#has the most attitude of anyone not a mikaelson. good for her
perfaede · 10 months
i’m still setting up klaus’ account to archive this one but in the mean time. hey @divinesorciere
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Treading On Thin Ice
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Word Count: 8,000+
Warnings: Some language, insanity, frightening sequences???
Summary: A little bit of peppermint bark goes a long, long way.  || Kol x reader || Here lies my Masterlist || Christmas At The Compound 2022 ||
A/N: This fic was requested on Wattpad. The books mentioned and quoted in this fic are The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson and A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I do not own them. Thanks for reading!
☃️Story Begins Below☃️
Generosity - The spirit and action of freely and frequently giving to others.
Rebekah's voice carried your name across the compound and you glanced up from wrapping garland around the railing of one of the Mikaelson's many stairwells. You knew you should have been prepared for when the blonde girl just appeared at the top of the stairs as if having teleported, yet the sight still made you jump. It wasn't your fault though, despite having been raised in the house of a witch. You were really only used to the concept of vampires - not the reality.
"Y/N/N," She repeated. "I need to ask you something."
"Hi, Bekah." You offered her a small smile to show that you were listening. The girl waved her hand dismissively.
"Yes, hello. I-" She paused, regarding the decorations you'd been working on. "Oh, darling, that's coming along splendid!"
You let go of a chuckle at her attitude. Oftentimes Rebekah would forget that she didn't have to be terse with you. "Why thank you, Bex," You said, moving into a mock bow.
"You're welcome." The girl smiled, grateful you understood her behavior. So few did. "Anyway, I wanted to ask if you intended to make any more of those thin mints by chance?" 
You raised a brow. "Are they gone already?" You wondered, amused but not surprised. "Man, I knew those were gonna be popular but I didn't know they were gonna be that popular. I should've made a bigger batch."
Rebekah's smile turned a little sheepish. "Could you make another one? Please?" She turned her pleading eyes on you and though you hadn't intended on refuting her request, you most certainly weren't going to now. You couldn't deny that girl anything. "I don't mean to be demanding, but they were so fantastic."
You snorted and turned back to your decorating with a slight shake of your head. Mass murderers or not, her family was way too good to you. "You're not being demanding, Bekah. Honestly, I don't think you guys ask enough of me, all things considered."
She frowned. "But you're-"
"Pregnant! I know. Trust me, I'm well aware." You cut her off, holding up a finger. "However, one month pregnant is not dead. I'm fine and I feel great. So as long as you guys are providing room and board for me, the least I can do is help out and cater to y’all’s raging sweet tooth's. Savvy?"
Rebekah groaned playfully. "Ugh! I suppose if you must," She huffed. 
“Oh, I must.”
The blonde original's face softened affectionately and she sighed. "Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are, Y/N?"
"No, not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?" You tossed her a wink and she rolled her eyes. "I'll get on those thin mints as soon as I'm done here," You said. "Who knows? Maybe I'll make some Chex Mix too."
The girl's expression lit up and she skipped down the stairs to pull you into a hug. "You're the best Christmas present ever!" She cheered. 
You couldn't help but laugh. Turns out, all those stories about the youngest Mikaelson were completely wrong. She wasn't outright cruel and snide, she was just cautious. She didn't like being betrayed and thus didn't trust easily. However, you had quickly worn down her defenses with your sugary confections.
You pulled away from her arms upon hearing the familiar squeal of the front gates. Elijah was back! Though you turned to greet him with a smile on your face, that excitement quickly dimmed as you caught sight of the grim expression he wore. Beside him, Josh - one of your closest friends since you'd moved in - looked equally disturbed. Something was very wrong.
"Joshua, in the basement you'll find what we need. Fetch them quickly please," Elijah said. His tone was polite as always but it carried an undercurrent that made it clear he wasn't asking. Josh nodded, quick to comply.
Worried, you cast a quick glance at Rebekah - a question evident in your eyes. The blonde just shook her head, lips pursed and brows drawn together.
"Rebekah?" Elijah called from below. Something in his voice was urgent.
"What is it, brother?" The girl demanded, pushing passed you. "What's going on?"
A scowl twisted your good friend's lips and his eyes darkened. "It's Kol."
Rebekah inhaled sharply. "What?"
"He's come back." Elijah's frown deepened. "Kol is here in the quarter and he appears to be in the midst of one of his episodes."
"Oh bloody hell." That was the first time you'd seen Rebekah look truly frightened.
"I know," Elijah sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We have to get Y/N out of here. Now."
You blinked, feeling a spike of dread slash through your chest. You-you couldn't leave. You couldn't. He was out there. He would find you. You couldn't let him get to you. You didn’t care what sort of danger you were in now, getting torn to shreds by an original vampire would be preferable to allowing that disgusting excuse for a man to ever lay his beady eyes on you again. Elijah had promised.
"It's too late for that!" Rebekah argued faster than you could open your mouth. "If he's already in the city, then he'll be watching us, brother. The second we try to send Y/N anywhere, knowing Kol, he'll probably try to eat her!"
Alright, admittedly that didn't sound like a great option.
"Then what?" The dark-haired original questioned. "What do we do with her, Rebekah? Because, by the old gods, I will not allow that girl and her child to be hurt by anyone, especially Kol."
"And I appreciate that!" You called down to them timidly. "Excuse me, just so we're on the same page, is this the super insane brother who likes to snack on people like I snack on cheese and crackers?"
"That would be the one," Rebekah huffed, frowning. She turned back to Elijah. "If we caught him, could we keep him contained until he rides it out?" She suggested.
Your friend shook his head. "I don't like the idea of Kol and Y/N under the same roof."
"I don't think we have another option," Rebekah said.
“It’s too risky,” Elijah insisted.
“I’ll take that risk,” You spoke up. Your voice shook only slightly and you clutched the railing for support but you stood your ground. You would be brave. 
Elijah sighed again - he’d always taken such good care of you and you loathed to ask him for one more favor but you had to. “Y/N, you know I respect you, but I don’t think you comprehend how dangerous my brother truly is.” 
“Maybe not,” You admitted, shrugging. “But you’ve beaten him before, haven’t you?”
“Only with the help of Niklaus, and only when we’ve managed to catch him by surprise,” He pointed out with a shake of his head. “But Niklaus is miles away, and Kol is expecting us to retaliate.”
“Expecting?” Rebekah scoffed. “He’s not expecting us to retaliate, Elijah. You make him sound passive. This is Kol! You know as well as I that he intends to force us! I’d bet he’s already dropping bodies, so either we subdue him or we lose the quarter!”
Grim realization cast a shadow over your dearest friend’s expression and he nodded his weary agreement. “It’s a trap,” He conceded. The deceptively young man raised his eyes to you again. “Now do you see why you must go?”
“If I leave, then that just plays into his hand doesn’t it?” You noted. “If his whole goal is to bait you into reacting, then-” you jabbed a finger toward your chest “- let’s not hand him extra bait!”
“You know she’s right,” Rebekah pressed softly. He clenched his jaw.
“Please don’t make me leave?” You whispered. “Please don’t break your promise.”
He held your eyes for a moment, then Elijah cursed under his breath and turned to his sister. "Fine, we do it your way," He reluctantly agreed. "Y/N, go to your room and stay there please. Don't come out unless Rebekah, Josh, or myself come to collect you. This is for your own safety, do you understand?"
You could sense the seriousness of the situation in the depths of his pine bark eyes. You decided it best not to question.
It wasn't as though you'd been living with the Mikaelsons for very long - no more than a few weeks really - but even in such a short time, the three siblings you were familiar with had told you plenty about their youngest brother. Horror stories, that was what you'd been told. Even Rebekah, who spoke of the wild Original with the most fondness among her family couldn't deny his thirst for mass slaughter. According to his siblings, Kol liked hurting people. 
That wasn't a concept you could really understand. While it was true that you didn't know him personally and that you had a tendency to see the best in people, you found it hard to believe that Kol could be quite as horrid as his siblings claimed. From what you had been told about their kind by your mother, the Mikaelsons themselves, and Josh, Kol sounded more like a raging addict than a raging psychotic. Though you were probably wrong. Again, your familiarity with the nature of vampires was purely theoretical.
That was why you decided to heed Elijah's orders.
All danger aside, being confined to your room for a few hours didn't bother you so much. After all, you had the entire Stormlight Archive sitting on your shelf, so it wasn't as if you could really get bored. Funnily enough, it was only after Elijah and his sister returned that you found it much harder to remain behind your locked door.
Your head shot up when the first scream tore through the air. Ear piercing, shrill, bloodcurdling, and ominous, the sound alone was enough to set your heart racing. That scream was followed by several shouts.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Get that away from him!" That voice belonged to Josh - he sounded worried, disturbed.
"No!" A different voice cried. "No, Ethan! Don't do it!"
Then that scream came again. It morphed into words. 
"Ethan, no!" Josh yelled desperately.
The scream came once more, intense and unremitting, rising to a crescendo that chilled you to your very bones. Then, all at once, the sound cut off.
You sat there on your bed, frozen. Your back ramrod straight as you clutched your book to your chest and waited. For eight beats of your pounding heart, silence permeated the compound - a shocked, absolute sort of silence. The kind that follows death like a shadow.
Then like a crack of thunder in the night, there was laughter. Sick, horrid laughter. It was rasping and manic, crazed and deranged - unfeelingly cold and slick like ice, there was a hoarse, retching quality to it, lurking just beneath the surface. It echoed off the walls and through your skull, sending a shiver down your spine. The sensation of a thousand invisible eyes descended upon you and your breathing turned harsh and frantic.
The laughing stalled.
"Oh, what fun this is!" A new voice exclaimed, you'd never heard it before and you would have been satisfied never to hear it again. "I do so love a little jaunt through an inferior mind. Perhaps you should mandate vervain intake for your lackeys, Elijah. After all, the least you could do is make it a challenge for me, eh?"
That voice… That voice! It was repulsive - downright sickening. There was no warmth in it whatsoever - no life - only stone-cold death and wretched, scathing, venom. It stole the warmth of the room you resided in. Yet, at the same time, something about the sound was so smooth, so alluring and playful, that you almost felt inclined to listen. Something in his voice nearly goaded you to relax, to trust whoever welded it like a gleaming silver blade. That voice didn't sound dangerous. 
It sounded… tempting.
Perhaps that was what made it so bloody terrifying. You had never felt more unsettled in your life. Not even when he had been shadowing your every step. That man's obsession with you was nothing compared to the stark horror now flooding your senses.
What was going on out there?
The calm timbre of Elijah's voice cut through the air soon after, but his words didn't do much to calm you.
"Why do insist on this bloodshed, brother?" He demanded, voice ragged - patience worn thin.
"Because. It's. Fun."
And that awful laughter came again, seeming to fold in on itself and multiply. Growing louder, almost gleeful, it was manic and maddening, like a pack of hyenas encircling their prey. Locked in your room, you felt trapped yet exposed. What was going on out there? You had to know.
So you did something undeniably stupid. You got up and opened your door. Stealing out into the hall, you swiftly ducked behind a pillar and peeked through the second-floor railing, taking in the courtyard below. There in the center of the compound, a ring of vampires stood around a young dark-haired man. 
He both scared and fascinated you. 
Perhaps you would have thought the boy to be beautiful had his features not been tainted with madness. His thick dark hair seemed soft and you might have liked to run a hand through it had those locks not been disheveled and flecked with blood. His lips might have distracted you had they not been twisted into a vile sneer. His teeth were perfectly white but the terrible, deadly fangs he displayed ruined the illusion. Perhaps his eyes might have been deep enough to lose yourself in, but the curse in his blood and the rage in his heart had corrupted them with a horrific blackness that seemed to overflow, fracturing his otherwise innocent features into the visage of a monster.
Two steel cuffs clad his forearms, these attached to hulking, robust chains that looked strong enough to hold the weight of an ocean liner. Those cuffs burned the skin beneath them, rendering his arms a repulsive mess of scorching red flesh and blood. He hissed and laughed, purely demented, as he tugged and tore at the chains but, positioned on either side, each holding fast to a chain, stood Rebekah and Elijah. Both of your friends had their respective chains wrapped around their arms, struggling despite their teamwork to restrain their brother.
The vampires circled around them each kept hold of their own ropes. The thick cords were wrapped around his throat, others around his arms and legs and yet, all of them together couldn't seem to bring him down. There was one rope, you noted, that had gone slack. You followed the line with your eyes and quickly stifled a scream. A bloody corpse lay sprawled on the ground with a jagged length of wood impaled through his heart - self-inflicted. 
Above you, a clap of thunder shook the sky and the heavens opened, raining down vicious hail though the day had been cloudless only minutes before. This was New Orleans - it doesn’t hail in Louisiana. You shuddered from the cold and the horror, but that disgusting, unhinged laughter only re-doubled.
"No matter what you see or hear, know that it is merely an illusion!" Elijah's voice rang through the courtyard. Bold and commanding, it rose over the unnatural icefall. "Keep him out and you will not be deceived." 
"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that," The awful voice drawled, sounding so clearly from the boy at the center of it all. He merely grinned.
Within moments, a second scream - not the first you'd heard - erupted from the courtyard. Then another, seconds later. And another one again after that! One by one, shrieks permeated the atmosphere until the cries of the undead were all you could hear. Several of the surrounding vampires collapsed to their knees. There was retching and sobbing, some were choking while others gasped for breath.
Amidst the pain and the chaos, Kol lifted his face to the sky, eyes closed and mouth warping into a grin. And that monster kept on laughing. "I don't think they can help it, Elijah!" He taunted, sadistically gleeful.
"Josh?" Rebekah called over the gathering storm. "Josh, you have to fight it!"
Of all the others surrounding the siblings, Josh was the only one left standing. He screwed his eyes shut, his expression drawn with effort. 
"I-I'm trying!" He bit out between clenched teeth.
You drew in a sharp breath, wishing you could reach out and take your friend away from this insanity. "Josh…" You whispered, still crouched as you watched from your hiding place. 
The monster in the courtyard heard you. His eyes snapped open and locked onto your own. It all happened so fast. 
You had never wanted to imagine what a lobotomy might feel like, but you were certain you received a taste of one then as something - some powerful, vile force worked itself into your mind with all the delicate touch of an ice-pick driven by a sledgehammer. You squeezed your eyes shut, shaking your head in an attempt to wrest his consciousness away from yours but your feeble inexperience was pathetic in the face of this practiced maniac, backed by enough raw power to rival that of Klaus. An unnatural chill ran down your spine as any mental barrier you had shattered like stained glass in a storm and the last glimpse of reality you caught was that demented grin of his widening into a bleeding gash across his face. 
"Now, now, now… What do we have here?" That terrible voice whispered into your ear. A pair of hands - soft and warm though you didn't want them to be - settled on your shoulders and you froze. You didn't move. You couldn't move as his hands trailed down your arms and he knelt just behind you. Those hands slid to your wrists, thumbs pressing in to find your pulse. "Human," He hummed a second later, blunt teeth tugging gently at your earlobe, nipping almost teasingly. "How interesting." You didn't understand why you couldn't move! Your body simply refused to respond. "You know, I've torn through quite a few of your kind today…" Kol's mouth moved lower, leaving soft kisses along your throat as his hands shifted to your hips. Two sharp points scraped over your jugular. "Yet, not one of them smelled so sweet," He murmured, that insatiable hunger more than evident in his tone. "What are you going to taste like, I wonder?" 
Finally, you could react. (He let you react. He was the one in control here. Kol wanted to see you run scared.) You cried out, jabbing your elbow backward into his chest and scrambling away from him as fast as you could. The monster just watched, amused, and tilted his head. "Who are you, sweet-thing?"
"Y-you're not real," You stammered, trying to sound brave. 
"Are you sure?" His tone was playful, mocking as he grinned and stalked closer. "I think you should guess again."
He seemed real, he felt real but it was all in your head. Elijah had said so. You could always trust Elijah.
"You're not real! " You shouted, voice growing firm. "Get out of my head and leave me alone!"
His expression soured into a scowl. "Perhaps you're right," He said. Then, in a split second, Kol was behind you. "But I'm not too far away, am I?" 
Your eyes snapped open and you knew he had let you go because those haunting black abysses stared back at you with a promise.
Yet, in the moments you had grabbed Kol's attention, Josh had found his opening. He raced up from behind and jabbed a syringe directly into that monster's neck, injecting him with enough vervain to down three original vampires. Kol roared and threw his head back, clipping Josh's skull with an impact that would have killed any human instantly, but it was too late. His legs soon gave out and he fell to the ground - out cold.
Yet, you found yourself unable to truly process what had happened. You got to your feet, clinging to the railing for support but you didn’t move beyond that. Below you, the other vampires recovered from whatever attack Kol had unleashed on their sanity. 
“Take him to the basement,” Rebekah ordered, letting go of a long breath as she collapsed into a chair. The others nodded and got to work. You just watched them, seemingly unable to tear your eyes from her brother as they dragged the temporarily lifeless corpse away.
“Would you like to tell me exactly what you were thinking,” Elijah’s voice sounded from behind you, effectively shocking you from your stupor. You jumped, turning to face his displeased expression. Yeah, you were in trouble all right.
“I can honestly say I have no idea,” You replied, pressing your lips into a thin line. “It just sort of… happened.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Do you have any idea what my brother could have done to you if he had broken free?” 
“I don’t think I want to imagine that, thank you.” You rocked back and forth on your heels nervously as Elijah’s glare intensified. “But, hey! He’s out for the count, so it’s all fine!” He crossed his arms over his chest and you let go of a nervous chuckle. “How was he so powerful anyway, huh? I mean, that was weird,” You pointed out, gesturing to the storm overhead. Its intensity was rapidly waning.
“The dude was higher than a kite, that’s how!” Josh called up to you. He’d begun cleaning up the body of his fallen friend.
You raised a brow. “What does that have anything to do with it?”
“Kol’s been snacking his way through several states on his way here, and with our father dead, its not like he had to worry about avoiding attention,” Rebekah sighed, rubbing at her temples.
“I mean, we’re talking a kill count higher than my carrer best in Call of Duty,” Josh added. “And that’s saying a lot!”
“Is it though?” You teased.
“It is actually,” He sassed. “Anyway, running on that much death is like running on a concoction of jet fuel, monster energy, red bull, sixty three pounds of sugar, eight tablespoons of the essence of Dwane Johnson, a five hour energy, seven triple espresso shots, and gorilla testosterone… with just a dash of peppermint.”
You blinked. “Interesting metaphore,” You admitted. “Please never say that again.”
He just shrugged grinning. You turned back to Elijah. “So if your brother is that doped up, then what’s going to stop him from tearing his way outta’ this joint as soon as he wakes up?”
“We'll keep injecting him with vervain on the hour until he regains a grasp on his fragile sanity,” Rebekah answered for her brother.
“And if that fails we’ve raised a barrier spell to keep him contained,” Elijah said. His expression softened and he placed a hand on your shoulder, meeting your gaze. “As long as you stay out of the basement, Kol will be unable to harm you.”
Nodding, you bit your lip. “I sure hope so.” Unwittingly you cast your eyes toward the doorway through which Kol had disappeared, and a thread of curiosity tugged on the corner of your mind. You shook it away. “I’m gonna go make those thin mints now.”
For the next week and a half, you did a rather excellent job of putting Kol out of your mind. It was no easy task, mind you, considering the occasional screams of outrage, strings of profanity, and creative death threats that rang through the compound every now and again. (That boy had quite the set of lungs on him.) The death threats especially gave you a good reason not to go wandering into the basement. It wasn't until the tenth day of administering hourly vervain injections, that Josh finally declared the guy "moderately chill". 
"Define, moderately chill?" Rebekah demanded. Elijah had forbidden her from seeing their brother - knowing their presence was only likely to rile him up. But that couldn't keep her from worrying.
Josh shrugged. "I mean, he's not trying to impale me on my own rib cage anymore."
"Wait, I thought you guys said he was restrained!" You said, a slight note of panic rising into your voice.
"Oh, he is," Josh assured you. "Doesn't stop him from trying though."
You grimaced, reminding yourself yet again why going down to see the wild Original was a less-than-intelligent idea.
But two days after that, your curiosity began to outweigh your common sense. You started to pity the guy, he must have been lonely down there all alone - not to mention bored… and hungry. As a person who was quite fond of food, you didn't want to imagine what going without it for a week would have to be like.
Thus, you decided to pay him a little visit and came up with every justification in the book as to why because morbid curiosity was an awful reason. Rebekah had told you that Kol could be really sweet when he wanted to be, so you figured that it certainly couldn't hurt to earn yourself a place in his good graces. Bringing him something to eat sounded like an excellent way to do just that. Besides, you had found a new recipe for peppermint bark and you needed a guinea pig. Elijah and Rebekah were off doing whatever it was they did to keep the peace in the French Quarter, and Josh was on a date. You wouldn't have a better chance.
So, you pushed all thoughts of self-preservation aside and ventured down into the basement, armed with a cookie sheet, a billiard cue, two blood bags, a plate of peppermint bark, and Brandon Sanderson's The Way of Kings.
There wasn't exactly a cell down there per se - just a dingy alcove behind a small archway with a cot set up in the center. Despite it being invisible, you could instantly tell where the barrier spell was. Apparently, Kol had been entertaining himself by attempting to spit past it. He clearly hadn't had much luck as there was a semi-consistent line of dried blood marring the stone floor. It reminded you of something out of Lilo and Stich. Well, you'd been right about the boredom.
Peering through the archway, you studied the boy inside. His wrists were still clasped in those shackles you'd seen before, except now those had been secured to opposite walls. The skin beneath the cuffs was still red and raw, in fact, you thought you could see smoke curling off of it. That had to be painful, though you tried very hard not to pity him. Shifting your attention to his face you were shocked at how peaceful and innocent his expression seemed. He was sprawled across the cot, fast asleep and you couldn't help but find him… cute. This boy looked nothing like the monster you had seen two weeks ago.
You sat down on the floor just beyond the magic barrier and watched him for a bit. Not in a creepy way. You just didn't want to wake him and if you did, you had no idea what to say.
Turns out, you didn't need to worry about that because Kol woke up on his own. He groaned, lifting his head and his eyes fixed on yours. 
"It's you…" His voice was dry and scratchy, though you couldn't expect much less from a person who hadn't had anything to drink in two weeks. Confusion colored his expression initially but within seconds, dark veins crawled outwards from his eyes, spilling down his cheeks and you caught a glimpse of his fangs. You froze as he stared at you longingly. Then he groaned and curled himself into a ball like a child with a stomach ache. Only then did you notice the shadows beneath his eyes and the profound lack of color in his skin. 
"Are you hungry?" What a stupid question.
"Starving," Kol growled miserably. "Come to torture me, have you?"
"No, actually I brought you a snack."
He glanced up, raising a brow. "Excuse me?"
You held up one of the blood bags and his eyes widened. In a split second, he was off the cot and straining against the chains. Their length allowed him within a mere three feet of where you sat and you jumped back. Kol hissed, his pitch-black eyes singularly focused on the bag in your hand. He struggled and thrashed, gleaming fangs on full display.
The color in your face drained away.
There was the monster you'd seen in the courtyard.
"Scared, are we?" He growled, sneering. Those teeth snapped at you with all the power of a hyena.
You didn't reply. You just backed away.
But that's exactly what you did. You turned and ran from that place as fast as you could, clamping your hands over your ears to block out his voice as Kol screamed insults at your back.
Yet, you found yourself returning two days later. Apparently, Josh's date had gone well and there was some problem across the river that Bekah and Elijah had to take care of. You knew you had absolutely no reason to extend your kindness to that monster in the basement again, especially after he'd so completely rejected it the last time; however, you were a generous person and if he wanted to be a jerk to you then that was his problem. You would keep being kind regardless of how he decided to treat you because really Kol was only hurting himself. He was growing weaker by the minute - starvation had to be excruciating and you were offering him a respite from that pain. He was sure to concede eventually.
So down the steps, you descended once again, moving to sit on the floor just beyond the barrier spell. This time, Kol was already awake. He struggled to sit up, arms shaking, and glared at you viciously. 
"Ah, she's back," He snarled, lip curling with disgust. But it wasn't entirely genuine, you could see the curiosity and surprise shining through his eyes.
"I am." You nodded, holding up the blood bag as you had done before. "And I brought you something."
Kol's eyes immediately turned black, but this time he remained carefully still. "What do you want?"
You shrugged. "I wanna give this to you."
His eyes narrowed as he forced himself to look at you - not the crimson substance in your hand. "What do you really want?" He pressed.
"I really want to give this to you! Unless you try to attack me again, in which case I'll leave and come back tomorrow and the next day and the next until you get over your ego and take the hand that's being offered to you."
Kol scoffed, rolling his eyes. "And why would you want to help me get out of here, darling? First thing I'd do is rip into that pretty little neck of yours."
"Oh, heavens no," You snorted, grinning wryly. "I don't want you out of there any more than you want to be in there."
"Then why offer?" He demanded.
You shrugged. "Well, starvation doesn't sound too pleasant. You must be feeling pretty sick by now."
The vampire's eyes darkened and he scowled. "I don't want, nor do I need your pity, bug," He spat. If looks could kill, you would have been drawn and quartered.
"Good thing this isn't pity."
"Then what is it?" He mocked.
"The fruit of generosity," You answered, “which you have long denied your fellow men.” 
“That’s Charles Dickens,” Kol hummed. “Never did like him.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of your lips. "Well, in that case, think of it as a Christmas present."
"Generosity…" Kol hummed the word, watching you appraisingly. "People will take advantage of that, you know."
You huffed a laugh but there was no humor in it. "Believe me… I know." You knew better than most. You quickly met his eyes again. "But you won't."
He seemed to find that deceleration extremely amusing. "Oh, is that what you think?" He chuckled. "Darling, with that in your hand, I could easily find my way back into your head. I could do whatever I wanted. I could drive you mad."
"You could. But I know you won't."
"Do you have faith in my humanity, sweetheart?" He teased. His grin was a sharp row of gleaming teeth.
"Nope!" You exclaimed. You held up your hand exposing a ring. It wasn't really your vervain jewelry - that was the new ankle bracelet that Elijah had bought you - but Kol didn't need to know that. "I got an upgrade. Smart bug."
He huffed a laugh, amused by your cheek. "The possession of a brain does not make you intelligent."
You just rolled your eyes. "Look, do you want this or not?" You asked, gesturing to the blood bags again. Kol's attention was once again enamored with it. You watched him try to hold back, try to retain his pride but it wasn't long before he broke.
"Fine," He bit out. His eyes flicked to meet yours. "I want it."
"Next time I'll teach you to say please." You smirked and tossed him the bag.
He caught it easily and for the briefest of moments, you thought you caught him watching you. Then that moment was gone and he tore into it, groaning voraciously as he practically inhaled its contents. As soon as he was done with it, you tossed him the next, wordlessly. He downed it without a second thought, and though he tried to keep up the spiteful, angry facade, you could see Kol's relief visible in his posture. 
"Is that better?" You asked as soon as he finished. He just glared and tossed the empty bags back at you. 
Shrugging, you scooped those up and opened the Tupperware container you'd brought with you - the one full of peppermint bark - and shook it.
He watched you for a moment, seething. "Now what?"
You grinned cheekily. "Want some? I made it just yesterday."
Kol rolled his eyes, moving to sit on the cot where he rested his arms on his knees. He watched you with narrowed eyes but took his time to reply. "What I want, darling, is to know who the hell you are."
"Me?" You raised a brow. "I'm Y/N Y/LN."
Kol huffed. "What's a bloody name mean to me?"
"Not too much, apparently," You muttered.
"Who are you? What are you? Why are you here?" The boy in the cell demanded, seeming more curious now than furious. 
"Well, I already told you my name. I'm pretty human as far as I know, and I'm here because I make poor life decisions," You said. It was no crime that you didn't want to tell Kol your life story. He didn't need to know any of it.
"Poor life decisions, eh?" He offered you a wry grin. "Would you mind elaborating on that?"
"Yes," You deadpanned. "Look, I did something stupid and Elijah brought me here. That's all you need to know."
"Why would my brother bother himself with you?" His tone was somewhat accusatory, though you couldn't comprehend why.
You shrugged. "I dunno. I guess it's because Elijah's sorta like my… cousin."
"One can never have too many cousins," You said, smirking.
Kol scoffed. "I beg to differ. One can absolutely have too much family."
"True, however, cousins are not immediate family," You countered. "They're more like friends who feel obligated to do you favors."
"Ahh…" He nodded. "I see. So you're a manipulative bitch then, eh?"
Your face soured though it was mostly theatrics because Kol was entirely right. Beneath that frown, you were smirking. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. I prefer the term: opportunist. Plus, I'm not a complete leech. I help out here and there. I dust shelves, sweep floors…" You shook that container of peppermint bark again and shrugged. "I bake... I'm helping."
Kol snorted. "It's cute that you think that."
"Oh, so you admit that I'm cute?" You teased, winking at him.
He raised a brow. "Flirting are we? When you're so fond of my brother? Darling!" He shook his head reprovingly. "That'll get you onto Santa's naughty list for sure. Then again, my brother does have a thing for women who take advantage of him…"
"Elijah?" You balked. "Dude! I just said he's like my cousin… This ain't Alabama!"
Kol chuckled darkly and once again, he was in control of the conversation. The guy was quite good at gaining the upper hand. "Well, in that case, sweetheart, I'd be infinitely more worried."
"Why?" You questioned, narrowing your eyes.
"Because you won't be able to keep this little ruse of yours up forever," He reasoned. There was a sick gleam that didn't belong in such innocent eyes. "Niklaus or my sister - one of them will figure out what really drives you, then you'll be wishing you had the romantic affections of that noble stag to protect you when the claws and teeth come out. My family is not one to be manipulated."
Kol was good at intimidation, that much was true, and his inferences were logical but he needed to work on his humility. That boy had jumped the gun. 
You smirked. "Who said it's them I'm manipulating?"
He blinked, tilting his head. His eyes flicked along your frame, inspecting you again. "Clever bug." He grinned. "This isn't generosity, is it? No, not at all. You're just trying to butter me up."
"Is it working?" You hummed.
"Alright!" You shrugged. You didn't need it to work. Not right away. "I've got some time, want me to read to you?"
"Certainly not!" Kol said. "I want more answers."
"Then ask more questions." You shrugged, mostly indifferent. "But at least be a decent person and try the treats." You loaded up the cookie sheet with a few pieces of peppermint bark and, using the billiard cue, pushed it past the boundary spell. Kol got up, regarding you somewhat distrustfully. Despite the restraints, he managed to get close enough to hook his foot around the lip of the cookie sheet, pulling it closer to himself before bending down and picking up a shard of the treat. He inspected it carefully, then after a moment, cast his eyes back up to yours.
"It's poisoned, isn't it?" He accused. 
You scowled, taken aback. "Of course not! I'm offended, Kol. Honestly, what do you take me for? I wouldn't waste perfectly good vervain on you! Not to mention, that's a vile misuse of perfectly good peppermint bark!"
"Then why are you so desperate for me to ingest this?" He challenged with a sneer.
"Because it's a new recipe," You reasoned, tossing your hair over your shoulder with an indignant huff. "What if it turns out to be nasty? I wouldn't want to feed my friends something subpar, now would I?"
He rolled his eyes leaning back against his cot. "I thought you said Elijah was like your cousin," He said. Kol popped one of the pieces into his mouth idly. He probably wouldn't have done it had he not been so hungry - anything to at least provide the illusion of comfort, you supposed. Yet, he couldn't hide his genuinely surprised reaction when he tried the treat. 
The boy did a double take and a small, yet radiant smile overtook his face. You grinned. Though, a second later, he caught your eyes and wiped that expression away. 
It didn't bother you, however. It couldn't bother you because, though it had been for just a moment, Kol had proven you right. There was more to him than that horrid monstrosity of an exterior. There was more to him than the villain he played. Under all of that, there was a boy - scared and hungry, upset and alone. Beneath the monster, there was a person with the same desires as any other. 
Because this month was December and December is the time when all people just want the same things. Generosity and companionship are the two things everyone wants for Christmas and deep down, Kol was no different.
A few beats passed and Kol reached for another shard of peppermint bark as silence settled between you. Tilting your head, you watched him and, after a moment, you opened your mouth. 
"Bravado," You said, smiling just slightly.
Kol's head shot up. His eyes were wide and weary but not near as sharp nor as threatening as they'd been merely a moment before. He looked more like a child who'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar because you'd seen him. You'd seen past his front and he knew it.
"What?" Kol's voice was hardly more than a whisper. 
You leaned forward, settling with your elbows on your knees. 
"Bravado," You repeated, gesturing minutely to his hands which still shook, though not as severely. "Bravado is the hallmark of insecurity."
It was the wrong thing to say.
Whatever warmth you had seen in his eyes drained away in hardly an instant, his expression growing hard as obsidian as his posture closed off to you yet again. You cursed yourself. You should have known better than to push.
"Get out," Kol hissed, teeth and fists clenched tight.
"Kol I didn't-"
He spoke again, voice taught with barely constrained rage. "I. Said. Get. Out." He kicked the cookie sheet back at you with force and it skidded across the stone floor, nailing your knee hard enough to make you wince.
"Fine," You said, quietly. Then, you gathered your things and left.
Yet, Kol's ire didn't stop you from coming back. You returned, again and again, every day and though Kol continued to take the blood bags from you, he refused to engage you in conversation. This went on for days. Though it wasn't long before you grew tired of it. You had seen something in him that day, and he was trying to forget it existed but you weren't going to let him. 
The next time you descended those stairs and sat on the floor, you waited for him to down the blood bags just as you had every other time. Kol grew weaker by the day, though he was in less pain than he would have been thanks to you. He sat facing you, with his back resting against the far wall of the cellar. You knew he expected you to leave, but you didn't. You held your ground and said what he needed to hear.
"I'm not mad at you, Kol."
The boy slowly raised his head, it lolled to the side as though he hadn't the strength to keep it up. His skin was ashen and his eyes were dull, sunken into his face as though there was some black hole inside him. The breaths he took were shallow and unstable. He was falling apart, yet still, a bitter smirk spread across his face.
"Well that's a first." Somehow his voice, raw and quiet, was more unsettling than the screams you'd heard weeks ago in the courtyard. The hollow whisper worried you more than that unholy laughter had. It made you empathize with him.
"I'm not mad, because it wasn't your fault," You continued.
"Another first."
You sighed, shrugging. "Your reaction was only natural. I would have done the same thing."
"I'm sure you would have."
You took a deep breath. You were about to do the dumbest thing you would ever attempt, yet you weren't all that afraid. Getting to your feet, you approached the barrier spell - the only thing guaranteeing that Kol could not harm you - and crossed over the invisible boundary. Those deep brown eyes followed you, trailing your every step with suspicion and disbelief as you crossed his cell and knelt beside him. 
Kol, starving as he was, didn't attack you. So you offered him a gentle smile.
"It's okay, Kol. It was my fault," You said quietly. Kol froze. "I just got too close, didn't I?"
His eyes grew wide, pupils dilating as he stared at you with an uncomprehending expression. Reaching out slowly, you ran a hand through his hair. The dark locks were dirty and tangled, but soft all the same. Kol hesitated, but leaned into your touch as though he simply couldn't stop himself. 
Leaning in, you pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I forgive you."
"Why?" He demanded, watching you with wonder. 
You just smirked. "Think of it as a Christmas present."
"For me?" He coughed, grimacing. "Or for Elijah?"
You sighed. "I'm not here for Elijah."
"Then why are you here?" He looked at you, desperation for understanding showing clearly through those eyes. "My brother hardly bothers with his own siblings if he deems them unworthy of his limitless time." 
"I'm in over my head," You said simply, shrugging. "I think it's what got me in so deep that maybe he saw something in."
"And what was that?"
"Generosity." You smiled - thin as a strand of hair. "I showed someone too much and he turned out to be a creep who took advantage of me. Elijah's making sure it doesn't happen again. That's all."
Kol's expression twisted with confusion, then cleared with understanding. "A-are you-" He trailed off, unsure.
"Oh come on," You said, chuckling slightly. "I know you've heard it by now."
Your baby's heart had started beating three days before.
The boy's bright grin confirmed your statement. He laughed, though the sound was tired. "You're going to make an excellent mother," He said.
You smiled. "Thanks."
Kol leaned his head back against the wall, weak but grinning, and sighed. "So, what's that book you brought with you?"
With a bubbling laugh, you stood and wandered back to the boundary spell where you'd left your stuff. 
"Wait, don't-" 
"I'm not going anywhere, Kol," You snickered, bending down to snatch the book. Then you made your way back to sit beside him. The boy leaned against your shoulder and though it made you just a tad bit nervous, you let him. Carding a hand through his hair, you opened the book and began to read aloud.
"Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Truthless of Shinovar, wore white on the day he was to kill a king."
It wasn't long before you lost track of time. Unfortunately, reading out loud ensured that you couldn't hear the footsteps of your friends when Elijah, Rebekah, and Josh returned. If Kol had heard them, he didn't inform you.
The door to the dungeon swung open on hinges that protested rather loudly and your head shot up from your reading.
"Y/N, I'm going to have to ask you to step away from him," Elijah's cold, commanding voice sounded from the entrance.
You bit your lip. "You know, uh… I can explain this," You promised.
"Can you?" Elijah's glare was a frigid sort of rage and it was concentrated entirely on Kol.
You opened your mouth. "No. No, I cannot."
"I see," Your friend hummed. His eyes flicked to you and you thought you felt just a little of what it might be like to jump into a freezing lake. "Y/N, return to your room at once, please. I would like to speak to my brother."
"Okay." You weren't going to object, not when Elijah was providing your room and board. Though, that didn't stop you from looking back at the boy you'd finally brought to the surface. Picking up the tray off the floor, you gave him a small smile and slid the Tupperware container full of peppermint bark back toward him. Then you left without another word.
You didn't hear anything from Elijah, Rebekah, or even Josh for the rest of the day. You sat on your bed and waited, but the only sound that came from downstairs was an exasperated Elijah's indistinct yelling. Whatever discussion took place in the basement lasted for a few hours, but no matter how many times you texted Josh, all he would tell you was how reckless your actions had been.
The following day, you ventured to the kitchen. You weren't going to stay in your room the entire day. If Elijah wanted to stay put, then you would do so while being productive via baking. That day, you decided to bake thin mints. Tasting one, you hummed as the chocolate melted on your tongue. You didn't even hear the kitchen door open. 
"Might I try one of those?" 
You shrieked, jumping nearly a foot into the air. Whirling around, you were rather surprised to find Kol standing in the kitchen doorway, smiling at you - not smirking, just smiling. He looked a lot better
 "I dunno," You said, returning the expression. "I think you're gonna have to say the magic word."
Kol stepped closer, crossing the room until he stood directly in front of you. He reached out and took your hands in his own, pulling them to his chest. “Please?” He said, in the sweetest tone you’d ever heard. The puppy-dog eyes he gave you were the color of melted chocolate. You grinned.
“Here-” You held up one of the squares. “-Catch!”
Tossing the mint up in the air, you giggled as Kol threw his head back and caught it between his teeth. He winked at you, biting a piece off as he leaned against the counter.
“These are fantastic,” He said. “Thank you.”
“Ah… So he does have some manners - good to know.” You nodded to yourself sarcastically and he rolled his eyes.
“Only for you, sweetheart,” He hummed. “Only for you.”
You chuckled. “I see. Now, do you wanna tell me how you convinced Elijah to let you out on - what I’m assuming is - vampire parole?”
Kol shrugged and tried to steal a second mint but you slapped his hand away. “We made a deal,” He said simply. 
“You promised to behave?” You questioned, raising a brow. “You? Just like that?”
“You seem surprised,” He chuckled. 
“Oh. Well, then I’m not being expressive enough because I am astounded!”
Kol waved a hand dismissivly. “Eh, shouldn’t be too hard, I don’t think - not with you manipulating me and all that.”
You blushed. “Is that permission to keep making sweets?”
“Oh, yes. Absolutely.” 
Snickering, you passed him another thin mint. “Well, in that case, Merry Christmas, Kol.” 
He took it. Then he leaned forward and pressed a kiss sweeter than chocolate to your cheek. “Merry Christmas, darling.”
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Tagging: @yn-ymn-yln @r13mar @rootbeerfaygo @iiskittles16ii @fandomrulesall-blog @dark-night-sky-99 @railingsofsorrow @apolloroid @thatweirdoleigh @misswe03 @eat-cake @felinegrate @trikigirl271 @cute-freak27 @fayeatheart @archangelslollipop @slaypussypop-21
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Forgotten Fairytale
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Part 2
Request: Yes or No
I'm not afraid of this series not becoming as well loved as Green Thumb and I don't expect it to be popular. I've had the idea stuck in my head for a while and I'm getting it all out.
You looked over the artifacts the school had stored. You gave a small scoff, shaking your head as you noticed things that didn’t belong in a school.
“They call us thieves and hoarders yet half this shit was stolen off a corpse.” You muttered, stopping in front of a glass case protecting a sword.
“I wouldn’t suggest stealing that. It’ll be obvious.” You turned towards the redhead, sighing and tilting your head as she walked towards you.
“You’re a pain in the ass.” You looked back at the sword, eyes raking over it. 
“You know what this is?” You asked. Hope stood beside you, looking down at the sword. She shook her head, pursing her lips slightly.
“A man named Lord Jameson Wraith owned this sword. He was… a hunter of sorts and specialized in killing dragons. When he stabbed this through the chest of a dragon, the sword would light up and the dragon would burn from the inside. A gruesome, slow death. We were hunted like all others but it wasn’t just to protect humans. We were hunted for our meat, our teeth, and our scales. Humans declared war on us and when we fought back, we were erased from everyone's minds and deemed fairy tales where we continue to be killed by a so-called knight.” You explained, running your finger over the glass. 
“Some dragons were able to survive Malivore but as soon as they shifted… They were taken. They disappeared and left no trace.” You turned to look at Hope. The redhead stayed silent, a frown etched on her face.
“I’m sorry you lost your father. We’re working on finding Malivore and when we do, there’s a chance you’ll be able to see your father again.” Hope said softly, gaze still trained on the sword. 
“Where’s your mother? Alaric mentioned she was a vampire.”
“I was never able to meet her but.. I believe she’s dead.” You walked around the case, looking back up at Hope. You locked eyes with her, hearing her clear her throat.
“I’m sure she would’ve wanted to be in your life.” Hope offered a small smile, nails gently tapping against the case. 
“Are you being nice to me cause you need to find out more about me?” You asked, head tilting. Hope cocked a brow, eyes rolling as she turned away from you.
“Alaric really doesn’t trust me, does he?”
“He trusts you more than I do, that’s for sure. It’s just too much of a coincidence for you, a dragon, to show up when we’re dealing with monster after monster. If it weren’t for Alaric, I would’ve already done a spell on you.” Hope said as she walked around the room, features hard and serious. 
“A little witch spell wouldn’t work on me. You haven’t been trained to deal with dragons. If I was really one of those monsters, why didn’t I burn the building down and search for whatever it is that you have?” You asked curiously. Hope didn’t answer, thinking for a moment.
“Because you’d need to know if it was hidden.”
“Alaric asked if I felt a pull to this place. I suppose that means I would feel a pull towards the artifact, right?” You slowly walked towards her, a soft chuckle leaving you.
“You can kick and scream all you want, Red. I’m here to stay, whether you like it or not.” You reached out, twirling a strand of her red hair around your finger. Hope grabbed your wrist, pushing your hand away.
“You’re up to something and I’m gonna figure out what it is.” Hope sneered, eyes narrowed. She turned around, walking towards the doors. She almost bumped into a man on her way out, quietly apologizing before moving past him. The man entered the room, clasping his hands together. 
“I’m Dorian Williams, the liberian and occasional substitute teacher.” Dorian introduced himself, finding a table and taking a seat. He motioned for you to sit across from him. You did so, taking a seat and crossing your arms as you eyed him.
“I’m gonna be honest with you, (Y/N). I do have some suspicions that you might be after the artifact but.. You’re a kid. A kid who lost their father and wants answers. I’m not here to interrogate you about your intentions.” Dorian explained, leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed. 
“Do the other students know what I am?” 
“News spread like wildfire here, especially amongst the students so.. Yes, most likely. I can assure you that you’ll be treated like any other student-”
“So, Hope goes around telling every student she’s gonna figure out what they’re up to? No wonder she’s not popular.” Dorian let out a small laugh, shaking his head.
“I promise Hope isn’t always like that. The monster problem we’ve been having has everyone on edge. Do.. Do you know anything about Malivore?” Dorian asked, sitting up and leaning forward. 
“I thought you weren’t gonna interrogate me.” You tilted your head, brow cocked. Dorian hummed softly, nodding. 
“Alright, we can talk about something else. The neck is a dragon's soft spot, right?”
“Depends.” You answered, licking your lips as you reached up to touch your necklace. 
“If a dragon is older and stronger, a hit to the neck isn’t gonna hurt them much. It might piss them off and they could lose their ability to speak or even stop them from breathing fire cause it’ll hurt to do so. We can still kill someone by stepping on them or snacking on them. We were on the top of the fucking food chain and humans just couldn’t deal with that.” 
“I’m not your enemy, (Y/N). I want to believe I can trust you. You’re a child and like all children, you need guidance. I see a lot of rage built up inside you. I can tell from the way you interacted with Hope and from what I heard. Landon and Rafael aren’t your enemies. They’re new and they have a rough past. The first dragon they met wanted to burn them into a pile of ashes so.. I’d say they’re being pretty welcoming.” Dorian held a soft yet stern gaze. It was obvious that he sympathized with you but at the same time, he wasn’t gonna deal with an attitude.
“Tell me about your father. What was he like?” Dorian asked softly. Your gaze dropped to the table, fingers squeezing around the key. 
“I’d appreciate it if everyone could stop talking about him as if he’s dead.” You breathed out, standing up abruptly as your eyes began to sting from tears.
“I don’t need to be welcomed into this school. I’ve been to high school before, I’m not some little kid whose hand needs to be held.” You walked out of the room, heading back to your dorm room. You entered the dorm, shutting the door behind you. You sniffled softly, walking towards the window and opening it. You stepped out, taking a seat on the roof. You brought your knees up to your chest, feeling the wind gently hitting your face. 
“The key to food is passion, remember that (Y/N).”
“I thought it was seasoning.” You grinned as you watched your father cook. He hummed, nodding with a chuckle.
“It is but food from a chef who feels no passion for it will taste bland and bitter. It’s the same with any other job. If you hate it, it’ll show and you’ll only hurt yourself. That’s why I always tell you to look for things you’re interested in.” (F/N) said, handing you a wooden spoon so you could help with stirring the soup.
“What was mom passionate about?”
“Your mother was.. She was a hurricane.” He began, sighing deeply. “She destroyed everything in her path and took down anyone in her way. Not many people have fond memories of her but I saw the good in her. I didn’t love her romantically but I considered her a good friend of mine. I’ll always be grateful to her for giving me the best gift a man could ever have.” You smiled widely, chuckling softly and rolling your eyes. (F/N) smiled softly, leaning over and pressing a kiss to your temple.
“No treasure could ever compare to you.” 
You bit your bottom lip, letting out a shaky sigh. You weren't used to being alone. Your father had always been there to back you up, to support you, and to provide comfort when you needed it.
“Christ, pull yourself together. You come from dragons and a psycho vampire.” You mumbled, carefully going back inside. You picked up the phone, turning it on and waiting for it to power on completely. You responded to a text, watching a call pop up. You clicked the green button and held the phone up to your ear.
“I thought you said it was stupid to be in contact.” You took a seat on the bed.
“Yeah, well, I was expecting you to be back by now. You do know your fathers return lies in your hands, right? Only I can help you get him back but I’ll only do that if you give me what I need.”
“I have a plan-”
“Speed up that plan before I change my mind, (Y/N). While you were on your way to the school, I bumped into some of your new friends. They were a redhead and an older man. I believe the girl went by the name Jessica but I doubt it was her real name.” You let out a deep sigh, head tilting upwards. Hope Mikaelson was gonna be a real pain in the ass.
“Yeah, I’ve met the redhead.” You breathed out, dropping your head and pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“I just need you to relax, Ryan. I’ve got it handled but I really don’t need you fucking things up for me. You just keep up your end of the deal and I’ll keep up mine. You might be able to save my father but I can also keep you from helping yours.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a fact. Don’t bother me again unless it’s an emergency.” You pulled the phone away from your ear despite Ryan continuing to talk. You hung up and tossed the phone to the side, burying your face in your hands. 
“Am I paying for my mothers crimes?” You whispered. You flinched when you heard two knocks on the door, standing up and approaching it. You opened the door, staring at Josie.
“What do you want, baby face?” You asked with a frown, looking down at the ice cream tub in her hands. Josie’s brows furrowed at the nickname but she ignored it, choosing to raise the tub. 
“I.. I kind of eavesdropped on you and Dorian and saw you rush out. Ice cream always makes me feel better when I’m feeling down, so I brought you some.” Josie shrugged lightly. You blinked, opening your mouth but nothing came out. 
“If you don’t like ice cream then I could see if-”
“Thanks.” You cut her off, watching her relax and give a small smile. Josie nodded, perking up when you stepped aside so she could enter. Josie looked around the room, humming. 
“If you want, we could go shopping for some decorations tomorrow after school.” Josie said, moving one hand under her skirt as she sat down. You nodded, taking a seat beside her and subtly turning the phone off. Josie opened the lid of the tub, handing you a spoon and giving a small shy smile.
“Well, Welcome to Salvatore School. I’m pretty sure dad is still figuring out your class schedule.” 
“Oh, uhm, the headmaster is my dad.” Josie shrugged, digging her spoon into the ice cream. Your brows raised, a small smile spreading across your face. 
“Really? You look nothing like him.. Which is a big compliment.” You grinned as Josie let out a soft giggle. Things were definitely starting to look up.
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isagrimorie · 3 years
I have just a few thoughts about Legacies.
Aww, Hope. Acting her most Mikaelson yet! Pushing, manipulating, and putting people in danger for her own agenda, and for someone she considered family.
I’m sad that its put her relationship with everyone especially the Saltzman twins into troubled water, especially with Lizzie tbh. And MG wasn’t exactly wrong (but lazy writing there, writers)!
In the end, Hope doesn’t even need to go all out like that, if she talked to Cleo at all she would have realized there was another way.
Also, I am both amused and chagrined at fandom’s reaction to Hope being moderately a Mikaelson. In league of sins her family has done this was a baby Mikaelson move, not to say not to call her out on it. In fact I fully expect there to be blow back, as there should be!
But the same people calling for Dark Hope or be more Mikaelson seems to be the same people out for her blood. (I know its the Landon of it all that people have a thing about, I also am not a fan but also, again, for a Mikaelson, it’s a feature not a bug to be so obsessive).
It’s not even an exclusively Klaus Mikaelson thing she did but a very Mikaelsonian attitude. The kind of attitude that gets her family classified as villains and/or violently deposed out of New Orleans.
(People should be terrified when she does go full Klaus Mikaelson on the people she loves -- hurting them to protect them ‘for their own good’ would be the classic Klaus move).
If Vincent Griffith heard about this shenanigans, that’s almost but not quite the same league as what Freya did to Davina, and what Elijah did to Marcel.
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source by @milkovichsnoel
I wish there was someone in this cast who can pull off Vincent’s castigation of both Freya and Elijah. Because honestly, right now, Hope needs a wake-up call. Hayley would both understand but won’t ever give her a free pass for bad behavior because Hayley’s North star when it comes to Hope is to do better by and for her.
I have a theory about Cleo, one I’m sure won’t even pan out -- but what if Cleo is from the Future and the reason why her sisters are dead because in the Bad Future something happened with Hope that resulted in the post-apocalyptic Earth that we saw?
And it all hinged on Hope’s near obsession with Landon?
I’m 100% this isn’t the case because this show doesn’t do time travel, but still the way Cleo’s been trying to help Hope move forward or get Landon back to Hope? In another show, it could be a possibility.
I’m reminded again how much Yusuf Gatewood brought to The Originals, the moment he arrived and assumed the personality of Vincent Griffith, The Originals finally became the Shakespearean Greek tragedy it always wanted to be. 
Yusuf Gatewood had such quiet dignity about him that he can pull off so many great monologues, particularly the one he did challenging Marcel on the night took the New Orleans ‘kingship’ again.
Vincent is the true last righteous man of New Orleans.
Remember the time he told Elijah he had no virtue and no value whatsoever?
Be-👏cause 👏 I 👏 do!👏
In fact, let’s watch it all together!
I love him so much. Vincent would very much understand MG and take MG under his wing just like he told Marcel, he would be a sanctuary for anyone who was “sick and tired of the same old, same old that you and your pathetic [Mikaelson] family are ‘Always and Forever-ing’ about.” 
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misssophiachase · 3 years
Sequel for how to save a life please
Sorry for the delay nonnie. You got it, here goes...For anyone who didn’t read part 1 you can catch it on AO3 HERE - Let me know what you think. 
In the last part Caroline showed up hungover for her first day as a surgical intern only to discover her drinking buddy and one-night-stand is none other than her attending and famed neurosurgeon, Dr Klaus Mikaelson. 
Original Synopsis from nonnie’s prompt: Caroline as Meredith Grey and Klaus as Derek Shepherd.
How to Save a Life - part 2
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Monday 6am
“I’m going to kill him,” she growled, holding her syringe precariously so it looked like she was cocking a firearm instead. 
It had been a twenty-eight hour shift so far and she decided to blame it on that if they decided to report her for malpractice or for ‘accidentally’ killing an attending. 
“Easy, tiger,” Kol offered, lowering her arm in the process. “I’m only an intern but maybe we should be conserving the life saving drugs for the actual patients. You know, just a thought.”
“Cute,” she drawled by way of response. Caroline wasn’t hungover this time, which was definitely a bonus, but it didn’t stop Doctor know-it-all from sharing his opinion more than a few times throughout her never-ending shift. 
“No Dr Forbes, not that way Dr Forbes, listen carefully Dr Forbes,” he’d chide, except he sounded so sexy and authoritative when he called her Dr Forbes. And that was every shift, not just this one. If he didn’t have such a pretty face, she’d most likely slap him, even if it was frowned upon in the workplace. 
“Trust me, I’ve been in your position too many times to count and letting him get to you is not the way to handle things,” Kol broke into her Klaus Mikaelson trance, which was probably a good thing. 
But then his words caught her attention. Too many times to count? It was only day nine. What exactly had Kol done to earn his wrath in that short amount of time?
Caroline looked at him curiously, besides his first name she didn’t know much about her fellow intern, except the fact he liked to talk a lot when most people weren’t interested in hearing what he had to say. He’d also taken an instant liking to Bonnie which definitely hadn’t gone unnoticed. 
“Who are you?”
“Just your friendly, fellow intern who has impeccable hygiene,” he offered, sending her his most dazzling smile. “And while we’re on the topic.”
“Of you having impeccable hygiene?”
“Yes,” he answered. Caroline, meanwhile, still had no idea where this was going. She consulted her watch to hurry him up given she knew how much he liked to talk. “I understand you have a room for rent and I happen to be looking for a place to stay.” 
Obviously word of her mom’s large house had made the rounds. Yes, she’d been looking for a third roommate but didn’t expect it to be Kol. Given both Bonnie and Kat were living in her upstairs bedrooms, Caroline wasn’t so sure it was a good idea. 
“Kol, now’s not the best time...”
“I can pay you three months of rent in advance and my share of the utilities?”
Now, that proposal caught her attention. Caroline needed money and fast.  But at the same time who was this guy? And why did he have so much money to spare? Most of them were struggling to get by given the hefty school loans they had to repay.  
Which brought her back to his proposal and how much she needed it. She’d just have to explain to Kat and Bonnie that she had no choice and surely they’d understand her dilemma. Well, hopefully. 
“Okay, fine,” she relented. “But we’ll do it on a trial basis. Four weeks and, if that hygiene isn’t anything short of spectacular I’ll be kicking you out much sooner.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he saluted. Caroline figured most responsible people would interview someone and at least get one reference but she was far too distracted by the attending to focus on proper process. 
As if on cue, Enzo was already bellowing at them from down the hall to get their asses into gear. Caroline wondered just what the patients must think of the spectacle. 
“Hang on, what’s your last name?” She asked, thinking she should probably know that if they were going to be living together, but he was already making his way dutifully towards the sound of the dictator’s voice. 
She’d get to the bottom of that once her shift was over. As well as drinking a much-needed glass of wine or six, her memories of that recent hangover after doing the nasty with the overbearing attending well and truly forgotten. 
Until next time, of course. 
“Nice of you to join us, Forbes,” he barked. “Dr Mikaelson has requested you join him at MRI.”
“I don’t think anyone else goes by that name, Forbes,” he growled, emphasising her surname for added effect.
“Maybe someone else could..” she could see Bonnie and Kat trying to silence her with their eyes. She wouldn’t hear the end of this after their shift.
“If you don’t get up there right now I’ll send you to do that enema. Remember Mrs Jones from last night? You know the patient that hasn’t...” Caroline didn’t need to be told twice given just what she’d have her hands elbow deep in.   
“Took your time, Dr Forbes. I’m just glad this wasn’t an emergency.” He hadn’t even turned his head and was too busy consulting the on-screen images. 
Rather than trying to explain herself and the fact she’d run from the ground floor ER to MRI in record time she decided to keep her thoughts to herself. Professionalism and all that, even if he was an ass.
She made her way by his side, trying to ignore just how good he smelled from this close proximity. It was a problem she’d experienced too many times to count. 
“What do you see?” He asked, finally turning to look at her. 
She was momentarily caught off guard given the way those navy scrubs brought out his eyes. Caroline closed her eyes briefly reminding herself that this was too important. This was work and he was her superior. Nothing else. 
If only memories of their night together weren’t still so vivid and causing places to stir that really shouldn’t be stirring right now. Caroline was pretty certain if her mother was looking down on her right now she’d be extremely disappointed. 
But she needed to concentrate for the patient’s sake.
“There seems to be a tumour in the left hemisphere of the cerebrum,” she noted, pointing to the screen.  
“Can you tell if it is cancerous or benign?” She looked at it again closely wondering if he saw something she hadn’t, he was the neurosurgeon after all. It was too easy to second guess herself but Caroline knew she needed to own her diagnoses. 
“I can’t tell from the scan.” She really hoped that was the right answer, especially given she’d been awake over 32 hours straight. 
“So, based on that diagnosis, what is the required course of action, Dr Forbes?”
“Biopsy surgery.”
“And what does that entail?”
“Obtaining brain tissue samples to diagnose whether the tumour is cancerous or benign.”
“Good work, Dr Forbes,” he murmured. “I want you to scrub into the surgery.” Caroline looked at him incredulously. Trying to figure out if he had a motive but at the same time really hoping he didn’t. 
“You deserve this,” he murmured kindly. Not like everything she’d experienced so far in his presence. “As much as I like to give you a hard time on the floor, you are a quick learner and you work hard. But, not gonna lie, that attitude needs some work.”
“Okay,” she replied quietly thinking the attitude was probably sexual frustration but didn’t want to share that with him. “But I fully expect you to tell me when I’m not doing a good job. I happen to be a lot more resilient than you think I am.” 
“And that’s why I like you.”
Caroline decided she needed to leave the room quickly before she said or did something she might regret. Like throw her arms around him or kiss him. She was still learning how to deal with a superior she’d done the nasty with after all.
“I’ll see you in surgery,” she offered, walking out of the room, not bothering to respond or look back. She decided it was safer that way.   
9 hours later...
“My butt cheeks have gone to sleep,” Kat groaned, her head hitting the bar. “I was tasked with just watching someone and that shit hurts, let me tell you.”
“Consider yourself lucky, Pierce, have you monetarily lost your hearing due to the wailings from the patient in 3A?” Kol shot back, tipping back a whiskey for his trouble.
“No, I was too busy trying to pretend I was professional during that x-ray of someone sticking random things up his, well you know what,” Bonnie shared, albeit quietly. 
“You do realise you’re a surgeon and a doctor so anatomy is not a dirty subject...”
“Call it a professional courtesy,” she huffed. 
“I think Bon Bon here is definitely in the wrong career, just saying.”
“If I needed your opinion Kol, I’d ask for it,” she growled. 
“For the love of god, Kol,” Caroline groaned, swirling the red wine in her glass and trying not to fall into its hypnotic tendencies. “I’m barely alive here.”
“Says the girl who scrubbed into surgery today.” 
This is what Caroline was worried about, the fact her friends would think it was blatant favouritism. She didn’t sign up for that. At least they didn’t about what happened with Dr Mikaelson and for that she was grateful.  
“Yeah with Dr McYummy” 
“It’s what all the nurses call him,” Kat shared. “I really think it could take off hospital-wide.” 
Caroline wasn’t sure if she wanted it to and weirdly Kol seemed freaked out at the prospect too given his outraged expression. 
“Or it could be one of those things that you accidentally blurt out during surgery. Like ‘here’s the scalpel, Dr McYummy’ and that’s just asking for trouble and a demotion for being unprofessional.” 
Trust Bonnie to see the sense in it all.
“I’m with you Bonnie,” Kol offered. “Better we don’t equate any names with any of the attendings.” Seems like the two most expected to disagree had finally agreed on something. Hopefully that would soften the blow when Caroline decided to reveal they were all rooming together. 
Caroline was still trying to get her head around everything she’d done the past ten hours, glad that she had a day off before her next shift to properly focus. And to finally get some sleep. Until it happened.
“Kol!” She looked up towards the sound.
“There goes my reputation,” her fellow intern muttered. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” Caroline was trying to reconcile the intrusion in her half asleep state. But when Klaus approached their table she knew things were unfolding and not in a good way. 
“And you wonder why I was so glad to move in with you,” Kol whispered before their attending appeared in all his glory. Something she wasn’t expecting and was trying to . 
“So, you two know each other?” She asked, probably against her better judgment. 
“Siblings,” Kol offered gingerly. 
“And you two?” Klaus asked, his expression telling her he was trying not to show his jealously but killing his brother wouldn’t be out of the question. 
“We live together.”
If this was supposed to feel awkward then it really did now. 
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freddieslater · 3 years
10 Favourite Female Characters From 10 Different Fandoms
(List your 10 favorite female characters from 10 fandoms, then tag 10 people)
Thank you so much for the tag @a-lil-bi-furious !! ❤️
1. Malia Tate from Teen Wolf
Starting off strong — literally, she has the strength of, like, a bear and the temper of one! My angry girl!! I just loved her from the very first second we were introduced to her after turning back. She went through so much, and it clearly had a big impact on her, and we got to see her grow through most of it (but not all of it because the writers suck a bit) and work to become a pack member instead of the lone coyote she had gotten used to being. Also, she insanely pretty and cute so she’s allowed to growl at people every so often!
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2. Liv Parker from The Vampire Diaries
My angry and extra sassy girl — witch edition! There’s just something about her that I love. I really understand Tyler; she could insult me and blast me across a room with magic and I would fall in love with her. But we know that a lot of her mean-girl attitude comes from her family issues, and it’s more of a defense mechanism than anything. So, it was nice to see a softer side of her around both Luke and Tyler — and Jo, on occasion. She knew she was the “weaker” twin and as much as the thought of dying scared her, she still stood strong and tried to find a way to save Luke from having to live with that guilt by finding another way — just as she saved Tyler from triggering his curse by killing someone (who was already dying because of him) for him. And then in the end, knowing she was going to die anyway, she saved him again. She deserved a way better ending and more of a chance to grow since we definitely were not done with her story, so I will be forever bitter but I love and appreciate the time we had her for!
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3. Hope Mikaelson from Legacies
Is it cheating if they’re from the same universe but not the same show? I just love this little Tribrid so much. She’s gone through a lot her entire life — literally, she had people trying to kill her before she was even born. She lost her mum, and then her dad, and her uncle. Not to mention the, uh, killing a bunch of people in between and also finding out your first boyfriend helped kidnapped your mum in a plot to kill her and you (that he didn’t know about, given, but still). And having virtually no friends at school. But she still tried to be so strong all the time, to a point where she really should let more people in it and see that soft, vulnerable part that’s still in there. Her anger is justified, and sometimes out of her control due to her family, and I wish they’d let her get real help for it. She shouldn’t have to be the “hero” or the “saviour” all the time and I wish they would just cut her a break, let her rest, and have a moment of happiness that doesn’t end with her feeling like she didn’t deserve it.
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4. Wanda Maximoff from MCU
(First of all, you don’t know how painful it was having to wade through a bunch of Pietro gifs in the process of finding this one.) The version of Wanda in the MCU is very... complex. Obviously there’s a lot of issues With the character, but if I’m focusing solely on who she is in the MCU, then I love her so much. And she definitely has some issues in her life. She starts off as the bad guy, angry and seeking “justice” (and revenge) for what happened to her parents, and in the same movie, we see her realize that the side she was working for wasn’t any better. We see her character develop quite a bit in just her first movie, and then over the course of the next ones, we see more sides to her; her guilt over hurting innocent people through a quickly-made decision, her compassion for Vision and for those other people, her grief over losing Pietro and Vision. And she herself is so powerful! She tries to live with the pain she’s endured but it takes over without her control, because both her grief and her magic are all-consuming. And I add this because I still refuse WandaVision’s change to the timeline: she went through all of this before she was eighteen. She’s so young, and in pain, but she still tries so hard to push through because other people need her, and she doesn’t want them to suffer like she has. Also, I just think it’s pretty when she does those little hand movements to possess people and her eyes turn red.
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5. Nymphadora Tonks from Harry Potter
She deserved the absolute world. Her death was unnecessary, and I hate it, because she should have gotten to live the rest of her life raising her son, happy with her husband, and just generally being alive. She was so full of life and joy, and she tried to be the source of those things in the middle of a literal war when everyone was at their lowest and felt hopeless or angry. Also would’ve loved more scenes of her and her favourite cousin, Sirius, because they would be chaotic and they both deserved that. ALSO also, she’s very pretty, can change her appearance and chose to have pink/purple hair and dresses like how tiny me wanted to dress, so I immediately fell in love, of course.
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6. Kara Danvers from Supergirl
She’s just so kind and compassionate despite everything the world has put her through — but she’s also angry deep down, and she’s hurt and in pain, and some of my favourite moments of hers are when she’s allowed to express that. When she’s allowed to really just lose it and lash out at the people who hurt her because she pushes it down for so long so that she can help everyone else that it finally just explodes.
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7. Jody Jackson from The Dumping Ground
TW: mentions of different forms of child abuse. This girl deserves the whole world but I promise you that the world does not deserve her. The same can be said for pretty much all of the characters in The Dumping Ground, to be honest, but god she has just been through so much. Neglected by her mum from a very young age, abused physically and verbally by her and (presumably) both of her brothers, and it’s implied she’s abused sexually by one of her brothers as well. Of course when we first meet her she is angry and terrified. She still is because the trauma developed and was never fully dealt with, so she still carries it all around in her mouth and fists, until one little thing happens to make her lash out. And she knows she has a problem — she is terrified of becoming her brother, and sometimes her mum, and all she wants is to not hurt the people she loves. Because she loves so much, it’s just hard for her to know how to show it sometimes because sometimes all she can remember is how her family “loved” her. But she’s grown so much since she went into care and she’s getting help at last, and I just have so much hope for her happiness in the next series to come.
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8. Annie Marks from Good Girls
She’s short, fiesty, will make jokes at the worst possible time, won’t stop calling a literal gang leader who has threatened her life on more than one occasion “gang friend”, was incredibly supportive and accepting of her son when he came out as trans, will punch someone when necessary (probably also when not), has a semi-friendly co-parenting thing going on with her ex, and is just all around adorably ridiculous.
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9. Casey McDonald from Life With Derek
Ignoring Derek in the gif — Casey usually does, too. Casey is a perfectionist, and frankly, sometimes quite annoying about it and some other things, and yes, she definitey initiates a lot of the arguments between her and Derek. And that is why I love her. She is in no way perfect, and her striving to be comes from anxiety and insecurities that are partially the result of the instability in her life. I love how, no matter how much she may despise Derek, when there’s a real problem, she tries to help. She cares about the people in her life, and I can’t wait for her to return to as a mum of four!
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10. Ashley Garcia from The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia
Someone give the world TO her, please?? It’s a shame this fandom is so small because she deserves so much love and appreciation. She’s a literal genius but lacks... a lot of social skills at the start of the show. But she learns from her friends, and gets to experience new things, including having a crush for the time (and the second!) and she’s just generally living life as a fairly normal teenager. While still being an absolute genius. I just love this smiley little dork so much!
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Tagging: @pad-foots @donnas-troia @childofsquidward @multifandomlover121 @superarrowverse @dance-is-life27 to participate if you want to, but as always, no pressure! And anyone who wants to do this but wasn’t tagged — you have been now! Go do it!
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
Hidden Skeletons Part 5
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Eventual Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Canon typical things. Blood and gore added, but nothing too bad. 
Author’s Note: I’ve actually been looking forward to posting this part. I finally reached the second part of the request! You’ll see what I mean shortly. But I just loved how this one came out. Thank you so much for reading!!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
“Are you nervous?” Y/N’s brother, Alex asked as he stepped into the room. 
“I’m oddly relaxed.” She said as she turned to face her brother. 
Today was the day. She would become the new coven leader. In the days since her arrival with the Mikaelsons, things had practically moved in a blur. And now she was in her room getting ready to harness the power that would be passed down to her. 
Her mother kept her promise of cleansing the Hollow. It had taken several members of the coven to complete the spell. Even though her mother held all that magic, it had taken more members than usual because of the dark magic. After the ritual, everyone, including Hope and Klaus, had felt a weight that had been lifted off of them. The source of black magic, gone for good. 
“You’ve got this.” Alex promised. “There is no one else better for this.”
Y/N laughed and shook her head. “Tell that to our siblings. They wanted this more than I did.”
He chuckled and took a few steps closer to her. He reached the vanity and picked up the white rose crown that had been made for her. “I may be the oldest, and without magic, but out of all our siblings, I’d pick you in a heartbeat.”
That caused a small smile to pull at her lips. He lifted the rose crown and placed it on her head. He took the time to make sure it was placed perfectly on her head. 
“Now you are ready.” He said as he stepped back.
Y/N looked down at herself. “Are you sure it’s not too much?” She asked. “I swear mom went overboard with the white.”
Alex chuckled. “Let mom have this. It could be a while before you decide to get married.”
She rolled her eyes at that. “She’s already tried pushing that on me.”
“To be fair she believed you would have been married before this.” He shrugged his shoulders. 
“Maybe one day one of my children will decide to get married.” Their mother said as she came into the room. 
Both of them looked towards their mother and rolled their eyes. If anything, Y/N was closer to Alex in many ways. Their attitudes were similar. If he had inherited magic like Y/N had, everyone was sure that Alex would be the one doing this tonight and not her. 
“Better get started on that Al.” Y/N said with a smirk, causing her brother to shake his head and bump his shoulder into hers. 
Their mother grinned at the sight. She had missed seeing them together. Her family had been slowly breaking off and seeing her oldest and her youngest together always brought a smile to her face. 
“Maybe after you take over, you’ll settle down as well.” She said as she looked over at Y/N. 
Y/N’s face dropped slightly. While she wanted to eventually start a family, her dreams of doing so had been distorted with the genes that had been passed on to her. While there was magic to help suppress that side, she’d never want her kids to go through what she has. 
“Maybe.” She said softly. Sighing, she shook her head. “Can we get this over with? I’d like to go clear my head later.”
Even after all these years, she still had to choose her words carefully around her siblings. They still had no idea about the secret that had been kept by Y/N and her mother. While she knew Alex wouldn’t look at her any differently, he would have been one to tell their father. 
“I doubt that is going to happen, Y/N/N.” Alex said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Tonight is all about you and I doubt anyone is going to leave you to even get one second alone.”
Y/N almost growled at the thought. The wolf instinct that was in her wanted to be let out. But much like Y/N had done for years, she had been able to hold it all in. 
Her mother nodded her head in agreement at Alex’s words. “Tonight might be difficult. You’ll be too busy getting things started with future arrangements to run wild for a few hours.”
It was how she said the words that had caused Y/N to get a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. A feeling that she had gotten several times when she had known her mother had been up to something. With no time to even try and figure out that plan, Y/N was going to have to face it when it came time and not a moment sooner.
This was the first time Hope and Klaus had been a part of something like this. Even when Davina had become regent, it was something they hadn’t been invited to. Seeing as Vampires were usually not allowed to see. It was because of Y/N that they had even been allowed within close proximity of the ceremony that was about to be performed. 
Lit torches illuminated the space of the common area. At the front, their altar had been decorated with white flowers that gave off a sense of elegance in the dim lighting. As the coven gathered within the circle that the torches had created, they each held a small lit candle. Hope and Klaus stood just outside of the circle watching the whole thing. 
It was only a matter of minutes before the ceremony would begin. An excited smile was permanently placed on Hope’s lips as her eyes moved around taking in everything before her. While she had witnessed specific spells and rituals, this was the thing she was the most excited about. 
A moment later, Y/N and her family made their way through the coven and towards the front. While the majority of the coven wore darker shades of grey, the Y/L/N family wore lighter shades while Y/N stood before them in white. In Y/N’s hand, she held a small lit torch as she walked. As she came to a stop, she stood on one side of the empty basin as her mother stood on the other side. 
“Tonight, we continue a centuries old tradition.” Y/M/N said. Her voice was loud enough for everyone to hear clearly. Even over the sounds nature had provided. “Just as my father had done with me, I now do with Y/N.” She looked at Y/N and nodded her head. 
Y/N took a deep breath and lifted her torch to the basin. Tipping it, the flames lit within the basin before she pulled it away. Handing it over to Alex, she then turned her attention back to her mother. 
“When Y/N was five, she had gone through several tests and trials to ensure her intentions were pure.” Her mother spoke again before taking a dagger from Alex. Y/N lifted her hand as her mother took the dagger, preparing herself for what came next. “Since then, she had prepared to take my place. She will make not only myself proud with where she leads the coven, but as well as her ancestors.”
Y/N winced as her mother grabbed a hold of her hand and ran the blade along the inside of her palm. The coven elders along with her mother began reciting a spell as her mother tilted Y/N’s hand, allowing the blood to flow into a chalice. Mixed in with several ingredients and the spell, the chalice gave off a glow for a moment before it was gone. If you hadn’t been paying attention, you would have missed it. 
Taking the chalice from her mother, Y/N drank the contents of the chalice as the others continued to recite the spell. As soon as she was finished drinking it, they stopped. A moment later, Y/N’s eyes went white, indicating that she was ready for the transfer of magic.
To Hope and Klaus, they weren’t completely sure what all was happening from their spot. Hope knew that this was a transitioning ritual. The little details that she had learned over the years and from what Y/N had told her had made Hope excited to see it happen. 
They watched as Y/M/N grabbed a hold of Y/N’s hand, a glow moved from her to Y/N. The last time Klaus had witnessed anything like that had been when Davina and Sophie had completed the Harvest. 
“As the magic from one generation flows to the next, will you promise to put the need of your people before yourself?” Y/M/N said keeping a hold on Y/N’s hand. 
“I promise.” Y/N’s voice was firm even though she was currently feeling overwhelmed by the magic. 
“Will you promise to continue traditions that ensure the survival of our coven?” She asked as her hand tightened around Y/N’s.
“I promise.” Y/N repeated. 
“Will you promise to keep the dark out and the light in, just as your test and trials of your youth?”
“I promise.” 
With Y/N’s last promise, the glow moved up her arm and faded. A gasp left her lips as she accepted the magic into her. For a brief moment, Y/N felt the magic and the magic tied into her curse fight for dominance. Once the fight was over, Y/N could feel her eyes change to amber before they returned to Y/E/C. 
A small smirk pulled at her lips when she had taken in the slight worry in her mother’s face. It was at that moment that Y/N understood why her mother never told anyone about her lineage. Her mother believed that with the transfer of the magic, it would be able to undo the trigger of her curse.  But when were things ever that simple?
In a quick decision, her mother forced a smile on her lips and finished what she needed to. “Y/N Y/L/N, you are now the leader of this coven.” She pulled her daughter into a hug as the others cheered. “I promise this is for your own good.” She whispered into Y/N’s ear. Y/N’s eyebrow raised before she heard the click of cuffs around her wrists. 
Klaus hadn’t missed the interaction. While his daughter had been into the celebration, he hadn’t missed the way the elders had seemed to be on edge the whole time. And now he had his proof the moment he watched as Y/N was cuffed with a dark object that he had been all too familiar with. 
He placed his hand on Hope’s arm quickly. As Hope turned to look at Klaus, the smile she had on her face faded as she took in Klaus’s worry. 
“What is it?” She asked. 
“Run.” He whispered as he kept his eyes on the Elders that now started to move Y/N away. “I’ll lure them away and deal with them. I just need to make sure you are safe.”
“You can’t be serious.” Y/N said as she paced the small cell she had been into moments before. “Let me out of here Al.” She said as she looked over at her brother. 
“This is for your safety.” He said as he shook his head. “Even I know Klaus Mikaelson shouldn’t walk the earth.”
“You turned your backs on us long before he even came into the picture. Why do you care if he is even here?” She asked as she walked up to the bars. 
“You care too much about him.” He said as he looked into his sister’s eyes. “I’m not the only one who has noticed it. He’s turning you against us and you don’t even know it.”
“Let me guess, Mom is the one who told you all this?” She asked as she brought her cuff hands up to the bars. “That locking me up while the coven elders go after an original is crazy. They will all end up dead from this.” 
“It’s not crazy when you hear her plan about it.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders. “I may be human, but I’m not stupid. This will work. Maybe some time in here will help you think and see that mom is right about this.”
“If you leave me in here, I never want to see or hear from you again.” The words had shocked Alex just as she had hoped they would. 
“I hope you change your mind.” He said softly before walking away.
A frustrated yell passed Y/N’s lips as she looked around the cell.There had to be something she could do. While part of her wanted to stop the coven from doing something completely stupid, the other part of her didn’t want anything to happen to Klaus or Hope. 
It was as she looked out the small window that let in the moonlight that an idea had popped into her head. Looking down at her hands a small smirk pulled at her lips. The cuffs that bound her wrists had limitations. A fact that her mother had warned her about when she taught her about them. 
Without another thought, Y/N slipped off the ring that rested on her finger. The smirk grew on her lips as she felt the first effects of being without the ring. 
Klaus laughed and shook his head as he watched the coven of witches surround him. This had been something he had experienced several times. No matter what way it played out, it always started the same way. 
Every witch had taken careful steps to surround him. Each of them had their hands raised, ready to let the spell of their choosing fall from their lips. Anything that would help them to be rid of the hybrid. While others had failed, they were positive that they would succeed. 
“Surely the lot of you must know that this won’t work.” Klaus stated as he looked at the witches. 
“We won’t go down without a fight.” One of them said, catching Klaus’ attention. “Not after you’ve managed to influence our new leader’s mind.”
His smirk grew at the words. “That is where you are mistaken. Y/N is capable of making her decisions on her own without anyone’s influence.”
“Better safe than sorry.” Another witch stated before flicking her wrist. The simple movement caused Klaus to fall to his knees. 
Klaus cried out in pain as his head felt as if it was on fire. While one witch could pull that and it would be an annoyance, having several them inflicting the pain was more than he had ever felt. Through the pain, he tried moving from his spot to take one of them out. 
With another flick of a wrist, Klaus had heard and felt the crack of bone before he could reach his target. The pain in his head had intensified as the witches moved closer to him.
It was the loud growl they all heard that caused them to stop and turn, looking for the source. Hope had been locked away, ensuring that the only wolf in the area would have been Klaus. Their eyes frantically looked around, searching for the wolf hidden in the shadows. 
As the pain subsided from Klaus’s head, he too began looking around for whatever wolf was lurking around. At first he didn’t see it, even with his enhanced vision. It wasn’t until it stepped a little closer that he had begun picking up on the outline of the black coat of the wolf. The amber eyes became clearer with each step it took towards them. 
A male witch took a step towards the wolf and it snarled as it raised a hand towards it. A spell attempted to leave his lips before the wolf was on him, ripping into him. Screams filled the air as the other witches watched. 
That distraction had been all that Klaus needed to get the upper hand. Along with the wolf taking down any of the coven members that tried getting away, Klaus had snapped their necks or even pulled out their hearts in order to ensure those that wished to see him dead were dead themselves. 
It wasn’t long after that the screams had stopped. Bodies were scattered in the area of the woods that they currently stood in. Not a single witch that stood against Klaus lived. While they had the numbers in the beginning, it was the wolf that helped give Klaus the upper hand. 
Klaus stood there, his eyes on the wolf as he attempted to wipe the blood off of his face. It was a pointless attempt though. He was covered in blood up to his elbows, some of it ran down from his lips where he had bit into some of the witches. Splatters of blood covered where pools of it hadn’t collected. 
The dark fur of the wolf covered a majority of the blood that seeped into it. In the moonlight, it looked as if its fur had only been wet and not bloodied from the blood of it’s kills. The only part that was clear that it was blood was on the muzzle and teeth of the wolf. 
“I don’t normally say this, but thank you.” He said to the wolf. The wolf huffed and Klaus swore he had watched as the wolf rolled its eyes at him. It caused him to chuckle. “As much as I enjoy having a one sided conversation, who are you?”
The wolf looked around for a moment. Klaus watched before it began backing up from him. It backed up until it hid behind a tall enough bush. It wasn’t long before Klaus heard the familiar bone breaking that came with changing forms. 
“Want to hand me your jacket?” Y/N’s voice filled the air. 
“Y/N?” There was surprise in his voice as he called out her name. He had believed that he had figured out the woman that he started to care for. It was obvious that he was clearly wrong about that. 
Y/N rolled her eyes as she covered herself as best as she could before standing up. “While I would love to explain the rest of my well kept secrets, I’d prefer doing that clothed.”
Klaus took in Y/N at that moment. To see her covered in blood as she had been, it was a sight. The woman that had been kind to Hope and stood up to her own mother, he’d never expected her to be the one to willingly take a life as she had. But there she was covered, just as much, if not more than he was in blood.
Quickly removing his blood stained jacket, he handed it over to her. Y/N quickly turned before tossing it on. After closing it up, she turned back to him. Still seeing the surprised look on his face, she shook her head slightly. 
“Stunned isn’t a good look on you Klaus Mikaelson.” She said with a small smirk.
Shaking his head he chuckled softly. “You are full of surprises, Y/N/N.”
“So I’ve been told.” She shrugged slightly as she moved from her hiding spot before walking over to one of the bodies that lay on the ground. “I’m not one to take a life.” She began as she pulled off a pair of jeans from the body. “But my mother, of all people, planted an idea into their heads that you have gotten into my head. I couldn’t just let them kill you.”
“I doubt it would have gotten that far.” He rolled his eyes before turning his attention elsewhere to allow Y/N to put on the jeans she had taken. “In the end, they would have met their ends.”
“I knew I didn’t believe that ‘thank you’ for a second.” She joked. “When we get back, all I ask is that you let me handle my mother.”
It was Klaus’ turn to roll his eyes. “She deserves this death just as much as they do for orchestrating the whole thing.”
A growl passed Y/N’s lips as she turned to face him. “My mother may not hold the power she used to but don’t think for a second you’ll get to lay a hand on her without me stepping in to stop you.”
“Easy there, love.” A smirk pulled at his lips as he looked towards her. “You wouldn’t want your people to believe the lies your mother has told.” The words had caused Y/N’s eyebrow to raise. “You are beginning to sound a lot like me in your threats.”
Y/N glared at him for a moment before turning her back on him before leaving him alone. Klaus shook his head as he watched her leave. That woman was surprising him everyday and if he had to be honest with himself, he was looking forward to seeing more from her. 
Hope paced in the small room she had been confined to. No matter how many times she had tried to get out, it had seemed pointless. Her magic wasn’t working within the walls she was confined to. With every attempt she tried, worry grew within her about what could be happening to her father. 
She hadn’t gotten very far before some of the coven members cornered her. Even though Hope was great with her magic, even she had limitations when up against several of them. She woke up a few minutes later in the room she was in with no idea where Klaus was. 
Sure Klaus could handle himself on any given day. He survived for centuries and she doubts a coven of witches would have been able to take him down. But it didn’t stop her from worrying. She couldn’t help him locked in this room as she was. 
Her thoughts continued to run wild before she heard the click of the lock to the door being unlocked and the door begin to open. She braced herself for the possibility of the coven about to come in. But the moment Klaus walked through the door, a sigh of relief passed her lips before rushing to hug him. 
Klaus hugged her back just as tightly as she had been. “I’m alright.”
“The coven said they were going to try and kill you. I was starting to think the worst.” Hope mumbled into his chest, which he had been able to hear clearly. 
“For as many times as covens have tried to take me down, you should know by now that they are no match.” He said with a smirk. 
Hope shook her head at that. “We should leave before they try anything else.”
Klaus chuckled. “They wouldn’t dare. Not after what I’ve witnessed tonight. I can assure you we are not to worry about any kind of retaliation for the dead they find.”
Hope pulled away from her father as she looked up at him. “What do you mean?”
“We have a different type of hybrid on our side.” He said, giving her another smirk. 
“What the hell happened?” Alex asked his mother as they stood in the hall of the cell Y/N had been in hours ago. 
The cell door had been bent in an awkward shape that no human was capable of doing. As they both walked into the cell, they found the cuffs that Y/N had once worn. The cuffs were split in half, as if they had been too small for the person they were cuffed to. 
Their mother’s eyes widened at what she had found right next to the cuffs. The ring she had crafted herself to help Y/N control her turns laid there on the ground. She realized that leaving Y/N alone wasn’t the best way to do this. Y/N knew everything about the dark object she had been able to escape from. 
“Your plan failed, mom.” Y/N’s voice carried into the cell, causing both of them to look towards the entrance. 
A gasp of shock passed their lips as they took in Y/N’s appearance. Blood still covered her as it had before she made her way over. Y/N hadn’t bothered cleaning herself up on her way. She knew it would get the point across to her family. 
“What the hell happened?” Alex asked as he took a step closer to Y/N. “You look like you-”
“Helped partake in killing the coven’s elders?” She finished. “I did.”
Alex shook his head. “You couldn’t be one of them. Not with you just taking that magic.”
“What the hell were you thinking?” Y/M/N asked to change the subject. “You killed our elders to help them?”
A growl passed Y/N’s lips and Y/N could easily feel her eyes change to the amber color. Both of them took a step back the moment she did. “I already told you that they weren’t a harm to the coven. But you couldn’t leave it be and put an idea into their heads. Hoping that this would all go away, just like you hoped my werewolf gene would go away with the transfer.”
“Your what?” Alex asked as he looked between the two. 
A smirk pulled at Y/N’s lips. “We should really have a chat later Alex, for now me and mom need to have a chat. With a wave of her hand, Alex passed out on the floor.
“Well this looks interesting.” Klaus said as he leaned against the broken cell door. Looking into the cell he looked at her unconscious brother before looking over at her mother who was now on the floor as well and a heart laying not too far from her. “When you said you would deal with your mother, I was to believe she would still be alive after this.”
“It’s not her heart.” Y/N said with a shrug. “I told you I’d take care of her and I did.”
“And what exactly is it that you did?” He asked as he moved to stand next to her. 
Y/N looked over at Klaus as she used the wet towel in her hand to clean off her face. “I made a promise to move this coven forward. That heart was from an elder. I used her heart to do a spell. One that would make it so that anyone that would betray me or the coven lose their magic.”
Klaus would never admit it, but he had been impressed by that. Y/N had taken away the one thing that her coven thrived on. “Magic like that has to go somewhere-”
“I don’t have it.” She said with a shake of her head. “It was given back to nature. Those that were affected by the spell would have passed out. When they wake, they won’t be able to even feel the magic anymore.”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but shouldn’t a coven have witches?” He asked with a small smirk on his lips. 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Obviously. They are just too young to need to worry about what magic courses through their body.” She shrugged her shoulders. “How’s Hope?”
“Safe,” He said with a nod. “She’s ready to leave now that our lives have been threatened.”
As the words settled over Y/N she realized that even though tonight had gone to hell, she hadn’t expected them to leave. Sadness washed over her, and Klaus hadn’t missed it. “Well, if you ever need a witch for anything you know where I am.”
Klaus chuckled. “Don’t you mean Hybrid?” Seeing Y/N roll her eyes again, he smiled. “Didn’t you think that would have been something I should have known?”
Y/N shook her head before looking up at him. “You needed a witch, not a hybrid. But to be fair, I did mention that you and I were a lot alike.”
After a moment, Klaus nodded his head. “That you did.” He had remembered her telling him some of the details of her childhood. And now that he thought about it, she had led on to some details without saying it right out. 
A groan filling the air had caused them to both look towards the source. Her mother was waking up and a small smirk pulled at Y/N’s lips. She moved away from Klaus and went to crouch down by her mother as she sat up. 
“What did you do?” Her mother asked, her voice groggy from the spell.” 
Y/N pushed the few strands of hair that was covering her mother’s face back behind her ear. “Took away what you no longer deserved.” Her mother opened her mouth to say something and Y/N shook her head. “Before you go ranting and raving on what I’ve done to disgrace the coven, it was you who did it first. And with that transfer, the rest of our family agreed that you had.” Y/N knew she was going to enjoy telling her mother what she was about to say next. “You knew from the beginning that I would be the one to move us forward. But you didn’t heed the warning that an inside influence would change my course. It wasn’t Klaus’s influence that would change it. It was yours. And now you’ll have to live with that for the rest of your life.”
“Your father will never agree to this.” She said, shaking her head. 
Y/N nodded. “Which one?” She asked. “Because as far as I can tell, Dad’s passed out, about to lose his magic. And my biological father knows nothing.”
“That’s where you are wrong darling, your father has known everything from the moment you were born.” She said with a nod hoping that would somehow calm Y/N down. 
“Then you can both go to hell.” Y/N said with a growl leaving her lips. “I won’t be here for much longer.”
“You can’t.” Her mother said as she tried to grab a hold of Y/n’s hand. Y/N had moved her hands out of reach.
“You mean, I shouldn’t.” Y/N stood up and took a step back. “But I will. And the magic that gets passed down will be to someone who deserves it. Not to anyone who wants to wield the power that comes with it.” Without another word, Y/N walked out of the cell and down the hallway. 
A smirk pulled at Klaus’s lips as he looked at her mother. “How the mighty have fallen. Your daughter would have been a great weapon to have on your side and you lost it.”
“She’ll learn that you’ll do the same to her.” Klaus watched as the woman struggled to get up off the floor. 
“There is always that possibility, given my reputation.” He stopped for a moment to think over his words. “But then again, I guess you’ll never find out if I did or not.”
Always & Forever Tag: @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @wayward-dan @neeadinghugs @fafulous @kenmen02 @elizamonet @dora-the-grownup @mschellehitt @xanderling @fandom-princess-forevermore @buckysarm4 @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @alka16555 @yaniiie
Hidden Skeletons Tag: @kenmen02 @depressed-with-anxiety @happy-sunny-flower @physically-a-cheesecake @vampiregirl1797 @selena8712 @esclisa @xlosttdreamss @tuliptx @lunareclipse-e @romyislief  @tomarisela @geekofmanyforms @fxded-drxms
Hybrid Tag: @xxsovereignsarayaxx
The Originals Tag: @zillahvathek @obsessedwithvampires @alien-sida
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stephkaylor · 3 years
FAVES and FAILS: The Vampire Diaries
So I have decided that since The Vampire Diaries has a spin off, The Originals, I am going to divide the characters based on where they appeared the most. So on this list I will be talking about the Salvatores, the Petrova/Gilbert line, the Bennets and Caroline, etc. but I will discuss the Mikaelsons, Hayley, etc. on their own list with the other characters that appeared on The Originals mostly. As always, spoilers are abound as I will discuss storylines and character arcs below, so be warned of that.  In any case, here’s my FAVES and FAILS for The Vampire Diaries. 
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Could it be anyone else? I don’t think so. He’s a delightful little sociopathic shit and I love everything about him. He is 99% id and 1% ego, if that, and even when I hated him, I loved him (god, I sound like Elena…). In any case, love this man, five stars, would recommend, chef’s kiss. 
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Ugh, it’s hard to pick between Matt, Tyler, and Jeremy, but I think it has to be Matt. I never enjoyed his judgey attitude against everything supernatural, he seemed pretty whiney most of the time, and he was just genuinely uninteresting for the majority of the show.  Not into it. Pass.
FAVORITE FEMALE CHARACTER: Katherine Pierce (Katarina Petrova)
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I thought about giving this post to Caroline by default, but if it comes down to it, Katherine nudges her way into the top spot. Katherine gave no fucks, knew what she wanted and was unapologetic about how she went about getting it, and an all around bad bitch. Was she primarily evil? Yes. But, to be honest, it never really bothered me. 
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God, this woman was annoying. She was hypocritical, judgmental, and far too holier than thou for me to swallow her bullshit. She constantly played favorites with Caroline and Elena (I’m sorry, you hold Caroline becoming a vampire against her for like two seasons, but when Elena becomes one, it’s not her fault? Sure.). She hated all supernatural creatures because they “go against nature”, but it’s totally chill for you to perform sacrificial magic to get what you want, unleashing a terrible evil in the process (but it’s not her fault). How she nearly excommunicated Caroline just because she stayed with Stefan after Stefan killed Enzo, as if it was her fault in any way. How everyone treated her like she was a special little unicorn because she’s a Bennet Witch and she’s so magical, like, please, gag me. I could go on, but I honestly cannot be bothered. Hard pass. 
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She was essentially shunned by all of her friends and family for becoming a vampire, even though she didn’t choose to become one at all. Also, she was basically used as collateral damage for the entire Salvatores and Gilberts versus The Mikaelsons debacle just because Klaus liked her. She was always the second choice no matter what the situation was (unless it’s her being impregnated with magical twins without her consent and then guilted into carrying the babies, but poor Alaric just lost his wife. I’m sorry, unless it’s your uterus, shut the fuck up). I’ll just be over here doing what exactly NO ONE on the show did, and pick Caroline first.
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I couldn’t pick Matt twice, so Tyler, I guess. He was selfish, a terrible boyfriend to both Caroline and also Liv later, and if I have to hear that boy whine about his fucking sire bond one more time I will literally throw my laptop off of a bridge. 
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Honestly, he’s one of the one things that made the last few seasons of the show bearable.  His delightful British rogue was a lovely way to fill the void that the Mikaelsons left in my heart, his devil-may-care attitude was man-made-manifest of what I was always thinking while watching the show, his BFF relationship with Damon and later Caroline was a joy to watch, and he was way too good for Bonnie. 
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He is marginally more bearable right now on Legacies, but he annoyed the shit out of me while he was on the first show. Does he hate vampires or is he best friends with them? Does he want to be a hunter or does he want to stay away from anything supernatural of any kind? Also, he (along with nearly everyone else) basically guilted Caroline into carrying his magical siphoner babies, which is a touch too icky for me…
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Could it be anyone else? I never shipped Stelena, as I found both Stefan annoying and Elena too woe-is-me while she was with him. She made Damon want to be a better person and he made her embrace who she really was, monster and all. They had a perfect balance between themselves, and it was a joy to watch. He got the girl, guys. 
SHIP YOU JUST WERE’N THAT INTO: Steroline (Stefan and Caroline)
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They were just too…meh. I was entirely uninterested in them, whatsoever, and isn’t that even worse than a ship that you hate? I used their scenes for a bathroom break or to get a snack, as I was guaranteed to miss nothing interesting or important while they were on screen. 
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What does it say about me that all of my favorite characters are violent psychopaths…? I’m just going to leave that to be unpacked with the future therapists I’m bound to hire. Kai was the perfect evil. He was powerful, purposeful, and unapologetically demonic in the very best way. I could watch him terrorize my favorite characters forever and not get bored.  Perfection.
FAVORITE STORYLINE: Stefan and Damon’s Brotherhood
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If you don’t think this is what the show was about at it’s core, you’re wrong. They loved each other, they hated each other, they died for each other, they killed for each other, and, ultimately, they let nothing and nobody come between them. If you asked me who Damon loved more, Elena or Stefan, I COULD NOT answer you, and isn’t that just the fucking point?!
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I know that a major reason this was even a storyline is because Candice Accola got pregnant, but still…how? Like…she is a vampire..? She is unable to biologically change…? Like can someone grab me a biology textbook and explain how this a thing that can happen BIOLOGICALLY, please? I get that they are mythical creatures, so science doesn’t mean much here, but it just doesn’t make sense in any universe. Also, as I said above, the fact that Caroline was impregnated without her consent and then largely guilted into carrying the babies is a touch too rape-y for me…
BIGGEST PLOTHOLE: Do they go to school, or…? 
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Like, are they just compelling the teachers to not notice them not attending class like 90% off the time? Also, how do the people in Mystic Falls not know anything about the supernatural? Like, they aren’t subtle AT ALL so how do they keep sliding under the radar? Also, in a lesser way, how are hybrid witch/vampires a thing? Like, I thought if a witch dies (like they would have to if they become a vampire), they lose their magic…?Make it make sense, Julie!
MOST HEARTBREAKING MOMENT: Damon Dies (the first time)
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Honestly one of the saddest moments in the entire series was Damon’s ghost watching Elena lose it when he doesn’t make it back from the Other Side. They were finally happy and together and they can only enjoy it for like five minutes before it goes to shit. Why, Julie??!
BIGGEST EYEROLL MOMENT: Magical Babies (again)
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I try to not use something twice on this list but COME ON. This was ridiculous and I do not support this in any way.  (Also this twin bullshit is still fucking annoying on Legacies, if anyone was wondering).
MOST SHOCKING MOMENT (any spit-takes?): Elena forces Kathrine to take The Cure
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This was one of the moments that I literally gasped aloud. Most of the time the foreshadowing on these shows is seen from miles away, but I honestly did not see this coming at all. Also, Kathrine was basically the LAST person who wanted that cure so it’s crazy that she was the one to end up taking it and turning human.
MOST BADASS MOMENT: Kathrine kisses Damon at the end of Season 1
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Like I said before, she is the original BAD BITCH of the show (not an actual Original, but you know what I mean…) and this was an amazing entry for the character who would be, largely, the villain of the series. It played on the feelings that Damon is developing for Elena, it finally introduced the person who started it all for the Salvatores, and it showed us exactly who she is at her core, and that she isn’t sorry about it at all.
SERIES FINALE SATISFACTORY LEVEL (use no words, just gifs):
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OVERALL MARKS OUT OF TEN (10 being this show has changed your life for the better, you happily rewatch the series over and over, and the show has made your life better in some way. 1 being this show gave you nothing but trust issues, a stomach ulcer, and high blood pressure, and you honestly do not know why you did this to yourself) 
7 out of 10. 
I look back on The Vampire Diaries with the kind of fondness that only comes from a bizarre mix of nostalgia and incredulity. When scenes from this series show up on my instagram feed or on my Youtube recommended page, an involuntary smile creeps across my face without me realizing. I could do without like half of the characters and some entire seasons were completely unnecessary to watch, but it gave me some of my very favorite characters and ships, and spawned an entire universe that I still enjoy to this day. This magical, crazy, beautiful world was a joy to experience, even when it made me want to beat my head against a wall at least once per season.
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If you want to see the other ones I have made, here's the original post with links. x  Hope you like these! (I say to probably no one...)
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sleepmusicland-1 · 3 years
Gone chapter 3
Masterlist Gone
Ella POV:
I learned that I had a rare talent, I was paranormally gifted and had the ability to heal, but the most absurd was that I was supposed to be an alleged angel. An earth angel, a creature that had not existed for hundreds of years. Therefore, the ancestors, this witch circle had given the necessary magic to find such a creature, so that the supernatural world would not be destroyed, any threats whose name no one knew, was the reason why I was here.
An average woman who happened to speak several languages and was now supposed to be an exceptionally powerful being? That sounded like a fairy tale to my ears.
"Now you know why you're here", Isabella concluded and waved her left hand to follow her from these catacombs, which I did. I also didn't really have a choice, even though I wasn't the being she thought I was, I couldn't really say no.
She was, after all, a witch who had magic and I knew that the chief witches were very powerful in a circle.
"This is understandably a lot of information, but I will answer all your questions", Isabella promised me, although I actually only had one question, would I ever be able to go back to my own world?
But before I could even start trying to formulate the question, Isabella informed me that there was no way back for me. Her words stuck in the air, in the middle of the exit to the cemetery, in the light, I stopped and looked at her silently.
My life as I knew it was over, I would never see my family again, not my pets, I would not witness a single birthday. Everything I had had in my life, the people I had known, were all gone. Unattainable and the only thing the witch could think of a few steps in front of me in the sunlight was sorry?
But before I could reciprocate, my feelings that were racing through my innermost being, could create words and could put into words what I was holding from the witch in front of my nose, my senses were flooded with emotions, thoughts and coldness.
Fuzzy figures were on the cobblestones that lay on the ground and served as a path, between the mausoleum and tombs of Layafette Cemetery.
They were deceased souls, I could hear them speaking in various languages, pleading, crying and all seemed to have one thing in common, they were trapped here in the cemetery forever. Did the witches draw their magic from it? Not only from their ancestors but also the deceased souls?
Before I could think more about it, a new presence pushed into focus. It was a strong presence and my neck hair lined up, whether this new presence was good or evil, I could not say, but one thing I knew for sure, my intuition, my gut feeling was nothing compared to what I felt now, what my senses were telling me now. Isabella seemed to be right, I seemed to have a gift that I had just never known anything about.
I turned to the entrance, the entrance that led back to the catacombs where I had woken up, or was I still dreaming?
The entrance was different from what I had seen so far, most catacombs, mausoleums and tombs I had seen in movies and series, but never stones carved bones, skulls and signs that were embedded exactly in the middle of the arch. What did these signs mean? Was that the reason why I could only now hear the spirits, because the signs suppressed it? Where was I? And, above all, why?
"Miss de La Crux, I thought we had an agreement that the witches of New Orleans may hold small rituals and ceremonies, but there is nothing in the agreement that they may hold a ritual that requires a lot of strength", a well-known voice tore me out of my thoughts, I had a clue and this idea was confirmed by the dark-haired vampire in a branded suit. Almost 10 meters away from Isabelle and me stood Elijah Mikaelson, with his right hand in his trouser pocket, wide-legged he stood between two mausoleums and looked at Isabella and me. I didn't like his look, apart from the fact that I was now sure that I had landed in a TV series and unfortunately knew a little too much, Elijah was unsympathetic to me from the first moment.
His arrogant attitude and his face radiated that he felt superior to the people, where was the vampire who wanted to protect people? Just as he was more than gracious to Elena in Mystic Falls. This vampire was very different from what I remembered from the show.
"Mister Mikaelson, the agreement is that once a year we may perform a ritual in favor of our ancestors, that's what I did, that it requires more magic than a simple tracking attempt, should be clear to them," Isabella replied to him and was absolutely not impressed by him, something that seemed to irritate him.
"They are aware that they first need approval for a ritual as they have just vaguely described and we have to give them first," he replied to her and I realized that the reality here had nothing to do with the series. A lot had changed and perhaps it also explained why he seemed different, more arrogant, as if he had forgotten that it had once been important to him not to hurt people unnecessarily, as Klaus had once said. But this person in front of me wasn't the person I knew from the show and if I was honest, I didn't want to know that person at all. But at that time I had no idea in what way the paths would still cross and bring me too close to a vampire.
"One thing should be clear to them Mister Mikaelson, just because Marcel Gerad has ceded the say over the supernatural community to their family, does not mean that everyone will dance to their noses! " clarified Isabella and I wondered if Marcel had given up his position voluntarily, or rather involuntarily, the tensions that prevailed between Isabella and Elijah was more than just dislike. In front of my inner eye, scenes appeared of the two of them tearing their clothes off, I closed my eyes for a short moment and took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes again, I encountered the inquiring gaze of Elijah, had he noticed something in my heartbeat? I didn't know where the vision had come from, I was just relieved not to have seennwhen a shirt that was torn apart and exposed a male upper body.
"And they are?" he wanted to know from me, the tone with which he treated me irritated me immeasurably and I tilted my head to the left side as I looked at it, as if I only noticed him now. "No one of interest, since they didn't imagine either" I answered slightly annoyed and was just glad that my heartbeat was calm, my heart did not reveal in any way, was for awhirlwind of feelings just raging in me.
"Excuse my manners, I am Elijah Mikaelson", Elijah introduced himself and came closer, I stepped every step he took forward, backwards.
"Ella von Els" I answered him and concealed directly that I used the short form of my name, I did not like to hang oneveryone's nose, that I did not really like my full name. "Dutchwoman?" he hooked up, whereupon I looked at him suspiciously, no one I knew would link my last name to my nationality.
"Why is this important?" I hooked up and felt Isabella's gaze on me, she had already told me that Icould nevergetback to my oldlife, even if it was just receding into the background because I had to deal with a vampire questioning my nationality. "I like to know who's in New Orleans and who's in a cemetery with a witch, especially if that personis apparently not an Americancitizen," Elijah replied. "I can be an American citizen just because my last name sounds Dutch, do you directly conclude that I can't be an American?" I hooked up and didn't even try to banish the irritations from my voice.
"What exactly do they want Mister Mikaelson? May I no longer show anyone the cemetery? " Isabella interfered, whereupon he turned to the woman with which he was most likely having an affair. I didn't hear his answer anymore because my attention was drawn to a grave. It was a grave in thewall, with a very well-known name on it. Manuela Isabelle van Elsen was written on the inscription, the person whose name I also partly bore had died 3 years ago. She had just turned 25 years old.
I heard footsteps behind me, Isabella stepped to the grave and seemed composed, but also sad, had she known the person buried here?
Elijah POV:
Isabella hid something, I could see it to her, above all she had broken the contract together with her circle, but why? And who was the woman who had stood with her?
I had been able to hear from her pronunciation that she was not from NewOrleans, but why had Isabella been here with her, at thebonemausoleum. I had only learned of the existence of this particular mausoleum when Isabella and I were together months ago.
This particular mausoleum was used by the witches only for very special rituals or sayings and to find them there, with a woman unknown to me, whom I had never seen before and apparently had no bond with the witches. Her excuse is that the woman who had introduced herself as Ella von Els, although you couldn't really imagine it, since she clearly had no desire to give me any information.
She didn't seem to know who she had talked to so disrespectfully or she didn't care. The short conversation I had had with her had given me more questions than answers.
Why had Isabella brought her here? Especially to this mausoleum,which I knew was only used for very special and important rituals. Did the presence of the unknown woman, the shift in power?
That this encounter was the beginning of a mystery, I did not suspect at that time
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xoxo-nikki-xoxo · 4 years
Just finished reading about your OC Arabella. I'm dying to know how the hell this girl died in Elijah's arms?!
Its a really dark story guy but if you want it well here it is! 
Word count 1,142
Side note: I hope you guys enjoy! if you have anymore asks about Arabella send them in I would love to answer.
The music was loud as Arabella entered Marcels new home across the river.
“I don’t know why I agreed to doing this Marcelus, I thought you said it was just a dinner catch up, then I go home.” Arabella says outside of entry door looking at Marcel
“Ma, I never said that, plus I want you to meet my crew, I want to show you what I have created” Marcel says as he opens the door. Looking at the people I smiled it was a good size amount of people. Marcel had guided me over to a boy who I presumed to be one of his good friends, sense he is the first I am meeting.
“Josh! I would like you to meet someone. So besides me being raised by Niklaus this girl right here was the mother I never had.” Marcel says as he puts his hand on Arabella's back guiding her over to Josh
“Oh, I uh- didn’t know you had a mom Marcel” Josh says looking at him then at Arabella smiling “Well my names josh! Hi, it's really nice to meet you” Josh says extended his hand out.
“Nice to meet you too Josh. It's good to hear that Marcellus has friends” Arabella smiles shaking his hand. As she shakes his hand, she can read he is a good person.
“Um not to sound rude or anything... But like what are you? You look like a vampir-”
“Josh you can't just ask the lady if-”
“It's okay Marcel, I get asked this question a lot. I'm a rare breed of vampire, like Klaus I'm a hybrid... But not a werewolf.” Arabella says turning looking at the candles, with a sort glance at the candle they soon lit “I'm also a witch”
You see when I was born back in Denmark sometime in the 1500’s I don’t quite remember the date anymore. Anyways my father, Alfred, was our coven leader. The kind of magic my family/Coven practiced was dark, it's called expression. It’s much more powerful than any forms of dark magic in the word. It draws of off energy, all types of energy actually. I was the 2nd oldest in my family, needing to add more members to the coven my parents had me. In hopes to be able to grow stronger as a whole
When my father learned of my lack of magic, he disowned me in the coven. Vowed that no matter what happened I would never be coven leader. My mother on the other hand loved me, I was her first daughter. She raised me well despite of my father disapproval of my existence.  
By the time I was 16 my parents went on to have 2 more children, a boy and girl, Brinley and Ivy. Because I was disowned from my father, I wasn’t allowed to study or practice magic. But my mother would sneak me old grimoires so I can study the spells and potions. I wasn’t completely useless to my family. My father did at one point allow me to create positions for the coven. But unknown to my family though was the amount of witchcraft knowledge I had. I became and still am a master at using herbs and potions. That’s actually how I escaped my coven. I was able to slip in a simple sleep potion into dinner and escape that night when everyone was asleep.  
That’s how I actually met my husband, Elijah. He found me wondering in town and took me under his wing. You see in my coven we all have a special birth mark on out wrists. It’s a symbol meaning Death. He recognized this symbol and took an interest in me, see his brother Niklaus had searched for my coven to break the cruise is mother put on him. So, when Elijah had found me, he thought he had found to perfect leverage against my family.
I remember quite well my human relationships with the Mikaelsons. Elijah took a romantic liking to me. Rebekah liked the attitude and fashion sense I had, while Kol picked at my brain about the witchcraft my family studied. And for Klaus he only cared about me because of the leverage I gave him. They were all quite charming Elijah being the most, over the course of the months I was living with them I fell in love with Elijah. His love hit me hard, and consumed my whole being.
The night I died Niklaus had forced me to drink his blood. It was the night my family was going to attempt to free Klaus of his curse. That was the same night my father had ordered my oldest brother and a few of the other local boys to kill me. Seeing as not only did my father not like me, but with me living with the original family was the last straw for him. He wanted me died and so he got it.
I was left to die in the middle of the road in town square. A show case of just how powerful my family was and a reminder to anyone who crossed my coven would be died. I remember the coldness of the ground on my body. The peace I felt as I was dying, I couldn't feel no pain. That’s when he found me, I was staring up at the sky my heartrate slowed. I clearly remember Lijah finding me
“No!” I heard him yell he had rushed to my side lifting me up putting me into his lap. He had bit his wrist and was putting it up against my lips
“Drink Bella... please... No-no-no. Not like this... You can't die like this” I had died in his arms.  
The next few days where one big blur as I was trying to get my hungry under control. And well being a vampire. It came to be a big surprised when I was able to use magic. 
I used my knew found skills against my family, after they failed to break Klaus cruse he granted me the permission to do as i please and o i did. I slaughtered my whole family. Killing my siblings in fount of my parents. Then them after. 
My murders didn't end there that night. The whole Village fell victim to mine and the Mikaelsons rage. After it was said and done we watched on a near by hill as it burned to the ground.
“wow I didn’t even know witches could be vampires” Josh said chuckling nervously
“Well I'm special” Arabella giggles looking up at marcel smiling.
“Yeah and I'm pretty luckily I had you Bella” Marcel says smiling as he goes to his bar “ Who knows what i would have turned out like being raised by only the Mikaelsons” Marcel adds smiling as he pours the 3 of us drinks.
“Well let's get this party started shall we!” Marcel says holding up a glass as he takes a drink. Arabella smiles taking the drink Marcel handed her.  
“To Arabella for raising you right and onto letting you become a monstrous” Josh says  
“To Arabella” Marcel repeats as we all take a drink
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redemptivexheroics · 3 years
a headcanon that is popular for my muse ( if my muse is canon / has duplicates ) that i don’t agree with
a headcanon that is popular for my muse ( if my muse is canon / has duplicates ) that i 100% agree with
top 3 headcanons that anyone writing with me should know about !
Pick a muse because any muse could work.
Let Me Talk To U About Head Canons!
A headcanon that I don't agree with when it comes to Kol Mikaelson, it's often said he's the black sheep of the family, I don't agree with this as all of the Mikaelson siblings believe in their family and will do anything for them. I think this headcanon came up because Kol when not helping with some sort of crisis is isolated from the rest. In truth, Kol at least in my opinion has bitter feelings toward Klaus for daggering him for so long and towards Rebekah and Elijah for not trying to come to his aid and instead sitting idly by.
A headcanon that I agree with when it comes to Clark Kent, is that he acts like a goofball, dork, idiot to throw people off from figuring out that he's Superman, the only person this does not work on is Lois Lane only for the fact that Clark told her who he is and Lois plays along so not to out Clark.
3 Head Canons should know. 1.) When it comes to the Olympian Gods, I don't RP the incest BS with them. I have never been a fan of that, so Zeus sleeping with Aphrodite or anything like that I won't do. On my blog, they have their own significant other whether they be mortal or god/goddess. 2.) Raven despite her attitude most of the time is not a bitch, she may come off as one but she has a very low tolerance for childish behavior and stupidity and is not afraid to speak her mind. 3.) Kyle hates hospitals with a passion and has to be bribed to even go to one, even when he's not the one needing medical attention he won't set foot in one unless for good reason.
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despressolattes · 4 years
book one masterlist » book two masterlist
this book’s masterlist
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In a week, Lilah practically jumped at any chance to be the one who was looking over Rousseau's. It felt weird for her to be in the same room as Lorelle. It was different than the way it was with Elijah. Elijah didn't know about her, but Lorelle was fully aware she had a daughter before she died. The mother-daughter duo being around the Mikaelsons, both holding in a secret that deep, seemed to be like a ticking time bomb.
She was, however, hanging out with Roman Bauer. It felt almost casual, the way neither of them talked about any of that much substance, but it seemed fun that way. There was always a mysterious and flirtatious air when neither of them knew the specifics about one another's past. Like all that really mattered was what they were doing in that moment.
The Mikaelson girls wanted to meet him. Rebekah and Davina claimed it was unfair that Josh got to know what he looked like, yet they didn't. Freya just wanted to know all about "the boy who sweats diamonds." Though, every time Lilah asked him if he wanted to have dinner with them, he said he had something else he had to do.
She assumed it was because it was intimidating being invited to dinner with the Mikaelsons, so she never pushed. They weren't really dating either, so it shouldn't have been that big of a thing for him to come home, meet the family and friends. They were just enjoying one another's company.
Totally casual. And honestly, casual and not mixed in with the Mikaelsons was a good thing. There had been an occasion or two when Lilah had a date—but she never developed feelings for anything in a few hundred years, or so she thought—that would end up ending in a dark manner. Which was normal when the Mikaelsons were involved.
Lilah walked into Rousseau's, the keys to the restaurant dangled in her hands. As she shut the door and turned around, her already-dead heart nearly had a heart attack. Sitting down at the bar was the brunette whom Lilah got some of her physical features from.
"Your breakfast seems to still be on your lips," Lilah said, her eyes scanning over her face to see blood dripping from the side of her lips onto her jaw.
Lorelle reached up with a napkin on the bar top, attempting to wipe her face.
"How'd you even get in here?" Lilah asked her, going behind the bar counter to switch on the lights.
"Through the back door," she said, and Lilah frowned.
She knew that meant that Lorelle must've broken something to get in. Sometimes, she wished vampires needed permission to also enter restaurants, but she knew it just wasn't reasonable.
"Wonderful," sighed Lilah.
She had her back to Lorelle, starting to get the things in the bar ready for opening.
"You're her, aren't you?" Lorelle questioned, her voice seeming to echo in the empty restaurant.
"I'm who?" Lilah asked, swirling around and playing dumb. She placed her arms on the counter, leaning over on her elbows.
"My daughter," Lorelle stated, looking at Lilah in the eyes.
Her facial expression faltered, and Lorelle had her answer.
"Why didn't you tell the Mikaelsons that you had a daughter?" Lilah questioned, still refusing to answer her question.
"Why haven't you told them that you are that daughter?" Lorelle asked back, raising an eyebrow as she spoke.
While looking at the brunette in front of her, Lilah saw the parts of her own personality that she had in comment with Lorelle. She took after her mother in a lot of ways, not just their physical appearance. Looking at her, she knew that she had been the perfect combination of Elijah and Lorelle. She had Elijah's facial structure and Lorelle's hair and height. She had the Mikaelson fire and temper, but what seemed to be Lorelle's sarcastic personality and bluntness.
She was reminded of the conversation she once had with her father about her reminding him of what he liked about being human. Perhaps, combined with being like his own daughter, her resemblance to Lorelle also had something to do with his statement. Though part of it was his bond with Lilah herself, the Mikaelson girl had a feeling a portion of that statement had to do with Lorelle.
"How'd you know?" Lilah asked her.
"Esther and I discussed your name before I had given birth to you," she said. "And the necklace you're wearing. I had that exact necklace made when I found out I was pregnant, wanting my baby to have something of me when she was taken away."
Her right hand went up to touch her daylight amulet, which she wore as a necklace. It was given to her when she was little, back when it was just a necklace. Something Dahlia let her have as a child, then enchanted so that Lilah could walk in the sun without harm—even if sunlight wouldn't kill her.
"I had that exact necklace made when I found out I was pregnant, wanting my baby to have something of me when she was taken away," Lorelle explained, but she got no answer from her daughter.
Lilah remained standoffish, trying her hardest not to show any emotions towards the woman. Despite her being her mom, Lorelle was practically a stranger in her mind. Just like she had been with Elijah when she first met him, she had her guard up. Even though she was the closest to Elijah, he was also the one she took the most time getting to know.
Her phone went off, the chiming almost scaring her. She took her phone out of her pocket to see Josh's name. She slid to decline, but before she could put her phone back into her pocket, Josh called again. She slid to answer it, placing the phone to her face.
"Hey, Josh, what's up?" Lilah asked, trying to calm herself down and not seem irritated over the phone.
"I'm on my way to Rousseau's, you might want to head to the Mikaelson compound and fast."
"What, why?"
"They had Roman hostage. Won't tell me why."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
On Lilah's way to the Mikaelson compound, slightly irritated. The Mikaelson siblings had done something similar to that before. Lilah was never the type to be in any type of serious relationship, but there had been a time a few years prior that she had been involved with a vampire, and they ended up dubbing him unworthy of him and tossing him away into the dungeon. Most of it was Klaus's idea, the same way he had always decided no guy was good enough for Rebekah.
She stormed inside, looking around at the Mikaelsons as they looked like they were in deep thought, discussing something. Roman was nowhere in sight. Something in her head was telling her to save him. She didn't even wait for anyone to say anything to her before she started to make her way to Marcel's old vampire prison.
"Lilah," Rebekah called when she noticed him, the siblings and Davina following the girl as she walked down the stairs.
"Where is he?" Lilah asked, looking around for Roman.
"Lilah," Rebekah said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her towards her.
Lilah shoved her off, the blonde hitting a wall.
"You guys do this all the time, don't you?" Lilah questioned, shaking her head. "Unbelievable. I thought with Klaus gone, maybe I could actually be involved with someone and let you know."
She turned back around, but Rebekah sped in front of her.
"How about you stop and just listen to what I have to say?" Rebekah shouted. "We didn't even know he was your Roman until Josh saw him!"
"I don't want to hear it, Bex!" she shouted back.
"He's a Sienna, luv," Kol said bluntly from behind.
Lilah made an 180 degree turn, standing so she could look at both Rebekah and the others. She quirked up an eyebrow at him at the last name. "A Sienna? As in Antoinette Sienna? As in Greta Sienna, the girl who killed Hayley?" She watched everyone nod. "No," she shook her head. "He told me his name was Roman Bauer."
"Honey," Freya said, holding a hand out and stepping forward. "I know what he told you, but he lied. He's Greta's adoptive brother."
"And we have reason to believe he might've helped Greta," added Davina softly.
"Reason to believe? I saw him in town that same week that Greta and Emmett were riling up all the vampires!"
Lilah turned away from the others and looked at Rebekah. Despite the information she was being given and wanting to be angry with him, her conscience was telling her that she had to make sure she left with him, safely. In a chillingly calm voice, she said slowly, "Where is he?"
Rebekah sighed and started walking, leading to where Roman was, locked behind a door. She opened it, holding it open as Lilah rushed inside.
"Roman!" she yelled, running to his side.
He was unconscious on the floor, his face against the dirty floor. She grabbed him, placing his head in her lap as she sat on the floor. She ran a hand through his hair comfortingly as the boy groaned at her touch. She saw marks along his arms. It looked like they had poured vervain on him. The marks would take time to heal.
She looked at his hands, seeing that he had no daylight ring.
"Where's his ring?" she said, looking up and at the door to the Originals and Davina. When she got no answer, she repeated, "Where? Is? His? Ring?"
"You might want to calm down," Rebekah said, rolling her eyes at her friend's attitude. "You're getting your panties in a twist for a boy you rarely even know! We're practically your family, Lilah."
"This torturing people thing you Mikaelsons do has to stop," Lilah stated. "It has never gotten any of you anything good."
She stood up, bringing the unconscious Roman with her, supporting his weight as she draped one of his arms over her shoulders. When she took a few steps towards the door, Rebekah blocked it.
Lilah got in her face, staring down the blond.
"I suggest one of you hands me his ring and lets me pass. I'm not leaving here without him."
"Just give it to her, Bex," Kol sighed, walking away from the door and leaning against the wall parallel. "She's not gonna let up."
Rebekah let out an angry puff but she dug in her pocket, placing a ring into Lilah's hand. Once she got the ring back onto Roman's hand, she sped out of the compound with him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
please send in asks and talk about what parts of the story you like! here’s some questions we can discuss :)
· the reference to roman being the boy who sweats diamonds :') one of the cutest freya-hope scenes for the show but freya-lilah scenes for the book is when freya would tease lilah about roman being the boy who sweats diamonds, even though it was something hope said
· well shit is starting to pick up! opinions on lorelle?
· oh no, roman's been found out
· why do we think Lilah was willing to anger the Mikaelsons to take Roman out of there? Especially when they were just "casual" friends.
so this has nothing to do with the story but i'm writing an original book (like a book that is mine, not an originals fanfiction) and i'm trying to give a nod to my first favorite OC, which is (you guessed it) Lilah! i'm unsure whether to give her a new last name or to call her lilah desmarais, but there ~is~ a character named roman archibald who only calls her by her last name... soooo should i give her a new last name or dedicate her completely to this lilah?
also enjoy this PSA i wrote on my tumblr blog (follow me at hopesoriginal) since half of this fandom seems to hate roman with a fiery passion for no fucking reason
f you hate roman sienna for "his part" in hayley's death (even though greta lied to him, and he was told hayley and hope wouldn't die) then KEEP THAT SAME FUCKING ENERGY towards:
KAI PARKER for being responsible for in jo's death, for being responsible for luke's death DAMON SALVATORE for being responsible in lexi and tyler's death, for leaving enzo at augustine during the fire, for his part in vicky's death STEFAN SALVATORE for being a FUCKING ripper, for being responsible for enzo's death, for his part in vicky's death KLAUS MIKAELSON for being responsible in elena's death (even though she survived), roman's adoptive father's death (even though he was an asshole), MULTIPLE PEOPLES' DEATHS C'MON PEOPLE, carol lockwood, mason lockwood ELIJAH MIKAELSON for being responsible for one of davina's death, thierry's death, tatia's death FREYA MIKAELSON for being responsible for one of davina's death KOL MIKAELSON for his part in helping esther and finn katherine pierce/katerina petrova for being responsible for turning caroline into a vampire and sparking the reason why the originals came to mystic falls wanting to kill elena, in one of jeremy's deaths DAVINA CLAIRE for being responsible for bringing mikael to new orleans MARCEL GERARD for being responsible for jane-anne's death HOPE MIKAELSON for her part in accidentally killing bill
y'all notice how LONG most of these lists are? yet all of these people are fandom faves, despite the fact that many of them killed other fandom faves. damon somehow deserved happiness with his brother's girlfriend after having killed his brother's best friend. elijah and freya killed their little brother's wife. but roman brings hayley and hope somewhere because his mother asked him to, promising him no one would get hurt... and he's the fucking asshole who doesn't deserve redemption? make it make fucking sense.
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saiilorstars · 4 years
The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 5: Down Memory Lane
// Story Masterlist //
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Original Female Character
Summary: Maleny learns (or relearns) a few most important events in her original body, the ones that led to a closer relationship with Klaus.
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
No real warnings for now!
Requested tag: @queenmj10
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"He's what?" Maleny blinked in horror, the only thing she could do after hearing what Kieran was going through thanks to some resurrected witch.
Cami was both upset with the matter and angry for Maleny's lack of appearance lately. Last night, Maleny had finally decided to come back and was greeted with a cold shoulder by Cami. In the morning, Maleny had practically cornered Cami and forced her to at least say 'hello' and then explain why she and Kieran weren't answering her calls. That's when Cami decided to tell Maleny of the hex that had been placed on Kieran because she couldn't bring herself to plunge the blade of Papa Tunde into Klaus. She'd been given an ultimatum: use the blade on Klaus to save her uncle or disregard it and let her uncle die. At the end, Cami just couldn't do that to Klaus. So now she was there, telling Maleny how their uncle was hexed with limited amount of solutions. Maleny could not believe what she had heard and was a bit ignorant on the glare Cami was sending her at the moment.
"You would've known if you were around," the blonde snapped.
"I tried calling..." Maleny began. It pained her that she couldn't tell Cami anything of what was really going on. It made her look like the bad guy, and while she perhaps was she didn't mean to be.
"Fat lot of good that did," Cami scoffed and turned away, "I needed you, Mal, and you weren't here," the accusation punctured a wound in Maleny's heart.
"I was...I was stuck doing something else, I'm sorry," Maleny sighed, reaching to place her hand on Cami's shoulder, only to have the blonde shake her hand off, "Cami..."
"What was so important you blatantly ignored my calls and decided to skip sleeping here for two days?"
Maleny bit her lip, remaining absolutely silent. This only served to infuriate Cami even more, "We made a plan to save Davina and somehow that turned into an excuse for you to disappear!"
Maleny looked away, offended Cami thought she'd skipped out on their plan when in reality she had been in a sacrificial ritual thanks to some resurrected witch. Of course, Cami couldn't know that because then it would lead her to asking why she was still alive and...no, she couldn't know that.
"Do you know I was attacked by some deranged man in a white suit? I nearly died if it hadn't been for Marcel...and Klaus," Cami decided to add in the end, only to give gratitude. She wanted nothing to do with that man, not even to mention his name.
Maleny sighed, she'd heard that from Klaus himself. She felt awful because she hadn't been there for Cami due to her own issues. Now, she returned to find her uncle hexed and her cousin furious with her. On top of that, she had numerous calls from Elijah on the landline of Cami's house, only adding to the suspicions of Cami. She hadn't forgotten what Marcel had told her about Maleny back in the bar. She wouldn't accept it back then but now with all this and Maleny's strange behavior...perhaps it wouldn't hurt to look into it.
"Cami, I'm sorry," Maleny couldn't find other words to say except those.
Cami turned and opened her mouth to respond when the landline went off again. She marched over to the phone and picked it up, "WHAT!?" she half-shouted, making Maleny wince behind. After a moment, Cami seemed calm enough to answer, "No, Elijah, she's still here," she cast a hard look back at Maleny, "Sure, I'll send her off. But hey, in the meantime, have you or your brother found a way to help my hexed uncle?" she rubbed her temple and gritted her teeth, "Thank you," she muttered and hung up, more like slammed the phone back down.
Maleny carefully stepped closer, knowing just how bad Cami's temper could get at times from her implanted memories, "Hey..."
"Just go," she pointed to the door.
"But you clearly can't be-"
"Maleny, GO!" Cami shouted, making Maleny wince again, "I want to be alone. Go now. I don't need you so go!"
With a sigh, Maleny walked into her guest room to pick up some of her belongings should Cami not open the door for her when she returned tonight, because she would be returning in the night to clear everything with Cami. Half of her mind blamed Elijah and his insistent calls for Cami's attitude. Maleny could not understand what was so urgent that she was needed asap. With a huff, she left the house with an angry Cami inside.
Cami hurried towards the door and locked it before turning and leaning against it. She looked around and spotted her laptop...she had an idea. Marcel's words about Maleny were running through her head more and more, like it was on a loop. Quickly, she rushed for the laptop and plopped down at the table, beginning a search she never thought she'd do.
~ 0 ~
A very irritated Maleny entered the compound, almost stomping her feet with each step she took, "Elijah, there better be a hell of a good reason why I am here," she threatened once she saw the man in the suit up by the balcony, "I have very little patience today and certainly no room for wasting time," she went up the stairs to meet him.
Elijah remained completely calm despite everything that was going on, "My brother has a mystical torture device buried in his chest, and the mother of his child is inexplicably missing. So, I can assure you, I have no time to play any games, either."
"Haley's missing?" Maleny called just as she reached the second floor. Her mind immediately rushed to last night, when Haley mentioned something about having plans of her own. She never actually questioned just what those plans were.
"Yes, you wouldn't have anything to do or know about that, would you?"
"No, I left because I had to go see Cami and Kieran," Maleny shook her head as she followed Elijah, into a room "who is hexed by the way. Thank you very much for informing me of that little detail," she snapped with even more annoyance, "Was anyone ever planning on telling me about that? Because I'm pretty damn sure it was..." she stopped talking once she caught sight of Klaus in bed without a shirt and looking quite in pain, "...what's um...what's going on over there?" she frowned.
"While you dealt with an angry human I dealt with angry vampires," Elijah informed casually as he removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeve, "One of them had to be subdued with a mystical dagger."
Maleny blinked once she caught on what had been said, "Oh and you...you didn't..." she gave him a pointed look which was quickly reciprocated.
"I did."
"Elijah!" she cried, appalled, "How could you?"
"He was about to kill Rebekah," he moved towards Klaus, "I had to do what I had to do."
"He's that mad?"
"He's that mad."
"Wait a minute," Maleny shook her head fast, "It's my understanding that the blade was pretty powerful and...painful..." she eyed the hardly moving hybrid on the bed.
"Oh yes," Elijah nodded, "Every second it remains causes Niklaus untold suffering."
"But it's going to come out right?" she quickly asked, even realizing her haste to be assured it would. That was odd.
"It is," Elijah wiggled his fingers to motion what he was going to do, "Now you may want to step back."
"O-okay..." she did as told and backed away, "...but there's one thing I don't understand, apart from everything else anyways: why am I here? I mean, why so many damn calls? As you heard from Cami's tone, we're not doing so hot. I should be over there trying to fix things with her.
"Because of all the people that could be here, you're probably the only one Niklaus wouldn't immediately slaughter," he used a scalpel and sliced it along the angry red scar on Klaus's chest.
"Oh, that's reassuring," Maleny frowned, "Probably'," she mimicked his tone.
"Potential asset and..." he jammed his fist into the now-open wound, "...you're Maleny Rowan, that name used to do wonders for him."
Maleny looked away when Elijah took out the blade, flinching at the scream of pain Klaus gave as soon as it was out.
"And I due hope your name does wonders at this moment as well," Elijah finished rather calmly as was his nature apparently, "You see, Niklaus will be weak as he recovers. So, watch over him and feed him, if you would. But slowly, please, and from your wrist."
"I'm sorry?" Maleny backed away again, "I would assume there's blood bags in storage around here. Why does it have to come from me?" she held her hands to her chest.
"You said your blood was laced with vervain, yes?"
"Yeah, Haley put me on it."
"It'll burn him and therefore make him ingest it far slower. Perhaps you could use the time constructively? Persuade him not to murder his baby sister," he gave an offer before turning to Klaus, "Niklaus, it was not my desire to bring you pain, but I will not see you hurt Rebekah."
"Elijah. You will pay for this," Klaus warned in a weak voice, threatening nonetheless.
Elijah decided to ignore that and cleaned his hand before taking Maleny to the doorway, speaking quieter, "Now, I fear Sabine will be making a final move against us. I intend to find her and to end this."
"What am I supposed to do?" Maleny whispered, actually afraid of this plan.
"For starters, perhaps show him your necklace," Elijah gestured to the golden chain around her neck, "I wasn't going to mention it to him until I was sure but..."
Maleny put a hand over the locket, "But what?"
Elijah sighed, "Desperate times call for desperate measures. It's the only proof we need to know that you're telling the truth. He'll know it too. So please, just do what you used to do."
"I don't know what I used to do!" Maleny exclaimed, receiving a look to stay quiet. She sighed then spoke quieter, "Yes, I'm the girl, but...I don't remember how to be the girl."
"I don't think that's problem here," Elijah knowingly smiled at her, "Perhaps it's the fact you're scared to be that girl again. I don't blame you, the lives we all lived there weren't easy."
"Scared?" Maleny made a face but couldn't find it in her to defend herself against it.
"Don't refuse your identity. Believe it or not, there were good moments I knew of between you and others in the village. And, I assume, there were plenty more with my brother that none of us knew about," his smile turned into a smirk that had Maleny blushing within seconds.
"Elijah!" she scolded, hitting him on the arm.
"Just remember, alright? No matter how scared you might be, there were good, beautiful moments in your life," Elijah gave her a hug before taking his leave.
"This is great..." Maleny watched after him with a deep breath. She turned and let her bag drop on the floor, "We have some talking to do," she declared as she grabbed a chair and pulled to the side of the bed.
"Must we really?" Klaus could barely turn his head to look at her. Every part of his body was aching and the thirst he felt in his throat was skyrocketing...and she wanted to talk?
"Yes, we 'must really''," she mimicked him, "You are out of your psychotic mind, do you know that?"
At least her humor was still original, "And here I thought I'd be having a sweet little nurse," he gave a small smirk.
"Oh you'd like that," she rolled her eyes, though she did feel a small warmth in her face for some reason, "But no, I'm here to talk about your sister, apparently."
"I'm hungry," was his plain response.
"Okay," Maleny could see she was going to be dealing with an even more stubborn hybrid than usual, "This is how it's going to work: if you want good tasty blood, laced with vervain of course, you're going to listen and you're going to talk. And for once you're in no position to argue. So do as I say and we'll have a dandy ole day," she put on a sweet smile.
"I'd snap your neck right now if I could move properly," he rolled his eyes. Though the more he thought about the action the less he was sure he could actually go through it. That...bothered him.
"And I'd come back to life, apparently," Maleny shrugged, "So that would get you no where," she sighed, now growing serious, "Now, truthfully, how can you want to kill your own sister? You're not thinking straight."
Klaus opened his mouth and then thought of a better idea, "I'm hungry."
"Klaus," she scolded.
"You said I talk and I get blood, so hand it over, love," he smirked.
Maleny rolled her eyes and held her wrist out, "I swear to God if you bleed me out I'll come back and kill you...or haunt you."
"I like your sense of humor," Klaus commented as he grabbed her wrist, "That much hasn't changed, you know."
"Really?" Maleny barely had time to ponder on that when she felt the sharp jab on her wrist's skin, "Ah! Hey, that actually hurt. Slow down!"
"Okay," Klaus finally pulled away, only getting a small part of his strength back. It pained her and admittedly it did make him want to lessen his drinking.
"I'm pretty sure vervain is supposed to burn," Maleny took her wrist back, frowning.
"As you may have yet to realize, the line between what brings us pain and what sustains us is far thinner than one imagines."
"Are you talking about my blood or your senseless need to hunt down your own flesh and blood?"
"I'm too weak for these talks right now," Klaus turned his head away from her.
"I'm no psychologist like Cami but I know my fair share of losses as well. Implanted in my head, but losses nonetheless. How can you hate your own sister?"
"Because she betrayed me in a way I never thought my own 'flesh and blood'", he mimicked Maleny's tone, "would ever do."
"Rebekah's always had a lack of judgement when it came to men. I always tried to keep her from a heartbreak, always," he made sure to emphasize that last word, "But she never understood. We were always on the run and the one moment, the one time I allowed her to finally live in freedom...she betrayed me. I let my guard down and given in to happiness, more fool, I."
"But that was a century ago, what could be so bad that you'd want to kill her for it now?" he pointed to her other wrist and when she caught his look she immediately shook her head, "No!" she cried and stood up, "I will decide when you get more," she walked around, "Back to business, you shouldn't take revenge, what would be the point now? Rebekah is your sister. One of the only siblings you have left because let's be honest, your other ones weren't in good contact with you."
"And how would you know that?"
Maleny blinked as she realized, "Oh...I think I remembered," she turned and headed for her bag on the floor.
"Have you been remembering lately?"
"Yes..." she pulled out a small journal, "...but I also have been listening to stories," she glanced over her shoulders, "Stories I'd rather not see..." she turned, "Rebekah told me what you did to my father," at that, Klaus turned his head away again, silent, "Care to elaborate on that?"
"I had no choice," was the answer.
"And isn't that what Rebekah may have thought during 1919? Hm?" she set the journal on the foot of the bed, "Perhaps what you did back then were for the same reasons Rebekah did what she did later on."
"No!" Klaus half shouted, "What I did was for safety! You were human back then and frail and you needed me!"
Maleny was quite unused to seeing that side of him directed towards the current her. For a second she almost forgot the point she was trying to make, "You acted out of love," she began quietly, finding it difficult to look him in the eye for the moment. She found Klaus's black shirt lying on the edge, nearly falling. She picked it up and moved to the side of the bed to hand it over, "Don't be so quick to forget your own past, Klaus," she whispered the warning.
He looked at her a moment, as if heeding her warning. But then he snatched his shirt from her hand, ignoring said warning, "I did not betray my family," he snapped as he sat up, "Rebekah brought to town the one thing I'd been running from for centuries... my father."
Maleny walked back to pick up her journal, suddenly quiet as she recalled Rebekah's story, "I'm sorry for that."
"Yeah, so was I," Klaus muttered.
"Rebekah told me a bit of my original self and in it was you...and a glimpse of your father," Maleny turned to face him as he laid back down, now with his shirt buttoned up, "I'm really sorry for what you had to endure. I heard mine was no better either."
"It was no wonder our father's got along so well," he shook his head, "But unlike me, you had no one to defend you. It was up to me and I made sure that changed."
Maleny didn't realize she'd let loose a smile for those words, but when she did she cleared her throat and scolded him, "That's not changing, that's murdering."
"No, that's not how you saw it back then. You have to see everything else that happened before you make your conclusion."
Maleny groaned in frustration, "How many times do I have to say this: I can't see the visions or dreams on command!"
"Perhaps you could go work on that right now..." he innocently suggested, making her scoff.
"Weak try by the way," she remarked.
"Well I am recovering from a nasty blade," he reminded.
"I'm not leaving and neither are you," she crossed her arms, "Besides, I would think Rebekah and Marcel would be anywhere in the world by now. It won't be that easy to find them."
"Oh, I'm not so sure about that," he gave her a sharp look, "To get away from me, they'll need a cloaking spell, and for that, they'll need a witch. There's only one place they can go..."
Maleny's eyes widened at the realization, "Oh no..." she breathed.
Klaus just smirked in victory, "Home," he finished.
"Don't do this," Maleny pleaded, seeing he had far better chances of finding them now, "She's your sister for goodness sake."
"For that same reason I'm doing this," Klaus snapped, "She should've known better! Now, she'll pay the price," he motioned with a hand for her wrist again.
Maleny reluctantly held her wrist again, "You'll regret it one day, you know," she spoke quietly, only wincing once that time, "I've seen you, remember? I know nearly everything about you. I know your huge paranoia of being left alone, or left out, and how much it troubles you. Well, look at yourself now, you're ready to kill your sister, god knows what you'll end up doing to Elijah. If you go through with all this...you'll really be alone."
Klaus finally let go of her wrist and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, "You may as well save your breath, love, no one can persuade me otherwise. My siblings have brought this upon their selves."
"I can," Maleny spoke up rather nervously, "I'm the one person who was able to make you do anything, apparently," she looked down at her necklace and suddenly pulled it off her, "Do you remember this?" she held it out to him.
Klaus's eyes widened, of course he recognized it. How could he not have seen that before!? Tentatively, he reached to touch the pendant, "You never let go of it..." he whispered, his eyes drifting up to Maleny's.
The image of the Maleny he knew, his Maleny, did not fit with the woman that sat beside him. And yet, she had the necklace that had been her prize possession back in the day.
"That girl you met all those centuries ago wouldn't want you to do this," Maleny swallowed the lump in her throat threatening to make her tear up, "Now I may not look like the girl in the forest you used to know, but she's in here," she gestured to herself, "and she doesn't want you to do this either. You won't listen to me just because I don't have pretty blonde hair anymore?"
For the first time since they'd began conversing, Klaus shared a laugh with her, "I didn't like you because you had 'pretty blonde hair'."
Maleny smiled, "That's good to hear. So why exactly did you like me back then?"
Klaus gave her a look for her question, "So now we're going to discuss the matters of our love life?"
Due to her blush, Maleny took a moment to herself and looked down, "Well, technically, it'd be your love life we're discussing. I can't remember mine."
"Somehow that sounds like a distraction so I don't harm my baby sister," Klaus handed her gold necklace back.
Maleny reluctantly took it back and sighed, "I really do mean it, though. I can't remember most of my life. At least tell me how I died. Because that's where it started."
"If I knew then perhaps you wouldn't be here today," Klaus leaned back on the headboard, "We had an...argument," it seemed he had trouble admitting that, "and you ran off. I was too frustrated so I let you go. I waited and waited for you to come back to the village but...you never did. You disappeared."
"And there were no clues as to why or how?"
"We searched for you, for one entire day we all looked for you and...nothing," Klaus sighed, balling his fists as the anger flourished in his blood, "You were gone. The last time I saw you you were so angry with me...that is the last memory I have of you."
Maleny rubbed the side of her neck, unsure of how to go about that topic. She didn't remember anything but he did, and he looked so...guilty. It was startling, honestly, and she felt compelled to make him feel better, "What ever happened I know it wasn't your fault," she reached to take his hand, uncaring of how he would react to it. She was just focused on making him better.
Klaus looked down at her hand but felt even worse. He had buried the disappearance of Maleny Rowan as deep as possible, his guilty conscience never allowing him peace for it. He gently took his hand from under hers, "I think you should wait to see your disappearance before you make statements like that."
"Well, since I can't command the visions, I guess we'll just have to wait," Maleny cleared her throat, "But listen, my body might be gone and technically, yeah, I'm still missing...but that doesn't matter anymore. I'm here, under the oddest circumstances, but I am here and I am trying to get my life back in order. And, believe it or not, you are part of this life. I've seen so many sides of you in my memories and right now I am looking at one that scares me. It scares me to the bone."
Klaus didn't take that so lightly, "Then leave," he snapped.
Maleny blinked, "No, don't take that the wrong way-"
"There is no other way to take it, love. You said what you want now I say what I want: this is me, and you don't have to be here to see me. In fact, I'm going to go do what I should have been doing all along, finding Rebekah and Marcel," and with that he tried getting up from the bed.
Maleny frantically tried to keep him down, "You're still weak! Did you forget that or something?"
"No, and I haven't forgotten my hunger," he cast a rather irritated look at her, "And unless you really want to become my lunch I suggest you move out of my way!"
"Aha, no," she shook her head, "You're not getting any of that. So, be a good little boy and get back into bed."
"If I had a quid for every time a woman has tried that line on me," Klaus smirked.
"Oh, he's hallucinating," she shook her head and stepped back with her own smirk, "Poor thing."
"I wouldn't be so quick to talk," Klaus pointed a finger at her, "If you are the Maleny I knew, then we had quite the nights..." he swayed his head, his smirk widening.
Maleny frowned and clapped her hand over his mouth, "Shut up, shut up right there and then," not a second later did she feel a prick on her palm, making her jerk it away with shock, "You bit me...with fangs."
"Be gracious I didn't go for the neck," was Klaus's simple response.
"Ever the gentleman," she rolled her eyes, "I don't know how you managed to get the women I've seen."
"I'm charming, did I forget to mention?"
This time, Maleny rolled her eyes with a playfulness in them, "Yes, did you also forget to mention how big of a show off you are?" she grabbed her journal and threw it to him, "I've got at least a full page for each women I've seen be shown off all your 'skills' and whatnot."
"You mean showing off my incredible charms," Klaus picked up the journal and started skimming through the pages, not even realizing that for a couple minutes he wasn't even thinking of Rebekah nor Marcel nor anything.
Maleny did.
She smiled genuinely and took a seat on the chair again, watching him read the pages she'd written. The murderous looks were gone momentarily as pensiveness took over, his attention seemingly captivated by what was written on the pages.
Out of the no where, Maleny blurted, "Do you think I could be them too?" Klaus raised his eyebrows as he looked up, "I mean, it makes sense why I see them all," they hadn't actually sat down to discuss that topic, even though it was pretty much unofficially believed.
"You'd jumped bodies longer than Celeste then," Klaus released a breath as he thought more, "But Celeste was a powerful witch and, no offense love, but..."
"I hadn't really mastered my powers yet, huh?" Maleny assumed by the look on his face.
"You were getting good at it," Klaus tried to ease down the truth, "but...you still needed more practice."
"So someone did this to me, for sure," Maleny bit her lip, "Who? And why?" she sighed, "I just don't understand why someone would do this to me."
"I promise you we are going to figure that out," a determination settled into Klaus's tone, "because that person made you disappear. I'll find them."
Maleny smiled, "How's about you promise me that you won't kill your sister instead, hm? I would really like that."
"Nice try."
Maleny groaned, "C'mon, we were doing so well for a short time. Can't we make that last a little longer?"
"Your attempts are full of genuine determination, admirable, but useless nonetheless," Klaus snatched the journal from her hands and opened it up to a page, "You wrote about Le Grand Guignol," he looked up with suspicious eyes, "What do you know about that?"
"That was part of Maya Sterling's life," Maleny shrugged, "You liked the play so you were going to take her there."
"I was..." he nodded with a small sigh, "...but my good ole father had other plans."
Maleny bit her lip as she considered her next words, "You know...I don't really know what happened to Maya. I mean, there's a lot of these women whose endings I don't know about. But, since we're already talking about 1919..."
"You want to know how she died...I don't think you do."
"Yes I do," Maleny assured, "I need to know everything those women did, what patterns they all shared, anything and everything to help me right now. There are some of the women who just...disappeared," her voice went into a whisper of fear, "Just like my first life. They just disappear and are never seen again. I don't want to disappear again. If you're going to murder Rebekah, can you at least do something good today?" she questioned before lightly gasping, "But don't tell Elijah I said that."
Klaus took a moment to consider the plead and decided to get something out of it as well. Next thing Maleny knew, her wrist was being asked for again.
"Are you serious?" she frowned.
"If I'm to get strength then I need blood, no matter how much yours burns," he motioned for her wrist.
"You're not looking so weak anymore," she remarked as she held her wrist again.
"You've turned out to be a good little nurse after all," he said as he took her wrist.
Maleny pretended to gasp, "Klaus Mikaelson, was that a compliment out of your sheer will?"
"Well if you are to be Maleny, the real Maleny I mean, I suppose I could be a tad nice. But don't get used to it," Klaus warned her.
"Why not?" Maleny earnestly questioned, "The night we had those drinks you were a bit nice," she reminded, "I think you even flirted with me."
"Mm, that wasn't flirting. Believe me, you'll know when I flirt."
"Right, so when I'm up against that wall," she jerked a thumb behind her, "and being snogged to death, I'll know," she rolled her eyes, "Look, this is interesting and all, but I really need you to listen: please don't kill your sister."
"Never going to let that go, are you?"
"This is your sister we're talking about! God, I can't believe this is man I saw talking for hours, and I do mean for hours, about a stupid play Maya couldn't care less about."
"Maya loved that play," he argued.
Maleny scoffed loudly, "Oh no, trust me, she did not give a damn about it. The only reason she listened was because it was you that was talking. Where is that man, hm?"
Klaus looked away from her, unsure of what he was more irritated of: the fact that the woman simply would not give up in her useless determinant efforts or that he couldn't seem to stay focused on how he was going to go after Rebekah and Marcel all because a simple brunette kept swaying him with words. What the hell was going on here?
~ 0 ~
Back at Cami's, there were dozens of papers around her bed with her laptop in the center. Cami had a frantic face on as she continuously searched through pile, "How is this possible?" she murmured, chewing on her nail as she read and read her aunt and uncle's letters they always wrote for her family from overseas.
It always happened like that, Cami remembered. Her family would receive letters from Maleny's parents who lived in England, and Cami always remembered there being pictures and even letters handwritten by Maleny herself. But now she physically went looking through them, Cami found herself coming up with nothing but pure letters from her aunt and uncle, no mention of any sort of Maleny - no daughter.
That couldn't be right...could it?
~ 0 ~
Maleny walked into the living room to find Klaus already pouring himself a drink, "Really?" she raised an eyebrow, "I leave for one minute and you go straight for the scotch?"
"It helps," he turned and raised the glass.
"No, it doesn't," Maleny shook her head, "Elijah never said anything about drinking scotch."
"Do not speak to me of Elijah," he snapped.
"You know he loves you, right?"
"Yes. He does, and he proves it time and again, even when my father enlisted him to kill me."
"Ah, see?" Maleny crossed her arms, "All the reason not to hurt him as well," she walked further inside the room, "And while you're at it, you should leave Rebekah too."
"Your tries are getting weak," Klaus remarked.
"Well, you keep feeding off me," she playfully snapped and took his glass, "It's bound to have some effects. Now c'mon, no more," she stepped back with his glass.
"What are you going to do exactly to prevent me?" Klaus raised an eyebrow. Maleny looked around in thought and resigned to drink down what was left, "That was your master plan?" Klaus actually laughed a genuine laughter.
Maleny set down the glass on the counter beside them and sighed, "If it's what I must, then I shall," she considered grabbing another drink but she remembered she'd have to return to Cami sooner or later and she'd rather do that in all her senses to patch things up with her 'cousin'. She looked up to find Klaus silently looking at her, "Why are you looking at me like that?" Maleny was quick to ask in alarm. For all she knew, Klaus could be plotting how to get her out of the way in order to find Rebekah and Marcel.
"For a split second, you looked...exactly like Maleny back in the day," Klaus explained in a quiet tone, seeming stunned at the fact.
"Okay," Maleny nodded, unsure of how to respond coherently. But as the silent minutes, that seemed more like hours to Maleny, dreadfully passed, she had a few words in her head, "Why are you looking at me like that now?" she sheepishly asked, now feeling a small blush on her face.
In the meantime of the silence, Klaus had been staring at her with an expression Maleny would have to classify as interest. Unbeknownst to her, Klaus was thinking, or wondering, how she might look like now if she were back in her original body. She was really that girl in the forest he used to meet all the time? In that moment he realized how much he missed her and wanted her back. He didn't care who he had to go through, he would find the person responsible for her disappearance and make them pay. Simultaneously he would find someone to break the spell and put her back in her original body. He wanted to see her pretty blonde hair again, and perhaps, even-
"You're still doing it," Maleny accused, unable to find peace with her balance. She shifted from one side to the other waiting for the hybrid to make a word or something.
Instead of answering, Klaus reached to touch her face, startling her. He wanted to see if she felt different. Being inside a body that wasn't yours had to feel odd but what about those around that person? If he caressed her, would she react the same way she did back in the old days? With all the other women he never knew it could have been his Maleny, and so he never paid attention to these kinds of things.
Suddenly, a phone beeped and seeing as Maleny's had been broken back at the plantation house she knew it had to be Klaus's. On cue, he stepped back and checked his phone, his eyebrows raising when he read the message, "Oh, I hate to be a know-it-all. My sister and her lover have been spotted in town. So, our time endeth here, I'm afraid."
Maleny watched him walk to a statue and promptly knocked it down. Out came an indestructible white oak stake from it, "What is that?" she pointed.
"A white oak stake, my own special version. And, unlike the one my father had, this one cannot be destroyed," Klaus waved the stake with a smirk and sped out of the room.
Maleny blinked, barely able to process what had happened. Such weird things happened...
She shook her head and dashed out of the room, she couldn't let anything distract her from the main problem.
~ 0 ~
"Hi, this is Camille O' Connell, I'm calling on behalf of my cousin, Maleny Woods," Cami had her landline phone pressed on her ear while she held yet another photo album of her family, "She just wanted to make sure her credits transferred to her English literature class for the semester."
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but there are no records of Maleny Woods in this college," the woman from the other line informed.
Cami stopped walking, "Oh really," by this point she wasn't as surprised to find yet another place missing a student Maleny Woods, "Not even a 'Maleny Woods O' Connell?" Cami gave the benefit of the doubt to Maleny in case she'd used her entire name that included Cami's aunt's maiden name.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but there's nothing here," the woman repeated.
"Thank you," Cami hung up and tossed the phone to the table. She sighed in frustration and shut the album in her hands. This was impossible. There was nothing...nothing of the woman Cami believed was her cousin.
She'd called the last community college to see about that credit transfer that Maleny had told her about over the phone the night she was to leave New Orleans with her. And yet, now Cami knew there was nothing of Maleny in said college. And it was not just that...it was everything else. There were no pictures of Maleny as a child, teen, adult, alone or with her family. But Cami could distinctly remember specific memories that Maleny was in. And yet...she wasn't there.
~ 0 ~
Maleny had found Klaus not too far from the compound, currently feeding on some poor man, "What are you doing?" she sighed.
Klaus let the man go and sent him on his way, all compelled of course, and looked at Maleny with half a sarcasm tone, "Well, if you have to ask, you obviously haven't been paying attention. I'm going to kill my sister, but first, I needed some sustenance with a little less vervain in it. No offense."
"Believe me, none taken," Maleny assured and shook her head, "You can't do this."
"Give me a couple minutes, I'll get strength back and then I'll prove you wrong."
Maleny put a hand on her head, "Take it from me," she began again, serious now, "I don't know what's going on with me, all I know is that I'm some girl from the old world that disappeared. I don't have any family anymore. The one person I did have...you killed. I'm alone now, in the 21st century, I've got nothing left. You do, you have your siblings and you're going to hunt them both down. Isn't that what your father did to you?"
Klaus stepped back and narrowed his eyes at her, "Are you calling me my father?" the accusation making it a deeper wound than he was willing to admit.
"Well...not really but kill Rebekah and I won't see any difference between you two at all," Maleny crossed her arms, "You'll be a senseless murderer like he was."
"You have no idea of the past, what happened, my reasons for doing what I did...come, let me show you an answer to one of your questions," and before Maleny could protest, Klaus sped up and grabbed her by the arm, speeding off to who knew where.
~ 0 ~
Maleny found herself in front of the ruins of an old opera house, the precise one that Mikael had burned down in 1919. Confused, she looked at Klaus, "What? I know, it burned down, so what?"
"You really don't remember what happened, do you?" he began considering the way in which he would tell her about her predecessor's death.
"Remember what?" Maleny shrugged, staring at the opera house again, "What's going on?"
"Maya Sterling, the same day the opera house was burnt down...she disappeared," Klaus began, ignoring the look Maleny was now giving him, "But she was found that same day...on the stage...staked to death and hung up like a prop," Maleny was frozen on her spot as she listened to his words, her eyes tearing up, unaware that were so Klaus's, "She wasn't the only one up on stage, there was Marcel, staked to a cross by the hands. Maya was...dead," Klaus swallowed hard, "There was nothing I could do for her so I tried to help Marcel but my father had other ideas. Rebekah attempted to intervene. And you know, all these years, I actually believed she was trying to save me..."
"Wouldn't you have tried saving Maya if she had still been alive?" Maleny softly questioned, making him think about it, "Rebekah was just doing what her heart was telling her to do."
"I had to run, beaten like the dog my father believed me to be," Klaus ignored the comment as he stared at the opera house, "And as we fled for our lives, he burnt it all to the ground. And with it, we assumed, Marcel. I lived, but all that we had built died, as did the last shred of me that felt human," he finally turned to Maleny, "I lost Maya because of those two."
"But...but I'm still here," Maleny gestured to herself, "I mean, it's weird but-"
"You're not her," Klaus interrupted, "You...you're afraid of me. You said it yourself. I scare you to the bone. So now, I'll go play the role I'm given, the one you've appropriated for me as well."
"No, Klaus, I-I didn't...I didn't mean to," Maleny tried to step closer to him but he sped away and left her on the street. She felt tears welling in her eyes as she realized she had unintentionally hurt him.
She looked at the opera house and shuddered a breath, hoping to God she would never remember the death she had went through as Maya. She shook her head and turned to head back to the compound where she'd left her things. She'd have to go find someone else who could help her now. On the turn of the street, she bumped into someone and heard a book drop to the ground. She bent down and picked up the blue book and handed it to the young man it belonged to, "Sorry."
"It's alright," the young man nodded with a smile that made Maleny sheepishly give one back. She went around him and continued down the sidewalk. She never looked back which allowed the young man to watch her go unnoticed.
~ 0 ~
Next Day
Maleny could not believe she was walking into Davina's old room in the attic of the church...where Davina herself now sat in, alive. She'd returned, apparently, by killing one of the resurrected witches. Marcel had called Cami's house where he'd requested not only her but Maleny as well. The two 'cousins' had been trying to talk once more, if Cami ignoring Maleny was 'talking' anyways, when Marcel had called in. What was worse was that Maleny found out the three Mikaelson siblings were currently stuck in the cemetery until nightfall tonight. Maleny feared for Rebekah's life, as well as Elijah's, for Klaus was in a state of utter fury. The only hope was for Davina to be able to lower down the boundary spell.
"Davina..." Maleny stood at the doorway of Davina's room, her heart breaking at the sight of the young girl. Cami had, begrudgingly remained downstairs for the moment with Marcel and Kieran after Marcel had specified that Davina wanted to see Maleny first for some reason.
"Maleny!" Davina gasped when she saw the brunette, "I...I know what happened to you..." she blinked with wide eyes, "...m-m-most of it anyways."
"You do?" Maleny could have nearly ran for the girl to get most of her answers but remembered the situation. As much as she wanted her answers she kept thinking about Klaus and the mistake he was about to commit, or could commit at any moment.
"It's a spell, you were tricked," Davina breathed heavily, her mind too exhausted from everything she'd endured in limbo to fully explain at the moment.
"Davina, I'd like to hear what you know but right now you're more important," Maleny slowly walked up to the bed and remained at the foot standing up, "Marcel mentioned something about being in limbo..."
"I was alone..." Davina began, pulling her knees to her chest, deciding it was best to talk to Maleny once her head was cleared, "...for a moment, anyways, but then I heard them. Voices, whispering to me."
"The ancestors. They're so angry with me. I used my power against my own, and they said they'd do horrible things to me if I misuse my magic again."
"Then all we have to do is just get you to start practicing magic like you used to," Maleny cautiously took a seat on the bed, "Before the Harvest."
"No, the witches don't want me anymore..."
"Yeah but if this Harvest thing is completed then bygones should be bygones," Maleny shrugged, "They got what they wanted in the end, after all."
"You're really a witch, you know that?" Davina surprised her with the confirmation of her powers, "I saw it, the ancestors, they know you. They've been watching you..."
"Oh goody," Maleny rolled her eyes, "Must be a hell of a freak-show for them. But right now, I don't matter, you do. Take my advise, try to start practicing magic like you used to before Marcel took you."
"You say that like it's so simple, but the witches aren't just gonna let me go. They're not done with me."
"No one can control you unless you let them."
"How do I even know who to trust? Should I trust Marcel? The first thing he did when I came back was try to use me again to help Rebekah. I'm sure Cami has something she wants from me too."
"And me too," Maleny sighed, "The curse resolved, to find my body-"
"But you're different, you're not asking me to fix you," Davina half-smiled, "You're telling me you don't matter...you're not like the others, that's why I only trust you."
Maleny smiled softly, "Then if you trust me, follow my advise. Look, if you want, we can go back to your coven and we can ask them for help."
"When I came back, the voices I heard, they said the only ones who could help me are the witches," Davina sighed, "But, after what I did to them, they hate me. So, how can I go back and ask for their help now?"
Maleny's heart broke all over again as the young girl broke into sobs again.
~ 0 ~
"Do you think there's any way of getting the witches to take Davina in again?" Maleny asked Marcel once Cami had taken her turn to see Davina, Kieran already gone to tend to the human fraction.
"Oh, like that's a possibility," Marcel scoffed in exasperation.
"Well until we haven't performed it, it is," Maleny crossed her arms, "You know the witches well, don't you think it'd be best for you to ask help?"
"Do you know why I know the witches so well?"
"You used to be a tyrant, yes I'm aware," Maleny nodded, "But you're not anymore and you want to get Rebekah out of that cemetery as much as I want to, so guess what? Talking to the witches is our best option."
"And do you really care Rebekah or Davina?"
"Excuse me?"
Marcel stalked up to her with a menacing look, "I know you don't exist, that you're a complete lie!" Maleny flinched at the loud tone that was being used against her, "I don't know how you did it, how you keep doing it, but you're nothing but a lie. Cami and Kieran think you're their family when the truth is all those thoughts were implanted in their heads!"
"Don't you yell at me!" Maleny snapped, raising her own voice back, "You think I like lying to Cami?"
"Seems like it to me! But your game ends here because I told Cami everything and I doubt it'll be long before the doubt really kicks in and she'll start digging, realizing that you're a lie."
With that, Maleny was left alone as Marcel sped out of the church to take her advise on the witches. She turned around and blinked with wide eyes as she saw Cami standing at the doorway of the staircase. Maleny swallowed hard as Cami came towards her, the intent of discussing that matter etched all over her face.
~ 0 ~
Night had fallen over the French Quarter and with good news for Davina. She'd been accepted back with the coven and the Harvest Girls. However, Maleny wasn't doing too hot at the moment. She and Cami had a very, very long 'discussion' about Maleny's past.
"This is when we went to camp, remember?" Cami held up a photograph of her younger self and her twin in a forest, "You and I learned how to swim in the coldest lake possible. And yet...you're not here."
Maleny tried taking the photograph but Cami stepped back, more furious than ever, "Cami, I'm sorry. But you really don't understand-"
"Of course I don't understand!" Cami exclaimed, "I don't understand anything! How you're not in any of our photo albums. How you're not even mentioned in the letters my aunt wrote for us...I don't get it."
"I didn't choose any of this, Cami. Davina says someone put a spell on me. It's all very complicated but I didn't want to lie to you."
"The fact is you didn't have sufficient trust in me to tell me what was going on," Cami pointed, "You had the chance and you decided to tell everyone else - even Davinawhom you'd only met for a couple hours, and not me, your family!" tears started to well up in her eyes as she kept going, "I'm human, yes, but I could still help you! I would've done anything to help you! But you didn't trust me..."
"No, that's not true," Maleny began to say but Cami had had enough with everything.
"Actions speak louder than words, Mal, and yours have screamed at me what you thought," with that, Cami went for the suitcase Maleny had left in the corner of her room, "And since you don't trust me, then I don't want you here."
"I don't want you anywhere near me or uncle Kieran, my uncle Kieran," Cami brought the suitcase up to Maleny, "And don't you dare tell him the truth because that is the last thing he needs right now. Leave, I don't care where you go or what you do, just GO."
"Cami, please," Maleny pleaded but Cami wouldn't listen anymore.
"Get out, Mal," Cami spat the nickname and pushed past her, heading for her own room to await for her 'cousin' to leave her home.
~ 0 ~
Rebekah stood in front of Cami's house later in the night, awaiting for Maleny to come near the window or something to get her attention. She'd been making stops with everyone before she left the city and Maleny was her last one. She wasn't in the mood for a whole talk with Cami as she was sort of in a rush, she didn't want Klaus to have time to regret his deal with her and really come after her again.
Suddenly, she saw Maleny stepping out of the house and so went towards her, only to slowly come to a stop when she saw Maleny's suitcase in hand as well as her bag over her shoulders, "What's...what's going on?"
Maleny was startled to see the blonde at the spot, never really getting news afterwards on what kind of plan had struck between her and Klaus due to her arguments with Cami, "What are you doing here, Rebekah?" she rolled her suitcase behind her as she came up to Rebekah, "And Klaus? Is he okay?"
Rebekah caught the extra concern for her brother and smiled, "He's fine - under what fits," she answered for Maleny's sake, "I came to say goodbye but what are youdoing?" Rebekah's eyes were glued to the suitcase, "You're leaving?"
"Not by choice," Maleny sighed, "Cami found out I lied and, well...she wasn't too happy."
"Understatement, by the looks of it," Rebekah raised her eyebrows, "You got an idea where you're going, then?"
"Um, got a bit of money saved, going for a hotel nearby."
"So you're not leaving the city?"
"No, but apparently you are," Maleny was now staring at the bright red car Rebekah had parked in the street, "Why?"
"Klaus gave me my freedom," Rebekah shrugged, "Definitely took it. It's for the best, too much tension, and..." she sighed with resignation, "...this is the best for both of us."
"I'm sorry," Maleny said quietly, "I thought I could get him to change his mind but I guess I was only kidding myself if I thought I had that kind of power."
"Look, Maleny, I came to say goodbye and give you my number," Rebekah handed over the small piece of paper, "Heard you were caught in a fire and blah, blah, blah, so here's the number again. Give me a call here and then, like our old chats when we were human."
"Then you accept I'm really her?"
Rebekah smiled softly, "Yes, and because of that, I want us to have that friendship again, even if it's through long distance. You and I, we used to be like sisters back then..."
"I remember that," Maleny nodded again as she recalled the several visions she'd seen about them, "We used to share all our secrets with each other, all of them..." she flushed with embarrassment.
"Your biggest one being your love for my brother," Rebekah was sure to remind with a smirk.
"Oh, God," Maleny looked away, even more embarrassed.
"Do you remember what happened to you during that time?" Rebekah wondered genuinely, "Why or how you disappeared?"
Maleny shook her head, "No, it's all still fuzzy but I'm sure the more I work on it the more I'll begin to remember."
"I had suspicions that it could've been Klaus..."
Maleny's eyes widened, "N-n-n-no!" she immediately said, "I know it wasn't him! He...he can't have been," she grew quiet as she thought, "No...I refuse to believe that."
"Do you still love him?" Rebekah also wondered, curious to know if that true sentiment had prolonged throughout the course of time.
"What? I...I don't know," Maleny blushed deeply, one that even Rebekah could see through the dark night and even made her laugh, "It's all too confusing right now. Besides, I think I've hurt his feelings earlier in the day. I'll be lucky if I can walk the street without being cornered."
"Earlier, I'd wanted to start an investigation on your disappearance, my assumed culprit being my brother, but now I'm not so sure..." Rebekah honestly said, "...I think there's more to this than I realized, and perhaps I've judged my brother wrongly. If you've been the women he's repeatedly fell in love with over the centuries then make no doubt that the story will repeat itself again, only this time...try to stick around forever, yeah?"
"I'd love to, but I'm cursed, haven't you heard?" Maleny sighed while Rebekah's eyes widened, "Davina's going to help me, Klaus was going to help me too but now I don't know..."
"You know, I know a place you could stay in...maybe start on that plan," Rebekah smirked, Maleny dreading the plan she was in the dark about.
"The one place you ought to be from now on," Rebekah declared then grabbed the handle of Maleny's suitcase, "Come along!"
~ 0 ~
Elijah stood in the courtyard of the compound, now a lonesome building without Marcel and his vampires lurking about. Even Hayley had decided to stay with her pack at least until the full moon next month to see if the curse would finally break, thanks to a conjuring of Celeste. He heard footsteps nearing the building which surprised him because, truthfully, she was the last person he expected to see for the night.
He turned to find Maleny standing at the threshold with an apologetic smile and a face stained with tears, "I-I'm sorry...Rebekah, she brought me here," Maleny rubbed the side of her face, "Cami and I, we had an argument...she knows I lied to her and her family so she kicked me out. Rebekah said I should come here and left before I could even say something..."
Elijah looked up to the second level, knowing Klaus was probably already beginning on the drinking and whatnot. He began forming an idea in his mind on just how to help Klaus. He walked up to Maleny with a smile, "I think Rebekah did right," he motioned for the suitcase Maleny held on to.
"But Klaus and I, he's upset with me..." Maleny felt the need to say before Klaus himself turned up to kick her out.
"Believe me, it'll be alright," Elijah assured as he took her suitcase.
Maleny had no choice but to believe him for the moment and began following him up the stairs, hoping to God everything would really work out fine. It had been a long, long time of living this cycle. She just wanted to break the spell and finally be free to live in her own body. Was that too much to ask?
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theworkofxanderking · 4 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (Alternative Season 5)
Episode Six: From Here to Hell Town (Part One of Two)
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
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Klaus found himself walking through the woods of Mystic Falls which looked exactly like it did a thousand years ago a time when things may have been simpler but were far less tolerable.
He vamp sped through the forest only to find him back in the same spot so he continued to vamp speed and try and escape but kept returning to the same point much to his disappointment.
“No matter how hard you try Niklaus everything always leads back to here.” Nathaniel said to him appearing from out of thin air much to Klaus’ surprise.
“What kind of bloody spell have you cast on me?” Klaus snapped at him.
“This is no spell Niklaus I am only here because I’m on your mind.” Nathaniel replied with a smile across his face.
“Of course, you’re on my mind you’re a treacherous bastard I would’ve done anything for you, and you return after a thousand years to treat me and my family like chess pieces.” Klaus shouted while walking towards Nathaniel.
“That’s not how I recall it I asked you to leave this place with me, but you couldn’t.” Nathaniel responded. “I wanted a life with you and instead we both have had several lifetimes without each other.”
“Why are you doing all this?” Klaus snapped while grabbing a hold of Nathaniel. “What did I do to ever deserve this from you?”
“You ripped out my heart,” Nathaniel replied as Klaus found himself choking on blood only to look down to see Nathaniel’s hand inside his chest. “Now I will rip out yours.”
Suddenly Klaus woke up in his bed shirtless and sweating while heaving panting looking around his bedroom to realize, he was at the compound and it was all just a dream. Sadly, the return of his former love now possible enemy was no dream but a living nightmare.
Hope and Hayley were in the bayou fight training with each other each wearing boxing gloves and gym gear Hope managing to hold her own against her mother but neither hitting the other particularly hard clearly not wanting to hurt each other and training to keep themselves ready for a fight they had a feeling was coming.
“Not too bad!” Hayley said as she threw a punch in her daughter’s direction only for Hope to duck and miss Hayley’s fist.
“I had a good teacher.” Hope replied as she launched her foot at her mother’s legs tripping her up in the process and causing Hayley to fall to the ground back first. “Now are we going to talk about my uncle Henrik returning from the dead all grown up and ready to kill us all or is everyone going to just keep lying to me?”
“We’re not trying to hide anything from you Hope it’s just we don’t really know much right now.” Hayley answered her daughter while rising back on her feet. “Rebekah’s gone to some weird ass ghost town to speak to this Malus guy under some illusion she can get more information out of him I mean if anyone could it’d be your aunt Bex.”
“You know just once I’d like to get a family reunion that doesn’t end in somebody being murdered.” Hope responded with a sigh. “I can’t believe Aunt Rebekah gets to go witch hunting for possibly the most mysterious sounding witch in history and I’m stuck here, no offense.”
“Offense taken,” Hayley said with a sarcastic smile. “Rebekah has history with him and she’s immortal so she’s allowed to go witch hunting you however are a 15-year-old girl who should be studying not hunting.”
“Please mum I’m part wolf and their all about hunting not to mention my father is an original vampire and we all know they are the number one predator.” Hope said making it clear she was not a little girl anymore. “I’m not saying I want to be thrown into every crazy situation our family gets into because quite frankly nobody’s got enough time in the calendar for that, but I want to get involved from time to time instead of always feeling left out.”
“Hope you are involved,” Hayley told her as she gave her daughter a hug. “Everything we do both your father and I is to keep you safe to give you a better life than either of us ever had.”
“I know that’s what you think your doing but I’m not some little princess who needs protecting I’m a Tribrid and I’m pretty sure I could take you.” Hope said as she brushed off her mother’s hug.
“You think so huh?” Hayley laughed. “I’ll tell you what the next Mikaelson mission I go on you can come with but only if you can beat me.”
“I’ll take it easy on you mother by not using any magic because that would be too easy.” Hope replied with a sinister smirk eager to prove herself as a formidable opponent.
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Rebekah drove down an empty clearly run down road while driving a luxury sports car with the roof down so the wind would freely blow her hair as she blared music only for Bonnie who was sitting on the passenger seat to switch off the radio much to Rebekah’s dismay.
“Do you really need to switch off my music every bloody time I’m just starting to get into the song?” Rebekah asked her while keeping her eye on the road.
“You asked me to come with you to a creepy ghost town to meet a creepy witch now is not the time for music.” Bonnie moaned at her.
“You could’ve simply said no and left me to face the wicked old witch by myself after all I’ve faced many in my time.” Rebekah replied to her.
“All three Malus witches are a threat to not only you and your siblings but anyone who possesses magic which includes my witches in New Orleans, your niece Hope who I can imagine is quite high up on the list being an all-powerful Tribrid and then myself of course. Not to mention once their done with New Orleans they’ll probably head straight for Mystic Falls where there’s a school filled with magical students.” Bonnie said to Rebekah making it clear she was literally carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders in that moment.
“You are truly remarkable Bonnie Bennet I struggle to care for my own siblings at time’s Niklaus especially which I’m sure you can understand why and yet you somehow care for everyone.” Rebekah complimented her. “But here’s a little hint from one girl to another loving everybody else leaves very little time for loving yourself and a lot of time for heartbreak after heartbreak.”
“Enzo used to always tell me to be a little more selfish.” Bonnie replied with a smirk before a look of heartbreak crossed her face. “I tried that with him, and it ended with Stefan ripping his heart out right in front of me and me having to be a bridesmaid while my best friend married the man who killed the one, I loved.”
“See that the there is not selfish that’s the epitome of Bonnie Bennet only you would do something like that after what Stefan took from you I would’ve ripped his heart out on his pretty wedding to Caroline and made sure blood drenched her wedding dress purely for the satisfying visuals and dramatic effect.” Rebekah revealed.
“Trust me there were many times I pictured killing Stefan and then he died, and I couldn’t help but blame myself for not saving him.” Bonnie admitted. “I despised him and yet I still felt guilty because my best friend the most loving person in the world lost her husband the same day, she married him.”
“If you ask me Caroline had a lucky escape loving Stefan Salvatore only ends in heartache especially when doppelgangers are in the mix even if Elena chose Damon in the end I’m sure Katherine would find some way of claiming Stefan even from the great beyond.” Rebekah reassured Bonnie in typical Rebekah fashion. “Besides Caroline needs someone who challenges her, someone who can handle her and who she can handle.”
“I swear if you say Klaus, I’m throwing myself out of this car right now.” Bonnie laughed.
“Believe it or not Bonnie but when us Mikaelson’s love we love with every fiber of our being even if the world sees us as monsters.” Rebekah replied with a sigh of sadness.
“I know it’s just when also when you hate you hate with every fiber of your being.” Bonnie admitted causing Rebekah to laugh.
“Bonnie Bennet I think I’m beginning to like you or at least tolerate you.” Rebekah revealed as she gave Bonnie a smile before returning her attention to the road. “I sure hope you don’t wind up dead today.”
Klaus walked into the dining area of the compound to find Hayley, Marcel and Elijah sitting at his table clearly having a conversation which had been hushed by his arrival making Klaus keen to know what his family had been keeping from him this time.
“Please don’t tell me another mistake of mine has crawled out of their graves to torment me further.” Klaus said to them.
“Actually, we just having a conversation about a Mikaelson representative at the faction meetings.” Marcel with a wicked smile clearly ready for the inevitable drama to unfold.
“Finally, some good news,” Klaus responded with a smile of his own. “I promise to try and be as reasonable as possible and perhaps even attempt following some rules.”
“Yeah see I agreed to a Mikaelson representative, but I never said I was going to agree to it being you.” Marcel revealed to him as he stood up from his chair.
“Please there is no Mikaelson better fitting than me!” Klaus snapped.
“History shows that there is no Mikaelson less fitting than you.” Hayley said as she too stood up from her chair. “Out of all the Mikaelson’s you have the most enemies and that’s quite a feat considering Kol has less enemies than you.”
“Kol has the right attitude but fails to make a lasting impression like I do.” Klaus replied with a sinister smirk.
“Brother it really is in the family’s best interest that we make this work this time around with as little bloodshed as possible.” Elijah told his younger brother as he was the last to stand up from his chair.
“That’s easy for you to say I was once a king in this city!” Klaus shouted. “And now you want me to be what another local?”
“Hey at least now you can put your full attention on seeking out Henrik and Nathaniel where are we on that by the way?” Marcel said to Klaus attempting to change the subject.
“Rebekah and bloody Bonnie Bennett are heading to some hell town as we speak to seek them out,” Klaus snapped while looking at Marcel, Hayley and Elijah with pure fury in his eyes. “However, I may advise them to switch sides with me and align ourselves with Henrik instead.”
“Bonnie is the least likely person to ever work alongside you Klaus.” Hayley said with a smirk clearly amused by Klaus’ rage.
“This will not stand!” Klaus shouted before looking at Elijah. “You’re the Mikaelson representing at these meetings.”
“Yes, but I promise to work alongside you as much as possible brother.” Elijah admitted to him.
“Well good luck to the lot of you because the only thing more boring than endless meetings is Elijah and you’ve just aligned the two now that’s the ultimate enemy give me psychotic witches and long lost zombie siblings any day over meetings with Elijah.” Klaus moaned in a fit before vamp speeding out of the dining area leaving Elijah, Hayley and Marcel smirking at each other over his reaction to their news.
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Rebekah’s car pulled up just in front of the graffiti-ed Welcome to Helton signed which was graffiti-ed to say Welcome to Hell town as Rebekah and Bonnie got out of the car and walked over to the sign so that the two of them were standing right next to it.
“Did somebody really have to make this place any spookier by calling it Hell town?” Bonnie asked while looking at the sign.
“Trust me the sign is not as bad as what’s after it and I’m not talking about hooded robes pulling out hearts I’m talking about the entire town seeming haunted. Murders I can take however ghosts of people already dead and usually by me or my blood well they tend to be a little bit trickier.” Rebekah replied to her.
“Why have we stopped here?” Bonnie questioned.
“We’re walking the rest of the way just in case things get messy I don’t want my car coming to any harm.” Rebekah answered her as the two began walking in wards to the ghost town.
“Suddenly I’m finding this place creepier than the person living here.” Bonnie revealed. “And I can’t help but wonder why a powerful witch would reside here instead of somewhere more extravagant or at least less dead although I suppose they do specialize in death magic.”
“Ghost towns make good prisons or at least that’s what Nathaniel would like me to believe is the only reason I can tell this place means something to him I just haven’t figured out what yet and honestly that’s the last question on my mind needing answered by him.” Rebekah admitted to Bonnie.
“You mean like how he went from human to Malus almighty in a thousand years or how he learned about his magic if so far it’s only him, his father and Henrik that appear to have this ancient magic knowing he must’ve taught Henrik and his father was too busy trying to kill him to play teacher.” Bonnie went on to say as they continued their walking inwards to Helton.
“Exactly well that and the added power hungry consuming magic thing.” Rebekah answered. “Don’t get me wrong he seems like more of a bastard than he was a thousand years ago, but I can still see Nathaniel in there or at least I’ve fooled myself into seeing him.”
“You want to trust him, don’t you?” Bonnie asked her as they walked up to the abandoned town center of Helton.
“Of course, I do he was my first friend, Niklaus’ first love although he thought we didn’t know, and he was like family.” Rebekah said with a sigh of sadness. “Makes sense as to why he wants to kill us now.”
“I don’t think he does I mean he removed The Hollow from you and your siblings and only wanted you to free your brother in return.” Bonnie said to her as the two stopped outside the boarded-up Helton Hotel. “As wicked as Malus is meant to be so far, he seems only to be of help to you even though you drained him of his blood. I don’t think he’s fully giving into this magic like his father and Henrik has and that’s the real reason he needs our help because he’s not powerful enough to take down his father alone and he needs help saving Henrik.”
“What you genuinely believe that unlike all Malus witches Nathaniel has somehow fought the darkness within this magic for over a thousand years?” Rebekah asked in shock. “That’s impossible.”
“Is it? We don’t know much about Malus most of it is whispers of whispers and to be honest with you I’m putting money on Nathaniel not being too much of an expert either.” Bonnie replied.
“His father would be though, and it just so happens he’s being held right here.” Rebekah said with a scheming smile. “As long as we’re smart about it, we can finally get the answers that Elijah and Nathaniel have been keeping from us.”
“Or we release the nastier version of Nathaniel into the world and get nothing but lies.” Bonnie warned her.
“Don’t you want to know more about this magic? We are powerful women you lead an entire city of witches and I reunited my family and yet we’re kept in the dark so to speak by men.” Rebekah stated. “Let’s get the answers from the father then we’ll have more sway when we speak to the son.”
“Okay I’m in but if anything goes wrong, we get the hell out of hell town.” Bonnie told her.
“You’ve been dying to say that haven’t you?” Rebekah laughed.
“Perhaps just a little.” Bonnie responded with a smile.
Hope found herself walking down the busy streets of the French Quarter before taking a turn down an alleyway only to be left surprised to see Nathaniel stood in the alleyway instantly recognizing him as somebody with immense power realizing he must be the powerful witch her family had been talking about.
“So, I don’t see any family resemblance so I’m going to guess that you are my father’s ex Nathaniel and not my uncle Henrik.” Hope said to him.
“Ex?” Nathaniel replied with a smirk. “I suppose that is the correct term I must say you truly are remarkable Hope Mikaelson defying the impossible and not being one but three of the supernatural a true hybrid.”
“Less of the flattery please why don’t you get straight to the reason to why your hanging out in alleyways looking for a fifteen-year-old.” Hope snapped at him.
“I would go to Bonnie but I’m afraid one favour is more than enough to owe the Bennett’s and as for your aunt Freya she is rather busy with the whole pregnancy and everything and besides she doesn’t strike me as anywhere near as powerful as you Hope.” Nathaniel explained. “I’ve been working with your uncle Elijah with a plan to rid myself of my retched father and save Henrik’s soul however what he doesn’t know is that’s plan B you my precious little fireball are plan A.”
“And what makes you think I would be foolish enough to trust you?” Hope asked him.
“Because all you’ve ever wanted is your family united and I’m trying my everything to help Henrik be a part of that family.” Nathaniel admitted. “All I’ve ever wanted was for Henrik to live a life different to my own to be free from the curse that comes with this magic.”
“My aunt Rebekah went to go find you she’s going to be super pissed to find out you’re in New Orleans.” Hope responded trying to change the subject only to see Nathaniel’s facial expressions change to that of pure fear.
“Rebekah went looking for me did she not think to run it past Elijah?” Nathaniel asked the youngest Mikaelson as he began to fear the worst.
“Yeah my aunt Bex doesn’t really ask for permission for anything from anyone.” Hope said while noticing Nathaniel’s fear. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I’m afraid your aunt maybe in great danger I had hoped to avoid him at all costs but I’m going to need you to take me to your father.” Nathaniel declared. “If we don’t move quickly Rebekah’s life could be at risk.”
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Rebekah and Bonnie were walking through the woods of Helton until they saw Nathaniel’s mysterious followers in hooded robes standing in the same circle as Rebekah had seen them before while a lifeless Augustus remained tied to the tree with his heart on the ground next to him.
“So, what exactly is the plan here?” Bonnie asked Rebekah as the two of them hid behind a tree to not be seen.
“I was thinking I fight off the undead while you place his heart back in his chest and then do some barrier spell of your own so he can’t escape.” Rebekah explained quietly. “Afterwards we hope Nathaniel’s ghost squad isn’t too pissed and conduct their own barrier spell as we leave with all the information we’ve been looking for.”
“That’s not a plan that’s a rash violent mission which is bound to get us both killed.” Bonnie warned her.
“Like we haven’t both done much worse before.” Rebekah replied with a smile before vamp speeding towards the worshiper's direction.
Rebekah only got halfway there before one of the robed worshipers raised their hand in her direction stopping her mid flight and forcing her to freeze on that spot unable to move as the worshiper's begin chanting loudly in the unrecognizable language which was becoming far too regular for Rebekah’s liking.
Bonnie moved from behind the tree chanting in Croatian while holding her hands out only to begin feeling immense pain as her veins turned black showing through her skin and her nose began to bleed furiously.
“If you’re going to do something now would be the time.” Bonnie shouted in between chants.
“I guess this means we go to Plan B.” Rebekah mumbled to herself as she fought past the worshiper's magic with the help of Bonnie’s spell and vamp sped over towards Augustus picking his heart up from the floor in the process and launching it into his chest.
“No!” The worshiper's screamed in unison before their bodies began catching on fire the flames burning them harshly and rapidly as the hoods fell revealing them as zombies with rotten skin and bones clearly once human but not recognizable to anyone anymore.
The worshiper's let out a series of screams as Bonnie fell to the ground causing Rebekah to fear for her frenemies’ life only to be further shocked to see the worshiper's explode in unison leaving nothing but body parts and rotted skin behind.
Rebekah vamp sped over to Bonnie kneeling over and picking her up in her arms before shaking the witch’s body hoping to wake her.
“Bonnie Bennett you don’t get to die not here!” Rebekah snapped before she noticed Bonnie beginning to open her eyes causing Rebekah to smile. “You’re quite the remarkable witch how did you manage to kill them all?”
“I didn’t do that.” Bonnie revealed making Rebekah look around the woods only to realize Augustus was no longer anywhere to be seen.
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Canary Carnage
Fandoms: Arrowverse, DC Universe, TVDverse and The Originals
Chapter Nine: Behind the blood-soaked curtains
Warnings: I don’t own any of the rights, content or characters belonging to any of the DC content I use within the story along with not owning any rights, content or characters within The Vampire Diaries, Originals or Legacies.
18 Rating: Moderate/Graphic displays of violence, sexual innuendos, sexually charged scenes, SMUT, strong language and potentially triggering scenes.
Pairings: M/M, F/F, M/F.
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Lucas Lance was something of a hopeless romantic whose affections were often aimed at the most vicious of men firstly it was Slade Wilson who changed Lucas’ life forever helping him become the Red Canary in the process only Slade didn’t reciprocate those feelings so it wasn’t long before Lucas found his next obsession The Joker.
Lucas became somewhat part of a throuple with The Joker and Harley Quinn participating in many threesomes with the powerful couple but Lucas only really had eyes for The Joker and wanted Mr J all to himself leading to a rivalry between the two which resulted in The Joker picking Harley over him and before he knew it he had barely made it out of the throuple with his life but didn’t nurture his heartbreak for long until he moved on to his next victim.
The next victim being none other than Batman’s sidekick Robin aka Dick Grayson who was yet another to not reciprocate Lucas’ all consuming love as the Red Canary targeted the Bat family in hopes of taking them all and making Robin pay attention to only him but that non love story ended with Lucas Lance spending some time in Arkham Asylum.
After some jail-time, a prison break, earth jumping and a night with Kol Mikaelson Lucas’ latest and current victim turned out to be Klaus Mikaelson who he believed was the man to finally reciprocate his love leading to heartbreak once again for the Red Canary and a heartbroken Lucas was Lucas at his deadliest.
“I hear Miami is good this time of year I did check for Star City, Central City and god even Gotham but none of those places exist on this earth strangely enough I guess that’s why I like Earth Blood so much.” Lucas announced to Sara after walking into the New Orleans Voyage Hotel’s bar, throwing a newspaper down on the table and sitting down in the same booth as his sister, sitting on the opposite side. “Now I don’t really care where you go as long as you’re not here for my grand reopening.”
“Grand reopening…don’t tell me your latest career change is running a hotel?” Sara scoffed at her younger brother. “I’m glad your trying to go legit but you don’t know a thing about running a hotel.”
“Ugh please I’ll just convince Klaus to compel some fools into running this place for me so I can roll in the readies while looking at the open market in this city for all kinds of crimes thanks to vampires there’s not much of a underbelly in this city which means it’s mine for the taking.” Lucas explained to the White Canary. “Of course, Klaus isn’t going to do anything for me if I’m still harboring the woman who killed his sister, so I highly suggest you get to moving like today.”
“I know I wasn’t exactly around when you started dating which clearly explains the mess of your life but sleeping with a man or vampire once doesn’t make him your boyfriend you’d think you’d learn that by now.” Sara snapped at her brother. “Besides I promised Laurel to look after you and that’s what I’m going to do.”
“I don’t need dating advice from the woman who sleeps with other people’s men thanks very much!” Lucas bit back at Sara as he rose to his feet. “Sure, Klaus needs to get over me sleeping with his brother and you killing his sister but when you have the kind of chemistry we have, obstacles are nothing.”
“Oh, dear brother you clearly need me more than you realize.” Sara replied as she stood up to face Lucas. “Like it or not he’s just not that into you!”
Sara was wrong about Klaus Mikaelson, but Lucas was wrong too, Klaus found himself growing feelings for the Red Canary, but the obstacles were far too big for the original hybrid to ever admit it.
So, while Lucas was planning on winning Klaus round Klaus was plotting to take out the canaries once and for all.
Rebekah and Elijah had revenge on their minds and there was no talking them out of it as Rebekah’s softness towards Laurel was no longer a factor since Laurel returned to her own earth but instead of killing both Sara and Lucas Elijah had convinced his sister to focus their revenge on the culprit only as they worked together to make Sara pay for killing their sister Freya Mikaelson while Klaus decided to get rid of Lucas in his own way.
Elijah wanted Sara dead without hesitation but he didn’t see the need for Lucas dying too unless he got in the way of course whereas Rebekah wanted them both gone for her own reasons and Klaus wanted the same as Rebekah, also for his own reasons so although the Mikaelson’s were working together once again they also had their own plans as per usual.
However, what neither of them had taken into consideration was the plotting of Davina Claire and Marcel Gerard who were eager to keep New Orleans under their control believing they were better suited to rule the city than the ruthless family of original vampires.
“I understand this world’s more Gothic than my own and I’m a vampire myself now but meeting in graveyards just seems too cliche for my liking.” Sara said after vamp speeding into Lafayette Cemetery to stand in front of Marcel and Davina.
“This cemetery is a safe haven for witches it’s where I’m at my power-fullest and it’s the only place in New Orleans where Klaus has no spies.” Davina explained to the White Canary. “I believe your sister filled you in on our little alliance and I hope your willing to fulfill her part of all this.”
“My brother’s a piece of work I’m saying all kinds of crazy with a tendency to murder instead of talk things out but he’s still my brother and that family will be the death of him unless I do something.” Sara replied to the wonder witch. “Consider me in with whatever you two have planned.”
“Davina’s extracted my venom turning it into a sleeping potion so to speak.” Marcel revealed to Sara. “We just need to get them to digest the potion and the poison from my venom along with Davina’s magic will make them sleep forever.”
“Klaus has a fondness of dumping his siblings in coffins it’s only fitting this time around he joins them.” Davina stated, clearly excited to take down the original hybrid.
“Seems legit albeit a little evil queen and snow white but hey don’t knock the classics…so, who is poisoning who?” Sara answered them both, cautious of their plan but too eager to protect her brother to not go through with it.
“I think it’s only fair I poison Kol after all we were once together and I want to explain myself as he falls asleep…I know he won’t understand but hey he’s killed me before so I got that to throw at him.” Davina told them both, making it clear who her victim was going to be.
“I guess it’s only fitting I take Rebekah…I would give her one last chance if I thought she’d ever choose me over her family, but she won’t.” Marcel decided. “I would try talking but that would probably just piss her off more.”
“Then I’ll take Klaus down gladly.” Sara declared. “But who is going to take out Elijah?”
“I figured that would be me.” A voice said from behind Sara only for her to turn around and see Laurel, the two sisters delighted to be reunited.
“Laurel…you just went home.” Sara said in disbelief to see her sister again so soon.
“Funny it was a few weeks on my earth, but figures time works differently around here considering everything else does.” Laurel revealed to her younger sister as she walked over to Sara and gave her a hug.
“I’m glad your back Laurel.” Davina said to the Black Canary, sincerely happy to see her friend’s return.
And just like that Davina, Laurel, Marcel and Sara were preparing to go to war with the Mikaelson family who were preparing to go to war with the Lance family while Lucas Lance was just a man looking for love once again in all the wrong places.
“Wakey! Wakey! Eggs and bakey.” Lucas shouted as he walked into the dining area of the compound holding a tray with a fried breakfast and a pint of blood in hand as he greeted an unimpressed Klaus who was sat at the table. “Plus, a nice pint of blood like my father always said it’s good to start the day with a pint…although to be fair he was an alcoholic.”
“Firstly, what the bloody hell are you doing here and secondly it’s afternoon not morning.” Klaus snapped at the Red Canary as Lucas placed the tray down on the table in front of the original hybrid.
“Okay so we have different sleep cycles but that’s hardly anything we can’t work around.” Lucas replied with a gleeful smile that left Klaus uneasy as the hybrid quickly rose to his feet.
“What the hell are you playing at now Lucas?” Klaus shouted at him. “I don’t have time for your games and I most definitely don’t have time for you.”
“Is this about the whole Kol because that was way before you and I even started?” Lucas asked him, continuing to make Klaus feel unsettled by his happy attitude.
“Have you cracked or something? Just because we aligned ourselves with your family to get rid of that mountain man doesn’t mean we’re suddenly allies now.” Klaus brutally told Lucas making the Red Canary’s smile turn into a frown.
“Please don’t go making out like that was a one-time thing I’ve had plenty of one night only and that was more…wasn’t it?” Lucas argued with the hybrid, beginning to realize he may have jumped the shark on this one, something which was a habit of his.
“Don’t tell me you seriously thought it was going to be more?” Klaus cruelly laughed at Lucas’ expense. “Not to mention the fact that your sister killed mine but even if she didn’t your clearly deranged beyond delusional and a far cry from anyone I would even consider having more than one night with…in fact it was a bloody miracle you got one night”
“Oh…I see.” Lucas replied with a broken look on his face which instantly made Klaus feel guilty, although the original hybrid would never admit his guilt before Lucas began laughing manically leaving Klaus even more unsettled than before. “Of course, it’s not what I thought it was it’s never what I think it is…never! I mean god forbid anybody ever finds me special…god forbid anybody ever gives a damn about little old me…and even if they were going to it was never going to be someone who’s tried to kill me so many times…bad canary love never starts with murder.”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Klaus asked, trying not to show his concern for the seemingly unhinged canary.
“Perfectly fine!” Lucas replied with a sinister smile before releasing a deafening canary cry in Klaus’ direction instantly exploding the original hybrid’s head in an explosion of blood and gore, the blood splattering all over the Red Canary. “If you won’t have me as a lover I’ll just have to settle for another enemy.”
“I see you haven’t changed much since we last saw each other.” Dinah announced as Lucas turned around to see the woman, he believed to be his mother stood in front of him, clearly judging him for his bloody attack on the original hybrid. “I guess hoping for you to change your ways is too much to ask.”
“Mum…” Lucas said in complete shock, having not seen Dinah Lance for years, confused to why she had showed up now.
“I hear his head tends to grow back so we should probably go somewhere to talk in peace before that happens.” Dinah replied to the grandson she had raised like a son.
Lucas was shocked to see his mother after all this time especially on Earth Blood just after exploding Klaus Mikaelson’s head, but Dinah Lance was far from surprised to find him drenched in blood from his latest victim.
Dinah Lance was determined to rebuild her family being guilt ridden for believing she was the main factor that tore her family apart in the first place but she was unsure of whether Lucas would be a part of that family, knowing he had gone down a path he couldn’t return from but hoping he would choose a new one but not totally convinced he would even despite Laurel’s words of encouragement over his changes since coming to Earth Blood.
“I see you got the blood off you…I guess when you’re covered in other people’s blood all the time you get quite good at washing it off.” Dinah said with a judging tone in her voice as she walked into Lucas’ hotel room to see him clean and freshly changed, sitting on the edge of his bed before Lucas automatically stood up to face the woman he believed to be his mother.
“How did you wind up here?” He asked her.
“Laurel took me with her this time around thought a family reunion would be good for everyone.” Dinah replied to her secret grandson. “You look like your doing well for yourself…I’m assuming you killed all the staff in this hotel and god knows who else?”
“You would assume correctly as always…mum.” Lucas answered awkwardly, clearly never expecting to ever see Dinah again. “Sara’s still living here somewhere I think she’ll be happy to see you.”
“I’m guessing that man back there was Klaus Mikaelson and I’m guessing your romance with him didn’t end particularly well?” Dinah said with a reluctant sigh. “You’re predictable I’ll give you that…there’s always a man there’s always blood and you’re always in the thick of it causing all kinds of carnage.”
“I get it mother I’m a disappointment I have been my entire life but guess what I don’t care anymore…I gave up trying to make you love me like you loved my sisters a long time ago round about the same time you left us.” Lucas snapped at her. “So, you don’t like what I’ve become well boohoo because I love me.”
“Don’t you dare try and blame any of your dreadful acts on me!” Dinah shouted as she stormed over to Lucas and harshly slapped him across the face. “Of course, I loved you clearly, I loved you more than you ever realized, and you were never a disappointment to me until you became a cold-blooded murderer.”
“Then why was I always treated like a ghost like it pained you both to even admit my existence?” Lucas asked with tears forming in his eyes. “Not smart enough to get Laurel’s praise not stupid enough to get Sara’s talks I was the youngest and instead it was like I was stuck in the middle…the accident child who just so happened to reside in your home.”
“I loved you your dad loved you we both loved you we just didn’t quite know how to love you correctly…things were difficult with you and I know they shouldn’t have been but they were.” Dinah reluctantly admitted to Lucas as tears began to form in her own eyes. “None of it was ever your fault but when we looked at you we saw a future we didn’t like and then when we did get close to you I had to pull away fearing if I was your mother fully it would break my heart having to give you back.”
“What do you mean give me back? Who the hell would you give me back too?” Lucas questioned her, as tears began falling from both his and Dinah’s eyes. “Are you even my mother?”
“No honey I’m not I loved you like a mother, but I was never your mother I was your grandmother.” Dinah cried as she began telling Lucas the truth for the first time. “You came to us from a bleak future and I always feared that once that future was fixed you’d wind up going back…Quentin really did love you and wanted to be there more but I kept pulling him away because the only thing worse than my heart breaking was his.”
“I don’t understand you come all this way just to tell me you’re not my mother…that’s the only reason you came wasn’t it to make sure the monster knew you weren’t his mother?” Lucas said as his sadness quickly turned to anger. “Well congratulations you don’t get to be blamed for how I turned out!”
“That’s not why I’m here Luci I’m here to help you get the help you clearly need.” Dinah argued with her grandson. “This person you’ve created this mask you wear is just some defines mechanism you’ve built so you don’t get hurt it’s not the real you and I know you think there’s no coming back for you but your whole family is here for you and we’re not leaving you again.”
Lucas stood there as he found himself overcome with rage, furious about Dinah’s lies, raging over how she abandoned him just to come back to reveal she was never his mother, confirming his believes that neither her or Quentin as the anger continued to build up inside of him until he did something he would one day regret as he charged at his mother with a blind rage ready to claim her life and make her pay for everything she had ever done to him blacking out in a rage he wouldn’t come back from until he was stood over his mother’s lifeless body covered in her blood shell shocked by his most evil act yet.
Lucas Lance just stood there in his hotel room looking down at his lifeless mother Dinah Lance’s body while covered in her blood completely disturbed by the act he just committed. He always knew there was something monstrous inside of him, a built up rage that made him commit many sins and a need to be loved that drove him insane but one thing he had never done before was kill a member of his own family.
He just stood there looking down at his mother struggling to move, cry or react in anyway as he struggled to break out of his catatonic state wondering what kind of monster would kill their own mother.
Lucas had always blamed everyone else other than himself he blamed his family for not loving him enough and he blamed Slade for leading him down a dark path but the truth was nobody controlled his choices or pushed him into those monstrous acts everything he had ever done was on him and nobody else.
It was in that moment he realized he was well and truly broken in ways he couldn’t even fathom fearing this act of extreme evil had broken him beyond repair as he continued to stare at his mother’s corpse feeling nothing but shame over what he had just done and the monster he had become.
“I’m seriously god damn sick of you… I think you think a simple deed would keep you safe then you forget how well connected I am in this…” Klaus shouted as her burst the hotel room door open, only to be left shocked to see Lucas drenched in blood and standing over a corpse, not shocked because Lucas had killed but shocked because this kill had seriously done some kind of psychological damage to the Red Canary.
“I…didn’t mean…I didn’t think…I never meant to.” Lucas mumbled as he found himself struggling to come to terms with reality.
“Lucas what the hell are you doing now and who the hell is this woman?” Klaus demanded to know as he walked over to him.
“She’s my mother.” Lucas cried, as he fell to the ground and began manically sobbing as he lifted Dinah’s body into his arms. “I didn’t mean to do it…mum I’m so sorry…I never meant this…oh god what have I done?”
Klaus just stood there in silence as he continued to watch Lucas break down while holding his mother’s lifeless body in his arms, watching Lucas completely destroyed by the act he had just committed against the woman who raised him and it had Klaus remembering how he killed his own mother out of rage as he found himself once again reluctantly identifying with the Red Canary.
“I’m so sorry mummy I don’t know what’s wrong with me!” Lucas sobbed as he cuddled into Dinah’s lifeless body. “What kind of monster kills their own mother?”
“Enough!” Klaus shouted at him, not able to see any more of Lucas’ pain. “We’ll take to the basement and bury her under my home nobody ever needs know what happened here today.”
“I can’t…they need to know the truth.” Lucas argued while continuing to cry only for Klaus to grab him roughly, pulling him away from Dinah and lifting Lucas back on to his feet.
“We are all capable of unspeakable evils Lucas but that doesn’t need to define us unless we let it!” Klaus snapped at the Red Canary while continuing to hold him in his grip, overcome with the need to help him. “We’re going to ditch this body get you cleaned up and act like none of this ever happened!”
Klaus didn’t quite understand his urge to help Lucas so badly maybe it was because part of him regretting killing his mother the first time around anyways or maybe it was because he saw some of himself in Lucas but either way he had once again found himself coming to the Red Canary’s rescue.
Rebekah Mikaelson didn’t want to meet with Marcel Gerard that day or any day in general but she knew they had a lot to talk over and wanted to heal the hurt between them both whether it led to a reconciliation or not she didn’t want anymore bad blood to be shared between the man she had loved for centuries even though she was uncertain if she’d love him for more centuries or if this was the end for them finally.
She hated how Marcel couldn’t let go of New Orleans even though a part of her couldn’t quite let go mainly of her family but partly the city itself after all it was the first real home for the Mikaelson family after turning into vampires but that wasn’t the only reason her relationship with Marcel fell apart.
He had chosen Klaus over her many times some out of loyalty and some out of revenge, he chose to murder Finn and bite Kol and Elijah without any thought of how she’d feel and she had to argue with the updated original to spare Klaus’ life.
There was so much they had to overcome to be together and when they finally tried she found herself being the only one trying once again as she began to realize that maybe too much history had been shared between them both for them to ever truly have a future together.
“This better be bloody good Marcellus because I quite literally don’t have the time for this.” Rebekah said after vamp speeding into an empty Rousseau's to find Marcel stood there waiting for her. “If this is about us then yes, we do need to talk…it’s just I don’t know what to say.”
“We’ve definitely got a lot to talk about Rebekah…maybe we should drink to it first?” Marcel suggested pointing towards the two glasses of red wine placed on the bar counter before walking over to them, picking them both up and walking over to hand Rebekah one of the glasses. “Words tend to be easier with alcohol.”
“Why now? You’ve had weeks to reach out why have you chosen now to want a conversation? Especially with all that is going on with my family right now.” Rebekah wondered, suspicious of her former lover.
“Your family always has something going on Rebekah.” Marcel joked before looking at her with sincere sadness in his eyes. “I’m truly sorry about Freya Mikaelson I’m not going to lie we were hardly the best of friends, but she truly was one formidable woman.”
“Yeah she really was if anybody deserved a happy ending in our family it was her.” Rebekah replied, clearly still mourning the loss of her sister. “But don’t you worry my family will avenge my sister and those canaries will wish they never came here!”
“That’s all your family ever do seek revenge or cause pain that makes people need revenge on you it’s a never-ending cycle and you don’t care for anybody other than yourselves.” Marcel snapped at the original female vampire. “Allowing any of you back into my city was truly a mistake.”
“Need I remind you it was our city long before it was yours?” Rebekah corrected the upgraded original as she slammed the glass down on the bar counter, spilling a drop of wine on her hand causing it to burn for a moment as she realized the drink was poisoned.
A furious Rebekah grabbed Marcel by the throat vamp speeding them both over to a nearby wall in which she slammed his body against, while keeping her hand tightly gripped around her neck.
“Did you seriously just try to bloody poison me?” Rebekah screamed at him, furious to be betrayed once again by the man she loved. “After everything after all these centuries, you keep finding new ways to betray me!”
“I love you Rebekah I really do but this is my city and I can’t have it falling victim to your family’s revenge.” Marcel replied, struggling to speak as Rebekah tightened her grip on his throat. “It’s either I dump you all in coffins or I’ll end you all permanently...either way your time is coming to an end.”
“And you claim to love me?” Rebekah stated before using her hand gripped on Marcel’s neck to snap it as she threw his unconscious body to the ground. “That’s not love!”
Rebekah had been betrayed by Marcel many times and had betrayed him just as many times but never in a thousand years did she ever believe he’d make an attempt to take her out not after everything they had been through and it was in that moment she realized their love was well and truly dead as she became determined Marcel was next to die and not her or anymore of her family.
Laurel Lance had never killed anyone before good or evil always believing it was not her place to play god in fact she had never even considered taking a life until she wound up on Earth Blood as she quickly realized rules were very different here her first kill being Rebekah but that technically not counting considering she never stayed dead.
The Black Canary quickly realized that the innocents of this earth would never find justice by monsters being locked up she knew these supernatural beings could only be stopped by death and she quickly became accustomed with the notion of it wasn’t murder of they were monsters the only problem with her ideology is that the Mikaelson family were far more than mere monsters.
She had noticed kindness from Rebekah as they bonded over their troubled families, seen loyalty from Hayley, passion from Klaus, fierceness from Freya and heard all about Elijah’s nobleness and from that knowledge she had begun to see them more like complicated souls than actual monsters which made her next move such a hard one.
Laurel wanted to protect her family more than anything but she didn’t want to destroy another to save her own if she had any other choice then she would choose that instead of the act she was about to commit, fearing she’d never forgive herself for what she was about to do but also knowing she had to protect her secret son from the future at all costs.
“It’s never really easy when you lose someone.” Laurel stated after speeding into Lafayette Cemetery to stand beside Elijah who was stood in front of a tomb with Freya Mikaelson and Keelin Malraux’s names on it, his sister’s final resting place. “I remember when I lost my father, I blamed everyone and everything I was so mad with the world for losing him.”
“I guess you weren’t too heartbroken when you thought your cheating sister was dead though?” Elijah joked with the Black Canary.
“I was completely devastated family is always family no matter what they do you can’t stop yourself loving them if you could I’d have given up on Lucas years ago.” Laurel admitted to the noble original.
“I didn’t realize you were back in New Orleans…you do realize all alliances with our families are over?” Elijah declared, making it clear they didn’t need to exchange anymore words.
“Have you ever committed terrible acts in the name of family? I mean you’ve lived for a thousand years I’m sure you must have committed some terrible things in the name of family at least once or twice.” Laurel wondered, looking for some sign to do what she was there to do as she pulled out a flask from her jacket pocket, taking a drink to fool Elijah into thinking the drink was safe.
“I’ve committed far too many to even begin counting when my memories returned it almost broke me to see all that blood, violence and death come flooding back all at once…” Elijah explained to her. “I used to think family loyalties justified it all but in truth nothing justifies that kind of evil.”
“Wow…you’re a whole lot harder to hate than the rest of your family.” Laurel said with a sigh as Elijah noticed the flask. “It would be so much easier if you were more like Klaus, Kol or god even Rebekah.”
“What would be so easy?” Elijah wondered with a knowing smile, trying to hide the fact he knew exactly why Laurel was there. “May I have a drink?”
“No!” Laurel denied him before downing the flask in one go, causing her to cough a little before moaning. “God that tastes horrendous.”
“I didn’t think you had it to be a killer.” Elijah admitted to the meta-human.
“You knew this was poisoned the whole time?” Laurel asked in shock.
“Rebekah text me about Marcel’s failed attempt believing others would try the same trick and you almost did.” Elijah answered her, looking rather happy with himself to have avoided being poisoned.
“I want to protect Lucas at all costs, but I can’t let myself become like him to do so…call me weak or pitiful are you like but I’m not a killer!” Laurel snapped at the original vampire, clearly mad to realize there was some extremes she wouldn’t go to for her secret son.
“Not wanting to become a killer doesn’t make you weak it makes you strong and very admirable.” Elijah said with a sincere smile on his face. “You truly are something else Laurel Lance.”
“Please don’t let your family kill my son!” Laurel pleaded with the noble original, a look of desperation on her face, as she shocked Elijah by her revelation that Lucas Lance wasn’t her brother but her secret son.
Laurel began to fear her desperate plea for help had only condemned her son even further not fully realizing just how important family was to Elijah as he remembered the desperation in her voice all too well, realizing revenge was not something his sister Freya would want in this situation knowing she would never condemn any of her family taking a child from their mother and it was in that moment he decided to help the Black Canary any way he could.
Elijah Mikaelson wasn’t the only Mikaelson to have a sudden change of heart that day as Klaus found himself completely stunned by his sudden urge to protect Lucas at all costs even stashing Lucas’ murdered mother Dinah Lance’s body underneath the compound bricking up her body into a wall underneath the property determined that nobody found out what the Red Canary had done.
Klaus was attracted to Lucas from the first meeting, intrigued by the mystery surrounding the chaotic canary and even lusting after him when he found Lucas proving to be more than a match for the original hybrid but he had never realized he was beginning to truly care for him until now the Red Canary had crept into his mind, his bend and maybe even now his heart.
Lucas Lance had found himself well and truly traumatized by his latest murder as he found his mind exploding with guilt over all the lives he had taken all at once all the evil acts that led him to killing the woman who had raised him as he found himself breaking down and crying in the shower within the bathroom in the compound as the blood of the woman he called mother washed off his body and went down the drain.
Lucas had killed many times before and felt some form of guilt but it was Dinah’s death that had truly got to him and triggered the guilt of the many others he killed as he realized now more than ever than he needed to be stopped.
“I need you to kill me!” Lucas declared as he walked into Klaus bedroom wearing only a towel around his waist as he found Klaus sitting on the edge of his bed, Klaus instantly standing up to greet him.
“Trust me when I say I’ve thought about it daily, but I don’t want you dead nor do I think you deserve to be.” Klaus replied to Lucas, shocking them both with his sincerity.
“I can’t keep going on like this…” Lucas cried. “I can’t keep hurting people…I’m not right I don’t think I’ve ever been right…please Klaus just kill me!”
“I have a better idea for what to do with you.” Klaus answered him before a poisoned dart appeared from behind Lucas, hitting him in the neck and causing the canary to fall, Klaus grabbing him just in time so the unconscious canary didn’t hit the ground before gently placing Lucas down on his bed as Nyssa al Ghul walked into the room.
“I must admit I’m rather impressed that you were able to not only work out I was still on this earth but to also were able to contact me.” Nyssa told Klaus. “I really must get myself a witch or two.”
“Well once I heard about your history with a certain Sara Lance, I had a feeling your obsession would make you stick around, and I figured after today you may become somewhat useful to me.” Klaus admitted to the daughter of the demon. “I need you to take him with you to protect him at all costs and keep him from New Orleans.”
“He murdered his own mother this would be the ultimate betrayal to Sara. My beloved would never forgive me why should I help you and betray her?” Nyssa snapped at the original hybrid.
“You knew what he did when I contacted you and clearly that didn’t stop you from coming which means you know as much as I do, he’s not right.” Klaus revealed to her before asking. “But why exactly isn’t he right? I have a feeling you may know more than I do.”
“Lucas Lance has become one with the demon within the Lazarus Pit that brought him back to life it’s hardly surprisingly considering how young he was when he went in it. If anything, it’s remarkable there’s any Lucas within him.” Nyssa admitted to Klaus reluctantly. “I wasn’t sure at first why my father was so obsessed with Oliver Queen and Sara Lance until I found out it was Lucas he really wanted, and they were just a means to an end.”
“None of that makes any sense to me what the bloody hell is a Lazarus Pit and why does your father want Lucas so badly?” Klaus asked, fearing the answers would just confuse him even further.
“Because Lucas Lance is from the future a future, he’s meant to destroy alongside the guidance of my father Ra’s al Ghul.” Nyssa revealed to the original hybrid, revealing the truth behind future Laurel giving up her son to the past, not protecting him from the future at all but protecting the future from him.
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misssophiachase · 4 years
Do They Know It’s Christmas?
Thanks to the awesome @jasmineandlillies for suggesting the second drabble on my prompt list here x : )  I admit I have changed it slightly but hope you still like it. Oh and hope you had a Merry Christmas!
Prompt: High School classmates Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaelson are both stuck volunteering as elves over Christmas at the local mall. Klaus lost a bet and Caroline might have conveniently lost a ‘reindeer.’ Can they find some common ground and a little Christmas spirit in the process?
“You have got to be kidding me,” she drawled, her blue eyes widening. One minute she was dreading her upcoming punishment, the next he was in her periphery.
Although they attended the same school and had known each other for three years they’d never really communicated. He was Soccer Captain and she was Class President so they didn’t run in the same circles.
Not that it had stopped Caroline from thinking he was the biggest womaniser in school, even if he was gorgeous. Same with Klaus, although swap out womaniser for ridiculously high strung.
“I thought elves were supposed to be cheerful?” He offered, his left dimple making an unexpected appearance.
“In this outfit?” She said, looking down at her green and white striped attire. “Not likely.”
“So, you do have a sense of humour?” 
“Excuse me?”
“You seem incredibly neurotic, love.”
“Says the guy who wouldn’t be caught dead volunteering especially in that elf costume.” 
“I think it looks rather fetching,” he balked, puffing out his broad chest to prove his point. Caroline would have been lying if she didn’t think he was looking kind of cute. 
“Well, then you need a mirror.”
“For someone called Sugarplum,” he murmured, his eyes resting on the nametag on her chest of all places.  “I think you need a new name to match that attitude.” 
“Says Snowball,” she offered, gesturing to the name etched on his costume. 
“Let’s just say it’s growing on me, slowly. I know, how about we rename you Grumpy?”
“Grumpy is a dwarf,” she shot back. “But if we were hanging out with Snow White and not St Nick, maybe we could call you Dopey.”
“I knew Grumpy was fitting,” he joked. “Last time I checked Caroline Forbes lives for Christmas.”
“You don’t even know me, Mikaelson.”
“Au contraire,” he argued. “I’m fairly certain the fact Christmas has thrown up all over the school has something to do with our esteemed class president.”
“What a wonderful picture you paint.”
“No need for painting, I think your decorations can be seen from space, love.”
“Well, now we’ve dispensed with the formalities, why in the hell do I have the pleasure of your company?”
“Only Caroline Forbes would insult someone so politely.”
“Should I be worried that you seem to know so much about me?” He held her gaze briefly, Caroline trying to maintain her composure but this annoying Brit made it so difficult. 
“You seem overly angry about having to volunteer. Now, if I’m not mistaken someone has lost their Christmas spirit.” 
“Yes, right when I arrived and realised I had to work with you. Why are you here anyway?”
“I stupidly bet Matt Donovan that I could block his shot,” he admitted. Caroline had known Matt since they were in pre-school, even she knew that his aim was bad and was why he always played defense. 
“Yeah, that was stupid,” she grumbled. 
“You never said why the squeaky-clean school captain was here,” he said, ignoring her previous comment on purpose. “I would have assumed you volunteered but given that lovely demeanor I suspect otherwise.”
“I..” before she could finish their Santa dressed boss interrupted and not long after the screaming children were front of mind.
2 weeks later
“You might scare away the kids with that scowl,” he teased, adjusting his elf hat in the process. “But I’m harder to crack, love.”
The store was closed, immersed in darkness. Santa had left a few hours earlier and it was left to his elves to clean up the tinsel and stray candy canes.  
They’d been working together fourteen days straight and things had run smoothly for the most part. Turned out Klaus Mikaelson was amazing with children and Caroline wasn’t quite sure how to deal with it, let alone deal with their close proximity. 
“Teasing me isn’t going to get you...”
“What exactly do I want?” He stopped sweeping the stray tinsel, his eyes focusing on hers.
Caroline wasn’t one to be stuck for words, in fact, she had an answer for everything. She decided that Klaus Mikaleson, right then and there, was evil. 
“Well, I mean..”
“Why are you really here, Forbes? And for once I don’t want any excuses because from what I can tell this zombie, Christmas-hating person is messing with the balance of nature.”
“If you must know I kind of took an animal.”
“You stole from the zoo?”
“No,” she groaned. “I’m not some petty criminal. You know the school mascot?”
“Dottie the reindeer?”
“She’s actually a deer, you know because reindeers don’t actually exist in real life,” Caroline hissed. 
“I really hope you haven’t been telling the kids that, love.”
“Has anyone told you what an ass you are?”
“Constantly,” he shot back, his authoritative tone telling her he wasn’t lying. “But you’re still avoiding the question.” 
“I kind of rescued her from having to take part in sporting activities over Chrismas, it was the least I could do.”
“I thought you were lying, you actually stole Dottie?” He asked, open-mouthed. 
“I don’t steal...”
“Yes, because admitting that would ruin your perfect school record.”
“It wasn’t about that,” she murmured, feeling deflated. Caroline always put on an act for the most part.
She did love Christmas.
She did love Dottie.
But not this year.
This year her parents had decided to rain on her parade by getting a divorce and she’d decided to let Dottie free, much like she wanted to be. 
“I’m a monster,” she gulped, realising just what she’d done in order to deal with her family issues. 
“Please tell me you fed poor Dottie?”
“Of course I did, ass! Are you always such a bad comedian?” She grumbled, not expecting his hand to find her face and cup her cheek.
“Believe it or not I care about you.” She stilled, her eyes meeting his gaze and struggling to look away from its incredible intensity. 
“You don’t even know me,” she sighed, trying to regain some composure. 
“You talk, alot,” he offered, his fingers now brushing her cheek. “You are probably the most ambitious person in the school. Your competitiveness, especially on the tennis court, knows no bounds because you hate to lose but at the same time you love your friends and possess an almost crazy sense of loyalty.”
“I’m trying to work out if that’s a compliment or not?” She mumbled, realising just how good he felt touching her. “But even so, I’ve been nothing but..”
“Grouchy?” He smirked, taking her back to their conversation about dwarfs vs elves.
“Maybe,” she conceded. “Any chance you want to get out of here and talk? You know without these attractive costumes?”
“Naked? Why didn’t you just say so?” He joked. 
“Wow, says the guy who let Matt Donovan win a bet so damn easily.”
“Who said I let him win the bet?” Before she could ask Klaus flashed his other dimple and left to change. Even as he sauntered away in those ridiculous, striped pants, Caroline was struggling to resist his toned backside. Perhaps much more. 
Maybe she’d found her Christmas Spirit after all. 
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