#he comes crawling back from who knows where every years to be with his sweetie
monsterfloofs · 11 months
You knew when it was officially fall, when he appeared.
This year, it was when you were slogging through the muddy yard. Picking pumpkins in your garden while there was a lull between thunderstorms.
You had brushed off a slug from a particularly squat ribbed pumpkin. You had turned to set it in the cart, just about to find a place for your newest garden find, when he caught your eye. A familiar figure bent forward with his head down and his gloved hands using a shovel to hold his body upright. His clothes were filthy, tattered and streaked with mud, as if he had crawled up from some muddy trench.
You sigh, and tugging along your cart of pumpkins, wade over to him. The ground beneath your boots is squelching and shifting. You unlatch his fingers from the garden tool, and he sags boneless and lifeless in your arms.
He rides atop the wheel barrow, then sits slumped on a metal chair as you decorate your porch with your home harvest. You pull off your gloves, standing with your hands on your hips as you turn to face the slumped figure.
"What am I going to do with you? Your clothes are filthy."
He does not respond, merely sways slightly as thunder rumbles overhead. You heft him over your shoulder and carry him inside.
A fire crackles in the stone hearth as you carefully strip off his clothes, unceremoniously shoving them into a plastic bag and tying it tightly. Then you set about fixing him up. Taking a needle and thread, you carefully sew a gash that had been cut through his arm. Reaching to grab stuffing and help refill out the arm.
"How did you get this?" You tsk in disdain, glancing up at his stitched face and watching his head slump to the side. You take to the small gesture as a noncommittal shrug and squint at him.
"I'm going to start charging you, if you keep coming back looking like you've been a dog's chew toy." You warn, reaching up to pluck the pipe from the stitches in his mouth.
You leave him sitting on the chair by the fire, while you sit yourself down to your sewing machine, turning on the light, and running one last row of stitches. Snipping, turning, carefully inspecting your handiwork before you bundle him into a new set of clothes. You have the pipe inches from his mouth before you jump.
Boneless no more, he picks you up like a sack of potatoes. Swinging you around and around as he whoops and dances.
"Back again! Ain't that just swell!"
You squawk out at being hauled around but he pays little attention in his mirth. Twirling you and dipping you backwards so he can bury his face into the crook of your neck. You feel rough burlap kisses and scratchy thread, laughing as you try to shove him off, grouchiness forgotten.
"Get off, get off I am still mad at you!"
He leans back and pops his pipe into his mouth wiggling it playfully at you.
"You are? Why, I thought you'd miss me!"
you grin, "I did, I don't miss having to resew your clothes every year, you sack of straw! What happened this time? Did you get buried alive?"
"You know how hard it is traveling from one world to another" He huffs indignantly, plopping you down onto a chair, he clambers onto your lap, throwing his long lanky arms around you with an impish grin.
"So I might've pushed my luck trying to get here early"
He gestures with his hand, pinching his thumb and forefinger.
"A teensy, weensy bit."
You laugh, wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your cheek into his tummy.
"I missed you so much,"
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xoxoxkisses · 2 months
Forever Young
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Dad!Muichiro x Mom!Reader
desc: Muichiro and reader have a 6 year old girl, Aurora, who asks for a story on how her mother met her father. ————————————————————————
I was sitting on the couch reading a book when Aurora came bustling down the stairs. “Mommy!” I looked up from my book seeing her run towards me, a smile appeared on my face. “Yes sweetie?” I softly closed the book I was reading and placed it beside me. I noticed she had something in her hand, a photo. “Mommy, who are they?” She held the photo up to my face and I couldn’t help but recognize the teen boy with black hair and teal tips, and a girl beside him with dark, long hair. I laughed gently as I took the photo from her. “This is me and daddy. We were both 17 at the time.” She had crawled up beside me and looked at the photo and back to me in astonishment. “That’s you and daddy!?” You laughed and nodded. “Mommy?” “Yes?” She hesitated for a moment before asking, then shot up with excitement. “How did you meet daddy?” Just then my husband walked down the stairs. “Have you asked her yet?” My daughter looked over at him. “Uh huh! Mommy’s telling me now!” He chuckled and came over to sit beside her. “Now, let’s start from the beginning….”
It was a chilly fall day, I decided to take a walk in the park. The park wasn’t busy except for the occasional older couples walking their dogs. I kept some gloves in my back pocket just in case it got too cold. Unfortunately it did, I went to grab them, when I noticed they weren’t there. I huffed. “Great.” As I kept walking, I heard some footsteps behind me like someone was running. “Excuse me!” I turned around and saw a boy coming up to me. The first thing I noticed about him was his hair. It was unique. It was black with teal tips, it was pretty. “Um..yes?” He pulled something out of his coat pocket and handed it to me. “I think you dropped these.” I looked at what he was holding and it was my gloves. “Oh thank you! I was looking for these.” I gave him a smile as I took them from him. As I turned to walk away, he stopped me again. “Can I..join you?” “Sure!” Ever since that day the two of us hung out nearly everyday, and even found out we went to the same school.
It seemed the be love at first sight for me. Every time I saw him my heart fluttered. I was sitting in the library finishing up some homework, when he joined me. “Hey Y/n.” I looked up from my paper and greeted him. “Hi Mui.” I noticed he seemed a little embarrassed. “You okay?” He nodded and sat down infront of me. “Hey Y/n?” “Yeah?” “Do you want to..I don’t know, go on a date?” My eyes went wide hearing his question. I was dreaming of the day he would ask me out. “Of course!” His demeanor completely changed back into his normal self. “Great! I’ll pick you up around 7?” “Works for me. Where are we going?” He chuckled. “It’s a surprise.” I rolled my eyes playfully at him and nodded.
I had went that whole day curious about where he was taking me. Once I got home, i immediately went to pick out an outfit. It was winter now and it was cold. I picked out a sweater and some jeans and would pair it with a nice coat. I took a quick shower and did my hair. He stayed true to his word and picked me up at 7 on the dot. “So where are we going?” “You’ll see.” He took me to my favorite restaurant then an arcade. I was a lot better than him when we played games. It made him mad, but it was hilarious.
As the night ended, he dropped me back off at my house. “I had a great time.” “Me too.” We looked into each other’s eyes. His teal eyes were beautiful. He put his hands on my waist, and I put my hands around his neck. He pulled me into a sweet kiss. My heart fluttered and my knees wanted to collapse out from under me. He pulled away and his fingers brushed the hair from my face. “That was..incredible.” I smiled at his comment. “Yeah, it was.” We stayed like that for a few seconds before I realized I had to go inside. “I better go now. Bye.” “Oh uh, yeah. Bye.” We have each other one last hug and he left. I couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss we shared, my heart fluttering every time I thought about it.
The next day he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I accepted. We dated for 8 years before he proposed on our 9th year anniversary. After being engaged for a year, we got married. We’ve been married ever since, and even had a beautiful little girl. ————————————————————————
She looked at me with wide eyes. “I hope I meet a boy like daddy!” I chuckled. “Me too sweetheart.” She paused for a moment like she was thinking. “Mommy?” “Yes sweetie?” She looked at me and Muichiro. “How did you have me?” Muichiro nearly fell off the couch from laughter. I looked at her and laughed nervously. “That will be a story for another day, it’s time for bed now. Let’s go.” “Aww okay. Goodnight daddy.” She gave him a hug and he gave her a kiss on her forehead. “Goodnight darling, sleep well.” She smiled and ran off to her room.
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Reaching You
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WARNINGS: angst with a happy ending (jk), arguing,
WORDS: 775
PAIRING: Natasha Romanoff x f!reader
A/N: sorry y'all...!
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She's barely home anymore. It's as if your wife wasn't the same. You were losing her, just as she already lost you.
“Natasha you're barely even at home. You don't get to fucking talk about how I'm taking care of our son who I had to go through 9 months of hell for!” you shouted as you tried your hardest to not look at her. “I'm just saying that maybe he's old enough for a babysitter. The team misses you in the group, babe.” You scoff, “I'm sure that they do, but he's not even a year old, Natasha. I'm not going to leave our son alone with a stranger. You're a superhero. There are people everywhere trying to hurt you, or us too. You don't even make the time to be at home for me or him.”
“The only reason he's safe is because the world doesn't know that the black widow has a son.” Natasha sighed, “you're so god damn stubborn. If nobody knows about him, he's fine.” you shook your head. “Fuck you. You can't say that, Nat, anything could happen. You'd trust a stranger over your own wife?”
She pinched at the bridge of her nose, “That's not it, y/n. I-I'm just saying they want you back on the team, it's not safe to bring a baby to the Avengers compound.”
“And you think leaving Alex with a complete stranger is safer? No. I'm not doing it there is nothing you could say to convince me.” she muttered something before speaking up, “fine. I'll be at the compound if you need me.”
“I won't, don't worry.” bullshit you always go back to begging her to come home. You heard the front door open and then close.
Sighing to yourself as you walked into the kitchen to make a snack for you and Alex. “Mommy!” your face lit up when you looked down to see him walking on wobbly legs to you, “Hi lovebug! How did you get out of your crib hm?” you bent down to take him in your arms as his stubby hands grabbed at your shoulder. “Stawbayies.” you saw him point at the uncut fruit on the chopping board, “you want strawberries?” he nodded. “Only if you promise to not leave your crib.” he beamed at you before crawling away to his crib.
You chopped up some berries before going back to where Alex found himself in his crib, “come on sweetie, I got you your strawberries.” you cooed as he leaped into your arms. You fed him his fruit and he later fell asleep over your shoulder, “Goodnight, sweetheart..” you whispered as you quietly walked over to your bed and laid him on the mattress. You sighed as you let him curl his small hand around your finger, watching his every breath as he slept peacefully, completely unaware of what just went on between his parents.
Eventually, you fell deep asleep next to him. Not knowing that Natasha came back from the compound an hour after you fell asleep. Not knowing that she was sitting right beside you while you held Alex close to you as you slept. “hm.. darling?” she hummed in response, her emerald green eyes focused on a piece of your hair she was toying with. “When did you get home, Tasha?”
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said earlier. I was wrong, baby.” she whispered, her hands resting on your waist as her face was buried into the crook of your neck. “Natasha I-” you shifted your position on the bed to look at her, “I understand if you don't forgive me right now, krasivaya but I'm sorry. I asked Tony to not call me in unless it's urgent— I'll stay home more, dekta please.” you sighed as Natasha squeezed at your hand.
“Okay.” she blinked, a spark of hope in her eyes. “I'll forgive you.. but, on one condition. Tell the team I'll come back, except when I'm there, you have to stay home.” she slightly smiled at your words. “okay. I'll do it. I love you so much. I'm so sorry—” you pressed your lips against hers, “I love you too.” she chuckled out of relief against your skin, her hands pressed against your arms. “I love you so much, detka.”
“I missed this. I missed you, darling.”
But she wasn't there. She was on a mission, you were all alone waiting for her to come home as always. As knowing as you were about your wife's actions you were still naive to think that she'd listen to you can come back home just because you told her to.
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mikaswannabe · 1 year
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i imagine that miss mama carla was a firehouse baby. for the first 3 years of her life she grew up w two chaotic + unstable parents that just left her at a fire station one day.
then she grew up in foster care and from 13-18 she stayed in a group home with other girls of all different backgrounds, and they felt like family even if it was chaotic.
something that she took up during her childhood was sewing. like this bitch can make anything if she got a lil fabric. and she knows how to throw deown.
she has italian lineage with a thick jersey / new york accent in my head. curves like a disney mom.
after high school she went to a community college and also took classes at a fashion school. for money, she was the most one of the most charismatic bartenders & bottle girls you could ever meet, coming home with her pockets full of tips with the help of her pretty ass face.
everybody loves carla! if you don’t, you did something wrong. she has connections to so many helpful people because everyone just knows she’s that bitch.
and where do you think eren gets his firecracker ways from? she loves a good time, having all eyes on her at clubs, but if any jerk got out of line her mouth would run off the chaiinnn, and don’t make her have to slap the piss out of somebody, because she will.
at around 21, she met grisha, who was 26 and in med school. how did she meet him? partied too hard and wound up being treated by him.
“you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re just a student. get me an actual doctor.”
“or, you could go home. deal with the massive knot on your head and possible concussion by yourself.”
fuck, she loved his accent.
“at least i won’t have to see you again.”
yeah, they hooked up that night. knot on forehead and all.
she didn’t think she was gonna fall for the man, especially since he already had a kid, but then a messy 3 years of falling in love later she was pushing eren’s big head out and marrying this german man.
she worked a desk job while eren was young, but after grisha got on top of his medical school fees and started getting that neurosurgeon money, she was in her stay at home mom bag.
eren was such an troublesome bby to deal with. he would always be running around and making him sit still was a challenge. one of the only times he would shut up without even having to be told anything would be when he spotted his mom drawing sketches of her dress designs, crawling up on her lap and watching everything she did.
and something that always infatuated him was her few tattoos that he would see every now and again. like the dragon on her shoulder that had beautiful lilies drawn around it, or the butterflies on her left foot. when he got into his tattoo art talent, grisha was against it but carla embraced it, allowing him to refresh her old tats and them getting matching ones of each other’s names, his on the back of his shoulder while hers is on her arm.
as eren got older his favorite parent was evident. he loves his mom but he LOVES annoying her even more. just goes in her room and lays on her bed like “what we watching?” the amount of times she’s popped his hand for reaching into her food.
she loves her son, but she gets to that “get the fuck away from me, eren. my head’s throbbing like a fuckin’ drum with you around, god.” he know’s he succeeded when she has to physically push him out of the room.
when they’re at home it’s either, “sweetie, have you eaten?” or “get out this kitchen, you moose! i’ll throw this fryin’ pan at your skull, move!”
when ppl be like, “eren, your mom’s so nice.” he agrees, but not forgetting to say “to you guys.”
but seriously, when it came to being a community mom in eren’s grade school days, carla was it! always packing foods and drinks for kids at the games, taking them out to eat afterwards, and clearing hoes at pto meetings. that mama drama is no joke.
now that e’s in college, when other mom’s complain that they miss their baby so much, she just nods. she was glad eren got his ass out by 18. she loves her baby, but handful isn’t even enough to describe him.
she’s able to claim time for herself again, and then, she knows her son, and even with all the problems he can bring onto himself, she knows he’ll be fine.
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A Mothers Choice (reblog and let me know if I should continue the story)
California, May 13, 1977, 7 am
Ten-year-old Billy Hargrove was asleep in his bed when his stepmom woke him up and told him to silently go and get Max from her bed and go to the car and wait for her.
Billy listened and once he was out she stuffed what things of his, including a picture of his mother into a bag, grabbed Max’s going out bag and went out to the car.
She was shocked when she saw Billy in the front seat and Max in the back locked into her car seat perfectly.
“You're really smart Billy, you know that right? Never let anyone tell you different” Susan said kissing the young boy's forehead where the bruises from his father were starting to heal.
Billy nodded and asked in a small voice “Where are we going, mo.. I mean Susan”?
Susan's heart broke that after two years he still felt he had to call her Susan. But that was her fault, not his. For too long she looked the other way at his father's abuse but after him beating Billy for nothing more than crying for getting hurt she couldn't look away anymore.
So she had come up with a plan. Using the resources she had she got full custody of Billy and bought plane tickets to Indiana where she would meet with a friend and they would go to their new home in a small town called Hawkins.
“We are going somewhere safe,” she said, putting her hand on his head softly.
He nodded and they drove to the airport and boarded their flight.
Max had fallen right to sleep after take-off but Billy was beyond excited and pointed at every bird and cloud.
The wonder in his eyes made Susan want to cry. This little boy whose life hadn't been anything but pain still saw the beautiful world around him.
Billy yawned and she pulled him close to her. “Billy sweetie, you can call me mom ok. I love you and will never let you be hurt again” Susan said stroking the boy's soft and curly head of hair.
He looked up at her and with a grin that would light up any room said “I love you Mommy” and wrapped his arms around hers, laid his head on her side, and fell asleep.
Susan wished the plane ride would never end.
But it did.
And she had to wake two sleeping kids and get them into the terminal where they would pick up their luggage. Billy held Max's hand as their mom got the luggage off the turn style and that's when a man and a girl his age walked up to them.
Billy tightly wrapped his arms around Max and got into a defensive stance, behind Susan of course.
“Billy, Max, this is Bob and his adopted daughter Robin. They are going to take us to our new house. He's my friend, you're safe” Susan said softly.
Billy nodded and still keeping a hold of Max followed Susan, Robin and Bob out to his car.
Susan was shocked when she saw he had a car seat. “Oh Bob I will pay you back when I get the morning,” Susan said, hugging him.
“It was no big deal since it's for you Susan. Plus the car is for you anyway. You're going to need it more than me plus I have another one that works just fine and Robin likes it better anyway” Bob said and they started the trip to Hawkins.
Billy and Robin chatted all the way to the house and found out they have some stuff in common.
Max, who was tired of just sitting around, started getting fussy in her car seat and kept asking if they were there yet and throwing her bear at Billy.
Billy would just calmly hand the bear back and assure his sister that they would be home very soon.
When they pulled up to their new house Billy and Max were in awe. Max squirmed until Billy undid her belts and crawled over him to get to Susan who was waiting by the open door.
Getting out himself Billy saw something else that caught his interest. A brown-eyed boy with brown hair around his age.
“Mommy, is it true boys can't like boys?” Billy asked softly when he got close to Susan.
Susan saw the young boy across the street and smiled. She waved at the young boy and his mom as they passed by. “Billy, you are free to love whoever you fall in love with. Now let's get moving in” Susan said and guided Max and Billy into the house.
Bob and Robin stayed and helped them move in and since it was so late they stayed in the extra room.
Hawkins, May 14, 1977, 8 am
After breakfast, Bob and Robin headed home and made plans for Susan to come and get the car.
As soon as goodbyes were said, Billy and Max sat next to Susan and handed her a picture.
Her eyes teared up. On it was a picture of her, Billy and Max and amazingly Bob and Robin were there too holding her hand and above it said “Happy Mothers day to the most amazing mom who loves Max and Billy”.
The pictures were amazingly well done and the writing was readable.
“Did you draw the people and write the words Billy?” Susan asked.
He nodded proudly. “Max drew the birds and the clouds like we saw on the plane,” Billy said proudly of his little sister.
“Are you going to marry Bob? I mean having someone around my age would be kind of neat” Billy asked nervously.
Susan laughed and pulled Billy onto her lap and said “We will see where life goes but no one is moving in unless both you and Max ok it”.
“I love you Mommy and Happy mothers Day” Billy said, giving her a big hug.
Susan hugged him back knowing in her heart that they would be alright and this will be a Mothers Day she will never forget.
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lilacmoon83 · 1 year
Lightning in a Bottle
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 79: Icing Conditions, Pt 2
Neal was inundated with a Calling, saw himself fall onto the ice. Henry was safe though…as he took his last breath.
"Neal…" Emma called to her husband, who was laying on Henry's bed, completely zoned out.
"Neal…" she repeated, as she finally got through to him.
"Henry…I saw him," he said.
"A Calling?" she asked.
"I think so…" Neal replied.
"Somewhere in the wilderness…where I die," he added.
"Neal…you're not dying, okay?" she asked sternly.
"No one is dying today," she insisted, as David and Margaret stood together, in each other's arms. He gently kissed her head, as he often did and she clung to him. The wilderness wasn't much help as a definite location and they were trying to keep high hopes. Olive's phone buzzed and she checked, gasping as she did.
"What is it, sweetie?" Margaret asked.
"I…I think it's from Henry. It's an unknown number…but it's him!" she called, as they gathered around her.
"I'm okay…tell Mom and Doug I love them?" Margaret asked.
"Who's Doug?" Emma asked, as Olive's eyes widened.
"Oh my God…oh my God…I think I know where he is!" she cried.
"Doug…as in the Dugout," Olive replied.
"That sketchy diner from years ago in the Catskills?" David asked.
"Yes…Henry and I were obsessed with that place, because of the happy face pancakes. We named it Doug," Olive replied.
"We used to joke about who loved Doug the most," she added, as David's hands flew over the laptop keyboard.
"The Dugout…outside Liberty," he said.
"Zoom in on that photo," Neal pointed, as he did so.
"Those power lines…I saw them in my Calling," Neal said.
"That's where he has to be. We need to get up there," David replied.
"We have to tell the cops," Margaret said.
"No…if we tell them, they'll have helicopters and a team crawling all over it. Jace sees one chopper and he'll kill Henry," Emma warned. David sighed.
"She's right…he's there. It was a Calling," Neal added.
"Okay…we'll do this your way," David relented.
"Hey…so that text was from an app and I can't trace it," Ruby said, as she popped back in the room and noticed the tension in the room.
"What?" she asked and then sighed.
"Guys…I'm on your team," Ruby assured them.
"We need you to run interference," Emma requested.
"Done," Ruby said, as she returned to the kitchen.
"Okay…let's sneak out and head up there," David said, as he kissed Margaret. He knew she and Olive wanted to come, but these guys were extremely dangerous and someone had to stay with Eden.
"I'll bring him home this time, I promise," he whispered.
"I know…be careful. Both of you," she pleaded. He nodded and kissed her tenderly again.
"I'm coming too," Neal insisted.
"You're too weak," Gold protested.
"He's right," Emma agreed.
"I have to…I was there in the Calling. I have to be there…I have to follow the Calling," Neal said. Clearly, none of them liked it, but they didn't protest further. Killian motioned to them, indicating that he
had a path out of the house without being noticed.
With that, the four of them sneaked through the back while Ruby distracted the officers in the kitchen.
"Killian…" Neal called, as he turned to him.
"When I'm gone…I'm glad you'll be here for her," he said. Killian nodded.
"Stay warm," he replied, as they got into their vehicles and began the drive upstate.
And we continue to track the ongoing manhunt for three escaped suspects in a narcotics-trafficking ring now believed to have abducted a boy from his family'sr esidence in
Hollis Hills, Queens. The search for Henry Nolan, one of Montego Air 828's returned passengers, has expanded statewide, and an Amber Alert has been issued.
"We're screwed! A-A-An Amber Alert? That means every single person with a phone is gonna be looking for us," Pete panicked.
"People swipe those away to get back to their porn and their Snapchat," Kory reasoned.
But statewide means we'll never be able to cross the border. Real good plan!" Kory snapped at Jace.
"Shut up," Jace hissed, as he loomed over Henry, who was huddled on the bed.
"Where the hell did this kid get a blanket?" he asked, as he ripped it away.
"I-I-I thought he might be cold," Pete stammered, as Jace snarled at him.
"You don't get to think," he snapped, as he stormed out and backhanded Pete, causing him to fall to the floor, frightening Henry even more.
"Hey!" Kory protested, but stopped when Jace brandished his pistol.
"Don't make me use this. Now is not the time to go soft," he warned.
"No one in the diner has seen Henry," David said, as he was on the phone with his wife, while Emma drove.
"My guess is that they just drove by the diner," Margaret replied.
"Do you see the power lines up ahead?" she asked, as he put her on speaker.
"Yeah. They jut up into the woods, and they splinter off in two different directions," Emma answered.
"Kidnappers are gonna be looking for a secluded place to hide out. They're gonna want to stay away from the ski areas and probably stick to something with less traffic," Ruby reasoned.
"All the skiing is to the left. I-It has to be on the right," Olive said.
"Okay," David answered, as the phone was suddenly muted.
"Afternoon everyone," Graham announced, as he entered the crime scene and operational base that was the Nolan house at that moment. They froze and looked at each other nervously, as Margaret muted
the phone.
"Any updates?" he asked.
"Nothing yet," Ruby replied, as she approached.
"Graham…can I get you anything to drink?" Margaret offered, trying to distract.
"No…but you can tell me where Nolan and Rogers are," he replied, referring to his detectives.
"I can get Rogers for you…" Ruby said nervously.
"Cut the crap, Lucas…what is going on here?" he demanded to know.
"They're heading upstate with my husband. We think we know where they have my son," Margaret confessed. He sighed.
"I'm calling the state patrol," he said.
"NO!" Margaret protested.
"Margaret…" he started to argue.
"Jace is insane…he's going to kill my baby boy if he sees one damned patrol car or chopper!" she shouted tearfully.
"Margaret…we can get a SWAT team and overwhelm them. They'll negotiate Henry's release," he argued.
"There's no negotiating with this man! He's ruthless and you're not endangering my son, just so you can follow some by the book rules! The only way for my son out of this is to let my husband, Emma, and Killian handle this and if you do anything to endanger my son's life…I swear on all that is Holy that you'll wish you never woke up this morning!" Margaret cried. He sighed and looked around for help,
but received none.
"Don't look at me…I'm with my mom," Olive said.
"Emma thinks she can save him…I trust her," Ruby replied.
"Fine…I'll keep state patrol offline for now and have locals on standby. You and I are going upstate, Detective Lucas," Graham said.
"Yes Sir," Ruby replied, as she hugged them quickly and followed her boss out to his car. David looked around and sighed.
"Didn't Olive say there were cabins off this road?" he asked.
"Yeah…but my map is not updating. There's no signal," Emma replied, in frustration with the device.
"Did we miss a turn off somewhere?" David wondered.
"Keep going," Neal urged.
"It's a dead end," Emma replied.
"No…further," Neal urged again.
"Do you know where we're going? Is it the Calling?" David asked, but his question was answered, as they saw a trail at the dead end.
"Emma…" he said, drawing her attention.
"Guess we're on foot from here," she replied, as they got out of the car and she opened the backdoor.
"Stay warm…and don't die on me, okay?" she asked. Neal smiled.
"I'll do my best," he replied, as she kissed him and then followed her brother onto the trail.
Thanks to Vance's intel on the Major, Regina found her that evening on the boardwalk outside the ferry station. Fiona rolled her eyes, as she saw the doctor approaching.
"Again? Really?" the Major asked, as she walked away. Regina grabbed her hand though, unknowingly dosing her with a toxin.
"No. We're not done," Regina hissed.
"Little girl, it's time you open your eyes to how things work in the real world. My job is to protect this country. You are... an insect on the bottom of my shoe. I already said I
had zero interest in helping you save your…" Fiona paused to cough.
"Your friend. Why would my response be any different now that…" she continued, before coughing again.
"Are you having trouble breathing?" Regina asked, as the Major looked at her suspiciously.
"It's early stage anaphylaxis," Regina replied, as the Major coughed again and sat down on a bench. Regina pulled out a syringe, as she continued to cough.
"You have 90 seconds to tell me how to save Zeke, or it will be too late to save yourself," Regina said, as Fiona gasped for air.
"Now Zeke isn't the only one who has an expiration date. You have one," Regina added.
"Fine. Give me the shot," the Major demanded.
"Tell me how to save Zeke," Regina demanded in return.
"You're not a killer, Regina," Fiona said, gasping for air.
"I need the cure! This is not who you are!" she pleaded, as she lunged, trying to grab the syringe. It knocked Regina off balance and the syringe slipped from her grasp, shattering on the pavement. Regina gasped, as they both realized that the Major would die now.
"Or maybe it is," Fiona said sadly.
"Tell me how to save Zeke. How do I save the passengers?" Regina pleaded.
"There is no cure," Fiona replied. Regina gasped at that.
"What's the point of a powerful mutation if you can't replicate and weaponize it?" Fiona replied.
"You were gonna infect people?" Regina asked in horror.
"Help me," Fiona pleaded.
"It's too...it's too late," Regina said, horrified by her own actions.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This isn't what I wanted," Regina cried, as the Major slumped over onto the bench, dead. Regina looked around and saw no one had witnessed their exchange, so she ran off.
She had to find Vance and tell him what she had done.
Emma and David trekked along the trail and tried not to use their flashlights too much, but it was very dark. Just as they were growing weary that they might be on a dead
path, David spotted a small cabin ahead.
"There…that has to be it," he said, as they killed their flashlights and approached, as Emma drew her gun.
"Son of a bitch…" Jace hissed, as he saw the lights outside in the woods.
"What?" Kory asked.
"Someone is here…" he said.
"Out the back," he ordered," as Pete listened to his brothers from the room where they had Henry.
"What about the kid?" Kory asked.
"Slit his throat," Jace replied.
"What? No…no way…no one is slitting throats," Kory protested.
"You don't call the shots!" Jace growled, as he got in Kory's face.
"I didn't sign up for murder one!" Kory argued.
"We take him or we leave him!" he added.
"We take him and he slows us down. We leave him and he tells the cops what we're driving," Jace reasoned, as he grabbed a knife.
"Have you lost your mind!?" Kory cried.
"He's just a kid!" he protested.
"So what? We're in this together so either you're in or your out!" Jace said, as Pete nervously untied Henry's ropes, while his brothers argued.
"Go…you have to go," he whispered. Henry slowly got up and hurried out the back.
"I'm out! You're out of control!" Kory snapped.
"I'm done arguing…time to cut that little…" he said, as he saw that he was gone.
"Where is he!?" Jace shouted, as he shoved Pete outside and the three of them took off into the woods to find him. Emma and David searched the cabin and found it empty.
"They must have seen us coming…" she said.
"Yeah and went out that way," David replied, as they hurried through the open back door and into the woods.
He knew Emma would kill him if he didn't die from this, but he had to follow the Calling so he set off through the woods and toward the lake. Lightning crashed above him and
he looked up. Dark lightning…just like on the night of the storm in the cave and the night the plane disappeared. He saw a small figure run onto the ice covered lake.
"Neal!" Henry called.
"Henry!" Neal called back, as he hurried toward him. The three drug dealers were hot on Henry's trail, following him onto the ice. But David and Emma were behind them.
"Jace…let him go!" Emma warned, as lightning flashed again and Jace did not heed her warning. He grabbed Henry and held the knife to him.
"Drop your weapon!" Emma warned.
"I warned you…I told you what would happen to him if you crossed me," Jace hissed, as there was a loud crack of thunder and the ice beneath the three drug dealers broke.
They went into the icy waters with Henry.
"No!" David cried, as he rushed toward the opening, but Neal was closer and dove in after him.
"NEAL!" Emma cried, as they reached the opening and David waved his arms in the water, trying to find them.
"HENRY!" he called.
"NEAL!" Emma called as seconds that seemed like a lifetime passed. Suddenly, Henry and Neal emerged and David pulled his son out first, before helping Emma pull Neal up.
Neal fell onto his back on the ice, as David enveloped his shivering, wet son in his arms. Emma knelt beside Neal and burst into tears, as she watched him take his last breath.
"No…he can't die!" Henry cried, as David held him close, while Emma cradled Neal in her arms. He rocked his crying son, as tears slipped down his face too.
"Emma…I'm sorry…" he said, choking out the words.
"This is all my fault…I'm sorry," she cried, as she kissed his forehead.
"Don't say that…he chose to spend his last moments saving Henry. He's a hero," David said.
"Henry should have never been here! You were right! I failed a Calling and Neal died because of it," she sobbed, as David moved closer and pulled her into his arms too.
"No Emma…this was supposed to happen. I was wrong earlier," he soothed.
"How can you say that?" she asked.
"All he wanted to do was die peacefully in my arms, but I couldn't even give him that. I didn't listen and I couldn't let go," Emma cried.
"I could never let go of Margaret…I would have done the same things to hold onto her, just as she would for me. This is not your fault," he chided. Suddenly, the wind whistled
and a light in the sky shined down on them, ever so briefly, and she watched in shock and awe, as Neal was restored to life, all traces of his frostbite and ailments gone.
"Neal…" she said, in utter shock, as he took a gasp of air.
"Hi…" he said.
"Hey…" she replied, as she caressed his face.
"I'm still alive, right?" he asked. She laughed.
"Yeah…you weren't there for a moment. You…I think you beat the death date," she replied.
"Cool…" he said, making her laugh again, as he sat up and Henry dove into his arms.
"Hey kid…" he said.
"You beat the death date!" he called, as Killian arrived to see the scene.
"A crew is on its way…to drag the lake for the bodies," he said softly.
"Let's get this one home," David said, as he picked his son up and carried him off the ice.
"Your Mom is worried sick…" Killian said, as he handed his phone to the boy so he could call her.
"Thanks," Henry replied, as he then helped Neal and Emma off the ice, as the uniformed officers arrived to partition the scene off with crime scene tape. Killian drove them home and once they entered the house, David and Henry ran to Margaret and Olive, as a happy reunion ensued. Emma and Neal arrived soon after and joined them, while Killian looked on, both happy for them and sad for himself.
Regina walked into the travel agency that Vance was using as a front to conduct his operations and she closed the door, letting out a shaky breath. Vance looked at her, as she seemed to have a haunted
look on her face.
"What happened?" he asked.
"I…I killed her," Regina replied, immediately causing him to approach her.
"Killed who?" he demanded to know.
"I…I didn't mean to. I killed her…I killed the Major," she uttered, stunning him to speechlessness.
"What do we do?" she asked, but he didn't have an immediate answer.
"Hey…Neal crashed on the couch so I think we're just going to stay here tonight," Emma said, as she poked her head in the garage.
"Of course," David replied, as she entered to look at his board with him.
"I know I apologized earlier, but I'm sorry again for anything I said earlier," he said.
"No need…you were just scared. We all were and I was turning on me too. I was sure I had made the biggest mistake of my life," Emma replied.
"No…this was all supposed to happen. Neal followed the Calling and it saved him from the Death Date," David said.
"That's how we beat the Death date," he added.
"So that means we're all going to go through some hell in order to save ourselves?" she asked.
"I don't know," he replied honestly.
"So you've given up on Samdi's doomsday theory?" she asked.
"I think so…I don't think we're agents of the apocalypse," he replied.
"Though it kind of felt like those meth heads were," she mentioned.
"Yeah…good riddance to those sons of bitches," he said, with an edge in his voice.
"Agreed," she said.
"Where are we?" Graham called, as he and Killian had returned to the crime scene.
"No where, Captain…we've been at this for hours and nothing," the diver called.
"There are no bodies," he said.
"That's impossible…no one has come out of that lake," Graham replied, as Killian suddenly got a very bad feeling. It was Griffen all over again.
"I don't know what to tell you…there's nothing down here," the diver repeated.
Baby Eden cooed, as he cradled her in his arms later that night. Margaret was asleep beside him, as were Olive and Henry, who were also sleeping in their bed. None of them wanted to be far from each other and he was happy to get the baby when she woke up. Suddenly, he was assaulted with another Calling, only this was the same one from earlier. The plane exploding over the ocean again. Fire reflected in his eyes, as he came out of it and wondered what was still ahead. If he was still having that same Calling…then it meant that one wasn't solved yet and he had no idea what it could mean for their future…
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lowlights · 3 years
hi laura!!! could we get some single-dad max phillips please and thank you? 👉👈
!! Ok. You wrote the book on single dad max p and I love the AU with my whole heart. Max from the movie? We barely know him. This is just soft, domestic, fluffity fluff fluff fluff. You work with Max P, and he is technically your boss. No power dynamic things, though.
WC: 1.7k
Pairing: Max Phillips x reader
Warnings: Maybe one curse word? FLUFF. Domesticity overload.
Another day, just like the rest, under the fluorescent lights in your little cubicle. You don’t mind the job most of the time, but the days tended to bleed together.
You are on the phone with Linda in accounting, trying desperately not to lose your patience when you see a little face peek around the corner of your wall. You smile at the little girl with a curious tilt of your head.
“Okay, I’ll have those figures to you this afternoon,” you promise before hanging up the phone. Swiveling around, you fully look at the large brown eyes that are staring back at you.
“Hi, sweetie. What’s your name?”
“Lizzie,” she declares with confidence as she fully steps into your workspace.
You introduce yourself and she holds out her hand to shake. “Daddy said you were nice.”
“Who is your Daddy, hm?” you ask, trying to suppress a laugh.
Your long-time boss, Max, comes walking around the corner and spies the two of you. With a look of relief, he says, “Susana, I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Are you bothering people?” He looks at you apologetically. Max had been here for almost a year and although several people in your office didn’t care for him because he didn’t tolerate their excuses, you got along with him great.
“Not at all,” you assure him. You look to the girl who is fiddling with the hem of her shirt. “But I thought you said your name was Lizzie?”
“Lisbeth Susana Phillips, four years old!” she says proudly. “Only Daddy calls me Susana sometimes when I’m in trouble.”
You smile up at him. You know Max is stressed about the big presentation to the investors this afternoon, evidenced by his furrowed brow. “Ah, I see. Well, Miss Lizzie, if it’s ok with your dad I could really use some help with my paperwork here. Maybe for the rest of the day?”
A look of absolute relief paints itself on Max’s face and he nods emphatically before turning to his daughter. “Are you ok with that, Lis? Just for a little while?” Lizzie nods and comes over to sit on your lap, not a tentative bone in her body.
The rest of the afternoon is spent with Lizzie “helping” you prepare the figures you promised Linda. This really means that she sits with you and draws dozens of “documents” that she insists will help her dad with his work. You find yourself laughing at her precocious nature and letting her babble on and on about everything under the sun.
Max rushes to your cubicle as soon as the presentation is over, swooping his little girl up in a hug when she makes grabby hands at him from your lap. “Did it go good, Daddy?” she asked.
“So good, baby. Thanks for being so well-behaved, I hope?” He looks at you for confirmation.
You smile broadly. “She was such a help, Max. Also, I am so glad to have met the artist whose work covers every surface in your office,” you joke. The number of scribblings in his office has grown exponentially in the past few months, each one framed with pride.
“Thank you for watching her. Say thank you, Lis.”
“Thank you!”
“Bye Lizzie,” you wave. They leave your little cubicle, and you miss her already.
Not your typical day, as it turns out.
You look forward to those times when Lizzie comes marching into your cubicle, sometimes once a week, and immediately crawls up into your lap no matter what you are doing. She snuggles in against you, asking for the art supplies that you now keep permanently on your desk for her. While she draws, you try and get something done but most of your time together is just enjoying her energy. Max doesn’t even bother worrying about her, he always knows where Lisbeth is going when she takes off from his office.
Max comes to your cubicle with a cup of coffee for you, a new habit he has developed over the past few weeks. He seems to know when you’re having a particularly bad day, and you are having a truly awful morning right now.
“Oh god, thank you Max. You’re a lifesaver,” you say as you take the hot mug from his hand. “I’m about to lose it on Marco, he totally screwed the supply order this month.” You grimace as the hot coffee burns your tongue but notice that it’s got just the right amount of cream in it. Just like you like it.
“Do you want me to kill him for you?” Max says…jokingly?
You shake your head. That would only be more paperwork for you both. “How’s Lizzie doing? Is she here today?”
“She would already be in here annoying you if she was. She’s back with the sitter. Their availability keeps changing, so sometimes I have to bring her in with me. She’s taken a real liking to you,” Max says fondly.
You tap your fingers on the mug as you smile. You’ve come to love the little girl with the wild curls and inquisitive brown eyes, confident just like her father and equally as endearing. Just then, Max’s cell phone rings and he steps outside of your desk area to answer. You go back to your work, still overhearing the exasperated tone of Max’s voice. After a few minutes, he comes back in and leans against the desk. Frustration is flowing off him, and he huffs as he says, “Well, the sitter just said they can’t stay tonight. I have reservations to host our new clients for dinner, and I don’t know what to do with Lisbeth. Shit.”
Immediately, you offer to come to take care of her for the night. Max looks at you with wide eyes.
“Really? You would do that?” He marvels at you.
“Of course,” you reply.
That’s how you find yourself knocking at Max’s door after quickly running home to change into leggings and a t-shirt with a comfy cardigan, new art supplies tucked under your arm. Max lets you in with a thousand-watt smile, still in his perfectly pressed suit. Lizzie is beside herself with excitement, hardly pausing to say goodbye to her father as she drags you to her room so she can introduce you to every stuffed animal she has.
Max fights the very strong urge to find an excuse to stay as he closes the door behind him.
Hours later, Max quietly slips through the front door and looks around at the sight before him. Walking through the dimmed hallway, he sees the kitchen come into view. Wrapped up neatly on the counter are messily decorated cupcakes, along with some folded laundry that he definitely left in a heap before he went to dinner. Turning into the living room, he sees a blanket fort set up with a string of soft lights inside.
His eyes make their way over to your sleeping form on the couch, feeling butterflies in his stomach for what isn’t the first time with you. He moves quietly over to you to pull the blanket up over your curled body but freezes when you open your eyes groggily.
You smile for a moment, soft and drenched in sleep, before realizing where you are and practically jumping up off the couch. “Oh god, I’m so sorry Max. Lizzie fell asleep, and I meant to come put away the blanket fort and I don’t know what happened!” Your words rush out quickly, matching the pounding of your heart.
Max puts his hands on your shoulders to steady you and shakes his head. “Don’t be sorry, you did nothing wrong. How was she for you? Everything go ok?” He left his hands on your shoulders, giving them a little squeeze.
You relax at his touch. “She’s great, Max. She’s so smart, and gentle, and brave. She is such a sweetie. I just love her.”
You sense your own butterflies deep in your belly, having never been this close to Max in such an intimate way. You’re always together at work, a chasm of professionalism separating you. But this feels so, so different.
Just as Max opens his mouth to say something, a booming clap of thunder makes you both jump. It continues on, loud and low, shaking the walls. Almost immediately, you hear:
In an instant, Max is gone. He comes out cradling his baby girl in his arms as she cries. “Shh, shh. It’s just a storm, baby. It’ll be over soon.”
You reach out to push the hair from her eyes soothingly, and she turns to look at you, still pressed against her father’s chest. “It’s ok, Lizzie. There’s nothing to be scared of.”
Lisbeth hiccups as her tears slowly subside, and you realize that you’re pressed to Max’s side. You start to move away, but Max reaches out and softly grasps your elbow.
“Lis, do you want to sleep in the blanket fort until the storm is over? We’ll stay with you.” He looks to you with hope in his eyes, and you nod. Swiftly arranging the blankets, the three of you crawl into the little cave that glows with golden light. Lizzie is curled up on her dad, and you lie right beside them both. The space is small, and you worry that you’re crowding him, but he just lifts his arm and lets you curl into him as well.
The storm rages outside, but Lizzie quickly goes back to sleep. Her little face rests against Max’s chest, close to where yours is tucked against him. You smile at how much she looks like him, and how happy you feel in this moment.
“Is this alright?” Max whispers against your forehead. He feels you nod.
“Do you want to stay for breakfast?” he asks with a shameless grin.
“Will you make me coffee?” you counter. Max responds by pulling you tight against him.
Your days aren’t so mundane anymore. Max and Lizzie take up every bit of space in your heart, to the point you think it might burst if you loved them even an ounce more. Days don’t run together like they used to, and it isn’t just Max’s desk that is covered with Lizzie’s artwork.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 16) - Drowning
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Summary: The reader’s night goes from bad to awful fast but thankfully Jensen shows up at the last second to stop things from getting any worse. But the guilt the reader feels over trying to end things with Jensen to protect him starts to become too much...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 5,600ish
Warnings: language, being drunk, minor violence, scary situations, angst, fighting, fluff, offscreen death of minor character, anxiety, panic attack, minor injury
A/N: This chapter is a whirlwind! Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
It was a close to an hour later and you were halfway through a bottle of bourbon, laying on the back porch of your mom’s house, staring at the rafters and debating finishing off the whole thing.
“Y/N?” you heard. Your skin crawled as you sat up, spotting your father at the other end of the wrap around. “Are you drunk?”
“This would be an appropriate time to tell you that yes, I am and I also have this,” you said, reaching behind your and picking up a hunting rifle. “I might be plastered but I think that’ll only improve my aim. I’ll be nice and shoot for your balls first.”
“You got so much wrong about me kid.”
You fired a shot near his feet and he held up his hands.
“Why don’t you go jump off a bridge or some shit,” you said.
You pulled the trigger as he took a step forward and he jumped when it hit the window nearby. You pulled again but it just clicked as he walked closer. 
“Your new momma never taught you that kind of rifle only has two shots, did she,” he said. You tried to stand but got way too dizzy and fell down. 
“Well I can still tear you apart with my teeth,” you said. 
“You’re drunk and judging by your face, very upset. What happened to that boy you were with? I didn’t see him when I looked around.”
“Touch me and that boy will rip your head off.”
“This doesn’t have to be a bad thing,” he said, stepping far too close for your liking. You swung the rifle at him but he caught it and kicked the bottle away before you could get at it. “All grown up. Probably enjoy it now.”
You crawled back as far as you could, eyes darting behind him when you saw movement. You barely caught the brown hair and green eyes before your father was face first on the porch. You tried to stand but he yanked on your ankle and pulled you down hard. It took a long time to peel open your eyes again, your father now at Jensen’s feet. Jensen pushed down on his back while he talked on the phone to someone and it didn’t take long to hear sirens in the distance.
“For the record,” said Jensen as he walked over to you and crouched down, his belt around your father’s wrists, “I didn’t believe you for a second. Oh and you’re a dumbass but you’re my dumbass. Forever. Got it?”
“I couldn’t…” you trailed off. He nodded and took off his flannel, wrapping it over your shoulders. “I knew he would do something and I couldn’t have him near the kids or know they exist. I couldn’t-”
“I know, honey,” he said. “But don’t you dare ever do anything like that again.”
You put your head down sniffled, dizzy still as he rubbed your back before going back to watching your dad.
It took an hour or so before you could go home and you were sober enough to stand on your own. 
“Can I ask why you made the executive decision that you did?” asked Jensen, holding your arm loosely as you got into his car to head back.
“Because I’m stupid,” you said dryly from the passenger seat as he turned on his SUV.
“I mean more so why didn’t you come to me if you were scared? Why make up a lie?”
“You did let me go. You must have believed me at least for a few seconds,” you said.
“No, I actually didn’t.”
“You let me go.”
He was quiet until you got close to the brewery, Jensen pulling off onto the plot of land he owned next to it. You leaned your head against the cold window and he turned off the engine.
“This whole, tired, don’t talk to me attitude right now? Been there. Lived it. I know it’s bullshit.”
“You let me leave so you did believe me so-” you said, Jensen pressing a finger to your lips. 
“I am certain of very few things and you are one of them. I let you go so I could figure out what scared you so badly you’d lie, to me. There’s only one thing I can think of so before you even had a foot out of that house, I was calling people and I got put on with Detective Finn who worked your case as a kid and I find out that dick for brains sack of shit just moved practically down the street from us. It does not take a genius to put the pieces together.”
“Fine! I did it in some stupid attempt to protect you,” you said. You glared at him and he shook his head. “What?”
“I’m not gonna get mad at you.” You put your head back on the window and stared out to the dark trees, sniffling some. “Why do you want me to be angry with you?”
“Uh because I didn’t forget to turn on the washing machine or leave on a light. I lied. I lied so big that-”
“You lied to protect your family from a monster. Do I wish you had told me? Yes. But I fuck up so much and you’ve never once been angry with me for making a mistake and I’ll never be angry with you for making one either. I know you want me to be angry with you, feel like you should be punished for what you imagine is hurting me. But you didn’t hurt me, Y/N. You didn’t and I know you get that because so many times you’ve been on the other side of this and I know you’ve never once thought, oh yeah Jensen’s a piece of shit, let him really have it. No. Just no. So I’m not getting mad at you and I don’t know what to fucking say to make you feel better like you always do me and I’m so sorry he got so close to hurting you again. But I’m really good at fighting monsters in this family. So please next time, I don’t care if you’re scared of the bug on the wall or you think someone’s outside the house or what it is. If you’re scared, tell me and I’ll do my best to make it go away, I promise.”
“What do you do when you want to hate yourself for being an idiot?” you asked quietly. You heard him shift in his seat and you shut your eyes, the sound of a door opening and then another. Strong arms wrapped around you and you buried your face in his chest.
“I try to treat myself as kindly as she does. She would never hate me and she hates when I’m in pain. I see it all over her face. So I try to cut myself some slack and ask myself if she would hate me and when I realize no, I’m forced to forgive myself and it normally takes a few hours but it works pretty good. A lot of hugs and cuddling don’t hurt either.”
“Thank you for stopping him.”
“Thank you. I owe you so, so much.”
“You don’t owe me a damn thing. We got each other’s backs and that’s all there is to it. I’m just sad I missed you trying to shoot his dick off.”
“How did you know where to find me?”
“Find my iPhone. Also I figured that was a good place to check,” he said. “I would have been here sooner if Jared didn’t drive like a tortoise over to the house to watch the kids.”
“I’m sorry I scared you...and you had to do that tonight.”
“Oh punching your father was a personal highlight for me. Trust me,” he said. He stroked your cheek and you turned into the touch, eyes squeezing shut. “You’re safe.”
“He’s going to get out on bail and-”
“And we have a very good lawyer. Oh, and I know the mayor so fuck his ass, he’s not getting bail.”
You buried your face once again and he put a finger under your chin, lifting it up.
“You’re still scared.”
“He’s gonna get arrested for what, trespassing? Attempted assault? I was drunk and shot at him. He can spin it. He can spin it and be out on the street like that.”
“I’m going to ask the lawyer to do something else, something that maybe can take care of that problem.”
“Once a piece of shit, always a piece of shit. He’s been gone for fifteen years. I have this bad feeling you weren’t the only one. Or even before that.”
“Or maybe he just hates me.”
“You don’t have to be scared. I’m gonna take care of it.”
“Jensen, I know you don’t have to worry about the money but it might still not be enough.”
“It’s enough,” he said. “Or else next time I’ll be the one with the rifle.”
“You would kill him?”
“Honestly? Yeah if it came to it. I wish people like him died in car crashes, not innocent ones. We have every right to protect ourselves and our family and I’m not letting him touch the kids or you ever.”
“I should probably say that’s bad but I don’t disagree.”
“Money works a lot. A real lot. Maybe he did something super bad and he can rot in prison forever.”
“Maybe,” you said, spotting a cruiser pull up nearby. 
“Stay here, sweetie,” he said. He walked over while the officer got out. He spoke to Jensen for a moment, Jensen’s face a bit blank when he turned around. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Your dad had a heart attack in the backseat,” said Jensen quietly. You cocked your head and he shook his. “Your father. In the police cruiser that was taking him for booking. He was just pronounced.”
“He died?”
“He was really overweight and didn’t look to be in the best health. He probably got his heart rate up too high and...the officer said he’d escort us home, stay outside the house for the night, calm our nerves.”
“He’s really dead?” you asked. You looked over at the officer and he came over, giving you a quick smile. “He really died?”
“Yes mam.”
“What...happens now?” you asked.
“We’ll file the report but you don’t necessarily need to press charges anymore. You’re next of kin as far as we’re aware so the body…” he trailed off when he looked at you. “We can talk about this with your lawyer.”
“Thanks,” said Jensen. “We’ll be on the road in a minute.” 
The officer climbed back in his cruiser, Jensen leaning against the doorframe. He tucked your hair behind your ear, letting out a deep breath.
“Y/N,” he said. He stroked your cheek, your head turning up. “What is it, honey?”
“I don’t feel bad at all. I’m actually happy. That kinda is freaking me out a little. You shouldn’t be happy someone died.”
“Most people you’re right, you shouldn’t. But there are exceptions. He tormented you. He harassed you. He came after our family. I’m gonna sleep just fine tonight knowing he’s never coming back in our lives.”
“Were you scared of him?” He ducked his head down and you took hold of his hand. “Jensen.”
“Put it this way, I’d protect my family by any means necessary. What scares me was what if I was five minutes later tonight. Ten minutes. My job is to protect you and especially from monsters like that.”
“I’m a big girl Jensen. You don’t have to protect me from anything.”
“Yes I do, just like if it were me in your shoes I know you’d have done the same exact thing. We protect each other. It’s not because I’m the guy or I’m stronger. You’re my family and that’s what we do.”
“Thank you for protecting me and forgiving me for being stupid earlier,” you said. He smiled and nodded.
“You’re my dumbass and I’m yours,” he said. “Want to go home now?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I really do.”
“He’s really gonna spend the night?” you asked half an hour later in bed, Jensen shutting the door after himself. “He knows there’s a cop outside, right?”
“What can I say, Jared...he thinks of you like a little sister,” he said. “I can’t blame him for being protective.”
“I’ll be right back,” you said. You climbed out of bed and went downstairs, the light dim aside from where Jared was reading on the couch, a blanket over his legs. He looked over the top of the book and set it down, sitting up.
“Everything alright?” he asked. You smiled and took a seat on the edge of the couch, pulling him into a hug. 
“Thanks for staying,” you said, a pair of large arms wrapped around your back. 
“Of course.”
“You do know there’s nobody to bother us now, right?”
“I know. Some peace of mind never hurt anybody though,” he said. “Go on back to your fiance. You guys had a rough night.”
“Yeah,” you said, closing your eyes. “Thanks.”
He kissed your temple and you returned to your room, Jensen pulling you under the covers. You let out a deep breath, turning into his side. 
“Here,” he said. He started to take off his bracelet but you shook your head.
“It’s yours, Jensen. I feel safe, I promise.”
“You’re tense still, honey.”
“Still working on that not being so angry at myself thing,” you said. He smiled and kissed you quickly, laying an arm over your waist. “I know what you said but I still want you to be pissed at me for lying.”
“You didn’t hurt me.”
“You didn’t hurt me, Y/N and you know what? Sometimes, you’re gonna hurt me and I’m gonna hurt you. We’ll have bad days and get annoyed with one another. I’ll leave dishes in the sink and make a mess of the closet. You’ll chew with your mouth open and never fill up your car with gas until it’s too low. We’re not perfect. But even if we do hurt each other, we forgive each other because that’s what you do. We’re not always gonna like each other and what we do but we’ll always love each other. I don’t want to be mad at you. I want you to feel safe and know that I understand why you did what you did. I do. Please try to let it go, for me.”
“I am trying,” you said quietly. You shut your eyes and turned away, his arm over you pulling you back against his chest. “You’re normal. I can’t just stop hating myself like that.”
“You think I’m normal?” he chuckled. “Me?”
“Did you ever have to punch Dee’s psycho father? Did you ever have to talk about protecting her? Did she ever put your family in danger? Did she ever-”
“Go away,” you said, pushing his arm off of you. You moved over farther on your side of the bed, tucking your covers under your chin. The bed shifted and you tried to move again but his arm pulled you straight back to his chest, fingers dipping under your ribcage and holding you in place. 
“I might not have had to have done those things for her but I would have. For the record, you didn’t put anyone in danger. That fucking asshole did. It is not your fault he was an evil and vile person. All you did was try to protect us because you were scared and I know, I know you didn’t tell me because you’re so scared of that man and I don’t blame you. He made my skin crawl and I interacted with him for all of five minutes. Get it out of your system however you need to but you are stuck with me forever. There is nothing you could do to make me want you gone so get used to it.”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with this,” you breathed out. You pulled your sheets over your head, taking deep heaving breaths. “You have so much to worry about already. You shouldn’t have to…”
“Did you think I couldn’t handle the news?” he asked. “That your father was so close by?”
“I thought you’d hate me,” you whispered. He tugged down your sheets and you squeezed your eyes shut as he turned you around.
“Look at me.”
“Why not?”
“Now you’re angry.”
“Look at me.” You forced them open, meeting a soft face and sad eyes. “Why would I ever hate you?”
“My shit’s supposed to stay in the past. You don’t…” you said, Jensen furrowing his brow. “See, you’re mad.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? Your shit stays in the past.”
“It means you’ve had the world’s worst fucking year and you’re in such a good place now and you need to focus on you and not have my shit come in and fuck that up.”
“Do you think I can’t take care of you?” he asked.
“No of course not.”
“It sounds like you’re saying that you think you can’t have problems cause I can’t handle it.”
“Well at least I got what I wanted with you pissed,” you said, glaring up at him, tears welling in your eyes. You tried to push away but he held his arm around you. “Jensen, let me up.” You pushed again and he glared right back. “Stop it. Let me out of bed.” He only glared and you tore your eyes away from his face. 
“Do you think I’m weak?”
“No,” you said, keeping your head low.
“Then why-”
“Because you need a fucking break. I dealt with this shit years and years ago. I understand needing a fucking break and people need to take care of you, help you. You’re a different man than the one I met way back in January. You’re so happy and healthy and you have a different outlook on life again and that’s incredible. I’m so proud of you for that. But you’re just, just out of the woods and I’m not gonna be the one that sends you back in because of my fucking problems.”
“They’re our fucking problems,” he said. “Our problems. There’s no your problems or my problems anymore. It’s us together. Why do you think I’d hate you?”
“Jensen,” you said, pushing on his chest. “Stop.”
“I said stop!”
“Tell me.”
“Because I’m scared,” you said. He let his hold go lax and you sat up, getting out of bed. You walked over to the balcony door and rested your forehead against the cool glass. The bed creaked and you felt his presence behind you. 
“You’re scared of me.” You scrunched up your face and nodded. “Why?”
“Because if you realized how fucked up I am, you wouldn’t come near me with a ten foot pole. I’m not supposed to cause you problems. I’m supposed to fix them, be there for you.”
“But I can’t be there for you. You assume I’m just a dick where it’s only me and my shit that we can work on right?” he said.
“I didn’t say that.”
“Relationships go both ways, Y/N. I don’t expect you to take care of me for the rest of my life. You are allowed to need help too.”
“You don’t understand.”
“No, you don’t understand,” he said, grabbing your arm and spinning you around. He was frowning, his voice an octave higher if you didn’t know any better. “Do you honestly think I would have been angry at you if you told me about your father being in town? Do you?”
“I put the kids-”
“For the last time, you didn’t put anyone in danger,” he growled. “What is going on with you?”
“How many times do I have to say it, I’m not supposed to cause any problems!” you said.
“Yes you are! You, me, the kids. We’re all gonna have fucking problems sooner or later. Why do you think I’d hate you for telling me you had a problem, sweetheart?”
You fidgeted with the bottom of your shirt, looking past him.
“Something with your dad, isn’t it. Something got triggered in you after that phone call with the detective, didn’t it.”
“Call Ray. Tell him to come over,” you said quietly. He nodded and grabbed his phone, sending off a quick message before he was guiding you to sit on the bed.
“Honey,” he said when you pulled away from him. “Okay, no touching. Can I get you anything while we wait for Ray?”
“Probably should tell that cop that we’re expecting someone,” you said, rubbing your hands against your thighs. “Fuck, tell Ray it’s the help thing. He’ll understand.”
“Okay,” he said with a nod. You rubbed your legs harder and he stared at you. “Y/N.”
“I’m trying not to have a panic attack,” you grit out. “I haven’t had one since I was eight.”
Your head was turned and you felt his hands on your cheeks, Jensen forcing a smile. You stared for a long beat before you took a breath, his head nodding. 
“That feels better,” you said, your hands not rubbing so hard. You heard feet and the door open, glancing behind Jensen to catch Jared in the doorway. You could feel your heart rate pick up, Jared nodding.
“I get panic attacks too,” he said. You nodded and Jensen glanced over his shoulder. “I heard arguing.”
“Can you tell that cop outside Ray is coming by and to let him in?” said Jensen.
“Sure. Who’s Ray?” asked Jared.
“Her mom’s old boyfriend and foster dad. He was her therapist when she was little. Something’s not right,” said Jensen.
“I’ll send him up as soon as he gets here.”
You felt calmer by the time Ray was walking in fifteen minutes later in sweats and not much more. 
“Hey kiddo,” said Ray, giving you a quick hug before he squatted down in front of you. “Doing okay?”
You shook your head and shut your eyes, Jensen holding an arm around you. He explained what happened, Ray staying quiet. You eventually opened your eyes to stare at the floor, Ray standing and pulling over the bench from the end of the bed to sit on. 
“Y/N do you want Jensen to stay?” he asked. You nodded and he hummed. “Y/N.”
“Yes,” you said dryly. “Can I have some water?”
Jensen got up and retrieved a glass from the bathroom, the pair of them watching you chug half of it down before you sat it on the nightstand.
“Y/N, does Jensen know what triggered you?” he asked.
“Not specifically. Asking for help he figured out but not the reason,” you said, looking away. 
“Well on the bright side, you didn’t have a panic attack, you worked through it, you trusted Jensen to help you through it even if he didn’t know why and some of your coping skills helped you out quite a bit. But this is something Jensen needs to know. You’ll need help in a relationship and I know this is the big one but he needs to know so this never happens again,” said Ray. 
“What if he thinks I overreacted?” you said.
“I won’t, trust me,” said Jensen. “Secret’s safe with me.”
“Go on, Y/N,” said Ray. You took a deep breath and Jensen held your hand, stroking his thumb over the back.
“So you kinda figured out that me having a problem was the trigger and that I didn’t ask for your help earlier and kinda assumed a bad reaction if I did.”
“Yup and that’s all okay,” he said softly. 
“It wasn’t because of you that I assumed you’d have a bad reaction. It was something that happened to me that sort of...default my head to react and anticipate things in a certain way in that particular situation.”
“So if you have a problem and ask for help, you assume the person you’re asking for help from will not take it in a good way?” he asked.
“Yeah, basically. If it’s a really big problem and if I anticipate that the problem would upset the person I’m asking then my head assumes this bad thing will happen. In that case, it assumes the much better option is to not reveal the problem at all and handle it myself because then the bad thing won’t happen,” you said.
“The bad thing. It’s bad isn’t it,” he said. “Really bad.”
“Y/N, remember you can share without the graphics involved,” said Ray. You nodded and leaned your head back.
“When I was six I broke something of my dad’s. A mug. His favorite mug. I picked up the pieces but I knew it was his favorite so I didn’t throw it out. I asked him for help putting it back together,” you said. “The amount of rage he had over a broken mug...I never experienced such a horrible day in all eight years as that one.”
He didn’t say anything and you tucked your feet up, holding one up to him and showing the bottom. He stared at it and cocked his head, narrowing his eyes. It took him a moment but you saw when he noticed the small little scars. His eyes flickered back to yours and you nodded.
“He hurt me badly,” you said. “All day long.” He stared at you and you told him exactly the way the scars came to be, Jensen shuddering and closing his eyes. “It wasn’t a good day.”
“Fuck,” he said, standing up and rubbing his arm. “You were six?”
He shook his head and went to the balcony door, taking a deep breath.
“Jensen. You alright?” asked Ray.
“No,” he said, turning around, looking to you. “That many times?”
“One for every broken piece,” you said. He ran his hands over his face and shut his eyes. “The worst thing was just that it went on all day. It was long enough for me to interpret it as conditioning for a result of an event rather than just a bad memory from everything me and Ray worked out back in the day. It hasn’t been a trigger for me ever really but we knew it could be someday for a big life problem potentially. I’m guessing with it involving my dad, it kinda sent me into overdrive earlier.”
“Jensen,” said Ray, shooting you a quick glance. “Y/N’s okay. I’m actually quite impressed with her behavior. There was no hesitancy or waiver in her voice. I don’t feel as though this will likely be an issue ever again now that it’s out in the open and her father is gone.”
“You’re the closest thing to a father she’s ever had,” said Jensen, rubbing the back of his neck. “You know every horrible thing that’s happened to her and, and you just...all you did was throw him out of the country for fifteen years?”
“First off, the law was different back then and it was a lifetime ban. Second of all, buddy, violence isn’t always the answer to violence,” said Ray, getting to his feet.
“You should have adopted her.”
“She didn’t want me to.”
“You were the damn adult. She was the kid. Act like one,” said Jensen. “I mean fuck, you adopted two other kids only a few years later.”
“If I had adopted her you wouldn’t even know she fucking exists,” shot back Ray. “Her father still would have come back and this would have happened regardless.”
“You should have done what you needed to the second he popped up again when she was a teenager.”
“I did not strike you as a violent man but I do not like it.”
“She was almost assaulted by that man again tonight,” growled Jensen. “He tortured her and tormented her and he got barely any time at all for that. I would have-”
“Why’d you call the police then?” he asked. Jensen swallowed and Ray shrugged. “Why back at the farmhouse did you call the police? You could have killed him, called it self-defense and been done with it. Why?”
Jensen looked down and Ray sighed.
“The price for being a good person is making hard decisions, Jensen. Would I have loved to have rid the world of that son of a bitch the second I learned all about him? Oh you don’t know the half of it. I’m a trauma therapist, Jensen. Mostly for kids and teenagers. Do you know how much fucked up shit I’ve heard in my life? The world has so much ugliness in it. But it’s got good too and that’s why you called the police like you were supposed to and that’s why she loves you. She needs a good man, not a violent one. I’m not saying don’t think about protecting your family. But don’t act on it unless you don’t have a fucking choice, kid. Understand me?”
Jensen nodded and Ray cleared his throat.
“Say it.”
“Yes, sir,” said Jensen quietly.
“Ray, don’t get mad at him. He’s not used to this stuff,” you said. You stood and pulled Jensen back to the bed, Ray crossing his arms and nodding. “If I ever feel this happening again, what should I do?”
“You could work on reconditioning instead,” said Ray. “Work on saying I have a problem to Jensen and ask for help, even if there isn’t a problem. If Jensen responds positively or even neutrally and you two work at it maybe an hour or so a day for the next week or two, I don’t think you’ll ever have to be afraid of that trigger coming back. All of your triggers Y/N have involved your father. I know similarities can set you off but they’re small, manageable. You never have to worry about anyone hurting you ever again.”
“I know. I should have trusted my partner to have my back,” you said.
“I don’t blame you. I didn’t before and I definitely don’t now,” said Jensen. Ray smiled and pulled the bench back over to the bed. 
“Get some rest you two,” he said. 
“Ray?” you said after he gave you a hug. “Why didn’t you adopt me?”
“Honestly?” he asked. You nodded, Jensen preening his ears. “You reminded me so much of your mother and I was devastated when we lost her. I should have been the adult and done what was right but after seeing her in pain for years...I didn’t have it in me to take on a grieving teenager that would have been just as angry back at me. She already was so angry then, I would have put fuel on the flames. I didn’t have it in me to be strong anymore and that’s my mistake for not trying.”
“You can adopt adults,” said Jensen. You both looked at him and he smiled. “Adults can be adopted.”
“Not sure if…” trailed off Ray as you smiled at him. “Y/N, we’ve only just started talking again.”
“Maybe if that keeps going well...maybe things could...work out…” you said. “If you wanted.”
“Yeah, maybe we can do that,” he said with a smile. “It’s getting late. Put her to bed. Don’t be surprised if there’s a nightmare or two tonight.”
“Okay. Thank you,” said Jensen as Ray started to leave.
“Take care of her kid,” he said. Jensen nodded and you lay back in bed, the house growing quiet. 
“I’m so sorry,” said Jensen, his head lowering after a few moments. “I should have realized…”
“You did realize,” you said, sitting up. “Even when my head couldn’t come out and say I trust you and I know I’m acting a certain way because of what my dad put me through, you stayed calm and figured it out. You got nothing to be sorry for.”
“I’m sorry he hurt you. I got to pretend to be a cowboy and my dad read me stories when I was six. The worst thing I ever got was a few smacks but I know he regrets doing that,” he said. “Even then it was because I was acting out not…I just don’t understand why he would ever hurt you.”
“I stopped trying to understand him a long time ago,” you said, the door opening. You both turned, Arrow walking in with a pair of wet eyes. “You have a nightmare, sweetie?”
“I went…to the bathroom…” she said when you noticed her holding her wrist. Jensen hopped up and walked over, picking her up gently and setting her beside you. “I fell down off the step stool. It was wet.”
“Tell me what hurts,” he said.
“My hand,” she said. 
“Let daddy see,” you said. She moved her hand back and you both saw her wrist was swollen and bruised. Jensen swore under his breath and guided her hand back on it. “Okay, you hold it if it feels better that way, honey. Daddy, I think Arrow should go to urgent care.”
“Arrow, why don’t you go get your dolly and we’ll bring her with us. We might have to wait a minute,” he said. “Be careful okay? I’ll come get you in just a minute.”
“Mommy?” she asked, staring up at you. 
“Mommy’s really tired-” said Jensen when you stood up.
“Uncle Jared is staying over though, daddy. Go get your dolly and mommy and daddy will get dressed,” you said. She sniffled but climbed down okay, Jensen sighing when she left the room. “She wants me there and I want to be there. I’m going.”
“Alright but you’re going to try and get some sleep in the waiting room at least, please.”
“No promises.”
A/N: Read Part 17 here!
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
We know that Spencer wants kids like he says so in the serie so I was think a Spencer x male reader where the reader work at the bau with him and Spencer got a crush on him and one day the reader's kid come and the team met them and Spencer like '' you have a kid? '' and I don't know but I know that he will be such a good dad and a lot of fluff and sweet Spencer
I really hope you like this one! I always get really mad at the writers whenever they mention that Spencer can't have kinds but like, he can, just not biological ones. Like, he can adopt or find a partner that has a kid and he'll still be a great dad. I poured a lot of that frustration into making this as cute as possible. @mystic-writes edited this, as well as everything else that I write I just like @ing her every time loll. Also, I'm running out of gifsssssssss
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"Hey, Spence!" you exclaim, sitting at the desk across from his.
His cheeks flare up red and he whispers, "Hey, [Y/N]."
You smile at him. "Have a good weekend?"
He nods. "Yeah, I watched a couple documentaries, read some new books I just got-"
"Oh!" you exclaim, making Spencer jump in his seat. You rummage around in your backpack before pulling out a book, and handing it to him. "I got you this. I don't know if you already have it, or have read it, but, I thought you might like it," you say, holding the book out to him.
He grabs it and reads the title. “Timechart History of the World: 6000 Years of World History Unfolding.” It's a thick book, with more than 500 pages at least, and a smile lights up Spencer's face.
"Where did you find this?" he asks and you shrug.
"Got an ad for something similar online, but it didn't look too credible. So, I did some digging, and found this," you say, gesturing to the book in Spencer's hands.
He grins at you and says, "Thank you, so much! I-I'm sorry I don't have anything for you…"
You wave him off, saying, "Really, it's no big deal. It's a gift." He nods, but doesn't seem convinced until you say, "Happy Birthday, Spencer."
You were the only one who remembered.
"Hotch, I really need to talk to you," you say, gripping your son's hand tightly, but not enough to hurt. Looking from your son to you, he nods and motions for you to follow him into his office, where he closes the door and shuts the blinds. He sits down in his chair and you motion for Harry to sit on the couch, pulling out a children's book for him to read while you talk with Hotch.
"Who's this?" he asks and you smile as you sit down.
"My son, Harrison. Most people just call him Harry," you explain and Hotch nods, but doesn't speak. "I'm so sorry to have to ask this, but Harry's school has a day off and he's too young to stay at home alone, and his normal sitter works during the day and I don't have family out here and I don't trust another sitter and-"
"[L/N]. It's okay. I get it," Hotch says and you suck in a deep breath. "Strauss says we're not getting any cases after our last one went so wrong. As long as he doesn't get in the way or distract too much, it's okay."
You sigh and smile gratefully, yet tiredly, and say quietly, "Thank you so much for this. I owe you, big time."
Hotch shakes his head. "I know what it's like to be a single parent. I'm just lucky I have Jessica," he says and you nod. "If a case comes up, you can go home and take care of your son. We'll call you if we need anything." You nod and get up out of the chair, and turn towards Harry when Hotch says, "Oh, and [L/N]?" You turn around and face him. "Maybe Harry can meet Jack sometime? I would have asked sooner if I knew…"
You smile. "I think that would be a lot of fun. They're roughly the same age."
Hotch nods and you hold your hand out to Harry, who takes it, and you lead him to your desk in the bullpen. You set up a blanket and some toys and books underneath your desk, and Harry makes himself very happy by your feet as you crack open a few case files and start working on some extra work.
A couple of hours later, the bullpen is filled with your colleagues, chatting idly, pawning work off onto Spencer, which you take some of to lighten his workload, and people grabbing each other coffee. You haven't gotten up once, instead staying seated, unintentionally hiding your son underneath your desk.
But, that wouldn't last forever.
"Papa?" you hear Harry call from underneath you, quietly.
Spencer's head snaps up, as well as JJ's, and you pull your chair back to look at your son and say, "Yes, sweetheart?"
"I'm hungry," he says, and you nod, reaching into your bag and pulling out a little Iron Man lunch box.
You place it on your desk and hold your arms out, saying, "You have to eat at the desk, but you can sit in my lap."
He nods and crawls up into your lap, and you see now everyone's looking at you as Harry hides his face in your chest. "It's okay, sweetie. They're Papa's friends," you say quietly, and Harry turns around enough to open his lunch box, pull out a packet of goldfish, and turn back into your chest, opening it and eating. You smile and kiss his head.
"Who's this?" JJ asks and you smile when Harry presses his face even further into your chest.
"This is Harrison. But, you can call him Harry," you say, rubbing one of your hands up and down his back. "He's my son."
"Son?" Morgan says, frowning. "I didn't know you were married."
You shake your head. "I'm not. Never was. It was a one night stand. Didn't realize that the condom broke. She died shortly after she had him, and I was given custody. I was a twenty-something just starting with the FBI, who now had a four-week-old living with him," you say, and everyone looks at you, shocked. Even Harry is looking at you like you haven't told him this a million times before. "But, I wouldn't change it for the world. He's the best thing to ever happen to me."
Emily and JJ both "Aw!" and Derek smiles. Spencer's still looking at you, shocked.
"Did you know that male emperor penguins exhibit a feature unique among penguins. If the chick hatches before the female returns, the male, despite his fasting, is able to produce and secrete a curd-like substance from his esophagus to feed the chick, allowing for survival and growth for up to two weeks," Spencer explains. "Which makes them one of the best fathers in the animal kingdom."
You smile and hug Harry closer to you, saying, "My little penguin."
He laughs and moves his face away from your chest and says, "Papa really likes seahorses."
"Yes! Seahorses are also great father's. In fact.."
Spencer rambles about anything Harry asks about, and eventually, the boy gets up from your lap and settles in Spencer's, just listening to him talk about nothing and everything. You actually manage to get all your work done, as well as some of Spencer's to make sure he isn’t seen as slacking off, though you don't know how he could ever be seen that way.
Eventually, the end of the day comes, and you gather up all of your things from underneath and on top of your desk, putting them away in your bag, and you go around the desks to hold your arms out to Harry.
"Alright, sweetheart. Time to go home," you say, and in protest he just wraps his arms tighter around Spencer's neck. You sigh. "Honey, Spencer probably has things to do. We should let him go home."
Harry whimpers and Spencer actually wraps an arm around him. "I don't mind. Honestly. I can come home with you and then walk home. It's not a big deal."
You shake your head. "If you're coming home with us, you're not leaving without dinner." Spencer nods and you grab his satchel for him, slinging it around your shoulders as he carries Harry out, still talking about nothing.
You cook Spencer a good, home cooked meal, and when you drive him home that night, you kiss him.
Six months later, Harry calls him "Dad" and you realize that, before this moment, you've never seen Spencer cry tears of joy before.
831 notes · View notes
Pairing: Manuel Neuer x fem!reader (3rd person)
Word Count: 6,018
Warnings: rpf, mentions of age gap (not between reader and Manu and nothing illegal) and strong opinions on that, banter, jealousy, infuriation, fluff and cuteness
Summary: The reader finally catches her long time crush Manuel Neuer alone on her uncle's birthday. Things are quickly starting to get heated—sadly it's not the kind of heated she would have liked it to be.
A/N: Most of you probably don't know Manuel Neuer. He is the goalkeeper and captain of Bayern Munich as well as the German National Football Team and every once in a while I find my thoughts drifting towards that adorable and amazingly talented manchild. This story has been sitting in my drafts for far too long and I wasn't sure whether I felt comfortable with publishing it in case it ever got finished. But I found that there is an intolerable lack of Manuel Neuer x reader fics on here, so here it is. I tagged everyone from my general tag list, but I understand if this is not what you signed up for. So sorry in advance and please feel free to ignore this story at your leisure.
Picture found on Pinterest
If you like my story, you are very welcome to like, comment or reblog. Please don’t copy, repost or share my work on other platforms.
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It was only a few minutes to midnight and still the dance floor was as filled as ever, an enchanting mixture of young and old people alike. The bass rolled deep in his stomach, making him even queasier than he already was, and the lights, flickering across the mass of moving bodies in sync to the rhythm of the music, didn’t help either.
Suddenly a figure broke through the outer wall of bodies and made her way over to his table. A small smile crawled over her lips, a little shy but genuine, yet he didn’t feel like returning it. He had hoped that she would change her mind upon the disgruntled look on his face, but much to his dismay, she did nothing of the sort and sat down right next to him, just as a waitress passed the table with a tray of colourful shots. The woman next to him stopped her, before she turned to him.
“Care for a drink?”
Did he care for a drink? He yearned for one.
“No, thanks. I’m not really fond of drinking.”
“Shame,” she shrugged, her smile growing a bit wider when she took two shots from the tray anyway. For a second he thought she might actually force him to drink with her, but then she placed down the two glasses in front of herself. Raising her first glass to him, she gulped it down in one swig, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand afterwards.
“Do you care for a dance then?” She nodded over to the dance floor, her eyes and body inviting him to take the offer.
He found that he somehow couldn’t hold her gaze when he answered, “I’m afraid I’m also not very fond of dancing.”
Her forearms resting on the table, she leaned closer, obviously not taking the hint that he just wanted to be left in peace and quiet.
“Then what are you fond of?”
“I think you know pretty well what I’m fond of.” To his own surprise he sounded even harsher than he had attempted to, but the last thing he needed right now was an eager fan trying to engage him in a conversation.
“I do,” she retorted undeterred, “but that’s not what I wanted to know. See, you might not have noticed through all your sulking, but I was actually interested in you as a person, not as a footballer.”
He huffed, although he wasn’t sure she had heard him above the music.
“And you might have noticed that I am not interested in talking about private stuff to complete strangers.”
Sure, he was being massively impolite, but at least he hoped that this would do the trick now. But instead of finally leaving him alone, she shot him an amused look.
“Ooooh, grumpy, aren’t we?”
Now it was him who leaned in closer, making sure she could hear him properly. “Look, it’s nothing personal, okay? I just...it wasn’t such a great evening for me.”
Unintentionally his eyes wandered over to the dance floor for a split second, where a very young, very blonde girl was dancing happily among his teammates and their wives and girlfriends. Cursing himself, he looked over to the woman by his side carefully, hoping she hadn’t noticed. But of course she had, her eyes still fixed on the girl.
“Ah, I see.” She turned to him and the glint in her eyes made his stomach turn. “Puberty is a bitch, eh?”
“Excuse me?” he spat, equal parts bewildered and stunned.
“You heard me alright.”
Who did she think she was? Impertinent woman.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” The volume of his voice must have slipped his control a little, as he noticed a group of elderly men standing nearby turn into his direction. Still the woman’s smile never left her face, appeasing the men who turned away again.
“Really? After all I have to sit here with a pissed thirty something man who refuses to acknowledge he let his hormones get the best of him.”
“Whoa! Okay, first of all, it was you who decided to come and sit at this table and second, again, none of your goddamn business.”
Her answer was a simple grin, still not fazed by his anger in the slightest. It almost felt as if she was enjoying to get him riled up.
“You’re right.”
“What do you mean ‘and’?”
He rolled his eyes heavily. Why couldn’t she just leave?
“You know, that phrase usually goes with an apology. Like ‘You’re right. Sorry I assumed you’re having a mid-life crisis and bang a chick that is 15 years your junior to boost your fragile ego.’”
“Do you?”
Inhaling deeply, he tried to calm himself a little. After all, he couldn’t afford to yell at her again, not that he didn’t want to, but causing even more unwanted attention was not in his plans for tonight.
“I didn't say that.”
“Well actually,” she looked at him triumphantly, “you kind of did. I never said you were having a midlife crisis or that you need her to boost your ego. Those were your words. And seeing that my assumptions caused a reaction like that, I’m afraid I can’t really say I’m sorry either.”
All right, that was it. Enough was enough.
“Look, I think I have an assumption for you too, lady. I’m starting to assume that you only came over here to rile me up further. And guess what, mission completed. So why don’t you do us both a favour and head off to pester someone else now?”
She was quiet for a moment and for the first time, the cheeky smile left her beautiful, burgundy lips. He had expected her to be a bit shaken at least, maybe even as pissed as himself, and yet the next words were spoken with such dignity that he couldn’t help but admire her a little for it.
“Oh, I would love to say you’re right again, but I’m afraid I can’t this time. And since we seem to have warmed up to each other quite a bit by now, I feel it’s okay to be completely honest with you.” She paused a second, simply for the effect, he guessed and her warm eyes never left his. “I came to sit with you because you looked miserable. Still do, by the way. And I thought you might need an actual grown up to talk to. But it seems I was wrong. You’re just a pouty manchild, like the rest of them.”
She waved her arm, pointing over at the dancing crowd of his friends and their spouses. His eyes followed her gesture and when he laid eyes on the heart of the matter, a hot flush of rage began to swirl through his veins, making his hands clench into fists. Fully set on giving her a piece of his mind, not caring who might hear him at this point, he turned to her again. But the familiar figure that had somehow entered the picture without his notice made him stop in his tracks.
“Here you are, sweetie.” The man cooed, laying his large hand on her shoulder in a protective gesture. “I almost got the feeling you were hiding from me since I made you promise to dance with me tonight.”
She twisted her slender neck to look up at his gentle face, her attention making him smile sweetly at her.
“You know I’d never do that to you, Uncle Hans, especially not on your birthday. I just thought your no. 1 goalkeeper here was in need of some mature company, but clearly he is perfectly happy with the way things are.”
Bewilderment flickered behind the coach’s gaze as he looked between his niece and one of his best players and Manuel was sure that this might not be the last time they would speak about this matter.
“So then, may I have that dance now, sweetheart?”
“With pleasure.” Manuel watched almost transfixed as she gracefully took her uncle’s hand and stood up. It was only now that he noticed how perfectly her dress showed off her voluptuous curves. He was almost certain that she would leave without another word when once again she proved him wrong. Turning on her heels, she grabbed the remaining shot and gulped it down in one large swig before she looked down at him, almost as regal as a queen.
“Have a pleasant evening, Mister Neuer. I’m sorry I can’t say I enjoyed our conversation more. Oh, and just in case you should ever feel in need to talk to a grown up, don’t call.”
She could still feel his piercing look on her back as Hansi led her through the crowd and away from him. They had just begun to dance when the song changed and a much slower tune echoed through the large room. With a smug grin, her uncle pulled her closer, bringing his hand to the small of her back. Cheek to cheek he swayed her to the beat and she could feel that her mind was almost beginning to slow down, when he decided to pick up a conversation.
“Will you tell me what that was all about?”
She bit her lip like a little girl that was about to be scolded. “Do I have to?”
He chuckled deeply, the vibration rumbling against her chest and she could easily imagine the self-satisfied grin on his face.
“I’m certainly not going to force you. It’s just, you know, I always thought you kind of liked him.”
Instantly, she could feel her face heat up. How could he possibly know that?
“True. Liked, as in past tense. And besides, it’s not that I actually know him, personally, I mean. You could perhaps say I admire his talent, at most. And he also may be kind of easy on the eyes.”
She had become more and more quiet while she spoke, merely mumbling the last sentence. But he had heard her nonetheless, her silliness making his lips twitch in amusement.
“Hm. I clearly remember your aunt begging me to invite him over for a barbecue party last summer, telling me that you wouldn’t shut up about his quiet reserve, his amazing performance on the field and his stunning smile. Sadly he didn’t have time.”
She gulped audibly, tensing up a little in his arms, which made him enjoy their little talk even more. “So, what changed your mind?”
“He did,” she said a little too quickly, before she sighed so heavily that her uncle almost regretted bringing this topic up after all. “It’s just, I don’t understand his choice in women. I mean, he could choose literally anyone, so why her? I mean, she clearly doesn’t make him happy.”
“And how do you know that? You have spoken to him for what? Like five minutes?” He turned them around, making her face the gloomy goalie once more, before he went on. “I might be wrong, sweetheart, but I think you’re just jealous.”
Over his shoulder her gaze met Manuel’s for a split second before his eyes shot to his right, where the blonde teenager stepped into the picture, blocking him from view. She sat down on his lap, her arms dragging around his neck possessively, as her lips met his in a feverish kiss. Averting her gaze immediately, her eyes darkened and her heart clenched heavily in her chest.
“If by jealous you mean disenchanted, you’re right.”
Her bitter words made him loosen his grip on her so that he could see her face, and the hurt in her eyes pained him more than he cared for.
“I know you probably won’t believe me, but he really is a good person.”
She scoffed while her incredulous eyes landed on her uncle’s soft, blue orbs. “Well, he certainly hid that pretty well.”
He gave her a tight lipped smile. “I think he’s just lost his way a little at the moment.”
“So you think I’m right then?”
The excited sparkle in her eyes made him regret his honest words a little.
“I didn’t say that.” He protested strongly. In the end it was not for him to judge his players’ private lives. “After all he is a grown man and he can decide for himself.” He could see her face fall again and so he was quick to add, “Nevertheless, I don’t think you’re completely wrong either.”
He was very pleased to see that his words had caused a small smile to crawl back to her pretty lips. He almost felt like a proud father and when she finally leaned back in a bit closer, her forgiving gesture almost made him a bit bold.
“So, uhm, one more question, sweetheart. In the unlikely event that he should after all need a grown woman to talk to, can I give him your number?”
“Certainly not,” she insisted with a steady voice, but when she looked at him, the adorable grin on her face left no doubt that this was the biggest lie she had ever told.
Manuel was furious as he watched her leave towards the dance floor with the coach. How could she dare call him out like that and then leave without giving him the chance to set her straight? His eyes fixed on her, he watched as Flick pulled her closer, his eyes following her uncle’s hand to the small of her back. Being the gentleman he was, his hand had found the only spot on her back that was actually covered by the dark red fabric of her dress. And for a second he imagined what it might actually feel like to let his hand wander upwards until it covered her bare skin. Or maybe he could let it slip down a few inches, until his fingers would grasp the soft flesh of her behind. He had just been able to fully picture the exact feeling of her body pressed up to his when he could feel the man who actually held her in his arms catch his indecent look on his niece’s back. Immediately he sat up straight, averting his gaze, completely missing the amused smile on the other man’s face, and when he turned back to face him, he almost lost it when he found her sparkling eyes instead.
He was still trying to figure out what had happened, when he heard a familiar voice calling him.
“Hey, babe.” The high pitched noise made him flinch and instinctively his eyes shot to his right, just in time to pull his arms away before she slumped down onto his lap clumsily. She laid it on thickly as her arms wrapped around his neck.
“I missed you on the dance floor, honey bun. Why don’t you come dance with me?”
And before he even had the chance to answer, her lips crashed down on his mouth almost painfully, her tongue forcing his lips to open. The stench of alcohol filled his mouth and he pushed her drunken form off of him determinedly. Before she even had the chance to protest, he lifted her up and placed her in his chair.
“I don’t think dancing is a good idea in your condition.” She glared at him, but then she seemed to have forgotten what for and her lips turned up into a sheepish smile.
“Whatever you say, babe.”
“Look, why don’t you just stay here and I get you a nice, big glass of water to sober you up a little?”
She began to nod, but then her eyes lost focus und she stared past him at god knows what.
“All right, I’ll be back in a sec. Don’t go anywhere.”
Quickly he made his way over to the counter and ordered a whole bottle of water, when he felt the slap of a hand on his left shoulder.
“Wow, you look even more frustrated than after our knock out at the World Cup in 2018. What happened?”
“Don’t ask.” He sighed as he turned around to face his friend. Manuel hoped that he would accept his wish, but when he saw the apologetic look on Thomas’ face, he instantly knew that he wouldn’t drop the topic.
“Too late. I just did.”
With a dramatic roll of his eyes, the next words were spoken more to himself than to his teammate.
“Great, just what I need. Another pain in my ass.”
“Another? Who was the first then?” Obviously Thomas had taken no offence and sounded a bit too cheerful for Manuel’s liking.
He looked over at the dance floor, where the impertinent woman was just sending her uncle the most beautiful, cheeky grin he had ever seen.
“Who? Y/N?” his friend asked incredulously.
Y/N. So that was her name.
“You know that annoying woman?”
“I do, although I can’t really say she’s annoying. Met her at the coach’s home once. She seemed rather sweet and intelligent to me.”
“She certainly hid that pretty well,” Manuel growled under his breath, earning him a surprised frown from Thomas.
“Are you gonna stand here and stare daggers at her or are you gonna tell me what she did to make you throw a fit?”
“She approached me out of nowhere to tell me that I’m dating a teenager to compensate my inability to commit to a partner on eye level.”
Thomas let his words sink in for a while.
“That doesn’t really sound like her. I mean, what reason would she have to come at you like that? She doesn’t even know you.”
Manuel sighed, thinking about the way she had somehow coaxed the statements from him instead of making them herself.
“Well, she might have phrased it differently,” he admitted meekly. That seemed to spark Thomas’ interest even further and he could feel his expectant look on him, pressing him to finally tell the whole truth.
“Actually she didn’t say it like that. She only made an allusion and made me somehow say those things myself.”
“Mhm. And exactly what allusion did she make?”
Manuel rolled his eyes again, his ego still fighting to repeat her words out loud.
”She said puberty was a bitch, clearly hinting at the fact that she thought my girlfriend was too young for me.”
He hadn’t even finished his sentence when Thomas’ roaring laughter filled the air.
“Now that does sound more like her.”
He needed a bit to contain himself when he suddenly looked up at Manuel with an unusually serious expression on his face.
“And I have to admit, Manu, she kind of has a fair point there.”
Manuel could not believe his ears.
“Come on, man. It’s what everyone thinks. She just said it out loud.”
“Fuck you.”
But instead of rising to his expletive, Thomas just looked at him sympathetically. Pushing himself off of the counter, he pat his shoulder in an attempt to encourage him a little, ready to leave him to his self-denial.
But then he stopped. “You know, I personally didn’t have a problem with it. You’re an adult, you can make your own choices. As long as you’re happy, right? But the truth is, Manu, I don’t think you are. Not anymore.”
“See, I told you he wouldn’t be here. No need for all the panic beforehand.”
She narrowed her eyes at her cousin, shooting her a dirty look.
“Yeah, and I hope it’ll stay that way. Oh, and for the record: I wasn’t panicking at all, it was just you and your sister’s sudden eagerness to lure me here that got me suspicious and nervous in the first place.”
“We didn’t lure you here,” her other cousin piped up a little offendedly. “We simply wanted to spend some time with you. Come on, it’s been what, like 4 months now? Since you moved to Munich three years ago, we hardly get to see you anymore.”
“You and our father,” her sister added quickly. “So it seemed the best option to kill two birds with one stone and bring you along. After all it’s called a family day, right?”
Y/N sighed, not fully convinced, but finally ready to let the topic go.
“Right. Let’s just hope for your sakes that there will be no surprises today that might prove your guilt after all.”
“How are my girls doing?” she heard a familiar voice from behind her back, turning towards her favourite uncle with a beaming smile. What she didn’t see, however, was the brief look that was exchanged between her cousins as soon as she had turned her back, proving exactly what she had suspected all along.
“We’re good, dad. Actually, we’re more than good, we’re excellent,” the older cousin chirped.
“Great.” He paused a moment, but it was clear that he had more to say. Rocking back and forth on his feet, he looked from one woman to the other. “So,” he began carefully, before a huge Cheshire grin spread across his face. “I hope you all reserved a dance for me tonight.”
“Oh, no, daddy, not again.”
“Please, don’t make us do this.”
“There will be dancing here? If you had told me that beforehand, I certainly wouldn’t have come.”
“Of course there will be dancing. I thought that was obvious.” He had to try very hard to look a little slighted, while he actually drew a horrendous amount of amusement from their antics. “Remember, girls, we have a tradition to uphold. Whenever there is some dancing at a party, you have to reserve at least one dance for me. That’s the rule.”
And with that he turned and left them on their own again.
“Ugh, why does he always have to do that to us?” her younger cousin whined.
“Oh stop it, silly. You’re the one who likes it the most and everyone knows.”
She had been the first to pay tribute to the family tradition and after a very exhausting Discofox dance session, luckily one of her cousins had taken over from her. Kicking off her heels, she welcomed the feel of the cool grass underneath the soles of her feet. Walking over to one of the empty tables, she slumped down heavily into one of the comfortable looking chairs. With a contented smile she let herself fall back against the backrest, closing her eyes and breathing in the mild air of the warm summer night.
“Care for a drink?”
His voice made her jump, sitting up straight immediately, eyes shooting wide open. And there he was, two shot glasses in his large hands and grinning down at her, obviously very satisfied with the slight scare he had just given her. He looked amazing, the smug bastard, in his casual jeans and white shirt, two buttons undone, topped with a sporty black jacket. She highly doubted that she had ever seen a finer man in her entire life. Luckily that didn’t make her lose her sharp tongue.
“And here I am thinking that you weren’t fond of alcohol. What happened?”
He smiled sheepishly, only one corner of his mouth tugged up, when he handed her her drink. He took his time, grabbing a chair and positioning it opposite hers, then sitting down carefully, not wanting to spill the shot all over his chest. She had already come to think that he was trying to avoid her question after all, when he locked eyes with her and finally began to speak.
“Hm. It’s been a while since I last saw you. A lot of things happened, you know. Maybe it was finally time for me to grow up.”
“Hear, hear.” With a mischievous smile she raised her glass. “To your coming of age, then.”
He rolled his eyes playfully. “If you insist.”
His magnificent blue eyes never left hers while they chinked glasses, and a second later she could feel the more than welcome liquid moisturising her suddenly very dry mouth.
With a thud, their glasses landed on the table, both of them chuckling like giddy children when their eyes found each other again and then, for a moment, there was nothing but silence. The world seemed to have zoned out, leaving behind nothing but his aquamarine orbs and the wild smile on his face.
Just gradually, the world seemed to set back in again. There was the monotonous clitter of the crickets, overlaid by the muffled sound of the music that was carried over by a soft breeze, and loudest of all she could hear the beating of her own heart against her chest.
“What else has changed now that you are a proper adult?” she heard herself ask, not having the faintest idea where those words came from and how the hell she managed to deliver them so smoothly when her whole body seemed to have gotten out of control.
He took a quick look over his shoulder, his thumb pointing in the same direction.
“If you mean the dancing, I’m still not very fond of that.” Her face must have fallen a little because he was quick to add, “Except...”
“Except what?”
His eyes landed back on hers and she almost choked on her hitching breath.
“Except I think I could make an exception for the right partner.”
From the corner of her eye she registered a movement between their bodies, but she was hesitant to let her view stray from his captivating appearance. At last it was something in his eyes that looked at her expectantly which finally made her snap out of her trance.
Looking down at his hand sheepishly, it took her a while to fathom that he was actually asking her to dance with him.
Slowly her eyes wandered up to his again, asking a silent question, which he answered with an almost imperceptible rise of his eyebrows. And before she knew what she was doing, she laid her hand in his and let him pull her to her feet.
He had just turned towards the source of the music, when she suddenly held him back.
“No, wait.”
With a puzzled look he did what she asked of him and let her twist him back around.
“Why don’t we just stay here? The music is loud enough anyway.”
A gentle smile curved his lips. “Sure, if that’s what you want.”
She nodded softly, her teeth biting down on her lip in excitement.
And before she knew what was happening, she found herself secured against his chest by his firm grip. It felt like being pressed up to a hot furnace which she would usually have appreciated any other time, but on a sweltry night like this and in a place she had wanted to be in for so long, it was pure torture. And as if this wasn’t bad enough already, his strong fingers pressed down on her lower back, threatening to scorch her even through the fabric of her blouse as he pulled her an impossible inch further into him. He was so close now that she could sense the heat radiating off his cheek as well, bringing along a whiff of his enticing scent and she couldn’t help but close her eyes as she inhaled deeply and her head began to spin. It was odd, but her mind was completely blank by now, blank except for one thought and her lips spread into a blissful smile as she repeated it in her head again and again, relishing in the feeling that if either of them moved just the tiniest bit, their cheeks would inevitably touch.
Slowly they moved and despite the unhurried shift of their bodies her heart was beating so violently that she thought it pondered jumping out of her chest to meet his. There was no chance he wouldn’t be able to tell from the way he held her, and when he finally drew away a tad to look at her, she fully expected him to call her out for it.
But he didn’t. Instead his sinfully soft lips curled into a reassuring smile before he spoke.
“You were right.”
“I beg your pardon?”
A cute chuckle escaped his mouth, leaving the corners of his eyes crinkled in the most beautiful display of amusement.
“About what you said at your uncle’s birthday party.”
“Oh.” She had said a lot that evening, words that she had come to regret later and remembering them now set her cheeks on fire. “About what exactly?”
“About everything,” he admitted without hesitation, yet he couldn’t hide the spark of misery that flitted across his sea blue orbs. “Didn’t take me very long after that night to finally see things clearly.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” It was true. Although she knew that she probably sounded like a madwoman after everything she had confronted him with back then, at least the frown on his forehead seemed to confirm that. “I truly am. I really would have liked to see you happy.” Even if it was with that girl.
She was glad she had managed to keep that last bit to herself. She had no idea why she had said that she was sorry in the first place, but judging by the wild smile on his face it must have been the right words after all.
“Well, I certainly am happier now than I was that night.” He shrugged. “So, thank you, I guess.”
She huffed. “For what? Making absolutely inappropriate remarks on your relationship? I shouldn’t have done that. I know that now. So it should be me who is sorry here, don’t you think?”
She could feel his fingertips press into the soft flesh of her back.
“Don’t be. I guess you were exactly what I needed.” It took him a second before he realised what he had just said. “I mean it. It was exactly what I needed.”
His eyes snapped to the left and she was thankful that he couldn’t see the grin that decorated her lips as she watched the treacherous colour creep into his cheeks, spreading all the way to his ears. For a while he didn’t say another word, probably still trying feverishly to figure out a way to take back his slip of the tongue. And when he finally spoke, she wished he hadn’t.
“There is one thing though that I have gone over and over in my mind. But no matter how long I think about it, it just won’t make sense.”
She already knew that she wouldn’t like where this conversation was heading now, but she found herself asking nonetheless.
“And what is that?”
His head turned without a warning as his eyes searched her gaze and for the blink of an eye his lips came so close that she couldn’t say if they had actually brushed along hers or if her needy heart had just imagined their brief touch. He didn’t answer her question right away, his breath blending with her own in the narrow space between their faces and suddenly she wasn’t so sure anymore if she had really only dreamed up their fleeting foretaste of a kiss.
“Why did you do it?” Panic rose in her chest. She hadn’t done anything. After all it had been him who had turned his head. But as he went on, she realised that he wasn’t referring to that at all and the suffocating distress eased away bit by bit. “I mean, we didn’t even know each other when you decided to come at me like that.”
Now it was her who had to avert her gaze.
“I think I don’t really want to answer that question.”
“Why not?” His voice was so soft and gentle, making it even harder to answer him.
“Because the truth might be kind of ugly.”
“But the outcome wasn’t, so I think I’ll take that risk.”
Her feet stopped their mechanical movements as a violent shiver ran down her spine. So this would be it then. It would be over before it had really begun. Pity. But at least she would have the memory of these few minutes, of his genuine smile and the way he had held her tight against his chest. With a deep sigh she bid their daydream of a dance goodbye.
“I could tell you now that it was for some noble reason, but at the bottom of it all I think it was nothing more than jealousy that drew me to your table that night. I had been unable to ignore you all evening — ignore her. The way she behaved like a spoiled brat, drinking and losing control, not caring in the least that she not only made a fool out of herself but of you as well. God, I hated her in that moment, for having everything I ever wanted and riding roughshod over it. And when I saw you sitting there, looking so utterly crestfallen, somehow I couldn’t help it.”
An undefinable silence settled between them and the only sound that remained was the beat of the music wafting over from the party that went on behind his back. The faint whisper of the melody seemed to push itself up between them and tear them further apart, exactly as she had expected. And just like the bass, her heartbeat slowed until it died away completely.
It was over and everything she wanted to do was let go of his hand so she could do him the favour of leaving, but to her astonishment he refused to set her free. And rather then releasing her from his grip, he squeezed her hand, briefly and just once, but it was enough for her to find the courage and face him. But instead of finding a frown or a scornful pair of eyes, his blinding smile made her forget to breathe for a moment.
“I had hoped you might say that.” And with that he pulled her into his arms again and continued swaying her to the music as if she had not just revealed her repulsive self to him. Her brain still a step behind, she couldn’t do anything but stare up at him stupidly.
“What? Why?”
“Isn’t that obvious?” And when she shook her head like a petrified imbecile, an amused chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Because even though your behaviour was extremely infuriating, I have to admit that I like you. And asking you out on a date will be so much easier now that I know you like me too.”
With a violent jolt, the useless muscle inside her chest started to beat again, its heavy pounding filling her ears with white noise as the world around her started to spin. Unable to stop the motion, she felt herself leaning in, her nails digging into the undoubtedly expensive fabric of his jacket as she desperately tried to gain control over her unruly body.
“So, will you go out with me?”
It seemed like an eternity until she finally mustered the strength for a mechanical nod. Neither had she noticed in her struggle that he had stopped dancing, nor that the priceless look on her face had made his eyes and heart go soft for her.
“Great. That’s settled then. When are you free?”
It was only when he took a step back, taking his warmth with him as his hand slipped out of hers, that she snapped out of her trance.
“Now? Like right now?”
More like now as in before she could screw everything up again.
“Yes, why not? I know you have a busy schedule, so finding a date when we are both free might be tough. And above that, it is a beautiful summer evening.”
Had all those words really fallen from her mouth right now? Embarrassed about her lack of composure, her hand flew up to her mouth, making him smile again.
“I guess you have a fair point there.” And just like that, his hand was there again, fingers entwining slowly with hers like they had never been meant for anyone else. “All right then, let’s get out of here.”
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133 notes · View notes
Can I request some Dream with y11, a8 and a10...?
Author's note- This was based on a dream I had with yandere dream, and as always, sleepy bois inc family is canon in this story, and Y/N is the second youngest, older than Tommy but younger than the twins Techno and Wilbur. Also, Mumza is in here, I don't see her in a lot of fanfics that included the SBI family dynamic.
Author's note 2- The first half of this fic is mainly SBI fluff, then the rest will be Dream x Reader
Author's note- this isn't the best but I tried, wasn't in the best mind space when I wrote this.
Warnings- Implied Abuse, Kidnapping, Gaslighting (?)
Yandere Dream x Reader
Y/N banged on Techno's door, their legs being close to giving up due to exhaustion. Techno yawned as his walked towards the door with an axe in hand, his hair covering most of his face, it was around 2 AM when Y/N knocked on his door. Techno opened the door and saw Y/N looking at him with despair, wearing nothing but a T-shirt that wasn't their's, and they had a black eye.
"Y/N?" Techno asked, since he hasn't seen his little sibling in years.
"Techno... Let me in, please..." Y/N said, barely being able to speak before they collapsed, and everything going black.
The next morning...
Y/N woke up in their old bedroom, the entire room looking like it hasn't been touched in years. Touching their face, they felt bandages covering their left eye. Tommy walked into the room holding a plate of pancakes and bacon. Looking up, Tommy almost dropped it the moment he saw Y/N.
"Y-Y/N..." Tommy said.
"Hey Tommy..." Y/N said, giving him a sad smile.
Tommy ran toward Y/N and knocked them over, hugging them as he cried.
"We thought you were dead! After you didn't show up after you went hunting, we looked every where and we couldn't find you. I thought you..."
Y/N hugged Tommy back and rubbed his back. Tommy pulled back and rubbed his tears away.
"Where were you?"
Y/N looked at the ground and shook their head, implying they didn't want to talk about it. Tommy just nodded before standing up.
"Come down stairs once your done," Tommy said, before closing the door.
Y/N picked up their plate, looking down at it, waiting for something to happen. The words that Dream said kept replaying in their head.
"Ugh, you're getting fat again, you know what, no food for the next 2 weeks, got it?"
Y/N hands shook as they backed away from the food. Y/N gripped Dream's shirt as they held back tears. Y/N just grabbed a piece of bacon and ate it with their eyes closed. When they realised how good it was, they ate more and more until their plate was clean.
Y/N got up and walked down stairs, Wilbur lying down on the couch while he listened to Tommy rant about Ranboo and Tubbo, Techno was no where to be seen, and Phil was doing the dishes in another room. Wilbur glanced at you before walking up to you and hugging you.
"I thought Techno was fucking with me when he told me you were back, but you really are!"
"Heh, yeah," Y/N said, hugging Wilbur back.
"Where's Dadza?" (They call Phil Dadza instead of dad)
"In the kitchen," Tommy said, taking Wilbur's spot on the couch.
Y/N left as Wilbur began pulling Tommy off the couch.
Y/N giggled as they entered the kitchen, chat was annoying Phil as he did the dishes. Phil saw the crows fly towards Y/N and started to fly around them. Y/N giggled as they let two crows on their shoulders.
"Hey Dadza," Y/N said, hugging Phil who hugged them back.
"My God, you look so... different, not like it's a bad thing of course but, where the hell were you, if you were going on vacation you should of told us," Phil said, rubbing Y/N's hair.
Y/N just giggled as the crows kept flying around them.
"Yeah I know. Hey, where's Mumza? If she here right now or is she working?" Y/N asked.
"Uhhhh, I think she's in the forest outside."
Y/N waved goodbye as they left, the crows flying after them.
"Finally those things leave me alone..." Phil sighed in relief.
Y/N walked in the forest while the crows flew behind them, and they stopped when they saw a familiar hat.
Kristen looked down behind her and saw a familiar figure. Shrinking down so she wasn't above the trees, she saw a familiar face.
"Y/N..." Kristen said as she walked towards them and placed a hand on their cheek as she covered her mouth, hiding her smile.
"Hey Mumza..."
Kristen began to cry tears of joy as she hugged them.
"I knew you weren't dead, when I checked the limbos and the train station you weren't in neither of them," She said, backing away.
"Oh my, what happen to your face?"
"I don't really remember," Y/N lied.
"Y/N, you know it's wrong to lie to your mother."
Y/N giggled as their mother gave them a stern look.
"I don't really want to talk about it, it's a long story."
"Ok sweetie, now stay safe, I don't want you going missing again, we were worried sick that something happened to you."
"I know, Dadza told me."
Mumza just shook her head with a smile before kissing them on the cheek, like she did when they were very young. Kristen waved goodbye before disappearing into black dust. Chat flew back to Phil's house, leaving Y/N all alone in the woods. Y/N just sat under a tree as they listen to the nature sounds. A fox walked by and slept next to them, bringing Y/N some joy.
Fast forward to night...
Tommy opened Y/N's door in at panic before closing it behind him. Y/N was on their bed reading when the teen came in.
"Tommy, what the hell are you doing here?"
"I may have stolen Will's guitar..."
"That doesn't sound that bad."
"And I may have broke it..." Tommy said, revealing a broken guitar from behind his back.
Y/N burst out into laughter, holding back tears as they laughed.
"You're so fucked!"
After Y/N said that Wilbur burst through the door, knocking Tommy over.
"Shit!" Tommy said, crawling under the bed.
"Get out from their you fucking gremlin," Wilbur said, trying to get tommy.
Techno walked by and just stood at the door way watching the commotion.
"Techno! Can you help me out?"
"Eh, looks like a you problem."
Wilbur groaned as he grabbed Tommy's leg, and once he did he pulled him out from under the bed. Y/N looked at Techno and just shrugged as he showed confusion. Wilbur picked Tommy up, opened the window, and threw Tommy out from it.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Tommy yelled as he prepared himself as he fell.
But the ground never came, but instead felt himself get picked up. Looking up, he saw Kristen with a pissed off face.
"Willbur, what did I saw about throwing Tommy outside of windows!"
"Oooo, Will's getting yelled at by Mumza," Techno mocked, snickering.
"Oh shut up," Wilbur told Techno.
Kristen placed Tommy back inside of the house as she picked Wilbur up and scolded him.
"A 23 year old man getting scolded by his own mother, tsk tsk tsk," Tommy said, shaking his head in a disapproving manner.
"Now, I don't want to see anymore fighting or throwing each other out of windows or breaking each others things, am I making myself clear?"
"Yes Mumza," Wilbur and Tommy said, sighing in defeat.
Kristen nodded before Disappearing into black dust.
"Your getting me a new guitar Tommy," Wilbur said.
"Fine, asshole," Tommy said as he left.
Techno and Will left, leaving Y/N alone. Picking up their book, they noticed that, all the words on the pages were gone. Scrolling through the book, the only thing their was a smiley face. Y/N looked around confused before closing the book.
"He's gone Y/N, your free, don't let your imagination ruin it," Y/N said, putting the book in their drawers.
Later that night...
Y/N slowly opened their eyes and saw a too familiar face staring at them. Before they can screen, Dream covered their mouth and placed a finger over his mouth, silently telling them to hush up. Dream had a sinister smile on his face, he didn't have his mask on, but instead it rested on the side of his head. His green eyes glowed in the darkness as he spoke.
“Scream all you want sweetie, no one’s going to hear you. And no one ever will…”
Y/N panicked and kicked Dream who was towering over them, in the dick, making him wince over and fall onto the floor in pain. Standing up, they ran out of the room and ran downstairs, opening the door and running out of the house. Dream recovered and chased after them.
"COME BACK HERE LOVE!" Dream yelled, running after them.
"Leave me alone, Leave me alone, Leave me alone, I don't want to go back," Y/N mumbled, running faster.
Y/N felt the air get knocked out of them when they fell to the ground, Dream pinning them down as he leaned in to whisper into their.
"Your pathetic... You're the child of the Angel Of Death and the Goddess Of Death, yet you get defeated by a mortal like myself... I guess I really am a God, just trapped in a mortal's body... I told you so many times Y/N, you're weak, you're nothing without me, you'll never be anything without my protection and care, your family doesn't care about, only I will waste my fucking time with you," Dream said, before knocking Y/N out.
Dream picked Y/N up and slung them over his shoulder. As he walked through the forest, he thought about something, a little gift to leave in Y/N's room for the family to see. Sitting Y/N down, he written down on a note 'Thanks for the gift :)' before running back to the house, quietly going in Y/N room to leave it on the bed. Then he ran out and went on his merry way.
The next day...
Tommy went to wake Y/N up, but he was greeted by a messing, dishevelled room.
"What the... What the fuck happened in here?" Tommy asked, looking around.
Once he got to the bed he saw the note, when he picked it up he almost dropped it instantly. Tommy ran down stairs and waved the note in the air.
"They're gone, Y/N's gone!"
"What do you mean?" Phil asked.
"This note was on their bed, and their room was a mess."
Techno grabbed the note as he skimmed over it, his face that held confusion turned to realization and then went to anger.
"What's wrong Techno?" Kristen asked.
"I know this handwriting from anywhere... Dream has them."
"What?!" Wilbur and Tommy asked.
"H-How? Y/N's never met Dream," Tommy said.
"How can we know that for a fact? Y/N was missing for years, and now they come back mysteriously in a panicked manner and in a very unhealthy condition."
"What are you leading towards Techno?" Phil asked.
"My theory is that Y/N was with Dream the years they were missing, and it wasn't by choice. I'm not sure how they met, but they definently have some sort of relationship, and it isn't heathly."
"What does Dream look like?" Kristen asked.
"Why do you ask?"
"I can ask Drista or XD to help me, I have a feeling Dream's linked to the two in some way, and it can help me locate him with the crows help."
"No one's really seen his face," Tommy said.
"But one thing that stands out is his mask, he wears this smiley mask all the time, making it impossible to see his face."
"With that info given to Mumza, what's the plan?" Wilbur asked.
Techno let out a dark chuckle as his eyes went dark.
"Oh I have a plan... And it's not going to be easy..."
With Y/N and Dream...
Y/N looked up and their hands were above their head, cuffed to the wall with no way to escape. Their legs were tied together, and the shirt they were wearing was gone, leaving them in just their undergarments. Looking up, Dream was sitting on a chair, looking at them dead in the eyes with a pissed off expression as he sharpened his netherite sword.
"Tell me this Y/N, what made you get the confidence and ego to pull this BULLSHIT on me?!"
Dream stood up and grabbed their face
"I give you everything, anything! If you want it I get it for you. But you just had to get selfish and leave me, you're fucking disgusting."
"I'm not disgusting..." Y/N mumbled.
"What did you say whore?"
"You heard me, I'm not disgusting! You're the one that fucking kidnapped me and hid me away for years, starving me whenever I got 'too fat?' WHAT BULLSHIT IS THAT?! You physically and emotionally abuse me, and you do this just because you love me? I believed you for years, but when I got to see my family again I remembered what real love was, and this, this isn't love! You need fucking help Dream, and after this I'm going to need fucking therapy due to your FUCKING BULLSHIT!"
Dream slapped Y/N hard across the face, before putting his hand around Y/N's throat.
“Your life is in my hands, don’t test me, ok?”
"I'm not testing you Dream, I'm telling you the truth. You're just too caught up in your ego to see it."
Dream began to chuckle, before going into a hysterical laughter.
"Oh~ Y/N just doesn't know when to shut up..." Dream said, before kicking them in the stomach.
"Being with your family for 1 day made you get your ego, confidence and self respect back... Now that's not good," Dream continued, stabbing his netherite sword into Y/N's hands, making them scream in pain.
Dream began to hurt punch them over and over again until he got bored.
"DREAM PLEASE STOP! I'M AT HALF A HEART!" Y/N yelled, looking up at Dream with pleading eyes.
Dream just smiled, his eyes glowing as he looked down at them.
"Oh Y/N... I could kill you right now, and no one would care! NOBODY! And if people did care, where's your family? Where's your friends? Only I care about you, only I can make you happy, only I can touch you the way I do, and only I can love you..."
Y/N's brain just completely shut down as they stared down at the floor with emotionless eyes. Y/N began to cry, tears rolling down their face as they thrashed against their restraints.
"No! You're wrong! Youre..." Y/N said, before they felt Dream grab their chin.
"Care to finish that?"
Y/N just shook their head no, being too tired to do anything, and having too many mental and physical scars to even care anymore.
"Now, who's the only one that can love you?
"And who do you love?"
Dream unlocked their cuffs and watched as they fell to Y/N's side limply. Dream placed Y/N in his lap and ran his hand through their hair.
"You're all mine... And not even you're family can change that..."
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Merthur soulmate AU where they can always find each other:
Leon fulfils his self-appointed “older brother” role by helping them get away with it, and Morgana decides the son of her new guardian wasn’t so bad after all, if he came with such a great friend.
Part 2   Part 3 Part 4
This was requested a little while ago, also Homophobia doesn’t exist in this world and maybe that’s unrealistic but I literally don’t care, let me have this.
Everyone has a soulmate. It’s a fact of life.
No one really knows quite how it works, only that it’s something magical, and has been around since before recorded history.
Everyone can find their soulmate. They feel a tug in their heart, that always pulls them in the right direction, no matter what. No matter what obstacles or distance separates them, they may always be united, they may always find their way home.
Soulmate bonds were the one piece of magic that King Uther left untouched when he started his purge, for he was bonded to Arthur’s mother, and despite his cruelty, he could never find it in himself to deprive others of such a feeling. 
(Besides, they were so ancient and global, there’s nothing he could’ve done to destroy them; easier to save his pride and leave them be.)
Very rarely, only a few times in a century, a pairing will appear whose bond is so strong, the compass in their hearts works in a slightly different manner.
King Uther’s son, Prince Arthur, and heir to the throne of Camelot, was one half of such a special pairing.
The first time the Prince disappeared, he was five, and meant to be taking a nap.
This meant that his nannies hadn’t even noticed he was gone before he reappeared in his bed, and no one in the castle knew of his little adventure.
To say Hunith was surprised by the appearance of a very young, very blond child in her kitchen was an understatement. 
The last thing she was expecting to see when she turned around from laying her three year old down for a nap, was a noble-looking boy, who definitely hadn’t been there moments before.
After she recovers from her shock, she glances over at the front door (still locked) before looking back at the child with concern. She took a step towards him, and crouched down before quietly speaking:
“Hi there sweetie, how did you get in here?”
Child!Arthur ignores her, instead taking a wobbly step towards Toddler!Merlin, and without looking away from him, asks:
“Who’s that?”
Hunith is taken aback at that, and looks more closely at the child. He was clearly in sleep clothes, but they were made from expensive fabrics, and he looked chubby and happy and healthy, not like most young children around these parts.
She steps in front of Arthur again to try and catch his eye:
“Why don’t you tell me your name, and we’ll try to find your mum?”
Arthur looks at her only briefly as he pouts, before side-stepping again and regaining his line of sight to the dark haired toddler (still sleeping):
“Don’t have a mum. And dad’s busy. I wanted to find my person.”
Hunith tilts her head at that, but before she can ask what he means, Arthur finally looks at her properly, and begins speaking again:
“Are you my person? Or is it him? Nanny Marge says everyone has a person, and we can always find them.” he says it with confidence, and a self satisfied nod.
Hunith blinks, she knows all about soulmates, everyone does, but that still didn’t explain how the child had just appeared:
“Well, my name’s Hunith, and that’s my son, Merlin. Where are you from?”
Arthur yawns and stumbles towards Merlin, wrapped in blankets and laid in the corner. Hunith goes to grab him (Merlin was a fussy toddler, and it took forever to get him to sleep and she really didn’t want him to be woken up again.) but relaxes as Arthur sits cross-legged about a foot away from him, not ripping his gaze away for a moment.
He looks back up at Hunith sleepily, obviously starting to feel the effects of not napping:
“Mer-lin. I like that name. Like the birdy. I’m Prince Arthur of Camelot, son of King Uther.” He says the last part like it’s been rehearsed (it has) and Hunith stifles a gasp as she finally realises what’s happened.
Her old love, before he left, had told her of the rare pairings that appeared occasionally. The soulmates whose bond is so strong, they simply have to wish to be in the others presence, and they will appear there.
Truth be told, Hunith thought it was just a story. Soulmates are fairytale enough, but being able to appear at their side whenever you so wished? That was the stuff of love-stories and legend. Yet here stood a child, who claimed to be a Prince from another kingdom, who should be safely locked away in a castle several days journey from here. And all he seemed interested in, was Merlin.
Hunith wasn’t really sure what to do with this revelation. Not that she wasn’t glad her son had a soulmate, but her son’s soulmate was heir to a throne that would order a pyre for Merlin, even as a child. Merlin was floating spoons and lighting candles and knocking over cups before he could even crawl. Camelot was no place for him, at least not right now.
What if he accidentally did magic in front of the Prince? Would Arthur be scared, would he hate his own soulmate? Or would he not yet understand and tell someone accidentally? Would the King order his own son’s soulmate killed, if he found out?
Hunith shook the questions from her mind for now. Merlin was asleep, and she needed to figure out how to persuade Arthur that he needed to go back home:
“Arthur, that’s a lovely name. I know you want to find your person Arthur, but I think it might be best if you go home, before someone starts worrying, don’t you?”
Little Arthur yawns again, but pouts:
“I don’t want to go back. It’s so boring there, no one except Leon lets me play anything, and Leon’s busy.”
Hunith holds in a sigh, she can imagine life is difficult for an heir to the throne, especially with a father like Uther. She crouches down to his level again:
“I know sweetie, but you don’t want anyone worrying, do you?”
Arthur waits a moment before shaking his head forlornly. Hunith hopes she’s persuaded him, the only way he would go back is if he wanted to, she couldn’t force him. And she really didn’t want to have to journey back to Camelot on foot, and have to explain to the King why she had his son:
“No. I like Nanny Marge, and dad is always mean to her when she loses me.” Hunith frowns at that, but before she can say anything, Arthur stands on wobbly legs, and looks at her with determination:
“Ok. Bye-bye-”
He looks to Merlin again, and whispers his next few words, like he didn’t want to wake him:
“Bye Merlin. I promise I’ll come back-”
He looks back to Hunith again:
“Please can I come back? Leon says I should ask permission before going to someone’s home, so can I please please come back?”
Hunith worries her lip with her teeth at that, they were soulmates, she couldn’t exactly say no. But she also didn’t want to encourage the little prince to just disappear whenever he was bored:
“I... of course, Arthur, you’re more than welcome. But not too often, and not for too long, OK?” she tilts her head in question, and smiles when Arthur gives a decisive nod. 
She holds in a smile as the Little Prince (what she had affectionately been referring to him as in her head) scrunched his face in concentration, closing his eyes. After a few seconds, he disappears with a pop and a few sparks, and she lets out a breath of relief, hoping that he had returned safely.
She stands still for a moment and blinks, seemingly trying to process all that had happened. She hums thoughtfully, before looking lovingly towards her son, and muttering to herself:
“I have a feeling that your future just got a lot more complicated, my love.”
For the next year, Arthur would pop in and out of Hunith’s house once a month or so. He only ever came when he was meant to be having a nap (the only time he was really unsupervised during the day).
Luckily, it would appear, that he and Merlin shared nap times; Merlin can’t accidentally expose his magic to the Little Prince if he was asleep every time he appeared.
Over the visits, Hunith learnt as much about Arthur as she could. He knew Gaius, which she was definitely relieved at (and sent a letter to him explaining everything the day she found out they knew each other). Someone in the castle knowing where Arthur had disappeared off to, if anyone ever noticed, would help.
She also found out who Leon was, the son of a noble, an aspiring knight-to-be, around twelve years old to Arthur’s six (both he and Merlin had birthdays at some point between visits), and that he seemed to be the only person around who allowed Arthur to have a little fun every once in a while.
After a little coaxing, she found that Arthur didn’t really know anything about his mother, only what Leon could remember, because Uther refused to speak of her (she thought that was a little heartbreaking, but hid it well).
Arthur kept his word, and never stayed for longer than ten minutes, but Hunith worried; she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold Arthur off for very long. He had visited around thirteen times, and Merlin had been asleep for every one of them. 
Arthur would want to wake him up eventually, to actually talk to his soulmate, and who knows what Merlin would do.
Eventually, a few months before Merlin’s fifth birthday, Hunith sat him down and told him what had been happening. That he and his soulmate were very special, and that Arthur had been visiting whilst he was asleep.
To say that Merlin was excited was a vast understatement, and Hunith had to quell her panic when he asked if he could visit Arthur where he was:
“No Merlin, I’m sorry, you have to stay here, remember?-”
She frowns sorrowfully at Merlin’s pout and teary eyes, before schooling her face into a smile and continuing:
“But I promise, next time he visits, I’ll wake you up and you can play together, does that sound fun?-”
She chuckles at his excited nod:
“But only if you don’t use your gift sweetheart, Arthur might not be as good at keeping secrets as you or I am, so we’ll have to wait until he’s older, do you understand?” she whispers that, hoping that it would be easier to convince him if he thought of it as a fun game, instead of a life threatening secret.
Merlin thinks for a minute before nodding:
“Yes mama. No magic until he’s older.”
Hunith pats him on the head, taking a deep breath and preparing herself for Merlin to repeatedly ask her how long until Arthur visited.
So that’s how it goes for several years, Arthur visiting Ealdor when no one was paying attention, he and Merlin playing quietly, with no magic, for a while, before Arthur popped back home.
Hunith was grateful for the current simplicity, but she knew it couldn’t last. Merlin had been asking more and more if he could visit Arthur, and it was only a matter of time before he snuck off without telling her.
That, and the magic problem.
Arthur had spoken of his lessons, how according to everyone at home, magic was evil. Merlin always looked so sad at that, and Hunith was grateful for the fact that Arthur didn’t sound so sure. But she also knew that it was only a matter of time before Arthur was convinced by his father’s determined hatred, and she didn’t want to see the heartbreak on Merlin’s face.
The first time The Little Prince spoke of an execution, he was eight, and Merlin had just had his seventh birthday. Merlin cried as Arthur described it, and Hunith had to stop the anger at Arthur growing in her: it wasn’t his fault, and he didn’t exactly sound happy about it at all.
If anything, he seemed almost as upset as Merlin and when Arthur had noticed Merlin’s tears, he stopped talking immediately and bit his lip, looking to Hunith worriedly.
Hunith clenched her jaw before wrapping an arm around each of the children, and speaking to Arthur quietly as Merlin still sniffled:
“Do you think you can keep a secret, Arthur? A really big one, from everyone? Even Leon and your dad?”
He nodded vigorously, and Hunith gives him a weak smile before looking to Merlin, who stared back at her with watery eyes:
“Go on then Merlin, I think he’s old enough to know, don’t you?”
Merlin nodded this time, a little more hesitantly than Arthur, but he looks to his soulmate anyway.
Arthur stared back with wide, worried eyes, and gasped as Merlin all but whispered:
“I was born with magic. I am magic.”
Arthur looks scared for a split second, before he shuffles close to Merlin and taking his pudgy hand in his own. He thinks for a second, before looking at Hunith quickly, and then Merlin. He gives a firm nod as he says:
“I don’t care, and I promise not to tell anyone. If you have magic then it can’t be evil, and when I’m King, I’ll make sure everyone else knows that as well.”
Hunith lets out a sigh of relief, feeling like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders as Arthur’s short arms pull the three of them into a tight hug.
The first time Merlin disappears, is almost a year later. Arthur was nine, and Merlin was only a few days away from being eight.
During Arthur’s last visit, he had told them of a new addition to the castle, a sad, dark haired girl called Morgana, a year older than him.
He explained that something had happened to her parents, and his father had taken her in.
Merlin seemed concerned at that, and Hunith had a feeling that it would only be a matter of time before her son decided he wanted to help her (the boy was dangerously empathetic, he teared up at even the thought of other people suffering).
When she found the scrawled note on the table (Arthur had begun sneaking books with him, and he and Hunith would sit with Merlin, teaching him to read and write as best they could) with backwards letters and misspelt words, she almost panicked.
But she sat herself down and took a deep breath, knowing that Arthur had managed to keep the secret so far, and that Merlin could just reappear if he found himself in danger.
That didn’t stop her from scolding a sheepish Merlin when he returned half an hour later.
Arthur and Merlin had organised it on their previous visit. Arthur would make sure that he was locked safely in his room at a specific time, and Merlin could come to him for a change. Then Arthur could go get Morgana (and maybe Leon) so he could meet them. 
Morgana had only been there for a month or so, and she had yet to warm up to Arthur. She was quiet, but had a sharp tongue when she chose to speak, not that that had put Arthur off quite yet. 
He was still determined that they would be friends, and Merlin was great! So what better way to get Morgana to like him, than to introduce her to Merlin?
Merlin was overjoyed when he appeared in Arthur’s room, the bedchamber being larger that the footprint of his entire house back in Ealdor. The bed itself was what he found most impressive, it was so huge and soft! And there were so many blankets and pillows! Merlin quietly thought to himself that he should come here more often.
Arthur was nervous. Excited, but nervous. They’d known each other for years now, but this was the first time that Merlin was actually seeing his home. What if he didn’t like it? What if he didn’t want to be soulmates anymore, because he preferred his own home?
(”Although-” The Little Prince started to think, “if Merlin decided he wanted to stay in Ealdor, I think I would just stay with him. ‘Gana can do all my boring King stuff here, and I can go be a farmer with Merlin.”)
Those nerves disappeared the moment he saw the grin on Merlin’s face. Arthur showed Merlin where to hide, just in case, whilst he went to fetch Morgana. He had already told her he had a surprise, so it shouldn’t take too long to persuade her to follow him.
Arthur found her in a flower garden hidden round the back of the castle, she gave in and allowed him to drag her by the hand to his chambers with only minimal grumbling. She did however glare as Arthur pressed a hand over her mouth when she went to question why they were hiding from everyone who passed them in the corridors.
Eventually they were stood outside Arthur’s chambers, but before they enter, Arthur turns to Morgana and whispers conspiratorially:
“This is a secret so you have to promise not to tell anyone, kay? Not even Leon or my dad.”
Before Morgana could reply, she gasps, looking over Arthur’s shoulder with wide eyes.
Arthur turns and bites his lip as he sees Leon (now 15, and well into his initial Knight training) leaning against the wall casually, arms folded on his chest, and an eyebrow raised:
“What is it that no one is meant to be telling me, My Lord?”
Morgana stands in silence, hands folded in front of her, trying to appear as casual as possible as Arthur stutters:
“Oh... err... nothing Leon. I just wanted.... I wanted to show ‘Gana what I learnt on the piano this morning!” He hears Morgana huff behind him, she hated when Arthur called her that, and had said as much to him, but he didn’t seem to care.
Leon raises his eyebrow even further as he begins walking towards the two children:
“Is that so? Well why is that such a big secret? Don’t you want to show me too?”
As Leon stops in front of Arthur, towering over the boy, he puts his serious “I’m-potentially-about-to-tell-you-off-if-you-don’t-start-telling-the-truth” face:
“I... uhh... wanted it to be a secret! Until I get better! Then I can show you and dad!”
Morgana struggles not to mutter complaints at his terrible lying as Leon sighs:
“Arthur, what have we said about lying? It makes communication hard, and makes it difficult for people to trust you, and will only lead to problems later on. Would you like to try again?”
Arthur looks to the floor as he shuffles again, and Morgana feels just a little sorry for him. Not that she would say that.
Leon sighs once more and crouches to his level, forcing Arthur to meet his eyes. He gives the young prince a small smile as he speaks:
“If you don’t want to tell me Arthur, that’s fine. “It’s a secret for me and Morgana” is a perfectly acceptable answer. But lying isn’t. If you promise me that you aren’t doing anything naughty, then I’ll trust you, but I would feel better if another adult did know about it.”
Arthur looks up at him at that, surprised. His father would never accept Arthur keeping secrets from him. He replies quietly:
“It’s a secret for me and Morgana... and an adult does know about it... sort of. And it isn’t bad, I promise! Buuuuut-”
Arthur fiddles with his hands as he looks to his door briefly, before looking back at Leon:
“-if you promise to keep it a secret too, then you can see!-”
Arthur pulls his face into a scowl before continuing:
“-but ONLY if you promise!”
Leon hums exaggeratedly, and rubs his chin:
“Well... I promise to keep it a secret IF it isn’t naughty, or hurting anyone. How does that sound?”
Arthur’s face breaks into a grin and he nods, before opening his door and stepping inside. He quickly waves the others in and shuts and locks the door behind them, taking their hands in his own:
“You can come out now Merls, I’ve bought them!”
Leon and Morgana were astonished when a skinny, semi-grubby, obviously peasant-boy, came crawling out from under Arthur’s bed, and had to hold in gasps.
Merlin stands awkwardly as Arthur grins at him, and waves nervously to the new-comers:
“Hi... I’m Merlin. Me and Arthur are-”
Before he can finish, Arthur excitedly interrupts him:
“He’s my soulmate!”
The room is silent for a while, Merlin getting more nervous by the second, Arthur practically bouncing off the walls with excitement (and being oblivious to the awkwardness), Morgana being marginally surprised but taking it in her stride, and Leon... well... Leon was absolutely freaking out. But you wouldn’t know that from looking at him.
After only about a minute (but it feels like forever for Merlin), Leon stutters some words out:
“Arthur where did you.... why... where did you find this kid??”
Arthur looks to him in confusion as he stops jumping up and down:
“I told you. He’s my soulmate.-”
He puffs up his chest and puts his hand on his hips, looking extremely proud of himself as he continues:
“-I found him all on my own. I’ve been visiting him forever, but I wanted him to come here for once, so he could meet ‘Gana.”
Morgana breaks out her stupor at that, and looks at Arthur incredulously before looking back at Merlin:
“Hi, Merlin.” with a small smile, which Merlin returns.
Leon takes in a deep breath, wondering how the hell he was supposed to deal with this. The Prince had... kidnapped a commoner? Without anyone in the castle noticing?? What??? Nothing in his lessons trained him for this.
He shakes off his confusion and finally looks away from Merlin, and to Arthur:
“Wait... what do you mean you’ve been visiting him? When have you been going? And where?”
Arthur swayed on the spot, trying to look innocent:
“At the beginning I went when I was supposed to be napping. Then I would go when I was meant to be doing self-study. I only go once or month or so, and not for very long. Merlin’s mum is always worried about someone missing me.”
Leon takes another deep breath:
“Arthur... how did you sneak out without anyone noticing? And how did you get Merlin in?”
As much as Leon wanted to solve the problem of “there is a random commoner child in the prince’s room” thing, he was also greatly disturbed by the fact that two children, who hadn’t even hit double digits yet, had been sneaking in and out of what was meant to be a heavily fortified, guarded, castle, for years.
Arthur seems to have a realisation at Leon’s questions:
“OH! Like this!”
With that, he runs out the room, and Leon goes to follow him, but the prince manages to shut the door just before he got there.
Morgana is looking on all of this with mild confusion and shock, not really understanding what was going on, but happy to wait quietly and see what would happen.
Just as Leon goes to open the door, he hears a pop, followed by a voice from behind him:
“See!” Leon freezes and he hears Morgana gasp.
The teen turns around slowly, to see a grinning Arthur stood next to a cheerful looking Merlin:
“Uhh... Arthur, how did you do that?-”
Leon begins panicking, the only thing running through his head is “sorcery!” and whilst he would like to believe that Uther would never harm his own son, with the way he was going with the purge... there was no guarantee.
He rushes forward and grips Arthur’s shoulders:
“I need you to tell me how you did that, right now Arthur, it’s important.”
Arthur frowns as he replies:
“I told you. He’s my soulmate. I just have to want to be with him, and I can be. Merlin’s mum says it’s super rare, and that makes us special.” Morgana once again gasps at that before smiling, and speaking for the first time since she said hello to Merlin:
“I heard about that! Two of the nobles in my old home could do it. It IS rare, but sometimes soulmates can blink and be next to each other, if they wanted that!”
Arthur and Merlin nod enthusiastically at that, and Leon sags with relief, now that his mind and heart weren’t racing so much, he did remember briefly reading something about that during his studies. And if all of this was just soulmate magic... then they should be safe.
Though by the looks of the boy... probably still best not tell Uther about it. He doubts the King would be pleased about his son being bonded with a peasant.
“Ok... ok.-”
Leon turns his attention to Merlin:
“-You said your name was Merlin? Does someone know that you’re here?”
Merlin nods as he replies:
“I left a note for my mum. But I can’t be too long though, or she’ll worry.”
Leon looks surprised at that:
“You can read and write?”
“I taught him!” comes proudly from Arthur. 
Leon nods again and re-locks the door behind him, before gesturing at everyone to sit on the soft rug together.
After establishing that Merlin had only arrived just before Arthur went to fetch Morgana, Leon says that they can sit and talk for another 15 minutes or so before Merlin had to go home.
Arthur pouted at that, but a look from Leon stopped him before he actually complained. Morgana and Leon spent the time asking questions about Merlin: where he was from, and how old he was, and about his family.
Merlin was shy at first, but Arthur had been talking about Leon forever, and Morgana seemed nice, even if she did look a bit sad sometimes.
After their time was up, everyone gave Merlin a quick hug, and Arthur promised he’d try to pop over at some point next week (Leon definitely had to stop the momentary panic at that).
Merlin disappeared with a pop, and Arthur made Morgana and Leon promise not to tell once more. Once they promised, they each wondered off Morgana to an afternoon lesson, Leon to s training session, both deep in thought.
Arthur smiled to himself. He didn’t like keeping things from Leon, because he was the only one around who was any fun, and Morgana had definitely seemed happier. So his plan succeeded!
It continued like that for some time. Arthur was the one who went to Merlin’s most often, but occasionally Merlin would go to him.
Morgana slowly started cheering up, recovering from her grief, and the three of them (almost always overseen by an always-worrying Leon) loved spending time together, and playing in the safety of Arthur’s chambers.
Thankfully, Uther never questioned it, happy that his son and his new ward seemed to be getting along finally.
The first time Merlin woke crying from a nightmare that was filled with smoke and fire, he was twelve.
He appeared in Arthur’s room within seconds, wanting nothing but the comfort of having his soulmate next to him, and Arthur woke to the quiet sniffling of a distraught Merlin perched on the end of his bed. 
Before he’s even fully awake, he has him wrapped in a hug, and is stroking his hair in an effort to calm him.
There may not be guards stationed outside his rooms during the day, but there were at night, and would be until he turned 18 (still four and a half years away), so they needed to be quiet.
They fall asleep curled up next to each other, clutching hands, and Merlin sleeps through the rest of the night without a problem. (They both wake with a start as a servant knocks on the door the next morning, and after the quickest hug they’ve ever shared, Merlin pops away, back to his own bed.)
That begins to happen more and more often, and after a couple weeks, Merlin is sleeping in Arthur’s bed most nights. 
He isn’t quite sure if he sleeps so much better because the bed is worth more than his entire village (it’s so comfy!), or if his magic is more relaxed with Arthur by his side, but either way, the nightmares stop almost entirely.
Hunith realises fairly quickly what’s going on, and does worry briefly if going to the place his nightmares took place in was the best, but Merlin seemed happier, and less tired, and once he promised to always be back before the servants came into Arthur’s room, she was a little more ok with it.
(She also made Merlin and Arthur swear to tell Leon, just in case. She hasn’t met Leon of course, but the boys talk about him and Morgana constantly, and she was grateful that the boys had someone other than Gaius (who hadn’t actually met Merlin yet) to look out for them. At this rate, Leon wouldn’t be surprised if all of this caused him to have a heart attack before he was even officially knighted. But he wouldn’t have it any other way.)
Once Arthur finally persuades Merlin to tell him what his nightmares are about, he’s horrified. It’ll be then that Arthur will begin to be more vocal about his objection to the executions, and ask questions about magic. Uther always punishes him of course, but Arthur just learns to hold his tongue instead.
Merlin cries, Morgana smiles widely, and Leon is speechless, when Arthur tells them that:
“When I’m King, magic will be everywhere! Of course people will have to be careful with it, but in the same way us knights have to be careful with swords. Isn’t that right, Leon?”
Leon goes pale at that, and takes a few moments to respond:
“Right... well. Just.... make sure you do your research Arthur, and that you know all the facts, and do NOT, no matter what, ever tell your father about this. Do you understand?”
Arthur nods glumly. He’s tried to change his father’s mind in the past, and it got him nothing but bruised knuckles and an hour long yelled lecture and extra training hours with the knights.
Leon looks to a sniffling Merlin next, and asks him what’s wrong. Arthur holds in a worried gasp, and Morgana raises an eyebrow (even at 14, she was incredibly observant and smart, she knew what was up).
Merlin grabs Arthur’s hand, but looks up at Leon through thick eyelashes, and mumbles so quietly, Leon barely hears it:
“Promise you won’t get mad? Or hate me?”
Leon has a bad feeling that he knows where this is going, but he puts a gentle hand on Merlin’s shoulder and gives him a soft smile:
“I could never hate you Merlin, promise.”
At that, Merlin bites his lip, and glances at Arthur quickly, before looking to the fire in the hearth. Leon furrows his brow in confusion, and Morgana hides an excited smile as Merlin mumbles under his breath:
“Give me a dragon.”
Leon gasps and takes a step back as the flames flutter, as if blown by a strong wind, before morphing into a miniature dragon.
The royal sorta-siblings look on in wonder as Merlin screws his face in concentration, eyes glowing golden, and Leon stares, speechless.
After a few minutes of the dragon flying around the large fireplace, it fades back into the flames again. Morgana whispers under her breath:
“That was amazing!” and Arthur smiles proudly as Merlin takes in deep breaths. He’d never held it that long before, and it had worn him out slightly.
He looks back to Leon (who is still staring dumbly at the fire) and furrows his brows in worry:
“You did promise... you’re not scared of me are you?” He looks close to tears again, and the tremble in his voice grabs Leon’s attention once again.
The older teen gathers the three of them in a tight hug, before whispering (worried someone would hear, even though they never have before):
“Of course I’m not scared of you, Birdy (an affectionate nickname, started by Morgana, and picked up by everyone else, much to Merlin’s chagrin), you just have to promise to be careful. I promise to try my best, but if someone else finds out I probably won’t be able to protect you, Ok?”
At that he pulls back, but grips Merlin’s shoulders tightly, worry written all over his face. When Merlin only nods infinitesimally, Leon shakes him ever so slightly, and gives him a desperate look:
“OK??” Merlin nods more vigorously, and mutters out an “I understand, Leon.”
Leon lets go and sighs, looking to the floor and fiddling with his hands hidden behind his back (one of the many rules he learnt growing up as a noble: fidgeting is a sign on weakness).
He takes in a fortifying breath and moves his hands to his sides before looking out the window, noticing that it’s almost dusk and looking back to the three children with a smile:
“You best get home Merlin, it’s getting late and I don’t want your mum to worry. Same time next week, ok? Next time we see each other, I’ll be a knight.” He says it with a grin, and smiles light up on the other’s faces as well. They were young, but they knew how much this meant to Leon, especially Arthur, who was about a year into his training.
Merlin gives everyone a quick hug, lingering a little longer on Arthur (like always) before stepping back, and disappearing with a pop.
The secret is revealed when Merlin is 15 (Arthur being 16, Morgana being 17, and Leon being 22).
The four of them had agreed a next meeting time, like normal, though they were having to be far more careful. With Arthur being older, he was being saddled with more and more responsibilities. His training hours and lessons were longer, he was expected to travel away from the city more, and he shadowed The King whilst he undertook his duties for the rest of the day.
Uther had mentioned Arthur’s soulmate in passing a few times (that always incited a hidden smirk from Morgana, and a nervous gulp from Leon, if he was around).
But Arthur always managed to derail the conversation and avoid the topic by saying something along the lines of “Finding my soulmate is important to me father, but not as important as learning to be the best King I can be for the kingdom. I feel the pull everyday, but until I am steadfast in my abilities and duties, it will remain unimportant to me.”
Uther always looked partially sad at that, he had loved Arthur’s mother, his soulmate, very much. But mostly he is proud at Arthur’s confidence and determination and loyalty.
If only he realised that Arthur was lying through his teeth, and had decided when he was incredibly young that he would happily hand all of it over to Morgana, in order to lead a simpler life with Merlin.
The next meeting time had been agreed. But bandits had been sighted causing trouble a few hours outside of the city, and Arthur was called to attend an emergency council meeting.
The page didn’t leave his side for a second, leading him straight to the council-room, meaning that Arthur couldn’t pop away for even two seconds to warn Merlin not to come.
He just had to hope that the meeting was over quick, and he could escape somewhere solitary before the young Warlock came around.
He was so close.
He paid close attention during the meeting, making excellent suggestions and being generally helpful, in an effort to speed things along. This backfired in a way he didn’t quite expect.
The meeting ended, knights sent to deal with the problem in the manner decided, and councilman heading back to whatever it is they did when not in meetings (at this point Arthur still doesn’t know, and is too afraid to ask). 
The Prince had almost made it out of the door before Uther called him back in. He halts in the doorway, and Morgana, ahead of him in the hallway, looks back, giving him a fearful look and mouthing “Give him an excuse! Hurry!”
Arthur turns back to the room (now devoid of everyone but The King and himself):
“I apologise father, but I was in the middle of-”
Uther gives him a stern look, and crooks a finger towards himself:
“Come. Here.”
Arthur schools his face, appearing blank, as he re-enters the room and shuts the door behind him. He stands to attention in front of his father, and figures this is just another part of the meeting he would have to hurry along. 
He glances at the shadows on the wall quickly, he should have another few minutes, as long as Merlin didn’t get too excited and appear earlier than he’s meant to.
“I wanted to congratulate you today Arthur. You did very well-”
He places a hand on his son’s shoulder and smiles hesitantly:
“-I... I’m proud of you. You’re learning well, picking things up quickly. You understand the workings of court and council near fluently now, and Sirs Kay and Leon tell me that your combat training is going astoundingly.”
Arthur’s resolve crumbles a little at that, and he almost forgets his desperation to leave the room:
“I... thank you, father. I’m trying my best to do you and the kingdom proud.”
Uther nods firmly at that and removes his hand, stepping back, the tender moment over as quickly as it had begun:
“Good. You are dismissed for the day, go back to your studies.”
Arthur struggles to hold in a relieved sigh as he bows briefly before turning around and almost rushing towards the door. He is too late however, and just as he reaches for the doorknob, he hears the tell tale pop sound from behind him. He freezes as he hears:
“Arthur, where the hell-” quickly interrupted by his father roaring:
Arthur rushes to turn around and grabs Merlin’s hand, pulling him to the side as guards burst through the door he was just stood in front of.
All of them raise swords at the terrified boy that Uther was pointing at, and Arthur quickly positions his body between them and Merlin:
“NO! Don’t hurt him! Please!”
Morgana rushes in just moments after the guards, and spots the boys immediately, stepping around the knights and standing next to Arthur defiantly. Uther looks affronted before yelling, red-faced:
“What is the meaning of this? Explain yourselves this instant, and get away from that beast!”
Morgana tightens her jaw as she takes Merlin’s other hand protectively in her own. She can feel him shaking, but knows he is too scared to just disappear again. She’s secretly grateful for that. If Merlin disappeared now there would be a manhunt and demands of explanations. The King might believe them if they can show him the truth (the same way the boys had shown her and Leon all those years ago).
“Please father, just listen. Merlin is my soulmate, it isn’t sorcery, we simply have a bond stronger than others-”
At Uther’s still-angry snarl, Arthur straightens his back, and takes in a breath, standing still and strong:
“You will NOT harm him. I would lay down my life before you lay a hand on him.” The guards falter a little at that, but still keep their swords raised.
Arthur hears Merlin take in a shaky breath at that, and squeezes his hand slightly. Morgana nods her agreement and Arthur gives her a brief, grateful smile as she says confidently:
“The same goes for me, if you wish to harm Merlin, or separate him from Arthur, you will have to order your guards to strike me down first.”
Uther lets out a growl at that:
“Soulmate or not, he used sorcery to appear out of thin air. That is treachery!”
Arthur huffs before shouting back:
“NO! Just ask Gaius, or Geoffrey. Occasionally, there are soulmates whose bond is stronger than normal, just ask Gaius-”
Arthur gives Uther his own growl as he continues:
“-And like I said. I would challenge you yourself, before I allowed anyone to hurt him.”
Uther slumps slightly and narrows his eyes at his son before telling one of the younger guards to fetch Gaius and Geoffrey immediately. He does however tell the other guards to keep their swords trained on the boy, and Merlin almost takes a frightened step back, only stopped by Arthur and Morgana, who hold him steady.
Arthur and Uther remain in a hard staring contest for the few minutes it takes the guard to return, Gaius and Geoffrey in tow.
Gaius glances at Merlin in surprise, but covers it quickly as he returns his gaze to The King as he growls:
“Tell me all you know of soulmate bonds.”
Geoffrey speaks first, confusion in his tone:
“My Lord?” 
Uther levels a glare at him as he yells:
Geoffrey is taken aback, but replies immediately:
“Well My Lord, everyone on this earth has a soulmate, someone whose soul is bound to your own. The bonds provide a compass of sorts, meaning that one can always tell what direction their soulmate is, and, with practice, roughly how far away they are. No one is certain of how these bonds come about, though centuries of research show that they aren’t harmful in anyway, and other than incredibly rare, extreme, cases, the two whose souls are bonded are a perfect match for each other; bound to fall in love-”
Gaius jumps in here:
“And in even rarer cases, My Lord, a pair may appear whose bond is so strong, they have further... abilities. This pair of souls will be able to appear to each other at will, only needing to wish to be in the other’s presence. They are also able to disappear again, but may only transport themselves to the position they were before. Academics are even more perplexed as to how these bonds are forged, though the only known pairs with such a bond have all gone on to achieve great things.”
Gaius resists the urge to look towards the three teenagers, and keeps his placating gaze on The King, who does seem to be calming slightly. Uther looks to Geoffrey for confirmation, and the librarian nods, adding:
“It is incredibly rare sire, but possible, and proven.”
Uther is considerably less angry now, but the guards don’t relax, and neither do Arthur or Morgana as The King speaks again:
“How would one prove such a bond, and differentiate it from sorcery?”
Gaius jumps to answer this question, trying to keep control of the situation:
“Well one could simply ask for a demonstration-”
He gestures to the teenagers still huddled to the side:
“-I’m assuming that these...?-”
At Uther’s stiff nod, he continues:
“-might I ask Prince Arthur to leave the room, the door shut behind him, and demonstrate his ability?” Uther looks angry for a moment, and Morgana tightens her hold on Merlin as he takes in a scared gasp. After a few moments of deliberation, The King looks to his son and gives a slight, but firm, nod.
Arthur gives Merlin a quick smile, and reluctantly lets go of his hand before saying:
“I’m only leaving him if the guards sheath their swords, and step back-”
Uther goes to interrupt him, but Arthur continues harshly:
-And THAT, is final.”
Uther gives a nod once more, and the guards cautiously put their swords away. Arthur nods at Morgana, and she takes his place directly in front of Merlin as he walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
Morgana can feel Merlin shaking behind her, but she grits her teeth, and squeezes his hand. She meant what she said, she would force the guards to cut her down before she allowed them to hurt her friend.
A second later, she hears the tell tale pop, and smirks slightly at the astounded look on Uther’s face, not having to look to know that Arthur was now stood behind her.
Uther still looks slightly disbelieving, but before he can say anything (or God forbid accuse his son of sorcery) Gaius speaks up:
“I have both ancient and modern literature on the subject My Lord, if you would like to read about it.”
Uther lets out a sigh, and purses his lips before looking to the physician:
“Very well. Have them ready for me tonight. Everybody out! I wish to talk to my son and this... boy.”
Gaius throws one last glance to the three teenagers, before shuffling out the room, closely followed by Geoffrey and the guards. Morgana stays in place.
Uther looks exasperated before saying:
“That includes you, Morgana. Out-”
Morgana interrupts him angrily:
“No. I will not leave. Merlin may be Arthur’s soulmate, but he’s my friend as well. I won’t allow you to hurt him, or speak down to him.”
Uther looks enraged once again, but Arthur speaks before he can start yelling again:
“I shan’t talk about it unless Morgana is allowed to remain, father. She has been nothing but loyal and protective of Merlin, and as his soulmate, I appreciate that greatly. She stays.” 
Arthur thought about demanding that Sir Leon be summoned as well, but he didn’t want to get the man into trouble, he had already done so much for them. And besides, Arthur is fairly certain that if he continues to order his Father around like this, he’ll lose his temper once more. There’s only so many demands someone can make of the King before context becomes unimportant, and it becomes a matter of pride.
Uther grits his teeth once more before nodding, and muttering out a quiet “Fine.”.
The King straightens himself, and regains his regal composure before speaking once again:
“Merlin, was it? Bring yourself forward, boy.”
Morgana goes to argue, and Arthur looks insulted, both about to retort against the tone and choice of words, but before they can say anything, Merlin pushes between them, to face Uther head on.
He gives a small bow, but maintains eye contact, and speaks once he raises again:
“Yes sire, my name is Merlin.”
Uther scowls as he looks him up and down, and Merlin can feel Arthur and Morgana fuming either side of him.
“You look like nothing but a farmer. I will not have my son and only heir, bonded to a peasant.”
Merlin goes to retort at that, indignant at having his worth as a person lowered by his class status, but before even Arthur can speak up, Morgana steps forwards angrily:
“I told you, I will not allow you to speak down to him. Merlin is a wonderful person. Kind, and compassionate, and wise beyond his years; he’s twice the man most of your so called nobles are, you will treat him with the respect he deserves, or the three of us will leave right now.”
Merlin is taken aback at that. I suppose because it’s only ever been the three of them, and Leon, he’s never really seen Morgana angry. Sure, he’s listened to her rant about the unjustness of Uther’s laws, but never anything like this. The display of somewhat aggressive protectiveness from her definitely makes him tear up a little.
Uther’s face turns red at her demand, and he looks about ready to kick off again, but Arthur steps forward, in line with Morgana (once again, leaving Merlin protected behind them):
“As she said father. Merlin is my soulmate, whether you like it or not. I will not leave him, we will not be separated, and that will never change. If you can not speak to him respectfully, then you won’t speak to either of us at all.”
Merlin takes Arthur’s shoulder and pushes himself forward again before saying quietly:
“Arthur, no, he’s your father. I don’t mind, it’s fine, maybe I should go?”
Arthur doesn’t look at him, but takes his hand wordlessly, gripping it tight as he glares at Uther (who looks slightly taken aback at the offer).
Morgana once again takes Merlin’s other hand and says:
“No. We’re resolving this now, and The King is just going to have to come to terms with the fact that someone’s status does not define their worth.” She looks pointedly at Uther at that, and the older man sighs, rubbing his eyes slightly, before gesturing to the council table:
“Fine. Arthur, Morgana, Merlin, take a seat, and we shall discuss how we plan to move forward.”
Part 2 is up! Part 3 is up!
Let me know what y’all think :)
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Remember that Beast!Reader fic with the yandere prince? I loved that one! Can I please request ‘Tears’ from your prompt list for this please?
I was thinking that maybe a few years pass by while the reader is still stuck in beast form, but during that time the person appointed as an alternative caretaker for the reader (obviously the prince can’t be around ALL the time if he has to maintain his kingdom and keep up his image) slowly starts forming a friendly relationship and with even something as small as a forehead kiss to the beast, it is enough to break the curse. But the two don’t get enough time to celebrate before the prince barges in👀
I’m uncomfortable with nsfw and anything too sexual but I enjoy the creepiness and horror that follows a yandere character so I hope you can write it like that please😭🥺 Oh! And please let there be some hope that the reader will either be saved or she saves herself. Even better if the reader decides that she wants to save herself and the boy who broke her curse🤩
Thank you! So sorry if I’m requesting a lot😭🙏
Oh, my sweet little anons, when was the last time I gave you a happy end, huh? But thanks for requesting a continuation, I am glad you all enjoyed it so much ^-^ What a good idea you had there!
Tears - “Sweetie, don’t cry.. they didn’t love you as much as I did.. I’ll help you over the heart break.” 
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
Panting, you urged your legs forward, always one step further than you made at a time. The chilly night air burnt in your lungs, and your bare feet were icy and wet from the forest ground, but neither you nor the person holding your hand so gently in his thought about stopping. Only wrapped in a big rag, you should have been cold, but when he squeezed your hand encouragingly, you believed you could manage it all.
It hadn’t been too long since you started your way on foot down the hill the old castle sat upon. Sooner or later, the prince would find out you escaped, and surely, they would also notice your Beloved having fled the scene. There had been no reason for him to stay. Losing you was enough to get sentenced to death, his lifeless body thrown into a bog rather than buried. So why wouldn’t he leave with you? There certainly was no reason for him to stay in the wretched service of the king. 
But sooner or later, they would come for you, that much was sure.
So, you two had to hurry, but even so, you couldn’t keep from smiling, especially when he looked back over his shoulder, his warm, green eyes shining without any regrets. You two had known each other far too little, but he never once hesitated to show you his affection for you, even when you still were the hideous atrocity that you had turned into to escape the prince for the first time.
Perhaps, everything that happened was fate. Even if it had been harsh and awful, it happened so that you two could meet and start a better life together somewhere new. Even if you wished now that you two could have met under different circumstances, now, you didn’t regret your life from before anymore. Now, you could simply look ahead to the future that waited for you.
Or so you thought; you should have known better.
The soaring of arrows pierced through the silence of the night. One hit the bark of the tree before you, fire spreading from its alcohol-soaked peak. Your eye widened, as did you’re companions, and you soon found yourself ducking as another one flew over your heads.
You couldn’t spare a second to look back over your shoulder as you two urged onwards, picking up the pace. Your legs were tired and shaking, but you knew that you had to go faster and faster, or else you or he would get hit. It were moments like these in which you wished you were still a beast. One which could run faster than any arrow. One that could fight and protect what was important to you. But that was no longer, true love’s kiss having sealed that specific fate already.
It was too late when you realized that the arrows so far had not been to stop you two from getting away. Instead, as they began to light up tree after tree, you realized they were there to banish the secrecy of the forest and make the dark disappear. At the same time, they made you two run into the directions your followers wanted you to go. If you looked back now, you knew who you’d see, no robbers smart enough to roam the forest around the prince’s castle, so there really was no reason for any other armed party to hunt you down.
And yet, you did, too afraid that if you didn’t, things would go way worse. 
The moment you looked over your shoulder, another arrow flew past you, grazing your cheek. You knew where it would hit way before your companion cried out in pain, his hand letting go of yours as a reflex. He sank to his knee for a moment, cursing under his breath as you hurried to his side, seeing the arrow lodged in his shoulder. “Oh god,” you stammered as you sank next to him, hands hovering over the wound. “W-We can fix it, I’m sure, we just have to--!”
“There’s no time!” he interrupted you firmly as if he hadn’t just been shot with an arrow. Without wasting even another second, he got up again, grabbed you by the wrist, and moved forward. You caught a glimpse at his face, determination brimming from his features, but pearls of sweat collected at his forehead. He was clearly in pain, showing it in the way he held his own shoulder with his free hand, but he hadn’t given up yet. He would move on until you two were safe, and though you sympathized with his pain, you were so thankful he didn’t give up yet.
You two ran as fast as you could, but soon you couldn’t ignore the sound of armor behind you anymore, hooves trotting closer while torches lit up the forest more and more. It was almost spooky that no words were muttered, and you expected someone to call orders every now and then, but you had seen the clothes of your followers briefly; you knew who they were. The prince’s guards, clad in the finest silver and trained to the point of being nothing more than human dogs. They ceased speaking if not absolutely necessary, their eyes were soulless, and their hearts without a hint of benevolence. Them being after you could only mean one thing.
The prince wanted you back.
Another arrow getting stuck in the tree you just passed. You knew everything they did wasn’t fun but coldly calculated tactics. They wouldn’t hurt you. They couldn’t. Your cheek bleeding would probably cause one of them to get degraded to a chair for three months at least, so they really couldn’t afford to hurt you more seriously. But they did know who they could hurt you with. Someone whose pain would hurt you more than your own.
The next arrow missed completely, lost in the leaves on the ground. You two were running out of all the adrenaline you had, slowly and surely having exhaustion catch up to you. No! Please no! You begged the entities above that this wouldn’t be the end! There was so much more to live for, so much to see and experience! You wanted to be with your former caretaker, the only one who ever took you and your feelings seriously enough. You two could build a house and keep far away from the hustle and bustle of the cities, farming and taking care of livestock until the end of time. So please! Don’t let this be the end of it!
However, against your expectations, the one to collapse first was him. This time, the arrows didn’t miss, one hitting him in the lower back, one scarily close to his spine. Teardrops pearled from your cheeks as you fell into to mud with him, your hands scrapping along the roots and stones of the ground as you crawled back to where he laid, softly whimpering. Reaching for an arrow, you wanted to pull it out in desperation, but he began to cry out in pain before you could even start pulling.
“LEAVE!” he screamed. “LEAVE AND RUN!”
You couldn’t hold back the sobs hearing these words. “Please...” his hand reached for yours as he tried his best to look up to you. “Go, find a safe place to hide! Leave for another country and never come back!”
“No...” you sobbed, bringing one hand covered in mud and blood to your face. “I don’t want to leave you...”
“They are after you, not me,” he tried to reassure you, but you knew better. The sounds of their heavy footsteps drew closer and closer, and finding him, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill this ‘traitor’. If you went, then he’d die. But if you stayed and got caught, he’d die as well. No choice you could make would end happily for the both of you. “Please, go. I want you to-- ARGH!” Interrupted by his own scream, you began to panic, calling his name and shaking his arm, only to look up as a shadow was cast over you.
“[Name],” the prince sighed, relief showing in his face. He had this small, exhausted smile on his lips, happiness in his features as he looked at you. However, the moment he looked down at your companion, his face began to contort into a hateful grimace, his leg lifting once more to give your Beloved’s back a not-so-gentle kick. “No! Stop!” you cried, latching onto his leg as the kicks came down, your partner’s screams echoing through the forest.
“Don’t worry, I will get rid of the scoundrel who kidnapped you. I will save you! Just like I always do!”
“No! You’re hurting him! Stop it! Please... Please stop!”
Never had you imagined that you’d ever find yourself so low again that you’d beg the prince for something. Before, it had been for your life, but now, it was for the life of the only person that really mattered to you. “Oh, Sweetheart,” the prince cooed, his fingers finding their way under your chin, pulling your face up to meet his eyes. “Don’t cry... he didn’t love you as much as I do. I’ll help you over the heartbreak once we’re done here.”
The prince let go roughly as he pulled his sword from his sheath as you fell to the ground next to your partner. For a moment, time seemed to stop as you stood up in a matter of seconds. Panicked, you decided to throw yourself in front of the sword instead, but a hand grabbed yours before you could. Looking down at your Beloved, smiling warmly and encouraging as he muttered the final words you’d hear from him.
It was like he set you free, even if your definition of free originally included him. “Eh, Darling?!” you heard as you took off in a second spurt of adrenaline, the prince screaming your name after you. But your mind completely shut off the moment you passed the last lit-up arrow, sinking back into the darkness. Everything was blurry, your vision stained with your tears that wouldn’t go away no matter how much you rubbed your eyes with your dirty hands.
Your feet must have started bleeding as you kept running faster and faster, but you gave them no mind, not even feeling the pain. All you felt was the wound in your throbbing heart, something that the prince couldn’t heal no matter how much he believed he could. You wanted to understand your former caretaker’s action, telling you to go rather than defend him. If you had been in his place, surely, you had done the same. But it was as if you were the one who got betrayed by yourself by running away. By giving up on something hopeless, you felt like you were betraying everything you had ever stand for. How pathetic you were, running, trying to get the better future you had hoped to build with him.
Next thing you knew, you stumbled as the ground gave away to a slope before you, your body tumbling down the wet leaves and sturdy roots, your skim getting scratched by the branches of bushes all around you. It was pure luck that your fingers closed around one big tree root the moment they did; otherwise, you surely would have fallen from the cliff that opened up beneath you, instead of just hanging on to it now.
Only now your ears regained their function, the rushing of waves sounding far too deep and far too rough beneath you as to simply be a river. Had you run all the way to the shore? Was it the big sea beneath you? Either it had been closer than you thought, or you did develop some superhuman abilities after changing into a beast.
Groaning, you tried to pull yourself back over the edge, the slightly forward-leaning stone not being any help in rescuing yourself. Even more so, you had to realize the light of torches drawing closer and closer by the second, while you still struggled to escape the death by falling into the unruly water from a great height.
“[Name]!” you heard the screech of your name, genuine worry resounding from it. The prince’s face was the last thing you wanted to see, especially as he looked so damn horrified at the sight of you barely holding on to the cliff. “Don’t move! I’ll pull you up!” he called as he slit down the slope as best as he could without falling himself until he reached you. It was strange. You should have been happy that you wouldn’t be dying. That someone would save you from this horrific fate.
But all you felt was pure despair.
If he pulled you up, then that would be it. He’d take you back, lock you up again and do as he pleased with you. Who knew if you’d ever get a chance on escaping again, especially if he made an example out of your previous companion about what would happen if anyone ever helped you. You’d have nothing left but to live your life as a mere plaything, captured by the prince that was so beloved by everyone, and you didn’t want to think about all the things he’d do to you now that you were human again.
His hands reached out, and you noticed them faintly in your vision. Your decision fell only seconds before he could grab you by the arms. It was too dark to see, too dark to even speculate how deep it was, but you decided it was better than becoming an empty shell of a person if you stayed with the prince.
No matter what would await you in the depths down below, it couldn’t be worse than being a subject to his twisted, self-righteous love, you decide. Letting go was easier than you thought, making you realize your body must understand this situation very well even if it might cost it its life. The face of the prince as you slipped from his grasp was a priceless last sight to see before you closed your eyes, awaiting the inevitable.
Until your back hit the water, engulfing you wholly like the hungry, desperate maw of an animal. Deeper and deeper until it was everywhere, and only then you opened your eyes again for one last glimpse of the blurred light above.
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siimjaeyun · 3 years
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01: welcome dr.heeseung
synopsis: you and sunghoon were convinced you were meant for one another and married quite young once exiting high-school, but when he decides to leave to the states to chase his own dreams, he asks you for a divorce leaving you alone and with a child he doesn't know you're expecting. so when he turns up four years later, can he expect to fix the damage when your bestfriend jay wants to prove he can be by your side, or when the new doctor at your hospital, heeseung is after your heart as well?
What usually would have been a quiet and peaceful Monday morning, had turned into a mass chaos within a matter of seconds. You kept glancing down at the food containers and at the clock, almost as if it was chasing you down.
"Sunoo! Sweetie! Hurry, we're going to be late to your pre-school." You said in a louder voice than usual, staring as your son Sunoo came slowly trudging out of his room with a backpack in hand.
In a final moment, you packed the containers inside the lunchbag and helped Sunoo place on his jacket.
"Are we taking the bus again mommy?"
"No, we're taking a taxi since we're running late. I hope they fix the car soon." In a final pull, you were finally ready to head out when a young man was waiting outside leaning against the car.
"I figured you were running late so I came to give you a lift." Sunoo let go of your hand and ran to greet Jay who was patiently waiting for you.
"I don't want to be a bother Jay."
"It's no bother at all, what am I here for then."
Jay, Jay Park: your savior and best friend since middle school. He was one of the few men who hadn't completely dissapointed you. Jay was the one who helped you from the start, from the marriage to the divorce, and from the pregnancy to now, he'd been there every step.
"How's work? It must be fun being head nurse now."
"I guess, I heard we're getting a new doctor today since they're assigning me to him." You stared out the window a bit, hands ready to unbuckle when the familiar sign appeared in your line of sight.
"Sunoo, come on, let's get you to class." Sunoo with his short legs, crawled his way out the car with the help of Jay who fixed his backpack.
"Bye Jay-hyung!" Sunoo waved his hand and walked up to you to grab your hand as you left him at the school.
"Thanks again for the ride. And tell Jungwon that I'll be arriving to Jake's party early to help with the food." Jay nodded his head and observed as you walked into the hospital.
The same image replaying in his head, maybe there would be a day where he could pretend like it was normal or maybe there could be a day where he can kiss you goodbye, but for now it'll remain in his head.
He was about to push on the gas pedal to head to work when his phone rang, the bold 'Jungwon,' on his screen.
"What's up Jung?"
"I-its about y/n. We sort of kind of have a situation." He hears from the other line.
"Is anything wrong?"
"Sunghoon. Jake got off the phone with him and well-," a good pause emerges, "-he's moving back to Korea."
It was Jay's fear come true: to see the man who shattered your heart into pieces come back. He knew that maybe a small part of you was still in love with him, but he was too afraid to ask.
"When?" Another long pause.
"Next week for Jake's birthday."
"Y/n, have you heard!?" Your friend, Somi squealed on her way to greet you.
"Heard what?"
"About the new doctor? I saw him walk in this morning and damn, his face can light up this hospital any day." You playfully rolled your eyes and showed her your file.
"Guess luck is on my side since I got assigned to be his go-to nurse." You stick your tongue out at Somi while you both let out a fit of giggles, separating when Somi is called into one of the rooms.
You arrive to the clock-in station, checking the patient files on recent updates before trying to find Dr.Lee's office.
You knocked on the door patiently, until the door opened to reveal the new doctor and my damn, was Somi right.
"Hi Dr.Lee, I wanted to come by and introduce myself. I'm Nurse Y/N and I'll be your head nurse. " Heeseung shows a small smile not wanting to seem way too excited to get a pretty nurse on his first day.
"Ahh well nice to meet you y/n. You can call me Heeseung by the way." He extends his hand in a friendly manner and you take it, and whether you noticed it or not, you may have held on for a little longer than usual.
"Since you're new, I'll show you around. That way, you can also meet the patients you've been assigned to personally." Heeseung followed you like a lost puppy, but couldn't help the smile and sensation that it gave him to meet the children in the pediatric unit, the main population of his patients.
Heeseung also got to introduce himself better to you, and you quickly learned that he was meant for this job as the kids instantly gave themselves into his requests and weren't afraid during his visits like usual.
"Those kids really like you." You commented while writing the final reports of the day.
"Must be because I'm way too handsome." In slight disbelief, you laughed a bit, allowing you to finish your work faster than usual.
When the alarm on your phone rang, you noticed it was already five in the afternoon, meaning it was time to pick up Sunoo from his after-school activities.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow Heeseung." You picked up your bag and headed for the door when he stopped you.
"Let me at least walk you out, since I'm heading out too." Both of you turned off the lights of the office, locking the patient records on the way out as well to head home.
"Give me a sec to call a taxi." You were in the middle of dialing when Heeseung stopped you.
"What? No, let me take you home." He offered.
"No, it's okay. I have to head somewhere before going home."
"Then I'll take you, plus it's the least I can do for letting me leave a good impression on the bosses." Although you wanted to neglect his offer, you knew your poor son would probably be waiting for you.
"So, are you picking up your cousin or something ?"
"My son actually." You responded in a small voice, wanting to avoid his gaze.
"You should've told me! I'm sorry for flirting with you, I should have known you're way too pretty to not be taken." He mentioned, before stopping at the red light.
"I'm not actually. I got divorced before Sunoo was born."
"My son's name." He manages to pull up to the pre-school, waiting for you to come back and his little heart lights up as seeing a tiny being next to you.
"Sunoo, say hi." Sunoo excitedly waves and asks him a lot of questions on the way home, which can't seem to bother Heeseung at all.
"Thanks for the ride, are you sure you don't want to come in?"
"Yeah! Please!" Sunoo latches onto Heeseung's hand, not allowing him to neglect the offer and who knew that one dinner later, he would find himself not only growing feelings towards you, but a new warm feeling for Sunoo as well.
taglist: @mishtidoie @shawkneecaps @a-noona-mous @jaywonweb @luvlyjaemin (taglist open)
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Ivarello (Modern!Ivar x reader) Chapter 3
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Moodboard by @quantumlocked310
Ivarello's masterpost here
A/N: This is my entry for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Fairy Tale Challenge. It's a retelling of Cinderella. Congrats again, darling 💖
A huge thank you to @mrsalwayswrite , who's a great beta reader and an even greater cheerleader 😂
A massive thank you to @quantumlocked310 , @vikingstrash and @serasvictoria . Thank you for agreeing to collaborate and for sharing your talent with me. Your moodboards are beyond amazing 🤩
In this story, Sigurd is alive. Ragnar and Aslaug are dead, but Lagertha didn't kill her. I took a lot of liberties with the show, I hope you won't mind.
Unlike the tale, there will be no magic involved. Not everything will be realistic, however. It's a fayritale, after all!
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Orphaned five years ago, Ivar and his brothers have been living with Lagertha ever since. Now 16 years old, he wants to attend Harald's traditional Midsummer party, but obstacles stand in his way.
Warnings: description of car crash; orphaned kids; Sigurd being Sigurd; OOC characters.
Words: 3497 (oops 🙈)
Additional note: what you’re going to read is not realistic.
Enjoy 🙂
With his stomach in knots and a frown on his face, Ivar watches closely his godfather, who enters the living-room, wheeling a large trolley case behind him.
"Hello, Ivar." Floki looks around, an eyebrow raised questioningly, "Lagertha isn't here?", before flopping down on the corner sofa.
"No," Ivar shakes his head, wheeling up next to him, "She's out on a date with this English guy... Hammond, Halmund or whatever his name is."
Scratching his ear, Floki tilts his head, "but she knows you're going, right?" He pulls the trolley case closer and then snorts, mumbling under his breath, "don't think I can't see you rolling your eyes!"
"What do you think? Of course, she knows. She said, and I quote," Ivar raises his hands to make air quotes, his voice tinged with obvious annoyance, "'Of course you can go, sweetie, you know I don't want to be the one holding you back. Call me if anything goes wrong. And don't forget to take your meds.'"
"She cares, Ivar." Floki's tone is soft as he places a hand on his godson's shoulder.
Ivar lowers his gaze. "You should have taken me in." His words are barely audible and suddenly he feels like he's eleven again and he has to swallow against the sudden dryness in his throat.
"You do know that back then I wasn't in a good place." Floki's sad sigh almost gets Ivar in tears as memories of his parents and Helga flood his mind. The pain in his heart becomes nearly unbearable but he fights it off with all his might. He never wants to feel broken and lost again.
Ivar lifts his head up and Floki can see the stubbornness in his eyes. "I could live with you now."
"No, you could not, and you know it!" Floki smiles and taps Ivar on the cheek. "Ivar, I live between two flights, today in Norway, yesterday in Iceland and after-tomorrow in Canada. What kind of life would this be for you, huh? And besides, living with Lagertha is not that bad."
But living with Sigurd is! Ivar wants to shout. He keeps quiet, though, shrugging before eventually mumbling. "Guess not..."
"So," Floki starts, eager to change the subject, "where are your brothers, by the way?"
"Where do you think they are, huh, you knock-kneed fool? They're already there." Ivar glances at his watch, furrowing his brow. "Harald's party started twenty minutes ago."
"We better hurry up, then!" Crouching down, Floki slowly opens the suitcase under Ivar's scrutinizing gaze.
"Quick!" Ivar commands, barely able to contain his impatience, his nervous fingers tapping his push rims. "What do you have for me, old man, huh?" He even contemplates climbing out of his chair to open it himself, but the fear of breaking a bone at the worst possible time is stronger than his eagerness.
"You're going to calm down, young Padawan." Floki quips, slowly moving his hand in front of Ivar with eyes full of mischief. Ivar immediately slaps his godfather's hand away, mumbling under his breath, "I'd rather be a Sith Lord." That earns him a loud, hysterical laugh from his godfather.
Ivar grunts, ready to protest, but all thoughts leave his mind as soon as he's able to see what is in the trolley case. The scowl on his face obvious, he doesn't even try to hide his disappointment as he utters, "you made me braces?"
He hates braces with a passion. Along with underarm crutches, he had some, as a child. They were bulky, stiff, painful and walking with them was tedious, agonizingly slow, and exhausting. Ragnar had been adamant that he wanted his youngest to walk, no matter the struggles, no matter the nearly unbearable pain. Ivar had settled his ass in a wheelchair the day of his father's funeral, getting rid of his braces shortly after, a decision he had never regretted. So no, such torture devices were not at all what he was hoping for.
"Have a little faith in me," Floki rolls his eyes. "These," he looks lovingly at the strange contraptions in his hands, "are not braces, Ivar. Have you and your crippled ass ever heard of exoskeleton?"
Ivar's eyes widen. "It's that thing used in rehab that allows paraplegics to walk, right?" As Floki nods, Ivar gives him a puzzled glance. "But, erm, you do know I don't have a spinal cord injury, don't you? Or are you suffering from memory loss? Maybe it's your age?"
Dismissing the remark with an exasperated wave of his hand, Floki hisses, "I'm well aware that you don't, godson dearest," before narrowing his eyes, his voice now serious, "you may have full sensation in both legs, yet they can't exactly support your weight and your lack of motor function can't be denied. Not really different from some paraplegic dudes, what do you think?"
Feeling a heavy lump in his throat, Ivar frowns, not pleased with the idea of him being like a paraplegic. Almost without thinking, he contracts his quads as best he can, as if he wants to make sure he's still able to do it.
Floki doesn't miss the barely-there movements in his thighs, though, and his voice softens. "Look Ivar, you're not a paraplegic, okay? But I used the exoskeleton technology. And since you're not paralyzed, I was able to make a smaller device that you can wear underneath your clothes, and you're going to walk. I mean, really walk, not just like those guys in rehab, between parallels bars and with a PT right behind them."
Ivar, his eyes bright, stares at his godfather, slack-jawed with amazement. "I'm..." He begins to sputter, voice filled with emotion, "I'm really going to walk?" Feeling like his heart is pounding out of his chest, he fails to contain his excitement, drumming the fingers of his right hand on his lap. He'd tap his feet if only he could.
"You are." Floki nods before taking out of the trolley case a pair of dress shoes. "I put dozens of sensors in the insole of these shoes, which will enable the exoskeleton to correct your stance practically every second. Therefore, you won't need crutches, although I would say it's safer for you to use this." Reaching down, he grabs a black derby-style cane, simple and sleek in design. "You know," he shrugs, "just for extra support. Better safe than sorry, hmh?"
Ivar, who doesn't even flinch when he sees the walking stick, just reaches out, his hand grazing the carbon fiber exoskeleton. "Is it really for me?" His eyes filled with wonder, his voice trembling, his lips stretch across his face as his godfather nods. "And you made this in what?... four, five days?"
Letting out his signature giggle, Floki waggles his fingers in front of his face. "Even I couldn't make this in such a short time. No, the truth is, I've been working on it for a while. Let's say your phone call just sped things up. Though I must say, this marvel of technology is not flawless... It has a really low battery life, like four hours of autonomy at best. If I had more time, I certainly could have done better, but for now, it is what it is and you'll have to make do with what you've got." Pursing his lips, he glances at his watch, "So, just so you know, if you put this on now, you'll have to come back around midnight if you don't want to have to crawl around. And if you hear a beep, you'd better hurry, okay?"
As Ivar just nods, his beaming smile never fading, Floki adds, tilting his head, "and now, go get ready, young Padawan, you have a party to attend!"
Sitting on a bench at the seaside, Ivar watches the party from afar, a feeling of uneasiness tightening his chest. It was a mistake. Attending to this party was a mistake. Despite the exoskeleton, despite the fact that he walks almost normally, it was a mistake. He shouldn't have come. He shouldn't be here. Anxiety surges like the swell of a wave, and he struggles to breathe. Sigurd was right: he doesn't belong here, doesn't belong to this life.
A part of him wants to leave. It would be better to run away, to go hide in his room. But he won't. He can't. Because just a moment ago he saw you. Because he's not ready to give up on you now that he is here, eventually close to you.
He recognized you the moment his eyes fell on you. Looking radiant in a polka dot dress, you're as pretty as he remembers. Pretty? Who's he kidding? The girl you were six years ago was pretty. You're a woman now, and one of the most beautiful he's ever seen.
Glowing, smiling at everyone, you didn't even see him. In his head, of course, he makes plans to approach you, even if deep down, he knows all too well he'll never muster enough courage to talk to you. You probably wouldn't want him to anyway. After all, he may be standing tall today, yet he's still a freak, a fucking cripple. He's still cursed with his bony, twisted, useless legs. He's still a burden.
Yet, there's this little voice inside of him, barely audible, whispering that you're not like this, that you never were in the first place; and that's partly why the ten-year-old boy he was when he first met you felt drawn to you almost instantly.
Closing his eyes, he focuses on his breathing and decides to take a little trip down memory lane, bringing him back to that sunny, summer day of his first – and only – encounter with you. His memory so vivid it's like it happened only yesterday.
He can't hear the chirping of birds as his brothers are loudly playing and bickering in the pool. His beloved mother is nowhere to be seen and he's willing to bet she's taking a nap, but not without first making sure he has everything he could possibly need. Lying on a sunbed in the shade of an oak, a glass of lemonade within reach and a thick book on his lap, he hardly notices his father coming into the backyard, Harald Hårfager following close behind.
Since Ivar knows Harald is here to talk business with his father, he pays no attention to the two men, who take their seats at the patio dining table.
He nearly falls off the sunbed when a tiny voice startles him. "Hello!"
Stunned, he turns his head towards the voice and comes face to face with a smiling girl he doesn't know. You. He'd say you're about his age.
"I'm Y/N," you tell him, waving your hand shyly. "I'm at my uncle's for the weekend," you keep going, pointing your finger at Harald, "and I was wondering... May I join you?" You finally ask, dragging a second sunbed closer to his.
His first instinct is to look around, because you can't possibly be talking to him. Why would you? Surely you can't have failed to spot his leg braces, nor his hideous orthopedic shoes. You can't have missed that he's a cripple.
Frowning as he sees that no one is around, he snorts, his nostrils flaring. He can tell you're wearing a swimsuit under your pink dress. What do you want, then? Are you here to mock and ridicule him or what?
"You better get in the pool with my brothers." He knows he sounds rude, not answering nor greeting you, but he doesn't care. He doesn't want to be made fun of and doesn't intend to give you the chance to do it.
Seemingly undeterred, you speak with a soft voice. "No, I'd rather not." Your smile is so genuine he can't help but think you mean no harm. "Actually," you shrug, sitting next to him, "I'd rather stay here with you, if you don't mind. What are you reading?"
Gobsmacked, he just looks at you – and gods, how pretty you are! – for a long time, unable to utter a single word. Are you truly interested in what he's reading? Interested in him? He swallows hard, his heart racing. A small smile dancing on your lips, your kind eyes never leave his as you wait, full of hope, for him to finally talk to you.
And that's what he ends up doing, almost in spite of himself. For the next two hours, he shows you his astronomy book, a gift from his godfather for his tenth birthday, and tells you about the stars, the constellations and the nights he spends watching the sky, when his mother allows him to. And for two hours you listen to him, asking a question here or there and always smiling. He's pretty sure you're not faking being interested in what he's saying.
All too soon, your uncle tells you it's time to go and you stand up with a scowl, letting out a sigh of regret. The next moment, you flash Ivar a grin. "I had a really great time with you, thanks! I'm going back to my mom's tomorrow but I hope we can spend time together again sometime, maybe next summer. I'd love to stargaze with you, you know?" With that, you lean forward and as your lips touch his cheek, Ivar's breath catches in his throat, his heart pounding like a drum in his chest.
Ivar inhales deeply. That kiss... That's when he fell madly and hopelessly in love with you. If he concentrates enough, he can still feel the softness of your lips against his skin, still smell your sweet, flowery scent.
That day, he had watched you leave with a smile on your face, already dreaming of the day he would see you again. You had said "next summer" and even though it was a long time away, he was willing to wait. In the meantime, he would have plenty of memories to recall - your joyful voice, your sparkling eyes, your lovely smile... Sure, he could wait.
And he had waited, hopeful and happier than he had been in a long time.
Not long after, however, his life had been turned upside down, his father being murdered and his mother dying in a car crash. Lost, angry, broken, and infinitely sad, he had gone through the following months as if anesthetized - barely living, hardly functioning, sometimes feeling as if the memory of you was the only thing keeping him from drowning.
Yet, and he doesn't know why – or perhaps simply because Ragnar being dead, Harald had no reason to visit anymore – he had never seen you again.
His whole body freezes and he stops breathing. This voice... Your voice... He'd know it anywhere. Yet, it can't be, right? Did he fall asleep? Is he dreaming? Is one of his brothers tricking him? Why would you talk to the cripple?
"My name is Y/N." He can hear the smile in your voice. "I was wondering... May I join you?"
Summoning the courage he's not sure he has, Ivar looks tentatively toward you.
Gods! You're even more beautiful up close. Fuck. Now that you're here, right next to him, he doesn't know what to say, what to do. Panic seizes his hammering heart as a lump rises in his throat. He attempts to swallow around it to speak, to say something, anything, but the words won't come out and he finally just nods, his hand gesturing to the bench for you to sit on.
"Thanks," you give him a broad smile before taking your seat.
Ivar cannot believe his eyes. What are you doing? Did you recognize him? Why are you here, with him?
"Woul–", he sputters, struggling to find his voice, "Wouldn't you rather be there?" Pointing his index finger at the crowd gathered in front of the makeshift stage just a few meters away. He frowns, tilting his head, "the party is in full swing."
"No, I'd rather not." You shrug and as you turn your head toward him, he breathes in your sweet scent, suddenly feeling dizzy. "The guys are already drunk and really have one thing on their minds. And those who are not are boring." You lower your gaze, as if embarrassed, and it's so adorable Ivar feels like his heart is melting. "I'd rather stay here with you, if you don't mind."
Oh, he doesn't. He doesn't mind at all. The truth is, there's a fucking firework inside of him, and he barely contains the screams of happiness that threaten to escape his lips. "That's okay, you can stay," he says instead, his fidgeting fingers dancing on his lap.
Over the next hour or so, the conversation flows easily as you speak about Karasjok, the small town where you live, telling him about your mother's people, the Sami, their culture and customs.
Ivar shares with you bits and pieces of his life too, speaking about his passion for the Viking culture and about his belief in the ancient gods. The night, his night, is full of your laughs, full of your smiles, full of you. He wants it to never end.
He's still trying to figure out if you know who he is, if you remember meeting him once when you rise to your feet, almost bouncing with enthusiasm. "Walk with me, will you?"
He's about to break the truth about his inability to walk when he remembers that actually, thanks to Floki, he can. His eyes never leave yours as he grabs his cane with a little bit of self-consciousness, wincing as he stands up, but he can't see disgust, contempt, or disappointment on your face and your smile doesn't falter as you delicately slip your hand under his free arm, curling your fingers back over it. Shaken by your sudden proximity, Ivar feels goosebumps rising on his skin.
"It's such a lovely night and I'm so happy spending it with you."
Your words leave him speechless as you lead him close to the water. A bunch of guys can be seen in the distance and Ivar is pretty sure his brothers are among them. He can feel their heavy stares on him and doesn't need to hear them to know what they're saying. "Who's this dude? Do we know him?" Standing tall, with his braided hair and a blue suit, he knows he doesn't look like himself. Yet, as he locks eyes with Hvitserk for a second, he'd sworn he sees a hint of recognition crossing his brother's face. And as the latter gives him a thumbs up, he knows his mind is not playing tricks with him.
"Oh, I love this song!" You clap your hands twice before shrugging shyly. "Let's dance, please!"
Ivar's heart breaks. Scared out of his wits, he swallows hard, his breathing uneven. "I... I can't." It's a painful admission, and he wishes the ground would just swallow him up.
He realizes you pay no mind to his defeated tone, though, as you grab his cane, leaning it against a nearby tree. "We'll go slow, I promise."
Almost in spite of himself, he places his hands on your hips as you wrap your arms around his neck. Gently – cautiously – swaying to the music, Ivar leans in close and, inhaling deeply your delightful scent, he feels like he's going to spontaneously combust. Your head resting on his chest, he's sure you can hear his frantic, pounding heartbeat. But he can't bring himself to care, not when you're finally exactly where he wants you to be. In his arms.
That's why he doesn't hear the first beep, or if he does, he doesn't pay any attention, entranced by your beauty, your kindness and the mesmerizing color of your eyes.
But when you stop dancing, your eyebrows raised, "What's that beeping noise? It doesn't stop," he hears it too, cold sweats washing over him as panic courses through his body.
"I... I must... I must go," he stammers, and honestly he's about to throw up. He can't think, can't speak. All he knows is that he doesn't want you seeing him crawling around. He won't allow it. He can't.
That's why he leaves. He just strolls off. He doesn't see the appalled look you're giving him, doesn’t' realize he's leaving his black cane behind, doesn't hear the despair in your tone as you shout, "wait, please! I don't even know your name!"
He has only taken a few steps when crocodile tears run down his cheeks, blurring his sight. It hurts so much he could scream, and he can barely breathe as the realization starts to sink in. Who was he trying to fool? Sigurd had been right all along. No matter the exoskeleton, no matter the genius of his godfather, he's still a freak. A monster. An abnormality.
He doesn't belong. He's not worthy.
His heart shatters in a thousand pieces.
Ivar's taglist: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @adrille88
Ivarello's taglist: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @hashimily @prepare4trouble @supernaturalvikingwhore @funmadnessandbadassvikings @heavenly1927 @dini73
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ellitx · 3 years
In honor of Father's Day, could we get some headcanons of the twins (separately) as parents?
Venti as a Father:
It would be really chaotic and a mess when it’s him watching over the kids
Just feeding them and bringing the spoon to their mouth like an airplane, and if one of his children happens to playfully throw the food to his face, it’ll be a food fight.
Of course, it didn’t last long when you entered the room and you see everything is so cluttered and dirty.
Venti can be strict with them if he has to but most of the time he’s carefree and lively with them. Often going outside to play, gliding, and maybe just a leisurely family time with you, him, and the children.
He’s not really restricting them but if they wanna play outside they have to ask his permission first so he’ll know where they are or so that he can watch over them
Venti likes it if his kids ask him to carry them! He’ll carry them on his shoulders so they can see the beautiful view of Mondstadt's scenery!
Or if he’s laying on your lap and they’re asking to be carried, he’ll lift them up and act like they’re flying in the sky. He’ll use his vision to make it really breezy so they can feel what it’s like to soar in the air.
When it’s time for dinner, he has to call for them. But the problem is they’re so mischievous that they even hide from him. It’s easy to find them but for the sake of entertaining them, he pretends he doesn’t have a single clue as to where they are.
“Now where’s my little sweetie hiding again? Looks like Detective Venti is starting another case of Disappearing Angel.” He takes his cape and flips them in the air for a dramatic effect and boy does he hear that stifled laugh behind the sofa.
He takes out his lyre and starts singing about the clues he had gathered and for suspense, he stopped strumming his instrument and stood still. Their kid covered their mouth to quiet themselves and it was unfortunate for them they didn’t notice their father was already behind them.
Venti’s hands slipped underneath them and hoisted them to his shoulder causing them to shriek and wiggle around while giggling.
“Papa, that’s unfair!!”
“Another point for Detective Venti~”
Aside from playing detectives, he’s pretty much dramatic around them if they’re playing house or prince and princess together.
“Oh, sweet child of mine, call the fairest maiden for I, Venti the Most Handsome, Charming, Powerful, and Talented Bard has fallen down because of the great dark dragon’s compelling attack.”
Your child first thought of you, immediately rushing to where you are and tugging at your sleeves.
“Mama! Mama! Help Papa come back alive! He said the only way to regain his powers is that you have to kiss him!”
You choked at your own spit, your face burning hot hearing another ridiculous idea venti started for you to kiss him. You didn’t want to disappoint them so you obliged and followed them to the living room.
There you saw venti laying down, his hands on his chest with his eyes closed, and sure you’d mistaken him as some kind of princess if not for your daughter asking you to help him.
Clearing your throat and readying yourself in acting mode, you kneeled down beside him and clasped his hands with yours.
“Oh, my darling Venti. All your power has been drained, the energy within you has been stolen by the greatest and fearful creature that has been ever lived. But fear not, for I have come to aid you by… by caressing you with a true love’s kiss.”
You slowly leaned forward and ran your finger on his face before closing your eyes until his lips brushed with yours. The tips of your ears were turning red when your child awed and watched closely, and for sure you felt your husband’s lips tugging upwards. His hand reached up behind you to hold you close to him and let the kiss last longer.
His eyelids flutter open, revealing the marvelous emerald orbs he has that were the same as your little angel, and he turned at you with clouded eyes, his cheeks beginning to tint with warm red.
Before he could latch his lips with yours once more, your child jumped at his back and cried,
“You’re alive! You’re finally alive! Quick, defeat the dark dragon before it destroys the castle!”
Venti almost forgot he was playing with them. All of a sudden, you felt your feet weren't on the ground anymore and in instinct, you held onto his shoulder and gaped at him. Venti's arm was underneath your bottom, carrying with such ease as if your weight was as light as a feather.
“Of course, my dear! Now that my power has been replenished thanks to this lovely maiden, I can finally stop the dragon’s outrage through the power of wind and freedom!”
His right hand glowed, unleashing a gentle yet powerful wind to knock down the mini dvalin stuffed toy that was standing in front of the blocks. The toy’s balance was gone, causing it to fall onto the ground as a sign the enemy’s disturbance was no longer present. Peace, harmony, and freedom were settled back to the small kingdom you, your child, and your husband had created.
Himmel as a father:
Himmel’s a househusband! Due to his frail body, he’s more inclined to work inside the house which he doesn’t mind. So all the cooking, cleaning, laundry is handled by him.
Househusband Himmel doesn’t really mind at all! In fact, he really enjoys it because he gets to watch over his kyut litol beybis playing around the house and spend time with them!
He knows you’re already home when he hears his babies screaming “MAMA!!”, it’s either a playful chase with his children on who gets to hug you first or he let them hug you first before he kisses you as a greeting of welcome home.
Whenever he goes to the grocery, he brings his children with him and they’re in the twin stroller. Everything is prepared; the pacifiers and two bottles of milk, and perhaps some extra diapers in case the line is too long and they need a bathroom break.
Himmel always takes a morning stroll and he also brings his babies with him so they can get that vitamin from the sunlight for them to be healthy. Don’t want them to risk being so unhealthy when they grow up now do we?
Maybe after the stroll, he stops in a nearby park to rest, maybe even allowing them to have some fun as long as they’re in his sight. Himmel will start planning on having a picnic time as family bonding on weekends so you can also take a break as well as you can get in touch with your own kids
While at home, carrying his two kids in his arms is no biggie for him. He can even multitask with it, though he prefers if they are in the crib just in case he doesn’t accidentally step on some toys and slip while carrying them.
He loves holding them and carrying them with him after he finishes the household chores! He’ll play with them, shower them with kisses, keep on telling them how much papa loves them and how he’s so happy they’re part of his life. When they run out of milk, he has to take the new supply you’ve readied in the refrigerator.
The babies will crawl up to him, stretching out their short arms towards their father because they wanted to be carried. Himmel chuckles then picks them up before making their drink. He hums a song while warming the milk and leaves small kisses on their head and nuzzles his nose against it as he waits
His little ball of sunshine is full of energy so he can be quick to get exhausted, but he’s trying his best to stay awake to make sure nothing dangerous happens to them. he lets them crawl up to him and play with his hair and when they also get sleepy and clings to him, it brings a smile to his face and holds them close to his chest protectively before laying them back down in the crib
Himmel may have taught them many things, from a simple reading, talking/cooing, walking, and maybe even singing. He has bought many things that can help them like rattles, squeeze toys, picture books, and also some stuffed toys they can play with.
Over the months, he’ll buy different toys for them so they can start the process of learning simple stuff like ABC blocks and even more plushies.
His kids love it when he sings or reads them a bedtime story. If you’re free, you and Himmel will reenact the story to maybe entertain them, and oh their cute little smiles and giggles tug their parents’ hearts.
Once they reach the age of three, Himmel is so excited for them that they can meet new friends. It’s the start of their preschool and he prepared everything. Now he’s the type of father who’ll take a picture of them every single year and some memorable moments to be added in the album
After school, he’s there to pick them up with you. All the mothers were gawking when he was standing near the door and looking for his cute babies. Perhaps he’s a brother to pick his siblings up?
Lol nope
Their jaws dropped when they heard a scream of papa from the running children. He opened his arms and caught them easily as they jumped at him for a hug. The mothers/guardians can’t believe Himmel's a father. Such a youthful face he has and having two children?!
He gives them a kiss on their forehead and asks how their day went. When he told them that mama was waiting outside, the twins immediately left their father’s side and ran out of the school to see you there smiling and waving.
“Mama!! Look, look, my teacher gave me a stamp that I did well!”
“I have five stars on my booklet!!”
Your eyes sparkled at their wonderful achievements and patted their head. Himmel stood next to you and smiled, admiring the wonderful warm feeling in his heart to see this growing family.
Kneeling before one of his kids, he whispered something next to them causing them to gasp out and looked at you with big curious eyes.
“I’m going to be a big sister/brother?!!”
You look at your husband with an astonished face and pout before playfully shoving his shoulder.
“That was supposed to be a surprise!” You whined. Himmel laughed and pecked your lips, whispering “I can’t help it,” before taking the hands of his child then yours. You take the other twin’s small hand and walked side-by-side with your husband and children back home
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