#hashtag not my joker
bobzora · 1 year
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leopardom · 8 months
i have thoughts so… here they are
chapters 3 & 4
at first glance you see two random people. whether they look beautiful to you or not, they’re just that; two random people. you can’t skip the intense look they both have though. it feels like they want to say something but they hold back because it’s not the right moment. they’re scared to open up to the world, so they use a shield. the world around them is dark and twisted, but they’re part of it anyway and keep going with their lives, scared or not.
and then they cross paths. they meet each other, get to know each other, discover that they’re having similar (if not entirely same) emotions and thoughts about life and their surroundings. and that they’re tired and scared of everything. but at least now they’re not each on their own, they have found each other. there’s hope that maybe it will get easier to deal with the world.
and they grow closer. and it’s soothing and comfortable and kind of liberating. they still want a way out of the darkness, they still need it and probably seek for it. they’re still scared like before, but not as much as before. because now they have each other and they feel for each other. and feeling love, care, calm, peace, comfort around someone, even if it’s not a constant thing, is a fuel that keeps you going.
the world around them is still dark and twisted and they’re still scared and vulnerable and try to keep themselves safe. but now they’re not alone. they have developed a bond, a bond so strong and full of love, acceptance, affection and care, that makes them feel that they can pull through together. because they see themselves on each other, they relate.
they have each other 🖤
chapters 3 & 4: they get to illustrate each person individually. their feelings, the way they deal with the world and with themselves until they cross paths. OR both chapters get to show the way the two people have grown closer over time; from being scared and hiding in the darkness to embracing it and dealing with it together, the bond between them being all the power they need to be safe
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dukeofthomas · 6 days
Jason about to retraumatize himself and then pull off a murder-suicide with his father & his murderer:
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mitamicah · 4 months
Little gig report from a local show I went to this weekend - you can skip if you don't want to hear me babble about bands nobody probably have ever heard of x'D
On June 1st I went to a free concert in Copenhagen that I'd learned about since Cold Culture - a support band from the Blind Channel gig on April 22nd in Copenhagen *aka on my birthday* - was playing there. This was btw also the band where I was talking about the danish Bojan doubleganger x'D
This was such a pleasant time!! I was greeted by every band member of Cold Culture (or the three I'd hung out with after Blind Channel since the last had to take the train home early) greeted me with big smiles which warmed my heart since it then means they remember me :'3 <3 Frontman Mads and Drummer Andy P even ran to hug me when they saw me so I was pretty much dead by cuteness :'D
After that amazing welcome I went around to talk to other people in the crowd. Admittedly I felt a bit odd at the beginning since this is the first gig I've been to in a while where the people arriving there hadn't been fans but mostly just the locals being curious enough to check out a free show in the good summer weather. Despite my preservation everybody I ended up speaking to was very nice and nobody seemed annoyed that a random weirdo began chatting with them. Quite the opposite since later in the evening a couple went to me and thanking me for speaking to them while also mentioning they'd originally went home but decided to come back just to find me and compliment my golden retriever energy (not their words but mine) :'3 <3
One thing that was very different about the crowd was that I am pretty sure the majority was straight OVO as a queer person that has gotten used to be around gals and queers (cough kääryleet and baby boos) this was definitely a change OVO Luckily it was mostly metal heads and/or hardcore guys so there were no drama just odd seeing straight (or "straightpassing" since I didn't ask and therefore know anybody's sexuality) couples being the norm. Cis masc people at hardcore shows I've learned can be very affectionate with their mates - I got invited into a hug-jump circle during one band, screamed my heart out with a guy during another, had somebody randomly pat my stomach (very quickly) and got hugs, fist bumps, dance off and smiles from more people than I can count - mostly from men. And I know I passed as well since not one person called me 'she' and very few mentioned my transness and then only after seeing my pronoun and/or trans pin. I love the one guy that went: "I wouldn't have ever guessed since you have a beard" x'D
All three bands were amazing! I am biased towards Cold Culture however since I knew their music already x'D This time I was all the way up front (no barrikade so I was more or less right in the band's face OVO) screaming along. I got to give Michael (the keyboardist) a fistbump at some point :D
The second band, Ashes of Billy were young (14-15 yrs old) yet still full of energy. That transferred to the crowd that was the most moshy they'd be the whole evening. I almost threw off my shirt at one point because it was so hot :'D Had their show been one song longer I think I might actually have done it x'D
The last band, Daze of June, seemed fairly known to the local scene. They'd had a 2 year break from playing live so the crowd was hungry and it showed! The crowd surfers continued coming and one part of passing I hadn't expected was that I now seemed to be expected to join in on carrying the crowdsurfers (some even eyeing me before jumping out) - that could also be because I am tall and in front but yeah, safe to say I've never carried that many people around during concerts as I did last saturday x'D
After and inbetween concerts I hung out with the band members but especially Cold Culture. I had stolen their setlist in the least stealth way (running to the one by the drummer and then struggled to get the gaffa tape to let go for a minute or two x'D) that I got the boys to sign and I got a picture with Mads and Andy M, the guitarist. Mads remembered the silly duck face that got to be an intern joke between us (me and other fans) at the Blind Channel show so he made it on both pictures. Andy P and Michael would arrive later so I didn't get pictures with them but instead a long, very lovely conversation with Andy P :3
Now I have met them twice I have new thoughts about whether or not I think Mads is Bojan coded. The answer is definitely still yes but with some little additions. As @j-restlessgeek noted, Mads definitely seems to have some facial features that reminds one of Kris. He is more slender than I remember so I'd say he's build more like Jure than Bojan. His eyes are those of a husky tho; big and iceblue. His personality is still definitely closest to Bojan's which might be why the two of us (both very much dog coded) got along so well!! We were pretty much fanboying about each other x'D (he about my art since he follows me on IG and me about his music :'D)
I have no idea if it was just me being extra aware about him once more *I'd been very aware of his presence at the blind channel gig as well* but it seemed to me we caught each other's eye quite often even when not in the conversation together. Had it not been for Mads going to single me out to hug and say goodbye when he had to go I could've sworn it was just me being delulu. He thanked me aton for coming and told me that if I wanted to next time he might be able to get me backstage so that was so very nice of him :'D <33
All in all this was a good way to spend first day of pride month and first official day of summer ^V^
Pictures of me, Mads and Andy M ^V^
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Pictures of Mads during Cold Culture's gig (I really dig these ones especially since you get a feeling how freaking close I was OVO)
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mrmosseater · 1 year
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tried to draw a pfp for twitter since its October now and i need a halloween layout. im not using it but i like it
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johnfdonovan · 1 year
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tagged by @sirgawin to post some characters that are me-coded ⭐️
tagging @gaypkins @blakescho @mirmulmir (if you want to!)
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ashmp3 · 1 year
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silencing me never works to be honest….
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oysterie · 2 years
oh wait pearl was a prequel lol?
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illumnis · 9 months
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STUPID CUPID. — megumi fushiguro oh cupid, so stupid to think that one day, you could receive the zealous amount of love you share; don't you know your purpose is to gift? so... why does this emotionally constipated boy keep hitting up your dms?
pairing: megumi fushiguro x fem!reader
warnings: umm everyone has emotional baggage LMFAOO, err megumi has iffy family life, my horrid attempt at humour, swearing, maybe some sexual jokes here and there, kys/die/kms jokes, thats abt it!!! (warnings will be put at the beginning of every chapter nonetheless)
status: updates literally whenever bc im unreliable sawry…
taglist: open!! (just send ask or comment :))
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O. PROFILES: big time rush. | impractical jokers.
ONE. hashtag cuffed
TWO. you guys act like im some loser
THREE. cupid more like guidance counsellor
FOUR. battle of the bands
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xoxobuckybarnes · 8 months
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January 2024 Stucky Fics
The Things We Hide (Rated: E, Words: 109K) by ThePirateStorm / @fsbc-librarian
Summary: Bucky looked at Steve. Steve carefully did not look at Bucky. “You didn’t tell him?” Becca asked, pausing in the doorway. Steve shook his head. “He only just got here. Besides, I thought you would have told him over the phone,” Steve grumbled, now also carefully not looking at Becca. “He is also standing right the fuck here,” Bucky snapped. “In case you both forgot.” “Steve,” Bucky started, quietly, purposely not looking at either of them now. “Why is Becca your doctor?” Neither Steve nor Becca answered him. Bucky looked up. Becca was watching Steve, who was staring intently at a wrinkle in the sheet covering the bed he was sitting on. “Why is Becca your doctor right now?” He asked again, more forcefully, this time looking to his sister. “And why are we in the fucking family rooms?” ***** Steve’s a marathon runner. He’s still friends with his ex-alpha, his life revolves around training, work, and Bucky, his best friend. He’s also 6 months pregnant and he doesn’t know who the sire is. If he ignores his problems, they’ll go away, right?'
Wanna Be Your End Game (Rated: E, Words: 23K) by KirkApologist
Summary: "Brooklyn, baby!" Bucky types up an Instagram post. "It was so great to be home. Y’all were the best crowd I could’ve asked for on the last night of the US tour. I’m going to miss the hell out of all of you. Get ready, Italy! I’m coming for you next month. And @StevenGrantRogers - my DMs are open. Ball’s in your court - er, zone? 🏈" Before he can second-guess himself, Bucky attaches a few photos from the concert and hits post. Then promptly tosses his phone away as if burned by it. * The one where Bucky's a world-famous popstar, and Steve is the NFL player who sweeps him off his feet.
young hearts, out our minds (Rated: T, Words: 2K) by junko (orphan_account) / @ladydent
Summary: Bucky posts a selfie of the two of them in bed to his instagram. He hashtags it #goodmorningamerica. Sam Wilson and Pepper Potts retweet it to their twitter accounts.
a question of expertise (Rated: E, Words: 2K) by mwestbelle / @villainsexuale & Fancomic by piumpoetam / @pium-poetam
Summary: Steve has criteria for losing his virginity. Bucky knows somebody who meets them.
The Long Way: A Stucky Fancomic (Rated: T) by BeaArthurPendragon / @beaarthurpendragon & LittleWolf82
Summary: After Thanos is defeated, Steve doesn't stay in the past. This is the story of where he and Bucky go next. Seven pages. Posting complete.
A Trace of All That Was (Rated: M, Words: 36K) by leavinghope
Summary: Bucky Barnes has to deal with the pain of watching Steve Rogers leave and return as an old man. Sam Wilson has to learn how to become Captain America when he had not asked for the role. How could they both have been so wrong about Steve? How could the man they both thought they knew have let them down so completely?
Lost But Found (Rated: T, Words: 2K) by innerslumber / @innerslumber
Summary: Bucky shrugged Steve's hand off his shoulder and tried to get up but his legs wouldn’t co-operate. His whole body felt heavy with random bursts of pain shooting through his synapses. The interior lights were too bright and while the quinjet was quieter than almost anything except a Wakandan aircraft, it still emanated noises that his super soldier ears could pick up. It was all too much. Bucky curled his body toward the wall and tried to make himself as small as possible. “Bucky-” “No, Steve,” Bucky groaned, his voice barely a whisper. “I can’t do this right now.”
Joker in the Pack (Rated: G, Words: 9K) by Ginny_Potter / @hipsterdiva
Summary: “Shut up,” Bucky mumbles, closing his eyes and leaning the back of his head against the bricks. “You’re jinxin’ it. C’m on, deal. I’ll know if you cheat.” “I never cheat,” Steve says, a smile already creeping up, anticipating Bucky’s reaction. Bucky snorts. “Like hell, you don’t.” Or, Steve and Bucky team cheating at cards, 1922 to 1945.
Barnes & Rogers and the Goddamn Truth (Rated: NR, Words: 18K)
Summary: There are three well-known facts at Shield High: 1. The history teacher Mr. Barnes is a stone-cold terror, and it’s not even because he only has one arm. 2. The other history teacher, Mr. Rogers, is a mysterious enigma, and it’s something to do with the body of a Greek God and contradicting stories of his past. (They’re all rumours, anyway.) 3. Mr Barnes and Mr Rogers hate each other. Bucky wouldn’t have it any other way.
Crack My Back Like a Glowstick (Rated: T, Words: 1K) by moodymelanist / @moodymelanist
Summary: Actors Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes read thirst tweets to promote their latest film.
Everybody is Supposed to be Dead (Rated: M, Words: 22K) by pollutedstar
Summary: “…there is nothing intelligent to say about a massacre. Everybody is supposed to be dead, to never say anything or want anything ever again. Everything is supposed to be very quiet after a massacre, and it always is, except for the birds.” In 1944, Bucky Barnes falls off a train into the Alps, missing and presumed dead. Months later, Steve Rogers nosedives a plane into the arctic. In 2010, the Winter Soldier project is uncovered by S.H.E.I.L.D., and Bucky Barnes is found alive. Three years later, Steve Rogers’ frozen body is found in the ocean.
look what you do to me (making me love you) (Rated: E, Words: 13K) by burning_brighter / @burnin-brighter & art by Reagy_Jay / @reagi-df
Summary: “Oh, you like this, don’t you?” Steve says, though it doesn’t really sound like a question at all. There’s an underlying threat in his voice, something almost dangerous, almost animalistic, and a smile spreads on his face when he sees Bucky shudder again. “Yeah you do.” Steve takes a step towards him, and he’s still so far away, but Bucky finds it hard to breathe anyway. The air around him feels heavy, tense, and he doesn’t know what to do. “Shut up,” Bucky mumbles, but he doesn’t deny it. He can’t really, because Steve is right, he is, and Bucky hates it. ———— After a failed mission, Steve and Bucky find themselves in a safehouse, where tensions run high and a lot of things come to light. When everything is said and done, it’s unclear where they stand and where their relationship – both personal and professional – is headed, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. Bucky has only one thing on his mind: to find out what happened on their mission.
put you on something new (Rated: E, Words: 13K) by howdoyousleep / @howdoyousleep3 & the1918 / @the1918
Summary: “What? Y’never suck a dick before, Rogers?” Steve can’t even stop the hysterical bubble of overcompensated laughter that escapes out his open mouth. It’s loud and such an extreme reaction that Steve can’t take back, makes his cheeks heat right back up. He shuffles on his feet, bounces on the balls of them a few times, has another round of giggles as he chugs the rest of his beer. “N-nah, I...fuck, yeah no I haven’t really—” --- Steve's fraternity throws a kegger. The star of the football team shows up.
Birthday Wishes (Rated: E, Words: 6K) by Graendoll
Summary: Steve Rogers has made the same birthday wish for almost a decade. The wish has gotten more explicit since he and Bucky started living together.
No One Wants Your Opinion (Rated: E, Words: 5K) by thepinupchemist
Summary: Wherein Bucky loves to cuddle Steve Rogers, Steve comes out on national television for the sole purpose of spiting conservative politicians, Tony sees things he wishes he hadn't, and Pepper doesn't know why she even bothers.
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) (Rated: E, Current Words: 93K) by dorian_burberrycanary / @burberrycanary
Summary: The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. How’s that for some consolation on the road? A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky fix-it as part of the all-American road trip, detours included.
twelve twenty-five (Rated: E, Current Words: 40K) by burning_brighter / @burnin-brighter
Summary: “I have to say,” Winifred says, a mug of cocoa in her hands. “When you say you were bringing someone home, I thought you meant you were bringing a boyfriend. But I’m glad you brought Steve.” “Who says I’m not?” Bucky teases, laughing when Steve lets out an exasperated groan. “You two finally got your respective head out of your respective ass?” asks George, looking at Steve and Bucky intently. “No,” Steve says pointedly, “Bucky just thinks he’s so funny.” - Ever since they met, everyone assumed it was just a matter of time before Steve and Bucky became a thing. Ten years later and it has yet to happen. But when Bucky invites Steve to spend the holidays with him and his family in upstate New York, things start to change.
Every Me and Every You (Rated: M, Current Words: 23K) by deadto27 / @deadto27
Summary: Bucky Barnes is doing his best. He’s getting by after the blip, after Sam became Captain America, after Steve…well, it’s best he doesn’t think about that. The point is, his life is different now, and he’s trying his best. He just wishes the hollow feeling in his chest would go away. —– Bucky gets blinded by a bright light as the tear seems to implode in on itself and there’s an odd little jolt as the pulling stops, and then Bucky’s blinking, trying to get his vision right again as he loosens his grip on America. “You okay?” he checks, still squinting. He’s probably not blind, he thinks. It just feels like it right now. “I’m okay,” America tells him and he sees her nod shakily as his vision starts to clear, and he carefully lets go of her, seeing that she can support herself, hands pressing onto the floor next to her. “Uh…I don’t think I am,” says another voice, and Bucky turns his head so fast he might give himself whiplash. Because he knows that voice. He knows that voice better than any other voice on the planet and he’s missed that voice, so, so much.
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flowersintheimpala69 · 3 months
Parents and teachers always saying shit like “it’s okay to be different!” “Why fit in when you can stand out!” “Differences are what make us special”
Oh but the second you’re an kinky incest freak on tumblr YOU’RE the problem and you need to get “help” 🙄🙄
“Let your freak flag fly!” You preach as you discourage and suppress MY super cool and interesting freak???
joker was right we DO live in a society 😞😞
Hashtag normalize incest 2024 !! We need to call congress and Biden and get them ON this shit!!
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forbidding-souda · 9 months
Mod Souda!~ I have never requested fic before, this is entirely new territory so please forgive me if I misstep. ^_^; Could I please request HC's regarding Korekiyo x autistic S/O? I tried finding similar in the master list, alas I could not which is completely on me if I wasn't thorough enough.
A little afterword of gratitude also for your masterful works on Korekiyo in particular, the way you HC him is beautiful. He is my ultimate comfort character and your content is poignant for me. I also wish you the absolute best on finals and in life in general! (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)♡ I hope you are faring well. Thank you for all that you do here
Shinguuji Korekiyo with Autistic S/O
I've had this blog since quarantine so I can't even remember if I've written anything like this so I'm happy to write one for you regardless or not if it's a repeat.
Hai guys I don't have my edited sprites anymore bc I deleted them awhile ago so here's normal souda. Also if this is ass then my bad
hashtag actually autistic btw for anyone reading, i think it's right to share that when I write these ofc
okay mod souda behavior here where I say random stuff before each story but I'm watching impractical jokers rn and I don't know how some people watch this because the secondhand embarrassment is insane I literaly have to look away PLZZZ. This took an hour to write because half way through I started watching impractical joker clips on youtube (while the show is playing on the tv)
-Mod Souda
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♥ He isn't a stickler about your interests. A good thing about being with him is that he won't make fun of you for anything you enjoy, no matter if he enjoys it himself or not. He'll never ask you to turn a movie off or to stop talking about something. He knows more than anybody else how isolating it can feel when somebody refuses to try and tolerate other people's passions; he would never put you down.
♥ He's naturally off-putting. If you experience people considering you off-putting then don't feel alone because Shinguuji is considered off-putting as well. He brushes off the negative things people thinks when it comes to himself, but when it comes to you and the negativity you face, it's hard for him to conceal how irritated he gets.
♥ I know some people have hyperfixations of like medieval torture methods so imagine how much he'd love that.
♥ ^ You also have the chance to teach him about really niche things, that's pretty sweet.
♥ ^ But I imagine that with some topics, he's gonna try and teach you about your own hyperfixation and it's gonna get annoying.
♥ He loves ur reactions to things. He gets so gushy-gushy and poetic. He likes finding what words make you smile, which ones make you laugh and which ones make you want to roll your eyes.
You stared back at him for a few seconds. He held an intense, filling gaze. The two of you were sitting on a park bench, facing the trees and enjoying the sounds of the birds. In between the conversation, there were moments of silence. Usually, he'd break them with small, unrelated sentences, but he's been quiet. "Korekiyo," you said quietly, a bit worried to startle him. To you, he was either in deep thought or, more humorously, sleeping with his eyes open. It took you to say it louder before he turned away. "My apologies," he smiled with a tilt of his head. His hair cascaded down his shoulder. His eyes went to the green leaves dancing in the wind. "We sit here in such a beautiful place, so lively. Most people would give their life away to view a sight like this." With no response, you just stared at him more, already knowing what he was going to say. He looked at you. "I've been all around the world and so I do not wish to waste my time looking at something I've seen before. You, however, do not come close to any of the beauties our world gives to us." "You love me so much, don't you?" You gave him a smile while his yellow eyes developed a look of interest: "You say that but do not realize that jests can be true words, too."
♥ If you need your alone time, he isn't going to stop you because he likes his, too. He knows that obviously you can be infatuated with somebody while also finding comfort in solitude.
♥ ^ And with that, he also has his own boundaries when it comes to where he goes whenever he wants solitude. He likes reading his books and analyzing his artifacts, all of which takes place in his study.
♥ ^ Yeah and don't touch his stuff because he is very protective of his collections. Therefore, he'd also never mess with something you own.
♥ If you're the type of person to have stuffed animals, and especially make them talk, he isn't going to pick up on that very quickly as means of a thing people still do. He'll give a history lesson as to 'ah yes, i've learned about this form of imagination within cultures of story telling, oral adventures'.
♥ Most of the time, he'll put your comfort over his.
♥ He'll stay up with you whenever you have trouble sleeping and are fully awake at 2am, no matter the cost. He is going to make sure that you know he is always there for you. He always has things to do.
♥ If you need help falling asleep, he'll do things like sing to you and let you watch videos in bed, whatever will make you most comfortable.
♥ He got some crazy eye contact btw I just want to put that out there.
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navree · 2 months
this is dc twitter discourse at the moment so i thought i'd ask your thoughts on it do you think red hood jason hurting children is ooc/a bad writing choice???
And this ladies and gents is why I avoid DC Twitter because I don't think I've seen any good takes there ever, no matter where you are. Sometimes people post panel compilations that hurt my heart, that's the like the only good thing to come out of it, I don't even click on the MAWS hashtag if it trends while the show is airing because last time I did it was people bitching that 25 year old Slade did not look or act the same way that current in his forties Slade does (not to mention, how can you complain about MAWS Slade? he's the best part about the show how did anyone not just fall over laughing with delight the second he showed up and proclaimed himself to be literal Slade Wilson?).
With that said, yeah I would consider that to be a bad writing choice. Talking about characterization for comics is hard because, as I've mentioned, comics is an incredibly decentralized creative medium in a way none others are. Movies, TV shows, novels, they all tend to have a main core group of people or even just one solitary person in charge of the creative direction, and for a lot of them, a very finite "this is where we start and this is where we end" mentality that comics do not. These characters have had constantly changing creative heads, with new directions and ideas for characterization attached, since their inception, and they've all been around for a very long time. This is why comics are kind of the only medium where you can, in fact, really pick and choose your canon, because the canon has changed so much depending on who is in charge at a giant company. Like, canonical eighties Batman characterization would be considered super OOC for someone writing canonical modern Batman, and vice versa. So talking about characterization is hard, especially with Jason when nobody has had any idea what to fucking do with him for decades at this point. But, when it comes to Red Hood Jason, there is something I consider gospel canon, which is the Under the Red Hood arc, since that is what nearly all subsequent canon imaginings of Jason take from. That is our gold standard here. And based on UTRH, yeah, Jason harming children is out of character and it is bad writing.
When Jason comes back, he has two very clear goals. Goal one: the Joker's gotta die, preferably Batman kills him so Jason gets concrete proof that he was loved and mourned (Jason is not mentally healthy so his thought process doesn't make sense just roll with it), but Jason is fine killing the man himself, so long as he dies. Goal two: essentially fulfill Batman's mission in a way where it actually accomplishes his goals. Jason outlines this pretty specifically in Batman #641, he tells Bruce "You. I'll be you. The you you're supposed to be." Jason's goal as the Red Hood is to make Gotham better (in his head), safer, and cleaner, but unlike Batman he is willing to take that goal as far as he can and will kill if necessary. What he wants is to just take Batman's mission to its logical extreme. Eradicate the various elements that have caused suffering in Gotham throughout the years, just with more permanence than Batman does, and less of a focus on rehabilitation, because you can't rehabilitate a dead person. And as part of this, Jason does not act unnecessarily. When he kills, it is people who (arguably) deserve it, and it is never innocents. It is always the criminal element, and people he believes are past the point of no return, as well as those who might be trying to stop him in that. His mission statement is literally "Death will come to those who deserve death, and death may come to those who stand in my way of doing what's right." and he means that. This is not a character you've created to then go out and harm children, because kids have not done anything to deserve it, and they are not the cause of the issues that he is trying to eliminate.
There's also the fact that Jason, even in his early Red Hood days where editorial just decided that he's a straight villain now, was never someone who went after kids, but in fact actively tried to help them. He makes it a point to tell his people that they do not sell drugs to kids and that if they do, he'll kill them (along with telling them not to get previously clean people hooked and only sell to repeats, which also paints him as someone who isn't just hurting others willy-nilly). The first person Jason ever kills, as seen in Red Hood: Lost Days, is a man who was involved in child trafficking, and he does it specifically because he wants to save those kids and future victims from him, and considers him scum of the Earth as a result (I think his name was Egan? Egon? idfk I don't reread Lost Days because I find their whole "look at fully adult Talia fucking the mentally ill sixteen year old under her care who is reliant on her for everything, how sexy" shtick abhorrent, and using Talia as their child rapist doubly so). So Jason, even at his most villainous, at his most "this is a bad dude" characterized, is someone who deliberately avoids harming innocents because it's not compatible with his mission or his personal code, and includes children very specifically in that.
It is also out of character and a bad writing choice because of Jason's own childhood. You might think a rebuttal to this is "Jason wants to kill/hurt criminals, what if kids are criminals" well guess what Jason was a kid criminal! It is actually illegal to steal parts off of people's cars, even if that person can afford it because he's Batman (to say nothing of the multiple very heavy handed hints dropped that Jason solicited as a prostitute during his time being homeless, which is also a crime, it is illegal and he would have been picked up by the cops for it if found out). Unless you want to argue that Jason thinks he himself should have been taken out with a Glock at the big of age of eleven for doing illegal things in the name of survival, you can't say that Jason's philosophy would allow him to harm children and remain in character or decently written, you just can't. Like, your other gospel for Jason's characterization should be his original Robin run from the 80s, since that's literally what introduced him to this world in the first fucking place, so duh. And there's nothing in that characterization to suggest that he would harm anyone unnecessarily, especially kids. Like, Robin Jason spares Two-Face's life, after having found out days ago that Two-Face murdered Willis Todd in cold blood; he tries to save Sheila Haywood's life after she straight up helps murder him; this isn't someone whose characterization allows for him to hurt children later in life. Especially once you factor in his struggles as a child, and how that most likely just breeds empathy for other children, especially children who are having a hard time.
Now, I can guess that some of this comes up in discussions of one of my most loathed subjects, the stupid bad stupid dumb stupid attack on fucking Titan's Tower. Now, even beyond the fact that the stupid attack on stupid Titan's Tower is less about Jason wanting to beat up children and more his specific issues with Bruce and the concept of Robin that can't be transplanted to other people, the attack itself is bad writing. It is out of character for Jason. It does not jive at all with his stated characterization and motivations that he himself outlined (also the only other closest thing to that is his fight with Mia Dearden, where he's pretty tame in just warning her to leave vigilantism and straight up beats her twice before letting her go relatively unscathed of his own free will, just saying) and it makes no sense. His issues are that the Joker is alive and Batman didn't do anything about it. Why the fuck would he care about Tim? Tim means nothing to him, he never even met the little dude, he doesn't have an issue with him. He doesn't even have an issue with the idea of Robin being passed down because Jason literally said he was perfectly content to not be Robin and just be Jason, and his problems don't arise from Robin! The issues at the heart of Jason's conflict with Bruce hinge on the Bruce and Jason relationship of father and son, not Batman and Robin! And not fucking Tim! Tim means nothing, he is a nonentity. The only reason this fuckass plot exists is because DC didn't know what to do with Jason and threw shit at the wall to see what would stick, similar to what we saw with that dumb plot with Nightwing from this time that also has similar issues, in that why would Jason care enough to cause problems for Dick, he doesn't have an issue with Dick, he legit interacts with Dick in UTRH and he's fine! (a better writing decision would have been post-UTRH Jason immediately writing the entire Batfam off and treating them as hostiles whenever they wander into Crime Alley and them having to regain his trust back/him agreeing to let down more and more barriers as time goes on and they all reconnect, but I was like seven when all this was being written so DC didn't seek my input) The fucking dumb Titan's Tower thing that people are gonna use to prove that Jason hurting kids isn't bad writing isn't even about Jason, the only reason this shit gets trotted out again and again is because Tim Drake has a lot of fans who are absolutely convinced their poor uwu baby has suffered more than Jesus when the only person in the Batfam who's suffered less than him is, like, Alfred (although I can make the argument that Alfred has still suffered more by having had to put up with Bruce Wayne almost singlehandedly for most of his adult life). It exists in people's minds even tho it is objectively bad writing and out of character for one of the main players because fanon Tim has to be the most special boy ever (and also because these people wanna use it to make Tim interesting which is impossible because nothing can make Tim interesting).
Jason hurting children deliberately is, indeed, bad writing. It is, in fact, incredibly out of character. It does not compute to his explicit motivations and how he was characterized in the stories that have since been used as a jumping off point for his characterization ever since. And ultimately, the thing is this: if Red Hood Jason is just trying to do Batman's job better than Batman, who is he doing it for if not children? Who is he trying to clean up Gotham for, make Gotham a better place for, if not her children? And if that's the case, as it obviously is, why on Earth would him then harming her children be any kind of good character writing or coherent characterization?
TL;DR, yes it is.
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craiginwonderland · 1 month
prev anon here but AUGHH very exicted to see where this au goes,,, also also also love the Cheshire joker cards from when craig was falling,,, need to draw some stuff from here actually
woah now thats something i didn't think anyone would notice like at all...mainly because idk how many people here also follow my twitter where i already posted the designs for future characters (heh promo go follow me on twt @/inzerogravityy)
AND FANART IS GREATLY APRECIATED!! just tag the blog or use the craig in wonderland hashtag so i can see it ^_^
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padnora · 21 days
🚨canon muppetverse accounts dni🚨
i'm truly fascinated by milton from a character perspective. from the knowledge i have of the muppet joker cinematic universe, there is a possibility now that he is the one who killed bucephalus? like, correct me if i'm wrong of course, as i'm not caught up with the whole fruit cult storyline yet. love gordon so much, is he canon in the mjcu though? anyways, kermit was sent a message from what appears to be a milton impersonator account, claiming that he killed bucephalus. that's not the part that i thought was a little fishy though. what surprised me is the fact that milton refuses to answer the question as to whether or not he had any involvement in bucephalus' death. again, not concrete evidence by any means, but a Strange choice of words, included with him just getting back from experiencing *something* in the woods, his at the time strained relationship with kermit, as WELL as using cryptic hashtags in his answers regarding Bucephalus. he also had a conversation with someone in the comments of one of those asks saying that he would message the truth of what actually happened to them privately. tbh it reminds me of that time mod silver was the golden child of sonic for real justice's fandom, only to be revealed to be more manipulative and less delicate than they initially appeared to be.
i honestly looooove those kinds of characters in stories, the sleeper villains are the best in my humble opinion(even though it's technically unclear whether or not milton actually is one, but it would be a really interesting route to take imo!) idk i've just been hyperfixated on this whole web of stories for weeks now and i'm really excited to see where it goes from here. the characters are so distinct in their personalities and writing styles to the point where i honestly don't have any idea how many writers have pitched into this. regardless of however many, ya'll are doing a great job. keep it up legends. anyways sorry if this is ineligible my adhd is going so hard today🤘😎🔥 but ty for tuning into pandora's hyperfixation ramblings
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ISQUXPL by forevernightfall danny —  @angelslikeme   › was at the Jason Todd Memorial Library where i work when the breakout happened. the joker got inside and was being weirder than he normally is so i did the logical thing — threw my uni textbook at his head. he collapsed and didnt get up, idk if he was breathing +   > danny — @angelslikeme › robin and nightwing came in and took him away but that was Traumatic ™ but it's okay cause black bat gave me a hug #OnlyInGotham ____________________ or, the gothamites band together and twitter slowly goes to shambles as the OnlyInGotham hashtag starts trending internationally. Words: 1167, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 5 of chat/social media fics, Part 8 of AU ; soulmates, Part 6 of hero's, man Fandoms: DCU, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Wally West, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Original Characters, Other Character Tags to Be Added Relationships: Roy Harper/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members (DCU) & Others, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Social Media, Twitter, gothamites band together to hurt the joker, Jason Todd is a sweetheart, Book Nerd Jason Todd, eat the rich, Rich Tim Drake, Brucie Wayne - Freeform, Richie Grayson, dumb rich men, yes this IS a cape fic, gothamites - Freeform, Only in Gotham, Fluff, Crack, literally only crack, Seriousness treated like crack, Humour, LIAN HARPER MY DAUGHTER, bruce wayne is an okay dad, he tries and we love that, Oliver Queen is a Meh Dad, he tries slightly less, gay people, Straight People, Romantic love, Soulmates read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ISQUXPL
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