#hayate fluff
winteringdream · 1 year
hayate &audition w "get inside before you freeze to death.." !! and congrats!!!
──────── hot cocoa winter ⋆。˚
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“get inside before you freeze to death.”
p. hayate x gn!reader g. fluff n. omg i found this at the bottom of my drafts, it’s spring now but i hope you’ll still enjoy this anon
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it's a bitterly cold winter evening, and you're walking home from work, bundled up in your warmest coat and gloves. the wind is hurting your cheeks, and you can feel the cold weather through your shoes. you shiver involuntarily as you slowly walk down the street.
as you turn a corner, you suddenly see a figure approaching you. it's hayate, your friend from school. he's wearing a thick coat and a beanie, and he looks like he's been out in the cold for a while.
"hey, what are you doing out here?" he asks with a small smile on his face.
"just walking home," you reply through chattering teeth. "i'm almost there, don't worry."
hayate laughs and shakes his head. "no way, you're going to freeze to death out here. let’s go into this café.”
you hesitate for a moment, but the thought of stopping for a moment is too tempting. "okay, let’s go." you say, following him into the cafe.
as you take a seat, hayate starts to chat about the dance club he is in. you can't help but smile at his enthusiasm.
“we’d like two hot cocoa, please." he says casually, before turning back to you. you don’t even get a chance to tell him that you don’t want anything.
“i will pay for it, it’s no big deal.” hayate tells you when he sees the look on your face. you nod gratefully, sinking into the soft cushions of the chair.
a few minutes later, the waiter comes back with two mugs of steaming cocoa.
"here you go," hayate says, handing one to you. "drink up before it gets cold."
“it’s super hot,” you scrunch your face at the temperature. hayate chuckles, and apologises for making you drink it immediately.
after a little bit of chatting, hayate looks outside of the window. the sun is beginning to set and the street lights are on.
"hey, it's getting late," hayate says, glancing at the clock. "you should probably head back before it gets too late."
you nod, realizing that you've lost track of time. "yeah, i should. thanks again, hayate."
"it’s no problem" he says, standing up as well. "get inside soon before you freeze to death out there."
you laugh, feeling a warmth in your heart that has nothing to do with the hot cocoa. as you step out into the cold night once again, you know that you'll always remember this winter evening with hayate.
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elric-art · 8 days
I Always Knew
Author: @rarebloorose
Artist: Edmod
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Language of flowers ⬇
Creeping Phlox: Purple and blue phlox are used to signify wisdom, understanding, and spirituality and are symbolic of lifetime love.
White Rose: The white rose is used to convey innocence and youth. They can also denote reverence for a person who has passed.
Blue Rose: Blue roses are symbols of rarity, mystery, and uniqueness, representing good fortune and spiritual healing in many cultures. They symbolize determination, abundance, romance, individuality, and self-acceptance for embracing flaws.
Pink Camellias: They are known to express longing.
White Lilies: Often chosen for weddings, white lilies symbolise a rejuvenation of the soul. This meaning represents purity, commitment and rebirth.
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by-nina · 3 months
How a house becomes a home
AO3 | FFN Royai Week 2024 | Day 5 – Gift Rating: K Genre: Fluff Word Count: 2,910
“Sir,” Riza manages to say. “What brings you here?”
“Well, I happened to be in the market early, paying a visit to my favorite florist,” he says, “and I remember you mentioning that you had trouble taking care of your flowers. I thought I might help.”
On a quiet Sunday morning, months after the Promised Day and perhaps a year or so since moving to Central, Riza draws her curtains open to let sunlight into her apartment and thinks, for the first time, that she is satisfied with the way she has put it together. It took starting the day early and setting aside her other errands for her to finally unpack her things, sort and store them in their proper places, and decorate the rooms, but just the fact of having done it, Riza finds, is already its own reward.
What she truly likes about the place now is the way she has made it truly her own. Her favorite coats hang from hooks beside the front door, and beneath them, her heels are lined up right next to her work boots. On a side table in the living room, friendly faces smile up at her in pictures from her military academy days, birthday parties, and a night out in town. And everywhere, there are many reminders of her simpler childhood days; a lamp from her old bedroom, a set of heirloom silverware, couch cushions her mother had loved.
Black Hayate curiously weaves around the newly placed furniture, poking his nose at all the new items he had vaguely smelled in cardboard boxes for the past several months. Riza chuckles and crouches down to scratch his ear. “What do you think, Hayate? Do you like the house better now?”
His mouth stretches open and his tongue lolls out in an expression that resembles a human smile, and Riza happily takes his word for it. She allows him to continue exploring the living room, up until he comes to the console table by the window and reaches up as if to peek at its bare surface.
“What is it, boy?” Riza asks.
Hayate lets out a short whimper in response before immediately moving on to a different part of the room. Riza looks at the spot that attracted Hayate’s attention, and the longer she stares at it, the more she feels as if something is missing from it. She looks around the room. It certainly looks cozy, but soon it dawns on Riza that the place lacks color. After that, she’s unable to ignore it—the quaint sameness of her old curtains and her upholstery and even her kitchen towels. While it’s lovely, it’s hardly invigorating. She’s sure that something can make it better.
Riza turns back to the table to try and imagine it with some sort of decoration. Before long, the view of the city from her window catches her eye. It’s a lovely day out—the sky is clear and a pleasant shade of blue, and the weekend market must be in full swing now. Riza lights up. A walk with Hayate to the market will be just the thing she needs to find something new for the house.
She hums in thought. “I suppose I could start with a flower vase.”
The florist’s stall is easy to find in the market, with its array of blooms in more colors and shapes than Riza can name. It attracts a good number of market-goers—some briefly stop and admire the flowers, some browse the bouquets and other small arrangements for sale—but there are few enough people that Riza is able to stand back and take in the full display. Just looking at them is enough to brighten her mood, and it’s easy to imagine what they can do for her place, all despite the fact that Riza never truly gave flowers much thought before.
Beside her, Hayate wags his tail and sticks his nose up in the air from one flower to another. Riza loosely loops part of Hayate’s leash around her hand to keep him close. “Stay, Hayate. Good boy.”
“Hello there, dear!” A short, elderly lady with sandy hair emerges from behind the stall and approaches Riza with a wide smile that reaches her eyes. Riza guesses that she must be the florist. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Yes, please,” Riza says. “Can you help me choose flowers for my apartment?”
“Ah, you’re decorating, I see!” The florist gestures to a rack at the end of the stall. “These ones over here are quite sturdy, so you won’t need a lot of water and sunlight for them. And right here,” she adds, pointing to the lowest row of buckets on the rack, “these flowers are safe to have around your dog.”
Riza nods thoughtfully. She studies the recommended blooms, comparing their sizes and their shades of mostly red, pink, purple, and yellow. She recognizes some of them, but decides that roses are far too common and sunflowers will not be as interesting as some of the other options against the shades of brown in her house. Then, a ripple of small salmon pink, purple, and blue flowers catches her eye. She reaches for them carefully, noting how dainty they look with their ruffled, papery texture.
“Do you like those, dear?” the florist asks. “They’re called sea lavenders. Very easy to take care of. You won’t need to water them much, and even when they die, they don’t wither and wilt like other flowers do. They keep their color and shape for a very long time.”
Riza smiles. “They’re lovely.”
The florist beams. “Well, if you think so, then these must be the ones you’re looking for! Here, let me cut and wrap these for you.”
Delicate sea lavenders adorn the console table by the window at Riza’s apartment for exactly two nights. On the third night after, a Tuesday, Riza comes home from work expecting to be greeted by the same beautiful hues, only for her heart to sink when she finds that the vase has toppled over on the table—thankfully, it isn’t broken—and a large part of the arrangement has been, for lack of a better word, shredded all over the floor.
“Oh, no,” Riza sighs. She crouches on one knee to examine the damage.
As if on cue, Hayate appears and sits next to her. His nose twitches as he lets out a soft whimper, and he avoids looking Riza directly in the eye. Most tellingly, she finds small bits of salmon pink, purple, and blue stuck to his coat, which he seems to try to hide from her by shuffling in his spot. Riza chuckles and gives him an understanding smile.
“Hayate,” Riza croons sympathetically. She brushes off the flowers from his coat. “I don’t know how this happened, but I’m just glad you’re not hurt. Be careful next time, all right?”
Hayate thumps his tail on the floor and rubs his head against Riza’s hand in response. Riza prepares his dinner before sweeping up the mess and rearranging the flowers that remain intact in the vase. Despite being less lush now, the sight of them still makes Riza smile appreciatively. Maybe this is why people give flowers to the ones they care for. 
Two Sundays later, Riza comes home with new flowers in her arms. Pansies, the florist told her they were. Capable of lasting indoors, less likely to be torn up by Hayate even at his most excitable, and much more striking in pink, orange, and red, with stains of deeper colors in the middle.
Riza takes her remaining sea lavenders out of their vase and spends the afternoon putting together a new arrangement that combines the older flowers with the fresh pansies. She will miss the blue ones, but the small pink and purple blooms that surround the pansies complement them well. When she’s done, Riza steps back to admire her work and finds that even though it’s simple compared to the arrangements she saw at the florist’s stall, she is proud of what she made.
But the pansies barely last more than a week, to Riza’s dismay. For several days, Central experiences a gradual but unexpected rise in temperature, not high enough to be called a heat wave and only truly uncomfortable by the third or fourth day. Then, Riza comes home from work one day and notices that the pansies have curled in on themselves and begun to droop. This she cleans up right away, thinking to herself that this is another lesson learned.
The following weekend, Riza visits the florist for the third time, surprised by her previously unknown determination to find the right flowers that will make her place feel more like home.
A small book catches Riza’s attention at the National Central Library’s natural sciences section sometime in the following week. The Art of Flowers in the Home, Vol. 1. It’s handsomely bound in dark leather and stamped with gold floral swirls, and at the same time, it appears worn, its yellowing pages frayed at the edges and filled with faded watercolor pictures of various blossoms. Riza imagines an author who must have lovingly composed the book after years of growing their own flowers at home for their family. The thought brings a smile to her face.
Riza glances at a large wall clock that hangs not too far away and decides that she has a few minutes to spare before the Brigadier General completes his library errands. Flipping through the book, she recognizes some of the flowers that she has taken home over the past few weeks, as well as a few others on display at the florist’s stall. Opposite the illustrations, the author has typewritten the flowers’ names, care instructions, cautionary notes, and symbolic meanings. Riza raises an eyebrow out of curiosity.
She flips forward and finds the page for pansies first. Symbolic meanings: Thoughts of love, remembering another, missing one’s lover. Riza nods, fascinated. She never thought of flowers meaning any specific thing other than a gift on special occasions. A few pages on, she finds the page for sea lavenders, which she learns are also called statice. Symbolic meanings: Missing another, steadfastness.
“What have you got there, Hawkeye?”
Riza looks up, and she doesn’t know why she’s embarrassed to see Roy Mustang standing there, as if he caught her reading something that she shouldn’t be. She snaps the book shut and puts it back on the shelf. “Just a book that seemed interesting, Sir. Should we go—?”
But Roy appears to not be listening. Something has caught his attention. He lifts his face up and inhales softly, looking this way and that, reminding Riza of Hayate’s first reaction to the flowers at the market. Roy takes a small step in her direction and inhales, and when he looks directly at her, it seems that he’s found what he’s looking for.
“Are those roses I smell?”
Riza blinks and steps back an inch, suddenly overwhelmed by his closeness and the idea of him breathing in the scent from her. “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t realize it was that strong.”
“Don’t be,” Roy says. He leans against the shelf behind him, crossing his arms in a relaxed pose. The corner of his lips turns up in amusement. “But now I’m curious, Hawkeye. Why the roses? I thought you didn’t have a flower vase.”
A breathy, suppressed laugh escapes Riza as if he had just cracked an inside joke and not recalled a memory colored by anxiety. “I just found the time to decorate my place. I thought having flowers might be nice, but unfortunately, I’ve been having trouble taking care of them.”
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that. But I guess your roses are doing all right?”
“They are, so far. I was told they’re not difficult to take care of indoors. But I don’t think I’ll be keeping them for long. I’m not sure I enjoy the scent that much.”
“I see.”
One moment, then another passes with just the two of them quietly considering each other, before Riza feels her cheeks turn red at the thought of having discussed her home life with her superior officer and just the fact of him being there, mere inches away and paying attention to what she says and even the fact that she smells like roses. She quickly turns away.
“They’re expecting you back at Command, Sir. Your next meeting starts in fifteen minutes.”
Riza avoids meeting Roy’s gaze for the rest of the day.
Sunday morning brings Riza the promise of pleasant weather and another fruitful visit to the weekend market. Despite not knowing what exactly to look for, what else to do, or where to go after, Riza now looks forward to seeing the flowers being sold there, whether it’s to find something new to take home or just to enjoy the sight of them. Today, she gets dressed and prepares Hayate’s leash with the idea of maybe picking a suitable flower on a whim, whatever brings her the most joy today.
Riza stops just short of putting on her shoes when she hears a knock at the door. Before she can ask who it is, Hayate trots up in front of the door, wagging his tail and panting expectantly. Riza blinks; he isn’t usually this thrilled to see just any visitor.
When Riza opens the door, she finds Roy standing there, dressed more nicely than she is used to, holding a wide, blush-colored pot with a layer of lush green leaves at the surface and several tall branches with large, full-bloomed flowers in red, purple, and white. Riza’s eyes widen as Roy grins.
“Good morning, Hawkeye.”
“Sir,” Riza manages to say. “What brings you here?”
“Well, I happened to be in the market early, paying a visit to my favorite florist,” he says, “and I remember you mentioning that you had trouble taking care of your flowers. I thought I might help.”
Riza exhales with what feels like great effort, the same amount that it takes for her to try—and fail—suppressing a smile. “I appreciate the thought, but you didn’t have to do this.”
“I wanted to. And I don’t think you have an excuse not to accept these, since they come in their own container.” Roy waits for a couple of seconds, then asks, “May I come in?”
“Oh—of course.”
Hayate barks excitedly up at Roy as Riza steps aside to let him enter. While Roy balances the flowers in one hand to scratch the back of Hayate’s ears, Riza watches them to give herself a moment to collect herself. Just talking about home decoration at work was enough to make her blush. Allowing Roy into her house brings about a confusing flurry of emotions and the physical sensations to match—heart pounding, hands trembling slightly, the pit of her stomach growing warm.
Riza turns to the flowers instead, to give herself something tangible to think about. She knows she has seen them at the market before, and she knows she must have learned their name a long time ago, the way someone picks up on things just because they happen to be there. She asks anyway, “What kind of flowers are these?”
“Orchids,” Roy says. “They’re quite tough; you water them and add fertilizer once a week, and they’ll survive. But I wouldn’t call myself an expert on caring for them, so I asked the florist for instructions.” He stops petting Hayate to reach into the pocket of his coat, pulls out an envelope, and hands it to Riza. “Here.”
Riza takes the envelope and immediately opens it. As she reads the handwritten note, she recalls the book in the library. “And what are orchids supposed to mean?”
Instead of answering her, Roy exhales with a laugh and an evasive smile—almost shy, even. He stares quietly at Riza for a moment, but she isn’t sure whether he means to try and tell her the answer without saying a word or to keep himself from saying anything at all. The longer she tries to decipher his expression, the more flustered she feels.
Riza takes the orchids from him and stretches her lips into a wordless thanks, then goes to place the orchids by the window, on the very spot where her vase of peach-colored roses was before she moved it to the dining room table this morning. By their shape and form alone, the orchids seem to have the greatest effect on her apartment out of all the flowers she has tried. The sight of it is exciting, but at the same time, its presence calms her, as if she’s got something more than flowers on the table to keep her company.
She turns to Roy, meaning to ask him what he thinks. The words get lost on their way out when she sees the way he’s looking at her, like he’s seeing something precious that she cannot. Maybe it’s the flowers, and because Riza has come to appreciate flowers in her own way, she understands the way they can make a person feel. How bright a room can become because of a well-thought out gift, what it means to want to care for something and see it bloom fully, how fulfilling it can be to share something precious with another person.
Or maybe, deep down, it’s something far more.
“Thank you.”
Roy nods in acknowledgment, and Riza swears he has never looked more content than he does now. “I’d better get going now.”
Just as he reaches her door, Riza blurts out, “Wait.”
He does.
“Would you like to stay for a while?”
Roy smiles, and his shoulders relax. “Do you even have to ask?”
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swimmingwolf59 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: クールドジ男子 | Cool Doji Danshi | Play It Cool Guys (Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ichikura Hayate/Mima Takayuki Characters: Ichikura Hayate, Mima Takayuki, Shiki Souma, Futami Shun, Igarashi Motoharu, Shiki Souta, Futami Asami Additional Tags: Humor, Fluff, Getting Together, Misunderstandings, Canon Compliant, oblivious idiots in love, trans!hayate, enby!motoharu Summary:
Hayate decides to ask Mima out, but Mima doesn’t understand what he means. Later, Mima tries to ask Hayate out, but he doesn’t understand what he means, either. Their friends decide that they need some help.
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goteique · 4 months
are we still friends? + (ren kaji, hayate suo, umemiye hajime, sakura haruka)
cws. | gn!reader, headcanon + scenarios format, sorta character study, fluff, angst, comfort. | redirect to blog navigation.
syn. | How do they react to confession when the feelings are mutual?
notes. | Will there be part two? who knows? but for now please have these. I forgot how to write smut so I'm writing fluff. 
☆ Ren Kaji: Ren does not like talking or listening so he pretends that he can not hear and with his headphones on it's easier to convince but when you specifically ask him to take it off so that you could talk it annoys him. He rarely takes his headphones off since it was a gift from someone. So all he does is to take the lollipop out of his mouth and say, "You can talk. I am not listening to anything," It really irritates you but you do not wish to act on it right now. He has started to grow a little too comfortable with your presence around him and maybe. . .just maybe it's time to create a ripple in his stagnant heart. At the rooftop of the school, where gentle breeze and sunlight prevails you say you like him and watch his eyes go bigger. He takes off his headphones with utmost haste demanding, "Say that again," but now it is your turn to annoy him. All your comebacks are full of: "no." , "Did you not listen when i said once?" , "This is why i told you to take your headphones off," and so on. You are so engrossed in conversing with him that you fail to notice his swift motion of leaning and planting a kiss on your cheek. Your lips cease to move for a while yet it is ever so quick and swift that it happens within a blink of your eyes. "Okay, I'll say it for you then," Ren says. Gulping and continuing, "Y/n likes Ren Kaji. and I like you too." in one breath and just vanishes out of your sight. The next few days he is spotted sleeping at unusual times because he has spent sleepless nights regretting why he did not take his headphones off.
★ Hayate Suo: Suo has known for a while that you like him. Well, he is not too sure but he always had a pretty good idea when it comes to emotions. He has probably known even before you that you could harbor feelings for him so when he hears the rumors from other students he does not react much except with some snarky comments to shut those rumors with his sickly sweet saccharine smile. But hearing it from you, at some secluded place near the bike stand of the school is certainly is out of the syllabus for him. At first, he does not know what to say, what to do, or how to react but when your eyes slowly look up to meet him the first thing he thinks if you did it because of rumors or some sort of dare. If so, then both are wrong. He thinks confession should come when it's time not when it is influenced by others. So, all he says is: "I know." eyes blinking a little too much, unable to consider you as his focal point. " I've known for a while." And then, he asks for some time to think about it which is unexpected because from what you have heard he has rejected every other proposal that came his way. You came prepared to be rejected when you decided to confess but this goes out of the syllabus for you too. So, you end up thinking if this is his new way of tormenting people who like him but he really needs time to properly think because he thought there is no way he thought you would like him back. He does not want to hurt you. That goes against his morals. He could feel his cheeks being warm, ears too, palms tucked behind his back cold, and rapid heart rate. "So, this is how it feels to be confessed."
☆ Umemiya Hajime: Being an older brother to everyone has never been a bother until he developed a gut wrenching crush on you or that is how he would like to put it. Not only that, you have developed quite a friendship with Kotoha ever since you started helping her out in her resturant. You are probabaly same age as her which makes things a little more complicated. Was it not enough that you might be under the impression that Kotoha is his girlfriend? Like most other people; But thanks to Sakura for clearing that confusion up. Still. . .still he feels his heart twist whenever he visits the resturant. All he does is to silently watch you. He could have easily creeped you out if you had not developed a crush on him. When Umemiya's visits became you became a little bold, like talking to him, asking about his day, exchanging numbers but never have been alone with him. He always comes with his band of boys. It denifitely nice to hear him laugh, talk and sometimes steal sneaky glances but it does not help with the wave of emotions he makes you feel. So, one day when the door bell chimed and as usual you said, "Welcome" looking in the direction of entrance ceasing your chores all you could do is stare for a moment since the customer is none other than Umemiya Hajime and he is all alone. So, you repeat again, "Welcome Umemiya-san." tearing your gaze away from him. "Kotoha is busy. Should I let her know that - he cuts you off with," i'm not here for her today." sipping water ever so slowly from the glass you just served on the coaster. Is he nuts? is he really doing this? Right now? why is he not freaking out? or maybe he is, internally, just like you. "I'm here for you today." And, when he confirms you turn around to get a proper look. 
"I see," you say.
"You didn't answer my call so i had to come here," Umemiya remarks. 
"so, you are here to scold me?" Umemiya's heart drops in some bottomless pit. He did not mean it to come out this harshly. He is just tensed, especilly after how you texted last night : "I like you Umemiya-san." 
"did you check your phone after last night?" and to that you just nod. You do not want to and who honestly would after confessing to the brightest star. You are so out of league from him. Umemiya smiles. "I see," he speak softly. He gets up and then he is about to leave but just before exting the door he says, "Please, check you phone."
★ Sakura Haruka: Sakura has a habit of talking, and going on and on about it unless someone interrupts. If possible, he would talk in one breath. So, when you say that you like him he dismisses it as a joke. "quit kidding. Nobody likes me. y'know that. . ." And there goes your probably hundred-and-fifth confession. He never takes it seriously no matter how serious you try to be Sakura manages to bungle up your intentions so quick yet you can not seem to blame him. If anything he is too honest, so often he comes as rude and obnoxious but his intentions are so pure that sometimes it makes you think can a person be this stupid? But this time when you confessed you thought this would go in the usual direction; him dismissing it as a joke but this time when he looks at you he is faced with something new, something he is not good at handling. "you. . . are you crying?" And it dawns on you how heavy your heart has become with his oblivious nature. all those "I like you-s." never reached his heart, only his head. You quickly wipe away your tears and try to cover it up with the most brilliant lie ever to exist. "It's just dirt." given his oblivious nature he is supposed to buy but he is asking questions again. "You. . . all these time. . . were serious?" Yes, you absolute dimwit. You can not even nod to confirm his thinking. You swallow hard trembling lips parting to speak and you are met with his chest with his arms wrapped around you. " I-I ... was told that if you like someone...you can hug them... y'know when they ...say they ...like you," he starts to stammer and it creates a swarm of laughter arises from your stomach. "Whoever told you that must know a lot about dating," you say having a fair idea who it might be.
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
cool about it
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gwen stacy x afab!reader
summary: she's always been able to catch you when you fall, and this time she's not letting go.
warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, fluff ending, allusions to abuse, anxiety, dissociation, coping fic.
Gwen can't tell if she was being paranoid. She rethinks everything she's done for the past week, trying to figure out which moment exactly she could've hurt you.
You still hold her at night, still cook her eggs in the morning and kiss her goodbye before you leave for your work, still leaves pasta for her to reheat when she comes home. And yet your touch feels more empty, a habit more than a show of affection. The way you turn your head away from her when you think she's fallen asleep and cover your whole body under the suffocating blanket hurts her more than she should.
You don't meet her eyes when she's talking, rarely interrupting her daily rants about her day, the interrupting was her favourite parts of talking with you. Sometimes she cant even tellbif youre listening, she watches you, staring down at your fiddling fingers, but even at that, you didn't seem to be focusing on, your eyes was distant, away from anything present.
So she goes quiet, and her eyes remain trying to read you, trying to if it'll speak in some way, a hint of what's dragging you away from her.
Today wasn't an eventful day for the ghost-spider. Miguel had her off early, not without belittling her for something stupid again. She comes home to a quiet apartment, you had been to bed early it seems.
Opening the door to yours and her room, she finds you in a position she'd already expect, under the covers, not even your head visible.
She takes her suit off quietly before changing into one of your sweatshirts, small spider engraved on the shoulder. Despite climbing up slowly, you still flinch when the bed shifts. You pull the blanket off under your chin immediately, groggily saying her name.
Gwen mumbles an apology before gently pulling you into her arms, she feels like she's dragging a dead body towards herself, the way you succumb into her touch. Like you would've let her do anything to you at the moment.
You found your head placed on her chest, her heartbeat so clear to you, thump, thump, thump. "I missed you." You whispered, she heard you still.
"You saw me this morning babe." You could hear the small smile in her voice. "Missed you anyways." Gwen releases a slow, relieved breath, holding onto that small assurance you've handed out to her, a lifeboat floating miles away while she's drowning, but it's there, and she still have enough fight in her to keep swimming.
The comfortable silence was calming, but her eyes were still wide and awake as she looks down at yoi, combing her fingers through your hair. Your face was buried to her chest, she couldn't see your face, but she heard you when you spoke; "I saw my brother last week."
Gwen feels her heart pulls at your words, an uncomfortable foreign topic you always avoided throughout your relationship with her, was your brother. You had told her of course, of your past, and all the demons from them that still haunts you till now, but you never brought him up again after.
"Where?" She finally finds courage in herself to respond. "The shop. He was, looking...for a- a new blazer." You recall, stumbling on certain words.
"Did you talk to him?" She asks. She feels you shake your head. "I hid in the back, Hayat assisted him until he left." You explained. Relief swarms Gwen's heart again. "Fucking pri-" "It's fine. I'm fine." You assure her immediately.
"No, you're not." She snaps, immediately regretting her tone after. She pulls away from you slightly, making you tilt your head up at her. You let out a forced laugh at that. "No, I'm not."
It was only them, she noticed how sunken your eyes were, and how wet your cheeks and her shirt was. "I know, I should be over it at this point, over all of it, but I-" your voice cracks, and your sentence dies at your throat as the tears burst out, a choked sob. Gwen pulls you back into her, squeezing you tight, her own eyes watering.
She hated how you're trembling and crying, because of him. He didn't deserve to be cried over. And you didn't deserve any of this. Your hands fists the sides of her fuzzy sweatshirt, your whole body shaking.
And Gwen lets you, as she kisses the top of your head repeatedly, gently swaying you like a crying infant. Her grip on you doesn't lessen. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't know." She whispers to you. And over and over, she repeats that she loves you, and that she's got you.
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yutahoes · 1 year
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inspired by the Hayate Ichikura - Takayuki Mima date and a request years overdue. Also please listen to Fool by NCT 127 because some of the lines here are from that song.
characters: clumsy! stranger! brother! Yuta Nakamoto x university student! reader (ft. Mom and bestfriend! sister! Yuna)
summary: You met a stranger in a cafe with who you crossed paths again.
word count: 2.8k words
genre: fluff
warning: clumsy Yuta, accidental breast touching, lame ending
You sighed heavily, looking at the poster for the small animal cafe you just passed by. 
It had been a stressful week because of your thesis. Why is being a university student so hard? You wanted to have a breather, something new. And the outside of the small shop caught your attention. It would be nice to come inside and look at small animals. 
You pouted seeing what was written in the poster. Why is the hedgehog keychain so cute? You want to get their limited edition keychain. But why is it available for couples only? 
You sighed once again before hearing another person sigh beside you. A guy, who looked much younger than you, in his brown sweatshirt and dark-colored hair, caught your attention. He has some kind of a far-away look in his eyes. Does he also want to go inside the shop like you? 
“Hi,” you greeted, mustering the courage to talk to a stranger. “Do you want to come inside with me?” That sounded too straightforward and his innocent look doesn’t even help at all. “I…” you fiddled with your thumbs, “I kinda like the keychain.” You then pointed at the poster. 
The stranger nodded, smiling widely at you. You gaped at how lovely he looked with that boyish smile. “Let’s go inside.” He held the door handle, pushing the door even if it says ‘pull’. He realized his mistake after the third time he pushed the door and then pulled the door for you. 
You silently giggled, how cute. 
You were both seated at a two-seater table facing the cage of hedgehogs. The guy in front of you looked so cute, with his huge bright eyes staring at the small animals. 
The waitress came with the menu asking what you wanted, he ordered the couple's menu which consists of two coffees and a waffle. When asked for your preference for drinks, he said he wanted a hot iced coffee which startled you and the waitress. He looked embarrassed at the little mistake while clearing that he wants hot coffee. 
How adorable.      
The stranger shared that he had been wanting to visit the cafe for some time now but since couples or girls enjoy the cafe more, he was scared and embarrassed to come in. You can’t help but gush at how lovely he looked while enthusiastically talking about his hamsters at home. His soft giggles while holding the hedgehog and his whispers that it tickles are like music in your ears. You didn’t know that watching a grown man cutely interact with small animals can be therapeutic. 
Although the conversation is limited, centering on small animals, you didn’t feel bored. You enjoyed the coffee, where you added two teaspoons of cream and three teaspoons of sugar the way you wanted it, and the waffle with ice cream on top. You enjoyed the stranger’s soothing voice and his healing smile. 
When it was time to pay, you both decided on each paying half but he kept on searching inside his bag and even looking in his pockets. “Why?” You asked, “Did you perhaps lost your wallet?”  
The guy shook his head then put his hands together, “Sorry. I think I forgot it at home.” 
You lightly smiled. Why is he so cute? “No worries. I was the one who asked you to come inside with me.” You stood up while holding your wallet and he apologized once again, telling you that he’ll just send you the money but you shook your head. You were healed because of this small interaction and you probably enjoyed it more than he did. Paying for your food is nothing. 
Once outside the shop, you handed the keychain to the guy. “A small thank you gift for coming with me here.” 
But he only took the blue one and gave you the red keychain. “I had fun,” he started. “Thank you for making it less awkward and I’m sorry once again.” You laughed then shook your head. Less awkward? You nodded. To be honest, it is more awkward now than when you were together inside. “Where are you headed? I’m heading this way.” He pointed at the opposite side and you only smiled, answering that you were heading the other way. 
“And you separate ways just like that?” Yuna, your bestfriend and thesis partner, asked. “You didn’t even ask for his name?” You shook your head. You actually forgot. And he didn’t even introduce himself. “You should have let him pay.” 
A small smile appeared on your lips. “It’s fine,” You claimed while typing the ideas you had on your laptop. “It’s not like I’m meeting him again.”  
Your friend sighed loudly which made the older girl approaching both of you chuckle. “Why are you making Y/N do all your work?” Yuna’s mother asked while putting pasta on the table. “You should eat first, dear. Let Yuna do that.” You smiled widely, thanking her. 
One of the perks of working with your bestfriend is that work becomes easier since it’s mostly fun with all her stories. Also, their family owns a coffee shop where you can work freely. Her mom also treats you like a real daughter so there’s always free food. “I also want some pasta.” Your bestfriend whined but her mom scolded her while claiming that she should just make her own. “I swear, Mom, you love Y/N more than me.” You chuckled at that. “I wouldn’t be surprised that you would want her as a daughter-in-law.” 
“Why not?” Her mom claimed and your eyes widened in surprise. You’re loveless but you wouldn’t think of marrying Yuna. “Maybe I’ll introduce her to Yuta.” Yuta? “Anyways, have you seen your older brother? He said he’ll work here today.” 
The other girl shook her head. “He must be stuck in a manhole somewhere.” You laughed at that. “Oh Y/N, my brother is a walking disaster. He’s not like your cutey-clumsy coffee shop date.” Yuna explained, “He is clumsy because he is stupid.” 
That was harsh. But you didn’t know Yuna has an older brother. You have been friends for a year but you’ve never heard about him. Do they look alike? Or does he look like her dad living in Japan? It’s not like you’re interested. You’re just curious. 
In the middle of working, Yuna excused herself to answer a phone call outside so you took it as a mini-break and went to the bathroom to refresh yourself. Seeing your pouch by the sink and the red hedgehog keychain, you were reminded of the little coffee shop encounter. Should you go back? Will you see him again there? Will he remember you? You shook your head, tapping your cheeks then smiling to yourself. Why are you acting like this just because of a guy? 
Your laptop was still displaying the Word document you made related to your thesis and Yuna was nowhere to be seen. The plate of pasta is now empty, as well as your coffee cup. Maybe you should get a new one. You turned around to look for a uniformed staff and silently call the dark-haired man in white uniform wiping the table. Before he turned to you, Yuna called for him in the name of Yuta which startled you. He’s Yuna’s brother?   
When he turned around, you almost drop the cup you were holding. You were just thinking about him earlier. “Oh, Y/N, this is my brother Yuta Nakamoto.” Your bestfriend introduced, “This is Y/N, I told you about her.” Wait, what did Yuna tell her brother? Does he remember you? Will you let Yuna know that her brother was the guy you were talking about earlier? 
“Hi,” he greeted and you quietly repeated the same word as him. “Another cup of coffee?” You only nodded before handing him the cup you used. 
Is this some kind of a dream? Why is the world so small? If what happened in the coffee shop isn’t that awkward, then this is. You cannot focus on typing and kept on stealing glances at the guy preparing your coffee by the counter. Once you caught him looking at you and you quickly turned your gaze to the laptop screen. Why are you even acting this way? 
He put down the coffee beside your laptop and you thanked him quietly before he left to assist a customer who came inside. You took a sip of the coffee before placing it beside your books. You should finish this work quickly and leave the coffee shop. “Oh, should I get the cream and sugar?” Yuna asked, staring at your coffee. You shook your head and she looked confused. It was the right taste that confused you. How did he know your preference for coffee? 
Did he perhaps pay attention that time? 
A small smile played on your lips but you quickly shook your head. Why do you feel pleased that he paid you attention? 
You tried to focus on your task, reminding yourself repeatedly that it was just you and Yuna in this coffee shop like you used to. You shouldn’t sit properly and just sprawl in the leather seat like you used to. You shouldn’t cross your legs like a lady and just sit cross-legged, with your shoes on, on the chair. You should make funny faces while typing, not make cute faces.  
Why are you so self-conscious because of this guy? 
Whenever he was close, you tried to hold your breath. Maybe that way, he wouldn’t notice your presence. But you only felt a warm liquid dropping on your chest followed by a hand touching your right breast, an apology coming out of his mouth. “Yah Yuta, your hand.” Yuna called and he quickly removed his hold on you. “Why are you so stupid?” 
You assess the brown liquid ruining your light blue shirt as Yuna handed you tissues. Yuta kept on apologizing and even their mom apologized for the accident that happened. “No, it’s fine. It’s just hot.” You wanted to kick yourself for saying those words. 
“Let’s go upstairs and change your clothes,” Yuna suggested and you followed her. Once again, Yuta apologized. A statement he kept on muttering even before you left the shop. You weren’t even bothered about it since you borrowed a new shirt from Yuna and you don’t want him to feel so apologetic about it. But whenever you would shake your head, he would apologize some more which only made you sigh. 
You shrugged it off. It’s a little accident. No harm done. 
But you almost threw your phone when it notified a message from an unknown number. You sat up from your bed just to see the message clearly.
‘Hi, Y/N. It’s Yuta Nakamoto.’ 
‘I got your number from Yuna.’
‘I’m sorry about earlier.’ 
You weren’t expecting it. And maybe you were too surprised that caused your heart to crazily beat inside your chest. He should stop bothering about it. Why does he have to get your number and message you so suddenly? 
‘Please don’t be mad.’ 
‘I also still owe you from the small animal cafe.’
Why do you still keep him on read? You have to do something. Say something.
‘Do you maybe want to go back to the pet cafe?’ 
‘My treat.’
You have to reply something. 
You started typing words and deleting them. What should you tell him? That it’s fine. That he shouldn’t bother.
That if he continues this, you might fall for him. 
Then why are you standing outside the pet cafe while checking your hair from the reflection of the glass? Why did you wear a pretty blouse just to see him? 
Maybe you have fallen for him already. 
“Y/N,” he called and you turned to his way. “I’m sorry I’m late,” Yuta claimed and you shook your head, saying that you just came as well. “Let’s go inside.” He was standing in front of the door for a second before pulling the door for you. 
Wait, something is different from him. 
Once seated inside, he pulled out his wallet and placed it above the table. He started telling the waitress about the couple’s menu order flawlessly which made you stare at him in confusion. Something is indeed different from him. When the waitress left, he only stared at the hedgehogs by the cage with serious eyes. Maybe he doesn’t want to go on this date. Maybe he was just apologetic. 
You ate your meal in silence. If he doesn’t want to be here, you should just end this date faster. Wait, he never called it a date. It was only you. Maybe he doesn’t like you. Maybe he’s just apologetic. This feels so sad. You feel so bitter. 
“Y/N,” he called which made you look up at him. Yuta was pushing the container of cream and sugar to you. “Is the coffee alright with you?” You stared at the black coffee in your cup. That’s why it was bitter.
You timidly smiled. “It’s fine. I kinda want my coffee bitter today.” 
Yuta just nodded before you were engulfed in silence once again. The waitresses were glancing your way and you figured it must be because you and Yuta are so different than the couples who were inside the shop. The couple beside you were even smiling at how cute the couple coin purse is, an item you can get after the third time going to the cafe. “Do you want to go here again and get the coin purse?” 
You blinked at the question before looking away from him. “You don’t have to force yourself in going here with me.” He gave you a confused look. “You don’t…” You fiddled with your thumbs. “look very happy.”  
There was a familiar look on his face. An expression that you knew from him even if you just met him. He’s apologetic once again. “I’m sorry. Do I look like I’m not enjoying this date?” Wait. He said ‘date’, right? You weren’t imagining it. “I’m just super nervous.” 
Yuta gave a small smile and his whole facade relaxed. “I don’t want to mess up again in front of you. It’s embarrassing.” When he took the time to enter the door? Putting his wallet on the table? His serious face? All of it was because he doesn’t want to mess up in front of you? “I think you’re very pretty and your smile makes my heart crazy inside my chest.” No way! That was the same thing you felt for him. “I don’t want you to see me as someone stupid but all I do is mess up in front of you like a fool. I think I like you too much.”   
A smile escaped your lips. That is a confession, right? His expression looked surprised before he ruffled his hair. “That was my innermost feeling.” He slapped his lips, “I just told you my deep feelings. I’ve made of a fool myself again.” You chuckled at that. He’s so cute talking to himself like that. “I’m sorry,” He bowed his head, ruffling his hair in annoyance. “I’m spouting nonsense.”   
Can your heart even take this cuteness? “You’re so cute.” He looked up to stare at you, “I like you too Yuta but you are my best friend’s older brother.” 
“Is there a rule that we cannot date?” You shook your head. “And Yuna was the one who told me to ask you to this cafe again.” Wait. Yuna knows that her brother is the guy you met in this cafe? “And Mom warned that she’ll disown me if I break your heart.” You gasped, why is his family like that? “So can we still go on a third date and get the coin purse?” 
You nodded, staring at the poster pasted on the wall. “We should go until the tenth date and get that cute notepad.” 
Yuta inched closer, staring at the same poster you were looking at. “Why not aim for that small rabbit bag?” He gestured at the item you get after the twentieth dine-in. “Yuna would love that.” You know she wouldn’t. She hated cute stuff. 
But the idea that you still have a lot of dates with Yuta made you smile. 
"And maybe we can give the rabbit bag to our future kids."
A chuckle escaped your lips. He tucked a lost strand of your hair behind your ear, smiling lovingly. "My heart is doing flips again. I can't breathe."
"You are such a fool for me."
Yuta grinned. "You're a Goddess and I'm a fool. What should I do?" You laughed. Why is this guy so charming?
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rizahawkeyesmuscles · 3 months
Royai Week 2024 - Day 1 - Curiosity
Power in a Name
Black Hayate has sired pups with General Mustang's dog, Yuki, while stationed in Ishval for the Reconstruction. Major Hawkeye struggles with what to name the pup she's decided to adopt, much to her comrades' amusement and bewilderment.
Rated: T Warnings: Animal death mentioned Words: 1,821 Chapters: 1/1 Language: English Tags: Animal Death Mentioned, Royai Week 2024, Royai Week, Post-Promised Day, Slice of Life, Fluff, Humor, Day 1 - Curiosity, One Shot
“No. Bad dog.”  The white puppy stops tugging on Breda’s scarf, but doesn’t release it. She stares up at Hawkeye as she kneels down and digs a finger between her puppy teeth. Soon the pup has gone from toying with the fabric to playfully gnawing at her thumb. The short tail whips back and forth. While not painful, her puppy teeth still have an edge to them. “Ow. Easy girl.”
Read on ao3.org
Notes: This fic is based off the photograph of the puppies at the end of the manga/brotherhood. Headcanons were built between friends and I in the fma rpc. Credits for some headcanons by fellow rpers on tumblr: @flameleads and @canisfuria
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h8ani · 1 year
Updated Rules List
With my new updated list I’m going to be listing all the requests I’ll be accepting, what fandoms I write for and how you should go about requesting them :)
But also if you are an ageless/blank blog or a minor please do not request me, follow me or interact with me as you will be blocked. thank you.
I also write both nsfw & sfw content, I also label it on my writings I post. I don’t shy away from anything really so if you’re unsure just send me a message and I’ll clarify if I do!
Things I’ll write for: yandere, noncon/dubcon, fluff, angst, smut, age gap, stepcest, professor/student, sensei/student, spanking, choking, slapping, torture, abuse, female x male, drug use, use of sex toys, abusive relationships, issues with eating, etc type shit
Things I won’t write for: anal, piss/shit play, boy x boy, girl x girl (I’m not super comfortable in my writing yet to write for same sex couples yet I hope you guys understand!)
Fandoms I write for:
Attack on Titan - Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Erwin Smith, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Porco Galliard
Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Feitan, Shalnark, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Ging, Illumi, Wing, Kite, Pokkle
Naruto - Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Gaara, Neji Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Deidara, Sasori, Pain/Yahiko, Iruka Umino, Shino Aburame, Hidan, Kankuro, Sai, Genma Shiranui, Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane, Hayate Gekko
Tokyo Revengers - Takemichi Hanagaki, Manjiro Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Shuji Hanma, Takashi Mitsuya, Kazutora Hanemiya, Tetta Kisaki, Atsushi Sendo, Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata, Ken Ryuguji, Shinichiro Sano, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Naoto Tachibana, Izana Kurokawa, Inui Seishu
Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Uta, Ayato Kirishima, Nishio Nishiki, Koutarou Amon
Ouran Highschool Host Club - Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru,
Wind Breaker - Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei, Kyotaro Sugashita, Hayato Suo, Mitsuki Kiryuu, Ren Kaji, Hajime Umemiya, Toma Hiragi, Choji Tomiyama, Jo Togame, Kota Sako
Haikyuu - Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Daichi Sawamura, Koshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Yu Nishinoya, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Keishin Ukai, Tooru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Tetsuroo Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Kentaro Kyotani, Kotaro Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Eita Semi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yuji Terushima, Naoyasu Kuguri, Shinsuke Kita, Atsumu Miya, Rintaro Suna, Osamu Miya
Fruits Basket - Shigure Sohma, Kyo Sohma, Kureno Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Momiji Sohma
Demon Slayer - Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima, Muichiro Tokito, Kyojuro Rengoku, Giyu Tomioka, Tengen Uzui, Obanai Iguro, Muzan Kibutsuji, Doma, Akaza
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Prompt Requests/Writing Requests in general:
I will usually have a link of the prompts to request from, from the original post.
If you’d like to request something I wrote just state what content you’d like and who the character is/member he is
I default by writing in fem! reader pov so please state if you’d like gn! reader
Reaction Requests:
State the type of reaction you’d like (example: reaction of them kissing you mid argument)
For any anime reactions just state the anime, boys you’d like the reaction for
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higuchimon · 5 months
[tumblr prompts]
These are all of my current tumblr prompts. I'm not accepting any more prompts until an unspecified point in the future. I am not ruling out combining any of them with Bad Things Happen Bingo/Any Fandom Dark Bingo/Any Fandom Fluff Bingo/Sweet & Spicy Bingo should the prompts be compatible.
Ken & Hikari: taking the hit
Yubel x Juudai x Johan: drink me
Edo x Ryou: please put it DOWN
Yubel x Johan: please listen to me & I told you not to fall in love with me
Taichi x Daisuke: look at me -just breathe, okay
Ken x Daisuke: ouija board; Brushing a kiss along the shell of the other person’s ear; Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap.
Ai x Yuusaku: sleeping together/call me
Edo x Ryou: soulmate death on wrist
Edo x Juudai x Johan: soulmates share one another's extreme physical pain
Yubel x Juudai x Johan: Arc-V (AU? undecided)
02 Chosen: all go to the Digital World/Dark Ocean for the first time together
Yubel x Juudai: truth & promise
Kaiser, Daisuke: obsession
Shou & Juudai: I thought you said you didn't have any powers (Reversal & Healer/Firestarter AU blended)
Kaiser x Daisuke: Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin; Kaiser x Daisuke: One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss; Kaiser x Daisuke: A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck
Kaiser x Daisuke: heart growing three sizes, the grinch-style
Ken x Daisuke: it's a Christmas miracle!
Ken x Daisuke: cuddling for warmth [hybrids/breeds]
Ken x Daisuke: the nutcracker
Edo x Ryou: fire, flames, excessive heat
Juudai x Johan: on the verge of consciousness
Yubel x Juudai: I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere
Ken x Daisuke: “I cannot emphasise, just how immeasurably fucking stupid, this idea is.”
Ken x Daisuke: "You're insane." "You love me." "Not right now I don't."
Hayate (Windy's Origin): memory; what gives you the right
Shingo x Yuugo: too much
Yuugo x Rin: wedding
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scienceoftheidiot · 2 years
Ao3 First Lines Tag Game
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
I've been tagged by @klainelynch @dairogo and @goneadrift 😳🥰 thank you all ❤️ (and I'll take it as fic recs 👀 many links yayy)
So this will be Royai only 😅 I don't really know what counts as the first line, so I've taken the first part, that would make sense enough?
I'll put all under the cut, meanwhile I tag @heirsoflilith, @qs63, @musing-and-music, @residentdormouse, @riotbrrrd, @trombonesinspace, @littleragondin, @shutterbug-12, @waterloou, and @lassusog
Bro's night out (Maes visits Roy in East City, canon compliant, humor and angst)
"FINALLY!" A happy voice boomed as the doors to the empty cafeteria of the East City army HQ burst open. Roy, who was convinced he was alone in there, startled, spilling his coffee on his hands, saving his uniform in extremis thanks to the reflex of spreading his arms. He turned to see Maes Hughes walking towards him, beaming.
2. Every dog has its day (Black Hayate has fun driving Roy crazy (Riza is mortified), canon compliant, humor)
"You can have him off leash, he's got a great recall. Let him sniff around for a while. Just, beware of cats. He doesn't attack them, but he's curious. Call him back if you see one." Hawkeye's weak, muffled and croaky voice echoed again in Roy's mind. Good recall. As if.
3. Everyone learns faster on fire (AU - Roy stays blind after Promised Day, post canon, angst (with a happy ending))
"Lieutenant Hawkeye will be my eyes." And she also became Roy's guide. And his cook. And his overall caretaker. A fucking nanny, that's what she was. This time, for real. He'd already hated that nickname for her before, but now? He loathed it.
4. Burn (Riza needs Roy's touch to stay sane, canon compliant, secret relationship, angst/smut fic (explicit))
Some days, Riza could not help it. She knew it was dangerous. She knew she was putting them both in the line of fire. And most of the time, she managed to resist temptation because she cared about him. His plan. His vision. It was much more important. He was more important. And some days, she wanted to throw everything into the fire. Some days she thought, she felt in her gut, that she would happily face a firing squad if it meant that she would be allowed to once, just once again, feel his hands on her. Today was one of such days.
5. The Night After (happens immediately after Promised Day, canon compliant, angst and fluff or hurt/comfort)
This silence was deafening.
It was dark, cold, empty. Like this hospital room. No, of course, there was some noise. From the open window, a light, warm breeze was coming in, bringing the singing of some nocturnal insects, making the curtains sway slightly in a rustle of fabric. From his bed, these were the only things that linked Roy Mustang, newly appointed General, to the outside world.
6. Gunshot - (Riza witnesses Roy getting shot through her sniper sight, hurt/comfort, post canon)(Tumblr prompt)
No. No, no, no, no. Riza froze behind her sight, for a split second, then she started frantically searching through her lens for the black form on the ground, the one she was supposed to have protected from this. But she had seen nothing, even if the moon was on her side, her full face drenching the scene in an eerily cold but surprisingly bright light, and pitch black shadows.
7. Phonecall (Riza has nightmares, angst, fluff, post canon)(prompt)
The phone startled Roy awake. Disoriented, he got up in a hurry, groaned when he blindly walked into the door, pawed at the wall to find the light switch, put the lights on, and ran to the living room, blinking under the sudden harsh light. He had no idea what time it was, where he was, who it could be - probably late at night, his appartement in Central, and at this time, the only person who could call was -
8. Poker night (Team Mustang plays poker and someone is a bad sport, humor, canon compliant)
The atmosphere in the office was tense. Or maybe it was just him. Roy shot a suspicious glance over his hand at the whole party, sat at the table with him. The office was filled with Havoc's cigarette smoke, and lit brightly by the neons on the ceiling. The whole team sat around the central table, cards and multi coloured chips disorderly spread on the dark wooden surface.
9. Dancing with our hands tied (or, flirting under the frat laws, canon compliant, fluff)(Tumblr prompt)
Riza was used to being overlooked by her superiors. It had less to do with being a woman - though in some cases it did, of course - and more with being a lower ranked officer, and above all, being Colonel Mustang’s litteral shadow. Everyone was so used to see her follow him everywhere that she didn’t matter anymore.
10. Anticipation (Roy and Riza are undercover at an event, canon compliant, humor (very short!)) (Tumblr prompt)
Roy knew it was going to be hard not to react and stay in his role, but he had not expected it’d be that hard.
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steviesays · 2 years
January Fic Recs
I'm back :')
Application of Virtual Systems by inalienable_wright
Fandom: Community
Jeff losing his mind, post-canon, what else is new - I really love post-canon Community fics that center Jeff and Annie and this one is off to a great start!! Its inspired by another one of my favorite Jeff/Annie fics, Everybody Knows, in which they both focus on Jeff trying to cope with being alone for the first time in 6 years and the fact that there was still so much left unfinished between him and Annie at the end of the series. I'm terrified the upcoming movie is going to absolutely obliterate all my headcanons so I need to read as many of these types of fics as possible before that happens :)
Every dog has its day by Pikkulef
Fandom: FMAB
This was a fun little fluff story about Roy and Hayate clashing over their love for Hawkeye Sidenote: please also read everything else by this author including but not limited to Everyone learns faster on fire
Starve the Ego, Feed the Soul by @onthearrow
Fandom: FMAB
Can't even tell you guys how excited I've been for every update of this fic !!! It's post-canon Royai and I'm so sad its going to be ending soon, but have enjoyed the ride so thoroughly
But Satisfaction Brought It Back by Starship_Phoenix
Fandom: FMAB
Second cute animal fic for January interesting ... Roy bonds with a cat against his will its a fun little read
Old Friends by foolishfalls
Fandom: FMAB
I love a little Ed and Riza bonding fic and this one was really great! I really like exploring the parallels between their characters and this story was a lighthearted delve into that dynamic. Extra points for the ending :)
When Thou Shalt Come To Judge the World By Fire by BewareTheGemini
Fandom: FMAB
When I say I love this fic ... so much ... angst, young Royai, their guilt about the war, the tragic romance, like this one has really just been hitting all of the correct buttons and I love it !!!!!!!
The Strictly Professional Series by NothingSoDivine
Fandom: FMAB
Royai smut - these two are so strange and I love them
low stakes by zauberer_sirin
Fandom: FMAB
I actually first read this story a while ago but come back to it every now and then when I want to smile :) Royai bed sharing, my loves
artificial destiny by RoryMarx (AuroraKant)
Fandom: FMAB
Depressing Royai soulmates fic (with a twist !!!!) we absolutely love to see it
The Literary Romanticism in B-Roll by slomyroll
Fandom: Community
This series is kind of a retelling of the show through the lens of Jeff and Annie's shifting relationships throughout it and I've loved it !!!!
cover (but come undone) by tsaritsaa
Fandom: FMAB
Some light post-canon Royai angst ugh we love the resolution of communication issues they cARE ABOUT EACH OTHER !!!!
I actually read a lot more than I thought I did this month haha I'm glad to get back into giving monthly rec lists because I do want to be more active/involved in fandom outside of just liking the occasional post :') a lot of these authors I just linked back to their AO3 page because I didn't know what their blog was, so if you know them, please let them know I loved their fic!! And as always, please feel free to send me your fic recs, I'm always reading and always looking for something new!
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swimmingwolf59 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: クールドジ男子 | Cool Doji Danshi | Play It Cool Guys (Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ichikura Hayate/Igarashi Motoharu/Mima Takayuki, Ichikura Hayate/Igarashi Motoharu, Ichikura Hayate/Mima Takayuki, Igarashi Motoharu/Mima Takayuki Characters: Igarashi Motoharu, Ichikura Hayate, Mima Takayuki Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Established Relationship, Kissing, trans!hayate, enby!motoharu, headcanons galore, happy birthday ichikura hayate my beloved Summary:
Motoharu and Takayuki throw a surprise party for Hayate.
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Asks Rules!
I will only have time to do a handful every week so I will be picking my favorites first and may not get to all of them. Please don't get upset if I don't respond to your ask. I will be ignoring any that contain anything on my blacklist.
anyone on my character list, NSFW, SFW, Polyamery, GN!reader, Monster!Reader, Fluff, light romance, Dark Themes, Illness, angst to comfort, general comfort, serious topics, Mpreg, Established relationships,
People not on my character list, Explicit Rape, Explicit Incest, Explicit Grooming, Explicit Domestic Violence, Alpha!Reader as an Abuser, large age gaps (especially with underaged), Cheating, Furries, incest, Stepparent stuff, Yandere x Darling, Virginity stuff, Scat, watersports, etc.
Character List
Hyuuga Neji Yamato Umino Iruka Shiranui Genma Nara Shikaku Nara Shikamaru Hatake Kakashi Kotetsu Hagane Kamizuki Izumo
Gaara Sai Inuzuka Kiba Akimichi Chouji Aburame Shino Rock Lee Uchiha Itachi Hayate Gekkō Maito Gai Raidō Namiashi
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oddaesthetin · 1 year
Introduction & Masterlist
hello! i go by username oddaesthetin or kaede, but you can call me tin! i write drabbles, imagines, headcanons, and fluffs but i don't accept requests since architecture school requires most of my time (it's hella draining). i mostly just write when i feel like escaping schoolworks.
to save you time for searching my works as i mainly just reblog, here is my masterlist, slash, all of what i have written in my few months of being on this app!
haikyuu | jujutsu kaisen | bungou stray dogs | cool doji danshi
making fun of sleeping girlfriend
partners that know immediately their s/o is pregnant
jujutsu kaisen
inumaki toge
reader with a nullification technique
megumi fushiguro
he asks you to move in with him
inumaki toge
reader with a nullification technique
headcanon type
partners that know immediately their s/o is pregnant
headcanon scenarios
nanami kento
how the jjk boys react to your love for eavesdropping (nanami ver.)
bungou stray dogs
drabbles mixed with fluffs
osamu dazai
birthday celebration
“i have a new partner who’s also my bestfriend”
stupid, stupid man
headcanon type
partners that know immediately their s/o is pregnant
memes i found on pinterest
incorrect quotes
number 1
number 2
cool doji danshi
ichikura hayate
a “date”
futami shun
souma shiki
girls’ ideal boyfriend
headcanon type
partners that know immediately their s/o is pregnant
if you liked my works, thank you, and i love you sm!
i also would like to apologize if i don't always reply to comments under my posts (i am a very awkward person), but i really appreciate all of them!
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goneadrift · 2 years
AO3 First Lines Tag Game
Thanks @klainelynch and @dairogo for tagging!
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
It’s been a while since I last did this so there are new ones. Putting it under cut because it’s getting rather long...
Some of these are chapters but really they're stand alone works so I'll count them in.
FMA, Havolina & Riza (fluff, pre-relationship) 
“Havoc, seriously?” Riza said amusedly as she clambered onto a bar stool next to her teammate. “We grab lunch here every day but the food isn’t good enough to choose it willingly for dinner. No offence, Becca,” she sent an apologetic smile to her friend.
FMA, Rebecca & Riza (light hearted banter) 
“Call me when you get back home. Or whenever you need me to pick you.” “Ri, that’s not my first date and you’re not my mom.”
FMA, Havolina & Riza (established relationship, temporary memory loss, fluff)
The rhythmic beeping machine sound was loud in the otherwise silent hospital room. Riza’d find the noise irritating if wasn’t monitoring her best friend’s heart rate and reassuring her that Rebecca was indeed simply sleeping.
FMA, Havolina (post-canon, established relationship, fluff) 
As they successfully escaped Riza’s interrogation, Jean was trying to estimate damage after what he said at Mustang’s office.
take the risk (it's worth getting caught), FMA, Havolina (post-canon, established secret relationship with mutual pinning) 
The saying goes that the perversity of the universe tends towards a maximum. Rebecca was sure that it exceeded the maximum whenever time crept closer to holidays or her days off.
no one sees how i'm burning, FMA, Rebecca & Riza (Riza centric, angst, outside perspective, kinda character study) 
Rumor had it that the Flame Alchemist was like a tinderbox. A sudden move, a wrong word, a dirty glance — anything might set him off. His reputation preceded him after the war in Ishval. Within the military the impression of a volatile and potentially rogue veteran only cemented after the escape and murder of Maria Ross. The accident in Central was bad enough that the talks reached the other Commands. However, after years of knowing Riza Hawkeye and serving to General Grumman, Rebecca Catalina knew better than to believe whatever rubbish she heard or to take anything at face value.
pour my heart into your hands, FMA, Royai (established relationship, romantic fluff) 
Captain Hawkeye heard strange noises coming from the office even before she entered. Their office, which was supposed to be empty save for the “Second Lieutenant” Hayate. “...the signal...” “...go exactly where...” “...good boy, good Hayate!...” Someone clearly was there and, judging by the lack of fuss from Hayate, this someone was a familiar figure in her dog’s life.
Valérian et Laureline, Laureline/Valérian (canon compliant, angst) 
Laureline was laying on her bed for what felt like hours. She kept staring up at the ceiling, lost in memories and twisting the ring on her finger. Feels like an eternity since I last saw you. Time and everything that tended to come with it was a touchy subject for them — hence the sweeter this admission seemed.
Is this the ending of what we've begun? SPY x FAMILY, Loid/Yor (identity reveal, angst) 
"And what shall we do with this one?" The stranger remained silent, only breathing heavily — the beating and the bounds must have been hard on his joints. Yor didn't hurry up to release him.
The things I feel now I never thought I'd find, SPY x FAMILY, Loid/Yor (protective Loid Forger, inspired by fanart) 
Twilight didn’t know how it came to this. Or he knew but never let himself think hard about it. Till it became too late. Till he couldn’t lie to himself anymore. Oh how blind he was. But this particular guilt was fruitless now.
Tagging @scienceoftheidiot @traumschwinge @musing-and-music @jedidragonwarriorqueen @nightofnyx8 if you want to 🧡
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