#happy wednesday quotes
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Today's business quote by Philip Kotler really got me thinking.
Selling is all about satisfying a customer's need, while marketing is about understanding and figuring out that need in the first place. Let's focus on building strong relationships with our customers and delivering value that truly satisfies their needs.
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dreamzandexperiences · 2 months
Wednesday: Its 1st Colour Of The Day: Powerful Green.
Wednesday For You. Welcome to the midweek marvel – Wednesday, a day bathed in the serene hues of green and ruled by the swift planet Mercury. In this blog, we’ll explore the significance of Wednesday, its association with Lord Vitthal and Buddha, and the profound influence of Mercury. Get ready to infuse your day with vitality, intellect, and a splash of greenery! Wednesday: Embracing the…
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*On a table sits a black pumpkin ominously sitting there, filled with candy*
Kent: Oooh, free candy *reaches to grab a piece*
Yoko: Kent, no! *slaps his hand* Don't eat that!
Kent: Ow! Why?
Yoko: I ate a piece earlier and that shit gave me the worst trip of my life *shudders*
Ajax: Mine had a needle in it :(
Yoko: Some psycho probably set it up as a sick and twisted prank
Enid: *narrows her eyes* Yeah, I wonder who did that. Certainly not the person who I specifically told not to do that
Enid: Explain yourself
Wednesday: My intrusive thoughts won
Divina: Don't they always?
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Yoko: So Enid, any Valentine’s Day plans? Perhaps with a spooky someone?
Enid: Oh yeah! I’ve got it all planned out. I’m gonna break both my legs the day before so that when everyone finds out they’ll send me flowers to the hospital. And with any luck that will fill the void of loneliness that festers inside me with every year I’m forced to spend Valentine’s Day alone and miserable.
Yoko: Okay… or, just a suggestion, but you could ask Wednesday. A little birdie told me that she might be interested.
Enid: I should ask Wednesday to break my legs?
Yoko: What? No! Enid!
Enid: You’re right, she’d be super into that *dreamily* she’s so hot when she’s violent.
Wednesday, holding flowers: I was going to ask you to be my Valentine, though if you’d prefer I could push you down the stairs.
Enid: Aw Willa that’s so sweet.
Yoko: Dude what the fuck?
Wednesday: I don’t know what that means Enid. Am I taking you to dinner or is my therapist going to be real mad at me?
Enid: *slowly blinking up at Wednesday* Whatever you want gorgeous.
Yoko: Enid I’m worried about you.
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sxphr · 4 months
Wednesday: Happy Valentines day mi querida, I got you a gift.
Enid, taking the bag: Omg tha- is that a human heart?
Wednesday: Indeed, to show you that my heart is yours always and forever.
Enid, blushing: That's actually really sweet Wends, thankyou.
Enid: Now please get rid of the heart, it's dripping blood all over our foor.
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lazorbeanz · 2 months
Late night
Unbreakable Bond
Headcanons #2
🔵 Tails: “Sonic I’m home! I- why are there 2 dozen carrots hanging from the ceiling-
🟠 Team Sonic at the dinner table:
Tails: *happily is chewing food*
Knuckles: “dude, stop chewing yo food so fkn loud”
Tails: :(
🔵 In their free time, Sonic takes Tails out to do an escape room together, just to let his little brother go flat out detective mode…he takes them very seriously (he’ll even dress up to fit the occasion).
Sonic doesn’t really know what to do 99% of the time, he just enjoys seeing the kit having so much fun cracking codes and solving riddles and puzzles. He usually stands back so not to interfere with the young Sherlock Holmes, but he constantly insists he be his sidekick, saying how “every detective needs their sidekick”…oh how the roles have reversed
They usually complete them within 20 minutes (tho no doubt he could get them done much faster if he wanted too)..but the joy painted on Tails’ face after..a sign of accomplishment he was feeling. Sonic could tell he felt like the happiest fox in the world…and he probably was!
🟠 An angry Tails storming into the living room where Sonic is sitting: “TELL ME WHY-“
Sonic: 🎶ain’t nothin’ but a heartacheeee🎶
🔵 Despite being a spikeball himself, Sonic hates needles
🟠 Sonic takes Tails with him to hot regions because he’s a perfect portable fan
🔵 Sonic skids n slides around on tiled floors in his socks. If unlucky, he’ll end up hurling himself into a wall at rapid speed.
Tails will hear the commotion and start hollering from wherever he’s at,
Counting up like in the M&S Olympic game boxing matches lmao
Then screams “KNOCKOUT!!” If he’s not up once he’s counted to 10
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Wednesday: The time to act is now.
Wednesday: Wink, wink.
Reader: Don't say "wink wink". Just wink.
Wednesday: Oh, sorry.
Wednesday: Wink.
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waviermylove · 8 months
Wednesday: This party is dull, want to get out of here?
Xavier: We planned this fucking party for you.
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caitlynscat · 1 year
Enid joins Yoko and Divina outside during their smoke sesh.
Yoko: Have you ever even done this before?
Enid: *obviously nervous* Of course! I’ve done this plenty of times.
Divina: *passes the bong to Enid*
Enid: Thank you…..
Enid: *Takes a sip from the top*
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gardenoblues · 8 months
Wednesday, trying to scare Tyler with death traps around their house: I'll get you.
Tyler: Nice try, honey. I'm sure you will.
Enid: You really don't know how to scare him do you?
Wednesday: Yes. It's starting to get on my nerves.
Enid: I have an idea.
Wednesday, standing on the edge of a cliff:
Bet you'll hate this.
Tyler, unamused: What now?
Wednesday: *jumps off the cliff*
Tyler: *Hydes out before he could think and caught her midair.*
Tyler: Wednesday, what the hell?
Wednesday: Aw, why, did I scare you?
Tyler: *hugs her tightly* don't do that ever again.
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usiel21 · 1 year
Enid: A werewolf in pining.
(TW: The taking of one's own life is mentioned but does not happen)
Enid, alone in their dorm, Wednesday has neglected their relationship again, in her single minded pursuit of the Stalker, Enid has been left to dither and wallow, her heart reaching out, pining for the one she would call Mate. The one who she would give up everything for, if she but asked, she would gladly give.
Enid, lies on her bed listening to Chances by Athlete on repeat, her silent tears begging the Universe for Wednesday to choose her.
Enid, hopelessly in love with the girl, that shines like the sun in an Eclipse, the girl that Enid looks to for strength, the girl who holds her soul in black polished fingernails.
Enid begs the Universe and the Universe, that of which is usually uncaring, decides to give her that chance.
Wednesday comes stumbling through the door to their dorm, hand pressed to her side, where blood gushes out.
Enid springs to her feet, Wednesday remarks that getting stabbed the second time around wasn't as fun as she hoped, just as the first time wasn't. Enid rushes to get the first air kit, and helps Wednesday clean, stich and bandage the wound, hands both gentle and caring, soft in touch but firm in purpose. Wednesday watches her, eyes wide, like she is truly seeing Enid for the first time.
"Goddamn it, Wednesday" Enid mutters as she wraps the bandage round her waist. "From now on, no more running off on your own, no more of this one girl crusade" Enid says, eyes fierce. "You take me with you or you don't go at all" She says, securing the bandage to her side, keeping it tight.
"No" Wednesday mutters, her eyes flicker down.
"Then i won't let you go" Enid says, her tone leaving no room for argument.
"I have to find the stalker and i am but one step closer to solving this mystery" Wednesday says raising her head to meet her gaze
Enid fights the urge to scream, this conversation going the same way as it did last Semester.
"Then i'm not letting you go alone!" Enid growls out.
"No" Wednesday replies, her voice firmer, her eyes glittering dangerously.
Enid scoffs and laughs bitterly "Sure but you'll let Xavier help you! Tall, dark and broody just can't wait to..." She trails off, unable to say the words, she swallows, shoving down the explosion of emotion that threatens to erupt from Mt. Enid. she turns away, unable to look at the cold burn of Wednesday's eyes.
Wednesday narrows her eyes.
"I let him help me because i don't care about what happens to him, his well-being means nothing to me"
Enid pauses. A hopeful tug at her heart.
"Do you think i care for you so little that i would put you in harm's way again? do you think i would put the most precious of all gems out in the open just to be snatched away? No, i found that out the hard way last semester, and i refuse to let it happen again, i refuse to let it happen to you"
Enid feels her heart stop, before exploding thunderously with elation, set alight. she turns to see Wednesday looking at her softly and her eyes glistening, through sheer force of will, Wednesday would not let the tears fall unbidden.
"If he dies, then he dies" Wednesday said, her callousness would shock other people, but not Enid, not in this moment. "But you? if you died at the alter of my bloody hubris, i would throw myself off the top of our dorm balcony, if only to be with you again, i would not hesitate"
Enid stops breathing, such a declaration is something she can only have dreamt about it makes her heart soar, her skin tingle, and her body shiver.
"Wends..." Enid begins, her voice quivers, Mt. Enid struggles to keep the bubbling viscosity of her love for Wednesday, bubbling below the surface. But Wednesday hold's up her hand, clearly not finished.
"This stalker, threatens me on a daily basis and evidently backs up those threats" Wednesday says, gesturing to her bandaged wound. "by extension he threatens you by mere association and i cannot allow that to be, i cannot allow that bastard to roam free with his limbs intact, i will find him, and i will rip him to pieces, if only to keep you, my most precious gem, safe."
Enid's eyes are wide, full of love, her body aflame with affection.
"And that is why you must stay here, so you cannot see the darkest pieces of I, Lest I tarnish you with my love of the horrific, of the macabre, of the Sadist, because i will enjoy their pain."
And Enid, hears none of it, she made peace with the fact that she would love Wednesday forever, no matter how much pain she inflicts, no matter if she became a murderer, no matter if she became the monster she claimed she was always destined to be.
She would love her forever. Unconditionally. She made peace with that an eternity ago.
"Wends... are you saying...." Enid gulps, putting every ounce of courage she has ever gathered up to this point forward "...that you love me?" Enid finishes, her voice quiet, small, but so very much Enid.
Wednesday doesn't even blink nor hesitate
"If my so many words didn't enlighten you than i shall use far less, then Yes, i do" Wednesday said, lowering her face slightly.
Enid thinks her heart stops because blood starts rushing to her head but she persists, she will not faint, she won't. This had become too important to screw up, she moved forwards, carefully, slowly, not wanting to startle "the wounded fawn" as Wednesday once called herself. She reached out a hand and cupped Wednesday's face, who did not shy away from it but pressed her face into Enid's palm.
"Wednesday" she says softly "Look at me..." Wednesday opens her eyes and Enid sees the love there, its subtle but its there.
"Do you think i love you so little that i would let you face this alone?" Enid said, echoing the girls words back at her. "Do you think if you died, that i love you so little, i wouldn't follow you there?" Enid says, her face "I made peace with the fact that i would love you for the rest of my life, and that i would follow you, no matter where you go" Enid says, inching closer to the Raven.
Their lips meet, a thunderous rejoicing in the heavens sounds as lightning flashes above Nevermore, lighting up their world, their first kiss under a naturally violent act of nature. Enid presses deeper, her need, her heartache evaporating as she claims Wednesday as hers, the kiss chaste but needy and so very overdue.
Wednesday places her hand on Enid's waist, and pushes deeper into the kiss, desperate to feel. desperate for touch, desperate for her to burst aflame, Enid, being the only one, who could achieve such a feat.
They slowly pull apart, lungs screaming for air. Enid rubes her nose on the shorter girl's nose, unable to stop herself.
Nothing is left that needs to be said, nothing left to be done.
Until Wednesday tugged Enid towards her bed, the two smitten teens laying down beside each other, with Wednesday being careful of her wound, and they spent the night, in each other's arms, Wednesday, letting the exhaustion of her hunt finally overtake her.
and Enid, holds the smaller teen in her arms, remarking at just how soft Wednesday was once the rough edges vanished behind the lull of sleep, she stays awake however, worshipping Wednesday with her eyes and softest touches with the pads of her fingers.
Her heart in ache before, could feel nothing now but Peace.
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beautyofattolia · 1 year
Enid: I dare you to kiss your crush for $100.
Enid: Or your enemy for $300.
Wednesday: I expect my $400 soon.
Enid: Wait, what – 
Wednesday: Tyler! Come over here!
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jakascoo · 5 months
Kara: That was so hot, Jason. Jason: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets. Kara: I'm so in love with you.
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Enid: Do you or do you not feel ✨Bonita✨?
Wednesday, wearing her snood: …*sigh* I feel Bonita.
Enid: Wonderfull, because you look Bonita!
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justamegafan · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok Incorrect Quote #16
Adam the Best Father
Adam’s only 2 regrets before the Fall was when he wasn’t there to protect Eve from the Serpent and when she and Y/N were alone on Trail about the Apple without him there to protect them
Adam (To Y/N about his regrets): I’m sorry I wasn’t a better father
Wednesday!Y/N: Could we please do without the overt display of emotion?
Adam (Nods): Yes, of course, I know they make you feel uncomfortable
Wednesday!Y/N: How many fathers hand their daughter a fencing blade when she’s 5 years old?
Adam (Proudly): Your saber strokes were an essay in perfection
Wednesday!Y/N: Or teach her to swim with sharks?
Adam: They found you as cold-blooded as I do
Wednesday!Y/N: The right way to flay the Serpent?
Adam: He really did taste like chicken when prepared properly
Wednesday!Y/N: The point I’m trying to make is you taught me how to be strong and independent. How to navigate myself in a world full of treachery and prejudice. You are the reason why I understand how imperative it is that I never lose sight of myself
Wednesday!Y/N: So as far as fatherhood goes, I would say you’ve been more than adequate
Adam (Deep breath): Gracias, Y/N…
Eve, Cain, Able, Valkyrie Sisters, Human Fighters and Brunhilde (Who heard this conversation):
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The Gods (Who heard this conversation):
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Adam taught Y/N how to be strong to not only protect her family, but also herself
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lilitblaukatz · 1 year
Tyler: Are you close?
Xavier: Yeah, I'm almost done. What is it?
Tyler: You're heavy as hell!
Xavier: Use your vaunted Hyde power, I'll finish soon.
Tyler: Someone might see!
Xavier: It was your idea to do it in public! Fuck, it's freezing!
Tyler: Are you aiming in my eye on purpose?
Xavier: Sorry, it's hard to control this thing, I can't feel my fingers! OK, you can put me down now.
Tyler: Thank god!
Xavier: Aww, are you tired? Wait till you see it all!
Tyler, making several steps away from mayor's office wall: FREE YOUR MIND! FIGHT PREJUDICE AGAINST OUTCASTS! Impressive, but letters in FIGHT are uneven.
Xavier, aligning them perfectly with his power: That's where you started to complain, smartass! Better?
A night guard, shining his light in their faces: What the hell?
Tyler: Skedaddle! Go, go, go, go, GO!
*dropping empty paint cans and running together into the darkness*
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