#harrys a twitter person while peters an instagram person
starburstcosmos · 2 years
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em’s favorite book comic couples 7/?    → peter parker & harry osborn
“You got your braces off. Now there's nothing to distract from your unibrow.” “There he is. There he is! You still blow-dry your hair every morning?” “Well, you know, one of my manservants holds the hair dryer. But I work the comb, okay? So at least I'm not completely helpless.” - The Amazing Spider-Man 2, dir. Marc Webb
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let-me-luve-you · 4 years
I’m Proud of You
Tom Holland x Sister
Summary: The reader is in the military and encourages Tom to take the role of Cherry. Now that the movie is coming out, everyone expresses how proud they are.
Warnings: Not too descriptive but mentions of ptsd and addiction, angst, supportive friends and family, talks of the movie Cherry, talks of military
A/N: Hey guys, this is so late and I’m sorry. Just been going through it a little bit but I’m okay. Thank you to those that reached out. I hope you enjoy this.
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When Tom was pulled aside by the Russo Brothers when he was filming End Game and was given the plot line of the movie Cherry, Tom immediately thought of you. You were his baby sister that served in the military. Tom was hesitant to take the role of an army medic that has PTSD and struggles with addiction. This character would hit home in a way.
You had been home leading to Tom leaving for Atlanta to film the final Avengers movie, but you left shortly after he did to go back on deployment. Tom was never fully calm when he knew you weren’t home. He constantly worried.
When the Russo’s came to him, they knew he would have to consider everything from career to personal. They knew you served your country. What they didn’t know was that you were already suffering from PTSD. Tom knew, which is why it took him all of filming to give them an answer.
One morning when Tom was talking to you, he mentioned the role and how he didn’t know if he should take it. It discussed heavy issues. He wasn’t sure if he would be able to bring it justice. You encouraged him to take the role. You told him you knew he could do the role. That he was an amazing actor. You included that doing this movie could help start a conversation about mental health and addiction within soldiers and veterans.
Tom remembered the conversation like it was yesterday. Now the trailer is being released and he is starting the virtual press tour. You had just come home right before Christmas. Your Christmas present to your family was telling them you were retiring from the military. Tom was ecstatic at the news. He hated worrying about you when you were gone. He was constantly thinking that the next phone call he got was going to be his parents telling him you weren’t coming home.
A month later, you were currently staying with Tom until you found your own place. When Tom was sent the trailer to Cherry for him to post on his own social media the next day, he brought his computer to your room. He knocked on the door and opened it when he heard a quiet “come in.”
“Hey Y/N?” You looked up from your iPad when he spoke.
“Yeah?” You asked, confused.
“I have the trailer for Cherry. They just sent it over. Want to watch?” He asked hopefully. You could see the slight fear in his eyes, but you didn’t understand why.
“Sure.” You smiled at him and set your iPad on your night stand. Tom smiled back at you and sat down on the other side of the bed. He quickly made it full screen and hit play. He had already watched it so Tom watched you through the corner of his eye. He noticed that when it showed the war scenes, you tensed.
When the trailer was over, Tom slowly exited out and shut his computer screen. “What did you think? They are going to send over the movie this weekend. Figured me and you could make a movie night out of it with the whole family.”
“I liked it. You look like you did a good job so far. I can’t wait to watch it.” You smiled at him. Tom immediately knew you were putting on your fake smile.
“Everything okay?” He asked, concerned.
“Yeah. I just…” You sighed and looked away from Tom. “Just still adjusting to everything. You know that I’m going to therapy, right?”
Tom shook his head, “No, I just thought you were going to mum’s and dad’s.”
“No. I’ve been going to therapy. I’m at three days a week right now. The nightmares are just too much to handle. Then I hear sounds during the day and it just flashes me back to there.”
“I’m sorry y/n/n. You know you can talk to me. I want you to know you can talk to me. No matter what time. I talked with veterans, I don’t know what you went through, but I know it wasn’t good. After playing this character, I don’t want to see that happen to you. Did they prescribe medicine?” He asked.
You shook your head.
“Okay. If they feel you need to, please let me know. I really, really don’t want you to go through addiction. I don’t even want to risk it for you to even get close to addiction.” He said seriously. You knew he was. You didn’t want the medicine anyways.
“I can’t wait to see the movie.” You said with a smile. “But can I ask if we can start it early? I already know, I’ll probably need to pause it and take a minute when it gets to those scenes.” You said. You didn’t even need to specify which ones. Tom knew already that watching the military scenes were going to be hard for you.
“Yeah. We can. And if you want it to be just us, that’s perfectly okay. I can watch it with everyone else the next night.” He said giving you options.
You shook your head to turn down the new option, “that’s okay. I can watch it with them. Just let them know I will need to pause it.” Tom smiled at you and nodded before kissing your head and getting off your bed. Tom left to go show everyone else the trailer. 
After he posted the trailer to his Instagram a few days later, positive comments started flooding his Instagram and Twitter. You scrolled through the comments from Harry, Haz, the Russo Brothers, and more people Tom knew and worked with and like all of them. You were so happy to see them support Tom. He had the right people in his corner.Next you saw a post from Tuwaine. First you scrolled through the photos. They were of Tom as Cherry throughout the different times in the characters life.
It’s funny, cos when I see bae do a role like this, I’m reminded again and again of how talented he truly is. I don’t think the world can look at you the same way once this is out.
He added that the trailer link was in his bio and you smiled. Not many people would do that, but Tuwaine has been one of Tom’s day 1s. You loved Tuwaine like a brother. You couldn’t ask for a better best friend for your brother.
You knew Tuwaine’s words were 100% correct. People saw Tom as a kid. They saw him like he is this sweet, innocent teenager like Peter Parker. He didn’t hate that, but he also hated being seen as a kid. Don’t get him wrong, he loves Spider-Man and he would love to play that character for the rest of his life, but he’s 24. He wanted to be taken seriously and no one takes a kid seriously.
You remember getting the selfie Tom sent to your phone when he was filming. You didn’t get it until you returned home, but he loved to text your phone when things happened so you could stay up to date with him. The selfie Tom sent you was when he was in Morocco. He was in all of his military gear. The text under it was,
I put this suit on and I feel like I’m an imposter. I feel like I don’t deserve to wear this. I’m just an actor, you are the real hero in this world. But when I feel like this, I remember what you told me. “If anyone can play this role, it’s you Tom. You have a connection to the military. You see what it can do to the family and friends around the soldier. You know what it has done to me. If anyone can bring this character to the screen and help start a conversation about PTSD and addiction, it’s you. I don’t know another actor that would take it seriously and give it 110%.” I hope this movie does start that conversation. I hope people see this character and realize the severity of it. Thank you for pushing me to do this role. I love you. I can’t wait to see you again. Stay safe y/n/n. I love you.
You decided to post the picture he sent you plus a screenshot of the text. You wanted them to see Tom as Tom. You were so incredibly proud of him and you wanted the world to see that.
Tom, I honestly don’t know what words to say right now, you know I’m not good at them, but I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you for going outside your comfort zone. You went into this movie to show people you can be more than the nerdy high school kid and to start a conversation. I read all the text you sent me when filming this. I know the hardships you went through. I cannot wait to watch Cherry with you to see all the hard work pay off. I already know you were absolutely amazing in it. I love you and I’m proud of you!
When Tom got the notification that he was tagged in a post by you, he smiled. He smiled even bigger seeing the photos you used and as he read the caption. He was the luckiest brother in the world to have a sister like you. He quickly comment thank you and love you with a kiss and heart emojis.
“Tom?” You asked as you walked into his room to see him lying on the bed.
“Yeah?” He questioned.
“I really am proud of you. Let’s go out for lunch. My treat.” You smiled. Tom got out of bed and walked to you.
“Thank you for pushing me to do this role. I’m really glad I did it.” He said and gave you a kiss on the head. “Now go get dressed, I’m paying.” He said with an arrogant tone and walked towards his bathroom. You left to get dressed while laughing. Knowing it was going to be a fight to see who actually paid for lunch.
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Harry Osborn x Parker!Reader
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A/N: This was kind of the crack fever dream type of imagine so like don’t judge me
Harry has a YouTube channel that’s pretty popular
Cuz let’s be honest who doesn’t want to watch a rich kid blog about his life
One day he’s planning a challenge to do with his best friend
i.e. Peter Parker
Unfortunately, though, Peter had to go and save the world
So, he sent you in his place
Now Peter knew Harry would be upset that he had to bail on him
But sending you in place of him was a very smart move on Peter’s part
Because he knew about the crush that Harry had on you
And while he didn’t appreciate it
Or even understand it to be honest
He still used it to his advantage
So, when you show up at Harry’s door with a wide smile and apology donuts from Peter, Harry has no choice but to let you in
And that’s how you end up filming a cooking challenge with Harry
“Hey guys so even though I told you my best friend would be here, unfortunately he couldn’t make it so I have something even better! Here’s (Y/N)!”
The two of you actually have a blast playing this game
Halfway through Harry starts taking questions from twitter
“What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for each other?” Harry read from his phone while you tried to get the sauce jar open
He grabbed it and did it for you
“Hmmm I pretended to be your girlfriend because there was a girl at school who wouldn’t stop sitting in your lap?”
Harry burst into laughter after hearing that, nearly dropping his phone
“I forgot about that!”
While you were still recording, he asked you what you wanted for your birthday this year
“Hmm a jet.”
He laughed, chopping a few vegetables
“What colour?”
“No. But seriously, what do you want for your birthday?”
He laughed this time
“Are you so greedy?”
“Yep, little rich boy, I want all your cash.”
It was kinda quiet after that while the two of you were silently cutting vegetables before you spoke up
“Hey, Harry?”
“If I married you, would I get half your money?”
You didn’t even look up to see Harry blush bright red and hold a hand to his chest trying to calm his heart
And in the most strained voice
“Cool, let’s have a summer wedding.”
The whole video is filled with you both flirting this way
The editors had such a great time editing this video
And when it finally got posted his fans absolutely loved it
It being such a hit that you show up in more videos with Harry
You ended up doing a lot of challenges together
Smoothie challenge
Pizza Challenge
Letting the person ahead of you choose what to order
Shopping spree under one minute
Every challenge under the face of the sun has been done by the two of you
Everybody talking about how the two of you should start dating
I mean Everybody
Like a hundred different students coming up to you on Monday morning asking if you’re dating Harry Osborn
And the whole time you’re like
“Nope, not dating him.”
Peter is kind of fed up because there are like a hundred people he knows who are asking him about it
Aunt May also saw a few tweets about it
Harry actually feeling so apologetic about it but you just brush it off saying that it’s fine
Him actually asking you out later and you wondering if he’s doing it cuz people are pressuring him
So, you say no
And he’s super upset by it
So upset that Peter actually ends up hearing him talk about it for like 6 hours
Before he thinks he’s had just about enough of this and goes to tell you that Harry is actually crazy about you
He’s just like “I know he’s my best friend but please get him off my hands.”
And then you agree to date him
And Peter isn’t sure if he should be happy about it
“You’re my best friend, Harry but I’m not sure I like you enough to be my brother.”
But the two of you are pretty happy so who cares about what Peter thinks right?
Harry actually spooling you but you being like stop I’m not with you for your money
“I have actual recorded footage of you asking to marry me for the money.”
He’s so sweet to you
Pretty touch starved so he loves cuddling and you really don’t protest
The kind of boyfriend who won’t really notice when something is wrong unless you tell him
But he’s also the type who calls you beautiful just because 
Peter gets sick of being the third wheel very quickly
You would think that Norman would have been snooty and rude to you
But he’s actually so cool about your relationship
After he got de-goblinized he was even better to you
The three of you actually did a challenge on YouTube together
It was incredibly awkward
But hey fans found it funny so why not
After a while the channel stopped being his and actually became both of yours
But the two of you love vlogging and things like that so it’s kind of worth it
Being literal high school sweethearts even though Harry graduated a year ahead of you
Harry picked you up from school in a limo every other day because he wants to show other guys that you’re his
You didn’t feel the need to do the same
Until one day someone brought to your attention that the girls in his college was very pretty
So, you ended up picking him up from college the next day
And then making out in the backseat of the limo
While it is difficult putting your relationship online
You also like to show him off and you love the community the two of you have
Dating all the way through college
Fans making compilations of the two of you
‘Harry and (Y/N) being in love for 24 minutes straight’
“Harry and (Y/N) being couple goals’
There was this one time that Harry was doing an Instagram live from his bed
Fans practically freaked out once they noticed you were sleeping beside him
Peter freaking out too and telling him to send you home
Tries to get Aunt May to call you home
But she’s just like
“They’re adults they can do whatever they want”
So, Peter does the responsible and mature thing
Goes all the way over to Harry’s penthouse to supervise
Harry just ignoring him and going back to sleep while cuddling you
And Peter tries to stay outside and spy
But he ends up feeling weird and embarrassed so he lets himself out
And you crack open one eye like
“Is he gone yet?”
Dating Harry Osborn is really fun and there’s always something new
It’s very refreshing to be with him
And also, you always feel loved
Spoiler you actually do end up having a summer wedding
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rachaelswrites · 4 years
A/N: I didn’t include all actors/characters but if you want one just send it in and I’ll do it. I’ll start including these in my writing
Here are some nicknames that each of the reader’s have been given
Sebastian Stan “prinţesă”
-Obviously, its Romanian
-There were a few he tried out with you when you were younger but this one stuck for multiple reasons:
-You were a major daddy’s girl (still are) and you pretty much got anything you wanted. You were almost on the verge of spoiled brat
-It also didn’t help that you had a very huge liking for Disney and it’s princesses
-Those dresses with the matching shoes? You had almost all of them
-He called you that until you grew out of your princess obsession, saving it for certain times
-The first time you ended a long term friendship was the first time he used it in years. He’d either call you by your name or something more generic like “Sweetheart”
-You came home visibly upset and ran right into your dad’s arms
-You’d never been this upset before so he said it, hoping in some way it would calm you down
“It’s alright Prinţesă, I’ve got you”
-When it worked that time, he did it again after your first break up.
-You were more angry than sad this time
-He had to hold you down on the couch so you couldn’t hurt anyone
“Prinţesă, calm down. He’s not worth a criminal record
-He used it on days when you were sick or were feeling down
-Maybe even if you were in trouble
-You and him both thought by the age of sixteen, you would hate the nickname but surprisingly, you liked it even more
Chris Evans “peanut”
-Another case of daddy’s girl
-This one comes from several trips to Red Sox’s games
-Chris wanted to get you into sports when you were young (just to watch, not necessarily to play)
-He took you and Scott to one of the first games of the season and he bought peanuts, in his true American way
-You were seated in between him and Scott
-Both of them were sharing the bag while you had ice cream
-Peanuts were a new food for you and you wanted to try them. You grabbed a handful of them and copied your dad’s movements to crack open the shells
-You ate like twenty in less than a minute
-You loved them so much and that’s how that name happened
-Unlike the others, Chris uses this name pretty regularly 
-You didn’t mind how often he used it until he started using it on front of your friends
“Hey peanut, do you guys need anything?”
“Dad! That’s embarrassing”
-Your face went bright red and for the rest of the day, your friends teased you (in a loving, joking way)
-Chris realized his small mistake and was a little more careful about when he used it
-Scott called you it once and you swear, you never saw your dad move so quickly
“She’s my peanut, not yours. Find your own nickname”
-Anytime he posts a picture of you on Twitter/Instagram, he used that name instead of your own
Matthew Gray Gubler “munchkin”
-Three words
-Wizard. Of. Oz.
-You had a very weird obsession with this movie. It’s almost embarrassing looking back at it now
-By the time you were three, you knew all the words (as best as you could) to all the songs
-Matthew was about to lose his mind because he had the songs in his head as well, twenty-four-seven.
-You would talk and talk about how much you wanted to go to Munchkin land and be a Munchkin
-It also didn’t help that at the time, you were probably close to the same height
-Sadly, as you got older, you and your dad learned you didn’t develop his height
-You were a whopping 5’2 at the age of fifteen
-And the name stuck
-He knew you weren’t super fond of the name but somehow, it always cheered you up
-If you had a tough day at school, he’d sit on the couch and let you vent
“Let it all out Munchkin”
-You secretly did like the name (even though the origins were embarrassing)
-Matthew never let you live down that obsession 
-When you were on set and he called you that, everyone asked why.
“Matthew, why do you call her Munchkin?”
“Dad, don’t do it”
“She was obsessed with The Wizard of Oz”
-He also very rarely referred to you as “Y/n” on social media, opting for Munchkin instead
-Trying to get back at him, you tried to come up with some ridiculous name for him
“I’m going to call you dancer. Cause that’s how you broke your knee”
-That one didn’t last long but Munchkin sure did
Tom Holland “bubs or darling”
-Tom gets two because I can’t pick
-Bubs is because you are the baby out of all of the brothers
-It was also because before you could say any brother’s name, you just called them bubs
-Sam, Harry, and Paddy also called you Bubs. They still call you that sometimes so Tom wanted to try something new
-When you were about five or six, he accidentally called you darling
-It wasn’t a typical brother/sister name but it suited you
-You were such a kind person and your favorite movie to watch with Tom was Peter Pan
-And the last name of Wendy was Darling, so he thought it fitted
-When he called you darling, it was mostly after he came home from filming
“I missed you so much Darling”
-You liked the meaning behind your nickname
-Tom used Bubs if you weren’t feeling like yourself
-Whether it was a bad day or if you were sick
“Take some medicine Bubs” or “Bubs, tell me what’s going on”
-He hated the others calling him Tommy but for you, he’d let you do it anytime you wanted
-Literally, you were the only person he let you call him Tommy
-But he was the only person who could call you Darling
Bucky Barnes “doll”
-This one is pretty self explanatory
-It was common during your childhood but once you were in the 21st century, Bucky couldn’t part with it
-It reminded him of the past (in a good way) and he always wanted to relive those memories 
-You were eight when HYDRA took him and then you
-The name reminded him of when you were little, and it reminded you too
-While Bucky was in Wakanda, he’d send you letters once he woke up
“Hey Doll, I miss you so much. Hopefully we can see each other soon”
-You kept them all with you
-And when The Snap happened, you’d read those letters back to yourself everyday
“The sunset was really pretty today Doll, it reminded me of the ones from when you were little”
-After those five years, that was the first thing he said to you
“I’m glad you’re safe Doll”
-It only took one time for Sam to tease you about it before you threatened to hurt him
“You make fun of it one more time and I swear it’ll be the last”
-Sam didn’t really understand why that name meant so much to you
-Bucky had to explain it to him
-It was really one of the only things you had left of your childhood
-And it was the one thing you could hold onto for the rest of your life
Ransom Drysdale “princess”
-Again, I think this one is self explanatory and obvious
-You’re spoiled, no doubt about it
-The name actually came from Meg
-She was a few years older than you and she was so used to being the only girl in the family
-And now she had to deal with you
-The reason she called you that was pretty stupid in the first place but as an eight year old, it didn’t matter to her
-You had spilled your drink on her by accident and onto her new shoes
-She went red in the face and started screaming in your face. You burst into tears
-You were only four and Ransom had never raised his voice at you. It was a new experience for you
-All the adults came into the room and walked into the scene of Meg screaming and you crying
-Ransom scooped you up and told Meg off
-Of course Joni took her daughter’s side but no one else did, making her mad
“She never gets in trouble. She’s such a princess”
-After that incident, your dad only used that name just to piss everyone off
-Like there was no need for him to but he just did it
“Princess, come here”
-In general, Ransom liked to show you off and the nickname Princess was the best way to do that
-As you got older, he felt weird using it. Meg had finally gotten over herself and everyone accepted the fact that your dad was spoiling you rotten
-You didn’t need a name to show that
-But as you got older, the issues in the family and all the problems started to weigh down on you
-There was so much drama that happened at family dinners, you were completely drained and exhausted once you got home
-Ransom could tell something was up so he reached into his bag of good parenting skills (which he definitely had, which shocked everyone) and called you Princess for the first time in ten years
“Princess, please tell me what’s wrong”
-For some reason, that one name made everything better for you
-Ransom noticed the small improvement in your mood so he kept calling you that on the daily
“How was school today Princess?” 
-And in front of the family again
“Princess, it’s time to go”
-This name was literally just used to show the other Thrombey’s that you and your dad were better than them
-Of course though, you didn’t need a nickname to see that
Spencer Reid “squirt”
-Another name based on an obsession
-But this one can be blamed on Garcia
-While Spencer was on a case one time, she was in charge of watching you
-To keep you entertained while at the BAU, she put on Finding Nemo
-That was a mistake
-From that point on, you had a weird fascination with sea turtles, because of Squirt
-Once Spencer got back, you would not shut up about turtles
“Daddy, look what I just read”
-He was glad you found something you were interested in. He sort of hoped you would find something closer to a more “normal” topic but he would never stop you from learning
-Spencer wasn’t sure how the name fell onto you but once it did, he didn’t stop using it
-He generally used it in the apartment with just you and him
“Squirt, can you pick your toys up for me?” or as you were older “Squirt, can you grab those books for me?”
-He used it a lot when you felt stressed and you weren’t telling him
-So whenever he called you that, you knew you might as well tell him
“Tell me what’s going on Squirt”
-It was such a small gesture but it really did help you
-He tried to explain why it probably made you feel better but you weren’t too interested in the science behind it
-The only time he used it in front of the team is when he got back from a case
-You always met him at the BAU (he made sure you were there to greet him)
-You would stand in front of the elevator and wait for the doors to open
-And when they did, you ran into his arms and he wrapped them around your body
“I missed you Squirt”
-The team absolutely adored that nickname but knew to never call you that, unless they wanted an angry Reid on their hands
Emily Prentiss “love”
-To me, Emily just has European vibes and so does this nickname
-Probably because Emily grew up in Europe, she developed this habit of calling you Love
-The parents of her friends growing up used that name
-She sort of just picked up on it, starting when she first held you in the hospital
“Hi Love, I’m your momma”
-It’s such a simple but meaningful name to her
-You were truly the one person she loved the most (even her mom and even Sergio)
-Speaking of, once she brought Sergio home you started calling him that as well
-You were only four and didn’t understand the concept but Emily didn’t stop you
“Hi Wove”
-Emily never used this in front of people unless something was wrong
-As you got older, it was used more as a reassurance for you
-Her “death” was really hard on you and every case, she would check in 
-Lots of the time, the phone calls were short and around the other members of the team
“Hi Love, I miss you. The team says hi”
“I miss you too momma”
-Very rarely would she use it in normal, everyday conversation
-If you were visiting the office, sometimes it would slip out
“Hey Love, are you doing your homework?”
-In front of the team, she used names like “baby” or “honey”
-Love was strictly reserved for just you and her
Jennifer Jareau “bug”
-First thing to know
-If anyone besides JJ called you Bug, even Will, she would literally rip their heads off
-This name was super personal to her and she didn’t want the meaning to be ruined
-You had taken after her love and fascination with butterflies
-Except you hadn’t learned the word butterfly so you just called them bugs, hence the nickname
-JJ only called you two things “Y/n” and “Bug”
-Nothing else
-At one point, Will was convinced that she might’ve forgotten your first name because she called you Bug so much
“JJ, she has a first name you know”
“I know, I think Bug fits her better”
-She did attempt to get your name changed, but to be fair, she was drunk when that happened
-She didn’t care that as you got older, the name was a little embarrassing, especially around your friends
“I’ll pick you up at seven Bug”
“Mom! Really? In front of my friends?”
-Your brothers for awhile thought your name was Bug, because she really only called you that at home
“Do you need help with your homework Bug?” or “Bug, can you set the table?”
-You didn’t realize the meaning behind the nickname until she explained it to you
-And once you did, the name meant so much more to you
-Will helped you pick out a matching necklace set of two butterflies
-You gave it to her after a case and she cried, knowing exactly what it’s meaning was
“Thank you Bug, I love it”
-She never took that necklace off, ever
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @dudele @kerrswriting @laura-naruto-fan1998 @multifamdomfan12 @aquariuslavenderhoney @rafehogwarts
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off the table | Peter Parker
summary: you find yourself contemplating if love is off the table for you
a/n:part 2 of Drivers License
Song: off the table by Ariana Grande ft. the Weeknd
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Will I ever love the same way again
Will I ever love somebody like the way I did you
Never thought you’d be so damn hard to replace
After that day in school you knew it was officially time to let Peter go. He didn’t want you anymore. He said it himself, it was time. So you cried when you burned all the pictures of you two in your fireplace and took a pair of scissors to anything he ever got you.
You grabbed a hammer and smashed the ring he bought you as tears flowed from your eyes. You tore the head off the teddy bear he won you at the carnival. And trashed it all. You then spent the rest of the night crying into your pillow.
You stalked Gwen’s instagram and twitter before MJ caught you doing it and blocked both of them for you. You were grateful for that becuase you didn’t know how many more instagram stories you could take of her showing Peter off.
I swear I don’t mean to be this way
If I can’t have you, is love completely off the table?
Do I sit this one out and wait for the next life?
Am I cold or am I not nice?
You tried your best to dodge them at school. It proved easier said then done becuase it seemed wherever you went, so did they. People still spoke about what happened. It was the hot gossip since the stunt you pulled in class. People hated Peter Parker and were starting to take a dislike in Gwen. You didn’t mean for that to happen but it felt nice to know people were on your side.
“Yeah, in the girls restroom by the north side, in red lipstick on the mirror, Gwen Stacy: Homewrecker. That’ll show her.” MJ shrugged and you sighed.
“That’s now how I wanted it to happen. I kind of feel bad now that everyone hates her.”
“Yeah, well people are taking your side. They know Peter left you for her. They know Gwen was trying to get at Peter while he was with you. In my opinion they can both suck—”
“MJ.” You warned and she threw her hands up in surrender. “Just saying.”
Might not be quite healed or ready
Should I be going too steady
But I just wanna know, is love completely off the table?
“Okay, Danny from Lacrosse said you were hot. So I gave him your number.” Your head snapped to your best friend as you sat in chemistry together.
“MJ, what the hell? Why would you do that?” She sighed and took the beaker from your hand and poured the green substance into the clear one.
“It’s time to move on, Y/N. It’s been two months. You got rid of all his stuff, you avidly ignore them at school but you’re not completely there yet. Maybe it’s time to get out there again. Danny is pretty hot with a good body. Oh, and I heard he has a decent—”
“MJ.” You warned and she laughed. “Just saying it’s useful to know.”
“I don’t know I just feel... should I wait? You said it yourself, I’m not there yet. Is love off the table for me?” You asked but it was more so a question for yourself. What if love wasn’t in your cards as of now. You weren’t healed yet and what if getting in a new relationship was a bad idea?
“Listen all I mean is go on one date. See how he is, i’m not saying to ask him to marry you.” MJ squeezed your shoulder and you smiled at her.
“Yeah, i’ll think—” Just then a boy came in the door. And jesus christ was he built from the gods himself.
“So it says to pour—” MJ turned to you and seen you stare at the boy as he walked over to the teacher. She smirked and nudged your arm.
“Or forget Danny and get his number.” She blew out a tiny whistle as the teacher stood to face the class with the mysterious boy in tow.
“Everyone id like you to meet our new student Harry Osborn.” The name had everyone whispering. The Osborn name was just as notorious as the Stark name. Osborn’s were rich as hell with their own company and Harry Osborn was known for being thrown out of every private school in New York, according to the Daily Bugle for a different circumstance at each school.
You couldn’t help but blush and look down as he walked down the aisle and sent you a smirk. MJ almost combust when she saw the interaction.
“Jesus, he might as well just take you to the restroom and—”
“Oh my god, MJ. You’re so embarrassing!” You whisper shouted and she laughed before going back to the assignment. Curiousity got the best of you as you turned your head to get another look at the Osborn. And to your surprise he was already looking at you.
Not even two weeks later you and Harry were the new talk of the school. He held your cheek gently as you were pushed up against the locker. You giggled as he playfully kissed down your cheek. You heard footsteps coming and became scared when you thought it was a teacher. But your heart stopped as Peter came around the corner holding a restroom pass. He stopped short when he seen the position you were in.
Harry had looked between the two of you when he saw how you pulled away from his touch. Peter cleared his throat and continued his walk.
“Maybe we should go back to class.” You offered and Harry sighed before grabbing your hand. Even though he was a cocky and arrogant boy, he definitely had his moments where he was sweet.
“I can wait for you. I know you’re not healed completely from the breakup. I’ll wait for you, even though it always feels like i’m number two.” Your throat got right as tears blurred your vision. You didn’t ever mean for Harry to feel this way. But it was hard.
“But you have to let me in. I can give you what he couldn’t. I can love you harder than Peter Parker ever did. If you let me in, let me in your heart, I don’t think love is completely off the table.” You sighed as you wiped the stray tear that fell.
“Think about it.” He kissed your forehead before walking away. You immediately ran to the bathroom and rested your hands on the sink. You sniffled as tears continued to flow.
“Cmon get yourself together, Y/N. Peter doesn’t love you, he probably never did. Harry is here. Harry will be there.” You walked into the stall to grab a few pieces of toilet paper and stopped short when you seen writing in black marker.
“Ladies watch your man before Gwen steals him.”
You reached up and tried to scratch it off but it wouldn’t budge.
Peter and Gwen were together now. They were dating. Peter loves Gwen now, not you.
“Peter’s dating Gwen. He doesn’t love you anymore.” You whispered.
Not yet healed already
Should I be going too steady
Just wanna know, is love completely off the table
You were let up by Harry’s doorman. You knew Harry’s father was rich but you couldn’t believe how luxurious their place was. They had a penthouse at the very top and as Harry explained it, it was worth millions. You hoped his dad wasn’t home either, you weren’t quite ready to meet the famous Norman Osborn. Harry didn’t talk much about him and when he did it was always short and meant with a small eye roll.
You knocked on the door and after a few short seconds a small lady opened the door. She smiled at you and you smiled back.
“Hi, is Harry here? I’m Y/N. I know he wasn’t expecting company but—”
“Nonsense, come in. Harry has mentioned you a handful of times to me. He’s in the movie room, let me go fetch him.” You smiled at the blonde woman as she walked off.
You began to look around the house and you were truly in awe. You’ve never seen such a luxury home. You were afraid you’d dirty the expensive carpet with your used Vans. You seen the balcony door open and stepped outside. New York became louder as you looked at the city lights.
“Woah.” You couldn’t belive you were this high.
“The views nice.” You snapped your head around when you heard the young Osborn. “But personally I like the view in front of me.” He smiled cheekily and you scoffed with a smile.
“Y/N, are you stalking me?” He stepped closer with a smirk and you shook your head. “You mentioned you lived on the street so I took a guess on which was the most expensive. I was right.”
“I actually came to talk to you about what you said.” Harry gulped and nodded. He was fully prepared for you to say you needed more time and/or you still loved Peter and could never be with him.
He walked up to the railing and busied himself with the ring on his finger. “What about it?”
“You were right, Peter and I, we’re done. It’s over and i’m okay with that. He hurt me but i’m ready to move on. It’s gonna be hard to let someone in again but you’re right I don’t think love is completely off the table for us.” Harry smiled and grabbed your face gently. His cold rings sent a shiver down your spine as he seemed to look into your soul. He smiled down at you and laughed.
“I like the sound of that.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You reached up and ran your hands through his curls as you deepened the kiss.
It didn't seem like love was completely off the table.
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pichitinha · 4 years
hello this is an about me page
i have been here for a really long time and i went through a lot of phases and i just think i want to have all the information that's actually important to me in one place, linked to my bio, and that's it yk? so here i am with this page that will be very unorganised and yeah lmao (click here for my covinsky fic masterpost)
first let's start with some links to things i like sharing and you might be interested in:
fic tag
relevant tags
my fics
my gifs
original posts
tag games
about me
biggest otps
laila (my cat)
random info
my name is natalia and my nickname is naty (nat is fine too)
i am from são paulo, brazil
i am 28yo (as of aug/21)
i know next to nothing about astrology but main things are leo sun, libra moon, taurus rising
i am bisexual (meaning the only people i fall in love with are either fictional or famous)
i have depression and anxiety and i also have adhd
i am fat, i have a huge belly, big thighs, big arms, big face, double chin, all that, and every day i try to love my body even though it's usually really hard
i have extremely curly hair, nearing on coily, which in here we say is a 3C nearing a 4A
my hair is also naturally dark and currently its tips are green
i love tattoos and piercings, at the last editing time i have eleven and seven respectively
i have a bachelor degree in information systems and a masters degree in quality systems engineering
i currently work in a digital commerce team as a martech analyst (marketing + technology) which is pretty cool
i am a cat person (even though i love dogs too) and i have a beautiful one named laila
listen i obviously ship a lot of things but this section is restricted to what ships are really important to me and that you will definitely see in here if you follow me
harry and ginny (harry potter) *
percy and annabeth (percy jackson) *
wally and artemis (young justice) *
dick and barbara (dc comics) *
peter and lara jean (to all the boys) *
trixie and katya (drag queens) *
ben and leslie (parks and recreation)
jake and amy (brooklyn nine nine)
jim and pam (the office)
peter and olivia (fringe)
chuck and sarah (chuck)
isak and even (skam)
* means i write/read fics about them
my favorite type of entertainment is a good old sitcom and here are some of my faves even though i love lots of them:
parks and recreation
brooklyn nine nine
the office
ted lasso
that 70s show
new girl
the good place
tv shows
i also love non sitcoms shows and i don't really have a favorite genre so here are my favorite ones:
the haunting (hill house | bly manor)
sex education
gilmore girls
downton abbey
marvelous mrs. maisel
i am musical trash even though i cannot sing for life, so here are some of my faves:
in the heights
dear evan hansen
come from away *
legally blonde
waitress *
les miserables
the book of mormon *
something rotten!
kinky boots *
shrek the musical
* means i saw them live (either broadway or elsewhere)
drag queens
though i've moved on from the fandom, drag queens will always have a very special place in my heart and i'm gonna try to not list a hundred of the ones i like the most
katya zamolodchikova *
trixie mattel
adore delano *
alaska thunderfuck *
bob the drag queen
jinkx monsoon
manila luzon *
bendelacreme *
alyssa edwards *
miz cracker *
aquaria *
sasha velour *
shea coulee
* means i've seen them live
i'm not really one to watch tons of movies, more of a tv show kind of gal, but i do love romcoms and animation and a few other movies from different genres so here are some that i always think of when people ask me what movies i like:
brother bear
about time
27 dresses
love, actually
easy a
crazy stupid love
to all the boys i've loved before
pitch perfect
high school musical
knives out
the old guard
a quiet place
get out
please consider a lot more romcoms and animations there thanks
haven't really read in forever but here are some books i've read in my life and loved
harry potter *
percy jackson and the olympians *
heroes of olympus *
the kane chronicles *
the hunger games *
inkworld *
the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy *
never let me go
the ocean at the end of the lane
the perks of being a wallflower
the boy in the striped pajamas
the handmaid's tale
fahrenheit 451
and then there were none
the best laid plans
* represents a series
ok so obviously i listen to a lot of musicals but i also listen to other shit so here are some of my favorite bands/singers:
panic! at the disco
the script
fall out boy
all time low
the cab
sara bareilles
avril lavigne
my chemical romance
maroon 5
demi lovato
backstreet boys
kelly clarkson
and i think that's it? i was gonna list my favorite celebrities but we'd be here for a while lmao. maybe i'll add it later, but for now, here we go!
52 notes · View notes
abundanceofsoph · 4 years
SkyFire 1: Chapter 14
New York 2014 (part two) 
Word count: 1.3k
>Instagram posts
When Peter first came to the tower, he was nervous and skittish around the Avengers, something that Aurora could both a sympathise and empathise with, having experienced the same emotions herself. She made an effort to chat with Peter whenever he came over and he quickly became more comfortable once he got into the lab with Tony and the pair started working on his new and improved suit, which was leaps and bounds beyond the sweatpants and hoodie he had been wearing on patrols. The two spent many late hours in the lab and after a few nights, Steve and Rori started to join them, setting themselves up on the sofa, Steve with his sketchpad and Rori with her laptop full of college essays. The four of them found comfort in spending time together, even while they were all absorbed in their own activities.
Aurora and Tony were sitting in the living room watching TV on a late April afternoon when JARVIS announced that Mark was on his way up to the penthouse. Rori reached for her phone, finding it between the couch cushions and wincing at the notifications stacking up on her lock screen. “This can’t be good,” she said as her manager emerged from the lift.
“How is it that your phone is permanently attached to your hand, but you never answer my calls?” he asked, walking straight over to them and sitting down on the sofa.
“It was on silent and we’re in the middle of binging Community,” Rori replied somewhat defensively, still scrolling through the notifications. “Do I even want to know what’s happening?”
“You and Harry might want to discuss getting out in front of the dating rumours,” he told her, holding out his phone to show her a tweet thread from one of Harry’s fans.
>Harry_is_Life: Ok I might be stretching here but hear me out. Anyone remember those photos of @Harry_Styles & @AuroraStark from the AMAs afterparty? 1/?
>Harry_is_Life: and then the Starks spent New Years in London and Harry was papped in Wimbledon which is where Rori grew up and between NYE… 2/?
>Harry_is_Life: & the start of tour Harry was seen flying into JFK atleast 4 times + they’ve both been liking each other’s tweets/Instagram posts A LOT… 3/?
>Harry_is_Life: So what if @Harry_Styles & @AuroraStark are secretly dating? #Harrora? I know a lot of people will hate this but I think they’d be cute together 4/4
“I guess this was inevitable,” Rori sighed as she scrolled through the responses with Tony reading over her shoulder. The reaction to the theory was mixed; some fans agreed, others thought there was a collab in the works or that Rori would be supporting the boys on the American leg of their current tour, and still others thought it was laughable and that she was too ugly and talentless to be dating Harry. “What do you suggest?”
“Personally, I’d get out ahead of it with a post on social media, but you should talk to Harry,” Mark said. “Their management have dealt with this countless times and I’m sure they’ve got a system in place and a way they like to handle these things.”
Aurora nodded in agreement. “Did you read all the responses?” she asked him.
“Yeah I did. Some of those girls are absolutely vicious.”
“When you idolise someone like that, no one will ever be good enough for them,” Rori attempted to rationalise the hate already directed towards her. “Especially when you’re in love with him.”
“That doesn’t make what they’re saying ok,” Tony said, already itching to respond to some of the nastier comments but knowing that would make things so much worse.
“You ready to deal with all of that?” Mark asked.
“Probably not,” Rori said. “But he’s worth it. I like who I am with him. I don’t have to worry that he’s only with me because of my name, he’d feel the same way about Aurora Bennett as he does about Aurora Stark.”
“I’m glad you’re happy,” Mark admitted. “You deserve it.”
Tony nodded his agreement, placing his arm around his daughter and pulling her against his side.
“Thanks Mark,” Rori replied. “What about you? When are you gonna find someone?”
“God you sound like my mother,” Mark sighed, causing Rori and Tony to chuckle. “I’ll tell you what I tell her; I’m a 27 year gay man, I’m in no rush to settle down.”
“Just as long as you don’t forget to have a life of your own while your managing mine.”
After Mark left, Aurora headed to her room, already dialling Harry’s number as she swung the door closed behind her and threw herself onto her bed.
“So, I just saw twitter,” she said in lieu of a greeting.
“Yeah Me too,” Harry replied softly.
“What do we do?” she asked.
“I just got off the phone with our management and they think we should wait,” Harry said. “It’s just a twitter theory and it’ll probably blow over.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Rori agreed. “We’ll have to say something before I join you on tour soon.”
��Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that. Maybe when you arrive before the show in London, we can both post a photo of us together and just confirm it on social media?”
“I like that idea,” Rori smiled. “Sounds like a plan.”
“I’m sorry this is all so complicated,” he sighed, and she could imagine the pout on his lips.
“Don’t apologize. I’d be dealing with twitter rumours no matter who the internet thought I was dating,” she promised.
“You know sometimes I’m really glad that you get all of this. I’m not sure how I’d deal with this otherwise.”
“I feel the same Harry, I think I’d always wonder if it was me or my name if I was with someone normal.”
“And worry if I was ruining their lives by pulling them into the spotlight,” Harry added.
“Exactly,” Rori said, letting out a deep sigh. “Good thing neither of us are normal.”
Harry offered a small chuckle in response to her attempt to lighten the mood. “Normal’s overrated,” he said.
They fell silent for a moment, sitting in their shared confessions for a beat before Rori spoke again. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too. Can’t wait for you to be back here. My family is excited to meet you. My mum won’t stop talking about it.”
“I’m excited to meet them too. I hope they like me,” she admitted.
“They’ll love ya,” he promised.
“I love you, Harry,” Rori said instead of replying.
“I love you too,” he said.
Aurora had to silence her social media notifications for the rest of the week as fans kept speculating about whether or not she and Harry were together. While neither Harry nor Aurora replied to the rumours, they eventually died down after Ella posted on Instagram in an attempt to divert the story away from the pair. The photo was of the two girls from when their mothers had taken them to the X Factor finale in 2010. She had mentioned in the caption that Rori’s favourite One Direction member had always been Liam and most of the fans had taken this to mean that Rori wasn’t even that big of a Harry fan so it was more likely that Aurora was going to support the band on tour or was writing for their next album. Only the most determined fans continued to theorise about their relationship, however Harry was the one to get the most out of the post, calling Aurora has soon as he saw it.
“LIAM?” he yelled when she’d answered the phone. “Liam was your favourite? I’m wounded.”
“Stop it Harry,” Rori had laughed, her face bright red in embarrassment. “I was 15!”
“I’m so glad you have better taste now,” he joked.
“I’m your biggest fan now,” she promised.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. See you in 6 weeks,” she said.
“Study hard. Goodluck with your exams.”
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This shit that has been going on for months now has finally been solved. For the longest time I’ve been following Spider-Man oh so very closely, eager to find out his identity—not to expose it to the media vultures, oh no, our hero deserves more than that. But… to satisfy my own curiosity. He’s the only Avenger hiding his identity, you know? You’d think they’d be okay with it after all these other superheroes get to run around freely…
As you all know, countless names have been linked to Spider-Man. He seems close with Tony Stark, but that’s hardly relevant. There’ve been links to JD Slinger, the American Pop Singer, in a very poor attempt to sell records—you’re not Hannah Montana JD fucking Slinger! Stick to your trash music!!!
However untrue and disappointing Slinger’s attempt at fame is, he’s not the only one with musical elements that is linked to Spider-Man.
A few months ago, a viral video entering adorable and kind of pedos-get-the-fuck-out-of-here-territory circulated around the internet and into our nightly news, as does every baby goes viral video does. You can check it out on the link below for a good dose of endorphins.
[Link: Baby boy wants to be Taylor Swift, re-uploaded by djflash]
[Description: A six-year old boy is standing in the shower with a towel draped over his body like a makeshift cloak, he is clutching his tooth brush on and seems to be furiously lip syncing. The camera shakes as the person behind the camera stifles laughter.
May Parker, the original uploader and aunt of the then-toddler Peter, asks: Aren’t you tired Peter? From all the singing? You’ve been singing for two hours. Aren’t you cold?
Peter is intensely staring at the mirror as he lip-syncs but pauses to look at May. He says in a tired and raspy voice: Yeah, but, but my fans! I need to sing, Auntie May, for the fa— [looking harried] DROP EVERYTHING NOW, MEET ME IN THE POURING RAIN—
The sound of Peter singing is drowned by May’s scream as Peter falls on his butt, having jumped with his passion for the song, and tripping.
It cuts off with May laughing while taking Peter in her arms, phone capturing her picking him up and hearing Peter crying as he tries to get back to the mirror: It—doesn’t hurt May. Need to get back—my! My concert!
Video ends]
Now how does a viral video of a baby Taylor Swift fan connect to Spider-Man?
Well, May Parker posted it on Facebook when Flash Thompson, who claims to be a good friend of Peter Parker (although I highly doubt this, he’s only in it for the clout and Spider-Man’s love, click here for more on Flash), decided to share it to everyone. One of his reposts on Twitter propelled it to viral success.
Weeks later, May Parker decided to bless us again with more content by taking a video of her now teenage (17 years old—PEDO’S STAY AWAY) nephew singing, once again, a Taylor Swift song.
[Link: I’m so glad im seventeen and can properly thirst upon this wonderful hooman]
[Description: They are in the kitchen this time and May Parker is being discreet with her video-taking. A Taylor Swift song ends softly from his phone’s tiny speakers. A Spotify ad interrupts but the video cuts it off two seconds later for another Taylor Swift song to filter in.
We take in the scenario. Peter is in his pyjamas, shaking his booty while singing Stay Stay Stay. He flourishes his hands a few times, dramatizing, “That’s when you came in wearing a football helmet, and I said, [he changes voices] “Okay, let’s talk” [he finishes one pancake and pours a new batter in before using the ladle as a microphone, as if in anticipation for the moment, and, back bent, face scrunched up, belts: STAYSTAYSTAY I’ve b EEN LUH-VING YOU FOR QUITE SOME TIME- TI-HIME! YOU THINK THAT ITS FUNNEH WHEN I’M—OH MAN, I spilled batter on my shirt!”
The camera shakes with May’s silent laughter. Peter does not seem to notice. He looks side to side, almost as if he is looking for something to wipe the batter with, but there are no paper towels in sight and his shirt is dripping with the excess batter the size of his fist.
In the most compelling, and understandable, moment of decision making, Peter has chosen not to be responsible and strips instead, to the utter delight of seventeen-year old’s in the world (and ONLY those younger than that! Pedos, I swear to god, if I see you, I kill you, that last blog was the last time you make me burn my eyes!)—a wonderful set of abs and toned muscles you would not expect from a seventeen year old boy singing to Taylor Swift with the squeakiest voice in the world.  Adorable. Ten points for my good boy ranks.
The video ends with Peter staring further at the shirt and licking at the batter before it violently cuts off to the roaring laughter of one May Parker]
It is peculiar, to watch May navigate the wonders of technology, too, because the first video was on her Facebook years unnoticed before Flash Thompson unearthed it for the world to see (Mr. Thompson, what exactly were your intentions going through a beautiful May Parker’s Facebook pictures?). But this time, she also apparently intended to send it to Peter’s friend’s Instagram account. However, the fluke came when she posted it and tagged them instead.
People who have followed her upon the first viral video have now decided it to be God’s work to distribute the video, making it viral within days. The very same people were the ones who noticed that Peter Parker’s singing style is the very same as Spider-Man’s.
I hear you gasp. Well, of course. I spit my tea as well, when I realized it too.
See, unless you were living under a rock, about a year ago, Spider-Man was exposed as a Taylor Swift fan when he saved a ten year old girl and began teaching her about the History and Influence of Swift’s discography and career, before proceeding to sing with her the hit song Speak Now. All of it was caught on camera, of course.
The people who spread this new video started a conspiracy theory that Spider-Man and Peter Parker are very similar people. One user @finn-man-the-aquaman pointed out that Spider-Man and Peter Parker’s voice are very similar. Another user @maxine_and_spider-man compared the dance moves from the two videos, putting frames of each steps beside each other, and found that it was so uncannily similar that it couldn’t have been a coincidence. It was an interesting point to make, because both Peter and Spider-Man had particular steps, all seemingly on a whim, but also matching each other perfectly. They are by no means good dancers, God no, but their whimsical dancing looks like two bad dancers following one choreography, couldn’t follow it technically but committed to it emotionally.
Twitter user @emiliar summarized it the best: the chest pump, the feet extension, the little jig, and the butt shake, before leaning backward and singing at the height of their emotions— apparently this is a common dance choreography?
To which @pissshitcry responded with a video that would bring us the wonderful breakthrough that I’ve been walking you all through.
[VIDEO uploaded by spidermansavedmetwice]
[Caption by @pissshitcry: No. Apparently: ]
[Video Description: Spider-Man is swinging through the buildings before stopping by Midtown High School, in front of a harried looking student, screaming frantically, and this is it folks: CAN YOU GIVE THIS TO NED LEEDS, TELL HIM SPIDER-MAN THANKS HIS FRIEND PETER! tHANKS! Before zipping away
Video ended]
Now. Okay. I know, calm down guys, I’m trying so hard not to run up the hills and do an Irish Jig, because I am so, so, so excited about all these new revelations! Nobody has quite documented this, too, so people, watch out for more of my content in a few weeks.
SO! Implication one: Spider-Man knows Ned Leeds.
Implication two: Peter Parker helped Spider-Man somehow.
Implication three: Spider-Man knows Peter Parker.
Cut, do it again, but with more emotions: SPIDER-MAN KNOWS PETER PARKER.
Let’s zoom back to a few weeks after the viral hits and Taylor Swift posts a video of her watching the video and then saying into the camera, with that iconic red lipstick and perfectly sculpted eyebrows: I have never thought this would be something that will happen to me in my career ever, but seeing a super-hero sing praises about me and teaching my [and she quotes from Spider-Man’s erratic explanation about her history] “unattainable song-writing prowess equal to that of the rock singing legends of ye old—” really does bring a smile to my face! More than that, Peter Parker is an absolute cutie too! He looks like such a sweetheart, baking those pancakes, apparently, for her aunt? Be sweet to your aunts guys! But also. I came here to cordially invite both Spider-Man and Peter Parker to come out to my concert in New York in two weeks! I’ll be there May 25th at the Lincoln Center, and maybe we can all sing together!”
She ends the video with the iconic Spider-Man wrist flip. The video has been circulated and has now gained over an estimated 100 million views.
It sparked a buzz of interest among the people, Peter Parker having received much of the spotlight. He hasn’t said anything in relation to Spider-Man but had reluctantly agreed to go to Swift’s invite. And I cannot emphasize the reluctant part. Kid looked so uncomfortable, but maybe he’s just shy!
Okay. Now, this thing is the most glaring indicator of what I will be telling you. The night of the concert. Everyone is there for Swift, but everyone is also there waiting for the much-awaited Spider-Man and Peter Parker saga. Halfway into her song list, Taylor Swift stopped to talk. The time has come.
Peter Parker walks into the stage, and the crowd welcomes him with adoring cheers, similar to Swift’s entrance herself. She introduces him, even though she absolutely does not need to, and the people scream their approval.
When Swift gives him his own mic, he almost drops it before catching it with his incredible reflexes. Swift calls for Spider-Man to reveal himself, much to the delight of the crowd, chanting his name as if it was a concert for him, which, in many ways, it kind of was. However, Spider-Man didn’t appear after that and the duo had to continue on.
It was a cute performance, with Parker stumbling a few times before getting the groove with Swift and belting it out as well. Everyone joins in on them singing and enjoying her old songs, Swift smiling and laughing the whole time.
Peter leaves the stage Spider-Man plushies and roses thrown for him, to which he received with a graceful bow. Swift resumes her concert after a few hearty jokes thrown in—but wait! What’s that?!
A screaming insect crashes at one of the large LED walls at the stage and the camera [and the collective crowd] is surprised to see the superhero—SPIDER-MAN!
“Ehehehe, hello Miss Taylor Swift, Ma’am!” He says, in a particularly deeper voice. Autotune? Before they sing it out, as they would—Swift laughing, and Spider-Man trying—Spider-Man explains that he was nervous meeting Peter Parker, before scrambling to correct that it was Swift he was nervous about meeting.
Swift then teases Spider-Man about a potential crush, which.
Okay, alright, I hate pedos, and we don’t exactly know Spider-Man’s age but we do know that he’s very young, what with all the pop culture references he’s been dropping with the intuition of an internet native. So, he’s young, alright? Possibly Gen-Z, even. Here’s a post you can see about his age analysis.
[Insert hand chopping movements]
We’ve established that Spider-Man knows Peter Parker. They’ve met. Peter has possibly helped, or even saved Spider-Man himself. Now, saving a superhero is something that not just anybody does. And Parker himself is a student at Midtown Science High—he’s a smart kid! And seeing as these events just happened months apart, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to imagine them meeting again, perhaps, with Parker making pancakes in dewy mornings, and a tired (and yearning) Spider-Man is watching from the windows as Peter dances along to Swift’s songs.
The watching from the windows theory and thus getting to know the choreography might not be so creepy if you factor in the fact that Spider-Man might be hiding his crush for Parker’s safety!
It is like the modern incarnation of Super-Hero romance, only now, its more inclusive! To exist in such a beautiful world, and to watch such an innocent tale bloom in this cruel, cruel world. We could only hope to see more of them together, maybe as something... more?
reblogged by thunderstrike: this is like someone trying to overanalyze twilight for some depth—THERE ISN’T ONE!
thunderstrike reblogged by spidahmanna: come on, give them some credit at least for recounting the most batshit insane crossover in the universe as we know it so far
reblogged by skdfas: this person needs help, but very entertaining to read
reblogged by nedleads: oH MY GOD 
reblogged by kliyon: new ship, age appropriate Spider-Man x Peter Parker
reblogged by ekeke: um yes, i need a dash of meet-cute with one cup of flavored angst—soda please, I like it to hurt— large fluff, a BFF serving of some of them yearning, and a happy sad-meal for one please.
reblogged by unaunann: im done with this site, who wants to burn the internet with me?
3, 000 reblogs in 1 day
 Tony, reading the blog: Hmmm…
Tony: Okay so I read this blog and I have remedied it.
Peter: Oh my god thankyoumisterstark I swear I didn’t mean to—
Tony: You are now the biggest shareholder for Spotify because I know you don’t want me to pay for a premium account, but if you’re gonna listen to those damn ads while singing to Taylor Swift, at least earn from it, you know?
Peter: …that’s what you took from the whole thing?
NEXT ARTICLE: The Avengers film a parody of Queen’s I Want To Break Free. Is Captain America is as beautiful as Rogerina, or is he too buff??? Tony Stark is an iconic drama queen, perfect for Freddie Mercury, and more!
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Please enjoy these modern au headcanons I wrote ages ago.
Roughly college-age modern AU for the Pevensies.
Born: August 5, 1994 (ESFJ)
King at: bowling, rugby, football, lawn darts,
Nurse practitioner; Nurse Anesthetist
Did karate for years and even teaches it at his old dojo when he can
(also teaches his siblings for safety purposes but regrets it after Lucy learns
how to flip him)
Such an old man, doesn't understand a lot of technology or pop culture
Loves converses, has them in half a dozen colors, and they drive everyone crazy
("Middle schoolers wear those, Peter!" "The tenth doctor did too, Susan!"
"That's not a plus, Edmund")
Can juggle (learned for Lucy but does him well as a nurse)
Isn't big on social media, but really likes Instagram
(but tries really hard not to post too much for fear of being a hipster)
Wears lots of hoodies
Born: September 16, 1995 (ISTJ)
Journalism major- works in Broadcasting
Never swears
Hates PDA
Low-key awesome blogger (fashion and feminism)
Very healthy, loves green smoothies and such, runs and swims almost everyday
Literally coolest person ever
🎵Adele, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran,
Beautiful singer, played violin in high school
Swimming queen
So stylish, always flawlessly and impeccably dressed
Very feminine dresser, with one badass denim jacket covered in feminist pins/
Very good with hair (and her hair is the most extravagant, super long long hair you've ever seen), nails, and make up
Also good at photography; selfie game is on point 👌🏼👌🏼
Very savvy shopper: it's a sport to her
Loves Bath and Body Works
Sews; started so she could alter her clothes to make them more flattering, but ended up learning embroidery
Loves: Gilmore Girls, classic lit, especially Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, and other lady writers
But also loves YA fiction
Hates the man bun
Loves Frozen waaayyy too much (totally feels the ice queen, but also loves the music)
Queen of DIY projects
Hates surprises
Writes and loves poetry
Born: October 9, 1997 (INFJ/P)
Lives on tea, literally goes no where without tea, brings tea bags everywhere, drinks like four cups a day, likes all kinds
Sweet toooth 🍫
Liked playing baseball when he was younger, especially since Peter taught him (just don't tell Peter)
Good at and loves photography 📷
🎵Fall Out Boy, Beatles, secretly loves Disney and musicals and sings them when
he's alone
Musical: amazing at piano, but also secretly good at guitar and singing, did drums in high school band
Needs reading glasses but hates them
Has a secret Tumblr, but also is king of Twitter because of his quips
Obsessively determined to beat everyone at Scrabble
Loves history, especially likes funny stories and documentaries (often rants about it)
Like meditation and yoga, but won't tell siblings
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Sherlock
(Thinks normal super heroes like Captain America and Superman are too self
righteous and perfect)
Likes to think he's amazing at chess, but a Susan can kick his butt (she taught him)
Born: May 27, 1999 (ENFP)
Communications Major
Loves horror movies and such
Loves to wear flowers in her hair
Very big on green living
Has really popular Vlog on YouTube
Loves Harry Potter obviously (she also passionately sorts everyone she meets into their houses)
Totally a bisexual babe (and doesn't even "come out" just comes home with her new girlfriend without anyone batting an eyelid)
Buys an unhealthy amount of stuff for from Etsy (for herself and for presents)
Dresses with a lot of Peter Pan collars and flowery jumpers
Artistic: painting, crafts, photos, videos
🎵Shawn amendes, Ariana Grande, Musicals (huge broadway girl, quotes Hamilton for months)
But also had phases with High School Musical, Justin Bieber, and One Direction
Plays guitar, even occasionally on her YouTube
Gets like five piercings on one ear (and secretly has a belly button piercing for a while) much to Peter's dismay
Terrible at domestic stuff, like laundry and cooking
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Catfish {t.h.}
part 3!
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part 2 | series masterlist
Summary:  What happens when you start falling in love with a boy online, completely unaware that it’s Tom Holland behind the computer screen?
Warnings: Some swearing
“Dude, have you seen the amount of fan accounts people have made about you?” Harry said as he scrolled through Instagram. Tom leaned over his brother’s shoulder, looking down at the countless fan accounts dedicated solely to him. It was still so surreal.
“That’s insane,” Tom said.
“Look! This one has over 20 thousand followers!” Harry exclaimed. Tom chuckled and shook his head. It never ceased to amaze him how dedicated his fans were.
Tom walked over to the coffee table and picked up his own phone, being met by many messages that flooded his screen. A while back, Harry and Harrison proposed, as a joke, that Tom make a fake fan account to see what really goes on behind the scenes with his fans.
When Tom actually went through with it, he was exposed to more than he was expecting. His fans were incredibly talented, whether it was fan-art, stories, or edits made about him, he was shocked at the sheer dedication to him they had. Plus, it allowed him to talk to a few of them without anyone knowing his true identity.
But then he started talking to you.
It began when he came across your Tumblr, and he was particularly intrigued with your sense of humor and a few of the drawings you had posted. He found himself mindlessly scrolling through your page when he saw the link to your Twitter. He took a liking to how you addressed your followers, always with kindness and enthusiasm, and he figured he’d finally talk to you.
When you responded, he found that he was the dumbstruck one. He never expected you to even see his message, seeing as you had plenty of your own followers.
He had always wanted to get to know his fans better, and he wished he could talk to each one personally and thank them for their support, but the reality was that that just wasn’t possible.
But when he started talking to you, he found himself hooked. He wanted to learn more about you, what you were like, and why you put up with your insane ex-boyfriend.
Tom didn’t even know you that well, but he hated guys who treated other girls terribly. He and his brothers were always brought up to treat women with the utmost respect, and when he heard stories like the ones you were telling him, it made his blood boil.
Talking to you also gave Tom a sense of familiarity. It was so easy to talk to someone when they didn’t know who he really was, and it was humbling to be able to say what he wants without the media being all over it.
Tom opened his phone and signed into his fake account, seeing a message pop up from you.
-Hey! Haven’t heard from you today, but I hope you’re doing well :)
The message brought a smile to Tom’s face. Not many people asked him how he was doing on a daily basis, considering everything was so fast paced. He was about to think of a response when Harry brought him out of his thoughts.
“Tom? Are you listening?” Harry asked. Tom’s head shot up from his screen and he met his brother’s gaze.
“What? Sorry, yeah.”
“What did I just say?”
Tom blinked. “Uh...”
Harry rolled his eyes. “You have a meeting in thirty minutes.”
“Oh shit, I forgot,” Tom sighed. He shut his phone’s screen and put it in his pocket before grabbing his jacket and following Harry towards the door.
You were sitting in the library looking over some of your history notes, but you couldn’t focus. You kept checking your phone for messages from Peter, but he had yet to respond. You found yourself worrying about him. Was he alright?
You thought it was silly, caring this much about someone you didn’t even know in person, but something came so easily talking to Peter. Online or not, you enjoyed his company.
But it was almost one o’clock in the afternoon and you hadn’t heard from him all day.
You sighed after checking once more and put your phone down, trying to focus on your notes about Irish immigration to the United States.
You were finally beginning to take diligent notes and tune out the rest of the world around you when someone slid into the chair across from you. You looked up wearily and felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach at the sight of your ex.
“Go away,” you spat, turning up your music in your headphones and keeping your eyes locked on your notes.
You hoped the longer your ignored his presence, the sooner he would leave, but instead he grabbed your notebook and flipped it shut.
“Let’s get back together,” he said suddenly, as soon as he had your attention. You wanted to laugh. He couldn’t be serious.
“Get out of my face,” you snarled, snatching your notebook back.
“(Y/N), I’m serious. I miss you,” he pleaded. You rolled your eyes. You truly couldn’t care less about the sob story he had culminated just to get you back into his trap.
“And I don’t care,” you said, rummaging through your notebook to find where you had left off before you were rudely interrupted.
“I know I messed up, but I’ve changed. I’ll be better,” he continued. You looked up and met his dark eyes. A part of you thought about the good times that you had together, but a much larger part of you remembered all the bad that seriously outweighed the good.
“Let me make something very clear for you,” you began, keeping your voice calm and low. “We are never, ever, getting back together. I want absolutely nothing to do with you in any capacity, and frankly just your presence makes me want to slap you across the face, but I won’t give you the satisfaction of getting under my skin. And as for you changing, people can’t change that much. You’ve got a lot of work to do, pal.”
You ex stared at you as you stood and gathered your things. You quickly shoved them into your backpack and slung it over your shoulder. You heard your ex call your name as you walked away, and you smiled when he got yelled at for being loud by one of the librarians.
However, as soon as you were out of the library, you made a beeline to the nearest bathroom. Being around your ex made you think of every horrible thing he had ever done. Once you were alone, you keeled over the sink and splashed some water on your face.
There was only one person you wanted to talk to, so you pulled out your phone and quickly scribbled a message to Peter.
-Please help distract me.
Peter hadn’t responded to your last message, and you didn’t know if he would respond to this one either, but if he did, you really hoped he would offer some sort of advice. You put your phone in your pocket and looked at yourself in the mirror. You were proud of yourself for sticking up to him like you did, and you knew you were stronger because of it.
You just focused on getting your breathing back to normal.
“I’m exhausted,” Tom sighed as he collapsed into the back seat of the black SUV to take him, Harry, and Harrison back to his house. It was dark now, and clouds began to blanket the London sky, and all Tom could think about was Tessa and his bed.
“That meeting went way longer than it was supposed to,” Harrison groaned, rubbing his eyes. “You got any food at your flat?”
“Yes, but don’t go eating it all,” Tom scolded. Harrison chuckled and leaned back in his seat.
The ride back was quiet, as Harrison snored loudly next to Tom, and Harry was scrolling through his phone. Tom decided to pull his own phone out and he noticed a notification on his fake Twitter since he never signed out. He saw the message was from you and he furrowed his eyebrows.
-Is everything alright?
Only a minute or two passed before you responded.
-I just need something to get my mind off of everything here.
Tom thought for a moment.
-Want to hear a funny story?
-Yes please.
Tom proceeded to tell you about the time he was doing a back flip to impress his friends when he landed on his face and broke his nose. He tweaked a few facts about the story, like the fact that he was doing the flip on set for Chaos Walking, but the rest was the same.
-That’s not funny! That sounds painful!
-Don’t worry, darling, it was much funnier than it was painful.
Back in your room, you felt heat rise to your cheeks at the word darling. You knew he was English and it was possible that he called everyone that, but you couldn’t stop your heart from beating much louder than it normally should.
You continued to talk to Peter for almost an hour until your mom called you down for dinner. You were currently listening to another story about how Peter and his friend almost got lost trying to get out of a hotel while the fire alarm went off.
You couldn’t help but smile as you conversed. You had asked Peter to get your mind off of everything that was bothering you here, and he had certainly delivered. You appreciated him not asking about what it was that was making you upset, but you figured he may have had an idea.
Regardless, he managed to make you laugh and smile for quite some time before you had to leave for dinner.
Before you left your room, you typed out the question you had been itching to ask since you took such a liking to talking to Peter.
-Can I see what you look like?
part 4 
taglist: @slythxr // @greenarrowhead // @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl // @loxbbg // @didanyonesaybuckybarnes // @strang-ersclub // @roaringgoodshow // @skeletalwolfcat // @peterbrokenparker // 
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blackcatsims · 5 years
Get To Know Me Tag <3
I was tagged by @tabbyrhsims4simblr and @racingllama in a couple of different get to know me tag type games, so I decided to respond with this hybrid by racing llama <3 which includes all the questions I was asked! Thanks for the tags guys, they made my day!!
Name / Nickname : Alexandria/Alex
Height : It’s technically 170cm but I’m immature as fuck so I’m gonna go on record and say that it’s actally 169 eyyyyyyyy
Zodiac sign : *adore delano voice* I’m a fucking Libra
Hobbies : Singing, gaming, patting my dog, yelling about feminist theory and treading my slow descent into madness
Favourite colours : Burgundy, plum and brown.
Favourite books : Harry Potter by some terrible white lady, The Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley by Martine Murray, A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving, Animorphs by K.A. Applegate (FIGHT ME), The Ancient Future by Traci Harding, the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman, anything by Jacqueline Wilson but especially The Dare Game and The Illustrated Mum, Chasing After The Wind by Dale Harcombe and Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta.
Last song listened to : Monday, Monday by the Mamas & the Papas
Inspiration for muse : In the context of this blog, I think my #1 muse would have to be Nola from my Blood Legacy. She’s inspired, as many of you know, by my grandmother - also named Nola.
Dream job : I’d love to be successful enough as a musician to be able to support my family financially, but not successful enough that I became famous. I can hear my therapist’s heart palpitations from here. I’ve actually had a few different dreams in my life so I can keep going! I used to dream of being the owner of a sex shop called “The Love Shack”. I would also love to own a witch shop. Reading tarot cards, drinking tea and being surrounded by candles and incense all day sounds pretty much like heaven to me. I could plug my band in the shop too! It’s all coming together! Haha.
Meaning behind your URL : I’ve answered this one quite a few times before but I never get tired of it! My Mum and I started this blog together back in 20...10??? At the time, my username on the Sims website was BlackWeb6 (that username dates back to when I was an emo kid in high school circa 2005!) and my mum’s username was AliCats. So, naturally, when we decided to start a tumblr blog together for our simming adventures, we named it BlackCatSims!
Cats or dogs? Dog person 100%, but I can appreciate cats. They cute.
YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? I kind of object to celebrity culture on principle but I must be a hypocrite because there’s heaps of famous musicians I borderline worship like Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse and Mama Cass. So I guess my answer is....normal celebrities? Mostly dead ones? With the exception of Hozier. He’s still alive last I checked. HE’S STILL ALIVE RIGHT?!?!?!
If you could live anywhere where would that be? Rarotonga.
Disney or DreamWorks? I guess I technically have to say Dreamworks since I’ve dedicated my heart and soul to She-Ra and the Princesses of Power??? I’ll have to take my anti-corporation rant elsewhere lest my hypocrisy continue to shine through.
Favorite childhood TV show? ALL ABOARD THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS!!!
The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? What’s a movie?
Favorite book you read in 2019? Haha. Uhhh.....does reading Enya lyrics inside a CD insert count?
Marvel or DC? Which one do I hate more? Impossible to answer.
If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member? My fav Spice Girl was Feminism Ginger Spice
Night or Day? Day. I’m solar powered.
Favorite Pokémon? PONYTA FOREVER
Top bands: SO MANY AHHH I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!! LET’S GO!!!!! *takes a deep breath* Crowded House, R.E.M., Stevie Nicks, Hozier, The Beatles, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, The Cranberries, Tracy Chapman, Eric Clapton, Janis Joplin, The Mamas & The Papas, The Seekers, Leonard Cohen (except his weird “put the pussy on a pedestal” shit like calm down suzanne), Simon & Garfunkel, David Bowie, Paul Kelly, Amy Winehouse, Evanescence (just slipping this one in here inconspicuously), Peter Paul & Mary, Ella Fitzgerald, Blondie (angry horny babe), Enya, Rasputina, Gin Wigmore, Snake River Conspiracy, Within Temptation, Nightwish (Tarja <3), Amy LaVere, t.A.T.u. (never forget the bitches who helped you realize your sexuality) and you know what they’re not real but I’m gonna end this list with one of my favourite bands of all time: JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS!!!!
Top movies: ^^^ Jerkin’! Tretorns are the new Adidas!
America or Europe? Well I’ve never been to America but I’ve seen pictures of that orange cheeto shit-stain ra(c/p)ist who has a lot of money and power for some reason so I’d like to stay as far away from that as possible because it makes me so scared to be alive that i have just decided I am definitely not going to talk about this here next question.
Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr
Pro-choice or Pro-life? Pro-Choice because I’m not a misogynist or a large smelly poo.
Favorite YouTuber: definitely that band arty-rex they’re great
Favorite author? I dunno man. I haven’t read a book in a while. I like all the ones I listed earlier! I just haven’t read them in ... a while ....,,,,,
Tea or coffee? Both!!! Coffee when I really need to get moving and tea for every other occasion on the planet. Stubbed your toe? Cuppa tea! Found a penny on the street? Cuppa tea! Cuppa tea? Cuppa tea!
OTP? *takes long drag of cigarette* I haven’t heard that acronym in years....
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? Yep :) You can check out me and my Dad’s band on instagram or find us on youtube!
I hereby tag anybody who wants to do this, and @teekalu, @sulanisunrise, @kscriba, @kimmmygibbbler, @stretchskeleton, @ratboysims, @helloduckie, @pxelbeans aaaaaaand @onceuponasimblr <3 <3 <3
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dmitri-smerdyakov · 5 years
So it’s been a while, huh?
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I don’t know how many people are actually still following this blog/are interested in it but...hi again! I already wrote a post sort of explaining where I disappeared to and why (long story short: it was tumblr staff’s fault) but I also want to talk to you guys properly and update you all on what’s been going on since.
I don’t want to abandon this blog but I have another blog that I’m using now -> it’s @alwaysahiccupandastrid. It’s not as Beasts oriented as this one was, I’m afraid, but still feel free to follow it and chat to me! It’s much like this blog was when I used it in that I don’t really post exclusively for one fandom, it’s just a mix of whatever I like!
Anyway, updating! I already told you guys that I graduated university in July, finished my degree...that was stressful! A lot went down at university but it sorted itself out in the end and I survived! Our final assessment was at the end of May, and we performed a show that we created four times, three nights and one matinee. I’m very proud of what we achieved all things considered! But yes...I am no longer a university student!
What else has changed?
I no longer work for the cinema anymore - I quit a few weeks ago after getting a job at a fancy hotel that was supposedly better...I quit the day after my first shift because I had a “me too” experience with another employee...without too much detail, he touched and started kissing me, and I left. I struggled for a couple of weeks trying urgently to get a new job, and I’m now working for Superdrug! My first shift was Wednesday afternoon/evening and I’m excited to start properly! It’s not permanent: I’m also hoping to hear back from Nikon soon about an admin position that’s closer to home and pays extremely well!
I no longer see that therapist who likes Harry Potter - I think I talked a little bit on here about my counsellor who was also a Harry Potter fan and who I liked? Yeah...turns out not so much? I stopped going to her because she a) screamed at me for waiting in the waiting room until my bus was due to arrive down the road and b) she got pissed because I couldn’t do a few certain weeks due to show rehearsals. I’m honestly all the better for it frankly.
More tattoos! - Okay so it’s not a super important thing but it’s a change so...! I think when I was last on his blog I had 3 tattoos - I now have 8! So in addition to the wand, the “worrying means you suffer twice”, and the Deathly Hallows symbol, I now have a tattoo of Leta’s flower from the Lestrange family tree (with her name and the words “beautiful. Separate.”; a tiny tattoo of Harry’s scar/glasses; a Night Fury/Toothless tattoo with the words “heart of a chief” and “soul of a dragon”; the Chief symbol from HTTYD 2; and the words “Night Fury” in Viking runes.
My hair?! - Again, not important but hey! Let’s celebrate! My hair finally grew back and is now blonde! It’s not too long, just about to my shoulders, and my roots are dark blonde whilst the bottom is more bright blonde from dying it in March. It’s silly but hooray!
I met Kevin Guthrie in March! - I met Mr Abernathy himself at Comic Con in London and he was LOVELY. He was such a wonderful man, so cheerful and amazing with the fans. I had some pretty interesting conversations with him about Fantastic Beasts and whether he’ll be in the next one...we shall see! He also told us that Poppy Corby-Tuech (Vinda Rosier) is “all about the cosplay”! And ofc I got some photos with him :)
I’m now 21 - my birthday was obviously in January and I’m old(er) 😂😭 I didn’t do anything too special, just saw CoG with the family and then a few days later went to the WB Studio Tour again (which was amazing because my sister has a friend who works there and was showing us props lots of people won’t ever see!)
Mental Health crap - Obviously I’m not “cured” or anything. I’m still on Sertraline for my depression (haven’t taken the anxiety one for a while but that is a whole other kettle of fish!) and I still have problems but I’m not as low as I have been these past few years on this blog. I’m proud to say that I have been self-harm free since about March or April (it’s hard to remember since the months blur together), and I’m genuinely all the better for it! Part of it is because I didn’t want to damage my tattoos on my arms but it’s also because I’ve managed to resist the urge as well!
^ Having said that, I’m on the waiting list to see a doctor/specialist because my GP said there was a possibility I could have autism/Aspergers/be on the spectrum. It’s a LONG waiting list in the UK so it could be a while until I see a specialist, but there’s that. It’s not a bad thing necessarily since it might be a step closer to making sure I get the exact treatment/help I need.
Fandom junk - I already mentioned in my earlier posts that since late February/early March, I’ve gotten REALLY into How To Train Your Dragon. It’s now my main fandom, in fact, which is sad because the last film has come out and there’s just a half an hour Christmas special left to be released this winter 😭 but HTTYD has had such an impact on my life and my mental state, like it has genuinely made me so much happier and (in my opinion) a better person. I still love Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter (I even went to King’s Cross at the beginning of the month for Back to Hogwarts Day!) but it’s not my main fandom right now; I had to take a breather from Beasts and the Beasts fandom because it’s really not a great place to be at times. But I’m still into it and I’m waiting for the third film to come out in 2021!
Other random/rather unimportant stuff:
My bed is now overrun with Build a Bear dragons (and the odd baby Niffler)
My sister turned 18 and I’m so...old? I feel so old now omg
I’ve been trying to help the environment by taking little steps like going out litter picking (both on my own and with my dad) whenever I can, and I’ve been using the Ecosia search app as much as possible (for every 45 searches, they’ll plant a new tree!)
I went to Disneyland Paris again in June and it was a lot of fun, I met Peter/Wendy/Alice/Mad Hatter again, there was a false alarm because some twat left their bag at the meet and greet so they had to get the sniffer dog and everything, and I also met Donald Duck, Stitch, Tiana/Naveen AND Rapunzel (Rapunzel is my sister’s absolute favourite, so I’m happy she got to meet her!)
This may be super lame but I got so happy because I got noticed on Twitter several times by Jay Baruchel (the guy who plays Hiccup in How To Train Your Dragon - he’s so awesome and loves the character btw), his fiancée who’s a model keeps liking some of my posts on Instagram, and Cressida Cowell, who wrote the original How To Train Your Dragon books (which are vastly different to the movies but omg they’re so amazing?!), liked a tweet I sent her about my Toothless tattoo and she loved it?! I’m having a good year celebrity/famous people wise for some reason?! 😂❤️
I dont know if my blog was still in use when this happened but I’ll mention it anyway... I SAW EZRA AGAIN IN DECEMBER!! I went to watch Sons of an Illustrious Father play in London and it was GLORIOUS. Ezra Miller is GLORIOUS.
(I won’t post pictures of all the stuff here but... soon maybe?)
So that’s all I can think of...it’s been so long since I used this blog and I felt bad just abandoning it, so here we are.
I don’t know how much I’ll still use this blog, but as I said, I definitely don’t want to just abandon it. At the moment, I’m logged into this account on my iPod and onto my account on my phone, and I think I’ll keep it that way. I don’t know how much posting I’ll do here but I’ll still be around, and I’ll try to see if I can keep this blog alive alongside my current one, if people want me to!
I hope you guys are doing well, and I’m glad to have this blog back. Even if you follow my new blog and have been for the last few months, it’s still awesome to be talking to guys again on this account!
If you guys want to chat or say anything, feel free! Like I said, if people still want me to be active on here then just let me know and I’ll do my best! ☺️
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dmsilvisart · 6 years
New Followers ‘ello!
New Year and new followers....so here’s a welcome post!
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About Me:
First an foremost I’m a freelance artist, housewife and mom to two boys, one with ADHD & autism the other with ADHD & ODD, and i’m working from home. I have a degree in medical administration but have yet to find a job specifically in that field from home.
I do art! Fanart, general art, art art art!  
While I intend for my blog to be multifandom, I’m currently living and breathing Supernatural, Labyrinth and Shadowhunters, so that’s mostly what you’ll find currently.  Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Miraculous Ladybug and Star Trek have made appearances and more will follow.
Fictional characters that I adore Crowley, Castiel, Meg Masters, Magnus Bane, River Song, Kaylee Frye, All of Labyrinth,  Red Fraggle, Boober Fraggle, Fizgig, Kermit, Beeker, Newt Scamander, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Lupin and Tonks, Leonard “bones” McCoy, Jaylah, Jean Grey (The Phoenix), Rogue, Gambit, Willow, Katina Choovanski, Francine Peters. Loki. Harley Quinn....I’m sure there’s more
Real people I admire for either talent or outlook on life or both, Jim Henson, Misha Collins, Rachel Miner, Bruce Lee, Betty White, Stan Lee, Bob Ross, Fred Rogers, Dwayne Johnson, Steve Perry, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Terry Moore, Justin Furstenfield, Harry Houdini, Neil Gaiman, my grandmothers, my aunt and my mom.
My Blog quick links:
Commission Info
Always open for commissions, info in this link
My SPN fan art
self explanatory, SPN fan art, mostly charcoal portraits
My fanfic illustrations
All the bangs, collabs and random illustrations I’ve done based on fanfic
My other artwork
Everything that is not fandom or specifically SPN related, until I get more specific pages set up
Birthday artwork I’ve done for folks 
 If you want added to this list simply send me an ask
See what inspires me
self explanatory, when i need a pick me up i’ll scroll this page
Gifts from awesome folks
fics that amazing writers have written based on prompts i’ve thrown at them, fanart based on the few things i’ve written, other little gems that people have been kind enough to do for me
I write occasionally my AO3 is here
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The Rules:
I keep a happy house here, meaning if you’re going to spread hate on my blog, just go somewhere else.  I try to be inspiring, I try to be loving, I try to be kind.
I don’t do hate, it takes A LOT for me to hate anyone, you have had to have hurt someone, children, animals or be a raving racist for me to hate you. All of that being said, I don’t tolerate hate toward anyone, no hate toward characters, actors, the actors real life families, writers, artists…ANYONE. I don’t reblog it, I won’t give you your 15 seconds of fame. If anyone sends me hate, just so ya know, i won’t dignify it with a response. No one tells me what to create, who to like, what to fight for, if you don’t like what I post, unfollow me. No offense taken.
I ship ALL THE SHIPS, there are very few that I am weirded out by and in that case I don’t read it (now there’s a concept) and I ship and let ship, and I keep scrolling. To each their own, as far as characters and ships that they like. I expect the same courtesy from my followers, if you don’t like a ship or character I draw or reblog, simply ignore it, black list it, and keep scrolling.
This goes for porn as well, go somewhere else, don’t follow me if your blog is just you naked showing whatever to the camera. I will block you. DO NOT comment on my artwork, advertising your porn blog.
My blog is a safe space for all, your ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender identity, age, etc.  You’re safe here, as long as you’re not hateful to anyone else here.
I do my best to tag things, but I kind of suck at knowing what to tag.  I also try not to reblog any NSFW images, however I do reblog occasional fic with the proper tags.
Other random stuff:
I’m on other social media but I am notoriously horrible at updating my other social media accounts.  My professional artist type stuff is all on myfacebook business page , which occasionally overflows into mytwitter and instagram when I remember to post there.   But I link nothing to my tumblr, because tumblr is my space to be my geeky self and be around folks who are just as weird as I can be. If you decide to follow me on any of those listed places above, please message me and let me know you’re there :)
I can be annoying with GIFs and I won’t apologize lol
Thank you!  
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To anyone who has liked, or reblogged my artwork I GREATLY appreciate it. While I try to thank each reblog personally, and reply to all comments, My life has been overly busy of late and I’ve missed a lot and that bothers me.
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koala-oc-groups · 6 years
Spring Darkness vLive Q&A
Q: If you could date any idol who would it be and why?
Kage: Well… For me? Either Cosmic Girls’ Mei Qi or TWICE’s Sana because they are so cute.
Rose: *looks dead into the camera* AOA’s Jimin. Why? Because she is my ideal type. Jimin, if you ever need a boyfriend, I will gladly date you.
Kage: *pretends to gag*
Spring Darkness: *looks over at Kumo*
Kumo: What?
Spring Darkness: Who would you date?
Kumo: *chokes on air as he thinks about his answer because he knows damn well who he would date*
Kage: Kumo would date Dean.
Kumo: *smacks his younger twin brother* Shut it.
Q: What’s your guys' sexual orientation?
Kage: All of us are straight except for the ones of us who aren’t.
Q: If you could have a pet, what would it be?
Kumo: Well, I have two dogs, two rabbits, and a cat.
Sun: Moon and I have a dog and a cat at home.
Rose: I want to get a cat.
Kage: I have a dog that lives with my family
Eclipse: I’m allergic to animals xc
Q: What is your guys' current favorite song?
Star: Yes or Yes by TWICE is my literal jam.
Kumo: Instagram by Dean, any of Stray Kids’ songs and of course Serendipity by my best friend Jimin.
Moon: I really into My Tempo by EXO
Sun: Any of the songs off of Lay’s album.
Eclipse: I really like Dreamcatcher’s songs, especially Full Moon.
Haneul: *shyly* I like Monsta X’s Shoot Out.
Rose: Honestly? Have you heard of this song called Darkness?
Kage: *facepalms* Of course you’d pick your own song. I am currently obsessed with Yes or Yes like Star is.
Comet: I don’t have a favorite song at the moment. I’ve been listening to a lot of songs lately.
Q: Would you date a fan?
Spring Darkness: It all depends.
Kumo: I was once dragged off stage by a fan before I even debuted, so yeah it REALLY depends on the fan, and if I’m single or not.
Q: Kumo, who are you dating? Because you keep posting this person on your IG and Twitter and we can’t figure out who it is.
Kumo: I can’t tell you if I’m dating or not, and even I could I wouldn’t tell you who it was with.
Q: How did you come up with your stage names?
Kage: For me and Kumo it’s because those have been our nicknames since we became trainees, as for the others the company wanted a theme for our stage names but ultimately they did pick them.
Sun: I picked “sun” because I’m told very often that when I smile it lights up the room like the sun!
Eclipse: I picked “eclipse” because my mom’s favorite things are eclipses.
Star: I picked star because my, now ex, used to say I had stars in my eyes.
Rose: I picked Rose because everyone says I’m as beautiful as a rare rose.
Q: What’s your guys favorite animal?
Spring Darkness minus Haneul: Wolf
Haneul: Kitten! Oh er…. Wolf
Spring Darkness: *collectively facepalm*
Q: Would you date anyone in your group?
Kumo: No, it would mess things up with the group if we were to break up.
Kage: I agree.
Star: Even if we have feelings for someone in the group we gotta keep that kinda shit to ourselves because it can really fuck with someone’s head.
Rose: Yeah, after all the most important thing is our teamwork and friendship. We can’t potentially ruin it by dating one of our members.
Q: Will any of you have solo debuts?
Kumo: I actually want to debut as a soloist in 2019, and I might if everything goes well.
Kage: Yeah we all eventually want to have solo debuts, it just depends on the timing.
Q: What is your favorite kind of concept to do?
Kage: Well we haven’t explored much outside of our little fantasy/rock/horror/dark theme we got going on, and honestly I hope we stick to it. I mean maybe something cute every once and a while, but I don’t think that’s what our group is about. I think this is our thing. Being dark and distinctive.
The Rest of Spring Darkness: Agreed
Q: What’s your favorite movie?
Kumo: Any movie I can watch with Dean.
Spring Darkness:
Kumo: I mean what?
Rose: ANYWAYS, I like to watch American movies. My favorite is like Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean.
Q: If you could be a fictional character who it be and why?
Rose: Totally would be Captain Jack Sparrow because I can be a pirate and because well… “Why’s the rum always gone?!”
Haneul: Anpanman, so BTS can sing about me.
Kumo: Stitch from Lilo and Stitch because he’s misunderstood and very cute, kind of like how I am already.
Kage: Peter Pan, I’m a sucker for Disney.
Eclipse: Definitely the Mad Hatter because then I would have an excuse to be insane.
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Hypothetical plot outline for “Spiderman 2”
We start off with a cold opening. The year is 2010 and Norman Osborn, CEO of OsCorp, is meeting with smuggler Ulysses Klaue over a trade for vibranium. Klaue suddenly flees when he realizes they are being watched and Osborn is attacked by members of the Dora Milaje. T’Chaka shows up and tells Osborn that they knew about the deal weeks earlier and that the original plan was to kill him. However, T’Chaka decides Osborn’s punishment should be more severe and so he lets him live...but exposes his affiliation with stolen vibranium and Ulysses Klaue. Osborn is forced out of OsCorp and is sent to prison, which leads into present day. It’s a few months after Infinity War. Peter Parker has been brought back from the dead but is haunted by his time inside the Soul Gem pocket dimension. This is mainly to mirror Tony Stark’s anxiety arc from “Iron Man 3”, with Peter being reluctant to return to his Spiderman suit. Prom is approaching and teen love is in the air. Ned Leeds tries to get Pete a date but Pete isn’t having it. At the same time, Princess Shuri arrives in New York City to attend a Young Geniuses’ Convention. Ned, still wanting to be a good friend to Pete, puts out a joke request on Twitter and Instagram. “Hey Princess Shuri, my friend Peter Parker has been feeling down a bit for these past few weeks. Problems at home and stuff. Do you think you can be his date to prom? Help cheer him up a bit?” It’s a complete joke but to Ned’s surprise, Shuri publicly accepts the request (mainly because she already knows he’s Spider-Man from T’Challa). Peter isn’t thrilled and is about to cancel the prom date until he comes across a group of thugs discussing Shuri’s arrival in the city. Peter listens in and learns that someone is offering a hefty reward to assassinate her. Horrified by this, Peter decides to stick close to Shuri in order to look out for her assassin. Who’s the assassin? The movie’s “main” (actually, secondary) antagonist, Rhino. Rhino is a Russian criminal whose Rhino suit is made of OsCorp technology. He’s personally approached by the person who puts the kill order in the first place. Their identity is a secret...for now. Anyways, Rhino attacks and Peter gets into a big fight with him. Although Peter can hold his own, his anxiety attacks nearly cripple him in the fight. Rhino escapes and Peter and Shuri begin their investigation on who put out the kill order. As this is happening, Ned introduces Pete to his date; Peter’s childhood best friend, Gwen Stacy who has recently moved back to New York City. Gwen is also an awkward genius who immediately clicks with Peter due to their past friendship. At the same time, Michelle Jones starts getting closer to Peter, noticing that he’s not fully well. A love triangle forms between Peter, Gwen, and MJ, with Shuri and Ned following the drama. Now, Gwen’s interest in Peter feels intentionally forced. Although she’s going to prom with Ned and has history with Peter, she keeps trying to spend time with him, forcing him away from everyone else, and most of her dialogue is a bit cliche. We do get some backstory, mainly that her mother struggled to support her. Gwen’s mom in the MCU was a maid who worked for the elite. MJ’s interactions are a bit more realistic, with her giving space to Peter when he needs it. Peter tells MJ that he’s been having panic attacks since Thanos and MJ says she understands. This leads us to one of the big moments of the movie; MJ says she knows Peter is Spider-Man. She says she figured it out when Peter abandoned Liz Allan at Homecoming. Ned confirms this, saying that he revealed Peter’s secret identity to MJ sometime after Homecoming when MJ pressed him about Peter’s disappearances. Noticing that Peter and MJ are getting close, Shuri tells MJ that even though all of them are going to prom together, MJ’s first dance should be with Peter. The day before prom, Peter tracks Rhino down and tries to capture him. Rhino escapes but Pete manages to catch one of his henchman. It turns out, Rhino’s been working with OsCorp employees. Originally, Pete thought that Rhino stole the suit but with this revelation, Pete learns that the person who sent out the kill order on Shuri is tied to OsCorp. Prom arrives and MJ, Shuri, Ned, and Gwen head over without Pete. Pete decides to cancel, deciding to follow up on the OsCorp lead. Shuri tells him that when it comes to OsCorp, a reason why someone would want her dead is because her father ruined Norman Osborn’s reputation. Peter then decides to sneak into the home of the current CEO of OsCorp, Mendel Stromm, and see if he can pull any information on Norman. Peter doesn’t find much...except a letter which grimly says “YOU RUINED MY FAMILY” at the top. The rest of the letter mainly blames Mendel Stromm and OsCorp for not defending Norman in his trial. Peter focuses on the “my family” section and he realizes that whoever is out to destroy Shuri is related to Norman. Also, the henchmen who are working for Rhino are OsCorp employees that are still loyal to Norman, hinting at a civil war within the company. Unbeknownst to Peter, MJ, Ned, and Shuri leave prom halfway through the night to help him. Gwen tags along, much to MJ’s chagrin. While on their way to Stromm’s mansion, Rhino attacks and captures everyone but MJ. Peter arrives and tries to rescue them but suffers another anxiety attack and is knocked out. MJ nurses him back to health and tells him what happened. Peter brings up the “YOU RUINED MY FAMILY” letter and they do some investigating. There’s no records of Norman ever having a child...except an affair with one of his maids. Cut back to Shuri, Ned, and “Gwen”, we learn that the person who put the kill order on Shuri is none other than “Gwen”. Turns out, “Gwen Stacy” was the name her mother gave her. However, her father knew her by another name. Harriet Osborn. Yes, in addition to benig the MCU Gwen Stacy, she is also the MCU Harry Osborn. We learn through flashbacks that Harriet is Norman’s illegitimate daughter due to her being a result of an affair. She’s been planning her revenge against OsCorp and the Wakandan royalty for years. Although she originally wanted Rhino to kill Shuri, she changed her mind and wanted to do it in person. Thanks to Ned making the joke request for Shuri to go to prom with Peter, Harriet made the move to reconnect with Peter in order to get close to Shuri. Shuri says Harriet’s insane and Harriet says, “True...my mind’s been all over the place after I did this to myself.” Harriet pulls out a vial of the Goblin formula, showing that she’s already enhanced herself, at the cost of her sanity. Harriet pulls out a knife, ready to kill Shuri, when all of a sudden, Rhino’s suit explodes (during the scene where Shuri and Ned were kidnapped by Rhino, she threw one of her specialized grenades at him which didn’t go off until now. Shuri makes a joke about how the delayed fuse saved their lives). Shuri and Ned escape and Harriet orders Rhino to go after them, unveiling a bigger, more destructive suit for him. Meanwhile she puts on the Green Goblin suit and flies out on the glider. Peter and MJ arrive at the scene. The final battle mainly goes like this: Peter and Shuri fighting Rhino and Green Goblin Ned and MJ trying to warn people to get off the streets. Rhino goes down first, with Shuri disabling his suit and Peter delivering the final blow. As the team cheers Rhino’s defeat, Peter is captured by Green Goblin, who takes the fight away from Shuri, MJ, and Ned. Harriet throws Peter through the walls of the now-abandoned Osborn mansion. They have a heart-to-heart, with Harriet saying that her father’s legacy are now these ruins and Peter snaps back, saying Norman is responsible for his own downfall. Peter says he doesn’t want to fight her but stops just short of telling her his secret identity. Harriet says, “It’s too late for that,” and they fight. Harriet ruthlessly taunts Peter the whole time. Eventually, Peter fights through one last anxiety attack and gets the upper hand and has Harriet webbed to the floor. Harriet than taunts Peter some more, saying that he should just finish her off since she’ll just escape and go after Shuri again. Peter then coldly states that he’ll be ready if she ever goes after him or Shuri again. However, Harriet gets the last word, saying, “I’ll see you again soon...Peter,” revealing that she knew about his secret identity the whole time. As the movie ends, Peter is sulking on the roof of his apartment. MJ joins him and says that he saved the day. Peter’s sorry that he ruined prom and MJ tells him to not worry about it. “In Your Eyes” by Peter Gabriel then starts playing and MJ and Peter see that Shuri is at the base of the apartment, holding a boombox over her head (hopefully, anyone reading this gets the reference). Pete says, “What is she doing?” and MJ says, “I think she wants us to dance.” Peter and MJ dance, ending the movie. MID-CREDITS SCENE: Aunt May is watching the news and is talking about the Spider-Man to Peter. She points to the news, saying that Spider-Man saved a woman falling from a bridge. Peter says that’s impossible (mainly because he didn’t do it) and when he turns his attention to the TV, he sees Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) swinging away. Peter is stunned at the sight of another person with spider powers. POST-CREDITS SCENE: Ned storms the offices of the Daily Bugle and throws their latest paper at J. Jonah Jameson. Ned shouts that he hates their negative coverage of Spider-Man before he is kicked out by security. Jonah simply shrugs and goes back to what he was doing.
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Rogan responds to Spotify protest, COVID advisories
Following protests of Spotify kicked off by Neil Young over the spread of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation, the music streaming service said that it will add content advisories before podcasts discussing the virus.
In a post Sunday, Spotify chief executive Daniel Ek laid out more transparent platform rules given the backlash stirred by Young, who on Wednesday had his music removed from Spotify after the tech giant declined to get rid of episodes of “The Joe Rogan Experience,” which has been criticized for spreading virus misinformation.
“Personally, there are plenty of individuals and views on Spotify that I disagree with strongly,” wrote Ek. “It is important to me that we don’t take on the position of being content censor while also making sure that there are rules in place and consequences for those who violate them.”
Ek said that the advisories will link to Spotify's fact-based COVID-19 hub in what he described as a “new effort to combat misinformation.” It will roll out in the coming days, Ek said. He did not specifically reference Rogan or Young.
Rogan responded to the fallout on Sunday, saying in a video on Instagram that he was only seeking to have conversations on his podcast with people who have “differing opinions.”
“I'm not trying to promote misinformation, I'm not trying to be controversial,” Rogan said. “I've never tried to do anything with this podcast other than to just talk to people.”
He also said that he schedules the guests on his podcast himself, and that he would try to book doctors with different opinions right after he talks to “the controversial ones.” Rogan noted that he earlier sat down on the show with Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the chief medical correspondent for CNN, Dr. Michael Osterholm, who is a member of President Joe Biden's COVID-19 advisory board, and Dr. Peter Hotez from Baylor College of Medicine.
Rogan additionally welcomed the idea of adding advisories before podcasts related to COVID-19.
“Sure, have that on there. I'm very happy with that,” he said.
Britain’s Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, who have signed a multi-year deal to produce and host podcasts for Spotify under their production company Archewell Audio, on Sunday urged Spotify to tame virus misinformation.
“Last April, our co-founders began expressing concerns to our partners at Spotify about the all too real consequences of COVID-19 misinformation on its platform,” an Archewell spokesperson said in a statement. “We have continued to express our concerns to Spotify to ensure changes to its platform are made to help address this public health crisis. We look to Spotify to meet this moment and are committed to continuing our work together as it does.”
Earlier Sunday, Nils Lofgren, the Bruce Springsteen guitarist and a member of Crazy Horse, a frequent collaborator with Young, said he was joining Young's Spotify revolt. Lofgren said he had already had the last 27 years of his music removed and requested labels with his earlier music to do likewise.
“We encourage all musicians, artists and music lovers everywhere to stand with us and cut ties with Spotify,” wrote Lofgren in a statement.
On Friday, Joni Mitchell said she is seeking to remove all of her music from Spotify in solidarity with Young. Earlier, hundreds of scientists, professors and public health experts asked Spotify to remove a Dec. 31 episode from “The Joe Rogan Experience” in which he featured Dr. Robert Malone, an infectious-disease specialist who has been banned from Twitter for spreading COVID-19 misinformation.
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