#he be smoking
zenwhoberi · 1 year
had the wildest interaction today some random woman called me a slag and my dog a fucking faggot because I was using a pink lead/harness and he’s a boy like what the fuck lmfaoo
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hamletthedane · 11 days
Thinking about him (the soldier in Poynter’s Faithful Until Death painting watching an apocalypse unfold around him with horror in his eyes as he tries to keep himself standing beneath a doorway, based on an actual 19th century archeological find of a man in full soldier’s garb under a doorway at Pompeii)
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galaxymagitech · 3 months
Jason (Age 12): I’m not gonna die from inhaling cigarette smoke, quit worrying, B.
Jason (Age 15): *dies from smoke inhalation*
Jason (Age 19): Well, it wasn’t the cigarettes.
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minimanuke · 4 months
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This image was MADE for them
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prokopetz · 6 months
"DILF", a word which here means "the only male character with a speaking role in this piece of media who's actually old enough for me to be horny for him".
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bacchuschucklefuck · 1 month
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beautiful! majestic!
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
do u think the baby is going to grow out of looking so exhausted and decrepit, in a way not unlike Yoda from Star Wars, or is that just what devon rexes look like sometimes? (written with extreme affectionate towards this new little beast)
well to answer that, let's look at his mother
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and his father - who I owe an apology to! this is a complete tangent, but I thought the other stud at the cattery had cucked him, because Belphegor has white spotting but neither of his parents do. which is genetically impossible (it's a co-dominant, not a recessive, meaning it would always be visible)
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but those bat ears of his father, with their notched flanges, are so weird and distinctive! you can see that Belphegor has them, and nearly all of his littermates do too
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SO NOW I'm thinking, the father has to have some white spotting that just isn't visible in his photo! right? like a white tail-tip, or a single white toe on his back foot, or maybe a locket on his chest? I've become an ear truther
but what was the original ask, I got completely distracted by the cuckoldry speculation. oh yeah, aging, yeah I think Belphegor will grow up to look noble and beautiful like his mother and his (maybe) father
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hunnam · 8 months
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@BeefyPeaches on Twitter
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zillychu · 6 months
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I decided Danny needed a fire core AU where the portal accident blew up the entire block, condemned all of Amity, and was left to haunt it for 100 years before Sam and Tuck find him 🥰 for enrichment
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manicpunk98 · 4 months
No one mentions how academically intelligent Halsin is, specifically to do with biology.
My man was leading the druids in teaching about it. Nettie specifically says she couldn't tell you more about the tadpole because Halsin was the one studying it, and he would understand it better.
This being the first time he'd ever studied anything Ilithid, and him figuring out it was altered by magic? He's the first one to tell you what's so different about it. He may not have been able to cure you, but he knew more than anyone from the get-go just by looking at one tadpole. Not talking to any true souls, not having met you yet.
Halsin is incredibly smart, I wish we had some kind of interaction with him that we could tell him that. He deserves more credit than being "the big bear man".
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squarecloud73 · 2 months
*I worship you Tumblr please don’t remove it
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So I found out that he’s got white hair strands and I lost my mind :3
(Btw the clothes are inspired mainly by Kui’s design and other medieval arts, Hobbits are great, but it’s not the reference. a reminder to credit Kui’s original works too!)
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junimoss · 4 months
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nerdpoe · 6 days
After Kon came back from being slightly dead, he didn't actually have a place to stay. Until he did.
He had fallen asleep in a park in some town in Illinois, dressed in his civvies, and was woken up by a lady and a man wearing hazmat suits.
At first he'd thought he was gonna be, like, experimented on and stuff, but they were actually really chill and practically dragged him along into their house.
They gave him a room, told him what time dinner was, and told him to stay as long as he needed to.
He met the couple's kids, Danny and Jazz, and kind of...got unofficially adopted. But it's cool! He's totally Big Brother material, and helping to wrangle a six and eight year old is something a Super can definitely do!
Years and years down the line, he gets a phonecall from a frantic fourteen year old Danny, saying just one phrase.
"Kon I think I fucked up. I think I'm dead."
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anthonysperkins · 13 days
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It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives (1971) dir. Rosa von Praunheim
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super-nowa-art · 6 months
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pov you rescued your crewmate from a forced marriage but he's not that grateful and insists you carry him back to the ship
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hanborger · 6 months
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damn that man CAN dance
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