#he got all them drinking glasses cuz he know he gonna need them all to collect all that 💧💧💧between those legs
When DaddyDurstℱ is sitting across the table in your intimate dinner for two and looking at you like he's going to devour you.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 5 months
Hi could you please write one where reader gets assigned as Leo's tutor cuz he's failing math so they go to his house for her to teach him math but they just end up making out instead (like, HEATED making out, like, very intensely)
I'm sorry but the Bad Boy Supreme is not failing his maths classes. So I changed it to English :] enjoy the 2.6k of golden hour! <3
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Studying no longer means student dying---Leo Valdez x Tutor!reader [making out. a lot]
»»————- ★ ————-««
You sipped your apple juice and set the cup down, watching Leo continue to rest his forehead on the textbooks spread out in front of you on the cold concrete floor that you were sprawled across to fight the summer heat. “Are you just gonna go to sleep, or?”
“Why,” he said with a voice that was definitely smirking. It made your stomach feel funny. “You tryna get into my-”
“No, I’m trying to get into your mum’s wallet, actually,” you shot back, and finished your drink, the ice clinking around the bottom of the glass. You knew you’d won the argument and just waited for Leo to remember that he actually needed to pay attention if he wanted to not fail his class instead of bugging him. 
The flock of birds in the sky around your balcony both squawked and swooped at each other, acting a lot like you both this late afternoon as Leo tried to put off studying for as long as he could and you made a new playlist as he groaned and flopped about on the pillows you’d brought in from the couch. 
You were glad you weren’t the one having to concentrate because you didn’t think you’d be able to if Leo insisted on sitting there in the light of golden hour.
“All you have to do is read this one act, and then answer a few of the questions your teacher set. Then you’re done, okay?” You said a few minutes later when Leo hadn’t moved. “It’ll take twenty minutes at most. Besides, you’re a genius.”
Leo sat up with eyes squinted against the bright and then glared at the dog eared energy drink stained paperback sitting on the piles of worksheets and your laptops. 
You glanced at the streaks beneath his eyes and then down to his hands. He had very pretty hands, only his finger-nails had been bitten down til the skin around them was red and torn. You wanted to reach out and squeeze his hand, but you just tried for a comforting smile, “you really don’t want to do this, do you?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, I just can’t
” Leo said, staring out at the powerlines and tops of trees in front of him. He grinned and waved a hand, “anyways, I’ve got a much better id-”
“If this is another sex joke I’m pushing you off the balcony,” you said bluntly, and then let your tone soften. “Don’t just change the subject, because you can’t change your subjects. You have to do this.”
“I know!” Leo burst, his voice breaking, and then pulled his knees to his chest and screwed up his eyes, arms around his legs. “I- I’m sorry. That was loud.”
You gave him a moment to slow down his breathing and rub his face tiredly before you spoke. “If you can tell me, why do you think you can’t read?”
“I can do it, like, I’m not dumb.” he said defensively, and turned away a little, his chin on knee. “But it’s so hard to just start reading when I know that it’ll take me ages and give me a headache and I won’t get what they’re saying anyway. It’s stupid-”
You reached out and grabbed his hand at that last part, watching him whip around with a red face. “You’re not dumb, or stupid. And, Leo, not everyone’s good at everything. You’re just so math-y that you need a weakness. And it’s not your fault your brain is doing that self preservation thing, it knows that you’ll hate what you’re about to do, so it’s trying to protect you.”
Leo sniffled and nodded quickly, his little grin hidden by his arm as he hunched over. You squeezed his hand. “Don’t be mean to your brain when it’s just trying to look after you.”
 okay.” he said, and sat up, face red while he grinned harder. The sun glowed behind him like a halo and made his dark curls light up. “...Thanks.”
“All good,” you said, pretending not to notice how he didn’t stop clutching your hand. It made your chest light so you smiled at him. “Now, how about I read one character and you read the other?” 
»»————- ★ ————-««
“I brought Starbucks!”
You looked up from your laptop and pulled your headphones out of your ears, the white cords tangling round your fingers as you stuffed them into your pocket. “Hey Valdez.”
“Hey yourself,” Leo said, doing that thing with his face where he tried not to smile. It was endearing, but his smile itself was just as cute. He put the drinks down on the ground next to you and collapsed onto the cushion he’d claimed, digging through his bulky backpack full of robotics club things and pulled out a few pieces of paper stapled together. He was waving it far too happily for you to read anything so you waited for him to burst. “I got a C!”
“No way,” you breathed, and then leapt up and grabbed the paper. It was his essay response you’d helped him study for last week. He got a C. “No way! Dude, that’s amazing!”
“Who knew I could be so good at English,” he smirked, hands in the pockets of his green army jacket. Then he let out a little yelp when you pulled him into a tight hug that smelt like machinery grease and incense and his laundry detergent. 
You sat back down and let him pull out his things a minute later, sipping the drink he’d brought over once your fridge had started to complain about its empty shelves. You couldn’t help that snacks were just great for studying. And the chocolate wafers seemed to motivate Leo greatly. 
“I thought your English teacher hated you,” you said, not really knowing how that situation had gone down. You didn’t know any of his teachers really, except the principal that had contacted you first, after you’d done tutoring for a few of her other students. 
You went to the school a few blocks from Leo’s, but you’d gone to primary school together and only lived a street apart. Teachers preferred tutors from other schools, because then they knew that their students weren’t just copying each-others work. It wasn’t a very full proof plan, but you hadn’t complained when Leo had shown up with a bag over his shoulder and equally as large ones under his eyes.
It’d been a semester and they were still there, but when he grinned at you, it wasn’t fake. 
He waved his hand away, “nah, she got fired cause she started selling weed to the year twelves before their exams or something, I dunno. I got a new one, Mr Blofis, he’s kinda weird, but he’s nice. And he brings swords in sometimes.”
“Why didn’t we think of that before?” you scoffed sarcastically, moving your books away as Leo dumped a binder as thick as the dictionary in front of you both. “I should’ve brought weapons to help you concentrate.” 
“Shuddup,” Leo muttered, picking up his drink that he probably shouldn’t have considering how much caffeine was in there, but he started sculling it anyway, and handed over the new book his class was studying. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Leo glared at you.
It wasn’t a look you were used to, so you lowered your laptop screen and raised your eyebrows. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
He fumed in the doorway leading to the balcony you’d spent endless hours on together, his shoulders bunched up and his bulky backpack slipping from his grip. Then he stormed forwards and held out a sheet of paper in your face, “I found this, today.” 
“Huh?” You asked, sitting up and taking the form from him, assuming he’d failed an assignment, but then he’d be mad at himself, not you. You’d hug him and he’d complain about teachers for a little bit then you’d go inside and play Mario Kart and eat chocolate wafers that would get stuck in his teeth. 
Your eyes widened as you scanned the document. “...Right.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” Leo snapped, “I’ve been wasting your afternoons for ages when my tutoring was over months ago!”
You looked down at your socks and wrung your hands together while you tried to think of what to say. It was true, though. Leo’s mum had stopped paying and the school had stopped sending emails, but apparently no one had told Leo that. Including you. He stood above you, shaking with anger. 
Leo screwed his face up, “I’m not a charity case, I don’t need you to lie to me about-”
“You were never a charity case, Leo,” you interrupted before he went on a misplaced tangent as he tended to do. Then you rolled your eyes kindly. “And you never wasted my afternoons.” 
“It was selfish,” you said bluntly, and tried for a smile. “I just really like you.”
Leo’s shoulders sank, and he blinked stupidly. “Huh?”
“I pretended you had to come over longer than you needed to so I could keep hanging out with you, but I get that I was just forcing you to do schoolwork, it was mean.” You understood that he was going to leave now, he had no fake reasons to stay and lay his legs over your lap and make stupid jokes until dinner time. 
At least he’d know he was never a charity case. “You’re getting C’s and B’s in all of you essays now, and you’ve got that grammar checker too, so the school ended the contract.”
He didn’t say anything. You sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“You really like me?”
 “That’s what you got from that?” You raised an eyebrow. Then you patted the cushion next to you and Leo plopped onto it immediately, eyes wide. Then you squinted at him. “What were you even upset about? At the end of the day, you were getting free tutoring anyway.”
Leo shrugged, “I’m sure there was a reason.”
“You’ve forgotten, haven't you.”
“But you like me?” 
“You get very fixated, don’t you?” You smiled, and turned to afternoon sun fading over the powerlines and birds flitting around. Then you opened your arm over his shoulder and hugged him. “Course I like you, Valdez. Even if you eat all my food.” 
“Not my fault you’ve got good food.”
He was incredibly close. It made you face heat up because his hair was tickling your shoulder and his fingers tapped randomly on the space between you. Maybe it’d been selfish to not tell him, but god, it was sort of worth getting to see him a few times during the week. 
Leo was just so pretty. 
He glanced at you, “what?”
“Nothing,” you answered quickly, looking away from the little spatter of freckles across his nose and the warmth of his eyes. 
Then he poked your side with a curious grin, “what?”
“Nothing!” you shot back, wiggling away from his nimble fingers that tried to tickle you as he laughed. You kicked at his legs gently to scramble back through the pillows, laughing as you did so. “Hey!”
Leo slipped and made an odd yelping sound, then he managed to crash into you. 
You rubbed your face, chuckling, at his clumsiness. You sat up. Leo stared up at you with a red face, his shaky arms holding himself up on either side of you. He gulped, eyes moving between yours quickly. 
It was at this point that you both should’ve pulled away and laughed, going back to finding snacks and laughing over nothing, but then that window passed and Leo was turner redder by the second. His eyes moved away from your eyes slowly, and you reached to slide your fingers next to his slowly.
Leo’s chest rose and fell quickly. “I, uh
 I really like you too.”
“I’m going to kiss you now, if that’s-”
You paused for a moment as his eyes crinkled and he grinned, ducking his head. Then you lifted his chin up a little bit and you watched his pupils visibly expand. 
“God, you’re so-” You cut yourself off, using his soft cracked lips to do so. The first thing you registered was Leo’s hands moving closer to you instantly and the way your eyes fluttered shut without warning. 
You pressed your lips to his harder and pulled back, breathless. He blinked up at you, eyes wide, and you reached out to pull him closer again, your fingers sliding along his jaw and holding his face. He scooted closer, kneeling between your legs and clutching the belt loops of your jeans while you pressed kiss after kiss to his lips.
He tilted his head and you gave him a second before you opened your mouth against his, realizing that you really were kissing the boy you’d been daydreaming about for months. Holy shit. It was better than you’d imagined, the way his breath fanned out over you when he kissed your open mouth back, tasting like strawberry gum and softness. 
When you took another breath, stealing a glance at Leo’s puffy lips and red face, but he pulled you back into the embrace, your shirt balled up in his fist. 
Teeth clashed together. You jerked back at the awful feeling and began to laugh, wiping at your mouth. “Oh my god.”
“Oh my god,” Leo choked, blinking rapidly. He looked around and a grin spread across his face. He was panting. “I’d be getting A’s if you kissed me instead of yelled, y’know.”
“I beg to differ,” you said, letting go of his jaw. Your fingernails had left little dints in his cheeks, but he didn’t look like he cared at all. You rested your hands on his waist and smirked. “I think you’d fail all your classes.”
“True,” he squeaked, breath catching.
You narrowed your eyes at him and slowly moved your hands up a little bit, fingers tracing his sides cautiously. 
You’d asked to kiss him, not pull weird sounds out of his throat and have him bury his head in your neck, but that’s what happened. As your fingers caught on the edge of his shirt, you whispered quietly to him. “Is this okay?” 
Leo just nodded frantically, his hot breath landing on the patch of skin where your neck and shoulder met. When your fingers touched his warm skin he grinned, his mouth brushing you. You felt the shiver that ran up him under the pads of your fingers, and you decided you liked it. 
He pressed his face tightly against you, hands curling around the back of your collar. 
Your chest tightened at the feeling of his lips and you dug your nails into the squishy part of Leo’s hips. It was a bad habit but it got you a firm kiss on your neck, even if it was accidental. 
Leo pulled back enough for him to look up at you, cheeks dusted with pink and lips puffy. He smiled the tiniest bit, but you could see a question in it and you answered by moving your hands to his back, rubbing circles. 
It was only at this point did you realize that he had sharp teeth, but as he chewed at your skin softly and licked it afterwards like an apology, you weren’t complaining. 
Neither was Leo, obviously. He left sore spots and his hair brushed your ear. His teeth picked you apart. You felt like rubber under his warm hands and wide grin, but then your hands traced his ribs because he’d begun sucking on a tender spot beneath your jaw. 
He insisted on leaving bruises you would have to cover up later. Maybe he’d take it as a challenge. Hopefully.
He pecked kisses along your kissed out skin until he reached your lips again. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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whatsnewalycat · 8 months
what do you need?
Pairing: BratTamer!Joel Miller x Brat!F!Reader
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Rating: Explicit (18+ ONLY)
Word Count: 3.7k+
Warnings: no show spoilers, established relationship, non-canon compliant, post-outbreak, smut, swearing, brat “taming”, D/s dynamic, dirty talk, degradation kink, praise kink, pain kink, impact play, collar wearing, maybe might have taken a snippet of dialogue from how the world works by bo burnh@m for horny reasons, unprotected piv sex, crying, shower, overstimulation, choking, spitting in mouth, fluff
A/N: I feel like this story is going to be presented as evidence when I'm rejected from the pearly gates post-mortem. Happy birthday to Joel Miller, sorry your birthday was a huge bummer that one time. Big big smoochies to @frannyzooey for helping me with several things and just generally being awesome.
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You’re having one of those days. 
You know. 
The kind of day where everything you come into contact with barbs into your flesh and tugs at your nerves. 
Noises out on the street too loud, cupboards too empty, coffee too weak, counters too cluttered, shower too cold, clothing too tight—fuck, even your skin feels too fucking tight. 
You’ve given pieces of yourself out hand over foot, and now you’re at a deficit and the world around you is still hungry, even though you’ve been picked to bare bones. Everything is too much and too little all at the same time. 
The toddler that lives in the apartment above yours is throwing a temper tantrum. The kid’s defiant screeching rubs against your brain like fiberglass until all four walls of your living room feel like they’re closing in around you, squeezing you out like a tube of toothpaste, suffocating you. 
And you’re thinking: If I don’t release some of this pressure I might go all fucking Hindenburg and explode. 
The apartment door swings open, and Joel walks in, his broad shoulders all slumped like he’s carrying the goddamn weight of the word. He glances over at you as he slides the chain lock closed, “Hey, darlin’.”
You look up from your place on the couch, where you’re hunched over crossed legs, elbows digging into your thighs. All sharp angles and tense muscles. Without responding, you return your attention to the glass of moonshine dangling from your grip. Swirl it around a little. Take a big swallow and try not to wince as it burns down to your belly. 
Joel stands there for a beat, watching you, waiting for your manners to kick in. When they don’t, he huffs and stomps into the kitchen. Cupboard doors slam and glass clinks as he searches for a clean cup, then pours himself a drink. 
And, christ, he’s so fucking loud. 
Every noise he makes is an exclamation mark. A shard of glass pressing into your eardrum. A sliver wedging further and further under your fingernail. 
He walks over, eyes glued to you, each heavy footfall a stubborn grain of sand that won’t leave that space between your toes no matter how much you wiggle them. 
By the time his weight shifts the couch cushions and sets you off balance, tilting in his direction, you know what you need. 
You need to get under his skin like he’s under yours. To push him until his edges are hardened and sharp to the touch. You need him to pry open the emergency hatch and empty your mind. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Your nostrils flare. You bring the cup to your lips and take another big, burning swig of bootleg liquor, then say, “Nothing.” 
“Nothin’,” he repeats, his voice low and disbelieving, “Now, why don’t I believe that?” 
You sit up and glare at him, meeting his dark eyes, all shadowed by his drooping brow as he tilts his blank stare at you. 
Excitement flickers inside you. You tilt your head right back and drop your voice, mocking him, “Reckon it’s ‘cuz I got a fucken attitude.” 
His jaw tightens, mouth flattening into a straight line as he narrows his eyes at you, “You gonna talk about what’s got your panties all in a twist, or just be a nuisance about it?” 
You bat your eyelashes at him and shrug. 
“I see,” he searches your face, turning his wrist in slow circles, moonshine sloshing around in his cup, “You know, if you need me to do somethin’ for you, or
 to you, all you have to do is ask. You don’ need to do this whole thing.”
“What thing?” you blink. Play dumb. 
His eyes roll a little as he brings the glass to his lips and tips it back. Taking its contents all in one swallow, he slams the glass down on the end table with a thunk. Shaking his head, he looks at you, “Are you fuckin’ done?” 
You smirk at him, dragging your eyes up and down his body. He’s studying you with this stern stare, teeth clenched, the muscles in his jaw twitching like little warning signals: PROCEED WITH CAUTION. 
A warm fluttering starts at your center. Setting your glass down, you crawl onto his lap. He doesn’t move, doesn’t blink, doesn’t do anything but watch your face as you drag your fingernail along the tightened line of his jaw. 
Threading your brows together, you coo, “You’re just so cute when you’re angry.” 
“That’s enough,” he grabs your hand and squeezes it hard enough to make you gasp with delight, then says, “Open your mouth.” 
“Make me.” 
It happens so fast. 
One hand on your forehead, the other gripping your jaw, yanking your mouth open. 
“Stick your fuckin’ tongue out.” 
You do. 
You hear it first. The squelch of him gathering moisture. He spits onto your tongue, his saliva moonshine flavored and melting into yours. He does it again, then groans as he rubs it into your tastebuds, the rough pad of his thumb scraping against the tender muscle. 
“So, what, you had a shitty day, now you’re actin’ out? Tryin’ to get me all worked up so I punish you?” 
The words are all hoarse and heated against your cheek. His cock twitches beneath you and you grind into him, tongue still stretched out. 
He spits on it again. 
“Is this what you wanted, you little shit? Hmm?” he tugs on your chin, “Do you like it when I spit in your fuckin’ mouth?” 
“I like it,” you tell him, nodding, placing your palm on his chest. 
His throat rumbles like he’s pleased. He loosens his grip, then brushes his thumb against your bottom lip, glancing down at your mouth, “Do you want more?” 
“Yes—yes, please.”
“Much better,” he purrs, “Open.” 
You open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue. Another hot wad of spit plops down on it, moonshine flavored, Joel flavored, and you moan.
He cups your cheek and murmurs, “See? You can be a good girl. Can’t you?” 
Sparks sizzle up your back bone. You nod and bat your eyelashes at him, closing your mouth and swallowing his spit, sliding your hand through the soft patches of gray in his beard. 
His throat rumbles. Dark gaze flicks from your eyes to your lips, ”Now, tell me, darlin’, what do you need?” 
The question trickles down the middle of you and twists into a stubborn knot. Your heart flutters when your lips part, but courage dies in your chest. 
You shake your head and mutter, mostly to yourself, “It’s stupid.”
His brow furrows just slightly. 
Heat blooms in your chest and on your face. Nervous energy makes your throat bob and your tongue go numb, and you shake your head, “Sorry.” 
He fully frowns now, searching your face, “Sorry? What for?”
You shake your head again, dropping your gaze, and clamp your mouth shut. 
Joel releases a big sigh, curling your body into his, and kisses your forehead. He murmurs against your skin, “Do you trust me?” 
“With my life.” 
He lets you sit in the wake of your own answer. The weight of his expectant silence wriggles under your skin and makes you squirm. You cast your gaze downward and shrug, “I don’t know.” 
He’s quiet.
When you glance back up at him, his expression has softened into one that makes your heart ache. It’s almost doleful, the way he looks at you. 
“I don’t know how to explain it, I feel,” you intertwine your fingers with his, “Empty here,” you pull the clasped hands to your chest, “But full
 in-in my head. Everything feels like too much—I don’t know, Joel.”
The tears that prick your eyes take you by surprise. Usually you keep these pesky blue feelings to yourself, so as not to burden him. You should be used to this world by now. Your skin should be thicker. 
You feel weak. 
Shame rips through you. More tears erupt from deep within your chest and stream down your cheeks, burning the whole way. A rush of adrenaline pumps through your body. It tinges your blood cold and makes you panic. 
You let go of his hand and bring your knees to your chest, burying your face between them, blubbering, “I’m sorry.” 
“Hey, don’t,” he sighs, not quite sure what to do with this, and slides his warm palm up and down the curve of your back, “It’s—it’s ok.” 
All you can do is shake your head. It’s not ok. He doesn’t want someone like this. A crying, sputtering mess. Someone who gets upset because, what, noises seem too loud? 
“Look at me, babygirl.”
You can’t help the whimper that bubbles up your throat. He only uses the term of endearment during rare, tender moments. When he needs you to know, really know, that above the games and the rules and the agreements behind the locked door of this apartment
 he cares for you.
You sniffle and wipe your tears on the stiff denim of your work pants, then peak up at him. 
He searches your face, and says, “Let me take care of you.” 
Your eyebrows thread together and your lips part. He just keeps staring at you like that, so earnest, his eyes fertile earth you could take root in. 
“Ok,” you whisper. 
“Go take a shower. You can be a good girl and do that for me, can’t you?” 
You stay there for a moment, eyes locked on his, and ask, “Can I have a kiss?” 
He hums, dropping his gaze to your lips, “How do we ask?” 
Heat coils around you. He studies your movements as you unfold yourself and sit up straight, then climb on top of him, knees framing his hips, “Can I have a kiss
His hands land on your waist, “Course you can.” 
You slide your palms up his chest, his neck, to cradle his jaw, then lean in to capture his lips in yours. The kiss is molasses and moonshine. Syrupy and rich. Intoxicating. It warms your insides and leaves you wanting more. 
When he pulls back, he smooths his touch around your backside and gives your ass a firm smack, “Go on now.” 
You try on his Texas accent and tease, “Go on, git,” and start giggling when he blinks at you, then add, “Ok ok I’m going!” 
“You’re lucky you’re cute, y’know that?” he calls after you as you scamper into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. 
You pull back the shower curtain, flip on the hot water, and strip off your clothes. The weak stream splatters hot against your skin when you step inside. For a minute, you just stand there with your eyes closed, relishing the warmth. 
The bathroom door opens, then closes. 
You wash your hair as Joel strips off his clothing into a pile on top of yours. His shadow on the shower curtain grows, then disappears as he pulls it back and steps inside. Your eyes close as you tip your head back into the water stream and massage the conditioner from your hair. 
He plants his palm at the small of your back and brings himself closer. A soapy washcloth meets your bellybutton and moves in circular motions, working up a lather. When he hits a weak spot, and a tickle shoots up your body, you giggle and grab his wrist. 
“You don’t like it?” 
Feeling through your wet hair for any remaining gobs of conditioner, you open your eyes to meet his, grinning, “I do, I’m just ticklish.”
His lips curve into a smirk and he shakes his head as he returns his attention to the task at hand, scrubbing the day’s grime off your body. The hot water works with his meticulous attention to dull the serrated edges under your skin. 
You do, taking a backwards step towards him. Your nerves tingle with want, the snarled tips of them all stretching in his direction, untangling to beckon him closer. 
“Good girl,” he murmurs, and starts on your back. Your shoulders relax under his praise. Under the firm pressure of the washcloth scouring your skin. He draws circles down your spine, around your hip, between your legs, leaving a trail of suds for you to rinse off. 
When he’s finished sudsing and you’re finished rinsing, he says, “Go wait for me in the bedroom,” so you swap places with him and squeeze the excess water from your body and hair. You step out onto the bath mat and wrap a towel around yourself, then tiptoe into the bedroom. 
Across the patchwork quilt, Joel laid out your collar. You dry yourself off and fasten the leather strap around your neck, then wait for him in the middle of the bed with your legs crossed. 
When Joel enters the room, it seems to shrink around him. Every inch of him is gleaming and dewy, his hairline all steely gray and combed back into damp, dark waves. He appraises you while tucking a ratty towel around his waist. You feel your shoulders pull back. Your spine uncurls, pointing straight at the ceiling. 
His eyes flick around the room as he walks to the side of the bed and hooks a finger in the little loop of your collar, tugging you to your knees. You crawl to him, following his firm guidance until you’re eye-to-eye and just an inch or so apart. 
Under the squeaky-clean soap scent lies something so unmistakably Joel. Woodsy and masculine, it cattle-prods your heart. 
“What am I gonna do with you?”
Heat sparks from deep within you and blooms in your guts, your cheeks. You feel yourself arching towards him, leaning closer, trying to taste his breath. 
Some smart-aleck answer parts your lips, but he preemptively interrupts you. 
“Rhetorical question.” 
An amused smile twitches the corners of his mouth. 
His mouth. 
You stare at it, fingertips buzzing with energy, yearning to feel the soft curve of his plush lips.  
“Look at me.”
Your eyes flick to his, smoldering but critical. A wide, calloused palm lands on your waist and slides around to your backside, cupping the heft of your asscheek. You swallow hard. This thick, pulsing ache starts between your legs and makes you whimper. An attestation to your pliancy. 
His throat rumbles and he pulls a sharp breath through his teeth. Joel likes the noise, because he knows what it means. It means you’re putty in his hands. Giving yourself over to him, letting him take control. He digs his fingers into the tender flesh of your ass and smirks when you gasp.
“That’s what you need, hmm?”
You nod, eyebrows drawing together, batting your lashes at him. 
He doesn’t let up. Quite the opposite, actually, he grips you harder, rumbling out, “Jus’ need someone to take care of you? Fuck the angry out of you?”
Again, you nod. 
He tugs on your collar, “Use your words.”
The grasp is bruising and constant and fucking delicious. Dropping your gaze, you  breathe, “Yes si—”
“Look at me.” 
Your cunt clenches around nothing as you comply, meeting his lust-blown eyes. 
“Yes sir.” 
“That’s better.”
Joel releases your ass cheek and tugs at your collar. 
When his lips meet yours with a firm, ravenous kiss, urgency overcomes you. You clamber closer, hooking your hands behind his neck, dragging your nails through his damp curls. Each time the kiss renews, it gains traction, intensity, evident in his nips and groans, and his harsh, wandering touch. Grabbing your ass, your tits, your thighs. Pinching your nipples so hard you gasp and nod. 
He buries his fist in your hair and pulls back, panting, “Turn around ‘n’ bend over.” 
You do, reluctantly parting from his lips to spin 180° and raise your ass in the air, pressing your ear to the mattress. 
“Close your eyes,” he knocks your knees further apart, and when you comply, letting your eyelids flutter closed, he murmurs, “That’s it. Now you’re gonna sit there and take what I give you, hmm?” 
The rough pads of his fingers trail electric up your seam, ghosting along the hungry, aching nerves. You gasp and nod, “Yes sir.” 
His throat rumbles, and his fingertips start to work your throbbing clit in hard-pressed circles. He’s heavy-handed in the way he touches you. It’s not delicate, or teasing, or gentle—it’s fucking perfect. Heat bubbles up your middle and spreads across your skin, pulling a whimper from your throat. 
Joel’s free hand slides up your spine, his palm pressing firm and slow across every vertebrae, coaxing you to stretch your backbone, arching your hips towards him. 
“There we go, that’s my good girl—”
You moan at the rush of pleasure his praise gives you. Your heart starts to thud, heavy and thick in your chest, and his hand between your legs starts to work you faster, jolting your center. 
“Fuck, Joel—”
Another gravelly sound surfaces from his chest. He slaps your ass, hard and firm, and you gasp at the sharp sting. He does it again. The smack rings in your ears and the divine pain it’s coupled with resonates deep in your bones. He does it again and again and again, all the while rubbing your clit in vigorous, tight circles, growling out, “All fuckin’ wound up, acting out, this is what you needed, hmm?”
“Yes yes yes yes—”
The feeling at your center grows and spreads, building building building—then it swallows you whole. Your body convulses with pleasure so acute and overwhelming, you try to pull away from him, to close his hand between your thighs, but he grabs your hip and kneels on your calf, keeping you spread open. 
“Don’t you run away from this,” he barks as you let out a choked sob, “You take this fucking like a good girl, you hear me?”
“It’s—fuck, it’s it’s—”
You want to tell him it’s too much, but the tide of pleasure draws you back with violent force and washes over you again. The noise that comes out of you is guttural, barely human, this half-howl, half-cry. It’s excruciating and overwhelming and so fucking good. 
Joel chuckles, “That’s it, let it go, darlin’.”
You do. A sensation overtakes you, that’s warm and secure. The weight strapped to your shoulders, that skin-too-tight, noises-too-loud sort of feeling melts away and you nod, “Yes, sir.”
He withdraws his hand from between your legs and grabs your waist, bringing your bodies closer. The head of his cock nudges against your entrance and he plunges forward. 
“Fuuuuuuuck,” you gasp as his thick, throbbing length slides into your well-lubricated cunt. 
He splits you open cell-by-cell, his own needy moan mingling with yours, and tells you, “God, your pussy—fuck, that’s good—”
There’s no warm-up period. No sweet, slow strokes, or whispered words of comfort, or gentle anything. Immediately, he’s fucking you hard and fast. You push back against his harsh thrusts, each impact devastating and intoxicating and heady with a feral energy that fills your body with static. 
Joel closes a fist in your hair and yanks, tilting your head to the ceiling, and you let out a long, sick moan that makes him groan with delight. His arm slips around you and pulls your back to his chest. Your head falls back on his shoulder, mouth gaping open to babble out, “So fucking good, fuck fuck fuck—I fucking love it, Joel, holy fuck—”
His big hand wraps around your throat and squeezes, restricting your airflow, and you let out wheezing, gasping breathes as he grunts in your ear, “Yeah you fucking do. Pussy jus’ needs a good pounding, that it? My little slut just needs to get fucked, hmm?”
You whimper and nod, as much as his grip will allow. His fingers crush your pulse, leaving you light-headed. The scraps of breath you manage to take in carry the sharp, tangy scent of sex. You revel in the feeling of him filling you over and over, each roll of his hips collects electric at your core, gaining traction and energy. 
When you look up at him and meet the corner of his dark, lust-blown eyes, he releases his grip on your throat and pulls you into a heated kiss. Both of you start to take in short, frantic breaths, passing soft moans back and forth. That gooey static in your middle grows and grows. Your limbs start to quiver and you cry, “Oh my fucking god, Joel—you’re gonna make me come—”
“That’s it, babygirl, let it go.”
You do. 
You let it consume you, a bright, blissful warmth that pulses through every inch of your body. Joel moans as your cunt clenches down around him, then pulls out in time to shoot his load onto the bedspread. 
For a moment, the only things in existence are the two of you. His ragged breath in your ear, your heaving chests and empty minds. 
He departs your body and stretches out on the bed with a groan. You only feel his absence for a second before he hooks his finger into your collar’s loop to pull you closer, “C’mere.”
An obedient creature, for the time being at least, you follow the suggestion and curl up at his side. You smooth your palm up his heated chest, all dewy with sweat, and admire his broad frame. His distinguished features. While surveying the map of scars and wrinkles and grays on his rugged exterior, your gaze meets his, and you find a remarkable softness there. 
He seems to study you with the same sort of reverence as you do him. 
“You’re beautiful, y’know that?” 
It makes you smile, which, in turn, makes him smile. A gorgeous and rare spectacle. The expression carves out a dimple in his cheek and crinkles the corners of his eyes.
You scoot closer and kiss him, your lips soft, gentle. He kisses you back in a similar manner, slow and sweet, twisting your brain in a big, beautiful kaleidoscope of emotions. 
The intimidation you felt when you met him, still hot-to-the-touch after all these years, tumbling around with tiny glimmering glass bits of desire and apprehension and pride and excitement and awe and dread and security. 
And love. 
Of course love, even though neither of you dare look at it directly. Only suckers allow such a thing to exist in this world. But it’s there, nonetheless. Weaving its way through each fragmented shard, pulling it all together. 
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virgincels · 8 months
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ft. leon s. kennedy x gn!reader
tags. rape, non-con to dubious consent, reader has low self esteem so they think the rape is deserved, dead dove, vendetta leon, implied age gap, virginity loss, kind of stockholm cuz they end up liking leon, guilt, p in v
a/n. please don’t read if this is triggering it’s quite literally just non-con and reader saying they like it bc they’re lonely !!
two / three
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You haven’t been out of the house in a while. Not quite unusual, but you’re sure it’s been an extended amount of time since you did anything more than stepping outside to collect a delivery. It’s late and there’s nothing sweet to eat. Excluding the bloomed chocolate stored all the way in the back of your fridge on the shelf that’s icky in ways you choose to ignore. You don’t want to clean that shit up. Gotta seek out a hazmat suit first.
Delivery is always an option, but you’ve wasted so much money on those fucking service fees, it’s a total joke. So you put on your brave face and head out. The October wind chills you to the bone, makes you ache like your entire body needs to be thawed the second it hits you. Put in the microwave a few times. Left to defrost. You regret not putting on those cutesy mittens, got nervous the old corner store owner would find you childish and left them behind in the heat of the moment. Now you’ve got fucking frostbite, you silly bitch.
With your heart in your throat, ready to slip out at a moment’s notice if you do as little as open your mouth, you step inside the dimly lit store. The bell jingles, you’re welcomed by a damp smell that makes you retch silently, the buzz of the refrigerators slowly drives you mad as you make your way through the aisles. Anything will do at this point. You grab the first pack of sugar-coated gummies, and pop it down on the counter. You’ve only got a note, hoping he’d break it, but the cashier unhelpfully drops an extensive amount of change into your small palm, leaving you fumbling.
Keeping the plastic packet between your teeth, you try your best to shove the change into the pocket of your puffy jacket. Of course, everyone is against you at all times, so a coin falls to the ground with a metallic clink. And you’re gonna chase after it when it rolls away. Duh. You don’t have a single penny to waste. Not with all those utility bills. Not with all your bad online shopping habits.
You’re crouched down on the ground, tucked into a nook the streetlights don’t see, feeling around with both your hands. Like how Velma looks for her stupid fuckin’ dork glasses. You feel him before you see him. Smell the sourness of whatever he’s been drinking. Like a fucking keg party, Jesus. His hands are warm on your hips, grabbing them like nobody’s business. You’re scared for sure. Scared shitless in fact. You almost pissed your pants when he crept up behind you like that, like he’s some beast from a creature feature.
Although, you suppose, no one’s ever held you this way. Held you like they want you. Lucky he can’t see your face. You’re certain he’d be the one kicking up a fuss, stumbling out of the alley like you’re the one that tried to rape him. Understandable. You’re a sexually repulsive rat. No one's ever wanted to bang you. Like ever. Once again, totally understandable. You’re not exactly what anyone would call pretty, average even. Dog-face is closer to what you are, face like a pound of slapped ass. Shouldn’t be allowed in public. A guy once told you he’d only hit if you put a bag over your head first. You were willing too, but he was messing with you.
Anyway, back to this guy, he’s got a firm grip on you. It should be totally horrifying, but you’re leaning back into him, and wondering if he’s handsome or not. Probably not. Handsome guys don’t feel the need to shove their dicks in ugly holes. It’s too dark to see his face. You feel prickly stubble on your cheeks when he grabs your face, forces you to kiss him. You don’t know how to kiss him so it’s likely clumsier than he anticipated. You taste the whiskey on his lips, and suck on his tongue when it slips past your parted pucker. Shit. So this is what it’s like. Makes your gut stir, panties sticking to your core with each passing second.
Doesn’t seem as tense as he previously was. Maybe he expected you to put up a fight, but he got lucky. Hit the rape victim jackpot actually. ‘Cause you’re willing to take any dick you can. Most cockhungry virgin in all the world. Other than the dizzying scent of alcohol, nothing else about him is inherently nasty, the nails that dig into your jaw seem to be trimmed well. His hair is better kept than yours ever is when you squint through the darkness at his looming figure. Huh. Hot guys really do fuck ugly bitches. Less pressure maybe. An ugly bitch like you wouldn’t complain one bit, not about his dick, not about how he’s roughing you up, how he smells, none of it. You’ll take whatever venereal disease he’s got just to know what it’s like. To be wanted. To be fucked.
“I’m sorry,” he says, he sounds earnest, you forgive him. He’s taking your virginity, something that’s way overdue, of course you forgive him. Especially with that voice. Gosh. Sounds like warm honey. He pulls your sweats over your hips, presses his hard cock into your ass cheek. Strange and fleshy. Firm and soft all at once.
He takes you like an animal. Stray dog mounting his bitch in a back alley. Sounds about right. It hurts like hell, you’ve never been able to force your fingers particularly deep. Too short, always missing the mark. He exceeds it. You’re pretty sure he’s bruising your cervix, the pace he builds is fast, then he runs out of breath and it’s slow. Sloppy. Lots of ragged breathing. You put a hand over your mouth, weep into your palm, nose running as this stranger fucks up your insides. Fat cock splitting you open on the ground. This is how it was always going to go, ugly bitches like you don’t get laid, they get raped. Reserved for filthy fucking. Sex and foreplay and all that shit is for pretty girls. You’re far from it.
“Jesus,” he hisses when you squeeze around him, when you jolt in pain, hips backing up into him. He runs a finger along your jagged spine, leaves you covered in goosebumps. “I’m sorry.” He says it again, and you know he means it. “I’m so sorry.”
You’re crying like a baby, your chest aches and your knees are scraped. It’s okay, you’d like to tell him, but a hiccup bubbles up in your throat. It feels good. Really. You like it. You’d let him do it again and again. You want to be needed. Want to be the subject of someone’s desires.
He finishes in three minutes flat. You don’t complain when his seed sticks to your ass, trickles down your thighs all sticky. You’re just glad you made him cum. You feel accomplished. Can tick it off your bucket list. He’s trembling more than you are when he stands up, offers his warm hand, refuses to look you in the eyes as you struggle to dress yourself. Feels like you got pins and needles. Hoisting your joggers up, you grab his wrist before he walks away.
You were right. He’s cute. Super cute. Facial hair is a little scraggly but who are you to judge? He’s older than you by a fair amount. Pretty eyes, low brows, dimpled chin. Looks like he should be in a movie with that face. Shoot your shot. Come on. “Hey, could I get your number?”
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stusbunker · 1 month
Spotless: Dolce
Chapter Twenty One
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Word Count: 1787
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, minor backstory, they're idiots your honor, unbeta'd
A/N: Thank you all for your patience. Apart from being sick, I second and third and quintuple guessed myself on this chapter and then thoroughly ignored the difficult parts and just let them have a conversation on their own. That's it, it's just a phone call. xoxo Stu
Forgive me @lastactiontricia <3
Series Masterlist
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You stood in your kitchen staring at the food in the fridge. It wasn’t much, but you had options.You just hated them all at that moment. You closed the door and slogged over to the pantry. It was the Friday night after Dean’s birthday and you wanted nothing to do with your phone or work or anything social media related. 
So you had turned off your ringer and left it to charge. 
You grabbed a bag of microwave popcorn out of the box and ripped off the plastic wrap. It was a poor excuse for dinner, but it at least would tide you over while you decided what you actually wanted to eat. Then you poured yourself a glass of wine, a sweet white because you were not a snob about it. No matter how many trips to Napa people took you on, you really weren’t going to spend an arm and a leg on a bottle that you only half-heartedly appreciated.
Once it was ready, you took the puffed up bag of popcorn with you to the living room because what was the point of making another dish? And decidedly resorted to turning on the tv.
The thing about streaming shows is that even though your attention wavered, the consistency of the characters on the screen made you feel less alone. You got through six episodes before you realized you never made anything for dinner. And at that point, it was too late to start. You stomped around trying to remember where you left your phone only to find a missed call from Dean and a dozen random texts from other people.
You double checked you didn’t have any voicemails and scrolled down to order delivery. Once dinner was finally sorted, you poured yourself the last of the bottle of wine and called Dean back.
The phone rang in your ear as you sat in the corner of your couch, criss-cross applesauce while turning on the next episode on mute. He answered on the fourth ring.
“Trouble, hey!”
“You rang?” You took a sip. Wherever he was was loud, but you could hear him moving through the buzz of passing conversation and cutlery.
“Yeah, you got a minute?”
“The night is my oyster, what’s up?” You leaned forward and set your glass on the coffee table, stretching back and settling in for whatever fire you were going to have to put out next.
The sounds surrounding Dean ended abruptly and he exhaled. “Not much, just grabbing drinks with some people from the label with Bela. You know, schmoozing the uppity ups.”
“Oh— good luck with that.” You shifted onto one hip and hugged your knee. “Tell her she has to pick where we’re getting brunch because the place I wanted is closed for remodeling—- and that she’s paying.”
Dean huffed a laugh. “I’ll fucking cover it, okay? Anything else you need me to tell her? Cuz I could go back in there and just hand her the phone if you want—”
“Nope— no, sorry. It’s fine. You okay?” Something in his voice was setting off a proximity alarm in your head, not full blown panic mode, but enough to let you know something had appeared on the horizon. 
“Yeah, ‘m good. It’s just not my kind of thing—- Bela’s great at these things— I just stand there wishing I could be anywhere else.”
“I’m surprised you even showed up— especially with rehearsals starting Monday.” You grabbed your wine again, waiting Dean out.
“Gotta play nice— you said so,” Dean teased, you could hear the soft hum of his smugness before he shifted gears. “Listen— that whole thing with Cas and the birthday bus— and the whole day actually—”
“Are you really gonna start bitching about that now? Dean, it is so not the time— don’t you have someone’s ass to kiss?”
“What?! I’m not— would you let me finish?! Jesus. I was trying to thank you!--- Don’t know why, now, but yeah.”
You bit your lips and perked up, straightening your back and wagging your head a little back and forth. “Oh? By all means— continue.”
“Yeah, okay, smart ass.”
You cackled and let him stew a bit.
“It was seriously the best, okay? Like, top five of all time.” Dean switched ears and you tried not to squee with the idea of making him so happy he’d been thinking about it for days. That he had to call you to tell you— even as an excuse to escape a less than stellar social situation. Everything seemed to sparkle on your skin, but that could have been the Reisling. “And about dragging Cas out— that was an unexpected gift. So, yeah, thank you— for all your trouble.”
You groaned.
“Oh come on! That one wasn’t that bad.” Dean pretended to be affronted and you pretended to be annoyed.
He sniggered. “It was good to see him. It’d been too damn long.”
“Seriously. We had lunch and just getting to hang out with him made everything better.”
“Yeah.” Dean was thinking and you let him.
The television was frozen on the prompt screen, judging you for still watching, but you ignored it. You finished your wine and looked at the last drops through the curved glass, distracted by the reflection of your empty living room.
“You think he’s doing alright? I mean— he’s got a freakin’ kid. That’s got to have been a total mindfuck— you know?”
Naturally, Dean was worried about how Cas was, not about harboring grudges or blaming him for the rift between them. At least not out loud.
“I cannot imagine— and luckily we don’t have to worry about anyone trying to pull that again.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. Fuckin’ Lisa, I almost forgot about that. That was like the first big thing you had to bury when you started.”
You sat up and climbed onto your knees, like getting taller would help make your point. “Oh, I know! God that was such an uphill battle, even when she pretended to play nice. I still get the heebie jeebies when I pass her yoga studio on the way to Charlie’s.”
Dean chuckled. “Man— the things we do for fame. We are paying you, right?”
“Last time I checked.”
“Okay, good, probably should be more though, especially with all the Bela stuff.”
“Dean— I make well over the industry standard percentage with you guys. Plus, you barely even charge me rent. I’m doing fine.”
“Whatever—- still, want you to know your hard work is appreciated.”
You settled back down and picked at the seam of your leggings. “That is the weirdest way you could have said thank you, I hope you know.”
“Fuck off— Thank you, okay? THANK YOU. Should I spell it out? Maybe say it in Spanish?”
“Como se dice ‘bite me’, huh?”
“Uhhh—- yeah, not gonna try that one while I’m standing in an alley alone.”
You rolled your eyes. “You should probably go back inside. People are waiting on you.”
“They barely even looked up when I stepped away— Bela’d message me if it was a problem.”
“Trouuubbbllllle,” the way his voice rumbled with your nickname made it hard to remember you were even wearing clothes.
You climbed off the couch and decided to put your glass in the dishwasher for something to do. He wasn’t going back into the restaurant, but he wasn’t exactly keeping you from anything either.
“Why’d you call if you were out anyway?”
“Heh— I called you to talk me into going through with it.”
Oops. “Well good job on getting there on your own.”
“I was already halfway to Bela’s anyway. Paps perked up real fast when we rolled up. Gonna have to switch out Baby for a rental one of these days. Don't like the way they hone in on her.”
You rolled your eyes. “Probably a good idea, especially if you need privacy.”
“Not really the point of this little arrangement is it?”
“Okay, but still, be safe.”
“With my car? Always.”
You smiled to yourself when there was a knock at your door.
“Somebody there?” You hadn’t realized he could hear it over the line.
“Just dinner.” You beelined through the living room, suddenly starving. You pinched your phone between your shoulder and your cheek as you unlocked the front door. 
“So, what? Just another night in for you? Lemme guess, messy bun and no bra, maybe some leggings?”
You made sure everything was in the bag where the driver left it and dragged it back to the kitchen for a plate. “Is this you asking me what I’m wearing?”
You stopped short, and had to lift the bag up onto the counter a second time to keep it from becoming one with the floor. “Ha, ha.”
“Come on, it’s not like I’m gonna do anything here. Just making conversation.”
You ground your teeth, anger spiking from this sudden turn into teasing. “Yeah, well, when it’s the closest thing to a come on I’ve had in months— it feels a little bit more than that.”
You feel the penny drop.
“Dry spell, huh? I was wondering about that.”
“Oh shut it. You’ve got a fairytale fake girlfriend and I’ve got a band to keep relevant, neither of us is really out there mingling.”
Dean cleared his throat. “You can take time off—- if you need, you know that right? Hell, find somebody’s discarded boyfriend backstage and burn off some steam or something. ‘S one of the perks of a tour.---- But take care of yourself first, alright?”
You look up at the ceiling at the rows of spotlights Dean installed, once upon a time, that framed the island and sighed. “I’m not discussing my sex life with you— like— ever again.”
“Come on, it’ll be fun. We’ll have a sleepover and braid Sam’s hair.”
You sputtered and then went back to dishing up your food.
“MuĂ©rdeme, Dean. Then we’d have to listen to all the kinky shit him and Madison are into, no thank you.”
You heard Dean’s phone buzz with a notification. The metaphorical clock struck twelve.
“That’s Bela, isn’t it?”
“Yep. Okay, well, it’s been fun.”
You inhaled and sent him off, “go get ‘em, champ.” 
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks again for the birthday shenanigans. I’ll see you next week?”
“I’ll be at rehearsal, but I’ve got calls and stuff scheduled throughout the day.”
“Sounds good. Have a good one.”
“You too.”
Something lingered between you in the silence and before you could say something you’d regret, you finally ended the call. It almost felt like he was waiting you out, making sure not to be the one that hung up first.
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poisonmedani · 1 year
Me & You Together | Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin x reader
words 2,1k
modern!au, fluff, Remus' POV, language, friends to lovers
a/n: spontaneous one, hope you'll enjoy <3
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And there's been no way for me to say That I felt a certain way In stages, oh I think the story needs more pages, yes
Every single time I see that girl — swear, every single time — I tell myself 'I need to talk to her', and somehow I never do. I'm not even sure for how long I've been looking forward to see Her at all those parties — always hated them, but not anymore.
Don't remember how we met, but that's unimportant, we did nonetheless. Couldn't be happier for James finally seeing Lily, well, because The Girl is her friend, so now we are friends.
Honestly, that's even worse. Why didn't I ask her out when I first saw her? This will forever be the mystery to me. Because now she only sees me as a friend.
"Didn't take you for a jokester, Remus," she cooed from behind, patting my shoulder.
"Well, I am a man of many talents, thank you very much," I answered. That was weird, right? Stop being weird.
"I figured," she chuckled, fixing herself a drink.
"I can help you with that," I got her the whiskey from the top shelf, gently tapping her hip with mine.
"Oh, wow, thank you," she was looking at my hands as I was mixing the only cocktail I knew — it was her favourite. "Always the gentelmen."
"Anything for you, my lady," I offered her the glass.
"Oh, Remmy, you're so nice," she playfully squeezed my jaw with her small hand.
"If I'm so nice, why don't you go out with me?" I boldly stated. What the hell is wrong with me?
"Oh, God" her hand fell. "I'll have to think. Because we're mates, it doesn't feel right."
She got so serious, I panicked.
"It's cool," I answered. "I'm just messing, Y/N/N."
"Ohh," she let out a breath and a little laugh, "sorry, I thought you were serious, you didn't sound like you were jo- okay whatever, you were messing, okay- uhm- I better- uhm- go?" she gestured to the room where everyone was.
"Sure." Does it sound convincing? Yeah, it probably doesn't.
Have you ever felt possessive over a person that was never yours? Well, I certainly have.
Y/N was sitting across from me, reading a book I recommended, and, of course, this bloke must hit on her, right in the library. What a prat!
"I love me a smart girl," this pillock said.
"Congrats," she looked at him with disgust and quickly returned to the book.
"What're you reading?" he closed her book to see the cover.
"Listen, mate, fuck off of her," I chimed in.
"D'you mind?" he said.
"Yeah, I do," I stood up, which proofed to be the right move, because he got scared and fucked off.
"Thanks," she said sheepishly and sighed. "Are you done yet? I wanna leave."
"Yeah, I'm done," I answered putting my things in the bag.
"No, Remmy, if you're not, it's fine, I'll wait," she looked guilty. Why the hell would any of this be her fault?
"Y/N/N, I am done, don't worry, okay?" I assured her. "Let's go to mine, I'll get you some tea, huh? How does that sound?"
I came up to her side of the table to put my arm around her frame.
"That sounds lovely, thanks," she still sounded sheepish.
"Hey, c'mon, don't let this idiot ruin your mood," I led her to the exit.
"It's nothing, really," she lied. "I'm just tired."
"Darling, I'm not gonna argue with you, but just so you know, I know when you're lying."
She smiled, finally.
"What kind of tea are we having tonight?" I asked.
"I need cammomile after this."
"Okay, you will stay the night, right?"
"Oh, no, Rem, I've been staying a whole lot recently."
"Well, I'm just saying that I won't let you wander through the night, so you might as well stay."
It sounded creepy. Lord, why the hell did I put it like that?
She laughed. Thank god.
"If you're alright with that, I'd love to stay."
"Good, 'cuz we need to watch a new season, do you remember?"
"That's right," her eyes lit up, at last. "Is Siri home?"
"Yeah, he is, will it be a problem?"
We got outside.
"No, not at all," she answered simply. "Just wondering."
She has been staying a lot lately. So much that at some point we just fell asleep on the couch together — one of the best moments of my live, not gonna lie — and that from that moment on was the thing.
"Can we go straight to your room?" she asked quietly, taking off her shoes.
"Okay, but you can speak normally, Sirius isn't going to sleep any time soon," I whispered back.
"I know, just don't want to disturb him," she got so close and put her hands on my shoulders, looking up at me. I chuckled at that.
"Okay, go change, I'll get us tea," I squeezed her waist.
"Wait, I forgot to bring my clothes."
"Wear mine."
"What can I wear?"
"Anything you want," I smiled at her.
"Will you show me?" she was so timid.
"You can go through my stuff, it's fine, I trust you," I assured her.
"I dunno," she looked away from my face.
"Please, anything, surprise me, Y/N/N, okay?"
"Okay," she said, but it sounded more like a question.
We went our separate ways.
With two cups in one hand — she hates when I do it, because 'Remus, it's dangerous' — I knocked at my bedroom door.
"Come in," her voice sounded.
She was sitting on my bed, wearing my blue t-shirt and some joggers.
"Did I surprise you?" she said with a smile.
"You did," I put the cups on the bedside table.
"Please, just come here already," she patted the bed.
"Eager," I laughed. "In a second."
When I came back in the room, she was under the blanket. As soon as I got under the blanket she passed me my cup and smiled the brightest smile.
"Now, let's watch," she looked at the screen, waiting for me to hit 'play'.
Soon after she finished her tea, she dozed off on my shoulder.
"Ohh, here we are again," Sirius said in a raspy voice, when Y/N and I entered the kitchen in the morning. "Didn't hear you last night, don't be so shy, you can make some noice."
"Good morning to you, too," Y/N ignored Sirius' joke. If I'm being honest it probably wasn't that much of a joke, he must know I like her — probably since day one.
"Moony, I don't think you did a good job, she's not tired and still can walk, go back and finish what you started," Sirius went on. Y/N shook her head at him.
"Sit down, I'm gonna make us breakfast," I said.
"I'll help," she stood by my side.
"Darling, your lover boy can manage, sit down," Sirius sneered. She looked at him in disbelieve.
"I'm fine," I whispered to her.
"Okay," she cooed in defeat, and sat across from Sirius.
"Sooo," Sirius started, "can't get enough of my friend here."
"Ha-ha, really funny."
"It is," he continued sipping on his tea.
"No, it's not, I feel really guilty about crashing at yours so often, but I just cannot listen to James banging Lily," Y/N spoke and looked at me, when I turned to them while waiting for a pan to heat.
"Don't feel guilty, it's fine," I chimed in.
"Yeah, right, and you found solace in the arms of one and only Remmy boy," Sirius' grin just widened with every single word that left our mouths.
"What would you do if James was fucking your roommate?"
"Well, if James shagged Remus I would've been really surprised," Sirius was as calm as ever.
"Okay, great," I turned away.
"What are turning away for? I'm not James. Not gonna shag you."
"Sirius," Y/N laughed.
"My lady, do you find it disturbing, me talking about your lover boy that way?"
"Shut it," she was still laughing.
"Oi, Y/N, need a ride?" James came in as the three of us sat on the couch.
"Yes, thank you, let me get my stuff," she quickly headed to my room.
"Slow down, I'm not going anywhere, take your time," James shouted. "Hello, lads." He made it to the couch.
"So, did you have a good sleep?" Sirius grinned.
"Sure," James smirked.
"I bet you had it was better than your girlfriend's roommate's," Sirius looked at me.
"What are you looking at me for?" I asked.
"Oh, really?" James said. "They didn't?"
Sirius shook his head.
"But she's wearing his clothes and everything."
"I know!" Sirius exclaimed.
"What do you two know?" I said dismissively.
"Apparently more than you," Sirius started. "Why don't you ask her out?"
"Because," I said, but couldn't think of any reason. I mean, I did ask her out once. But then backpedalled. "Because, her and I are mates. That's it."
"Do you believe that?" James said to me.
"Yeah, mate, for how long you've been dreaming about her already? Two years? Three?" Sirius pressed.
"Definitely three," James helped.
"Not three, and stop it," I escaped to the kitchen.
"So, more?" Sirius followed me.
"Definitely more," James was right behind him.
"Oh my god, would you leave me alone?" I snapped.
"What's with all the fuss?" Y/N reappeared.
"Nothing," I looked at the guys and rage was making its way through my body. "It was good to see you, Y/N, 'till later."
And I just left to my room. I didn't even give her a hug. Yeah, I'm an idiot.
"I upset you, I'm sorry, Remmy," her voice sounded soft through the speaker. "I will not bother you again, I promise, just don't be mad at me."
How could she think I was upset with her? Never.
I should've picked up the phone when she was calling.
I'm not mad with you, Y/N. I'm in love with you — that's what I wanted to write.
Sorry if it looked like you upset me. You didn't. The guys did, but I shouldn't have acted that way towards you. I'm sorry. You aren't bothering me. I love spending time with you. Please bother me more — that's what I actually wrote.
Y/N: You're not mad? What a relief!
Me: I can't be mad with you
Y/N: I'll remember that
Y/N was dragging me outside.
"What's with you, Remus, I barely recognise you," she started, grabbing my shoulders, so I'd look at her. I couldn't.
"I'm fine," I mumbled, not daring to look at her.
"So you almost got in a fight for nothing?" she didn't stop.
"Leave it at that, Y/N," I tried to shake her off.
"At what? I don't get it! Every time a guy pays me attention, you are getting aggressive. What's up with that?"
"If you don't know, then I don't either."
She was looking at me as I lit a cigarette.
"I thought you quit," she whispered.
"I thought so too," I couldn't even imagine looking into her eyes.
"I wish you would just talk to me," she sat down on the bench. "I don't know what else I should do to make you ask me out again, and I can't ask you out myself, because I'm a coward. I'm spending so much time with you that everyone knows that I fancy you, except for you. Remus, what the fuck should I do? Please, tell me? I'll do it."
I finally looked at her, into her sad eyes, a fag just slipped out of my hand.
"I know, it's my fault, because when you asked me out, I didn't say yes right away. But in my defence I didn't know what to do, I really needed time to process it. But you said you were joking and that's it. Were you really? Was I wrong thinking that you weren't? Because if so, it is fine. It's just, Sirius was..." she went on, looking down at her lap.
"You... fancy me?" was all I could say.
"Yeah, is it so bad?" her eyes were glassy.
"Oh, I am daft then," I took her hand in mine, dropping to my knees infront of her.
"You're not daft, why'd you say that?" she was so close to panting.
"Because I was a git, a blind one too," I kissed her knuckles.
"Stop calling yourself all these names, you are incredible, Remmy," she put her free hand on my cheek, and I couldn't help leaning into her touch.
"Answering your question, you don't have to do anything. Y/N Y/L, will you go on a date with me? Forever the idiot."
"I told you, stop," she wanted to sound stern, but her smile wasn't allowing it. "Yes, Remus Lupin, please, take me on a date already."
She pressed her lips to my forehead.
All along, I should've just talked to her. Idiot.
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
I’m still here - part vi - eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: how can the worst happen twice?
warnings: fluff, canon-typical violence, my half-assed version of vampirism, steve has some feelings, descriptions of injuries/surgery, blood-drinking and biting (more major than the last one ok you’ve been warned)
a/n: ok I said this was gonna be the last part but it’s NOT part vii will 100% be the finale but here we go for now!!!!
reblogs/comments always appreciated 💕
| series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3 |
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“Eddie, you can’t,” Harrington is saying. There are hands curled around his upper arms, digging into the sleeves of his leather jacket. Robin is sobbing on the couch, a shaken-looking Henderson doing his best to soothe her, but he keeps glancing over to Eddie like the world is ending.
Funny, cuz it is.
“You think I’m just gonna sit here?” Eddie spits, knocking Steve’s hands away. The movement is too harsh, clearly, because Steve nearly stumbles back a step, eyes wide. “I can’t just fucking sit here, Harrington! She could by dying!”
“T-they were taking her to the hospital,” Robin says, wiping at her eyes as Steve sinks onto the couch on her other side. “I-it was bad, guys. I’ve never
I’ve never seen that much blood before. Not even when you,” she gestures to Steve, pointing to his face, “y’know.”
“Not helping, Robin,” Steve grits out, looking at Eddie, his brow low. “Doesn’t change the fact that if you show your face anywhere in this town, like Dustin said, the witch hunt is back on. Who the fuck knows what they’ll do you, man? It’s not gonna help her for you to end up in jail or dead or worse.”
“What’s worse than dead?” Dustin asks, but Steve just waves him off.
Eddie, in the midst of all of this, is slowly but surely losing his shit.
He should have gone with you.
He should never have left your side, from the moment he got you back.
His hands are shaking, body reaching for deep breaths that it doesn’t require, but something instinctual hopes it’ll calm his racing mind. He meant what he said to Harrington, he can’t just fucking sit here. Pacing the floor, he glances around. Can he punch the wall? Is that allowed? Shoving his hands through his hair, he sinks down to the ground, legs sprawled in front of him. His eyes are wet. He feels helpless.
Dustin perks up when he calls the kid’s name. “We need a plan. You’re good at those.”
With a metallic grin, the kid replies, “Glad you think so.” He wipes at his eyes, pats Robin’s shoulder awkwardly before he turns to Eddie. “I have an idea, but you’re not gonna like it.”
The deer came out of nowhere. You swerved, tried to miss the startled creature staring you dead in the eye, but it was too late. The impact made the steering wheel slide through your grip like it was slicked with oil, spinning against your palm. There was a loud thud as the front end collided with the deer, and you were thrown sideways, seatbelt cutting into your chest and your face exploding in pain as the glass of the windshield shattered inward. You threw your hands up to try and block the shards, stomach twisting as the car started to spin towards the edge of the road, towards the hill that dropped off sharply, the gravel shoulder giving way to grass and trees that tilted down, down, down.
You squeezed your eyes shut, searching for that weird connection that Eddie had opened between you two, trying desperately to open it yourself.
Hey, Eds? you called. I love you.
And then the world went black.
It’s not a great plan.
They stuff him in the back of Steve’s car, and the drive from the Harrington house to the hospital is bumpy as all hell. Eddie whacks his head off the roof of the trunk more than once, giving a shouted hey! and getting a called sorry! from his friends in the car. The brakes squeal as Steve pulls into the parking lot, and Dustin cracks the trunk open an inch.
“Wait here,” he tells Eddie. “We’ll find out where she is and I’ll give you the play-by-play.”
He doesn’t like it. He should be going with them. He needs to be with you. But he knows that Steve is right, that Dustin was right when he said it first: he can’t be seen. It doesn’t help either of you.
Cramped in the trunk, he waits five minutes before he prods at Dustin. What’s going on?
They won’t let us see her, the kid replies, and Eddie resists the urge to punch the roof of the trunk. He doubts Harrington will enjoy a reverse dent in his car. They’re saying family only. Steve tried convincing the nurse he’s her brother but they aren’t buying it.
We are her family, Eddie throws back. Will they at least tell you how she is?
It’s a few minutes before he gets a reply.
it’s not good, Eddie. She’s in surgery. There was a shard of glass in her heart.
Eddie swallows hard. No. This can’t be happening. He refuses to let this happen. Not to you, not to his girl. Not to the one thing he has left. I need to get in there, Henderson.
Didn’t know you were a surgeon too.
Not funny. Got it.
There’s a few more minutes of silence, and Eddie again contemplates punching the trunk. He taps his fingers against the felt covering the metal. He never should have fucking let you go. His nails tear the felt accidentally, and then Dustin’s voice calls in his head. We’re coming back out.
Another few minutes, and then the trunk is cracked an inch again.
“They said it’ll be a few more hours before they know anything for sure,” Robin says, “and it’s touch and go.”
“We can go back in once they’re done with her surgery,” Steve adds. “Then we can get a room number or something, try to figure out a way inside.”
“Open the trunk, Harrington,” Eddie growls, curling his fingers around the metal edge.
“Open the fucking trunk,” he repeats, and it’s Dustin that grabs the hinge and lifts.
Eddie’s out in a second, stalking away from the three of them and heading for the trees lining the parking lot. He can feel eyes on his back, watching him walk away, but he doesn’t dare look over his shoulder.
“Where are you going, Munson?” Steve calls, sounding exasperated as all hell.
“Hunting,” he calls back, and disappears into the forest.
You’re in the trailer.
It’s the strangest thing. Everything had gone dark, an endless black hole that you thought you’d be walking forever finally gave way to something brighter, a pinprick of light that expanded and widened and warmed your skin until

you were in the trailer.
How the fuck are you in the trailer?
You’re warm, sprawled on your back, in Eddie’s bed in his room. Sunlight pours through the blinds, creating strange striped patterns on his dark sheets. Idly, you can hear birds chirping and kids playing at the trailer park playground. It’s
nice. Comforting.
The blankets are pulled up to your chest, and there’s a fluffy head pressed into the crook of your neck, mouth against your collar, snoring lightly. You sigh, turning your body towards Eddie’s, shushing him when he starts to grumble.
“Don’t wanna get up, baby,” he groans, and you shush him again, running your fingers through his hair. You pull back just enough to kiss his forehead before he pushes his face back into your neck. “Five more minutes.”
“Five more minutes,” you repeat, but it’s the strangest feeling. You didn’t actually speak the words, they just happened.
And then it clicks.
This is a memory.
It all starts to fall into place. It’s the summer after you graduated, the summer you fell for Eddie Munson. It’s the week before you left — you know that cuz Eddie got his hair cut and had moaned to you constantly that it was “way too fucking short”; you tried to play it off like you couldn’t tell but his bangs were definitely too short. Your break is coming to an end, Illinois on your horizon and your sordid days and nights spent in Eddie’s bed soon to be fond memories. Until you come back for—
You’re standing on the front steps of the trailer, bag over your shoulder. It’s fall, a more-than-slight chill in the air and the trailer park is littered with leaves, piles in front of every unit, and your tires had crunched a little harder on the gravel as you pulled up.
It’s later in the day, the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend of the same year — it’s later than you wanted to arrive, but you had a last minute assignment to finish up — so you know it’s safe to knock, Wayne’s missing car telling you he’s gone for his shift, and Eddie’s van is parked out front. You rap three times on the door, and get a shouted we don’t want any! in return.
“You sure?” you call back, that phantom voice sounding again. “You might like what I’m offering.”
The door is open in an instant, a bewildered Eddie standing on the other side. His big brown eyes are shiny, and his mouth splits into a handsome grin as soon as he sees you standing there. He’s got his arms around you in an instant, hauling you up and spinning around with you in his grip. You laugh and squeal and kick your feet, stomach bubbling with excitement and happiness when you tilt your face to his and he kisses you reverently, dripping with emotion. He squeezes you tight, setting you back on your feet and pulling you into the trailer with him, kicking the door shut.
As soon as your bag hits the ground he’s on you again, grabbing your face in his hands and kissing you harder, using the grip on your face to pull you towards him. You go willingly, your body arching into the curve of his, your hands reaching for his waist, crawling up the hem of his Metallica t-shirt, aching to feel his skin on yours.
His mouth moves quickly down your jaw and neck, one hand releasing your face to pull at the collar of your shirt so he can scrape his teeth over your collarbone, drag his mouth towards the swell of your breast. “What did you parents say,” he asks, the question a rasp, “when you told them you were bailing?”
“They think I have the stomach flu,” you reply, biting back a moan when his other hand snakes between you, flicking the button on your jeans and diving into your underwear. He kisses your mouth again, starting to walk you backward towards his room, both of you tripping over random boxes and stepping out of your own shoes as you go.
“Awh, my poor baby,” he coos into your skin, grinning against you when goosebumps start to rise across your chest. “Y’know, I have the perfect cure.”
“Oh thank god,” you reply, feigning shock.
Eddie nods. “Bed rest, a boatload of attention from your very horny boyfriend, and,” he crooks his fingers inside you at that exact moment, making you gasp, “never-ending orgasms.”
“Sounds like a c-challenge,” you stutter, gripping his shoulders as he starts to move his fingers inside you. “Are you sure you’re up for it?”
“Anything for you, baby,” he grins, “gotta keep my girl happy and health—
It all changes. Everything is flipped on it’s head. You’re standing at the end of your driveway, the sidewalk in front of your parents house. The house you grew up in. The house they sold when you refused to leave Hawkins behind. Your car is sitting in the driveway, and there’s another car sitting at the curb.
The car at the curb shuts off, and the driver’s door opens.
You watch as he makes his way towards the front door, as the door opens and you come stepping through. It’s weird, watching yourself like this, detached from your body, not experiencing the memory but watching it unfold.
Something’s not right.
“Hey,” you hear Steve say. Steve, who you never thought you’d see standing on your front porch, let alone become one of your closest friends in a short amount of time. He’s got his hands shoved in the back pockets of his jeans. “I don’t know if you remember me from school, but I
” His head turns to the side before turning back to face you. “You’re Eddie Munson’s girlfriend.”
The look on your face is almost comical. You look just as bewildered as you remember, every emotion spelled out on your expression. You just nod, you brow pinching.
“Uh.” Steve rubs at the back of his neck, stares down at his feet. “Shit, I don’t know why Henderson thought I could do this better than him.”
In retrospect, you’re glad it was Steve. Dustin blubbered enough when Steve brought you to the Wheeler’s that same day, and if he had been the one to tell you initially, well, that might have broke your heart even more.
“Dustin sent you?”
“Yeah, I
Dustin, he’s pretty shaken up, and he asked me to come.”
You watch as Steve reaches out awkwardly, touches your shoulder. “It’s about Eddie.”
You knew, the moment he said that. You knew Eddie was gone, that your worst fears were real, that it was all crumbling down. You just watch the rest of it unfold, watch yourself try and push past Steve, hear him call your name, voice cracking and making you stop dead in your tracks.
“You won’t find him.”
Wanna bet?
You watch yourself start to crumble as he says the words, watch as he catches you before you fall completely into the grass. It makes your chest ache something fierce, and you rub at your sternum. But
it’s wet.
Warm and wet.
Frowning, you look down, and there’s blood on your hand. You’re wearing a hospital gown, barefoot on the sidewalk, and there’s blood soaking through the material. It hurts. Fuck, oh fuck, it hurts it hurts it hurts.
The edges are getting blurry, the memory in front of you descending into darkness.
Where are you? What’s happening?
Is this what Dustin and Mike and all of them told you about? Is this the Upside Down?
Are you dying?
What about Eddie?
No, no, no, you can’t go without Eddie. You just got him back. It’s not supposed to be like this. It can’t! No, not yet! You’re not ready!
Sweetheart, a familiar voice calls, and you stumble backwards. You’re falling, falling, falling. Where are you going?
Sweetheart, the voice says again. Eddie? Where are you? Something’s crawling up the back of your throat. It’s hard to breathe. It’s not supposed to end like this!
Sweetheart. Open your eyes.
A few hours later, after massacring a good number of woodland creatures, Eddie stalks his way back to the hospital parking lot. Robin and Steve are still leaning on the trunk of the car, Dustin no where in sight. As soon as Robin notices Eddie walking their way, she smacks Steve’s chest, and Harrington locks eyes with Eddie.
“You look
” Robin tilts her head to the side as Eddie approaches, coming to a stop a few feet in front of them. “
Eddie lifts a shoulder. He’s still raging on the inside, twitching to go screaming into the hospital and find you. They’ve been fucking around too long; this isn’t okay. “Well?”
“Dustin’s inside waiting,” Steve supplies. The guy looks tired, and then it hits Eddie: he’s worried. He’s been wrapped up in his own head since Robin fell through the front door, but Steve cares too, he realizes. He’s been looking out for you ever since Eddie
well, since everything that happened happened, and while Robin wears her heart on her sleeve, every emotion she feels plain as day on her face, Steve’s more subtle about it. But he cares about you, and it makes Eddie’s chest hurt.
“I should go check on him,” Robin says, and pushes off the car, jogging towards the hospital entrance.
There’s an awkward silence between him and Steve for a moment, but Eddie’s the first to break it. “Listen, man,” he starts, moving to stand beside Steve, leaning against the car. “I never thanked you.”
Steve’s staring at his shoes, but Eddie can see his brow furrow. “Thanked me?” he repeats. “For what? Leaving you in literal hell?”
“Nah,” Eddie shakes his head, tilts his head back to look up at the stars. He can see them perfectly, each pinprick of light amplified more than he’s ever seen before. “For taking care of my girl.”
Steve perks up a bit, staring towards the hospital, and juts his chin towards it. “Yeah, didn’t really do the best job in the end though, did I?”
Eddie shakes his head. “You couldn’t have stopped this, man,” he tells Steve, and bumps him with his shoulder. “Even I couldn’t have, and I’m
” He trails off, shrugs.
Eddie grins, giving Steve an eyeful of fang, and his friend jumps. “Something like that.”
“Still,” Steve says, and Eddie doesn’t miss the crack in his voice. “There’s always something, isn’t there? Seems like no matter what I do, I can’t get ahead of it. I can’t keep them safe.”
“Maybe, but you do a hell of a job, man. And for the record, I would have left me in hell too.”
“I could have checked for a pulse, or something, but I didn’t.” Eddie can hear Steve’s heart getting faster, a flush rising in his face. “We just hauled ass.”
“I was gone, Harrington,” Eddie says seriously, turning to face him. “Gone. Like, everything went black, I didn’t know up from down, and then everything just hurt. I dunno, I would have told you to—”
He’s cut off by Robin sprinting back out of the hospital, Dustin at her heels.
“Third floor,” she breathes as soon as she’s within earshot, keeping her voice low. “Room 313.”
Eddie just looks at Steve, and Steve just nods, the ghost of a smile on his face. “Go.”
Eddie’s off like a shot, veering to the opposite side of the hospital. There’s gotta be a ladder or something, some kind of roof access. The hospital is three floors, and while he doesn’t know where the hell room 313 is, he’s getting there one way or another.
Sure enough, there’s a winding set of stairs crawling up the back of the hospital, and he races up them, feet barely making a sound against the metal. The door handle is no match for his strength, and it crumples in his grip, letting him in easily.
He keeps his head down as he finds his way to the main halls, keeping to the shadows and ducking into open doorways when he senses someone coming towards him. After passing a few doors, he yanks his hood out of his jacket, stuffing his hair down the collar and pulling the fabric over his face as much as possible.
Finally, he finds the right hallway. 308
He swings to the right.
313. Bingo.
The door swings open with his light push, the latch not fully closed, but he’s sure to close it behind him, sliding the lock home and nudging a chair beneath the handle for good measure. There’s a robotic beeping echoing through the room, air whooshing through machines, and a harsh fluorescent light that makes his eyes hurt.
But then there’s you.
He nearly falls over when he sees you, laid out in the bed. Your face is a mess of cuts and gashes, some held together with medical tape, a few larger ones stitched and covered in gauze. There’s a tube down your throat, machines at your bedside pumping the air into your lungs. The beeping is the heart monitor, he realizes, the rhythm too slow.
He sinks to his knees beside the bed, carefully taking your hand between his own. “Oh, baby,” he says softly, lifting your wrist gently, kissing your scraped knuckles. There are tears rising in the back of his throat. “Fuck, look at you. My poor girl.”
Your hand twitches in his grip, and Eddie jumps.
Your eyes are moving beneath your closed lids, brow creasing and softening and creasing again. Slowly, he moves up, sits at the edge of the bed, leans over you, careful as possible not to jostle you. He can see the bandages on your chest, hiding the marks from the surgery. You’re gonna be okay. You have to be okay.
A single tear slides down your cheek and Eddie’s whole body stutters. He leans forward, touches his forehead softly to yours. Sweetheart, he calls, but it’s met with harsh noise, muffled yells and screams that sound so real his heart pangs in his chest.
Sweetheart, he tries again, louder this time.
Eddie? he hears, your voice so broken his chest is aching now. Eddie, where are you?
Sweetheart, he calls once more, lifting his jaw and kissing your forehead before pulling back. Open your eyes.
And you do.
He lets out a watery chuckle, leaning in to kiss your forehead and cheek, kissing away the wet track the tear left on your face. “Oh god, baby,” he murmurs, brushing the hair from your face. “I’m right here, sweetheart.” You squeeze his hand and his heart nearly snaps in two. “I’m not going anywhere.” God, I love you so much.
The heart monitor starts to race, and your eyes flutter for a moment before you force them open again. Eddie can see the strain in your face, the effort it’s clearly taking for you to stay conscious. The beeping keeps getting faster, and he can hear your heartbeat beneath all the noise. Something’s not right.
I don’t wanna go, Eds, he hears, and you squeeze his hand surprisingly tight. I’m scared.
I know, baby, he tells you, I know. I’m scared too. Your eyelids lower again, eyes rolling as they do, and Eddie drops a kiss to your forehead again. It’s gonna be okay, you understand? I’m not gonna let anything happen to you. You aren’t going anywhere. You’re staying with me, okay? You’re staying right here with me.
Your eyes don’t open again, and the monitor is beeping erratically.
It’s now or never. 
He realizes this plan is not fool-proof. He doesn’t have a backup, and he honestly has no idea if this will work or not. He’s relying on movie trivia, Dungeons and Dragons rules, and a whole lot of hoping and praying. (Is he even allowed to pray anymore?) But, to be fair, it’s not like he had the time or resources to try it out. So, it’s all or nothing.
Eddie shuts off the monitor. It makes his skin crawl to pull the needles and wires from your skin, and there’s a pit in his stomach as he pulls the tube from your throat. You’re limp in his arms as he does it, your body a dead weight in his grasp, and he lets the tears fall freely now.
This is his last chance. Your last chance.
Our last chance.
He pushes your hair away from your neck, exposing your slowing pulse. There’s no rise and fall to your chest, signs of life slipping away.
Now or never.
His whole body shakes as he sinks his fangs into your neck. His tongue explodes with the taste of you, hot and red and dripping down his throat. He’s never tasted anything so good; the bunnies and squirrels are nothing compared to this. It’s intoxicating and addictive and he’s hooked on the spot, gathering you as close to him as possible.
That first night, when he’d bit you by accident, he’d forced the taste of you from his mind, pushed it away until it was nothing but a blip of a memory, and now he remembers why.
He’s addicted.
He has to stop. He knows he has to. This won’t work if he doesn’t, but god, you taste so good and it feels so good to drink you down like this and he just needs—
Hey, Eds? I love you.
Eddie nearly drops you, yanking his mouth from your throat. You’re completely limp now, completely unmoving, and he’s still crying. All he can taste is blood and salt and that sweet taste of you on his mouth. It takes everything in him to tear into his own wrist, watching as his strange dark blood trickles down his arm. He angles your head as best he can, smears it across your lips, lets it drip onto your tongue. Once he’s sure some of it has gone down your throat, he wipes his eyes, licks your blood from his lips, and shrugs out of his jacket.
He wraps you in it carefully, collecting you into his arms once he’s done. You feel cold, your pulse fluttering, and your heartbeat is so slow it’s almost gone.
Did he save you? Did he do it right? He doesn’t know. All he can do is wait.
But now he has to get you out.
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eddie munson tags: @trickstersp8 @nightthou @bluestuesday @a-hopeless-fan @billyhargrovesprincess @h-ness1944 @princessbby3002 @detectivecarisi-1 @kbakery @hannyhoe
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cyani-ion · 5 months
Very bored at work today. Gonna write down all the June/ Juniper/Junebug ideas ive been hoarding for a year:
Born and raised by a pair of loving, hippie-dippie parents. Homeschooled until junior high.
Got a lot of freedom growing up. Thinks shes her own parent but is just a stubborn, bratty kid turned adult.
Prideful af
Lives in Japan on scholarship. Planned to get a double PHD in Bioengineering and Mathematics, prob a philosophy minor
Unfortunately she’s essentially a mad scientist that needed to be stopped lol. Lowkey evil. Cannot step within 100ft of her old campus. Is currently banned from all laboratories in Japan for “National Security Reasons” and dropped out of school because of it.
Very salty/insecure about it and in the midst of a full blown identity crisis. Stays in Japan cuz of shame (and cannot leave the country for a few months)
Haven’t told her parents yet either????
She’s a proud rat mama. Owns about 6-8 (a few lab rats that she was given from her old internship). Either she trained them secretly to communicate with her, lets them free roam to get gossip around the neighborhood. Or she just tells people that to freak em out. Will decide later đŸ‘đŸŸ
Keeps a “people profile” in her satchel. Since the “accident” she’s taken up people watching and life drawing. Lots of colorful characters where she lives shes gotta sketch and take notes on them.
Loves a planner, loves a list, loves having shit to do. Hates doing nothing or wasting the day.
Works the graveyard shift at a greasy love hotel. I think the bois try to ask for advice at one point but she is of no help since she doesn't know shit herself.
She has and will cry over some good noodle soup
Eyesight is garbage/20. Her childhood glasses made her look like an owl.
A fantastic eavesdropper
Loves the punk/goth scene so much, but is too nervous to try it.
On that note, i like to think in another universe, she’d be good friends with and/or date that punk dude that told the bros to stfu in the bing bong ep (s2ep21) (wiki says he’s gangster i guess đŸ€·đŸŸâ€â™€ïž)
She is fascinated by and terrified of Dayon
She’s a miser. Big ol’ cheapskate
LOVES a cappella (begs the boys to do it every once in a while when tipsy)
Talks to herself and her rats.
At one sad, sad point in her life was sapiosexual (it was earlier than you’d expect)
Her granny knits colorful pairs of socks for her birthday every year and ships them to her. Wears them all the time when its cold.
Geniunely enjoys helping people solve things. Would be a excellent teacher / life coach if she didn't hate children and young adults
She’s probably older than the Matsus by about 5 years so she’s prob in her early to mid 30s
Fancy sex toy collector.
Cardigan enjoyer
Homesick af
Allergic to cats (and prob Ichi)
No tolerance for alcohol. Is out like a light after one drink.
Fell out of a tree as a kid and has a metal kneecap that can pick up radio signals.
She still loves climbing trees. And stargazing. Reminds her of home

Can’t run for shit.
Very big “I like you.❀”, â€œđŸ‘ïžđŸ‘„đŸ‘ïžâ€Šwhy???” energy
Googles everything before asking for help
Apartment layout makes sense only to her and her rat pack. Do with that what you will
Misses sleeping in the campus library 😭
Met Chibita first before everybody else. Gets oden for an early breakfast before he closes. and considers him a friend. Doesn’t really hang out with the Matsus too much outside of the stand.
Favorite Holiday: New Years Eve
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Foods: SOUP and gyudon
Favorite Drinks: Iced Coffee and Spiced Rum
Favorite Genre of Movie: Musicals from the 50’s-60’s
Favorite Color: Blue Grey / Magenta
Favorite Animal: Polar Bears
Favorite Matsu: Jyush - First ever crush and she doesn’t know what to do with that info. Obsessed. Thinks his defying physics thing is real neat. Very stressful and confusing thing for her, but loves spending time with him when she can.
Least Favorite Matsu: Oso - the most fun they have is tossing insults and annoying the shit out of each other. Though they sometimes seek eatch other out for real shit life advice from time to time. Also he owes her like $20 and its been a month and she’s brandishing a crowbar as I type this.
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aces-basement · 2 years
ok this is purely self indulgent but if for some odd reason you want to read this mess here are some things you should know
I'm not gonna try to make it good at all in fact I wont even edit its pure word vomit
itll be super fucking weird
if that scared you good. bye now. cringe time hehe
Ace and I were taking the kids to Springfield again. We were gonna let em play at the arcade while we ate at a restaurant together, just the 2 of us (getting sm to take to the kids afterward too ofc) but it's nice to just have time together as much as we love the kids.
And anyway what I didnt know is that the little shit (/aff) Beavis had wandered off and saw Barney passed out on the damn pavement in front of a place called Moe's tavern and thought "cool" so anyway the little fucker went inside
So I guess Beav asked for some beer and it kinda went like
"Can you like, get me a beer, or something? The alcoholic kind not the piss water. please"
The garish man looked up from his bar only a moment, just long enough to glance at the kid before muttering "Gonna need to see some ID. The feds are already breathing down my neck. Don't need another slip up"
"Not yet I ain't"
"Oh. Alright. Cool. Can I like, have a beer now?" Beav asked, producing some coins and a small plastic dinosaur from his pocket
"Still gonna need to see some ID. If you ain't got any, best I can offer ya is a pickled egg. Even then theres a two drink minimum on that." Moe gestured to the glass container on the counter. Two of the eggs were floating. Not good
"Whoa. Cool. So if I eat one of these eggs, I can like, have two drinks minimum? Okay" Beavis dipped his arm into the container, only to grab and eat one of the floating eggs
Anyway I dont know what happened after that cuz Beav passed out and couldn't tell me but anyway next thing Ace and I knew there was this gargoyle of a man approached us at the restaurants, holding our son by the nape of his shirt like a kitten. Ponyo was following after him.
"The little red rat told me ya might be here." He muttered, before yelling to me, "Hey, lady, mind watching your kid? Cuz if you payed any attention to him you might know you need to take him to the hospital, pronto."
"You talkin to them, man?" Ace looked around, "Cuz I don't see any 'lady' here."
I told Ace to stop under my breath and gestured for Ponyo to come to me, before I plucked Beavis from the stranger's grasp.
"Them? Oh, so you's one of those gender neutral folk," Moe hissed, with hatred behind it
Kids are secure. They're okay. Make sure Ace doesnt do anything-
Already gotten into an arguement. With their fists.
Ace hit Moe. Moe hit the floor.
So you see officer that's why my husband knocked out your town's bartender
Wiggum sighed. "Well, you didn't wreck his mug. It's Moe, can't make him any uglier. So I guess I'll let you guys off with a warning." He said, uncuffing my husband, who pulled me into a hug
"I dont think that's fair but you know what, I'll take it." I told him, and Ace and I and the kids got the hell out of there before they changed their mind
I got the bartender's number, though. Maybe I should call him. Just to make sure he didn't die
But first we're gonna take Beavis to the hospital for eating a decade old boiled egg
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nascar-fanfics · 1 year
the mason sisters: four
summary: photoshoots, a new old friend, and some fun times in the car.
word count: 4552
warnings: food, swearing
next chapter | masterlist
(a/n: i created a character descriptions carrd! it’s on the masterlist, which you can find here!)
over the next few weeks, mercy attended meetings with the hendrick teammates to learn more about the series and the way hendrick works. the time came to announce the new driver of the 48. mercy had interviews with hendrick, pictures taken, make-up touched up every few pictures, etc. mercy was getting tired by noon, and pretty hungry too. when she’d get a break, she’d text her parents, sister, and alex. she’d also text jimmie, asking for advice on how to keep herself sane on days like these. she laughed at his text about daytona media days. “mercy, five minutes.” the photographer, faith, called to the young woman. “‘thanks!” mercy smiled, looking down to her phone and scrolling through social media, seeing a tweet from her childhood friend, laurie. she opened up her texts and texted her, telling her to save her from this mess. “i heard someone wants taco bell!” alex yelled, walking in with a bag of food and two drinks. “you are a lifesaver, thanks alex.” “no problem.” alex sat next to mercy, chowing down on his burrito. “the potatoes are cooked just right.” mercy groaned at how delicious the potatoes are. “do you want me to pay you back?” alex shook his head and pushed mercy’s wallet out of view. “no, no, no need, merc. my treat.” mercy smiled, putting her wallet back in her purse. “thanks, alex. i appreciate it very much.” alex nodded. “it’s not a problem at all, i know what these days are like. daytona is the worst.” “jimmie said the exact same thing.” “mercy, we’ve got a few photos left, wanna come finish up and then we’ll be done for the day?” faith, the photographer asked mercy. “yeah, be right there!” mercy took a sip of her baja blast, throwing her head back at how good the baja tastes right now. “thanks again, alex.” mercy pat his shoulder and smiled, getting back to taking photos.
after about 45 minutes, mercy finally finished up photos and got to finish her now cold taco bell. “thanks for keeping an eye on my food, alex.” “i almost ate the rest of it.” he laughed, taking a sip of his pepsi. “how did you know i like baja blast?” “i follow you on instagram and twitter, i know more about you than you think i do.” he winks, laughing again. “oh my god, stalker.” mercy gasped, giggling. “you also really like dunkin coffee, especially when it’s practically cream.” “you’re one of those people who like plain coffee, psychopath.” the pair laughed, mercy holding onto alex’s shoulder so she doesn’t fall over. neither of them noticed the photographer taking a picture of the two of them laughing, planning to send it to mercy. 
after looking at the pictures with faith, mercy picked out her favorites and asked her to send them to her when she had the chance. “thanks, faith, i’ll see you soon! thanks for being awesome, too.” “no, you’re awesome! have a great week!” “thanks, you too!” mercy waved, walking out of the room and receiving a call from laurie. “laurie! oh my god it's been forever! how are you?" "i'll meet you outside." alex nodded to mercy, who nodded back. "it's been so long! we need to get together soon. i was calling you cuz i've got some news." mercy sat down on a bench in the lobby. "gimme the deets. what's up?" "so you know that a certain person and i have been talking
" laurie giggled. "austin?" "yeah. well, we're uh, having our first date tonight." "WHAT?!" mercy yelled, making a few shop guys turn to her. "sorry!! no, seriously, y'all are together?" laurie laughed. "no, not yet. hopefully it all works out. how about you? how are you and alex doing?" "you know i'm gonna pull up in a disguise, that glasses and a mustache disguise to your date, right?" mercy chuckled. "seriously, that's so awesome! yeah, we're getting really close. i mean, we're literally in the same shop next year, but he definitely doesn't feel that way." "bestie, i know you two are gonna get together. hello, you're so gorgeous, you'd be the biggest power couple!" laurie beamed. "laurie, no, it's not gonna happen. he clearly doesn't feel the same way." "he does. not to change the subject, but i'm so excited for tonight!! i'm gonna send you a couple of pics of my fits, tell me which one you like!" laurie squealed. "will do. oh, got them." mercy connected her headphones to her phone so she could listen to the call. "that black one is cute, but i think you should have a pop of color to it. maybe some red? it looks so good on you. remember when you said it would never happen because 'he's him and you're you'? look who's right again." laurie sighed. "shush. i still owe you a drink. we need to get together soon, i need some mercy-laurie time." "same here. i miss you so much, i've just been so busy. you know about what's going on, right?" "yeah, you told me the day you found out! i'm still so happy for you. any chance i can be your crew chief?" laurie chuckled. "i can talk to mr. h, maybe he can get you in here sometime. if not, you'll be at every single race. you'll get to see katelyn, too. she's gonna try her hardest to be at my races, and i'll be at hers. i'll make sure you have a spot for daytona." "awesome, thank you so much! i'll be there this weekend." "yay! can't wait. see you this weekend. love you!" "see ya! love you too." laurie sang, making mercy chuckled. she hung up the call and headed outside. "alex, you didn't have to wait for me!" "figured since we're teammates and shop-mates next year, we should get to know each other better." he shrugged. "sorry, i'm not usually this social, i'm very, very awkward." "no, no, welcome to the club. i've been awkward since i was born, buddy." mercy chuckled. "the more comfortable i get with someone, i don't feel as awkward. i mean, we had interactions on twitter and stuff like that, but face to face stuff can be awkward. i'm rambling, aren't i?" mercy cringed, making alex laugh. "it's fine, merc. i get it." after a small pause, mercy spoke up. “so, uh, where do you wanna go?” “i was thinking maybe the shop? i could introduce you to my guys and your guys?” “yeah, that sounds good!” the pair decided to walk to the shop, since mercy was getting pictures in the administration building. the two drivers were quiet for a bit, enjoying the bird sounds and quiet hum of the highway. “that’s a cardinal. i think i heard a sparrow or two. some finches as well. i had pet birds and loved all types of birds as a kid, so i know a lot about them. i still have two cockatiels from my childhood in my house, we have a specific room for them. it gets a lot of sun and they’re happy there.” “really? that’s interesting.” alex smiled, waving to a car driving by. “yeah, i really like birds.” mercy chuckled, seeing a female cardinal fly by. “that was a female cardinal. my grandmother loved them. she was a big part of my life before she passed when i was young.” “sorry to hear that.” alex pat mercy’s shoulder, “oh, thanks. katelyn took it the hardest with our grandfather, though. i was closer to my grandmother and she was closer to her grandfather. he passed when we were young, too.” mercy nodded, alex kept his hand on her shoulder for a few seconds, then slowly brought it back to his side. “yeah, life sucks, as we all know. it gets better though. i really thought i was out of nascar for good a few years ago.” mercy snapped her fingers, “i remember that. i was pissed, not gonna lie. i barely knew you, we had interactions on twitter and stuff like that, but that just really sucks. i can’t believe they fired you on twitter.” “i don’t go to that taco bell for that reason.” alex laughed. “totally get it, i wouldn’t either. i’m glad you’ve got a ride here. it’s a nice crowd of people, i just hope people here don’t avoid me because i’m a woman and ‘it’s a man’s world’. i’m young, if i don’t get any wins next year, that’s fine, i’ve got plenty of chances. i just hope my hometown crowd is as loud as it is whenever i go up for xfinity.” alex opened the door to the shop and let mercy in, a small thank you coming from the young woman. “if it’s as loud as it is in xfinity, it’s gonna be even louder in cup. i remember the first time they said your name last year, even when they said your number, they were loud. then you came out on stage and people went absolutely nuts, they love you up there.” “i’m grateful for them. i miss home a lot.” alex nodded, “i get it, i miss home. hey, some shop guys are available if you wanna go see them now.” “yeah, that’d be great.” mercy smiled, heading into the shop.
after about an hour of talking to the shop guys, mercy got a text from faith with the pictures she wanted.
‘thank you so much faith! when did you get that picture of alex and i?’
‘Just after we finished our session. You are really cute together!’
‘oh, faith, we’re not together! we’re just friends. this is our first meeting face to face, we’ve seen each other in passing but we’re just trying to get to know each other better since we’re shop-mates next year.’
‘I’m telling you right now, you’re gonna be a cute couple if you ever date. Unless you don’t swing that way, which is totally okay by me! You’re a great person and you deserve the best! ❀’ 
‘😁😁 I’ll send you the rest when they’re finished! Have a great week :)
‘you too! 😁’
mercy saved the pictures she wanted to send to her friends and family, keeping the one of her and alex in a separate album. “thanks for the time, sorry to keep you from what you need to do, i’m just showing mercy around, since we’ll be shop-mates next year.” “fine by us, see you soon, mercy!” “see ya! thanks for being so kind.” mercy smiled, turning to alex. “ready to head out?” “yeah, gimme a sec, i’m taking all of this in right now.” the young woman giggled, running her hand through her hair. “i still can’t believe this is happening, alex. i’ve been dreaming about this my whole life.” “it’s happening, merc. a few more months and you’ll be in the cup series.” alex smiled, opening the door for mercy again. “thanks.” mercy stretched out her arms when they got outside, sighing. “what do we do now? anything else you wanna take me to?” alex thought about it for a few seconds. “just the gym, i guess? i hate the gym.” alex laughed. “i don’t like exercise.” “neither do i.” mercy smiled. “that explains why i look like this.” she moved her hands up and down her body, a chuckle escaping. they headed to the gym, seeing some more shop guys from other teams using the machines. “wow, y’all got a huge gym! i’m more of a biker, i like biking.” mercy saw a whole row of treadmills, practically in awe at the amount of them. “i know you and josh wise do a lot of biking, mind if i join you two sometime?” mercy turned back around to face alex, pushing some of her hair back. “yeah, that’d be fun! i need more support sometimes.” alex laughed, scratching his face a little. they left the area of the gym and headed outside. “so, you’re the driver of the 48 next year
 that was my dream, you’re living my dream!” mercy tapped her fingers along her thigh, grounding herself. “it’s crazy how my life changed, 2016 i was filling in for junior cuz of that concussion, now i’m full time and about to take over the 48. it’s so crazy.” alex sighed. “now you’re making history as the first woman hired for hendrick motorsports. it’s absolutely nuts how much history is being made. they don’t have any idea what’s coming, merc.” “oh, stop. you’re making me blush!” mercy fanned her face with her hand, laughing. “i’m serious! you’re freakin’ badass.” alex smiled, “the queen of the xfinity series! bow down!” mercy laughed as alex bowed in front of her.
katelyn saw mercy’s car pull up to their house around five, then alex’s car pulled up behind mercy’s truck. mercy walked up to the house with alex. “i’m home! not for long, though! just wanted to grab some stuff. katelyn, you’re welcome to come along.” mercy yelled as she opened the door. katelyn ran downstairs as mercy was running up. the youngest mason sister saw alex standing near the door on his phone, scrolling through social media. “alex! hey.” katelyn waved to alex, who looked up from his phone. “oh, hey katelyn!” alex waved, “we’re gonna go get some dinner. you interested in anything? you can come along if you’d like.” “thanks! i don’t wanna interrupt anything, though. i’d feel horrible if i did.” “no, you wouldn’t be!” mercy came back downstairs in a my chemical romance shirt, black shorts, and a small bag of mascara and lipstick in her hand. “invite someone if you’d like, it’s just a small get-together.” “i don’t want to interrupt anyth-!” katelyn was interrupted by alex.“we’re totally okay with you coming along!” he smiled, “i just gotta let the dogs out before we go anywhere.” “we get to finally meet those crazy pups now!” mercy gasped, holding her hands together. “you know i’m gonna be dropping by every chance i get to play with the pups, right?” “me too!” katelyn giggled. “they’re so cute.” “until they get into stuff.” alex laughed. “they’re cute, but little brats. ready to go?” “yep, lemme grab my purse and i’ll be ready.” katelyn winked to mercy, walking upstairs and heading to her room. mercy rolled her eyes and chuckled. “pain in the ass little sister.” “i have two brothers, so i feel your pain.” alex chuckled. “they’re a pain in the ass too, but i love them.” “yeah, i love katelyn, i’d do anything for her.” mercy gave alex the side eye. “don’t tell her i said that, though. she’d never let it go.” “who wouldn’t let what go?” katelyn came around the corner of the staircase. “nothing, get your ass movin’. i’m hungry.” mercy laughed. katelyn ran down the stairs to go outside. “we’ll take my truck, i’ve got more room, if that’s okay by you?” “yeah, that’s fine!” “alex, you gotta take me for a ride in your ‘vette sometime. mercy’s been on a ride or two and i haven’t!” katelyn folded her arms, pouting. “you’ll get a ride soon. how about for your 18th?” “17 and a halfth birthday?” katelyn smirked. “kate, that’s literally passed already. that was may.” “yeah, yeah, and it’s october, i know, it’s next month, but i can’t wait that long!” “my birthday is literally next week, kate. i’ll be getting another ride!” mercy looked up at alex with a big smile on her face. “right?” “yeah, sure. i’ll make sure to scare the shit out of you with burnouts.” alex smiled. “you won’t scare me. can i drive it since it’ll be my 21st?” “don’t go drinking beforehand.” alex laughed, “dear god, it’s gonna be ruined.” “hey! i’ll take care of your pretty car.” mercy pouted, making alex laugh. “alright, ready?” mercy grabbed her keys out of her pocket and headed outside with katelyn and alex. “katelyn, you gotta sit in the backseat, alex is older so he gets the front seat.” “no, it’s okay! katelyn can have the front.” “no, that’s fine. alex should have the front.” katelyn nodded, getting in the back, sitting in the middle. mercy jumped into the driver’s seat and connected her phone to the cord and bluetooth so she could play some music. as soon as they got moving, mercy had alex press shuffle on the playlist and vampire money started playing. “oh my god, vampire money!!” mercy and katelyn yelled as alex tapped his foot to the beat. “well, are you ready ray?” mercy yelled. “yeah!” katelyn yelled back. “how ‘bout you, frank?” “oh, i’m there, baby.” alex yelled. “how ‘bout you, mikey? fuckin’ ready.” mercy changed her voice to fit mikey, then back to gerard. “well i think i’m alright!” “ONE TWO THREE FOUR!!” all three drivers yelled, headbanging and dancing in the truck. the whole time vampire money was playing, each driver yelled the lyrics and jammed out. after vampire money finished, alex directed mercy to where they were going for dinner. mercy asked alex to play vampire money again, since she loves that song so much. as they jammed out to the song, she got a text from laurie. “laurie says, ‘austin is such a gentleman, i’m so happy with how everything is going’ with three exclamation points. what do i respond with?” alex read to mercy. “uh, ‘now you owe me twenty bucks. /hj seriously i’m so happy for you’ with a few exclamation points, and uh, a red heart. thanks, alex.” “she sent a picture too, of her and austin.” mercy glanced at her phone, seeing the picture. “oh my god, they’re so freakin’ cute. kate, look!” alex turned around to show katelyn, who looked up from her phone. “aww, they’re so cute!” she smiled, going back to her phone. “texting tyler, i assume?” “hey, shush.” katelyn blushed. “it’s been a few months, ask him out for a drink or something!” “he would totally say no to me.” katelyn sighed. “i’ve only known you for a few weeks, but from what i’ve heard from merc and seen, i’m surprised tyler hasn’t asked you out.” “oh, shush, alex. you’re just saying that to be nice.” “he’s serious, kate! i’m telling you, i’ll go up to tyler and literally force him to ask you out. it’s obvious he likes you.” “not to change the subject, but lizzo is on. gimme a minute before i say anything else to boost your mood.” mercy starts dancing in her seat, alex directing her to the next turn. “ay boy, whatcha say boy, you tryna play coy like a gameboy? hit my phone, boy, is you home boy?  are you home, boy? come gimme dome, boy.” “mercy goes crazy for lizzo, alex. just to let you know, she’ll probably quote some stuff from her often. she’s a huge fan.” “got this boy speaking spanish, ay papi~!” mercy pushed her hair back, throwing her head back. “i see that. she literally shut you up for her!” alex laughs, looking over at mercy, who’s singing to herself and dancing in her seat once again. “make a girl go crazy! four, three, i like big boys, itty bitty boys, mississippi boys, inner city boys, i like the pretty boys with the bow tie, getcha nails did, let it blow dry, i like a big beard, i like a clean face, i don’t discriminate, come and get a taste, from the playboys to the gay boys, go and slay boys, you my fave boys!” 
the three drivers pull up to alex’s house, mercy parks the truck and disconnects her phone, getting out of her truck and walking behind alex. katelyn is still on her phone, texting tyler. “hey guys! holy crap, i’ve only been gone for a few hours, you’re crazy!” alex laughs, petting his dogs and giving them head kisses. “hi puppies!” mercy kneeled down and pet finn and roscoe. “oh my god, you two are just lovebugs! hi! hi! hi! thank you for the kisses, boys! you’re so sweet, hi!” katelyn puts away her phone and starts petting the dogs. “hi you two! hi! hiiiii! how sweet! hi! oh my god, hi!” alex heads towards the back door to let the dogs out. “finn, roscoe, c’mere rascals!” “hey, look, he has his own rascals!” mercy put katelyn in a headlock and gave her a noogie. “ow, ow! mercy!” katelyn laughs, pushing her sister away. the sisters head outside with alex as the sun starts to set. “wow, this is such a nice property, alex. i might just have to live here.” mercy beams, laughing along with alex. “there’s enough room if you need to crash anytime.” “alex, can i use your bathroom?” katelyn asks the older driver. “of course, when you get to the kitchen, take a left and it’ll be the second door on the right. the fan makes a weird noise when it turns on, but it’s not gonna do any damage.” “thanks much! be back in a few.” katelyn give the dogs pets and then heads back inside, closing the door. mercy grabs her phone and texts katelyn.
‘u only left so alex and i would have time alone. u brat >:(‘
‘Get itttt ;)’
‘stfu or i’ll tell tyler u loooove him’
‘I’ll delete your number and never talk to you again’
‘hehe >:)’
“i’ve been thinking about something.” alex spoke after a few seconds of silence. “yeah?” “do you wanna just have dinner here? i can order some food and we can chill here. you must be exhausted from today.” “i mean, if you’re offering, sure. i don’t wanna overstay my welcome, though.” “not a problem, you’re really fun to hang out with. i feel like we get along really well.” alex smiled, resting his hand on mercy’s shoulder. “thanks, you’re really fun to hang out with, too. you’re one of the only people i’ve met that don’t make me feel intimidated.” “god, you two, get a room.” katelyn gagged as mercy blushed, laughing. alex laughed along with mercy. “oh tyler, you’re so cute, tyler, i wanna marry you!” mercy made fake kissing noises at katelyn. “mercy-kay!!” katelyn blushed, alex laughing at the sibling banter. “you two are hilarious. katelyn, we’re gonna stay here and order food, are you in the mood for mexican food?” “hell yeah!” “ooh, can we order from que onda? they have these really good vegan tacos.” mercy held up her fists and shook them a little. “fine by me.” “same here.” “awesome. i’ll write down the order and call it in.” “oh, merc, no, it’s my treat again.” alex smirked, pulling out his phone and writing down the order.
once they ordered their food, the three drivers sat in front of the tv with some drinks and watched whatever was on tv. mercy was next to alex on the couch, katelyn was on the chair next to the couch. “thanks for letting us stay over for dinner, alex. i know i appreciate it.” mercy smiled, pulling her phone out and seeing a text from laurie.
‘what’re you up to? austin and i are hanging out at his place.’
“not a problem, i enjoy the company!” alex smiled, taking a swig of his beer. mercy texted laurie back.
‘hanging with katelyn at alex’s place. he invited us to dinner! :D’
‘oooh you’re close now ;)’
‘nope. not happening.’ 
‘mercy, my bestie, you gotta get together! ur too cute together, a power couple!!’
‘nooo it’s not happening! he’s too good for me :(‘
“the food’s here!” katelyn cheered, heading to the door to pick it up. she thanked the driver as they drove off, placing the bag on the island. alex helped katelyn with the food as mercy finished up her draft for a tweet. “would y’all mind if i posted a pic of the three of us to twitter?” “not a problem at all.” alex nodded, handing mercy her tacos. he received a thank you from the 20 year old. “same here, it’s totally fine by me.” katelyn smiled. the three sat down at the table and started to eat their food. mercy opened up the camera app and sat right next to alex, who put his arm around her shoulders, and his other arm around katelyn’s shoulders. they all smiled for the picture, then making funny faces for another picture. “thanks for getting pictures with me. i wanna get a couple more before we leave.” mercy smiled as katelyn groaned. “you know i hate getting my picture taken, sis!” “deal with it, rascal.” mercy smirked, sticking her tongue out. 
after they finished their dinner, katelyn took mercy’s phone and had her sister and alex stand outside. “alright, here we go!” alex wrapped his arm around mercy’s shoulders and mercy placed her hand on alex’s back. “i got a couple. my turn!” katelyn handed mercy her phone back. the oldest mason sister grabbed katelyn’s phone and took a couple pictures of her sister and teammate. “got a few. alex, can you please get pictures of katelyn and i?” “of course, who’s phone?” “mine, katelyn won’t send those pictures until i’m on my deathbed.” mercy cackled. “that’s not true! it only took me six months to send you that picture of you and that standee of mikey way!” katelyn grumbled. “i had that as my lockscreen for weeks. it was nice to look at his face for that amount of time.” mercy handed alex her phone and stood next to her sister. katelyn stood awkwardly next to mercy, while mercy rested her arm on her sister’s head. “you’re mean and you stink.” mercy gasped, putting her arm down hugging her sister. she had a big smile on her face, while katelyn laughed. alex laughed while taking the picture. “i got a few for ya. hope they’re not shitty.” “oh, buddy, if they’re anything like katelyn’s pics, you’re doomed.” “shut up, meanie.” katelyn pouted, making the older drivers laugh. “jeez, it’s getting late! it’s almost ten. i’ll text mom and let her know we’re headed home as soon as possible.” “damn, it’s that time already?” alex looked at his phone. “wow, today was fun, girls.” “yeah, it was!” katelyn beamed. “i agree, it was good to hang out with you, future shop-mate.” mercy giggled, lightly elbowing alex in the arm.
mercy drove alex back to the mason household, since he left his car at their house. he walked the sisters to the door. “hey, thanks for today, katelyn. you’re a fun gal.” “thanks, alex. you too, you’re fun. thanks for dinner, too! see you soon!” “not a problem at all. see ya, goodnight!” alex hugged katelyn, then waving as she went up to her room. “alright, thanks for tonight, alex. thanks for the taco bell and dinner. i appreciate it. i owe you, too.” katelyn watched out her window at mercy and alex on the walkway by alex’s car. “no, no, you don’t owe me. it was my treat.” “mmm-mmm. you’re not getting away with that, bowman.” the pair laughed, as they hugged each other. katelyn snapped a picture of them and sent it to mercy. “i’ll see you soon. hopefully at the track this week?” “yeah, definitely. stay safe.” mercy smiled, patting alex’s arm. “see ya, mason.” “see ya, bowman.”
0 notes
justadekusimp · 1 year
Hello there! I was hoping to get a my hero academia and a Naruto matchup if possible?
Name/ Alias: Bix
Pronouns: She/her
MBTI, (I don’t need Zodiacs): INFP
Personality: Thoughtful, empathetic, protective, brave, stubborn, hot headed, over emotional at times, sensitive, smart but mostly only with emotions and comforting others
Hobbies: Cosplay, read and collect manga, clean, do makeup, put together outfits, watching crime documentaries, reading philosophical essays and writing them
Some physical traits: I have chest length dark brown hair with blonde tips, blueish gray eyes, black glasses and I'm more on the curvier side
Likes + Dislikes: I like all of my hobbies, animals, being alone, drinking anything sweet, ramen, shopping and school. However i dislike most people, social situations, loud noises, bullies, being dirty, alcohol and drug abuse
From what Anime(s) do you want your character(s) to be from?: My Hero Academia and Naruto
Cats or dogs + Favorite Animal + Any pets?: Cats, either chickens or panthers, and yes i have a Pitbull-boxer mix puppy named jewel. I love her TwT
Favorite color: pastel pink or black (literally no in-between)
Favorite music genre: I really like anything that makes me cry or is just relatable in the moment
Siblings: I have a little sister and she is 11, an older step sister who we no longer speak too and i recently found out on my biological fathers side i have two little brothers whom I've never met due to family issues and they are 10 and 11
Age Range that you want the character(s) to be in. 17+
Preferred gender of character(s) I'm fine with any gender :)
Anything else you want to say: n/a
Thank you for your request Bix!
Unfortuantely, I am unable to do Naruto Match ups.
I am sorry.
These are gonna be a bit lazier cuz I'm smashing them all into a short period of time.
BUT, I Will be doing compatibility match ups In it's place.
Here are your matchups Bix!
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Mirio Togata
Mirio actually had 74-94% compatability with you.
Honestly, I was surprised that You got Mirio, mainly because he's predictable, yet completely Unpredictable.
Hence why his percentage is a range. Some of the questions I had no answer to.
With Mirio, I think you would constantly be in the friendzone and if you were to confess your feelings he would most likely say;
"But I thought we were already dating???"
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Nejire Hado
Yeah... Not sure what to say about this one.
While she could be a loving girlfriend,
she could just as easily be your oblivious girl bestie who has no awareness when it comes to personal space.
I hope you're happy with your matchups Bix!
Please let me know if you're not.
Happy New Year!
0 notes
honeycombstrawberry · 2 years
Today I kinda drifted away and ended up thinking about how the hell does Adrian get his suit done/fixed? Sometimes it's beyond repair and would need a new one, and a suit like his and for the use he gives it good construction is a must. We don't know if he made it himself, but he could be 3D printing the armor part. As for the suit, maybe he comissions someone and they're like "this dude does cosplay of a wanted murder but he pays good" ? And it gave me an idea: "y/n" is a recently graduated fashion design student whose prices are kinda low cuz they're just starting, one day they find an offer to make a suit and commit to repairs. The dude pays good so why not? He's kinda funny, and talks a lot, they find out they have things in common. They hang out sometimes and get too cozy for a pair of friends. When Adrian comes with a very trashed suit they start to wonder "is this the real Vigilante?" and asks him about it. He denies it at first, "y/n" replies "ah, what a pity, would be hot to do some roleplay before sex. I kinda have a mask kink" 👀
gonna try doing my first headcanon thread here!!
okay so, adrian and his partner-in-crime who makes his costumes headcanons, here i go:
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when adrian first decides he wants to be a "costumed hero" his first thought is of course WHAT sort of costume he is going to wear. he knows he has to look dope as shit and also has to stop himself from dying. and his priorities do go in that order
his first thought is that he'll make it himself but when he puts together stuff he got online and from local stores he realizes he looks like a shitty cosplayer and he's like fuck this never mind i'm not dying look like this
his next thought is to try 3D printing his armor but then he accidentally falls in a river one day and his armor melts down into his clothes and he's like fuck this i'm not built for this shit
he goes on craigslist because he's a nutjob and puts up an unhinged listing like "need full body armor (with cool design) and consistent repairs. serious offers only." and expects lots of people will want to be involved
absolutely nobody wants to be involved with whatever the fuck that is, except one person: you
you have recently graduated from design school and you have absolutely no idea what to do with your degree. you've been thinking about taking an office job just to have steady work and to make ends meet, but you really would like to do something in your field, if you can help it
you're googling for design jobs in the area and you get a hit from a craigslist ad and you figure there's no harm in just looking at the ad. nobody knows if you look at a craigslist ad.
you actually think the offer is-- it's not conventional, obviously, but it's intriguing. and he's actually offering money in the more detailed description below, and he offers to meet in a public place to discuss everything, some local italian place.
you think about it for, like, three days straight, and at the end of the three days, the craigslist ad is still up. so you decide, fuck it. whatever. you don't have a job and this is at least something and if it doesn't work out you can just take an office job then, that's just fine by you. at least you gave this a shot before you went into something else completely
you agree to meet up with this guy in the afternoon at the italian restaurant and you show up there to realize the dude works there. he's a busboy and his name is adrian and he's got these dorky glasses and this big grin that you can't help but be endeared by.
anyway he shows you some relatively shitty drawings of ideas he's got and he basically begs you to turn them into something. when you ask him what it's for he says it's just for a project he's working on
you're like wow this dude is kind of weird. he wants to cosplay as a hero but with like all the real stuff. he must be legit. and he pays fine, and he seems nice, so you agree to at least discuss it. adrian gets up to get you guys drinks, and comes back talking a mile a minute about ideas he has
he talks for at least half an hour before he's told his lunch break is up, and he asks if you think you might be interested, and really, there's no reason to say no-- he's sweet, and he's smart, and he's so interesting, and the two of you do have so much in common. you agree, and he's so excited
you agree that he'll pay a third, you'll come up with the design for his approval and edits, and once you have a final draft, he'll pay another third; then, you'll come up with the costume itself, and when everything was done, he'd pay you the last of it. every time it got busted, he asked, he'd be able to come back and pay you to fix it again, on standing order, and you're delighted by the prospect of an ongoing dynamic with him, even if it's only a business relationship
it quickly becomes More Than A Business Relationship
adrian and you exchange numbers so you can talk about the work, but you start texting about pretty much anything and everything. it's not long before you're sending pictures of your progress, and he starts sending random pictures of things he sees throughout the day, and then you're doing the same, and then-
-and then you have a final draft of your design, and adrian loves it. he asks if he might be able to see you make it, just because he's curious, and you agree. you invite him over with a little thrill, excited to have this man alone in your home with you
you start working at making the suit, but it's not just that-
he comes over all the time
he comes over and makes dinner. he comes over and brings movies to watch. he comes over just to talk with you.
you find yourself putting off finishing the armor suit for him just because you don't want to stop spending time with him. but eventually you have to be done and you present him with the final product but you also ask if maybe he might still want to hang around a little bit sometime
he agrees eagerly and, even though his costume stuff is done, he still keeps coming around. the two of you actually start hanging out so often, it seems like you're spending every weekend together-- then most nights together-- then every other night together-- then it seems like you're spending pretty much all of your free time with him, and him with you
there's a few almosts, you know. a few nights where you stay up late and things get heated and tense and the two of you are drowsy and lax and you almost but then something stops him. something always ends up stopping him and you don't know what it is but you know it's something
then one day adrian brings the suit back in absolute tatters and just asks you sheepishly if you want to try the first repair
you're bewildered but it seems like the suit did its job-- whatever happened to adrian while he was wearing it seemed to shred the suit but leave him intact, so you can't be too upset about what's happened. even though it's kind of obvious now that he's not just using this for cosplaying and what have you
it doesn't take long before you're watching the news and you hear about this new costumed anti-hero-- masked menace-- local weirdo-- vigilante-- and you see a grainy photo of him taken on someone's cell phone and you recognize that armor and you pause the television to stare at it
you eventually take a picture of your tv, send it to adrian, and tell him that he needs to get over there immediately
adrian dawdles a little bit because he's afraid you're pissed and he doesn't want to have to say goodbye to you. but eventually he nuts up and makes himself show up at your place and he's ready to deny it, already saying he has no idea what you mean as if you wouldn't recognize the suit you made
he tells you the photo's shitty, then he tells you he's just cosplaying as that guy, but then you ask why he's lying to you, and his whole face just falls
he weakly denies it, but you see an opening here. this, you realize; this is what's been holding him back. every time the two of you have almost, he stopped himself because you didn't know all of him. but-- now, you do. you know all of him, and you--
you still love him. and that's the first time you realized you love him at all, but you realize you still do, that the feeling hasn't been diminished for finding out what he's been doing in the suit the two of you built together-- the armor you built for him, that keeps him safe and alive
you decide to prod him a little in both regards, and you tell him, "it's too bad you don't know who vigilante really is. because part of the whole reason i took this job in the first place is that i kind of have a thing for guys in masks."
adrian looks at you then and you just know he knows, and you know he knows you know he knows, and he just tells you in a rush, "i'm so sorry, i didn't want you to be mad, or get hurt, or--"
you stop him. you know what he meant here, and you get it, even if you're upset that he didn't tell you sooner. at least now, though, you can be an active part of this. you can find out what materials will be best, lightweight but most durable, best designed to keep him safe; you can really dedicate yourself to making his suit the best that it can be. first of all, you think, you should figure out how to make a prescription visor-- and one with better night vision, since you see him stumble around and bump into things at night
it's hard to reconcile adrian and vigilante, but not impossible, because they are the same, and you realize that with a snap, as if they're coming into focus as one man
when you realize it, adrian's right there, and the two of you finally stop with your almosts and finally kiss and adrian doesn't just bring you the suit when it's in tatters anymore, but he brings it to you when he wants to see you, and when he wants to show you something, and when he wants you to take the suit off of him. it becomes about so much more than that-- it becomes everything-- and you can't stop thinking about adrian out at night, with your armor keeping him safe
okay please tell me if you you liked this or not because i kind of loved doing this format and might want to try some more like this too!!!!!!
adrian chase taglist:
@violetrainbow412-blog @bigassbisaster @amysuemc @sunflowerfive @papitas-con-sal @saturnngal @neptuneswritingwork @jewishdelis @myguiltypleasures21 @pinkygunslingy @violinchick @r3tr0sp3ct @chaseadrian @breathing-in-waves @rishlurh @x-milf-hunter-x @goblynnrockz @theowritesstuff @jaysfav
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abyssthepansexual · 3 years
You Smell Wonderful
Omega Diluc x Alpha Reader
Requested: No
Requests: Open
Contents: alpha/beta/omega dynamics, omega in heat, implied breeding.
Part 1 (cuz I'm in school atm)
It was a busy night at Angel's Share and your beloved mate had asked if you'd work with him at the bar tonight since it was so packed.
He didn't regret that decision until a few hours into working with you.
You had done nothing wrong it was him who had a problem.
His heat wasn't due until sometime next week but his scent always started to change early so he took suppressants to make sure he didn't have an early or extended heat.
He realized now however that the suppressants weren't working. He hadn't had an issue with bad pills in years but of course it just happened to be now while he was working with his Alpha who's scent loomed over everything around them.
You smelled of baked goods, like lemon cupcakes and chocolate truffles. It was a rather sweet scent for an alpha to have but oh how he loved it. He loved how your scent simply pushed away all others no matter how close so many other alphas were. A sweet smell shoving off the gross musk of filthy alphas and betas that weren't you.
He was getting all hot and bothered and the stupid urge to just steal your clothes and start nesting here and now wouldn't leave him.
"Another Death After Noon please dear (y/n)." Kaeya knew it was easier to ask you for drinks than his brother. Diluc liked to cut him off but you'd indulge him a little longer.
"Sure thing Kae." You had crouched down to search for another bottle behind the counter on the shelves. Diluc didn't know why he was angry, you gave nicknames to all your friends. Perhaps it was just because his instincts saw his brother as a threat because he too was an omega and you two were close. He tried to keep a stoic face as he cleaned the glass in his hand but the feelings of jealousy and need wouldn't go away.
"Diluc honey, I thought we had more Death After Noon down here where did you put them?" He raised his brow as he began to crouch down. He could have sworn he'd stocked more than enough for the...... there's 10 bottles right in front of you both why did you- oh. You were moving you finger in a "come here" motion he got on his knees to be more comfortable and shuffled over. Both of you were hidden behind the counter now.
"What's wrong?" He asked leaning in to hear you.
"I can smell your heat my love," You cooed pulling him closer so you could inhale his scent. "Plus your beginning to reek of slick its dripping down your thighs."
He whimpered practically becoming putty as his composer fell in your grasp. He squeezed his thighs together embarrassed he'd gotten so horny just from working alongside you. Against his better judgment he wouldn't mind being taken here and now claimed and bred for all to see. His omega instincts wanted to spread his legs and let you use him like a toy while you finished working.
"I'm sorry alpha." He whined leaning into your touch, glad there was too much noise to he heard.
"You have nothing to apologize for you're a good little omega for me. But I want you to do something for me." He perked up quickly, if he had a tail your sure it would be wagging. He always wanted to make you happy especially in this state.
"Anything alpha!"
"Go tell Charles to come in then I want you to steal my.coat from the back room then go home and nest." Nest? You were gonna let him nest so early before his actual heat? He squeezed his thighs impossibly tighter as slick dripped into his panties. You only let him embrace his heat early if you intended on trying to breed him. Oh by the seven he wanted that!
He gave a quick nod and not so subtly ran off as you grabbed a bottle and gave it to Kaeya simply saying Diluc wasn't feeling well and that Charles would be coming in with more alcohol to stock the shelves.
Servants at the Dawn Winery gave knowing looks to one another as Diluc began collecting things for his nest with the help of Adelaide fetching things he requested. Piles of pillows and mountains if blankets were stacked into the bed as Diluc made his nest filling gaps with the clothes he'd stolen from your laundry basket. Your freshly washed clothes never smelled like you, always too perfectly clean and without your scent. He'd always raid you laundry basket with clothes that had yet to be washed, they weren't particularly dirty considering you didn't participate in anything that would make your clothes filthy. Making these clothes perfect for his nest.
His own clothes had long been discarded as was his hair tie. Messy red hair bounced everywhere across pale skin with Diluc's hasty movements to fill every gape and fix every mistake in his nest.
When you were welcomed into the winery about an hour later after clearing out Angel's Share and closing early the smell of Diluc hit you like a brick. Adelaide explained that he had isolated himself in your shared room after getting what he wanted from the manor. You handed her his coat that he'd left behind and she left to continue her work able to ignore the overwhelming scent of an omega ready for breeding a lot easier than the younger, newer, staff members.
Upon entering your room you saw Diluc asleep with his head buried in your coat and a pillow stuffed between his thighs, it was evident he'd tried to get some release while waiting for you and his body instead gave into its exhaustion from and already tiring day. You undressed yourself and crawled into the nest with him carefully removing the pillow to get him into a more comfortable position. He woke up almost immediately as your arms enveloped him.
"(Y/n) please im ready now." He pleaded rubbing himself against you before letting out a yawn. You pulled him close and suckled on his neck a little easing him into a relaxed state.
"Rest my love, you have all of you heat to be bred by me," He slumped against you using his hands to ease your soft cock into his hole. "Even when your heat is done I won't stop filling you."
He seemed to he satisfied with that answer feeling some relief at finally having you in him even of nothing would happen tonight. It made his aching pussy stop leaking so much and he finally fell asleep.
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thatguy03 · 2 years
Mass Swap - Male tf
Don was excited for his night out, he had been working all week waiting for his one night off to go bar hopping. He got his favorite pair of jeans on, he decided not to wear a shirt cuz he though he looked good, maybe the ladies would think so too.
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With nothing more than his phone and wallet, he walked down to the first bar he planned to hit that night. One drink turned into two, into 4, and so on. He did not hold back tonight. He stumbled his way out of the bar, making his way to the next. Don left the bar knowing he probably wouldnt make it to the next, but pushed on anyway. He didnt even make it half way before laying on a bench and passing out.
He woke up, barely able to open his eyes and no idea how much time had passed. Though with the little he could see, he could tell the light he saw wasnt sunlight, and he wasnt on the bench anymore. He played back in relief that someone brought him somewhere safe after he passed out. Don mustered up the strength to sit back up and open his eyes, but it wasnt a community center like he expected. It was an empty room, with some guy sitting at the other end. "You're finally awake", the man says while walking towards Don. The light revealed the man who appeared to be at least 60 years old and at least 300 pounds, sporting a big pot belly and an unbuttoned shirt way too small for him.
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"I bet you're wondering why you're in there, and dont worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I just need you for something". Don was too distracting by the man to notice he was in some sort of cage with a mirror on one side, and glass on the other sides. "Wtf is this, some sort of sex dungeon or something", Don yelled out. "No, I suppose this needs some backstory", the man said. "You've probably noticed my massive gut by now, it's hard not to notice. Well I used to look a lot like you, really fit, but it got boring so I made this machine that swaps the amount of fat between two people. I tried for muscle swap too, but it's a little finicky sometimes. I used the machine with some fat dude, he got really fit and I turned into a fat old man like I wanted. It was not the exciting dream i though it would be, people look at me weird, bo clothes fit me, and moving around has become a chore. Then comes along a fit looking man passed out on a bench". "So what you're saying is that you're gonna make me fat, and you'll get skinny again. I dont know what you're getting at here, but you're not gonna get away with kidnapping me", Don says confidently. "It doesnt matter what you think, I'll get some clothes that might fit you when you're done, and you'll be on your way" the man said, not even phrased by Don's remarks.
The man returns with some clothes way too big for Don and waddles his way to the other side of the contraption Don's in. The idea that this could actually be real scared him, what would people think of him if he got fat overnight, what would he tell people. "Get ready, it wont take long" the man says while pressing some buttons on the machine. Don turned to the mirror waiting for the transformation to start. He felt a little shock, followed by the feeling of his stomach dropping.
Don watched in mirror as fat started to pile onto his frame, most of which went straight to his stomach. His stomach got rounder and rounder, making him look pregnant. As his stomach expanded, his belly button got deeper and the tattoo on his side stretched out to match his fat gut. It felt like the fat would never stop piling on his belly, his gut and love handles started to hang over his jeans, obscuring his belt. The fat also started to fill in his pecs. His pecs grew out into a set of saggy moobs, the fat even started to migrate under his arms, pushing them outwards. Don watched his man boobs as they began to lay on his pot belly, while grey hairs sprouted all over his chest and around his belly button. Fat even started to sag under his now hairy ass arms.
His face started to fill out too, multiple rolls formed under his chin which covered his once defined jawline. Grey hairs started to grow around his face, complementing his chubby cheeks. As he was touching his chubby face with his fat sausage fingers, Don heard the noise of his belt snapping and flying off. His ass was expanding, too fat for his jeans. He bent over causing a tear along the seam of his pants and underwear, his ass would soon completely rip through his clothes, jiggling up and down as his jeans and underwear flew off. He had to look into mirror now to see anything below his beer gut, he lifted his belly to reveal his massive hair fat pad had almost completely engulfed his dick, he tried to grab it but could barely reach around his yoga ball sized paunch. Even his thighs blew up big enough to always rub against eachother, they were so fat that rolls formed around his knees and ankles from the sheer amount of fat.
It seems as though Don's transformation has finally slowed down, giving him the chance to assess the damage done to his body. He was unrecognizable from the man he was a few minutes earlier. He looked 10 years older, with long grey hairs covering his entire body, a grey beard, and no hair left on his head. The fat on his face and chins made him sound obese too. He was at least 300 pounds sporting a hulking ball belly, and a pair of sagging man tits with swollen nipples. His ass was massive, not many pants would contain it. Not even his shoes would fit his fat feet. He shook his belly and made ripples though his fat. He could even lift his moobs up, and they would make a slap noise when they fell onto his gut.
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A manly voice echoed from behind him, "You got quite the belly there partner". Don turned around to see a 6"4 250 pound man made of pure muscle. It was the man, he now had a six pack, huge arms, and a jawline so sharp it could cut you. "I wouldnt try walkin too fast, the belly gets takin use to" the man says in a smooth buttery voice. All Don could do was stare at the man in front of him. "You can come touch if you'd like, this body is thanks to you after all". Don walks forward, all of his fat shaking with every step. He started to feel the mans muscle, his belly rubbing against the mans six pack. Don wasnt so sad about being an obese old guy anymore, who cared what he looked like if he could fuck guys that looked like this.
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After having a fun time with the man, Don grabbed the clothes that were unsurprisingly way too small for him now. He laughed at the 4XL size the tag said, "imagine fitting into a 4XL" he said as he confidently left with his belly fully exposed and his ass crack above the waist of his pants. He strutted leaning backwards to balance his ball gut, and his arms and legs spread out from the fat. He loved having the attention of everyone around him, grabbing and jiggling his belly whenever anyone looked his way. He spotted a McDonalds on his way home and all he could think of was how fat he could get. With his hairy gut rubbing against the counter at the cash, he order four meals, well enough to feed a family, fully intending to eat it all himself. He grabbed his meal and ate it as soon as he left the building rubbing his fat gut and flabby moobs in the process.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
I don't know if you are talking requests, if not sorry and delete me. Buuuut, if yes, here is my request! To twisted wonderland fandom.
To Jade, Azul, Idia and Kalim
If they discover that someone is trying to give a love potion to their s/o?
*c0ughs* But I might close it in a short while cuz I was JUST introduced to my new exam schedule-
Damn- right after the holidays just ended-
Soooo hope you enjoy! ^^
Also sorry I didn’t do Kalim ;-;
TWST Someone tries to give their s/o a love potion
Azul Ashengrotto
He probably found out that it was an Octavinelle student carrying out his scheme.
He probably was just browsing in the kitchen, and the unsuspecting student got caught by him,
pouring some drops of the love potion into your drink.
He KNOWS it's a love potion, he's good at alchemy, so he's good in identifying potions.
And he KNOWS it's your drink, because he was the one he took your order personally, and he knows which table number you were sitting,
which the stand showed your table number, and he just placed your spiked drink on the tray, with the table number stand, and boogied out of the kitchen.
B r u h-
L I V I D-
Man is going Brrrr gonna kill him
those instincts are going turned on to
But first,
stop that shit head from giving you that drink.
He immediately caught up to him, as he placed the drink on the table and just wave you goodbye.
That little shit.
Before you could even place your lips on the glass, he took a hold of it, apologizing for such.
"Sorry s/o, but I don't think this student put in that much effort to make your drink, so I'll just whip up a new one for you! I want you to have the best from Monstro Lounge," he smiled.
A part of you was confused, but you didn't question it cuz Azul's is your lover, and you trust him, and you were quite flattered that he "wanted you to have the best", so you just happily accepted, waiting for your drink made by Azul.
While he was in the kitchen just as promise to brew you your drink, he was planning on how to make sure that student won't come up with another cheap tactic to "woo" you.
Maybe he should call in Jade and Floyd to get in on the matter.
I'm sure they're both dying to handle another prey~
Jade Leech
Oh man-
He found out it was an Octavinelle student who spiked your drink,
and he spiked it with a love potion.
But little did they know,
Jade saw it all.
Oh shit-
He might be smiling on the outside,
but the aura he was giving off,
was much
sinister than Azul.
He was beyond livid on the inside.
It's quite scary how much rage he can hold in.
But trust me,
he was very angry
and very pissed.
he still needed to make sure you don't even get a sip of that spiked drink.
So once the "wooer" place down the drink,
he immediately went up to you and take the drink away,
much like Azul.
And like Azul, he made up an excuse
to cover up what that idiot did.
"So sorry, s/o. I believe I saw that student forget to add in an ingredient into your drink. It's suppose to supply the drink to make it more flavorful, and personally from me, I want you to have the best experience of consuming our products," he smiled kindly.
And like Azul, you were a little confused at first, but you trusted Jade with your heart because he was your lover, and you were also quite thankful and grateful he wanted you to have a "better experience" to enjoy your time here in Monstro Lounge because he cares for you.
So you just waited as he returned to the kitchen, making your drink.
Once he made it finished and delivered it to you,
he went back to have a
personal chat
with that fellow student.
Maybe he should bring in his dear brother and friend into the fun?
I think he should~
Idia Shroud
He probably figured it out-
When you told him a student from Scarabia who gave you a bottled juice.
You notice Idia was scrunching up his eyebrows.
“Are you thirsty for me?”
You figured his throat was dry.
And just gave him your juice bottle-
the only drink you brought
or at least-
was given to you on your way to Idia’s room.
And he opened bottle.
And he just smelt... something that’s awfully sweet about this drink.
Too sweet.
The liquid kind of looks... suspicious???
And that’s where he saw it.
A faint
pink, sparkling swirl.
And from that sight,
he realized.
The student spiked your juice with a love potion,
hoping you drink it to fall in love with them.
And he looked at you in a panic,
though you were just minding your own business.
So many things were swirling in his head.
Like he was shocked- “OH MY GOD SOMEONE TRIED TO SPIKE YOU-”
And also relieved- “THANK GOD YOU DIDN’T DRINK IT- AND ME-”
But he also didn’t know what to do-
and a little bit of him was like “Man, they spike them with a love potion?? They really don’t know I’m their boyfriend?? Am I really that invisible??
M A N-”
Well, I guess he told his other boyfriend his best chess buddy, Azul,
about what happened.
And I swear- He swears,
Azul told him to bring ask s/o about that student and bring them to him and he’ll “take care of the rest”.
Oh boy-
Well, he did- but that didn’t really mattered.
He just wants you to be safe and not love potion poisoned-
that’s all he wants- <3
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patt-writes-stuff · 3 years
Beach Days with The Genshin Characters!
Wc: 1.7k+
Type: Headcanons
CW: umm nothing except mentions of alcohol and maybe people being creeps? (None of the chars or you tho it’s very brief)
A/N: HI IM BACK FROM THE DEAD! These were supposed to be a lot shorter but I got too excited. If you by any chance wanna see some for your fav character lmk! I know it says request are closed in my bio but since it’s just hcs it’s a lot less (and I really enjoyed writing these so ajdhdhdk)
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This man cannot swim. Tell me otherwise, I dare you.
Kaeya tried to jokingly push him off a lil diving cliff area when they were kids.
He almost drowned. Kaeya was in a lot of trouble.
So, good luck getting this man to actually get in the water. The most he’ll do is sit on the shore where it’s very shallow.
He usually prefers to just stay under an umbrella on the sand and keep an eye on you.
Calls you every two hours in advance and helps you reapply sunscreen.
He’s very pale so I feel like he burns pretty easily, meaning he needs to reapply super frequently otherwise he will become a tomato. He brings like three bottles of the good shit. Tch, rich boy.
If you ask him to build a sandcastle, he will pretend to be annoyed but do it anyways. Ends up finding it kind of enjoyable.
He has the maids prepare a nice picnic basket for the two of you!! It’s got all your favorite foods plus grape juice cuz y’know.
If any creepy peeps approach you, don’t worry. He brought his vision and his claymore.
Of course, he won’t have to resort to such violent lengths. Everyone in Mondstadt knows who Diluc is and they probably know you’re his s/o, so they’re usually smart enough to mind their own business.
If they don’t, don’t worry. Diluc’s glare is more than enough to scare them away.
All in all I definitely recommend a beach day with him! I’ll give it a solid 8/10 (-2 for not wearing floaties and getting in the water with you or letting you teach him how to swim.
You guys definitely 100% take Klee out with you on a beach day.
You guys bring snacks, beach toys like buckets and shovels for optimal sandcastle building, a picnic blanket, etc.
Jean definitely packs a lot more stuff for you guys to take with you than you actually need.
It’s only cuz she’s worried for Klee and is nervous about not being able to go with you guys though! It’s very sweet really.
Klee tries to bomb the fish and cause havoc at the beach 😭
I think Albedo is a good swimmer and gets in with you and Klee so that he can help her (which is very cute omfg)
He’s set total workaholic, as we know, so it took a lot of convincing to get him to put down his experiments and accompany you to the beach (however, he’s particularly weak to yours and klee’s puppy dog eyes so he caved eventually)
Though, looking at you and Klee happily building sandcastles and decorating them with pretty seashells of all shapes and colors, he can’t really find it in himself to complain.
He, of course, takes this opportunity to take out his sketchbook and draw the waves, seagulls, you
 Of course he won’t let you see the sketch book no sir. He’s a bit embarrassed to be honest, but an artist such as himself recognizes beauty when he sees it so he simply had to draw you. (God I love him so much)
If a creepy person approaches you,- well don’t worry. The sight of a small arsonist child blowing up fish is enough to scare them away đŸ„°
At the end of the day, all three of you are all ticketed out. Albedo has to carry Klee back to Mondstadt because the poor baby fell asleep the moment you started drying her hair with the beach towel. You’re, of course, carrying back Dodoco and your bags. (You also manage to sneak a peak at Albedo’s sketchbook and find some very pretty drawings of you and Klee with your sandcastle)
At the end of the day, you guys tuck Klee in and read her a bedtime story (she woke up and insisted). Afterwards Albedo takes you back home and thanks you for coming with you and Klee (which you ofc say wasn’t a problem because how could you not???)
All in all? I’ll give it a solid 10/10. You’ve got tasty food, fun times, your boyfriend and his cute kid adoptive sister (yes I am very biased idc)
I think it would take a lot of convincing to get Xiao to go out on a beach date with you.
He’ll probably see it as a distraction getting in the way of his slaying of monsters and demons.
However, he also worships the grounds you walk on (hehe, simp XD), so I don’t think it’ll take that much convincing on your part (especially because it’s is self appointed duty to keep you safe so if you insist on going with or without him, he supposes he’ll have to go)
Is definitely a bit tense at first. He doesn’t know how to let loose and chill so while you’re sun tanning on a beach chair he’s like đŸ§â€â™‚ïžahdgshjsjd
Eventually calms down a bit though! You get him to relax and eat some almond tofu you brought along with you. It definitely gets him to perk up.
I don’t think he would mind getting into the water but I do think he’d rather walk along the shore and collect pretty seashells and sea glass.
He later gives the ones he deems pretties to you (he hands them over to you with a blush on his face and pretends it’s not a big deal and he definitely gets all pouty and grouchy when you coo at how adorable he is)
As for creeps, Xiao is both intimidating and well known in Liyue. No one is brave enough (or, let’s be honest, dumb enough) to approach you with any bad intentions.
Sure, Xiao has sworn never to harm a human/citizen of Liyue but that doesn’t mean he can’t scare the absolute shit out of them.
I think Xiao would definitely enjoy a beach day đŸ„șđŸ„ș. He’d find it very relaxing to go out with you and just hear the sound of waves and feel the sand under his feet.
He’d definitely hint at wanting to do it again later. Of course, he won’t tell you. No, that’s a foolish mortal activity and he has much better things to do.
Wait no, don't turn around, yes he will go with you next month.
All in all, I give Xiao a 9/10. It’s a very relaxing day (which he deserves đŸ˜€). And you get to see a whole new side of him.
She knows you don’t care about how exclusive the beach you go to is (in fact, the fact that you don’t care about where you are or what you do is one of the things that make her fall more and more madly in love with you) but you deserve the best so she’s gonna go all out.
She’s a busy lady so days like this where the two of you get to go somewhere and be together are few and far between.
She knows it’s hard to be in a relationship with someone who is busy 24/7, so she appreciates how you remain by her side despite all hardships. (Y’all are a whole ass power couple istg)
The two of you spend your day relaxing. Sun bathing, drinking piña coladas, maybe taking a dip in the ocean. It’s all very pleasant!
Ningguang doesn’t quite feel like the type of person who would sit in the sand and make sandcastle, however you’re more than welcome to make some yourself. She finds it endearing <3
If you insist on her helping, she’ll eventually comply. She loves you too much to say no. I feel like she’ll either be terrible at it or like a total architect.
Sand is technically like tiny rocks right? So maybe she can use her vision to help her? If that’s the case, she’s making a replica of the Jade chamber out of sand.
If any creepy person comes up to you don’t worry. Ningguang will buy the whole beach and then use her right of admission as owner to permanently ban them from the beach you’re at.
The only downside to a day at the beach with Ningguang might be that there’s a big chance she’ll be called to tend urgent matters, seeing as she is the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing and all.
If that does happen, she’ll be sure to make it up to you somehow, whether it be rescheduling or taking care of the matter as soon as possible so that the two of you can get back to your day of relaxation and fun.
All in all?? Lady Ningguang will treat you like total royalty and the two of you will have an amazing time! I give her an 11/10 (she would literally buy a whole beach for you to be comfortable I mean c’mon)
Swimming? Yeah, he’d love to! Sunbathing? Sure! He’ll ever conjure up a light breeze for the two of you. Sandcastle building? WELL OF COURSE WHY DO YOU THING HE BROUGHT ALL THESE BUCKETS AND SHOVELS?
No but seriously, he might be the best person out of everyone here to go to the beach with. He’s fun, free spirited, and he’s a traveling bard who’s been alive long enough to know where all the best beaches in Teyvat are. (He also knows a guy- er, well, dragon I suppose- who is willing to fly them to any place).
He’ll play some soft tunes while you doze under the sun.
He will bring booze. I’m pretty sure this is a necessity. If you’re a little upset about it, he’ll probably “eheh~” his way out of it. That slick bastard.
If you really insist on him not drinking, he won’t consume much alcohol.
If some creepy person approaches you and tries to ruin you your day of beach time fun, all of their stuff will suddenly be blown away, causing them to scramble back to their spot and (almost embarrassingly) flail around trying to catch everything. What a shame

At the end of the day, he’d be a little sad to leave. Definitely makes plans about tbe two of you going back soon.
I gotta give him a 10/10 he’s just so fun omg.
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