#he bought one just bc it looked cool
kentopedia · 8 months
chuuya can secretly play the guitar send
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bulkhummus · 4 days
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so blessed to own a Tesla🙏 🙏
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rammstein4ever · 8 months
I love my bf to death but sometimes he makes me want to pull my hair out. He just started a new job but it turns out it sucks and he applied for a different job and immediately got a job offer. I called him because I was excited for him and like, I wanted to talk to my fucking bf bc he's one of my best friends but after 5 minutes he says he needs to go bc he was watching something. Like wow excuse me from getting in the way of you watching something that's too damn important to talk on the phone with your gf for more than 5 fucking minutes
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woulddieforloki · 10 months
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crimsonkenjii-writes · 10 months
Had a dream with Aizawa 😳 it was a mutual pinning kind of dream aauhhhhnnrrgghkkske
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matchasilver · 11 days
Imagining my shelf with my Dimitri plush when I decide to get a Hua Cheng. I will then have only two character plushies, but both are big brooding men with wild hair who are missing their right eyes...
What does it mean that they are the only characters that have possessed me enough that I want to hold them tangibly...
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lillybean730 · 1 year
pro: brother gave me a dagger
mega-con: it's got iron crosses on it
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
Uncle Catastrophe
Summary: based on this request - your day out on the town is interrupted by a shadow who brings you to a very rattled Azriel taking care of Nyx
Author’s note: this is cute and fun I might do something similar with an older Nyx bc why not
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The revered shadowsinger.
A male who is battle hardened, whose scars sing legends of a cruel male who lacks sympathy.
The revered shadowsinger. Brought down by a babe.
Cauldron boil him, he thinks, sorting through the massive stack of parenting books Feyre and Rhysand had bought to prepare for Nyx.
Now his scarred hands comb through the books, searching for what’s wrong with the princeling. He carries Nyx around in his arms, his tiny hiccuping body making Azriel’s thoughts spiral further with each violent hiccup.
The morning was fine - Nyx was an easy babe, he hasn’t displayed any powers yet, and he loved his family so much. Especially his uncles who shared the wings fixed to his tiny back.
Nyx’s gaze and hands always found their ways to Cassian and Azriel’s wings. The former would shoot his wings out to show his nephew just how large they were, the latter wraps his wings around Nyx, enveloping the two of them in a soft darkness.
Nyx had even fallen asleep on Azriel’s chest. He had laid down on the sofa next to Nyx’s crib in the living room, but the princeling kept babbling, waving his arms around frantically, fluttering his tiny wings. Eventually Azriel gathered he just wanted company, so he laid down on the plush sofa, Nyx curled up on his chest.
The babe lasted maybe 3 minutes before falling asleep. Azriel stayed completely still, long legs stretched out, feet dangling off the end. His shadows provided a comforting weight to the both of them, causing the shadowsinger’s eyes to grow heavier, until eventually he was fast asleep.
He woke up to a violent stirring on his chest, the babe in his arms hiccuping more violently than he thought possible. He didn’t let worry consume him until after 15 minutes of nonstop hiccuping, when he dispatched his shadows to search for books on babes.
You were shopping in Velaris, a new stack of books tucked into your arm when a tiny shadow wizzes up to you, circling around your body, its cool touch sending shivers up your skin.
It twirls around your body, as if inspecting you, before wrapping around your wrist and pulling you forward.
You chuckle, allowing the shadow to drag you wherever it sees fit.
It brings you to the townhouse and opens the door for you. You thank the shadow, and it gently caresses your cheek in a kiss before darting through the entryway.
You step inside, calling out, “hello?” Your voice carries through the house, until you see a head of onyx curls peak out over the threshold.
Looking as beautiful as ever, tortoiseshell glasses perched on his nose, Azriel looks at you, puzzled, before he looks at his group of shadows that follow him everywhere.
You walk towards him and he seems to be scolding one of them, his voice dropping as you got closer.
“I got ambushed by one of your shadows in the street. Do they do that to all the girls or just the pretty ones?” You ask, a light tease in your voice.
Azriel rolls his eyes at you, but continues on with whatever he’s doing.
You know something’s wrong because he doesn’t give your cheek a kiss as you walk past, so you look around trying to discern what could be wrong.
“Is everything okay, sweetheart?”
You turn to look at him, noticing his hair is in disarray. His hair always had a perfect level of messy to it - looking slightly mused, but as if every curl was meticulously placed. Now it looks like a mess of onyx on his head.
He sighs, looking at you. “I’ve been trying to figure out what’s wrong with Nyx.”
You notice that there are books strewn about the room, all on fae babes, all open to their indexes to search for key words.
“He won’t stop hiccuping.”
You try not to laugh, especially not with how seriously Azriel looked at you.
“Is he in his nursery?” You ask, moving towards the stairs.
“Yes,” he says, following behind you.
“Hi, Nyxy,” you coo, and the young babe just smiles at your attention, a tiny hiccup jolting his entire body. You get close to him, his arms extending to you as you pick him up.
He nuzzles into you, his wings lightly twitching at your attention. You rub his back, looking at Azriel as you do so.
“You know this is normal, right?” You ask, pacing the room with the young princeling in your arms.
“There’s no way it’s normal!”
You roll your eyes, “I’m a healer, babe, you could have asked me.” Your eyes move to Nyx’s, violet eyes peering back at you.
“It’s my job to know all about babes,” you say, fingers rubbing against Nyx’s chubby tummy. He giggles in response, and Azriel sits in the rocking chair in the corner, hands going over his face.
He sighs, clearly frustrated, and you can’t help but feel like his frustration isn’t just about Nyx.
“Is everything okay?” You ask, taking your eyes off of Nyx’s violet eyes to meet hazel ones.
Azriel sighs, coming over to you, burying his head into your neck as he wraps his arms, and wings, around you and Nyx. Inside of the little cocoon, Azriel mutters, “I wanted to prove to you that I could do this.”
You had a hard time hearing him as he was mumbling into your shoulder, so you ask, “I’m sorry, what was that?”
Azriel’s hands tightened slightly on your waist, repeating himself, and you ask, “that you could do what?”
His breath tickles your neck, “that I could do the whole “having a babe” thing.”
Your brows furrow, confused where this sudden insecurity cropped up from.
“Are you pregnant?”
He sighs, ignoring you, “I just wanted to prove that I could care for Nyx without your help for a bit. I know you’re a healer, but I don’t want you to find me incompetent.”
His shoulders slump a bit, “I know we’ve never really talked about it, but I guess I wanted to prove to you and to myself that.. that I could. That I could be soft and loving.”
You reach an arm around his waist, pressing Nyx between the two of you. The young prince hiccups, startling both of you.
“Oh, Azzy. I would never find you incompetent.”
He huffs, “and yet you came bursting through the door to help.”
“Because one of your shadows got me. Listen, babes are hard. And yeah there’s a lot to learn about taking care of them, but I fully believe you could do it.”
He lifts his head up, searching your eyes for some deception.
Nyx coos in your arms, and Azriel lifts one of the hands from your waist to cradle his head. The babe leans into Azriel’s touch, soaking in the attention from his uncle.
You smile at the two of them, “No one is born knowing exactly what to do or how to take care of someone else.”
His eyes return to you, his hand still fixed on Nyx’s head.
“But we can learn together, okay?”
You look up at him and a soft smile grazes his lips. “This isn’t fair - you have a head start on the material. Your job is literally taking care of others.”
You giggle, causing Nyx to shriek in delight.
“Guess you’ll just have to pick up more babysitting hours.”
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aroaceofthesea · 2 years
Im sorry but when i hear someone play the trumpet i remember why its the best instrument and its not bc i play it
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bloatedandalone04 · 9 months
Like Fine Wine
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➪the one where you can’t resist hayden’s look for his role in ahsoka.
Warnings: hubby hayden bc i want to marry this man so badly, current age (or 41 year old) hayden, smut, fluff, pet names, unprotected sex, handjob (brief), hair pulling, soft smut, you guys just straight up loving on each other, reader is feral for him, spoilers for ahsoka if you haven’t seen the last 2 episodes, takes place during the filming of ahsoka (back in may 2022), this is just self-indulgent tbh
Word Count: 2.5k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
When you finally made your way back to the hotel room you and Hayden were staying at during the filming of Ahsoka, the last thing you were expecting to see was your husband propped up against the headboard, shirtless with grey sweats covering his lower half, and the script for tomorrow in his hands. 
He looked absolutely divine, and you bit back a moan at the mere sight of him, the wine bottle you had bought from the store across the street nearly slipping from your grasp.
When he heard the door open but didn’t hear your voice right after, Hayden looked up to see you standing in the doorway, an unreadable expression on your face as you stared at him. “Hey, baby,” he murmured in a greeting, flipping the script back to the first page as you closed the door without breaking eye contact. “I was going to ask if you wanted to go over this scene with me, but you seem…preoccupied. What’s on your mind?”
You set the bottle down on the table by the door, shrugging off your jacket as you stepped towards him. “I was just thinking,” you trailed off, biting your lip as your eyes stalked his body like he was prey. 
Hayden sat up against the headboard, a teasing glint in his eye. “About what?”
Kneeling on the bed, you kick off your shoes before crawling over to him and straddling his lap. “About what I could’ve possibly done to deserve such a hot husband,” you answer, taking the package of papers from him and dropping them on the rug beside the bed. 
His hands instinctively grab your waist, his own eyes raking up and down your face. “Eighteen years together and you’re only asking that now?” He teased, his fingers lifting your shirt slightly so he could feel your skin on his. 
“Oh, no, I’ve been asking myself that since the day you messed up your practice run with Ewan and had to restart it from the very beginning,” you say back, watching as a knowing smile graced his lips.
“That was only because you walked on set looking like something right off of the red carpet. Kinda like how you look right now,” he not so subtly gazed down at your body, his blue eyes beginning to darken the longer he had you on top of him.
You roll your eyes but blush at his forward words, resting your hands on his shoulders. Eighteen years together and fifteen since you’ve been married, and he still was able to effortlessly make you feel like you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. 
Your engagement ring and wedding band reflected off the single lamp he turned on, unknowingly setting the mood for when you got back. It was on the bedside table next to his phone, which had been turned completely off since he was away from set and planned to spend the rest of his night with you. 
“Aren’t you a charmer?” You mumbled, feeling the cool metal of his own wedding band, that was identical to yours, pressed against the heated skin of your hip. “Seriously, do you even realize how good you look right now?” 
His hair was still somewhat styled in his clone wars look for the flashback scene, and the way it curled in certain spots had your whole body aching for him. If he hadn’t taken off the makeup for the scar already, you probably would’ve been wrapped around him by now. “I don’t know,” he answered, kissing you back when you placed your mouth against his. “I’m not sure I can believe it after you told me that about ten times on set earlier today.”
You and he had actually met during the filming of Star Wars Episode II, but didn’t start dating until Episode III had been fully completed. You went to the premiere together and that was your public debut as a couple, and you still remembered how loudly the fans cheered when he kissed you right there on the carpet.
You, too, would be in a few flashbacks towards the end of the series, in the form of your Force Ghost. Your character was killed in the last half of Episode III by Anakin himself, and you still remembered filming that scene like it was yesterday. 
The tears you shed that day were one hundred percent real, as you were actually saying goodbye to the character that introduced you to your future husband. At that point you and Hayden had gone on several low-key dates, but didn’t become official until a couple of months later. His acting was also more real than not in that scene as he had to pretend to kill you in a somewhat brutal way.
To revisit your character for the first time in over a decade was one of the best opportunities you had ever gotten, and you could only assume that this was how Hayden felt when he was asked to return as Anakin in Obi-Wan. While your scenes wouldn’t be filmed for a few more weeks, Hayden still insisted you stay with him until the filming was wrapped up completely. 
“I’m not apologizing for hyping up my husband,” you say against his lips. “I’m being so serious, Hayden, you look good.”
He grins up at you, pulling your body closer until your chest pressed right up against his, the subtle rock of your hips making you suppress a moan. “Well, thank you, sweet girl,” he nudges your nose with his. “I can always count on you to make me feel good about myself.”
“You so can,” you agree, trailing your hands down his toned chest, smirking at the way his stomach muscle flexed at your light touch. “You’re so attractive, I don’t think you even realize it.”
Hayden hummed, slowly dragging his hands up your body and taking your shirt along the way. “I could say the same thing about you,” he said before asking, “You’re awfully flirty tonight, what’s got you all worked up?”
“You,” came your simple reply, your fingers pulling at the loose string of his sweats. You lean down to place a chaste kiss to his lips, one that leaves him wanting more as you descend your mouth down to his shoulder, where you place a few open mouthed kisses to his skin. “You, being so unbelievably sexy when you’re back in your element on set. The way you looked when you were practicing earlier? The way you look now? You don’t know the things you do to me, Hayden.”
“I beg to differ,” he rasps out when you place another kiss to the base of his throat, his hands quickly fumbling to take off your shirt. It drops to the floor beside the script and you lift your head so you were looking right at him, your body level with his as you slowly rocked your hips against his. “Y/n.”
You give him a teasing grin, sliding your hands down his sides before they land on the front of his sweats. “I know,”you murmur and kiss him slowly, slipping your hand past the waistline and palming him. You hold back a smirk when you find him already hard for you, his body’s way of responding to yours every time you come onto him. “I just want to make you feel as good as you look.”
Hayden huffed out a breathy moan as you pulled him free from the sweatpants. “I want to make you feel good, too, baby,” he managed to say as you wrapped your hand around him, slowly stroking him. 
You hum, “I already feel good from just looking at you,” 
A ghost of a moan escaped your lips when leaned forward to kiss your exposed shoulder in an attempt to quiet his own sounds. 
Though this was a nice hotel, he still didn’t want to risk the possibility of the walls being thin enough for him to receive noise complaints, though the thought had him growing harder in your hand. 
“You don’t know how much you turn me on,” you nearly whisper, the pad of your thumb brushing over his tip and making him groan quietly against your skin.
“After twenty years of knowing you, I think I know exactly how much I turn you on,” he mumbled, bucking his hips up so you stroked him a bit harder. “It’s the same way with you, baby. You make me feel so good all the time.”
You whimper quietly when his hand slips inside the front of your leggings, biting down harshly on your bottom lip when he finds your clothed clit with no trouble at all. Being intimate with the same person for half your life came with that perk. “I want you so bad,”
Hayden lifted his head back up to connect your lips in a kiss, murmuring, “You have me. Since that first day I saw you, I’ve been all yours,” when he pulls away to lift your hips in order to rid you of your leggings and the lace that covered your core. “I love you, Y/n Christensen.”
You moaned at that, moving back to straddle his hips again. Gripping the sides of his neck, you use the tips of your thumbs to tilt his head up in order to be able to give him a deep kiss. “I love you,” you whined as he guided your heat over him a few times, prepping both himself and you with your slickness. “My hot, sexy husband.”
And then you were lifting your hips and sliding onto him until he was buried deep within you. Your hips met his as moans escaped both of you, with Hayden leaning back against the pillows and headboard to let you take full control. 
While he always wanted you in this way, seeing him as Anakin again clearly did something to you, and he was more than okay with letting you take the lead like you needed to. 
You close your eyes and grip his shoulders, moaning softly when you lift yourself up before dropping back down again. “I’m never getting over this,” you confess, though it wasn’t new news. Even though you had been together for nearly two decades, you still hadn’t grown tired of each other, further proving the fact that you were meant to be together. “Fuck.”
Hayden groaned under his breath, his hands gripping your waist as you began to slowly ride him. “Just like that, sweet girl,” he praised softly, feeling the way you clenched around him at his words. “We fit so well together, don’t we? Make each other feel so good.”
You moan a bit louder, nodding quickly as your hands move to tangle in his  hair. The fact that it was you who got to see him like this, and it was you who got to mess up his Anakin-styled hair had you going a bit feral.
“So good,” you agree, dropping yourself down on him with a bit more force, really setting a pace that would ensure you both wouldn’t last too long. He is forty one and you were pushing thirty nine, you couldn’t really expect to be as durable in the bedroom after a long day of filming. 
Still, when he hadn’t spent a whole day on set, Hayden could go for longer, simply because he aged unbelievably well and kept his body in great shape. 
He also wasn’t expecting you to want to jump his bones as soon as you got back from your wine run after he changed into more comfortable clothing, planning on going over a few of his scenes with you before bed. 
That still didn’t stop him from letting you completely drain any and all energy he had left from the day as you grind your hips against his. Small, needy whines left your pretty lips as you moved further down on him, driving him even deeper into your willing and wanting walls. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he couldn’t help but say, making your pace falter slightly as you flushed at his words. “My girl. The prettiest woman in the world.” He complimented as his hands slid up your back and expertly unclasped your bra. 
He pulled it from your body and replaced it with his hands, his thumbs and index fingers pinching and pulling at your nipples. You whimper at the feeling of his smooth fingers against your sensitive buds, tugging harshly at his strands. “Hayden,” you murmur, guiding him into you quicker with swift grinds of your hips. “Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah, baby,” he said under his breath, trailing one hand down to circle your throbbing clit with his thumb. His other hand moved to tightly grip your hip again as you picked up the pace, beginning to feel that tight sensation forming in your abdomen. “You feel so good. So good for me, baby, the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
You cry out, squeezing your eyes shut as you pulse around him, your thighs burning with exertion and forcing you to stop for a brief second before Hayden grabs your other hip and begins thrusting up into you. “Yes,” you gasp out, tangling your hands tighter in his hair as he lifts himself up from against the pillows to really allow him to drive himself impossibly deeper inside you. “Oh, fuck, yes, don’t stop, Hayden, please.”
How could he deny you your wish? In all honesty, he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to stop, anyway, as you were clenching so tightly around him and sucking him in as deep as he could go, he almost blacked out for a second from how blinding the feeling was. 
“Come for me, sweet girl,” he requested quietly in your ear, his deep and raspy voice making you clench tighter around him as your walls pulsed in time with his quick thrusts. “I want you to, want to feel it.”
Your mouth opened in a faint cry and your stomach swelled as you wrapped your arms tightly around him. As your whole body tensed up in his arms, Hayden felt your walls spasm slightly before he also felt the flood of your release coat him. It gave him the perfect amount of friction for him to fall not too far behind. 
His jaw locked slightly, his hands wrapping around your middle and pulling you closer to him as he, too, came. Deep within you, he pushed his seed further with a few extra thrusts before he was forced to stop due to the sensitivity of it all. 
With his last remaining energy, he lifted you up and set you down on the bed next to him. He hovered over you a second later, wrapping your legs around his waist as he nuzzled his head in between the space of your neck and shoulder. “I love you so much,” he whispered in between peppered kisses to your sweaty skin. “Thank you for always making me feel like the most important person, everyday.”
You ran your fingers through his damp and messy hair, playing with the curls as a smile formed on your lips. “You are the most important person,” you reminded him, kissing him quickly before wrapping your arms around him and pulling him further down onto you. “And I love you, too.”
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It's a Match! || poly!141 x Reader
[Chapter Pre-27] || [Chapter 28]
Pairing: Price x gn!Reader || 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.2K cw: none Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: Just a cute little moment + us clowning on all the lads bc ofc
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Chapter 27: Peace and Quiet.
When you asked John to take you away, him taking you on a whole boat was not what you had in mind.
Granted, he did take you to his home in Credenhill beforehand; a cosy two-bedroom row home, which was surprisingly well-furnished for a single man in his 40s.
After having dinner on Friday night with him (John is a surprisingly good cook!) and cuddling together on the sofa before ending the night in bed, late on Saturday morning he awoke you with brunch in bed.
You half expected a lazy Saturday... only for him to tell you that you were going on an adventure.
So you ended up down south, on river Severn, on a boat. No, not a goddamn rickety fishing boat; a bloody yacht. A small one, but one nonetheless.
That didn't stop him from wearing a fishing hat. Come to think of it, you very rarely see John without a hat, only indoors. But last night when he went to get you, he was wearing a toque... He wears those a lot.
Apparently, John is an avid fan of boating. And bought one a few years back.
"Was this just an attempt at showing off?" You teased him as you stood by his side, one of his arms wrapped around your hip as the boat cruised out to the mouth of the river.
"No, da'lin', would never dream of it." John replied with a cheeky grin.
"I feel like you're lying to me." You replied as you leaned against him, eyes locked on the beautiful view of the cityscapes as you sailed out to the sea.
"Not lying, just... embellishing the truth." He joked and nuzzled up to you, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck as he pulled you to sit on his lap at the command of the boat.
"Right..." You said sarcastically, feigning annoyance, before melting at the feel of his kisses, his nose nuzzling into your hair, his beard tickling your nape.
"Plus, maybe, perhaps, I was worried the lads were going to try and crash out little getaway..." He whispered as he kept dropping little kisses onto you. "Yeah?" You asked as you looked up and back at him.
"They know where I live... Simon does, at least. And I doubt he'd show up, but... he likes you a whole lot." John murmured and then started peppering kisses to your neck.
Shivering a bit, you chuckled. "And you don't share, do you?" You joked.
"Oh, I share. But you asked me to take you away, not to bring 'em with." He quipped with a smirk on his lips.
"Haven't seen you share yet, so my point still stands." You retorted as you narrowed your eyes playfully at him.
"Oh, is that how it is? You're a 'need to see it to believe it', type of person?" He joked and rubbed his lips against the shell of your ear.
"Mhm..." You replied as your eyes closed, leaning back into him, feeling his displays of affection.
Your hands found his extended forearms as his hands controlled the boat on either side of you. You caressed his strong, hairy forearms, a weak attempt at returning the affection.
"How about you go sit out there... Feel the sea air, the water splashing on you..." He offered. "Lay out in the sun, get a bit of a tan?"
"John, we're off the coast in Wales. There's not going to be a tan." You told him playfully.
"Humour me, will you?" He asked you and shook his head, amused.
Nodding, you got up off his lap, kissing him on the lips one last time before you slipped into the cabin to get changed into a swimsuit and then back out.
You sat outside, where John could see you from the cockpit, and took his advice to heart, lounging on the foam chairs at the bow, enjoying the cool water splashing and the sun in the horizon. It was actually enjoyable.
You sneaked a glance at John as he drove the boat, smiling at him, before you decided to put on some sunscreen, just in case. John watched you closely and made a point of showing you how much he enjoyed the sight of you putting it on. At one point he even wolf whistled at you.
After a while, John slowed the boat down and moored it. You didn't think much of it, though the area you were in was beautiful. Nothing but the two of you for miles, the ocean rocking the boat nicely and the sun shining ahead.
John comes to join you, in his own swimming trunks, pulling you close, and peppering kisses all over your back, shoulders, nape... You find yourself giggling. There was something about John... Perhaps the fact he was older, but his attention felt so... nice.
"Is this what you wanted?" He asked. "Some good ol' peace and quiet?"
"Mhm..." You replied as you rolled over to face him. Then, you burst out laughing.
How were you supposed to not? The man had haphazardly lathered himself in sunscreen and was still wearing the bloody fishing hat!
"John, I can't-" You joked.
"What?" He asked in confusion, eyebrows raised.
"You look like a dad on vacation!" You joked and resumed your fit of giggles.
"You calling me old?" He asked in an exaggerated tone.
"No!" You said as you pushed yourself up onto your knees, running your hands over his face to spread the sunscreen more evenly. "You just..." You trailed off.
"I'll have ya know I'm still in my prime." He murmured, his thick beard covering his mouth with each word he spoke.
"You're also a dork." You retorted, feeling his hands slide up your thighs as he pulled you onto his lap.
"Oh? Would a dork have a pretty thing like you in a swimsuit in his arms while on his own boat?" He retorted before leaning close and peppering a kiss on your lips.
"I guess not." You replied playfully. "But the hat certainly doesn't help." You added and slipped it off his head. "See? So much better..."
"I happen to like my boonie hat." He told you as he kept peppering kisses on your face. "I wear it all the time when I'm in the field."
"No way?" You asked dramatically. "You mean you wear this when you're out there with your rifles and what not?" You asked as you lifted the hat off the seat next to you.
"Yes?" He told you, causing you to break into laughter again. "What? It's not that bad, is it?" He asked, feigning insecurity.
"No, it's just-" You trailed off. "First, Simon with his skull mask, then you with your boonie hat... What's next?" You asked.
"Kyle wears a baseball cap with the British flag more often than not." John replied, causing you to shriek with laughter.
"NO?!" You replied, incredulously. "No way?! He dresses so nicely out of uniform, you're telling me he also does the 'one hat' thing?"
"Absolutely he does. Have to ask him to take it off sometimes. It's like it's glued to 'im." He joked as his hands caress your body lovingly.
"What about Johnny?" You asked with narrowed eyes.
"Doesn't wear anything. Just that stupid bloody mohawk." He replied.
"Is it because of his big head?" You joked, which caused you both to break into laughter this time.
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!):
@daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @cod-z , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @xxshadowbabexx
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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seoktized · 3 months
i saw requests open i would love to see how you think riize would be as boyfriends? your writing is really good so i thought this would be a good idea! thank you 🩷
of course thank you so much for the request!!!! here is:
☆ RIIZE as boyfriends!
ot7 riize x fem reader
warnings: cursing, fluff!!! riize being the best boyfriends 🥹🥹
req/asks are open <3
note: i didn’t know if you wanted texts or actual writing so i did both!!
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theeeee sweetest bf ever!! the cutest too. i feel like he’d always send you his dance videos bc dancing is his passion and he wants to show you how he’s improved! shotaro would probably drop everything if he had to in order to help you out or talk to you. so sweet i want a shotaro 💔
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no hear me out i feel like he spoils you BUT NOT ON PURPOSE he’s jsut out one day and then he sees smth that reminds him of you and suddenly your room is full of stuff he’s bought you! you beggg him to not buy anymore because there’s literally no room but next time he’s out he buys more 😭😭 always calls you pretty girl, baby, doll… etc. just an overall sweet boyfriend (can you tell i’m eunseok biased LMAOAOAO)
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he’s like annoying but in a like boyfriend annoys you way yk? like ugh you’re so annoying i love you 😭 yes he may be like a Giant but he still wants to be babied by you! will do anything and everything to see you smile. best cuddler me thinks .. to add onto the loved to be babied like if u two are watching a scary movie or smth he is like hiding in ur chest or smth 😭 he’s so cute
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he’s just 😭 dramatic but in a cute way. thinks the world will end if he doesn’t see you like everyday, which is impossible with his job so he’s always a lil sulky. but as soon as he sees you!!! this man if he could climb in your skin he would. lovesss to cuddle and lay there w you. he also lovesss to play the electric guitar for you. (you didn’t hear it from me but he also lets you play in his hair and style it all cute)
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PERFECT BOYFRIEND 😭😭😭 so endearing and sweet. knows what to say like allll the time. he always has you blushing like.. girl. me next. will drag you along to play games with him (if any of you know of valorant, you’d be like his pocket sage) another pet name enthusiast!!! like he’ll never miss a chance to call you pretty girl, baby, love, angel, ETCCCC. will have u Dizzy bc of how sweet he is :((
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sobbing because he’s like the cutest bf ever!! cuddles enthusiast!!! he’ll pout until you come cuddle w him😭 he also always buys you food and is making sure you’re feeling good!! will give you princess treatment if you’re not </3 he also always pushes you to be your best!! he loves so see you thriving, seeing you happy makes him 10x happier :) sweet boy
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yk how eunseok was like “anton always sends shorts in the gc” well yea you are a victim to the 393 shorts he sends daily. always sending cute things n bein like omg baby it’s us look 💔 anton i cry. sweetest bf ever he loovvesss to buy you things and would give you the world if he could :( his fav activity to do is to make songs for you or take you swimming !! he loves to show off his skills so you can tell him how cool he looked.
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mimimui · 9 months
putting your makeup on them
includes: alhaitham, kaveh, scaramouche, diluc, kaeya, xiao
tags: gn!reader, established relationship. fluff, sitting on kaeya's lap bc why not, not proofread (IM SORRY sue me)
a/n: i couldn't get it out of my head so i had to write it (°ー°〃) originally it was only supposed to be eyeliner . . . ! but i knew i had to get creative w this one :d .. enjoy !
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alhaitham wasn't opposed to the idea of letting you apply mascara on him. he sat still as you worked carefully on him, focusing especially on his bottom lashes. he already has somewhat long eyelashes, but you had the urge to swipe your mascara brush onto them.
"what are you doing?" he asks you, slightly flinching at the cool air you blew onto his face. "so it dries quicker," you say, now fanning his eyes with your hand. he chuckles lightly at your actions, trying to hide his amusement.
he hums in response, still sitting as motionless as he could as you finish up on the mascara. safe to say he was satisfied when he returned to his original task without complaints—you even see him touch his eyelashes curiously from time to time.
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it was always difficult to find a good foundation in your shade, but you somehow found a great one that's the perfect shade for kaveh. interested, you bought the foundation and quickly suggested testing it on kaveh, "to see if it's a good match," you tell him.
indeed, it was a great shade; he had quite fair skin, and it looked as if the foundation had blended in perfectly when applied to him. he prides himself on his smooth skin and is proud that you're having no problems with the foundation.
kaveh notes the lightness of your touch; your hands are careful not to press too hard on his face. the makeup sponge won't hurt him in any way, but you treat him as if he's the most fragile. when you finish, he takes the sponge from you and excitedly says, "my turn!"
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he was reluctant at first, but with your insistence and him not being able to say no to you, scaramouche agreed to let you do his eyeliner. he sat still as his eyes looked down, which made it easier for you to apply it.
he trusted you completely, and even if you messed up, he wouldn't really care about it. "make sure it's even," he says in a serious tone, which makes you nervous. he's quick to assure you that it was just a joke, and that eyeliner isn't always going to be perfect.
"you should let me do this for you everyday." you're satisfied with the result, thinking the eyeliner looks good enough. "you take too long," scaramouche says, pinching your cheek as he gets ready to leave. not before earning a punch from you, of course.
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you were staring at his lips for too long now, he thinks. diluc hesitantly waves his hand in front of your face, which fortunately grabs your attention. "anything on your mind?" he asks you quietly, which turns your attention back to his lips.
you stand up without saying a word, leaving your dear diluc all confused. when you come back with multiple different lipsticks in hand, it clicks in his head what you want to do. he properly faces you, nodding his head without you asking anything yet.
you happily try all the shades on him, laughing when one doesn't match and messily wiping it off with your thumb. "you should get a tissue," diluc suggests, but you shake your head. there was one lipstick that looked especially good on him, so you couldn't help but give him a quick kiss.
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you have the luxury of seeing kaeya without his eyepatch. sure, he wears it during the day, but when he's just with you in the night, he has no problem taking it off. because of this privilege, you take the chance to ingest his handsomeness.
you take note of his eyelashes, how long they are, and how easy it would be to apply mascara to them. with his permission, you sit on his lap as you apply your mascara on him. it feels wrong to touch his eyelashes like this, but they were just so pretty.
when you finish and fan his eyes with your hands, he bats his eyelashes for you. but he does it so aggressively that you don't think it can be considered that anymore. "kaeya, wait! it's not dry yet!" you laugh, fanning him faster.
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xiao thinks there isn't enough time in the day that he gets to spend with you, so spends time with you any way he can. when you offer to do his eyeliner for him for the night, he agrees, handing you the pencil and letting you apply it.
"stop blinking for a second, xiao. i'm going to ruin this," you say, holding his chin up as you try to control your shaky hand. you really didn't feel like starting over when you messed up, so you made sure to do the best you could.
…there was an attempt, for sure. it wasn't obvious, but the longer you stared, the more uneven the eyeliner seemed. as you tell xiao you're done with his makeup, he whispers a quick "thanks". he's aware it's uneven, but he doesn't mind.
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thanks for reading (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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highhhfiveee · 7 months
safety net [p2] (pornstar!mike schmidt x reader)
part one: 💸 | part three: 📹
are we excited???? prepare your hearts cause the feels kinda took over
tags: fluff, lots of internal pining, porn mentions but nothing graphic. mike and reader are both genuine people and that draws them to each other. should be error free bc i actually proofread this one but if there are any, my sincerest apologies
“you have to be, like, evading taxes or something.”
mike chuckles behind you as he closes the door to his apartment--sorry, penthouse.
you're stood with your jaw unhinged, eyes scanning over the wide, sweeping space of his open concept living room and all of the furniture that decorates it, expensive-looking but cozy in a way that you wish you could replicate in your own place. you stalk over to tall windows that line the farthest wall, creating a corner that allows for you to see the bustling city below; all of the flashing lights, people drunkenly stumbling around street signs, and cars zipping and weaving through traffic.
you'd never seen anything like this, just a girl used to the urban suburbs on the south side of town, and your cheeks flush with embarrassment when you feel mike's presence behind you. you don't turn to him, dropping your shoes and purse to the ground and keeping your eyes trained on a street corner below.
"the view's what sold me on the place. i'm able to watch the sunrise on that side," he points to the windows on the other side of the kitchen, offering a view of the green space nestled in between skyscrapers. "and the sunset on this one."
"must be nice," you reply, backing away from the glass and observing the rest of the space. it was the size of, like, three of your apartments combined, organized and free of mess. "i only have a view of a corner store, and a really really busy bus stop. it's super annoying."
"where do you live?"
you give him the name of the neighborhood you'd known your whole life. you didn't recognize any of the area's flaws when you were a child. it was never a red flag to you that the street off of the one you grew up on had two storefronts of the same fast food chain on either end, or that the closest supermarket was twenty minutes away. you hadn't even batted an eye when some of your school “friends” would tell you about visiting gourmet cupcake restaurants and vintage consignments stores. you just went along with it, saying, "that's so cool. the fanciest place by my house is the $7.99 buffet." they all laughed at you.
it wasn't until you were older, freshly graduated from high school and looking to be on your own that you realized the disparity across the region. only people with certain attributes got the nice things, and you'd been conditioned to be grateful to have a daycare in a plaza with a smoke shop and tax preparation office.
"it's just too expensive for me to move anywhere else. i can barely make rent now, with the way they keep raising it every year. kept the tag on this dress just so i could take it back." you look down at yourself and mike can see the longing in your eye, the twinkle in them that wishes you could hang it up in your closet tomorrow.
after tonight, you kind of wish you hadn't bought it at all. you thought that simon would’ve found it insatiable, wining and dining you before taking you back to his place for a night cap, but all you think about now is the embarrassment of walking back into the luxury department store, handing them your receipt for the item you wore once and couldn’t keep.
it fills you with distaste and you find yourself desperate to peel the item off your skin. “is it okay if i shower?”
mike nods furiously, apologizing for not offering. he’d just been staring at you while you talked, admiring you. he was used to people with perfect appearances around him, done up by professionals that costed $200 an hour, but you were different, uncaring about your unruly curls and smeared eyeliner. you were unbothered and carefree, and that fascinated him.
he leads you down a long hall, coming to a stop once it forks into three different directions: left, right, and slightly diagonal right. the walls are lined with paintings and photos of mike and people that share his features, and at the end of the diagonal path is a giant trophy case, filled to the brim with plaques and trophies of various sizes, shapes, and finishes.
“jesus,” you murmur, abandoning your escort. mike’s walked ahead of you, but he makes his way back when he notices you’re not behind him.
“everything okay?”
you point to his trophy case, letting out an incredulous laugh. “are all of those for you?”
mike nods, and you laugh again, shaking your head in disbelief. “okay, so you’re obviously some sports star because no way someone living like this wouldn’t be.”
mike goes rigid next to you. he never knew how to bring up his career to new people he met, sometimes ping-ponging between “i work for a world-renown production company” and “i’m an entrepreneur”. he had no problem lying to other people, his guard all the way up from years of rejection and disgust at the mention of “sex worker” and “pornstar”, but something felt wrong about lying to you. he swallows hard, racking his mind for a semi truth.
“not sports, but definitely still physical.” you scrunch your nose at this, blinking at him in confusion, but you stop when he grabs your hand and nudges his head in the direction of the bathroom. “didn’t you want to shower?”
you nod, allowing him to pull you down the hall but not without a second glance at the case. what other physical career presented you with that many awards?
the bathroom is a star in it's own right, modern in a way that you fawn over when you're watching hgtv. the gigantic, complicated looking shower invites you from the corner, nestled in between the gadget-rigged toilet and garden bathtub.
all of the decor in here was clean, pale blue, a nice offset to all of the white tile and gold-accented appliances.
you're half-listening, your conscience replaced with static as mike explains where everything is. "so...towels are over here..."
his shower had a rainforest head and a small, handheld one clipped into a holder, with a screen embedded into the wall. there was a bench and railing to hold onto, a speaker on the back tile....your eyes cut to the toilet, and the smaller one next to it. a bidet??????
"...and, the bidet remote's right next to the soap. i'll lay some clothes out for you on the hall table, but let me know if you need anything, okay?" you react a little too late, raising your hand and squeaking, "wait" right as mike's backed out of the room.
you try to look around for things, eventually finding the towels in a closet concealed as a part of the wall and, as a bonus, a knob to turn on the heated floor?????
you strip down, completely bare under the dress, and fold it up, retail employee coded, delicately placing it by the sink with the tag on top. it was exactly how you'd return it, with a shitty excuse and plastic smile. you do the same with mike's jacket.
you throw your hair up before wrapping yourself in the towel, delicately cloaked in what had to be egyptian cotton, and pace on over to the shower. you tap the daunting screen, and it lights up with a flourish, displaying the date, time, weather, and a host of different icons.
you don't know why it's so hard for you to turn the shower on, scrolling and bumbling through a collection of options that weren't simply turn on. why did you need to use a screen anyway? why reinvent the simple wheel that was a faucet lever?
you decide you need mike's help after a bit, though self-conscious about having to ask after he probably told you earlier. you splash cool water on your face before leaving the room, attempting to wring the anxiety out of your body.
you're at the fork in the hallway again, the view of you obscured from the living room by a wall, and you turn your attention to mike's trophy case again. you're too far to see any of the engravings on anything and you're so curious to find out what they say.
you feel your muscles attempt to pull you down the lonely hall, but you halt, reminding yourself that mike was a kind person who'd invited you into his home, and you were supposed to be showering, not snooping. still, even with the moment of morality, untrustworthy interest prodded at your brain.
mike's exiting his room with a handful of clothes for you when he catches you, arms wound around yourself to keep your towel up. you haven't seen him yet, your gaze fixed on something down the hall. he gulps softly, unaware that he would see you like this so early in your connection. your long neck cranes forward to see better, and he prematurely wonders if you're sensitive there, mind swirling with musings of bites and marks.
"something wrong?" you jolt, blinking and stammering and damn near jestering as you attempt to defend yourself. mike doesn't look at you with malice or cynicism, simply stepping closer as your eyes flitter around. "i, uh...i need help with the shower. i don't know how to turn it on."
mike huffs, squinting his eyes at you jovially. "that the only thing?" fuck.
you drop your shoulders with a deep sigh, throwing a pointed finger down the hall. "i also wanna know why you have all those awards." there's a small, almost undetectable change in mike's face, his eye twitching. you watch him shrug it off, placing a hand on your shoulder to lead you back to the bathroom. "i'll explain after you shower."
you're puzzled as to why he's so cagey about it, but you don't question it, accepting his statement and finally listening to him as he explains what to do
you're alone again after he sets the clothes down and leaves. he took your dress, easing you with "just going to hang it up. no worries" and a sheepish smile, and you're eager, ready to hear about what he does and how he's able to afford all this, including this shower that provides you with the best shower you think you've ever taken.
you're able to get the water to the perfect temp, scalding, with the perfect amount of pressure to sting your skin and make you feel clean. you wash away all of your worries; thoughts of keeping a roof over your head, being okay, and finding a genuine connection extinguished with the hum of soft jazz and lather of ylang ylang scented soap.
you lotion yourself with one of the various creams on mike's counter, soothed by the powder smell, and slip into the clothes you're provided--a pair of soft, heart-covered boxers and a university t-shirt, faded into burgundy from countless washes.
mike's sitting on the couch, scrolling aimlessly on his phone when the the demure pitter patter of your feet sounds against the floors, and he swears he almost dies when he sees you.
maybe it hadn't been totally random when he chose the clothes for you, deciding to give you two of his favorite items so he could see how they looked on you. the shirt, very lived in and from his alma mater, skirted your thighs and covered up his boxers, draping over your lithe body in a way that made his mouth go dry.
"okay," you call, dropping beside him on the couch. the wispy hairs around your hairline frame your clean face, guiding his attention to the smattering of dark moles around your eyes and temples. "tell me. what are all of those awards for?"
"do you want some water or something?" he interrupts, and while you accept, you furrow your eyebrows at him. he gets up with the swiftness of a nascar pit crew, and you hold your gaze on him, pivoting your body as he moves.
"mike, c'mon, what gives? you can trust me."
his back is towards you, filling a glass with water from the filtered water faucet. he hunches at your baffled tone, your voice all soft and downcast.
he wants to scream because it's so easy to just come out and tell you what he does. you didn't say anything at the restaurant, but maybe you'd put two and two together when he finally told you truth, remembering a thumbnail from the porn site of your choosing. he wasn't ashamed---nowhere near that. he'd been in the industry almost a decade, moving past the internalized and societally-imposed scrutiny he felt for his career. it was other people that were ashamed, other people that turned their nose up at him because of what they assumed he was; sleazy, devious, a player. he'd had so many connections blow over because of it, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to handle that happening with you.
you just stare at his back, watching it rise and fall with every laboured breath he takes. what was so bad about what he did that he couldn’t just tell you? he was obviously good at whatever it was, and you wondered if it was a front for something. maybe he disarmed you with his nice guy act, and he lured you here to kill you an—-
the clink of glass on glass brings you back to reality. mike is beside you again, staring blankly ahead while he wrings his hands.
“i’m a pornstar,” he utters plainly. he squeezes his eyes shut, expecting you to make a noise of disgust or get up and leave, but you don’t.
he opens one eye, and then both. you’re staring at him with no concrete expression, lips pursed. he closes his eyes again, counting in his head before opening them once more.
you’re still there, and it almost makes him cry.
“that checks out,” you muse. you’re fairly non reactive, but not because his admission freaks you out. you’re thinking back to the awards, the sheer amount of them in that case, and how good he really must be at what he does. “why didn’t you want to tell me?”
he runs a hand through his hair, melting into his couch with boyish reserve. his eyes are a mixed bag, bouncing between relief and despair. “people run every time i tell them. lots of them act like i just told them i killed their childhood pet and it's just so...disheartening, y'know?
"i just don't get it because it's just like any other job. you work, fucking hard, because you want to perform at your best, just like anyone else. the stigma around it never goes away, no matter how hard you try to convince people. they think you get around outside of it, having sex every second of every day, or that you're gonna mess around with your coworkers and give them something. it's like the trust level is in hell before you're even able to prove yourself." you scoot closer to mike without a word and place your hands over his. his rings are cold against your palm.
it's a gentle gesture. the airy smile you give pacifies him and he swears he's never felt anything like what he feels now.
"i'm not here to judge you, mike. i never will. sex work is a completely valid career, just like anything else. i'm sorry about all those shitty people who made assumptions about you."
"no need to apologize," he whispers, adjusting his hands so that they cradle yours now. you tilt your head down bashfully, lashes fluttering. "all those times led me here."
you two chat for a long while. mike tells you all about the production company he works for, how he got into the business, what his work schedule's like, the community of other stars that he works with, his stage name. you can tell he's passionate about it, lost in his rambles and talking with his hands. certain words segue your convo into other topics, like books and food and pop culture. you two have a lot more than coffee in common.
"i was surprised you didn't recognize me, honestly. not in a douchey way, but just because everyone does. it's usually the first thing they come up to me with." you could only imagine, being approached with "i've come to all of your work" in the condiment aisle at the grocery store.
"i don't watch professional porn really. too staged for me."
"i get that. i think you'd like our content. we really found a good balance between professional quality and ethical, genuine, safe fun."
you try to stay nonchalant, not wanting to betray the fact that you're itching to watch something of his work. "that's really nice. i bet you have quite the catalog."
"almost ten years worth so, yeah, i'd say," he chuckles, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth. "enough about me though. what do you do for work?"
"nothing as exciting and well-paying as porn. i type letters and numbers into a computer in a cubicle. it barely pays the bills, but i've worked in too many customer service jobs to ever go back." mike agrees. you're about to say something else when you're interrupted by a yawn, unhinging your jaw like an animal. you quickly cover your mouth, muttering, "jeez. sorry." you didn't realize it, but you were tired, exhausted from the night you had.
"it's okay, it is pretty late." he checks the time on his phone and turns it to you. 2:23 am. had you two really been talking on this couch for 3 hours? "i can show you to the guest room if you're tired. i have a shoot tomorrow anyway so i should get to bed too."
"sure," you whisper, grabbing his hand when he extends it to you. he pulls you to your feet like you weigh nothing at all, and you tail behind him like a lovesick puppy.
you're feeling that tingly ball of warmth in your stomach, the one you've felt with every person you thought you'd marry. you usually indulge in it, but with mike, it scares you. why do you feel like this after one night with a man you barely even know?
it's rash and inappropriate, you decide, and you're still convincing yourself as you slide under the black satin sheets and duvet on mike's king sized guest bed. you recline on the satin-covered pillows, sinking into the memory foam. it's a nice departure from your noisy childhood mattress back at home.
"do you have work tomorrow?" you shake your head, and mike claps his hands together with a cheer.
"yay. i'll be leaving around 8 or so, but feel free to sleep in and hang around as long as you want. the remote for the blinds is right there, i'll put a toothbrush out for you, and there's all kinds of food in the kitchen. help yourself. just let me know when you're leaving so i can lock the door."
your eyes squint. "you're gonna lock the door after i leave?"
mike nods, smiling excitedly and geekily diving into his rationale. "mhm, i have a smart lock. i can do it from my phone."
you're so tired that the words just foolishly tumble out of your mouth. "you must have great dick."
mike lets out a laugh that's a blend of flattered, nervous, and amused and you're both red-cheeked and flustered. "i am so fucking sorry, i, uh..y--" you stammer over all of your words, finally able to wrench out, "a smart lock just sounds expensive."
mike stares you down with fascination, backing towards the door. "watch the videos and find out for yourself, yeah?" he winks at you, and you gulp so loudly you're sure he hears. "goodnight, y/n. sleep well.”
"you too,” you croak.
you're out like a light once he leaves, but not before telling yourself to put up a new sticky note at home: “watch mike's porn."
you awake what feels like days later, refreshed and made anew. you click on the remote for the curtains, and they rise slowly, flooding the room with rich early afternoon sun. the clock on the nightstand reads 12:38 pm.
you hop to your feet and make your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face before stalking to the living room. it's filled with light, and you think about how you'd probably never be depressed living in a place like this.
a box, red and moderately sized, sits upon the kitchen counter. you think you should ignore it, but as you get closer, you see a paper with your name scrawled across it. you like your name in mike's voice and handwriting.
you pull up the lid and inside is your dress from last night with the tag missing, two fat wads of hundred dollar bills, and another note that reads, “you deserve to feel beautiful and pay your rent <3 call this number when you're ready to go home. -m”.
in this moment, you're 100% positive that you're falling in love.
wow wow wow wow. they are so fucking CUTE! i love themmmmmmm <3 hopefully this tides y'all over for a bit because i need to outline the rest of their story, and i wanna work on some other stories for a little bit 💜 more parts are definitely coming, have no fear!
i'd also like to say that while i use y/n in my stories, reader is typically a character that i'm inventing. using your own name and likeness while you read is totally fine, of course! i just use y/n as a placeholder name for my reader character bc i don't feel like coming up with character names all the time <3 sorry if that doesn't make sense 💔
i hope you all enjoyed! happy reading my seedlings 🌱💜
faire's seedlings ✿
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rzyraffek · 11 months
Guys I suffer from jojo brainrot, I know its not my usual writing , but I need to get this out of my system. NO SPOILERS they/them pronouns, sfw, Request open
Also for obvious (and legal) reasons in josuke and okayasu ones reader is like 16.
Also I didnt finish jojo part4 yet so some stuff might be eee not accurate?
More jjba dating headcanons!!
Including Kars, Santana, young Joseph, Jonathan, Josuke, Speedwagon, Okuyasu
Homie will litteraly pet them. My guy has god complex, thinks that humans are so so smol and so so tiny
Picks them up like some lil baby and probably carries them around everywhere
S/o mostly just vibes in his huge mansion while Kars plots some evil emo stuff (again)
Quick reminder that this guy was doing ah mimimimi ah mimimimimi😴 for last few centuries so s/o has to explain him a lot of stuff
Imagine him getting jumpscared bcs your phone made a noise, or him just walking up to light switch and turing lights on and off repeatedly. Mans fascinated
Also guy is a walking muscle so no matter how big or smol s/o is they going to be picked up and carried around, probably he uses only one hand too btw
Pls brush his hair he will litteraly melt
"Human why you carry tiny talking square everywhere? Is it magical?"
My guy will take their phone and 'accidently' take 50selfies, but not in sexy way, but in 'his face is zoomed to camera and you see only his eyes and forehead' way
His love language is quality time, understanding and gifts
Hates germans btw
Will give them random stuff, like he will litteraly bring them a microwave and be like "human explain meaning of this". But also gives them shiny rocks, jewellery, hair accessories. If s/o wants a new car, my man gonna litteraly pick up first car he sees and bring it to them
I am convinced he eats food with his bare hands. S/o has to give him tutoral how to use knife and fork, he won't like it >:(
Young Joseph
Homeboy hands are everywhere, if my guy doesn't hold their hand, he is putting his hands on s/o shoulders or waist or just kisses them
Doing make-up together. And nails. And hair. All of this while shittalking his enemies and talking about all the drama.
Tequila Joseph first dragqueen in history btw
Never go on plane with him, no matter how romantinc he promises it will be. Do not
Also makes fun of Ceasar that Joseph was the first one to find a partner not him😍
S/o and Ceasar probably meet up sometimes to just complain about how dumb Joseph sometiems is😭
Will litteraly do anything to impress them frfr
Not boyfriend, but Husband material
My guy will be on walk with his homie speedwagon and litteraly act like teenager girl with crush. All blushy, shy and asking for advices
Gives them handfuls of flowers, but like Jonathan's sized handful (alot)
Loves walking with s/o and holding hands ofc
My boy will blush and die if s/o does first move
Pls s/o beat dio up he sucks
The best boy husband
Bros gonna be so protective, like fr my guy will be worried if s/o goes to shop and doesn't come back in more than 20minutes
He will blush if s/o tries to hold his hand
Mumbles a lot about hair routine and hair products, and probably likes to comb s/o hair
Okayasu probably cried when he found out that Josuke has a partner btw
The sweetest boy alive
Guy will accidentally spoil them. Also they are basicly immortal due to all crazy daimon stuff
If s/o sees stands... OMG PLS pls hug his lil man, his stand i mean. It looks very hugable
Playing video games when s/o and josuke lied to his mom that you came over to teach him some school stuff>>
This dude
This guy
Will litteraly beat anyone up, for no reason anyways. He just do be like that.
He is very dumb, please be patient
Isn't romantic, he tries to act cool and tough, but he is unintentionally cute! Like he will go to s/o house in middle of day, knock on door and he like "sup babygrill I bought you some ice cream"
If you guys play any kind of competitive game he might let them win! But he never tell them that of course
Also he is very physical, but not in romantic/sexy way but in 'dub me up homie/sup give me high five' hes very bromance. he also enjoys just leaning on them, like yall just stand waiting for bus and this dude will put like half his body weight on them
Once he had a nightmare and called them at 3am
Btw sorry that characters are all over place and not organised, I am sleeby
My guy will shank anyone for you babe
Talks, a lot. So if s/o is a listener type, they will get along well
Goes to Jonathan and asks for advices about relationships!
S/o steals his hat and he pretends that he's offended, but pls dont stop you look cute!
My guy is very very...unorganised... total mess of a men if it comes to life. I dont even know if he has a house btw
Cuddles on couch when he's sure that noone is around>>>
Will read them to bed if that helps s/o fall asleep
He has poor eyesight but he doesnt wear glasses. Bonk him pls
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fcthots · 9 months
IM SO GLAD YOU LIKED THE BOOBS ASK…. i hope you’re not too overwhelmed w asks rn btw :-) take some time for yourself ok? we won’t mind.
also please take a moment to consider jason falling asleep on you. like, normally he wouldn’t fall asleep around anyone, especially by accident. he’s so guarded bc of everything that happened to him but he feels so safe around you that it just sorta… happens and he falls asleep on you. you make him feel safe in ways he hasn’t felt in a long, long time and it makes him very happy. and sleepy.
This is a prequel to part 2!
You're in Jason's kitchen, baking. He's supposed to bring cookies to the manor tomorrow but he's had a very long day with client after client after client. Not to mention the scandal with the press. One of his brothers apparently got caught making out with someone, information he did not want to know, but the press got ahold of pictures and swarmed him on his way home. A shitty end to a shitty day.
But you knew his schedule and came to his rescue with cookie supplies in hand. He shouldn't have to worry about it after the day he's had. You want to take care of him. He deserves it.
Jason's never fallen asleep in front of you. You've napped with your head against his chest and his arms shielding you from the world, but Jason has clarified with you: he doesn’t fall asleep in front of other people. He grew up in crime alley, you got it. You understood. He told you that it wasn't you; it was him. All fine and dandy.
He's watching The Office in the living room, laying on the couch. He's laid back, burrito'ed in a blanket you bought him for his birthday. To be honest, his eyes are closed and he's not really listening to the TV. He's listening to you hum some song you're listening to in your headphones. The blanket is so soft and the atmosphere is so cozy. Your presence is just so calming and the whole apartment smells like cookies.
He can't help falling asleep.
Jason can't remember the first half of his dream, but he remembers the second half. There's blood, dim warehouse lights, a ticking timer. The timer goes off and he can't breathe. He's choking on smoke or air; he can't be sure. He can hear his name while he suffocate-.
He finally looks at you, his eyes brimming with tears. He tries to speak but he just can't get the words out. He's still struggling to breathe. You jump over the couch and hold his face in your hands.
Bringing his face to your chest, you apologize. "Shit. I'm so sorry, Jay. I set a timer for how long the cookies needed to cool before I could pick them up. I didn’t know."
He doesn’t say anything for a long time, just matches your breaths. Eventually he turns his head to the side. You think he's trying to pull back, but when you pull away, he latches onto you, finally speaking.
You bring your arms back up around his neck while he finishes catching his breath. Your hands rub soothing circles into his back until he pulls away to look at you, not saying anything. You break the silence.
"You okay?"
"Do you wanna go to bed?" You feel his shoulders tense up.
"Don't wanna be alone." You tighten your arms around him.
"I'll go lay down with you."
He pulls his face away from your chest and averts his gaze. He slowly nods his head.
You grab his hand and lead him into his bedroom. He lets go of your hand to grab the remote off the nightstand. You sit down with your back against the headboard and take the remote when he hands it to you.
You finish putting The Office back on when you notice he's staring at you sheepishly, not sitting down. He isn't quite meeting your eyes and it takes you a second to catch on. You toss the remote to the side and pat one of your thighs while bending the other knee to make a cushion for his head. .
He wastes no time laying down, hugging your leg, and burying his face in your thigh. When he looks unsure of himself, you move your eyes to the screen and begin running your fingers through his hair. He slowly drifts off and you make sure to turn off all your alarms and change the sound.
You'll keep him safe.
edit: part 3.5 here
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