#he runs a small conbini
gunnslaughter · 1 year
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80s Link? 80s Link.
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zazter-den · 9 months
I actually don't know a lot about Keigo yet so I gotta know for the self-ship asks!
7, 8, 11, 17, 20
Full disclosure- most of this probably won't make sense until you're later in the series so apologies in advance! Tried to keep it vague enough to avoid spoilers
7) Romantic dinners at fancy restaurants or take out dinners on the couch? Definitely take-out from mom&pop places, eaten on the balcony under the stars I think. I don't see Keigo relaxing in a restaurant where he can be mobbed by people in a small enclosed space. And since my OC is a civilian helping run a conbini, she knows all the hole-in-the-wall places to order out.
8) constantly bragging about dating each other or keeping the relationship relatively secretive? Oh we both brag to each other's inner circle, but in terms of a public relationship they both keep it very close to the vest. My OC does everything she can to keep her head low to keep her daughter from a previous relationship safe, and with Keigo's position in the Hero Commission I don't think he'd want to draw attention to them either.
11) Calling each other by their names, plain and simple, or calling each other really flowery pet names? Dozens of nicknames. I think Keigo and Zazzi just call each other whatever pops into their head at the time, I think with his like of shiny objects (dude has big rocks in his ears and his updated uniform has huge rupees on the collar) he'd call his partner 'gem' or something similar. After the ordeal with his injuries, Zaz calls him 'Fenice' jokingly but the nickname sticks.
17) Love at first sight or slow burn? Slowburn. Keigo is a customer of the conbini for a long time, but both of them are wary of getting into relationships. They're just good friends for while, until they start opening up to each other after Keigo gets his injuries. 20) Value anniversaries/important relationship dates or nah? Yes, all of the major ones. Major milestones and holidays, they both like to go all out for each other to make the day perfect. I also I think they like to remind each other of the ones that get replaced like first kiss, first date, etc too between kisses after a long day. But every 'small' thing is remembered in some way.
Thanks for much sending this my way, Neon! Ask Game
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scarletrosii · 2 years
HELLO AND SORRY FOR THE LATENESS @floweryfandomnerd but tis I! Your secret Santa revealed!
I had help, so much help! From scytale-transposed! They're also Scytale@ao3! And I am super grateful for their help!!))
And here is your gift!
Yato always embarrasses Hiyori and Yukine. The two of them plot to embarrass him back, but what can they do to embarrass a god with no shame?
"Why does Yato have to be so embarrassing?" Yukine says as he sits at the kotatsu with his homework.
Beside him, Hiyori sighs deeply. "I know what you mean, last week we were at the mall and they were playing music. He joined in and started singing, loudly, and off key. Everybody was looking. I wanted to vanish into the floor!" She puts her head into her hands.
Kofuku joins them at the kotatsu. "What did Yatty-chan do to you this time, Yukki-chan?" she mumbles with a cookie in her mouth.
"He stuck his finger in my ear, after covering it in spit. It was disgusting!"
Hiyori cringes. "That's pretty gross."
"Talk about it." Daikoku enters the room with a tray of cookies and tea for everybody at the small table. "He's always trying to embarrass the missus and me, but she doesn't get embarrassed, and I refuse to let him."
"That's not how that works," both Hiyori and Yukine say in unison.
"I don't think you understand how it works; you haven't gotten there yet." Daikoku sets the tray down and straightens. "If he embarrasses you so much, why don't you embarrass him back?" he says as he makes his way out of the room.
Hiyori and Yukine brighten immediately. They look at each other.
"That's it!" Yukine says. "We'll just embarrass him back!"
"And maybe he'll understand what it feels like!" Hiyori finishes, excited. She turns toward Kofuku. "Want in on this, Kofuku? Yato embarrasses you too, right?"
"That's part of Yatty-chan's charm, Hiyorin! It's okay, I shouldn't be a part of this anyway; it will all go wrong if I am. You two have fun though!"
And with that she left the room, shaking her head, while Hiyori and Yukine put their heads together to plot deviously.
Hiyori and Yukine put their plan into action the next day. The first one relied on Hiyori.
"Hey Yato, can you get something for me?" Hiyori taps Yato's shoulder and gestures to the nearby convenience store. "I grabbed something at the conbini, but didn't have the money to pay for it so I ran home to grab my coin purse, but now I need to do something else, could you finish paying?"
"Hiyori! I'm so happy you're asking me for help!" He takes the coin purse, face aglow, and goes into the conbini.
He walks up to the cashier and tells him what he was there for. The bored teenager reaches under the counter, pulls out a small box, and tells Yato how much it costs.
Then Yato opens the coin purse to find it full of one yen coins.
He looks at it for a split second, before shrugging and pulling one out, placing it on the counter.
"Ooonnneee, twwooooo, thrrreeeee, foooouuuurrr-"
The cashier doesn't even blink, but outside the conbini doors Hiyori's and Yukine's jaws drop.
What feels like forever later, Yato finishes paying for the box, and immediately spots the two of them outside the doors.
"Hiyori!" he calls over loudly. "I've got your pads for you! I hope you didn't need them sooner, took me a minute to count out the right change!" He waves the box and much emptier coin purse excitedly, bringing everyone's attention to him, then to the girl just outside.
Hiyori's face turns a bright, vibrant red and she immediately dashes off, leaving behind a pink Yukine.
Later on, Yato and Yukine are out for a run, through the park and along the waterfront, looking for ayakashi. Yukine, upon seeing there are none, decides now is the perfect time for the next phase of the plan.
"Hey Yato, I think I see something on the pier," Yukine says, which is all that's needed to make Yato immediately turn toward it.
They run to the edge, and of course, find nothing, but on the way back to shore Yukine fakes a misstep. One stuck-out leg later, Yato is having his own real misstep and tumbling off the edge of the pier straight into the water. Nearby people point and laugh as Yato comes sputtering up; splashing water everywhere.
He looks at Yukine, and all Yukine feels is immense guilt.
Suddenly, there's a scream at the end of the pier, and the two of them look over to find out a child has fallen into the water, out of reach of their parents. Yato quickly swims over, lifts the child out of the water, and hands them to Yukine. Yukine, in turn, then lifts Yato out of the water, and they find the child's parents, who are elated that somebody was able to save their precious child. They insist on giving him a reward, calling him a hero, which causes Yato to blush bashfully. He doesn't appear to remember that Yukine tripped him on purpose, which only makes Yukine's guilt feel worse.
"It's my school's culture festival, you have to dress up for it! It's like a fancy party. It's formal." Hiyori explains to Yato for what feels like the millionth time.
And for what must be the millionth time, Yato tries to assure her. "I have the perfect outfit, you don't need to worry!"
"You can't just wear your tracksuit. If you even try I'm going to cut ties with you!" Hiyori warns. Yato brushes her off.
"It's handled, don't stress about it!"
The next day he shows up with the biggest, most multicolored feather boa Hiyori or her classmates have ever seen, and giant sunglasses.
"Hiyori, I'm here! And isn't this just the fanciest outfit?" Yato doesn't even appear to notice that he's the only one dressed up out of the guests. Or that he's quickly becoming the talk of the festival.
"Hiyori, who is this crazy guy wearing the boa, he clearly knows you but we've never seen him before," Yama and Ami pull Hiyori to the corner of the room, away from the crowd building around Yato.
"He's, a distant relative, come to visit." Hiyori bluffs "He doesn't know our customs here."
Her friends give her an odd look, but they have no choice but to accept it.
"At least he's bringing in more people to our café," Ami says, pointing to the people who are realizing they're in a student Cafe and sitting down to order things.
"We might even have a chance at winning the culture festival competition at this rate." Yama's eyes shine at the prospect, which just makes Hiyori all the more confused.
She makes her way back to Yato's side, and as she gets closer she hears a customer thanking Yato.
"-ays wanted to wear wild clothes like that, but I get so nervous thinking people are gonna judge me. But you don't care, and just seeing that, it feels so good. So I just wanted to say thank you, I might not wear something wild next time I go out, but maybe I'll wear a tie with a fun pattern on it, work my way up, you know?" The customer, who appears to be somebody's dad, claps Yato on the shoulder before ambling off to a table, calling the attention of a student and asking for a caramel milk coffee.
"What was that?" Hiyori asks.
"Nothing much," Yato replies, "just a man who needed a hand, that's all."
"This is the last thing we've got." Hiyori hands Yukine the shoebox. "but I refuse to wear them."
Yukine pulls a face. "I said I wasn't going to do any more of these after the pier, I felt horrible!"
"And I'm not going to be caught dead in these!!" Yukine gives her a glare before she realizes how insensitive her wording is. "Sorry," she apologizes.
"Doesn't matter anyway." Yukine says "If this doesn't work we've got nothing left, fine, I'll wear them." He takes the box, opens it up, and grimaces.
"These look horrible," he says.
Hiyori puts her hand on his shoulder, head bowed. "I know. Good luck! I'll be watching from over here!"
"HIYORIIII!!" Yukine calls after her, but she's already gone, hidden herself around a corner.
Alright, Yukine coaches himself. I've got this. It's just put these on and follow Yato. Where is Yato?
Just like that, the god himself appears, jogging round the corner, looking for all the world like he was innocent of every crime somebody could accuse him for. Yukine immediately replaces his shoes with the monstrosities from the box, and begins to follow his god.
It takes Yato a minute before he notices the noise following him, at the same pace he was jogging. The moment he turns around he finds his shinki, wearing the most interesting pair of shoes Yato has ever seen.
"Are those shoes… ducks? Are you wearing duck shoes?" Yato asked.
With every step Yukine's shoes quacked, and he thought to himself, of course they're duck shoes what else could they possibly be. Instead of saying that however, he just said, "Yes."
Yato's eyes shone and Yukine got a sinking feeling in his gut.
"Where did you get those!! I want a pair!! Gimme!" Yato immediately started following Yukine as the latter began to walk away.
Following becomes a chase, and the faster the two of them go, the faster, and louder, the quacks are, until Yukine can't handle it anymore and pulls the shoes off. Unfortunately, Yato, seeing his chance, snatches up the shoes, puts them on his own feet, and continues chasing Yukine.
Yukine is horrified; everybody around them is watching the whole thing as it happens, making him feel like dying all over again. He is absolutely not used to all this attention. He spots Hiyori, wearing the same embarrassed expression he knows he must be wearing, and makes a beeline over to her.
Hiyori nearly chokes when she sees Yukine headed her way, and she begins running away as well, not wanting to be drawn into the scene. Yato spots her, and starts to chase her as well, whooping with joy.
And all three went running off, people of all shapes and sizes staring and pointing.
Defeated, Hiyori and Yukine are sitting around the kotatsu at Kofuku's place telling her about all their attempts, how nothing they tried worked, and that they were giving up.
Kofuku looks at them mischievously. "You should try one more time, maybe. You might find more luck~" she winks.
"Everything we tried, backfired, and we're the ones embarrassed." Hiyori moans.
At that moment Yato comes in, and dramatically lies across the top of the kotatsu. Hiyori and Yukine stiffen, certain that he's heard everything
"Hiyoriiii why haven't you and Yukine been playing with meeeeeee todaaaayyyy," Yato complains.
Hiyori turns to him. "Play? What do you mean? We haven't been playing!"
"The games? They've been a lot of fun! Telling me to dress up for your festival? That was great!" Yato enthused. "Swimming wasn't as much fun, but I helped that kid, so it was all cool. And I love those shoes!"
Yukine drops his head into his hands. "Those shoes weren't supposed to be fun! Yato, we were trying to-"
"I know what you were trying to do," Yato said with a smile. "And I'm honored you chose me."
"Chose you? For what?" Hiyori asks exasperated. "We've been trying to embarrass you for days!"
Yato looks at her surprised. "You have?" he laughs "I didn't notice! I've been doing things like that on purpose for years!"
"What??" Hiyori and Yukine both lean toward Yato, still draped across the table. "Why?"
"So that I could do whatever anybody needed, at any time, no matter what. It builds confidence. I've had some rather strange requests over the years." Yato rolls off the table, Kofuku just barely jumping out of his way. "Also it's nice to be noticed, even if it's only just long enough for a laugh."
He poked his head up, eyes just visible over the edge of the table. "If you really wanted to embarrass me, you'd have to do something I've never thought of. And I've thought of everything."
"What about getting pantsed in public?" Yukine asked.
"Done it." Yato replied.
"Making weird noises on the phone?"
"Easy peasy."
"Waving to random strangers as if you know them?"
"That one is extra fun."
Hiyori watches as this exchange goes on, and notices an interesting connection with all the suggestions and answers. A plan forming in her mind, she gets up from her position at the kotatsu.
Yato and Yukine don't appear to notice when she kneels beside Yato, and gently, gives him a kiss on his cheek.
Stunned, Yato looks to Hiyori, before his face flushes red and he runs out of the room.
"What just happened?" Yukine asks, and in reply, Hiyori just giggles. Maybe she did gain some more confidence after all.
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unhingedselfships · 2 years
Random thoughts I've had about Kimi on her bull and @majimemegoro 's Kadokura having to deal with that.
She's a top tier cleaner, well, when she's paid for it or being stubborn, her own spaces are a wreck, but just. Super uh. Unconventional about it. Does she own slippers that double as mops? Yes. Do the floors positively gleam when she leaves a room? Somehow also yes.
("I hate cleaning but I hate being told I can't even more. Mama absolutely used this against me.")
She cooks and its totally delicious. When asked for the recipe, the only response is "I have no idea I just keep adding things until it tastes right." Oddly she can replicate it, yet all attempts at writing it down or following along as she cooks fail.
("Iunno what y'all are doin' wrong. You just add things. It's not hard.")
She can recite the scientific names of most plants and the details of their care. She also kills every last one of them she touches. She's banned from the lawn. She also knows an alarming amount about naturally occurring poisons and how best to utilize avoid them.
("I wasn't allowed to touch the plants until after they were in the house. Rude.")
Speaking of alarming knowledge, she also knows a frightening amount about improvised explosives. And chemical weaponry. And a great many other dangerous things the 'average' girl wouldn't typically know about. She is extremely casual/nonchalant about this, as though it is in fact, perfectly normal.
("I dunno what to tell you, my parents are preppers. Guess I grew up weird.")
Surprisingly good at getting blood out of things. When asked she just shrugs and says that she grew up on a farm, and while she sucked at hunting, given she has no patience and too soft a heart for 'cute' things, she knows how to break down a body, and clean up when it's done.
("Dad had no stomach for butchery, so me and mama handled it".)
Inexplicably well liked when she runs into other people. She has no filter, and isn't exactly... Friendly. Will outright state she hates people. Yet really really good at small talk and getting people to trust her. However she's pretty straight forward and guiless so the most this gets used for is conning people out of the last of a snack. She gets her snack and for some reason also their entire life story. She rolls with it.
("No forreal tho, people will just, spill all their secrets while standing in line at the conbini. I don't even do anything but like. Smile?")
This. Turned into a random list of odd RGG!Kimi headcanons. I just. I'm very entertained by the idea of him and how he'd deal with... This disaster of a person XD
Especially just. He's trying to find a motive, pin down the reason she just won't leave. And she's just like "iunno". She genuinely doesn't know either, she's just attached now. And she doesn't know the why to that either, it just is, and that's good enough for her. She's never questioned her heart. And despite being significantly (I'm pretty sure?) younger, has such 'mom/big sis' energy for him. Which. Given she can barely take care of herself... Lmfao
("You're fired." "You don't pay me anymore. I'm a volunteer. You can't fire a volunteer." "Yes. Yes you can." "Mmm I disagree." - how I imagine this exchange)
RGG!Kimi, especially in iterations like this one, is so fun. She has a loose basis in actual upbringing, but twisted and exaggerated. I like toying with it.
She defies logic in ways that are so humanly confusing. People are weird. She's weird.
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eienoah · 4 months
May 22 - Kyoto Imperial Palace
Today felt like an incredibly short day. I woke up a little late and ate those white tayaki again plus a cream puff. I really need to start figuring out how to use my bento to make something better. Maybe I’ll start making fried rice in the morning. After that I ran a little late so I had to actually run over to class. We took a train over to the imperial palace and had a tour. I found a small little charm I think. I can’t remember the actual name of it but I think it was like shenki. If I find the name I’ll update it right here _____. Then we had a little walk around the palace on a guided tour. I could only hear like 40 percent of what the guide was saying but it was so hot it was almost like I wasn’t listening. I accidentally wore a jacket so I was sweating like crazy but I pulled out my umbrella to make it a little bit better. People kept kicking up the gravel so the dust kept getting in my face which made it just so much worse. Recently I haven’t been drinking enough water so I was hungry, dehydrated, dirty, exhausted, and hot. Let’s just say I was a little cranky this morning. There was a garden at the palace that was really cool but the rest I was just trying to stay out of the sun so I didn’t notice that much around me. I felt very bad not getting to absorb the experience but for me it was just too bad outside. After that we went over to the train and I snuck off to a little conbini to grab pastries. I also got my first pocari sweat which was literally just a clear version of orange Gatorade. Then it was onto the museum. Some of the stuff in there was cool but I just got so used to seeing the same art. I did find one painting I really liked which was of two cranes, bamboo, and a peach tree. For some reason it just popped out to me. It might have been the way the two birds were posed or just the colors but it really stood out. The way the tree framed the birds was spot on and the bamboo offered a nice color balance. The museum ended a little fast and the usual group headed over to a little family run restaurant. We got a little lost on the way and had to find a map to figure out where the actual restaurant was. It turned out they moved down the road and we thought they were a flower store. I got just a simple nikudon but it was so much better than the ones I would buy from matsuya. The place was kinda sketchy with people smoking in the restaurant and everything but it was super good so I was happy. After that was just a trip back to the hotel and I was off for the day. 
One of the main things I realized about the palace was that I had a different picture in my head for how the shutters were. I fully pictured them to be like lots of small shutters that would all pull up with one stick in the middle. I have no idea why I pictured a completely modern type of shutter but so be it. To think it would take 6 men to lift each one is crazy though. I get he is the emperor and everything but it is absurd to make 6 men do something that you can fix with a little bit of innovation. Being able to see the garden mentioned in the reading was truly a spectacle. I could really see the craftsmanship they used to work such details, shapes and blending of colors into a multitude of patterns for the viewer to be amazed by. From the second you walk in you see the small bridge with grass growing on it that almost makes you think its been left alone for a hundred years and still remains. But it hasn’t, it is properly taken care of each and every single day for the enjoyment of what used to be the royal family. One thing I was expecting more of though was sekitei. Stone gardens to be precise. There was just a giant yard of gravel that had been swept but not into the proper form of a sekitei. It was kind of just a cleaning purpose thing.
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queenharumiura · 5 months
Sweeter Than Cake (Haru's Birthday Fic Gift 2024!)
He didn’t know what to do for her, but knew he sucked at cooking. Therefore there was no way in hell Gokudera was baking Haru’s cake himself. Thus the Smoking Bomb found himself window browsing the shops of Namimori for the perfect cake within price range. He knew her favorite was a Mont Blanc but it was out of his budget seeing he barely made ends meet as it was by working in the same grocery store he had since school. It was not his fault the customers were rude and caused him to get rude in return. Luckily for him though Haru liked all kinds of cakes.
Though Gokudera wasn’t much of one for sugary sweets, he knew Haru would enjoy it for her appreciation day and for her birthday as well, one day every month when she could have as many sweets as she wanted. Girls and their stupid self invented holidays. Could he have an appreciation day and drink as much as he wanted? No, Haru would kick his ass.
He browsed the stores, window shopping and searching, and cursing when his efforts were useless. Could he bake her one? He could hardly cook on his own without burning it, when the girls went on strike in the future, the boys would have starved after they ran out of cup noodles.
He knew his sister loved baking, but Gokudera would never in his life subject someone to Bianchi’s poisoned cooking when he himself had suffered enough of it. Why would he make Haru go through that torture when he loved her? He could run and beg Kyoko to help teach him? No, he had too much pride. Yamamoto was a good cook, but did he know how to bake? He wasn’t sure how Haru would accept a cake made of hand rolled sushi. Probably not well unless it was all expensive fatty tuna.
There were some smaller single slices and cupcakes he could get her, which seemed much cheaper at average prices of 650, 675, and 399 yen. A strawberry shortcake slice, a small Mont Blanc cupcake, and a cream puff, were the specials at the cake shop he found. Purchasing all three, he wasn’t certain what drinks went well with sweets like these, but usually in Italy, dessert comes with a coffee. Now he had to find something affordable. He stopped at the Conbini and got a few cans of cold coffee. He wasn’t one for sweets, but he’d have a drink with her.
Arriving at home, he sent her a message and waited for Haru to arrive. When she did he handed her one of the coffees and all three cakes and explained. “I wanted to do something for your birthday and wasn’t sure which cake you liked best, so I got you all three slices.”
“Hayato, you didn’t have to. The only thing that would make this day better is a kiss and cuddle from Uri.” Haru smiled as she walked in.
Taking her request literally, Gokudera called the cat out of the Storm Buckle and was met with a flurry of hisses and swipes and a loud “Nya!”, as she jumped out and ran over cuddling Haru like she was her cat and not his box weapon.
Gokudera was undeterred. He wouldn’t lose to a damn box weapon, not even his own. However, every inch closer to his girlfriend that he made, Uri let out another growl and hiss. And every time he reached for her, the cat reached for his arm, claws extended with a soft and sing-song “Nya-nya” which if Gokudera, the U.M.A expert, remembered the translation of the language of felines, then that was a “fuck you” in cat if he ever heard one. He’d let it slide off his back for now. Their friends were coming over to celebrate anyway, but he knew when they left he’d have her all to himself tonight and that was sweeter than any kind of cake he could have bought her.
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fuckinorangecat · 1 year
part 2
Abysmal. There is a character limit, I can't believe this madness. Anyway.
We walked through a bunch of claw machine/gatcha shops and played a little bit. It was nice and I saw a very dedicated lady trying her absolutely hardest trying to get a golden kamuy figurine. She got it in the end, I was so happy for her. I was gonna attempt myself and if I got it I would've given it to her. She looked so close to giving up. Ahh, human perseverance. After that we got tired and went to a cafe where we waited for another addition to the party. A scottish JET, we outnumbered the American 3:1, fuck yeah. After meeting up with walked around further and went to a retro game store called Super potato or some shit. It was actually really cool lol, they had a claw machine for random ds/psp games and just a bunch of niche but cool japanese titles that we never saw in the west. One day I'll be able to read and play them properly. After that we found a fucking kebab stand, me and the friend I was staying with went ballistic, much to the american's confusion. Also the way americans say kebab is hilarious lol. We instantly buy some wraps and devour them, although it made me sad because it didn't hit the same as home. Guess it'll never be the same. Straight after I bought takoyaki, it was a very fat day but we walked like 30,000 steps by the end of the day so it should be fine - plus im on holiday. I'm not actually the biggest fan of takoyaki btw, too fucking heavy of a food. It's like eating a small rock every ball. After that we decide to find an izakaya and wind down. We find a place with outdoor seating and a perfect 6 seats, we were expecting two more JETs. Two more americans which unfortunately bring the numbers even. When they arrived, it was lovely. We all just spoke about random shit I can't even remember and drank. It was a great night. We bonded and exchanged instagrams, the Osaka JETs loved me and I them. Before going home we went to a conbini and I bought ice cream along with this other JET who LOVES ice cream. She bought one earlier too so I thought I'd join her this time. We ate ice cream and went on our merry way home. Two of the JETs go on the same train as us so we mingled a bit more. The girls all decided to have a twilight binge together, they invited me too but damn I smelled like shit. Ain't no way I'm polluting someone else's house. Especially after she showed me how nice her little place was lol. It'd be like a hotbox but instead of weed it's dutty fuckin' pits and tbh whole body. It was hot ok and I suffer in those conditions. 35 degrees celcius and crazy humid. Also we were exhausted since we've been running on 5 hours sleep. SO WE GO HOME, shower and sleep pretty much straight away.
The next day I woke up, packed up early to meet a former coworker from the UK. He was in Japan for a couple of weeks and I promised I'd meet him, that was actually the whole reason I came to Osaka. I said goodbye to my friend and went straight to the station my friend was arriving to. Travelling around Osaka was easy, it was pretty much identical to the tube. Just with better trains (airconditioned). I reunited with my former coworker and it was great lol. It's felt good speaking to someone I've known for a pretty long time, even though realistically we've only been apartment for like just under two months lol. Not much to actually write about but we did some touristy things! Went to the aquarium, which was actually the biggest aquarium in the world when it was built in 1990. I remember reading it on wikipedia before I was here randomly. I didn't realise it was the same one till I got there and felt a hint of familiarity. After that we met up with the rest of his friends which was amusing, a total of 6 black people and me so everyone was looking at us. I couldn't stay long but I helped them find a restaurant and order, talk a small bit, exchanged instas and left for my dreaded 7 hour journey back home. My friend actually walked with me to the coach station, bless him and i almost missed it too lol. I was very panicked and annoyed, thank you D for putting up with that. I hope the rest your trip to Japan was great.
The coach journey itself was fine, this time I actually slept most of the way unlike last time. I couldn't wait to be home and when I got home I was greeted by my neighbourhood cat Pochi. I was happy.
love, J-sensei
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bukojuiice · 3 years
something in the rain   — todoroki shoto
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ೃ you and shoto were once childhood best friends and sweethearts who had lost touch and communication. 12 years has passed since then, and on a fated summer day in june, there was something in the rain that brought two lost souls back to each other’s arms.
ೃ  pairing: shoto todoroki x fem! reader
ೃ  tags: childhood friends to lovers, tooth-rotting fluff
ೃ  warnings: none! 
ೃ wc: 1k
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr!  if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
ೃ song inspo: film out by bts
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Puppy Love…
What a sweet and trivial concept.
Was it not?
You and Shoto met each other at the tender age of 7. Roughly two years into his intense and odious training brought upon him by his father. His mother who still unwaveringly continued to support him, would sneak the half and half boy out in between his trainings. Whether to bring him out to play in the local playground, run around in the flower fields, or to just go shopping in the local grocer. These simple things were enough to make the boy happy. Even for just a short moment.
Then, during one fated day, the sun was about to go down, and no other child was frolicking around the playground.
It was just you.
Alone on the swing, your eyes cast down on the ground, wriggling your feet and dipping them into the play sand. You hear a faint creaking sound of the seat next to you and now you were accompanied by a boy the same age as you were. Heterochromatic eyes filled with innocence and love, a smile that looked like it never left the curves of his face, floofy half red and white hair that gave him a very distinct yet striking appearance.
“Why are you all alone?” He inquires, tilting his head. “It’s almost night time too. It’s going to get scary…”
“You came here alone too.” You snapped back, averting his gaze and your mouth forming into a pout.
He shakes his head, “No I didn’t. My Mommy is just there.” He points to a faint silhouette of a woman not far from the two of you.
“Oh.” You blink. “Well, um- my house is just over there! So, my parents don’t need to always keep an eye on me!” You cross your arms, pointing to your house a few feet away from the playground.
“You’re lucky. My dad keeps an eye on me a lot. He’s scary most of the time too and I think it’s because of my quirk…” His shoulders visibly slump as he breathes out a hefty sigh. “Mommy takes me out to go play when I’m done with my training and I’m happy because of it!”
“D-do you wanna play on the slide?” You ask him, twiddling with your fingers. A faint shade of pink present on your cheeks. “If it’s okay, I wanna share my happiness with you!“
His eyes sparkle. “Sure! But…. wait! I don’t even know your name yet!”
“Ah my name’s (Y/N)!”
“I’m Shoto!” He grins, his eyes sparkling once more and you can’t help but become flustered even more.
 Oh, how you wish to see those bright blue and grey eyes again. His fluffy white and crimson hair, and just… feel his lingering presence in your life once more.
Why did time have to go by so fast?
Why did he have to leave?
After a year of feeling nothing but the purest and most blissful emotions whenever you were with him, that all came crashing down when Shoto and his family moved to another city. The reason why was because the neighborhood that you lived in wasn’t “healthy” for him or rather, it was too friendly and Shoto was getting attached to you even though he shouldn’t.
Heroes are built to be as strong as steel after all. Emotionally and Physically. Endeavor doesn’t want his son to be a soft little marshmallow who only beams so brightly whenever he hangs out with the little girl from the quaint neighborhood.
…It’s been 12 years since then.
You’re now a perpetually tired and no-nonsense sophomore college student. Studied hard enough to get a scholarship at one of the most prestigious universities in Japan and now it feels like you’re drowning in a massive amount of school works and extra cred.
Now, looking back at your whimsical childhood life that was only made possible because of one particular Icy-Hot boy, you get a sudden feeling of euphoria course through you as you reminisce the good times.
There was a feeling of inevitability when you met Shoto.
There was something about him that drew you in.
Even at such a young age, you had the sense that the two of you would be together.
That a moment in time would come in where he would look at you in a certain way and the two of you would cross the threshold of friendship into something so much more.
Which proved to be true, as he has always felt the same way as you did.
The two of you knew each other a little better than everyone else.
All the little secrets shared through giggles and fits of laughter, the embarrassing moments shared in a small and dusty playground, and the sweet little memories that the two of you were too young to understand, but what your prying yet loving mothers both noticed.
Your lives were fated to converge like some cosmic dance. Like two shooting stars descending from the night sky. It was always fate.
It was fate that the two of you met. It was fate that the two of you would become friends, playmates, and childhood sweethearts.
But you guess it wasn’t fate that the two of you would remain friends forever.
You are still hoping for a sign in the sky or a word from the stars.
If the two of you are fated to meet again.
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The soft boom of thunder and sparkle of lightning awoken you from your slumber.
You had fallen asleep whilst studying for your finals. Just ten minutes of rest. You whispered to yourself.
Those ten minutes ended up becoming an hour and a half wasted and instead of studying and memorizing the chemical formulas, you ended up dreaming about ramen instead.
Some pages of your chemistry book were creased as you had ended up using it as a pillow. You pay this no mind as you mindlessly rub your eyes out of habit, looking out the window, as rain had begun to pour outside.  
You continue to observe the rainfall as the soft sound of droplets hitting the windowpane was so soothing to you, giving you a momentary peace of mind.
Your short meditation moment was soon interrupted with the grumbling of your stomach.
“Mom and Dad aren’t home till 9…” You stretch your arms, groggily murmuring to yourself. “Might as well have a trip to the convenience store.” You hop out of your chair, reaching for a grey hoodie and matching sweatpants from your closet, trying to channel the comfy girl look as you head out.
You lock the door to your house, opening your umbrella as you whistle your way to the convenience store, taking each step carefully hoping you don’t step on any dirty puddles and hoping you see some cute little frogs on the pathway.
You stop in your tracks when you notice a black sedan parked not too far from your house. You raise suspicion a little bit until you remembered that a new family was moving in the house near you, so you decided to just brush off your skepticism.
“Welcome to Conbini! May I kindly ask you to leave your umbrella by the door?” The cashier greets you, trying to force a customer-friendly smile. They might have had a rough week and you don’t want to be labeled as those jerk kinds of customers so you nod at her and leave your parasol at the entrance.
“Oh my god.” You were about to drop the bags of food in your hands when you notice that your umbrella was gone from the parasol stand, another customer possibly mistaking their umbrella for yours. You sigh in defeat. “You know what, heck it. I could care less at this point.” You pull up your hoodie, dashing your way back home, hoping you don’t end up getting sick from this careless situation you’ve put yourself into.
You stop in your tracks once again when you see a dashing-looking man standing in front of the gates of your house.
tall, well built, half and half colored hair that was wet and tangled, wearing a long and patterned coat, hands in his pockets… it felt as if he was waiting for someone to come out of your home.
Could this be…?
He was alerted by the sound of your steps rippling with the puddles in the pavement, turning to face you, his umbrella twirling with him.
His eyes grow wide at the sight of seeing you, and you notice his chest rise up, like a feeling of relief and of hope.
These are still the beautiful heterochromatic eyes you know and love. Only this time, it had a darker hue reflecting from his orbs. These are eyes who have seen and who have gone through so much.
You can’t even believe it.
Here he was, standing right in front of you. The boy you loved all those years ago.
Even more handsome, mature, and striking, and yet you could feel this broken emptiness radiating from him. Emotional scars that still run deep through him and… at this moment, you just want him to bare his heart to you. All this pain and suffering he has felt all these years.
You feel droplets of water sliding down your cheek like crystal teardrops.
“It’s really you…” You were about to drop the bags of food in your hands due to your blissful bewilderment but Shoto rushes to you with his umbrella, shielding you from the storm.
He was a bit too close and you could feel the heat rush up to your cheeks again, a feeling you have not experienced in so many years.
“Ah. I’m sorry.” He steps back a little from you and you can hear yourself internally monologue “nooo” as he takes a few steps away. “It’s been 12 years isn’t it?” He catches your attention again.
“It is. Yeah...” You nod, still looking up at him, a certain twinkle in your eyes and an inexplicable feeling growing in your chest. “W-what brings you here?” You add, your voice soft and sweet, whether you did this on purpose or not will forever remain a question.
“My family… we’re moving back here.” He replies quickly. solemn, yet there was a tint of excitement in his tone. “My father thought it was best if my mother, my siblings and I lived in a different house than him after… all the pain that he made us go through… and so… here we are.”
“Oh! Would you like to come inside and have some coffee?” You ask, pointing your finger to your humble abode. “We have a lot of catching up to do.” You giggle jokingly, trying to keep the atmosphere light and warm despite the cold weather present around you.
You start heading to the direction of your house, knowing that Shoto will follow you inside until… 
he grabs you by the arm, enveloping and pulling you in for a tight yet soft and comforting hug. A feeling that you’ve been wistfully longing for such a long time. 
A feeling that only Shoto Todoroki could give.
“I missed you so much (Y/N)… can you share your happiness again with me?”
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In the midst of the rainy summer season that brought nothing but dim and grey skies, wet and damp atmosphere, and endless floods of sorrow, you were his spring. The rosebud opening in the watery sunshine.
The whimsical girl with grass-stained knees running around the meadow with him… like a prophecy telling him that new beginnings were about to come, your personality and your appearance reminded him of the cherry blossom trees that symbolized a time of renewal.
You were the rainbow after a storm. Spreading light and color to those around her…
The one who brought back light and color to his life again.
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 “from all the memories stored in my heart”
I only picked up and connected the ones of you.”
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  ೃ taglist: @chibishae34  @lovelytarou​ @ramunegoddess​, @serossimpy @laudthingcat​
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snuggetfish · 4 years
do you have some dadjima x pregnant partner headcanons maybe?? thank you soo, love your blog and all your hcs :)
Dadjima on the brain 24/7 💞 Let’s see... This ended up being long again, so it’s under the cut! ✨
First things first, when his partner breaks the news to Majima, he’s honestly stunned to speechlessness. It’s not a surprise baby, they both agreed to start trying to conceive, because he knows better than to leave family planning to chance. But he’s just... overwhelmed, now that the idea of fatherhood is actually becoming a reality. Overwhelmed, but so very happy.
However, with all that happiness comes the worrying. On top of the doubts he’s got about himself, he also knows just how delicate the baby is, especially in the first trimester. He tries to be exceedingly, uncharacteristically gentle even when just hugging his partner and he feels guilty when morning sickness comes around, knowing there’s little he can do to help. He can at least be there, for comfort and moral support, even if it means turning up late to the odd clan meeting.
Speaking of those, I don’t think he’d rush to inform his family or his superiors about the pregnancy. Rumors spread fast as is and who knows what malicious ears that might also be listening. The first time he ever drops a hint is to Nishida, when he’s given a list of new hires to approve and instead of actually checking their qualifications, he fixates only on their names. 
“Naruki... how’s that sound to ya, Nishida? Would’ja name yer son that?” 
Now, Nishida’s no fool, why else would the boss bring up baby names if ane-san wasn’t... well, but also because he’s no fool, he isn’t going to let on that he’s figured it out. He just smiles and tries to give honest, heartfelt advice. Maybe subtly drop in some girls’ names too, as he knows Majima’s soft spot too well.
Also in the first trimester, Majima is very susceptible to puppy dog eyes, especially if he’s coming home in the middle of the night and his partner’s still wide awake, really yearning for some salt and vinegar chips... Technically he shouldn’t, junk food can’t be good for the baby... but then again his own body practically runs on junk food, is he really one to talk? Also, if anyone deserves a treat, shouldn’t it be the mother of his children? ...Fuck it, he makes a run to the conbini and comes back with enough snacks for both of them to munch on until they finally fall asleep, around the break of dawn. 
Okay so he’s kinda wanted to do this since day one, but it’s once his partner starts showing that he just can’t hold back any more: always plural now, for every greeting. “How’re my darlings doin’? Did my girls sleep well? You two feelin’ okay?” Maybe the little one is still too small to hear his words, but Majima reckons that the sooner they’re included in the family, the more they’ll feel their parents’ love. 
And all while his child’s still in the womb, he tries to speak to them often, even jokingly calling on them as a tie-breaker when he and his partner disagree on something.
“Ain’t so sure about that, maybe we should ask our lil’ man here... or lil’ lady“ as he gently pats the belly hoping for a kick in response.
So I spoke about Majima not being able to hold back tears for that very first kick, but how would it happen? I think it would be on one of their lazy movie nights, where they’re just cuddled up together on the couch, Majima playing the big spoon and holding his spouse tight, hands smoothing idly over the bump... And, well, it’s a zombie movie - seen one, seen ‘em all, right? (don't tell Majima that!) 
So maybe his partner dozes off... only to later wake up to someone trying his damnedest to stifle a sob against their shoulder, his cheek wet and his eye so misty. He can’t even form words to explain why he’s crying and he gets even more embarrassed seeing how much he’s scaring his partner, but he eventually manages to croak out: "...her little foot... I... I felt... her..."
Ohhhh. Watch him let the tears run for real as the words "she's just excited to meet her daddy" do the exact opposite of calming him down. He’s crying harder... but he's just as excited to meet her, for sure 💙
And when it comes to said bump, he’d waste no time reassuring his partner that they’re just as, if not even more beautiful than before. Since really nothing compares to the warm glow of his beloved’s body, busy growing the most amazing gift to ever enter their lives. 
Kisses and caresses? You bet. Yoga and pre-natal exercises? He’s a flexible guy and he wants to show solidarity, so why not. Oils to keep the skin soft and healthy as it stretches? Majima knows absolutely nothing about that, but he’ll learn, the same way he’s learned most of his skills in life: by persevering and giving it his all.... and also by looking it up on the Internet (another little tip from Nishida)
As the birth approaches, he puts extra thought into what first toy he’s gonna present the baby with. In his mind he’s already drunk on happy fantasies of it becoming the kid’s favourite plushie, much loved, much worn, carried with them just about everywhere... that’s exactly why it’s gotta be something good! Do they still make Bun-chans? he wonders. If so, then he’s not leaving the arcade until he’s got one in every colour and especially the jumbo size 💙💙💙 Ahh lotsa paragraphs again... goes to show just how much the image of Maji as a dad has consumed my mind. Thank you for the ask and the kind words, I hope these fill the Dadjima needs! 
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ninliane · 4 years
nekoma with foreign-exchange manager who isn’t fluent in japanese
i said i would write,,,,i try to write...
the language she speaks is up to you but she’ll be speaking english for now (just pretend its your language! personally im imagining filipino :D )
being a first-year at nekoma high had its perks
your foreign looks caught the attention of many people and some were shy to approach you, but not one tall boi^^
invited by your classmate lev, you have now been the manager for a first couple of months and it was going great!
you always got along with everyone: helped the seniors keep everyone in control, be efficient in tracking their progress, and helping their younger ones with their pass drills
you guys lost at the inter-high best eight but the summer camp was soon so you were determined to make the most out of it
you made friends with the regulars on the team and you guys would go out and eat at the conbini near the school
it was at this moment where kuroo had treated the team to snacks from the tiny shops. the nekoma team talking outside as they ate,
“That reminds me, how did you guys do in the english test?” Lev asked Shibayama and Inoka. 
“I did average, there was a lot of sentence construction this time.” Shibayama responded taking a bite out of a meat bun.
“I focused on vocabulary,” Inoka cheekily admitted then turned back to grin at his classmate, “But Teshiro-san got perfect as always, and (y/n)-san is fluent!”
“Just study, it isn’t that hard...” Teshiro closed his drink. “Or have (y/n)-san tutor you.” 
“I could...” you thought about it, “but...”
Kuroo started laughing, “That’s true, (y/n)-chan is good in english, but sometimes her japanese gets mixed up in the translation.”
You playfully roll your eyes, “Haha, very funny captain.”
Yamamoto laughed, “One time she said, ‘Where is my ‘ramen’?’ in the funniest accent ever! The cook looked at her and tried not to laugh.”
“I apologized after!” you laughed.
“Oh! One time she asked me if she could borrow my notebook and she forgot the word for notes and she ended up just saying notebook in english in front of the whole class!” Lev laughed.
The group and yourself laughed at your poor attempts once more. 
“When we were practicing volleyball she started to stumble on her words because she forgot how to ask coach to go over her notes so I had to do it.” Yaku chuckled. 
“Coach must’ve been confused,” Inoka chimed in.
“And another ti-”
“OKAY ENOUGH!” you yelled, throwing down your meat bun on the street. The team jolted at your loud reaction and immediately went quiet, their eyes widened at the sudden action. “You try speaking in a different language than japanese! Do you even know how frustrating it is for me to translate every single thing in my head before I say it?! How I manage to keep an all boys japanese team running for nationals in my third language?!”
“(y/n)-chan, don’t get so offended...” Kuroo rubbed the back in his head, “We were just playing around. Chill.” 
“Chill?” you widened your eyes and thats when Kuroo regretted his words. You frowned and put your hand on your hips, firing what seemed to be your first language at him, “Chill?! The worst thing you can say to a woman! Men are all the same...! They just act however they want and expect a way to get out of it by saying it’s just a joke, and they expect us to be okay with it?! Like we are the ones at fault?” 
Your first language being yelled out loud was intimidating for them because they had no idea what you were saying. You then reverted back to Japanese as you grabbed your bag and walked past them, “Men are all animals!” 
At that moment Kenma had walked out of the convenience store holding a cup of ramen. He noticed you walking by and said a small greeting.
“Oh hey (y/n),”
“ANIMAL!” you pointed at him without stopping and continued to walk. 
Kenma scrunched his face at you then at his team. “What did you guys say to her?”
The day after you had mostly let the thing pass and felt a little bad for yelling at them, but it was cute how they all awkwardly shuffled up to you in practice individually, apologizing for what they said. And they made a mental note to help you out whenever you needed translation.
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ruthiswriting · 3 years
body of choice
chainsaw man | denji, power, hayakawa aki, gen, 5k | on ao3
“It’s just…” He stopped. “You really don’t care about tits?”
There was a long silence, punctuated only by low buzz of Aki’s desk lamp. “You care about tits,” Aki said finally, “an unusual amount.”
(or: Time off work means that Denji gets to spend a lot of time thinking about what exactly it is that he likes about tits, anyway. Gender is involved. Power helps.)
inspired by my roommate’s headcanon that denji is a trans lesbian and doesnt know it yet! this fic takes place after the international assassin arc but before ch 73.
trigger warning for denji making transphobic statements due to the fact that he doesnt know that being trans is a thing, internalized transphobia, and body dysphoria. general disclaimer that i am not a trans woman but have been known to experience a gender from time to time. enjoy!
They’d all been given time off work, after the Darkness Devil. A leave of absence for Aki to recover, for Power to get her head screwed back on straight, and for Denji to sit and wait for them to be well, since he wasn’t allowed to go on work missions by himself. It was coming to an end soon— Aki had acclimated to his one arm pretty well, and Power didn’t wake up screaming anymore, so they’d be back to work soon.
Still, Denji was running out of ways to fill the empty time. Having nothing to do made him sizzle with nervous energy, waiting for something to do, for a task and directive to achieve. Aki provided the direction of reading materials, movies, and chores— but it still gave him too much time to think.
So it was a lazy afternoon, not long after lunch but still too early for another meal, when Denji asked Power a question.
“Hey, Power,” he said. “You took over a dead body, right?”
She was stretched out on the floor on her back, hugging Meowy in her arms— Aki always said that she held him too tightly, but no matter what Power did the stupid cat purred like a pleased, rusty motorboat. Denji’s question made her stall, frowning as Meowy squirmed. “Eh?”
“That’s what Aki said a fiend was,” Denji said, rolling onto his elbow to look at her from the couch. “A devil that took over a human’s dead body. So you did that, right?”
She paused, thinking this over— reaching for something hidden in her memory. Then her eyes widened, and she sat up. “That’s right,” she said, suddenly triumphant. She rubbed one finger under her nose, pivoting Meowy to rest awkwardly in the crook of her other arm. “I forgot… The way Power was born!”
There was the beginning of the story in the gleam of her eyes— something that would go on, and be uninteresting and mostly nonsensical. “Yeah, I don’t really care about any of that,” Denji said, before she could begin. “I was just wondering, like,” he paused, and one hand rose up, like he could better form the thought if he could grab it. “…Why’d you end up picking the body you did?”
“I used whatever was convenient,” she said. “Of course, my body is the best body I could have gotten. Tis one of the reasons I am so perfect.”
“So you didn’t care about what it looked like?”
Power sniffed, immediately dismissive of the question. “Only humans care about things like that,” she said. Denji could tell she was starting to lose interest in the conversation— she was starting to lift Meowy in front of her, the cat’s little arms jutting awkwardly toward her as his body dangled. “It is very sad! The only good devil feature I have now are my horns… Human bodies really are so unappealing. And they all look the same.”
This caught Denji off guard. He slid forward on the couch, trying to get Power’s attention again to argue. “Huh? That’s not true at all. We all look completely different. Like, you don’t look anything like me. And Aki looks super different from us…” His argument warmed up slowly as he cooked it over, and suddenly, he was invigorated. “We all look super fucking different! That’s crazy.”
“What are you two talking about?” Aki appeared in the doorframe, his one remaining arm wrapped over the white laundry basket he’d been struggling with the whole day.
“Denji is jealous of my perfect body,” Power said.
“No way!”
Before Power could say anything else stupid, Meowy squirmed over her shoulder to land on the ground behind her with a thump. She wheeled again to grab at him, but he scooted comfortably out of her arm’s reach to vanish under the couch, curling his patchy tail around his feet. “Meowy!”
Denji pointed at her, victorious. “That’s what you get. He’s not gonna come out for the rest of the day.”
“You two, stop fighting,” Aki said, before Power’s high pitched whine could end in a yell. “Denji, help me hang up the laundry. And Power, you need to clean Meowy’s litter box. It stinks.”
“Meowy should be allowed to shit wherever he wants,” Power grumbled.
“He does shit wherever he wants,” Aki said. “He just has better manners than you.”
As he stood on the balcony with Aki, picking up shirts one by one to hang, Power’s words continued to turn in Denji’s chest, until they finally stopped to lodge themselves there at an uncomfortable angle. It felt like he’d swallowed a piece of food before chewing it all the way through, and some piece was sticking there. His breaths couldn’t dislodge it.
Was he jealous of Power’s body?
No. There was no way. Why would he want a body like Power’s?
He’d seen a lot of Power’s body. All of it, actually. He knew what it looked like, what it felt like— even what it tasted like, not that he’d wanted to drink her blood. And he’d decided, pretty thoroughly, he wasn’t interested. Whatever exciting mystery lay under a girl’s clothes had fallen flat when it was attached to Power.
But maybe there was something else to want about her body? Something not about sex, or touch. He couldn’t name it. Or maybe, eventually, he could name it— but he definitely shouldn’t.
Laundry ended with hanging their spare public safety uniforms, all in an identical line. Denji was bigger than Power, and Aki was taller than both of them— still, they were all close enough in size that their clothes could easily mingle together in a confused heap. Denji had gotten halfway through getting dressed into Power’s too-small clothes to know he couldn’t wear her pant size, but on the line they almost looked identical. Empty squares of fabric, wafting in the warm breeze. When the sleeves moved, they looked like they were waving in time.
“You’re thinking about something,” Aki said.
He was kneeling by the now empty laundry basket, because even though Denji could have hung the laundry by himself in about the same amount of time, Aki had insistently stayed to pass the laundry to him. Denji guessed he just didn’t like being able to finish the stuff he could before, when he had both arms, and that maybe if he stuck around to the end of the task it was like he could do it anyway. But also, it felt like he was watching Denji. Waiting for something important.
Denji clipped the last shirt up, letting the clothespin clap shut around the starched white collar. “It’s nothin’ important,” he said. “Don’t worry about it.”
The next day, Denji remembered something that brought him back to Power, reading through a manga that Aki had brought home from the conbini.
“I thought of something else about what you said that doesn’t make sense,” Denji said, standing over her.
She had to move the volume down out of her face to look at him, scowling immediately at the interruption. “What?”
“You said that you don’t care about your body, but you do,” Denji said, accusatory. “You wore those— fake boob things. Why the hell would you do that if you didn’t care about what your body looked like?”
She stared at him, and Denji could see from her expression, instantly, she’d forgotten the whole conversation already. Power forgot about a lot of shit, admittedly, but for some reason it felt like a bad sign— like Denji was putting way too much thought into something stupid. He went on pointlessly to add, “you know— what we talked about. How you said human bodies are gross…”
“Correct. Human bodies are gross,” Power said, instantly confident even if she’d forgotten the context. “But there are ways to make them less gross.”
She sat up, throwing the magazine aside. Denji jerked back, out of the circumference of her turning legs, and watched her draw herself up. “It is also helpful to have large breasts,” she said, confident. “Because many people desire them, and so they act in useful ways— like when you helped me save Meowy.” She folded her legs under her and crossed her arms, with sudden finality.“Isn’t that right?”
“Well— yeah,” Denji said. “But you couldn’t have known I would do that before we met…” His eyes flickered to her chest automatically at the memory— she wasn’t wearing them right now, so her t-shirt hung loosely against her body.
“But I knew humans are disgusting. And that they would be interested in me having larger breasts.” She crossed her arms and legs at once, forming a defiant pretzel. “Maybe you should try it some time, Denji.”
Any further argument Denji had against this line of reasoning immediately evaporated. He felt his face flush instantly, and he struggled for words— or anything at all, really. “What—“ he stopped, sputtering. “Don’t be fucking stupid! I can’t have tits, I’m a guy.”
“Why not?”
He stared at her, bewildered. “Cause— cause guys don’t have tits.”
It was so obvious it felt stupid to say— but even with it being obvious it felt like a weak argument. Power wrinkled her nose. “Stupid! Very stupid, Denji. Come with me.” She stood up, briefly on the couch before hopping down next to him. And then, she grabbed his arm and marched him to the bathroom, her fingers making a vise grip against his skin.
“You’re lucky I’m here to help you,” Power said, shutting the bathroom door behind them. This seemed like a bad sign to Denji— Power had to practically be bribed to not leave the door open when shitting, and she didn’t care when they shut the door either. She was trying to cut off his escape route. “Humans are so limited and rigid in their thinking! It’s very boring, so I will help you.”
She was wriggling out of her t-shirt as she talked, discarding it on the floor between them. Then, she ducked her arms behind her back to undo the clasps on her bra. That wasn’t really a big deal— Denji had seen Power naked before, and he’d done her laundry enough times to know what her underwear looked like. But he was starting to feel nervous about wherever this conversation was going. “Power,” he said, eyes flickering to follow her movements, “I don’t know about this.”
“I’m only trying to show you,” she said. “That it is very easy. And that humans do look alike.”
And then, she was pulling his shirt off— Denji choked as the cloth dragged against his mouth, arms jerking up automatically to follow the movement. His shirt joined hers on the floor.
With businesslike hands, Power turned him around so he was staring at the blank drywall. He felt the bra drag around his ribcage. “Whoa— whoa,” Denji yelped.
“Don’t bother fighting me! This is for your own good!” She was snapping the clasps in place, so it was snug against his body. They scratched against his back as they clicked.
Then, she pulled the straps over his arms. Denji felt his eyes drop, to where his cleavage would be, if he had cleavage (but he didn’t because he was a guy, and so he shouldn’t be thinking about this). The rip cord of his chainsaw heart curled awkwardly out between the bra’s lace detailing. He could feel it constrict in his chest— an ugly spasm in reaction to the way it gapped against him.
Power’s hands snaked out from under his armpits. She was holding the breast pads. “Put them on,” she commanded.
Hell no, Denji screamed. Or, well, he thought he screamed. His voice wouldn’t cooperate.  Instead, his hand moved, mechanical, to take them from her.
They were pretty much how he remembered the first time— silicone. Kind of squishy, except for an odd firmness in the middle. There was a sticky backing that probably helped keep them from falling off your chest. They also stank, since they lived up against Power’s sweaty unwashed body most of the time.
He raised them to his chest, and after a few moments of arranging, they were on, cool and sticky against his skin.
Power turned him again with one firm hand on his upper arm. Now, they were both facing the mirror— Denji in Power’s bra. Both shirtless. Both, somehow, with tits. She leaned against him and crossed her arms, smirking with satisfaction. “Now you see,” she declared. “We don’t look so different.”
She was wrong, obviously. Denji was taller than Power, and broader shouldered, and just— different. They looked different. Because they were two different people, obviously, but also because Denji wasn’t a chick. No way anyone would buy that he was just from some fake boobs.
But also, he couldn’t stop looking at them. Why? He knew they weren’t real, and also, they were on him. The usual reasons Denji wanted to be looking at tits couldn’t really apply. Especially when Power, who had actual tits, was standing next to him, naked from the waist up.
Of course, he’d already figured out he wasn’t interested in Power, so it made sense that he wasn’t looking at her— except nothing about this situation made sense at all. Especially that some noise, buzzing in the back of his skull constantly, had gone quiet. A feeling that he hadn’t even known was there was gone.
“You can keep them if you want, Denji,” Power said generously. “I only wear the bra because Aki makes me.”
Reality snapped back into place. Denji pushed her away, yanking off the bra. The boob pads unstuck from his body with only a little coaxing, and they fell to the floor with a mushy plap. “Fucking— keep your clothes on, Power!”  
Denji ran from the bathroom without reclaiming his shirt, hiding in his room from both Power and whatever he had seen in the mirror. He’d have to come back for the shirt later— Aki always got onto them for leaving their clothes in the bathroom when they showered. But he wanted to be sure that Power would be gone. Power, and her stupid fake boobs, and whatever she’d done to him when she snapped that bra into place.
That night, Aki turned on an old cartoon while he cooked dinner— the sizzle of grease popping over the tinny background music and shouted dialogue. TV always mesmerized Power, although she complained if there wasn’t blood and gore. She still sat close to the screen, blocking the bottom half with the top of her head and horns.
Denji didn’t care about TV, really. It had been kind of novel at first, since his dad had sold the TV set when he was pretty young and they’d never had money for things like movies. But since he’d gotten to watch movies with Makima, watching grainy TV on Aki’s tiny television set had hardly been appealing. But he still watched, apathetic, until his stomach began to twist again.
The show was about some kid who got cursed, so that every time they got wet they’d change from a boy to a girl— or a girl to a boy. Denji wasn’t sure. It seemed pretty inconvenient, honestly. You probably couldn’t plan for being splashed with water in every situation, and the kid didn’t want everyone to know about it, so it just ended up being a lot of dumb shit about the kid managing all the different identities and what people thought he was— or she was. Denji could hardly keep up with his one life, so managing two seemed like a huge hassle.
So he didn’t know he felt so much envy, every time the dumb kid slipped into some water fountain or got dunked in a river. It didn’t make sense to want that. Nothing he was feeling made sense.
He took a shower after dinner. The hot water steamed over the mirror, leaving Denji alone with his thoughts, and the water, trickling over his back. His naked chest.
It was probably something wrong with his head. He knew that already, though—everyone had already made it clear that whatever Denji thought about anything was probably weird and fucked up. This was probably the same sort of thing. Whatever this was.
He rubbed his skin raw with soap and tried not to look down.
It was early in the morning when Denji couldn’t take it anymore.
Without understanding why, he crawled out of bed— over where Power was sprawled, taking up half the space in his bed, like she always ended up doing whenever she passed out there— and crept down the hall to Aki’s room.
When Makima had arranged for Denji to live with Aki, the door to Aki’s room had stayed solidly shut. He hadn’t been explicitly told to stay out, but Denji knew when not to sniff. And it wasn’t like he’d been especially compelled by whatever Aki got up to, so, whatever.
But then, Power had moved in too, along with her near-constant impulse to wreck most of Aki’s possessions and her cat that liked to sleep under Aki’s desk. Aki had waged an intense internal battle between wanting to make sure he could hear when Power was up to shit and wanting to keep at least an illusion of privacy. But at some point, he’d admitted defeat, and the door remained just slightly cracked, even when he was sleeping.
Then, after the Darkness Devil, Power would alternate between sleeping in Denji’s bed and Aki’s, so whatever privacy Aki had attempted to maintain had been thoroughly destroyed. He didn’t seem to care too much anymore anyway— even when it was Denji’s turn Aki always ended up ghosting down the hall to check on them, when he thought they were both asleep.
The light was off, and Denji was at least smart enough to feel bad about bugging Aki when he was definitely asleep, and when Denji should be too. He hovered in front of the door, hand half clenched over the knob, before finally reasoning that he’d known when he’d walked over here that Aki would be asleep, so he might as well follow through. He pulled the door open, and crept into the room.
Denji had seen Aki fall asleep on the couch enough times to know that he slept like the dead.  It wasn’t something he understood— it seemed like a pretty big weakness for a devil hunter, if he was being honest. But at this point he at least knew the drill. In the dark, Denji hunted for Aki’s desk lamp, and clicked it on.
The warm yellow bulb cast dozy light over the room. Aki stayed stone still, body half curved on the bed in an uncomfortable contortion. Denji sat next to him, touching his shoulder. “Hey, Aki,” he said, voice a mutter, and felt his ears turn red.
On any other day, Aki would have remained asleep long enough for Denji to back out of this terrible idea. But as Denji hurriedly pulled his hand away, Aki’s nose wrinkled, and he slowly blinked awake. Denji’s shoulders sunk.
“Denji?” Aki’s voice was still thick with sleep, and even in the dim light he squinted like it hurt. “What’s going on? Did Power clog the toilet?”
“It’s not important,” Denji blurted. “Don’t let me bug you, actually.” He stood, planning to leave, but he couldn’t get his feet to unstick from the floor. Every attempt he made just rooted him more solidly in place.
Behind him, Aki’s gaze slowly focused on his back. “…Is everything okay?”
It was a weird sentence, from Aki. He knew it, too— there was something self conscious in the way the words formed, even through his fuzzy concern. But this whole moment was weird, and Denji figured if they both knew it he might as well take advantage of it. He glanced over his shoulder to look at Aki. “I was just, like,” he stalled, trying to find a way to word what was sitting in his chest. “Wanting to know what you thought of something I’ve been thinking about. It’s not important, but, you know…”
The lamp’s bulb was making a weird buzzing noise, filling the dead space between Denji’s fumbling sentences. Aki’s body hadn’t moved, but his eyebrows kept contracting, like if he furrowed them enough he could get to the point of Denji’s sentence. Finally, he said, words slow, “you want my advice.”
Super lame. It sounded so lame when Aki said it, in his weird, grown up way of talking about everything. “Yeah,” Denji said.
Aki looked at Denji. Looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table that was scheduled to go off in three hours (which Denji knew because whenever he couldn’t sleep he could hear Aki start to move at the same time every morning). Looked up, finally, at the ceiling, squinting into nothing. Then, he said, “okay.” And he sat up.
Before he could stop himself, Denji sat again on the bed. This time, Aki drew his legs up, making room for Denji. He waited expectantly for Denji to start talking.
“It’s just..” Denji was glad, suddenly, for the awkward configuration on the bed. Looking at Aki in the eye felt too intense. “You know. I was thinking about…” He took a breath, and said in a  burst, “Aki, you’re gay, right?”
The silence suddenly got a lot thicker. Denji could feel the way Aki stared into the side of his head with a new, unwelcome intensity. When he talked, there was a beginning of an aggravated edge to his voice. “Did you wake me up at three in the morning to ask me why I’m gay?”
“No,” Denji said defensively. “It’s just— I’m trying to understand something, okay.”
“Why..” Aki stopped, and ran a hand over his face. He tried again, voice mechanically even. “Why do you think I’m gay?”
This, at least, was an easy one. “Your ears,” Denji said. And he pointed at Aki’s ear, where normally, black stud earrings would poke out from behind his bangs. “They’re both pierced, so like… One of them’s gotta be the gay one, right.”
Aki’s face was beginning to sour at his usual impressive rate. Unusually, though, he made an effort to contain it— to keep his bad mood from running off the edges of his face into the rest of the house. “We can unpack that later,” he said. “What’s your point?”
Denji wasn’t sure, was the thing. He wasn’t sure what his point was— only that there was this unknown thing lurking in the base of his stomach, something he didn’t know was good or not. He tilted his head back to look at the ceiling, like the answer was living up there. “It’s just…” He stopped. “You really don’t care about tits?”
There was a long silence, punctuated only by low buzz of Aki’s desk lamp. “You care about tits,” Aki said finally, “an unusual amount.”
“Fuck,” Denji said. He rubbed one arm over his eyes. “I know you think it’s stupid, okay. It’s...” He didn’t know. He didn’t know what it was.
Aki’s head tilted, just a little— the lamp shadowing the way he squinted at Denji. But then, he said, voice slow, ponderous: “are you thinking you don’t care about tits? And that…” He raised his eyebrow, leaving the connection for Denji to make.
“I’m not gay,” Denji said, voice definitive.
Aki didn’t argue this point. He nodded, willing to accept it without trouble. “But there’s something else about it that bothers you,” he said.  “Like…” He paused, slowly feeling out his words. “That you think what you want about them— might not be normal?”
They were statements of fact, made carefully— Aki watching his reaction between every minute word. So Denji knew that he saw the way his shoulders shriveled, inching away from whatever Aki was arriving to. “I don’t wanna talk about this anymore,” he mumbled.
“Why not?”
Denji stared down at his hands. His hands, resting on his legs, and the curve of his stomach against his boxers. “When all those assassins were coming after me,” he said finally. “One of them said… That some things you’re just better not knowing about. So, maybe it’s one of those things.”
Aki considered. “I suppose that can be true in some cases,” he allowed. “But I’d rather know the truth, however painful. …And I don’t think it really is one of those things, this time.”
“So what do you think it is?” Denji challenged him, finally turning his head to look Aki in the eye. “You’ve got something in mind, right? You wouldn’t have said something like that otherwise.”
“Not really.”
Denji couldn’t make out Aki’s face clearly in the dark, so it was hard to tell if he was lying. “Yeah, right,” he said. And he looked away again.
It was a while before Aki responded. Before he said anything, he shifted to be sitting next to Denji— legs close together, the ghost of his empty sleeve batting against Denji’s arm. Denji chanced a look at him, out of the corner of his eyes, but Aki wasn’t meeting his eyes either. He was just looking at some point on the wall. Reflecting.
“Some things you might be better off knowing,” Aki said. “Some things maybe you shouldn’t. But I don’t think it’s wrong to want to get to know yourself better… Even if it’s uncomfortable in the meantime.”
“You do have something in mind,” Denji mumbled.
Aki paused again. “Only based off of what you told me,” he said, voice light. “What you asked me.”
Denji’s vision swam. He squeezed his eyes shut, insistent on blocking out whatever he was feeling, and however Aki was looking at him. “It really doesn’t matter,” he said again, because maybe if he kept saying it it would be true.
The bed creaked, and he felt the mattress rise underneath him as Aki stood. Denji dared to open his eyes to watch him move. Aki was turning to face Denji, so he could use his one remaining arm to push him down to the bed— gently, one hand firm on his shoulder. Denji didn’t fight. He let his body sag, until his head was resting against one of Aki’s lumpy pillows. His eyes kept prickling, so laying down was probably a bad idea. Whatever was burning behind his eyes only got worse the gentler Aki was.
But then, mercifully, Aki turned the lamp off, dropping them both into darkness. He went around to the far side of the bed, and laid next to Denji, a tiny sigh bursting out from behind his lips. Denji felt his throat click.
Aki’s arm cuffed around his head, almost cradling him in the crook of his elbow. “We don’t have to talk about it anymore, if you don’t want to,” he said. “It’s fine if it takes you time to figure it out.”
Denji wanted to protest more. To say that really, there was nothing to figure out, and that Denji was just making a big deal out of nothing. Power had said and done some weird Power shit, and that was all. He could get over it. But at this point, that felt even stupider. So Denji swallowed, and nodded. He didn’t trust his voice anymore, so Aki’s only answer would have to be the way the back of Denji’s neck shifted against his wrist.
Aki didn’t say anything else, only laid against him in the dark, a silent, still presence. Denji drew in breaths until his heart calmed, until he could trust himself to speak. “Should check on Power,” he muttered. “She still gets nightmares sometimes… ‘Specially if she wakes up alone.”
“Right,” Aki murmured. “I can go look— you don’t have to get up.”
“Nah,” Denji said, and he started to sit up.
Before he could get further than his elbows, though, a heavy, furry weight thudded into Denji’s chest. Meowy sank heavily against him, like a furry rock pinning him to the bed.
Denji swore, and in response, Power’s cat meowed in his face. “God, your breath stinks,” he muttered.
“What are you both doing in here?” The vague outline of Power’s body lingered in Aki’s doorway, like a horror movie monster.  If a horror movie monster refused to eat vegetables or brush her teeth. “You left me alone, Denji.”
Denji grumbled, still trying to move the cat. “What’s it look like we’re doing? We’re sleeping. And you defeated the Darkness Devil, so it’s fine, right? Nothing bad’s gonna happen. You’re too tough.”
“Not important!” She stepped into the room and the bare sliver of moonlight coming through Aki’s balcony. It made her face white, almost gleaming with sweat. “I knew Meowy wouldn’t leave me for no reason. You two are too weak and pathetic to be left alone! Very good work, Meowy.” She crossed the room to crawl into bed next to them, pressing up against Denji in an insistent effort to fit.
Denji grumbled in protest, but there wasn’t any stopping her— in a matter of seconds she was insistently pretzeled next to him.
“Thanks for watching out for us, Power,” Aki murmured. “Good job.”
He was already falling back asleep. Which was really pretty annoying, because Aki’s bed really wasn’t big enough for the three of them. But if Denji wanted to move, he’d have to drag all of them with him and he just didn’t want to deal with that. So he sighed and wriggled over, making room for Power by jamming himself against Aki’s shoulder.
Meowy slid off his chest like a heavy ooze, landing between him and Power on the crook of his shoulder. Power curled happily around the cat, one arm catching around it to drape across Denji’s chest.
And then, they were asleep again, with just Denji awake. Watching the dawn light start to crawl across the ceiling.
Sometimes, when he was stuck on shit like this, he started to wonder if he had been better off when it was just him and Pochita. Even if he didn’t have money and food, it was less complicated. He didn’t have time to think about things like tits, because he was too busy trying to pay rent, and the bills, and feed him and Pochita. It was harder, but also way, way fucking easier.
Right now, though, it was okay. Denji could stand thinking a little more, if it was like this.
He let his eyes close. This time, he fell asleep.
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nyaitsu-writes · 3 years
CONGRATS ON 100+ FOLLOWERS!!! you deserve them all and many more! can i get prompt 24 with natsume 😳
fun fact: as everyone probably knows already natsume is one of my top enstars characters,,, and this was my first time writing for him (other than a... very self indulgent thing i wrote a while back that hasn't seen the light of day yet,,) so pls proceed with caution. my little meow meow,, you deserve a much better writer <(_ _)>
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✧ natsume + 24: Your hands are too cold, I’ll warm them up ✧
It wasn’t really a date. You were hanging out at Natsume’s house and he had ran out of ingredients to make dinner. And you had agreed to run with him to the nearest conbini to get everything, even under this freezing cold. Back at his place, you never felt as comfortable as when you took off your coat. Warmth at last!
You sneezed.
“Ah. Don’t tell me you caught a cold…” Judging by Natsume’s tone you weren’t sure if he was worried or he was making fun of you, as you two walked back into the small kitchen.
“There’s no way I’ve caught a cold so fast! We haven’t been out for that much…!” You started getting all the food out the bag, ready to make dinner together. As if to contradict your last words, you sneezed again.
“Oh yeah? What was that again?” Seeing him smirk, you went straight to poke his cheek but he pulled back at the last second, “No, no way I’m letting you touch me with those. You’re frozen.”
“Well? Who invited me to dinner only to realize his fridge was empty? Payback!” Aiming once again towards his warm and soft cheeks, this time Natsume’s hands caught yours before you could get any closer. And he wasn’t planning to let go.
“Your hands are too cold, I’ll warm them up,” as you stared at him, he coughed and quickly added, “I really don’t want to nurse you on my free day, hm? And you still have to help me with getting dinner ready.”
Palms against palms, fingers laced with each other you could feel the gentle heat coming from his hands. It was comforting. For some reason, you didn’t feel that bad about your improvised shopping trip anymore…
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oakantony · 3 years
this next part of my JET programme adventures is still stressful but a lil more lighthearted than the others. I think. you can read all of the stories here.
after my last post, where I wound up sitting in an empty train station for 3.5 hours, I did eventually manage to get home. the sun was juuuust rising as I stumbled into my sad lil apartment.
I changed into a sleeping shirt and fell asleep on the miniature leather couch...only to be awoken, abruptly, a few hours later, by someone pounding on my front door.
I was startled but I also have a steadfast rule: if you aren’t expecting someone, you don’t answer the door. 
so I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. about fifteen minutes pass, and the person returns. POUNDING on the door. and, at this point, SCREAMING. 
that’s when I realize I recognize the voice: it’s my supervisor.
what the fuck?
in my rush to stop the frantic sounds that are DEFINITELY disturbing my neighbors, I just slipped on my trenchcoat that I was using as a blanket, and tied it shut. so, technically, I was pantsless, but this seemed very urgent by my supervisor’s frantic shouts, so I was running as quickly as possible to answer the door. I swung it open and he SHOVED his cellphone in my face and shouted, “YOU DON’T ANSWER YOUR PHONE??? WHERE IS YOUR PHONE?”
I mute my phone when sleeping. I explained that to him and he did that “so mad he’s laughing” type laugh, head thrown back, barking into the 9am air. at this point I’m INCREDIBLY skeeved out. between the events of last night and my supervisor showing up on a weekend morning unannounced acting fully manic... I legit felt like I was about to suffer a mental break.
I interrupt his unhinged laughter to ask what he wants. why is he here?
“today is the walkthrough of your new apartment. HELLO? we are going to be LATE. you KNOW about this.” wtf is he talking about? “I already did a walkthrough.” “already?” “last weekend, yes.” o_O “so you don’t want to walk through the apartment today.” “no? I don’t need to.” at this point, I am baffled. I had done ALL of my apartment work without him. he literally was not involved in the process ONCE. why did he think he needed to...drive me to the new apartment for a walkthrough? where did he get that information from?? “wow. GREAT,” said my supervisor. he started his maniacal laughter again and began to walk away. I watched him go to his car (he never said goodbye, so I wasn’t sure if he was leaving...?). I then ran back into my apartment to get my phone. I had a half dozen missed calls from him starting at 7am. wtf?
I call the realtor and I try to verify about visiting the apartment. was I supposed to go to the apartment today?
she sounds as confused as me.
I explain that my supervisor showed up for an apartment tour.
she asks if we need to change guarantors, since...my supervisor isn’t even my guarantor anymore. I tell her no.
she and I sat on the phone for a second like... trying to piece together why my supervisor showed up on a saturday to walkthrough my apartment. she hadn’t scheduled a walkthrough. I hadn’t scheduled a walkthrough. 
and I wish I had an answer for you, but I really don’t. if we had shown up on the property, we wouldn’t have even been able to get in, because no walkthrough was scheduled. no one would have been on the property to let us in!
I found a skirt to put on, so I’d at least have proper clothes on, and I went back outside. my supervisor was sitting in his small white boxy car, hands gripping the steering wheel, staring blankly out his windshield. when I approach, he opens his door a crack to hear me speak.
“I confirmed with the realtor. no walkthrough today. but...thank you for coming... I appreciate your hard work.” I wanted to ask where the fuck he got the info about touring an apartment but I didn’t want to make him any more angry. 
he slammed the car door shut and drove off.
I’d never felt more wrung out in my life. I went to the conbini, got some cheap fast food, and returned home. I ate the meal, a bowl of beefy rice, while sitting in the bathtub, feeling half alive. when I went back to sleep at like, 11am, I didn’t wake up until sunday, and you know what? I fuckin deserved the sleep.
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mintsuke · 4 years
Aspectabund (k.s.)
(adj.) letting or being able to let expressive emotion show easily through one’s face and eyes
In which; you’re only ever taught that all yokai are evil, until Kita Shinsuke proves you otherwise.
WC; 7.8K
Warnings; Violence, Minor deaths, Mention of Kita’s tongue but implied
A/n: An addition to my Yokai!AU and a “subtle” request from a lovely anon! If you haven’t already, read my first work of this AU for Suna (link here!). Lmk what you think and if I should write for any other characters <3
+I last minute started adding more stuff lol, so some parts might be kind of unedited and have mistakes so I apologize.
References to Nurarihyon no Mago <3 (and a Hisoka reference if you catch it ;’))
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For the majority of your life, your family nearly talks your ear off concerning the dangers of the existence of yokai, also termed ayakashi. Any member of the (L/n) clan were countlessly taught that these strange, supernatural monsters and spirits were all evil and only existed to bring harm and strife to the human race. They fed off of terror and most times humans. 
Onmyoji were humans that had evolved in order to use their innate spiritual power to fight back and exorcise such apparitions. Any and every sightings and encounters with the supernatural were to be taken care of. 
For you, you followed after your father and brother without question, promising to bring honor to your family. 
Dressed in your school’s uniform still, you leaped to dodge the swing of the monstrous imp’s fist. The impact crushes the ground, kicking up pieces of debris that fly in all directions. 
“Nimble little thing!” The imp growls in frustration at your swift movement, “I’ll have your head and heart on my dinner plate soon!”
“Dinner plate?” You repeat, snapping your fingers to materialize a palm-sized paper with ink strokes written over the front, “That’s quite classy for your kind, I commend you.”
Brandishing the parchment, a pale yellow aura engulfs it momentarily before extending into a long pole, a curved blade fixed at the top. 
“As much as I’d like to sit here talking, I’ve really got to head over to the conbini before they sell out of the pork buns!” 
The imp lunges, arm wound back in preparation to attack as you take a stance with your halberd held behind you, other hand flashing another parchment. Roaring, he shoots his fist forward to make a grab for your body, but you shift on your feet quickly, turning to evade before stepping firmly on the concrete and swinging the pole upward in a half figure-eight motion. His arm comes flying off as you circle it around to finish the shape and drag the blade across his bulky torso. 
Viscous, dark liquid pours from the wounds, the imp roaring in pain as his other hand swings around in a hook. Spinning the pole, you holding it firmly to the side to block the strong punch that sends you skidding across the pavement. 
“I’m going to enjoy eating you, you bitch!” 
With a flick of your wrist, you shoot the paper out and it easily attaches to his fist. Crackles and sparks of electricity emit from it, causing him to grunt at the temporary paralysis. Quickly, you kick off, arm winding back before moving in an arc to sever his head from his bulky body. It falls with a heavy thunk on the pavement before his body dissipated into steaming black miasma.
“Ahh... I’m all dirty now,” You sigh hopelessly at the blood splattered over the material of your uniform. Surely the employees of the local conbini wouldn’t question the mysterious stains. 
You snort as you head home instead, the halberd long disappeared as you walk along the stone path past the large gates and into your home. 
“I’m home,” you mutter as you slip off your shoes in the foyer, placing it against the raised platform leading to the rest of home (facing towards the door).
A smile graces your face at the sound of soft pattering of hurried footsteps. Stepping onto the raised flooring, you’re welcomed by a small body leaping up into your arms. You giggle at the little boy, dressed in the onmyoji white garments. 
“You look disgusting.”
You snap your head up to the male, also wearing the same clothes, standing at the doorway. 
“It was just a small scuffle, onii-san,” You grin cheekily with a small bow that he mirrors. 
Shuji, the eldest, snorts while Kou, the youngest, beams up at you. 
“Nee-san, good work as always!” 
“Thank you Kou-kun,” You smile down at the boy as he separates from you. 
The stark difference between your two brothers is amazing, but you wouldn’t want them any other way. Kou always seemed to look at you with starry eyes, amazed by your skills. Shuji was a tough love. He was the doting big brother that didn’t like the idea of you taking after the family business, but at the very least you were able to defend yourself from yokai. It was more of protective older brother things. 
The next night, you find yourself in the conbini you had meant to raid for pork buns. Humming joyfully to yourself as the worker puts your order into a brown paper bag, you don’t notice the wobbly lady whose body is stretched and bulging in different places that are hidden under her massive coat. 
To others, she might’ve looked like a city-folk with her prim hair-do and manicured nails. All the way out here in Hyogo, however, she definitely looked out of place slithering into a small conbini like so. 
“Men...” She shudders in delight, tilting her head up while her eyes stare down at the other customers in the store. 
You don’t cast her too much of a second glance as you pay for your pork buns. The curious thought of what  someone like her was doing over here in the countryside crosses your mind, but you ignore her anyway. 
Shouts arise as a male customer walks past her to leave, and with a flick of her arm, his head comes clean off and sprouting with blood. A woman shrieks in surprise as the body drops to the floor, motionless.
Head snapping towards the commotion, you gawk as her arm stretches, hand seizing the poor cashier by his neck. Retracting, his body is flown across the mart and towards the entrance. The woman makes a display of shoving her nose into the back of his hair before exhaling loudly with content.
“Mm simply exquisite! Much more refine than the city!” She bellows as the nails on her other hand dig into his arm. The man is kicking the air frantically, screaming in pain as he claws at her hand crushing his neck. Ripping off skin and heavy strands of muscle from his forearm, as easy as if he was made of string cheese, she nearly releases a salacious moan before devouring it. Disgust churns in your stomach at the obnoxious smack of her lips and loud chewing. 
“Fuck,” you curse as the other customers cower and take the cashier’s sacrifice as a distraction to run outside to safety. They trip over each other, forcing themselves through the small opening the sliding door can allow. 
The woman’s mouth widens, incredibly so, to swallow the cashier in one gulp (his pleas muted once her mouth closes around the remnant of his shoe. She ignores your presence and turns to exit the shop, in favor of the men that had run outside. Her arms stretch like rubber, flinging around like a lasso, and latch onto their heads like gum. 
With a flick of your wrist, a talisman appears in your hand. Heading outside as well, the paper burns brightly with a familiarly pale yellow aura before extending and materializing into a large wooden bow. It was a long bow, similar to the length and style of the traditional bamboo of the hankyu bow, appearing like the branch of a tree.
“Stop!” You call out after her, straightening out your bow arm and aiming it steadily in the path of a fleeing customer. Reaching toward the arrow rest, with your index and middle finger extended, you carefully draw back as you trace the materialization of an arrow shrouded in bright aura until you reach your lower face. Taking in a deep breath, shoulders falling lax as you follow the path of her whip-like arm. You release just before she can snag his head, causing the arm to sever at the point of contact. 
She shouts, the remains of her arm spewing with dark blood as her eyes turn towards you.
“You... You’re one of them!” She growls, “I’ll make sure to savor you, cute little onmyoji! Ripping your skin off, then each muscle one by one!” 
Quick drawing, the arrow is much smaller this time as you release it at her, but she dodges easily. 
“That puny little arrow won’t work on me!” 
Your eyes widen as her body splits; a dark body, covered in mouths with shark-like teeth, emerging and taking over her human-like form. More arms sprout from this form, mouths wide and baring their teeth at you. 
What was a yokai like this doing in Hyogo? 
Her arms flail, a large hand with a snarling mouth set in the middle of its palm comes hurtling straight at you. 
Flicking both of your wrists, one contains multiple talismans and the other a single one. Shooting them in front of you, they stick to an invisible barrier, creating a temporary shield that receives the brunt of the attack. The other takes shape into your halberd. 
With a wrist roll of the long pole, spinning it over the back of your hand before catching it, you hold it with two hands to block the heavy hit from the side that the paper barrier isn’t protecting you from. Fire suddenly burns through your body, pushing you forward and off balance as an attack from behind knocks you over. 
You groan as you hit the pavement hard, the razor-like teeth tearing into your left thigh and another at your torso. 
Blood. Blood. So much blood. You think hazily, head spinning from the large wounds. 
Were you really about to become fodder to this thing? 
Her giggles are high-pitched and chilling, voice no longer sounding human-like. Transformed, her body slithers like a snail, appendages grabbing blindly at the ground to propel her towards you.
“You had a little kick to you, spunky, I like it. I love it when they struggle y’know?” The woman laughs as you grip a talisman in your hand, reaching out to stick her with it. 
“Onmyojutsu is really something,” She hums, one limb whipping onto your wrist, a mouth open to bite into your arm.
You cry out, tears springing to your eyes as you blink away in attempt to focus your gaze on her. 
“Quite annoying, but it makes killing my prey a little less... boring.”
With a shaky breath, you wonder if maybe this was really it. Shuji and Kou come to your mind, wishing you could have one more moment to express how much you loved your brothers.
Until the pain on your wrist is gone. The burning ache in your leg and mid-section continues, but you have just enough energy to make out the figure that slices the woman in numerous sections before she dissipates into miasma. 
Eyes, irises just as fiery as the pain shooting through your body, are all you remember as you feel your body being lifted. A soft voice chastises you to stay awake for a while longer but you protest weakly until you slip under. 
You don’t know how long you were out, but you come to with a raging headache, head throbbing wildly as you sit up. If not for the dull ache in your left thigh and the right side of your midsection, you would have been happy to forget the fight against the Akujo Nokaze. 
Glancing around through the throbbing of your temple, you huff in attempt to calm your unbalance from sitting up too quickly. Tatami and shoji surround you, and you almost believe you’re back home at the estate, but you can sense the heavy amount of fear around you. The building is nearly drenched in the aura that exudes from yokai. 
You had been lying down on the tatami, head once resting on stacked seat cushions in an attempt to make a pillow, and a familiar maroon jacket resting over your body. Squinting down at the fabric, you recognize the characters that spell out Inarizaki High School on the backside. 
Then you remember your savior, those glowing eyes. 
“Looks like you’re awake,” a calm voice surmises along with the soft slide of the shoji door scraping open and close. 
Oh. This jacket, you piece together now as you look up to the captain of your school’s volleyball club. 
Kita Shinsuke, third year from class seven, dressed graciously in an aegean blue yukata, with a haori (a more cloudy shade) resting over his shoulders. You’d only seen him a few times in passing, walking to the conbini with a few of his rowdy teammates, or that one practice match your friend had dragged you to in order to gush over the infamous Miya twins. He was only put into the match once or twice, but you found something quite admirable about the tenacity his ability to pick up seemingly strong spikes or screwed plays. 
What was he doing here? Dressed like he was ready to attend a fireworks festival. Was this his jacket? 
Then your eyes focused on the perked ears that sit atop his silver hair, a fluffy tail swishing back and forth behind him. 
“Don’t panic—”
Sucking in a breath, you whip out a talisman. The parchment taking the shape of your bow, aimed directly at him.
“That’s not a good idea (L/n)-san,” Kita says firmly, a tone similar to one he uses when chastising the boys, “The yokai outside will sense your onmyojutsu from a mile away, even worse they’ve already caught wind of your blood.”
“Put it away.”
He doesn’t falter in his stare down, gazing into your eyes without waver. It’s not until they flash a dangerous golden hue before you finally let the bow dissipate into thin air. Nodding in thanks, he takes a step further into the room but senses your stiffness.
“You’re a yokai too?” You say defensively, fingers gripping tightly at the jacket covering your lap. It made your chest hurt. He was deceiving his team, the whole school. Was he planning on preying on the entire student body? Was he going to pluck each student one by one, and devour them until he had to move onto a new feeding ground? 
What were you doing abiding by his orders? 
All yokai are evil, the cold and hardened voices of your father and Shuji echo in your ears like ice cold water in attempt to bring you back to your senses, any and every encounter with them must end in exterminating the darkness.
“I can hear your heart racing, just relax, I won’t hurt you.”
You glare at him, holding out your hand with a talisman clutched in between your thumb and index, “You’re lying! All yokai are evil and deceitful!” 
“I’m not, I swear,” He says with his hands up to show innocence, “I won’t try anything.”
Biting your lip, you relent and put it away, and he does well to stay rooted to his spot, so not to get a rise out of you again. 
“Where am I?”
“The yokai district,” He answers simply.
Your heart beats faster. No wonder you can feel such heavy amount of aura around you, so palpable you could cut through it with your halberd. You’ve never felt so thick of fear that you nearly felt overwhelmed, fingers near shaking as you grip tighter to the maroon material. 
“Did you take me here?”
Kita lifts a finger, noting the way you tense, to point at your leg, “If I didn’t act sooner, you would have bled out from the Akujo Nokaze. Although forgive me for my actions I had to take to heal you..”
Blinking, you don’t quite understand what he means by his apology as you lift the jacket to gawk at your healed leg. There’s no mark left, no wound, only the slight discoloration from your blood. Your arm has no indication of her last attack. He turns his head away as you lift your uniform top to stare down at your healed torso. 
Heat crawls up your neck, settling in the apples of your cheeks, as you whimper with an especially painful throb of your headache. 
“You don’t mean...”
“It’s a secret,” He says with a more teasing lilt to his voice, the subtle quirk of his lips a contrast to the faint shade of red that blooms at the tips of his ears when he continues to look away from your exposed waist.
You respect that, despite his recently discovered identity as a yokai. 
“I could’ve treated it at home, you know,” You frown, shoving the material back down.
The male shakes his head, “Please, onmyojutsu can do more destructively than healing.”
That didn’t mean he had to take it upon himself to— you stop yourself from the perverse image of Kita kneeling over your body. Face burning at the thought of his digits brushing over your thigh before his tongue— you slap your hands over your face, releasing a strangled groan to his confusion. 
Although, your flustered expression is tell-tale of what you must’ve been thinking about and he too flushes at the memory of your precarious position an hour ago. 
“I think I’ve stayed long enough,” You finally manage, although clutching your head at the continuous onslaught of your headache.
“At least stay until your fever goes down,” Kita offers, he turns away to leave the room, not before casting a glance back at you, “Just sit tight, I’ll bring some porridge for you.”
The sharp glance could have been translated as: don’t cause any trouble or just try to escape. You nod vigorously in response. 
The shoji shuts with finality and you let yourself relax. His fear was intense, daring you to try something. Someone as powerful as that was not something you could try and exorcise yourself. It never changed the fact that he did save you, but he was a yokai. Not only that, he was a kitsune, known to be malevolent and conniving. They were infamously known to play pranks and deceive others. 
Your chest twisted again at the thought. The captain of the volleyball club, someone known to be perfect and confident. He didn’t seem like the type to bring misfortune and death upon Inarizaki. Were you to report him to your family, and have Shuji or your father exorcise him? 
He saved you though... the thought continues to tug at your mind.
When he returns with porridge and a glass of water, he makes sure to stay a safe distance away given your continued caution. 
“If you’re thinking about exorcising me, you won’t win,” His blunt voice cuts through the silence like a blade, causing you to flinch. It wasn’t even meant as a bluff or to look down on you, he was confident and merely stating the fact that he was stronger than you. 
You don’t answer, but continue to eat and hydrate yourself with a troubled pout that juts out your lips and strews your brows together. 
Cute, he thinks, tail swishing behind him jovially. 
“Shall I take you home now?” 
Your fever calms, headache reduced now, as you blink up at him in surprise. A chuckle bubbles from his lips surprisingly, the sound not entirely unwelcome to your ears, it’s almost adorable. 
“Don’t look so defensive, I won’t try anything, we’ll just take a small scenic route.”
“Small?” You repeat as he motions you to follow him out the door. 
“Put on my jacket, you’ll need it,” He says, ignoring your questioning glance as you leave what seemed to be a private room. You gulp, hesitantly slipping your arms through the track jacket before following after him.
The fox leads you down the hallway of more rooms, laughter and raucous voices to be heard from within some. You both enter the main dining room of the restaurant, filled with yokai both human-like and not so human-like seated at the arrangement of low tables. They were boisterous, drinking from mugs of beer and porcelain ochoko (you wondered how the tiny cup didn’t shatter under their grip). Delicious looking food was served to their tables, making your belly rumble at the smell of it. 
You catch the glimpse of a grey-haired cook in the kitchen, similar fox ears sitting atop his head like Kita’s. Was that...?
“Come on, they’ll smell you if you linger.”
Biting your lip, you turn away from the cook, who looks back at your retreating figure with a knowing smirk. The host is equally as familiar, but Kita swiftly leads you outside the restaurant and further down the alleyway. 
“Are you planning on disposing of me now that I know your secret?” You gulp as the lights of the restaurant seem to dim now that you’re further away. 
He laughs, “I would’ve eaten you as soon as I finished off the Nokaze, if not then, then when I’d gotten a taste of your blood.”
You shut your mouth, cheeks burning as he smiles slightly at your reaction. 
“I said I was gonna take you home, no?” 
With no more complaints on your part, he places two fingers partly in his mouth, producing a shrill whistle that summons a large snake yokai, with a bushy mane around its head, to come flying.
“O-oh my Gods, oh no, I don’t think I could,” You squeak as he holds out a hand towards you. 
“Not all yokai are dangerous, (L/n)-san, trust me.”
Did you trust him? The thought still weighing down in your mind. You didn’t think about it then, but you realize he knows your name, even without having actually met you before.
He turns to you with a beckoning glance, smiling patiently and kindly, coaxing you to put your trust in him.
This was going against every moral taught to you ever since you began training to become an onmyoji, but against your inhibitions, you took his hand. It was warm, searing almost, against your fingertips. He saved you, kept you from death’s door, and never harmed you throughout your time spent in the yokai district. Maybe he was right.
With no effort, he lifted you onto back of the snake demon. Muttering a small apology, hands on your hips in order to lift you up. He joins you, hopping on behind you in a comfortable cross-legged position. 
“Is dropping you off at the school alright?” 
You nod, sucking in a breath when the snake rises into the sky, just meters above the tops of the buildings. Not expecting the height, you gasp and reach to hold on to the snake, but there’s no reigns or handles.
“Careful, you’ll fall,” Kita’s voice whispers from behind, an arm settling around your waist to secure you against his chest. 
Nodding mutely, you purse your lips in attempt to silently will away your definite consciousness of his warmth spreading across your backside. He didn’t seem all that bothered by the proximity, but you guessed after having to heal your wounds in rather intimate locations, he wasn’t all that embarrassed around you now. Still, it was unbeknownst to you, his ears burning as he focuses his gaze on the buildings below. 
Who knew the ever confident captain of Inarizaki could act so coy, almost as though he wasn’t exactly sure of his own actions for once.
“It’s quite pretty,” you comment finally, awestruck by the view of your hometown from a higher point of view. Hyogo was not as entirely modern as other places in Japan, but you enjoyed the simplicity and the traditional aesthetic of your part of the prefecture as opposed to other districts like Kobe. 
“Mm,” he makes a noise of agreement, “I like to take strolls like this from time to time. The view never gets old.”
Admittedly, he quite enjoyed the view with your addition, eyes cherishing your own, wide and sparkling with curiosity at the view above and below. 
You glance up at him, heart skipping a beat at the way the wind sifts through his hair. Kita Shinsuke was admittedly very handsome, his expression serene as he turns his attention to watch the minuscule specks of light scattered across the dark sky above you three. Ignoring the prominent fox ears, he was still appeared to be that normal high school boy you saw. He still exuded that same air of confidence around him, holding himself up just like how he displayed every instance you saw him in passing. 
How was he able to live like a normal human and yet still very much be a potentially dangerous yokai? Was that possible?
You sensed no killing intent, no indication of malice or the like. Why? When you’ve been constantly told that ayakashi were the enemy.
“I see...” 
He looks down at you, noticing the troubled look in your expression, quirking a small smile in response, “Surprised? The onmyoji like to spread that us yokai are monsters and only live to wreak terror among humans. Some of us had once been humans before, you know?”
Chuckling at your questioning look, he shakes his head, “I was a born yokai, although I know a few who have had to suffer and became apparitions like us.”
“I cannot speak for the ones who do prey on humans and seek to harm them, but we too only mean to exist peacefully. Just like humans, we work and eat and have our own families. I go to school with you, do I not?”
He doesn’t wait for a reply, releasing you from his hold as the snake lowers to the school courtyard. Once landed, or at least hovering just above the ground, he slips off first before offering you a hand. 
You can’t place a finger on the feeling; you’re not quite sure why you feel slightly disappointed to end your time with the kitsune so soon. 
“Are you okay from here, or should I see you home?” Kita asks after you bow in thanks. 
“I can handle myself, thank you very much!” You glare at him weakly with an adorable pout to pair with.
He raises a brow, “It wouldn’t be very gentleman-like if I were to allow you to walk home alone...”
Flushing, you turn away with a rushed good bye, muttering about how it’d be a problem if your clan sensed him accompanying you home. 
Watching as you leave school grounds, his lips quirk slightly before patting the snake yokai and hopping back on to head back to the restaurant.
You were still wearing his jacket. 
“Good work today,” Shuji says when you meet him at the foyer. 
It was later than usual, you didn’t anticipate just how long you had stayed in the yokai district with Kita, nor how long your scenic flight took. Kou must’ve been asleep by now, given it was still a school night. 
“I’m back,” You reply with a tight lipped smile. A part of you felt guilty. Kita was a yokai, a being you were taught to treat with no mercy, but you let him run free. It was true, his fear was immense, probably enough to easily overpower you, but it didn’t change the fact that he still treated you kindly. It was as if he wasn’t capable of snapping your neck with just a flick of his wrist, as if you weren’t able to exorcise him. He was kind and patient, and wanted to show you that just like him - yokai can be civil and walk alongside humans. His last statement stuck with you: just like humans, we work and eat and have our own families. Were you all just indiscriminately killing possibly innocent ayakashi who had their own families to go home too?
That was just not how your family saw it. Shuji despised them, just like your father, just like the rest of the clan. They would laugh and punish you for such radical thinking. 
“You reek of blood,” His nose scrunches when you pass by to enter the house. His eyes focus on the particular garment you’re wearing, one he’s never seen you wear before. 
“I had another little scuffle,” You reply, scratching your cheek meekly with your pointer, “A huge one from the city I presume.”
He doesn’t question it, but you can most definitely see the imaginary cogs turning in his brain. You had almost forgotten to give back Kita’s jacket, and he must’ve sensed the remains of the fox’s aura lingering on the material. 
Returning to your room before he can ask about it, you’re not sure what to make of it. Pulling the jacket tighter around you, you feel almost shameless as you sniff the remains of Kita’s scent on the material. It smells like the early morning dew that clings to the blades of grass, and a hint of something citrus like disinfectant. 
It’s soothing.
Come the next morning, Kita’s only half expecting it when you rush into his class during break, calling out his name. Gaining the watchful eyes of his lingering classmates when you sit in the seat in front of him, his teammate occupying the one beside him, Omimi, casts a wary glance your way as other students whisper in question of your identity. 
What was a second year just randomly waltzing up to the captain of their volleyball club doing? Not only that, he watches with wide eyes when you present a paper bag with Kita’s washed jacket. 
“Do you need somethin’?” the silver-haired boy asks after putting away the paper bag with a grateful nod, unwrapping his bento that his grandmother had lovingly made that morning. 
“I decided to keep an eye on you,” You declare with a confident smile, one that his teammate looks to him with a confused glance. 
“What for?” He beckons you to continue, saying thanks for the meal before digging in. 
“I’m just making sure you don’t try to eat anyone.”
Omimi nearly chokes on his spit. 
“Shinsuke, she...”
The boy simply nods at the implication but doesn’t say anything else. 
You make it a habit to eat lunch with the two as much as you can, with the premise that you were making sure he wouldn’t do anything heinous. 
Perhaps you were starting to look forward to lunch with Kita. He too had also began expecting you to come running into the classroom with your own bento clutched in your arms.
You had slowly become a norm in his daily life and he wasn’t complaining.
He didn’t speak much, but he listened to you prattle about school and your friends being suspicious of your sudden absence at lunch break. He gave input here and there, sometimes throwing in a teasing comment that catches you off guard every time. It even surprises Omimi to see you two getting along, especially when the captain had explained the situation to him after the first time you had barged into the classroom. 
It had to be impossible to have a yokai and an onmyoji getting along like so, even if you did threaten to exorcise him when he teased you a little too far. There were only a few figures in history who held friendly relations with ayakashi in the past. The hatred between the two groups were still much more prevalent despite that.
Could it be, he thought as Kita chuckles at your flustered expression, there was something more to this than friendly banter and such?
It was only inevitable that the rest of the team would catch wind of this... friendship. Not that Osamu and Atsumu shut up about the whole ordeal at practice after Kita had brought you to the restaurant the first time. They teased relentlessly him about bringing a girl, a human girl, into the yokai district, nearly going into details of healing your wounds until he shut them up with a scathing look. 
“Why do you still put up with her when she could possibly exorcise you, or all of us even?” Aran asks as they gather their things, at the end of practice, in the clubroom. 
The captain pauses what he’s doing to appraise his friend’s troubled frown. 
“She won’t. She’s strong but she has a good heart.”
He ducks his head to continue packing his things, but the blush that rises on the skin of his cheeks and the tips of his ears are evident to the other. It’s quite endearing to the team to see their captain appear so smitten. To an onmyoji descendant nonetheless. 
Leaving the clubroom, he greets you outside the gates, as if expecting you to be waiting for him. You always whistle nervously, playing off that you didn’t want him preying on any straggler students still left at school.
“Darn, you got me (L/n)-san, should I just eat you up instead for foiling my plans?”
He enjoys the fluster that always crosses your expression, stammering out as his team watches in mild surprise at the interaction. 
When you do wait for him, he takes it upon himself to walk you home. In spite of your worries of alerting your family, he pushes the limit and usually drops you off a block before, watching as you disappear around the corner before he heads home or to the district. 
“You like her?” Akagi asks during break of their practice, nursing his water bottle while dabbing a towel at the sweat dripping from his forehead. The libero glances at his captain’s expression, not at all expecting the suppressed smile that threatens to break across his face. 
“She’s... special,” Kita affirms. 
“Special, as in a crush?” Atsumu cuts in with a wiggle of his eyebrows, “Please Kita-san, Suna’s been simpin’ over the girl in his class for the longest time, ya can’t fool us by callin’ her something as vague as special.” 
The mentioned middle blocker chucks his towel at the setter in response, much to the amusement of the rest of the team.
“I’m... not quite sure,” He admits, although he couldn’t ignore the way he felt at ease being around you. The days you didn’t walk home with him or eat lunch with him and Omimi, they felt empty or he felt concerned even for your absence. When you smiled or laughed at something or grew shy at his teasing, he felt his chest swell and flutter. He wanted to see more, he wanted to see every kind of expression you had to offer. Your ups and downs, absolute mirth making your eyes appear warm as they crinkle with delight, the determination burning in your eyes when you had faced the Nokazu, the doe eyed and flustered gawking when he pushes his luck and touches you in some chaste way. He wanted more. Unlike himself, you were able to express emotions so explicitly, it amazed him.
Did this mean he liked her? Well, of course he liked her, otherwise he wouldn’t enjoy her company the way he did. 
Were they referring to his feelings as romantic? Was that what this was? 
Did you feel the same way he did? Could he read the small glances exchanged between you both, the cute little bashful expressions, the pain in his chest, all of these small instances as something akin to being romantically infatuated with you, and you to him in return?
“Who was that?”
You stiffen when you enter your home after another walk home with Kita. He’d invited you to watch one of their practice matches before accompanying you home, despite your usual banter about his plotting to kill you or his inability to allow you to walk home alone.
Shuji stands, leaning in the doorway like usual, his arms crossed over his chest. Narrowed eyes watch as you swat your hand in dismissal, timidly calling the boy your friend that lives on the way home. 
You don’t think much of it, hoping that your elder brother won’t try to question Kita’s identity any further. You almost forget about it even, lost in the beauty of the fox’s glimmering coral glow, the calming bubble of a chuckle that rises from his throat, that serene smile that could sate any fears you had. Not sure when it had started, you always feel like you’d swallowed a whole cage of butterflies. In your chest, your heart seems to flip and twist as your face grows hotter. Walking home, side by side, almost always entails your hands brushing against one another, causing you both to look away timidly. 
Perhaps you couldn’t keep deluding yourself into thinking you were hanging around him (and his team after finding out about their true identities, when Atsumu cornered you after class one day) just to keep an eye on his actions. When did you start to enjoy being around him and experiencing more than his outward bluntness and blank gazes? Smiles seemed to grace his lips more often than not when he was with you, surprising much of his team when he spotted you in the second floor viewing balcony. You adored each and every one of his smiles, even if they were all subtle and almost unnoticeable. Or possibly the storm of emotions that raged in his eyes. If not for his usually monotonous tone or blank expression, you always adored the way his eyes were the window into his emotions. They crinkled similarly when happy, burned with a flash of warning gold when irritated or upset, and even grew murky when tired and having a bad day. Although the last one was rare, you enjoyed this side of Kita Shinsuke that no one knew of. 
No one could experience him the way you did when he took you on more strolls on the snake yokai, soaring the skies or travelling to the coast of Hiyoriyama or the Hattan falls where you both watched the moonlight shine brilliantly over the reflective surface of the water.
When you both stop at the usual spot, a block away from the estate, he doesn’t say anything at first. Pursing his lips before catching your curious gaze.
“Listen, (L/n)-san,” He starts, but his eyes focus behind you and his voice cuts off to your confusion.
Turning around, your chest tightens in dread to see your older brother standing there. He glares coldly at the boy in front of you, hatred and disgust almost rolling off of him in palpable waves. 
“Shut up and step away from him, he’s been deceiving you this whole time,” Shuji snaps, eyes never leaving Kita’s, “Get away from him, his fear is way too powerful for you (F/n).”
“Your brother?” the fox mutters to you in questioning. 
You nod in trepidation, gulping as your brother demands you step away again. 
“Onii-san, he’s not dangerous I swear!”
“He’s lying to you!” He snarls this time, “He’s a deceitful fox!” 
“I know that!” You stammer, but still take steps to approach him in hopes of calming him down, “Please, he’s not like that, he saved me a while back!”
“Bullshit, yokai are evil, I thought you knew that by now,” He grits, fury burning in his eyes as he shoves you to the side and out of his way. You yelp as you nearly lose balance and stumble to catch yourself. “If you knew this whole time and said nothing, you’re a fucking disgrace,” the elder says with a deep frown at your choices, words cutting through you like glass, “Letting this monster continue to live and run around, neglecting your duties.”
Your eyes widen as he summons his shikigami, the glowing apparitions of twin wolves made up of dark blue aura. 
“No!” You shout as Kita’s tails and ears sprout from their respective places, eyes glowing that fiery hue as palm opens upward, igniting a volleyball-sized foxfire. The flame flickers a marine hue as he brings his arm back, towards his chest, and shoots the flame to the ground in front of the wolves. They, however, jump through the blaze and continue their haste towards him without waver. 
Launching multiple palm-sized parchments, they flatten and create a barrier in front of Kita as the shikigami converge on him, slamming into the shield with sparks flying from the impact. 
“Stop being stupid (F/n)!” Shuji growls, stomping over and grabbing you roughly by the collar.
You glare back at him, gripping his hand twisting into your uniform top. 
“I’m not! I like him a lot, and I won’t allow you to hurt him!”
“Stop with this bull crap!” Shuji roars, beyond irritated by your sudden confession. 
Kita’s eyes flare wildly at your ousted feelings, focusing on the desperation in your eyes as your brother throws you down once again. You weren’t in any danger like before, but it didn’t sit well with him for you to be treated like that. 
In a flash, he picks you up with ease, slipping his arms under your back and knees. Stepping firmly down, he spins over his shoulder to send Shuji flying backwards with a back kick. The latter is quick to protect himself with a single talisman, although not able to stop himself from being pushed backwards. 
“Get away from her,” The elder grits through clenched teeth. 
Kita swiftly dodges an attack of his wolves, lunging to the side to set you down gently. You reach towards him worriedly, but he shakes his head.
“Don’t worry, just sit tight here, okay?” He reassures with a good natured smile, brushing the backs of his fingers across your cheek affectionately. The action is sudden, making your stomach erupt into a fit of butterflies, as his eyes flash gold before he turns around to face the older male.
“Why don’t we calm down, there was no reason for you to berate and hurt your sister like that,” the kitsune says levely as he stands across from the elder, both standing tensely in case the other attacked suddenly. His eyes, however, contrast the patience in his voice and burn brightly intune with his inner emotions.
“Cut the crap, I can’t believe you blinded her into thinking that you monsters could be anything but evil,” Shuji snaps, “I’ll have your head and take the liberty of exorcising garbage like you myself!”
Kita dodges, shifting on his feet easily and slipping away from narrowly getting swiped by the shikigami. The wolf-like apparitions growl and snap at him viciously, unwavering in their attacks. Without his sword, he was left with his extended claws, diving into a roll before slashing at one and causing it to disappear in a cloud of smoke. 
His jaw clenches as Shuji appears through the smoke screen, a short blade in his right hand. Brandishing the blade, the onmyoji attempts a slash downward but the fox catches the blade. The sharp end bites into his palm, blood dripping down his forearm. 
“Kita-san!” You call out, but he doesn’t make any sign of acknowledgement.
Stepping forward into your brother, he drives his elbow upward, stopping before Shuji’s own, then retracting his arm and instead driving it into the other’s solar plexus. The elder’s mouth widens, gasping as oxygen forces its way out of his lungs all at once. 
He nearly folds, sucking in a sharp breath but Kita is relentless. Pressing his palm into Ryuji’s neck briefly, he then drags his hand down and twisted ihs claws into the material of his overshirt. 
Easily, the fox subdues the other. With Shuji on the ground, further winded from being slammed into the pavement that had caused a small crater from the impact, he glares up at Kita kneeling above him. Keeping an elbow settled over his sternum, he holds up his hand teeming with tendrils of his foxfire. 
“Do it, kill me now,” Ryuji wheezes under the slight pressure on his chest, “I’m a disgrace to the clan if you allow me to continue to live.’
“What a shame then, I don’t crave killing like you think we monsters do,” Kita says as he retracts his arm and stands above him ,”I think you’re deeply mistaken by my intentions, or the intentions of many other yokai that don’t feed on humans.”
“I care about (L/n)-san,” He declares, ears tinging pink at his boldness. Even he, the most blunt person on his team, wouldn’t have expected this kind of confession to come out of him, “I could never harm her, nor would I want to when she’s someone important to me.”
“That’s hard to believe,” Shuji clicks his tongue, although hesitantly accepting the hand held out to him to help him stand. 
“Please believe him!” You interject (although blushing at Kita’s own confession), helping to hold your brother up as he calms his breathing, “He saved me from being eaten by the Akujo Nokaze and showed me that not all yokai are evil as Father says they are. Please believe him!”
“You know Father won’t be happy about this,” Shuji says after relenting in his hardened glare. Placing a gentle hand over your head, an action he’s never done before, you gaze up at him as his eyes look back at you with a certain sense of adoration. 
“I’ll take responsibility,” You assure him firmly, “I’ll show him that yokai can coexist with us peacefully, save for the ones that we should exorcise of course.”
You help Ryuji back to the household before you immediately return to Kita waiting outside for you. He smiles warmly as you jump him with a hug around his middle. A surprising development, given you both were too shy to brush hands when walking together.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that!”
“Not at all, I apologize as well if I went too far...”
You shake your head vigorously, “No! In fact, it’s amazing how much control you have! You could’ve broken his arm or something, but you really taught him a lesson and I’m grateful!” 
“I don’t think showing my strength will convince your brother that I’m harmless...” Kita chuckles softly as you two part from your brief hug. You quickly grow conscious of your lack of distance and step away, looking down at your feet shyly. 
He clears his throat to catch your attention, looking you straight in the eyes this time, with those gorgeous coral irises, “If I may ask... did you mean what you said earlier? That you like me?”
Your face flushes at the memory. It was the spur of the moment, but you’d blurted it out in an effort to make your brother stand down. 
“If I said I meant it...”
“Mm I suppose the feeling is mutual then,” he whispers under his breath, but loud and clear to your burning ears as he reaches over to brush his fingertips over your cheek like before. There was something predatory about his gaze, his ears still perked above his head and his tail wagging in contentment, it felt like he could eat you whole right then and there. Eyes gleaming down at you, you felt like a rabbit caught underneath the paw of a fox. 
“Wha... you don’t mean...!”
“Or should I keep this one a secret too?” He teases, although his voice is low and almost daring you run away or defy him.
You shake your head vigorously as he chuckles. Letting his hand fall, his fingers tangle with yours, watching greedily at the bashful way you stare down at your linked hands before gazing up at him in confusion.
“Have time? Let’s go on a stroll then, shall we?”
How sly of you Kita Shinsuke, you think as you smile and let him whisk you away.
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bumble-weeb · 4 years
Iwaizumi’s seen Oikawa cry hundreds of times over the years.
From scraped knees to broken toys as a child, to lost volleyball matches and break-ups as a teenager, Iwaizumi has been there. He’d witness Oikawa’s face scrunch up unpleasantly, just before his eyes would swell with tears. Oikawa was an ugly crier, always sobbing loud enough to wake the dead and leaking enough snot to warrant an entire box of tissues.
Iwaizumi would tell him to stop being so noisy, wipe away what tears and snot Oikawa would allow before swatting him away, and just sit beside him until the sobs eventually slowed into pitiful sniffles. Even if it took hours, when Oikawa calmed down enough to steady his breathing and finally look over to Iwaizumi, it was always worth it. Oikawa’s rare, bashful smile would always be worth it.
But right now, Iwaizumi doesn’t know what to do.
He’s standing beside the sand box where he and Oikawa first met as kids, wearing only plaid sleeping pants and an inside-out university sweater because his idiot best friend sent him a dozen texts asking him to meet him at the neighborhood park straight away, despite it being almost two in the morning. After years of experience with Oikawa’s sudden late-night adventures, Iwaizumi expected something along the lines of a trip to the 24/7 conbini to satisfy his friend’s recent craving for fried chicken and strawberry mochi. What he definitely hadn’t expected was a confession.
Oikawa’s only a few feet away, in his favorite pair of alien pajamas and a black jacket, a vulnerability in his eyes that Iwaizumi hasn’t seen in years; not since he’d injured his knee. He’s clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides, a sign of his nerves.
“I’m in love with you,” Oikawa repeats, voice trembling.
“Oikawa,” Iwaizumi manages, and that’s all that comes out. He knows what he wants to say, he just doesn’t know how to say it. This moment feels too big. He wasn’t prepared for this at all.
Oikawa visibly swallows after a few moments of nothing more than silence, his long lashes fluttering closed as he his lips part to inhale a deep lungful of autumn air. He opens his eyes and smiles, but it’s so completely wrong that Iwaizumi’s stomach drops. The usual tell of oncoming tears was always the scrunching of his nose, but tonight Oikawa’s eyes just gleam brighter and brighter under the moonlight, until the tears slip down his cheeks and drip from his jaw. There’s no sobbing, no mess of snot, no ugly expression.
This is a pain that Iwaizumi’s never seen in him before, and it’s all his fault.
Panic rises in him and he opens his mouth to say something, to fix this, but Oikawa cuts him off.
“It’s okay, silly Iwa-chan,” he continues to smile, sounding anything but okay. “No need to look so disgusted, it was just a joke. As if Oikawa-san would want a brute like you for his boyfriend.”
Iwaizumi stiffens. The lie is so painfully absurd he wants to reach out and smack the idiot upside the head, and then pull him close and never let go. He steps forward, hoping that whatever expression he was wearing that made Oikawa think he was disgusted is gone. His stomach drops again when Oikawa steps back, keeping his distance.
I’m fucking up. I’m fucking this all up, Iwaizumi thinks and grits his teeth. Just say something!
“Too bad, Shittykawa, because I want to be your stupid boyfriend!”
Iwaizumi regrets it instantly, his face and neck heating up in embarrassment.
Oikawa’s mouth falls open in surprise.
“Let me… let me try that again,” Iwaizumi covers his face with one hand to hide his deepening flush. “I thought you called me out here to do something stupid, like you always do on our last night of a break. I didn’t expect you to confess.”
He’s met with silence and he’s too nervous to pull his hand away.
“Before you left for university, you told me that you were going to spend the next four years training for a spot on the national team. You said that you couldn’t spare the time for anything else, not when your dream was the closest it’d ever been.”
“That didn’t include you,” Oikawa’s voice sounds so small. “Iwa-chan has always been the exception.”
Iwaizumi lowers his hand, his gaze falling onto Oikawa’s crying face. It’s the one he recognizes, scrunched up and covered in snot, so familiar that Iwaizumi’s nerves melt into a warmth that settles in his chest. He loves this man so much, even with his stupid bedhead and his lame space pajamas.
“I didn’t respond to you right away because I didn’t know how to. It sounds dumb, but I thought I’d be the one confessing once you graduated and had a spot on the national team… I thought I would have the time to plan it out, make it this big thing that would make you cry and want to brag to Matsukawa and Hanamaki,” Iwaizumi reaches out to take Oikawa’s trembling hand in his own. “I’m sorry I hurt you, that wasn’t my intention.”
Oikawa’s sobbing now, the kind that will absolutely wake up everyone within a one-mile radius, so Iwaizumi laughs while pulling him close. He presses his fingers into soft, brown curls so Oikawa will take the hint and cry into his shoulder. He’s immediately wrapped up in long arms, dragged down to the ground under Oikawa’s weight until he’s on his knees. It’s an awkward position, but Iwaizumi doesn’t mind. He runs his palm over Oikawa’s hair, his neck, his shoulders.
“I-Iwa-chan is so mean,” Oikawa wails against Iwaizumi’s shoulder.
Iwaizumi continues petting him, trying to comfort him in a way he’s allowed to now.
“I know.”
Oikawa shifts back like he’s going to sit up, but not before using Iwaizumi’s sleeve to wipe off his face. If he weren’t so in love right now, Iwaizumi definitely would’ve shoved him to the ground for that.
“Iwa-chan,” Oikawa says softly, sniffling once to clear his nose. His hands hold onto the front of Iwaizumi’s inside-out sweater when he pulls back, as if afraid he’ll slip away. “Hajime.”
Iwaizumi’s jerks, eyes going wide. He hasn’t heard Oikawa call him that since grade school.
“Y-yeah,” he responds, like Oikawa’s a teacher calling attendance. It earns him a huff of laughter.
“Hajime, I love you,” Oikawa looks at him like he looks at his favorite constellations, like he looks at the scoreboard after a crushing victory. It’s overwhelming, but in an incredibly good way. “I don’t want to wait until graduation to be with you, I don’t want to wait until I’m on the national team. I’ve waited my entire life for you, please don’t make me wait any longer.”
Iwaizumi’s heart speeds up. His own hands move to cup Oikawa’s face, his thumbs brushing across the tinge of pink high on his cheek bones. He feels like an idiot for having thought this should wait. They’d been waiting for each other for a long time already, hadn’t they?
“I love you, too,” Iwaizumi confesses into the small space between them. “Tooru, can I be your stupid boyfriend?”
Oikawa laughs abruptly, his eyes crinkling in the corners. A stray tear slips down his cheek, but Iwaizumi wipes it away before he finds the courage to lean in. It’s just a gentle press of lips, more of a promise than an actual kiss, but it’s so warm that he finds it hard to pull away. Reluctantly, he puts space between them, but only enough to see his boyfriend’s face.
Oikawa’s eyes are shining like he might cry again, but his expression is soft and open. Noticing Iwaizumi’s intent gaze, his lips stretch into a small, bashful smile.
Ah. There it is, Iwaizumi grins, his fingers gripping onto the soft curls at the nape of Oikawa’s neck and tugging him close again.
When their lips meet the second time, it’s just as warm.
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pvtrefacere · 3 years
Large floodlights had replaced the sun, their florescence harder on the eyes and emitting a sickly greenish-yellow haze over Musutafu’s once bustling market district. Small clouds of moths flitted back and forth over the bulbs, casting eerie shadows that washed across the concrete, well traveled by packs of so-called ‘Heroes’ who patrolled to keep the residents safe and sound.
Dabi sat at the edge of a brick planter, shoveling lukewarm chili into his mouth from a battered can he’d heated up between his palms. His throat clicked dryly when he swallowed down his dinner, prompting his free hand to reach for his coat flask, gulping down the mixture of whiskey, kidney beans, and cheap ground beef. It wasn’t much, but better than cut green beans and military rations: dried jerky-like strips of inedible mystery meat soaked in a bland gravy.
He fired up the remaining few inches of a half-spent cigarette after the last mouthful of chili, tipping his head back as the smoke leaked from his parted lips in a curling, snake-like tendril.
The patchwork villain was mostly left alone, aside from the occasional shady passerby hocking a wad of spit onto the asphalt as they walked past. He didn’t need to meet their narrowed, steely eyes to tell what they were thinking- Nor did he rightly care anymore. Not strong enough to make a proper outcast out of him, they begrudgingly tolerated his presence. He was good with his Quirk, handy during a proper fight, and just that sliver of unpredictable enough that most didn’t try their luck against him with their fists alone.
Stamping out the embers of his dog-end beneath his boot heel, he pushed off of the bricktop and stretched both arms above his head. There was a sharp crack in his left shoulder from the motion, making him breathe out a wheezy and tired groan before rotating his arm the opposite way in a shallow semi-circle.
He wasn’t sure which of U.A.’s goons he might run into, but he didn’t rightly expect much of a difference in routine from the night before. It was a comforting kind of drudgery, no unexpected surprises and no sudden excitement to halt his plan.
The old man had left a message on the girl’s phone to meet him in the parking lot of conbini outside of campus, so Dabi took the geezer’s cellphone to keep up the ruse and sent texts to ensure that she was leaving. The blonde should have been arriving any moment now, so he kept the hood of his sweater tugged low across his face and adjusted his face mask to obscure the staples and scarring that would give his identity away. He just needed to get Akihito back to HQ without too much of a fuss.
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Easy, right?
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