#hc: lain
kittycakes3 · 1 year
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twilight loves lain
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backpackingspace · 8 months
Consider. Post Canon xie lian god of ghosts and mercy
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grayisblogging · 1 year
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characters i hc as autistic
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 months
Years later into the future most of the batkids are old some have families now through adoption or biological means, well almost all of the batkids are old the youngest Timothy drake-Wayne is still 17 and had to watch as his younger siblings grow older then him
Dick has Mari she’s in her early teens he also adopts Olivia Desmond who is around 10 or so
Cass and steph end up dating and steph asks for partial custody of her daughter when she is older which she gained
Jason helps take care of lain
And Damian has his army of pets
Tim ends up stuck as the person who watches kids (and Pets) which works for now but will get a little confusing when his nieces and nephews end up older then him
That's a really funny concept (especially cause it makes fun if DC for keeping Tim as 17 for so long). I also like how you made Tim forever be without his own family unit (no kids, significant other, or pets of his own).
It's also really angsty! How long will Tim be 17 for? Does he know why he's still a kid? He's also right on the brink of "adulthood," and that's gotta be really annoying for him.
Do the Bats let him drink if he wants to? Does he know when he was born (or how old he is supposed to be)? I love the hc that YJ got into some stuff they weren't supposed to, and Tim got cursed to be 17 forever (maybe the others got cursed, too).
Does staying 17 also come with an immortality deal, or is it just anti-aging?
The 17 year old forever thing can also tie into the Tim is fae AU/hc.
Tim and his perpetual 17 year old status is a fun setting to play around with (angst, crack, confusion, etc).
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
If you can, Samuel Seo x Cinnamon Roll Reader! I love the opposites attract trope!!
Thanks for your ask anon! You sent me this right as I was in the middle of my unhinged series and it really made me lol. I'm too stuck in my angst era atm and good lord really struggled with this! A mess of few hc + drabble...
Samuel Seo x Cinnamon Roll Reader hc
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Samuel never gets tired of hearing the way you say his name. He was never one for nicknames, but even 'Sammy' sounds wonderful falling from your lips, like a sacred prayer. How could he say no?
And how you're always so shocked when he surprises you with gifts? Checking if it really is for you? Frankly, it's adorable how you ask this every time. He's lost count of the number of times he has presented you with something but your excitement and gratitude never fades.
But what really gets Samuel every time is the way your face flushes whenever he kisses or holds you. How is it possible for someone to be this cute? So innocent and bashful no matter how many times you have lain naked in bed together.
Sometimes Samuel looks at you, and wonders what he has done to deserve this.
Everything in his life seems to have backfired one way or another. Everything has needed blood, sweat and tears.
But you. You're never hard work. You've stayed by his side. Through thick and thin. The light at the end of the tunnel. Someone too precious, too innocent, too good to be with someone like him.
Samuel feels his sharply honed edges softening when he spends too much time with you. The walls and defenses he puts up start to crumble.
Obediently, he lets you dot his body with nicotine patches and replace his cigarettes with gum. He accepts the addiction of you instead of alcohol as a vice.
He wants to be better, in the hopes that after all this, he gives you - his queen, what she deserves.
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m4rs-ex3 · 18 days
im sending you the same list of headcanons i sent tate a few days ago but I'm facing my anxiety and coming off anon just for you mars you're welcome 😅
So here are your Rayllum head canons on a silver platter 😘:
Sometimes when Rayla’s brain is being mean to her and the ✨trauma✨ is hitting her especially hard or when she’s sad, she reverts to her old mentalities of making herself seem small and hiding her feelings and sometimes she ends up sitting with her knees against her chest in a corner of their bedroom. And Callum finds her like that and doesn’t even question, he just sits down next to her in wordless support until she’s ready to talk or is feeling a bit better. 
Anytime Rayla wears a dress and Callum will just be gasping, fumbling for words, speechless and stammering and blushing the whole time and its the funniest thing 🤭
On their wedding day they danced to the same song Harrow and Sarai did. 
HAND HOLDING. ALL THE TIME. Reaching for each others hands, when they’re happy, sad, anxious, scared, excited, ALL THE TIME. 
And they play with each others fingers. Just absentmindedly but they do. 
There’s a scar on Rayla’s shoulder and Callum loves to kiss it. Just gently whenever he can, he’ll give it a little kiss. 
Sometimes Ez does something thats so much like their mom (or dad) that after he’s gone (so he doesn’t see) Callum will just burst into tears. And Rayla will pull him into her tiny frame and let him cry against her shoulder and kiss his head until he’s calmed down a little. 
In the middle of the night when one of them has had a nightmare and the other person has moved to the other side of the bed, they’ll also move to that side. So in the morning, both of them are cuddling on one side of the bed. 
They will both rant/complain to the other. Like one of them will be pacing back and forth just ranting and the other will be sitting on the bed or wherever totally invested in the rant. 
if there's anything else, i'll send it to you 😘
why thank you
i like imagining him walking into the room, seeing her, leaving without a word, coming back with blankets, pillows, and snacks and just curling up next to her to read, all with a completely blank expression
unfortunately she can't wear them that often because the amount of walls callum walks into becomes dangerous
that's beautiful but also i haven't been able to stop thinking about the potential for a parallel between rayllum and tiadrin + lain dancing in the meadow
literally. it's absolutely disgusting /pos
them absent-mindedly observing each other's fingers out of fascination is just so ASDFSAEFJGASHOKJ
i've mentioned this personal hc before but i just know that she has like hundreds of tiny scars and he has memorized ALLLLL of them. he could draw up a map
correct. sad
eventually they get like a big ass california king-sized bed and yet they still sleep like it's a twin
one of em will be talking about how they want to skin some asshole alive and the other will be dreamily gazing at them like "you are so hot 💖"
well yes. they both end up with an encyclopedic knowledge of constellations and everyone else is just like "why do you know that" (to rayla, anyway)
thank you for your service 🫡
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zuppizup · 3 months
i really like the HC some people have that Moonshadow elves have a version of common law marriage where if you’ve been together for a good few years you’re essentially married already.
and then Callum proposing to a very confused Rayla
I am always down for a cultural misunderstanding!
Maybe it’s the heathen in me, but I just really want to see more media where the main couple don’t get “officially” married but are instead life partners with kids and the like.
This is also why I headcanon Tiadrin and Lain aren’t married. And that Rayla is an “oopsie” baby. (Though that’s also to do with me trying to mesh having a kid and being called away to protect someone else’s kid. If they didn’t set out to do the whole traditional marriage and kids route, then them being on the Dragon Guard makes a lot more sense to me. 😆)
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I recently listened to Hot Brown Morning Potion Podcast's Deluxe Elf Interview again, and with more seasons and insight, something new popped for me.
It really doesn't sound like Ethari is from the Silvergrove. The village is described as being very shadowy and goth, perfect for Runaan and full of assassins. It also seems to be the only Moonshadow village that's quite this way.
With Ethari dressing so differently, sounding different (more on that in a tic), and having a very different personality, I don't think he grew up in the Silvergrove. He's not really a gothy kind of guy. It seems far more likely, as in some of our old headcanons, that he moved there when he married Runaan, or thereabouts. As an adult, anyway, with his accent in place.
About accents: this is a new thought I have not heard anyone say but it just hit me while writing this post: if Rayla and Ethari both came to the Silvergrove from outside it, then maybe the Silvergrove Accent is British.
Runaan's assassin team have a mix of accents, and it makes sense that not all assassins come from the same village but they would go there to train with the best of them. But my favorite detail is that Andromeda has a British accent. She's a local! Which means I can dovetail this hc with my "Andromeda and Runaan are half siblings and Lujanne is their mom" headcanon.
Further thoughts: if Ethari moved to the Silvergrove for Runaan, I'd love to see them both leave. Literally and metaphorically. Let's get Runaan living in a nice soft place that fits Ethari next time they need a village to live in. I think it would be good for both of them.
Ethari cries easily. He wept alone from stress over Lain and Tiadrin and Runaan's mission, and he cried silently, covering his own mouth as if even the mere sound of sorrow is not allowed in the Silvergrove, when Runaan's lotus sank.
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The Silvergrove is where Ethari moved, for love. But every choice has a cost, and it's whatever you're giving up at the same time - whatever you cannot simultaneously choose. Ethari seems to have given up some things that were important to his emotional health. I'd love to see them settling somewhere that allows for more expression of individuality, for both their sakes, or at least that Ethari has spent the past two years in some kind of place where he could have that for himself.
An emotionally open and stable Ethari could fix me. I mean Runaan. 😇
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sephirthoughts · 4 months
Vincent's New Kid Just Dropped CH 1.
stupid blurb about Vincent who has never slept with a woman finding out about his third biological child. includes sephiroth being his son and he and cid's daughter Olivia, from my sephiroth and sister HC silliness. might write more if the spirit moves me
[WARNING: i scribbled this up in like twenty minutes so please ignore any typos or whatever]
Sephiroth was seated on the floor, at the coffee table, with Ollie in his lap, helping her make colorful scribbles on a coloring book with a set of crayons, which Vincent didn’t have any recollection of owning. He ignored it. The sheer number of Ollie-related things that had been appearing in the house recently was past the point of addressing.
He’d been furious when his eldest son first began showing up in their home, uninvited, at all hours of the day and night. Then he’d been worried about the man’s motives and their safety, since he was human super-weapon literally unstoppable by any means known to man. Then he'd been wary of letting Ollie get attached to someone who might just up and vanish from her life.
But everything Sephiroth had done so far was consistent with his stated desire to care for his little sister, and gradually, his constant presence became a part of their daily lives. If nothing else, he was huge help with baby duties. Vincent and Cid hadn’t slept this well or had so much free time to actually be together, for months. 
They hadn't discussed their biological relationship, apart from that first night, when Sephiroth had dropped it on him, like a bomb, but it didn’t seem there was much to say. Sephiroth called him ‘father’ from that point on, and never addressed it further. 
If Vincent was honest, with himself, he liked seeing Lucrecia’s son this way; with his armor off, literally and metaphorically. He looked so much like her, when he was at ease, and that manic, Jenova-tainted light wasn’t in his eyes. He was so gentle and soft-spoken, too, it was like he was another person. In disposition, Sephiroth was actually very much like Vincent, not Lucrecia, though Vincent didn’t realize it.
Right now, his long, silver hair was pulled back in a loose braid (otherwise it would all go directly into Ollie’s mouth, via her chubby little grabbers), and he was wearing black jeans and a thin, white t-shirt, with a v-neck so deep that the cleavage between his absurd pectoral muscles was visible. At least he was owning his aesthetic. 
Vincent sighed as he measured rice into the colander. Now that they were just settling into a comfortable routine with Seph and Ollie, there was another bomb to drop on the family beehive. 
Vincent had another biological son, created the same way, from his genetic material and without his knowledge or consent. Another deeply traumatized, poorly socialized, possibly criminally insane young man, with highly dangerous abilities and no one who cared if he lived or died. 
Vincent’s paternity had already been established in absentia, and he received a subpoena, to give testimony regarding his adult son’s potential for recidivism, and the practical threat he posed to humanity in general, as an augmented individual. That was how he found out about his second son. A subpoena. 
The prosecution wanted to execute Nero, out of hand. The defense said he was mentally unstable and driven to extremes by systematic brainwashing and horrific abuse. Vincent couldn’t allow them to just kill the young man, no matter what antagonism had lain between them. In the end, he was remanded to his father’s custody, under house arrest, depending upon his behavior during that period, and providing his father consented to such an arrangement. 
When Vincent told him it was a possible outcome of the trial, Cid agreed to it, without batting an eyelash. They had one child intentionally. That was what they’d both wanted. Now they had three, all biologically Vincent’s, two of whom were adults who had tried to kill one or both of them, at some point. Cid seriously deserved some kind of medal for world’s best husband.
Speaking of which, he’d be back with the newly acquired family member any minute, now. Cid had taken Nero to shop for basic necessities like clothing and toiletries, and Vincent was supposed to be preparing Ollie and Seph for their new brother’s arrival. Instead, he was hiding in the kitchen, cooking rice, because that’s what he did when he was stressed out and avoiding conflict with family members. After all, that’s what his mother had always done. 
When she was upset that Grimoire had missed yet another milestone in Vincent’s life, or when she suspected Grimoire of having an inappropriate relationship with his assistant, or when Vincent and his father were arguing yet again, about Vincent joining the Turks, rather than pursue the sciences; she would never confront her husband or join any disagreement, until after she’d gone to the kitchen and cooked rice. 
Once, when he was little, Vincent asked her why she cooked so much rice. She told him that no matter what was going on, nothing was ever made worse by having something to eat. Now, many, many years later, as he stood at his own sink, sifting through the smooth, heavy, little grains under the running water, shaking out the strainer, watching the cloudy water turn clear as the starch was rinsed away, he understood the purely meditative value of the exercise, too. 
Nothing was ever made worse by having something to eat, nor by taking a beat to calm down and reflect, and if you could also do something productive while you were at it, all the better. Pushing the button on the rice cooker, he went back into the living room, prepared to tell his children about his other child. 
Of course, that was the moment Cid burst in the front door, his blue eyes ablaze, his blonde brow deeply furrowed, and a cigarette hanging from his lips, having very clearly had some manner of altercation with that selfsame child. 
“Get your ass in here, or I’ll carry ya, myself!” he shouted, out the door, as he remembered he had a cigarette, and paused to grind the butt out in the little bucket of sand. Then he turned to Vincent, shaking his head. “Sorry for showin’ up in a huff like this, babe, but this kid is somethin’ else. He could make a saint swear.” 
“It seems this person can make you swear, at least,” Sephiroth observed. “Though, you seem to swear whether or not there is any provocation, at all.”
“Baaa-paaaa!” Ollie squealed joyously, reaching for Cid, who accepted her from her brother and twirled her around. 
“There’s my lil’ princess. Papa missed ya so much,” he cooed, his entire manner softening and brightening, as if his baby daughter were a literal sun, casting its rays on him. 
There was a noise, and all three looked up, to see that the patience-trying person in question was standing in the doorway, arms crossed tightly on his chest, looking down at the floor, which was such a common posture of Vincent’s, Cid would have laughed aloud, if he hadn’t already been so pissed off at the kid.
“Nero,” Vincent said. “Welcome home.”
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jinzouactor · 3 months
do you have any Ultimate 5 headcanons you’re really fond of? sorry if you posted these somewhere already, but I’m really fond of them and their fandom is p small these days!
omg right... there was so much good convo floating around back in the day but lemme see
mngs not fucking being ninete-
minegishi getting a pet postclaw. i dont see them having many ways to fill their time, i feel like having something to take care of would be good for them
the thought that minegishi is not very sensitive to other auras and their own was quite weak. before season 3 it was popular thought that their plants WERE their aura unlike other espers. the idea that makes them difficult to read is cool. like having no eyebrows makes their emotions difficult to read lol
i think the 5 of them meet up pretty regularly for drinks postclaw. i think hatori might have been more social than the rest of them and knows a few more people from Claw who weren't in the S5 and tries to get them involved but the rest of the 5 aren't that receptive. Seri has brought Reigen along a couple times. He didn't make a good impression.
Hatori was closest to Serizawa (both joined the S5 most recently) and Minegishi is most comfortable around Shibata (both of them are happy to NOT talk in each other's company). Shimazaki can get along with anyone but is difficult to form genuine connection with.
Hatori was quite eager to room with Minegishi post claw but they (very politely) were not really willing to tolerate that.
oh and the notion of matsuo and minegishi being exes (friend laine's hc) is super funny to me. in the way that there's bad blood around the time of the WD-arc but they're chill after the fall of claw. their friendship would be pretty cool
-> and THAT made me think what if mngs had some involvement in the 7th div e.g. working there before promotion to the super 5 which is pretty interesting ground for character interactions and the nature of claw. but that idea kind of died. still think its cool tho
basically im a fish who cant see the water around them because ive been in headcanonville for so long that i just sort of see it all as "naturally they are this way"
anyway for more then @nie7027 has some pretty fun headcanon posts
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dilucsfav · 2 years
sorry, this time it’s not a request, it’s just what i wanted to write 💔 ive been doing hcs so much that i haven’t done an actual story in a while yk??
very small diluc scenario cuz i couldn’t resist and i really need this rn <//3
Loveliest of All
warning(s): insecure reader, mention of scars & body dysmorphia, slight(?) nsfw
The warm smell of toasted marshmallows from the scented candle filled the manor, my slight heaviness in breath as Diluc’s warm lips trailed up my forearm— holding me so gently, as if I were fragile glassware and would break at any rough moves.
One hand lay accordingly on my wrist, keeping my arm in place, as his other hand held my hip down against the bed, his thumb rubbing smooth circles into my figure. Treating my body with such love and carefulness, his gaze trailing up to stare at my expression.
I was so hot from the warm room and Diluc’s hot body against mine. His lips found their way to my shoulder, then carefully, to my neck. I was his, his to love and to treat with sincerity and passion.
His fingertips traced the edges of my scars, my beauty marks and insecurities. The warmth and affection engulfed me as he kissed my marks— parts of my body that I wouldn’t allow anybody else to see. His head leaned down to my lower body, kissing every imperfection that I cried at the sight of.
It was odd enough that the most noble, bravest man of Monstadt was treating me like this. His gentle and soft lips giving my skin endless kisses, his eyes wandering up to look at me, almost as to reassure me how wonderful I truly looked.
Even though my mind ran with thoughts, picking at every little “bad” feature that showed on my body, my exposed skin that he was now praising and rising genuine interest in— he thought I was the loveliest person he’d ever lain eyes on.
His inviting and warm hand placed itself on my jawline, holding my chin and tapping on my bottom lip. He admired my features; from my nose, my eyes, cheeks, eyebrows.
I smiled to his touch, wondering how I got so lucky to have the Darknight Hero at my fingertips so easily. How could I make such a man bat his eyes at me so willingly? Make him drop to his knees, hold my ankle and strap my heel on as if I were his porcelain doll?
So many precious memories suddenly flooded my brain as the soft man kissed me tenderly, not leaving any of my skin untouched by his infatuation for me. My eyes started to fill with tears at his words.
“Are you still tense, angel…?” He took my face, studying me. “What more should I do to assure you that I love every part of you? Am I doing something that makes you uncomfortable?”
“No!” I quickly said, and I earned a frown at this response. His hurt eyes looked between mine, trying to fish answers. “I’m sorry, Luc. I’m just—”
I didn’t want to cry over nothing. But I couldn’t help the hot tears that melted down the sides of my eyes and became cold as they touched my hair. I turned my head against his touch, my brows creasing as I tried to control my breathing. His eyes immediately widened as his hands retracted away.
I grabbed his large hands, looking right at him and squeezing his palm; It was almost a desperate action. I filled the silence by taking his hand and placing it back on my cheek, making tears spur down my face even more.
His thumb ran under my eye, wiping away the tears that ruined the peacefulness my face had displayed previously. His delicate touch reminded me that he was there, he loved me and couldn’t understand why I thought so negatively of myself.
The body that had made his eyes glance twice, the fingers that wiped the blood from his wounds, the legs that wrapped around his hips in a hug, the lips that had only spoken love to him and gifted him with kisses— how could he look at me so unpleasantly when all my body’s ever shown him was love?
“I’m here,” Diluc whispered, almost as if he read my thoughts, “I’m not going anywhere.”
I wanted to thank him for loving me so much, I wanted to apologize and show my gratitude to him for treating me with such elegance and compassion— but all I could do was kiss him.
Kiss his jaw, his cheeks— even more desperately at his lips. I couldn’t help myself as my breathing picked up from the eager kisses, a sloppy excuse for an apology. I couldn’t stop kissing the man, the man who had lips that honored me.
In the moment, as mine and his fingers collided together as he pinned my arms back down— the world stopped. As his lips desperately went down my jaw once again, his fingers squeezing mine, his legs now holding my hips down— I craved his touch more than anything in this world.
“You’re beautiful,” he insisted, burying his lips against my collarbone and kissing down my chest, his devotion swallowing my tense body. To assure me that he loved me more than yesterday, to assure me that my tears were not overdramatic and exaggerating— he heard my cries, and he answered affectionately.
“You’re the loveliest in all of Monstadt.”
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quietninjakitty · 1 year
Rayla’s Early Life Headcanons
Before they left for the Dragonguard, Rayla never left her parents’ side. She would climb into their bed, go straight to their posts from school, and basically anywhere else they went. They only found it frustrating in a few circumstances.
Rayla had intense nightmares as a kid. She would be terrified after, and she would go straight to her parents’ room and climb in between them.
Whenever she woke them up, Tiadrin and Lain would grab a small knife or dagger and brandish it until they realized it was only Rayla. One time, Tiadrin put a knife to her throat after Rayla jumped on them to get them up. They stopped sleeping near weapons after that.
Tiadrin is a more orthodox cook than Lain, so she made most of the meals. However, Lain did manage to talk her into letting him into the kitchen a few times, and he did fairly well. Rayla was skeptical of her father’s food at first, but once coaxed enough to eat it, she finished the whole thing in minutes.
Rayla would never open her eyes after she woke up. She would pretend to be asleep until Lain came to wake her up. He would blow raspberries onto the crook of her neck, and she’d instantly “wake up” and laugh uncontrollably. Everyone enjoyed that part.
Lain was the original user of the "fittin' in is borin' anyway" quote. He passed it on to Rayla, and she repeats it in her head so many times.
I hc that Moonshadows learn about the war and the concept of honor and duty very early in life. But Tiadrin and Lain didn't tell Rayla until later than normal or perhaps even until they were summoned to the Storm Spire and had no choice. They wanted her to be able to remember what life was like before it got crazy. (And she's very thankful for that now.)
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athenashaw · 1 year
What do you think Crowley thinks about the stars (in accordance with the HC that he created them before falling)
Does he sit out on the roof of his apartment some nights, looking up at his beautiful creations
Has he ever lain beneath them, Aziraphale by his side, pointing out the intricate symbols and systems humans have almost-but-not-quite-seen
Or, does he sleep at night to avoid the shining reminders of what he once was, wearing tinted glasses when he must go out to dim their brilliance
Does he linger in densely populated human cities where the light pollution obscures more and more of the sky as time passed
And finally, accompanied by one he loves and who loves him, does he climb to the roof of a Soho bookshop to face the eternal reminders of his past and his loss, made less painful by the presence of his future
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star-elysiam · 5 months
oi amg, cheguei agora no seu blog por causa do seu post simon aquariano nato e queria saber com quem do cast você escreve e se aceita pedidos??
a propósito, adorei o simon aquariano nato preciso dele urgentemente 😫😫 e você escreve muito bem diva, amei demais!!!
Oii, muito bem vinda diva 🫶♥️
Ultimamente tenho escrito mais com o Enzo, Pipe, Kuku, Matías e Simón. Porém, este blog aceita pedidos para basicamente todos do elenco, exceto: Juani e Angus Lain, pelos últimos acontecidos ☝️
E sim, estou aceitando pedidos sim, tanto para hc quanto para oneshot. Fique a vontade para enviar 🫶
A skin Simón Hempe aquariano nato foi uma das melhores criações desse fandom, quase não consigo deixar de ver ele assim kkkkkkkkk exceto que na minha cabeça ele mudaría depois que começasse a namorar, ele seria completamente cadelinho pau mandado golden retriever da namorada
E muito obrigada, fico sempre bobinha quando vcs falam assim 🤧🥹♥️ incentiva dms a continuar escrevendo
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raayllum · 1 year
nothing in dragon prince will ever be more plot convenience to me than some of the shit in S1-S2 (and i say this with well humoured love) given the fact that 1) there were no servants given the job of actually making sure the two princes/heirs to the throne left the castle and made it to the banther lodge safely in season one, 2) amaya having little to no reaction to harrow’s death in the same episode viren asserts “you knew him as well as i did,” 3) viren inexplicably transporting the bright glowing egg back to katolis without harrow noticing (altho i HC he took stuff from lain and tiadrin for it, like hair) and the huge ass mirror, and 4) claudia and soren travelling on foot (bc of corvus) in spite of having horses and the dragang, who travelled by flight and by boat for days, ending up in the town at the dragon one (1) day apart from each other. s3 and s4 Wishes 
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thegoosewiththemost · 2 years
Slice of Life with BJ
For @nak3d-snak3 , I finally finished off your prompt!
Hey how you doing? Could i have a day in the life hc's with bj and his s/o? Like whats a common day for them? I have other ideas for requests but don't want to be to demanding. Cheers!
- you cannot drag this man out of bed to save your life if he doesn’t want out. Beetlejuice sleeps like a sack of bricks that have been haphazardly thrown across your mattress and if he’s somehow lain on top of you, good luck getting out of there.
- cuddle time in the mornings is a regular occurrence and most days you set the alarm half an hour earlier to make time for that daily morning debrief, allowing yourself that buffer time to wake up slowly and enjoy each other’s company.
- sometimes when it’s cold you find the excuse to drag the entire blanket with you both to the kitchen
- you work together like a well oiled machine in the mornings. After much dedication, determination and false fire alarms being set off, Beetlejuice turns out to be a surprisingly capable cook. Typically he’s the one who will make breakfast if it’s more complicated than cereal and milk. You’re in charge of making the beverages and doing the dishes afterwards.
- the bathroom is your private space away from each other and the one boundary that you insist on keeping with Beetlejuice. Despite the progression in your relationship with each other, he is as clingy as ever and though he is less insecure about himself, he still struggles with the fear of losing you and so he compensates for this with constant touches whether it’s from his feet seeking your legs under the blankets when you sleep to a protective arm around you when you’re out together.
- takes the initiative to order for you when you’re going out for coffee because he knows exactly what you want.
- while his possessiveness of you had lightened up significantly after knowing how you felt about him and after much reinforcement of the fact that you weren’t leaving him high and dry, he still occasionally feels threatened by people who he thinks are better than him.
- good luck to anyone who decides to hit on you, because they might just encounter a very spontaneous accident like a spilled drink or have their belongings swept away by a strong wind. He’s the first to defend you against any unwanted attention.
- some things don’t change, like his mischief and his sexual appetite, but for the most part, you can tell that he’s much more relaxed than he ever was before. More genuine and less of a parading conman because he has no need to hide anymore.
- he takes pleasure in the smaller things in life, like watching the lizards catch their prey or the sensation of being hugged and loved as he is without fear and pain.
- when you’re home he’s joined to you at the hip, going where ever you go and leaning into your touch where he can.
- loves being held and sinking into you during movie nights. The combination of your familiar scent and the security he feels with your arms around him is what does it for him. He absolutely melts when you feed him snacks or massage his scalp and shoulders.
- chick flicks take pride of place alongside horror flicks and comedic movies in his preferred movie lineup.
- likes to become your personal cushion when you read your books aloud to him.
- he likes to partake in your daily rituals, maybe in an attempt to copy them but also out of intrigue and because he likes to imitate what he deems as normal for living people. You have a skincare routine picked out specifically for him and you go through the motions together every morning and night. You have too many pictures of Beetlejuice with a wet face mask on saved to your phone.
- kisses goodnight happen without question. He likes to sleep with his face in your neck or your hair and it takes a while to figure out the ideal sleeping position where he isn’t snoring, usually with careful repositioning on your part after he falls asleep.
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