#hate this job!!!! not to sound like a broken record but i do hate it!!
batemanofficial · 9 months
will somebody please come spray me with a spray bottle like a cat every time i tab over to my email bc i am constantly thinking abt putting in my two weeks
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sickeninglyshoujo · 7 months
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a/n: i saw the renders (you know the ones) and became feral with need for dad!ghost, other cod dads coming soon, sorry to my friends for being forced to read me word vomit this in chat over four hours. ao3 link coming soon warnings: pregnancy talk word count: 1.8k
Simon doesn’t like when the baby wears the skulls but you do because it reminds you of him
When he grew up he equated the skull mask to terror, the baby only has positive thoughts about it and gets excited seeing it yelling out “daddy!” if she sees the motif in public, mortifying Simon and delighting you. Onlookers growing even more concerned when you coo back, “Yes, that is daddy!” pointing to the Halloween display of a grim reaper statue.
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I can tell you that Simon is a master at baby rearing
Simon would absolutely carry the baby under his arm like a football once her neck is strong enough even if you don’t like it because it’s more comfortable like that
It’s second nature to him somehow
Even when you’re stressed about the baby and can’t get her to stop crying somehow Simon just comes over and says the one thing you haven’t tried because he can differentiate between her cries
You were afraid about introducing the baby to Riley, but Simon wasn’t. “They live in the same flipping house, he has t’ get used to her!”
“But not when she’s newborn! Let her get a little bigger first!”
“No better time than now! She’ll never be afraid of him then and he’ll protect her!”
“They call them malingators for a reason!”
“Riley is a well-trained retired soldier. He’s not going to hurt the baby.”
The first meeting had Simon holding the baby in his arms and stooping down to Riley’s level, Riley nosing at the baby’s sock-covered feet hanging from Simon’s arms, sniffing excitedly. You stood above Simon, wringing your hands together, ready to jump in between the two at a moment's notice.
“This is your baby sister, Riley,” Simon instructed the dog whose ears moved, listening to his master’s voice, “She’s your new assignment, boy.”
“Bloodthirsty, isn’ he?” Simon asked you with a grin as the dog yawned and stayed calmly seated, beginning to lick at the baby's booties.
“Shut it, Si.”
Riley is the baby’s shadow. If she so much as sniffles he’s darting across the house trying to find out what’s wrong. It’s like Simon’s watching over her even when on missions 
Simon hates that the dog is named Riley because he thinks it’s stupid and is constantly begging to rename the dog. You refuse because you like the constant reminder of your husband. It doesn't matter that he shares the family name.
When you first bring the baby home from the hospital Simon is in constant awe at how tiny she is. Like a little doll he keeps telling you to the point he sounds like a broken record
Simon constantly worried about baby being cold 2k24 and always has a blankie in the diaper bag or draped over the baby carrier.
After missions he would look for you first when he came home before stripping off the dirt and grime of missions and now it’s the baby. He used to think you were his reason to keep trying to save the world and now it’s her. It only stings a little but that is soothed when you see the awe in his face when she coos at him from her crib
It isn’t long before Simon is trying to get you to agree to try for another “Jus’ one more love,” he'll mutter into your neck after the baby is put down for the night and you two have retired to your bedroom only to be batted away weakly
“Oh no, Si! No more babies and no more sex! Not if you’re going to talk like that!”
“But yer such a good mum. We should have a houseful.”
Simon would petition you to quit your job because it’s bad enough the baby has to deal with him being gone on missions they shouldn’t have their mum gone too
“I make more ‘an enough for you to stay home with her!”
“The money isn’t the point, Si,” You coo at the baby on your lap, “I don’t need to be a housewife and I like working!”
You giggle whenever the other 141 men are over because they will carry the diaper bag slung over their shoulder and completely at odds with their uniforms.
It heats your cheeks to watch your burley husband in full military uniform when you greet him on base, bouncing your baby on his hips, playfully pulling her hands away when she gets too close to a switch or something she shouldn't touch, particularly when other women notice him too
It would swell your chest with pride when you and Si were out with the baby and he’d get longing looks from women when he was doing dadly things like pushing the stroller or rifling through the diaper bag for her bottle or burp cloth. 
“You have to have seen the way women look at you when you’re carrying the baby.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“You’re practically tormenting them, Si! And me too! You’re all big and tough! You’re in uniform or in a compression shirt and then you’re holding onto her in just your arm while she can’t even wrap a hand around one of your fingers!”
Simon doesn’t understand your point, “I’m tormenting you?”
Heat flushes your cheeks, “I like watching you be a dad to our daughter.”
The baby has essentially four dads as all of 141 takes care of the baby when they come to visit on leave
You worry about them spoiling her, “She’ll get too used to being held Si!”
“Then damn well let ‘er!”
“What about when they leave!”
“You think they’re leaving?! Soaps brought a bloody duffel!”
Because when you have the baby Captain Price, Soap, and Gaz are all going to visit. Moving into your cramped guest room for easily the first month after the baby’s born, Gaz and Soap fighting over who gets the futon and who has to share the bed with the Captain.
They need to see the baby!
They never thought Si would settle down but that was before you and your endless patience with the grumpy military man set in his ways.
You didn’t miss when Price clapped him on the shoulder after Simon showed off the baby for the first time, “You did well, Son.”
“Thank god she got the missus’ looks!” Soap crowed, “I was worried she’d get L.t.’s ugly mug!”
“I was hoping she would Johnny,” you peer down at the baby in Simon’s arms and trace a finger down her cheek, “She did get his eyes though. You know those were the first thing I noticed when we started talking, Si? How sad your eyes were.”
“Don’ have “sad eyes”.”
“I thought you did. And you were wearing that silly skull balaclava too, so I couldn’t very well fall in love with your chiseled jaw or the cute scar on your lip,” Soap and Gaz howled in laughter, missing the dirty looks from Ghost (You did too, eyes entirely on your daughter swaddled in a soft terry blanket in her father’s arms)
“Hey L.t. let me give you a few more scars for the missus to kiss!” Gaz ribbed
You never minded patching Simon up after missions. It gave you an excuse to ogle your husband in detail. Even before you were married, he’d tried to wave you off when you’d dab at the blood encrusted cuts and then flush when after taking care of the ones on his arms, much less when he stretched and took off his shirt for you to do the ones on his chest too. Thankfully he didn’t notice your brain shorting as you forgot how to breathe when you saw how heavily muscled and tattooed he was, culminating in an audible gasp as your eyes took in his happy trail and Adonis belt. 
“You ok?”
“Y-yeah just banged my foot on the tub.”
He’d later recount this to Soap who nearly banged his head on the wall at how dense Ghost was being
“An’ you wen’ home after that!”
“Yes Johnny, I had PT the next morning and had to ship out that night.”
He let out a string of curses, “The lass likes you and probably was hoping you’d stay the night wi’ her!”
“MacTavish,” Simon warned.
“She let you take off your clothes in her bathroom and then cleaned you up! Lasses don’t do that for cheeky cunts they don’ like!”
You miss him when he’s on missions of course, but it’s easier once you have Riley and then the baby. It’s like you have piece’s of him with you
Si is a beige mom but instead of beige it’s gray. You try and explain the importance of the bright colors in developing the baby’s eyesight but Si just mutters something about no baby of his is going to look like a muppet
Riley used to sleep at the foot of your bed but now he sleeps by the crib. You don’t know when he learned how to work door knobs but it happened somewhere between the third trimester and birth. Now you have to coax him into your room if you miss Si and want to cuddle Riley
You’ve given up on trying to keep Riley out of the nursery and instead just tut when you find dog hairs on the baby. 
Riley is the ever-patient soldier with the baby, letting her pull on his tail and ears, tugging on (and sometimes removing) his fur, all while happily wagging his tail at being used as a jungle gym
When the baby starts toddling and skins her knees, Si can’t help but scoop her up before the first tear leaves her eye “Si you’re spoiling her!” “She hurt herself, I can’ just let her cry” “She hadn't even cried yet!” “She was abou’ to”
Simon is an over attentive dad because he doesn’t want his baby to suffer the same way he did 
Si rolls his eyes whenever you  tell him not to throw the baby in the air because he’ll drop her but he knows his reflexes are superhuman and he’d catch her
SI doesn’t baby talk and will discuss the finer parts of gun mechanics and maintenance with your infant as she gums on a teether.
When she’s older, Si buys her a pellet gun for Christmas and hides it from you until unwrapped on Christmas morning
By the time it’s in her hands you know you’ve lost
He ignores your dirty glance that says “We’ll talk about this later”
As she grows up she starts talking about joining the SAS like her daddy and you’re filled with fear while Si encourages it. Starts taking her training with him much to your horror, first on short jogs around the neighborhood, then to the gym proper to teach her how to throw a punch. She quickly becomes the star of the base, with all the men calling her “Recruit”
“Nothing dangerous yet Si I mean it!”
“She asks for it!”
“She is a child and you are her father! You’re supposed to be the voice of reason!”
“The voice of reason says she might as well be trained right if she wants it!”
a/n: likes/reblogs/comments appreciated please talk to me about dad!ghost i cant contain myself
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snoopyracing · 1 month
re: our "normal girl" conversation earlier... could I get Lando + 2 from your fluff prompt list? 🥺
my sweet viv ❤️ here you go!!
lando + "you're beautiful, you know that right?"
you never thought you would have ended up in a relationship with someone famous, let alone a formula driver.
the driver in question? lando norris.
the guy who had a track record of only being seen with or dating models. something you were the complete opposite of. you didn't have millions of followers on instagram with thousands of men flocking to your comments or dms to try and get your attention. your account was private with not even 500 followers and you liked it that way. you didn't treat the paddock like your own personal runway (not that there was anything wrong with that) but it was just not you. you had a normal job and sometimes couldn't make it to every one of lando's races and he understood that. you were just the opposite of everything the "model" f1 wag "should" be.
all you wanted to do was live your life the way you wanted and support your boyfriend. something that many people apparently had an issue with. they would try and say you weren't good enough for lando, or that he was going to cheat on you, anything to get under your skin. they would constantly compare your to the other wags, trying to pit you against each other. which honestly made you laugh because you were good friends with some of them.
it just amazed you that people were so upset about you living a normal life and that somehow lando was in love with someone that didn't look like they came straight off of the cover of vogue.
you knew lando loved you and for some time you had been able to just brush off the hate, but eventually even the strongest person breaks.
lando knew something was off when you refused to walk with him through the paddock. telling him that you would show up later. he didn't pry though, figuring if something was truly wrong you would tell him. so he gave you a kiss goodbye and told you he would see you later. it wasn't that you didn't want to go with lando. it was that you didn't want a million cameras on you capturing content of you for everyone to nitpick. you prayed that you could sneak in behind some crew members and not be noticed.
and when the time came you truly thought your plan was working until you accidently made eye contact with one of the hundreds of photographers and in an instant a camera was in your face. by the time you made it to lando's driver room you were on the verge of crying and when you saw those pretty blue eyes of his staring back at you you couldn't help but let the tears fall.
lando pulled you into his chest his arms wrapping around you as to protect you from whatever had made you break down like this. "what's got my girl so upset? you've been off all day."
the soothing sound of lando's voice and his strong arms wrapped around you told you that as much as your didn't want to tell him, you knew you had to. so as the two of you stood there in his tiny drivers room, you let everything out. you didn't want to be a bother, didn't want to stress him out or have him think you were a crybaby, but a person can only take so much.
when lando heard how much you had been struggling with things his heart broke. he knew people for some odd reason hated that you were 'normal' and found any little thing to poke fun at you for. he tried to protect you from it, but in this day and age of the internet there is truly no escaping it. and to see you broken like this in his arms put a sour taste in his mouth. as much as he shouldn't have to deal with hate, he had gotten used to it. he was an athlete people were never going to be happy with him, but you shouldn't be hated for simply existing and for loving him.
"hey look at me-" he tucked his finger under your chin, lifting your head up towards him. "you're the most beautiful girl in the world, you know that right? i love you so much it drives me crazy. and it hurts to see you hurting because of me. fuck anyone who doesn't think we aren't meant to be or that you aren't good enough for me. you're everything and more to me. you love and support me unconditionally and i couldn't ask for more than that. i'm gonna put out a statement about the hate. the love of my life should not be afraid to walk with me anywhere. and if anyone has a problem they can say it to my face."
you stood in awe at him. his words making you cry more, but only out of love. you couldn't believe you had managed to have a man like lando in your life. who was so open with his feelings and never made you doubt just how much he loved you.
"i love you more than words can describe lan."
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keyotos · 10 months
i'm unglued, thanks to you
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summary ⎯ reader is sick as a dog. unexpectedly, wriothesley comes to the rescue.
tana talks ⎯ originally this wasn't going to be very long. but SICK FIC SICK FIC SICK FIC
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"on the count of three, you're gonna blow," wriothesley holds the tissue up to your nose, gently holding the back of your head upright, "one. two. three."
you use all the muscles in your face to blow into the tissue, even going so far as to lean upwards due to the force. wriothesley takes the tissue and throws it into the trash, then quickly goes to grab another one.
as you watch wriothesley rummage through the cabinets for a tissue box (you've gone through an entire one in the span of 1 hour) you mentally scold yourself. you never get sick⎯it's a personal record at this point⎯yet this week has broken that record by turning you into a sick dog.
really what happened was that you were tending to your duties in the prison: delivering supplies, shipping items, and packaging items to be sent as mail. is it a mundane job? oh absolutely⎯but it pays the bills and keeps you steady, so you don't have much to complain about.
what you expected from this job was going back and forth, packaging items, and basic delivery. what you did not expect was catching the worse cold of the century. your bones ached, your head wasn't focused, and you nearly dropped everything you held. so much so that the duke of meropide even had to check up on you.
which begs the question, how did you end up in the duke's office rather than the infirmary? well, he took you here himself. you, being in a scatter-brained state of mind, thought he would be taking you to sigewinne. and now, you are in the duke's personal care.
"good job," wriothesley with a cup and a tissue box. as he hands you the full box, you hoarse out your thanks as you sink lower into the couch.
you blow once again, trying not to get your snot onto the duke's personal couch. that would be embarrassing, and you were sure that he would never let you live the moment down. alas, you weren't sure he'd let you forget the time he personally pampered you either.
"you really didn't need to do all of this," you threw the tissues in the other empty box, "i was fine."
"you looked like you were about to pass out," he brings the warm cup towards your face. his fingers, rough and calloused, delicately tilt your head up.
"drink," he commands. though, there were no tints of dominance in his voice, only concern. just between the two of you, wriothesley's voice softened. his usual authoritative and magisterial tone dissipated, now replaced with conscientiousness and tact.
you shook your head, "i hate tea."
wriothesley sighed; not out of annoyance, but out of habit. the familiar ring of breath was commonly heard: you were very vocal about your dislike for his favorite drink.
"is now really the time to be stubborn?"
"always. especially when it's with you," you snickered. embarrassingly, your snicker quickly turned into a coughing spasm, and you had to turn your head away from wriothesley's as you coughed into your elbow. if you stopped listening to the sound of your sickness, you'd be able to hear the grand duke of meropide chuckle.
"if anything," the duke set your cup down on the coffee table, "that should've been enough to convince you to stop being stubborn. will coffee really give you the same results as tea?" wriothesley skeptically asked you.
you let out one last cough, a smaller one than the last few you had. your hand grabs the tea cup on the counter and you blow over the hot liquid. you can feel wriothesley's eyes lingering on you; you can especially feel the smirk growing on his face as he watches you take your first sip. normally, you don't give in to wriothesley's ideas: however, you are sick and you have no other choice. soldiers can't win all their battles anyway, right?
the warm liquid soothes your rough throat as you gulp it all down in one go. surprisingly, it's less hot than you thought it would be. the tea seems to be made at the exact same temperature you make your coffee. only, you don't tell anyone how to make your coffee.
you finish the drink and look up at wriothesley, about to question him on how he managed to heat your drink at the perfect temperature. but he moves first, his thumb wiping remnants of tea around the corner of your mouth.
"good job," he keeps his voice low. his expression is fond, eyebrows slightly crinkled and relaxed eyes.
you open your mouth to say something back, to ask him how he learned to make your tea, to ask him how he learned you; alas, your sickness got the better of you, and you lunged for the tissue box as a huge sneeze erupted out of you.
oh dear. how embarrassing.
wriothesley stays as you blow out all the nerves in your nose into a few sheets of tissue paper. it's an unattractive sight, to say the least. he's a better person than you: you would have walked away.
once wriothesley realizes you're almost done with your blaring, he grabs your empty cup and starts to walk towards the stairs leading to the rest of his office. but you have other plans. other questions that desperately need answers, like why you're here instead of the infirmary; why he's taking such good care of you; why he's doing this.
"wait!" you throw your tissue onto the coffee table and wrap your hand around his empty one. was it unsanitary? definitely; yet, wriothesley grabbed back immediately.
"what's wrong?" he asked urgently, his eyes traveling your body as he searched for any signs of problems.
for a moment, you didn't respond. you blamed it on the hoarseness of your voice: yeah, that was it. but it wasn't.
you were about to cough (you weren't).
you were about to sneeze (you weren't).
"uh," you swallow, your hold getting loose as you turn your body away from him, "can you stay?"
when your hand was about to slip out of his, wriothesley pulled it back in. his thumb⎯the same thumb that wiped the tea off your face⎯ran over the top of your hand, a silent pledge that he would stay. he sets your cup down and you move to make room for him. though, with the massive amount of room you gave for wriothesley, he still finds a way to be close to you, regardless of your sickness.
with how close you two are sitting, wriothesley's leg is almost intertwined with yours. he turns his body so he can fully face you; he doesn't even shy away from the fact that he may become ill as well.
"did you need anything?" he asks. his voice⎯which should echo due to the both of you being in the quiet office⎯is quiet. and you notice that he's leaning closer, only for you to be able to hear him. funny, being that the two of you are the only ones in his office at the moment. regardless, he's close.
you freeze. try to focus on anything but him. put your mind back on track. you feel foolish: pulling wriothesley towards you only to be rendered speechless when he actually comes beside you. your fingers drum from beside you, working their way to help you figure out what to say next.
"my body isn't functioning properly," you sniffle, following with a light hearted smile. you want to wince right after the words leave your mouth. "i need a caretaker." i need you.
wriothesley, who is always full of sarcastic and cheeky retorts, nods. he is aware of what you meant. he knows what it meant. that's why instead of brushing you off with a small chuckle, he shifts towards you even more and grabs a blanket from one of the couch cushions he was sitting on.
you try not to squirm when his cold hands graze your back as he puts a pillow underneath you. wriothesley slowly ushers you until you are flat on your back. he pulls your legs into his lap, and you have to hold your breath so you don't begin coughing again. it was so easy. so casual. it was as if you two were more than just consumer and supplier.
now is a good time to probably ask him questions, you thought to yourself. but once you look back up at him, you find that you've lost your tongue. because when he looks down at you, it's like all you can see are stars. and to think this was the same man who was attempting to pour tea into your mouth just a few seconds ago.
"how are you feeling?" he is the first one to break the silence. the first one to initiate anything.
you tuck yourself further into the blanket, "better, i think." you look at wriothesley, who was looking at your legs on his lap. you part your mouth to say something, but you close your lips and turn your body the other way.
you gnaw on your lip, wrapping the blanket more tightly around yourself. wriothesley's hands lie softly on your calves. you feel your breathes getting sharper and shorter at the proximity, and you squeeze your eyes shut as a way to tell your body to stop.
after a few minutes, you feel a stare crawling up your body. it trickles from your legs, to your back, to your head. you know who the culprit is, there is no need to turn back. but it still surprises you. wriothesley is still there. he's there even in the silence. he's there even when he doesn't need to be. he's here.
if you turn around right now, what will he look like? will wriothesley look dazed? annoyed? lost? will he have that gaze in his eyes⎯the one where his eyes lower just slightly that you can tell he's at ease? or will he accessorize his pinched look with crossed arms?
you take a deep breath (as deep as you can get without being blocked by congestion), trying to make your respirations as quiet as possible. then, you shuffle your body so you lie on your back instead of your side.
when you look up at him, he is shamelessly staring at you. you meet his stare with a strong gaze, and wriothesley tries to smile, but you can tell that it's faltering. he swallows as your eyes dance around his face, studying it like a textbook.
"you should probably get some rest," wriothesley pulls a pillow from his side of the couch and lends it to you. your hand reaches out to grab the pillow and your fingertips brush. and for a moment, you find that wriothesley nearly takes your hand into his. however, he pulls away promptly, like you burned him.
with a few groans and coughs, you prop yourself up on the pillows he gave you. now, you two are on the same level. it should be the perfect time to ask him the questions from earlier, right? you've mauled over your feelings, had a few moments of silence to yourself, and you felt fine interacting with him.
so why is it that you can't bear to ask the question: why are you doing this for me?
you must be delirious. the cold is making you delirious. maybe the doctor mixed up your sickness and diagnosed you with a cold rather than a high fever, because there is no reason why you should be avoiding such a simple question.
you reach for the back of your neck, and you're burning up. strange, because you were feeling cold just a few moments ago. you look back to wriothesley, who was currently tapping the couch arm across from you.
"can i ask you something?" you say, breaking the long silence between the both of you.
his head instantly turns back around, "sure," he says a little too quickly.
"why..." you pause, picking at the couch fabric, "why did you choose to personally take care of me?"
wriothesley's hand drops from the couch arm. he looks off over to his desk and you can see him adjust his tie. your eyes follow wherever his are, attempting to decipher whatever he was doing.
finally, he turns back to you, "what if i just liked to take care of my favorite supplier?"
damn him; he answered your question with a question. you know that you probably shouldn't press on, especially if he is avoiding the question. but you have to know. why not bring you to sigewinne? why not send you back to the overworld? why sit here with you, doing nothing?
"first of all," you were cut off with a cough, "i'm your only supplier. second, would you do this for monsieur neuvillette?"
wriothesley's eyes bulged at the mention of neuvillette, "um, what?"
"i bet he's your favorite chief justice."
"he's the only chief justice."
"and would you take care of him the same way you took care of me?" you raise an eyebrow.
you imagine wriothesley will say something on the lines of, "that correlation made no sense," but he is quiet. the tips of his ears are slightly red, and he shoved his hands into his pant pockets.
"i'm guessing the answer is no?" you remove your legs off of wriothesley's lap and curl them into you. wriothesley's eyebrows slightly raise up due to the lost of contact. you pretend not to notice.
"i care about you," he looks down at the floor, and then turns back up, "i care a lot. so when i saw you on the verge of fainting⎯i just... i didn't want to leave you alone. it's not about tea either. i care for you.
plus, this is a way to reimburse you after you gave me all those free samples."
you understand. it clicks. wriothesley, who has never had a stable life. wriothesley, who did not have a good support system. wriothesley, who grew up in a careless household.
i care about you, i care for you. the back of your neck gets hotter, and this time you're unsure if it's a fever or something else.
"you don't have to pay me back for the samples. that's why they're free," you look down, your teeth biting the bottom of your lip to keep you from smiling.
"for the record, i give you those because i care about you too," you smile. it's not faltering. it's not fake. it's real, and it shows that you care.
your hand slides over to the side of wriothesley's thigh, urging his hand to intertwine with yours. you look at him again, lightly poking his thigh to send him the message.
wriothesley grabbed your hand like it was the last thing he ever needed before death. his thumb brushed over your hand again, and you feel yourself gulping.
"do you want to share the couch?" you lean back down on your back, removing one of the pillows and still holding onto wriothesley's hand.
"there's not gonna be enough room," wriothesley chuckles and scoots closer to you.
"i'll make enough room," you begin shuffling onto your side, creating a huge gap between the back of the couch and you.
"what if i get sick?" wriothesley jokes.
you playfully scoff back at him, "please. you've made it this far anyway," you turn onto your other side to see wriothesley, "come on. it'll be fine. we won't fall. you'd probably catch me in your sleep or something before i fall."
wriothesley pulls at his tie again, "fine. just this once," he says, even though he knows that this will be one of many.
your smile is enough to bring a year's worth of sunlight into the fortress of meropide. wriothesley doesn't see the sun often, but when he does, he is surprised it doesn't look like you.
wriothesley takes his spot behind you on the couch. you move to lay on the edge of the couch, but he pulls you closer just in case. you're a few centimeters away from his shirt; it seems like wriothesley is eager, yet still wants to maintain some distance.
his arms flop over your body as he buries his face into one of your (his) pillows. his head is right next to yours. for someone so cold (physically), his body temperature became warmer. you turn your head to the side so you can get a good look at him, but he's out like a light.
throughout the night, wriothesley's head shifts closer and closer to you. to others, like sigewinne, it seems like his body has a mind on his own: she found the two of you sleeping together in his office; she saw wriothesley's head buried in the crook of your neck; she saw his arms wrapped around your waist; and most of all, she saw that his face lit up, just like yours.
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tokkiwrites · 4 months
ㅤ𔓕ㅤㅤꪆৎㅤ𓈒ㅤ THREE'S A CROWD \ ㅤ♰ ㅤ⊹ㅤ ︵
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Santiago 'Pope' Garcia x f!reader x Francisco 'Catfish' Morales
summary: your dad befriended some nice customers from his bar. fast-forward a year, they're all you can think about.
tags: pwp honestly, threesome mfm (YEEPPEEE) dbf! Santiago & Frankie, afab!reader w she/her pronouns, age gap, pet names (lots!!), Santiago has a thing with you being 'pure', virginity loss, reader is literally horny 24/7, doms! santi and frankie, sub! reader, rougher santi and softer frankie ig, dirty talk, slapping, spit (for like a sentence), choking, hair pulling, double penetration (in the same hole), head m receiving, voyeurism, unprotected p in v (wrap your dingaling!!), masturbating in the mirror for like a bit, lmk if i missed anything!!
ㅤ↪ㅤtokki's ۫ 𐑺 𝚜𝚞ׂ𝚐𝚊𝚛 ࣭ note ˑ ⌕ ࣭ ּ ➭ ive been on an oscar isaac rush for the past few weeks, and i had to. first time writing ab a threesome...sooo. im trying to write in different ways, so if it all seems jittery, apologies!!! this has like 3.6k words. its not proofread!! I TRIED MY BEST :( enjoy !!
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'i need it.' was becoming like a mantra for you now. every day, needy for touches and attention, those dirty reflections that never left your mind.
of course, you've done things with boys. well, one boy, your boyfriend, and those things being your average makeout sessions and hand jobs, nothing more. you knew what sex was, of course, but the urge to experience the rougher side of it was overflowing by the day. and you know these wishes started appearing and consuming as soon as your dad befriended two customers from the bar you help him run, Santiago and Frankie. One year ago, you saw them only three times, maybe four in the span of 3 months, but their visits were more and more frequent and well, that's how their friendship started.
At first you were skeptical, unsure of their means, but you missed seeing your dad so happy and when you got to know them you realized they were good. What mattered was your dad being less lonely.
all though, that kind of changed eight months ago when, in the dead of july, you witnessed them helping your dad building a small summerhouse in your backyard. There's nothing wrong with that. Just seeing them both sweaty, with muscles bulging and hands dirty, woke something inside of you. and the fact that you broke up with your first boyfriend ever, that you were together with since 17, didn’t quite help.
So yeah, you were happy for your dad, but hated that you had to see them almost everyday and in turn sit hours on end with soaked panties on and, like a broken record, playing fantasies in your mind of these older men doing as they please with you. and you don't know why these thoughts plagued your mind just now, at the age of 21, but it was getting in the way of every aspect of your life, these wild things making you want to live inside your fantasy world and never wake up.
Today was no different: another late night at the bar. your dad went home early to catch some sleep since tomorrow he'll have to leave for three days to help his brother, your uncle, move into his new home. That's fine. What's getting you is him assigning his friends to 'keep an eye on you' like you're some sort of child. but, somehow, you can get over that. What you can't get over is how are you going to survive three whole days being just in their presence? when your dad's here, it's different. You don't need to spend that much time in their proximity, but this? you'll have to lock yourself in your room to keep those thoughts at bay.
you we're getting lost within your mind again.
what if you were to tell them about these thoughts? not that they're about them, just... you know, boy advice?
that's insane. and stupid.
would they accept should you propose you three entangled in some...activities? they'd for sure disagree- you were their friend's daughter, and whilst they didn't know you for that long it for sure didn't sound right.
what if they agree, though? one night. one night for all of your dreams to become reality..but you couldn't live after that knowing what you'd be missing forever. they'd leave after. what if you'd beg for them to stay, to have them do things even more carnal to you? if you begged maybe and gave your freedom to them.
These kinds of thoughts cloud your mind every day, and now, they are making you forget about the real world, where you were supposed to serve Santiago a glass of whiskey. as the sound of a low chuckle pulls you out of your trance, you feel liquid pooling around your palm that was settled on the bar. and when it finally awakes you, your eyes meet him again. your heart jolts, and it gets you lightheaded again.
"Oh, I'm- god, I'm so sorry Mr.Garcia...I don't know what happenedㅡ" You panic, wiping hurriedly the bar, prompting yet another laugh from the man. " 's fine, doll, don't worry. all though... your dad might turn into the reincarnation of Lucifer if he sees how much whiskey you wasted." he leans over for some tissues, wanting to help you.
"No, it's fine, I'll do it-" you smile shyly, placing your hand on top of his to stop him from moving, this in turn made him tilt his head up only a little, which awarded him with a quick glance at your barely exposed cleavage.
'untouched.' he thought to himself.
"I won't say anything if you don't." your ears pick up his voice, and for a moment, you forgot about what he was talking about. "Oh, yeah, I'm not gonna...say anything." Your lips curl into a shy smile. " Hurry and clean this up. I'm gonna take you home since you gotta close anyway."
oh, lord.
"no, that's fine. I can walk-"
"said I'll take you home." you breathe out a quiet 'oh, my god' because you're sure you've just had an orgasm from his voice only.
"See, I know you have manners ‘cause your dad taught you to listen to your elders, seems I just gotta get a little stern with you, huh?" you shake your head, not sure what to make of what he just said, but you finish up cleaning as the door opens to reveal Frankie. "why're you still here, man?" he inquired as he took off his baseball cap to arrange his perfectly curly hair better.
you can't possibly be serious.
"on duty." he laughs and points towards you. "Ah."
"You know... my dad hasn't left yet, so you're not 'on duty' as far as I know. Also, he said to keep an eye on me. Not be my bodyguards!" You try to scold them in a way. At the end of the day, you are an adult, right? "Easy miss." Frankie puts his hands up."I just arrived.”
"Yeah, well I am leaving. Alone! So please-" you move your hands as a signal for them to leave. "Excuse us for ever bothering you, miss. May we at least stay here until you close?” Santiago sarcastically banters. "I guess.." You shrug, finishing washing your hands and putting the glasses away.
you hate how much you like them. and how much you want them to ravage you. if possible, you'd let them both take you right there on the bar counter, whilst potential passers-by saw you get fucked into oblivion.
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9AM, your dad left, and you can't seem to fall back asleep. the bar will be closed for these these days, so you have nothing to do except steep into your own boredom. You decide to make yourself a cup of coffee and grab a book from the shelf. With your coffee in hand, you head out to the backyard, where you settle into a comfortable chair. As you sip your coffee and immerse yourself in the pages of the book, you find solace in the gentle breeze and the sounds of nature around you, embracing the quiet moments of the morning.
this works for a while, but there's an inexplicable itch you want to scratch. with a loud whine that scares some little birds away, you head back inside to find other things to do. "Please, i can't keep on thinking about them. What is wrong with me?" You scream whisper at yourself whilst looking in the mirror places in your hallway, "like..genuinely!"
as you stare a bit more into the mirror, your hands make their way up your torso and to your breasts, nipping at your lower lip as you can't seem to ignore the warmth from between your thighs. you start imagining both of them having their way with you, forcing you to watch yourself in the mirror as they pumped your holes full of their come. touching yourself more, light fingers make their way under the shorts you were wearing, finally catching a feel of how wet you are. you moan, knees buckling as you picture both men marking you as theirs in all ways. "p-please.. Santi, Frankieㅡ"
"my, what do we have here, huh?" your eyes open wide, and still in your pants and palm still over your sensitive nipple, as two other reflections in the mirror stare back at you. "Mr.Garcia, Mr.Moralesㅡ"
"Cut the shit, doll. I think we're way past that." he motions loosely towards the indecent position you were in. "You're lucky it was us and not your dad. '' Frankie states. "I'm so sorry, I don't even..I can'tㅡ" you stutter and turn around slowly to face them, arms now falling to your sides.
"You want us?" Frankie asks you in the most serious tone you've heard him. "I- what? Huh?" you're left speechless by this sudden interrogation.
"Do you want us to fuck you, doll?" Santiago reiterated. But you stayed quiet, head low, too embarrassed to admit your true intentions. was it wrong? certainly. but was it the only thing you've dreamed about since you first saw them? Of course.
"Why don't you answer? You act like a little slut and yetㅡ" He steps closer and Frankie soon follows. "You're too shy all of a sudden? We were the ones who walked in on you, you know? touching yourself in front of the mirror like a dirty whore, huh? what would your dad say, baby?" he taunts you whilst Frankie reaches his strong grip and tilts your head up to look them in the eyes. "You didn't answer the question, sweet girl."
it takes a few seconds, but you muster up a hushed 'yes', causing them to smirk. "Show us, baby. C'mon, tell us how bad you want it." Dizzy and drunk on arousal, you succumbed to their touch, kneeling at their feet and looking up, pleading with tearful eyes in a silent entreaty to do as they please with you. but they don't budge. They wait patiently for you to show them how desperate you can get. it all overflows you, the cold floor in contact with your knees, their scent, your rugged breaths. "Please, I want- need it. I need you...so bad. need you toㅡ use me" you rub your thighs together. "Please..?"
"We'll take care of you. But...we can't promise to be too gentle. All though I don't think “gentle” is what you want." Your eyes glimmer, and your head spins. Did you hear that right? Is this really happening, or are you having the most beautiful dream, and when you wake up, you'll be sorrowful for days?
"for how long, baby, hm? since we first met? 'cause i know I've wanted to bend you over from the first moment I laid my eyes on the pretty thing you are." Frankie admits. " knew you had nothing else in this pretty head of yours, sweetheart. " Santiago laughs as he shoves your head lightly with his finger, causing you to whimper. "just wanna be fucked stupid, right? be our stupid, little fuck doll? that what you want?" and you nod in response, it takes you all of your power to not cry from how bad you want to feel them right now. "Ever done something like this?" and you shake your head no. "Shit. You poor little thing." he was right about you. He can feel his dick twitching at the thought of having you all splayed out, so innocent and untouched.
They instruct you to get undressed, clothes falling to the floor as they force you to crawl onto the couch all whilst they watch, fully clothed. getting closer to you, their calloused hands explore each part of your warm body as trails of kisses leave you hanging onto them. "gonna ruin you, baby, you know that, yeah?" of course you know. you've been yearning for this moment for almost a year.
they proceed to get naked, Santiago positioning himself in front of you and Frankie a little to your side. You couldn't believe it. This was so much more than you imagined; they were both long and girthy, with Frankie being a little more veiny than Santiagoㅡ a sight that made you drool. this will forever be imprinted into your brain.
"You look like a dumb puppy staring like that." Frankie snorts. "Haven't seen a cock before?" he's getting cockier with his remarks, as he urges you to respond. "Yes, but.. n-ot soㅡ big.." your cheeks grow red as you see Santiago's dick jump from your words. "Stroking my ego like that baby... how 'bout you stroke my cock instead, hm? can you do that for me?" anything. you were willing to do it all for them, make them so proud, they'd never want to leave.
your shaky hands wrap, barely, around both their lengths, as you stare up at them whilst standing straight so your boobs are on full display for them to eat up with their hungry eyes. you do it slow, unsure if you're doing it good, licking some of the precum from their slits from time to time, swirling your tongue around eachㅡ putting on a show. "You've done your homework, huh? Do it a little too well for a virgin."
"c'mon, hands and knees, I wanna fuck this pretty mouth of yours." Santiago pushes you back as Frankie strokes himself. "Pretty thing" he says as two digits trail down your back and help you position yourself better onto the couch. Frankie finally places himself behind you, teasingly playing with your folds, letting out a soft 'fuck' whilst feeling how wet you were. "Stretched yourself out for use before we came, right, sweet girl? You want me to help you out a little moreㅡ?"
"Noㅡ! Please.." you eagerly interrupt. "You cockslut. Haven't had an eager little thing like you since I was in college." He laughs as he positions his length in line with your hot entrance, leaving kisses down your back he slips inside slowly, and you choke out a cry, eyes brimming with tears as a sting pangs through your whole body. "sh, sh..I know, baby. I know." Whispering gently, Santiago pulls himself down and cups your face, leaning in to kiss you. As your lips finally met, time stood still, the world faded away, and all that remained was the electrifying sensation of something within you igniting. It was a moment painted with the hues of passion and longing, a symphony of emotions echoing through your soul.
He breaks the kiss and smiles down at you as the pain slowly fades away and is replaced by pure pleasure. pulling away, he levels himself and taps on your chin for you to open your mouth. Santiago hisses, tugging harder at your hair as a response to your warm tongue enveloping the tip of his dick. "shit, baby, open up for meㅡ thaat's it. good girl."
shuddering in anticipation, you part your lips further, allowing him to push deeper inside. you were already a mess- drool dripping down your chin as he fucked your mouth like there was no tomorrow, tears that stained your cheeks as he pushed your head lower; muffled moans, how you were gagging around his length, pure music for both of them to listen to.
"look so pretty, baby, mouth stuffed with cock.." you stare up at him through wet lashes as he lands a slap to your right cheek.
At your other end, Frankie was cautiously moving back and forth, not wanting to succumb to the tightness of your wet cunt that almost sent him over the edge just as he put the tip in. "so fuckin' tight, baby. fuuck-" he groans as he hits a few hard strokes, your back arching against him and fingers digging into Santiago's hips. "you hear that?" Frankie asks, moving himself deep into your hot core, letting you catch the lewd and wet noises your cunt made wrapped around him. "she's so wet for us, isn't she? poor pussy.." you pathetically whine, as Santiago pulls your head back by your hair, making you stare straight into his darkened eyes. "don't go shy on us now, doll." he laughs, delivering another sharp slap to your already heated cheek. "you wanted to be a little slut and we're gonna treat you like one, soㅡ" he tuts, thrusting into your throat before he continues, "so, really, you should thank us." Santiago pulls away, leaving your needy mouth wide open, as if asking for his shaft in a desperate plea. Frankie firmly places his rough palms onto your ass before taking his length out and you cry at the sudden lack of them inside of you. "Go ahead," he adds. "Thank us, baby, c'mon."
you lick your lips, feeling yourself dripping down onto the mattress under you, too cock drunk and embarrassed to say anything. Santiago sighs, giving your cheek a few light slaps as his other palm slides down to wrap around your throat. you gasp, the feeling so new yet it felt like something you'd been missing for so long. "i didn't take you as the ungrateful type, little angel." he coos, as Frankie reaches under to cup your breasts into his hands. "are you an ungrateful little whore?" taunting you. " 'm n-ot.." you gasp, the lack of blood flow to your brain keeping you on the edge. "you're sure acting like one." the one at the forefront proceeds, running the tip of his leaking length along your puffy lips. "and here we were..-" he stops to slap it onto your left cheek "ready to reward you, hm?" they look at each other and chuckle, as if they weren't mocking you and the pitiful mess you were. "please, I'm-" you swallow. "I'm sorry, please. Thank you so muchㅡ ! just- please, please..."
"you sweet thing." Santiago intoned "sweet filthy thing."
"I say we fuck her like she wants us to." Frankie hums from behind you, his cock rubbing against your leaking entrance. "that's what you want, right baby? want us both inside your little pussy. stretch her out and ruin you for others.." and you whimper as your cunt pulses around nothing. "Yeah, she likes that. dirty fucking girl." It was raw and intense— how their command over you ignited an unyielding desire to please them, to make them proud.
they both pull away, and in no time, your body is squished between theirs, strong arms holding you down as if you're to run away. Santiago harshly cups your face, forcing your mouth open; He gathers some spit into his mouth, for him to promptly spit it down onto your tongue. He watches proudly as you swallow it all, his thumb running across your bottom lip. Frankie was biting your shoulder, sucking at your sensitive skin as he held you by your throat in a way that's sure to leave marks.
"lift your hips for us." Santiago commands, and you do as you're told. He tangles his hand around in your hair as his other one reaches down to his cock, aligning it with your entrance. He eases in, making you throw your head back onto Frankie, his fingers now massaging your sensitive clit. "Fuckingㅡ look at her, swallowing me in one go. pretty girl.." he coos, pulling your head back by the hair to face him. From behind you, Frankie slowly lifts you up with his knees and slips inside of you, both men moaning into your ears. Tears slip past your eyes again and you cry from the pain and pleasure as your mouth falls open, unsure if you're still conscious or not. "feels good, baby? us splitting you open right here where anyone from the street can see... you like that?" Frankie was right, all it took was for a taller person to stare a bit over the fence and they'd have front row seats at this show.
" 'course she does. little whores like her get off to that. bet she'd let us fuck her in front of her dad. let him see the slut his daughter actually is." With that, Santiago finally starts to move, his eyes rolling back as Frankie pushes down onto your lower belly, as he moves his hips. "So fucking deep, shitㅡ feel that?" he laughs "want us to come this deep, huh? have you all filled up till you can't hold anything inside of you.."
"i could fuck this tight cunt forever, god." the other in front of you grunts, the hand from your hair now focused on your nipples and one placed firmly onto your hips. Frankie had one hand on your stomach and one onto your face, two of his fingers stretching your mouth open. You let yourself be taken over by them. it felt like you were flying so high and intoxicated by them, you weren't sure how you'd recover.
"thank you, thank youㅡ" you babble incoherently.
Santiago quickened his pace, causing Frankie to do the same, and with a few more strokes, they both bury themselves deep inside your core, white warm ropes painting your velvety walls. The sudden warmth and full feeling sends you completely over the edge, having you shake and pulse around them as you reach your orgasm.
you all sit there, them deep inside of you, you between them, breathing heavily as they planted kisses upon your skin. After you came down, you realized what happened, and worse, that it was over, a thought which made you let out a pathetic sob and clench around them out of desperation. "easy girl, we still have two days left." Frankie breaks the silence. "It was you who said you wanted us to use you, no? you who wanted be our cum doll forever.." Santiago follows.
You're right where you want to be.
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margotw10bis · 7 months
Crashing On Crush.JJK 7 [m]
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crush!Jungkook x reader
Genre: smut; series; romance; angst
Words: 4.6k
Synopsis: What happens when your first encounter with your crush is Jungkook seeing your ass?
Warnings: sexual tension; broken heart; Calvin Klein JK (yeah, it's a warning)
previous ← 7 → next
As much as you hate it, you do find Jungkook handsome and your heart has been pounding as soon as you noticed him. And you hate that you missed him - the last time you saw him was two weeks ago in the club. You are surprised to see him but also to see he has cut his hair. You can't help but missing his puffy shoulder-length hair and you want to slap you in the face for that thought. His black locks are now shorter in a mullet-style hair cut with a bang and are lightly curled. But gosh, he looks good. A little too good for your heart's sake.
You forget to how to breath when Jungkook stops a few meters from you. You feel your cheeks burning as well as your whole body and it's not because of the hot and suffocating July of Seoul because the A/C is on inside the art gallery. It's definitely because of Jeon Jungkook, the devil manifesting in a handsome man figure.
"Hi, uhm, I have an appointment with Aecha" He says after clearing his throat
"Follow me"
Even if you invite him to walk with you, it looks like you want to run away from him. Fortunately, you quickly arrive to Aecha's office. You knock and enter, Jungkook by your side. Your colleague offers him a way better smile than you.
"Jungkook, hi! Nice to meet you in person! We are so happy to work with you" Aecha's voice is warm and magically relaxes Jungkook
"Same here"
He tries to sound cheerful. He is really happy and proud that the gallery has approached him for the project, it will surely help him for his career but he does feel tensed to see you. He can't deny he hesitated to accept the job but then he saw it as an opportunity to set the record straight with you. He has been so grumpy that even Mina has stopped asking for his attention and let him work in his office at home. Jungkook has imagined hundred of scenarios of what happened between you and the guy after you left and every single one of them ended with you in his arms. By anger and frustration, he even broke his Apple Pencil and had to buy a new one.
"I am so sorry but I don't have time to talk details with you personally" Aecha continues, genuinely annoyed "But don't worry, Y/N is very professional and I'm sure you'll get along"
Your eyes widen and you throw distraught gazes at Aecha. 'Please, don't make me do that!' You silently beg her. But she doesn't get it or chooses to ignore it as she hands you the file. You do know the artists and the theme of the exhibition, as well as other details about the events related but you don't want to work with Jungkook. You know he is supposed to provide different visuals and supports, which means that you are going to deal with him for days. You're not sure your heart can handle it and you fear your determination to hate him will fail you - to be true, it has already began when he first appeared in the lobby.
Yet, you have no choice but to take the damn file with shaky hands and ask Jungkook to follow you in the meeting room.
A feeling of pain and jealousy fills you when you realize that his girlfriend has got to see him everyday and you have no doubt that he has looked damn hot every single day of these two weeks. Even now, in front of you, he is ridiculously handsome in his matching Calvin Klein denim jacket and pants, a white t-shirt finishing his perfect look. You can't help but wondering if his underwear is also signed CK, which makes you blush. Jungkook is fucking hot like that - would you dare to say that you are aroused by the absence of his usual all-black style?
You shake your head to erase those filthy thoughts and you sit down. You open and read the file, which gives you a good excuse to not look at Jungkook.
"Did you sleep with him?"
Jungkook's voice is neutral despite his pounding heart. He couldn't help but ask you. Even if it breaks his already broken heart, he has to know. His look-the-other-way part argues that if he knows, it'll get easier to let you go.
You immediately look up and open your mouth but no sound escapes it. Just by seeing you blushing hard, Jungkook knows. His fists clench and he is angry. Not at you, but at himself. You left with another man, you slept with another man because he pushed you away. He tries to convince himself that the pinch in his heart is due to his bruised man pride but deep down he knows that it's his feelings for you that have been rattled.
"It's none of your business" You eventually decide to answer "Let's not get personal and stick to a professional behavior"
Jungkook doesn't say anything but nods, poking on his inner cheek with his tongue.
Weirdly enough, you both concentrate on work and are able to have a peaceful conversation. Some details are discussed and Jungkook notes some ideas that get through his mind while you give him more informations.
"Can I see the art pieces? It'll help to get fully in the right mood" Jungkook asks at some point
You both walk through the art gallery and you can see that Jungkook truly appreciates the architecture of the building. You see his doe eyes sparkle with inspiration and you can practically see all the ideas that are currently filling his brain. Witnessing his passion melts your heart.
You enter the code of the storage room and motion Jungkook to step in. You explain that you haven't receive yet all the pieces but you add that he can look at them of the website of the gallery. His back facing you, a sketchbook and a pen in his hands, he is already quickly sketching a few visuals. You are quite intrigued by how fast his brain works and you move forward gingerly. You stand on your tiptoe to look upon his large shoulder and sneak on his sophisticate drawings.
"Wow" You whisper, almost in his ear, unintentionally
Jungkook was so focus on his work that he didn't notice you, but when you opened your mouth he startles and turns his head to your face suddenly. You are so close that your breathes are mixing. His eyes look right into yours but can't help going down to yours pretty lips. He gulps, a vivid memory of your several passionate kisses coming to his mind. He knows how you taste and he is dying to feel it again on his tongue. He wets his pierced lips with his tongue and the move attracts your glance too. A spontaneous wave of arousal goes straight to your lower belly.
Thankfully - or not -, staying this long on your tiptoe causes a cramp in your left calf. You immediately step back and wince, holding on the painful leg.
"What's going on?" Jungkook asks you, alarmed
"Cramp" You hiss
It doesn't take long to Jungkook to kneel down and massage your lower leg. You blush hard but convince yourself that it's due to the pain and not to Jungkook's warm palms on your skin. But why do you mentally praise you for wearing a yellow wrap dress and not your usual slacks?
"It's okay, you don't have to-" You speak up, weakly trying to push his hands away
"Let me do that for you"
His eye is so intense that you only manage to gulp and nod, letting Jungkook rubbing your calf to relax the muscles. You hiss as his fingers palp your aching leg, instinctively grabbing on his large shoulders to not fall. Feeling your hands on him, even through the thick fabric of his denim jacket and under this circumstances, Jungkook feels good. So fucking good. His whole body, that has been tensed for weeks now, softens under your touch. It's like he was physically missing something that your hands give him back. Someway, it's the first time you wish your cramp was lasting longer.
"It's gone" You say unsurely and, with regret from both sides, Jungkook stands up
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't. Please don't" You close your eyes in pain, not willing to remember once again what he did because you surely didn't forget
You hate him for breaking your heart but you don't hate him. Quite the opposite actually. You still love him, so fucking much. You can't change the past and you surely can't be best friend with him but you can make this professional relationship work. You want it for the gallery but also for Jungkook because you still think he is very talented and deserves the contract. That's why you take a deep breathe and start talking:
"Look, I know things have been... weird between us. Let's just put that aside and concentrate on work. I really want to feel good here so let's not make things more awkward. I think it would be nice if we could be colleagues"
Jungkook looks at you for a moment, surprised. He doesn't really know what to say when there are so many things that he wants to say - if that makes any sense. He runs a hand through his fresh cut hair.
"I'll work hard then, for you"
He doesn't specify if 'you' refers to the gallery and all your colleagues and artists involved or just you. But your heart doesn't care about the difference and skips a beat. You try to put a - weird - smile on your face to look relax.
"Welcome onboard then, Mr. Jeon"
Day 2 of working with Jungkook and you have to say that you are surprised how things go smoothly. You and Jungkook really get along - on a professional level - and your two brains seem to share the same ideas and vision of the project.
When he went home, Jungkook went straight to his home office and started sketching some visuals. On the one hand, he wants to work slowly only to get the chance to spend more time with you. But on the other hand, he has so many ideas for the different supports. The project clearly excites him and he hasn't been this motivated for a long time. Moreover, your cute yellow dress of the day seemed to be another reminder that you are like sunshine is his life and that everything looks better when you are around.
This morning, he has joined you in the same meeting room and gave you a cup of latte - he knows it's your favorite beverage - that he has bought on its way to the gallery. The sweet gesture didn't go unnoticed by your weak heart and your cheeks did redden. As soon as you two have sat down, Jungkook put his sketchbook and graphic tablet on the desk and explained the different concepts. You were so impressed by his work and how much he has done in just one evening. You couldn't help but being worried that he had not slept well and the dark circles under his beautiful eyes proved you no wrong.
You don't even notice it was lunch time until you hear a knock on the door. You look up and meet a sweet and cute familiar face.
"I didn't want to bother you but I've been waiting for fifteen minutes so I thought that you might have forgotten me"
Jongseob seems embarrassed and is blushing hardly. Your heart immediately melts and your smile widens. This doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook who wonders how many men have stolen your heart. He can't help but feeling jealous. When will his possessiveness stop? Especially when you're not his.
"It's okay. Actually, I lost track of time. Please come in, Seobi"
You get up and give a big hug to Jongseob. The young man is quite impressed by Jungkook. His black outfit has returned and his tattoos are showing up under his oversize t-shirt. He does look intimidating and Jongseob feels a wave of protectiveness towards you, hoping that the stranger didn't give you a hard time.
You have no idea of what is going on in Jongseob's brain and you turn back to Jungkook.
"Let's meet up in two days so you have time to make the changes we've talked about. Then, we will show everything to Aecha" You say with a smile and Jungkook simply nods.
You notice the way he is staring at your young friend and realize that they don't know each other.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't introduce you-" You are cut off by Jongseob
"I'm Kim Jongseob"
You are surprised by his confident and quite cold tone. It's so not like him. You even feel his arm easily wrapping around your shoulders. When did he get this tall? You look at him, asking him with your eyes what the hell he is doing. But Jongseob is completely focus on the black-hair man.
"Jeon Jungkook"
Jongseob's eyes widen and immediately turn to you. Your face expression confirms what he thinks: it's the man who broke your heart. If you didn't say a word on your Graduation Day, you couldn't lie when a few days later Jongseob has asked you about how it went when you confessed your feelings to your crush. Even if you tried really hard to not cry in front of him, you couldn't stop a few tears. Jongseob was so heartbroken for you and has spent the day with you at your place, eating ice-creams and watching Disney movies.
The body of your usual so cute friend tenses immediately and he leaves your shoulders to step in front of you, protectively. His eyes narrow when he gazes at Jungkook.
"I hope he hasn't done anything to you" He says with his jaw clenched, talking to you but looking at Jungkook
A scoff escapes Jungkook's lips. Who the hell is this kid? He doesn't know anything about him and yet, he is judging him. Only if he knew that at his age, Jungkook was... No, it's better if he doesn't know, otherwise you would know too. And he surely doesn't want you to know.
"Jongseob" You say softly, a hand on his shoulder "Jungkook is working with me, everything is fine"
"Can't someone else deal with him? Why it has to be you?" His voice is more gentle now and he is looking at you, finally
"No, and it's okay. I promise"
"What are you going to do about it, uh?"
Your eyes widen in surprise while Jungkook smirks and then pokes his tongue in his inner cheek in a provocative way. He doesn't even know why he opened his mouth in the first place. Maybe he was just tired of everyone treating him like shit or maybe he wanted you to know that your little guy couldn't compete with him. 'Stupid fucking ego' he thinks.
"What did you say?" Jongseob responds aggressively, taking a step further and Jungkook does the same
"I said, what are you fucking going to do about it?" Jungkook articulates each single word, his jaws clenched
You start to panic and take place between the two men.
"Stop it now, the both of you" You try to be firm but your voice is a little shaky
"You were right, he's a fucking asshole" Jongseob goads
"What did you say?" Jungkook barks this time, ready to throw punches in this little fucker's face
"Jongseob!" You shout "Go wait outside, now"
You are so tensed that your whole body is shaking with adrenaline. What are you going to do if they start fighting? But you release the air of your lungs when Jongseob does as you say. You look at Jungkook to try to know what he is thinking but his features are too neutral, except for his gritted teeth.
"Jungkook, I-I never said that" You try after a moment of silence
"It's okay" He sighs, trying to relax the tension in his body "Even if you said it, you had every reason"
You stand in front of him, not knowing what to do. You are unsettled when a little sneer escapes Jungkook's mouth. You look at him, questioning him with your eyes.
"At least you have people to protect you"
"No, it's okay. I see you on Friday with the finished visuals and support designs"
Jungkook grabs his stuff and goes away, leaving you breathless and heart pounding.
"Noona, I'm sorry"
Jongseob has spent the whole lunch apologizing but you haven't said a word. You are so disappointed in his behavior but you are also destabilized by the way you feel angry at your friend for attacking Jungkook. You shouldn't feel that way, it's true that Jungkook broke your heart but why do you still want your friends to have a good impression of him? It doesn't make any fucking sense and you sigh in frustration.
"Stop apologizing. What you did was wrong Jongseob"
"I know but he... he was just there and he broke your heart! Are you really okay working with him?!"
You take the time to think. Are you okay with it? Honestly, yes. And more honestly, you are happy to work with him. You wish the reason of that was because Jungkook works well but it's not: the reason is that you want to be with him, in anyway possible.
"Yes, so please stop. Maybe you don't want to hear it or you don't understand but Jungkook is nice"
"How can you say that?!" Jongseob gasps
"He is, really. What he did to me was wrong but beside that, he has been really nice to me"
And it's true. Objectively, the cheating-on-his-girlfriend-with-you part put aside, Jungkook has been nice to you. The two days you have spent working with him showed you a new face of him: the passionate yet so considering of other's opinions side. He has carefully listened to you, has taken the time to explain to you technical things about designs and has worked hand-in-hand with you to provide the perfect visuals. Even beside that, the morning coffee and the way he has hold the chair for you to sit down or the way he has turn off the A/C when he noticed you were cold, proves he is a good person. Maybe a little selfishly too, you want to believe that you have fallen for a good guy and not a shit head so the whole story wasn't you being completely wrong about him.
"Look, I'm a big girl. I know you're worried but everything's fine, Seobi" You smile at Jongseob, trying to calm him down
"Okay..." He sighs "But if he tries anything, please tell me and I swear I'll punch him in the face, just for him to know he can't mess with you"
Your heart softens at his pouty face and you promise. You know Jongseob just wants to protect his Noona but deep down you know Jungkook won't try to hurt you again.
You haven't heard of Jungkook until he shows up on Friday for your expected meeting. You have sweaty hands, not knowing how will be things between the two of you. You give him an unsure smile when you welcome him and you feel released that Jungkook is back to his old and nice self. He shows you the final project and everything is perfect. You compliment his work and you may notice a slight blush on his cheeks.
You waste no time and you two head up to Aecha's office so she can approve, what she definitely does. Your colleague is really impressed and praises the both of you. Your chest is full of pride that you managed the situation. You are really excited to be more involved in one of the gallery's projects.
To celebrate your success, you invite Jungkook at a nearby coffee. It doesn't surprise you anymore that Jungkook orders you a latte but it's appealing to your weak and soft heart. Coffees in hands, you sit down at a table.
"I'm so happy that your visuals have been approved! I can't wait to see the posters in real life and on the big screens of the gallery!" You tell him excited, which makes him giggle.
"I'm glad too. Tell me if you need help with the printer guy, I know that sometimes they can be a little hard to handle and delay things until you lose your mind"
"I'll sure do"
You feel so good joking with Jungkook. It feels like before you discovered about Mina, back when everything was so natural and delightful between you two. A small wave of nostalgia washes over your body and a small part of you wishes you didn't know about the girlfriend. However, the bigger part of you feels better to know that he didn't cheat on his girlfriend with you more than that.
"I have to tell you something"
Jungkook's serious tone and face make you stressed. You wonder what other bomb he is going to throw at you and how you'll manage to survive. 'Please, tell me there is no other secret girlfriends!' You pray
"Mina" He starts and your heart sinks by hearing the name, you still feel so guilty towards her even if you didn't know "She is not my girlfriend"
What the hell?!
Your eyes almost roll of your sockets by surprise. You are speechless. Does he lie? But he is looking straight into your eyes and you don't see anything but pain. But if she is not his girlfriend, why did he lie about lying to you? It doesn't make sense!
"She is my best friend, well at least back in Busan"
"But, why?" Is all you manage to say, your brain is completely upside down
"It's just an old habit of us, saying to other people we're dating. When we were younger, we were so close that most people thought that we were actually a couple. At some point, it was kind of a joke to confirm it"
Jungkook's nostalgic smile is not happy but quite sad and your heart squeezes. You wonder what caused him such pain but you don't want to push him.
"Maybe, back then, there were more than friendly feelings between us but it's not the case anymore. I just want you to know that nothing happened between Mina and I"
"Why'd you tell me that?"
Jungkook's eyes grow big in surprise. He doesn't really know why he tells you the truth. Perhaps he just doesn't want you to hurt because of this, because of him.
"I don't know..." He sighs "I just wanted you to know"
You don't know what you feel. On the one hand, you are relived that he didn't cheat on his girlfriend with you, but on the other hand, you are still heartbroken because he has still rejected you - and the reason was not him having a girlfriend but just not wanting to be with you. And that hurts like hell.
Jungkook looks at you with his big doe eyes, biting on his bottom lip, while he waits for you to say something. But honestly, you don't know what to say. So he keeps going:
"I haven't seen her in years but she came up to me. She needed some help. Things are-were complicated. I'm sorry if I hurt you, I really didn't want that"
"I understand" You don't but what else could you say?
"Y/N" He says gently, grabbing your hand at the other side of the table "I am really, really sorry"
The warmth of his hand goes straight to your heart and cheeks. Why does he have to do that? It's so hard not to fall for him when he acts like that! You want to hug him and tell him you forget everything as long as he is with you. But you can't do that, so you smile instead.
"I wish I could go back and do things right with you. Maybe... maybe we could be friends or something?"
Jungkook winces at the way his thoughts have turned into words. It sounds so dumb and it's not really what he wanted to say. He wanted to ask you if you would accept to see him again, like before. Like when you were supposed to have a date at the Lotte aquarium.
"I guess we could be friends" You say in a small voice, almost a whisper
Jungkook's heart jumps in his chest and he knows he'll try everything to make it up to you. But first, he has to deal with Mina.
Since you have done a great job with the communication campaign with Jungkook, Aecha sends you over to meet the print firm. You are walking around in Seocho, a district of Seoul, but take the time to follow the Han River boardwalk. The heat and humidity is almost unbearable but the view is so beautiful. The sun is mirroring on the water. You close your eyes, feeling the D Vitamin entering your body. You hum in contentment.
Nevertheless, the universe couldn't let you in peace for five minutes. Your blood runs cold when a familiar but non welcoming face appears right in front of you. Mina. You don't really know how to act in front of her now that you know she isn't really Jungkook's girlfriend.
"Hi" You tell her with an unsure voice
"Hi, Y/N right?"
Mina's smile is bright but not really friendly. Something in her behavior makes you uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry, I can't stay long, Jungkook is waiting for me at home" She takes a dig at you
Her little scornful tone drives you crazy. Before you can even think properly, you open your mouth:
"Jungkook told me the truth. You are not really together"
For one second, Mina seems unsettled but she hides it quickly. You feel your heart beating faster and your hands freezing, just as if you were ready for a fight. It might not be a physical one but it will surely be punches with words.
"Did he?"
You stay silent, waiting for her to set the mood. You don't have hard feelings for her. You could be friends, if she wants to.
"Look, you seem like a nice girl" Although it doesn't sound like a compliment in her mouth "But I'm not sure you are the good person for Kookie"
"I think he's old enough to decide for himself"
"We might not be an official couple but we do share something special. We've been best friends for years, we have been through so many things, you won't ever be able to understand. I know him but I'm not sure you can say the same"
You are taken aback.
"I-I do know him" You sound less confident than you wanted
"Oh, really? Did he tell you about his past?" Mina smirks and you frown, confirming what she was thinking "I just don't want you to be hurt, Y/N. Jungkook and I are meant to be together. It might take some time but it will happen eventually. If you stay in between, you'll only get your heart broken"
Your watery eyes blur your vision. You don't know how Mina manages to do it but her words are so sharp that you could swear she is telling the truth. Maybe it's a result of her magnetic aura.
"I love him"
It's the final blow for you. An intense squeeze hits your cardiac muscle. You don't even know who you are anymore. You have read too many books, you have seen too many movies not to know. All along, you thought you were the main character of the story. But you're not. You're the second female lead in Jungkook's story: the one who only exists to make him realize that his true love has been in front of him since the beginning. There is no better destiny than two best friends finally aware of their true feelings. Fate, cruel as ever, put you on Jungkook's path for him to acknowledge that Mina is the right one for him.
And that fucking hurts.
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pixiecactus · 23 days
i know i sound like a broken record (sorry for being obnoxious, but this is a hyperfixation for me) but gendry is such a child and people just don't seem to see it at all...
i've to admit that the first time i read the books i thought that gendry was a 15 year old, but that still classified as a little child in my mind because i had the "big and mature" age of 16 years old back then, and i swore to myself that i was a completely different person at 15 than at 16, now i just look fondly back to those times and my actual childlike naivety.
now with me going back to read arya's chapters as a 26/27 year old, is just more apparent to me that gendry is a little child still, and i'm pretty convinced that he's even younger than 15 now, i'd say with a lot of confidence that he is surely a year younger than dany in the first book and daenerys was 13 years old in agot and that would make gendry a 12 year old in agot and in my mind.
he has led a difficult life, sure. he was probably an unwanted child and a bastard at that, and let's not forget that he was orphaned at a very young age, i'm pretty sure those facts all together could make a child mature a little bit more quickly than most of his peers.
but if you pay a little bit more attention when reading the books, you can see that, even when he has a lot of streets smarts, gendry is still pretty naive himself. you know, as some children can be and definitely are. and that's when i think that his bold behavior sometimes becomes a bravado most than anything.
i'd dare to say that when gendry involved himself in the arry vs hot pie and lommy fight, he didn't do it because, with him being the closer thing to an adult there, he felt the responsibility to deescalate the situation between some kids, you know, like an adult whose job is supervising children should do, but rather because he's a kid himself that hates bullies because he once was bullied too.
[insert here a parallel between arya and gendry about their sense of justice and morality and how they match]
of course, this post is not trying to convert anyone who believes gendry is 14 in agot, 15 in acok and asos and 16 in affc to the other side... you know, with believing that actually gendry is 12 in agot, 13 in acok and asos and being recently 14 in affc, but let me say that being 16 years old is an important age in the asoiaf universe because that is the canonical age of majority in the books, you can disagree with it or you can agree with it, but the thing is that is there... and if gendry is meant to be 16 years old or even older when brienne meets him in affc, why does brienne, who is an adult herself, describes gendry as a child, the book tells us that he even has "a boy's voice" when he should be classified as a man grown. It’s even said that gendry was younger than the age that renly had when brienne met him (but let’s put a pin on that info, because i’m not really sure myself of renly’s age back then or at all)
but this post is still biased because i’m a gendrya shipper and of course this post is self-indulgent too, like all the posts i make are. i just simply don’t know how to feel when people discard the possibility of gendrya being romantically involved with each other due to their age difference, when from the way i see it, both of them are children. if grrm wanted to show that gendry and arya were obviously in different parts of life due to their age difference, i think he could have written the things that happened at the peach a lot different than what we got in the books. and what we got with that, was gendry rejecting bella’s advances, the older men of the brotherhood insisting to the girls working there to leave the child (gendry) alone, and then later on… don’t pretend we don’t have gendry trying to get under arya's skin and make her jealous when he lies about wanting to sleep with bella on page. and this instance i'd say is an example of gendry lashing out, because he got reminded of the difference in social standing that there's between him and arya.
look, i don’t know how to explain things in english, i’d go as far as to say that i don’t even know how to explain things in my own mother tongue… but i do think that gendry was specifically tailored to be arya’s companion and possibly more, they just complement each other’s personalities so well and i believe that people are choosing to ignore that because of a misconception that gendry is a man grown and arya is a child, when both of them are in fact children and they are meant to be a demostration of first love (and there is a lot of age-gaps relationships that are actually more disturbing in the series as a whole)
as a conclusion, i want to say that gendry is a little guy, who is young in age and not so small in body size, but still a child nonetheless.
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ay0nha · 1 year
Buggy searching out reader after a fight and showing up to her doorstep like a puppy looking for help
feel free to make it angsty or fluffy (or smutty lol)...reader could be an ex-marine and hates pirates so it's not clear whether or not they like each other (spoiler they do)
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PAIRING: OPLA!Buggy x f!reader
WARNINGS: ANGST, canon-typical things, cursing, smoking, descriptions of injuries/fucked up shit Buggy did, mutual pining, brief mention of reader being a former marine, vague description of smuggler!reader, soft touches, enemies ish to lovers, etc.
A/N: This was fun lol. It's a little weird and experimental (?) for me? So, she got a little messy as I was getting excited to just Get This Out, so it didn't sit in my drafts. I want more buggy angst lol. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in any OPLA things or along the lines. Enjoy.
(tags: @gingernut1314)
There were reasons habits quickly morphed into vices, something immoral and wicked. Yet, you were lethal, the definition of torment. Your silhouette alone was enough to send Buggy spiraling. 
Each step toward you felt unreliable and fuzzy, making Buggy question if he reattached his limbs correctly. His gut felt twisted with a foreign feeling that he wanted to trap away. He wondered if he buried the feeling deep enough if it would turn to treasure or become forgotten rot. 
“Buggy.” Your voice even irritated him. Yet, he found relief in finding you alone. “Third time this month. Careful…I’m starting to get a big head.”
“That sounds like a medical problem…” He mumbled with little enthusiasm and a half-hearted smirk, “...should probably get seen for that.”
“Admitting you care, eh?” You teased. You were preoccupied, cigarette dangling from your lip and bobbing with every word. “What can I help you with?”
The receipts tended to be formidable, but you couldn't help but feel your concentration falter when you were met with uncharacteristic silence.  Typically, you were shy of whiplash from an unwarranted insult or backhanded compliment. However, once your eyes landed on Buggy, you only saw deep anger veiling desperation. 
 “How serious is it?” Your pen was settled beside the book, whatever records you were once concerned with dismissed.  Buggy looked awful—his posture gave away his exhaustion and discomfort.
“What? Can’t we skip the part where I say ‘the other guy looks worse’?” His busted lip ticked with dry humor. There were rumors he was in trouble, but that paled compared to the truth you knew about Buggy. 
“Depends.” You frowned. “That other guy isn’t stopping by, is he?” If it were true, you’d have to lay low, something you never had time for. “This is why I don’t like your kind.”
“My kind?” Buggy continued unamused. You weren’t more than a wolf in sheep’s clothing to him. You were a smuggler. Plain and simple. It was impossible for something to stay hidden from you for long.  “You’re not far off, sweetheart.”
His terms of endearment never held affection, but he seemed to soften this time for some reason—almost pleading between the lines. You held a trained expression, taking a moment of consideration. 
Your typical jobs with him were small. Typically, they consisted of information that he could coax out of you for trinkets. He brought the world to you. Other times, you moved things through the shadows to an even darker location. 
This was different, you decided. 
Stalking toward the clown, you saw how the pain mapped on his body.  “You look awful.” 
The jester’s bow was fueled by pained sarcasm. Although his abilities helped, Buggy's flesh was still pliable. His jaw was a deep-set purple, contrasting the faded red of his cracked lips. It was hard to distinguish what was paint and what was blood. His eyes were bloodshot with broken blood vessels, and there were gashes littering every place imaginable. 
You were surprised he was still standing. You noted how his breath became labored, as if holding onto what he could before he collapsed entirely. But looking between his eyes, you saw the struggle he had deciding what was worth his final breath: business or pleasure. 
At the atrium of the town, your home went unnoticed. The average eye missed it, but those who could look past the unassuming home knew what lay behind the walls. You were particular with your arrangements, always done tightly and if challenged dangerously. 
Buggy learned the hard way of earning your loose alliance. The scar you left behind cinched on his side, and sometimes, if he found you lingering in his mind, he swore he felt it ache. Yet, just being in your presence seemed to be the closest thing to a remedy. 
“You can’t just show up like this.” Your scolding was shallow, there only as a buffer. You distanced yourself from the pirate despite the intimacy you provided. 
The handful of candles in the room glowed yellow, highlighting the dark corners that threatened to swallow everything whole. Your fingers trailed various cabinets, pulling out necessities: make-shift gauze, old booze, and something loosely resembling thread. 
“Then, don’t leave a key under your mat.”  Buggy hadn’t bothered with the front door, stumbling through a window once locked. The so-called key was that he knew how to dance around your traps, dragging in an air of death.  
“Gimme a minute...” He raised his uncovered hand.“... I’ll come up with something better.”
The irony hadn’t set in yet, but whoever had hurt him made it personal. Buggy’s middle fingers were gone, not detached, but entirely ripped off.  
“Oh—” You bubbled with laughter lightly, “—that must’ve hurt.”
“Well, aren’t you a twisted one?” Buggy’s tone was flat, but his eyes tracked you. He silently begged you to put him out of his misery. 
“What’s twisted is you, Buggy.” The decision had already been made to help him, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t draw it out.  “You come here asking for my mercy and expect it for free…” 
Buggy’s throat went dry, his tongue barely able to wet his own lips without tasting blood. He leaned through your threshold, head hung, leaving a trail of blood with every uncomfortable shift. His breath was heavy, wheezing with effort to remain upright.  
There was no use in prayers. The gore set the air with dust that could never settle; a blood-warm heat had set into your marrow, never to be forgotten; Buggy had been dragged to your doorstep like a cat bringing in fowl. 
Buggy spoke low as if the neighbors would hear. He hadn’t even wanted to hear himself, knowing his desperation.  “...can’t you play favorites for once?”
“That’s a trick question.” Your facade had slipped. Your response was a second too quick, letting warmth trickle throughout his chest.
Buggy’s ears rang at the admission. Your words filled the room and stuck like honey.
You were always thinking. You were intentional; everything was thought out, and if it wasn’t, you were still level-headed. It wasn’t hard to recognize his behavior patterns; he knew what he was doing. Finally, though, everything became a second thought as you reached him with intent, tilting his chin to expose his neck.
“Easy, puppet.” Buggy caught your wrist. The tight hold was a warning moments away from a fracture. “Pity isn’t your color.”
Buggy fed off cruelty that incited fear. It was foolish to think he could do the same to you. 
“How naive of you to think this is what pity looks like.” Your voice was soft and steady, pent-up venom behind every word. “Before me is a shell of a man playing pirate—” 
You paused to regain your wrist. Regret flashed over Buggy’s features, but he held onto every one of your words. His humor was his defense, and beyond that, he was pliable in your hands. There was little room for recovery. 
“—don’t fault me for something you let get out of hand.” You finished. 
Fear clawed its way up Buggy’s throat, determined to make itself known. It fought with another emotion he was too proud to name. He wasn't unfamiliar with loss. But this.  The feeling was wild. Sentimental.
The small candles’ fire illuminated the room only so much, hiding the loneliness of the small space. Very little signs of life filled the room, but your supplies dominated the counters. It was a tick you picked up from the Marines that you couldn’t shake. On nights when sleep was hard to find, you would organize and filter through everything in preparation for nothing. 
It seemed wrong to encourage the relief you felt, finally putting what you had to use. But its familiarity was oddly cathartic. So, with clean hands, you began. 
“Lean forward—” You instructed. The chill in your tone softened as Buggy struggled. “—move slowly. Slowly.”
You’d already discarded his hat; scorched by the battle, it had lost most of its form. You moved slowly, calculated with every experimental touch. The years of back and forth and treachery never lead you to believe Buggy would be sitting at your mercy. 
He grunted as you removed his jacket. It was tattered and drenched with rainwater. The leather of the chair protested against being ruined. Each layer removed revealed every minute it took for him to arrive. 
“Were you shot? Show me where it hurts. ” You prompted bluntly. The training was still ingrained; your mind filtered through a clinical set of diagnostic questions, your hands moved with practice, and you were returned. “Dizzy? Light-headed? Anything like that?”
His skin pricked. Your touch tickled him, but he leaned into it fully. Buggy was used to touch hurting or leading to something that hurt. He put far too much faith in you, unlike the others. He humanized you. It would be a mistake if you did the same.
“No, no,” Buggy shook his head, the action unsteady. “My ribs—” He coughed with discomfort when you pressed against his side. “Fuck—”
Your hands were steady as you worked. The gauze was taut in the right places, and Buggy’s body finally relaxed. He received a good beating, but nothing bed rest would fix. While you tided, you rambled on about the possibility of a fever, infections, and whatever else came out of your mouth to ignore the feeling of his severe gaze. 
“You’ve changed,” Buggy muttered sharply. He took in your entirety. You held yourself well; you’d matured into your confidence unrestrained. Without him, you soared.  
“And you’ve fallen.” Your mouth fidgeted with a frown. Your head remained leveled with his, bandages secured at his temples. 
Buggy’s bloodshot eyes darted between your own. He wanted to tell you that you were the brevity of his curse, his burden. His mind was always riddled with reflections, constantly ruminating about possibilities that could bring so-called success. You quieted it and saw him for what he was good and evil. He gave all of himself to you. 
“Oh yeah?” He encouraged. 
You only noticed now the position you were standing in, not entirely between his legs, but knees brushing with every motion. Intentional or not, Buggy took advantage, bruised knuckles, finding a place just shy of your pant’s fabric. 
“I got you something.” He whispered. Buggy knew you well enough that the seed that only he could nourish had been planted. It was only moments before you’d cave. “Check my pocket; the left one.”
A strange feeling surfaced, pulling away, but you were enticed. Buggy learned your tastes, knowing you placed value on rarities. There was no rhyme or reason behind it, possibly besides the fact that each trinket was tangible evidence that you were on his mind. Therefore, there was no stop to the allure. You explored his discarded jacket, eagerness fueling your search. 
“Jesus, Buggy!” You cursed from the texture alone. Buggy fulfilled his titles, always sporadic with his behavior and anger. The blood was warm and fresh, staining your palm as if making sure it was now shared blood on your hands. 
You flung the nose to the floor, cartilage still firm and skin still stringy with the residue of its owner. The image alone told you everything. The scene was explicit—nothing could be saved from Buggy’s carnage. 
“Oops.” He wheezed an ill-timed laugh. To be seated in the depths of your home, he still sought  out an advantage. “Must be the other pocket.”
“It’s too late for your pranks.” You spat. Your kindness felt thrown back in your face. The faint embarrassment morphed into anger. “Don't you get this is exactly why I—
“I forgot, you don’t like my kind.” Buggy chose malice as his only form of self-preservation. The statement mocked you and your previous life sewing up Marines that Buggy most likely sent you. “How selfish to think everything is about you.” 
Buggy detached his bandaged hand with the little energy he had left, going to the correct pocket. He let his defensiveness stew, already committing to the rash gift he’d brought for you. It was heavy on its return to you. 
Reaching out, your heart dropped to your stomach. The glass was pristine, and the snowglobe’s inner frost moved your heartbeat to your ears. You refused to shake it, nervous your uneasy hands would break something so inherently precious. 
Holding it tightly to your chest, your eyes were blown wide, pouring into Buggy’s. It was clear to you now the state he was in was of a transactional purpose. He offered himself for the trivial object. It spoke of the confusion of feelings that drowned Buggy. Pain became inherent to his life, functioning as a scale of value. 
The greater the risk, the greater the reward. 
“Do you like it?” Buggy’s voice surpassed the thumping in your ears. 
When you were young, you threw things out of your bedroom window to learn how they would break. Many of them did not—the plastic dolls and plush toys landed safely on the grassy yard below—but the wooden toys did break, or at least they came apart.
One day, you found a snow globe. A winter village stood inside, with snow-covered roofs and chimneys shooting up into the domed sky.
This snow globe was the last thing you threw out of your window, not because your mother scolded you, which she did, but because this snow globe smashed so gloriously—an explosion of crystal, water, snow, and glitter, the village utterly destroyed —you thought you wouldn’t be able to replicate such destruction again.
It was bullshit then, and it was bullshit now. Moving and letting go was never in the stars for you. Or the tea leaves. Or in the deep lines of your palm. You were destined for destruction. 
You’d told Buggy this once. Your state of inebriation fostered the interaction, the memory far more fuzzy for you than for him. It was told nonlinearly, but he followed it well as if he were then to witness it himself. He understood its value to you even if he couldn’t fully understand it.  It wasn’t odd or facetious. It was your greatest regret that he became determined to restore.  
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taylorkellyreporting · 9 months
i hope no one minds if i inconsistently liveblog this bitch: doctor who season one from 1x04
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“you’re 900 years old?” “yeah.” “my mum was right, that is one hell of an age gap.” lmfaooo
“i’m the only person who knows it exists.” spoke too soon
damn, he left her. i wonder if the key he gave her was even real.
it was a pig 😭
every time they get separated, shit goes off the rails
girl, FUCK the emergency protocols
“sorry.” 😭
that shit was intense
“my mother’s cooking.” “good, put her on a slow heat and let her simmer.” CACKLING
i feel so bad for her mom :(
this episode really is…something.
why the fuck is the doctor just offering up all of this information???
he really should have seen this coming
*pretends to be shocked*
their cockiness is gonna get them killed
i never want rose and the doctor to be separated EVER again
“what use are emotions if you won’t save the woman that you love?” damn
don’t know how i feel about this dude joining them
“he’s your boyfriend.” “not anymore.” did i miss something???
something’s wrong…
is that guy dead?
i don’t trust adam at all
rose is so stupid. i could understand if it was mickey she was trusting but she doesn’t even know this man
huh, that was unexpected.
what the actual fuck
this ep’s gonna be so sad
the doctor never should’ve taken her to that day
“alright, i’ll tell him you’re not my boyfriend.” obsessed with her thinking that was the issue 😭
not important but jackie looks really good with her hair like that
well. that was heartbreaking.
sorry, but if a kid wearing a fucking plague mask was repeatedly saying “mummy” in an eerie voice, i would have turned and walked the other way. r.i.p. to rose but i’m different
what part of “don’t answer it.” is hard to understand? lmao
“excellent bottom.” gross.
i know i sound like a broken record but what the fuck?!
this is one creepy ass episode
this dude is coming on so strong dkgjgks
“finally, a professional.” rose, be serious.
“they’re not dead.” okay.
girl, what the fuck?
i can’t believe that worked lmfaooo
“those would’ve been terrible last words.” 😭
“half this street thinks your missus must be messing about with mr haverstock, the butcher. but she’s not, is she? you are.” SCREAMING
“i sent it to its room. this is its room.”
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that’s fucking terrifying
“the first day i met him, he blew my job up. that’s practically how he communicates.” pls
“okay, so he’s vanished into thin air. why is it always the great- looking ones who do that?” “i’m making an effort to not be insulted.” “i mean…men.” “okay, thanks, that really helped.” fkfhhgdj
i hate jack for interrupting their dance. IT WAS JUST GETTING GOOD.
“carry on with whatever you were…doing.” “we were talking about dancing.” “it didn’t look like talking.” “didn’t feel like dancing.” 😭
these episodes are so fucking creepy but they’re definitely the best of the season
oh my God, he’s her son
i can’t wait for mickey’s reaction to jack
“trust me, safest place in the universe.” famous last words
i hope the doctor doesn’t trust her
poor mickey
“it’s always the doctor, it’s never me.” buddy you should’ve known you weren’t first choice when she left you in the beginning
she’s an egg 😭
i almost don’t want to press play.
lmao, what the hell
it always comes back to floor 500
oh shit, the doctor cause all of that?
rose can’t be dead
i can’t believe the daleks actually survived
i’m not ready to say goodbye to nine
rose is getting a taste of her own medicine with the doctor and lynda djfjgjs
i can feel my heart breaking
who the fuck is bad wolf if it isn’t the daleks???
mickey’s really getting on my nerves this ep
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“there’s nothing left for me here.” ‘nothing?” “no.” she’s RUTHLESS 😭 but honestly he shouldn’t be surprised at this point
“i am the bad wolf.” BITCH???? WHAT????
i got my kiss but at what cost
all i feel is pain
that’s it??? how am i ever going to move on from eccleston? how the hell are you guys strong enough do this every season? cause i’ll tell you how i’m doing: not well, bitch!!
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Nivi, bestie – first of all, an update exactly a week later? I’m so proud and we’re so spoiled! It was the best thing to wake up to this morning (my morning 😅) so thank you for that!
Starting off strong with Stephie throwing Colleen under the bus when she didn’t even do anything wrong but be boring LMAO, I love this kid so much.
Azzi realising that her kid is also not immune to the Paige Bueckers charm, like mother like daughter.
I know Thalia’s so done with Paige lol, like she out there just doing her job and doing it well, and yet she’s stuck with her dumbass client (affectionate) whose personal life is perhaps just a little too complicated.
That one-year contract boutta create a fountain of angst huh?
Not Stephie hitting the gym and lifting them weights! A fictional 5-yr old is putting me to shame, you hate to see it 😩
But oh my god, it’s crazy how much she loves P already and vice versa. Although, at this point, I’m just as attached to Stephie as Paige is, blondie’s not special 😒
“I missed you,” Stephie confesses, “did you miss me?” – Like this??? I can’t handle their cuteness omg.
And our first Pazzi + Stephie scenes – PERFECTION.
What would we do without kids and their lack of filter? Stephie is gonna bring these two idiots back together, brick by brick, revelation by revelation, and one innocent, inquisitive question at a time.
I cackled at Paige being insecure of what Stephie might think about her ice cream order lmao, like girl stand up! And then finding out they both have the same favourite flavour? Yep, that’s it, Paige you ARE the other parent!
“So do you wanna be a boring old tree or do you wanna be a big, strong Husky who bleeds blue?” – Um, this is leading the witness, your honour! But like a very valid point was made cause who does wanna be a boring old tree?
OK well if y’all still think that the other is the prettiest, most beautiful of them all, well then now KISS.
A Tim and Paige interaction – we CHEERED (and cried a lil)! And baby Stephie and P! Not Tim just handing Stephie over and leaving them, he’s prolly like “well shit, this really should be your baby too anyway” 😭
Now this last bit, Nivi, imma just live in denial for a little while longer okay? Cause it was a diamond ring! I didn’t hear or read anything about a wedding band. And no, I will choose to ignore this person being called “wife”. Cause I’m not ready to accept the fact that P might have been married to anyone else other than Azzi! 😤
But then the revelation of Azzi saying no to marrying P? That was the real dagger 💔
What’s next?
Imma sound like a broken record and I’ll keep saying it but scenes with Stephie are just too precious. I LIVE for them and will continue to do so.
I can’t wait for when she finally gets to cheer for her two favourite players courtside. OH and imagine during a post-game presser with Azzi and Paige, and Azzi brings Stephie along and she immediately goes to sit on P’s lap instead of Azzi’s and they’re both just in their own little world while Azzi tries to actually answer the questions, and everyone in the media plus the public is absolutely eating. it. up.
Speaking of Stephie and P though, “And Paige would never willingly hurt Stephie…but that doesn’t mean that she wouldn’t break her heart any way.” Is this foreshadowing that I see here, Nivi? You’re already gonna make me suffer through potential Drew and Azzi angst and now we might have to go through Stephie and Paige angst too at some point??
On top of that, I just know the flashback to Azzi turning down marriage with P or however that played out is gonna be heartbreaking AF. It’s all just gonna be too much for my fragile little heart to handle (but I’m secretly gonna love all of it cause you know how much I love my angst).
The happy ending will make it all ok though. Side note: I’m getting too much ‘the 1’ undertones, and that makes me stress a lil, but I know you wouldn’t do that to us 😌
Oh and I guess we’re gonna find out more about the “wife” eventually… (Nivi: It’s- Us: For the plot 😭)
MOST IMPORTANTLY, I just thought about the moment Paige has to spell something in front of Stephie, pray for her 🙏
And lastly, these lyric/song choices, Nivi! You’re really taking us back huh. My favourite nostalgic writer for a reason.
Favourite line/quote:
Azzi has always been the brightest star, at least in Paige’s galaxy, and she can’t help but let the next words slip through her lips, “she still is.”
As always, thank you for sharing your talents, we don’t deserve you 🥹💗 Enjoy the rest of your week, bestie, catch you soon!
BESTIEEEE! Can you believe I actually did that lmao? But yeah I would not get used to daily Monday updates because we all know me and procrastination.
#FreeColleen cause not only does this poor woman have to deal with Paige and Azzi's bullshit for the second time, she's also being unfair antagonized by a five-year old
Thalia and Colleen are gonna needa go out for drinks at some point with the way their clients are behaving
I love how everyone caught the foreshadowing with the one-year contract tee hee <3
Paige and Stephie are the definition of it's not blood that makes a bond and I adore writing the two of them together
LMAO sorry for the shade Stanford but unfortunately this is a #BleedBlue household for life and it just felt very true to Paige
AH I'm glad you liked the Tim and Paige interaction cause I know that was one of your ideas and it felt right to add it in. He looked at Paige was like "wait a minute why am I taking care of *your* child" and just dipped fr
TRUST ME! It will all make sense eventually!
There will definitely be more Stephie like I doubt we'll ever have a completely Stephie-less chapter
THAT'S SO CUTE OH MY GOD. We have a little bit of a while before we get into the season but I'm totally stealing that cause I love watching press conferences with kids.
Well if she hurts Stephie's Mama...
I'm so excited to write that flashback, y'all don't even know like I actually do have a little bit of that planned out and mayhaps there's more to it than just marriage...guess you'll find out!
LMAO I've got y'all scared with all my "the 1" references. I was gonna use it as lyrics but I figure y'all might actually lose it before you read it if I did that.
AHAHAHA poor Paige is gonna learn to spell just for Stephie
Lowkey been listen to my Nostalgia playlist while writing because honestly the single parent x ex trope feels very rooted in that era so a lot of the lyrics probably will me from around that time.
As always thank you for making me smile by paying my inbox a vist. It's always a good day when I check and you're here <3
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Cradle To Grave: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: Your experience in prison isn't what you thought it would be. You're feeling everything and you don't know if you'll be okay when you finally come out of it. Meanwhile, the team notices a change in Spencer as he tries his best not to miss you too much.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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Emily has noticed a shift in Spencer ever since you got arrested, and it hasn't been a good one. He's more distant, has hollow eyes from the lack of sleep, and he's not as interested in the job. He does what he can to help the team but he'd do better if you were by his side again. She feels so bad for him knowing he's crazy in love with you. It's not fair how you're sitting in a jail cell for something you didn't do while the rest of them do their jobs without helping you. She hates it.
Spencer reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet where there is a picture of you two taken in a photo booth. He has two while you have the other two in your wallet. The first picture is you two laughing at something he said right before the picture was taken. The second one is you sitting on his lap looking at him while he looks down at you with a loving smile on his face. This isn't fucking fair. Before he knows it, a tear drips down onto the worn leather of his wallet.
"I know we all sound like broken records, but she is going to be okay," Emily says.
"They're not doing anything to help her, Emily." Spencer sighs shakily. "We shouldn't be working this case. We should be working on hers. I don't care what Strauss says."
"I agree with you. Maybe we can work on it but it's gonna have to be in secret. After this case."
"Yeah. Okay," Spencer agrees.
Emily walks closer to the spot where Kristie was found and looks around the area.
"So, there are no tire tracks. The body wasn't dumped that far from the road. This guy doesn't care about them, not enough to even hide them very well."
"That's why this doesn't make any sense. Dump sites reveal something about the unsub. At the very least, a geographic familiarity, a place he knows he won't get caught."
"He knows this road, except he abducted Kristie in Farmington and dumped her in Rio Rancho. It's a hundred-and-seventy-five-mile drive. Why drive that far just to dump a body on the side of the road?" Emily asks.
"A forensic countermeasure? Covering his tracks by sheer distance?"
"The geographical profile won't do us much good."
"No, it will, just not with the victims. We profiled that it's the babies that he's interested in. That's where he'll reveal himself. Through the adoption company he sells through, and whatever network of resources he uses. He makes shortcuts there for convenience. No one's gonna drive a hundred miles for diapers or for a public notary for legal paperwork. If the babies are in the system, they'll lead us to him."
Spencer's mind returns to you once he and Emily leave the dump site. This is only your first week in prison and you already want to die. Everyone around you has done something bad, so bad that you can feel their guilt, their anger, and their sadness all rolled into one as if it's your own. You're trying really hard not to break down crying right now. If you're seen as weak, then your time here isn't going to be very fun. Still, your hand trembles, and your breathing shakes.
Lunch time comes quicker than you think which is something you've been dreading. You feel like you're back in high school with the way there are already cliques sitting together. The mean ones who don't take shit sit in one corner, the loners who keep their heads down are in another, and two types of gangs hang out separately. The feeling of not knowing where to sit is still present as if this is your first day. You've been lucky and have had a table or section to yourself but not today. Almost every table is full of women scarfing down food as if they hadn't eaten in months.
The panic must be evident on your face because someone calls out your name from the right. You turn to see one of your cellmates waving you over to her. She's the one who you got the friendliest vibe from when you first arrived. You quickly rush across the cafeteria over to her and take a seat across from her.
"I'm surprised you know my name," you say and stick your fork into the mystery meat they've served.
"I heard some guards talking about you. You're fresh meat. Everyone knows you're here."
"That doesn't make me feel better."
"I'm Ashley. I've been here long enough to know you need friends in your corner, and you seem nice enough. You're not gonna kill me in my sleep, are you?"
"No," you chuckle. "Whatever you heard about me isn't true. I shouldn't even be here."
"What do you mean?" You look up at her and her eyes widen in realization. "I'm sorry. That's none of my business."
"No, it's okay. I was framed for something I didn't do. Someone wants me in here suffering for what they did. I can't get into the details of my case since it's open right now, but I've never harmed someone much less killed them. I guess I have to hold my head high and keep moving on."
"I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. Do you mind me asking what you did before coming here?"
You look around the cafeteria and lower your voice a few octaves so others don't hear you. There is something about Ashley that tells you she can be trusted.
"I'm an FBI agent." You return your voice back to normal. "I help people. I bring justice to those who deserve it. I put away the bad guys and bring peace to families. This isn't me. This," you gesture to the prison, "isn't me."
"Yeah, I know something about that," she sighs.
"What do you mean? What's your story, if you don't mind me asking."
"I was a babysitter for the longest time. I love kids. I love being around kids. I accepted this job as a babysitter for what I assumed was this nice older couple, Roger and Anita Roycewood. They had young kids, so I figured they were either adopted or grandkids. Either way, I was eager to start. I thought everything was going well until the husband was paying more attention to me than his own wife. I never pictured myself as a homewrecker and immediately put a stop to it. I wanted to leave but I needed the money. 
"When his wife found out he's made multiple passes at me, she got pissed. So pissed that it scared me. She was throwing things and breaking things so I fled to the basement. He was guarding the door, and I didn't want to think what would happen if I tried to leave that way. I saw the children down there in locked rooms. I immediately called the police, but the couple managed to convince them it was me who did this, that I came into their lives, took control over them, and locked their kids down there.
"I was sent here with no chance of parole. It's been a couple of years, and even though I'm on good behavior, they won't reconsider my sentence."
"Ashley, I am going to get us out of here. My team is the best in the business, and I know they will help us both get out."
"I lost hope a long time ago," she whispers.
"I'll have it for the both of us. I promise."
She gives you a small smile but there is no hope behind it. She thinks she's stuck in here, but you're going to prove to her that people like you two deserve second chances. Meanwhile, JJ and Rossi talk with CPS back at the police station. One agent was more than happy to come down and spill the tea, as you like to say.
"Child trafficking is huge in other countries, but it's mostly a myth here."
"Why is that?"
"There's an easier and legal path to take--adoption."
"There'd be a paper trail, though, wouldn't there?" JJ asks.
"Not always. There are ways to hide your tracks."
"There must be a way to identify all these kids."
"There is a court record for every adoption."
"Give us the records. We'll start weeding them out by date," Rossi says.
"The adoptions in this state are closed. The files are sealed. It'll take time."
"That's a luxury we don't have. There's a child at risk right now," JJ urges.
"All children who go in and out of the adoption system get basic genetic screenings for pre-existing conditions. We have their DNA."
"We can use that," JJ says to Rossi. "We can match the maternal DNA with the babies in the system."
"You're still talking hundreds of kids, if not more," the CPS agent warns.
"What if we give you one of the babies' DNA?" Rossi asks.
"That would make it go faster, yeah."
JJ is confused about how to get the baby's DNA if there is no baby to test, but Rossi immediately explains.
"He kills these moms so soon after they give birth so that secondary DNA could still be on their bodies. Maybe even an umbilical cord."
"I'll call the ME and have Morgan go down there." 
JJ steps off to the side and calls the ME to prepare for testing. There have been three victims to surface from this unsub, and the two most recent ones didn't have any DNA on them. The only one who might have it is the first victim, Monica. She is already buried, so she calls Monica's parents to ask permission to dig her back up. It takes them twenty minutes to come down to the station so she can ask in person rather than over the phone.
"Agent Jareau?" She turns to see an older couple walk through the doors. "I'm Conrad Winmar. This is my wife, Jane."
"Thank you for coming in. Why don't we talk privately?" JJ takes them to an empty office and explains to them what is going on. "I know it's hard to hear, but we need to examine Monica."
"You want to dig up our daughter?" Conrad stutters.
"We think the unsub might have left DNA on her. The last two victims didn't have any, but because Monica was the first, he might have made a mistake."
"Back when they found her, the detectives said they didn't find his DNA."
"It's not his DNA we're looking for. We suspect your daughter gave birth while she was captive."
"What?" Conrad whispers.
"The unsub has gotten all of his victims pregnant. He might be putting the babies in the adoption system."
"The baby is alive?" Jane asks.
"Possibly. If we can find placental tissue on Monica, we can test the DNA against the state's records."
"Give us the release forms," Jane sniffles and holds out her hand.
JJ does as she's told, and both parents sign the papers as fast as they can. If their grandchild is alive out there, then they want to find him or her as fast as possible. Once it's signed and filed, Derek goes to the ME's office where Monica's body is currently. The ME thought she was just another girl on the street, not caring what she did to herself, that he never thought to check for the umbilical cord still inside her. The child should be about four now, and Derek takes the umbilical cord to get tested for DNA.
Once he's done, he heads back to the police station where Penelope is on the line talking to the rest of the team.
"Okay, know this, most adoption folks are the nicest, most dedicated people in the world. There are, however, one or two skeezy ones."
"How skeevy?" Spencer asks.
"Super skeezy. I've got a spreadsheet from one of them expecting compensation for the baby I'm having."
"Something you want to tell me, Garcia?" Derek asks.
"Oh, that's the sad part, my Prince. The genetically perfect offspring of Penelope Garcia and Derek Morgan wouldn't fetch top dollar. White babies are in higher demand than minorities. Boys are more popular than girls, at least this year, anyway. Then there's the Swedish supermodel rule."
"The what?" Emily asks.
"If I were to deliver a blond-haired, blue-eyed bundle of joy, I'd be set for life. I would."
"Garcia, did the baby's DNA turn up in New Mexico's adoption records?" Hotch wonders.
"No, there are no hits on her profile. It's a her, by the way."
"This unsub could still be selling babies, just not through the system. That's gonna make him a lot harder to catch. Alright, it's late. Let's get some rest. We'll hit this fresh in the morning."
"Garcia out."
As the team is packing up to go back to the hotel, Hotch stops Derek and pulls him off to the side.
"Morgan. I'd like for you to write up a preliminary profile."
"We don't have enough for that."
"That's why it's preliminary. A work-in-progress profile helps show us what we're missing."
"Okay, sure," Derek nods.
Derek leaves with the team, leaving Hotch and Rossi alone.
"How are you holding up?" Rossi asks.
"We just wasted a day looking into a black market that probably doesn't exist."
"That's not what I mean. I've heard whispers. You're getting some heat."
"It's this whole Y/N thing. It's all coming back to me. I'm handling it, though."
"I have no doubt that you are. So, do you think we have a tunnel vision problem?"
"I think we'd like to believe that we could save those kids, but look what he does to the mothers. That's a lot of anger. He's probably doing the same thing to the children. His own children," Hotch scoffs.
"Maybe. Garcia said something interesting. Blond-haired, blue-eyed babies get top dollar in the adoption system. All the mothers have blond hair and blue eyes. We can start there in the morning."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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room-surprise · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi Anime Review, Season 2, Episode 17 review
OH GOD OKAY here we go...
Once again, I am a broken record: good episode!
My two major complaints: The bit where Laios and Kabru stand around talking next to an off-screen, roaring, screaming monster seemed kind of silly in animation. In a comic it works, but they really should have animated them walking or stumbling away while delivering those lines, having them just stand there until the monster attacks them again is really goofy.
ALSO, something Trigger keeps doing that I am NOT a fan of, is throwing animated speed-line backgrounds behind characters when they're reacting to something. Sometimes these were in the original manga, other times they are NOT... and they break the immersion of the anime completely IMO.
The coloring in DM is so moody and wonderful, the aesthetic is generally grounded, so when suddenly the background is bright blue or lime green or pink and strobing, it's VERY jarring... and the joke DOES NOT NEED these effects in order to be funny! In fact I think it leeches some of the humor out of the jokes. Imagine if every time someone had a strong emotion in a classic Disney movie you'd get this:
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This type of sudden background color change, strobing and speed lines are artifacts of older, cheaper anime, tricks that used to be done to hide the lack of budget, as a way to make a quick joke. It's now used as a shorthand to tell people a joke is happening.
But Trigger doesn't NEED to use these tricks, they're using them because "that's how you make sure the audience knows a joke is happening", but the jokes in Dungeon Meshi are so well written, you don't need to cue us with a visual laugh-track, Trigger!!!! ESPECIALLY when Kui didn't do it in the manga!!!
They've done it in other episodes, but I felt like they were particularly noticeable and bad in this one. Makes me sad because I feel it's dragging the anime down from the genuine peak of artistry that it's otherwise achieving.
As always, animation is fantastic. The stuff with chimera falin is obviously top notch, brutal and fast and amazing... But I also have to say that the Toshiro and Laios argument was animated INCREDIBLY well, with a lot of loving detail given to what is, ostensibly, just talking, something Trigger normally hates to animate.... But they put movie-quality work into that argument and it really paid off.
Honestly can't think of much to complain about. It's a solid adaptation of this part of the story, one of the biggest, coolest action sequences that we've all been waiting for.
Vocal performances were all great in both English and Japanese. Kabru's English voice actor did a great job, despite my misgivings about him in previous episodes. I hope he continues to improve.
A dub script change had Kabru think "He's excited" about Laios instead of "his pupils are dilated"... This isn't a terrible change, but a bit baffling. Saying his pupils are dilated tells viewers HOW Kabru knows Laios is excited, and indicates that he is using some kind of scientific criteria to measure it, it makes him sound smarter and more detached from what he's doing. Just saying "he's excited" doesn't tell us how Kabru knows... and it's a thought, not dialog, so it's weird for them to change it in the script, since there's no need to match mouth-flaps.
The sequence where Kabru strips off all his armor and does a surprise attack on Falin is still fantastic in this, though I am a little bit sad that they didn't find any ways to add any extra emphasis for it - in the manga it's drawn out a bit, to the point where you might miss what was happening on your first read... I think the amount of shots we got in the anime was the same as in the manga, but somehow it felt less impactful to me. Maybe pacing?
At any rate, it was an incredibly solid episode.
I already liked Toshiro, but seeing this part of the manga animated really made me like him more, I hadn't realized in the past just how damn romantic the twin bells thing was, but damn. Toshiro really has forgiven Laios by the time they part ways here, it's easy to forget that since Toshiro very much takes a back seat after this.
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
For Better, For Worse: Vostanik Sabatino x Reader
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Tagging: @thiashazzywriting @words-and-seeds @kmc1989
Mentions of 3+1: Sassy
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It’s your sister Sassy that fucks everything up.
That and the hashtags #SabatinoWedding, #MrsVostanikSabatino #Mysisterswedding
Both you and Nik make a point of not being on social media. It’s too dangerous with your line of work, especially with Nik’s history in the CIA. Working with Nell and Eric has given you insight into how easy it can be to infiltrate people’s lives through those platforms and the both of you have fucked up a lot of shit for a lot of bad people.
Throughout the duration of your relationship, you have expressed the importance of this upon your sister. You’ve never told Sassy that Nik used to be CIA, as far as she’s concerned, he’s worked private security abroad for the few couple of years before he took a job with the US Mashall’s office.
Pictures of yourself are fine, you tell her, but none of us.
The issue is she’s a self-absorbed Valley Girl.
You don’t realise she’s completely ignored you until it becomes a problem.
The problem being you come home to find your house trashed and your husband beating the shit of out of a man whose broken in with the intention of murdering you both. Your gun is already in your hand when you see the second man coming for Nik with a combat knife in his hand. You don’t hesitate to pull the trigger. Three shots centre mass and the son of bitch collapses before he even lays a hand on your man.
Nik flinches at the sound, his head wheeling towards you as blood streams down the left side of his face from a cut in his hair line. There’s a bruise already blossoming along his jaw. You shove down the rage that courses through your body as you help him to subdue the one that’s still living.
“They were waiting for me when I got home.” He tells you as he sits on the floor with his back against the wall, his elbows resting on his knees. He uses the back of his hand to wipe the blood from his forehead before it can drip into his eyes. “They moved like they were military."
You kneel down in front of him, a warm, damp cloth in your hand. You tip his chin up so that you can study his features and he closes his eyes as you gently clean away the crimson streaks that cover his skin.
“I don’t understand how this happened.” He murmurs, his voice a little raspy. You can see black bruising already forming across his throat, evidence of a chokehold. “We’re both so careful.”
“We’ll figure it out.” You say softly, your fingertips ghosting across his cheek. “I promise you we will.”
There’s silence in the Ops Centre as the two of you stand before the huge wall length screen, reviewing your sister’s Instagram account: SuddenlySassy. You’ve never laid eyes on it before; you’ve never needed to. What you’re seeing right now fills you with a sense of fury because Sassy did not listen to a word you said.
Despite your request there’s pictures of both you and Nik from the wedding all over her feed, the venue tagged. There’s even a video of your first dance to Vance Joy’s ‘Fire and the Flood’ posted up in her Reels for the entire world to see.
This is how they found you, you realise, through your sister’s social media.
When Deeks calls, he finds the venue was broken into earlier in the week, the only thing taken were the records pertaining to wedding billings, your address would have been in that documentation.
Beside you Nik clears his throat as he crosses his arms over his chest. You don’t even have to look at him to know that his jaw is clenched and his lips pursed together. He has a fraught relationship with Sassy at the best of times, he’s lost track of how much he’s had to bite his tongue because despite the fact he hates her, he respects you.
“My sister almost killed you.” You find yourself whispering as you lean back against the desk.
It horrifies you how close you’d come to losing the man you love because of your sister’s inability to actually do as she’s told.
Nik says nothing. He’s always known how selfish Sassy is, but she’s the only family you have left, and he knows how important she is to you. You ask Nell to delete the Instagram account, not just the posts about the two of you but the whole thing. It’s then he realises you’re finally at the end of your tether.
He loses track of you for a while after that, he’s chasing down the guys who hired the hit with Deeks while you handle things back in Ops. When you get to the safe house that night, he busies himself unpacking his things while you sit down on the bed, your hands pressed between your knees. This whole thing has taken a toll on you.
Nik’s already planning the next steps because he knows you’re not in the right mindset to even consider anything beyond this moment. The two of you are going to have to move, change up your routines because there’s no telling if your information was sold on the open market. Nik’s already started looking at listings.
When he turns to face you, he can see you’re exhausted and overwrought. It’s in the quiet moments at the end of the mission that it all comes crashing down on you, the emotions you’ve been supressing they rush to the surface because the adrenaline fades and you’re forced to confront the reality of what happened.
“We won’t be seeing Sassy for a while.” You say quietly as he sits down alongside of you.
“I would never ask you to do that.” He says he takes your hand in his. His thumb chases over your wedding ring and he remembers that moment he looked into your eyes as he placed it on your finger. For better or for worse he had promised you, and that included Sassy. “I know how much she means to you.”
“Nik.” You say softly, tilting your head towards him. “When I told her what happened today, she was more concerned about her social media accounts than the fact she’s blown up our entire life. She refused to acknowledge she did anything wrong and I know she’d do it again in a heartbeat if she thought it would get her more attention. I can’t take that risk, you’re too important to me.”
He hears your voice break just a little and he knows that it’s hard. Your sister is the only biological family you had felt, he can’t imagine how tough it must be to make a decision this, but the thing is he agrees with it because the life you’re building it’s going to require more stability in the future. You can’t take the risk of something like this happening again, especially not with a kid in the mix. The two of you have been talking about it a lot recently. He thinks it’ll happen in the next couple of years.
“The thing that terrified me today was thinking about what would have happened if you got home before I did.” He finds himself telling you, his voice raw with emotion.
He’s gone over the scenario a thousand times in his head and the images, they haunt him. You’re both highly trained but the guys who came after him today were too. He knows when he gets in the shower later, his body is going to be riddled with bruises, he can already feel the stiffness setting in as he sits beside you.
“I keep thinking of the next time, what if I’m pregnant, what if we have kids…” You trail off squeezing his hand tightly. “That’s why I have to do this. I have to protect our family, the one we have now and the one we’ll have in the future.”
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Muzzling ghouls headcanon
Headcanon referring to an upcoming chapter (6/7) of the fanfiction I'm currently working on [HUITS]. The headcanon is right under the explaination
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The first image shows the 'metal muzzle,' which is a leather muzzle featuring a medium-sized metal ring placed at mouth level, connected to a chain that links the first ring to a second one positioned under the chin. This way, when the ghoul holds the piece of metal between their teeth, the person handling them has the option to clamp their jaw shut by securing one of the chain ring to the leather fastening, making it impossible for the ghoul to open and close their mouth or, in simple terms, speak. (ft. Rain)
The second image depicts the 'silicone muzzle,' which features a much wider and slightly flatter disc that needs to be gently bent between the fingers to be properly inserted and removed. When pressure is released on the ends, it returns to its original shape, completely filling the ghoul's bite, so they can't spit it out or remove it themselves. Additionally, it has a second safety strap that fastens just behind the neck for added security. (ft. Dewdrop)
Sodo (Dewdrop):
"oh no! The muzzle!...that sounds kinky"
He huffs as soon as he sees the muzzle, he gets goosebumps, but he tries to cover the anxiety with a cocky, smug mask.
He's not one to make a scene, but he can't stop emitting a constant stifled growl as soon as the confident mask falls off
He finds it humiliating to be treated like an animal, but even more humiliating is wriggling like a cat at the vet's.
He hates it to death. They never put the one with the metal disc on him because he makes his teeth grind against it making everyone's skin crawl.
He remains in a bad mood for hours or even days after thay take it off, responding rudely to anyone who talks to him. He perceives it as a personal attack.
"Oh c'mon, sister. I’m not a wild animal."
The agreement with the water ghoul is that it's always the same person who touches him.
The sisters adore him; whenever they can, they give him a little scratch on the back or simply sit beside him, since he's the most docile one.
In return, he is extremely shy and perceives that contact as a stressful situation.
He doesn't fight against it; he's very cooperative instead, not that he likes it, but he knows there are no other options, so he might as well not prolong the torture.
He knows that no one is targetting him, but that the sisters are just doing their job.
When they take it off him, he drools a lot, but he doesn't mind it too much.
He usually keep staying with sisters or/and asking them if they need help with anything.
Everyone thought Sodo was the worst one to muzzle, but then Phantom arrived.
It's not entirely his fault; he barely holds back a panic attack every time.
Since he's new, it often happens that he gets contained to meet Sister Imperator.
"But... but I don't even bite or fight..."
The sisters often use incense to knock him off calm him down, although more than once it was necessary to inject him with a sedative.
He's always handled by the same sister, like Rain, but simply because there are very few sisters who have the heart to forcefully lift his head when he curls up with his arms wrapped around his stomach and short breaths.
Or that, in case of an adrenaline rush, have the energy and patience to fight him.
Because of the sedatives, he always drools a lot and can barely stand.
"Whoa... what's this for? Can't you let me do something funny before Copia catches me?"
Holds the record for the most broken muzzles.
With the ones with metal disk, he uses the chain to stim, making constant noise.
While with the silicone disk ones, he chews them until they crumble, always waiting not to be looked at before spitting the pieces on another ghoul or into a plant.
The other member of the "incense club".
As soon as the sisters start to contain him, he has a constant series of tics, which often makes the operation difficult and quite dangerous, so incense is used to avoid accidents.
"Ohhh, the sisters got the catnip," he usually jokes when he smells the incense.
He finds the muzzle almost amusing since wearing it he can easily scare those who don't know him, preteding to be aggressive and blood thirsty.
When they take it off him, he spends the following hours laughing and telling stories about all the staff members and the ministry workers who will spend the nights having nightmares.
"Oh? Has something happened, my dear?"
The crowd favorite, along with Rain.
He has no problem with the muzzle; he knows it's a standard containment procedure and accepts it as it is.
Occasionally, the sisters ask for his help in containing others before getting to him, and he's always happy to help, especially when it comes to more difficult members.
If he sees that an inexperienced sister has to contain him, he tries to help her as much as he can, and if the muzzle falls off or she puts it on too loosely, he tries to reassure her in every way.
The ghoul who is constantly being taken around. An interview? They take Aether. An award? Aether. Even just for a routine trip, they'll choose him, since he's so calm that one sister is enough to handle him.
When they take the muzzle of off him, he doesn't pay much attention to saliva dripping or minor incidents. He doesn't find it a problem; in fact, he often laughs about it, easing the tension for others too.
"Why do I need a muzzle? Do I bite?"
Nervous. He plays with his fingers and picks at his cuticles like crazy, but he tries to be as good as possible.
He hates making the sisters' job difficult, but he can't help but let out agonizing sounds as soon as the leather touches his face.
It's always tight. And he feels like he has dough in his mouth. And saliva accumulates at the corners of his mouth, causing itching. And the metal ring under his chin is always crooked, so he has to rub it against his shoulder to straighten it.
He finds it a completely unnecessary procedure since they block their teeth and claws, but if they wanted to attack someone, they could easily use their own element.
And the fact that this doesn't happen indicates that it's not really necessary muzzle the ghouls.
When they take it off him, he's always so overstimulated that he hides somewhere alone to rest.
He feels a bit resentful towards the sisters who insist so much on saying that they don't like it either, but they never oppose to that humiliating procedure.
"I need to be sedated like an animal?"
Just a few kind words are enough to completely change his attitude.
The sisters scratch his ears, chin, and horns before containing him, and in response, he rubs his head against their shoulders and hands, making it difficult but enjoyable for them.
He hates being contained, but he visibly tries so hard not to cause problems, that the sisters themselves stay as close to him as possible to calm him down.
After not too long in that situation, he dissociates, which is why he's one of those who require more attention to be moved or taken around.
He's used a lot when there's a need for a very dramatic appearance or when the ghouls need to look menacing, given how big he is and the fact that at least two staff members are needed.
From an outsider's perspective, they think he's a terrifying ghoul, one who not only needs his mouth clamped shut and his wrists tied but even requires an entire team of four people to be moved with complete safety. In reality, the staff is there to prevent him from getting lost or stumbling while he's dissociated.
When they remove the muzzle from him, he always remains absent for a while. He doesn't feel resentment or blame the sisters; he simply finds it deeply embarassing, needing some good aftercare.
"Can I have a sugar packet first?"
She doesn't say it out loud because she feels that the rest of the pack is always tense when it comes to being muzzled, but she actually likes it.
She often has trouble hearing what people are saying because she gets distracted, or simply doesn't know how to respond, and when they contain her, she has an excuse not to answer without risking someone thinking she's stupid.
Plus, the ring placed between her teeth, whether it's silicone or metal, allows her to indulge her oral fixation, which calms her down quite a bit.
More than once, she has asked the sisters if they could wet the ring and cover it with sugar or something sweet before containing her.
The sisters were initially puzzled but accepted it gladly since she's neither agitated nor shy, recommending not to tell anyone.
When the muzzle is removed from her, for a while she makes faces as if she's trying to crack her jaw before immediately resuming nibbling her nails, lips, and/or cuticles, feeling the need to use her mouth again.
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phychohex · 2 months
The Lost Boys Poly x female reader Lemon
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I look at myself in the mirror. I finally convinced the boys to let me go out on my own. Little did they know it was to meet someone. The only reason I stayed in this shit-hole cave was because I failed at killing them. My whole life revolved around hunting vampires and creatures who haunt the night. I went on my own that night my father had pissed me off telling me I wasn't ready to go and hunt alone. He was right. That night still plays through my mind like a broken record. 
"don't you go out that fucking door" he shouts. "You will get yourself killed" I turn anger pouring through my veins. 
"I can handle myself, we have been on so many hunts and I am always saving your ass" I storm around the room gathering my things. 
" Y/N if you walk out that door I will not come after you" I look at him willing to take him up on his offer. I open the door and I look back at him. He wasn't lying, if I do this then he won't save me. That's what I wanted. I wanted to either prove myself or die because I couldn't take this fucked up life anymore. So I went; when I got to the cave it was bright out but I had to hurry if I wanted this to go right. I shine my flashlight at them. They all hang upside down asleep. They had mullets and leather jackets all frozen at the age they turned. All of them seemed young, probably not much older than me. I grab my squirt gun filled with holy water, ground-up garlic, and spray. They woke up as one fell screaming in agonizing pain. I spray again hitting another they were pissed. 
Their eyes were bright yellow showing their real faces and it was terrifying. I step back holding the squirt gun up higher. "stay the fuck back" I shout. "or I will shoot" my voice trembles. The one who I assumed to be the leader laughed darkly.
"what are you going to do huh, shoot us again" he lunges forward and I shoot him right in the eyes. 
"I said stay back" The tallest goes to the aid of the leader and looks up hissing. I didn't think this far. I had to grab the gun out of my bag. the real gun with holy bullets that would kill them but I would be too vulnerable to do it. I am now facing four vampires who are now very pissed off and I am running out of holy juice. They are all slowly recovering almost at full health and can fuck me up if they jump me. I shake my head, he was right. I'm going to die, the second reason I was here peeks its way through. I take a shakey breath. "kill me" I mutter "Just please make it quick" They all seemed shocked. The smallest who seemed more than willing to do so is stoped by the leader.
"nah that be too easy," he smiles. "you want to die, and if we killed you that be almost a reward for what you've done. instead, you will stay with us, do what we say, and be our slave." It was from that day one that I was their pet. I hated every minute of it, at first. It was always clean up after them. I also have to go out and get them things they want and work a day job so that we can have money. As time went on it started to weigh on me. I sit in the cave wishing they had just fucking done it. I looked at a knife that was lying on a table. They haven't eaten yet tonight so I just acted with no thought. I cut my arm and I look over at them. They looked over the smell of blood filling their nose. They turned into their true forms and they looked horrified. Marko rushes to me holding my arm. 
"What did you do" he snaps. "are you crazy" he holds me close as Dwayne grabs the first aid kit. Paul helps him trying to locate it. David walks over holding my arm. He looks me in the eyes hurt laced in them. 
"what the hell were you thinking" he snaps. I start to cry and Marko pulls me closer. Paul sits with the first aid kit handing the bandages to David. "what did you think this would accomplish huh" he shakes his head "It won't stop bleeding" He sounded panicked. He brings my arm up and starts to suck on my wound and it hurt. I tried pulling away but it was no use his grip was too strong. He passes it to Paul and he starts as well. I sob as Marko starts trying to calm me down. 
"it's okay we are doing this for the connection" he grabs my arm "I'm sorry" he starts to drink as well before passing it over to Dwayne. I feel myself starting to get dizzy. I fainted but when I came to I was in a comfy bed the sheets were brand new. Pink silk sheets and pillows with a big comforter. they had got them for me and later explained that by drinking my blood they could better tell what I was feeling and if I was in danger. I never understood why they gave a shit. From that point on they just became protective over me. They also tried to make my workload lighter by cleaning after themselves and even doing some of my chores. Life was getting easier and I started bonding with all of them. 
Marko always takes me to the fair a lot. He was the one to show me around the boardwalk and the joys of it. He would take me to the pet store and we would play with animals all the time. He told me how he got with the boys and that he was mostly used to lure victims. How he goes both ways and they used it to their advantage. How David kinda pimps him out. I would tell him that I was often used as bait during hunts. We would spend hours talking over how it made us feel and how he didn't mind but he knew where I came from being used as bait wasn't the best. 
Paul was the one who knew to make me blush. He was constantly flirting with me. He always made me blush in some way or the other. It got to the point where I was at the bar and was being hit on by a guy and I called them and he was the only one to show up the other hunting. I requested to wait for one of the others. He asked why and it clicked for him once the man followed me and started hitting on me hard. He noticed how uncomfortable I was and took me home. we had a long talk; he wanted to know if he made me feel that way. He didn't but how I had never really been hit on or been in a real relationship so I never knew if he was serious or not. As time went on we got closer and I got to see past the fuck boy image he played. Motherfucker was a hopeless romantic. He could be super sweet and he always brought back gifts for me. 
Dwayne and I bond most over music. When I asked if I could pick some music for one he didn't let me. so one day I just did it and lost track of time. when he woke up to me using his boom box to say he was angry was an understatement. I put on some Metalica and he seemed shocked. he said he didn't see me as the type to listen to that kind of thing. We shared music all the time and he started teaching me the guitar. We even went to a fucking concert. He stood between me and a mosh pit. 
David was a bit different though. It took some time for him to open up to me and I won't lie it took me some time as well. He eventually opened up after I isolated again. he could tell better than the others when something was wrong. He came and asked what was going on and even though I tried to play it off he didn't stop. I told him I missed my dad even though he was an asshole. How it has been almost six months and he still hasn't made an effort to find me. I knew he wouldn't but at the same time a part of me wished he would. He listened the most. If I have a problem then I go to him and we will just talk for hours. He also tends to be the most protective. 
I look at the time and I have to hurry. I go out in my car and I meet my date at the restaurant. It started off nice. "hey you must be Y/N" he smiles. My date was tall with a nice pull-back hairstyle and brown hair. He was a college student at the local University and he was sweet. "so you managed to get out of your house" he jokes I told him my roommates were protective like big brothers. "it is kinda crazy though right." he asked 
"yeah, it is." I chuckle. "but they mean well" I smile thinking of all of them. I have grown to care for them and I might be crazy but I love them.
"what's that like though being the only female" he asks 
"Crazy," I joke "the first time I did my makeup they were all up in my face wanting to know what did what. Marko even asked if I could do his. It was fun actually he turned out looking better than I did" 
"that's" he starts trying to find the right words. "is he gay" I shrug.
"what's that" he asks 
"where you like both genders" I smile
"is he the only one" I shake my head the more I thought about it they are all bi.
"no they all are" I shrug "They are pretty cool once you get to know them" I smile. "what about you, how are your roommate," I ask. 
"good none of them swing that way which is a plus" he chuckles I was taken back by the statement but I try to brush it off. "so they date each other or how does that work" I try thinking I have defiantly seen them kissing each other so the thought of them dating wasn't that off. 
"I think so" I nod. 
"you ever join in" I look up shocked. 
"pardon me" 
"Well, one girl in a house with four guys' stuff is bound to happen right." I shake my head "oh, well that's my bad. You ever think of moving out though I mean being around all that must be a bit strange." 
"How so" I try to get him to backtrack and save this thing but it looks like I'm going to be leaving here any second. 
"I mean in a house with a bunch of fags it's crazy" I didn't even think. Before I knew it I was standing up with my glass of water all over his head. I slam the glass down and I walk out angry at myself and him. How can you go out and say that shit to someone? I got to the cave my date was a mega bust. I slam my bag on the table and I see the boys are already awake and looking at me like I was crazy. 
"what the fuck happened," David asks picking up on my sour mood. 
"What a fucking asshole." I shout "he kept asking about you guys and if you were gay. I told him you were bi and that you guys might be dating and he proceeds to talk shit. I don't know why he thought I'd sit there and let him do that. I mean he doesn't even know you guys. He also asked if I've ever joined in and I told him no and he was shocked by that. oh well, four guys and one girl it's bound to happen" I mock. David sits on his throne. 
"you told him we were dating" Paul asks. 
"yeah you and Marko are dating right I've seen you too kiss" I shrug. They all look at each other. "what" 
"the thing is we are all dating. like all of us" Dwayne motions to all of them.
"Like, as a group" I was baffled "You can do that" I started thinking on it more the thought of them all being together actually worked. The thought of them being together and having the same emotions for each other made sense. 
"yeah," David leans forward. My mind raced with thoughts. do they all do it as a group? what if they wanted a girl to join what does that look like? I blush at the thought of the random girl being me. I try to push that thought away quickly knowing they can read minds. I didn't dare to look at any of them. I feel arms wrap around my waste. 
"we can arrange that pet" Paul purs in my ear. I don't look at him. "been waiting a long time for It actually" he barriers his face into my neck leaving small kisses. I look up my eyes meeting David and he was eyeing me like a piece of meat. 
"all you have to do is say yes" he leans back. 
"i-i don't know I've never" I gasp as I feel Paul's hands go under my skirt. I try to keep my composer. Makro comes over and gives me puppy eyes.
"We can be gentle" he gets closer. "we won't hurt you baby promise" I felt myself falling under their spell. If I could stand here and say I haven't thought about having sex with each of them then I'd be lying but I've never thought of having them all at once. It seemed overwhelming like I would be doing too much too fast. Marko cups my face. "we don't have to" Paul pulls away slightly waiting for my consent before doing anything else. I glance over at Dwayne who seemed to be waiting his turn. I nod allowing Marko to pull me into a deep kiss as Paul slides his hands under my dress cupping my breast. he trails soft kisses down my neck and along my shoulder blade. Marko does the same kissing down my body. This allows Dwayne to kiss me taking his place. I am lifted up over his shoulder and tossed onto the bed. Dwayne looming over me before pulling me into a long his. The sound of clothes hitting the floor and the others making their way over could be heard from behind. 
David grabs my wrist and pins them above my head where he is currently kneeling my face meeting his. Dwayne makes his way down tearing my dress off. I began to tremble all of this was happening so fast. I look David in the eyes he could tell I was nervous. "oh don't worry princess, we'll take good care of you." he chuckles eyes turning a deep shade of purple. I felt someone pulling my underwear off. I look to see Dwayne at my entrance slowly kissing from my knee down to my inner thigh. He makes eye contact his eyes the same hue of purple. he slowly licks up my folds causing my breath to be caught in my throat. I arch my back whimpering. He pulls me closer not stopping his movement. I feel the bed dip as Paul lays next to me on my right and forces me to look at him holding my face tight. He pulls me into a kiss as I feel the grip that David had on my wrist loosen. I'm so lost in the kiss and the feeling of Dwyane eating me out that my brain could not comprehend what was going on.
Paul slowly pulls away and guides my hand lower until I am slowly stroking his cock. He lets out a low groan. I tried to make sure I was doing it right and not to mess up. Marko lays next to me on my left and grabs my throat the kinky little shit. "you like that huh" he smiles I whimper as I feel Dwayne take my clit into his mouth. I tried pulling away but he had too tight of a grip. I nod trying to focus on Marko and whatever he said. "keep stroking his cock like a good girl" he smiles "You want to make us feel good don't you" 
I nod frantically. "y-yes" I whimper I hear a dark laugh come from all of them. 
"she's so pathetic isn't she" Paul laughs "We haven't even touched her yet she is already our little slave" I felt embarrassed and unsure. David has me look at him. 
"Ignore any bullshit they say they do this when they get pent up for a long time. We love you and if you need us to stop we will" he knew how I was feeling. "be mindful" he snaps. gets on my stomach I look at him shocked. He grabs my breasts and pushes them together as he slowly starts thrusting between them. I feel Dwayne starting to such on my clit more as his fingers trace my entrance. I moan bucking my hip wanting more. david pulls my hair to where my head is hanging off the bed and he starts to unbuckle his pants. "your going to suck my cock like a good girl aren't you" I nod opening my mouth. He wastes no time thrusting his cock down my throat causing me to gag. I feel so overwhelmed by everything. All of it was almost too much to handle. I feel Dwayne curl his fingers hitting my g spot. I scream out on David's cock which only made it worse. I started having trouble breathing. I stop stocking Paul and I tap his chest in slight panic. 
"let her breathe" he grabs my hand kissing it. David pulls away and I gasp for air. I cry out and I try to react down to Dwayne to get him to give me a break but Marko was still using my chest as his fuck toy. 
"t-to much" I moan I felt my climax building. 
"That's it pet, cum for us" Paul laughs "cum" I couldn't hold back as the waves of pleasure rush over my body. My back arches and I grab at anything to stabilize myself. Marko gets off and I'm flipped on my hands and knees. Paul lays down and helps me as I hover over his cock. I feel Dwayne arms wrap around my body and cup my breasts which are covered in precum. He slowly guides me onto Paul's cock. I gasp trying to compose myself as the feeling of my walls stretching became overwhelming. He lets me sit still giving me time to adjust before bucking his hips upward. I'm pushed forward and our faces are inches from each other. this giving him access to fuck me hard and fast. I try to compose myself. I couldn't help but moan and cry out for more. I feel someone at my other entrance. I turn to see Marko lubing up. 
"w-w-wait " I whimper Paul reaches and spreads my cheeks apart helping. I look up at David who pulls my hair up and has me open my mouth. "I-I don't know if I can take this" I give him a pleading look. 
"you want to stop," he asks and I shake my head. I didn't this was just happening so fast. I feel Marko lined up. David leaned down and kissed me it was like they were all communicating because it muffled my scream as Marko entered. I start shaking as tears peek their way through and Paul stops thrusting. Marko wraps his arms around my waist and circles my clit slowly. The pain starts to die down and he starts to slowly thrust. I felt pleasure take over what once was pain. Paul starts thrusting again and Dwayne walks over taking David's place. I opened my mouth ready for whatever he wanted. He thrust his cock down my throat. I was a mess. From the drool going down my chin to the building up of another climax. My eyes roll to the back of my head as my body trembles as another climax rips through me. David was over on his throne watching as he slowly strokes himself. He liked seeing this; he liked seeing the mess they were making of me. I feel Paul start to lose control his moans getting louder as his hip stutter. I felt him slam into me one last time as his cum spills into me. my eyes widen and I look up at Dwayne who was lost in his own pleasure. both hands gripped my head as he throat fucked me. I feel Paul pull out and move from under me. Marko pulls my hair back forcing me to look at him and pull off of Dwayne who didn't really appreciate that. He gets back into position and thrusts down my throat. I hear a sound that could only be from a vibrator. I was so busy with what was going on and keeping my eye contact that I couldn't tell who was holding it. I feel the vibration hit my clit and I was a mess. I couldn't hold back as I orgasmed. it left me screaming and my head spinning. I couldn't even think properly. 
Marko was about to give in as well. I could tell by the way he was losing his pacing. he pulled out and finished on my back I lose balance and sit on my knees as Dwyane pulled back. he pushes me back and lifts my legs onto his shoulders. I see the one with the vibrator was Paul. I feel as Dwayne thrust into me. He was a bit longer than Paul was and practically hit my cervix. I cry out and pull away. he apologies meaning this probably happens a lot. he thrust being more careful Paul hands him the vibrator as he holds it to my clit. I cover my eyes with my arm I was close. "already" Marko laughs. "damn you're sensitive." 
"i-i-i'm sorry" I whimper as I feel the same overwhelming feeling that starts being the only thing I know. Paul places small kisses on my arm much like Gomez Adams. I felt dizzy having climaxed more times than I could count at this point. Dwayne was close as well unlike Marko who lost pace or Paul who went softer Dwayne went rougher and faster. It was overwhelming I feel tears start to stream down my face and my legs shake. he has his hands on the underside of my knee and pressing me down to the mattress. he barriers his cock deep as he covers my screams with a deep kiss. he holds me there whispering softly in my ear.
"shhhhh, it's okay baby. you did so good for me" he runs his fingers through my hair holding me closer. he pulls out slowly and lets me lay there for a minute. he picks me up like I was his bride and sits me in front of David. I look up at him helplessly. He leans forward and runs his hand in my hair gently. I lazily lay my head on his thigh.
"aww you poor thing. you can't handle it can you" he mocks I shake my head. I wanted to please him. The others got to have a turn but he didn't. At the same time, I don't know if I could take how rough he could be. This was David he was going to be rough that just fits him. "sit on my lap" I stand up legs shaking like a baby deer. he slowly guides me onto his cock which was thick. I whimper trying to roll my hips. he wraps his arms around my waist and guides me I lay my head on his chest and let out soft moans. I didn't feel anyone else though. I look and they were gone, "they went to get aftercare ready" he pulls me into a long kiss. Suddenly he pulls out and bends me over the table. the others were back he thrust into me. he grabs my hips and starts thrusting hard and fast. I moan out and reach behind me only for him to pin my arm. "such a good pet for us. she's been so well-behaved hasn't she" 
"yeah, she has" Marko kneels arms folded on the table tilting his head mocking me. "who do you like fucking you the most." I shake my head.
"he asked you a question" Paul snaps. I whimper at the boom of his voice, 
"All" I cry out "I like it when you all fuck me" I didn't want to choose I couldn't they all do it so differently I couldn't choose. David picks up pace and starts going harder. He was going to cum. 
"who owns you" he snaps 
"you do" 
"say my fucking name" He spanks my ass hard. 
"d-d-david" I cry out I felt the familiar feeling rise. I start to become a babbling mess "Please keep going I've been a good girl. Please cum inside me" That was the final straw. He thrust deep groaning filling me with his cum. I try to regain my composer. I don't know how long we had been at this but it felt like hours. dwayne comes over and helps me to a water area where we all bathed. he sits me on his lap the water was warm. Marko starts washing me being very gentle. 
"Dwayne you fucking left bruises on her" He snaps "Do you have to be so rough." I look to see if he did leave them. right where his hands were as he pressed me down. "are you okay" he looks me in my eyes worried. I nod smiling, I couldn't stop smiling. I had a goofy grin plastered on my face like I was drunk. All the serotonin and adrenaline had my mind fuzzy. 
"you okay" Dwayne made me look at him smiling "You there pretty girl" I nod giggling. Paul comes over with shampoo. he starts to wash my hair for me and David joins 
"how is she doing" 
"good we might need to be more careful though she isn't all there" Paul smiles. "poor baby can't handle all of us at once" I pout 
"yes, I can" David comes over and holds me."I'm tired."
"I bet let's finish cleaning you up and you can go get some sleep." we all soak for an hour the water getting cold. When we get out I put on one of Dwyanes band tee shirts and Markos boxers. I lay in my now freshly made bed cuddled up with Paul. I felt the weight of all the activities hit and I couldn't force through to stay awake. I close my eyes falling into a blissful slumber. I'm glad I went here alone and I'm glad I didn't get killed on this hunt. Maybe not all monsters are bad after all. 
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lunar-years · 1 year
All right. The Keeley/KJPR issue. I know I say this every week and probably sound like a broken record at this point, but I don't know what on earth they're trying to do with her this season and it continues to bother me to no end. And the thing is, I don't even hate all of it, there are parts I've really really liked...this week especially! But it's becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile those parts with all the other threads they've introduced with her only to drop them and then introduce more and then drop those...the general arc is so sloppy and I just hate it.
So this week, I thought it was very necessary that we got to see Keeley have her little breakdown moment. Jack pulling funding and not even telling her until after she heard it from Barbara was...truly malicious. I'm glad Keeley was allowed to spiral a bit after that. I also loved her talk with Mae in the pub. Instantly befriending her, asking her for advice on being her own boss, that was classic Keeley fucking Jones and it was perfect. The "lightning at the top of the mountain" part of Mae's speech felt a little too conveniently contrived to double as an ~okay Keeley + audience, let's all think about Roy now! moment~ instead of strictly a job advice moment, but whatever, I can even stretch my disbelief on that point.
I...didn't love the ending. It's not that Rebecca swooping in to save the day with her pocketbook didn't make logical sense. Rebecca's super rich, this is her best friend, of course she's going to do what she can to put this to rights! And I do like that now Keeley will be able to hire her own staff, and that Barbara stuck around (thank god one of Keeley's 3 new women turned out to be alright). Rebecca will certainly be a better funder to partner with moving forward who will allow Keeley to have more control and say over her own business. But it just felt narratively flat to me.
Like okay, this is a very huge thing with massive implications that happens to Keeley, and we finally see her begin to confront her fear of failure and her perception that in this instance she has actually tangibly failed (something very important to her growth this season. The fact that she was so scared or else flat out embarrassed to tell Rebecca the truth of what happened... How that's wrapped up in how she unconsciously compares herself to Rebecca -- in large part because of how much she freaking respects and looks up to Rebecca -- but always finds herself lacking); We see her vouch to find the lightning at the top of the mountain! To be boss of her own life! Anddd...then Roy and Rebecca swoop back in within the span of the same episode and everything is rosy again, I guess. And I'm somehow left feeling like I'm not actually buying into Keeley's internal progression at all, actually.
It was just a very fast & abrupt (& unsatisfying) conclusion to an arc that has quite literally dragged on all season.
(And for my separate but related thoughts on the RoyKeeley side of the equation, see here. )
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