#he isn't as expressive as the source but its still CUTE
pkrockinon · 8 months
Just gonna casual share some WIPs I won't get to finish anytime soon :(
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I'm a little sad I never finished this one, considering his hands came out nice...
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I made this one during my one month Hello Kitty phase last year and Blaze had a good chunk of her line art done too!
RIP Computer :/
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Tw afab reader, cyprus being horny, reader being cringe on main
Despite Cyprus preferring his girlfriend to be a girly, airheaded bimbo, he's also fascinated by those who are naturally awkward and geeky. The epitome of cringe and would speak in tongues only the chronically online would understand.
Maybe your tactic to ward him off was to be as painfully self-depreciating or embarrassing. You could break out into dances that are popular in some online shooting game in public; he would of course urge you to stop appearing so deviant, even dragging you away by the forearm if you don't stop.
However, you're only endearing yourself to him even more, Cyprus does encourage you to express your interest in the privacy of his apartment, because it's amusing. As long as you're not overly consumed by the internet.
He wouldn't always understand what you're always saying. For example, you would always exclaim that phrase whenever he says he has to use the bathroom. Cyprus wouldn't get why you would go crazy over a few lines in random places, you could be showing him the source material, but he doesn't understand the humor in it.
You could yap about the unending lore of some game that he thinks may be too scary for its intended audience. He would be totally clueless but the way you retell it is so funny, so adorable and enthusiastic, that Cyprus could sit and listen to you talk for hours. But there is always a limit, you would know that you reached it when he began making out with you mid-sentence.
It's your enthusiasm that he's attracted to, it's cute that you're so excited over something so esoteric.
To your surprise, you could purposely make your cosplay costumes or choices as atrocious as possible, thinking he would scrunch his nose in disgust and not want to do anything with you. But it's the opposite. He would burst out into laughter, at first laughing at you, but eventually it turned into admiration for your effort. Cyprus wouldn't help you with your makeup or costume unless you asked, he would be equally as fucked up anyways. So the quality of it wouldn't change too much.
To your surprise, he would get two tickets to the cosplay convention. He would just put on his leather jacket and fingerless gloves, claiming he's cosplaying whatever character closest in appearance despite not having any knowledge of the media. You would be in your own costume, having a blast.
It goes without saying, he will keep an eye out for you. He's oddly much less protective and possessive in conventions (perhaps it's because he believes that the majority is here to only partake in their interests of the arts, no one would want their work to be ruined. And maybe he thinks that your cosplay is weird enough to ward off rivals.) , he allows you to act as "cringey" as you like, but within reason. Because he thinks you're just acting in accordance to the norm there. He wouldn't let you get kicked out.
Cyprus isn't necessarily camera shy. He was an actor and model for a handful of retail commercials, he would still work as one if they pay him enough. He doesn't mind appearing in videos or pictures with you, but don't expect him to learn your little dances.
He would gladly be the cameraman, though. It doesn't take a genius to guess that he's internally dying from second-hand embarrassment through his crumpled face as he watches you act like an animatronic in slow motion.
No pointers, no suggestions on how to make it better, Cyprus lets you be in your element no matter how cringe. He loves it even if it kills him to watch you make a fool out of yourself. It's because he just loves seeing you shine and away from that damn phone for once. You're doing something productive and fulfilling, and that's extremely heart fluttering to Cyprus.
He would definitely tease you, lovingly. But only he gets to do it, no one else. Cyprus barks heavy threats and insults straight to the faces of those who bullies and makes fun of you for your special interests, sometimes it would even get physical if they go too far and actually hurt your feelings. For every tear you shed, your hater will receive a broken bone.
Okay. That did not work, it only made him more attracted to you. At least you had fun.
So now you tried to bore him away, he's generally impatient. Hot headed and needs a lot of stimulation day-to-day. He would definitely want to rip his skin off when you suggest completing a 5000 piece puzzle, right?
Yes, he will groan. He will complain and he will whine. Pawing at you to do something else, your silly dances, your funny cosplaying, to get out of the apartment, to have sex- anything other than this! It's so boring for him.
The first few days, he would just be next to you, trying to convince you to get a new hobby where it doesn't involve boredom. Forcefully dragging you out of the apartment to go on adventures, but you would always go back to completing your puzzles whenever you get the chance.
He would distract you by leaving hickeys on your neck, curling his tongue in your mouth and if you're already at that stage, eating you out like a hungry man. Drinking every drop of your nectar.
Once he realizes that he could give you cunnilingus daily, he's suddenly okay with your "very boring" hobby. But you wouldn't be, so you stopped trying to complete it. This would make him frown, because it always displeases him to have you lose interest in something.
So he very begrudgingly agreed to stop latching his mouth onto your pussy and join you in your quest of completing the picture.
The first few hours would consist of him giving up every five minutes because he couldn't find the next corner piece. He would slide his hands down your underwear and touch you until you cum.
However, if you persevere, Cyprus will eventually find himself enjoying the hobby too. Finding that it's therapeutic and almost hypnotic in a way. But only if you sit on his lap and allow him to bury his cock deep inside you.
Unfortunately, you wouldn't be able to concentrate with his large, hard member slowly but surely stirring your guts for hours. Each time he picks up a piece, his aroused dick would twitch and send shocks into your mushed brain. Or when he gets mildly frustrated, he would bounce you on him until you orgasm- that would reset his patience and keep him going. He stops working on the puzzle for the day when he ejaculates, which would take anywhere between thirty minutes to half a day.
In the end, Cyprus would be the one who finished the puzzle while you're mostly too busy trying not to pass out from cumming too much.
Cyprus would be so proud of himself for doing it, even buying a frame and displaying it in his mostly barren living room.
He would be baffled when you reacted negatively when Cyprus brings back another 5000 piece puzzle for you and him to complete.
To him, you're so predictable and unpredictable at the same time. Your hobbies and interests could change just like that and without warning. But regardless, he loves you even more now since you somehow made something so "soul crushingly boring" like puzzles, into something super fun.
Your attempts to make Cyprus sick of you have failed, but at least you knew that he was supportive in his own special way no matter how much he disliked it in the beginning.
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tired-teacher-blog · 8 months
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Characters : Tattoo artist Aizawa/ Florist fem reader
Featuring : Eri/ Hizashi Yamada/ Nemuri Kayama/ Oboro Shirakumo/ Emi Fukukado
Warnings and Genre : Fluff/ Romance/ Smut and Angst in future chapters/ Multi Chaptered Story
Summary : In a desperate attempt to get closer to the tattoo artist dominating every speck of your brain, you decide to pay him a visit one evening as a client seeking his service. This encounter will prove to be the beginning of something much bigger between you two, but will this new found passion be enough to stand against the difficulties your future holds?
Notes : Loosely inspired by this/ Art below is by the wonderful @/ael-draw who gifted me this gorgeous piece.
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Masterlist|Second Masterlist|Third Masterlist
Chapter Count : Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 • Part 5 • Part 6 • Part 7 • Part 8 • Part 9 • Part 10 • Part 11
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_ "Eri says hi, we're on our way to school now."
You hold the phone closer to your ear, smiling fondly as he speaks, and picturing them stroll their way there hand in hand while he carries her cute little school bag over his shoulder.
_ "Tell her I miss her." you reply immediately with warmth filling up your heart.
_ "Just her? What about her father?" and you can feel the smirk lacing his words.
_ "Of course I miss you Shouta, very much." you breathe out longingly, wishing you could see him right at this instance.
_ "Me too beautiful, I'll see you tonight." and with that, you both say your goodbyes and hang up your phones.
Hours later, and his voice still plays in your brain like a sweet melody, and that same wide smile still refuses to leave you, only a little bit more until you see him.
Time couldn't possibly go any slower when you're awaiting for the moment to be with him, and you rarely ever do on weekdays due to your conflicting schedules, but fortunately you were able to work something out for today and decided to have dinner together in the studio between his appointments, it's not much, but it's more than you can ask for..
_ "Hello." a delicate voice interrupts your thoughts, and your head immediately snaps towards its source.
_ "Hello ma'am, welcome." oh, she's beautiful.
The clicking of her expensive beige heels pierces the calm and resonates across the walls as she steps inside while uttering amusedly, "what a nice atmosphere you have here."
_ "Thank you ma'am, you are more than welcome to take a look around." you have never seen her before, so perhaps she's here for a visit?
She's truly gorgeous, and elegant too, and you're now wondering what could her story be.
_ "So I want to buy a bouquet but I'm not sure exactly what to get, everything here looks gorgeous." she's taking a tour of the shop while speaking, her eyes study the blooms carefully before shifting her gaze your way.
_ "I'm glad you like what you see," you offer her a genuine smile, "I can help you choose, you see each flower and each rose carries a different meaning, so if you have a message that's hard to convey, you can pick a flower that helps with that."
She blinks a few times while hearing you speak before breaking into laughter, "but isn't that a bit too much to ask of a measly plant?"
Your body tenses up as you did not expect to hear such words from someone who has willingly walked into your shop, but maybe she didn't mean to offend you.
_ "Not at all ma'am, if the person receiving the bouquet is someone who likes flowers, then your message wilI surely come across." your smile is now forced, and your palms are starting to sweat as you strive to remain collected.
_ "I never thought they liked them but maybe I was wrong," her eyes are casting a darkness that you cannot for the life of you decipher, "well then, which one says I'm sorry?" her attention is back to the colorful roses.
_ "White roses or white tulips are the perfect ones for that, they express sincere apologies and seeking forgiveness, offering them to someone signifies the desire to start anew." you gesture towards the flowers you're describing and watch as she approaches them slowly.
_ "Alright then, I'll have ten of each."
_ "Of course ma'am." you quickly run to the blossoms and start cutting them carefully, counting in your head so you wouldn't miscalculate the lady's order.
_ "So how long have you been running this business?"
Her question catch you off guard, and you almost miscount the white blooms in front of you, "oh, I've been here for almost a year," you turn her way for a second as you reply, before returning to the work at hand.
You walk back to your counter with twenty delicate whites in your arms, smiling again at the lady before starting to carefully organize them in a bouquet.
_ "What about you ma'am? Are you here visiting someone? Perhaps the lucky person who will receive these?" you try to soften the mood as you ask.
_ "Yeah, that's why I'm here, I need to clear things up with someone." her voice is monotone and for some reason it's making you a little uncomfortable.
_ "I'm sure everything will go well ma'am, this bouquet will be an ideal ice breaker." even with your unexplained uneasiness, you still give her a warm smile.
_ "You think so? You must have a lot of faith in your flowers then." she scoffs with a role of her eyes that you did not need to witness.
_ "Uhm well.. I do, and I hope I'm right." you have never felt this anxious with a customer before, but you have to remain calm and cheerful regardless.
_ "What a cute tattoo." she exclaims with a nod of her head.
_ "Oh, thank you, yeah it's really dear to me." somehow, for some reason, you've always found solace in your tattoo, and you're almost certain it's the thought of him that brings you comfort rather than the tattoo itself, in any case, it's working yet again.
The woman remains silent after that, and you can almost feel her piercing stare digging holes in your whole body.
_ "Here you go ma'am, it's wrapped and ready, I hope you like it." you carefully pick up the bouquet, mindful of the graceful blooms as you hand them to the woman in front of you.
_ "Thank you." she holds it in one arm and hands you her credit card with the other.
It's almost over, she's almost out of your shop and you're almost breathing easily again.
_ "Thank you for your purchase ma'am and have a nice day." you bow your head slightly while returning her card.
The annoyingly loud click of her heels is finally heading away as she walks towards the door, and you allow yourself to heave a sigh of relief.
_ "Oh by the way, say hi to Shouta for me." and that irked expression she had on since earlier, is now replaced with an amused one as she closes the door after herself.
… What?
Shouta.. Shouta.. , she called him Shouta, not Aizawa like most people do, why? Who is she exactly? How does she know him? Was her coming to your shop intentional?
You feel like a fool, she was obviously mocking you until the very end, and for some reason you know that it isn't over.
Shouta.. who is she to you? Is she a friend? A family member? A client?
Countless questions battle within your brain as you freeze in place for God knows how long..
To be continued..
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paperclipninja · 1 year
Ok, I don't know exactly where this is going but I can't stop thinking about the fact we got the Crowley/Aziraphale meet-cute in the opening of season 2 and the way the layers of storytelling utilised the same literary conventions our fave demon and angel were inspired by when trying and get Nina and Maggie together.
We get to see Aziraphale and Crowley's understanding of romance and love, or more importantly, their understanding of what they think it should look like, through their misguided set up attempts, and this primarily reveals to us, a) they're both hopeless romantics and b) they have no idea about the subtle and real indicators of love or a burgeoning relationship between two people. But that's ok, they're celestials whose only reference points are books, films and each other (the most unreliable sources of all, exhibit a: Aziraphale telling Crowley Maggie has a 'pash' on Nina).
You know who does know about those subtle indictors of love and blossoming romance? The very human people watching the show. And so throughout the season we witness a series of tropes and moments that indicate Aziraphale and Crowley are indeed the ones whose love story is unfolding, and as viewers we are drawn into certain conventions that we are conditioned to assume will play out and resolve in a particular way. The nebulae creating meet-cute, the ongoing forbidden relationship that continues to build, the friends to lovers dynamic through the centuries and of course, the comfortable and cosy present-day lives, with 'our car' and 'our bookshop' and drinks at pubs and a relatively open existence together.
With each insight into the past, we catch the cues that indicate the developing affection, trust and care between the two; the way Aziraphale looks at Crowley when he realises the crows are goats, the way Aziraphale and Crowley cover for each other with Job's children, the bullet catch ('nough said) and the drinking of wine afterwards. When humans engage with literature or film, we understand the subtext of such moments, something angels and demons seem to miss as they focus on the overt gestures of romance and love in storytelling as confirmation of its existence.
In the present day, its the perching on the same chair, Crowley knowing the angel's different tones, the way they pop into the room at the back of the shop for private conversations, Aziraphale grabbing Crowley's arm, Crowley answering the bookshop phone with, 'Fell's bookshop, we probably don't have what you're looking for and we wouldn't sell it to you anyway'. While these are only a few of the prompts we are given, our brains piece together this storytelling along with the body language and expressions throughout, understand that all these aspects combined flag a romantic relationship developing and so we are swept up in the love story.
The way the flashbacks are interwoven with the present day is disorientating, because we are simultaneously seeing the sweetness and complexity of the developing relationship over time while in the present, Aziraphale and Crowley begin to fall out of step. Yes it starts with Gabriel's arrival and Crowley vs. Aziraphale's reactions and responses (there are many excellent posts that discuss this in great detail), but any misalignment isn't happening all at once, it in itself is like a dance; they move apart but then move together again, as an audience we think oh no, tension! oh good, that's resolved! However the neat trick here is that with each move apart as the individual characters undertake their own journey within the story, the distance grows a little greater. Meanwhile the interactions between the two characters do not necessarily shift dramatically and the set up through the storytelling still suggests that any threats are ones they will face together and it will be ok in the end.
Even the ball, I wanted to be all *swoon* and swept up. Everything that was happening on my screen told my brain that it should be feeling excited and full of all the feelings of seeing these characters finally starting to make a move, like I should be feeling giddy like Aziraphale seems to be because, just like the attendees at the ball and the very literature that inspired it, there's the music and the soft lighting and the smitten little angel face. But it's all those things and also none of those things, because as has been so brilliantly pointed out in this insight, this is all juxtaposed with the demon invasion happening outside and Crowley's futile attempts to convey the seriousness of the situation to Aziraphale. Crowley is doing the movements but he's not part of their dance in that moment, the dance they've been doing for centuries, and as a viewer it feels off kilter.
But we've seen their story unfold, we know that the love and the relationship is all there, and once again we see Aziraphale and Crowley fend off Heaven and Hell, both taking individual risks to do so and protect each other. Heck, we see that an angel and demon can put their differences aside and disapparate off into the universe together, our brains are poised, but also wary at this point because it can't be this easy, can it?
Crowley has to have it explained to him why their plan didn't work, Maggie and Nina sit him down to do so, and in that moment we are also being told that you can't just be pushed together, the timing has to be right (cue small alarm ringing in the back of my head). Despite this, and we know Metatron is never good news, we, as viewers, are held precariously in the hand of the storyteller as Crowley's emotional declaration clashes with Aziraphale's news in a way that side steps the expectations that have been building throughout the season. The final moment of Aziraphale leaving hits SO hard because the expectations many of the storytelling conventions set in motion are subverted at the very last minute. And it's absolutely brilliant.
Just to be clear, I know there is far more complexity in the show, the characters and the storytelling, and tbh I don't even know if any of this rambling makes sense. But the fact is, my tiny mind is just awestruck at the layers of meta in the way our no.1 angel and demon are calling on literary conventions to try to make two people fall in love, while we're watching these conventions in action showing us two people falling in love. The result?
The most incredible tension, yes between the characters and their sudden divergence (which was actually not so sudden after all, we were just a bit distracted), but also tension in the storytelling as the duality of the love story and the individual character stories collide head first in that final moment and we are left trying to untangle our expectations from the reality of what has unfolded.
(that last paragraph should probably have been the whole post honestly)
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captainjacklyn · 2 years
hi! can i request headcanons of vega, alpheratz, and spica with a s/o who likes receiving and giving forehead kisses? tysm ❤️
Another request in the box, a head canon of Vega, spica and alpheratz coming up ! (since the gender of the reader was not specified, it will remain gender neutral.)
Pairing(s) : Vega x reader, spica x reader, Alpheratz x reader
Warning(s) : None, really nothing too bad. It's just a cute fanfic to enjoy. [Vega's part is slightly suggestive if you squint]
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Now I would think that spica prefers giving rather than receiving forehead kisses.
It's not that he hates it he just finds it more...suitable for him.
Unless if you're taller than that's another question, he'll preferably accept them in private. (cause this man got a reputation y'know-)
Spica isn't that much of a PDA type of guy, he expresses his love through acts of service, words of affirmation and quality time.
He appreciates the affection but he won't reciprocate as much as you do.
After a long day of work you are his source of comfort and probably the only thing keeping his sleeping schedule organized.
Overworked dude imarit-
Spica finds your habit endearing too, he won't say it out loud but he will show a small smile whenever you kiss his head.
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Vega is...flustered.
He doesn't exactly like it when you do it in public considering the fact that he sees this act as intimate.
Blushes even if he tries to hide it by looking away you can still see his cheeks growing redder by the second.
Any physical touch for him is already intense.
I head canon that he has sensitive skin (mostly because he's whiter then white- As he ever been in the sun at all ?)
One kiss will be enough to make him melt in your harms, the so called cold Vega proceeds to become mush when his partner gives him the affection he deserves.
if you choose to surprise him, he'll gasp and first try to back away out of instinct until he realizes its you.
He such a babygirl UwU <3 (he totally isn't my favorite-)
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If you ever need to wake him up, just wake him up with a peck and his eyes will go open in a flash.
It's just the best feeling ever, waking up to your wonderful lover smiling down on you.
You can't be grumpy after that, it's as satisfying as waking up after the longest, most comfortable sleep.
Alpheratz will also give you forehead kisses, it's bonus points if you're shorter than him. He has to crouch/bend down and he thinks it's cute.
will tease you about it tho, get ready cause he's going full out on it.
But in all seriousness, he thinks your kisses are the most gentle feeling he's ever experienced. He won't tell you that but you'll know regardless. His expression always soften when you do it.
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Thank you for reading, have an amazing day/night.
-Best wishes from, Lady Orchidia.
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lord-squiggletits · 8 months
Idk if my previous posts were unclear but I don't remotely hate any Optimus version that isn't IDW or think they suck. Every Optimus is good and there's a fan (or multiple fans!) of every version of OP no matter how obscure or underrated (as well as all the other characters).
What's more questionable (or at least annoying) is when fandom ignores canon character personalities in favor of writing specific archetypes that are either out of character or repetitive/stereotyped to the point of annoyance. As an example of this, it would be a female character being called the Team Mom just because she's a woman existing in a group of (primarily male) characters even if she's not remotely motherly or nurturing. Or, as a more topical example, how often I've seen Transformers ships where even though both characters are canonically masculine (or gender neutral), fanartists love to turn one of the characters small and weak (or even outright feminine) to turn the ship into Strong Dominant Seme and Sweet Cute Uke to fit a specific kink or romantic fantasy, even if it's a disservice/OOC to portray those characters like that.
In other words, a fandom's popularity of certain characters, ships, headcanons, etc is often more informed by tropes and forcing canon to adhere to one's personal tastes, as opposed to approaching canon and trying to understand it on its own terms. I'm not talking about the quality of the source material, but rather the way that the fandom interprets the source materials in ways that don't make any sense, approach it in bad faith, or just generally don't care about canon at all. So I'm not saying one OP is better than another, my problem is when fandom consistently focuses on certain stereotypes or flanderizations of a character, and then any character that doesn't fit the popular (often stereotyped) mold is ignored or virulently rejected. In other words, I think popular fandom often does a DISSERVICE to characters whether they love them or hate them, it just takes different forms.
So, just as an example, I think one fandom caricature of Optimus that I see a lot (and heavily dislike) is making Optimus some sort of shrinking wallflower type who's innocent, sweet, and virginal, in contrast to an opposite caricature of Megatron that's big, strong, dominant, and rugged, and making ship art that forces the characters into some kind of seme/uke or borderline heteronormative romance. Despite the fact that canon Optimus (in, say, TFP for example) is tall, broadly built, deep voiced, dignified, assertive, and strong (physically and morally), completely incorrect interpretations of him as a shy feminized uke type are still pretty common to find. And it makes you ask yourself why it is so many people make MOP ship art of them of The Small One and The Large One or The Small, Cute One and The Big, Violent One when it's completely different from canon. It feels as if such fanart is made by people who just want to see seme/uke style slash ships, and if canon doesn't give them what they want, they'll simply trash it and replace it with their own version, even if it's completely OOC.
So when I said in my other post that people don't like IDW Optimus because he can't be fit into caricatures like happy dad or shy twink, I'm not saying it to say "other OPs who resemble that suck," I'm saying it to express "Fandom tends to simplify characters into easily palatable and comfortable tropes, and when they encounter a character they can't do that with, they respond by ignoring or even hating on that character."
Other versions of Optimus have the problem where fandom turns them into a stereotype instead of the actual character they are, e.g. portraying TFA OP as some poor abused damsel with no self confidence and crippling anxiety being abused by his superiors, and then they talk more about this fake uwu smoll bean cinnamon roll version of TFA OP than they do about actual canon TFA OP. And honestly I can't think of any prominent content/meta about G1 OP that isn't just "he plays basketball and does funny one liners and is Team Dad/Grandpa." (Hell, you even get that with non-Optimus characters that get simplified to just sexy twink, old grandpa, comedy relief, evil ex, Diversity Win-- She's A Lesbian, third wheel to the favored ship, etc even though there's way more depth to them than just their surface level stereotype.)
IDW OP's problem is that he can't be stereotyped like that so instead the fandom ignores him. He's not small, so they can't stereotype him as a skinny twink getting topped by a burly uke. He's not jovial or happy go lucky or extroverted, so they can't stereotype him as Team Dad or Comedy Relief. He's assertive, blunt, and has a temper, so they can't stereotype him as a shy wallflower in need of protecting. He makes catastrophic mistakes and is responsible for bad things happening, so they can't stereotype him into a sweet cinnamon roll who has never done anything wrong in his whole life or The Infinitely Wise and Kind Paragon. There's no Big Bad Authority Figure who was mean to IDW OP and traumatized him, so they can't excuse the bad things he did as "he's traumatized so he couldn't help it" and wave away his flaws as "it's his abuser's fault, they made him this way." IDW OP has the kind of depression where he's grumpy, shut off, and angry-- as opposed to the shy, sad kind of depression that just stares forlornly out of the window in a beautifully tragic way-- so they can't make him into a sad woobie kicked around unfairly by life.
Or I guess they just stereotype IDW OP as "evil bastard with no redeeming qualities that's mean to everyone for no reason, plus the writers forced everyone to like him just because he's Optimus Prime" even though that isn't accurate either.
Put bluntly, IDW OP forces fandom to contend with the idea that someone can be a good person with good intentions but still fuck up on a massive scale and maybe end up hurting more than they helped. IDW OP is messy, ugly, flawed, mean, stoic, closed off. When IDW OP has mental breakdowns or has his feelings hurt, he's loud and angry and harsh, and the consequences of what he did while he was unwell continue to haunt him long after. In other words, he actually experiences negative emotions the way a real person would, and sometimes when he's under the influence of negative emotions, he lashes out or does stupid things (like a real person might) instead of inoffensively crying in a corner somewhere. He isn't sanitized enough for a fandom that only wants Perfect Pure Good Optimus Who Never Hurts Anyone Even By Accident, so instead of IDW OP's mistakes and dark moments being treated as the logical end point of a person put in constant no-win situations until he breaks, he gets treated as if his mistakes and flaws make him an irredeemable bastard with no good qualities who should've fucked up less often to make fans actually like him.
And this is all in a fandom where 90% of the characters are war criminals and a good half of them have massacred organic planets. But god forbid IDW Optimus ever make a bad decision in a stressful situation. Or be mean to someone. Or have a character arc about how blindly idolizing people as paragons ends badly for everyone involved because no one can be that perfect. He is simply The Worst Optimus Ever and there's absolutely nothing about him worth discussing.
And just to be clear, the problem isn't the fact that some people don't like IDW OP, or he's just not their thing and they don't care.
The problem is the fact that he's consistently and actively hated by the fanbase who makes a concentrated effort to say he sucks and make sure none of their fan works ever include him. It's literally at a level where I stopped looking in the Optimus tag on this website because I was tired of people randomly going "and btw IDW OP sucks and I want to drown him in a ditch" in posts that weren't even about IDW, and I stopped looking for MegOP fic on AO3 because most of it is IDW Megatron/clearly TFP or G1 inspired continuity soup Optimus. Places that are Optimus friendly for Optimus fans, where I could reasonably expect to find positive conversations, but instead get sucker punched by hate about the character The Space Is About. And I can't even have conversations asking about why they do, bc the way 90% of them talk, I can tell they literally just didn't read the comics or deliberately misinterpreted the story.
I find it bizarre and frankly, tragic, that the hate train for IDW OP is so pervasive that people actively erase and replace him from fan works IN THE IDW UNIVERSE in a way that no other character is targeted in. I have tried so hard to understand why IDW OP gets this sort of hate and erasure when other characters who were as bad or worse than him have perfectly normal takes about them that go "yeah he kinda sucks but he's cool and I like him" or "who cares if he's problematic IRL, it's a story." The only conclusion I can come to is that because Optimus Prime (TM) has a specific brand image and is locked into being a cultural icon, he's held to a standard of The Ideal Perfect Hero instead of the way better standard of "Is he an interesting, well written character?"
#squiggposting#discourse#i tried my best to phrase this in a way that didnt invalidate different tastes#but like honestly. some ppls tastes suck. or are actually problematic and not in a fake way#like as an example from the main text avoe#i hate it so much when gay ships are made seme/uke - dominant/submissive - fem/masc#when that not only isnt in character or accurate to canon. but is also really boring at best or homophobic at worst#i cant control ppl's opinions but i can still think theyre boring stupid or even downright offensive#i have SEEN pretty much every popular TF character or pairing get flanderized somehow#so it's not just my attachment to OP in larticular#and i find it very frustrating when it seems as if ppl arent fans of the very media they consume#and they turn an interesting story into cookie cutter stereotypes#and then when the story isnt a cookie cutter stereotype easily divisible into black and white#they hate the characters and story and call it trash#might delete later bc i feel cring#but this is oretty much the culmination of all the thoughts and discussions ive had#with multiple people#anyways ive seen enough fandom discourse posts about The State of Fandom#and The Same 5 Tropes Recycled just copy pasted into different fandoms#what i speak of isnt just about my fave. rather my fave is a victim of this fandom tencency#and it is a FACT that fandom will force characters into offensive stereotypes that dont even make sense#tldr sometimes fanon.....is way worse than canon#also i revised and edited this like a billion times to make sure i wasnt hasty or vague or mean#so if i still made a mistake. whatever i guess this post took hours#it's not about wanting absolutely everyone to love my favorite#it's about the fact that ppl actively hate him even in spaces that are about him/ships he's in#to the point i have to not interact with strangers bc i never know if my fsve will randomly get shit on#and on top that the hate is mostly based on surface level assumptions and misinformation#so not only is my fav hated in a way no other character is. they dont even hate him for canon facts#sucks to see the fandom so thoroughly full of hate by ppl who arent informed bc they never gave canon a chance
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Sleepy Softness
Ship: Blade x April | Word Count: 714 | Warnings/Tags: I don't think there's any - very fluffy :3 (Blade's a little edgy at the beginning - kinda self-deprecating but not too bad)
A/N: So, when I spun the wheel to pick an f/o, it picked him. Fitting since I haven't posted a fic of him yet so, I hope you all enjoy this~
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The air is near-silent. Soft, rhythmic breathing is the only audible sound and even then, the only reason Blade can hear it is that he's near its source.
Her body is warm, soft, and vulnerable under his hands. The fingers of his left hand dig in slightly to her hip - a protective hold, one that's still gentle. As for his other hand, that one rests on the back of her head, fingers still entangled in her hair from when he'd been scratching her scalp - the reason she fell asleep in the first place.
She's never looked so pretty before. Sure, he'll admit, that she is always pretty all dolled up in her dresses and skirts. But this is a softer kind of prettiness. One that only he is privy to.
One he isn't sure he deserves.
It's an honor to see her in her most vulnerable states. Having her trust matters more to him than he ever thought possible, and it's a testament to how much she trusts him, how safe she feels with him, that she's sleepy often when it's just the two of them.
He still doesn't get it some days. Some sweet, unscarred, pretty thing like her loving someone like him? It doesn't fully make sense to him.
But what he does know is that he'll keep her safe no matter what.
A soft yawn splits the silence and his eyes trail down, softening further as he sees her halfway between being asleep and awake.
"Blade?" She mumbles softly. The smile she blesses him with when her eyes open fully to look at him actually takes his breath away. "Sorry for falling asleep…" She says with another yawn and he chuckles.
"Don't apologize," Blade says, shifting to brush his lips over her forehead. "I didn't mind."
April opens her mouth to say something else and he gives her a look. The sheepish expression that crosses her face tells him he was right about what she was going to say and he huffs quietly.
He knows he doesn't need to say anything more, that she understands, but he does anyway. "You know I don't think it's a bother when you fall asleep like that. Besides, I knew it was coming the minute I started playing with your hair." A teasing smirk rests on his face and she huffs, both of them knowing that's a weakness of hers.
"Plus, you're cute when you're asleep," Blade murmurs, that smirk widening as her face goes pink. "How could I mind looking at something so adorable?"
"Okay, okay," April says, her face feeling hot, but she's smiling. "I get it."
"Good," Blade murmurs. His fingers gently pet the back of her head, the act softening her smile. "Any time I spend with you isn't wasted… no matter what we're doing," He says quieter, his own expression softening at the way she melts at his words.
April sits up a little and her hand cups his face, an instinct drawing him to lean into her touch, which serves to make her giggle. She leans forward and gently kisses him.
The kiss is brief but incredibly sweet and he has to resist chasing her lips when she pulls away. He's not so sure he succeeded by the way she giggles but he shrugs that off immediately. If there's anyone he can be a fool in front of, it's her.
"I love you, Blade," She murmurs and he hums softly, shifting a little to reach for her phone.
"I love you too," He replies even as he's handing it over, chuckling at her confused expression. "Didn't you say earlier that you had videos you wanted to show me?"
April's face lights up and she nods, somehow managing to look even cuter. Blade didn't think that was possible, but she's always able to surprise him.
"Then go ahead," He murmurs, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before settling back and allowing her to adjust to a comfier position for this.
He's in for an entertaining time - somehow she always finds videos that are amusing to him. But even if they weren't… She's too adorable when showing him the video that it would make up for that.
Aeons, she has him wrapped around her finger…
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so since i got triggered by yk learning about a certain mha character being "redeemed" or whatever i wanted to actually find out the most i could about it to form my own opinion which led to me analyzing and looking at stuff (mostly other analysises and stuff just because the direct source stuff is still triggering for some reason jaja) and i'm just blown away (( mha lore rant ahead cuz there is no way i'm going to someone who knows me xd (( spoiler warning ofc ((that includes manga spoilers
SO i got the first impression they were just having all his victims brush everything under the rug for some silly "family comes first" kinda message which was supa triggering also cus i had media do that before,,i hate when that happens as a victim of familial abuse xd normalization is NOT my thing, also i'm an empath unfortunately which extends to fiction... personal screw you to some fans who completely missed the point of this part of the story >:( altho it's not a new thing that some mha fans are sh/tty
ANYWHO i found this wasn't how it was at all. the pain and the disgusting things that enji did is not glossed over as something unimportant, everyone is affected by it and acknowledges it. he's facing the consequences of decisions he consciously made and they're not water under the bridge. he's done unforgivable things and it's very well acknowledged by everyone involved including himself
i honestly saw fuyumi as inconsiderate and hated her but i realize that while she was being a bit insensitive and annoying imo, the actions and intentions she expressed don't paint the full picture. she did those things because she desperately wanted the family she didn't get/missed, so she failed to see how it was affecting her sibling and how hurt he still was. in reality, deep down, she still resents enji for what he did but she wants to be mature and gives him the chance to change. while she was being a bit self centered i can emphasize with her and think she's incredibly strong
the thing is, the focus isn't on forgiving him and going on as normal, which will never happen due to the damage he's caused, it's giving him the chance to prove he can do better. it's not about fixing the family and making things "normal again", it's about , as i've heard others say, making the family members lives better after everything. that's the intent of enji and that's the intent of shoto (should also be stated that enji wants to repent in general)
i highly respect natsuo and his decision to cut him off and not let his emotions get the better of him in the end. i also think it's really sweet that it's implied he attended the family dinner thing fuyumi was pushing to make her happy T_T I really mourn toya and love him as a character and i mourn the relationship him and shoto never got to properly have :( the exchange they had at the hospital was really cute and it makes me sad I HATE U ENJI UGHHH
i also thought hawks was annoying for associating with him but it's just that him and all might see that he's changed and want to give him a chance and i actually respect them for that like hawks was abused himself and he's still giving him a chance tldr hawks deserves the world
in the end i really respect the rest of the todoroki family for giving him that chance and being really mature and definitely strong and i guess i slightly respect him (SIGHS) because while i despise him i respect him for doing better and the best he can now (although i still think he should've just given them a massive amount of money and left cuz money talks)
(i also really adore how midoriya and UA gave shoto a safe space to get support and grow as a person hsksjdk i wish toya had found support
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yurisorcerer · 3 months
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This episode clarifies for us that Suou, who we met last week, is actually Kuze's sister, and is also significantly less prim and proper than we might've been initially led to believe.
She's an incorrigible faux-(or is it faux?)-brocon and arguably even more of an otaku than her brother. I am Not Really Into This, suffice to say, but on the flip side, any texture is good for a romcom that's working this tightly within a formula. Suou does not seem to be a particularly complex character (maybe that will change as the show goes on) but her sheer meanness is funny enough. She really delights in teasing Alya over her closeness to Kuze. Alya has no idea of course, that the source of this closeness is that they're siblings, and she in fact assumes that they're dating. (This is less unbelievable than it might seem given that the two use different surnames and don't seem to be living together. My guess is that their parents are seperated.)
This flows nicely into the main setting of the episode, a mall, where Alya runs into the siblings while they're out shopping and gets roped into visiting a novelty spicy ramen restaurant. An admirable amount of visual polish goes into conveying how unpalatably hot the ramen is, but I will admit that this whole scene was a bit of a shrug for me.
I can't help but notice that Alya's Russian has already been relagated to a plot device. Alya mutters in Russian about wanting him to be her running mate in the student council election, and it really seems like he eventually will. Other than this it's mostly relegated to a couple basic jokes during the ramen scene.
Alya herself remains a delight, though. At one point she and Kuze spend time clothes shopping and she gets hooked on him praising her outfits, only to collapse into an anxious ball when Suou shows up again. Her walleyed expressions throughout this episode are also pretty endearing, and she's the main character whose interiority here doesn't come off as slightly forced. Contrast the siblings, who are here given an out of place melancholic flashback that I don't think this show really has the weight to handle.
Roshidere still isn't amazing or anything (and I could really do without the Single Egregious Ecchi Scene in each episode, they throw the whole vibe off) but I'm having fun with it, mostly off the strength of its cast, and I'm interested to see where this all goes.
This week's ED theme is a sugary sweet cover of "Kawaii-te Gomen" (something like "Sorry I'm So Cute~", apparently) by The HoneyWorks. I actually quite like this song, and Uesaka Sumire's cover of it here is a nice if straightforward take on the original.
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crest-of-gautier · 1 year
i did a bit of replaying of fes today and let me tell you I AM THE HAPPIEST LIZZY to have walked the earth!!! I LOVE THIS GAME!!! even if i only played the first four days (im on april 18th and i did NOT go up to the 4th floor to talk to ikutsuki). random talking under the cut...
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i genuinely think that the animated cutscenes in fes still hold up. im so charmed by the manga panel expression cut ins + the little 💦❓⁉ types of emotes that pop over the characters heads and the waist-up portraits. and i unironically love the models they're really cute. minato is too cute he's too perfect for my eyes i think he needs to be blown up immediately.
i think it's really neat to see the different social links and other party members very briefly in those "minato walks through (xyz) location" scenes. i was so excited 2 see them i was like!! visible exclamation point over my head bc i do treasure some of these SLs so much...
for shits and giggles on the full moon on the 9th, when you're supposed to be running up to the 5th floor. i decided to walk around the second floor and interact with things. i really enjoyed the additional dialogue bits from yukari there.
honestly a common trend that seems to happen a lot whenever i play p3 is just a spike in my love for yukari. like. i already love her a lot as is but whenever i see her dialogue again i just am filled with so much overwhelming love for how much she sticks to her values i just think it's so so nice how much she values honesty and transparency and i think i would like to try and articulate it better at some other point. she's so good.
and i think whenever i see the yukari moments from playing through p3 it always makes me so... (microwaves myself and blows up), i guess, disgruntled? that she got shafted SO hard in the movies like damn no wonder why i didn't really get into her brain space they barely gave us any time to peel her brain layers 😭 (though this is hardly exclusive to yukari).
ANYWAY my replay will probably be a very slow one, i really enjoy sitting through cutscenes and thinking about them and uh! persona has a lot of them. i think it'll be nice to do this in the evenings sometimes, though. i forgor how good the opening to the game was it's such a fun way to throw the player into the experience.
AND!!! it's definitely causing my brain chemicals to jump for joy and yipee over art ideas like OHHH IM SO!!! i love interacting with the source material again it's so nice to be reminded of the bits that resonated with you or things that you might've glossed over yet still are significant in the grand scheme of things. i've wanted to draw p3 again but when a lot of my ideas were just hanging around in my brain for a year or two sometimes i get attached 2 how it looks in my head and dont think ill b able to translate that so. its nice. 2 have new ideas on the chopping block.
GOD i love p3 and hmgnhh. i will always love to revisit fes i think. even though reload will be a thing. i think i am oddly entranced by how "dated" some of these mechanics are. like tiredness. or no part-time job. or the no party control. its such a fun way of informing minato's characterization that isn't really there when you try to make p3 closer to "modernsona" methinks BUT ANYWAY. thats all from me.
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ridestomars · 2 years
I’m eating up all of your Eddie x alt!reader lil concepts, we needed this so bad
I found out that Bon Jovi is categorized as Hair Metal, it would be so funny if alt!reader puts up a poster of Bon Jovi by the metal section because Eddie would be soooo annoyed because Bon Jovi is not heavy metal, it’s not real metal at all 😡 according to him
Alt!reader would tease him and say that aren’t they metal? These are one of your guys? Isn’t he? I had to put him up… look how cute he is!
And Eddie would be so scandalized and jealous that you called Bon Jovi metal AND that he’s cute, he’s just not sure which he hates more
THIS IS SO GOOD – i kinda feel like i can't write eddie anymore so let's see how this goes !! not proofread and there's a lot of repeated words i think
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man, eddie gets so pissed when something in the liking of bon jovi or mötley crüe (yes, i'm self-projecting on this one) comes on, and i can't stress this enough. when he hears it coming from somewhere, he'll either turn off its source or just get up and leave. don't get me wrong, eddie is a very open-minded guy, but he just draws the line on hair metal – he may very much enjoy warrant's cherry pie music video for obvious reasons, and he might have a gigantic crush on lita ford, but he cannot stand bon jovi's sappy tunes.
all that i can say is that this apparent hatred for poor jon bon jovi started when you, looking very thrilled, asked him for help to clip an enormous bon jovi poster on the record store's wall. of course, he helped you, holding the big ladder for you to climb safely to the top. i could say that the only good thing about this was that you were wearing a skirt that day, but eddie was so displeased by the sight of you being so close to fucking-bon-jovi, that he didn't even look up. the big photo was almost cringe-worthy: there was the blonde guy without a shirt, showing his hairy chest to the whole world proudly and with a huge cocky smile plastered on his face.
when eddie thought you would end his suffering by coming down the stairs and just walking away from that traumatizing image, you did exactly the opposite. with a satisfied smile on your face and a sigh, you stood right next to him, looking up at the gigantic poster. your smile was enough to make eddie's mood turn sour, but when he heard you sigh, he was straight up sulking. a big frown appeared on his pretty face, and you could feel his annoyance practically radiating from him. obviously, that wouldn't stop you from teasing him, exclaiming while still staring at the average-looking blonde in front of you, "isn't he gorgeous?"
that was when eddie's eyes almost jumped out of their orbits. he struggled a bit to reply to you, stuttering indignantly, "wha-what?". he stared at you in utter disbelief, "y/n, please. he has a fucking superman tattoo! it's ridiculous", he scoffed, making you notice the faded ink on bon jovi's arm.
"and who are you exactly to talk about embarrassing tattoos?" you asked with your eyebrows raised. now, you were the one struggling trying not to laugh at the exasperated expression on his face. "i mean, you said it yourself: tattoos are very heavy metal."
"yeah," he immediately replied, in a high-pitched voice, "when it's something sick, like bats or a skull! not that fucking shit."
"watch your mouth, munson, we're in a family environment!"
"are we? because that," eddie pointed at the poster, "doesn't look very family-friendly to me." shaking his head in a chastising manner, he stared at you with wide eyes while his lips were pressed together. he looks so cute when he's worked up, you thought, but that didn't stop you from continuing your customary bickering.
"oh, yeah. because that" now you were the one pointing, referring to the big red devil stamped on his hellfire shirt, "is very family-friendly, right?"
that was enough to render him speechless. you seemed to be the only one capable of doing so, he thought, and that was so fucking exciting. all he could do was huff, with burning red cheeks.
by the way, when eddie goes to the store now, he makes sure to not even look at the damned poster's direction, always walking super fast when he passes in its direction. that always makes you laugh. <3
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eddie masterlist | main masterlist | navigation 𖤐 hey! wanna talk? leave me a message after the beep ─ currently accepting requests for concepts & moodboards for eddie munson and steve harrington.
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Now that we've seen a bit more of their personalities now, what do you think the new characters' sins are? (And maybe if you're up to it, which animals do you think fit them)
So I'm nowhere near 100% sure but
1. Mephisto
• Definitely Pride. Do I even need to say it.
• I just knew it had to be some sort of bird and well:
☆Moluccan Cockatoo (Salmon-Crested Cockatoo)
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• "Moluccans would like nothing more than to be sewn to your body 24 hours a day. They crave attention and love, and can become pests because of this trait. They are not very good at “playing alone” and will constantly vie for your attention."
• "Like most cockatoos, Moluccans are incredibly sensitive and can become neurotic and upset when they are neglected."
• ^ Is that not a large part of his whole problem with Lucifer & Diavolo at the moment? Diavolo got a peacock & has been giving it more attention
• They're loud and the way they walk looks a lot like they're strutting & that definitely fits with Mephisto's character
2. Thirteen
• Wrath
• Because of the weapons, the way she holds a grudge, the tendency to jump to attacking first without thinking things through, she was described as temperamental at some point
• I knew it had to be a spider because spider webs = traps
☆Brachypelma Klassi (Mexican Pink Tarantula)
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• "Rarest of the genus Brachypelma" = Reapers being rare
• Pink = Pink hair
• They aren't social and live on their own
• They live in burrows = Thirteen's cave
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• The females are bigger, live longer & eat the males after breeding (this just gives off Thirteen's vibe)
• Tarantulas as a whole get a bad rep for being dangerous and aggressive when in reality they tend to be chill unless provoked
• Cute
3. Raphael
• This one was kinda hard
• It's not Sloth, Gluttony or Lust for sure. I'm pretty sure it's not Pride either because of how he tends to be in S4. Same with Greed cause of how he acts in the Mammon vs Raphael card.
• So it's either Envy or Wrath.
• Given how quick he's to take out his spears, how he's described as demon like when pissed and how he went for the Chimera's throat it's probably:
• Wrath
• So I knew I wanted a wild herbivore that always presented the image of being mild mannered and innocent while in reality they could be really vicious
• His expression and soft + somewhat monotone voice reminded me of Eeyore (from Winnie the Pooh) which made me think of donkeys which made me think of:
☆ Grévy's Zebra
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• Try & tell me that second picture isn't just Raphael's exact expression
• Black & White symbolism -> The Devildom/Demons & The Celestial Realm/Angels : Raphael being an angel who resembles a demon when mad : the angels believing they're always in the right when at best they are morally grey characters with good and bad sides
• Something about them looks sadder and more elegant than the other species of Zebra
• Unlike other species of Zebra they don't live in harems and instead live in isolation or with a small loosely connected group
• They can be really aggressive, kicking and biting when fighting other males, killing foals and other adults
• "Zebras also have very different temperaments to horses. They’re far more aggressive and a lot more dangerous. Zebras have been known to kick each other to death, they will viciously bite any human that comes too close, and there are even many accounts of zebras killing lions."
• Envy
• They even said he was envious of Lucifer as an angel
• Considering the whole Lucifer shrine thing & how he seems to miss the others as well, he's probably envious of people who get to spend time with them
☆ Red Fox with a colour mutation/leucism
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• Foxes and the whole "cunning" thing
• White because of its association with angels and "purity"
• Love the idea that, even if you wear all white and pretend to be "pure" it's just a colour, it doesn't really mean anything and underneath it all you're still a fox, you're still a predator
• Michael's being described as "childish" more than once now and foxes are loud, energetic & playful
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rebullets · 3 years
A day with Kieran
"I'm so grateful you're mine."
(Some things do not match up with the canon timeline, such as Sean!)
First, Kieran would take you on a ride during sun rise, and would talk about how pretty your horse is the entire time. Though, once or twice he stutters and says you're pretty instead. It makes you laugh, especially when his face goes red and he apologizes, saying he didn't mean it.
Now, he did mean it. But he wouldn't admit it, even to you.
You know he loves horses, so you don't care too much when he goes off on a rant talking about them, a happy smile on his face the entire time. He occasionally looks at you, and his smile grows even more.
He is absolutely adorable like this, and you can feel your heart explode with how cute he is.
You stay out on the trails most the morning, but Kieran decides he doesn't want to go back to camp.
"Uhm..! Would you like to maybe ah, spend the day with me?" Kieran would get a shy expression in his face when you agree, and it would quickly turn into a smile. "Great!! I - I mean, nice.."
First the two of you decide to head into town, hitching your horses on the outskirts of town as the two of you walk the streets.
Kieran laughed a little when you mocked people and how they were walking, especially the rich looking fellows. He tried too, but couldn't because he found it too goofy, so he left it to you.
His knuckles keep brushing against yours, and you can tell he wants to hold your hand, but doesn't want to ask and doesn't want to grab your hand and make you feel uncomfortable. He glances over quickly when you grab onto his, intertwining your fingers. A soft smile appears on his face and he lightly squeezes your hand.
You walk around town for awhile, before the two of you begin getting suspicious looks, and you quickly realize you somewhat should've tried to look different, as you really did look like, "people who have been seen with the Dutch Van Der Linde".
Deciding to not try and stir up any trouble for yourselves or the gang, you quickly leave there, and Kieran looks a tad upset. "Sorry, didn't think bout the fact we look kinda suspicious."
You assure him that it's okay, and it isn't his fault, and he flashes a small smile before heaving himself up onto his horse, as the two of you head back.
Later in the afternoon, after sitting around camp for awhile and being teased by Sean and Karen about being lovebirds, Kieran hums a bit and hugs you a little.
"I uhm-..thank you.."
"For not treatin' me like an O'driscoll like some of em' still do, ya know?"
"Yer welcome Kieran."
Before he can plant a kiss on your lips, you hear an '"ahem!". The source? A smirking Sean with his arms crossed.
"Oh don't mind me ya love buggers." He snickered a little. "Go'on Kieran. Bet ya he wont huh y/n?"
Kieran goes a bit red and looks away, frowning a little. Great his first kiss with you is absolutely ruined. He hated that.
You shoot a small glare at Sean, who's smirk only grows as you grab Kieran's facr and plant a soft kiss to his lips.
The outlaw's face goes beet red and he pulls away, stuttering for a second before letting put a quick, " I didn't think you liked me."
"Now now. Why wouldn't I, huh? Cuz yer an O'driscoll?" The second you make that joke, you feel bad. Especially because of the flinch away from you and saddened expression from Kieran. He hates being called that, because really he hated doing that work. And now he feels like he's finally found a family that'll be accepting of him.
"Oh I'm sorry Kieran I-" you couldn't finish, as he was called over by Dutch. He flashed you a small smile, kissing your cheek before jogging over.
Around 5 or 10 minutes later he returns, preoccupied by checking the bullets in his gun while he walks. Once he reaches you, he sighed a little.
"I-I have to ah.. go do something.." he said softly, nodding and rubbing the back of his neck after putting his gun in its holster.
"Okay. Oh and Kieran! One more thing!" You grabbed his arm when he started walking away, pulling him into a kiss. Once pulling away from his rough lips, you grin. "I'm sorry. I'm so grateful yer mine. I love you, bye."
"Haha...Love you to-too." Kieran nodded and smiled determinedly back, giving you a quick kiss before going to his horse, hopping on and disappearing.
The next day, it's around afternoon. You're hanging out with Sean and Karen, snickering at Sean explaining how the two fucked in John's tent.
"AND- and he walked in and goes...AH FUCK MY COT IS SOAKIN' WET GOD DAMNIT JACK I TOLD YA AND TOLD YA NOT TO EAT IN HERE! and after a minute of arguin' he realizes what it is and goes.. SEAN YOU GODDAMNED BASTARD I'LL KILL YA." Sean laughed for a moment. "He never caught me though, an Irishman is too quick for the likes of him."
You laugh a little and are about to reply, but you hear a scream and a loud sob.
"IT'S KIERAN!!" sounds like Mary Beth.
You grin and get up, running over along with Sean and Karen, a but confused why the scream sounded the way it did, and why Mary Beth let out a sob.
But then you see why she made that scream. Why she let out that sob. And you watch as it rolls over and stops against your boot.
"Then you'll catch me crying."
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For the character ask: Razputin Aquato!!! :D
First impression:
This is a hard one bc my first impression was from 2009, but I thiiiiiink beyond the initial "WOW ITS INVADER ZIM" hype my impression must have been something like thinking Raz is cool and funny? One of the earliest drawings I can remember doodling of him were Raz surrounded by the hand of galochio and Raz reading his camp pamphlet while sittin on a lev ball so I can assume my fascination with him did start at "he's got some interesting issues going on" even if I wasn't particularly good at expressing these thoughts or thinking too hard about him at the time.
Impression now:
What a fun, stellar kid character. He's funny, he's a little stinker, he's dedicated to what he believes in, he makes mistakes, he both acts wise beyond his years and just like a 10 year old. He's a wonderful protagonist and I think he's truly the heart of what makes the game shine, he has a heart and humor he brings into the levels that I think the games would be lacking without.
Favorite moment:
There's soooo many great moments with Raz... hard to pick a favorite! But I think a moment where Raz, the boy, shines is when he's first meeting the mote of light. Here he is standing in front of the remnants of this person that to him is some random nobody from Otto's brain bin, and his first instinct is to talk gently, and follow him around, and figure out a way he could help. He isn't even actively trying to in that moment, but he exemplifies the qualities of a true psychonaut (in Hollis' terms) there quite wonderfully.
Plus that moment really lets the character animation shine because all there is to work with is Raz, a Light Source, and a big Empty Black Box. His character animation is absolutely spectacular.
Idea for a story:
I think Raz bonding with his family could make for some sweet post-game story material!
Unpopular opinion:
I don't think Raz would ever unlock a maligula type fight or flight complex unless some INCREDIBLY non-canonical shit happened to him. Raz has insane mental defenses, which I'm sure will only get better with age, while Lucy's major weakness was that she had the mental defenses of a wet tissue due to her time opening her mind with her friends. It also just feels like it in some way misses the point of what an utter, huge and personally specific tragedy Maligula is for Lucy. Maligula is a part of her, not just anybody.
Favorite relationship:
Raz and his Father's bond has always gotten me to go 🥺 I've thought about the ending to the first game a lot and what it meant for a game to take Raz's dad and say "he's not evil, he's just a parent who's made some mistakes that Raz is justified in being mad about but they're still mistakes that can be rectified with time"
Augustus' dialogue with Raz in the second game is also all incredibly sincere and cute, "we psychics understand each other, right?" hits me good
Favorite headcanon:
His goggles help block out bright lights and his helmet blocks out sound because he's got sensory issues
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taechaos · 3 years
A Night of Discovery
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pairing: hybrid!Taehyung x fem!Reader
genre: oneshot, yandere au, smut
synopsis: For a learning trip, a seemingly innocent fox has taught you to never trust a predator in one day.
warnings: noncon, mention of murder, sadism
word count: 3.3k
a/n: ok so i may have made a moodboard to make up for how bad this is, SUE ME 😭 the request (spoiler warning)
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The road is bumpy as the bus navigates through the looming forest, endless pine trees passing by your eyes in a blur. Chatters swirl in the fresh cold air, windows slightly cracked open as you try to sleep for the nth time with your head leaning against the smudged glass. You jolt awake each time, and it’s been two hours since your first attempt because of the reckless driver in the front. You’re clutching your backpack in your lap as you fantasize about the summer, your upcoming graduation.
Being in your final year of high school, the stress has been eating at you, but your biology teacher had the sheer niceness to give her students a break by taking you on a field trip to a marine zoo. It’s related to your syllabus, studying about marine ecology and all, and you were given the freedom to choose an aquatic animal of your choice to make a project on. You aren’t the least bit excited, because the zoo is so huge that your parents had to pay for the night you have to spend in a motel. Walking for hours and searching for one interesting fish is not at all thrilling.
Your body lurches forward when the driver abruptly hits the brakes. You take out your earphones as everyone stands up. The bus doors open with a hiss from the rush of air as students step outside one by one. You are sluggish when you hop on the cement, and the zoo is huge in front of you. The glass panels complement the surrounding greens, and you can catch the crashes of the waves from the shore behind. You can’t see it, and the environment is rather lonely except for the building close by: the motel next to the zoo.
Ms. Kang is directing your classmates to the motel first, and you’re about to follow before you stumble on your shoelaces. You crouch down to tie them, and when your teacher looks back, you say, “I’ll be there in a second!” When they’re inside, you decide to stretch your limbs after sitting in a stiff chair for so long. You walk to the woods by the parking lot, curious about the sights under the grey clouds. The weather is rather gloomy, and it doesn’t exactly help you feel better until you step on the grass ahead of the road. You sling your backpack over your shoulders and start touching the tree trunks out of boredom. It isn't entertaining, but it's relaxing.
A distant growl snaps you out of your sightseeing and you search around with your eyes for the source. The sound is very peculiar, and it has you feeling slightly nervous but undoubtedly curious.
You aim to take a step forward until your name is hollered, and you yell, “I’m here!” You hear hasty footsteps until Jimin appears next to you.
“Ms. Kang is asking for you. It’s your turn to check in,” he informs and you’re about to reply until you hear another growl. It’s louder compared to the previous one, and the both of you look into the forest in fright. It’s drawn out, but it gradually grows quiet. “What the hell was that?”
“I don’t know,” you furrow your brows a little anxiously and eventually enter the building with Jimin.
After everyone settled into their rooms, ate in the café provided by the zoo, the real trip began. You have to admit, the aquarium is gorgeous. The blue light reflecting from the water is easy on the eyes, and you’re fawning over all the swimming fish in admiration. There is a guide with you, and you listen to any information that is related to your favorite animals so far. You note down the names as a requirement from the teacher, and research some on your phone throughout your exploration. It’s actually interesting in the beginning, but you do get somewhat bored when a few hours pass. It’s 7PM when the tour ends for the day, and the rest of your time is leisure. 
You’re allowed back in your rooms for the evening, and you rest on the comfortable bed to gain back some of your energy. You’re more interested in the forest just outside, and you take out a box of fruits from your bag before leaving the motel. It’s dark when you munch on a sliced green apple while eyeing the forest. The lights from the motel sign help with your vision and you’re just standing on the empty lot while twirling around absentmindedly. It’s not like you’re close enough with anyone to hang out with them at this time, but it allows you to appreciate the breeze more. You’re wearing a cardigan to keep you warm, and you’re enjoying your time until you hear a whimper. 
You stop in your tracks before inching closer to the sound. It’s pained, or at least you think it is, and you take out your phone to shine a flashlight at the eerie forest. More whimpers resound in your ears, and you timidly trudge into the darkness. You yelp when you feel something soft lightly graze your calves, and jump away before seeing it: it’s the tail of a red fox. You gasp in slight fear because you don’t know if you trespassed or are in danger. The fox stares at you, and you stare back until it quietly whines again. “Awww,” you unintentionally coo. You’re scared when it wraps its fluffy tail around you, but you’re not so intimidated when it starts snuggling into your legs. You crouch to level with it and hesitantly bring your fingers to its head. Its fur is so soft that you wonder if it has been tamed.
“You’re so cute,” you gush in a whisper when it leans into your hand. You retract your hand and take out a blueberry from your container and feed it to the fox. Your heart warms just by watching it chew, and you give it some more. This encounter might be the best part about this trip, because the animal is just so adorable. You want to cry from how overwhelmingly precious and pure it seems with its adoring gaze. You’re grinning brightly as you eat with it, sharing your only snack for this whole expedition. 
You entertain yourself with it for a little while before deciding to go back. You ignore its protests guiltily and bid farewell, “I’ll see you again, cutie.” It’s already been an hour and your legs ache from bending for so long. You know you shouldn’t be out too late, and as you retrace your steps back to the motel, you hear it run off deep into the woods. 
The night is spent tossing and turning in bed because you wanted to sleep early in order to function at 8AM the next morning, but you can’t force it. Surfing through the media or keeping your eyes closed for 15 minutes straight didn’t help in the slightest, and somehow your energy has been increasing instead. The window adjacent to the mattress glares at you with its beauty of the crowd of unsaturated trees. You didn’t bother pulling the curtains because it’s a pleasant view, and the stars that you rarely see in the city shine brightly in the countryside. You think back to your interaction with the fox, and a smile creeps up on your tired face. You want to see it again.
Putting your shirt back on, you’re adjusting your cardigan when you crack open the door of your room. No one’s roaming in the halls, as expected since it’s midnight, but you try to be mindful of your temporary neighbours as you sneakily exit the building. You turn to your left instantly to scurry towards the mysterious forest. You don’t know if the fox is still around, but you whistle lowly anyway. Twigs snap beyond your vision, and you warily wait for something to happen. 
An extremely loud growl rips a tiny scream out of you and you immediately flinch backwards. You’re frozen in your spot, almost paralyzed as the growls continue. It’s confusing because the noise is more like an aggressive hiss, and it’s unlike anything you’ve heard before. It suddenly switches to a whimper, a plea. You don’t know if you have to break a fight between two animals, but it doesn’t matter when your curiosity takes over and makes you confidently (albeit feigned) stride into the jungle. 
As if your actions are being encouraged, the whimpers grow more desperate and you take slow steps while watching out for any predators waiting to attack. You’re trembling in fear, but then your fox also might need help… 
The motion is way too quick for you to process and you let out a blood curdling scream when you’re tackled to the ground. You don’t stop screaming even when your mouth is covered, muffling your cry for help. 
“Calm down,” a honeyed rich voice tells you, soothing with its calm tone, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
You quiet down and peek at the assailant through heavy lids. A confused hum catches in your throat upon seeing batlike ears that poke through dark hair. They easily blend in together, and you scrutinize his features and notice a swishing bushy tail behind the man on top of you. Terror dawns in your eyes, though the man looks fairly tranquilent by the ordeal.
“You fed me earlier,” he recounts and slowly removes his hand from your face. You’re gawking up at him as he clarifies, “Fox hybrid.” You squeak when his tongue darts out to lick your cheek and chuckles at your expression.
“What a-are you doing?” you snivel shakily. 
He gently tucks a stray strand behind your ear before answering nonchalantly, “Scenting my precious doll. You’re so pretty, and kind… and naive.” 
Your breaths quicken when he leans into you, but he conveniently misses your lips to bury his face into your neck. The fur on his pointy ear tickles your jawline, and you’re startled when he starts to sniff you. You feel him lick your sensitive skin and clench your fists with a mewl. You’re utterly terrified by the discovery of a new species, who also seems to be very strong and stealthy. He’s handsome, gifted with a heart shaped face and a set of charming black eyes with full lips, but it’s not important when he’s crushing you with his weight to keep you in place. His mouth and nose are all over you as they explore your taste and smell, and his satisfaction is evident with his sighs of bliss.
“I couldn’t get enough of you earlier,” he reveals with a subtle moan, “I've never had the experience of smelling something so delicious. It's fortunate that you're so easy to fool.” The only thing that you do know about foxes is how cunning they are, but you didn’t think one would land you in this situation. You’re heaving to breathe with a struggle, but he pays no mind to it. “I can’t wait to claim you.”
Despite rendering you immobile, he sounds more desperate and needy than you do; as if he’s the weaker one, like the roles are switched. You might be able to use that to your advantage… “I would love that,” you choke out, though you have no idea what he means by his words, “but I can’t move. I-I want to kiss you.” You want to smack your forehead for coming up with such a terrible lie; you don't even know if his intention is to kiss you.
“Yeah?” he drawls seductively and withdraws his knees from your thighs, most likely leaving a bruise from how hard he dug them in. He holds himself up by his palms that previously clung onto your shoulders and limits your peripheral vision. Your eyes trail to his defined collarbone for a short moment, the moonlight casting a shadow over his fine features. “Kiss me then.”
You inhale sharply before raising your leg to kick him, but his reflexes are faster than yours as he prevents it with one knee. He tuts, “I’m offended; I thought you found me cute.” A knowing smile graces his pink lips, and it doesn’t falter even when you open your mouth to scream again. His calloused hand immediately silences you before you can make any noise, and his other hand reaches down to your lower region. “I even wore a pretty outfit for you today. Such an ungrateful doll...” 
He tugs on your pajama shorts, dragging them down to your knees along with your underwear. You shake your hand and beg unintelligibly, “Please don’t.” You clench your thighs together, but he forces them open and leans back to take your bottoms off completely. The weather feels like it’s dropped to negative degrees as you shiver and he gently hushes you when you begin to sob. 
“Oh doll, there’s no reason to cry yet,” he sighs in fake empathy, “I just really, really want to fuck you.” He heaves his shirt over his head, and that’s when you get a glimpse of his so-called “pretty outfit”. The black garment is familiar because it's the merchandise of an indie band with its flamboyant logo; you know you’ve seen someone else wear it today. He has to use both hands to take it off completely, and once it’s off, your wails echo in the deserted land as he ties it around your mouth. It’s Jimin’s outfit. “Don’t take your eyes off of me. I love having your attention.” His voice is a mere breath, filled with anticipation to touch you.
He slides down to your knees as he continues to undress himself. He’s throbbing under the uncomfortable fabric of the tight jeans, and instead of attacking him with your now free hands, you cover your face stained with tears as you cry. You feel like you’re having a heart attack as your gut churns in defeat; there’s no point in fighting a man who might’ve killed your classmate, a fox no less.
The moment his pants are down his thighs, his stiff length grazes his stomach before he palms it and rubs himself up and down your folds. Your heat is damp with your natural discharge, but it’s so warm and he feels so aroused as a moan slips past his luscious lips. “You must think I’m so rude,” he whispers and hovers over your face, “I haven’t even introduced myself and yet I’m already marking you.”
He whines cutely at a particular tingle before saying, “My name’s Taehyung. I’d love to hear you moan it, but you’re just so naughty.” His emphasis is airy, and you’re terrified by the contrast of his soft tone and rough actions. He’s calculated, but also very reckless; almost amateur as he begins to position himself by your entrance.
Your words are gibberish as you repeat: “No, no, please no!” He clicks his tongue in response and locks eyes with you just before he shoves his cock inside, no adjustment whatsoever as his pitch grows higher in wonderment. He’s down to the hilt, and the fabric in your mouth isn’t enough to drown out your scream of pain. The stretch is excruciating. His eyes screw back as he loses himself in you, and it’s as if he’s lost all control when he starts slamming into you at an unforgiving pace. 
As opposed to your protests, he starts chanting, “Yes, yes, fuck yes, my perfect little doll.” He’s never had intercourse with a human before, but it’s not up for comparison when he’s feeling so heavenly because of your tightness. You’re pulsating around him, walls clenching in discomfort because you’re in so much agony. You push his shoulders, but it’s futile as he doesn’t budge in the slightest; he almost appears possessed, but his loud moans disprove the theory. 
He can’t form coherent words, and neither can you. If you weren’t in such a shock, you’d be encouraging him to be louder in case anyone is nearby to help you. You thrash under him, but your movements are limited because of his firm build. You beg and beg, but he is animalistic with his chase for his high. The sound of slapping skin have no pauses in between because of his pace, and dare he admit that the predator in him enjoys your attempts at getting away. It makes it so much more fun for him, but he’s unable to savour it from how your pussy sucks him in so deliciously. "You feel so fucking good, I'm going crazy."
Once he’s gained some of his sensibility back, he latches onto your neck to lick and bite you. You pull at his hair to yank him away, his canine teeth sinking into your flesh for a second before he moves onto another spot. His torture is endless, and his growls scare you enough to remove your hand and shake like a leaf under him. He wants to taste all of you, and you can't serve as an obstacle.
“Pet my ears,” he grunts, “touch me, touch me, dolly.” 
The initial pain is starting to subside, and your thoughts are coming together although they’re hazed. You’re still aching, but you know he just dropped you a hint; the sooner he’s satisfied, the earlier this nightmare ends. Your fingertips stroke the back of his twitching ear. His fur is so velvety, and petting him is the least bad part about this experience. You must be doing something right, because he’s getting so noisy that there’s no way someone would miss you now. You suck your teeth with a hiss as he sets an impossibly rapid rate, rearranging your guts with every snap of his hips. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he cries breathlessly. His release washes over him as spurts of cum paint your throbbing walls in white, and you’re relieved that this is the end. 
His intakes of air are hot on your skin as his breath fans the crook of your neck. Your stomach drops the moment he murmurs his next words, “I want to do it again.”
“Hey!” a gruff voice interrupts his huffs, and your whole world lights up when you see a man in a uniform with a flashlight over your heaving nude bodies. Taehyung is surprised that he didn’t catch the man’s footsteps when he walked over. “This is indecent exposure, you know–” the security officer goes quiet in shock when he notices the perk of Taehyung’s ears, and then the stiff, unmoving tail behind. “What the fuck?”
Taehyung rolls off of you before disappearing from your sight in a single second. He is stealthy and quick, and his footsteps are light when he leaves; presumably shifting as he goes. The guard attempts to chase after him before stopping in front of you. His eyes trail down your figure before he looks away in disgust. “Goddammit, kid, put your clothes back on.” 
“Thank you so much,” you choke on your tears of joy as you ignore the ache in your thighs, the swelling in your heart and your suffocating turmoil. You stand up on wobbly knees and slowly dress yourself. The officer has his back facing you while you change, and you’re grateful he doesn’t witness how fragile you are. 
“What are you thanking me for?” he asks after a moment of prolonged silence.
“H-He was raping me,” you speak in a hushed tone, “and I think h-he killed my classmate.”
“Shit,” he mutters under his breath. “I’ll go notify the police. Are you staying in the motel?”
When you return back to your room with the company of your savior, you’re hurting everywhere and sleep comes to you easily from all the crying you’ve done. You wake up from a knock on your door, and it’s early in the morning as your teacher says, “Pack up dear, we’re leaving in half an hour.”
They found the clothes, you note when you limp outside with your bag dragging you down. There are dried tear stains on your cheeks when you step on the open bus, and you see a bunch of cops surrounding the forest through the window. Jimin isn’t inside, and you shake your head with pursed lips as sobs bubble up in your throat. This feels nothing short of a nightmare. 
The class is informed of Jimin’s disappearance after taking off, and you lean your head against the window as the driver recklessly drives. Your vision is blurred with tears as you watch the forest, but it doesn’t distort it enough for you to miss the flash of a blood red tail skip between the trees, following the path of your transport.
After all, foxes are known for being fast. There’s no way this one wouldn’t be able to track you down sooner or later, your scent bringing you back to him.
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sxdmoonchxld · 4 years
Proven Wrong | KTH
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Taehyung x reader
Words: 4k+
Genre: smut
Warnings: Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Fingerfucking, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Begging, Multiple Orgasms, Very Big Dick Tae, Like Scary Big, Like Gut Splitting Big, Unrealistic Sex, Belly Bulge, Bad Dirty Talk, Unprotected Sex, Gets A Little Dubious Consent Towards The End
Summary: You call his dick small. He proves that it’s not, by wrecking your pussy ;)
a/n: again i use to be lizardsocial. this was my most popular story on here so im bringing it back as well. i think you can find the original one on here somewhere. i don’t expect it to get half as many notes it did the first time but thas okai. i’ve edited kinda heavily so it's a little different from the original. its filthier. anywhos. Enjoy!
Loud music blasted throughout your apartment, the rumbling bass from the speakers reverberated through your bedroom walls. Pictures and posters rippled with each vibration, struggling to retain their original position. You groaned in annoyance, you honestly thought your request was quite simple. Just a couple of hours. 120 minutes of quietness was all you asked for so that you could study for your upcoming calculus test. He knew how important this exam was to you. He evened 'pinky promise, cross your heart hope to die'. That he would give you the silence needed to stay focused. And everyone knew you don't break a pinky promise.
Even now in your annoyance, his voice still played on a constant loop in your head.
"Oh! Yea ___, not a problem. I can keep it quiet for you. So don't you worry a hair on your pretty little head!" Taehyung had said, waving his hand in the air feigning nonchalance.
That cute signature boxy smile of his planted face. You actually thought that for once he would keep his word, and you could get some precious studying time, but no. The tiny 2-bedroom shared apartment was full of heavy jazz music and high-pitched shrieking from what sounded like a cat being skinned alive. Who even listens to jazz music when trying to fuck?
The last thread of patience had now been pulled too thin and finally snapped. Your desire to study was gone with the wind, and in its place, irritability and wrath began to take root. You slammed your laptop closed and threw it to the end of the bed along with your papers and textbook. Jumping out of bed, you stomped your way out of the bedroom, eyes searching frantically for your target.
"Taehyung!" You yelled once you began to process the scene that was in front of you. The living room was in shambles, Taehyung's phone was hooked up to the speaker, the volume loud enough you swore angels in heaven could hear. An empty soda bottle, chip bags and clothes littered the floor. Don't even get you started on the couch pillows! Your one of a kind thrift finds were strewn all over the place. You felt your blood pressure rising, the vein at your temple fattening in rage and pulsing wildly. Your jaw threatening to ache from how hard you were grinding your teeth out of anger.
Your eyes investigated the vicinity for Taehyung and low and behold there he was on the now bare couch. Lying underneath him was the source of the vexatious screeches. He was dry humping on some random chick with his mouth fiercely attached to her neck, deep purple bruises vivid from where you stood across the room. You rolled your eyes at the pair. You knew damn well Taehyung's thin lips and weak thrusts didn't call for all that useless screaming. 
You stomped over to the speaker, your sock padded feet slapping against the hardwood floor, and yanked the cord from the wall. Already the apartment was halfway quiet except for the banshee that was still squawking her head off.
"Hey! Shut the fuck up with all that noise!" You roared, scaring the girl and finally bringing their attention to your heated figure. Taehyung separated his lips from the girl's neck with a wet smack dislodging himself from between her spread thighs.
"Y/n, so nice of you to join us. How is studying going?" Taehyung spoke with a grin plastered on his handsome face. You resisted the urge to reach out and slap it off. He knew that you couldn't or anybody for a fact, could study with all the noise that was just previously filling the confines of the apartment. Yet here he was playing with the smidge of patience you had left by trying to simulate naiveté.
"All I asked was for you to be silent so that I could study for my upcoming test, and you said that you would. But instead, I am interrupted by your noisy ass music. Jazz music at that and this bitch here screaming at the top of her lungs!" You growled out between clenched teeth. The female gasped at your words embarrassment transforming her features, while Taehyung sat there with a blank look on his face, apparently unamused with your little rant.
"Oh my! Please excuse my rude roommate Mino. Obviously, her parents forgot to teach her basic manners. Let me walk you to the door." Taehyung spoke his fluffy curls swaying with the shakes of his head. A look of disappointment aimed your way as he began helping her gather her things and walking her to the front door.
"Umm, actually my name is Mina." She corrected Taehyung, but you could see it on his face that he could care less about the girl's name. Taehyung looked at her for a few seconds, as if he was processing the correct information of the girl's name.
"Yeah. Mona, that's what I said, isn't it?" Taehyung deadpanned, pushing her through the front door. Mina huffed at the fact that Taehyung continued to get her name wrong. You observed the pitiful interaction as you began to clean up the mess they made. You could tell from the look in Mina's eyes that she wanted more with Taehyung, but you knew that would never happen. Taehyung was a manwhore, a fuckboy, man thot, whatever the preferred term was. He had a new girl every night, and if he did try the whole "relationship smorgasbord" as he called it. The relationship usually didn't last for more than a week, before he was on to his next conquest.
"Tae?" You questioned meekly.
"Hmm?" He hummed head-turning slightly in your direction.
"Why do you do these things to me." You were genuinely curious as to why he made it his mission to push your every button. This wasn't the first time his action has hindered you from completing an important task. You just didn't understand why he chose to make your life more complicated than it already was.
"Awe is little __ j-jealous?" Taehyung taunted in a high-pitched voice used to entertain babies or puppies.
"Huh?!" You gasped choking on your saliva.  Shit, you almost gave yourself whiplash with how fast you swung your neck to make full eye contact.
"Did you wish that was you, I was grinding on?" Taehyung continued to taunt as he walked into the kitchen to rinse his mouth out with water. That Mina girl had put way too much perfume on her neck. Now he was left with a sour aftertaste in his mouth. It tasted cheap, and Taehyung didn't do cheap.
If he was sincere with himself, he did wish it was you he was giving all his attention instead of these random girls. He considered you cute and innocent, with an air of sexiness. That he was pretty sure you weren't conscious of. In all actuality, Taehyung was smitten with you from the first time he saw when you came to ask about the roommate needed sign he had posted. The cute little freshman with a quirky personality and full of ambition. Those first 10 minutes of meeting you had him sprung like no other.  You were way different from the usual girls he was used to. Which shouldn't be much of a surprise since most just wanted to fuck, have money spent on them. Oh! Of course, the bragging rights, that they actually got to fuck THE Kim Taehyung.
Don't get him wrong, there had been a countless amount of times he had tried to gain your attention. But you were too busy holed up in your room with your pretty little head stuck in a book to give him the time of day. So instead Taehyung reverted back to his middle school ways and chose to torment and irritating you as a way to receive some type of reaction from you. He would take whatever he could get, he was becoming that desperate.
"What exactly did I have to be jealous of? You do know she was faking it right? I didn't think you to be so naive Tae, because you and I both know that them thin ass lips-" You stopped to point at the box that made up his mouth. "And that speck in your pants that you call a dick can't make anyone scream." You declared assuredly, moving your pointer finger down to his crotch. Pride and confidence swelled in your chest at the insult thrown at him. 'Good one __'
Taehyung spat out the water he was swishing around in his mouth and whipped his head in your direction. Did you just stand there and try to insult his manhood? Nah, clearly his hearing had to be a little off, right?
"Excuse me, what did you just say? My ears must be failing me." Taehyung said wiping the stray droplets of water from his mouth, sticking a finger in his ear to loosen the imaginary earwax there. Amused, he sauntered towards you, a ghost of a smirk rising on his face.
"You heard me, Mr.Kim. Your micropenis couldn't pleasure anything but your hand if even that." You said backing up, as he prowled closer to you, his shoulder in a tense bunch raised close to his ears. Any amusement his face could have held was gone, in its place was a dark, unreadable expression. His mouth fixed in a firm line, and the tip of his ears blossomed red. Flames of anger and lust flashing in his chocolate eyes.
"My sweet __, nothing about me is little. I can guarantee that." Taehyung growled out, his already deep voice deepened in tone. You scoffed trying to portray indifference but continued backing away from his advancing until your back made contact with the wall. Shit.
Taehyung placed his hands beside your head, caging you in. Your eyes fluttered softly as you breathe in his rich cologne encased your senses, dark, woodsy with just a hit of a floral note. His eyes roamed your face, taking in your features before settling on your lips. You self-consciously licked them before tucking them between your teeth. Taehyung leaned his face closer to yours.
"Such a pretty little mouth you have. Has anyone told you how troublesome it could be though?" Taehyung questioned, his thumb on his left coming up to your upper lip.
You could feel your heart beating against your ribcage, feel your cheeks heat up, and dare you say; a gush of wetness in the seat of your boy shorts.  The sexual tension was too powerful for your weak defences. Against your better judgment, you let your eyes flutter closed, and lips pucker expectantly anticipating the moment his lips would meet yours. Except Taehyung had other plans.
He shifted his head to the right, placing a gentle kiss on the lobe of your ear. Slowly moving his lips up to the outer shell of your ear.
You couldn't help the surprised moan that left your mouth as you unconsciously tilted your head back, offering your neck to his probing advances.
"Would you like me to prove you wrong?" Taehyung challenged in a whisper. His deep voice sending shocks of pleasure zinging down your spine. He trailed his lips down your neck, pressing gentle kisses against the surface. You had to choke back the moan that threatened to escape you at the feeling of his soft lips on your neck.
"N-no, Taehyung." You panted breathlessly.
"I don't feel like finding my glasses to look at something too small for the naked eye to see." You spoke, resolute on getting in one last insult. Taehyung pulled his face away from your neck, growling at your words.
"Haha, hilarious." He laughed humorously.
He pulled your body away from the wall, hoisted you up over his shoulder with a small grunt, and made his way to his bedroom. Kicking the door open before unceremoniously throwing you on his plush king-sized bed. 'Not good'.
Taehyung stood at the edge of the bed staring at you with unadulterated lust clouding his eyes. His chest heaved heavily with anger or arousal, you weren't sure. But based on the sizable tent in his pants, you could guess the latter.
"Taehyung! I already told you I don't want to see your baby-." You started but was cut off by Taehyung grabbing your ankles and pulling you roughly to the edge of the bed, pouncing on you. His lips met yours in a kiss that stole your breath away. The kiss was sensual and firm, but you could tell he was holding back.
Taehyung snaked his hand up your body, and into your hair, giving it a sharp tug. You gasped at the slight pain giving him a clear path to ease his tongue into your mouth, coiling itself around your own, deepening the kiss further. He thoroughly explored your mouth not leaving one surfaced untouched by his tongue, greedily swallowing your needy moans. Fuck he tasted good. Like oranges and burnt sugar.
Taehyung detached from your mouth to remove his shirt and to help you remove your tank top as-well. Your nipples pebbling from the chilly air and arousal. His eyes studied your body, you wanted so badly to shield yourself away from his unwavering stare.
"You're so beautiful. I've waited so long for this." Taehyung whispered before attacking your throat with kisses. You whined out in pleasure, your hips bucking up with every love bite he delivered, your body was aching in need for more.
"Tae. P-please more. G-give me m-more." You keened in between pants of air.
Your hips now undulated in tiny circles as Taehyung trailed his kisses down your neck, to your breast. He sucked and bit the soft skin around your nipple lightly. Soon his tongue gently wrapped around your nipple, sucking it into his warm mouth, while his hand teased the other breast, kneading and pinching your nipple. Your moans were increasing in volume, at his assault.
Your legs widened on their own accord, making more room for Taehyung. Your pussy was weeping profusely. The boy shorts you were wearing were thoroughly drenched, and with each movement of your hips, your arousal perfumed the air. Releasing your nipple, he continued his way down your chest, moving his lips across your stomach. Down, down he goes until he's kissing you down to where your torso joins your pelvis. He trained his eyes on you, eager to see your reaction as he pulled your boy shorts off from your body with a wet smack.
"Tell me what you want love. Use your big girl voice for me." Taehyung cooed in a provoking tone. You would have told him to fuck off if it wasn't for his mouth hovering right over your clenching core, his hot breath attacking your pussy lips.
"Cat got your tongue? You sure did have a lot of things to say earlier." Taehyung teased once more. You moaned with each word he said, your hips thrusting upwards, hoping to find his mouth.
"Please! Just touch my pussy, lick it, do something! Stop teasing me!" You urged, bringing your hands up to stimulate your breast, you didn't know how much more teasing you could take. You could feel your essence seeping between your ass cheeks and coating the bed. The dull ache in your stomach was intensifying, and he had barely touched you.
"Mmm, well since you begged nicely." Taehyung replied, wasting no time in attacking your pussy. His broad tongue licked wide strips up against your pussy. Splitting your lips with the appendage with each pass to dip his tongue into your pulsating hole. Your hands found his soft brown hair as your back arched off the bed, pushing your cunt deeper into his face.
"Y-yeahfuck! Like that it's so good!" You whined slurring your words.
Taehyung shifted his probing muscle's attention to your clit, attacking it with kitten licks. You shouted loudly, as your thighs were beginning to shake. The coil in your stomach tightening almost painfully. He wrapped his strong arms around your thighs, your knees were hitched higher up almost touching your chest in this position.
But this way, he had much more leverage to devour you. The comforter on his bed bunching uncomfortably beneath your ass but at this moment you gave zero fucks. Taehyung had total control now, showing no remorse as your upper body thrashed about on the bed. Your hands were no longer able to reach his hair, so you opted for your own instead, pulling harshly on your roots.
"Fuck, Taehyung!" You wailed shrilly. Taehyung chuckled at the sounds you were making, remembering your words from earlier he couldn't wait to hear what you sounded like taking his dick.
He then rubbed two thick fingers in the abundance of fluids that your pussy was producing and gently eased them into your tight core.
"Not only is baby girl surprisingly noisy, but she's also pretty tight too." You clenched even more around his fingers, your wall throbbing wildly around them.  
"I can't wait to feel you around my dick." Taehyung moaned sucking your clit into his mouth, delivering hard sucks as his fingers pumped into you at a moderate speed. Sadly, the introduction of his fingers was your undoing. You couldn't help as your legs stuck straight in the air. Body arching off the bed and bowed forward as your orgasm hit you like a freight train knocking the wind from your lungs.
Your eyes were shut tightly, and your mouth hung open in a silent scream as your body convulsed from the intensity of your orgasm. Taehyung had a hard time holding you down but continued his assault on your creaming pussy. He slurped as much of your cream as he could, absolutely addicted to the way you tasted.
"T-Tae, stop-p." You called out to him pathetically. Your intense orgasm had passed, but he was still thrusting shallowly inside your tight core, lapping at your clit. The oversensitivity was becoming too much, as you struggled to wiggle away from him. Taehyung withdrew his fingers and ceased his licking with one last kiss on your clit, making you flinch at the contact.
Taehyung beheld your fucked out appearance with pride. Your legs splayed open, displaying your spasming cunt. The way your chest was swiftly rising and falling as you struggled to catch your breath. Your hair stood up in every direction from your previous pulling, body trembling with aftershocks, and all he did was eat you out and finger you.
"Wow." You mumbled your eyes closing, sleep trying to claim you.
"Oh, nonono. I'm not done with you yet." Taehyung proclaimed, flipping you onto your stomach. He had to admit he was the hardest he had ever been in his life. His pants were now unbearably tight, and a wet spot at the crotch of his pants started to become visible. Taehyung tugged the offending material off hissing as his massive erection made contact with the air, free from being confined. You lifted yourself with jelly arms onto your knees, wanting to see what the commotion was behind you.
You choked on your spit for the second time today, as your eyes made contact with the angry red monster Taehyung called his cock. Not only was he unbelievably thick; a little bigger than your wrist, but he was also long. In his hands was the living definition of a third leg. He was crazy if he actually thought that would fit inside of you?
"Fuck that shit!" You cursed trying to scramble to the headboard of the bed, but Taehyung halted your escape, grabbing your ankles and yanking you back.
He would have laughed at your reaction, but he was too turned on, there was so much blood rushing to his cock he felt lightheaded. He wasted no time in putting you back in your previous position. Pulling your ass up so that it was sticking in the air and your torso was lying flat on the bed, his hands gripping your hips hard enough to bruise.
"Tae! Wait...you can't be serious!" You tried pleading with him terrified that thing he called his dick was going to tear you apart.
"Not so little am I baby?" He snickered
Don't worry, you can take it I'll go slow." Taehyung groaned his voice strained, his arousal was beginning to take a toll on him. Taehyung grabbed his shaft and brought the bulbous tip of his cock to rub against your clit. You mewled with pleasure, his tip was hot and the pre-come he was leaking added to the sensation of relaxing and reigniting your body.
Taehyung continued to stroke his tip along your clit thoroughly coating it with your thick fluids. He placed the thick head at your entrance, your juices helping him to slide in. He watched in amazement as your leftover cum gather around the head of his cock in a coating out creamy white. Your body tensed up at the massive intrusion, your cunt pulsated wildly around him, drawing a deep groan from his throat.
"Baby relax, you're squeezing so tight." Taehyung moaned out affected by your spasming core. He reached his hand underneath your body and strummed at your clit once again, coxing you to relax.
Taehyung took your distraction as his cue to shove the offending length inside your prone pussy. You squealed at the sudden fullness and intense burning. Bucking your hips, trying to dislodge him. It was too much to take, especially at this position. Your pussy was going to rip in half.
"B-bi-iig-g. To-o mu-ch." You whined out stuttering horribly.
Taehyung gripped your hips harder to stop your fitful twisting and bucking. He felt as though he was about to explode you were so damn tight and wet, your bucking didn't help his case any either. He didn't wait this long to finish early. He refused to be a one pump chump. Taehyung reached his hand back underneath your body to locate your clit, rubbing it in firm tight circles, to help relax you, and sure enough; like magic, after you adjusted to his massive size, your body was suddenly filled with mind-numbing pleasure. Your whimpers turned into loud groans as you threw your hips back onto Taehyung, giving him the okay to start moving.
"Hell yeah. That's it, baby girl work this tight little cunt on my cock." He grunts before he withdrew his length and slammed back in, his dick splitting your sensitive walls, hitting every spot inside your clenching cunt. His strokes were fast, broad, and powerful, never had you felt so full in your life. Your mouth was gaped open, as shrieks of pleasure fell from your jaws, drool dripped from your lips, and dots blurred your vision. You could feel him in your guts, branding himself inside you. The coil in your stomach was quickly tightening, ready to release what was no doubt, going to be the most intense orgasm your body was about to experience. Taehyung could feel your core tightening up further, your tight little pussy was far better than he could have expected, he wanted to punch himself for waiting this long to indulge in you.
"You're taking this big cock so well, baby. Such a good girl." Taehyung growled.
"But I have a secret to tell you." You shivered as he stopped mid-stroke. You felt the warmth and damp skin of his torso drape over your back. Like pudding in his hands. You didn't even flinch as he brought his large callused hands up through the part in your breast to wrap around your throat.
Ever so slightly he squeezed the sides of your neck, you felt him throb in your stomach as you clenched even tighter around him at the action. Slowly he lifted your head up with his hand still on your neck. Again he squeezed. Bringing his lips down to your ear, he said, "Would you believe me if I said you're only taking half of me in."
The way your jaw dropped and your eyes bugged out of your head would have been comical. If you weren't genuinely terrified, that is.
"O-nly half! That's impossible I swear your touch my small intestine already." You tried to look back to see if he was lying or not, but he tightened his hold on your neck, forcing your head back to look up at him. Your body was now bowed in an almost perfect 'C' shape. You felt his other hand snake around your abdomen and press on the bulge that was his cock poking through your stomach. Again he throbbed in excitement.
"You were talking such a big game earlier baby girl, what happened? Surely you could all of a dick that's as little as mine. Right?" Taehyung scolded in your ear.
Little by little, he began pulling you more on his cock by your neck. And fuck he really wasn't lying he really had more length to feed your cunt.
"Ta-ae, pleaseplease n-o more-e, I can't take it m-my stomach hurts." You whined
"Hmm? But you're so close to taking all of me in. Just a few more inches, and I'll be all in." He responded.
Not wasting any more time he released your neck, and before you could fall down to the bed. He locked his fingers in your hair and firmly yanked, lifting you off the mattress, and into his arms, allowing himself the rest of the way in.
You screamed out as his hips met your ass with a wet smack. The increase in pressure coupled with the new position broke the levee to your release. You trembled uncontrollably as your orgasm started from your toes. Quickly spreading to your arms and head before finally spreading throughout your whole body, you were rendered speechless as your orgasm claimed you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as a burst of white light flashed behind your eyes, incoherent sounds of what was supposed to be Taehyung's name filled the space around you.
Through it all Taehyung continued to fuck into you almost violently, allowing your cores convulsions to wash over him. His body dripped with sweat as he briefly picked up his speed, his hips beginning to stutter. He held your thrashing body close to his as delivered his last couple of thrusts before moaning loudly and exploding his hot seed inside of your wrecked cunt.
You both fell breathlessly on the mattress, sweat polishing your skin, exhaustion quickly making its way to claim you. Taehyung pulled slowly out of your battered and swollen pussy. On wobbly legs, walked to the restroom to get a washcloth to clean the mess that was between your thighs. You moaned at the textured touch of the cloth and the dampness of it soothing the hot burn from your pussy.
Your whole body was numb, and you were utterly worn out, so much so, that when Taehyung pulled you into his arms, you didn't even argue.
In the morning you will definitely be having a word with him. But for now, you let his racing heartbeat lull you to some much-needed sleep.
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