#he sort of hid it near the end but it still wasn't great
unityrain24 · 8 months
"oh the loki in the series isn't the same as the one in infinity war because he got several movies-worth of character development scrapped. the tva version is all the way back from avengers 1, that's why."
ok but have you considered that maybe that doesn't even make sense for avengers 1 loki.?
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lunerna21 · 2 years
Is That How You Feel? (Ace Trappola x MC)
Is it evident that I'm terrible at picking titles? Answer: YES. I NEED TO WORK ON IT
I'm running low on steam, working overnight for my job for now 🙃
Anyway, I was playing through the Ghost Bride event and got the inspiration to write this about our favorite prankster
It's funny how when I first started playing Twisted Wonderland, I never pictured liking some of the characters and wanting to know more about them
Maybe I'll do a post about how I started the game vs. now
But either way, I hope you enjoy this! Thank you!❤️
TW: Lots of Cussing and physical violence
Is That How You Feel About Me?
Ace Trappola x MC
By: Lunerna21
"I hope Grim doesn't start another argument over food again." You mutter distastefully as you walk with Deuce to the lunch hall. It was lunch, and Grim and Ace had already gone ahead to beat the rush and snatch a table.
"There's no guarantee with Grim, especially when it comes to his stomach," Deuce added as he adjusted his bag on his shoulder. You massaged your temple in irritation, praying to the Great Seven that you wouldn't have the urge to strangle Grim before the end of the day.
"I give you a lot of credit, (y/n). You've constantly dealt with something yet managed to stay cool and collected." Deuce praised you. You shrugged it off, smiling at him. "It's nothing, just surviving in a world full of magic the best way I can." 
Both of you rounded the corner, entering the cafeteria. Grim was munching on one of the numerous dishes on his tray, and Ace joking around with Trey and Cater while Riddle enjoyed his meal while scrolling through a book. 
Deuce went ahead to the table while you went to grab some food. You weren't craving anything fatty to fill you until you got through the day. You went through the buffet, grabbed some snacks, and steered towards the table.
You halted, cramming a letter into your bag, worrying it would fall out and embarrass you. How? It was a letter for Ace, disclosing how you felt about him. Yes, he may be a massive, HUGE flirt and a pain in the ass, but you relished spending time with him.
You didn't intend to give it to him anytime soon, uncertain of how Ace felt about you. Anytime you were near him, he pulled all sorts of slick moves and jabs at you jokingly. So, you wouldn't attempt it until you were positive.
Taking a deep breath, you stride toward the table, admiring Ace as he chuckles at Deuce as his back is towards you. You were grateful to meet such countless incredible people here at Night Raven College.
As you got closer, you could pick up Ace's discussion shifting to another topic. You silenced your footsteps, itching to scare the hell out of Ace. You could only picture the expletives that would come out of his mouth. You hid behind a column, prepared to creep up and frighten him.
"I mean, I don't know why (y/n) was chosen for NRC. Besides being a beastmaster, she's not much help regarding battles."
…Did you hear that right? Was Ace speaking badly about you?
"Yeah, she might have helped us from not getting expelled and the whole contract thing with Azul but besides that, (y/n) is a cheerleader on the sidelines." Ace chuckled, even though nobody laughed. Deuce scowled at him.
"From what I remember, (y/n) saved us numerous times with her quick thinking." Deuce retorted, but Ace wasn't finished.
"Yeah yeah, so she had some reasonable plans. She still roped people like us into it, like how she blackmailed Ruggie and Leona to help destroy the contracts." Riddle paused from his reading, glimpsing up to frown at the ginger.
"You should be thankful she's the logical one out of you. You'd be collared most of your time here if she didn't push you three to better yourselves." Riddle snapped at Ace. Deuce nodded at his statement, but Ace couldn't take a hint and continued.
"Psh, I can do just fine without her. I don't need (y/n) to babysit or constantly be around me. I can prove that I don't need a magicless prefect to do well at NRC." Ace snickered, overlooking the bewildered and vexed glances from Trey and Cater.
"What the hell is wrong with you? She's our friend, and she's never asked for anything. She's just trying to get through school without problems, which YOU typically start alongside Grim." Deuce expressed to Ace.
"Hey! I've gotten better!" Grim cried.
"Pipe down, you damn raccoon. You've only gotten better 'cause (y/n) 's got a leash on you." Ace sneers at Grim. Grim looked as if he was ready to snap; whether it was from his hurt pride or what was coming out of Ace's mouth was uncertain.
You stood rigid, unsure of what to do. Your ears were ringing from shock, and you could only tightly grip your food tray. Why was Ace saying this stuff? You'd never say anything detrimental about anyone you knew. 
The number of students that over-blotted said enough. Troubles with family, power, bullying, and positions. You wouldn't dream of saying anything harmful or destructive. People had enough to deal with, particularly here at NRC.
But was this how Ace felt about you all along? As a nuisance? A babysitter? You were just looking out for the others, repaying them for the countless times they protected and assisted you. 
"Get this! The other day, a student confessed to (y/n), which was hysterical. She was all flustered and could barely speak, even though she rejected them. Guess she wasn't popular or anything from wherever she's from." Ace laughed again.
Everything he said replayed over and over in your head. It felt as if he was a different person all of a sudden. Your heart pulverized every moment you tried to breathe. You were breathless, feeling as if somebody had decked you repeatedly in the stomach.
What more could you do? You hated that you could do nothing to help others, but were you always regarded as a hassle? Useless? Was that how the others viewed you? You only did what you could in those scenarios so that no one was severely injured.
Or dead.
You blurred out Ace as he resumed to mock you behind your back. He just kept going and didn't know when to stop. Should you just storm out and shut him out for the rest of your time at NRC? No, and yes.
Ace needed to be confronted for the shallow bastard he was.
You quickly discarded your food away, losing your appetite, and trudged around the column towards the table. Riddle detected your fuming demeanor as you strode over, startled to see how fuming red you were. Then it clicked for him. You heard everything. He said nothing more, observing as you stormed across the cafeteria.
"Would you stop speaking badly about her?! She didn't do a goddamn thing to you!" Deuce barked at Ace, noticing you were only feet from the table. Deuce kept his mouth shut, scowling at Ace to see him dig himself a deeper grave.
"Please, (y/n) couldn't hurt a goddamn fly."
"Wanna bet, asshole?" You cut in. 
Ace stiffened, slowly pivoting around to look up at you. You glared down at the ginger, feeling your hands trembling from outrage and repulsion towards someone you believed to be one of your closest friends. Someone you loved. You felt physically and emotionally ill just being near him.
"H-Hey (y/n). We were just talking about—!"
In a flash, you flung your bag down, clasping his tie, and tugged him towards you. Ace sputtered as he nearly fell face-first from the seat. You gripped your fist tightly and punched him across the face. Ace flew a couple of feet away, clutching his jaw as he frowned at you.
"What the hell was that?!" Ace roared as he stood. You weren't done. You dashed over, tackled him to the floor, and severely struck him in the stomach. Ace choked on his breath, incapable of speaking, while his body recovered from the blow. You snatched his tie again and drew him close, only inches from his face.
"You're a goddamn coward, Ace. You will never be a great mage, and you are the most shallow, two-faced person I've ever met. I hope you rot in hell 'cause you don't know how to be a decent human being." You spat, dismissing the pain pulsing in your hand from striking him.
Ace's eyes dilated at your words; for once, he didn't have a snide remark or quip regarding what you said. 
"I don't know how you were chosen for this school, 'cause from what I heard come out of your fucking trap is complete bullshit. You don't know anything about me, so SHUT THE HELL UP AND STAY OUT OF MY GODDAMN LIFE!" You hollered, your throat becoming raspy from the octave. 
The cafeteria was deathly quiet, students standing and observing the debacle. You were surprised that no faculty, staff, or students attempted to prevent you from hitting him. 
You pushed him down, standing up and glowering down at Ace. He didn't move, only dazed by what had just transpired. You trekked over to Riddle, bowing your head in front of him.
"I'm sorry for fighting in front of you and the other students and staff. You can collar me or report me if you want. I just needed to get that off my chest." You remarked, keeping your head down as you apologized. Riddle paused briefly, glimpsing at Ace as he didn't move from the floor.
"It's alright, (y/n). It seems like one of our students learned a valuable lesson today." Riddle set a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it tightly. You straightened, dumbfounded that he was letting you off the hook.
"On behalf of Heartslabyul, I apologize for what was said about you. You're a great student, (y/n)." Your heart surged at his compliment, nodding before seizing your bag and striding towards the exit. Students parted for you, astonished and silent as you passed them and exited the cafeteria.
"I'm gonna go with her." Deuce cut in, quickly grabbing his belongings and racing after you. Grim followed him as well, leaping onto his shoulder as Deuce ran after you.
Ace stood up gradually, dusting off the dirt that covered his uniform. People returned to their conversations except for Riddle, Trey, and Cater. Riddle stepped up to Ace, glaring at him once more.
"You deserved everything she did to you. Not so weak to hurt a fly, huh, Ace?"
Ace kept silent, unhurriedly walking in the opposing direction of the cafeteria.
The ringing in your ears amplified as you quickly walked outside the school grounds. You needed to get away, cool off, and shut out everything about Ace.
"(Y/n)! Wait up!" You didn't pick up Deuce and Grim calling for you. You hastened up, feeling your chest tighten and the tears trickling. You were ready to burst and break down entirely.
"Stop! Stop, (y/n)!” Deuce seized your arm, drawing you back as you turned to face the two. Deuce sucked in a breath; his stomach stirred as he looked at your face.
That was it. You couldn't contain it anymore.
Tears streamed out of you, your body shaking from the rollercoaster of emotions that you went through.
"Deuce. A-Am I useless?" You questioned as your voice trembled. "I thought I…dammit." You lost your capability to speak, bewildered by Ace's statements. Deuce gripped your arm tightly, pulling you into his arms and clutching your form.
"Far from it, (y/n). I'm so sorry you had to hear all that stupid shit come out of Ace's goddamn trap." Grim hugged your head closely, tears striding down his furry cheeks. 
"He's right, minion. I should torch his room after what he said." Grim stated irritatedly, yet you couldn't laugh at his threat.
"You've saved so many people in numerous situations. You're a model student who anyone can go to about any issues. You're amazing, (y/n)." You clasped his back tightly, weeping in his arms after bottling it up. 
Deuce and Grim didn't say anything more, just allowing you to let down your barriers and everything you felt. You appreciated Deuce's remarks, but deep down, you battled with what Ace said.
Useless, magic-less prefect (y/n).
Ace sank onto his bed, silent and dazed by what you did. Maybe he had gone too far with his statements, but he surely didn't anticipate you to hit him and leave him physically shaken.
Why did he say those things when he knew they weren't true? (Y/n) had saved his ass several times, yet she had no magic whatsoever. She even managed to do a number on his jaw and gut.
Ace massaged his cheek, still aching from the brute of your punch. Now he knew never to piss you off. 
He sat up, checking his phone to see if you texted or called him. No, of course not. How could he blame you? 
What the hell was wrong with him lately?
Deuce determined he would stay over to keep an eye on you. Of course, he asked beforehand, and you accepted without reluctance. The three of you sat on the cushion in the lounge, watching whatever was on TV. Grim had nodded off, yet he was twisted up in a ball of blankets beside you.
You caressed his head, smiling as he snored a bit in his sleep. "I'm glad that today's finally over. I just don't understand where all that came from. Did I do something wrong? I don't recall pushing his buttons or anything."
Deuce shrugged at your inquiries. "You did nothing, (y/n). Ace was spewing bullshit about everything. Guess he displayed his true colors." You nodded, adjusting yourself on the cushion. 
You laughed to yourself, not an ounce of humor in it. "I don't even know why I loved Ace, of all people." Deuce vaulted at your statement, nearly tumbling off the sofa. "Wait, what?! Since when—!" You clamped a hand over his mouth, glimpsing to see if Grim woke. Didn't even stir.
You drew your hand back, slumping back as you sighed. "Crazy, huh? Yeah, what the hell was I thinking? Clearly, I have poor taste in men, sorry I mean assholes." You rubbed your arm, avoiding Deuce's stare. 
"I-I never knew you felt that way about him." "I didn't want anyone to know. I guess it was good that I didn't spill the beans, huh?" Your throat constricted, dragging your knees to your chest. 
"I don't know how I'm gonna get through classes tomorrow with him there. Every time I think of Ace, I wanna beat the hell out of him. Yet…" you trailed off, enclosing your head to prevent the tears from coming.
Deuce bristled seeing you in this state. You had enough to deal with, but now this adds to your troubles. Deuce enveloped his arms around you protectively and gave a tight squeeze. 
"I'll be with you every step of the way tomorrow. I promise you won't have to stress or be anywhere near him. I promise, (y/n)." Deuce vowed to you. You smiled, a lone tear falling out as you hugged him fully.
"Thank you, Deuce. Thank you for being a real friend."
Without much sleep, you dragged yourself out of bed and headed to classes with Deuce and Grim. Before even trekking onto campus, you disputed racing back to Ramshackle and remaining in bed until whenever.
Yet, you somehow pulled yourself together and stepped into your first lecture. In the corner of your eye, you detected Ace sitting in the most distant corner of the classroom. 
"Cmon. Just ignore him." Deuce cut into your thoughts as he sat in his usual seat. You joined him and Grim, going through lessons like it was nothing.  
Yet, at specific moments during the lecture, it felt like a pair of eyes glued to you. Or it was your mind playing tricks on you.
You released a deep breath the moment your last class ended. Deuce joined you as you strode by the Great Seven statues. Grim went with Leona and Ruggie to watch them during spell drive practice.
"Thank you for walking with me, Deuce. I can walk the rest of the way." "Okay. Let me know if you need anything, (y/n)." 
You nodded, smiling and waving as he strode away. Once he left, your smile wilted away. It was great you didn't run into Ace or talk to him. Still, it didn't mend the damage he had caused. You never envisioned someone like Ace singling you out about your inability.
Ace and several others praised you for your quick thinking; for once, you felt like you genuinely belonged with everyone at Night Raven College. Yet it took a few belittling remarks from one of your closest companions to doubt yourself and your capabilities.
Maybe it was time to get rid of the letter. There was no coming back after what Ace said.
You opened your bag, going through your belongings. Notebook, pens and pencils, erasers. You froze, not seeing the letter anywhere. Where was it? Had you lost it during the day? You opened and emptied every pocket in your backpack until it was completely empty.
It wasn't in your bag. Your heart shuddered. Did you drop it someplace? Did it fall out? Panic flowed through you, running through your mind where it could've been, perhaps if you went to your classrooms and checked there first. 
Tossing your belongings back into your bag, you dashed towards the campus while begging the Great Seven that no one found it.
Especially Ace.
After racing all over the campus, you hadn't located the letter. PE, Potions, Animal Linguistics, and no sight of it. Running through your recollection, you slammed your first-period classroom door open and hurried to your desk to look for it.
"Please, please let me find it!" You prayed to yourself. You nearly crumpled as you found it stuck between two notebooks stashed under the desk. Now you could rest easy. 
The door opened behind you. You turned and froze when Ace shut the door after him, his unwavering eyes on you.
"I was just leaving." you frowned at him, shoving the letter in your pocket. You snarled at him while tossing your bag onto your shoulder. You stepped to the door, stopping when Ace's arm obstructed you from exiting. 
"I need to talk to you." Ace uttered finally, a trace of pleading in his tone.
"I'd rather not. You're lucky I'm even speaking to you." You retorted, refusing to even glimpse at him. Ace's grasp on the doorway tensed at your tone.
"Can we just talk?" Ace pressed further, stepping in front of you and barricading the door. You closed your mouth, glancing at anything but Ace. Before all this, you couldn't stop looking at him. Now, it was something you couldn't bear to do.
Once you did, you wouldn't be capable of looking away without crying, without questioning why you had fallen for Ace out of all your friends.
Ace was silent for a beat as if pondering attempting to talk to you. You favored that. 
Without warning, Ace grasped your chin, shifting your stare into his. Ace kept his cool, yet his demeanor was swaying.
"(Y/n). Please. I need to talk to you." Ace pleaded. Your throat tightened, knowing you would easily fall for his tricks. Just standing around Ace made your heart beat heavily with outrage and disdain.
You shut your eyes, shoving him away as he crashed into the entrance, and your back hit a desk.
"I'm done with you. Everything you said showed how you felt about me. I would NEVER speak poorly about someone the way you did." You snarled, glowering at him once again. Ace stepped closer, and you rescinded back.
"I didn't mean any of it! I just…I don't know…." Ace trailed off, sounding unsure himself. You were losing patience with him by the second.
"Ace, you went off on a tirade for a while! Riddle, Deuce, AND Grim told you to stop! And yet, you couldn't keep your goddamn mouth shut." 
Ace gripped his arm uncomfortably, unable to look you in the eyes. 
"With everything I dealt with, I never, not ONCE, spoke poorly about anyone at school. Half of our friends over-blotted because of things they were dealing with."
"Riddle, with his controlling mother, Leona treated differently because he's second born. Azul ridiculed for being a cephalopod. Jamil's position and concealing his true self, and Vil losing to Neige and being treated as a villain. Even though they had done awful things and nearly killed the others, I would never speak badly about them because of what they had to deal with!!" You cried, ignoring the tears that escaped.
"Yet you just let open everything about me, a magic-less prefect who can't hurt a fly! You don't think I've heard that around school?! Of course, I have! I hear people joking about me the instant I step onto campus! Magic-less, worthless, EVERYTHING! But I have never spoken poorly about anyone, not even Deuce, Grim, or you!"
"Why, though!? Why did you never talk badly about—!" 
"IT'S BECAUSE I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU, DAMMIT!" You yelled, gazing into his eyes finally. Ace stood rigid, yielding his ability to speak after your abrupt confession.
This was not how you meant to tell him, yet it slipped out. Now Ace knew how you felt about him. Yes, you were livid with him and wanted to stay far away from him, yet you couldn't contain how you felt about him.
"Dammit, Ace. You're persistent, a goofball, and a tease, yet I still fell for you. You’ve been by my side through everything. I knew when I would always look for you at school, hanging out with everyone or when I could barely breathe or think when we were together. But I made a huge mistake falling for someone like you." You extracted the letter, stepping up to Ace and pushing it into his chest.
"Here, I don't need this anymore. I don't care what you do with it. Show it off to everyone; embarrass me more if you want. Just…" you paused, voice wavering as you tried to compose your feelings.
"Just leave me alone. I can't deal with this. I can't love you after everything you said." You pushed past him, slamming the door after you and running to Ramshackle.
Ace's throat became constricted, fearful that things would never be the same without you.
He opened the letter, his hands trembling as he held his breath. Ace scrolled through the note, noticing little things that (y/n) wrote regarding him.
I'm glad I spent time with Ace and Deuce for winter break. I didn't think I'd get the chance to spend time with them, but I'm grateful they came for Grim and me. It was reassuring to see them worried about me. 
Ace's cheeks heated instantly, skimming through more of the letter.
Ace would likely tease me for saying this, but I couldn't help looking at him in that suit. He just looked so handsome and mature. Is it wrong I wished someday he would say those words to me? Maybe. A girl can dream, though.
Ace chuckled, a tear descending as he read more from (y/n). In everything she wrote, she perceived him in such a praising way. Captivating. Handsome. Dedicated. Persistent. Trustworthy. It went on and on. And yet he said awful things about her while she listened to everything.
One line made his stomach churn, wanting to crumble up the letter and run after (y/n).
I never imagined I would love someone like Ace. It's a terrifying thought, yet I know he would never do anything to hurt me. I trust him, and I want to be there for him. No matter what.
Ace grasped the letter tightly to his chest, feeling the desire to throw up and cry. Ace lost someone he treasured having in his life. Maybe it was fate that they met, but he didn't care. He needed (y/n) in his life. 
Yet, he couldn't gather what that meant. 
Another day had passed, and you skipped out on lessons. Deuce questioned if you were alright, but you just informed him you needed time to yourself. You strolled outside the campus aimlessly, steering far from running into anyone.
While this was going on, Deuce stormed about the campus, looking for Ace in particular. He knew Ace must've done something to make you miss classes. You never skipped any, so he understood something was up.
Deuce eventually spotted him, surprised to see him sitting huddled with Riddle, Trey, and Cater in the Heartslaybul lounge. They all turned to Deuce, detecting his enraged demeanor.
"I'm assuming you're looking for Ace?" Trey spoke up. Deuce nodded, scowling at Ace while his gaze was on the floor. Deuce sat beside Trey, refusing to stop frowning at him.
Ace sheepishly ran a hand through his hair, giving his attention now to the people in front of them.
"I'm sorry for what I said the other day. I was completely out of line, and you guys tried to stop me. I'm so sorry."
"Did you apologize to (y/n)? She should be the one to apologize to." Deuce cut in brutally. Ace nodded. "I did, though she wouldn't listen to me." Ace replied, turning his attention to Deuce.
"Can't say I blame her. You were an asshole, Ace." Ace withdrew slightly but agreed nevertheless.
"Trust me, I know. That's why I need help. I need to fix this, or else it's really over between (y/n) and I." 
"First of all, where did all that come from? She didn't deserve that or do anything to make you that angry. So, why did you say all that about her?" Riddle cut directly to the point.
Ace gritted his teeth, frustration starting to show. "I don't know, I just kinda blurted it all out. Maybe I was infuriated, annoyed by something, but I don't know." He responded, tilting forward and clutching his head in frustration. Ace said no more, uncertain what he felt towards (y/n).
"Ah! Maybe…" Cater hesitated for a point; only then did he sneer at Ace. "Ace, could you have been jealous of (y/n)?" Ace sat up straight at his presumption. "Jealous? How so?" 
"You mentioned how someone confessed to her, right? Could it be??" Cater giggled to himself before Trey cut in to finish his deduction.
"Maybe you love her?" 
Everything in Ace's body came to an abrupt halt. He sensed his heart stop, realizing he'd been incapable of admitting it for so long. Ace brushed off the moments where he considered taking (y/n) 's hand, sticking close to her whenever a student intimidated her. He brushed off the thoughts of taking (y/n) and kissing her senselessly, loving her for how incredible she was. Was it that simple?
But Ace loved her? Hadn't he pushed away the thought of dating after his prior relationship? Yet, if it were (y/n), he wouldn't have minded that.
Ace recalls how bristled and aggravated he felt after witnessing the confession. He hadn't even realized it when it happened, yet he remembered his mood soured after that.
Ace Trappola was jealous. Extremely jealous.
His cheeks flushed immediately, almost making Cater fall back, cackling at the picture while Trey chuckled a bit.
"Would you look at that? Someone's green-eyed monster is responsible." Riddle snickered as Ace obscured his cheeks, yet his flustered condition worsened the more they taunted him.
"Cut it out! What the hell is happening to me…." Ace muttered the last part to himself but grinned, knowing he couldn't deny it any longer. At least he had an explanation as to why he'd been acting strange.
Deuce stood up unexpectedly, clenching his fist as he scowled at Ace. "Huh? What is it?" Riddle asked Deuce. He didn't answer, only shifting his eyes to Ace and punching him. Ace tumbled onto his back, clutching his cheek.
"Dammit, my jaw can't handle another hit." Ace remarked jokingly as he massaged his jaw.
"What was that for!?" Riddle leaped up, stepping in between the two students. Deuce frowned down at Ace, cracking his knuckles as he spoke.
"You discovered this now!? Are you that thick-headed!?" Deuce shouted. "She's known how she's felt about you for so long, yet it took another student to confess for you to comprehend how you feel about her!?" 
Ace shrunk under Deuce's frown but didn't give in. "Yeah, maybe I am. So what? Why would that—!"
"So what if I told you I confessed to her too? She doesn't deserve someone who treats her like shit. I can take better care of her if you're that thick-headed."
Ace sucked in a breath, his stomach stirring at the idea of (y/n) with anyone but him. He wouldn't be able to allow it. Not in a million years. He couldn't comprehend someone he didn't know with her, but somebody like Deuce? No, he wouldn't let anyone be with her beside him.
Ace stood up, striding to Deuce and seizing him by his shirt. "Heh. Sorry, Deucy. I'm not giving her up to anyone, not even you." Ace smirked, with no uncertainty in his answer. Deuce paused before smirking.
"Hmph." No other words were exchanged, yet they both were relaxed, and Deuce knew Ace was ultimately back to himself.
Riddle cut in. "Now that that's resolved, you should go find her. We'll help you." Ace smiled at Riddle, drawing out his phone to text her.
Scratch Scratch
"Ace! Riddle! Anyone!" A hurried voice spoke up. Little pitter-patter and clawing could be heard from the door. Trey quickly opened it as Grim fell forward. "What's wrong?" Trey asked as Grim shook himself, water soaring off his tiny body as he spoke.
"It's (y/n)! She's in trouble!"
~~~~~~ Moments Earlier ~~~~~~
Both you and Grim sat beneath a tree on campus. Dark shadows began edging closer to the campus, and Grim took notice. No words were exchanged, only relishing the peace and quiet.
"Hey, minion, shouldn't we go back?" You didn't respond, an impassive stare directed towards the clouds. Grim released an audible sigh, pulling on your sleeve.
"C'mon, let's go before it starts pouring." You permitted him to pull you somewhat up, brushing off the dirt on your uniform as you stood. As you began to follow Grim, two men suddenly blocked your path. 
"Whoa, whoa, where're you going, sweetheart?" The taller man questioned in a teasing way. You bristled, knowing they would be an issue. Grim stood behind the men, uncertain what to do.
"None of your business." You attempted to pass one of them, yet they seized your arm abruptly and moved uncomfortably close for your liking. "C'mon, we just wanted to hang out with you. There's no harm in that, right?" 
The shorter one sneered, and panic began to course through you. 
No. You could handle this. You weren't useless like Ace had said. You weren't afraid to fight back. "How about no? Or do you need me to spell it out for you?" You snarled, seizing his hand and wringing it painfully.
The tall man cried as he retracted his hand, glaring at you. "Bitch! What's—!" He halted before a dark smirk greeted you. 
"Wait a second, you're that magic-less prefect from NRC." You grimaced, standing your ground as he strode closer again. "Who's asking, asshole?"
He chuckled, drawing out a pen and aiming it directly at you. You stepped back, glimpsing at Grim quickly. Grim jerked his head side to side, understanding you wanted him to leave you.
Suddenly, fire shot out of the pen and narrowly missed you as it struck the tree behind you. Part of the bark was charred, yet the flame diminished as the rain picked up.
"Go, Grim!!" You pushed the man back, running down the hill to get him away from Grim. 
Grim sped off, running anywhere to find help. "Dammit! You go after the furball!" The taller male sprinted after you, while Grim's first thought was to run to Heartslabyul. 
Grim threw several fireballs back at the man, eventually losing him after torching part of his clothing and running away from Grim.
Grim led them back to where you were earlier in a desperate sprint to catch up to you. Ace kept close to Grim; his only thought was that you were safe. He only hoped you didn't do anything reckless or brash.
He wouldn't know what to do if he found you severely wounded. He'd make sure he'd beat the hell out of them when he'd find them.
"(Y/n)! Where are you!?" Ace shouted out. His response was the rain pitter-pattering against the leaves, no trace of you. They finally arrived where you were before, where the bark exhibited damage from the spell.
"Look!" Cater indicated the sludgy footprints leading into the forest. "Let's follow them and see if we can catch up!" Without responding, everyone broke into a desperate sprint, the rain streaming more than before. 
They pursued the footprints until they were drowned out by the rain. They came to an abrupt halt, glimpsing around to see if they could locate any more impressions. 
"We lost the trail! (Y/n) has to be close by!" Riddle yelled, skimming around the forest. Visibility was declining, and no one knew how long you'd been outrunning them. 
Ace peeked down a large hill, praying to The Great Seven he'd find you fast. He needed to fix what he'd nearly destroyed and finally confess how he felt about you for so long. 
Ace sucked in a breath, noticing sparks of red in the distance. He squinted before his eyes enlarged as he saw you tumble as you evaded another attack, sprinting off further away.
"I see her! Let's move!" Ace shouted as he ran off, racing without hesitating.
'I'm coming, (y/n). Just wait!'
It felt like your legs would buckle at any point, but you couldn't stop. The man was close behind, taunting you as you ran. You rounded a corner, hiding behind a tree, as you halted to catch your breath and peek around again. Maybe you should run towards the mirror to Heartslabyul. There's no way you would be capable of outrunning him for much longer.
The rain drenched you, weighing your clothes as they clung to your body. You were quickly losing stamina, but there was no way you'd back down.
"Gotcha!" A hand unexpectedly gripped your arms, and you lurched back to remove yourself from his grip. He wouldn't release you, so the only thing you could do was knee him in the crouch. "Augh!" The man gasped in pain, yet his hold tensed as he drew back his hand and slapped you across the face.
The pain temporarily stunned you. Clutching your shirt tightly, he lifted his pen, prepared to aim another spell at you. He used that opportunity to push you against the tree, your head striking back with force.
"(Y/n)!! Where are you!?" Another familiar voice spoke up unexpectedly. Your eyes broadened at the voice.
Ace. He'd come looking for you.
The man covered your mouth quickly as he edged closer to your form. He scowled at you, holding the pen dangerously close to your throat. "Any sound out of you, and I'll shut you up. You won't be in one piece if you try anything." The man threatened venomously. You held your breath, observing the man as he scanned his surroundings. 
You needed to do something to get to Ace, wherever he may be. Even if it meant pissing the man off more. Without thinking, you bit down on his hand and shoved him back, watching him lurch back in pain.
"ACE!!!" You cried, cut off as the man punched you. You flew back a couple of feet, landing in a large pool as water and mud-soaked you. The man bristled at you, aiming his pen again.
"That'll shut you up." He sneered as you struggled to recover from the punch, nearly seeing stars. You inclined on your arms, shutting your eyes and bracing yourself for the pain you would feel.
Ace's body collided with his, the fire spell narrowly missing you. You reeled to see Ace wrestling with the guy, hurling punches into his stomach. The man groaned from the blows, allowing Ace to seize his pen and toss it far from within reach.
You looked up, noticing the other man running to help his companion and aiming a pen at Ace.
"Ace! Watch out—!"
"OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" Riddle stepped in front of you, aiming his pen, and immobilized the man from utilizing magic. The man pulled at the collar angrily, not detecting Cater and Trey tackling him from behind to the ground.
Grim leaped suddenly from your side, biting the taller man's hand, and Deuce helped throw the man off Ace and pushed him hard. The man flew back several feet, scampering back startled, and spooked.
"Get the hell out of here! Don't ever touch her again, or else I'll beat the living daylights out of you assholes. Got it?" Ace threatened, seething with outrage.
Trey and Cater shoved the other man, eyeing him as they scrambled desperately in the opposite direction. Once they ran off, you released an exhausted sigh while almost collapsing.
"You have no idea how happy I am to see you guys," you uttered, voice wavering from fatigue. Ace trekked over, crumpling to his knees in front of you and drawing you into an embrace. You couldn't breathe for a beat, but it was a mixture of everything.
Ace embraced you closely, his hands grasping you tightly as his body scarcely trembled. How terrified you felt, uncertain if anyone would save you. How he came here to help you after everything he said, endangering himself to protect you. You felt tears starting to form, thankful you made out alive to see Ace again.
"Why the hell are you so bold, (y/n)? Dammit, you're gonna give me a heart attack." Ace voiced, sounding somewhat relieved but shaken. You embraced him, incapable of answering him. Had it only been a second later, you weren't confident you'd live to see the day.
Ace drew away, brushing off the blood and cupping your face delicately. Unexpectedly, Ace pinched your cheek, frowning as he watched you flinch back in pain.
"Ow Ow Ow Ow! Why're you pinching me!?" you whined, swatting his hand away as his hands rested on his hips. "That's what you get for scaring the hell out of everyone! Great Seven! What were you thinking!?" You pouted at him, ready to retort before Trey cut in.
"Maybe now would be a good time to get (y/n) to the infirmary. And get everyone out of the rain while we're at it."
Riddle would approach Crowley the next day about the students, reassuring you that you'd be safe. Riddle noted later that they were Royal Sword Academy students. He knew based on their pens' structure, which was identical to when you'd seen Neige and others sporting the same type of pen.
Once brought to the infirmary, you were cleaned up and patched up. Only a couple of abrasions and scrapes, but nothing detrimental. There was some bruising on your cheek from being struck twice, but it would fade away after a couple of days.
Riddle lectured you briefly but also understood you defended yourself. He patted your head, asking you to be careful next time and "keep an eye on the three stooges." You smiled, waving to them as they exited the infirmary.
"You're sure you're gonna be okay? We can stay with you a little longer if you want?" Deuce noted it again. You giggled, flicking his forehead and earning a yelp. "I'm okay. Besides, I'll be discharged in a bit. I appreciate it, Deuce." you reassured him. Deuce nodded, standing up as Grim joined Deuce.
"I'll stay with Deuce until you're out. Rest while you can, my henchman!" You smiled at Grim, pulling him towards you and hugging him tightly.
"Thank you, Grim. Thank you for your help. Otherwise, I don't think I'd be in the best shape if you hadn't run to Heartslabyul." Grim squeezed back, pulling away and ruffling your hair. He hopped onto Deuce's shoulder, waving goodbye and heading to the door.
Deuce strode out, witnessing a flustered Ace slanting by the door. It wasn't something you'd typically see with Ace, so it was entertaining to both Deuce and Grim. His eyes were glued to the floor, his hands fiddling as he lingered outside.
"N-No. Okay, yes. I don't want to screw things up again."
"Then tell her how you feel. Don't hold back how you feel about her. She's waiting for you, you know?"
"Yeah." Ace took a slow, agonizing breath before stepping in, ignoring the amused laughs from Deuce and Grim.
Ace strode into the infirmary, and you gripped your hand tightly, nerves sending butterflies to your stomach. Ace ambled over, sitting down and avoiding your stare. There was a moment of silence before you spoke up. 
"I want to know how you feel about me, Ace." Ace stiffened, his stare moving from the floor into yours. "I want to know if you meant everything you said; cause that's not the Ace I've known since day one." Ace shook his head.
"Nothing I've said is true. You're far from being useless, (y/n)." Ace hesitated, shifting his chair closer to the bed. "You're human. A human with no powers. But, with everything you've confronted, you never shied away from aiding others."
"Even when Deuce and I were butting heads at the mines, you kept your cool and helped us get out of there in one piece. I've always admired how unique you were from the rest. But…" Ace bent forward, obscuring his face from your view.
"I wanted you to rely on me. Not Deuce, Grim, nobody but me. It may sound greedy, but it scared me how you went into anything without hesitance, without having to rely on magic. It frightened me that one little slip-up and something could've happened to you. I couldn't bear the idea of not being there for that slip-up."
"I've never wanted to beat the hell out of somebody so badly. And when I saw him hit you, I was prepared to use everything I had on him, not even caring if he made it out alive or not. I wouldn't have cared." you sucked in a breath, moving closer after his statement.
"I wouldn't have wanted that, Ace. Yes, he was a piece of shit, but it would mean you couldn't come here anymore. I wouldn't have been able to see you again." Ace smiled, darting up, his face shifting to hurt.
"How can you say that after everything I did? I'm a piece of shit, (y/n)." "Yes, you were. But if what you conveyed was truly how you felt, you wouldn't have come to save me." Ace nodded, glimpsing away with a hint of color on his cheeks.
"I would never leave you. Not in a million years. I didn't understand why I said those things and honestly questioned what was wrong with me. But then I approached the others and eventually knew the answer."
You nodded, shocked to catch Ace Trappola at a loss for words. His gaze was everyplace but you, and he adjusted himself in his chair. "What was the answer?" You didn't know what he'd say. Ace was somewhat unpredictable, particularly at this point when he wasn't teasing or pranking you. 
You flinched when heat touched your hand, looking to see Ace's hand squeezing your hand in desperation. His hold wavered, and it looked as if Ace was ready to burst from nerves. His eyes were glued to the floor, and he could only grip your hand tightly.
"Ace, are you okay?" you asked, concerned for his wellbeing. "I can go grab the nurse if you want. You're probably sick from the rain."
"I love you, (y/n)."
You froze, uncertain if you heard him correctly. Ace felt you harden in his grip, looking up from the ground to look at you. Your cheeks were a light pink tint, and you looked at him with a dazed look.
"A-Ace? Did you say that-!"
"That I love you? Yes." Ace tilted forward, setting one hand on the back of your neck while resting his forehead on yours. You were breathless, feeling Ace's breath only inches from brushing your lips.
"I love everything about you, (y/n). Ramshackle's stunning, enchanting, alluring prefect who isn't afraid of anything or anyone. I love you, (y/n), and want to spoil you and keep you safe."
"Ace. I…" your heart rate soared with every compliment coming out of his mouth, and you could hardly speak without expecting to pass out in front of him. You hadn't envisioned something so genuine and sincere from Ace Trappola, of all people. It was as if you were reliving him rehearsing his proposal for the Ghost Bride.
But this time, everything he said to you, he meant every word. 
"I need to hear it from you. So, (y/n)?" Ace tipped back, his eyes smoldering you as he seated on the bed. One hand cupped your cheek while the other slid to your hips, tracing your skin with his fingers and sending tremors coursing through your body.
"Do you love me? The flirty, handsome, dashing, yet pain in the ass Ace Trappola?" Ace asked in hushed tones. You beamed warmly at him, bending into his hand and shutting your eyes at his warmth.
"With everything inside me, Ace. I love you." Ace's breath hitched before he smiled, witnessing a smile exclusively shared between you. Your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips, Ace taking notice.
"I can't hold back anymore, (y/n). I need you." He whispered against your lips. You nodded, and finally, he leaned in and pressed his lips against you. A shudder traveled down your spine as Ace drew you closer by your waist as if he wasn't close enough to touch you. You ran your fingers through his hair while Ace inclined closer to heighten the kiss. His body leaned into you, and you unknowingly bent against the mattress as he kissed you senselessly.
"Ace," you whispered but gasped as he cut you off to kiss you again. You obliged, enveloping your arms around his neck as his arms caged you so he wouldn't fall. One kiss. Two kisses. Three kisses. Every time you drew away to breathe, he would dive in, kiss and hold you close as if afraid to let go of you.
Finally, you both pulled away out of breath as you gazed at each other's flustered yet dazed faces. Ace smirked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear while sneering down at you.
"I could get used to seeing you like this, (y/n). Seeing you flustered and out of breath from kissing you senseless, only for me to see." Ace teased, and you hid your face behind your hands. Ace chuckled, pushing your hands down to kiss you intensely. Once he drew away, he pulled you up and embraced you tightly, planting a delicate kiss on your neck.
"Great Seven, I've fallen so goddamn hard for you, (y/n). But I can't say I don't mind falling more in love with you."
~~Extended Ending~~
"You gonna be okay with classes tomorrow?
"Yeah, Yeah, I'm not dying or anything."
Ace walked with you back to Ramshackle. Neither of you had realized how long you'd been kissing, thankfully stopping before the nurse arrived to discharge you. Ace held your hand tightly, seemingly satisfied and smug. It felt strange that you were hitting the hell out of him only two days ago, and now you two walked hand in hand towards Ramshackle.
That doesn't mean you were complaining, though. It was promising and reassuring to finally have conveyed your feelings out and in the open towards Ace. No more second-guessing yourself only to appreciate these new moments with Ace.
"Oh yeah, I forgot." Ace cut in your reflections, drawing out your letter from his jacket. You reddened, reaching to yank it out of his grip, but he drew it back.
"Dammit! I forgot I gave you that!" you whined, and Ace's smug smirk worsened. "Awww, is (y/n) blushing? I wonder why that could be?" Ace teased, waving the letter far enough for you to reach. You bristled, pivoting away to conceal your rosiness.
"You'd better not have read that. It's embarrassing." your heart jolted, feeling Ace's arms tugging you from behind, his lips close to your ear. "I can think of numerous ways to embarrass you, but I'd rather see you flustered (y/n)." Ace whispered seductively. Your breath hitched, shivering as you pinched his arm. He barked in pain, and you chuckled as he pulled away.
"S-Screw you. That's a dirty trick."
"Dirty, huh? I can show you dir–argh!" You forcefully launched a stone at his forehead, cutting him off as he stepped back to cup his forehead.
"Heh. Serves you right," you smirked, sticking your tongue out, turning your attention forward, and walking again. Ace bristled briefly, then joined you again as he clutched your hand again and resumed walking. After walking only a few steps, Ace stepped in front of you and pressed a chaste kiss against your lips. 
You blushed and smiled at him, shaking off how every kiss left you in a daze.
"So you liked how I looked in a suit, huh? Interesting, no wonder you couldn't stop staring at me the whole day--!"
"You did read it!! I'm gonna beat the hell out of you, Ace!!!" you shouted, running after the giggling fool. Oh, what a joy it was for Ace to tease (y/n).
(Y/n), the magic-less prefect who wooed Ace Trappola, the biggest trickster in Night Raven College. And what a combination they were.
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theglitchywriterboi · 2 years
Deaths Diner: Chapter Six
They were all gathered around outside the diner. Dexter didn't know what they were planning on doing - or what was even happening. It still didn't feel like any of this was real. The fairy girl, Aurora, and the bat boy, Vlad, were talking about what to do. This all felt like some sort of sick joke to him. Or a dream that felt incredibly real. He wished him & Paxton were back at home, that he had never started inventing that... That he didn't have to find someone that, apparently couldn't be found, so he could continue to live... He wondered how Paxton was coping with all this.
Paxton appeared the same as he always did, though that wasn't saying much. They were like the two ends of a spectrum. Dexter couldn't hid his emotions very well, where as Paxton had a hard time conveying them. Or at least, his face had a hard time conveying them. He still was able to emote of course, but during the time Dexter has known him, he's learned that emoting through his face was something Paxton had to put conscious effort into doing 9/10 times.
It was so grey outside. He didn't really pay attention to it when he first came outside, due to all the chaos happening. There was some color, but that was only from the plants Aurora created. Even the outside of the diner - well... The parts that didn't get destroyed, were all grey.
It made sense of course. This was where death - or the deaths rather, all lived. But still, he excepted it to be... Different? It was different than what he imagined the afterlife to look like of course, but even so...
The guy from the kitchen - Sage, was standing further away with his brother. They were all clustered together, but Sage & his brother were closer to the Halloween twins, Vlad, & Aurora. Sage looked at Dexter, causing Dexters face to heat up. He to immediately turn his focus to something else.
Aurora & Vlad seemingly reached a consensus about where to go first, and the two immediately started on their way, with the Halloween twins following close behind them, & Dexter, Paxton, Sage, & Asher following after. Dexter reached out & grabbed Paxtons arm out of anxiety, to which Paxton gave his hand a soft squeeze.
He wanted to ask where they were going - or what exactly was happening, but he wouldn't even know what they were on about if they did explain it to them. He assumed they were going to find the weather guy, but he didn't know who that was, or where he was, so asking them wouldn't ease the confusion & anxiety he had at the moment.
The halloween twins, Vlad, & Aurora were having their own conversation ahead. Dexter was too nervous to say anything. Things were going so fast. It felt like only moments ago he was at home with Paxton working on his ship. He still didn't know where that was, but he was too anxious to ask. Plus they had more pressing manners to attend to other than knowing if his ship was okay or not. If it wasn't, that was okay to Dexter, after all this he didn't really want to do more exploring. Hopefully these people would drop them off - if they found that guy they were talking about & he was willing to help them of course.
Dexter anxiously looked around at the world he was in. Everything was still just as dull as when they left the diner. More so really, as now the plants Aurora had made were a great distance behind them, no longer in view. There was a blue light in the distance, in the direction they were walking. It wasn't very bright, but in the dull scene they were in, it stuck out like a sore thumb.
There was a small bridge in the direction of the light. There wasn't any plants near it, and he couldn't see any animals, but he could hear something.
It sounded like... Wailing? And faint screams.
He couldn't see the faces of the rest of the group ahead, but everyone, barring Asher & Sage, seemed unfazed. When the wailing started, he could see them pause & slow down. He didn't blame them of course. He didn't wanna get closer either. Paxton squeezed his hand tighter as they drew closer.
But the other four seemed... Fine. Of course he knew they lived here, so maybe they new what was happening, but most places, at least the places he's been, didn't have wailing & screaming sounds as a regular occurrence. But then again, this was hell - or whatever the real equivalent is. He hadn't gotten around to asking what exactly this place was.
They had finally reached the bridge. Deep blue liquid was underneath it. The water was moving rather fast. Or, he thought it was water. It looked different than other bodies of water that hes seen, but then again, this place wasn't like anywhere he's seen. The six ahead had already started crossing the bridge, while Dexter took a minute to stop by the water.
He wasn't sure if it was safe to drink, but splashing some on his face probably wouldn't hurt right? He was already dying here.
Dexter stuck his hands into the river, while Paxton waited by his side. The water felt much... Thicker, than water. Like there was a bunch of fish swimming through his fingers. Which was weird, because he could see any. He was about to scoop up some water, when he heard footsteps running towards him. Vlad grabbed his arms and started shouting at him.
"STAY CALM," He yelled, still holding Dexters arms.
Dexter just felt panic & anxiety rise in his chest as the two yelled at each other. Something grabbed onto his finger & swiftly pulled him into the water. 
The ground was wet. He could feel the slimy texture beneath his fingers. The wailing & screams had only gotten louder. Dexter slowly opened his eyes & looked around.
He was alone. He didn't know why Vlad hadn't come down with him, he was holding onto his arms when he was pulled down. But that was the least of his worries right now.
It was dark, but he appeared to be in a cave. There were blue things above him. Much like before, he couldn't really make out what they were exactly, but they did have more definition from this angle. They all looked to be scared & in pain. But the sound of screaming & wailing didn't sound like it was coming directly from them. It sounded like it was coming from everywhere, even though everything that could be making those sounds were all above him.
He stood up slowly. Checking his body to make sure everything was intact, he saw one of those things on his arm. He instinctively jumped back in surprise & began smacking the thing on its head. It let go after a few hits & floated up to the surface. He inspected his arm to make sure it was okay. His jacket was a bit ripped from what appeared to be bitemarks, but other than that, he seemed to be fine.
It looked like he was in a tunnel. The space seemed to be about the same width as the river was, which wasn't very big in the first place, but the length seemed to go on for ages. He didn't know which way to go.
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itfitsitshipsart · 9 months
Alright, let's talk Don Whitehorse.
First, who is he: leader of the largest guild on the planet, and leader of the Union, which ties most guilds together, he is the big man on top, opposite to the empire that otherwise rules everything. Gruff and stern, he's a fair and beloved leader. He is a mentor to Raven, the man who named Raven. And he is also a mentor to Evelyn, my S/I. A sort of parental figure and guide as she waded her way through that part if her life.
With the grief of losing her parents, fear of still being hunted, and insistence of going away from the capitol, Raven had no choice but to bring her with him, and to protect her as he did as Schwann. But he couldn't drag her everywhere he went. His missions were dangerous, and sent him all over the place. And he couldn't bear to he near her for that long. He loved her and couldn't allow himself that. He couldn't let himself fall into love with her for her sake, he believed.
So naturally, it had to be Don Whitehorse. Even though there was no reason he'd let her stay, Raven figured it would work. After all, Whitehorse forced him into a job for no reason instead of killing the failed assassin.
Before meeting the Don, Evelyn was a quiet girl. She was 'an ideal noble lady'. And when Whifehorse saw her, he saw a stifled and lost girl. She was polite to him, despite his gruff attitude, and he saw how she expertly held her tongue. She was shy, fragile looking, and tired from travel and grief. But there was also a small spark. Even when he first met her, he saw she looked at the city, new to her, with wonder, and looked at Raven with tenderness and trust.
So he took her in, putting her to work, of course. She did extremely well, singing at the tavern some nights for the bargoers, and he sent her on light deliveries in the city. And he poked fun at her. And sometimes mocked her.
But it wasn't too harsh. It was just enough to pull her out of her shell. Evelyn would snap back at his comments with quick comebacks, and he would grin. He made her think critically about the guilds and the relationships between the people and groups. She came to him a meek little lady, and within that year, she became far bolder and spoke her mind when she felt right.
Without Whitehorse, she never would have become that. Her parents, her brother, Commandant Alexei, all those around her were forming her to be quiet and do as told. And while she loved them all as family, and wouldn't wish any ill will, she needed Whitehorse and his brash way of doing things to open her up.
After Whitehorse died, she almost hid back into her shell again. The guilds arguing, Raven telling her to go back to the knights and empire before he wouldn't be there anymore, she turned from the guilds and went back to Alexei. But she couldn't really go back to being so quiet and obedient. She realized at that point, when under Alexei's care, that he was doing great harm. Amd she found that courage to confront him. She found the courage to confront the knights stationed to watch her, convince them to take her back to the capitol, and was able to talk to prince Ioder and the council to tell then of the treason Alexei was committing.
Without Whitehorse, she would have just stayed quiet. She would have probably disagreed with what Alexei would tell her, but she'd go along with it anyway.
She also, without Whitehorse, would never have taken the lead with Raven, and who knows what would have happened or not happened between them!
If you made it here to the end... I hope I made sense!
Next time I should talk about Alexei, as he is sorta an uncle to my S/I.
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🎰🍷dancing with him at a ball🍷🎰
🍷☾︎𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐒𝐌𝐏 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫☽︎🍷
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Art by: Inozuart
Go and check out their speed paint they did of this beautiful art on youtube!
🍷☾︎𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 : 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐫, 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐲🍷
𝐀/𝐍: Highkey simping over the TNT duo right now, ngl. Quackity is just getting better and better- Definitely gonna do these prompts with Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy. I just think that it would be really cute to dance with them at a ball lol
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To say it was strange to see Wilbur Soot standing near a bar and drinking a glass full of blood-red wine would be a complete understatement.
(Y/n) had never spoken to him fully before, they more so made a lot of conversation they could build off of but neither decided to go through with it. (Y/n) hung around Alex, George, Sapnap and Karl more so than the rest of the SMP.
Hence why she was forced to go to this god forbidden ball.
She sat at a stool near the corner of the huge ballroom, her body wrapped in a tight and mildly uncomfortable maroon coloured dress.
'End me.' She thought mindlessly as she took another large swig of tequila, watching everyone dance around and laugh with eachother.
George, Sapnap and Karl weren't invited to the ball, she noted.
She had heard that they weren't on good terms with Quackity as of late, and he was the one who threw this ball.
She may have been lonely at this ball, but she felt as though eyes were on her at all times. It was weird. Very weird.
Every once in a while, her eyes would land on Wilbur's tall form. He seemed lonely as well, a bored and unamused expression on his stitched face.
His eyes were kept still on Tommy who was dancing around with Tubbo and Ranboo, who both had large grins on their faces.
(Y/n) found it cute that even after dying and coming back, Wilbur still held a sort of fondness towards Tommy.
She doesn't blame him, Tommy was a good kid.
A kid that's been through too much.
The girl frowned deeply and took another shot of tequila. And just like that, the eyes were on her again. Her eyes shot from her tequila that she was swirling to Wilbur, eyes widening slightly when they met with his harsh brown eyes.
He kept eye contact, eyebrows raising slightly at her in interest before he sent her a small smile, a fake one. (Y/n) could tell it was fake from a mile away. It was one of those smiles that you give strangers as they walk passed you on a sidewalk.
Huffing out a condescending chuckle, the girl rolled her eyes at him and shook her head, drinking the last of her tequila and went back to watching everyone dance.
The action clearly stirred more curosity within him, because all of a sudden he felt himself walk over to her with a wine bottle in hand and two wine glasses in the other.
(Y/n) was snapped from her daze when she heard someone clear their throat from beside her. Her head snapped up and met with his dead-cold eyes again.
There was silence before she spoke up, her tone sharp yet inviting," Can I help you, sir?" She spoke mockingly, eyebrow raised.
Eyes swirling with amusment, the man tilted his head to the side, his white tuft of hair following with the motion along with the rest of his curly, brown locks." Mind if I sit here, ma'am?" He replied with a smiliar mocking undertone to his voice.
Clicking her tongue a little, she nodded her head to the chair on her left lazily," Knock yourself out." She droned out, frowning at the sight of her empty glass.
She was too lazy to go to the bar.
'Guess I'll die.' She thought.
"You a wine girl?" Wilbur hummed out curiously, hoping to God she'd say yes otherwise he brought another glass over for no reason and probably looked like a dumbass now-
"I'm an,' anything with alcohol in it' kind of girl." She reassured him.
'Thank fuck.' He hid his relief with sly smile," Ah, a woman after my own heart." He flirted, pouring out a glass of wine for both her and him.
She 'tched' and took the glass," You have a heart? Pfft." She grumbled, taking a long sip of the wine. The wine burned at the back of her throat before bursting into a wonderful grape flavour mixed with cherry." Mm.. Good wine."
"Very good wine." Wilbur nodded in agreement, a content look on his face.
A comfortble silence sat between them and they both decided to enjoy their wine in peace.
(Y/n) watched as Eret and Fundy joined in with Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo. They looked like good friends dancing together. Reminded the girl of how her friendship was with George, Sapnap, Karl and Alex.
Now? It's just her.
She tried to keep the friendship from falling apart, but then Kinoko Kingdom happened and everything went to utter shit.
Las Nevadas, it was wonderful. Paradise. But it wasn't for (Y/n).
So when Quackity had asked if she wanted to join him, she refused respectfully but still said she was willing to help him with whatever he needed at all.
He was flattered, but disappointed at how she had decided against joining Las Nevadas.
She always wonders how her life would've turned out if she had accepted the invite.
"You want to dance?" The question was sudden.
When she looked up at him to see if he was joking, she was surprised to see how serious yet calm his expression was.
Raising an eyebrow, she swirled the wine in her glass and crossed her legs over one another," I'm not very good at dancing."
"And you think I am?"
She gave him a confused look," Aren't you? You look like the kinda guy that would be brilliant at ballroom dancing." She hummed out.
He chuckled raspily, eyes soft," I'm flattered, but trust me, I'm no better at dancing than Tommy." He assured her.
She looked him up and down, unconvinced before she sighed a little, giving in. She was too tired to argue at this point.
She stood up from her chair abruptly, even surprising Wilbur at the fact she had agreed. Giving him a stern yet soft look, she nodded," Let's dance then, Frankenstein."
Then she made her way to the dance floor, making Wilbur scramble from his chair with an eager grin.
They stood facing eachother before Wilbur held his hand to her, a grin tilting onto his lips," May I compliment you on your appearance this evening? You are among the brightest of flowers." He spoke with suave.
The girl blushed and she took his hand quickly, squeezing it a little." No need to flatter me, Wilbur. I am very well aware my dress is rather ugly this evening." She grumbled out grouchily.
He stared directly into her eyes,"Your dress? I hadn't noticed it." He said smoothly, his eyes never left hers," I'm sure it looks amazing on you."
The music began, saving (Y/n) from having to answer. The hand on her waist was firm and soft, almost like it was keeping her safe.
They stepped in line with eachother, (Y/n) messed up every once in a while and managed to step on her own feet and Wilbur's the first couple of minutes before she finally got into the swing of things.
Glaring up at him, she pouted," You liar."
He grinned cheekily at her," Hm? I don't believe I know what you're talking about."
" Whatever you say, Mr. I'm worse than Tommy at dancing." She rolled her eyes.
"I never said I was worse than him. Honestly, anyone can be better than him at dancing. Let's face it."
For the first time that whole night, a small and genuine smile broke out across the girl's lips. Wilbur was enamoured by how her whole face lit up just by the slight tilt of her lips.
She looked beautiful.
"Leave Tommy alone, the kid tries his best." She smiled out.
"He does." He nodded earnestly, a little smile on his lips," I don't deserve him."
"You don't." (Y/n) spoke rather bluntly, but she still had a soft smile on her lips as she spoke her next words," but as much as he doesn't want to admit it, the kid needs you a lot. You're his big brother." She looked at the blonde-haired teen who was laughing at Ranboo who had spilled juice over Tubbo by accident. Her smile widened and her eyes were warm,"... you might just be the luckiest man in the world."
His breath was stolen from him at her words, and he couldnt help but agree with her due to the current circumstances.".... yeah... you could say that."
He held her closer to him by the waist, holding her other hand tightly and securly." So... Where did you learn to dance, Frankenstein?" She teased him, eyes bright with mischief.
A little laugh slipped through his lips," is this the nickname you'll be sticking to now?"
"You know it."
"Oh, great." He sighed out half-disappointedly before he decided to answer her question." When I was younger, my mother used to give me a lot of dance lessons with Technoblade. I requested them because I wanted to learn how to dance for this mermaid girl I had come to befriend."
"Oooh~" the girl raised her eyebrows suggestively," You're pretty romantic when you want to be, you know that?"
He shrugged, cheeks tinted a light pink that was barely noticable," the first time I'm hearing this." He admitted.
"Well... Frankenstein, you're pretty goddamn romantic when you want to be."
He grinned slyly," so you find me romantic, huh? Is that a sign for anything in particular, orrr?..."
The girl snorted a little," Hm? I don't believe I know what you're talking about." She repeated his own words.
He laughed," Touché, touché. You win this round."
Soon, the dance came to an end and the two were left still in eachother's arms, staring at eachother with enamoured looks on their faces.
Then the girl smiled at him," it wouldn't be bold of me to ask for another dance... Would it?" She requested, hope swirling in her gemstone-like irises.
"Not at all," A genuinely happy and charmed grin curled on his lips at her words and he held her body still," thought you would never ask, (Y/n)."
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⚠︎🎰 ༄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐲༄🎰⚠︎
(Y/n) hadn't intended to be attending Quackity's party, in fact, she wasn't supposed to be attending.
She wasnt invited.
Supposing this is what she gets for not going along with Alex's whole 'Las Nevadas' gig. She prompted to stay with her friends in Kinoko Kingdom instead, thinking that Quackity wouldve done the same.
But she thought wrong.
So, so incredibly wrong.
You see, have you ever felt the feeling whenever you grow so incredibly close to someone to the point where you think you know them better than anyone else? That's how (Y/n) had felt with Alex. She was so sure that he wouldve chosen her and his friends over some nation that seemed to be setting itself up as a land of secrets and mystery.
From what she's heard, Quackity only grew all the more mysterious and distant.
He was so distant.
(Y/n) couldnt remember the last time she had seen him. The last time she's had a decent conversation.
The last time her heart fluttered around him.
She missed him, truly she did. Sometimes she debated abandoning Kinoko Kingdom in favour of running into Alex's oh-so-welcoming arms.
But her morals told her otherwise. She chose, for once in her life, to not follow her heart. But now, here she was, completely going against what her close friends had told her not to do.
She was being drawn to him again.
Using her heart to make important decisions.
And as she opened the large doors to the ballroom, all time seemed to freeze around her. Eyes shot towards her in curiosity, some with joy at being able to see her again and some with malice.
Alex was no different to the latter.
As soon as his dark eyes had met with her ethereal gemstone-like ones, he felt a buzz of electricity travel up his spine.
He couldnt diferientiate between the feeling of anger and slight awe at her beauty.
The girl fumbled with her fingers awkwardly before she sent him a shy wave, her smile soft-yet panicked as her eyes scanned over his new features.
He looked so different.
And she couldn't tell if it was the good kind of different or not.
At her shy wave, Alex cleared his throat and nodded respectfully as a goodbye to who he was talking to, which thankfully was Sam, and then he began making his way over to (Y/n).
A scowl curled onto his lips, his eyes darker than ever.
The eyes that made her feel warm and safe now froze her down to her very core.
When he was right up to her face, standing in front of her, that's when she knew--
This wasn't the Alex she had fallen in love with.
"What the hell are you doing here..." he muttered lowly to her, he grabbed her bare arm tightly- but it wasnt tight enough to hurt her, surprisingly. Then he dragged her to the exit, shoving her rather roughly outside, shitting the door behind him.
"We-well I-... If I-I'm being completely honest, I didnt exactly have a plan to come here, I just really wanted to see y-" he interrupted her.
"You didnt have a plan?? (Y/n)-- What the actual fuck makes you think I'd ever want you here?!" He was furious, eyes burning a bright fire, a fire even Sapnap couldnt withstand. " I actually cant believe you thought coming here would be a good idea. Are you actually as dumb as you were when we were still talking to eachother? You havent fucking changed."
She flinched at his harsh words but she covered up how hurt she was," Well- if you would let me explain myself, then maybe you'd understand why I'm here."
The casino owner took off his beanie, running a hand through his messy raven locks in frustration before he settled the hat back on his head," Make this damn quick. Because, in case you havent noticed, I have guests to entertain."
Gulping, the girl but her lip nervously out of habit," I know... I know I'm the last person you want to see. I know you hate my guts. But... Alex, I genuinely miss you." She spoke sincerely, eyes glassy beneath the moonlight," when I heard you were throwing this party... I couldnt help myself. I needed to see you... to hear you... to talk. God-- Just listening to you makes me so happy already." Her lip trembled," So please... let me hear you... let me see you. I'm begging... can we please talk?"
Brushing off the rush of heat that crossed his tanned cheeks, Alex looked away from her stubbornly.
He didnt want to give in easily.
But when it came to her, he was always put under a spell.
"Lo que sea.... fine." He sighed out, running a hand over his face in irritation, wincing whenever his fingers brushed over his scar." Come sit over here." He gestured to a bench that sat next to a long river that went off into the ocean, the moon reflected off of the clear water as did the stars.
The two sat next to eachother, the gap between them representing how distant they are from eachother.
"So? Talk." He prompted her, leaning back into the bench rather lazily, looking up at the sky.
Cheeks warming with happiness, she couldnt help but smile at finally being able to talk to him after so long," Thank you so much... I've been wanting to talk to you for so long after everything that happen-... What happened to your eye?" She whispered, suddenly noticing the long scar that ran over his eye and eyelid and then down to his lips.
"Oh yeah- you werent here for that," he jabbed at her," This was all Techno's doing." He gestured all over." Sorry that I'm not the perfect guy that you used to be friends with anymore."
She knew he wasnt sorry.
In fact, she knew that with his new self, he was a lot more confident.
She liked that.
Smiling at him, she shook her head," dont be silly. If this change makes you happy, then I'm happy."
His heart thumped harshly, making him clear his throat to cover up the noise in case she had heard his loud heart.
"I was just worried but... it looks kind of good on you-- err... not in a weird way or anything." She tried to cover up her slip-up," Anyways... that's not what I came here to talk abou-"
"Do you wanna dance?"
The girl's eyes widened at the sudden suggestion, gazing over Alex's features with shock. His tanned cheeks were red and he was avoiding all eye contact, eyebrows furrowed.
"... come again?" She stuttered out, her throat felt like it was closing up.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes," I asked if you wanted to dance."
The girl's heart did flips in her ribcage as her eyes fluttered,"I-... I would love to." She nodded, wobbly smile on her painted lips.
The man stood from the bench and held a hand out to her, trying his best to not smile when she eagerly grabbed it, stars in her eyes.
He moved her soft hand to his neck, making it rest there, (Y/n) then moved her other arm to wrap around his neck as well. Alex then settled his calloused hands on her pretty waist, pulling her body close to him.
He was afraid she would slip away from him again.
In truth, he had missed a hell of a lot as well, maybe even more so than she missed him.
He always debated visiting her or arranging to meet up with her, but his plans always got in the way and blurred his desire for her.
But seeing her tonight, all dressed up for him, it made him want to fall in love with her all over again.
The two swung side to side, the faint music from the ballroom guiding the two of them. Quackity rested his chin on top of her head as the girl turned her head to the side, resting her ear against his chest and listening to his thumping heartbeat.
"You look amazing." He muttered to her.
"You too... well... yeah, no you look amazing."
He chuckled lightly," why'd you hesitate?"
"Well... I wanted to think of a better word for amazing but my heart is beating too loudly for me to think properly..." she admitted.
At her heartfelt confession, Alex felt himself smile warmly for once in a long time.
He felt like a teenager in love again.
"Yeah... I feel that too." He muttered, inhaling the scent of her vanilla shampoo, biting off the dreamy sigh that threatened to spill from his lips." (Y/n)... why didnt you join me? "
The dreaded question.
"If I'm being honest... I thought you wouldve joined Kinoko Kingdom with me."
Quackity's heart clenched at the thought.
So she felt just as betrayed as he did, that makes sense to him now.
"I debated going to join Las Nevadas everyday, but I knew that meant leaving George, Sap and Karl and I felt so conflicted and just... horrible." She mumbled, feeling her eyes beginning to water," It was hard, Alex.... I wanted to see you so so bad... But I also wanted to be a good friend... I felt like I was the bad guy either way, and I just wanted to make both parties happy.... I hated being away from you... God... I hated it so much." She sniffled, making Alex pull her closer to him," seeing you now... you dont understand how happy it makes me feel..."
The man sighed a little and kissed leaned away from her, cupping her cheek and then moving it so she was face him. He tilted her head up a little so he could see her teary eyes, feeling his heart call out to her to comfort her.
He ran a thumb over her cheek, wiping away the mascara and tears and when she blinked up at him innocently, he couldnt stop himself from smiling down at her reassuringly.
"I wanted to see you so much as well... I felt my heart ache every night to see you..." he began, pressing his forehead against hers," I'm sorry for treating you like shit... you deserve so much damn better... (Y/n), I'm begging. Please stay with me, will you?"
Her breath hitched.
"Stay by my side... please?"
Her heart stopped.
"I want to be with you all the time."
Her tears stopped falling.
"I love you."
And she smiled, wider than she ever has.
"I've been waiting so long to hear that..." She whispered to him," I love you too, Alex."
He grinned down at her crookedly," Deadass?"
"On god."
"Fuck- I'm not dreaming, right?" He then had a mischievous glint twinkle in his dark eyes," Maybe you should kiss me to seal the deal?"
She snorted," you're asking me to initiate it? Dont you think you're moving a bit fast, lover boy?"
"I think you're moving too slow and that you talk too much." He stated simply before he leaned down, capturing her soft lips in a messy kiss, their lips molding together as soon as they came in contact.
It's the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world.
His hands flattened against her back... and she was up on the tips of her toes, kissing him as fiercely as he was kissing her... He clung to her more tightly, knotting his hands in her hair, trying to tell her, with the press of his mouth on hers, all the things he could never say out loud...
And as her lips rubbed against his chapped ones, she knew her life was set with his, nobody else.
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silverinia · 4 years
I came for Baranski, I stayed for Baranski - a quick Christmas On The Square review someone* actually asked for
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(* thank you, anon)
Disclaimer: I am in no way a professional of any sorts when it comes to film and I'm not a journalist either. The last movie review I've written was probably for a school assignment in eighth grade. I didn't do research for this and I've watched the movie exactly one time, so this is just for fun.
It was a Sunday, Sunday the 22nd of November, nearing the end of the train wreck of a year that is 2020. I woke up on an air mattress around seven am, my head aching, my throat itching with pyrosis and light nausea, it was still dark outside behind the closed blinds in front of the windows, when I slowly realised where I was, one of my best girlfriends sleeping next to me in her bed. I had crashed at her place after a warm, fuzzy evening of mulled wine, tacky Christmas movies I would never watch alone (Christmas Chronicles and Holiday Calendar, which I quite honestly didn't enjoy at all, but the company made it fun anyway), doing our nails, wearing the fun kind of face masks for a change and smoking too many cigarettes, as the soft pain in my head informed me right now. She woke up an hour later and the morning went by with coffee and reheated pizza for breakfast, when we decided to watch another movie and I realised that it was THE Sunday I'd been waiting for through Zoom interviews and Dolly Parton twitter memes and the infamous wig gate that will be briefly discussed in the following, and so we clicked on the small icon in the Netflix menu that said "Christmas On The Square".
And oh boy, was it a ride.
To start off, I should mention that I have a hard time watching most modern day American Christmas movies, as I noticed quite vividly again when I watched the two aforementioned Netflix productions last night. The character development is always foreseeable to say the least, the plot lines are plain clichés hunting each other like they're the kids in The Hunger Games, and the writing is generally so bad that you can join the actors in reciting the entire scripts on your first watch. I watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas once a year while I'm gift wrapping and pause every fifteen minutes to shamelessly stare at forties Christine Baranski (I think we should all turn away from the birth of Jesus and instead count our years based on Christine Baranski's date of birth) in flamboyant nightgowns and short Christmas themed dresses, looking so fabulous that every interpreter of Santa Baby ever could only dream of it, I watch Love Actually at least five times a year to lust over Hugh Grant, cry with Emma Thompson and miss Alan Rickman, I enjoy Bridget Jones, which I would definitely consider a Christmas movie, and that's it. That's my yearly Christmas time entertainment routine and I can barely tolerate anything beyond, because I'm still traumatised from the time when I was around five years old and on a holiday family visit where had to sit through National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, the dumbest movie I have ever seen (my apologies if you like it but also, who hurt you?), with my cousins. I hated it. I hated every minute of it. And it scarred me for life.
But this was a Christine Baranski movie, I knew she was going to play the lead and so I was pretty much as excited about this as I could. And the fact that Dolly Parton wrote the whole thing didn't hurt either. As I said earlier to my friend I was watching it with, I have the pop cultural taste of a fifty year old gay man, a quality I am most proud of, and this simply ticked off all my boxes.
I expected something similar to a Mamma Mia experience that wouldn't cause me to crave packing my bags, give Covid the finger and run off to Greece. Light-hearted entertainment, easy to stomach, uplifting music and so little plot that the simplicity feels like a creative choice. That's what my pained, hungover brain knew it could cope with and that's not what I got.
The movie started and I was immediately in the zone. I saw Christine Baranski's name in the front credits (an experience that never fails to make me scream "Yass Queen" at the screen, regardless of where I am and who I'm with, as if I'm the sobering result that pops out of the package when you order Jonathan Van Ness on Wish), the setting was wonderfully corny (I grew up watching Gilmore Girls once a week, so give me warm fairy lights and a gazebo and I'm perfectly happy) and as my friend wondered whether Dolly Parton, in her exaggerated homeless attire that didn't make her look shabby at all, was green-screened into the setting because she stood out so much (which she was because the background dancers were dancing in slow motion, but to be fair, we were probably still a little too drunk to notice that from the start) and I told her I thought that it was just the natural glow someone who's Dolly Parton simply carries with them everywhere they go, I was happy. This was the movie I was prepared for. A movie in which the most problematic thing would be stereotypical characters and the wig they hid Christine's real, flawlessly handmade by God herself hair under.
And then, around five minutes in, Christine Baranski's childhood love interest was revealed as she pressed her perfect pointy nose against the window of his shop and sang about her unrequited love.
And suddenly, things started taking turns at a pace I was still way too sleep-deprived for.
Suddenly, in the middle of my general amazement at seeing Christine Baranski do literally anything and laughing loud at her impeccable comedic delivery, there were unresolved daddy issues, hanging prominently at the wall in her marvellously designed house (she literally says "Daddy" at one point and I couldn't help but think that only someone with her vocal skills could keep from making it sound cringe-worthily kinky). One moment, I was clutching my chest above my heart while she was bonding with little bartender Violet and munching on pretzels while downing some whiskey in that elegant way only Christine Baranski can bond with ten year olds who had it rough, eat pretzels and down whiskey, and the next she felt responsible for said girl's mother's death (which she kinda was too, but I'm not the boss of her). I was still busy making fun of how the very annoyingly, but when you're snacking on pizza with extra cheese at nine in the morning also highly funny, slow talking pastor's name was Christian, and suddenly there was a cancer scare.
It was a lot, a hasty sprint from major issue to major issue with a hint of comedic relief every now and then, and it didn't get any less until the very, rather poorly resolved, end.
The entire, constant up and down was followed by the movie's peak of suspense, the near death of precious Violet, something I couldn't even get too invested in because I was still so busy worrying about Christine's MRT results (I was truly fucking worried), not to mention that I hadn't even started to really process the sudden revelation of the love child and how it had affected her character's actions until this point. Was her constant tendency of pushing people away, as we've seen most clearly with her angel in training assistant who's name I cannot recall right now, the result of her broken trust in her father who practically ripped her son away from her after she had just given birth to him? Was it a result of her never getting the closure she needed with plaid flannel wearing Carl she was clearly still in love with? Maybe both? And what of the many issues was it that made her so incredibly shaken up when Violet blamed herself for her mother's death? Was it 'just' due to the fact that the closed pharmacy was on her, or was there more to it? Was it because she had grown up without a mother herself? Or did I miss a major piece of information because I was momentarily distracted, dumbfoundedly staring at Christine's very blue eyes? No time to ponder on that, little Silverinia, because here comes unconscious Violet in an ambulance, WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE WOO!
I'm not going to go in depth about what plot lines I thought were especially carelessly handled and why, real standouts were the sudden forgiveness towards her father who had still acted like a shitty asshole even though he might have had his reasons, because giving the baby up for adoption just wasn't his choice to make, and the fact that I kind of didn't buy how quickly Regina managed to forgive herself, especially for Violet's mother's passing, considering how deeply her tall, slim, dare I say angelic and entrancing figure was buried beneath the weight of all her issues. It felt rushed and incomplete, but that's as detailed as it gets because my major point is something else.
I think this movie made the great mistake of trying to be more than your average, flat, happy ending Christmas movie. I think no one involved thought it was possible to make it a big hit if the only real plot would've been great Dolly Parton music, fun ensemble dance choreographies, Christine Baranski's outstanding acting skills, fun settings and costumes and a redemption arch with as little plot as it could possibly take to make Christine likable to those who aren't already lost forever in the rabbit hole of being obsessed with her (poor fuckers, can't relate). They didn't notice that with the legends that were involved, they could've easily gone the Mamma Mia way. And I think that's why they tried to include heavier plot lines than most creators would've chosen, experiencing loss at an early age, struggling to find closure, dealing with sickness, teenage pregnancy, parents forcing their choices on their children when they affect their childrens' lives first, adoption, and the fear of losing your kid.
It was a lot and I don't want to say that it didn't work because my friend was crying, like, pretty hard and I questioned my entire existence all through the movie in not the worst way, and I did enjoy it a lot while watching. The "grief is love with nowhere to go" line was a real standout, for example, where the attempt of complexity DID work. It positively gave me fleabag season two, "I don't know what to do with it now, with all the love I have for her." - "I'll take it. It sounds lovely. You have to give it to me." feels, and that's about the biggest praise I can come up with. BUT (and this is written in capital letters because it's the big but) I'm also totally convinced that I wouldn't have enjoyed it if they hadn't cast Christine Baranski for the lead role. In my humble opinion, the hasty, not really at all resolved plot of this movie only worked because Christine Baranski is just a fantastic actress. She quirks a mocking eyebrow and you laugh. She parts her perfectly painted red lips and you immediately hang on them because you don't want to miss a single breath she, a literal goddess, graces us mere peasants of people with. She smiles and you're happy. She laughs and even while she's still laughing, you can't wait to hear her do it again. Her eyes fill with tears and you feel goosebumps on your arms, her voice slightly trembles, a breath hitches in her throat and you feel your heart shattering to pieces. As Chuck Lorre once said, this woman could read you the phone book and you would end up laughing tears because she just gets the job done. She knows what she's doing, she's an absolute pro in her game, and it doesn't matter, not even a little bit, what she's working with, because the work she eventually delivers with it is always at a minimum of 200%. I forced my friend to watch this movie with me because I adore this woman, and I felt for this movie because I felt for her. It wasn't the plot that sadly brutally overestimated itself, it wasn't the songs that I obviously enjoyed, nor the comedic elements that truly made me laugh a lot, it was all her. I came for Baranski, and I stayed for Baranski. This woman can do anything. She can even look graceful in a terrible wig job.
(side note / unpopular opinion: I actually didn't think the wig was all too bad. It wasn't good, actually far from good, but for me, nothing can match the awful wig game of Mamma Mia 2. I loathed that wig, I absolutely cannot stand it. So this didn't feel all that terrible. It definitely wasn't the most problematic part about the movie.)
I enjoyed watching this. It was a nice distraction from all the bullshit in the world. Watching it today was the first thing this year that actually brought me something close to excitement about the holiday season, even though everything will be very different and probably not quite as jolly this year. But it just gave me good vibes and as someone who did not watch this as a film reviewer, that's the biggest part of what leads me to enjoy a movie.
Will I watch this again? For sure. Will I enjoy it when I'm not hungover, having freshly done nails and munching delicious pizza for breakfast? Probably not as much, but it'll still have Christine Baranski in it. Would I recommend watching this? If you share my obsession with Queen B, one hundo. If you don't, probably not.
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fairlylocaldreamer · 4 years
Truce (Tommy Conlon one shot)
Warning: mentions of self harm, suicide
Darkness... This one and only word perfectly described his world for last two years. Even though his room was whole white and bright, in his mind everything was dark, full of misery and chaos. They kept saying, that their order and timetable might keep his mind occupied, that he might forget and start over... Again. No, not this time. This time he got too far, he felt the end so close to him. He felt it, just few more seconds and it could all be over. But damn, that stupid annoying nurse had to ruin it all.
It all started with the death of his mother when he was just a little baby. Then the endless argues and fighting with his father, all because he wanted to be different, he wanted to be himself. So he left, not only his father, but also his brother. His brother, who couldn't simply say no to their dad.
"Hello, Tommy," voice interrupted him from thinking, "it is time for your time in the gardens." Nurse in white clothes stood in his room. That damn white colour, that was driving him crazy. He had to chuckle - driving me crazy. He wouldn't even think, it was possible to be more crazy, than he already was.
"I don't want to go outside," Tommy whispered.
"I wasn't asking, Tom. It was an annoucement," she said and literally pulled him out of his bed, put his shoes on and got him out of his room like a little child. Sun burnt to his eyes immediately, he covered his face and went toward the huge tree in the middle of the garden. He sat there everyday, dreaming, how he could hang himself there. He never mentioned it, he's never shared this with his doctor. He had feeling, that he wasn't listening anyway. He looked around, watched another patients. All dressed in white clothes... Damn, that cursed painful white. He realized, that a voice is coming to him from distance.
"Tommy, did you hear, what I told you?" nurse asked, standing next to him.
"No," he closed his eyes and stopped listening again. He hated her annoying face, her eyes watching him, like he was a burden. You shouldn't save me, when you found me that night. In a pool of my own blood... I loved that deep red colour, it was so comforting, so calming as I watched it running out of my veins, killing the white devil around me.
"Why are you smiling?" smooth unfamiliar woman's voice echoed in his ears and goosebumps appeared on his skin. He opened his eyes and looked next to him.
"Hi," woman smiled at him. Pale skin, eyes green and shining, brown long hair messily flying in the soft wind around her face and shoulders. 
"Hi," he said quietly and gazed at her.
"Why were you smiling?" she repeated her question.
"I... I don...  Did I?" he asked.
"Yes," she chuckled. "It was half crazy, half sobber smile. So I just want to know, what did you think about?"
"Are... Are you real?" Tom asked and covered his face with hands.
"I don't know," she frowned, "you tell me," and she pinched him in his arm.
"Ouch!" he looked at her in disbelief, eyes widely open.
"So, am I?"
"I think you are," he said and smirked.
Sitting next to him, leaning against the tree same way he was... For next few minutes in silence. "This spot is the best in the whole garden," she said looking around.
"Yes, I like it here..." Tommy smiled and tore one daisy from the ground.
"Don't throw it away," she stopped him, when she saw, he wanted to throw it back on ground.
"Do you want it?"
He gave it to her and she put it in her hair.
"How do I look?" she smiled and her eyes sparkled.
"Beautiful," he whispered dreamily, surprised that he still had this word in his vocabulary. "Great," he rolled his eyes, when his nurse appeared. 
"It is time to go back, Tommy" she said and he stood up.
"Hmmm, so Tommy," he heard woman's voice repeating his name. 
"And you are?" he just whispered almost timidly, maybe because he wasn't absolutely sure, that someone was actually sitting there.
"Alycia," she smiled, "see you tomorrow, Tommy."
Her voice caresssed his broken soul like a warm scarf in the cold winter. "You saw her too.... right?" He asked his nurse anyway. 
"Yes, don't worry," she sighed.
Alycia didn't come... He was waiting under the mighty tree, he hoped and he felt betrayed. I wish, you were just in my mind, he thought and his eyes watched garden with all the patients and nurses dressed in that damn burning white clothes. Back at his room, hidden under the blanket, he began to cry, silently so no one knew, no one heard. But suddenly door of his room opened. Oh, come on, leave me be for fuck's sake, you old ugly witch - he thought and hid even more under the blanket.
"I can see you, you know that, right?" velvet voice said, laughing.
"Alycia?" he sat on his bed, watched her surprised.
"Shhh," she put her finger on her lips, "I am here secretly. Move a little, please," she said and sat next to him on his bed. "Hi," she smiled.
"Hey," he frowned and chuckled at the same time.
"What?" she smirked.
"I thought, you won't come, but I certainly didn't expect this," he whispered and his eyes were brighter.
"Well, I had to take care about something during the day. And now I went to main nurse and I asked her, if I can see you, and she was like... No, visitors can see our patients only during visitors hours and that ended two hours ago," she said and Tommy had to laugh, she imitated voice of main nurse perfectly.
"So how did you get here?"
"I waited and when she left, I found number of your room in card file."
"Why?" he suddenly asked serious.
"Because I promised you..." she looked at him with look in her eyes, like there was absolutely no reason to not believe, she would ever break her promises. "Do you want to talk or do you want to sit here in silence?" she leaned against the cold headboard.
"I want to be silent," he said, "but I would like you to tell me something. Anything..."
"Okay, so..." Next hour she spent talking and telling him everything, that came to her mind. Maybe she was all dressed in black, but she had the most colourfull mind from all the peole he has ever met. Wearing black, it was some sort of self - defense. She was hurt few times, mentaly absused and one day she realized, that people are afraid of the black colour. So she began to wear it, everyday. She loved to play to piano and singing, she loved reading and sitting in the meadow full of flowers. She loved listening to the sound of silence, too. Because in the silence her deepest thoughts were appearing and she truly could recognise herself. He listened to her and he found himself in her. He found him in her stories, in her descriptions.
"Shit," her eyes got wide suddenly, when she heard someone coming to his room. She got from his bed and ran to hide herself next to the doorway - so when Tommy's nurse appeared in his room, she stood silently behind it.
"How do you feel, Tommy?" nurse asked him.
"Great," he smiled and her jaw dropped from surprise.
"Uhmmm, what? What did you just say?"
"I said, I feel great," he smiled and took pills from her hand and ate them.
"Okay, you have no idea, how glad I am, that you said something like that," she winked and walked away.
"Oh, do you want me to switch off the lights?" she asked.
"Yes, please," he said.
"I almost began to giggle," Alycia stood there and watched him. Even though there was dark in his room now, he could tell, that her eyes sparkled. Her long dress made her look like a ghost from a horror story - standign in his room, watching him and slowly coming back to him.
"Why ar you even here? I mean... You know..." 
"My mom," she said. "She has no idea, that I'm her daughter, she doesn't recognize me anymore. She found my dad lying in a bed, gun in his hand. He shot himself in their bedroom... And she lost her mind, when she was lying there with his corpse for next two days."
"I am so sorry," Tom was breathing heavily. "Who found her?"
"Me," she whispered and that was the last word she told him for long. They didn't sleep, they just layed beside each other and looked in the eyes. "I have to go, before some nurse finds me here," she whispered, when the sun sent its first rays in his room. "I will join you in the garden, okay?"
"Why me?" he asked.
"Because I saw the light in your smile, even thought there was a lot of darkness. And because you didn't run away, when you saw me," she chuckled.
"Alycia," tears suddenly appeared in his eyes, "I don't think we should see each other again. You don't deserve being near someone like me. I can't do this to you. You deserve much better. You saw the light? I was thinking about all the blood that leaked from me, when I tried to killed myself last time. That is why I was smiling, because I was thinking about that feeling, that I had, when the life was slowly leaving my body. I just want to be alone... I should be alone..."
"I deserve you as much you deserve me," she took his hands and put them in hers. She had tiny small hands compared to his big ones, but to him it felt, like she hugged him. "Don't you try to scare me away. Please..."
"But what if I... I don't want you to come here one day and find out, that I..."
"Then don't..." she suddenly pressed her lips to his and kissed him gently. "For me," she whispered and locked her green eyes with his. "Aren't you curious how do I look without make-up? How does my voice sound in the morning? Don't you wanna see me playing the piano, hear singing your favourite song? Don't you wish to hold me naked in your arms, make love to me, kiss my body?" He watched her, hugged her, pushed her closer to him, breathed in her scent. She felt his heartbeat on her chest, his hot breath on her neck. "Let's be alone together. For the rest of rest of our lifes. I am not afraid. I can beat those demons inside you, I can silence them, I can drown them, burn them with my light. Just give me a chance..."
She spent next half year visiting him, creeping secretly into his room. Sometimes they sat in silence, other days they talked for hours. And the day he was leaving the hospital, she was wearing beautiful red dress and red lipstick. Standing in front of the gate, leaning against black car. "That's yours?" Tommy asked with impressed voice and she nodded and came to kiss him. They left hospital and she drove to her flat. And he stayed. Because he was curious, how does her voice sound in the morning, he wanted to find out, how does she look naked, without make-up. He wanted to hear her singing and playing his favourite song. Her fingers moved so fluently, so lightly. Daisy flower behind her ear, he put it there in the morning, when they were lying in the middle of flowery meadow. She was playing his song, singing. He watched her red nail-polish on her pale hands. Covered just in blanket, her shoulders surrounded by her long brown hair.
His demons have never left completely. Sometimes they appeared and tried to break him down. But she always saw it and realized it sooner than him. And she always fought and silenced them. Whenever he had bad feeling, she let him forget by drowning in her green eyes and her whispering voice. 
And when she gave a birth to a beautiful girl, he promised, that he will always keep fighting and he will never betray them. 
And he kept that promise.
He stayed alive...
For them...
For himself...
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shi-daisy · 5 years
New Beginnings
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Hello again my fellow shippers! Today's day three of Ulquihime week and I'm not gonna lie, this theme was giving me a bit of trouble, since I had an idea for it but used it last year with another prompt. So instead I just made a sort of sequel to that particular entry. If you don't want to go back and read that one I'll just give you a mini summary here.
Basically this is a canon divergent AU in which Orihime dosen't marry Ichigo and runs away from the wedding when she finds out he's not truly in love with her. After her escape she reunited with Ulquiorra and he helped calm her down. That's where the first prompt ended. So here's what would happen after. Hope you all like!
Ulquihime Week- Day 3- Reunion/Caught
New Beginnings
"Ulquiorra, you've been glued to that phone for almost three hours now. Please stop before you go blind." Halibel chided him.
"Leave him be Hali, he's still waiting for pet-sama to reply," Nnoitra told her. The comment earned him a cushion to the face, courtesy of Zommari.
"All of you be quiet! I am not waiting for a reply. Orihime answered already."
"Would ya look at that, Ulquiorra's finally getting some!"
Once he silenced Nnoitra with cushions Ulquiorra went back to the chat. It had been almost a month since he last saw Orihime.
After she ran away from her wedding and they met by chance, he had allowed her to spend the night in his house. The next day one of her friends came to pick her up, and the redhead promised to keep in touch with him. He hadn't seen her personally since, but they messaged each other very often. Last week however, the messages had abruptly stoped, and he'd gotten worried.
Today those worries ended, as Orihime not only wrote to him but she asked to meet him in a cafe tomorrow.
"She says she's got a surprise. Should that be concerning?"
Halibel was standing nearby. She chuckled at the question. "Not really. I'm sure she's just happy to finally see you. From what you tell me, the girl needed comfort desperately."
"I'm still enraged at Kurosaki for what he did. A part of me wants to get revenge."
"That's not gonna be possible. Unless you want to get smashed against the wall again." His friend replied sarcastically.
"A small price to pay, but the woman told me not to get in 'trouble' for her sake. So I won't interfere unless she asks."
"Good. It's nice to know someone in this house isn't a reckless moron." The green-eyed blonde glared at Nnoitra, who rolled his eyes.
"I only tried to fight a cop one time!"
Ulquiorra decided to ignore the bickering and concentrate on hid phone. Being a human might've gotten easier, but not dealing with his old comrades.
"Now remember, be nice, let her speak but don't stay too quiet, and for the love of all that's good just ask her out properly."
Halibel and Szayel had been helping him get ready for the meeting. Ulquiorra was still nervous, but he hoped for the best.
"You two are going to ruin his chances of scoring. He looks like he came out of a band Tesla likes."
"Says the man who looks like the lovechild of a sewer goblin and Slenderman." Szayel didn't even turn to look at Nnoitra as he finished brushing Ulquiorra's hair'. "Done! Now the princess won't take her eyes off of you."
"Thank you Szayel, thank you Halibel."
"At your service!"
"I'll get going then, I want to be early for our meeting."
"Just make sure that if you bring the cutie home, you put a sock in the door."
Ulquiorra ignored Nnoitra's comment. Letting Szayel deal with him.
"I'm beginning to understand why I am the only one with a boyfriend here," Szayel commented. "You need an intervention, Jirga."
"Me? You're the one dating Starrk!"
As the bickering began Ulquiorra headed for the door and waved goodbye to Halibel.
The cafe was near his house, and from what he could see it was not too busy. Orihime's hadn't arrived yet. He picked a table and was ready to sit down, until he noticed someone skating right towards him.
"Watch out!"
He recognized Orihime's voice, and caught her before she could crash into him.
"Hi Ulquiorra! It's been a while. You look great!"
When she smiled Ulquiorra went speechless. He recovered quickly, and let her sit with him.
"I take it you work here?"
"Yes. My friend Riruka is the manager and I've been working here for a week now. That's why it took me a bit to reply, sorry if you were worried."
"Don't apologize. I'm glad you've found a job you like. The uniform suits you as well."
"Really? I didn't think black was my color."
"To be fair, you look good in any clothes."
Orihime blushed from the compliment. "Thank you. So, what have you been up to? Are the others still around?"
He sighed. "Regrettably so, Cyan and Tesla moved out a while ago, and if Starrk proposes to Szayel soon then it's likely they'll move out as well."
Orihime giggled. "I know they drive you mad sometimes but I'd love to live in house that lively."
"Tell me that after you spent a week with Nnoitra as a roommate. Speaking of which, are you still rooming with Arisawa-san?"
"Not exactly, Tatsuki-chan is traveling due to competitions, but she did leave me the apartment. Once I get a place of my own I'll move out, being on Karakura it's a little draining."
He knew what she referred to, it was clear in her voice. Ulquiorra found it hard to hide his rage, still, he managed to calm down.
"You know that if you cannot stand to stay in Karakura any longer, you're more than welcome to stay with me."
"I know, and I'm incredibly grateful for that. But when I finally settle in Naruki, I want it to be on my own. I can't keep depending on others forever. Besides, you dealt with enough of my crying, that night, already."
Yes, that fateful night when they met again. It was supposed to be her wedding that to the man she loved, and instead, all she could do was cry.
And yet, a part of him was happy things turned out the way they did. That he got to see her again, and even establish a friendship. 'But at what cost? This isn't what she wanted and you know it.'
"Ulquiorra? Are you ok?"
Orihime must've noticed his change in mood, so he hid it away yet again. "I'm fine."
"You're thinking about the day we met again, aren't you?"
"My apologies. You probably don't even want to think about that night but I can't seem to let it go.
It's selfish of me to be happy about this when you lost the man you loved."
Orihime put her hand over his. "Ulquiorra, you're not the only one who's happy things turned out this way.
I did love Ichigo, and I was fully ready to marry him, I gave up college and internships to stay in Karakura with him, but he burned that away in just a moment. I refuse to be the one grieving.
He's the one who lost out on a devoted loving wife. Let him carry the grief if he has any at all.
I'm immensely happy to have gotten out when I did. My life's not going to be wasted on a loveless marriage, and I'm happy that you're a part of my new life. So don't be angry on my behalf."
Ulquiorra smiled. "I've always known you were a strong woman, but this is far more than I expected. You've grown a lot Orihime. You should be proud."
"Thank you. It’s nice to know that someone thinks of me as such.” Orihime smiled. “Now, let’s go onto more cheerful matters. I got you a gift! Here!"
She handed him a small dark blue box, Ulquiorra opened it to find a replica of the bracelet he had given her when they were enemies, only this bracelet was made to fit him.
"Do you like it? It's not real silver but it matches the one I have. So we can both wear them at the same time."
In the past six years he'd been a human Ulquiorra never felt moved to cry, until now. "I shall treasure it forever. Thank you." He immediately put it on, the bracelet was a perfect fit. "Now, I'll be the one to spoil you for a while."
The evening only had so many hours, but he intended to make good use of them all. After having a nice dinner at the cafe, he took Orihime to the movies. It was about a SciFi story he had yet to read, but seeing how happy Orihime was while watching he knew he made the right choice. After that he let her pick the activity.
"We could go skating. Would you like that?"
"I have no problems with that, but aren't you tired of skating at work?"
"Not really, I love doing it. Besides it's different when you skate carrying food and when you do it with a partner."
"Alright then, let's go to the skate park."
Relief washed over him when the park was almost empty. Truth to be told Ulquiorra wasn't proficient at any sport, including skating.
While Orihime was busy putting on her skates, he went over to nearby post and got a bouquet of hibiscus flowers.
When he got back she was done with her skates and had tied her orange hair into pigtails. He thought she looked even cuter.
"Here. I thought it would be fair to get you a gift as well." Ulquiorra handed her the bouquet.
Orihime was almost gentle when holding the flowers. She took a deep breath, enjoying the secent. "They're gorgeous, thank you. How did you know this was my favorite flower?"
"They're the flower on your headpins."
"True. I like that you always notice things like that. It's one of your best traits."
That made him flustered. It didn't matter how much time they spent together he would never get used to Orihime's cute compliments.
Once the the two were ready they headed for the track and began skating. His balance wasn't the best but thankfully he didn't slip.
"Thanks for tonight. It's been the most fun I've had in a while."
She gave him a kiss on the cheek, that almost made him fall. Orihime held on tightly to him.
"Caught ya!" she chuckled. "You don't skate much, do you?"
"Busted. I rarely do anything sporty. Although that's likely to change."
"Yes. If I am going to be spending time with you, I'll learn in no time."
"Are you asking me out?"
"I am. Would you accept this invitation?"
"Yes, absolutely."
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thegingertrekkie · 5 years
Lost in a Dream World
Part 8: past the kingdom walls
You quickly found that this Shoji was exactly like your world's Shoji, kind but extremely quiet. You gave up on small talk about 10 minutes into your long walk and there was an uncomfortable silence ever since. The Edgelands was composed entirely of jagged lava rocks, the ground was always rumbling, and it was terribly hot. Shoji was right, it was hell. Every once and awhile there was a huge gust of wind from nowhere and Shoji would order you to hid under him. He'd wrap his arms around you like a protective shield and get close to the ground. The ground was so hot it burned your exposed skin, but Shoji held you down until the wind subsided.
"This is land of dragons" he explained after the third time "We're trespassing and they know we're here"
'Dragons?' You felt scared and giddy at the same time. This world was unbelievable, no one at home would take you seriously when you told then there were dragons here. You frowned thinking about home. Shoji decided it was time to take a rest and you passively agreed, grabbing one of the heavier packs Todoroki had given Shoji and opening it. You blinked as you looked down at the pile of gold inside the bag, lifting a piece to inspect more closely. "This is what we've been carrying? What the hell?"
One of Shoji's hands slapped over his mouth and he shushed you harshly. "Too loud (Y/n)! Put that away it's dangerous!"
The wind started up again stronger than before and you yelped as Shoji threw you into his back and started running. You turned and saw a huge silver dragon flying after you. A scream escaped your lips and a hand was slapped over your mouth again. "This isn't the time!" Shoji hissed, lunging to the side as blue flames scorched the land you had just been standing on. 'I'm gonna die' you thought, looking back at the dragon with wide terrified eyes. "Throw something at it!" Shoji commanded and you threw the gold bar that was still in your hand.
Surprisingly the dragon hesitated at the sight of the shiny metal. You let out a cautious breath and Shoji slowed his pace to a jog. You continued in silence and Shoji set you down after a while. The two of you walked side by side when the path was wide enough. The heat was making you dizzy and your body was drenched in sweat. Was it getting hotter? You glanced up and see a shadow scaling the rock face above you, too small to be a dragon. It looks like a person. You nudge Shoji "I think there's a person."
Shoji tenses and uses his extra arms to scan the jagged rock face. Your daggers are pushed in your hands and you both slow your pace. "Don't be fooled" he hisses at you "Some dragons can shape shift."
You swallow loudly and push forward with caution, trying your best not to hyperventilate. It was so hot, you felt like you were melting. The sun was going down in the sky, but the air didn't get any cooler. Shoji notices you struggling and slows down so you can rest.
"We're almost at the edge" Shoji stated taking your bag from you and handing you a canteen. You stare at your feet, chewing your bottom lip uncomfortably. You missed Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida. You wished they were here to talk to you. It wouldn't be so awkward if Shoji would just talk to you.
"Can you tell me about this world?" You said after a long drink of warm water.
Shoji paused for so long you thought he was going to ignore your question. "I guess I'll start from the beginning..."
Shoji explained how in the beginnging both kingdoms were united as one. Then suddenly the dragons appeared and brought magic with them. The magic attracted dangerous creatures like the goblins and society started to crumble. Some humans were able to harness the power of the magic, other were transformed into different creatures when they came into contact with a vein of magic (like Shoji had, you wondered what he looked like before). There was a great war between magic users and non magic users and the Edgelands was the battle field. The war stretched on for years until the dragons stepped in, making the Edgelands their home and not allowing the warring sides to cross over.
"There's been peace after that" Shoji finished he leaned against a large boulder and sighed. " the merchant's path is the only place magic and non magic users can mix, but they don't let you cross. There's a barrier. Here's the only weak spot."
He used three hands to gesture ahead. There was a huge ravine with floating boulders in between. You got as close to the edge as you dared and looked over the side, you couldn't see the bottom. Your stomach churned. You glanced back at Shoji and saw he was starting to head back the way you came. "Whoa, wait a minute!" You rushed after him and grabbed his shirt. "I thought you were supposed to take me to the other kingdom!"
"This is as far as I go" he responded, patting your head and making you blush. "The Kingdom of magic is on the other side of the ravine."
You felt sick to your stomach. Shoji pull away from you and disappeared into the edgelands. You looked over the edge of the ravine again and then at the rocks floating above. There were several layers of boulders, if you fell off one you might get lucky and land on another. You weren't sure what to do. You opened your pack to grab some food and groaned, face palming as you looked at the mound of gold. You couldn't eat gold and without Shoji you couldn't find your way back to the Todoroki kingdom.
"Heeeeeyyyy!" A voice called from the other side of the ravine.
You looked up surprised searching for the source of the voice.
"Over here! What are you doing over there?" A pink skinned girl yelled, waving her arms over her head.
"I'm stuck!" You call back "Can you help me?"
The girl laughs and makes her way over to you, jumping effortlessly from boulder to boulder. It takes her only a few minutes to reach you. "Come on!" Mina smiles "I have someone waiting for me so we have to hurry! Plus it's not safe outside the barrier."
She holds your hand as she leads you over the dangerous ravine. The floating boulders are much more stable than you thought they would be and closer together. Mina chartered the whole way across, a nice change of pace from the awkward silences you experienced before. You try to explain your situation to her, but she just laughs. Your phone had been dead for hours, so you didn't have any proof this time. It didn't seem to matter much to Mina, she seemed glad to help out anyway. Even when you made it to the other side of the ravine Mine held your hand tightly. She lead you towards the towering walls of the kingdom chatting away.
Once inside the walls you audibly gasped. The city was full of people and overlooked the ocean, completely different from the forest you had been in days before. Mina pulled you through the crowd, weaving through people at a fast pace. She lead you through the market square where booths were selling all sorts of strange objects, animals, and... People. You made eye contact with a young boy and guilt bubbled up in your throat. The pink skinned girl didn't stop, she pulled you into a back street and knocked on a wall. You jumped when a hand reach through and pulled you through.
"Mina you can't keep doing this! You're going to get caught!"
"Kaminari?" You ask reaching you hands out in the dark.
A candle was lit and revealed blonde boy with a black lighting bolt marked in his hair. His eyes were wide with surprise and Mina giggled. "They says they're from a different world with copies of us in it!" She squealed, running around the room to light more candles "I wasn't going to bring anymore non magic users but this one is different!"
"No kidding..." Kaminari mumbled, looking you up and down "they're wearing other kingdom clothes, they're gonna get caught!"
"It's fiiiine! I'll take them shopping!" Mina was so happy running around the small room.
You reached over to touch Kaminari's arm and yelped when you got shocked. Kaminari blushed and put his hands up "Sorry! I got hit with lightning near a magic vein and now I shock everything I touch."
Your eyes were wide with surprise and you had an idea. Digging around the bag Midoriya had bought you, you fished out your phone and a charging cable. You plug one end into your crack phone and thrust the other end towards the confused boy. "Put this in your mouth."
Kaminari's mouth drops open and Mina starts laughing again. "What?? No! Why?" He takes a step away from you.
"I need to charge my phone! Please, Kaminari! You do this all the time where I'm from!" You have him backed against a wall and he puts his hands over his mouth, shaking his head no.
"What is that?" Mina points at your phone "it looks busted"
"It's a... It's a tiny magic mirror, but it'll only work if it's charged. Kaminari, please!"
"You're gonna suck the magic out of me with that?" Kaminari clasps his chest dramatically and looks at you with a horrified expression.
"What? No! Ugh, just come on!"
"I wanna see it work!" Mina exclaimed grabbing the end of the charging cord and forcing it into Kaminari's mouth.
He gags at the metallic taste and glares at Mina right before the charging notifications goes off with a little "ping". The two gasp and look at your phone mesmerized at the little noise it made. As soon as it had enough power you switched it on. Smiling at the two amazed expressions before you. You pulled up the pictures you had with Mina and Kaminari. "Tiny magic mirror" Mina breathed one hand over her mouth, other outstretched towards your phone.
You snorted and laughed, handing the phone to them so they could scroll through your pictures.
You find a chair to sit in and your legs basically give out, you didn't realize how tired you were. Leaning you head against the wall you close your eyes and drift off to sleep, comforted my the familiar sounds of you friends laughing and joking with one another.
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aerigom · 5 years
Seeing Taemin and EXO...
I don't even have words for how special the past two days have been. Without @kaistiddy, I would have never been able to see either, so before I say anything else, I just need to say the biggest thank you to her for being so kind and being willing to share these experiences with me 😭💕💕💕
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First of all, Taemin is v smol... but even prettier in real life, if you can believe it?? We had standing tickets in section D, so we actually ended up getting pushed pretty close to the end of the extended stage 😂 we were close enough that I could see the details on his clothes.
Some of my favorite highlights were the dancing overall (amazing, from Taemin and all of the backup dancers... they KILLED it), the stage setup (the cool slope + the rising platform that made taemin look like God 😂), the surprise Sherlock X Danger remix, and my favorite thing of all right now, the song HOLY WATER. I hadn't heard that song before the concert, so experiencing that for the first time... incredible. I can't even describe all the emotions I had... I also almost cried a few times during the concert, especially when Taemin performed Move. He is just... on a whole different level.
I am pretty sure Taemin looked over at where we were a few times... and I hid my face 😂😭 I got shy fjdkdk so that's fun 😂😂
We sang Want for the fan event before the encore, but Taemin said he couldn't hear us well, so we sang it again for him to dance to 😭 it was really special? I felt special lol idk... Taemin was a big sweetheart and really chatty during the ments and stuff. I wish I could see the concert again from beginning to end, it was INCREDIBLE.
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Now... EXO... I've seen them before, but to see them in Korea for an extended period of time felt really really special as well. We also had great seats, but the venue was small so I think all the seats were probably nice tbh 😂
I have a lot of thoughts about EXO... Chanyeol stole my attention a lot because I can't believe how big he is gjdksks I was on his side of the venue (green team~~) so I got to watch Chankaisoo on the side close to me 😭😭 they didn't mess around a ton, but when they did I died a little. Jongin looked a little... idk, I dont wanna assume anything, but it seemed like he was either not feeling well or his back was bothering him, especially right after they performed tempo... he got better throughout the night, but I hope he's okay...
The games were fun to watch, especially as all the members descended into more and more chaos 😂😂 I kept saying 'save them' 😂 my personal favorite moments were when Minseok yelled that Jongin's butt was his charming point even when it wasn't his turn and when Jongin became an art snob during the pictionary game!
When EXO performed Heaven, they were throwing the signed balls and using the sling shot to launch bigger balls to the sections in the back, and Minseok LAUNCHED a ball up near my seat... the girl right behind me even up getting it, but oh well 😂 it was fun to watch. Chanyeol tried to use the sling shot twice - the first time the ball went right out the doors, the second time the ball hit the wall between sections and probably hit the staff gjdjks help him.
When the staff used Mama as a background track at one point, Jongin started dancing the choreo, but he was having a hard time remembering it 😂 it looked like he asked Kyungsoo to help, which is why they were dancing the Mama choreo and laughing. I love them 😭😭
It was really really fun to watch them. Seeing gravity live was so fun, watching them play around on stage, singing Peter Pan together as exo-ls while exo was taking pictures... there were so many little special moments. I almost burst into tears during the ment because I just didnt want it to end... I still sort of feel like I want to cry lol but I am trying not to... it'll hit me soon tho, I'm sure
I am so so grateful that I was able to attend two separate events that meant so much to me. I'm not sure what could ever top how much fun I have had over the past two days... maybe this is my peak in life 😂😂 I'm okay with that. Sorry the long post is long 😂 I wanted to write at least something, if only for me to look back at in the future
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ninkskoir · 5 years
Feral Love: All of Me Chapter One “Found”
"I never wish to see you again."
Narquelion's melodic voice was as sharp as shards of shattered glass as she relinquished the offspring. Her dark robes swished in a fluid movement as the Elleth spun to face away. Like the once pleasant illusion her slender frame vanished bleeding into the shadows that surrounded the clearing. He stood under the protection of Mirkwood trees. In utter shock, unable to react, his eyes held a blank stare in the direction she left in. After a short while his nose couldn't discern her scent any longer, she was gone, lifetimes away now and he was not invited along. The male's face grew darkened, his jaw tightened tremendously as his fingers moved stiffly clenching and releasing the fists. The muscle in his chest, one pumping blood, one responsible for feelings... It ached... Tweaked as the crushing agony constricted his chest. The algid fingers of despair crept in unhurriedly to take hold of it...
He clutched the child to his chest.
Her words rang over and over again in his throbbing head. He shook it, exasperated with the persistent thoughts.
The rider pivoted sharply to head to the nearest clearing.
Elves are perfect and pure...
"Hmmpff," the half-Orc grunted furiously. And self-absorbed... What the Elleth did was near bizarre to him, how could anyone even fathom that a female would give up a child, especially a daughter... His mirthless golden gaze descended onto the small, pudgy bundle laying in his lap. The baby was content, her eyes that resembled his own so much, smiled at him. She is just a tiny infant, she's got no clue she was just rendered motherless. What will he do when she needs to feed? Shapogatâr gulped, a deep sigh of helplessness has left his strong chest. He stroked his daughter's bright locks with absentminded gentleness.
"What will I name you, nardurash?" He whispered tenderly in the Orc tongue.
He was glad his daughter was born to posses more human features, in an odd way it will probably work in her favor. In a bout of helplessness he thought of traveling to Westfold to his old friend in arms but changed his mind. He loved her too much to let her go, even though this decision appeared to be incredibly selfish to the half-blood mercenary. What a life it is for a little girl, not having a roof over their heads, a home, a mother's figure..? He sat there transfixed for a while, back stooped, head bowed in resignation. His inky locks fell forth rimming his chiseled features. Suddenly the Orc felt a gentle tug, his little daughter grasped at his hair firmly, pulling it into her toothless mouth. The large warrior couldn't help but grin at this tiny mischief, she always managed to make him smile. Shapogatâr rose rocking the infant tenderly. He mounted his horse proceeding somewhere in the direction of the South-West. Fangorn crossed his mind, that's were the baby was brought into this world, that's were they had dwelled for a short while...
They came upon a very small human settlement and under the cover of the impenetrable flatland night he managed to slip in and fetch some goat milk. The mercenary wouldn't shy away from stealing, especially to get sustenance for his baby. He could have knocked and attempted to barter for it, however the Orc male could only envision the faces of the cottage owners had they laid their eyes onto him. Shapogatâr was over six feet tall, he wore Orc made leather, his teeth were long and incisive and his eyes glowed in the dark. So yes for him, peacefully knocking onto a villager's door was indeed out of the question.
They spent the night huddling in one of the grove patches that littered the plains. Thankfully the weather was still clement. After a bit of fussing his tiny daughter latched onto the makeshift baby bottle and he was indeed very relieved. Thus, nearly a week has passed and they managed to survive on stolen milk and hunted rabbits heading in a spontaneous direction that inevitably led to the revered wood. Soon, out of the morning mist, the outlines of the Misty Mountains appeared and the rest of the day was warm and bright, the golden rays inundated the grassy plains, the soft winds swished through the small groves. It was very peaceful, yet after a short trot the half-Orc halted his horse. Both him and the animal snorted sniffing the coming gusts of air feverishly. The equine brayed nervously, letting his front hooves leave the ground. From the protection of the nearest rocky outcrop crept a group. A group of riders encased in sturdy, craggy armor that was dusted with a layer of road-dirt. Shapogatâr bent his frame instinctively, - an Orc group. Their Wargs stalked toward the lone figure as if about to pounce, the riders snarled and scowled in a sign of aggression. It was their territory, he was an outsider. He wouldn't stand a chance. If he had only known these lands were claimed by someone... The territory still a great distance from the Misty range he reckoned would be the unclaimed Wilderlands.
The troop's advance was ceased by their leader who rode forth deliberately. All riders were imposing yet this one stood out. Unusually pallor, scar adorned hide made him resemble someone who never hesitated in inflicting deathly wounds. His cold eyes examined the lone rider. He had noticed his appearance, garb, weapon type, expression... The Orc's head tilted sidelong gradually, his eyes narrowed into slits. His limb jutted forth in utter silence and the soldiers dismounted instantaneously, wielding their jagged scimitars. Some grinned lopsidedly at the half-blood, there were ten against one. The mercenary leaped off positioning his horse sidelong so when he hid his tiny bundle in the long grass the hungry predators wouldn't detect it. Then he gripped his weapon at the ready.
The fight was brutal, draining and bloody. They swung to mangle, to dismember, to kill. Their clotted blood strewn weapons swung swiftly and with great force, yet he ward off all the onsets inflicting sharp cuts in his turn. Not by chance this was Shapogatâr's occupation, he was indeed very skilled. Various warlords paid him to fight their wars. Another swish of his serrated blade and the last attacker received a lengthy anfractuous scar along the entire length of his arm. Ink black shone in the Sun as the Orc howled pitifully clutching his disabled limb. The entire troop was doubled on the black, trampled grass as the half-blood wiped the sweat of his brow awaiting the leader's reaction.
Not detecting the Pale Orc's whereabouts the mercenary spun towards where his horse was last and his gaze landed onto what he grudgingly anticipated, the animal had bolted long ago. But that wasn't what horrified him. He turned to see the massive arm of the leader keeping hold of his precious daughter. Shapogatâr leapt forth swinging his bloody weapon, the large Orc sidestepped the left arm was held up at the half-blood. The limb severed at the forearm was replaced with a prong that now poised at his throat. The chilled glower warned him to stay put. Shapogatâr stood clutching the hilt as Azog shifted the infant unwrapping the rounded bundle inquisitively. The lone rider kept hold of something dearly before he faced his underlings and that didn't escape his sharp eye. Removing the rags let his gaze fall onto a human child. The baby yawned and blinked then her sleepy gaze focused onto the strange male that wasn't her father. Her ember eyes grew widened then to his shock her tiny lips stretched into a toothless grin. Azog frowned deeply, he expected anyone and anything to be instilled with utter fear at his very sight. The girl wiggled attempting to free her pudgy arms, then her wee palm plopped against his chest.
They say there is nothing like the trust of a child...
Azog attempted as hard as he could to hold onto a smile that fought its way persistently to take over his lips. He removed the wraps further revealing the baby's bright locks. The Orc commander brought his fingers forth to run through the soft flock with an unexpected to his large stature tenderness and so very carefully, she was miniature indeed. He let the grin to take over his lips. Bowing his head further the Orc male stared straight into her eyes continuing to swirl her bright waves between his broad fingers.
"Rimkaur." His deep, gruff voice lowered into a soft murmur.
The Defiler did not have children. He did not have time to bother with such sorts of things yet laying his eyes onto this doll-like, helpless and yet friendly human child imbued his heart with warmth.
"Latub"? He spun gradually. Shapogatâr nodded and Azog strode nearer.
"What of the imp's mother?" The narrowed, algid stare was fixed onto the half-blood's sickening worry etched features.
Pausing for a moment the mercenary thought not to bother and indeed, that was what she was to him now.
"Gorun." Feelings seeped away to steel his features.
The Pale Orc gazed over the infant once more, she was too young to survive without female's milk. He handed the child over heading back to his beast. A several of his warriors were prodded with the tip of his heavy boot. A few whimpered yet one did not care for the gesture, the shapeless form lay contorted on the stomped grass. Azog's brow lifted, he spun to flash the half-blood a sinister grin.
"Now, you have a Warg."
x x x
Being accepted with the Gundabad Orcs that now occupied parts of Moria was better than he expected. His skill had served him once again, he impressed the Pale Orc greatly, replacing the soldier he slayed he was now a pizgal, commanding a company of ten. The same fact that brought relief terrified Shapogatâr to no end. Now his human daughter will grow up surrounded by the Orc males.
The leader was quite gracious, and indeed the mines were vast. They settled in a fairly large stone dwelling nestled into the wall somewhere in the middle of the Northern passage. He had many responsibilities now and someone had to take care of the little Rimkaur. The Pale Orc was fascinated by his daughter's bright shock of hair and the word he whispered had stuck. Especially after their arrival when the baby was passed onto an Orcess. The female clutched the small bundle to her chest running fingers through the infant's tresses in amazement, she had never seen an imp with so much hair. Azog had reiterated the name and the young mother nodded in great approval, so Shapogatâr after all had no choice but to comply.
Her name was Narbai. Rimkaur's new mother. A black-haired, green-eyed gentle soul. She had just lost a child not days before the newcomers arrival and sulked hopeless in her cavern. It was hard, harder also was the fact that her mate had perished just a few months prior, she hoped to have some memory of him remaining and now even that hope had dissipated. Her unfortunate fate had worked out greatly to the little human's favor and the Orcess accepted the child just as if her own had suddenly come back to life. She set to feeding the baby right away retreating to the small round cavern where all the young Orclings were herded.
Narbai refused to look at her stillborn's body, she did not want to see the motionless face, dead eyes, she did not want to know whether it was a male or a female. But now she had a daughter that was very soft and plushy and best of all so warm and alive... The Orcess couldn't get enough of stroking the smooth skin, the soft curls... She'd never seen human babies and adults humans only from a very great distance so she simply stared at the child as the little girl clutched her breast hungrily, her tiny fingers made small, rounded indentations in the plump flesh. Other females took notice scooting nearer, whispering and ogling and very soon every Orc in the mines knew of the unusual newcomer.
x x x
The tiny female sat on the scabrous stone floor with her legs crossed, she fiddled with a few polished bones, scrupulously attempting to fashion a bracelet. She saw some older females adorned with a few and so desperately wanted to have one of her own. Her thick wavy hair cascaded into a messy pile onto her thin shoulders. She wore a simple soft leather tunic her step mother had made. Rimkaur was just four. She hadn't seen much of her father over those years. His new rank kept him extremely occupied. However Narbai dotted on her shamelessly.
"What did I tell you nardurash?" Narbai feigned seriousness. "Do not sit on the bare floor. Not good for your insides." She walked up swooping the toddler with ease. "One day I want to see you have many strong imps." She grinned lifting the girl up to the level of her face. The Orcess let go and Rim's brow furrowed.
"Nar." She pouted. "No impth."
Narbai stepped closer shaking her finger. "You better." She grinned mischievously. "I want grandkids."
"No, no want to." Rimkaur backed up starting to pout, yet she held onto a smile simultaneously.
"Why not?" Her ma crossed her arms, her brows drew together in feigned disappointment.
Rim shrugged her shoulders. " 'Cus I need one uh dose to hav'dem." The tiny human pursed her lips in the best expression of fury she could manage throwing her finger into the air to point outside the dwelling.
Her ma could not contain a chuckle. "You mean a male?"
As the little one nodded the female swept her up swiftly once again. Giving her daughter a spin she held the child close to her heart embracing her tight as Rim struggled to wiggle out. With a playful shriek she had nearly succeeded now hanging with her head down.
"Maaa..." She panted. "Lemme go. I no want no male, dey eyes glue on me..." Rim's face morphed red from hanging upturned.
"Oh do they now?" A smirk quirked Narbai's lips. "Well, you better get used to it."
The scraping sounds of grave footsteps resounded the antechamber and Rimkaur had nearly bounced off the floor like a tiny rubber ball as Narbai fumbled to fix her messy, black locks.
"Daaaaaaa!" The tiny female leapt up hanging onto his belt. "You back! You back!"
Her father's weary face was instantly brought to light, she always made him smile. As he scooped her with just one arm her slender limbs held onto his neck, she brought her nose to touch his then ruffled his strands with her face. "I missed you da..."
The tall warrior embraced his only offspring tenderly.
"So did I, hûnizub." He planted a kiss on her nose. "You grew."
Narbai took his weapon as he flashed her a grateful smile, the Orcess answered with a coy nod.
x x x
The mountainside was pretty steep and covered in condensation. They hang onto to the patches of moss, bent branches and roots slowly making their way up. Narbai hadn't let go of Rim's hand even though the stubborn girl wanted to test her strength. Twenty minutes on the winding, massive boulder rimmed path and the landscape had opened up. The little human's mouth fell open, before them was an enormous mountainous meadow. The females and their offspring spread out, each had a leather sack to gather blueberries and moss-berries. The fruit was used to make liquor and as small meals for imps in order to prevent scurvy.
"What ye waiting for. Go on!" Narbai nudged Rim gently while her step daughter gaped at all the colors. Her gaze fell onto her large sack, she had a lot of work to do. The girl dove into the berry bushes eagerly, more fruit ended up in her mouth then in the pouch.
The tiny human eyed this extremely bright and ripe red patch and darted toward it yet she wasn't the only one interested. Her pallor hand landed onto the branch exactly the same time as the dark grey one. Both children gazed up staring in momentary astonishment.
"I saw dis first." The Orcess held onto the thin branch with more force.
"Nuh, I did." Rim pouted, measuring the young female with her ember eyes. She did not relinquish the delicious prize.
They started a staring contest tugging sharply and squeezing the branch tighter and tighter until both of their faces were suddenly mired with bright red. Both girls gaped staring in shock at their red mush covered palms, then up at each other again. All at once they burst out laughing, poking one another, wiping their sticky hands onto each other's lengthy tresses.
"I'm Rimkaur." The human managed, panting through the laughter.
"Bûrzkaur." Grinned the tiny Orcess.
x x x
Over the next few years she had adapted quite well to the environment, despite the fact that she was the only human in the densely populated Orc kingdom. Well, half human. Her paternity was well known, and her sire had chosen to keep the fact of her Elven roots hidden. The Golgi tart blood was diluted enough for the population not to pinpoint the smell. Nursed by the Orcess the black-blooded quarter of Rimkaur's blood pushed itself forth.
Rimkaur considered Narbai her mother, however Shapogatâr planned to reveal more when she grows to be a little older. As smart as his daughter was, she had already began realizing how strikingly different she was from the rest of all Moria imps. Secretly from all, little by little, he began teaching her Westron. He knew that soon, too soon her life might take a peculiar turn. As any father his job was to shield her from anything and everything and the little female had already began to receive the unwanted attention from the opposite sex...
Yet what was to happen soon, wasn't what he ever anticipated.
Black Speech:
Shapogatâr - Avenger
Narquelion (Quenya) - Fire-fading Autumn
Nardurash - Little one
Latub - yours
Gorun - dead
Rimkaur - Copper Hair
Pizgal - corporal
Narbai - Safety
Nar - No
Hûnizub - My love (lit My Heart)
Bûrzkaur - (lit) Dark hair
Golgi -Elf female
0 notes