#hasn't bounced back yet but sure will be nice when it does
keeps-ache · 2 years
technically, i'm better now! woo!! but my bones say no, ykno?
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allwormdiet · 18 days
Interlude 3
The Wards and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
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Man I hate these vibes, holy shit
Faceless armed guards with military weaponry next to a gift shop is a fucking look alright
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Hey Piggot. Dunno if I'm gonna like you or not but boy do people seem to have conflicting opinions on you
Aegis that's fucking nasty, don't do that
And yeah, of course they're all in a rotten mood, they got their asses kicked
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Yeah, rich boy, of course he tries to foot the bill, that money's a drop in the bucket for him
I actually like that Piggot makes this come down on everybody's head. There isn't a lesson learned if it's all covered by the rich kid, they all fucked up which means they all eat this crow. Maybe she's a sadist, but I think more likely than that she's an adult who's been put in charge of a bunch of fucked up kids and fucked up adults who act a lot like kids, and she'll take whatever she can get when it comes to actually reining this people in.
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Yeah, exactly. She's big-picture. Kid Win wanted to stop the bad guys from getting away, and so he shot a giant, untested laser into a building full of hostages, not thinking about what it was going to look like that a hero was shooting a giant, untested laser into a building full of hostages
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Yeah, that's nuts actually, that's loading for bear when you're hunting pheasant, nothing in that fight would qualify as whatever a Class A is... yet.
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Yeah, Kid, you should be sweating a little bit, dude. You made a messy public mistake and now you gotta deal with whatever comes of that.
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What do you figure the uptick is on reports of entomophobia and arachnophobia in Brockton Bay after Taylor debuts as a villain? Probably a fair bit
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And so begins the rise of Skitter
It's neat to see the Wards breaking all of the information down that they learned from the fight, breaking down the capabilities of the Undersiders now that they've actually gotten to face them firsthand. Kind of a glimpse at the other side of things, opposite the planning for the heist. Their observations and debates are fun to see bounce back and forth.
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Yeah I dunno if that's the authority figure you wanna rely on Taylor
Also nice enough that Amy decided to stick around and help
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It's probably really easy to convince yourself you're invincible when you have powers, especially stuff that literally protects you from harm. It's gotta be really hard to deal when you're proven wrong.
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And here we come around to a really solid chunk of What The Fuck Is Up With Amy Dallon
What a fucking nightmare it must be, to want to be normal, to be denied that, and to be so thoroughly denied that there are people around the world who would give everything they have just to have you touch them once. Every second you spend healing, you're giving up your life to save others'. Every second you aren't healing, people are dying. You will never have peace. You will never have privacy. You don't even have the luxury of a secret identity because the family motto means that you have to let everyone know who you are, such that even if you go out in public just to get a burger people will dog your every movement
and the resentment underneath it all, of course
I wonder if that's part of why she's so harsh to criminals. If she dreads becoming like them, if she feels like she's better than them because clearly she hasn't so fully surrendered to her resentment so clearly as they have
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According to Wikipedia, "foreshadowing is a narrative device in which a storyteller gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story. Foreshadowing often appears at the beginning of a story, and it helps develop or subvert the audience's expectations about upcoming events."
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I'm sure this would feel like a different conversation than what I know it is, but I got spoiled on this stuff like, years ago, so I know what's coming and frankly that does not make it feel any better
Current Thoughts
There's not a whole lot of meat on the Wards rn, but they've only been something approaching POV characters for one interlude between them and the only other time we've gotten with them was the brawl with the Undersiders, so they're not super fleshed out at this point and I don't think I'm gonna sweat over that much
Can't wait for Browbeat to never come up again
I'm still positive-leaning on Piggot, but who knows where that lands. However reasonable or unreasonable she manages to be over however long she's present as the Director.
Gallant seems nice enough but I'm not sure his empath powers actually make him empathetic? Otherwise he'd probably be having a different conversation with Amy
Speaking of which, oh boy Amy. You poor creature. Would rather you be pulled off the course you're on, but that's not happening in canon is it
Arc 3 thoughts in a bit
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
Ari fucking innocent readers throat until reader is crying and he just mocks her for not being able to take his cock 😩 then hes like lets see if we can fit it in your little cunt then
Pleaseee, I feel like Ari adores the ruined look 🙃 maybe even more than I think Lee does?
I could imagine he likes really messy head though and when it feels good, he gets a little carried away. I think he'd be quite respectful though; he keeps his hand on the back of your head but he wouldn't press you down on him. It's a nice compromise.
His dick such a nice weight on your tongue and the feeling of his soft, smooth tip nudging against the back of your throat is quite pleasant for the most part.
"That's it, good girl." He encourages, watching the way his cock sinks into your mouth until your nose is resting against the soft patch of dark curls.
You've been hiding each little gag quite successfully, your body's natural response to the assault on the back of your throat but you just can't hide the way it makes your eyes water. You feel the tears threatening to spill over your waterline and as strongly as you will them not to, there's nothing you can do without pulling back and taking a second to blink them away. You don't want to do that though. Not when you're both really enjoying this.
"Fuck, you're pretty with my cock in your mouth. Such a sweet little thing." Your head bounces on his length and you allow yourself a second or two to enjoy the taste of his precum, knowing that you've earned it.
There's no blinking the tears away the second you look up at him though. The shift makes them spill, running down your cheeks almost simultaneously. While it's not quite enough to upset your mascara, you have no doubt Ari's noticed anyway because the hand on the back of your head feels just a little heavier and you hear him stifle a groan.
"You crying, sweetheart? Is my cock too much for you?" It's a little embarrassing but you focus on the task at hand. Now that the stream has started though, it's very hard to stop it.
"Oh baby, don't cry." He coos and it's so condescending, it has you clenching your thighs together from where you're kneeling on the floor. You're already embarrassingly wet and he hasn't even touched you yet.
"I knew I could break you but I didn't think it'd be this easy. I'm not even sure your pretty little pussy could handle me if this is making you cry. What do you think? Will you cry all cute like that when I try to fit my dick in your cunt?" It's a level of filth you hadn't expected from him tonight and you're more than happy to play into it.
You nod your head slightly, his dick still in your mouth and the movement just makes the tear tracks glint in the dim bedroom lighting.
"I don't think it'll fit, Ari." You whisper, stroking his slick length with your hand and looking up at him with every ounce of innocence you can muster.
"That's okay, honey. You're gonna let me try though, aren't you?" Your head nods so fast, it makes him huff out a laugh. "Good. Get on the bed."
You strip your clothes off and do as you're told, lying down on your back while he stands at the edge of the bed. You feel him rub his cock against your slick core, teasing your entrance but not pressing inside.
"Ari, please." You whimper in frustration after a few minutes and oh, that's exactly what he wanted.
In one slow but fluid movement, he's lined himself up and started to press inside, both of you groaning in unison at the feeling your body accommodating him.
"Your cunt takes it better than your mouth does but it's still a tight fit." He muses before pulling back out and sliding in a little faster than he did the first time.
You can't help but whimper at the feeling of him inside you, of your body fighting to adjust.
There's a euphoria to this that's fuelled by more than just the physical sensations though. You can't help but bask in how lucky you are just to get to see him like this and share these filthy little moments. So many want him but here he is, buried inside you, groaning in pleasure at the feeling of your body squeezing his and giving you plenty of pleasure in return.
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grokebaby · 6 months
More on Terrorspark
[More introductory stuff here]
- The name it uses is self made, it's originally known by a different name that was given by Unicron. However it greatly prefers Terrorspark and has made the conscious decision to introduce itself by that instead. It feels the name is more.. Gentle. And brief. In it's mind, the name attempts to communicate a sense of personhood and vulnerability, despite the fact that Terrorspark itself wouldn't recognize itself as experiencing fear. Or much of a person
- It's vessel doesn't need as much energon as the average cybertronian in order to function. It can even survive way longer periods without it completely, however energon does help, since the vessel might get brittle and wears with the constantly sustained damage of. Ykno. Floating through space without an alt form.
- The vessel is able to scan for an alt form but hasn't figured this out yet. It also hasn't encountered anything to scan yet. This is subject to change since I just haven't put Terrorspark through alot of story events yet so the character is still partially a blank slate
- but I have bounced around potentially encountering other characters and getting into hijinks thusly. We'll have to see where it takes me
- Terrorspark has a pretty fuzzy self perception as one might imagine, since it spends most of its time in planet mode and had to be slavishly dedicated to it's job. There hasn't been much time for self reflection but it aims to do that now during it's long journey ahead. It's just that trying to get a grasp on what you even look like in bot mode made it challenging to create a vessel in the first place - not that they absolutely need to look like Terrorspark itself accurately, but it does help considering it's trying to advocate for itself and all that. It's not meant to be an alternate persona, Terrorspark wants to be fairly upfront about itself to any potential newcomers, though it might be forced to change that depending on circumstance. Especially considering things might not go over well when introducing yourself as something as dramatic as 1. A titan and 2. A creation of Unicron
- Back in "Torture planet" mode, the thing was that Terrorspark would be sustained by the suffering of others, like an emotional vampire. But additionally to that it also absorbed the sparks of any bots who died on it's surface. I've mentioned this earlier somewhat but I'm not sure if I was as clear cut as this. So in case that needed to be cleared, that's how TR got enough to spare for basically giving it's vessel it's own spark.
-TR would probably love listening to some nice music, especially since the options are "vacuous silence of space" and "screams of the tormented". Give that bot like an. IPod or something. Put on some Carly Rae jepsen or. Chisu. I guess. Just give that thing pleasant background noise for once
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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Ginny 🤝 Carewyn
1994 was an incredibly eventful year in the Wizarding World. Although yes, one could've surmised as much in response to the terrifying Death Eater attack after the Quidditch World Cup Final between Bulgaria and Ireland, no one outside of the Ministry really knew just how much was planned for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry until the term started. One hint, however, could be found in the students' list of necessary school supplies for the year ahead -- new to the list this year were a proper set of dress robes, appropriate to a formal event. And upon receiving her list of school supplies, Ginny Weasley was delighted to learn from her mother that her oldest and favorite brother Bill's best friend, Carewyn Cromwell, had volunteered to help her shop for some dress robes.
"Now, Carewyn said she might not be able to buy you whatever you want," Mrs. Weasley said bracingly. "You know she doesn't earn any more than your father...and while renting a flat in London, no less! But she thought that some new robes, even on clearance, might be a nice belated birthday gift..."
Ginny wasn't the least bit unhappy by this. Not only had she assumed she'd have to wear something of her mum or aunt's, but the thought of going out shopping with Carewyn was enough to make the thirteen-year-old bounce with glee. She always liked it whenever Carewyn visited the Burrow as it was, but being able to spend some private "girl's time" with Bill's best friend was beyond exciting.
And so a few days before term started, the youngest Weasley dressed in her favorite dress, jumper, tights, and boots, and then thundered downstairs to the fire. She even ended up running into Ron and Harry on the stairs, and -- after biting back her blush as best she could -- she darted away toward the kitchen before Ron could make too much fun of her for it. Once it was 10 o'clock, Mrs. Weasley walked Ginny over to the fireplace so she could send her on her way to the Leaky Cauldron, where Carewyn would be meeting her. Bill and Charlie were both there to see her off too.
"Tell Carey we said hi," Bill told his sister with a smile.
"Better yet, force her to come back to the Burrow with you when you're done," Charlie added more forcefully.
"Oh, Charlie," Mrs. Weasley scolded, lightly batting him on the arm. Once she had, though, she said as an aside to Ginny, "Do try to invite Carewyn back over for a visit, though, Ginny dear -- while your brothers are still here..."
Ginny couldn't help but grin. "Okay."
And with this, she grabbed some Floo Powder, tossed it at her feet, very clearly shouted, "DIAGON ALLEY!", and disappeared with a flash of green flame and smoke.
When Ginny climbed out of the Leaky Cauldron's Floo grate a few seconds later, she immediately found Carewyn standing there waiting on the other side of the grate. The ginger-haired lawyer was as pretty as always with her trademark bright red lipstick, dressed in a crisp, white collared shirt, thigh-length black skirt and a tailored black waistcoat.
At the sight of Carewyn, Ginny's brown eyes lit up like miniature suns.
Carewyn had to open her arms quickly so as to catch the smaller girl as she threw her arms around her, squeezing tight.
"Hi, Ginny," Carewyn couldn't bite back a full, amused smile.
Ginny looked up at Carewyn, unable to keep the huge, giddy grin off her flushed, sooty, freckled face.
"Bill, Charlie, and Mum say hi," she said at once.
Carewyn's blue eyes sparkled knowingly. "Is that all they said?"
"Well, Charlie also told me to force you to come back with me to the Burrow," Ginny said through her giggles. "Mum wants you there too."
Carewyn rolled her eyes up toward the ceiling as she sighed. "I'm sure she does...for very different reasons than Charlie, I'm quite sure..."
She took out a handkerchief and set about wiping the soot from Ginny's face.
"Yeah..." Ginny laughed a bit uncomfortably, "Mum just hasn't gotten it through her head that Charlie's not into dating. But well, it wouldn't be so bad if you and Bill dated, right? You're already best friends! And if you marry Bill, then he could come home and take a desk job at Gringotts, and you could both live in London together!"
Carewyn tried to smile instead of cringe, but the effect was weakened by just how much she avoided Ginny's eyes. "Ginny, I love Bill only as a friend...and the feeling is more than mutual on his end. I have little interest in marrying anyone as it is. And even if I didn't, Bill and I couldn't be more different, in what we'd want in a romantic relationship."
Giving birth to a lot of kids, for one -- talk about the last thing I'd want to do...
Ginny deflated, clearly a bit disappointed.
"If you say so. ...I still think you'd make a brilliant Weasley, though," she said with a grin.
Carewyn smiled wryly. "Well, fortunately, your brothers have treated me like one for quite a while now."
Tucking her handkerchief back into the inside of her jacket, she then turned on her heel, glancing back over her shoulder at Ginny.
"Well, come on, then," she said stridently. "I thought Madame Malkin's would be the best place to start. Twilfitt and Tatting's supply is very pretty, but we're less likely to get as much for our money there. And remember, we can always modify what we find, if it's not a perfect fit...I'm sure your mother would be happy to help with that..."
Ginny eagerly followed along after Carewyn out of the pub and into the rest of Diagon Alley.
The two gingers headed to the famous robe shop, where they immediately moved to the clearance racks at the back of the room. Ginny was actually really happy to see just how much Carewyn and she were able to pick out from that rack that they both liked and Carewyn could afford -- even those ensembles that were three times the amount of Ginny's second-hand school robes weren't out of reach, which made it so that Ginny ended up having a stack of eighteen pretty, affordable dresses in her size that she could try on. Some of them didn't suit Ginny -- the flashy, patterned purple, gold, and green one overpowered her small frame, while the cream-colored one completely washed her out. Others were made of uncomfortable materials, were too revealing, or required a larger bust size to look right.
Eventually, though, Carewyn helped Ginny pick out a golden yellow dress with wide bell-shaped sleeves and navy-blue and burgundy panels on the skirt. Carewyn had originally thought to go for something more delicate, but upon seeing how easy it was for Ginny to move in it and how happy she was twirling the skirt around, Carewyn decided it ultimately was the best choice.
"Do you think it'll do?" Ginny asked a bit more self consciously, as she looked at Carewyn's reflection in the mirror.
"Of course it will," Carewyn said gently, as she took a mint-green dress with pastel pink details she hadn't liked very much out of the stack and returned it to the rack. "Even if it's cotton instead of velvet or silk, it's cut flowingly, and the colors are much brighter than standard robes."
Ginny held the skirt out, sweeping it back and forth as she considered her reflection. Noticing the younger girl's hesitation, Carewyn came back over to stand behind her, smiling at her in the mirror as she talked to her.
"Most importantly, you're comfortable in it," she said with a small smile. "We always look our most beautiful when we're comfortable and having fun...and in dress robes this comfortable, I would think dancing the night away would be very easy to do."
Ginny looked up at Carewyn's reflection, startled.
"Did you say dance -- ?"
"I suppose Bill didn't mention the time he stopped by briefly to the Celestial Ball, in my fourth year," Carewyn said airily. "A shame -- he did quite a nice job fixing up his own dress robes, for that party..."
Ginny's face was flushed with excitement as Carewyn gave her shoulder a light squeeze.
"Dress robes are only worn for formal events, Ginny, I haven't said anything that shocking," she said in a rather droll voice. "It's only sensible to presume that an event of that nature would involve dancing."
Despite saying this, her blue eyes twinkled with amusement. It made Ginny grin from ear to ear.
"Suuuure," she said sarcastically, before bursting into giggles. Carewyn herself only smiled more wryly.
"Well, then, have you decided on those?"
"Yeah!" said Ginny.
"Good -- let's get them bought and paid for. Then I can buy you some ice cream before sending you home."
Ginny had gone behind the curtain to change -- when she'd pulled the robes up and over her head and could peek around the curtain properly, she looked a bit disappointed.
"So you're not coming back home with me?" she asked.
Carewyn offered Ginny a sad, sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry, Ginny, I have work in less than an hour. The Minister has requested my professional opinion on the validity of possible libel charges against Rita Skeeter..."
"Libel charges?" Ginny frowned.
"Put simply, Fudge didn't like Rita Skeeter trash-talking the Ministry's response to the attack at the World Cup and wants to know if there's any way he can make her shut up," Carewyn said very coolly.
Ginny couldn't help but scoff around her smile as she went back behind the curtain. "I bet Dad wishes she would too, after all the fuss she made. Reckon there's any chance Fudge could do it?"
"No -- her words in that article are protected under current law, given that she framed the more sensational comments as rumors or speculation from unnamed witnesses. Not to mention that Fudge going after Rita Skeeter would only give her and her writing more attention in the press, not less."
Ginny gave another low scoff from behind the screen. "I guess it's like Dad says: bullies love playing the victim -- then they can act like all their rotten actions are justified..."
The youngest Weasley came back out from behind the curtain, holding her new robes under her left arm and taking hold of Carewyn's arm with her free right hand.
"Well, you'd better write a proper apology to Bill and Charlie for not coming back with me," Ginny said pointedly. "I know Charlie will be mighty disappointed. Mum too."
"I will try very hard to get together with both Bill and Charlie before they leave Britain," Carewyn said levelly. "After all, I've missed them too."
Ginny grinned again, clearly pleased by this. Once Carewyn took the robes from Ginny and paid for them at the desk, she handed the bag holding the robes back to Ginny and the two gingers headed out of the shop.
Ginny gave Carewyn the biggest side-hug she could muster with only one arm completely free.
"Thank you," she said, beaming. "Shopping with you was so much fun. And my robes...you were right before, they are perfect! I can't wait to dance in them! Maybe I'll even get to dance with...well...somebody cool..."
She blushed a bit, clearly a bit self-conscious at this thought. Carewyn's eyes softened as she brought the smaller girl up against her side affectionately.
"I'm glad you like them," she said gently.
Ginny gave Carewyn another squeeze as she grinned up at her through her ruby red blush.
"...Say, Carey, did you and Bill dance at that Ball? The one you mentioned earlier?"
Carewyn cocked her eyebrows. "No, we did not. My date for that Ball was Andre Egwu, actually."
Ginny's mouth dropped open in disbelief. "The Keeper for Pride of Portree? But -- but I thought he liked blokes -- "
"Primarily," Carewyn said with a dry smile. "And I primarily like my independence -- hence why we didn't last."
Bringing a hand down onto Ginny's shoulder, Carewyn then started off down the street, coaxing her along behind.
"Now come on -- I said I'd get you some ice cream, and I only have a half hour before I'm supposed to clock in."
Friendship Drabble Prompt!
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amoirsetpacis · 7 months
"Hey, c'mere." He reaches out, taking hold of Vash's right wrist and tugging him closer. They're seat on a bench in a park, bundled up in their coats and scarves. The cold is making Vash's ears and nose turn red; Wolfwood thinks it's cute. "I got somethin' for ya.'
Wolfwood slips his hand into his pocket and pulls out a thin, black box. When he pops it open, there are two identical bracelets sitting among dark velvet lining. They're simple things, two silver box chains with a single small red gemstone imbedded in each.
He pulls one of the bracelets out and tugs Vash's sleeve down for him, exposing a sliver of skin to the cold. Wolfwood carefully wraps the bracelet around his wrist and clips it—it fits closely, but not too tight. It won't slide off, that's for sure.
"One for both of us." The other bracelet is pulled out. "They're supposed to... uh, let us know if the other guy's in danger or if he's all right. Figured it'd be useful."
...And having matching bracelets is kind of nice. Thinking that at all baffles him, but he's learned not to question it.
He wiggles his own sleeve down. "Can ya help me put this on?"
It's not as though there had been far for Vash to be tugged, the two of them shoulder to shoulder, warmth bleeding through to one another through the fabric. The bench hadn't even been that cold beneath them to begin with either; what had been a light dusting of snow had only turned into more substantial flakes once they'd stopped, the promise of big, fat, wet ones perfect for clumping together becoming all the more present. It gathers across shoulders and catches in strands of hair, slow as it is to fall; they'll have to leave their spot soon, probably, unless they want to be steadily coated as well.
Still, Vash hums in interest as his limb gets gently manhandled; it's an easy tug back into reality, instead of letting his thoughts meander. There's a knee-jerk reaction to pull for some lightly teasing remark, but it dies in his throat as the dark-coloured box comes out of its hiding spot; it's quickly followed by swallowing the words that want to come up automatically-- that Wolfwood didn't need to get anything for him. Regardless of whether or not showing care for one another in these sorts of ways had become so much easier now, it was still a sentiment Vash often times has to keep locked away behind his teeth.
At first he doesn't say anything, just a quiet 'oh' as his wrist is exposed and the metal looped around it. The cold seeps into his skin, though the silver warms up quickly against it, and once the clasp is closed he jiggles his wrist around a bit to check the fit. Dull light bounces off the gemstone despite the overcast weather as it moves. The metal's undertones match those of the ring that sits on the same hand.
There's something to be said about it, somewhere-- about the more delicate jewelry sitting on skin as marred as his own, having been through such rough and tumble treatment for nearly its entire existence. He'll get stuck in his own head again if he thinks about it for too long, though, so most of the time he tries not to.
Wolfwood's explanation makes Vash look back up as the other bracelet is pulled out, sleeve falling back into place as he does so. It's... not as though it's unwarranted. Sticking together is a lesson that still hasn't managed to entirely stick, despite said lesson being such a vicious one with each and every one of its appearances. The fact that the both of the keep managing to terrify the other so thoroughly is proof enough of that; neither of them is free from blame, in that regard. Snow falling like so much confetti feels so much softer without heartache, no matter how it had a tendency nudge those memories to the surface with gentle but painful hands-- not so potent with yet another small barrier. Another reminder that they do, in fact, work better as a team. Grief may be a common guest, but that does not mean it is a welcome one-- that any sort of blockade isn't, in turn.
Just like their rings, pressed against one another when they hold hands, Vash takes the other bracelet and slips it around the opposite one to his own. It's... nice, that they're matching. Another little symbol, regardless of whether or not it's needed. HIs smile is soft when he tangles their fingers together, when they both finally glance back up.
"Aw, hopefully we won't need 'em for that," he laughs quietly, nudging Wolfwood with his shoulder. A moment later and there are lips against the other's cheek, quick to follow. "Thank you, though. I'd love anything you give me."
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
His Little Dragon
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Doc Holliday x OC
Dedicated to @callsignscupcake
[Previous Chapter] - [Next Chapter]
Doctor John Holliday hasn't seen his darling Little Dragon for many years. Once as thick as thieves, they were quite the pair, but that long since ended when he left. Now, with opportunity blooming in Tombstone, it would seem they have a second chance at the love they lost. However, a threat looms over the town, and if he wants his Dragon back, he has to win the heart of little Baylie too. Nothing is ever easy.
Word count: 1.4k
Chapter Thirty Two - Follow your heart
Wyatt knows that Rachael isn't happy with him. Not only had she openly expressed that to him in the house, but the look on her face makes even him fear what she will do if he poked the dragon too much.
They ride out as quickly as they can. The more distance they put between the house and them, the better.
"I'm coming Baylie," Rachael whispers.
She has her eyes focused straight ahead. Baylie on her mind. She was going to rescue her daughter. Even if it was the last thing she did.
Dreams of a wedding, a home, a family. They were nice, but at the end of the day, Baylie is what mattered. As long as that girl was alive and well, that's the important thing. There is nothing Rachael wouldn't do for that girl.
They ride for hours.
Rachael wonders if Doc has realised what's going on yet. Working on the ranch would buy her a few hours, sure, but he would grow suspicious if she didn't show up to see him.
Poor Alana. That poor woman would have trouble on her hands once Doc clocks on.
"We are almost there," Wyatt says.
Rachael barely spares him a glance as they eventually approach the ravine where the cowboys are holed up. Everyone dismounts their horses and gather on foot.
"Curly Bill and Johnny Ringo."
"You gonna get your revenge?" Rachael asks Wyatt.
"Yes. For Morgan. For Baylie."
"Baylis isn't dead," she hisses. "She can't be. They're using her to get to you."
Wyatt falls quiet.
"You didn't work that out," Rachael looks surprised. "Baylie was to lure you to them. They knew you were going to come after them if they took her. Baylie is my daughter, Doc is my sweetheart, you're Doc's friend. They will be waiting for us."
"But it won't be our blood that spills here tonight," Wyatt states.
Wyatt regards Rachael with a cautious eye.
Rachael steps away from him and looks over in the direction of their camp. "Let's see what they have, shall we?"
Wyatt says nothing as he follows her to a hiding spot nearer to the camp. They peek carefully, taking in what they see.
The camp isn't huge, but Rachael isn't about to take that for granted. Curly Bill has definitely got more men in the surrounding area than what she can see now. He wants a fight, he was going to make sure he gets one.
Curly Bill was sitting by the campfire. He was sharpening a knife. His leg bounced lightly the tune of a guitar which was being strung casually from behind him.
His men were milling about the camp. They had nothing to worry about, it would seem. They didn't know Wyatt was here yet.
There was no sign of Baylie.
Rachael scans the camp a little more, but still sees no sign of her dear girl. However, she does catch sight of Johnny Ringo lingering at the edge of camp.
"You can have Bill to yourself," Rachael comments.
Wyatt glances at her.
"Be careful."
"You're the one who needs to be careful, Wyatt. Not me."
Rachael leaves their hiding spot.
Wyatt let's her go.
Doc has fallen asleep not long after Rachael had said she was going to help Alana on the ranch. His body was screaming for rest, so he gave in. Rachael would only worry if he kept pushing of away.
He must have been out for some time because when he woke up the house seemed noisy. They must have finished their work on the land. He could smell something good cooking. The faint sound of footsteps and voices could be heard through the door.
He looks around the room to find it had been left much the same as when he fell asleep. No sign of Rachael, but he liked to think she had checked on him while he was sleeping.
She must be out there with the others.
John reaches up and lightly brushes his hand along his wounded shoulder. An intense ache has him wincing. That damn kid. He should have paid more attention to the boy.
Doc sits up in the bed and stretches out slightly. He feels stiff and sore. And he was missing his Rachael.
Just as he thinks about getting up to join the others, his door opens. He looks up with a smile expecting to see his darling little Dragon. However, he is met with the sight of Alana and his smile diminishes.
"Afternoon, Mr Holliday."
"Ma'am," he watches as she puts a tray down beside him.
"I brought you some lunch."
"Thank you. Where is my darlin' Rachael?" He asks.
"Oh, she went back out with the others. They've been a real help. She's a hard worker that one!" Alana smiles.
Doc smiles back.
"That she is. Pity. I miss her voice."
Alana holds her smile.
"I'm sure she'll come straight back to you when she comes back."
Doc just smiles a little before taking the tray.
"Thank you again," he says.
Alana smiles and takes her leave.
Doc eats and sits back on the bed. He turns his head to the door. He could, at least, get some fresh air. Maybe he would see his darlin' working hard.
He gets up off the bed and grabs his coat, wrapping it around his shoulders. He is mindful of his injury. John leaves the bedroom and heads for the front door. He notices that some of the men are hanging around the house.
He steps out onto the porch and looks out at the land. The afternoon sun is beating down. More of Wyatt's men come and go, doing chores around the ranch.
He does not see Rachael.
He does not see Wyatt either.
"Oh, you're up!" Alana gasps, coming around the corner. "I thought you'd want to rest more."
John looks at her with a slight wary glance.
"The room was becoming stuffy. I needed air." Just as he says that, he coughs. Doc lifts his fist to his lips. It's nothing to be concerned over.
It's nothing, he tells himself.
Alana doesn't say anything, though he does notice the way her lips turn downward. He chooses to ignore it.
"Take a seat on that bench," Alana offers.
Doc glances behind him and sees the seat. He takes up her offer and sits down, leaning back slightly. The cool breeze that comes his way is nice against his warm skin.
Alana comes over and gently presses the back of her fingers against his forehead. John looks up at her with a frown.
"You're running a slight temperature."
"I'm fine."
Alana disagrees.
"Are you sick?" She asks. "This can't be just because of the wound. As much as your shoulder is gonna bother ya, I did everything I could to not make it worse."
Doc just glares ever so slightly.
"You are and she doesn't know."
John closes his eyes.
"Are you... sick sick?"
He doesn't respond to her.
"Oh..." Alana looks up across the grass. "You should tell her."
"What good will that do? Just more reason to make her worry. She's done enough of that. She's done enough worrying for a lifetime."
"You can't keep that from her."
John stays quiet.
Alana sighs and steps away from him.
"Where is she?" He asks, not letting her go to far.
"Working. She didn't specify what she was doing next. She'll come back to you when she's done."
Alana walks away.
Doc stares out ahead of him. Some of the men were watching him. He frowns. They turn back around and carry on. Doc stands from the bench and leans against the bannister of the porch with his good arm. He sca s the area.
No Wyatt. No Rachael.
No horses.
There's not enough horses in the paddock for everyone here. He frowns as his eyes settle on his own horse. Where's Whiskey?
Where's Rachael?
"Damn it all to Hell," he mutters.
Alana was gardening when one of the men come rushing over. She looks up at him and shock at his sudden arrival. He says nothing as he points to the hill. Alana stands and dusts her hands against her skirt. She looks up just in time to see Doc riding off on his horse.
He knows.
Alana sighs and watches him go. She can only hope she bought them enough time.
"I'm sorry," she whispers.
Only time will tell what happens next.
@bayisdying - @callsignscupcake - @mrsjaderogers - @cycbaby - @gracespicybradshaw @kiichirose - @askmarinaandothers - @themusingofagothicsoul - @gizmodear - @beaner-life-23 - @luckyladycreator2 - @scissorhandsgirl2000 - @mclintocksdaughter - @ice-doc-val -
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lustfangs · 1 year
Heya. Hope you don't mind an expansion upon that Stalker idea you posted lately. ---
You come home tired, like every day, and close the door behind you. Tossing the keys on the table, you grab a glass of water and walk over to the sitting room, collapsing into the couch as you just need a bit of rest. You switch the TV on, slide out some leftover chocolate, and finish the few squares as the mid-episode ads roll. You take a look out the window, into the darkening evening. You don't see the shining pair of eyes fixed on your silhouette. How could you, afterall? They hide behind shaded binoculars, across the street and up a pitch-black floor. But those eyes most certainly see you - and wink, in satisfaction, as your hand begins to slide between your legs. Just like always.
All these damn ads on your TV, and you just watch to watch your new show, it's not like it's your fault that you need to pass the time somehow - nor is it your fault that, a minute later, you're breathless and humping your own hand, heedless of the fact the ad break has finished. All your dumb head wants now is pleasure, and needy whore that you are, you're making sure to give it to yourself.
A fleeting thought passes your mind. I left my dildo upstairs. And yet when you start to rise, you spot it placed under your coffee table, not at all where you remember it being. Oh well. You don't exactly care at the moment, fucking yourself on that thick piece, moaning quietly, scattered breaths yearning for someone to come and really fuck you - rape you, even, do it so hard you start to cry.
'Cause you can't push yourself that far. You rock back and forth, you bounce up and down, you rub away at your clit with one hand while the other fucks you full of plastic. Too bad you don't have any of that cum lube lef--
Except, there's a bottle of it. It's just at the edge of your vision, standing on a stool.
You definitely don't remember putting it there. Because yesterday, you ran out of it.
Almost falling over in your haste to fill yourself up, you snatch it off the stool and grab the pump next to it, hastily topping up your toy and putting it together properly this time. It's not even properly mounted yet, and you're already riding that fake cock, each bounce squeezing out a trickle of lube, seeing as you've overfilled it again. Both hands fighting to mash your clit, you sit down, hard, and squirt everywhere. The orgasm washes over you like a wave, knocking your thoughts clean out for a solid minute, as you sit there, pussy full of dick and mouth out. Muttering, moaning, mouthing words of thanks.
Your watcher sees it all. There are hands on a stiff cock, in that room across the road, hands which want ever so badly to grip your skin. To leave long scratches down your back, and marks around your neck. Unlike you, your watcher stops. Today seems like as good a day as any. Might even ask. That would be nice - if you said, "yes".
You push yourself off the dildo, clenching to not spill anything, and only now, finally, does it hit you. Somebody's been in your house. Somebody put your dildo exactly where you wanted it. Somebody bought you new lube, exactly the brand you always get. Hands growing numb, you walk over to the kitchen.
Somebody left you food. It's thick and meaty and still warm. You tell yourself that food can stay warm for hours after cooking. It's not a terribly comforting thought.
You look outside, furtively scanning the road. But of course, nobody is there. Nobody is ever there. Even then, you swipe your blinds closed, blocking any would-be watcher from seeing any more. Too bad you don't know it's too late.
You eat.
What else were you to do, leave perfectly good food to go to waste? Your money hasn't vanished, and a free meal is a free meal! Except... the food is exactly how you like it.
Exactly. How. You. Like. It.
You check the cooler. Yep, it's your favourite kind of booze. The kind your grandma used to bring over from wherever she used to travel. It's even got her name on it. You haven't seen her in six months.
But you're full. And now - as you pull out the cork - you're about to get drunk and try to forget all this.
You're about 4 glasses in, perfectly tipsy, when a knock on the door makes you scream. Breathe. It could just be the mailman... right? Even still, you snatch up a rolling pin and heft it dangerously, slowly approaching the door and-- It's just your neighbour, the guy who's always in his garden, holding a packet of something.
"How did you like your presents?"
The rolling pin crashes to the floor, yet you barely hear it. The world seems to rock, the air to twist, as he lets himself into your house, swiping the hat off his head and looking nervously about for where to put it. You couldn't care less, taking a half-step back as he nods and tosses it on a chair. It's him? You can't seem to grasp a coherent thought, and it's a few seconds before you realise he's spoken again.
"I mean, of course, I saw you the whole time, so I know you liked them but... I'd like to hear from you, you know?"
You can't breathe. Your heart feels like it's stopped, and you can't force air into your lungs. You've never been so utterly terrified - this nervous, small man is your stalker? How much does he know? Does he know everything?
"Ah well, I know you liked it. But... ah, I do want to ask..."
The corners of the room are beginning to grow dim, dark spots dancing across your vision, as your legs give way and you fall to your knees. The shock starts up those lungs of yours, and you take a single, loud breath. You stare at this monster, trying to muster up any kind of sound. Other than a low whimper of fear.
"Can I... fuck you? Please? I've wanted to do it for ages now, you know? You're such a slut. I mean, I see you fucking yourself every day, and every day you're begging for someone else to do it for you, no?"
Ice trickles down your spine. You're already on your knees; you're already tipsy, growing more inebriated by the second as that fourth glass starts to hit, and you are just so, so scared. He nods in satisfaction, relief even, and you wonder why - for a moment.
Oh. Oh God. You just said yes.
uhhh part 1 of 2, I don't have the wherewithal to finish this tonight. Have a good one, vamp. - 𝄞
Oh my god anon. Where’s part 2 . WHERE’S PART 2
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beholdingbitch · 2 years
[Elias, not Gerry]
You're tired. You're restless. You're exhausted. You're bouncing off the walls. You're unable to do anything but sleep. You can't find Anything to keep you busy enough. You won't survive this. You're more alive than you have been in your Life.
You may be blind, but you're not stupid, the yo-yoing isn't right, isn't normal. Not to this extreme.
The tiredness is familiar. Not to this extent, you don't think, but it's been twenty-six years, so it's hard to remember what was normal. It hurts, runs so deep to your bones that you can't bring yourself to move. It keeps you in bed and barely lets you microwave a meal.
The energy is other-worldly. It's the most incredible thing you've experienced. You're so full of life, so strong, so prepared to do anything. The only issue is you don't know what. You feel incredible, and you don't want it to ever end, but there's nothing you can do. There must be things to do, but you don't know them, because you've never had energy like this before, you've never had to figure out how to use it.
You miss work. It's stupid. It's stupid to miss work, and yet you still do. Peering at the artefacts wouldn't use your energy, but it would keep you entertained, occupied. You'd feel like you were doing something worthwhile. You'd have a purpose deeper than sitting here and continuing to live. You can't go back, of course. You probably aren't employed any more, for one. James probably doesn't expect to ever see you again, for two. And you couldn't do your job now regardless. Visual inspection is a large part of it, and stumbling along touching everything you come by would kill you within an hour.
People come to your home, sometimes. The home that's barely yours. It was yours, and it's the same place it always was, but it's been so long, and everything that made it a home isn't there anymore. Casper isn't there, your furniture is far too nice, there's no longer something to smoke in every room. But it's still your home, you guess, even though it hasn't been for so long.
The people that come are rarely invited, and you'd rather they weren't there, you're quite sure. But you need help, sometimes.
There's nothing worse than Needing people. You were always independent, but now it's just.. hard. So people come over, sometimes. Most recently, someone came to sort your phone, to make it read quirks. And sometimes Jack is over, to help you with a shot because you can't draw up correctly by yourself, or to offer you food you can microwave. It's nice food, but you've been eating it less lately. You don't need to eat when you have energy, and that's more and more lately.
Someone else comes. They're not human. You don't think Jack is either, you don't know if she ever was. You don't know who this even is though, who arrives at your house, sharp laughs that cause headaches. Like the others, they don't knock. They just appear.
And they bring people, sometimes, you think? It's not clear, because more than anyone else, you don't want those people in your house. They're often crying and begging and yelling and.... You should feel sorry for them, you suppose, but you just want them gone, so badly. They always leave, disappear, typically quite fast, and the creature who brings them to you seems so pleased. He laughs and giggles and tells you you're doing well, that it's so nice to finally see you doing well. Once, he brought your hands to his face, let you feel his grin that seemed to run off the edge of it. Letting you feel how pleased he was, rather than just imagine his smile. You think you would've imagined it passing off of his face too though, actually. His voice hurts to listen to, but has a nagging familiarity, and even though it's painful to listen, he's easy to enjoy.
His visits leave you energised. It's not him being there, you don't think. You get the same thing out of walking, sometimes, but forcing yourself out of the house when you barely have the energy to stand isn't exactly easy. It doesn't matter how or why he gives you energy, really. He shows up with some random person and he stays in your home as long as you like and you've just adjusted. You've had to adjust to a lot.
Then Mikaele. He hasn't been in. You haven't spoken to him. He came and knocked, said he'd heard you were feeling yourself again. Called out that "it's Mikaele" as if you wouldn't recognize his voice.
The issue is you don't know how to talk to him. It feels terrifying, to see him again. What would you say? What would he say? He's excited to know you're well, he's said that through your door, but you aren't even really convinced that's true. What would he even think if he saw you? He's the only person who will recognise you've changed. You're old now.
That's what sticks out in your head, for some reason. That you're old now. That you Look old now, at the very least. And he will be too, that's how things work, but you won't see him. And he'll see you. The image you have of him is the same as it always was, and it'll stay that way, although you're sure he'd look incredible now regardless. And the image he has of you is as you were. Yourself. There's a comfort in knowing that version of yourself exists in his mind, still. And if he sees you now then it won't. You'll exist to him like this. You don't look like yourself, this isn't what you look like, you've never looked like this, and the others don't know you, don't know that, so it feels less bad, but he'll see how different you look. He'll know. So he can't see you like this. You can't see him.
He's possibly the only person you actually want to see though. And he's persistent, so you're going to have to figure something out, for next time he shows up.
You think you want him to wear a blindfold.
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frosted-night · 3 years
So a fun fact about my content involving Manny(Man In The Moon), I honestly rewrote the entire character because his version in the books was a bit irritating. He was very saintly and oddly very hands off. Soooo i threw it all out. Heres my hcs for my iteration of our Manlet In The Moon.
He's honestly a little bit of a brat. (Im being nice.) If it doesn't interest him its written all over his face and hes unapologetic about it. He does honestly care about children's safety but you can't blame him for being selfish now and then. (You can but he'd ignore your opinion.)
Manny very badly wants to leave the moon periodically and see Earth's beauty. He envies children quite a lot and tries his best to not let it cloud his judgement.
He is extremely touch starved but evasive to anyone he doesn't know. If its North patting his head then sure he'll take it.
He has Thalassophobia but adores the sights of Earth's beaches. One of his deepest wishes is going to the beach with his guardians. He just wouldn't ever go onto the open ocean.
He's very confident in how he looks and doesn't care about who's looking. Sandy understands as another plus size short man. Manny also wears nail polish and eyeshadow on occassion but wishes he had someone to partake in those activities with him.
He has conflicted feelings about Pitch because he's aware of the history he had with his parents and how badly Pitch wanted to take him as a darkling. Manny yearns for a time of peace where they can converse and Pitch can answer the questions that pluck at Mannys heart. Singed books and golden age paintings can only reveal so much to him. Pitch feels like a family member he never got to meet so its painful whenever he has to bare witness to a fight, yet he knows when its neccessary.
He's very unsure what label to give himself attraction wise because he hasn't had the chance to explore those options. Once he's on Earth, hes kind of a disaster and finds that lots of spirits are prettier in person. He's Queer for sure.
Manny's got a soft spot for cheese. He hears a lot of jokes about the moon being made of cheese and sees the irony in it. That is to say hes 100% had dreams about it.
He isn't exactly the nicest guy but isn't an unfeeling monster either. He wouldn't admit it but he's got very stunted growth in parts of his mentality. He believes being on Earth might help him change his paradigms and will do whatever it takes to have that wish granted.
He's almost like the healer of The Guardians. He can help bring fallen Guardians back to life with assistance of belief and has strong healing powers. They are light based and come in colors of pale yellow and white. He has to touch the wound or afflicted person for it to work.
The lunar moths taught him a kind of nasty power involving magic silk. He can conjure it from his finger tips and attach it to anyone he chooses. He can puppeteer the victim as he chooses or use it to boost a friend's speed or dodge attacks. If he wanted to he could make the victim say whatever he wanted but he rarely uses that ability. The silk can be broken but not by the victim unless they are strong enough to break free from his control.
A minor power he has is manipulating his own gravity, so he could bounce around as he pleases.
He sees the guardians like a found family and would do everything in his power to keep them alive and well.
He saw Nightlight like a big brother, even if his parents refused to see something "so temporary" as an adopted son.
He's very nosy and could be a gossip hound if allowed on Earth. The Moon holds the secrets of the night after all.
His physical age varies but hes usually in his mid to late twenties like Jack.
(A lot of Marina And The Diamonds songs were inspo for him and i think its obvious asfgkl)
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oingo233 · 3 years
You Are Beautiful (1)
Summary: Sirius Black was entranced since the moment he saw you. He had to have you but you are convinced his feelings are fleeting, and will only hurt you. People inside and outside of your relationship meddle in the makings of something that could be beautiful... or disastrous. Will love and confidence win? Or will doubt and uncertainty tear you both down?
Young Sirius Black x Pus SizedFemReader
Warning: one inappropriate joke lol, fluff I suppose and nothing else really. All the real stuff comes later :0
Authors note: I mostly write my xreader fics as neutral but as this is a request, I wrote this as fem. But if anyone would like a male version or neutral version let me know and I will copy this but obviously change readers gender (and it's no burden to me I'd love to make more readers feel included and represented). Also reader is plus sized and she is confident and strong throughout the fic -because plus sized characters aren't represented like that in film/books alot (but if looking for amazing and empowering plus sized female characters Nina Zenik from Six of Crows owns my entire heart and changed how I saw myself personally and I would recommend that book for anyone really)- but as any human she has her insecurities because beauty standards are unattainable and have a way excluding so many people and making us feel less than beautiful. As a plus sized/overweight person myself, I understand how we have to fight to feel beautiful and fight this internalized bias we have when we look in the mirror. But WE ARE BEAUTIFUL. WE ARE WORTHY OF MAGAZINGE COVERS AND COMPLIMENTS AND ABOVE ALL SELF LOVE!! The self insert character in this has fought for her confidence, but it will shake and stumble throughout the series and Sirius and friends are there for her to help her realize for herself how beautiful she truly is, once again. So I hope I didn't stray too far from the request :) Enjoy....
Word Count: 1.8
Authors Note: About halfway through I decided to make it a series oops-
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****Blabbering Idiot****
Sirius Black is a man of many, many words. In fact, I'm sure if he was writing this he could quickly turn it into one of the most entertaining novels ever written. He'd describe the laughter of his friends for a whole page. Tell a hilarious joke on the next. Then he'd describe the wind blowing through the open halls and courtyard and the spring sun. He could write about a great many things in great detail. (But he wouldn't because he doesn't quite enjoy writing as much as he does anything else, but that's above the point.)
As I said, Sirius Black is a man of many words. So it was such a curious thing when he first saw you. It was an astounding thing really, because for the first time he found something that rendered him completely speechless.
The sun was peeking through the open corridor and pooled onto you, caressing your skin and hair in an ethereal glow. Highlighting curves that brought both sinful and sweet thoughts running through him. It was as if the universe was telling him, look at what we've created, look at this beautiful creature. But he could hardly believe that this world could create something so lovely and kind. You threw your head back in laughter at something your friend said and suddenly the world is back to normal and all he can hear is your laughter and the sound of his friends curiosity at what could have possibly kept him from the conversation about muggle rock compared to Wizard bands. In fact, James was so passionate about it half the hall turned to listen to his rendition of The Chain by Fleetwood Mac.
But he didn't care, he took a feeble step towards you and suddenly felt so nervous his hands began to sweat. He stuttered and coughed up his words just for a simple "hello" in your direction only for the wind blowing through the halls to carry it away. And his friends laughed at him as he watched you walk too far from where he wanted you. Because, oh did he want you.
Sirus POV:
"I'm telling you, I won't be able to sleep tonight unless I know who she is," Sirius says for not the first time that evening. James started to laugh.
"Why? Because you'll be too busy thinking of her?" James said, laughing as he made a very suggestive hand motion. Peter cackled and Remus rolled his eyes, trying to find the cleaner side of his humor but instead he couldn't help but snort. Sirius pushed James's shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm sure Lily would love to know how familiar with that feeling you are," Sirius says and James stopped laughing immediately, his eyes narrowed.
"Please, you wouldn't dare. And I will deny all accusations, you'll be made out to be a liar. Then the mystery girl will never love you. Is that what you want, Pads?" James joked with a single arch of his brow. Sirius just rolled his eyes. He was only half paying attention, he has been scouring the hallways since he first saw that girl. He wanted to speak to her again, or maybe just stare for a bit. If things went well, he'd be able to do both those things on a date. But he hasn't seen her since that morning and his heart felt oddly shallow. He wanted those butterflies he had when looking at her to come back and overwhelm him again.
"What'll it matter if I don't even know who she is? Or- or if I can't talk to her? No one falls in love with a blabbering idiot," Sirius says. Remus shrugs.
"Lily fell in love with James," he says, Peter laughed again.
"Yeah, regardless of what he does at night," Peter added and now both James and Sirius were rolling their eyes. James and Lily just recently stopped denying their feelings for one another and gave into the sexual tension and mutual pining. Their relationship was still fairly new but they act as if they've been together for years. Sirius supposed that in a way, they have been.
Sirius would watch them giggling, hand and hand in the hall. He'd see them cuddling in the common room, or coming back after dates with rosy cheeks and beaming smiles. Sirius would never admit it out loud, but his heart cried out when he saw them like that. He rarely ever felt lonely. He could have any girl or boy he wanted if he really tried, but for what? One fun night? Only for one more morning where he wakes up alone? He wanted more than that whenever he saw Lily and James, their happiness was palpable. Their love was suffocating.
Sirius always thought he'd find the one after Hogwarts, if at all. But when he saw her... well that changed everything. In a flash he saw himself with her, their hands intertwined and her head thrown back in laughter. Rosy cheeks and bruised lips. Warm beds and making love... being in love. He nearly felt silly after and yet, he knew that even if he did sleep tonight, it would be her he'd dream of.
"Ello' guys!" Lily said, bouncing up to James who kissed her cheek. They walked with their arms looped and Sirius glared at the easy sign of affection. He thought of his parents, how they would be stiff with one another except for in quiet moments, when he'd pass through a hall and glance into their room. He'd spot a quick kiss on the cheek, and soft squeeze of the hand. It were those odd moments for him, that struck him so strongly with a sharp bitterness. They don't deserve softness and love, he'd think, how can such cruel creatures even feel such things? But even then, he'd walk away seeing them as still awful creatures born from the depths of hell, but more human.
"That's her," Sirius whispered so quietly Remus almost didn't hear it. In fact, Sirius didn’t think Remus heard it at all, but it was rather his look of longing towards the Great Hall entrance that gave him away. Because standing right there, was you.
Your hair was a little wind blown, messy around your face, bits of iit shaped your round cheeks and soft eyes. Sirius eyed you up and down and cursed clothes and cursed shyness and cursed his own head for thinking he could even talk to you. But most of all, he cursed a group of boys who walked past you.
Sirius was a confident boy, he knew how to spot someone who held their head up just as high as he did, and you were very much one of those people. You were giggling as you stole a biscuit from a friend and popped it into your mouth, you covered your mouth as you laughed when they complained with a little smile of their own.
"It's just so yummy, and I haven't eaten since breakfast." He heard you say, your friend just shook his head and handed you a plate as you sat down next to him. But right before you could get comfortable a sneering group of boys stole a piece of food from your hand and said something rather rude.
Sirius didn't even realize he had been walking towards you, this girl he has never even spoken too, yet thought of so endearingly, until he was standing right before the boys and had the pack leaders wrist firmly in his grip.
"Drop it boy, c'mon, drop it," he teased. It was humiliating for the boy and he knew it by the laughing and sneering others directed towards the group of boys, but Sirius did not care. The boy dropped the biscuit and looked as if his tail was tucked into his legs. "Good boy," he said, ruffling his hair until it was a knotted mess, the boy winced at just how hard Sirius dug his knuckles into his scalp, Sirius relented with a satisfied smirk.
Sirius’s voice took on a much harsher tone, "Now scram." The boys were out of their seats and in new ones within seconds.
Sirius felt his mood shift completely once they left, because now all eyes were on him, yours included. He looked up at you rather shyly, his hair falling in strands over his forehead. He tucked it behind his ear and found some confidence in the way your eyes followed the movement and how you blushed. He gave you his best smile, hoping his charm wasn't as weak as his legs felt at that moment.
"Hello, I'm Sirius... Sirius Black." Then, like an idiot he put his hand out for you to shake, what charmer just shakes the ladies hand? He stopped belittling himself the moment you softly placed your hand in his.
"It's nice to meet you, Sirius, and thanks for helping me. I know how to handle those filthy 'dogs'" you said, smiling as you remembered the way he spoke to them, he chuckled. "But I suppose it's nice not always having to," you finished with a bright smile on your face. He felt his own cheeks heat up and he nodded but could not think of anything better to say.
"Name," he said, you raised your brows. He cleared his throat, "your name?"
"Oh, how rude of me," you said and then you laughed, that same laugh that caught his attention and has yet to let go. "I'm (y/n) (y/l/n)."
"Nice to meet you," he said, it was as if he couldn't feel the appalled stares of your friends because all he could see was the blush on your cheeks and your head thrown back in laughter. He swallowed thickly before making his way back to his friends. They all wore raised brows and smirks, and he knew they were about to bite into him.
"Treating them like dogs, really? A bit ironic don't you think," Lily said, James shrugged
"That's why it was so good," he said, high fiving Sirius.
"But it admittedly went downhill from there," Peter was sure to add, just like Sirius knew one of them would. Sirius just laughed, too elated to finally know who you were.
"Don't start," he said, but it was too late.
All in union they sputtered out the lame word that will plague Sirius' memory of that moment forever, "Name?"
They cackled at him and ruffled his hair all the way to their seats, but Sirius knew they were pleased for him. And Sirius didn't mind, he could feel the pretty eyes of a pretty girl following him across the room. If only someone told him how important she would become to him, maybe he would have looked back at her and never looked away.
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
6. By My Side | Pt 1
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- July 20th -
The park is as close to empty as it can be when your group arrives early in the morning. Since you've been staying with the Kageyamas, you drive up with Miwa and Tobio, meeting up with your mutual cousins, Ren and Shin, at the entrance to the park's hotel.
You've all made sure to capitalize on early access passes and are staying overnight to make the most of your time, so everyone drops off their things first before deciding what to do in the time you all have before the park opens to all regular pass holders.
The rest of you are just waiting on Miwa to meet you all back in the lobby from her room (she takes the longest, honestly) and you're pulling on the thigh-length sleeveless cardigan you grabbed to wear over your shorts and tank combo, when you finally hear her voice as she crosses from the elevator bay to your group by the doors.
"Okay kiddos, I'm off to the adults only section of this place so call me if you need anything. But try not to, you know?"
Well, Miwa is the eldest of the group here and you're sure she only came along because her best friend decided they could make a mini girls' vacation out of it and brought along her own younger siblings as an excuse.
Tobio looks a little frustrated when he replies, "Neesan, it's way to early in the morning to find a bar."
"Are you kidding me? Of course I'm not drinking. Yet. We're just going to the theme spa!" She happily exclaims, waving her hand in the air delicately, "So you know, try not to get lost or get hurt, because I don't want you interrupting some serious r and r."
Ren rolls his eyes at his cousins' interaction, as if he's any better. You're well aware he also already has plans to ditch the rest of your group when his friends arrive. Thankfully Shin interrupts before Tobio's easy temper is tripped.
"Hey let's hit up the new coaster! I want to see Tobi throw up!"
Okay, not helping. But you do want to try the new roller coaster, as well, you're a huge fan of any adrenaline inducing activities and there are only so many times you can try the ones back home before you're used to all the dips and twists. This new one is supposed to have the highest drop record internationally so far.
"Tobio you won't throw up, right?" You try to coax him to agreeing, "I think you'll enjoy it!"
He gives you a dry look as if to say, You didn't put any effort into that. So you shrug and decide to bribe him, "I'll buy you milk after."
He contemplates it for a moment before nodding. Success, as usual.
Miwa claps her hands together in excitement, "Perfect! Okay, so I've given Y/n the contacts for Eiko's sister and brothers. They're around here somewhere so please take some time to say hi. Tobio already knows Hikaru and Hiroshi so I'm sure you'll all get along great!"
Before any of you have time to respond, she's bounced off, presumptively towards the waterpark and spa area. Okay then, you turn back to your cousins with a big smile that only Shin returns, making him your favourite of the day. You're all for the deadpan look when you're bored or annoyed but you're actually so happy to be here, you love amusement parks.
"So... let's hit some coasters?"
"Yeah!" Surely, you can all guess who answers.
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After spending about an hour hitting up several of the most popular rides and possibly traumatizing Tobio before the main rush of people arrive in the park, you get a buzz from your phone, sitting tight against your waist in an inner zippered pocket of your cardigan, with your cash and cards. It's really a pain to have to carry bags and even more so to have to stress about having it stolen so, being an avid coaster enthusiast, you like to keep your items simple on days like this.
Quickly moving out and to the side of the exit line to pull out your phone, you see a notification from Hana, the girl who is Miwa's friend's little sister.
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, You look up and find your cousins also stopped when you @sakusasimpbot anding right by you. Thank god, you didn't want to have to drag them back here if they'd wandered away to the next ride.
"Hana and her brothers are on this ride so I told her we'd wait for them here."
Ren is typing on his phone but speaks up, "I'm about to head out to meet up with my friends." Finally finished with his own chat, he looks up at the rest of you, "Will you guys be okay from here? We can meet back for lunch."
Tobio just shrugs while you nod, Shin speaking for everyone when he tells his brother, "Yeah, yeah. Just go already, the 'real' adult already ditched us a while back so no need to act all mature here."
"Shut up, Shin." Ren returns his brother's smirk with a glare, which slides back into his expressionless gaze after he rolls his eyes and faces you and Tobio.
"We'll be fine, Ren, we're all in the same place and can call if anything." Your turn to reassure him where Shin clearly failed to even try.
Ren studies you for a moment before turning and throwing a casual, "..'kay." over his shoulder. You're sure you, Tobio, and Shin all share a mutual eye roll at that.
Shin has pulled up the park map on his phone, looking for a place where your group might want to grab a snack or drink, when the next line of people exit the ride.
Linking your arm with Tobio, you scan for a girl and two guys that look around your age. It's not hard because there really still aren't many people in this area of the park yet and the guys in question make an immediate beeline for the three of you when they lock eyes with Tobio. Right, since they know him already.
Hana is a pretty brunette with a bright smile on her face and you can immediately tell she's a fellow coaster enthusiast, if not adrenaline junkie, because of that wild happy look in her eyes.
Just as their group reaches yours, you smile back at her and say, "It's a really good one, right?"
"Yes!" She happily exclaims, "I felt like I was flying off the seat!"
You laugh at her enthusiasm, "Exactly, completely weightless."
Tobio introduces you and Shin to Hiroshi and Hikaru, who immediately tell you both to just call them Hiro and Karu. The two brothers have a relaxed vibe to them as well and, you swear, Karu and Shin click instantly. Not surprising, since they have a very similar outgoing and playful vibe, although you can attest from personal experience that Shin is probably the more mischievous and troublesome one. Karu has more of a happy and fun feel, if you're reading him correctly.
Hiro is equally nice and outgoing, with a slightly more chill personality that offsets Tobio's quiet intensity pretty well.
Hana is amazing and your first impression of her is only improved as you all sit down and talk over refreshing drinks at an outdoor café. She reminds you a lot of one of your friends back home, Aspen, in that down to earth and cheery kind of way so you immediately feel a sense of familiarity with her.
You find out that the siblings are each about a year apart, which coincidentally lines them up with Shin, you, and Tobio respectively. You had a feeling Miwa and her friend were pushing all of you to hang out here together for a reason. You definitely think she wanted her brother to spend time with a friend, especially after how tough things had been for him at school and with his club lately.
You look over at him when Hana briefly interjects into his and Hiro's conversation, completely relaxed for now with a bottle of cold milk in his hands. Yeah. He catches you looking and blinks in surprising, honestly shocking you when he returns your smile to him with a very small one of his own. You haven't seen him smile for quite a while, at least not the past several weeks you've been staying with his family. Probably not since the last time you saw him about a year and a half ago.
Oh, Tobio, you think as you look away to study the people passing by, I hope you're okay. He was always serious and direct, even as a little kid, but he never hesitated to smile when he felt happy. Does that mean he hasn't felt happy lately? For how long?
You have to shelf your concern away so you don't dampen the mood of this trip for everyone. Looking back to the others to make sure they're all finished up, you ask, "What do we want to do next?"
"None of us have tried these ones across the park," Shin speaks up, "So maybe make a circle this way back around?"
You catch Hana's disappointed expression just before she wipes it away and says, "I was hoping to try the new one, it's supposed to be exhilarating!"
"They already went on it, Hana." Karu gently replies but you shake your head and say, "Sure, but I loved it. I'd be really happy to go again!"
"Yeah! Why don't we split up? If the guys actually start from the other side of the circuit they planned, we should catch up to them in no time and group back up."
Karu and Hiro exchange looks and shrug, Karu stating, "I'm okay with that if you guys stick together and message us updates so we know you're safe and also don't miss each other as the park fills up more." He looks to your cousins and asks, "What about you guys? What do you think?"
Tobio's still looking at where you pointed out your plan of action on the map displayed from Shin's phone but it's really Shin who you have to make sure agrees. After all, Tobio is younger than you by a year, but Shin is older than you by that same length. Even though it's never something you think any of you typically consider, you remember the little incident last summer where he got chewed out by Ren and hope he's not decided to be a little more strict with you.
You catch him looking at you with a sardonic gleam in his eye and realize both your thoughts are probably very aligned. If he does decide to veto your idea, it won't be because he believes he needs to be strict, it'll be purely out of his innate need to torment you. Ugh.
"Okay," What? Ahh, now you're even more suspicious but it sounds like he's accepting your plan, "keep the sound on your phone high though, and call immediately if there's an emergency."
Yeah, sure, at this point you have a line of people who've told you to call them right away but if he hasn't considered that, you're not saying it.
So instead, you brightly agree, "Of course!" earning a doubtful look from him.
Oh well. You reach for Hana but she's already grabbing your hand instead and you both rush away to the new ride calling over your shoulder, "See you later!"
You both ignore whatever they call out after the two of you, giggling and debating where you want to sit on the ride instead.
"Y/n!" You hear a familiar voice call out your name in excitement just as you both reach the line up for the first ride and you feel butterflies take flight in your stomach, spreading electric tingles through you with the flutter of their delicate wings. Wow. Well, you know even before you turn around who it's going to be.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Y/n and Toru can really dance around the things they really want to talk about, even when some things are called out directly by both...
-Y/n doesn't always catch herself calling him 'Toru' out loud (or over text even), clearly that's what she calls him in her head <3 but she usually is aware of what name she's using when she speaks it out loud, or she just avoids calling him directly at all
-But much like when she says 'I'm sorry Toru' in that 4th panel, it happens... she didn't realize it, it was just a heartfelt apology that she was trying to genuinely express
-She won't say she wasn't expecting him to ask to spend his birthday with her, even if they've messaged constantly for the past year
-Which is why she felt so bad when he reached out about it early in the month... and why she wasn't focused on how she addressed him... but then calls him Oikawa in the next panel
-He notices all the slips, whether he teases comments or not
-Tobio and roller coasters... :'D
A/N: Hmm, I wonder who this new person could be... lmao, hope you guys have liked part one so far, the ride only gets wilder from here ;)
Taglist: @delusivist, @prettyinblack231, @kac-chowsballs, @sakusasimpbot, @hawkthekinnie
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with Hank ‘Tranq’ Loza.
Request: hey, I absolutely adore your writing! 💕 I love love love love tranq, if you could write something about reader being a member of mayans and being on a long run, like to meet with sons in charming or something, and they stop to spend the night somewhere, like a motel, and when everyone else is asleep, things get smutty with her & hank 👀 thank you, cheers from northern europe, and have a nice day 😊
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Warnings: nsfw, this is pure smut and I'm not sorry.
Word count: about 1.5k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @thedevilsmoonshine
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Lying over a picnic table, you have both hands under your head and your gaze raised up. From there, you can see the star-filled night sky. You have been trying to sleep for the last two hours, but for some reason you couldn't get it. Being so absorbed in counting stars, you don't hear two heavy feet coming to your position, scaring you when the man grabs your ankles to pull them and making you crawl above the wood, until he settles himself between your legs.
“You fucking pendejo!” Hitting Tranq's chest, you growl like a furious dog, hearing him chuckle this time. “You scared the shit outta me, idiot”.
“I've been looking at you for five minutes, without you noticing it”. He says making fun of you, enclosing you in his arms. “You looked beautiful”.
“How easy you turn from creepy to cute…” You laugh shaking your head.
“What are you doing here?”
“Couldn' sleep”.
“Need a help?” He smirks, leaning forward to sink his face into your neck, pressing his lips over your skin.
Some nice shivers run down your backbone, unconsciously wrapping his waist with your thighs, biting your lower lip as you close your eyes. His breath is too warm, touring your jaw with the tip of his nose until reaching your lips to kiss them. You love how gentle he is at the start, caressing your legs with his calloused hands going under the baggy shirt. Without advising you, Hank lifts you up under his grip non stopping the kiss, walking almost blind to his room. He easily opens the door, as soon as he finds it, coming in feeling your hands roaming the back of his head and his neck. When it started? You can't remember. Who knows that between you there's fire sparkles? You don't care.
Lying you down on your back, over the mattress, he pulls away himself enough time to take off his shirt, while you imitate this gesture giving him a good view of your bristled breasts waiting for him. Making himself space between your legs again, spreading them so you can feel better the rock under his sweatpants, the man attacks your nipples with his mouth and his huge fingers. You can't help but say his name undercover by a soft gasp. His touch is delicate, caressing one of your nipples with the tip of his tongue before sucking it and pulling it softly. In the meantime that he has his lustful eyes fixed on yours, his hands go down by your sides until finding the waistband of your panties. Sliding them through your legs to throw the piece of clothing onto somewhere, Tranq begins to draw a kissing path over your abdomen, continuing to your pelvis.
From your thighs emanate a sweet heat that drives him inside, leaving a meticulous lick all over your center. A moan dies in your lips, slightly arching your back.
“I love how you taste, mi amor”.
His hoarse voice echoes between your legs, dumping two thick fingers among your folds making you shudder because of the pleasure it gives you. Curling them, his hand starts a soft and slow pace, as his lips finds your throbbing and needed clit, gently sucking it and pressing it with his tongue. Your man knows exactly how to worship you, looking for your enjoyment more than for himself. You can't help but move your hips almost priceless, but enough for him to know that you want it faster. A third finger fills you up, stealing you a honeyed grunt, going deeper in your wet pussy while he enjoys the taste of your juices. His hand moving rotating inside of you is making you squirm under his grip, placing yours on his head as your gasps flood the room.
“Fuck, Tranq… I need you to fuck me”. You slur with both eyes closed, focused on his tongue sucking your sensible skin above his fingers. “Please…”
His responses come by catching your clit between his lips, to hardly suck it, taking your breath away; arching your back and pressing his face to your center.
“Oh, my fucking god!” You almost cry, feeling his vibrant laughs against your wetness.
Leaving some kisses on your inner thighs, he goes up looking for your lips. Tasting your own flavor in his mouth, fighting his tongue, you rub your needed pussy against his cock covered by the soft fabric.
“You're going to kill me”. Whispering, the mexican pulls down his sweatpants and his boxers, enough to free himself. “Tell me how much you want it, mi amor”.
“I've been waiting for this all day. I really need to feel you”.
“You have been quiet. Bishop is in the other room”. You know you will not, by the way he has to rub the hot head of his cock against your clit and your folds.
“Fuck El Presidente, fuck the club and fuck me, cariño”. You complain almost frowning.
Your groans get husked when he pounds you without expecting, nor advertising you. He quickly covers your lips pressing his on, to shut up the loudly moan born inside your throat. Hank presses his body against you, hitting your g-spot and your soul too easily, giving you time to accommodate your walls to his thickness. He is fucking big. More than you could think the first time you were about to have him between your legs. And when he's sure that he can move, he just simply does with a desperate pace. His pelvis colliding onto your pussy once and again, without taking you a deep breath, drowning every sound in his mouth. One of his arms is under your body, holding you tightly, while his free hand is grabbing your wrists over your head, thrusting his cock a little harder inside you.
It feels so good after being waiting since this morning, when he left your house to get ready for the trip where you have to assist someone's motorbike at Charming, because the Sons' were needing your mechanic skills after some kind of accident. And this is one of your rewards. Spreading your legs a little more, feeling how your body slightly bounces over the bed, Tranq digs his hardness with soft growls stuck in his vocal chords. Resting his forehead on yours and his dark eyes maintaining your gaze, he loosens his grip on your wrists to let you place them on his lower back, trying to push him somewhat deeper, beating up your g-spot in every move he does.
“I wanna ride you”. You mutter containing your moans as much as you can.
“Fuck… yes, mi amor”.
Pulling himself out of your wetness, making you sob displeased, Trank lies down on his back with an arm under you yet. Sitting on his lap and leading his glans among your throbbing lips, kneeling over the bed, you let your body fall down hardly impaling yourself with his dick.
“Oh, fuck”. You cry out covering your mouth with a hand.
“C'mon, mi vida… ride me”. He asks you, using his long fingers to wrap your throat.
Curving your back, your hips start to dance over him, finding a little more of pleasure as much as you spread your legs by both sides of his body. His eyes are on the point that your bodies get connected, watching how easily his cock get swallowed by your pussy.
“Shit… you take me so good, mi amor”. Tranq grunts, squeezing your neck slightly.
“Oh, fuck, baby…” You cry out speeding up with every thrust, practically jumping on top of him.
His free hand travels to your breasts, pinching them, bewitched by the move they make. Seeing him biting his lower lip full of pleasure, you know that he is as close as you are. The heat is bristling your skin, closing your eyes and focusing on his thickness stretching your walls to the limit, trying to contain every loud moan his cock provokes you. Your legs begin to shake softly, tautening your thighs, and feeling a knot concentrating in your belly. Loosening his grip, you lean over his chest looking for his lips to shut your vocals, dancing desperately with his hands squeezing your ass helping you somehow.
“Fuck… make me cum, please…” You beg between sobs, feeling the sweat stuck on your foreheads when you rest yours over his.
Using one of his thumb, roaming a hand among your bodies, Tranq reaches your clit; rubbing it with the same fast pace. The dry sound of your skin crashing against his and the wet ‘pops’ every time you go from top to bottom, digging his hardness into you, flood the hotel room as the sweetest and dirty melody you could ever hear. Being enough to make the knot, installed in your lower belly, explode in the desired orgasm. Closing your fingers around the back of his head, you muffle a loud moan on his lips, feeling the mexican deepening his throbbing cock into you until filling you up with his seed. The guttural growl that borns inside his chest, dies in your neck, biting it hard enough to make a mark and leave you breathless. His cock twitches inside you, after some deep pounds, you collapse over his chest with a tired smile and a soft sight, making him chuckle.
“Fuck, baby”. You mumble, resting your cheek on him trying to catch back some air, feeling his hands gently caressing your back.
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✨ Tag list:
@starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan @lady-pswrld @minnicelli @marquelapage @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @jadesamhart @mycupoffanfiction @claytoncardenasbabymama @thesandbeneathmytoes @phoenixhalliwell @thewarriorprincessxo @sugary-x-sweet @multiyfandomgirl40 @imanerdychubbyqueen @iambabyharry @firebenderwolf @itsanofrommesir @noz4a2 @peaches007 @edonaspanca @irenne-stans @skyofficialxx @that-chick212
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feferipeixes · 5 years
Even though their parents have made it clear that they will not be going back to gravity falls, Mabel makes deals with Dipper to tesser them there whenever their parents aren't around. This leads to a lot of midnight visits that can last until 4 or 5 am, since Stan's sleep schedule hasn't recovered from thirty years spending most of the night in a basement and their parents usually fall asleep around 11
At one end of the hall, a door clicked shut. At the other, a door quietly glided open, and a 13-year old girl’s head peeked out.
“Okay Dippler Effect, Mom and Dad went to sleep!” Mabel hissed excitedly. “Let’s ride!”
“That’s a new one,” Dipper replied in a whisper. The idea of sneaking out in the middle of the night still gave him anxiety, even though he’d done it a million times, even though no one but Mabel could hear him, even though the concept of him getting caught and punished was long dead. “Do you even know what the Doppler Effect is?”
“Sure do! It’s that thing when, like, if someone’s standing in one place listening to you, the sound of your brother’s protests get whinier as he blips away with you to go hang out with your friends!”
Dipper snorted into his hand. “Okay, that was pretty good.” He grabbed his sister’s hand. “Ready?”
Mabel put on a serious face, gripped her Dream Boy High backpack, and nodded. “Ready!”
There was a quick jerk as the air twisted around them – flashing colors filling Mabel’s vision and an awful nausea filling her stomach – and then it stopped. Mabel’s bedroom in Piedmont was gone, replaced by the kitchen of the Mystery Shack, complete with the sounds of a romcom floating in from the TV in the other room, a few empty cans of Pitt Cola sitting on the counter, and a sleeping Grunkle Stan slumped over the table.
Dipper floated over to his Grunkle and poked him in the head. His finger, unsurprisingly, went right through. “I thought he said he’d be awake,” he said, pouting. “Should I visit him in his dream and tell him to wake up, or -”
Mabel clapped giddily – cutting her brother off – threw her backpack to the ground, and unleashed the glee that had been building up within her since they’d planned this trip a couple of days earlier. She screamed at the top of her lungs, causing Dipper to clap his hands over his ears and recoil (which resulted in him clipping halfway through the refrigerator).
Stan jolted upright in his seat. “SOOS, THE COPS ARE HERE, HIDE THE VIOLINS!” he shouted. He blinked sleepily a few times, and then his eyes settled on Mabel bouncing up and down in front of him with a face-splitting smile on her face. “Oh, it’s just you kids. Geez, you’re gonna scare me into an early pension doing that.”
Mabel jumped at her Grunkle and hugged him tight. “Well, someone said he’d be awake at 11 so we could come by right after our parents went to sleep! Did someone forget it was our -”
There was the pounding of boots on stairs, and the door burst open to reveal Ford in a lab coat with ash on his face and in his hair. “Stanley! I heard screaming, what’s going on? Did the man-eating toaster come back? You swore you’d let me be the one to kill it if it did!”
“Calm down poindexter,” Stan started, “it’s just -“
“GREAT UNCLE FORD!” Mabel screeched, peeling herself off of Stan and running over to hug him instead. “You made it! I thought you were still having an awesome boat adventure!”
Ford flinched, but then ruffled Mabel’s hair. “Of course I made it, Mabel. Wouldn’t miss it.” A tuft of his hair spontaneously caught on fire, and he patted it out. “You’ll have to excuse me, I brought some of my research home with me. I must warn you, I may be slightly radioactive right now, so… watch out for that.”
“Haha, YES!” Mabel pumped her fist. “Soon I’ll have magic glitter dandruff!”
“Ask him about the boat trip, ask him about the boat trip!” Dipper whispered in Mabel’s ear. She waved him off.
“So nice of you to show up,” Stan said, getting up and punching his brother on the shoulder. “Did you finish cleaning all of your science crap out of the parlor?”
“Yes, yes, of course,” Ford countered, and then paused. “Mostly. Almost. There’s too many people in there right now anyway. But hold on – I only see Mabel. Where’s my former apprentice?”
“MABEL HE’S TALKING ABOUT ME,” Dipper hissed. “Tell him I want to know about his trip and the sea monsters and the cursed gold doubloons he’s hiding from Stan and -”
“Dipper’s right here!” Mabel chirped. “He’s just invisible right now! Speaking of, Grunkle Stan, did you get a sacrifice for him?”
“You know I did, sweetie.” Stan picked up his eight-ball cane and gestured down the hall. “But today’s an important day. He’s not getting none of that rodent’s blood hootenanny we usually get him. We got something special.”
Mabel started hopping up and down so violently that the walls shook and everyone had to cover their ears. “What does that mean!!!!!!!!”
Stan hoisted Mabel up onto his shoulders. “How about you come and look for yourself before you blow the whole house down?”
Mabel cackled. “Onwards, Stan-oshima!”
Dipper eyed his sister jealously, and then floated over to Ford and pretended to sit on his shoulders. He and Mabel stuck their tongues out at each other playfully, forgetting to pay attention to where they were being carried, until -
Dipper and Mabel both flinched at the chorus of voices, and Mabel almost toppled off of Stan’s shoulders. It was a moment before they could take in the sight in front of them, but by then, Stan had placed Mabel on the floor and people were already coming up to her and hugging her.
“Dude, so good to see you!” Wendy said. “Where’s your bro at?”
Soos pushed up next to Wendy. “Mabel! You made it! Is Dipper here too?”
“Hey, it’s my turn to talk to her,” Pacifica drawled. “You’re lucky I’m even here – my parents would never allow it. Good thing they’re in Venice right now. Why can’t I see Dipper?”
Mabel screamed in joy again. “I can’t believe it, all of our friends are here! Wendy and Soos and Pacifica and Candy and Grenda and Robbie and Thompson and that weird guy who likes America! You all made it! And bro-bro’s right here,” she added, grabbing her incorporeal brother and squeezing him close. “We just haven’t summoned him yet!”
“Sixer. That’s our cue,” Stan said from behind them.
Dipper and Mabel turned around to see Stan and Ford each holding a cake with the number “14″ written in the center. Stan placed his cake on the table, while Ford carried his over to an empty space of the floor where a summoning circle had been drawn out. He placed the cake in the middle, and pulled out a vial of blue liquid from his lab coat. He uncorked it, dropped the liquid into the circle, and then paused.
“Uhh, remind me what the incantation is?” he asked.
“It’s stella splendidum, te invoco -” Dipper started.
Mabel cut him off by grabbing his sides, effortlessly lifting him up, and throwing him at the circle. He squealed in surprise, his little wings flapping frantically as he toppled through the air. He came to a stop a few feet above the circle, at which point Mabel shouted, “COME ON OUT, DIPDOPS!”
Another yelp, and Dipper was yanked out of the Mindscape and into the real world. The cake they sacrificed to him disappeared, replaced by a very nervous looking demon. Even though Dipper trusted his friends in Gravity Falls to be more supportive than his parents, it had been a long time since he’d seen some of these people, and, well, things sure had changed even since the Transcendence. He felt every eye in the room fall on him, examining his fancy attire, his sharp teeth, his pointed ears and gold-on-black eyes.
And then they began to cheer.
“Good to see you little man!” Old Man McGucket yodeled.
The Multibear growled softly. “Such a lovely gathering now that you’re here.”
“The Mystery Twins are back!” Candy joined in.
An incredible sense of relief washed over Dipper. Mabel pushed her way through her friends and pulled him into a tight hug again.
“Can you believe it, bro-bro?” she said, giggling as the rest of the crowd rushed in to join her. “Everyone made it!”
“Yeah, this is incredible!” Dipper wiped a golden tear away from his eye. “Everyone’s still here. Everything’s still okay.”
“Hope you like it, kiddos,” Stan said, ruffling his hair just as Ford did Mabel’s. “Happy birthday.”
The twins grinned. The remaining cake was passed through the crowd until it was resting in front of them.
“Don’t forget to make a wish!” Grenda shouted.
Dipper laughed. “I don’t know about you, Mabes, but I’ve already got my wish.”
“Me too, bro-bro,” Mabel replied. “Although I wouldn’t say no to backstage passes to the Boyz 4 Now concert, or maybe a jetpack, or…”
“Just blow out the candles, dummy,” he retorted.
The crowd of their friends and family started chanting “Blow! Out! The candles! Blow! Out! The candles!” The birthday twins nodded and grabbed each other’s hands. They both drew in a large breath. They blew as hard as they could.
Applause rippled through the room, and Mabel and Dipper were happy.
At 5am, there was a soft blip, and two teenagers appeared in a bedroom in Piedmont, California. A newly 14-year old girl’s head peeked out the door, looked toward the other end of the hall, and then pulled back into the room.
“Looks like we got away with it, bro-bro!” Mabel whispered. “That was the best sneak out to Gravity Falls to date!”
“It sure was,” he replied, and a warbling note of gratitude filled his voice. “It sure was.”
(AO3 link)
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katedrakeohd · 5 years
Twas the Day before Christmas
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(Catch up on the first three Parts Here)
Part Four of A Very Valtorian Christmas
The kitchen at the manor in Valtoria was a bustling hive of activity. Cakes and pies were being made for the meal on Christmas day, and the warm scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and vanilla filled the air. Standing at the long marble island, Hana and Kate are rolling out sugar cookie dough and cutting out shapes to bake.
Hana picks up a star-shaped cutter, "I love stars, they're my favorite shape of Christmas cookie."
"I'm partial to snowflakes myself." Kate says, laying the cut shapes carefully on the baking tray.
Kate feels the baby move and lays a hand on her belly. "What about you little one? Will you be a snowflake lover like Mommy or a star lover like your Daddy and Auntie Hana?"
"Speaking of Daddy, I wonder how Drake and Maxwell are getting along with their mission to spread Christmas cheer." Hana says as she hands off the tray of cookies to one of the cooks.
Kate giggles as she rolls out more cookie dough, "I'm sure they're fine. I know that Maxwell can be unpredictable at times, but Drake assured me that he would let him help in whatever way Maxwell as an elf can. I'm proud of Drake for taking on the responsibility of playing Santa this year. I can imagine all of the smiling faces of the little children."
"I'm still trying to get over seeing Drake in a Santa suit. Shockingly he wears it well. Who knew Mr.Grumpy would make such a good jolly old elf."
Kate swipes a bowl of gum drops as the bakers shoo her and Hana out of the kitchen. There was still much to be prepared, and having the Duchess and her Lady friend in the way was slowing them down.
The two women giggle like school girls as they make their way back to the Great Room. "Well I guess that officially takes us off baking duties. Now what?"
Hana links her arm through Kate's, grabbing a red gumdrop out of the bowl, "Any gift wrapping left to do?"
Kate shakes her head, "No, all done."
Hana takes in the lavish decorations around the Great Room as they sit down on one of the sofas to relax. "Thanks so much for inviting me to your home for Christmas Kate, it really is a nice place to spend a holiday. And you and Drake have really captured the spirit of the season in your beautiful decorations."
Kate smiles and reaches out to squeeze Hana's hand. "You're always welcome here sweety, and Drake and I wouldn't dream of letting a friend spend Christmas alone. I'm so glad to have you, Maxwell and Nicholas here. You're part of the family."
Hana wipes away a tear, "You're the best, Kate."
Pulling her friend into a hug, Hana giggles as the baby belly ends up in the way. "And our family is growing too. I can't wait to meet your sweet little baby."
Kate looks down and smoothes her hands across her belly in a gentle hug of her own, "Can you believe my child is going to be King or Queen someday?"
"You and Drake must be over the moon excited about being parents. This little royal heir is going to be born into such a world of love. Between all the attention from Mommy and Daddy, plus their Aunts and Uncles. I truly believe they're blessed."
"We're both excited and a little nervous, as any first time parents would be. But we also know we've no shortage of help if we need it."
"Have you picked out names yet?"
"We've talked about it, but haven't narrowed down a list."
Hana frowns, "I suppose it's a little complicated to pick out baby names when there's going to be so much importance attached to it."
Kate's eyebrows shoot up, "Exactly! Knowing that the title of King or Queen is going to be forever associated with their first name is a heavy burden on my mind."
"Have you thought about picking a name from ancient Cordonian history and giving it new life?"
Kate smiles, "Ooh that sounds like a great idea. It would give our son or daughter a connection to history and we can tell them stories about who they've been named after. Plus where I'm not from here it's a way to show the people that I'm embracing their Country as my own."
Hana glances around the Great Room, "Does the manor have a library? Surely there's a Cordonian History book around here."
"We don't have a library, but there are plenty of books in the study."
Hana helps Kate up off of the sofa. "Cool, what do you say we score a plate of cookies and some hot chocolate and head down to the study and research some cool baby names?"
Kate tucks her arm through Hana's and gives it a squeeze. "I'm so glad you're here Hana. Do you have to go back to the Palace tomorrow? Because I'd love it if you could stay longer."
Hana grins at her best friend, "Wouldn't I get in the way of you and Drake having time alone?"
Kate laughs, "As sweet and comforting as Drake can be, he can be a bit too helpful sometimes and I have to shoo him away to do something else. I know he means well, but I can tell he gets bored just sitting around while I sit and read or take a nap. And there's only so many romantic comedies on Netflix he can suffer through before he just pretends to take a nap or finds a game to play on his phone."
Hana scoffs, "Well that won't do. You need another girl around to binge watch stuff with you and to gush over cute baby things online."
"Exactly! Drake doesn't have a clue about all the adorable baby clothes, toys and other gear there is out there. I want my nursery to be fully stocked."
"Do you think Drake will change diapers? Or if he knows how?"
"He said he was willing to learn how to do all of that stuff, but I guess we'll have to wait and see."
"Hasn't he helped Savannah with Bartie before?"
"He has, but beyond holding his nephew and chasing him away from things he shouldn't touch I don't know what else he's helped her with."
After stealing a plate of cookies from the kitchen along with two glasses of milk. Hana and Kate head for the study.
As they pass by Kate's office, they can here Nicholas on the other side of the door, his voice is raised and he's talking to someone.
Hana frowns, "What's going on in there? I was wondering where Nicholas was hiding."
"Oh you know Nicholas, you can take the King out of the Palace but he can't leave the Crown and everything that goes along with it behind. He asked me if he could use my office as a base of operations while he's here in Valtoria. I'm hoping he takes a break at some point from running the country and enjoy the Holidays."
The main Study is in the room next to Kate's office, and as the women enter Kate turns on the lights. Hana sets the tray of cookies and milk down on the large oak desk.
"So as the Duchess, you have an office. Does Drake have an office too?" Hana asks, picking up a cookie.
Kate smiles as she leans her hip against the desk and folds her arms. "Well, it's not quite an Office for business anymore. The room next to this one used to be the Duke's office, but Drake had it converted into his own personal man cave."
Hana giggles. "Let me guess, it's upholstered in leather, dark wood and smells of whiskey?"
"Pretty much. He's basicly turned it into his own pub. With a bar and a pool table. Although he still calls it his Office."
Hana looks at the array of bookshelves lining the walls of the Study. "Hmm, where do we start. Do you think Drake would be upset if we start researching names without him?"
Kate shrugs, dunking a cookie into her glass of milk. "I think he would just be happy to have a list to pick from."
Hana runs her fingers along the spines of the books, "So how far back into history should we go? There are books here going back to the 17th century."
"Is there one that chronicles the nobility from way back then til now?"
Hana picks two books, "Yes, two actually."
Kate clears a spot on the desk for the two books. "Cool, let's take a look."
Hana and Kate settle into the desk chairs and each grab a book. Kate pulls a couple of notepads from the drawer and hands one to Hana, along with a pen.
"Ok Hana my love, you pick me out some nice girl names and I'll look at names for boys. And we'll take note of any interesting facts about these people as we go."
Nicholas opens the door to the adjoining office, "I thought I heard voices in here. What are you Ladies up to?"
Kate waves him over, "Welcome your Majesty! Just the royal brain we need to help us out."
Nicholas grabs a cookie from the plate and leans over to see the open books on the table. "Doing research?"
"Well kinda, we're looking up baby names." Hana says from behind her glass of milk.
"I don't want to impose my opinions on Kate or influence her in any way. She made it clear this is her and Drake's child first, and heir to the throne second. If it got back to Drake that any of my suggestions made the list I don't think he'd be very happy."
Hana and Kate exchange a worried look, "Well I'm sure Drake wouldn't protest that much would he? You know Cordonian history better than we do. I'd hate to pick someone bad out of history to name my child after."
Nicholas nods, "Well I can help steer you away from repeating that kind of history for sure."
"Ok good, pull up a chair."
Hana looks through ancient family trees from the 17th century, "So are you partial to any letter of the Alphabet for name starters?"
Kate blushes slightly, "Well I do have a soft spot for names starting with K. Or containing the letter K. Since Drake and I both have that in common. I figured it could be our new Walker family tradition."
Hana smiles, "That would be nice, plus it would help narrow things down."
Drake and Maxwell opened up the back doors of the SUV and climbed in. Pulling off his Santa hat, Drake settled back against the seat wearily.
“Take us home, Preston.”
In the front seat Preston nods and makes eye contact with Drake in the rearview mirror, “Very well, Your Grace.”
Beside Drake in the backseat, Maxwell's tank of exuberant Christmas energy is still half full. If it weren’t for the requirement to wear a seat belt for safe travelling, he'd be bouncing all over the car like a rubber ball. Between Drake and Maxwell there's a large bag of candy on the seat. They're leftovers from the parade, and Maxwell has already had more than his share. Drake pulls it over closer and throws his hat over top to discourage Maxwell from eating anymore of it. Who needs little children to worry about when you have a Maxwell?
Maxwell looks like he might explode if he doesn't talk about his day, so Drake reluctantly engages him to let him let off steam. “Ok Maxwell, out with it. Did you have fun today?”
Maxwell beams, “Yes! This was the best Christmas adventure ever. Bertrand never lets me do this sort of thing. Now that he has Savannah, Bartie and now dear old Dad to keep him busy he has even less time for doing fun stuff.”
The warmth inside of the SUV is starting to get to Drake and he struggles his way out of his Santa coat, Max grabs a sleeve to help him get free of it. “Best adventure ever, huh? So what was your favorite part of today?”
“Seeing all the kids happy faces when I handed them candy canes and presents. They were so excited. What was your favorite part?”
Drake looked at Maxwell and thought about his answer. He didn't want to admit to Maxwell that the happy children were his favorite part too. Every smiling, rosy cheeked, grateful child reminded him that he was going to be a father himself soon. That warm, emotional feeling he felt every time one of the kids said: “thank you Santa..” had nearly brought him to tears.
Oh my God what's happening to me? I’ve gotta maintain my tough, grumpy guy persona in front of Maxwell or he’ll tease me like the schmuck that he is.
“Uh, sure the kids were great, but driving that sleigh was definitely the highlight of my day. Three horse power doesn’t mean shit as far as motors go, but with three actual horses? Damn that sleigh flew.”
Maxwell frowns, “But the drive to town was terrifying. I fell off, remember?”
Drake gives Maxwell a reassuring pat on the shoulder, “Well that part sucked, sure, but after you got back on the sleigh and sat up front with me; you had fun right?”
“Yeah, I guess so.” The corner of Maxwell’s mouth turns up in a smirk as he shrugs his shoulders.
“The children really did seem to enjoy the sleigh’s jingling bells, and the fancy horses.”
Drake gives Maxwell a gentle punch to the shoulder, “See? That’s why the sleigh was my favorite part. Besides, I couldn’t have handed out all of those candy canes by myself. You did good today, Max. Heck, if we do this thing again next year maybe you can play Santa, and I’ll …”
Maxwell’s face lights up, “O..M..G, could I really play Santa?”
Drake nods, scratching at the itchy white beard on his cheek. “Well sure you could. But just let somebody else drive the sleigh for you OK?”
Maxwell grins at Drake, “And would Daddy Drake be my elf helper?”
“Nope, not a chance.”
Continued in ^♡^ Part Five ^♡^
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Ieyasu x Reader
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Title: "Better than Curry"
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Ieyasu Tokugawa
Genre: Modern AU
Warnings: Smut
Written by: @rikumorimachisgirl
A/N: His PoV
Other notes: Hope you like this, Anon!
Word count: 2,047
I came home to an empty apartment a little past nine in the evening. Except for the pin lights by the door and at the corner of the living room where Wasabi's bed is set up, the whole place was dark. 
'That's odd, '  I thought as I walked inside the quiet apartment I shared with my girlfriend. Usually, she would be sprawled on the couch munching on chips while reading one of her mangas or watching another one of those popular samurai dramas she's so crazy about. Whenever I'd come home, no matter how late it was, she'd be here - she'd just be here waiting - and then she'd take off like a madwoman and hold me like I was some prodigal child who had just returned after decades or something. I ran my fingers along with the backrest of the vacant couch and thought about how she would force me to sit beside her and listen to her go on and on about how her day went, despite knowing that I had also come home from a long day at the lab. I found myself smiling wryly at the memory of how pouty I usually was five minutes into her story. 'What the heck is wrong with me, ' I asked myself. Maybe I'm just hungry.
I moved to the kitchen, and gazed at the matching dinnerware she insisted on buying for us when we had first moved in together. I then wondered when we had last shared a meal together. Lately, I've been neck-deep in research on the new anti-Cancer drug that my boss has invested in, and my work hours have been longer than usual. 'She, on the other hand…'. Before I was able to complete that thought, my stomach growled loudly, Wasabi, who had just approached to greet me, scampered off. Sighing, I looked at the cupboard and fridge for the ingredients I needed to make nice, home-cooked curry rice. Surely, it couldn't be that hard - I had all the ingredients, so I'm just gonna mix them all up like she usually does. 'Easy peasy, ' I thought as I rolled up my sleeves and proceeded to cook. 
Twenty minutes later, the fire alarm went off, and I heard someone hurry inside the apartment. 
"Oh my God, Ieyasu!" My girlfriend called out to me with panic written all over her pretty face. "What happened here?"
"Nothing. " I shrugged, as I turned off the stove. "The fire alarm is so dramatic. I hardly burned the -"
"Are you crazy? There's smoke everywhere! Did you even turn the exhaust on?" 
Ugh. Too many questions! I shot my girlfriend a sidelong glance to let her know she's yapping too much. She hasn't stopped talking and moving about, which is strange. She usually picks up my non-verbal cues pretty easily. 
Her voice startled me, and I staggered back a little bit when I saw her staring at me up close. Immediately, I straightened up and looked at her smugly. "You're too loud."
"I'm sorry, but you weren't responding when I called out to you. I was offering to cook. You want to eat curry, right?"Judging by her clipped tone, I knew she was trying her best not to lose her cool. I also knew that in these instances, I should just keep quiet and let her be, but for some reason, I couldn't help but mutter, "It's about time" under my breath. 
I sat by the counter and pretended to check my emails on my mobile while she busied herself in the kitchen. Despite having been together for over a year, I still couldn't bring myself to tell her that every little thing she does makes me happy - from caring for Wasabi to preparing packed lunches and making sure my clothes were freshly laundered and pressed every day. 
As I watched her chop the potatoes she was going to use for my meal, I couldn't help but notice that something was amiss, and I quietly observed her find out what it was.  Just as I was trying to figure out what was wrong, Wasabi calmly walked over to her and bumped her nose behind my busy girlfriend's leg. 
"Oh, hello Wasabi, "  she said, as she placed the knife on the chopping board and turned her attention to the sweet little deer behind her. "Have you eaten? I'm sorry I can't hang out with you yet…"
When she spoke, I realized it was the sound of her sweet voice that was missing the whole time. My girlfriend is a chatterbox - she always has a story to tell or something ridiculous to ask - but right now, her silence was unsettling. There were so many questions I wanted to ask - are you okay? Is there a problem? What's bothering you? Why don't you talk to me about it?
"Why'd you come home so late?" I decided to ask.
She stopped petting Wasabi, and I saw her waver for a bit before she met my gaze. She gave me a small smile, but I could see past that. 
I saw her shoulders drop and knew something was wrong. She sighed. "Remember the promotion I applied for last month? Well, my boss told me I wasn't ready for it and gave it to someone else."
I never hated myself so much for not noticing sooner. My girlfriend - the love of my life - was feeling down, and there I was waiting for her to cook dinner for me. I'm such a jerk!
I rose from my seat and walked over to her and took her hand in mine. "I'm sorry." 
"No, it's alright." She squeezed my hand and tried to put on a brave face. "Maybe he's right. Maybe I'm not ready for it…"
"Don't be too hard on yourself -"
"I wanted to move up so badly because I want you to be proud of me, " she said, as a stray tear fell down her cheek. 
But she may have as well hit me in the gut. I stared at her, speechless for a couple of seconds before I held her in my arms. "What are you talking about? I'm proud of you, " I whispered to her hair as I held her close. "I'm always proud of you." 
Dammit, how could she not know how proud I am? I wanted to shake her back to her senses so badly, but when I looked at her, I saw her staring back at me with so much longing in her eyes, I knew I had to do something. Fast. 
I held her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Listen to me, Princess, " I racked my brains to find the right words to say, and she held her breath. "I love you. You have no idea how good you make me feel…" 
And that was the last thing I said before I cupped her face with my hands and claimed her mouth. I heard her gasp in surprise but didn't protest. When I felt her kiss me back, I decided to take it a step further and plunged my tongue into her mouth, probing and playing with hers. She responded in kind, and I walked us out of the kitchen, occasionally breaking our kiss to come up for air. I took her coat off and tossed it aside, and my fingers fumbled on the buttons of her blouse, as I tried to make quick work of it. I heard her giggle, and felt her hand over mine, as she helped me take the offending item off her without having to tear it apart. 
I palmed her breasts and removed my mouth from hers so I could suck on her perfectly pink buds. I started with her right nipple, licking and sucking greedily until she moaned and bucked against me.  I felt her hands rake through my hair, coaxing me to give her other nipple equal attention. 
"Do you like that?" 
"Yes, " she moaned, pulling my head closer to her breasts. "Baby don't stop…"
The back of her legs hit the couch and I carefully set her on it. "Just sit back, " I whispered before I knelt in front of her and guided her legs over my shoulders and nestled between them. The scent of her arousal called to me, and I didn't have to guess to figure out how wet she was. From this position, I could see her staring at me wide-eyed, her cheeks flushed and her hair slightly messy. 
Before she had a chance to finish what she was going to say, I pulled her panties aside and ran my tongue along her wet slit. After hearing her moan, I gently parted her folds and continued to lick her wetness. I felt her hands on my hair as she rocked her hips against my tongue, eager to get off. 
"There, baby… right there, " I heard her say as I slowly trailed my tongue over her clit, looking at her as she threw her head back with her eyes closed, shamelessly rubbing her pussy on my face as she palmed her breasts, and pinched her nipples. "Ieyasu, please… I want… harder - more…"
"Are you close, Princess?" I asked in between French kissing her lower lips.
"Almost, baby… I'm -"
Without warning, I slipped my tongue inside her and ran my thumb over her clit. Her eyes flew wide open, and her toes curled as she let out a loud moan and I lapped on her juices as she continued to ride her orgasm. 
As soon as she came down from her high, I sat back and admired her. My sweet girl looked flushed. Half-naked with her skirt pushed up, her undies still on, and the sheen of sweat on her lithe body, she looked a hundred times sexier than ever. I was aware of my arousal building up and my cock becoming hard under my trousers at the sight of my love looking so uninhibited. 
"That was fantastic, " she said, still catching her breath. 
I moved up and cupped the back of her neck with my hand. "You taste fantastic, " I said and kissed her hard once again, slipping my tongue in her mouth so she could taste her essence. When she sucked on my tongue and unzipped my trousers, I knew I was done for. 
"Ieyasu, please…" 
She didn't have to beg me a second time. My cock sprang to life as soon as I tugged my pants down. Tearing off her panties, I lifted her and positioned her on top of my throbbing member. She eagerly lowered herself on me, taking all of me in one swift motion. 
"You're so wet, " I moaned.
"You're so big, " she responded before capturing my lips in a deep kiss. I placed my hands on her pelvis and guided her as she bounced up and down the length of my cock, slowly at first and then gradually increasing our pace. For a while, the only sounds we heard were the slapping of our skin against each other and our breathless moans.
She was close, I could tell. And I was close to spilling, too. We've never done it bare before, so I knew I had to pull out, but she made no move to stop. 
"Princess, " I said, trying to catch my breath. "I'm close. I need to pull out -"
"No, " she said, grinding her hips against me, "I want you to cum inside me. Please…"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, " she said, before throwing her head back as she hit her orgasm. "Yes, yes, yes…" 
I felt her clamp around my cock, and I followed shortly after, grunting as I shot my seed deep inside her. 
As she came down from her high, she slumped against my chest and smiled. "Baby, " she said, as she peered at my face sleepily. "Sorry about dinner."
I laughed and kissed her lips lightly. "Doesn't matter, " I said, holding her tightly. "I had something much better than curry."
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