#he looks so buff and thicc?
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girrllll dinnerrrr
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bigwishes · 7 months
Terms and Conditions
Levi arrived at the train station late at night. Nobody else was on the train on his way home let alone on the platform when he got off. Levi took his ear phones out of his pocket ready for for his walk home but to his disappointment realised they were dead. He sighed folding up his earphone case shoving it back in his pocket preparing for the quite walk home in the dark. As Levi approached the station exit he heard what sounded like arcade music and saw flashing lights out of the corner of his eye. Tucked away in a small room was a table set up, arcade music was playing in the room as cheap disco lasers spun around. On either side of the table were posters of chiselled abs with the words "FREE TRANSFORMATION BECOME THE ULTIMATE MAN" written over the top in what looked to be a rushed photoshop job. Levi had been thinking about getting a personal trainer for a few weeks now and he didn't want to pass up on the chance for a free session or two, even if the trainer was this bad at advertising. He looked around for any information but all he could see was a QR code taped down to the middle of the table. Levi scanned it and it took him to a website just as corny and asked him to upload his 'before' photo. Shrugging it off he scrolled through his photos and selected one he had taken on a night out a few weeks earlier.
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Once uploaded the website brought up a page 'TERMS AND CONDITIONS'. Levi began reading but after the first sentence assumed it was the basic bullshit all websites have, he tried to skim read it but after realising that the terms and conditions document was over 400 pages long he just speedily scrolled his way to the bottom ignoring all of it until a large blue button labelled 'ACCEPT' showed up. Levi pressed the button and his phones web browser instantly closed. Levi tried to do the whole process all over again but the browser couldn't even open the website anymore. Rolling his eyes in disappointment it became clear whoever was running this program was struggling to get their career off the ground because they were so bad at marketing or even basic tech. He put his phone in his pocket and left the station to head home and go to bed.
The next morning Levi woke up and felt groggy, his body was sore all over like he had just done a week long boot camp and he felt slightly heavier. He stretched and felt like his shoulds and quads were much tighter than usual. He put one hand on his shoulder to try and help stretch it but it felt larger, bulkier...
Looking down he saw that his shorts had split open in the middle of the night and out of the shredded fabric poked strong thicc smooth muscles. his abs were more defined and and his arms were pumped up with definition. He had always been fit but somehow over night had transformed into a complete jock. He covered himself up and took a picture, surely this was all just a dream.
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Whilst trying to find his gallery he came across a new app on his phone labelled 'Ultimate Man' when he opened it he was saw just a page that looked like it was written in the notes app with a few sentences on it.
"congratulations on embracing masculinity, through your free transformation we are going to turn you into the ultimate man! get ready to embrace manhood big guy"
Levi cringed at the terribly written message but whoever was behind it clearly was doing something right, even if they came off like an idiot.
Suddenly Levi began to feel warm and could feel his heart pumping. But it didn't feel like exercise or even anything strenuous it just felt like he could really notice all of the blood in his body moving around. Levi felt himself get hard and he looked down under the covers. Even his dick looked bigger. He opened up his browser app and went to his favourite website to look at videos and images of hot guys. On the home page happened to be an image of a buff Olympic swimmer climbing out of the pool, instantly Levi moaned as he came without even touching himself. He looked down at his twitching manhood, it continued to drool over his bare abs. He cleaned himself up and put a pair of shorts on and tried to make his way to the kitchen. It didn't even take two steps before Levi moaned loudly again and his knees locked together causing him to fall to the floor. He felt his underwear fill with warms and he felt his dick pulse and twitch, he took a breath thinking it was over before it fired off again.
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Levi squirmed on the ground moaning unable to stop as his body forcefully went through cycles of pleasure. He didn't even have the strength to sit up. His shorts had become drenched and were stuck to him but it didn't stop. Levi tried to take them off but his hands never even made it to the waist band he simply stopped and massaged his throbbing pelvis as waves of pleasure were sent up to the rest of his body. He didn't know what was happening and couldn't even think he just laid on his bedroom floor squirming in pleasure as he was forced to come over and over again.
After a few hours it finally stopped. Levi was stuck on the ground panting like a dog in summer but after a few minutes he was able to pick himself up. He pulled off his shorts now 3 shades darker and coated in a layer of sticky gloss. He went to put them in the wash basket but ended up just dropping them on the ground next to his bed and by the time the loud wet *shlop* of his shorts finished echoing around the room he had already forgotten about wanting to wash them.
Levi put on a basic black shirt and another pair of shorts, both felt so tight it was almost like a second skin. He passed the mirror in his hallway once again he looked bigger, more defined and the imprint of his dick stood out like a sore thumb. He was still hard and his sorts were so tight every second step made him wince in a mix of pain and pleasure as he had become so sensitive down below.
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Levi went to make breakfast and realised it was almost lunch
"fuck I really need to get to the gym"
he thought to himself, forgetting that he didn't even have a gym membership. Mindlessly Levi started to make his way to his car and drove to the closest gym. He was panting like a dog the entire way as the vibrations from the car gently stimulated his manhood but to him it felt like the best pleasure his dick had ever received. He felt his shirt and shorts become tighter, a few tears began to form around his thighs and the shirt started to ride up revealing his abs, it was almost like his clothes were shrinking. His toes curled as his shoes felt tighter. Finally he arrived at the gym.
Levi needed to take a moment after parking his car, he was still panting and he couldn't help but rub his groin which alone was enough to make him feel like he was edging. After almost half an hour of sitting in his car trying to collect himself he finally got out and made his way to the gym entrance. His car somehow looked smaller to him, and all his clothes felt like one wrong move and they'd all rip off. He tried his best to pull his shirt down to his waist but there was still a few inches of skin that could be seen. His shorts where the worst, he could see in the reflection of the gym windows how they hugged his thighs forming a nice V shape and he could feel how they rode up his ass, like he'd put on a pair 6 sizes too small.
Levi opened the door and went to the reception desk as his body began to feel warm again. He rapidly dinged the bell on the desk a few times before hearing a slight click noise, looking down he noticed the top of the bell had caved in and he gritted his teeth with a slight look of embarrassment on his face. A receptionist walked over from the other side of the desk and took one look at Levi, without even thinking he said,
"forgot you member ship again big guy?"
the trainer sighed and buzzed the small plastic gates open, Levi was confused but didn't question it, he quickly walked through the gates feeling desperate to work out. As he walked he felt his thighs now rubbing against each other, he felts he biceps and pushing past his pecs as his arms swung, and he felt the monster python in his pants creep slightly further to the elastic in his underwear.
Levi set up the cable machine almost by instinct. He began pulling the weight and didn't even realise he had it set to the most weight possible, and it didn't even feel like anything.
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His shirt felt tighter and tighter as the sleeves pulled up above his biceps and the waist pulled up almost to his pecs, by now it looks like he was wearing a crop top. Levi struggled to pull his shirt off and was stunned by the amount of mass on his body. He could barely pull his eyes away from the mirror as he watched himself workout, he was hypnotised by the way his biceps moved and the way his pecs bounced with each movement.
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Levi felt himself get heavier and heavier to the point simply moving between machines now had him out of breath, his shorts were now so tight and pulled up they practically looked like a thong. Finally Levi stopped working out feeling the enormous weight of his size falling on his. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and stared at the freakishly massive man in the mirror.
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He took a step back whilst flexing and felt something bump up against his ass. He turned around expecting it to be a bench but it was one of the gym staff.
"hey man, watch where you step hahah" the staff member laughed
It took Levi a minute to get the joke, he thought the staff member was sitting at first, but his eyes widened as he realised he was in fact standing. Levi scratched his head trying to work out if this guy just happened to be short but it was hard to work out when half his view was blocked by a massive shelf of his muscles that were his pecs. It was him finally realising he was half barefoot that finally made it click in his head. He looked in the mirror at the remains of his size 12 shoes torn to pieces and bits of fabric and rubber barely around his enormous feet.
He walked through the gym to the changing rooms trying to gauge how large he had become when he saw the weight station people used to track their stats. As he got closer to the station he watched the plank of wood used to measure height get smaller and smaller until he found himself in front, looking down at the number 8FT that was barely up to the bottom of his pecs. Levi stepped on the scales and watched the digital numbers rapidly shoot up until it began to slow around 700lsb. Levi took a deep breath as he moved his mass off the scale back down to the ground, even the 3 inch drop was enough to make small things on shelves near him rattle and shake.
Levi caught himself moving towards the changing room in the mirror, he thought he was walking normal but in reality he had a ridiculous wide waddle that took up the entire walk way. As he walked through the doors to the changing rooms a large thud caused everyone in the gym to turn their heads. Levi, not used to his new size had smashed his head into the door frame but it felt like someone had flicked him rather than walking face first into metal, as he took a second to recover he saw that the door frame had actually bent slightly from the impact.
The massive giant sat on the wooden bench alone in the changing room, it comedically bent in towards the centre, his massive weight almost causing it to bend to the ground. Levi scrolled his phone to find the app hoping there was a way to size down. He opened the app he saw a few notifications but clicked the latest one.
"Congratulations, you are almost the perfect man, one final step and you will be the optimal man! FINAL STEPS: Intellect deletion protocol and Personality Rewrite"
Immediately after reading those words Levi's head felt funny, felt almost blurry, all the embarrassment about turning into a literal giant went away, all the worries about clothes fitting him were gone and new feelings started to come in. Levi looked up into the changing room mirror and smiled.
He flexed his massive bicep
he rose his second arm to flex his other
He stood up once again feeling his insane weight
"Oh fuck, im so heavy, but damn, so big" He said as he struggled to reach across his own body to reach his bicep
His phone pinged loudly and Levi opened it to the app, but it looked like gibberish, he couldn't make out a single word, he scratched his head with confusion, Suddenly an audio file played
"Congratulations on becoming the Ultimate Man, we are currently offering a one time special offer for only the manliest of men, increase size by an additional 2 feet and 130 pounds, to claim say "I'm a manly man"
Levi's eyes lit up with glee, he didn't understand a single thing it said other than the words 'increase size' without missing a moment he yelled at his phone
He watched as his hands became thicker, watched as his dick print started to look like it was gonna rip through what was left of his clothes, his head turned to the mirror and he flexed his hulked out frame with all his might watching as it started to expand even bigger.
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"FUUUUUUCCCKKK YEEEEAAHHH MAN" He screamed panting, completely out of breath as the giant before him got bigger and bigger and it was almost too much for him to even move......
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b00tyliciousbabe · 5 months
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barbie tingz
marcus scribner x THICC male reader
summary: just marcus loving you like with his heart, soul, and FAT SCHLONG. slight feminisation - don’t kill me.
notes: LOVELIES! hope everyone is having a beautiful day. i wanted to let y’all know that i will be taking a lil break because it’s exam season. don’t be sad…because this means i have an entire summer of smutty content to write and catch up on! ps. each word in this fic is me being another squat closer to the fattest ass in the world. ENJOY!
ALSO! the met gala is tonight! my favourite event of the year, i might make a short rec…how do we feel about that?
song rec: ‘freak’ - victoria monét
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marcus was well on his way to establishing a name for himself in hollywood. booking new roles, alongside his debut as a director, he was on track for a career that would rival his mentors. but if you were to ask him what his biggest achievement was, he would say being with you. the corny mf has actually reiterated his adoration multiple times during interviews, and the world is obsessed with how lovestruck he was. aside from being social media’s favourite young couple, you, yourself, had a blossoming career in fashion that meant you were styling your man to make sure he looked good for his press tours.
notoriously, you garnered a reputation for EATING UP on the carpet - zendaya being your only competition. this ain’t no exaggeration, but every time you’d step out, those fits would break the internet. thus, when the news dropped that you’d be attending the premiere with your boyfriend, all eyes would be on you - yet again. having you on his arm, instantly elevated his aesthetic. not that he ever saw you as some pawn too boost his career, you meant the world to him, but your beauty as his trophy wife made him even more palatable. usually, you’d have an entire glam team by your side cultivating your iconic, polished look. but, you and marcus had both been working so hard, to the detriment of your relationship, and so you decided to spend the night at his, agreeing to do all the glam yourself.
‘Y/N,’ Marcus bellowed from downstairs, putting on his rings, and spraying cologne onto his clothes. ‘baby, we gotta go.’
‘Y/N! over here! to the left! Y/N!’ a flurry of paparazzi screamed. ‘the body is TEA!’ one reporter exclaimed, making you laugh.
you graciously blushed. they weren’t wrong, your pear-shaped figure, defined abs, and toned arms were nothing short of a sculpted masterpiece. amidst the bbl allegations on twitter, and every tabloid claiming to have the secret to getting an ass as perfect as yours, YOU were the standard. a beautiful, androgynous mix of allure and charm. not even chris evans, america’s ass, said that you had the best glutes in the industry. it was a thing of wonder; something so many lusted for, and even more desired to have a piece of whilst having you in backshots. there were an array of wolf whistles from the public whenever you walked, swiftly followed by a gaggle of photographers snapping shots of your post-gym bawd.
marcus soon joined you on the carpet after finishing up on his interview. if the sensory overstimulation of flashes and cheers wasn’t enough, this was heightened when marcus snaked his arm around your lower back. whispering sweet nothings into your ear, spectators were foaming at the mouth by his public proclamations of love, hiding your blush from the world.
‘don’t be shy,’ he said lifting your chin to his face. ‘there’s that smile I love.’ the whole crowd was gushing, you could’ve cringed at how clingy he was being in public, but found his confidence to do so, all the more endearing.
one thing that you sly liked about marcus, was how he jealous he could get, so many of his friends and industry buffs would come up to talk to you during the interviews, coming up for hugs, and even though he trusted you, his need to protect had him riled. marcus had a great relationship with all of his co-stars and they all became such a family over the filming process. you being there made the family even stronger, embodying the role of MOTHERRR in more ways than one, and they all appreciated your kindness. always there to soften the stressful tones of your bf’s criticism.
you were particularly close with his friend from another project, and due to mutual management you spent a lot of time in the same spaces. he came up and hugged you from behind, before being whisked away to speak with another reporter. all but a few seconds, lasted an eternity, the worst kind, burned into the possessive psyche of your man.
moments passed and it was time for group pictures on the carpet. you and marc were dead center, with his large hands gripping you tighter than usual. you looked up to see he was scowling, ‘lighten up bubs.’ you giggled, to which your bf fixed his face - he could never stay mad when you were always there to calm his demons. not long after, the same face screw, that made his nose look so cute came back, as he remembered the voices of the media resounding in his head.
‘damn I’d hit that.’
‘Marcus is one lucky mf to be all up in dat pussy’
‘I bet the recoil on that thing is insane.’
it infuriated him to hear how the public spoke about you, as if you were some object, and not the kind person he grew so enamoured with. ‘I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you gon’ beg me for mercy.’ he whispered , breaking that veneer of respectability for a brief moment, squeezing your butt, then turning back to smile at the cameras. you’d never seen that side to him, it’d be a lie to say it didn’t turn you on.
throughout the screening, he made sure to let you know that all your teasing would soon be dealt with. the vulgar remarks were still plaguing him, and you knew you were about to be on the receiving end of it. literally.
‘upstairs.’ he said sternly,
the two of you started kissing, unbuttoning his shirt as he unbuckled your pants to free the globes of juicy flesh he loved so much. strewn across the floor, all fear of creasing the custom couture outfit you were wearing had disappeared - the overwhelming desire to make love to your boyfriend clouded your judgement.
you get down to business, kneeling to align your lips with his cock head. ‘don’t take this the wrong way.’ marcus sighed, urging you to stand up, so frail against how tall your man stood.
‘Y/N, i just wanna fuck right now.’
you knew how badly he needed this, and a part of you liked how desperate he was to be inside you. but it was bizarre, marcus loved watching you suck him off, getting him all lubed to plough your hole, almost as much as you loved gagging on his meat. nonetheless, you obliged, bending over as you had your knees on the edge of the bed, hole puckering at the chill of the air. marcus grabbed your left cheek, caressing and massaging your upper hip.
‘so fucking soft.’ he whispers against your skin, kissing at your taint. it was as if he snapped out of his love drunk trance, and was left a primal shell of himself. he practically ripped off your underwear, leaving your naked bodies to rub up on each other as he scrambled to find lube.
‘fuuuuuuuk’ he groaned.
his thick schlong fit like a glove in your inviting hole, slick from your desire and his precum.
‘damn i missed that boy pussy’ - LIES. that man combusts if he isn’t inside of you at least 4 times a week - wtf was there to miss? this sentiment made you smile at how whipped he was for you though.
his pace quickened. pulling his entire length out of you, except his bulbous tip, and spitting directly on your pussy to get you even more slick. ‘hear that baby,’ he praised the ‘mac n cheese’ sloppiness of your hole. ‘your pussy was made for me.’ he was right; most guys love skinny twinks because their petite butts made their tops’ look hung. despite the voluptuous curves you had, you were ample in both chest and derrière making average look like a micro penis inside you. all but marcus. he overpowered you in ways no other man could, his thick, girthy cock stretched you out in a way that blurred the lines between pain and pleasure. not to mention his length, during your first time he could barely fit half in without it feeling like he was stabbing your insides. but after some practice, you started taking him - ALL of him.
his grunts deepened. ‘practically begging me to cum inside that hole.’ gripping your hair up fucking you in doggy. style. marcus began leaving love bites on your neck, marking you for all to see. his big hand crossed to caress your childbearing hips. whoever said men can’t get pregnant must’ve never accounted for marcus’ determination. his dick wanted to make you a mother so badly, and nothing was going to stop him trying.
‘you can take it.’ he praises. ‘all. of. it.’ slamming into you with a bold rhythm on his final three words. and that you could. your hole was heaven for him. every time he would enter, your thick meaty globes would bounce like jelly on his lower abdomen, making marcus even more inclined to give you your reward. you moaned out in ecstasy, your bodies were made for one another.
‘who’s pussy is this?’ his grip on your neck became tighter, still allowing you to moan out in response, ‘it’s yours marky, all yours.’ fuck. you were whipped, almost as much as he was. ‘that’s right baby, moan for me.’
‘scream like the little bitch you are.’ you and marcus both enjoyed the passion of rough sex, but this was something you hadn’t ever seen in him before. he was a beast and you loved it, way more than you could ever admit. there was something sweet about the high you were on as you were being impaled by his dick.
particularly, he relished in hearing your slutty cries, ‘music to my fucking ears.’ praising you ‘my pretty little slut, fuck yeah, you want my load.’
‘fuck yeah marc, give it to me please.’ you screeched, loving how hard he was clapping your cheeks.
‘shiiiiiiit, baby, fuuuuuck.’ he spouted, spilling his pearliness into your pussy. he used his thumbs to kneed the dough around your hips, losing himself in the bakery he so enjoyed visiting every morning for breakfast.
gently, he collapsed on top of you, still inside the warmth of your flesh. after a gentle make out sesh, cockwarming your boyfriend until he was soft, your bf brushed up against you. massaging your thick thighs, marcus tended to the bruises he gave, kissing them reassuringly. you ushered him to lay his head between your pecs, as he put his entire body weight onto you. he sighed deeply, feeling safe in your warm embrace. ‘marc, is everything okay?’ you stroke his face, as your fingers laced into his curls. he snickered groggily, ‘shouldn’t i be asking you the same thing?’ - a fair question because he litch just wrecked your shit. ‘real, but we both know that in a couple hours i’ll be fine.’ a silence filled the room, concern brewing in your heart. you played with his ear, knowing how he becomes putty in your hands. ‘fuuuuuck, you ain’t gon’ stop unless i talk, right?’ you kept quiet, trailing the tips of your fingers on his lobe. he sighed deeply, ‘i just get so possessive over you.’ his last words muffled by your ample bosom as he came to the realisation that the press’ words got to him more than he thought.
sitting up, marcus exhaled deeply. ‘i can’t even blame them for ogling, you’re so beautiful.’ ‘but u ain’t an object, and i hate that people treat you like that.’ you caressed his cheek with a loving care. ‘call it jealousy, possession, toxic - I don’t care. you’re all mine.’ marcus always felt the need to take care of what was his, doing better than what he had seen throughout his childhood.
you had an idea, trailing your fingers down his torso, circling his belly button, ‘why don’t you show me again?’ whispering into his ear as he breathed out in pleasure.
you kissed his cheek, before slowly massaging his dick tip, ‘how much do you love me.’
marcus turned you over. stroking and licking his ear, y’all were so intimate. he held onto the grooves of your waist, fucking into you slowly, marking your neck with his saliva.
‘you’re such a dream to me Y/N,’ he always had a way with words that made you smile like a school girl. ‘I was so selfish before, you didn’t even come.’ you always placed marcus’ pleasure above your own, but he was never satisfied with just brutalising your hole. he needed you to enjoy taking his dick, just as much as he enjoyed gaping your hole.
‘guess I’ll have to fuck another load in, to get one out of you.’ he joked, sucking on the sweet skin of your plump ass.
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Love's Remedy ༓ jjk (m) l ch. II
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✑ Summary: Jungkook is a romantic. He comes from a highly intelligent family who wants him to carry out the lineage. Being this way, he goes to college to be a pharmacist but his friends say college isn't just about studying! With a little persuasion, he goes to his first frat party thinking his hat will help him pick up a girl-or woman he means.
Pairing: STEM major!virgin!jungkook x STEM major!hot girl!reader
AU/genre: angst, smut, fluff, s2l, college au, mini-series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 2,783
Warnings: angry koo, jealous koo, gym rat koo, thicc thighs koo, protective koo, kook checks his abs out, koo gets in a physical fight with an aggressive jerk that involves punching, name-calling (half pint, hermit crab, b*tch, Bambi, honeysuckle, kookie), mention of blood (minor), jk is very cute and determined towards oc, oc has philophobia (fear of relationships), oc has poor self-esteem, cussing, bit of crying...sorry lot of warnings this chapter
Now Playing: seven, summertime sadness, she’s kerosene, angels like you+
A/N: Yes, I'm aware this chapter is short, still Jungkook is shirtless in half of this and I am not sorry. This chapter also gets heavy but I hope you enjoy! 💞
<< ch. I ༓ ch. II >> | series masterlist
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A week passes since the frat party and Jungkook hears nothing from you. He's reluctant to accept that you've likely already deleted his number but why else would you be radio silent? Why would someone like you ever be interested in a shy little nerd like him?
He's disappointed but when he gave you his number, it's not like he was expecting anything in return.
Well, he can’t stay hung up on you forever—he'll give you one more week. In the meantime, it’s 5 p.m and he’s off to do his daily lifting at the gym. He read somewhere online that evening is better for building strength, and that is exactly what he intends to do.
With a basic black tank top and gym shorts on, Jungkook scans the expanse of the facility. The place isn’t too crowded being that it’s nearly dinner time but it’s still moderate. He’s hoping Jackson will join him soon, considering they’re buddies now because isn’t that what guy friends do? Workout together?
When he makes his way to the weight room he quickly finds it's packed with guys double his size. Half of them look like they're upperclassmen while the other half is split between first-years like him and a small handful of women. He sheepishly strolls over to an empty pull-up bar, deciding to start with chin lifts.
Jungkook sets his water bottle on the ground, reaches for the handle, and lifts his body up until his chin is level with the bar, legs swing in the air slightly. He then extends his arms back out. The burn in his biceps feels good. He repeats the motion a few more times but has to stop when he hits six.
He takes a big swig of his water, already sweating evident from the tank top sticking to his back. The coolness of the water helps but between his own sweat and the sweat of others around him, Jungkook is tempted to throw his shirt off. Most of the men in the room aren’t wearing any more than shorts anyway so why can’t he?
Jungkook grasps the edges of his tank, pulling it up a little. How did his abs look? Were they good enough to show off? He’s working out diligently since 14 but he was still on the smaller side compared to the rest of his peers.
The mirror to his left helps him get a better look so he shifts his body over. When he does he catches a slight glimpse of a familiar face in the top right corner. Jungkook instantly drops his shirt, whipping his head around.
What were you doing in the weight room? And with some buff guy twice his size closely behind you? All he’s doing is staring at your ass in those tight purple shorts which so happens to have a matching crop top.
Jungkook scowls at the sight.
When you take a seat at one of the bench presses a couple of feet away, his eyes widen. The guy you came with stands behind your head as you lean back. He helps you set the barbell. It’s too far for Jungkook to hear what he’s telling you but he’s convinced it’s nothing good. Whoever this guy is he won’t stop grinning, and you’re grinning back!
You said you don’t do relationships. You said you'd think about going out with him. You said a lot of things but here you are with some guy that looks an awful lot like a boyfriend, how disgusting…
Fuck it.
Jungkook turns his eyes away from you, yanks his tank off, and grabs the pull-up bar again. He’s gonna knock ten of these out in one set.
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Shoulder-width apart, he keeps a steady pace though he makes sure to take deep breaths to prolong his stamina. His eyes fixate on the back wall of the weight room to avoid you and your supposedly new boo from getting in his head.
Apparently, you just didn’t want him. It’s fine. Jungkook exhales. It’s all fine.
After three sets of chin-ups, Jungkook releases himself from the bar to check his phone. He takes another glug of his water too.
Jackson: hey Kook, I was planning to join you at the gym today but I got my family in town tonight. Man, it’s only been a week….can you believe they’re here to visit already?
Jungkook: Wow, all I’ve gotten from my family is a short text saying good luck. They must miss you a lot but yeah, it’s no problem. We can work out another time?
Jackson: You got it bro. Thank you for understanding 🙏🏼 Also, there’s a second thing 😬
Jungkook: ??
Jackson: I might have told my parents about you so are you free to get lunch with us tomorrow? My parents want to meet you. Our treat.
Jungkook: Really? Okay yeah. I’d love to meet them. Time?
Jackson: We don’t know yet but likely 1pm if that’s okay?
Jungkook: Sure, I’ll just be studying so. Text me when you know.
Jackson: I will. How’s the gym?
Jungkook hovers his thumbs over the keyboard. When he glances up to think, he’s reminded of your lingering presence. You’re no longer bench pressing anymore but instead doing a set of bent-over dumbbell rolls. With the way you’re torso’s angled, anyone who’s anyone has a direct view of your rear end. Any decent person would pay it no mind but that same douchebag next to you keeps gawking.
“It’s not meant to be a fucking sex position,” Jungkook mutters and types out a response. “Fucker.”
He makes his way to the black punching bag on the other side of the room, passing a strong glare at that young man as he nears the two of you. He doesn’t know his name but he’d really like to go over there and knee him in the balls. His eyes flicker at you for a moment, so pretty.
“The hell are you staring at my girl for half-pint?” The man calls Jungkook out in an aggressive stance. “Keep your eyes in front before I fuck you up.”
Frazzled, Jungkook scurries to move past the both of you with his head down. “Sorry, I didn’t mean anything.” He doesn’t get three steps before a solid form blocks his path.
“Who are you apologizing to? Your feet? Look me in the damn eye when you talk to me.”
“Jun-ho stop,” you come up beside the man, tugging at his arm. He yanks himself out of the grasp, however, jolting your body back. You nearly lose your balance.
“I’m just trying to teach this little hermit crab what happens when you stare at another man’s woman, baby.”
Jungkook clenches his fists as you struggle to re-stabilize yourself. You should not be with this asshole. He doesn’t deserve you, he doesn’t deserve to be calling you his baby. Who the fuck does he think he is shoving a woman like that.
“Don’t fucking call me that,” you spit. “I’m not your woman. Now leave Jungkook alone. He doesn’t need this.”
Jun-ho gives you a cocky smirk. “Oh? So he’s Jungkook huh? You know him too. You fucking him behind my back or something?” He takes a step towards you. Jungkook lunges forward seeing your obvious discomfort.
“Don’t touch her!” Jungkook stands between you and Jun-ho. He’s shaking so badly but he doesn’t budge. “Take another step and I’ll–I’ll–“
“You’ll pound me in the ground? You and what army? You can’t even talk.” He snorts and moves to toss Jungkook to the side. “Get out of my way.”
Jungkook feels the back of his neck heat with rage, his ears red and burning. There’s no way in hell he’s letting Jun-ho get to you.
“She told you to stop, so why don’t you just–fuck off!” Jungkook shoves Jun-ho back with as much force as he can. His body’s not built and his arm muscles aren’t as ripped but he’s got some big fucking thighs that manage to anchor him to the ground.
“You shit.” Jun-ho grits his teeth and punches Jungkook straight in the gut. Jungkook doubles over in agony. His hand clutches over his abdomen as he groans. You hurry in front of him but you’re thrown to the side by a pair of large hands. “Move bitch,” Jun-ho snaps, eyes bolstered on the smaller man.
“Hey, what the hell is going on over here?” The manager of the gym rushes over to the three of you. He grabs Jungkook and offers him support. “You can’t be doing this young man. You need to leave now.”
Jun-ho shakes his head. “Count yourself lucky this time Jungkook. Could have been a lot worse if it weren’t for this old man getting in the way.” He stares at the manager and then at you. “Come on __.”
“You’re fucking nuts if you think I’m coming with you. I’m staying with Jungkook.”
“No, you’re fucking not.” Jun-ho reaches for your arm until his head is knocked backward by a clean, punch to his jaw. “Fuck! You Fuck!” He holds his jaw, stumbling into a rack of dumbbells behind him.
Jungkook’s knuckles bleed as he holds his own wrist. He winces at the sharp throbbing and stinging from the punch. “Okay no more, no more,” the manager anxiously darts his eyes back and forth between him and Jun-ho. “I want you all out of my facility this instance.”
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After being thrown out of the gym, Jungkook returns to his dorm room. He insists he takes care of his injury himself but it doesn’t sit well with you so you follow him.
“I’m so sorry about this Jungkook. Jun-ho’s a bastard.” You finish wrapping his knuckles in the elastic bandage then lean forward to place your hands on his shoulders. “Promise me you won’t ever do that again.”
Jungkook holds your pleading stare from his seated position. Your soft hands are simultaneously soothing and unsettling. He’s not mad at you for what happened at all. But seeing you with a jerk like Jun-ho when you rejected him, someone who’d never treat his girl like a piece of trash causes all kinds of knots inside him.
“You’re not going to see him again right? Because I can’t make that promise if you do.” His voice is low, nervous that you'll say yes.
Jungkook might not have personal relationship experience but he's witnessed his share of unhealthy relationship dynamics more times he'd like to count.
“Jungkook…” You muster up the best reassuring smile you can and tuck a few loose strands of his hair behind his ear. “Nothing's going to happen between me and Jun-ho anymore. We weren't anything serious. But you care too much about me, I’m not worth the trouble.”
Hearing this, he reaches a hand up to close over yours. ��Please don’t say that. Everyone deserves to be cared for and as long as I can help it, I’ll be the first to do it.” His big, doting eyes search into yours. "And good, don't go back to him __. He's not the type of man you need."
"And what type of man do I need Bambi?" You stroke his puffy cheeks and quirk your head to the side inquisitively. Jungkook flinches at the touch.
"You didn't like it when I called you baby so, had to come up with something else."
"But." There's that pout again. Jungkook doesn't like being called a baby but when someone reaching this level of adorable, its so hard to shake. "But I just knocked a bitch out for you. How can you keep calling me baby names?"
The chuckle that leaves your lips is heaven to Jungkook's ears. "Aww Jungkook," you coo. "It's 'cause you're a little honeysuckle. So sweet to the taste." His ears perk up at that, gnawing on his bottom lip. "But if you want me to call you something else that might take some more time for me to figure out. Until then do tell me, what do I need?"
"Someone that'll protect you."
"Mhm, okay but—"
"Emotionally, physically, and mentally." Jungkook lists out loud. "That means someone to stand up for you, support you in the ways you need. Someone to help keep losers like Jun-ho out who only look out for themselves." He pauses, contemplating thoughtfully. "You need someone you can trust too. When you're sick you'll be taken care of and he'll never ever cheat on you. Even if you fight, he'll always stick by your side. You'll watch movies together, cuddle under the covers, and stargaze on summer nights. He'll also peel perilla leaves for you and love you until sunrise. Finally, when the time's right he'll ask to marry you, only if you want, of course."
Jungkook waits for you to give him a reply, a little breathless. He notices the distance between you and him somehow got larger. You're now about two feet away from him when you were only mere inches before.
"I'm sorry." He lowers his head. "It's silly I know. Everyone tells me I'm some kind of dreamer boy, just a hopeless romantic."
"It's not silly Jungkook." You soften your expression. "It's a beautiful idea and somewhere out there will gladly share those things with you. You'll live a full life together having all those wonderful experiences."
"Wanna have them with you though." His eyes flicker up at you. "I really like you __."
Oh no, no no no. You push down the pressure building from inside you. "No, I can't. I'm sorry Bambi, I want to but you don't know me." A small tear spills out of the corner of your eye. "I'm not able to....I can't love you like that."
Jungkook gets up from his chair and reaches for your trembling hand. You're tempted to pull back if it weren't for the fact that your hand feels warm in his.
"I can," he says. "I can love you if you let me."
You shake your head, and another hot tear rolls down your face. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm even crying." You quickly wipe your wet cheeks.
"You don't always need a reason. Sometimes it just happens and that's okay. I cry all the time when I'm by myself." Jungkook grabs your other hand slowly. "Just wanna be here for you."
You blink back the remaining tears welling in your eyes. You're embarrassed this is happening at all. Jungkook is the sweetest, most kind-hearted, and most selfless person you know. He shouldn't have to be dealing with any of this.
"If we can't go out, is it okay that we are friends?"
"I don't want to do that to you Kookie."
"Hey, I like that one," he says with a lifted voice.
"You do? I didn't even think about it like the others."
"You were thinking about me?" He bounces in the air a little, at least that's what it looks like to you by the sudden rush of energy Jungkook responds with. He likes knowing you've been paying attention to him, even if only a smidge.
You dart your eyes past him, fingers curling in his hand. "Well I mean..." Jungkook waits intently. "I guess...yes, some."
"Oh please __, please let me take you out. We don't even have to call it a date."
"You're too persistent, you know that?"
"But is it working?"
"I'm not ready yet Jungkook." His shoulders slouch and he opens his mouth to say something though you continue before he can get anything out. "To give you an answer. I'm not ready to give you an answer yet is what I'm trying to say."
"Well, that's okay. You wanna think about it longer? We can four years until graduation."
"You're such a goof, you'd wait that long for an answer?"
Jungkook shakes his head. "No, I'd wait that long for you." He pauses. "Okay maybe I have been watching one too many Korean dramas. Even I threw up in my mouth a little."
Too both share a laugh, this is the weirdest, emotionally exhausting day ever. "Thank you for what you did today with Jung-ho. And for trying to comfort me. Will you possibly be able to wait another week? If it's too long you can tell me. I've made you wait long enough."
"A week from now, let's meet up okay? Or call at least. Even if it's a no, I don't want this to be the last time I get to see or hear you."
"Okay." You nod. "I promise."
And that was the end of that night, as Jungkook walks you to your dorm soon after. It was getting dark out after all.
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A/N: tysm for reading! Lmk what you think and if you wan to be tagged comment/ask 💞
no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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celestie0 · 3 months
so are ihm gojo and kickoff gojo buff asf like post prison realm gojo or are they built like him pre prison realm cause if it’s post CHAIN ME DOWN NOWW
honestly when i both read and write for gojo i only ever picture buff gojo in post prison realm 😅 i just like guys that have nice arms (beefy biceps n strong arms in general w pretty veins <3 are literally the hottest thing ever to me) if you ever wonder “huh ellie really mentions gojo’s arms a lot in her writing 🤔” please excuse me my coochie was drenched picturing how his arms would look in the scene and i ended up subconsciously including the description in the writing
i’m not all too crazy for abs but like nice thicc arms n thighs 😫🤌🏼 and broad shoulders but a lean waist 🙈 sorry idk why i started fiending while answering this ask HAHAH
i have been sent a lot of incredible fanart that my readers have said reminded them of kickoff gojo n ihm gojo n a lot of them are really accurate to how i picture them while writing but i never saved them 🥲 so i just quickly found some pics/fanart that i think kinda represent them 😭 LOL i ended up getting a lil too into this haha sorry
yea kickoff gojo is basically cheeky post prison realm gojo w the slutty tiny waist n the athletic build n he just has that really boyish attitude all the time hahah:
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his moodboard that i made for him is also how i picture him!! and then some fanart i think kinda reminds me of him is these:
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1: @/_3aem on twt; 2: @/momoya348 on twt
pls he’s literally just black compression shirt gojo i guess HAHAHAH
for ihm gojo i think his drip n vibe is kinda similar to gojo in the baseball episode 😭 just woozy easy going suburban dad that’s just there to have a good time n can never tell when people are annoyed by him LMFAO but also he can be pretty serious mostly when he’s mad or concerned or inconvenienced (like shibuya arc gojo when he locked tf in…without the feral mania tho 💀)
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n yea some fanart on how i picture him overall:
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1: @/_3aem on twt; 2: @/tiyu0710 on twt
pls im sorry bb i know your question was such a simple one but then i just took it n RAN haha i think maybe bc i realized i’ve never actually shared how i picture them as the author?? lol so i figured i’d use your ask as an opportunity to!! hope this answers 🤣💕 much love from me!!
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People complaining about og She-Ra's outfit but not He-Man reminds me of those twitter kids going nuts over some anime's character having big boobs or revealing clothes
The one that comes to mind to me is especially One Piece, cause the designs are infamous for being very unrealistic because of the woman's boobs, but them there's man characters that are 8 foot tall or super muscular or fat, they also complain a lot about the girls clothes as if Zoro and Luffy didn't walk around showing their chests all the time as well. Demon Slayer is another one, because of a character outfit that have a clevage and some twitter kids complained about being sexualized, but then they look at the male characters and go like "MAKE ME PREGNANT DADDY". This discourse with anime especially is pretty dumb because anime is well known for being weird, so is kinda useless complaining about this and those anime aren't even the worse cases, show stuff like Nanatsu No Taizai for these people and they would go on a cardiacal arrest
Because if a woman is showing skin is sexualized and disgusting but when is a man is alright and "hot". And if a man have a crush on a fictional woman is "weird" but if it's a girl is fine
(there's so much more that i can talk about this because this topic make me so mad! So mad that i made a good portion of my female OC sexy or thicc out of spite)
i have to disagree with this take. because i do think that a lot of anime is actually specifically catered to the male gaze. i won’t talk about the ones you mentioned because i haven’t watched those, but the male gaze and hypersexualization of women, especially teenage girls, is more than prevalent in anime. there are two main categories of anime - shōjo, which is made for a female audience; and shōnen, which is directed toward a male audience. and the hypersexualization of women is not surprisingly the most obvious in shōnen anime. even in the more recent ones like MHA, it’s clear that the girls are a lot more sexualized than the men, even when some of the male characters are drawn to be muscular and attractive.
which brings me to my next point, i don’t think these two are comparable. yes, a lot of shōnen anime have male characters who are tall and buff and have a lot of scenes with their shirts off, but because the target audience is male, this usually serves as a power fantasy rather than a fetish. i mean, sure, the audience may include women or queer men, but the target audience is straight men. for them, the super hot male character (or alternatively, the loser everyman character) is just a self-insert.
not to mention, the topic of sexualization also includes the question of whether this character is an individual in their own right. are they important to the narrative? do they have a personality other than being sexy, flirtatious or the butt of an SA joke? do their have their own lives and hobbies, outside of the narrative? are they an independent character in their own right? do their lives revolve around something other than their love interest?
the answer is yes for male characters (especially those who are part of the main cast) and no for most female characters (even those who are part of the main cast). you might have heard of the “sexy lamp trope” and it applies to a lot of anime female characters. because often times than not, their sole purpose is to just stand there and look sexy, and have a rushed romance with one of the male characters. even if the female character has some interesting aspects to her or has a cool superpower, it’s barely explored. *side eye at MHA*
and in general, the framing tends to be very obvious. there’s a lot of unnecessary focus on the female character’s tits and ass, there are a lot of “unfortunate accidents” with her and the male character, there’s the designated creep who gets away with harassing or even straight up assaulting the female characters and it’s played off as a joke. it’s a lot more nuanced than just the female characters having a curvy body or wearing revealing clothes, both of which are totally fine and doesn’t automatically make a character hypersexualized. it’s the narrative around it that’s fucked up.
obviously, i’m not talking about ALL anime. i’m sure there are good ones out there with fully fleshed out female characters (in fact, a lot of shōjo anime tend to be quite empowering for women). but it is true that anime is notorious for catering to the male gaze and treating its female characters very poorly. it’s not the same as OG she-ra, which was a show designed for a female audience and where, apart from wearing a somewhat short dress, there’s not much emphasis on adora’s body.
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kthecutest · 1 year
please help my brain is filled with fuma . fuma this fuma that oh fuma has really nice thighs wow look at fumas arms yum . please spare lil ol me some fuma hard thoughts ty 😇🤲
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑
First of alllll, the goddamn thighs. We know this mans trynna fully buff out his entire body - Mans a gym freak - but having a thicc thigh does becomes useful when you two would get lazy. He'd pull you onto his lap and tenses his thighs up while you grind across the veiny meaty surface. Will play with your clit while you get yourself off on him and he'll sometimes even pull out his phone to record your movements and use that later to masturbate to
He might unintentionally trap you under him whenever he pounds you from behind into the mattress. He just couldn't help but let his entire thought process and muscle tension fly away when he felt your melting walls. Not only does he hit deep but his pace is really really fast too. You'll feel like you're constantly being punched in your pussy by a fast-paced piston
Even before we go onto his dick, his fingers along are thick enough. Just the way only two of his digits would feel like having four normal human fingers in your pussy. And this mans has a habit to shove his slime-covered fingers into your ass when he pounds you too. Well hook two of his fingers in your virgin asshole and start to drag you up and down on his cock from the hook alone
When you make him jealous or mad, he'll instantly throw you straight at a wall, and in no time his hands will be around your tiny neck, squeezing shut and cutting off your air ways. Oh yea am i forgetting to mention that his huge monster cock is already in you by this time. Will lift you up off of the ground with his hand on his neck and then leave you hanging mid-air, back pinned to the wall, while the only conditions holding you up and halting you from falling straight to the floor; are his hands that are now choking your neck, and his cock that seems to be acting as a plug and a stand at the same time. Well make sure to leave a reddish-brown bruise around your neck from his extreme choking - "oh honey you got the most beautiful collar around your neck right now, you know that?" - an angry sarcastic underlying tone in his voice. And then he'll let go - oh - but only of the hands around your neck. Who said he'd put you down his cock? You're gonna stay plugged up for him for hours on end, hanging on his dick, breaking on it like a whore. He's an angel but he can be satan when you make him mad alright (Full version of this specific statement shall be coming out soon because gurl i think writing this just triggered something in me)
Hair pulling when he's pounding into you from the back 100% Sometimes he does get carried away a lot and might ended up being a little too rough considering his strength too and so y'all would set up a safe word, NOT FOR THE SEX. BUT FOR THE HAIR PULLING EXCLUSIVELY. LMFAO
Also one more thing, I could see Fuma as someone who would get so carried away when it comes to eating you out. Like he just gets soooo pussy drunk and he's so into it that he completely forgets about his entire surroundings and ended up going at it for hours on end. You can't even deny it because your hands and legs are all weighed down by his harsh grip and body weight. And your mouth practically doesn't work at this point because you're too high from the feeling and the several consecutive orgasms to the point that you're on the verge of passing out and is letting out soft incoherent babblings. The session might end with Fuma finally snapping out of it after his full-course-meal between your legs and realising you've passed out from the orgasms
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redsbrainrot · 1 year
My Review on the Miraculous Movie
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I’ve divided the review into sections with a final personal statement on it at the end. Spoilers ahead!!! Obviously.
Animation: 10/10
Absolutely gorgeous. Probably the most stunning animated film I’ve ever seen. The glow, the mist, the kwamis, the setting, fucking exceptional. Chloe’s hair especially was gorgeous. The sheer amount of detail that went into every frame is admirable. Everyone who worked on the animation deserves a massive raise.
Character Designs: 9/10
Of course most of the characters remained the same, besides the change in animation style. Like I mentioned above, I adored Chloe’s hair. Her dress at the end of the movie was also so glamorous. Marinette’s ladybug themed dress suited her so well, she looked beautiful.
The Mime and the Magician are also worth mentioning. Mime was so buff? Definitely gonna end up on thirst edits on TikTok. The magician too… very thicc…
Gabriel all disheveled waiting for Adrien to come home was so weird to see. But I liked it. His Hawkmoth suit as well was so refreshing. I couldn’t stand Shadowmoth and Monarch in seasons 4 and 5. Nice to see him again. The wings on the final fight too, mesmerising.
Emilie looked extremely different from her version in the show. I’m not sure which version I prefer. I loved her curly ponytail when she was on the stage.
Characters dialogue/actions: 6/10
Unfortunately I did have some problems with some of the minor behaviour changes in some of the characters. Specifically Adrien and Plagg. Plagg was funny in some parts (didn’t know Kwami’s could get gassy) but in others he was a bit of a dick? I can’t really explain it but there was just an off vibe with him.
Adrien also was slightly different. I actually loved seeing him stand up to Gabriel. Very much needed. I didn’t really like how distant he was with Marinette for most of the film. The Adrien we know and love from the series finds her awkwardness funny and I quote, “charming”. This was less so implied in the film. He was weirded out.
Chat Noir being extra cocky when he first met Ladybug was fucking hilarious though, I loved it. Made me giggle.
Pacing: 7/10
The pacing was mostly good… aside from the Adrienette scenes. They felt rushed. That’s all I really have to comment on this part. The film wasn’t slow though, which is a massive problem in the industry these days. I like how you were just thrown straight into it, no waiting around. As someone who zones out a fair bit, and very easily, I didn’t find the film drawn out.
Voice acting: 10/10
Exceptional. The voice actors never fail to disappoint. Especially Bryce Papenbrook and Keith Silverstein. Bryce singing “Cat Noir” in the Notre Dame scene was so funny.
And I’m sorry, Keith Silverstein’s fucking singing? I’m gonna dedicate a section to the singing but come on, worth mentioning here too.
The ending where he finds out his son is Chat Noir, made me sob. It was so well animated and acted, that I was uncontrollably sobbing.
Christina Vee also never fails to amaze me.
Chloe did sound different in this film, but it was somewhat refreshing. Her tone was less whiney like it became in season 4 and 5 of the show (I blame the writing for that though).
Songs/Singing: 7/10
I feel slightly conflicted on this subject.
Yes, the singing is good. The songs didn’t make me cringe like most musicals do. Will definitely be listening to Hawkmoth’s song again.
However… the drastic change between Marinette’s dialogue and her singing was hard to take seriously. I wish they voice matched her a little better. Adrien’s sounded different too, but it was more believable than Marinette’s. I had Monster High flashbacks from …that… film.
ANYWAY Keith FUCKING Silverstein? My jaw DROPPED. Fucking amazing.
Same with Tikki! Her singing parts were so enjoyable.
Story: 8/10
Overall, the story is good. There are some tweaks I would personally make. But I definitely prefer Jeremy ZAG’s version over Astruc’s. While there are some beautiful plots and stories lurking about in Astruc’s version, if I had to choose, I would pick ZAG’s take on it.
I will make a likes and dislikes list on some of the changes.
- Adrien actually says “my mum died”. In the show he always just says “disappeared” or “went away”. I’m not sure if that’s just some odd Disney censorship though. But in this version, he actually says she’s dead.
- Chloe. Just Chloe. She was kind of iconic. Wasn’t over the top like she is in the show.
- Subtle hints of Nino’s feelings for Alya. They weren’t completely subtle obviously, but I like the simplicity.
- Gabriel having a fucking bob, HAHAHSHAH.
- Emilie Agrest being a stage actor
- “Watermelon”.
- Plagg being gassy
- Adrien having balls and yelling at his dad
- The way the butterfly miraculous was portrayed
- Careless whisper
- Gabriel finding out his son his Chat Noir. Like, that is the best. His reaction was beautiful, in a way? I don’t like how in the show he got off basically scot-free, and never found out his son was the hero he was fighting against, and vice versa.
- Marinette having 0 friends… not even Rose, Juleka and Mylene. Sick of the loser hero trope.
- Plagg being a little condescending towards Adrien
- Adrien rejecting Marinette after Ladybug rejected him - like bestie go for the opportunity to discover new things with someone else
Overall rating: 7.5/10
Felt like 7 was too low, but 8 was too high. Don’t get me wrong, I love this film. I’ve already watched it multiple times by the time I’ve written this. Now I look at films with two different perspectives: average viewer and critic. So my final ratings always have a fair balance. If the film has a good premise, I usually enjoy it. It’s the execution of it that really matters however.
I’ve always thought miraculous has a good premise. The execution in the show… is another review I can make. In the film, it’s certainly improved. Not perfect, but improved. What made the film so great came down to the animation, songs, and character interactions. The changes made impacted the film massively, and I love most of them.
The ending where Adrien and Marinette go to kiss and then it cuts to “the end” was very rage inducing. Personally I can’t stand those types of teasing. However the next scene with Nathalie, made up for that. Having the film end on sort of a cliffhanger was unexpected I must say. I knew they’d tease at Emilie being under the Agrest mansion, but not in the way they did. Plus, she was wearing the peacock miraculous. I loved that. Even with the reveal of identities they’ve still left room for a sequel. For this franchise, I don’t think a sequel to the movie will hurt. It can’t be nowhere near as messy as the series, as the film has already proved it is not.
To anyone, in or out of the fandom, I recommend you watch the film. Definitely worth it.
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blackjackkent · 7 months
Lorroakan bossfight report!
Our buddy the mean wizard has four myrmidons on hand (earth, air, water, fire), plus an animated armor named Krank, and a dwarf named Miklaur.
The dwarf is kind of perplexing; all of the myrmidons have triple digit hit points, Krank has 50, Lorroakan himself has 98, and Miklaur the dwarf has... 8.
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He's level 1! He's just a little guy! I don't know what the hell he's doing here or why he's in this fight.
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Very strange.
Shoutout to Rolan, though! Unlike Aradin, he has been eating his Wheaties since Act 1 and is now level 12 like us!
The myrmidons are all thicc but not particularly scary; their primary function is to buff Lorroakan himself, who gets extra elemental damage for each one that is still on the field:
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Realistically I think Hector (who does primarily Fists damage) could probably beat Lorroakan up regardless, but to do this fight as it is meant to be done, I think we want to get the myrmidons off the field ASAP.
Gale's Counterspell did a lot of work in this fight, as any time Lorroakan's turn came up was generally the scariest moment. Gale also managed to successfully Banish one of the myrmidons which was the first time we've done that successfully. XD
I was actually going to try to leave Miklaur alive since he seemed so useless and out of place in the fight but Aylin IMMEDIATELY obliterated him off the field.
I'm literally watching all of Rolan's combat logs and cheering him on. I think I've come to the conclusion that Hector feels distinctly paternal towards all of the tieflings at this point and it's rubbing off on me, because I'm sitting here cheering about Rolan having his own "Rolan's Magic Missile" spell like an overenthusiastic parent at a T-ball game.
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Atta boy!
Lorroakan lost his entire third turn because he was stupid enough to run away from the earth elemental Gale summoned onto the field, and it bitchslapped him straight onto the floor, which was VERY satisfying to watch.
I actually kind of take back everything snarky I said about Aylin's combat back in Act 2; she rocked this fight. Maybe we'll blame the Ketheric fight on her having been in lockup for a century and needed to warm up. Look at this set of crits she got on a the Hold-Monster'd Water Mymidon:
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Beautiful. Meanwhile Hector, who's usually flattening everything, spent the whole fight stunned. XD Everyone has an off day I guess.
Once the myrmidons were taken care of, Lorroakan folded like wet tissue paper. I actually skipped through a couple turns to let Rolan get the killing blow:
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Get his ass. \o/
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golvio · 2 years
Looks like people on the bird app are calling Ganondorf a himbo again. 🤦🏻
This is a reminder that Ganon is not a himbo. He’s the furthest from a golden retriever puppy in a muscular man’s body you could possibly get. If you need to shove him into the “himbo” slot in order to find him palatable, you do not appreciate him as a character or even notice what makes him so unique.
Also, Groose, while he superficially resembles the archetype more closely at first and is likely what the himboifiers are trying to turn Ganondorf into, does not qualify as a himbo, either. He starts off a deliberately mean bully instead of the well meaning but clueless and easy-to-manipulate henchman of a bully, which means he doesn’t fit the nonthreatening and agencyless nature of the himbo archetype. Although he later becomes more easygoing, he also reveals he’s a self-taught siege engineer.
Granted, the actual definition of “himbo” is hard to pin down, given how people apply it to virtually any buff man the way people apply “thicc” to any gacha game character they find generically attractive even if they have no ass to speak of. The word itself is a flat archetype designed to strip nuance from any character it’s applied to, and doesn’t even accurately describe the characters it was invented for. Even Kronk, one of the universally agreed-upon ur-himbos, had his moments of competence and some semblance of moral principles held independently from the other characters’ attempts to manipulate him.
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venisontransmission · 3 months
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Also like??? Tell me what your Alastor looks like??? How different are their appearances? Are they buff af or twigs? Are they thin or thicc? Curly hair? Long hair? Short? Tail?
It's why I changed my Alastor's appearance so much - it matches how he's quite different from canon. But like I love differences in alts. Let me love them.
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discluded · 11 months
I know Mile is at the gym most days and we literally saw him looking buff on the BOC live a few days ago but look at this man. I know it's due to angles and Dior 's oversized (badly fitted) outfits but I can always hope for thicc Mile to make a come back.
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tbh it doesn't look like he's not thicc... it looks like he has sweater paws 🥺
Which is not exactly the look I want from a suit jacket but he looks so cute. I love sweater paws... and his radiant smile...
Thank you as always to our beloved Quinze.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Literally just woke up and saw the event info so I hope this goes through right before day 1 ends (if not, feel free to ignore it completely!) But, to steal one of the example questions, who do you think in Saiyuki would be into a chubby s/o? They're my best boys and as a Thicc Lady™️ I'm dying to know! ❤️❤️❤️
Oh, my fuck, YES! Like, you do not know how happy this makes me! It’s like the clouds parted and a choir of angels descended on a sunbeam blowing trumpets and promising heaven…okay, that might be going a bit far, but I love this ask so much because I am definitely on the chubbier side and love imagining stuff like this! Thank you so much for the ask and I hope you’ll enjoy!
I feel like Gojyo just loves the female form, no matter what size or shape it comes in. He’ll just as happily have a chubby or even outright fat lover as he will a skinny one.
He’s so into his partner’s body, it’s not even funny. He’ll be so handsy with them and it’ll be a very rare occasion when his hands aren’t somewhere on his partner. They’re just so soft and he’ll just casually hook an arm around their hips and rest a big hand on their stomach because he just loves how soft it is to touch.
He’ll absolutely be into body worship and complimenting them during sex, especially if they’re at all insecure about their size. And even outside of the bedroom, he’s all about those sweet, naughty little compliments about how good they look, how he just wants to eat them up because they’re his favourite snack.
I can also totally see Goku being okay with a chubbier partner. He’s not really too picky about looks and body size doesn’t determine who he finds attractive at all. He probably wouldn’t even think about their size at all; it’s not going to be the first thing he notices about them, and he really won’t give it any thought unless they, or someone else, points it out.
Because Goku is a huge foodie, he’s going to definitely want to go on a lot of dates around food. If he gives any thought to their body, it’d be just in hoping that they’ll be up for eating lots of yummy food together. If it turns out they’re insecure about their weight or that  they’re actively dieting because they’re so worried about trying to be skinnier for him, it will both confuse him and break his heart at little.
Like, what do you mean, you can’t eat that because it’ll make you fat?? What do you mean, you don’t like how you look? Why don’t you like how you look? You’re so freaking gorgeous to Goku and he loves your body just the way it is. You could gain another hundred pounds and he’d be okay as long as you were healthy and happy! Just please love yourself like he does because it hurts him so much that you don’t.
The brothers are a lot alike because Dokugakuji? Fucking loves him a Thicc™ partner. Like, he’s not to the point of fetishizing his partner’s weight but he’s definitely one who likes his partner’s body because they are larger. He’s a really buff, muscular, large guy and the contrast between his rock-hard body and his partner’s softer curves and their general roundness…it really does a lot for him, both sexually and just in general.
He really likes how cuddly his partner just looks and feels. He wants them to cuddle with him so much and he’s not shy about being really physical with them. And no matter how much they weigh, he’s a really strong guy and he will have no problem lifting them up to hug them or engage in something a little bit more sexual and he wants them in his lap whenever possible, no matter how often they claim that they’ll be too heavy or hurt him or crush him.
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m-to-z-andbackto-m · 9 months
Okay I know I posted a ramble like a little bit ago but more on fabulous AUs and AMs
Have you guys ever seen like- where once in a while, or constantly, whatever, they're like super feminine but still identify as guys? Like I see a lot of ectobody art so they can wear dresses and have badoinkers BUT I SAW THIS ONE WHERE THEY DON'T HAVE ECTOS AND IT WAS LIKE SO PRETTY GUYS I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH??? HEHEHE THE SILLIES!!! 💕
Also please tell me I'm not the only one who has seen Dust drawn in a skirt a few times by different artists- I kinda assumed it became a joke trend/schtick, kinda like how we all mutually agreed that Killer wears a black sleeveless turtleneck (Lol like his top half was normal and there's just a skirt slapped onto the bottom half it's so funny, you guys have to check it out sometime)
I think it's really gender to make a traditionally masculine character extra feminine or to have them crossdress without gender bending entirely jeuifsg
Which reminds me
I can't remember exactly but I saw Flapper!Nightmare (Oh my god she(?) was beautiful) and Designer(?)!Ink (absolutely fantabulous) for like, a roaring 20's(?) multiverse, THEY WERE SO PRETTY AND GENDER LIKE THICC NIGHTMARE (in a body positive and non-perverted way) FOR THE WIN, HELLO??? MA'AM, YES MA'AM.
Anyways normalize skeletons wearing dresses.
But also normalize trying to make special outfits for them if they did not have an ectobody because I personally I don't like? Drawing ectobodies that much??? Never tried to draw ectos (Besides hair) actually, I think I'd make it look cursed-
But I have drawn Lust in a dress before, again, no ectobody (He's so fantabulous, I'll post it when I find it somewhere-)
(Then again, say just privates were ecto-fied (Chest and Pelvic region), I think I could work with that but y'know, not gonna try- Not- No, Not gonna try-)
No like, I'm totes okay with them, sure, but I think it kinda messes with the whole part of being a skeleton, y'know??? (Like, ecto body implies flesh, but why no ectoface- I think it's a little weird) It feels??? Off to me 😭??? But when people do it, it can be so cool, most of the time... Most- Most of the time... *Shudders at buff body and small head drawing I saw once, it was kinda funny actually, talented artist though like- details were on point*
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harlequinoccult · 2 years
So a bit lot NSFW
Since i don't seem to find it, i wanted to know about the kinks, preferences(Dom/Sub) of the ROs? from TVoL
(maybe even the butts, dicks, and tits of the ROs from TVoL)
heh (OAD, OccultAfterDark are the nsfw tags if anyone wishes to blacklist it)
Xandin- He's a hermit, but that doesn't mean he hasn't....experimented, in his youth. He's willing to try anything. Particularly being choked. and bondage. scarily good at oral. massive oral fixation. and his patron likes to....mess with him.
He's versatile with a heavy bottom leaning and the subbiest sub to ever sub.
His butt isn't particularly large, but it is soft, and.....he's tall. And proportional.
Yuuki- Has been around the block. He's a bard. Down for almost anything really. particularly into breeding, is VERY good with his fingers. loves leaving hickeys
Versatile with a top leaning, Definitely a playful dom. but can sub under....the right conditions
Thicc. Them glutes got muscle. Also fairly tall and proportional
Andrew- Hasn't been with too many kinky partners, but it open to try. likes risky, semi-public sex. likes it when his partners bite him
Top leaning, but willing to try bottoming for the right person, Soft dom.
The man works out, he's got a nice butt. not the tallest but still absolutely thick in dick.
Claudia- Sex is kind of a novelty for her, she finds kinks interesting and kind of funny and she knows a surprising amount. to like. a scary degree.
Dom top. Easily.
Probably the most buff out of all the ros. very nice butt. with DD cups.
Vylasia- Doesn't know much about kink, really! she's heard of plenty but hasn't tried much into outdoors sex
Bottom. Sub. sssssub.
she's fairly active, nice thighs, cute butt. C cub but christ alive her chest is sensitive.
Cy- Has looked up different kinks in their freetime, knows entirely too much, willing to try some out. likes risky semi public, edging, bondage
Vers, switch with a top leaning.
Soft, heart shaped butt. thicc. cy's that have tits- b cup, cy's that have dicks, fairly average, proportional to height.
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strscrossed · 1 year
I always forget how buff eren actually is. Like, that guys is absolutely shredded. Imagine hobo Eren fucking Mikasa while standing
he looks so big and thicc. he covers her completely. now when you say standing, do you mean against a wall, from behind, orrrr…? because I’m picturing them fucking in front of a mirror and he’s cupping her throat and looking very intently as he pounds her.
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