#he was like 'are you sure its ok for me to play games while you're here?' and i was like babe...give me the tv remote
boimgfrog · 5 months
boyfriend playing overwatch while I catch up on kpop mvs. he mutes his call every 10 mins to check on me and I interrupt him every 10 mins to show him a hot woman dancing
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selineram3421 · 5 months
Deer Demon Child Headcanons
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Alastor & Child Reader
Warnings? ⚠
⚠ implied death, mention of blood, mention of cannibalism, weapons-gun ⚠
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It was a surprise to everyone that a child wandered into the hotel.
A little deer demon.
That's you
Climbed up one of the bar stools and stared the cat man down until he finally noticed them.
"Uh..hey? Kid."
"I want juice!", you pointed at a bottle behind him that was on the shelf.
"That's not juice."
While distracting you with magic tricks and cards games, Husk called Charlie to let her know that a new guest had arrived.
The Princess ran to get to the lobby and rushed over to the bar.
"Hi! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!", Charlie sings out before noticing the little deer. "Oh."
Everyone is called into the lobby.
"Ok!", Charlie claps her hands together and introduces you to the group. "Everyone, be nice and say hi."
Later on you are asked by Vaggie and Charlie how you got to the "red place."
Mostly everyone left and it was only you three. Four.
"Before I woke up here I was with my moma.", you said while coloring your drawing. "Dad had a shiney toy in his drawer and showed it to me a lot of times. It made fun clicking noises. I wanted to play with it, so I took it out."
As you were explaining you drew out the shape of a gun.
"I wanted to show Moma but she looked scared. And when I tried to make the clicky noise it came out different. It made a bang and then Moma fell."
You drew your mother covered in red.
"I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't get up. I got sad and started crying."
You didn't notice Charlie and Vaggie looking sad.
"Then Dad came home and started screaming at me and took the toy away. And then everything went dark for a while."
Picking up your paper, you showed the girls your drawings.
"And then I woke up to the red sky!"
Charlie hugged you after and said that she'll make sure you go to Heaven.
Oof sad backstory.
Husk literally growls at Alastor everytime he mentions venison for dinner.
Alastor has joked to others that he'll eat you but stopped once he grew fond of you.
"Little fawn.", he smiles as he greets you. "Would you like gingerbread cookies?"
To be honest, everyone is worried that Alastor might kill you. But surprise, surprise! They are shocked when he takes care of you instead.
You're the favorite hotel guest.
Anyone that tries anything will be taken care of.
Charlie did a talent show day and you sang, surprising everyone with your angelic like voice.
You're a curious little deer and the hotel guests and staff find you in odd places.
Once Angel found you upsidedown behind the couch that was against the wall.
"What are ya doing back there?", he asked after pulling you out.
"Niffty said there was treasure!", you smiled.
Alastor finds it adorable that you go to him when someone you don't know/scary person is in the hotel.
Sir Pentious is told to put all of his weapons away.
Everyone dubs you as Alastor's child. Even the Radio Demon himself.
Vaggie threatens Alastor after he jokes that you'll be a cannibal like him.
Of course he'd never do that but its funny to see Vagatha's and Husker's pissed off faces.
Alastor keeps up with the human news and learns that your father went to prison. So the Radio Demon waits for the man to fall.
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Art will be provided. (Later)
~Seline, the person.
@ducky-died-inside @scary-noodlesblog @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @kiraisastay @faioula16 @pooplyface1423 @lbcreations-blog @+?
ML for Alastor🎙
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quintinh43 · 4 months
Heavy Heads and Heavy Hearts | Quinn Hughes
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Summary: Quinn gets injured as a game. His girlfriend takes him and cares for him.
Pairings: Quinn Hughes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, Head injury, food, angst, mentions of vomiting (no actual vomiting)
Notes: Hi guyss! Hope everyone is doing ok! Injured Quinn got the most votes, so here we are! This one is the longest one ive done so far, I definitely did not mean for it to be as long as it is but here we are. Also, im not a professionl in any way, so i cant say this is concussion accurate. I just went off of my experience in dealing with athletes that have Concussions, and my own Concussions lol. Anywaysss I hope yall enjoy. Love Soph.
There was something so gut-wrenching about watching the man you love get injured. One second, Quinn was cutting quickly around the back of the net, and the next, he was getting slammed into the boards hard. It was nothing. You get hit, you get up, and you keep going. It was simply a part of hockey.
Except this time, Quinn wasn't getting up. He wasn't moving at all. You stand up, heart in your throat. The room feels like it's tilting. The sharp shrill of the refs whistle cut through the air, stopping the play as the refs skate over to where Quinn is lying motionless on the ice.
They are calling for medics. Your head is spinning with the worst possible scenarios as you excuse yourself from your seat and practically sprint to the locker room. One of the security members holds out a hand to stop you.
"Ma'am, you can't be here, please exit this area"
Great. Just fucking great. This is exactly what you need right now. The overwhelming need that aches in your bones demanding to know that Quinn is ok makes you want to cry. Because now this fucker won't let you through. And you're nearly too panicked to do anything about it.
The logical route would be pulling out Quinns wallet, that has his ID in it, and explaining that you are his girlfriend. But with your anxiety high, and your heart in your throat logic is not the first thing on your mind.
"Listen buddy," you start, ready to absolutely rip this guy a new one. Thankfully for him, one of the trainers who knows you happens to be exiting the locker room.
"Let her through, Jace, that's Hughes' girl" he says, waving you forward. The security guard- Jace apparently, lets you pass with a grumble.
By the time you get rink side, Quinn is (half) conscious- thank God, and being half carried off the ice by Petey and Boeser. He's transfered to the care of two medics, who sit him on a bench and begin to check him over.
One of them is asking him questions gently, both to keep him awake and assess the damage to his head. While the other stabilizes his neck. "Can you tell me your full name and today's date?" One of the medics asks.
"Quintin Jerome Hughes," he slurs, eyes fluttering, "its Feb'uary... twenty-second, twenty-twenty-four"
Your breath hitches. He got the date wrong. You can't help the panic that rushes through you. "Good job Quinn, do you know where you are?"
"Van, Roger's arena," he mumbles, "playing hockey"
"Good," the medic hums. "we need to take off your equipment to make sure you aren't injured anywhere else. Is that ok?"
"Y/n" he mumbles, eyes closing and head tilting forward, his head snapped back up a moment later, and if the other medic hadn't had his head stabilized he would probably have mild whiplash.
"Stay awake for us, Quinn. Is Y/n someone you'd like us to call?"
You spring forward at the mention of your name, "I'm here," you say, pushing past a couple of people who are standing around, ready to assist if the situation gets worse.
"My girl" Quinn slurs, his lips tilting into a small smile. Your heart flutters at that. In the midst of his delirium, he still cares about you dearly.
"Hello Y/n, I'm Sam," the guy who's been asking him questions, "and that's Kieran," he says, nudging his head towards Kieran, who gives a small smile.
"Do you think you could help us remove his equipment?"
"Yes absolutely, just tell me what to do" you say, glad that you can help.
"Can you remove his jersey and shoulder pads? Kieran needs to keep his neck stable, and I need to check for any other possible injuries. And keep him talking"
"Yeah, of course," you start by bending his elbow to slide it out of the sleeve of his jersey.
"Hey Quinny" you say softly, sliding his other arm out of his jersey "you played really really good today, I'm so proud of you"
"Thanks baby," he murmers, "glad you're here." He tries to lean his head against your chest, he huffs when Kieran doesn't let him, and you can't help but let out a breathy laugh, patting his head lovingly.
Kieran tilts his head to one side, allowing you to pull the jersey over his head. You deposit it in his cubby behind him and make quick work undoing his shoulder pads and pulling them off gently.
"I'm glad I'm here too. What do you wanna eat when we get home?"
Sam gently asks you to move out of the way so he can check Quinns upper body for injuries. The second you aren't doing something, the anxiety rises back to your chest. You take a deep breath and begin to unlace his skates. You pull them off, slipping a pair of slides on his feet so his socks don't get wet.
"Hmm" he hums in thought "potatos...?"
You laugh, "Alright Quinny. We'll have potatos"
Finally after palpating his whole body to make sure he doesn't have any other major injuries, testing his reflexes, and asking him a bunch more questions. They diagnose him with a minor concussion, and give you a list of things to look out for.
They deem it safe enough to leave you alone with him for a little bit and tell you to change him into something more comfortable. It takes a bit of work to take off his hockey pants and shinguards and get him into a pair of sweats and a hoodie.
By the time you're done, the equipment manager and the medics have collected the rest of his equipment. After making sure his hockey bag is fully packed with everything, you grab his keys from your purse, while the EM helps you bring his bag to his car, and the medic helps you half carry him down.
He can mostly walk on his own, but better safe than sorry. On the ride home he keeps his head resting against the window, a cool compress is wrapped around his neck, and he's holding one over his eyes with one hand, while the other holds yours tightly.
You trace your thumb over the backs of his knuckles soothingly and keep him talking the whole way home. "What kind of potatoes do you want when we get home, Hon?"
"Can I change my mind?" He asks sheepishly. He's still talking very quietly and slurring his words a little, but the medics said that was nothing to worry about unless he started getting worse. So far, it was nothing to worry about.
"Of course my love, anything you want" you bring your intertwined hands to rest on your chest. It's a comforting weight over your heart, that you didn't know you needed until it was there.
Your phone lights up from the cup holder, it's a text from Petey, saying that the Canucks won the game. There are a few other texts, from his parents and brothers. You make a mental note to reply to them as soon as you get Quinn settled at home.
"Can we have noodles?" He mumbles.
"Yes, of course, love." You can't help but kiss the back of his knuckles. Watching Quinn get injured to the point of losing consciousness was not something you ever wanted to experience ever again.
"Your boys won, by the way," you say softly.
"The did?!" Quinns head shoots up front the window, and he is filled with instant regret as a sharp twinge shoots down his neck and to his shoulder.
"Ow fuck" he mumbles, laying his head back against the cool window.
"Careful love," you gasp, squeezing his hand.
"I know, I'm sorry," he mumbles, squeezing your hand back. You sigh, you have been on edge since he got injured, and it didn't look like the anxiety would dissipate for a while. You would just have to deal with it and try not to be an over bearing worry wart.
"You guys won 5-2" you smile, finally pulling into your apartment parking lot.
"I didn't do much except get my brains knocked around" he grumbles. "Some captain I am"
You scoff, flicking him in the nose lightly. "Don't sell yourself short, Quinny. Three of those points are yours."
Quinn wrinkles his nose and leans forward to bite your finger. You yelp, snatching it away with a glare. He sticks his tongue out at you, and you laugh, your chest feeling a little lighter than before.
"Come on, let's get you upstairs. " You say, undoing your seat belt and getting out of the car. You run around to his passenger side and open the door for him, and help him step out of the car. He throws an arm over your shoulder, and you wrap one around his waist. He's not as wobbly on his feet as he was earlier, but he still isn't at full strength.
Quinn squeezes his eyes shut and tucks his face against your hair. The florescent elevator lights were not pleasant in his state. "Can we keep the apartment lights off?" He mumbles against your hair.
"Sure love," you said rubbing your hand up and down his back soothingly, "we're almost home," you fish the keys out of your purse and unlock it. You toe your shoes off at the door while Quinn slips his off easily and you guide him to the couch.
"What do you want first, baby? Food or a shower?"
"I'm not really hungry" Quinn mumbles, laying on the couch and adjusting the ice pack under his neck. You sit on the couch handle, stroking his hair back from his forehead. "I know honey, but we should try to get something light in your system, if you're feeling upto it."
Quinn sighs. He knows you're right. "I can make you toast? Or a sandwich or something?" You offer, smoothing your thumb over his hairline.
"Do we have bagles?" He asks
"Yeah, we have bagles, I'll make you one of those?"
"Yes please," he mumbles, you plant a kiss on his forehead and go pop a bagle into the toaster, "can you do it with cream cheese and jam?" He asks, chewing on his lip nervously.
"Sure, Hon, I'm gonna make myself some tea. Do you want a cup?" You ask as you pull the cream cheese and jam out of the fridge.
"No thanks, I'm ok" he mumbles. After his bagle is done being made, you help ease him into sitting position, and sit next to him with your cup of tea. He eats a bit more than half the bagle, and you finish off the rest before deeming it time to shower.
You remember all the messages from his family, and quickly shoot them texts, saying that he's ok and you just got home and you'll talk more when he gets settled.
"I'm gonna put these back in the freezer while we shower, yeah?"
Quinn nods, handing the ice packs to you to put in the freezer. You help him up slowly and lead him to the bathroom. You keep the lights off and leave the door open so you have a little bit of light from the bedroom.
While the shower warms up, you grab a clean change  of clothes for both you and Quinn and set them on the counter before helping Quinn strip. He has to brace an arm against the wall while you hold him steady with one hand and maneuver his clothes off with the other.
"I'm sorry," he murmers against your hair as you help him step into the shower.
"Oh Quinn, there's nothing to be sorry for," you say, sitting him on the shower seat.
"I'm sorry you have to take care of me like this." He huffs, resting his head against the cool Ike of the shower wall, "I feel so pathetic, " his voice cracks, and your heart nearly breaks.
"Quinn, my love, taking care of you is not a burden. It's a pleasure. I love you to the ends of the earth, and I would do anything for you, my sweets. " You kiss him on the forehead sweetly as if to prove your point.
He doesn't say much about it after that, but you can tell he still feels bad. You make quick work of washing his hair, being very careful of where a small bump has formed on his head. You scrub him down and rinse him off before shutting off the water.
You wrap a towel around yourself and then dry Quinn off gently before helping him change into his pajamas. "Let me change and then dry your hair a little bit before we have to put an ice pack on your head, ok?"
Quinn nods. He sits on the counter, leaning against the wall while you change into your pajamas. You plug in the hair dryer and dry his hair, keeping his head steady with one hand. As soon as his hair is no longer soaking wet, you help him off the bathroom counter and into bed. You grab the ice packs from the freezer and help him position them on his head and neck until he's comfortable.
"I'll be back in less than ten minutes, baby. I'm just going to grab your stuff from the car, ok?" You say pulling on a pair of sweats and a hoodie over your pajamas.
"Ok" Quinn mumbles, "I'll call if anything" he says patting his nightstand to make sure his phone is there.
You kiss him on the forehead and pull the bedroom door halfway closed so the light from the hall isn't too bright. Grabbing his car keys and your phone from the counter, you hit the call button on Ellen's contact as you slip out the door.
She picks up on the first ring "Hows he doing?" She asks immediately. She sounds distressed, maybe like she's been crying. You don't blame her. They probably haven't heard anything unless someone on the team contacted them, and you have no idea how bad it looked on TV.
"He's ok, Mrs. H, it's a mild concussion. His symptoms aren't worsening at all, and they said with some rest he'll be significantly better by tomorrow"
Her sigh of relief was unmatched. "He'll be out of play for a couple of weeks, but they just want to make sure he's back to 100% before he's playing again." The elevator finally opens, and you hit the button for the parking garage.
"Thank you so much, Y/n, im glad you're there with him. I know he's in good hands. I'll leave you be love, Jack and luke are super super anxious and would appreciate a call from you. Text me if anything happens."
"I will, Mrs. H, tell Mr. H I say hi"
"I will dear, thanks for taking care of our boy"
"Of course El, he's my boy too," you smile.
You swear you can hear Ellen smile over the phone. "We love you dear, I'll talk to you tomorrow ok. Don't forget to take care of yourself too"
"I will, I love you guys too. I'll text you updates"
"Alright, bye dear."
"Bye," you sigh, pressing the end call button, just as the elevator opens to the parking garage. As you press the button to open the trunk, you call Jack.
"Y/n,"  he huffs out, not even after a full ring. "How's Quinn? If he ok? What happened?"  Before you can answer any of Jacks questions, Luke's voice cuts him off, "is Quinn ok? Are you guys at the hospital? It looked really bad -"
Before their panicked tangents can get worse, you interrupt them both. "Take a breath, you two," you say calmly, breathing exaggeratedly so they can copy you "in and out, relax. Quinn is ok. He's ok"
"He's ok?"
"He's ok" you repeat. You feel the tears start to build, and your voice cracks "He's ok"
"Oh Y/n." Jack says softly.
"It's ok, I'm ok" you say, more to yourself than to Jack as you wipe the tears away. "Hold on, gimme one sec." You say, setting down your phone as you pull Quinn's hockey bag out the car. You close the trunk, make sure the car is locked and head back to the elevator.
"Hi, sorry I'm back. I was just grabbing Quinn's stuff out the car."
"Can you tell us what happened?"  Luke asks softly.
"He's got a concussion, and he's a bit bruised up, but other than that he's alright"
"Fuck, how bad is it?" Jack asks, the fear is evident in his voice, and you can't blame him. Concussions can be really bad sometimes.
"They said its a mild concussion, he's not throwing up at all, his memory is ok, he didn't injure his spine or anything, he'll be ok after a few days of rest. He probably wont be playing for a few weeks, but better safe than sorry."
"Oh thank God"  both Jack and Luke huffed "isn't he not supposed to sleep for 24 hours after or something?" Luke asks.
You shake your head with a small smile "Thats a myth, Lukey. As long as I check on him every few hours its ok for him to sleep."
"Ohh, ok. Well that's good" Luke says.
"We are glad he has you Y/n, thank you for taking care of our brother."
"Always" you say softly.
"We'll let you go now, keep us updated?"
"I will, Jackie. You two get some rest, you have a big game tomorrow, love you guys"
"We love you too Y/n/n" both boys say, hanging up.
You sigh, leaving his bag at the door. "Y/n?" Quinns weak voice calls out from the bedroom. You rush to him immediately, scared that something is wrong.
"Yes, Quinny, I'm right here" you say kneeling beside the bed, and stroking his hair.
"You took long," he mumbles, pressing his lips against your wrist.
"I'm sorry love, I'm here now," you stand, stripping the hoodie and sweats off and climbing into bed next to him. You stay a little distance away, not wanting to hurt Quinn. But he grumbles at you, tugging on your shirt to get you to come closer. Normally, he would just grab you and pull you closer, but he's still weak.
"I don't wanna hurt you" you mumble, scooting closer so that you are tucked against his side. He tangles your legs together and rests his head against yours.
"Never" he says, pressing his lips to the side of your head. You rest one of your hands on his hip, under his shirt, stroking your thumb over his hip bone.
"How you feeling?" You ask softly.
"Beat" he mumbles "thanks for taking care of me"
"I'll take care of you for as long as you let me love" you say, pressing a gentle kiss to the underside of his jaw.
Wc: 3.1k
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4ngel-inc · 6 months
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CHUUYA NAKAHARA W/ A TALLER GIRLFRIEND — "𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔬𝔣𝔣 𝔫𝔬𝔴" ୧ ‧₊˚
notes: this is a niche post ok no one judge me—i wrote it for me hehehehe (we all needed this post tho ngl). 1.3k words.
warnings: mdni. fem reader, teasing chuuya (lovingly) about his height but also being worried your own height may bother him, an angry chuuya, he's mad while fingering you, playful teasing.
𝟒:𝟓𝟒 𝐏.𝐌.
"oooh-taking your gloves off? you gonna tickle me to death?" despite the way your pretty lashes fluttered against your warm cheeks as you giggled, chuuya wasn't amused—not in the slightest.
you were sprawled out on your shared bed, relaxing on your back with your hair touseled over the pillow a bit, a few little strands stuck to your lips. he knew you well enough to know you were only looking for attention—you always brought out that little sarcastic side when you were feeling needy for him.
he knew he'd been ignoring you lately—but it wasn't on purpose. there was simply too much work piling up on his desk—too much shit to think about. it was the busiest time of the year for the port mafia, and though he enjoyed his job, he was feeling worn out. even arahabaki itself couldn't sustain him when he worked long days like this.
however, the way you eye-fucked him as he sipped on his favorite red wine, the expensive bottle resting at its usual place on the bedside table, had him thinking maybe he'd play your game for a while, if it meant getting what he wanted in the end.
he wanted you on your knees, begging for forgiveness at your sly little comment. isn't it true that shorter guys are usually less successful in business? i'm so glad that never held you back, baby.
he set the glass on the bedside table next to his gloves with a clink before approaching you at the bed, not climbing on top of you like you clearly expected, you arms making little grabby motions as he came closer—his face was completely neutral, despite your sweet, flirty smile, almost as though he didn't hear your comment at all.
chuuya was fully aware you liked seeing him angry—he teased you about it often. you just wanted to get me riled up, is that it? want some attention, baby? i don't think that's very funny. normally he brushed off your little comments—making his own in return and poking fun at you as well, but today, he simply wasn't in the mood.
it was his day off, he just wanted to fuck you, wanted you to help him relax—was that too much to ask from his sweet girl?
it had been difficult to focus on the words you were saying previously with how kissable you looked in that moment, soft lips and pretty eyes staring back at him like he held your whole world in his hands—he could never resist you. you were his greatest weakness, he'd accepted it long ago.
however, as soon as you made that comment, something darkened in his eyes.
"that's right, baby. the gloves are coming off—you wanted to see me like this, anyways, didn't you?"
only silence filled the room as he finished off his glass of wine, letting the red liquid slide down his throat with a single swallow.
chuuya's personality always seemed to change when he took his gloves off, and after almost a year together, he'd still never actually told you how the being inside him works—he'd only told you the gloves helped him stay in control, that they made him feel more human.
"i know why you're doing this, anyways." he sighed before rolling his eyes, leaning over your body and pressing his lips to yours—a sweet, soft kiss.
"oh? and why is that?" you pressed your lips to his again, surely tasting the lingering wine on his lips—clearly craving more as your hands slipped under his shirt to squeeze at his waist, pulling him closer to you.
"because my anger gets that little cunt wet, doesn't it? makes my slutty little girlfriend wanna fuck my brains out, yeah?"
you squirmed under his touch as his fingers trailed down your body, stopping when he felt the dampness of your pussy through your panties, rubbing soft circles over your clit.
𝟓:𝟎𝟖 𝐏.𝐌.
"hm, you want a boyfriend a little taller than you, that it, baby?"
chuuya was working you open with his fingers—words punctuated by the way he curled them inside you, making you arch your back as your head hung off the edge of the bed, tits bouncing with each harsh thrust of his fingers. his eyes were drawn to the light sheen of sweat covering your skin. you were just so damn beautiful—always so responsive to his touch.
"remember last night, when you came all over my fingers twice? told me i had the prettiest fingers you've ever seen, yeah? that a lie?"
chuuya knew well how his presence affected you—always catching you stealing glances at him when you thought he wasn't looking. you looked at him like he hung the moon with his own hands, and he knew you didn't mean your little sideways comments—but he was intent on punishing you nonetheless.
it was what you wanted, after all. your bratty comments always meant you wanted to be fucked—wanted to be the only thing on his mind for a while. if that's what you wanted, he'd surely give it to you.
"or maybe you wanna run back to those weak fucks you used to date—think they could fuck you better than me, yeah?"
"n-no, only y-you. . ."
his cock was hard and throbbing in his pants, delighted at the way you'd submitted to him entirely, so fucked out you couldn't form a proper sentence. he let his fingers slip out of you slowly, kissing your clit softly as he did, a wave of your slick following as you dripped onto the sheets.
he slapped your pussy with two fingers, harshly rubbing your clit with them afterward and making your thighs tremble.
"you want me to fuck this little cunt, yeah? fine, turn around for me baby—lemme see that pussy."
𝟕:𝟐𝟎 𝐏.𝐌.
"does it ever bother you that i'm taller than you?"
he laughed at that, "c'mon, seriously?" he'd assumed you were past the point of joking about this now.
"no, i'm serious, 'chu—sometimes i wonder if you don't like that about me." you stroked his cheek as he lay next to you, the soft gesture almost lulling him to sleep after fucking you so intensely—he was worn out from the entire week, only wanting to hide in bed with his favorite girl and sleep for a while.
he let himself sink further into your touch as his eyes drifted closed, voice soft and sleepy. "hmm- never bothered me once, princess. does it bother you?"
"no, not at all, i'm just. . . not very interesting—i guess it's not really about the height thing at all. i sometimes wonder if you'd be happier with someone more like you—someone special." your words sounded a bit more like a confession to yourself than to chuuya.
"that shit means nothing to me—i'm the strongest skill user in the port mafia and i'll beat the shit out of anyone who even looks at you wrong." he was more awake now, words seeming to defend you from some nonexistent threat he had imagined in his head at that moment.
he asssumed you were waiting for more reassurance, that your insecurities were still pulling you away from him, so he continued.
"wouldn't change anything about us—we're damn sure perfect for each other and you know i don't say shit like that often."
you buried your face in his side, reaching up to rest your hand in the curve of his neck—your favorite place, softly stroking the skin there.
"hmm, i agree. but if anyone's perfect here, it's you."
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lorkai · 2 months
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Hello Genshin fandom 🥺👉👈, how y'all doing? This is actually my first real time writing for this fandom but I've been reading so much sagau fics and they are all so cool that I wanted to write something too. Not really sure if I'm going to start writing for genshin but we'll see. Hopefully this is good.
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"So... This is how it ends?" A last whisper leaves you as a coppery taste invades your mouth, a strangled half laugh escaping from your blood wet lips.
It was tragic. Still, a little comic how golden blood escaped from the giant wound in your stomach caused by Zhognli's spear. The whole world thought you were an impostor, someone worth killing and now time seemed to stop. The clocks hands stoping moving, the sand stopping falling inside the hourglass.
For a moment everything was static, unmoving, not even breathing.
The whole world was shaking, the winds started howling. You looked at them, eyes moving from face to face. And they had the audacity to look shocked, pale, nervous and anxious as you were dying.
The adrenaline had reached its peak, making any and all pain bearable, painless, but with an injury like that you knew what the result would be. You laughed again. After running away for so many months, being cold and hungry, and only knowing fear, you let everything you felt come out of your chest before your death.
You laughed till your eyes were blurry with tears. Tears filled with pain and hatred. You laughed till your throat was hoarse, the sound stretching till it was all but a hiss.
"Your Grace!" You heard Venti's panicked voice, smug smile wiped from his face as he had the audacity to come closer. Though he was far too coward to touch you, he fumbled anxiously. "No... How could this happen?"
Yeah, how could this happen? You thought bitterly. You were isekai'ed to this world but you were ok with it. And then the characters you used to love and cherish started hunting you.
All because of some kind of creator. You didn't even knew there was a creator in the game? There was one? You can't remember. Skipped dialogues, playing it through drowsiness, not reading the books. There was plenty of lore you could have missed.
It was too late now.
"Use your futile head once, bard." Was your reply, dry tone making him wince. "Write me a song while you're it."
"We thought..." Ei started. But a glare from you had her silent in seconds, imponent Shogun Ei trembling under your eyes.
"You thought but you didn't ask me for clarifications, you didn't let mm..." You coughed blood, a pool of golden coating your clothes and feet.
"You Grace!" Zhongli screamed, alarmed.
Your body became weak and you fell forward, your knees weakening and small tears running down your star like eyes, Zhongli held you, so delicate and with so much love. Once, you used wished for him to hold you like this, for him to cuddle you and share all this knowledge with you over tea but now it just left a sour taste on your mouth while you looked at those ambar eyes as the minutes go by.
"Please, don't leave..." A cry from Ei's wounded soul. Followed by Venti's regretful tears.
A god of freedom took the Creator's freedom, deprived them of it without using his mind like he used to do. And the goddess of eternity was sentenced a spend eternity alone, without her sister, her son, her creator...
Zhongli lips were moving, you could feel the vibration of his voice reverberating through his chest where your head rested. But the words became blurred and their meaning was lost.
The wind was swaying your hair so gently, caressing your face with its smooth invisible fingers.
In his arms, you died.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 8 months
Truth or Dare
Kinktober Day Two Prompt: Pool/Hot Tub
A Jack Harlow x Reader Fic
Warnings: Smut, Language
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"I'm not getting in the water." Jack looked at you as he took a sip from the Perrier bottle he had in his grip. "Ok, that's fine." You were spending one more night in the house you rented while Jack was working in LA, the plan just to hang out and order some food. You quickly got bored and suggested a quick dip in the pool before bed, but Jack adamantly declined to join you.
"I mean it. I don't like swimming." You shed your swimsuit cover up, tossing it on one of the lounge chairs off to the side. You adjusted the straps of your bikini, making sure Jack had a perfect view of the way your breasts spilled out of the top. "I heard you the first time, babe." He groaned, running his fingers through his beard, as you adjusted your bottoms higher to show more of your ass.
You carefully took the steps into the water, Jack watching you as you swam to the middle of the pool. "The most I'll do is put my feet in." You chuckled as he sat on the edge, dangling his long legs into the water. You leaned back, arching your back as you floated in the water, looking up at the night sky.
You swam over to him, resting your arms over the side. "Is it 'cause you can't swim?", you asked, toying with him. Jack rolled his eyes, taking the last sip from the bottle. "You know damn well I can swim, girl."
Ah, gotcha. So you're just scared." You pushed away from the edge, a sly grin on your face. Jack rolled his shoulders back, his ego taking a quick hit. You were trying to get to him, anything to make him cave, but it wasn't gonna work. "You're cute." He wagged a finger at you, pushing himself to stand back up. You whined as he started to walk back inside. "Jack, I was just kidding. Stay, please?"
He threw a thumb over his shoulder, gesturing to the house. "Why don't you come inside, I'll have that thing you call a bikini off of you in two seconds flat." Warmth pooled in your stomach at the thought as you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth.
"How about this? Let's play a game", you suggested, "Truth or Dare". Jack raised his eyebrows in intrigue. "Okay, I'm in, but every truth you don't answer, you take off a piece of clothing, we don't need to worry about any dares." He flashed his pearly whites, well aware this game wasn't starting off fair, but you were desperate, and willing to play along.
"Fine, same for you though. You go first." you remarked, agreeing to his terms. Jack teetered over the edge of the pool. "Ok, did Urban like me when we first started dating?" You narrowed your eyes at him, waiting for his response. Jack pulled his t-shirt off over his head, exposing his toned chest, his biceps flexing as he stretched. "Wow, remind me to have a conversation with Urban when we get back to Louisville", you scoffed.
"Alright, your turn, since we're talking about first impressions. What does your dad think of me?" Jack knew your dad wasn't his biggest fan and that was putting it lightly. You pulled the strings of your bikini bottom, placing it on the concrete.
"I knew it! He hates me." Jack scowled.
"Ok, am I the first girl you've ever told "I love you" to?" You raked your hair out of your face. Jack placed his hands at his hips, shifting his weight back and forth on his feet. You were sure he was going to take off another piece of clothing to avoid answering the question.
"Uh, no", he scratched at the back of his neck, "but you're the first one I've truly meant it with." He was slow to look at you, holding his breath. You felt yourself blush at his answer, quickly realizing you didn't want to play games anymore.
With one hand you untied your bikini top, allowing it float away in the water.
"Its not even your turn. What are you doing?" Jack questioned, adjusting himself as he made out your naked body under the water.
"You have five seconds to get in the water, Jackman."
Jack shed his shorts before jumping into the deep end, making you giggle when the water splashed you. It went quiet for a minute before you felt something grab at your leg, a shriek leaving your mouth.
"Don't do that!" You slapped Jack's chest as he emerged from the water, his curls plastered to his forehead. "Who's scared now?", he playfully pinched at your hips, making you squirm.
"Still you", you responded as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his hands palming your ass to keep you afloat. "Did you really mean that? Am I the first girl that you've really loved?" You pushed his hair out of his face, his blue eyes radiant in the pool lighting. "No, I just said that to get you naked. It was really easy." He let out a deep chuckle, as he wrapped you in his arms, gently pushing you up against the wall.
Your lips crashed with his, the kiss desperate and hungry, your hands finding his wet curls as your ankles hooked around his waist. Jack's hands roamed your body, sliding between your thighs. You moaned against his mouth as he pushed his fingers through your folds, a single digit teasing your entrance. The feeling of his fingers filling you up made you gasp, a squeal leaving your lips as he slowly thrusted in and out of your core, your toes curling with each movement.
"Fuck, Jack." You threw your head back as he continued finger fucking you, his lips curling around one of your nipples, budding against the cool LA air.
You were already clenching down around his hand when he pulled out of you, grabbing at his erect length to replace his hands. You scrambled to get your footing, slipping against the wet tile. "I can't reach the bottom", you edged out against his mouth, trying to touch the bottom of the pool so you could stand. "It's fine, I gotcha." Jack responded quickly, lifting you so you could lay your forearms on the edge of the pool.
"You have to be quiet, baby", Jack warned, earning a frantic nod from you. You pulled your bottom lip in between your teeth to stop your moans as he slowly entered your throbbing pussy, water splashing around you as he set a pace with his hips that had you gasping for air. "Fuck, Jack", you whined out, holding onto his shoulders to steady yourself, your arms and legs already starting fatigue from the position he held you in.
He rested his forehead against your chest, panting as he continued to drive into you, his hands at your hips forcing you to meet him with each snap of his hips. He quickly felt his orgasm start to build, and you were right behind him, the coil in your stomach tightening as your legs went numb.
"Shit, I'm so fuckin' close, babe." You moaned out, holding Jack tighter against your chest. He had you suspended in the water, your back arching against the edge of the pool. "Fuck, let go, baby." His words of encouragement sent you over the edge, your walls fluttering around his cock as Jack continued to thrust, following closely behind you with his own orgasm. He hips staggered as he came inside of you, stopping to catch his breath as you stroked his hair.
Jack pressed a kiss between your breasts before trailing up to meet your mouth, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth as he kissed you lazily, exhaustion evident in his movements.
"You know I was just joking about Urban not liking you, he's always liked you." Jack handed you your bikini top as it floated past him, moving to the edge to push himself out of the water. "I was not joking about my dad not liking you." Jack's face dropped at your words, but he tried to hide it behind his t-shirt as he dried his face. "I'm just kidding, babe. He loves you."
Jack landed a hard smack on your bare ass, making you jump as you ran into the house. "Really not funny, babe."
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generalkenobee · 11 months
A/N: ok so I know this probably won't get many likes or anything but I literally love Chase sm so I need to write this just for my well being because I've loved him since I was like ten, hope you enjoy 💖🩷
Warnings: sfw and nsfw headcannons, aged up!!!, FEM reader (kinda)
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SFW headcannons
•hand holding is such a must with him
•he gives the best hugs, especially when he's in his black sweatpants and sleep sweater because everything is just so warm and gentle
•hes insanely touch starved
•Chase has never had a partner before you so you have to be patient with him, for example
-(Y/N), I don't know why you asked me for help with your homework, it was super easy
He would say laughing, not realizing that he hurt your feelings because you genuinely needed help
-(Y/N), I can't hold your hand right now I'm clearly working on this
Chase would say annoyed while still looking at the screen of his computer
•after a while and some help from you he's learned that a relationship takes time and consideration
•my man lovessss your stomach, no matter the size or if you have cellulite, stretch marks, he loves it so much
•loves to kiss you everywhere, especially because the whole touch starved thing. Chase is always placing a quick kiss to your cheek while he walks by you, first thing he does in the morning and before he goes to bed is kiss you
•physically can't sleep if you're not in the bed next to him
•nicknames he calls you
•whenever he writes your name he always puts a little heart next to it
•usually falls asleep with his head resting on your chest with steady breathing
•loves to have you run your fingers through his hair while he falls asleep and scratch his scalp
•loves when you kiss all his moles and freckles, just basic beauty marks because it shows that you love every part of him
•he gets incredibly jealous of everyone. He's not used to people picking him and genuinely wanting to be with him over Adam for example
•always has mints, gum, or breath, spray on hand
•he takes extra precautions before seeing you (brushing his hair four times, showing twice, brushing his teeth over and over again, making sure hes wearing an outfit he'll know you'll like)
•soooo good with kids
NSFW headcannons
•lovessss when you pull his hair
•so loud, like soooo insanely loud. Moans, groans, and when he gets close whimpers
•he loves when you cockwarm him while he plays video games or when he's working on something
•eye contact while he trusts up into you, it's almost like his way of thanking you for being so vulnerable with him
•things chase says during sex
-s-shit..you feel so warm..s-so welcoming baby..
-this all for me?
-thank you thank you thank you..
-I love you so much...
-its so deep..I-I can feel all of you...
•chase tries not to ever cuss, he thinks there's smarter words to use..but when he's close it's like a whole new person
-f-fuck..fucking shit baby I'm oh my god I'm gonna, aungh..
•this one time you let spike fuck you and chase got upset because he didn't remember any of it, and he also felt jealous for some reason?
•sometimes when you walk by, you'll slap him on the ass through his jeans and he jumps up in fear every time
•lightly grazes his teeth over your neck during sex and you can feel his hot breath against your pulse..
•I feel like he really wants to cum on your face but is way to scared to ask
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twisted-gremlin · 6 months
Platonic yandere first years!
- he is overly protective of Yuu, makeing sure that they are by him at all times
- he was glad that they can't use magic but has alot of mixed feelings about them following him to NRC
- he practically begged Crowley to let Yuu into Heartsbyul- but there was no room (he didn't mind shareing his bed- but, his roommates better leave you alone)
- he invites you to every celebration! Why? Oh Trey was worried you're not eating enough in that shack with the greedy rat-
- he isn't strong enough to actually kill, but he is cunning enough to manipulate people, trying to get a boyfriend without his permission- hey look at all this homework- oh he wants to break up and hates you? Oh big brother is here for you-
- you're never leaveing your bother♡
- he is worried that his baby sib is gonna go down the path he did- he made sure that any gangs would never take you in, but would beat to death whoever dared lay their hand on you- its ok- he and mom is there to hold you and protect you-
- his mom sent you to NRC so that he could protect you, and he swore to her that he would.
- he allways walked with you to class, he even made you join the track club, Jack was trustworthy, right?
- you have some things you are allowed to do on your own, just be careful, of anything goes wrong and he finds out, he isn't letting you do that stone again
- he saw you as like a little cub that was lost and alone when he first saw you
- as you two grew to know one another, he did his best to take care of you. Hungury? He has some extra food, it's not like he bought it just for you- cold? Idiot, you need a scarf- so what it has his sent? You'll be protected from other beastmen who may want to pick on you
- he greets you every day and walks you to class (like he did with ruggie), if he has the time he waits outside of your class and walks you to your next one
- he wont let you think about going home, why go home when you have it so great here? I'm sure none could love you like he does, or even protect you like he can when you're at home-
- excuse me- he is the man here- he can take care of ya- why are you laughin-
- Epel beats the snot out of those who try to hurt his sweet and innocent baby sib- they are a sweet apple tart- none hurts em-
- Epel before Vils traning was much- much more aggressive towards others, with a slight sweetness. But now, he acted more sweet and innocent until the time came where his opponents was in their backs
- now he uses thar cuteness to ask to hangout and stay by your side. You can't exactly say no because... look at that face-
Ortho (sibling):
- in life, you weren't all that close to Ortho- he and Idia were allways hanging out with eachother.
- then the accident happend, now you can get rid of the fake brother or your older Otaku brother-
-you're at NRC because of said Otaku, so while he was in class, you got to do whatever you wanted- and a certain robot followed your every move
- if Ortho evaluated someone as a threat they would be exterminated as soon as possible.
- you tired to get him to leave you alone, to make his own friends and learn about others. But he would make his following you a bit more... subtle...
- while he tried to get his big brother outside, he kept you inside. He played games with both you and Idia, to keep you content and stay
- need anythjng? He will get it for you, he wants to be a good brother for you- so you don't have to linger in your hurt anymore- so you didn't have to be alone anymore-
Sebek(friend/Maleus' bestie)
- you as a pathetic human from another world had caught the eye of Malleus, so, he needed to vet the human to he sure they were good for his master
- his first meeting with you was interesting to say the least. Despite your conditions (and his attitude) you treated him kindly and sat down with him and had an array of tea and baked sweets (courtesy of the Heartsbyul bois)
- he started to see why his master took a likeing to you, you were sweet, a good listener, and even interesting. He just, couldn't understand why you would want to return to your boring world?
- his master would take amazing care of you- even extend you life! All you had to do was ask!
- so why are you breaking their hearts and asking for help going home...?
- maybe... your mirror could be broken? This Mickey is a distraction, and they had room in Diasomnia, he will keep gaurd of your room, it'll be by Malleus'!
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macsimagines · 8 months
Could I ask for Kisaki, Rindou, and Draken with partners that are insecure? Like they truly believe that their boyfriend/husband could do so much better than them
I've done this one already for Kisaki and Draken here but I can def do one for Rindou!! this is kind of like a part two to my EX! Ran Haitani headcanon set!! also idk why text colors are being weird i'll try to fix it later on
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Yandere!Rindou Haitani
He loves you, adores you even. You're so soft and kind compared to his hard and mean. Rindou has always taken pride in being who he is. He's a Haitani brother, feared allover Tokyo and a ruler in charge of Roppongi.
But for you? Just you- He's Rin. Your loving boyfriend that is never too busy to spend time with you and never lacking in affection. He'll hold your hand gladly or throw a reassuring arm over your shoulder.
All the love in the world can't stop the thoughts in your head though. He's so much more than you'll ever be. You've seen him in action and his strength and overwhelming capabilities compared to your...to your anything just made you feel so dull in comparison.
Rin is beautiful, he catches the eye of every woman you walk past on the street. Rin is strong, he can beat men without breaking a sweat. Rin is powerful, he has people that flock to him at his beck and call and you are nothing.
"I just... I just think I'm holding you back," you tell him, over the phone because you're too much of coward to say it to his face, "I want... I want what's best for you-!" "What the fuck are you talkin' about, you're what's best for me! Baby-please-!" "I can't! I'm not enough, I'm sorry Rin."
And you hang up the phone, block his number. Its better this way, you're sure by this time next week he'll have moved onto someone else, someone better that could keep up with someone as amazing as him.
But then something unexpected happens. His brother comes looking for you. Rin warned you about him once, said that after a bad breakup with his girlfriend he hadn't been the same.
"I thought they got back together though?" you had asked him confused after he had told you. He never answered you back, just got this weird look on his face before giving you a warning; "Try not to get too close. And try not to piss him off."
Yet here he was, at your doorstep staring you down like you were the scum of the earth. Apparently you hadn't heeded the warning.
"Havin' fun?" he asks, not even blinking while he towers over you, and your voice is caught in your throat, too scared to even make a sound at the older Haitani. "Cause I'm sure fuckin' not."
And suddenly he's grabbing you by the hair so tight you're scared he's going to rip it from your skull, but no, he's dragging you out the door and down the steps of your apartment ignoring your cries and screams for help.
Muttering something the whole way to his car. Something like "...You bitches and the games you like to play. Fuck with our heads, you and my girl always got make fuckin' problems for us-"
Then he's shoving you into the passenger seat making sure you can't get out. One moment you feel like you've found your voice again and then the next it leaves you because Ran has a gun pointed right at you only seconds later.
"Your gonna fix this you ungrateful bitch," he spits, eyes so full of hate it makes you want to curl in on yourself, "Put my baby brother back together and act like you like it. Like you fuckin' love it. Or I'll kill you my damn self and make you regret makin' a fool out of the Haitanis. Do you understand, Y/N?"
You're not sure if you say yes or if you even or in affirmation before he's pulling out of the parking lot and speeding dangeroulsy to some unknown destination.
And you are crying, silently shaking and sobbing because you're so scared of what he's going to do and he's still holding the gun right at your head, muttering to himself yet again.
"I'll make it right- I'll fix him and he'll be ok- fuckin' women making us loose our goddamn minds-,"
Finally you pull into a warehouse, abandoned by the looks of it and new found fear arises in you- Is this where Ran is going to kill you? But no.... This is where Rin is.
You see him first, his eyes are dark and he looks so tired from his usual self, and his expression is so empty, so emotionless that you're worried for a split second but then you see...the man. At least that's what he used to be.
His face is beaten in, and his body is contorted in such a mangled way you're sure his limbs had been broken, and Rin is on top of him. Pummeling away at the already red and mangled face.
You can't help the small gasp that leaves you and you probably would've ran out there screaming had Ran not been holding you by the neck.
But your scream was enough to alert the younger Haitani, and he turns to look at you with eyes wild like an animals. "Y-Y/N?" he whispers standing on shaking legs, "B-baby is that you?"
It didn't matter how hard you tried you couldn't make out a single sound, too shocked by the scenes unfolding around you. Thankfully, Ran wasn't short on words....
"Ya, I brought Y/N here 'cause she has somethin' to say," Ran shoves you forward, making sure that the gun at his side is always within your view. A silent reminder of what he made you promise...
Rin doesn't let you get any words our before he's embracing you with bloodied hands, smearing another persons bodily fluid all over you... "Oh baby, please tell me you're back, please? Its been hell, I can't do this without you, I'm loosin' my fuckin' mind."
Its like your brain suddenly catches up with you. You have to say yes or else... "I-I'm back," you nod, hugging him back with shaking hands, "I'm... I'm sorry Rin."
And suddenly he's sobbing, pulling you away only so he could hold your face in his bloody hands to look into your eyes, "How could you do this to me, I love you so much,"
Ran once again, speaks. "You need to keep her in line," he tells his younger brother, much to your dismay, "Like I keep my girl. Don't worry. I'll teach you."
You could never leave Rin Haitani. Shame on you for even trying.
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hugemilkshake · 2 months
I love a lot of those ideas...and actually now got ideas for a part 2:
Imagine if the ancients visit y/n after a while of y/n just staying mostly in bed...and it's so they can dote on y/n too and make sure they are relaxed and happy and can imagine a little add on if you want...based off the "freshly baked cookie" part...
Like at one point dark enchantress shows up and ancients prepare to fight buuuut turns out she isn't here to cause stress for y/n by causing a war...she is here to help y/n learn to walk! Like she is holding y/n up and letting go so y/n slowly learns to stand and when they get the hang of it...they make a fun game to make sure y/n is having fun and happy while learning to walk (and so various cookies can have a chance to hug y/n...you'll understand why when I say game. Also it's so cookies can show their love for y/n and vent out a little of their competition through a fun game...aaaand remind themselves to keep their fight for y/n on the down low because...again want y/n to feel safe and happy.)
The game? A play obstacle course where each cookie is a 'check point' where y/n simply has to walk up to them and give them a hug before going onto the next cookie...and like the cookies are cheering them on "come on y/n! You can do it!" Ofcourse having some cookies nearby so if y/n starts to stumble, they can rush up to y/n like "hey hey its ok its ok...you're ok, we are here for you!"
And can imagine at the end, the cookies are all super proud of y/n lol!
Oooor maybe you can make up you're own 'y/n learns to walk' game where cookies can be more...competitive...buuut ofcourse maybe they mask it behind playful banter and so on so y/n doesn't feel the stress of having cookies fight over them lol!
Sorry if I'm being too descriptive or if I Sounded weird or anything lol! Just got thoughts flowing lmao!
Enjoy the milkshake! Don’t worry about sounding too descriptive, it’s actually more helpful for me since I don’t have to think of a plot- also dark enchantress might be ooc
How do you walk?
Part 1, part 3
Self aware AU
“ … and that’s when Blackberry Cookie came over to calm down Onion Cookie! After that everything was fine!”
You rested in the bed as Gingerbrave talked about recent events, this was a weekly occurrence, you didn’t hate it! But you wished you could walk around and talk to more cookie besides Gingerbrave, Strawberry, Wizard Or Custard lll…
Gingerbrave got up to leave before saying one last thing “Oh and one last thing before I leave! The ancient Cookies are going to be visiting! They might come see you to try and help you with your problem”
Huh… that was new… some cookies who might be able to help you out… only issue was that these cookies are some of the strongest in this game, or well this world you should say. So you were nervous about that.
A week went by the ancient cookie finally arrived in the cookie kingdom
You were nervous, an even a little scared
I mean these cookies could kill you if desired.
And you couldn’t even walk! So you couldn’t do anything against them!
When the ancients arrived, Pure Vanilla was the first to come into the room, along with Gingerbrave.
Dark Cacao and Golden Cheese came in next, followed by White Lily and Hollyberry.
Gingerbrave introduced you since you couldn’t talk
Now the vibe was meant to be nice and friendly, but it just wasn’t
It was VERY awkward
Now all the ancients had different opinions on you
Pure Vanilla wanted to help you get better since you literally couldn’t do anything but you couldn’t talk so he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries
Hollyberry wanted to lighten up you mood, so she told jokes and it worked for a little bit
Dark Cacao was very unsure of what to think about you. He’s not good with stuff like this
Golden Cheese was a bit like Hollyberry in a way but her jokes didn’t land that much
White Lily was very fascinated by your predicament. She has studied cookies for a while and has never seen something like this happen before
And Gingerbrave was there to have things to a bit more smoothly.
But in the end you guys didn’t get anything done. You couldn’t talk so it was to be expected.
The ancients bid you a farewell and left along with Gingerbrave
You were now alone…
It was the dead of night and you were reading since you were so used to staying up late and not sleeping, it was something you were working on.
But unlike all the other nights, everything felt off. Like there was a lurking darkness around you, it kinda give you anxiety.
No… not kinda…
It did give you anxiety.
You were reading when you heard your door open, and you saw a figure that resembled White Lily
You greeted her…. At least you thought you greeted White Lily…
When the figure responded, if definitely didn’t sound like White Lily
The figure stepped into the light and you froze in fear
Dark Enchantress was right in front of you
Now you were used to stressful situations but this was different
You were actively in danger.
You were going to scream before the sorceress shushed you
“Don’t scream. Im not going to hurt someone as pathetic as you.”
Ouch… but you weren’t in danger so that was good..?
Dark Enchantress told you that you needed to get up and walk. And without warning she pulled you up and got you to balance yourself
“Your not going to survive if you keep being babied by cookies. Now I’m going to leave you. Next time I see you, you better be able to walk”
And just like that she left.
You were left confused and started
And needless to say the next day Strawberry Cookie came into the room she had a heart attack since you were standing.
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queen-of-scissors · 2 years
I saw your "god of the multiverse" thing where reader tells them abt the other games theyve played and i just-- JFJSJFJEBOFJSNFEOFN I AM JUMPING SO HARD ON THIS HYPE TRAIN--
I only have two words for you.
Among. Us.
You're welcome.
BUT LIKE FR FR THO-- HOW WOULD THEY REACT?? Since the entire thing is literally cooperate or die for crewmate, or Eat Hot Chip And Lie / Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss for imp
And like, imagine them being named Dolos or Apate as a new epithet if they enjoy lying as crewmate to stir the pot or just regular lying as imp (dolos was the spirit of trickery, apate was the personification of deceit-- you can make either kaeya, albedo, ruebedo or dain give the title since theyre all from khanriah)
Or like-- they could also be rlly uncomfy with being imp and just being a model crewmate and they could be given the epithet Eleos or Anteros because of it
Just-- THSKFJSKDJWJ soooo many possibilities for reader/creator
The murder?? Theres gonna be a LOT
Sorry if there was a lot, i just rlly enjoy what you've written so far!! Have a nice day :))
First, explaing the game.
Everyones reactions will be diffrent about it, no matter how you explain it;
The scared ones
Noelle, Diluc (brother flashbacks),Barbara, Bennett, Razor (lupical PROTEC lupical!! NO KİLL), sucrose, Jean, Yelan (you... Kill your friends??)
The impressed ones
Kaeya, Childe, Venti, Hu Tao, Yanfei (sees it as a usefull skill), zhongli (MF is impressed by anything u do smh), Lisa, Ei, Yae miko
The confused ones (what why would you?)
Ganyu, Xiao, Diluc, İtto (doesn't even understand the rules), kuki shinobu, Kazuha
"İ WANNA TRY!!! oh wait does this count as blasphemy-"
Childe, Venti, Albedo, KLEE (actually thinks it like a game), Yelan (ok since you said its not actually killing them i wanna try), İTTO, Nahida (knows its a game), Heizou
Now if we were the imposter you are right. İt doesnt matter if you are bad at it, they are going to call you as some god that has been assosiated with trickery.
İ wrote a story about it. But didn't make the reader as imposter because no one wouldn't dare to say you are an imposter. Even as a joke
ESPECİALLY if it was a traitor!AU. Tough im not sure that they would even play if that were the case
İ made the story of how you got the title a bit long, i hope you like it :)
More under the cut!
"Have you guys ever played 'vampire'?"
Your voice echoed in the throne room, they looked confused, they weren't expecting your answer to be another question.
You were bored out of your mind. Watching people come and go in the room just for them to ask for your guidance about daily stuff was a pain, both phsicaly and emotionaly. So you opened your phone to get a bit of a downtime while no one was there to ask for your divine wisdom.
"Forgive my rudeness, Your highness. But... What does that have to do with it?" Said Albedo, who got there for your divine wisdom.
"You asked what i was doing in my device, so in order for me to answer, you must for answer my question."
"Vampires..." He mumbled "aren't those imaginary, humanoid monsters that drink blood to survive?"
"Ah, ok. i see that you never played."
"Play what exactly?"
"So its a game about a group of villagers trying to find a vampire/werewolf among them.
You choose one host, and that person controlls the whole game, The other players all close their eyes and the host walks among them, and picks a vampire.
Each night, the vampire chosses someone to kill and that person is eleminated, and each day, the other players try to find the vampire and kill them.
İf they choose the wrong person that person is also eliminated."
Acolytes look at eachother, that sounds so fun?!(deffinetly not the kill eachother without killing eachother one is the reason not at aaaallll)
"Ohh, İ see," Kaeya said, impressed "so this game also tests you ability to not get caught and lie, as well as finding lies. This is interesting!"
"...turnes out, you might have a chance after all, since the creator favors imposters and all." Diluc half whispered to him.
Lets pretend we didn't hear him for his sake.
"Yeah so on my phone im playing it but this version is harder."
"OHHH i wanna try!" Klee said exitedly!
Jean stoped her "Klee, the creators device is a holy one, so we cant just ask them to give it to us for our desires."
"Actually i dont mind! Does anyone else wanna play?"
The smartest yandere ones were having a light yagami moment ("if i agree to play they might think im a murderer and discard me but if i don't play they will think im avoiding these types of games because im a murderer myself and i would get discarded again. Oh i know, i will wait someone to take the bait and say 'of everyone is playing then i will too' then no one will suspect me hahahahHAHAHA İTS ALL ACORDİNG TO PLAN-)
"İm... Sorry your Grace but... İ think i will just watch." The depressed Yaksha said, he hates to dissapoint you but he doesnt want to kill people that he concidered friends, even if its fake.
Zhongli looked at you and his gaze softened.
"İ shall join if Your highness would join as well."
"But of course!!" There is no way you're going to miss THİS OPPORTUNİTY.
The game.
This isn't the game where you taught them how to play. (Which... Took like.... 3 whole days. İm not writing that)
Yae and Venti (a dangerous duo smh) asked for your permision to make the event prised. You agreed, this might make things more fun! They didn't told you what it was though.
PLAYERS: ChildE, Bombombaku (Klee), windbornbard (Venti), foxlady (Yae miko), Rockhead (zhongli(venti messed it up)), (your choise of player name), COOLGUY (itto), Al Haitham, Ei, Dreamy (Nahida)
İt started as you being a crewmate. The god team were immediatly on your side, attempting to keep an eye on you. But as soon as you shot them an angry glare from across the room, they left you alone.
you were a bit worried that the imposter was going to get too scared and not kill you for the whole game just because you are the creator, and having the gods in Real life be at your Side even in the game might scare them even more.
You watched as rockhead leave the caffeteria, Ei going to the opposite direction from him. But windbornbard did not move at all. Not even an inch.
You made your character walk up to him, wondering if he is having connection problems, just as you tried to get him to move, he killed you and ran away.
..... That smart mother fu-
Honestly, you weren't mad at all, (just a bit if you game rage alot like me) because this could help to ease tention in the first few rounds.
You followed windbornbard a little, wondering if he is going to get another kill. You both passed the boiler room and through security camera room. Seeing other players and fake tasking.
Your toughts were cut short as they discovered COOLGUY's body.
Windbornbard gasped "the creator is dead?!"
Your throne room was filled with whispers, and angry mumbling, completely forgetting that COOLGUY is also dead (poor itto).
"Who would dare such a thing?! İ tought the gods were going to be at their Side the whole game!" ChildE said panicing, as if you actually got killed.
Al haitham picked on quickly, "if there was an agreement on protecting them. That can only mean that one of the archons is the traitor."
"Maybe, both of the imposters are gods?" Foxlady spoke in her teasing voice, profably to see Ei's reaction. "After all, theres only one way that they can get away with this, trap them and leave no witnesses behind."
"What you are saying is unlikely," Dreamy objected. "if that were the case, one of the archons would be dead as well, as all of us promised to protect them, one of us would have to witness the murder and the second imposter would kill the other god."
"Uhhhh... Guys?? İm also dead??? HELLO???"
Rockhead cutted in. "Sadly, we cant make any assumptions on who killed our creator, since we all parted ways to do our tasks by ourselves when..." He trailed off in the end, Coughing to hide his emberrasment, he didnt want to admit that he got scared.
"Then im voting to skip the vote." Windbornbard said. Someone find this man, you can't deal with his smug face if he wins!!
And thus, everyone skiped the meeting an no one got voted out.
Next round you decided to do your tasks. That might help the crew a bit. While you go through the corridors you noticed Al haitham and windbornbard is going to somewhere together, and its not the first time you caught them walking Side by side. You're not sure if Al haitham got suspicious of venti or he is an imposter as well. Either way its an interesting duo. Maybe you should check the cameras.
You went to security room and looked through.
Blockhead was standing in the corridor, watchin Ei from a distance.
ChildE was avoiding everyone, immideatly leaving if the room has a player inside, he is taking it so seriously, he is profably not an imposter, you thought.
Klee was getting in and out of the rooms, Following random people and waiting just besides the door. İt suspicious but it could be that she is just exited to play.
You closed the security camera window, and looked across the real world room instead.
İtto placed the phone you gave him to his side and crossed his arms, pouting because he was the first one to die. Trying to look at other peoples phones from where he stood, to find the other imposter.
You could see the sweats forming at zhongli's forehead. He was SUPER concentrated. Why was he, amongst all of the other acolytes, being so serious about it anyway?
You looked at the traitor, who realised you were looking at him and smiled at you. You smiled back, at least one of them is having fun!
Suddenly his smile grew bigger and went back to his phone. Uh-oh he has an idea doesnt he.
"AL HAİTAM STOP FOLLOWİNG ME" he partly screamed.
"You misunderstand me, i was just following to make sure you are not a traitor."
"Oh realy?! Then explain why while we were in the room to the east, the doors were locked and you started to chase me?"
"...that did not happen."
Foxlady cutted in "now that you mention it, i do remember that one of the rooms that had my tasks was blocked by a door."
"İM VOTİNG AL HAİTHAM" windbornbard said. İts all going acording to plan hehehehehe. Some other started to back him up as well.
Everyone in the room turned to Blockhead.
"İ understand that all the evidence seems to be targeting hım. But i know my bard friend here for quite long, i can tell when he is being serious." He looked at windbornbard, "could it be that you are trying to blame Al Haitham for your crimes against our creator?"
"You seem to have quite the imagination old friend" he said calmly, imitiating him "it is as you say, we've known eachother for a few thousand years after all. So i too, can read your emotions."
Venti once again turned to you "your highness said so themselves, it is just a game afterall, so theres no need for me to treat it as a war between rivals. Of course im not in my serious mood."
He turned back to him "now thats out of the way, i must ask, why did you gets so offensive and tried to protect Al Haitham? Kind of... What was the world? SUS? don't you think?"
You almost burst out laughing, it was so funny hearing it from him, he sounded like a grandpa who is learning internet lingo, despite his youmg voice.
"Are you suggesting that, i am the one who killed the creator?"
"Now i didn't say that, you could be the one that killed 'COOLGUY', since you have strick policies when it comes to the creator."
They glared at eachother while Ei voiced her opinion. "What bard sais sounds very belivable, while mr Zhongli also made a convincing point. İ suggest that we vote Al Haitham, and if he does turn out to be an imposter, we can figure out from there."
"Well, it seems i can't get myself out of this one even if i try. İt was a very fun game." Haitham sighed. He accepted defeat, just like that? This isn't like him.
"İ expected for you to fight a bit more over this, not gonna lie"
"İ was more interested in the gameplay, rather than the prize itself. So being able to see the working mechanics was enough for me."
"Ah i see, maybe i can teach you sometime?" You asked innocently, not caring of the angry glares that turned to him as soon as you said that.
"İ belive the academia would bother us as soon as we got out, so that wouldnt be productive." He crossed his arms, knowing that this knowladge could profably get him killed. "But i do appriciate the tought, thank you, your highness"
Everyone hold their breath as the result was written in the stars.
Everyone, including the ghosts stayed in the positions they spawned in. What now? Do they do an emergency meeting again and vote zhongli off? But is this right to assume right away? Should they wait a bit longer for evidence?
Before the meeting cooldown ends, everyone finally made up their mind. They all went back to their tasks.
You almost finished all of them, but the bar was only half full. Acolytes are too busy trying to find the last imposter that everyone seem to forget doing tasks causes instant win.
This round was worse, the lights go out, random doors closing and opening, causing panic among people, but venti was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he is doing this because he paniced, He has to kill 6 players all by himself afterall.
Ei, Klee and Dreamy died
"hOLY shit- 3 people died?!" İtto screamed.
"This can only mean one thing.." childE said, he was the one that pressed the meeting button. "Mr. Zhongli, care to explain?"
Everyone in the room looked at both of them
"İm not sure what you mean, Childe, would you be as kind as to enlighten me?" He said calmly, but it was obvious that he was getting irritated.
"The whole round, the rooms were randomly opening and closing. İ can tell that was a trap to create confusion, windbornbard has experianced the same thing. Only the smart ones that are experianced with faking their identities can think of this trick."
Oh this was a personal attack-
"İ agree with your opinion, however, i suggest that you choose the next words carefully, afterall, there is only 3 players left. İf we happen to fail finding the imposter now. We might not win this game."
Foxlady stoped both of them, realising this conversation contains topics from Real life"now now, lets not fight, even though the prize is grand, it is just a game after all."
Yeah what is the prize anyway?
She added "But i must say, what you said is quite right, only the ones that has an experiance to fake their identities can in fact create confusion skillfully"
"See? She agrees with me-"
"Hey now, have some manners. Don't you know that it's rude to interrupt while a lady is speaking?" She teased. ChildE cursed himself for being overly exited while she continued;
"However, the reasoning for you to claim blockhead- ah i meant Mr Zhongli- is an imposter is not realy a strong one. Since everyone in this room have experianced acting as another person."
Venti jumped in "yeah, aren't YOU the one that uses a fake identity in the first place? Harbinger of shneznaya?"
"How curious," zhongli added "blaming people is exactly what the imposter would do. İf i hadn't known better, i would have said that you are the imposter that is trying to cover up."
Yae raised a Brow "hmm? Do you have something else to say?"
"Not that it matters of course, but i have noticed that my usually talkative friend seem to be rather silent." He eyed Venti "And we have accused hım for being an imposter before."
"İm just watching, as you guys make this whole game about yourselves. İ have been having fun with my tasks!"
"Oh realy?" Yae teased, "what was the last task that you have done?"
"İ... Uh... The wires?"
"Which ones?"
"İn the.... Upper part of the ship."
"İs there even wires on there?"
"Yes there is! İ meant the caffeteria!"
"You were having fun with matching colors? My aren't you childish~"
"İ uhh well- you asked me the last task i've done! Not my favorite one!"
"Why are you stuttering bard?" Zhongli pressed on.
"You never got questioned by the shrine Maiden?! She is scary" he whispered
"Of course not, unlike you, i am not someone that causes trouble."
"OH come on! Why are you all mean to me all of a sudden?!"
"Yeah im voting him." Said childE.
"İm only voting for you because you told me im scary and that hurt my feelings" she laughed.
"Well, Barbatos, any last words?"
"İ was sooo close, thats not fair ;;"
Crewmates win!!
Childe stoped you from leaving. "Your highness, do you have a moment?"
"İ guess? What is it?"
"Since this competition doesnt realy have öne winner. How do we know who won?"
"Zhongli, Yae miko and you won, because all of you survived untill the end."
"....does that mean you will go on a date with all of us..?"
"Wait what-? A date??"
"Fox lady said that the winner is going to have a date with you."
The whole tevat was mourning their loss. The day you were killed by the hands of someone they knew you held dear, there were offerings to your shrine, silent appologies were made.
The weather was rainy, as the world cried with your followers.
This is the scene you were greated with as you walked towards the shrine that made for you, after giving the winner the... Prize...
"Uhh guys.. im not dead?"
"Sometimes we can still hear their voice..."
Your acolytes was eternaly happy for your short visit ("guys i didn't leave-"). You never died. Anyone could still feel your presence when they looked at the sky, to the infinity.
You are the
The undying one...
"Oh your Grace welcome how have you been? :D"
"The game was fun and all, but do you guys have to make everything dramatic?"
"Speaking of the game, were you the one that found the imposter? But got killed because of it? "
"Man i wish. Maybe next time i won't die immediatly!"
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quimichi · 1 month
It's me the little guy Fae >:3 and I'm here for your match up event
Honkai and/or genshin
Illustration, crochet, embroidery, watercolor, gaming, TTRPGs (tabletop role-playing games) like DND, putting my characters through absolute hell (writing)
Gender preference
With fictional characters I prefer men but I love me a tall sexy evil Woman
Don't listen to what my hobbies say about me, I'm actually a chaotic little shit who runs circles around my friends. I do my best to give support when needed whether it be mentally or with a technical issue but I'm sure you knew this stuff before because we are friends on here. Though I will say I am depressed and that may impact the character I may or may not get matched with.
Fun facts
I really like foxes :)
And jellyfish :))
While it's not common enough to be a hobby I do know how to sew
My favorite colors are pastel pink and yellow
Well I prefer a cottagecore aesthetic for myself I actually don't prefer that in a partner.
I'm not a Neuvillette main but my autistic ass will go off about water (different bottles of water have completely different tastes you cannot change my mind)(also cold water tastes sharp and warm water tastes round I will not be taking criticism on this)
I don't have a green thumb per se because all my plants are suffering but they stubbornly cling on to life no matter how much I neglect them.
If you need more you know where to find me
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@ you loce cottage core, and your hobbies are stuff like crochet and watercoloring. Its cute and i feel like Arlecchino matches that somehow??
@ listen, she is much more softer than she looks. She loves the kids and does really care about them, i think this cute little domestic life would fit her and would also be a dream for her
@ although she grows the kids into the fatui, she loves them dearly, can't show it tho-
@ but anyway--imagine sitting side by side near a fireplace while she reads a book and you do your thing beside her. No talking, just enjoying each others company
@ loooves to do domestic things with you, like cooking together, baking a cake, reading a book, crochet or bathing together.
@ i think she can do embroidery and crochet but not so good-teach her, she will actually listen. She's a little tsundere but she'll listen and she will learn pretty fast.
@ it's important that the twins and freminet like you, they visit quite often or she visits them. If they don't like you, or any of the kids in the house of the hearth, she would be quite skeptical about you then
@ lucky for you cause...they love you, duh?? Who wouldn't.
@ you're very parental, you give great comfort and you like to play with the kids.
@ and Arlecchino loves to watch lol
@ now to your depressed state. She will take it very seriously and will tell you so many times to rest and take care. She would give you the best tea from liyue, only the best watercolors from Fontaine, and the best baked goods so you can relax.
@ she would also leave you your space if needed. It wouldn't really bring her down, she would just be worried about you, but as a strong woman she wouldn't show it to you, that would only bring YOU down.
@ so dw, daddy Arlecchino will take care of everything. And if someone bothers you...well...you know...
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@ listen it was hard for hsr ok---
@ for some reason I see you with Gepard---
@ also for the same reasons as Arlecchino, the little domestic life won't go out of my head for you-and Gepard also fits this
@ like-he comes home from work, also brought some goods from the bakery so you both can enjoy some sweets after dinner (which you both prepare together) and then after dinner and dessert you both cuddle on the couch while watching the snowflakes dance outside Belobog
@ if you ever decide to crochet him idk socks or something, he will wear them with pride. Even if they're pink with glitter, he ADORES them.
@ wears them under his gear lol. Like Belebog is cold he appreciates any warmth that he gets. And what is warmer than your love~♡
@ (I'm disgusting-)
@ super shy, we all know, so it took him a bit to gain the confidence to ask you out- I can see you being friends with Serval so--Imagine asking out the friend of your sister?? Yeah I'd piss myself too-
@ but Serval was pretty supportive sooo dw, it all worked out very well
@ ans Lynx is also not complaining with you so the relationship is blessed ♡
@ helps around the house, he was raised good :)
@ also, if he has every a free day and you have to work, he takes care of the things at home and cooks for you ♡♡♡
@ also runs you a bath. Spends his entire day making you smile when you come home.
@ very overprotective too. Can't stand seeing you sad or having a bad day or depressed episode, so he does everything in his power to change that
@ even if it means for him to act like a complete idiot just to see a smile, cause trust me, he would
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diavolosbaby · 1 year
Hi! So, I saw your Teen!MC being comforted by Simeon post, and I really loved that. I've gone through abuse Luke that from my family my entire life, and quite frankly that post made me cry bc it was very well written🥹So, I was wondering if you could write something similar for more characters? If this makes you uncomfortable feel free to delete this btw😅
Sure :)
I'll do Luke, Barbatos, Satan, and Leviathan :)
Abuse Comfort
Characters: Luke, Barbatos, Satan, Leviathan
Genre: Angst,comfort
Format: headcanons, mini fic
Pronouns if used: they/them
- When you tell him, he doesn't believe it. He would have never guessed someone as bright as you went through something so dark.
- actually starts to tear up, he's sad that you went through something so sad
- hugs your waist and nuzzles his head in your stomach, whining about how he's sorry
- actually says some things about your family, not so nice things but still very appropriate (he's still luke)
- he's mad and sad at your family, but the way you're comforting him and not the other way around makes him even more mad and sad at himself
"Waaaaaaaah! How could humans be so mean! Mean to someone like you too! Its not fair you didn't deserve that...sniff.... Theyre more demon-like than anything I've seen in the Devildom... Must be if they treat you so bad...im sorry MC...sniff"
- listens very closely, making eye contact with you or looking directly at you if you avoid his gaze
- very minimal touches while you explain, its meant to be a soft gesture of comfort. He hopes you get that
- when you're done he slides his gloved hand over your head smoothing down your hair
- he plants a kiss to your forehead and then leans his own against it, taking a breath before speaking with closed lids
- You can't tell whether he's angry or sad for you, he tries to hide it very well but you still saw his slightly furrowed brows and slight frown
"My dear MC, how anyone could treat you like that is beyond me. Please leave those memories behind you. Here in the Devildom, here with me... It will be better. I will be better. You will never receive such treatment again. Please believe me."
- he had his hand over yours before you even started, sensing the tension
- he squeezed your hand a bit, not enough to hurt you but enough for you to notice
- he was mad, angry, furious, that ANYONE could treat you like that, could be so heartless
- but he knew tight now you didn't need someone to protect you. What was done was done. Right now you needed comfort, and you trusted him with that -he gently wrapped his hands around your head and led you towards his chest, you didn't put up a fight
- played with your hair while he whispered sweet nothings to you, except these sweet nothings were sweet somethings, because they did mean something to the both of you
"That... Is terrible. So terrible. I don't... Understand how humans could do that to their own children. And we're the demons...i apologize MC. I'm... Sorry. You didn't deserve that, you were only a child... Their child and they treat you so horrid... It's despicable, truly.."
- paused his game when he saw you were serious
- gave you his full attention, his mouth slightly agape and eyes widened as his brows furrowed in worry as he listened
- took him a moment to take it all in but when he did all he felt at that moment was sorry for you.
- asks if he can hug you and when you say yes he hugs really tight, its awkward but you can feel his worry and determination to make you feel better
- not the best at comforting but will you for your sake
"What... Are you... For real...? Uh... C-can I hug you... MC...? Ok, alright. Uh.. Sorry. I just don't get it. Humans are so supposed to be, well, humane. Thats like the total opposite... Totally unfair to you MC I'm sorry...um..well, I hope my brothers and I can be a better family to you MC...i mean it, alright?"
Again sorry this took so long and hope you liked it :)
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aingeal98 · 8 months
hiii i consider u a cass expert and since this has been eating at my brain for a few years at this point; do you have any thoughts on the way cain's poor excuse for parenting impacted cass on more of a cognitive/developmental level? like children need stimuli of all kind that she clearly didnt get even outside of literacy and social interaction and i think its super interesting to explore how cass has complicated relationships with things most people take for granted (like... did cain allow her to have any toys? to play any games other than the "two for flinching" thing? does she struggle with the fine motor skill needed for writing bc she really didnt have smth similar? omg is she ok?? i want to peel her like an onion so badly) sorry for brain vomiting over here i have thoughts and feelings about cass cain and its incurable
Anon you've come to the right place for incurable thoughts and feelings about Cassandra Cain! And you raise such a good point like there's no way Cain's abuse didn't leave her with more than just aphasia, illiteracy, cptsd, all the emotional issues... OK well he left her with a lot of stuff but still! You're definitely right that there's more. I'm no expert but one thing I know how to do is ramble about Cass, so:
In flashbacks we see young Cass doing a jigsaw of a rose in the dojo Cain's raising her in, which makes me think he did want to find ways to make sure her cognitive skills functioned even without words. Of course this is just me theorising but in terms of toys I think he would have carefully selected things that would stimulate her brain and improve her motor skills even without reading and writing. The image of David Cain carefully buying Jenga and Operation and making sure all the packaging with words on it never reaches Cass is now permenantly stuck in my head so thank you for that.
I do think she was definitely deprived of a lot though, and things like the jigsaw were clearly meant to be filler stuff for her before the actual fun games like "getting shot and dodging the next few bullets". I don't think Cain would have ever wanted Cass to be relaxed and comfortable enough to actually fully enjoy playing with toys, you know? If she was actually able to find things like jigsaws meaningful and fulfilling then his conditioning of her to associate getting shot with "fun game of dodgeball" wouldn't have been as successful. Cass may not have liked two for flinching but she did love the fighting and the dodging. Any thoughts of "why am I in pain when I could just be playing Jenga" would have never been allowed enter Cass's head. Which would be easy enough because (understandably so given the isolation) Cass looked up to Cain and got joy and fulfilment from seeing him smile. He doesn't care if she finished the jigsaw other than getting angry/worried if she fails. Whereas being able to assemble and break apart a gun while blind makes him light up with happiness/pride. So naturally, even with Cain making sure her brain isn't TOO different for her not to be able to function as the perfect weapon, she would still be deprived of important cognitive skills and stimuli.
The writing specific fine motor skills would definitely be impacted imo because while her training makes sure her hands can work a massive variety of weapons and probably permenantly injure a man in multiple places with each finger, writing is such a specific task that only comes naturally to us because we learned it so young. It can be learned later in life of course but the natural act of holding a pen and writing would feel so alien to Cass. And that's before you factor in her dyslexia like no wonder we only saw her pick up a pen once 😭 Cass being able to write the alphabet with any sort of ease and lack of intense focus would be a massive accomplishment given David Cain's fuckery.
And just in general being so isolated for most of her childhood would have impacted her brain so badly like even without the autism Cass must have been in overstimulated sensory hell after leaving Cain. So many voices talking, which she'd never heard before. So many smells and sounds and new textures and sights that are too intense for her eyes to handle. She missed out on an entire world and only got to start experiencing it when she was 8, that's got to have a longterm impact. I think as well as autism Bruce and Barbara had her tested for adhd due to all the symptoms she displayed. Doctors aren't clear if she actually has it or if its something different brought on by her upbringing. She spent nine years homeless and travelling so she's more adjusted than she was at the start but there's still times that the whole world just goes blurry and whoops panic attack time need to find an empty place and hide.
I'll stop here so I don't rant forever but thank you for giving me the chance to yell about head. canons and theories. Cass is indeed the most fascinating onion, and the layers are endless. Feel free to rant in my inbox whenever you want I love hearing other people's thoughts on her!
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betterfettered · 1 year
Hello! Are you doing alright? If it's ok, could I please request the brothers' reaction to their darling being a reincarnation of their s/o?
For context I imagine that they and darling would have probably had a relationship from back when they were angels, but it was cut short when darling died during the celestial war (probably either killed while rebelling or just didn’t survive the fall). However, after becoming demons, they met darling’s new incarnation, and the uncanny similarities led to both the realization of the reincarnation thing and also a really weird dynamic because, while it was a break up via death and not either of them actually wanting to stop being the other’s s/o, darling doesn't have any memories as their s/o since, y'know, death and all, so in their mind darling is basically like “Who are you and how do you know so much about me?” (Unless they wanna try doing some weird soul stuff to jog their memory but in obey me cannon it seems like memories from past lives are only recovered upon death so not sure how that would work out)
Also, I realize that this scenario wouldn’t really work with Satan due to him being the only of the brothers who isn’t a former angel, so you can feel free to not include him if you like! Thank you in any case, and I hope you have a lovely day!
Hello my dear sweet anon. This ask plays really nicely off of another ask I got and I sort of want to do them together because it was fun to consider both at the same time, so I'm going to smoosh them together if that's alright with you! Here that ask is:
a request 🥹 pov the brothers had a ONS with a vampire mc (who lives on earth, didn't get chosen for the programm but since the realms are more connected it's easier for them to travel between them because magic n shit) so how would they react if they heard rumors of them being a vampire and meet them again per chance?? also they could rival them in strength so how would their obsession go? sorry this is so long, this could be a whole fanfic on it's own lmao but i'm 2 lazy
This response will be a little unusual since it's a mix of ideas from both of these (e.g. it'll be a long term relationship instead of an ons, the angel will be a vampire instead, the brother will have become yandere after they became a demon), so if either of you don't like the way it turns out feel free to resubmit your ask and I can answer it on its own!
(Gn!reader x AMAB!yandere)(noncon)(gaslighting)(18+ readers only please, mdni)[This is fetish content and rape and abuse are disgusting and inexcusable in real life.]
Lucifer as an angel is about as proud as usual so I think he'd be kind of pissed about vampire darling being just as strong as he is LOL In fact, I can kind of see that being how the very beginnings of his obsession with this darling would form, he's training a lot so that he actually is stronger than they are and can put them in their place. He'd be very interested in vampire darling's life, I think, and not necessarily judgmental of it, similarly to how he was just curious about "Sully" in the first game after he cornered him for not being an angel.
Meeting an MC that was a reincarnation of his lost vampire darling, Yandere!Lucifer would probably try to play it cool at first, especially because the exchange program is so important for the devildom. As his obsession gets reignited, however, he is more and more likely to orchestrate a situation where MC is forced to stay by him and obey him, no matter how long it takes to do so. Because he "broke up" with vampire darling by them dying, he's going to be extremely controlling almost immediately, because he wants to protect them as much as possible. As usual, he isn't really all that concerned about your opinion on the relationship because in his mind you are meant to be together. If you're creeped out by him knowing so much - good. All the more reason for you to listen to what he says.
Mammon would also not do well with a vampire darling that's as strong as him and would constantly take opportunities to show off how strong he is or insist that he needs to do things for them because they are too dainty to do it themself LOL He would constantly ask super ridiculous stuff about vampire darling, including mixing up various legends and asking them stuff like if he should stay away during a full moon. At the same time, Mammon is pretty subby so he would be drooling every time they put him in his place.
Considering that Yandere!Mammon is already eager for any pretext at all to be all over MC, MC being his reincarnated darling will be license to do whatever he wants regardless of if he is explaining that to you or his brothers. He'll occupy all of your time and never leave you alone with any of the others, and at first it might be pleasant because Mammon is taking you to do things that he knows you like. Once it becomes clear how deep his obsession with you really runs, though, it would probably begin to sink in how creepy/unhealthy it is. Mammon also doesn't really pay much attention to the fact that he is further along in this relationship than you are. To you, he's a stranger; to him, you're a part of him. He'll be pouncing on you before you can even remember which room is his.
When he is an angel, vampire darling will probably the person who got the closest to Leviathan before MC -- he's so painfully negative after losing his purpose as admiral that someone sticking with him anyway would really open him up to a deep connection. It's so interesting to imagine this because before he cloistered himself away as an otaku, it would probably be possible for vampire darling to have a really normal relationship with a bf who seems just kind of reserved L)L As for vampire darling being stronger, Leviathan dreams of them stepping on him every day and could not be happier. It would probably take a long time for him to reveal all the little fantasies he has about both them being a vampire and being stronger than him, but he'd have them immediately .
No one can convince me that Yandere!Leviathan hasn't turned at least a third of his brain to applesauce due to extensive exposure to hentai, so I'm betting that he has already been taken with vampy kinks for a while when reincarnated MC shows up. He would feel so awkward and miserable when he realizes that he knows you and you don't know him, so his obsession with you would really grow in the dark of his room. Him looking at vampire dom/mes with glossy pleather boots and blood dripping down their bare chests and pretending that they are you. This would probably create a negative feedback loop where he says creepy things, you get a little weirded out and distance yourself, he craves your company and fantasizes about having it more, which makes him tell you creepy things about what he wants to do with you, which makes you distance yourself. He will eventually get jealous enough that he either locks you away from everyone else you talk to or he lashes out at you. He just wants to feel safe and wanted again. Whatever the cost.
(For Satan, we can just imagine it's earlier in his life when he's just learning about what feelings are vs. Later) Satan lowkey likes for his partner to take control, so wouldn't mind vampire darling being stronger as long as they don't tease him about it or flaunt it. In fact, i think he'd feel so much relief knowing that if he gets way too angry his darling isn't in danger, it would make him feel secure in a way he rarely does (read: in a way that he can grow addicted to). While one might expect him to read all he can about vampires to try and study them academically, I don't think Satan would actually look at vampire darling in that way. At first he just sees them as another creature in a world full of them, and by the time he feels gripped by the desire to know everything about them, he would already know a good amount about vampires.
With reincarnated MC, things would be awkward awkward awkward. Yandere!Satan will never know what to say or how to express himself around you, which would make him anxious as hell (read: angry). Because you'd always put him in a bad mood, I imagine your relationship with him would start as him bullying you because he hates that something about you always makes him act so odd. He'd also be so blindsighted that he would begin obsessively trying to learn about humans to get a better handle on the situation. If/when you submit to the bullying and let him have his way in all of your interactions, that is when you'll see the true yan tendencies start to appear. Now that you have accepted your place in the hierarchy, he can begin training you on other aspects of how he'd like you to behave.
NGL i am crying imagining reincarnated MC finally standing up to Satan and him just rolling over like a puppy because with vampire darling that was the way of things
Asmodeus is the ultimate switch so he would think a vampire darling that's stronger than him would be so fun to fuck. Trying to surprise and one up each other would be really arousing to him. But then the more mornings they spend together, cuddling and talking about nothing at all, the more he'd be entranced by them and want to spend more time with them (the more mornings they spend together). Meeting someone that felt superior to him in some way would make it so easy for him to get wrapped up in their relationship and grow comfortable with it.
Reincarnated MC fills an emptiness in Yandere!Asmodeus' life that he pretends he doesn't have, grief over losing vampire darling. He would likely be upfront that you are his reincarnated darling and that he wants to fall in love with you all over again; no reason to be shy since there's no one who can resist him, he's basically doing you a favor. If you say you don't want to be with him or he's scaring you or other "confused" things like that, it's fine: he doesn't mind persisting until you learn better than to say that you are not are in love with him. Eventually you will admit how you really feel, and he is willing to fuck you as many times as necessary to help you with your honesty :) Beelzebub would love a darling that's stronger than him because he'd want to train with them a lot. He isn't really competitive about his strength (yknow how in NB on the homescreen he compliments Diavolo on being strong and then says he wants to work out with him?) so he'd be really inspired by them. He doesn't see a really big difference between vampires and angels, except that maybe sometimes they'll need to borrow his blood? Imagine him really trying to eat as much as possible days before he knows vampire MC will want to drink his blood so he doesn't pass out and worry them. I can really imagine Yandere!Beelzebub meeting reincarnated MC, immediately treating you like vampire darling and hurting you by accident. He'd feel so, so guilty that he would stay by your side 24/7, and the entire time think about how fragile you are now and how easy it would be to hurt you. How you need him to protect you. At first, he'll just want to know where you're going, then he wants to walk you to and from every where you go, then he'll want to keep an eye on you 24/7, then he'll just want you to stay in his room where you're safe. Belphegor would be immediately delighted by a vampire darling, because he loves new experiences and people really different from himself hence why he loved visiting the human world so much. That difference from himself is what would make him more drawn to them than normal, almost to the point of fixation, but he'd be mostly manageable as an angel because of his milder personality. He doesn't mind vampire darling being stronger than him at all; he didn't particularly pride himself on his physical strength any way.
When reincarnated!MC shows up, Yandere!Belphegor would set up romantic dates between the two of you so he can refresh your memory of him, but he'll get frustrated pretty quick when it doesn't work as well as he wants it to and you don't fall as madly in love with him as he is with you. Belphegor is one of the most likely to express his obsession insisting on being cruel to you just to make you feel small and his. I think he'd express his frustration that things aren't easy between the two of you by trying to break you and make you cry, at least until he feels like you're taking him seriously. I hope you enjoyed!!! These asks together were so interesting to think about, and really picked my brain. Send in more asks, my ask box is growing empty!
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overwatchfics · 2 years
can you do Shimadas taking care of their sick s/o? 🥺
A/N: Reformatted this so it fit your request lmao sorry this is late, but hope you're feeling better homie!
He feels like such a mother hen, he takes care of you like no other
I headcannon that Hanzo brews a mad cup of tea, he'll put every ounce of effort in brewing the best cup for you
He won't get too close to you at first, but if you're ABSOLUTELY miserable he'll hold your hand and rub soothing patterns into your back and arms
He'll begrudgingly do his goofy fisherman's dance if you really need something to cheer you up
Or he'll tell you the good memories of his childhood growing up in Shimada castle, of how he'd seen Genji sneaking treats to Kiriko in their youth.
Ok enough, he doesn't care if he gets sick anymore, Hanzo doesn't like seeing you in any discomfort, so he'll get under the blankets with you and hold you.
He'll prepare some hot soup with crackers on the side.
If you have long hair he'll loosely braid it and card his fingers through it.
Headache? He'll lightly massage your scalp to get you to relax.
Even if you look like shit he'll still call you beautiful
I feel like he has a fondness for novellas or TV dramas and he'll quietly murmur under his breath Oh no she did not
He'll put these dramas on tv for you two to watch and honestly watching Hanzo's reaction is more entertaining than the show itself
He'll grab a cool wash clothes and wipe the sweat from your face and keep you clean.
If you have to go to the doctors, he'll hold your hand through the process
Both Shimadas have a massive fear of the doctor's office and you can't convince me otherwise
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He can't catch any illnesses so cuddles?
Having a cyborg ninja boyfriend comes with its perks and one of them being he can control his body temperature.
Hot fever? That's alright he's got his cooling system on
Too cold? And blankets make you sweat too much. Butt warming technology activated (Like in those leather seats in cars)
Aside from this he panics if you have a nasty illness and he goes to Angela on how to best take care of you
Since its winter he'll get you involved in some silly arts and crafts, and you can bet he makes you a cut out of paper snowflakes
Can't really cook, so he'll order some take out (Mostly soup)
Genji has tried to cook a few times (the few times he has, it was so bad even Moira said it was unethical)
I feel Genji would also have a small gaming set up and he'd play a single player game with story so you could enjoy the story with him
I'm getting carried away with random Genji hcs lemme get back on track
He would buy you two matching fuzzy pajamas and socks so you could suffer in comfort with him looking a little goofy in his pjs
Not the best brewer but he can make a decent cup just for you
As much as he hated cough medicine himself, he'll make sure you'll take it
GENJI WOULD BE THE TYPE TO GO "Here comes the airplane prrrrrrrrrrrrrb!" and poke at your lips with the spoon until you relent
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Kiriko would just pocket you. End of story.
Lmao no I wouldn't do that to you
Her Ofuda is primarily used to heal fresh wounds and usually trauma injuries (Bullets wounds, tears, slices, bruising, etc) not illnesses
When you fall ill, she could care less about getting sick since the fox spirit kinda protects her from trivial stuff like that.
Kiriko cuddles are on the table, she'll curl up with you on the couch and if you'd like she'll give you shoulder rubs (Spoiler: They're fucking amazing)
She would take you to the bathroom and wash and dry your hair while softly humming or singing a light tune
she'd blow dry the hair and massage the scalp to release any pent up stress and the vapor from the hot water would help the illness
Kiriko asks her mom for some soup recipes. A good ol family recipe is good for the soul
She totally has an apron that says "Kiss the Kamori"
She tries to heal with the ofuda to help ease any aching or pain you're in
She hates seeing you so miserable and does what she can to put a smile on your face
Even if that means telling embarrassing stories of Hanzo and Genji that they'd rather you not know about
Or blowing raspberries lmfao she doesn't care if you're sick, she's blowing them on your neck or stomach regardless. It really just ends up into cuddling
Once she quiets down, she'll just pull you into her arms and ask if you're alright.
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