#harry styles moustache
yimmysart · 26 days
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Harry taking a selfie at Niall’s show in Manchester
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sunshineofyourlovee · 19 days
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You are what you eat.
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twostepstyless · 1 year
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It’s a biblical need
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louisonlygf · 1 year
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6 notes · View notes
punkpillowprincess · 1 year
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4 notes · View notes
harryshomebaby · 1 year
finally reading my policeman and marion is ruthless i love it
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finelinefae · 5 months
you & I (prince!h)
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synopsis: harry is a royal in love with a serving girl
word count: 5.7k
contains: fluff , nothing crazy I don’t think
. . .
Y/N was a simple serving girl. An orphan by the age of twelve after her mother and father died of influenza, she learnt to live alone and did so graciously. She knew that there was no point in arguing with the forces of life and so she spent much of her time doing small jobs in order to buy a small something to eat in the evenings and keep a roof over her head.
"Y/N, where have you been?" Maria looked at her wide eyed with hands on her hips as she wiped the sweat from her brow.
After a long time of searching for a permanent job, Y/N met Maria at a local market in the town centre of the village. She was at her worst, begging for scraps of food or something that would stop her stomach from rumbling for at least a little while. Maria was kind enough to offer her a tangerine and a job at the Duke's mansion where she would be a serving girl for as long as she could.
She didn't earn a lot but it was enough to get by and she even managed to save up enough to buy a little cottage home outside the town where she had her very own vegetable patch and an apple tree in the front garden.
"I'm sorry Maria, I came across a stall at the market and they were selling fresh loaves of bread. I thought it would be perfect to serve for the Duke with his breakfast." She placed the brown bag on the kitchen counter and took out the loaf of bread.
"Y/N my darling," Maria shook her head, she was use to the girls antics and couldn't help but let it slide. Maria was unmarried and couldn't have any children of her own so, in her eyes, Y/N was a gift sent from heaven and she cared for her as a mother would for her own child. "Pequeña soñadora." (Little dreamer) She wiped the dirt from Y/N's cheek and kissed her forehead.
Y/N grinned and grabbed her apron off of the pegs where the other servants would hang up their aprons as well. She sat on the bench close to the back door where she replaced her small, battered, brown pumps with black, lace up shoes which has a small heel to them.
She grabbed the trays of food which would be served to the Duke for his breakfast. "And what mood is the Duke in today Anthony?" Y/N leaned over and smiled, Anthony was the Duke's servant and was always giving updates on how the Duke was acting.
"The usual my sweet," He says, "Make sure you put a few more raspberries on his pancakes, might do the trick in cheering him up." Y/N nods and carries the tray to the dining hall, Ariana and Taylor following behind her.
They two double doors creek loudly as they're opened by the doorman. Y/N curtsies in front of the Duke and Duchess, keeping her head down as she brings them their breakfast. "Your breakfast my Lord." Y/N speaks, clearly.
"Thank you Y/N." The Duke addresses her and awaits for his plate of breakfast to land in front of him. Y/N takes the plate of raspberries and pours a few more onto his pancakes just like Anthony told him too.
Suddenly, the double doors open again and the sound of clicking shoes against the marble flooring catches Y/N's attention. She looks up as she reaches to grab the pot of tea and makes eye contact with a set of piercing, green eyes.
"Good morning father, sorry I'm late." Harry Styles, son of the Duke, a Marquess, enters the room and sits down in his usual spot opposite his mother.
"And what is your excuse this time boy?" The Duke responded, Y/N's body temperature changing from being so close to the Marquess.
"It was a perfect morning for hunting, took Banksy out with me and went out into the forest." Y/N pours tea into the Duke's mug before walking over to Harry, her pulse raising with every step she took.
"Did you catch anything?" The Duke feasted on his breakfast as he spoke, food getting caught in his greying moustache.
As Y/N poured the tea, her heart hammered against her chest when she felt Harry move his hand to brush against hers. She had a steady hand but was close to pouring the hot tea all over him.
She looked down at Harry who was still looking at his father, pretending the interaction didn't happen but she knew exactly what he meant by it.
"Will that be anything more my Lord?" Y/N asks, it was usual protocol.
The Duke says nothing and waves her off, giving her the signal to leave. Y/N leaves the dining room but doesn't hesitate to turn back and glance over at Harry who's already smiling right back at her.
Breakfast was over and Y/N was given a five minute window before she had to help make lunch. She reached for her coat and wrapped it around herself, looking over her shoulder before walking outside through the back door.
Once she had reached her destination, she looked around and was elated to see the head of brown curls walking towards her. His lean, long legs walking hastily knowing she had such a short amount of time to talk.
Without a moments hesitation, he picked her up and spun her around in his arms, a giggle eliciting from her lips. "Oh my beautiful girl." He grins, happiness apparent in his appearance. "How has it been just little under twenty four hours since I last saw you yet I have missed you ever so much?"
Y/N bites her lip, she could already feel her cheeks aching from a want to smile at his words. "I missed you too Harry." She leans forward and pecks his cheek but he shakes his head, leaning into her and placing his lips onto hers.
"I'd die happy, right here with you." He pulls away and looks at her so deeply into her eyes.
Y/N frowns, her mind was always plagued over the fact that her love with Harry was forbidden. She was a mere serving girl in a house that belonged to Harry's father and would soon belong to him.
"What's wrong baby?" Harry rubs his thumb under eye, feeling her skin beneath his touch.
Y/N nuzzles her cheek against his hand, "Do you ever wonder what life would be like outside these walls?" She murmurs, admitting her desires all of a sudden.
"What do you mean?" He looks at her confused.
"Harry you know there is no possibility for us to be together within this kingdom. Your father is a royal and you are too, as much as you hate to admit it," The more she spoke, the more Harry grew frustrated by her words because as much as he detested the true state of their relationship, he also knew it was true. "But out there my love, there is so much for us, so much we can do. I've seen it."
Harry knew of Y/N's past, she had told him once on a night she would never forget. The night they had their first kiss under the stars in the garden that she adored spending so much time in.
"What are you suggesting?" He knew what she was suggesting but he also knew his little love was so full of dreams and it hurt him knowing she had no way of reaching them considering her class.
She felt her lips turn downwards slightly but she tried to smile, her expression bittersweet knowing she was off in one of her daydreams again. "I'm not suggesting anything Harry, it's merely a dream I have. I know your duty lies here with the Duke and you will live out your life in this mansion where you will marry a rich, beautiful woman and have plenty of children who you will pass the name down to. Whilst I, a poor serving girl, will be at your side until my last dying day."
She tried to pull away from him, the words upsetting her no matter how true they were. She felt Harry grip onto her arm softly, not wanting to hurt her but wanting her to stay. "My sweet girl what on Earth are you talking such nonsense for?" He spoke, "You know I've never wanted to be Duke and the only beautiful woman I will marry is you. You and I will have plenty of children which we will pass our name down to and we will be at each others side for eternity, long after death."
Y/N smiled at his words, imagining the life she could have if his words ever came to life, but they couldn't. "Harry-"
"Baby," He interrupted her, "run away with me."
Her lips parted in shock at what he was suggesting. She shook her head in much disbelief.
"You have no idea what you are saying." She speaks as if she wasn't suggesting it a few minutes ago.
"Oh I know exactly what I'm saying," He smiles, cheekily and pulls her into his embrace.
She looks up at him, resting her head on his shoulder as she whispers into his ear, "The life you'll live Harry, it's nothing like it is here. There are no servants waiting on you and serving you three meals a day. We may not know if we'll even get breakfast let alone supper and we'll have to run away from the village. You'll be missing and the Duke will have no one to give his title to, the Styles name ending with him. Think about this."
"My love I have spent many nights thinking about this, I spend all my nights dreaming of a life with you where we don't have to sneak around to be together. We can live somewhere far away where I can touch you," He runs his fingers down her arm and goosebumps arise, "Feel you," He whispers so close into her ear and digs his fingers into her waist and she gasps but doesn't halt his actions, "Worship you." He kisses the spot under her ear.
"You'd give it all up for me?" She wonders, in awe of the man she was falling in love with.
"I'd give up my life for you." His lips brush against hers, moving in closer to get a kiss from her.
"Y/N?" Maria called from the kitchen.
Y/N pulls away from him, knowing her five minutes were up and she had no choice but to go back and help the other servants. "Your leaving already?" Harry sighs, holding onto her hand so tightly she couldn't let go.
"Lunch is soon to come around so I have to help out in the kitchen." She wished she had more time to spend with him. "Are you still coming over tonight?" She had been excited about tonight considering she and Harry had been planning it for the last two weeks. He was planning on coming to her cottage since the Duke was leaving after lunch for formal duties at the crown court. He wouldn't be back until the morning which gave Harry much opportunity to sneak away and visit her in her little cottage.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world baby." He kisses her passionately before she can leave.
"I love you Harry." She whispers.
"I love you more and don't forget about what I said." He calls after her as she runs back to the kitchens.
She walks in through the back door in a daze, holding her hands to her heart and looking up at the ceiling. Being with Harry always felt like a dream.
She could feel someones eyes on her and looked forward to see Maria glaring at her. She shook her head after they made eye contact, "Estas entrando en aguas peligrosas pequeña soñadora." (You’re entering dangerous waters, little dreamer)
Y/N bit her lip and brushed her off. She knew what she was doing by being with Harry but she wouldn't give him up. She had done that far too much throughout her life and she wanted to be selfish just this once.
Lunch came about quicker than expected and the kitchen was already starting to get hectic as the servants plated up the food for each member of the family. Y/N was preparing the wine which she was going to serve and listened as Maria spoke to the other servants.
Anthony came in to alert everybody that the family were already waiting for their food and everyone picked up the trays of food. Y/N smiled, feeling giddy about seeing Harry after the conversation they had this morning.
The doors opened and she could already see him sat in his usual seat beside his father and opposite his mother. Y/N realised they had caught them mid conversation, her ears perking up to hear what they were talking about.
"Harry, are you prepared for the ball this Saturday night?" The duchess asked, a smile overcoming her features.
"In all honesty mother, it's barely crossed my mind." Harry sighs, his eyes glued to Y/N as she pours the wine in the duchess' glass.
"Well I've had Gerald go to the town to buy your garments. We need to looking spectacular since it's the perfect opportunity to find you a bride."
A loud thud catches the family's attention, their eyes diverting to Y/N who's picking up the jug of wine she had dropped on the floor. "I'm so s-sorry My Lord and Lady." She curtsies, apologising to them profusely.
"It's perfectly alright dear." The duchess places a hand on her to calm her down.
She ignored Harry's eyes on her as she got back to serving the wine. "I've already told you mother, I will do no such thing as finding a bride." He speaks.
"Nonsense Harry," It was the Duke's turn to speak, "We all agreed you would find a bride before the sixth month which is vastly approaching."
Y/N could feel her heart slowly breaking, Harry had never mentioned any of this to her. The sixth month was only a month away which meant they had little to no time in finding a bride.
"You cannot force me to marry father." You could hear the tension in Harry's voice as he tried to control his anger.
The Duke scoffs, "I think you'll find that I can because I am your father and above that the Duke. You are a Marquees Harry, you will be taking my title and carrying on the bloodline so, yes, I can force you to marry."
The servants were trying to go about their business knowing of the rise in tension in the room but Y/N couldn't ignore what was going on. Harry was going to find a bride and he didn't tell her of the short amount of time he had to find one.
"You and mother have always said to marry for love - I cannot force myself to fall in love with somebody." The Duke ignores Harry's words so he looks to his mother for help but she shakes her head, trying to stop him from angering the Duke even further.
Harry looks over at Y/N again, he knew she was hearing every word the family was saying and his heart felt heavy when he noticed the glassy look in her eyes as she kept her head down to avoid him.
Unable to control his rage, he hits his closed fist against the table, the entire thing shaking and startling everyone around him. "I have done so much for both of you, taken part in every duty you have signed me up to when you both know I'd rather die than keep my title. The least you could do is accommodate my one desire of refusing to marry someone I do not love." He spits, eyes filled with fury at both his parents.
The room is filled with an eerie silence with nothing but Harry's heavy breathing as the servants stand away from the table to one side, keeping their heads down.
Finally the Duke looks up at Harry, "You will be at the ball this Saturday night boy." Harry doesn't bother staying to hear the rest, he stands up and storms out of the room. The Duchess turns to the servants and apologises in a flustered state at the actions of her son.
Lunch was over before it had even begun and the servants had no choice but to clear up the plates which were still loaded with uneaten food. "Unbelievable." Ariana muttered under her breath, it was never fun when they had slaved away in the kitchen only for their food to go un-eaten.
Y/N was too far in her own head to respond, trying to mentally heal the heartbreak she was feeling after the whole ordeal at lunch. She carried the cups away with her and left the room to deliver them to the kitchen.
As she was about to turn the corner, she felt a tug on the end of her dress and was startled to see Harry, sympathy in his eyes. She could tell by the look on his face that he wanted her to follow him and, as much as she tried to fight herself, she followed him.
Harry pulled her into a vacant room that wasn't often used regularly. Y/N stood with her arms crossed waiting for him to talk. He paced back and forth and Y/N made no effort to calm him down even though she could see the torment across his features.
He finally looks at her, "Can I kiss you please?"
Y/N doesn't get the chance to say anything before he walks over and cups her face in his hands, kissing her lips. Y/N melted into him like she did every time. No matter what was going on between them, he never failed to make her feel so wanted and that was something she never often felt growing up.
But she couldn't deny the incessant reminder in her head that even though she was wanted now by him, she may not be in the future. After Saturday night he could make someone feel the exact same way and she refused to put herself in a situation like that.
"Harry," She pulled away, "Don't come over tonight." She hadn't even realised she had started crying until she wiped away a stray tear from her face.
She forced herself out of his embrace and turned away from him. She could hear him calling her name from behind. However, she knew Harry was stubborn so she had no choice but to be the one to walk away.
It was for the best. They had both always known that their relationship was doomed from the very beginning and now was the time to accept that.
Y/N walked home in the dark after a hard day at work. She carried a whicker basket with a loaf of bread inside that Maria had kindly sneaked her after supper was served in the evening. Considering the day she had, she was glad to have a little something to look forward to.
At the sight of her tiny cottage, her shoulders relaxed. She was so happy to finally be at home and away from everywhere else where she had time to think to herself. She immediately walked to the kitchen to heat up the loaf of bread and prepare a vegetable broth to have for dinner.
As she was about to add in her chopped carrots, a knock sounded at the door. Her eyebrows furrowed when she tries to this of who could be here at this time of day. She walked to the front door and held her ear to it in hopes it would give her an idea of who was there but it was impossible to make out any sound.
"Y/N it's me." Her breath caught in her throat when he spoke, her mind dividing her opinion of whether or not to open it for him. "I just want to talk to you, I-I want to explain everything and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but you have to believe me when I tell you all of this is what my father wanted... All I want is you."
Y/N was holding onto the door knob as she listened to him speak until one choice outweighed the other and she opened the door to reveal a sad looking Harry. He was a disheveled mess, his hair all over the place like he'd been running his fingers through it over and over in frustration.
Despite the flash of guilt that came to her, she stood her ground, crossing her arms and glaring at him. Harry couldn't help but grin as she tried her best to look angry, he knew she wouldn't hurt a fly. "You're so cute." He says, not caring how angry she was. He was always going to compliment her no matter what mood she was in.
"Did you follow me?" Y/N wondered, he had never been to her home before which was why tonight was so exciting for them.
"Maybe or maybe I asked Maria." He shrugged. "Can I please come in?"
Y/N wanted to keep him outside so he wouldn't think she'd forgive him so easily for not telling her about the deal Harry had with his parents but she was cold and tired and her soup was still on the stove. So, she moved to the side and allowed him entry.
Harry's face softened and he thanked her as he passed by. Y/N released a sigh and lead the way to the kitchen where she walked to the stove and went back to making her soup. "Your home is perfect, exactly how I thought it would be." Harry speaks, admiring the simplicity and cosiness of the home, wishing he had something remotely similar.
"Exactly how you thought it would be?" She wonders, smiling to herself since her back was to him.
"Mhm," He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, she couldn't help but sink into him. "Soft and pink." He murmured, "I'm sorry Y/N. I know I should have told you about the whole thing with my mother and father but I never thought it mattered when my plan has always been to run away with you."
Y/N turned around in his embrace and looked at him confused, "What are you talking about?"
"Baby, since the day I met you you had me wrapped around this tiny little finger," He held up Y/N's hand and pressed a kiss to her fingertips before placing it to his cheek so he could feel her soft skin, "I've always had dreams of running away with you, living a life of simplicity with just the two of us and maybe a few little ones too." He placed his hand on her belly and butterflies swarmed under his touch.
"You're crazy, you heard what your father said Harry. Maria likes to call me a little dreamer but she has yet to meet you," She pushed him away and turned back around to take the soup off of the stove.
"Why do you act like this isn't something you dream of as well." Harry was starting to get annoyed with people telling him that what he desired wasn't achievable.
"Of course I have dreamt of running away with you many times and-"
"The let's do it," He steps in front of her, picking up both of her hands in his, "Let's leave this place and be together."
She could see the true desperation in his eyes and she wanted nothing more than to say yes, "W-we can't."
Harry stepped away, "Why? Why can't we?"
Y/N looked at him and felt the flood gates fall open, tears running down her cheeks, "Because I am in love with you Harry." She confesses, having never confessed it before, "I am so in love with you my heart could burst and it's that exact reason I have no choice but to give you what's best. Maybe in another life, where class wasn't important and being poor was no longer a cause of death, we could be together but I love you so much and I want nothing more than for you to have everything you need."
Harry was speechless. "Y/N," He reached for her, pulling her into his chest as she cried. He touched her so delicately, looking into her eyes and seeing the love and heartbreak twirling around together in an achingly beautiful dance. "I love you too."
She sobbed even harder and kissed him on the lips, "Thank you for loving me so strongly my love but you have to understand, I don't want to be the next Duke. Not because of you or anyone else, it's a feeling I've had for as long as I can remember. My whole life I've been told what to do by my father and mother but you were the only person who saw me as something other than a Marquees. You've been the only thing I've needed to know I need to take control over my own life and so I need you to run away with me. Please, Y/N."
Y/N had been fighting hard for so long, knowing what was best for him and knowing how many problems this would cause if she were to say yes. She was tossing between her mind and heart but her heart was always going to win, it always did. "When?" She whispers.
Harry exhaled, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief. He kissed her so fiercely, harder than he had ever done before. They were finally going to get what they had both dreamt of, "Tonight. I've already told Maria and she's asked her husband to get us as far away from here as possible."
"You spoke to Maria about this?" Y/N was surprised Maria knew this was happening and even more surprised she was willing to give them money for their escape.
"It was the only way for me to know where you lived." Harry confessed. "You'll have to leave all this behind but we'll find a home and make it ours."
Y/N's heart warms. The soup was long forgotten about now as she ran about packing a small bag of her most valuable possessions to take with her.
Harry nodded in reassurance at her and lead her outside where he already had a horse waiting for them. It would be their main source of transport until they could got to the harbour where a boat would be waiting to take them away.
"Are you sure of this Harry?" She wanted to double check before they carried out the life changing decision.
"I've never been so sure of anything in my life." Harry says and helps her onto the horse. She glances back at her cottage. It was bittersweet leaving it behind, it was the first home she purchased in her whole twenty three years of living after being homeless but now she was going to be living somewhere new with Harry and money wasn't something she had to worry about for the time being considering Harry had bought a few valuables of his own for them to sell in order to start their new life.
They reached the harbour just as the sun was starting to rise. Y/N jumped off the horse and ran over to Maria who was arguing with her husband over something to do with the safety of the boat. Maria opened her arms when she noticed Y/N running towards her, "mi pequeño soñador." Maria teared up, "Be safe my love and don't forget to write to me."
Y/N nodded, crying with Maria who had been the only person before Harry who had always been there for her. Maria's husband was going to be taking them to the next border so they would be far enough to find somewhere to hide away.
"Baby," Harry reached out for Y/N's hand as he stood on the boat waiting for her.
"Thank you Maria for everything." Y/N cried and took Harry's hand, glancing back at Maria.
She waved to her as the boat began to sail away. She was sat in-between Harry's legs with her back against his chest, "I love you." He whispered, kissing her cheek.
"I love you too." Y/N responded, looking out at the sunrise feeling excited for her bran new life.
. . .
Four Years Later.
The sun shone through the window as it began to rise. Y/N felt the warmth from the sun rays hit her bare back as she lay in bed in the softest, white sheets. Harry ran a finger up and down her spine as he watched her sleep.
He pressed his lips to her bare shoulder and up her neck, "Are you hungry sweet girl?" He whispered.
Y/N smiled and nodded her head, slowly opening her eyes and meeting his green ones. Before Y/N had the chance to reply, the door to their bedroom creaked open and in waddled a their little baby.
"Mmmmaama!" Marie squealed, wearing nothing but a pullover around her waist. She was three years old but looked a year younger, she was born pre-mature and since Y/N was already quite small, Marie was tiny.
Harry's head fell onto Y/N's bare chest as he let out a groan, wanting time with his beautiful wife which was very rare considering they had a very clingy toddler.
"Dada no!" Marie tried to crawl onto the bed, clinging onto the blankets in a tight fist to try and pull herself onto the bed.
"C'mere Ri Ri," Harry chuckled, picking her up and placing her between Harry and Y/N.
"Maaamaaa!" Marie squealed and reached for her mother.
"Good morning little dove." Y/N kissed her chubby cheeks.
Harry smiled, he loved watching his girls interact together. "Hey Ri Ri, wanna come with dada to pick some fruit from the garden?"
Marie squealed, not really understanding what her father had said but agreed with him anyway. "Let's go cherry, let mama get dressed." He kissed Y/N on the forehead before grabbing the baby.
This was their life now.
They had ran away together four years ago and it was the best decision either of them could have made. For a while, both Y/N and Harry struggled to make a life for themselves. They were staying in a small hut as Harry went to work on a farm whilst Y/N worked at a local food shop.
They were so close to giving up in that moment but Harry was prepared to keep his promise of the life they both desired. They ended up travelling further down south after saving up enough money to buy a permeant place to live where they found a small cottage.
After a while, Harry had found a job on a job which gave him enough money to get by. Y/N also had a small job working three days a week at a hat shop but a year later she fell pregnant with Marie so for now she was only working twice a week.
There was no word on what happened to the Duke after Harry's disappearance. Both Y/N and Harry tried their best to avoid any talk of the Duke and Duchess but it didn't stop them from hearing rumours in their local town.
Y/N got dressed into one of her favourite dresses Harry had bought her for her birthday two years ago. She put on her boots to go outside where she saw Harry, wearing nothing but black trousers and boots as he held Marie who was now dressed into something besides her pullover.
She walked over to them and pressed her hand to Harry's bare back, catching his attention. Marie was picking apples off of the apple tree that had even planted in their back garden before they had bought the house.
Marie held up the apple to Harry, "That looks perfect Ri Ri," She giggled and put the apple in the brown basket.
"Marie decided we were going to have pancakes with fruit for breakfast." Harry updated Y/N.
"Oh that sounds wonderful." Y/N kissed Marie and then stood on her tiptoes to kiss Harry.
"You look beautiful." Harry says, his compliments never failing to make her blush. "Can we have another baby?"
Y/N laughed but he was completely serious about it, "Harry-"
"Let me put a baby in you." He pouted, "It'll be fun!"
"Fifteen minutes for nine months of pain? Sounds like fun to me," Her pregnancy with Marie was really difficult and swore her off having kids for the rest of her life.
“You know it’s a lot longer than fifteen minutes thank you very much.” He pinches her sides, "I won't force you because I know it's your body, m’love but just know whenever your ready I'll be right here to fulfil your wishes." He smirked and Y/N nudged him.
"Mamaa look!" Marie held out her chubby hand that was full of raspberries.
"Wow dove! Can mama try one?" She crouched down and opened her mouth for Marie to place a raspberry. "Delicious." She hummed and Marie giggled.
Y/N stood up and looked to Harry, "Maybe we can have another baby."
Harry grins, "I'll call Estella." He says, referring to Marie's babysitter.
He wraps one arm around Y/N's waist as they both stand and watch Marie picking berries in the home they dreamt of having together. He kissed her forehead, "I'm glad you ran away with me." He speaks softly into her ear, happy with the life he finally got to choose.
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vanishingcherry · 1 year
fc sian lilly pls? siannlilly on ig ! thanks
heyy <3 i wasn't sure who this was for, so i made the social media au for harry. in celebration of the one year anniversary of harry's house
๑ ⋆˚₊⋆────ʚ˚ɞ────⋆˚₊⋆ ๑
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liked by yourfriend, harryfan, harrystyles and 1,834,957 others
yourusername me when i remember that harry's house is out tomorrow
view all 24,975 comments
harryfan1 honestly... same.
↳ harryfan2 i literally cant wait like matilda? i just know its gonna make me cry
harryandynforever i wonder if she's heard the album already
↳ yourusername nope... harry said i have to wait like everyone else
↳ harrystyles its meant to be a surprise
ynfan shes so pretty it hurts
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liked by yourusername, mitchrowland and 34,750,405 others
harrystyles Harry's House. Out now.
view all 1,94,857 comments
harryfan TE AMO
yourusername my all time fav album
↳ harrystyles my all time fav person
↳ ynandharry2 shes the only one who can get him to use his insta
onedirectioncomeback THAT MOUSTACHE LIKE EXCUSE ME
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liked by gemmastyles, yourusername and 23,239,857 others
harrystyles One Night Only. New York. May, 2022.
view all 94,857 comments
keepdrivingsupremacy THIS WAS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE
harryfan19 ❤️😭🥰
harryfan him singing harry's house live for the first time was the best thing ive ever seen
↳ harryfan4 im gonna spend the next few hours binge watching every single video from that show
yourusername via instagram story
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liked by harrystyles, yourbff, annetwist and 20,485,007 others
yourusername harry's house, out now!
i've had the pleasure of watching you create this album over the last year, and as secretive as you've been over the songs, it's been one of the best experiences of my life. seeing you this happy and in your element makes me the happiest person on earth.
the album is nothing short of amazing and i love it and i love you. you've told our story in a way more beautiful than i thought possible. it is an honour to be your muse.
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liked by yourusername, jeffazoff, harrylambert and 26,291,485 others
harrystyles the inspiration behind harry's house
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yourusername ❤️
↳ harrystyles ❤️
harryfan i too would write a whole album about her
username oh my god her style are we sure taylor swift didnt write about her
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scp230kinnie · 2 years
pls do music tastes for stardew valley bachelors🙏🙏
- someone you definitely don't know
Before we begin I want everyone to know I did see the requests for other fics/hcs and I’m working on them but it has been a little hard cuz of exams 😭 will have them finished as soon is I can
I love shartstew valley omg 😻😻
I definitely don’t know you or anything 😻💪
May I introduce to you all
Characters: Alex, Elliott, Harvey, Sam, Sebastian, Shane
Warnings: cringe
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Modern music
Not Harry styles or anything I think he would hate him
He probably listens to imagine dragons and rap music
He secretly listens to country music
His favorite songs are believer by imagine dragons and high hopes by panic! At the disco
He probably listens to pierce the veil secretly tbh
Emo music is his guilty pleasure
He listens to Eminem while he works out
He also probably doesn’t listen to music very often
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So obvious but classical music
Like if it has piano or violin he loves it
He also listens to opera
Like he won’t watch it but he likes hearing the voices
He has his music going when he’s writing or he’ll have it playing quietly while he does stuff in his shack
His guilty pleasure is EDM music
He swears he hates it and insists he’s a man of culture
But he does listen to EDM
Not very often tho
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I like to think he doesn’t really listen to music that often
But if he were to I think he would like smooth jazz
He has it playing quietly in his little hospital sometimes along with the elevator music that’s probably playing
He also listens to 80s rock music
Not very often tho
Usually just when combing his moustache or reading
Not really music but he also likes to listen to ocean noises
Usually only when he REALLY can’t sleep
Which isn’t very often
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Rock music
Of course
He also probably listens to whatever music his own band makes
His favorite artists/bands are måneskin, Paramore, Ozzy Osbourne, and Metallica
He also listens to ABBA
His all time favorite song is dancing queen
He secretly listens to KPOP
Specifically the girl groups
But he totally fanboys over Felix from SKZ
It’s not really a secret because I can guarantee Sebastian knows
He also tries singing along but he doesn’t know Korean so he just says gibberish and hopes it’s close
He also likes listening to whatever openings are from his favorite shows lol
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My one true love
Listens to emo music duh
Jk he likes metal, rock, and nu metal
His favorite bands are being me the horizon, Pierce the veil, motionless in white, evanescence, and asking Alexandria
His favorite Song is dark passenger by motionless in white
He is not open to new music
He’s the typa guy to go “come on turn on something good instead of this trash” when you’re listening to anything that’s not within his music taste
He insists his music taste is better than everyone else’s
He doesn’t say it out loud, but when he sees someone in public wearing merch from one of the bands he likes, he really wants to ask them to name 3 songs
I still love him tbh
Late night K-POP karaoke with Sam
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He listens to SoundCloud rappers
He doesn’t make any but he kinda wants to
His favorite band is Green day
His favorite song is Superman by Eminem
I feel like he would put in headphones on the way to work every morning and listen to music
Aside from that I don’t really feel like he listens to music that often
His guilty pleasure is country music
Claims it’s the worst thing he ever heard but secretly shazams any songs
Probably sits in silence with his own thoughts most of the time
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Okay that’s it lmk if y’all want the bachelorettes lololol
I hope you enjoy person i definitely don’t know
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Hello Everyone! 💞 This is my completely unnecessary masterpost but I hope you like it. When I was making it I felt like I was creating the stories of a fictional character but to be honest it was fun! Also it satisfies my need for things to be organized and tidy so maybe it's not entirely unnecessary. Anyway enjoy! 💞
p.s this is the first part because i couldn't fit them all in one. (here's part two)
p.s i do not own the pictures. credits to the owners. i do not claim that they belong to me. (i usually do my research on pinterest and most of the times it's hard to find the original owner).
| Collages |
Harry's hands pt.2 pt.3
Harry's arms
Harry's thighs
Long Haired Harry pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
Harry's new era pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5
Just how fast the night changes pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
Harry and Snoopy
As it was anniversary
Harry playing the guitar pt.2
Japanrry (bday edition)
Harry and backwards hats
Harry, Mitch and Sarah (bonus baby scout)
Harry is too precious for this world pt.2
Bts with Harry
Pouty Harry
Boyfriendrry pt.2
Harry's powerful stare
Harry's an uncle (and Gemma's a mum)
The Styles siblings
Birthday Boy (sweet 30)
Harry is squishy
Harry flying commercial
Harry at the airport
Harry is the king of dental hygiene
Harry whistling
Harry driving
Harry eating
Harry golfing
Harry in details pt.2
Harry's lips pt.2
Harry being a Packers Fan
Harry and his lime bike
Harry for Rolling Stone Magazine
Moustache Harry pt.2
Comfy Harry
Shy Harry
Emotional Harry
Sparkly Harry pt.2(kinda)
Satellite Harry
Random Harry pt.2
Backstage with Harry pt.2
Harry's 2023 recap
Harry's street style
Harry in jumpsuits
Harry in a towel
Harry at the studio pt.2
Fine line is four years old
Fine line changed lives
Fine line photoshooting pt.2
Harry being horny in his lyrics
Harry and Anne
Harry and Mitch
Harry and Niall (matching outfits)
Harry and Niall being spotify besties
Cute thing about Harry pt.2
Everyone needs a Harry in their life
Harry can do both pt.2 pt.3
Harry on the Late Late Show through the years
Harry’s Rehearsal Outfits For The Today Show
Harry’s Outfits For The Today Show
Harry at Brits pt.2
Harry in Summertime Ball
Harry is art
Harry's facial expressions pt. 1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4
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foxes-that-run · 1 year
2020 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
21 January - Andrea treated for brain tumor and chemo
29 January - Harry shoots the watermelon sugar MV in Malibu. The director later says “The production process was fast! We shot in a location in Malibu. It was a private beach at this amazing house. Harry actually owns a watermelon farm in a secret location that we can’t disclose. So the day before the shoot we went with our whole crew, make-up artists, set decorators, focus pullers you name it! We all rolled up our sleeves, got stuck in and did the biggest harvest anyone in the USA has ever seen!”
31 January - Miss Americana documentary released.
2 February - Harry at Glenne Christiaansen's (Jeff's GF) birthday in Los Angeles. Huge whale cake that gets on his face.
3 February - Harry arrives London
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14 February - Harry played Two Ghosts on Radio 2, the only time since 2018, anniversary of Style MV release. He also covered Joni Mitchell Big Yellow Taxi.  Taylor also in London for NME awards, Joe goes with her. She says hello to every one there including Matty Healy. Harry is robbed at knifepoint.
18 February - Harry at Brit awards, went to same after party as Kendall
23 February - Harry's Tiny Desk Concert recorded in LA, the Lover CD Is in the background. Taylor was there in October.
24 February - Taylor and Joe in London for his birthday, arrived under umbrellas carrying a dictionary, Ed laughing.
26 February - Harry on today show in colour block cardigan. Xander watches with Jeff rumour he then visited Xander Ritz in phlli.
28 February - Harry's Sirius XM Secret Session for Fine Line. Harry tells a story about wawa with Xander. Seen with Xander in ny
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1 March - Harry SNL after party
2 March - Harry's last pre-pandemic show is at the Bowery Ballroom. Replaces the Beachwood cafe with Bowery ballroom in falling.
5 March - When Howard Stern asked Harry about marriage his response was "People’s relationships are different now, everyone’s open 👀 and people have different things."
13 March - US Travel ban (except UK), California Shelter in place orders. 17 March UK Travel ban. 16 March Taylor posts asking fans to cancel plans and stay home, shares photo so Meredith
17 March UK travel ban
18 March - Harry driving in La with Xander
25 March - Announced HSLOT rescheduled to 2021
27 March - Harry releases “at home with Harry styles” pandemic playlist with Zane Lowe. ‘This will be our year’ is #13, 27 songs. Includes blue nile, later mentioned on TTPD
March - June Taylor and Harry stuck in LA for 3 months. Harry told Zane Lowe he was in LA, stayed home for 6 weeks then booked and went to Shangri-la studio to record. LNT, Daylight, keep driving and Sushi. (24 Mins)
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2 April - Harry seen riding a motorcycle beside Kendall Jenner and Fai Khadra.
5 April Harry seen in la and again
11 April - Harry drives his mercedes convertible in Beverly Hills same as Taylor had in Begin Again
17 April - 2020 Lover Fest tour postponed to 2021, later cancelled. Told Zane Folklore started then. Joe IG photo of Benjamin
18 April - Taylor soon you'll get better
29 April - Joe instagram photos
19 May Taylor releases City of Lover
21 May - Harry rode electric bike LA
25 May - date Too Much Sauce leak recorded. Still in LA
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31 May - Taylor records video in Long Pond about home studio. Joe school thing
22 June - rumours Harry messaging Daisy Lowe.
29 June - Harry seen in London
9 July - Harry Styles Sleep story
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18 July - Harry back in uk, drove to Italy and back with Tomo Campbell, he talks about this in the Zane interview. Driving moustache photo in HH CD
Over the summer Styles took a road trip with his artist friend Tomo Campbell through France and Italy, setting off at four in the morning and spending the night in Geneva, where they jumped in the lake “to wake ourselves up.” At the end of the trip Styles drove home alone, accompanied by an upbeat playlist that included “Aretha Franklin, Parliament, and a lot of Stevie Wonder. It was really fun for me,” he says. “I don’t travel like that a lot. I’m usually in such a rush, but there was a stillness to it. I love the feeling of nobody knowing where I am, that kind of escape…and freedom.” Harry for Vogue
20 July folklore announced 17 hours before its release. William Bowery is credited for Exile and Betty. Released on 1D's 10 year anniversary. In the Zane interview, Taylor says they continued working on Evermore.
31 July - Harry with a fan in Italy in an outfit in his later post about making Harry’s House. Also driving a tractor in Italy.
13 August - Harry followed Yan Yan on IG and liked some posts
17 August Harry in Studio in Bath. Recorded Daylight, Sushi, Keep Driving and Late night talking in this period.
3 September - Taylor posts about iHeartAwards from home
? September - Long Pond was recorded with Joe as WB and Tis the Damn Season written, Doretha already written.
6 September - Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudekis at beach in Malibu with Nanny and kids. In the 2022 Nanny tell all the Nanny said they were happy then but Olivia told Harry it had been over for a while when it had not been.
11 September, Olivia Wilde met and cast Harry in Don't worry Darling, filming began October.
16 September - Taylor performed Betty in person at ACM awards in Nashville.
18 September Harry in London
22 September - Harry driving car and boat in Italy filming golden
27 September Harry in LA
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6 October - Harry dinner with mystery girl
25 October - OW carrying Bode bag later thought about Harry
26 October - DWD starts filming
28 October - Harry signs a record and a fan posts a letter than his car broke down and he fed their fish. Deux moi said it was a cover because his friend with benefits was house sitting. The friend with benefits is thought to be Nicole branch.
5 November - DWD halts production due to COVID on set. In tell all the Nanny said Olivia moved out down the street 'that is how she left us' because of COVID on set which was true. Jason Sudukis also later says to GQ they broke up in November
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11 November - Harry films Valiant Roar scene in DWD, which includes Dita Von Teese who later repeats the Scene in the Bejeweled Music Video. Also described in Rolling Stone article with OW and possibly referred to in loml as valiant roar. Date odly specified in DWD BTS, also dinner party scene, OW wears Harry's pink beanie in the BTS during dinner party scene.
12 November Deux Moi posts that a “one direction heartthrob” and “a list singer” used the same private chef
13 November - Harry on cover of Vogue, after this the Peace ring only appeared occasionally
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25 November long pond sessions on Disney + Joe announced as William Bowery
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26 November Harry returns to la to film DWD, California maybe written here
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3 December - DWD filming palm springs. Fan says they served Harry and OW at Apple Pan
11 December evermore released, taylor’s zane lowe interview, at 49:34 she pauses a lot and struggles to talk about Joe being William Bowery.
19 December Harry jingle ball seems flat
30 December - 7 photos of Joe and Taylor thought to be taken 31 December 2016 hack/leak. Only 7 photos?? She is wearing a pink wig while he shaves. OW wearing necklace she later says was a gift from Harry.
Continue to 2021
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firendgold · 5 months
The whole "manipulative!Dumbledore" trope is brainless anyway, but it's especially dumb when you do the slightest bit of analysis on Albus' behavior around kids. Namely, that he's like... okay at "raising" them as long as it's just doing basic stuff for them, but he prefers to have someone he feels is more qualified be up close and personal for the children's more emotional needs.
He does this with Ariana, taking care of her shelter and privacy while Aberforth is in her face being "the favorite" brother. He does it again (and even harder) with the students of Hogwarts after Ariana's death, going from being their cool Transfiguration professor who stomped on a fascist once to being their headmaster who's kind but kind of quirky and even deeper in the background than before, leaving the daily management to the Heads of House. There's no students whose personal lives, bank accounts or love lives Albus has any interest or influence in, during or on the edges of canon.
He has students he likes, sure, but we don't see any of them randomly visiting Albus for tea. No one writes letters asking for his advice on trivial matters—it's always potentially world-ending shit. Even when Albus' students become adults and potentially friends or colleagues, their decisions to become either anti-Voldemort revolutionaries or Ministry drones are entirely their own, and none of them use the change in dynamic to get any closer to him.
And rather than the fanon moustache-twirling villain who likes chortling over inheritances or love potions or the Greater Good™ or whatever inflated or made-up nonsense, the real Albus seems perfectly happy to have no particular favor for or (paternal) guiding hand for anyone else—until he meets Harry.
And even then, Albus trots out his typical kindly-but-detached "parenting style" at first, letting McGonagall be his Head of House and Molly and Sirius get up close to play surrogate-mum and brother-dad, only to get a wake-up call when that doesn't quite fit neatly around Harry "hi, I have no blood family left that gives a shit, please adopt me" Potter's skinny shoulders.
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nowiamcoveredinyou · 3 months
Clandestine meetings (part 3)
Part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8
Sherlock x (married) oc!
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Watson got off the cab to go directly to The Daily Telegraph. He stood outside scrutinising the office carefully. 
Even from the outside one could hear the hustle and bustle of journalists. The phone ringing, and the constant chattering of people. Watson sighed before entering. The office was about to close, so some employees were seen heading out of it, stealing questioning glances at him. 
Shaking his head, Watson entered. The receptionist was gathering all his papers in order to take his leave for the day. Watson looked at his desk name plate, “Harry Johnson” was the name of the receptionist. 
Watson walked over to him. “Mr Johnson”. 
“Young man, this office is about to close for the day. Could you not have chosen a better time?” retorted the man in his cockney accent. 
Mr Johnson was a middle-aged man with salt pepper hair and moustache with a slight temper issue. 
“My sincere apologies. I just…” Watson trailed off as he waited for Mr Johnson to stop what he was doing and at least bother to look at him. 
Mr Johnson, in his same annoyed voice spat, “Please carry on, sir. I am not going to stand here all night.” Mr Johnson still did not look up from his papers for once.
Watson rubbed the back of his head as he debated on whether to speak about the subject with the receptionist out in the open or not. He narrowed his eyes and decided it was not the best idea. 
So instead he cleared his throat and uttered, “I would like to meet the manager of the Westminster region.”
This time Mr Johnson looked up at him, stopping his work in the middle, “What for?” 
“It is about Mr Dey.” replied Watson hesitantly.
Johnson eyed Watson suspiciously, taking a bit of time before replying, then with a heavy sigh he looked down and continued his work while answering, “Mr Reynolds’ chamber is down the hallway, towards the right. He is also about to leave, so make it quick, sir.”
After getting no response to his thank you, Watson just gave him a nod. Shaking his head, he walked in the direction the receptionist had told him to. He saw the board ‘Travis Reynolds’ outside an office chamber. He knocked at the door, taking a deep breath.
“Come in!” a deep voice called out from inside.
Watson creaked open the door and walked in. Mr Reynolds was a healthy posh gentleman with a good sense of style. He wore a black suite which is easily guessed to be of rather an expensive one. He was also in a hurry to leave, he was around his fifties.
His hair was mostly white, and his blue eyes were covered with round glasses. He was leaning on his desk, writing a telegram in hurry. Frustration was evident on his face.
Watson decided to skip all the formalities, or else it would be too late. He closed the door behind him and straight up began, “I am here to ask you about Mr Debashish Dey.”
That made Reynolds stop with his writing abruptly, putting his pen down he stood straight looking into Watson's eye. “Why? Who are you?”
“Dr John Watson.” he replied with a forced smile under his moustache. 
“Ah, Dr Watson. I have read a couple of your stories in The Strand! Is Holmes investigating this case? I assure you, that would hardly be necessary.” Reynolds pointed at a chair across from his office desk, quietly asking Watson to sit. 
Watson walked to the chair and sat down without hesitation. 
“It was a clear case of corruption. That greedy, savage of an Indian could not be satisfied with his official salary. He got what he deserved: a suspension.”
Watson squirmed a bit in his chair at the manager’s choice of words. “I promise you that my detective and I will never bother you after this. I only want to hear the account of incidents in full.”
Mr Reynolds stared at him with a little amusement. Then sighing he started.
“You know how the condition in his home country is. When he came here with a job application, we sympathised with him and decided to hire him, even though the position he worked for until recently was too high for someone like that bloody Dey. We needed someone to replace our previous employee. Who knew the next one would be so incompetent and corrupt! 
“I was the most sceptical of him when the board hired him. The place he comes from is filled with greedy scoundrels and I never thought hiring him was a good decision. 
“Then days passed by, followed by weeks. Dey would come to the office in the morning at 9, enter his chamber, work for hours at a stretch, would barely stop to eat, and he would leave the place by six in the evening. He would talk to no one. He would be so engrossed in his work that most people used to see him as a machine. Thus, later on I concluded that there was nothing to be doubtful about, when it came to this man. 
“Who knew that this false conclusion would cost me so much! My foolishness cost me £1,279 to be exact, Dr Watson! Do you realise the kind of loss we are going through at present?”
“Couldn’t that have been a calculation mistake, Mr Reynolds?” Watson proposed a different way to see this mishap.
Mr Reynolds laughed sarcastically at Watson's suggestion.
“By jove, you are far too generous to him. Much more than he deserves. Why did he not inform me sooner if it were an honest mistake?”
Watson could not think of an appropriate reply. He stayed quiet for sometime, and Mr Reynolds took this opportunity to write down his remaining telegram. 
“Did he do something out of the ordinary the day he was supposed to sign the contract?” Watson asked finally. 
Mr Reynolds put the lid of his fountain pen with golden nib and put it in his pocket as he thought for a bit. Then he said, 
“Hmm. Nothing. Oh, yes! I walked into his room to ask something of him. It was his lunch break, and he spilled something on his clothes while eating, probably because he was finishing off with his paperwork in a hurry. I laughed at his stupidity and frankly unhygienic behaviour. He glared at me, like he was going to kill me. 
“I had no time to waste that day, so I assigned him an important task and walked out of the room. That’s it! I am certain that this is what caused him to make a grave mistake such as this. What a traitor!” Reynolds held his face in his hands. “I wish he were imprisoned at this instant. Suspension isn’t nearly a good punishment for him!”
Watson got up from his chair after his reply, unable to think of anything else to ask. “Thank you so much for your cooperation, Mr Reynolds. I believe I should go.”
Reynolds nodded as Watson walked out of the office.
Watson stopped the cab driver right in front of 221, Baker Street, only to see Holmes approaching the place from the opposite side, on foot. 
Watson hurriedly paid the driver, got out of the carriage, and walked straight towards Holmes with the excitement of all the information he had gathered. 
“I thought you’d be late from the lady’s place, Holmes,” said Watson as they both walked in, climbed up the seventeen steps leading to 221 B and went inside their flat.
Holmes was silent during the journey. He didn't bother to answer Watson's question like the numerous times he would not answer him. 
However this time, it was the case, the information, the situation of Devi with her husband, that was all that went on in his mind. 
The case was indeed a matter of Dey’s reputation, but Mrs Dey? 
A lot of questions circled round Holmes' head. Also the facts he gathered about the case were enough for him to move forward. But he was dealing with something more delicate than that, unwillingly, yet he was caught up in it. 
What about the woman? Will she keep being put down? Was there anything they could do for her? 
Also, this second thought scared Holmes a bit, but Mrs Dey’s gaze at him was … indescribable to him. 
Women, he didn't know much of them but her gaze was telling him a different story. He feared that the map of Devi's fascination was taking a different turn. 
They sat across each other in their sitting room in silence, staring at the dim fireplace until 
Holmes finally recalled Watson's question. 
“I did not need to stay any longer. Mrs Dey is correct: her husband is innocent.” 
His answer baffled Watson, so he replied, 
“Are you serious? I was about to say exactly the opposite of that.”
Holmes took his pipe and lit it, asking,
“Do you doubt the lady, dear fellow? Why so?”
Watson sank in his chair as he replied, 
“I must say, I did not doubt her in the slightest when she first made an entrance to our place. Today, however, after having a word with Mr Dey’s manager, I might not be so certain about this case.”
“What did he say?” enquired Holmes, releasing a cloud of smoke from his mouth. 
Watson narrated the entire conversation to his companion, all the facts, as they were. He waited patiently for his friend's reply. 
Holmes sat back in his chair with his hands steepled beneath his chin, staring at the ceiling, seemingly into nothingness. “It seems as though this man is convinced because of his pre-formed notions about Dey. One should indeed never theorise before one has data.”
“What makes you say Dey is innocent, Holmes?” enquired Watson.
“It was perfectly evident from how he phrased things while narrating his version of the incident, and from his body posture throughout the afternoon, that he was not lying. Not at all.” Holmes sat straight and looked at Watson again. “A person is always quite precise with the facts without skipping a beat when he knows that he has not done anything wrong. I could see it.”
Watson pursed his lips and nodded, as he was still not convinced. “If you say so.” 
He got up from his arm chair, sighing. 
Holmes could not be wrong, he thought. Yet he wasn't willing to admit he was not right either. 
As he ran his hand over his coat to straighten it and made his way to the door of the flat, he felt  his wrist caught in Holmes’ hand. 
“Are you going somewhere?” he asked in an indifferent way.
“Just to the garden!” Watson said, freeing his wrist. As he took one more step towards the door, they heard a knock. 
Holmes stared at the door as Watson walked over to open it. 
“Mr Holmes?” as the door creeked open it revealed Mrs Dey again, however this time a little less stressed, her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. 
Watson smiled and let her in. 
Without wasting a second, she ran to Holmes. 
Holmes stood up and greeted her with a wide smile. 
Watson stood there seeing them talking to each other. 
Holmes asked her about her husband.  She started to narrate  everything that was going on with a childlike way of storytelling. 
Watson smirked to himself, closing the door behind him, as he walked out of the flat to take a stroll into the garden.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 12 days
So he deigned to attend NYFW and gets a Vogue article simultaneously. He's shaved off the ugly moustache and Harries are thirsting again.
NYFW ended two days ago. He went to London Fashion Week to promote SS Daley.
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cherrygarden · 12 days
my theory is that after chopping off his hair when he was done w hs1 (or finishing it idr) he now needs to have a cleansing moment of somewhat changing his appearance after finishing an album, to go from harry styles, singer songwriter, to Harry Styles, superstar. hence the Italy moustache
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philcoulsonismyhero · 1 month
Tag Game: Writing Patterns
I got tagged by @astriiformes (thanks, Nate!) in a thing, so here goes:
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern.
1 - I've always suspected that Nightingale suffers from nightmares, what with his age and all he's experienced, and that’s not even mentioning the fact that he didn't just fight in the Second World War but also lost nearly every friend he'd ever had to it. ('Don't Carry It All, Don't Carry It All', Rivers of London)
2 - It has been six months precisely since the world ended, in a paroxysm of rage and violence and brutal death. ('A Ghost In The Garden, Scaring The Crows', Rivers of London)
3 - I’ve got a lot of positive feelings towards Movember as a fundraising initiative, even if I’ve never taken part myself. ('I Moustache You A Question', Rivers of London)
4 - “You’re joking,” said Harry, flatly. ('Not-So Silent Witnesses', Silent Witness)
5 - It was finally over. ('Pull My Heart Out, Reconstruct', RWBY)
6 - Johnny didn’t even have to think about where LaRusso might have gone; he just knew. ('Dig Them Up (Let's Finish What We Started)', Cobra Kai/The Karate Kid)
7 - Knocking the last drone’s head clean off with a single heavy blow from the butt of his gun, James spun around in search of his next target. ('With Zero Reservations', RWBY)
8 - As they emerged from the elevator shaft and into the open air of the cavernous Vault, Winter spotted the General immediately. ('Corner Me And Make Me Something', RWBY)
9 - Ruby couldn’t sleep. ('Trust', RWBY)
10 - “Penny,” said James, as she turned to follow Winter and Oscar into the elevator. “Can I have a word?” ('Mechanical Hearts', RWBY)
If we're looking for trends, I do seem to like opening with quite short sentences, and also dropping right into the middle of a scene/conversation. And it's interesting to see the switch from all 3rd person limited (and past tense) all the time to first person with the RoL fics and even one that's written in present tense. The obvious thing there is that I discovered that when I'm writing fanfic for a book series with such a strong POV, I like to imitate it rather than using my own usual style. Also you can see a little bit that I like to lean into whoever's perspective I'm writing from and only refer to other characters in the way that they would, and I tend to do that pretty early as an establishing thing. (Like Winter referring to Ironwood as 'the General' and Johnny calling Daniel 'LaRusso'.)
Neat! This was fun. (Also this is a hilariously eclectic mix of fandoms. Rivers of London and Silent Witness are at least both crime dramas, even if one is also urban fantasy, but Cobra Kai and RWBY couldn't be more different from those and each other. Fandom fixations are wild.) Thanks again, Nate!!
Oops, forgot to tag people - @squireofgeekdom, @catgirlalchemist, @altschmerzes, @johnbly, consider yourselves tagged if you're interested!
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