#he was just short and looked like maybe he had an enlarged heart cause he looked a lot like an old friend of mine
bloodanddiscoballs · 2 years
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Dottore with short drabble “You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it.”
Something angsty pls? Thank you!
Tainted Glass [Dottore x Reader/Genshin Impact]
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Synopsis: Can you escape the prison you made?
(A twisted Cinderella story. The girl was covered in cinders because she was fatally addicted to drowning in flames.)
Warnings: angst, emotional abuse, violence, death
(A/n): To be honest anon, I didn’t know what the word ‘drabble’ means until I googled it. I uh...hope you don’t mind the length :> 
You fell back against the cold hard floor with your arms bent and head turned sideways. The stinging pain spreads across your cheek. It burns. But your mind was still trying to register what had just came into fruition. 
The thought was so foreign somehow as if you could hardly believe he was doing this. But then the scene plays in your head again. You froze, your gaze enlarged and clueless while staring at the pale ground as it slowly begins to darken in the seeping movement of his menacing, haunting shadow. 
"Insolent woman, you wretch!" He spat in a disgusted tone, "How dare you speak to me in such demanding manner? Have I already told you, only talk when you have something important to say?"
You didn't respond, rather you merely let the strands fall in front of your vision as you gingerly pressed your hand against the place where he hit you. 
I…don't quite understand…
Dottore glowers down at your hunched form. He was never a man known for the virtue of patience. This man, the one who calls him your husband, you learned a long time ago to not meet his eyes as they would signal a hint of dominance amidst his authority, especially during moments like these. You came to feel his eyes instead, they were usually intense and full of wrath, sometimes crazed and curious while looking at his finest creations. He always loved experimenting in his labratory. After all, it was the only thing that could truly make the madman smile.
What is it that I'm missing? Where did I go wrong?
And you would do anything to obtain at least a fraction of the love he had left in his heart. 
He marches onward with heavy footsteps, paying no mind to your well-being, "Tch get out of my sight. I don't have the time to entertain with anymore these theatrics."
At the sound of him leaving you darted your attention towards him, "Wait, come back. Come back, " you plea softly, "Hector…" But he ignores your call. The back of your fiance disappears behind the door and slams it with a resounding thud. He was gone. You couldn't save him.
"No," As a result, you burried your face into your palms and cried.
“I'm sorry.”
What is love?
Being raised in one of the most prestigious bloodlines of Fontaine, a life filled with riches since your parents were well known scholars throughout Teyvat, they provided you and your family with everything you needed. From exquisite dishes to priceless jewelry, yet even among those riches you never did find an answer to your question. They were tangibles and short-lasting, eventually leaving you with nothing until the glass of your heart was filled empty. They seemed to have cared more about their fortune along with the brightest child of their family line, your brother, a male heir, someone who fulfilled their expectations where you couldn't do so. And because he was able to give them what they wanted, he was loved.
I see, love is conditional.
Realizing that you possessed no talent to achieve what your brother had accomplished, you came to accept that you were undeserving of their love. Love was for the smart. Love was for the gifted.  Love was for everything you are not. There was no place for your kind and thus you locked yourself up in your bedroom chambers along with your fragile heart where no one would try to find you, picking up the books upon the shelves and getting lost in their fantasies. 
They told you many beautiful things about the world and many reasons why it was so tragic. Because they weren't real. The story begins with a princess who was a kind-hearted soul, deprived from the care of her evil stepmother and dreams of marrying a prince from a land far far away. They often end on a happily ever after with the princes finding her one true love. You've never seen anything like it. Where two people, despite the struggles they went through, loved each other unconditionally.
Unconditional love only exists in dreams.
Or so you thought to believe.
One day a man marched right at the doorsteps of your mansion. He was a student coming all the way from Sumeru Academia and had high hopes of building a business partnership with your father. The man was declined of course, you watched from the garden bushes as he was sent off back into his carriage. He stops abruptly and turns his head ajar to catch your figure, his inquisitive eyes were both striking and sharp. Like thorns of a rose that was ready to prick anyone who dares to come close. Even so, they made a very lasting impression.
Red eyes.
It was the first time that someone had looked your way.
Couple of months later, the government had arranged a grand ball where all nobles would gather and commit to building their social circle. Useless events. There was no reason for you to engage. While your parents were occupied with the latest gossips and your brother surrounded by fathers who were eager to marry their daughters to him, you snuck outside to the balcony and hid away from the crowd. Quiet at last. And as things should be. The moon was your only friend because she was just like you; half empty. Maybe that was why you still had a glimmer of hope for the other half to be filled. 
Part white, you inquired, pristine and untainted. From far away it looked similar to snow. 
"My, how pleasantly surprising."
While the other part was stained with black cinders.
You glanced over your shoulder to see a man leaning against the pillar. His mint coloured bangs were slicked back in a trendy fashion, complimenting the white suit he adorned himself with. The golden chains hanging around his ebony boots dangled and clanged with each step he took forward until the light finally reveals his face.
"You seem familiar," you say while squinting your eyes, "Are you the person my father rejected back in February?"
He quirks one brow and you were afraid if you had offended him. But before you could utter an apology, the man splits his lips into a toothy grin and bursts out into a maniac-like laughter. He was completely insane, you thought to yourself. Though he paid no mind to your discomfort and continued to dwell in his amusement, "Hahaha straightforward, I like it! So what if I am? Is it a requirement to be a noble for me to simply have a chat?"
"And if I may ask why?"
"Hmmm, why?" The man reaches for the balcony and presses his back there. He threw his head backward before drilling his ruby gaze into yours, "I too am not fond of annoying crowds. Those snobbish fools thinking they're above everyone else just because they have a couple of mora when that is all they are worth. It's almost too hilarious for my own good."
You could tell there was disdain in his tone. Mainly towards your father who were one of the many unkind nobles of Fontaine and was only liked because of his success. Gripping your hands upon the stone railings, you looked down at the distant trees below while the wind rustled them apart, "I can't deny that," you say dissapointedly, "It's common for nobles not to associate with lower classes as it could potentially ruin their image. Though I may not have been there but I'm sure you had much to offer in terms of your brilliance, erm, Mister…?"
"Hector," Hector placed a palm on his chest with a polite bow following suit, "Hector Dufour-Lapointé. It is a pleasure to make you an acquaintance Lady (Y/n)."
"You know my name?"
"How could I not?" Hector smirks lazily as he danced around you, "I saw you before hiding behind the rose bushes back in your estate. Quite curious why you didn't attempt to say hello."
He even remembers that too. You fiddled with the fabric of your dress, "My apologies. I'm not use to socializing so much."
“Is that so? I think you're not giving yourself enough credit," he complimented while shrugging, "This is much more entertaining than hanging in that insufferably crowded room, it was an unexpected occurence to meet you here of all places. However, I must say time can fly if I'm able to enjoy myself."
You shifted away from his stare, "You flatter me. We've only been talking for a few minutes."
"I have yet to realize it then" Hector's cheerfulness remains at stance despite your gloomy response. He leans forward like a curious child and tosses you a question, "Then allow me to ask, what brings you out here Lady (Y/n)? I don't see any reason when your family are such highly respected people of Fontaine." 
"I'm not like them!" You retort instantly, causing the man to glance at you with skepticism, "I mean, I have nothing to do with them and they have nothing to do with me. That's just how it is. They already have Clement after all…"
Why am I telling him this?
"Ah your brother I assume. Yes so I've heard much about his genius mind. There were a few instances where he and I collaborated at Sumeru Academia," Hector speaks as if regarding to his unpleasant memories, "Although he never said anything about having a sister."
"We're not that close. And I'm not very fond of him," you confessed bluntly.
"Neither am I," Hector agreed with a scowl, "He claims his position using the knowledge derived from history books but never tries to think beyond the norm. That ignorant mindset of his will surely be his downfall one day."
"Ignorance can lead to anyone's downfall. If they turn a blind eye to the truth, so much can be taken from them," you paused shortly from rambling too much, "That's what I read in books at least."
"As expected of your lineage," he sighs whimsically, "Such avid readers."
"Well my family prefers documents and research. I've gone through them too but I will always love reading fiction."
"Ha! Seems you really are trying to be different from the rest of your family."
Seconds turn to minutes and minutes to hours, you had already forgotten about the cold breeze despite your dress being less than ideal for the outdoors. The man, although he can be a little to blathering at times, was more than what seemed to be on the surface. At first you thought of him as someone here to take advantage of your relations to your father but he seemed so sincere when listening to your stories, so eager while expressing his thoughts and even made you laugh a couple of times. You didn't realize that the clock had already struck twelve as the guests were preparing to leave but you just weren't ready to do the same.
"Until next time (Y/n)," he takes your fingers and pressed a kiss on top of them, though you were more struck by how he addressed you without honorifics, "I look forward to speaking with you again."
A warm smile graces your lips as you cursty, "Likewise Hector. Thank you for listening to me. I know I must have taken a long time."
Hector sneered but you already learned that it was simply his way of expressing amusement, "Hardly. I was thoroughly entertained."
When your parents found out about your meeting with him, they made it clear that you would never see him again. Hector Dufour-Lapointé is what he calls himself but the real name behind this man was Hector Valliere who came from a village hidden in the west of Fontaine. Rumours said that he was chased out of his hometown by an angry mob, claiming him to be a madman conducting unethical experiments on humans. Shortly after his arrival in Sumeru, he abandoned his past identity and replaced it with a new one in order to enter the academy under legal supervision. Associating with a man of a suspicious reputation would only cause harm to your family's name. Though you could barely care much about their reputation. There was nothing for you to benefit from it.
Few weeks have passed and you evetually gave up on the thought of hearing from Hector. They were only fleeting moments, nothing more. Your routine would stay the same as you kept on plucking more books off the shelves, killing whatever time you had. However the activities you used to enjoy somehow lost it's flair and there would be a slight pain in your chest whenever you turn to a page with the princess as she is surrounded by her friends. What exactly changed? Your family still treated you the same. Did you suddenly grow bored from doing the same thing everyday? Why is it that you feel much more lonelier despite being alone for so long? It was hard to tell in a singular perspective. If only there was someone here to give you some insights on things you couldn't see…
A silver bird lands by your front window and you nearly fell out of your chair as it flapped their wings violently. A machine?! They dropped what seems to be an envelope within the thick bushes before taking off and buzzing into the evening sky. You switched off the lock and lifted the glass within a single movement, snatching the piece of paper so that the wind wouldn't blow it away. Hastily you opened it. Both curious and cautious of why would anyone send you mail in such a discreet approach.
Chère Mademoiselle (Y/n),
I can only imagine the shock of your expression once reading this letter. I'm only writing to you since I assume that your father had already told you those nasty rumours about my past. No matter. I trust that you have a good head on your shoulders to not prejudge people using such miniscule details. I wish to speak with you again. Unless you have other plans staying in that stuffy room of yours, meet me behind the clock tower at 11:00 p.m. Don't be late.
Bien à vous,
"It really is him!" The happiness spreads all across your features as you clutched the letter to your chest. For some reason, your heart wouldn't stop racing. It was a simple yet thoughful action on his part but despite how short his greeting was, every word held the weight of a thousand sparks, "I…I can't stop smiling."
And without hesitation, you prepared to leave. No one noticed your absence.
It was only halfway where you realized that Hector didn't give many details redgarding why he planned this sudden event. You caught sight of him standing under the roofs with his hands hidden behind his back. He had on his signature lopsided grin, brows uneven as he glanced at you casually.
"How very punctual, were you so eager that you couldn't wait?" He teases.
"I was surprised when your bird knocked upon my window," you inform, "Is it something urgent?"
"Not at all. I merely wanted to catch up with old times," Hector tilts forward to emphasize his suggestion, "Care to indulge me for a bit?"
You crossed your arms, "Then what is it that you're hiding behind your back?"
"Hmm?" He hums, "You mean this?"
Roses. A bouquet of bright red flowers were presented to you, nicely wrapped in fabric. In the language of Fontaine, recieving them could mean multiple of things and you couldn't help but feel hesitant despite his thoughtful gesture, "Why are you giving me this?"
"Is it so wrong for me to be a gentleman? I thought it would be best to prepare you a gift after you put all that effort to come out in such a late hour," Hector mused to himself, "Especially when you had to make sure no prying eyes would catch us."
You let out a small laugh before accepting the bouquet, "I wouldn't go as far to say that."
"Oh?" Although it was hard to see, Hector managed to catch a glimpse of your flushed cheeks hidden behind the flowers. A darken smirk climbs onto his face at the inviting thought of what it could mean, "Tell me more."
The whole night you both spent walking around the empty plaza with only the stars as your guide. They paved a silver path reflected in the horizon above, free flowing like one of the many watercolour paintings hung in your chambers, uncertain where they may lead but you followed them regardless. If it weren't for Hector's inivtation you might have never known about the parts of your city due to the restricted lifestyle you lived. He listened to every one of them. The stories you had to tell when there was no one for you to talk to and the complaints about your brother whenever he wanted to snitch on your actions just to get the praise out of your father. You expressed your frustrations when speaking about your incompetences, joy after reading a good fairytale book written by your favourite author, there was so much to say that you were worried if Hector soon grew tired from them.
"Go on. I'm listening."
And your heart flutters again. Suddenly everything felt so light with each step you took, it was as if you walked across the stars in the sky rather than the heavy pavement of the ground you called your home. But even if happiness was a bliss, it tormented you. Because companionship made you realize how poor your were all along. That you had everything yet you had nothing, slowly withering away like the roses you held in your hand. Convinced that your existence was worth nothing more than nothing itself. Doomed to be dismissed and forgotten. Rotting away...Hector stays by your side as you cried softly into the night.
From a distance the bell rings and echoes just like the time before during Fontaine's grand ball. Hector shows you a secret route so that no one could find you.
"Will you write to me again?"
The request was so innocent, purely from genuine intentions and devoided of anything he had in mind. Hector would always laugh in these situations when things have gone unexpectedly yet pleasingly his way but held back knowing that it would be foolish to waste such a priceless opportunity. And so he gave you his smile, one full of secrets where you had mistakened it as a promise, "Of course my dear."
Every night you could no longer fall asleep since he had occupied your thoughts completely. Sometimes you'd dream of him and their tales would unfold similarly to the ones you have read. It gone to the point where the maids would have to wake you up during late afternoons due to the dramatic change in your sleep schedule. Though, you didn't care what they did to you. As long as no one found out about your secret rendezvous.
You never thought that there'd be a day where you would voluntarily give up reading your beloved fairytales. They were now replaced by a stash of his letters that have been accumulated over the past few months. You read them each day, pacing back and forth within the walls of your room, whispering his sentences as if he were the one saying them to you. He made you feel special. You were addicted to this feeling. Eventually you managed to memorize his words by heart. 
The pages of your diary were filled with notes. Like your very own  fairytale carved into reality. From the rose petal, now dried, to the hairpin he snatched from a distracted merchant and a single strand of his hair you found within your cloak after a warm embrace, all of these items, a remnant of the man you loved were taped up in these pages. Sometimes you could even feel his prescence because it was all you needed. It didn't matter if Clement threw insults about how worthless your existence was, your parents could lock you in this prison if they wanted to but they shall never take away Hector from you. Never. You swear it. He was your whole world and the prince who saved you from a life made of aching emptiness. You would do anything to keep him by your side. Anything to gain his affection.
"I had a feeling that you were the culprit dear sister."
Your arms stutters as they clutched tightly on the scrolls you took off from the shelves. The light crept into the room like arms reaching out to clutch around your ankles, warning you for trespassing. You turned around dreadfully to see Clement pressing his shoulder against the doorframe with his arms folded and a wicked expression aimed at your pitiful state.
"Why…Why are you still awake?" You say in disbelief, "I thought everyone was asleep."
"Please. Not only are you shameless but hypocritical as well. You truly are a dissapointment to our family."
"Wait," taking a step forward, you stopped him before he makes his exit, "I'll put them back. Just don't tell father about this."
But like your parents, your brother was unkind. Clement doubles over and hugs his torso, cackling through his teeth, "Is that how it is?" He swipes his arm up and you see a parchment paper held between his fingers. 
"Ma chérie (Y/n). I must say all this tenacious effort of sneaking in my letters to your window is becoming more and more tiresome. But of course, you are an exception. I want the scrolls you've mentioned the other day at my lair tomorrow evening. Make sure no one discovers this. I'm counting on you. Cordialement! Hector."
"No…" you whispered, feeling the weight of the world fall upon your shoulders as it shattered apart. Hector. If possible, you hoped that the pieces could just crush you right then and there. Your knees felt weak and a fright takes over but despite your turmoil, Clement didn't show a shred of sympathy.
"So this is why you've been acting odd lately. Pathetic," he flaps the paper tauntingly in his grasp, "I can't decide if I should be impressed or baffled by your actions. A secret romance with a criminal and the bloodline of Fontaine's most respected government associates? Even though you've hit rock bottom, you still decided to dig deeper."
"Clement you don't understand!"  Stumbling upon your footsteps, you desperately tried to convey your predicament even if it meant feeding his ego, "Hector is not the man you think. He was shunned by the people of his hometown, treating him as if he were nothing. They…They ignored him! All this time he needed someone to recognize his brilliance, someone to understand." Shakily, you brought your tensed arms to your chest and screamed a silent whisper, "Someone to listen but no one did. He must have felt so alone…"
Clement flinches when you suddenly clutched onto his biceps. When he looked into your eyes, a shiver ran down his spine.
"Hector is counting on me. I'm the only one who can save him. No one else. He needs me Clement, he needs me!" 
An ear-splitting scream of his hand against your face echoes across the room. It knocked you out of your stance and you bumped into the table, grunting while the scrolls to tumbled to the floor.
"Crazy woman, I'm embarassed to be related to you!"
While you were still trying to regain your balance, your brother had already ran off. It wouldn't be long before he alerted your parents, the clock ticking away like sand until the final hour leaves you with nothing but an empty glass. 
"No," despair swallows the strength away from your legs and you crawled towards where he used to stand, "Don't take him away from me…I need him…"
I can't live without him.
I can't live without him.
I can't live without him.
Tears begin to form by the corners of your eyes as you clenched your teeth. This was no time to cry. Balling your fists, you sprinted out of the room, pushing whatever stood in your way as if you were running for your life. 
And if you considered everything else, it wasn't that far from the truth.
"Hector! Hector are you there?" After arriving upon his house, you began knocking on his door aggressively. The lock clicks and you were greeted by an evidently annoyed man gnawing his teeth together.
"Tsk. There better be a good reason-"
"They're coming for us! We have to go. Now. Before it's too late. My father is probably already waking and making arrangements for you to-"
"Enough, I can't even catch what you're saying," He pinches the bridge of his nose while you were still stuck in a frenzy state. He takes a step back and opens the door wider, gesturing for you to come inside, "Get in already. I have a feeling that this will be a long night."
Hector observes intently at the words you tell him.
Not out of concern but akin to the way he watches the insects react when he exposes them to a different environment.
He was a scientist after all. A madman in which you deliberately fell in love with, so much to the point that he was able to feel pity for once. How you trusted him wholeheartedly with all of your vulnerabilities, emotions and secrets like handing him your parts just so he could put you back together again. Tinkering was always one of his favourite hobbies and he couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of pride at the thought of you being completely wrapped around his finger. 
Perhaps that was the reason why he loved you. Because he didn't love you. He loved you in parts.
"It was only a matter of time," Hector sighs. He sneaks his grasp into yours, knowing how much it affects you and puts on an invisible mask of deciet, "I already knew this day would happen long before anyone could have predicted it."
"You did?" With worried eyes you gazed at him, "What shall we do then?"
Knowing he hit the target, his lips begin to curl up towards his ears, showing his sharp white teeth that shone against the dim-litted room. Hector asks, "Do you love me?"
A silly question. You didn't hesitate to answer, "Of course I do. I've said it many times."
"Prove it to me," Forcing his forehead against yours, Hector commands in a dangerously low tone, "Kill your brother and only then you can truly be mine."
Your brain sutters, trying to absorb what he had just said. Kill? As in to take a life? It sounded wrong. But...was it wrong if the life belonged to someone who ruined yours?
Dumbfoundedly, you glanced into the bloody orbs of your lover, his black pupils thinning into knives while burning in the hellfire of his true colours. Hector runs a hand from the scalp of your hair, down to your cheek before gingerly sliding his fingers at your jawline. He pulled you close and whispered into your ear.
"Are you scared?"
Ah, this wasn't about your feelings. This was about him and your future and there could be no future you without him by your side.
You let your eyelids drop and leaned into his touch, "I could never be scared of you Hector. Whether it is within my power or not, I will make sure no one gets in our way. I swear it."
"Good," he continues to have you feed on his affection, "I knew I could count on you."
The news of your brother's death filled every headline Fontain had to offer. He was driven off a cliff while making a trip towards Sumeru. No one survived. The remains were so crushed to the point that authorities had trouble identifying their bodies. The only explanation they could come up with by observing the leftover tracks was that the horse must have gone out of control and ended up dragging the carriage along with it.
Ha. Serves him right.
Food poisoning. The vial Hector made was very effective. You made sure to bury it away from your mansion.
With no other choice, you became your family's next heir. Hector notifies you that he would be away for several months to solidify a unique connection with a man hailing from Snezhnaya. You didn't think he would arrive at your doorsteps with so much authority. Fatui soldiers followed from behind as the staff paved a way for them to enter. Your father was clearly displeased by his outrageous approach but he knew he was in no place to deny.
"Upon the agreement between Fontaine and Snezhnaya, Lady (Y/n) will become Harbinger Il Dottore's wife," the Duke announces, "This news will be publicly announced at the end of October."
Dottore? Is that what he calls himself?
As if claiming his victory, Dottore shoots your father a devilish smile. You could feel the dining table shake when he kept pressing his fist against the smooth surface, begrudingly congratulating you both for the new engagement. Your mother bursted into tears.
Was it worth it?
You watched both of your parents mourn silently in their own manner. Perfectly knowing that you were the main cause. But you weren't able to feel any sadness because in the end, you now had everything you've ever wanted. 
The inheritance.
Their attention.
But most of all, him.
And when you were convinced that this was your happily ever after, that fairytales were not just beautiful lies for the sake of comfort, you didn't realize  you were already living a life made of beautiful lies conjured by your own mind for the sake of your own comfort. 
"You're nothing without me."
Dried and calloused hands squeezed around your throat as you flailed your legs against the soft fabric of the carpet floor. He encases you in a straddling position, enjoying the sight of your tortured and clenched face. Hector…no, Dottore hated it when you disobeyed him. He despised it when his creations don't work the way he wanted them to and he had no use for things that are broken.
"How many times do I have to remind you to not use my birthname. Do those ears of you even function properly? Or must I fix them myself?"
You gasped for air when he relaxed his grip. Vision a blur, you coughed a few times before he pulls your arm so that you lay flushed against his chest.
"Don't forget who saved you dear (Y/n). Because of me you were able to escape that miserable life you've despised for years. I expect the utmost gratitude on your part at all times, it is only fair that I punish you for not meeting my requirements, don't you agree?" Dottore lifts his hand up to pinch your cheeks, pulling your head to stare at your eyes, "After all, there is no one else in this world who can put up with you…but me."
His words were poison in which you drank like a woman starved. It made you feel numb to the pain the more you drowned in their alluring scent, the taste was sweet, a remedy for the bitterness of reality where the man of your dreams was nothing but a cruel monster. You came to believe that the reason why he treated you so harshly was because he was scared of losing you. You were caught in the trap of what seemed to be love and devotion when truly, you were just a toy to be used at a means end. He breaks you and he puts you back together, over and over again, filling in between the cracks formed in your glass heart with the phrases you loved to hear. Just like how he filled the other holes of your life where no one else did. You called it kindness. He saw it as entertainment.
Most people pay attention to the flower's beauty but they never acknowledge the thorns hidden beneath it's blossom.  That is why they bleed. They get hurt. Though, you didn't mind shedding blood if it was for his sake.
Because you would do anything for him.
You would do anything to bring back the memories of Hector Dufour-Lapointé and save him from the Harbinger that ruined his life. Your life. It wasn't his fault. You knew you could change him to what he was before because you were in love with him, that he might still in there. Somewhere.
Please come back.
Time continues to flow like the tears of your dying heart despite yearning for it to turn at the past. Dottore already left the room a long time ago but you didn't. Raising your head away from your hands, you peered at the door in front of you, begging desperately through a chanting record of despondence. 
Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back. Come back.
Images, they slipped through your fingers, slowly becoming more distant until your mind began to see them as illusions. Dreams. Things that were not real. Telling you that your life was a lie. 
"Come back to me…Hector."
Because the man you loved was withering in your memories and you couldn't do anything to save him.
A dry croak robbed you of your breath as you turned to look in the mirror.
Worthless. You were always worthless, it was what your parents told you since birth. It was what you became when he wasn't at your side because without him, your existence was worthless. You lied for him, you stole for him you, took a life for him. You destroyed yourself for him to point that it was hard to believe you were even looking at yourself.
Worthless. It's who I am.
And despite it all, you couldn't obtain his love.
Worthless things don’t deserved to be loved.
(Crack. Crack).
But what if it’s because I’m worthless, that he won’t love me back?
Your eyes jolted open, causing you to gasp sharply. When the sweet lies dispersed in your head and cleansed you of deceit, everything started to make sene. You came to realize why your wish was impossible all along.
Dottore...no, Hector, the reason wasn't because he didn't return your feelings. Neither was it due to the fact that he hurt you through his actions. Nor when he made you cry or scream for help before feeding you with more lies, thinking he would never hurt you again. It was none of those things.
It was because the man you loved this whole time was someone who could love no one but himself.
"Ha...haha," sucking in your breath, a sinister laugh escapes your mouth, "Hahahahahahaha.....!"
Everything was worthless.
You grabbed a nearby hairbrush and threw it at the mirror, watching yourself shatter into a million pieces.
There was only one thing left to do. 
"Ugh, where is it?!"
It was late into the night where every staff had gone to sleep. The Harbinger fumbles with his keys while standing at the door of his basement as he was too busy proceeding with his research rather than considering the thought of rest. Usually he acted upon them on his own will, performing various experiments for enjoyment. However, ever since the Snezhnayan court had requested him to look into the ancient arts of alchemy, Dottore was forced to carry it out before the deadline approached. Otherwise his position as Harbinger would be revoked.
"What a bunch of self-centered blockheads. Can't they understand that it take quality time to get quality results?"
Most of his important documents were stored on the otherside. Half of it came from his father-in-law's library. He had you to thank for that.
"Ah finally," he mutters, though still dissatisfied, "I should have a word with my butler for misplacing them."
Dottore shoves the key into the lock but instead of twisting the knob he noticed something strange. It was old and had yet to be fixed but somehow he didn't have any trouble adjusting his wrist. Then he saw there were a set of freshly made fingerprints upon the smooth metallic surface. However, the only person awake at this time would be him-
An intruder!
Dottore drops everything to the ground and yanks the door open. He skittered down the stone stairs while cursing under his breath. Using the delusion gifted by the Tsaritsa, the Harbinger activated his lazer-like pillars as he took advantage of their glow to light up the unlit room.
"What in the abyss...?!"
Except it wasn't dark.
"All of these scrolls, I recognize them," without sparing a single glance, you spoke nostalgically towards the bookshelves, "It brings me so much memories..."
Dottore clenches his teeth together as his eyes shone an angry red, you were holding a torch dangerously close to his hard-earned collection, "What do you think you're doing?!" He fumed, "Put that out, AT ONCE! Don't make me repeat myself!
"They're precious to you aren't they?" You finally shifted to face him, "More than me."
"What has gotten into you?" He was about to hurl at you until he saw your torch lowering, causing him to retreat. You were strangely noncholant and he couldn't help the feeling of disturbance. Accepting that he didn't have the upperhand, Dottore decided to use a different approach, "(Y/n)."
The sound of your name falls from his lips. You faltered.
"I'm sorry for what I have done. I know I was dishonourable to you, as your husband and lover, and that you didn't deserve to see me so aggressive. You have every right to express your anger, my dear. I was in the wrong."
It was only a mask. You knew it well. But seeing him with softened eyes and a tone so comforting, made you desperately wanting to run into his arms so he could wipe away your sorrows just like once upon a time. To live happily ever after.
Dottore runs his fingers through his hairstrands in frustration and sighs, "However the Tsarista needed me to do something very important and I can't seem to fulfill her request no matter how hard I try. It angers me. If I don't finish this, there would be no place for us to stay."
"Hector..." you sniffled quietly. He looks so much like him right now.
"Can't you see I'm doing this for you?" He consoles, yet his weapons still remain, "I only intended to make you happy and there's nothing I won't do to achieve that. How about I show-"
Dottore froze upon your sudden command. He didn't sense a hint of subjugation and it seemed that you had perfect control of your emotions. How very inquisitive. Did you grow immune to the style of his voice? In such a short period of time? The facade he had on was now replaced with a growling animal-like expression. You looked at him dissapointedly. His Harbinger self returned. Hector was no more.
"Ha, you're the same as always. Even before the time you became a Harbinger. The same man that I fell in love with but it is me who will never be the same again," For a moment you averted your gaze as if trying hard to swallow your own words, "Remember when we first met at the balcony? That I told you my favourite books to read are fiction? I knew they weren't real but deep down, I wanted to believe in them anyways. And you know what? They did come true, to some degree..."
As the memories come flashing back, he defenselessly watches your expression contort from sadness to a calm contemplation and finally, enraged disgust, "But you only ever brought me pain and I'm sick of it!"
Swaying the torch to the side, Dottore flinches forward but he didn't dare to come close when your current state was unpredictable to him, "I JUST WANTED YOU TO LOVE ME," you wail, I just wanted to be loved, bringing a clawed hand against your forehead and trembling upon contact, "It's all that I ask for..."
Dottore narrowed his brows. Perhaps he may have gotten too far.
"But I know it's impossible. The world is a cruel place and there's no point in trying anymore. That is why I'm going to set us free."
"...What do you mean?"
You shut your eyes closed and tossed the flaming torch to the ground. A horrified expression takes over his features. It didn't take long for the fire to begin spreading amongst the room.
"NO!" Dottore yelled powerfully, he frantically darts his gaze at all directions as they continued to flicker and blend into his precious documents. You stood still and watched him grab the ones that were intact, savouring the most he could but they slip out of his arms every time he moved. Dottore glances behind him to see a rising cage of hellfire. Then he turns to you.
" 'Til death do us part!" you laughed maniacally.
The madman looked back with angry dismay, "You're out of your mind!"
Abandoning whatever he held in his hand, Dottore spins around towards the staircase. He covers his face with his sleeve and did whatever he could to prevent the fire from touching him. However, he accidentally stumbled on his footsteps and something fell off the heights, knocking him in the face. He grunts painfully.
"That will leave a scar," you smile while he clutches at his injury, "I can break you too.”
Just like how you broke me.
Knowing that you've managed to leave a mark of your existence on him in someway, you peacefully watched your lover wobble between the hell you created. But the hell you knew was not made of scorching heat and thundering flames. Hell was empty. Hell was a void. This feeling was far too gentle to be considered hell. If he can't return your love, then at least let these caging arms bask you in the warmth you’ve always desired.
Lifting your head, you looked towards the ceiling and closed your eyes.
Ah, this cannot be death.
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mm2305 · 4 years
All That Matters
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Characters/pairings :  Ethan Ramsey & Olivia Valentine
Words/Genre :   2.8 K / Angst , Romance
Warnings : mentions of death,injuries
Summary : Olivia gets seriously injured. How does Ethan react?
A/N : Hello again! This fic was written per @groovypalacehorselover​ ‘s request. This is the first time I’m attempting to write angst , so I hope this comes out good enough. A big THANK YOU to @romewritingshop​ for her help in editing this. Moodboard inspired by @potionsprefect 's ones.
Disclaimer : all characters and pictures belong to the rightful owners
My Masterlist
Ethan was frantically rushing through the hospital corridors. Dread and anxiety flooded his mind that he could barely breathe. There was no way he would allow it to stall him. Pushing himself to go as fast as he could to get to the farthest wing of the hospital, he slammed the double doors ahead open.A group of interns were nattering amongst themselves,oblivious to the frantic attending approaching them. A thundering voice broke them out of their trance. 
"OUT OF MY WAY!", he boomed at them, as he was approaching closer. 
The interns, startled by him, broke apart allowing him to pass through them. What made them wonder though, was the clear, unadulterated emotion in his eyes. He looked as though his world was slowly crumbling around him. And they weren't wrong. 
2 Hours Earlier
Olivia was finishing up her rounds for the day. In a few hours she’d be home, snuggled with her favorite throw blanket, watching a movie on Netflix while Ethan would complain incessantly  about her taste in movies. She had to visit her last patient, a sweet seven year old boy named Nathan. 
His diagnosis was a difficult case to solve and this made young Nathan restless. His mom came to stay with him in the evening  but she had to go to work early in the morning. The poor boy was often bored out of his mind, taking adventurous strolls through the hospital, without telling anyone. There were several instances  that she and a few nurses had to track him down, but still Nathan continued doing that. She couldn’t really blame the poor kid. Today was just one of those days. 
Olivia walked to the nurses' desk, to ask about Nathan. 
"Hello Sarah, did you happen to see Nathan? I think he snuck  out of his room again." 
"Dr Valentine! No, I haven't. Maybe you should ask Mary. She might have an idea where Nathan is.", The nurse replied with a soft smile. 
"Okay, thank you!"
She left the reception in search of Mary. Before long, she found her in one of the halls. 
"Hi Mary, I was wondering if you've seen Nathan?", She inquired politely. 
"Dr Valentine! I was just looking for you. I think I saw the kid heading towards the halls leading to the new wing." 
"The new wing? Isn't that under construction?", Olivia asked, an audible tremor in her voice. 
"Oh God! Come on! We need to find him now!", she said, a feeling of worry and dread filling her. The new wing Bloom designed was essentially a plan to enlarge the facilities available for research. From what she heard, it wasn't safe to roam around the place without any safety gear. It was too dangerous to go there, especially for a young boy like Nathan, but she won’t let him fall to harm. 
After a few minutes of darting around and asking everyone they encountered, Mary and Olivia got the same response. They saw a kid among these halls at some point. By the time they reached the site, Olivia and Mary began calling for him. 
"Nathan? Are you here?" 
"Nathan? Nathan come here, it's me, Dr Olivia" 
No answer. Either he wasn't here or he just couldn't hear them clearly. The two women began to slow down their pacing steps as they carefully tread through the congested building site, all while calling for the young boy. 
"Dr Oliv?", They heard a small shaky voice calling. 
Olivia knew it was him and rushed towards the direction of the voice. Mary, hot on her heels, noticed him first. 
"He's there!", She exclaimed, running to his side and checking over him for any injuries. 
Olivia began walking towards them, relieved that Nathan was okay,when she heard a cracking noise. She quickly realized that the wall, they were close to, was about to collapse! With a sudden burst of adrenaline, she rushed towards them and pushed them away from the wall. She smiled softly at them before she heard a bigger *crack* and everything went black. 
Ethan was sitting at his computer, in his office, looking through files and updating the information onto his computer. Truth be told though, he was too distracted by a certain resident to concentrate on his current task. 
Him and Olivia have been together for a little more than three months and he was happier than he had been in a long time. She really had the power to turn the worst of days better with just a smile. 
She started coming to his house after work, in fact it’s almost like she had permanent residence in his heart and place. She spent most of the time there with him, just being together. Cooking, watching tv, playing ridiculous board games she always won. It was all very domestic and Ethan always felt his heart swell with love for her, at how at ease she felt being with him, in the place he now considered a home. 
Glancing at the clock, he realised their shifts would end soon but he was too impatient. With a soft sigh, he turned off his computer and walked out of his office ,towards the front desk. 
"Good afternoon, have you seen Dr. Valentine?", he asked a nurse he knew she frequently talked to. 
"Dr. Ramsey! Yes, she was here a little while ago, she was looking for her young patient, Nathan. He has a habit of sneaking out of his room, you see - Wait a minute please!", she paused to answer the phone. 
"Bloom Edenbrook Hospital how can I help you? Mary? What?! I’m sending the team right away!" 
The woman, Sarah, turned to Ethan with a flurry of panic coursing in her eyes. 
"Dr Ramsey, it was the nurse who was with Dr Valentine. They found the boy at the construction site! When they reached for him… a nearby wall collapsed on them!" 
"What!? Oh my… No no no… Wh-What else did she tell you? Tell me!", he demanded, his eyes glossed with panic, the usual pink hue of his face drained as he turned as white as a sheet, his breathing in short stuttered gasps. 
"Olivia ... was hit worst." Sarah whispered on the verge of tears. 
"Page Mirani, Delarosa and the best nurses this damn hospital has! Understood! I'm going there now!"
Before she had a chance to reply, he was already off in search of his Olivia. 
Ethan continued running through the maze of corridors, his eyes full of unshed tears. 
"Not her, please not her! Don't take her from me! Please!", Ethan wasn't by any means a religious man, but the fear of losing the woman he loved made him pray to whoever could hear his agonized thoughts. The one person on this earth for whom he would give anything for, was again in grave danger. Memories from the last time she was at the brink of death flooded his mind, knocking the breath out of his lungs. How fragile she looked and to know he couldn't do anything to save her, other than watch her become progressively weaker and her radiant smile, the one that could lighten up a whole room, fade away. "No, don't do this right now Ethan. Focus on her. Only her.", he thought, nodding to himself while pushing the last hurdle of doors open. His eyes quickly scanned the room, trying to locate her. 
He finally saw her. 
She was lying on the floor pieces of rubble around her. She was unconscious, her eyes closed, her golden hair around her face.  As he rushed to her side, whilst avoiding the scattered materials, he saw a small patch of blood on the side of her head. 
He knelt beside her, being careful not to move her, in fear of causing more damage to her body. He took her small, still warm, hand in his and softly began to stroke her cheek and hair. 
"Darling? Olivia? It's me, Ethan. Please Olivia, can you hear me?", his voice wavered at the sight of her blood on his fingers from stroking her hair and a few tears were finally breaking through. 
Her eyes fluttered as a soft little gasp left her lips. 
"E-Ethan?", she whispered, her voice hoarse and barely audible. 
"Yes, Love it's me."
"I… it hurts.. I can't…", she croaked but it was too difficult for her to breathe properly, the dust hovering in the air wasn'tmaking this any easier. Ethan noticed this and pushed her head slightly back, to allow her to breathe better. 
"Shh darling I know… I'm here love, I'm not going anywhere...Please sweetheart don't give up on me… please…I can't lose you", Ethan whispered, stroking her cheek softly, trying to be strong for her. 
Olivia fell unconscious once again, her chest taking short ragged breaths. He pried his eyes away from her to look around the room. A woman was in the corner with a crying child in her arms, trying to comfort him. 
" Hi… Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" he asked them as he approached them. 
"Nothing too bad. Might just be a sprained wrist and a couple of scratches. Nathan’s fine too, just shocked. Dr. Valentine…. she … she got the worst of it.", she replied with tears in her eyes. 
Ethan didn't have a chance to reply as the team arrived. They immediately got down to work, not even hesitating to lose a minute, paying Ethan no attention. 
"Get her on the gurney carefully! One mistake and you're fired!" Zaid commanded, with a fiery stern voice at the team of nurses. 
"Zaid, she's got a cut on the side of her head and she's bleeding. I don't see anything too serious but we should order a scan. Shortness of breath indicates one or two fractured ribs and her left ulna and radius might be broken, given the swelling.", Ines said with evident concern and fear thick in her voice. 
"Let's get some scans and see exactly what's going on", Zaid replied, trying to be as calm as possible, in this case. Olivia was his colleague,but more importantly she was his friend and he wouldn't allow anything to happen to her. Not on his watch. 
"I'm coming with you!", Ethan interrupted their conversation. 
"You're not in the right state of mind to help her now!" 
"Zaid’s right about this. She needs you to be calm and focused when she wakes up.", Ines told him resting a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
Ethan had no choice but to reluctantly agree. 
Several hours later, Ethan was pacing anxiously in front of the room Olivia was checked into. The night doctors were there checking on her. As soon as they heard what happened, her friends joined Ethan in the waiting room, to hear news about her condition. Sienna when she saw her best friend in that state, immediately broke down, Aurora and Elijah trying to comfort her. Bryce, Rafael and Jackie, were mostly silent, their minds running through endless scenarios of what could happen to the most courageous woman they knew. 
She had a broken hand, three broken ribs; one of which was pressing too close to her lung; causing her difficulty in breathing smoothly. This required a minor surgery, which was conducted by Harper herself. She wouldn't let anyone else touch the woman she had come to consider a friend. Her head injury, thankfully, wasn't too bad, but there was a possibility of a mild concussion. The whole hospital was there to help Olivia in whatever way she needed. From nurses to interns to anyone she had always been kind to. 
Now, Ethan was waiting outside of her room alone, because her friends left a few minutes ago. She wouldn't wake up for a few hours and they made sure she would be completely okay before they left. Besides, they knew that Ethan wouldn't leave her side. That is, once he got to finally see her. 
Thirty agonizing minutes later, he was finally allowed to go into her room. His eyes glided across  her small form on the hospital bed. The side of her head was wrapped in white gauze, because of the injury there. Her left arm was in a cast and placed on a pillow to make her more comfortable. She was hooked to an IV, her body seeming too delicate on the hospital bed. Her face was in a serene slumber, her body was still under the influence of the drugs she was given during and after her surgery. 
Ethan took her soft hand in his, kissing her knuckles and looking tearfully at her. 
"My love… You scared me so so much… When that nurse told me you were hurt… I thought I was going to lose you. Again.", He started talking to her, even though she couldn't hear him, he was baring his heart to her. Letting the tears he was holding on to fall. 
"Finding you there, lying unconscious… was unbearable. Knowing that you may be gone forever, never being able to touch you, or see your beautiful smile, hear your awful jokes again… I’ve never believed in a higher power, but if there is a being that saved you, then I am grateful. Because, without you, none of this matters. You're my whole world Oliv. And this world means nothing to me if you’re not here darling", he finished , laying a soft kiss on her lips. 
He stayed with her for a few hours, having no intention of leaving her, but Naveen forced him to go get a coffee and something to eat. Of course, Naveen promised he would stay there with her while Ethan was away. 
On his way back to her room, he encountered Leland Bloom. "Great, just who I wanted to see", Ethan thought, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. 
"Ah Dr. Ramsey. I was just coming to find you. How is Dr. Valentine?", he asked with a facade of interest. 
"She’s in her room resting. Still unconscious though, because of the anesthesia from her surgery. Now if you'll excuse me", Ethan curtly replied, walking past Leland, anxious to return to her room. 
"I was hoping to come with you, actually. I wanted to ask you, will she make a full recovery?"
"Not that it's any of your business, but yes, in a couple months she will probably be alright.", Ethan gritted his teeth, retraining his seething anger at how intrusive this man could be. 
"Probably? You're not certain? If her recovery takes so long, then she will be left behind in the hospital's advances. Pity… she was actually going to be one of the key assets to the progression of the hospital's success.", Leland said, not having noticed or probably caring about Ethan's expression. 
Ethan couldn't believe what he was hearing. The way he spoke of Olivia. His Olivia. A human being, as though she was nothing but a tool to be used. He clenched his fists, blood coursing through his veins, ears ringing, face and neck flushed red with anger, trying to resist the immense urge to punch him square in his arrogant face. 
"How DARE you talk that way about a human being who was seriously hurt? She could have been fucking killed and all you have to say is that she would be an asset to the success of the hospital? What kind of person are you, really? Do you see anything beyond your own selfish, moronic advancements?", Ethan turned to him abruptly, almost roaring, all the pent up emotions escaping him in this outburst towards this man. 
Leland was stunned at his outburst, mouth gaping open for a second before he recollected himself. The two of them had become the center of attention as the nurses and doctors were forming a small circle, staring at the two men. 
"I would best advise you against speaking to me like that Dr. Ramsey. I'm the one who is in charge here and I expect you to treat me with respect. Now, I understand you are under pressure right now since your partner was hurt, so I'm willing to look past this little tantrum. See you soon, Dr Ramsey." he replied, walking away from Ethan, who was stalking his way down the corridor to Olivia’s room, unbothered by Bloom’s words. 
The only person in this world whose words mattered, laid in a hospital bed right now, and he vowed he would not spend any more precious time away from her. Because despite what life throws at them, all that matters is that his Rookie ... his Olivia ... his true love will be alright. They will be alright. Together.
Thank you for reading !!!
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beatricethecat2 · 3 years
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"No joy," Myka says, peeking into the static bag.
"That was the correct part, was it not?" Helena enlarges the photo on Myka's phone of a nineteenth-century elevator car housed at the Warehouse.
"I'm pretty sure. But that picture's not great." Myka slides the handle out and plops it back in to the tune of no sparks.
Helena noses around the storage space as The Dakota building's manager walks in.
"Maybe what you're looking for's in here," he says, plunking down a milk crate full of parts. "When they renovate, they save anything original."
"It's an elevator handle. From the original manual ones. Just not this one." Myka slips the part from the bag and holds it up.
"Might be in Ms. Shiva's apartment then. Parents took two cars and made them into a bar. Or could be from the one that went missing, the mysterious fourth car."
Myka and Helena share a concerned look, knowing the Warehouse took it without permission.
"Can we see the other two?" Myka asks.
"Look just like that one." The man points toward the ornately carved wooden car on the other side of the room. "Handle's that important to you, huh?"
"As architectural historians? Yes," Helena snips in a clipped, scholarly tone.
"Alright. Gimme a minute." He slips his phone out of its belt clip and walks out of the room.
Helena picks through dust-covered items in the crate. "This may be a lost cause."
"It must be upstairs. The walls are so thick, the ping could have come from anywhere."
"You said 'pickup,' not 'ping.'"
"Claudia called it a pickup yesterday! Today she called it a ping."
Helena huffs a disgruntled breath.
The manager waves a hand from the doorway. "She said it's ok to come up."
Myka follows the man, but Helena hangs back.
"Aren't you coming?" 
"I...should look through this crate."
"You know more about this stuff than me. You should come with."
"Myka, I...."
Myka steps closer and lowers her voice. "I know you're not happy about being here, but I really need your help."
Helena holds Myka's gaze but doesn't move.
Helena nods an apprehensive yes.
"You'll tell me what's going on with you later, right?"
Helena nods again, with equal apprehension.
Myka grimaces. "Come on."
They follow the manager out of the room and into the elevator to the fourth floor.
The Adventures of Wells and Bering ("Warehouse 13" Season 5 replacement) Season 1: Episode 3 Title: New York City: I'm buggin' out!
Summary: After three blissful days holed up in their Philadelphia hotel room, Myka receives a call from the Warehouse asking for help. Helena proclaims New York "a cesspool" when told the pickup is in the city. Myka laughs when told Helena was last there in 1893. Told she can stay behind, Helena follows anyway, the pair taking the train to avoid driving. Helena tells tales of city adventures with her partner Wolcott as she and Myka make their way uptown. Helena tenses upon arrival at their destination, so much so, Myka can tell something is off.  Later that day, Helena reveals a long buried secret.
Previously: Episode 1, Episode 2
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After a less than jovial dinner (pictured above), Myka and Helena settle into their hotel room. Myka lounges in bed, already showered, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, nose buried in a book. Helena searches through her luggage after emerging from a shower swathed only in a robe.
"I know dinner wasn't great," Myka says, setting her book on the nightstand, "but something else's off. You've been weirdly touchy all day."
"I apologize for not being, as Claudia might say, 'all sunshine and rainbows.'" Helena yanks a t-shirt out of her suitcase. "Perhaps we should call the whole thing off." 
"What 'thing'?"
"This trip."
"Why?" Myka sits up.
"Because me being sullen is not an anomaly." 
"I know."
"Then why on earth would you subject yourself to that again?" Helena turns to face Myka and crosses her arms over her chest.
"Because you promised when you got like this you'd talk to me and I believed you."
"Fool," Helena says, the word filled with fondness rather than bite.
"Come here," Myka says, patting a spot next to her.
Helena stares at the bed but doesn't move.
"Come here..."
Helena's eyes lift to meet Myka's; the longer they stay locked, the less defiance they hold. She huffs a disgruntled breath but does as she's told. She sits stiffly, arms folded over her chest, back propped up against the headboard.
"Now, tell me what happened in that building," Myka says, laying back, turning to face Helena, head propped up by a hand. "Remember, I said I wouldn't judge you."
"You say that now..." Helena says, glancing at Myka.
"I won't," Myka says, slipping her hand over Helena's and squeezing, dragging it down to her lap, breaking her protective arm-fold.
"Where to begin," Helena grumbles, pressing her eyes closed, head falling back against the wall.
"How about..." Myka scoots up, aligning herself with Helena, all the while keeping hold of her hand. "The first time you were there, finding that artifact."
Helena rolls her head to the side and meets Myka's gaze.
Myka raises her brow and grins expectantly.
"Oh, alright," Helena grumps, sighing deeply, then lifting her head from the headboard.
"Wolly posed as an investor, and I, his wife. He and I were given guest accommodations, courtesy of Gustav Schirmer, a music publisher. We had a vague idea of what the curiosity was but needed time and access to suss out its location."
"I bet you and Wolly made a better couple than Pete and I ever did," Myka quips.
Helena huffs a short laugh. "People like us 'acted the part' on a daily basis. Anything beyond that was an extension of those fabricated selves. One had to switch 'on' any number of personas just to keep safe. It was difficult at times to remember our true selves."
"I'm sorry. That sucks."
"Easier for me than others. Though in that regard, I'm glad society seems to have changed for the better." Helena meets Myka's gaze, her eyes falling to her lips.
"Me too," Myka says as Helena cups her jaw, guiding their mouths together.
Their kiss lingers but as Helena's hand slides to the nape of Myka's neck, Myka pulls away.
"Story first," Myka says, slipping her hand over Helena's, lifting it away.
Helena pouts.
"After." Myka caresses Helena's cheek, then places a soft, brief kiss there. "I promise."
"I shall hold you to that."
"Oh, I know," Myka says, smiling. She settles back and waits as Helena collects her thoughts.
"The Dakota was unique,' Helena begins, "its design, the first of its kind in the world. A playground for 'new money,' miles away from 'civilization' further downtown. Few dared travel that far north, so their soirees were rather insular."
"That's good, right? Easier to find the artifact?" Myka says.
"Indeed. Gustav adored hosting events, along with the Steinways. Guests chased tunes all over the building as engagements spilled between apartments. Wolly and I snooped around gratuitously."
"Steinways...as in the grand-piano-maker Steinways?"
"The very same," Helena mumbles. Her eyes turn distant, a thumb rubbing idly over a knuckle, her hands linked primly on her lap. 
"Did you find the artifact?" Myka asks.
"Hmm? Oh...yes. But it took quite some time," Helena answers. "And along the way, I found something far more profound." She looks down at her lap, her hands pulling away from each other, tensing. 
"What was it?"
"I found my One."
"Y-You had a One?" Myka says, stiffening.
"All too briefly," Helena says, then glances at Myka. "To have found another is a kindness beyond anything I'd ever imagined. I'm sorry it took so long for me to believe it possible."
"You mean me?"
"I do." Helena brings Myka's hand up to her lips and kisses its palm.
"I, um, guess it's silly to be jealous of someone who lived over a hundred years ago. Especially since I know nothing about them." Myka scoots closer, cozying up to Helena. "Will you tell me?"
"Would you like to know?"
"I want to know everything about you."
"That may take some time."
"We have time, don't we?"
"Time has never been my ally. Especially with the ones I love."
"Let's change that." Myka tugs on Helena's sleeve, and the pair slip down to lie prone on the bed. She turns and snuggles up, head pillowed on Helena's shoulder, arm resting across her middle. Helena relaxes into Myka's hold and wraps an arm over Myka's.
"Tell me about your One," Myka says. "Or, your 'first' One."
"She...was an extraordinary woman," Helena answers. "Unlike any I'd ever known. We bonded instantly, which was unusual."
"How did you meet?"
"I caught her hiding from the merriment during a soiree, nose tucked in a book. One Mrs. Elizabeth Westcott." Helena smiles, obviously warmed by the memory.
"A marriage for appearances; personal gain for two up-and-coming families. Residing at The Dakota allowed her husband to carry on extramarital affairs with less scrutiny. He cared little about her own."
"So you and she..."
"If those walls could talk," Helena says, her smile bordering on devilish. "We had several glorious years together before she..." Her smile fades in an instant.
"I'm afraid to ask."
"She died, as one does when one's husband's mistress plots to kill you."
"S-She was murdered?"
"Freak carriage accident. Never proven, but everyone knew. To ensure Elizabeth never gave him an heir, after Christina. The irony being we'd planned on running away to California soon enough--"
"Wait, Christina was Elizabeth's?" Myka lifts her head to look Helena in the eye.
"I loved her as if she were my own," Helena snaps, "spirited her away to England as soon as I could, with the housekeeper's help."
"You stole her?" Myka pushes away, falling back on her elbows, mouth agape.
"I rescued her," Helena barks, jerking upright. "That monstrous woman still had talons in her father. There was no doubt Christina wasn't safe. It's what Elizabeth would have wanted." 
Helena moves to leave, but Myka grabs her arm.
"Don't go," Myka pleads. "I'm sorry. I said I wouldn't judge you."
Helena freezes in place, her heart pounding wildly. A few moments later, she returns to Myka's side.
"Did anyone come looking for her?" Myka asks, pushing forward so as not to leave Helena stewing.
"I don't know. I doubt they could find me as only Elizabeth knew my true identity. And I never set foot in New York again."
"So literally 1893."
Helena nods, the sour look on her face softening. "I'd thought to visit her grave but haven't found the courage."
"You should go. We could go together. It'll give you closure."
"You sound so certain."
"I know it will help. I've loved and lost, too, you know."
"Indeed, you have, my love," Helena says, then sighs heavy-heartedly. "What a pair we make."
"I think we're a good match," Myka says, tugging Helena back to lie flat again. "We could take our minds off it. Make some new, pleasant memories." She slips a hand under the tie of Helena's robe.
"You did make a promise earlier," Helena replies.
"And I always make good on my promises," Myka says, drawing the tie free, brushing a fingertip over newly exposed skin. Helena quivers and relaxes back, offering no resistance as Myka fulfills her word.
End of Episode 3
NOTES: According to the internet, the term "buggin'" was coined in New York City. The fourth elevator really did go missing during The Dakota renovations in the 1960's (pre-landmarking). Thank you to the library for being open so I could borrow books and down some facts as this got way more involved than I meant it to become (but that's part of the fun).
This story format is...in my head, I'm calling it "TV POV." If we were watching the show, we'd see things but not hear the character's thoughts, so that's what I'm going for, I think? Broad strokes and quicker resolutions due to the 45 minute-ish run time (or would this show be a 25 minute one? Hmm.) Let me know if that's not working at all. I mean these are obviously pastiches of content - the images come first then the stories materialize afterwards. They are supposed to be short and clippy - plenty of room for the reader to fill in the blanks - but this one got away from me! Also Tumblr keeps making the second image blurry and I can't figure out why...
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The Dream of a Normal Life
by @cornytyrannosaurus
The fresh breeze of the Norwest lands scurred between the mountains, between the hills, beneath the trees, until it reached the nostrils of a young man inside a van which was stationed atop a hillside.
He breathed deep, filling his tired lungs with the soft breeze and all the scents it brought from every corner of the undying forest. His always hurried mind took this moment of serenity to fuel itself back to be awake, he already processing within his blurred thoughts all the duties of the day.
Mile 82, 54. Mile 21, 12 up to date. We go downhill until…
Then he opened his eyes, and the list stopped. He saw her, gently snoring in her sleep, her hands improvising a pillow. He smiled, recalling how annoying she could get when her hands felt sore; but what to do about it? She looked just too adorable right now to be awoken just for the sake of a mere slumbering formality. Her neon-stained, raggedy hair fitted with her purple sleeveless shirt, the only piece of cloth she was wearing in her sleep. He rolled his eyes down to her nude legs, remembering with heated fondness how much he made her to feel loved last night. Maybe he should put the blanket over such gorgeous sight, he thought. Unfortunate, but necessary.
Heavily, he put the brown blanket over her underside, to stop at her slightly inflated belly. His eyebrows dropped, reminding the main why of her needing to feel loved last night. She was having one of those delicate hormonal moments, a thing he took years to get accustomed and now was proving itself really useful during these uncertain times.
Uncertain, never better though.
He gave a quick kiss on her forehead, rolled his body around in search of his clothes, and hurriedly put his pants on.
He opened the backdoors, sat at the edge of the white van they lived in now, and took a long look at the immediate surroundings.
The gigantic mountains came across his sight like an unfathomable Leviathan welcoming his life with its majestic shape. Around him and all across the hillside, countless trees of all shapes and sizes covered the outline of horizon like a fortress for their tiny kingdom of intimacy and solitude. What he could give for them to have a tiny home where to start a family at a place like this, he could not tell but was certain in it.
Then he heard the growls coming from the trees, and he recalled they were just passing by.
A couple of man-sized hoofed monstrosities ran wild from between the depths of the forest, galloping over the concrete and disappearing behind another line of old pine trees. Their countless mouths filled with human-like crooked teeth, placed all across their headless, dark furry bodies, screeched continuously as they waved their long rat-like black tails at the fresh airs of the of morning.
Aaaaaaw f*ck.
Tagging eldritch creatures in a national park wasn’t precisely his dream job, but was quite within the spectrum of skills of the Mystery Twins, and as these non-euclidean beasts began to reproduce, they found themselves at a chance of getting a good source of income at the aftermath of events he didn’t want to remember right now.
If only his mind could listen to him to stop rerunning the horrible memory of that day.
Before sorrow had the chance to overtake his heart, he felt the warm of a pair of arms circling his tummy, a pair of legs caressing his, and a slightly inflated belly gently pressing his back. He smiled in relief; he hadn’t figured yet how she was able to slip across surfaces.
“Good morning, Dipdop” she murmured in his ear with seductive tone.
“’Morning, Mabes” he said back, turning his head to kiss her cheek, and then her lips, to go back to look at the hill.
“Why are yah awake so early? I wanted to spoon yah” She asked, squishing his belly with her arms”
“Dunno, just… wanted to start earlier today” He said with slow content.
“Before breakfast? You gotta be kiddin’ me” she said with pretended anger.
“You’ll never let me to skip it, will you?” He mustered with a grin.
“Nope, I won’t” She asserted. “Besides…” she said, as she squished her legs around his.
“I’m still just in my shirt” she whispered at his ear. His grin grew bigger, as his sister slipped back from where she came and he rolled around to follow her.
“But what about the breakfast?” He asked with fake indignation.
“First this breakfast, then food breakfast”
“Mhmm, I like the plan…” He said as he closed the van’s door behind him.
It wasn’t the most conventional form of Love, nor the beginning of a normal life. But it was theirs to live , and they loved it anyway.
At least there, away from the unsuspecting and prejudiced eyes of the world, they were free.
If only the world could know the pain it could cause.
- Six months ago…
Mabel Pines had endured many terrifying moments in her life. When Dipper broke his leg at their kickboxing practice, when she was at the hands of a gigantic childish mechanoid, when her brother was about to be devoured by a living corpse, when she was about to be erased from existence by a extradimensional pyramid god, when she got lost in that trip to the unknown… but these immediate moments were heaving in her stomach more than any of that. Maybe it was because those moments were a little far in her memory, or because her resistance to cringe was absolutely superior to her brother’s. Or maybe it was because this time, the impending threat came from within her very own family.
And now she was frozen in place inside the van, watching how Dipper stood over the grass of the family home, his forehead bleeding and his face turning to their parents, his shape contrasted between the darkness of the night and the porch’s lamp.
Maybe they weren’t as angry and freaked out as they were an hour ago, but their resolution wasn’t something they were willing to accept. Right now, Mason “Dipper” Pines was standing against the destruction of his incoming family.
“Dipper, please… be reasonable. There is no way out of this” His father reassured, trying to appeal to his intellect, trying to undo the damage of the wound he had done to his own son. But Dipper had already cried, so the wound would stay a long time.
“No” Dipper pronounced in crackly voice.
His mother approached to him a couple of steps more, heartbroken for the glance of their own children at them. “Dipper, you’re not in your right mind, you don’t-”
“No, Mom!” Dipper yelled high. “We-we tried, we really really tried. But it didn’t matter how much we tried, how much we were honest with you. You didn’t listen, and you are still not listening. You look at us like if we were just a couple of f*cking monsters!”
“Dipper… You won’t be able to live a normal life with Mabel” His father told with serious tune. Again, they weren’t listening; again, they were mistaking their love for another crooked urge they needed to repress to have fulfilling lives. If only they knew.
“Well.. maybe we don’t want one!” Dipper finally shouted, turning around to walk aimlessly to his van.
Their parents only watched impotent how their beloved children drove away from home, and away from their lives…
“Mhm… so… I’ll want a French-Fry-Fantasy and a Slurpy Surprise” the young woman finally chose her meal options from between the short menu in the grease-stained paper sheet. It was kind of her personal politics about road restaurants to “choose the weirdest dishes in the menu or don’t say yourself worthy of a road trip”. The waitress with curly black hair and more freckles than space in the face to have them, could read for her bun hairstyle, her capri pants and her lots of laces and bracelets on her arms, that she was the extroverted and adventurous of them.
“I’ll want a pancake plate and a coffee, thanks” the man said instead. Judging by the old flannel coat and his black pants, he was the quiet one. The young waitress tried not to smile too much at the enormous contrast between their breakfast options, pondering in her mind how so alike persons could have such starkly different personalities. Anyhow, they made such a lovely couple, one of those who brighten the day of a service worker doomed to attend uncourteous people the rest of the day just like she was.
“Oh right, so a coffee cup, a Slurpy Surprise, a pancake plate and a French-Fry-Fantasy” The waitress repeated as the couple at the table nodded in agreement. “Ok, your order will be done in 10; anything else?”
“Nope, that’s all; thanks” he answered with kind tone.
“Okie dokie” The waitress said. “Oh! And congrats for your baby!” The waitress said before to leave.
“Owww thank you so much!” she said in joyful tune, making the waitress to enlarge her smile as she left to attend the order.
The young woman turned her attention back to her brother, moving over her seat with impatient joy. It was one of those days where the world seemed that friendly at them; after an inconceivable quantity of bad days in between, both had learned to appreciate them.
“Gosh I’m so hungry!” she exclaimed, enthusiastic at the edge of childishness.
“Yeaaah I kinda doubt ten minutes will be enough for your order” he asserted, resting his elbows on the table, looking out the window for a moment.
“Ooh, hush you there, bro-man! Have a little of faith in these peoples; they’re experts!” she dismissed.
“Experts in road restaurant dishes?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yep, I’m sure they attend to a special college for restaurant workers and stuff” she said with erudite-like pride.
“I did!” the old cook behind the bar yelled at their table with a stoic smile, raising his spatula. Maybe they were talking too high for a public place, but as they were currently the only customers it did not seem like it mattered at first. He usually would beg for her to slow down a little, due to the obvious need for them to conceal their true identities, but given the events of last night, he was simply happy to see her so free and being herself.
“You see? Road restaurant experts” She finally asserted as she raised her arms in a gesture of obviousness.
“Ok, I’ll eat my words along my pancakes” Dipper commented with an ironical smile.
“Yes you will, you will” She asserted, bopping his nose with the tip of her finger. Suddenly, she got aware the sorrow behind her brother’s eyes, and she worried. “What’s up, Dip?”
He paused for a couple of seconds in which his always hurried mind deliberated. She didn’t like unnecessary dramas, but she also liked him to be honest, as they had committed themselves to be. So after that instant that felt eternal, he spoke.
“Dunno, kinda… I know you’ll just tell me it was some kind of hormone rush or whatever but… I really…”
“Hey, it’s ok, Dip” she interrupted him, taking his hands with hers over the table. “I guess I was just… scared about the call Mom and Dad made and…”. For a moment, she thought she could express better by enacting, so she leaned across the space between them to rob him a deep kiss, to just after returning to her seat. “I want this, Dipper. I want all of this” She said, her eyes getting moisty.
“We’re just that crazy, aren’t we?” he asked with a moved smile. She was that fantastic and brave he couldn’t contain his love for her.
“And I couldn’t be happier for it” She asserted. He raised his hand to caress her cheek. Maybe it was the magical pregnacy hormones he had heard about in documentaries, or the strange and unnamed dimensions of their mutual love reacting again for a full catharsis potential, but she looked especially beautiful this morning, and (as energetically as he showed how much he loved her earlier at the van) she deserved to feel it. “To heck with a normal life” she cited from him as both just stared each other until the dishes were ready.
- Six months ago…
Dipper was quiet, as he had been all the way the long long time of driving lasted until the gas ran out near San Francisco Bay. He hadn’t said a word, nor even tried to clean his face of the blood; anyone with no idea of what really happened could have thought he was just coming out from a horror scene.
The unnerving silence was the exact kind Mabel recognized perfectly; she knew exactly what he was thinking and why he was thinking it. The waves of fear and regret and self-hatred and so many other things too deep to have a name. She let him have his inner battle, because Dipper Pines was the man of resolutions; but at some point she got aware he was just self-loathing again. Self-loathing for loving his sister in unexpected and strange ways she also felt. Self-loathing for stripping her dreams away just because he said he wanted to be with her and promising they would fight together whatever it would take. Self-loathing about the fact he actually accomplished his promise and now faced the true, palpable consequences of not having a plan this time. If he only had a plan, if he only…
“Dipper!” Mabel yelled at him, and he raised the head to look at her. His wound had closed enough for his blood over his face to dry a little, but the scar was still cutting his birthmark at half.
“No. Don’t you ever dare to say you’re sorry about this. And you know what? It’s because this is not your fault, Dipper!”
“But nothing, Dipper! It was Dad the one who punched you, it was Mom the one who pushed me, it was them the ones who wanted to… to wanted to…”; Mabel couldn’t even pronounce the fact that her own parents wanted to kill their unborn grandchild. “This is the part where I get all serious and say to you: We did everything we could. It didn’t work, eh? Well, we just move on and keep going forward! Because we have each other, just like we always had!” Mabel said, half crying, half smiling. Dipper smiled as well, because he knew it was true. He had saved the universe (now more than once), living in it was the least of the problems if they were that powerful together. At least, as powerful as their love was.
“To heck with a normal life” He said with trembling lips as they approached each other and kissed fiercely. Young? For sure. Inexperienced? As every young adult. Willing to face the full grasp of all the risks, the current perils, and unexpected tangents of becoming a wandering couple of roadside adventurers? As few souls in the whole Creation were.
It had been a tiring day. Some unseen thing had tried to eat his leg; some random stone had pierced a tire and they had to wait until a car stopped to help them and the muscled father of the family aided them to change the tire; they had tagged 328 adults and 58 younglings within the 36 nests across 28 hectares. Should they worry about the spreading of the hairy Lovecraftian monstrosities any further? Maybe, but first they should get some profit out of it. Now they were on their way to the next town, way far along the road.
For moments, they held hands together, staying in silence. For moments, Dipper changed the gear lever. For moments, they stopped so she could pee, as unceremonious as it was; pregnancy issues, she could recall very well. But they were in their way, announced by the gorgeousness of the sunset, sealed between unsaid promises coming from silent smiles. For moments, they talked as well.
“What are we gonna call our baby, Dips?” She interrupted the sound of the radio ballad songs.
“Hadn’t we agreed we were going to wait to know what our baby is to suggest names?”
“I knoooooow but I really wanna start having this solitary baby tummy-mommy chatter and I can’t just keep calling our baby ‘unnamed baby in fabrication’”.
He laughed wholeheartedly, as only she could make him laugh.
“Ok then, what if it’s a boy”.
“Weeeeeell I was thinking about Bob, or Steve, or Ronan!” She said in joy.
“Ronan? Heck no, that sounds too much. What about Connor?”
“Mhmm, I like Connor” she nodded. “Ok, so what if it’s a girl”
“Well, I kind of thought about Madeline, or Samantha, or Cassiopeia!”
“Do you really want to call our baby girl like a Greek tragedy?” she dismissed with a defiant smile.
“Ok ok, maybe it’s kinda preposterous. That’s a hard choice, Mabes”
“What about Mabel 2.0? Like Grenda!”
“I still want to figure out how names with numbers are allowed, by the way” he asserted.
“Eh, we’ll know when we reach New Jersey”
He smiled with hope. It was a still-in-process plan, but it was something they could have for sure. That, if the thing with the eldritch furry monsters didn’t grow for them to having to change it. They were going to land at New Jersey, where the grunkles would reach in some months to help them to acquire the old pawn shop they once lived in. It was a plan, and that’s the only thing they needed to know as they approached their destiny.
“We’ll make it, Dips” She reassured with a gentle glance.
“I know” He said back, as they drove deep within the endless road. Life was theirs to live, and that was everything that mattered.
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sweetaesuga · 4 years
nothing feels better than this | 02
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: angst, fluff, established relationship, parent au, dad jungkook, mom reader!
warnings: language, implied drug abuse, drug usage
word count: 2.2k
other part: 01
a/n: decided to finish this since i’m literally stuck on man of money :/// original ending was going to be angsty af, sorry if this is shitty🤧
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It was nearing three in the morning and still no sign of him. Slumber wasn't going to overtake you anytime soon, not when his body was missing next to yours. Regardless of the stubby one replacing it, you weren't dozing off as you desired. Not to mention, your messages were still unseen by him.
He was ignoring you and honestly, you weren't shocked one bit. Ever since the baby was born he vanished every weekend then came back with no explanation about his whereabouts. When you would try to ask him, he would leave again with no hesitation and no answer.
Jungkook simply didn't want to be contacted by you. You would only remind him of how mortified he should be from his actions. That's the last thing he needed, as if he wasn't feeling guilty enough for being at a party and sniffing cocaine instead of sleeping next to you and his baby. He was over the moon however, something he hasn't felt since he knocked you up.
As long as he ignored your texts, he wouldn't feel a single ounce of shame.
It was almost four when he sensed the couch sunk down besides him. Still, he doesn't turn to see who it is, his mind too gone to even care. They called out his name twice, practically screaming into his ear. He turned, eyes immediately focusing on the mint hair before his face.
"Why the fuck are you here?" Yoongi seemed livid by his presence. Then Jungkook remembered that he never wanted to see him around here again, the second he had told him the reason you weren't going to be joining them anymore. "Does Y/N know you're here?" Jungkook shook his head, grimacing at your name. He sulked and reached for the beer resting on the coffee table filled with white powder, needles, and drinks but Yoongi stopped him.
"You fucking kidding me right? You can't be doing this shit anymore! You have a kid at home!" Jungkook whined from how deafening Yoongi sounded. "You promised her you wouldn't do this anymore."
There we go. The regret was fading away, just for it to settle back in. He shouldn't have came here in the first place, he needs to find somewhere else to go. Yoongi would never be able to get off his back especially with the bond you two developed during your time here.
"I know I did! Fuck, you don't have to remind me every second," He stood up and shoved Yoongi away. It caused him to stumble back a bit but he regained his balance. "I already feel like fucking shit for doing this behind her back."
"Then why do you keep doing this to her? She doesn't deserve this, Jungkook, both of them don't deserve this!" Yoongi chased after him, pushing people aside. His fingers curled around his palm, longing for them to be around Jungkook's throat. Yoongi caught a hold of his arm before he can go any further past the front door. His grip was too tight for Jungkook to escape which forced him to stand there. "She’ll leave you. You're always disappointing her."
Yoongi ticked him off even more. As if he needed a reminder that you were being lied to by the person you've loved the most.
"You did this to me! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be like this!" Yoongi brushed aside the pang in his heart when Jungkook said that. Although he was told that on many occasions because he was a drug lord after all, it never stung him the way it did now.
"But you did this to her. If it wasn't for your dumbass, she would've never gone through what she has been through. If you didn't play with her fucking feelings, she wouldn't have had an addiction too. You fucked that poor girl up and you're still fucking doing it," Yoongi took a step closer. Despite being a little bit shorter and not holding a lot of muscle unlike Jungkook, he was still daunting. "Come here again and you'll have a bullet in your fucking head." Yoongi released him, knocking him down to the pavement. He slammed the door behind him.
Jungkook was quiet for a minute. He wanted to cry but couldn't manage to spill any tears out. He sighed, watching a puff of smoke come out of his mouth.
He would have to ask you to pick him up, his ride was still in the house that he was just threatened to not step a foot in. His fingers are shaking when he pulled out his phone to text you. He couldn't tell whether it was from the coldness or his distress.
jk🖤: pick me up please
jk🖤: [Current Location]
You were not furious, if anything you were upset. The second he sent his location, your heart practically dropped. Too many upsetting memories were tied to that place. Jungkook picked up on this right away the second he entered the car.
Even when you saw his enlarged pupils which can only indicate one thing in these circumstances, you don't say a word to him.
He heard the movement in the back. Jungkook turned to catch a glimpse of the car seat, faced away from him. His daughter kicking away, unaware of the issue that her parents are undergoing.
By the red light, he was on the verge of tears. His palms were sweaty and he wanted nothing more than his little girl to wrap her tiny fingers around his pinkie while you hold his other hand. You don't pay attention to his state, too engrossed in your own thoughts.
"I'm sorry," he doesn't know who he was aiming his apology to. His daughter or you."I just can't do this anymore," his sobs become louder as he continued.
Finally for the first time that night, his eyes wandered over to you. You were barely covered, your thin tank top and shorts were not doing a good job fighting off the cold, and with tired sunken eyes it seemed as if life was drained out of you. He was probably right. With a seven month baby and a boyfriend who was gone half of the time, of course it would look like you were dead.
He saw you hesitate to reach over to him. "What do you mean?" your voice was shaky but he doesn't mind. It doesn't necessarily compel him to hold you as it usually should. He carried this urge to not get near you or else it would send him into meltdown. "Jungkook?" you called out, eyes darting back and forth.
God, sometimes he wished you could just understand him. He was never good at explaining himself, sometimes he can get misunderstood.
Jungkook became enraged with himself. "I can't stay clean!" he screamed, catching you off guard. The car jerked a little from his outburst but that was the least thing you were bothered about. Your daughter, who was startled by her father yelling, began to cry in the back.
Jungkook's head throbbed as he cried harder, same way the baby in the back was too. You pulled over on the road, realizing you were unable to drive with the two of them bawling their eyes out. He curled himself in a ball in the small seat, body gluing onto the car door, far away as possible from the two of you.
You unbuckled your seatbelt, reaching over for your baby. Her mouth was wide open, pouring out sobs. Jungkook glanced over to take a peek of her. She's dressed the complete opposite of you. She was in her warm yellow polka dots pijamas, a little beanie clutched in her hands. He figured she must have taken off in frustration since she doesn't enjoy accessories on her head.
She came across the sight of him, blinking before grasping that he was truly in front of her. The pacifier was shoved in her mouth to silence her cries. Jungkook's eyesight grew vague as he cried again. "I can't do it anymore. Yoongi was right," his head was hidden behind his palms once again. Your eyebrows furrowed at the mention of your old friend. "You both don't deserve this! I'm always going to let the both of you down."
You ignored the saliva that dropped down onto your chest and placed the pacifier back in her mouth. Jungkook appeared so fragile in the corner of the car. "What are you talking about? Of course you can do it," you inhaled for a second, trying to hold yourself together while rubbing your baby's back. "Don't do this to her, please."
He shook his head and pressed himself further into the door once he heard a cry escape your mouth. "I don't want to, Y/N, but fuck, I just can't seem to get better," his voice cracked as he weeped in his seat.
"When did you relapse?" Your guess was that this wasn't the first time he was back at Yoongi's place. You're too afraid to know but it had to be asked. When he doesn't say anything, you try again. "Talk to me, please. Just tell me the truth, I won't yell at you or anything like that."
Jungkook's eyes bounced back and forth between his daughter and you. One final glance at her and he was speaking. "Like, fuck, maybe when you were seventeen weeks along I started using again," he looked down at his shoes away from your glum expression. "It was only a little bit then she was born and I just—shit I'm really sorry," your hand extended out but he neglected it. "Everyone was right about me. Your friends, Yoongi, your parents. Maybe you should go with them."
You knew what he meant. When your parents grasped onto the idea that their only daughter was pregnant by her druggie boyfriend, as they would call him, they were fuming and gave you an ultimatum. Leave him and they'll help you look after her or stay with him and throw your whole life away.
He felt crushed when you stayed silent. It was obvious that you would choose the first one. The two of you weren't going to do the best financially especially with a baby on the way.
What shocked him was when you cried a few seconds after. He has never seen you cry like this. Unlike when you tried the same unknown drug as him to impress him and later cried because the sensation was unfamiliar. Unlike when he fought with another man and you tried to stop him before the police showed up. Unlike when he took your virginity in the back of the filthy bar and ignored you for weeks. Unlike when he made you so upset with the girl around his arms, you wished you never met him then ran back to him.
You cried to your parents that you loved him so much that you couldn't let him go, even if it meant that they'll disown you.
Jungkook never knew that you felt about him that way. You loved him and wanted to be with him no matter what. He didn't know what to say to that. I mean, you weren't a fling. As soon as he called you his girlfriend he made you the only girl in his life, that was it. But he never imagined spending the rest of his life eternally bound to you.
Truth be told, he adored the idea.
So Jungkook tried for you. Your first suggestion was to check himself to rehab, something Jungkook just flat out refused but managed to stay sober for couple of months then he relapsed. He doesn't remember why he did it.
"I'm not going to my parents so they could remind me for the rest of my life about my mistakes. And I know you could do it, Jungkook," you sounded so determined it made him even more miserable. Your daughter nuzzled her face in your neck, locking eyes with her father. "You just need to get professional help."
You watched his shoulders shake and stuck your hand out to touch him. Jungkook refused to believe it.You could not be possibly be recommending that he go to rehab. Anything but that. "Not rehab, I don't want to go to rehab, please."
"Jungkook, do it for yourself. You really need to go. You can't keep doing this for the rest of your life. What happens if something happens to you? I will never be able to forgive myself for not trying," he leaned back in his chair. His daughter's chubby fingers outstretched towards him, eager to be in his arms. Jungkook took her from you and laid her on his lap. "We’ll be there every step of the way."
"What happens if I don't?"
"Then," you stopped yourself to think. You blinked, attempting to get rid of your tears. "I'm sorry Jungkook but I will leave you. I can't have her growing up with an environment like this, it's not okay," you stared at his side, admiring his nose that your daughter inherited. "I want the best for the both of us."
A replica of his doe eyes shined back at him in curiosity. He didn't think of much as she did. It wasn't until he turned to peek at you, is when he made his decision.
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niawritess · 4 years
The Lovestruck~Chapter 1
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(25 November)
2:14 PM
"Good afternoon, Rose!"
You greeted the owner with a smile as you walked into the Café, she greeted back smiling warmly as you made your way to the counter. Walking into the kitchen, you wore your apron and tied your hair into a high ponytail before stepping out.
"You're early." Rose said taking off her apron revealing her red top and black jeans with her hair in a loose bun.
"Yes, last class got cancelled." You replied standing beside her as you began helping her with cups and she giggled. "You must be happy then."
"Yes, very!" Your excited tone made her laugh and you joined her as you had told her before that you don't like history class.
Rose, the Cafés owner whom you met outside of a coffee shop coincidentally and shared some ideas about it. However, you ended up working in her Café when she offered you the job. You accepted it after disscussing it with your family and it's been two months since you are working here.
Your family didn't wanted to let you work because it's quite well off, but you wanted to experience it and Rose seemed to like you where you were unable to say no to her, so respecting your decision they agreed. Accepting the offer was great desicion of yours as you have been enjoying your work, though it gets a little hard but you love working here so, it's worth it.
Rose has been nothing but a best owner and the best company you could ask for, with her way of handling the Café, its been doing really well in only three months. Her coffee tastes the best although you don't drink but the smell you get from her coffee is different from others.
She can be strict when it comes to work but she's the most kind hearted person you've met as she has been treating you like her little sister and you have got comfortable with her in such a short time.
"By the way, should i go with something simple or something fancy?" She asked and you looked at her with a puzzle look, then you wided your eyes.
"No way! You agreed!" You exclaimed turning body towards her.
Rose's mom keeps pressuring her to go on a blind date because she's turning 30 soon, you couldn't believe when she told you her age because she looks younger.
She nodded. "Mom said its her friend's son so, It won't harm me if i go."
"Well, she's not completely wrong. You should try it, it won't go bad as you're thinking."
She sighed. "Hopefully."
"If it doesn't go well, don't feel down about that, i'm sure you'll meet someone someday." You spoke before smiling playfully. "And if not, you can just travel around and meet someone like Big Boss there."
She laughed shaking her head. "Geez girl, you never forget to make me smile with your words and you're still young. "
You shrugged. "And go with simple look, it suits you ma'am."
She rolled her eyes which made you chuckle because Rose hates ma'am word, she literally told you on your first day to call her Rose since ma'am word makes her look old.
Hearing the sound of doorbell jingling, you both turned around to greet the customer but only to see your co-worker Baekhyun walking in a casual plain grey sweater and blue jeans, his jet black hair were down covering his forehead with a bag slung over his shoulder.
"Good afternoon, Rose ma'am!"
Rose scowled and you chuckled while Baekhyun just looked at both of you confusingly. He went in the kitchen and came behind the counter wearing his apron.
"Why were you laughing?" He asked standing beside you.
"Mr. handsome, how many times i have told you not to call me ma'am." Rose groaned sitting at one the of tables, opening her bun and Baekhyun chuckled.
Rose calls Baekhyun Mr. handsome sometimes because when he stepped in the Café first time, she was already giving him heart eyes and even told him that if he was older than her, she would've asked him out. You wouldn't deny it that he's got that looks and good personality even in that casual shirt and jeans he's pulling it off and not to mention, some girls even asked his number but he turned them down politely.
Rose stood up after finishing her coffee and wore her coat before making her way to the door but turned around to look at both of you.
"Look after the Café for me cuties and the key is in the drawer so, make sure to lock the door before going, i'm off then." She waved before walking out.
"Good luck Rose!" You shouted and she did a okay sign before disappearing from your sight.
"Where is she going?" Baekhyun asked as his eyes shifted from the door to you and you sighed. "Blind date."
"Oh, she agreed."
Byun Baekhyun, your senior in College. He started working after the month you joined, honestly you were a little surprised to see him but never asked anything because it wasn't your business.
He's a cheerful and a friendly guy who is also close with Rose. Well, both of you are close with Rose but not with eachother, you guys talk but never had a proper conversation personally except if it is related to work or Rose.
You both don't know much about eachother except your names and that he's your Senior. Though your departments are different but you've heard about him a lot since he and his group of friends are really popular. He doesn't know that you also go to same college as him and you never tried to told him since you never found it necessary as it wasn't related to your work.
"Hey Y/n, can you pass me that cup?" He held out his hand where you placed the cup in his hand without looking at him and your heart stopped for a second when his fingers brushed against yours.
You immediately pulled your hand back and looked at him to see his eyes were already on you. Sound of bell jingling erupted causing you both look away and you greeted the customer with a smile.
"What would you like to order?"
"Your number?" He asked and you blinked tilting your head to stare at him weirdly.
Did he just...
"Sorry?" You frowned wondering may be you heard wrong.
"I'm sorry." He chuckled nervously. "Actually, i've been noticing you since few days and wanted to ask if i can get your number?"
You stared at him surprised as it was the first time you were getting asked for a number and were puzzled as how you should react while Baekhyun's head turned towards your direction upon hearing that.
You blinked before forcing a smile. "I'm sorry but i can't, your order please?"
"I'll take the order." Baekhyun suddenly stood beside you and signaled you to go which you did as you started making drinks for other customers.
"Hey, i'd like to talk to her." The customer said again and you were about to open your mouth to refuse him.
"I'm her Boyfriend, you can tell me." Baekhyun said in a calm yet deep voice looking in the customer's eyes with a serious expression .
You froze with your heartbeat speeding before you tilted your head towards him with your enlarged eyes.
The customer got flustered by his response as he apologized awkwardly before dashing out without ordering and then your gaze met Baekhyun's gaze where an awkward silence followed.
"Uh, thanks." You said looking everywhere but him and he just nodded before getting another order while you made your way to the washroom only to see your red cheeks.
"The hell?" You looked at yourself in the reflection weirdly before shaking your head to shrug off your thoughts.
Walking out from the washroom, your eyes stopped at Baekhyun who was serving the order to the table where your mind went back to that scene and your heart skipped a beat making you shook your head to brush off the thoughts.
"Y/n! Stop thinking about that, he just helped you, that's it! Get back to work!" You muttered under your breath, making your way behind the counter.
7:25 PM
You were wiping the table while Baekhyun was doing the same on the counter before glancing at the clock to see its almost closing time. After wiping the table, you advanced towards the kitchen and took off your apron there before walking out.
"Its closing time." You glanced at Baekhyun and took your jacket before taking off your band from your hair, letting your hair fall.
Baekhyun nodded before glancing at you before his gaze stopped at you where he didn't realized that he was staring until you felt his stare and looked at him.
Your forehead creased. "Why?"
He snapped out." Uh..no..nothing."
You frowned but nodded then he took off his apron going towards the kitchen while you took the key from the drawer. He walked out and turn off the lights by the corner while you turned off the lights which was above the counter but when you did, it kept flickering and eventually stopped.
You didn't think too much about it but still you'll inform Rose tomorrow to get it fixed, maybe the bulb's expiry date is close. You both went out before grabbing your bags and locked the door before you held out the key to Baekhyun and he gave you a quizzical look then his corner of lips turned up making you roll your eyes.
Taking the key from you, he put in a pot which was hanging from the corner of the door, you can't reach it since you are little short and Baekhyun is taller than you.
You both looked at eachother and Baekhyun was still smiling then he chuckled causing you squint your eyes at him where he stopped but a little smile was still on his face.
"Then, see you tomorrow, good night." You smiled lightly before stepping backwards and he nodded. "Good night and be careful."
You nodded and turned around to walk but when you look over your shoulder he was still standing there as he gestured you to go which you did while Baekhyun watched your figure getting disappear then he also went back.
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kyber-queen · 4 years
Like Real People Do (Rex x Reader) Pt. 2
Summary: Jedi!reader and Rex fall in love but are separated by the war. They meet again two years later, weeks before the Siege of Mandalore. This chapter takes place two years after the prologue--Jedi master!reader is stationed in the outer rim and is currently kicking ass alongside Aayla Secura. Reader n Anakin are gonna be bros, Rex runs from his problems.
Rating: Everyone
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: The first real chapter is up !! ALSO I do have a taglist for this fic so lmk if you want to be added !! This chapter is a bit exposition-y, but it’ll pick up soon !!
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Your lightsaber cleaved through the battle droid, leaving a bubbling mess of metal in your wake as you leapt to your next target. You were efficient, your strokes short and effective. You deflected a final blaster shot from a fallen droid before sprinting back to where Master Secura stood. She was perched on the only clear slate of ground amidst a sea of demolished battle droids. Realizing that, for now, the fight was over, you sucked in a few greedy breaths as you wiped your brow. Noting your gesture, Aayla shook her head with a smile.
“Tired already, Commander?”
You laughed breathlessly, rolling your shoulders and giving your lightsaber an experimental spin. “Just warming up, General,”.
You switched on your datapad, reviewing the strategy you had composed. Your eyes flicked from the battle plans to your surroundings, noting the rocky terrain and sparse vegetation. A grunt to your right drew your attention—a few troopers dragging one of their wounded to the medevac. Your stomach clenched. Thanks to your constant planning and preparation, the 327th had the lowest casualty count in the GAR. Even so, every loss hit you personally. Due to your position as a strategist, you took credit for every victory and every defeat—if you lost a man on the battlefield, it was due to your planning.
The beeping of Aayla’s commlink interrupted your dwellings. Master Windu’s voice cut through the steady thrum of the battle tanks’ generators as Aayla paged him through.
“Master Secura. Master—” A shout from one of the clone troopers drew your attention. The separatists’ reinforcements had arrived.
Windu carried on despite the interruption. “General, your auxiliary commanding officer is required on Coruscant immediately. You may proceed with your mission as planned,”. He addressed you next. “Commander, please be advised as to commandeer a starship as soon as possible. Upon returning to Coruscant, meet me aboard the Venator,”.
Your brow furrowed, and you turned to Aayla, concerned.
“Grab a starfighter, Commander. We’ll be fine,”.
“But the reinforcements���”
“Are accounted for in your plans, no? Go,”. Aayla patted you on the shoulder.
You gave her a reluctant smile and headed toward the starfighters.
Once you had piloted out of the atmosphere, you set your hyperdrive coordinates to Coruscant and settled into your seat. You bounced your leg nervously. You hadn’t been back on Coruscant in years. You hadn’t been back since—well, since you were with Rex. You doubted he would be there, you doubted he was even alive at times. Hope fluttered in your chest just the same.
The journey was easy enough—you arrived at Coruscant within the hour. You disembarked from your starfighter, and immediately sought out the Venator. Windu was waiting for you at the ramp, and he motioned for you to walk with him.
“Since your appointment as Master, you’ve excelled at both strategy and diplomacy while assigned to the 327th.Your success within this unit is undeniable, but myself and other members of the council feel that your talents could best be used elsewhere,”.
You nodded in understanding. You were aboard the Venator now, and you found yourself distracted by the steady stream of troopers flowing through the halls of the destroyer. You searched each face, looking for someone you knew was probably long gone. You didn’t even know if you would recognize him now. So much time had passed since you first left Coruscant, yet thoughts of the man you left behind still occupied your mind. With each new unit you encountered, you hoped to catch a glimpse of blond hair within the crowd. As you focused more and more on their faces, Windu’s speech faded into the distance.
“Are you listening, Master?”
You shook yourself back to attention.
“I’m sorry, Master Windu. Could you repeat that?”
“I said that you’ll be assisting the 501st in tactical preparation and risk reduction. You’ll report to General Skywalker—he’s brilliant, but his plans often lack forethought. Your emphasis on preparation before action will serve him well. Meet General Skywalker on the bridge—he’ll be waiting for you,”.
Your eyes went wide. The 501st? Images of Rex flooded through your mind. It’s been just over two years since you’d last seen him—the systems in the outer rim had dearly needed republic support, and your year-long tour had been prolonged indefinitely. So much had happened, so much had changed. You were a Jedi master now, but you couldn’t repress the way your heart fluttered at the prospect of seeing him again.
“Oh, and Commander?” Your eyes flicked to Windu.
“Yes, Master?”
“Good luck,”.
Windu turned, and you watched as he disappeared into the crowd. Where were you supposed to meet Skywalker, again? Remembering your purpose, you set off for the bridge. Skywalker was waiting for you at the entrance, as Master Windu had said. He gave you an appraising look.
“You’re the Commander, right?” His tone was guarded—you could tell he was uneasy about you. He probably didn’t appreciate your intrusion into his unit. You knew from the republic reports that Skywalker was one of the most skilled Generals in the GAR—the 501st had a surprisingly low casualty rate, rivalling the 327th. Skywalker seemed to be handling his troops just fine. Why were you here?
“Guilty as charged. Forgive me if this is forward, but I’ve read your reports. Your loss numbers are low despite the relative spontaneity of your strategies. You clearly have control over your battalion. Why am I here?”
Skywalker grinned. “That’s what I said. The council thinks my strategies need more structure—I guess that’s where you come in,”.
“Well, General, I’ll do my best to align your tactics with the council’s ideals—but considering how high your success rate is, I think it would be best if I left most tactical autonomy to you. Would you agree?”
“Absolutely,” Skywalker paused, before laughing to himself. You cocked your head.
“You know, you’re not at all what I thought you’d be,”.
“I’m going to assume that’s a good thing,” you smiled.
“It is. I guess I should go over our specifications—”
You should have been listening as the General gave you the rundown of his battalion. You couldn’t. All you could think about was Rex. Was he here? Was he alive? You should ask—you doubted Skywalker would know the answer. Did he have a directory of his troops? Maybe you could ask to look through his records.
“—my clone captain, Rex, will be meeting us here to take you on a tour of the ship. Oh, and we don’t do numbers here—my men have names, and you’ll use them,”.
Your eyes widened. If you were any less shocked, you might have been touched by Skywalker’s sentiment. Did he say Rex was his captain? You must be hallucinating now.
“I’m sorry, what did you say his name was?”
“Rex—oh, speak of the devil, here he is now,”. Anakin looked over your shoulder, oblivious to the emotional tailspin he had sent you into.
You turned to follow Skywalker’s gaze, and your heart stopped in your chest. He’s here. The same honey-brown eyes, the same blonde buzz, a little older, a little wearier, but it was him.
He snapped into a solute, his features set in a stoic gaze as he addressed Skywalker.
“General,” his eyes shifted over to you, his expression imperceptible. “Master,”.
Rex turned, and Skywalker motioned for you to follow him. The general took a few jogging steps to catch up with his captain, and whispered something to him that caused him to sneak a momentary glance over his shoulder at you. You were perplexed. Did he not recognize you? You were certain it was him. Skywalker retreated back into the command center, and Rex’s gruff baritone interrupted your thoughts.
“Barracks’re this way,”. Rex motioned to his left before setting off in the direction he indicated.
You enlarged your steps to avoid trailing behind. Rex walked faster. Spotting what looked like a maintenance room, you grabbed at his arm to stop him.
“Sir, what are you—”
You dragged him into the closet and closed the door.
“It’s really you, right?”
Rex nodded, slowly.
“Do you remember me?” You studied his face, watching as he slowly raised his stare to your knit brow and wide eyes. He sighed, and you watched his shoulders fall slightly.
“Yeah, ‘course I do,”.
You were at a loss for words. You took in the kama and pauldrons, the score marks on his vambraces.
“You’re a captain, now?”
“You’re a master, now?”
You laughed, and you noted the creases in Rex’s cheeks when he smiled. His smile disappeared far too soon for your liking. War had aged you both, but he wore it well, you thought. You opened your mouth to speak, but the buzzing of Rex’s commlink interjected.
Rex looked up from the commlink with an apologetic smile. “Duty calls. I’ll see you around, right?”
You nodded. There was so much you wanted to say.
Rex clapped you on the shoulder and walked out the door.
Like Real People Do Taglist: @pinkiemme @callme-eds @dinpoe 
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chao-writes-stuff · 3 years
Hey! I've been dead for a while, but here's a small story dedicated to the Twit.nes twitter account which just beat 4-1 of Super Mario Bros. (NES) 20 minutes ago!
The vast empty fields of the Early Mushroom Kingdom were laid bare as a certain red plumber materialized back into existence. "Again?" His subconscious thought. Of course, this wasn't any ordinary Super Mario. Hidden under the masquerade of the popular plumber were a hundred - no, a thousand fractured minds, trapped in this wicked hallway again.
Before them laid a giant tower of blocks. This was no surprise to them, as the many splintered brains have been here tens of times before. Beyond this wall was a death trap: 2 Spinies and a Lakitu. Mortal enemies of the many, responsible for stopping several ambitious new consciousnesses from taking hold of the situation and seizing victory.
As Mario jumped, things seemed… different, this time. Less half-hearted… and more determined. Several new members of the split mind had made themselves known, and they got to work right away at rectifying the wrongs the many before them could not. The plumber bounded his way to the top of the pillar, where without thinking, he leapt for a long while.
Immediately, the splintered mind became… active, to put it lightly. They weren't used to the body of the plumber making it past the tower, let alone the spinies just past it. And yet, they were hopeful. Maybe this one would be it, they thought. Maybe these few souls trapped in here would bring us to victory once and for all.
As they thought this, a newfound ability unlocked in the mind: the ability to visualize where they had to leap. The ability to test out many realities in the blink of an eye, without the aid of the other souls trapped within. The power to emulate reality. Immediately upon unlocking this skill, one of the souls, who referred to himself as quite unbecoming, used this skill to test out several futures. Within minutes, a giant red box was placed before the pipe…
As the body reached this, the plant that lived within came out. Many of the souls were hesitant, but a peculiar gardener who knew what he was doing made everyone push on… and with the help of the many, Mario leapt across the first pipe. A revolutionary breakthrough: no one had gotten this far in years. 
Shortly afterwards, the souls within repeated this again, managing to find their way on top of and inside an underground cavern. When they arrived, another soul, with an appearance resembling the body they possessed, but a heart of gold and syrup, did a brave detour to grab something that no one had seen in months: a Mushroom.
With the power of emulating realities and visualizing destinations, the now enlarged plumber set foot onto his final trial. 2 death defying leaps back to back, one of which was nearly frame perfect. The souls in the mind were quite cocky, and charged on ahead with a powerful leap…
But they couldn't make it.
The plumber's jump fell short of the second pit, and his body started hurdling past the ground on track to hit the lower wall of the pit he attempted to jump. It looked like it was the end for everyone that dared to defy fate…
But the Gardener spoke again. With a new voice. A commanding voice. "Hold back, then fall like a feather for 2 movements, then charge ahead once more." At first, everyone was skeptical… but his voice continued to ring out. With every movement, his voice followed. Although it might not have been sure at every step…
They leaped the second pit like it was no problem at all. Before they knew it, they had one trial left: a repeat of the spiny tower, now with a death pit. But the gardener kept commanding, and the unbecoming soul kept emulating reality to ensure success. With their teamwork, and the cooperation of several allied souls…
Mario rolled onto the ground, his hat only barely suffering a mild tear from the spiny egg that almost cracked his skull. They survived the trials. The souls had put to rest the hardest part of the gauntlet.
They triumphantly charged onto the ending stairway, where the Lakitu that had been causing them the anguish and pain of 120 restless days finally went away. Mario jumped up the stairway….
The souls leaped with all they had….
The jump almost fell short ….
But with their fallen comrades behind them, and a victorious shout…
4-1 Was Cleared!
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fivefeetfear · 4 years
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Chapter one
This takes place a year into the future.
"Spinel please be careful while you are down on Earth." White says worriedly as she kneels before the pink gem. Blue nods in agreement as she joins White on the floor.
"And don't forget to call us whenever you have the time." The cool colored diamond chimes in a soft smile gracing her features.
"And please bathe everyday so you don't get the stench of that disgusting planet onto your clothes." Yellow advise with a scowl on her face. She really hated the smell when they last visited, and she doubts much has changed. The two other diamonds roll their eyes at Yellow whom only shrugged. They knew she was right.
All three of the diamonds then shifted their attention back to the beloved gem before them wary for the journey ahead of her. Spinel smiles nervously at the over baring women as she rubs the back of her neck. Though she lived with them for a year, the pink gem was not the biggest fan of the diamonds overprotective nature. It could be quite exhausting and honestly a bit embarrassing. Most days she felt like their child when she was not being their best friend. Even so, Spinel loves them dearly, but this trip is necessary for the sake of her sanity. Just the thought of sleeping in without entertaining anyone sounded amazing to her. Spinel never knew she would miss having her own space, at least this time she gets to choose when she wants to be alone.
Spinel steps onto the warp padded preparing herself to leave the palace.
"Don't worry about me my diamonds; you won't even notice that I'm gone." She says teasingly trying to bring some light to the situation. Though the diamonds didn't find it amusing. Yellow's eyes sharpen as she crosses her arms over her chest.
"Was that self-deprecation?" Yellow questions making Spinel straightening up her posture at her tone. Crap. Blue eyes widen as she lowers herself closer to Spinel with concerned in her hues. Blue gently strokes the top of Spinel's head as she spoke tenderly.
"Of course we will notice you are gone, we love you Spinel." Blue says softly making the small gem feel guilty at her poor choice of words. In her defense she didn't mean for it to come out as self deprecation, they just took it that way as usual. Yellow then glances over at White as she "mutters" to her.
"Do you think she is ready to be on her own? Should we send one of our pearls with her?" Yellow asks White, who seems to be considering the thought. Maybe she still needed more supervision.
Spinel felt panic swell in her chest as she gazed up at her diamonds with pleading magenta eyes.
"I'm ready! I promise no more self-deprecating jokes!" She says. Spinel appreciates that her diamonds had spent all their time helping her build up her confidence. It was not by much, a year barely made a dent to the damage of six thousand years caused, but it was a start. She was able to keep her abandonment issues under control since she literally spends every single day with them, but she had some minor setbacks. Spinel thanked the stars that Steven was able to convince them that she is ready to go back to Earth for a mini-vacation and to take a break from diamond duties. There was no way she was going to let this opportunity pass her by. Spinel clasped her hands together and enlarged them as she gave the diamonds her best doe eyes.
"Please." She mutters meekly instantly making White and Blue melt under her glossy eyes.
"Ok, ok, just be safe and you can come home whenever you like!" White concedes childishly, how could she say no to that face! Yellow scoffs as she rolls her eyes agitated at how easily she gave in. This is Pink all over again.
Spinel smiles widely as she nods her head. She quickly waves at her family as a bright light shined from beneath her.
"See you soon my diamonds, bye!" And just like that she had vanished from their sight. In a blink of an eye Spinel was in the middle of Little Homeworld. It was bustling with different types of gems and a few humans here and there. The building also varies in sizes and colors, her eyes shined at the beautifully crafted town. The atmosphere here felt warm and cheery, the sky is bright blue with birds flocking above. It was nothing like the dark cold space at Homeworld. Releasing a heavy breath her shoulders slouches low to the ground, her arms spiral to the floor feeling at ease.
"SPINEL!" Someone cried out making said gem whip around behind her. Her smile softens as she spotted the main Crystal Gems. Steven was waving animatedly as he rushes over to her with Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst behind him. Spinel nerves began to take over as they grew closer, she still felt a large amount of guilt for what she did to them. Even though they reassured her multiple times that all is forgiven during their visits to Homeworld. Nevertheless, she still felt a shred of doubt, but she pushed that aside as Steven yanks her into a hug giggling happily as always.
"It's so good to finally meet up again! This is going to be a fun summer with you around!" he says enthusiastically. The gems smirked at his upbeat energy, they were all grateful that even though Steven is getting older, he was still the go lucky kid they all love. Spinel hums contently as she pulled away, physical contact still made her anxious. Spinel waves at the rest of the Crystal Gems, each of them giving her their own unique warm welcome. The pink gem clears her throat as she looked around Little Homeworld, her orbs then looked over to the hilltop where her injector used to be planted. It was no longer a toxic cesspool, but a beautiful greenie that added to the scenery of this peaceful town. In addition, if she looked hard enough, the first crater her injector left was in the shape of a upside down heart much like her gem. It seems so long ago now, so much as changed but yet at the same time everything still feels the same. At least to her.
Spinel glances at her friends and their new outfits, then she looks down at herself. Maybe thats why she feels the same. Her appearance did not change much; she still has her spiky pigtails and the three lines running down her cheeks. The only differences are she exchanged her puffy shorts and her large pointy shoes for something more casual and comfortable. She also stretched herself a few inches taller, experimenting with her height. Her eyes sadden, as she looks back at Steven, who is now seventeen years old.
"Can't believe it's been a year since I've been here, this place is beautiful" She muses still remembering when the small town was only 83.7 percent complete. OR in her case 56.2 percent complete since she did destroy most of it trying to help Steven get Garnets memories back. She really did track disaster everywhere she went?
"Yeah remind me to dispose of the pizza cutter." Peridot voice chimes in as she, Lapis, and Bismuth approached the team. The three gems gave the pink gem either a small smile or a shy wave. She returned their greetings with a wave of her own. It will take some time for her to adjust being around them all at once again.
"Hey, guys ready for the show?" Steven asked the three breaking the awkward silence that fell upon them.
"Yeah, let's start heading over so we can get good seats." Bismuth suggested as she began to lead the way. The Crystal Gem's follow close behind as Spinel and Steven walked behind the pack.
Spinel stood close to Steven, still feeling a bit awkward with the rest of the gems.
"Show?" she asks him, Steven nods.
"Yeah, one of the gems created a Broadway theater so gems and humans can sing, dance, act and she is a really good friend of ours. I'm sure you'll like her!" Steven said positively, his smile never faltering. Spinel smiles ever so softly as she held her arms closed to her body.
"Ok sounds like fun." She mutters.
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
So Henry, you want to start a YouTube channel? - Chapter 4
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Summary: Twenty five year old YouTuber Sandy Choi has no idea that one of her five million subscribers is the one and only Henry Cavill. When he asks her to help him out with starting his own YouTube channel, she falls more and more in love with her. But she should’ve known that dating one of the most desirable bachelors, does come with a prize.
Henry Cavill x Sandy Choi (ofc)
Warnings: None
Wordcount: 3.1k
A/N: If you want to be on the taglist, please let me know. Also, I really like reading that you like the story. Such a great way to make my day xx
Masterlist // Channel introduction // Previous chapter // Next chapter
The next day Sandy uploaded a new video. It’s a summer night time routine and Henry watches every second of it, making mental notes as the video progresses. He is even thinking about picking up a skin care routine himself, simply because she is doing it. The Sandy on his iPad screen takes off her make-up and he admires her. She already looks adorable with make-up on, probably because of her cheeks, but seeing her bare face like this, he can’t help but wonder what life would look like if she was his girlfriend.
These last two days, he realized he not only admired her, her work ethic and the way she shows her life on the vlogs and makes it look like she has her shit together, but that he was falling in love with her. And he is falling head first.
He can’t stop himself anymore. He dreams about a life where Sandy Choi is his girlfriend. She would walk into the kitchen in his shirt, that is way too big for her. She’d be hugging him from behind as he makes her breakfast, pressing kisses on his back. He’d lift her on the counter, so he could press tons of kisses on her cheeks, causing her to giggle. Her slender arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. He thinks about how she would beat his ass with Mario Kart, leaving him a sulking mess. She would kiss him, her soft lips on his, hoping she could brighten him up.
He even envisions her sitting on his lap as she would help him edit a video or sit between his thighs on the couch as he would teach her his favorite games. He’d help her control the console, his thumbs helping hers and kiss her temple every time she does it right.
He has been single for awhile and it was better this way, not dating anyone. Being a bachelor had its perks and he enjoyed it. However meeting Sandy in real life, has him stop him right in his tracks.
He keeps thinking about her smile, about her lovely laugh and the way she blinks her eyes a little quicker when she’s nervous. Everything she does he admires, he likes and he cherishes.
He printed out his favorite picture he made of her yesterday. She’s absolutely stunning and it was not an easy process picking out just one picture he loved. He can’t wait to give her the framed picture. He rewatched some of her videos, hoping he’d get a better idea of what her room looks like. He found a frame in an old box, thinking it would match her aesthetic.
He leans back again the chair, while he holds the picture frame in his hand, staring at Sandy. She’s next to the sunflower and she’s giggling. He can almost hear it again.
She is really photogenic and the fact that she’d let herself being photographed like this, means she’s comfortable with him right?
When she confessed about how she was feeling being around him, he admired her courage to share this with him. It’s personal and he never pecked her for sharing too much personal details of herself this early on in their friendship. She is always pretty neutral in her vlogs, never really personal. He watched some of her Q&A’s and she managed to answer everything, but still leave a lot to the imagination.
The Sandy on his iPad is walking in the most adorable pajamas he has ever seen (a cute pink two piece) to her bed. Her soft voice over says: ‘That is my night time summer routine. I hope you enjoyed this video.’ She gets into the bed and flicks off her light. ‘Remember,’ he hears her say, while the screen stays black, ‘stay hydrated, love yourself and be kind to the people who deserve it and most importantly: yourself.’
Her outro that matches the soft vibe this video has, is a picture of her sitting near her window with a cup of tea in her hand and some links to her social media.
He hears an incoming message and his heart starts to beat a whole lot faster when he sees her name on the screen. Her profile picture is her in a cafe, with a cute beret on her head. She looks cute as a button and the fact that he knows her in real life, is almost like winning the jackpot.
Sandy Choi: I figured out what your first video should be about.
Henry: Enlighten me, please.
Sandy Choi: A channel trailer.
Henry has seen her channel trailer, since she updated hers a few months ago. It was one of the first videos he watched of her. It was beautifully done, but can he do that? Can he pull it off?
Sandy Choi: I can help you out today. If you want of course?
That’s an opportunity that Henry will take with both of his hands. Every moment he can spend with her, is one he’ll take.
Henry: That would be awesome.
He quickly cleans up a bit around the house, rushes upstairs for a quick shower and gets ready in record time. He opts for a dark blue shirt and one of his new jeans shorts. He hasn’t had the chance to wear it yet and he thinks she’d approve of this.
He wonders what she’ll look like today. Yesterday she wore a beautiful white dress, with black sandals underneath them. He can’t believe she thought that she wasn’t fashionable enough for a fashion channel.
Henry hears the doorbell ring, followed by a bark from Kal. He rushes downstairs and he can already see Kal wagging his tail, as if he knows who is coming over. He ushers Kal into the living room and takes a deep breath before he opens up the door.
God, Sandy is adorably beautiful. She wears a jeans short, a white crop top above it and paired it with white platform sneakers. She has put her hairs in two braids, her bangs and some strands of hair framing her face. She has a big bag with her. ‘You walked here?’ he asks her, after he got over his initial shock of how pretty she is.
She nods. ‘Mhm.’
‘You should’ve told me,’ he says, grabbing the heavy looking bag from her. ‘I could’ve picked you up.’
He wonders what her answer will be to that. She keeps on surprising him from time to time. She’s shy, but at the same time she can be real witty. ‘I’m a strong and independent woman, Henry,’ she says, as she walks inside.
He closes the door behind her and he is impressed that she carried this around town for half an hour, without a single drop of sweat. For him, it’s like lifting up a piece of paper, but for someone as petite as her? He shouldn’t have underestimated her like that.
‘Just be careful with that bag,’ she tells him. ‘I brought own camera, laptop, iPad and some other stuff with me. Stuff we’ll need for your channel trailer.’
When Sandy walks into the living room, Kal rushes to her and in excitement, he jumps up. ‘Kal, watch it, that’s not how you greet a lady,’ Henry says, but Kal is having non of it, because he keeps on jumping up, wanting to lick her face. She yelps when he stands on his hind legs, ready to place his front paws on her shoulders. Henry quickly stands between his furry companion and Sandy. ‘Calm down,’ he sternly tells him.
Kal whines, but stays on all of his legs, looking around Henry’s legs to stare at Sandy. ‘Is it safe?’ she softly asks.
‘Yeah, I’m sorry. He’s usually pretty calm, but something about you makes him go mad.’
Sandy smiles and Henry watches as she pets his head. Kal is completely smitten with her, his eyes nearly changing into heart eyes when he looks at her and he leans into her touch. If Henry is being completely honest, he can’t blame him, since he is in the exact same boat as his Akita.
Henry places the bag on the table. ‘You want something to drink?’
She nods. ‘Water.’
‘I have other things,’ he tries, but she shrugs. ‘Sure you don’t want something sweet? Chocolate or—’
‘You have chocolate?’ she asks, standing up straight, looking at him with her eyes enlarged.
Henry knew that that would work. He chuckles. ‘I do.’
She walks up to the table and says: ‘I’d love some chocolate.’
Henry needs to tear his gaze away from her, but if it was up to him, he’d stare at her forever. It’s not just her beauty, it’s her pleasant aura as well. In her videos, she always looks really calm, like she knows what she’s doing. Though Sandy can be pretty quiet around him, he likes having her around. Sometimes he does have a feeling that she’s holding back though. Not only in her videos, but also in real life. He doesn’t think she is fully aware of how funny she is, talented and that not only she’s a great listener, but also a fantastic story teller, in writing and when she’s with him. There’s something deep down there that she has yet to uncover and unleash, to show the world.
‘So, I have been thinking about your channel,’ she says.
Henry walks to the table, places her glass of water and the chocolates on a plate next to her. In complete contrast to yesterday, she seems to be comfortable right away and he thinks that’s a good sign. ‘Tell me.’
‘You know, my channel is based around Life with Sandy Choi. Taking them with me., showing them parts of my life and how certain things work. Maybe yours can be Life with Henry Cavill.’
‘Isn’t that copying you?’
‘It’s not trademarked, Henry,’ she says. ‘But something along the lines of that. Because if you do something like that, means you’re free to upload whatever you want. If you name it, I don’t know… Fitness with Henry or Build a stuff with Henry, you sort of force yourself into one part of yourself.’
She has a point. He leans against the table with his hands. ‘Yeah?’
‘Mhm.’ She grabs her iPad out of her bag and the Apple pen and sits on the chair. It’s adorable to see that her feet are dangling, not even close to touching the floor. She starts to write something, completely lost in her own world, giving Henry time to just simply look at her. He quietly grabs his phone and takes a picture of her, wanting to remember this moment forever.
Sandy finally looks up. ‘What do you think?’ She turns her iPad around and his eyes nearly roll out of their sockets.
‘Did you just make a logo?’ he asks, sitting next to her on a chair.
‘Mhm, just need to finish up the drawing of you and Kal, but other than that, it looks pretty okay, right?’
‘Pretty okay? Sandy, this is fantastic. Honestly, is there something you can’t do?’ He leans in a bit, so he can check out the logo. She made a rough sketch of him and Kal, but even in the sketch, he can tell that it’s them. Above the drawing of them she wrote “life with” and underneath it “Henry (and Kal)”, in such a lovely handwriting.
‘It’s not that great.’
He simply dismisses what she just said there. ‘You are by far the most talented person I have ever met,’ he says, looking up, to see that she’s already watching him. Her face is really close and he watches her tongue wetting her lips. ‘Honestly.’
Her cheeks turn in a soft pink color. ‘Thanks, Henry.’
Henry feels her breath against his lips. He uses all of his willpower not to lean in and kiss her. It would be weird and actually rude to just kiss her, but God, with the way she looks now, he just wished that she was his girlfriend, that he could kiss her whenever he wanted.
‘And I was thinking about your channel trailer,’ she says. ‘We could film some shots today, but you can also start just filming your life. Just like the intros I use before every vlog, you can use some footage you’ll make this week. You don’t have to post that, but it might be useful.’
He heard her, perfectly clear, but he is distracted by his own thoughts. He keeps wondering about how it would feel when she’d place her tiny hand in his. He keeps wondering what it would be like to hug her body close, to have her face buried in his neck, her warm breath against the sensitive skin. ‘That sounds good,’ he eventually manages to say. ‘I really need to find a way to thank you, once the channel is in the air.’
She shrugs. ‘No need to, I like helping you out.’
Henry doesn’t want this day to end. Though it was really silent every now and then, he noticed that she was getting more and more comfortable with him. She even slapped him across his arm, only to keep on apologizing over and over again, to a point where he simply told her that he barely even felt it.
They had made tons of shots and she really knows what she is doing. Seeing her behind the camera, telling him what he should do, he saw that glimpse of what he knew what was there all along.
Afterwards, she showed him how Final Cut Pro worked, by opening her own laptop and showing him step by step how he could use this program. She even wrote some short cuts down on a piece of paper.
Though he is slightly intimidated by how easily she does it, but she told him that she was worse than he was when she first opened her laptop to edit a video and that he has nothing to worry about.
The two of them only ate some ice cream for dinner, since this hot weather makes it hard for both of them to eat something remotely healthy and the ice cream cools them down. It’s about nine in the evening, but Sandy has yet to leave his place.
If it were up to Henry, she didn’t leave. It’s nice not being alone with a dog, but to have some company, someone to look at during the day, that would be nice. Henry scrolls through the pictures of his phone, while he waits for the freezer to open again, after it vacuumed itself shut. He knows by now that forcing it to open isn’t helping the situation at all, but it gives him plenty of time to look at the pictures he made today of her. He already sent a few to her, but the one he made of her earlier today, with her iPad in hand, is by far his favorite.
That reminds him, he was going to give her the photo he printed out for her. Maybe when she has to leave, he can give it to her.
Finally the freezer opens up again and he gets the ice cubes, to put in her glass of water. Henry walks back to the living room, only to see how Sandy fell asleep against Kal, her head resting on his side.
He smiles as he stares at the sight of the young woman and his dog. Her fingers are wrapped around his paw. Kal lazily opens up his eyes, as Henry pulls out his phone again, to make a picture of the woman he is heavily crushing on and his lovely dog.
He quietly walks upstairs, to make the bed in the guest room. He places an air cooler in the room and fills the tank with some water. He goes downstairs again, only to see her still fast asleep. He really doesn’t want to wake her up, but he also doesn’t want her to sleep on the couch, especially not in that position. It would kill him if she actually strained her back. He carefully slides his hand underneath her knees and her upper body and lifts her up with ease. She places her forehead against his shoulder, her entire body completely relaxed.
Henry can’t stop smiling as he walks up the stairs. He feels her fingers fisting the material of his shirt as she tries to turn on her side in his arms. ‘Easy, easy,’ he softly whispers.
Gently he places her in the bed, taking off her shoes and covering her with a thin blanket. He walks back downstairs, to grab some cooling elements to put in the air cooler. When he is back in the room, he sees she hasn’t moved at all. He tries not to drop the cooling elements in the tank too hard, since he really doesn’t want to wake her up. For a moment he looks at her and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear, his fingers grazing over her soft cheek. ‘Good night, Sandy.’
Henry walks out of the room, closes the door behind him, when he feels his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He looks at the screen and sees Jackson send him a text.
Jackson: I had to hear from my sweet lady Lacey that you have been meeting up with Sandy Choi for three days in a row now?
Jackson: Were you planning on telling me this?
Jackson: Like ever?
Jackson: Because now I heard the details from Lacey, because Sandy is a nice friend and actually tells her stuff about your rendezvous.
Henry: You only told me about Lacey, two minutes before your party started and since you have been hanging out non stop with her, I have to do my morning run by myself.
Henry: I wanted to tell you then, but if you just leave me hanging.
Jackson: Very funny. How was it today?
Henry: It was amazing, she is really talented. She helped me film something and showed me the editing software. I can't believe that she’s actually part of my life now.
Jackson: That is sickening sweet. You’re still hanging out?
Henry: No, she’s upstairs now.
Jackson: Mister Cavill 😏
Henry: It’s nothing like that. She was tired from filming, being in the sun a lot. She fell asleep.
Jackson: Well, I heard from Lacey that in those seven months that miss Choi is living here, she has yet to spend time with someone else, beside Lacey. Think you’re doing something good, bud.
Taglist: @flhorah​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @toomanystoriessolittletime​ // @tumblnewby // @newts-fan-case // @thelastsock
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littledreamybeth · 5 years
What a feeling
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PLEASE READ AUTHORS NOTE: I really tried to write a good story here, but I’m so bad at creating smut. Some things may not make much sense to you because I didn’t explain or depict them properly. I’m sorry for that- I really am. I consider to stop writing because my writing  doesn’t seem to be good anymore... at least in my eyes... It’s hard for me to describe things in a language which is not my mother tongue... I’d like to thank you for reading my stories so far, and for supporting me. I won’t be writing anything for a while, but my work is still going to be up. Just don’t steal them, and give me credits if you repost it somewhere... Thank you...
This work was inspired by “What a feeling”- One Direction, the title of this story is dedicated to my favorite song of all time. I had to think of a scenario like this at Harry’s part.
Harry observed her from the other side of the room. Leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his naked torso, he just watched the half bare girl sitting on top of his bed. Her legs were bent to her chest, a thoughtful look lingering in her eyes. A few minutes ago, they were making out, resulting his shirt being pulled over his head and thrown onto the ground whilst she was completely freed from her dress. He knew what she was thinking about. She considered whether she should or should not have sex with him.
They had been dating for a few months, and never had Harry urged her to have sexual intercourse. He’d been told that she had negative experiences with her ex-boyfriends on this topic, because she was never ready for sex. And who would stay with a girl who wasn’t ready for more? Sometimes, it was even thought that she was asexual, which was not true. Harry was not like her former boyfriends- he actually gave her time as much as needed.
Tonight, however, was different. She was ready- or maybe not? Harry sighed, walking towards her and kneeling in front of her.
“Hey,” he murmured, his left hand cupping her cheek, forcing her to look at him. “You’re uncertain. I can see it in your eyes.” The other hand was placed on top of her leg, trailing up and down in comfort. He wanted to make sure this is truly what she wanted. Even though he craved to be physically interlocked with her more than anything in that moment, he’d still understood if she decided against succumbing to him. It takes a lot of courage surrendering to someone and giving yourself in to them-especially if it’s your first time. You lose your virginity only once, and one terrible experience may scar you for the rest of your life. So, he could completely comprehend her worry. Another thing, which he knew was plaguing her, was that he was already experienced while she wasn’t. She was new to all of this. For fucks sake, she didn’t even blow anyone ever in her life. She was just so pure. Pure and perfect. Harry was sure she was tormenting herself into believing that he wouldn’t like it, which is not true at all. Much more, he would love to be the one being enclosed with her body and honored because she chose him to lose her v-card, and not a prick who wouldn’t care about anything but his dick in his pants anyway. Harry would make sure she was taken care of. Thoroughly taken care of.
“I promise, there is nothing that you have to be scared of, love. We’ll do it at your pace, okay? The only thing you have to do is telling me when you feel uncomfortable, and I’ll stop instantly.” He intertwined their hands, bringing hers in front of his mouth, then plastering soft kisses on top of her knuckles. “But you have to tell me. Say something. Use your words. Otherwise I cannot tell what you want. And don’t overthink too much. This is all about you, not me.”
The curve of her lips went slightly up, forming a shy smile. “I know,” she stated. “I trust you, Harry. I entrust myself to you…”
Hearing those words out of her sweet lips was what he had been waiting for. But before he took some action, he again inquired whether she was hundred percent sure, only earning an approving nod from Y/N. He beamed a happy, toothy smile at her.
“Come here, beautiful girl.” His order was gentle, yet very firm- enough to cause goose bumps on her skin. He carefully pushed her down onto the mattress and slowly lowered himself onto her body, hovering only a few centimeters above her fragile frame. The warmth that radiated off his body was so overwhelming- it became very hard to breathe. That’s probably how others felt in his presence. Breathless, because Harry is so insanely beautiful, god really must have taken his time to carve his handsome face. Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut, her tongue wetted her lower lip while she felt her heart beating rapidly as if she was running a marathon. She gave in to the sensation that his close proximity brought along. The feeling of his fingers sliding down her right cheek and his minty breath fanning against her lips caused excitement to grow in the pit of her stomach- and a little bit down below. She tried to conceal it by pressing her legs together, but Harry noticed and slid between them, pushing his crotch intentionally against her clothed one, eliciting a short gasp out of her throat. If this short act was enough to make her legs tremble, then Y/N couldn’t envision how it was going to feel when he would thrust in and out of her.
She jumped slightly in her position when she heard his raspy voice inside her ear.  
“Look at me before I kiss you…”
That’s what she did. She opened her lids and locked gazes with his deep green eyes. They stared at her lustfully, enamored with her beauty, and Y/N could only imagine how hard it must be for him to control his patience. The more she looked at him, the more she drowned in his captivating eyes. She saw herself in them. She saw herself running through a grass field on a hot summer’s day, dressed in a stunning dress, her hair flipping with the wind while she let everything behind her- her worries, her fears, her problems- basically every negativity that consumed her. She saw herself in a forest, listening to the sounds that nature provided her. The murmurs of a stream, the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves on the trees, the smell of fresh air; all of this gave her the feeling of safety and protection. That’s how she felt with Harry now. She knew she was in good hands. And she could confirm she was ready.
“Remember what I’ve told you, alright?” Harry reminded her. “You can even push me out of the bed for all I care. But please, don’t kick me in the knob. I want to produce children after all.”
Y/N had to laugh at his statement. She really appreciated his efforts to lighten up the mood.
“My beautiful, Y/N,” the young man whispered against her soft lips. “My beautiful, gorgeous, adorable Y/N.” Upon that, he finally kissed her.
First, it was gentle. He wanted to test her waters, looking for how much she was willing to give him. She was shy and he respected that. But on the other hand, he also wanted to help her overcoming the shyness. He knew that she had more in her than she was revealing to the world. He wanted that part of her to break through, fighting her way onto the surface.
While he used one arm to support himself on his elbow, the other hand wandered up from her bare side to her chest. He cupped one breast and gave it a gentle squeeze through her bra. The sudden jolts of pleasure caused Y/N to moan in ecstasy. Harry took this opportunity to let his tongue slip past her lips, exploring the already familiar territory. They never went further than just kissing, as embarrassing as it might sound. Tonight would be the first time they would be taking their relationship to the next level.
Harry chuckled when he poked her sides and she flinched, letting out a squeak.
He disconnected their lips, giving her time to explore his body. The young woman accepted his invitation. With her fingers, she carefully stroked his well-toned belly, tracing the outline of his butterfly tattoo. His muscles tensed under her soft touch. She even tickled his belly button which Harry found just cute. Everything about her was adorable. However, she halted over the hem of his tight jeans. One tug was indication enough to understand that she wanted it off his legs. So, he got up, unbuttoned his jeans and pushed it down his ankles, leaving him almost completely bare. The only thing that he had to get rid of was his boxers. Y/N’s irises enlarged when they saw the outline of his erection- he was, well… huge. A blush in a deep shade of red adorned the apple of her cheeks. She wasn’t even sure whether she could take in all of him, and that’s were the overthinking started again.
Harry took notice of the uncertainty plastered on her face. Joining her again on the bed, he hoisted her up and placed her on his lap. He brushed her fingers through her hair. “Listen Y/N, I want you, I really do, and I know you want me, too. But we don’t have to do this right now. We can always save it for later, there is no need to rush. Don’t feel like it’s your obligation to satisfy my needs- it is not. I’ll be waiting for you no matter how long it’ll take.”
Her heart could literally burst into flames at his words. How many men out there were just as considerate and understanding as Harry Styles, and not only thinking about themselves? Probably not too many.
Y/N lowered her head for a second, then looked at him determined. “I want to make love to you, Harry… It’s just…” she sighed. “I’m very nervous.”
“I know that, my love. Do you think I’m not nervous? I’m the one with a dick after all, and I don’t want to hurt you. I couldn’t forgive myself if I did, because I want this to be the best experience you’ve ever had. If we do this, there is no return. I don’t want you to regret anything.”
The young woman passionately crushed her lips against his. “I know I won’t, because it’s with you.”
He offered her a smile, warming her insides.
His hands found their way to her back, about to unclasp her bra, when he saw the quick panic flashing through her eyes- not because she was scared, but because it was unfamiliar and unexpected. Being undressed by someone else other than her was something she needed to get used to after tonight. Harry instantly stopped. “Relax, love. You’re safe with me.” He brought his lips to her neck, sucking and marking her skin. Y/N closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling.
After they got rid of her bra (together actually, because he thought that it would make her feel more comfortable), his big hands began to massage her bare breasts, his thumbs brushing over her sensitive nipples, which hardened immediately at the contact.  
“How does it feel?” Harry inquired while continuing to give her breasts some attention.
“’s nice,” she answered, shivering when Harry pinched her nipples.
Guiding her back onto the mattress, he climbed on top of her again.
His lips were worshipping every part of her body. There was no inch he left untouched. She was a goddess- a pure, innocent goddess. She felt so soft. He treated her like fine china- cautiously and carefully; he didn’t want to demand more than she could endure.
At one point, he grinded his clothed crotch against hers a second time to get her worked and loosened up a little bit. The sounds emitting from her mouth was like music in his ears.
“Let’s get us free from these,” he suggested, pointing at their underpants.
His fingers rimmed the waistband of his boxers, pulling it down his legs. And there it sprung free- his beast, pointing directly at his abs. Y/N didn’t exaggerate when she claimed he was huge- because it was true. The tip was swollen and slightly red, leaking a bit of precum.
Harry caught her eyes staring at his ‘best friend’.
“Do you- do you want to hold it?” he asked.
She averted her gaze and looked at him. “I…” She cleared her throat, blushing. “I can try.”
“You don’t have to, love. Really.”
“No, I want to know how it feels.”
Without his request, she wrapped her fingers around the hard, pulsating flesh. It felt heavy in her hand. Harry flinched, hissing at her touch, and a deep groan reverberated through the walls as she glided her hand up and down his shaft. He supported himself on her shoulders while Y/N played around with him. She liked how desperately he called her name, how his eyes fluttered shut and the way he licked over and sunk his teeth in his lower lip. She was about to wrap her mouth around the base as Harry stopped her abruptly.
“What are you doing there?”
A frown adorned her forehead. “I- I wanted to… y’know…”
“Not today, sweet girl,” the curly-haired man laughed. “We will have plenty of time for that later. But for now, it’s all about you.”
He asked her to stretch out her legs so he could free her from the last material that covered her body. Y/N had never felt so vulnerable in her life as in that moment, however, one loving gaze from him was enough to flush her worries away. She watched him as he opened a cupboard and grabbed a condom. He opened the foil with his teeth, pulling out the condom and wrapping it around his member.
“Are you ready?”
“I am.”
He pulled her against him for another kiss. While their tongues were busy with dominating each other, Harry sneaked his hand down to her vagina, his fingers teasing her entrance. He first inserted one digit, pumping in and out of her, then adding another one. She moaned out in pleasure, opening her legs for more.
“Harry, please!” she cried.
The young man didn’t need to be told twice. He lined his member at the entrance of her wet core, and slowly yet gently eased his way in- inch by inch. The pain that followed through his intrusion was inevitable- whilst the wetness. Y/N’s body tensed, nails digging deep into the skin of his biceps as she tried to accommodate not only to the stretch of her walls but also the burning that came along with it. She couldn’t help a few tears from running down her cheeks. A little wail was heard once Harry was fully in. Harry kissed away her tears, giving her enough time to calm down and adjust to his size. “It’s gonna be okay. I’ll take care of you… You gonna feel great, my love.”
Every cell in her body was on fire, vibrating. Despite the pain, she felt full and complete. Their bodies fitted together perfectly as if god had only created them for each other.
When the pain subsided a little bit, she allowed him to finally move. The young man complied. His thrusts were tender and slow, paying attention to not hurting her. Y/n was overwhelmed with different emotions. Everything crushed onto her at once. Her heart was beating so hard against her chest that she felt it was going to explode. Harry buried his face in the crook of her neck, and Y/N could feel his warm breath against her skin. Her name fell from his lips like a prayer.
Pain formed into pleasure, his thrusts became quicker and harder. Her legs enveloped his middle, widening for more access. He hit the right spots that let her see stars before her eyes so easily, spots that made her scream out his name. She felt beautiful and loved.
After a while, something was building up in her stomach, and she could feel her orgasm approaching. The way she already clenched around him indicated that she was very close to her high. He fastened his pace with the intention to make cum as fast as possible. He wasn’t chasing after his one- like he stressed before, it was all about her.  
A whimper left her lips, she knew she couldn’t hold back anymore. “Harry…”
“Let go, darling…” he encouraged her, “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
Words cannot describe fully what that moment of relief felt like. She could sense it reaching every fiber of her body. Her legs trembled and her toes curled, mouth agape as tears pooled her eyes. Harry thrusted her through her peek, until his movements became sloppy.
Shortly after finding his own release, Harry collapsed on top of her, resting his head on her chest. He didn’t pull out of her yet- he wanted to linger a little bit more in her warmth. His arms engulfed her middle. Their entire bodies were covered with sweat, but they could care less about it. Y/N was still dazed from the aftershock of her orgasm. She was basically on cloud nine. Everything that happened just minutes ago seemed like a dream. She always knew how she wanted her first time to be, but Harry had given her an experience that had surpassed her wildest imagination. She couldn’t be happier in this moment. A content sigh escaped her mouth, and she wrapped her arms around Harry’s shoulders, letting her one hand glide through his long, damp, brown locks. After a while, she heard a giggle rumbling his chest. She tilted her head in confusion.
“What wrong?”
Harry, steadying himself on his elbows, brought their lips back together, kissing her feverishly. When he pulled back, he leaned his forehead against hers.
“I think I can consider myself a king now...”
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greatcheesiness · 4 years
Hope: MSBY
Synopsis: In which a shooting star decided to make their prayers come true…
Characters: Atsumu/Sakusa/Hinata/Bokuto/Child! Y/n (little cameo) They’re all the same age except Y/n.
Genre: Angst, hopeful, Sad, a bit haunting at the end idk how that happened, mysterious, fate
W.c: 2k9
Moral of the story: Don’t think like this kids. Life is very valuable tsk.
[a/n] pfft I’m back y’all. Y’all missed me? Lmao no one asked. I have arrived with another short piece to satisfy your masochistic selves. I had no Wi-Fi and I thought I wasn’t gonna live a normal life. I was also a lazy bean who promised to work out but ended up eating Danish bread. They’re really good ngl. I did not proofread this so I am sorry for the errors. Sleep deprived again. I didn’t proofread this, sorry.
edit: this is a repost. I don’t think this was sent properly.
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Little sparks emerged from the blazing mixture of red and orange. The colour of fiery and passion. But in the middle, there was a vibrant colour of yellow. Even if a person is angry and the things they do will not go as passionate, there’s always a little bit of hope. That was what Sakusa interpreted as he observed the fire. The ashy smoke floated upward into the sky and turned invisible where they will not be seen again. That is what they want, right? Just to die out...
“I’m going to find some more wood,” Bokuto said out of the blue and stood up from the barky log he just sat on. Hinata got a fright that he almost fell off of his side of the log. Bokuto then ran towards the darkened woods. Hinata’s eyes widened. He scuttled backwards and jogged into the woods, just to make sure he doesn’t wander off. Just to make sure he’s safe.
“Kotaro, wait up!” he shouted and the woods mimicked his voice of worry. It was a cold night. A blanket of navy covered the sky with a sprinkle of shimmering stars.
“I hope they don’t get lost. I heard that this is the largest forest in our area or perhaps the whole country,” the blonde head muttered. His fingers fiddling on to silver key necklace dearest to his heart. It was a gift given by his grandma just the day before her decease. That day felt like the day he lost a true friend. Sakusa stared into the sky. To become one of those shiny sequences high up the vast navy.
Small, slender, slim sticks were thrown into the fire by Atsumu. His eyes granted no mercy as he stared at them burning in the little hell he created. Sakusa could see the reflection of the fire in his chocolate eyes. Knowing the reason, he sighed. It conveyed his feelings. His pent up fury.
The long silence was interrupted by a trivial question. “Have you ever thought of what you want to become as you grow older?” Atsumu wondered. He had never really heard or knew much about Sakusa despite having each other’s presence in existence for a while. He blinked, his long lashes brushed through the air. “I don’t know,” he simply replied. His voice so curt that Atsumu’s feelings were hurt. He clutched his heart with a pain expression to emphasise the dramatic. “Omi kun, y’know that’s not the answer I want,” he whined at him. There he goes again, Sakusa thought.  
Atsumu hummed as he looked at the fire “Y’know.., it has always been my dream to become an astronaut. What do ya think Omi kun?” Sakusa scrunched his face at the thought. “What should I think??” The only responsive thought he had for that confession was that it was unbelievable to be true. He thought he wanted to become a volleyball player and join the national team. Maybe get the hot girlfriend of his dreams while he’s at it. But an astronaut? Does he even have the grad-?
“Haha if only I had the grades. I can see it right through you Omi kun,” he smirked as he pointed the stick at him held by his fingers. “To bad I’m not a smartass like my twin brother. Such a nerd without glasses,” he murmured at the mentions of his twin.
“Achieving high grades doesn’t make you a stereotypical ne-“
“I said what I said, Omi kun. I said what I said”
Sakusa stayed quiet after that. He had nothing else to add after that mild conversation. His eyes lingered at the book lying on the grassy ground. Atsumu’s five year old diary. To this day, he still remembered the contents inked in those pages. Hinata and Bokuto saw them as well. He pitied Atsumu, but dared not to speak a word of it. In that diary, Atsumu undergone what you call affliction. Even now, it still disturbed them.
Beside them, they set up a telescope that they had recently bought. They got it after dodging that expensive price. Bokuto’s bargaining skills were useful. The trees waved side to side with the gusting wind. Sakusa’s dark curls wavered. They’ve always wanted to see the stars together. Earlier this day, they heard from the news that there was going to be a shooting star passing earth. It was very exciting as no one would ever expect to see something like this in their time of life.
There was a lot of things around their temporary property. Tents set up, sleeping bags, coats, stocks of food and drinks, you name it. They fully decided that they would never ever come back home. All of them hated where they came from. It just wasn’t for them.
At around five or six in the evening, the four of them were in school cleaning up toilets and classrooms. This was Sakusa’s nightmare. His duty was in the boys’ toilet. All the grime, stench, dirtiness tainted each cubicle he entered. He felt like regurgitating, but if he was going to faint, at least faint outside the bathroom. Nonetheless, he pushed through this hell and managed it somehow.
Suddenly, a burning smell wavered through the air and entered his nostrils, sending him to alarm. He rushed out of the boys’ bathrooms. His eye’s enlarged at the sight of flames eating the corridors. His mouth gaped as he stood petrified. What in the world?
Someone grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from danger. Sakusa turned around to see it was Bokuto. His heart was racing as he tried to process what the fuck just occurred. “Kotaro, what on earth is going on?!” He didn’t answer for a while until they’ve reached outside the burning school.
“It was Atsumu’s doing. He threw a cigarette in the bin and the bin caught on fire!” Bokuto used his arms to demonstrate the fire. Sakusa glared at Atsumu and grabbed him by the collar. “I know you hate this fucking place, but did you have to fucking burn down the school!?” Atsumu shoved him away from him. “So what if I fucking did?!” Sakusa’s eyes were filled with anger. Who goes to this extent from hatred? Especially from a teenager.
“You… YOU BASTARD!” he cursed at his selfishness. A punch swung onto Atsumu’s face and he fell to the ground in an instant. The blond head swiped the blood off his busted lips and gave him a deadly glare. Oh if looks could kill…He collided into Sakusa causing him to cough out his saliva. Therefore, a dog fight transpired between them. Sakusa had no care for the dirt sticking on to him as his only goal was to knock some god damn sense into Atsumu’s brain.
Hinata panicked and attempts to pull Atsumu away while Bokuto did the same for Sakusa. “Look we tried to extinguish it with a fire extinguisher! But it…it just wouldn’t work at all!” Hinata explained while he still held onto Atsumu. Sakusa’s brows furrowed. “Then what the fuck did you do then?” All three of them looked at each other. “We ditched it,” Bokuto shrugged his shoulders “It would go out”
Sakusa groaned in his clammy palms. Oh my fucking god…Since this happened, what’s gonna happen to them? Will they all get in to trouble? Obviously. Should they just mention that it was Atsumu’s fault and he shall bear the consequence? Or should all of them step out and stay along with the blond retard? Everyone remained quiet. Sirens were heard and police cars and fire brigade were approaching their way.
“Do you just want to go home and pack our stuffs secretly? We can buy that telescope we all wanted and watch the shooting star that’s coming tonight….”
And that’s how they ended up here, in the meadow deep into the woods where no one will find them. If they decided to give up on them, just like how the others would. Sakusa admitted that it was a beautiful scenery. Atsumu and he didn’t fight anymore. What’s done has been done. Everything happens for a reason.
Hinata and Bokuto arrived with more sticks cradled in their arms. They were dropped onto the beryl green grass. After that, Hinata plopped down and his chest heaving up and down “Oi no more. I’m tired from running around,” he waved his hand at him without looking at Bokuto. The owl-like man plastered a huge grin on his face “You lack strength, Chibi chan. C’mon toughen up those muscles,” Bokuto wacked his shoulders that sent Chibi forward. They laughed. Only the corner of Sakusa’s lips curved.
Boys in pain come together to diminish those pains.
A spark occurred in the middle of the dark sky. Hinata noticed this first and mirthfully swore “Guys I see it!” All of them ran to the telescope, even having little arguments of who should go first. It ended up being Atsumu. The rest of them quietened down and all they could do was admire. It was absolutely spectacular without a doubt. Not only was one shooting star but there a shower of them. A celebration perhaps?
“There’s so many of them! We should make a wish,” Hinata encouraged. All of them clasped their hands together with their eyes closed. Sakusa joined and he wished that he would have a happy life. That was all he wanted.  
“Atsumu… is that other shooting star approaching us or am I losing my mind?” Hinata asked worriedly. His knees shook like jelly. “Atsumu...” His body quivered with uncontrollable nervousness. Atsumu didn’t say anything back but gulped. “Well aren’t you going to answer us?” Bokuto asked with a lump in his throat.
Sakusa gazed up, following the track of the star before it split into two after crashing a certain part of the atmosphere. He knew. Everyone knew, that it was bound to reach them any minute.
“Will be able to get out of here in time?” Bokuto asked fretfully, brushing his hands through his grey strands. It wouldn’t be called a shooting star anymore. It was meteorite. The little thing drew closer and closer each time they blinked.
They just knew they wouldn’t make it out in time…
Atsumu sighed. “I’m staying here. I have nothing in this world to live for,” he gazed up and muttered as salty essence well up his chocolate eyes. He said it quietly, yet it was enough to be understood. He walked around a log and sat down with his head hung low. It was getting closer. Hinata swiftly sat beside him with his arms wrapped around him. His eyes closed “I’m staying with you. Staying with you until the end. Who knows we might end up somewhere beautiful. A magical land called Us”
When he said those words, a tear rolled down from Sakusa’s glistening ebony orbs. All of them wanted that. For a long time. A magical land called Us. This world gave them so much pain to the point that they had to imagine a wonderful world.
Bokuto, who used to use happiness to shield his sadness, embraced the both of them. The three of them cuddled. Some sniffles and sobs were heard from their trembling lips. Sakusa patted the left side of his chest. He was breathing quite heavily. This was most emotion he had ever displayed.  All of them turned their heads to face him. Atsumu’s arm stretched out. He smiled wearily “Come with us”
A lot of thought rushed through his mind. His head went racing. Was this the right choice? Was this what he wanted? What he if he still want to liv-
Before he could move a muscle, a bright, yellowish light flared behind them. His eyes reflected the light. Everything happened so fast and after that, they…. vanished. Long forgotten in this world.
 “A lot of things have happened during this week. Firstly, the “shooting star” also known as a meteorite, crashed in the meadow of (xxx) wood, the largest in this country. No one has expected this phenomenon to split into two and destroy so much nature. Even almost damaging some parts of nearby towns. Another talked about topic, is the burned down school at (xxx) province with four boys that attended that school, missing…”
 The little girl watched the enormous meteorite from afar. “Wah it’s huge,” she said as she dangled her tiny little legs. An ice cream was in her hands as she watched the workers inspecting the rock. Maybe they could extract minerals and become filthy rich. She took a lick of the ice cream. The wind was howling that evening. She enjoyed a vanilla ice cream during cold season.
“Y/n, come here!”
Her mother yelled. Y/n shouldn’t be out in the open. It was too dangerous, who knows what will happen. Y/n stood up from the edge of a cliff and admired the amber sky before realizing her ice cream dropped to the ground. Her mouth gaped in disbelief. She paid for that using her own money by collecting reusable garbage for hours. She exhaled and tossed the cone away.
“I’m coming mom. I’m coming,” she called back. She dusted her hands off her skirt and jogged on. There was a valley close by so she needed to be cautious otherwise she might roll off the cliff and that wouldn’t be good. However, as she took another step, her foot slipped and her face fell flat on the ground. Blood dripped down from her nostrils. “Great…”
Luckily for her, she had an extra packet of tissue deep in her pocket. She took a tissue out and wiped the blood off that dried. All of a sudden, from the corner of her eyes, she caught something shining in the grass. Curiosity aroused her and she moved closer to the object. Mother told her that she shouldn’t take or even touch something that’s not hers. It could bring bad luck.
Y/n didn’t remember her mother’s words when she picked it up. It was a silver necklace that took the shape of a key. “Wow…” she mumbled. It had a simple design to it, yet to her it was the most beautiful thing she had seen that day. The wind blew even harder as the wind whistled.
“Y/n! If you don’t come this instant, I will leave you here,” her mother called out for what seemed like the last time. Y/n shoved the object into her pocket and rushed to her parent. She shuddered. How cold was it? She wrapped her arms around her and rubbed for heat.
“Y/n, what happened to your nose?”
“I just fell”
“That’s karma for not listening to me for the first time. I just fell”
 So this was what the afterlife looked like? It looked the same as their world, yet maybe more magical. In this world, there was only the four of them and no one else. It had everything they needed. It was tranquilized. The trees consisted of wisteria. All of their stuff that they had with them before their very last breaths was placed exactly the same way, same place. However, the boys weren’t there.
A burning door stood in the middle of the meadow. All of them watched it, sitting down with bittersweet smiles on their faces. Was it worth it after all? Atsumu was the first one to hop off his position and run out into the wild. His appearance changed. He took the form of a little boy and had a book about stars in his hands. Ten years of age. The last time he felt a sense of happiness before all crashed down. Hinata turned back to a fifteen year old and Bokuto, a twelve year old. It made Sakusa feel old. He remained the same after all their transformations. A seventeen year old.
The last time he felt happy was just a few months ago. Despite that, he never really intended to die. It was just a last minute wish he made that he regretted. He believed to have many things to do on his bucket list. It was too late somehow and he thought that this new life wasn’t bad after all. He could maybe tick them all of in this afterlife.
From the corner of his eye, he spotted a necklace. His brows furrowed at it and he leaned forward to capture it. Now it laid on his palm and began his inspection. It was an open door with no handle… He gulped. What was the meaning of this? If he was being honest, Atsumu didn’t have his grandma’s necklace with him. He started connecting the dots.
The fire stopped burning the door. He looked up and moved backwards. It was dark and the atmosphere couldn’t be anymore spookier. He whimpered and started to shake.
A little girl clad in a ripped strawberry dress. Her shoes dirtied. Her skin pale as snow. Her hair in a dishevelled state and her eyes were the worst. They were fully pitch black. And before Sakusa knew it, he ran as fast as he could and…
…never turned back.
The shooting star, after all, just granted their wishes. Without them knowing the consequences…
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alj4890 · 4 years
And Then I Met You
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What happens when the one you thought you were meant for turns out to be meant for someone else?
A\N Choices Fan Fiction with characters from The Royal Romance, Red Carpet Diaries, and Perfect Match
@lxaah11​   @alleksa16​   @penguininapinktuxedo​   @blackcoffee85​   @stopforamoment​     @hopelessromantic1352​     @krsnlove     @annekebbphotography        @hopelessromantic1352   . @sunflowergirl05   @desireepow-1986  @greywitchyshots   @lilyofchoices @moodyvalentinestories  @emceesynonymroll   @my-heart-beats-for-ya @aworldoffandoms   @ab1901     @lolablackwrites     @flyawayboo   @i-bloody-love-drake-walker   . @trappedinfandoms   @kate-mckenzie
A/N This is the final chapter for this storyline. Thank you so much for reading this and enjoying it with me. I will still offer shorts and requests for this pair in this storyline. My next series for Thomas and Amanda will be the, “what if” she never told him about being part of the selection for Liam’s bride. The trip to Lake Tahoe will not result in their hasty marriage. No Lauren. None of what has happened here. If you would like to be tagged in this, please let me know in the comments. The new series will be called, And Then I Left You. Cheesy right? LOL!
Part 27 
Lord Thurston Vancouer’s study, Cormery Isle, Cordonia...
Lauren stilled at Tariq's words.
"You," her eyes narrowed, "you are ending our engagement?!"
"Yes." He clasped his hands behind his back. "I have already sent in my statement to the press and--"
"You did what?" She screeched. "How dare you! I should have been the one to do that." She stepped forward and slapped him. "Do you have any idea what this will do to my reputation?"
Tariq's jaw spasmed from the impact. He calmly turned his head back toward her.
Her temper flared even more at his silence. “I gave up my career for you, you bastard!” She raised her hand to slap him again.
His hand shot up, grasping her wrist. “I think this is for the best.”
“You think so?” Her lips curled in a snarl. “You will regret this.”
His expression hardened. “I think I will regret it more if I don’t end things now.”
Lauren yanked her hand away.  “You weren’t the only man who wanted me to marry him.” Her chin lifted as she tried her best to look down her nose at him. “I was told by your friend to dump your sorry ass and choose him.” 
Tariq merely shrugged causing her vengeful temper to burst. 
“It’s Blair isn’t it?” She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t think I’ve been oblivious to the extra time you have been spending with her.”
“She is in a sense a reason behind my decision.” He responded. “But mostly, she opened my eyes to your true nature.”
“You haven’t even begun to see my true nature.” She warned. “But you will. You will see all that I am as I destroy every single thing you love.” 
Her smile sent chills down Tariq’s back as did the words that followed.
“I think I will start with Arabella. That will punish not only Neville for what he did to me, but will also hurt your precious Blair. Then I’ll--” 
“I don’t think you will have the chance to do anything to my daughters or son.” Lord Thurston’s hard tone cut through her tirade.
Lauren paled when she saw members of the King’s Guard fan out around the study behind Lord Thurston. 
“Your time in Cordonia has come to an end.” Thurston told her. “In fact, I believe you will never have an opportunity to hurt anyone ever again.”
Lauren screamed out her denial when the the guards moved to take her into custody.
“You can’t do this! I--” she was silenced by the guards forcing her to the ground to handcuff her.
An Interpol agent stood by, watching it all unfold while reading out the crimes she was accused of.
Arabella and Blair stood silently with Neville in the hallway as Lauren was dragged out, screaming and crying.
“We must inform Lady Olivia and Lady Amanda that it is done.” Thurston said once the front door closed behind the guards..
“I’ll call Olivia.” Arabella ran off, excited to not only see Lauren taken away, but at also recording the whole incident. She knew a few popular reporters in Cordonia who would appreciate this video.
“I’ll make certain that Lady Amanda is told.” Blair went to Tariq and gently squeezed his hand. Her eyes met his. “Are you alright?”
He nodded, a gentle smile formed over her concern for him. “I am now.”
With a whispered promise to talk to him soon, she left the three men alone.
Thurston cleared his throat to break the tense silence and waved toward his study. “I believe we need to clear the air between you two.”
“There is no need.” Tariq replied. He averted his eyes from the two. “It will take time, but I refuse to let what happened ruin my relationship with the Vancouer’s.”
Neville lowered his head. “I don’t know what possessed me to do that to you.” He lifted remorseful eyes to his old friend. “I humbly ask your forgiveness.”
Thurston wisely remained silent as he watched his son and the man he considered a second son. He knew that this was something that only they could resolve.
Tariq shifted from foot to foot. “I won’t insult you by lying that I understand why you did it or that it didn’t hurt to hear that you--” he shook his head. “I consider you and your family as my own. And if things go as I think, then we will be brothers in truth one day.” His shoulders straightened. “You will have my forgiveness, but it will take a long time for you to regain my trust.”
Thurston looked on in approval as the two shook hands, his son expressing once more his sorrow for his actions.
Time would heal these wounds.
The night before in Monterisso, Queen Amalas's private quarters...
"Enough haggling." Olivia grumbled. "I've offered my services the next time you need them." She folded her arms, leveling her basilisk gaze upon the Queen of Spies. "What have you found out about Lauren Benefield?"
Amalas poured them each a glass of wine. "Have a seat."
Olivia eyed the crystal goblet.
"Please." Amalas rolled her eyes. "Why would I make deals if I planned on poisoning you?"
Olivia set the glass down. "I know you didn't poison it. I am here on business, not some social call."
The queen's expression held hints of approval. "And this is why I offered my services to you." She pulled out a small flash drive and tossed it to her. "That, your grace, holds everything."
Olivia quirked an eyebrow. "I assume you kept a copy for yourself."
Amalas silently raised her glass in a toast. "Wouldn't you?"
Olivia's lips twitched into a brief smile. "Naturally."
The Queen pressed a button under her desk. The wall to the left opened, revealing a series of monitors.
Amalas took her own copy of the flash drive and began to pull up all she had discovered on Lauren Benefield.
"It is a good thing you managed to have Lauren quit Lord Hunt's picture.” She began, “ Here's a brief synopsis of what I discovered about her and her associate, Viktor Montmarte.
Olivia pulled up a chair and began reading. Her complexion paled due to some of what she read.
"Kidnapping. Drugs. Sex trafficking. Rape. Extortion." She clicked and saw the small island in the south Pacific that Viktor owned.
"Lauren was not only partaking of these activities." Amalas explained. "She was handpicking underage girls and having them sent to his island," her voice hardened in anger, "under the guise that this was their big break into Hollywood."
Olivia's eyes widened at the satellite images of what was happening around Viktor's estate. "Dear God."
"Interpol along with the FBI are thrilled that I was able to get some concrete evidence." Amalas explained. "I've been working with them the past few months." Her voice turned cold. “Montmarte has friends in very high places that have been helping him stay just under the radar.” Her eyes narrowed. “I knew he couldn’t be doing all this on his own.”
"And when you saw what Lauren was doing to Thomas and Amanda, you were able to get the final piece to the puzzle?" Olivia murmured.
"I didn't know if she was a victim or a partner of Viktor's. Once I tapped into their conversations while she was at Lythikos, I was able to see how deeply involved she was." Amalas enlarged a photo of Lauren smiling as she disembarked off a plane with two teenage girls. "Without her help, Viktor wouldn't have gotten half of the girls he and his friends preferred."
Olivia clicked on another image of Lauren and Viktor at a pool party. The actress was laughing while holding down a young woman in tears so that the producer could forcefully fondle her.
Amalas clicked back to her notes. "I discovered this too." She pulled up a recorded conversation between Viktor and Lauren from when she first began working with Thomas. "Lauren records everything in case she needs to blackmail Viktor and vice versa."
Viktor: How's your seduction going?
Lauren: *laughter* Slow. I have to handle Thomas with kid gloves.
Viktor: If anyone can do it, it's you.
Lauren: I know. *more laughter* Don't worry. I won't forget about you. Once Mr. Hunt is mine, I will give you his grieving wife.
Viktor: *chuckle* I have plans for the duchess.
Lauren: I bet you do.
Viktor: I haven't ever had a noble before. *sinister chuckle* Perhaps I should use the gold rope when I tie her up.
Lauren: Promise me that I get to watch. I can't wait to see her content, happy face devastated.
Viktor: I promise it will be all that you desire, my dear.
Lauren: Maybe we should first force her to watch what I do with Thomas. That will really get her.
Viktor: The more broken they are the more turned on I get. We'll use the rooms with the two-way mirrors. I’ll start by--
Olivia turned it off. Her rage exploded as she stood abruptly from her chair.
"I--" tears sparked her green eyes. "I can't believe--" words failed her as she thought of her closest friend encountering such evil. That she actually had this person in her home as a guest.
Amalas placed a comforting hand on Olivia's shoulder. "Don't worry." She closed the files. "Once America and Europe are finished, these two will be permanently placed in a dank cell."
“They don’t deserve that consideration.” Olivia snapped. “To think of all the lives they have ruined.”
Later that night, Olivia called Liam and Bastien. She explained all that she had discovered, urging them to alert Lord Thurston to guard Arabella and Blair.
Plans were made to have the actress apprehended and held for extradition. Liam promised to call Tariq to go ahead an issue a statement that his engagement was over before the scandal struck.
After talking to them, Olivia called Amanda.
St Orella, Cordonia, the next day...
Thomas was in no state to continue filming. Last night's discovery had nearly broke him. Knowing he would have been the one that brought about harm to Amanda and their life together had devastated him.
He had briefly explained to Holly to have the crew take a few days off while he came to terms with everything.
He then spent the morning on the balcony, staring off at the waves, crashing against the rocky shore.
"How long have you been out here?" Amanda asked once she found him.
"Sunrise." He replied, unable to look directly at her.
She came over and sat next to him. Her hand slipped into his as she turned her attention to the beauty before them.
Thomas couldn't take the simple kindness. He rose abruptly and went to stand over at the balustrade.
"Thomas?" Amanda followed him and wrapped her arms around him from behind. "What's--"
He jerked out of her grasp. "I need to be alone."
Her eyes searched his, causing him to avert his gaze.
"Why?" She asked.
Thomas ran his hands over his face. "You know why."
She leaned against the balustrade, silently observing her husband’s odd behavior.
He couldn't take it. He left her without a word and went directly to their closet.
Amanda followed him, watching as he began to pack.
"What are you doing?" She asked. "We don't leave for the capital until Thursday."
He tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat. "I'm not going to the capital."
"What? Why?" Amanda couldn't take him avoiding her and blocked his path. "We must attend Liam's coronation!"
Thomas stilled when she took his hands. His head dropped, wishing she would order him to leave and never return. He didn’t deserve her. 
"Are you angry with me?" She asked.
His head jerked up. "What would I have to be angry with you for?" His expression hardened. "Were you the one to insist on having an actress be around the one you vowed to protect? Were you the one who dismissed all the concerns voiced by those you trust?" His voice cracked. "Did you leave the one you love more than anything alone with such a person nearby to film on location?"
Amanda stepped closer, winding her arms around him. "You didn't know Lauren was that evil. You thought she was a flirt. A woman who got off on destroying people's lives with affairs."
"I should have put two and two together." He snapped, completely disgusted at himself. "I suspected Viktor of predatory behavior with young actresses. I should have seen that his closeness to Lauren meant that they were of like mind."
His temper broke as he thought over all his decisions concerning the actress. “AND I’M THE FOOL WHO BROUGHT THEM INTO OUR HOME!”
His voice echoed in their bedroom. A nervous Hudson knocked on the door, forcing Thomas to quickly apologize for his outburst.
Amanda shushed him, pulling him closer to her. The morning's news had shown the actress being extradited from Cordonia while Viktor was simultaneously being dragged from his Hollywood mansion in the middle of the night. Some other famous people and those in the business and diplomatic world were being held for questioning and arrested.
"It's over." She said softly. "Neither Viktor nor Lauren will ever have a chance to hurt someone again." She pressed a tender kiss to his cheek. "And thankfully, they did not have a chance to hurt us as they had planned."
"If they had, I--" he swallowed at the lump in his throat. "I could have lost you."
Amanda shook her head. "You wouldn't have lost me." 
She tried to kiss him. Prove to him that all was as it should be.
He broke away. "I would have. If Lauren had succeeded in making you believe I was having an affair. If Viktor had succeeded in--" his fist clinched, wishing he had them wrapped around the man's throat. "I would have lost you."
She tried to say he wouldn't, yet, she knew deep down that he very well might have. As she imagined how she would be after going through something like that, she realized what would have happened if they had divorced.
"We would have found our way back to each other."
Thomas raised his heartbroken eyes back to hers. "You sound so certain."
"Not only do I love you, I need you." She admitted. "You give me comfort." She tugged on his arms to hold her. "You listen to me, try to help me...I would have needed all that if they had succeeded." She nestled her head in the crook of his neck and shoulder. "Your touch alone helps ease any worry or pain I have."
He clutched her tight, words failing at how she did the same for him. He pressed his lips to her forehead, letting them remain there as he allowed her to ease the tension within him.
Fives Months Later, Hollywood...
Thomas tugged at his bowtie while he waited downstairs. He reviewed the speech he had written for tonight’s premiere of The Earl’s Undoing.
“You’re going to ruin that if you keep pulling at it.” 
He looked up and smiled at his wife coming downstairs. Slipping the notecards in his breast pocket, he met her at the bottom step.
“I must admit that I feel those same butterflies that I had the night you took me to the AFI’s awards.” She tilted her head when he kissed her cheek. “Are you sure this is what I should wear tonight?”
Thomas took her hand and twirled her. The rich royal blue gown sparkled in the lamp light. “You look beautiful.” 
She pressed a tender kiss to his lips, smiling as he held her close. “You look very handsome.”
“I notice you say that whenever I wear a tuxedo.” He teased. “That is the only reason I keep wearing them to events.”
She laughed, slipping her arm in the bend of his. “We better go. Liam sent a text saying that they would be leaving the hotel in an hour.”
The two made their way to the theater. Cameras flashed as their limo pulled up.
“Ready?” Thomas asked.
“I think so.” She gripped his hand. 
“Normally, I would say we forget about it and go straight home.” He stepped out of the car and helped her out. As cameras flashed and cheers were yelled, he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “But I want everyone to see how proud I am that you let me direct your story.”
Cameras once again captured the moment the two looked at one another. The tender smile and obvious love was seen by all along with the sweet kiss the duchess gave her director.
That night, Thomas did not remain dismissive of any question posed about the film. With Amanda by his side, he remained for the most part, almost pleasant with the invasive inquiries of their life together and whether or not they would work on any more projects as they had with The Earl’s Undoing.
Finally making it inside the theater, they joined their friends who each had a hand in helping the couple get here together.
Once they all found their seats, Thomas whispered that he would be right back.
He made his way to the front of the packed auditorium and raised his hand for silence.
“Good evening.” He began. “I want to thank each person who made this movie possible. My gratitude to our friends from Cordonia who traveled here specifically to support us. And how grateful I am for those of you who came out tonight.” 
He cleared his throat and waited for the applause to die down. “Let me begin by saying what many directors that have come before me have said. This was a labor of love.” His eyes met Amanda’s. “But unlike the love we feel for our craft, mine was truly one of deep, heartfelt emotion. Without this story, I would have never met the author who ended up becoming the very love of my life.”
Amanda blinked back tears as he gave a brief story of how he had fallen in love with her while working towards making a movie. Beside her, Nadia, Riley, and Addison were sniffing and wiping their own tears. Even Olivia and Holly were slightly affected, both attempting to pretend they weren’t.
“What you will see on the screen is a love letter to my wife, Amanda.” He explained. “Every shot. Every line said in a particular way. Every bit of costume and scenery...it is all from my heart.” He once again met his wife’s unwavering gaze. “For the rest of my life, this movie will be my favorite of all time and all because I met you.”
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pxnk-velvet · 4 years
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The Dancing Warrior: Water, Chapter 8
(Sokka x OC Reader)
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“I don’t even know where to begin!” Aunt Wu exclaimed, cradling Navani’s hand in hers.
Navani just sat on her knees with wide eyes, speechless. Not out of shock, well, maybe a little, but mostly from the fact that she just simply didn’t know what to say.
Aunt Wu continued, “My, my dear. You have much significance in your life. You are going to do great things!”
Navani opened her mouth to speak, but shied away quickly after.
Aunt Wu smiled, “I can tell you have a lot on your mind. Tell me, dear.”
“Ok...” Navani sighed, “I just have so many questions and I don’t even know if I’ll get the answers and-“
“Take a deep breath and relax. Open your mind to receiving the information I am about to tell you.” Aunt Wu instructed, taking hold of Navani’s wrists.
Navani did as told, allowing her muscles to relax, “Ok.”
“Like I mentioned before, you are on to do great things in life. Now and later in your life. You were destined for this. As well as your abilities. I can tell that when you were born, you were chosen. The planets were aligned just right and the universe allowed for the unity of two elements within you. The connection between your parents with contradicting bending types is what allowed you to obtain control over water and fire. You are one of the few dual benders known to man. The last fire and water bender known had died over 15,000 years ago. So you, my dear, are the first in quite a long time and indeed, special.”
She was officially shocked now, “How did you know? I didn’t mention anything about my bending.”
Aunt Wu chuckled, “I can tell because of your palms. Each type of bending has different feelings or textures on a palm. And you, my dear, are a perfect mix of water and fire. That’s how I know your parents has a deep connection within themselves. Because you are equally powerful bender water or fire. Even though fire is your more dominant form, you hold a lot of potential with your water bending. Not only is your bending exceptionally developed, you fight and dancing skills are like no other. Often times when doing so, the lines between the two blur. This is why you are known as The Dancing Warrior across all of the land. Many people, myself included, have seen you perform.”
Navani’s mood deflated at the small detail, maybe she was just making this all up if she already knew of her. But....she knew about her dual bending when nobody but herself, her friends, and her mother knew. She decided on letting it slide, shaking the though from her mind.
“Now, my dear, let’s move onto your future.”
Navani perked up and there was no denying that she wasn’t just the slightest bit excited for this part.
“I see in your future that you will have great impact on future generations. Inventing and teaching a whole new style of combat that will last a life time.” Aunt Wu gushed, running her fingers ove Navani’s palm like she had done before.
“You will marry a strong young man. At the moment he still has yet to mature into manhood. However his time with you will teach him many things, like how to love without fear of lose. How to be mature, yet still have a fun glow to himself. And you are very lucky, my dear, because you’ve already met him!”
Navani gasped, “I have! What’s his name?”
Aunt Wu gave a hearty chuckle, “That you’ll have to figure out for yourself, dear. Let’s continue, shall we? How about we discuss your children.”
Navani’s eyebrows raised as she nodded, surprised at the sudden switch of subject.
“You and your future husband will want a lot of children.”
Navani recoiled, “Eh. I’m not the biggest fan of children. They’re so much work.”
Aunt Wu chuckled yet again, “That change come your marriage, dear....However, for some reason, I only see two in your future. To put it frankly, you’re going to have a hard time trying. You will try time and time again but in the end you’ll only have a son and a daughter. They will both be strong individuals. They will be the ones to continue your legacy and family, enlarging it greatly.”
“Really?” Navani wondered, “So that means I’m going to have a lot of grandchildren?”
“Exactly, my dear! 5 grandsons and 2 granddaughters to be specific. They are going to have a strong bond.”
Navani smiled at the thought, “At least they have each other. Could you maybe tell me more about this guy I’m going to marry?” She pushed with a guilty smile.
“Welp, now you got to see that fortune telling is just a big stupid hoax!” Sokka exclaimed as the group left Aunt Wu’s place, “Right, Navani?”
“Huh?” She was so caught up in her head that she hadn’t been paying attention, walking aimlessly by Sokka’s side.
“You’re just saying that because you’re gonna make yourself unhappy your whole life.” Katara threw back at him with a smirk.
“That woman is crazy.” Sokka yelled out, “My life will be calm and happy and joyful!”
He angrily kicked a rock, only to have it ricochet off of a sign and hit him in the head.
“Oh, Sokka!” Navani rushed over to help him off the ground.
“That doesn’t prove anything!”
“It doesn’t have to mean anything! Aunt Wu told me the future is always changing with every little decision you make.” Navani explained, grabbing Sokka by the arm and hauling him up, onto his feet.
“Well, I liked my predictions.” Katara said happily, “Certain things are gonna turn out very well.”
Aang smiled, “They sure are.”
Katara turned to him with an interested look on her face, “Why? What did she tell you?”
Navani giggled as Aang responded, “Some....stuff. You’ll find out.”
“Navani,” Katara called, “What did Aunt Wu say for you?”
“Oh, well...uh,” She shied away, kicking the ground with the toe of her shoe, “She told me why I can bend two elements. And that I’m going to marry a handsome, strong guy and we’re going to have a big family together with lots of grandkids.”
“Don’t you mean regular kids?” Sokka questioned from her side. Katara quick to hit her brother’s arm for asking such a personal question.
“Apparently, in the future it’s going to be a struggle for me to have children....” The girl explained, heat rising to her cheeks as she rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed.
At this point the group had continued walking through the small village.
Katara came quick to the rescue, “Well, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Everyone is different. But you are going to have kids right?”
Navani nodded, keeping her head down, “Yeah, she said I’d have a son and daughter. I guess I’m ok with it because I don’t really like kids. But Aunt Wu said that would change once I got married.”
“Well,” Sokka turned to her, “I’m sure whoever marries you will be one lucky guy.” Only loud enough for Navani to here.
She gave a quick thanks, the blush on her cheeks before now a blazing pink.
“What did she say about your bending?” Aang asked excitedly with a little skip in his walk.
Navani perked up at this, “She said I was the first fire and water bender in over 15,000 years! And that the reason I can bend two elements in the first place is because the universe chose me! Can you believe it?”
“Wow! I wish I was specially picked by the universe.” Aang said jokingly, raising his arms to the sky.
“Aang!” The three others exclaimed with their jaws on the floor.
Sokka shouted, “You’re the Avatar for spirits sake! What could be more special then that!”
After the small population of the village had gathered in the square for Aunt Wu’s prediction, which was a disaster to say the least, Navani had found herself strolling through the streets. Walking quietly as her thoughts rattled around in her head. She was thinking about everything but nothing at the same time. It was hard to focus on one thing when it had all been thrown in her face like that. She was trying her best to comprehend as much as possible. Eventually she gave up, deciding she needed to just push those thoughts aside and focus on something else. As of the moment, her stomach was speaking to her. Loudly.
Soon she found herself at a little fruit stand, looking at the colorful assortment. Deciding on some mango slices.
She picked up the little parcel, turning to the young man running the stand, “How much for the mango slices?”
The man, or boy for that matter, looked about her age and very handsome. He flashed her a warm smile and said, “It’s on the house. Some delicious mango for a beautiful lady.” He bowed lightly with a look in his eye.
She smiled brightly, cocking her head, “Why, thank you. Have a nice day.” She spoke over her shoulder as she turned to walk off. Her stomach grumbled wildly and she knew she couldn’t wait any longer, so she continued on.
She unraveled the parcel, turning the corner of a build. Only to come face first with a blue Water Tribe tunic. She fell flat on her butt, making sure her mango slices did not fall from her clutch.
“Jeez, Navani. What’s with you always running into me?” Sokka teased, taking hold of the girl and helping her into her feet.
She scoffed and nudged his shoulder playfully, falling into step with him as they walked side by side down the stree. “Me?! Maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings next time,” She retorted, taking a bite of her snack.
He laughed, “Well I’m not the one stuffing mango in my face.” She scrunched her nose, finishing off her slice and offering one to him.
He took it from her, his fingers gliding against her ever so slightly, popping it into his mouth. She continued, “I’m hungry, alright? You can’t blame a girl for a bodily function.”
They both gave hearty laughed, as they continued on with their little stroll, sharing mango slices. After a short while, Navani had taken notice to how close they were walking together. So close that every so often their knuckles would brush against each other, causing an eruption of butterflies in her stomach. Eventually they slowed as they passed a beautiful fountain. She had been admiring the water and the way it glistened in the sun when she felt his gaze on her. She turn and looked up at him, meeting his eyes. With a heart melting smile, she took his hand in hers. Giggling at the bright blush on his cheeks.
He looked down at their hands then back up at her, “You have really soft hands.”
All anyone within earshot could hear was the two teenagers laughing, simply enjoying a nice time.
(Always open, just let me know if you want to be added! ❤️)
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beanie-beebo · 4 years
I can’t do this without you.
TW: Major character death, suicidality (sorta)
Summary: The reader and team free will find themselves trapped in an impossible, apocalypse-like situation, with practically no way out. Set in season 15 during the first episode (or an AU of the finale, you choose). Inspired by listening to The Last Pale Light in the West by Ben Nichols
“Dean, there’s no way we’re doing this. Absolutely not.” You said, straining to hold the buckling doors in place.
“Well, I don’t see any other way out of this, (Y/N)! We played all of our cards already, it’s over.” Dean said.
You looked up at Sam beside you, pleading for him to see through his brother’s nonsense. Through his gritted teeth, he gave you a defeated expression. No, this couldn’t be it. You glanced to your right at Cas, who displayed a similar face.
“We are not giving up. What the fuck happened to Butch and Sundance, huh? This isn’t the Team Free Will I know.” You retorted.
“Well gee (Y/N), what the fuck do you expect us to do? Cas has no juice, Jack is dead, and every being that has had it out for us is between us, and this door!” Dean said.
You paused for a moment.
“We fight.”
You quickly assessed the decent sized mausoleum you were too busy to take in at first glance. It was fairly new aside from some dust settling from the commotion outside its walls. You were practically buried in your deathbeds after Chuck had unleashed his wrath. The only weapons you had were the ones you could carry, some cement slabs, and maybe some rope dividers attached to metal posts. There were two doorways. One being blocked by a large pile of trees, the other by the boys and yourself. Thankfully, there weren't windows low enough for anything outside to reach. Nor were they large enough for a full body to squeeze through. By one of the nearest windows, was a vent. Likely leading to another room or the roof.
“We escape.” You said, still looking up.
“Not sure if you’ve noticed (Y/N), but we are surrounded by a sea of monsters.” Cas said.
You looked to Cas, whose eyes were currently shut. You practically bored holes into his sides until he looked at you. He arched an eyebrow until he followed your gaze up to the vent.
“And how the hell are we supposed to get up there?” Sam asked.
“I mean, Sam’s tall, but not that tall.” Dean said, causing Sam to roll his eyes.
Your eyes trailed down to the above-ground graves which thankfully weren’t flat slabs on the wall.
“We climb.” You said.
“Couldn’t we just use that rollaway platform over there?” Sam asked, nodding his head to something behind you.
You looked to where Sam was referring to, wanting to smack your head out of sheer ignorance. “I didn’t even- Does it go that high?” You asked.
“One way to find out,” Sam said. “Could you go grab it? We got the door.”
You nodded and rolled the ladder over to where the other three were positioned. Upon looking up, you realize the ladder could work, only that it was a few feet too short.
“Well, beats climbing.” You said. “How are we going to close the gap?”
Everyone paused to think. You looked over to the rope barriers stashed in the corner of the doorway. You held them up and tested their strength. Satisfied, you showed the boys. The only problem that remained, was the door.
“The only thing is…” You nodded your head to the doors that were surprisingly still standing.
Dean held out a hand and you handed him the rope barriers. In a swift movement, he stepped away from the doors and created a makeshift barrier with the door handles and the steel barrier posts.
“Ladder; now!”
Your heart pounded in your ears as you all sprinted up the fifteen foot ladder, almost causing it to topple over at least twice. At the platform you froze, realizing you forgot your link to the vent down below. Sam began punching the vent, seemingly already having a plan in mind. Beneath you, the doors threatened to fall off their hinges with each pounding. 
“Does anyone have something I could bash into this vent with?!” Sam asked.
“Your shoe?” Cas said.
“Wait Cas, let me see that angel blade.” Sam said.
After a few seconds of tinkering, Sam finally began to hastily unscrew the vent lid with the blade’s tip. Your palms began to sweat as you heard a hinge break off the double doors.
“Sam hurry!” You said.
It was like a domino effect. In the matter of seconds, you all began to hear the sound of metal popping out from the door frame onto the tiled floor. The droning masses outside were now more prominent.
“Sam!” Dean yelled.
The last screw had dropped. “Got it!”
Sam hoisted himself into the vent with a leap and held out his arms for everyone else to be pulled up. As Dean got into his brother’s grasp, the blocked doors flew to the ground. The ladder shook violently as monsters began to throw themselves upon it. Your stomach sank as a vampire flashed its teeth not far from the platform. 
“(Y/N), come on!” Dean yelled over the roaring noise.
You turned around, failing to notice before that you were the only one remaining on the platform. You looked back to the monsters on your tail; they had caught up. You weren’t going to make it. Tears stung your eyes as you glanced back at the men you had grown to love.
“(Y/N) jump! ” Sam screamed out.
What was even the point? You closed your eyes and waited for the inevitable. Three arms tightly gripped into your underarms and you suddenly went flying upwards unexpectedly. ..Then it was dark. You blinked until your eyes adjusted to Dean’s ass, practically in your face. You were moving forward, being half dragged in what you realized was the vent. You blinked again. There was a pale light, and a roof under your feet. Dean forcefully turned you around and got down to your eye level before taking your face in his hands.
“Never do that again. Do you understand me?!” Dean said angrily.
All you could do was stare at the stupid freckles that littered his cheekbones and the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.
“What were you thinking?” He asked, softer this time.
“Uh.. guys?” Sam interrupted.
Dean turned around, allowing you to see Sam in plain sight. You followed his eyeline to the rumbling vent you had just exited. You were royally fucked.
“Was this the only way out?” Cas asked, still composing himself.
Suddenly, you felt claws dig into your leg and you yelped in surprise. Without a second thought, you shot behind your back with the last silver bullet you possessed. You silently thanked whoever was on your side, as the apparent werewolf was shot in the heart by chance.
“Cas, behind you!” Dean screamed.
Who you thought was Sam, was suddenly lunging at Cas, almost pushing him off the side of the building. You called out for Cas and began to run beside Dean until your attention was brought to a plume of monsters from a previously unseen vent. You looked back to Dean, who was currently unsheathing some sort of sword. You bit your lip and turned your back to them, knowing Dean had it covered.
As soon as you turned your head, you were face to face with what appeared to be a man, until his mouth enlarged to the size of his face. With Dean having the only sword, you headbutted the leviathan and sent it off the roof. Sharpened tips then tore into your shoulders, causing you to yell out in pain and side swipe whatever was beside you. You couldn’t even take a single breath without being pummeled. It wasn’t long before you were flat on your back, the air knocked almost completely out of your lungs. Your vision slightly wavered as a woman with black eyes smirked above you. 
“Last straw, kid.”
Your insides were both tight and on fire at the same time as blood began gurgling up your throat and into your nose. You could have sworn you were done for. That was, until a blade poked through the demon’s chest from its backside. Her body glowed and flickered momentarily before being roughly pushed to the side, revealing Dean. A mix of tears and blood began to pool in your eyes in relief. He gently raised you to a sitting position and gave you a once over. You nodded in reassurance. Slowly helping you to your feet, the two of you ran back towards the vent as Cas handled the last of the escaped monsters.
You were torn. The real Sam was nowhere to be found and your great plan had you all trapped on the roof of a mausoleum. It had to be your way.
You both tried to hack away at as many heads and grabbing arms from the vent as you possibly could, but there were just too many. Despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins, you were beginning to grow exhausted.
Suddenly, Dean dropped beside you, millions of claws and teeth clinging to his flesh. Your stomach dropped. He cried out in pain as he tried to free himself from their hold; you physically jolted yourself back to the present. As they began to drag him into the vent, you dropped to your knees and gripped him tightly even though you were outnumbered. 
“(Y/N), we both know how this ends!” He said.
“This is not the end!” You cried, using the chimney as leverage.
Right before your eyes, his face quickly paled. You gritted your teeth and screamed Cas’ name into the cold air. After a series of thuds, the former angel was instantly by your side, hacking at anything that poked out of the vent. All the while, you kept a firm hold on Dean. You glanced down at his face, which now held a weak, pained expression.
“I’ve got you Dean, stay with me.” You whispered softly, tears beginning to well up.
You looked up at Cas, who had miraculously trapped the monsters for the time being. He panted and looked at Dean, and then you, sorrowfully. You quickly turned your attention back to Dean, whose eyes were now shut.
“Dean, hey! Wake up.” You yelled, shaking his limp body roughly.
His facial expression was peaceful, too peaceful. You felt for a pulse and was momentarily frozen by his stillness.
“NO, this is not happening. Damnit Dean, wake up! ” You cried, shaking him harder. 
Even with the muffled sounds of monsters below you, all you heard was silence. Your throat hurt and your ears began to ring as Dean’s limp body lay loosely in your grasp.
Still I see a faint reflection
And so by it, I got my way
The song lyrics cut through the eerie silence like a hot knife through butter. The ringing had stopped, but nothing remained besides Cas and the lifeless body below you. Your eyes never strayed from his closed ones, the ones you would never see staring back at you again. No. You listened, for anything. A chirp of a cricket, a sigh of relief, a woodland creature crunching in the grass below. 
There was nothing.
In my hands, I hold the ashes
In my veins, black pitch runs
In my chest, a fire catches
In my way, the setting sun
Dark clouds gather 'round me
Due northwest, the soul is bound...
...There's a light yet to be found
The last pale light in the west
A/N: Writing on mobile sucks ass, especially if you copy and paste from another source. 1/10 would not recommend. Save yourself the frustration.
Anyway, I kinda teared up writing this (especially the first draft). So sorry for the pain. 😅
Thanks to @bi-danvers0 for the challenge!
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