#and its always when youre calling her out on her poor behavior
likedovesinthewindd · 9 months
request: I wanted to request a Farleigh Start x fem reader. Where they are both American and he asks that she helps him with an essay. During the process, he starts having feelings for her because of her honesty towards him but she doesn’t realize it until he says it out loud.
★ tags: @darkeyesshine
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You were surprised when Farleigh had initially approached you for help on an essay. You knew him, not personally, but the two of you attended tutorials under the same tutor, and before that, you've seen him around campus plenty of times, usually accompanied by his plethora of friends.
You were, however, not at all surprised when he hadn't shown up the next day as he promised. You checked the time on your wristwatch; thirty something minutes passed since you had arrived at the library. You couldn't say it was uncommon for him, considering he wasn't exactly known for his punctuality or perfect attendance, but you'd be dammed if he was going to waste your time when he was the one who needed your help.
You huffed in annoyance, beginning to pack away your books and call it a day when you noticed Farleigh's tall figure appeared from behind one of the bookshelves, eyes darting around until he saw you sitting by one of the long tables. He took a seat at the chair next to yours rather than the one across from you as he started rummaging through his bag.
"You're late," you said, reopening your books and trying not to show too much irritation at his tardiness and still remain cordial. "So sorry ma'am. Won't happen again, ma'am," he said sarcastically as he dropped his books on the table with a loud thud before sighing. "But in all seriousness, I really am sorry. So, uh, shall we start?"
To his credit, he stayed true to his promise (kinda) and would always be early enough for your sessions, most days looking like death itself due to a previous night of partying or studying. Farleigh was actually very smart; people always seemed to forget that considering strings had to be pulled to get him into Oxford due to his past behavior and poor choices. You still liked him, though, and had grown used to his sarchotic personality and the playful banter that came with it.
He himself had grown quite fond of you, too. He liked that you never spared him his own verbal lashings and never sugar-coated anything; whether it was critique on his writing or telling him he wasn't going to see 30 with the way he needed a smoke break every five minutes.
Today was the last session before he was to submit his work for moderation, and as you read through his work for the last time, you could feel his eyes burning holes into the side of your head. You chalked it down to him being really eager to get all of this over with.
"It looks really good," you smiled as you slid the file back to him. You were half expecting him to simply take the file and be on his way with a half-assed thank you thrown your way, but he actually seemed very grateful for your efforts. "I owe you one," was the last thing he said before he was already halfway across the library. Later that night, he would be at your dorm room door with a gift bag in hand.
"A thank you gift," he smiled as you took the bag from him. "It wasn't necessary, but thank you," you said. "It definitely was," he argued, "You saved my ass."
"I also kinda wanted a reason to come and tell you about Anabel's little get-together tomorrow night. The Christmas party?" he added. "I know about it. And I heard its invite only," you said, crossing your arms. "That's why I'm telling you. I'm inviting you," he said very matter-of-factly. "Why do you want me to go, don't you have friends?"
"Are we not also friends?" he said, sighing when your eyebrows knit together in confusion. "C'mon, are you really gonna make me beg?"
"No, I don't mind going with you, I just didn't think you liked me that much," you said truthfully. "Well, I do like you. I really like you," he said with a smile. "Tomorrow night. Seven," he added before he was gone.
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pygmi-cygni · 18 days
hc for moonknight boys ( pigging off of the preferences hc a little..) with neighbor!reader who is thick as fuck and has a big white cat named Osiris and one day the Boys hear her opening her door in the hall and calling for her cat, the boys being like ⁉️ HUH and then they go over and meet the cat and like they have a huge big fat crush on her
AWW anon this sounds cute.
reader is fem (uses she/her) curvy, fluff, pining, dual POV. no y/n
Summary: reader moved in a week ago and her cat is adventurous. not exactly the way you asked but it mutated hehe
song recs: anything by stephen sanchez or frank ocean
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Things had progressed nicely. The furniture arrived yesterday, and you'd got it done in a flash - hopefully the neighbors weren't too concerned with the loud thumps and scrapes. You were most glad that Osiris' cat tree had arrived so he'd stop shredding the carpet.
"Ozzy," you whistled. "Breakfast, bubba." You scraped the rest of the tin into his bowl and waited for the excited jingle of his collar.
Frowning, you peered into the living room. Even in dead sleep, Osiris woke at the prospect of a snack. Part of why you got along so well.
Hoping you hadn't shut him in a closet, you set down his meal and knocked on all the doors, checking the shelves and any tricky-to-reach spots. Ozzy often forgot his size and got into places he couldn't easily get out of.
It wasn't a huge apartment, only two bedrooms and a bathroom. You'd done two rounds before nervously figuring that he'd gotten out.
How? The door was closed and locked - you double checked, always.
Your hands fluttered nervously, lip stuck between your teeth. He was a lovely boy but he didn't know the area. You didn't know the area, where would you look? There was one floor below you until the busy street...
"Shit," you muttered, hurriedly pulling on your shoes. The cold air had started yesterday. I'm comin', buddy, don't worry, you thought nervously. You were dressed in a comfy sweater and sweats. Hopefully you didn't look too much like a crazy person.
Slamming your door behind you, you looked both ways down the hall, eyes squinting for a flash of white fur.
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Marc had enough. Somewhere, a tiny trilling bell was jingling. It was driving him fucking insane. He'd poked through the stacks of books and under the mattress. His phone - Steven might've installed some crazy alarm - but no dice.
He peeked out his door. The hall was empty, but-
"Oh," he said, crouching. "Hey there, little guy."
Steven, now awake, snorted. Not very little, though, is he?
The roundest, whitest cat he'd seen in his life was sat patiently in front of his door. Brilliant green eyes blinked up, and a soft meow carried through the hall. Marc had never been good with cats.
His headmate shoved to the front, greedily reaching out for a pet. "He's so soft," Steve breathed, scratching under the cat's chin. A titanic purr radiated out of the fluffy monstrosity, reveling in the attention.
Steven was in love. He gently picked up the cat, snuggling its warmth. Marc grimaced, tapping on Steven's shoulder. You don't know where that's been, man. Wash your hands.
He waved him off, eyes glued to the cat. It was cold out; the poor thing was probably starving. Closing the door against the cold air, Steven happily set his new friend on the ground.
"Would you like some food, then, little man?" He cooed. The cat meowed again and ran off curiously. Steven watched as it poked and sniffed through his flat, purring the whole way. He noticed a slight jingling sound follow the furball. Aha, he was the culprit.
Means he's got a collar, Marc noted, so he's got an owner, I'd bet. Steven pouted slightly; he wouldn't mind keeping the little bugger. Jake hissed when the cat started wiggling into the closet.
Ay, if that thing steals my gloves I'm takin' it out back.
Steven gaped at the hostile behavior of his friends. "Alright, fine," he relented, "but I'd like to feed it first. It's cold out, y'know."
Whistling gently, Steven knelt down in front of the wardrobe. "Here, kitty," he said softly, clicking his tongue. A fluffy tail tickled his nose. Giggling, he caught the cat in his arms.
"Okay now, hold still for a smidge, lemme look at you-"
The cat squirmed as he felt around for a collar. Truly, the amount of hair on this thing was insane. Jake sneezed.
A little gold tag glimmered. Steven squinted. "O...Osiris? Innat funny, Marc? His name's Osiris!" He dropped the cat in favor of rambling about the deity, hands moving excitedly. Jake frowned.
Isn't that the death guy?
Steven sighed at Jake's vocabulary. "Underworld, mate, very different." The alter snorted. My bad, of course.
Could be an omen, Marc quipped.
"Why're you all being so grumpy?" Steven groaned, raking his hand through his hair, "it's just a cat."
Did the tag have an address? Jake wondered, back on track. The cat had curled up on Steven's lap, so he tried gently to get closer without disturbing him.
"Uh...yes?" The numbers were smudged to hell, so he couldn't really read it. The cat couldn't have gotten too far in the cold, his owner lived close. Steven's disappointment at letting go of his friend was quenched by the intrigue of meeting someone who was interested in Egyptology.
He fed the cat a few pieces of cheese and scooped him up. "Alright, off you pop, let's find your owner, yeah?"
The cat purred in his arms, snuffling into his jacket. Steven whistled aimlessly, locking his door and setting off.
He lived on the third and highest story - so he'd work his way downwards. He paused.
Marc sat back knowingly. See, in order for this to work you've actually got to talk to people, Stevie. Steven faltered. He looked sheepishly in the reflection of the doorknob.
Rolling his eyes, Marc slipped in to front, jostling with Osiris. The cat noticed a switch, and curiously sniffed the new alter. Jake backed out; claiming allergies. Grimacing, Marc reached for the knocker on the neighbor's door.
No luck. Nobody on his floor had seen or lost a cat named Osiris - though he did encounter a tearful little boy looking for his hamster. Internally, Marc wondered if the cat had found the rodent first. Steven would switch out every few minutes to stroke Osiris lovingly, before hiding in the headspace if someone approached.
The cat seemed to get used to the different men, eventually falling asleep.
Marc sighed, taking the elevator down to the second floor. This cat was heavy.
He nearly ran smack into someone else as he stepped out. Osiris yowled and he stuttered an apology, blinking at the impact.
A very shocked woman was staring at him, mouth open.
"You've got my cat!"
He blinked again, looking at Osiris. "Your...he's yours?"
You nodded, reaching out for him. Marc clumsily handed him over, still reeling from the coincidence. You thanked him profusely, gently scolding the cat.
You beamed at him. "Thank you so much, sir, I thought I'd never find him. Ozzy's a bit of a pill when we find a new place, I appreciate is so much."
Marc was stunned stupid. Once he'd gotten a look at you, you were really pretty. There was a nice, calming energy radiating off of you like a halo. A flush had brightened your eyes and cheeks from the cold, coloring you like a cherub. The fluffy cat rubbed itself on your legs, tail winding around your supple curves.
Ay, amigo, Jake whispered, you haven't said anything.
"Yeah," Marc stammered, wiping his brow. "Yeah, for sure, it's...it's no problem." Fuck, he sounded like Steven.
The poor brit was in the same sinking boat, brain gone offline in shock. Oi. Oi Marc, don't fuck this up holy shit do you see her earrings? She's got little moons on-
Marc had to mentally mute his friend's babbling, too preoccupied with not looking like an idiot. You were busy cooing after your pet. A cute smile adorned your round cheeks and he had the urge to reach out-
"Hey, d'you want to come in? I've got some coffee or tea inside," you offered, gesturing behind you. Marc had a feeling that was a bad idea, seeing as how fast his heart was beating, but Steven was doing flips with excitement, so he accepted.
Your apartment was lovely. You'd clearly just moved in, the furniture was clean and new. Incense burned at the window, filling the room with a jasmine scent. Marc inhaled deeply, catching whiffs of your shampoo. It made his chest feel a little gooey.
Steven needed a tranquilizer, he was so elated. A small shrine to Ra was on your vanity, with a plate of dates and gold coins. Your bookshelves, unlike his, were neat and organized. Most of the books were on Egypt or horticulture. That explained the houseplants on every flat surface.
If we were mentioning omens...Jake murmured suggestively, nodding to the abundant moon decor and Egypt references. Marc pushed him away, too enraptured with watching you.
You were humming quietly, grabbing mugs and sugar and cream. That wonderful halo was burning brighter the longer he stared. The sweater you were wearing was a lovely shade of blue that brightened your face like the sun. Fitting that she likes Ra, Steven breathed, she looks celestial.
Jake agreed silently, having swallowed his own tongue. He was excited about the coffee, smelling warm and rich from your kitchen. You handed them a cup, gesturing to the milk and sugar.
"Help yourself to either," you said cheerily, patting Marc's shoulder. holy fuck your hands were soft. He watched you disappear into the hall, mesmerized with the sway of your hips.
Don't be a creep, Steven scolded, as if he hadn't been mentally planning a wedding. Marc murmured something unintelligible, awestruck by your lovely figure.
He gulped his coffee too fast to hide the flush on his face when you returned.
"What's your name?" You asked, sitting across from him. You told him yours, voice musical and light.
"M-Marc," he said around a burnt tongue and a lovesick heart. You asked him questions about where he was from, which he tried to answer, though in truth your sparkling eyes and lovely scent were really difficult to think around.
Your curves were quite distracting, and he kept being drawn to your movement, face aflame. His dignity was in tatters now but he'd never seen a person so gorgeous before. Osiris wound around his feet, an almost-smirk on his face.
Marc's gaze was glazed as you continued talking, words going in one ear and out the other. That was okay - he could catch up once he asked you on a date. Currently he was too preoccupied with imagining your soft skin and supple hips and-
He scowled at himself, shameful. Jake shook his head, sighing. he didn't show it, but a hot rush of desire was also snaking through his chest. Steven was sat and totally absorbed in your conversation like a child at storytime.
Before he left, he slipped his number onto your kitchen table for you to find later. You caught him as he left and pulled him into a hug.
He'd completely glitched when you pulled him into your soft body. Trembling with restraint, he carefully hugged you back, nose pressed greedily into your sweet-smelling hair. You fit perfectly in his arms, waist wonderfully soft and perfect to hold. Marc's mouth was dry as the desert. His heart was thundering, and he held on for a bit longer than necessary. He couldn't let go, he just wanted to hold you and squeeze and kiss you and oh god he's gonna embarrass himself like a teenager with how hard he's getting-
You waved goodbye and shut the door, leaving him awestruck in the hall.
"I think I've been drugged," he breathed to nobody. Steven had passed out, and only Jake was left to numbly agree.
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yay! join my taglist if you want, comment below
@my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @krakenkitty
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miguelhugger2099 · 6 months
You Know Where to Find Me
Summary: Miguel is from another planet, fascinated by the stars and nothing else. On Earth, he learns the water might be interesting. A/N: this is so niche i can't find any alien miguel fanart Alien!Miguel x Mermaid!Reader, Fluff, No Warnings
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Humanity loved space, so much so they spent trillions just to find other living sentient creatures just like them. After generations and some centuries, Humanity had managed contact with aliens!
Quickly, and by the grace of the universe, humans and aliens had begun to coexist. It was often that humans would visit the aliens home and aliens to visit Earth. 
Miguel wanted to visit Earth. He loved space as well. A little alien mind that adored the stars and always felt that he was meant for greater things. It’s not that he didn’t love his home planet, but he couldn’t wait to learn and even live with other aliens!
So when he arrived, he did everything he could to learn about Earths space program. Another highlight was that his planets astronomy was still a few centuries behind, so going to Earth was the best choice—and the only one. 
Miguel had gotten along with everyone—his bright mind and leadership skills made everyone admire him! His curiosity knew no bounds! In fact, he grew fond of teaching others about space. So in his spare time, he’d work at a planetarium in Nueva York—one of the only cities in the world that held the largest building that was dedicated to the study of space. 
Despite his unusual appearance, small antennas on the crown of his head and no pupils—his eyes shaded a soft red— his people looked “human enough” for them to be integrated into human society without any problems. He supposed he got lucky—he didn’t like to think of how humanity might’ve reacted to something stranger. Luckily his sharp ears could be hidden behind his curls and his little lisp from his fangs was deemed cute to others—which he’s on the fence about.
He had heard of a new exhibit opening up after a certain discovery humans found within the Earths ocean. Miguel had basically tuned out whatever his colleagues chatted about, especially if it had nothing to do with whatever he was interested in.
However, to his horror, when he passed by the new exhibit during its construction he had found a human body in the tank of water. He hurried out to find security or to call an ambulance—something—to help the poor soul that had fallen underwater. If he knew anything about humans, it’s that they couldn’t breath underwater!
A colleague had seen Miguel’s frantic behavior while shaking a security officer to call for help. The sight was amusing since Miguel was taller than the average human man.
His vacant red eyes found hers. “Jess!” Jessica walked up to them with worry. 
“What’s going on?” 
Miguel breathed in deeply. “There’s—there’s a human! In—in the—they fell!”
“Fell where?” She asked, her tone becoming serious. 
“By the new exhibit! I don’t know how they got there but they fell—I think—and they had their eyes closed!”
Jess became more alert. Civilians weren’t allowed in that section yet and the construction guys weren’t stupid enough to not be able to swim out of a tank.
“Show me.”
Jessica had a bit of a hard time keeping up with Miguel, his long legs taking giant strides while his antennas curled and his ears turned downwards.
Miguel shows her the tank. “Here!”
Inside was definitely what seemed like a human woman passed out in the water. But Jess instead sighed in relief. She places her hand on her chest and laughs which makes Miguel’s antennas curl even more, making it look like a rams horns and his skin turns pinkish. 
Jess giggles after calming down. She taps the glass with her knuckle and falls out your name.
The ‘human’ inside was actually you. Your eyes opened and you give Jess a pointed look. You swam up to the top of the tank which gives Miguel a better look at the tail that was hidden behind a giant sheet of cloth. 
You popped up at the top and leaned on the railing with a glare at Jessica. “I told you not to tap the glass!”
Jessica gives you a grin. “Sorry. One of us thought you were a human drowning so I just wanted to show him that was not that case and to pay attention more to our meetings.”
Miguel’s skin turns a darker shade of red, his antennas uncurling and flops in front of his forehead. Your eyes meet his and he feels the embarrassment running through him.
Not only had he embarrassed himself during his job—but in front of something pretty like you. He glanced between your eyes and your tail, gulping down his nerves and placing his hands behind his back. 
“Sorry.” He mumbled out.
“Miguel, this is our first volunteer for our new exhibition. Since the discovery of mermaids and mermen, this gal,” She places a hand on the glass with a mention of your name. “…is now a part of introducing humanity to the wonders of the sea.”
“I’m a party animal.” You tell Miguel, resting your cheek on your arm with a smile. 
“She’s joking.” Jessica says but he can only stare at you, engraving your smile in his memory. 
“Now that we know a human isn’t drowning, can you go back to work?” Jessica pats his shoulder as he makes her exit. Miguel turns to see her leave and looks back to see you still staring at him.
“You’re not human.” You observe. 
“I’m not.” Miguel clears his throat and approaches your tank slowly. “I’m from Retha. A neighboring planet a couple light years away.”
You him in thought, pretending to know what light years are.
“Didn’t expect to see another alien here.” You splash your tail, a few droplets hitting the ground. 
Miguel tilts his head, one antenna following him. “Alien? But aren’t you from Earth? Just…in the sea?”
You shrug, hanging your arm out. “I’m in a tank, aren’t I? I’ll never be considered like the humans.”
Miguel watches your dive back in the water to rehydrate yourself before popping back up. 
“Miguel. My name is Miguel.” He says, placing a hand on the tank and looking up at you. You smile and dive back in the tank so you can be face to face. You place your hand on the tank where his hand was at. He knows your name, you don’t need to repeat it.
You watch as he turns his head, a soft muffle of talking and you assume he’s heading back to work. He gives you another glance and you puff out a small bubble of air to make a heart in the water and waving him goodbye. His cheeks flush red and he nods, turning away and leaving.
He feels interested in learning about the water this time around. His curiosity knows no bounds.
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gloryhrs · 1 year
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━━ ⟡ 𝓟𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄, various. 🐩
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᧔𐓪᧓ 𝓱𝐜𝐬 𝐟𝐭. ━━ Jushiro Ukitake, Shinji Hirako, Ichigo Kurosaki, & Toshiro Hitsugaya!
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iii. 𝐆𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 // 3/3 part of the animal s/o series!
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♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 poor old man couldn’t keep up with you, even if he tried. You were nothing more than an uncontrollable ball of energy he was married to. He would wake up to the sound of your fluffy tail hitting the floor nonstop as you stared at him and waited for him to wake up with a small pout on your face.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 lips turned down even more at the sight of your white-haired husband, who proceeded to sleep peacefully. "Jushirooooo." You called out to him and poked his cheek as he groaned and opened one of his eyes. "Dear, the sun hasn’t risen yet, and you're ready to go outside?" He sat up and yawned. It was still dark outside, and you expected him to get up right away. "Mhmm!" You nodded your head cutely as your furry ears perked up in an adorable manner, which Jushiro couldn’t say no to. The white-haired man only sighed. He knew you were always up before the crack of dawn so you could get your day's work done and explore. "Fine, but when we come back inside, you have to go to sleep right away. Got it?" He pointed his index finger at you as you nodded your head once more. "Okay!"
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐒 you stomach and head scratches anytime he has the chance. He never walked passed you without giving you a head scratch, he never gotten use to the fact that your foot tapped against the group rapidly when he scratches behind your ears.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄 has multiple toys stashed away under his desk for when you come to spend the day with him, not caring about your duties. He would try to send you off, but you'd always give him your famous eyes and pout, which he couldn’t say no to. While spending the day with him, you’ll frequently play with the toys he brought you, which are pretty interesting.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓 your way of showing love to him was incredibly sweet, since you couldn’t verbally speak to him at times. He would wake up to you nuzzling your cheek into his while saying good morning. — "Good morning, dear." Jushiro's eyes softened at you sitting on his lap with your tail doing its usual wags. "Good morning!" 
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 almost put him on his deathbed earlier than he’d expected because of your careless behavior. He’d never forget the one time he thought you were killed and thrown in a lake because of your torn clothing. Only for you to pop your head out of the lake with a bright smile on your face. Jushiro didn’t give you a chance to speak before he pulled you out of the lake and dragged you home by your ear while chewing you out.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐈𝐍 order to drain your battery, the man sends you out on tasks and (easy) missions so you can tire yourself out. Once you've completed all the tasks he gave you, you’ll often come into his office and sit on his lap until he’s done with this paperwork. With his hand often rubbing your back and ears.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 stretched your muscles for the final time as you headed to your husband’s office. For the first time in a while, you were extremely exhausted. Once you reached the office door, you didn’t even bother to knock. Jushiro watched as you kicked the sandals off your feet and made your way towards him. Before he could say a word, you immediately plopped yourself down on his lap, your face snuggling into his neck. Jushiro chuckled and began to rub your back, putting you at ease. "I’m guessing you’re tired?" He grinned at your tired state, which made you nod. "Mhmm, let’s cuddle."
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♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐀𝐍 absolute love bug! You were both obsessed with each other. Shinji talked about you nonstop to his lieutenant, Hinamori, who only nodded her head and agreed with everything he said. 
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐉𝐈 loved you dearly. But if he had the chance to strap you down to a table for a day, then you better believe he would. Everyone knew you gave your husband an unnecessary amount of gray hair from the way you acted. Your hyperactivity would get so out of control that Shinji would throw you over his shoulder and walk away from the scene. But no one has seen the man snap on you before because he couldn’t. Shinji knew that you meant no harm, and besides, there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄 never fails to make you blush because of his flirty attitude; the sexual jokes he makes towards you make you bury your face in your hands. Because you knew he was going to give you a hard time the following night. He’s the only one who was able to make you blush. — "Hey, babe, I got this tongue piercing for a reason. Wanna watch me use it?" "S–Shinji!"
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄 didn’t mind the fact that you had dog ears and a tail. He would often tease you by dragging his hands slowly down the tail, knowing it was one of the most sensitive parts of your body. Plus, he could have an advantage over you when you start to act bratty. With a simple tug of your tail, your behavior would straighten up immediately.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ "𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 give me that shit." Shinji's grip on the tail tightened as you tried your hardest to hold yourself up. You knew it was wrong to act like a brat in front of all those people, but you didn’t care at the moment; it was all Shinji’s fault. "Where’s that attitude now?" He used his index finger to tilt your head up, and once Shinji saw your glossy eyes,he immediately rolled his eyes. You always tried this sh*t when you got in trouble; it worked the first three times, but he was over that now. "Don’t give me those damn eyes; you knew you were wrong." His dark brown eyes glared into your soft e/c ones. Your h/c ears are flat on the top of your head.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ "𝐈 said sorry. I didn’t mean it." You muttered loud enough for him to hear. Shinji's glare deepened; your puppy eyes and scared look weren’t fooling him this time. He knew it was all an act you put on, so he would go easy on you when he was punishing you. "You said sorry? You didn’t mean it? I told you about this before we left, and you still went and acted out!" Shinji gritted his teeth at you. From the look in his eyes and the way his hand was now wrapping around your neck, he was getting more angry. Shinji let out a long sigh before removing his hand from your tail to pinch the bridge of his nose. Once you both make it back home, he’s going to demolish that attitude of yours. "I’ll deal with you later, understand?" His grip on your neck loosened as you nodded your head quickly. "Yes sir!"
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 alone, you would put your chin on his lap (near his private area) with your tail wagging and an "innocent" smile on your face, and he almost lost it. It takes an entire army to hold him back from pouncing on you and turning you inside out in his office.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐉𝐈 groaned when you pulled on his bottom lip after the make-out session; the paperwork on his desk was now put to the side as his attention focused on you. From the moment you stepped into his office, his eyes concentrated on you and you only. His eyes watched as you slid down to the floor, now on your knees. Your chin now rested on his lap. He knew you didn’t want head-pats; you wanted something else. "I’m sorry, pup, but we can’t do it now." He gave your chin a light scratch as you pouted, your ears flattening with you. "Please, I want it now." You batted your lashes at him while he suffered from a heavy debate in his head. "Fine, but don’t make a mess like you did last time." His hand made its way to your hair and gave it a light tug with a whine leaving past your lips. "I–I won’t." 
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 perfect shoulder to lean on when you’re scared. Because you have sensitive ears and a fear of loud noises, he would always put noise-cancelling headphones over your ears and hold you against his chest while rubbing your back slowly.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 pain in Shinji’s chest caused him to wake up instantly; something wasn’t right. He looked over to see you curled into his side while whimpering, the tears in your eyes making him go into protective mode. "What’s wrong, baby?" He used his thumb to wipe away the tears from your eyes as the crackle of thunder caused you to sob and curl into his side even more. It took him a moment before the lightbulb went off in his head. You were terrified of lightning and thunder. He sat up from the futon while the thunder made another loud sound, causing you to yelp and bury your face in the pillow next to you. Shinji searched through the drawer for the familiar item until it came into his vision—the noise-canceling headphones he brought just for you. He sat back down next to you with his hand brushing the h/c hair from your face. "Look at me, baby; it’s all going to be okay. I’m right here." He cooed in your ear as your tail started to unwrap itself from your leg. Once he saw that your grip on the pillow had loosened, he removed the object from your face and placed the headphones over your ears. You slowly opened your tear-stung eyes to look at your husband, who smiled softly and stroked your cheek. His eyes shined with nothing but reassurance and love. He wiped away the final tears before kissing your lips. You sniffled for the last time as you buried your face into his chest, sleeping peacefully for the rest of the night.
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♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐏𝐄𝐎𝐏𝐋𝐄 wondered how Ichigo was able to keep you tame and calm in public, considering you were the same person who jumped from desk to desk every morning. But the secret was gum; once he thinks you’re getting out of control, he’ll pull out a stick. Which makes you calm down in a second. One minute you’re jumping all over the place, and the next minute you’re nuzzling your cheek into his arm while chewing on the piece of gum.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐎 has to tie a leash around your waist when you both go out in public. The number of times he lost you in public places was ridiculous! He not only had a leash on you, but he also had a tracker in the necklace he brought you for your birthday. The last time he lost you, a hollow attacked and almost killed you, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let that happen again.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 teenager thought he was going crazy when his clothes started to go missing all of a sudden! Only to find out you had an entire stash in your closet, he took back most of his clothes. But let you pick out the ones you wanted to keep, even if they were his favorite.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ "𝐈 want this one! Can I keep it, Ichi?" You held up the white cardigan as Ichigo nodded his head. "Sure, but don’t get it dirty." He squeezed your cheek and proceeded to place the rest of his shirts in the suitcase. Yes, a suitcase. Ichigo didn’t know you stole an entire collection of his clothes. He didn’t notice until the only thing he had left was a shirt he hadn’t worn since he was fifteen. "You can’t keep that." Ichigo took the white shirt from your grasp as you pouted with your ears flattened. "Ichiiii, you can’t even fit that shirt anymore." You whined at your boyfriend, who sighed before throwing the shirt at you. Your whining was the only reason you got your way. "Next time, ask before you take my entire closet and run off with it." He lightly scolded you and pinched your cheek while you giggled nervously, knowing damn well you were going to do it again.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐁𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐔𝐒𝐄 of your clingy behavior, he would buy every strawberry plushie that came into his sight. You knew Ichigo couldn’t be by your side every second of the day, but that didn’t stop you from whining and crying for him. He would often check his phone to see over a dozen voice messages you recorded about how much you loved and missed him. The pictures of you pouting with the plushie pressed to your cheek made him want to drop everything and return to you.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 most of your free time watching the annual dog competitions with you. At first, he didn’t know why you were so addicted to the shows; his first thought was because you’re part dog. But once he sat down and watched the show, it was quite interesting. You would laugh at him when he scoffed at the bigger dog and won over the small dog.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐇𝐄 didn’t play when it came to your grades; he wants the absolute best for you and refuses to let you drop out. Since you both were in the same classes, he’d help you out with your work every time you called him. And he would spend the night at your house to make sure you completed your homework and did not slack off to watch puppy competitions. Every time you get a question right, he’ll give you a kiss and a treat <3.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 bit your lip at your boyfriend, who only wore a pair of grey sweatpants with a black tank top. From the moment you saw him, your tail started to wag at an immediate pace. You tried to focus your attention back on your homework, but his muscles were practically staring back at you. You snapped out of your thoughts when Ichigo tapped the paper with the pencil. "What’s the answer to number six?" He pointed the pencil at the sheet. "E–Erm, c?" You scratched your cheek as Ichigo nodded his head and said, "That was correct. Good job, baby." He used his index finger to pull your chin closer to his lips. The faint taste of the strawberry cake still lingering on his lips made you go federal; you wanted him so bad that your tail was now wagging faster than ever.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 only thing Ichigo disliked about you was your brattiness. He'd have to admit that he did take you everywhere and spoil you rotten. He didn’t care about the attitude you’d gain when you were both alone. But if you’re in public, then it’s a different story. He hated the way you would whine and stomp your foot at him when he said no, but he wasn’t like that partner who was afraid of putting the other in their place. Once you push his buttons too much, he’ll take you to the nearest alleyway or bathroom to straighten you and your little attitude out.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ "𝐘𝐎𝐔’𝐕𝐄 really been pissing me off today." Ichigo frowned and took your face into his hand, the pout never leaving your lips. You rolled your eyes at him and steered your eyes in another direction, which pissed Ichigo off even more. All this because he refused to buy you those nasty chocolate-covered bananas. You could feel the anger seething off him, and honestly, you didn’t give a damn. "Hmph, I don’t care." You shrugged your shoulders at your boyfriend, whose eyes widened for a second before going back to normal. Who were we talking to? Because it surely wasn’t him. "Repeat that for me." He removed his hand from your face and slid it down to your neck, his thumb pressing down on the sensitive part. You held back your whimpers and stood up straight, since you were starting to lean onto his chest. "I—I said I don’t—ah" You whimpered when his hand made its way down to your tail, giving it a gentle stroke.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 started to pant when Ichigo used his hands to massage the sensitive parts of your body; if it weren’t for the wall holding you up, you would’ve been on your knees right now. Ichigo smirked. For someone who talked a lot of shit, it was extremely easy to put you back in your place. His hand that was on your tail was now trailing up to your waist. "What happened, baby?" He teased. Ichigo chuckled at how you attempted to speak, only for his grip on your neck to tighten. He leaned down to give your lips a kiss; his soft lips moving in sync with your plump ones felt like a dream. "Mhmm..." You pulled on his shirt when he started to suck on your tongue; the foreign feeling had you begging for more. His free hand wandered around your body and groped everything he touched. Your body belonged to him, so he could do whatever he pleased with it. After pulling away, he took his hand from your neck while a thick string of saliva connected you to him. You quickly looked away. Feeling ashamed at the fact that you folded for him within seconds. "I'm sorry, Ichi. I didn’t mean to act like that out there." You stared at your shows like they were the most important things in the world. Ichigo chuckled and pulled you closer by your waist, saying, "It’s fine. But just know I went easy on you because we were in a public restroom. Next time, I’ll make sure you forget how to walk."
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♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐘𝐎𝐔 and Toshiro were complete opposites. You were so smiley and happy all the time, while he was more of a serious and assertive guy. Multiple people were surprised when they saw Toshiro holding hands with you. How did Toshiro fall for you? The world may never know. You both were happy, and that's all that matters.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 you both go out into the public, he has to warn you to act right, or else he’s going to bring out the sandal. Plus, he can’t go three seconds without scolding you. But if you act right, he’ll give you head pats and buy you food.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 said that Toshiro wouldn’t follow you up on your shenanigans was completely wrong. This guy played board games with you, danced in the rain with you, and occasionally challenged you to a staring contest once in a while. To prove to you that he can last longer than you.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ "𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 are they doing?" Hinamori tilted her head at the couple, who sat crisscross on the ground while staring into each other's souls. "They’re having a staring contest. They’ve been there for ten minutes now." Rangiku whispered and took a sip of her drink. Hinamori watched as your ears perked up and your tail wagged, signaling you were excited, while Toshiro felt his eyes water at your adorable behavior. His eyes widened and his heart swelled when he saw your pupils dilate more and more. You didn’t think of this as a staring contest; you just wanted to stare at your lover. Toshiro’s watery eyes finally closed. "See! I told you that you couldn’t do it!" Rangiku laughed at Toshiro, who glared at her for a moment before turning his attention back to you. "Does that mean I win?" You innocently blinked your eyes at your boyfriend, and Toshiro felt his cheeks heat up at your angelic aura. Once you gave him that smile and head tilt, he would stutter every time. "Yes, you’ve won, darling."
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐎 didn’t mind that you were so lovey-dovey and affectionate with him. He loved waking up to your morning kisses and hugs. He couldn’t push you away, because if he did, then you'd keep coming back.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐒 the place of the adult in the relationship, even though you are older than him. He cleans your mouth after you’re done eating, takes baths with you (so you wouldn’t get distracted or fall asleep in the water), and so much more. Not to mention that he’s extremely overprotective of you, especially when someone yells at you. Once your ears flattened, it was a signal for him to unsheathe his sword. It takes you, Rangiku, and Hinamori to hold him back from releasing the wrath of the person who yelled at you; no matter who he was going against, he was always going to take up your cause. —  "Captain! Y/N said it’s not a big deal!" "I’m going to turn that asshole into ice sickles!"
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐃 to let you hang around Rangiku or Shunsui when he wasn’t around. The last time that happened, you came to him drunk off your ass with a bottle in your hand. He wanted to destroy the two, but his mind told him otherwise; you were his focus, not them. But God wanted to destroy them.
♡ 𓈒 𓈒 ୨୧ 𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐎 couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He watched as you stumbled around the room with a bottle in your hand while barking loudly. "T–Toshi!" You hiccuped and waved at your boyfriend drunkenly while Toshiro snatched the bottle from your hand and put it in the trash. He then grabbed your arms and began to lay you down on the futon, his mind traveling off to how he was going to punish Rangiku. "T-Toshi, I love you. You’re the best boyfriend ever. You make me so happy." Your voice slurred slightly, making Toshiro’s cheeks turn pink. Even when you’re drunk, your love for him is louder than ever. "I love you too; now take this and go to sleep. I have some business to handle." He gave your lips and forehead a kiss. Rangiku is most definitely never going to hear the end of it.
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© gloryhrs, 052723. — notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)
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samiibami · 11 months
HIS GAZE // Death God! Blade AU
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CW: Yandere themes, Death God! Blade, nature lovers dni, he calls you "blossom", he kidnapped you, stalker behavior
Wherever you went, to the temple you were forcibly taken to, the nearby forest surrounded by beautiful flowers, he was always there.
Ever since you managed to get the attention and affection of the Death God himself, Blade, he never let you stray from his sight.
Even when going outside to take a nice breath of air from his temple, he followed you closely, grasping your hand in his to make sure you would never ever leave him. It happened once or twice, but he learned to be careful. He could never risk his blossom to leave him now, could he?
This happened when you go out to the forest he made for you just recently, filled with the most high-quality flower beds and beautiful land.
He followed you there too, and whenever you went on your lovely explorations, he unintentionally made the nature that surrounded her decay due to his gaze.
"Blade..you do know that all the nature here is dying because of you right?" You looked at him in concern because of the once area, filled with the greenest of leaves, now becoming the darkest of green. He looked rather apologetic because of that, he was dead aware that no amount of life, aside from living humans, could be within his presence.
"My dear blossom, I apologize, don't look at me that way" He brushed a falling hair strand from your face and behind your ear, it was only natural of him to worry if his beloved was dejected.
You tried to interact with a lovely flower bed that was just your size to lay down on, but once again, he set his gaze on it, and everything decayed in mere seconds.
The petals lost its beautiful white color, now mixed in with a dark shade and slowly ripping away, and the stems snapped. You were clearly upset at the outcome and turned to look at Blade, who seemed extremely guilty.
"They tried to be beautiful for you" He could only make up for it with the simplest of flattery that he could process at the time, looking at her poor face.
You picked up the flower, fingers tracing the rough edges of the petal before the flower flew away when you hold it up. What a miserable ending for a mere flower that you only came across.
"Isn't it beautiful?" He pointed to the decayed flower bed that furthermore became unbearable to look at because of his gaze. The Death God tried to console you in the best ways he could manage as he wasn't used to human emotions yet.
"I can always just make you a new forest, I'm a god after all" He had a faint smile on his face and pulled you into a soothing hug, your back pressed against his chest and his head resting on your shoulder.
"If you want, I can even make you a whole new Earth if you'd like" The Death God's gentle touch on your head was rather comforting in a way, and it made you feel a bit better.
They both continued walking around, the god still holding you in his arms gently as you strolled around, the more you did, the more the forest started to rot and decay because of his continued gaze.
The aftermath of the forest after your walk with him was a depressing thing to witness, but you'd have to get used to it since he will be with you for the rest of eternity. He could always make you a new one after all, and a whole new world if you'd want. Everything's all for you.
(Note: Hi! i made this while i was walking on the road and nearly got hit by a truck so i'm sorry if it's kinda bad)
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raainberry · 7 months
Crowd Pleaser
« One (performer or product) that is notably or reliably popular or appealing »
Sana x gn!reader
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synopsis - players play, but there can only be one winner
wordcount - 980?
T/W - definitely suggestive
A/N - short angst bc its been a while, although im on the fence about this one, enjoy!
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Opposites attract. Or was it birds of a feather?
In your three years as a philanderer, you found neither of those rules to be truer than the other. It was easier to call it what it always is : chemistry. Or chemicals went awry?
The latter seemed more fitting ever since Sana started playing around you. Your appointed rival, for gossiping’s sake. You wondered why she’d suddenly taken interest in you, and got your answer pretty quickly.
She’s crazy.
Loves the eyes on her, the attention. You couldn’t blame her. You understood her—at least to certain extent.
You liked it better when the attention was given behind closed doors. Privately, in hushed whispers, wordless stares as you walked by.
Sana…. She liked to make a show out of it.
Her sweet idea of fire worth playing with was the campus’ must try. At least for the worthy enough in her eyes. For the others it was a must see. As cruel as she could be, her behavior was art. Something about her eyes, her smile; it was a performance.
The way she messed with people them left them clueless, barely aware of themselves, their mind in pieces scattered around their dignity; the only thing she was kind enough to leave them with.
You watched every time a poor soul foolishly lead the way to its despair, hand holding onto its downfall.
You could say they were unkowing, unaware of the damage they laid themselves open to, but it would only be a lie. They were simply human enough to risk it all for a taste of what was popular.
It was captivating.
The way her eyes left her toy, looking back to the crowd she was leaving behind. A gesture as innocent as she could display herself to be, but only for the less aware. The most informed knew, she was looking for you.
Her gaze never wasted time, to the point she knew exactly where to catch yours. No matter the place, all she had to do was look past everyone else’s spellbound faces.
There you were, looking right back at her. The only one conscious enough to appreciate the end of her show.
Her winks stuck on your mind long after she disappeared into the whatever car her date got their hands on in hopes to impress her.
BMWs, rented Mercedes, a sweet Chevy, daddy’s Aston Martin… You chuckled at every single attempt. Not that you had any better, or even the means to get anything close to those.
In all humility, you didn’t mock their efforts either. It was only hard not to laugh at the thought of how easily you could turn all that blood and sweat into tears.
All you had to do was reach for her hand.
Though that ease worked your mind down, weakening it until you couldn’t hide anything in there anymore.
“Why do you make it so easy?” You asked her one night.
You’d helped her leave the mess she’d made of someone hours ago. Habit had her following you into your apartment, borrowing your bathroom before joining her roommate back in the dorms.
Her makeup was halfway off, revealing nothing but an even prettier sight. Her eyes seemed to be softer on you than they were moments ago. “What do you mean?”
“Why do you make it easy for me to steal you away?” You repeated, looking away from her to grab a cushion to hold against your chest.
Your studio apartment was a very small space, one allowing you to reach the bathroom in two steps from the couch you also used as a bed.
Sana loved to leave the door open, inviting you into her late night routine. Whatever had to do with her skin, you somehow knew about it. From the products she used, down to the weak spots; their complicated names and the sounds that rolled off her tongue whenever you let curiosity get the best of you.
“I could ask you the same thing.” She smiled at her own reflection. “But I doubt the answer will please you.”
“Since when do you care to please me?” You scoffed, kicking a stuffed animal at your feet.
Sana’s hands stuttered on her skin before letting silence claim the room. It certainly was better than anything she could answer to that. Better than the truth you definitely didn’t need to hear aloud.
So she left you in it, gathering her stuff and placing them neatly inside of a pouch she probably cared about more than you before walking out. The sound of your front door closing behind her only made it all painfully obvious.
You blinked your tears away, and held back on your sobs. Pride was too much of a strong word to make it a motive. You probably never had any, or it stopped existing when you started to play a part in her performance.
Shame was just as bad of a choice. Nothing shameful about succumbing to desire. Maybe a little in blurring the lines between the scene and reality.
It took a while to break the silence she left behind. About the same amount of time it took for your tears to reach your lips.
You winced at the feeling, the taste… It was all too familiar, you ended up choking at the memory.
The kisses you shared were always stained by her own tears. Not from sadness, nor happiness. Anger. Emotions you were both supposed to leave out of the equation.
You sniffled, still holding the sobs within your chest. The pressure built up enough to force a chuckle, a laugh out of fear of letting her win.
That’s what it could be, the word. Ironically funny.
You barely even knew what you didn’t want to lose anymore, if at all.
It was neither a matter of pride or shame—nothing.
Nothing mattered.
In the world, in your eyes, in her mind.
Nothing except her.
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gonetoforks · 8 days
Poor Yuichi... Isn't he tired?
1. Can he make cute stuffed animal sounds when he's hit or falls to the ground?
2. How does he feel being surrounded by people different from him? (Since he is a stuffed animal and the others are flesh and blood).
3. Has he ever been in more complicated situations, on the verge of death, or seriously injured?
4. Is he too careful with his katana? What nicknames have the turtles given him? Does he know about Mrs. Cuddles?
5. Do some yokai know about him? Draxum, Big Mama, Hueso?
6. What was each turtle's and Splinter's first impression when they saw him? And how did Yuichi react?
7. I could see that Leo used to be afraid of him. If he isn't anymore, what does he think of Yuichi now?
Sorry for so many questions, I really liked the Au 👉👈🥺 (you can choose to answer some questions if you wish)
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1) yes, yes he does
2) He’s pretty used to it! both sides of his family are pretty different from him, the Cuddles’ being almost completely inorganic & his family in Japan being yokai. He doesn’t really feel it actively so much as it’s led him to think of himself as, *waving hands around face* different. For a few reasons, but it’s no more of an issue for him round the turtles than it usually is :D
3) He’s lucky enough to not have had serious injuries, his organs are pretty well protected by flexible metal! The most danger he’s been in is when he had to run away from a family gathering blind into a forest. (When he cries, water can get too deep in his eyes, & since they’re cameras they short out and go offline.)
But basically, it’s really hard to kill or injure him cause he’s kinda like if an octopus had metal protecting its organs lmao
4) He is absolutely not, since he can stitch limbs back on & sew himself up like nothing, Miyamoto has to constantly remind him to be more careful haha. (Since he’d be a yokai in Rise, his ghost lives in the Ki-stone; the Usagi family uses it as an artifact similar to the scrolls Splinter shredded in S1)
He has a few nicknames but they aren’t really used regularly; Jersey Jack, Raggedy Ichi, Cottontail, Skewer-Me-Elmo, mostly one liners like those haha. but Miyamoto calls him Ume-chan (lil plum) pretty regularly hahaha
& unfortunately yes, he is quite familiar with mrs cuddles ( ´△`)
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5) Yeah! Draxum’s seen him around cause he hangs out with his kids, Big Mama hasn’t really taken much notice cause he hasn’t done anything yet, & hueso knows him as “the guy who always orders motor oil to go with his breadsticks.” ksjfjaksjskjs
6) When they met, Raph was scared shitless for a solid few seconds, Don was like “hahaha you terrify my brother haha, who are you.”
Mikey, same as Cassandra & Magicsaurus, chilled out quickly & was excited to meet a new person & have a fun time with a new friend.
Leo was like “lmao, you from Jersey?” & Yuichi said “Yeah lmao,” & Leo was like “no wayyyy, surely you are evil and crazy/hj” and he proceeded to be completely biased towards Yuichi’s “jerseylike behavior.” (Yuichi in reality was just reminding Leo of all the things he dislikes about himself cause they’re so similar. Once he realizes this, their rivalry becomes a lot more jokey like Teru and Mob from mp100 & they grow closer)
Splinter did not really mind his presence either way, just some kid, friend of his kids, in his house.
Yuichi reacted in a very boisterous & unserious way in response to their interest & hesitation. & when he found out they were attacked by his aunt he was very apologetic haha, he got them a fruit basket that said “Sorry my estranged aunt attacked your home, the rest of my family dislikes her too, have some fruit, so sorry.”
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7) After Leo & Yuichi grow close, Leo begins to see him as a person he wants to stay close to. He thinks he’s impulsive, arrogant, but he also sees how he affects others and how they feel very easily. And he can talk a LOT. Note how in the show, Leo goes silent when he runs out of ideas, he’s incredibly stressed, & his family isn’t taking notice of him. As opposed to his family who he always feels the need to talk around to “cope,” Yuichi is the guy he trusts enough to let the mask slip and go quiet when he runs out of mana.
They get each other ( ^∀^)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa genuinely tysm for all the questions, I’m happy you’re so interested in him!! ((o(^∇^)o)) leosagi doodles be upon ye 🫵
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samsno1 · 9 months
Liberty or Life
Billy Butcher x Gn!POC!Reader
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hello i fucking suck at titles? anyway, i wrote this at the beach while i was getting tanned because i never found a butcher fic with this exact vibe so i said "yk what, imma write ts"
ill maybe do a part 2 if i feel like it
Sumary: The reader finds something about Liberty and wants to check it out. Butcher thinks it's just too easy to be true.
Warnings: SPOILERS THE BOYS S2, english isn't my first language, kinda mean butcher but he means it well, poc!reader (wrote it with latinos in mind but i didn't mention us especifically so dig in), use of y/n, HURT/COMFORT, blood, violence, gore (?), cursing (i mean its the boys), hom*lander mentioned (yes he gets a fucking warning), i didn't make the reader speak neither spanish nor portuguese, up to ya, i had no idea how to transcribe his british accent but i did my best. NOT PROOF READ
WC: 3.3k
You can learn how to change the "Y/N" for your actual name here
if you enjoy it please lmk!
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Of course it was a trap. A fucking trap.
While confined in your apartment, searching more and more about Stormfront - AKA Liberty - after the encounter with the poor woman that ended up losing her brother to her hands right in front of her eyes you found a clue, something that could help take her down.
According to the document you spent the whole night reading with several cups of coffee and a killing migraine, there was a file hidden in a building close to Vought's that gave away all the racist behavior of Liberty's past (and present). It would be more than enough to make the people mad.
Hell, it made you mad. An immigrant trying to bring down an incredibly popular Supe, who would definetly get rid of any of your people out of North American territory? Definitely a perfect situation for your ass, not dangerous at all.
But still, if not you and The Boys, who? Even if Butcher's focus wasn't her it was for you, as a personal offense.
You knew racism wasn't foreign in the Superhero industry (or in the United States as a whole, you lived it constantly) but executing people of color is borderline a genocide and it was happening right under the peoples noses. God, praised even.
You scoffed at the screen of your computer and picked up your phone to call either Butcher or MM about what you found, to see if they could back you up on the mission.
You dialed Butcher first, putting your cell to your ear as you got up from the chair, your legs needing a stretch, as you walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get a beer. It is 6pm somewhere you thought.
As you popped open the can the familiar british accent hit your ears and you subconsciously smiled to yourself.
“Wha’ d'ya want, luv?” He asked, voice gruff, clearly woken up by your call. You imagined his tousled hair. Maybe he was shirtless.
“Did I wake you?” You asked, taking a sip of the bitter drink on your hand, the alcohol much appreciated in your stomach.
“Maybe” He said and you could hear the teasing smile on his face.
“I'm sorry, I just called to say I found something on Liberty…Stormfront…whatever her fucking name is” You clarified as you mindlessly play with the seal of the beer can with your index finger “There's a building nearby that hides some documents about her, y'know, the shady stuff. I wanted to go there tonight, see if I find it”
You hear shuffling in the other line with a grunt, assuming he was getting up from the bed – or wherever he was sleeping.
He didn't speak for some moments letting you hear his bare feet walking around his apartment.
“I don’ know abou’ it Y/N, how'd ya even find those?” He asked, his voice hesitant.
“Butcher, I'm a hacker and Vought's system sucks ass compared to what I've already done” You explained “I just got in, easy”
You can't see it but he bites his bottom lip on the other line. He was still skeptical, would it really be that easy to find stuff on a Supe like Liberty? He knew your abilities, hell, he admired it but he was always extra careful when it came to you.
“Really?” He asked and you could feel the way his eyebrow raised and you scoffed “Okay, I'm jus’ doubtful, Liberty hasn’ been talked abou’ in ages an’ ya find stuff…easy?”
“What, lost faith in my abilities?” You teased. You finished your beer and threw the can in the thrash, it hitting the bottom of the thrash with a loud thud “C'mon, it will be easy. In and out”
“I'm not sure it's a good idea, luv” He said and you frowned, sitting on your island in the kitchen, your feet dangling off the edge.
“Y'know I called to warn you I was going, not to ask permission, you ain't my father” You mumbled with the intention to let him hear it, the tone in your voice serious “Just wanted to know if you wanted to come with”
“Nah” He replied, his voice loud and clear over the phone and you make a shocked confused face to yourself. Did he not want to keep you company? “Ya ain't going, it's risky. It looks too easy. Nothin’ with these cunts’ easy” He said firmly and you scoffed in disbelief.
“Uh, yeah, I am, alone or with you, I'm busting into that building” You said just as firmly as he did “You know how I feel about that racist cunt” You cursed. The more time you spent with Butcher, the more you started using his British vocabulary. Cunt was the most common but Bullocks also came with from time to time.
“Of course I know but still, we have to be smart abou’ it” A tip of anger laced his voice. He often got pissed at how stubborn you could be and this was one of those times.
“I'll be in there tonight. Goodbye Butcher” You said and turned off the call, not wanting to hear him going on and on about your ‘recklessness’ as he called it, scoffing and smashing your phone down on the island beside you, running a hand through your head.
You liked when Butcher was caring towards you, it was what made you start catching feelings for the man in the first place, but sometimes he just treated you like a kid, as if you could do nothing without him lecturing you beforehand.
On the other side, Butcher groans angrily as he notices you turned the call off and he throws his phone on the bed. “Fucking ‘ell” He curses to himself as he rubs his temples with his thumb and index fingers.
He knew you wouldn't drop it. You were a force of nature, but impulsive. Sometimes he loved it, sometimes he hated it.
This was time he wished you just listened.
The feeling in his gut that something wasn't right remained for the whole day, his head barely able to focus on anything else as he was too worried. Worried about you.
At about 8pm he was nervously biting on the side of his thumbnail trying to ignore his phone besides him as he told himself over and over he should call you to see if you were fine. The other (minor) side of him telling himself he should drop it. You were strong, you could pull it off and he didn't want to bruise his ego giving in to your stupid idea.
Fuck it.
He checked his phone to see a message from you. The address to said building. He smiled to himself and shook his head. Maybe you weren't so stupid after all.
He grabbed his keys and put on his black trench coat and a gun in the waistband of his jeans.
As he closed the door behind him he rushed to his car, wondering if you were okay or if something happened.
At the thought of you hurt he hurried his feet on the pavement to get faster to his car. To get faster to you.
He drove above the speed limit after he tried calling you 3 times, all going to voicemail. He cursed to himself as he arrived at the building and took in the sight in front of him.
The windows were busted and, as he got in, he could clearly see bullet holes on the walls and his heart started beating faster in his chest. Please be okay, please be alive, I can't lose you too.
He moves through crumbles and remains of the walls, taking his gun in his hand and moving slowly, aware of any danger.
The more he walked without any sight of you, the more worried he got.
As he went down the stairs to the basement he heard a low groan and his eyes widened and his whole body turned towards the noise.
The basement was a complete wreck. Shelves down on the ground, glass and books everywhere.
Then he saw you and his heart sank to his stomach. You were sitting down against the wall, a huge stab wound in your side where your hand was trying to keep pressure, which clearly wasn't enough as he took sight of the amount of blood beneath you and in your hands.
He took a quick look around and rushed to you, kneeling in front of you. He took notice of how pale you looked but still, at least, half conscious.
He held your shoulder with one hand and pressed the other over your wound making you wince in pain. His face was serious, angry. He didn't know if it was at you or at whoever did this to you but he was livid.
“What the fuck did ya do?” He asked through gritted teeth, not expecting an answer but you put your hand over his forearm, the blood staining his coat and smiled. You fucking smiled, that beatiful smile that could make Butcher melt from miles away.
“You came” You said, your voice low and hoarse and then you went into a coughing fit and Butcher held you to his chest.
“Easy, easy Kid” He said as he took a deep breath so as to not get emotional. He took your hand and pressed it over the bloody wound “I'm gonna need ya to keep pressure in this while I get ya out, c'mon”
You nodded weakly and pressed it as hard as you could while his other arm wrapped below your knees and lifted you up, the movement making you hiss.
He carried you out as quickly as possible as he placed you in the backseat of his car as he went to the driver's, turning the vehicle on and sprinting back to his place.
At the feeling of being safe, the adrenaline started wearing down and you were suddenly very tired. Your eyes closed as you felt your consciousness slip away and then you didn't feel anything anymore.
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When you woke up again you were laying on a bed that wasn't yours, in a room that wasn't yours. Your head was pounding and breathing hurt and you let out a groan.
As your vision focused, you looked around and took in the place until your eyes caught a glimpse at someone on a chair besides you. Sleeping, with his arms crossed over his chest, was Butcher and you started remembering what happened.
You mindlessly put your hand over the neatly done bandaging in your stomach and looked at Butcher again.
“Butcher” You said, your voice low and weak. The man besides you stirs awake, his eyes opening slowly.
As he notices you're awake he gets up and places a hand on your forehead hurriedly, breathing deeply as if it was a relief seeing your eyes staring back at him.
“You're awake” He said, looking between your eyes.
As you looked back up at him guilt started pooling in your heart and you looked away, you smiled sadly.
“You were right” You mumbled and he pulled his hand away from your face and sighed angrily. He brushed a hand trough his face, his nostrils flaring up.
He didn't say anything, just stared at your bandaged wound, lost in thought, so you continued talking.
“They jumped me, some people that worked for Vought. I knocked some down but one of them caught me. Thay ran away after that, leaving me to die, apparently” You explained, still refusing to look at him “I'm sorry.”
At that, he looked at you again and you looked at him. He was angry and sad, his face gave it all away and you felt small under his stare. Maybe because you were laying down but still, you felt helpless.
“Why didn't ya fuckin’ listen to me” He said, his voice low, apparently calm and that was the most scary of it all. You preferred that he yelled at you, screamed in anger and never looked at you again then to act like this.
“You– I fuckin’ told ya” He said squinting his eyes as a hand goes to nudge at the wound and you grunt as he aplies pressure to it “Look at where your stupidity gotcha”
Tears prickle at the corner of your closed eyes as you grab at his wrist to pull it away from your skin, your own hand covering the bandage protectively as you glare at him. You knew you fucked up but what was going on with him?
“What the fuck Butcher!” You exclaim through your teeth as the pain eases away “I know I should've listened to you, I already said I'm sorry!”
“Sorry don’ cut it!” He finally yells at you, making you shrink as he points a finger at your face. “When I arrived the color on your face was gone! You were basically dead as I carried ya out! There was blood everywhere, Y/N”
He turned his back to you, and sighed loudly. If it was possible, smoke would be coming out of his ears.
You felt your eyes water. He seemed more than angry and you hated that you were the reason that he felt like this.
“How long was I out?” You asked lowly as you forced yourself to sit with your back against the headboard, making a face at the sting in your belly.
“About 52 hours” He replies, his back still turned to you and your eyes widen in shock and look at his back.
His head was down and his hands were both on his own waist.
You nodded even if he couldn't see you, more so to acknowledge it to yourself. As you let the information sink in, Butcher leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.
He couldn't let you see the tears forming in his eyes as all his thoughts went back to your limp body on his arms and the hours he spent beside the bed, holding your hand and talking to you while you were in your coma. He wanted to hug you, hold you and he couldn't bear the idea of losing you. Not when he hadn't told you anything about what he wanted from you.
How everytime you looked at him with those bright eyes he felt like he could drown in them, how your smile was the reason he got out of bed every morning, how your voice was like a beautiful tune that was hypnotizing. How your lips always provoked his deepest desires to emerge.
Seeing you bleeding broke him apart further then it should've and that scared him. He had sworn to never care for someone this much since the last time he felt this his heart got torn to pieces by Becca.
He shouldn't. He couldn't.
But he also couldn't help that every time you touched him he felt his skin warm up and his heart accelerate.
He pressed his forehead to the shut door and mentally cursed himself over and over again, he didn't know what to do until he saw the handle turn and the door slowly open.
You opened the door, a hand on your waist to ease the pain as you looked at him teary eyed.
He made a confused face with slight worry but then you choked out a sob and threw both of your arms around his neck and started to cry against his shoulder.
Butcher was shocked until his arms eased themselves around your lower back. One hand rubbed up and down as he felt your tears wet his shirt.
“I was– so scared” You admitted, shaking with your sobs and gripping his shirt tightly under your fingers to make sure he wasn't going anywhere. “It was so cold. The only thing that kept me breathing was when…when I looked at my phone and you– you were calling” You sobbed harder after each word, your body trembling.
“When you left voicemails…I was happy because if I…” You swallowed “If I died I would at least hear your voice one last time”
His grip around you tightened and one of his hands went into your hair as he adjusted your head into his chest, his jaw above you as he closed his eyes. He felt a tingle in his heart at your words, a spark of love lighting itself up in bad weather.
“Shh, you're fine now, you're ‘ere, alive, I'm 'ere” He whispered comfortably as you kept crying and he thought of all the things he wanted to tell you.
“And I know I was stupid. That I– That I should've listened but I want her dead, I want Homelander dead and I just–” You choked “I just wanted to have control over something, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry”
He gently swayed both your bodies side to side, a comforting hand rubbing at your scalp. Butcher didn't say anything, just letting you get it all out until your breathing calmed down.
The tears had stopped flowing and now you were just sniffing, your cheeks puffy and your eyes red. He grabbed both sides of your face and pulled you back to look into your eyes, a hint of a smile on his face.
“Feel betta’?” He asked and you nodded slightly and he sighed, closing his eyes for a moment before looking into your beautiful orbs again. “I'm sorry too, luv, I really am”
You opened your mouth to protest but he silenced you before you could speak.
“I shouldn’ have said those things t'ya, I was just– Angry, but not at you” He gently brushed his thumb over your cheek, drying a stubborn tear rolling down your face. “I was angry at myself”
Apparently you made a face at him because he gave you a thin-lipped smile.
“I was angry because I knew you were going anyway an’ I let'ya go alone. If I was there, this wouldn’ have happened”
He took a deep breath before continuing.
“I was scared that I'd neva see ya smile again, see your beautiful eyes look into mine, hear your stunnin' voice” He hugged you again, his hands wrapping you in a warm embrace. He didn't want to let you go in fear this was a dream and he buried his face in the crook of your neck before finishing.
“I was scared I would neva be able to tell ya tha’ I love ya” He mumbles in your neck as his arms tighten around you and a shiver runs through you.
William Butcher loved you.
Your hands grabbed at his shoulders and pushed him back lightly as you looked into his eyes.
Your expression doesn’t give anything away and Butcher starts to feel sick as he thinks he's going to be rejected. He prepares for impact.
Then you smile.
Your smile wide because you feel warm. Warmed by his love. Diferently then the cold night at the building.
Your hands travel up to both sides of his face as you pull him in. You go slowly, waiting to see if he'd pull back but he surprises you with a strong, passionate kiss, making you gasp in surprise.
The world feels small around you as his hands grab at your waist, careful not to hurt you as you pour out every feeling you bottled up through the years in that kiss.
And Butcher was consumed by you, by every single inch of you, by every part of your being. Your voice was a melodic chorus to his ears, your lips a river to which he was drowning in, your body the perfect fit for his.
When you pull away from each other with rushed breaths you're still smiling, your hand caressing his beard covered cheek.
“I love you too” You whisper and Butcher smashes his lips against yours again, making you giggle in surprise.
Now that they had each other it was them against the world. Nothing could tear them apart because they were made for one another, the flames of their souls dancing together in a single rhythm.
They didn't know or didn't feel it but ever since the first time they had locked eyes the destiny made their paths merge into a single one at one point in both their lives. And this was it. Two souls bound, forever.
A/N: Notes and reblogs encourage me to keep writing. Feedback makes those writings better. Thank you very much for reading. Xoxo
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HSJKSKSS THE BF WHO FCKED THE GF ON A FACE TIME CALL 💀💀💀 I usually don't send requests but i cant help myself with this one because you quite posibly have created my dream man 😍 the way he was speaking to her and teasing her 🙈🙈🙈 he was soooo sexy the way you wrote him groaning and bucking like my heart (and other things) hurt 🥲 can you write something with him and reader and basically she tells him she's not feeling well so she stays home at her apt but he goes and finds her at a club instead, dancing with her friends that she hasn't seen and her ex also happens to be there 👀 nsfw if you're okay with it, with him fucking her in front of said ex. I read your rules so its ok if this doesn't pick your interest but i still wanted to let you know how much i love that yandere!!!
Got a little inspired by this idea anon so here's my take on it😋I really loved writing the kind of public, riskiness of that fic so I'm glad you cared for it dude!!
TW: Noncon, toxic relationships/yandere behaviors, punishment, NSFT, yandere films himself rearranging readers guts
Your first mistake was when you tried to use the old “out-sick” approach. You weren’t the world's best actor but even if you were, you probably still wouldn’t be able to fool your boyfriend. He was too skeptical, too observant and too invested for your own good. He always managed to find out; always. And each time, you got less and less confident about being able to escape him, even for a little while. 
“I’ve got a fever of 105, and I’m really contagious. I promise we can go out tomorrow, I just…. Need some alone time to rest for now. To get better, so I can see you.” 
You knew it was a poor lie, that there was the chance that he would come over anyway, trying to potentially take care of you or scold you for letting yourself get this sick. But, he hadn’t even needed to. It wasn’t long after the phonecall that he got a ding from his phone, your location having updated. You were in an unfamiliar area, one that wasn’t  recognizable as one of your many common stops. It was a bar, one that was hosting a small event with karaoke and cheap booze. It made much more sense to him when he came to find you and saw your friends surrounding you; he was disappointed, angry, and felt betrayed; but those feelings only lasted for a second. The image of you talking to one of your ex’s, sent him into a different state. It was just a quick turn of your gaze where he caught the corner of your eye, standing next to a barstool. 
Pieces of his phone crunched in between his fingers, his eyes blank as he saw your face morphed from shame to grief. It felt like a rock sank in your stomach, the panic of him having caught you in your lie making your feet go wobbly. 
You were the first to approach, excusing yourself from the conversation with your ex-partner, who your boyfriend was already getting malicious ideas towards. He was more angry at you, though; for having tricked him so openly. You walked to him slumped, ashamed of yourself but upset that your boyfriend was even here in the first place. 
You knew your short-lived freedom was over, feeling the pinch of his fingers wrap around your wrist. He pulled you to the car, forcing you in with a slam of the door. You hadn’t even gotten the chance to say goodbye to your friends, even though they were halfway to being in a stupor. 
The punishment wasn’t pretty; the worst, most embarrassing part of it came when your boyfriend managed to get his hands on your ex’s number. Thankfully, only the one you had been talking to that night. But that one number was enough of an audience for your boyfriend to have a field day.
 At first you didn’t know why he was holding the phone up, though you could barely see it from how restrained he had you. But it didn’t take long for him to shove it up and close at your pretty, worn out face. You could hardly keep your eyes straight, shuddered breaths leaving your sticky mouth. He enjoyed the positions where your whole body could be seen, could be displayed on camera to show your ex what was his, how he was using it. Especially when he could hold your jaw, telling you to look pretty, asking you to smile for a “little picture.” He got the chance to shove his face against your neck and show how deeply he could fuck you, could make you into nothing but a mess for him. What he loved most to send was the pictures of deep, swollen lovebites, of the marks his nails make on your skin. 
“C’mon baby, don’t you wanna say something to the camera? Maybe beg for them to come and save you?” 
Each thrust had your insides rearranged, your boyfriend lowering his phone to show the mess that was him inside of you, the drips on your thighs and the sweat that clung to your skin.  The worst part of all in this punishment-- was the lack of control you had, the fact that you couldn’t stop yourself from bellowing out sounds caused by your pleasure. The will he had on your body had you saying things that made it hard to look at yourself in the mirror. 
You knew you’d never be able to escape from the blackmail he now held over you. It was hard to come to terms with that, but the more often it happened---the harder it was to pay attention to it.
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innocent-cat · 1 year
I saw the Vox Machina with an Eda like reader and liked it, can I get a platonic one for Reader who is like King?
Not human thinks they are something related to monsters (but it turns out they are powerful creatures), are basically like a kid who gets frustrated when something doesn't go right and releases a squeak of rage, and is on a journey to find their family.
Waitttt I actually love this idea?
HEY!!! YOU!!!! my comms r open!! please request me!!
PartTitan!Reader x Vox Machina
warnings - none
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"Temper Titan", Titan!Reader x vox machina
everyone at once (devil emoji)
Nobody really quite KNOWS what you are, but they know you're part.
Referencing to the title, Percy has said he thinks your part titan, but due to advancements, there is no way to know for sure.
Because of that, Vox Machina had become known for having a "Temper Titan."
It's kind of embarrassing, at first when you heard of it, but you are pretty terrifying when you're mad.
Much like King and other titans, when you stomp or yell, the ground shakes and often things that should be strong enough to be stable such as a boulder, break.
Vox Machina also calls you this… but.. at least they accept you?
Anger issues goes crazy as a titan. you're real sensitive, but you can often end up sad instead of angry when they try to wind you up mid-battle.
Scanlan often tries to make fun of you during a battle but instead he just tugs on your strings and makes you cry.
A little upsetting when it happens, and you end up not talking to Scanlan for a while.
called you a whole loser dude
He was MEANNN man.
Of course, your cries are just as powerful if not more powerful than your stomps and yells.
he likes to pretend you couldn't drag him with and without magic
Sadly, when you do have a temper, Keyleth can feel it through her plants.
Its a downside, so when you're going nuts, Keyleth is down and coping with the fact the ground and plants are in pain.
its also a battle field issue a lot.. thankfully Scanlan's bard magic can always lift them up, but, it makes them a big, chunky target.
You being a little kid they don't want to be up too long without you.
Percy is especially careful about this.
Vex and Vax on the other hand could not care LESS.
swim or drown in their little world.
Keyleth scolds them about their carelessness for you, but when it comes down to it, they are the first ones to dive in and save you.
Vax especially.
They both see you as a younger sibling.
They try to keep your temper under control, but it doesn't work out sometimes, and you guys end up having to run away while in public
Like.. literally mid tantrum they'll just pick you up and put you on trinket.
sent away for poor behavior!!!
Vax buys you literally anything you want and its crazy..
its not even because he doesn't want you to be mad, its because he wants you to have what he didn't in his childhood, but Vex has a different view, and still wants you to grow up and be a responsible person.
she often likes to take you out to nature just because
her connection to it makes her feel you have one too because they all think(know) you're a titan.
its really nice because you'll literally just lay there and you'll feel vines and grass growing around you comfortingly
like a big ol' blanket
Sometimes, you'll go out to her little spot without her, and you'll literally just be there for HOURS.
You gave Percy a heart attack.
he kinda scolded Keyleth for it so you started crying.. and.. titan tantrum.
he kinda just sighed and picked you up and brought you home with Keyleth
Grog is also low-key protective of you???
a lot like how he is with Pike
Pike might have told him to protect you, but either way, he is quite the man for the job.
consider him a body blocker
not for religious reasons, just to help you calm down sometimes.
She's super sweet to you man.
mama pike
usually the one cooking for you because she strongly believes you should not be eating all the crap Vox Machina eats because they're all raging alcoholics with mommy or daddy issues(most of the time both)
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merbear25 · 6 months
England and ‘is this how you flirt with everyone?’ because for sure he flirts by making little sarcastic remarks, she/her pronouns for the reader plz !
Hey, hey! Thank you for the request! Oh, yeah, he'd totally flirt like this and that's one of the things we love about him 🤭 I hope you like it!
CW: SFW, fem!reader, reciprocted feelings, bits of humor, nerd talk
Flirtatious undertones
Couldn't finding the room for the Hellfire club actitives ever be easy for you? The room had been changed for the fourth time this month, making you run around like a chicken with its head cut off.
You hadn't even been apart of this club for that long and you came to nearly every meet late. Having to keep up with the constant room changes seemed too confusing because there didn't appear to be much of a pattern and the schedule wasn't always up to date.
Finally reaching the designated room, you opened the door to find England sitting at the end of table alone. Looking around the room in slight confusion, you asked where Romania was.
Huffing at the inconvenience of being the only one to have arrived on time, he spit out that Romania was just as late as you were. "How hard is it to read a schedule, honestly?"
"Apparently too hard, otherwise we'd have been on time." Despite him scoffing at your remark, you pulled up a chair next to him. "And did you ever think it'd be easier to keep the room the same like every other club here?" you added, leaning forward and smirking at him.
Mirroring your body language, he closed the gap between you and said with a faint smile, "Well, if you knew how to read you'd notice the other clubs alternate rooms too."
Flushing from being called out on your own negligence, you threw yourself back in your chair, crossing your arms.
Chuckling in triumph at your pouting face, you were making it far too easy for him to tease you. "I'd say your lack of perception in our table tops perfectly reflects real life." The exagerated shock from his playful jab only egged him on, "But it's not all your fault. Those pesky dice have made it so much harder, you poor thing."
"Oh, as if I fail as many skill checks as you! Don't you remember how confident you were checking out that one section of the forest? You rolled a one and got stung by a swarm of wasps, which put you on life saving throws."
"Only because you and Romania failed yours, leaving the mission up to me! It was a fluke, unlike yours."
"I beg to differ!"
Cocking a grin, he leaned forward, "What about that time you got poisoned by wild berries? Or when you've missed nearly every jump?" He wasn't giving you a chance to defend youself―wanting to savor your defeat. "And who other than me to come and save you each time," throwing his final blow in a softer tone to highlight his generous nature, he tilted his head to come across softer, despite feeling quite pleased with himself.
Blinking at the absolute gall he had, the following crept past your lips without any thought put into it, "Is this how you flirt with everyone?"
The cocky smirk he had was immediately replaced by a hue. It'd been awhile since he'd been at a loss for words, but you managed to catch him off guard with that comment.
Watching him struggling to find the words to utter a snarky remark, you cocked an eyebrow at him.
"I was not flirting! A-and even if I were, you started it, so you've been the one doing the flirting!" You could practically feel the heat radiating off his flustered face.
Wanting to get the upper hand, you lead with, "Don't worry! I won't tell anyone about your little crush on me."
"You wish I had a crush on you! T-that's just absurd..." trailing off he averted his eyes from your gaze.
When you slowly leaned in closer, you noticed his chest rising and falling more quickly. "And here I was thinking about what a lucky girl I was," you frowned.
Feeling like he was being backed into a corner, he tried to fight off his rising coyness towards your forward behavior. Whether or not you were being genuine, he still felt the need to come out on top, "Well, if you're that heartbroken, love, then why don't you..." he hadn't noticed how much of the gap he'd closed between the both of you.
Your eyes were locked on each other's. They fluttered back and forth between making eyecontact and your lips, which were twitching with anticipation.
Hesitantly, you inched closer, keeping your softened gaze on his quivering bottom lip. Just barely being able to brush against them, he pushed his nerves aside, meeting your feverish kiss with confidence.
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mchlgayser · 2 years
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starring: jude bellingham x female!reader
warning: mention of body part insecurity
author's note: hi babe! thanks for the request, I hope your wish is fulfilled and you are satisfied!!! Thx sm ILY ❤️❤️ xx & not proofread
the request: hi can i make a request? Can it be where the reader always wears clothes that are wayyyyy to big for her and one day jude asks why and she tells him she doesn't like her stomach b/c it's chubby while the rest of her body is skinny and he reassure her she's beautiful. If u can thank you. I hate this body 😒
requested by: @idreamtoliveinfantsy
song suggestion: everyone adores you (at least i do) by matt maltese
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Jude woke up from his slumber feeling the other side of the bed unusually nippy, and you are nowhere to be seen. He stood up wearing his house slipper and make his way downstairs from the kitchen to the living room, the yard, your small library, and even your study room which are strictly prohibited to enter. He was confused that you are nowhere in sight. Normally you would sit either at the hall or the kitchen with your laptop playing chilly songs whilst you read your books.
He takes his phone and dials your number, it was three ringing before you picked up 'Jude?' You appealed, he smile just by hearing your breathy voice 'Hey, just wondering where are you right now?'
'I went out to buy some groceries, it's Saturday remember?' He let a realizing hum before he bops 'Alright, I guess I'll just wait for you then.' You hum before hanging up the call, Jude was a bit flabbergasted by your sudden change of attitude but pays no attention to it.
Thirty minutes passed away and you got home, you had three bags in hand 'Hey could you lend me a hand while I wash away these groceries.' He smiles 'Yeah sure!' He support by arranging the stocks on its place while you washes the beverages
He was done with his work for a minute so he took the chance and wrapped his arms around you with both of his hand under your hoodie, caging you.
You screeched pushing his hands away and backing from him 'What... Are you doing?' The poor boy is bewildered.
'I was just... Hugging you? ...Babe, what's wrong?' He take a step forward to you, you gulped eyes leaving his 'Nothing, I overreacted.' You confessed, you went up to him instead and he hugs you
'You scared me.' He mumbled, nuzzling even closer to your neck, you let a sharp breath when you sense his lip ghosting over your sensitive spot 'Jude, let go!' He giggles 'Sorry,' He left your neck a chaste kiss before he went back to his work
You too, did your job fastly and left for your study room.
It's been like this for a week or so and it's a lie if Jude says he doesn't notice a thing. He did notice you growing distant heck he even notice that all this days you've been wearing nothing but his clothes, that are like way bigger for you. You don't wear you comfy shorts too. Everytime you both go out, you would wear his oversized shirt and a pair of jeans.
You didn't even shower when he was in the same room too, you are foreign and today he decided to confront you about it.
As usual, you would be in your study room doing assignments and works. Jude wanted to enter the room but it was locked and he's been knocking non stop but you did not open the slightest so he wait.
He waits until you got out so he can talk it out with you. At seven you finally left the room, normally to do dinner so he rushed to you and scoop you in his arms, you squealed in surprise and laugh 'Jude what are you doing?' You exclaimed, hugging his neck 'I wanted to ask you something.' He serious tone brought a frown to your feature, already disliking the idea of talking.
You knew he would probably wanted to talk about your behaviors, yes you did notice your change of behavior but you haven't thought that Jude would notice it right away too 'I need to make dinner, Jude.' 'I don't need dinner. I need to talk to you, now.'
He gently put you down on the bed and you sighed, looking elsewhere 'Jude..'
'I need to figure out what's been bothering you, babe, you've been acting strange.' You don't know why but you cry, you are overwhelmed by your feeling this past few days that you can't be helped but cry 'I... I hate myself. I hate myself so much Jude. I hate my stomach the most, I hate that it looks chubby and bloated. I wanna tear myself off and die. I know you told me everyday how good I look but it still can't change the way I'm seeing myself. I wanna feel pretty too, feel good and confident about myself but I can't and it hurts.' You sobs into his arms like a child.
'Come!' He ushered you to get up and lead you to the mirror but you insist 'No! Please don't. Jude no please! I don't wanna!' You begged at him with teary gapes
You buried your head to his chest in order for your eyes to not landed on the mirror, you'll feel helpless about yourself again 'Look! Look at me!' He forcefully grab your face to made contact with his eyes 'I love you and it broke me to see you like this. I want you to appreciate yourself more. Please do that for me...' He prayed
You shake your head, denying the idea and slumped to the ground 'I don't want to. I cannot see myself in the mirror Jude. I can't.'
He still scoop you up and get you to the mirror, you began to close your eyes and sobs 'No...'
'Look, you are so pretty.' You felt his arms around you, his fingers hooking between each under your shirt, he caressed your stomach making you slightly jump in surprise 'Open your eyes angel.' You hesitate to open but did as he said. He was smiling, looking down at you through the mirror and kiss the corner of your head gently
You cry a bit, both touch by his action and realization 'See...' You started out 'I look... Okay elsewhere but my stomach. I can even see through the shirt how ugly it looks.' You confided
He lift your shirt a bit and you hissed, Jude smile kissing your temple once again 'Let me...'
Your top are fully exposed, now only in top garments 'I love this.' He poked your fat 'It was comfy and warm. I love how I can nuzzle my face or my neck to your stomach and feeling comfy. I love how it look so beautiful on you. I love how you could still slay it every time. I love the fact that not even my pillow is as comfy as your stomach. I love you and it's including all your body parts, your scars, your birthmark. I love it all because it makes you, you.'
You cry again and this time because of his heart-touching words, you wrapped your arms around his neck and snuggle impossibly closer to him
'Thank you Jude, thanks so much.' He bring you even closer and plastered a small smile 'I love you angel, very, very much.'
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stellar-imagines · 2 years
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝venom quirked S/O.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia  ] [ Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou ]
「Headcanons of Midoriya, Bakugou and Kirishima with S/O who has a Venom quirk.」
♤ Midoriya finds you weird at first. It's not every day he sees someone talk to themselves. He's quite an observant person, and he notices how you often talk to yourself. It caught his attention and he starts watching you a little—of course not in a creepy way. He has a lot of questions about your behavior and it was all answered when the symbiote decides to emerge from your body to call him out for stalking you for the past few days. Poor boy almost got a heart attack.
♤ It's quite a surprise to Midoriya when you explain how Venom needs chocolate to survive. Everyone went their separate ways to buy their own personal items and you did the same. While Midoriya was doing his own shopping, he came across you at the candy and chocolate aisle where you seemed to be having a conversation with yourself. Of course, it's not his position to tell you what you should and shouldn't eat but seeing that amount of chocolate was concerning. 
♤ There were occasions when Venom gets a little aggressive, itching for a fight, and it's always during training where it gets to let loose. Even though it gets out of control sometimes, Aizawa was there, ready to take action in case something happens. Not to mention Jirou is there to disable your abilities. You train with Midoriya from to improve your hand-to-hand combat skills.
"Let me have at him too! He's like a superhuman or something right, then he won't die that easily if I fight him, right kid?"
"No, you're not allowed to step in! I'm learning this in case you're not there to help me."
"Um, I'm still here, you know...."
♤ Although your quirk interests him, he feels nervous whenever he talks with you because Venom could just pop up and interrupt your conversation. So when he asks more about Venom, you were more than happy to tell him more but it was hard when it keeps talking inside your head and interrupting you. He worries that someday it might take control of you but you assure him that Venom can't live without a host and is actually quite fond of you.
♤ Venom calls Midoriya out for being a creep staring at you and teases him for having a crush on you. And he gets bullied a lot by Venom which always leads to you apologizing to him. When you both started dating, Midoriya felt awkward because it feels as if he's dating two people at the same time. He would bring you out on a date and Venom will suddenly pop up, telling Midoriya how he never accounted for its needs. Eventually, he gets used to Venom's constant interrupting.
"Hey, broccoli boy. Stop staring at her ass like that."
"I wasn't!"
☆ First impression of you—a weirdo because you're always whispering to yourself, sometimes even hitting yourself. But when you start showing off your quirk, he was amazed. He finds himself mesmerized by the way the thick black liquid wraps around your figure, transforming you into something abnormal. He has a ton of questions. How does your quirk actually work? How does it feel? Is this alien symbiote trustworthy? Because it sounds quite bloodthirsty.
☆ Probably the only person you know that isn't terrified of Venom when it first emerged from your body. And the only one capable of actually having a conversation with it but it's mostly them going back and forth insulting one another. Even though he has guts, Bakugou can't deny that Venom is terrifying. The general appearance is definitely not hero-like and it was no surprise that a lot of people are scared of you whenever Venom took over and fight. He would be lying if he said he wasn't intimidated.
☆ Not to most romantic person but he tries. As UA students, you both could be too busy to go out on a date. The two of you often just got together and do something together in the dorms. It's usually just study sessions together in either of your rooms, watching movies together or playing games. And on rare occasions, Bakugou will cook for you.
"I like this guy, he acts like an asshole but he's one of the good guys. We can keep him. But if he dares to hurt you in any way, I'm gonna rip his head off and eat him."
"You have no right to threaten my boyfriend! And keep him? He's not some pet and you're just saying that because he makes good food!"
☆ Venom and Bakugou don't really get along well but they have something in common which is their protectiveness towards you. At some point, they get a bit competitive but Venom seems to be winning—that's a given since it's technically a part of you. Honestly, both of them act like children. When you're riding the train with Bakugou and someone dares to stand behind you with lecherous intentions, you bet that your boyfriend and the symbiote inside you are threatening to rip that man's balls off.
☆ They bonded while you fall asleep where they surprisingly have a heart-to-heart talk. Venom confesses how he's usually scaring off your potential boyfriends. Bakugou is aware of how you don't really have friends because Venom always scares them off. Your boyfriend could tell that Venom actually cared about you a lot just from the way it acts, it's more violent with people it sees as a threat and is particularly overprotective of you. And during these rare bonding times, Venom likes to make fun of the little things you do.
"You know, she writes about you in a stupid journal."
"No fucking way, tell me where it is."
♡ Kirishima is very honest and kind-hearted, even towards Venom who's foul-mouthed, aggressive, and violent in nature. Like most people, he feels a bit intimidated by Venom. Kirishima is generally a nice guy who tries to befriend you on the first day of school. But Venom popped up to scare him off which made him jump and fall back onto his butt. You apologized and offered a hand which he graciously accepted. It did take him by surprise and when Venom hovered next to you while you introduced yourself, he felt a bit uncomfortable.
♡ He compliments you often for performing so well during training and Venom would interject, saying how they did most of the work. Kirishima was scared of Venom at first when it surrounds your body and honestly, he admits that can’t get used to it. Sometimes he worries that you might actually lose control someday. But there was a time the school alarm went off and you were covering your ears, Kirishima could see that you were in so much pain. From that he learned that despite being strong, you still have weaknesses.
♡ But Kirishima easily wins over Venom with his friendliness. When you weren't feeling well one day, Kirishima visiting you with soup and even some food for Venom who seemed to be complaining about how you were so weak to succumb to a mere fever. This guy is just so sweet, stayed by your side the whole time.
"If this guy is bringing us food more often then I approve of him being your mate. And these are some really good tater tots."
”That’s not how a relationship works.”
♡ To perfectly describe Kirishima, you'll like to compare him with a little puppy dog. He's loyal, so sweet, and loving. Most likely affectionate and may appear clingy but that is not until you're okay with it. Kirishima will never do anything you're not comfortable with. Venom seems to be annoyed at how Kirishima is always acting around you, even going as far as to call him a lovesick idiot. You often scold Venom for acting so rude and mean to your boyfriend.
♡ He’s protective but not to Bakugou’s level. Even though you’re super strong, it doesn’t mean that you’re invincible. You’d lose consciousness after overexerting yourself or when you’re heavily injured. Kirishima is absolutely worried about your well-being, and constantly asks if you'll be fine or not. And at some point, Venom gets sick of his constant worrying and ends up exploding.
"Stop fretting shark boy. Now bring me some chocolate if you want the kid to recover faster."
Total: 1400 words Published: 26.01.2023
Thank you for requesting! ​ 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 We get a ton of requests for a S/O with venom quirk. A little too much...... But a lot of them disappeared for some reason. We hope you liked it!― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! So, we’ve done Marvel-related/DC-related quirk S/Os. Maybe we said this before but we don’t know anything about it. But we tried our best. Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki ​
Requests are open! Matchups are closed! Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos. Masterlist | Rules | Ask
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kick-a-long · 9 months
Forgot to explain antisemitism to my husband for the hours and months and years required for an interfaith relationship before marriage,
But he believes me unconditionally. I’m lucky I picked a good one. We even talked honestly about where we would run to (and what would happen to his law license) which he usually laughs off. The difference this time? He works at a very leftist ngo and has seen the statements his colleagues have been making.
Not all Jewish/goy unions are like this. I’m very very relieved that I got lucky.
For example:
Alice Walker, deeply and unapologetically antisemitic, was not always that way. her first marriage was to a Jewish man who worked in tandem with black organizations to legally dismantle black discrimination in the south. His family hated her for not being Jewish and for being black. They were awful. But their marriage ended many years later when she became very conspicuously antisemitic and refused to listen about its history.
My own mother converted to Judaism and was FAR more observant than my Jewish father but later in life became what I would generously call “Jewish hostile” when their marriage began breaking down.
I always knew there was a possibility of me becoming more Jewish or marriage related friction causing that same kind of situation. But we’ve been married 5 years and together 13. He has spent his time, body and soul helping poor renters protect themselves from being evicted. He doesn’t have illusions about the poor being “innocent victims” or even expecting his clients to be “worthy of help.” Some of them have threatened to kill him, one spent everyday spending hours yelling at him and then got her mother to call to do the same. He doesn’t need “good” clients to help him. I know that he’s a believer that all people are capable of switching between monsters and humans but that doesn’t diminish his work to help the vulnerable. In some ways he has a more Jewish perspective on humanity than I did.
If you’re Jewish and losing friends because they were easily converted into conspiracies and antisemitism try to keep your partner in the loop without letting your anger and suspicion get between you.
If your partner is Jewish and you aren’t, remember there is no Jewish history about finding lasting safety. Believing that you (Jewish) must be kind and respectful of others culture and defending peoples rights and also that at any given moment you (Jewish to any 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, degree) will have to drop everything and RUN because the people you helped, the people you loved, want you dead, are the twin beings inside almost every Jew.
One of the reasons why you don’t see a lot of Jews attacking the character of “good” anti Zionist Jews, is we all get it. They think they can bargain their way out of antisemitism. Just like house slaves that thought they could escape being a “real” slave by fully buying into racism (and maybe getting off on the power of being the slaves elevated by slave owners for hating blackness.)
It’s a lot to ask of any person to “get” the cultural history let alone the cultural trauma they partnered into. Forgive, forget, but don’t be shocked if either of you sounds a little nuts sometimes. I sometimes go full doomsday prepper on him. And he lets peoples shitty behavior slide when I would go full flaming sword. It’s important to remember the daily reality.
Politics is NEVER as important as deep love between two people. It’s essential to remember that and remind loved ones you want to keep of that. Politics is theory and your life together is reality.
I used to like the idea of relationships as romantic and dreamy, now I thank god it’s reality. It’s hard as a rock and just as flexible sometimes. That has its cons but I’ll take every single one for the pros.
Ride or die for each other is what it means. Be ride or die and expect nothing less from any partners in your life. Ask them for it but only if you can truthfully tell them they have it from you. You can’t be the singular unique person that anyone loves if you are only your identity and vise versa.
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cherokeecharles · 7 months
#Hottakes #11: White Mediocrity at The Grammy’s Isn’t a Surprise Anymore.
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It wouldn’t be award season if we weren’t talking about white mediocrity being rewarded or people being surprised that it was awarded. The never-ending saga of ‘I can’t believe Taylor won over [insert great black artist here]’ is now plaguing my timeline for the time being and what better way to break my silence?
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During my writing hiatus, I went on an inspiration scavenger hunt—poking around pop culture, TV, music, and yes, even sports (times are tough, sisters). Yet, nothing sparked that writing flame. Then came the Grammys buzz, the usual drill: nominations, snubs, and the betting game of who should win versus who will win. We all would like to think of ourselves as Grammy psychics to some degree. So, imagine my surprise at the post-Grammys shockwave. Why the gasps for the winners? Why the faux shock when black artists get the snub? And seriously, why keep submitting music if it's playing hide-and-seek with recognition? It's like sending your resume to a job that never calls back—maybe it's time to rethink the application process, huh?
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Jay-Z delivered a powerful speech while receiving his honoree Hip Hop award. Rather than talking about his accomplishment he went on to give a rant about his wife, Beyoncé, being the most awarded Grammy winner yet always falling short of her peers of winning the coveted Record of the Year award. The speech was compelling and it reflected what many of us said for years. I would’ve been moved by the speech if I knew they weren’t going to keep submitting their music to be snubbed yearly. The speech reflected all of my thoughts of Beyoncé being categorically snubbed every year for that award that we know is likely missing from her résumé. However, I don’t like the fact that it’s being deemed that she’s missing this one thing from greatness. Beyoncé is great on her own and her career, music, and work ethic back up that claim. I think that it’s unfair that her ‘shortcoming’ amounted to an award where the line is always moving.
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The award show progressed, and we’re all left to simmer with Jay-Z's speech about snubbing at the Grammys. The end of the award show comes around, and the last and biggest award is Album of the Year. The album of the year award was presented by the one and only Celine Dion. The Album of the Year award is a coveted award, it’s essentially the album that shaped the year we just went through, and the cultural and social impact of said album are factors into who gets the win, or so I thought. The category for album of the year was groundbreaking on its own because this is the first time it has ever had seven of the eight nominations be women. The category on its own with poised for someone who showed great artistry through one album that spoke to the public, and to the Grammy voters. Imagine the lack of surprise on my face when Taylor Swift won. Taylor Swift’s album Midnights won the most desired award beating out SZA’s SOS, Miley Cyrus’ Endless Summer, Janelle Monae’s Age of Pleasure, etc. This Album of the Year award made Taylor Swift the most winningest recipient of the award receiving the most nominations and win in this category.
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The aftermath was a storm of criticism that hit Taylor Swift like a hurricane. From her award-acceptance antics to dropping her album bombshell mid-show and dragging poor Lana Del Rey on stage, Swift's behavior was undeniably tacky. But let's not kid ourselves—the uproar wasn't just about her manners. It was the fact that she clinched the Grammys' holy grail, becoming the all-time winningest. Viewers collectively winced, wondering why Taylor got the crown instead of, say, SZA. We act shocked, but really, we've read the exposés, pondered the think pieces, and still tune in annually. Artists keep submitting, black artists keep getting snubbed. If Taylor's the poster child for white mediocrity, why do we willingly sign up for this annual masochism? It's like déjà vu with a side of irony.
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I'm not exactly Taylor Swift's number-one fan (and never will be), and I join the chorus of critics giving her the side-eye. But what grinds my gears is the phony shock everyone's putting on. Sure, there are more deserving artists out there, and it's downright ludicrous that a powerhouse like Beyoncé hasn't snagged the top prize. Yet, when does the surprise party end? We've witnessed Grammys snubs so brutal they make 2024 look like a tea party. That's why Jay-Z's speech didn't move my needle. Valid points, definitely, but let's be real, you're still cashing in those Grammy chips and probably gonna play again. Our beloved artists secretly crave that Recording Academy nod and that's why they keep tossing their tunes into the Grammy ring. It's like a messed-up lottery where, once in a blue moon, an artist (looking at you, Zayn and The Weeknd) says, "Enough is enough!" If it's a rigged game, why keep rolling the dice? If you know the ending, why splurge on the movie ticket?
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The Grammys will persist as the top accolade artists crave for artistic validation. However, it's crucial to grasp that Grammy wins don't make or break careers. Complaining without a push for change is futile. The Grammys will keep snubbing until artists stop submitting. Despite acknowledging the celebration of mediocrity, there's a glaring lack of transformative action. Perhaps, giving Grammys less power than fans and artists do is key. Even Beyoncé, the greatest artist, faces snubs. Does she need another Grammy to prove her greatness? No, because she already is. Embracing this mindset could make music more enjoyable, sans the Grammy obsession.
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What do you guys think? Do you think artist should continue to submit their music to the Grammys? Do you think the Grammys are losing their credibility every year go on? What can the Grammys do to gain back the credibility?
Let me know what you think!
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Until then…
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nightfallsolace · 2 years
Our Little Secret// Hanma Shuji x Reader
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in which (Y/n) Ryuguji Draken’s little sister, has a hidden affair with one of their enemies, Hanma Shuji.
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Hanma had never been a rational man. He never really had someone worth chasing for, yes he had Kisaki as a source of entertainment, for now that is. he knew someday he wouldn't be able to cater the ever longing shot adrenaline he always so dearly craves.  To him the adrenaline whenever he does something exciting, something thrilling is like a drug to him, it just keeps him coming back for more. He never thought he would find someone so damned interesting, that would keep him chasing for years.
It all started on that one encounter at the back of one of the convince stores he always visits, the cashier was nice and it was run by a nice lady who was in her 50′s. It was just the usual routine fighting, buying cigarettes, hanging out with Kisaki, etc etc. Well it would be if his “peaceful” time at the back of the convince store wasn’t interrupted by the sound of pained groans. He followed the origin of the sound to find a bunch of men being beaten up by a woman around her 14′s or 15′s, he didn't know, and frankly he didn't care, but his instincts told him to stay, to watch.
“PLEASE- I’M SORRY-- ENOUGH--- PLEASE---” the man beneath the woman's heel pleaded between the kicks his poor face was receiving “hmm?~” the woman hummed, “let me think about it~” the woman stopped her assaults to “think” about the man’s request and replied “No ♡ “ she said as she continued to give a hard kick to the man’s face until the blunt force passed him out. The man watching grinned and watched the woman drag the men in a messy pile that you could relate to when your throwing your clothes in a pile, except with battered and bruised people. She wiped her face with a clean handkerchief and continued to use it to clean her bloodied shoes and sat down on the floor with a heavy sigh “how the hell am I supposed to explain to ken-chin? it’s already so late” the woman faked sobbed “ huhuuu” she stood up angrily and kicked the unconscious men on the ground “stupid” kick “misogynistic” kick “sexist” kick “ASSHOLE” she landed a hard blow right on one of the man’s nose which caused him to wheeze “godamnit”. She once again wiped her shoes and turned to leave before halting in her tracks in horror to see a man watching her smiling.
she screamed in horror “I’m so sorry you had to see that” she apologized bowing low “why are you apologizing doll? that was a good kick by the way” he laughed “keep you head up high doll no need to apologize” the woman sighed relived “thank you! I thought I needed to get my shoes dirty again! I just cleaned them! “ she smiled happily “ normally people would be freaked out, men would call me a freak or what I was doing was unladylike like, so my shoes would get dirty again! but women just usually run away in fear, but you mister! you even complimented my kick! and that’s a first!” she cheerily voiced out, the man laughed at her childish behavior, “this woman, is something else” he thought and chuckled. “I’m (y/n) by the way! (y/n) Ryuguji! and your name is?” his eyes widened “Ryuguji? Is she related to Draken?” he smiled and gave her his name “Hanma, Hanma Shuji”. The woman smiled “Well it’s nice to meet you Hanma-san, i need to go now, my brother must be looking for me, it’s pretty late so i hope its ok” he laughed at how polite she was despite the fact she just crushed some guy’s nose earlier. “no worries doll no need to ask me, I’m a guy you just met, you can go” she smiled happily and bid her goodbye. “Bye Hanma-san! I hope to see you again sometime soon!” he laughed “yeah you to doll keep safe” “What an interesting girl” He said as he light up a cigarette and walked towards the pile of unconscious bodies, kicking it before taking his leave.
-Chapter 1 of Our Little Secret
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