#happens every gosh darn year
a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
chaggie visiting Lulu's Land could be such a wonderful disaster tho
Lucifer: “What the- oh no not AGAIN!”
Charlie: “… hi dad.”
Lucifer: “…”
Lucifer: “……ch....Char-Char?”
Vaggie: “Sir.”
Lucifer: “Maggie, what…”
Charlie: “We can explain!"
Lucifer: "P-please dont."
Charlie: "We were sitting down, enjoying the ride-”
Charlie: “-enjoying the ride ATTRACTION! The amusement part attraction! The, the visuals and stuff!!”
Vaggie: “Right, yes. Visuals.”
Charlie: “So we were just sitting there, toootally innocent, and then we-”
Charlie: “We FELL, dad! That’s all!”
Vaggie: “Right. Yep.”
Charlie: “You can’t blame us- it was dark! Shit happens, right!?”
Vaggie: “Spooky shit happens on dark rides.”
Charlie: “We were sitting in the dark and we got startled and we… fell.”
Vaggie: “It's a good ride, sir. You’ve made an amazing daughter.”
Charlie: “DARK RIDE.”
Vaggie: “Dark ride I meant dark ride.”
Charlie: “Yes, amazing! Such cool very wow, we would NEVER EVER ignore all your hard work just to um... And we didn’t!”
Vaggie: “Right. Because we fell.”
Charlie: “We fell!”
Vaggie: “While sitting.”
Charlie: “Slipped RIGHT into each other’s laps what are the odds ha ha!”
Vaggie: “And hit each other’s lipstick on the way down.”
Lucifer: “….”
Charlie: “….”
Vaggie: “…”
Charlie: “Dad please say something.”
Lucifer: “Am I gonna get a grandkid yet, or should The Old Mill ride break down for another ten minutes?”
Charlie: “Are you WHA-”
Vaggie: “Maybe make it fifteen before you restart it, sir. For uh. Safety checks.”
Lucifer: “I’ll check everything three times don’t worry! Just hold tight! Cough cough TO EACH OTHER cough cough!”
Charlie: “Vaggie we probably can’t even HAVE-”
Vaggie: “Who knows. We’ve never tried on a dark ride before.”
Charlie: “You’ve ruined the mood, dad!”
Lucifer: "Have fun~!"
Charlie: “Dad!?”
Vaggie: “Lucky there’s an attractive woman sitting in the boat to make up for it.”
Charlie: “I can’t even look at you right now.”
Vaggie: “That’s okay. The attractive woman is cute when she pouts.”
Charlie: “…she also has night vision, and can see you blush.”
Vaggie: “Well I can barely see her pout. Real shame.... if only I could feel her lips pouting instead-”
-a few years later-
Chaggie Kid: “Mommies? Where do- where do um, babies come from?”
Vaggie: “Amusement park dark rides, sweetie.”
Charlie: “VAGGIE NO.”
Vaggie: “And cartoon rubber ducks giving hugs under hearts.”
Charlie: “VAGGIE!!”
Chaggie Kid: “Whoa… grandpa Lulu was right…”
Charlie: “No he wasn't- what has he been telling-?"
Vaggie: "The truth."
Charlie: "Vaggie. We are NOT giving our child ideas!”
Vaggie: “You wanna tell a six year old what you actually did in the dark almost seven years ago, babe? Holding up the line? For ninety whole minutes?”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “When two mommies love each other VERY VERY MUCH, the rubber duckies of love stop the amusement park ride they’re on THREE TIMES for TOTALLY INNOCENT REASONS and afterwards hand them a slip of paper with a due date on it, and-”
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
okay but what about robots in disguise?? its not a favorite of mine but it’s still pretty good. russel and his dad are decent lol
Frag that show.
It disrespected TFP on every level and for that it has my eternal hatred and contempt. The humans were annoying, and I HATED how many interesting plot threads there were that were either done poorly or with so little tact that the writing team should have just scrapped it. The designs are tolerable, but I hate how canon TFP characters lost so much of their individuality in their designs (coughtheopticscough). Smokescreen is fricking GONE, which bothers me more than I care to admit. We see the rest of the team enough to be reasonable, but they all appear in ways that don't really make me happy.
Ratchet was done well enough in my opinion. I like his RID design. It suites him. Optimus's design can go die in a hole, they brutalized that mech. Same with Jazz. Frag those stupid shoulder pads.
Grimlock is fun, I appreciate Sideswipe, although his helm hair thingies I think need a redesign to make sense in relation to his alt mode. Strongarm was HORRIBLY underutilized and I hardly saw any character growth in her. Drift and his crew were interesting, but similarly not given much room to grow. I really liked Windblade for the most part, especially the episode where she tries to baby Optimus and comes out having relearned that Op is still a PRIME with MILLIONS OF YEARS OF WAR EXPERIENCE.
The Primes who've done nothing but sit on their rears had NO RIGHT to belittle Optimus at every turn. Nor did the show have the right to make him an idiot for the sake of making Bee look smarter. As @nova--spark has pointed out, the personality Bee got in the show matches Smokescreen better. Bumblebee wouldn't have SUCKED so much at the whole leadership shtick. What happened to all that skill shown in the movie huh? HUH WRITING TEAM????!??!?!
While I am on this train. OPTIMUS DIED SO GOSH DARN LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! He should have stayed deceased, or if they REALLY needed him back, he should have either returned as an Civi or came back with actual issues. Like dang hear me out mate.
Optimus is forcefully returned to life, beats the Fallen with his borrowed power, but then has to actually deal with the consequences of essentially being a walking bomb for a while. Make him start losing plating, make his frame HURT, make him slim down again into the TFP base design. Just, give him a reason to have to sit back and RECOVER. Not this whole half hearted limping around garbage. To add to that, don't baby the mech. Let him stay at base and fulfill the role Ratchet did in TFP. Let him use his knowledge to teach and offer wisdom, plan battles and locate enemies. For Primus's sake he could have gone undercover on Cybertron or something if they really needed him to go be useless elsewhere.
THEY COULD HAVE EVEN HAD AN ARC WITH HIM GIVING THE TEAM A WAKEUP CALL!!! SIdeswipe has no respect for the mission, Grimlock is a fool, Strongarm is too snarky, and Bee in this seems to have largely forgotten about the seriousness except for during key moments. They could have made Optimus a minor antagonist, forcing the team to follow wartime standards since they laid down this plot thread regarding issues between leadership styles and Optimus trying to take control of the operation more than once.
I would have paid money to see Optimus's wartime mentality show itself in the best and worst ways through how he worked with this group of non war vets on a Decepticon capture mission. Maybe even have him use lethal force once or twice, or at least hint at it so that people can be reminded that he is a mech who went to war, killed countless bots, and both drove their people to and saved their people from extinction.
Bee could have had to teach Optimus to calm down. He could have helped eased his leader out of his wartime mindset. Or following that whole council running Cybertron route, Optimus could have had his moment of being very much right when he points out WHY he fought at all and gestures towards the new council. There was SO MUCH potential in this show, so many good threads and interesting Decepticon character that could have given so much depth to the war and the aligned continuity as a whole, but they were almost ALL ignored.
*deep breath*
Alright, sorry about that. I have big feelings in regards to how dirty Optimus was done. Moving on, the Predacons were killed off supposedly and that pisses me off ESPECIALLY because it was done in a fricking offscreen setting. What the hell happened to Predaking??? WHERE DID HE GO????
Starscream's design was rad though, not going to lie.
Where is Shockwave? No seriously where is that fragger? After several years of the map he MUST have an army growing in a tank somewhere.
Soundwave. Why. ARe. YOU. HERE??!?!?!? I love you man but dang you are so out of place. He made sense in the context of trying to get to Megatron, but idk he felt like he deserved better. He should have been the big brain behind the Cons on Earth if you asked me. It would have made everything far more intense, especially if the Cons dont follow Decepticon creed as seen by Soundwave.
The humans were annoying. Sorry they just were.
Fixit is Primus's gift to RID and he's one of the few individuals who makes it less annoying. Idk, I just like him in reasonable doses.
*yet another deep breath*
To put things simply, I would rather a group of fanfic writers put RID together than whoever the writing team was. They could have made a coherent story with deep characters that actually address the ramifications of millions of years of war and lingering functionalist mindsets. They would have done the lore and the world justice even if there were no main characters popping up.
I think RID has so much potential, but that almost all of it went right down the toilet due to either the higher ups sticking their noses where they don't belong or because the writing team couldn't go two minutes without retconning or otherwise destroying established everything.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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sumersprkl · 1 month
I love that AU where Bruce/Brucie/Batman are three separate people sharing a body/headspace, and I'm just imagining the onboarding explanation for new Batchildren/sidekicks/technically unaffiliated Gotham vigilantes/etc. Like:
"Okay, so, Bruce, Brucie, and Batman are all different people in the same brain who all know mostly the same things, except that Brucie either forgets or doesn't care to learn about a lot of the Batman stuff. And by 'Batman stuff' I mostly mean 'Batman the vigilante personality mythos' because a lot of the 'being Batman' responsibilities actually get split like 70/30 between Batman and Bruce."
"I already have questions."
"Please write them down and save them for the end, thank you. So the split happened around when Bruce's parents died, that's when Bruce and Brucie started sharing headspace, but Batman was still mostly dormant at that point, or maybe was still combined with Bruce, no one's sure. Batman says that was the moment he was born, but he didn't actually start being the host until after Bruce dropped out of med school, so."
"I tend to think he was active but just lurking in the background without saying anything to gather information, you know, like he does, because he's Batman."
"That makes sense."
"Right? Anyway, they take their gap year from Hell, and at this point Brucie goes fully dormant, Bruce takes a back seat, and Batman becomes host pretty much full time, and trains himself into the super ninja genius detective we know today, and comes back to Gotham to deliver vengeance or whatever. And Brucie, who everybody thought was dead by then, comes back with his own kind of vengeance-"
"Oh no."
"Yeah. So Brucie, who does NOT know that he's sharing a headspace, looks back on the fact that he cannot remember most of the last year of his life and thinks 'Man, I must have been drunk as FUUUU'-frick. Sorry Alfred."
"As you were, young master."
"And this is where Brucie Wayne the Tabloid Princess has his meteoric rise to stardom. And his meteoric fall from multiple yachts, and into several fountains, chocolate and otherwise. So he and Batman, who refuses to tell Brucie he exists, are fighting for control constantly, and Bruce is sitting in the background going 'This might as well happen, my life is already so... gosh-darn weird.'"
"But eventually Bruce gets fed up and tries to tell Brucie what's going on. Keyword tries, because Brucie does NOT believe him, and Batman is sabotaging every attempt, and this goes on for years, basically until they take Dick in. And poor Bruce looks at these two idiots he shares a brain with and goes '...Neither of you are equipped to take care of a child. What is going on. Why is he in spandex on rooftops. Why is he only eating spray cheese and sugar cereal.' And he surges back up to become the main host again, finally gets through to Brucie, browbeats Batman into being reasonable-"
"Reasonable? Batman?"
"He browbeats Batman into brooding in the corner of the headspace instead of trying to take over as sole host, and they start establishing a timeshare and being more open and honest with each other."
"Thank God."
"Thank Bruce. But then, of course, no one thinks to tell Dick they're a system until after Jason gets adopted, and that's part of why their relationship falls apart and he and Dick sometimes still get so..."
"Explosive? Bitter? Fighty?"
"Yeah, basically. So nowadays, Bruce and Brucie do the out-of-costume parenting-"
"Wait, Brucie?"
"Yeah. He LOVES taking us on Bonding Activities. If he comes up to you with his eyes all shiny asking if you want to go on impromptu fishing trip in Belize in the middle of the school week or something, that's Brucie."
"So Bruce and Brucie do the out-of-costume parenting. Because whenever Batman tries to parent us it either goes Very Badly (deragatory) or Very Badly (hilarious), and he still doesn't really get that our vigilante identities aren't, like, separate people. Like, he knows it's different for us, but he still acts like a complete jerk on patrol and expects it to just be fine when we're all upstairs."
"Yeah, well. Anyway, Bruce does most of the Wayne Enterprises stuff, except the schmoozing with investors, because he'd rather stab his eyes out with a Batarang than talk to other rich people about rich people stuff, so he lets Brucie do the galas and the panhandling and the press. Batman does most of the Batman stuff, except the logging information and following up with officers, because Bruce is a freak who finds spreadsheets soothing and Batman can't talk to anyone who isn't a victim or a villain."
"And then with the Justice League, it's mostly Batman, except that Bruce does some of the, like, downtime socializing stuff, while Batman stays in the headspace doing casework. Oh, and also sometimes Brucie comes out around Green Arrow, because he and Ollie Queen were college buddies. But Green Arrow does NOT know that Batman and Brucie share a body, and he's convinced Batman's doing some kind of long con psychological experiment on him, and it's hilarious."
"Oh my God."
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lemonhemlock · 3 months
I want to discuss why Criston having sex with Alicent is different.
Sex with Rhaenyra was about her sexual pleasure. It was about scratching that itch, which Criston is not for. He has a different view of sex. The act with Alicent has passion behind it. It's about two lost souls uniting and finding comfort in each other. So no he's not a hypocrite for not wanting to have sex with Rhaenyra. There's a deep emotional bond of devotion between the two.
He's allowed to feel used by Rhaenyra but be all Take Me to Church with Alicent and her WAP.
I won't touch on other points of why they aren't hypocrites for doing the devil's tango, as there are a variety of posts that articulate that but I have yet to see someone bring this up.(if they have good for them, great minds and all). Targaryen dick riders have a fucked up way of discussing SA and consent. That's all I'm saying that. (disclaimer this is not aimed at those who enjoy the Targs for being a fucked up dynasty and find them fascinating but those who think they are gods cause there's a difference.).
Welcome back, coffee queen! ☕Hope you're enjoying the new season 🫶
Love this take and your lexical choices crack me up!! I think that, at one point, Criston was a bit of a playboy, as he does explain with his own mouth that he's had dalliances in the past, but most of my thoughts on that I've put into this post here (so as to not repeat myself). Also this addition here. But, I agree that, fundamentally, Criston has had years to develop his feelings for Alicent, whereas, during his affair with Rhaenyra, he was a young man in awe of a pretty fairy tale princess. So it would make sense why his connection to Alicent would be deeper and more meaningful by now.
Also! People are allowed to "break up" and then get with someone else!
Haters forget that he can be legitimately upset at Rhaenyra not just because she unknowingly placed his life in danger, but also because she was so callous about it. She was proposing that they have occasional hook-ups, whereas he was ready to be very serious about her. So there was this disproportionate emotional involvement in their affair where Criston was risking a whole lot for someone who didn't really care for him, while Rhaenyra wanted casual sex and risked a slap on the wrist for it.
In any case, they quarreled and parted ways. Honestly, the reason doesn't even matter as much - who hasn't broken up with a bf/gf at some point over some dumbass reason, left and never looked back?* Are they supposed to hold a candle over that past relationship forever (regardless of how "legitimate" the grievances were)? The Dance of the Dragons didn't happen because of anything Criston did to Rhaenyra in revenge, she made a lot of bad political decisions herself to compound on the succession crisis engineered by her father. He is allowed to cross over to Alicent and "support" her side if he wants to; it's not the reason Rhaenyra got into trouble.
Not to mention that, after his mental breakdown and freaking suicide attempt, he's had years to contemplate the question of what being a knight and breaking one's vows means and what he boundaries he would be comfortable crossing. The Criston who's that's that me espresso with Alicent isn't the same Criston who slept with Rhaenyra and had a crisis of faith in the aftermath. He knows what he's getting into and he actively chooses to do so, isn't just put randomly in a situation from which he can't extricate himself.
*EDIT: Not that Criston's reason was dumbass, but even if it were, he's not beholden to being sexually available to Rhaenyra forever just because they fucked one time. (I feel like you have to include disclaimers for every gosh darned thing on this website). And the fact that Rhaenyra stans don't understand the concept of consent and how much it colours one's experience is just.... 🤦‍♀️
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candycandy00 · 11 months
Pick Me Up - A Gojo x Reader x Geto Halloween Fanfic Part 4
Gojo and Geto are two serial killers who enjoy seducing their victims before killing them. Every year on Halloween they have a friendly competition, and this year the target they both choose is you. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
The first two parts will be fairly short and just serve to set up the way these two operate. The third part starts the “main part”. Any feedback or comments are greatly appreciated! Divider by @violetbudd
Smut. 18+. Fem Readers. Smut mostly just thought/talked about in this part. Blood/Gore/Violence/Death of extremely minor characters. Gojo and Geto are both bisexual. 
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The handsome man who rescued you in his white van is very kind. That’s the first thing that pops into your head as he talks to you. “Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need to go to a hospital?” he asks, sounding concerned. 
“No, I’m not hurt. He mostly just scared me. I think he was planning to hurt me though,” you say, a shiver of fear running through you. You can still see the cold look in Suguru’s eyes as he said terrible things to you. Didn’t he say he wanted to kill you? It all happened so fast, and the shock hasn’t worn off yet. He seemed so nice! You almost let him take your virginity! 
“He didn’t try to force himself on you, did he?” 
The driver’s voice pulls your attention back to him. He’s removed his sunglasses and is constantly glancing at you while also watching the road. God, those eyes are unreal. 
You turn a bit red as you answer his question. “No, nothing like that.” You don’t feel it’s necessary to mention that you were willingly making out with the guy minutes before he started chasing you. If you’re being completely honest with yourself, you’re kind of disappointed that it didn’t go further. If he hadn’t turned out to be a violent person that is. You were really into it, really excited. Your panties are still damp! 
The man beside you gives you a smile. It’s dazzling. “That’s a relief,” he says, then quickly adds, “I’m sorry if that question made you uncomfortable. It’s just the natural assumption, right? Pretty little angel like you gets attacked by a man in the woods… I thought the worst.”
Your face gets even redder. He just called you pretty! A guy who could easily be a model or a movie star thinks you’re pretty! You force yourself to calm down. You’re still shocked from what happened with Suguru. Your emotions are running wild. 
“So did you decide where you want me to take you?” he asks. “I can take you to your place, to the police station, to whatever party you were going to in that costume…”
You suddenly look down, remembering what you’re wearing. Your costume is shredded, showing way more skin than you realized. You wrap your arms around yourself quickly, covering as much as possible. 
The man notices, and pulls off to the side of the road. “Here, you can wear my jacket,” he says as he slips it off his shoulders and hands it to you. 
You accept it gratefully, pulling it on and snuggling into its softness. It carries the warmth of his body heat and the smell of fancy cologne. “Thank you so much,” you say, looking up at him. With the jacket off, he’s wearing a form-fitting black shirt that emphasizes how well toned his body is. You avert your eyes. What’s going on with you? And why is every man you meet tonight so gosh darn gorgeous? 
He’s still parked, waiting for you to decide where to go, not rushing or pressuring you. What a considerate guy! 
“I’m sorry for being indecisive,” you tell him. “Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. And, really, nothing actually happened tonight. He just chased me for a little while. He didn’t even have a weapon. Maybe it was just a Halloween prank.”
The man looks thoughtful, crossing his arms over his sculpted chest. “Could be. People tend to act strange on Halloween night, like they’re living out a horror movie or something.”
“I love horror movies, but I don’t want to live one out,” you say with a small laugh, starting to feel more at ease. 
He grins at you. “I love horror movies too,” he says. Then he holds out his hand to you. “I’m Satoru, by the way.”
You take his hand as you tell him your name, and you notice that he holds yours just a few seconds longer than expected, as if his touch is lingering on you. 
“I need to get my car,” you say, “but he had my keys. I guess I should call the police so they can escort me back there.”
Satoru turns in his seat to face you. “I can go with you.”
You shake your head frantically. “No! No way! I can’t get you any more involved than you already are! Suguru might be dangerous. What if he hurts you?”
Satoru laughs. “Don’t worry about me!” Then he tilts his head down, crystal eyes peering into yours as a cocky smile spreads over his lips. “I’m strong.”
He says it with such confidence that you automatically believe him. “Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind,” you say, a little bit breathless. 
“Let’s go get your car,” he replies with a smile, pulling back onto the road. 
You watch him as he drives, growing more and more enamored with his easy going nature. “You’re like a knight in shining armor,” you blurt out. 
He laughs. “Really? You think so?”
You nod, smiling at him. “I can tell, you’re the type to look out for people. And…”
He glances over at you. “Hmm?”
You blush slightly as you go on. “There’s something warm about you. Maybe it’s just your nature. But you make people feel safe.”
His eyes are on your face, lingering for as long as they can before he has to return them to the road. There’s something unfathomable about his expression, something hidden in the endless depths of those oceanic eyes. 
“Thanks,” he says. “That’s real sweet of you to say.”
As he drives along, you watch out the window, thinking you might see Suguru or your car. You see neither, but you do spot the side road Suguru directed you to drive on as the van zips past it. 
“Oh, you missed it,” you tell Satoru.
He turns his head to look back. “I did? I thought it was further up.”
“No, I’m certain,” you say. “I noticed that Farmer’s Market sign right before I turned off.”
“Okay. I’ll turn and go back.”  
Just a little distance away is another side road. Satoru pulls onto it, and after a few minutes you realize he’s had plenty of opportunities to turn around, but hasn’t. You look over at him curiously as the van drives deeper into the woods. 
“Sorry,” he says, finally stopping the van. “I was just so sure this was the right road. I should’ve listened to you.”
“It’s okay,” you say with a smile. 
But he doesn’t turn, doesn’t even start the van back up. Instead he looks at you with those shimmering eyes. “If this makes you uncomfortable, I’m sorry, but I have to say it. I think you’re really beautiful. Would it be okay… if I kiss you?”
You didn’t expect that. You stare at him for a moment, feeling heat spread over your face. You definitely want to be kissed. You’d enjoyed it so much when Suguru did it, and now another incredibly handsome man wants to kiss you? You can’t believe your luck. 
You look at Satoru, at his tall frame, his strong arms, and say, “Okay. But first… can you hug me?”
He blinks, surprised, looking at your blushing face. Then a friendly grin appears on his mouth. “Sure, I can hug you.”
Satoru leans across the seat and wraps both arms around you, pulling you against him and just holding you there. His embrace is gentle, and you savor the feeling of being in his arms. You breathe out a sigh, and after a few moments, you pull away and smile up at him. 
“I knew you’d be warm,” you tell him. 
There’s an emotion in his beautiful eyes that you can’t comprehend, a flash of something you don’t recognize. Then he kisses you, his mouth hungry on yours, devouring you. His kiss is more aggressive than Suguru’s, more intense. You’re not sure which you like best. 
When he pulls away, you’re both breathing hard. “Wanna get in the back of my van?” he asks, and you know exactly what he’s asking. And you know what your answer is. You don’t know what’s wrong with you, why you suddenly want to have sex with him the way you wanted to with Suguru. Maybe it’s some sort of response to the spike of fear and adrenaline you felt earlier. Or maybe you’re just a little bit slutty and didn’t know it. 
Regardless, you nod your head, and he opens his door and gets out. You slide over to get out on the driver’s side, but before your stockinged feet can touch the cold ground covered in damp leaves, he pulls you into his arms and carries you bridal style to the back of the van. 
“Don’t want you to hurt those cute feet,” he says with a laugh as he shifts your weight long enough to free one hand and open the van’s back doors. 
Once you’re both inside, he wastes no time. His hands are moving over you, pulling his jacket off your shoulders, tearing at the already damaged fabric of your top, ripping off your skirt in one yank, leaving only white lace panties. He’s moving a little faster than you’re prepared for, but his touch is so warm and soft, and everything feels so good, you can’t bring yourself to tell him to slow down. 
Just as he dips his head to run his tongue over your throat, you hear music. Both of you pause. It takes a moment for you to recognize it as a ringtone. It’s a horror movie theme song, and it’s blaring from Satoru’s pocket. 
You giggle at the sound. “Figures the crappy service around here would start working now.”
He grins. “I’ll turn it off. Nothing is more important than this.” He reaches into the pocket of his pants and digs around, trying to cancel the call or turn the sound off. Somehow, in his rush, he drops the phone from his pocket and it clatters to the floor. In the dim lights of the van, the phone’s bright screen lights up like a beacon. 
Both of you look down. Clearly displayed on the screen is the notification of a call. The name of the caller? Suguru. 
You stare at that name, a million questions running through your brain before, just as before with the empty gas can, the obvious answer springs to the front of your mind. They know each other. This is all some kind of sick game they’re playing with you. And they’re both probably very dangerous. You look up at Satoru. One of his arms is still around your waist. Your half naked body is still pressed against him. Neither of you speak. 
Then, all at once, you tear yourself free of him and make a run for the van’s back door. But before you can reach it, he grabs a handful of your hair and jerks you backwards, back into his grasp. The hands that had been so sweet and gentle just moments ago were now rough and violent. You wanted to cry. Why did this keep happening to you? But you had no time for tears. You had to focus on getting away. 
You twist in his grip, ignoring the pain in your scalp, and ram your knee into his crotch. He immediately releases you, hissing out a cry of, “Fffffffuuuuuck!”
As you wrench open the door and jump out of the van, you hear his voice screaming, “Got me right in the goddamn dick!”
“Good!” you yell back, the instinct to apologize finally gone. You find yourself running for your life through the woods for the second time tonight, this time clad only in panties, a tattered sheer top, and ripped stockings. 
Satoru rubs his sore dick through his pants, wincing. Now he wants to kill the little angel more than ever. His phone is still ringing, so he reaches down and grabs it, then answers with a sharp, “Fuck you, Suguru!”
He hears his friend’s laughter through the phone. “Hey, you cockblocked me first! I was minutes away from fucking her!”
“Me too,” Satoru says, hopping down out of the back of the van. “Little cunt kicked me in the dick.”
Suguru laughs even harder. Then he seems to compose himself and say, “So what now? She’s not gonna let either of us fuck her now.”
“Fuck the rules,” Satoru grumbles. “I’m gonna split her open like a ripe melon!”
There’s a pause, then Suguru asks, “With your knife or your dick?”
“I don’t know!” Satoru yells, climbing into the driver’s seat while grimacing in pain. “Where are you now? We need to find her before she gets help.”
“Not far from her car. I was watching in case she came back for it. Pick me up?”
“Sure, be there in a sec,” Satoru replies, then ends the call. He finds Suguru beside the road, almost exactly where he picked up the angel. 
Suguru is grinning as he climbs into the van. “How’s your dick?” 
Satoru spreads his thighs apart in his seat. “Why don’t you check it out for me?”
Suguru’s grin fades and he looks away. “No thanks.”
“We see each other’s dicks all the time, what’s the problem?”
Suguru doesn’t answer him. It’s true that they’ve seen each other’s bodies many times, while pissing in a rest stop bathroom or even by the side of the road while traveling, while using public showers at camp grounds, and even when they’ve accidentally stumbled upon each other fucking a victim. 
But those were different, somehow. Satoru’s flirtatious attitude toward Suguru is becoming more pronounced, harder to ignore. And Suguru still isn’t sure if the other man is actually attracted to him or is simply teasing him. 
“Hey, look over there,” Suguru says, pointing to a car stopped beside the road. 
Satoru sighs. “I’m not picking new targets this late. I still want the angel.”
“No, but they might have seen her. She might be with them now.”
“Oh shit, good idea,” Satoru says. “She’s almost naked now so she’d be impossible not to notice.”
Suguru raises an eyebrow at this, but says nothing as they pull over in front of the stopped car. They both climb out and walk around to find two women dressed in Halloween costumes. One is a “sexy cat” and the other is a “sexy witch”. The witch is holding the cat’s hair back as she vomits into the grass. 
“You girls okay?” Satoru asks in his best friendly voice. 
The witch looks up at him. There’s a flash of fear in her eyes when she sees two men approaching, and Satoru’s sore cock twitches. He loves that look more than anything. But after she takes a longer look at them, realizing they’re both fucking hot as hell, her expression softens. 
“My friend had a little too much to drink,” she says with a laugh. “Otherwise we’re fine.”
“Funny you say that,” Suguru says, stepping closer to her, his voice smooth and delicious. “We’re looking for our friend who had way too much to drink. She stripped off half her clothes and ran off in a daze.”
Satoru throws an arm around Suguru, the closeness of their faces making the witch stare at them. “You haven’t seen a half naked angel running around, have you?”
The witch hesitates, as if she can’t focus on the question. “Uh… no. Haven’t seen her.”
The cat stands up straight and wipes her mouth. When she looks at the two men, she grins broadly. “Wow, who are these hotties?” she asks, her words slightly slurred. 
Suguru smiles at her. “We’re just looking for our drunk friend.”
The cat stumbles over to him. “I can be your drunk friend.”
Satoru pulls away from Suguru and steps closer to the witch. “Are you guys alright to drive? We could give you a lift.”
The witch is staring at him, at his eyes. There’s a hitch in her breath. She wants him. Of course she does. She pushes a strand of dark curly hair behind her ear as she says, “We might need a lift. I could use some help with her.”
A few feet away, the cat is all over Suguru, giggling and babbling. “Hey,” she says in her drunken voice, “wanna fuck me?”
Suguru smiles at her. “Ordinarily, I’d say yes, but tonight I’m in a hurry, so I’ll have to pass.”
With that, he pulls a blade from his pocket and, in one swift motion, cuts the cat’s throat. She turns away from him, toward her friend, as blood spills down the front of her body. She’s gurgling and stumbling forward a few steps until she collapses at the witch’s feet. 
For her part, the witch seems frozen in shock. Her eyes are wide with horror and her pretty plump lips are open in a soundless scream. Then her terrified eyes shift to Satoru. “Please… please don’t kill me,” she cries, starting to back away from him slowly. “I’ll do anything you ask!”
Suguru tosses his blade to Satoru, who catches it deftly. He holds the blood-covered tip of it to his chin. “That’s really tempting. And on any other night, I’d love to fuck a cutie like you before ripping your guts out. But like my buddy said, we’re in a hurry.”
The witch has backed several steps away now, and is shaking her head back and forth, tears running down her face. “No, please!”
She backs right into Suguru, who grabs hold of her arms and holds her in place. He looks at Satoru, and there’s heat in his expression, his eyes shining with anticipation as Satoru gets closer. 
The two men look at each other instead of their screaming victim as Satoru slices open her abdomen, horizontally. There’s a wet plopping sound as the witch’s entrails spill out of her wound and hit the ground. The witch screams for a few minutes longer as her body dies, some of her blood splashing onto Satoru’s clothes and face. Suguru stares at it, mesmerized, then drops the witch, letting her fall face-first into a pile of her own guts. 
For a brief moment, Satoru thinks Suguru might kiss him. But then Suguru takes his blade back from Satoru’s hand and returns it to his pocket. He walks back toward the van, stepping over the fallen cat, as he says, “Let’s go find our angel.”
Tag List:
@loyal-to-my-dilf @unearthlydream @noodlejitsu @itzmeme @themonst3rqu33n @poopoobuttsy 
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, please comment to let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged!
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tyrantonutx · 7 months
Looking for RP Partner(s)!
Hey, hi, how's it goin'?
I'm Tyrant, 30+ s/they, and this is a Take Two attempt at finding like-minded folx, so if you happen to see a similar looking post floating around (unlikely but possible), I am in fact one and the same Tyrant, I'm just too damn impatient to wait on tumblr to fix my original blog.
I'm hoping to find some partner(s) interested in Discord RP, because I am in fact a tumblr Baby (despite the original blog being...several years old...) and the formatting on tumblr rp blogs makes me Nervous.
I've been roleplaying in various capacities on forums, discord, and chat (throwback to AOL Instant Messenger amirite?) for approximately two decades and some change. I tend to write in a casual cadence as one might suspect, and I like to adapt my replies to the thread (anywhere from several sentences to a few paragraphs is my norm). I generally prefer CANON x CANON ships, at least starting out, to get a feel for how we come at characterization and plot together before we dip into OC territory. I'm involved in a few fandoms that may in fact be wastelands but, hey, you miss every shot you don't take, so here I am!
What follows is a list of fandos, characters, and ships I'm ACTIVELY looking for, the things that make my brain buzz in all the good ways. I'm down for hearing out any plots you might have in your lovely beating hearts (or shriveled little black ones, no judgment here!) or working out plots together based on all the good things that come from two rambling fans throwing head canons and "OK BUT WHAT IF"s at each other til something sticks.
If any of these strike you as fun, or if you just think I'm gosh darn neat and wanna chat me up for the thrills, please like this post, message me here on tumblr, or send me a friend request on discord (@tyrantonut)! I'm shy af and terrible at reaching out first, thank you hereditary anxiety and Burnt Out Gifted Kid syndrome, so sometimes I need that lil nudge.
...right! The fandoms! (Please note that while I have listed characters for me vs. for you, I'm actually pretty flexible on these! I just think I write some sides better than others.)
The Boys (AU preferred)
Butchie -- Billy Butcher x Hughie Campbell
Stephen King's It (Muschietti AU preferred)
Reddie -- Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Stranger Things (Aged up AU preferred)
Byler -- Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Harringrove -- Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Steddie -- Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Hannibal (NBC)
Hannigram -- Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Marvel Universe (Comics & Movieverse)
Spideypool -- Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Spiderprowl -- Aaron Davis x Peter B. Parker
Mysterio/Spiderman -- Quentin Beck x Peter Parker (Tom Holland, preferably aged up)
Starkmonger -- Tony Stark/Erik Killmonger
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Universe
Huskerdust -- Angel Dust x Husk (Overlord Husk AU has given me brain rot)
Chaggie -- Charlie Magne x Vaggie
RadioApple -- Alastor x Lucifer
Stolitz -- Blitzo x Stolas
Fizzarozzie -- Fizzarolli x Asmodeus
Puckurt -- Noah 'Puck' Puckerman x Kurt Hummel
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winterchimez · 1 year
Love Me Right | Ju Haknyeon
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summary: perhaps you and your best friend Haknyeon were destined to be lovers after all
pairing: best friend Haknyeon x f!reader
genre: best friends to lovers, fluff, slight angst & suggestive (only in the beginning)
warnings: bad breakup & arguing (with ex), lust (slightly)
word count: 3,530
a/n: me? writing fluff? unheard of 🤪 jokes i'm usually much better at writing angst/crime fics, but our precious boy hakkie deserves a sweet fluff fic 🥺 i love him sm he's literally my fav comfort person ever, and yes he is my bias wrecker alongside hyunjae lmao 🤧 hope you guys enjoyed this! 🫶🏻🩵
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buzz buzz!
The alarm on your smartwatch goes off, giving you the signal that indicates the end of your shift. 
It has already been 14 hours, and you stood up from your chair and did a stretch as you submitted the final report of one of the patients you had to deal with throughout the night.
You originally would’ve ended your shift 2 hours ago, if only one of the ER nurses didn’t call in sick this morning. You shrugged, it happens almost every fortnightly in your department, always being understaffed that is. 
Packing up your belongings, you waved goodbye to all of your co-workers where some were just finishing up as you were while the others had just clocked in for the day and headed straight to your car. 
To make matters worse, it was snowing pretty heavily as you made your way to your vehicle. You had to use your handy-dandy ice scraper to get rid of the snow that formed on the windshield and the sides of your car doors. With that, the first 10 minutes right after your shift ended were gone in the blink of an eye. You hopped into your car real quick and gave yourself a heavy sigh, hoping at least the car ride home wouldn’t be too bad.
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Stepping onto your front porch, you dug into your backpack for the keys to your apartment. You wasted no time trying to unlock the door and quickly kicked your boots off as you closed the door behind you. 
Making your way into the living room, you spotted the familiar figure laying down on the couch.
Your boyfriend, Daniel. 
At the beginning of your relationship, the two of you would gladly wait for each other to arrive back home and chat away about how the day’s been for both parties. Now, getting a “welcome home” from your partner is already better than nothing. 
However, tonight was different as you muttered those two words to your boyfriend laying down on the couch. Instead of responding, he stood up with his back facing you and muttered a deep “we need to talk” right back at you.
Already exhausted from your shift, you so badly wanted to ask him to save it till morning when both of you are in much better shape, but that won’t happen tonight as he wasted no time trying to make his way to you.
“I can’t do this anymore, Y/N. This relationship we’ve been having? I don’t see the spark nor commitment no more.” 
“Please Daniel, what are you trying to imply here-” 
“You work for 12 hours straight each day, God. Sometimes even more than that. I’m off to work while you’re asleep, and you're only back in the house during the wee hours of midnight. What happened to us spending quality time as a couple?”
Your boyfriend certainly had a point there. It has been months since the both of you truly had a good bonding time with one another. As work started piling up for you, you had to always sadly turn down the multiple ideas of your boyfriend’s well-planned dates and vacations. 
Of course, he’d be frustrated and sad. But it was also his responsibility to understand your situation here. You’re a nurse gosh darn it, and he should know damn well how whenever duty calls, you can never say no. That is what he agreed with when you both started your relationship 3 years ago. 
But apparently, the spark that the two of you have been sharing for the several years you both had up till now, has been completely burnt out. 
“Let’s end this, Y/N.” 
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To say that you were in tears would be an understatement. 
Hell, you have been bawling your eyes out for the past 2 hours and breaking down in your living room as your boyfriend left your shared apartment after a heated argument. 
You kept blaming yourself, for how much you have ruined this once so-called perfect relationship you have built with your now current ex. Everyone around you said that you both were perfect for one another, that you both were a match made in heaven and the wedding invitations are bound to arrive at your friends and relatives' doorstep in another 2 to 3 years' time.
Including your best friend, Ju Haknyeon. 
Feeling weak and vulnerable, you desperately needed a warm embrace, and to hear some comforting words from someone who cares about you deeply. 
It was now 3 in the morning, and there was only one place you know that you’ll be accepted in. 
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You stood right outside of the door that reads Apartment 309. 
You knew this apartment from the back of your mind. The drive route from your apartment, even up to the passcode or where the extra pair of keys are hidden on the front porch.
Instead of trying to open the door on your own, the owner of the apartment has already been expecting your arrival and they were the ones welcoming you at the front door instead.
The brunette male, wearing a white t-shirt with black sweatpants, opened up the door for you. His eyes widen as he examines your red swollen eyes, puffy cheeks, and a wet soaked nurse uniform you were still wearing. 
Before he could ask you what happened, you were pushing the male into the apartment while slamming the door shut with your leg. Guiding him all the way to his bedroom and pinning him down on his bed. You climbed over him and were about to kiss him right on the lips. 
What was going on in your mind? Has the break-up made you feel a sudden surge of lust towards your best friend? Desperately wanting a hug and a kiss to see if it could make you feel better or at least forget about your ex. 
But the male was clearly stronger than you were and he turned the tables over within seconds, and now you’re the one who’s being pinned down on the bed instead.
“Y/N, what is this all about?”
With that one sentence, you then broke down into tears again, leading the male to pull you up and hold you tight against his embrace. 
It’s been a while since Haknyeon has witnessed you in such a fragile state, the last time probably being in college when you and your ex were going through some tremulous times to fight against all odds in order to be together. 
And he hated it. Hated how vulnerable you were at that moment. He hated seeing you cry the most. 
Especially when he still had feelings for you after all these years. 
After calming down for a bit, you finally fill Haknyeon in with all that has happened the past few hours prior. You can’t help but to sob and sniffle from time to time and Haknyeon manages to wipe away your tears and calm you down each time. 
Without having much thought, you blurted out “Haknyeon, be my boyfriend” right there and then. 
Deep down you know very well that this was your best friend’s dream for the longest time, and he would definitely be delighted to accept the offer.
Or will he?
What you didn’t expect was the straight rejection he gave you right after you said that.
“Why not Haknyeon? You’ve had your eyes on me and loved me since day one of high school. Isn’t it always your dream to date me?”
“Y/N. I love you with all my heart. Hell, I would give up anything if it’s for you and to make you the happiest girl alive. But not like this.”
Haknyeon then lets you out of his embrace and cups both of his hands on your cheeks, staring deep into your eyes. 
“I want you to love me when you’re at your best. I want you to truly see the man that I am, and how much I’ve grown. I want you to truly make up your mind because I will not let you go when you’ve decided to begin a relationship with me. I want you to love me right.” 
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You have been crashing at Haknyeon’s apartment most weekends for the past two months, and he couldn’t be happier if it makes you feel better. 
During the weekdays though, Haknyeon would make the effort to come to visit you instead while bringing you the best take-out meals from all of his favourite restaurants in town. Your best friend clearly does not mess with food. 
Knowing how messed up your eating schedule was, he has even taken the initiative to plan out your diet.
No consuming those nasty junk food when you’re already low on sleep.
You’d constantly be reminded of your bestie’s words every single time you’re about to head to the drive-thru at Mcdonald's at two in the morning after your shift at the hospital. 
Tonight was different though as your manager informs you that you get to finish your shift way earlier than your usual post, as your department is getting a handful of transferred nurses from the capital. That was good news especially how your hospital has been understaffed for like two to three years now. 
And that 2 - 3 years had to be the time when you were with your ex. 
You shook off the negative thoughts you had in mind and quickly got out your phone to text Haknyeon about you coming home early for the night. 
You were certain he was definitely on his phone when you sent the message because it took him less than a minute to give you a reply. 
Hakkie 🐷: sweets!! I’ve had a big night planned ahead of us, can’t wait to see you at home 😊
You can’t help but smile at the message, thinking about how cute he was at times when he was all giddy and excited, which makes you wonder if you both are really the same age at all. 
Your co-worker noticed your excitement and how a big sincere smile was plastered all across your face. It has been a while since you’ve been this jovial anyways. 
“You got a date tonight?” She nudges your shoulder while giving you a wink. 
Smiling back at your co-worker, you looked back down at your phone staring right at the newly changed picture your friend has chosen for his iMessage profile. 
“I guess you can say that.” 
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“Woah Haknyeon, what on earth have you done with your apartment?”
You were astounded by what your best friend has done. The entire living room has been cleared out and Haknyeon took the largest blanket he owned and turned it into a fort. A comfy throw was laid out nicely on the floor with pillows scattered above it. As a finishing touch, fairy lights were hung around the blanket to give it that true cosy movie night experience. 
“You sure are an ambitious young man.” You replied. 
“Since when have you ever gotten off work this early Y/N, I’d say this calls for a celebration, and of course thank heavens that tomorrow is the weekend!!”
“Okay okay, kiddo. What are we watching tonight?”
“Big Mouth, the infamous K-drama everyone’s been talking about recently.”
“And why is that?”
“Well, both you and I are huge fans of crime shows, and we love Im Yoon-ah, so I’d say it’s a win-win situation!”
“More like you are the one who’s obviously obsessed with her.” You protested. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at your bestie's enthusiastic comment. Eventually, you gave in and decided to make yourself comfy. Haknyeon went ahead and made some warm honey butter tteokbokki in his so-called best portable pot that he owned. Of course, a comfy night movie wouldn’t be complete without a warm mug of cinnamon latte according to the food master himself.  
You never expected to have enjoyed the drama this much as it’s been such a long time since you've been to the cinemas, let alone watched a tv series or show at home. You missed this feeling of excitement as you engross yourself in the show’s plot, and of course, having someone to share the same experience with you in the same room. 
As the show progressed, you can’t help but have tears well up in your eyes whenever a sad or frustrating scene appears on the screen. Haknyeon notices your demeanour and quietly puts an arm around your shoulder. Naturally, you decided to lay your head down on his shoulder. None of you said anything but just enjoyed this little comforting moment you both were having. 
Haknyeon truly was your best friend, you definitely didn’t deserve a fine young gentleman like him. 
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“So where are we off to this time Mr Ju?”
It was another rare occasion where you’ve gotten a day off from work as your manager has seen all of the extra hours you’ve accumulated over the past several months. 
Since the hospital wasn’t understaffed anymore, your manager has even managed to free up your Sundays from now on. It definitely has improved your physical and mental health as compared to your previous self when you were working 14-hour shifts straight for 7 days a week. 
Your best friend was beyond ecstatic to find out that you’re free for the day, and he wasted no time coming to pick you up early in the morning, insisting on bringing you on a day trip.
So now you are sitting in Haknyeon’s car, and god knows where he’s bringing you to because he wouldn’t tell you what the itinerary even was for the day ahead. 
It was now the beginning of summer, and Haknyeon clearly was taking you somewhere away from the city. Both of you passed all of the highways and eventually ended up on a riverside road just a little outside of Seoul. 
It was kind of a long drive, around 4 and a half hours to be exact. Many times you’ve offered to take over the wheel, but the male insisted that he was fine and you deserve to be in the passenger seat instead. 
“Rude Haknyeon, I’ll show you that I’m just as good as a driver like Sangyeon and Jacob oppa.” You pouted and crossed your arms. 
“Yeah, rather convincing, Y/N. Remember how you were desperately calling for me in the middle of the night back during your first year in college when your car swerved right into a tree because you got too nervous to drive on your own? And oh, may I add, you were also crying over the phone and it took me a good minute to try and figure out whatever you were trying to tell me.” 
“Shut up. We don’t talk about that.” 
Haknyeon was clearly winning this whole debate, and he begin singing his lungs out on his so-called victory song, Young Tak’s Jjin-iya. You on the other hand, were sulking and decided to turn your head towards the window, trying your best to ignore the ever-so-slightly annoying song that was getting on your nerves while taking in the scenery in front of you. 
After 10 more debate topics and bickering (because your friend is a tease like that), you both eventually arrived at your destination. Your friend has brought you to Haeundae, one of the famous beaches in Busan. As you both stepped out of the car, Haknyeon immediately went to the boot of his car and brought out a huge basket filled with whatever items he brought for the day.
He quickly grabbed hold of your wrist and brought you to the beach. There were quite a number of people here today, reasonable as most families and couples would’ve come to spend the good weather out at the beach. But Haknyeon manages to find a quiet spot where the both of you could truly enjoy the peaceful time today.
Haknyeon wasted no time in taking out the first item from the basket, a huge blue beach cloth and laying it down on the sand. Slowly, he took out all of the remaining items from the basket, most of them being food, to be honest.
What surprised you was that he picked out all of your favourite food and snacks that you literally consume whenever you wanna have a cheat or fulfilling day. Japanese fruit sandwiches, onigiris, chips, you name it he has got them. Oh, and yes he brought along his handy-dandy trustworthy Bluetooth speaker he’s been using for years that he loves and swears by it. 
“Since when have you become a chef, Mr Ju Haknyeon. I thought you were a business consultant, not a restaurant owner.” 
“Anything for my bestie, am I right?”. He gives you his signature cheeky smile, and you have to mentally ask your heart to stop beating so quickly. 
Stop being so cute for the love of God. 
With every bite you had, you couldn’t help but constantly give out this mmmmm pleasure sound, indicating how delicious every single meal was, and your friend couldn’t be much happier as it felt like he had gotten a trophy from a race or something. 
You both enjoyed the meal and had a good chat about every single topic that comes to mind. You both reminisce back on the good old high school and college days, where multiple times Haknyeon has saved your ass from being called to detention for being late to class to almost missing your graduation day in college because you somehow lost the high heels that you planned to wear with your matching dress that day. 
It was hilarious catching up with all of the crazy adventures you both had throughout the years, and Haknyeon with his bright and gagman persona made it a lot more memorable.
“I’m so glad you were with me from the beginning, Haknyeon. Never would I have thought to have gone through heaven and hell if I was alone.”
“Likewise, Y/N. I couldn’t have had a better bestie than you.”
You smiled and gave your best friend the biggest hug. “I just wish for us to be together for as long as we can.” 
With that, Haknyeon breaks off the hug and grabs hold of your shoulders, looking deep into your eyes. He hesitated for a few moments, before deciding that it was the right time for him to speak about that certain topic that he has been desperately wanting to for the past couple of weeks now. 
“Y/N. I know you’re probably sick of hearing this from me, but still, I want to make it clear to you. I still love you, even after all these years. I’ve never once given up hope on you.” 
He swallowed. “A-and. I mean, y’know we’ve been getting a lot closer for the past few months, crashing into each other’s place throughout the weeks, having tons of fun and cute movie and date nights at the restaurants in town. I just… wanna let this thing that has been bothering me for weeks now. I don’t mind if you don’t give me an answer, but just hear me out. I-I just… I want-” 
“I’ll be your girlfriend.” 
“Wa-wait what?”
You chuckled. “Oh my god, Haknyeon. I swear I’m gonna be dosing off to sleep waiting for you to blurt those words out. I know you still love me since the first day we met back in high school in the science laboratory. I gotta say I admire your persistence, young lad. Even what I was still with the ex who shall not be named.” 
A burden was taken off of Haknyeon’s shoulders, and he immediately jumped right back into your embrace while rubbing his cheeks against yours. He was like a puppy who has just gotten their biggest treat yet. 
“Thank you, Y/N. Thank you thank you thank you!!!” 
The hug lasted for a good few minutes, both of you taking in each other’s scent while resting both of your heads on each other’s shoulders. 
That was until Haknyeon broke off the hug for the second time now, as he moved his fingers right onto your plump lips. 
“May I?”. 
“About damn time, Ju.”
No words were needed. He lowered his head and crashed his lips onto yours. It’s like you both have been waiting for eternity for this to happen, how long you both have waited for this day to come. He wasted no time in exploring your lips, kissing you deeper as he tilted his head, and you did the same. 
Breaking off the kiss, he eventually scooped you up bridal style and brought you straight into the waters. As the sun starts to set, you both spend the rest of the remaining time kicking and splashing each other with water at the shore. By the end of the day, you both were soaking wet, but no regrets were made.
Haknyeon then lifts you up in his arms once again, giving you another kiss on the lips as you lean down and wrap your legs around him, both resting your foreheads with one another.
“I love you, Y/N. More than you could ever imagine.”
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a/n: yes there will be a part 2 😌
taglist: @deoboyznet @flwoie @hokupi @kyusqult @tinkerbell460 (join my permanent taglist here!)
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rei-ismyname · 23 days
Krakoa's 5 minute X-Men Squad
I'll never forget the X-Men team of the Third Hellfire Gala. The Quiet Council had been dissolved and they were moving to direct democracy, the Immortality secret had been out for a year - feathers unruffled by sharing it with the needy, and everyone was looking to the future. Scott and Jean were stepping back and leaving the team in capable hands. Krakoa was growing up after many stumbles and so much adversity. After a telepathic vote and a few nudges for people to believe in themselves...
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These cool kids were elected! A lot of underused faves right there. Two former supervillains who'd had years long arcs to heroism, a human (Juggernaut) and former mutant supremacist Frenzy. Four PoC! 50% women including a single mother! Multiple queers! They're stylish as hell with a very interesting array of powers and personalities!
They were murdered gruesomely for the next 20 panels.
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Events happened how they happened, for better or worse, but I know there's a timeline where Nimrod fell into a black hole and they got to do the job. I'd add just one person though. Every team needs a telepath (I know Synch can do it but it's killing him) and I know just the gal...
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RASPUTIN IV! She's just the gosh darn best and she brightens every page she's on. I'm currently finishing an essay called 'Where is Rasputin IV?' so watch out for that. Here she is giving Ms Marvel, her hero, a hug. As a treat ❤️💛💚
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 5 months
John Dory and Sable ❤️
Short Story - One Shot
The night before the Met Gala John Dory visits Sable after one of her shows. He basically wanted to confront his childhood bully. He wanted to be an adult about it and get some stuff off his chest. He ends up blowing up at her. Sable is of course hurt, but lets him yell. John realizes he is basically yelling at her for every mistake that HE has made. He is suddenly embarrassed for directing his rage at her, clumsily apologizes and leaves.
The next night at the Met Gala, Sable has just finished performing for all the guests and John Dory has retreated to a huge, empty wing of the museum, filled with nature themed paintings.
John absentmindedly stared at a huge painting. His mind is somewhere else.
Sable appeared at a corner doorway “I didn't know you were a connoisseur of the arts, John Dory. I'm impressed.”
“I’ll have you know, I'm a regular one of those art ugh…consumers.”
They both look towards the huge abstract painting.
“‘East Meets West.” Sable begins to explain the painting in front of them “A portrayal of the end to a timeless conflict. Merging of cultures. Both to grow greater than ever seen before.”
Okay, he was a little impressed that she knew that off the top of her head “Wow, really?”
Sable snorts “I have no idea, it sounded pretty real though, didn't it?”
JD smiles a little before sighing “Sable. About last night. I was acting like a moron. I was taking things out on you. I shouldn'ta done that and I’m sorry.”
“You’re right, you are a moron.”
John deadpans.
“However, I think it needed to happen. It seemed like you had been holding that in for a while?”
“Does twenty years count as a while?”
“One would think so.” she shook her head.
They both stare at the painting again.
“I forgive you for your outburst. However, some of your anger wasn't misdirected, John Dory. I am aware that I wasn't kind in my youth. Try as I might, I can't change who I was then, but I'm trying to be a better Troll now. You don't have to forgive me, but I do sincerely apologize for the way I have treated you in the past.”
“Did you practice that?” he frowned.
“Unfortunately, due to my behavior I have had to make this apology to quite a few Trolls.” she sighed sadly.
John Dory considered her words carefully.
And he stuck out his hand.
Sable offered him a grateful smile and accepted his hand.
“Truce” They firmly shake hands.
“I would very much still like to make it up to you, John Dory. I would love for you and your wife to be my dinner guests.”
“Nah, you do have to make…hold on, me and my what?”
“You… your wife?”
“I don't have a wife” he laughed awkwardly.
“Then… who's Rhonda?”
John Dory suddenly understands the confusion and chuckles.
*cuts to outside, where all the critters are ‘parked’ Unfortunately the water from the Techno Trolls critters had turned the ground into a thick mud which Rhonda had evidently been rolling around in.*
JD whistles and a muddy Rhonda comes bouncing over to the edge of the pen.
John opens the pen gate before realizing his fancy gala cape will drag in the mud. He unties it, not quite sure where to put it. Without thinking he drapes it over Sable’s shoulders.
Sable is startled at first but quickly takes hold of the cape before it falls off.
“Look how muddy you are! Just couldn't resist, could you girl! No, you couldn't. Had to pay back Daddy for making you have a bath today huh?! Yes you did!” JD cooed to Rhonda as he scratched under her chin. It causes her back leg to twitch.
Sable smiled at the sweet sight.
John gestures between them.“Rhonda, Sable. Sable, Rhonda.”
“Good evening Rhonda, that is a lovely pink bow. Very elegant.”
Rhonda frowned, looking Sable up and down. She hadn't decided yet whether she liked Sable or if she should eat Sable.
“Sable invited us to dinner, Rhonda. Isn't that nice of her?” JD leaned his ear in. Rhonda did not make any kind of noise in response. “Rhonda says thanks for the invite, but gosh darn, wouldn’t ya know, she’s got plans.” John shrugged.
Rhonda frowned at JD. What in the world was he talking about?
“Oh Rhonda, what poor timing I have.” Sable reached out to stroke Rhonda’s face but Rhonda quickly leaned away from her touch and shifted closer to JD.
“Yah, regular party animal, she is.” he chuckled.
Rhonda side-eyed JD.
“Well, Rhonda with your permission, I request to borrow John Dory tomorrow night as my dinner guest.”
Rhonda frowned at her.
“In return, perhaps when your schedule opens up, you and I can schedule a mud bath together.”
Rhonda huffed.
“Rhonda, what has gotten into you?” John Dory raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
Rhonda raised an eyebrow at him as if to say “Me?”
“She's quite territorial of you.”
“Yah, she's a good one. Aren't ya Rhonda? Who's my best girl? Always looking out for meeeeee!” He cooed as he scratched her cheek.
Rhonda accepted the scratches but still kept one eye on Sable.
Rhonda pulled away from John Dory and stretched out her legs.
Oh no.
“Rhonda, don’t!” he warned.
Shake shake shake shake shake
Mud goes flying and lands on JD and Sable.
JD was horrified “Rhonda! We don't cover nice Trolls with mud! Bad Rhonda!”
Rhonda rolled her eyes and wanders off.
“What the… where is this attitude coming from, young lady?”
Sable giggled as she looked down at the mud covering her.
“I am so sorry about Rhonda, Sable” he pulled the cape off of her shoulders. “I do not know what her problem is but she will be getting a stern, talking to when we get home.”
Fancy cape be darned, he used it to wipe the mud off of Sable.
“No harm done. Rhonda is just protecting you. It's sweet really.”
“If you wanna cancel dinner, I totally get it.” he sighed almost sadly.
“A little mud won't scare me off but if you don't wanna have dinner with me you could have just said so. You didn't have to send your attack armadillo after me.”
He hesitated with the cape but then wiped the mud off her face “One look from a pretty Troll and she's immediately jealous.”
“Careful John Dory. You just called me pretty.” she smirked.
Oh sugar.
“What? No I didn't…I…I said that you think that you're pretty.” he blushed just a little bit.
She raised an eyebrow at him but let it slide.
He flicked out the mud from the cape the best he could and threw it over his shoulder “Ya sure you wanna be seen in public with me? Gossip magazines will be all over it.”
“I am fully prepared to risk such a scandal, John Dory.”
“Ya sure?”
“One hundred percent.”
“But are ya sure?”
“Jonathan Dorian!”
“Alright alright, you don't have to beg. I'll go to dinner with you.” he smirked. He offered her a hand to help her down from the stone they were standing on.
“Very well, it's a date then. However, I'll have to let you know the details later. They should be serving the entrees right about now.” She turned to make her way back to the Gala.
He smirked at the thought of food but suddenly stopped in his tracks, falling behind as she continued on.
Hold on, it's a what?
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jadetheblueartist · 3 months
hey :) how did you know and/or find out you were autistic?
Thanks for the question, anon!
Now, some of this stuff may not be relevant, but I’ll just take you through it anyway (in case we are the exact same person or something hahaha).
The very first time I ever really heard of autism was several years ago when I was talking to my mom about something that happened in my brain. I was like, “Yeah, so when I think of the number seven, I see green.” And she was like “Oh, really?” and then went on little thing about how she was pretty sure this was a symptom of something that geniuses had (I now know she was literally referencing synesthesia [“when your brain routes sensory information through multiple unrelated senses, causing you to experience more than one sense simultaneously” -Cleveland Clinic] and Sheldon Cooper hahaha). While I believe there is a correlation with synesthesia and autism, synesthesia is not part of the diagnostic material and would not be used as “evidence.”
The next thing was about a year ago. I was on Pinterest taking random quizzes, as you do, and I stumbled upon an autism quiz. So I, not really knowing what autism was, was like ooh yay another quiz. So I took it and it said I had moderate autistic traits. So I was like oh interesting and told my therapist this. Therapist was like, “ummmm okay maybe… but that is a single random quiz from Pinterest. It’s probably just social anxiety.” So I was like oh yeah okay and then moved on.
A few months after that, I was on Pinterest again and scrolling through some My Hero Academia stuff when I saw this list of reasons why they headcanonned Midoriya as autistic. So I was like, “Um. That’s what autism is? That just kinda sounds like me…” so I saved it because it was cool and scrolled down to related pins. Then I found a list as to why that person headcannoned Aoyama as autistic. So again, I read through and was like “… guys this is just me.” That is what sprung the deep dive. For the next several days I did literally nothing but watch all of the videos I could find of autistic people explaining their experiences, traits of autism, autistic masking, video essays of why rottmnt donnie is great autism representation, etc. I simultaneously wrote down every single thing I related to on a massive list. Then I got to my next therapy session. I spent the whole hour presenting as much of the information I could, and by the end, Therapist was like “hmmm, well I don’t really do diagnoses so I’m not super familiar with this. But we can go over the DSM-5 breakdown next week if you want.” So I was like, yes of course, and began prepping more.
In that week, I did some reflecting on my childhood and asking my family about my childhood (since I don’t have too many memories). Then I made a list of all of the childhood things that could be autistic traits (example: I spent all of my weekends researching ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen, lining up all of my brothers action figures for hours, I couldn’t stand the feeling of a super soft blanket on my hands or feet, etc). (Also at this time, I told my best friend about it and she was like “hahaha what do you mean? You’re too smart for that” so you can be autistic and have good grades? You can also be autistic and have bad grades bc they are not mutually exclusive :D anyway back to the main chunk) Icame back to therapy prepared and ready to go and we went through the criteria. At the end, therapist was like, “I can’t diagnose you, however, you do fit all of the diagnostic criteria” and I was like “ahhhh sick I knew it.”
So then I was like “Hey, Mom and Dad, I’m almost 100% percent sure I am autistic but I would like to get an official diagnosis. What do you think about that?” I wanted a diagnosis mainly to combat the gosh darn imposter syndrome (it kind of helps but the imposter syndrome is still there!! Ahhhhhh /lh) And since neither of them had any actual clue about autism, they were confused and not sure about it. I got them to agree by appealing to their practical side and said an official diagnosis could help me get job accommodations if I needed it. Plus it’s a lot easier to do it before you become an adult, so I should figure it out soon. Eventually they agreed and we got the ball rolling.
I was super excited bc everything said that the whole diagnosis process generally takes up to two years, but our doctor got us an appointment in a few weeks. Come to find out, he was just making sure we had any sort of valid reason so he could refer us somewhere to get the diagnosis. That was a bit of a bummer but it was still chill. We eventually got an appointment with this one place that actually diagnosed and again I was excited.
We went in for the initial appointment to figure out scheduling bc I had to do a few different appointments in total. The lady that would be administering the testing was about to leave that practice in a few months though (this was in November and she was leaving at the end of December). But she said she wanted to get it done herself so she just got us in quickly. We also somehow managed to finish what should’ve been a few hours long testing in an hour so I guess I’m just really good at autism hahaha (it’s probably bc we did the paperwork tests outside of the appointment).
Then in early January (she had already left by then but gave the report to someone else) we got the results, and I got my official autism diagnosis. It was a good day ^^
So yeah that’s basically my whole story. If you wanted me to go more into detail with anything like a DSM-5 criteria breakdown or something I would be more than happy to :))))) autism is a special interest of mine, after all.
This was really fun, Anon! Thanks so much for the ask and feel free to ask anything else you are curious about ^^
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onskepa · 10 months
Muewehehehe! 😈
Hello Halo Hello! Once again I am Back! MUHAHAHAHA!
And I come back with another triplets request! Cause gosh darn it you do them so well. But anyways back to the request, that is if it's okay with you of course!
So hear me out years have past and the young triplets are now the beautiful age of 15! The kids along with the family are going to the plains to meet up with other Clans for a celebratory hunt. The omaticaya, Metkayina and Tipani gather together the young hunters ready to prove themselves and so forth.
But this isn't just about that that, this is about Lu'law gaining the attention of a very determined princling of the Tipani. Lu'law who's known for being pretty inventive and always crafting things or being intrigued by the old ways of human technology to help the humans of the omaticaya or just the Clan in general. But Lu'law isn't just known for her inventions they are also known for their beautiful gymnastic skills, practically making her look as though they dance on air.
The tipani princling is enraptured by her and is determined to court her for the following days, the thing is... daddy and uncle Loki ain't having it. Mischief ensues.
(I like to think the triplets call their uncle Lo'ak, loki from they're mama's stories cause he's mischievous.)
(Also Lu'law's siblings and mama help her to get with the adorkable boy they think is cute.)
Ooooooooooooooooooooohhh~!! I like this one! Sit back, relax, and Enjoy! Syawn series
Syawn ch 4: skxom Hunt pt1
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"Bro maybe we should head back, we got enough for the travel. Any more and we wont have enough space to carry the meat".
15 year old lu'Tstunwi says to his triplet brother, 15 year old lu'Lafyon.
Lu'Lafyon nods in agreement. They hunted enough. "Yeah, lets go. Lu'Law lets go!" the second brother calls out to his sister.
Where ever she is at.
Lu'Tstunwi and Lu'Lafyon roll their eyes in unison.
"She left didnt see? To grand uncle norm?" Lu'Lafyon asks in a bit of annoyance.
"No I didnt! Im right here" the voice of their sister was heard behind them. Turning around they see their sister landing down from a high branch.
Together, they head back home with their kill. Chatting happily about what they hope to see.
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In the Omatikaya grounds, jake sully was packing the needed equipment for their long journey ahead. He gets up, groaning a bit tired.
Close to him, neteyam sees his father and slightly grins, "is time finally getting to you dad?". Jake rolls his eyes but cracks his back joints with a satisfying pop sound. "I am still in my prime son. But even I must admit, it is slowly getting to me" Jake replies in slight defeat.
Neteyam chuckled. He looks up at the position of the sun, knowing soon his children will come back soon with their kill. And finish what is left to pack.
His children. Neteyam's precious triplets.
After so many years, the reality of the three has never faded from his mind. Neteyam loves his triplets equally and adores how each are different yet the same.
The most he enjoys is the triplets being very close to their grandfather. Since jake understands the triplets on a a deeper level. Seeing them thrive and bond with others have made him and syawn very happy. And speaking of syawn, where is she?
There she is.
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Everyone was preparing for the long travel for the Skxom Hunt. A hunt that only happens once every 3 years. Clans from all over gather at a specific spot to hunt. Where life thrives and producing never ending field of nourishment and quality of ripe fruits and healthy animals.
Usually there would be an agreed spot of where to hunt. But for the last 40 years, the Skxom hunt has taken place in the once homeland of the fallen Sarentu clan. Where all na'vi go as to pay respect for their fallen brothers and sisters.
For the future generations to learn and never forget the once thriving clan. Retelling of Sarentu's stories, most notable figures. How their culture was like and traditions.
What has fallen, now rises a new life. The Sarentu's territory covered high mountains, deep massive lakes, endless fields of grass lands and patches of forest. Perfect for every na'vi in different environments.
Perfect for many things to be born anew. New things would bloom.
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"ok now remember, you only have about 340 hours so make every second count, ya got it?" Norman Spellman was telling to lu'law.
"Dont worry uncle norm. Every second is going to be....how did you say it? A gem? Whatever. Know your trusty camera is in safe hands of sully the vlogger!!" Lu'law said with such confidence while holding a peace sign.
“That is the concerning part” Max says casually as he passes by with his wheelchair. “It happened one time. Besides, it was uncle loki that did it. Why put the blame on little ol’me?” Lu’law asks while making a pouty face. 
“Because you gave it to him”. 
“Oh yeah…”
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Night came, and the whole clan gather once more in their union dinner, to be close to their loved ones before the long journey ahead. 
Kiri and spider chat as much as they could with their family as they will be staying behind to watch over the clan. “And make sure the hunters are going through the right paths I laid out. The west side river is at its peak so have everyone be careful since the waters are rough this time of year, also-”
“Yes, yes, yes dad. Don't worry, we got it, "Kiri says as she reassures her father. 
Jake cant help but sigh. This happens every time Jake has to leave the clan for days. Often over worrying, extra observant and extra worrying. 
“We have done this plenty of times dad. We got this, the people trust spider as much as they trust you. Our people are in the safest hands” kiri says with softness in her voice. Jake shakes his head while his hands also shake slightly. Neytiri rubs her hand against his arms. “Ma’jake, our daughter is right. She and spider have proved themselves worthy to watch over the people. They will be fine. It is not the first time”. 
The soothing voice of his mate, Jake relaxed. “Neytiri is right, I can handle the torch while you are away,” Spider says with a grin. Excited to be in a position where he can help the people in a massive way. 
“Hey, I am the BEST of the BEST. I can heal anyone. Besides, it will be fun to see the whole fest!” tuk says as she sits beside neytiri and kiri. 
Over at the over fire pit, neteyam and syawn enjoy their meal with their beloved children. Syawn explaining to neteyam how her day with tuk and others went and he listens with all his attention on her. Lu’law sees it and often wonders if one day she would have what her parents have. 
“Sis? You are zoning out again” Lu’lafyon says as Lu’Tstunwi snaps his fingers in front of her face. “Oh, sorry, um, what were we talking about again??” lu’law asks while nervously scratching her nose. “Your sensor. You said it works better now” lu’tstunwi replies. Regaining her concentration again, lu’law explains her new item. 
“Oh right! So this will help us see if any danger is near with a super hyper heat sensor and…”
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Everyone awoke before the rising sun. They begin their journey both in Ikrans and palis. Jake took the front line to lead the way, as the warriors surrounded their massive group. Everyone was nervous yet excited for the hunt. Neytiri and Jake were chatting while being on alert. Neteyam and syawn enjoy each other’s comfort in silence. And Tuk chatting happily to some of her fellow friends who joined in on the journey.
The triplets decided to ride their ikrans during their journey. Letting the cool wind awaken their minds and feel the crisp morning air. Using the earpiece their grandfather gave them, they have clear communication long distant from the land and sky. Thanks to lu’law’s little tinkering, not only they can hear, but also give visuals from the person’s perspective. Which can cover more ground better. Making things better for her people gives lu’law a sense of pride and feels she is truly contributing to the clan in her own way. 
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"You think the Tyrangi clan will be there?" Lu'Lafyon asks during the time of resting. His siblings look at each other before rolling their eyes. "Brother, it be unlike the Tyrangi clan to NOT be there" Lu'Law responds.  “Really brother, are you Omatikaya or Tayrangi?” Lu’Tstunwi teases, making those around him grin.
“Wouldn't be surprised if my nephew would present for that clan” Lo’ak adds in as he makes himself comfortable. The Tyrangi clan, or more specifically, their Olo’eykte, Ikenyi, holds favoritism towards Lu’Lafyon. The oldest triplet became a symbol of unity between the Omatikaya and Tayrangi. For what reason? That is a secret buried between Lu’Lafyon and Ikenyi. 
“Please uncle loki, grandpa would never let that happen” Lu’Tstunwi says. “Damn right I won't” Jake comments as he sits down with neytiri. The triplets scoot closer to their grandparents. “In fact, I am sure Neteyam can agree with me on this one. The three of you, dont take after your uncle lo’ak-” 
“You are Omatikaya no matter what. And in the future when you fully participate in the hunt, present Omatikaya and show the others what we can do '' Jake ends his little speech. Neytiri smiles as she leans on to him. 
“You are still hurt from your defeat of the last hunt” 
“Those fuckers cheated”
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It was a long trip, but at long last they arrived at the preserved lands of the long gone Sarentu clan. Thanking Eywa for reaching their destination, the Omatikaya members began to settle. But they weren't alone. Their brothers at arms have settled before them, the metkayina clan. 
Lo’ak ran walked to Tsireya as everyone else was welcoming each other. “It has only been a few days and he acts like he hasn't seen auntie Tsireya in years' ' Lu'Tstunwi comments as he rolls his eyes. But Lu’Law inwardly hums at the scene of her uncle and aunt. “Must be nice though, to see someone you look forward to seeing no matter how much time has passed,” she says with a sigh. 
Syawn heard her and pulls her daughter closer, “my sweet girl, are you perhaps thinking of something like that?” she teases. Lu’Law playfully rolls her eyes, “no mother, it is just a silly thought” . Syawn hums while smiling slightly, “no thought is too silly”. 
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“My little Lulu’s!!” 20 year old Ti’ong sings out as she embraces the triplets into her arms. Giving them each a kiss on the head, she lets them go. “You three keep getting big! Stop growing and be cute and small forever!” she pouts while complaining. Lu’Tstunwi chuckles, “It has only been 3 months, Tsmuke. Don't be dramatic”
Dramatically, Ti’ong leaned against Lu’Tstunwi, “3 months is too long”. Lu’law giggles at her Tsmuke antics when her eyes landed on the arriving clan. 
The Tipani clan. 
It is rare for the Tipani clan to attend the hunt since they live farther out in the forest region and would take longer to arrive. Perhaps they had a head start. 
Lu’Law took notice of her father smirking a bit playfully. “Dad? You know someone from the Tipani clan?” she asks, neteyam nods. “See that man over there? With the yellow shield on his back?”. The daughter nods. The man in question looked a bit older than neteyam. Seemed more experienced and a master level. 
“Well, his name is Tan Jala. We have a bit of competition in terms of physical skill. It is a bit over due to settle the score” neteyam says with determination in his voice. 
“You and your father are much alike” Syawn joins with a deadpan in her voice. 
“It is as uncle lo’ak says mom, like father like son”
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On the other side of the field, young princling of the Tipani clan, atan afyawusìntxu was looking all over the na’vi that are settling in. It was his first time attending the Skxom hunt. Ready to prove himself not only to his people but to everyone else. 
His parents told him that the legendary Toruk Makto is here along with his clan. To hear the stories never tired him. And the clan he lives in must be powerful and strong too! But Toruko Makto wasn't the only person the young Tipani prince wishes to see. The blessed triplets too. 
Atan has heard of the historic communion from his mother. To see the triplets in front of him would be such an honor. Though secretly, the boy wishes to be friends with them. Not to hold political connections but to be genuine friends. 
“Atan, focus. This is your first hunt. You do well in being the face of our future to the others” atan's father says. The boy nods. “Yes father, I promise I won't make a fool of myself” 
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“Stop making a fool of yourselves!!” Tuk warns at her niece and nephews. The triplets giggle as they make silly carvings while hanging upside down on one of the tall tents. Syawn giggles and places a hand on tuk’s shoulder. “Did you forget it was you who taught them to be silly, sister?”. Tuk inwardly groans, “Yes, and I regret it”. Syawn laughs heartily at it. 
“Auntie tuk! Come on! Join us!” Lu’law shouts, inviting tuk to join in their silliness. “You too mother! The view is lovely up here!” Lu’tstunwi says. The ladies shrug their shoulders and join in the fun. 
Lu’lafyon helps them up but wasn't quick. “Wait mother, don't step there-” 
“Thank Eywa we didn't inherited mothers clumsiness” 
“I heard that!”
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The next day arrives, and the skxom hunt begins. As the sun has risen, the games begin. The entire sully family prepares for the first rounds. Lu’law prepares the camera norm gave her. To record the best parts for the clan to see when they return home. 
“Ok, aaaaand we are rolling!” she announces. Lu’Lafyon and Lu’Tstunwi made silly poses in front of the camera. “Hello Omatikaya people! Today is the first day of the Skxom hunt! The first games are fishing and gathering in the lakes!” Lu’Lafyon announces to the camera. “Todays competitors are the Tipani clan, Ta’unui clan, Tayrangi clan and our fellow ally, the Mekayina clan!” Lu’Tstunwi follows. 
Lu’law giggles at their silliness. She turns the camera facing her and grins widely. “Join us as we record the greatest event in na’vi history! We are your voices! I am lu’law Sully!” she makes a peace sign. Her brothers join her on each side. 
“I am Lu’Tstunwi Sully!” 
“And I am Lu’Lafyon Sully!” 
“And you are watching Disney channel!” the three say in unison. 
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“And uncle ao’nung is in the lead!! GO UNCLE GO!!” Lu’law screeches in excitement. She zooms in to where Ao'nung was head to head with a Tayrangi clan member. “The Tipani is falling behind a bit” she comments. 
There were cheers among the crowd. “*gasps!* uncle is-” 
A loud voice echoed in the massive field, reaching everyone's ears. Lu’law pointed the camera to show a na’vi holds a large sky demon technology that works as a speaker. “And that is O’ame of the Hulanta clan WHO IS VERY LOUD!” Tuk shouted behind lu’law. 
The young triplet laughs and while holding the camera, she leans over to get something from her bag when she unknowingly was recording someone…
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Atan was cheering for his fellow clan member. He screamed at the top of his lungs, seeing the metkayina warrior having a greater chance at winning. 
He heard a bright cheery voice amongst all others. The voice is clear and bright. Atan carefully trying to pinpoint who it was, his eyes widened slightly in surprise. It was the triplet sister. Atan was awestruck. She wasn't that far from him. As his parents wanted, to make strong bonds with the Omatikaya clan. Perhaps this is a good chance. 
The sister was holding some demon technology. Something he despised of. It was odd looking like all demon technology. It had some dark circle in the center. Aiming at the competitors. Nothing was coming out of it. Perhaps it is somehow aiding the metkayina warrior? 
Atan was very confused but more bewildered when it aimed at him. The sister wasn't looking, she was leaning down and her arm moved when the object was facing him. He didnt feel any pain, no mind controlling, nothing of the things he has heard. Still feeling the same. 
The sister stood up straight again, and for a moment, Atan made eye contact with the sister…
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Everyone surrounded Ao’nung as he was named winner of the swimming round. After that, more clans competed in the coming rounds. 
When night came, a huge communal feast was served. Many cooks, hunters, gatherers came to create a giant feast with each clan's specialties. Jake and neteyam, along with ao’nung and lo’ak, they left to meet with the other clan leaders, as for tuk, syawn, and neytiri left to assist in cooking. And where does the three little mischievous triplets leave to? 
An open field of chaotic adventure. 
“Let's go before Ikeyni smothers me again!” Lu’lafyon says as he and his siblings run along the long grass. 
The other two laugh at him and keep on running. Enjoying the feeling of freedom and the soft grass. At night does the land looks just as alive as in the daytime. 
Lu’Tstunwi was holding the camera as he slowly scans the grasslands with the camera. Trying to capture every detail. “And this was once home of the Sarentu clan. We have already paid our respects to the fallen. Sorry we couldn't record it. It was a private thing” he narrates. 
“Hey look, seems we aren't the only ones in thirst of adventure” Lu’law comments, Lu’tstunwi turns the camera to show young na’vi around their age and younger exploring the area. Playing games or just enjoying the environment. 
“Well my fellow lu and lu, I believe that is our cue to cover more grounds. Here, my turn” Lu’Lafyon says as he takes the camera from his brother. “Remember, it only has 335 hours left of the camera, so make each second worth it!” Lu’law warns. 
“Yeah yeah! Got it!” Lu’Lafyon says dismissively.  
And off the three went to their own little adventures and what to share with their family. 
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Lu’Law flew her ikran high in the sky. The nightly breeze was refreshing and felt wonderful. “Come on Ichi! Let's practice some more!” Lu’Law speaks with her ikran who screeches in agreement. 
Getting in a position as her ikran dives down in high speeds, letting the pressure of the wind take her off of ichi and fly high in the sky. The bioluminescent light illuminating her deep blue skin. Looking, for a moment, other worldly. 
At least that is what Atan describes when he saw Lu’Law making some insane tricks. As he too took his ikran flying in the young night. But hearing Lu’Law’s howls, it lured him to follow. And there, in the vast open skies, did he see Lu’law dance among the wind. Her movements were delicate as a leaf floating in the wind. 
Truly, Atan was in awe struck. His ikran roars, he looks and makes a quick move to avoid crashing the tall trees. Atan makes a sharp right, back into the open air. His eyes still staring at where he could have crashed before-
“LOOK OUT!!” a voice called out to him. 
His ikran took the initiative and ducked down. But atan looked up, as if time slowed down, once again he made eye contact with the na’vi who was on his mind for the whole day. The na’vi, Lu’law  truly is otherworldly. 
Time resumed and both passed each other. 
Lu’law turned ichi around and flew at the same pace as atan. “Hey are you alright? You almost hit that tree” she spoke with concern in her voice. Atan blinked a few times, “y-yes. I am fine. Thank you, I wasn't seeing where I was going” he explained. Lu’law smiles, assured he is fine. 
“You are from the Tipani clan right? What is your name?” she asks. Clearing his throat he replies, “my name is Atan afyawusìntxu. Or atan for short”. Lu’law gasped a bit, “for a name like that. That means you are the son of Olo'eyktan and tsahik, correct?” she asks. Again, atan nods. 
Lu’law giggles. Took a bit for Atan not to give such a reaction. It was a cute sound she made. Light and bubbly. “Well then atan, my name is Lu’Law sully from the Omatikaya” the girl introduces herself. “But I get the feeling you already know me” Lu’Law says, slightly nervous. 
Atand nods, “Hard to not know of you and your family lineage” he says. “But…I only know the surface” he continues. This made lu’law light up in glee. “Well then, atan. How about joining me in a little flight? Show you more than what you know?”. Taking the open invitation, atan accepts. And off the two fly higher together. Their ikrans dancing in rhythmic patterns. 
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Down on the ground, Syawn was searching for her little mischief children as it was dinner time. Purposely, the triplets left their ear piece behind so as to not be found wherever they are. 
“This is getting old” Syawn says with a tired sigh. Her little complaints were hauled when she heard the familiar howls of cheers. She looks up to see lu’law flying ichi, but she wasn't alone. 
“Oh my…” Syawn whispers. Recognizing who is the second rider, she couldn't help but have a soft smile on her lips. The scene reminds her of many precious memories. Seeing lu’law enjoying her fun with the Tipani prince was certainly a sight. But one syawn won't share. Not until her daughter was ready. 
“No no, maybe I am thinking too deep into it…” the na’vi mother says to herself. Deciding on leaving her daughter to be with her new found friend. Syawn silently leaves with joy in her heart. 
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“So if his name is lo’ak, why do you call him loki?” Atan asks. The two of them sit near a clif side of a hill, taking a break from their flying activities. “Loki is an old god the humans once believed. Was mischievous and would pull pranks and create trouble for fun. Thus, uncle loki since it suited my uncle” Lu’law explains. If atan has eyebrows, it would be raised. 
“Human stories? What good do they have? Don't you hate them?” he asks. He has heard of the Omatikaya clan were constantly being attacked. It would be logical to hate them. His clan does. Was raised to hate them as they only came to destroy their home. 
Lu’law shrugs a bit. “Not all of them, in fact there are humans that live in unity with my clan. My mother was once a human. But Eywa blessed her to be in her dreamwalker body to live with my father. The humans, or “science guys” as my grandfather calls them, are loyal to my people. Would rather lose their heads than betray”. 
Atan looks rather surprised and a bit perplexed. Lu’law caught on. “Well...I understand its odd for other clans. I would assume you were alright with the humans since your clan was the first to interact with them” she says. 
“Correct but it didnt mean we trusted them. After everything they have done. And killing my great grandparents. It is a wound that won't be healed for a long time…” Atan replies with slight sadness. Lu’law can only nod in understanding. 
“I guess it is only right to have different views on them. It is alright. Maybe-” She was interrupted by the sounds of the long horns being blown. Signaling that the communal dinner has started. 
“Right on time. Today worked up an appetite” Lu’law says with excitement to feast on some yummy food. Atan reflected her mood as he too smiled, “yes. Uumm..I enjoyed our chat together. Perhaps, if it is alright with you. Can we talk some more tomorrow…?” he asks a bit nervously. This made lu’law’s ears perk up and her tail swaying. 
“YES! *ahem!* I mean, yes. I enjoyed our time too. How about after tomorrows rounds? My aunt tsireya will be competing tomorrow and I want to be there to support her”. 
“Of course, in fact, my aunt will be attending as well” atan says. This sparked a bit of a competition between them. “Alright, may the best aunt win” Lu’law states, their hands shake as to confirm whatever they were doing. 
Saying their goodbyes, both left to their spots where their clan and family members are.
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“Alright alright, settle down. Tsireya and Tuk, help me with the portions.” Neytiri instructs her two daughters as everyone settles down. Jake, lo’ak, tonowari and ao’nung were chatting. While Unyor, Ti’ong, and Syawn were chatting too. Neteyam entered their massive tent observing the whole family. A smile crept up to him. The warm glow of the fire and the happy chatter all over brought happiness to his heart. 
But he noticed 3 members are missing. 
Sitting next to his mate, giving her a kiss on the cheek, “my love, where are the kids?” he asks. Syawn was reminded of what she witnessed earlier but kept her face neutral. “No doubt exploring the grasslands. Don't worry, they will come soon, the horn was heard” she treasures. 
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“Hurry before uncle ao’nung and uncle loki get the good stuff!!” Lu’lafyon rushes his siblings as they ran past everyone towards their tent. Lu’tstunwi and Lu’law do their best to keep up. 
“Would have been faster if we took the pali’s!!” lu’tstunwi with a bit of impatience in his voice. “And crash more people than we already are??” Lu’law asks a bit sarcastically as she steps on another tail on accident. 
The three kept saying sorry as they crash or step on someone. They see their family tent and ran faster. 
But Ronal was in the way. 
“What the…?” 
“BREAKS!!!” the triplets said in unison as they tried to halt their speed. Ronal was quick to step aside as the three tumble each other on the ground. “What are you three doing?” Ronal asks curiously. Bending down to make sure they are fine. The triplets groan a bit from the sudden stop and crush each other with their body weight. 
“Hi granny…we heard the horn so we ran as you saw” lu’tstunwi answered despite his cheek being smushed by lu’law’s hand.Ronal rolls her eyes at him, “there is plenty. No need to run like you are getting the scraps” she reminds. Lu’law hisses at lu’lafyon who moves around, “we will get scraps if we do-STOP TUGGING!!” he shouts at his siblings. 
Ronal was quick to separate the three. “Don't tangle your tails again, wouldn't want a repeat of that incident”. The triplets shudder at the old memory being mentioned. 
As the three separated, Ronal steadily took the lead in taking them to the tent. The three followed, neither walking in front or behind, but rather at her sides. “Your mother always leaves the best for you three. I doubt your uncles would leave bones behind for you”. 
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“Sheesh! Calm down you three! There is plenty, why must you eat like your uncles?” Jake scolds his grandchildren. The triplets were eating in a rather fast pace, as if to compete with ao’nung and lo’ak. 
“Backs straight, I raised fine na’vi not mindless skxawngs” Sywan also scolds. “So did we” Neytiri and Ronal side eye their sons who were doing the same. 
“Sorry mom, after a long day of activity, hunger comes with no warning” Lu’tstunwi replies as he helps wipe off the mess from lu’fayon’s mouth. Syawn shakes her head and does the same with lu’law. “You are a lady, at least behave like one. What if a fine young na’vi sees you gobbling up like a pali? hm?” she says gently. 
Neteyam shakes his head, “well if that is what will drive away any mindless young ones, by all means lu’law, eat like an ikran”. 
Syawn lightly slaps neteyam’s shoulder, “don't be like that. One day she and our sons will find a mate of their own. Who is to say they won't find one here?”. Again neteyam shakes his head, this time in more denial “no, not now, and not ever. They are still too young to even think about tha. Especially our daughter". 
Lo’ak was quick to agree, “I second that!”. 
This time tsireya lightly slapped his head. 
Unyor gave a look towards ao’nung as to silence him before he says anything. 
The triplets were giving everyone equal unimpressed looks. “Really?” was what the three said. “Mom, dad, I highly doubt I will find someone any time soon. Especially here. This is two weeks we will be here. There won't be enough time to get to know someone and fall in love. Besides, I am busy recording all the good stuff for the people back home. Cant get side tracked” lu’law stated. 
The answer did satisfy neteyam and lo’ak. But syawn can't help but make a slight face. 
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“We know that hum sister,” Lu’tstunwi says. The three lay side by side in their shared hammock. Despite being old enough for their own, they refused. 
“Sorry but…but I just can't help it. Would dad really prevent us from finding someone?” lu’law asks. Lu’lafyon and lu’tstunwi looked at each other for a few seconds. “Most likely, but mom will be there to keep him in check” lu’tstunwi answers. 
“But also, there is the factor, DO we really want to find someone? And if so, when is the right time?” Lu’lafyon questions. The three humm in unison as they stare up at the clear starry night sky. 
“Why not make a pact promise?” Lu’tstunwi suggest. Lu’lafyon and lu’law turn to him with raised eyebrows. He elaborates, “like ummm….who ever each of us falls in love first or starts to like someone. We help each other in going forth? And should dad or anyone try to get in the way, we tattletell mom and help? How about it?”. 
The other two looked at each other in thought. “Soooo…one of us likes someone and the other two become support and guards…sounds like a good idea” lu’law says. The three nod in agreement and twirl their pinky fingers to seal their new pact. 
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Sharing the same starry night sky, young atan was looking up with wonder and hope. After the recent exchange with lu’law, that girl couldn't be out of his mind. She was bright, sweet, and very engaging. 
But nothing is perfect, there is an itch atan can't get rid of. Her love for demon technology. That is something he cant easily overlook. 
“My son, what has got you so deep in thought?” his mother asks, interrupting his train of thought. She lays beside him, her warm smile bright and welcoming. Atan looks back at the sky and back to his mother. 
“It is a bit..complicated mother. I am not so sure myself” he replies in a low whisper. His mother wraps her arms around him, bringing him close. “M-mother, wait, I don't think father would-” 
“Oh hush, he is busy. A little hug won't hurt either of you. Now, about that head of yours” she playfully taps on his forehead. “If there is something you are not sure of, don't hesitate to ask. You can always come to me or to your father. Being lost in your mind isn't always good. Best to seek guidance from those close to you” the tsahik advice. 
Atan hums at her words, and snuggles closer to her embrace. “I guess, but this is something too early to tell. And I need to figure it out. Hopefully soon…” 
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“And what did we learn?” tuk teases as she applies healing paste to lo’ak bruises. He rolls his eyes as tsireya wraps his injured hand. Neytiri sat across from him, arms crossed, clearly not impressed. 
“What? I can't help it! After that talk last night I had to check if everything was, you know…ok with them. Especially lu’law”. Tsireya releases a huff in amusement. “So you thought it was a good idea to hide within the herd of the sturmbeest? To spy on them?” 
Lo’ak sighs and hangs his head. “Look, as their uncle, isnt it my job to make sure they are ok? That no dumb thoughts cross their minds?”. 
“And being in the middle of a herd was a good idea?” Neytiri asks a bit sarcastically. Lo’ak hung his head even more as his ears pinned against his head. “Ma’loak, I know you care for them but syawn and neteyam are there. They are the parents, let them watch over their kids. You on the other hand have a hunt to prepare in 2 days. Can't have you be distracted” Tsireya scolds gently with a warm smile. 
“Fine, but I am still going to tell neteyam-” 
“Absolutely not” 
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“Ok, here are your arrow-WOA!!” 
Neteyam caught syawn easily like it was one of his five senses. “Still falling for me?” he smirks playfully, making syawn blush like a teenager. It never fails. 
“N-neteyam, not now, you have to be up there soon” syawn said with a bit of shake in her voice. Putting the bow and arrows aside, neteyam picks up his beloved and spins around. Causing syawn to squeak in surprise. 
“Neteyam!! We can do this later!!” syawn says as her mate keeps spinning. Neteyam however laughs and keeps spinning with love in his eyes, “I don't mind skipping”. Coming to a halt, he stops but hasn't put his love down. “Come on neteyam. Didn't you say you have a score to settle with a Tipani? I want to see you win” syawn encourages. 
“I do. Buuuuut being with you is better” he pulls her in for a loving kiss to which syawn happily reciprocates. 
Quickly the mates pulled away to see their children cover their eyes and make gagging noises. “Hey, you may be grossed out now. But when you find your mate, you three will be doing the same” Syawn says. 
“Unlikely” neteyam comments with a little grin. 
“Yeahyeahyeah! They are calling for you dad. Don't keep them waiting!” Lu’tstunwi says. “Beat Tan Jala’s ass!” Lu’lafyon shouts, fisting the air. “Show him what you are all about!” Lu’law adds. 
Warmth filled neteyams heart, smiling lovingly at his children. Pulling all three close along with his mate, he hugs them all tightly. “Dad…?” he hears one of his kids say, but he just takes a moment of being with them. “Ssshhh…let him have this” Syawn whispers. 
The triplets then understood and wrapped their arms around each other. Their family fully embracing in their little bubble of love. 
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skxom = chance, opportunity
atan afyawusìntxu = Guiding light
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Taglist: : @quirkyhero , @theunfortunateplace , @moonchildxoxx , @galactict3a , @mochacoffeeumai26 , @cloudyw1ndzz
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walkawaytall · 1 year
thoughts I've had about the Han/Leia dynamic that prove that my bar for relationships is on the ground (but, like, also prove that a lot of relationships in fiction somehow tunnel under my ground-level bar every chance they get)
"I appreciate that, despite having just spent several minutes yelling at each other in a public hallway, when they're both working, they interact like damn adults and don't do weird things like refuse to acknowledge each other over the comms**."
"The fact that they go from griping at each other nearly constantly to being nearly constantly affectionate and on each other's sides so quickly kind of indicates that the Echo Base Angst was probably just a bunch of hurt feelings from off-screen events and that these people actually like each other and have for quite awhile, which is good thing in a romantic relationship and also completely different from the interpretation that I do sometimes feel the movie wants us to have, which is that these two idiots yelled at each other for three years straight and then Han's Very Cool and Definitely Not Awkward Flirting for Cool Guys Only™ won the princess over without them ever addressing hating each other for years."
"You know, a huge red flag for unhealthy relationships is mocking your significant other in front of other people, which is a thing that Han could have easily done when Lando asked if they were having issues with C-3PO. Or he could have just overridden Leia entirely and asked for Lando's help, but he instead presented a united front even though he had literally just disagreed with her about trusting Lando when they were alone. I know it was just so they could make a joke. I know Lawrence Kasdan wasn't sitting there going, 'Hmm, how do I depict a healthy relationship where there's a disagreement and an outside party agrees with one of the people in the relationship?' But this is still (sadly) noteworthy."
"They still, like, maintain their personalities and wry senses of humor once they're together without degrading or making fun of one another in a mean way, which strikes a balance I've only seen depicted in fiction a handful of times."
"Han is obviously feeling insecure for plot contrivance reasons, but he apologizes for being needlessly snippy immediately. Go Han."
"This entire 'Is Leia in love with Luke?' subplot has never made any gosh-darn sense to me, no, not even when I was like eleven. But Han offering to step aside rather than getting mad at Leia or Luke or, I don't know, challenging Luke to a duel or something is actually a kind of mature thing to do."
I should note that I firmly believe all of these things happened on accident. At no point do I think the people in charge of writing these scripts were like, "Let's make these two dummies have a bizarrely functional relationship even when we throw nonsensical insecurities into the mix for no good reason". This is the same as Leia being Force-sensitive: they accidented themselves into a better and more cohesive plotline than what they originally intended. But it still works somehow, and I like how things turned out so much better than what it sort of seems like they were attempting to do.
(For clarity's sake: I'm only saying my bar is on the ground because I feel like all of this should just be a given in romantic relationships and I'm sitting here impressed that I've seen any of it depicted in fiction.)
**obviously, Han did just straight-up turn off his comm earlier in the movie which was admittedly immature, but at that point, I assumed he was off-duty since he's working on the Falcon, and I'm specifically talking about being able to work together despite whatever weird personal stuff you have going on with someone (where "weird personal stuff" isn't harming one or both parties, of course).
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hupla222 · 6 days
Amethio Rant: Part 2
Every time I think I'm done with this kid, here he comes flooding my feed again. And I can't really blame people for being excited when their favorite character does things. I'm guilty of spamming when that happens too. I just find it mildly annoying because I can't stand Amethio. And recently people have taken to calling him the new Zuko with irks me in a way I'll do my best to descibe.
So like, people say that like its a good thing. But to me it really isn't. Like, woo pee I get to watch an arc I've already seen done much better years ago with nothing new or interesting added because Amethio has zero personality and does nothing. Like tell me, what has this kid actually done besides get served every time he appears. He accomplishes nothing and adds nothing, just acts like some boring fill-in-the-blank character. I'm serious, tell me three personality traits he has, with proof. I can't think of any.
I really do enjoy watching a complete nothing burger going through the motions of an arc that I've seen so many gosh darn times at this point to the point where I'm not surprised by anything that happens to him. Disowned? Who cares. We all knew that was going to happen at some point so I feel nothing. Wha wha let's move on to the next beat. No need to linger. He'll be fine. We all know he will be. I swear I'm so much more emotionally invested in literally everyone else in this show, even Zirc and Onia. Like, what's their story? Where did they come from? Spinel? Chalce? Sidian and Coral? Wow its almost like they aren't the most telegraphed characters in existence so I can actually care. Even fricking Hamber has gotten more of a reaction out of me.
Let me make this clear if you've made it this far, I don't hate you if you like Amethio as a character. Good for you. I just can't understand for the life of me why anyone does when I hate him this much. Anyway, have a good day everyone. Felt nice to get this off my chest.
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helianskies · 9 months
'please don't fall!' for PruSpa :)
why of course >:3
“Do you want me to hold the ladder?”
“I'm fine, it's not that high!”
“It was just an offer!”
“Oh, God, be careful up there, Gilbert! Please don't fall!”
“No point appealing to him,” Mikkel tells Antonio, who has just wandered into the room. “Stubborn as hell, as always!”
“I’m fine, seriously,” Gilbert assures them both all the same. “Your concern is flattering, but totally unnecessary!”
The three of them are amongst a small group of volunteers (or ‘elves’ as it had been put) to help decorate ahead of the annual holiday get-together. This year, it has become Francis’ undertaking, but as if he was going to get up a ladder and decorate the Christmas tree himself! Gilbert has a list of strict instructions (which he’s mostly ignored so far) and as he approaches the top, he’s glad he’s nearly finished. 
But of course, being all the way up a ladder while decorating what was apparently a ten foot tall tree is ‘alarming’. Gilbert’s been dealing with Mikkel’s disguised worry for the last twenty minutes, but now that Antonio is now also here, he just knows it’ll worsen. Darn old men and their weak, weak knees! Not everyone is a liability!
As predicted, nevertheless—
“Do you want me to hold the ladder?” Antonio offers as well, hands on hips as he watches on from below. “Or maybe one of us should go up there instead…?”
Gilbert waves him off, and continues titivating the silvery tinsel. “I’m almost done,” he says by way of reassuring him, the worry-wart. 
“I’m gonna leave you to it,” Mikkel surrenders with a gentle sigh. “Reckon I’ll be more use elsewhere.”
“Yep!” Gilbert agrees, eyes still glued to his work. 
He hears some mumbling from below—Antonio and Mikkel exchanging some quiet words and a laugh about something, he notes—before one person’s footsteps pad away, and the room falls silent once more. 
The silence only lasts so long, though.
“I’m looking forward to tonight,” Antonio muses. A quick glance down reveals that he’s looking around the room, at the tall ceilings, the chandelier, the snow-adorned garlands… “Something about Fran’s parties are always so magical, don’t you think?”
Gilbert hums along to appease him. He isn’t sure if ‘magical’ is the word. But he will admit he enjoys these nights, the festivities, the friends, the laughter… That’s what the holidays have come to mean: spending time with the important people in his life while they can.
But then Gilbert finds himself, after a moment, looking down once more. Below him, Antonio is eyeing some of the decorations already on the tree—glass baubles, ceramic birds, hand-painted globes—and a small smile seems to have appeared on his face, eyes wide like a child in a sweet shop.
Antonio is an even bigger fan of the holidays. For the same reasons, at heart. But there’s a part of him that also just loves the lights, the ornaments, the wreaths—every little detail. And even if he maintains his traditions in January, Antonio has not shied away from Christmas Day celebrations either in recent years. Gilbert likes seeing him enjoy himself in that respect. There was a short period where his presence was… Well…
It’s good to see him. 
“Oh my gosh, I f—”
It happens so fast. There’s a wobble, then more wobbling, and then only falling.
It feels funny. A leg slips briefly between rungs—a misplaced foot is the root of his problems—and he feels himself fall backwards, light, helpless, fast. He braces himself in that single second to hit the ground—maybe even the ladder—to hit his head, or hurt his back, or land on a shoulder. Sustaining an injury is far from ideal, especially since these days he’s not quite so well-equipped to heal, but if he—
He does not hit the ground, but something just a little bit softer. Something that has arms that try to catch him, and something that inevitably falls down beneath his weight.
So much for not falling!
But that fall has repercussions, now, on more people than just himself. 
With a groan, Gilbert tries to move and get up. Antonio, however, who is beneath him and sprawled across the floor, asks him, strained and quiet, to stay put.
Gilbert worries. His arse hurts, as does his shin. He’s glad to see the ladder went towards the tree and that Francis’ baubles survived the ordeal, but…
“Are you okay?” he asks Antonio, who still holds him, arms wrapped around Gilbert’s torso. 
“Eh…” His breathing is a bit heavy, yet bated. “I thought I told you not to fall…”
“Yeah, well,” Gilbert scoffs, “you made me jump!”
“And you’re welcome for saving your neck!”
With that, Gilbert carefully pries himself from the other’s grasp and slowly sits up. Antonio softly groans, and decides to stay lying down; the other perches next to him, his own heart still racing a bit, and they look at each other.
The worry is certainly mutual.
“You okay?” Gilbert asks again, another layer to his question implied in the way his face morphs. 
“Sore,” Antonio says. “Gimme a minute. I’ll— I’ll be fine.”
“Well.” His smile returned, albeit somewhat mischievous. “After that, I guess you could say you—”
“—fell for me?”
“The heck happened to you two? I heard a scream!”
Gilbert rolls his head to the side and finds Mikkel, reemerged at just the right time, and in a dramatic display of surrender, he riffs a slew of curses and joins Antonio on the floor properly. 
Paying no mind to Mikkel’s presence, then, Antonio seeks out Gilbert’s hand and holds it gently in his own. It is warm. It is kind, in spite of what has just occurred between them. And Antonio looks at him with such warmth, too, and Gilbert looks back, and the other smiles once again, and Gilbert warms and buzzes and breathes and—
“No more ladders for you, Gil.”
“If you say so, Toni.”
And with that, their laughter only resumes.
[ fic collection on ao3! ] [ prompts list here! ]
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fallenclan · 1 year
I have another story I want to tell! In MurkClan (another clan of mine), I have a cat named Frogfur. When the clan was first founded, she was a warrior apprentice and, soon, a full fledged warrior. However, her hunting skills were often criticized by the kits or apprentices (? I don't fully remember) of the clan, which honestly made her self-conscience that she wasn't pulling her weight enough to help their small clan. (Doesn't help that I headcanoned Frog to be the grand-niece of the founding leader)
Frog, at the time, also happened to be close friends with the founding medicine cat, Jayhail. Unfortunately, due to being the sole medcat, Jayhail was having a hard time taking care of a growing clan (that or he was simply unable to work) so Frogfur, being the great friend that she was, decided to assist him as a temporary medcat.
Frogfur, over the moons after that point, failed almost every medicine cat patrol she was on. Like, shitty bad luck. I honestly believe that Jayhail was the only reason why she stuck around. Due to said shitty luck, and the fact that she was suppose to be temporary, I was like 'Oh, that this somewhat fine, I will switch her back to warrior soon enough'.
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(These notes best explains the last three paragraphs, lol)
However, on the moon I planed to switch her rank, she had the status that she was happy choosing life as a medcat so, uh, I guess she is staying as one ¯\_(シ)_/¯
Over the years, her best friend dies of greencough, thus leaving her to finish mentor his apprentice (Bigpaw, later Bigdapple), she adopted a kit that dies just before she gained her warrior name, she mentored another medcat, at some point she gets gifted a laurel and Bigdapple, her former apprentice and close (plutonic) partner, was murdered by a gang of rouges.
The main thing I wanted to focus on, at this point, is this: Frogfur has reached the highest and best point in her life. At senior age, she became mates with another she-cat (which honestly blind-sighted me. I had zero hand in that), earned immense respects as the senior medcat in the medicine den and, the best part, she adopted 4 kits (across 2 litters) with her mate (=^ェ^=)
I love Frogfur's arc =✪ ᆺ ✪= In game, she recently received her elder sprite (she is a loaf and, gosh darn it, you were a young adult yesterday ˚‧º·(˃̣̣̥o˂̣̣̥)‧º· !) All her kits are named after birds and they all have a soft spot in my heart. (Yes, including the dead one)
Let us just ignore the fact that one of her kits became warrior really early at 10 moons, gained an apprentice at 13 moons and got him killed so quickly that the game doesn't even record the fact he was a mentor. Oh! Let us also ignore the fact that soon after adopting their second litter, the clan was spying on them like hawks for a good while.
that last paragraph fuckin BLINDSIGHTED me lmaoo
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shyminmin · 1 year
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༄𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐗 𝐟.𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 | Fantasy, Mermaid AU | ༄𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 3.7k + ༄𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : Violence/conflict, some gore
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Booking it back to my ride, I refused to look back at the accusatory man who felt it was only fitting that he should dump a bunch of condiments onto my head in the belief that it would somehow ward off evil spirits or what not. I scoffed at the superstitious jargon, how could he even think I was remotely evil or possessed ill intentions? Even squashing unwanted insects that would find themselves in my apartment made me feel guilty.
My adoptive mother died from natural causes, not because of some curse that a baby had put on them all those years ago just because they decided to take her in. What was he thinking, saying I was some wicked witch that had come from the sea? Do I look like I could grow a fishtail out of nowhere like some fictional creature? How was I supposed to gain anything from this, his recounting didn't seem logical at all.
I sighed thinking that all of this, trying to uncover my past and putting an identity to myself has all been for nothing and a huge waste of my time. Valuable time I could have been spending back in the city working my three odd jobs and saving every cent I could.
The road to my revelations led me to a steep cliff that abruptly ended my journey, looking over the deadly decline would show me nothing but an empty abyss, telling me that there was nothing left to search for. Yang Chinhae had been my last chance for insight and he failed me exponentially.
Some of the salt which he tossed on me had fallen down and had gotten stuck in my eyes, causing them to well up from the unbearable stinging. Blinking and rubbing them continuously, I tried not to lose sight of where I was going. I certainly didn't want to stumble into the sea and drown or worse wind up back at Mr Yang's doorstep. I shuddered, he would surely send me to hell then like he so wished.
I trudged my way slowly along the familiar path that had led me towards the 'old grump's' home in the first place, the vegetation increasing in numbers as they messily overlapped one another to create an overgrown forest of sorts. I felt myself relax ever so slightly the further I distanced myself from that man and the horrendous ordeal that had taken place.
Emerging from the shrubbery, I was greeted by two smiling faces that quickly changed to one's of shock and astoundment the moment they took in the sight of the undoubtedly hopeless state I was in at the moment.
"What in tha name of Neptune's beard happened to ya?"
Coming over to me Dongha brushed his hand over my clothes dusting off loose grains of salt that had stuck on to them.
"Did that good for nothin' barstard do this to ye?"
Sungwon joined him at his side and looked me over, seeing if I was hurt or not. When he saw the state I was in and me not too discreetly rubbing my sore shoulder, his usually friendly face that I had come to know from the time I've spent with him and the rest, warped into one of pure rage.
"That's it, Imma go n' straighten him out!" he spoke, marching around me and towards the place I had come from. "He's gotta re-learn some darn manners."
Panicking at his intentions, I dashed after him and grabbed his elbow, making him halt his movements. "P-please don't, j-just leave him be. I don't want to have anything to do with him anymore," I uttered out quietly, not wanting any further conflict with Mr Yang.
Sungwon and Dongha looked at me baffled but eventually sported faces of sympathy and silent understanding.
"Gosh dang it, I can't say no to ya sweet lass... But if that ol' grump ever hassles ye again, come to us and we'll give him a good thrashin'."
Knowing for a fact that I wouldn't be caught dead back here, I gave them a nod anyway.
A few more concerned ramblings occurred between us until we eventually hopped back in the car to flee this negative place. All the while I pondered over everything that took place, keeping my developing tears at bay, one's that weren't from the invasion of salt. The black hat of the man was held tightly in my grasp as it offered me a strange sort of comfort. The object's physicality redirected my thoughts that had been worrying over things that were intangible and purely in my head, to instead ones focused on the simplicity of physical reality.
For now I would ignore all the woes and hardships I had faced and let my mind run idle. My head going blank, I focused on the bumps in the road shaking the vehicle, warm air rushing over my skin and blowing my hair in tendrils, the faint smell of seafood whenever I breathed through my nose and the distant roll of ocean waves accompanied by small conversations between Dongha and Sungwon. All these distinct sensations effectively ease the tension out of my limbs, making me slump down in my seat and close my eyes, gently lulling me into a steady slumber.
Yes, for now I will choose to rest and forget, until my dilemmas come back for more laughs and cause my built up emotions to burst out and inevitably consume me. The faint outline of a man in a hat overshadowing the last ripples of my consciousness.
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The incessant banging on the cell's iron bars is what had awoken the sleeping captive who had just managed to drift off and find some respite. He reluctantly opened his blue orbs, adjusting to the bleak confines of his prison. He's lost count of the amount of years he's been kept here, to be subjected to relentless torture if he didn't comply with the never ending interrogations.
The countless amount of bruising and dried, jagged cuts on his torso and tail are more than enough proof of what he had to endure on a day to day basis. The once vibrant shine of his reddish scales has long since dulled to a desaturated, greyish hue, no longer resembling the bright corals that bordered his tribal home from way back. The catalyst being the poor living conditions and food service they offered to prisoners in this dump.
"You know the drill, talk or you're in for a world of pain," he looked up towards the merman who had spoken, posted on guard duty. He hovered outside the cell's opening, black war paint ran horizontally across the skin around both his eyes, creating a bold straight line that would surely intimidate his enemies. A strap like belt, holding daggers and such, wrapped diagonally over his shoulder and torso. He was a merman, a high ranked soldier experienced in combat.
Coughing from his sore, scratchy throat that had recently been strangled as a form of punishment, the captive chuckled sarcastically, his lack of care for his own well being dictating his actions.
"It's gonna be the same as always Maj. Either you give me a good beating or be on your merry way."
His unwanted visitor's face contorted into one of anger and annoyance, his sharp teeth exposed from the strong grit of his jaw, nails extended to form razor-sharp claws.
"Don't get cocky with me, rotten scum, you have no authority over me in your position, even mindless sea cucumbers are above you!"
"Whatever you say.."
"Shut it!" the soldier banged his hands against the bars.
"Hey, you were the one who wanted me to talk," he smirked. Maj was always fun to mess with, that short temper of his was just asking to get riled up.
"Well aren't we extra snarky today, let's see how long that lasts when you find out." The guard practically growled, an unsettling grin stretching over his squarish face. "Oh how I'll love to see how you will react."
"Yeah yeah, like I haven't heard that before. Swim back to your pathetic leader like a good little shrimp now, your fear tactics are making me yawn."
Clearly further agitated, Maj's tail whipped around furiously, the speckled grey and silver appendage trying to settle his mood but failing miserably.
"We'll see who has the last laugh come noon, you'll have no fallback then." Gripping the bars making his knuckles turn white, his pointed claws which were still out, cut into the palms of his fists drawing out inky droplets of dark-purple. He didn't seem to notice as he was eyeing the prisoner like he was the very bane of his existence. "Mark my words scholar, you'll regret big time keeping that ugly mouth of yours shut for so long."
Turning his head to the side, he nodded and three of his goons came into view all sporting the same black marking on their faces and weaponry gear. "Put him in with the eels, that'll be sure to wake him up."
"Yes Sir!" his second in command, Calder, shouted in a pleased voice, no doubt excited to see some action, the sadist within him rejoicing.
Opening the door to the prison, Maj's unit moved in sync towards their target, gripping him harshly by the arms and neck, Calder pressing down on one of his gills making him choke. "Move it shark bait!"
Sullenly flicking his fluke up and down, which had a good chunk of the membrane ripped out of it, he found it harder to manoeuvre through the waters. One would think the red tailed merman would at least put up a fight for what peril awaits him, however, him being accustomed to years of sheer pain and punishment, was surprising calm, letting the soldiers roughly lead him out and towards his daily torture session.
As he passed Maj he flashed him another mocking smile. "I'll miss you Majjie, don't have too much fun while I'm away."
Scoffing at his temperament, the lead guard swiftly back handed him, scraping off some of his skin and causing his head to be knocked back, making him stare up at the slither of light above, that came through from the entrance of the deep trench they were situated in. "You're lucky we can't kill you, I would've done so from day one," Maj's face was red from rage.
"I love you too Jie Jie."
"Urgh! Make sure he suffers, aggravate the eels if you have to, just wipe off that dumb grin of his!"
"Oh it will be my pleasure boss, he'll be rything by the time we're done with him," Calder replied, running a finger across the prisoner's throat, licking his lips and eyes disturbingly wide. His dark, spiny tail adorned with blood-orange stripes on the sides swayed from side to side as he spoke, maniacal thoughts no doubt running through his head.
They resumed their movements as the group made their way through the cavernous terrain towards their destination, the den of eels, electric eels who's sting was excruciating. The red-finned merman didn't bat an eyelid, having gone through this many, many times prior. He would rather suffer through this than risk the lives of thousands of merfolk. If it made a martyr out of him in the future then so be it.
"Ready for some shocking entertainment boys?" Calder addressed his other two companions who had a grip on either side of the captive. The two beefier soldiers let out loud chortles from his smart-ass pun, nodding their heads in agreement.
Reaching the desired place, the three guards wasted no time in tossing the merman into the enclosed space. Similar to his own prison except the entrance was a gaping hole from above, they closed the trap door of bars, sealing his fate for the next few hours. They eagerly looked down upon the male as he was instantly circled by bright zaps of flickering light, the hostile, serpent like creatures sizing up the intruder who dared disturb them.
As each of them dived in to attack, the male held his own, no emotion displayed on his face. No ounce of fear, no sudden burst of anger, no sign of foreboding sadness. Just plain old, stone cold numbness.
Sharp crackling sounds ricochet off of the stone walls as electricity meets skin and scales. He never screams out his pain, just occasionally spasms from the sudden shocks that erupt through his system.
He would endure this for as long as he had to, there was no other option. He had watched plenty of other imprisoned merfolk, both male and female, fall apart from the brutality of the treatment that the mer in charge inflicted upon them. Some not surviving while others are scarred for life, both physically and mentally.
He promised himself that he would never get to that point. If he were to miraculously get out and see his loved ones again, he didn't want them to see someone who was fragile from abuse, but a merman who fought through endless hardships that made him all the more stronger.
If he had to shut off his emotions for the time being, and spout out sarcasm every chance he gets as a way of coping, then so be it.
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Battered and bruised by the electrical burns from his frolic with the eels, the fatigued merman was held up by the two guards who had escorted him there in the first place, along with the sadistic Calder who reveled at the sight of the male getting smacked about by the slithery creatures. Oh how he loved the way his face would scrunch up and contort in pain and watching as his skin slowly turned vibrant shades of red, purple and blue. It was a work of art, a masterpiece in his eyes.
They all hovered in a wider, more spacious cave that housed various valuable resources and treasures. A wide rounded stone slab sat in the far centre of the room acting as a table, where on top sat piles of ancient texts carved into tablets of stone and marble. Some dating as far back as Atlantean times. More recent writings could be distinguished by a seaweed like material fashioned into a scroll where the surface was embossed with a waterproof ink based paste that was harvested from squids.
"Ah how's my favourite scholar faring these days?" Out of the shadows appeared the reason he was stuck in here like a caged animal in the first place, the individual that he loathed for all that he was doing for his own selfish gain. If it weren't for him he'd still be back in his home surrounded by his loved ones or be catching a current on another one of his expeditions to utilise his educated mind and accumulate more hidden knowledge.
Unfortunately that all got buried deep and fossilised into the sands of the place he was taken from, however many years ago. No longer was he the bright, aspiring intellectual he was so famed to be, but a beaten up piece of flesh and bone that was just waiting for the day he'd be devoured live and whole.
Lifting his head, his eyes bore into the ones of his enemy. Resembling someone in their mid forties, the merman stood proud and tall behind the table, his dominant aura stretching out as far and wide as the cave itself. However where human's would conclude he was in fact of that age, they would be highly mistaken as the merman in question, possessing scales resembling midnight ocean swells was in fact well into his 1000's.
Merfolk kept their youthful complexion until the day they passed over into the Celestial Realm to bathe in the Eternal Oasis. A measly 100 years was considered young compared to their superior life expectancy of roughly 5000 years.
"Oh you know, the light from Helios hasn't reached me in years and I'm eating a generous meal of carcass remains two times a week, so I'd say I'm doing pretty damn well."
With that he received yet another hit to the face from Maj. "How dare you mock Lord Bedo, you insolent-"
The guard was cut off from loud bellowing laughter from the merman in charge. "Oh how your comments never get old, Valdrin. Even when you're beaten to a pulp and looking like a mangled octopus, I respect your strength and valor, dear scholar of Tritosa."
"Not anymore thanks to you."
"Au contraire, like I've stated countless times, if you agree to help with our search and relay the specifics then you are more than welcome to return to your studies...your home...even your... family."
The way Bedo said and emphasized those last words, sent a chilling wave of uncertainty over the scholar. This bastard knew something.
"They seem to be doing very well for themselves, the Nephtis Tribe taking them in with open arms just like that. Your mother must be so proud, I hear her other son is becoming quite the young warrior."
All the oceans came crashing down upon Valdrin as he processed what Lord Bedo had just muttered. It couldn't be true, with how big and vast the ocean is, he refused to believe that they had miraculously tracked down his family. Before making the risky journey towards the Tsuri Tribe all those years ago, he had told them that if he didn't return after the designated time period, then they were to pack up and move to the far reaches of the Nephtis Tribe. There they were to lie low and essentially forget about him to ensure their own safety. Obviously he never ended up coming home from that trip.
"What was your brother's name again?" Bedo dragged out his words, tapping his chin for more dramatic flare.
Words were caught in Valdrin's throat as he silently begged him not to confirm that they had in fact found them by saying his dear younger sibling's name.
Don't say it..
"Jun something.."
No... please..
"Ah yes..." Bedo smirked, staring right into the merman's soul.
All the energy and willpower drained out of him as his greatest fear came to fruition. The one weakness that could have possibly let him slip was his loving mother and younger brother Jungkook. He knew Bedo and his crew would seek out the one thing that could break him in order to get what they wanted and they had achieved it.
"Where are they!? What have you done!?" He fired out, glancing around the place in hopes to see his two family members, praying they were alive and well. The two handlers under Maj and Calder restricted his movements and prevented him from diving over the table to interrogate and potentially cause harm to their leader.
"Nothing yet, provided that you agree to hold up your end of our deal," Lord Bedo replied in a more serious tone.
He skimmed his hand over the various tablets and scrolls on the table. "If you tell us where the rest are then I promise that no harm will come to them, hell, I'll even grant you a sizable amount of territory and a respectable position come the time of my ruling, you and your family will be drowning in riches."
"What makes you so sure that I know anything?"
"With your credibility, a revered scholar of his time and at such a young age too, your writings and research are the talk of the sea as we know it. If anyone would know the ins and outs of things it's the scholar from Tritosa. Regarding you were also there the night of the raid, consulting with the very family in question hiding one of the artifacts."
Valdrin's body slumped and if he wasn't being kept in such a tight hold by his accompanying guards then he would have sunk like a stone to the floor of the cave. Nothing seemed to be working out in his favour, he was cornered from all sides and the only way out was to cooperate. He was stuck between maintaining the life of his family or the future freedom of all merfolk. How does one individual possibly fathom that out.
He took a deep, pained breath, "If I agree to your terms, you have to swear in Poseidon's name that you won't lay one filthy finger on my mother or brother."
"You have my word, as the future King of Atlantis, your efforts will be rewarded come the resurrection of the great city. Otherwise we'll have to resort to more...drastic measures."
With little resolve, the previous scholar of Tritosa gave a brief and subtle nod of his head, eliciting a pleased grunt of approval from Bedo.
"Excellent! Glad to see that you've come to your senses, all your material is here if you need it for reference," he motioned to the table. "See to it that you don't let me down, otherwise the deal is off."
He looked towards Maj and Calder making the pair straighten their postures, "Send word out to the unit to not engage, his precious little family is safe until further notice."
"Right away my Lord!" Maj sounded out, bowing to his waist shortly followed by his second in command once he was nudged on the shoulder by his superior.
"You're dismissed."
"Not so high and mighty now are ya, now that your family's involved," Maj whispered into Valdrin's ear as he passed him.
"The look of fear suits him," Calder added, eyeing him up and down like a piece of meat.
The silver finned guard proceeded to scold his companion's remark, pushing Calder along with him and out of the gigantic cave."Oh shut up about your weird fantasies."
As they left, Bedo settled both his hands firmly on the table, maintaining a stoic and domineering look towards Valdrin. "So my friend, where shall we start?"
Taking a deep breath as the salty water around him filtered through his gills, the scholar submitted to his commands.
"What would you like to know?"
He would do anything to keep his loved ones away from harm, even if he had to doom the rest of merkind.
I will keep you alive!
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