#he seems to be a better person in mirrorverse
pumpkingeorge · 1 year
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Oogie and his (adopted) kids. Bonus:
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twisting-echo · 21 days
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Since Disney Mirrorverse is what got me to ship Belle and Sulley, I thought that I'd share my Disney Mirrorverse headcanons of their relationship.
Ok, before anyone gets hung up on the age gap, I just want to remind everyone that their age gap is exactly the same as Rapunzel and Eugene's eight-year gap because Rapunzel is on the cusp of eighteen and Eugene is twenty-six. I also headcanon Belle as twenty because Paige O'Hara said that she believed Belle to be in her early twenties, and that's what I believe too.
I used the Disney Emoji Blitz emojis of Belle and Sulley to fill out this template.
LINK TO TEMPLATE - My Ship in Five Minutes (Blank Template).
I know that the whole point of this template was to be short and sweet, but when I was filling out the graphs and the list, my head was filling and swirling with thoughts of them, so I'm going to talk about their relationship anyway because I love them too gosh-dang much!
– First to confess their feelings to the other: Belle was the first to confess her feelings for Sulley because he was almost killed by a Fractured Gaston, and she thought that she'd never see him again, so she confessed in a similar fashion to how she confessed love to Beast in the canon film.
– First to apologize after a fight: Sulley is more often the first to apologize because he hates confrontation, and honestly, anything he's learned from arguing with Mike is that it's better to get things over with sooner rather than later, so he applies this stance to his relationship with Belle.
– The more popular/charismatic: Both Belle and Sulley are well liked amongst their fellow guardians, but Sulley is the more charismatic one because he's genuinely a great guy with a good sense of humor and an easy person to get along with.
– The best caregiver when the other is sick: They're both the best caregiver because they're both nurturers at heart.
– Does the cooking: They both do the cooking because, when they both lived in their own universes, Belle did the cooking for her and her father, and Sulley did the cooking for him and Mike. 
– Does the housework: They both keep a clean home together. Imagine that scene from The Incredibles where Helen is vacuuming, and Bob lifts an entire couch with one hand. It's like that. Plus, Sulley is very good at dusting.
– Does the most speaking: It's Belle hands down. She likes to read to him, go over her favorite spells, and pretty much talk about anything with Sulley, and he just likes to listen. He especially likes to listen to her argue with Maleficent.
– The overprotective one: Sulley is the overprotective one because it is literally in his guardian title. He is the Fearsome Protector, it's who he is. The first thing he did was shield and protect Belle when they met, and not much has changed between them since that moment.
– Designated driver: If there were cars in Disney Mirrorverse, Sulley would be the designated driver, and Belle would happily call shotgun. (They both do drive their own race cars in Disney Speedstorm, though.)
– Has good penmanship: From all those years of reading those old story books with calligraphy in the titles, Belle's picked up a thing or two. 
– Has more experience with relationships: Belle didn't meet Beast in the Mirrorverse the same way she did in the canon film and didn't have any relationships prior to becoming a guardian. Sulley didn't have any relationship experience before he became a guardian as well, so their relationship is a first for them both. Plus, I headcanon Sulley as demisexual.
– Sensitive to subtle changes in their partner: They're both sensitive to subtle changes in each other. They'll notice things like mood and body language shifts or patterns. If one of them seems quieter than usual or expresses frustration, they'll consider what might be causing it. But they also notice subtle positive changes like small gestures, leaving a sweet note, remembering important dates, or doing something special for each other.
– The one who proposes: It would be Belle, hands down.
– The one who dies protecting the other: Remember what I said about Belle's love confession? This is during that.
– How it happens: For them, during their iconic moment, it was more like "attraction" at first sight, where they both actively got closer to one another and fell in love slowly. It's a tale as old as time~
– Handling Conflict: When it comes to handling conflict, they're both calm about saying their peace, but like I said, Sulley hates confrontation and forgives quickly. As for Belle, it's not that she's unforgiving; it just takes her a bit of time, and Sulley respects her need for space.
– Relationship Attitude: Of course, they're very dedicated; they're comfortable and close enough to each other that they can just be casual together. And on the subject of their PDA, Sulley is a man who was built for hugs; he often swoops Belle up in his arms and nuzzles her, and he doesn't care who's watching. Belle discovered a funny little thing about Sulley, and that is that he's basically a giant blue cat. Whenever she lightly caresses his cheek or pets his arm, he purrs~ They also hold hands very often.
– Showing Affection: They're both a little awkward when it comes to verbal affection, but they have no problem taking the initiative with non-verbal affection. Their whole relationship was built on a simple smile and nod~
– Dealing with Jealousy: Now, Sulley has dealt with moments of self-doubt and fear. Sometimes his insecurities get the best of him, leading him to feel a little jealous when Gaston flirts with Belle. He feels guilty and silly about it, so he spaces himself away from her because he's too embarrassed to admit that he let a dumb jerk like Gaston bring out the tiny green-eyed monster in him. And Belle doesn't have a jealous bone in her body. :3
– Attachment: While both Belle and Sulley are relaxed in the relationship, Sulley can't help but be protective over Belle, but he respects her independence. And she respects his need to protect because she knows deep down, he's a mother hen who has everyone's back.
Well, that's all I've got. Hope you guys enjoyed my ship!
Tagging my fellow shipper @frie-ice
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002yb · 10 months
do you have any thoughts about priest jason todd? haha i want to see your take on it, esp if in this au dickjay was a thing or happened. i was thinking about priest jason todd and mirrorverse batfam so he’s like the only “good” one and he has a code not to kill while everyone else here doesn’t care ab killing, also the thought of dick tempting jay ^^ or honestly just the entire batfam just mourning and being basically mob bosses until jason gets resurrected and eventually comes to gotham and is oike “so i know i’m back but now i’m a god lover and a priest and hey oh also i don’t kill” and everyone is just “now hold on a second-“
Demons have followed Jason all his life - metaphorically and literally. At least in the literal sense, it's always the same fuckers, too. They're relentless.
Maybe it's because Jason was one of them, but by some twist of fate he was given absolution and reborn with a 'clean slate' to do right. Or maybe it's a plea bargain - help as many souls as he hurt while Jason was a demon and that will be his retribution, his mercy from hellfire. Or he's part of some twisted game. Stolen from his home and influenced to reject it.
For the sake of this ask: he died. He came back wrong. No memories, no corruption - just a penchant for attracting the wicked. Everything else is open to interpretation.
The family wants him back though. And Jason might not realize, but he's darkness welcomed past the church's threshold; he brings damnation by association.
Not necessarily by the family, but by others. Because Jason's soul is tortured. Tormented. It's known suffering from a life he can't remember and one he does - caused by men created in his God's image and by monsters that were cast from his kingdom.
Basically Father Hot Toddies is prime real estate (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Anyway, background. Jason attracts abusive people. He influences people to abuse him. Try as he might to help, there's a darkness at his fingertips and devastation in his wake.
Instant distraction -- Jason self-flagellating whenever he feels he failed to help someone or thinks he led anyone astray. It's supposed to be a penace, but sometimes Jason is weak and it's just punishment
Okay, we're back. Jason recognizing that something's wrong with him. Because too many bad things happen for him not to pick up the pattern.
Another distraction and it's kinky, I apologize -- Jason being assaulted in the church proper. In the confessional booths or in the pews ahhhhhh blasphemous okay okay
Protective of the people in his community and is well loved, in turn, but is conscious to keep a distance for their safety. He has compassion in spades and shows that in the ways that he can (putting the fear of God into cruel people, going out and sneaking food and blankets to the homeless, nagging at punks across the street to get their asses to school or the orphans at the church to mind the nuns).
Not as lonely a life as it seems because choice demons harass him on the regular.
They look after Jason in their own way, but it's wicked
Every person that hurts Jason turns up dead. It's part of Jason's motivation to keep withdrawn. There's forgiveness for everyone, even those who lose their senses around him.
Would Jason have the same forgiveness if the man who tried to assault him turned on a child? And Jason pauses, because his answer is no - burn him ---- and he burns.
Oh. For a time Jason thinking himself mad. Or figuring he's invited a demon into him because there are voices in his head and in those moments of weakness when he can't be temperate -- people get hurt.
Which leads to a lot of torment and praying because what's wrong with him? Tell him. Let him be better.
Jumping over to Dick's perspective on things for a moment because okay. The family loses it when they realize Jason has been lost to them. They bring apocalypse and travesty in their rage and it's a bad time.
But then - the familiar flicker of a damaged soul. Jason.
Dick going to Jason first. Following the sound of his cries and the smell of his suffering. And where some in the family might like that - Dick isn't one of them. Pain that Jason endures is Dick's to inflict, after all. Possessive!demon!Dick Grayson yes please.
Anyway, Dick shows up and suddenly Willis is shot dead on the doorstep. The cigarettes he would use to burn Jason with stamped into his forehead.
And Jason sees Dick there, stooped over Willis's body. Dick flicks the cigarette away. Looks at this small, scrawny boy and marvels at how Jason is still perfect - even like this. A soft smile, still all teeth and bite and menace. It's vicious in a way that even demons cringe away from, but Jason smiles. Tentative, innocent.
Because he thinks Dick is his guardian angel.
The rest of the family piles on if only because Jason really does attract all sorts of terrible things. They can't fathom what it is. Jason has always had that way about him, but it's amplified now and it puts him in danger. Jason's soul is theirs though; no one else can have it.
It's Gotham that wants it. Cursed land that outdates even the first of their kind.
Jason thinking he has angels looking out for him until he recognizes them for the demons they are. He tries to escape them, seeking asylum in a church and it deters them for a time, but only until Jason's own evil taints hallowed grounds.
This is so convoluted ahhhhh sorry
But basically overprotective!bats trying to save Jason's soul to sate their own desires
Jason rebuffing all their efforts and being a stubborn ass
He only relents when Gotham sends its worst after him and desecrates the church that housed him and the children under his care that he loses it and strikes a contract with some of hell's finest
It's a zero sum game though
Because Dick and the others - they can have Jason's soul. But only once the evil in Gotham is purged. Only the evil.
Just an endless war but it's fine because all the losses and suffering only makes Jason's soul that much more sweet
They're content to starve until then
Only they're not. They taste and nibble when allowed. And Father Hot Toddy? He's a generous man. //u////
Can an AU like this not get a little kinky? It feels like a crime that it wouldn't. Father Todd gets down  (*°∀°)=3
Extra Dickjay details:
Jason seeking out his 'guardian angel' because there's nowhere safer than with Dick. They sit in a grimy alley and Jason falls asleep with his head pillowed on Dick's thigh, or curled up against Dick's chest. And Dick humors it. He's soft about it, content if only because he can wrap himself around Jason and possess him for even a short time
Jason calling for Dick when he finds Catherine, not realizing Dick was the devil whispering in her ear. Jason loved her; Dick didn’t. He tested her love of Jason and she fell short
Dick being the demon Jason calls to in order to make that contract. Because he remembers the times Dick was kind (because for as jaded as Jason has become, he wants to believe that was genuine - not another manipulation). He'll sell Dick his soul, but only if Dick gives Jason hope.
Reverence. Shoulder and spine kisses. Worship. It’s overwhelming, tempting, addictive.
Dick knows how to play Jason. He never considers Jason knows Dick just as well. <3
Something something Dick won’t pray to anyone, but he’ll dirty talk marvel Jason like he’s something holy
Something something Jason anticipating a kiss. To tease him, Dick raises the cross of Jason’s rosary between them - a barrier because ‘what would your god say, little wing?’ And Jason is already succumbed, but he’d bite back a challenge, ‘you would let him stop you?’ And Dick would smile and snap the rosary from Jason’s neck, beads clattering on the stone floors beneath them as he defiles not an innocent lamb, but a wolf in sheep’s clothing. //u///
‘Never,’ he’d breathe against Jason’s lips, his skin. A promise and an oath and the devotion in it would tear Jason apart. 💖
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gnomewithalaptop · 3 months
I am once again thinking about my Reverse Falls plot bunny where Canon!Dipper switches places with his Rev Falls counterpart
Just hear me out! Like -- the dynamics would be so good. Because in either universe, the twins know each other better than anybody else, right? They've known each other their entire lives! So they'd obviously realize something was up pretty quickly, but the way that goes down would vary wildly depending on the combo you've got going on
That's why I really want Canon!Dipper in the Reverse universe -- out of the two of them, I definitely think he could "fake it til you make it" a bit longer than Mabel, but I also think the potential dynamics between him and Rev!Pacifica and Rev!Gideon would be fascinating to see play out. Cause like, let's be real: that kid can hold some grudges, and he's pretty pessimistic when it comes to people and second chances (at least compared to Mabel). I can see him having a really hard time wrapping his head around the personality shifts and trusting Pacifica and Gideon with anything -- which would only make things harder, since they'd already be predisposed to hating his guts. But also, just the idea of Dipper trying to navigate a strange world where his family is full of manipulative bastards and the entire town seems terrified of him makes my inner ten-year-old extremely happy
And then the dynamics with Rev!Dipper and Canon!Mabel would be playing out in tandem with all of this. And the script is completely flipped from Canon!Dipper's, because Mabel doesn't go into this knowing something's wrong. She has to figure that out for herself from context cues, and like. I doubt "evil mirrorverse version of my brother" is going to be her first guess right off the bat. So you get extra wiggle room for Rev!Dipper to get situated as a quasi-antagonist and start screwing things up, and you get fun hijinks while Mabel and the gang make several very wrong choices about what's going on with Dipper
And like. Okay, so: I've always interpreted Reverse!Dipper as somebody who's very pragmatic -- he's very much an "ends justify the means" sort of guy. Don't get me wrong, he's not as vindictive as Canon!Gideon, but he also isn't particularly sentimental either. He's lived his whole life in "every man for himself" mode (with some small exceptions for his sister).
And then I think about combining that kind of mindset with Mabel's unstoppable wave of optimism and endless harebrained schemes where she tries to make things better for a person she doesn't even know that well. And I think about Reverse!Dipper being faced with this realization that his world is dark and cold and uncaring because that's how he relates to the world.
Let's be real: at the end of the day, both sets of twins love each other so fiercely. It's just that the Rev Falls kids have gotten caught up in all these manipulation games and power plays, and once you get caught up in that kind of cycle, it becomes harder and harder to get out again. So I can see this swap having a positive shift on both the Rev Falls kids -- taking them away from their lives and showing them that they don't have to interact with the world this way
I'm thinking about Canon!Dipper seeing the humanity in Rev!Mabel and talking to her straight the way he did to Pacifica in Northwest Mansion Mystery. I think about how she hasn't gotten to be a kid because of the Tent of Telepathy's whole Dance Mom schtick, and finally getting it impressed upon her that that isn't normal. I'm thinking about Canon!Mabel showing Rev!Dipper it's okay to trust people and let them in. That he doesn't have to treat the entire world like it's out to hurt him, doesn't need to strike first to make sure the other guy never gets a chance to
Anyway. This got so long but -- yeah. I yearn for the Gravity Falls Mirror Mirror episode that exists only in my mind
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msweebyness · 1 month
Mirrorverse Crossover- What Happened Before…
Here’s a special from ya girl, Weeby! I figured we could use a little expansion on Sparky’s intro to the AU, and thanks so much to him for helping with this! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
The heroes all stood, gathered around IsmaGenie as he prepared to grant Max’s wish, to see alternative versions of themselves from another world, like had happened to a hero of one of his comics. Whatever happened, it would surely be…interesting!
“Alright, is everyone ready?”, the blue-skinned genie asked, and at the nods from his companions, clapped his hands together, igniting a bright flash.
A portal suddenly opened up over the ceiling, and a certain wicked group of teens were dropped through it onto the floor, shouting and cursing at their painful landing.
“What the devil?!”, Mari DeVil shrieked, fretting as attempted to sort out her now ruffled fur coat.
“Again! AGAIN!”, MimRore squealed, clapping her hands and giggling maniacally as her friends gave her looks of annoyance.
“Where in the Sam Hill are we?”, Ivan Oogie groused, rubbing his head, which he had smacked on the floor as Mylensula fussed over him.
“Um, better question: Who in blazes are they?”, YzAlya piped up, pointing and drawing the other villains’ attention to the heroes, both groups just staring at each other.
“Why does that one dude have so much hair?”, Honest Nino whispered to IsmaScar, his eyes focused on Adripunzel, who was nervously messing with his long braid.
“Jeez, that one has to be like ten feet tall!”, Mireides muttered to her girlfriend, gawking at Demolition Denise.
“I feel the inexplicably strong urge to put a curse on that redhead.”, Juleficent said to QRC, her eyes narrowing as she looked at a nervous Sleeping Nath. The dark fae witch then yelped as her scepter was suddenly coated in ice beneath her fingers.
“Unless you want to have the worst case of frostbite you could even imagine experiencing, I’d suggest you leave Nathaniel alone.”, MarcElsa said darkly, summoning a barrage of icicles to his hand. A few of the villains nervously backed away.
“Looks like some of ‘em got a little magic of their own…”, Doctor Cabello mused.
“Marc, hold on.”, said Snow Mylene, gently placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder, “Let’s not jump to violence. What she said was out of line, yes, but they weren’t expecting to be brought here. Maybe they’re just a bit confused.”
This earned her a sneer of disgust from the sea witch, before IsmaGenie stepped up and explained the whole situation to the villains, the whole ‘Alternate-Universe-Counterparts’ thing. The villains looked the heroes over with varying degrees of disbelief and disgust. They were do-gooders in this world? How revolting!
“WAIT, WHAT IN THE HELL IS THAT THING?!”, Kimton suddenly shouted, pointing at Julebeast, and looking at her fur, horns and claws with utter revulsion.
“A person, asshole.”, the beastly princess snarled, showing off her sharp teeth as she glared at the hunter, who tried to appear as if he wasn’t intimidated. QuasiIvan stepped up and put a bracing hand on his best friend’s shoulder.
“Ignore him, Jules. He's obviously an idiot who doesn't think before he speaks.”, the bulky teen placated, pointedly ignoring the looks of disgust he was getting from King Marc and some of the other more vain villains.
“Who needs brains when you have guns like these?”, Kimton said smugly, flexing his arms with an arrogant grin. LeOnDine swooned, while the heroes could only watch in disbelief. This was the Kim of the other world?
“Gods, ego much?”, Kimules scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest (without meaning to, showing off that they were respectively buffer and broader than his counterpart’s) with annoyance. But at that moment his attention was caught by his girlfriend, who seemed to be having some trouble breathing as she stared at a certain villain who was bringing back unpleasant memories from the recent past.
As the young demigod tried to help the mermaid calm down, it was then that her condition was noticed by the villains, who saw the opportunity to strike. Mylensula noticed it seemed to be her the princess was afraid of, and gained a particularly wicked grin.
“Oh, whatever’s the matter, little mermaid? You’ve hardly said a word. Speak up! I'm sure you have a lovely voice.”, the sea witch said in a taunting cadence, fingering the shell necklace draped over her collar, which was starting to glow…only to yelp when there was suddenly an arrow pointing at her face.
“Leave her be, witch.”, Kagamerida said darkly, her eyes like flint as she glared at Mylensula, until Ivan Oogie stepped protectively in front of her and glared, which failed to intimidate the diminutive-statured princess in the slightest.
“Alright.”, BluRore piped up, “Let’s try to keep some semblance of civility here. We’re young adults, there’s no need for this nonsense.”, earning nods from the heroes and scoffs from the villains.
Madame Sabrina sneered in disgust as she looked over the group of heroes, her eyes finally coming to rest on the heroic Ismael, who met her glare head on with a quirked eyebrow.
“Why does one of your friends look like an oversized smurf?”, the purple-clad redhead demanded, pointing a manicured nail at the young genie.
“Why does one of your friends look like the lovechild of a burlap sack and the Pilsbury Doughboy?”, Aladdix sniped right back, leaving the villains agape, one in particular.
“WHY YOU LITTLE-”, Ivan Oogie started to shout, only for Mylensula to jump in and comfort him.
“Don’t listen to her, Spookyboo. You’re the most terrifyingly attractive man in the world in my eyes, and you always will be.”, she cooed, and much to the heroes’ discomfort and the villains’ resigned annoyance, the two began making out.
“Okay…can we PLEASE just try to have a normal, non-confrontational conversation here?”, BluRore said in exasperation, placing her head in her hands.
“And just what makes you think you can tell us what to do, Pixie Prick?”, Alix Khan snarled, stalking towards the fairy. Only to be stopped in her tracks by Miremba stepping in front of her girlfriend.
“Back off, runt.”, the royal lioness growled, and the two bared their teeth at each other.
“Alright, that’s just about enough!”, TiAlya called out, “Now, I’ll tell y’all what’s gonna happen. There ain’t gonna be any more insults, or any more fightin’. We’ll take it slow, one at a time, and we’ll sit down and get to know each other! Now, doesn’t that sound nice?”, she spoke in her “Mom Tone” which left no room for argument.
“And what if we refuse?”, Nath of Hearts snarled, reaching for his dagger, only to yelp when an arrow pierced the wall just to the side of his head, “Understood.”
“Alright…let’s get started! Who wants to go first?”, Fairy GodBro said with a nervous smile.
And there you have it! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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frie-ice · 3 months
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Since I had also done a screengrabs post on Merida and Scar, from the trailer they appeared in together, and have used the screengrabs from the post on Belle and Sulley for their ship week Battle Partners collage, it only seemed fair to do one on these two as well. Since I have planned to feature them as friends through the Scar!Reform/Redeemed AU, and Mirrorverse is one of those crossover games that have heroes and villains as allies, @twisting-echo suggested that they should be presented as adoptive father-daughter. Along with her suggesting that their crossover familyship title could be Meridar or Scarida. She points out that Scar wouldn't have simply nodded in respect to just anyone, like he did in the trailer after Merida took out the Fractureds that were behind him. Making Merida the reason Scar decided to be a better person, or lion in his case. Merida has been featured in a few feral AU's, that mostly have her being raised by bears, so I could see that happening. 
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Mirrorverse Crossover - Kim and Ondine
After Ismael had explained the situation to his heroic classmates, he found a room that where the counterparts could interact, and had them meet each other one-by-one. First up was Kim.
As the two versions of Kim went into the room and took a look at one another, they took some time to check out the other's physique. Kimton was happy to see he was still incredibly strong in this universe, heck, he was even stronger! He'd have to ask how many eggs this guy was eating. Kimules thought to himself "So this is what would've happened if I was completely mortal. Not bad!"
"Even in another world, no one compares to Kim!" Kimton said, causing Kimules to awkwardly scratch his head. "How much can you lift?"
"Well, I was a god, just like my parents. Well... until most of my energy got sucked out of me. Now I'm just a demigod." Kimules explained. "I'm guessing you're fully mortal?" Kimton huffed, and flexed his muscles. "Pff, I'm a god among men, that's for sure." he boasted.
"Anyway," Kimules continued "What do you like to do, man? What's your hobby?"
"I dominate at football, I hunt, I'm basically a legend, 24/7" Kimton bragged, resting his hands above his head. Kimules ignored the arrogance and tried to relate to the guy. "I fight too, well, only if it's a monster trying to hurt people." he replied. "Well, that's good." Kimton said. "Glad to meet another hero." Kimules raised his eyebrows, Kimton seemed pretty arrogant for a good guy. "You know, being a hero has it's perks." Kimton smugly mentioned. "Got any ladies?" Kimules rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh well, there's this girl that I'm seeing, Ondine. She's a mermaid." Kimules mentioned, blushing at the thought of Ondine. "Ondine, she's no mermaid where I'm from. She's pretty strong, well... for a girl, anyway." Kimton said.
The two Ondines had been allowed to listen in, using one of Nino's bubbles. At Kimton's mention of her, LeOndine giggles and waved her hands. "You hear that? He thinks I'm strong!" LeOndine beamed. “Yeah, right after he put you down for being a woman...” AriOndine thought.
“Ondine's like a soft ocean breeze, everything about her is soothing to me.” Kimules gushed “She has the most beautiful smile, it warms me completely, even more than the sun itself!” AriOndine was grinning from ear to ear, blushing as she heard Kimules speak about her. On the contrary, LeOndine looked as if she could barely contain her jealously, her hands clumped into fists, and growling a little. Kimton just looked at his counterpart as if he had grown two heads while speaking.
“I’m at my strongest when she’s by my side. I know I can defeat any enemy or stop any disaster if it means to keep my sweet princess of the sea safe!” He said, smiling before he noticed the shocked and appalled look on Kimton's face.
"IT'S NOT FAIR!" LeOndine screamed. "Why does your Kim love you so much? You're just some princess!" "Because my Kim actually cares about what I think. He shows me respect." AriOndine replied. She was going to say more, but noticed the murderous look in LeOndine's eye. If she told her about all the things Kimules sacrificed for her, she'd probably be turned into calimari. Meanwhile, Kimton still had a disgusted look on his face.
"What are you on about? Making it sound as though she's better than you. She's a woman!" Kimton sputtered. Kimules was taken aback, how could he talk like that?
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Kimules said, defensively.
"She may be a princess, but you're the king. It's your job to put her in line, make sure she knows you're the one in charge." Kimton stated.
"She isn't property, she's a person." Kimules countered. "I don't have to control her to make her love me."
"You're no "demigod", you're just a wuss." Kimton sneered. "Why, I know I could take you on in a fight."
Kimules just stared him down, not wanting things to get ugly. "I'm not sure you wanna say that."
"Oh really? Then punch me in the face!" Kimton replied. "It'll just feel like being tickled by a dandelion!"
Kimules sighed and walked up to him, clocking the guy in the face. The punch sent him flying through the wall, knocking him out cold. Kimules just cracked his knuckles, and walked away.
"How's that for a wuss?" Kimules remarked.
And that’s the first Mirrorverse crossover! Kimton wasn’t respecting women, so he got what was coming to him. Next up, @msweebyness will be doing Sabrina, and @artzychic27 will be doing Nino. After that, we’ll put up polls asking you which one of our meetups you wanna see next! Let us know what you think in asks, reblogs, and replies.
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ellekhen · 6 months
23 and 27 for Church 💖
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23. What are 2-3 songs that your Tav would relate to?
(Couldn't decide so here's four, whooooops.)
My Silver Lining - First Aid Kit
True Faith - cover by Lotte Kestner
Somewhere Only We Know - Keane
Being Alive - Stephen Sondheim
+ Bonus for Mirrorverse Church because I feel like HURTIN’ today:
I’m Not Calling You a Liar - Florence + The Machine
Dust and Ashes - Dave Malloy
Drown Out - Swell Season
27. How does your Tav feel about giving and receiving orders?
(This is going to be long and probably far more elaborate than what the question asked.)
A decade before he was infected, Church would have given you a very different answer.
He always had it in his head that by escaping The Mother and becoming an adventurer, he’d be guaranteed a short, exciting life. This was fine with him — as long as his life meant something.
Because isn’t that what heroes in the legends and storybooks are supposed to do?
Make sacrifices of themselves, to save others?
As a young warlock, he was a follower eager to please and prove himself within the guild. He idolized a handful of “heroes” within his adventurers’ guild in Waterdeep — attaching himself to a few mentors along the way. He trusted them to tell him what to do to make things right, for why would they be wrong?
This changed quickly within a span of a few years. While still a young man, he began to question his mentor, especially when he made a call that nearly cost the lives of Church and several others during one of their assignments. Church ended up being the one to get them out of the cave-in alive, confronting his mentor back at the guild right as he was collecting the job’s pay.
His mentor tried to explain his reasoning for abandoning him and the rest of the party. Church didn’t envy his position of being the one to make such a call in the first place, but he vowed to do better, be better than his mentor.
A job is a job. He would rather keep his people alive than collect on a full payment. If it cost him his credibility, then… so be it.
At the very least, he trusted himself to care, which was more than his mentor did. He’d stress out the whole time, but if he had to lead to make sure his companions made it out alive, then he would gladly do it.
It didn’t help that this often involved putting himself in precarious situations to make sure the others made it out. It pissed off his Mother — his Archfey patron — to no end. It reaches a point where she even threatens to take away his magic entirely.
Years later, when he starts journeying with the other infected adventurers...
At first Church is relieved to meet Lae’zel — someone strong-willed who can tell him what to do in this bizarre situation, and who understands it more than he does. But as soon as he witnesses Lae’zel and Shadowheart clash, he realizes that they won’t make it out of the Nautiloid alive unless he speaks up and takes charge himself.
When Church wakes up on the beach, the first person he meets is Astarion, who he certainly doesn’t trust to make decisions for him. Fortunately, the rogue seems content to look to him as a leader, as do the others.
Church from the start prevents some of them from making rash decisions and literally killing each other. He’s terrified that they seem to trust him to make these calls, but also touched.
He won’t fail them.
He can’t fail them.
His instinct has always been to protect. But for once in his life, it no longer becomes about saving others at the expense of himself.
He’ll take charge because he wants them to live. And, in turn, he’ll still listen to his companions and follow them because he trusts that they also want to continue fighting, conversing, and laughing beside him.
For so long he vowed to die for those he loved. But now?
He wants to live for them.
Thanks so much for asking, @artpigeons! ☺️
Here’s the original question list, if anyone wants to ask anything else!
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starship-argo · 2 years
I watched the ending of my favorite show (Star Trek: Enterprise) and I am distraught. The ending was the single most dissatisfying thing I have every experience and i’m going to tell you why. Enterprise is set in the year 2151 during the first long space voyage of Starfleet nearly 100 years before The Original Series take place. Great concept if you ask me.
Seasons 1-2 and two are really good. The characters and dynamic and the plots are fun and interesting. They establish the universe in a new way where humans are just breaking into the space scene and you get to learn about the ins and outs of alien culture with the characters in real time.
Season three was hot garbage. Far to much time travel to make any sense, they kill Trip Tuckers sister which sends him into a blatant denial which gets him killed (for the first time we’ll come back to this) The Enterprise travels into a pocket of space called The Expanse where beloved captive Jonathan Archer starts off preaching about how his morals are what make him human and ends up beaming into another ship, stealing their warp coils effectively stranding them with impulse speed 8 million light years from their home with 7 million light years worth of food. This is all fine and i’m willing to over look it because in season 3 we get the development of Trip And T’pols relationship. They are a fantastic couple who very clearly care about each other and fit into a sort of rivals to lovers that is to die for. In one episode they even see a possible future where they get married and have a child (they did half-vulcan half-human long before Spock).
Season three ends on a terrible cliffhanger and the watcher is left disappointed because there is no real ending. Season 4 starts and you can already tell the difference in the writing. (After the bomb of season 3 the show was renewed for one final season with half the budget and 1/4 the audience so the director brought in some Star Trek Novel writers and decided to cater more towards the long time fans rather than trying to gain new ones)
Season 4 eases out of the season 3 style with some tasteful time travel and of course Trip Tucker going through it. emotionally. Then they go back to individual adventures. Season 4 doesn’t really have a big plot with a main bad guy it’s more of 40-80 minute adventures that get resolved nicely. It’s a comfort season and i’m all for it. Then they decide to marry T’pol to the wrong person who quite frankly blackmailed her into it.
All in all season 4 is good up until the very end. The adventures make it seem like it’ll never end and we even get to explore the MirrorVerse for two episodes. And then the season finale. Instead of experiencing the end with the characters they go way forward to The Next Generation time and have the last voyage of the NX-01 Enterprise play through holographic retellings. The crew decided to help out Shran the Andorian (my favorite character) rescue is daughter from some mercenaries. When it seems they’ve gotten away with it bAm the bad guys catch them and in a last ditch effort to save Shran, Trip Tucker (my second favorite charater) Sacrifices himself and blows up a section of the ship. What’s worse is you find out that him and T’pol never got married and he never achieved his dream of becoming a star fleet captain. Trip is used as the series punching bag the whole time, he’s killed at least twice, his sister dies, the love of his life gets married to someone else even though she loved trip back and then they give him the most unsatisfactory death in the history of television. This man has survived countless close calls with death and he gets killed because of some random adventure??? and because this is all playing out over a recording you don’t even really see the characters mourn him!! they just move on with their lives after like 6 hours!!
I have some problems with the show but I do still love it. I wish they gave us a better ending and a longer run but I guess i’ll have to make do with the terrible mistreatment of Charles “Trip” Tucker III
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whetstonefires · 2 years
Do you have any thoughts about Eath 3 Professor Pig? I just had the idea today and was trying to find content about him. He would totally offer gender affirming surgery for free, though. Because he enjoys doing surgey.
I was not really plugged in when Pyg debuted, and Morrison's whole aesthetic/narrative sensibility with that generation of New Rogue didn't really speak to me (I could have dug Nobody if developed slower, and some of Flamingo's max camp was fun, but the writing lacked commitment, best I can say) so I haven't had many thoughts about him.
He had an impact on Jason's brief-lived sidekick, Sasha, converted her dad and fucked up her face; that's the most interesting contribution he's made to the DCU for all of me. (Bring back Scarlet and Abuse. And Onyx while we're at it, though she faded out without help from a full reset.)
But the illegal free clinic does need doctors and I observe from his wiki page that the Nu52 gave him a backstory as an actual qualified surgeon (as opposed to his original vibe as a deranged butcher) associated with Spyral and Leviathan, so yeah, I guess he can come. Hit the Gotham pro lunatic circuit late in the game, develop professional ties with the Circus.
I don't think they'll really become friends, because let's be serious is Pyg ever going to reasonably integrate into the Rogues gallery even in canon? Unlikely. Zsasz never has even after getting nerfed, and despite Morrison's bragging about the originality of the premise Pyg is basically Zsasz with the initial braininess and dark-mirror-to-Batman business dialed way down and the gross dialed all the way up.
Plus minions a la Hatter but so much worse.
Previously the only surgeon our guys had access to was Mockingbird (Thomas Elliot) and he was working very hard to keep his secret identity, so there was only so much volunteer surgery he could work into his schedule.
So now the patients willing to go to a trained but not licensed lunatic using stolen equipment for their surgery on account of Free just have to deal with the fact that the person doing it enjoys the process way too much. 😆🔪💉🧵
I'm assuming better ethics means a better sense of hygiene although I'm sure he's a tremendous slob in his personal life regardless.
It's funny though, Tommy Elliot for story reasons (in canon to justify the Face Thing and in my mirrorverse because angst and control issues) spent several years working exclusively in plastic surgery while Pyg's sketch backstory seems to suggest a more practical focus, so it's funny to think that when they both go Black Jack, Tommy's preference is Lifesaving Medical Care while Pyg gets really into Elective Surgeries For Improved Quality Of Life.
Like, I can see it. There's something there about how rebellion is always deeply contextual and defined by what you're reacting against.
If you wanted more general thoughts I apologize, I can only do My Hyperspecific Universe That I Haven't Updated Since Before The Pandemic Yikes.
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
So I just reblogged a piece by @teddymaul about how low-key traumatized Kirk must feel by the things he did (or copies of himself did) whilst possessed by alien forces and so on and then I realized something:
Pavel Chekov goes through a lot of the same thing:
Trying to kill Spock & Jim out of sheer terror in And The Children Shall Lead
Attacking and coming this close to forcing himself on Kang’s wife while possessed/brainwashed by the aliens in Day of The Dove. (A situation where he was also tortured). Jim having to punch the crap out of him to get him to stop.
Losing his mind to the phase sickness and attacking Sulu & Spock in The Tholian Web.
That would really screw any 22 year old kid up, and I think Jim would just look at this boy, this kid he accidentally condemned to torture in the MirrorVerse and was like:
“I can’t let what’s happened to me happen to him.”
Pavel seems like he’s doing at least okay after all of these incidents and it has to have been with the Bridge Family’s help, picture this:
The first person pick up on it would probably be Hikaru since they’re helm besties and probably hang out outside of duty, and the sirens in Sulu’s Brain start going off when Pavel starts declining hangouts and is increasingly withdrawn at the helm. He nudges Nyota about it so that they can both keep an eye on him.
Nyota, being the good communications officer she is, observes, and keeps it to herself and registers the nonverbal signs of trouble, 15 minutes after Pavel’s shift ends, she finds a way to excuse herself (probably coordinated with Sulu and/or Scotty) and figure out where he goes and finds him just... bawling in an empty corner of the ship. She doesn’t say anything but she just delicately sets herself down next to him and holds him until he can pull it together. He won’t wanna talk about it but thank her anyway, Uhura nudges Scotty, maybe a no-pressure drink will get him to open up.
Scotty lures Chekov into having a drink with him, and drink becomes drinks, by the end of the night they are smashed and the rec room is empty and THAT is when Pavel goes off. Half of its in slurred, sloppy drunk Russian but Scotty gets the gist of it: the anger, the guilt, the self-loathing. He sobers up ASAP and immediately alerts Bones over comms while Chekov is still screaming at the wall, where Pavel’s head is at is a dangerous place to be.
Bones gets the memo and calls Pavel down for a “routine physical” after he sobers up and has had time to cool off. Bones does some secret psych eval tests and scans while doing small talk and gives him a “I know these past few months have been hard on all of us, I’m your doctor, you can talk to me.” conversation, of course Pavel would be like “no no I’m fine” and gtfo as fast as possible.
Bones would go to Spock first, after all the kid looks up to him and though he’d never admit it, Spock has a soft spot for him. So Spock arranges some lab time to which Chekov is ordered to partake. Spock brings up everything that’s happened in that aloof observational way he does and of course that tricks Pavel into talking, when Chekov starts guilt spiraling Spock logics him out of it. Pavel starts to leave “I have not dismissed you Ensign, I believe you would find... some benefit, in discussing this with Captain Kirk. I expect you may find some interesting parallels.”
Jim would probably need a bit convincing because we all know he hates opening up/talking about his feelings, but an Obsession style team-up between Bones playing the diagnosis/sympathy angle and Spock playing the reasonable one, Kirk would let up. He talks to Chekov, and to his surprise finds a LOT of self-forgiveness and reflection at everything he berates himself for by comforting Pavel. They talk about what happened to Jim in The Enemy Within especially: what happened to Janice, how many people his Negative Side hurt, how his struggle to accept his “evil” half almost got Sulu killed, how Bones & Spock were there for him in spite of that.
They both leave the room feeling a lot better, Chekov is “back to his old smiling self again”
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
Don’t Give Up On Me - 3/4 | westallen fanfiction
A/N: This chap is INTENSE. You will cry, you will swoon, you will smile (I hope). Enjoy! Only one chap left after this!!
Chapter 3 -
“Okay. Tell me.”
Where the hell did she start?
Iris licked her lips, hardly aware her fingers were trembling until her husband lightly covered them with his own.
“I don’t want you touching me,” she said, before he could get a word out.
Barry stilled, and then pulled his hands back, not knowing what to do with them. Iris couldn’t look at him. Her eyes filled with tears. She knew she’d broken his heart.
Several moments passed. They were achingly painful. Finally, she forced herself to lift her head and look into his eyes. He was watching her steadily, patiently, but she saw the brokenness in him.
“But in the same breath,” she began again, “I crave your hands on me everywhere.”
He watched her steadily, clearly wanting to touch her but restraining himself because of what she’d first said. He was a broken man, but he was also a determined one. He just didn’t know where to begin, and he had a feeling interrupting her in any way was a bad call.
Iris swallowed.
“For two months I was stuck in that mirror dimension, and for five weeks of it, you didn’t even realize I was gone.”
His eyes closed in anguish.
“I couldn’t bring myself to blame you at the time, because that…thing that looked like me was so god damn convincing. But as the cracks started to show, I wondered how in the hell you couldn’t see what was going on, that she wasn’t me.” She paused. “I missed you and loved you so much, I couldn’t see past that. Blaming you was inconceivable. You were Barry, my husband. You’d never intentionally hurt me.”
“I wouldn’t,” he said quickly, needing to reaffirm what she was saying. “Not ever.”
“And I’d never intentionally hurt you. I’d never threaten our marriage. I’d never tell you I wasn’t your home. God damn it, that was in your vows!”
“I know!” he exclaimed. “I know it was. That’s how I knew it wasn’t you. That’s when everything began to come together. After that I was sure.”
“I know,” she softened. “And I’m so glad, because I would…I would never.”
“I know you wouldn’t,” he said quietly.
“God, after that I just…I wanted to ring her neck for daring to hurt you so badly. I wanted to beat Eva to a bloody pulp for deceiving me and setting everything in motion.”
He seemed astounded by that admission.
“Though not by breaking a bottle over her head, that’s for sure.” She smiled weakly, and Barry laughed, though it was strained.
She leaned forward and ran her hands over his arms, reaching up to his shoulders, then cupping his face, capturing his gaze in a way that nothing else could.
“I’m so sorry that she made you believe I was cold to you, that I didn’t value who you are as the Flash, that I started fights for no real reason, that I was…mean. I was glad she avoided your kisses, because she wasn’t me. But I wasn’t glad for you because you thought…” She shook her head, tears soaking her eyelashes. “Barry, there are few things in life I need more than you kissing me.”
He sprung forward the short distance between them and kissed her. She didn’t push him away. She pushed her hands into his hair and nearly climbed onto his lap to cave to all he had to give. But then she remembered and broke off their kiss.
“But you made love to her, Barry.”
Slowly she slunk away until she was at the far end of the couch, her knees up against her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them.
“You touched someone intimately that wasn’t me.” She hesitated. “You cheated.”
A heavy silence settled between them.
“Or was it sexual assault? Because you didn’t know? It was. Or was it?” She blinked her tears away and looked towards the stairs, replaying in her mind the way he’d lifted Mirror Iris into his arms and carried her up the stairs to hers and Barry’s bedroom.
“I keep going over it in my mind, and I can’t decide.” She looked back at him. “The logical part of me says you were assaulted. Of course you were. She couldn’t be convincing if she didn’t at least start acting the way I would. She was so close to who I was, at least in the beginning.
“But my heart…” She licked her lips. “My heart says some part of you did know. You had to have. Even my mirror self couldn’t have acted exactly as I would have in such an intimate way. That was one place the truth should’ve been abundantly clear.”
“I thought you’d changed,” he admitted, not looking at her. “Crisis changed so many things… I thought maybe it changed you too.” Hesitantly, he looked up. “I blamed myself for not being able to adapt. I vowed to be with you and support you for the rest of our lives, Iris. If the end of the world changed you even a little, that was just something I had to accept and love anyways. Because you’re Iris. You’re the love of my life. I wasn’t going to refuse to love or support some part of you that had changed because of me. There was no way.”
“Barry, Crisis was not your fault. You helped recreate the world and bring all of us back. You can’t blame yourself for the changes that were made.”
“Then how do I fix this? Us? How do I bring us back to the way we were before Eva and the mirrorverse and this twisted version of you that I…I couldn’t see through at first.”
She shook her head and looked down at her moving fingers in her lap.
“I don’t know if you can, Barry.”
“Because…what I fear most, more than anything, is that at least in the beginning, you preferred her to me.” She choked up the tears she’d been holding back.      
Barry’s jaw dropped. Disbelief coursed through him.
“Iris, no.”
He longed to pull her close, but he was afraid to, so he inched just a little closer himself. He reached for her left hand and pressed kisses to her fingers, and to her rings. She let him.
“She made perfect pancakes,” she sputtered. “And she spoke Italian.”
“And she was probably more adventurous in bed too,” she huffed.
He lifted his head up to look at her doubtfully.
“More adventurous than us?” He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”
“She had to have been!”
“Because she was a better version of me!”
That made him snap. He scooted forward and cupped her face tightly.
“Hey. No one is a better version of you, okay? No one.” She didn’t respond. “OKAY?”
She still didn’t respond.
“Hey, look at me.” He relaxed his grip slightly.
Finally, she met his gaze.
“Something was off with her. Something was always off. She made me doubt myself and you and us. She didn’t share our connection, not even at first. And I could never quite shake that. I did a good job convincing myself that it was me, but there was a voice in the back of my head that was screaming, telling me to listen to my gut.”
“So, why didn’t you?” she asked, her bottom lip trembling.
“Because I didn’t want to doubt you. I trust you with my life, with everything. So when she said we’d never grow apart, I believed her, because it sounded like you.”
She swallowed and cupped his face.
“I want to believe you, Barry. I want to more than anything. I want to believe that when you look at me you don’t see her.”
“I don’t!” Tears welled in his eyes now too. “How could I? You’re sweet and loving and passionate and everything she wasn’t, not at her core. She was a different person. She wasn’t you, no matter how much she pretended she was. And when she got lazy, I noticed. I’ll always notice.”
“Barry…” She sighed.
He closed the distance between them and kissed her quickly, passionately. She was breathless when he broke away.
“Tell me you want this, us.”
Her heart ached.
“I want us.”
“Tell me you trust me.”
“I trust you.”
“Tell me you believe me.”
She hesitated.
“I believe you.”
“But you don’t.”
She swallowed.
“I believe that you believe what you’re saying. But I wonder if subconsciously…”
“Don’t wonder.”
“I can’t help it!” she cried out. “We’re sitting here right now so I can pour out my feelings. Not so you can seduce me, not so you can tell me I’m wrong, not so you can defend yourself or even accept full responsibility. Just so I can get it all out and maybe…I don’t know…heal from this, this sickness, or…whatever this is that’s wrong with me!”
“There’s nothing wrong with you!”
“Then why do I feel so broken?”
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Because you were taken advantage of, traumatized, almost went insane…”
“So were you,” she said softly.
He intertwined their fingers.
“Tell me I can make love to you, Iris.”
She shook from the chills wracking her body from the sound of his words. Suddenly she wanted nothing more.
“Make love to me, Barry.”
He opened his eyes and leaned in, closing them again as he kissed her. Iris lifted herself up and climbed onto his lap, pushing him down onto his back so she could straddle him better.
She kissed his neck and slipped her hands beneath his shirt. Soon the clothing was over his head and on the floor, and her hands were exploring his chest and torso, kissing her way down as he gently massaged her scalp.
“Mmm, that feels good, Barry,” she murmured, laying her head over his heart as he pulled the strands of her hair away from her face.
“You feel good, Iris.”
She sighed contently, his skin warm and heavenly against her face. She wrapped her arms around his body and scooted up to kiss him again.
“I love you so much,” she murmured between kisses.
He groaned. “I love you.”
In one swift movement, he had Iris resting on the pillows on the other side of the couch, laying on her back as he hovered over her. He unbuttoned her pants and slid them down her body, then did the same to himself, depositing the set on the floor where his shirt had gone.
Iris sat up and rid herself of her shirt, but Barry insisted he unhook and dispose of her bra.
“Jesus, Iris.”
He ran one thumb over a nipple, then leaned down and kissed it.
Iris was dazed. She threaded her fingers through his hair as he worshiped her breasts and licked a trail down to her belly. It was as if he’d never seen her naked before, when in fact they’d made love only a few weeks prior.
But tonight was different. It felt like a fresh start, a new chapter in their lives, even after everything she’d confessed. He was trying so hard to please her, to show how much he loved her, to be what she wanted and needed. How could she doubt him when it was like this between them? How could she hold onto her heavy feelings when all he wanted was the real her?
Barry wouldn’t let her – not now at any rate. He was too busy kissing her, caressing her, stripping her of her underwear and himself of his. If she didn’t act now, he’d make the entire business about pleasuring her. Which was all well and good, but she wanted to show him how much she appreciated him too.
She reached out to where his cock sat propped semi-erect along his body and started to stroke it. It made Barry break off the kiss and press his head into her collar bone.
“Iris,” he hissed, as she squeezed his length and continue to move up and down it. “S-s-stop.”
“Never,” she whispered, and pushed him so he was on his back again and her mouth hovered above his tip.
“This is about you,” he groaned, reaching down despite himself and lowering her mouth onto him. Eagerly she sucked, deepthroating him until he was hissing profanities and rising up off the couch.
She pulled free with a pop, satisfied to find his cock fully erect now.
“Just humor me, will you?” she asked, prettily smiling at him.
He liked that smile. He’d missed it. He desired her even more the longer he looked at it.
“Gladly,” he said, lifting her up and lowering her slowly onto his cock as he devoured her breasts again.
Iris pushed him down onto his back, her arms flat against his chest and began to move. His eyes flickered with electricity before he shut them tightly, his chin tipping up and his lips parted the faster she ground against him.
“Oh, baby,” she purred, one hand still on his chest, the other clutching her breast.
Barry couldn’t stand it. He set one foot on the floor and started to thrust up into her, digging his fingers both into her hip and the top of the couch for his desired speed and leverage.
He wanted to push her down, to pleasure her, to eat her up until she was screaming, but for reasons he could never determine, she was certain in her goal to pleasure him, to hear the profanities streaming from his mouth, feel how he clutched at her with lustful desire.
He could pleasure her any time, and he probably would before the day was done, but she wanted to show him how she could make him go wild. Not her mirror self, but her. Iris West-Allen. Only she was capable of taking him to depths he’d never gone.
And with one more thrust up into her pussy, she exploded, and so did he, his white semen coating her insides and spilling out onto their legs.
Breathing heavily, Barry opened his eyes and stared up at her, his eyes watering and another growl seeping out in satisfaction.
“That was fucking fantastic, Iris,” he managed. “But why didn’t you let me-”
“Hush.” She leaned down and kissed him. “Let’s do it again.”
He smiled against her lips and picked her up off the couch. Still inside her, he felt as she rose and fell all the way up the stairs against him. It made him stop at the first landing to fuck her against the wall for a few seconds. He almost fell to the nearby steps to finish the job, but she insisted they make it to the bedroom.
She remembered that awful memory – when she’d seen him carry her mirror self up the stairs to make love to her. But he didn’t seem nearly as desperate then. He hadn’t been naked, he hadn’t paused, he hadn’t fucked her midway because he couldn’t wait any longer. But he did that now, with her.
He hadn’t known her mirror self wasn’t his wife that other time, but in this moment it hardly mattered.
In this moment she was driving him absolutely out of his mind. She did that. No one else. Her.
And Barry – her Barry – wasn’t with anyone else. He was with his wife. He didn’t want to be with anyone but her. He never had. And he was going to prove it to her all night and every night.
As long as it takes.
*will post on AO3 and FFnet when beta’d.
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vbartilucci · 3 years
tl;dr - Eric Wallace has no idea what he’s doing with The Flash, either the character or the show.
Let me make something very clear - I like Eric Wallace’s work in comics. Mister Terrific lived up to its name. He knows hos way around the characters. This isn’t a case of some Hollywood guy coming in a thinking he knows better than 80 years of writers and fans.
One of the biggest problems started as far back as season four - all the fucking murder. The season-long arc featuring The Thinker had a maddening pattern - introduce an interesting new character, sometimes an innocent person with newfound powers, sometimes a new villain, but it didn’t matter, because The Thinker would find them and kill them. No point getting to know anyone, they’re dead. And it was maddening. The Flash kept getting handed loss after loss, and things just got less and less fun. And doubt not for a moment, that is what I am looking for on this show - fun.
Now as an aside, I have to lay some of the blame here with Geoff Johns.  When Geoff brought Barry back in the comics, he was the one who made the decision to change his life story, and place sadness and trauma at the center of it. And what’s worse, he saw fit to leave it there, even after it was revealed it was put there by the reverse Flash. So, there’s that.
I’ve already gone on about how much I hated the season finale from last year, and yes, I’m fully aware that much of it was out of his hands. but part of the reason it was so bad tied in with the way the whole season was paced. There was no joy - like with The Thinker before, the new villain was handing the team losses left and right, and there was absolutely no hope in sight. I grew increasingly enraged last year when they wouldn’t give Flash a single reason to feel he was making progress. I kept hoping week after week that they’d end the “Iris in the Mirrorverse” subplot, not only because I wanted there to be some sense of “we’re turning the corner” to the narrative, but simply because I wanted it to fucking end.
But then, after endless episodes of no success, everything was resolved in one single episode. Yes, it was done by Barry appealing to Mirror Monarch (Thanks for not going with “Mirror Mistress” BTW) and her humanity, even tho we learned only like the week before that she WASN’T human, but whatever. But after a whole season of build-up, the last episode was an out of left field mess that started and ended faster than you could even process. Iris’ return was given like five minutes, and the resolution of ever single plot thread from the whole season even less time. Some were resolved with less style that Doc calling from from off camera “Hey, everyone, Duke’s out of his coma!”
I think I can summarize my single biggest problem with the show in recent seasons in one word - pacing.
Eric has been packing the show with So. Many. Subplots. And he gives none of them space to move or time to breathe. Subplots with real potential interest wither and die, and one that should be one-and-done are left to annoy us for weeks.
Case in point - the “Death of the Speed Force” plot  could and should have been a far more interesting and up-front story. But it had nothing to do with the main story at all, and seemed to exist for no reason other than to put another stumbling block in Barry’s way. And I get it - when you have a guy that can run at light-speed, every episode could be three seconds long if you don’t give him a reason to not just run.
So, let’s take all of these thoughts and apply them to this season so far.
First off, All The Fucking Murder is back. After Barry convinced Abra Kadabra to stand down and maybe even become an ally...nope, no point getting interested, the Big Bad came along and just killed him. Now, did he HAVE to die? Nope - he could ju8st as easily just gotten really really injured, so much so that we wouldn’t even see him again all season - that would have been enough to make the point. But no, let’s just kill him - that’s how you do thing in comics, right? 
Secondly, the pacing problem is back. The idea of trying to force Frost to take the meta-cure had the potential to be a positively riveting idea - the ACLU should have been in that courtroom as soon as it was presented as an option. It could have been a b-plot for weeks, being played as an analogue for SO many social issues. But nope, he shot his wad in one episode.
Meanwhile, what SHOULD have been the A-plot of the episode, the sudden and inevitable betrayal of the personification of the Speed Force was pushed to the rear, and dropped out of nowhere in the last scene. Which once again puts us in the same place where Barry will be at odds with powers and abilities. Yawn.
The only saving grace is that allegedly rather than a single season-long plot, the show is crafted as shorter “graphic novels” for like six to eith episodes. So at least we won’t have to wait the whole year for it all to end, and hope against hope that maybe the next story will be better.
But based on past performance...I’m going to remain depressed.
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msweebyness · 1 year
Mirrorverse Crossover- Marinette
Well, lookie here! Ya’ll get a double-feature today, fitting for our fave pair of besties! Here’s our girl Mari! Enjoy!
A strong tension filled the air between the two young women who sat in the room. Marilan’s intense, sharp bluebell eyes never left her fur-clothed counterpart for a single moment, unwilling to give her even the smallest chance to pull something shady. Marinette DeVil wouldn’t admit it if her life was on the line, but that fierce and focused gaze was actually quite intimidating…So was the gleaming sword that rested at her hero-self’s hip, standing out against the pink silk of her casual hanfu. The fashion maven thought that she might as well try to break the ice, maybe it would get the other girl out of ‘warrior mode’…
“You can relax, you know, darling. I’m not going try and hurt you. Even a villain like me knows better than to attack a highly-trained fighter who has a weapon on their person when I myself am unarmed.”, Mari DeVil said in the cool and just-slightly-condescending tone she had mastered over the years.
“Forgive me if, after meeting those that you keep company with, I’m not the most inclined to trust you when you tell me you mean no harm.”, Marilan said firmly, not letting up even a little, her eyes narrowing as her delicate fingers moved closer to her blade out of instinct.
“Whatever you say, dear.”, Mari DeVil sighed dramatically, waving her hand dismissively as she tried to think of another way to get the girl to let her guard down. Her fair skin was starting to burn from that glare! Remembering that little incident with her universe’s Kim earlier on, she found a new topic to test out.
“So, darling, you and your universe’s Kagami and Adrien seem quite close. Your partners in a romantic sense, I assume?”, the villainous fashionista ventured, a teasing little smile crossing her lips.
“Yes. Do you take issue with that somehow?”, the warrior asked, her eyes narrowing once more as if daring the other girl to say something against her relationship or others like it.
“Oh, my god, no, love! To be completely honest, I have my eye on a few lovelies myself. If you can have them all, why should you choose? Especially when you can watch them all battle for your hand!”, Mari DeVil said with a mirthful cackle.
Ignoring the last part, for the first time, Marilan’s demeanor seemed to ease as she thought of her brave fighter and her gentle prince, warmth spreading through her heart as she sighed softly.
“I don’t know where I would be without either of them. Kagami, my yǒnggǎn de*, she is my inspiration, her proud spirit drives me to be a worthy warrior to stand by her side.”, she said as she took up her blade, looking at her reflection in the shining metal with a wistful smile.
Mari DeVil managed to keep herself from rolling her eyes. For wickedness’ sake, these heroes really were a bunch of saps, weren’t they? She snapped back to attention as her hero counterpart continued.
“And Adrien, my jīn huā**, he is such a gentle soul. His kindness and compassion never ceases to amaze me.”, Marilan went on to say warmly as she sheathed the sword, before turning solemn, “I will do anything to protect him, and I know Kagami feels the same.”
— — —
Back with rest of the heroic and villainous teenagers, a loud, obnoxious, and mocking laugh sounded out from arguably the most arrogant person in the room.
“HA! You need your widdle girlfwiends to protect you, Mister Princess?! Pathetic! What kind of a man needs a couple of girls to do his fighting for him?!”, Kimton sneered, before launching into another peal of mean-spirited laughter. LeOnDine giggled in agreement, seeking his approval as usual.
The egotistical hunter was suddenly the target of a barrage of fiery, angry glares from the heroic half of the gathered assembly, one of the fiercest coming from his own counterpart. No one got away with bullying their Adrien!
“I-I don’t like fighting…or hurting people…”, Adripunzel choked out quietly, tears welling in the sensitive boy’s luminous green eyes.
“I figured asss much.”, Jafardrien scoffed, disgusted at how easily this counterpart of his was wounded emotionally. It only took one measly insult to get him crying?
“I-I just like healing people, not causing them pain.”, Adripunzel timidly explained, his demeanor starting to brighten again, to the relief of his friends. As the boy began to hum the tune of a certain song, his long golden hair donned a soft, beautiful glow. Not noticing that a certain other blonde donning a dark cloak was now watching him like a predatory hawk.
”Your…your hair…”, Lacey Gothel rasped, catching everyone’s attention, “The magic of the sundrop flower…”, hand drawing her trusty dagger as she began to move towards the suddenly frightened prince, whose hair had returned to its dormant state.
Before the demented murderess could reach her target, however, a fearsome wall of a woman stood between them. One who was currently aiming a lethally sharpened arrow straight at her forehead. Lacey Gothel jumped back with a start.
“If you take so much as one step closer to him, I will put this through your skull and end your miserable existence faster than you can blink.”, Kagamerida spoke in a voice of solid stone, the flames behind her glare promising truth in each word.
Around her, many of the other heroic students were also taking defensive stances and drawing their own weapons, all ready to defend their friend, no matter what. The villainous Lacey gulped, she may have overestimated her chances here…
“Settle down now, ya’ll.”, Doctor Cabello intervened smoothly, “Lacey here was just messin’ around, weren’t you?”, they assured, giving the girl in question a meaningful look, with the blonde hastily nodding.
“A-ah, yes, of course! My apologies, if I frightened you!”, Lacey Gothel rushed out, visibly sweating under the glares of the hero clan, “Shall we get back to watching then?”
— — —
“Hey, don’t forget about me! I’m important too!”, a high, somewhat nasally male voice suddenly cut through the air in the room. Mari DeVil started, and began to look around the room for the source. When she turned back to her counterpart, a black cat with luminescent green eyes had appeared seemingly from thin air.
“Of course, Plagg! What would I do without you?”, Marilan laughed warmly, her eyes crinkling with a smile as she stroked under the cat-Plagg, she had said-‘s chin. Until she noticed that Mari DeVil was giving her companion a look she didn’t particularly like.
“Such beautiful, silky black fur…he’d make a perfect shawl...”, the dual-haired vixen muses, admiring the shine of the feline’s coat and earning a sharp hiss in response.
“Excuse me?”, Marilan gaped, placing a hand protectively over her guardian’s head as she took a step back from her villain-self. What on Earth was wrong with this girl?
“Well, that’s all a mangy, fleabitten little beast like him is good for anyway, dear!”, Mari DeVil sneered, looking at Plagg and her counterpart with distaste, “Bah, pets! I’ve never understood why people keep the filthy little menaces with them!”, she went on to declare, tossing her hair haughtily.
“All creatures, be they people or not, are deserving of compassion!”, Marilan said firmly, fire filling her soul at the other girl’s cruelty, as well as the urge to draw her trusted blade.
“And I’d like to see you try and skin a guardian spirit, lady!”, Plagg snapped, arching his back and hissing once more as he shot her a warning look.
“Well, isn’t that sweet? I’m going to have to disagree with you though, love!”, Mari DeVil laughed wickedly, ignoring the feline’s outburst, “I LIVE for furs, I WORSHIP furs! One day I’ll have the pelt of every animal on the planet! Who could be more fashionable than me then?”, she declared grandly, twirling around as she stroked the white tufts of the coat she currently donned.
“You really have no regard for any life that isn’t your own, do you? The fact that you are my counterpart is an insult to myself and my family! I have never met so dishonorable a person in my life!”, Marilan snarled, her hand on the hilt of her sword as she shot the loathsome villainess a hateful glare.
“Why thank you, darling! You really are too sweet!”, Mari DeVil howled in a mad fit of cackling, “Though I’m curious to know how you’d plan to stop me from taking your little kitty there!”, she taunted, a crazed look in her eyes as she eyed this little girl who fancied herself a hero and a warrior, before descending into villainous laughter once more.
Only for that laughter to abruptly stop when her pink-clad counterpart moved too fast for her eyes to even track, and finding herself with one of Marilan’s hands restraining her own behind her back and the other holding that blasted sword against her throat.
“Does that answer your question?”, Marilan snapped in a voice as frigid as the power wielded by the Marc from this universe.
- - -
* “Brave One”
** “Golden Flower”
- - -
And there it was folks! Don’t mess with Adripunzel, or threaten the people and animals Marilan cares about! As always, shout out to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27! As usual, leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs! And keep an eye out for Artzy posting the Naths!
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gorogues · 3 years
Spoilers for the premiere of Flash season 7!
It's behind a cut so I can ramble without fear of someone accidentally getting spoiled.  Featuring some Rogues.
Eva McCulloch breaks Sam Scudder into shards in front of Rosa Dillon, and Eva claims that Sam was one of her first mirror constructs, not a real person.  Rosa seems devastated by his death, but eventually tells Cecile that she was always the mastermind behind their operations all along, and she set up Sam to be killed.  I don't know if we can necessarily believe what she says, but if we assume for a moment that she's telling the truth then I'm a bit startled because that's what I assumed would happen between her and Sam years ago and until now it had never come to fruition.
Eva learns that she is apparently a mirror duplicate herself, with the real Eva killed by the particle accelerator.  If true, she pointlessly murdered her husband Joseph because she felt he gave up on her too easily when she was 'trapped' in the mirrorverse.  It could end up a fakeout, but she'll probably go completely off the deep end now that she believes her existence and last few years have been a lie.  That will likely make her far more dangerous.
As for Sam's seeming death and existence as a mirror creation, it's hard to tell if that's true.  It'd certainly explain his abilities and it clears the board for a new Mirror Master; whether that's a good thing is another matter entirely.  Sam and Rosa weren't particularly popular and that's why they abruptly stopped appearing, but I don't like him getting offed like that and retconned into just a mirror construct.  I wouldn't mind seeing Rosa do more and be more of a threat as was seen in this episode though, even if I'm not a huge fan of her (I have always wanted to see Roscoe in the show, not Rosa).  But my biggest complaint with her was that she was extremely limited and not at all Roscoe-like, and this episode rectified that somewhat, so maybe I'll like her better if she continues in this vein.  We'll see.
And for all we know, maybe Sam isn't actually dead and maybe he really is/was human -- for all we know, Eva shattered a construct and the real Sam is somewhere else.  That's the kind of trick which is part of the Mirror Masters' trade, and I don't really trust what Rosa says anyway.  You never know, maybe this is a scheme she and Sam cooked up to stop or co-opt the threat posed by Eva.
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evan-mcculloch · 3 years
Success is Assured || Evan & Fractal!Scott - Discord
When: A Month Ago Where: Between MirrorVerse & Real World With: Scott @summersofscott​
Summary: Evan makes contact with the Fractal Clone of Scott he made, ensuring he understands what his purpose in the real world is.
EVAN: Given Scott was currently occupied or resting in his own room in the mirror world, Evan took his chance. He double checked the other wasn't in sight and walked into a room of his own, probably one of the students with a full length mirror hanging on the wall. He closed his eyes to concentrate and after a few moments waved a hand over the glass, causing it to ripple like disturbed water. It didn't take long for it to clear and soon his own version of Scott Summers was looking at him, waiting right at the time he'd instructed. "Ya seem ta have made yerself at home right quick." he smiled, "Excellent work, have ya had any issues so far?" He'd never made a Fractal Clone before, honestly this was new for him so he needed as many updates as he could get.
SCOTT: The clone stood in front of the mirror in Scott's private bathroom. The door was locked, though he didn't anticipate anyone would try to open it even if it wasn't. He was undisturbed. "Not noteworthy ones. There is a son." There were a lot of relationships to navigate, in fact. Everyone knew Scott in some capacity. Every single person in District X, and especially within the school where he spent the most time, knew who he was. More prominent was that he also 'knew' many of them. His head was filled with names and memories, some intimate, some just passing things. Sometimes it was overwhelming.
EVAN: Evan crossed his arms, lightly, they were still somewhat tender from his attempt to push his body past the mirror boundary, a drawback he was trying to work through. “A son?” Evan narrowed his eyes, “No matter, just access Summers’ memories and act accordingly.” The real Scott as plenty capable, this one should be too if his dedication of his powers were correct. “I have ta say yer pretty magnificent now I get a real look at ye.” He smiled, “Perfect clone down ta the last detail. But, you’ve work ta do. I need ya to track down the Flash and find where he’s hidden something very important.”
SCOTT: “I’m being careful. Everyone here knows him. He knows everyone.” His head was bursting with information, both about the people there and about so many other things. Even as he made himself focus on the reason Evan put him there, parts of him were pulled toward Scott’s obligations instead, things that the man he was modeled after would have been doing, thought he should do...”There’s more than one here.” Scott had memories of working with something called the Avenging League and had crossed paths or heard of several heroes involved or related. There were two men going by the Flash in the city.
EVAN: “I know, that was why I chose him. Ya happen ta be in a position of great power which should make ya work easier ta accomplish. If anybody starts getting a wee bit too suspicious let me know, I’ll pull them and keep them here.” Within the fractal dimension he was virtually untouchable; everything did what he wanted since he was made up of the same particles but, unlike everything else, had intelligence. “The older one.” He clarified, “He’s the one who stole the machine I need. Once we have it, we’ll be able ta make a much better world, might even be perfect.” He chuckled. Inglo was a monster but at least he’d made something magnificent.
SCOTT: "Then I will find the older Flash. If this needs to be done, it will be done." Whether that was loyalty to Evan prompting the words, or just that the real Scott so often expressed that very same sentiment, it was hard to know. The two were working hand in hand for the same reason. Evan had modeled him after someone whose paramount concern was getting the job done, if it was something that needed doing, often regardless of what that may require.
EVAN: “Good. I don’t have ta remind ye that I’m still trapped in’ere till I can figure out how ta stablize ma new body. So, until then yer acting as ma influence in tha world. We have ta make it better. Make it perfect. I’m counting on you ta assure ma success.” Inglo may have been a piece of scum but that machine would fix their broken planet. “And while yer at it, do a wee bit o’research. Our mission may get tricky down the line but I can grab us any reinforcements we need. I’ll leave it ta you to decide who’s best suited and when.” The man had lead the mutants for years after all.
SCOTT: "I'll find what you're looking for," he assured him. "I can get the job done." He could redouble his efforts to do it more quickly, find ways to get more time away from the school and all the people who so often looked to Scott for any of the thousand tasks that the man seemed to be in charge of or voluntarily take on.
EVAN: “Good. Remember, you are me, and I am you. Ma goal are yer goals and together we cannae lose.” He smiled, “Don’t get caught up in this life, s’not fer you yet. Once we’ve completed our goal, then you’ll have that entire world to live with.” All the fractal beings would.
SCOTT: The goals. Scott, the real one, the one that the life was for, was loyal. He aligned himself with the beliefs and goals of others that he could believe in and he made them happen. It came naturally to do the same, accompanied by all the memories attached to furthering Charles Xavier’s dream and working alongside so many others...It should have been simple, then. He shouldn’t feel the first twinges of doubt that were already making themselves known. “Of course,” he answered, his expression still and unreadable. “I’ll make it happen.”
EVAN: “Good. I’m putting ma faith in ya do not let me down. Once we have the world in our hands we can make it better. Make it wha’ it deserve ta be. The people out there have ruined it. We deserve it more. And we’ll have it, so long as ya do as you were made ta.” Evan nodded, then looked to the side. “Now, I’ve got ta get back ta ya real self in here. I’ll reach out ta ya again in a few days fer an update.” He waved a hand over the mirrors surface which caused it to ripple as he vanished from Scott’s sight.
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