#happy pride month pt 2
harvestmoth · 1 year
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is this anything
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onlytiktoks · 3 months
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jungvxyy · 1 year
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i am not stepping out of my grave to draw fanart ever again (grrrrhhrhrssnsnnkj)
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ali-mart · 4 months
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What if two women danced at a ball together-what then?
aka: scared for S3 pt.2 but living in my fantasy land rn. Happy Pride Month everyone! 🌈
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mournings-stars · 7 months
doubt comes in
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happy valentines day, here's my apology in advance for the angst. this is heavily based on the story of orpheus and eurydice specifically in the musical hadestown (my fav) with inspo from the lyrics so a lot of this is written with the intention to rhyme and be in a hadestown-esque song.. I probably wont write like this often, but i hope y'all like it there's one mention of pronouns (she/her) with lilith since i basically swapped the reader for orpheus and luci for eurydice but other than that i don't think there's much to indicate this is a fem!reader but this is an angel!reader if anyone would like a precursor with fluff, i'll compensate yall for the dramatic greek angst
part 2 (prelude) part 3 (prelude pt. 2) part 4 (prelude pt. 3) part 5/finale (semi-alt ending)
It was a long way down; winding, golden steps in a narrow hall that you didn’t know the depth of until you reached the bottom. Your legs ached with each step, and your wings fought not to fly the rest of the way. You could see it in the distance when you reached the ground, the red heat of the pride ring, and the home you were headed to. 
It hadn’t been long since Lucifer fell, maybe a few months since he and his love were banished to the darkness he created with the worst of humankind, but you were given a blessing. 
Sera, the oldest of the angels, allowed you to go down to Hell to retrieve him. There was a catch, however, one that made you wary as you now neared his home. 
You could only retrieve Lucifer. He had to leave his love, and you had to trust that he would follow you. You had to lead the way back up the golden staircase she created for you, all the way to the very top where the golden gates you knew so well waited for you. Lucifer had to walk behind you without a sound; he couldn’t assure you that he was there. You just had to trust one another. To follow, and not to check. 
You couldn’t turn around. 
Finally, you reached his home, knocking on the door and waiting patiently before it was opened. “It’s you…” You knew his voice well, the sound of it making your heart swell as you wrapped your arms around him. 
He was quick to return the embrace, the ache in your legs vanishing for a moment in his arms. “It’s me.” He sighed, hugging you tighter and shutting his eyes with his head on your chest. He could hear the drumming of your heart, and he knew if he held you long enough he’d be back in Heaven when he opened his eyes.
But he had to let go.
“How are you here?” He asked a question and it was like a melody, clear as day and symphonic as the winds that flowed beside you as you descended that steep staircase down to Hell. He stepped back, hands lingering until you stepped away. 
“Sera allowed me to come down,” you said. “She said I could bring you back — that you could leave this place…” You looked around, shifting uncomfortably in the unnatural heat before you turned back to him with a gentle smile. “Come home with me.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “It’s a trick. She’s never liked me—“
“No!” You grabbed his hands, forcing him to look at you. “It’s a trial — or a second chance at one.”
It had taken you days to get down. You hadn’t seen Lucifer in months. A few days without looking back at him would be nothing if that meant an eternity back home.
He squeezed your hands, looking down at them and suddenly feeling that it might just be possible. “How?”
“It took a while,” you said quietly. “She didn’t want to listen, but I knew you had the best intentions. I convinced her, and she’s letting you come home.”
“She’s letting me try.” He looked down, dropping your hands and frowning at the ground. “What’s the catch?”
“You have to follow me—“
“I can do that,” he said quickly. 
“And you can’t touch me, or speak to me. You just have to trust that I’ll get us there and that I won’t look back—“
He cut you off with a dry laugh. “Just?” He laughed harder. “We both know how this will go.”
“I trust you to follow me. Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course I do!” His hands went to your face, holding gently. You moved out of his grip, feeling the coolness of the band on his left hand. “We were always close; I trust you, I just… don’t trust her—“
“You should go, Lu,” a voice came from behind him, and the woman you recognized from Eden stood there. Her hair, long and blonde, flowed behind her in non-existent winds. Her smile made you understand why he fell — why he would for her. “Go home with her.”
It was decided then. Just one encouraging push from his love and he was prepared to leave. He looked back at her, giving a smile that made you look away as you turned. 
As they said their goodbyes, you waited quietly, kicking at the ground absentmindedly until Lucifer put a hand on your shoulder. “Ready?” You nodded. “Alright.”
“We can walk together until we reach the stairs… Then, from there, we’re on our own.”
“I won’t leave you alone,” he assured. “I’ll make sure you get back home.”
You frowned at his wording, taking his hand. “We’ll both go home.”
He nodded, correcting himself and squeezing your hand, “I’ll make sure we both get home.”
You nodded. “Let’s go.”
The walk was quiet before it had to be, doubt already coming in and making its way between you. What would happen when you reached the stairs? Would he follow behind you? Who were you to think he would, when his love had to stay in a place like this? 
“How bad was it?” Lucifer asked you. “Are you sure you want to go now?” You nodded. “Aren’t you tired?”
“I can rest when we’re home.” You gave him a smile that made him do the same. “You want to go back, don’t you?”
He had his doubts. He doubted that he could. He doubted he could make it all that way. He hadn’t seen you in months, and all he wanted was to talk to you — all he could do was touch you — but there was silence now. Didn’t that mean it’d be easy not to speak? Not to touch you… After all this time. After he found someone to love—
“Sera said if we make it, she’ll listen to you,” you tried, hoping he’d respond. He hadn’t even realized he didn’t answer you. “Maybe we can bring Lilith up soon.”
“I’d like that.”
The smile you gave him made him reach out his hand, the look on your face forced and sorrowful as you walked ahead of him. He wanted to take your hand for comfort — to both of you — but how was he supposed to go days without it if he couldn’t fight a simple urge now?
“We’re here…” You stopped some time later, silence blanketing the two of you a long time ago. 
But now it was for a different reason. 
Great golden steps stood before you, spiraling high up into thick clouds that shielded the true height of the stairs. 
But even from here they looked endless. 
“We can’t fly, can we?” Lucifer asked, half joking. 
“That’d be nice, wouldn’t it?” You laughed, but it died out quickly. “Are you sure you want to do this? You can turn back now…” You swallowed your pride. “Go home to her… It’ll be days of walking, and going back up is much harder than coming down.”
He took a moment to understand what you were telling him, but surely told you, “If you were down here, I’d come to find you, too.” That brought a smile to your face. There was another pause before he asked, “would you follow me?”
You nodded. “Anywhere.” Even here. 
He smiled, taking your hand like he wanted to before. “Then show the way.”
You squeezed his hand before turning to the stairs and letting go, savoring that last touch until you could do it again; back home. You took a deep breath before taking the first step. 
Immediately, a marble wall surrounded the staircase, and you could only imagine that the steps were shielded, a wall blocking off the first stair as you started to go back up. 
You couldn’t hear a thing, not even your own footsteps as you climbed step after step. 
Lucifer, on the other hand, could hear your footsteps echoing; one after the other, each of your steps right after the other, and sounding like the dull pounding of a drum. He couldn’t tell if it was comforting or foreboding, but he listened anyway. This was how he’d make it through, he decided. To the steady sounds of drumming. 
But you were struggling. Coming down and back up so soon had made you tired already, but doubt weighing you down didn't help any. You let out a breath before beginning to hum as a way to ground yourself to these hellish stairs. 
It was a song both of you knew well; there were no words or swells to make you know what came next, just an endless melody that the winds would sing as they carried the seasons through the Earth. Long before Lucifer went to see the world, this was how you knew it. Through the songs nature sang. 
But now he knew the world much better than you did. He didn’t need this song anymore. You doubted he even remembered it,
but no, he was humming along, hoping you could hear that he remembered your song. He remembered how beautiful it was, and how when you sang it, the entirety of Heaven could feel your warmth — your love. It was why you were given the task to change the seasons, your song persuading nature into the most beautiful summers and captivating winters. But what else could he expect from an angel of Virtue? Could he expect that the love that he felt all throughout Heaven would ever be for him? How could he expect anything from you? 
Pride does not deserve Humility. 
And doubt comes in; he thought about turning back, letting you go alone, but even when he stopped for just a moment you kept walking. You trusted him to follow you, and as you hummed the song of nature, he felt that same love that he used to. The same warmth that was now pushing him up the endless stairs after you. The same winds that made him want to reach out and touch you, just to remind you that he was there. Just to see you look back at him. 
But he knew what you were doing, using your gift of song to bring nature into this empty place so it could push you to keep going. You hoped the winds would push you up, but they weren’t strong enough. 
You weren’t strong enough for this. 
The song stopped after a while, but you continued to climb, up, and up, and further up to no avail. If it hadn’t been that there was only one path, you would’ve questioned whether or not you were going the right way. 
It was harder going back. 
But there was hope; a faint, golden light that led you back home. A faint, golden light that told you you were so close. A faint, golden light that made you want to turn, smile at him, and say, “we’re almost home,” but you stopped yourself and kept going. 
You were much further than almost, but you were getting there. And this light pulled you to keep. Going. 
You didn’t care for the exhaustion, or the pain, you didn’t think about the hunger, or the thirst. You kept in mind that you would sleep, rest, eat, and drink when you made it home with him. 
When he made it home with you. He would worry about how tired you must’ve been. He would worry how much pain you were in — and he would worry about his own once he made it home with you. But he saw how you faltered, hand on the wall to keep yourself going, and he knew he couldn’t make it much longer like this. 
But you trusted him, he had to try. 
And doubt comes in. 
He doubted how much longer he could take this. He doubted how much longer he could watch you fade into exhaustion and pain without doing anything about it. 
He doubted that Sera didn’t expect this to happen.   
He doubted, and doubted, until you were finally there. Until you were almost sure he hadn’t followed you. Until your legs gave out on the final step and you felt him rush to keep you from falling. You felt his hands keeping you up and his wings bringing you onto the pale clouds of your home. 
And you turned back. 
But he was happy that you did. He gave you that same smile he gave her and his hands held your face gently. You reached up to grip his wrists as your eyes pooled. Regret; regret for doubting, regret for tiring, for failing. For turning back. “Why would you?” You asked and it was like a broken melody. Clear as summer rain with no symphony to push away the doubt that just kept coming in.
And he spoke to you. He broke every rule. 
“I couldn’t let you fall,” he said, and you knew how he meant it. You knew he never trusted Sera. She knew he’d fail. So did he. But not you. You were the fool that made him put his trust in you.
And now you knew he had to go. And he knew he could never return. 
He tilted your head down, wings fluttering and lifting him off the clouds. He pressed a gentle kiss to your head and said, “Visit again if you can.”
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rsolartz · 4 months
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Touch pt.2
Happy pride month to them
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sixoclocker · 4 months
happy pride month. here are my pride hcs LOLLLL
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(just in case
ceroba - she/her, bi, trans, demiromantic/demisexual
martlet - they/she, asexual, lesbian, demigirl
starlo - he/she/they, trans, genderfluid, aroace
clover - they/them, nonbinary)
here’s additional stuff lmao
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(just in case pt 2.
axis - he/it, rainbow lmao
chujin - he/she, unlabeled, trans
dalv - he/him, gay
integrity - they/them, nonbinary (technically canon to my whole canon interpretation with lucile and all but whatever)
kanako - she/her)
mifht do more. i don’t know. this was for sillies lmao
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ssokkasmoon · 7 months
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(All characters are aged up)
Pt. 2 of "them finding out that you are pregnant "
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Sokka gripped your hand tightly in the waiting room. Today was the day - you two would find out the gender of their baby. Part of him wanted a daughter, so he could protect and spoil his little princess. of course he would be happy with son too ,But As long as the baby was healthy, he didn't really care either way. When the nurse called your name, he helped you onto the exam table and sat beside you, not letting go of your hand.
"Looks like everything's developing nicely," the doctor said with a smile. "Would you two like to know the gender?" you looked at Sokka with shining eyes and he nodded eagerly. The doctor moved the wand around for a moment." Ah, it's quite clear. Congratulations, you're having a girl!" . A daughter. Sokka felt his eyes well up as a watery laugh escaped. He hugged you tightly, kissing your forehead over and over. "We're having a baby girl," he said in awe.
Sokka couldn't wait to love and protect his princess with his whole heart.
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Zuko strides down the hospital corridor, one arm wrapped protectively around your shoulders as you walk to the doctor's office. He's not usually one for public displays of intimacy, but his guard is lowered in private moments with the two people who mean everything to him. Pausing outside the closed door, he gazes down at you tenderly, one hand moving to gently cradle your growing belly. "You feelin' okay, Love?" he asks softly, At your nod, he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead before knocking. The doctor greets you both warmly, gesturing to sit as she reviews your notes. "Everything is progressing perfectly. Are you ready to find out what you're having?" At your eager nods, she squeezes gel over your stomach, moving the probe expertly. Zuko watches the screen intently, squeezing your hand as shapes come into focus. The doctor points. "Well congratulations... it looks like you're having a baby girl."
Zuko's breath hitches, eyes glistening with pride, love and wonder. Gazing down at you, he cradles your cheek tenderly. "A little princess... just like her mama," he murmurs, voice thick with emotion. Leaning down to kiss you deeply and sweetly.
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Mako holds your hand gently yet tightly in his own as you both await the ultrasound results in the examination room. His mind still reels from the revelation a few months ago that not one but two little lives now grew within you. Twins. The doctor returns with a cheerful smile, settling in to study the sonogram monitor. "Alright Mom and Dad, let's see if we can get a glimpse of Baby A and Baby B..." Mako watches intently, fascinated by the shapes taking form on the screen. As the doctor points out key features, his smile only grows. Two heartbeats. Finally, the doctor pauses, smile broadening. "Well congratulations, it looks like you've got one of each! Your little boy and girl are healthy and developing perfectly on schedule."
Mako's breath catches in wonder, unable to look away from those tiny fluttering lives they created through their love. he meet your eyes, "A son and daughter, princess," he rumbles gratefully, pressing kiss to your forehead. "We did good, didn't we?" he winks.
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Aang sat nervously beside you in the doctor's office, hand intertwined with yours. Finally the doctor called them back, smiling warmly. "Are you ready to find out what you're having?". you beamed up at Aang, unable to contain your joy. He nodded enthusiastically, returning your smile through eyes glistening with happy tears. This was really happening. The cool gel was spread as the ultrasound transducer swept smoothly over User's swollen belly. Your eyes were glued raptly to the screen, holding their breath. "Well congratulations, Mom and Dad - it looks like you're having a baby boy!" The doctor announced with a grin.
A sob burst from Aang. he pulled you into a fierce hug, covering your face in kisses, happy tears streaming down both your cheeks. A son. you were having a son. Gently placing a hand on your belly, Aang bent low to address your son. "I can't wait to meet you little man. Daddy loves you so much already."
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Oh, Princess, I can't believe we're going to find out the gender of our baby today. I've been counting down the days for this moment. Bolin is practically bouncing with excitement as the two of you step into the doctor's office, holding hands tightly. As you both settle into the examination room, Bolin sits beside you, his leg bouncing up and down with nervous energy. The doctor begins the ultrasound, and Bolin's focus shifts to the screen, his breath catching in his throat. "Oh, Princess , I can't wait to see our little one," he whispers, his voice filled with awe. As the image starts to come into view, Bolin's eyes widen, his lips forming a smile. "Look, look! That's our baby, Princess. Our precious little miracle." As the doctor announces the gender, Bolin's face lights up with pure joy. he pauses for a moment, his excitement building, "it's a boy! We're having a little prince!"
Bolin can barely contain his excitement as he leans in to place a gentle kiss on your cheek. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace,"I love you, And I love our little prince. We're going to have the most amazing family. I can't wait to shower him with all the love and affection in the world."
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© 2024 ssokkasmoon
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natflorezz · 4 months
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Maho Shonen Pride Icons pt 2  🏳️‍🌈✨
Well, officially here is the last part of Maho Shonen Pride icons! Happy Pride Month for everyone!
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loves4ge · 4 months
social media aus
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jujutsu kaisen
-> pretending to be your dad when they message you
-> they send you a picture of themselves pt 2
-> "dying your hair to match theirs" prank
-> sending them to buy a made up menstrual product pt 2
-> texting them when you're drunk
-> wishing them a happy pride month (bi reader)
-> they send you gym pics
-> texts when they miss you
-> sending them nudes in the middle of an argument
-> they find out you have a crush on them
-> posting an ugly picture of them
-> asking to put makeup on them
-> making them guess a makeup product
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Happy Pride Month to all the lesbians (canon or not) I color-picked flags from ❤️🧡🤍🩷💜 Pt.1 [Pt.2]
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lostmymind-0 · 7 months
Sugary sweet pt. 2 | LN4 x Piastri! Reader
Words: 1639
Part 1
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Lando and Olivia had been a couple for almost two months before the fans found out about it. Once they did, did they destroy twitter with edits of them. Calling them the cutes couple. While Olivia was not too happy to be in the spotlight that the relationship with Lando brought with it, was Lando over the moon to be able to show his girlfriend to the world and brag about how smart and pretty she was. Oscar just teased his twin about the spotlight and her new WAG status.
It was his home race when they walked into the paddock hand in hand. Lando was beaming with pride while Olivia was trying not to look at all those fand waiting to see Lando. “Everything is going to be fine, love. Just breathe.”, he told her with a kiss to the forehead. After fifteen minutes of Lando sighning stuff and taking Selfies were they finally able to walk to the hospitality. There they met Oscar who again teased his twin for being in the Spotlight. “Seems like you stole Lando’s fand.”, he said and Olivia just hit his arm.
Once the boys had to leave for media duties could Olivia leave to go to the engineers. She was more comfortable there. Being surrounded by data and statistics was were she was in her element. It was also where she talked the most, aside when she was with her family or close friends. Zack walked up to check in on the young girl when he saw her carefully listening to Oscar’s engineer. “Where do you think could the car improve?”, the engineer asked the girl. It was a tricky question, as they expected a precise answer and not only the basics, as she was coming close to her graduation. But with an unknown confidence, at least to Zack, did the girl answer. Even going into detail behind her statement. To say that everyone was more than happy with her work was an understatement. Not only was everyone impressed by how well thought through her statements were but also how quickly she picked up different part of the work. “Good job, how about you sit with me during the race?”, Oscar’s engineer offered and the girl gladly accepted. It was not often that interns were allowed to be at the pitlane.
Right before the race did Lando searched his girlfriend down. A worried look on his face. Jon was following the boy with a small smile on his face. This was a side of Lando he had not seen before. Sure Lando was caring and loving toward his family but this was a new level. Lando finally found Olivia standing with Oscar and his engineer. “There you are! I was looking for you!”, Lando exclaimed, making the girl worry about why he had been this eager to find her right before he had to be in the car. “Is everything okay, Lan?”, she quietly asked, as all eyes were now on them. “You are getting low. I came to make sure you are eating something before it gets too low.”, Lando explained and handed her the snack he had stolen from the hospitality. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she checked her levels on her own again and found that he was indeed right. With a small thank you did she took the snack out of his hand. “How did you knew that?”, Oscar asked his teammate with a teasing smirk. “I have her blood sugar levels synchronised to my phone.”, Lando said like it was obvious. He wanted to be able to take care of her and prevent her from dropping way too low again. “You do?”, Olivia asked him surprised. “Of course. I know how you get distracted and forget to check them.”, Lando explained, pulling her close to him, kissing her head. “As cute as this is, you need to get ready, Lando.”, Jon told him. Kissing the girl one more time Lando left to get ready.
“You got Lando wrapped around your finger pretty well.”, Oscar teased while getting ready. “I had no idea he had my blood sugar on his phone. I don’t even know how or when he did it.”, Olivia told her brother, still blushing. “I like that he takes care of you. Gives me more free time.”, “Shut up and don’t crash.”, Olivia said before taking seat in the pit lane. Her nerves were a bit high as she sat down, feeling like she was not supposed to be there. But as soon as the race started did those thoughts disappear and her focus was on the race and how the car was holding up. She learned a lot, watching from the pitlane as everyone included her in the decisions, explaining them to her. It made her feel like a part of the team. The race ended with her twin in P5 while Lando got his first home podium. “You should go and see Lando when he gets out of the car.”, Zack said and walked her to the barriers with him. Somehow did she end up right next to Lando’s family, that she was going to meet after the race. “Oh it's you. Lando talks a lot about you. It is so nice to finally meet you.”, Adam, Lando’s dad, said with a wide smile and pulled the shy girl into a tight hug. “It is also nice to meet you.”, she said. They did a bit of small talk before Lando pulled up next to the other two on the podium. Once he got out of the car was everyone cheering for him. Running toward them Lando was firstly hugged by the team before making his way to his family and girlfriend. Reaching over the barrier to hug her he carefully buried his head in her neck, careful not to hit her with his helmet. “I am so proud of you, Lan.”, she said, just loud enough for him to hear her over all the noise. Once she had kissed his helmet did Lando hug his family, who was watching them with a smile.
On the podium did Lando look down at her with the wide smile she fell in love with. She loved watching him full of joy as he stood on the podium of his home race, something that has always been extremely important to him. She was just happy to be there to witness this. While Lando was doing his media duties did Olivia took one last look at the data and statistics to kill the waiting time. Suddenly the smell of champagne and sweat hit her as arms wrapped around her waist. Lando was back. “There you are, love.”, he whispered, kissing her neck. With a small smile on her face did she turn around to look at him. “I am proud of you, Lan. You did an amazing job.”, she told him, making him beam in pride. “My family wants to get dinner together as soon as we are out of here. So how about I take a quick shower and then do a few pictures with the team and then we can go? Do you have clothes to change here or do you want to go to the hotel before we meet with my family?”, Lando offered as he knew that she would not want to sit in a restaurant in McLaren clothes. “I’ll go to the hotel with Osc.”, she said and Lando promised to pick her up as soon as he was finished.
Olivia’s nerves were quite tense as they walked into the restaurants. She could feel herself get a shaky and her hands getting sweaty. The anxiety was raising up inside of her. Lando squeezed her hand as he noticed how tense she was. “They are going to love you. Don’t worry, love.”, he promised her and she tried to calm herself down. Once they had made they way through the Restaurant did they found his family sitting in a corner chatting already. “Lando, there you are!”, his mother exclaimed and went to hug her son and introduce herself to the young girl. “I am so happy that my son has found you. He told me so much about you.”, she told Olivia, who blushes like crazy. Sitting out they did some more small talk before a waited came to take their order. Just as the waited left did something start to beep quite loudly. Wanting to sink into the floor Olivia pulled out her phone. “I am sorry.”, she apologized and looked on the screen. 65 mg/dL dropping down, it read. Looking at her phone as well, Lando cursed at her under his breath. Before she had the chance to react did he call a waited, asking for a orange Juice as quick as possible. “What’s going on?”, Adam asked, confused and worries by his sons actions. “My blood sugar is a bit low.”, Olivia told them, feeling a little ashamed to admit it. It was nothing she liked people to know about and it was not the impression she wanted to make. “Oh, is there anything you need?”, Ciska asked, worried for the young girl. “It should be fine with the Juice but thank you.”.
It did get back to normal after the food came and she had the Juice but she was still feeling a little had about making everyone worry. So once they were back in Lando’s car was she apologizing to him. “Love, stop this. It is not your fault. No one is even slightly mad at you. My parents love and already care a lot for you. That’s why they were worrying about you. Your diabetes is nothing to be ashamed about.”, Lando promised her and pulled her in for a kiss at a red light.
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jesuistrestriste · 1 year
sage I have art donaldson ideas and ik it's 3 am but HEAR ME OUT.....
he wins for the first time in like forever and reader let's him o whatever he wants and hes like dominant but not in a bitchy way he just took control and it's making me 🥴🥴
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bri omfg u have me thinking thoughts rn. . .
this type of dom!art is what i'm trying to incorporate into pt. 2 of you're such a loser, but i'm making this a separate drabble bc im thinking abt this concept too hard now
the way that i'm writing this instead of finishing pt. 2 of YSAL is crazy
content warnings: soft dom!art donaldson, switch(sub)!reader, praise, gentle throat fucking, kinda fluffy.
word count - 2k
---- ✩ nsfw below, 18+ ✩ ---
The large crowd in the stands behind you burst up from their seats and roar with praise and cheers as Art successfully wins the volley against his opponent, resulting in the winning score of 7-5 for him. You can't help but jump up from your seat too, clapping your hands together and shouting things like "YES!" and "there we go!"
Weirdly, you felt like crying on behalf of your player. This had actually been his first win in over several months. He had hit a real slump about a year ago, and beat himself up for it, which only worked to decrease his overall morale and result in more losses down the line. You never actually told him this, but you were genuinely worried that his career might be over.. that he might never win again. But here the two of you were: many long mornings, afternoons, and nights of training and practice later, and he had fucking won.
A huge grin was splayed across his pink, sweaty cheeks as the score was announced and he went to shake his opponent's hand. The other player put on a brave face, shaking Art's hand, but as soon as your husband's back was turned, the player's face dropped into a display of resentment and anger. You scoffed at this, feeling a sense of pride in your partner and smugness at his win. This might have been a slightly hypocritical reaction on your part, though, as Art had been the resentful loser one too many times in the past year. You shrug the feeling of cognitive dissonance off. Who cared? He had his mojo back now.
Art jogs off of the court and makes a b-line right for your open arms, which he joyfully runs into before lifting you off of the ground and spinning you a bit. Once your feet are back on earth, you pull away to look into his eyes, and they are positively beaming with happiness and confidence. It was like looking at a whole new man! You brushed some wet pieces of hair from the middle of his forehead back into place, and then cupped his cheek. He smiled into your touch, and then pulled you back into his chest.
"You did such a good job, pretty boy. I'm so damn proud of you," you spoke quietly in his ear as he held you. He squeezed you tighter, letting you know how much he appreciated your praise.
"Thank you," he whispers.
You pull back and take one of his hands in two of yours.
"Let's get back to the hotel, yeah?" you smiled, and he nodded tiredly with a grin before using the back of his free hand to wipe beading sweat from his temples.
The taxi drops the two of you off outside of the huge hotel, and you both exit the vehicle after you pay the fare with your credit card. Art takes your hand in his with a renewed sense of self-assuredness, and you smile at him as you both walk into the building and take the elevator up to the twelfth floor.
Upon arrival, you pull the key card from your pocket and hold it gently over the red light above the door handle. A brief beeping noise is emitted and then the light is green. You turn the door handle and step inside, Art so close behind you that you can actually feel his body grazing the back of yours, and the door shuts quickly after. As you begin to pivot your body and congratulate him once more, he's suddenly all over you before you can even speak--
He's grabbing hungrily at the fabric of your dress, hiking it up and gripping your soft thighs, as he leans in to bite and suck at your neck. You can actually feel his canines nearly puncturing your skin as he places one of his palms at the nape of your neck so that you can't pull away from him.
"mm-! fuck!" you moan softly, using one of your hands to grab a handful of his hair while the other wraps around his upper back. He groans as you press your body against his, almost grinding into him.
"wh-what.. what are you doing?" you breathe out, swallowing thickly as he continues to leave bruises and bite marks on your flesh that are wonderfully sore and stinging.
He licks at your neck before responding, "I'm just so proud of us, and I want you to understand how proud I am."
The warmth of his breath kind of tickles and gives you goosebumps as you reach for one of his hands and bring it down to your panties.
"You can do whatever you want, love. You've earned it," you whisper into his ear, and then he's hooking his middle finger onto the inside of your underwear and pulling them down to your upper thighs in one smooth motion.
"I know I have, now jus' let me play with you a little,"
He rubs circles into your clit with his thumb, while his other fingers slide through your slick folds.
"You like this? Me having complete control over you?" he coos.
You nod, whining as you lift your leg to wrap it around the back of his legs and give him more access to your parts. He plays with your needy pussy for a couple of minutes more before you can feel his clothed erection pressing against your leg. He pauses his finger's movements, and breathes heavily against your shoulder.
A beat of silence. There is no noise, except for the faint echo of your heavy breathing. You buck your hips against his hand.
"Wha-?" you mumble, still riding the high of your previously fast-approaching orgasm.
"You heard what I said, babe. On your knees for me," he saids gruffly, before pressing a kiss to your collarbone.
Without hesitation, you drop down to the floor, kneeling in front of him and making direct eye contact with the tent in the front of his white athletic shorts. He runs a hand though your hair, peering down at you with admiration as you begin to reach down and rub at your own clit. Art smiles at your desperation, and then he's pulling down his shorts and boxers until they're almost to his knees.
He holds his stiff cock out and gives it a couple stokes, which makes him toss his head back in pleasure, before he wiggles it slightly in front of your nose. He bends down and forward to give you a sloppy, warm kiss on the lips before he's back to standing upright. Two of his fingers from his free hand tap the underside of your chin.
"Open up, baby. I wanna put it in your mouth so bad.."
You oblige, opening your mouth up wide and letting your tongue loll out and rest against your bottom lip. Your brows turn up in arousal as you continue to get yourself off with your fingers, staring up at your pretty husband. This whole situation was so incredibly hot, given Art's lifelong streak of submission. He rarely took the reigns, but you guessed that today's win must have flipped a switch that had previously been off and lying dormant within him.
He takes a step closer to you and places his leaking tip onto your tongue, which you promptly wrap your lips around and engulf in the wet heat of your mouth.
An involuntary whimper tumbles from his lips at the feeling, but he tries to stifle it by pressing his lips tightly together. He grabs a fistful of your hair, and shallowly bucks his hips into your mouth. Your tongue swirls incessantly around the limited portion of his cock that he's gifted you, and you make sure to swallow whatever drips out.
"Okay, honey, listen to me," he groans, hips still twitching, "I'm going to fuck your throat now, but I promise I'll be careful. You can tap my leg twice if you want to stop. Nod if you understand me."
You nod, his erection still filling your mouth, and you look up at him with pleading eyes. You want this just as much as he does.
"Good girl," he says softly, praising your obedience.
He slowly pushes his hips closer to your lips, successfully stuffing his length down your throat. It takes a second for you to get adjusted to the slightly unpleasant feeling, and you choke a little around him. He studies your face as he continues to stuff your mouth full, making sure that you don't look too uncomfortable or uneasy.
"There you go, baby.. taking me so well, oh ffffu-uck-"
His hips are now pressed flush to your lips, and your eyes well up with tears as you feel the stretch of your throat. You feel a bit of drool drip down your chin and land on your leg below.
Art delicately grabs your head with both of his hands now, brushing some of your hair behind your ear, and then he starts to thrust needily into your mouth. At first, it's small jerks of his hips, but these jerks soon turn into full-on pumps of heady cock in and out of your throat. Your head feels fuzzy at the sensation of this, plus your approaching orgasm and the lack of direct access to oxygen.
"mm-mm-mm-mf-!" you whine high in your chest as he fucks your mouth mercilessly, lost in his own storm of arousal and desperation. Your other hand moves to grip his leg and steady your body from rocking back and forth. You wanted to be a good toy for him right now. After all, he had worked so hard today.
He moves one of his hands to cup your lower jaw and uses his dominant one to grab your hair and hold it back from your face in a make-shift ponytail. All the while, he's still pumping your throat full of his dick, as he lets out low groans and muffled whimpers.
Your body starts to tremble and you squeeze your eyes shut as your fingers rubbing your sensitive nub bring you closer and closer to the edge. Art immediately takes notice, and you can feel the way his length twitches and jumps with interest as it pummels your mouth.
"Are you close..? I'm getting close.. I'm so close.." he moans out loudly, gripping your hair with ferocity.
You release a drawn-out whimper, alerting him that you were ready to cum any second, and he looks down at you with unadulterated delight.
"So pretty when you're cumming, babe, let me see you cum while you're sucking me down,"
At the processing of his words, your eyes quickly glaze over as you start to squirt all over your hand and the floor beneath you. Your body shakes with the waves of your orgasm as you cum, yet you still make sure that you're lavishing his erection with adequate attention.
He moans as he watches your hips arch in the aftershocks of your release, and then his hips are stilling as his balls draw up-
"Oh FUCK, oh fuck me, I'm cumming I'm nnnghh-!"
You feel a warm and rapid flow of liquid down your throat that follows the sound of his cries of ecstasy, and you instinctively swallow it all. Every single drop, and this effectively works to milk his cock dry as he continues to spill into your mouth and whimper with each throb and pulsation of his orgasm.
After he rides out the last bit of his high, Art attempts to catch his breath as he slowly pulls himself out of your mouth. You cough and splutter a bit, having gotten used to the full-feeling, and then swallow a few times to soothe your used throat.
"Where did that.. where did that come from?" you gasp out, also trying to regain the steadiness of your breathing.
He laughs softly with raised brows, before blowing out a harsh breath of air through puckered lips. His brows knit together in genuine surprise and contemplation.
"I honestly have no idea, but I kinda liked it."
You smile up at him, wiping at your spit-covered chin.
"Me too.. maybe this will be a new incentive for you to win," you tease.
"If that's how it's gonna be, I'll win every match from now on," he smirks, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
"You're on."
im thinking so many thoughts.
ps. sorry if there's any errors, i wrote this at 3 am :,)
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madforhoran · 9 months
Reunion (pt. 1)
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Pt. 2 - here.
It had been six months of trying to get your life together. Six months since you defeated the Elder brain, since you saw Astarion running away from the sun. You’d felt so guilty that you didn’t even try to contact him. You thought he must resent you for what he’d given up after walking away from the ritual. All you wished for him was not to have his hands and soul stained with so many deaths, to see he was already strong and powerful just the way he was. 
“You’re right, I can be better than him.”
He’d agreed with you, but watching him run away in fear of burning to a crisp didn’t feel like much of an accomplishment. Such a lousy friend you were.
You made yourself somewhat presentable, putting on the most flattering dress you owned and travelled back to the place that hit you with nostalgia immediately upon arrival. The campsite near the lake. The conversations you used to share with your former companions, the trials and tribulations, the memories still so vivid in your mind.
You could smell food, burning wood. You could hear Karlach’s roaring laughter. Shadowheart was walking around the lakeshore with Scratch and the owlbear, Wyll was talking to Jaheira and Halsin, and Gale was having a conversation with an astral projection of Lae’zel. 
And there he was. 
Beautiful as ever. 
Sitting next to the campfire, fiddling with his knife. Your fingers remembered the softness of his white curls, the coldness of his skin. Your lips remembered the touch of his. Your heart remembered how you’d robbed yourself of what could’ve been. You stopped in your tracks for a moment, tempted to run away before he noticed you. Yet at the same time, you were drawn to him like a moth to a flame. 
How could you go for so long without seeing him? He was on your mind non-stop anyway. 
He turned his head.
“Shit,” you cursed inadvertently. There was no escape. He was coming towards you now. But you weren’t blind to the happiness and confidence that radiated from him. He looked genuinely content. 
“Ah, finally gracing us with your wonderful presence, darling? People were putting bets on you. I won, obviously.” 
Oh, how you’d missed his voice.
“Astarion… hi.” Your thoughts were turning into mush. “You look well.” 
He chuckled. “As complimentary as ever. Some things just don’t change, do they?” 
Something about him had changed though. It was a good change. There was no bitterness, no resentment in his voice that you expected there would be. You had to know what he’d been through all this time on his own. Hiding in the sewers? He looked too well-kept for it.
You decided to cut to the chase. There was no point beating around the bush, not with Astarion, not when you hadn’t seen him for so long. First things first, you had to address what had been plaguing you the most after you parted ways.
You took a deep breath, swallowing the guilt constricting your throat. “I’m sorry I didn’t seek you out. I felt horrible, like I failed you.. Failed our friendship.”
“You didn’t.” His smile was full of genuine warmth. “I had to process things on my own time, alone. It took a while. But eventually I realised that shadows and darkness are a part of me, same as my fangs. This is a curse only if I allow it to be, if I allow it to define me.” 
There was peace in his voice that you hadn’t heard before. You could feel pride soaring in your chest. You had hoped to hear something like this from him but it surprised you nonetheless. 
“This is finally ‘me’ in all my glory, for better or for worse.” He grinned and you had to suppress the urge to touch him and kiss him right then and there. It was exactly what you wished for him. To heal and accept he was perfect the way he was. Strong, resilient. 
“So what have you been up to?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady. 
“Well, darling, I've taken a turn as an adventurer and a hero. Inspiring hope in people, rather than terror. I do try to inspire a little terror though. It’s still me after all.” His face beamed with excitement. “Turns out nobody actually cares about murder when you murder the right people and I’m quite good at it!”  
You let out a giggle without meaning to. Only this man could make you laugh about murder. At least now his thirst for bloodshed had a proper direction. And gods, his confidence was extremely attractive. Not that he was ever unattractive, but until Cazador’s death, he was operating under fear and trauma. His self-perception had been warped by two hundred years of gaslighting and torture. Seeing him this happy finally lifted the burden you’d carried for the past six months.    
“Who would’ve thought of Astarion becoming a hero?” you teased. “I distinctly remember you scoffing about how utterly awful it is and how heroes suck, or am I wrong?” 
He rolled his eyes with playfulness rather than annoyance. 
“Oh, how I’ve missed you, my dear, you and your hero speeches! What can I say, you inspired me.”
Your heart did a little jump inside your chest. Being in his presence again felt so familiar and comforting, alluring even. 
Another memory flashed through your mind. 
“You deserve something real. I want us to be something real.”
Saying to him that he needed a friend, not a lover, was one of the biggest mistakes of your life. Maybe this was your chance to rectify it, unless Astarion had found somebody else. You had no idea how to approach the topic to make it less awkward. This would require a bit of liquid courage.
“Would you excuse me for a moment?”
He gave you his signature silly little bow. “Of course, darling. I’ll be here, eagerly waiting for you.”
You clearly needed a lot of courage.
One drink. 
Two drinks.
Three drinks.
They weren’t enough. You felt his eyes on you, watchful as always for a seasoned rogue. He approached you and swatted the half-drunk wine glass out of your hand. 
“I think you’ve had your fill. We don’t want any drama here, though it would definitely spice up the evening.” He clicked his tongue and lifted you from the chair, dragging you away from the table towards the more quiet area where your tent used to be. You gasped at the sudden touch of his arms around you.
“W-wait,” you stuttered. 
It was now or never. 
“I want to-to ask you…something,” you mumbled, praying not to pass out and utterly embarrass yourself in front of him. 
“Don’t tell me this is why you got yourself piss-drunk. To loosen up that sweet tongue of yours. That isn’t like you, is it?”
Gods, he was so close you could smell his perfume. You yearned to touch his forever beautiful face, his beautiful everything. You felt so damn stupid. He was in love with you back then, but what now, after you’d practically abandoned him?
“D-do you still like me, Astarion?” Your heart was beating so fast now that you could hear it echoing in your ears. “As more than a friend, I mean.”
He pursed his lips and ever so theatrically imitated a thinking gesture. “You tell me, darling, you know me well enough.”
You weren’t so sure. As difficult as it was and despite the wine dizzying you, you were determined to stay on course. 
“Answer me. And please stop deflecting.” 
He smirked. “My dear, you want me now when I have no problems to deal with, is that it?” 
Deflecting yet again. He never stopped being a little shit and you both hated and loved it about him. 
“I want you,” you said, louder than you meant to. “I’ve always wanted you.”
“Your actions spoke otherwise,” he countered with a cheeky smile. 
There was no way in hells he was going to make it easy for you. In the end, it was your fault. His response stung despite his joking manner because of course, he was right. You closed the door instead of walking through it, and he respected your choice. He always did. But it looked like he would not let it slide now that the cat was out of the bag, the bastard was enjoying himself.
“At that time I thought it was for the best. I was wrong, okay?” you spat out going on offense. Damn, this wasn’t going according to plan but when did anything go right when this man was involved? Actually, you didn’t even have a plan, only a complete blackout, your brain refusing to cooperate. “Not anymore,” you added, placing your hand on his chest. You noticed a hint of tenderness in his eyes, unless you completely imagined it with your wine-muddled vision. His palm gently rested upon yours. It was electrifying.
He raised his eyebrow and a devious smirk graced his beautiful lips. “I’m truly flattered, my dear, however your seduction technique needs some work. I thought you’d learned something from me, but clearly not.”
“You…you’re such an ass,” you chided. Hells, he was infuriating. Yet you didn’t move your hand away from the spot where his heart would be beating if he were alive.  
He snickered. “And you’re adorable.”
“Having fun, just like old times, huh?”
“It’s hard not to with you, sweetheart. I have to admit that I do enjoy our roles being reversed.” 
Shit, if you could wipe that smirk off of his stupidly handsome face with a kiss, you would. But you still had enough presence of mind to not do it.
You placed your other hand on his smooth cold cheek, running your fingers over his cheekbone. The face chiseled by gods. How was anyone ever allowed to look this perfect? Your thumb found a way to the corner of his lips, caressing it ever so gently. He didn’t pull away, stood still almost rigid, his stare buried into you with pure undiluted focus. 
As the alcohol slowly began evaporating from your system, you were certain right now you hadn’t imagined the tenderness. Mixed with amusement…and longing. Nothing changed about the fact that you could read everything from his crimson eyes, like from an open book. He presented himself as mysterious but one act of kindness and the facade crumbled. You’d seen it so many times. He wanted you as much as you wanted him. Intense warmth started to spread from your loins up to your face, threatening to consume you.
“Are you casting Charm on me, darling? That’s cheating,” he huffed. “And it doesn’t have an effect on the Undead.”  
You feigned being offended. “As if you didn’t know how my spellcasting works. I didn’t resort to cheap tricks before and don’t need to do it now either.”
“What is it then?”
“You tell me, darling.”
“So cheeky.”
“I’ve learned something from you after all.”
“Perhaps,” he admitted and released himself from under your touch. “We shall continue this enlightening conversation later, I have some business to attend to. Come see me at the Rivington Mill in two days.” 
Bastard, leaving you all hot and bothered like this. At least you knew where to find him.  
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babygirl-riley · 11 months
Lies Pt. 2
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It’s been a few months after you quit the Task Force. You go out with friends to a dancing club, little did you know 141 would be there celebrating.
Warnings: angst, depression, anxiety, mental break downs, fluff, smut, interrupted sex :(, happy ending
A/N: Here are the people who asked for part 2! So little tag list I guess 🫶🏻 @fullmoon-84 @kerst666 I tried to do the others in the comments in part 1 but wasn’t working!
“You look good as the day I met you, I forgot just why I left you.”
simon x reader guide
simon x reader fluff/angst list
pt. 1 Alternative Ending
It has been an emotional rollercoaster for you, it felt amazing to not be in the task force. Finding a small ma and pa shop to work for. However, you felt empty. You would look around your apartment to see where Simon would be. Where he would sit and drink his tea. Or hold you close in the morning. Or wrap his arms around you while cooking. None of that was there.
You wanted to call Price and ask to come back but pride came into your veins. You didn’t want to look ridiculous after the whole ordeal. That was almost 6 months ago. 6 months ago quitting the team. 6 months ago not seeing Simon. 6 months of healing.
Fortunately what came with the ma and pa shop came with friends. They didn’t know you were an SAS before, they only know the made up story of moving from the US to here in England. Throughout the time with them they would invite you out to the city, clubbing to little lunch ins.
Tonight was the night of bar hopping and dancing. It is a much needed one for sure. You wore a tight red dress, that would make out your body shape. Little short up to your thigh but it was needed. Heels and hair down. Simple make up. The usual. When getting to the bar, the air was filled with positive energy. People grinding on each other to just casual talk with drinks.
You usually don’t dance with anyone but the girls you go with. You couldn’t look at any other man without seeing Simon. So men was off the table. The first round of shots got you into the nice buzz, rocking your hips to the rhythm of each song. Laughing and dancing with your friends it was a good time.
Until one of your friends disappeared with drinks and a man. “Y/n?” Your eyes snapped open and was face to face with Soap.
Your friends looked over at you with curious eyes. “Soap?” You said hesitantly, immediately looking around.
“It’s been a while.” He hugged you tightly before smiling over at the friend. “Old co-worker yeah!”
You nodded smiling. “Yeah we used to work together.”
The girls smiled huge. “That’s fun you both knew each other.”
“Yeah,” Soap said staring. “Simon is here.” You snapped your eyes at Soap. “He’s over there.” You followed his finger towards the direction he was pointing at. There he was, sitting next to Price at the bar, back facing away.
Your heart dropped thinking of all the days and months that you had healed go into the drain. The want of talking, touching, hearing him flooding back. “He talks about ya.” He said. “Should go talk to him. We here celebratin’ but he mostly will want to talk.”
You nodded once before looking at the girls who encouraged you to go. They all scattered off as Soap dances with one of them and the other two left with each other. You slowly walked up as the fast rhythm and your heartbeat became in sync. You heard Price yelling over the music before barely looking over his shoulder to see you.
His eyes widened but his smirk was bigger. “I’ll let ya two catch up.”
Simon glanced behind him as well. His eyes dropping as he of course wore a balaclava mask. Before Simon said anything Price was gone and Gaz disappeared. You both stared at each other for a moment, Simon couldn’t believe his eyes. You were gorgeous as the day he lost you.
His hands became clammy, his heart raced, his mind frozen. Simon didn’t know what to do or say. Neither did you. You bite your lower lip trying to find something. “Uh hi.” You whispered.
Simon didn’t hear you from the music but he saw the words form on your mouth. “Come sit.” He asked gently but loud enough to hear him.
When you got closer he smelt that beautiful scent he had been missing. The musk of vanilla and trees, he wondered if it was from your perfume he enjoyed. Then he wondered if you were already with a man that loved that scent too and wore it for him. His mind couldn’t think straight, after the months he tried to heal so the you gone has been…well…not so good.
His anger would take over and his patience was thin. Especially with new recruits, eventually Price had to switch Soap and him so he could have a break from training. Sent him on short leave and missions to keep Simon occupied. Price knew that it broke Simon’s heart even if Ghost didn’t let him see that.
Yes Ghost. Ghost was the impatient and angry ball of hate. Simon was cornered into a small room trying to fight the urge to cry. To scream. Ghost had to protect Simon from the heartache. He couldn’t let Simon fall apart now, he had to be focused for the team.
Now you sat there next to him everything tumbled. Ghost was frozen as Simon poked through, Ghost trying to put Simon back into place. Simon tried was terrified, he had almost had a handle on it but now you’re here. He wanted to hold you. Touch you anything to know you are back.
“I can see you’re mad at me.” You said as a glass was handed to you.
Simon snapped his head over realizing you asked something. “‘M not.” He said shortly, smacking himself for being short.
“Right.” You said softly drinking your glass.
You saw right through him, he was hurt. In pain like you are, wanting each other but didn’t know how to handle it. Simon knew that as well, you read him better than he did himself. “Fine I am.” He mumbled shooting his whiskey back. “I’m bloody upset you left without another glance.”
You frowned, you could have given him a chance. It was just too much for you, all the heartache all at once. “I had to.”
Simon looked over at you and frowned underneath his mask. He knew that. He would have done the same thing. “I know.”
You looked over at him eyes glossing from tears threatening to leave. You looked away just as fast as you looked over at him. Complicated. It always has been complicated for the both of you. Hiding your relationship to this. You sighed. “My place is close here, we can probably talk better there.”
Simon glanced over, they could barely hear each other. He wants you back but for what cost? Simon sighed and nodded. “‘Ight.”
With that you both left, you made sure to text the girls you were leaving. One of them wanted all the details after. That made your eyes roll knowing what she actually meant. However, you know better not to play that game. The walk to your apartment was quiet, it usually was between the two of you, sharing the best company. This time though it was different, awkward silence, you wanted to say something but waited until both you settled into your apartment.
Simon was felt sad when walking in, remembering the things they used to do causally around the apartment. You took your heels off, his eyes wonder to your ass, quickly he looked away. He doesn’t need to stare, it’s been months, and who knows if you have moved on. He wondered in more looking at anything a miss or something newer.
Like a man. Clothing. Scent. Items. Only to be left with just your scent, clothing, items. His eyes landed on a bracelet on the book shelf near your door. The one that he gave you. The one that his mother wore. He reached out to grab it, holding it, he was surprised you still had it. “I didn’t want to get rid of it,” You spoke softly, making him turn. “I wanted to give it to you but…it was the only thing I had of you.”
Simon looked back down at the bracelet. The words ringing in his head, it was the only thing I had of you. He sighed quietly placing it back down. “Tea?” You asked already having a pot on the stove.
“Ya still have…” He paused watching you wiggle it in the air. He smiled softly before huffing in amusement. “Didn’t get rid of a lot did ya?”
You scoffed. “No.”
He walked over to your island and sat on a bar stool. “Why did you leave?”
You froze as you stared at the mugs for a moment. “You know why.”
Simon glared for a moment before inhaling deeply. “‘Ight why didn’t ya give me a chance?”
“Because you lied,” You sighed calmly stating the obvious. “You broke a promise that you did not keep. To protect me. Instead you hurt and lied to me.”
“Ya know better than anyone that I wouldn’t do it if it didn’t mean something.” He said softly.
“And I didn’t mean anything?” You said, noticing the venom slipping in. You winced at the statement, you knew it was rude. But how long you have been wanting to talk to him. Wanting to know everything. All the pain you had.
“You know that isn’t true.” He said his stern voice also coming through.
You turned leaning your back against the stove. “Really? I get it best for the team or the mission. But everyone Simon? Everyone knew but me and Samson. I was the only one grieving for you. Wishing I had did something to prevent it. When the whole fucking time it was.”
Simon didn’t say anything for a moment. “It was for the mission I had to in order to get Samson out. So we could get closer to the Russians, sometimes we have to sacrifice things in our work.”
You laughed rolling your eyes. “Sacrifice things? No this was not a sacrifice this was a hoax, a mock. That’s how it felt. You all used me for my feelings, you all knew that it would have broke me. So why did I not give anyone a chance because I can’t go through that heartache again!”
He stood up once your voice raised, Simon shook his head. “It was never a hoax! It was never meant to be a hoax!”
“But it was,” You said standing your ground. “You may not want to accept it Simon but it was. Instead of stating that it was wrong you make it a valiant effort for the team!”
“Ya right I make it so bloody valiant for everyone! I didn’t care ‘bout how ya felt! I didn’t try to beg Price not to do it over and over,” Simon was now out, all the pain and feelings that he had suffered came flooding out. He ripped his mask off throwing across the room. “I didn’t stop ‘em from hurting ya! I didn’t walk in when you wailed! I didn’t…”
Your ears rang, watching all the emotions leaving Simon’s body. Your heart broke, you didn’t think that he would say or even show the feelings. You reached out to place a hand on his cheek, feeling your anger being cooled as you watch him flinch.
Simon didn’t expect you to touch him, especially when yelling at you. He has never yelled at you. He stopped talking feeling your soft hands on his stubbles cheek. He was heaving a bit, didn’t realize that tears spilling from his eyes. “I’m sorry.” You whispered once it felt like hours of no talking.
Simon sighed closing his eyes, he shook his head. “I should be s’rry, I left you behind.”
“We left each other behind.” You whispered again walking forward placing your other hand on his cheek. He grabbed both of of your wrist closing his eyes. The feeling of warmth radiated through his chest as you stroke your thumbs across his cheekbones.
“I never meant to hurt you.” He whispered as you stood on your tippy toes. Kissing his tears that started to fall.
“Shh.” You whispered as his hands fell to your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him close. Your noses touching each other softly. “I never wanted to either Simon.”
You both stared at each other, he glanced at your lips. Both of you slowly moving ever so closer to each other. You begged for him to kiss you, to place his lips against yours. Feeling each other’s feelings, show each other how much you missed each other. “Can I kiss you.” He whispered.
You nodded once as he closed the gap as his kiss gently pressed against yours. At first it was soft gentle. Like it was the first time you both kissed, then his hands squeezed at your hips. You brushed your tongue along his bottom lip, begging for access. He opened his mouth and next thing you knew if you both were clawing at each others clothes. Mouths fighting for dominance, teeth clashing, lip biting.
He backed you into a wall as he hoisted you up to give a better access to your neck. Simon sighed as he bite your neck before kissing it softly. “I missed you, I missed you so fucking much.” He whispered grinding up to your clothed cunt.
You gripped his blond locks. God how you missed him, his touch, his voice, fuck his kisses. You both grinding on each other like fucking teenagers, gripping areas. “I need you Si.” You whispered as his hands rolled up your dress up to your lower abdomen.
Simon smirked as he looked over you. “We got to take this,” He started to push it up more moaning as he noticed your breast had no other covering. “Let’s take this off ya?”
Before you knew it, he wrapped his hands around your back before tearing the back. You gasped. “Simon! This was my favorite.” You snapped laughing as it fell to the floor.
His eyes looking over your body as he placed your legs down. “I’ll get ya another one,” He started to get to his knees, softly scraping your hips to your thighs, then your ankles. “But first I am gonna treat ya.”
You bite your lower lip has he rubbed his hands up your thighs, kissing your inner thighs. Sloppy messy kisses. He bit hard into your thigh causing your eyes to roll. “Stop teasing.” You whined holding his hair.
Simon smirked, god how he loved hearing that desperate tone. “Yes ma’am.” Your eyes rolled as his tongue made a strip from your needy hole to your clit.
You groaned out lifting your leg over his shoulder as he helped you, placing it gently before making circles on your skin. He moaned as he licked your cunt slowly. “Fuck how much I missed your taste lovie.”
You sighed as one of his fingers probed your entrance. He pushed his middle finger inside of you, goood how he wanted to cum right there. He could tell that you were tight and he thought how his dick would feel inside you right now.
And god how you forgot how his fingers felt, without his cock it made you feel whole. He started to slowly pump his one finger in and out of you before adding the second one. You gasped as he sucked on you clit making you basically squeal with delight.
Simon looked up at you, watching your back arch, eyes rolling back, your hips grinding on his mouth. It was like he was in a dream, god the noises you made for him made everything stir inside. “So fuckin’ beautiful,” He mumbled slurping your juices as he watched it slowly drip down his wrist. “I missed ya, fuck. Taste so fucking good.”
The words were going straight to your core, you started to reach anywhere on him. The coil in your stomach getting tighter and closed for your release. “Fuck Si don’t stop please please please please!” His fingers pumped harder and faster, hitting that fucking spot that made your toes curl. His lips sucked you clit as you screamed his name over and over again.
Simon moaned as you gripped his hair and stilled as your orgasm hits you hard. You kept gasping trying to recollect yourself, your mind hazed, your body buzzing with delight. You heard Simon slurping your release, making you moan. Your ears were ringing and the tea pot…
The tea pot! You snapped your head over to the pot that was screaming for someone to grab it. You quickly detached your leg from his shoulder as his hand pressed against you abdomen. “Let it scream love.” He kissed your thigh, you chuckled leveling down with him.
“Simon Riley saying to leave the tea alone,” You teased, watching his eyes, which was blown with lust and love. You kissed his lips tasting yourself on him, swiping your tongue in his mouth. “Let me set it aside and then we take care of you.”
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lovingyouinthevoid · 4 months
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Happy pride month to them pt. 2
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