#he probably ran around the house on fire making car sounds while his parents had friends over or were on an important call
rinxnie · 2 years
heath burns was a hot wheels kid - i will take no criticism
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he absolutely had this bed you can't tell me other wise
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lovely-ateez · 3 years
Broken Strings~
ꕥPosted: 7/20/21
ꕥGenre: Fluff, Angst, Smut, College!au, Rockstar!au
ꕥPairing: Fem!Reader x Rockstar!Yunho
ꕥWord Count: 10k+
ꕥWarnings (please read all!!): Yunho’s ex is an absolute asshat, death threats towards both Yunho and reader, mention of knives used as weapons, San is a bisexual king (happy late pride month), unprotected pool sex/public sex (no one is around but I guess it still counts), masturbation (f), foul language, mentions of alcohol intake, reader is mentioned to have dark brown eyes several times which you can just ignore if you have different colored eyes ofc, mentions of a restraining order against an ex, please let me know if I missed something!!
ꕥTag List: @cappujinho @bobateastay @nevieatiny 
ꕥA/N: The song lyrics are ones that I wrote myself specifically for this au and I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t nervous about posting it. I know there isn’t any tune or anything, but hopefully it sounds like a real song someone might sing. Also I’m not writing angst for a while after this holy shit I’ve been crying too much over this I’m emotional okay
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“Date night! Date night! Date night!” I grabbed my boyfriend’s arm, bouncing on my toes.
Yunho raised a hand to cover his ear, scrunching his face, “Babe, I love you, but I think you’ve deafened me.”
I pouted at his tone and crossed my arms, “You’re such a grump.”
“Oh whatever.” He smiled, “You ready?”
I smiled at him and nodded.
Ever since his band, Sidekick Heart, began to pick up traction, he had less free time and our full-day dates once a week soon became date nights every few weeks. Most of his time was spent writing songs, producing them, and practicing endlessly. The fact that he had a tour coming up soon just meant he had even less spare time. I was happy for him, of course, but I couldn’t hide my disappointment that he was leaving.
In middle school, he and three of his friends formed a band for fun, which they kept with all throughout high school. They got good, really good and almost right after they graduated they were signed by a label. Now, three years later, they’d already released two albums and one EP and earned enough money to make a living, which was why Yunho dropped out of college a month ago. Since he had steady career path, he saw no reason to continue and decided to focus on music. He still visited me at college whenever he got the chance, but his visits were becoming more and more sporadic.
We started dating freshman year of college. We had our difficulties as most couples do, but everyday I thanked the stars for pairing us together. I met him on the first day of French class, a day I know I could never forget, no matter how how our future played out.
I sat my backpack on the table in front of me, looking around the empty classroom. I was ten minutes early, so I wasn’t surprised about the lack of students. It was a bit unlikely for me to be so early, but I wasn’t able to sleep the night before and so I had extra time to get ready. With nothing else to do, I took out my phone, reading some missed text messages.
I heard the door open and my head tilted upwards, meeting eyes with a fluffy-haired brunet. He shyly smiled at me and I returned the gesture. The man took a seat in the front row across from me, only a few chairs in between us. I found it cute that he liked to sit in the front of the classroom, too. Very few people did. He turned away from me to place his backpack on the floor and take out a few books. I took the opportunity to look at him. He was attractive, for sure. His short sleeved solid black shirt followed his movements, tattoos peaking through his top. The shirt itself tucked was into ripped jeans, his black shoes matching the outfit, along with various accoutrements. His look was uncommon for college students, most just wore sweatpants with with a casual shirt. I thanked myself for dressing nice that day.
I tilted my head to get a better look at his side profile. He was so handsome that I seemed to forget I was staring. I couldn’t help but get caught up in him, not realizing that I was no longer being subtle.
He spoke without moving to face me, “You’re pretty cute, too.”
“I-I what?” My eyes widened, realizing I’d been caught.
He turned, a charming smile on his face, “You aren’t exactly discreet.”
I took a breath, trying to form a coherent sentence, “Well...can you blame me?”
He pursed his lips, trying to hide a smile, “I appreciate the compliment. What’s your name?”
I hesitated before answering him, which brought a full smile to his face. He moved closer to me before holding out his hand for me to shake. I grabbed his hand and shook it, trying to keep my hands steady. His hand was soft, clearly he took care of himself.
“I’m Yunho.”
I smiled, observing the way he lit up as he turned my hand, placing a delicate kiss on my skin. I felt my face heat up and averted my eyes. Yunho chuckled as he released my hand. Both of us looked up at the sound of the door opening, a group of students entered, followed by a lady who I presumed to be the teacher.
Yunho looked at me, “Meet me after class?”
I nodded, biting my lip as I felt excitement build in my stomach, wanting nothing more than for class to end as soon as possible.
The instant the teacher ended her lecture she left with the rest of the students, who were talking among themselves. My eyes flickered to Yunho to find him looking back at me, his backpack now thrown over his shoulders.
“You have any classes after this?” He asked in a nonchalant manner. Later he confessed to me that he was far more nervous than he appeared, claiming that he fell in love with me at first sight.
I finished placing my notebook in my bag, zipping it up and putting the straps over my arms, “Yeah, unfortunately. I’ve got World Politics in ten minutes.” 
“Aww damn. I was hoping we could grab some food.” He reached into his pants’ pocket, pulling out his phone, “Maybe I could get your number instead and we could meet up later?” He wasn’t pushy or demanding, simply asking.
I nodded quickly, “I’d like that, Yunho.”
He suddenly became more shy, the tips of his ears dusting a beautiful shade of pink, “I like the way you say my name.”
I giggled, trying to hide my own shyness. I took his phone and entered my number, really hoping that he would text me. As if he read my mind, he confirmed what I was thinking.
“I’ll text you,” He looked at me with sparkling eyes before shaking his head, like he was pulled back to reality, “Oh uh...you should probably get to class.“ He raised a hand, somewhat awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
“Yeah I probably should. I’ll see you around?”
He smiled, “I’ll see ya.”
It wasn’t long before he texted me, and it made my heart flutter that he kept his word. A day later we met up, grabbing ice cream and getting to know each other. He was a dance major and had to practically beg his parents to let him pursue dance. In return they said he had to repay them with getting straight A’s. He had one younger brother who was possibly the biggest baseball fan to ever exist, he roomed with three men he’d been friends with since kindergarten, and he absolutely adored my brown eyes.
“They’re just beautiful.” Yunho gushed, “Both times I’ve seen you they just sparkle and shine like they’ve got their own little galaxies in them. I’ve never seen anyone with such genuine, kind eyes.”
I let out a girly laugh at the compliment and covered my mouth with a hand, “You’re really trying to flatter me, aren’t you?”
“Depends. Is it working?” He laughed as he propped his head on one of his hands, leaning closer to me in the booth we were sitting in. We’d finished our ice cream long ago, now shamelessly flirting and getting lost in each other.
“It might be.”
“Well I do mean it. I’m not only trying to flatter you.”
The ringing of his phone caught our attention. He smiled apologetically and reached for the device. He sighed, reading the contact name and looking back up at me.
“I’m sorry I’ve gotta take this. It’s one of my roommates and it’s entirely possible they’ve set the house on fire.”
I laughed, “It’s okay, go ahead.”
Yunho excused himself as he answered the call, walking outside. I took a look around the shop we were in, smiling at all the decorations when I noticed a woman sitting alone, eating ice cream and staring at me. Her eyes were such an ice blue that they made her intimidating, to say the least. I wasn’t too surprised, I’d dressed nice and all throughout the day I’d been getting looks. Taking it as a compliment I smiled at her and waited for Yunho to return.
“So good news,” He started as he sat back down in the booth, running a hand through his hair, which was way more attractive than it should’ve been, “They haven’t burnt down the apartment, but San—he’s one of my roommates—his car ran out of gas a few miles away from here so I’ve gotta go help him. Can I drive you back to your own apartment first?”
“Oh no, I don’t want to worry you.” I waved a hand, “I can have a friend pick me up.”
He nodded, “If you’re more comfortable with that, sure, but I’d rather drive you home, if that’s okay.”
I nodded, walking with him as he guided me out to his car. We had our first kiss when he dropped me off, leaving me with the promise of another date, and he delivered. Time and time again he proved he truly cared about me, which inevitably led to a relationship.
We heard a loud crashing in the basement of the house and Yunho let out a frustrated groan, “Oh god it’s happening again.”
He walked over to the basement door, opening it and sighing at the loud yells emitting from below.
“What is it this time?” Yunho shouted.
Wooyoung’s voice rung out, “San won’t let me use the controller!”
The man in front of me placed a hand over his eyes, over the situation entirely, “You’re still fighting over that game?”
“Crash Bandicoot waits for no man!”
“San let him have the controller or I’ll come down there and I’ll beat both of your asses!” Yunho shut the door, giving me a tired smile and walking back to me, “You’d think we would’ve outgrown this stage by now. I’d fire them both and hire a new bassist and drummer if I could.”
“Okay that’s an absolute lie, and you say that like you’re any better. I saw you arguing with Seonghwa over the last bag of chips yesterday.”
He pointed a finger at me, not trying to hide the smile on his face, “Okay that was absolutely valid. I bought those and they were mine.”
I smirked. “My point still stands.”
He rolled his eyes playfully, changing the subject, “How about after our date I sing you a couple of our new songs?” He leaned closer, his lips barely grazing my ear, “I wrote a few about you.”
I pulled back from him, feeling warmth spread in my chest. “Really? You did?”
Yunho wrapped an arm around my waist, “How could I not? You’re always my inspiration.”
I let out a string of incoherent gibberish which prompted the most adorable eye smiles from my boyfriend. I felt too honored to put my emotions into words.
“Go on.” Yunho motioned to the front door, “Grab your purse and head out to my car. I’ll let the guys know we’re going and I’ll meet you outside.”
I gave him a salute, “You got it cap’n!”
His eyes warmed, “God, I love you.”
“I know!” I teased before I grabbed my purse and skipped out of the house. The sun would be setting soon and I admired the several hues that were painted within the sky. I sat on the hood of his car, swinging my feet as I saw him walk out of the house.
“So where exactly are we going?” I tilted my head, looking forward to his response.
“Well I’ve got a couple ideas.” He held up his long fingers and counted off on them, “We could go bowling, or we could have a late night picnic, or maybe...” He moved closer, placing his hands on either side of me with a mischievous grin, “We could go swimming.”
My face lit up, “I haven’t been swimming in forever!”
“I know, that’s why I recommended it.” He laughed, “Let’s break into the swimming pool downtown. It’s definitely closed by now so we can be alone.”
I raised my brows at his words, a smile widening on my face, “Don’t we need to bring swimsuits, though?”
Yunho grinned at me and moved a hand to ruffle my hair, “Nope. We’re going without ‘em.” He lifted me off his car, “Hop in, babe.”
We approached the fence with our hands interlocked, a new message greeting us. A red and black sign with the words ‘No Trespassing’ was attached haphazardly to one of the metal wires looped through the fence surrounding the pool.
Yunho tsked, “Aw that’s cute. Like that’s gonna keep us out. This is basically our pool anyways.” 
I laughed, both of us knowing full well there was no method of security beyond the sign and fence. The pool had never installed security cameras and after word spread that the owner had a fear of advancing technology, we had no worry of being caught.
He cupped his hands, holding them out for me to step on. I placed my foot on his hands as he lifted me up, helping me scale the fence. I stepped back, feeling a thrill as Yunho jumped over. It was probably the fourth or fifth time we’d done this, but each time was just as exciting. We walked over to the edge of the pool, its light blue water and the dark blue of the sunset opposing one another but making a beautiful visual.
“Alright, off we go.” Yunho’s fingers danced to the hem of my shirt, then pulling it off and ridding me of the layer of clothing. He pressed several kisses to the exposed skin, making me shiver.
Yunho then pulled back from me, slowly removing his shirt and giving me a teasing look when he caught me staring at his abs, “I look good, don’t I?”
“Shut up,” I laughed, lightly slapping his strong, tattooed arm before removing my skirt, enjoying the way my boyfriend’s eyes devoured me. I returned the action when I saw him remove his jeans, something he was clearly enjoying as well.
I turned back to the pool only to be thrown over Yunho’s shoulders. He let out a string of laughs as I struggled to get down, fearing that he would throw me into the water.
“If you throw me into the pool I’ll kill you!” I laughed, squirming on his shoulders.
“No...I would never do something like that.” I wasn’t even facing him, but I could hear the smile in his voice, which was my only indication that he was about to throw me into pool.
Before I could try to make any sort of escape, he tossed me into the water. It was cold, but less cold than I expected it to be. I coughed up a bit of water as I resurfaced and when I opened my eyes I squinted at Yunho, annoyed at how attractive he looked with the evil smirk on his face.
“You’re a jerk.” I said with no venom behind my words.
“Yeah, yeah. Brace yourself I’m coming in.”
I barely had time to move before he jumped in, his legs tucked to his chest. “Cannonball!”
I moved my hands in front of my face to block the wave of water coming my way, not feeling any surprise about my boyfriend’s childish behavior. When he resurfaced he faced me with a smile, wading towards me, embracing me in his arms, and wrapping my legs around his waist. He was so tall that he could reach the bottom of the pool without having to swim, unlike me, where I was no near reaching the bottom and needed to swim in place. With a satisfied hum he pressed several wet kisses to my neck.
“I love you,” he mumbled, his voice muffled by my skin.
“I love you too, babe.” I hesitated before I said my next words, still overwhelmed at how strong my feelings were for him, “You’re the love of my life.”
He pulled back with a bright smile on his face, his eyes shining almost as if he was tearing up, “I knew you were the love of my life the moment I saw you. And you’re all mine.” Yunho said before he placed a delicate kiss to my lips.
“All yours, babe.”
His long fingers danced along my sides, grabbing at my hips as he began to attack my chest with kisses. I giggled as the feeling of his stubble tickled my skin.
“You know, you really ‘oughta shave before you get a full beard.”
“Why? Are you saying I wouldn’t look good with one?”
I cupped his face, “You’d look amazing with one, but I thought you didn’t like beards, babe?”
“Hate ‘em.” Yunho’s laugh echoed around us, “Really weird that men can grow them in the first place. But anyways...”
His hands made quick work of my bra, letting it sink to the bottom of the pool. I opened my mouth to scold him but before I could his mouth latched to my right nipple, sucking and nipping on it in a way that made my hands seek out his hair and tug harshly at his locks. Letting out a growl, Yunho placed one hand on the the pool wall for balance and the other on my back, drawing abstract shapes there.
Yunho moved to my other nipple, giving it the same treatment and smiling when he heard my moans. In a flash he removed his hand from my back and pressed me against the pool wall, his hand now traveling to my panties.
As he removed the final item of clothing he ran a finger over my clit, giggling to himself. I gave him a look and he clarified, “Babe, you’re wet enough to fill an entire swimming pool.”
I groaned, pressing my head into his chest, “You make that same god awful joke every time we come here.”
“And as such I couldn’t let tradition die.”
“Shut up and fuck me.” I laughed, promptly helping him out of his boxers.
He continued to tease me after, switching between playing with my clit and stretching me out with his long fingers. By the time he finally gave in, I was a whimpering, pathetic mess, begging for more.
As he aligned with my walls he looked at me with delicate eyes, “Ready, little flower?”
I nodded quickly, chanting ‘yes’ over and over. Yunho once again placed a hand on the wall and hooked one of my legs over his waist, allowing him to thrust deeper inside me. He held my hand with his free one, a simple action that always melted my heart. Despite how long we’d been together, I would always get overwhelmed by him so easily. Everything about him exuded such a strong aura that sometimes just the smallest kiss would leave me breathless. The first time we were intimate he took his hand in mine and assured me he would be gentle, and every time since he’s held my hand. It wouldn’t feel right without our hands together.
“Shit—it’s been way too long since we’ve done this.” I said as he snapped his hips into mine, quickly repeating the action.
“God I know.” He let out a pained groan at the thought of it, “Four months is gonna be fucking awful without you.”
“Guess we’ll have to make do with what we’ve got now.”
“Guess we will.”
The sounds of water splashing and the echos of our moans, a symphony I had become so familiar with, was gradually reaching its crescendo. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open but I forced them to be, needed to memorize everything about this moment. The sweat dripping down Yunho’s forehead, the tattooed muscles he was flexing, the sounds and praise he was emitting, and pleasure we were both feeling--I wouldn’t see nor feel this for the next four months.
A particular snap of his hips had me seeing stars and I called out to him, letting him know I was close. Within minutes, both of us were panting and reeling from our highs. Yunho pressed his nose against mine and both of us closed our eyes, enjoying each other’s presence.
“How come every time we come here it ends in sex?” I giggled.
He blinked and moved a strand of wet hair out of my face, “Because you’re hot and barely wearing any clothes and no one’s around.”
I blushed at his compliment, “I mean like I’m not complaining or anything.”
A cocky smile formed on Yunho’s face, “Well it certainly didn’t sound like you were a moment ago.”
The man laughed, lifting me up and spinning me around in the pool before cradling me in his arms.
“I hate to say it, but we do need to head back. The world awaits for us, I’m afraid.”
I sighed, pressing into his chest, “I’m gonna miss you.”
He stilled as he pulled me closer, “I’m gonna miss you, too. You don’t have to miss me yet, though.”
“I know.” I swallowed, wishing I had something more to say.
“Come on, then.” Yunho gave me a quick kiss, “Let’s head back.”
Yunho held the front door open for me, giving me a gentle slap on my ass when I walked through. I turned around and gave him a playfully annoyed look, which he only laughed at.
As we walked towards the living room, the sound of a random sitcom filled our ears. Six heads turned our way after hearing our footsteps. Seonghwa was resting his head against his long-time girlfriend. She was a sweet girl and complimented him more than any woman I’d seen him with. They really were soulmates, if they ever existed.
San was sitting holding hands with a man he’d been interested in for awhile. I’d often see him flirting with various men and women, but he never went any further than that, too afraid of commitment. This man; however, seemed to breaking through San’s walls. I really hoped they would work out, San deserved someone as kind as him.
Wooyoung sat across from the them, who acknowledged us first.
“Hey guys. Have fun?” Wooyoung asked, smiling at my soaked hair. He had his arm around a woman I’d never seen before and I was certain that none of us would ever see her again. He had the reputation of a playboy, and every poor woman thought they’d be the one exception, the one to make him stay. I’m sure the allure of being a drummer in a band was part of his appeal, too. Maybe one day, like San, he’d settle down.
The woman became visibly upset when Wooyoung looked me with a teasing glance. Feeling sympathy for her, I decided to do my best to calm her nerves.
I spoke for us, linking hands with my boyfriend. “Yeah, we did. I think we’re gonna go clean up though.” I looked at the woman, “I’m y/n, by the way. I’m Yunho’s girlfriend.”
She didn’t even try to hide the relief on her face. “Oh! I’m Solar. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Yeah,” Wooyoung started, “Best girlfriend he’s ever had. Much better for him than Lucy.”
Yunho glared at the man, “Thought we agreed not to bring her up?”
Lucy, the woman Yunho dated before me, was arguably the scariest person I’d ever heard about. They dated for roughly three months before she became obsessive, to the point where Yunho had to get a restraining order against her. She threatened to hurt all of Yunho’s friends and family, all because she wanted Yunho all to herself. That was about all Yunho ever told me about her. Not that I complained. I didn’t exactly want to discuss his exes, even more so when they were that crazy.
I never told him, but I knew I saw her the first date we went on. I could see the way her piercing, ice eyes saw through me. I had no doubt it was her. I just hope I’d never see her again. Maybe now that she saw he was taken she’d leave us alone. There was an uncomfortable silence following, none of us knowing what to say until San spoke.
“You look like a wet dog, Yunho.” San joked, prompting laughter from a few of us, which seemed like more of a noise of relief rather than one of actual humor.
“Yeah, yeah.” My boyfriend relaxed his shoulders, “I think we’re gonna head in for the night so don’t make too much noise.” Waving them goodbye he caught up with me, placing a hand around my waist.
“Shower with me, doll.”
I placed a hand on his chest, “I would love to.”
I came out of the shower wearing my favorite large shirt of Yunho’s, drying my wet hair with a towel. The smell of chlorine had gone away for the most part; whatever chemicals the owner put in that pool always made the smell harder to get rid of. Only a small price to pay, I figured.
My boyfriend, who was much quicker than I was, looked up from his phone as he was splayed out across his bed. His tired eyes smiled at me while motioning me over. Yunho’s own hair was still drying and with his bare face and crooked smile, he was as handsome as he could ever be.
“Hey there.”
“Hey, sweetheart.” He reached an arm out to me, pulling me against him when I took his hand, “How ya feeling?”
“Tired.” I hummed, sleepily smiling against his neck.
“Too tired to listen to the song I wrote for you?”
“No! Not at all.”
Yunho chuckled, slowly brushing my hair aside and turning his head to look at me. As he had countless times, he took a breath before he turned to me, beginning to sing.
“You give me fireworks
I’ll give you the kindest words, my dear
Your love caught me
The moment I met your eyes
And how could I not fall?
Your heart bared, no disguise”
I fought to stay awake although his melodic voice seemed to be lulling me to sleep. I felt myself losing consciousness, but managed to catch the last few lyrics he sang to me.
“Now I sunbathe in the daybreak
Half asleep, half awake
Writing this song
As I hope I’ll dream of you”
Yunho brushed his fingertips brush against my face before he spoke, “Goodnight, flower.”
I muttered some form of a “goodnight” before I felt sleep take over me, nuzzling happily against my boyfriend.
I woke up in a panic, unsure why my heart was beating so fast until I looked at the clock. Eleven in the morning. I was an hour later than I should’ve been at my job. It seemed that even unconscious my body knew I was late.
“Oh shit I’m gonna be late for work!” I spoke with wide eyes.
Jumping from Yunho’s bed I stripped myself of his shirt and quickly threw my clothes on. The body that laid beside me stirred, moving the covers aside.
“Are you leaving?” He asked sleepily, his face puffy from sleep and an adorable pout on his lips.
I frowned, “Yeah. I’m sorry we didn’t get to spend more time together, babe.”
He shook his head, “Don’t worry about it. Both of us slept in.”
I tied my hair back, sighing. I was so caught up in my thoughts I almost missed Yunho’s question.
“Sorry what was that?”
He smiled, “You’re coming to our going away party tomorrow, right?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I moved back to the bed and hugged him, feeling my heart sink. I was proud of him, I really was, yet couldn’t help but feel sad that I wouldn’t see him for so long.
This was the longest tour they’d ever gone on and we’d never been apart from each other that long before. I trusted him and I was confident in our relationship, but realistically, all members of Sidekick Heart were attractive young men and a good portion of their fans were female. I was far more concerned about the female audience doing something than I was about Yunho making a move on another woman.
With one last squeeze of his shoulders I pulled back, goodbyes beginning to fall from my lips before Yunho pulled me back.
“I need a goodbye kiss.”
I pressed my lips together with a smile, gladly indulging him. Giving him one last kiss against the lips, I bid him farewell until the following day.
“So how was work?” My roommate asked as I walked in the house, propping her feet up on our couch and tossing a kernel of corn into her mouth, the lighting of the TV illuminating her blanket-covered body.
I sighed, sitting down on the floor next to her, “Other than being an hour and a half late and missing an important meeting I think it went okay. I’m just glad the day’s over.” Rubbing a hand over my face I turned to her, “What about you? How was your day?”
“Pretty damn good actually.” She smiled, removing the blanket and showing me the new ink on her upper arm. It was an assortment of flowers and matched her bubbly personality perfectly. They were now the fifth adornment on her beautiful dark skin, each one of them tempting me more and more to get a few of my own.
“Another one already, Tiff?”
“Listen, you’ll know how addicting they get as soon as you get your first.”
“You sound so confident that I will.”
“Oh I know you will. You’re dating a rockstar, after all. Not to mention he’s the goddamn lead singer and has tattoos of his own.”
“Shut up.” I giggled, “Speaking of, are you coming to the farewell party tomorrow?”
“I plan on it, but I’ll probably be there a couple hours late. My dad’s flying into town for the weekend so I plan on visiting first. I’m definitely coming though.”
I hummed, “Yeah, don’t worry too much about it. We all know it’ll go till sunrise anyway.”
She let out a loud laugh, likely remembering the last party of theirs we went to where she ended up more drunk than I’d ever seen her. She claims she remembers flashes of the night; playing strip beer pong and being dared to steal one of the neighbor’s bushes—which, after much convincing from those who were sober, she decided against it—but didn’t recall half of the hilarious memories of her the rest of us did. Personally, my favorite was watching her hold a tomato soup can and cry over the fact that it could never have children.
Tiff let out a yawn as she stretched her arms above her head, turning in my direction. Her words were muffled by her yawn as she spoke, “Imma go to bed now. You good before I go?”
I smiled at her, “Yeah I’m good. I won’t stay up too much longer, just need to go through my nightly routine of looking at the stars, ya know, the usual.”
She nodded, wrapping the blanket around her and heading to her bedroom, “Sleep well, babe. I’ll see ya tomorrow.”
“Back at ya.”
It was a habit of mine, gazing at the night sky before sleeping. It gave me comfort knowing that out there, somewhere, there was something else out there with me. Almost like I wasn’t going through everything alone.
I set my purse down when I reached our kitchen, reaching for a tea pot and tea bags, brainlessly brewing my favorite tea as I thought of what Yunho might be doing right now. It was probably most likely that he was practicing for their tours, but I could only hope he was getting a little bit of rest.
I stepped out onto our porch to look at the stars with a cup of tea in my hands, the night sky twinkling with all the stars it could offer. A slight breeze rustled my hair and I closed my eyes, thankful for the pleasant weather. I heard a sudden snap of a branch and my eyes quickly opened as I searched out property for any sign of an aggressive animal. My eyes finally landed on a human-like figure. Feeling adrenaline run though me, I decided to confront whoever or whatever it was.
“Who are you? What are you doing here?” I spoke, my voice loud but not quite a yell.
The figure took off it’s hood to show their face, and I saw a familiar pair of ice blue eyes, though I hadn’t seen them in years, “I’m here to see you, of course.”
My brain quickly connected her to the woman I hoped I’d never see again.
“Well I don’t want to see you. Leave.”
She pressed a hand to her chest, feigning offense, “But I came all this way! Just to...say hello.”
I took a step towards her, hoping that if I appeared confrontational she would leave me alone. “I don’t know who you are, now please leave. I’m not going to say it again.”
“Oh, you poor girl. You really think you have the upper hand?” She pulled out a knife, and walked towards me at impressive speed, pointing the weapon at my throat. “I know you’ve been seeing Yunho. I. Don’t. Like. That.” She emphasized every word of the last sentence, anger woven within her voice.
I wanted to fight back. Everything in me was screaming to fight back, but I knew I had no chance. I had no idea what she was capable of, and I didn’t dare to find out.
“I dated him first and he’s still mine. You’re going to break up with him, you hear me?” She screamed in my ear, the sound shaking me to my core, “I never want to see you near him again.” She grabbed my jaw harshly, forcing my eyes to lock with hers. “I bet he doesn’t even love you.”
My eyes watered. I knew she was wrong, but with the adrenaline coursing through my veins and the harshness of her words I began to doubt myself.
Her grip tightened and I let out a yelp, “He loves me and I love him. He’s always loved me, not you. Why would he ever love a thing like you?”
She then threw me to the ground, towering over me, “Break up with him. Make him hate you. If you don’t,” She squatted down next to me, once more pointing the knife at my throat, “I’ll kill him myself and make you watch. Then,” She cocked her head, a crazed smile plastered on her face, “I’ll kill you. If I can’t have him, no one can.” She stood, smirking at me, “And you know I will.”
She kicked me in the stomach, watching as I crawled into myself, groaning from the pain. I closed my eyes, hoping she wouldn’t hurt me any more than she already had.
“I’ll be watching you at the party tomorrow. Do it then. Break his heart. I’ll kill him then and there if you don’t.” She looked down at me and scoffed, “And I’ll be bringing friends to make sure the job gets done.”
I carefully opened my eyes to see her stepping over me, walking back into the darkness from which she came. I scrambled back into my house, hyperventilating from the interaction I just had.
I spent the night crying, not able to sleep even for a minute. I tried to think rationally, but there were just too many variables. How many ‘friends’ was she bringing? Would she really kill Yunho in front of everyone? Where would she be watching me from? Is she watching me now?
I could text or call Yunho to let him know, but where would we go from there? He’d want to meet me and she’d kill him instantly. Right?
“Maybe I could pull him aside at the party and warn him?” I murmured to myself, “No, she could probably see that. Maybe there’s people actually at the party who are looking out for us, too.” I covered my face with my hands and fell back into my pillows, weeping as I knew I had to break up with the love of my life.
Choosing to wear a yellow dress honestly couldn’t have been more ironic. Yellow was supposed to be a happy color. A color of hope and yearning, innocence and warm days full of laughter. It was the complete antithesis of how I felt and what I knew I had to do. Even worse, the weather was perfect. It was sunny, but not so much to make it unbearable outside. Everything about today made my insides twist.
I took a breath at the door of Yunho’s house, bracing myself for what I had to do. Knocking a few times I heard a commotion inside before the man I came to see opened the door. His smile had never been bigger.
“Baby!” He cheered, pulling me into a bear hug and ruffling my styled hair, “I’m so excited you’re here!”
He looks so ecstatic. And I have to break him.
The thought crushed me and brought tears to my eyes, but I couldn’t let him die. I knew she was serious, I didn’t doubt that for a moment. I grabbed Yunho’s arm, pulling him outside and away from everyone in the house.
I looked at the ground as I felt my lips begin to quiver, “I’m sorry. I just need to get this over with.”
Yunho bent down to meet my eyes, “Hey, hey. What’s going on sweetheart?” His voice was gentle, one of his hands coming to rub the tears from my face, “I’m here for you, whatever it is.”
I looked down, unable to look him in the eyes. I hated myself more than I’d ever hated anyone. “I don’t love you, Yunho.” My hands began to shake beyond my control, my own body knowing I was making a mistake.
“W-what?” Yunho’s voice cracked. A moment of silence passed before he let out a hollow laugh, “Baby, you don’t mean that-”
I looked up at him and immediately wished I hadn’t. Tears were welling in his eyes, his own hands beginning to shake.
“I said I don’t love you Yunho!” I said louder than I intended, “Not anymore. I don’t want to be with you. I’m sorry.”
He took a step back and I noticed his hands clenching, something he always did to keep himself from crying.
“If that’s what you want,” Tears fell from his eyes before he finished his sentence, “Then I’ll support your decision.” He looked to the side, not knowing what else to say.
I wanted nothing more than to throw myself in his arms and explain everything, tell him that I’ve never stopped loving him, not even for a second, but I couldn’t. Instead, I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand and looked at him one last time. He was so fucking handsome, so goddamn kind, and here I was doing this to him. Maybe he did deserve someone better.
“Good luck with your tour, Yunho. I know you’ll be fantastic.”
I turned and walked away from him quickly, leaving the house and ignoring the stare I could feel on me. I ran across the yard to my car, starting the engine and leaning my head against the steering wheel. I felt myself lose all oxygen in my body, the only option left to take large gasps of air. My vision was so clouded by tears I couldn’t even see anymore. I’d just lost myself along with my other half. I’d never felt as empty as I did in that moment.
Just then I heard a knocking on my window. I half-hardheartedly lifted my head and felt my heart lurch. Yunho was standing outside my car, eyes red and puffy, looking at me like I was the last person he’d ever see. I opened my car without thinking, my breathing still as uneven as before.
Yunho spoke, his voice coarse and distant, “I’m not asking you to change your mind, but I need you to know that I have always loved you and I always will. That will never change.”
I wiped the snot from my nose but didn’t bother to try and fix the mascara I knew was streaming down my face. I knew I had to look horrible, but he still held so much love for me that it was easy to see in his eyes. I fought myself to not reply, knowing that if I’d open my mouth all I’d say was ‘I love you’ over and over again.
“Is it too out of line to ask for a last hug?” He smiled sadly as more tears poured from his eyes.
I shook my head, running into his arms and embracing him. I felt like I made a mistake the moment I did because I could smell him. He was wearing the cologne I bought him for his birthday. His warm, sturdy chest...everything about him felt like home.
“Goodbye, Yunho.”
I arrived at home alone, tears still stinging my eyes. Tiff was nowhere to be found and I couldn’t decide if I was thankful or sad for the fact that she wasn’t there. I barely made it out to our porch before collapsing once again, finding it harder and harder to breathe. I didn’t know how long I was sitting there, it could’ve been one hour or three, but given the setting sun it looked like it was the latter. Once more I heard a noise outside our home, and once more the female figure appeared before me.
“You did good,” Lucy said, twirling her knife in her hands, “Dare I say I’m proud of you.”
“I don’t ever want to see you here again.” I cried, “I did what you want now get the fuck away from me.”
“My, my. You have quite the mouth on you, don’t you?” She tsked, “But you did as I asked, so I might as well comply. Don’t; however, think that you can go crawling back to Yunho and tell him about this. I’ll keep watching you and if you decide to do just that...I’ll follow through with my promise.”
I kept my eyes on the ground, convinced that if I looked up at her I’d attempt to rip the hair out of her head. No anger I had ever felt before could surmount to the rage I was feeling.
“Nonetheless, it was a pleasure doing business with you, miss.”
As soon as she came, she was gone. When I finally let myself look up, I could no longer see her, only darkness. Once again, I was alone.
Six months had passed since I broke up with Yunho and today officially made the third new date I’d went on. All of them were absolutely horrible. It wasn’t even that the guys were mean or rude or weren’t attractive, they just weren’t him.
Why am I even trying to move on?
I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes looked heavy, the bags under my eyes ever prominent. I couldn’t fool myself. I’d never be able to be with another man again. I forced myself to hold back tears and reached back to untie my hair, preparing to take a bath in hopes that it would take my mind off of things.
I began to run the warm water as I reached for several candles, lighting them and placing them around the room, trying to forget the entire day altogether. As I waited for the tub to fill I grabbed my phone, opening Instagram for no other reason than to have something to do. Although Yunho and I broke up, I still followed their band account, as well as their individual accounts. Seonghwa, San, and Wooyoung were still my friends, after all. Yunho was the only exception. Both of us unfollowed each other early on just because it was too painful. I didn’t hold it against him and hoped he didn’t hold it against me either.
Regardless, my eyes found the most recent post on Sidekick Heart’s account. All four members were shirtless, their hair dripping wet with goofy smiles plastered on their faces. They were standing by a pool, the same one Yunho and I would often break into. I noticed Yunho first, how could I not? His smile wasn’t as wide as the other’s, his eyes a bit colder, but he looked happy all the same. He looked good. Really, really good. He was always fit while we were dating, but he gained more muscle since I last saw him and it didn’t go unnoticed by their fans, either. I clicked the comment section against my better judgement, knowing what I was going to see before I even did so.
“Yunho looks like a fucking goddd”
“So Yunho’s still single right??”
“Yunhooo hmu I beg you”
“Jesus Christ Yunho break me please”
A surge of jealousy rushed through me. I hated when girls said those things when we were together, but now that we were apart it made it even worse. I had no right to be jealous, and that was the worst part.
The water reached my leg that was resting on the side of the tub and I scrambled to turn off the faucet. Doing my best to push the images from my mind I placed my phone aside and stripped from my clothes, settling in the water. I sighed as some water fell out of the side of the tub. It wasn’t a terrible thing to happen, but it seemed to just be another thing to go wrong.
My eyes wandered back to my phone, Instagram still open and the picture I was looking at earlier still on display. He was so fucking hot and seeing that he was standing next to that pool—our pool—made my brain short circuit. I couldn’t stop my thoughts from taking me back to the last night we broke in, the way we teased each other and how it inevitably led to sex. It seemed I had no control over my body as my dominant hand slipped between my legs.
But as much as I wanted it to be, it wasn’t the same. My fingers weren’t as long or slender as his and just nothing about our touches were the same, but the image of him just made my hormones rage. Every ounce of me craved him.
My fingers swirled around my clit, a bundle of pleasure shooting through me at the action. I closed my eyes, letting my body take over and repeat the motions and much as I fought not to, my brain kept replaying scenes of two of us again, and again, and again.
“Such a good girl, aren’t you?” Yunho spoke as I sunk down on his dick, barely finding the energy to lift myself up again even though the noises he made were like shots of espresso.
“Aww, is my baby getting tired?” He cooed, jerking his hips into mine.
“It’s not fair!” I whined, “I’m not good at this and you know it.”
“But we wouldn’t be a good couple if we didn’t encourage each other to work hard, right? Up you go, flower.”
I whimpered and pouted, but still obeyed him. Taking pity on me, Yunho grabbed my waist and lifted me, relaxing his grip as I moved downward. I made a noise that wasn’t understood by Yunho, but it didn’t go unnoticed.
“What was that?”
“Please. More. I need you so bad.” I begged.
Yunho laughed, “I really do have you wrapped around my finger, don’t I?”
I nodded before remembering that he’d probably prefer a verbal answer, “Yes. I’m w-wrapped around your finger.”
He let out a noise of satisfaction before flipping us over into a position so that he would have full control. I grabbed the bedsheets roughly, so much in my own world that I didn’t hear Yunho’s words.
“What was that?” I let out with a series of mewls.
“You’ve got me wrapped around your finger, too, you know? I don’t go an hour without thinking about you anymore. I can’t even have a single conversation without bringing you up. Anytime someone says your name my heart beats out of my damn chest. You’re the only woman for me.”
My legs shook as my high approached, barely able to breathe at it’s intensity. It took me a minute before I could even remember where I was. As I came to my senses, I felt tears biting at my eyes and this time I didn’t bother to hold them back. I watched as they streamed down my face and joined the now-cold water surrounding me. I brought my hands up to cover my eyes, glad Tiff wasn’t home to hear my wailing. She’d been good about staying with me since the breakup, but tonight she just wasn’t here. The hole in my heart felt even deeper now. I wondered if he found someone, if he was happy now. Hell, maybe it was his ex. The thought tore my heart out and ripped it in two. I wanted to be happy for him if it was true, but I just couldn’t be. I was still too selfish. I still wanted him to love only me.
 New friends, new beginnings or whatever.
That’s apparently what I thought when I began attending more clubs at college after the breakup, meeting new people and eventually finding a really solid friend group. All who happened to really like punk-rock music.
“You should really go with us,” Shang directed his words at me, “There’s a new band popping up that’s playing this weekend. It’s three hours away but they have great music.” 
I sighed, not fully convinced although it did sound fun. The last concert I’d been to was one of Yunho’s and though I hadn’t even seen him in what felt like forever, I still couldn’t help myself from thinking of him anytime someone talked about concerts. Sensing my apprehension, the woman beside me spoke up.
“Road trip! Road trip! Road trip!” Tyra chanted in my ear, her black curls bouncing with her as she clapped her hands between the words. “Come on, it would be so much fun and you know it.”
I bit my lip, deep in thought. I knew I would have fun but I just didn’t know if that would outweigh the pain I would feel.
“What’s the band name?” I asked, looking at Shang.
“Honestly?” He scratched the back of his head, “I was a little drunk when I told one of my friends I’d be there so I don’t even remember what they’re called.”
“How do you know they have great music, then?” I laughed, Tyra agreeing with me, apparently not knowing who was playing when she agreed either.
“I mean, my brother listens to their music and he’s got good music taste so they’ve gotta be good.”
I closed my eyes as I felt an oncoming headache, knowing they wouldn’t accept no as an answer. “Fuck it.” I stated, “I’ll go.”
The two cheered, Shang promising that I’d enjoy myself. I doubted it, truthfully, but really it was decided that I’d go the moment the pair brought the idea up to me.
Our trio waded through the giant crowd as the doors opened to let us into the venue. It was big, one of the larger concerts I’ve been to. Whoever we were seeing was successful, for sure. The volume at which everyone was speaking was essentially a yell, so I had to do just that to get my messages through.
“I still can’t believe we have no fucking idea who’s playing!” I yelled at Shang.
He laughed, “I got seats towards the front row, though! I didn’t even have to pay for them!”
“That’s not gonna matter if we don’t know any of the lyrics, you dipshit!” Tyra barked.
“Okay okay I should’ve asked, I get that now.”
As we found our way towards the seats, there was a big projector with the words ‘Sidekick Heart’ displayed across it. My heart dropped and I suddenly felt it become hard to breathe.
“You got us tickets to a Sidekick Heart concert?” Tyra beamed, “I love their music and I’m practically in love with San! His vocals are insane! Holy shit, Shang!”
“Ohhhh yeah I remember now.” He chuckled.
I seemed to fade into the background as the two of them discussed their love for the band and the members. All I could think about was seeing Yunho again.
Would he see me? How would he react if he does?...Does he hate me?
I only came back to reality when the audience began to cheer and I saw all the members step onto stage. Seonghwa cradled his electric guitar, in one arm, waving at the audience with the other. Wooyoung plopped down behind the drum set, smiling at the audience while twirling a drumstick. With his bass guitar, San, ever the king of expressions, gave his best smoulder to the audience and it seemed like the audience collectively screamed over him. Then came Yunho out to center stage, his electric guitar in his hands and a smirk on his face as if he knew everyone in the damn building wanted to fuck him. And he’d be right. The spotlights on each of them made them look like actual gods. If I didn’t know them personally I would have thought they were.
Yunho leaned into the mic, his gruff voice taking me by surprise, “Hello everyone! Great to see you all! If you haven’t been to one of our concerts before this is how it’s gonna work: You’re gonna dance, we’re gonna sing, we’re all gonna have a fucking great time tonight!”
The crowd erupted as the first song began to play. It was one of their more popular songs and for good reason. All over it was a really well put together song and I couldn’t help as I began to mouth along to the words. Song after song played, some I knew some I didn’t, and the entire time I couldn’t look away from the man singing. He radiated confidence and looked relaxed as if he’d been performing for decades. I knew he wasn’t as cool as he seemed, I’d given him so many pep talks before performances I couldn’t count them, but as an outsider you’d never know.
I wonder who talked him up this time?
“Alright everyone. This is the last song of the night and-”
The audience booed, everyone upset at the night coming to a close.
Yunho laughed. The sound was rich and beautiful. He was truly enjoying himself. This is what he was meant to do, with or without me. I closed my eyes, willing myself not to cry.
Yunho’s voice filled my ears. “I know, I know. I’d love to stay a bit longer, too. Here’s the thing though...” He paused and I opened my eyes only to see him looking back at me. His eyes automatically softened as they always did when he saw me, but as if he remembered how we ended his gaze hardened slightly, like he was trying to distance himself. It felt like we’d been looking at each other for hours before he opened his mouth to speak again, but I knew very well that my perception of time had been off for a while.
“Even if we only have this little time left, I’ve truly enjoyed the time we’ve spent together. The fact that it’s coming to an end soon is what makes it so special, I think.” Yunho broke eye contact with me, smiling slightly and glancing back out at the sea of people. “Seeing your smiling faces, your energetic cheers—all of it—is a reminder to me that we’re so lucky to be doing this as a job. Really...I love you all.”
The audience let out a chorus of ‘awws’ which was followed by several rather aggressive ‘I love you too’s.
The lead singer once more smiled, “Now, without further adieu, this is one of our newest songs and it’s called Brown Eyes, here it is.”
The music began to play, all instruments coming together to make a somber tune. Somehow they were always able to write music that perfectly encapsulated emotions or ideas. This one? Loss.
“Since you left you’re still so infused
In how I think and what I do
Can’t seem to get you to leave me alone
Your ghost stayed here and she watches my tears
That run down our picture frames”
Then he found me again in the crowd, no doubt able to see the tears staining my makeup, no doubt able to see how broken I was. And still, he sang.
“I’ve tried hard to fight it
Yet I keep givin’ in
There’s been no one but you
I’m trapped, confined
And your platinum smile still knocks me out
Every single time”
He kept eye contact with me, not once breaking his gaze. It was almost as if he wanted me to break first, as if he wanted me to look away before him. As if he was daring me to leave him again.
San stepped closer to his mic and took his eyes away from his bass guitar, Yunho’s voice being replaced by the purple-haired man. As his voice rang out I only could’ve hoped the next lyrics were about one of San ex’s, not me. Even if they weren’t, Yunho still looked at me.
“It’s not aimed at me 
Maybe it never was
But oh darling, you could’ve fooled me”
My eyes flickered down, unable to look at Yunho any longer. His gaze only broke my heart further and in turn I felt my eyes water. After a moment or two, I worked up the courage to look back at him. He was still looking at me like he never moved his eyes. I couldn’t seem to register the lyrics until Yunho began to sing again, his voice drawing me in as it always did.
“You've disappeared without a trace
Left an unsuspecting guise
Love, I need you to know
I’ve been losing far more than sleep
Over those deep chocolate eyes.”
As the song and the show ended and everyone in the crowd cheered, I felt a rush of emotions run through me. Thrilled that they’d become so successful, proud of them for putting on such an amazing show, and hurt because I could still see a sliver of sadness in Yunho’s eyes.
I hurt him.
Yunho then reluctantly said his goodbyes to the audience along with the rest of the members. His jaw tightened as he walked over to Wooyoung, whispering something in his ear before walking off stage. Feeling like I was set in a trance, I grabbed my Tyra’s arm and mumbled something about going to the bathroom before following him. I completely ignored her questions and concerns about where I was going, dead set on talking to him again even though I didn’t have a damn idea what I was going to say.
Somehow, through the giant maze of people, I was able to spot Yunho leaving through the backstage. Instinctively I ran towards him, still having no plan in mind. I only stopped when a purple-headed man appeared before me.
“Y/n!” He smiled, bringing me into a hug, “I missed you so much!” He pulled back from me, “We all did.”
Seonghwa and Wooyoung came from behind me, both wearing sad, kind smiles. They looked healthy and happy, which was all I could’ve asked for them.
“How’ve you been, girl?” Seonghwa cocked his head, genuinely curious.
I hesitated, not sure if I should tell them the truth. But at the end of the day, they were still my friends. “Not...great. If I’m being honest. I was kinda hoping I could talk to Yunho...if I could.”
They all shared a look I couldn’t understand.
Wooyoung spoke up, “We’re having a party at a friend’s house after this, you should come.”
I was surprised, still not fully understanding the situation.
San frowned, “I think it would be good for you two to talk. He didn’t tell us too much about what happened, but I’m sure you had a good reason. You were always so good to all of us.”
“I can text you the address if you’d like,” Wooyoung added, “You still have the same number?”
I nodded.
“Okay, good. We need to get back but we’ll see you there. Take care, okay?”
“I will. Thanks guys.”
San pulled me in for another hug, “Of course.”
They waved as we parted ways and for the first time that night, I felt hopeful. I spotted Shang and Tyra and ran up to them, no doubt a smile on my face as I asked, “Soo...you guys up for a party?”
I ditched my friends the moment we arrived, barely even sparing a word with Seonghwa, San, and Wooyoung once they nudged me in the direction of Yunho. I didn’t try to think too much about it, knowing I’d explain it all to them later.
He was standing in an empty bedroom, looking at the floor and sipping out of a red cup which likely contained liquor. When his eyes met mine a rush of memories flooded back to me. The first time we kissed, the first time he confessed he loved me, the first time he saw me cry.
The first time I broke his heart.
His eyes raised to mine, his face stoic, “Enjoy the show?”
My mouth opened and closed, not having any clue what to say to him, “Yunho I-”
“I know why you did it.” He said suddenly, “A week after you left me Lucy showed up to one of our shows and tried to convince me it was all a coincidence. Said that I could finally be with her. When I didn’t buy it she finally gave in and told me she convinced you we were better apart. So naturally I called the cops and they arrested her for breaking the restraining order, thank god.” He shook his head, looking disgusted, “You know I never wanted us to be apart. My question to you,” he took a step further towards me, “is why did you do it? Why did you end us?”
When I couldn’t seem to respond he talked once more, “You could’ve told me what she was trying to do. We could’ve worked it out together.” He looked more disappointed and heartbroken rather than angry.
He doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve any of this.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Yunho.” I bit my tongue as I fought back tears, “I’m not asking for you to forgive me. I-I’m just-” I sobbed, “Lucy told me she would kill you if I kept dating you.”
Yunho’s mouth shut and eyes widened, clearly missing that bit of information. I took it as my cue to continue “I don’t know why she did it, but it’s probably because we were happy.”
More tears fell down my face and it became harder for me to talk, but I owed him the truth. I had to tell him the truth. I looked up at him but because of my tears my vision was blurred. Yunho’s hands were tightening into fists as he looked away from me.
“I couldn’t tell you because I had to protect you so I had to make you hate me and I’m just so sorry.” I fell to the ground, my body feeling as heavy as my heart.
I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I brought my eyes to meet his own, “I’m sorry.” A tear streamed down his cheek, heavy remorse in his eyes, “God she’s fucking awful.”
A laugh got caught in my throat, “Yeah she is.”
He set his cup down somewhere along the way a his hands cupped my face, finally whispering the words I’d only heard in dreams, “I still love you so fucking much. I never stopped loving you. I never even tried to stop because I know I couldn’t.”
I jumped into his arms and kissed him hard, unintentionally knocking him to the floor. He met my lips with just as much fire, groaning when I unconsciously bucked my hips into his, all my sexual frustration still pent up.
“I missed you so fucking much.” Yunho growled, obviously feeling needy too but deciding against it as he wrapped his arms around my waist, speaking in between kisses, “I missed your cute laugh. I missed your lips. I missed your fucking awful jokes. I missed the way you’d look at me whenever you told me you loved me. I missed your gorgeous body and your smile. I missed your moans and the way you arched your back when we’d have sex. I missed how alive you made me feel.” He pulled back to look at me, “My life had no purpose without you.”
I took a breath, tears once more falling, “Mine didn’t either.” It wasn’t anything profound or emotional, but it was the truth. It didn’t.
Gently picking me up, he placed me on the bed. His eyes were raw, as emotional as they could ever be. Taking my hands in his, he looked at me as if I would disappear at any minute.
“Stay with me. Come with us on the rest of the tour. If you can’t take a vacation we’ll hire you as an assistant. If you can’t do that we’ll make some other kind of accommodation. Just stay, please. Please be mine again.”
I looked at the man in front of me. The tough-looking, six-foot tall, tattooed, strong man that could probably scare the shit out of anyone. Yet here he was, bearing his heart to me and being as vulnerable as a person could be.
I smiled, feeling my heart swell. “I’ve only ever been yours.”
The morning was bright, lighting directly hitting my eyes. I cursed myself for not closing the blinds the night before and blinked off my sleep when I heard a familiar pleasant sound.
Jumping down from the bed I put on the new fluffy bathrobe my lover bought me. I followed Yunho’s voice out to my porch, realizing I was listening to a new song of his. The man was strumming a guitar, a beautiful melody falling from his lips. When he noticed me, he smiled and continued to sing.
“I’m in a vivid yellow mood
You’re my muse, my home and room
And now that I have you again
What could I ever fear?
Oh do me a favor, dear
And inscribe your name on my sleeve
Let me keep it there forever
Because you’re better than any daydream.”
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The Little Girl
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[Gif credit to @vinylackles]
Square: Never Been Kissed ( @supernatural-jackles tell me a story bingo)
Pairing: Jensen x adopted!child!reader
Summary: The Reader is adopted by Jensen and his family after a tragic event in her life. Soon after being adopted, she begins to learn what a family really does.
Warnings: Angsty-ish, child abuse/neglect (implied?), religion is mentioned in here (if you have your own belief, that’s fine we’re all different. It’d be boring if we’re the same.), there will be feels in this both fluffy and sad. You might have happy tears, who knows. Song inspired fic, song fic since the lyrics are in this.
Word Count: 1,840
Bingo Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Mobile Masterlist
a/n: Inspired by the song The Little Girl by John Montgomery. I can’t italicize the lyrics; it’d look a bit weird and mess with the flow of your reading.
a/n2: probably not what one would expect for a “never been kissed” square. But I kept hitting a block with the typical, and this one came to me. Hope ya’ll enjoy nonetheless. :3
Her parents never took her to church. Never spoke of his name, never even told her of his word.
Her parent’s weren’t really believers. Her dad drank all day, her mom did drugs. Every night her dad would go out drinking. Her mom would be passed out in the chair as Y/N sat on the couch watching TV.
They never wanted to play. Or give kisses and hugs.
And the drinking and the fighting, just got worse every night.
Behind their couch, she’d be hiding. Praying for it all to stop.
And like it always does, the bad got worse. With every slap, and every curse.
Until her dad in a drunk rage one night, used a gun on her mom. And then took his life.
Some people from the city, took the girl far away. To a new mom and a new dad.
. . .
The caseworker drove young little Y/N up to her new home.
“This family is going to be good to you.”
“Not like my old family?”
“Nothing like them, they’re new parents to one of their own kids. And once they heard your story, they wanted you.”
She sat in the back seat, smiling, wondering how it was going to be like? Who her mom and dad were?
He pulled up to the house, parking it and turning off the car. He gets out to get her things from the trunk, and he stops by her door to help her out.
She picked up her backpack, and turned to see a fancy house.
Suddenly feeling nervous, she swallowed and mustered up whatever courage she had and followed her caseworker to the house.
The caseworker rang the doorbell.
She could faintly hear a women on the other side. “She’s here.”
She sounded excited.
The door opened, she found a man, a woman and small girl standing before her.
“Hi, Chris?” the man asked.
“Yes, you must be Jensen?”
“I am, this is my wife Danneel and my four year old daughter JJ.” Jensen says, introducing his family. “This must be Y/N?”
She nods, shying behind the caseworker.
“It’s okay sweetie, you’re safe here. This is your new home?” Jensen says, getting down to her level.
“How about we have a little tour, warm up to your new family?” Chris, her caseworker suggests.
The little girl nodded, following Chris inside the house as Jensen showed her around.
 That night, dinner went off without a hitch. Sure she was quiet, but she was still a bit shy. But now it was the time for her and her new little sister to go off to bed.
She gone off to her room, getting her night gown on. Heading to her bathroom that her and JJ shared. Danneel helping JJ make sure she was brushing her teeth alright, Y/N grabbed her toothbrush and began cleaning her teeth.
Danneel taking a hairbrush she brushed the girls’ hair.
She could see Y/N tense. She didn’t know what she was doing at first. Danneel continued to brush her hair, cautiously.
She could see her relax as she continued to brush.
“Your parents never did this, did they?” she asked kindly.
Y/N shaking her head as she brushed her teeth.
Danneel held back warm tears that threatened to surface.
What else have these parents not done for her? she wondered.
Once they’ve finished they went off to their respected rooms. Danneel walking JJ to her room, JJ wanting a story. Y/N headed to her room.
She was about to get herself settled when Jensen and Danneel entered.
“Busy day so far, huh?” Danneel asked.
She nods. “mm-hmm.” She hummed quietly.
“Tomorrow we can have a lazy day, all four of us, just relax and maybe even play outside a little bit. The weather’s supposed to be nice.” Jensen says.
“What do you play?” she asks innocently.
“We could do, tag, or hide and seek, or whatever JJ comes up with.” Jensen chuckles.
“Could you teach me?”
“You never played before?” Jensen asked.
She shook her head innocently.
Jensen’s jaw clenched as he fought back tears of his own.
“We’ll teach ya tomorrow. It’ll be fun.” He says with a smile.
Bending over he gives her a sweet kiss atop her head. Danneel following suit.
She laid there staring up at them with wide eyes.
“Get some sleep sweetheart, you had a busy day.” Jensen says, brushing her hair from her face.
Y/N nodded. Feeling herself grow sleepy, she let her eyes fall closed.
Jensen and Danneel smiled softly as they shut her light off, left her door open slightly letting the hall light in. And went back down to the living room.
 It was getting close to Jensen and Danneel to head to bed themselves.
Just as he shut the TV off they heard a sniffle from the dark hallway. Seeing their new daughter stand in the hall, holding her blanket as she rubbed the tears from her eyes.
“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Danneel asked.
“What’s got you crying?” Jensen follows up, as they both got up to go to her.
“Bad dream.” She cries.
“Everything’s okay sweetheart, you’re safe.” Jensen consoles, rubbing up and down her arm.
The little girl nods but couldn’t stop crying as a slight tremble shook through her. Jensen felt it.
Jensen without hesitation picked her up, holding her close. Walked back to the couch, sitting down with her in his lap.
“What are you doing?” the little girl asked?
“You never been cuddled before?”
She shook her head against Jensen’s chest.
He only held her tighter.
“Well I’m holding you, making you feel safe. It’s something parents should do to help their kids feel safe after a nightmare, being scared, or even if their kid is having a bad day.”
She nods against him.
Danneel sat beside Jensen, sandwiching the little girl between them.
“It wouldn’t hurt to stay up just a little bit longer.” She says.
Jensen nodding as he places a comforting kiss atop their daughter’s head.
 The little girl slowly adjusted to her new family. Getting kisses and hugs every night. Even getting one from her little sister.
Fourth of July with the family was a struggle for a moment. The loud noises sounding an awful lot like gun fire.
She ran inside, crying.
JJ the only one noticing. She followed her big sister into the house. Finding her behind a couch in the family room, crying.
“Sissy what’s wrong?” JJ asked.
“It’s like the night my mom and dad died. It sounds like the gun he used.”
“Your daddy used a gun?”
Y/N nodded tearfully.
“Well our daddy is not like that. Come on sissy, come back outside.” JJ tells her. encouraging her to come with her. Only to get a fearful shake of her sister’s head. And more tears.
She let out a fearful sob.
JJ took it upon herself to comfort her big sister. She got behind the couch with her, sitting in front of her, she kissed the top of her sisters head while cradling it. Having short arms she couldn’t wrap her sister in her arms not like how her dad does.
“JJ?” Jensen calls. “Y/N?”
The stifled cries from Y/N gave them away.
Jensen found the couch where she hid, to find JJ holding Y/N’s head in a hug.
“What’s wrong?”
“Sissy’s scared of the fireworks.”
Jensen having the gut feeling he knew why she was.
“Why are you scared honey?” He asks anyway.
“It sounds like his gun.” She says with her head on her knees.
Jensen’s heart sank.
“It’s okay honey, we’ll get you through this. How about you hang out inside for a bit. Okay?”
Y/N nodded.
“We can play in here, or we can watch movies in the movie room?”
“Okay.” She says. JJ and Y/N getting up to the movie room and watching movies.
 The little girl made so many friends at her new school. One of her friends took her to church one Sunday for the first time.
Sitting in Sunday school, the teacher walked in.
The little girl saw a picture of Jesus on the cross.
“I know that man, up there on the cross.” She says.
“Oh?” the teacher asks.
She nods. “He was there in my old house, and he held me close to his side. As I hid there behind our couch, the night my parents died.”
She told the teacher her story. Her old mom and dad, tainted with sin, neglecting her.
“But everything is fine now. My new mom and dad, they give me kisses and hugs every day. We play almost every day. Dad plays on TV; he plays a guy who fights monsters with his brother. My dad is a hero.”
“What about your new mom?”
“She brushes my hair every night, her and dad make me feel safe. She’s dad’s sidekick.”
Some kids giggled. The teacher even chuckled.
“That’s sweet honey, how about for the first bit of class, we draw our superheroes. It could be Christ Himself, or your parents. Let’s do that and you can take it home to show everyone.”
The teacher let the kids be and draw away.
 Y/N’s friend’s parent’s dropped her off back home.
“How was church honey?” Danneel asked as she waited outside for her.
“It was good, we drew our superheroes in Sunday school.” She says holding up a picture. Drawn in crayon and marker.
Jensen walked through the door outside, stepping beside Danneel wrapping an arm around her.
“How as church kiddo?”
“Good, I was telling mom I drew my superheroes.” She says.
Jensen peered over Danneel’s shoulder. Seeing the same drawing.
Of stick figures, one with Dad under it, wearing a cape with an S on it. Symbolizing Superman.
He saw another stick figure, the word Mom under it. Wore a skirt and a cape with a S on it as well.
Under the both of their stick figures, she wrote in big letters as big as they would fit on the paper, Thank you.
Jensen walked around, picking up Y/N, hugging her close. Danneel joining in the hug as she hugged her and Jensen as close as she could.
“We love you so much sweetheart, and you’re most welcome.” Jensen says, holding back the tears.
She smiled against him as her parents held her close.
At first growing up, she never knew what it was like to be loved, to be given a kiss or a hug. To be cuddled, or let alone held in a loving and cuddling way.
Now she doesn’t have to worry about another fight. She doesn’t have to worry about her dad going off drinking, when he’s always home with his family. She doesn’t have to worry about her mom doing drugs to get through the day, when her mom just needs to see her girls smile, to hear her girls laugh to make her day better. 
a/n: Did you cry? Here are some virtual tissues, I cried too hun. How’d you like it, let me know! Feedback is always appreciated!
Jensen Girls:
@luci-in-trenchcoats, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker, @jayankles, @jeaniespiehs20, @winchesters-favorite-girl, @mlovesstories, @moonlight-on-her-skin, @backseat-of-deans-67chevy, @salt-n-burn-em-all, @lyarr24, @akshi8278
Dean Girls:
@flamencodiva, @anotherspnfanfic, @megzdoodle, @misfit0118​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 4/11/2021
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yutahoes · 3 years
Devil Inside
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pairing : childhood friends! Yuta x Y/N
genre : fluff, horror au, smut but not detailed
word count: 5.6k words
warnings: fuckboy Yuta, calling someone a 'goth girl', horror movies, Yuta becomes an incubus, too much blood, raw meat eating, flesh eating, human organ eating, slut shaming a minor character, calling Yuta a whore, killing, mention of male molestation, mentioned teacher-student intercourse, shirtless Yuta, mentions of breeding, mentioned kitchen sex, mentioned shower sex, mentioned rough sex, Y/N getting wounded, skipping classes, Yuta as a murderer, a cambion. In other words, this is disturbing and problematic.
a/n: Inspired by this set of pictures and the movie Jennifer's Body. This is my first time writing a horror themed AU and this is badly written. I just can't stop thinking about this so for me to do something productive today, I had to post this. 😂 This has uncomfortable theme so please read in moderation. I went crazy over this, sorry. Feedback is highly appreciated. 😘
You and Yuta had been friends since forever, stemming from the history of your parents being friends and all since college. Your home is his home and you have your own room in his house. Staying together inside one room isn't a problem, your parents trusted you both but growing up is different. 
You had to admit that you grew up leading a boring life, too bookish, and didn't even interact with your classmates. Yuta, on the other hand, has always been the life of the party, the school superstar, the popular guy. And that huge difference created a wall between your friendship. 
You didn't know when it started, it just did. He started hanging out with the cool kids while you were left in the shadows. You can't really get mad at him, that's growing up. And he didn't change when it was just the two of you. 
When your parents would go abroad for their business trips, Yuta would check on you every night. If you have eaten dinner, if you've locked all the windows, or if you knew the number for the police station or the fire station in case something happens. He's still the same Yuta. Your childhood friend, Yuta. 
"Did you do your assignments?" He asked, not removing his eyes from the TV where he's watching a horror film. This is something that he can't do at their home or his mom would freak out. 
You rolled your eyes, answering a 'Yes, abeoji' while opening the fridge to see what to have for breakfast tomorrow then whining since there's more raw food in there than easy-to-eat foods. "I'll probably skip breakfast tomorrow." You said more to yourself, already thinking to wake up early and just get some waffles from the shop near the bus stop.
"Just leave the back door unlocked, I'll cook breakfast for you tomorrow." Yuta claimed that made you look at him. 
You raised your eyebrow at that. "Weird that you're here." You started then sat next to him on the couch, "No date?" He showed a screenshot of her photo, a different girl than yesterday. She was wearing black, with black eyeliner, and a pierced eyebrow. "She looks like a goth. Is that your type now?" 
"She's hot!" He exclaimed and you just nodded at him. "And she wants to meet at 11 pm so yeah." That was a weird time to meet up. But you didn't react and just focused on the TV just as the jump scare happened. You quickly hid your face on the throw pillow, blowing heavy breaths that made the guy next to you laugh. You hated horror, hated blood, and you're convinced that Yuta is doing this to scare you. "I'll get going." He said, standing up. 
"Can you close the TV first? Or stop the movie, at least?" You said, face still behind the pillow. He laughed then closed the TV, engulfing you in darkness that made you more scared. The bloody face from the TV earlier flashing on your mind. 
"Sorry Y/N. I promised not to scare you like that again." You heard him say then felt something warm on the top of your head followed by a smooching sound. He patted your head, "I really have to go. I'll see you in the morning." 
You waited for the sound of the door closing before you removed the throw pillow from your burning face. He kissed your head, right? You felt that. Why would he do that? Does he know that you have a crush on him? Or is it just his manwhore ways? But why you? You screamed at the throw pillow, cursing at Yuta for being the charming guy he is. 
You cannot deny the fact that each day, your feelings for Yuta had to grow. Who are you to blame when he's getting more handsome each day? And you're just a girl who has a weak heart for him. The image was still vivid in your mind, the first time you watched a horror movie and you were already crying in fright ten minutes into the movie. "I will protect you, Y/N." And you believed that. Yuta is always there to protect you. 
A loud bang can be heard that made you wake up in your sleep. You listened for other noises and heard footsteps, someone is inside your home. The first instinct is to call Yuta but what if he's in another place, you cannot trouble him. So you just took the baseball bat he lent you for this circumstance, repeating in your mind the number of the police station. 
You quietly tiptoed down the stairs and saw the light of the refrigerator open. Is it a food thief? And how did he come inside your house? You can see a trail of blood on the kitchen floor that startled you. The bat was dropped on the floor when you saw someone seated in front of the refrigerator. "Yuta?" 
He was covered in blood, eating the raw beef as if starving. His eyes were blood cold and you stepped back in fright. He looks like a monster. What kind of a crazy dream is this? You have to do something to wake up. Anything to wake yourself up. 
And as stupid as you sound, you hit your head with the bat that was on the ground. 
You opened your eyes, the sunlight hitting your eyes and your head aching real bad as if something hit you. You groaned while stretching then remembered your dream. Yuta. Your kitchen. Quickly, you ran to the kitchen to see Yuta’s mom cooking something. “I’m glad you’re up. You’ll be late for class.” 
“Auntie, where is Yuta?” She shrugged, saying that he didn’t even go home last night. It was a normal occurrence, that’s part of Yuta’s social life. “I’ll just prepare for school.” When you glanced at the couch, Yuta’s baseball bat was there. Weird, isn’t it supposed to be in your room? 
You had a nice breakfast, thanks to Yuta’s mom, and enough time to go to school. The first thing was to get your books in your locker and walk to class, avoiding some of your schoolmates who block the way. Before you can get inside the room, you see Yuta passing by opposite your way with a new girl in his arms. You knew her, the cheerleader, the basketball team’s girlfriend. Wow, she reached the soccer team now. When your eyes met with Yuta, you were reminded of him seated on your kitchen floor. Filled with blood and with dead cold eyes. You shake your head. That was a dream. You shivered. A very vivid dream. 
It was a normal boring school day, a typical day that it surprised you when Yuta wrapped his arms around you then leaned closer. “I need your help.” A curious look was etched on your face. “Math. Help me study for the exam tomorrow.” You nodded, removing his hand from your shoulder. “Why?” He asked before putting back his hand on you. 
“I just don’t want your girlfriends to misunderstand.” Yuta chuckled then pinched your cheek. “Yuta, stop it. It hurts.” 
He smiled. That breathtaking smile which makes you weak for him. “Sorry.” He whispered then leaned to place a kiss on your reddening cheek, startling you. Your eyes widened at his actions. What is wrong with Yuta? “You do know that I like you more than I like those girls, right?” What? Your heart kept on beating wildly against your chest that you’re scared he might hear it. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.” 
Once you breathe in, without realizing that you’re holding your breath, you saw everyone’s eyes were on you. Oh no! This is trouble. 
You went home early, trying to stay away from your schoolmates. You don’t want to talk to them and explain that you’re friends with Yuta, that will cause some damage to him. But why did he do that? You tried raking your brains for an answer but you can’t seem to find the right one. So you just shrugged it and maybe ask Yuta when he gets to your house. 
It’s late at night. You finished reviewing the whole chapter for your exam tomorrow yet Yuta is a no show. You lightly glanced at the house next door, seeing that the living room lights were on. Their car isn’t in the garage, meaning his parents are not at home. Then you saw the silhouette of someone making out on the couch. Oh, his ditching makes sense now. You closed the door and made sure to close the light, ready to get a good night’s sleep. 
You opened your eyes in darkness, the clock reading that it’s almost 4 am. You felt thirsty that you decided to go downstairs to get a cup of water, halfway through the stairs you can see someone on the other door’s yard digging up something. Curious, you put on a coat and exited the backdoor to check on it. The same Yuta, covered in blood, and this time you knew you weren’t dreaming. 
“Yuta?” You called but he kept digging. Blood mixed with the soil and the most horrible thing you can see, limbs. “Yuta.” You called once again, even holding his shoulder to make him look at you. He kept covering the body with the soil, even covering it up with a large pot. What has he done? This isn’t the Yuta you know and it scared you. 
“Y/N.” He called that made you look at him. The warmth of his voice is still there. “Help me, please.” He sounded broken. “I’m really scared.” The first time you saw this reaction on Yuta. He looks so fragile, so vulnerable. 
There’s a part of you that’s still wary of him. You have questions in your head that you wanted to ask him and you waited for him to finish his shower, while you make coffee for both of you, as you collect your thoughts. When he sat in front of you at the kitchen table, he looked like the Yuta you knew except there’s pain in his eyes. “Yuta.” You called, rubbing the side of your cup. “What…?” But you don’t know what to ask him. 
“I killed Miss Jang.” Your eyes widened in surprise. The assistant PE teacher? “We had amazing sex and then…” You shook your head. He had sex with a teacher? Wow, his man whoring is of another level. “You don’t understand, she’s been touching me appropriately for the past couple of months so I just gave her what she wanted.” 
A gasp escaped your throat. “She’s what?” He just stared at you. “Why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“Do you think someone would believe me?” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
He shook his head. “Because it’s embarrassing.” You scoffed then rolled your eyes at him. “So you killed her?” 
“I ate her.” 
“Yuta, I don’t need the details of your sexcapades…”
“I ate her organs.” Your eyes widened in surprise. What? “It’s a craving after having sex with someone. I just want to eat something raw and her flesh can’t even satisfy me.” That explains why he’s covered with blood. 
The memory of that night came to you, when he was eating that raw meat from the fridge. “When did it start?” He answered last night and you were more surprised that it is true and not a dream. “How?” He shrugged. “What do you plan to do now?” 
“I don’t know.” He held your hand that was on the table, looking at you with pleading eyes. “Help me, please. I don’t want to kill another woman again.” You sighed. This was Yuta. Your childhood friend. The guy you like. You nodded before thinking how stupid it is to do this. 
The news of Miss Jang being missing is the talk in your class the next day but what’s more surprising is some testimony of the guys who were molested by her, like Yuta. You watched as your friend fiddled with his thumbs, obviously listening to your classmates. He actually did them a favor but something isn’t right. Why is this happening to Yuta? 
A sexual thirst, a thirst for flesh. Your phone showed a result called an incubus, a demon that pursues sexual relations with women. But why does Yuta keep on eating flesh to satisfy his craving? You stood up and decided to ditch class just to have the answers to your questions, finding yourself in the back of the library. The collection of forbidden books.  
“What are you doing here?” You immediately hushed Yuta as you got hold of a black book, opening it to reveal different pentagrams and illustrations of spooky creatures. “What is that?” 
“An incubus.” You said then sat on the library floor, Yuta following you. “Demons who attract women for sexual pleasure.” Before he could say anything else, “I think that was what is happening to you.” 
You visibly saw him gulp. “You think I’m a demon?” No, you don’t. 
“Possessed by a demon, Yuta.” You flipped the pages of the book to see about the different rituals on how to summon a demon. “Did you join a cult? Or even got drugged and was offered as a human sacrifice?” You stopped. That night. That girl. “The goth girl, you saw her that night. Do you remember what happened?” 
“We had sex.” You rolled your eyes at that, of course. “I told her I’m a virgin because she likes guys like that. We had amazing sex, mind-blowing sex.” You sighed. “Then I woke up on your kitchen floor.” That’s all he remembers? Finally, your thoughts are confirmed, it isn’t a dream. You really saw Yuta that night. “You were lying on the ground as well and I had to remove my shirt before carrying you to your room.” 
The thought of the shirtless Yuta carrying you made the blood rose up your cheeks. “You were covered in blood that time and the trail…”
“I had to clean that up before you wake up because you’re scared of blood.” You stared at him warmly. He had to think about that? “You saw me?” You nodded, sharing that he was eating that raw meat when you saw him. “Did I scare you?” If there was one person you cannot lie to, that would be Yuta. He can easily see through you. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I won’t hurt you, I promise that.”
You held his hand, giving it a light squeeze. “I’ll help you, Yuta. We can remove that demon inside you.”
The only conclusion you can come up with is to meet with the same goth girl he met before. Yuta remembered having sex with her and he was eating that raw meat as if really hungry so she might be alive, Yuta didn’t kill her. And you have to hurry because each night that passes, Yuta has someone to bury in the backyard. It's a female prostitute one night, then a drug pusher, followed by the girl in class who bullied you. 
It's becoming a huge issue in town, the disappearance of young girls, that your parents had to come home quickly worried about your safety. "From now on, go home early." Your dad ordered. "I'll ask Yuta to walk you home every day." How would they feel if Yuta was the one doing all these? 
He was worried about you joining him in meeting up with the girl, even repeating to you that he'll kill himself if something bad happens to you but you assured him that you'll be fine. It's not you who needed help now, it was him. You need to put a stop to this before another one gets hurt. 
The girl was laughing cynically when you asked her what to do to remove the demon inside your friend. "A cambion." She answered and you curiously gave her a look. "That's the goal of an incubus. Once there's a cambion, he will leave the body he's possessing." 
A cambion? All you need is to have a cambion so the demon can leave Yuta. You searched what it was and just facepalmed yourself. Fuck this! Will he be saved? 
"You want me to breed someone?" You shiver at his choice of words but nod, nonetheless. "How can I do that when eating them becomes part of the sexual process?" 
You shook your head then ruffled your hair. This is getting you crazy. "You know, this is your fault for whoring around. If you just had a fixed girlfriend then this wouldn't happen…" 
"Then why did you reject my confession?" You blinked twice as if it can clear what you heard. Did you hear him correctly? "I told you I'll marry you in senior year and what is your answer? I'm not marrying you, Yuta." He said while copying your voice, leaving you dumbfounded. "I was heartbroken that time so I started dating other girls then maybe you can finally notice me." 
"I thought you were teasing me that time." Your voice got louder that your mom knocked on the door asking if you two were fighting. He shook his head, smiling at your mom. When she closed the door, you just stared at him awkwardly. Once again, you had to ruffle your hair. This is so frustrating! "Just, make a baby with someone." 
You waited, biting your thumb as the clock struck 3 am. You haven't had the right sleep thinking of what might happen to Yuta then you saw movement in the yard. Quietly, you went out of the backdoor of your house and saw him outside, blood on his clothes. "What happened?" 
He shook his head. "Same." 
"Where is her body?" You removed your cardigan to wipe away the blood from his face and his neck. 
He looks tired, hopeless. "I left her body on a roadside." You gasped at that. "I can't save myself. I'll be like this forever." He can't, he needed to fight himself. Fight his urges. But even you knew that it was impossible. 
There was a flicker of light coming from their kitchen, someone was going to see you. They're going to see Yuta with a bloody shirt like this. "Remove your shirt." You ordered and he looked confused so you just ripped it from him. Shit, you just realized how this looked like when two booming voices can be heard calling both your names. Both your dads. 
"Where is your shirt?" Your dad asked, arms crossed. You're inside your house, both your fathers and mothers staring at the two of you. "And you're wearing only that outside?" You glanced at the thin nightgown you were wearing and Yuta handed you a throw pillow. "Please wear your shirt, Yuta." 
"I ripped his shirt, dad." You heard both your moms giggle. "Can we please not make a big deal of this? This isn't what you think it is." 
Yuta's dad sighed. "Our only concern is why bother doing it outside? We let you sleep in each other's room." What? 
"Are you exhibitionists?" Your mom asked and you gasped. Is that what they're thinking now? Your head aches, you didn't have any decent sleep yet and this ordeal with Yuta is making you lose your mind. Can't you just all talk tomorrow, not at 4 in the morning? 
Yuta held your hand, lacing your fingers together. "I'm willing to take responsibility if something happens to Y/N." Surprised, you glanced at him. Nothing happened, he knew that. What the hell is he saying so suddenly? "But can I please stay with Y/N tonight, uncle?" 
It was a surprise when your dad allowed you both to go upstairs to your room but you had to wait until they're in their rooms before getting your cardigan and Yuta's blood-stained clothes from the yard. Yuta was still seated on your bed when you went back to your room, staring at you with his misty eyes. 
He pulled you close, arms wrapped around your waist while his head was on your chest. "I'm scared." His hold got tighter. "I don't want to hurt anyone anymore." If you're frustrated with this, you realized Yuta might be in bigger pain than you are. You held his hair, threading your fingers along its strand. You've been together for so long but this has been the most intimate thing that you two had ever done. "You were right, this is my fault for hurting those girls. I used them for my self pleasure, to boost my ego. This is me getting punished for all of that." 
You held his hands, kneeling in front of him to see his face. "But you don't deserve this, Yuta." You held his cheeks as tears started falling from his eyes. "We'll do something, I promise." 
He pulled you up, letting you sit on his lap. The warmth of his eyes makes your heart beat rapidly inside your chest. "I love you, Y/N." Your eyes widened at the sudden confession, "I'm sorry for getting you dragged into this but I'm thankful you haven't left me yet." He hugged you, head on your shoulder and you can feel his warm breath on your neck. "I love you. I don't want you to leave me." 
You wrapped your arms around his neck. He's scared, you can feel him shaking. "I won't leave you, Yuta." You let him sob in your chest like a little child just wanting some warmth. And you realized, this might be just what he needed. 
Both of you skipped school that morning since you slept at 5 am, just laying next to each other. Your head on his chest, hands held together. It was him who first got out of bed, prepared himself, then placed a small kiss on our head before leaving your room. If only you could stay like this. But he had to go and fuck another woman tonight to satisfy his thirst, making your heart ache. Can you live like this? 
Your parents and Yuta were seated around the dining table when you went down for breakfast. "We were just telling Yuta that we have a business trip in Brazil." You nodded, used to it by now. "And because of the news around, it would be better that he stay here with you." Your mom suggested that it made you surprised. After last night, they're letting you live in one roof with a guy, unsupervised? 
"Mom. I can stay at home alone." 
"I know. But just to be safe." You're not even safe with their suggestion. "I know what you're thinking honey. You're a female and a male with raging hormones, it's alright with us." Yuta choked on the food and you hissed at your parents. 
Your dad coughed lightly. "We stacked some condoms just in case." 
"Honey, we agreed to let them have their freedom." You glared at your mom. "We really wanted a grandchild." It's your turn to choke at your food. Then it made you stop. If he breeds a human, the incubus will go away. This might just be your answer. 
"No, Y/N!" Yuta stated firmly after explaining what your plan is. "What if I hurt you?" 
You shook your head. You're not scared of that now but you're frightened for Yuta and the things that might happen to him if this continues on. The police started investigating the missing dead girls, it's only a matter of time before they can chase down Yuta. You held his cheeks, distress can be seen in his expression. "I trust you, Yuta." 
It was a crazy plan. When your parents left that afternoon, you stacked up some raw meat that the butcher thought you were throwing a party. Yuta didn't kill the first girl, the goth girl, and you're holding to that belief that Yuta can have some control over himself. When the night struck, you locked all doors to your house that would forbid Yuta from going out. 
"I'm giving you the last chance to back out from this, Y/N." You shook your head. "I'm sorry." He whispered, carrying you to the countertop of the kitchen. "If something bad happens, I'll kill myself. I swear." 
You giggled then wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "Then we'll be like Romeo and Juliet." He laughed at your reference before moving closer to plant his lips on yours. Your first kiss with Yuta. His lips were so soft and he tasted so sweet that made your brain hazy. 
When he slipped his tongue inside you and his fingers dug on your waist, you knew there's no way you can get out of this. You can feel his warmth in every touch, in every part of your skin his lips touched. He slowly undressed you, making sure that he's still Yuta and whispering promises that he wouldn't hurt you. He didn't at first and you refused to believe that you made love with him at your kitchen counter. 
The grandfather clock signaled that it is midnight. Yuta just pulled you down from the kitchen counter, turning you around, and thrust into you that made you scream. No foreplay, no kissing. You turned to see his eyes, those dead eyes. His hand held your neck, the other digging in your waist. You prevent making a sound, not wanting to alert his parents next door. His teeth dig in your shoulder, an excruciating pain that makes you bite your lip to prevent a sound. This is how he kills them. 
You tried to reach for the raw meat nearby, desperately trying to move out of his hold. You pushed yourself away from the counter, causing him to fall to the ground. You watched as he took the meat and ate it as if starved, like the first night you saw him in this state. Every night, he's like this. An appetite for sex, an appetite for flesh. 
And it breaks your heart that you can't do anything to help him. 
He ate five portions of the raw meat and you mentally told yourself to get some tomorrow for what might happen at night. You covered him with a blanket as he lay down your kitchen floor, kissing his forehead. You wanted this to stop, wanted him to be normal again. You clean the wound on your shoulder as well as the scratch on your side, hissing in pain as you put medicine on the bleeding part. 
You woke up with his warm arms wrapped around you, a kiss on your wounded shoulder woke you up. "Did I do this? I really did hurt you." He grazed his finger on the spot that hurt as you shook your head. He nuzzled his nose on your shoulder and you felt his warmth. "I don't know what to do anymore." 
"But Yuta this is better. We know that you still have control over yourself." You sat on the bed and he traced the scratch on your side. "When the clock struck twelve, that's when you started having that hunger. We're slowly knowing things about you now. We can do this together, Yuta." 
He nodded, watching you stand up then head to the bathroom. You were supposed to close the door when you felt him enter the same room. The warm feeling is back when his hands touch your body, in contrast to the cold water cascading down your body. You skipped class again because of the pain in your shoulder and he went to school. 
If this continues, it's better to listen to both your parents and just get married. Live together in a far city where you can start a new life, maybe you can give birth to Yuta's child and it will end his suffering. As you put new meat inside the fridge, you heard a knock on the door. Yuta came in with a distressed look on his face. "The police are at school. They were starting to suspect a student at school." 
"Did you do anything?" He shook his head, hands clasped together. "Just lay low for a while." 
"What if they found out that it was me?" You shook your head, that's the worst-case scenario. And you promise not to let that happen. 
He stayed at your house, particularly your room that night. When the clock struck twelve, you were pushed on your bed with Yuta pounding on you real rough. The moment you felt his lips on your neck, you rolled to the bed and reached for the raw meat on the bedside table. You breathed hard, you can do this. 
The police were doing their best, you had to give them that. And it scares you that they'll narrow it down to you and Yuta doing these things. The disappearance of the women stopped but the deaths were a mystery that the police remained to look for clues. It's been a couple of nights since you've done this with Yuta and every day, a new wound would appear on your body. 
Your parents came back from their business trip when they noticed the amount of raw meat in your fridge and the wounds in your body. You tried to shrug it off, saying that it's just your clumsiness. Yet, they never bought it. You cannot ask Yuta to stay over so you keep your phone in your ear, watching his room for movements. The moment the clock struck midnight, nothing happened to your surprise. He kept saying that he's fine, that he doesn't need anything, that he's still Yuta. Maybe an off day.
You slept relieved but woke up with the sound of police sirens. You glanced at the window outside and saw the yard next door being dug out by your dad and some men in uniform, Yuta's dad watching nearby. How? You ran downstairs to check on Yuta but your mom quickly told you to stay inside. "We're sorry, we trusted you to a murderer." 
"He's not." You shouted trying to see from the window. Yuta was handcuffed, a large man holding him in place. He shook his head when your eyes met and the sight of rotten decaying bones caught your attention. 
Your stomach churned and you vomited on the kitchen sink, your mom helping you by rubbing your back. "He's such a sweet child. What happened to Yuta?" Your mom asked and you itched to tell her that it's not him. A devil inside him.
Your eyes widened at the realization. Nothing happened last night. Now, you're having this weird feeling in your body. A cambion. And you felt yourself fainting at that information.  
It's been years, seven years to be exact when that moment happened to your life. Yuta's parents moved to a different town but you still see them from time to time, as well as your parents. When they found out that you were pregnant with Yuta's child, they immediately sent you away to give birth abroad. Your son was three when you went back to the country and introduced him to his dad. 
"Daddy!" Your son cheered seeing his dad walking outside the huge gates of the visitor's area. The older was grinning wide, carrying his son to where you are. He kissed you on your forehead and your son giggled, "Daddy, mommy said I can go to a big school this year." He nodded, letting the young boy sat on his lap. "Grandma and grandpa are going to buy me my bag." 
Yuta giggled and you noticed how the two looked very much alike. It was the exact reason why your parents warmed up on Yuta and let you introduce your son to him. "I'm sorry. But when dad gets out of here, I'm going to pick you up from school every day." 
You can feel your eyes water at that. The younger boy wrapped his arms around his neck, "When are you getting out of here?" You both sighed. It's always his question. 
"Just another three years, then we can be together." There's a lot of pain in his words. "You and mommy can wait for me, right?" Your son nodded. 
He reached out to hold your hand that was above the table. You nodded at him. You waited this long, another three years wouldn't hurt. He engaged in another conversation with the younger boy and you gazed at him, he looks better than the first few years he's here. 
"Time to get back, Nakamoto." The police officer said and your son hugged his father's neck, refusing to let go of him. 
This has always been a problem every time you visit Yuta. "Honey, we have to go. Daddy has to get back." You said quietly, taking him from Yuta. Your son glared at the big man behind his dad and he just turned his head to look at the wall. "Honey, let's get ice cream." You said quickly and the younger smiled at you. The guard turned around, asking what happened that his head was hurting. 
Yuta gave you a worried look but you just shook your head, putting sunglasses on your son. "Say bye to daddy." You whispered and he obeyed you. "I'll come to visit you soon." 
He kissed you on the forehead, "I'm sorry." Again. you shook your head. No one warned you about having a cambion and the risk it takes to be its parents. "I love you." But right now, your son and Yuta are the most important people in your life. 
"I love you, too." And you're willing to throw everything in the past just to be happy with your small family. 
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Friends with Added Benefits (part 6)
Warnings - pregnancy / smut
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @noctvrnalmoth @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen
Filming had finished three weeks ago, and Cillian's flight from Dublin had landed at Heathrow an hour earlier. He'd been home for a fortnight sorting out a few things before he moved into your Kilburn home for three months. You'd made the announcement to the cast and crew who were simply stunned. It had taken them a while to get their heads around but after a few moments of silence that panicked you completely, the room had erupted into cheers, laughter and happy tears, most of which were your own.
The gate opened, and there he was walking towards you. Hand luggage slung over his shoulder, grin on his face as he enveloped you in his arms gently, one hand on your stomach, the other on your cheek as he kissed you. The elusive, normally private man in front of you not caring who could see.
"Missed you two."
"We missed you too Daddy. Ready to go?" He nodded as he took your hand and you walked together to the luggage carousel. Grabbing his suitcase, you walked to your car and jumped in, heading to your house.
"So... I have a surprise for you," you smiled as you drove.
"A surprise?"
"Yep. Have to wait until tomorrow I'm afraid."
"Ah you can't do that to me!"
"Just did," you smirked.
"I have a surprise for you actually.."
"Do you now?"
"Yeah, should be arriving in a couple of days. You'll have to wait and see though."
"What!? You won't tell me yours either?!" He laughed, letting go of your hand as you changed gears.
He'd unpacked his things, and settled down with you on the sofa, opening his legs and pulling your body between them, your back resting against his chest as he stroked your arms lightly.
"You look beautiful y/n..."
"I'm not feeling beautiful, I feel like a whale!" Your hands rested against your stomach as his hands reached up and rested on top of yours.
"You're glowing. Pregnancy suits you." He moved his hands toward the bottom of your bump, roaming all over it feeling around. He jumped suddenly, making you laugh.
"The fuck was that?"
"She kicked you!" You took his hand again and placed it against your belly so he could feel it again. Like clockwork, there it was again. The lightest of movements but he could feel it.
"He knows his Daddy's here doesn't he?"
You took his hand and moved it under your maternity dress, edging him closer to where you'd been desperate for him these last few weeks.
"You sure it's okay?" He questioned.
"It's fine as long as you're not too rough. Pregnancy is doing all sorts to my hormones Cillian.."
"Better take care of you then hadn't I?" His fingers slipped inside your underwear, finding you slick and wet already. Lifting some of your juices up, he found your clit and rubbed it gently, feeling your body arch against his chest.
"That's it... Keep doing that..."
"I've missed your body.. feeling you writhe against me when you come..."
"Harder... Cillian please..."
"I'll get you there doll... Keep making those sexy little sounds for me yeah..." He thrust his erection against your back as his fingers pushed harder, you could feel yourself unravelling quickly.
"Don't fucking stop... I'm gonna come... Cill..." His lips were on your neck as you shuddered underneath him, breathy little whimpers as you came hard.
He lifted you off him gently and pulled his jeans down, turning so his feet were back on the floor. You stood up, before moving backwards to sit on his lap, your back still against his chest as you sunk slowly down on him. He gripped your waist, and helped ease your body up and down on him.
"Fuck you feel so tight at this angle..." His hands roamed over your belly as you rode him, you could hear him groaning as you bucked your hips in circles.
"Make me cum again Murphy..." He leaned your body back and held your hips steady as he thrusted up into you, hitting the spot you needed with each thrust.
"Gonna make you scream my name in every room in this house... Gonna fill you up again after this baby arrives, you want that?" His words were driving you insane with need, you couldn't stop your orgasm if you tried.
"Wanna keep me pregnant do you Daddy?"
"Shit... Yes... Cum with me y/n..." His thrusts came a little quicker and you came together, collapsing onto the sofa in each others arms.
You woke up with him holding your body close the following morning, and you swore you'd never get used to it. It felt too perfect, too natural. You hadn't slept as well as you had last night since that time he'd fallen asleep in your hotel room.
"Ready for your surprise babe?" You nudged him gently and smiled as he nuzzled into your back.
"You gonna tell me what it is?"
"Nope. Just get dressed and be ready to go in 30 minutes. I promise you a McDonald's breakfast on the way."
"You're just craving pancakes..."
"Sausage McMuffin actually."
You pulled up outside the maternity hospital an hour later and scrunched up the wrapper of your breakfast.
"I can't believe you just ate 3 of those things," he laughed, as you both got out the car.
"Your baby is constantly hungry, dunno where she gets that from!"
"He!!" He laughed as you took his hand and walked him through the corridors, stopping outside the ultrasound department.
"Wanna see your baby Cillian?" He looked at the sign on the door and back at you, biting his lip, eyes gently watering.
"Fucks sake I'm not even in there and you got me going!" You slapped his arm playfully and pulled him through the door with you.
Confirming your details with reception, the lady at the desk asked why Cillian Murphy had joined you for the appointment.
"I'm the father." He announced proudly, making the receptionist smile.
"Absolutely not supposed to say this so please don't tell my boss, but I always knew you two would get together. Congratulations," she smiled, and you both thanked her, laughing and promising not to get her in trouble.
You lay on the bed, Cillian's hand in yours as your midwife ran the doppler over your belly. Within seconds you could see your baby and Cillian squeezed your hand tight. He was staring at the screen, completely transfixed, firing questions at lightening speed. Your midwife couldn't help but laugh and answered as many as she could.
"Do you want to know what you're having?" You looked at Cillian, the choice would be his.
"Kinda like the idea of a surprise.. I'm enjoying arguing about it with you too," he smiled and you agreed - you'd leave it as a surprise.
"I'll sort some photos out for you both - how many would you like?"
"I think we'll have four please. We can send a copy to the grandparents too?" Your parents lived in Spain, his were back in Ireland. You'd both promised them a photo in the post as soon as you had one to send.
"My mam is gonna kill me that we didn't find out!" Cillian laughed when you got back home. "She's already got the knitting patterns out.."
"Tell her to go with green, you look good in green so I've no doubt your daughter will too."
"You mean my son?"
"Mhmm. Whatever. Now what's my surprise?"
"It should have been delivered actually, they were early. Hang on..." He pulled his phone out and clicked a few buttons. "It's with your neighbour, which side is 432?" You pointed to his left and he kissed you, telling you to go inside and wait in the kitchen, playfully telling you to put the kettle on while you were there.
You heard him opening the door 15 minutes later laughing as he pulled the massive boxes through the hallway.
"Your neighbour hates Tommy Shelby.. gave me a right earful before handing this over, told me I'm a womanising cheat who's probably riddled with the clap... She didn't know what to say when I told her I'd probably given it to you and our baby!" You laughed as he came through to you and covered your eyes, leading you into the hallway. He stood you still and uncovered then, and you saw the photo on the boxes. A beautiful, ornate wooden cot with Winnie the Pooh engravings all over it. A large chest of drawers with the same engravings, a changing table and changing matt. It was a full nursery set. You turned to him with tears in your eyes and threw your arms around him.
"Cillian it's beautiful... This must've cost you a fortune?!"
"That's not important. I've booked decorators next week to build it all and decorate your spare room into a nursery."
"We won't be here obviously. I'm taking you away for a few days."
"I don't know what to say!!"
"I'm the best boyfriend in the world?" You smirked.
"Boyfriend eh?"
"I'd like to think so. For now at least."
"For now?"
"Yeah - you never know, might promote myself one day." He winked.
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furikakyo · 3 years
a return to roots | 6
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pairing: kita shinsuke x f!reader
summary: y/n is a rising star in the music industry, having almost everything you could have ever hoped for as a small-town country girl. now after releasing two triple platinum albums in consecutive years, you face the dreaded artist’s burnout… in order to recover, your manager suggests, you should return to your hometown in hyōgo for a long-deserved break.
genre: socmed/smau, slice of life
warnings/tags: timeskip!, mutual pining, slow burn? more like rekindling, slight canon divergence
To say that your day wasn’t going as planned was an understatement. Although you’d known that you would have to see Kita that day, your mind had assured you that there were a couple hours until then. So to see him before that expected time…
You blinked, mouth opening and closing like the fish you’ve seen in koi ponds. “Oh. I didn’t expect you to be here…” You paused, and then pursed your lips definitively. If your mouth was shut then you couldn’t say anything else.
Kita gave you a lopsided smile. “I work here, remember?” His amber eyes twinkled as the sunlight caught them.
Your eyes trailed along the scene you’d been looking at previously. He didn’t just work here… he owned all of this. Stupid Kita, always selling himself short. Didn’t he know he was virtually perfect? Ah, right. You flushed, wondering if it was the embarrassment or the heat finally getting to you. Grabbing at anything to say, you blurted, “I was just admiring the view. Samu and I got here earlier than expected.” You wrung your hands nervously, then stopped. You didn’t want to seem nervous. “Um…” you said slowly, taking a step back, “it’s alright if you can’t accompany us right now. You’re probably busy.” You gnawed on your bottom lip. “Working the farm and stuff.”
“‘Us’?” Kita echoed, looking past you.
You chuckled nervously and scratched the back of your neck. It burnt with uneasiness, even more so when you remembered what you were wearing: an old oversized tshirt, shorts, and slides. You weren’t going to wear anything less comfortable on a road trip, you mind argued. “Yeah,” you mumbled, looking down, “Samu was with me but he got distracted. I was just looking around by myself.” After realizing that it could’ve sounded like you were trying to guilt trip Kita, you backtracked, waving your arms. “Not that that’s a bad thing!”
Your heart gave a gut-wrenching squeeze when he laughed softly at you. “It’s alright. If you’d like, I can show you around?”
You looked up from your hands, which had been busy wringing themselves into the hem of your shirt. “Ah! No,” you said quickly, “I’m totally fine on my own! I wouldn’t want to take you away from your work, either.”
You fiddled with a loose string on your t-shirt as Kita peered over at you, contemplative. “It’s ok,” he said after a pause, “I have time. And I want to make my way around anyways, so your timing couldn’t have been better.”
You stared at his back, speechless, as he began walking in the direction you’d been headed. Quickly, you picked your jaw up from the ground and clambered through the grass after Kita, who had slowed his pace so that you could catch up. Maybe if you hadn’t been so flustered you would’ve remembered that he had come from the direction you were now walking in.
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If Osamu’s knowing stare when he’d eventually ran into you and Kita hadn’t been enough to make you internally crumple in on yourself, his suggestion for all of you to get dinner together was.
Not to say that his presence wasn’t welcome, though. When Kita hadn’t been speaking about something notable on the farm, it was silent for the most part, with you only dumbly repeating how nice it was. You hadn’t talked about anything more personal, like where you were in life now. It didn’t feel right just pretending nothing had happened; neither had starting off from where the two of you had left off. And it’s not like you could just say, “Hey, remember how a few years ago we almost dated but then didn’t which ended up kind of ruining our friendship? Let’s try to work through that now!” Kita was over it by now, unlike you, who’d just shoved everything into the back of your mind and hoped it wouldn’t ever be relevant again. This is what you get for neglecting it, you berated yourself, and yet when it came down to it, you weren’t sure whether it was the resigned silence between the two of you or the way that you felt the urge to act so impulsively— to hug him, kiss him, apologize to him—  which was more frightening.
And that was how Osamu had found you, lost in your thoughts while walking with Kita and then somehow finding yourself sandwiched between the two in Kita’s pickup truck. I don’t have enough gas to drive us, Osamu had said while hiding a wicked grin, knowing damn well that you wouldn’t argue with him about it in front of Inarizaki’s former captain; that you wouldn’t beg Osamu to prevent you from getting into a car with Kita, not with him there to witness it.
You tried to avoid squirming in the middle seat of the front row, conscious of every minute brush against Kita’s sleeve or shoulder. Osamu snickered quietly, and you jerked your head to the side to glare at him heatedly. This is all your fault, your eyes seethed, or at least you hoped you could convey as much feeling into them as you wanted. You stiffened when Kita’s arm brushed against yours momentarily as he made a turn, and you lurched towards him. Osamu finally had the decency to help you out, grabbing your shoulder to prevent the collision.
You shot him another dirty glare and then stared out through the windshield just as you all pulled into the otherwise abandoned parking lot of the local bar. If you hadn’t come from Kita’s but instead your own childhood house, you would’ve walked like most other people did.
Immediately you dropped the gloomy atmosphere, eyes now shining. “Izumi and Kenji’s!” You hopped out of the truck from Osamu’s side and jumped up and down excitedly. “I haven’t been here in years!” you exclaimed, rushing forward. Your two companions trailed behind you, amused.
The bells on the door jingled as you opened it, at once having cold air rush at you. You sighed in contentment, the sweat on your brow already cooling off.
“Hello?” A matronly figure stepped out from behind the bar counter, a rag in hand. Just as her eyes landed on you, they brightened. “Y/N!” The woman tossed the rag onto a table and rushed over to greet you, holding your hands in her own excitedly. “When did you get back? How long have you been here? Are you staying at your parents’ house?”
You laughed and squeezed her hands before dropping them. “Hello, Izumi. I got back here a little bit ago and unpacked most of my stuff at the house. Any other questions?”
Izumi fired a barrage of inquiries while leading you to the bar counter, insisting that you sit on a stool. Osamu sat down beside you and Kita next to him. “—so glad you’re back. And Osamu, you too! You’ve gotten more handsome! I bet the girls and boys are flocking to you in Tokyo. How is the shop doing? And you too, Shin-chan! You don’t visit quite enough for someone that lives so close by!”
The three of you sat amiably and answered all of Izumi’s questions, small talk being made between you as she bustled in and out of the kitchen. “Yumie-chan told us you would be coming today, but we weren’t sure when! I think most people are going to be here, though, so just sit tight!” She brought out light beers and edamame to munch on in the mean time, and then a tray of salted nuts later.
Slowly, the eatery filled with more of the local residents of your hometown, all gathering around you. Izumi had insisted on moving your food and drinks to a long row of tables, which she had pushed together to make room for everyone. There had been a big influx of the field workers from earlier, who all greeted your group before settling down on the other end of the seating arrangement. More and more dishes were being put out, most of them now plates of food to share among the table. The mood was festive and there was never a quiet moment, always a conversation going on or some laughter. At one point even her husband Kenji had come out from the kitchen and managed a gruff ‘welcome’, garnering cheers from everyone. Your plate was never empty, aunties placing pieces of karaage, sides of spring cabbage, and more onto it. Your cheeks were tinted pink and your face glowed; you’d had a few beers, enough to make you feel all warm inside.
At last, after having eaten until you felt like your stomach was going to explode, Izumi brought out the final sides to accompany any of the remaining alcohol and then finally took a seat along with the women, who were asking questions about your new lifestyle.
“So why’d ya really come back?” One of the ladies asked curiously, the others leaning in forward to hear your response.
For a moment your grin faltered before you laughed again, taking a handful of salted nuts and then eating them one by one. “Oh, you know, just some burn out. I’ve been working nonstop the past two years. I thought I deserved a break.” You crunched down on some nuts, your jaw tense. The corners of your mouth felt tired from having to drag up all the time; the pleasant buzz from earlier was quickly dissipating the more they asked about this.
Another one of the women, an older one, said slyly, “Are you sure you didn’t return for any other reason?” Her eyes slid overtly towards where the men were sitting, near Kita. He had been nursing his drink, the same one he’d had all night. Kita had never been much of a drinker and he wasn’t going to drive while being drunk; he was too much of a stickler for the rules.
“I’m sure,” you said politely, gritting your teeth. You’d forgotten how nosy these old women could be. They all tittered to themselves, as if they knew something you didn’t, and then began talking of something else, leaving you to yourself. Your eyes caught Osamu’s, who raised his eyebrows questioningly before getting the message. He stretched his arms widely and then faked a yawn, not bothering to cover his mouth.
“Samu, you should head to bed, son,” Kenji said bluntly. “Yer tired.”
The twin nodded and looked to you and Kita. At that moment you didn’t have to fake a yawn, because you actually were exhausted. “We should go,” Kita agreed, “before I get too tired to drive us back.”
The three of you stood, causing a chorus of disappointed aws to ring out. “Ah,” you said, gripping the back of your chair to steady you. “I have something to say before I go.” Everyone at the giant table stared expectantly at you, and you remembered what it was like to have stage fright all over, as if you were just starting out again. Your throat tightened as you swallowed. “Um,” you said quietly, bowing formally and not making eye contact with a single person, “I would just like to thank all of you for taking such good care of my parents’ home. It’s because of you that I can move back in so easily. So thank you.”
After not hearing any sort of response, you peeked upwards. “Aw,” Izumi sniffled, wiping away a stray tear, “it’s because of you that we managed to stay open, ya know that, Y/N? You had no business giving us that much money for the restaurant, so it was the least we could do.” She jerked her head at everyone else. “And it’s not like we did it by ourselves; Kenji and I had help.” Izumi’s black eyes glittered. “Lots of help.”
You scuffed a foot, looking down again. Your cheeks and ears burned. But then you thought of the tatami mats at the house and the freshly dusted furniture, taken care of every week for years, and you shook your head. “Well, I didn’t need all that money.”
Osamu put a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Let’s go, Y/N,” he said quietly, and you nodded, following him and Kita out of the door as the others called out their goodbyes to you.
Everything that had happened that day hit you on the ride home, still sandwiched between the two men. At some point, tears had begun falling, with you trying miserably to cover them up. You weren’t sure if you were crying because you were disappointed by your reunion with Kita, or maybe if it was because tonight’s dinner had been one of the most fulfilling, the most happy you’d been in years. Your lips wobbled and you sniffled too this time, wiping at your nose with your arm. It had felt nice coming home to a table full of faces you recognized and the comfort of Izumi’s food, having people inquire about you solely because they cared.
“You could’ve given me some of that money too, y’know,” Osamu quipped, breaking the awkward silence. “And don’t wipe your snot with your bare arm, that’s disgusting. Health code violation.” Kita only chuckled as you elbowed the twin and argued with him, listening to the banter with a pensive look on his face.  
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a/n: hhHhH sorry this took longer, i had a really bad stomachache a few days ago which made me shit like 6 times in a day and then throw up 😩 and then after that i got addicted to genshin so
taglist (pm me to ask to be added): @papiibuprofen​, @duhsies, @succulentmom, @kenmaslov3r​​​, @introvertatitsfinest, @errorishere
some ~fun facts~
- kita WAS making his rounds on the farm, but was coming from the opposite side of you. meaning that after he ran into you, he retraced his path because he wanted to walk with you
- izumi is in her 60s. her specialty is cooking fried chicken (karaage) but she wants to learn how to pickle stuff
- kenji is izumi’s husband. he mostly works in the kitchen since he prefers to let his wife handle customers, even if 99% of them are locals
- izumi and kenji have been running their restaurant/bar since they were in their mid 20s 🥺 STOP THEYRE SO CUTE WHY AM I GETTING SO SENTIMENTAL OVER OCS
- y/n actually did give osamu money. so did atsumu. the two of them were actually the first investors for onigiri miya, right after the twins graduated high school, but osamu doesn’t know it because you had all of the legal stuff handled through a third party anonymously. you will ensure that osamu never finds out because he is prideful as heck lol
- y/n has some toxic traits (as do most people)
- there’s no love triangle with osamu or anything. strictly kita x reader 😤 
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ginanosakka · 4 years
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You’re Wrong
The Scars You Hide | Next
You tried to focus on the words of the textbook in front of you, but after an hour of studying, it was becoming hard to care about what stops you from flying out of a car when you turn and how to create a math equation out of it. It didn’t help that it was late in the night that you finally found time to study, your mother dragging you out on a shopping spree where you were forced to smile and nod at whatever she wanted you to wear.
‘I don’t understand why everyone likes shopping so much,’ your thoughts ran off as you looked at the new clothes that laid in the bags sprawled across the floor for your maid, Jun, to put up while you were at school tomorrow morning.
When your phone dinged you jumped at the sound, but before you could even check what the message was and who sent it, something hard smacked against your window. With your unchecked phone in hand, you crept towards the window, cursing your parents for giving you the room on the first floor of your enormous home. Pulling the curtains gently as if whatever had come knocking wouldn’t notice you, you peeked outside and immediately let out a breath of relief.
“What are you doing here?” You whispered after throwing your window open and pushing your curtains to the side.
Katsuki stood outside your home, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants paired with those combat boots he seemed to love more than life. He looked nuts, and maybe he was if he decided to jump your gate and throw things at your window, but the look on his face told you that this wasn’t a time to give him shit on his matching skills.
“Just let me in, dork.” He grunted, and you complied silently by stepping to the side.
That was the first night of many nights when Katsuki couldn’t bare to be alone with his thoughts and came to you to fill in the silence with nonsense. He’d let you complain about your mother, your father, and your maid with only short responses and noises of acknowledgment. When he’d finally jump back out your window at an absurd time, something you worried about since Mina told you how he had a set bedtime for himself, you’d lay in bed with your heart full until you could finally sleep.
Maybe it was how much you talked and complained about your superficial problems. . maybe that’s why everyone hated you.
“You have to talk to her!” Mina huffed, tailing behind Katsuki on his patrol, both of them on duty protecting the city.
Obviously, Mina was more worried about rekindling a fire that was never truthfully lit than stopping a mugger.
Katsuki was doing his best not to shout at her, after the restaurant incident, he’d been forced to do damage control on his image. The reports wasted no time making a story out of it, calling him a temperamental monster for yelling at you. When he watched the video back on a popular tabloid site, Katsuki couldn’t help but agree as he saw the look in your eyes. Still, that was probably nothing to how you looked when he walked away all those years ago, but it’s not like he looked back then.
All it took was meeting you again for you to start taking over his life again, not only conquering his media image in hours, but also his mind with all the hypotheticals. It was hard for Katsuki to see himself as a father, but he’d been one for six years without even knowing. He wondered what your son looked like now and how he acted. Did he have a short temper? Does he even have a quirk?
That was another thing that bothered him; the fact that he didn’t feel any emotions about whether or not his child was quirkless. His whole life he saw people without quirks as weak — he couldn’t count the times he mentioned you being quirkless, let alone Deku — but it was like he couldn’t draw any anger or disappointment at the thought of his son being perfectly average. After looking at that picture, all he wanted to do was get to know his own flesh and blood, and he was still pissed that you took that away from him.
“I don’t want to talk to her and I never will. I’ll take her to court to get my kid if I have to, but I want nothing to do with some spoiled princess.” Katsuki spat, and Mina was beginning to get fed up with how he refused to listen.
She snatched him by the arm, forcing him to turn around and look at her. Even now Katsuki’s glares still sent a shiver down her spine, but she was much more frustrated than scared right now. His red eyes went against her black and yellow ones, neither of them being acknowledged by bystanders who moved around them on the assumption that this was just two heroes discussing something they had no business listening to. That was only kind of correct.
“Her dad threw her out when he found out! She had no one but herself, Katsuki! . . . I don’t even know how she’s surviving, and by talking to her and helping her, you’ll be helping Ryu.”
Katsuki’s glare melted at the last word she spoke and he found himself whispering, “his name is Ryu.”
The tension had vanished into thin air at the mention of his son’s name, the warmth that engulfed his body not being one he’d ever felt before. He’d never even met the kid and he already had Katsuki wrapped around his finger, and Mina knew it. A grin spread across her face when she realized it, and with that, the first phase of her plan was complete. Neither of you may know it, but the son you two shared could bring you two together.
“How was school?” You asked Ryu as you both walked home from his daycare, the school being a small walk from your cozy home and quite safe due to being in the less populated area of the city.
“Boring,” he snorted and you couldn’t help but chuckle at his displeasure. “No one cares about my quirk because stupid Nora can glitter in the sunlight!”
“Does it matter? You like your quirk, don’t you?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right. . Did you ever get bullied for not having a quirk, mom?” Ryu looked up at you, his big e/c wide and curious for what kind of answer you’d give him.
‘Why do children have to ask tough questions? What happened to why the chicken crossed the road?’ You sweat dropped, and quickly tried to come up with a soft but honest answer.
You didn’t lie to Ryu about things, not even about why he was now your only family, but you didn’t present him hard truths that you didn’t think he was ready for. Basically, you gave a blanket answer; a broad answer that wouldn’t hurt him. He was only five after all, why the hell did a five year old need to know about dishonor and abandonment?
“Well, no,” you started gently. “My dad, your grandfather, kind of made sure that didn’t happen and I didn’t know that I was a thing until I was older.”
Until I met your dad.
You ran a hand through his hair and pulled him closer as you walked, “and now I definitely don’t need a quirk when I have you to protect me, right?”
Ryu smiled a smile so bright that you wondered if he could rival the sun, and it warmed you to the very core. That smile was what you lived for, it was the reason you found yourself and wanted to be better. You couldn’t imagine where’d you’d be right now if he hadn’t changed your whole world, the thought of living in your father’s shadow being unthinkable now. You’d trump him, you’d trump his entire company, and you’d trump everyone who used you.
‘I’m strong because of you.’
“Of course, I’m your hero!” Ryu cheered.
“That’s right,” you chuckled.
You came up on your house, and the smile and warmth you once had was taken from you so suddenly that you stopped in your tracks a few feet away from your door. Ryu gasped from beside you and you heard his bag drop to the floor, but you knew his shock was the complete opposite of yours. Both of you were looking at the tall blonde man that stood in front of your door, leaning against it staring into space until he heard the bag drop. His red eyes fell on the both of us and you stopped breathing, not sure of what to do, or better yet * what he’d do.
“You’re Dynamight!” The first words were spoken by your son, his high pitched voice nearly yelling those words as he took a few steps forward.
You watched Katsuki’s reaction carefully, trying to prepare yourself to get Ryu away from him if he even so much as snapped at him. This wasn’t how you wanted them to meet — you didn’t want them to meet at all — and from your last interaction, you weren’t sure if he even wanted to meet Ryu. Yet all you could do was watch for the time being.
Katsuki looked him dead in the eyes, his usual resting bitch face, but there was something soft about it that shocked you. He was in his hero uniform, probably coming straight here from whatever hero work he was doing, and there was no question on who told him your address.
You’d most definitely be strangling a certain pink pixie later.
“Yeah, you’re Ryu, right?” Katsuki said, talking the next few steps towards him and bending down to be his height.
Ryu’s face was out of your sight, but you could imagine he was exploding with happiness. “Yeah! How did you know? Did you come to recruit me for your agency?! Mom, did you know?”
‘If I knew he was coming I would have sent you across the country.’
“I didn’t, but why don't we invite Mr. Dynamight in? He’s probably tired,” you suggested.
“Oh yeah! Come in, we can talk about hero stuff and I can show you my toys!”
Ryu took Katsuki’s hand as you walked past them, brushing Katsuki’s shoulder gently and ignoring how your body yearned to feel that warmth more closely. You unlocked the door and let Ryu lead him in, closing the door behind them and taking off your heels. Both of you were technically still in work attire, yours being business casual while his was. . hero official?
Katsuki was probably unnerved by Ryu’s talkative nature, but you simply went to the kitchen like you usually did when you got home and rummaged the cabinets for your tea. As long as they were both in close range, you could take a second to pull yourself together so you don’t throw your child’s idol and father out of your home if he so much as breathes in a way you didn’t like. If you were to act out now, you’d really have to sit down with the boy, and if you weren’t ready for them to meet, you certainly weren’t ready for that.
Your tea kettle didn’t even get to whistle before you took it off the stove, pouring the piping hot water into a cup with your tea and adding the sugar. The noise had died down in the living room where you could hear Ryu tell Katsuki all he knew about him — which was a lot — and you were staring to become concerned that Bakugou had possibly said something that hurt his feelings or kidnapped your child, but those theories were put to rest when footsteps came into the kitchen.
“He talks as much as you did.” Those words affected you more than you’d like to admit, not expecting him to want to make any connections between you and the son you both shared.
“He’s my son,” you stated the obvious. Turning around to face him with your tea in hand, taking a small sip of the burning hot liquid as you gazed at him with cold eyes.
Katsuki didn’t know what else to say, he had no plan for what he’d do once he got here, only getting your address from Mina and refusing to ask for advice. He had never walked on eggshells with someone before, it was usually everyone else trying not to piss him off. He didn’t know if he was scared of you, or how wrong he was about you. He didn’t have a clue that you were living a normal life, and once he came across your house in such a small neighborhood without gates and security, he felt even more guilty about yelling at you in that restaurant.
“When I told you to tell me when you’re ready to meet him, I didn’t mean just show up at my house.” You said, and as calm as it sounded, he could tell that you were picking your words wisely. She obviously didn’t want Ryu to know who he was yet, and he didn’t think he wanted to either with how happy the kid was to see him as his idol.
How would he see him if he knew he was his dad?
“How did you do it? . . I mean, what do you do now?” Katsuki asked, choosing to ignore your initial statement and get the answers he was seeking.
You were getting tired of being questioned, but this is what you get for reaching out. “If you’re asking how I’m able to take care of us, it’s because I started my own business with the money I had saved up. Next question,” you answered casually as you continued sipping your tea.
“. . Why did you tell me now?”
He noticed that question seemed to break your composure, your cold and aloof expression turned sorrowful and your eyes stayed glued to your cup. Katsuki didn’t understand why he felt his stomach drop at the sight of it, but he blamed it on the guilt he already felt.
“Ryu started asking about you more. . and I thought maybe it was because I wasn’t spending enough time with him. . but the more time we spent together the more questions he’d ask about you. I had to face the facts that I can’t play the part of mom and dad, and he deserved to meet his real dad even if we never get along. He deserved to get to make his own impression of you,” you admitted.
Katsuki was once again speechless, but the spotlight was quickly torn off of him.
“He’s my dad?”
A/N: Annnnd we have a new chapter! I hope you enjoy, and thank you all for all the love on this book 🥺! I appreciate all the comments and revolves so much! Muah!
Taglist <3 : @fandomgirllover @cloudsgathering @that-bipolar-renegade-romantic @jazzylove @that-chick212 @bonbonthedragon @misssugarless @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @bakugous-bakahoe @pinkykookie17 @animexholic @arielting @samkysnks @simpforeveryone @saucey-kneecapzz42020 @damnirina @fireworkemoji102 @deneuves @tsumuuumiyaaaa @ladybeautiful18 @vintage-teddyxo @mirakeul @regalmigraine
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All The Hurt - Chapter 1
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!reader
Warnings: ANGST, Peter was an ass, reader is a hurt and petty bitch, fluff to make up for the angst, curse words, lots of “coincidences”, description of an explosion and blood.
Summary: Peter Parker. What a dick. It wasn’t always like this, but once he just got up and gladly left you for an unknown reason, you decided to bring hell down on him by publicly ridiculing him whenever you got the chance. However, when you accidentally find out what he's been hiding, conflicted feelings begin emerging, causing you to wonder if you could ever forgive him — especially when he saves your life.
Word Count: 2.6k
A/n: this came to me in a fucking dream so you bet I had to wake up and write this. It’s already completed hehe. I’m going to be posting the parts every day so stay tuned :D
Never in your entire life would you have thought that there’d be a time when you’d willingly side with Flash. When you’d join him in bullying Peter, your best friend that you’d known since the both of you were shitting yourselves in diapers. Not a night goes by in which you don’t ask yourself why.
Why did he decide to break you?
The day he told you he didn’t want to be friends with you anymore was a day worse than finding out your father had cheated on your mother, prompting her to abruptly exit both your and your father’s lives when you were eleven. In all honesty, it felt like Peter took notes about suddenly leaving when you cried to him about your mother disappearing and used them to his advantage the summer before freshman year.
It was a pain like no other, a wound so hurtful your tear tank was constantly emptied every time you were alone in your room. There were too many nights where you’d lie awake with an ache in your chest - like someone dropped an avalanche on your heart and left it there to crush it.
Friendship breakups hurt like hell.
The days seemed to move slow and the nights even slower. You didn’t know how much time had passed when you’d blankly stare at your collection of photos of the two of you with tear stricken cheeks.
You constantly wondered if he regretted it.
And if he did, you told yourself you’d forgive him. You’d go back to him, because you were sure he didn’t mean it. Excuses began piling up in your mind, each one not having enough evidence to be proven true; maybe he was going through something he didn’t want to talk about. Maybe someone in his life died, like when Uncle Ben suddenly passed away. He didn’t speak to you for a week and didn’t show up to school, and when you went over to check on him, he broke down in your arms as he apologized for ignoring you, but you understood.
You always did.
So, you waited, and waited, and waited. Waited for a call, a text, something. But nothing ever came. No phone calls — he ignored yours — no apologies, no explanation, nothing but radio silence. It was almost like you never existed in the first place.
Day by day your hope slowly faded, and by the 56th day, all of it was gone. You didn’t know how to feel. You were furious at him for abandoning you. You were heartbroken. You told yourself you were being overdramatic — it wasn’t like you were in a relationship together, no matter how much you wanted to be.
All he ever saw you as was a friend. But that was before it all happened. Now he probably didn’t see you as anything but a stranger.
A stranger with memories and secrets revolving him.
Hot anger was quick to take control of your mind, and soon you stopped your crying and tore down years worth of captured memories and pinned birthday cards he made you - all reminders of how much you loved him - and threw them into a box. You shoved it to the back of your closet, along with your dignity and love for him.
Four months after your ‘breakup', you came back different. Newfound confidence shone out of you with every step you made down Midtown’s hallways. Your smile radiated happiness as you felt everyone’s eyes lay upon you. You were able to fool yourself and others around you that nothing happened. Your heart knew better, but soon it’d turn to stone.
And you convinced yourself that you preferred it that way.
You moved on, found friendship in others, and although they never lived up to him, they were enough to fill part of the gaping hole in your heart.
Flash making amends with you was probably the most surprising and unexpected thing to have ever happened in the school. You two got along well, almost too well, and about halfway into the school year, you became good friends. You two weren’t as close as you and Peter once were, but you bonded over your absent parents in ways you didn’t know were possible.
You felt understood, and he the same.
Still, that didn’t stop you from seeing Peter in the hallways. You made it a point to walk past him like you didn’t know him — because apparently, you didn’t.
You kept watching him from a distance.
You watched him make goo-goo eyes at Liz while rolling your own.
You watched him dart out of school at exactly two forty-five every day. You saw the anxiousness in the way he bounced his leg during class, the tapping of his pencil on the desk, the constant glances he threw at the clock with every minute that passed. You wanted to ask, but you didn’t.
On a particular day, the same day you overheard him and Ned making plans to meet up at his house to build Legos, you decided to go to Delmar’s to grab a bite. You hadn’t been there since the breakup, as you were always too nervous in case Peter ended up going there at the same time, and now that there was a clearing, you took it. Even if he was there, you didn't care.
You don’t.
When you stepped into the store, you were immediately welcomed by the one and only Mr. Delmar. He looked good — happy and content, and that’s why you absolutely adored him. It wasn’t fair that you cut off ties with him because of Peter, but he didn’t seem to take it personally. He went on and on about how much taller you’ve gotten and reminisced about how little you were when you and Peter got your first flattened number five sandwiches with pickles.
He must’ve seen your smile falter at the mention of Peter, because his eyebrows furrowed in concern not a moment later, “Did something happen to you kids? I never see him come with you anymore.”
So he’s been coming without you.
Ouch. That’s another stab to the heart.
Your palms began to feel slick as you rubbed them on your jeans with a strained smile and a shaky voice, feeling as if the walls were closing in on you, “Uh-we-“
But you never got to finish. Mr. Delmar’s eyes widened at something behind you, and in a split second, he yelled, “Get down!” followed by a string of Spanish curse words.
A scream left your mouth as a purple wave of something ripped through the bodega, nearly missing you by a strand of hair as you ducked. Shattered glass scattered everywhere, digging into the skin of your arms in a multitude of places. You hissed at the burn you felt below your eye, feeling a heavy liquid (which you assumed was blood) trail down your cheek and neck. You felt intense heat near your legs and your vision became blurred, ears ringing as all other noises besides your breathing became muffled. You coughed and coughed, feeling like your lungs were closing in on themselves from the fire that surrounded you.
The light above you flickered as you attempted to shout Mr. Delmar’s name, praying that he was all right.
But your voice never left your throat.
Your legs were trapped below two giant shelves that collapsed on them, and you weren’t strong enough to move them no matter how many times you tried to. The fire slithered like a snake as it began climbing to where your legs were being held below the rubble.
“Help.” You weakly whispered in between your coughs. The air around you felt heavy and limited, and it was starting to feel like you were choking on the fumes. You didn’t know how much longer your lungs could take.
It was hot. So fucking hot.
Your eyes shut and your head fell back on the ground, chest heaving in fast paces as you felt your body give up already, a burning sensation spreading all over you, like your insides were set on fire.
Your face trickled with sweat that dripped down to your cheeks, mixing with your tears.
Just when all hope was gone, just when you thought you were done for, you felt the weight lift off of your legs in one sudden movement, and an arm slide beneath your knees and on your back, holding you tightly.
You looked up at your savior, and who else could it have been other than Spider-Man, New York’s knight in shining armor, and apparently yours, too. You heard part of what he seemed to be saying as he looked down at you: “…got…I…you” and you could’ve sworn you heard your name.
But then again, you were on the brink of death, so you were no doubt hearing things.
You laid your tired head on his chest, wheezing into his smooth suit as he ran and jumped away from the fire until he reached the outside. He gingerly placed you on the ground and made you lean back against a parked car, and you breathed in the cool night air as he crouched down to rub your back while you practically choked.
In front of Spider-Man.
How embarrassing.
You felt your head heavily fall back as you clutched your arm in pain, the distant sound of police sirens audible now. Your eyes landed upon his covered face that turned away when you looked at him - like he was staring at you until you caught him. You could see that he wanted to go somewhere in the way that his spidey-eyes were expanding and shrinking at the destroyed bank across the street. You moved to touch your legs, and by some miracle, they were just a little sore. You could manage on your own.
“Go,” you breathily said, making Spider-Man look down at you, “I’m okay.”
He hesitated for a moment and pivoted his head to your legs. You breathed out half a laugh, coughing again, “Dude,” you placed a hand on his shoulder and jutted towards your legs as you began moving them, “they’re fine. I’m fine. I know you wanna go somewhere. Just go after it.”
He stayed. For a long minute, just watching you breathe and tilt your head at him. You wondered what was going on in that brain of his, wondered how old he was, wondered where he went to school - if he even went to school. You were trying to formulate a way to thank him for saving you, but you didn’t get the chance to. He nodded and quickly he sprung away, making way for the paramedics and cops to inspect the scene.
You didn’t go to school for a whole week after the incident, as you were too busy reflecting on what had happened. You went over multiple scenarios and “what if’s” and tried not to dwell on the fact that you had to have your driver pick you up from the hospital, not your father. He was probably out of the country, like he always was.
When you finally returned to school, you had stitched up three areas, including one below your eye, and were bombarded with questions and a large group hug from your friends. Your phone was no doubt a goner, so they had no way of contacting you. Even when they tried to come over, your housekeeper, Jane, always the responsible adult, told them the doctor needed you to rest alone.
She knew you couldn’t handle people, and needed to recharge on your own. She was like the mother you never had. Even when Peter left, she stayed by your side and tried to cheer you up. She knew how strong your feelings were for Peter, but she didn’t question you, instead allowing you to grieve the way you wanted to - alone.
Your friends asked you about what happened, and their eyes sparkled when you told them the Spider-Man came to your rescue, their excitement cutting short once the bell rang. They all left to go to their classes after wishing you a quick recovery. All but one.
Flash stood in front of you, nibbling on his lower lip with a wobbling chin and glassy eyes.
“Are you..crying?” you squinted at him, lips twitching into a smirk.
“Shut up,” he mumbled, wiping the stray tears before attacking you with a tight hug. You sighed deeply, feeling a nostalgic warmth spread through your chest as you placed your chin on his shoulder, arms circulating him and squeezing in a way that said "I’m here."
In class, you felt hardcore stares — stares that came from one person and one person only. You saw them from the corner of your eye, tracing the scar on your face. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think they were laced with worry. But perhaps you hit your head too hard.
During gym class, the last class of the day, you were excused from exercises due to your near-death experience, so you watched and cheered Flash as he climbed the ropes, attempting to break his own record.
“48 seconds.” You stated, pausing the timer as he jumped to the ground and planted his hands on his knees, breathing hard.
He looked up at you with a deep frown, “Seriously? How did I get slower?”
You shrugged, “Maybe you should change your nickname, Eugene.” You smirked, taunting him with the name you knew he hated.
He breathed out a laugh as he shook his head. He was about to say something when Ned’s voice overpowered everyone else’s with one sentence: “Peter knows Spider-Man!”
Everybody went so silent you’d think the queen of England had just walked in.
The sound of balls being dropped and shoes squeaking echoed through the gym as all heads turned to Peter Parker, who nervously looked around and quickly stood up, “Uh, no! No, I don’t. I-I mean..”
He clumsily made his way over to Liz (go figure), whose face remained expressionless.
“They’re friends,” Ned said as a matter of factly.
“Yeah, like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends,” Flash said, making a couple of people laugh, including you.
“I’ve met him, yeah, a-a couple of times. But it’s um, through the...Stark...Internship. I’m not really supposed to talk about it.” He gritted through his teeth as he threw daggers at Ned with wide eyes.
“Well, that’s awesome!” You piped in, your loud sarcasm breaking the silence that settled over the gym, "He’s a pretty cool guy, I’m sure Liz would love to meet him. Hey, maybe you should invite him to her party.”
“Yeah, I’m having people over tonight, you’re more than welcome to come.” Liz sweetly admitted, almost like she wanted him to come.
“You’re having a party?” Peter said breathlessly, as if that wasn’t what you just said.
Flash gave Peter a snarling smile, “Yeah, it’s gonna be dope. You should totally invite your personal friend Spider-Man.” He suggested, derision oozing out of his words.
“Um-“ Peter stammered, helpless eyes searching for assistance in your own. But you wouldn’t give him any sympathy. Not anymore. You stared back, cold as ice, and you knew he saw that. You merely gave him a raised eyebrow, challenging him to say something.
“It’s okay,” Liz said, breaking you and Peter’s eye contact, “I know Peter’s way too busy for parties anyways so..”
“Oh, come on, he’ll be there. Parker wouldn’t ditch.” You said, voice dripping with venom as you maintained eye contact with him and walked past Flash until you reached him. You stopped at his side, just enough to give him a deadly stare, “Right?”
You watched his Adam’s apple bob and eyes dart across the ground as his fingers tangled with one another to conceal his shaking left hand. You studied his face, ignoring something that looked like a fading bruise on his jaw. The school bell rang, and with that, Flash walked to you, raising his hand for a fist pump. You bumped yours with his with a smirk and walked out the gym doors, ready to call Peter out on his bullshit once more tonight.
Next Chapter All The Hurt Masterlist Main Masterlist
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westwingwolf · 3 years
In this post, I go into a long, defensive character/ship study for reflection after New Blood so for the sake of not clogging the tag and anyone who doesn’t want to see it or doesn’t want to be spoiled, it’s under the cut.
I think if you are looking for Tim to apologize for some of those early days, you are going to be disappointed. At least for a while. Because Tim sees a lot of what he did as practical training methods he’d use on any other rookie. Whether that’s right or wrong in your opinion, doesn’t matter. It’s how Tim sees it and therefore how the writers intend for him to see it. For all else, any time Tim crossed a line: he was called out, acknowledged it himself, apologized and/or thanked Lucy for her help.
A lot of those things were what Tim was going to do to any rookie if he thought that was the type of training the rookie needed. Tim says he is a show type of guy. He isn’t just going to tell a rookie the wrong or right method. He is going to create a scenario in which they learn it the hard way but in a safe, controlled environment. He was going to kick Jackson out of the car if he got the answer wrong, but Jackson got it right. And when he realized Jackson needed a different type of training to help him get over his fear of gunfire or quit or else Angela would get fired, he changed his tactics. And both times literally end up saving his own life. Lucy knew exactly where she was when she radioed that Tim had been shot. Jackson ran down the armed guy shooting at Tim because Tim said if he couldn’t get into the fight to stay in the car, so Jackson found a way around that.
The way Lucy words it, it doesn’t sound like she believes that Tim tormented her all through the job. Just that first day (well, and the second but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that those first 2 shifts can be treated like a first day) and some time after. Because the next thing she mentioned as a month later is the bathroom incident. That happened the day Tim came back to work after being shot. In between time which she spent an entire shift with Officer Wrigley(?) who was nice and treated her like a rockstar, and was boring because he wouldn’t take interesting calls. She is stuck with that until Tim questions if she is just going to let a criminal get away when she can do something about it. She called him a pain in her ass which he responded was the job. In that moment you can see that Lucy is not going to back down, and that Tim sees this as how to best train her. Their reactions of each other shows a mutual understanding of the other and the start of an acceptance. And maybe Tim does torment Lucy a little all through the job just to keep her on her toes.
As to the bathroom incident: in Amber, Harper made a point of saying how important it is to find a proper bathroom so that’s obviously something they teach at the academy or veterans learn through experience. And Lucy knew to secure the bathroom which she did. Just not enough. And Tim knew that would probably happen so he took advantage of that. Just as he would if any other rookie who needed that type of training had done that. This happened before he got the call about Isabel. The things he did after, intentionally starting a fight with the biker gang, that was out of line because he was upset about Isabel. And Lucy called him out on that. Just as she has done every time since Tim has stepped over the line.
I don’t believe Lucy actually gets triggered when she walks into a shoe store. Exaggeration to prove a point through humor. I laughed anyways. Especially since I’m sure the things that actually trigger Lucy are more like complete darkness and locked in confined, tight places. Does he say boot more than anyone else? Yes. Does that change depending on the outward image Tim is trying to convey? Also yes. The hardass Tim was those first few days/weeks/months (depending on which timeline we are going with) is not who he truly is. And Lucy knows that. She sticks up for him more than anyone. She calls him out on his shit, but also reminds him he is a good person. That side of him only comes back out when he truly fears not being tough will cause a setback. Such as when he yelled at her for having something in her gun hand other than her gun after Chris was shot and his TO pointed out that he told him how to proceed and his rookie didn’t listen. And Lucy wasn’t even mad at Tim about that because by then she knows him and what he is like. All her anger was at Emmett for stepping in where he shouldn’t. Because Lucy can handle herself, and she can handle Tim. Which Tim knows perfectly well and has said so. If Lucy was truly so upset by all that Tim has done, she wouldn’t insist that they are friends. Yes, she was eager to get out of training, but she also took the time to ensure that they had proper acknowledgment as to the closure of her training. And an acceptance that they would be friends from this point on was admitted by both of them in that “see you tomorrow.”
I’ll grant you the lessons can go overboard, but they actually work. When Lucy was in that bomber’s house after he set a bomb, she told Harper to get clear of the house and radio for help. Why? Because she learned that radio frequencies can sometimes set off bombs. She never forgot that lesson. And used it as payback for Tim later so double bonus.
So here is where Lucy can differ from any other rookie trained the same way by Tim. She learned those lessons and remembers them later when she is more or less by herself. It’s not just something that can be told and hope you remember when the necessary time comes. It is something lived through experience, again in a safer and more controlled environment, that she remembers. Maybe not all rookies would, but she did. And where she differs is how she gets Tim back anytime she feels he needs payback: stealing his money clip, giving him her bar tab as an evaluation, giving him his own powder bomb, etc. Things no other rookie would dare try, and he lets her get away with it. Because I think he actually likes that he found someone who can match his diabolical ways. Honestly, if these two weren’t such good people at heart, they’d pair up to be the world’s greatest supervillains.
Jackson called Lucy out on why would she want Tim to torment someone else if she hated how he treated her. So either she didn’t have that big of a problem with it or she doesn’t like the implication that it was something wrong about her that Tim felt warranted that kind of treatment. Yes, Lucy needs praise. She has always needed praise. Especially from authority figures. (Yes, I know the implications of that from a shipping POV, but if you are already shipping Chenford, you’re either ignoring it or waiting until it’s no longer an issue or both.) It’s clear from her relationship with her parents that she at first tried to get it from them. That’s why she studied psychology. To please them. And once she found what she wanted and stuck with it, she thought they’d be happy for her and she’d get that praise but she didn’t. She is still looking for it in her life. So she looks at this situation as there must have been something wrong with her and somehow the new rookie is better. Which Tim disproves. It wasn’t about her being less than; it’s about her being different and needing different training tactics. And her differences are actually things Lucy values, and Tim values too (clearly as he is tried to get Barnes to see policing as helping people and not as engaging enemy combatants. Plus take a look at how Tim treats people in the community even ones he previously arrested. He still tries to help them.) But Tim recognizes Lucy also needed a different perspective even if her perspective still ultimately wins out. Which Lucy acknowledges in Resolutions. She still chooses to be a cop in her own way. She still values empathy and compassion first and foremost. Seeing the world as the scary place it can be just rounds out her perspective, but it doesn’t overwhelm it. And Tim stopped pushing that perspective after Lucy found out just how scary the world can be. Because Lucy has been though all of that, gained perspective but still stayed true to herself, she is a good cop. Again, something Tim acknowledged. He disavowed her of the idea that she was somehow less, explained his position, and complimented her with probably the highest compliment he could give someone: the respect of being a good cop.
That difference in how Tim & Lucy approach things is what made them such a great partnership. Tim sees things with suspicion first, compassion second. While Lucy is compassion first, suspicion second. They both quickly adapt to either, but also help the other with finding the necessary POV. So they hardly ever miss anything because if one doesn’t see it, the other will. They are complimentary but not so stubborn in their own initial POVs that they force the issue making things worse. If one is passionate in their belief, the other will follow their decision.
So here is my point: whatever they went through before, good and bad, does not have a drastic effect on discouraging their friendship (and possibly romantic relationship). All of that is more or less fond (okay not so fond) memories. They understand each other, have forgiven each other (Lucy more than Tim because Tim crossed more lines), accepted their faults, encouraged each other, acknowledged each other, and basically formed a lasting bond that is more than TO/rookie and even more than most friendships can be lucky to have. Perhaps even more than most romantic relationships get. And frankly, holding any past mistakes over each other’s head to the point of disgruntlement would not lead to a healthy relationship. Which is why I don’t think Lucy truly holds what Tim did against him. I think it was as it appeared: wondering why the new rookie was treated differently and if that is a reflection on her. Which it wasn’t in any negative way. But to make her point about the differences, Lucy had to list the ways Tim handled everything in their early days. And to make his point, Tim clearly explains the differences and what necessitates that difference. An apology for any of that would negate the point he was making. If Lucy was truly upset in any lasting way, she wouldn’t have immediately worried about Barnes, and she wouldn’t have been so happy at Tim’s compliment.
Will Tim ever apologize for the early days? Maybe. Maybe not. Does he need to? I don’t think so. Not for me anyways. Because Tim is a show me type of guy, and he has shown Lucy in so many ways how much he values her. And Lucy has shown that that means more to her than anything.
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jjmaybanksbaby · 3 years
Where It Leads (Rafe Cameron)
Summer I
Part 01: Pick Me Up, No Headlights
series masterlist | next part
summary: It’s your first summer in the Outer Banks.
a/n: I'm so so so excited to introduce my new obx series! This whole thing is based off the song Style by Taylor Swift (which I'm sure you've picked up on lol!) This series is going to be about Rafe during HS so Summer I = the summer before 9th grade and so on and so forth. Enjoy!!
word count: 2k
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The Outer Banks was a little bit like a fantasy. The way your mom talked about growing up under the North Carolina heat with her fearless twin brother, Austin, the decades-long feud between the Kooks and the Pogues, the endless summers, it all felt like a movie. There was a specific smile that snuck onto her face when she talked about the place. Their parents had moved away from OBX to the mountains while she was still in college and she’d never been back. Last September, her father's health had taken a turn for the worse and he passed away rather unexpectedly. Your uncle had suggested to your grandmother that she should move back to the Outer Banks since she was also so happy there. To the shock of everyone and your Nonna bought a house on Figure Eight, just a street over from the home your mother been raised in, and moved back to NC.
You’d flown into the tiny Outer Banks airport two days after the Fourth of July and, so far the sky had stayed crystal blue the entire week you’ve been there. It had been great to have some time with your grandmother all to yourself. The house on Figure Eight was huge; you definitely understood why she’d asked your mother if she would spare one of her three daughters to keep her company for the summer. Having the echoing house all to herself sounded glum. Your older sister was spending the summer in Italy for a college-writing program and since you know how to weaponize your middle child charm, you talked your mom into sending you to OBX rather easily.  
“Nonna,” you called down, leaning over the balcony at the top of the stairs. “I can’t find my sandals and I don’t have any other shoes to wear to the Club for lunch.” 
Your grandmother walked into the foyer and looked up at you. “y/n you know I can’t understand you when you yell from upstairs.” She turned around and walked back into the kitchen. You sighed under your breath careful that she didn’t hear you since you’d gotten in trouble for doing that yesterday. 
Your mother use to complain about the way that her mom always felt the need to act - and have her children act - so posh during her childhood but those stories seemed so strange to you. Like a Nonna from a past life, not the one you knew. However, it seemed the Outer Banks had reignited her need to act sophisticated all the time. 
You double-check your appearance in the mirror and then resigned to searching the downstairs of the house for your shoes. 
Nonna was busy making small talk with some of the other ladies at the Club after lunch but you were antsy to get back to the beach while the sun was still at its peak. You had had all the polite smiling and nodding you could take in an afternoon. 
“I’m gonna- ” you pointed in the direction of the Club bathrooms and your Nonna waved her hand dismissively. You turned on your heel and headed away from her and the others. 
You pushed open the door and was surprised at the quietness. You double-checked under all the stalls to make sure no one else was in there before sitting on the counter and resting the back of your head against the mirror. You knew you were probably smudging the glass but you needed a minute from all it. 
It wasn’t that you weren’t totally in love with the Outer Banks. It was just that your mom seemed to leave out the strenuously boring parts of her childhood - the small talk, the lunches, the emphasis on class. Plus, on top of that, it seems your grandfather’s death has rattled your Nonna deeper than she cared to admit and she’d become overly cautious about everything. She was keeping a much tighter leash on you than was really needed, or so you thought. 
The door swung open and you jumped off the counter hoping whoever had just entered didn’t see you sitting atop it. The young girl stopped rummaging in her cross-body bag and glanced look to meet your gaze. She had on a green and white polka-doted dress and her dirty blonde hair spilled over her shoulders. She looked young, maybe 13 or 14 you guessed. 
“Oh. Hi!” She said. 
“Hi,” you responded. She walked over to stand next to you facing the mirror. She pulled a pink lipgloss out of her purse and ran it over her top and bottom lips before recapping it. 
“Hiding out in here?” She asked. She took your moment of hesitation as an answer. “Yeah, me too. It’s by far the best hiding place. Plus my dad can’t come into the ladies' restroom so it buys me a little time.” She laughed, seemingly at the thought of her dad barging into a women’s bathroom. She looked over at you. “Not to pry but I don’t think I’ve seen at the Club before. Just visiting?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m staying with my Nonna, my grandma, for the summer. I got in last week.” 
The girl smiled big. “The Outer Banks is ah-mazing. Sarah Cameron, by the way.” 
Her genuineness brought a smile to your own face. “I’m so happy to meet you, Sarah. I’m y/n. I haven’t gotten to meet a lot of other kids yet.” 
“I’m not really supposed to know this but my brother talks obnoxiously loud on the phone so it’s really not my fault for eavesdropping, but there’s a beach bonfire tonight down at the cove...it’s a Kook party spot.” She clarified after seeing the confusion on my face. “I’m sure he’d be cool with you tagging along.” Sarah reached into her bag and held out her phone. “Put your number in. I’ll pass it along to him.” 
“Thank you so much,” you said, your heart feeling warmed by this girl's kindness. 
“Yeah, of course,” she stepped forward and wrapped you in an unexpected hug before she exited, leaving the door swinging in her wake. 
Your phone rang with an unknown number that afternoon around five, just after you’d gotten back from the beach. You answered the call and tucked the phone between your ear and shoulder as you finished rinsing off your sandy feet. 
Sarah’s voice filled the speaker. “Hey y/n, so I told Rafe about you and asked about the party. He said he’ll pick you at 10. Okay? Text me your address so I can give it to him.”
“Yeah, yeah. Okay! Umm...one question Sarah. What do I wear to this bonfire?” You asked. 
A friendly laughed echoed through the phone. “Put your bikini under a sweatshirt and some short. You’ll be fine.” 
“Um also one more thing,” You said. 
“Sure!” Sarah replied.
“I think don’t think my Nonna would be too thrilled about me going to this party so could you ask Rafe to turn off the headlights when he get’s here. She sleeps on the first floor and I’m trying not to get caught sneaking out.” 
“Trust me, I know.” You wondered how much 13-year old could possibly know about sneaking out but Sarah was becoming your one friend on the island so you just went with it. 
“Thank you Sarah. I owe you.” 
“I think you’re gonna get along with Rafe great. Okay, talk to you later. Bye y/n!” The phone beeped as Sarah ended the call. You slipped it back into your beach bag and grabbed your towel off the ground, feeling grateful for your new friend. 
Rafe had shown up at 10:03, a text from another unknown number appeared on your phone announcing his arrival. You'd climbed out of your second-story window and down the attached porch with a surprising amount of ease, only slipping once.
You'd opened the door to the black car and slipped into Rafe’s passenger seat, slight of breath.
Rafe chuckled light. "Hi," he said.
You glanced over, your eyes locking with yours and words escaped you. So Sarah has forgotten to mention her brother was hot. Like the kind of hot girls always giggled about when they passed him in the school hallway. The kind of hot he could probably get away with murder if he just flashed the cops a smile.
That same deadly smile was spreading across his face now. His tongue darted out of his mouth wetting his bottom lip.
"Hi," you squeaked out.
Rafe shifted the car into drive, still refusing to break the eye contact first.
"Should we go?" You asked, your nerves no less unsettled.
Rafe raised his eyebrow conspicuously before turning his head back to focus on the road.
The tension was already killing you and you'd spent less than five minutes together. That was the first moment you realized what Rafe was going to do to your life.
Your phone pinged as you say around the little bone fire listening to the others talking about the Fourth. You were slowly starting to piece together the names and faces of the other Kooks Rafe had introduced you to.
There was Cole, Milo and Sawyer, who seemed to be Rafe's best friends. Cleo and Riley who welcomed you rather warmly. And Phoebe who had kept her eyes on you all-night in a threatening way that you had tried your best to brush off.
You pulled your phone out of your shorts pocket to see a text from Rafe on the screen.
'Wanna head out?'
You glanced at Rafe to find his eyes already trained at you. You read his text again before nodding your head yes at him.
You turned to Cleo sitting next to you. "It was nice to meet you. I think Rafe and I are gonna go."
"Oh, yeah okay!" She replied. "Wait," she pulled her own phone out of her pocket. "Put your number in. I'll add you to all our group chats. Rafe made it seem like you're gonna be around this summer so you're welcome to hang with us anytime!"
"Yeah, I'm here through August!" You said, smiling at Cleo's offer, taking the phone from her hand.
While you were typing your number into Cleo's phone, Rafe had materialized behind you.
"Thank you so much," you said handing Cleo back her phone.
"Of course!" Cleo replied, her eyes shifting away from your face to look up at Rafe. "Bye Rafe."
"See you later Cleo," he said. "Ready?" He asked looking down at you.
"Hmmhmm," you said before standing up, waving bye to the rest of the group and following Rafe back to his parked car.
"I didn't have anything to drink tonight," Rafe said as you settled into the passenger seat next to him.
"Okay," you replied, thinking back on the night but not remembering Rafe with a solo cup in his hand ever.
"Okay," he repeated back. "I just want to make sure you knew. I wouldn't ever do something that could hurt you."
"Okay," you said again, trying not to read to deep into his comment.
"What you'd think of everyone?" He asked.
"They're nice," you offered. "Different from friends back home."
"Oh, well I hope you'd keep hanging out with me...with us" he paused, quickly correcting himself.
You glanced at Rafe out of the corner of your eye, "Yeah, okay. That sounds good."
"Cool." Rafe said.
His hand on the gear shift twitched, moving the slightest inch closer toward you. You swore you could feel him wanting to grab your hand, to interlaced his fingers with yours but he didn't. His hand stayed in place, his eyes on the road watching as the headlights of the car on the opposite side of the two- lane road grew closer and closer.
Your eyes grew suddenly big with panic and Rafe looked at you with fear written all over his face as you both realized the car was plowing down the wrong side of the street. It was on your side of the road and it was going to hit you.
Rafe frantically spun the wheel trying to avoid the oncoming car but there wasn't enough time.
Your body flew forward on impact before the resistance of the seatbelt caused you to snap back. You felt Rafe’s hand hold onto yours as your eyelids closed and the world faded to black.
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alexlwrites · 3 years
Summary: The one where your best friend of years and love of your life is getting married and wants you to be the maid of honor. Luckily for you, the best man is not exactly happy either.
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader, Jungkook x Reader
Tags: Romance, Humor, Fluff, Angst
A/n: had to repost cause someone said they couldn't find the last post for some reason.
Part 4: All I can be is sorry
(Fanfic masterlist)
(support me on my ko-fi <3 )
(<<<Part three)
“What are you doing here?” was the first thing you said and despite the many hours your friend had spent there and his spare key, the words still sounded like an accusation.
Jungkook was silent under you, holding still like he was trying to disappear, but Taehyung noticed him. “What are you doing here?” he said, voice far from welcoming.
The younger boy walked in, stepping into your living room and placing you gently on the couch “Ran into Y/N” he answered quietly “she hurt her ankle and I helped her, that’s all.”
“I didn’t know you were close.”
Jungkook waited for you to deny it, but instead you repeated your first question “What are you doing here?”
“You said you needed to talk” Taehyung answered, voice confused as if it was obvious.
“Yeah, hours ago!” you could feel the flames of anger rising within you, filled by years of frustration and the worst few weeks of your life “You can’t just show up here out of nowhere this late.”
“What are you talking about?” Taehyung sounded more and more confused, voice rising just like yours “We used to show up like this all the time”
“Not anymore! I’m not gonna show up unnanounced at your fucking house and go ‘boo’ at your fiance, so you shouldn’t do the same here!”
There was a moment of pause, a stretch of silence as Taehyung took in what you said and for a second you thought you saw a light recognition in his eyes, but Jungkook distracted you before you could look into it “I should go. I hope you feel better soon, Y/N” he turned to you and something in face made you believe he was talking about something beyond your injure.
“Thank you so much for your help, Jungkook” you smiled at him, trying to ignore Taehyung’s burning look “I’d walk you to the door, but…”
He grinned slightly and waved you away “I got it, don’t worry” when the door closed behind him, you realized neither Jungkook nor Taehyung had said goodbye to each other.
You turned your look back to your friend, noticing how for the first time how out of place he looked in your home, in your line of sight.
“Where is all your stuff?” he asked again in a quieter, more polite manner.
This was it, you thought, but the answers left your mouth much more easily than you initially believed they would “I’m moving.”
Taehyung nodded, having probably already deduced that. “Getting a bigger place?” he guessed, walking around the room trying to look casual “Is this what you wanted to talk about?”
You watched him, his steps and shifting eyes, overthinking his movements as he gave you nothing but a blank face “Bigger country.”
That made him turn and you felt panic bubble inside you, clawing the walls of your body and begging to leave whatever way it could, in screams, tears or digging nails into skin. That was the confrontation you avoided until it loomed over you like a guillotine.
“What do you mean?” he sounded strained, like he was holding back, fighting against the same panic you did, slightly closer to winning than you.
“I got a promotion. A really great offer to relocate to their English branch.” show no weakness, you told yourself, you are not asking for permission.
Taehyung did not like that.
“And what?” he threw his hands in the air, like your answer wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy him “You’re just gonna leave everything behind, just like that? What about your family?”
“My parents know and they’ve already made plans to visit. They are very excited. This is huge for me, Taehyung.”
“What about your friends?”
You scoffed “Who, Yoongi? He was the one who told me to take the job…”
“What about me, Y/N?”
Weeks ago you would have a five thousand word answer to that question. Weeks ago you asked that question before every choice you made. Weeks ago you loved him much more than you did yourself.
But now you just loved him so much it hurt and loving yourself wasn’t nearly as painful.
“You don’t need me here.”
He shook his head angrily “You can’t seriously believe that’s true.”
You shrugged, but that wasn’t enough for him again “Is this about Haewon? About the wedding?”
Back was the panic and it begged you to let it react, to take control over your body so it could pump adrenaline into it and force you to ignore any physical or emotional pain and run away. “What do you mean?” you asked, voice sounding so quiet under the thunderous beat of your heart.
Taehyung turned his back to you, hunched like he was hiding something “Nothing, never mind.”
But you knew better. Something in you was attuned to him, something that grew over the years, trained to pick apart and recognize lies, half-truths and omissions, like when he said a scratch didn’t hurt as kids or when he told you he loved you as adults.
That something brought you to the epiphany you spent years avoiding. “You know.” you said.
He didn’t move, still hunched in silence, and that was enough of an answer. “You know” you repeated, but now it sounded like an accusation just like the first words you directed at him that night, like you were placing blame “Oh my God, you know.”
He finally looked at you, all worried eyes and twisted fingers picking at each other and you wished you could have done something to make him feel better but you could barely breathe just like you could barely stand up, limbs and heart on fire.
“Y/N…” he started, but you didn’t let him finish. You had flames in the back of your throat forcing out all the words stuck there, pushing the questions you held back for so long they became part of the fabric of you.
“How long have you know?” you asked and he flinched at every word, but this time you didn’t stop them from coming “Why the fuck didn’t you say anything?”
Nothing in his guilty expression made you feel sorry for him, not his teary eyes, not his next words “I didn’t want to lose you.”
“You really think I would leave?” you asked and God, you wish you could stand up, wish you could push him back “You really think so little of me that you think I’d just throw our friendship in the garbage if you rejected?”
Taehyung winced as you got louder, shrinking until he looked much smaller than usual “I though things would become too awkward between the two of us.”
“Taehyung did you really think I expected anything but rejection?” tears were leaving you as your frustration rose “Did you really think years of you parading girlfriends in front of me gave me hope? Lead me on? How much of an idiot do you think I am?”
He shook his head, getting close to you and kneeling on the floor by your legs, faces leveled with each other “I just could never bring myself to let you down. I t-tried, you know, seeing you that way, but…”
“Please, stop talking!” you placed your hands on your ears and shut your eyes, hoping you could hide your humiliation “I don’t want to hear all the ways you tried to force yourself to love me!”
He took your hand between his, forcing your arms down “I do love you!”
“No, you don’t! Cause if you did, you would’ve said something! You wouldn’t have let me suffer in silence, you would’ve talked to me and allowed me to move the fuck on from you.”
“I’m sorry.” he sighed and although his apologies sounded sincere they meant nothing for you “I was selfish and I didn’t want you to move on from me. I still don’t want you to move away from me. I feel so-”
"No, you don't get to be sorry, you don't get to be sad or to be hurt, you don't get anything cause you got me for years.” you took your hands away, ignoring how he taken back he looked at yout outburst “For years you got me by your side watching you fall in love with different people; got me by your side at parties just for you to leave with someone else; got me by your side as your fucking bride got to choose her wedding dress and i got nothing. I didn't get to feel a thing, didn’t get to feel sorry for myself because I didn't feel like I had the right to keep you by my side. You don't get to feel shit now." the last part came out as a whisper as the energy left your body and left you empty.
You both sat in silence for a while as neither dared to say anything after that. You shut your eyes to avoid looking into his and feeling any sympathy.
Finally, you heard him stand up “Maybe I should leave” he said and he sounded almost as bad as you felt.
“No, not maybe. You should leave.”
You heard his steps as he walked, counting silently in your head to see how many it would take for him to walk out of your life.
He stopped halfway.
“You don’t have to come to the wedding.”
You scoffed “I know I don’t.”
“But I’d really love it if you did.”
“Well, you know what, for the first time I don’t really care about what you’d love, Taehyung.”
Jungkook sat in his car for a long time after he left you, flexing and relaxing his hand like he always did when he was nervous or stressed. From his window he could see the entrance to your building and he watched for a while, curious to see how long it would take for Taehyung to leave. When he didn’t, Jungkook drove away.
As the lights and cars passed by, he wondered if he should’ve stayed longer. If he should’ve stayed there until his hyung left, his presence sparing you of any fights or arguments.
Jungkook thought you deserved a little peace.
He remembered a time where you didn’t look so fragile and exhausted. He stored away those memories like a precious little thing, all those stolen looks he got from across Haewon’s living room kept like a treasure, because he didn’t know when he would get to see you like that again.
Jealousy and resentment settled inside of him as he drove, thinking of Taehyung’s interaction with you. What would it be like, he thought, to be so secure of his place in your life that he could just walk into your apartment and make himself at home?
Jungkook still felt like it was a bit audacious for him to show up like that and he couldn’t deny how happy he felt when it looked like you felt that too.
When he got home, Jungkook allowed himself to lie on his bed, taking in the smell of your perfume that had rubbed off on his shirt. He allowed himself to relive his night with you, happy to have a few memories to save, finally some that were his own and not borrowed glimpses. He counted on his fingers the time you laughed and said his name, the moments he had to avoid blushing like a high schooler in love.
And then he stowed them all away and reminded himself of your empty apartment and way too full heart and how your life had no place for him at the moment.
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mymoonagedaydream · 4 years
tony’s house is on fire and it’s literally in flames so u run in and get morgan and bucky thinks ur dead as steve just holds him back as he screams ur name sobbing. but ofc u come back out and let morgan run but u drop to the ground from too much smoke inhalation. :)) ty mama
Summary: In an instant, your relaxing housesitting break turned into your worst nightmare
Pairing: Bucky x y/n
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Language
Author’s Note: I will happily be mama to any of you beautiful people I love that
Tony and Pepper were finally taking a much-needed holiday.
No work, no business, no phone calls.
Pepper kept chanting it to Tony in the days before they left, probably trying to condition him into accepting relaxation like one of Pavlov’s dogs.
To be honest, it was a bit of a surprise when they approached Bucky, Steve and yourself about house-sitting and looking after Morgan while they were away. You assumed he’d just get Happy to take care of it all, but you definitely weren’t complaining, because you loved Morgan to absolute pieces and you were pretty stoked to get some time away from the compound.
You arrived at the Stark residence early afternoon on the day they were flying, getting a comprehensive list of dos and don'ts shoved into your hand and a quick smile from both of them, before they said their long goodbyes to Morgan and hopped into the car.
She was a little upset after they’d left, so you did everything you could to make the rest of the day fun and distracting for her.
The three of you took her for a long walk in the afternoon, Steve and Bucky taking turns to let her ride on their backs and jumping in puddles on her command, then you made a home cooked dinner before all settling in to watch Morgan’s favourite Disney film for the rest of the evening.
She rested her head on a cushion in Steve’s lap while you and Bucky curled up together at the other end of the couch, your head nestled in the crook of his neck and his cheek resting on your crown.
Only an hour or so into the movie, you noticed Bucky’s head begin to gradually become heavier, and you realised he was probably nodding off. For as long as you’d known him, he’d never managed to make it through a whole movie.
You glanced over to Morgan, seeing that she was battling to keep her heavy eyelids open as Steve gently stroked his fingers through her hair.
‘Alright.’ Bucky’s head shot up at your sudden announcement. ‘I think it’s bedtime.’
Steve looked over to Buck, chuckling at his sleepy disorientation before jumping up and scooping Morgan into his arms.
‘Come on little miss, I’ll tuck you in.’
She frowned slightly as Steve carried her towards the stairs. ‘But we didn’t get to the end.’
‘We’re not going anywhere squirt, we’ll finish the movie tomorrow.’
When their half-hearted arguing had moved out of earshot, you clambered onto your feet, standing in front of Bucky and waiting for him to do the same.
A look of complete bewilderment spread across your face when he threw his arms towards you, silently requesting that you hoist him up off the couch.
‘You’re aware of how insanely heavy you are, right?’
He just pouted.
You took a deep breath and gripped both his hands, bracing a leg against the couch and yanking him towards you as hard as you could. He didn’t budge an inch. When you shrugged in defeat, he pulled back, bursting into laughter as you collapsed in a heap on top of him.
Eventually gathering his last morsels of energy, he hopped up and flung you over his shoulder, clumsily carrying you upstairs to the master bedroom.
You were abruptly woken by Bucky shouting your name inches away from your face and frantically shaking you.
When he was satisfied you were awake, he jumped off the bed and dashed over to the window, jerking it open with one powerful movement. 
You sat up and took a deep breath in, all of your senses immediately flooded by the overwhelming amount of smoke pouring in through the cracks in the door.
‘Come on.’ He grabbed your wrist and led you towards the window. ‘We can’t get out into the hallway, it’s too dangerous.’
You pulled your arm out of his grip. ‘What about Morgan?’
‘Steve’s in the room next to her, he’ll get her out.’
‘You can’t be sure of that Buck!’
‘Look, if there was any way to get to her, I would’ve. The door is completely blocked.’ Anger and frustration were leaking into his voice. ‘We don’t have a choice.’
You thought for a second before reluctantly conceding, lowering yourself from the window and jumping down to the ground. Once Bucky was out safely, the two of you sprinted around to the front of the house, your heart stopping when you saw Steve emerge from the front door on his own.
‘Steve? What the fuck happened?’
‘I don’t know, I was in the kitchen when something crashed through a window upstairs. Before I knew it the whole second floor was in flames.’ He paused, scanning the space around you. ‘Where the hell is Morgan?’
All three of you were still in silence for a second.
You didn’t even think, you just turned and ran as fast as you could through the open door. There was some vague shouting behind you but you didn’t look back. 
Nothing was going to stop you getting to her.
You buried your mouth in the crook of your elbow, trying to get your bearings in the unfamiliar, smoke-filled house.
The stairs were completely ablaze, but the upstairs hallway was open and lined with bannisters. You backed up a little, propelled yourself forwards and jumped, just about managing to grab them and climb over onto the landing.
You crashed through Morgan’s door, breathing a huge sigh of relief when you saw her sit up in bed and stare at you wide-eyed.
‘It’s gonna be alright, come here.’ You pulled a blanket off her bed and wrapped her up tight. ‘You hold on to me and don’t let go until I say, understand?’
She nodded, throwing her arms around your neck as you pulled her to your chest.
The fire was advancing quickly towards her bedroom. You just about managed to beat it to where you climbed up, but there was no time to scale the bannister and carefully lower yourself onto the ground floor. You just gripped her as tight as you could and vaulted.
You jarred your knees as you landed, but Morgan had already started coughing into your chest, so you kept moving through the pain. As you sprinted towards the exit, piercing sirens started in the distance and the room began dancing with flashing red lights.
Finally emerging through the door, you set Morgan down and collapsed onto your knees.
Your head was swimming. You’d been running on adrenaline up until this point, but now you could really feel the swelling in your throat as you struggled to gulp in raspy breaths.
Your vision started clouding, the only thing you were able to focus on was the sound of Bucky hoarsely yelling your name. It sounded distant but it couldn’t have been, because the last thing you remembered was the unmistakable feeling of his arms wrapping tight around you.
A harsh, sterile light penetrated into the slit of your slowly opening eyes, burning your retinas and making you wince.
You felt your hand being squeezed, and you just about managed to peel your eyes open wide enough to see Bucky sitting beside you. His free hand moved up to rest on the top of your head, his thumb gently stroking your forehead
‘You are some other kind of stupid.’
The corners of your mouth curled up as you fixed your misty gaze on his face. ‘Is she alright?’
Your own voice shocked you, it sounded like it’d come from an elderly lifelong chain-smoker.
‘She’s good. She’s with her parents, they got the first flight back.’
You opened your mouth to ask him more, mainly about why the fuck the house burst into flames, but he cut you off before you could get the words out.
‘The doctors said you should try to not talk too much, your throat needs to rest.’ A mischievous smirk spread across his face. ‘So not a bad result overall.’
You tried to smother your smile and throw a scowl at him, but you just ended up bursting into gruff, scratchy laughter. His grip on your hand tightened and he leant forward, holding your gaze as he moved his face to hover over yours.
‘You can’t be doing stuff like that, I thought you were a goner.’
You brought your hand up to his cheek, feeling him settle into your touch.
‘You’re not getting rid of me that easily.’
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mcwriting · 3 years
The Marriage Project (12)
Hi all!!! This is the long awaited 12th chapter! It took months of rewrites of not only this chapter, but future ones as well to ensure this was written to the best of my ability.
This chapter marks the heaviest moment in this story, so please, please be mindful of the content warnings for this chapter. I marked the section that includes this moment.
I also chose not to add tags so that this is not everyone's first impression of this series!
Word Count: 2700
Warnings: s*xual ass*ult, language, alcohol consumption, blood/injury mention
% end of the first week of November- cont. %
Throughout the game, you and the other homecoming court members (aside from any football players or cheerleaders) had been sitting on the sidelines right in front of the student section, so you were somewhat able to talk to your friends.
The team was playing good in the first half. It was probably Tom’s best game that you’d ever seen. At halftime, they did the “official” crowning of court members and recognized football and cheer seniors.
The seniors were presented first, having their parents with them as they walked across the field. They started with the cheer team so Daisy could change back into her white dress.
Then came the court recognitions, you and Tom stepping onto the field after everyone else as the crowd cheered and clapped.
Tom’s arm linked around yours as he helped you stay steady walking across the grass, since your heels weren't quite meant for the soft ground. Someone handed you a large bundle of roses and you smiled widely.
The bright lights, the cheers, the smile Tom gave you.
It was a moment burned into your memory forever.
Then it was over, and the team went back to their game, winning 42-27, their best win by far all season.
You were saying your final thank you’s to people’s congratulatory comments as you began heading out to the parking lot. Alexis caught up with you amidst the chaos.
“You still on for Tyler’s? I’ll drive,” she offered.
“Yeah. Let’s go home so I can change and then we’ll head out, okay?” you said, finally getting to your car.
She followed you to your house, where you changed into a tight long-sleeved bodysuit, skinny jeans, and some heeled booties. You also packed some other things into a bag to sleep at Alexis’s house later.
You told your parents you were staying the night at her house. They definitely knew better by the way you’d left on your makeup and put on real clothes, but didn’t question you, instead tossing out a “stay safe” and “don’t do anything stupid” as you headed out the door.
Things were pretty much in full swing by the time you and Alexis pulled into the yard outside Tyler’s house and found your friends inside, red solo cups in hand. The speakers were blaring something with a strong beat and most people were dancing.
You had a white claw to loosen up. After having refrained from partying throughout volleyball season, Alexis would be designated driver for the night to let you have your fun. You saw plenty of football players hanging around but didn’t find Tom anywhere.
*CW below*
After a little bit, you ran off to use the bathroom just down a hall. You went alone since it would only be a couple minutes, you knew everyone there, and weren’t drunk.
When you stepped back into the hall, you almost ran into a large figure. It was Harrison.
“Oh, hi there, little lady,” he sneered.
“Fuck off, Harrison.” you commanded, brushing past him. He grabbed your wrist and yanked you back.
“I don’t think you want to be saying that to me,” he pinned you against the wall. His breath reeked of alcohol. You looked around, but it was dark and no one was close enough to see your predicament.
“What the hell do you want? I’m just here to have fun.”
“And what do you think I’m doing huh? Don’t think I forgot about that little stunt you pulled going to Johnson. It’s your fault I missed two games.”
“Don’t think so buddy. Maybe if you respected women you wouldn’t have been in trouble in the first place. Now get off me,” you commanded, trying to push forward.
Big mistake.
He drove a knee between your legs and placed a hand over your chest, gripping your breast so tightly it hurt. For the first time, you were actually scared, but still stared directly into his eyes.
“Nah. I just think you’re too much of a pussy to take me. Now you’re gonna stay quiet or something much worse is gonna come to you,” he threatened, then placed his lips on your neck.
You squeezed your eyes shut to focus your thoughts. It was like you were frozen in shock and pain.
His other hand started sliding up the inside of your thigh when you panicked, kneeing him in the groin and shoving him from you before sending a fist into his jaw.
You were thankful he was drunk, as it made him disoriented and off balance.
Harrison reeled back, looking at you in confusion as he bent over, holding his mouth in pain. There was blood around his gums. He looked at you angrily before another voice called out.
“What the hell is going on here? I thought I told you to stay away from her,” Tom seethed. There was a fire in his eyes that you’d never seen before.
“You think I really care what you have to say? I was just trying to teach y/n a little lesson about consequences,” Harrison replied, slurring his words, before spitting blood onto the hardwood floor and pointing a finger right in your face. “You really think a couple hits are going to stop m-”
Tom was about to step forward to do something when rage overtook you and you threw another punch to his nose, causing him to fall backwards unconscious.
Tom looked down in shock at the limp body beneath you, then back up to you. Once your eyes met, his features softened.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” he asked, stepping over Harrison and guiding you away from him. As you finally began processing what had happened, tears slipped down your cheeks.
“I… he- he…” you couldn’t get the words out and your breath quickened.
“Hey, hey. I know. You don’t have to say anything. It wasn't your fault. Can I hug you?”
*end CW*
You sniffled and nodded, not meeting his eyes. He engulfed you in his arms, rubbing your back as you buried your face in his neck. Your chest throbbed from Harrison’s grip and knuckles ached from where they’d met his face twice.
After a few minutes, you straightened up and wiped your face, trying to be tough. Harrison was still out cold on the floor.
“Do you want me to go get your friends?” he asked, to which you nodded. He ran off and only a minute later came Alexis and Caroline.
They fawned over you, making sure you were okay. Tom put a hand on either of your arms and looked you directly in the eyes.
“I’m going to make sure he and his awful friends leave, okay? You haven’t done anything wrong.”
The girls led you back into the bathroom while Tom began dragging Harrison off. They helped you clean the mascara stains on your cheeks and make sure you were okay. After about 10 minutes, you finally felt confident enough to go back out.
When you got back to the main room, word had it that Tom, Jake, Chris, and some of the other guys were making sure Harrison’s crew would leave and not come back.
Knowing that you were safe from him finally, you decided to drink in the hopes of forgetting what happened for a little bit and have some fun. You started off with a shot of strawberry lemonade vodka, which led to shotgunning a beer and tossing back another shot (or two) of bacardi.
Not a half hour later and you were plastered. You went crazy on the dance floor, jumping around like a fool as different people came up to dance with you.
You were barely aware of what you were doing and extremely clumsy. The room was turning as you clambered up onto a table. You were spinning in circles until your shoe’s heel missed the edge and you started to topple over.
You couldn’t even react, but after a second realized you hadn’t hit the ground, and were instead in Tom’s arms.
“Alright I think it’s time for you to take a breather,” he said. It was hard to understand him as his voice sounded distant. He carried you out of the warm room and outside, where the cold air hit you like a truck. He set you down on the edge of Tyler’s porch.
“Y/n are you okay? After everything that happened I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
What he said wasn’t funny, but you found yourself cackling anyways.
“Better than everrr! Did you see my twerking?”
“Yes, yes I did. Are you feeling okay? Your face is super red. You aren’t nauseous?”
You shook your head with a big grin.
“I’m fiiiineee, pretty boy. Just because you’re my husssband doesn’t mean you have to follow me everywhere! I’m alllll gooood.” You slumped onto his shoulder, still giggling.
“Alright, princess. Let’s just chill here for now alright? I’ll text Alexis in a little bit.”
You sat in silence twisting your star ring as you began to cool down and your hearing was returning to normal. Tom was rubbing his thumb over your shoulder and had you drinking your second cup of water, but the effects of the alcohol were still present.
“Tom?” you whispered. He hummed. “You’re a really good husband.”
He chuckled.
“You think so?” he paused. “I think you’re a pretty good wife, too. No matter how much trouble you manage to get us both in.”
After a little longer, you felt yourself getting sleepy as the night took its toll on you. Alexis came outside and rushed over.
“Hey! I was looking everywhere. Sorry I didn’t see your text. Let’s go, y/n. You’ve had a looong night.”
Tom picked you up from the porch and led you to the car, half carrying you. He helped you into the car and buckled you up, then stood leaning in the doorway.
“Thanks for your help, Tom. Glad you were there for us,” Alexis said with a small grin as she buckled in.
“Of course. I’d do anything for her,” he replied, giving you a wink before shutting the door and waving. Alexis had barely pulled out of the driveway when she looked at you.
“Okay spill. What’s been going on with you and Tom?” she asked in a serious tone. She was clearly using the alcohol against you, and even though you were much more aware than before, you still started talking.
“I think I really like him.”
“Like we didn’t all already know that. I meant what have you been hiding from me the past three months? I know there’s more to the story.”
You sighed.
“It started last month, when Tom beat up… you know… the first time. We held hands on his bedroom floor that weekend until his mom accidentally walked in. And then we took those pictures and kept saying all these flirty things. I accidentally caught him naked, don’t ask.”
“Oh I’m definitely asking about that later. But continue.”
“Well then I stayed for dinner that Thursday and Sam caught us in the kitchen goofing around. Oh, and then last weekend we kissed, and-”
“YOU WHAT NOW?” she yelled, causing you to wince at the sound before you started rambling.
“We didn’t really kiss per se… It’s because we were fake dating for that couple. It just kinda happened! And now we’re going to homecoming together but it was supposed to be a secret so… don’t tell anyone before dinner tomorrow. Or tonight I guess since it’s Saturday morning.”
“I knew it. Dammit I knew it! Why didn’t you just tell me!”
“You’d make fun of me! Do you think I want to like him? We’ve been at each other’s throats all this time and now I’m just supposed to forget all that because of a little crush? You don’t get it, Lex. It’s not like he’d ever feel the same way.”
You looked out the car window, trying to settle your breathing after getting worked up. Your head hurt and you were still thirsty. Alexis pulled into her driveway and cut the engine.
“I know I would clown you about it, and I probably still will, but we’re friends for a reason. And you’re joking, right? Everyone knows Tom is head over heels in love with you.”
“What? No way.”
“Yes way! Have you not seen the way he looks at you, and follows you like a puppy dog, and gets so protective over you? I mean come on, y/n. He literally said he’d do anything for you and winked before we left. You must be blind to not see that.”
You sat and tried to think about it for a minute, wondering if she was right about him.
“Let’s go in, y/n. It’s getting cold and you need to sleep it off. You’re not going to have a fun morning, that’s for sure.”
You followed her into the house, trying not to stumble. Your balance definitely wasn’t all there. Her garage door led straight to the kitchen where you chugged a glass of water and took some antacids, grabbing more water to take to her room.
You went into the bathroom to shower off the makeup and sweat and hairspray. When you got out and looked in the mirror, you saw the way your chest was reddened from what Harrison did to you. It took everything to hold back more tears.
The moment your eyes opened, everything hurt.
Your head, stomach, feet, chest. Your head was flooded with memories from the previous night. You rolled away from the window to find Alexis sitting on the floor next to a plate and glass of water.
“Well, well, well. Sleeping beauty awakes. I brought you my hangover cure.”
You looked down to see that on the plate sat two advils, an alka seltzer, and some cinnamon pop tarts. It was almost 11 am.
“Thanks, Lex. For everything. You’re the best,” you said, taking a bite off one pastry.
“Don’t be thanking me. Tom’s the real hero. He got a bunch of people together this morning to report Harrison for what he did to you and he’s suspended again, can’t go to the dance. I guess Johnson is gonna deal with it more next week and he might be expelled. Do you have any proof other than Tom?” she said gently.
“Let’s see,” you said, tugging off your shirt, revealing a sports bra. She gasped when she saw the purple bruising around one breast and the hickey marks that had been left on your neck.
“Oh my God, y/n. That’s awful.”
“I know. It didn’t look like this last night. We need to get some pictures.”
After taking some pictures for proof and finishing off your “breakfast,” you and Alexis began preparing yourselves for the dance. You were going to do makeup and hair at her house before going home to change, and then to Tom’s.
If he even still wanted to go with you. You decided to call him while Alexis curled your hair.
“Hey, y/n. Are you okay?” he asked, voice deep and raspy. He must have gone to bed again after organizing the reports against Harrison.
“Yeah, I’m way better. Thanks for everything last night. For saving my ass. I heard what you did this morning, too. You’re the best.”
“It’s the right thing to do, y/n. I’m glad I was there. And you’re sure you’re okay? We can skip the dance tonight if you aren’t up for it. You know my mom would love to have you come hang out any time.”
“Hey, now. I’m not about to leave the dance without a king and queen. I mostly wanted to check if you were still okay with going together after everything.”
“Of course! I want to go with you, y/n. Nothing’s changed that.”
You smiled.
“Okay, well, I’ll pick you up at 5 for dinner. Bye, Tom.”
“See ya, princess.”
You ended the call and sat quietly looking down. You almost forgot Alexis was there until she said,
“So you’re driving him, huh? I alway knew you wore the pants. Now tell me about that whole ‘seeing him naked’ thing...”
A/N: so... there's that chapter. I hope you all understand that this moment is not at all meant to romanticize or glorify the terrible experiences so many people endure, but instead highlight one way this issue is dealt with.
I wish you all the best. Please remember that my messages and asks are always open ❤️
Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
Story tag list: @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @l0lmk, @primadonnasdream, @bookworm06, @thenoddingbunny-blog, @agentnataliahofferson, @spider-babe, @stxfxniexreads, @justafangirlduh, @supraveng,
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
His Little Love
pairing: steve rogers x reader x sarah
word count: 1595
request: “I was hoping for Valentines day (I know it’s not even Christmas yet but I can’t get this idea out of my head, I had a dream about it the other night and I want you to write it) of Steve taking Sarah on a daddy daughter lunch date for Valentine’s Day, like he shows up at the house with flowers for her and rings the doorbell and takes her out for lunch and they are both dressed up(he’s trying to show her how a gentleman is supposed to treat a lady and to never settle for anything less) and they go have lunch then he drops her off with her grandparents and then picks up his wife and takes her away for the weekend for a romantic Valentine’s mini vacation and they talk about adding to the family while sitting next to the fireplace?” -anon 
author’s note: such a cute idea! thanks for sharing nonnie!
warnings: none
pardon any mistakes!!!
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The simple ringing of the apartment doorbell sounded at the right time as you had just set down the hairbrush, now allowing for Sarah to be able to jump out of your lap and dash to the door. 
Today was Valentine’s Day and about this time last week, Steve had a brilliant idea to take Sarah out for a lunch date. Granted, it was midnight when said idea popped into his head, and he was so excited he forgot that you valued your sleep more than anything he had to say. Luckily, you had a soft spot for anything Steve did for Sarah and you allowed for him to get away with waking you up that time. Then a few days later, your husband hand wrote one of his infamous letters and hand delivered it to Sarah as she watched some cartoons on the couch that morning. While this all happened, you were in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for your daughter and heard her ever-adorable, squeal of excitement. 
Fast forward a few more days, and Valentine’s Day has arrived. Steve had gone out that morning, going to arrange things and what not, allowing you some time to dress Sarah. She had picked out one of her favorite dresses that was sparkly, as with everything else that resided in her closet. From there, you blow dried her hair and styled it which was a big deal as the little munchkin would never allow you to do so for any other event. That’s how she showed up to Nat and Bucky’s wedding with two lopsided pigtails. Out of tradition, you spritzed some of your perfume and Sarah giddily walked through the cloud. 
11:30 on the dot, Steve punctually arrived at your apartment door, and that’s when your toddler lurched from her seat in your lap and to the door to meet her date. On the way, she had forgotten a sock as you saw one foot bare. With a small giggle, you slightly jogged to meet the girl at the door where she was slipping on her shoes, and failing a bit. You slipped on her other sock and then helped fasten the buckles on her little mary-jane shoes. Sighing in relief, you stood up to answer the door where your husband waited with a bouquet in his hands, wearing a gray suit and tie that made him look even more dashing than usual. 
“You ready, my little valentine?” Steve bent down to slip on Sarah’s jacket and you could see a smile permanently etched onto her face. She then placed her hand in his and the two left but not without each kissing you goodbye. You stood in the doorway and wished the pair a good time. “I expect her to be home before ten, Rogers!” 
Steve looked back at you with a wink, “Of course, ma’am.” 
From the window, you could see the tall blonde opening the door for the smaller lookalike and his mouth moving a mile a minute, presumably saying something along the lines of, “Rule of thumb, if a guy doesn’t open the door for you, then he doesn’t deserve your time.” You knew that today he was going to be showing her how a real gentleman should act. Once they both got situated in the car, you chuckled to yourself and attended your own date with a pile of laundry.  
Around one o’clock, your family returned, happy, talkative, and smiley as usual. Sarah couldn’t stop talking and the minute she walked in the house, she ran to sit on the couch beside you. She seemed absolutely thrilled by the events of her lunch date with Steve, that she told you every single detail and it felt as if you were there with her, rather than currently sitting on the couch folding towels. 
At one point, about five minutes into your daughter’s story, you looked up for Steve who had seemingly disappeared. Scanning the room, you could spot his figure in your bedroom, on the phone with someone and whoever it was, they were making him smile just like the toddler before you. It piqued your curiosity to say the least, but instead of interrupting Sarah or Steve, you just stayed put and listened to the rest of the little darling’s story. A few minutes later, the recollection of the lunch date came to an end and Sarah had wandered off to get a fruit snack pouch, or was it a bottle of water? You had zoned out a bit, too preoccupied with a certain man’s whereabouts and just nodded your head as she asked if you wanted one. Suddenly, Steve put down his cell phone, and turned to catch your stare. A bit embarrassed, you looked back down at the daunting laundry basket that now held clothes. In a split second, the man had already crossed the room and taken the seat beside you on the couch. He kissed your temple before reaching down to help fold. For a few minutes, you both folded clothes in comfortable silence when Steve momentarily paused to remove his tie. You could see him struggling so you stopped your own folding to face him and untie the darn thing. He looked down on you with a smile and you returned the gesture along with a kiss to the corner of his lips. Slowly, you wrapped your arms around his neck and blissfully gazed at him. 
Steve looked at you with a smirk and you were confused until he spoke up. “You’re probably wondering who I was on the phone with, huh?”
With a small laugh, you nodded your head in defeat. 
“Well, it was your parents…” At this you cocked your head and raised an eyebrow, “I was asking them if they could watch Sarah this weekend.” He shrugged and you removed your arms, leaning back.
“Steven Grant Rogers, what are you up to?” He shook his head, signaling that it wasn’t anything that you should’ve been worried about. It was quite the opposite, in fact. “Nothing bad, love. I was gonna whisk you away this weekend if it’s okay.” 
The minute you agreed, Sarah coincidentally returned to the room with her backpack in hand. “I heard Mommy say yes!” Apparently she was in on it too and you let out a breathy laugh at their sneaky planning. Standing from the couch and leaving Steve to finish the laundry, you went to go and actually pack Sarah’s backpack. Although you appreciated her effort, stuffed animals wouldn't be enough for the weekend. 
That night, you and Steve arrived at a log cabin in the northern part of New York. On the drive over, it had started to snow, making the atmosphere even more enjoyable, especially with the outlook onto the icy lake. It was nice and quiet and you questioned how he was able to score such a place for Valentine's Day weekend. Needless to say, it had been a while since you and Steve had alone time such as this. Your husband had now changed into a flannel, and he looked a bit like a lumberjack which made you laugh as the burly man toted the bags inside. 
For dinner, Steve had ordered some Chinese takeout and drove into the nearby small town while you got ready for the night as it was nearing nine o’clock. In your duffle bag that was packed last minute, you had one of your lover’s long sleeves in there, the one that was your favorite to curl up in. Changing into that, you then waited for a few minutes on the couch when Steve returned, a bag of cardboard cartons in one hand while the other held your favorite bouquet of flowers. (Upon closer inspection, you noticed there were as many flowers as the years you two had been together.) The two of you then picked a movie and sat in each other’s embraces, cycling through eating, laughing about the movie, or chatting about anything and everything, including Sarah, of course. 
Empty takeout containers scattered across the coffee table, the movie’s end was nearing, the crackle of the fire had died down, and your head was now sleepily resting on Steve’s arm that had been wrapped around your shoulders. 
“Hey (y/n), you awake, darling?” You could feel Steve turn his head to take a peek at you. Sitting up, you shifted to face him, arm resting on the back of the couch and hand propping you up. “What’s up?”
“I have something important to ask you.” Steve looked a bit nervous and you reached out to soothingly grab his shoulder while giving him your full attention. 
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while, you know Sarah’s getting older, and we’ve talked about more kids. Now honey, if you don’t think now is the right time, that’s okay, but I figured I should bring it up and see what you were thinking.” By the end of his speech, Steve had taken your hands out of your own lap and now was placing soft kisses to your knuckles. All of this took you by surprise, but the good kind. For a while you’ve been thinking the same thing, but you never really thought to bring it up. Somehow you and Steve always seemed to be on the same page even if you didn’t know it. 
“I think that would be amazing, bubs.” 
There was the most endearing smile on his lips and he immediately pulled you in for a hug, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 
taglist: @memissbee @tricereads @buckybarnesthehotshot @bval-1 @tonystankschild @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @turtoix @kelbabyblue @jakiki94 @aubreeskailynn @calirindo @lady-elena-adeline​ @siriuslyslyslytherin @sushiinmidnight​ @patzammit​ @iwik3it
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
Be a Good Guest & Pheonix Collab! Part 3
the amazing Walter and Gabriel belong to @jordanstrophe !!!
Jordan's Masterlist / My Masterlist
CW: drowning / beating / belt whipping / parental whumper / creepy whumper and as Jordan says, *takes a deep breath* parental, overprotective, possessive and intimated whumpers
“So,” Mateo said, running his hand through his grey hair and blowing air out of his cheeks, “Let me get this straight; you two decided to run off and have your little ‘fun’. And please correct me if I'm wrong here!” Pheonix gulped, and closed his eyes, “I told him t-to come, he.... He didn't want to, but I made him I-” He was quickly cut off when Walter backhanded him harshly across his face. Pheonix looked up at him, holding his hand up to his red cheek. His mouth was open from shock. Gabriel let out a whimper.
“Bullshit!” Walter grabbed Pheonix’s collar of his shirt and yanked his head closer to his, “Let me tell you something young man, I can tell when someone lies, and boy can I see bright flashing warning lights coming from you!” Noah grinned a he stood in the hall, back against the corridor wall, arms crossed. He could relax now since Mateo could step in to save Pheonix.
Mateo cleared his throat, “Alright, that's it, Pheonix I don't know what the fuck has gotten into you. Get the fuck into our room.” Pheonix glared at Walter but was interrupted when Mateo grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to their room, calling behind him, “I do apologise, Walter, I’ll make sure my boy is punished. Noah, make sure you get everything my dear amigo wants while Pheonix and I are gone.”
“Si jefe por supuesto.”
Pheonix flinched as the hotel room door slammed shut. He took levelled breaths. He had only gotten threats from Mateo. He has seen Mateo mad, oh boy, he had. But never at him. His shirt was yanked and he was dragged into the bathroom. “Kneel,” Mateo ordered. Pheonix, knowing better, knelt, feeling the cold, stone tiles through his baggy tracksuit bottoms.
His heartbeat started racing as he watched Mateo turn on the shower and bath tap. Cold water ran into the bathtub and Pheonix squirmed uneasily on his knees. Mateo turned to Pheonix and put on a fake sympathetic smile, “Now now, don't look at me like that. I'll be honest, you did well, mi amor. I mean, I thought you would break your ‘buen chico’ phase.”
Pheonix looked down at the grey tiles, studying the perfectly aligned squares, “ ‘m sorry.” Mateo scoffed, “Mmhmm, oh you will be.”
Walter looked at Gabriel, “Oh Gabriel, whatever will I do with you? I thought I strictly instructed you to stay in our room.” Gabriel gulped, “Please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-” Walter held up his hand, silencing him, “Ah-bah-bah-bah, I don't want to hear it, now, let's not waste time, go into our room.” Gabriel looked up at him, “But-”
“-Room, now.”
Walter slowly closed the room’s door, letting out a sigh. Gabriel shifted awkwardly between his two feet. He looked up at Walter with tears in his eyes. Walter tilted his head and cupped Gabriel’s tear-stained face, “Now, now, don’t look at me like that. You know that I’m doing this for your own good. So, what were you think when you decided to try to run off?”
Gabriel gulped, fidgeting with his hands behind his back, Pheonix had taken the blame, if Gabriel told a different story and both of their stories didn't match, Pheonix would get into so much more trouble than he already is in.
He sighed, “I told him to-” He was backhanded. “And now you're lying as well! Jesus Christ! I have done so much for you! I brought you into my house after your car accident I- I took care of you and gave you a roof over your head! And you repay me with this?” Gabriel opened his mouth but didn't dare say a word.
“I wanted to do one thing, one thing for myself, and you had to go and be selfish. Anyway, that's not what’s important. What's important is that you understand that you need to stay with me all the time. I mean, can you imagine what would happen if you were left all by yourself out there all by yourself?”
Gabriel looked at him, “Wh-what?”
Walter shrugged, “I mean, all those mean people out there, and then the manipulators! You shouldn't trust Pheonix, you know?” Gabriel’s eyebrows furrowed, “But-”
“Ah-ah-ah, you don't know him as much as I do.”
No, this couldn't be right, Pheonix had seemed so nice earlier! Walter circled him slowly, arms folded, “But, those stories can wait for later. I mean, as much as I hate doing this, I will have to punish you. I mean, could imagine if I didn't? You would probably try and run away again and again!” Gabriel sighed. He was still so confused about Pheonix, it was all too much for him.
“Kneel for me and put out your hands.”
Pheonix thrashed as his head was once again is head was shoved underwater. He had inhaled gallons of water at this point. He could feel as if his lungs were filling up with water. When Pheonix tried to push his head up, Mateo shoved it hard, back into the water, making him bang his head hard off of the bottom of the bath.
Finally, Marco lifted Pheonix’s head up by his hair which hadn't been cut since his capturing. Pheonix coughed and spluttered, heaving for air. “Okay mi amor, feel like talking now?” Pheonix gasped for air, “I-I told him t-” His head was back under the water before he could finish his sentence.
His hands were tied behind his back from earlier when he had hit Mateo by accident from struggling. Just when Mateo felt Pheonix starting to go limp, he lifted his head back up and threw him back on the tiles. Pheonix’s head hit the tiles again, ouch.
“Okay rebelde, I don't want you passing out on me, but I’m not finished either. Pheonix groaned on the floor. He was too tired. Too tired for all of this! Just as he was drifting off, an almost burning sensation lit fire to his skin. He let out a yell and snapped open his eyes.
There was a knife plunged into his arm. “AGH! WHAT THE FUCK!” His voice was hoarse from all of the water. Mateo chuckled, “Calma, calma. Don't mind me, I’m just simply… doodling!” He dragged the knife further down his arm, almost… snake-like. Oh fuck.
Gabriel knelt, back facing Walter who stood behind him. His hands were tied to one of the bed’s legs with a zip tie and his shirt had been ripped off. His breath was uneven as the unknown lurked and haunted him. He heard the sound of a belt being unbuckled and he gulped.
“Now remember, I am getting no enjoyment whatsoever firm this. I just hope you learn your lesson so this won’t have to continue.” Before Gabriel could say anything back, the belt was brought down hard against his back. He let out a torn scream as his back lit up with pain.
“Shh, shhh, don't get upset, this is just so you learn.” *crack*
How was this so sore?!
This was going to be hell.
Pheonix sat on the edge of the hotel’s bathtub as Mateo wrapped a bandage tight around his wound. Pheonix was shivering from the cold water which was still soaked into his shirt, hair and face.
He yelped when Mateo tightened the bandage too tight. Mateo mumbled a, “Lo siento.” But it was more of a grunt. He was still angry at Pheonix. Mateo tucked the end of the fresh bandage and sighed, “I’ll let you sleep on our bed if you just tell me what happened.” Pheonix hung his head, “I told Gabriel to leave his room.”
“Jesús, dame fuerza. Forget it, you sleep in here tonight. Now, I might leave but you’ll be staying in here until tomorrow morning. We’ll see how Gabriel holds up. I bet he has told Walter the truth. No worries though, I'll tell Aurora all about it once we get back home!”
Pheonix gulped and nodded, “I’m- I'm sorry, I just saw how sad Gabriel was and I wanted to see him smile. We-we weren't going to try and run away, I promise! Just when he finished playing the piano. That was his escape from reality and when he stopped, his face just looked so… -empty.”
Mateo chuckled, “Alright, keep it in your pants puta. That's sweet actually, but it still doesn't make up for leaving when I didn't know. You don't understand what Walter is like with Gabriel, he doesn't want him out of his sight! So you better be careful around Walter, I’d say he’ll take any chance he has to punish you,” Mateo chuckled.
Pheonix took a few deep breaths, great, now two people had a strong hating for him.
After ten minutes, Gabriel was curled in on himself, sobbing and whimpering. His back felt torn and shredded. The pain was immense. He flinched at the cold hand on his shoulder. “Hey now, shh shh shh. It's alright, it's over. Have you learned your lesson?” Gabriel nodded quickly, taking a few shuddered breaths, “Y-yes! I- I’m so sorry! I won't leave again!”
Walter smiled to himself, “Good boy, and do you understand why I did it?” Gabriel gulped, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat, “Be-because you are trying to protect me.” Walter grinned, “Exactly! Look at you! Now, sleep well tonight, you had a big adventure and it’s late. Can I trust you without tying you to the bed?” Gabriel nodded quickly and Walter smiled, running his hand through Gabriel’s hair, “Good boy.”
That night, Phoenix laid on the bathroom tiles. Mateo had taken all of the towels, leaving Pheonix soaking wet, shivering and very very uncomfortable. All that was running through his head was what the fuck was going to happen tomorrow?
taglist: @milk-carton-offical @jordanstrophe ehheh @kixngiggles @as-a-matter-of-whump @yesthisiswhump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
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ziaxkawaii · 4 years
Delinquent affection (Delinquent!Bakugou X Reader)
Pairing: Delinquent!Bakugou Katsuki X Reader
Length: 4,400 words.
Warnings: Swearing and possibly uncomfortable themes.
Summary: Your parents made it clear for you to stay out of trouble at school. You tried your best, but as a teenager, there's always trouble you can easily get caught in whether you liked it or not.
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~It's said, that High school years will be the best years of your life...
~Perhaps for some, but to you right now it feels like endless suffering in some twisted mafia.
~You could precisely recall your father's words before he dropped you off to school on your first day. Before you could open the car door, he spoke:
~"Remember what we talked about. Don't get involved in any shady business and try to focus on school. I don't want my daughter to be a member of some street gang." You assured him that you had no interest of doing such things as you stepped out of the vehicle.
~"AND IF YOU'LL BE TALKING TO ANY BOYS!! YOU BETTER NOT-" You slammed the car door shut and went on your merry way.
~At the time you thought he was being overprotective and you still do to some degree, but now you can admit that you could have been at least a bit more careful or observant when it came to talking to certain people.
~Two months into your first year, you met most of the other first years and also became very good friends with some of them. You studied hard but you too had time for your friends. You would sometimes goof off but still kept it on the legal side (hopefully). You felt lucky as if nothing could ruin your happiness.
~That's what you thought before you encountered the person responsible for your current anxiety.
~Keiji Hatcher and his underlings....
~You heard from one of your friends that he was a second-year student who was no good news and that you should stay away from him. Or that was the rumor among the upperclassmen.
~You took their advice, but you ran into Keiji by the vending machine no one usually uses behind the school.
~At first he seemed just like any high schoolboy. But that image quickly turned into something else, when you kept on bumping into him. He teased you a lot and at one point it made you feel a bit uncomfortable, but you didn't exactly push him away.
~Day after day, his approaches got more touchy and pushy. You didn't return them as his only intention was to have you as his little pet, and you would never stoop that low. By now, you realized you didn't want to have anything to do with him, and you even told him to stop meeting you and that you've had enough.
~Keiji did not listen and instead brought his minions with him every time he talked to you. "Sweetheart, I thought it would have been nice to have some audience."
~No one knew about what Keiji was doing, and there really was no point in telling anyone, none of the teachers would believe you. Keiji was the son of one of the most respected teachers in the school, and he was a damn good actor when it came to covering up something, spreading lies, or explaining situations.
~You couldn't talk to your friends because they would probably think you were gross for hanging around with an older guy who treats his girlfriends as trash.
~And talking to your parents was out of the questions for obvious reasons. Leaving you nowhere to hide or seek comfort.
~That's how you've been living. Always on edge and checking every corridor before you walk out behind the corner, trying your best to stay out of his sight. Sometimes even that wasn't enough.
~This time he went too far...
~You were cowering next to the same vending machine you and Keiji met, crying and hiding away from the other students who still haven't left the school building, even when it was well past 5.30 PM on Friday. You hugged your topless torso tighter in hopes of either hiding yourself more or to just disappear from all existence.
~The only comfort you had at this moment was the lack of people and that Keiji was "generous" enough to only take your coat and shirt, leaving you in your bra while the bottom half of your uniform was still on. Thankfully.
~You attempted to dry your tears with one of your hands while the other arm covered your chest. You felt so humiliated, frightened, and exposed.
~"Why would he go this far?" You questioned while the tears kept on coming. You gave up on trying to dry your tears and started to rock yourself back and forth in hopes of helping yourself to calm down.
~"Why would someone do this?" You cried. You had no idea how to get back home. Your house was many miles away from the school, so you usually traveled by train or car. Your parents were on some business trip and they couldn't get you and you didn't feel confident to go on the train without a shirt. All of your friends already left school.
~With this realization, you felt trapped and out of options of what to do.
~"What am I going to do?..."
~"Oi! Why the fuck are you here?" You heard someone shout. You tensed up and hugged yourself even tighter out of fear. Footsteps probably belonging to the voice came closer until they stopped before you. You didn't dare to say anything nor to look up at the stranger.
~"Hey! I asked you a god damn question!" He shouted again and you started trembling profusely. What if he wanted to touch you too?!
~The blond male observed your hunched over being. He didn't notice it before, but now he could see that the girl in front of him didn't have any shirt and was clearly terrified of his presence. And if he looked close enough, he could even see a few hickeys on your neck.
~Bakugou stood up straighter and with a bit softer voice and expression, he spoke again. "Who did this to you?"
~You cautiously lifted up your head to look at the person speaking. Piercing red eyes looked into your own behind spiky but fluffy looking hair. The person had his hands in his pockets and a scowl on their face, but his eyes gave away that he was somewhat interested in what happened to you.
~You sniffled. "I-I can't tell you, or h- he might do something to get me b-back..." You whimpered as you lowered your gaze again.
~"So the bastard's him, huh." The male muttered mostly to himself but you heard him clearly.
~"Y-Y-You know him!?" You looked up to him again shocked.
~"I know that the guy is an asshole, but this is a new record for him." He said. "Don't get the wrong idea, I don't associate with that fucker even the slightest. We delinquents do our own thing."
~'Delinquents?...' You repeated in your head as you looked him over again.
~The blond male wore the school uniform, but he had styled it differently. His jacket was unbuttoned and instead of the usual white t-shirt underneath the jacket, he wore an orange t-shirt with a skull and explosions on it, without a tie. His ear was pierced and not only did he have a book bag, but he also had a second 'bag' strapped to his back that was more of a holder or a shield for a baseball bat or other sports equipment.
~Seemingly, he uses it to hold his weapon that the delinquents tend to carry with them at all times, judging by the shinai handle that was poking out of the top of the bag for easy access.
~He definitely is one of the school delinquents you've heard about, you couldn't deny. You thought you'd never meet them in person. Now the question is, what does he want with you? Why was he even talking to you in the first place?
~"W-Why are you here?..." You asked, not realizing that your tears had stopped flowing.
~"That's none of your business. Aren't supposed to be at home already? Calling your parents to come and get you?" To you, he sounded rude and impatient, but in reality, Bakugou was attempting to sound softer.
~He may be a delinquent, but he wasn't completely heartless.
~"I don't have anyone to call. I-I guess you could say that I'm trying to figure out how I'm gonna get home unnoticed." You admitted. You're already topless and embarrassed in front of a male stranger, mind as well throw a little more firewood to a house fire, right? It won't change anything.
~The blond male stood there silently while you were still crouched down. Now you realized that you oddly felt a bit better for some reason. You weren't shaking as much as before and your crying had stopped.
~Was it because you finally talked to someone about your problem and the stranger didn't make fun of your current state? You heard that the delinquents don't really care much about anything.
~Suddenly you heard the male shift a bit on his feet and it sounded as though he was shrugging something off, then you felt something being carelessly draped over your head and back. You jumped a bit from the surprise and looked up at the boy, now standing there without a jacket.
~He... He's letting you borrow his jacket?
~"Cover yourself up and go home." He growled out and began to use the vending machine next to you. You couldn't say anything. You just looked up at him in disbelief and he noticed your staring.
~"Are you deaf or something!? You don't need to stare like a creep." He shouted and it snapped you out of your daze. You quickly put the jacket on properly and buttoned all the buttons all the way. You picked up your book bag and you were ready to run off in the direction of the train station, but you stopped yourself before you could.
~The blond shifted his head to the side, questioning why you were still here. You had so much to say to him and questions to ask, but the only thing you could muster out was:
~"Thanks..." Before you ran off.
~The weekend went by in a flash. You did your best to study on an upcoming test, but here and there your mind shifted to the grumpy delinquent boy that lend his jacket for you to cover up. When those thoughts filled your mind, you often found yourself staring at the jacket that sat on your dresser.
~Thinking how generous it was of him to help you when you didn't even know each other. You didn't even know his name nor what year student he was.
~As Monday rolled around, you walked to school with the jacket in your book back for you to give back. If you can find him that is...
~Your day went on as usual. Attending classes, talking with friends on breaks, and then came lunchtime. For many, it was the best moment of the day, but you never looked forward to it no matter how hungry you were.
~Just as you got out of the classroom, an arm snaked around your waist pulling you along with them to the opposite direction of the cafeteria while whispering right next to your ear.
~"Did you have a nice weekend sweetheart?" Keiji teased with his sickly sweet tone. You shuddered in his hold and you tried to lean away from his face but his grip on your waist wasn't easing up.
~"I hate you..." You spit out and he only chuckled as he led you behind the school.
~"Ah ah ah~. Remember to watch that tongue, doll." He pulled you behind a corner and slammed you against the wall. His other friends emerged from behind the dumpster and were now surrounding you as you looked at Keiji's almost glowing eyes.
~"Now... where were we...?"
~That's how it went every time.
~After all of them left, you were left alone to fix up your wrinkled uniform and messy hair. While doing so, you looked at the time on your phone and sighed out of relief. Lunchtime wasn't over yet and won't be in a long time. Keiji stopped earlier than usual.
~"I guess he just wanted to only mess with me today..." You thought out loud as you fixed the tie around your neck and straightening the shirt collar to hide the new and old hickeys from other students.
~"OI!!" A familiar gruff voice called from behind you. You turned around and your eyes met fierce ruby eyes of a delinquent. Your momentary panic vanished as you realized that he was the guy who helped you last Friday.
~He wasn't wearing his uniform jacket which made you remember that you had it with you right now. You immediately started fumbling and digging through your book back for the item the blond male was probably waiting for. You pulled the gray jacket out, ready to give it back but he spoke and you jumped.
~"Why are you letting him do shit like this to you?" He asked and you looked at the ground ashamed and unsure while you unconsciously gripped the jacket tighter in your grasp. Should you tell him? Or maybe the better question was, Why should you tell him?
~He is a delinquent. They don't bother with the other students unless they benefit from it. What does he gain from helping you or asking you these questions? Wait... Why are you just now realizing that he probably witnessed or at least heard the whole thing happen a few minutes ago?
~He was waiting for your response, but when you couldn't decide what you should say he spoke for you.
~"If you're not going to talk then that already by itself tells a lot." The blond stepped closer and you stayed put, clutching the jacket to your chest now.
~"If I had to guess... I bet he has something of yours that you can not give up for whatever reason or he knows an embarrassing secret about you, with that he uses you as he pleases because he knows you can't say no. If you did, he would break the 'pledge' or spill the secret." He was now standing directly in front of you while a bead of sweat began to form on your forehead.
~You looked away from him and down at the ground in shame and sadness. He saw right through you.
~"H- He has pictures of me..." You squeaked while still looking at the ground. You couldn't possibly look him in the face right now. "The day I finally decided that I've had enough, he practically ripped off some of my clothing with his gang and took embarrassing pictures of me. I saw them once and they look like straight out of a lewd magazine." Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you recalled the event.
~When you started high school, you didn't think it would turn out the way it did, and you didn't know exactly who to blame. Keiji or yourself.
~"If I don't do as he says. He will put those pictures into use and once he does, I'm completely done for." You finished. a Few tears now rolled down your cheek as you kept on thinking about the worst possible scenario that could happen if Keiji did what he said he would.
~It could/would ruin your reputation in school and it would only worsen if your parents heard about it. More and more scenarios went through your head and you finally snapped out of it as a napkin was thrown in your face. You flinched from the sudden attack and swiftly snatched the napkin before it fell to the dirty ground.
~You looked up and saw that the red-eyed blond was the one responsible for the gesture as he looked to the side. He clearly didn't know how to comfort someone sad.
~"Stop crying like a loser." He commanded and the look of slight embarrassment on his face looked almost cute to you. You smiled and wiped your tears into the napkin. "Crying doesn't suit you." You would've blushed at the comment, but your face was already red with tears so it wouldn't have made a difference. When you were done you realized you were still clutching his jacket.
~"Oh right, I almost forgot." You scrambled for the garment. "Thank you again for lending me your jacket, you practically saved me last Friday. Don't worry about it being dirty, I washed and ironed it." You outstretched the jacket and he took it from you by grabbing it from the collar and inspecting it for a moment before swinging it over his shoulder.
~With that out of the way, you repositioned your book bag on your shoulder and bowed to him as a last thank you. You turned around and walked around the corner to the nearest bench to eat your home packed lunch.
~Little did you know that as you ate, someone familiar was watching over you from a distance like a guard dog.
~Something felt odd...
~Forget that, something was off and it put you on the edge.
~It has been a whole week since you last saw Keiji or his minions. He hasn't dragged you to the boys' bathroom, the janitor's closet, or behind the school to have his version of 'fun'. You haven't even seen the guy in the halls nor anywhere in the school for that matter.
~You didn't mind that he wasn't around, quite the opposite, you were cheerful that he isn't here to breathe down your neck. But the whole issue was the reason why he wasn't here. The longest he has left you alone was two days, now it has been a whole week and you were now more nervous than ever.
~Was he planning something? Did he somehow find out that you talked to someone about your problem? But the last time you talked to the delinquent was more than two weeks ago! How could've he found out? Is he now going to get you back by sharing the photos!?
~The familiar feeling of anxiety crept upon you as you couldn't concentrate on the lesson that was currently being taught. The class was dismissed later than you would have liked and your other classmates headed out to grab lunch.
~You were wary as you stepped out of the classroom, looking both ways of the hall before leaving the classroom towards the cafeteria to eat with your friends. As you walked for a minute, there wasn't the usual pull on your wrist or waist you were used to on Mondays during lunch.
~It made you really wonder what was going on with Keiji, as you feared for your reputation, expecting the worst.
~"Didn't you hear? Hatcher is temporarily suspended." You heard a second-year female student speak from another table behind you. The name Hatcher caught your attention, so you pretended to eat your bento as you listened to the conversation.
~"No I didn't, I thought he was sick." a Boy spoke this time.
~"No he isn't. From what I heard, he and his friends were suspended for harassing a first-year student. Apparently it was so bad that Hatcher's friends got a two-week suspension but Hatcher himself got a two-month suspension! Can you believe that!" The girl laughed and the other students chuckled along.
~"Serves him right. He has been getting away with his disgusting actions for long enough. It's almost hard to believe that someone actually managed to rat him out. Guess Keiji felt overly confident." Another girl spits out.
~Your eyes were wide as saucers, as you comprehended the information you just heard. 'He's suspended?' You thought. You couldn't believe it, it was too good to be true.
~"Do you know who exposed him?" The boy asked and you focused your attention again.
~"Not a clue. Apparently someone gave the teachers a package with a note and a USB drive. On it was evidence of the assault and since Hatcher's and his friend's faces were clearly in the video, they were found guilty." The girl explained with a laugh.
~"How do you know this sort of stuff!!?" Someone in their table exclaimed and the girl just chuckled mischievously.
~"I have my ways~." She sang. The second-years kept on bickering while you sat there stunned.
~Someone gave the teachers the evidence in a package? Meaning even the teachers don't know who the 'rumor-monger' was. Who would go out of their way to keep their identity a secret? Who even knew about the assault anyways?
~Then it hit you like a brick and you hurriedly packed your stuff with little explanation to your friends as to why you were leaving. You blindly ran through the school halls, courtyard, and on the rooftop of the school looking for the boy. With no success.
~Then you remembered that he was a delinquent and that they don't hang around in the places where the other students would. You hit yourself on the forehead with a giant L and bolted down the stairs, beginning to run to the back of the school where you always saw him.
~Soon you were out of breath and you leaned against the vending machine that no one usually used. You cursed your low stamina and prepared to run off again when a figure emerged out of nowhere.
~"Oi! What are you doing here?"
~'Of course it's always him who finds me.' You humored in your mind as you straitened up and turned to the blond boy. He had his usual annoyed look on his face with his hair pointing in every which direction and his hands were buried in his pockets.
~His tone of voice sounded pretty normal, but you swore you could identify a tone that told you he was half expecting you to show up sooner or later. You walked over to him and he eyed you wearily with his ruby eyes.
~"It was you... I know It was you!" You told him and he stayed put. "You exposed Keiji of his wrongdoings and got him suspended." You exclaimed in shock that he actually managed to do it but also in gratefulness that he went out of his way to do so. The blond smirked for the first time in front of you as he huffed.
~"He was a disgusting extra who thought he had everyone wrapped around his fingers. Not only did that bastard harass girls, but he also often got me and my friends in trouble. So when I heard about what he was doing to you, I recorded evidence of him right in the act for a couple of days and gave it to the teachers to handle the rest. Simple and easy." He explained as he shifted his weight on one foot and lifted his hand in the air to further showcase how simple his stunt was.
~"So you're telling me you did it because you wanted him off your back and not mine?" You inquired half-joking and half-serious, not even caring about the fact that he had been recording you. He looked to the side blushing a faint pink.
~"He was a complete asshole, I would have done it even if he didn't bother us, so I could watch him suffer for his actions. You happened to be just the perfect reason to use as an example." You blushed at his words and smiled slightly. Then you realized something and your smile fell.
~"But he still probably has the photos! H- He still could get his revenge and-"
~"I already took care of it." He stopped your panicking by placing a hand on your head, making you stand still. "Me and my pals confronted him and made him spill what devices he stored the photos in he took of his victims. We stole his phone and also his friends' phones and broke them. He was too confident that no one would find out that he didn't save them anywhere else. a Moron move if you ask me." He further explained and you calmed down under his surprisingly gentle touch.
~"So... I'm finally free?" You questioned to confirm just in case.
~"That's right, whatever he tries, you don't need to do shit." He smirked and lifted his hand off and buried it back into his pocket. Your smile returned and you couldn't hold the laughter in as you giggled from happiness.
~Finally it's over. Now you don't need to do gross things with him and you can now wake up without worry every day.
~"I owe you so much!" You said while laughing and he 'tch'ed.
~"What can someone like you offer to a delinquent who can get anything from other students just by intimidating them?" He challenged. You dug into your bag and pulled out an unopened bento box.
~"For starters, I can offer you this extra bento I made." You offered it to him and he lifted his brows as he took it. "I was supposed to give it to my friend but she wasn't at school today, so you can have it, plus I doubt you have your own lunch." You dug out your own and walked to the old-ish bench next to the vending machine and sat on it, he eyed the green container once more before following your lead and sitting on the opposite end of the bench to begin eating.
~You were right. He, in fact, didn't have lunch to eat today.
~You sat there in a newfound peace as the birds in a nearby tree happily chirped. You smiled. For the first time in a while, you felt at ease and able to breathe. Feel as free as the bird in that tree or in the sky.
~It was funny. You were eating lunch next to a delinquent who has a reputation as an intimidating and violent person, but you felt safe. In reality, the delinquents are people too and they only attack if someone approached them first.
~'He is interesting for sure.' You thought as you scooped more rice in your mouth.
~"What's your name?" He suddenly spoke and you looked at him. Oh right, you don't even know each other's names.
~"My name is (L/N) (Y/N), and you are?"
~"Bakugou Katsuki."
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