#he stopped her from falling onto the floor and proceeded to not care about her
wokasho · 1 year
Hi, same anon from before haha, but like- THANK YOU for acknowledging Sakura's trauma. This is coming from someone who does ship Sasusaku. It's just like- WHY did they just have her forgive him so easily? WHY was SHE the one expected to forgive and mend their relationship. As much as I love Sasuke, the ending left me like... "and everyone is just- okay with this?" WHEN THEY LITERALLY LET HIM WALK FREE LIKE "oh haha all water under the bridge". Man deserved SOME consequences for his actions and I will be FOREVER angry at how the ending of naruto was handled. So many people got screwed over, but Sakura especially
I'm loving these asks so much I feel like a cool kid
I agree 100% with you!! I actually believe SasuSaku could have worked just fine, if they had showed him caring about her, thinking about and missing her, if she had been shown to truly understand him and his motivations to leave the village, but that never happened. He OBVIOUSLY didn't have such feelings for her, he didn't even know why the fuck she liked him! He tried to kill her multiple times, called her annoying and never once showed he worried or cared about her (fuck, he didn't even bat an eyelash when she got stabbed by Madara). They had some potential when they were genin, but that was as KIDS, and even then it wasn't fully developed!
Now I see SP trying to make them romantic and shit but like, weren't they supposed to be in love BEFORE? They try to force that romantic ring bs down our throats like it's the most romantic shit ever, as if he didn't inflict an insane amount of pain and misery upon her, as if she had ever tried to understand him instead of forcing him to return to a village that destroyed his clan. But in reality we are just seeing Sakura fighting for scraps of attention while we are supposed to ignore the entire fucking shippuden in which he didn't give a second thought about her and tried to kill her more than once.
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echantedtoon · 5 months
Being a single Father isn't an easy feat especially if you were always busy trying not to fall for who essentially was their babysitter. Yoriichi patiently watches as his brother falls for his coworker.
(This is just gonna be a Oneshot so it's not gonna be really long or detailed. Gonna be mostly from Yoriichi's pov and going on the fact I think Yoriichi is a daycare worker in Kimetsu Gauken.)
The day was beautiful.
With the sunlight sinking into the room through the window. The birds singing outside. Beautiful fresh smelling air. Beautiful visions of nature right outside of you looked. A bright blue sky. Fluffy white clouds. Yellow sun. Flowers of every color. Green plants everywhere. Trees providing shade as the wind rolled by. A little blue pond in the distance full of fish.
An absolute picture perfect scene for what could very much be a good day. Nothing in the world to worry about. Nothing to do. Just peaceful quiet and nature-  A shriek loud enough to make him wince from the high volume pierced the peaceful silence and made him give a sigh. Here we go again. He was used to this by now. That's why he wasn't phased when a tiny waddling and wailing mess all but latched onto his leg and he turned to look down at the sobbing girl clinging to himself. She wasn't older than two maybe three years old.
"TOOK TEDDY!!," was all she wailed as she broke down into incoherent sobs and shrieks again. 
A hand pointing at the culprit revealed him to be a boy around the same age as the shrieking girl and pouting at her. In his arms was the for mentioned 'Teddy'. A cute stuffed brown bear with a blue ribbon tied around his neck. Oh no. Not again. By now other workers in their signature pink aprons stopped what they were doing to look over. Little kids of all kinds stopped playing with blocks and coloring on paper to also look at the sight.
With a sigh he turned and half limped with the sobbing girl still still on his leg. "Akira, this is the fourth time this week you took someone's toy. You know taking things that don't belong to you is bad." He calmly held out his hands. "Give me Teddy and apologize."
It went about as well as he expected. Instead of just giving him the bear Akira pouted hard and held the bear up and away from him. "NO! MINE!" He didn't even get any time to pause when the bear was joined from his hands and up into an adult's arms. Akira blinked before looking up and screaming. "NO!! MIIIINE!!" He jumped up against the worker's legs holding up his hands. "IT'S MINE!! IT'S MINE!! GIVE BACK!!" 
"No, Akira. You can't just take other kids stuff. You aren't getting the teddy bear," the worker spoke her face form. "What you ARE getting is a time out for an hour and I'm telling your parents when they get here."
"NNNNNOOOOO!!!" THUD- Both watched as the toddler proceeded to throw himself onto the ground in a tantrum and proceeded to cry. "AÀAAAAHHHH!!"
...She sighed before smiling at him and offering up the teddy bear. "Tough day, Yoriichi?"
"No tougher than yours." The teddy was taken and handed over back to the little girl who had stopped crying by now. She clutched her bear in her arms as Akira proceeded his tantrum fit on the floor. "How are things in the infant nursery? I hope my niece isn't giving you too much trouble. My brother said she can be rather fussy."
"Luna is perfectly fine!," she confirmed with a smile. "She has quite an appetite though." She reached down and in one swoop scooped up the still crying child in her arms. "I'll just drop him off in time out corner and get back to the nursery before anyone wakes up."
"Alright, Y/n. Be sure to take your lunch break."
She smiled at him. "I will. Oh. Um..By the way, will your brother or his nanny be coming to pick up the children?" She shuffled nervously on her feet not thinking he noticed.
Oh but he absolutely DID notice.
"Michikatsu is wrapping up an important meeting with some investors for his boss's new property turnover project, so he'll be here when the day is done."
She smiled brightly and he didn't miss it. "Thanks. I'll make sure Luna's ready by then."
He didn't say anything else as she walked away with a skip in her step despite the crying toddler in her arms. Maybe it was just him being very perceptive but they weren't doing a good job of hiding their totally not so secret relationship from him. Who's relationship?
Y/n's and his brother's of course.
He remembered it like it was yesterday. It started about a year ago now. After almost three years of marriage his brother and his wife had gotten a divorce while she was pregnant with their second child. Now he wasn't one to judge especially since he himself couldn't be in Michikatsu's shoes to know exactly what he went through personally with his with, but he knew the entire marriage was a bad idea from the start. So did their mother. But of course their father and the ex's parents would hear none of it and now three years of regret and disdain between the two of them....
Well his father really shouldn't have been surprised by his oldest son's divorce. But he was even more surprised when he learnt it was Michikatsu's wife who slapped his poor brother with the divorce papers out of nowhere, took half his bank account, and completely abandoned their children with him. His brother really wasn't someone who showed emotion a lot, but he could literally see the frowns when his wife passive aggressively insulted him during family dinners, or how exhausted he looked when he and Uta visited with his son refusing to sleep. His wife just refusing to help with anything. Or when he was yelling angrily over the phone at either lawyers or at the ex herself after he found most of his savings drained. He had been very stressed throughout the entire process. 
However he did look somewhat relieved when it was all over.
It was around this time he started just dropping his son off at the daycare he worked at between the time the nanny worked her shifts and his own work that he met his coworker. He still remembered that very day. It was a Tuesday. Evening just came with the sun a few hours from setting. Michikatsu was running a little late because of a court  meeting discussing the custody arrangement of their toddler son and their infant daughter who hadn't been born just yet-
He looked up from wiping down a table from a particularly messy finger painting session that day when the front door of the building opened and he automatically stopped what he was doing to see who it was. A parent most likely here to pick up their child. However when he stepped into the lobby, he found another man who looked almost exactly like him.
"Aniue! How good it is to see you again!," he greeted with a smile. "Did you have a good drive over?"
Michikatsu frowned from behind those glasses he always wore. He thought he looked rather silly wearing sunglasses with such a high end suit all the time. "Just nice. You know what I'm here for. Where is he?"
As if to answer his own father- "Daddy!" 
Ah. Right on time. That's when the fateful meeting happened. Y/n had appeared, walking in with the black haired three year old toddler on her hip and smiling like a ball of sunshine. Michikatsu had frozen where he stood. His body stiffened. Which he didn't pay any mind to at first only smiling at his coworker.
"Ah. There you are Y/n. Right on time. I don't think you've met Tsukiko's father." He gestures towards his oddly silent twin with a small smile. "Michikatsu, this is Y/n! She just started working here and we've been introducing her to all the parents. She'll be working the infantry wing with Uta soon."
She smiled brightly bouncing the giggling toddler at her hip. "It's a pleasure to meet you. You're son is just adorable! Such a sweetheart."
.... Yoriichi blinked and turned in question as his brother didn't say anything. Just stare at his coworker with a blank stare. "..Is that so?" He eventually slowly said before stiffly holding his arms out to the toddler. Automatically the boy reached with his arms out to be taken into his arms. "He is progressing well then."
Y/n nodded. "Yes. It was nice meeting you but I better go help Ms. Uta finish cleaning up for tomorrow." With that she gave a bow to him and walked away.
His brother followed her form with his head until she disappeared from sight. Interesting. "Isn't she nice? Y/N'S going to be an excellent addition to the team! She's great with the children and they all seem to really love her!"
"....I see. I'll be taking my leave. Expect Tsukiko tomorrow."
That was the start of it all. Sometimes he'd come back to Y/n handling the children's send off. Sometimes he wouldn't. But the same reaction would happen every time. He'd silently start as she bubbly spoke before just taking his son without much words. It was strange but then again his brother usually didn't surround himself but energetic women outside their mother and he was adjusting under a lot of stress. He wouldn't fault him for his reactions to her. 
It wasn't really a month before his second child was born that really opened his eyes to his brother's too feelings.
And it wasn't really too different than any other day Michikatsu or his nanny picked up his son. Y/n hadn't yet been put in full infantry care yet as she was slowly getting used to the place. She smiled and held his little nephews hand before he went running to hug his father's legs as soon as he walked in through the door. 
"Mr. Tsugikuni. How nice to see you again!," she greeted warmly, "Tsukiko told me all about his trip to the zoo. That must've been a fun experience."
Again he didn't say much. Only staring at her. "....Did you dye the ends of your hair?"
She blinked taken aback before smiling again. "Oh this?" She asked reaching up to twirl the ends of a magenta pink strand. "I have a girl here who loves pink but she's always misbehaving. I told her if she was good for a whole month I'd dye my hair her favorite color."
"And..that worked?"
"As silly as it sounds! I can-"
"You look nice."
She blinked taken off guard. "What?"
"Your hair." He was as taken off guard as she was when he reached out to remove his glasses from his face. Revealing his darkened pomegranate eyes to her. "It..It looks nice."
There was silence for a moment as they both stared-
"Daddy thinks you're really pretty!" All at once it was like the life drained from his face as she turned to his little son holding onto his pants leg. "He talks about you a lot to himself at home."
Y/n blinked before smiling at him then at the frozen man. "Is that so?'
Tsukiko nodded. "Uh huh. He thinks your smile is nice and you're pwetty and nice and your purp-fume smells nice and- HEY!!"
Yoriichi never thought he could ever laugh at his brother. Buuuut when you see your brother pick up his son and shove him under one arm like a football before speed walking away-..Well.
"Mr. Tsugikuni! Thank you! I think your eyes look pretty too!"
Michikatsu increased his pace practically shoving his way out the door- Let's just say he had a good chuckle in the break room and for the next few days it was the nanny who picked up hos son. It was finally during that time it had hit him. Oh...Oh. OH!! So THAT'S what was going on! Alright. He understood now. 
Soon after his niece was born. Oh Luna was such a sweet beautiful baby. He adored her! His brother did too. It wasn't too long after a few months that she also started attending the daycare with her brother. He won't lie seeing his brother walking around constantly with a sleeping newborn strapped to his chest and a giggling newborn on his hip at family dinners did add a certain domestic charm to him. A family man he thinks the term is. But knowing his brother he'd just continue to act awkward around his coworker....
"What's this?" Michikatsu stared at the piece of paper in his hand. A line of numbers scribbled across it's surface.
"Y/N'S number." His brother snapped to him so fast with narrowed eyes he might've had whiplash. "It's for emergencies." It wasn't for emergencies- He held up a hand. "All the parents were given the staff's numbers." Not a lie but only Michikatsu had Y/N'S specific number. "It's just in case I or Uta aren't there and you need to inform the daycare of anything important. It's just protocol." It really wasn't...But it would be for a greater cause.
His brother still looked at him in suspicion but relaxed somewhat with the reasonable answer and Yoriichi's perfect poker face. "Why do I need her number when I can just call the daycare's listed number?"
"It's just in case of emergencies like I said. Everyone was given the staff's numbers. Y/n is new so I'm just updating all the parents." A lie-
His twin seemed to buy it however and reluctantly accepted the paper from him. Now all he had to do was wait. And he didn't have to wait long. Oh maybe a month or two later when Luna was around five months old. He was surprised when his brother came strolling in with a large baby bag slung over his shoulders when he came waltzing in baby strapped onto his shoulder, toddler on one hip-..
And a bouquet of roses in his free arm??
He was surprised obviously but didn't show it when greeting his brother. "Michi! You look better than the last time I saw you. Why the bag? You know we have everything we need here."
"I need you to watch the children tonight for me." Michikatsu ignored anything his brother said only tilting sideways and shoveling his son into his arms before sliding the bag off his shoulder and lifting it up to drop around Yoriichi's head who blinked. "I have..a very important meeting with my CEO that I cannot reschedule for anything else and my usual nanny is sick."
Yoriichi blinked staring at him for a moment as Michikatsu was already struggling to undo the baby harness from his chest with one hand as Luna gurgled and kicked out randomly. "I can do that. ..May I ask why you have-"
"They're for Mother." He bluntly looked at him. "I'll pick them up at ten tonight. Does that work for you?"
He didn't want to assume anything about his brother's business. After all it wasn't unheard of for him to get their mother flowers every so often. However if a certain coworker of his happens to arrive to work carry the same-...An IDENTICAL bouquet of roses then he might be able to at least make a guess. He was just mopping the floors by the front door when Y/n came walking in with a big smile and a bouquet of roses the same size and arrangement as the ones his brother had been holding not too  long ago. Her face flushed a pink and her usual bright smile extra happy.
"Yoriichi could you cover my late shift tonight? I'm going out."
He slowly nodded. "Sure. Those are some beautiful flowers." He complimented tilting his head at her. "Where did you get them?"
"Your brother gave them to me." She gushed a hand on her cheek. "Isn't that wonderful? He asked me to go with him to this fancy restaurant I could even dream of affording! He's so sweet."
Cupid. Arrow. And bullseye on Michikatsu's heart.
Neither had really said much since that day, but the longing glances. The smiles. The stern looks Michikatsu would give him if he stared too long. It was very obvious of what was happening. For now he would not take anymore steps to bring them together and he wouldn't say anything about them until his brother was ready to tell everyone. But for now he was just happy his Aniue was happy.
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Pls could i make another Quinn request😭😭
sorry i’m just so in love w her✨
here goes:
R and Quinn met as kids but then R had to move away. They reunited in college. They actually got paired as roommates! Then when R is unpacking Quinn comes in the door and says her hello, R turns around and is having a gay panic bc she’s so beautiful but can’t help but recognise her from somewhere.
Quinn knows instantly who it is and whispers ‘y/n?’ making sure she’s right. Then it clicks for R, ‘Lucy?’ then Quinn jumps into her arms and they fall onto the bed being all happy they finally found each other again. They date then when the glee club gets shut down she invites R to go back to Lima w her and she does. The day she gets introduced to everyone Puck has a problem w her (for no reason except he’s in love w Quinn still) and starts shit w her and she just remains calm while Puck is yelling at her.
“are you done?”
Then proceeded to calmly go on a rant about how she loves Quinn and tells story’s about their time together (Puck realises that she really does love Quinn, a lot better than he ever did or ever could) and she lets it slip that she wants to marry her and was hoping everyone would support it bc she knows how Quinn sees all these people as her family.
Unknown to them Quinn heard it all from down the hall with Santana and wanted to run and break up their argument until Santana stopped her to see how it would play out. Then teases Quinn about how much R loves her. But she never heard the proposal part bc R lowered her voice and had her back to the two girls.
R and Puck hug it out and he apologised, then leads R to the rest of the team to make a plan to propose to Quinn and flies out her old high school glee club (bc she’s a queen) plus they all love Quinn and met her since most of them went to college w R and are all their friends.
R proposes, Quinn says yes and they have a party in the choir room where Mr Shue finds R in the corner just admiring the smile on Quinn’s face and has a ‘dad talk’ w her since Quinn doesn’t really have one and Mr shue kinda was that for her. But he only says positive things making R v happy.
They live happily ever after🥰🥰
A/N: Oh, don't feel bad about sending requests. I also love Quinn.
Quinn x Reader
Quinn takes a deep breath as she stands at the door of her new Yale dorm room. This was a new step in her life. High school and all of its past drama is behind her. This was terrifying and exciting and as soon as she opens the door, it begins. She can hear the shuffle of her roommate inside. A new person in her new life. Her hand is on the doorknob. It's time to start anew.
When the door opens, it draws your attention from fighting with command strips. As soon as your eyes land upon the blonde at the door, your heart stops. This girl was stunning. You're seeing the embodiment of Aphrodite in front of you. You're staring and you almost don't care.
Because now you're thinking about whether this girl is queer at all. Thoughts of having to deal with the girl dating around with mediocre guys make your skin crawl. You're already floored by the girl's beauty, so seeing this girl every day was either a curse or a blessing. But there's also something else. Something oddly familiar, but you can quite place it. At least, not until the angelic voice breaks you from your thoughts.
"It can't be... Y/N?"
The words were quiet, almost to herself. You weren't sure whether you were meant to hear it, but you did and it blasted you into the depths of your memories.
Your ten year old self is crying, not wanting to move away. To leave your best friend behind. You had gotten along so quickly when you met at kindergarten and were thick as thieves. You stood up to bullies and made sure your friend felt loved. Even at this point, she was your everything. Being forced to leave her was heartbreaking and it was an unintentional traumatic experience for you. You never forgot her. It was impossible for you to forget your...
"L-Lucy? No way..."
The blonde lets out a soft sob. Tears flowing from her eyes and a wide smile on her face. She launches herself at you, flying into your open arms as you embrace for the first time in years. The impact causes you to lose your balance and fall onto your bed, but you couldn't care less. Your best friend, your first love, was in your arms again. And this time, you had no plans to let her go.
You were so happy to have Lucy, or Quinn rather, in your life again. Just like when you were kids, you two were attached at the hip. You marveled at how different she looked. You always thought she was pretty before, even when she was more on the hefty side. It was her eyes. They always shone with emotion whenever you looked into them. Even now, with her by your side again, it's those hazel eyes that catch you the most.
Now that you're older, you also recognize that the feelings you had for Quinn were romantic. Before, there was just pure love. Child-like and innocent. Now, it wasn't so innocent. But you also didn't want to ruin the renewed relationship. You didn't want to lose Quinn again. So you bide your time and it was time well spent.
As you spent your time together, your physical affection evolved tenfold. It wasn't an uncommon occurrence for someone to see Quinn sitting on your lap or leaning on you in some way. People often thought you were already going out and neither of you really tried to deny it.
"Hey, Luce?" You called. While Quinn preferred her current name, the old nickname made her smile.
"Hm?" She was at her desk, while you were on her bed.
"I'm curious. Does it bother you that people think we're dating?"
Quinn just tilts her head. "No. It doesn't really." She eyes you warily. "Does it bother you?"
You were about to shake your head, but then you thought about it. If it was any time to confess, it was now, you guess.
"I mean... Kind of." You sat up and looked at the blonde. She waited for you to continue, slight fear in her eyes. "Just because we're not together... Even when I want us to be."
You hear a soft gasp from the stunned blonde. There's a bit of a staring contest before Quinn stands from her seat and barrels into you, forcing you back into the bed and buries herself into your neck. Her next words made you the happiest you've ever been.
"I want us to be too..."
Walking the halls of your girlfriend's high school is definitely a weird experience. You can feel the history in the halls, knowing the drama from Quinn's own words. You make your way to the choir room, knowing you'll find your love there.
You had followed Quinn to Lima when she found out that her Glee Club had disbanded and her friends were trying to build it up again. Having been a part of one yourself, you joined to help out as well.
Entering the choir room, you didn't find Quinn. Instead you ran into Noah Puckerman, along with some of the other Glee alumni. Ever since you arrived with Quinn in your arms, he had been antagonistic towards you. He reverted back into his bully tactics and it was frustrating you. Hopefully you can maybe clear the air.
"Hey guys. You've seen Lu- uh Quinn around?"
Tina's the one who answers you. "I think she's with Santana. Something about the Cheerios, I think."
Puck chooses then to walk up to you, trying to intimidate by looming over you.
"You think you're gonna get into our good graces just cuz you're with Quinn?" He growls.
"Noah, stop it!" Rachel tries to interject but he ignores her."
"Quinn's just experimenting. We've known her longer. We've been around when she needed us. We saw her at her lowest and we still love her. I still love her. You don't deserve the Quinn you have now. You weren't there when she had her baby. You weren't there when she had her car accident. You weren't there for her so what makes you think you deserve her?"
You just stood there, taking the verbal assault with your head held high. The man in front of you heaves from his rant and you give him a moment to cool down before replying.
"You done?" Puck jerks his head back in surprise. You continue on.
"I love Quinn. It's as simple as that. She's been a part of my life since I was five, even when we parted ways. I lost the light of my life the day I moved away. Finding her again, by complete chance, made me feel like we're fated to have each other in our lives.
"I may have not been a part of her recent life, but I knew Quinn before all of you. I knew Quinn as Lucy. Before the expectations of life changed her appearance and her view on life. I loved her then, and I love her infinitely more now. Her growth in life shaped her to be her very best and she's just going to get better. And I intend to be there every step of the way."
You stepped closer to the group, anxiety suddenly filling your heart. But it bolstered you to continue on knowing that this was your Luce's chosen family.
"I don't intend on losing my light again." You start in a low voice. "We may have not dated for long, but I know my love for her spans years. I intend to marry her." The girls around, and Kurt, let out a soft gasp. "And I would like the support of you all, her family. Because you mean the world to her and who am I to tear her away from that."
Puck steps up again, sizing you up. You stand tall with resolve in your eyes. There's a beat of silence before he opens his arms and pulls you into an embrace.
"Just take care of her. If you don't, I'll come after you."
You return the hug with a chuckle. "If I don't, I'd throw myself off a cliff first."
The rest of the group join in on the hug, surrounding you with a welcoming love.
Quinn watches from the doorway, Santana by her side. They had heard Puck's ranting from the hallway and came to investigate. While the blonde wanted to intervene, the Latina stopped her to see how things would play out and she's glad they didn't step in.
"She looooves you," Santana teases. "She wants to kiss you." Quinn just shoves the other girl away with a smile.
"Shut up, San. I know she loves me." She looks over at you and her family. "I love her too."
Quinn makes her way to the choir room after talking to Sue. It was a normal conversation to have with her, the younger blonde leaving just a little more confused than she was initially. Typical Sue Sylvester.
When she enters the choir room, she's greeted by the entirety of the New Directions and your old Glee friends who had joined you in Yale. They were all crowded on the steps where the chairs usually are. That left you standing in front of them, by yourself.
"What's going on?" She asks, a confused smile on her face. You just return the smile and nod to the group behind you. Suddenly, they start to sing and Quinn is enthralled.
I swear
By the moon and stars in the skies
And I swear
Like the shadow that's by your side
You started your verse, holding your hand out for Quinn to take. As soon as she takes a hold, you pull her into a simple dance, more swaying than anything. You twirl her gently, letting the mood of the song take hold. Her soft smile gives you the courage to continue as your friends join you in the chorus. With a deep breath, the second half is yours and with a final twirl, you drop to one knee, pulling out a small, velvet box. Quinn gasps as you sing the next lines.
For better or worse
Til death do us part
I'll love you with every beat of my heart
And I swear...
You see tears in Quinn's eyes when you open the box, revealing a simple, elegant diamond ring. You try to still your shaking hands as the room falls silent.
"Lucy Quinn Fabray. I lost you once because of reasons out of our control. Years later, Fate brought us together again. Now, I refuse to lose you again. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?"
Almost immediately, Quinn nods and lets out a weepy 'yes.' With a wide grin, you place the ring on her finger and pull her into a tight embrace. Your friends surround you with cheers before charging in for a massive group hug. The room fills with laughs and joy before a party starts with a pop of sparkling cider.
As the party continues, Mr. Schuster, the New Direction's teacher, comes up to you.
"Hey, Y/N. Congratulations."
You smile in response. "Thank you, Will. I'm glad everyone's supportive."
The man pats you on the shoulder. "Just treat her well. She's been through more than enough to last a lifetime." You both watch her chat with your friends. "She deserves the best life and I hope it's with you."
You tear up at his words. "Of course. She's the light in my life, my Luce. There's no one else I'd rather spend my life with."
Mr. Schue pulls you into a hug in thanks and lets you go so you can mingle with the others. When your eyes meet Quinn's, you swear you could see the rest of your lives together in a short span of time.
And it was perfection.
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pmak2002 · 7 months
The pain remains
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The nightmares should have stopped. He thought they would have. He finally had all he wanted and needed in his life and yet.
He would wake up in a cold sweat and stomach aching so bad he’d vomit upon waking. And occasionally he’d wet the bed too. Only the worst ones would really make him so ill and he’d be up the rest of the night.
Of course he’d take care of himself then try to get back to sleep. It never worked.
He hoped taking time to stay with Noodle and her mother would calm whatever was causing all these weird night terrors.
The first few days he slept like a baby and seemingly had miraculously recovered from his sleep issues.
It wasn’t until the fourth day. The night terrors returned. The shop burning, him getting shoved into the cold fountain, getting hit on the head, almost drowning in chocolate with Noodle, momma dying, getting injured and being alone.
All of it was running in his head and he couldn’t lie still. He was screaming out and thrashing. He was tossing and turning.
Noodle and her mother could hear a horrific loud commotion coming from the bedroom that belonged to Willy when he visited.
Something had seemed off about him. He had seemed more tired than usual. They knew his immune system was out of wack. But it seemed more than that.
They rushed out to the hall.
“What’s going on Noodle?” Her mom asked.
“It must be Willy!” Noodle said worriedly.
Together mother and daughter rushed into Willy’s room and found his blankets in a pile on the floor. Willy was thrashing wildly in bed.
Dorothy turned on the light and Noodle tried to wake him.
Willy finally woke up and proceeded to vomit onto the bed.
“Woah my goodness Willy! Oh” Noodle said softly as she took in his sorry state. He was sweating profusely and it seemed like he had a accident in his sleep too. Willy was shaking and crying.
Noodle carefully helped Willy out of bed.
“Hey what’s going on?” She asked concerned.
Willy couldn’t answer his whole body ached and he felt so sick.
“Noodle bring him to the bathroom and get him into a bath. He’s had a bad night terror. I’ll deal with his bed.” Said her mother.
“Ok.” Noodle said
Willy coughed and gagged
Noodle helped him to the bathroom where he threw up again.
“Oh Willy.” Noodke said
she got the water ready in the tub for him.
Willy groaned in pain.
He looked so tired and Noodle was worried. Her normally happy go lucky friend was now crying and shaking like a leaf.
She set up a bath for him and grabbed him a change of clothes before leaving him alone to take care of himself. She stood outside the bathroom door waiting for him. While her mother changed the bedding on Willys bed.
Once Willy was in a fresh pair of pajamas and the bed was remade Noodle and Dorothy helped Willy back to bed.
Willy groaned and coughed as he was helped into bed.
“Whatever is the matter Willy?” Noodle asked worriedly.
“Noodle the poor man is exhausted and clearly unwell do not speak to him that way!” Scolded her mother.
Willy sighed heavily
“It’s quite alright Dorothy I haven’t been sleeping well and now it’s making me feel terrible.” He said.
“I can see that Willy. Now what’s been going on?” Dorothy asked concerned.
Willy shrugged “I’m not quite sure. All I know is I fall asleep and when I sleep. My brain is making up awful stories and reminding me of what I’ve been through.” Willy said tiredly. He rubbed his face and sighed. “Sleeping has become nearly impossible. I get so sick in the night and then I’m up until morning.” He yawned and got comfortable.
“I’m sorry for waking you both. I thought visiting would calm my mind and fix whatever this is.” He said weakly. He blinked back tears and Noodle and Dorothy embraced him and held him as he began to cry.
Dorothy frowned worriedly
“I’m sorry you’ve been so sick Willy. It’s a good thing you came to stay for a little.” She told him.
Noodle pulled away and crawled into bed beside him. Dorothy held on just for a moment longer as Willy cried. Dorothy then pulled away and grabbed a tissue to wipe away his tears and snot on his face.
“Noodle can stay with you tonight. We can try to figure out what’s going on tomorrow yeah Dorothy asked.
Willy nodded and Noodle snuggled close.
“I’m sorry you’re so upset Willy.” Noodle said
Willy hugged her and sighed. “It’s ok Noodle it’s not your fault.”
“I know but you should have felt better here.” She said
“We’ll figure it out Noodle don’t worry. I’m sure of it.” Dorothy promised she kissed Noodle’s head and ruffled Willy’s hair.
“Sleep well dears.” She said
“Goodnight Mom.” Noodle said as she got comfortable next to Willy and Willy nodded in Dorothy’s direction before laying down snuggling with Noodle and finally falling asleep.
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chance | l. ackerman x reader
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everything about her seemed to attract every type of person.
people younger.
people older.
people of the same sex.
people of the opposite.
but she paid no mind.
her only mission in life was to kill these titans and to get your life back to normal. and until she did that, she would push every person aside.
or so she thought.
she had never understood how people could do stupid things like putting themselves at risk for love, it wasn't until that someone came into her life and showed her how to fix that part of her that she finally understood. that the feeling of loving someone was too good to let go. and she was gonna make sure that no one would ever hurt her or her loved one until she died.
word count: 1,151 words
warnings: gore, cursing
part 2 here!
—————————— ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ——————————
 A loud grunt left her lips as she flung her whole body towards the titan coming her way, twirling mid air until she was face to face with the nape of its neck. The wind slapped her face harshly, digging her blades into its neck feeling every inch of it as she sliced his skin, swiping as hard as she could to her left. The sight of its chunk of skin flinging off merely satisfied her, jerking back as her ODM gear latched itself into a wall behind her. The 10 meter titan collapsed on the floor almost as quickly as it had appeared. Without letting her guard down she proceeded to go on foot landing on a nearby roof, running as quickly as she could from rooftop to rooftop in search of any other titan. 
The scouts were trying to make sure no titans came anywhere close to Eren who was a bit preoccupied with a boulder on his back. Suri wasn't entirely sure how this all came to be, but she was choosing to ignore it until after they had plugged up the wall.
She knew Eren.
She knew that boy would never do anything to harm any of them, so she wasn’t worried. 
“Hey! What’s got your head in the clouds, pumpkin?” Jean shouted, landing not so effortlessly beside the girl. She rolled her eyes, not letting her stride falter.
“Don’t worry about it, Kirstein. Also- what?”
“I thought it was cute,”
“Well, you thought wrong.” She huffed, brushing her hair out of her face, her eyes scanning her surroundings. Jean smirked at the stern look in her face, facing forward. The pair of you broke into a sprint, the hissing of her gear was all that was heard as she sped in the direction of a 7 meter titan making his way towards Connie. 
“Hyah!” She screamed, allowing her body to put as much of her frustration into that hit making the titan fall down a gush of steam slapping her face. Connie spun on his heel, a shocked expression etched on his lips. Without halting her movements feeling the burning sensation of titan blood on her face, “You have to be more careful, Springer!” 
The wind was twirling her hair, making it almost impossible to see. She angrily huffed, coming to a stop on a stone pillar. Hurriedly throwing her hair up into a tight bun so it couldn’t get in her line of vision. 
“Watch out!” The sound of someone screaming near her made her freeze, jumping up into the air. She looked down at her feet, noticing that a titan hand had narrowly missed her by less than an inch. Shaking her head at her recklessness, latching her hook onto a nearby building, arching her body backwards as she flung yourself into a ready position. Twirling her blades in her hands, effortlessly hitting its nape sending the smiling freak tumbling face first. Bits of rubble found their way flying towards her cheek, leaving small cuts as she sped off towards the remaining scouts. 
“What happened to being more careful-”
“Connie, respectfully, I will shove my foot up your ass if you finish that sentence of yours.”
“How do you know he isn’t into that?” Jean retorted, a playful glint in his eyes. A small smile made its way onto her lips as she eyed the buzzed boy whose mouth was wide open. Suri leaned over and shut it for him, ruffling the small strands of hair he had on his head. 
“He’s only jokin’”
“No I wasn’t-”
“Kirstein, I swear to god.” She rolled her eyes at the sandy haired boy, who chuckled at her threat. At this point she had managed to wipe out all the titans nearby, her hands dropping slightly as she adjusted her grip on them. “I wonder how many more titans there are left…”
“I mean if we’re not counting the 50 over by where Armin is, then I’d say 0.” Connie sighed, eyeing her frame as she turned your head to see where Armin had led all the titans. A small wince left her lips at the sight of all of their clamoring hands pawing at the wall.
“I wouldn’t say 0 quite yet, Springer.” Jean interjected, tapping his sword against hers gaining her attention. She turned to face him, who was nodding in the direction of Eren. 
“Fuck me…” The three of you had caught sight of five 10 meter titans that had just marched in through the entrance. Throwing her head back a groan leaving her lips, readying herself to take off.  “Don’t get yourselves killed. If you die, I’m reincarnating you just to kill you myself.”
“You be safe too, Suri!”
A bubble of laughter left her lips, throwing herself off the rooftop, her ODM gear latching onto a concrete wall sending her body flying towards the titans.
The familiar sensation of the wind slapping her calmed her in a way, keeping her attentive to her actions, eyes never once leaving the approaching limbs.
One thing that Suri bragged about when it came to being a cadet, was how agile she was while flying.
She was one of the fastest, along with Mikasa. The two girls had never failed to impress. Her swiftness and ability to kill titans like she was sleeping was a god given gift. Every ounce of her strength went into every strike, while making it look effortless. 
“Why don’t you assholes fucking die?” She growled under her breath, her blades down by your knees. 
The sound of her gas hissing caught the attention of 3 of them, their huge eyes eyeing her like a carcass of meat. Smiling at the sight of them, swinging herself around them as a way of taunting them. 
They all had the same fucking look in their eyes. Hunger. She didn’t know why, but seeing those 3 helpless titans swing their limbs in every attempt to grab her filled her with so much rage. Swiping her tongue across her bottom lip, wetting it as she hovered above them.
Suri shot her hook straight across them, flinging up into the air a loud laugh leaving her lips. I hope you assholes rot in hell.  
Leaving her swords to her right as she sped by them, the sound of her blades cutting through their flesh was like music to her ears as each one dropped right after the other.
Their blood coated her head to toe the stinging sensation from their boiling blood made her wince, wiping it off the corner of her mouth in disgust discarding the chipped swords.
The sound of Eren howling to her right made her tense up, watching as he flung the boulder into the entrance, a humongous gust of dirt and rubble flying towards her. The sound of people cheering sent a wave of relief over her, locking her swords back in place proceeding to fly down to where Levi was currently standing over a titans dead body.
“-tell me what the hell I’m looking at."
authors note: hey lovelies! im starting a new series about aot, and i really hope y'all enjoy it. i've been kinda experimenting with a bunch of new things and new ways of writing so hopefully all goes good! feedback and requests are always welcome!
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tesshoundi · 1 year
Mystery magnets Volume 2 chapter 2
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Bronzing had met up with Mick and Finick  after they got out of school. She’d invited them to go skating at the lake that’d frozen over. They walked towards the center park carrying their skates in their bags. They got onto the frozen lake and Bronzing noted that they were the first ones there. Finick had never skated before so Bronzing and Mick got on the ice to show him how. 
Bronzing was quite comfortable skating though she had to order custom skates due to her talons. She was gliding freely across the ice twirling and doing jumps as Finick cheered her on. Mick wasn’t as extravagant as her when it came to skating though he was decently good considering his lack of experience. He skated near the edge passing Finick who was positively glowing with excitement .
Bronzing noticed Mick start to fall as he neared the center of the lake so she quickly skated over to him. She grabbed Mick’s wrist as he frantically tried to stop his descent. Bronzing gasped in horror as her hand glowed a familiar bronze creeping across his skin. She quickly relinquished her grasp but it was too late, it continued to spread, consuming his body. She heard Finick’s cries as she grabbed his bronzed body. She gripped him tight feeling the salty sting of tears as they filled her eyes. 
The bronze cracked under her grasp releasing a stream of blood from the gap. Bronzing’s horror only grew as she saw the growing puddle of black slowly freezing as it made contact with the ice. Was Mick slowly suffocating within his own skin and his body couldn’t move to bring in air? 
Bronzing tried to move him to the shore where Finick was screaming in misery at the current events. She felt the ice begin to give under the weight and everything went black. 
Bronzing woke with a start feeling her sheets soaked through with sweat. She was panting heavily as she stood up claws clacking on the hardwood floor. She headed to her bathroom and proceeded to bend over the toilet as the contents of her stomach emptied. Afterwards she stood there for a minute dry heaving as her body tried to expel more than what it could. 
She slipped out of her pajamas and opened the curtain to her shower removing her bandages as she adjusted the water temperature. She stepped into the warm spray letting it wash over her even as it burned her healing wounds. She felt horrific after what she’d dreamed, crying softly as she thought about it. She let the water run over her until it went cold, turning the handle to shut it off. 
She grabbed a fluffy bathrobe, slipping it on before she headed towards her living room. She opened her curtains slightly before taking a seat in one of her arm chairs. The first snow of the year had arrived and she watched as the flakes drifted down into the streets. She sat there breathing slowly as she calmed down. She closed her curtains before turning her tv on flipping through the channels as she dried off. 
   Bronzing got ready for another day pulling her sweaters on. She had to bike over to the outskirts to shovel snow. Jackman paid her quite well to shovel every path in the outskirts. She grabbed her large snow shovel and secured it on the back of her bike before she climbed on the seat. She rode along the road drifting on her turns until she got to the edge of town. She took the path through the woods sending snow flying as her wheels glided along the path. She reached the edge of town seeing the typically populated area deserted as the various residents were bundled up within the confines of their tents.
She untied her shovel and went to work careful to not take gravel with the snow she was hurling into disorganized piles. She’d worked her way over to the tour guide booth giving Rebbeca a wave as she passed her. She knew everyone in the outskirts by name at this point.
She continued working her way upwards through the town passing by people heading off to classes for the day. Jackman was already outside when she laid eyes on him. He was working with some kind of red pumpkin and a saw.
“Good morning Jackman” Bronzing called as she waved at him.
“G’day Bronzing” Jackman responded returning her wave with a warm grin and he tried sawing into the red pumpkin. Bronzing finished shoveling the walkways approaching Jackman's workstation.
“Whacha doing?” Bronzing asked as she leaned on her shovel
“I’m going to bake some blood pumpkin pie later,” Jackman responded “Thought I’d get cutting the pumpkin out of the way” He finished as her continued sawing into the Thick skinned gourd “I put you money on the kitchen counter go right on in,” 
“Thanks Jackman,” Bronzing said as she opened the tent flaps, grabbing her check and heading off. “Have a good day” She said before continuing 
“Thanks, you too,” Jackman said
Bronzing had returned home straightening her feathers out from being pushed down by her helmet. She took a seat in her armchair and grabbed a file beginning to work on her claws. She sat sideways leaning back as she relaxed before she had to head to work later. She’d got on at a pop-up christmas store for the month before she’d have to go searching for her next seasonal employment.
Her eyelids started drooping from the lack of sleep and he turned the tv on for something to try and focus on. She soon drifted off despite her attempts going limp in her chair.
Bronzing was standing in a room that she didn’t recognize. It was very dark and the curtains had orange stars spilling into a hauntingly red sky. She was standing on a black rug with a silver crescent moon and a red border. She noticed a figure laying between red sheets, chest rising softly between breaths. She looked closer and saw it was Mick still covered in bandages from his kidnapping. 
She couldn’t control her body as she started approaching him. He hadn’t woken up from her loud footsteps as she moved from the carpet to the hardwood. She couldn’t do anything as her hands started reaching for his neck claws sharp from her filing. Her hands made contact tightening until- RING RING RING!
Bronzing woke up to her alarm telling her to get ready for work. She was sweating heavily and would need a brisk shower before she headed into work. She got up from her armchair and headed into her bedroom. She entered the bathroom and hopped over the tub wall.
She grabbed a bagel and cheese from the kitchen and headed out the door walking her bike down the hall towards the elevator. She hopped on her bike heading down the street with practiced ease as she headed to her seasonal job. 
Bronzing got off work a few hours later and Biked over to Mick’s house to see how he was doing. She set her bike next to the porch and climbed the steps before ringing the doorbell. Death answered the door looking exhausted as she stepped out. 
“Hello Bronzing” Death said tiredly 
“Hi Miss Toggle,” Bronzing said politely, “Can I see Mick?”  
“Sure he’s not up but you can see him,” Death stated, “Just be quiet he needs his rest,” She moved to the side allowing Bronzing to enter the house.
Bronzing smelled cookies when she entered the doorway Joseph must be baking. She walked up the steps and opened Mick’s door. She immediately froze in terror it was identical to her dream aside from Finick’s sleeping form in an armchair he must’ve dragged upstairs. She slowly approached the bed looking at Mick’s unconscious form as he snoozed. She stood there staring at him, breathing getting heavy. She slid down until she was sitting on the carpet panting hard.
She heard Mick start to stir and she tried to stand back up but she felt paralized her limbs wouldn't cooperate and she fell onto her stomach.
“Nghh Hello?” came Mick’s groggy voice, “Who’s there?” Mick sat up squinting in the low light. “Bronzing you ‘right?” Mick asked as he saw her laying face down on his rug. 
“I-i’m Fine,” She said as she scrambled to get up. Mick raised an eyebrow at this, clearly not buying it. 
“You’re fine?” Mick said as he peered down at her with a disapproving look. 
“Y-yeah I just need to get back up,” Bronzing responded as she finally pushed herself into a sitting position. Mick still looked unconvinced. 
“You clearly not,” Mick deadpanned as she looked up at him from her spot on the floor.
“You’re right,” Bronzing admitted, trying not to meet his resolute gaze.
“What’s wrong?” Mick asked, his voice showing a rare hint of emotion. Bronzing took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves before she admitted her problems. 
“I’ve been having nightmares about you and I saw your room in one of them, and it looked like you’re actual room here, and it freaked me out,” Bronzing said 
“Nightmares about me?” Mick said showing slight concern mixed with confusion “Are you scared of me?”
“No! No! No!” Bronzing quickly backpedaled realizing she needed to be more specific. “The nightmares have been about you dying because of me” She admitted. 
“I don’t know what to say to that” Mick said, no longer meeting her eyes as fiercely. Bronzing averted her gaze. 
“W-when did this start?” Mick asked, voice shaking.
“The day I turned the Angel to bronze” Bronzing said, still not meeting Mick’s eyes. 
“That’s interesting,” Mick said as he looked deep in thought as he tried to tie the events together. “Is her death involved with your nightmares?” Mick asked.
“In one of them I accidentally turned you to bronze and you started bleeding,” Bronzing said. 
“Maybe seeing if the Angel’s bronzed body bleeds will give you some closure?” Mick suggested.
“How would I even get back there?” Bronzing asked, she stowed away in some kind of interdimensional carriage last time. 
“I’ll handle it,” Mick said as he started shaking Finick.
Huh-wha-” Finick said as he jolted awake from his armchair. 
“Hey Finick, could you help me with something?” Mick asked,
“Of course! What is it?” Finick exclaimed, jumping onto his feet. 
“Can you grab the silver embroidered book off the shelf for me?” Mick replied.
“Okie Dokie Mickie!” Finick said before he ran off leaving Mick to roll his eyes. Bronzing gave him an odd look as she tried getting back up again. “I got it,'' Finick said as he handed the book to Mick.
“This will allow you to open a portal straight to the Angel’s doorstep,” Mick explained, turning to a page before bookmarking it “Finick, will you go with her to make sure she’ll be alright?” 
“What about you?” Finick asked.
“If anything happens my parents are downstairs or you could ask Jasmine if you’re that worried,” Mick stated calmly.
“Okay I’ll be right back” Finick said as he took off down the hall presumedly to ask Jasmine to keep an eye on Mick. Finick returned with Jasmine following shortly. She took Finick’s seat as he grabbed the ornate book from Mick and flipped to the bookmarked page. A glow appeared in front of Finick and he motioned for Bronzing to go ahead. 
Bronzing took a deep breath and jumped through the glowing vortex.
Bronzing felt dizzy as she fell to the tiled floor, Finick helping her up. Only a month had passed since Fate and The Angel’s deaths but it looked as though years had passed. Thorny vines penetrated the stained glass windows though Bronzing was relieved at the lack of eyes on them. Flowers bloomed from cracks in the tile.
They walked into the large ballroom where the bodies laid. Bronzing gagged at the smell of Fate’s rotting carcass flies buzzed around it as maggots and beetles feasted on his flesh. She noticed an odd trail of blood making it appear that he’d been dragged a couple of feet. She didn’t remember him being tossed around so much but she was sort of in shock at the time so she brushed it off. 
Finick was standing over by the Bronzed form of The Angel. She grabbed at one of the wings and pulled hard until a “SNAP” echoed throughout the room. She looked at the broken bronze and saw that it was solid all the way though. She let out a relieved sigh at the lack of blood.
She walked over to a bunch of wild flowers and tore them free from their stems. Finick gave her an odd look as she placed them on The Angel's body. 
“Even if she was horrible she deserves some respect in death,” Bronzing explained as she walked away from the body. Finick quickly followed her as she surveyed the property. In the corner of her eye she swore she could see something moving just out of sight but she kept on regardless. 
She saw what were once likely ornate gardens overgrown and ruined dead plants mixing with live wildflowers. She surveyed the area before heading back into the ballroom. She saw that more flowers had been placed on The Angel’s body. Her body tensed as she motioned for Finick to reopen the portal. The glowing vortex appeared and they quickly dashed through it not wanting to know what was watching them. 
Alicia watched as the duo left the mansion hiding herself in the shadows. She’d left Ficky and Suzie to do whatever they were doing as she’d felt something enter what was once her home. She saw the bronze one put flowers on her mother’s body and felt compelled to do the same. She thinks it’s the least she can do as she's not strong enough to move the bodies to be buried she’d already tried. She grabbed some more wild flowers and flew over the decomposing body of her grandfather and dropped them. 
She took one last walk around the premises looking at decaying walls and cracked flooring. Her grandfather’s power was no longer holding nature at bay as it had done for several millennia. She flew off one of the balconies as made her way back to Suzie’s apartment, her new ‘home’.
Bronzing’s landing was cushioned by Mick’s carpet as she returned to his bedroom. 
“How’d it go?” Mick asked as Finick and her tried to stand.
“I found that the body was solid Bronze,” Bronzing said “Though something was watching us,”
“That’s odd,” Mick stated, “No one should be able to get over there,”
“Maybe it was some kind of guard monster thing?” Finick asked timidly.
“Maybe but wouldn’t you have seen it the last time you guys were in there?” Mick replied.
“Whatever it was it can wait for another day. I'm too tired for mysteries,” Bronzing said as she stood up.
“The detective is too tired for mysteries?” Mick asked teasingly, making Bronzing snort.
“Anyways i’m going to head out” 
“Okay see ya Bronzing”
“See you later,” Bronzing replied as she headed down the stairs.
“Wait!” Death said before Bronzing could open the door.
“Yeah?” Bronzing asked, looking at the hellhound who was carrying something.
“Take some cookies Joseph made way too many” Death said as she shoved a brown paper bag into Bronzing’s arms.
“Oh thank you Miss Toggle” Bronzing said as she held them in her lower set of arms.
“It’s no problem sweetie” Death said as she ruffled Bronzing’s feathers.
Bronzing placed the bag in her bike’s basket and took off through the streets. It was already getting dark, the sky bleeding reds and oranges as the sun set over the horizon. She scattered snow as she flew down the sidewalks until she reached her apartment complex. 
She walked through the main doors rolling her bike alongside her. She took the stairs until she got to her floor, setting her bike against the wall and taking a sugar cookie out of the bag. It was really good though it wasn’t a surprise Joseph was a very good baker. She entered her room and got undressed hopping in the shower before pulling her pajamas on. She laid down passing out almost immediately.
Bronzing was biking through the park watching cherry blossoms fall over the spring grass. Mick had invited her to go fishing with him and Finick as he wasn’t very good and of course she’d said yes. She pulled up to the lake where her friends were sitting. Quinn and Alfred must’ve also been invited as Quinn was already adjusting their rod. She waved to them as she walked over to the lake. 
She pulled her rod out of her fishing bag and baited it taking a spot next to Mick on the short dock. She cast her line when the line began to glow she saw her line stiffen and realized she’d turned it to bronze. Mick laughed slightly at this and she joined in because it was better than accidentally turning someone into bronze.
Bronzing woke up to her alarm and she smiled at having a peaceful dream for once. She saw that a new layer of snow had formed overnight and she got ready for a day of work.
0 notes
viscerax · 2 years
Ok so I feel really bad for requesting fics but I just really love the way you write and was really curious if you could make a billy showalter x gn reader where billy’s golden runs from him as he was giving him a walk and he gives chase which end up to him bumping into you as you were able to stop his dog and was probably playing with, it he knows you because you have the same classes together and he’s dropped off news papers at your house before and he finds you really cute and has been staring at you during classes (not without you noticing) and giving little cute notes like “you’re really cute” at the papers he’s thrown you, and as you were playing with his dog he’s just staring at you and gets the courage to ask you to hang out with him.
So this is kinda bad😭 I just really won’t more billy and really like your writing you don’t have to do it if you can’t comprehend it lol it’s fine and I’m so sorry😭
Accidental Run-Ins
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(I could not find any Paperboy gifs or even pictures if you have any please send them omfg)
Billy hummed quietly as he walked down the streets of his neighborhood, one hand in his jacket pocket, and the other holding loosely onto the leash of his dog, whom 4 year old him had dumbly named "Goldie." He thought the name was dumb now, but it wasn't like he could change it now. Its not like he could randomly change the dogs name after years.
He was staring down at the pavement, kicking a rock forward then running to catch up with it, only to kick it again. The game entertained him greatly, despite the concept itself seeming quite boring.
Billy, unfortunately, was not aware of his surroundings as he focused so much on his game. Billy couldn't do anything until it was to late. Before he could process what was going on, Goldie was barking and pulling against her leash, causing it to slip out of his hand.
"Crap!" He shouted, stumbling as he began running towards the dog, struggling to keep up. He wasn't really a runner. He rode his bike basically everywhere.
Goldie was running down the street, chasing some invisible object. Billy's breathing began to get more and more labored as he continued running, and he had to stop for a moment to catch his breath before beginning to run again. "Goldie! Come back, girl!" He called out, losing sight of the dog as she turned a corner.
Billy just turned the corner and immediately tripped over something about knee-height, then proceeding to fall into someone. His breathing slowed as he finally stopped running.
Now he had a new problem.
"Shit! Crap! I'm sorry!" He stammered as he quickly jumped up. Before he could do anything else, he grabbed Goldie's leash, wrapping it tightly around his hand.
Billy quickly turned around to help whoever he had knocked down and almost froze in his tracks.
He stared at you, who was on the floor, laughing and wiping dirt from the front of your shirt.
Y/n, one of his classmates, whom he's rarely talked to, and one of the most perfect people he's ever laid eyes on.
"Oh, Y/n, I'm so sorry!" He reached out his hand, to which you happily took and pulled yourself up. You gave him a sweet smile, brushing dirt off your back.
"It's all good!" You smiled and turned your attention down to the dog practically begging for your attention at your feet. You happily obliged, scratching the smiling dog behind the ears.
"Ah, I'm sorry about her. She must've seen a squirrel or something and just went for it. She's usually way more well behaved and maybe its because I wasn't paying attention and-"
"Billy, I said its fine. No need to worry about it." You looked up at him, still having that wide smile that made him absolutely swoon.
You were the most amazing person hes ever laid eyes on. You were kind, caring, great with Goldie apparently (which was crucial to him), and overall very attractive.
You were in the same class as him, and Billy had a crush on you since the first day of school. He felt butterflies whenever he heard your voice, and would often stare at you during class.
You, being the ever so clever person you were had figured this out long ago when you found the newspaper on the door step with flirty little messages scrawled on them in neat handwriting.
It took around 3 minutes for Billy to realize he was staring, but you were none the wiser as you were to enamored in baby-talking Goldie and kissing her forehead.
Billy stared at you, and maybe it was the adrenaline from running, but he was suddenly filled with a burst of confidence.
"U-uhm, Y/n?" He mumbled, and immediately felt the wave of confidence leave. But now he felt he was to far gone.
"Yeah? Oh, I'm sorry! Am I holding you up? I know you must be busy." You stood up, much to Goldie's dismay as she whined and stared up at you.
"O-oh, no um thats not it. I was actually wondering... if you wanted to hang out with me tommorow night. Uhm, we can go to the movies or like just whatever you want to do." He sighed, trying to stop himself from continuing to ramble.
You chuckled, enjoying Billy's flustered expression. "Billy, are you asking me out on a date?" You hummed, a little laugh escaping after your words.
"Yeah. But if you're not interested thats totally cool! I get it!" He looked down at Goldie, suddenly very embarrassed at his invitation.
"Yes, Billy. My answer is yes. If love to go on a date with you." You smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek before opening the gate to your front yard and beginning to walk to your front door.
Halfway there, you turned around and waved at him. Billy waved back, face as red as a tomato. He placed a hand over his cheek where you had kissed him, a wide smile slowly spreading across his face as he continued his walk with Goldie.
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babyboiboyega · 3 years
Enough (Shangqi x f!reader)
Shangqi x f!reader
Content: a little bit of angst, fluff at the end, Shangqi being such a damn sweetheart
Word Count: 1.3k
Babyboiboyega’s Marvel Masterlist
Y/N’s movements were a little slower than usual as she dodged, kicked, and punched, and it was obvious, especially to her. It was obvious, and it frustrated her to no end as she continued to move around the mat. 
The slight throbbing in her temple she had woken up with had only gotten worse as the day went on, and it continued to do so the more she exerted herself. 
She tried to hide the pain behind a grimace, but under the guise of being focused, but she had a slight suspicion that he could see right through her. This only prompted her to intensify her actions, trying to come off as fine when in reality, the pressure in her head was close to debilitating. 
She knew that she should have stopped and told him what was wrong, but the stubborn, reckless side of her won out. And that was exactly what she was doing: being incredibly reckless. 
A grunt left her mouth as she was pushed back, her feet stumbling over each other.
“Y/N, what’s going on with you tonight? You’re a little slower than usual.”
Shangqi’s voice rang out, a teasing lilt to it as he gazed at her with his hands on his hips. His eyebrows were furrowed in genuine worry as she bent at the waist, bracing herself against her knees. 
With every breath she took came another painful throb in her temple, and even with her eyes squeezed shut, she could feel her head spinning. 
Hearing her labored breaths and noticing her silence, Shangqi walked closer, the small smile on his face dropping.
“Hey, what’s wrong? We can take a break. We should take a break.”
At his words, Y/N shook her head slowly before straightening. The wince that she tried to hide did not go unnoticed. 
“I’m fine. Let’s go again.”
Shangqi’s head tilted and his eyes narrowed slightly, this time with suspicion. 
“Y/N, there’s nothing wrong with taking a break. Maybe get a sip of water-”
“I’m fine, Shangqi, okay? I’m...I’m good.”
The conviction in her voice was enough for him to slowly nod his head before taking stance. His eyes watched her carefully as she did the same, and once he was satisfied that she was ready, he resumed their dance around each other.
He threw easily avoidable hits while still watching the way she reacted. Her eyebrows were pinched in concentration as she blocked his hits, her feet moving in the way he had taught her. 
For a brief moment, she felt pride and forgot about the pain that gripped her head. All of the sparring lessons were culminating into something she was proud of. 
But then Shangqi had to throw a punch while simultaneously going for her exposed bottom half. 
She had managed to block the hit, but she had been too oblivious of her open leg area.
Y/N felt herself falling and managed to right her foot enough to where her impact with the mat was more controlled. An almost embarrassing “oof” fell from her lips as she quite literally landed on her ass.  
It only took a few seconds for Shangqi to approach her, his hand held out to help her up. 
“We’re taking a break. I’ll go get your water.”
The finality of his words paired with her own frustration resulted in a pang of anger quickly running through her. 
She grabbed his hand and pulled herself up quickly, her mouth forming words of insistence that only dissipated as black spots crowded her vision. 
She rapidly blinked her eyes, but only seemed to make it worse. The pain in her head had decided to make itself known once again, and it came with a vengeance. 
This time, she couldn’t stop the small groan from escaping her mouth as her hand raised and gripped her head. 
The pain was unbearable now, akin to having one’s head slammed into a metal pole without the relief of eventually passing out. She could feel the throbbing at the base of her neck, and the pain had started to make her stomach churn. 
She should have listened to him. She should have stopped earlier.
Y/N hadn’t realized that she was swaying, leaning a little too far in one direction, until she felt soft, calloused hands land on her arms. 
“Y/N...Y/N, talk to me. What’s going on?”
As she spoke, Shangqi gently guided her down until she was safely kneeling on the floor, no longer swaying on her feet. He wasted no time in kneeling in front of her, his hands moving to cup her face.
“Come on, take deep breaths. Talk to me, sweetheart.”
Y/N spoke quietly and through clenched teeth, her hand continuing to put pressure against her temple.
The sigh that left Shangqi’s mouth was sympathetic as he rubbed her cheek. He leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss against her forehead before slowly rising and bringing her with him.
He had no trouble supporting her weight as he led her in the direction of his room, leaving the open space behind them.
In reality, it had only taken a minute or so to get to Shangqi’s room, but every step had felt like 10 to Y/N. She was acutely aware of Shangqi turning off every light as they walked, and if she weren’t so busy making sure her lunch stayed down, she would have expressed her love and gratitude for his actions. 
She simply let Shangqi guide her to wherever she needed to go, knowing and trusting without a doubt that he would take care of her. 
He only proceeded to prove her right as he wasted no time in walking her towards his bed and gently lowering her onto it. As soon as she was situated, he quietly walked around the bed and turned off every remaining light, the tv, and even closed the blinds.
In only a span of a few seconds, he had grabbed a glass of water and the medicine she had left at his place for a situation exactly like this. 
“Y/N, here’s your medicine. Come on, babe. I just need you to take this real quick.”
With an agonized groan and her eyes still tightly shut, Y/N slowly sat up. Her hands blindly reached out, prompting Shangqi to drop her pill into her hand followed by the glass of water. She took the medicine quickly and without hesitation, before holding it out once more. 
Shangqi’s hands shot out, one grabbing the glass while the other gently landed on her back, keeping her from laying back down.
A noise between a soft cry and a groan left Y/N’s mouth at being stopped, but the slight annoyance she had quickly dissipated as Shangqi gently crawled into bed in front of her. 
All while whispering apologies to her, he maneuvered their bodies to where they could lay down with Y/N completely covering his body with her own. 
There had been a question on the tip of her tongue as he had moved them, but it all made sense when his hands raised and started massaging her temples, gingerly but with enough pressure to ease the pain. 
She felt his lips touch her hair, and it made a lone tear slip from her tear line. The tears that formed as a result of pain only fell as a result of being cared and loved for.
But Shangqi had interpreted the new tear stain on his shirt as one of pain. He spoke softly with his lips pressed to her head. 
“I know. I know, I’m sorry I can’t do more.”
His words made her arms tighten where they were wound around his torso. As she spoke, more tears fell from her eyes.
“You do more than enough, Shangqi. You’re more than enough.”
I hope you all enjoyed this! Like I said, this is a comfort fic that I really wrote for myself, but decided to post it here! I do deal with chronic migraines, and with every migraine comes a great disdain for everyone in the immediate vicinity....but I just KNOW that Shangqi would do anything to help me feel better, so I wanted to write it!
This week has been reaaaalllyy tough so far between work, class, and personal issues, so that’s another reason why this is a comfort fic, it helped me escape life while I was writing. 
But once again, I hope you all enjoyed this! Please like, reblog, and/or leave a comment. Literally whenever someone leaves a comment, it makes my day!
OH! I’m also thinking about making a tag list! 👀👀
Stay safe, y’all!
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lokiskitten · 3 years
hiii can you please do tom as dad's best friend/co-worker where they finally meet each other in her dad's office? and that y/n dad have to take an urgen flight trip thats why he needed tom to look after y/n for a couple of days. lots of sexual tension and dirty talk! (also age gap if that's alright with you?) 😌 make it real smutty and kinky u know the drill :) ty!!
Tom Hiddleston | unique babysitter
Tom Hiddleston x fem!reader
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plot : being a single father, your dad has no choice but to leave you at home with a friend after he has been called for an urgent business travel. Surprisingly enough, you manage to end up enjoying Tom’s exhilarating company.
warnings : smut, age gap, dirty talking, slight dub/con, virgin!reader, innocence kink, dry humping, unprotected sex, slight after care and cuddling.
Around a week ago, your dad had finally agreed to take you to his office in order for you to discover his job. You had never really understood the way he made a living, and it had therefore been the occasion for you to get to learn more about his work whilst earning the chance to spend some extra time with him. Ever since your mom had left, you had allowed yourself to drift away from your father- an unwilling habit which had brought harm to the two of you throughout the years. But now was your chance to do better by supporting the older man through his daily life and by letting him know that he was not alone. Though, your little trip to his office had allowed you to meet with one of his closest coworkers : a so called Tom Hiddleston.
The man worked at the desk next to your dad’s, which allowed you to get a good view of his friend whilst they both worked. The room remained silent- the sounds of the keyboards being put to good use offering a pretty symphony. Your orbs would sometimes divert towards the infamous older man, feeling your cheeks heat up whenever his blue eyes would take notice of your stares and look up at you- leading your embarrassed self to look away. From the corner of your eyes, you could tell that this gesture had amused him due to the way his lips seemed to curl up whilst his chest bobbed upwards gently. Your hands fidgeted together, this little game lasting through the entire afternoon until it was finally time for you and your father to go home. But even after disappearing from one another’s sight, none of you appeared to forget about the other.
The next day, your dad had announced to you that he would be forced to leave for a couple of days due to an important business offer he simply couldn’t push away. At first, you felt okay with it... until this one added up that his coworker and friend, Tom, would be in charge of taking care of you for the few upcoming days. This stroke anxiety within your heart. The man you had desperately stared at for hours yesterday would now be assigned as your babysitter? The thought of getting to spend time alone with him was surely exciting, but also intimidating. Therefore, you decided to use arguments in order to dodge your father’s announcement, and potentially call off this whole babysitter issue which you believed was unnecessary for a girl such as you.
The first argument you decide to pull up was the fact that you were eighteen, and therefore not in need of a babysitter anymore. You could take care of yourself, which you did whenever your father was at work. But to the older man, this wasn’t the issue. He felt pleased to remind you what had happened the last time he had trusted you to be alone for a couple of days, and you had no choice but to remain silent face to his prominent argument, and your lack of snap back. Even though you could’ve probably explained that this event took place a couple of years back, and that you were now a legal adult to society, you decided to submit to your father’s announcement and decision.
Coming back to the present, you were currently sat in the living room whilst waiting for Tom to arrive. Your father had left a couple of minutes ago already, as he didn’t wish to miss his plane due to his coworker being late- who he trusted in taking good care of you. But little did he know, the older man would do much more than simply cook dinner for the two of you before tucking you in for a good night of sleep. When the bell finally rang, your head diverted towards the door in a hurry before your whole silhouette made an effort to get up from the sofa in order to reach for the entry of your home. Nervously, your hand took ahold of the handle before twisting it and allowing the door to open, revealing your dad’s smily coworker. “Good evening, Princess. I’m sorry I’m late.” He affirmed as your eyes slowly slid down towards the postman bag he carried on his right shoulder.
Face to your prolonged silence, he decided to step in one more time. “May I come in?” Tom asked, hoping that this sentence would manage to pull you out of your thoughts. And it did. “Oh yes, sure. I’m sorry...” You responded, an awkward chuckle escaping your lips as you moved to the side in order to let the older man step inside of your house. As soon as Tom laid a foot of onto the floor of your home, you felt a rather uncomfortable sensation take over your organism. It was a mix of excitement- that due to his handsomeness and attractive aura- and anxiety. A single pressure applied on the door was enough to have it close, trapping the two of you inside of the construction. And from that point, things progressively started to get more risky.
If Tom had agreed to sit down at the living room’s table to work at first, he soon caught interest in your silhouette and the things your curves could potentially offer him. During the first evening you spent together, things remained rather quiet and calm. All he did was look at you from the corner of his eye once in a while, and so did you whenever you felt like allowing your hormones to win over your good sense. You had been the one to cook dinner, and the older man hadn’t stopped praising the meal you had taken time to prepare whilst he worked. You got the chance to listen to a few of his personal informations- such as his nice lifestyle as a single man who enjoyed cooking for himself, as a hobby. Tom even promised to be the chief tomorrow evening, a bargain which led you to feel more comfortable in his presence.
The next day was when you finally started to feel more comfortable about your father’s coworker living in your house. You didn’t get to see him during the day due to college, but coming back in the evening knowing you would be able to spend time with the older man never failed to make you feel excited. Tom had progressively let go of his work, claiming he had taken a one week remunerated break in order to spend some extra time with you. The days went along, and you found yourself skipping class as well to attend the man’s offers about going out to various places. Calling your dad to check up on him wasn’t a priority anymore, which easily led you to bump into multiple missed calls when you finally made your way back up to your room after spending a day with his friend.
On this delightful Friday evening, you had been given the honor to taste Tom’s most famous recipe : bolognese. The dinner went on wonderfully, and you soon found yourself bloated with sauce and pasta- a visual proof that you had indeed enjoyed the meal he had prepared. Wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin, Tom’s blue orbs stared at your exhausted self who still tried to recover from the amount of food you had previously ingested. It had exhaust you. “I guess I won’t be asking you how it went, seeing the emptiness of your plate.” He affirmed with a chuckle before reaching out for both of your stained yet empty plates in order to carry them until the sink. Shifting in your seat, you allowed your vision to divert away from your guest for a moment- which Tom didn’t fail to notice.
With a smirk appearing on the corner of his lips, the man proceeded to rest the plates down on the workspace before silently making his way back to you, sitting down in the chair which was positioned next to yours before leaning in and allowing his lips to collide with your neck. You obviously reacted face to this unexpected sensation, body shaking just so slightly as you tiredly leant backwards in order to break the contact. “What? What are you doing?” You asked awkwardly, earning an amused smile from the older man. His hand travelled up to your hair, blue orbs following his own gesture as he brushed a strand behind your ear. “Just treating you the way you deserve. You’re a grown woman after all, aren’t you? And adults communicate with one another.” He purred seductively, those few words sending chills down your spine.
“So I’m letting you know... I want you.” He finished, hand still toying with your hair as both your heart and mind fell apart on the instant. Had you heard that right? Was your father’s friend truly offering you to hookup under his coworker’s own roof- a man who had given him his trust to look after his only daughter? But the will to rebel and prove to the world that you weren’t a child anymore turned out to be stronger then your good sense and the respect you held for your dad. Your cheeks heated up as you made eye contact with Tom again, a welcoming smile appearing his lips which led you to fall for him even more. “Okay...” you responded to his previous statement in an awkward manner, leading the adult’s smile to intensify. “Okay.” He repeated happily, hand sliding down to your thigh in order to take ahold of yours.
Tom easily managed to get you to stand up, leading you out of the kitchen and upstairs as his thumb gently rubbed against the back of your hand. Again, you felt excited yet anxious- still questioning whether yes or not you should give in his certainly appetizing offer. But before you knew it, the older man had managed to reach your father’s room- the room Tom had been occupying throughout the journey- which possessed a bigger bed for the two of you to enjoy. His first reflex was to turn on the lights before closing the door, those two gestures requiring for him to let go of your hand which allowed you to move closer to the bed without his help. “Ever done this before?” Tom asked empathetically as his silhouette turned towards yours, both his hands resting on his hips as if he was trying to contain certain pulsions.
Even if you felt ashamed of the answer you were about to give, you still trusted the man enough not to make fun of you nor make any degrading remarks about your sexual life. “Not really.” You answered as he moved closer to you, head bowed down to be able to make proper eye contact. “That’s okay.” He reassured, his hand moving up to your shoulder which he squeezed gently. “I’ll make sure to take good care of you.” Finished the male, his fingers now taking ahold of your chin only to lead your head to look up. Your lips aligned with his, his head slowly moving down towards yours until your closed mouths finally pressed against one another. This was the chastest kiss anyone had ever given you- which reinforced the feeling of safety you felt whenever it came to Tom. Though he quickly ended up softly breaking the contact in order to make sure you were okay.
You silently sucked in your bottom lip, as if you wanted to get some extra taste of his lips even after he had decided to break the kiss. Allowing your lower piece of rosy flesh to go, your orbs finally diverted upwards in order to make eye contact with the man who had just filled you with bliss. “I liked this.” You admitted, earning a smile from your partner. His hands travelled up to the first button of his shirt, progressively undoing the links until his bellybutton and abdominals were revealed to your innocent sight. Those assets made you shiver, and Tom could easily tell that you were too shy to step forward and lay your pretty hands onto his flesh. Smirking, the man dodged your silhouette in order to reach for the bed, removing his shirt through the process before allowing it to drop to the floor.
You watched silently as he sat down on the edge of the furniture, inviting you to take place beside him by laying gentle taps on the spot next to his thigh. Your submitted self obeyed, feet leading you towards your master until you finally took place beside him. “You’re such an obedient girl.” Tom praised, seemingly enjoying the way you agreed to follow all of his commands. An intimidated chuckle escaped your lips as his hand once again traveled up to your face, caressing your facial features and brushing your hair back in the loveliest manner. You couldn’t help but stare at his crouched abdominals, the way his skin formed muscular rolls for you to appreciate and praise. After all, it was the first time you ever saw a grown man bare chested in such an intimate situation.
“You want to remove a couple of layers? It’s the least we could do.” Tom offered gently, making sure to use the proper tone in order not to scare you off- and mostly in order to lead you to accept his proposition. Again, you agreed, standing up from the bed before removing your sweatshirt by pulling it over your head. Your bare breasts were revealed to his sight, though his blue orbs remained mainly focused on the skin of your waist and stomach. He found the bellybutton and stomach as a very attractive part of the female anatomy, and couldn’t potentially get enough of staring at this area of your body. Of course the grown man also felt grateful to be able to get a peak of your breasts- which he would make sure to cherish and praise later on.
His hands bluntly moved up to your waist as you took place between his legs, blue orbs still looking up at you before Tom allowed himself to lay a kiss onto your stomach. You abdominals contracted due to the small tingle you felt within you skin as the older man now took care of laying trails of gentle kisses down your belly. Looking down at him, you allowed your digits to travel up to his perfectly groomed hair before passing your fingers through the strands, messing up his mane in the softest manner. You were able to feel his lips perk upwards, indicating that your gestures were visibly making him smile. It reassured you to be aware of such a positive reaction.
After reaching the waistband of your joggers, Tom stopped himself through his track in order to take another look at your facial features- which in his humble opinion were perfect. Besides, spending time with someone who was younger than him somewhat sent the man back to his youthful days as well; which provided Tom a very blissful feeling. Without breaking eye contact, he began to unbuckle his belt before undoing the button of his jeans without even taking care of sliding the leather material out of the confines of his pants. Though he unfortunately found himself forced to look away after struggling to undo his button, your orbs still staring down towards his veiny hands which worked hard to reach their goal.
Once this step was finally over with, Tom placed a hand on your hip in order to gently move you backwards so that he could stand up from the bed. You could tell by his frustrated appearance that he seemingly couldn’t wait to end up in bed and fully naked with you. Though he always kept a reassuring smile on his face, even whilst pulling his jeans down to his ankle before stepping out of the piece of clothing. The grown man now stood in his briefs, feeling no form of shame nor embarrassment face to your younger self. Besides, there simply was nothing he could’ve potentially feel ashamed of. His body was perfect. A chuckle escaped his lips upon witnessing how clueless you appeared, a sight which could only make him feel more confident through the overall process.
“Well, kitten... there’s nothing you should be ashamed of. Real men are nothing like the boys you see at school.” He insisted, referring to how male teenagers often found many reasons to criticize the female anatomy and make young girls feel insecure. And his tone sounded extremely genuine- which was what led you to finally unleash your silhouette from all these pieces of clothings. You nodded silently, hands moving down to the waistband of your joggers before you slid the material down to your ankles. Sitting back down on the edge of the bed, you proceeded to remove the cloth from your ankles, now revealing your underwear to a rather eager Tom.
He jumped on this handy occasion to gracefully climb on the bed and lay down on the spot where he usually slept, waiting for you to be done and hand out the green flag like the gentleman that he is. Looking back at him, you once again felt your cheeks heat up due to crossing another line of the process. He smiled. “Don’t be shy. I want you.” Tom begged, arm extending towards your chest as an invitation for you to get closer- which you did. Now laying down next to each other, your hands rested against his chest as your bodies faced one another, feeling the warmth which emitted from his skin. He looked down at you, head leaning down and once again seeking for your lips before he was finally able to press them against yours.
You kissed back, now feeling more comfortable as his arms wrapped around your back in order to gently get himself on top of your body. You were consensually overcome by his much larger silhouette, one of your hands moving up to his shoulders as you carried on giving back what the man was generously offering you. As soon as grunts and low moans began to escape his lips, you could tell that things were about to move faster from this moment- legs spreading a little bit wider as you allowed the man to grind his hips against yours. You were able to feel his hardening member collide with and rub against your own clothed genitals- movements which soon led your entrance to leak juices and stains your panties.
“Look at you..” Tom began, breaking the kiss for a few seconds in order to catch his breath and finish his sentence. He was panting. “Legs already spread wide open for me.” The man stated, speaking nothing but obvious facts. You blushed. No one had ever spoken to you in such a way, and especially not on that specific tone which turned out to be quite exhilarating. Now moving his head down against the crook of your neck, you were able to feel warmth take over both your chest and crotch due to Tom still grinding his hips against yours. The movements stimulated your clit, sending chills down your spine and leading more love juice to leak out of your throbbing core. And even if the older man appeared more eager about the situation when it came to visuals, your soul was definitely suffocating with pleasure even if you remained slightly motionless and silent.
Sitting up on his knees, a smirking Tom made eye contact with you as he allowed himself to slide off your panties; taking them off your legs before carelessly dropping them to the side. Such a small piece of clothing certainly wouldn’t be a bother through your shared intercourse, which was the reason to why he decided not to pay much attention to where it landed. Besides, your father’s coworker felt too excited about what was to come to even care about such an irrelevant detail. You were panting, still trying to recover from this first contact which had left you damaged with pleasure and excitement. Though, little did you know, the real fun was only about to begin.
“My pretty girl’s got a pretty little cunt.” He praised, his fingers sticking together as he brought his hand down between your legs. You shivered, sucking in your bottom lip in anticipation to his upcoming touch. It would be the first time you would get touched by a man, by someone else than your own self. A part of you wondered how it was going to feel, though the second one couldn’t help but grow anxious and worried. However, before you could even think any further, you felt Tom’s fingertips collide with your sensitive core- sending chills down your spine and easily leading your hole to squeeze and contract. He chuckled, appreciating his good work and feeling satisfied about the way he managed to make you feel. Though, it wasn’t like Tom had ever disappointed a woman in bed before.
One of the older man’s hands landed beside your face, Tom holding himself up with the help of his left arm whilst his other hand took care of pleasing your core. His fingertips rubbed up and down your clit, sometimes pinching the hardened bud and manhandling it perfectly. His aim was to get your entrance to loosen up for him; and that especially after he took notice that you were a virgin. Tom wanted this intercourse to be pleasing for you too, and he was willing to use any tactic in order to help you to relax. His lips landed against yours again, trapping your moan within his cavity and pushing it back inside of your mouth with the help of his tongue penetrating your moist entry.
Once your moans began to get progressively higher pitched, Tom felt like it was now the right time to initiate you to the pleasures he was certainly going to provide you. Taking his soaked fingertips up to his lips, he allowed his tongue to taste the sweet juices before both his hands took ahold of the waistband of his briefs which was soon to be slid down to his mid thighs. You didn’t dare to look, eyes still staring at the ceiling until your view was blocked by your partner’s facial features. He smiled and you smiled back. “Well hello.” Teased the older man, a few words which easily led you to chuckle. In the position you two had adopted, you were able to feel his rocking hard shaft press against your clit- a sensation that didn’t fail to make you feel nervous.
“You ready, Princess?” Questioned your dad’s coworker, your legs immediately spreading a tad wider upon hearing those few words. Another kiss was laid on your lips, probably in order to distract you from the slight pain which was about to follow. And before you could know it, a warm mass was pressed against your cavity, soon penetrating your entrance and pushing past your hymen that broke on the instant. A high pitched groan escaped your lips which led Tom to intensify the kiss, his hips jumping on the occasion to move closer to yours until his cock had reached balls deep. Slowly pulling away from your face, his ocean blue orbs made eye contact with yours, analyzing your facial features in order to find out whether you were truly suffering or not.
“This is just temporary.” Promised the man, your entrance unwillingly clenching around his shaft which led him to let out a guttural moan. Taking his attention off you for a minute, Tom’s face looked down at your rubbing crotches- as if he wanted to make sure he was properly inside- before his head tilted upwards again. Noticing how you now appeared more relaxed, he was soon to begin the thrusting process- slow movements at first which progressively increased in pace with time. The friction created by the intercourse felt absolutely blissful- filling your soul with excitement and leading your heart to race. You were able to feel the muscle pump blood through your entire system as Tom continued to grind his hips against yours, happy grunts escaping his lips.
Both his arms slid underneath your shoulders, taking ahold of them in order to keep you more still through the pleasant process- and make it easier for him to thrust. Tom felt entirely satisfied with the situation that had taken place- taking notice of how you appeared to enjoy it too which could only make his member throb out of pleasure. Though his masculine ego still pushed him to check in order to receive a verbal confirmation. “You enjoyin’ this?” The man asked breathlessly, earning a single moan and nod from your exhilarated self. The man then proceeded to unexpectedly pull out, offering you no time to understand before you were flipped over onto your stomach. This once his hands landed on your bum, spreading your cheeks apart and admiring the way your entrance leaked with love juice. It looked extremely welcoming, and Tom was soon to step inside of your intimate home for the second time.
Feeling his cock penetrate you again brushed all of your worries away, eyelids shutting close as you began to be rocked back and forth against the bedsheets. Even without being able to see his face, you still managed to enjoy everything that Tom was providing you with on the instant. You could feel his pubic bone collide with your skin of your bum, your nipples perking up against the confines of the bedsheets. “Fuck baby.. So tight and juicy for me.” He praised, leaning down in order to offer your neck rough kisses and gentle bites. You moaned tiredly, rubbing your cheek against his like a cat would do against his owner’s legs. He had managed to take possession of your soul, and there was now only one way out.
Time passed, and Tom’s thrusts progressively began to grow sloppier. Being inexperienced, you couldn’t exactly tell that this indicated he was about to reach his high, though the way he appeared more tired and less energetic than before certainly gave you a clue regarding his state. Frowning out of exhaussement, the grown man was finally filled with temporary satisfaction upon sensing his shaft throb and pump semen out of his testicles in order to have the liquid spray out of his sensitive urethra. His semence stained your walls, giving no chance to the flesh of your cervix which was drowned in the thick liquid. You two moaned in harmony- this warm sensation providing you with one last bit of pleasure before your dad’s coworker agreed to pull out of you.
He collapsed on the bedsheets next to you, hand resting on his chest as he panted in order to recover from this intense moment. With the bit of energy that you had left, you managed to crawl until his silhouette in order to offer him a well needed hug, your arms burying against his ribcage as Tom was soon to turn to his side and secure your naked self with his large and muscular members. Feeling the warmth of his flesh in a whole other way still felt as satisfying as before, this cuddle providing you with as much happiness and bliss than the previous intercourse had.
Hullo thanks for reading! Thank you for liking and supporting my work. I genuinely hope you’re doing well! Take care.
Taglist : @theaudacitytowrite @bucky-soldat @winteralpine @fa-me @ineffablefanic @rosie-posie08 @marygut1407 @wildxwidow @tabea3 @delightfulheartdream @arzennn @sweetiepiexox-blog1 @alicegrayson @cherrygeek86 @lokilaufeysonicon @pescadoavocado
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Chosen (Park Seonghwa) Rated
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Pairing: Creature! Park Seonghwa × Human! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Sci-Fi/Fantasy AU.
Summary: Symbolizing purity, innocence, and daintiness, the Daughters of Aster had been hand-picked since a young age to be brought up and raised for a very special task: to carry the offspring of the nobility in the kingdom, which just so happens to consist of cold-blooded humanoid creatures. And now that she's become of age, it's Y/N's turn to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Word Count: 5.6K
Warnings: Tentai content including tentacle bondage, tentacle sucking, breast play, suction play, breeding kink, penetration with tentacles, multiple orgasms, semi voyeurism, reader is a virgin and Seonghwa is whipped for her, mentions of eggs, and stomach bulges. (It's my first time writing actual tentacle smut so I apologize if it sucks.)
Gulping harshly as she pressed a hand to open the large, metal gate that guarded the huge mansion, the young woman hesitantly stepped inside the spacious and grim-looking garden. Underestimating the weight of the gate, she softly jolted back when it suddenly slipped out of her grasp and clashed back into place. She winced momentarily when the loud noise seemed to resonate, spooking several of the small critters and ravens that roamed around the small terrain. Glancing back, she half expected an old groundskeeper to swoop out of one of the trees and chastise her reckless behavior. But nothing surrounded the area except the foliage, trees, and rose bushes that added to the beauty of the grand estate.
Gathering back her courage, the quaint young woman took slow and careful steps across the small dirt path that led straight to the front stairs of the mansion. It was a somewhat terrifying architectural design, reminiscent of the old gothic-styled cathedrals from ancient times, not at all fashioned after the pompous and outlandish French designs most of the other members of the aristocracy preferred. The gray stone walls made the place seem cold and distant, the hardly lit windows signaled that it was probably rarely inhabited, and the black ravens perched on the top of the sculpted angel monuments lined up through the staircase only made the sensation feel more haunting and chilly.
Finally, in front of the main entrance, she hesitated as her fingers brushed along the round metal door handle. She felt frozen with fear as she realized there was no returning after all. This was the moment she had been prepared for her entire life. In a few moments, she was about to meet.....
Her master.
Just that thought sent shivers down her spine. She did not wish to ponder too much on the various horror stories she often heard back in the institute, nor imagine what kind of life she would live now as a surrogate to one of...their kind.
In the very moment she lifted her hand once again, she took a jerked back when the door seemingly opened by itself, a young maid looking surprised to see her standing there. Upon inspecting her attire and recognizing the crest that held her dark blue cloak in place, the maid's expression beamed with joy.
"Oh! You must be Miss Y/N correct?"
Nodding her head and affirming it was indeed she, Y/N felt puzzled when the tiny maid practically yanked her inside, albeit not intended to harm her, she simply seemed excited about her presence, which frankly made no sense to her. It was not as if surrogates were treated with kindness let alone respect. When her hands reached up towards her neck, the young woman was quick to stop her.
"Oh please! Let me do that for you."
Although she was not particularly fond of people coming up so close in her personal space, she maintained a calm demeanor whilst the maid removed the long cloak off her frame, delicate hands folding it perfectly and tucking it under her arm.
"I'll have this cleaned and ironed out for you Miss before taking it back to your room. You must be famished after coming here after such a long journey." She paused briefly and examined Y/N's complexion, which seemed rather pale and depleted, making her pout rather sadly at the state their new guest was in.
"If you would like, I can ask the cook to prepare a meal for you. Do tell, what is your favorite dish?"
Y/N waved a dismissive hand at the kind lady's offer.
"Please, do not trouble yourself. I am not the least bit hungry." Indeed, it was not a lie. She was overly anxious and uneasy that she did not believe it to be possible to even fathom stomaching any sort of sustenance at that moment.
"If you do not mind and if it is allowed... I would much prefer to retire for the evening." Y/N humbly requested.
Nodding with the understanding that the new company was weary, the young maid took hold of a golden bell tied around her waist and proceeded to ring it moderately. In mere seconds, a tall sharply dressed gentleman came up and bowed towards her.
"Cedric would you please escort Miss Y/N to her room?"
Gesturing for her to follow, the butler guided her up the flight of stairs into the second story of the house. Passing through a long corridor, Y/N glanced now and then at the outside patio through the windows that overlooked the gardens. They were much larger than what she initially thought, and the longer she looked, the denser the trees seemed to appear. She was so distracted by the scenery that she nearly collided face-first into the poor butler's back had he not spoken up first and made her steps come into a screeching halt.
"This will be your room from now on miss." Producing a string of keys out of his pocket, Cedric unlocked the door and gently pushed it open, stepping inside to make room for Y/N to pass.
Her breath was nearly taken away by the sheer size of the room. It was double the size of the old living space she used to share with 6 other girls back in the institute and was furnished with more than what she'd ever need. The decor too seemed like something more befitting for someone of the family than for someone of her station.
"If there is anything the matter with the decor or should you prefer a different pattern, you may simply speak the word and the Master shall arrange for the room to be modified as you like."
At the mention of the Master, Y/N felt that nerve-racking tingle travels down her body once again.
"Shall you need any assistance, please feel free to ring the bell attached by your bed and one of us will be more than happy to aid you?" Reaching for the door handle, Cedric bid her good night before closing the door to leave her to her thoughts.
Still feeling cold from the long walk, Y/N stepped closer to the fireplace, outstretching her hands in hopes of warming them up. She was grateful that although not expecting her early, they had prepared a nice fire to warm up her room. After getting filled with the heat, Y/N went over to one of the dressers so that she could change into her night attire. Upon opening the many drawers, she was shocked at not finding any of her old clothes, instead, there was an abundance of luxurious clothing which she did not recognize. Storming over to the large wardrobe, she too found that none of her personal belongings had been delivered, they seemed to have all been replaced with new apparel. Knowing that she had no choice, she went back to the first dresser that she had looked in before and rummaged through to find the plainest and simple nightgown she could find. Reaching for the row of buttons training down the middle of her blouse, she undid them one by one with utter care before slipping it off her body, letting the garment fall on the floor. Running the zipper down, her long and flowing skirt joined her blouse, one foot delicately kicking them away for the time being. Standing there in nothing but her undergarments made Y/N suddenly feel apprehensive. She carefully looked around the room again, feeling the strange sensation that someone was watching her. Shaking that thought out of her head, she quickly threw the nightgown over her head and finished dressing. The fabric was soft to the touch and it didn't scratch against her delicate skin, but the most surprising factor was that it fit like a glove on her body. It made her wonder if perhaps they had prepared it in advance or it was merely a coincidence.
Picking up her discarded clothes, she neatly placed them on the table near her, slightly folding them and smoothing them over. Going over to the bed, she pulled back the covers before sliding her body onto the mattress and covering herself. She couldn't help the small blissful sigh coming out of her mouth as her sore limbs welcomed the soft and comfortable bed, the pillow feeling like a fluffy cloud. As she laid there, she began to reminisce about all the events that led up to that very moment, or more specifically, that very morning during the Auctioning.
Hearing the loud applause coming from the other end of the room, Y/N tried to calm her nerves, knowing she was the next one in line to face the crowd. As soon as she took one step forward, she was stopped by none other than the Head of the Institute, who took hold of her wrist and looked at the girl behind her.
"Abigail, you go next. Y/N, you're coming with me."
Without so much as a further explanation, Y/N found herself dragged away from the waiting room where her fellow inmates also looked at each other in confusion at the sudden interruption. Y/N wanted to speak up and ask what was happening, was she not to be auctioned off to one of the many noble families? The old woman of course knew all the questions Y/N had, but she didn't say a word until they were outside in the front of the building, where there was a carriage awaiting her.
"Your personal belongings have already been sent out to your new home. We've received word to have you delivered as soon as possible." Even with that brief explanation, Y/N still didn't understand anything. Noticing her distressed state, the Headmistress sighed softly.
"Y/N, you are not to be auctioned off like the rest of the girls. Someone has already purchased you many months back, but it seems they accidentally forgot it and thus added you to the lineup. Luckily, I managed to find you before you stood up on that platform. Certainly avoided a disaster." The old woman chuckled, yet that did not relieve Y/N's worries.
What did she mean someone had already bought her? Who were they? Where was she sold off to?
Unfortunately, none of those questions were answered, instead, she found herself being pushed inside the carriage and speedily taken away to an unfamiliar side of the country that she had never seen before, away to who knew where until she ended up right in the place she was currently in.
Drowsy and tear-filled eyes eventually closed even whilst remembering the events of the day. Y/N knew she was more than likely lucid dreaming as she slowly drifted off to sleep. She didn't feel fully unaware of her surroundings though, and perhaps it was that skeptical feeling that kept her on edge and guarded against anything around her. It especially came into help when she seemingly felt something stroke her cheek, gliding down to caress the outline of her jaw. At first, she believed it was nothing more than her imagination, but when she felt a thumb running across her bottom lip, she opened her eyes, screaming and sitting up when she saw a dark figure standing right in front of her. He was started himself by her outburst, immediately retracting his hand when he witnessed how agitated his innocent act had made her.
"I'm sorry..... I didn't mean to frighten you." His voice was soothing and low, clearly intended so that she'd calm down.
"Would you mind if I..." His gesture indicated that he wanted permission to come near her again, which she felt like she had no choice but to give.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, the handsome stranger reached out and cupped the sides of her face, moving it slowly to the left and then towards the right, eyes drinking up every detail of her countenance.
"My God, you're even more beautiful than the last time I saw you tending to the gardens in that place."
Hearing those words made Y/N widen her eyes. How did he know about that? Unless...
"Are... Are you my new master?" She couldn't even believe it.
The young man giggled softly.
"If you don't mind, I would much rather prefer if you called me by my name, Seonghwa." He introduced himself. Y/N briefly nodded, but obviously, it wasn't enough for him as he leaned in close, nose nearly bumping into her own.
"Please say it." He urged her to.
"Seonghwa." She breathed out his name, to which he let out a gentle smile as one of his hands moved to tuck some of her hair behind her ear.
"Once again, I apologize for startling you, my dear. I just got impatient and couldn't resist myself. I just had to see you." He confessed before getting up out of her space.
"You must be tired so I'll leave you be now. Get some rest love and I'll see you in the morning."
Y/N expected him to walk towards the same door she had come inside from, but she looked with astonishment as Seonghwa went over towards another door which she had mistakenly assumed to be her bathroom, and opened it up.
"My room adjoins to yours, so if you ever want to come and see me, I'm just a knock away." He fought hard to not laugh at her flustered expression, whispering out another good night before retreating into his chambers.
Y/N released a breath she didn't know she was holding. So far her new master looked...normal? Nothing at all like what she expected from the many tales that roamed back at the institute. Seonghwa was nothing that she expected, exceptionally beautiful, poised, kind, and gallant. But she knew she could not be fooled by his charming manners, after all, none of the members of the aristocracy were actual humans...
And it was only a matter of time before she figured out what sort of monster Seonghwa was.
Y/N tried to steady her heartbeat as Seonghwa drew closer to her, lips brushing against her own. Although this was the exact moment she had been prepared all her life for, she still felt a tinge of nervousness as she felt Seonghwa's hands clasp around her waist, his body, which was all bare save for the briefs between his thighs, pressing against her own.
"Tell me, my dear has anyone ever kissed you before?" He smiled when she shook her head.
"May I kiss you?" His inquiry sounded so sweet and pure that Y/N didn't think twice about lifting her face and closing her eyes.
Seonghwa's lips were soft, reminding her of the soft petals belonging to the different roses in the gardens outside, precious little buds that she had been granted permission to take care of in the month she had been living with him. He had never once denied her anything and had been very attentive to her every need. And now as he tenderly kissed her, pouring his heart into the loving kiss, Y/N wondered if this is what love felt like, that foreign emotion that she'd often hear spoken about yet always been told it would never be something she or any of the other girls at the Institute would ever experience. She didn't know, but she knew that she enjoyed whatever this was, this feeling of Seonghwa's lips closing over hers, only to pull away and then dive back in, each minute that passed enabling his kissing to become more ardent and passionate. It was truly breathtaking for her, as she'd often find herself gasping for air each time his lips would pull apart from her mouth.
Starting at the corners of her lips, Seonghwa began pressing butterfly kisses down towards her jaw. Y/N's breath hitched, neck tilting back when she felt him nibbling against her skin. It seemed as if he knew exactly where to direct his attention towards, her sharp breaths an indication that she was warming up to his touches. Releasing one hand off her face, he moved it down until his fingers brushed against her collarbone, treading dangerously close to her covered bosoms.
"Now tell me, love has anyone ever touched you here?"
As if on instinct, Y/N arched her back towards his palms when they lightly squeezed at her pillowy mounds, a light, and embarrassed moan being uttered by her for the first time in her life.
"N-no, no one's ever touched me there." Her shy confession made him smirk as he then dropped his hand down to lift her flimsy nightgown.
"What about here? Has anyone touched here?"
Cupping her sex, he found it warm and inviting, his body aching to be inside of her, to fill her up and breed her as he wanted to. He didn't need her to answer, just her mouth going agape and emitting the cutest whimpers he had ever heard was enough of an answer.
"No of course not. You're pure and completely untouched by anyone else....." When she felt his fingers slide across her wettened folds, her hands reached out and gripped against his biceps, using them to keep herself steady as they continued exploring her deepest places. It felt so unusual yet wonderful to have Seonghwa pry open her lips, fingers ever so gradually slipping past her tightness to lodge inside her warm cavern. Once settled, they began moving, pulling themselves out before coming back in. To distract her, Seonghwa stooped down to kiss her once more, it felt more rushed than before, tongue occasionally poking outwards to scrape against the roof of her mouth. As his fingers worked hard to stretch her open and mouth busied in devouring her adorable whines, it was all to prepare her and get her to ease up before he continued with anything. Pulling away with a deep inhale, Seonghwa used his free thumb to wipe away the excess saliva on her bottom lip, breath ghosting over her own.
"Y/N... I'm going to need you to stay calm and not freak out. All right?"
By his tone, Y/N deduced that she was about to figure out just what exactly it was that made him different from her. She could feel him hesitate, looking just as scared as she did the first time she arrived at the estate. Just as she was about to assure him that she was not afraid, she felt something crawl up her legs, it was somewhat slimy and had a couple of ridges along the underside of it. Glancing down, she nearly fell back onto the bed when she witnessed two long tentacles wrapping themselves around her thighs, tearing up part of the silk fabric of her nightgown. Before she could stumble back, another tentacle launched out to wrap around her waist, pulling her forward to help her regain her balance. She breathed heavily, looking visibly shocked as she realized they were coming out of none other than Seonghwa himself. He scanned her face, trying to read her reactions. Scared? Disgusted? Apprehensive? It was rather difficult to make out exactly what she thought about his tendrils holding her steady and tightening around her body. Wanting to test something, he produced two more tentacles, these slightly thinner than the previous ones. They moved closer towards Y/N, who of course, instinctively recoiled from the unusual limbs.
"Don't worry. If I were in your position, I'd be utterly revolted as well." Although he spoke out those words with a dry smile, they held a lot of pain within them and it made Y/N saddened to hear him. Wanting to make up for it, she outstretched her hand towards the nearest tendril, the very limb slightly pulling away when it felt her come near. No doubt Seonghwa was hesitant about having her touch him. Undeterred, Y/N reached out once more, this time the tentacle didn't recoil but subtly leaned into her touch. Ever so slowly, it began to wrap around her arm, looping itself around her wrist, and settling itself on top of her palm. Y/N couldn't resist herself as she softly squeezed at the tender limb, thumb curiously playing around with the tiny suction cups along the underside of it. She couldn't help but giggle when it slightly slithered itself to attach some of the cups onto her palm, applying light pressure that had a rather pleasant feeling. So amused by the bizarre member, she didn't realize that the other thin tentacle had moved until she felt it loop itself on her other arm, the same as the one on her right side. Seonghwa felt relieved when she didn't seem afraid anymore, instead, she now smiled up towards him, fingers gently caressing the smooth surface of his tentacles. Unbeknownst to her, he could feel every touch ministered on them, the tentacles being a part of him, an extension of him. And they were highly sensitive to any sort of contact made with them.
"Can we...can we continue?" There was a slight quiver in his voice that did not go unnoticed by the woman held hostage by his slimy tendrils. Understanding exactly what he was referring to, Y/N nodded, eagerly awaiting to see just how Seonghwa would impregnate her.
Feeling herself lifted off the floor, the tentacles gently laid her down on the bed, detaching themselves momentarily off her body as they began poking around at the semi-ruined fabric of her attire. Grasping at several ends, Y/N gasped astonishingly when they tore off the rest of her dress, discarding the remaining pieces on the floor. Laying there completely naked in front of Seonghwa, who did not hide anything in his stare as they raked her entire body. Feeling self-conscious, Y/N moved to cover herself but the tentacles were faster as they wrapped around her wrists and ankles, holding the first ones above her face while the other ones kept her legs apart, allowing Seonghwa to fully gawk at her wetness. The thought of burying himself deep in her and breeding her made him uncontrollably hard.
Y/N squirmed as several more tentacles sprouted out of Seonghwa's body, making her question just how many he could produce. Two medium-sized ones traveled up her sternum, oozing out some sort of secretion that trickled onto her breasts. The tentacles then latched themselves onto her perky mounds, twisting and pulling at her nipples until they hardened and poked out. They continued to toy around with her boobs, flicking against her sensitive nubs now and then before going back to clamp down and attach their suction cups to her tender skin. Y/N shuddered as she felt them slightly vibrate, adding to the daze-inducing state she was drifting off to.
Just as she was distracted in enjoying the pleasure the two tentacles were giving her, she let out a shriek when she felt another slimy organ come up and flit at her clit. The tentacles around her ankles kept her from closing her thighs, leaving her with no choice but to succumb to the movements made in her delicate button. It felt so surreal, so extraordinary, and she writhed around on the bed as much as she was able to when the tiny end of the tentacle sped up and rubbed faster against her swelling clit, the delicious friction making her mouth water. She wondered if this was the bliss some of the girls back home talked about, the ones who had gone out of their way to break the solemn vow they swore about remaining intact and pure, forcing them out of the Institute as they were no longer considered valuable vessels for future buyers.
"If this is what they enjoyed then, I would have gladly broken my vow too." Y/N mused to herself. But then she remembered had she broken her vow she would have never been able to meet Seonghwa, and she'd grown attached to him in that short period of meeting him.
"No... It's better this way. Having saved my body just for him so he can use it as he pleases. Have me carry his children. Oh, God." She felt herself clench around nothing as she thought about being stuffed by him, carrying his babies. Months before, the idea of carrying the offspring of some humanoid stranger horrified her. Now, it thrilled her and she looked forward to it.
"I'm going to slide a few more inside of you now, ok? It might feel uncomfortable, but I promise I'll make sure you don't feel any pain." Y/N vigorously nodded, the tentacles around her ankles spreading her legs further and bringing them up so her knees were bent.
Two thinner tentacles, even thinner than the ones around her wrists came out and began probing around her hole, stretching it ever so slightly before sliding inside her. Y/N felt them scraping against her tender walls, leaving her flabbergasted at feeling them creep deeper and deeper against her right muscles, stopping once they reached her cervix. Ever so carefully, they position themselves at her opening, prying her cervix open. A dull sting shot up her body, not exactly painful, but it wasn't exactly pleasant to feel. Noticing this, Seonghwa made the tentacles release their hold on her tight rim.
"Perhaps I might need to make use of this after all."
Y/N didn't know exactly what 'this' was, all she felt was the two tentacles lightly thrust inside of her, tips flicking up to tease at her sweet spot. And then she felt it, the tentacles oozed some sort of secretion to coat her inner walls, even moving to spread some of the liquid against the entrance of her womb. The tentacle working on her clit had to momentarily stop when Y/N began spasming, small gasps and moans spilling out her lips, not realizing that she had just had a subtle orgasm, but Seonghwa knew. He felt when her juices covered her walls, causing them to become more slick and wet, an effect produced by the natural pheromones his tentacles had just sprayed inside her, helping her to relax and not feel any more discomfort. Although it would also make her highly sensitive, meaning she would become a sticky and panting mess by the end of it, every stroke or brush inside her body would be heightened considerably. And Seonghwa was rather curious to see how that would play out.
Finally, a rather large and thick tentacle sprung out, heading directly towards her opening. It contracted itself as it skimmed past her entrance, flowing smoothly thanks to the previous tentacles that had worked Y/N's core open and the pheromones he had induced into her. At first, nothing seemed to happen, then Y/N's mouth flew open as she felt the tentacle start expanding, bottoming out inside of her, forcing her stretched-out muscles to widen even more. Unable to resist the urge, she looked down, nearly wheezing as she looked at the tightly nestled tentacle inside of her, pulsing inside her slick covered borders. Just those small pulsing vibrations had her throwing her head back as more liquids seeped out of her. Feeling her arousal coating its skin, it seemed to rile up the large tentacle as it began pushing itself further until it reached the entrance of her cervix.
"Usually humanoids of my kind would place as many eggs can fit inside their surrogate's womb... But I don't wish to overwhelm you with that, especially since it's your first time." With a smug grin, Seonghwa stooped forward and placed a hand on top of her abdomen.
"So let's just try it with two."
The large tentacle began contracting once more, wriggling around as if trying to get something out. Y/N soon felt what it was as a smooth, round, and semi-hard object began pushing itself inside of her. The two smaller tentacles, which were still lodged on the sides of her walls, went back to pry her cervix open, allowing the egg easier access as it traveled through her tunnel and nestling itself inside her womb. Seonghwa watched proudly as her belly swelled up as soon as the egg lodged itself in her, fingers brushing against the oval outline bulging out of her skin.
"So pretty, so beautiful." He praised her, teeth tugging down at his bottom lip as a hidden tentacle had come out to rid him of his last article of clothing, stroking his hardened cock generously, the suction cups paying close attention to his leaking head.
"How are you feeling so far love?" Seonghwa wanted to make sure she was fine before proceeding.
Y/N fluttered her eyes open, soft pants spewing out her mouth.
"Please...more." That was all she could manage to mumble out.
Satisfied by her answer, the massive limb started wriggling once more, popping out another egg that scraped deliciously against the roof of her cave, journeying past her barriers and plopping next to the previous egg, joining it inside her womb. With slight embarrassment, Y/N cried out as another wave of pleasure poured out of her, hands wanting to cover her reddened face at the thought of so easily cumming by the mere thought of Seonghwa's eggs inside her while his tentacle continued throbbing inside her.
"Don't feel ashamed my love. I just so happen to enjoy watching your face contort with pleasure." His admittance only made her more sheepish and flustered.
"We're almost done, love. I just need to fertilize my eggs."
Y/N groaned loudly when the tentacle began moving, thrusting itself in and out, her previous juices seeping out every time it pulled out her body, creating a wet stain on the sheets underneath. Maybe it was her imagination, but Y/N swore she could feel the eggs move inside her, bouncing each time the tentacle pushed back inside her. The tendrils around her ankles and wrists tightened themselves, holding her steady as the tentacle started to plunge itself faster and deeper into her, twitching every so often, a sign it was getting ready to squirt into her womb.
Seonghwa was also enjoying the spectacle, watching closely as he was about to impregnate his darling surrogate, the tentacle wrapped around the shaft matching the movement the larger one was doing. He felt blessed to be able to feel both sensations at once, one being his cock stimulated while his tentacle had to endure Y/N's tightness clench unbearably around his slimy member. It was ecstasy for both of them, their grunts and moans echoing inside Seonghwa's room. Wanting her to experience the maximum pleasure he could offer, the tentacles laid out across her chest went back to their previous task of playing with her nipples, suckling on her tender flesh whilst the one between her legs toyed with her swollen clit. It was all so much for her that Y/N couldn't help it as her third orgasm of the night overtook her, this one more intense and prolonged by the endless amount of attention her body was receiving.
"Seonghwa!" She cried out, tears of over-stimulation brimming at the corners of her eyes.
Hearing her call out to him, Seonghwa himself hissed as the tentacle worked him over the edge, spurts of cum trickling down onto it as well as splattering onto the floor. The tentacle that was now coated with his cum moved towards Y/N's face, lightly tapping on her cheek. Turning to face it, she inhaled sharply and didn't hesitate to allow it to slide past her lips and wiggle inside her mouth. She moaned around the appendage, sucking on it, the sensations flowing back to Seonghwa's cock.
"Oh fuck." He exclaimed, the tentacle pushing itself on the back of her throat while the one between her legs rapidly moved to finish its final task.
Y/N's wailing was partially muffled by the tentacle stuffing her mouth, her body and mind spiraling out of control as she felt thick ropes of warm cum being gushed out of the tentacle and shooting straight into her womb. She could even feel her stomach swelling up even more by just the liquids being poured into her. It was enough to have her crying out once more, a state of euphoria clouding her mind as her 4th high shocked her senses, numbing everything except the feeling of the tentacles around and in her. Seonghwa himself didn't need further stimulation, cumming untouched for the second time when he finally finished breeding her, mouth drawing out long and labored breaths as he started to come down from his high.
Slowly, one by one the tentacles started pulling away from Y/N's body, disappearing back into Seonghwa's body. Both of them groaned deeply when the last tentacle pulled out of her agape hole, some of the leftover cum dribbling out onto the bed. Y/N felt so sore and so full, her hands reaching down to caress her now swollen stomach, surprised at how big it looked. She felt ready to pop at any moment. With utmost care, Seonghwa moved her further into the bed, helping her rest her head against one of the pillows and covering her up with the warm blanket. It wasn't long until she felt his body press up against hers, pulling her as close as was possible as one hand protectively wrapped around her belly.
"Thank you..."
She was so weary after that intense session that she could only mumble a barely audible 'huh?' at his words. Chuckling, Seonghwa pressed a kiss against her cheek.
"Thank you for carrying my babies. You have no idea how happy I am at this moment."
She could only manage to give out a faint smile at his words, fastly falling asleep when she felt him hum a soft tune against her ear.
"I'm so glad I chose you."
Taglist: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @yunhofingers @deja-vux @brie02 @daniblogs164 @couchpotatoaniki @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @nanamarkie @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters @rainteez02 @harry-the-pottypus
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sparklingchim · 4 years
better together; f | pjm
Tumblr media
pairing: jimin x wife!reader
word count: 1.9k
genre: fluff, dad!jimin, married couple, slice of life au
warnings: oc is pregnant, nothing else unless you hate children ?
summary: just a casual day with your husband jimin and your little boy jihoon.
a/n: hello! this is a fic i wrote a while ago and thought about sharing it now🥰 there are a few more chapters that i wrote in that universe but they still need to be edited. i hope you like it!!❤
,,Why are you so active today, my little bean?" you coo, rubbing your belly and feeling the tiny kicks from your 7 month old baby girl in your womb.
,,Baby?" you hear the sound of your 2 year old little baby boy, who is sitting next to you, on his high baby chair. His pastel blue elephant bib is draped around his neck, already soiled with the chicken soup rice porridge your feeding him - even though he only ate approximately 3 spoons of it yet.
,,Your baby sister is moving," you tell him and he excitedly stretches his grabby hands, aiming for your bump, completely ignoring the spoon that he was about to latch his mouth on.
Of course his short chubby arms can't quite reach it, so you grab him from his baby stool and place him on your lap. He automatically brings both his hands on your stomach, roaming them all over your bump and anticipating the movements of his baby sister.
Both of your hands have a firm hold on his back and keep him safe on your lap, because Jihoon tends to get dynamic and thrilled at random times - especially when it had something to do with his still unborn sister. Jihoon loved feeling her kicks, even going so far to refuse to sleep sometimes and clinging onto your womb to not miss anything his sister does.
,,Ohhh," his stunned voice breaks the silence, his eyes going wide as he feels his sibling moving. You laugh at his reaction, one hand pushing his soft hair from his forehead.
When you attempt to sit him back into his baby chair, he whines in displeasure, putting pressure on your stomach with his small hands. You sigh in defeat, not wanting to make him sad because you don't let him rub your belly.
For a few seconds you let him be, granting him the glee he earns from being the closest as possible as he is able to be with his sister. The way Jihoons whole focus is solely fixated on his baby sister makes your heart swell in pure fondness. He couldn't wait for her birth just like Jimin and you.
You don't forget to feed him though. You grab a spoonful of Jihoon's porridge behind him and hold the spoon in front of his lips, waiting for him to open his tiny plump lips - that he definitely got from his dad - but his eyes are remain on your bump, not caring about the food presented in front of him. You slightly raise your hips up, causing his body to bounce on your lap to draw his attention towards you - but nothing. Jihoon simply doesn't care.
,,Jihoon-ah," you scold him with a stern tone  since he's obviously ignoring you.
He looks up at you, with those big brown eyes and your heart lights up at his innocent face.
You hold the spoon closer to his mouth, but still, he doesn't attempt to part his lips, only backing away with his head.
,,No," he says and pushes your hand away with his much smaller hand. You quirk an eyebrow up at his behaviour.
You don't get to berate him again, when you hear the door opening and then closing shut again. You both immediately get excited - well, your excitement isn't really shown outside compared to Jihoon, who seeks to get off your lap and eagerly wants to rush off to his dad. His feet slowly sink down to the floor with your protecting hands around his little body and then his chubby legs sprint to the hallway, desperately wanting to greet his dad.
You hope he won't fall, because that accident happened a lot of times already - always ending up with some sobbing, teary eyes and clinging onto either Jimin or you. Your little boy let his delight go too overboard sometimes and only reserved little care into his surroundings. You'd have to teach him to be more aware of that.
,,Hello little guy," you hear Jimin's voice echoing from the hall.
,,Daddy!" Jihoon exclaims, giggling afterwards because Jimin probably spooned him up and snuggled his face into Jihoon's neck.
You just sit there, a warm smile on your lips, and don't make an attempt to get up to greet your husband too, because your feet are killing you today.
A few seconds later, Jimin enters the kitchen with Jihoon in his arms. Jihoon wrapped his arms and leg around Jimin's upper body, like a little koala bear and you chuckle at that sight. Jimin tilts his head down and places a tender kiss to your lips.
Even though Jimin was only away for 3 hours - because he had some meeting at the company - you missed his presence at home. And I seems like your not the only one who missed him, since Jihoon is practically glued to his daddys body.
,,You three are good?" Jimin asks, taking a seat beside you, while rubbing your belly in soft strokes.
,,We're all fine.", you assure him with a sincere smile. Jimin kisses you again. You just look so adorable right now.
You look at the back of Jihoon's head. Jimin's hand is placed on his back to hold him closely.
,,But Jihoonie still has to eat, right?" you say and look expectantly at his back, waiting for a reaction to your words. Jimin's gaze shoot to Jihoon's - still full - bowl and frowns.
Jihoon wiggles his body and then muffles a tiny 'No' into Jimins shoulder.
Jimin chuckles but then quickly asks ,,What's the matter, baby?" He softly nudges Jihoons head with his shoulder, wanting to see his face. Jihoon looks up to his dad, his lips forming a little pout.
,,You're shirt is stained with his food.", you giggle, after seeing the mess that Jihoons bib caused on Jimin dark shirt. He peers his eyes to the stain but doesn't say anything to that. Jimin and you were already used to dirty clothes since your little boy couldn't stop creating a mess every five minutes.
,,How come you don't want to eat anymore when it seems like you apparently enjoyed it?" Jimin asks the little boy.
You sigh and stand up. Jihoon needs to eat something and if he won't continue eating this meal, then you're going to cook something else. He was already fussy when you sat him down on the baby chair earlier and you don't want to deal with whines if your going to resist on making him eat that food.
You groan slightly when your feet carries your whole body weight and instantly place your hand on your side to steady yourself. Your bump got really big.
,,No, no, baby. I've got this, sit down. I can cook something for him," Jimin says, standing up with Jihoon in his arms and puts a hand on your shoulder. You look up at him, wanting to say that it's okay, but he's faster.
,,Your feet hurt, right? Let me run you a bath, love," he says, putting Jihoon on his baby chair and whispering ,,Wait for daddy, okay?" Jimin places a quick kiss on his head. Then he bends down a bit and you feel one of his hand on the back of your knees.
,,I can walk Jimin, don't carry me," you retort, your weight making you a little insecure. Of course he doesn't listen to you and in one swift motion your in his arms. He naturally watched out not to discomfort you or the baby, while proceeding to lifting you in his arms. You hear Jihoon giggling behind you, entertained by the sight of his mommy getting carried by his daddy like a baby.
,,Your dad is so strong, Jihoonie," Jimin calls out while walking to the bathroom.
Jihoon only laughs more at that comment yelling a ,,Me too!"
,,You're saying I'm fat?" you ask hurt, swatting his chest.
,,No, no! Of course you're not fat, baby. I'm just playing with Jihoonie," he panics, looking worried and concerned, because he knows that your hormones are getting the better hand of you these days. But it weren't your hormones this time. You almost laugh at his panicked face, but you decide to hold it in and not try to sooth him. Maybe you just have a little demon inside you that likes teasing Jimin, but you think it's fine for all those times he used to tease you for something.
,,You better be," you mutter and feel his lips pressing a soft kiss on your cheek.
He slowly lets you slide of his hold and you sit on the closed toilet lid, watching him as he runs water into the tub. Jimin tests the temperature of the water and hums quietly when he is satisfied with it. Then he puts some liquid inside to create bubbles and a delicious smell.
,,No bath bombs this time, I have to buy some again," Jimin says and you only nod. The fact that he even noticed that there were no bath bombs left made you want to cry. Maybe now the hormones were actually kicking in.
,,Thank you," you answer, never missing a chance to thank him for his care and thoughtfulness he's showing every day.
Jimin turns around, a lovely smile already tugging at his lips and widening once he takes me into sight.
,,You need me to help you?" he asks carefully. You shake your head as an answer.
,,No, go and feed Jihoon, your mini-me is starving," you reply. Jimin rolls his eyes at your exaggeration.
,,My mini-me is not starving," he makes clear and his eyes soften at the cute nickname you both - actually you - created for your little baby boy. Jihoon has so many of Jimins features- his nose, his lips and his eye colour are just like Jimins. You both always said how you wanted tiny replications of both of you running around the house once you'd get married, but now that it actually happened, it's scary how a tiny Jimin waddles though the house, always giggling after he'd done something he'd surely wasn't allowed to do.
,,Mommy!", Jihoon exclaims in that moment and you raise a brow up.
,,Hurry up, he's waiting," you say, swaying both your hands to shoo him away.
,,He just yelled your name. Shouldn't I be the one he's missing after coming home from a meeting?", he pouts, but doesn't wait for an answer as he leaves the bathroom.
You smile at his question. Suddenly you feel the need to snuggle your little Jihoon in your arms since he shouted your name, because he's alone, but you have to take a little break from today and his daddy is on his way to him anyway.
,,Daddy's coming!", you hear Jimin shout and you start discarding your clothes on the floor.
,,No, want mommy!", Jihoon yells back and you start laughing.
Apparently Jihoon wasn't satisfied with anything he got today.
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escapingmytrauma · 3 years
CW/TW: Kidnapping, dub/non-con, dacryphilia, praise and degrading, mentions of cremating, yandere behavior, degrading, praise, dirty talk, threaten use of anal, stolen virginity, ownership, possessive behavior.
WC: 3.8K
                Dabi: His Property
           You sighed as your sister wept into your shoulder about how horrible he was. You knew that everyone knew that. Dabi was a villain for God’s sake. Did she really believe that he was going to change?
“I’m never going back to him, he can fucking die for all I care,” She blabbered. You held the urge to roll your eyes knowing all too well she does care. He doesn’t even care for her, but you and her friends had already told her multiple times; y’all could only give her so much advice.
It had already been two weeks and she was still crying all day. It was a toxic relationship, one you would never want to be in. But older sisters were always the example of what to do and of what NOT to do. Another hiccup escaped her lips as she lifted herself off your shoulder and looked over to you with pleading eyes. You wanted to look away because you knew she was about to ask for a huge favor, and one you more than likely would not want to do.
“Hey… could you ever be so kind and pick up the rest of my things from Dabi’s place?” Your jaw slightly dropped; sure, she asked you for ridiculous favors, but this, this took the cake. She knows how much you dislike Dabi, and you would never admit it, but he intimidated you; he intimidated everyone. Your sister was just stupid enough to get caught up in with someone like him.
“I don’t know, Gigi… It was your relationship, not mine, I don’t want to get involved if I’m being honest,” You admitted. She grabbed you by the shoulders and looked straight into your eyes with her bottom lip slightly pouted out.  
“Pleaseeeee, sis. I’m begging you, I don’t want to see him,” Gigi begged. You looked over to her friends who were watching this unfold. Your eyes asking them to intervene. To do something, anything. To your luck they rubbed the back of their neck and looked away.
You scoffed and looked back at her, “Fine. I’m only doing this because I don’t want this to slap back in my face,” You stated as you stood up. Your sister gave you a big hug and continuously whispered her thanks to you; shrugging it off you hesitantly made your way out and headed off to Dabi’s.
 You were in front of the door, an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach kept making you hesitate to knock. Best case scenario he wasn’t home. Taking a deep breath, you gave the door two good hard knocks.  
To your dismay you heard shuffling on the other side and the door starts opening as words pour out of Dabi’s mouth, “Already crawling back Gi- “He stopped midway when he looked and saw that it was you and not your sister.
Dabi was shocked on the inside, but he couldn’t show it. His dumb ex sent her poor, younger, innocent sister to come collect her things, which he had already thrown out, but she didn’t need to know that.
“Ah… If it isn’t Gigi’s little sister,” Dabi said with a smirk playing on his lips. The use of your whole name had your shoulders slightly shrinking. “What brings you here?” He asks as he leans on his doorframe a glint in his eyes that tells you that this is a bad idea, a bad idea.
“Just coming to collect Gigi’s belongings…” You meekly reply. You were so determined to have a strong look, to not look intimidated, but that obviously didn’t hold up.
Keep it together for God’s sake!
Mentally scolding yourself as he raised one of his hands to come inside, “Yeah, they’re in the room, Come on in.” The dangerous smirk and glint his eyes not once leaving his face. Your heart was thumping loudly, your stomach was churning with nausea as every single bad scenario played in your head.
He’s going to kill me.
Dabi closed the door behind him and locked it. The sound of the lock had you tensing up, “I don’t want to waste any of your time so I promise it will be quick,” You quickly stammered out.
A small chuckle left his lips as he gazed at your whole body from head to toe, you had a much nicer figure than your sister that’s for sure. The clothing was so plain, some jean shorts and a simple V-neck blouse that complimented your cleavage a little too well. You uncomfortably shifted under his lustful gaze as you tried to think of something else.
“So…” you cleared your throat before proceeding, “Which room is her stuff in?” His piercing blue eyes shifted to the door behind you, and he nudged his chin indicating that that was room. You gave a small nod and turned around and made your room to the door. Your eyes must have missed the lock that was placed on the outside of the door instead of the inside as you walked into the room.
Dabi smirked as he followed closely behind you; you were falling right into his trap, you are poor, naïve soul.
“Dabi, there is nothing in here, just a bed,” You stated as you turned around and hit his chest. You took a wobbly step back. Your heart racing faster than it was before.
“I know.” You nervously swallowed as you looked anywhere but at him. A small hum left his lips as you looked and tried to think of a way to calm yourself. “You nervous? Hmm… doll, tell me, are you?” The words had a tone of mockery laced in them as you finally looked at his eyes.
“Stop being weird Dabi,” You muttered as you started to walk past him. That only proceeded in his roughly grabbing your upper arm and pulling you back and releasing you onto the hardwood floor with a thud.
“What was that for?! Dabi, seriously, if you’re mad about the breakup maybe you should go talk to Gigi,” You rambled with panic in your tone. Dabi kneeled in front of you grabbing your chin to force you to look at him.
“I never wanted your sister. I wanted someone else… can you guess who it is?” He taunted with a sinister grin on his stapled face. Mischievous blue pupils wanting to you to answer.
Your eyes were wide and your lips slightly apart of just how insane this guy is. His thumb reached over and glided across your bottom lip, “I’ll give you another hint, I’m looking right at her…” Dabi whispered. If you weren’t scared, you most definitely were now. His thumb continued lightly slide across your bottom lip as tears started strolling down your cheek. Dabi let out a wicked chuckle as his other hand pushed your body down to the ground and was now straddling you.
“Dabi… Don’t…”
“Don’t what, doll? Hmm?” Dabi leaned down and licked the tears off your face, letting out a small hum of approval as your hands were still frozen at your side. You were letting him touch you, lick your tears off, and you haven’t managed to stop him. His face was suddenly in front yours and he pushed his lips against your slipping his tongue in quickly. Your eyes were still wide, and your hands found themselves pushing against his chest. He easily grabbed both of your wrists pulling them away pushing them above your head.
He managed to get both of your wrists in one of his hands as the other trailed beneath your shirt, gripping at your side with an uncomfortable grip. You writhed and squirmed beneath him as he gripped harder at your sides. Dabi pulled away his face away from yours a string of saliva connected to both of y’all’s lips. He pulled his hand up from underneath your shirt and pushed his thumb in your mouth.
“Suck.” It wasn’t even a suggestion. You swallowed before nervously wrapping your tongue slightly around his thumb and sucking. Dabi groaned as he praised, “Good girl.”
His eyes were intensely watching you and you could nothing but look back, his whole gaze had your cheeks heating up from embarrassment. You wanted this to end.
A knock interrupted. Your eyes looked down hoping to the door, but you were met with Dabi’s pants and you could see a noticeable bulge against the crotch area. You sighed in relief when another knock.
“Dabi!” Your eyes went wide, it was your sister. Dabi chuckled and looked down at you with his thumb still in your mouth.
“Make a sound and I’ll cremate her,” Dabi threatened. Not giving you a chance to respond he took his thumb out of your mouth with an audible pop. Dabi stood up and looked down at you, “Now stay quiet and sit on the bed for me like a good little whore.” He walked out of the room and you heard the door lock on the other side. You slowly sat yourself up and fixed your shirt.
You could hear faint talking on the other side, your sister’s voice sounded panic and scared. But you couldn’t quite make out what they were talking about. You just stay there on the floor not making a sound as you try your best to not make any noise. You hear the front door open and shut, but you don’t hear any sounds.
Did he walk her out?
You stood up and walked over to the door trying to jiggle it, but nothing. It was locked. You sighed in frustration as you contemplated on whether or not to try to kick the door. Before you could decide you heard the front door open ad heavy footsteps approaching to the room. Taking a couple of shaky steps as you heard the lock unlock and the door being pushed wide open and being met with a wicked grin.
“Good news, doll!” Dabi walked closer to you as his hands were behind his back like he was hiding an item. You kept taking steps back until your back hit the wall, Dabi didn’t hesitate to close the distance, “Your sister thinks you’re hiding because you didn’t do what she asked… and on top of that I told her the truth of where her items were, so… she has no reason to come back here,” He casually explained. Your eyes narrowed as you could slightly feel your anger boiling up inside you.
“You sick son of a BITCH!” You yelled as your hand came swinging aiming for his cheek, but he stopped you with one of his hands.
A malicious chuckle left his lips as he gripped your wrist tightly causing you to whimper, “I’m going to break that fire of yours, and you’re going to love it,” Dabi whispered. You squirmed as you wanted to get out of his grip tugging your wrist only for him to increase his grip; you let out a small cry as tears stung the corner of your eyes.
Dabi pulled you to him only for him to force you on the bed with his weight, he brought his other hand out revealing a black leather collar. Your eyes widen as you struggle more; Dabi let out a huff in frustration as you weren’t being still.
“I’m going to fucking shove my cock in your ass if you don’t stop moving,” Dabi threatened.
He wasn’t one for empty threats and you knew that. You go completely still as you can’t hear anything besides the loud thumping in your chest. He hums in approval as he sits up straddling your body, he undoes the collar and is surprisingly gently as he puts it around your neck. Once he finishes his eyes hold nothing but lust, he loops his pinky finger in the hole where a chain can connect pulls at it forcing your face to come up. He leans down into you enveloping your lips in a deep kiss that you can’t escape.
A whimper barely makes its way out of you as your hands feebly push against his chest. He yanks on the collar harder causing you to let out a grunt. Dabi releases the collar and the kiss pushing you down by your shoulders flat on the bed. He sits back up and tears your shirt and burns the middle of your bra.
“Dabi please do- “
“No… I will…” he cuts you off as his fingers fiddle with the button on your jean shorts, “And you’re gonna be a good lil’ whore for me and take it.” He gets up off you and quickly takes both your shorts and panties off, your face heats up as you quickly clamp your legs together in an effort to hide, Dabi quickly pushes his hands in between and caws your thighs apart as your whole mind is now processing what is going on.
I’m going to get raped! Dabi is going to take my virginity.
Tears freely roll down your cheeks as his face is now right in front of your pussy, shame and fear lighting up within you. He delves his tongue in between your folds, you let out a small mewl as you squirm. His arms going beneath your thigh as he wraps his hands around your thigh and grips down to hold you still. Dabi continues to lap greedily at your cunt as you can’t hold back the noises that escape your mouth.
Dabi is thoroughly enjoying your reactions, trying to get you prepared for him. Such a responsive thing, he loved it. Sucking on your bud he releases one of your thighs as he brings two of his fingers at your soaking entrance. He slowly pushes them. A loud gasp escapes your mouth as your fingers entangle themselves into his hair.
“Nngh…” You squeeze your eyes shut trying to block him out, but his thick digits are fucking you at a pace that won’t allow you to do so. He swirls his tongue around your clit as he picks up the pace; breathy moans falling shamelessly out of your mouth.
“Look at you… moaning like a lil’ slut,” Dabi comments as you clench around his fingers. You just whimper in return, your whole face heating up in the fact that you are enjoying this. Your body is. The feeling in your stomach starts to become bigger as Dabi now is hovering over you as his two fingers penetrate you and his thumb roughly rubs at your bud.
Your body is reacting on its own as it starts to grind in motion with Dabi’s fingers. He growls lowly as he pulls you up to him by the collar as he kisses you. His tongue raiding your mouth to where you can taste yourself on him. You don’t want to cum on his fingers, but you can’t help it. The sensation is too powerful as you moan loudly into his mouth orgasming on his fingers.
Dabi pulls his fingers out and shoves them into your mouth pushing them far back causing your vision to blur and you to gag. He removed his fingers as a trail of saliva followed and he started unbuckling his belt. Dabi was quick to remove his pants. You tried regaining a little composure as you slowly sat up only to be pushed back down.
“Turn over.” You froze. You really didn’t want to, but at the same time who knew what threats he had up his sleeve. You slowly rolled over to your back your heart racing as tears stung your eyes again. You felt as his hand snaked beneath around your stomach as he started to lift you up. Even though you were a virgin you understood everything about sex. You knew exactly what he was asking for. You obediently got on your knees and your hands.
You could hear him hiss lowly as he brought his body close to yours. “Dabi please… don’t…” you tried pleading one more time. “I’m a- “
“Doll. Don’t make me shove it in your ass,” Dabi warned. You swallowed all protests and squeezed your eyes shut. You tried to steady your breathing as you felt his head tease your entrance.
Please go slowly! Please go slowly!
As if reading your mind, he slowly pushes his head in, hissing as he could already feel you clenching around him. God, you were so fucking tight. He continues to push himself in as you let out a cry and tears fall down the side of your face. Dabi allows himself to bottom out in you enjoying how tight and wet you are. You unsteady breathing as hurts a little more than anticipated.
“I’m going to fucking ruin you,” Dabi whispers as he leans down into your ear. “Be a good whore and ask me to fuck you,” He commands. Your eyes go wide. You can feel his whole cock inside of you as you pause to think whether or not to do so.
“Fuck me, please… Dabi,” You meekly force out. He lets out a groan as he gently rocks against you.
“Say it again.”
You swallowed, “Please fuck me, Dabi.” You were so embarrassed to be asking for such an action. Dabi rocked against you harder, every single time his head hitting harder against your cervix. You let out mewls as he picked up his pace; at this point you adjusted to his size and it was pleasurable.
Dabi pulled out and flipped you over as he thrusted back into you harshly. You let out a yelp as he just bucked your hips into you. Filthy words and phrases spilling out of his mouth.
“You’re mine.”
“You’re clenching so hard for my cock.”
“You’re such a slut for me.”
They came barreling out as he just continued to violently shove his cock deep into you. Over and over again. Another orgasm left your body as your toes curled and your back arched up.
“That’s it, cum on my cock you lil’ whore.” As if to increase stimulation he tweaked and pinched at your hardened nipples causing you to thrash and squirm as whimpers left your mouth. Your fingers fisted into the bedsheets and Dabi thrusted harder.
“Tell me who owns you, whore,” He demanded between pants. He was close. So, so close.
“You do, Dabi,” You sob out as he continues to pinch and knead your breasts.
“That’s fucking right!” His thrusts become sloppy, and he suddenly lets out a loud groan releasing into you. Riding out his high as you slowly get over your afterglow.
You both are panting hard, and he lays completely on you. His fingers run gently through your hair, you barely manage to make eye contact with him; he smirks as he notices your eyelids getting heavy and sleep enveloping you.
Your eyes slowly open blinking a couple of times to adjust your surroundings. There is a dull soreness between your thighs, actually every part of you felt sore. You weakly sit up as you look down to see that your dressed in different clothing. Your fingers trail to your hipbone to feel a new set of panties were put on you, and you were in a big t-shirt; unfortunately, you had no bra on. You rub your eyes as you look down and see a chain around your ankle. You lean over to slightly pull at it; you sighed in defeat.
The door opened and you looked up to be met with the eyes of your captor.
“Good afternoon, doll…” He stated casually. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Ah yes, you were asleep for roughly about eighteen hours,” Dabi answers as he walks in with some items in both of his hands. Closing the door behind him with the back of his foot, “I suppose I should have taken into consideration that your sister did say you were sleep deprived and that you were indeed a virgin.”
You silently watch as he sits beside you and opens a water for you handing it to you, “I can’t have you dehydrated either… Also, I need you to take this,” Dabi rambles as he hands you both the water and a small pill. Your eyes look back up at him with a suspicious glint.
“I don’t think you want kids right now,” Dabi smirks as he looks down at the pill.
Oh… it’s a plan B.
You nod in confirmation as you obediently take the pill and swallow it down with some water. You drink some more of the water realizing your more parched than you thought. He lets out a chuckle. You were still trying to wake up, and it doesn’t go passed his mind he could easily fuck you right back to sleep.
“Why am I still here?” You question. “You took my virginity, isn’t that enough?”  You inquire further.
He hums contemplating on how to answer, “Because you’re my property… It’s pretty simple actually… Date your dumb sister for about a month… well a month was the plan, but that didn’t work… and then I knew she would send you because she’s prideful and stubborn like that,” Dabi finishes.
“Wait. Wait. We skipped chapters, Dabi… you’re making it sound as if you had met me way before you met my sister. We were never introduced to one another till after y’all started dating.”
“Hm… Oh, right. I knew you before I knew your sister, but you didn’t know me…” Dabi explained as if it was completely normal.
“But that doesn- “
Dabi raises his hand to cut you off, “Enough questions, doll. Don’t inquire too much, I don’t like it… I need you to eat,” He says as he hands you some food in your hand. His thumb reaches over and gently grazes your cheek wanting to desperately fill your tight little cunt with his cock again, but he knows you need a small break.
“Gigi said you horrible at aftercare…” You whisper more to yourself, but he hears.
“Ah. I take care of my property, doll… but try not to piss me off, I will have to discipline you in ways you won’t enjoy,” Dabi warns. You take a bit of your warm food as you just nod.
“Now say it for me… that you’re my property…” Dabi demands. You swallow your food as you looked up at him. You didn’t want to, but it would be wise to not piss him off while you’re in no condition to fight.
“I’m… I’m your property,” You shakily finish. Dabi smirks and leans down placing a kiss on your forehead.
He knew you didn’t believe it, but he was going to get you to a point where you do believe it. That you’re his property.
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heytherejulietx · 3 years
43 from the hand hold one with Jasper🥺
Send in some requests.
Jasper Hale - Raising the other’s hand to their lips to kiss it softly.
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“Alice!” Y/N yelled, fighting against the smaller girl’s hold, though it was no use. Never in a million years would she be able to get out of a vampire’s grip; though especially not Alice’s. When she wanted something done, it was done.
“Will you stop squirming, I’m not going to kill you.” Alice snapped as she hauled Y/N over her shoulder causing her to scream, before she proceeded to carry her into the Cullen’s household, using her free hand to push open the door.
Y/N knew what she was up to. Alice was trying to get her to go to prom, which she had sworn against doing for ages. She’d told Jasper that they could just go and do something together instead of going to prom. It sounded horrifying; having to dance with her effortlessly elegant boyfriend whilst she stumbled and tripped around, making herself look foolish in front of the entire school and his family. She’d even told Alice hundreds of times that she didn’t want to go, but clearly she wasn’t having it.
“Y/N, what a lovely surprise.”
From where she was dangling over Alice’s shoulder she caught a glance of Carlisle stood by the doorway and glared at the doctor when she could see the amusement over his face.
“Can’t you get her to stop!” Y/N groaned, hitting Alice’s back, though clearly it did nothing to affect her.
“Sorry, we’ve been sworn not to help.” Carlisle held his hands up in surrender and stepped back into the living room, and Y/N cursed as Alice sped up the stairs, finally letting her down into the seat at her vanity.
“I hate you.” Y/N glared at Alice, who started moving around her bedroom to get different beauty products for her.
“No you don’t, you love me,” Alice responded in a sing-song voice as she started brushing through her hair, and Y/N didn’t even bother to make a run for it. She just knew she’d get carried back upstairs until she stayed there. “Besides, you won’t be with me very long. Jasper gets to keep you for the night.”
“Keep me? I’m not his pet.” Y/N rolled her eyes and sunk down in her seat, ignoring Alice’s laugh as she started to pull her hair back into a bun.
After almost a whole hour of Alice using her as a human Barbie doll she finished, walking Y/N over to the floor length mirror that she had on the other side of the room once she had let her step into her prom dress which Alice had bought her and refused to tell her the price of. She had to say, despite her reluctance for Alice to get her ready - and the amount of times she’d tried to duck away from her when she brought a makeup brush near her face, which ended in Alice holding her face still with another glare - she did look somewhat beautiful. Her hair was pulled back into a bun with a few loose strands framing her face, a dark blue flower clip holding it up that matched the colour of the dress she wore; a floor length dress that wasn’t too flashy, though still managed to have some sort of wow factor. Her makeup wasn’t as heavy as she thought Alice had made it, either, with just enough glam to match the style of the dress.
Alice had already gotten ready before she’d gone to kidnap Y/N, so she was stood behind her by the mirror in an equally glamorous dress which only the Cullens would show up to a high school prom in. Sighing Y/N fiddled with the lace of her dress, meeting Alice’s gaze in the mirror.
“You’re going to have fun, Y/N,” Alice told her, and when Y/N opened her mouth to protest she merely rolled her eyes and tapped the side of her head. “I’ve already seen it. I can see the future remember?”
“Thanks Alice.” She grumbled, and Alice tutted as she shook her head.
“I’m going to pretend that wasn’t sarcastic because we need to get going. Your Prince Charming is downstairs waiting for you. And don’t even try to run away, Y/N, because I will carry you the whole way there." Alice threatened, and Y/N believed her. She was scary when she was determined on something.
“I’m not going to run away. There’s no point trying in these stupid heels.” Y/N huffed, looking down at the shoes that could snap her ankle if she wasn’t careful. She’d definitely be holding onto Jasper all night so she wouldn’t fall.
Y/N took one last look at herself in the mirror, almost insecure at the thought of herself in comparison to her boyfriends effortlessly gorgeous family, before she turned and walked out of Alice’s room with the smaller girl right behind her.
Jasper was stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for her, and how was she supposed to compare to him? He was absolutely flawless, a creature made to be that beautiful, and she was just his plain human girlfriend. She wasn’t even sure what he saw in her really. He was wearing a suit that didn’t even seem to have one crease in it, a dark blue tie that matched the colour of her dress around his collar. Alice must’ve picked it for him.
When she reached the bottom of the stairs she didn’t hesitate before stepping into his open arms, and sighed as she relaxed into the cold embrace. Never did she think that the cold would be so comforting.
“Stop it,” Jasper mumbled into her hairline, and it caused a blush to form over her cheeks when she realised her could feel her insecurity. He let his hands rest on her shoulders and pulled her back enough to look at her, her head having to tilt upwards to see him due to the height difference. “You’re beautiful, darlin’, stop comparing yourself.” Her face was flaming when his cold hand rested on her cheek, and she sighed as she leaned into the stone touch.
“Sorry, it’s kinda hard when my boyfriend looks like he’s been sculpted by the gods and I look like a child’s clay figure.” Y/N mumbled, causing his thumb to tap her cheek in reprimand to her words, shaking his head.
“What did I say?” He raised his eyebrows, and she rolled her eyes, though kept her mouth shut.
His hand left her cheek and not a moment later was he holding a corsage out towards her; the same colour as his tie and her dress. “Y/N,” Jasper started, a slight smirk over his lips as he knew what her answer would he already. “Will you go to the prom with me?”
“It’s not like I have any other choice,” She sighed, though yelped in surprise when Alice was suddenly beside her to pinch her arm. “I mean yes of course.” She corrected, and satisfied with her answer, Alice smiled and was gone again.
Jasper chucked at the interaction as he gently lifted her hand so he could gently slip the corsage into her wrist, securing it gently, before his cold fingers were grasping her’s and he lifted her hand to gently press his cold lips to the soft skin of the back of his hand.
She knew that he was still pretty reserved when it came to physical affection. Hugs he could handle, and gentle touches on her arm and back, though she knew his struggle with bloodlust so she knew that actual kisses were few and far between. Which she really didn’t mind, because touched like that, a kiss to the back of her hand, meant so much more - and sent butterflies fluttering through her stomach and a pink tint to settle over her cheeks.
Jasper must’ve felt the shift in her emotions because he smiled fondly and gave a gentle squeeze to her hand before he let it go again.
“Shall we?” He gestured to the door, which was now open as Alice left the house, sending Y/N a warning look as she did.
“We shall.” Managing a smile she linked her arm with his and allowed him to walk her out of the house towards the Cullen’s many expensive cars, managing to forget about any of her insecurities to just enjoy the night with her boyfriend. And not give Alice a reason to actually kill her.
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
A Cruel Favor
Regulus Black x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
Request: Could I get and angsty and sad blurb with Regulus? Nothing specific in mind, Regulus’ entire life is pretty tragic already- just throwing some strained and kind of heartbreaking romance into that mix sorry i like pain this is how i cope
Summary: Your relationship with the youngest Black brother in the form of memories seen in a pensieve by Sirius Black.
Warnings: Death, sadness, crying, the dark mark, ghosts
Word Count: 3265
Author's Note: babe you asked for a blurb and i just did not listen i am so sorry, if you'd still like a blurb let me know and i'll whip up a little short piece but regardless i hope you enjoy this 😌
“You didn’t know him! You didn’t want to know him!” Your voice bellowed, trembling with the burning anger you held in your heart for the eldest Black brother.
It was true, back when the war was just ‘politics’ and the ‘Dark Lord’ a name whispered behind closed doors, Sirius Black had already made up his mind about his family- Regulus included.
“He was my brother.” Sirius spoke the statement as if just the mere fact of relation was supposed to trump that he hadn't even spoken to his brother in the months prior to his death.
You let out a bitter laugh, “Don’t lie for the sake of saving face, you never saw him as a brother; not then and certainly not now.”
Sirius seemed taken aback by your accusation, his words getting lost on his tongue for a moment before he quickly regained his fiery passion for argument.
“He betrayed me.”
“You were the one who betrayed him!” Your accusatory finger pointed at Sirius.
The eldest Black brother’s features went stoney, “The moment he decided to get that mark, was the moment he lost his name as my brother.”
Everything in the mangey old house seemed to still, a silence falling so powerful you could hear a pin drop. Your slow footsteps were exaggerated in the quiet, each creak ringing in both yours and Sirius’ ears. With a tired hand, you pushed a small pouch onto the surface of the dining room table, the vials inside clinking together softly.
“They’re numbered.” You breathed out. “There is so much you don’t know, Sirius.”
You walked through the door and onto the street hastily, not wasting any time to apparate back home.
Sirius sat down in the nearest chair with a huff, his knees spread as his shoulders slid down the back of the chair. He hadn’t remembered just how far up his brother’s ass you were.
Roughly, he rubbed his face with his palms before lazily reaching for the dark velvet pouch on the table. The emerald green reminded him not only of his brother, but of his entire family, the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Sirius couldn’t help the groan that left his mouth at the memories of his family that seemed to plague his mind.
Fittingly, Sirius opened the pouch to reveal just that. The silvery, viscous tendrils that floated through each vial were immediately recognized by the pureblood. You had given him your memories...and a letter.
You deserve to know him.
Sirius’ curiosity regarding what secrets of his brother’s seemed to be swimming in the vials bubbled over, he was sure 12 Grimmauld Place was harbouring a pensieve somewhere within its walls, he’d just have to get up and find it.
17 October 1974
Barty Crouch Jr. was an insolent child, the type to collect bones and listen to them rattle. He had a nervous tick, his tongue slithering past his lips every so often in a manner that was so serpentine it made your skin prick.
“Come on then, L/N, be a good little girl and do as I say.”
You threw down your quill in frustration, “Bugger off, Crouch. I’ve said no.”
“Don't be like that,” Barty smirked, coming closer to where you were sitting. “It’s only some homework. You were going to do yours anyway, why not get some extra practice in by doing mine too?”
“I’d rather have unforgivables practiced on me than do anything you ask.”
His sickly sweet smile wasn’t one you were expecting, his voice low and threatening, “That can be arranged.”
Your blood ran cold as you watched his nimble fingers move toward his wand pocket in his robes. Truthfully, you should’ve known better. Being in the same house as Barty allowed you the luxury of hearing all the gossip surrounding him and his hobbies, dark magic and curses being at the top of that list.
The cold baritone made the sandy-haired menace stop in his tracks, his face contorting into an expression of mild annoyance and frustration.
“There’s no need for you to be acting like a child. Quite humiliating asking someone else to do your work, isn’t it, Crouch? Are you too thick to get it done yourself?”
Barty turned to look at his friend, words jumbling as he tried to figure out how to get himself out of the hole he had dug.
“Reg-” The stone-like stare had Barty cowering and mouth snapping shut, the boy seemingly trying to fold in on himself.
With a simple nod of his head, Regulus directed the him to make himself useful elsewhere, but you were far too taken by the handsome boy in front of you to notice the stomping footsteps of Barty’s as he left. Of course you had known of Regulus Black, seen him from afar and even once had Transfiguration with him, but seeing him up close was an experience in and of itself. His skin was ghostly pale, hair dark and wavy as it fell just below his ears, and his cheekbones were high accentuating the slant of his nose. Regulus Black was beautiful, everything about him seemed to be placed just right and sculpted with the utmost care and attention.
He turned to you, your eyes meeting before he gave you an appraising look.
“Regulus.” His hand struck out, a rather rugged introduction.
Slowly, you took his hand in yours and proceeded to shake it. You couldn’t seem to rid yourself of the feeling that your hand was far too dirty, far too boring to be touching his, to even be near his.
“Y/n L/n, thank you- for that.” You were proud of yourself for not allowing your voice to shake.
“I’m sorry he was a bother.”
Regulus seemed to lack the ability of holding a conversation, he nodded- you assumed a goodbye- and got ready to make his way to the dorms.
“Wait,” Your voice came out before you could stop it. “You could stay, I’m almost done anyway. We could...talk.”
The suggestion had the boy's ears turning pink, his words coming out stuttered and jumbled, a stark contrast from the boy who had told off Barty so eloquently.
“If you- alright.”
You thought for a moment before speaking again, “You’re not very good at talking to people are you?”
“Excuse my blatant honesty, but you make me quite nervous.”
It was your turn to have your ears turn a soft hue of red, “I could say the same about you.”
5 April 1975
“Haven’t you got your own side of the blanket? Must you be so close to me?” You giggled, trying to roll away from Regulus while still avoiding the grass.
Regulus smiled, his eyes closing and nose scrunching in thought before he spoke, “I prefer to be close to you; making sure you won’t run out on me.”
Both of you began giggling, his head falling to nudge your shoulder. Ultimately, Regulus shuffled away from your side, allowing just about a foot of space in between your bodies. The wind rustled your hair as you turned your neck to look at the youngest Black as he sat up, his legs stretched and crossed at the ankles, arms propping himself up as his palms pressed flat against the floor.
It was no secret that Regulus was beautiful. His dark hair- now gently flowing in the cool breeze- stood out against his pale skin, freckles were dusted delicately over his aristocratic nose and sharp cheekbones. You could tell he’d never worked a day in his life with how handsome and soft his hands were. His fingers were long and slender, never dry or rough, and his nails perfectly trimmed and always clean.
Regulus Black was absolutely perfect and you were regretting ever complaining about his proximity.
You were quick to right your wrong, bashfully you raised yourself onto all fours and crawled over to your boyfriend. Regulus tried to hold in his smirk, avoiding turning to look at you directly but you could tell his resolve was breaking.
“Regulus…” You spoke his name with an innocent lilt, sitting back on your shins once you were close enough to have your knees touching his thigh.
He hummed, not giving you the satisfaction of having his full attention.
A huff of frustration fell past your lips at his stubbornness as you threw your leg over his thighs, straddling his legs just above his knees. His composure was thinning, a wide smile threatening to spread across his thin lips.
“You’re far too close,” he teased, his hand coming up as if trying to stop you from getting any closer. “I believe you are on my side of the blanket, L/n.”
“Don’t be so fickle, Black.”
Regulus’ pale blue eyes found yours, his delicate hand coming up to run across the delicate collar of your dress.
“It’s in my nature isn’t it?” His eyes held a certain sadness that you could not place, one you wouldn’t see again until a few years later.
Your lips parted to respond to him, only to be interrupted by a Hogwarts ghost floating nearby. It was a ghost neither you nor Regulus were familiar with and as she passed she mumbled something- rather spitefully- about young love. The event had your train of thought derailed, a quiet giggle erupting from your throat as the transparent, deceased woman floated on.
Regulus seemed to find the woman just as amusing as you did, his eyes crinkling with laughter as you two now looked at each other in fits of hysterics.
“Oh her poor soul!” You exclaimed, eyes looking off in the direction she had gone. “If you were a ghost, Reg, where would you haunt with your undead presence.”
His expression contorted into one of reminiscence, “Uncle Alphard’s cherry orchard just a few kilometers from Monts de Venasque. When we were little, Sirius and I would play in the trees. I could sit in those cherry trees for hours, everything just seemed to disappear. Alphard’s been burned off the tapestry since, but he’s left the property in my possession along with the small house on the land. I think if I were to choose one place to spend eternity, it would be there.”
You smiled softly at his answer.
“And you?” He asked, bringing you out of your lovesick haze.
“Me?” You chuckled. “I’d suppose my eternity would be well spent as long as I was somewhere with you.”
28 June 1976
It seemed the entirety of 12 Grimmauld Place shook with how hard Sirius had slammed the front door.
He was gone.
Completely and entirely gone.
And Regulus was completely and entirely alone now.
Regulus swiftly made his way up the stairs and to his room, just barely avoiding a collision with the poor house elf.
“Y/n’s room.” The words were spoken clearly and concisely as the floo powder fell from his shaky hands.
The time of night- 2:27 am- was of little importance to Regulus, he needed to see you.
You woke up with a jolt, the sound of someone stumbling into your room and panicked mumbling doing nothing to ease your nerves though the mop of dark curls had your heart calming down.
He turned to look at you with heartbroken eyes, watery and bloodshot.
“He’s gone.” He choked out.
You kicked the blankets off yourself and stood up from your bed, bare feet hitting the cold floor.
Keeping a calm tone you slowly got closer to him, “Who’s gone, love?”
His pain was so evident, rolling off him in waves, “Sirius- he’s not coming back.”
“Oh,” You sighed, treading lightly. “I’m sur-”
“No!” He cried, “Burned off the tapestry, probably with the Potters- he’s gone an-and he left me with them.”
Regulus’ anguish, tear stained cheeks, had your own eyes welling with unshed tears. It was clear words would do nothing to calm him, instead you opted for pushing yourself into him and taking his crying form into your arms. His body seemed to give out as you held him, his tears soaking your shirt as he wailed into your neck.
Neither of you could tell how long you stood in the middle of your room seemingly holding him together, but his cries subsided into gentle whimpers and the occasional sniffle as his nose nudged the side of your neck.
His voice came out rough and strained, just barely above a whisper, “Please don’t- don’t leave me like Si- like he did.”
You could feel your heart shatter, “Wouldn’t dream of it, darling.”
“I don’t know how I would’ve survived in this mess if I had never known you.”
Your breath came out ragged as you spoke the truest words you've ever dared to speak, “My heart beats for you, Regulus.”
30 December 1979
His forearm itched.
It seemed to always have an odd itch ever since he was sixteen.
Regulus watched your form get closer, bundled in a thick overcoat and a dark blue scarf- Christmas present from himself- wrapped neatly around your neck. You were the picture of beauty, like a living doll with your soft smile and adoring eyes.
“My love.” You greeted him, leaning in to place a soft kiss against his cold cheek.
His eyes seemed distant, your only greeting a tight lipped smile.
Your eyebrows knit together, “Everything alright?”
Regulus nodded, his eyes swimming with a sadness so familiar, “Just taking you in.”
He pulled off his leather gloves, stuffing them deep in his coat pocket before reaching his hand out to hold your jaw, his thumb running across your skin. The action was comforting and you couldn’t help but close your eyes to savour the feeling of his thumb caressing your cheekbone.
You let out a small gasp when you felt him take your lips in a slow kiss. It was passionate, loving, yet there was a certain finality to it that had a shiver run up your spine in the most unpleasant way.
“I have the cruelest favor to ask of you, and I can only hope you’ll forgive me once I do.”
Your stomach dropped, “What do you mean, Regulus? What- what favor?”
“Please, try to understand-”
“What favor?”
“I couldn’t-”
“Tell me what the favor is, Regulus.”
Your voice had an edge to it that made him compose himself almost instantly.
He took a breath before speaking, his eyes looking off somewhere behind you as he spoke, “He’s getting stronger.”
You didn’t need to ask who this ‘he’ was, the tone made it very clear.
“He has these… horcruxes. Incredibly dark magic, I don't know how many but I know of one. It’s hidden and I’ve found out the location, I can destroy it I know I can but-”
His tone was hushed and your heart rate had started to pick up speed.
“But you don’t know if you’ll live to tell the tale?” You asked with a humorless laugh.
The look in Regulus’ eyes had told you, you were right.
“I can’t let him continue. If this could stop him, weaken him even, it’s worth whatever the consequence to myself may be.” He argued.
You pushed yourself further from him, “I can’t- I won’t lose you. No, there’s no way.”
His expression shifted into one of sorrow and pleading, “I have to.”
And you knew there was no changing his mind.
You bit the side of your lip anxiously, looking at the ground before asking, “And this favor?”
The heartbreak was almost palpable, his voice going raw.
“I cannot be fully prepared to do anything that is necessary to destroy this horcrux if-”
He cut himself off with an intake of breath.
“If I know you’ll be waiting for my return, if I know what I have to leave behind I may be tempted to not go through with my plan.”
You couldn’t help but feel and look horrified, “What are you asking of me, Regulus?”
He seemed to flinch at the tone of your voice, a tone you’d never used before and one he couldn’t name.
“I need you to obliviate yourself from my memory.”
It felt as though your chest had collapsed in on itself, “I-I couldn-”
“You have to!” Regulus cried, his arms gripping the sides of your face as you couldn’t help but let a choked sob escape from your lips. “It’s the only way I’ll be able to go through with it, I can't know that there’s a possibility of leaving you.”
“Please, Regulus, you can’t ask this of me.” You choked out, searching his eyes for some sort of humor, something that told you it was all a cruel joke.
He pressed his lips against your forehead, both of your eyes closing as you two took in short, ragged breaths.
Everything seemed darker. The flowers in the Black garden were cold and dead, the snow wasn’t snow at all, instead dangerous sheets of ice. It was then you realized the war, the death eaters, everything had become so real.
“There is a letter on your bed at home, I’ve settled everything for you. I’m going to stand against the pillar, my back to you, and you are going to do it from behind the hedges so we won’t see each other after. You need to leave once it’s done alright?”
You nodded solemnly, knowing there was no use in fighting it. The cause was bigger than you, bigger than Regulus. Everyone made sacrifices, this just had to be yours.
“My heart beats for you, Y/n, whether I know it or not.”
“And mine for you, Regulus.” You smiled sadly, pulling his wrist up to your face and pulling back his sleeve to reveal his dark mark, pressing a kiss to the skin you spoke, “You aren’t them, you never were and you never will be.”
Regulus smiled but said nothing as he lowered his arms and put his gloves back on. With slow steps he walked to the pillar and looked back at you one last time.
“I’m just taking you in.” He whispered, before slowly turning.
You took your wand from your coat as you took even slower steps to stand just far enough for him not to notice you after it had been done. Regulus felt his resolve crumble with each crunch of your boots against the frozen ground, his eyes screwed shut- tears rolling down his face freely- as he prepared for what was coming.
With a shaky hand you raised your wand.
Sirius seemed to be thrown back from the pensieve, as if the memory had rejected him from viewing any longer, still sensitive. He felt an odd tickling sensation run down his cheek, his hand raising to brush away a stray tear as he fell into a nearby chair.
He never knew…
You pushed open the backdoor of your small home, the warm scent of cherry trees welcoming you. The sun was just barely starting to set as you looked off into the horizon of the vast field of trees, if you looked long enough you could make out the handsome silhouette of a boy you once knew sitting up in a cherry tree.
Only a few short months later, the lone figure would be joined by another… a brother.
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wpdarlingpan · 3 years
Hello! I recently follow you and read your writing of DC. I love it, your writing are really good! For a request, i have this idea...
Platonic yandere Damian wayne with twin sister reader. Maybe, when they were kids, he used to be hated her because she was excelent in everything and have a little care and love from Talia. But she really care for his brother and then Ra al-ghul put them to fight among themselves on a cliff to see who was going to be the future leader and in a bad move, they ended up hanging up in the cliff. Then his sister, not wanting to see his brother die, brings him back to the surface and she ends up falling. Damian didn't know how to react and only receive a slap from his mother .
How about, after Damian goes to live with Bruce and being the new Robin, in one of the fights with Slade and his partner, this partner decides to let himself be trapped so that Slade can escape. In the Batcave, they take off the mask to discover that it is their sister, but someone very different, with another personality, cold, somewhat insane, hostile and very intelligent like that, because she was submerged in the Lazarus pit by Slade, who consider as a parent. Maybe Damian will try to reason with her and apologize for what he did to her. She tells him that it is too late and a smoke bomb explodes to reveal that Slade came for his daughter. She, determined, goes with him, but Damian tries to stop her, but is defeated and tells him that he should never have saved him, to see how Damian tears up and before leaving, he laughs and says "I didn't know that demons cry "
it could be possible? Thanks!!
Ukht: Sister in Arabic
Title: Not Again
Talia was surprised when she gave birth to twins. The boy a few minutes sooner than the girl. She was glad as well as they had two lethal weapons instead of one.
Two children with the blood of Talia Al Ghul and The Batman.
There was a boy she named Damian and she name the girl Y/N. She cared for them a short time after they were born then they were cared for mostly by maids.
As they grew older Damian began to despise his younger sister. She was perfect at everything and he was always second best. He believed she got all the love of their mother and grandfather and left him with none.
They were 10 when they were dropped at the top of the tallest mountain on their land and told to fight to determine the next Leader of the League Of Assassins. They were equals. They fought for hours as they each met each attack with one of equal force same with defense. They were bloody and bruised and Y/N couldn’t bare to hurt her brother anymore. But we she was about to give, she didn’t notice how close to the edge they were. The stood facing each other with their feet barely not over the edge but as Damian attack he knocked himself over the edge because he lost balance as he grew angry and let his emotions over ride his training. But as he fell he grabbed onto his sisters leg and she was pulled down with him. The didn’t fall far as they ended hanging onto a small ledge not to far from the top of the mountain.
Y/N knew what she had to do, but did she have the strength to do it is what she was questioning to herself.
She grabbed the rope she had attached to her belt and used one hand to toss it up and luckily for her it landed around a tall rock while the other end flew back down. The two ends of the rope were next to her and she leaned over and attached the rope to Damians belt as he struggled to hold on. He looked over once he felt the weight on his belt and he looked back at her questioningly.
“I love you Damian.” She said as she grabbed onto one end of the rope, pulling Damian up to the top as she used as much of the weight she could to work as a pulley system. She didn’t want him to bed up falling back down so as soon as she saw he was safely to the top, or as safe as you could be on the top of the mountain. She let go.
Damian screamed as he saw his sister fall beneath the clouds to her death, and he couldn’t do anything. He hated her all of his life for reasons she could not control and he didn’t realize that he never triplet hated her until he realized he never had been without her. She patched him up after fights in the middle of the night so he couldn’t protest, gave his pieces of food, tried to show him love but he wouldn’t accept it, not from her. 
He regretted it now.
A assassin flew a helicopter up to the mountain with Talia in the back going to collect Damian. Once she arrived and Damian had fought the pain and walked onto the helicopter, Talia slapped him sending him to the floor with a red hand print on his cheek. He wouldn’t cry, never.
They arrived back at the compound and Talia led him to Ra’s. Of course they talked about everything he did wrong then made him practice for 5 hours until it was perfect. After they sent him away to sleep he had nightmares of his sisters death, and how he hated her all those years.
The next day he was sent to live with his father after the league was attacked and Ra’s was killed. His mother handed him off and later on he decided to stay with his father even after he was to be brought back to the league. It had been a few months since then and Batman and Robin were in the middle of a fight with Slade otherwise known as deathstroke. He was a powerful force to be reckoned with. But even worse now, as he had a sidekick.
A fully masked figure wearing fighting gear and knifes strapped to their thigh, not to mention the very sharp Katana they were wielding, it was a difficult task for them both. But Batman dodged a stroke from the blade and the blade hit a gas pipe, as it was about to explode Slade ran off and Batman was about to go follow before she tackled him to the ground. They fought for a good couple seconds before Robin joined the fight and she was knocked out.
Batman and Robin swung out of the warehouse with Batman holding the masked figure as the pipe exploded leaving behind a burning building.
They put her in handcuffs and put her in the back of the batmobile as they drove home.
“Who do you think she is Batman?”
“I’m not sure.”
They drove home in silence, when did Slade get a partner?
Once in the bat cave they tied her to a chair before Alfred fixed up their cuts. The figure began to slowly wake up and she struggled in the chair before settling while staring at the duo.
“Why were you with Slade? A partner? Sidekick? Apprentice?” She doesn’t respond and continued to glare. The Bat stared right back and couldn’t help but think she was very short, just a inch or two below Damian. Her eyes seemed young as well but didn’t hold any innocence.
“You heard him, who are you?!” Damian demanded by Robin put a hand on his shoulder
They still didn’t respond. But, an idea came to mind. If she gave away her identity it would distract them enough for her to initiate a plan.
“Take off my mask Damian and see.” She spoke ominously while they both looked in shock that she knew his identity. He got over it and quickly ripped off her mask and he was staring into eyes alike to his own.
“Miss me? I’m sure you didn’t.”
“Who is she Damian?”
“He never told you about me?” She asked with a fake point then proceeded to smirk.
“Damian?” Batman questioned further but all domain could do was stare.
“I’m his twin sister.” If there was a time the bat had showed that he was shocked it would have been when he found out about Damian, but this one rivaled it.
He looked over to Damian but Damian turned away.
“Yep, his little sister only by a few minutes.”
Damian and Bruce took off the masks looked at her. Bruce saw the resemblances, between Damian and her, between her and himself.
Damian knelt in front of her and stared into her eyes.
“Forgive me ukht, please forgive me.” Tears gathered in his eyes surprising y/n. Damian crying? That’s not possible.
“Forgive you for what Damian?” Bruce questioned staring at his children.
Y/N had her lips pursed so Damian responded.
“Our mother and grandfather put us against each other in a mountain… it was a fight to the death to determine who would be the heir to the league. We fought for hours before I let me emotions lead and I fell. I grabbed onto y/n and she came down with me. We felt onto a ledge with barely enough room for us to hold on.” Bruce’s eyes are wide and slightly teary. “She grabbed her rope and made a pulley system. I was slipping, she tied it to my belt and jumped, telling me she loved me. Pulling me to the top as she Plummeted down. She fell, or rather let go so I could live.”
“And yet here we are.” She spoke snarky glaring at Damian.
“How are you here then?” Bruce questioned feeling as if he knew the answer. Jason was a standing example.
“You already know Bruce. The Lazarus Pit. Just like how it brought back Robin #2.” She smirked as he glared slightly. Damian glared back at their father as he needed to calm down.
“But did you know something Batman?” 
“What is it Y/N?”
“We always have a back up plan.”
With that the wall bursted open and Y/N shook of the robes she had been working away with a small knife. She held up a small tracker she had on her and smirked at their surprise faces. The duo threw on their masks even though their identity’s were already known.
Slade walked in with swords at the ready and he threw one to Y/N.
“Nice to see you.” Slade smirked at her.
“To you as well.”
“Ready to go?” He questioned her ignoring the bat and the bird.
“Ready when you are.” They nodded slightly and
Slade attacked Batman while she got Damian. With the help of a smoke Bomb and their disorientation from the information that she was alive, they were fairly easy to take down. They knocked the duo down to the floor and tied their legs together, just to give them enough time to escape.
“You can’t go! Not again.” Damian yelled with tears streaming down his face. He couldn’t lose her, not again.
“Wow look at that Slade.”
“What is it Y/N?” He played along as they turns towards the whole in the wall.
“I didn’t know Demons could cry. You learn something new everyday.”
Slade tossed another smoke Bomb into the cave as the last dispersed, distracting Damian and Bruce since they had almost gotten out of the rope, and got far away from the duo.
Damian stared at the hole in the wall in a mix of anger and sadness. Bruce in shock still.
Damian sobbed and fell to the floor in tears.
“Not again.”
Hopefully you liked it! Sorry it wasn’t too Yandere, I wasn’t sure how to make him a Yandere with this. But I how it was still good. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day! ♡
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Uhmmm.... so I had a prompt idea. What if hero arrested villain, and handed him to the authorites, and he basically told her that he'd make her pay for it. Then hero goes to the prison for a different reason weeks later, where she sees villain, terrified, sick, and drugged. So, she reluctantly takes him home and cares for him. She is scared he will attack her when he's lucid, but when he does fully wake up, he's just terrified.
This is such a good idea! I saw your submission right before I went to bed and laid there thinking about it, so as you can see I was quite excited to write it.
Paying For It
Warnings: threats, horrible treatment by authorities, left to be sick, fever, blood, drugged, forced sedation, unconsciousness, nightmares, smoking mention, paralysis (due to sickness), sick animal analogy, delirium
"You will pay for this," he growled as the handcuffs clicked into place. "I will make you you pay for this and not by money, no-" a chuckle "- I will hurt you."
Hero shuddered as she walked down the icy path back to the same prison that she recently turned Villain into. Horrible thoughts of that said villain breaking out and torturing her flooded into her mind, making her already chilly veins even colder. She hugged her fleece tighter around her and adjusted her scarf, suddenly wishing she wore her winter coat.
Before she knew it, Hero was trotting up the steps towards the concrete building. It was, by design, barren yet strong.
She had some documents to bring to the office. There was a new supervillain in town, actually more like ten, but Hero only managed to get information about the one. They most likely moved in after the biggest threat around, Villain, was arrested.
She opened the door, closing it quietly, and walked up to the desk. The hero, a young boy, most likely a sidekick holding down the fort while his mentor went to do something else, sitting up there was lazily playing a video game on his phone.
Hero coughed to get his attention. The boy didn't respond.
"Hello?" Hero asked.
The boy startled, tossing his phone backwards. "I wasn't," he defended, "on my phone, I swear."
"Uh huh," Hero grunted, sliding the papers over to the boy. "Where's your boss?"
"Probably smoking or something," the boy chuckled, then stopped and looked at Hero with a nervously apologetic expression. "I shouldn't have- you weren't meant to know."
Hero shook her head and said, "I don't care about my colleagues personal habits, but can you get him for me?"
The boy nodded and rushed off, returning later with a stern looking man.
"Superhero," Hero acknowledged, nodding slightly. He smiled then looked at the papers on the desk.
"Are these about..." He looked up at Hero.
"The new villain, yes," Hero finished his sentence, crossing her arms.
"Good, very good," Superhero momentarily flipped through them. In that silence, a thought bubbled up in Hero's mind.
"How's Villain?" She asked. "It's been awhile."
Superhero's face paled, as his toe nervously tapped the floor. Hero raised an eyebrow.
"We've had some... issues, so Villain is spending sometime in detention," Superhero said. He coughed, then said in an overly joyful tone, "Thanks for this Hero, do you want me to escort you to your car?"
"I would actually like to see Villain. Maybe I can, you know, talk to him about his behavior," Hero declined the offer, stepping in front of the papers. Something isn't right...
"Well you see, that wouldn't be beneficial. If anything it would be detrimental towards Villain's... redemption," Superhero pointed out, unconsciously chewing at his lip.
"We aren't a redemption center, Superhero," Hero said quietly, almost a whisper. "Let me see Villain or-" Hero grabbed the papers and proceeded to rip them "- these aren't your's."
Superhero rushed forward, putting his hands on top of Hero's and slid the papers back towards him. He gave a tiny smile and consented to her request.
They walked down the corridor and then down a couple flight of stairs until they reached a steel door with three locks- all with different keys. Hero watched with a stoned expression, thinking about what would happen if one of those keys were unfortunately lost...
"He's in here," Superhero spoke, dancing on his feet.
Hero stepped into the dark room, recognizing the detention cell that she helped invent, and flipped on the lights.
In the corner of the capacious cell, was a huddled figure. His back was towards her, legs spread out. With a pang in her chest, Hero walked up to him.
"V-villain," Hero breathed and crouched next to the figure. Villain whimpered and pulled himself deeper into himself, but his legs didn't seem to be connected to his brain.
Hero gently rolled Villain's head up to face her and nearly gasped when she took in the sight. He looked like a sick, stray cat. Mucus drained out of his nose as vomit spewed out from the corner of his mouth. His half-lidded eyes were bloodshot and had deep eyebags underneath with dried blood coating his cheeks. He had multiple, nasty cold sores all around his lips- or were they infected cuts? Maybe both.
"Why is he in this state?" Hero asked, astounded. This violated so many regulations and rules- the prison could be shut down, many heroes arrested or fined.
Superhero didn't respond. Instead, he appeared at Hero's side and crouched down next to Villain. The villain who didn't even seem to be aware of their presences.
Hero grabbed one of the wrists that were so protectively cuddled next to Villain's chest. He whimpered, trying to resist Hero's touch.
"No," he mumbled. "No no no no. Don't give... m-more... that mm stop." Villain started to breath heavily, his already fast pulse speeding up. With a heavy heart, Hero knew without even looking that he was drugged badly.
"Superhero... why?" Hero squeaked, turning over a wrist to see them heavily bruised and still bleeding from his most recent dose.
Villain started thrashing, but his legs wouldn't move.
"Why can't he move?" Hero asked, running a hand along Villain's shoulder. "Why can't he move his legs?!"
Superhero inhaled deeply then said, "He's very sick, uh... he probably has some sort of infection that makes it hard for him to move his lower body. Maybe, I don't really know."
"You don't even know what's wrong with your prisoner," Hero scoffed in disbelief, dragging Villain's limp body into her lap. She tried not to notice the wetness seeping into her jeans. It would only infuriate her that such a sick person would be kept in a wet and cold cell on top of being drugged daily without any medicines to help kick his fever.
"He's sick."
"I'm taking him home," Hero said, and scooped his way too light form up. His legs dangled uselessly, head falling off towards the side.
"That's illegal," Superhero pointed out. "He is in our custody now."
"And where does our rules permit excessive use of sedatives," Hero said in the same, authoritive tone. "Minimal use only to relax a distressed prisoner and only when necessary. Also, never to the point of unconsciousness." Hero gestured with her head towards Villain's closed eyes.
"And where do they permit us heroes to contain a villain on private property?" Superhero tutted. "Set him down and let me do my job."
"I'll call the authorities," Hero threatened, "and take you to court."
Superhero groaned and threw his hands in the air. That was not a risk he could take.
"Fine," he growled, storming out of the room, leaving Hero in silence other than the slow dripping from a leaky pipe.
She quickly tore off her fleece and wrapped Villain's shivering body up. His eyes fluttered open and he mumbled something incoherently, but that was all as his eyelids slipped closed once again.
Then, she carried his ragdoll-like body out of the prison, down those steps, and into her car.
She laid Villain's limp form on one of the backseats, propping his lolling head against the window and buckled him in. His arms hung lifeless at his sides, legs completely devoid of strength.
With a nervous whimper, Hero sped home.
At home, Hero took a warm washcloth and wiped off the dried blood and mucus to reveal unevenly toned skin underneath. She delicately picked the dry crust off his eyelashes and eyebrows. It was rock hard and the warm water wouldn't loosen it, so she was forced to pull on the tiny hairs. At least he wasn't conscious for the pinpoints of pain.
Hero suddered, thinking about what would happen when he did wake up. Surely, he would keep to his word and hurt her, beating her up for imprisoning him and then of course this newfound dilemma.
She looked down at his sleeping form and sighed. She had him elevated to make sure his airways stayed clear, but his head kept falling to the side and onto the backrest of her daybed. His lips quivered, forming soundless words and pleas.
Hero gently touched his forehead, retreating at the burning heat. His eyes slowly blinked open at the contact, he moaned, and then they rolled back again and closed.
Hero sat next to him for rest of the day, worriedly anticipating his attitude upon awakening. However, as the hours went on and Villain didn't seem to be regaining consciousness too much, Hero realized that they would be in for a roughly long time.
Villain was probably drugged like that the moment he entered that building and judging by his health and state of his wrists, Hero also guessed that there was no care whatsoever during the admission or the aftercare.
Hero ran her fingers over Villain's pale cheeks. His mouth was parted open and he snored slightly from the congestion. Tears leaked from his eyes, irritating the tender skin below. Hero went and grabbed some lotion, smearing the white cream over the red rashes.
Villain jerked away suddenly, curling into himself and protectively guarding his arms. His heavy breathing went shallower and quicker as tiny noises escaped his mouth. Hero sighed and stopped touching him; he was likely trapped in a nightmare.
Hours turned into days, and only then was Villain awake enough to be aware of Hero's looming presence.
Though, his reaction was not what Hero was expecting.
He screamed, shoving himself and his weak form to a corner of the bed and gathering his leaden limbs into a huddled mass of burning skin. He shrieked and sobbed, and watched Hero with wide, exhausted eyes.
"Leave me alone!" He yelled, pulling up the covers in a bade to protect himself. "Please."
Hero never once in her life felt so utterly useless.
She was, like Villain promised she would, paying for her actions.
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