#happy darlin!
I was just reminded that today is valentine's so:
🌈obligatory fuck amatonormativity 🌈
rb to kiss your friends square on the lips
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no-see-um-incorrect · 3 months
The Shaw Pack at pride 
(Keep in mind. These are my personal headcannons)
David: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. David is not just the alpha. He is the dad. He has water bottles, snacks, and a buddy system chart, he also runs the carpool. Nothing too flashy when it comes to his appearance. He’s got a little Bi pin on his hoodie and a trans flag bracelet that Angel made him (Angel was rocking a non-binary&MLM Flag makeup look)
Asher: Asher brought a pocket stereo and pride flags for everyone who wanted one. He would’ve gone in full drag, but David and Baaabe talked him down to a mini skirt, crop top, and heels (the reasoning being it was too hot for full drag) but he looked fine af and that’s all he cared about, he was wearing his Pan flag classic cape style, and his nails were painted classic rainbow, with his mate, right by his side, wearing some god-awful Target Pride merch because they thought it was funny 
Milo: Milo and his mate decided to go in formal wear. Nobody knows why Nobody knows how they are not dying in the heat. But they look great. Milo is debating with Sweetheart on whether it’s tacky to put a trans flag in their living room (it's not) And also complaining about how he can never find a T4T flag anywhere. They ended up purchasing way more things than they probably needed to but They had a very enjoyable time
Sam: this poor man is nervous as all hell. He won’t admit it. But he is. This is his first pride event and he doesn’t quite know how to handle himself, but he’s happy to be there with his Darlin, and the pack. Asher painted a little BI flag on his cheek and Darlin has DemiBoy flag painted nails. When it got later into the night and Sam got more comfortable. They found themselves enjoying the art and the beautiful creations that people brought. Having a mini slow dance when Take Me to church started playing And taking photos of the lights.
Overall, a great time at pride for the shaw pack
Happy pride everyone, I hope you had an amazing and safe month!
(forgive me if there’s any typos, my brain is running on empty)
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tommytomatoe · 3 months
sweetheart always had a morbid curiosity about death. it was something you experienced only once, something so tailored to the individual. they were fascinated and often wondered what one thinks about in their final moments. as they laid on the ground, staring at the sky, a quick breeze came by, shaking the trees above and sending stray leaves falling by their head. they didn’t notice. birds chirped all around them, and while their songs were loud, echoing through the forest, they didn’t muffle out the frantic footsteps running in the other direction, away from them. the ground under sweetheart felt wet. a white hot pain filled their chest. their body was confused, frantically cloaking then uncloacking. both their literal and supernatural core were on fire. and while the world was spinning around them with so many sounds, a red stain slowly growing larger through their department uniform shirt, they didn’t notice any of it. their mind thought of one thing and one thing only,  their kitchen cabinets.
when milo and sweetheart first bought their house, the kitchen cabinets were the first thing they planned to fix. there was nothing inherently wrong with them, they were standard gray cabinets with brass handles, they served their purpose. but they were the same style cabinets milo and sweetheart had in their old apartment, and while it seemed like a small thing, this wasn’t an apartment anymore. it was a house. it was their house. they could do and change whatever they wanted. so instead of tackling the overgrown backyard or faulty plumbing in the guest bathroom, they settled for something more manageable, more sentimental to them as their first home project, redoing their kitchen cabinets.
milo, always the man with a plan, already made the list of supplies they’d need for their DIY cabinet renovation. most items on the list were already checked off. they had the paint and the primer and everything they needed to sand and gloss the cabinets. all they needed to do was find the time to go to the hardware store and pick out the new handles. that was the final check mark on their list. after that, they were set to paint their kitchen cabinets the color they wanted with the handles they chose. it was one step closer to making their house truly theirs. 
today was the day they were supposed to get it done. it was a beautiful, hot summer day, both milo and sweetheart were off work and planned to take full advantage of it. they had a relaxing morning, laying in bed longer than they should, playing with aggro longer than they should, bickering over whether to make breakfast or pick something up on the way into town. it was turning out to be a shockingly relaxing weekend.
as sweetheart and milo were getting ready to leave for the hardware store, both their phone’s rang. asher called milo, telling him to come over to david’s for a backyard bbq, one milo asked if david had any idea was happening. asher snickered in response which meant he did not. the department called sweetheart, telling them they needed to come in quickly and that they would be sent thirty minutes out of dahlia to be on scene for an arrest.
it didn’t surprise sweetheart to be called in today, a work life balance with the department was a fictitious thing. what did surprise them was milo’s reaction. when they fought, which was pretty rare, it could be traced back to one of two things; money or the department. he was sick of the department taking advantage of sweetheart’s good nature and passion for their job. sometimes, this frustration felt more directed at sweetheart than at the department. sweetheart knew it, they were basically a doormat for their supervisors and no more than a number to the department, but that didn't stop it from stinging when milo would point it out. much to his disdain, sweetheart changed into their uniform. they promised when this was over they’d get the cabinet handles and continue on with their weekend as planned. but milo was so fed up with everything he just huffed and grabbed his keys, muttering strings of “whatever's” and “it’s fine”. in the car on the way to the scene, sweetheart sent milo a stream of texts apologizing for ruining their weekend plans and promising to make it up to him somehow. they didn’t receive a response but saw he read the messages.
sweetheart wondered what would happen if they didn’t come in today. if they’d listened to milo and just told the department no. it was their weekend, one they wanted to spend with their partner and their friends. but because sweetheart couldn’t say no, they were instead here. alone on the ground in the woods, an hour from home, in a pool of their own blood, thinking about cabinets.
what sweetheart hated more than fighting with milo was when they left fights unresolved. when fights went unresolved, sweetheart would spend every second of every hour replaying it in their mind. they would over analyze every word, every expression, every little moment. it was just how their brain worked. going into this job was no different. their attention was on one thing and one thing only, even though they were briefed on the drive over about the case details and what to expect, its fair to say their mind was just somewhere else.
and while they were replaying milo walking out of the house as they were walking further into the woods to the location the department told them to go, all they could think of was where he was going. what he was feeling. they didn’t hear the footsteps creeping behind them. they didn’t hear the rustle of clothes. they didn’t hear the gun cock. they missed all the signs and didn’t cloak. and in the blink of an eye, they were on the ground. it all happened so fast. 
too stunned to speak, sweetheart felt their body go into overdrive. their stealth nature tried to hide them but it was too late. a puddle was growing underneath them. they didn’t scream. they were going into shock, and all they could do was think of the stupid cabinets. all they could do was think of milo, angry at them for taking this call. to think of milo, wherever he was. to think of milo, going back to an empty house. and how he’d probably be going back to an empty house everyday after today.
as the trees above began to grow blurry and the sound of the birds grew more distant, sweetheart didn’t know what hurt worse, the bullet hole in their chest or the fact that, if this is really it for them, they’d never see what would become of those cabinets. that they’d stay dull and gray, never to be changed, never to be truly theirs.
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propertyofsamcollins · 4 months
Guys, what if I told you I had a headcannon that Darlin and Sam move out of Dahlia and live their lives happily in Washington in a house that was left to Darlin' after a family member that they were close to passed away and they have a little garden and they adopt a baby and and and
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definitelynuwonhere · 3 months
*Wipes tears*
We’ve/They’ve/He has/ The entire redactedverse
Has come so far guys 🥹, and if you think me getting sappy over this, fuck you. IT’s just wild to be in the fandom, to collectively share the same amount of hype, and witness crazy hype about disembodied voices..and silence ig/j
I love that I found this community, regardless of the craziness, I’ve found fanfics, artworks, deepdives, and people that just make my day a little bit better, or worse, depending on what genre I read was that day, point is it’s a complete package I love all of it.
Now back to video talk:
Ioved it. Loved all of them, here are my favorite moments:
- “hey look at me (*melts*) as crazy as today’s gonna get..just remember, it our day” (And Asher’s fool)
- “This is the big one..so let’s have some fun” I CAN HEAR HIS SMILE
- *Morphs into Lasko for a few seconds* love that
- “Im gonna be a Husband!” DAMN RIGHT
Car Shenanigans (Had me on my toes, all of them stuck in a *CAR* anything could’ve happened) & Everything else:
- I love that they went with the not seeing the spouse thing and Ofc Darlin’ with the fun car
- “We spent your bachelor party playing destiny. (And Smash)
- “ I can’t imagine what chaos those four are getting into, riding in one car” THEN IT TRANSITIONS TO *Car noises* which is just headtranslated to = Car Karaoke
- “Just maybe cuss less..” Milo: “Shit” (Fucking amazing)
- *Trio hug* (Crying again)
- “I just feel bad standing up there and looking this good, people might get confused on whose day it is” (ofc he said that. Love that energy )
- “Are we gonna be able to see you? Is there a step stool behind the podium?” “Hey we still have enough time for me to beat your ass and then get you cleaned back up beta boy. So you better watch it. (Perfection. No notes)
- “I now pronounce you Married, the pairs of you, to each other, not all together, Just clap everyone, clap” (PLEASE)
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I’m complete now.
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aragaki · 4 months
Darlin' x Milo.
I know I'm all alone in my little boat here but Darlin x Milo has me in a chokehold and I need to get it out!!
For one, Milo would absolutely call Darlin' Tank instead.
Thinking about Milo and Tank, they've been around each other since they were teenagers. Maybe there was some feelings, some fights. Two stubborn, strong-willed wolves with Asher always going on and on about their will-they-won't-they dynamic, much to Milo's chagrin.
Then they vanish off with some fancy-talking vamp and Milo's left with a yearning he refuses to admit to. He's got other things on his mind. He pretends that Tank's absence from pack meetings doesn't bother him but knowing they're gone, and in a worse place, weighs on him.
Then he finds them, battered and bloody, crumpled outside on his way home. They're hurt. They're half-delirious from blood loss and couldn't help themselves from going somewhere familiar - to someone familiar.
Milo patching them up as best he can, trying to get information out of them but they fight him tooth and nail at every turn. Just like the old days. All he knows is there's someone they're out for, someone they want to kill, and Milo can't tell anyone they're back in Dahlia. And just like Milo says to Sweetheart, as long as it doesn't affect the pack, he can do what he wants.
But it does and he doesn't know it.
Milo's place becoming Tank's safehouse, Milo trying to help Tank as much as he can but they're so tight-lipped about who they're hunting. But the two of them are getting closer. And Milo learns just how out of place Tank felt in the pack, with them, never feeling like they were really accepted.
David confronting Milo, absolutely pissed that two members of his pack are going behind his back. Milo and David, who are at this point more distant after the death of Gabe, and Milo having something to prove to David but has disappointed him.
Milo telling David that Tank doesn't think of themselves as a member of the Shaw pack, and hasn't in a long time, even before they left. Milo having to tell David that he didn't ask who it was Tank was hunting, scared that if he pushed or if he told David and they found out, they'd probably run and they'd never get them back and he doesn't want to lose them again.
Tank confronting Milo at the pack meeting, convinced he was the one who told, furious, hurt, and betrayed again, so tried of being betrayed, but Milo defending himself. Making it clear that he didn't tell David and Tank didn't tell him about Quinn either.
Tank's body being covered in scars from fights and Quinn. Being ashamed and disgusted as Milo, who spills compliments like a fountain, kisses each one of them. Milo's body-worshipping habits coming out at every unhappy frown Tank makes when they see themselves.
Milo buying Tank good looking clothes, fully at his wit's end with their unironed white tank top and jeans. Tank liking the clothes but never wearing them cause they seem so expensive, they should be for a special occasion. Milo's insistence that mulberry silk or not a shirt is a shirt so please fucking wEAR IT.
Asher's vindication when Milo and Tank finally make the leap into being mates. He's been on this train since they were teens, he's been suffering from an IRL slow-burn romance for half of his life!! Will not shut up about the fact that the "pack scrappers" finally got together.
"Bite me, Milo. 😒" "Not in public, sweets."
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arcielee · 1 year
You got all I need.
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Summary: Your boyfriend goes all out for your birthday. Paring: chubby!Aegon x you Word Count: 1570 Warnings: Chubby!Aegon, brief mentions of wg, implied sexual situations, hands hands hands, fingering, inappropriate behavior while riding in a vehicle. Author's Note: Thank you to @bucknastysbabe for being my beta reader for this! Happy birthday to @lovelykhaleesiii 💜 This story was inspired by the line, “There's more of you to love.” in her brilliant one-shot A Little Too Tight... Also, for the foreseeable future, every title will be a lyric from Unreal Unearth.💜 Banners & dividers by @cafekitsune
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You had always loved his hand; you loved his strong hold and how his thick fingers interlaced with your own, pulling you into the back of the Uber with enough force for you to fall against his chest. Aegon was solid with the welcoming scent of vanilla and cognac cologne that still held to his skin despite the busy day, with a warmth that you could just melt against. 
The entire day had been his idea. 
Aegon was adamant to take you away to celebrate your birthday. He booked a room at one of the many luxury hotels owned by the Targaryen dynasty, a suite with a postcard view of the blue-green waters of The Gullet. The day began with brunch, which you knew to be his favorite meal, and afterwards his large hand enveloped your own, your fingers knitting in a way that would still sweep away your heart, a grinning fool and walking alongside him on the boardwalk until you were both rosy from the sun.  
There was a reprieve back in the room, an afternoon delight that left you both breathless and wanting more, insatiable for him still after all this time, but Aegon seemed determined to make the dinner reservation. He had purchased you a dress, something that complemented your figure in a way that made his pupils swallow the lovely lilac of his eyes when he looked you over; you burned from his gaze, also admiring the fit of his buttoned up shirt and slacks on his thicker frame. 
He pulled you in for a chaste kiss, a saucy confirmation that you were wearing the lace set underneath. When you nodded, he kissed you again with a murmured, “Good girl,” and Aegon, ever the gentleman, offered you his elbow. “Come on, pretty girl.” 
You giggled, you hand tucking into the crook of his arm, and he escorted you out to the awaiting Uber. Night was settling over Driftmark and the man made lights began to glow for the nightlife, with the sea rolling a cool breeze from its coastline. 
The restaurant he had chosen had a renowned drag show and you were enthralled with the floorshow; your cheeks pink from the sun, from your strawberry mojitos, from singing along to the pop songs performed and marveling at the swell of colors of elaborate costumes. Aegon made sure to have cash in hand to tip the ladies, and they flocked towards him, vocally swooning over your “big man.” 
“Honey,” one popped her painted lips into the microphone, the shimmer of glitter across her cheekbones, “he is thicker than a Snickers!” And the other queens crowed in agreement. 
Aegon blushed from the attention, a mixture of flattery and the fleeting glimmer of self-consciousness that also tainted his handsome features.
You two were sweethearts since uni; Aegon had enrolled with his family connections partnered with a rugby scholarship, which suited his broad shoulders and defined chest, and you were a hapless student among the masses of school spirit whenever your academic schedule allowed. 
You had always noticed him, as he was impossible to miss with his strong jawline and his silver hair knotted at the base of his neck, how his eyes glittered with his roguish smile. It was one night during a celebratory party of another victory that you allowed your liquored courage to ask for his phone and save your number under the name: prettiest pussy.  
This, of course, was something you did not recall until he texted you the next morning, along with a screenshot to accompany his claim. You burned with embarrassment, swearing off cheap tequila forever, but he had been sweet and asked to take you out on a date. 
And this is how you learned that brunch was his favorite. 
You two became inseparable even after he graduated, and with you following two years later. It had been easy to fall in love with Aegon and his big heart, and he was all-consumed by you, but as the years continued there was a newfound insecurity that flared in a way that you loathed. 
No longer an undergraduate, rugby was not a massive part of his day-to-day life, and there was a softness to his center; in truth, you loved him as you watched him clean his plate of French toast with sliced bananas and walnuts, drenched in syrup, and you loved him now, if not even more. There was a comfort to his embrace, something that allowed you to melt against him with a sultry whisper in his ear, “There is just more of you for me to love,” and it would dispel any hesitation he felt. 
But tonight you saw it lingered still. 
Now you were cuddled up against Aegon in the backseat of the SUV, listening to the soft curses from your Uber driver dealing with the standstill traffic. You did not mind it though, enjoying the cool air from the windows rolled down and your head resting on his chest, your leg draped over his thick thigh. Your hand was on his belly with the slow motion to rub away the meal and he groaned, trying to shy away from your touch. 
“Stop it,” you moved to whisper in his ear, smiling as you watch his skin prickle with your words. “Everyone wanted you tonight, but I am the lucky one who gets to take you back to bed.” 
The blue glow of the dashboard showed how his lips curled. “Is that so?” He asked, his arm curling around your waist and pulling you closer. 
Your eyes were heavy, dropping to see the inviting bulge between his thighs, a warmth curling in your lower abdomen. “It is,” and you held his own hooded gaze, watching his cheeks darken with the flush of red. Your hand moved to touch his jaw and you leaned to kiss him. 
Aegon responded to you, a sweet sigh, and his clever tongue curling against your own, the leftover taste of the strawberry mojitos that stained your lips. His kiss was fearsome, drawing the very breath from your lungs and leaving you lightheaded, giggling against his lips. 
You sighed again at his touch to your thigh, his palms still rough from rugby, still gentle as always, dipping between your legs. His kiss swallowed your soft gasp when you felt the pads of his finger pressing against the damp patch of the lace underwear. 
“Fuck, is this for me?” His voice was husky, heavy with want, and he encircled your clothed cunt slowly, the sensation curling at the base of your spine.
You nod quickly and he shifts his weight, pulling you closer, his hot mouth pressing a kiss to the soft divot beneath your ear. You shuddered in response, biting your bottom lip between your teeth, a pitiful attempt to smother a moan.
He was quick to playfully pinch your hip with his other hand. “We cannot disturb the driver, pretty girl,” his breath tickling the curve of your neck. “Can you be quiet for me while I play with your pretty pussy?”  
Your eyes are glassy and you nod again; Aegon gives a cheeky grin before capturing your lips for another kiss, a whispered, “Good girl,” that fans your jawline as you feel his fingers pulling aside the lace. 
There is another wave of arousal with how his fingers ghost your entrance, your body desperate for him, for his touch, and his smile remains, but now smug. It is a stretch with one digit, but he pushed for two, their tandem motion curling against that sweet spot within you that allows stars to dance across your vision. 
You bury your face into the soft curve of his neck, your teeth sinking into his flesh and sucking to muffle your cry. Aegon groaned, low, a rumbled vibration through his chest that you are flushed against, but it does not stop the come hither motion of his fingers. 
His wrist angles to allow his thumb to press against the bundle of nerves above, his familiar touch to your clit and your involuntary clench. “Aegon,” you whined softly against his skin, your hips rutting in response. 
He does not answer you but kisses you again, something desperate, as if he is trying to draw the release deep within. His lips pulled you to the precipice, the flutter of your walls around his thick fingers that are coated with your juices, an electricity that trills your spine. 
Aegon pulled you closer, his breathless command, “Come for me,” and it spilled from you like a torrent, sweeping away your breath with your heart pounding its fury to break through your ribs, a pleasure thrumming beneath your skin.  
“We’re here,” a voice chirped, and only then did you remember the Uber. 
Aegon had not forgotten, his smug satisfaction still splayed on his features as he sucked his fingers clean. “Good timing,” and his other hand unwrapped from your waist, moving to open the car door. “Come on, pretty girl, let’s get you to bed.” 
The implication of his tone is not lost on you and the blood remains bold in your cheeks, a shade of crimson as you try your best to discreetly fix your lace underwear and follow after him, moving with a new slick between your trembling thighs. 
You reach to take his hand and it wraps around your own, a perfect fit as always.
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arcie's masterlist
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How the pack saw the development of Sam & Darlin's relationship as per how Darlin referred to him on the phone:
"Can I bring Sam?" Is how it started.
"Can I bring my emotional support vampire?" Is what it became after Sam's confession when they woke up in each other's arms.
"I'm bringing my emotional support, okay?" Is what it turned into after a while.
"My emotional support mate is coming with me/is tagging along," is what it became after their talk after the Inversion.
"My mate and I are coming," is what it was after they moved in with Sam.
*gets told about some plan to hang out/anything pack related* "Okay" *shows up with Sam* - is what it is now.
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6-atlas-6 · 1 year
Redacted headcanons except this time I don't make people cry
Asher and Darlin' have a shared notes app filled with things that (lovingly) piss people off
If Sunshine has any family members or friends that passed away and sunshine started missing them again, Elliott will make them in a dreamscape so Sunshine can talk to them again
Freelancer has drawings Caelum drew up on the fridge so Damien, Hux, and Lasko always assumed it was a younger sibling or family member
You never see Vincent and Lovely apart. Like ever. He's always either hugging them from behind, holding their waist or their hand, etc. You have to specify if you invite them to an event because if one of them is going, the other is following
Lovely sees William as a father/parental figure almost as much as Vincent does
Milo and Vincent have a shared Pinterest board (mostly consisting of clothing)
Gavin and Freelancer don't have seperate clothes anymore. They took each other's clothes so often because they have such similar style that they have a shared wardrobe now
Smartass is like a 5 star chef but they're too tired to cook half the time. Aaron tried it once on their off day and swore he saw heaven
Damien and Huxley have chickens
Dear is the favorite professor purely because they're so flexible and they genuinely care so much about their students. They have a bin full of snacks and a drawer full of water for students, and even a pillow if they realize a student is working themselves to exhaustion
Dear packs two lunches everyday because they know Lasko always forgets his
Similar to Vince and Lovely, Avior and Starlight are never seen apart. Avior is a very clingy demon
Blake pretended to be a dreamwalker because his listener specified how well he helps them fall asleep
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misathinks · 6 months
weightlifter darlin let’s talk abt it
Probably was on school teams for majority of their life and wanted to pursue it beyond that, but once they got with Quinn they dropped it (he wanted them to be weak, told them he could protect them himself and they didn’t need to do any of that while he was around). It was one of the few things that gave their life stability and Quinn making them leave it played a big part in them losing it yk
Once they started getting closer to David again they picked it back up. They definitely work out tg and when Darlin told him they wanted to try it again, he helped them as best as he could, mainly helping them with what foods they should eat. I don’t think they’d pursue it as a career now but having it back in their life really helps as an outlet.
Thoughts? ☺️
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alrxiin · 8 months
"Losing My Mind"
Sam x Darlin' (GN! reader) || angst
TW's : Non-consensual turning, blood, mild character violence, emotional distress, Sam going off the deep end.
Summary : It's been a while since your talk with Sam, and his fears have been slowly making him worse and worse... He one day comes home and when you don't respond, his paranoia takes over.
It was a normal night at work, and a calm way back home. Nothing in the world could have been wrong, nothing but Samuel's own mind.
Ever since the Vamp had a talk with his lover, his already worried thoughts of the Shifter somehow leaving him earlier than anyone could have predicted, have at least tripled in the last weeks.
Unlocking the house, he slid off his shoes and hung his jacket up beside the door with a soft call-out to his love.
- "Darlin', I'm home." — Yet he received no reply.
It should've been normal, since it was still night, and they were most likely still asleep in their shared bed.
The only wrong thing was his now overflowing thoughts. Worry shot through the man and he started his search, going from one room to another only to see no sign of the Werewolf.
His callings went on deaf ears as Darlin' slept on the couch, a pair of earphones in their ears, playing music to keep them occupied, had only made them fall asleep waiting for Sam.
When the, now completely panicked, Vamp had finally found his mate on the couch, all bad thoughts jumped into his head with a renewed power.
He knelt down beside the couch, gently shaking Darlin'. Seeing as they slept heavily from the overthinking of their last talk, shaking them seemed to have no affect for a while, only when their mate had gone into something like a manic episode, had they stirred awake.
- "Sam?.. You're home?" — Their sentence gets cut short as he brings them into a tight hug.
- "Holy shit, you gave me a heart attack Darlin'." — He nuzzles his face into their neck, shivering when he feels the blood glowing under their skin. So close yet so far.
- "What? How, I don't think I did anything... Are you alright?" — Worried for their mate, they gently pulled Sam's face away from their neck, earning a soft almost growl from the man, confusing them even more.
- "Sam?–" —
- "Darlin', I don't think I can keep going like this." — His voice strangely stern, the Shifter couldn't help but look at him almost hurt.
- "What do you mean? Love, please, now you're giving me a heart attack." — They chuckled awkwardly, trying to de-stress themselves at least a bit.
- "I can't bare being worried about you every day. I can't lose you... I won't lose you." —
Before they could get any word out, the Vamp pinned Darlin' to the couch as softly as he could, his overpowering strength finally showing as they let out a yelp of surprise, squirming under his touch.
- "Sam, what's going on with you?!.." — But he didn't seem to hear them, or at least didn't want to.
- "I'm so sorry Darlin'. But I can't let you leave me, I've been so close to losing you, too many times to count." — As they looked up into his eyes, there was no Samuel there, only red piercing eyes staring into theirs. He put his hand up to his mouth, and perfectly on command his fangs popped out, piercing his skin.
As blood flowed, he put the bleeding hand on Darlin's mouth, forcing it open as gently as he could make himself in the state he was in. He leaned down, ignoring the whimpers of his sweet mate and pulling their head to the side.
- "This has to be done, Darlin'..." — Was the last thing he whispered out in a falsely comforting tone, before sinking his fangs into his lovers neck.
Blood flowed into his mouth, an overpowering metallic taste sending sparks down his back. And at the same, Darlin' drank from his hand, the Vamp's blood strangely tasty yet unwanted.
When he pulled away panting, they were dizzy, but not dizzy enough. As Sam was finally coming back to his senses, they put the last bit of their power into work, bringing themselves to half-shift and push the Vampire off of them.
With tears in their eyes, they stumbled to their feet, looking down at the man in betrayal.
This wasn't the Samuel they loved, the one who was so gentle, and who always assured he would never mistreat them like a certain rogue Vampire had back in the day.
- "What the fuck is wrong with you?.." — Were the first words coming out of their mouth, a hand on their neck where Sam had bit them, blood still flowing.
- "Darlin'–" —
- "Don't even try that with me, Samuel. I learned my lesson with Quinn and I'm not gonna let myself get hurt again..." — Unsure on what to do, he only looked up at them in shock, bits of blood still tingling on his lips.
- "I can't believe you, after everything... You only turned out like him." — They sniffled, quickly turning around on their heel and bolting it out of the mans house, leaving him with a sting in his heart and an overwhelming awareness if what he had done.
That was the day Darlin' had lost their love, and the ability to shift...the only thing that they could have been proud of themselves for. In their eyes, the pack would never see them as family again, and so they left Dahlia for the last time, alone.
With Sam...Their once shared house now so empty again, the Shifters things were still scattered all around from the decorating they have done over the years, for they haven't come back for them. Days had gone by, turning into weeks, and Sam was yet again left alone in the woods.
The loneliness he once wanted and cherished so bad, now bringing him down with every day, and the moment he betrayed his love replaying in his mind.
"You were so afraid to lose me in years after, you had lost me even sooner. I am no longer Darlin', I am Tank to you."
That's the message he had gotten from them, spoken through William when he had to meet with him.
Like Maker, like Prodigy... right?
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radiant-cowgirl · 2 months
ea spoilers
i love silly sam :)
silly sam is the best sam <3
he had me blushing and kicking my feet
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bigbossbrielle · 1 year
Happy pride you shits 🌈
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beedoes-stuff · 1 year
sam: i’ll take care of you
darlin: it’s rotten work.
sam: not to me. not if it’s you.
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definitelynuwonhere · 4 months
I dunno if anyone has brought it up, but it came to my mind so 🤷🏻‍♂️
So we all know Milo’s officiating, leaving the spot for best man (I did mean it to be NB, ‘best pal just doesn’t roll of your tongue) pretty open.
ANd while Sam would be a very easy choice, I PERSONALLY, would like to think if they were going to choose, it’d be Darlin’.
With how they came back and started to rebuild their relationships with the pack, those two in particular. it just seems like the more meaningful choice for on both David and Asher’s part.
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