#happy belated birthday vil
Very late, but Vil's birthday was fun :D
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Happy birthday sequence
Also live montage of Malleus being invited (for once)
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clarrenight · 1 year
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Happy belated birthday, Vil!
Took a while but I managed to finish it hahaha
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kandyshoppe · 3 months
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@v-anrouge happy belated birthday!
And one where it’s darker incase the brightness looks bad…
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I personally prefer the lighter cause you can see everything but my brother says the darker looks better.
They took me three weeks, Vil took me about two while Rook was one, maybe even a bit less. Thank you Rook for being simpler than our Queen Vil (who deserved all of my effort!)
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Vil, Jade: Wanting to Shine
Schoenheit mama lore 👁️ Mmm, somehow TWST keeps managing to impress me with just how diverse its families are. There are characters with bad relationships with their guardians, characters with good relationships with their guardians, and then… non-existent relationships altogether. Ruggie is one such example (since his mom died before he had the chance to know her), and now we have Vil as well… I wonder why he feels so impersonal toward his mother?? 🤔I hope we can find out more details someday.
Aaanyway, sorry that this is so late, I got super busy with irl things 😅 but happy belated birthday, Vil!! (xbjsvsjwnz Right as Ruggie’s Broomquet art was revealed too lol) ***WARNING: spoilers for episode 6 of the main story!!***
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What would you like to do this next year?”
Jade glanced up from his clipboard. “If the answer is to come from someone as tenacious as yourself, Vil-san… Your goals must be ambitious indeed.”
“Ara, is that so? Sharp, aren’t you?” Vil tucked a finger under his chin. “You would be correct in your assumption.”
“You’re but 18 years of age, and one age my senior—yet you’ve already accomplished a great many things, much of which the common man can only dream of. “Modeling for the top fashion brands, playing the lead roles in a number of feature films… Many, many accolades,” Jade chuckled, his voice dropping to a gentle purr. “What more do you hope to do?”
“My, you’ve got quite the grasp on my resume.” Vil’s brows pinched slightly. “However, you misunderstand one key point.”
“Oya? And what might that be?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Vil laughed, tipping his head back with a smirk. “This is nowhere near the pinnacle of my career. No—there is much more that I will achieve.
“For starters, I wish to expand the scope of my presence on set. I’ve dabbled in directing and producing my own modest works through my Film Research Club, but there is still much more for me to learn. Before I graduate, I would like to leave my mark in that area.”
His lips pulled into a smile—small but proud and genuine. “At present, we are working on a short film. The plan is to submit it to a contest and to take home the grand prize.
“Everyone is putting forth their best effort to make that dream into reality." Vil's deep-set amethyst eyes twinkled with fire. "Life makes no promises, so we must seize our stories and write our own fates."
"Spoken like a true leader--how commendable. We underclassmen truly have a wonderful senpai to look up to."
Vil allowed his broom to lean into the crook of an elbow. "I'm no stranger to compliments, but I shudder to hear it coming from you. It's far more benign coming from Rook or Ortho."
"Ah, that reminds me. Ortho-san recently joined the Film Research Club, yes? How does he fare under your tutelage?"
“Need you even ask? Of course I've welcomed him with open arms. He is proving himself to be an excellent asset for our productions. There are many things that only Ortho is capable of doing, from special effects and audio to getting clear aerial shots.
"His acting has also improved considerably. A bit clumsy at first, but with time and observation he has quickly learned. It's impressive just how much Ortho's 'heart' comes through in his performances."
"Oya, such high praise. Idia-san must be a proud big brother."
"Indeed, Ortho is a star on set." Vil tossed his hair over a shoulder. He still smiled, but there was now a cold, lethal beauty edging his lips. "He's setting a high bar for the other spudlings--but I won't be outdone by him, nor by anyone else.
There was a hesitance, the soft sucking of breath through teeth, and then... "Do you recall when I returned from Styx? The state that I was in?"
"How could I forget? Why, you were so old and withered, we barely recognized you as the same glamorous Vil Schoenheit that graces magazine covers and TV screens. It was very memorable, fufufu."
"Stop that grinning before I smack that smirk right off of your face," Vil snapped. (Jade immediately obliged.) "As I was saying, that experience... it opened my eyes to a great number of realizations."
"Oh? You don't say."
Vil nodded. "It was like my life was flashing before my eyes. A full 18 years of memories and feelings colliding at once, and the chilling thought that I would soon be robbed of what little life I had remaining, my future stolen from me... It was terrifying.
"But you know what? I'm glad for having gone through it. Unpleasant as it was... I looked into that mirror and walked away with a glimpse of what lies far ahead for me--and I am here now, able to make the most of the present.
Vil lifted a hand, cupping the stars above in his fingers. "When I live, I want to shine. I want to put my best effort into every piece, every production, that I am a part of. With my name and face out to the public, I can reach more hearts, inspire more people. Then..."
He lowered his hand, fingers closed in a fist--as though he had fished a precious piece of starlight right out of the sky. Vil's lashes were heavy, fluttering like petals in the wind upon his cheeks.
"... That would most definitely carry on into the future. Not just into my future, but into the futures of all I have impacted through my acting. My spirit has become a part of them--and through the lives I have touched, my spirit is alive, and I will continue to shine. That is the power of art and media: it persists long after the creators are no longer with us."
“I see." Jade spoke delicately, as though he, too, were bewitched by the beauty before him.
Such raw, overwhelming charisma and determination. Such… power.
The eel suppressed his mirth.
“In that way, you would be leaving a piece of yourself with the organization. Long after you have graduated, your legacy will still live on in the Film Research Club and through your countless fans."
"You understand."
Vil held his interviewer's gaze. There was a solidarity to their silence, a knowingness, a mutual agreement, between the two. The night, its moon, and the stars, were their audience upon that shared stage.
"My 'beauty' will be eternal, no matter the age I am. I'm certain of it."
His declaration was loud and resolute against the night.
Above the duo, the hands of a grand clock tower turned, locking them--and Vil's promise--into place. Bells roared to life, ringing in a new hour with their deep, reverberating song.
Bing-bong, ding-dong! Ding-dong, bing-bong!
The time of reckoning had arrived.
"I believe that's my signal to exit stage left." Vil swept his broom in an elegant arc. Pink, violet, and maroon particles fell from the bouquet affixed to one end.
"Yes, we wouldn’t want you to keep your beloved fanbase waiting.” Jade took a step back and dipped into a bow. His eyes humbly lowered to the ground, he said, “I wish you safe travels—and the best of luck with your endeavors.”
“Hmph, just who do you take me for?” Vil planted himself on the handle of his broom. He folded his arms, assuming a haughty stance. “I don’t need luck, I’m confident in my own abilities to see my goal through to the very end.
“Now then… Be sure to sear this image into your memories. There won’t be many opportunities for you to witness me at the height of bloom.”
“As you wish.”
With that, Vil departed, his broom rising steadily before sailing off into the darkened sky. Poised, and as close to perfection as he could manage.
A wayward spring breeze tousled his flaxen locks. Silver moonlight wove itself into the gold of his hair, seeping into the cream of his skin.
Petals scattered around him, swarming the birthday boy in a storm of flowers. Vil caught one between his thumb and forefinger—a petal so rose-red it was like blood upon freshly fallen snow. He planted a tender kiss upon it before releasing it back to the wind.
The illuminated face of the clock tower cast him in a heavenly glow. His silhouette, sharp.
A beautiful promise for the future.
Jade smiled after him. Not warmly, but not coldly either.
I’ve learned many things about Vil-san today. Yes… many, many interesting things.
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shakespearefreak · 27 days
🥳 Happy (Belated) Birthday, Makena! 🥳
Sunday (August 25th) was Makena’s birthday! It was insanely hot in the daytime, so we went out for Chocolate Shoppe ice cream 🍨 once the sun set and it was a little cooler (it was still 80° F even then!). I gave her her present (a pair of rhinestone butterfly 🦋✨ earrings), and then we went home for cake 🍰 and a movie 🎞️ with Evette and Maritza — it was between The Devil Wears Prada and Cruella, and after watching trailers for both Makena decided on Cruella; despite the poor reviews, it’s a really fun film, but I ended up being too tired to finish it that night, and yesterday I had a doctor’s appointment plus a mini-crisis at home (long story), so we’re finishing it later today.
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“What kind of ice cream do you like?” Marley asked.
“Chocolate!” Makena responded immediately. “Everyone thinks it’s boring, but it’s my favorite!”
“Okay, so this place has the most chocolate-y chocolate EVER.”
“Oh, wow! I’ve gotta try that!”
They both got Zanzibar Chocolate (though Marley also sampled a Black Licorice flavor, which was delicious).
“Okay, yeah, that IS the most chocolate-y chocolate ever,” Makena said after her first rich, decadent spoonful. “What about you? What’s your favorite?”
“Blue Moon!” Marley said eagerly.
“I think I’ve heard of it… what is it?”
“The best ice cream flavor in the world, that’s what!”
“That’s… descriptive,” Makena said, laughing a little.
“Well, we’ll just have to come back sometime so you can try it!”
(I made that doll-sized ice cream tub out of some printouts glued to an old medicine dosage cup! I wish I’d gotten a better photo of it before throwing it away, I thought it turned out really well.)
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Makena tore off the sparkling purple gift wrap to reveal a jewelry box. She opened the lid and saw the silver rhinestone butterflies gleaming against the black velvet backing. “These are awesome, thank you so much!” she said.
“Happy Birthday!” Marley returned with a grin, then snapped a photo of Makena showing off her new earrings.
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“This movie didn’t do very well,” Marley told the girls before starting it, “because I think a lot of people didn’t get it.”
They watched in companionable silence for a while, then Makena commented, “It’s a good movie, but… does Cruella de Vil really need a sympathetic backstory?”
“This is actually an alternate universe to the animated film. It’ll become clearer later on,” Marley responded.
“Oh! Okay, that makes more sense,” Makena said, then suddenly, “Ouch!” She whirled to see Spork pawing at her braids. “Hey, quit it!” (The cat did, reluctantly.)
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twistedtummies2 · 7 months
I just realized that my birthday is coming in just a little over a month. It's on April 7th (two days before Vil's birthday, for you TW fans to reference). Funny I realize this on Azul's own birthday...and on the day after Maelstrom's birthday. Oh, yeah, Maelstrom's birthday was yesterday, apparently. I really need to keep track of that kind of stuff better. XD Anyway...Happy Birthday, Azul. Happy Belated Birthday, Maelstrom. Happy Upcoming Birthday to myself and Vil...and a few others, I guess. XD Gifts are not necessary, but are always appreciated. Well-wishes are equally gratifying.
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sunsethw4 · 2 years
i hope that you had an enjoyable b'day + that you got some good food in you hehe <33 thank you so much for being my friend, i appreciate and care for you a lot bestbu, mwah mwahhh :33
sending you all the love !!!
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BESTRAUUUUU!!!!!! TYSM FOR YOUR GOOD WISHES !!!!! 😭😭😭🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank u too for being an amazing friend 😿❤️ i appreciate you a lot mwah mwah
AND YESSSS MY BOYFIE HAITHAM CAME HOME I’M SO HAPPY 😿😿😿 idk if i should get his weapon because that banner is a scam but AT LEAST I GOT HIM!!!! AND WON THE 50/50 TWICE IN A ROW!!!! gacha gods were really smiling at me that day (once for all)
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moomoochan · 1 year
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Happy Belated Birthday,
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Hey, same person who told you which A3! VAs can rap, again. TY for the quick reply.
Answering your question BLACKSTAR question, Hinata & Aogiri are the newest members in Theater Starless that appeared in S5CH5 & became understudies. Hinata(VA is Daiki Yamashita) was invite by Starless’s old owner, Iwami, & got to join his favorite team, TeamB. Aogiri(VA is Taku Yashiro & singing VA is SHIN) went & hoped to be Starless’s designer, where Mokuren liked Aogiri’s designs, both Aogiri’s initial designs & test designs after listening to a demo song, & invited Aogiri to join TeamC as a performer & singer (Mokuren also named him Aogiri due to Starless’s rule on never revealing their true name).
However, both of the new characters are a bit suspicious due to Heath noticing their “color” where Hinata’s is a bit suspicious(not much detail was explained) & Aogiri’s is a strange “color with no light” that Heath doesn’t like; Hinata’s phone call towards the end of S5Ch5 of wanting to kick out Heath despite being a big fan of Heath; Heath made a phone call w/ a number received by Gui’s Master where he was warned that somebody dangerous was nearby; Sotetsu’s research on Aogiri noticing that Aogiri wasn’t involved in performing; & at the end of S5, Aogiri wants to help Saki(the heroine) “remember” something but it actually caused her pain.
Though for a tiny bit of unrelated info, Hinata’s least fave food are veggies except for french fries & Aogiri’s least fave food is mayonnaise. Irony is that Hinata got his looks compared to TWST Vil from the youtube comments & Aogiri would fit Pommefiore due to his interest in design & his least fave food being similar to Vil.
Change of pace in A3!, somebody already completed the Chess event translation feat. Azami. Quick questions, do players get the Azami SSR through event points & if you have that card, do you want to translate it since I haven’t seen anyone working on it yet (of course I’m not requesting it ‘cause I don’t want to increase anybody’s workload)?
Also, I’m sorry for not announcing any chara B-days ‘cause it could get tedious to others when they don’t respond for a long time. Though I wanted to say Happy belated Birthday to BLACKSTAR’s Ran on 7/13, to A3!’s Yuki on 7/8, & to HypMic’s Dice on 7/7, & to B-Project’s Kaneshiro on 7/4. Also Happy early Birthday to A3!’s Kumon on 7/20, to ParaLive’s Reo on 7/21, to TWST’s Leona on 7/27, & to BLACKSTAR’s Yakou on 7/31.
Thank you for the explanation. I remembered some details and learned new ones about them. Aogiri fits well with Team C's aura.
I didn't see it at first glance, but yeah, Hinata looks a bit similar to Vil.
Yes, I got him and the event badge too. I saw a translation on Twitter, but I can try to do it. Some say, the more the merrier. First, I'll finish some of Hisoka's card backstages.
July BDs! I missed Reo's BD by a day. Today (22nd) is also 18Trip Nagi's BD (´。• ᵕ •。`). I was counting the days for that one. I'll keep in mind Leona's and Yakou's ones!
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arcosoffireheart · 2 years
Greetings, my beloved Rook ^^ I apologize for the late greetings due to how tiring it was yesterday ^^; I wish you a splendid day ahead, and if you may, pet the cat for me, they sound wonderful!
Greetings my dear!! <33 its alright, rest up my dear.
<33;; n merci... hope you have a great day too!!!
absolutely will pet the cat for you <333
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luminous-letters · 2 years
A belated birthday piece for Epel!
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"Happy Birthday Epel!" You chirped from across the hall, a heavy bag and a lugging Grim in tow. You excitedly waved as you practically skipped over to him.
"What? No." He deadpanned. He raised a puzzled brow at your words. "Uhm, I mean. Thank you for the greetings, but my birthday has already passed a few days ago " He looked around, his voice was soft and controlled, carefully treading. Almost like he was on a thin sheet of ice, where the slightest slip of the tongue could result in an unsightly punishment.
"Oh! Sorry about that, but hey a celebration's a celebration!" Your upbeat mood remained unfazed, the sleeping Grim still snored peacefully on your shoulder. "So come over at Ramshackle when you're done, 'kay?"
"Sure, I'll be there."
Epel arrived at the rickety dorm come sundown. He asked permission from Vil, who didn't let him of the hook before he finished his daily ballet and yoga sessions. "I'm here." He hollered in front of the barren looking double door.
The cool air whistled against the twisting dead trees and rustling dry vines. Ramshackle was still...well ramshackle. But it was in a much better condition than when he first arrived here. "They're taking too long." He sighed.
"Come in!" A muffled voice hollered from the other side. Loud footfalls creaked and sounded against the old wooden floorboards.
A scene of deep violet and gold met Epel's vision. The words 'Happy Birthday' were beautifully written on the banner in intricately detailed calligraphy.
The velvety table housed a good number of dishes. Savory lamb, roasted pork, ice cream, and a salmon carpaccio that looked like someone had already eaten some. A royal amethyst colored cake took the spotlight, the blueberries looked like polished sapphires against the light.
"Happy Birthday Epel!" Came the giddy voices of the other first years. Ace and Deuce were holding a handmade birthday boy sash sloppily written in blue marker. Sebek stood proud with a gold foil crown in hand while Jack looked to the side, looking embarrassed from his friends' silly antics.
"How....how did you guys get all of this prepared?" Epel gasped, awestruck.
"Well...we had orders placed for the foods. Trey helped us with the cake..." You trailed off, listing off everything. "For the tablecloths...hmm, where did we get that again, Sebek?" You asked.
"We took it— ehem, we borrowed it from Pomefiore's stockroom." Sebek cleared his throat. "So that's where you guys went off to." Jack scolded
"Thank you...really I mean it. Thanks a bunch pals." Epel giggled, a sweet smile made its way to his face. "Anything for you." Your reply was gentle, earning a groan of disgust from Ace.
"C'mon picture time." You called, taking the Ghost Camera off of its shelf. "Say cheese!" One of the ghosts said. The flash of the camera was quick but lasting, you rubbed your eyes a bit before your vision cleared.
"Come on, let's eat!" You happily ushered Epel towards the feast. "We're eating good tonight!" Epel excitedly exclaimed, eyes sparkling as he looked at the delicious meats and pastries.
The clamor of plates and aimless chatter filled the cracked and bleak dorm. The last rays of sunlight bid goodbye, but the celebration was very much alive.
"Thank you, for all of this." Epel gestured to the almost empty table, with only crumbs and tiny morsels of meat remained. "You're welcome." You chuckled.
"Hug?" You opened your arms, a wide smile plastered on your face.
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hana-ame · 2 years
【 Fake Announcement 】
In commemoration of Hana’s birthday (June 17th), a fake summon campaign will be held from 16:00 JST on June 17th.
In ”Hana Birthday Summon“, SSR Hana [Union Birthday] will appear for a limited time.
See the in-game announcement for details.
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Happy (belated) Birthday to my twstsona! 🌸🎻 I sadly wasn't able to finish and post this on time but better late then never right? 😂 I tried writing some voiced lines for her too 👀 (under the cut)
Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated! ❤️ (Click for better quality)
                                     ⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
When Summoned: Thank you for taking the time to celebrate with me, I look forward to what is in store for me today.
Summon Line: Truth be told, I’m not one for extravagant parties, but perhaps today will be an exception… I’ll be sure to enjoy it to the fullest!
Groooovy!!: I had a truly unforgettable birthday this year, I hope everyone enjoyed it as much I did.
Home: This outfit is pretty different from my usual style, does it suit me?
Home Idle 1: This morning, I was greeted with a song by Pomefiore’s choir group led by Rook-san… It was a beautiful arrangement, though I have no idea how Rook-san managed to do it all in such a short time frame.
Home Idle 2: My fellow club members gifted me some cute stickers to decorate my violin case with, I already have a few decoration ideas brewing in my head.
Home Idle 3: Epel gave me this pair of mittens from his hometown! The apple and floral motifembroidery is incredibly charming, not to mention the mittens themselves are really cozy and warm.
Home Idle - Login: I was going to carry on with my usual practice routine today, but the Ramshackle ghosts insisted that I should focus entirely on my special day. I guess I’ll have to practise twice as much after the festivities then.
Home Idle - Groovy: This cat mug… It looks too cute to be used for its intended purpose… But I can’t invalidate Yuu’s gift like that, maybe I’ll have some chamomile tea with it tonight.*
Home Tap 1: Idia-san gave me a pair of headphones with cat ears on them… It’s really adorable, but it’s got me thinking about how much this possibly costs…
Home Tap 2: I could tell Ace has some tricks up his sleeve again throughout most of the party, I’ll have to keep my guard up in case he’s planning to pull another prank on me.
Home Tap 3: Vil-san gifted me a bottle of scented lotion. He told me that a healthy complexion is one of many important contributors to beauty.
Home Tap 4: Even as a performer, I still can’t quite get used to being the center of attention sometimes. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it can still be rather overwhelming.
Home Tap 5: …You’re curious what Azul and Jamil got for me? I-It’s nothing special really, just some things that they think I’d like- N-No! I’m not blushing, you’re imagining things!
Home Tap - Groovy: That was a lot more cream on that pie than I expected, I hope I managed to clean away all of it. …There’s still some cream stuck on my hair? Oh, thank you for offering your assistance but I can take care of it myself.
                                      ⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
* The Yuu in this line belongs to @takohebi, who Hana shares birthdays with.
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sxbxb8 · 3 years
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Did you guys miss Crow? I sure did! Happy Belated Birthday to my birdy and also this sassy boy Vil :3 There was more to them, but I hated that part of the artwork so much that I cut it and now it's just their portraits jkflkfk
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Hello Miss Raven! I'm not sure if you're up to date with Vil's bloomquet birthday story, but apparently he doesn't know much about his mom and it doesn't seem like he want to find out about her either. What do you think about Vil's mom and what are some of your speculations to her lack of appearance in her son's life?
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I haven't gotten the chance to take a look at Vil's new birthday vignettes to work on a belated birthday fic until just recently! I wasn't expecting to get lore about his other parent, so it was a pleasant surprise.
I heard a lot of fan speculation that perhaps Vil has a sour relationship with his mother or that his mom is actually dead, but I personally don't think either of those is true. It's totally within the realm of possibility for him to just be estranged from his mom without being resentful of her. I also feel like there's just not enough information right now to claim she's dead?? Lack of identity is not equivalent to death. From the way Vil speaks about his mother (birthday interviews are completely voiced), he doesn't appear to harbor any ill will toward her; Vil is very passe about the situation and doesn't express an interest in learning more about her, which is valid.
Based on that information, I get the sense that Vil's mom was the type of person that wasn't involved in her child's life (the opposite of his dad, really). I don't really blame her for that, honestly??? I imagine it must be very tough dealing with a big celebrity for a partner (no matter how loving Papa Schoenheit may be). It's stressful dealing with paparazzi, constant gossip, and comparing oneself to the models/celebrities that no doubt populate Papa Schoenheit's glamorous world. Maybe it's even a case where Mama Schoenheit wasn't planning for a baby or didn't want to raise a child. Maybe there were marital issues surrounding her lack of commitment to Vil (again, believable given how committed Papa Schoenheit is), or Vil's birth gave her more stress than she could handle. There many reasons why a parent may not want the family life and thus leave it of their own accord. Now, think what you will of that, but 💦 I think it's better that Vil never knew his mom rather than grow up with a parent that may not be dedicated to raising him to be his best self. (NOTE: this is ALL speculation; we don't know a lot about this topic so I'm just rambling about potential ideas for where this could lead.)
Vil, for his part, is happy with his dad, his friends, and his career, so he doesn't seek fulfillment in knowing about the other half of his lineage. Sometimes, like Vil, you may not be curious, or you may not want to reconcile with that part of you. (It's like how some adopted children may want to meet their birth parents, while others don't or would rather not know.) That's okay, and we should normalize that!!
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
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“My birthday? Ah, you remembered! What a pleasant surprise! And such a lovely thing to celebrate, growing one year older and blooming more radiant still! Thank you very much!”
✨🥀Happy slightly belated birthday to my enchanting rose!🥀✨
As I mentioned before, I’m not yet sure if I’ll be making Union birthday cards in 2023 so in the event I didn’t, I still wanted each of my ocs to have a day devoted to their birthday so here is Sidonie’s! Our calendar may say differently, but for all intents and purposes, let’s treat today as if it is indeed March 9th! 
The ever gentle big sister figure of Pomefiore cordially welcomes you to celebrate with her today! Sadly, I was JUST called into work (on my day off -__-) so I might be slow with the Sidonie content today but it will be there. And as always, asks/interactions are open! 
✨🥀Sidonie’s Birthday Lines🥀✨
When Summoned: “You’re here too? How wonderful!” 
Summon: “I really didn’t want to make a fuss, but the dorm leaders insisted we make today special so here we are. Hope you have a fun time!” 
Groovy: “I prefer more quiet, intimate parties. But your presence made today quite enjoyable so I’m very happy! Thank you!”
Set Home: “I think I stand out a lot in this outfit.” 
Home Idle 1: “Trey prepared the cake for today’s party! Be sure to have a slice, I’m not always big on sweets but his baking always tastes heavenly!” 
Home Idle 2: “Rook gave me a lovely hat with feathers on it. I was happy to receive it, then Trey told me Rook gave him a similar hat a while back. Was that intentional on Rook’s part? 
Home Idle 3: “This morning, Farron showed me a sketch of a beautiful dress he designed. He promised to make it for me in the near future, I can’t wait to wear the final result!” 
Home Login: “Thank you for celebrating with me today! I hope you enjoy the party. Even though it’ll be a little louder than I would have liked, I don’t mind.”
Home Idle Groovy: “When I began walking to the garden this morning, Danica was there. She wished me happy birthday and told me not to worry as she had already watered and pruned my roses. Her sweetness knows no bounds!” 
Home Tap 1: “Vil has been quite nice to me today, nicer than usual. I’m happy, though I wish he would extend that niceness to the freshman from time to time.” 
Home Tap 2: “For my birthday last year, Trey gave me an impromptu baking lesson. We made a matcha cream cake together!”
Home Tap 3: “Epel said he wasn’t sure what to give me for my birthday. I told him to simply continue doing his best and become stronger to make me happy. He promised he would.” 
Home Tap 4: “If I told Vil that my birthday wish is for him to not be so hard on Danica all the time, do you think he’d grant it?” 
Home Tap 5: “You sure are making a fuss over me. I don’t mind though, just be sure to enjoy the rest of the party too.” 
Home Tap Groovy: “Hmph, Vidaria laughed when I told her how old I was today, saying I’m still very much a baby. Hilarious coming from someone in the same grade as me.”
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Happy (Belated) Birthday Vil!
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