#have you ever had a girl laugh with you while you stumble into your harness? or patiently wait while you finagle a different dick into it?
nudibutch · 4 months
like fr. just try getting some hot (not boiling, but hot) water and putting your favorite dildo in it for about 10 or 15 minutes. then take it out, quickly pat it dry, and hold it. itll feel like its at human body temp or a little warmer. dont knock it till you try it - sometimes you have to use science to get the results you want!!
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juiles · 2 years
My world in my arms
Summary: just a pure fluff shot with accidently (but happy) ScarLizzie in it. You finish set early while filming Black Widow with your mom and you go home to have a girls night.
Type: fluff, fluff and more fluff.
Age: 16
Triggers: a little mention of blood at first but other than that nothing.
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Scarletts POV
I watched as y/n preformed the same stunt she had been doing for the last 5 years. I know she is golden at it but that can’t stop the nagging at my brain as she was raised on the platform. “Remember kid! Do the flip and land in Natasha’s pose then pull a Yelena and stand up shaking it off making a face.”
“Yeah I know Joe. I’ve only been doing this for the last 5 years.” She yelled out rolling her eyes shifting so only I could see her.
“Young lady!” I yelled out making her cover her mouth with a little smirk chuckling. The Russo brothers called out action and she did her normal flip however before she could land today, her hand slipped and got trapped against her harness so when she went to catch herself, she stumbled forward and smashed her face against a prop rock. Her body was shaking and she wasn’t moving which scared me, making both me and Lizzie (who had joined us on set today) ran over to her but before we could get very far, her head popped up and she was laughing.
“You little shit!” I called out plopping down beside her pulling her chin up to face me.
“Your nose is bleeding dumbass.” Lizzie said casually sitting on her other side. “Y/n are you ever going to not be clumsy?” She asked raising an eyebrow making me let out a bark of a laugh making both of them turn to face me. “What?”
“You can’t say shit about being clumsy Elizabeth Olsen.” I motioned to her before she blushed slightly and rolled her eyes. The medic sat down in front of y/n and did a quick check on her nose telling us she can clean off the blood and she’ll be fine.
“Hear that mom?” She smirked over at me as the medic handed me pack of wipes. “What! No! I can clean my own face! Mommy!!!!!!!” She whined crossing her arms with a pout.
“Clearly not.” I said motioning to her current position. “Also, you still got hurt and I’m still your mama. I will always clean you up when you get hurt.” That made Lizzie coo and my daughter blush under the wipe that I was currently using to clean up her blood.
“Mama….” She whined as I hit her nose softly by accident. “That hurt…”
“Almost done baby…” I cooed placing a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Once she’s cleaned and changed out of her costume I think you two should take the day off. We’ll get the suit drycleaned and ready for tomorrow morning to try that shot again.” Joe said crouching down in front of my 16 year old. “That trick has been done a million times kid. What got you today?”
“My hand caught on the wire… I guess I’m just tired…” She shrugged. “Finals are kicking me in the ass.”
“Language.” I said as I pulled away shoving all the wipes into a bag that an assistant had handed me.
“Alright Capsicle.” She said casually as she stood up from her position without missing a beat.
“You know what Romanoff?” I said with a smirk making her give me an identical smirk back.
Lizzie and Joe who were used to our antics merely rolled their eyes shaking their heads. “Alright mama. I’m gonna change then I’ll meet you at the car?” I nodded and she turned to run off before she stopped and turned to face us with a grin. “We get to see Rosie earlier than expected!!!! We can have a girls night!!!” She squealed before running off.
I laughed shaking my head before turning to talk to Joe about the last minute changes then turned to grab my purse from my seat. Lizzie walking beside me. “You joining us for a girls night?” I ask searching through my nag for my keys.
“You sure?” Lizzie asked hesitantly.
I just laughed shaking my head. “Duh. Rose would love to have her Lizzie there. Itll be a proper girls night.” I said making Lizzie’s face break into a giant grin and she nodded quickly. “I would love to!!”
We walked towards the car and before we even got to touch the door handle we hear a voice calling out. “Mama!!” My daughter called out skipping towards me. “Can Lizzie join us? And can we stop at Target and get snaaaaaaaaaaacks?? I have my wallet.” She pulled her wallet out of her pants pickets with a shit eating grin on her face. I laughed nodding.
“I already invited Lizzie, I figured you and Rose would want her there. Of course we can stop at the store bubba.” My kid flung the back door opened and climbed in before grabbing the aux cord and plugged her phone in. “Lets goo. Car ride with the best DJ!” She said dancing a little. I laughed getting in the drivers seat as Lizzie slid into the passenger seat. I started the car and backed out of the set. I drove on to the highway and made my way towards the exit that’s got the Target closest to our house and my kid started playing music.
She put on what she claims to be her “Feel Good Songs” playlist which contains a bunch of upbeat songs from the 2000’s and earlier. My kid has good music taste and I’m quite proud of her. As we pulled into target, we all got out putting baseball caps and sunglasses on before making our way towards the store and once inside, we made our way to the snack aisle and before I could say a word, y/n was already digging through a pile of candy bags before pulling out a bag and holding it up with a grin.
“I found them mama!” She declared, her green eyes seeming to shine. “I found the Mike and Ikes!” Can we get some M&M’s too?” She asked with the biggest pout on her face. I only laughed and shook my head before nodding.
“Yes bubs. Pick out your m&m’s.” I motioned to the chocolate section and she instantly turned around. Lizzie and I quickly grabbed what we wanted before the three of us moved to the aisle with the chips and the pop. We all grabbed what we wanted, y/n picking out Roses as well as the two would happily share the candy and chocolate.
We walked to the till but something caught y/n’s eye making her stop, turning to look at it making me stop and eye what it is. “Something you like there bubba?” She bit her lip before glancing down at the treats in her hand before she shook her head and looked up at me with a small smile.
 “I’m good mama. Shall we go get our treats and go have our girls night?” She said before walking towards the till again. I turned and my eyes landed on what she was looking at. A black marvel blanket, but this one was different, it had my symbol, but it also had the Scarlett Witch symbol and her characters. That was it, just the three of us, something that we never saw.
I grabbed it with a small smirk and made my way to the tills, we all scanned our items before I scanned the blanket, y/n’s eyes widening. “Wait. But it was like 80 bucks! I couldn’t ask for that! The treats are enough mama.” She said with a soft but sad smile.
“I’m buying it bub. I can see why you like it and its massive, we can all cuddle under it tonight before it moves to your room.” Her face lit up and she threw herself into my arms repeating thank you over and over again.
I laughed and placed a kiss on her forehead and paid the items before we all walked back towards the car, luckily we weren’t noticed at all so we we’re able to get in the car and head home. We pulled into the house, y/n ran inside after grabbing her bag, the bag with her and Rose’s treats and the blanket. I got inside after grabbing my belongings and locking the car. Liz grabbed her stuff and as we got inside I thanked the babysitter, paid her and made sure her car was safely out of the driveway.
I hadn’t been greeted by my youngest yet I knew she was okay because I heard her squeals in the living room along with my eldest and Lizzies. I walked in and plopped down next to my youngest who was staring at the blanket in awe. I coughed slightly making her turn to face me and squaled. “MAMA!!” She threw herself into my arms and I laughed hugging her tightly. “Y/n/n said we’re gonna have a girls night!” She said bouncing after pulling away.
I laughed and nodded with a grin. “Y/n/n got a little hurt on set so Joe let us go early so we decided to have a girls night!”
After that we all settled down beside each other, y/n sitting between me and Lizzie, Rose cuddled up onto her lap. I pulled out snacks and we all dug in after Lizzie pulled the new blanket over the four of us. Y/n turned on Disney+ and turned on The Little Mermaid, knowing it was Rose’s favourite making the younger girl squeal. I laughed and we all settled in for the night.
After plenty of junk and a few Disney movies I looked around and noticed all three of the girls around me asleep. I just smiled softly, placing soft kisses on all their heads and turned the tv off before settling in. Loving my world in my arms.
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silvertonedwords · 2 years
Goldstein Sisters, Together
A little sister reunion/Together prequel for you.
See on a03
“Jacob?” Tina opens the apartment door wider, backing up before Mrs. Esposito hears them. Nobody ever comes to see her here. She curls a hand around her wand, still in its harness from work, just in case. “What’s wrong—is—”
“Oh, no, honey, everyone’s fine. Newt’s fine.”
Tina freezes at that voice, stumbling back a few more steps.
Jacob smiles. “There’s just someone who wants to see ya.”
Tina’s vision blurs, and it feels like she can’t catch her breath. “Queenie?” she gasps, but the sound is strangled, barely intelligible.
Her sister steps around Jacob and walks into their apartment—always their apartment, for she could never bear to think of it as anything else—pushing the door shut behind her.
“Hi, Teen,” she says softly.
“It’s—it’s you?” Tina squeaks. 
“It’s her,” Jacob confirms, his hand resting on Queenie’s back.
Tina looks between them, and everything rushes in so powerfully that the part of her that recognizes that this is her sister knows that all of these feelings are flooding into her mind. Guilt about their fight, and about not having been the one to bring her back, about failing to be the protective big sister she’s always, always been. Anger for Queenie’s recklessness, that she ran away, and for how she was taken in by a madman, and her stubborn inability to see reason all those months ago. Hurt at being left alone, the only Goldstein, at a time when she really, really needed her sister, and hurt at Queenie missing everything that’s happened in her life, and at missing everything that’s happened in Queenie’s. The aching, overwhelming loneliness of their time apart, and regret for how they left things, and relief, and frustration, and hope, and love.
She doesn’t have to speak any of it. Some part of her had nearly forgotten what that felt like, but the rest of her has always, always remembered.
“I’m so sorry, Teen. So sorry. I’m with you all; I promise I am. I never shoulda—“
Tina pulls her sister into her arms, her tears, once released, flowing freely. She cries quietly into her sister’s shoulder while Queenie rubs her back, and she recognizes distantly that Queenie is crying, too.
 “I’m so sorry,” Queenie repeats.
“You left,” Tina says angrily, “for that madman.” And then, more gently, “I never stopped hoping—I tried anything I could think of to find you and bring you back and I thought about you every day and—“
“I know, I know.”
They look at each other, and Tina holds her sister’s face between her hands. “You’re back?” Her voice is soft, hopeful, afraid, like the little girl at a funeral watching their world fall apart.
“I’m back.”
Really back? For good?
“For good. I promise.” Queenie says to her thoughts. 
They embrace again and separate only after several quiet minutes, laughing tearfully.
Tina takes in her sister’s appearance. Her hair is icy, almost, her eyes tired and worn. “Queenie, what I said before, about Jacob and everything. I’m sorry. I was—I was afraid I’d lose you.” And then I did.
“I know, Teen. Of course I know. I’m sorry ‘bout what I said, too.”
You were right, Tina thinks, swiping away a tear. I’m not brave enough to be reckless with my heart, and I was jealous that you were, and I threw myself into work and made myself blind to what would make you happy.
“I wasn’t right. Not about all of it. I’m so proud of how much you care about your work. Head Auror! Momma ’n Poppa would be so proud’a you.”
Tina laughs wetly.
“I shouldn’t’a said you only care about work. And what I said about Newt—“
Jacob chimes in, as though unable to help himself. “Wait, what did she say about Newt?”
With her hands still linked in her sister’s, Tina explains briefly about the magazine, about Queenie’s certainty that there must be more to the story, until that final, bitter fight, when Queenie had thrown Newt’s supposed disinterest in her sister’s face.
Jacob laughs. “So that’s why you were so. In Paris. Oh, poor guy.”
Tina feels a stab of guilt. It still aches that she hurt Newt for those first few hours together, and during the weeks when she suddenly, from his point of view, lost interest in writing to him. Seeing their time together without the blind of her own pain, she can easily conjure up his wide, confused eyes and fumbling hands.
“Oh, Tina,” Queenie sighs, “It really didn’t seem like Newt’s worried about any of that anymore.”
Tina’s heart lurches hopefully. “You saw him?”
“M-hm,” Queenie confirms, smiling. “Oh, I’m so glad the two’a you are finally—“
Tina smiles as the warmth of their recent letters fills her chest. And then her smile falls a little. She still hasn’t managed to take that risk, not fully.
Queenie cups her sister’s face and looks at her, smiling but serious. “You are brave, Tina. You are so brave.”
Tina shakes her head, smiling tentatively despite herself.
Queenie holds each of Tina’s hands and backs away to look at the clothes she still hasn’t changed. “Oh, look at you, career girl!”
Tina laughs.
“So,” Jacob says, wandering over to the kitchen. “Dinner?”
Tina keeps looking back at Queenie while they get ready for bed, as though her sister might be a phantom she’s dreamt up after a particularly sleepless week of work.
Queenie had insisted that she was absolutely staying with her sister, at least for a while, and had her own moment of tears to find that Tina had always kept her bed ready, just in case.
They last a couple of minutes in their own beds before Queenie crawls out of her own bed and into her sister’s, just like they had when they were little girls.
They sit against Tina’s headboard in the dark, barely squeezing into the twin bed, and talk for hours. 
Tina hears about everything that’s happened in Europe and beyond, and about Queenie’s plans with Jacob. She fills her sister in on life at MACUSA, their old friends, the little changes that have happened to their street. 
“Aren’t you leavin’ somethin’ out?” Queenie asks. “Or, someone?”
Tina blushes and looks down. It is a relief to once more let the thoughts flow without having to give shape to them with her voice. That she’s never done this before, felt this before, or even thought it was possible for her. What if—
Their letters have been so much more, lately, so intimate. Tina knows how he feels. But she doesn’t understand it. She believes in him, just not that he could be so in awe of her, when he is so extraordinary.
Tina sits quietly as Queenie absorbs all of this. “Why wouldn’t he be as taken with you as you are with him?” she asks.
“You sound like Momma,” Tina says. 
Queenie takes her sister’s hand. “Everythin’ you feel for him. He feels that for you, too.”
“Queenie, I don’t know if you should—“
“You shoulda seen him when we got to his flat in London, Lookin’ for you.”
“I know.” Tina looks at her hands. “He’s told me. But what if we don’t—”
Queenie gives her a withering look, then softens when she sees her sister’s tears. “Teenie. What are you afraid of?”
Again, Tina lets Queenie wade through her thoughts. Her trust in both her own and Newt’s feelings, and yet her knowledge that this thing between them will be—is—will be a force she cannot fight. Her fear of letting herself love like that, after this year of being so alone and wanting things she cannot or will not let herself have. The weeks before Paris, after Queenie left, truly alone for the first time in her life, angry and hurt and feeling guilty, and forcing herself not to take out Newt’s letters or acknowledge her broken heart, and wishing desperately for a sister to talk to. And the weeks after Paris, and new, beautiful letters, and fearing that she’d never get to say to her sister you were right; there was more to the magazine story, and he’d kept this picture of me, and the way he looks at me. The terror of wanting this thing so much, and how easily she could fall even harder. Pouring all of her love into raising a little sister who left, and in such a horrible way, after a bitter fight, and to a madman who represents everything Tina had thought she’d taught her sister was wrong. Feeling like maybe it would break her to give any more of her love away.
“Oh,” Queenie says softly, her voice trembling. “Oh, I’m—“
“I didn’t mean—“ Tina starts, grasping her sister’s hand. 
“No. No it’s okay. I—I’m sorry.”
“I know you are. I know.” And for the first time that night, Tina hugs her sister not for herself but for Queenie, to comfort her as she used to when they crowded into Tina’s bed at their aunt’s house, and Tina sang the same song their mother used to until Queenie fell asleep. 
“I just mean—“ once he’s in, he’s staying.
“Teenie. You let him in a long, long time ago.”
Tina sniffs and dashes away her tears, grateful that Queenie hasn’t let her hand go. “He was in New York once, a few months ago. Just for a day. His publisher sent him for a meeting with one of the booksellers for Ilvermorny.”
Queenie arches an eyebrow. “And you don’t suppose seein’ you had anythin’ to do with his agreein’ to come?”
Tina sighs. “I know it did. I think he woulda—I was quiet. I think he was a little confused.”
“I’ve been around him, remember? He doesn’t understand why you haven’t—but he understands. And he isn’t upset, or angry, or anythin’. Just waitin’.”
“I know,” Tina whispers.
“He’d come runnin’ in a heartbeat the second you asked.”
And that’s part of what scares me, Tina thinks.
Tina thoughts jump back to their fight, and Queenie’s accusation of jealousy. 
At the time, she’d been so angry and so blind, but she can admit now that her sister had been right. Beneath her genuine concern that being with Jacob would cause Queenie harm, her fierce need to protect her sister, there had been a small part of her that had stung with every evening Queenie slipped into the apartment late, her joy and laughter written across her face. Why did it have to be so easy for them? Oh, she hadn’t envied them everything—not the doe-eyed flirting over dinner, how boldly they showed their preference for anyone to see, the danger with the law their relationship might bring. 
But their willingness to want and reach in one breath--to show each other their hearts…The fact that Queenie thought Jacob was wonderful, and he was hers if she’d have him...not like Tina, the one-who-shows-up-where-you’re-least-wanted, the girl everyone seemed to assume didn’t have a heart.
She’d been terribly jealous of their recklessness with their hearts. 
Queenie tugs her sister’s hand into her lap. “Jacob’s asked him to be best man, y’know. So he’ll be coming to New York in a couple months anyway.”
Tina’s heart jumps, mostly happiness, and just a touch of fear.
Her sister nudges her shoulder. “Best man, maid of honor. I think you’ll have to share a dance at least.”
Tina finds herself excited at the prospect, even with her fear. Maybe she’ll finally, finally be brave.
“Teenie, you’re already brave.”
I am?
“‘Course you are. You were so young yourself, but you were a Momma and Poppa to me. You took care’a me. You’ve always been there.”
I didn’t protect you very well lately, Tina thinks with a scoff.
“Yes, you did. Y’know, not everythin’s your fault.”
Tina sighs.
“It takes much more bravery to be afraid and do things anyway.”
“You were right about him, Queenie. When you said there must’ve been more to the story. He—“ she opens up the feelings to her sister’s mind. Her pain as they walked through the French records room, and his fumbling hands and words, and how he was looking at the picture of her, but she was looking at his face, suddenly seeing clearly how tender it was, how much he felt for her, and how desperately he wanted her to know it. His happy surprise when he found she’d read his book, and that breathless step closer, and her unembarrassed joy…”And he thought I was dating someone else, too. You told him that because I had coffee with that awful guy one time.”
Queenie shrugs.
“You were tryin’ to make him jealous,” Tina accuses.
“Hey, it’s a sister’s right, after he broke your heart, even if he didn’t mean to! As if you were gonna fall in love with anyone else.”
Tina swallows and looks down at their hands. 
“Back when we—fought—when I said you don’t take enough risks with your heart. What I meant to say is. You have way too big a heart not to share it. ‘specially with him.”
Tina wipes tears away.
“You know he carries those pictures of you everywhere.”
Tina thinks of her own pictures of him, tucked securely into her desk here and at work. She takes them out sometimes and touches the edge of the paper and wants the portraits and their letters to be enough for now, and wants so much more.
“So what are you gonna do?” Queenie prompts. “I know you. You thought if you could just try hard enough, work hard enough, Grindelwald would be weaker, and the world would be safe, and you’d have me back. And then you might feel safer fallin’ in love. But Tina, it’s always gonna scare you a little. I know you trust Newt, but someday you gotta trust yourself.”
“Yeah,” Tina whispers.
She thinks of Queenie and Jacob, grateful that her first, fearful instinct with them was not borne out, no matter how much it still scares her, how valid her concerns. She’d always worried Queenie would struggle to find someone who could look past her surface. Being a legilimens seems glamorous to people, sure, but Tina knows it isn’t always. And Queenie’s gorgeous, but there’s so much more to her than that. Jacob sees it. As for Jacob—well, Tina’s seen what this year has been like for him, and she’s relieved to see him so happy.
“So be happy, too,” Queenie whispers. “Little steps, y’know. You’ve clearly already taken lots of big ones these past few months. Write to him and let him know you’re excited to see him in person.”
“Yeah, I—I will. Tomorrow.”
Queenie leans her head against her sister’s. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“You, too.”
“We should probably get some sleep, huh. You have work tomorrow and all.”
Tina wraps an arm around Queenie’s back. “No, not yet. We haven’t caught up nearly enough for me to fall asleep. And I may still be your big sister, but I think you’ve grown up enough for me to let go a little.”
“Okay,” Queenie agrees, and Tina can hear the smile in her voice, at everything the promise means.
“I love you. Even when we argue, and I know we’ll argue again, but hopefully never, ever like that, you will always be more important to me than you could possibly know.”
“You too,” Queenie says softly.
“Okay.” Tina takes a breath and lets everything settle. “Now, tell me, what did Jacob think of Hogwarts. That must’ve been quite an experience…”
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“What Do You Call Me?” - Din Djarin x female!reader
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Summary: You try to note down and learn all the words Din speaks in Mando’a but there are a few whose meanings you just can’t figure out on your own. So, you have no other option than to ask him what the names he is calling you actually mean.
Warning: Din speaks some Mando’a (yep, still a warning), … I don’t think there is anything I should warn you about tho, it’s only a short fluffy oneshot... happy Valentine’s Day! 💜
Category: fluff
Words: 2.500
Notes: There is no use of (Y/N) in this one! Note 2: I finished this piece two hours before it was posted (I scheduled it and immediatly went to bed afterwards) because I really wanted to have something for Valentine’s Day… so it’s not beta-read at all. I normally read through my writing at least twice but that didn’t happen here.... it’s late, I’m tired… hopefully Din isn’t too OOC and I don’t cringe too hard tomorrow morning when I re-read it and delete it because I’m embarrassed. Fingers crossed! Note 3: I must add that it was rather relaxing to finally write something under 8.000 words…
“What Do You Call Me?” – Din Djarin x fem!reader
It's no secret that Din's really smart. He's very knowledgeable and you really admired all his knowledge about different cultures and languages. You were especially fascinating by whatever language sometimes slipped over his lips, often when it was just the kid, him and you. After a while you figured that it was most likely Mando'a, the language of the Mandalorians. And the more it happened, the more often the words slipped from his mouth, the more curious you got and you began to wonder what exactly all those words meant. So, you had started to note them down on your datapad, or at least their pronunciation because you had no idea how to actually spell the words. You could write down their pronunciation fairly well but with what you really struggled was with their translations. Only a few were fairly easy.
When yet another cable went lose somewhere in the walls of the Razor Crest and Din yelled "HAR-chak" after noticing the problem you knew it had to be a swear word or something along the lines. Maybe "shit" or "damn it" but you never were too sure about it. Languages were tricky. Sometimes there just wasn't a translation for a specific word, and you could only note down a rough association. But you made it your mission to at least try. To try noting them all down, give them a translation or context in which you heard Din use them and learn them. It was hard, especially when you just couldn't figure a consistent meaning out. And you couldn't ask Din. Well, you could, but you didn't want to. Din didn't know about your little mission and you wanted to keep it that way for now. You wanted to surprise him with your effort, you wanted to be able to from at least one sentence before bringing it up because for now you were a bit too embarrassed and unsure. You wanted to impress him. You huffed and glanced up at the streaks of silver and blue that were swirling around the Razor Crest while in hyperspace. You were sitting on one of the co-pilot seats, legs perched up and pressed to your chest. Biting your lip in concentration you pushed your hair back with your free hand, the other one was holding your datapad, as you sighed deeply. You were frustrated, there was no other way to describe it. All the letters you wrote down seemed to laugh at you whenever you glared at them in anger when you weren't able to decipher their meaning. With a groan you put the datapad down on the floor beside you. You just couldn't look at it anymore, and stretched all your limbs away from your body, melting into the seat. You tried to focus on your breathing, to calm down your frustrated thoughts. Your goal of forming at least one sentence seemed even further away now than when you started your little mission. There were just too many inconsistencies. Sometimes you thought you finally figured out what the nickname he called the kid by meant only for him to call you by the same name. You were sure that Din wasn't calling you by a name that would translate to "child". You furrowed your brows. At least you hoped so for his sake. But one word that left you especially baffled was "REE-yay". You couldn't quite pinpoint when he started to call you that but it must have been very early on. And you could never figure out a consistent usage or meaning. At first you thought that it maybe just meant girl or woman? But you weren't so sure about that anymore. It somehow didn't feel right. The word felt too … intimate to only mean girl or woman. You huffed and scratched your neck in an attempt to soothe the aching and to sort your thoughts. You just wanted to figure out what he was calling you at that point. You didn't even care anymore if you had to ask Din to finally figure it out. You just wanted some clarity. "What are you worrying about?" You leaned your head back to look at Din who was standing behind you, his hands on the back of the seat to either side of your head. For a moment you just stared at him, in awe of how the flickering lights of hyperspace reflected on his armor in such a stark contrast to the void of his black visor. Something so typically Din in a way. You quickly shook your head and lowered your gaze when you felt heat rise to your cheeks. "I'm not worrying, just thinking" you mumbled and crossed your arms before your chest. Din chuckled lowly behind you and then sat down in the pilot seat beside you. "What is my verd'ika thinking about then?" Your body tensed, not only because of the new nickname but primarily because of the "my" he had put before it. What did he mean by that? What was he calling you? My friend? My buddy? My ... woman? You almost yelped at that thought but managed to force your jaw to stay shut. With your eyes wide and round you stared at the Mandalorian. His gaze was lowered and focused on the switches and buttons before him but not in an embarrassed manner or in an attempt to hide from your gaze. He seemed carefree and relaxed. He wouldn't just call you "his woman" and not react, right? You faintly nodded at yourself. No, this nickname meant something else. It had to because you weren't sure if your heart could take anything else. You blinked and noticed that Din was now facing you, his head tilted to one side in question. With heat rising to your face once again you noticed that you hadn't answered him yet. "Ehm, nothing really. Nothing important, don't worry." You bit your lip and cursed silently at yourself. This could have been your chance to ask him. To ask him what all those names meant. But you didn't. _______________ "Can you hold this, ner ka'ra?" Din asked and handed you a tool without turning to look at you. "O-of course" you stumbled and took the tool from him, so he had a free hand to grab the cable that had come loose yet again. You gulped and pushed your hair back while you glanced at Din's back as he continued to work. The nickname he had called you was already well known by you. He had started to call you that and that other word "REE-yay" more frequently ever since one week or two. Almost no other nickname or word in Mando'a left his lips anymore, which made it rather difficult to achieve your goal of learning one sentence in that language. And you still had no idea what the nicknames meant either. You figured that "nair" translated to "my" but that only made your face heat up even more than before. "Riye?" Your eyes snapped back to his dark visor that was now turned to you. Embarrassed you realized that you had spaced out and probably missed something he had said to you. "What?" you asked, your eyes wide and unblinkingly staring at his helmet hiding his eyes from you. Din let out a sigh and completely turned around to face you. You gulped and redirected your gaze upwards. "Something is on your mind. What is bothering you?" "Always so direct" you joked and laughed nervously, fumbling with the tool in your hand. "Riye" he addressed you carefully but with a slight warning in his tone. He was serious. You bit your lip and stared down at the ground, not able to hold his gaze. But you stayed quiet. With your mind racing circles in your mind, you couldn't decide if you wanted to finally ask him or not. When you felt hands on your shoulders your head shot up and met with the void of Din's visor again. You gulped, your eyes flickering from the visor then to the wall and back to his visor repeatedly. Then you let out a long sigh. Without a word you put the tool in your pocket and instead grabbed your datapad and quickly pushed it against his chest before you could retrack again. Perplexed Din lowered his head to stare at your hands before he slowly took the datapad from you. Silently he read through all the words you had typed down. "I tried to note down all the words you speak in Mando'a and translate them" you began to explain, fiddling with your hands while your eyes were directed to the floor once again. "But I only managed to figure out their rough pronunciation and write down some notes, I... I really struggle with their meaning" you continued to ramble. When Din didn't react after a few long heartbeats, you cautiously glanced up at the silent Mandalorian. He was unmovingly staring down at your datapad, his body completely tense. Then suddenly his head snapped up to meet your gaze. "When did you start doing that?" Confused you blinked for a few seconds, trying to sort your thoughts. "Ehm, a few weeks? Maybe two months or more?" you guessed and shrugged your shoulders. "I didn't tell you because I wanted to at least learn one full sentence to surprise you with it but..." you didn't finish and just gestured to your chaotic notes that mostly consisted of furious question marks. Din looked back down at the datapad. "Why?" You furrowed your brows. "Why?" you asked to make sure you heard him correctly. The Mandalorian nodded, his helmet still lowered but you weren't sure if he wasn't maybe looking at you. Out of reflex you pointed at him. "Because..." you cleared your throat. "Because of you." Your clasped your hands before your chest after that, your eyes darting around again in nervousness. Din slowly lifted his head and you felt his gaze burning on your skin form behind the visor. Both of you stood there, frozen and not daring to breathe for what felt like an eternity. You bit your lip and began to fumble with your hands again. "I-" Din started. "I don't know what to say." You couldn't hold back your laugh, the nervous giggles that finally spilled over your lips as you shook your head. "Sorry" you said breathlessly, the laughter still very noticeable in your voice, though. "I don't know why I'm laughing." That made Din laugh, too. He handed you back your datapad when you had calmed down. "I'm impressed" he stated and pointed at the device. "Most of the pronunciations are correct. But the translations..." He chuckled lowly and stemmed his hands against his hips. You crossed your arms before your chest and raise done eyebrow at him. "What do you call me then?" "What?" Din asked perplex, the laughter suddenly vanished from his voice. He almost sounded... flustered? Or at least surprised. "You said the translations of the words were wrong so teach me what they really mean" you proposed with your chin slightly raised in a challenging manner. You grabbed your datapad again and looked through the words as you continued. "Most of the words I wrote down are nicknames, so what are you calling me?" Din froze, you couldn't even see his chest rise and fall anymore. Now you were pretty sure that he was flustered and embarrassed. Or maybe even scared that you would figure out the meaning of his nicknames for you? Your body vibrated in anticipation, eager to finally get to know what all those nicknames mean. "Din?" you asked, eyebrows furrowed. "What does "REE-yay" mean?" For a few more moments he stayed still before he cleared his throat and tilted his helmet away from you, staring at the wall behind you. "What does... riye mean?" he questioned, his voice uncharacteristically high and trembling. You hummed and nodded. "Ehm, it means..." he started and directed his head back to face you. "It means favor, benefit or good turn." You furrowed your brows. "Good turn? Benefit?" you asked confused. "What does that have to do with me?" "When used as a term of endearment it means that this person, upon meeting, changed live for the better" he explained quickly. "Just like how you change my life for the better." Your eyes grew wide. "Wha-what?" Din slowly reached for you without another word and placed his gloved hand on your cheek that was already burning again in embarrassment. "You made my life better, riye. You and ad'ika, the kid." Your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes stared into the void of his visor, selfishly longing to peek behind it to see if his eyes were equally as wide as yours. "I-" you began but you had no idea what you even wanted to say. Your eyes darted around again as you tried to find the words, any words. But Din's hand on your face, his thumb drawing slow circles on your cheek, made you shiver and gasp for air. You had expected a lot but nothing like that. You hadn't been prepared for that confession. You had no idea what to say, so instead you just let your datapad fall to the ground and placed your hands to either side of his helmet. Din tensed but when he realized you weren't about to move any further, he let his hand wander from your cheek to your eyes, covering them completely, leaving you in the dark. Then he placed his free hand over one of yours. The touch sent shivers down your spine and you felt your heart beat repeatedly against your ribs in anticipation. Then he slowly guided your hand up, lifting his helmet in the process. It didn't move up much, just enough for him to place his lips on yours. Your heart skipped a beat when his lips melted over yours, dancing against them, tugging at your bottom lip ever so slightly. You gasped and stepped closer, pressing your chest against his. Even with his hand covering them you shut your eyes tight, as you soaked in the feeling of his lips, rough and soft at the same time. The heat spread from your cheeks to your neck and further down until it settled in your stomach. The flames in your belly hungrily fluttered and stretched towards Din, craving his touch and more. Your fingers began to tremble against his helmet, unable to hold onto anything. You let out a short whine at that and pressed even further into him. The coldness of his beskar, however, did nothing to soothe the fire in your veins. Slowly Din pulled away, his lips still hovering over yours, touching ever so slightly. "You changed my life for the better, too" you whispered into the dark, a small smile adorning your face now. And before you knew it Din's lips were back on yours.
Permanent Simps: @buckysalefty
Din Djarin Simps: @theflightytemptressadventure / @sarahjkl82-blog / @remmysbounty / @cali-beaches-wakes-and-boards / @idekah / @freeshavocadoooo / @dindaddy / @wonderless-screwup​
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
Jasonette July prompt 19: mistakes
Prompt applies to the beginning
Final part of Cocorico
My masterlist
Malchance sat on the roof overlooking the roof where Nightwing and Red Hood had been engaged in a fight for several minutes. They either knew each other's fighting style very well or they were evenly matched. She should have brought popcorn. Red Hood got a lucky hit before Nightwing could dodge and managed to lift him up by the back of the neck.
She dropped down behind them, losing sight of the lovely double view of them from behind when Red Hood turned to face her. Nightwing broke away from the hold while Red Hood was distracted. Malchance walked up to them carefully swinging her cat tail around, seeming relaxed. She was not relaxed. She had escaped one only to be nearly caught by the other so she was definitely on her guard.
"You were right about Black Mask. He is a nasty piece of work."
"See I tried to protect you from him."
"You kidnapped me."
"I told you it was temporary. You were a guest and I let you go."
"I escaped and then was immediately chased by him."
She pointed at Nightwing who had been watching them argue.
“I have so many questions. You kidnapped her?” Nightwing looked over at Red Hood when he asked that but then turned back to Malchance. “What is going on with Black Mask? That is what I was trying to find out before but you ran off.”
“I don’t remember any questions. You just started chasing me and then got out your cuffs.”
She sauntered over and winked at him, but looked back over to see Red Hood’s reaction. As she approached, she moved her hand to her staff in case she needed to make a quick get away. She couldn’t see Red Hood’s face to gauge his reaction but he had tensed. She laughed at them.
“You cuffed her? You aren’t trying to tell me we are after the same girl are you. I think she is warming up to me.” He took a step toward her.
“Maybe I am. I was even thinking about holding your hand.” She looked up at him seductively through her long cat eyelashes the suit gave her and whispered. “Cataclysm.”
She brushed her hand against a discarded box on the rooftop and the men watched it disintegrate and both of them took a step away when she turned back to them and reached out her hand.
“What are you?” Nightwing asked.
“Finally getting to some interesting questions. But I don’t answer interesting questions.”
“Why are you dealing with Black Mask?” Red Hood asked, changing the subject.
“Bonus points to you for bringing us back to the topic of the day.”
“What do I get with my bonus points? I might want to cash them in.”
“You destroyed my business. You will never get enough points to get yourself out of the hole.”
“I feel like I’m missing a whole lot of history here, and I’m definitely curious. But Black Mask. That seems to be the issue to focus on right now instead of your weird version of flirting.”
“Jealous?” Red Hood said.
Marinette ignored them and instead explained her actual purpose for being in Gotham and her former business. She omitted plenty of details that were more sensitive in nature but was able to give them an overview of the magic that was at the core of Gotham and how she thought Black Mask was utilizing it. She would not be able to stop him all on her own as she had found out in her dealings with him. He had too many people working for him that may not be loyal to his goal but still supported the goal of removing her from the picture. She was more offended that he tried to kill her instead of paying her what he owed.
“So you what, need our help to take him down?” Nightwing asked.
“Yes. If he harnesses this magic it would hurt the balance of the whole world. Gotham is surrounded by the miasma but it would extend far beyond that.”
“So you just want us to trust you? There is a system. You haven’t even been vetted.” Nightwing argued.
“I don’t need your approval. My authority spans far beyond Gotham and far beyond your plane of existence. You are inconsequential.”
She turned away from him when she was finished and Red Hood followed. She glanced back at him and he didn’t seem to be making a move so she just stayed vigilant in case that changed.
“I’ll be in touch,” she told him.
“Wait, can we talk?” Red Hood asked.
She motioned with her head and jumped away; he followed. They crossed several rooftops and made sure they were not being followed by anyone, Nightwing included, before Marinette led them to a rooftop that felt surprisingly calm for Gotham. You couldn’t hear the noise from the street or the docks and no sounds of fighting. It was like a calm in the storm. It was her favorite place to hang out when she needed to get away from everything.
“What did you want?” she asked.
“To apologize.” Red Hood said. He paused for a moment and removed his helmet. She could see his hair and facial features but his eyes and the surrounding skin were still covered by a lensed domino mask. He reached out for her hand.
“I’m listening,” she said.
“I guess it’s not enough to say I need to apologize, I actually have to follow through.”
“That is how apologies work.”
“I’m sorry. I should have handled the threats against you differently. It would have been better if I had convinced you to come with me.”
“That is your apology? You are not admitting the mistakes.”
“I mean I’m sorry for kidnapping you.” It sounded more like a question than a statement.
“It wasn’t just the kidnapping. You didn’t trust me to handle my own affairs and you ruined my business."
“I still have plenty of business for you. You gave up on it. Also, clearly something happened with Black Mask so maybe I was right.”
“This is the worst apology ever. The biggest mistake was listening to you at all. I’ve changed my mind, I don’t need help, not from you.”
“Just hold on a minute. You are twisting everything. It was my fault that anyone was after you. Someone made a joke about me flirting with you and word got out. I just wanted to take responsibility to make sure that you didn’t suffer because of it.”
“Maybe employ fewer gossips and don’t flirt with everyone you meet.”
“I employ at least one less gossip, and I don’t flirt with everyone I meet. It just happened with one person. There is a reason it was noteworthy gossip worth making such a large bounty for.
Malchance turned back to him and watched him without responding. He did appear contrite. Usually she would have a sense of someone to know whether they were a danger to her. She thought it just didn’t work with him because she never felt in danger. She may feel adrenaline or nervousness but it hadn’t tripped her internal sense of self preservation.
She stepped towards him and kept watching him. He looked down at her and she could tell he was making eye contact before he took off his mask. Her eyes searched his, looking for answers she was too afraid to ask. She reached up and pushed the shock of white hair away from his face. He closed his eyes as her fingers slipped through his hair. Her hand slid down to his cheek and she finally spoke.
“Why me?”
"Because I feel like you see me how am, and you don't recoil. There is attraction; you are gorgeous. But more than that, I feel drawn to you."
He stepped close and cupped her face. She was suddenly remembering his measurements and exactly how she felt being close to him to take them. She couldn't keep meeting his eyes. She looked away.
"I'm not sure what you see is actually there. I'm just a broken person with a mission to complete."
He lifted her chin to have their eyes meet again. She closed her eyes for the moment. His thumb brushed across her jaw before he dropped his hand and shuffled his feet. She looked back at him, but sure what she felt.
"I can get Nightwing and Batman to help take care of Black Mask."
"You and Nightwing were just fighting. Batman is one of your enemies. How does that even work?"
"We have to play by their rules but it sounds like this is a threat to us all. We can get along for a moment and fight later."
"I did not agree to anyone else's rules. This is my mission and I'm not just letting them take over."
"I should clarify. I meant his no killing rule. It's a restriction for me that I doubt changes things for you."
"It doesn't. I won't work harder to protect the life but I won't attempt to take lives."
"That should be close enough. Can we meet here in one week to discuss details?"
She nodded her assent. She was turning to go when he stepped towards her. She allowed him to turn her face slightly and put a gentle kiss on her cheek. She reached out and squeezed his forearm slightly. She tried to pass it off as a comforting gesture for him rather than to keep herself from melting off her feet.
It was the day of the planned assault on Black Mask’s operation. As far as Cocorico could tell they were at the location of the magical manipulation. Groups of Red Hood’s militia were prepared all around to breach but right now Cocorico was gathered with Red Hood and Nightwing to discuss the final details. It was all going as expected until Batman showed up and Cocorico suddenly wondered if this was a good idea. Red Hood and Batman were clearly far from okay with working with each other. Cocorico thought they might kill each other before the battle even started. Batman stepped towards Red Hood so Hood had removed his helmet and was stepping right back in some display of aggressive dominance.
Cocorico would not allow them to ruin her plan. She had gotten them to help a few weeks ago but she had been working toward this for almost 2 years and she wasn’t going to let them ruin it. She pulled Red Hood away and turned to scold Batman but she had pulled Red Hood too hard and when he spun to adjust they both stumbled towards the wall. Just before her head connected with the wall Red Hood slipped his hand behind it. Her back hit the wall and she looked up at him as he was suddenly pressed against her. His other hand had planted against the wall and he was pushing back, probably to continue his argument with Batman.
It was just a thought. She wasn’t planning to do anything about her errant thoughts about Red Hood. She had a mission and she had worked hard to have no distractions. But their eyes met for that brief second and she couldn’t bear to have him turn away. She grabbed the front of his jacket to turn him back toward her. She told herself she just wanted to see his eyes again but without thinking she moved toward him. He was shocked when she kissed him but he recovered quickly. He pressed her back into the wall and kissed her back. It was desperate and brief. Being interrupted by Batman clearing his throat. If looks could kill Red Hood’s would have killed Batman in that instant that Cocorico pulled away.
“For luck,” she said and reached back up to put a peck on his cheek.
“I could use some luck,” Nightwing said.
Red Hood’s eyes narrowed at him but Cocorico responded before anything else happened.
“Batman is right there,” she pointed at him. “Pucker up.”
That effectively ended any further comments about luck or kissing. Red Hood put his helmet back on and Cocorico took a moment to merge Orikko and Plagg as added protection during the battle. Then they moved in.
It was far longer than they expected before anyone noticed their presence. They had fully infiltrated the building before anyone sounded the alarm. Chatcorico thought that must be due to the training of the militia. They had found guards but they were neutralized, brutally in some cases, but they were still alive per Batman’s insistence.
She was shocked by the glow over the compound when they reached the hub. It was otherworldly. She stumbled under the weight of the magic that hit her. Red Hood turned to her in concern. No one else seemed to be affected. She could feel it though. It was not only the ancient sorcery of the city. There was miraculous magic here.
Whatever they were planning was going on now. They paused while everyone gathered at their appointed locations. Chatcorico looked around to decide how best to proceed but what she saw caused her to jump into action and charge out without alerting anyone. Black Mask was there as well as an unknown person bound at the center of all the activity. She was on her knees with her hand bound behind her and a gag in her mouth. In front of her was Black Mask walking towards her with a knife.
That was all bad for the person, which they would endeavor to protect when the assault began but she saw more. There was something in front of them that was drawing in all of the ethereal light seeping from somewhere below. Marinette didn’t know what they were trying to accomplish but she knew it would be bad. She rushed Black Mask from behind. He turned just as she reached him and knocked her over. She used her kite to block. But he didn’t have time to keep after her Red Hood was already behind him.
Chatcorico saw the rest of the group moving in to attack but she focused on removing the bindings from the woman. She undid the bindings on the hand first and then focused on the ones binding the feet together. The woman pulled the binding from her mouth and immediately transferred guardianship of the box to Monk. Marinette remembered that he was the guardian she had met in New York. The box seemed to shed the magic that was attempting to infect it and then floated up. It seemed to mask itself as it exited the building. Chatcorico assumed that it would go to the new guardian of the box, as had happened when she gained the guardianship. Then woman in front of her would have no memory of it.
The battle was long. By the end, they had claimed the building but Black Mask retreated and got away along with many of his men. Those left were behind she suspected would be arrested. Red Hood had his crew filtering out quickly. There was nothing to say they would not be arrested too when the time came. She didn’t expect that Batman’s generosity to work with the man would extend to keeping him out of jail when the time came. The partnership was very limited.
She started to get concerned that the same could be said of her own partnership with him. She was an unknown and she could tell he didn’t trust magic users. He knew enough to suggest a couple other magic users who he trusted enough with the magic seeping out. That didn't seem to include her and she wasn't sure she could handle it anyway. It had become clear that her involvement was to recover and protect the miraculous magic and the former guardian. She could leave the woman to their questioning.
She released Orikko, who had been active longer and she would have an easier time traveling as Malchance. She nodded at Batman and Nightwing, giving them no chance to stop her before she scooped up the woman and vaulted out of there. She took her to her apartment and left her sleeping in the spare room. She would have to find out about contacting the new guardian soon. The order would have some way to care for the woman who lost her memories to the cause.
Malchance would return to her shortly but she had to check. She landed on the roof and as she suspected Red Hood was waiting for her there. He looked up and watched her land and walk toward him. He stood and reached out for her. She was shocked at how right it felt to go into his arms. Maybe it had been too long since she had allowed herself to form any connections. She didn't want to bother with the 'why' of anything tonight. She just craved the connection. She knew it wasn't love and probably wouldn't last. Maybe he only liked the chase and maybe she didn't care. She pulled him down and kissed him. The only thing that mattered was it was right now.
@jasonette-july-event | @theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo | @adrestar | @zynna
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hi. Maybe for spicy sunday we can get a glimpse of Kate and Anthony in a pool on particular hot day? ☺️
Okay, Okay, I have spent all week, tryna figure out where they would have access to a pool where others wouldn't be and ahhh I couldn't think of anything that wouldn't get them arrested for indecent exposure but ahh Did you know that Aubrey Hall has a pond?
While Kate wouldn't say it was the main reason, She had to say, dating a man rich enough to own a country manor really did have its perks. For example he'd turned to her, three days ago and said, Let's go to the country this weekend as though it were the simplest thing in world. His mother had told her in a hushed whisper months ago now how he hated to go to their country house, how he only ever went there to mourn his father, and Kate had felt an ache in her chest at the image of Anthony, all alone there, grieving.
The first time he'd taken her there though she'd been wary, having head what his mother had said, but he'd smiled and said I want to make good memories there again. And who was she to argue? If he wanted her there, to remember how happy he'd been there, then that's what she would do. So every time he smiled at her, and tucked her hair behind her ear and begged her to go away with him, she did it. She packed her bags and strapped Newton into his harness, and let him drive her out of the city.
And really, in the summer when the flowers were blossoming and she lay with her head on his chest in the garden threading daisies into his hair, it was beautiful, he was so beautiful. She could almost imagine the 17 year old boy he'd been here, with Gregory on his shoulders, trying desperately to grow a little stubble, with his hair falling into his eyes, and she fell even more desperately in love with him. As they lay by the pond in the garden, the sun beating down on them, his sunglasses a little askew, his fingers, tickling the bare skin on her back.
"What did you do as a teenager here?" Her voice was soft, her fingers playing with the button of his shirt, the little flamingos printed on it making her smile. "Hiked mostly, played rugby with my Dad and brothers, helped my mum in the kitchen, we were so happy. This was my favourite place." His soft smile turning mischievous, a wicked smirk that always twisted her stomach. "Of course I would hang out in the village and talk to the pretty girls there." Laughter burst from Kate's chest, imagining a teenage Anthony, attempting to ooze charm the way his older self did. "And were you popular with the teenage girls?" "Oh immensely, teenage Kate Sheffield would have been completely at my mercy." Kate laughed again, and honestly, she'd seen the pictures, Anthony was exactly the kind of boy who would have set her heart aflutter if he'd winked at her with his school bag strewn over his shoulder, and exactly the kind of boy who would have had no idea she existed.
"You never would have looked at teenage Kate Sheffield, she had glasses and braces, and she-" "Was absolutely beautiful, I've seen the pictures, you can't fool me now, Sheffield." He cut across her, his fingers curling in her hair setting her heart a flutter. She hummed. "And say, your teen self lured young Katie Sheffield here, I went by Katie all the time then," Anthony looked delighted, "What would you have tricked her into doing." She could feel the smirk on her lips as Anthony sighed. "Well, I definitely would have told her how beautiful she was, and then, I would have tried to convince her to go swimming in the pond." Something warm sunk into the pit of her stomach, settling there, an idea forming as she sat up. A faux gasp. "Really Anthony, for shame. Did that ever work?" Anthony laughed, "Would you believe, No it didn't."
Hs eyes were curious as Kate stood, his mouth falling open completely as she slid the zipper on her skirt down, shimmying out of it, her crop top following shortly after, tossing it too him lightly, hitting his chest, frozen. She faked a gasp again. "Would you look at that. It worked." She said as coyly as she could manage, turning to walk towards the pond shivering a little as the cold water hit her legs. Anthony was sitting up now, his mouth hanging open in surprise. "It's awfully warm today Anthony, are you quite sure you wouldn't like to join me?" Almost as soon as the words had left her lips Anthony was stumbling towards the pond, his fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt, tripping a little as his shorts got caught around his ankles, laughter bubbling out of her chest, as he slashed towards her, flipping his wet hair from his eyes. And he looked so young and handsome and care free as he spun her around in the water, her breath catching.
"I wanna Marry you here." His eyes shining at her, his hand fiddling with the ring he'd placed on her finger only months before. "Yeah?" Her own voice a little rough tears stinging at her eyes. Tears shining in his own eyes. "Yeah."
Her lips finding his softly at first, soft heat simmering between them, his eyes darkening when they pulled apart, his lips finding hers again, tugging until her legs wrapped around his waist, muscles firm against her. His mouth trailing down her neck, soft lips nips drawing soft little mewling sounds from her, echoing through the garden. The sun still beating down on them, the warmth of him against her, contrasting with the cool water. And then it all seemed to happen at once. Their hips grinding together in a slow, teasing rhythm, laugher and happiness and so much love bubbling between them, their eyes locked together, identical grins on their faces as the tension built, slowly, air passing between them in gasps and moans, Anthony's forehead falling against hers. And then it crashed over them like a wave, shuddering against him her arms still holding her tightly, refusing to let her slip under the water bonelessly.
Anthony's breathless laughter echoing through the garden, Kate's own joining it. "I love you so much. You make me so happy." Anthony's eyes were shining at her in the sunlight, his sunglasses abandoned on the grass. Kate hummed, her lips meeting his forehead. "I hope your teenage self is very pleased." Anthony scoffed "Teenage Anthony is beating his chest like a madman because his wife is a frigging goddess." "Not your wife yet." She teased, unable to keep the smile off her face. "Semantics. Now, Katie Sheffield, perhaps if this pond impressed you so much, I could show you my Bedroom? I have some pretty cool CDs." And their laughter echoed through the garden again.
This was long and full of nothing. I'm so sorry
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queenmagnusao3 · 3 years
Bedtime - Lin the Babysitter
“Meelo! Get down from there this instance! I swear if you wake your brother after I just spent an hour getting him to fall asleep I will-“
Lin was cut short by the young airbender hopping down from the roof and landing, very expertly, on Lin’s shoulders. Her eyes narrowed and her mouth got very thin in obvious annoyance.  Meelo crossed his arms on the top of her head and rested his chin on them.
“Where are your sisters?”
Lin’s hand shot up and quickly covered the airbender’s mouth.
“What did I just say about waking your brothe- ugck!”
She pulled her hand back down, shaking it furiously.
“Did you just lick me?”
He giggled in response, thumping his heels against her metal chest plate. Having had enough, she grabbed him by one ankle and pulled him from her shoulders so he was hanging upside down in front of her. He laughed uncontrollably and she lifted him up so she could look him in the eye.
“Now you listen to me. We’re going to find your sisters and then it’s time for you all to go to bed. Do you understand?”
He wriggled against her grip and Lin felt her stomach drop for a moment when he slipped out of her hand. It was short lived, however, as she was quickly reminded that he was an airbender. He merely twisted around mid-air, landing on his feet like a cat before immediately taking off in the direction opposite the house.
Lin let out a loud groan, throwing her head back in frustration. How did she EVER let Tenzin convince her to babysit his herd of brats. He and Pema had wanted to have night to themselves for the first time since the kids had been born and somehow they had thought she was the best person to keep the children in line. They had sent Meelo to try and sweet talk her and she cursed herself for being unable to say no to his toothy smile as he fed her some bull about her being his hero or something.
As she watched him running farther away from her she made mental note to never fall for his antics again. Deciding that it was best to act before he was completely out of her range she stomped her foot to the ground. Too distracted to be paying much attention to his surroundings, Meelo quickly found his entire lower body encased in earth, his hands trapped by his sides.
“No fair!”
Lin couldn’t help but smirk as she slowly sauntered towards him.
“Meelo, what did you do?”
“She said we have to go to bed!”
“But I don’t want to go to bed!”
“Ikki, Meelo, the sun is setting. You know that means it’s time for bed.”
“Jinora, just because you’re the oldest doesn’t mean you’re the boss of us!”
“No, but I am.”
Jinora and Ikki were walking up one of the grassy paths when they came across their trapped brother.  Lin put her hands on her hips as she approached in an attempt to look more intimidating. She could regularly make grown men nearly wet their pants with a single glance but these kids weren’t even phased by her general authoritarian demeanor.
“B…but Aunt Lin! Why do we have to go to bed?”
“Because I said so. And don’t call me that.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m not your Aunt.”
“Because I’m not.”
“Lord Zuko isn’t our dad’s uncle but he still calls him that. And he calls your mom Aunt Toph.”
“That’s because he had a close relationship with both of them growing up.”
Lin released Meelo from his earthen prison and made a motion for him to reclaim his perch upon her shoulders. He squealed with delight before launching himself back up, squeezing his legs tightly against her neck.
“No fair! I want to ride on your shoulders. Meelo always gets to!”
“Meelo, stop squeezing so hard. Ikki, you can ride on my back if you want, just don’t knock your brother off.”
Ikki jumped into the air and latched herself onto Lin’s back. With Meelo on her shoulders there wasn’t much space for Ikki to hold on so Lin flicked her hand so one of her cables wrapped around the girl’s behind and crisscrossed over her back like a harness.
“Let’s go!!”
Lin looked over to Jinora with what she hoped was a sympathetic look.
“Sorry, I don’t have any other body parts for you to climb on, kid.”
Lin stumbled a bit as she tried to stay upright while Ikki struggled against her back. Meelo was laughing hysterically and kicked his legs hard against her chest. She and Jinora shared a look, both deadpan and completely done with the younger airbender’s antics.
“It’s okay. I prefer to walk.”
Twenty minutes later Lin had managed to get them all into bed. Not their own beds because apparently that was asking too much. Instead she had convinced Jinora to share their parents’ bed with her younger siblings. Lin had formed a silent alliance with the girl and she hoped she’d be able to keep them in line should they decide to rebel against bedtime… again. She carefully pulled the blankets up over the trio, pleading silently with the universe that they’d just go to sleep.
“Now, you all go to sleep and no getting out of bed. Or else.”
“Or else what?”
“Yeah! Will you throw us in jail?”
“Oh! I’ve always wanted to see what jail is!”
“Me too!”
Meelo was already halfway out of bed when Lin finally lost her temper.
“NO! You. Get back in that bed right now.”
She really did try to not use her police chief voice with the kids but she was just so exhausted and wanted nothing more in the world than for them to go to sleep. Then she saw the looks on their faces. Meelo was frozen, eyes wide as he stared at her. She hadn’t meant for it to come out so abrasively but then Ikki started to cry and she actually felt bad.
“Ikki, don’t cry. I’m sorry. I got a little frustrated.”
“It’s okay. We have been kind of bad, haven’t we?”
Lin, once again, felt bad for making the kids feel like she was upset with them. They definitely were a burden but she didn’t need to make them feel bad about it. They were children. She spent every day dealing with adults who behaved more poorly than Tenzin’s kids, she supposed she could give them a little leeway. She sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled at them.
“No. You haven’t been that bad. I’m just still getting used to looking after you. I don’t have much experience with kids.”
“That is painfully obvious.”
Lin looked to Jinora in surprise and found the young girl giving her a cheeky smile. Oh, she most definitely was becoming Lin’s favorite.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, kid. Now, back into bed. You really do need to go to sleep.”
“B..but I’m not even tired.”
Meelo yawned, not fighting Lin as she covered him back up with the blanket. Ikki already had her eyes closed and she walked around to the other side of the bed, making sure Jinora was comfortable as well. To Lin’s surprise the girl sat up and wrapped her arms tightly around her neck.
“Thanks for watching us tonight, Aunt Lin.”
Lin didn’t correct her this time, giving her a quick pat on the back before Jinora nestled back into the bed. She surveyed the three of them for a moment. They’re much cuter when they’re quiet. She quietly walked to the door, thinking she had finally achieved the impossible when…
Ikki was yelling again while Meelo waved the blanket up and down wildly.
“I’m sorry, I can’t help that I’m so full of air. It just has to come out.”
Lin felt like crying. She really did. They had been so close.
“Meelo, Ikki, lay back down. There, the smell is gone.”
Jinora had taken control of the situation before Lin even had a chance to turn back to them. Sending a jet of air around the room to clear it of any unpleasant smells produced by her disgusting little brother. Ikki was still pouting and Meelo gave Lin one of his signature, toothy smiles.
“It’s fine. Just… just please go to sleep now.”
“What is it Ikki?”
“Tell us a story!”
“It’s way too late-“
“I’m sure we’ll all go right to sleep if you tell us a story.”
“Jinora, I thought you were on my team.”
She looked at her innocently and Lin let out a long sigh.
“Fine. I’ll tell you a story my mother used to tell me and my sister when we were kids.”
They all looked very excited as Lin sat on the edge of the bed again and cleared her throat dramatically.
 “The cats nestle close to their kittens,
 The lambs have laid down with the sheep.
 You are cozy and warm in your bed, my dear.
 Please go the fuck to sleep...”
Ao3 Link
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withcreamandsugar · 4 years
🌺🌸haseul group project in college au🌸🌺
HI IM NOT DEAD school has been kicking my ass HAHA i promise i’ll try to be more active!! enjoy this lil au i’ve been working on since literally my last post!!
“Alright class, start grouping up for the project presentation next week! Don’t procrastinate, this is worth 30% of your grade!”
You were halfway through processing what the professor had said until you realized the classrooms cliques had already started forming. Those seemingly without a group were you, a couple tongue deep in each other, and a pretty girl writing down notes while humming to herself with an airpod in her ear.
You gulped as you walked over to her, making sure not to trip over the occupied couple next to her.
“Hey, I’m y/n. Sorry to bother you but-“
You got through half your sentence before realizing she was still humming along to the song on her phone.
You tap her shoulder, and in response her eyes shoot open, meet yours and a blush begins to form.
“S-sorry! I didn’t realize you were talking to me. What did you need?”
“Haha, no worries. I just wanted to know if.. you wanted to be in a group for Prof’s project next week?”
“Wait, p-project?? Oh gosh, zoned out once I realized those two lovebirds started to go to town right next to me. I’m Haseul, and they’re my friends, Jiwoo and Sooyoung. Well, you’re welcome to join us, but I hope you don’t mind the distraction, heehee.”
You exchanged details, mentally first pumping at the idea of getting a girl like her’s number, and decided to work on the project during the upcoming weekend.
You jumped in your chair at Haseul’s scream, and felt the gaze of the entire library glaring at your table. After a mass of hushes and sighs, you quietly inquired Haseul about what had happened.
“Those two idiots decided to take the weekend off in Busan! IN BUSAN!”
After yet another mass of hushes, you desperately tried to get Haseul to calm down.
“Okay, it’s okay. Uhh, so let’s see... We only have 3 days until the presentation, so if we pull an all nighter we can probably get... 90% of the work done by the end of the weekend.”
You heard her audibly gulp. “Did you say... all nighter?” She looked up at you with puppy dog eyes and a pout, then collapsed face first into the library table.
“I’ll buy us coffees.” She groaned, still face down on the table. “Make that two coffees. And a cookie.” patting her on the head as you headed to the cafe.
“Good thing my head was down,” Haseul thought, as her face had instantly started blushing.
~~two coffees and a cookie later~~
The two of you worked hours on end on the presentation, nitpicking every meticulous detail fueled by the burst of caffeine. You notice Haseul’s tip-taps on her laptop keyboard grow progressively louder, culminating in a frustrated groan/growl.
“Everything alright Haseul?” you asked
“I can’t get this stupid image to compile!” She started smacking the laptop screen between every word - “If only this old jank piece of shi-“
“Hey, hey!” You grasped her smacking arm without thinking and held it for a short moment, leading to both of you awkwardly pulling back and looking away. “I-I think now would be a great time for a break.”
“But if we stop working we won’t be able to finish by Mon-“
“So I’ll keep working. You need to rest. Come over on my side of the bench and take a nap, you can lay on my backpack.”
Haseul let out a long sigh. “That doesn’t sound very comfortable.” Haseul remarked snarkily with a smirk.
“You’d be surprised at how comfortable a Psych 114 textbook is. Great lumbar support,” you jabbed back.
“Har har. I’ll take your word for it.” Haseul sauntered over and took up your offer.
Not even an hour into your work grind you get bored and look over to see Haseul splayed out on the bench, already deep in sleep. You thought this would be a perfect photo op for later, so you sneak over and hover your phone over the sleeping beauty’s not so beautiful drooling face. You snap a few pics, giggling at the idea of showing them to her later.
However, you suddenly lose your grip on the phone and to avoid dropping it on her face, you quickly swipe it away to the side. The jerk in movement causes you to fall out of balance and stumble on top of Haseul on all fours.
The two of you look at each other in utter disbelief, eyes wide open at the situation you find yourselves in. You look at each other for a very long time, the library’s silence deafening more than ever. Your heart races as you question what to do before beginning to push yourself off of her.
All of a sudden, Haseul grabs your arm much like you did hers prior. “Now or never,” the two of you simultaneously thought. You lean in slowly, eyes closed, every second feeling like a millenia. The two of you are hairs apart when you hear,
Your phone blares, echoing throughout the silent library. You jump up instinctively and rush over to answer, hearing a familiar voice.
“Heeeeeeey good morning y/n!! I hope you and Haseul didn’tmiss us too much, heehee! It turns out, Sooyoung and I missed our train to Busan last night, so we can work on the project after all. See you at the library in 5? Later!!”
Ears ringing you shut the phone, laughing to yourself at the irony of the situation. You remember the situation you were in a minute ago and turn your vision back to Haseul.
Haseul sheepishly looks down, avoiding eye contact. “S-so about the project! I can continue working on-“
Haseul got through half her sentence before you placed a fleeting peck on her lips, leaving her astounded. She covered her face with her hands, her cheeks almost matching her red nail polish. “W-why? Not that I minded or anything!”
“I just thought I needed to get that through before you kill me,” as you showed her your phone screen, slowly swiping through the multitude of her sleeping photos taken at numerous unflattering angles, before starting to run away in fear and/or joy.
“Ya! Delete those!” She ran after you, throwing the contents of your comfy backpack at you as the two of you started a wild goose chase around the empty library. “I can’t believe I ever thought about liking you!”
You thought to yourself mid sprint and out of breath, “I found her.”
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
a little something I wrote for @smashmouth-hargrove after converting me with all their tommy content!
Breaking Character
3.3k | Explicit
warnings: tomgrove with sprinkles of harringrove and stommy, graphic depictions of violence, drinking, sexual content, homophobic language.
read on ao3
Billy didn’t really know what to do when he woke up on the hardwood floor of the empty Byers house with his car missing from the front yard, his movement off kilter from whatever was in that vial still coursing through his veins, and a death wish waiting for him at home considering the red-head he had been ordered to fetch was nowhere to be seen. With all of his energy lost in that fight he only vaguely remembered, just little flashes of a bloody Steve beneath him and sounds of breaking dishware echoicing in his brain, he’d given up on finding her, noting the time on the clock was already passed midnight and his father would have his ass either way. So instead of searching the town on foot, or parking himself in the Byers house on the off chance she’d come back, he stumbled over to the phone on the wall and dialed the only number he’d remembered from his short stay in Hawkins.
The guy was like a fucking lost puppy with the way he had followed him around from the moment he stepped foot into the high school. Coming up from behind him, firmly grabbing him by the shoulders and boldly introducing himself as “Tommy H.” making him wonder exactly how many people were named “Tommy” at such a small school. Billy had just brushed him off at first and searched for his locker, but Tommy persisted. Following him to first period which they just so happened to share, and even cornering him at lunch to sit with him and his group of other assholes, to which he declined and instead pulled the first girl he saw looking at him aside and invited her to eat lunch in his car with him, where they didn’t actually eat lunch at all.
Billy planned to just blow the guy off completely, not interested in being part of the “popular crowd” or whatever the fuck Tommy had called it, and he was kind of getting creepy, stalkerish even with the way he followed him around and practically begged for his attention, which he wasn’t interested in giving until the two words, or rather, the name had escaped passed Tommy’s lips.
“Steve Harrington and that freak Byers look to be getting a little close wouldn’t ya say? Think we should tell little ol’ Nancy?” He said it with a string of laughs and a slap on the shoulder of the nameless guy in the letterman’s jacket that stood beside him. Billy couldn’t give a shit about who Byers or Nancy were, he was far more hung up on “Steve Harrington”. The guy who stumbled into his fourth period class five minutes after the bell had rang and followed him to fifth where he watched from the corner of his eye as he stripped down into his gym clothes. He only heard his full name when they all stood in a line alphabetically by last name when he was called directly after him. Hargrove, then Harrington. Then they were all paired off into groups of two and of course, he got paired up with a Steve and his ridiculous head of hair and thighs he wanted to crush his fucking head.
Billy stuck around Tommy after learning he was the one with the most intel on the guy. Tommy told him about the Halloween party where “Keg King Steve” might just get dethroned if Billy had anything to say about it. He didn’t know the guy he was dealing with was fucking royalty.
Tommy became a second shadow after that. He was with him everywhere he went and if it hadn’t been for the service he did provide, he would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago. And now with him standing in a strangers house in the middle of nowhere without a means of transportation and the only phone number on hand belonging to fucking Tommy, he was lucky he hadn’t.
“Hello?” Tommy’s voice came over the receiver.
“Hey uh, it’s Billy. Think you could come pick me up from somewhere?” Billy’s voice was still groggy from the drugs.
“Are you drunk?”
“No, but I wish I fuckin’ was. Look I’m at the Byers and I have no car so if you could just come and rescue me that would be great.” he said it with the utmost sarcasm to his voice, despite none of it actually being sarcastic at all.
“Okay I’m on my way, I’ll bring beer.”
Tommy pulled into the front in less than five minutes from the moment he set the phone back on the hook. Apparently he didn’t live too far from the Byers place in the middle of the woods. Billy stumbled out the front door and managed to barely make it to the passenger door without toppling over, which didn’t do much to help his story that he wasn’t in fact drunk.
“Dude! What the hell is going on? What happened to your face?”
Billy just slumped into his seat and pulled a beer bottle from the six pack sitting in Tommy’s back seat and opened it with the ring on his finger. “Just drive, I’ll explain when I can’t fuckin’ feel it anymore.” he said, kicking his feet up on the dash earning a grunt out of Tommy.
“Anywhere but here.”
Tommy took off the parking brake with a smirk on his face and turned the car around.
“To the quarry then.”
Billy had been around there once or twice since he’d arrived in Hawkins. The first time was when they had first driven past the welcome sign and he stumbled upon it while scoping out the town for any reason to stay in the shithole. Instead he stumbled upon the two hundred foot cliff into bone crushing waters. But he’d only ever been there during the day when the sky was overcast and it looked like nothing more than doom and gloom, much like the rest of the town. This time it was late, the sky was clear and the stars and the moon were brightly visible and reflected on the water's surface. The headlights illuminated the space around them and it was oddly peaceful.
“Now you gonna tell me why you’re getting blood all over my car?”
Billy finished off the last of the beer that was in the bottle and tossed it out the open window. “I got into it with Harrington.” He said, wiping away at the blood that still was dripping from the nose that was definitely broken. Harrington was a shit fighter but he threw a mean punch.
“Why was he at the Byers? Why were you at the Byers? What the fuck is going on?!” Tommy had his seat belt off and his body fully turned towards Billy who was still sitting with his feet up on the dash reaching his arm back for a second bottle.
“I don’t fucking know Hagan. I was looking for my little sister and Harrington chose to pick a fight with me. My sister fuckin’ drugged me and when I woke up my car was gone,” Billy took a large swig out of the bottle in his hand, “that’s where you came in.”
Tommy took the bottle from Billy’s hand and took his own drink from the bottle, committing to staying with Billy at the quarry with that first swallow of bitter liquid down his throat. Billy quickly stole it back from him and chugged the rest of it, prompting Tommy to grab his own from the pack in the back seat. “So King Steve finally won a fight huh? Never thought I’d see the day.” Tommy said while he fiddled with his key trying to pop the bottle cap off. But Billy was quick to set him straight about exactly what happened.
“Harrington did not win the fight.” Billy let out a pained laugh. “Last I remember he looked dead on the floor.” Tommy was speechless, staring back at Billy with the mouth of the bottle held against his lower lip, frozen in place. “You got a smoke?”
“Is Steve okay?” Tommy’s voice was panicked, a total tone shift not only from how they were previously talking, but a tone Billy hadn’t yet heard out of the guy before. His eyes were wide and filled with concern and Billy had been trying not to think about everything that was currently swimming through Tommy’s mind since he had woken up on that wood floor.
“I don’t fucking know man, he wasn’t there when I woke up,” Billy just ignored eye contact with Tommy and began rummaging through the glove box in search of a pack and a light. “I’m sure he’s fine, they wouldn’t have just left me on the fuckin’ floor if I was wanted for murder.” he says it to Tommy, but also to himself as he finally finds a loose pack of reds and holds a cigarette in between his fingers, letting the words and the feeling of warmth as he lights up calm his nerves about whatever situation Steve was currently in. Nothing he could do about it now.
“What the fuck Hargrove? How bad did you hurt him?” Tommy was practically yelling at him, almost becoming teary eyed, punching Billy in the shoulder like he was trying to hurt him but didn’t know how.
“Why the fuck do you care so much? You got a boner for him or something?” It was meant as a joke. Billy really didn’t have anything suggesting Tommy was “of the same crowd” as he was from his observations over the past week aside from his weird infatuation with him that he’d just written off as him using him to get chicks after noticing how every girls eyes darted toward him as soon as he stepped foot out of the Camaro. But the way Tommy reacted to the accusation without immediate denial or fucking any other reaction that wasn’t his eyes growing even wider before turning his head down and away from Billy. “Did I strike a nerve there?”
“Can it Hargrove.” Tommy’s voice is low and quiet and he’s practically one with the steering wheel with how close his forehead is to it.
“What? That Little Tommy Hagan is a queer for Harring-“
“Shut Up!” Tommy yelled and surged forward from where he was sitting to being practically in Billy’s seat with both hands clutching the collar of Billy’s shirt and pinning him up against the car door. “Get the fuck out of my car Hargrove, walk home.” Tommy said in a mean voice, his teeth clenched and his knuckles digging into Billy’s collar bones.
And Billy just laughed his maniacal little laugh he gave whenever someone tried to start a fight they would inevitably lose in the end. Instead of reaching a hand back for the door handle and following Tommy’s strict little orders, he did exactly what he always did when it came to men he could win against. He fought back.
With the same swiftness that Tommy had, he flipped the script, turning everything right back around on Tommy so that he was the one pinned up against the drivers side door, his head slamming back against the glass window. Billy took it even one step further and pushed their combined weights against the door and with a free hand, opened it, causing Tommy to roll out onto his back along the gravel path they were parked on where he let out a pained groan.
Billy walked out unscathed, the only marks on his body being the result of a separate H name. Billy reached for Tommy’s bottle out of the cup holder and finished it off before chucking it out into the water below with a strong throw.
“So, Tommy H. eats dick for breakfast, I can’t say I’m totally surprised.” Billy took the keys from Tommy’s pockets and stuffed them in his own. He was just going to leave him there, begin a chain for vehicular theft and find somewhere else to be with someone else, but Tommy just had to go and open up his big and stupid mouth.
“Yeah, and what about you huh? I didn’t say shit about the way you were rubbing all up against Steve during gym!” Tommy started to get up, but Billy quickly responded by putting him right back down. He pushed him back down onto his back with the grip of his shoulders and climbed on top of him where both his knees were sitting on both of his hands leaving him completely immobile. Tommy screamed out in pain as his knees dug into his palms and the sharp rocks cut the skin on his hands.
“You calling me a fag?!” Billy yelled, his grip growing tighter and tighter on his shoulders, thumbs digging and bruising and Tommy didn’t have the breath to stop screaming to say anything in response. Billy chose to remove his knees from Tommy’s hands so that he would stop, but he stayed on top of him, sitting down so he wouldn’t be able to get out.
That’s when he noticed it.
Tommy was fucking hard.
“Oh, so Harrington ain’t the only guy who turns you on huh?”
Tommy made a bold move, and spit up at Billy, hitting him directly in the eye. “Get off of me.”
Billy just laughed and freed one of Tommy’s shoulders to wipe away at his eye. “Nice shot. This how you treat all the boys or am I just special?”
“I’m not fucking gay!”
“Well your dick tells me otherwise.”
Tommy just squeezed his eyes tightly, like he was trying to focus all of his energy on making it go down, which wasn’t made easy by having Billy Hargrove’s literal ass pressed up against it.
Billy had told himself he wouldn’t let this happen. Not here. But he also didn’t think he’d have the temptation so readily available, already hard for him and on his back ready to go. Billy Hargrove wasn’t one to pass up a treat like this. Sure, it wasn’t Steve Harrington, but Billy wasn’t anything if not good at playing pretend.
Billy leaned his body down to where they were chest to chest, both of their hearts pounding hard enough that they could feel each other’s. His mouth found Tommy’s neck where Billy found the most sensitive spot and took the skin right in between his teeth, causing Tommy to shudder and his dick to twitch against Billy’s ass.
“So Tommy likes a little pain with his pleasure too? You learn more and more every day.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Tommy said through a sigh followed by a gasp for air.
“Would you like me to stop?” Billy asked, knowing full well by the expression on Tommy’s face what his answer would be. But for good measure, Billy rocked his hips against Tommy’s dick to milk another moan out of his mouth. “You ever kissed a boy Tommy?”
Instead of answering with his words, Tommy bucks his hips upwards and utilizes his now free hands to grab Billy by the face and bring his lips down to his own, faces slamming together with bruise inducing force that leaves Tommy breathless and craving more. He kisses him like he’s starving, like just the taste of Billy’s lips was like a drug necessary for the continuation of his life and he’s not going to let go of it for even a second. Take all of it that he can get his hands on.
And Billy just kisses him back, closing his eyes and imagining dark brown hair and pale skin peppered in moles and deep brown eyes that could turn a sour kid sweet.
Tommy reaches his hands through the opening in Billy’s shirt and wraps his hands around to Billy’s back. Tommy’s cold hands against his skin cause him to shiver as they trace up and down and pull him in closer.
Billy grinds his hips into Tommy’s at a comfortable pace, his own dick matching Tommy’s level of hard as they’re both aching and throbbing and leaking with pre into their jeans, both of them agonizingly starved.
Billy trails a hand down the length of Tommy’s chest and undoes the button on his pants the moment he reaches his waist. Tommy’s rhythm was erratic and desperate and helping the guy out a little was the least he could do for being the tool he used to live out his own fantasies. Once the zipper was lowered, Billy reached his cold and bruised hand, coated in a layer of spit from his own mouth, into the space below Tommy’s boxers where he wrapped his hand around Tommy’s dick, pretending it was Steve’s, the one he managed to catch a glimpse of while they were in the showers after practice, the one he permanently ingrained in his mind and could see just as vividly now, and pumped. And Tommy did a lot of the work himself, thrusting himself into Billy’s hand, no longer able to focus on kissing Billy from all the intense pleasure that he was just breathing into Billy’s open mouth all hot and heavy. Tommy didn’t say it, but Billy could tell that he was on the brink with the way his face contorted more and more with each thrust. The sweat was spilling from his pores like multiple waterfalls and Billy just kept on closing his eyes, picturing Steve, not the freckled face below him that made all the sounds that sent him reeling.
Because it was one thing to want someone unattainable, and an entirely other thing to want someone who was.
Tommy came into his hand as Billy had that thought, moaning out the name “Steve” as he did, reminding Billy of exactly what this was, ripping the word “attainable” directly from his vocabulary and leaving him with the most disappointing orgasm of his life.
Okay, not true. It was still ten times more epic than any girl had ever given him.
The problem was that with all that buildup with Steve at the forefront of his mind, he came to the image of Tommy, who had just come to the image of Steve, another guy’s name on his tongue.
Billy just got up from where he was on top of Tommy, pressing his boot into Tommy’s thigh with an anger induced force, and walked off. He ignored the damp and sticky mess in his boxers and took a seat in the passenger seat of Tommy’s car while Tommy was still laid out on the gravel.
“Let’s go! Not a fucking word about this Hagan, you got it?”
He just nodded his head, his face flushed likely due to the answer to that initial question about ever kissing a boy being true, maybe because he was embarrassed for himself, maybe because he was embarrassed for Billy.
He didn’t want to think about that.
“Keys?” Tommy asked as he took his seat, holding his hand out for Billy to drop them. Billy tossed them over, ignoring the outstretched hand and instead reaching for his technically third beer from the back of Tommy’s car and not saying a word about it. Letting Tommy just take him wherever he so pleased.
Tommy took him to his house, surprisingly knowing where he lived, and Billy didn’t bother to question how exactly he knew the address. He didn’t say anything, not even a thank you before he closed the car door behind him and watched Tommy drive off down Cherry Lane.
He stood out there for a while by himself. Staring blankly at the yellow front door knowing that Hell awaits him on the other side.
And yet he couldn’t stop thinking about those words that Steve said to him when he first stepped out of the Camaro outside the Byers House.
“Don’t cream your pants.”
Because it was too fucking late for that.
He should have listened to him.
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Hi I hope I’m not too late for thirsty Thursday? I had this thought of a Robert character (of your choice) going to an adult store with the reader/ to surprise the reader
Maybe trying new things/ positions/ accessories👀
Your wish is my command 💋
LoveGame (Luba x Fem!Reader)
Word Count: 1900
Warnings: NSFW smutty as hell. Pegging, masturbation, m/f penetration
A/N: Reader is getting married. Luba wants to make sure her last night goes out with a bang 😉
Tumblr media
You stood outside Foreign Dreams hugging your arms against the cold. You checked the digital clock chip newly implanted in your wrist. Half eleven. Luba, as always, was late.
You tapped an icon of a phone and waited. Five minutes went by and a beautiful face with lengthy platinum eyelashes answered.
“Guten nacht,” his bored voice greeted you with a hint of mischief. Just a trace of a smile on his full lips.
“Hooker where are you? I'm freezing my tits off out here.” You delighted in archaic epithets.
“Back off hündin (bitch),” a laugh now. “Nicky needed me to pick up one last table. Let me grab my cape, and I'll come warm your tits up in five.”
Rolling your eyes you sighed, “Better not let Benjamin catch you massaging them again.”
“He's a boring prick. Why do all of my exes leave me for the dullards?” You could see him moving around a back room. “These strong, silent types,” he mimicked a gash across his thick neck.
“Because you never fucking shut up. They let us talk hours at a time for once. Just get your tiny ass out here so we can get to Oswald’s store. It was rather nice of him to open on his day off.”
The side door to Foreign Dreams opened and the transmission on your wrist ended. Luba in his leather and tiger skins strode towards you with his muscular arms open. That sweet smelling cigarillo smoke hung in the air around him. Cherries tonight.
He was shirtless as always under the fur with his skin the color and texture of pearls. He hugged you in that dramatic fashion and you melted into his taut chest. Your heart skipping a beat.
“Liebchen you're freezing. Is that why you’re simply trembling?” He began rubbing your arms swiftly.
“Sure, that's why.” It wasn’t at all because he was breath-taking with a heat under his skin. If you lingered it was because you couldn't help it. Luba was hypnotic.
Shaking it off, you linked arms with him and headed towards your simultaneous wedding present and “hen party” for two. One that started off with Luba taking your hand and tipping a white powder on your skin between your thumb and index finger.
“Inhale, you'll feel better.” He held his pinky nail up to his nose and snorted. “It's a little this and that. Nicky's special mix for just tonight. Everyone misses you.”
Following suit you took a breath and the powder went straight to your brain as you seemed to float to the sex shop. Why did you trust Luba to never steer you wrong?
Inside the store, Oswald and his inappropriate Geisha makeup behind the counter. An amused smirk across his exaggerated red lips waved you both on as you followed Luba around the store.
“It's all on me poppet! We just want to make sure none of us catches Benjamin with any of the girls,” he paused and winked at Luba, “Boys or otherwise in between or nothing at all. At the parlour you know.”
Luba was standing in front of a wall of dildos. He was biting his pinky nail as he so often did when he was anxious.
“Ozzy this is too much! These choices, it's overstimulating to my brain and not my penis. Look at this,” he pried a massive cock from the wall using his hands. The suction made a satisfying snap sound that sent you both into giggles. “Who does this fit? Their pussy or asshole MUST be like a cavern. Too much. Ach.”
Luba waved the dildo around in your face and your head dodged out of the way. “STOP! I don't like you wiggling a dick in my face!”
This sent the two of you into further hysterics. Luba’s laughter between infectious and obnoxious as it bounced off the walls.
Your arms already full of lube (I know how you can be if they don't kiss you right. Sahara Desert! Look remember me, its LUBE- A) and vibrators (One for while you fuck, it's a clit stimulator. I remember how you need that. You just.. settle it right in here. The other for when he's gone away or you sex dream about me. You know Clit and G Spot?) Your eyes grow wide with each suggestion.
“Luba, I know how to masturbate. Benjamin knows how to get me off,” you started to put some stuff back in random places. Except for the wireless egg shaped clit stimulator that matched your own vaginal (OR ANAL!) rhythms. That one you pocketed happily.
Luba walked to a curtained side room and threw back the red velvet material. “That's because I told him what you like and how to do it. Ozzy Ozzy darling, what HAVE you been hiding from us?!”
You followed him inside, your mouth hanging open. Everything looked positively medieval, but you both knew it was mostly from no earlier than fifty years earlier.
“Mid- 1990s BDSM. How delightful. Berlin, London, New York. They all had a renaissance after the AIDS pandemic terrorized the world. We're like cockroaches, you can't eradicate any of us in the community.”
Luba was lost in his own diatribe. His long white fingers running over the leather binding of whips and flogs. He nicked one and slung it over his shoulder. Then clicked his tongue a few times deciding between a realistic flesh penis attached to a harness or a silver metal one.
“See this, THIS!” he held out the slender metal version towards you. “I might be a sex worker but this is what fits my holes best.”
“LUBA that's a strap-on. Are most of your clients even into that?” You took it from him and held it up. Fascinated despite your protest.
“Liebchen, don't be so judgmental of others appetites. You were hungry for all of this once,” he ran his hand dramatically over the length of his torso.
You still were. The way you were staring at his svelte body and pert nipples as you bit your lip slightly, he knew it too. His eye brow was arched in satisfaction as he took your hand and dragged you towards the back of the room.
“Why don't we test some things out?” Luba tossed the question over his shoulder while closing the curtains to block Oswald from catching a glimpse.
“I'll try it on, but I'm not pegging you.”
“Sure you won't. I am curious what’s in these drawers though.” He had made his way over to a cabinet with wooden drawers and began pulling them out one by one. “JACKPOT!”
You joined Luba, strap-on still in hand. The drawer was lined with crushed velvet that matched the curtains. It was lined with rings and clamps. There were other devices, but you didn't have the guts to ask.
“Vier.. Fünf.. Six.. Ja this would fit,” Luba held up a deep jade cock ring. “Look it even matches my eyes!” He giggled and held it up to his face. “Take my jacket. I'm going to try this on.”
He tossed his coat but you dodged. Luba paid no mind as he unbuttoned and zipped his leather pants. He let out a satisfactory sigh as his cock was let free. You covered your face and chortled unable to understand that this was your life right now.
“Come here, liebe. I want you to put it on me.” Luba’s eyes sparkled.
“What does it even do?” You took the ring from him and held it in your palm.
“It keeps the cock erect so you last longer. I'm getting hard just thinking about it,” he gestured towards his junk.
Shrugging your shoulders you used your fingertips to slip the cock ring on much like Benjamin had your engagement ring. Almost tenderly and with great care. Luba twitched just ever so slightly as your hand and the smooth jade traveled the shaft so that it fit snug at the base above his balls. You let your fingers glide back upwards towards the head and made a circular motion with your thumb over it. Repeating yourself a few times
“Fuck. You always were good at that.”
Luba gazed up at the ceiling in ecstasy. His eyes closed and throat exposed as he moaned under the pressure of your touch. You pressed your mouth into the warm, ivory skin and lingered a moment over his Adam’s apple. Your fingers pumping harder over the shaft and head, twisting and stroking. Your tongue leaving a wet trail down to his clavicle. Your other hand was free to grab his ass and squeeze.
“If you're going to play with my ass, make it worthwhile, darling.” Luba demanded.
You stumbled a bit away from your ex standing naked without a care. His cock completely erect and being held steady by a jade ring. You did that, you thought. He loves sex, but you still can get him hard.
“Only this once, right?” you informed him as you stepped out of your skirt.
It took a few minutes of struggling, of swatting Luba off when he offered assistance, but you finally had the harness over your legs. In place as the metallic and futuristic dick hung between your legs. It was a strange sensation, one you weren't quite sure why you never tried before.
“Did you keep any of that lube?” he asked as he sat down on an old fashioned settee against the back wall.
“Of course.” You pulled it out of your discarded jacket on the floor and held it up.
“Güten. I'm sure you can figure out what to do with it.” Luba flitted his hand towards the device you were wearing as he kneeled on all fours. His forearms purchased on the arm of the couch so that his ass was higher than his head.
You climbed up behind him and put one hand on his thin hip. The other on the slick silver cock that you positioned outside of Luba. You bent to kiss his shoulders and once again allowed your lips and tongue to trace over his spine as you tentatively pushed the cock inside of him.
“Is that ok?” you asked.
“Deeper. Keep going. I want your hips to touch my ass.”
So they did. You lost yourself and let the sensation take over as you pumped completely inside him. God it felt good. Weird and new but good as you slid out almost entirely. Repeating. Your nails scratching at his perfect skin.
“Your ass is tight. This is fucking amazing.”
There was no more control as you started pulling him towards you at the same time as your thrusts in.
“Jerk me off,” he begged. His breathing was labored with pleasure.
“At the same time?” You were confused but silently agreed.
Your hand taking his cock again, it found a rhythm with your rutting. Your future husband would never, you thought as you almost yanked roughly on Luba’s erection. Your hips bucking wildly into him as he struggled to stay upright.
Plunging fully inside of him only two more times, Luba exploded in your hand. You pulled the strap on out of him and gasped as you were covered with that warm, sticky substance. He laughed in return, still moaning and jerking barely as he came again. Yet his dick was immediately hard because of the cock ring
“Tell me liebchen, why are you marrying him again?”
There wasn't time to answer because Luba had flipped underneath you, parting your legs and maneuvered the metal cock out of the way. He buried his own inside of your cunt taking you by surprise for the umpteenth time this evening.
Luba lifted his hips off the couch and pulled you forward so that he could penetrate you as far as he could manage. All you could do was cry out in pleasure. It was the only way you thought to answer him.
Tag list: @elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @sean-falco @magic-multicolored-miracle @robertsheehanownsmyass @slutforrobbiebro @nightmonsters @badsext @bisexualnathanyoung @firstpersonnarrator
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stayextrafrosty · 3 years
I’m Dying for a Taste of You: Chapter 4
Chapter Title: We Made a Deal With the Devil
Chapter summary: Michael takes Alex back to the place they met. They run in old vampires from Michael’s past
A/N: I went back and forth about how to do this chapter. But I settled on something different. Michael/Alex/Forrest. This will be a one chapter thing so don't fret too much. But this was a fun challenge for me! I hope you like even if it's not strictly Malex.
Kinks explored: Threesome dynamics, double anal penetration, exhibitionism
Read on AO3 // Masterlist
Alex bounced his leg in the passenger seat of Michael’s truck. Why had he agreed to this? Michael had a grin plastered on his face ever since he had gotten him changed. He had bought him a whole outfit for the blood ball. And even that might be too generous.
Alex was exposed more than he had ever been. Even if all the important parts were covered. He had never dressed like this while around other people. Hell, he never wore this stuff for former boyfriends in private. But Michael had asked. And the looks he was giving him warmed his skin.
He was wrapped up in a black leather harness. The straps wrapped around his neck like a collar and ran down the center of his chest before wrapping under his arms to his back. A triangle surrounded each peck like a bra would and more straps crisscrossed around his abs and back until they disappeared under the jeans he was wearing. They wrapped around his legs like a garter, accenting the scrap of fabric Michael had insisted was underwear even though it only covered his member.
Alex shifted in his seat and shivered, the rough fabric of the jeans rubbing over him. He could ditch the pants but it was something he had insisted on to preserve modesty. Michael had pouted but still said he could wear whatever made him feel comfortable. He had asked Michael if he kept any make-up. He was given a small cosmetic bag and used the eyeliner. Just like he used to in high school.
Michael on the other hand was a walking sex symbol. His jeans were a black and looked like leather though they weren’t. Alex often found himself focusing on the fact that he was most definitely not wearing anything under them. He wore a tight corset vest made with real brown leather trim and a black silk cotton mix for the rest. His chest hair peeking out and muscles rippling with every move must have come straight from a wet dream Alex would have had in high school. Or even now.
Michael glanced at him and smirked. Busted. Alex didn’t stop staring, waiting for the streetlights above them to illuminate the beautiful man. His curls were perfectly tousled from Alex’s hands when he had jumped him just before they left. All he wanted was to rip the clips open and run his mouth over every inch of him.
“I’d like to at least make it into the building, Manes. But if you keep looking at me like that, I might have to change our plans.” His cock jumped at the suggestion. He just grinned.
“You know I wouldn’t mind that.” Michael’s hands gripped the steering wheel and Alex drooled as the muscles through his arms tensed.
They pulled into the parking lot of the same ballroom looking building as the last week. Michael took a deep breath, looking up at the name scrawled above the doors. Sacrificial. Alex wondered how often random clubbers tried to get in not knowing exactly what it was. There were bouncers for a reason. Michael took his hand, pulling his attention back to him.
“You trust me right?” Alex raised an eyebrow.
“Of course. But why?” Michael swallowed and opened the console that separated them. He pulled a bag out and there was a faint clinking. Alex’s eyes widened at the chain leash he held in his hand. He looked between Michael and the chain. He didn’t know how to feel about it.
“You want to try it? I won’t make you wear it if you hate it.” Alex nodded slowly. He didn’t miss the small smile that settled on Michael’s lips. He leaned over and tugged at the collar of the harness. Alex leaned closer and Michael clipped the leash to the ring that sat on his throat.
The metal was cool to the touch and not as heavy as he expected. He ran his fingers over the chain and followed it down to where Michael held the black leather grip. He met Michael’s eyes again. The temperature in the truck seemed to spike as Michael panted and squeezed the grip.
“Come here,” he ordered. His voice low and scratchy sent need racing through Alex’s body.
He climbed carefully over the console to straddle Michael’s legs. Alex ran his hands over his face gently, pressing his groin against him. Michael tugged on the leash, pulling him down to his lips. Alex whined at the cool metal brushing over his skin and the firm hold Michael had on him.
Their lips moved over each other slowly, tongues meeting in the middle. Alex rocked his hips at a similar pace, making Michael moan softly. He pulled on the leash harder, nibbling on Alex’s bottom lip. His other hand traced the pattern of the harness down to his hips before grabbing him and moving his hips faster.
Alex sighed as they rutted against each other. He wanted more. But Michael stopped them, stilling Alex’s hips and smirking into the kiss.
“Can I take that as a yes?” he asked, cocky as ever.
“As long as you’re the only one holding the other end,” Alex responded.
“No one will come near you. They just get to be jealous.” He lifted his hand and ran his fingers over the mark gently. He let his lips trail over Alex’s jaw and down his neck, pressing a kiss where his fingers had just been. Alex sighed and let his head roll to the side. Michael growled. “So fucking hot. So good for me.” His hips rolled at the praise.
Michael just chuckled and opened the door, encouraging Alex to climb out. His jeans were uncomfortably tight and Alex was sure that was exactly what he intended. The wind blew and he shivered. Michael came up behind him, pressing his chest to his back. His breath was warm next to his ear.
“Keep your eyes down. There’s special guests in attendance and they don’t particularly like humans. I will protect you, ok?” Alex turned his head toward him, eyes narrowing.
“Then why are we here? You sound like you don’t want to be.” Michael shook his head and looked toward the doors to the club.
“Because I’ve been requested. And these aren’t the type of people you can just turn down.”
Alex sighed and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. He knew the vampire world had a hierarchy and that it was based on age. In other words, Michael had been summoned by a very old vampire and if he didn’t show up, they might kill him for being rude.
“I’ll behave. I promise.” Michael smiled and grabbed his hand, squeezing it.
“Hopefully, they’ll get bored and leave early.” Alex snorted out a laugh. Vampires bored at a blood ball? Very unlikely.
They walked to the door hand in hand. Alex heard distant whispers but couldn’t make out any of what was being said. The music could be heard from inside, slow and pulsing. Alex looked around as they walked through the doors. He fit in better than the previous week. He matched the other donors but was still the most clothed out of all of them.
There was a firm yank on his collar as Michael dropped his hand. Alex stumbled forward slightly and glanced at him, surprised at the sudden shift in mood. Michael stood taller, less relaxed and his teeth poked out from his lips. He didn’t look at Alex.
He followed his line of vision to a group of people. All stunning and very obviously vampires. One fed on a girl who was completely naked and her eyes were slowly drifting closed. Alex wanted to look away but it was like a car crash. The man dropped her now limp body, kicking it away from his feet.
Alex could have thrown up. His fingers twitched and he wanted to reach for the gun he knew he didn’t have. How dare they just toss her away like she was nothing. Another firm tug on the leash made him look at Michael, who mouthed the word ‘down.’
He took a deep breath and walked a step behind Michael, looking at the ground as opposed to the horror they were coming up to. He knew there was a woman and three men but he was too distracted by the dying girl to take in their appearances. He chanced a glance at Michael’s back. He could see the tension in his muscles but there was no other indicator that he was reacting to the horrifying scene at all.
“Ah Michael. So you decided to show up. Is that a snack for us?” A chill ran down Alex’s spine at the woman’s cold voice.
“Apologies, Alayna. I didn’t—”
“You claimed a human,” one of the men exclaimed. Alex did his best to smother his reaction to being talked about as though he was nothing.
“Now this is an interesting development. What happened to the Michael that called other vampires stupid for keeping a human by their side,” the woman, Alayna, asked? He wanted to look at Michael but he kept his eyes glued to the floor.
“With all due respect, Alayna, that was several hundred years ago. He happens to be a blood match.” She hummed her acknowledgement.
“Well I suppose I can’t fault you for that.” A pair of stilettoes stood in front of him. Long legs accented with fishnets and a skirt that was short in the front while the back dragged over the floor was all he could see. The smell of blood wafted over him and he tried not to gag. Fear raced through him. He had no weapons. Completely exposed. “Look at me slave.” He clenched his fists and raised his head slowly.
Her hair was dark and eyes blood red. Other than that she looked almost normal. Besides the fact she could have been a model. She lifted a hand that had claws for nails and grabbed his face, turning it to the side and exposing his mark. He fought against the instinct that told him to break her arm.
“Well he certainly smells heavenly. I’d love to taste him.” His eyes widened, ready to panic. He was pushed back and Michael stood in front of him. Alayna raised an eyebrow.
“Forgive my selfishness miss but I have to deny that request. You see I promised that no one else would hurt him. That’s my job after all.” Alayna let out a laugh and moved back to the cushioned chair she sat in before.
“Of course. But be careful Michael, if you let them think you care, they might expect something like love. Besides, wouldn’t a vampire be better for sex? They’re so much more durable. I know the last time I was here we had some fun.” Alex’s eyes darted between the two of them. Michael had been involved with this woman who reeked of blood?
He glanced over at the men. The one that had been feeding on the girl looked high. His eyes were closed and a content smile rested on his face. The peaceful nature was ruined by his teeth still fully extended and dead body at his feet. Another sat and observed Michael and Alayna. He had blonde hair and his eyes seemed normal. Blood stains ran down his face and chest.
The last man… watched Alex. Not a drop of blood was on him. Everything was still pristine and white. His hair was obviously dyed blue and black hair was dusted over his chin and chest. His shirt flowed and the buttons opened down to his bellybutton. His jeans were also white. Alex realized he was staring too late.
“Michael, you should teach your slave some respect. Show some humility. Gratefulness that he isn’t dead,” Alayna snapped. Alex jumped and looked back towards Michael. The chain was yanked and suddenly he was face to face with Michael, though he seemed to tower over him. His eyes were gentle and he swallowed before speaking.
“Apologize to Forrest,” he ordered. Alex redirected his eyes to the ground.
“I’m sorry, Forrest. Forgive my rudeness.”
“Sheesh Alayna. No need to be so cruel. I was the one staring at him.” His voice was warm and soft. Alex heard the rustling of clothes and the white pants were next to him and Michael. “What’s your name?”
“You’re too soft on humans. They’re sources of food. Treat them like it.” There was no real bite to her voice. But then again she was talking to one of her own.
A gentle finger was lifting his chin and he was staring into dark eyes. They looked on him fondly as Michael would. Maybe he wasn’t like the rest of them. A soft smile rested on his face and Alex couldn’t help the way the corners of his own mouth turned up.
“Alex,” he mumbled out, not wanting to anger Alayna further.
Michael grabbed Forrest’s wrist, pulling his hand away from Alex. He glanced at Michael and found a stiff smile on his face. The hand that was holding the leash pulled roughly, bringing Alex to Michael’s side.
“No disrespect, but I would appreciate it if you refrained from touching him. He is my claimed after all.” Forrest just nodded and smiled at them both. Though his gaze lingered slightly longer on Alex. Michael released his wrist, dropping it back to his side.
“I see we’re in the possessive stage. It’ll pass eventually.”
Alex wanted to shrink into nothing and disappear from the icy glare Michael was giving Forrest. He chanced a scolding from Alayna and wrapped his fingers around Michael’s arm loosely. His harsh gaze was redirected at him and a chill ran down Alex’s spine. Michael jerked his arm out of his hold and grabbed his throat. He wasn’t squeezing hard, but it was enough to make Alex completely forget about where they were.
His eyes fluttered closed as Michael turned his head to the side and sunk his teeth into the Mark. He didn’t take anything but the small amount of venom made his veins burn. As though someone was holding a lit match just above his skin. When he pulled away, he felt Michael’s lips brushing against his ear.
“Don’t look at him,” he threatened. Alex shivered but kept his mouth shut. He kept his eyes cast down as Michael released him.
“Was that display really necessary,” Forrest asked, scoffing slightly? Display?
“Well I find it incredibly offensive that you seem to be ogling something that belongs to me.” A stiff silence followed. Alex shifted closer to Michael, needing the cool touch of his skin just to calm his system. Biting him had been a show of dominance.
“Well, your claim might be enough to keep weaklings away but do you really think I couldn’t have him if I wanted?” Forrest’s voice was amused and taunting. Alex could only assume Michael had some sort of high standing if he had been involved with Alayna, but the way Forrest talked made it sound like he was nothing more than an inconvenience.
“I dare you to test that theory.” Alex jerked his head up to stare at Michael. His nose twitched with anger and red had taken over his eyes. He grabbed his arm again.
“Michael, please don’t,” Alex pleaded. Michael glanced at him and then back at Forrest. He took a deep breath as the red slowly retreated.
“I can’t believe you let him talk to you like that. Not a single respectful sentence leaves his mouth,” the blonde vampire that had been watching spoke for the first time. “If he was mine I’d break his jaw.” Alex slinked back, fear creeping through him.
“Shut up Caber,” Forrest snapped. “You have this bad habit of getting involved in my affairs.” Caber looked at Forrest, flashing a dazzling smile.
“I just get jealous. You never want to share blood anymore,” he said, pouting. Michael stepped into his line of view. Shielding him from the two arguing vampires.
“I hate to cut this meeting short but I’d rather be anywhere else. So excuse us,” Michael said while stepping away from them, towards a darkened corner of the club labeled Alter.
They didn’t make it two steps before Alayna was standing in front of Michael and lifting a clawed hand to his chin. She smiled at him in a way Alex was sure was supposed to be seductive. He looked to the floor before she caught him staring.
“I only wish you offered to share. We could have had fun after he was drained. You know your blood has always been my favorite.” Alex’s eyes snapped up. He watched her press her lips to Michael’s who didn’t reject her. He felt a light pull on his leash, making him look down to his clenched fists.
Alex kept his eyes trained on the floor until he couldn’t see her shoes anymore. Michael pulled him along and he followed silently. He held a curtain open as they walked through and Alex finally looked up.
Deep purple lights lined the ceiling with blue lights providing the ability to see. Sort of. Alex had to rely on Michael to make sure he didn’t trip over any tables or run into any chairs. Eventually, they entered a larger room. Lounging couches lined the walls as if they were set up in stations. Stages were scattered around with ropes hanging above them and some had people suspended.
Alex watched a woman spin with her arms and legs trust up so her legs were spread and wrists bound together. Her body was marked by bites and she looked like she could have been high. Another woman wrapped in all leather ran her hands over the other before leaning down and biting. Alex looked away, trying to preserve their privacy. Though he got the impression it wasn’t exactly important in this area. They walked past most of the people in the front area and entered a door towards the back.
“Where are we going,” Alex asked.
“To the spot made exclusively for Vampire/human pairs.” Alex heard the grin in his voice and he felt a blush rise to his face.
The room looked similar to the other but curtains hung in between each ‘station.’ The curtains were see-through but they obscured the furniture – and people – behind them slightly. Some were left open, people still not concerned with privacy.
Michael took him to an area near the back where a black couch almost as wide as a twin bed sat with a wooden table in front of it. Various bottles of wine and hard liquor sat on the table, along with small snacks.
Alex didn’t have time to appreciate it fully. Michael tugged on his leash, pulling his body flush against him. He pressed his forehead against Alex’s his free hand running over his face and down his neck to his shoulders.
“I’m so sorry,” he mumbled. “I didn’t know Forrest would… be like that.”
“I was more scared of Alayna,” he responded, lifting his hands to run over Michael’s arms now that he was free to touch him. Forrest intrigued him. He found himself wondering how different it would feel to be bitten by him.
“You should be. As annoying as he was, had Forrest not stepped in you could have been seriously hurt. Still won’t thank the asshole.” Michael backed up and lounged on the couch. Alex stood at the edge, running his eyes over him. He smirked and pulled on the leash again, making Alex stumble forward into his lap.
Alex crawled up his body and assumed the same position from when they were in the truck. He ran his hands over Michael’s face gently, running his thumb over his lips.
“She kissed you. I hated that she could.” Michael shifted beneath him, pressing his hips up against him.
“I’m yours Alex. You taste far better.” Alex couldn’t help but chuckle as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to his mouth. Michael slipped his tongue over his and Alex sighed. His hips rocked slowly, neither of them in any real rush.
Michael traced the straps of his harness, occasionally tugging on them. Alex dug his nails into his shoulders and scratched. The venom in his system had subsided rather quickly but he was ready for more. He knew Michael had plans for him and he was always eager to please him.
Forrest’s face popped into his mind. Alex jerked back from Michael, looking over his face to make sure he was still kissing who he thought he was. Michael’s eyebrows furrowed.
“What’s wrong?” Alex forced a smile and just shook his head, running his hands up and over his face again. He leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
When he pulled back, instead of golden curls, his fingers were threaded through soft blue strands. His eyes were darker and hands less calloused on his skin. The fingers gripped his waist and his eyes drifted closed as he kissed Forrest again.
The fingers on his skin fluttered over him, raising goosebumps. There was a prick of fangs on his lip as Forrest tugged on it. He pulled on his hair while grinding down on his obviously hard cock. His white shirt was fully open and Alex pressed their chests together. His touch was so much cooler than Michael, providing him some relief from the burning need in his groin.
“So you do want me. I was worried Michael had compelled you to devotion,” Forrest said.
“Michael wouldn’t do that to me,” Alex assured pulling back.
“I wouldn’t do what?” Alex’s eyes popped open. Settling back on his scruffy face. His touch burned on his skin and his mark throbbed. Alex crawled off him, instead sitting next to him and hiding his face in his arms. He had actually hallucinated Forrest. What was wrong with him?
“I… I…” he stammered out. If he told Michael, he would definitely get pissed. He didn’t want to be thinking of Forrest. But all he could imagine was having the soft plains of his chest pressed against his back. Michael touched his shoulder and squeezed.
“You saw Forrest?” Alex’s head snapped up to stare at him. How had he known? He didn’t look upset. Maybe annoyed but not mad. “He can put visions into people’s minds. I figured he’d do it to test our bond. You looked into his eyes earlier right?” Alex nodded wordlessly.
“You’re… not mad?” Michael chuckled and shook his head. He took Alex’s hand and pulled the fingers to his mouth to kiss them.
“No. I’ve known Forrest a while. He can be a real arrogant ass sometimes. And it’s not like I can blame you for being attracted to him. I’m not blind,” he said, playing with his fingers. “It’s not uncommon for vampires to share you know. You may be mine but I didn’t compel devotion.”
“That’s what he said,” Alex mentioned. Michael nodded.
“I’m sure you’ve noticed, but those who are claimed have the desire to be bitten. It’s instinct. Because I’m your Sire those feelings are usually directed towards me but your desire for other people doesn’t go away. I could compel it away but I told you I hated using that power.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t explain that to him earlier.” Alex turned his head to the new voice. Forrest stood with his arms crossed and leaning against the pillar holding up the curtains. He looked just as he did in the vision. Shirt completely open and a noticeable bulge that made Alex’s mouth water. He heard Michael sigh.
“Why would I tell him before it comes up? Not all claimed are just down for a threesome or gangbang. And sue me for wanting to keep him for myself.” Forrest rolled his eyes and Alex’s face was burning. This conversation sounded way to casual.
“I don’t blame you. But we could share him. Like the old days? Haven’t had anyone good in a long time and even Alayna knows you have good taste.”
“Is there some reason I’m not part of this conversation,” Alex said, pulling the two men’s attention back to him.
“It’s obviously your decision Alex. But it’s common courtesy that the interested parties ask permission from the Sire,” Forrest explained, glancing at Michael.
“And you two have done stuff like this together before?” Michael snorted.
“Surprisingly, we work well together. At least in that aspect. So,” Michael tugged gently on his leash. “If you’re interested. I can put up with him.”
“Oh, bite me Guerin,” Forrest scolded as he moved to stand in front of the couch, hands in his pockets. Michael glanced up at him and smirked.
“I had planned on it.”
“Earlier… you two didn’t seem to like each other,” Alex pointed out. In fact they had seemed downright hostile.
“An act mostly,” Forrest said, shrugging. “Alayna would have been jealous if she had been denied and I wasn’t.” Alex nodded slowly. The wrath of Alayna was never something he wanted to see. Alex looked at Michael who smiled at him sweetly, twisting the chain of the leash around his fingers.
“Let me make something clear, Alex. The only reason I’m entertaining the idea is because it’s Forrest. I trust him. I would tear anyone else who tried this apart,” Michael said, leaning close and pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Alex looked up at Forrest as Michael kissed his way over his jaw.
A smiled of his own sat on his face as he kneeled on the couch, pressing a leg in between Alex’s spreading them open. Forrest leaned in and kissed him slowly as Michael’s mouth ran over his neck and shoulders, nipping at the skin. Alex reached up and spread his fingers over Forrest’s abs and dragged them down until they dipped into the waist band of his jeans. He tugged him closer until Forrest was grabbing onto Michael for stability.
The prick of fangs on his lip made Alex sigh. The need was only fueled as he felt Michael sink his own fangs into the mark again, letting his venom flow into him. Alex’s hips rolled up against Forrest who moaned at the friction.
Forrest was pulled from Alex’s mouth by Michael. Alex watched in awe as the two vampires pressed their mouths together, rough and fast. They paid no mind to their teeth and let themselves scratch and bite. Forrest sucked on Michael’s lip where it bled, pulling a soft groan from him. Alex ran one hand over Michael’s arm and the other slipped over Forrest’s chest, pushing the shirt off his shoulders.
Michael helped with getting rid of the offending fabric. Then Forrest was breaking away from Michael, blood still on his lips, and kissing Alex again. Alex whined at the combined taste of the two men. It didn’t last long before he was being pulled by the chain on his neck. Alex’s cock ached under his jeans. But there were people around and he wasn’t sure if he was ready to take that step.
Michael pulled him in to straddle his legs again, grabbing Alex’s hips and pulling him down so he could feel the excitement in his own pants. He felt Forrest at his back, mouth running over his shoulder and neck opposite the mark. The nerves in his body screamed for more. Michael leaned up and kissed him, slipping his tongue past his lips. Alex’s brain was scattered. Torn between focusing on kissing Michael and Forrest’s teeth scratching along his skin.
Forrest pressed his hard-on against Alex’s ass, grinding against him slowly. He wasn’t sure whose hands were where. A pair ran over his skin, tracing the lines of the harness and another was popping the button on his jeans open. The arms wrapped around him, hands slipping into his pants and palming his cock. Alex couldn’t help the way his own hips thrusted into the touch. Michael broke away from his mouth and started undoing the clips on his vest.
“Good boy. Remember your punishment?” The question was accented by the brief squeeze of Forrest’s hand around him. He tried to smother his moan but only succeeded in making a high-pitched whine. “Forrest, would you like to taste him,” Michael asked, a smirk settling on his face as his own fangs extended to their full length.
Forrest hummed against his skin and he licked at the junction of his shoulder and neck. Alex’s body burned and his hips kept rubbing against Forrest’s hand and the bulge in Michael’s jeans. Michael’s vest fell open and he shrugged it off his shoulders. The movement forced him to lean close to Alex, pressing their chests together.
There was a pinch on his shoulder as Forrest pulled his attention to where he was attached to his skin. Alex called out and his hips jerked with the stab of pain. It vanished almost instantly with a new warmth rolling through his body. Desire leaked from the tip of his cock and he thought he heard Michael chuckle but he was too focused on Forrest.
Alex’s hand tangled in his hair, holding him in place as his eyes closed in bliss. The hand on his cock didn’t stop in its movements. Michael’s hands gripped his hips and brought him down against him again.
“Fuck,” Alex gasped out. Michael’s mouth landed on the mark, kissing once, twice, then biting. Stars danced behind his eyes and his free hand clawed at Michael’s back. He was rock hard and he needed release. Forrest pressed against his ass more firmly, the clench of his jaw making him leak more. The underwear he was in was soaked through and the dampness rubbing over him made him squirm.
He heard Forrest groan as he tasted Alex. He rocked his hips faster, forgetting where he was. Moans tumbled from his lips, louder with every jerk of the hand on his cock. Both pairs of fangs buried in his skin, feeling every clench of their jaws, blood being drawn to the surface and licked away.
Alex’s head was spinning, lost in the pure bliss of having the attentions of both men. Michael released him first, dragging his lips up his throat and pressing them to his ear. He nipped at his earlobe and Alex’s hips jerked again.
“Cum baby. I know you want to. Let everyone here know how good it feels.” A shudder rolled through his body and the hand on his cock squeezed just enough. A choked sound ripped out of his throat and his hips stuttered as the chain at his neck pulled him down. Michael’s mouth swallowed his moans as Forrest licked at the wound on his shoulder before tracing his lips to his spine and nipping gently.
Cum spilled over Forrest’s hand and Michael’s abs. The burning under his skin refused to stop and he broke away from Michael’s lips. He just shifted his attentions to his chest and nipples. Forrest released his still twitching dick and dragged his blunt nails over his skin. Alex’s eyes fluttered open and he caught the gaze of another couple a few stations down from them.
The guy smiled at him and licked his lips, fangs dripping with the blood of the girl that was wrapped in his arms, evidence of bites all over her back. The girl met his eyes next and smiled as well before pulling her vampire in for a deep kiss.
His attention was pulled back to his own men when Forrest dipped his fingers into the waist band of his jeans and began to pull them down, exposing his ass. Alex’s hands flew to Michael’s shoulders and he dug his fingers in.
His body screamed but he had just enough sense to want more privacy than they currently had. Michael stopped almost immediately and wrapped a hand around Forrest’s wrists, stopping him from pulling Alex’s jeans down too much.
“Be a good guest and draw the heavy curtains,” Michael said before nuzzling against Alex. Without a second thought, Forrest was gone and pulling the mesh curtains closed and then moving to a panel on the wall Alex hadn’t seen before. He pressed a button and dark red curtains began to drop from the ceiling.
“Still shy are we,” Forrest teased gently. Alex’s cheeks flushed. Forrest wasn’t shaming him, more making an observation about how he was different from other claimed humans.
“We’ll get there,” Michael said next to his ear. His breath raised goosebumps on his skin. The curtains hit the floor with a gentle thump. Forrest was kneeling next to Michael and running his hands over both him and Alex. His fingers caught on the harness he was wearing tugging his body one way while Michael pulled on the leash in the other direction.
“I have an idea if you’re interested,” Forrest said, leaning in and kissing Michael’s neck. The hand that was touching Alex dipped into his jeans again, continuing their earlier mission of ridding him of them.
Michael groaned at the wet kisses on his throat and his hips rolled up against Alex. The rough material of his jeans against his oversensitive cock made him whimper. Alex dipped his head down, kissing the other side of Michael’s neck, nipping occasionally.
“He has a very pretty mouth, why don’t we make use of it,” he heard Forrest say. A low laugh rumbled out of Michael. Alex was being both pushed and pulled to one side. Forcing him to crawl off Michael and sit on the couch. Michael held onto the chain attached to his harness and his cock twitched watching him wrap it around his hand for a better grip.
Michael and Forrest stood and moved in front of him. Michael pulled the chain, bringing his attention to him. He grinned and leaned in close.
“How’s your gag reflex looking these days, hunter?” Michael pressed a quick kiss to his lips before he could answer. He knelt in front of Alex and pulled his jeans down his legs, careful of the prosthesis. The scrap of fabric that was supposed to be underwear was pulled down with the pants.
Then Michael stood again and tugged the leash so Alex was on the edge of the couch. Forrest ran hand through Alex’s hair before gripping a handful and forcing him to look at the bulge in his pants.
“It’s easier to suck if you take the pants off,” Forrest taunted. Alex lifted his hands to the button and worked quickly. He licked his lips and heard Forrest chuckle. “Well he’s eager.” Alex looked up at him through his eyelashes, pulling his hard member from his pants.
He wasn’t as thick as Michael but slightly longer. When Alex finally wrapped his mouth around him, Forrest let out a long sigh of content as his hips rocked forward slowly. The fingers tangled in his hair tugged gently, encouraging him to take him deeper. Alex heard the rustling of clothes and Michael was taking his free left hand and placing it on his own cock.
Alex rubbed his thumb over the leaking tip, spreading the precum over the head. His own groin throbbed like he hadn’t just cum. He didn’t know whether he cursed the venom or was grateful for it.
He watched Forrest above him. His eyes had closed and the blood dripping from his lips was starting to dry. Michael shifted closer to both of them, leaning over and running his tongue over the drip of blood, cleaning his from his neck and chin. Forrest’s fingers tightened in his hair again and Alex mimicked the grip on Michael’s cock. Alex took Forrest to the back of his throat at the same time Michael bit into his shoulder.
Alex didn’t move for a couple seconds, swallowing around the cock in his mouth. Forrest groaned and cursed, his hips thrusting forward. Alex kept his gag reflex from complaining too much. He pulled off before he could thrust again and switched his attention to Michael, wrapping his mouth around him instead.
The taste of the two men was similarly salty but they were both unique. Alex swirled his tongue around Michael, his moans muffled by his teeth buried in Forrest’s shoulder. His hips rolled forward with the bob of Alex’s head. Forrest set their pace as he pulled and pushed, using his hair as a guide.
As Michael’s hips started to move faster, he was pulled off and returned to Forrest. Alex looked up at them and Michael had released Forrest and they were kissing, Forrest’s hand still tangled in his hair. He watched as their tongues licked at each other, trying to taste the leftovers from the biting.
What was it like for a vampire to be bitten by another? Did they actually drink blood or was it more for the kink? Alex wondered for a moment but as his eyes fluttered closed, the thoughts vanished. He lost himself in the rhythm of Forrest’s hips thrusting in and out of his mouth.
Alex went back and forth between them. Whenever one got too excited he would switch. His fists were wrapped firmly around their cocks, keeping them from going too deep. Alex teased them both like this. Michael’s hand had found its way into his hair alongside Forrest.
“Fuck baby, you’re a menace. You keep us on the edge too long and you might regret it,” Michael warned when Alex was licking over his shaft again. Alex looked up at the two of them and sucked hard on Michael, causing his hips to jerk forward.
The chain attached to him was tugged roughly, pulling him up and off. Alex was between the two of them again, Forrest in front and Michael pressed against his back. He leaned forward and licked at Forrest’s bottom lip before kissing him. He groaned and kissed him back eagerly, fangs pricking his lips.
Michael’s hands busied themselves by running over his ass, fingers just barely brushing over his hole. Alex’s cock jumped at the attention and the muscles clenched. He remembered the way Michael had used him earlier and whimpered against Forrest’s now grinning mouth.
“Are you still stretched out?” Michael pressed a finger into him slowly. Though not enough to be satisfying. “Why don’t we show our friend,” he taunted, brushing his lips over the mark on his neck. The chain was yanked and he was forced to his hands and knees. His cock wept with precum as he hid his face in the back of the couch, face burning from being exposed to someone other than Michael.
He didn’t get to hide long as a hand slipped into his hair and pulled his face up. His back was bent so he couldn’t move. He met the eyes of Forrest who smiled wickedly at him.
“Why don’t you show me what he did to you,” he said. Alex could feel the probing at his brain but opened himself up any way. His mind raced through the memory of Michael fucking him in the shower. His legs being spread open, not being allowed to touch himself, the brief glimpse of Michael buried inside of him in their reflection.
A cool wetness pressed into his ass, pulling him from the memory. His eyes darted to Forrest’s other hand, coated in lube and moving in and out of him slowly. Alex moaned and pressed back against his fingers.
“You fucked him good, he’s addicted to it. Then again you do have that effect on people,” Forrest said, glancing at Michael. Alex heard Michael chuckle and felt his hands on the inside of his thighs, pushing his legs apart.
“What can I say? I’m probably addicted to him too. And don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Michael said before kneeling on the couch and pulling Alex’s head back to his hard cock. Alex didn’t fight as he pushed past his lips and started thrusting slowly. He watched his head fall back and mouth open in a silent moan.
Forrest continued to finger him for a moment before Alex felt his hand wrap around his cock and jerk him off. Alex groaned around Michael who shuddered with the vibrations. Forrest scissored his fingers a couple times, making sure he was ready before pulling them out. Alex felt the blunt pressure of his cock and the cool relief of the lube.
Forrest pressed into him slowly, letting out a breathy moan as he moved. Alex tried pressing back against him but Michael held him steady, shoving his cock to the back of his throat. The muscles in Alex’s back flexed as his gag reflex tried to get rid of the intrusion. He willed himself to relax but that was becoming difficult with Forrest grinding against his ass as his cock was completely buried in him. Forrest’s hand was still stroking him slowly.
“I would ask how it feels to be completely filled but I think you’re a bit preoccupied,” Forrest teased. Alex could only groan in response as he started thrusting roughly. Michael’s hand ran over his back and wrapped around one of the straps of the harness. He pulled on it as his hips moved again, fucking his mouth.
Every sensation rolled through him in waves as the venom burned his veins. His cock throbbed as the two men matched tempos, alternating their thrusts. Alex teetered on the edge but his body refused to cum. He had no doubt there was influence from Forrest’s hand wrapped around the head of his cock, stopping it every time.
Michael dug his nails into Alex’s shoulder as tears slipped out of Alex’s eyes after a particularly rough thrust that hit the back of his throat.
“You’re so good baby,” Michael said, slipping out of Alex’s mouth. He leaned down and kissed him, tongue slipping past his lips to taste himself. Forrest pulled out of him and he whined at the emptiness.
“Please don’t stop. I need more,” Alex pleaded, pushing back against Forrest. His hand left his cock and his hips jerked, looking for friction.
“You hear that, Michael?” Forrest asked.
“I did,” he muttered back, a smirk forming on his face.
“How much more do you think he wants?” Michael looked away from him and up at Forrest. Alex tried to reach down and touch himself for some form of relief. His hand was caught by Forrest, who pulled him up to his knees. He rubbed himself along the seam of his ass, occasionally poking his hole.
Alex trembled and Michael reached out, running his fingers first over the mark and then down his chest, over his stomach and abs, and ended by running a finger over the tip of his cock. Alex groaned and pleaded for something. Anything.
“Patience. You know we’ll take care of you,” Michael said almost sweetly. That sweetness was negated as he continued to tease him by running his finger down his shaft and then cupped his balls gently. Alex’s hips jerked but Forrest held him mostly still. His lips ran over the area he had bit earlier. “Remember he’s just human, doesn’t exactly replace blood as fast as us,” Michael reminded Forrest.
“I know. I’ve been at this a bit longer than you,” Forrest teased back before letting his dull teeth sink into Alex’s skin, though not breaking the surface. Alex watched as Michael rolled his eyes and leaned in close, pressing his mouth to Alex’s.
He sighed against his lips as the hand that fondled him moved again, fingers slowly traveling to his ass and slipping inside. The lube Forrest had used earlier easing the way. Alex reached down and wrapped a hand around Michael, stroking him slowly. A rumble from his chest and then he was pulling away.
Michael reached over Alex’s shoulder to push back on Forrest so he was sitting properly on the couch. The three of them moved easily, the support of both of their hands took any work off of Alex and his leg. Then he was sitting in Forrest’s lap, his cock poking at his hole where Michael’s fingers were still buried.
Michael pushed his legs open as far as he could and Alex half fell backward. He steadied himself on Forrest’s arms though he didn’t seem to mind. He kissed his shoulders and ran his hands over Alex’s sides, lightly tickling him.
Alex shuddered and his moan was swallowed by Michael’s mouth. His fingers moved inside him slowly and Forrest’s cock poked at his entrance. Forrest massaged spots on his skin with his tongue, but not long enough to leave any more bruises. He felt Michael shifting around and his free hand brushed over his chest and throat. He unhooked the leash and tossed it to the side, nipping at his lip. Alex’s eyes opened to meet Michael’s and he was grinning.
“Why don’t you show off how full you can stuff your ass?” Alex thought about protesting but his own need screamed to let them do whatever they wanted.
“Oh? Does he like feeling full?” Forrest taunted. Michael pressed against his prostate and Alex couldn’t help but whine.
“Yes, fuck. If one of you doesn’t fuck me soon I might lose my mind,” Alex pleaded. His cock throbbed with need and he heard both of the men chuckle.
“Just one?” Forrest questioned.
“I think we can do better than that,” Michael added. Alex was only confused for a moment before Forrest was pushing his dick inside him alongside Michael’s fingers. Alex cursed and his head fell back, eyes closing. He did the best he could to move his hips but the stretching of his hole prevented it.
He groaned along with Forrest, who’s fingers gripped his hips tight enough he was sure there would be bruises. They moved slowly inside of him, Michael’s fingers tugging on Alex gently, stretching his rim. It wasn’t enough. The slow pace was torture.
“Please, I need—” His words were just about ripped from his throat when Michael took him in his mouth. Moans and pleas for relief went ignored and his body buzzed with need. Forrest began to rock his hips faster and Alex felt his breathing spike.
Michael popped off him with a wet sound and he reached for the bottle of lube that had been tossed to the side earlier. Alex watched him with desperation. He pulled his fingers from his ass slowly and he squirt a healthy amount of lube on his fingers. Michael stroked himself with the lube and Alex felt his legs shake from the stimulation. Once he was coated, he pressed his cock against Alex’s, rubbing them together a few times before he was dragging the head over his skin to wear Forrest still moved inside him.
Alex’s cock twitched with anticipation. Forrest stilled his hips and pulled most of the way out, letting Michael rub the excess lube over him. Forrest moved to the spot he had bit earlier, slowly sinking his teeth in again. Alex gasped as the warmth from the venom spread through him, forcing his muscles to relax.
“There you go, baby,” Michael said gently. “You’ll feel really good soon.” Michael pushed the head of his cock against his rim. Forrest began to move again slowly and Michael pushed against him whenever Forrest moved inside.
The venom moving through Alex made his hips roll. Michael pulled away briefly and slipped his fingers in beside again. The burn of the stretch made Alex’s cock leak. Forrest pulled out so just the tip was still inside. Michael pressed against him again in the small space created by his fingers.
Forrest and Michael pushed in at the same time. Alex yelped and dug his nails into Forrest’s arms. Michael kissed his chest and throat as they continued their shallow thrusts, getting deeper each time. Forrest licked at the wound on his shoulder where a small drop of blood had escaped.
“Oh, god,” Alex moaned out. The initial pain was fading quickly and the two men groaned and grabbed at his skin, fingers catching on the harness. Their movements were easy and picking up speed. They moved opposite one another, each pressing against the same groups of nerves again and again.
“How does it feel? To be fucked by two at once?” Forrest mumbled next to his ear. With the end of the sentence, Michael thrusted into him roughly, his hips pressing down forcing Forrest all the way into him as well. Alex’s body shook with pleasure as he moaned.
“Go on and tell us how you want it, hunter,” Michael added. Alex could barely think straight, much less give them an answer. He moved a hand from Forrest to grab Michael’s shoulder and pull him in for a kiss. He rolled his hips, earning him growls and moans from both of them.
Michael kissed him back for a moment but tore his mouth away and shoved him back against Forrest’s chest who then kissed and bit at his neck and the spot just below his ear. Alex whimpered as they both started thrusting again.
“Use your words,” Forrest threatened against his skin, nails scratching his hips.
“I want—I need—” he stammered out. The two of them moved together, thrusting roughly a few times. “More. I need more,” he finally spit out.
“Good boy,” Michael praised. He wrapped a hand around Alex’s cock and stroked him. Forrest thrusted up, using Alex’s hips to move him deeper. Michael squeezed him firmly as he grinded against him. The twisting in his stomach signaled his orgasm was close. But it could have easily been the fact that both men were buried as far as they could go.
Alex let out a long moan as Michael and Forrest fucked him. They slipped along each other easily thanks to the lube. He let go of Forrest’s arm and reached behind him to tangle it in his hair instead, holding his lips to his skin. Alex locked eyes with Michael and reached for him with his free hand. Michael leaned in close, pressing his forehead to Alex’s, hand still stroking his cock.
“Harder,” Alex ordered them.
He saw Michael smile and neither of them questioned it. Their hips were no longer in sync as they thrusted into him. Forrest’s breathing against his shoulder was ragged and shallow, low grunts vibrating against his skin.
“Fuck, Alex. We’re gunna break you if we go any harder,” Michael warned. Alex knew they were holding back but his body screamed. The venom pulsing under his skin making him needy.
“I don’t care. I need it,” Alex pleaded. Michael growled and his fangs poked out from his lips. Forrest’s nails scratched up over his torso, leaving long red lines. His teeth poked at the wound on his shoulder again.
His permission made them snap. Michael’s cock throbbed as he shoved himself balls deep. Forrest followed his lead and Alex’s breath left him in a gasp. He heard Michael curse as his hips thrusted back and forth, waiting for Forrest to thrust in before pulling out again. Forrest bit his shoulder roughly and Alex whimpered.
Michael’s free hand wrapped around Alex’s throat and the one gripping his cock kept the quick pace. The three of them groaned and sighed together, Alex steadily getting louder as every thrust got harder. Forrest and Michael ravaged his body, taking whatever they needed.
“Fuck. I’m gunna—” Alex didn’t have time to finish his sentence before he came. Michael jerked him as cum rolled over his fingers. “Ah—Ah!” he moaned as the sensitive nerves complained from the continued stimulation.
“You ready to be filled?” Forrest asked, breathless. There was no time to respond before both of them really let themselves go. They used him mercilessly as his own orgasm refused to stop. Alex let his body open wider for them as his cock jerked and throbbed.
Forrest came first, grunting and grinding his hips against his ass roughly. Michael crushed his lips to Alex’s and let his own orgasm come over him. The three of them moaned together as Forrest and Michael thrusted a few extra times while they emptied themselves.
Their heavy breathing was the only thing Alex could hear. And the fluids leaking from his ass made him feel hot but content. The three of them laid on top of each other even as Forrest and Michael pulled out of him.
Slowly the low music re-entered his ears, reminding Alex where they were. He looked around at the heavy curtains. He could distantly hear other moans of ecstasy from other areas of the room. He tried but couldn’t bring himself to care that others might have heard him.
Michael pushed himself up and off of Alex before slipping his arm under his legs and around his back, picking him up and holding him close. Forrest moved to collect his clothes lazily. Michael set Alex on his lap when he sat on the couch, running his fingers up and down his spine.
Alex’s eyes fluttered shut as he rested his head on his shoulder. The rustling of clothes stopped and a second hand landed on his skin. He looked up at Forrest who ran his fingers over the bite on his shoulder.
“You might want to heal that. Or it might scar.” He felt Michael nod. Forrest met Alex’s eyes and smiled. “Michael’s lucky to have you. You’re certainly a handful but taste amazing. Maybe I’ll see you again sometime.”
“You could always stop hanging around with Alayna,” Michael suggested. Forrest just shrugged.
“I’ll hang around her until I can be certain I won’t be hunted for sport,” he said. Michael snorted a laugh but Alex’s eyebrows drew together in worry.
“What do you mean hunted?”
“You’re a hunter. You guys always go after the oldest vampires you can find. Not to mention there’s even a few other vamps that want the oldest dead. Hierarchy and all that shit,” he said nonchalantly. Alex didn’t know how to respond. He had never paid attention to the ages of the vampires he killed. “You keep him safe Michael. Would be a shame to lose one as valuable as him.”
“Yeah, yeah. Get out of here,” he said. Alex could pick up the serious promise under the joking tone. Forrest smiled at him one last time before disappearing behind the heavy curtains.
They sat together in silence. Alex traced patterns on his chest while Michael rubbed his back, massaging the muscles. He nuzzled his shoulder while his hand wandered down to his ass, running over the cheeks and his hole gently. Alex whimpered.
“I’ll draw you a bath when we get to my house,” Michael said, kissing his skin and moving his hand back up his spine. Alex nodded and traced his fingers up to Michael’s face, cradling it gently. Alex looked down at his lips and watched as he bit into it, drawing blood. He smiled and closed the distance between them, pressing their mouths together sweetly. The bit of blood slipped over his tongue and it tasted like home. They kissed slowly for a while, lost in each other.
“We should get dressed,” Alex mumbled eventually. Michael gave an exaggerated sigh but began to move anyway. He placed Alex on the couch and moved to pick up their scattered clothes. Alex watched his ass as he moved. As perfect as it was, he was spent for the day.
Michael helped him dress even though he insisted it wasn’t necessary. Alex didn’t even blush when they walked out from behind the heavy curtain. He felt eyes on him but ignored it. Michael had reattached the leash, saying it was only if Alayna was still around.
They made their way through the club, Alex keeping his eyes down again. When they got out to the main room, Michael stopped suddenly. Alex ran into his back and followed his line of sight. Alayna was no where to be seen but Caber was. He talked sweetly to a donor girl as she giggled and flirted, exposing her neck as much as possible. Caber wrapped an arm around her shoulders and walked past the security guards out the front door.
“I thought…” Alex started. Guests weren’t supposed to leave with donors. And something told Alex it wasn’t a situation like him and Michael. He looked over him and saw the rage in his eyes. Alex took his hand and he squeezed back. Without looking away from the door, Michael spoke.
“Let’s follow him.”
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booklover41802 · 3 years
Chapter 12 - When The Darkness Closes In
Happy Wednesday! Here’s the next chapter!
Description: Months after Under the Mountain, Feyre still longs for Rhys’s company despite the silence drawing out between them. Then, a note appears that signals Rhys’s arrival in Velaris. Rhys is facing his past and everything that accompanies it
Co-Written by @highladysith
Chapter 12
Every morning for the last three weeks, Rhys had written me a note of words to transcribe onto a sheet of paper. And each day, I struggled with the formation of each and every letter. But I gave it my all because I wanted to prove to myself and Rhys that I was capable. Mostly, though, I wanted to send letters back to him.
I lowered and hoisted my mental shield as I picked up the piece of paper that had popped into existence in front of me. It was another task Rhys had ordered me to do while I practiced my letters. Looking at the sheet in my hands, I was able to recognize the basic phonemes of the words, but the overall word was incomprehensible. “You l..oo..k.” My brow furrowed as I tried to make out the next section. “Ab...sol..utely d-delicious today, Feyre.” I stared at the page, the compliment teasing me through the paper. Through the bond, I could have sworn faint laughter echoed across the strands. 
Excellent work, Feyre darling. You are progressing quickly in your studies. Rhys caressed the mental shield I had worked to create.
All of the hard work it had taken these past few weeks had been worth it for Rhys’s pride at my accomplishments. It would be better if you were here in Velaris to teach me. I practically shouted down the bond. It was a long shot, but perhaps I could convince him to come back. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed him until he was gone. His presence soothed the ache in my soul. When I was near him, I felt at peace, happy. I only wished we could be more than friends. What I wanted was impossible considering Rhys could hardly stand to be in my vicinity.
In response to my words, there was silence. I sighed, rolling my ink pen in between my fingers. My current residence seemed to contain myself to the library and my room while I poured endlessly over the books at the townhouse. The desk I was seated at now overlooked the city, giving a glimpse into the colorful lives of the residents of Velaris.
How much I wished I could be outside with them, laughing and having a good time, instead of scrawling word after word until my hand cramped too much to continue writing. 
Fortunately or unfortunately, Cassian chose this moment to come barging through the door. I turned in my seat to face the male before me. Powerful wings were pulled close together as he squeezed through the frame, practically stumbling in. “Are you going to clutch your paper all day, or are you ready to begin training?” Cassian nodded to the sheet of letters I had clenched tightly in my hands, as if I could will Rhys to Velaris if I just squeezed hard enough.
My cheeks flushed a deep crimson and I hastily set it down, smoothing out the rough edges. There. Now I didn’t look like an idiot for holding onto parchment with Rhys’s handwriting on it. With one hand I pushed myself up out of my chair and forced a grin to light up my eyes. “I just need to grab my leathers before we go.” My current outfit of a thick woolen sweater and leggings wasn’t suitable for sparring. 
Cassian’s lips pursed as he looked me up and down, searching for a hint that I was hiding something. He knew I was faking my cheerful mood but, thankfully, didn’t pursue it further. “Meet me in the foyer in five minutes, or else I’m leaving your ass here.” The hint of humor in his voice didn’t quite reach his eyes. I stood frozen in place with a smile fixed upon my face until he noiselessly shut the door behind him, the rustle of wings signaling his departure.
The second the lock had clicked into place, I released a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding in. The facade I kept up night and day that I was moving on over Rhys was a lie. Each morning I woke up, I prayed Mor would tell me the news that he was back for good and never leaving again. It was pathetic that I still held out hope, but the letters had rejuvenated me into a newfound belief he would arrive any day. 
For a moment I searched around the room for the leathers I had stuffed somewhere, before noticing the bunch of clothes at the bottom of my armoire. With a few quick steps, I stood before the looming wardrobe that threatened to swallow me whole. I shoved aside my thoughts and reached inside to grab the clothing. I shrugged off my garments and slipped into my leathers. When I looked in the mirror-dark circles aside-it was almost believable I was healing from my past.
I took a breath and swept out the door to find Cassian.
I seated myself before the mortal queens, scanning their faces for any sign of treachery. The mortal queens were once again present in Hewn City, but this time, there was an air of hesitancy that hovered over the table. Did they see through the bargain I had laid out for them? Or had the King of Hybern got to them?
The crone spoke first, as per usual. With her pursed lips, it was obvious there was discontent she intended to speak in her throaty voice. “High Lord, I believe we have come to a decision regarding your generous… offer.” As one, they all glanced at each other with nervous expressions adorning their faces like fine jewelry. I brought my fingertips together, attempting to decipher the plot that was forming before my eyes. “We decline your promises. We have no reason to trust you other than your word and your reputation precedes you. While we may be mortal, it does not bode well for you to throw up a veil around our heads. Unless you have something else you’d like to offer us.” Her crooked smirk was embedded with smug satisfaction, knowing that she held me in the palm of her hand. 
I had prepared for this moment, knowing it would come to this. Earlier in the day, I had borrowed the Veritas from Keir when he was distracted by his duties with his legion of Darkbringers. Though I hated to come to this point, I would show them Velaris, where the shreds of my heart remained. The truth would be undeniable. I needed their half of the book of breathings before anyone else retrieved it. The cauldron could not fall into the hands of Hybern.
Dropping my lips into a sinuous grin, I motioned to the cloaked figure against the wall. The cloak of the fae dropped, revealing golden hair, and cold brown eyes. “Not to worry, your fears are understandable. I have brought the Veritas to this meeting to show you my true intentions. What has the King of Hybern offered you to show his promises are genuine?” The Queens shifted uncomfortably in their chairs as I rubbed my clammy hands against the fabric of my pants. My heart was pounding wildly in my chest as I contemplated what I was doing. Was this the right thing to do? Would the potential fallout be worth the effects of revealing Velaris? Would Feyre be protected if the queens turned on me? 
I shrugged my thoughts out of the way as Mor approached with the Veritas. The orb was a well known talisman of the world, only to be wielded by Mor’s family. Mor approached with a frigid expression on her face as she surveyed the queens. The crone eyed Mor with distaste while the others murmured in awe at the ancient artifact in their midst.
“You know what this is and the words I speak will be true. This is the embodiment of truth.” Her voice rang out in a commanding tone, ordering the Queens to pay attention to her, not the other way around. A queen without a throne. She set the Veritas down, harnessing the magic within. “Truth is not something easily given, it is something that has to be earned by those who deserve it. While I do not think any of you are worthy of truth, my High Lord believes in you and I bow to him. Tell me, are you worthy, or will you build your empire on the blood of others?”
The crone’s teeth clacked together as she narrowed her eyes, clenching the armrests of the chair in a white-knuckled grip. “Who are you to judge us and determine our fates? The girl who soiled herself with a lowly Illyrian has no right to order us around.” The youngest queen with the lioness soul betrayed no emotion, yet the one with the black eyes appeared wary at the power gathering like storm clouds within Mor’s eyes.
While the crone gave a slow, wide grin, Mor cocked her head in quiet contemplation. If Azriel or Cassian had been here, the Queens would have been dead by now. Mor, however, had more self restraint and reeled her power back in, leaving her a blank slate. “What you think of me doesn’t determine my worth. I know my value and I respect myself enough to not care what you think. I have lived far longer than you ever will and yet I value the lives of innocents, unlike you. I only asked to protect what I love. Will you betray us, or can you be trusted with what lies within the Veritas?”
The black eyed Queen with the cunning edge eagerly blurted out, “We trusted you to come here, can’t you trust us with your secret? It’s only fair that you offer us the same level of respect.”
Mor scoffed under her breath and I was inclined to agree with her. These mortals had no idea what the word respect meant, not as the weight of their crowns had warped their perspectives. But I had to get the book no matter how many times they insulted me or my family. I curtly inclined my head. “Show them the Veritas, Mor.” I despised myself for even revealing Velaris, but this was out of control. There was nothing else I could use to convince them of my intentions.
With a side glance at me, I could sense the rage trembling inside of Mor. This whole mountain would come crashing down if Mor unleashed herself upon the fools seated before us. I sent out a wisp of power to soothe her raging mind. Later on, I would take her to the cabin to allow herself to find her peace. “As you wish, High Lord.” Mor shut her eyes and took a deep breath.
The orb began to glow misty white, swirling clouds within whirling and churning. “Truth is my life, truth cannot be hidden. It is the one constant in this world. Because no matter how deceit creeps in,” her eyes landed on each Queen. “The truth will come out eventually and liars face their punishment.”
The Veritas began to clear and Velaris slowly came into view. My chest tightened as I realized how much I missed the city more than anything. I swallowed the lump in my throat and outloud I said, “This is the city of my heart. Velaris. The place where everyone finds their home and no one is shut out. The place of dreamers and artists and musicians. For hundreds of years, my forefathers protected the secret with their life, but I offer it to you as a gift and show of goodwill.” The gleaming jewel rooftops were shadowed by a figure with wings. Az. He was the one who allowed this to happen. Many creatures in the street cheerily waved up to him, not at all fazed by who he was, only that he was a figure they saw on a daily basis. He changed direction and the Rainbow of Velaris appeared. The Queens leaned forward in awe at what they saw.
Fae of all different species laughing, dancing, and creating. Freedom without the chains of a crown. As Az neared the edges of the city, a figure turned, revealing large blue-gray eyes. Her mouth opened up into a wide smile as she saw Az. Feyre. Feyre was in the Veritas. Before I had a chance to get a good look at her, the orb was once again silent.
The crone looked up at us with her mouth hanging open. “So it seems you are not the stone-cold male everyone says you are. Thank you for entrusting us with the secret.”
Despite the truth of their words, I sensed something underneath it all. Greed. They would sell this information to the highest bidder for what they wanted. In their case, the information would go to the King of Hybern. “Do we have a deal then? The book of breathings in exchange for my honesty?” 
The queen with the black dress and downturned lips focused her attention on me. “Perhaps. Our answer will arrive shortly.”
With that, they turned sharply to leave, motioning their guards forward so they could winnow back to the Mortal Lands. Unexpectedly, Mor moved forward and tightly grasped onto the queen with the golden hair, her eyes beseeching them to relinquish their treasure. “Please. If you do not give us the book, it will fall into the hands of Hybern. And if Hybern has the book, the world will be destroyed.”
She shook Mor off with a haughty smile. “Maybe the world needs to be remade with a proper vision in mind.” She nodded to the crone, signaling she was done with the conversation.
My gaze landed on the crone, and her blank face. The secret she was guarding was hidden within the depths of her mind. If only I could search it without threatening to destroy the precarious alliance we had created. 
As a last ditch effort, Mor also pleaded her case with the eldest. “You really think the king will let you keep your crowns if he’s in power?” Laughter escaped her lips, cold and calculating. “This is your chance to ensure your people survive.”
It was clear the crone’s patience had run out, as she snarled, “No. You will never have it.” Then, the Queens promptly winnowed away without so much as a goodbye.
“NO!” Mor shrieked, lunging across the table for the eldest. They vanished just as her fingers brushed her silken gown.
I put my head in my hands as I slumped back against my chair. What were we going to do now? The entirety of Velaris was now in danger because of my actions. Feyre was bound to be hunted for, now that the Queens knew of her existence. For the first time in a long time, I felt the stinging prick of tears sprout up.
“Wait, Rhys!” I lifted my heavy head up to look at her shocked face. Standing near the chair where the golden-haired queen was seated, Mor reached down and grabbed half of the book of breathings. 
Hope was not yet lost.
“Again!” Cassian commanded as he held up the gloves for me to hit. The soft padding protected his hands from the force of my fists. I did as he ordered, channeling all of my anger and rage into striking the pads. Again and again and again I pounded against them, the leathers I wore seamlessly shifting my movements. “Good, your form is excellent.”
“I didn’t ask,” I broke out in between my heaving breaths. Sweat beaded against my brow with the exertion of the exercise. 
He chuckled as he continued to bear the weight of my emotions. The training grounds just outside of Velaris were far enough away from the city, just in case my power flared up. I had yet to learn how to control it. It felt like a whirlpool, the further I went in, the more I got sucked in. It was an uncontrollable beast with no one to call its master. Training with Cassian took the edge off it, distracting me from the pressure that was steadily building up. Amren taught me some control, but most days she was busy holed up in her apartment doing cauldron knows what. 
From the sidelines, sunning his wings in the grass, was Azriel. He watched us with a calm expression, occasionally shouting out encouragement. For a moment I glanced at him, taking my eyes off Cassian. He took his chance and swept my legs out from under me. The world spun as I landed on my ass. Hard. “You’re distracted today,” Cassian said, as he offered a hand to help me up. “Do you want to take a break?”
I ignored his offer and shakily crawled to a standing position. Dirt coated my arms where I had fallen on the ground. I gently brushed it off, pretending not to notice how my arms were inflamed from training. But I needed the distraction of training to take my thoughts off Rhys. “No. Let’s go again, I can handle it.” I planted my feet against the ground and drew back my fists, thinking of all the places within myself that I could draw anger from. 
Hesitantly, Cassian raised his hands, allowing me to continue punching against him. “If you need to stop, let me kno-”
“I don’t need to talk about my feelings, Cassian. I’m okay.” Yet even as I said that, I felt the lump in my throat rise up. If I didn’t continue, I would break. I slammed my fist against his right hand, checking and rechecking my form to make sure it was perfect. This was the only distraction I had. I couldn’t paint without thinking of Under the Mountain. I couldn’t talk with Rhys, the only person in Velaris who understood what I had gone through. My emotions were like a dam, building up until, one day, it would burst. 
Rhys. I missed him desperately. Just once I’d like to see him, talk with him, laugh with him. But I couldn’t because he chose to detach himself from me. Had I done something wrong? Was there something with me? Was I too broken to love? I didn’t blame him, I wouldn’t want to be around me, either. After all, who could ever love someone with thorns. 
Flames escaped out of my fists as I pounded against Cassian’s hands until I had burned away the padding protecting him, and I was hitting his bare skin. Tears fell from my eyes, blurring my vision until Cassian and Azriel were only hazy figures. Still, I continued to push forward with my limbs knowing that if I stopped the dam would burst. Too lost in my haze of emotions, I hadn’t even realized what I had done until Azriel broke through the stream of rage and sadness by sending his shadows to halt my hands from further burning Cassian. Only then did I see the red welts that Cassian had taken upon himself without uttering a single cry of pain. 
I stumbled forward, inspecting the damage of his hands. Livid reddish marks inflamed the entirety of his palms. Faint peeling of blisters showed the raw skin underneath. Cassian had likely had worse injuries before, but the sheer amount of guilt I felt for inflicting this upon my friend was overwhelming.  “I’m so sorry, Cassian. I’m so sorry.” Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I carefully unlocked a single stream of water to flow from myself to Cassian. The wobbly line of liquid encased the bright red marks, soothing the hurt. He winced, once, as I warped the water to heal my mistakes. 
“It’s alright, Feyre. It’s nothing I can’t handle. You should have seen me during the war after a battle. I was a bloody mess.” The left side of his mouth curved into a smirk as he tried for a light-hearted joke. 
Azriel scoffed from the side at Cassian’s words. “If you hadn’t been such a hot-heated prick, you wouldn’t have suffered so many injuries.”
I had to forcibly hold Cassian’s hands still as he tried to turn towards Az before he broke my concentration. Forced to be one place, Cassian wacked Azriel with his wing. The loud thwack drew a chuckle from the elegant male. “I managed just fine, it’s all in the past now anyways.”
“You say that, but every time you get drunk you brag about your accomplishments and how you single-handedly won the battles for your legion.”
Cassian squawked in outrage. I shut my eyes, tuning them out and drawing forth the image of the Sidra’s waves crashing against the shore. The smooth ebb and flow of the water, twisting and turning in perfect unison. The frothy foam bubbling forth against the overwhelming mass of waves. The water in my hands widened ever so slightly as I poured all of my focus into healing his hands. When I opened my eyes again, smooth skin and Cassian’s dumbstruck face greeted me. 
“How did you know how to do that? I thought you hadn’t trained with your powers yet.”
I dropped his hands and crossed my arms across my chest, feigning offense. His guess wasn’t totally wrong, but I had the basics down. It was enough to perform the most practical actions. And I practiced making water animals in the privacy of my bathtub, not that either one needed to know that. “I suppose there’s more to me than what’s on the surface.”
Cassian’s hand reached out and ruffled my hair, tousling the careful braid I had done this morning in the dark. I quickly stepped back out of his range, narrowing my eyes in reproach. “Do you know how long it took me to get this to look halfway decent?”
In a mock apology, Cassian lifted his hands to heart, his brows scrunched together. “I’m so terribly sorry for ruining your hair, precocious faerie.” 
As I opened my mouth to respond, a dark wave of power suddenly flooded the city. Soothing tendrils of darkness snaked across the streets, raveling all the way out to our little outcrop on the outskirts of Velaris. The two males next to me immediately went slack-jawed, an iciness creeping over their features. They smoothly moved to block me from view, as if whatever was approaching was somehow dangerous. A boom of wings against the quiet of the city sent a cold clutch of fear to encircle my heart. 
“Stay behind us, Feyre. We’ll deal with this,” Azriel bit out in between clenched teeth.
What was here? The answer to my question became visible seconds later as a sheet of paper with Rhys’s elegant handwriting appeared on the ground in front of me. 
Meet me in the House of Wind in five minutes. 
Rhys. Rhys was here and he wanted to see me. Against my better judgement, I felt a smile creeping up over my face. Cassian snatched the paper out of my hands, scowling. “That bastard,” he growled, brows furrowed in indignation. “He thinks he can summon you like a dog anytime he wants.” 
I put a hand on Cassian’s arm to try and stamp out the fiery rage building in his hazel eyes. “It’s alright, Cass. I’ll meet with him to see what he wants.”
“Be careful,” Az said in a soft voice.
I nodded, turning to make my way towards the House of Wind to find Rhys.
The book of breathings was a smooth band of leather against my hands. The pages were warped from time, as if the magic of it only extended to the ink. A small, whispering voice rose above the silence of the room, begging and pleading us into madness. I was transfixed from the power that emanated off of the leather binding. With a revenant hand, I carefully moved a finger down its spine in awe. 
Mor plucked the book out of my hands, snapping me out of my reverie. “I’ll take this back to Velaris and you can return the Veritas to its original place.” Heels clicking against the floor, Mor spun around and made to exit the door. Just as she was about to cross the threshold of the frame, I stopped her in her tracks with a gentle hand. 
“I’ll take it back to Velaris. I’m going back. It’s too dangerous to leave unguarded now that the queens know of its existence.” 
Mor’s red mouth puckered in distaste. “You’ll return now, after months of your brothers begging you to return, will you? Or will you run from your past the moment the city is in sight?”
She was right, I had been a coward hiding from what I had done and I hadn’t wanted to face the future. But I was done hiding. I was the most powerful High Lord in Prythian, there was nothing that would stop me from going to the woman I loved. I gave Mor a smirk, dropping my hand from her golden skin. “I’m not running from the past, the past should run from me.”
I took the book back from her hands and winnowed back to Velaris. 
The moment I popped back into Velaris, I felt a wave of comfort stitch the hole in my heart back together. The sea salt air and familiar furnishings of the townhouse were a welcome sight. Now, where was Feyre? I sent out tendrils of power to scour the city for the one whom I loved more than anything. Within moments I found her outside the city with Cass and Az. 
I opened up the end table near the overstuffed couch and drew out a piece of paper along with a pen. I scribbled out a note for Feyre and sent it off for her to find. I prayed to the mother that she would answer my call and she didn’t despise my very existence for being silent for months. Now, to wait. Carefully, I set down the book of breathings down on the coffee table, trying to ignore its maddening words. I took up a position near the ornate fireplace, leaning against the frame, trying to appear causal and calm. 
The seconds seemed to tick by as I stared into the cold ashes of a fire long since extinguished. I didn’t bother trying to light a new one, too distracted by the thought I would get to see Feyre again. I didn’t know if she hated me, if she loved me, or if she merely tolerated my existence. What if I ruined this relationship just like I destroyed everything I touched? Everything I loved had the tendency to be taken from me in a brutal manner. But this time, if this failed, it would be my own fault. 
When the scent of pear and lilac tickled my nose, my head snapped up, a dog eager for the return of its master. Feyre. Feyre was here and she wanted to see me. Perhaps she didn’t hate me after all. 
When she hesitantly stepped into the room, eyeing me as if I would disappear within a moment. “Rhys,” she breathed, wide blue-gray eyes filled with shock. Did she expect me to vanish after I called her here?
“Hello, Feyre darling,” I purred, pushing myself off the fireplace and making my way over to where she stood. Her breathing stilled as I neared. When I came close enough to see each individual freckle on her face, I raised a gentle hand and tucked a strand of long, golden-brown hair behind her ear. My hand continued down, moving through her silken hair until I rested my palm on her soft shoulder. She swallowed, never taking her eyes off my face. 
“You’re here, I can’t believe you’re finally here.” 
Reluctantly, I moved my hand off her arm. “I am the High Lord, I couldn’t stay away from my city for too long. I had to protect my investment,” I said, ever the businessman. It was a stupid thing to say. Feyre made me lose all my sense until I was a blubbering fool. I had spent too long Under the Mountain to know how to treat a lady. 
She quirked a brow at my words, lips sagging in disappointment. “Was that the only reason you came back?”
My heart pounded wildly in my chest. This was it, this was my chance to make up for the last few months. I took a half step forward, our chests touching. “No,” I breathed. “It wasn’t the only reason.” 
Her face wiped clean from emotion, but a faint flicker of surprise darted across her lovely eyes. “What was the other reason,” she whispered back in equal quiet. Her hand twitched imperceptibly at her side as if she desperately wanted to reach out for me, to touch me as I wanted to do to her. 
I had less self control and took her face in both my hands, my thumb brushing down her pale skin. “You. I came back for you. I stayed away for months because I was afraid you hated me for what I had done. And then, it was embarrassment at my actions. But I’m done hiding from my mistakes. I want you and I cannot deny my feelings for you any longer.” 
Her hands moved from their place at her side and she put her arms around my waist. “Then you’re an even bigger prick than that I thought, because I have missed you more than anything.” Her eyes darted to my lips while she bit her own. After a moment’s hesitation, she surged forward and pressed a light kiss against my mouth. 
Mother save me, this woman was going to destroy me. I pulled her even closer until there wasn’t an inch of air between us. We were both breathing heavy from what she had done. Should I tell her about my suspicions that we were mates? “Feyre, I have something to tell you,” I began. But before I could continue, screams erupted from the city beyond. From the bond that connected me to my brothers, I heard them confirm that Hybern was flying towards us with a legion. No, not now of all times. 
Feyre took a step back out of my grasp, confused. “What’s happening?” I grimly looked towards the black mass that was slowly moving towards my city, the city where my love resided. “We’re under attack.” 
Tags: @mademoisellenimbob, @webcraft4eveh, @akb12348, @ishouldreallybeasleepbynow, @sapphic-beauty
If you’re still here on this two year journey, I would like to say thank you for supporting my work. It’s you who keeps me going for this fic. I appreciate each and every single one of you :)
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Show Me How You Like It
Kinktober Day 12 ~ kink: pegging
pairing: kirishima eijirou x fem!reader
warnings: cursing, smut
word count: 3,850
a/n: this is for @lady-bakuhoe .... oh god, i did so much research for this because ive never tried pegging, but idk....might need to convince someone oneday. also, new season?????? im literally shaking because the first episode was so pure,,,,,but this season,,,,,ohmy
“Do you want to try it?”
Being married was something you thought of as unimaginable. Marriage and you didn’t ever seem to go hand in hand. Not that you didn’t want to get married at some point in your life. You never expected anyone to want you for the rest of your life.
You met Kirishima Eijirou in middle school. As you were best friends with Ashido Mina. You often noticed the shy dark-haired boy always watching on your friend group. You remember going to the U.A. entrance exam and sitting between Mina and Kirishima. The written exam you listened to Mina curse under her breath, and Kirishima shakes as he filled out his sheet.
You remember looking at the field he was then placed in for the practical exam. Sighing when you saw the three of you were then scattered everywhere. You had wished him luck! His cheeks turning pink as he stammered back good luck as you and Mina took off to get dressed. You didn’t know much about him besides that he was shy and very sweet, but you hoped he did well! The next month, the three of you called to the principal's office. You were absolutely astonished to see that Kirishima had gotten in as well! The three of you would be going on to U.A. together!
After ending middle school, you didn’t see him again until orientation. Except, he was different. A good different. His hair stylized, large spikes, and bright red. It was attention-grabbing, demanding even, but his face was still as sweet as ever. Kind and loving.
The first year flew by. Near-death experiences with him formed a bond with him that you never knew would manifest. The three of you--Mina, Kirishima, and you--were close. Buddies, but sometimes, if you were being honest, your eyes would stay on him for a bit too long.
Your heart hammered when he went out for his internship, scared he’d come back scared. Your eyes locking on his flexing muscles, and Mina’s sharp laughter pulling you back to reality. The way he was reckless and shield the class from attacks. Because he was a shield, and he could take it. The way he would catch you in his arms. Those black sleeves were so soft, making you squeak as you were now distracted from your own battle. His toothy grin sucking you in as he made a cute comment about getting there on time. His warm large hands on your body as he placed you down, encouraging you to finish the villain.
There was the night you found yourself knocking on his door. Tears brimming your eyes because you needed to be in someone's arms and Mina was asleep. He took you in without you even asking. Taking you to his bed as he wrapped you in his blanket. His voice apologizing about the state of his room. Apologizing because his blanket wasn’t that soft, and you deserved a softer one. He seemed to panic around his room, setting up a kettle for tea, all while you stared at his blushing face. His cheeks bright enough to match his hair as you stood up from the bed and wrap your arms around him. Your words are weak as you ask him to hold you because that was all you needed. You fell asleep in his arms, your head on his chest as he smiled at you. Lips pressing to your forehead.
It wasn’t until your second year did you do something about your feelings. Your eyes on Kirishima as he was joking around with Kaminari over Bakugou’s fuming head. You felt yourself walking over, no plan in mind. The girls staring at you as you went, muffled screams because they could tell what was coming.
You didn’t ask, only grabbing Kirishima’s wrist and pulling him so that he could look at you. His face went from grinning, to shock, to a blush erupting to cover his entire face as he realized it was you. His hand slamming against the back of his neck as he apologized for something. Not that it was actually needed. His lips were so pretty, and you were sick of him not being yours. Your hands fisted into the shirt of his collar and brought his lips to yours. Your first kiss with Kirishima a slamming force. You clenched your eyes as your lips pressed against his, and you felt him stiffen against you.
His quirk going off and you pull away, lips stinging because of his mishap.
The screams of the girls were loud, Kaminari’s seemed louder, and Bakugou was laughing loudly. Kirishima returns to normal his face turning redder than his hair as he apologizes. Kirishima admits he likes you so much, and you caught him completely off guard.
So with a breathy laugh, you pull him in close once again and seal your lips over his.
The kiss makes you dizzy as he holds you tightly. His finger gripping your waist as if you would crumble between his fingers.
So the two of you began dating. Four years of a very serious and committed relationship had your heart soaring. The two of you were each other first’s for many things. There was never heartbreak between the two of you. Fights were always avoided, the two of you always talking before things escalated. So it was no surprise on the night before your fifth anniversary, the two of you home in your sweats, did he propose.
You cried, screaming at him for proposing when you looked like this. Kirishima cried as he stayed on his knee, a sparkling ring in his fingers.
“That’s not an answer,” Kirishima says, as you cover your face. Sobs refusing to stop as you shake your head overwhelmed. “A-Are you not ready?”
“EI!” You bawl as you stumble to your feet, and throw yourself into his strong arms. “YOU’RE SO DUMB! Yes, I’ll marry you! Every day for the rest of my life if I could!”
The two of you spent the rest of that night in each other's arms. Tears intermingling on your cheeks as you expressed your love for one another.
Your wedding was unimaginable, intimate, and wondrous.
So here the two of you were. Six months into marriage on your day off he asked to try something new. Your guy’s sex life definitely was not vanilla. Both of you sported your favorite kinks and positions, and you incorporated them into bed. Today he asked something that you never thought you’d hear. So without judging you uttered those words.
“I’d like to try pegging, one day. I just--I don’t know--I feel like I need to try it out!” Kirishima says, scratching his cheek as you laugh.
“Well, I think we should definitely try it out! I hear it’ll be super enjoyable for you.” You agree as you stand up. “Do you want to order it online or go to a sex shop?”
Kirishima sighs as you take a seat on his lap, and his hands rest on your hips. It’s muscle memory at this point as you kiss his cheek. “If the store is open, let’s go?”
“It’s only three in the afternoon, Ei. It’s open.” You laugh as you kiss his flaming cheeks. Kirishima sighs as he stands up from the chair, his arms wrapping around your legs as he carries you.
“No need to be mean!” He pouts, and you laugh as you pepper kisses against his lips as he walks towards your home’s entrance. “I just hope we don’t run into fans again…”
“Hey!” You laugh as he slips on your shoes all while holding you still. “It’s their damn fault for thinking we don’t have kinky sex… or sex at all.”
“You didn’t let me smash for a whole year.” Kirishima laughs as he shifts you in his arms so that he’s holding you piggyback style. You laugh as he puts on his own shoes. Your limbs tightening around his body for support as he’s leaning down.
“It’s because you kept telling me to smash, and the first time it happened you pulled out Super Smash Bros.”
“You’re telling me you denied me for a whole year because of that?!”
“EIJIROU, YOU LITERALLY MADE ME PANIC SO HARD! The girls and I went out to buy me lingerie and everything!!”
“You’re telling me this now? Sorry, y/n, sounds fake.” Kirishima laughs as he stands up, and begins your journey out.
Eventually, you slide off his back, and he takes your hand into his own. The two of you talking as you walk down the streets of your city as you enter the sex shop. You went were you remembered where the strap on dildos and harnesses were. Kirishima, however, seems frozen as you pick out a sturdy harness. It was black and rather daunting as you handed it to Kirishima.
“You get to pick the dildo.” You say, looking at the collection they had.
“T...This is a lot more than what I was expecting.” Kirishima gulps as his hands rake through his flat hair. “Is there a one size fits all?”
You snort at you shake your head, “No, baby. Just like there are no two dicks alike, you have to choose. We can always start with the thinnest one?”
“Yeah. That sounds right.”
You grab a thinner dildo and choose the bright red one. “For my Red Daddy Riot?” You ask, a burst of bubbling laughter in your throat as Kirishima tosses his head back.
“That was one time!”
“It still happened, and you liked it!”
The two of you laughed together as you bought the two things. Even taking pictures with the person at the register because he was in love with you two. Besides that, the two of you left back home.
Steps quick to try it out. Breathing picking up as you reached the house.
Kirishima’s lips were over yours as soon as the front door closed behind him. His strong arm keeping you on his hips as his other one held the black bag.
“Wow, you’re impatient.” You moan against his lips, as you kick your shoes off.
“It’s the nerves.” Kirishima sighs as he walks towards the bedroom, your lips gliding against his.
Your fingers tug at his hair without care, his heavy pants making you grin. You knew his body as well as you knew his own, and hair-pulling always lit a fire under him. Your back pressed into the mattress, and your breathing increases as he shifts. His shirt pulling off his head. You pull away and watch as his scarred chest heaves.
You sit up, your lips pressing light kisses against every scar. Every bruise. Every impurity. Your lips were hot against his skin, and Kirishima’s wordless praises stirred you on. Your hands grabbed his shorts. Without him even realizing it, you’ve removed his shorts, and have him on the bed in two-fluid movements.
“Is the lube, fuck, is the lube in the box?” Kirishima asks as your lips suck the crook of his neck.
You nod your head as you remove your own shirt, and his hands squeeze your breasts. You hiss at the sensation, your hips involuntarily moving as well. Kirishima’s gasping breathes stir you on as you feel his arousal pressing into your ass. “Are you ready?” You ask, your nails running up and down his abs. You know he likes the teasing of the sensation, and he nods his head as you pull away.
Kirishima watches you from the bed as you strip off your shorts. You’re wearing a nice set already, a deep maroon bra and matching thong piece. It wasn’t lingerie. But the color of red against your skin made Kirishima moan as you pull out the lube from your box of other goods. His heart feels like it’s hammering in his throat as you open the harness.
Your eyes locked on his own, a smile on your face as you slip your legs through the ties. Fastening them all tight around your thighs as you spin around for Kirishima when it’s done. It’s tight enough that you feel comfortable, but not loose enough for it to fall off ever. Kirishima groans, his body falling onto the bed as you place the dildo into the harness. Why did you look ravishing like that?
Kirishima feels you climbing onto the bed, your hair tickling his cheeks as you lean down. “On your knees, Red Daddy Riot.” You whisper into his ear, your teeth nibbling his earlobe.
“You’re the worst.” Kirishima groans as he does as commanded, slipping his underwear off. Your teeth bite your lower lip as you stare at his ass. This was a new angle, and it was one you very much enjoyed. Hell, if you looked this hot, it was no wonder why Kirishima loved doggy style. You could see the sharp lines of his body, the muscles rippling in his nervousness. His ass looking firm and delicious as you shuffle closer. A sigh leaving your lips as you rejoice in him being the perfect height for you to peg him.
“I’m going to start with my fingers first.” You inform Kirishima who nods his head.
“Be gentle at first?”
“Like a flower.” You promise as you grab the lube, rubbing a very healthy amount on your index finger and middle finger. “Ready?”
His nod is weak but sure of his request.
So with as much precaution as you can, your index finger slides past his tight hole. You ease it in as Kirishima lets out a string of curses, his body trembling as he almost falls onto his forearms. Your tongue pokes out, unsure if it was okay to savor the way he was feeling or to be actually concerned.
“Does this feel good, baby?” You ask as your finger curls.
“Y-Yes, oh my god, princess…” Kirishima pants as he thrusts his hips out towards you.
Your finger makes it all the way in, and Kirishima cries out your name as you begin to move it back out. Your finger now slowly beginning to thrust into him. Your hips shifting in the excitement in the way he shakes. His chest falling to the mattress as you continue thrusting into him. Kirishima’s moans stirring you on as you add another finger.
H makes audible gawking noise. You chuckle as your free hands trail up and down his muscular thigh. Your hand moves up his inner thigh and then grasps his hard cock. Kirishima’s pleasure and pained moans filling the room as you stroke his length. “You’re taking my fingers so good, baby.” You groan against his rippling back muscles. “I hope this feels as good as you look.”
Kirishima spasms as your nails gently tease the walls of his hole. His nearly shrieking gasps turn you on further. Your hand that is moving down his length his fisting him as you go. A sadistic smile on your face as his cries continue. His body trembling. Your fingers moving in a wave-like function as he gasps prettily.
Your cunt is now throbbing at the sight of your husband like this. The dom in you bleeding out as you remove your fingers from his hole. Your other hand releases his twitching cock as you pull back. Kirishima’s pleading gasps making you laugh as you slap his ass.
“Don’t worry,” You say grabbing the lube and placing a large amount onto the dildo. “I’m not done with you quite yet.”
Kirishima whimpers softly, the noise music to your ears as your lips press against his ass.
“You’re doing so well.” You whisper as you press the head of the red dildo onto his hole, not yet inserting it. Your grin widening as Kirishima rocks his hips, wanting you to thrust in already. “I’m going to put it in now, and I don’t want to hear a single moan, groan, cry, or word.” You warn.
Kirishima’s husky voice lets out a whine, and you shiver at the feeling as you move your hips forward. The head of the dildo sinking into his awaiting hole.
“You didn’t make a sound, I’m impressed. Are you okay, my love?” One of your hands moving up to rub soothing circles on his back as you pressed deeper inside him. Kirishima replied with a weak head nod. Rutting his hips back into you as you entered completely inside him. You wait a moment as his heavy pants let you know he’s still adjusting. Your thighs twitch with your anticipation, and you want nothing more than to thrust into him. The pool of heat within you intensifies as Kirishima drops to his chest.
“I-I’m ready.” He asserts, and you smirk, your hand coming down heavily onto his ass.
“Are you ready to feel how good I am with my cock?” You tease, and Kirishima laughs, his head nodding.
“Show me how you like it.” Kirishima staggers as your hips roll into his ass.
A shriek of pleasure leaves his lips as you begin pushing your hips against his ass. Your pace a lot faster than it probably should have been. You began to buck your hips against him, admiring in the way Kirishima moans loudly. His hips moving to meet yours. You grinned as you landed another hard smack on his ass, expecting a raw noise in response. Your face lits up when your husband sinfully moans at the action, his jaw-dropping as he pants. Your fingers continue running across his soft skin as you watched it redden under your touch. Your handprint was evident in its shape.
“Please, baby, more!” Kirishima gasps as you shift your hips slightly. His back arching as he clutches the fabric between his fingers. You laugh, your head leaning to press a kiss against his spine.
“Kami, you look so damn pretty when you’re crying for me.” You moan, uncaring about your sloppy thrusts for the moment. The way Kirishima is so responsive to your actions is stirring you on. You’re positive that you’ll be coming as soon as he touches you later. You grip his hips, angling your body so that you’re thrusting into him at a better angle. Trying to desperately find that angle that will make his eyes roll to the back of his head. To find the angle that will make him scream and drool. The loud and raw ‘fuck’ that leaves his lips, lets you know you found his prostate. You continue in at that angle, the same power and depth as the rawness of his voice send chills down your spine.
Your body feels like it’s on fire as you feel so much power. Your husband’s continuous whimpering stirring you on. Your right-hand leaves his waist, moving to grasp his still rock hard cock in your grasp. “Oh, poor baby,” You coo. “Does your cock need to come?” You pant, the action of your thrusting hips making you sweat.
“Yes, fuck, baby yes!” Kirishima shouts, his face burying into the mattress as you massage his length up and down. Your hips are relentless against his ass as you continue fucking him. Your laughs nearly inaudible at the sight of him still fucking himself against you.
“What if I don’t want you to come yet.” You pout, your fingers leaving his length, your hips stilling.
“Please let me come, baby, please!” Kirishima pants his hips unapologetic as he continues pushing against the strap-on. You giggle, taking his cock back in your hand. Your arousal slicking against your thighs as you continue.
You’re intent on getting him to come within seconds, and it shows. Your hips are thrusting harder and faster than you’ve gone yet. Your hand fisting along his length, his leaking precum covering your hand. Kirishima’s spluttering shouts fueling your inner lust. His body convulses under your manipulation.
Sinfully loud mewls and moans leave his lips, and you feel his cock spasm. Your hips finding it difficult to go as fast as you had been going as his hole tightens around the dildo.
“Y/N, FUCK!”
Your hand covered instantly in his hot sticky seed. Your lips in a wide grin as your hand continues stroking his length. His fluids continuing to come out in his heavy load. Your thrusting stops, and with a sigh, you pull away. Falling down on your ass as Kirishima collapses. His eyes locked on you as you lick his come off your hands.
“You’re super hot like that.” You inform Kirishima as you shift towards his heaving body to press a kiss to his lips. “I didn’t think you would be so into it.”
You slide off the bed, taking off the harness and letting it fall to the ground as you groan. You remove your panties and show Kirishima just how fucking wet they were. “Just in case you weren’t sure how turned on I was.”
You take off your bra as you crawl back onto the bed, Kirishima turning onto his back as you straddle his torso.
“You still need to come, huh?” Kirishima states. A low hiss escaping his mouth at feeling your throbbing wet cunt against his hips.
“Yeah, I do.” You sigh your fingers teasing your breasts as your husband leans up. His lips pressing against the underside of your breasts. Your head drops back as you feel content. “Are you gonna help me out, or am I going to be forced to fuck you by myself?”
You shriek as you’re on your back, looking up at Kirishima who is trailing his heavy and hot hands down your figure. You moan at the feeling of his teeth biting against your neck. His sharp teeth sending waves of pleasure throughout your body.
“I’m going to fuck you so good, you’ll know how I felt that entire time,” Kirishima promises, his finger entering your aching core.
“Give it to me, Red Daddy Riot.”
“...I’ll leave.”
“No! You know that I’m only tea--OHMYGOD!”
Kirishima has his once again hard cock slamming into your throbbing pussy. His voice snarling at the sensation as his hands bring your legs over his shoulders. “Now shut up, and let daddy show you how to fuck properly.”
You can’t even tease him as he begins jackhammering into you. Your head slamming into the mattress as a shriek rips through your throat.
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captainchrisbaby · 4 years
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Violence, Alcohol
Summary: In your desperate attempt to fill the void Steve left when he dedicated his life to finding Bucky you skulled some wine and went out looking for a replacement... Steve is not impressed.
This is my 2nd entry for our challenge this week! It has only been 4 days but having the opportunity to help bring everyone together and read your stories has been amazing so thank you all <3 If you want to join! Click here Weekly Challenge
And thank you to the best two girls for always being supportive and also great challenge hosts! @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho​​ @donutloverxo​
You stare at the photo on your book shelf, though it was only taken two years ago it felt like a lifetime ago. A grin creeps on your face as you remember that day. You and Steve attended your first Stark party together when you accidentally tripped and fell in the pool, you were so embarrassed and Steve could tell… so in true hero fashion he jumped in with you. The photo of you laughing whilst soaked in water warms your heart. That warmth quickly returns to cold as your mind returns to the present, Steve is not here and he hasn’t been for a while. Though you know in your heart he loves you he can’t seem to put his search for Bucky behind him and the time he has spent searching cold leads has brought so much distance into your relationship.
He use to call daily, then weekly and now you only hear from him every few months. It makes you miserable longing for him constantly and despite your efforts its slowly breaking you so tonight you poured yourself a glass of red wine as you apply your make up, you run the flat iron through your hair and choose the outfit that will cause attention. You play some upbeat music and skull your wine as you dance around your apartment waiting for the alcohol to fill your body and release it’s affects. “WE COULD HAVE HAD IT AL-L-L! ROLLING IN THE DE-EP!” You sing at the top of your lungs. As you take a breath to begin the next line your speaker beeps then dies. After a moan of disappointment you grab your bag and head out the door leaving your half drunk glass of wine on the bench.
You drunkenly stumble for your keys as you approach your apartment door. You feel the warmth of your new friend behind you. It wasn't like you to just bring any stranger home with you but your loneliness has driven you to desperation. Your plan to go out and get drunk and find the closest looking man to Steve was being executed well and the guilt in your stomach isn’t going to stop you from allowing yourself to feel good for one night.
You start to giggle as you can’t seem to pick the right key. “Need some help?” Kieran whispers in you ear. He is not near as tall as Steve nor is he competing with his attractiveness but he will do for tonight. He plants a wet kiss on the back of your neck as you finally twist the correct key into the door. With a quick push it swings open and your heart sinks to the floor.
There before you standing in your kitchen - the man you have spent the past year missing, the love you have for him hasn’t once shifted and the butterflies in your stomach feel like they never left. He leans against the bench with a beautiful red rose laid out in front of him. “Steve.” You whisper.
Kieran stops kissing your neck as you swat him away then seizes up when he realises you two are not alone. The look on Steve’s face sends a shiver down your spine and for the first time in your life you feel afraid of him. “I think you should go.” You quietly but sternly warn Kieran, you don’t need to say it twice, his footsteps patter down the stairway quickly until you are finally alone with Steve.
“I didn’t realise you were coming home.” You shakily confess. Your hands are shaking and you feel a lump in your throat that could make you vomit at any second.
“Clearly.” He finally speaks. He is furious. You try to decide whether you should even bother explaining yourself as you walk inside and close the door. Approaching him slowly but keeping enough distance to feel safe you begin to choke out your words.
“You’ve been gone so long, I didn’t know if you were ever coming back.” A tear wells in your eye but he only glares in response. “I’ve begged you so many times to just stay but you don’t care… what else was I suppose to do.” And with that slams his hands down on the bench in front of him knocking the half full glass of red wine over the bench. The sound causes you to flinch and your expression turns from pleading too shocked.
He has never been aggressive with you but knowing his line of work you never ruled out that he has a dark side. Did you ever expect to see it? No. But you crossed a line tonight, maybe not intentionally but you did.
“I didn’t mean to—” You begin but he cuts you off, “I have loved you since the moment I met you! I told you I had to find Bucky, that he would do it for me and you told me you understood!” He raged stomping towards you.
“I know, and I do understand but it’s not fair for me Steve.” You trembled stumbling backwards as you try to insure some space between you two. The fear and adrenalin has sobered you up which is unfortunate when you could use the added courage.
“Not fair? You have everything you want here, I made sure Stark gave you everything you needed so that you could be looked after and happy!” He yells.
“Everything I want? None of this stuff means anything to me without you here!” You growl back. “You can take it all back, the apartment, the fancy car and all the unnecessary flatscreens he felt necessary to put in every room!”
“So what do you want from me?” He barks.
You take a breath and harness all your courage to finally say the words you’ve been dying to say for a year. “I want you to put Bucky behind you and come home… for good.”
The weight off your shoulders quickly piles back on as his face turns red. He strides towards you grabbing your upper arms and forcing you backwards, your legs move quickly to prevent you from falling backwards and with a few steps you are slammed against the wall behind you, sending pain through the back of your skull.
His tight grip on your arms stings and you know it will leave a bruise. You lock your eyes on his and you chock to keep in your cry, they were hollow and empty. In one swift movement one of his hands rear back behind his head with a tightened fist and you close your eyes waiting for impact. He throws his punch harder and fasted than any man ever could and as you brace for impact a loud bang echoes through your right ear.
You keep your eyes closed and listen to his panting begin too slow. There was no pain like you had anticipated and his hand on your right arm began to soften. When his fore-head lowered and rested on your shoulder you gently open your eyes to attempt to investigate what just happened. You don’t move your head as you’re frozen from fear but your eyes manage to flick to the hole in the wall inches from your ear, Steve’s hand was still deep inside the plaster and the thought that his rage nearly resulted in him crushing your skull makes you whimper.
You stand there shaking as his breathing slows, when he is calm he lifts his head and slowly pulls away. The sound of cracking is loud in your ear as he peels his arm out of the gaping hole. He locks eyes on yours in his slow process to standing up straight. He drops both his arms beside him as he studies your face, you study back. He looks defeated and broken… evidently sorry. You are panting, eyes wide and locked on his then taking a gulp you allow yourself to slide down the wall wrapping your hands around your knees and nestling your head in your arms before letting out a brief loud sob. You needed to let it out, there were so many emotions flooding through your body but you pull yourself together quickly and pull your eyes up to check on Steve.
Tears were soaking his eyes but yet to fall. He looked broken. He sniffs then wipes a small drop of sweat from his head with the back of his arm. He stumbles back before catching himself and turns making a bee line for the door. He looks back one last time to recognise the damage he had done then exits the apartment.
@cheeseburgersstuff​​ @goavengers​​ @xolovegrace​​ @randomsevans​​ @iamwhoiamtmblr​​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​​ @lilbabycee​​ @dailyteamcap​​ 
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cross-poison · 4 years
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Slumber Parties --- Harley Quinn/Reader One Shot
Words: 1k || Warnings: alcohol, mentions of cheating, breakups, language
a/n: wanted to mix things up a bit while I’m waiting for AGITP inspiration to come back to me. This can definitely be read as platonic, if you prefer.
Her hand clapped you hard on the back, causing you to grunt into your shot glass of brightly-colored liquor. Although it initially was not a gentle gesture, she moved her hand up from the middle of your back to squeeze your shoulder and rub in a semi-soothing circle near the hem of your shirt. “You can do better than her anyways,” said your companion, head lolling to the side through her partially drunken state.
Harley Quinn was a lot of things. She was loud and spontaneous, and smarter than people gave her credit for, but she was not, by any means, a woman who half-assed things. After getting out of a long relationship with a girl who, despite your chemistry and her stellar good looks, didn’t deserve the title of “girlfriend” in the long run, you’d been taking the hit pretty hard. 
You hated to admit the way your heart clenched every time you remembered the sight of her on top of some tattoo’d up, motorcycle lover of a man on the couch you two had bought together, but it hadn’t been the first time she’d broken your heart in such a manner. 
Turns out, Harley had been a solid shoulder to cry on, having recently gotten out of her terrible relationship with the clown she’d spent so many years chasing after. As far as you could tell, she’d really taken it in stride, so it was no surprise she was the first one in your friend group you turned to to ask for a place to stay for a few weeks until you were back on your feet.
She’d mostly ignored you the first few times she heard you crying from her tiny guest bedroom, but the third time was enough to push her over the edge. That’s when she barged in and suggested the two of you go out and get absolutely hammered at the local bar. That’s exactly what you did.
Three drinks in, and you were crying into your elbow while your flashy friend went on and on about how your ex didn’t know who she’s messing with, and how you deserve more than someone who’s going to waste your time like that, so on and so forth. 
By now you’d lost count of the number of drinks you’d accepted from the bartender, and by now you were no longer shedding tears of sorrow, and instead tears of laughter as Harley tried (and failed) to bribe the bartender for another round in exchange for a manicure. He looked thoroughly unamused, and you apologetically fished out a few dollar bills to finish off the night at the bar with one more round for the two of you.
“I’m tellin’ ya, babe,” Harley slurred, scooping her shot glass off the table and clinking it against yours, “Bein’ single may just be the best thing that’s ever happened to ya! Ya getta chance to discover the real you, and ain’t that really the only thing that matters? Plus, come here on a good night,” she leaned dangerously far back on her barstool so she could gesture vaguely around at the other nearby patrons, “And you get a tonna free drinks. Everyone’s bein’ awful cheap here tonight.”
With a wink in your direction, she downed her shot. As you followed her lead, you heard her exhale loudly and stretch her arms above her head.  “Well, that’s about all I got on me for tonight. Whaddya say we call it a night early and head back to my place? We can make popcorn and watch some cheesy movie to cheer ya up!”
“Yeah, Har, sounds great,” you replied, easing yourself off the stool and trying to steady yourself so you didn’t crash to the floor and cause a scene.
Harley looped an arm around your waist to keep you upright, snickering softly. “You’re gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow, toots… bucha know what? So’m I, so I guess we’ll do that togetha too.”
By some miracle, you both made it back to her apartment with little to no trouble, besides an occasional stumble and getting lost once when Harley drunkenly pulled you down the wrong street. Once you were both in the door, Harley all but collapsed on the couch in the middle of the room, groaning and shoving her face into one of the cushions. You followed suit quickly after, tipping your head back to catch your breath.
After a moment, you heard her familiar drawl from beside you. “I know I promised ya popcorn,” Harley said, “But I don’t think my legs are cooperatin’ anymore tonight.”
You laughed and ran a hand through your hair, moving it out of your face. “Mine either. Don’t worry.”
You heard a faint shuffling from beside you, and before you could respond, Harley was laying her head across your lap, blinking up at you with blue eyes and a drunken smile. “I mean it tomorrow though. S’ gonna be the best fuckin’ popcorn you eva had, too. And whateva movie ya want. What’s your favorite? Y’like movies, right?”
“Yeah, I like movies, Har,” you chuckled, affectionately patting her on the head. 
“Me too,” she slurred, turning her face against your stomach, “I like ‘em too. We’ll watch some damn good movies,” with that, she lifted her arm and lifted her pinkie, “I swear it. Pinkie swear.”
You blinked and tried to move your arm to capture her pinkie with yours to seal the deal. You missed a few times, but as soon as you locked fingers, you could already hear her snoring.
Breakups are hard. Breakups suck. But not just anyone can boast they got to spend the night getting over their ex with Harleen Quinzel. Not everyone can boast they got to share a couch with her, either. Or that she promised them a day of movies and popcorn together, enjoying each other’s company.
That was something that distinctly belonged to you. 
And goddammit, you felt a piece of your heart soften in favor of Harley Quinn that night.
Ao3 Link : HERE
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centuryofdean · 4 years
Of Food and Comfort - Part 9
Author Note:: So sorry that this took forever. This chapter was difficult for me because I have had the worst writers block. Hopefully it was just for this chapter and the next one will come more easily. The story is starting to come to a close! (Sorry if this chapter wasn’t as exciting).
Author Disclaimer:: Marvel and its characters are not mine. I take no credit. Instead I claim the maybe not so great plot, writing and characteristics of the reader insert character. I am not a die hard Marvel fan, I haven’t read all the comics, but have watched the movies. I may get some things wrong, so please don’t hate me. I also have been incorporating Old Norse as terms of endearment.
Summary:: You worked for Tony Stark as a…mechanic of sorts. Anything around the Avengers compound that needed a technicians touch, you handled. With working and living there, you had grown to be friendly with the super heroes. Of course you had grown to have feelings for one of them. The muscled Thunder God to be exact.
Rated:: M for Mature. Please do not read this story unless you are 18+. Smut. NSFW
Pairing:: Thor x Reader
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Thor had picked out a dress for you to wear and laid it on your bed while you showered. What he picked out was one of the nicer dresses in the closet. Not that they weren’t all nice, but this one was particularly elegant, used for special occasions. It was a deep navy blue and sleek, but comfortable. You took the time to freshen up in the bathroom with the supplied fragrances and lotions, combing out your hair and styling it perfectly. All the while your mind wanted to wander to what happened in the library not even an hour ago.
You could feel the cold hard wood on your knees still as your nose remembered the smell of Thor’s deep musk. The thought of your mouth on him brought a deep blush to your cheeks and chest. Did you really give him a blowjob in the library, in the middle of the day? What on Earth has gotten into you?
A soft knock came in the door, so you left the bathroom to answer it expecting to find Thor.
Instead you were surprised to find Loki.
After your first morning when he walked you around the palace for a while—you hadn’t seen him since. Perhaps it was a dinner with the whole family instead of just the three of you as you had assumed?
Dark green eyes started your feet and trailed up to take in your appearance. “Dressing to impress Darling,” he inquired. He stepped aside and threw an arm out to gesture me to leave the room.
“I guess,” you said slowly. “Thor picked this out for me.” Immediately your fingers drew up to your new necklace, tracing the cool metal, suddenly a little nervous. While you both walked, you could hear him humming softly as he strode forward. The tune was a little familiar, but nothing you could pin-point.
“Are you finding your new home to your liking,” he asked as you both descended a set of stairs.
At his words, you missed a step and stumbled, hanging onto the railing for dear life with a hitch in breath. “My new home,” you asked confused.
Loki stopped in the middle of the stair set, smirking slowly before leaning a little closer to you, easing into your personal space.
“Oh Darling,” he chuckled, “Asgard of course. Why else did you think Thor brought you here?”
“To just show me around, to show me where he grew up—”
“To introduce you to your father-in-law and new home.”
Father—that is absolutely absurd. Even the thought of it had you scoffing and laughing outright. Thor and you only just started any sort of a relationship past friends not even a week ago. There was no way he was bringing you to Asgard before that was even established on the basis of marriage.
“That’s not true,” you supplied easily, pushing past the trickster and down the stairs. “He just wanted to bring me to somewhere new. It was a silly prize for being able to lift Mjölnir.”
“A silly prize,” Loki scoffed. He had already surpassed you on the stairs and was walking down them backwards to speak to you as you climbed down yourself. “That hammer holds some of the most unexplainable powers of the realms. Those who harness that power control Asgard.”
Very slowly you came to a stop again, this time at the bottom of the stairs. You noted how Loki said control instead of lead or rule. For some reason this discussion felt like a test and a taunt all in one. “I bet loads of people can lift the hammer,” you said softly. “It takes a great deal more leadership and good sense of ethics to be able to be a King of anywhere, let alone Asgard.”
“There are only four people whom were able to lift Mjölnir,” Loki hissed out between his teeth. With each word he had taken another step closer and closer to you, shoulders hunched up in intimidation. “Odin. Mother. Thor. Now, some small meek girl from Midgard.”
Suddenly all you could hear was the erratic beating of your blood pounding in your ears, but Loki continued you talk and you strained to listen.
“Odin has become an old fool with time, weak with age. He has been waiting for my oaf of a brother to accept the position of King. Until now he has refused, but now that there is supple flesh that has proven useful—well it would only make sense that he is more accepting of the position,” Loki’s voice grew quieter with each and every word. In the end of it all, it was as if he was whispering a secret or a sweet nothing into your ear.
“Are you—are you saying Thor only wants to be with me because I can lift the hammer,” you whispered back just as quietly, almost afraid of the words that were leaving your mouth.
The edges of Loki’s lips started to curl inwards, but the look in his bright green eyes didn’t seem playful.
This couldn’t be true—it was just another game that the God of Mischief was playing to get under your skin. Right, he was just looking to get a rise out of you because he had nothing better to do. Thor wouldn’t be so superficial, right?
Thinking back on everything, you did your best to filter through your memories with Thor to see if what Loki said had any ounce of truth. Instead, you only proved to cause more panic and anxiety within yourself. Thor had always been so kind and friendly at first, because he was just a polite man. Even after Jane and him broke up, you never remember any moment with him that insinuated that he was interested in you in such a way. Not until—not until the night you lifted Mjölnir.
Even though you were drunk out of your mind, you had remembered Thor dragging you back to your room. Days after the event you were horrified to remember asking him to take off your pants for you. It wasn’t until you were standing at the base of the stairs of Asgard starring right into Loki’s eyes that you remembered Thor asking if he could be your bed warmer—only hours after you proved worthy of Asgard.
All the time after that, there wasn’t another moment between either of you, not until Christmas when he almost kissed you in the kitchen. Everything else could be deemed friendly; yet nothing more than platonic happened until after you took your shot with the hammer.
“Drotting,” Thor’s voice called out deeply from behind you, “there you are. I went to your rooms looking for you.”
Breaking out of your trance, you turned to Thor. Anything you were thinking about slipped from consciousness at the sight of him. You couldn’t tell if he was dressed for battle or for dinner. The leather-like pants he was wearing were adorned with patterns, but hugged his legs nicely. He was wearing a deep navy blue shirt that seemed as if it was made in mind of the dress you were wearing.
What really caused you to become speechless was his hair. Half of it was pulled up like normal, but different types of braids and beads traced in and out of the loose locks. His beard was even trimmed evenly and shaped nicely into the scruff on his cheeks. All of it dimmed in comparison at the smile he was wearing. Had you ever seen him this happy before? His blue eyes were bright and crinkled at the sides from the force of his smile.
In seconds he had you wrapped in his arms, bringing his lips down to press against your own for a long chaste kiss.
“Come now,” he spared a questioning glance at Loki, “let us meet Father in the Dining Hall.”
Loki trailed behind you both as Thor guided you through the halls by your hand intertwined with his.
The Dining Hall ended up being much smaller than you anticipated. Perhaps it was just a private dining room for the immediate family? Odin was already seated at the large round table. The table could have easily sat a dozen people side by side, but instead there were only four seats evenly spread out.
Thor led you to one of the seats and helped you down into it before grabbing the empty plate in front of you and starting to pile it was food.
“Oh Thor,” you reached his arm and held it in place instead of it hovering over the next bowl of vegetables. “I can make my own plate.”
“I know,” he murmured softly, “I can make my own as well, but you always make mine for me. It is my turn to take care of you.”
A little embarrassed, you settled down into your seat and looked down at the table while Thor put more food on the plate than you thought you could eat. As he sat it down, he pressed a kiss to your forehead and left to the seat closest to you. He had seated you directly across from his father.
“Lady Y/N,” Odin began to speak, gesturing to your plate of food you hadn’t touched yet. “Please eat at your leisure.”
Slowly, you reached for the fork closest to you and started to stab into the first green you saw. Being put at the same dinner table as three Gods was a little intimidating, so you ate slowly and savored the tastes of the food in front of you.
“I would like to apologize for the greeting you received from me your first morning here,” Odin huffed out after taking a drink. “Now that we are all here, there is much to discuss.”
You took a long sip from the glass of wine closest to you. Out of the corner of your eye, you could still see Thor beaming to your left. He had no hesitation in eating, half of his plate was empty. To your left, you could see Loki picking at his food, moving it around but not really eating it.
“Thor has told me much about your life on Midgard,” Odin continued. “You are a—mechanic?”
“Yes sir,” you coughed out a little. “I work on machines—well any type of technology.
“Wasn’t Jane a well-educated scientist,” Loki shot off from his end of the table, looking bored.
The empty nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach only grew at his statement. Anxiety was already eating away at you the moment Thor said you were to have dinner with his father, but now it was consuming you quickly.  
Jane had already been here. Both his father and mother met Jane. She was a well-educated scientist. Just from her area of expertise alone she probably knew more about Asgard and the other realms better than you—
“Jane is not the woman Thor has chosen,” Odin said plainly. No, Thor did choose her, but she just didn’t choose him back. “How has Asgard been treating you dear?”
“It’s been really lovely,” you worked past the lump in your throat. “Everything from the buildings to the gardens and the hospitality of your people is beautiful. I feel very welcomed, thank you for having me.” It was true, even the friendliness of all the Asgardian’s you encountered. Thor’s friends in particular did what they could on the few occasions you met them to make you comfortable.
Thor smiled at you again between bites, becoming oddly silent while his father and you spoke to one another. After you had eaten a good portion of your food, it became easier to talk to the older man. He asked numerous questions about you, your life, what you did for Tony Stark, what you see yourself doing in the future. They were typical questions you would have received from meeting your boyfriend’s parents for the first time.
Towards the end of dinner, you were completely relaxed and laughing softly with Thor over something Odin had said. Loki had wandered off again in the last handful of minutes. A soft yawn had taken you by surprise after you finished your wine.
“I will not hold you both any longer,” Odin sighed himself. He did not smile, but he seemed happy and relaxed like yourself. “Please remember Lady Y/N, Asgard is your home now too.”
You rose slowly from your chair onto shaky legs at his words, met by Thor who ushered you into his arms to guide you from the room after a bid of goodbye to his father. The anxiety from earlier started to make its way back into your chest, making it harder to breathe.
Asgard is my home now too.
Was it though? Could I really move myself to another realm away from what little family I had, and my friends? There was no way to communicate with them from Asgard. Thor had told you how the Bifrost was destroyed a while ago, what if it became destroyed again if you decided to even move to Asgard?
Why are you even thinking about this? These kind of decisions shouldn’t even be thought of until you had dated someone for a good five or six months, not the handful of days you have had with Thor.  
Just thinking of Thor and you together, even as he was walking you back to your rooms, you groaned softly in frustration.
It seemed that Loki had gotten what he wanted—to leave you upset and questioning everything between Thor and you.
Once you both reached the door to your rooms, you turned to Thor and crossed your arms softly. “Is it possible that we could go back to New York tomorrow,” you asked a little upset with yourself. You really didn’t want to leave beautiful Asgard behind, but the anxiety and panic you had been dealing with the past few hours was making it hard to think straight. All you really wanted was to curl up in the blankets on your bed and a bowl of comfort food to try and relax. You wanted your warm soft Earth clothes—hell you would prefer Thor’s warm soft Earth clothes.
“Of course,” he replied quickly, a little confused. “If that is what you wish drotting.”
“Sorry,” you apologized, feeling more flustered at possibly offending him. “Its just—”
“No need to explain yourself Y/N,” he smiled softly before kissing your nose. “We could even leave now if you wanted.”
 It only took about twenty minutes for you to collect your things. Thor insisted that you take some of the dresses with you. He didn’t have anything to take back with him from his rooms, so you both left the palace and made your way through the streets towards the Bifrost dome. Through every turn and pause, his hand was still clutched almost desperately into your own. He shared a few words with the Heimdall, who looked at you with a soft smile and nodded before opening the bridge between Asgard and Earth.
It was dark when you finally opened your eyes after the gut-wrenching trip. The cool night air of New York was brisk, causing you to shiver in your sleek Asgardian dress. It was still January after all, of course it was going to be cold and covered in snow. Thor took it upon himself to carry your bag for you, and guide you through the snow and ice of the lawn and into the building.
Wordlessly he followed you up to your rooms, sitting your bag of clothes on the familiar homely couch and plopping down next to them. It was odd, seeing him decked out in Asgardian Princely clothing, simply sitting on your plain Earthling couch. “I’m going to change into something to sleep in,” you murmured nervously and scurrying into the bathroom.
You were still confused on where you stood with Thor. If this past week has shown you anything, it was that you were helplessly in love with him. How did he feel though? Did he simply settle for you because of what Loki said—or did he genuinely have feelings for you like you hoped? What you really needed to do was just talk to Thor, but you almost were scared to. What if he reveals that what Loki said was right? What if he thinks you’re too much to deal with after coming up with three different scenarios in your head?
Trying to remain calm and not succumb to the panicked anxiety, you stripped down out of the dress and into the first thing your hands grabbed. The smell of rain and static filled your nose, calming you down a fraction. It was one of the many shirts of Thor’s you had stolen for knitting purposes, but had yet return to his room.
You continued with your nightly routine, stalling for time before you had to actually talk about your feelings and fears to the one man who has already ruined you for all others.
Once you finally emerged from the bathroom, you found Thor sitting in your bed in a tank top and basketball shorts, munching on popcorn while his eyes took in the television show he was watching.
You slid into the covers next to him, fluffing the pillows in contentment. The familiarity of your own things, the smell and softness alone was making you feel better. The braids in his hair were a little crumbled, but still held true when he turned to watch you. The smile on his face dimmed a bit when you finally met his eyes.
“You are unhappy,” he said softly, sitting the bowl of popcorn on the stand closest to him. “What’s wrong?”
Damn he was good. Determined to get it all sorted out and over with, you refrained from saying, “nothing”.
“Are you only with me because I lifted the hammer? Is it because Jane walked away and you were lonely,” you asked quickly.
Thor’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you over his lap to sit astride it. “Of course not schat. My feelings for you date back since before you lifted the hammer,” he said. “Minjor doesn’t control my feelings. If I were lonely because of Jane, I could have chosen another woman to keep me company much sooner. I waited for you, because you are the most beautiful, smart and kind woman I have ever met.”
A little emotional, you felt the heat in your eyes trying to ignite. He was complimenting you and assuring you all at once.
“Do you expect me to leave here and move to Asgard with you,” you hurried on to ask, trying to get everything out before you got cold feet and backed off.
Thor didn’t answer for a few moments. Instead he ran his hand up and down your bare thigh while the other ran up and down your back. “I don’t expect it of you,” he murmured. “I would very much like it, but I do not expect you to. What happened that—Loki.”
Even as he said his brother’s name, his eyelids closed in frustration in sync of him banging the back of his head against the headboard. “Do not listen to anything my brother tries to tell you,” he whispered, pressing his lips to my cheek. “He will try to and say whatever he can to wreak havoc in my life. Jane is gone. I chose you before I knew you could handle Mjölnir and I would have chosen you still if you hadn’t moved it at all.
“Let us not worry about the future at the moment drotting, we can take everything a day at a time. Promise me that whenever you have thoughts and concerns like this, you will talk to me?”
All the pressure building in your chest and head seemed to ease out with his words. It was so relieving you started to get a little sleepy again, happy and content. You nodded your consent to a promise, cuddling into his side more firmly, resting your head on his chest while your hands hugged him to you tightly. This is what you always envisioned with Thor, the ease and comfort of just simply being together.
A muffled crunch startled you into being awake again suddenly.
Trying to make your eyes stay open, you could see Thor’s hand move from a bowl next to you both, yellow kernels fisted in his fingers and he raised them to his face.
Blindly, you reached forward to the bowl to grab a few pieces and sneak them into your mouth to chew slowly as the buttery goodness melted on your tongue. “Mmm,” you sighed, “good.” Warmth encased you everywhere as you slipped back into sleep in Thor’s arms.
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