*meanwhile, on house md…
house has discovered that young wilson starred in a porno and…. he has acquired a copy and is now watching it in front of wilson. at the office. which has glass walls. and is not soundproof.
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dieplz · 5 months
one of my fav ship dynamics is rich person x working/lower middle class person. especially if the rich person's love language is gift giving.
"oh your car broke? here have the best car available on the market. the clothes you're wearing are terrible btw. have something that costs more than you make in a month. oh you're getting fired? no worries im buying the company you're working for."
it's even better if it's enemies to lovers.
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nondescriptloin · 3 months
Because I am a big fan of tender Hannibal but do also believe that his manipulation and medical malpractice in regards to Will is something that is important went looking at their relationship, here’s what I (at 11:12 pm) think Hannibal was thinking throughout the show (yes I left off the end of S3, I’m very tired.)
- Hannibal meets Will and is OBSESSED
- Realises Will is way too bitchy and into the whole crime fighting/solving thing to accept him for who he truly is
- Sees Will’s potential and decides the only reasonable thing to do is to manipulate him and let him almost die from encephalitis
- Falls even harder when Will tries to have him killed, would do anything for that man
- Will won’t elope with him so he gets gently spritzed with a water bottle (stabbed and his pseudo daughter killed in front of him)
- Broods in Florence for a while
- Sees Will and instantly decides he will once again do anything for that man because he has absolutely got separation anxiety and if Will won’t play ball then Hanni will just have to get arrested so Will knows exactly where he is when he’s ready (willing to elope with him)
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When I first watched hannibal I kept seeing fics tagged as 'post fall' and I was like well with the imagery in this show its probably to do with the Fall of Man and hannibal will tempt will into eating the proverbial apple and then they fell off a cliff
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i hit them with the ponification beam
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sketchyface · 8 months
I love the Hannibal fandom and I am a Hannigram shipper, but I hate it when people intentionally or unintentionally demonise/mischaracterise the other characters to make Hannigram look better
Like yeah, nearly all characters have done shitty things but most of them aren’t inherently bad people. Just people struggling and not knowing how to deal with it because the situation is complex and/or they’re being manipulated in some way
Hannibal is inherently a more horrible person that the rest of the main cast and that’s fine! You don’t need to make them worse! His morals are fucked and that’s what makes him and Hannigram interesting!
Sorry for the rant, I’m tired and just needed to get this out
Edit: I’ll probably make a longer rant about this in the future, cuz there’s a lot of other shit I want to say
Edit 2: Also if you know any Hannigram fics where the characters aren’t demonised or mischaracterised pls tell me
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misspermitted · 1 year
I know this has nothing to do with anything but I’m rewatching Hannibal and I kinda love how Hannibal likes Freddy only because Will hates her. Like otherwise you know Freddy would be dead. The first time Hannibal met Freddy he was truly intending on murdering her and then:
Will: It’s not very smart to piss off a guy who thinks about killing people for a living
Hannibal, suddenly super horny: Yeah I’m gonna keep this one alive.
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korixae · 1 year
watching hannibal for the first time and they so clearly want each other
EDIT: no stop wait she helped her dad kill them they’re like a little fucked up murder family with the cannibal dad, the murderer empathiser/ murder enjoyer dad and the murder helper daughter. this show is so sick i kinda love it
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puppydoggraham · 3 months
Immaturely giggling at the fact that from the dining table has 69 bookmarks right now
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ourdesignm · 21 days
What if I believe you? Or what if I defy? And what if I could see you, Like I saw you the whole time?
I’m not your savior, so far away Blinded by anger, you forgot who to blame
I’ll never be your lighthouse in the dusk If I had my way, I’d guide you to the rocks
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