harvesti · 2 months
you do not need to spend a bunch of money to become the girl of your (and everyone else's) dreams. what you need is to take a good look at your daily habits and understand that beautiful hair and skin come from clean eating habits and hydration; that a gorgeous body comes from adequate nutrition and physical effort; that confidence comes from a tranquil mind and decent sleep; that no person of importance neglects their hygiene or dwells in excessive behavior... it needs to start from a force within you, from intuitive adjustments. then, afterwards, you can buy the expensive moisturizer. as a treat, not a need.
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gardeniahungma · 2 years
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deshifoodchanneldfc · 6 months
Village Food Farm Fresh Wild Spinach Cooking পুকুর পাড়ের বন্য গিমা শাক ভ...
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the-harvest-field · 1 year
Does God love all humans?
32Now learn thion s lessone from the fig tree: As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. 33So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near,f right at the door. 34Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass…
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bodaciousbasil · 5 months
If history repeats this will get no love but my WIP will continue to be rather popular but what are you gonna do? Aaaaanyways, here’s a finished Ankarna. I’m thinking that the harvesty crown might be better for an autumn deity but Brennan did she she was the goddess of Summer, justice AND harvest so there it is.
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notdysfunk · 9 months
Doodled that one guy :3c
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harvesty warvesty belongs to @/venomous-qwille 💕
He's rlly fun to render out of the void,,
Easier to see Teal version vvvvvvv
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growaglow · 1 month
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milgramprojectfan · 9 months
Now… Shidou… my least favorite prisoner
Who: Multiple hospice/hospital(?) patients
What: Taking them off life support I think
Where: A hospital
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Why: Ok so there are basically two main theories for why he took those people off life support. The first is the most benign, with him just doing his job and it’s just a technicality that he’s considered a murderer. Then the other theory is that he killed people prematurely to harvest their organs to try to save his dying wife (and maybe kid?). I haven’t seen much evidence of it, only people saying it as if it were fact so… idk. I think the main reason I hate Shidou so much is that we don’t really get anything interesting with him. Like all the other characters bring something unique to the table, while Shidou is just a doctor with a dying wife who wants to be not forgiven.
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These last two look vaguely organ harvesty… so yeah… also ignore the arrow at the side <3
I meant to post this a while ago but I forgot 😭😭
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leafysharky · 1 year
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EEK!!! my fav season!!!!!! here’s a doodle!! i hope u all are feeling the yummy pumpkiny harvesty orangey vibes!!! raaaahhh i go white girl mode for fall…. /silly
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iconuk01 · 2 years
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“Okay, just so I know.. is this a Hallowe’en thing, or a Harvest Festival thing?”
“I mean you’re the Scarecrow, it IS Halloween, and there are pumpkins, so I get that maybe it’s a Hallowe’en thing, but we are in what seems to be a rural wheatfield, I AM tied up like a scarecrow, and you’re threatening me with a scythe, so you might be going for a more harvesty theme.”
“I am the Scarecrow boy, the MASTER of terror! Why would I be committing crimes based on the Harvest Festival?”
“I don’t know. You might be branching out, mixing things up a little, I thought it polite to check”
“You are prattling to delay me from turning your head into a jack-o-lantern!”
“Well, okay, first thing, Yuck that’s revolting (in a hackneyed 80′s slasher film sort of a way) and second thing no, I’m not.
“Really? What are you doing then my hapless little hostage?
“I’m keeping you talking whilst Batman sneaks up behind you.”
Commission by TG Sangalang
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myxinidaes · 2 years
Lavender incense soup
Lavender: Name something that relaxes you.
Chatting with friends is always the fastest way to get myself out of a funk, but also (not to be a parody of myself) going to the ocean..... she's so pretty and relaxing to look at
Incense: List your three favorite scents.
Spices!!!! Harvesty appley spice mix, potpourri, and idk what's in it but the scent blend people call 'cashmere'? it's a mix of herbal and musky and it's very warm smelling and cozy..... i love smells dfshjdkfhdgfkhds
Soup: Comfort food?
my mom's pozole <3 it's so yummy and i used to get it as a treat when i was a little kid so i associate it with good things haha
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harvesti · 2 months
three months from now, you could be looking back at the hardest months of your journey and thinking, "it's so much easier to keep this up now, I'm glad I finally started back then". or you could be regretting that all you did was fantasize about changes instead of taking action. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your ideal self won't happen overnight. your future life depends on your choices today, right now, immediately.
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riverkwailifestyle · 4 months
Amazing Scorpion Farming in China For Venom and Food - Scorpion Harvesti...#HTML
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retaswatersolutions · 6 months
Six indian cities that could face a water shortage shortly
India has only 4% of its water resources to feed the 1.3 billion people which makes us the most water-stressed country in the world. Our increasing dependence on erratic monsoons for water requirements makes our situation more challenging. Due to climate change, the pressure on water resources has intensified and consequently, we are facing the situation of floods and droughts in different areas of the country.
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garythingsworld · 7 months
Patriot Streetfighters Show Republicans How To Win in 2024 | The Gateway Pundit | by Jay Valentine
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Business Excellence: Elevating Operations with Advanced Commercial Hot Water Solutions
In the pursuit of business excellence, every operational element plays a crucial role, and the choice of a commercial hot water solution is no exception. Advanced technologies and innovative approaches in hot water systems have the potential to elevate operations across various industries. This guide explores how businesses can achieve excellence by adopting advanced commercial hot water solutions that go beyond meeting basic needs, focusing on efficiency, sustainability, and long-term success.
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1. Integration of Energy-Efficient Heating Technologies
Business excellence starts with the integration of energy-efficient heating technologies in commercial hot water systems. Modern boilers, heat pumps, and solar thermal systems are designed with advanced features like condensing mechanisms and variable-speed compressors. These technologies not only enhance energy efficiency but also contribute to cost savings and align with sustainability goals, setting the stage for operational excellence.
2. Smart Temperature Control and Demand-Driven Systems
Elevating operations involves moving beyond traditional hot water systems to smart solutions. Implementing smart temperature control and demand-driven systems ensures precision in regulating water temperature based on real-time demand. These systems optimize energy usage by avoiding unnecessary heating, contributing to operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
3. Predictive Maintenance and Machine Learning
The path to business excellence includes adopting predictive maintenance powered by machine learning. Advanced commercial hot water solutions leverage historical data and machine learning algorithms to predict potential issues before they arise. Proactive maintenance based on predictive insights minimizes downtime, extends equipment lifespan, and ensures the continuous and reliable performance of the hot water system.
4. Energy Harvesting and Renewable Integration
Sustainable practices are integral to business excellence, and energy harvesting technologies play a pivotal role. Integrating renewable energy sources, such as solar thermal systems, into commercial hot water solutions contributes to environmental stewardship. Energy harvesting ensures a reduced reliance on non-renewable sources, aligning operations with a commitment to sustainability and long-term excellence.
5. Advanced Thermal Storage Solutions
The adoption of advanced thermal storage solutions enhances operational efficiency. Phase-change materials and high-density thermal storage tanks allow businesses to store excess energy during off-peak hours for later use. This strategic approach minimizes reliance on grid power during peak demand, optimizing energy usage and contributing to overall excellence in hot water system performance.
6. Smart Metering for Consumption Optimization
Elevating operations involves optimizing resource usage, and smart metering solutions play a vital role in achieving this goal. Businesses can track real-time hot water usage, identify patterns, and make informed decisions to reduce energy consumption during periods of lower demand. Smart metering not only contributes to cost savings but also aligns with sustainability objectives.
7. Holistic Integration with Building Management Systems (BMS)
Achieving business excellence requires a holistic approach to building operations. Integrating the hot water system with Building Management Systems (BMS) ensures synchronized control of various building functions. This comprehensive integration optimizes energy usage across the facility, creating a cohesive and efficient operational ecosystem that reflects a commitment to excellence.
Elevating operations to the level of business excellence involves embracing advanced commercial hot water solutions. From energy-efficient heating technologies and smart temperature control to predictive maintenance, energy harvesting, advanced thermal storage, smart metering, and integration with BMS, these innovations collectively contribute to operational efficiency, sustainability, and long-term success. Businesses that prioritize these advanced solutions position themselves as leaders in their industries, setting new standards for excellence in hot water system performance.
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