unityrain24 · 8 months
"oh the loki in the series isn't the same as the one in infinity war because he got several movies-worth of character development scrapped. the tva version is all the way back from avengers 1, that's why."
ok but have you considered that maybe that doesn't even make sense for avengers 1 loki.?
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ninjagotohell · 12 days
I just read a whole wacky thread of people arguing which parent was bad Garmadon or Misako and I’m no longer scared of the Misako defenders
#shoutout to the one person who was going on about how garmadon was bad for LETTING LLOYD GET DRAFTED??? HUH???#they had a whole bunch of essays about that and everyone just had to ignore it cuz wtf were they on about#their argument kind of just turned into Everyone Is Bad Cuz They Let Lloyd Be A Ninja#and like. sure? but that’s just (LIKE THEY LITERALLY SAID) bc of the writers not realizing the implications. so it’s irrelevant#cuz it applies to EVERYONE man so WHY ARE WE DISCUSSING THIS. also why point to GARMADON do u think he WANTED LLOYD TO BE THE GREEN NINJA#WAS THAT NOT LIKE. HIS ENTIRE GOAL. TO MAKE HIM NOT THE GREEN NINJA. applies to Misako too actually#my point is it was SO IRRELEVANT LOL#oh yeah but um the actual post. uh. yeah the ppl defending Misako were literally making stuff up and refusing to fact check#like listen I hella respect if you want to make ur little headcanons that justify her actions a bit more but you CANNOT be treating them as#fact like you literally made that up 😭#it wouldn’t be as bad if they weren’t also making stuff up to make Garmadon look WORSE. like wtf. they were straight up contradicting canon#to say that Garmadon didn’t care or whatever and never even tried to be there for Lloyd LIIIKE#honestly my biggest damning reason I don’t like Misako is honestly the fact that we meet her GIVING A TOUR. THAT IS NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN#UR SON. like sure research prophecy or whatever SHE CLEARLY IS DONE WITH THAT AND IS JUST CHILLIN AT THE MUSEUM LIKE WHATTT#it’s like ‘oh she’s on break’ or ‘oh she’s just earning some money yknow ppl need that’ BUT LIKE. UR TELLING ME SHE HAS FREE TIME OUTSIDE OF#RESEARCH AND SHE CANT SPEND EVEN A MINUTE TO REACH OUT TO HER SON????#a lot of the arguments I saw acted like she couldn’t spare a single moment for Lloyd otherwise it gets in the way of her research when#CLEARLY SHE CAN. bro was CASUALLY STROLLING ALONG THE MUSEUM and just goes ‘oh hey abandoned son’ LIKEEE#Misako could’ve been a better character if the writers like. thought about things a LITTLE MORE. and gave her some depth.#and YOU CAN HEADCANON AS MUCH DEPTH AS YOU WANT ONTO HER. THATS COOL. BUT ITS NOT REAL.#I just think Misako defenders should be less ‘free my girl she did none of that’ and more ‘free my girl she did all that but the writers#didn’t know what they were doing’#like Misako has great potential but they fumbled. rip.
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getvalentined · 2 months
Okay so the FF7 fandom is having a meltdown and I gotta talk about it. See, the Rebirth Ultimania came out yesterday in Japan, and one specific piece of information has people freaking out.
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This is, apparently, beyond the pale. People are insisting that it doesn't make sense, it's a retcon, it doesn't align with the games at all, et cetera, with a lot of people specifically citing Before Crisis as proof that this can't possibly be correct. After all, Elena is in her last year at Shinra's military academy in the game, and the academy is structured like a high school, meaning she'd be 17-18 during her Before Crisis appearance.
The issue here is that the majority of people don't actually know the timing of the aforementioned appearance. Because Before Crisis starts in 0001 and Elena is in it, people seem to assume that means she's in it from the beginning. This isn't the case at all.
In its entirety, Before Crisis is 24* chapters long—Elena appears in Chapter 22, specifically with her appearance starting on October 4th, 0007. (*In spite of technically being broken in 24 chapters by title, Before Crisis is actually 26 chapters by presentation, with two of them split into two parts.)
Meteorfall took place January 21st, 0008. We know this because the date is visible on the monument in Edge shown in Advent Children:
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This means Elena's introduction in Before Crisis was less than four months before Meteorfall.
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These portraits are months apart. She cut her hair and got out of the school uniform, but her face is completely unchanged; it's easy to say this was to lower artist workload, but the dates in-game are very specific.
The new Ultimania literally just reiterated information we've already had since around 2006. This has been canon for almost 20 years—it's not a retcon, it's not a "weird new decision," it's not another case of the Ultimania timelines contradicting the actual source material. This has been confirmed in-game as canon for longer than a lot of current players have even been alive.
I don't care what people do with this information, mind you. I don't care who you ship Elena with or anything like that, it's irrelevant to me. I don't care about age gaps or what the fuck ever, she's a pixel doll, do what you want with her.
But this isn't new. And everyone freaking out about it as if it isn't information we've had for so long that the game in which it was revealed is older than the character is kind of ridiculous.
I am begging you, do not cite sources with which you are not familiar in an attempt to make your assertions carry more weight. There are nasty people out there who will take your ignorance on the topic and use it to be even worse than they could have if you just stated that her canon age makes you uncomfortable so you portray her as being older and don't care that it's noncanon.
(Also, seeing the same people who declared that only the Ultimanias are correct even if they contradict the games or each other, now flipping to declaring this specific Ultimania to be wrong because "it's just meta" is indescribably frustrating. Sephiroth being 30 in-game was something the Ultimanias "fixed," but Elena being 18 in-game is something that the Ultimania has "screwed up." Pick one.)
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cvntkisser · 3 months
This is a massive fandom pet peeve of mine that I've literally never talked about. Yanno how people use headcanon refer to anything anyone thinks a certain character would do? Well thats not what it means.
A Headcanon is something that a character would do that does NOT contradict canon.
Headcanons are things that someone who has consumed that piece of media can hear about and go there's nothing in canon to disprove this, so even if it isn't stated it could hypothetically happen so maybe the character did do this but it was just never talked about.
A headcanon is something like Frankenstein having bolts-canon never says it but canon also never not says it.
For example, saying you headcanon a character is gay when they have canonically been shown to be attracted to the opposite gender is not a headcannon, because canon disproves it. Saying that a character is bi or pan or multisexual when they have canonically been shown to be attracted to the opposite gender is a headcanon(just because they have been shown to like one gender does not mean they don't like other genders).
Similarly you can headcanon a character as having transitioned into their canon gender but only if there's no canon depiction of them as a baby or toddler where they are the same gender they currently, canonically are(because that would show that they are cis).
This isn't just about sexuality or gender, but also about things a character's likes or dislikes and habits. I've seen so many people depict in fics and/or headcanon a character who mainly uses non violent & defensive strategies in fights but bcz its never really pointed out by the narrative and also bcz they are often verbally aggressive, their dislike of physical violence has been ignored, and its common to for them to be depicted and/or headcanoned as violent and physically agressive.
Another example is if a character canonically has been raised by their parents-even if it's proven by a single one off line or something the creator said in an interview-and then you headcanon them as growing up in an orphanage, is not a headcanon, because it actively goes against canon.
Another thing is things that are implied to not be canon being seen as a headcanon. For example, if a character is implied to be poor as a child and you headcanon them as being raised rich, then you either need an explanation for why they did or said whatever implied that they were raised poor or it's not a headcanon.
I think fandom needs a new word for stuff that people want to believe about characters that contradicts canon and/or implied canon. Oh wait, just realised that's called ooc but no one likes saying they like an ooc version of character bcz then they have to admit to mischaracterising a character or not actually liking the canon character so i still sorta think we need a new word.
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ok i wasnt gonna do it i told myself no im just not gonna say anything on this drama but this is so MINDBOGGLING that i HAVE to make a post about this
i am gonna start by saying as someone on the arospectrum i personally see peridot as either fully aroace or arospec (i like headcanoning either one) and as in a qpr or plantonic friendship with lapis.
peridot has been confirmed to be intended to be read as aroace by a storyboard artist (maya peterson) that would focus on her character, i am not denying that,
she is also confirmed to be intended to be read as experiencing romantic attraction, by the OTHER storyboard artist who originally worked on peridot, jesse zuke, who has just as much authority to talk about peridots character, if not more since (to my knowledge) she was the original main storyboard artist for peridot
the intention behind what peridot is suppose to represent is fundamentally contradictory, there is absolutely no use fighting over it. this is so dumb to fight over YES both sides have been confirmed canon THATS WHY THIS IS DUMB </33
ive been trying to find as many actual sources as i can (which has been pretty difficult since A LOT has been deleted) but I finally found a transcript of one of jesse zukes posts that is deleted that everyone keeps referencing
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from this reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/stevenuniverse/comments/5q738i/lauren_zuke_speaks_of_her_intention/
(jesse was formerly known as lauren)
anyone posts something shipping peridot, u get a load of comments saying "this is aroace erasure, shes written as aroace, a storyboard artist said so", anyone posts something about peridot being canonically aroace, u get a load of comments saying "shes not canonically aroace, she was written as experiencing romantic attraction, a storyboard artist said so" everyone is either one or the other it seems like NO ONE is acknowledging that both is true and really this confusion is the fault of the crewniverse ????
these storyboard artists BOTH focused heavily on working on peridot and creating her character, and their intentions behind what she is are completely contradicting.
i would love for peridot to be aroace. to me she IS aroace, but im not going to pretend like this isnt the most confusing most unclear way of confirming that. even if maya peterson intended for her to be seen as aroace, jesse zuke wrote her as the complete opposite and it would be stupid of me to ignore that. harassing eachother over this is stupid. your both correct, now shake hands and make peace with eachother lol, good night.
As an arospec person I am completely fine with people shipping peridot and I do not think it is aroace erasure, because while I would love to see an orientation like mine depicted in a character like peridot, im not going to ignore that fact the she was ALSO originally meant to be read as experiencing romantic attraction AND the fact that many of the crewniverse ships peridot with people or supports others doing it. it is not aroace erasure to ship a character that was literally intended to be read as experiencing romantic attraction by some of the people who worked on her character. rebecca god damn sugar, the creator of steven universe has made fanart shipping peridot. peridots voice actor has said she likes and supports people shipping peridot. its just that different people working on the show had wildly different intentions when creating her character, and didnt clear up a solid identity for her with everyone working on her
jesse zuke said in her post "cant speak for anyone else! many people are writing those episodes". just like if maya peterson and anyone else working on peridot intended for her to be read as aroace, other people working on her character with just as much authority were writing her completely differently. people are not seeming to acknowledge that these two things co-exist. it is not one or the other. even though they are complete opposites, somehow theyve made it so that its both at once.
she was simultaneously written to be both aroace and experiencing romantic attraction by different people writing her character, clearly because of miscommunication within the crewniverse.
heres rebecca sugars ship art btw since the first 2 were really hard to find, in case anyone else wanted some sort of actual evidence of it
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also just wanted to bring attention to jesse zuke saying "anyone who wants to see the narrative they want is completely, 100% allowed to". peridot and her episodes were written to have multiple interpretations. this was written with multiple intentions. some of those intentions were aroace, some of them, like jesse zukes, were not. you are all correct peace and love
update i found a slightly longer version of jesse zukes post in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=oIl1sEQ4_iI
"I wanted to close the book on this - I am queer, and intend fully to write queer characters when I do"
this is pretty clear confirmation that peridot was fully written with completely different ideas in mind from completely different people. jesse zuke INTENDED for peridot and lapis to be read as having a queer relationship, in this post shes encouraging people to read it that way, meanwhile other writers had other intentions which are just as real and valid.
inconsistency and messy production in steven universe is not a new thing
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ofbreathandflame · 11 months
I feel like the reason there's such a disconnect between a lot of pro/anti accs has to do with how people go about their critique of the work. There is a difference between a critique against a character (i.e., how we chose to justify that character given the explanation/information given in world) and a critique against the choices that are made during the writing process (i.e. introspection into the problems that are caused via the writing). When we critique a character because of decisions the character makes we a crafting a analytical profile about why we surmise a character does something. When we critique the characterization, then we are critiquing the decision the writer is making.
So - a critique against the logical set up of a scene or dynamic is a testament of a writer's skill. Like - when we critique the logic of Rhysand's dynamic with Amarantha that has nothing to do with Rhysand's in world characterization. I think the entire premise of the beginning of WAR is also a plot point that is less a testament of Feyre's character and more a statement on SJM's skill as a writer.
Of course, there are issues that occupy both of these spaces - where the writer's bias operates in a way that is inseparable from the issue in world. In this - its more about how the author interjects information that is contradictory or addling to the narrative of the story. These are moments where the telling conflicts with the showing - and the only way the narrative (the character's in world) distinguishes what information we should extract from the events is by a character straight up telling us how we should feel or what we should take away. The Illyrian/CoN/SC situation starts off as a technical problem but becomes a character problem (the character's consistently begin to parrot actual justifications for why these issues are still ongoing or the story wants us to take away something that conflicts with what we're shown). Rhys's dynamic UTM starts off as just a technical issues (issue of skill) and becomes a character problem for the reason I said above. It's like when you're in lab and you make up data and then write a narrative to justify your false results. Or when you try to cheat your numbers to justify a hypothesis. And a lot of the problems in TAR onwards start as just technical issues that you ignore and they become character issues for the exact reason above. Like - Tamlin's abuse and the hypocritical elements is easy enough to ignore in MAF and maybe even WAR, but it becomes a real problem in SF when the story is trying to sustain a storylines that literally contradicts and justifies behavior it spent the last three books reiterating is bad. It becomes a character issue when the characters enable and justify that behavior (consistently - as it does w/ rhys). And bc ACoTAR is a series that has a hard time removing itself from SJM's honest to God ideologies a lot of issues that we could have brushed off as technical issues often become character issues.
I'm saying this all to say that often, when we make critiques about the writing (meaning - our framework for analysis exists outside of the explanation/information we are given in the story. We understand the reasoning given we just don't think its a valid reason) we get these response that tries to mix the in-world justifications (that we're already said we don't agree with) with cherry-picked irl justifications. Like - if I say I don't believe in God, and then someone says 'God is real - just look at these passage in the holy book' - that's not an actual response to my question, especially if I've already establish that I have issues with the canon.
And the pro debates are often running in circles bc they justify behavior bc the story tells them too, and they only apply real-world standards where its comfortable. It's easy to see Tamlin as abusive bc there's literally a big red sign that says ABUSE every time he's on the page. But its harder for many to acknowledge those same traits when its in a character they actually like. So then its easier to fall back on the book's explanation and not the real world one.
This is the same case with the intervention scene, where the beloved characters actions are abusive and illegal by our standards (tough love interventions have been proven to be oftentime uneffective and often results in relapse) - and even by the book's standard (Feyre literally acknowledges the HoW as a place unequipped for her sister's healing). So the only solace those fans have is to use the justification the book immediately gives, but also ignore the other books bc even they don't support it. It's just selective reading. 'Real world' justification can only go so far with that side - and its not on their side most times, but it is for antis. So it devolves into these semantic arguments. That's why when the criticism is valid they say these books are 'fairy porn that we shouldn't care about,' buuuuut when they want to make a point it becomes 'important,' 'relevant,' and 'problematic if you say xyz' Chose a framework and stick with it.
I'm just so tired of having these conversations and then someone throwing the book at my hand to "justify" why my critique is 'wrong' when the ENTIRE premise of the critique is that I think the writing decision is wrong.
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fnaftalexreader · 3 months
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lucifer relationship headcanons. gimme. rn. give. (please i beg)
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Relationship headcanons for the boi himself! Lucifer x an unspecified reader!
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All will be platonic, as Lucifer is canonically acearo in fnaftale.
Before the Fall
You are most likely a mortal of some kind he ran across, after running away from heaven
He thinks you're SOOOOOOO cool! (He also is very interested in every individual blade of grass, as he's never seen such things before-)
Bless his heart, he's stupid. Your friendship with him is a bunch of heart attacks-
"Hey, what's this thing?" *holds a knife DANGEROUSLY close to his face*
He is extremely oblivious, and innocent. The only thing that will keep him from hurting himself out of his stupidity or for his own amusement, will be your distraught face of horror or genuine sorrow.
He's only seen fear or sadness a few times, and it was mild. He's only felt fear and sorrow a few times in his very short life, and it was usually because of his father. He felt sad when his father burned his "imperfect" paintings, and he only felt fear when he angered him with his desire to play all the time.
At first, he'd be fascinated, and a little concerned over your care. Wondering why you're being really sad or really scared, when you haven't done anything wrong, or bad. You'll have to explain to him that you actually care about his well being, and you don't want him to be hurt.
Unfortunately, at this point of his life, pain is SO COOL! He doesn't feel much in general, as heaven isn't really stimulating. (Seriously, the inside of Caelum's palace makes white torture seem like decent interior design.) He was already fascinated by pain before he ran away. Flying into walls just to feel something other than constant mellow bliss. It was maddening for his creative mind.
He was a prototype angel, and that much is obvious when he's compared to his other siblings. While he shines brightly, he shines too bright. Literally, his name of Morningstar comes from the fact he becomes a purple, glittery flashbang when he's happy! He's also more childish, emotional, and intentionally ignorant. His father thought that would make for a more moldable tool, but it only proved to be a liability the longer lucifer was alive.
He'll try not to hurt himself around you, but he will pick fights with others to get that sensation. Hell, he might even fight you if you're willing to throw hands with him! He'd LOVE to fight you, but he'd let you win. He loves seeing people celebrate their victories.
He loves any sense of sensory, however. Hug him, snuggle him, cook food, play music, etc. He will ADORE you. You have pets? He LOVES animals, especially petting them. He's 15 feet tall, and his hands are almost bigger than you, but he has the precision of an artist. He's extremely gentle but very excitable with any new experience.
If you're ever cold, don't worry. He loves being cold, and his wings are warm. He'll gladly enjoy the cold air, while wrapping his wings around you like a fluffy blanket. Angel feathers are as soft as clouds, feeling like a mixture of silk and Maine Coon fur. They're really sensitive too, so if you pet them, he'll glow and giggle.
If you're friends with him for long enough for him to discover new forms of art, he'll most likely write a poem for you. Though it would be messy, and imperfect, with contradicting themes, but it would be about beauty in his mind. As everything he comes across is a wonderful thing.
"You are the ever changing breeze, the warmth of summer in your laughter, the cold of blizzards in your tears. You are the struggling fly in a web, and the widow that thrives by devouring it. You are the smell of fresh books, and the dust destined to cover them as you dance in my father's light. You are my blood, shining as you pour from my veins and the pain that comes with it, along with the knife responsible for the spill. An all consuming black hole, and a struggling star in its grasp. You are every wrinkle I have very counted, and every tiny hand that can't even grip my own. You are the parasites tearing at flesh, and the hero that slays it. You are everything I have met, and experienced, yet not the same at all. The beauty of the universe does not do you justice. You don't do it justice either. The beauty is undeniable though, like your soul."
If you cry over his way of saying he appreciates your existence, he'll try to burn the papers, to start from scratch, thinking that his work is imperfect. Stop him before he destroys more of his art-
You might be one of the first people that teach him about pride and self worth. Compliment the baby, he eats that shit UP-
He quite literally is a baby too. He may look like a muscular, large man. But he has pretty much zero experience in life. Baby stuff works on him. He will worship your key chain, jingle it. JINGLE IT DAMN YOU, LET THE BOI EXPERIENCE WONDER!
Personifying random objects will also work on him at this age, and it's a great way of keeping him in one spot. Tell him a rock looks sad and lonely, and he will sit with it for literal hours.
As the worst case of Sad Beige Mom, or in case: Dad. He needs colors. Paint with him. Paint his wings. He will love being as colorful as possible, and will become a literal beacon of purple light the more colorful you both are.
11/10, he'd be an amazing friend, just PLEASE stimulate him.
Time in Hell
Oh dear lord...
He's not the sweet baby boy he once was, and pain is no longer entertaining... his father, like with everything, ruined it.
If you're a sinner or a hellborn, he'll be much more openly kind. If you're a summoner, it would take a lot for him to show his true colors, as he acts "villainous" when summoned by mortals, in order to get food. Not for himself, but for his people.
Going with the sinner route, he'd most likely trick you out of the flames, if you're not a sinner for something stupid, like being of a different religion, or being a genuinely kind person that has no place in heaven.
If you're an actual sinner, the other demons will lie to you, saying that lucifer is foolish. While that is true to an extent, he isn't THAT stupid. They'll trick you into thinking that all demons are kind (they are), and that lucifer will think you're a demon that fell in the fires of hell and got all burned up if you ask nicely enough (he won't, but he'll play along. As he's done for centuries). Keep acting kind, and he'll continue thinking you're a demon and- Oh shit, you're redeemed as the kindness is a way for survival here! You need to care for others, so they care for you, and that's how you stay fed and sheltered here! Lucifer will eventually tell you the truth, that he was tricking you into becoming a kinder person, but he will give you a recent sacrifice or some fruit he managed to snag. As a peace offering, in case you get mad.
If you're a hellborn, you would call him Big Brother, as that is what demons call fallen angels. But he is THE Big Brother. The one who stood up to The Father. The whole reason why hell/Gehenna exists. And he'd adore you! No matter how tired, or how much pain he's in, or how worthless he feels, he'd make sure that your pain is always less than his. He'll make toys from animal skins and bones for you, make up stories to tell you, and will even sing you songs. His voice still as heavenly as an angel, his demonic voice always giving him a new and haunting way of making glorious melodies.
If you're a normal human that summoned him, it's going to take finding out about his kind nature, and coaxing him to show it to you. Think about httyd, and that's basically it. You are taming a large, scared person, that uses villainy to get what he wants (theatrical villainy, at least.) He is an antihero at the end of the day. Killing the deserving, threatening people to become better people, and refuses to harm children if he can help it.
But... what if you're a human child?
Then he is Luci, the Goat-Cat! He'll pretend to be your imaginary friend, to get close to you. To the youth that was beaten out of him... the innocence. He'll read you bedtime stories, play any game you desire, and even steal you away for the night to steal candy and ice cream from corporations. If your home is less than ideal, he will gladly eat your parents and take you to an orphanage. We won't leave your side, till you're either adopted, or too old to have an imaginary friend.
For more general headcanons/canons, here are some more things about him.
Cuddles do help with his episodes, grounding him into reality. After all, no one hugged him while all his friends were slaughtered in mass... it would break him out of it, albeit slowly.
He suffers from sever hallucinations, that would effect your friendship with him. Voices of people calling for help, flaming children, gusts of cold wind that aren't actually blowing... they only get worse and worse the more stressed and scared he gets, sometimes getting to the point where he is reliving his fall from grace, and the genocides that followed... over and over again.
He has the personality of a half drowned cat found in a wet bag of rocks beside a river, that somehow still has love and faith in humanity. He's a very tortured soul, in desperate need for love. He will not refuse cuddles, even if you're human. Just ask him first, and instantly you will have a giant, sad snoot in your arms.
He has a very brotherly way of treating those he cares about, ranging from gentle advice, to annoying the hell out of you with physical affection that denies you freedom.
"Oh no! It appears I have been cursed! Gravity weighs so heavy on me! Has Gaia returned, and angered with me?! She is pulling me. Down, heavily! I can't get up, what do you mean, I'm heavy?"
He also has extremely poor coping skills. He is cursed with worthlessness. He is the demon of pride, but he also has severe imposter's syndrome. Making him put other's above himself to an unhealthy degree
You hungry? Oh, then he will never eat and make sure you always have a meal! He doesn't deserve food, he's immortal anyways, not like starvation will kill him.
You tired? Oh, then he will refuse to sleep. Singing you lullabies that last hours, maybe even days to make sure your well rested. He doesn't deserve sleep, and again, he's immortal! It will only weaken and confuse him at worse. Not like not sleeping for your sake will kill him.
You in danger? He will attempt to sacrifice his life for you. Being immortal, he's a meat shield that will almost never falter. He's also very used to being a punching bag... so he can take several hits, a few.... billion arrows to the back (<- why I draw his back with so many scars. He canonically uses his back as a shield), swords through the heart... all he needs is his inspiration from the unyielding mortal spirit to keep you safe. His life doesn't matter, until he can be used as a tool, and he will use himself well.
This cripples him, however. The idea that he is undeserving of basic needs, makes him weaker in multiple ways, especially in the dark arts. He has the potential of being a powerful deity, one equal or even rivaling his father (to refinance Diablo, think Anu before tathamet was created. He and his siblings are capable of being on that level if they ACTUALLY FUCKING EAT-), but since he doesn't take care of himself, he can't even make a simple fireBall, let alone stand properly. Everything he does is out of force of will. His physical strength is nothing in comparison to his mental will. He's able to mask his pain almost perfectly, but will slip up with his words when he gets too comfortable.
Getting him to take care of himself will take WRESTLING and lots of guilt tripping. Cancel his guilt from over literal centuries, with more guilt over how awful he makes you feel over him not taking care of himself. Make him feel bad enough, he'll take a nap, and maybe eat a good meal. Do it enough, he might even get strong enough to do more for you! Which he will definitely do out of appreciation. He will use his reclaimed powers to give you feasts, riches, luxuries. Be careful to make sure he doesn't over exhaust his powers, and end up at square one again. He WILL spoil you, as no simple thank you will ever be enough for helping him regain some of his powers.
3/10 on the friend scale (what he would give himself at least- he is a 10/10, he lost one point because of how he hates himself, and uses his love for others as a backwards way to self harm)
After Ascension
This is the lucifer after his father's death, when he actually gets- *le gasp* medication and therapy!
He is much bigger, but is still able to become his 15 foot size. His new "normal" size however is a similar stature to his father: 165 feet. Though his true form is much, much bigger, able to cover entire planets. But he doesn't need to be that big to cover you in platonic kisses!
Very cuddly, very kissy, and very tired-
He has to deal with his 7,560,000 angelic siblings that have mentally regressed to that of really fucked up toddlers with homicidal tendencies, due to how many years they've been braindead, and forced to slaughter billions upon billions of demons.
But lucifer always finds time to listen to prayers and woes, and treats every word seriously... at times, too seriously. He literally has prayers and requests written down, filed, and he painstakingly goes through every file to make sure each prayer is answered.
If you are a mortal that worships, or is friends with lucifer you are welcomed to watch him work, which will just be him getting stopped from doing his paperwork every five seconds to pry tidepods and/or rats from his siblings mouths.
He gets super fat from finally eating consistent meals, and he grows thick fur and wool that is super soft. He also makes sure he's constantly cleaned, so he almost always smells like fresh lavender and figs.
Still won't complain about cuddles, but this time you don't need to ask! Go ahead and hug him, he'd always be there for you, unlike his useless father...
He'll cook you meals, and give you fresh clothes made from his own wool. It's strong too, so a sweater from lucifer can work as armor! It's also fireproof, many wins! Once you have a full belly and warm clothes, he'd also make sure you're comfy and that you have a soft bed to sleep in.
This is the most fatherly lucifer will ever get, and you WILL feel like his child. You might even accidentally call him dad a few times before you both make it a bit.
He will start telling dad jokes, as he babies and dots on you. He is a very hands on type of God, treating every creation like family.
No matter the age you are friends with him, he will see you as beautiful, as every life in his eyes: great, small, "pretty", "ugly" is beautiful to him. From the most terrible looking of bugs, to the most graceful of birds. From the grandest things in creation, to the most devastating of destruction, it is beautiful to him. You a ripple in the grand design, older than you both, and he will adore every second of your life that he shares with his own. After all, your kind was the only reason why he continued to live, when his life had no worth. Every mortal being is his will to live, his hope personified. The older he gets, the more loving he is.
∞/10 best friend. Your eternal soul is safe in his gentle claws, for the rest of eternity. No matter the hardships you face in life, the pain and suffering you endure, lucifer cheers you on. He will welcome you lovingly, when your time inevitably comes, but he will watch your every step before the great beyond as he does every other mortal: with pride. He is proud of you, and all you achieve. Even if your grandest achievements are just getting up, or managing to shower, he knows how hard that is sometimes.
"...child. you are the grandest art in the universe. Every little detail in the cosmos, is part of a grander tapestry. You are one of the many details I favor. No detail is my true "favorite" mind you. That would be cruel of me, to deam something lesser for whatever reason. But... what I mean to say is, everything about you, I have loved. Your first cry, as you announced your presence to the world... every tooth lost, with quarters in their places... I enjoyed watching each freckle on your skin form, as you played in the sun... I enjoyed watching you scuff your knees when you played, and how brave you were when you got back up... your every shower performance, I listened to with pride and closed eyes, as you have the voice of an angel much like my kin. I have not watched every second of your existence, or heard every word. This universe is vast, and there are so many that need me to love them... but every second I've had the pleasure to know you, before you knew me, has been a blessing someone of my rank in the heavens could never give. Thank you, for bringing so much beauty to the universe. I cannot wait until you are gently welcomed home, with your hair has grayed and fallen, when you reach the mortal's autumn. Years of warm smiles, leaving generous wrinkles... you are so beautiful now, and you will be beautiful then. Keep living, my child. Not a single second is wasted. Not to me... at least."
Edit: forgot something important!
Bonus stuff!
Angel/baby lucifer fluffy up his wings when he gets comfortable, so he would ge extra fluffy when cuddling you.
Demon and God lucifer purr, and they love belly rubs and chin scritches. His ears are sensitive, and only get more so after he gets furr. He also would purr to calm you down or make you feel better.
Lucifer at all ages kneads and chews on things, for different reasons. Baby Lucifer does it because of his lack of stimulation growing up, hell/teenish Lucifer does it to soothe stress, and god/adult Lucifer does it when he's content. He will make biscuits on your back, as he knows it will scratch and massage you at the same time. His love language is very touchy feely.
If you give demon lucifer pain meds, he will do zoomies. And he is VERY fast on all fours.
His tail is prehensile, and he WILL Carry you if you're really close to him. Wrapping his tail around you and his chest, like rope tying you to his underbelly. You will know what it's like to be a baby gorilla, without all the work of holding on for dear life.
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icedragonlizard · 3 months
it's highly curious that people take the "susie chases off both meta knight and dark meta knight" intro gag in star allies so seriously
while ignoring literally all the rest
like guys there's literally one gag where taranza kidnaps dedede again. and another one where daroach steals magolor's ship. and another one where chef kawasaki tries to cook coo and/or birdon (this cutscene has variations)
there's even a gag where kirby, meta knight and susie pose together that contradicts the "meta is still traumatized by susie" notion that the other gag seems to make people believe
why do you only care about one gag specifically and ignore the rest
i don't think these gags are meant to be taken seriously. they're not canonically confirmed to happen. it's all jokes. you can use them for headcanon fuel but don't treat them like they're actually canon
i just think it's blatantly biased to only take one into account
people LEGITIMATELY act like the susie/mk/dmk one is canon for some reason when it's not. why.
i don't care if you headcanon that stuff but don't treat it like its real.
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finalboybyers · 6 months
honestly idk how people can take these people seriously. its really impossible to even have a discussion with these people unless you already believe all of their theories because they're so deep in their own echo chamber that they cant see why they would be unconvincing to someone who doesnt already agree with them. which would be fine ofc if they werent trying to convince anyone, but arguing against hentty shippers and claiming they are the ones ignoring evidence kinda makes it seem like they are trying to convince people.
why should i care that Patty said "i like the gay ones best"? well, she said "ones" and according to them, the show has always told its story like this, for example that time when Eleven said "He is the monster Henry, not you", which is meant to tell us Vecna isnt Henry.
what are you supposed to even say to this? i think the only response ive seen other people give is "this is delusional", because it is. and im kinda just left shocked that this is the argument they constantly bring up. seriously? this is the strongest piece of evidence?
and thats probably the most logical of these "connections" theyve gotten from tfs. theyve also said Brenner confirmed he is Henry because he said "no one could possibly understand except for me" 😭😭
they’re running out of their “proofs” at this point and it shows lol. it’s funny how literally everything they say about henry blatantly contradicts canon / kate trefry’s interpretation AND everything other people who saw the play said about henry and patty’s relationship (that they’re romantic and parallel byler in multiple ways).
“honestly idk how people can take these people seriously.” i have no idea how anyone can take them seriously after they said that the play was gonna be about cr*elarke romance ^^
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kitart15 · 1 year
Man I love than when WFA gets an episode people share or talk a lot about, there is immediately like 20 people that come out of the bushes just saying how WFA has done irreparable damage to the Batman fandom.
Almost as if comics like little gotham didnt exist before it lol.
Its always about how its a terrible comic to introduce fans to the characters, forgetting that some of this characters no longer appear in current comics in prominent roles (yes i'm talking about Duke and Alfred) and also ignoring the fact that most of the cast doesnt even have decent writing on the regular comics that wasn't extremely contradicting to previous comics (Jason, Damian and Bruce especially come to mind), like if you wanted to read a comic with Duke you would have to really look it up, you will not find it in a random store or even in any front pages of comic websites. At the very least WFA its accesible and may introduce you or spark an interest for a character you knew nothing about before.
Not only that but didnt DC establish that every universe is technically canon, like injustice happened and its canon to its own universe and you could make an argument of how out of character it is for superman or Diana or literally anyone, but for some reason all the hate goes the slice of life webtoon that has consistent characterizations and its literally free.
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musashi · 10 months
its just frustrating because the video i made, while under the guise of "hey, i think maybe a more nuanced take on this over-simplified character is a good idea," also had a lot to say about fanon, reductive discourse, fandom puritanism, and retributive justice/prison abolition. i talked in depth about the irony of a story like ace attorney, where culprits of violent crimes are often and frequently portrayed as morally grey/nuanced characters, and where you're trained to be inherently suspicious of the systems that incriminate the accused because you are playing as their defense attorney.
it's a game that encourages you to not see the characters are "victims" and "perpetrators" but instead people, capable of all the good and bad they are, and more often than not multi-faceted. but then you take a look at the fandom and that's ALL it is--people throwing characters into those two boxes. phoenix is a victim, dahlia is a perpetrator--ignore that dahlia was a neglected child who turned to crime at 14, clearly in need of support and intervention but simply unlucky to have no adults in her life to help. at the end of the day, she is a victim too, and her being a victim does not justify the lives she ruined and the people she hurt and traumatized, but it is a hard truth to acknowledge that evildoers are not monsters from birth but shaped by their circumstance. people do not want to acknowledge that, because then they have to acknowledge that they, too, can become abusive and cruel. they want to believe they are safe from it.
while ace attorney does not take a stance in favour of rehabilitative justice in a literal sense, it certainly makes you fucking root for it by presenting murderers and criminals who are, more often than not wholly sympathetic.
manfred von karma is, arguably, not meant to be sympathetic. but i am very charmed by AA's tendency to make me think harder about these perps. and so i think harder about mvk. because that is what the story has told me to do. in running that thought experiment, i found that i like it a lot more when he is, on the surface, a good person to those he considers worthy of his love. he is a rat bastard, a fucking brat, an entitled control-freak, and a little bit of a bitch... but, like, so am i, and those traits make him annoying, not abusive. if he was 40 years younger and conventionally attractive, the fandom girlies would fucking love him, but he's old and disabled so he doesn't get that privilege.
he sucks and he's a murderer. i just don't think he hurts his kids. when people get furious with me for this, they often say that i have dubious evidence. which is true, it's just my personal interpretation, backed up by some subtext in the games. same as theirs. they do not like when i tell them this, and when i ask, 'okay, where's your evidence, then?' they just kinda say 'dude, fucking trust me.' or 'did you play the games???'
i did. we took different things from the games, though. that is okay. why are people so mad? why can't they just understand, that is okay. they don't have to agree with me. they can just... exist elsewhere...?
first, the repeated line was that i said mvk was justified in all he did because he was lead poisoned (i did not say that. it's a joke headcanon i have.) now, the line is that i am apparently declaring the anime canon. i did not say that, just that i enjoyed the takes on canon they proposed and liked to incorporate them where the main canon does not contradict them. people in the fandom do this all the time, for instance a lot of folks put the signal samurai into their gameverse fic because shit's cute and adds a lot to narumitsu. why is that worthy of praise, but my own take worthy of mockery?
every single time someone doesn't like my opinion on this matter, instead of just ignoring it and doing their own thing, they instead... zero in on one point i made, take it out of context, completely misinterpret it in... not even bad faith, but STRANGE faith, and then spread it all across the internet as if it was gospel.
why... do they do that?
if i'm truly wrong, can't you just lay out the ACTUAL argument i made, and strike down its points with evidence of your own?
i've asked before. i get blocked. i get ignored. i get "its just vibes" or "play the game."
okay. i played the game. here's my favourite part:
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what's yours?
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novasillies · 4 months
no bcz wtf is wrong w the teen wolf timeline. none of them have actual ages and if they mention their age in the show it either contradicts something that happened before or will be disproven later on and I ????? it is NOT that hard to plan something like this out, jeffrey.
like Derek didn't even have a canon age yet in the pilot, and it was meant to be after winter break, right (even tho they retconned that in s5, which I will IGNORE)??? so scott is sixteen and stiles is fifteen (according to the multiple DIFFERENT birth dates jeff gave him in april and june), then lydia has her birthday in season 2 and they are STILL SOPHOMORES so she is turning SIXTEEN. IN MARCH. RIGHT??? RIGHTT?????
SO HOW. IN SEASON 5. SET IN THEIR SENIOR YEAR. IS SHE EIGHTEEN BEFORE WINTER EVEN STARTS??????? also for some reason the ghost riders come when they're doing yearbook photos but it's like autumn?? and yet it's after the several months that season 5 took????? and they use her being eighteen to excuse her and parrish but she's NOT. shes seventeen. and that man is an army veteran and an established sheriff's deputy, he is OLD. also they had her graduate early to make it even less weird but then she just?? kept going to high school??? through season 6???????
also also i could excuse jeff not knowing the timeline entirely in the first episode but come on. how do you not even know how long ago the main source of conflict for the season (the hale fire) happened??? fym 'like ten years ago' AND 'he's only a few years older than us' and then he was a senior when it happened?? or a junior??? 'ten years ago'????? give me strength
also, jeffrey, where the fuck did eli come from! riddle me that!! you too, tyler & tyler, explain yourselves.
(also also jackson whittemore was fifteen the entire time he was in the show (save for his return for the finale). he was a literal baby. before liam showed up, he was the youngest character in the entire thing. WHY WERE THEY ALL SO SEXUALISED?? AND PLAYED BY PEOPLE IN THEIR MID-TWENTIES (except for stiles ik ik ik))
it was WEIRD to have sixteen-year-old lydia having that much rebound sex pre-s3, it was WEIRD to pair her up with a fully grown man and LIE ABOUT HER BEING AN ADULT, it was WEIRD to have her be naked that much AT FIFTEEN, it was weird to have a joke about stiles getting preyed on by drag queens ALSO at fifteen, and it was stupid to not have a canon timeline even to its barest bones before the show started.
jeff davis is a nonce and he is dumb and I want to hit him
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twilight-deviant · 5 months
Fisk in Echo
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Wanted to make a long post detailing my personal thoughts on Fisk's representation in the Echo series. I won't comment a lot on the series as a whole. It was good. Not gonna call it my new favorite show or say it breathed new life into an MCU that seems like it wants to die. But a good watch. Even if I did hope it would break more of the MCU mold with its MA rating.
But Fisk! Put Vincent D'Onofrio's Wilson Grant Fisk on my screen, and I'm there, bells on.
This is just... a dumb long post I had to write for me. You can read it or parts of it if you want.
Willie on Willie Violence
They're never gonna tells us why MCU Fisk had Ronin kill Maya's dad. Stop asking. They're not gonna say. No, they're not gonna tell us why Clint did what Fisk asked either. I said stop asking.
They really reduced what could have been an important relationship between Fisk and Willie into literally nothing. Per the comics, he was Fisk's first friend ever, his enforcer. Nothing? NOTHING?! Also they changed his last name from Lincoln to Lopez. (Apparently, heroes can only be born from a married, two-parent household? Didn't know the MCU was Catholic.) "How much agency can you remove from one man?" MCU asks and answers.
I'm not saying the comics knock it out of the park with motive. The reason Fisk kills him is still vague. (Meaning the MCU had the chance to pick up the slack but just left it there.) Vague is still better than ignoring it entirely.
I assume comic Fisk was betrayed by him in some way. And while it doesn't take much provocation for him to kill his employees, I like to assume the motive was a little more substantial for a friend.
This is why these series need to be treated like television (instead of long movies) and given more than a handful of episodes.
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Maya vs Daredevil
A pretty good fight scene, definitely. Even if it is intercut with special effects instead of practical effects. I've seen people make that complaint, and it's valid. I can't decide if the inclusion of a fight between them is meant to be a bone thrown to Daredevil fans, a nod to their fight in the DD comics with Echo's origin, or both. 🤔 But since this is a post about Fisk and I'm a Fisk/Matt shipper, moving on.
Ehehehehehehe~ 😈
"None of my men have ever held their own with him like that. You did better than even I expected."
So... in preparation for DD: Born Again, I have been (and honestly, still am) unsure of where the canon will be coming from. Disney recently pushed the Netflix-verse as legitimate, but I know it has to have a point where that will break off. There's no way it can be a 1:1 continuation. So while we can be a little more bold injecting DD canon into the MCU, I'm not getting carried away yet.
Anyway, the uncertainty of Born Again has made my shipper heart wonder where/when Fisk and Matt's relationship will be. Until Echo, I questioned if it would be scorched earth, start all over, meet for the first time again. But Fisk's line establishes he is at least aware of Daredevil. They have some form of history. I'm interested and anxiously waiting for specifics to unfold. ✪ω✪
In the meantime, it's nice having confirmation that both Fisk and Matt survived Thanos's Snap and existed in those 5 years. 😈 Not only does that play into the hand of my current fanfic, it doesn't outright contradict it either. In fact, it's kind of fun imagining an AU where Matt works with Fisk and then laying it over this Echo scene. Daredevil just so happens to be at a location stalking Fisk's competition? On the same night Fisk sends in his daughter*? Hm. Suspect. Certainly he's not ensuring her safety by sending no-kill boy. 🤔🧐 Ignore me. I'm making an AU of my AU over here. 😂
*[I actually have a hard time letting go of Fisk's role as an adoptive father in the comics versus "uncle" in the shows. I can't let this go. Maybe even... won't let this go?]
So here's a very small nod that even I missed at first. In Maya's 2007 past (in Hawkeye and Echo), she is attending a regular, non-deaf school. Her dad says it's because they can't afford better. (Surely there are programs with grants? Whatever.) Now cut to 2008. Fisk picks her up from school, showing that she is on his radar and he is taking a more active role in her life. A testament to that? Maya is now wearing the uniform (with crest) of a private school.
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Fisk isn't the best at love, and there's no denying that. (Look at Richard's life.) But it also can't be denied that he immediately took an interest in Maya and improving her situation. He loves in his own way.
Anyway... so this scene confirmed with its "2008" that Fisk has been active in New York for yeeeears. Literally since the beginning of the MCU itself. I won't say it changes a lot since DD 1x01 mentions the Chitauri Invasion of 2012 and how Fisk grew parts of his empire with construction companies rebuilding from it. But confirmation is nice, ya know. And it shows that even though Fisk's name was unspoken in 2015, he had already been in some form of power for at least 7 years.
And then, of course, the whole "beat up the ice cream man" thing. 🍿 I mean, again, Fisk's methods are not always right, but he will protect those he cares about and punish those who hurt them. And he will be excessive about it. RIP Anatoly. 💐
I see people, even writers, make excuses for Maya's action in this scene, for kicking the man. "Children watch and copy everything." Sometimes, yes, but children know the difference between right and wrong. Children don't just mimic bad actions. What I'm saying is I'm not going to pretend Maya didn't have a touch of dark side in her with or without Fisk.
There's no denying she is much darker and more ruthless than her comic counterpart. My mouth was quite agape to see her hurt the woodpecker and then lie about it. (There's a certain classification of people who hurt animals as children. 🤔) Not even Fisk was prepared for that part of her. Calling for another jacket, telling her not to be afraid. He thought of how other children would react and got it wrong. He wasn't wrong to think she would have an aptitude for bloodshed in her adult life.
I love Fisk calling her out in this episode, that she always knew what he was and that she killed for him without compunction. There was no remorse in the flashbacks. Per Fisk's own words: "You knew what you were part of at every turn. All the people you killed for me, did you plead for their lives?" There was no disgust towards Fisk until she found out he had her father killed. One of the (I think) producers of the show says he considers Maya a villain. Aight. I think she's more of an anti-hero now, but I wouldn't call MCU Maya an outright hero, I don't think. Remains to be seen what she does with herself.
Me watching the interpreter taken away: "Not the plastic hallway!" 🙈😂
DD S3 Fisk really found an MO he could live with. lol. No one else can but...
This old man is adorable wanting to have weekly dinners with his daughter. (✿◠‿◠) You definitely leave a girl wondering where Vanessa (even a recast Vanessa) is, but okay. Now invite your other three kids on Sunday. Pfft.
I can't believe the MCU made Fisk switch out his beloved Bach for Schubert's Ständchen. 🤣🎧 (That's okay. I actually like it more. Shh.)
The Man in Red
Is it such a silly stupid thing for me to grin about the fact that the first time we "officially" see Fisk in the series, he is wearing red? Yes it is silly and stupid. Imma grin anyway. 🙃
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Sir, that is... that is Daredevil's color. Sir. Sir! 😆 (Fisk said, "Daredevil wore white in the comics. Something must be done.")
Fisk Not Learning ASL
Okay so...
I think this is one of my two big sticking points in Echo's writing for him. I've already ranted to my friend about it over several texts. Fisk spoke more sign language in Hawkeye than he did in this series, and it's not like the why is some big mystery. It's sloppy writing, right? Right. It's a shortcut to contrast Maya's family in Fisk versus her biological family. Writers were like, "What's a quick, easy way we can show Maya's family does care for her more than Fisk even though they abandoned her after her mother and father died and offer nothing for it but an, 'I'm sorry'? Ooh, I know!"
Chula hated Willie enough to blame him for Taloa's death and cast him out at the cost of losing her granddaughter. "I'm sorry." Henry left her in NYC after Willie was killed, even knowing he was leaving her with Fisk. "I'm sorry." But everyone still speaks fluent sign language after 20 years, so they're better than Fisk. Did you get that? We want to make it very, very clear so you get that. 🙄
I have trouble conveying my frustration with this writing choice in words. At the very least, it's "tell, don't show." I don't need it spelled out that ordinary people are better than a serial murder crime boss. Neon sign flashing "Duh!" No one needed that spelled out!
And It was bad enough how blatant they were being, okay, but when they had Maya mention it outright at the end, word-for-word conclusion, oof. It's so... novice league. I almost get secondhand embarrassment from their ham-fisted delivery. Geez.
This man speaks Mandarin, Japanese, and some Spanish. For personal interest. He could learn ASL. You can believe the absolute worst in him and still believe he'd learn it as a method of manipulation, to make Maya think he cared. You actually have a larger burden of proof coming up with any reason why he wouldn't learn. "He doesn't care enough about her." Where's that judging cat picture saying "Pathetic"? I mean, I can sit here all day pointing over and over again at the fact he spoke more ASL in Hawkeye. So he... regressed... between series because he cares... less for her now?
Wait... he suffered a gunshot to the head. You don't think... *gasp* Maya hit the exact spot of his brain that held sign language? It's all coming together.
Uuuuuuuuuuuugh. We all have those bad writing moments we just ignore, and this is one of mine. Echo wanted a villain but they were too afraid of humanizing the one they yoinked from Daredevil. Get on their level, you cowards.
No one will ever touch your perfection, DD S1, my beloved.
Sunday Thursday Dinner
Do not let this man into your home. 🚫 He will look at your family photos and identify all of your weak spots.
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jk I do very much enjoy Fisk's wide wandering eyes as he walks around the house, observing. It's so good. It reminds me (if anyone else knows the overlap here) of Vincent's character in Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Goren goes into a room and immediately studies any picture or book or object he can, learning everything about a person. It's exactly what Fisk was doing here, even if for reasons less than wholesome. I love when you can see the wheels turning in a character's brain.
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I can appreciate a subtle flipping of authority between dinners. Fisk at the head of the table with Maya to his right and then the reverse of that. Nice.
Before this, if you said, "Yeah, I think Wilson Fisk would have a floral print picnic basket," you were LYING! No one could have predicted this bag. No one! You might counter with, "Yeah, but he didn't pick it out. A goon just put everything in there and handed it to him." Would you do that? Would you risk your life handing the Kingpin of all crime up the east coast a floral bag? You are so brave. You will be missed.
So there actually are a few bits of the show that make me think, "Okay, maybe Echo writers did watch Daredevil." It's The Little Things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ When he brought wine, then Maya poured it out and he asked, "What happened to the Lafite?" I was ready to go "Rawr nooo. Fisk's character is supposed to be almost wine illiterate as a nod to his poor, uncultured origin." But wow, they saved it with his very next line being, "It came highly recommended." Okay, Echo. Echo, okay. For this, you get a point.
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Handing the knife to Maya, so... mwah. 💋 It's arrogant, sure, and I'd be lying to say I hated that. But more than that, Fisk really is good at reading and predicting people. Forget muscle strength, THAT is his greatest asset. And he's not wrong. Maya doesn't (then or later) hurt or try to kill him again. He knows what it's like to let emotion take hold in the moment. That's why he understands and dismisses Maya shooting him. But he also knows she has a clearer head now. He feels no danger from her, knows she doesn't really want him dead. And he's right.
"I can't remember a time... when I haven't loved you like a daughter."
I'm glad someone finally said it. Boo on the uncle/niece bit. Not to mention how many motifs of this series hit better and harder with a father/daughter relationship. Tsk tsk.
An interesting exchange here...
Maya: "You isolated me. Told me you were the only one I could trust. But it was all a lie. Even with these contacts, you got them because you didn't care enough to learn to sign." Fisk: "I was there for you!"
✨He is not wrong.✨ Obligatory groan at the ASL mention and... He's not wrong. Like I mentioned earlier, Maya's family abandoned her. Literally the only person who tried to keep up with her was Bonnie (angel), and Maya shunned her. (Which wasn't Fisk's influence because we see her ignoring Bonnie's texts before Fisk had a hand in swaying her one way or the other.) Maya was isolated because her family abandoned her or she cut them off. And Fisk. was. there. for. her. Without him, she seemed intent on ruining her life and getting arrested.
Granted, you'd be justified saying she wouldn't have been in that particular spiral without Fisk killing her father. (Too bad we'll never know why he did it.) But Willie could have died in a manner completely unrelated to Fisk, and her family would have reacted in the same way, not reaching out or being ignored when they do. Do you see what I'm saying? Fisk legitimately was the only person in Maya's life besides her father.
I think about... the people Fisk has told the story of his father's death to, speaking as if this is a true continuation of Daredevil. That would be Wesley (not shown but a given). Vanessa when he wants her to understand him and his past. And Dex, as he pulls the man back from the brink in an effort to make Dex see their similarity and how no one else could understand him like Fisk. (Other people know about it, of course, but I'm concerned with those whom he trusted to tell.)
It seems like the motivation swings between intimate trust and manipulation. Or it could be both with Dex. Honestly, who can read Fisk's mind with absolute clarity? Either way, it's a very small group. It's not insignificant that he tells Maya.
Love Fisk doubling down on "Maya won't kill me." Tripling down? First the knife. Then leaving himself completely unguarded with the door open while she has a gun. Then giving her the hammer and daring her. It feels less arrogant than with the knife though. He still knows she won't kill him, but it also feels less... certain here. But I like him using it as a challenge, as a "Now or never." Kill him already, or stop threatening it every five minutes. Very Fisk of him. 👌
I can't... articulate what his choice of words means to me, but they clutch at my chest as he says, "Free me!" Killing him will not only free Maya to move forward in her life, it will free him. Babygirl, how much do you hate this life you're in? ಥ_ಥ
I think I need to make another Daredevil/Echo gifset. With Fisk here saying, "Free me!" against him daring Matt in 3x13, "Come on, kill me!" (Wilson, do we need to put you on a watch?)
The Little Things (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I like confirmation that Fisk has a jet in the MCU. There's tiny mention of it in Daredevil 1x11. I want to see the jet. Yes, thank you. I don't know what I'll do with this, but I like having it.
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Post Office
I'm sooooooooo normal about that old man. Really I am.
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I like this scene. No real reason. But it is nice to watch socially handicapped Wilson try and conduct conversation like a normal person. Helping Chula pick up the mail.
I am VERY interested in a blink-and-you-miss-it line from him here. After Chula mentions losing her daughter.
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"Yes, I've lost someone who I loved. It's the kind of pain you never quite get over."
I am gnawing at my keyboard. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! Is it referencing something we should already know? Is it a nod to something yet to come, something Born Again will expand on? Is he just talking about how he "lost" Maya? Is it about his father? Is Vanessa dead in this universe??? What does it meeeeeeean?!?!?!?!
["Tell me!" Loki gif]
Attempted Murder Spree
My second big beef.
I'm not gonna argue whether Fisk would kill people unconnected to his criminal underworld in order to hurt the ones that are. No, I think they got that part pretty accurate. Evidence abounds in comics and Netflix-verse. If he wants to kill Chula and Bonnie to punish Maya, I'd only ask why he didn't go ahead and round up Henry. This plan totally plays. (Actually, if we used only existing Hawkeye content for this MCU Fisk, it would be... less likely. He didn't threaten or go after Kate at all to get at Eleanor.)
What I find ridiculous is the notion he would attempt a massacre of the entire festival. Uh... what? Someone find me a single instance (comic or screen) where Fisk attempts such widespread death and destruction of innocents. By that, I mean with innocents as the intended target and not collateral damage.
When he bombed the Russians in DD 1x05, people were hurt, but from fallout, not intent. Though there are injuries, I'm trying to think if we get more than one confirmation of death. I don't doubt there may have been more, but... And you may want to point at the attack on The Bulletin, but, though terrifying, only three people died. And I'd posit the extra two were most likely to obfuscate that Jasper Evans was the real target. Unless we want to say Bullseye (Bulls-eye) missed a dozen times.
Anyway, I think this over-the-top plot point is us witnessing an MCU-ification of Fisk. Something they need to quash NOW. It's like... gah, they admit they want his character and want him to be a smaller scale villain, a "street-level Thanos," but they still want the high stakes of "aliens are killing citizens en masse." Well, no. You don't get it both ways. And it shouldn't be that way. Smaller scale means a smaller scale. Reduce everything but write it well enough that you still get that same feeling of anxiety and dread.
The episode plays exactly the same without that bit of OOC overreach. (All it did was give Henry and Biscuits something to do in the climax.) Like... literally. You can cut those scenes without affecting anything. Does that sound like good writing? No. Just like with the ASL bit, I think the burden lies on writers explaining WHY he would do this instead of acting like it's obvious and natural. And just because Maya turned him down? He'll massacre dozens of people? I, for one, am not convinced.
The Trauma of It All
I already talked a bit about Fisk's experience being "healed" by Maya in this post. (By the way, was I the only one expecting it to heal his eye too? Ah well.) I could talk more on my annoyance of super powers that just do whatever the writers want them to in any given situation. But I breathe, center myself, and appreciate what I have been given.
I was pretty disappointed in Fisk's writing the whole episode (see point directly above) until this point. They got me back on board. They made a good decision with this final conflict and NOT having it be a physical one. While it makes Echo's writing feel all over the board, dehumanizing Fisk and the humanizing him again, looking at this one aspect feels so good for his character, for anyone who enjoyed his character before this series. Echo, you get... two points.
Visually, I love it so much. Except for the part where I want to take in every single detail of Fisk's childhood bedroom, but they cranked the fog machine too high. I see he is a Yankees fan (But what about those Mets, Spider-Man?) There's a toy helicopter in the window, a toy airplane on the chest of drawers, and a picture of a plane. Was anyone going to tell me little Wilson likes aircrafts or... There's a jar of marbles, jar of little animals. Very normal, cute room for a boy. Despite the disrepair and decay in the walls. This feels like it leans so much closer to Fisk's outright childhood poverty in the comics than just being lower class in DD.
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OBVIOUSLY, I *chef's kiss* at the wonderful homage to the white wall/painting. High school English teachers could have a field day examining the symbolism. In DD 1x03, Fisk says the painting makes him feel "alone," and that emotion is perfectly captured here. We hear his parents on the other side of the wall, in the other room, but Wilson is alone in his bedroom, wanting it to stop.
I hate/love the despair and pain Fisk has being back here. I would never trauma dump on the internet. I'll just say Wilson Fisk continues to be a very relatable character for me. He is, all joking aside, very special to me, personally. And moments like this only strengthen the love I have for him. Also makes me want to slap around Fisk haters who refuse to take the time to understand him. Bah.
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A small thing I like is that Fisk seems able to fully understand Maya in here. Whether because he just, ya know, understands ASL (she unlocked the sign language he forgot since Hawkeye ◉o◉), or because thought transcends speech inside his head, you decide.
(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
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I could speak for thousands of words and never finish conveying how much I love this scene. It was a very good call to go this route.
I Am Petting the Loyal Henchman
The guy who helps Fisk, who points a gun at Maya, pulls him away, and puts him in a car before the police arrive?
This guy?
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Give him a raise. He's very important to me, I decided. I'm going to call him Carl.
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What are you about, Carl? Are you in it for the paycheck, or are you loyal to the boss? There is a Wesley-shaped hole in my heart that will never fill.
Mayor Fisk
Obviously excited for Mayor Fisk arc. There are a couple comic plots I've wanted to see Daredevil explore, and that's probably at the top of the list. (There is also Fisk and Matt working together in prison, but I'm less than hopeful we'll ever see it on screen.) I have so many questions about Fisk being mayor.
Do you think he'll still offer the job of Deputy Mayor to Matt??? Can he win honestly, or will he cheat? Can they show Fisk stealing an election without referencing ANY current events in the real world? Will the election be at the start of the series or mid-point, or will they save it (hopefully not) for a finale? Will they use this to set up future plots with Fisk?
I'm all abuzz with anticipation.
Only... over a year to Daredevil: Born Again! ╰(*°▽°*)╯
On the very off chance you read all of this post or skimmed it and didn't see me address something you're curious of my opinion on, idk, just let me know. I'll ramble all day. Clearly.
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lucky-dreamfisher · 2 years
So… what exactly from the books is canon? Are the Crackup Comics canon? Is the Illusion of Living canon? I know that the novels have a lot of differences from the games, but what can we even really take at face value from the games anymore???
Bendy and the Ink Machine implies that the actual workers’ souls ended up in that iteration of the Cycle through the coffin easter eggs iirc, the novels proceed to make that canon (although it’s largely only showing us a cast of people not connected to the game, excluding Sammy and some others), and now… Dark Revival is just ignoring all of that? Huh???
I guess Henry… was never real. Okay. What exactly is the beginning/ending of Bendy 1 then? Why would Henry experience something that akin to reality if he was never real?
And not only that, but what’s going on with Joey? Dark Revival’s surface-level narrative portrays him as a man who had done ambiguously flawed things in the past, but that he was ultimately a good and loving person at heart, hence the weird “memory” version of Joey (who is also… made of flesh, or so to speak, and also can be killed??).
And yet, despite this more sympathetic portrayal, if you dig deeper, you find a note implying that he made a variety of sentient Audrey’s and then scrapped them (hmmm, I wonder where I’ve heard that before), which seems like a pretty clear example of him being a complete monster? Like, you created life, and then you decided to just snuff it out or lock it away because it wasn’t what you specifically meant to make.
And yet Dark Revival doesn’t spend much time criticizing Joey for how he seems to have a careless attitude towards this life he’s creating. I mean, I guess it kinda does that in some places, but at the end of the day, the game ends with Audrey inspirationally quoting Joey, and then carrying on his legacy, and the game also has him inspirationally monologue to you twice about how you were his greatest creation.
I've been a longtime fan of World of Warcraft, a game which is over 20 years old at this point, and still gets a new expansion or book every year. With a game of this size, we're used to retcons, and the general rule of thumb is "if new lore contradicts old lore, then new lore should be treated as canon". I'm going to adopt the same rule for Bendy.
I think Crack-up Comics are canon, because they don't really contain anything contradictory other than Nathan being listed as the head of a film studio, despite rejecting the idea in one of his audiologs. That could still be explained with Wilson aka Nathan Junior being the head of Archgate Films and Archgate Pictures being its subsidiary.
TIOL is probably also canon, because it doesn't contain anything particularly lore-relevant.
The Employee Handbook... is more tricky. it definitely had some directions from Mike and Meatly, like that wedding invitation from Allison to Joey. But it also has stuff that was lifted from the Bendy wiki, and the info in the wiki is not always accurate. It literally has my outdated instructions for how to get a scythe, which wasn't accurate and was just me describing all I did in my playthrough until the moment I found the scythe. Half the steps in it is redundant and can be skipped. There's this weird thing with the letter addressed to Henry, where the date is a faded 194- and the stamp is from 1942-1946, but while looking around I found the same stamp on stock image websites so it's hard to tell whether the illustrator was explicitly instructed to use a stamp from the 40s, or just slapped a random oldtimey-looking stamp they found and never expected the fans to look into it. The relevance of that will depend on how serious M&M are about the different timelines concept they've touched on lightly in BATDR.
DCTL AND TLO are tricky... For one they show people turn into ink creatures and back to humans while remaining alive, including Sammy, which contradicts his coffin name in BATIM. Audrey's monologue at the end of BATDR about "Joey's world escaping into ours" made it sound like the ink dimension has always been separate from the real world, yet in the books ink creatures walk around like everyone else. Of course, Audrey only knows what memory!Joey told her, and what she's learned via notes, and like you said the notes and audio logs in BATDR portray a very different situation to the books and BATIM. Whether it's a retcon or a set up for Audrey thinking that she had a nice heroic dad only to find out the truth in the next game, it remains to be seen. There's still that promised BATDS update and the upcoming book so maybe they will shine more light on it.
I definitely hope that's the reveal they're setting up, because otherwise the most likely explanation for why Joey's crimes are swept under the rug, while every single JDS employee he victimized is portrayed as a thieving cannibal, is because he's the character most often compared to Mike Mood and the devs pulled a JKR, with that book she wrote where the protag is murdered by the evil twitter crowd after being unjustly cancelled for making transphobic remarks. Let's pray that's not it, because it sure makes it very hard to ignore the real life controversies surrounding the devs, when they insist on putting them in their games.
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loathsomespider · 1 year
to be clear this is not an attack on you and i enjoy your work. you dont even have to answer this if its too rude or presumptuous in your opinion. but i think its funny seeing your "definitively, if its the source material, they would fucking say that" post while knowing how you feel about the weaker parts of homestuck and also the uh. the epilogues. again this isnt supposed to be an epic own gotcha moment i think everyone is allowed to contain multitudes and shit. im just also a bit mischievous and part of me wants to be the little wondershowzen puppet going "But can we discuss the contradiction"
ah too bad you wanted to be a silly little gotcha puppet but i was thinking about this too! hold my hair back im forming this idea in real time so im about to start just vomiting the fuck up a bunch of half-formed ideas. (this is the second time today ive used this analogy)
the thing is that while i dont like the homestuck epilogues at all, there's no denying that it is largely, in-character, in broad strokes. it's a story which relies on every character being their worst possible self, sure. it is, in a lot of ways, a very public, very messy relapse. it gets at some really ugly parts of what the characters are, and that's just not what i want from homestuck.
it's part of a larger trend of hussie trying really hard to Make Dramatic Art and Tell Stories With A Point that i think really plays against what theyre good at, like. you see this with psycholonials too, just this idea of storytelling where nothing good ever happens and every character is not just flawed, but unbearably, noxiously toxic. and yknow, that's fine too, its literally not an invalid goal for a story to have.
its just not what i really like about homestuck and to a lesser extent problem sleuth. like, as messy as my feelings are about psycholonials, i still think fondly of zhen as a character even if she is the worst person to ever exist.
its like they took "dave being abused by bro came out of nowhere, the rooftop strifes dont really feel textually different from the other guardian strifes" all the way to heart and way overcorrected.
but all that to say, the worst possible self-hood apple hasnt fallen too far from the tree. and that's not strictly an invalid thing to tell a story about. it's just not what i want out of homestuck. and the tangible difference there, imo, is that puts the onus of not liking it on me, rather than hussie, cephiedvariable and ctset. they set out to do something, i didn't like what they did, i had an extended mental breakdown about it that i am still feeling the ramifications of even now, but at some point, the world continued to turn.
i hope you can kind of sense this feeling in bdth - while they aren't really in the running to be main characters or anything, rosebot, pesterquest rose, and candy rose are all real in burning down the house. i may be taking jane in a different direction, but that different direction is still in terms of hs2 jane. hell, tavros crocker gets a cameo in the walkaround
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and yeah, this is to emphasize the contrast bdth jane against post-canon jane, but in order for that contrast to mean anything, those parts of the character have to have meaning enough to be rejected, which is the real point im getting at. it sort of drives home that i'm not just *really fucking up* at writing jane, too, which is actually more important than youd think.
ignoring the textual parts of a character you dont like because it conflicts with what you want the character to be (an image that you construct and maintain on your own, unintentionally) is a great way to wind up doing bad characterization of that character.
and yknow, sometimes that's fine! if your reach never gets beyond making an incorrect quotes blog, that doesnt matter. who give a shit. besides me, historys most notorious hater, who will seethe about a bad character take for weeks on end. (but i am the exception, not the rule)
if you're really swinging for the fences as i tend to do, at all times, even when i would be best suited not to, it just doesnt sit right to me to drop bits of a character you dont like just because you dont like it. when youre writing, its there specifically to be played with. and again, "playing with it" here still encompasses rejecting it and doing something different.
and yeah, different authors are going to focus on different parts of a character, but then youre getting out of the scope of this post tbh. but i think its worth remembering that nobody ever wants to make something bad on purpose. even intentionally making something bad on purpose is something you would want to succeed at, you dont want to fail at making something bad on purpose, etc. etc. this is stupid.
tl;dr its not actually that contradictory imo
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frosted-plasma · 2 months
what’s your thoughts on the Futurama revival
Anon I'm so sorry you're going to be victim to the longest post you will ever see. I hate it I hate it I hate it
HUGE /neg rant incoming (this show is my special interest and has been for YEARS. This will all be rambling)
THEY FUCKING COMPLETELY DISREGARDED "MEANWHILE." It directly contradicts it. "I offered to reset time to the moment before time stopped!" Okay, but you didn't though. The entire tragedy of the ending was that they'd be doomed to relive their lives from the moment they met (s1 e1) on loop. "Want to go around again?" Okay so that line doesn't make sense anymore!!! I had theories upon theories before the season came out and I was beyond disappointed. This show has shown it can do deep thought-out themes, I was fully hoping for them to show them reliving the past again, maybe its their 1,000th time reliving it, maybe Fry or Leela notices for once that something is familiar about it. Hell maybe there's a 1 in a million chance that they DON'T break the button! Free will and all, maybe things aren't 100% the same each run and they get lucky once. This also could have been used to recap old seasons for people who didn't rewatch them
They don't know how much time has passed?? I understand that was an excuse to make it the year 3023, but why would you do that? What's the point??
Things such as the Scary Door reboot don't make sense, not to mention the overuse of "haha it's a reboot!! Get it?? It's a reboot!! We got cancelled!!!" jokes but I'll get to that later. Timeline things just don't make sense anymore because of the time freeze. It's an awful awful awful writing choice. They unfroze time right where it paused, canonically, they show them unfreezing exactly there, it makes zero sense. How is there new technology and new TV shows when no time has passed. I'm ignoring that it's "10 years later" because it isn't, you can't just say that without showing it, it literally isn't
Even the smaller jokes feel very dragged out? Like Bender laughing at Fry setting a goal in episode one. He laughs and Leela smacks him, his head spins around and it's funny, then his body does an extra spin for no reason other than to emphasize that it's a joke? I guess? And then not even a minute later she slaps his hand again and it dramatically flies back and hits Zoidberg. Do you get what I'm saying? It's just too much focus on every single bit
I do like the updated intro! The added details to the city in the background is super super cool!! I love the thought they put into it (Bender hanging out of the ship on the magnet is a bit much considering all of the other references they included, but I'll let it slide. Just doesn't feel necessary to me in the intro)
The animation is rigged now:/ it's bound to happen nowadays, it just feels sad to look at for me (in general, not just with this show) the characters (ESPECIALLY Fry) feel very off model sometimes:(
Fry's hardly in the first episode. Odd writing choice considering he's the main character
Oh my GOD. The Hulu/reboot references. It's EXHAUSTING to watch. The amount of 2023 references they crammed into this season is physically painful, they drag them out for SO LONG
(in the first ep) the non-binary robots joke was funny and the scenes with Calculon and the Robot Devil were the only scenes that felt like old Futurama! Their voice acting was great and it was funny! The rest of the voice acting feels very lackluster and most of the other jokes just didn't get me
Calculon and the Robot Devil were the funniest characters, that's how dumbed down they made Bender, he's not my favorite that season
The plots are just. Bad. I hate to say it I really do. Shut up with the reboot jokes, the covid19 jokes, the only decent one was the bit mining episode because it actually used the idea as a real jumping off point and that episode still wasn't revolutionary. The other half of the episodes are pure callbacks. The one with Amy and Kifs kids was cute because it had a reason to exist! It wasn't a very funny episode but it was cute!! The other ones like the worm parasites in nibblers litter box (OR GOD FORBID THE ONE WHERE THE TIME MACHINE SHOWS UP OUT OF NOWHERE AGAIN WITH NO DRIVER??) make me MAD with how lazy of an excuse they are to cram in a reference without matching the rest of the lore
I'm fully assuming the reboot came from a place of love from the writers and the VAs but personally I didn't think the new season was very funny nor did it add anything new to the series, and it felt very very bland and dumbed down and I didn't even pay attention to the last few episodes because of it (that is saying something coming from me)
I rewatched the first episode for this so this is mainly talking about that one. Tell me if you want me to talk about the others I have so many thoughts this is me summarizing like all hell I hate the plots so much and this is my all time favorite show I'm still going to watch the next season and I still have high hopes for it
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