#he wont let monster win he would die by her hands if needed
empty-dream · 8 months
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[The Einsem] shows people phantoms of the dead to lure them in. They're illusions of people very dear to them.
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hei-ch0u · 3 years
It’s long...(fair warning) ✰
 Shingeki no Kyojin 139 (Theories)
Since everyone is throwing around their theories from the wild to the more likely, I thought I should contribute. After all, it will be the last time we can theorise this amazing manga full of all its twists and turns. Like most, I do agree with the popular fan theories simply because this manga is consistently unpredictable with each chapter. Let’s face it, some stories are easily picked apart these days and finding one that continuously has you thinking about what could occur is a winning tale. So first, I will start off by saying that I am so sad that Shingeki no Kyojin is coming to an end. But! I will never forget this amazing manga as I have grown so attached to the characters and the story as you can tell from the past nearly 9 years of running this blog. So, thank you yams for being such a genius! Regardless of the ending, it will go down in history as one of the best stories I personally have ever read and witnessed.
With typical fan theories, I won’t go into them too much as I feel the concept of the “time loop” has been written about to filth and I think it is very blatantly clear at this point that the concept of a time loop is very likely in one way or another given the overall concept within aot/snk in general - there is a obvious manipulation of past, present and future. I will hold my hands up and say that I definitely do agree with ‘some’ popular fan theories and will list a fair few below in brief detail - as I do think they are highly likely to be true in some way or at least implied within the last chapter. Now, with the usual leak dates coming up on the horizon, I wanted to put my input in before hand. Although, because of recent prosecution warnings for leaking the final chapter - I would advise others just to wait for the 9th of April on official release for concrete facts rather than speculations and leaks simply because we have seen with past few chapters that a lot of false spoilers get released and I think with the final chapter it would be wise to wait as I have previously stated on here that it will be the ‘revelation’ chapter that ties this manga together.
So! With the typical fan theories, we see the likes of:
Eren being the baby daddy to Historia’s baby
Eren sacrificing his reason for living - freedom. By being the greater evil to bring about the greater good
The baby itself could become the new beast titan or baby Eren/Ymir reborn
Eren isn’t dead, but on Paradis by way of transferring his subconscious into a crystallised version of himself
Eren and Ymir have struck a deal
And of course - the time loop concept
…The list is endless of popular fan theories. It would be silly not to agree with any of them given the story and where we are currently at, its very clear that Historia, Eren and Ymir will play a big part somehow in the final chapter (if not id be genuinely shocked) since majority of the past few chapters they have been absent in full form and I feel this needs to be explained. After all we still haven’t seen the full extent of the memories of past/future that Eren was aware of from his contact with Historia and his connection with Ymir in Paths. We saw 137 being predominantly Armin based, 138 being Mikasa based and I think it is only reasonable given his absence as the initial protagonist that Eren will be the revelation within 139. Ultimately culminating EMA / the trio as a whole. We began with them, so it only makes sense to end with them (albeit separately as individuals).
Moving on, as you can see I agree with said fan theories as I think any route could be possible! The thing with Shingeki no Kyojin is that it has many hidden ‘Easter eggs’ (how fitting given its easter), whether it be in the background of scenes, characters wording, placement of scenes/characters, flashbacks, paths and even in the opening and ending credits of the anime we see hidden meanings through imagery. It has all been laid out very well for our finding, its just if we have an intuitive enough imagination to pick it apart and figure things out. This leads on to my own theory/theories (it can go any way and I wont sugarcoat it - I could be reaching)
I generally have 2 theories that run about in my head with how the story itself could turn out or how it works. Both theories kind of tie together in one way or another featuring predominantly Eren and then Mikasa or overall ‘Ackerman’ blood/gene concept and its potential involvement in control of said time loop. I will do my best to include manga panels to give visual insight to the points.
To begin, I want to touch on Mikasa's “dream” in 138 - although devastating, I think it is being taken as the opposite of what it was and personally I see many looking at it through rose tinted glasses. This wasn’t an alternative universe (in my opinion), this was Mikasa’s Ideal life - her dream. When it comes to Eren as a connection to Mikasa, he is her reason for being, even in death she chooses not to part with him for her own good and creates a dreamlike reality for herself to make herself go through with the deed. She as a character has dominantly surrounded her existence on Eren, he is categorised many times within the manga as ‘home’ - like other fan theories have stated, it has been mentioned many times Mikasa referencing the word ‘home’ and also how she wants to ‘be close to him’ because it gives her comfort and strength. The Ackermans as a whole have attachments to people and this is where they ultimately gain strength from. Without any of the Ackermans ‘attachments’ being in danger or being killed, their powers wouldn’t be awakened and without them I feel their strength almost weakens until they find a new reason for living to keep moving forward. I’ll touch more on the ‘Ackerman’ theory later as its one of the open loopholes still currently alive within the manga.
Mikasa has always been a character that confuses me, particularly with the way she acts and things she says or thinks. She has said many things that don’t make sense unless she has a certain belief system or knows of things from past lives.
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As you can see and I will produce more evidence of such comments further in. She implies that she either believes in reincarnation or she is aware of different periods within the said time loop. She speaks of starting over, being dead and returning and implies in different ways that she is scared of the same thing happening again. The last panel - what plan is she on about here? Her own plan. In my opinion it is - "Don't let Eren die". As we have seen, that may be what has to happen. It's fate. She interferes with this and never lets him go.
Mikasa does have an unhealthy bond with Eren, I do think he loves her ( I’m not dismissing that ) but do I think its the type of intense love she feels? no. Some things she has came out with has even shocked other characters and countless times her comrades have tried to ‘break the barrier’ to get her to realise her way of thinking when it comes to Eren is unhealthy. Hence why I think we seen Jean in this particular scene below so frustrated
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not because he himself has feelings for her, but because she’s not letting them get through to her that she is refusing to believe Eren could ultimately be a changed person (which he definitely is, I’ll not go into my rant of why he isn’t ‘evil or a ‘monster’ because i’ve done so already) but overall, Mikasa constantly makes excuses for Eren and doesn’t recognise it, her life revolves around being close to Eren and she gets very emotionally troubled at the idea of not being with him or him ultimately taking a path that doesn’t involve her. We even seen Annie question her and this wasn't many chapters ago and she replies with the same mindset of bringing back "the old Eren". He is not the person he once was particularly as a child. Something that is implied at beginning of manga, it opens with them as children and somehow links with 138.
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As stated by Armin below we see him even explaining to Mikasa that Eren’s never close, he always takes his own route and that ultimately both Armin and Mikasa aren’t his reason for living. Let’s face it - Freedom is Eren’s reason for being, his only desire. Armin has also expressed disbelief and almost frustration at her way of thinking when it comes to him (below examples) I think in a way the famed ‘table scene’ was Eren trying to break the bond, but he’s not doing that for no reason, its implied he does it to protect them, but it could also be because of what he has seen in memories past and future - he has perhaps became aware of Mikasa’s involvement within paths and the loop. He has to try to alter her way of thinking to protect her, but maybe also himself.
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Armin + Other comrades reactions to Mikasa’s mindset 
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Another visual point to make regarding Mikasa’s ties with previous loops and Armin, was her comment made about him at a very early stage in the manga just after Eren had been eaten by a titan after saving Armin - leaving his fate at this point unknown. 
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this is implying that Mikasa has some knowledge of previous times Armin has helped them with his ‘ability’ which if we are referencing him as a character is his methodical intelligence. But, even here he is confused by the comment, simply because at this point there has been no signs of Armin’s usage of this ability - mainly fear and lack of confidence with that in comparison of his peers. We don’t necessarily see this until perhaps even a chapter later and as far as we are aware, Mikasa doesn't follow through with “i’ll tell you about it later”.
I don’t know about anyone else, but it seems odd she has such an attachment to Eren like this that is so intense. It’s not normal to be as intense as she is about someone unless she is used to losing that person over and over. Even as children Mikasa acted possessive over the ‘concept’ of Eren dying - it wasn’t allowed to happen. She doesn’t have this intense reaction with Armin or other comrades. She fixates on the idea of Eren being her saviour, the one to give her a ‘home’ and a ‘purpose’. Mikasa consistently opposes his death and his death alone, I can only see this from a standpoint that deep within her own memory she has experienced his death countless times before. She even uses force a couple of times to increase this intensity. Here are some examples of this even in childhood -
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There are many more examples of this throughout the manga and her refusal to accept that what she doesn’t want, may just happen. Now this might just be my over active imagination or my own ability of media studies kicking in. But, previously I had been under the impression in the presence of a time loop that Eren was in charge of it and controlling it, that somehow it would constantly reoccur when he himself died and he would have to come up with a way to either prevent his death or ultimately stop the timeline of the titans. Whether that be under making a deal with Ymir herself or by essentially “breaking the wheel” and turning others against him to show Eldians as triumphant heroes.
However, the more i’ve thought about it and given the revelations of 138 - i would be more inclined to say it is Mikasa Ackerman herself due to either her specifically or her Ackerman gene. There is something about the bloodline that is missing and we have not had the fabled Ackertalk or much explanation of how they work (something I’d like to see covered in 139 - although i feel it will be an Eren chapter, I also think it will include the visions Eren has seen to give an explanation of why the previous 138 chapters played out the way they did)
I think there is a possibility Eren had to break the wheel on the loop,  Mikasa would go back each time and always Eren would die, something we’ve established she tries to prevent and never accepts. The only escape was her accepting his death therefore he did everything he could to push her away, break the bond and push her to kill him to end the cycle (since he’s seen the future). As I have a hunch previously in other loops he was not killed by her hand - it had to be her to break the cycle or vice versa (but we will get to this).
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there is hints of this in the “Lost Girls” OVA. Yes, I am aware it’s said that OVAS are not necessarily canon per say, but I don’t think it would have so many open links if Isayama himself didn't want it to. This particular one gives many hints to Mikasa’s involvement in the loop and alternative universe theories. The anime adaptations are on point with showing us details we only recognise after more plot points are revealed. It may explain the headaches, every time Eren dies, she reverses the loop or changes realities. This ailment could be a product of her memory issues. In the OVA we see Mikasa in real time thinking about Eren and his constant state of taking his own path.
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After this moment, the said “Scene” she speaks of is revealed to us. Another example of Mikasa’s dreamlike state or perhaps another timeline? We are taken back to the time where she had given up, had ran out of gas, a titan was approaching and she was ‘lost’ - her reason for being was gone and she knew her death was coming, but also in the manga during this scene she is “worried” she’ll have to start again (above in examples). This again implies she knows something we don’t. We then hear Mikasa’s voice speaking to Mikasa herself, telling her that if she simply didn’t like this reality she could choose the place she wanted, but as we have seen before - she can’t stop his death.
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The peculiar scene in this OVA that got me intrigued by this theory is the masked figure and young mikasa scene. Mikasa is rushing to meet with Eren and Armin to escape the walls in a hot air balloon, but she has to be there by a certain time or the plan fails. As she is running she is stopped by a mysterious masked figure who asks her to join in on his hypnotism trick to spectators. Comments he makes involve him telling her that her ‘friend’ will ultimately leave her and that she couldn’t accept his death and created this universe. Also, that he is no one, but someone at the same time. I think this holds great significance since the strange thing about this is that his voice mirages into a distant adult Mikasa.
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implying that she has to ‘kill’ a part of herself or she has to die to prevent and hault the loop. She has to return from her idealistic dreams of keeping him alive as it will only fail otherwise. Upon hearing of Eren’s yet again untimely death within this universe, she begins to have memory flashes of multiple scenes appearing within her eyes with a typical media ‘rewind’ sound as she wakes up back in the street with no gas and a titan approaching but... she says something I find interesting and links to what Eren says at the beginning of the manga 
“the feeling I’ve had a really long dream”
We witness Mikasa have these “headaches” multiple times within the manga and in the anime they are heavily focused on whenever it happens, which we can only recognise that this is an important part of the story itself. Eren too has random headaches, just not as much as Mikasa, he mainly experiences them when he accesses new memories. However, what if Mikasa too is affected by memories she cannot tap into or it is paths/ackerman gene warning her she is repeating past mistakes?
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Notice how there is a lot of emphasis on the word ‘again’ when it comes to her headaches or the thought of losing Eren. It is constantly repeated. I think it is highly likely she only remembers some parts from previous loops, but the one that sticks is simply - she has to save Eren each time, but fails. Everything begins again after his or her’s demise. Perhaps each time Eren is the one who dies first, creating a somewhat butterfly effect. That maybe Mikasa has died once like she implies in previous example. However, the one to die first (in this case primarily Eren) loses all memories of the past loops - again this is implied as Eren does tell Mikasa he cannot remember his dream. I think deep within his mind Mikasa does remember, but given the fact she has potentially reversed the outcome many times...her memory is simply warped - that or she died in the previous loop and lost those components. 
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Will she not remember due to her memories being altered in her death?
Either way something needs to change. Eren Kruger says this in Eren’s attack titan memories. They are doing something wrong.
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I believe Eren in 138 within Mikasa’s dream, was trying to tell her to move on, not necessarily forget him, but at least accept his passing - to stop the loop reoccurring, he influenced part of her reality...maybe with the help of Ymir. In a way it could be implied Eren almost regrets wrapping the scarf around her (this is heavily emphasised as a symbol of their relationship), for me the scarf seems like a softer symbolism for a chain - a binding if you will. By wrapping it round Mikasa he binds her to him. He has always insisted she should throw it away, even in 138 within her own conjured reality he says the same. She needs to kill this part of herself or “the same history” will be repeated. I do have a HUGE feeling in my heart, head and gut that Mikasa may need to end up dead first as I do have another HUGE feeling that Eren is not dead (maybe its wishful thinking, but his death doesn’t make sense right now, so Yams I trust in you for explanation). His death seemed too convenient.
Now, before I go onto “Ackerman” gene factors, I’ll briefly bring in another peculiarity I have always had about a particular scene in the beginning of the manga. After it is decided Eren will carry the boulder to plug the wall, Eren (the attack titan) seemingly loses control and succumbs to pure rage, in turn he attacks Mikasa. Something he hasn’t done against humans unless its free will.
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However, a part of me has always felt that this could be the attack titan itself (in past inhabitants and memories) recognising her as a threat and trying to rid her of the world first to avoid the loop of Eren dying first to Mikasa controlling the loop to return to try to save Eren - nothing changes. This is what I meant by “breaking the wheel”, we have saw it in other tales, things can’t change unless you choose a different path than the same one with the same brutal cycle. As Kruger says, to save Mikasa and Armin, Eren has to change things - this could be to separate not only Armin, but Mikasa from him, that maybe in previous loops...they follow him. In this instance, he has definitely separated Armin and by way of second hand - Mikasa too. Hence why Ymir says goodbye to Eren in 138, he is free. Another notable concept is that aot/snk is made up of trios, we see it in:
Eren / Mikasa / Armin
Reiner / Bertholdt / Annie
Connie / Jean / Sasha
Hanji / Erwin / Levi
Levi / Farlan / Isabel 
Kenny / Levi / Mikasa
It would partially make sense for the trio to be the reasoning for the ending. Almost illuminati based - very yams style. 
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Why not Mikasa?
Lets talk Ackerman and a slightly different theory, but with relation! 
(Obviously, I cannot provide much evidence to support any Ackerman based theories other than what has already been provided, which isn’t a lot to be fair. Dammit Yams)
I want to briefly start off on the Ackerman front with a brief comparison of our two currently known Ackermans: Levi and Mikasa. The main categorising difference between these two is that Levi moves on regardless of what happens to him or his comrades or his ‘attachments’. He also does not appear to experience these headaches, some say he does, but I can’t find evidence. Isayama shows these headaches with a throbbing sign around Mikasa’s head - so unless the Ackertalk happens and Levi confirms it, its still absent in theory. Levi treats Ackerman-ism as moving on, making choices with no regrets (as his backstory indicates) and even in current states he has said he doesn’t regret his decisions. It is why he is able to move forward and keep surviving. Its simple...his mindset is stronger than Mikasa's, she is the weaker link. This could be due to age difference and overall past experience, Levi has more life experience as an Ackerman to have mastered his emotion and reactions to outcomes - he accepts the bad. 
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Mikasa is weaker in this regard, perhaps if you link it back to the theory of her control of the loop...due to this weakness she creates the loop since she can’t accept his death and tries to return to make amends. I think in reality, Eren knows due to the attack titan ability - he will die. Hence why he appeared so shocked upon making contact with Historia to then very depressed and detached before vanishing in Marley. He became aware of the outcome and I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d be depressed too after finding out my life was made to end especially since all he wanted as a character was Freedom. Eren x Freedom will be the only canon ship at this rate.
However, I do think the only way she can create said loop is through her Ackerman gene. Ackermans are products of ‘titan science’, they were genetically engineered (if you want to put it that way) to have titan like abilities while still maintaining their human form and sense of self being. Created to protect the Fritz family (royal blood), to eventually being ostracised for their dismissal of the plan to wipe Eldian’s memories. Therefore banished, but allowed to live, I can only see there being one reason why - they would be still useful at some point and their deaths/extinction would be wasteful. 
From what we know and can tell from mere viewing, the Ackermans are very skilled and powerful beings that have ‘hosts’ or attachments (I like this name better) to channel their goals, strength and energy into. They were made to protect, fight and survive. The only surviving Ackermans are Levi and Mikasa.
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They cannot be affected by the founding titan and their memories cannot be altered. But, this brings about another question. Why were they created to protect the founding titan, yet could not be controlled by it? The theory with this bloodline is that they can do more than what we see, that they themselves don’t know it yet. One in particular can alter realities - that being Mikasa (as we don’t have mass amounts of information on Levi’s experiences other than his surge of power awakenings demonstrated throughout the manga to confirm his part) due to fact Levi really only knew he was an Ackerman within his 30′s after the previous Ackerman - Kenny, dies and informs him of this. Mikasa has always been aware. 
Mikasa’s ‘Power’ ultimately has something to do with the Attack Titan and the Founding titan - that being Eren and Ymir combined. In past loops, I believe each time she has seen Eren die she has said “see you later, Eren”... hence the ending of 138 and the beginning of the manga. Isayama did say the beginning would relate to the ending. Each time this happens they are transcended to the point Eren wakes up at the tree within the walls to begin once more, its the only clear explanation for why Eren comments of her hair length. The attack titan itself is the component of Ymir that captivates her freedom, it continues to move forward for 2000 years each successor until one has the power (the desire for freedom like her) to release her from enslavement to the power of the titans. In this instance Eren too has been a slave to the power, lets for arguments sake blame Grisha for passing it on to him. 
Again, with the Ackermans there is something I’ve always noticed between Levi and Mikasa - they have never touched skin to skin. It has always been over their clothing. I wonder if their Ackerman powers may stem similar to how Eren draws memories from contact with the royal family, i.e. Historia. They need to touch in order to access Paths and manifest it into their control. Eren is aware of this due to his connection to Ymir - there is heavy implied material to denote the idea of Ragnarok and reincarnation. Eren is the reincarnate of Ymir and previously I don’t think they were aware of this.
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For anyone not familiar with the term “Ragnorok” - its definition has multiple meanings in Norse mythology. Particularly - development, origin, cause, relation and fate. It is a series of events that often lead to a great battle, the deaths of multiple people of importance to the ultimate end revelation of the world being remade and fertile (the opposite of Zeke’s plan) with the remaining ‘gods’ returning and ‘two’ human survivors repopulating the world. I personally believe this to be either two of these: Levi and Mikasa or Eren and Historia by the way of Ymir as the ultimate god, but just in different ways. The Ragnorok element is particularly of importance within Germanic studies, this would connect with Shingeki no Kyojin since it is implied its set in early germany/europe and given characters name origins - it makes sense.
The two human survivors are that of Lif and Lifbrasir (shown below) who survive by ‘hiding’ in the woods while the great battle commences. 
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They repopulate the world starting with a daughter. In germanic regions, the concept of mankind originated from trees is an ancient notion “the tree of life” essentially. Trees have a massive importance and connection in Shingeki no Kyojin, we see Eren wake up at one in the beginning, the main Path coordinate resembles a tree, Ymir originated from trees and being within the woods would indicate “trees”. This would make me more inclined to believe the Eren and Historia theory to be likely, simply because Historia is all the way back in Paradis and potentially Eren himself by transferring subconscious. To me it seems very likely the leaked final panel released by Yams himself is Eren holding a child rather than anyone else as whoever this figure is tells the child they are free and this could only relate to both Ymir and Eren, the ones who sought freedom. This could mean in this instance Levi and Mikasa are the ‘gods’, the ones with the power to restore and mend, again through the concept of the Ackerman Gene being more than what meets the eye. Ymir will be reborn ultimately and no longer enslaved as will Eren. 
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Ragnarok and Shingeki no Kyojin combined have connotations of ‘fate’ being a big part of their depths. It is fated. Everything is. Just like Eren’s death and potentially ability to be reborn into another timeline. Just like Eren’s fate to obtain the founding titan and attack titan, both very powerful titans in the manipulation of time and events. Eren makes a statement around chapter 123 in Paths when talking with Zeke that if someone tried to take his freedom, no matter who, he would remove theirs. That he has been like that since birth because he was “born into this world”.
Zeke: “Since birth?”
this further implies fate. He was born free, he expresses detest for people who aren’t free and bound by something, 2000 years, Ymir etc. This only ties together if Eren himself in past lives was someone with the same views and personality traits, like Mikasa, except hers are the opposite. Paths has always been there and everything that has happened in the past is imbedded within its clutches through Ymir. These two titans needed to be combined, Grisha was informed by Eren himself through Kruger and future versions of himself that he had to obtain the founder or nothing could be changed. Grisha is even seen asking Eren to show him everything that happens, whether carla dies etc. He did not have full control, this was made for Eren’s inhabitant period and he did not have access to all memories due to only being able to access the ones the future successor sends back in time. Like the mirror scene for example, Eren is speaking to someone else, not himself. Grisha was only instructed to go within the walls and have a family. Eren was instructed to save everyone. Remember that the common rule with time is that you cannot change the past or it significantly alters the future.
I believe all the memories (the ones we are seeing even now) are actually in paths, the story has always had an indication it is being ‘narrated’ by someone - in most instances this is Armin. This has implied he will survive into the future, but that others may not. How this will happen...I can only theorise that Ymir will factor into who lives or dies. She will need to leave paths however, the only way the titan curse will end is if she leaves and no one is there to build titans. She will be either reborn to capture her freedom or reborn through Eren for them both to obtain the same dream. There has been multiple theories that some other titan other than the attack titan could be the key or another character, like that of the Ackermans or armin for example as I do think the trio concept is likely. But, remember the manga is called “Shingeki no Kyojin” meaning “the attack titan” - its always been the key and Eren is that key...again, key? Eren. scarf? Mikasa. Equals symbolism.
At the end of the day, the characters who I feel personally will tie together the ending are Eren, Ymir, Historia and Levi, Mikasa, Armin - both trios on different sides of the coin. Just remember, this isn’t the type of story where the characters get what they desire and that they could die without obtaining these desires. Erwin died before learning the truth of the outside world. Hanji died. Sasha died, Niccolo lost her. Floch did not live to see Eldian rule. Levi may have killed Zeke, but what for? He killed a different version of him, not the one who murdered innocents in Shinganshina. Levi lost every attachment of his. Mikasa lost Eren. I’d be angry and sad for him, but Eren also could lose his freedom by striking a deal with Ymir for her own freedom. But! he could free the world and his friends through both Mikasa and Armin, the chain will break, the titan curse will end and he will cease to exist or be lost in Paths dormant, unlike Ymir for 2000 years. This would be a good culmination of Eren’s character, extremely heart breaking, but fitting. A character who only sought freedom for humanity. He is humanity’s hope after all. Remember, Kaji Yuki (Eren’s Japanese voice actor) expressed extreme sadness at learning Eren’s fate from Isayama. It has always been a manga that indicates a bittersweet ending, so this could also be highly likely. (Eren is my favourite character...so this guts my heart from my chest)
To conclude, these are merely my own speculation of the final events within 139 and although sad of its ending, my excitement for this final instalment knows no bounds. I can only wish for the best and I know Isayama will deliver. 
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monday-headache · 3 years
Hey Simon! Thank you for the amazing ask <3 Right back at you:
I love that you're writing/arting about characters that have never met in canon (Gaige and Sasha, Fiona and Scarlett). What drew you to writing these characters together? And are there any more that you'd love to explore one day? :D
Hey Sarah, glad it made you smile. I want to have more interaction with the fandom so I’ll try to make this a regular, so please be free to send me questions whenever. I’d love to read your thoughts ;)
And Omg, that’s a fantastic question as well but, be aware, this is gonna be an essay as well.
Mhh where to start, where to start.
So first things first, My headcanon of why I think Gaige and Sasha would be best friends started a pretty long while ago, way before I even got gently pushed towards the Idea of really starting to write about it in the first place. Because you must know, even though Strays is my first longshot, it is also my very first fanfc I’ve ever written in like ever. So no matter how shitty, great or whatever it will turn out to be or how well others will be, Strays has and will always have a special place in my heart. And I’m not gonna rush things either, even when the fandom will die out, my Ideas for it will flow ;)
But yeah how it started. To put it simply Gaige was my first character In Borderlands ever that I played myself. I knew about the Lore of 1 and I’ve played 1 with a friend by the time it came out, but I played 1 myself AFTER I finished 2 So that may be a big reason, why I have such an open spot for Gaige. But also because she is fun, quirky extreme, punky, loves robots and tech... to put it simple a lot of traits I really love about a character. Her backstory with the science fair was so fresh and funny, and it may be one of my favorite spoken dialogue interactions heard over echo cassette’s
Then after Bl2 my love for Borderlands continued, played 1, played TPS and then... There was Tales, and by god do I loved Tales, and I hella still do. You probably know the feeling yourself. And with the love for the game, came a huge love for it’s cast. Like seriously I think besides Tector there isn’t really a character where I was going like, “ugh this one is trash” on the contrary. And besides my obvious love for the main 2 characters, there was a big love for the Deutagonist’s of this masterpiece. Namely Sasha and Loaderbot.
Loaderbot may have officially taken the spot for me as most favorite Robot in video game history ever (and Gortys for the most precious character ever). Like his whole segment of kidnapping them, forcing them to tell the truth, only to show how much he had grieved, how betrayed he felt and that he did all of tha  for his loved ones. Man say what you will about him, but damn he was written perfectly. I was blown away.
Secondly is of course, as you might have guessed it Sasha. I could go lengths for her too, how much I love and admire her character, how real she felt as a sister, a pandoran and last but not least as a human. Sasha felt to me like the most well rounded out character of the 6 (pls don’t hate me for it guys) From the punk rebellious attitude, to learning that she had an anti Hyperion pirate radio, that she used to broadcast bad things that happens in her neighbourhood, to her adapting her morals and learn that even in the most corrupt organisations there are still normal people struggling with their own life, and then progressing from it. And lastly after everything was at loss, the money the plan, she was willing to sacrifice her whole life for a dear friend/s, even on her dying breath putting both Rhys and her Sister at ease and in her last moments. Amazing.
Oooh boy and that was just the prelude to it all XD
After that I noticed a lot of similarities, between characters. Sasha and Loaderbot for instance are both pragmatic, put the lives of their loved ones over their own, love tech, are socially open people while holding back on information and emotion. Not to mention the scenes in 2 and 3 and also 4 and 5 where it is slightly hinted how well Sasha and Loaderbot work together, without sharing much words. So naturally the Idea was born that Sash and LB became quite close.
And the same goes for Sasha and Gaige. I was actually surprised that nobody (not entirely true, I saw one fanart of it) seemed to made that connection before as it was so obvious to me. So basically Sasha is a softer version of Gaige, in many terms. They both have a big heart for tech and especially guns. They both hosted a small radio broadcast that blew up in their region over night. Both are anarchist’s who spread the word for awareness, how fucked up the company war actually is. Both are not really good at their aim. Both call robots as their closes’t friends. Both share a deep hatred for Handsome Jack and his doings. Both fought a giant ass Vault Monster and nearly died in the process of doing so. Both got screwed up big time and now have a huge bounty on their head... So you see the list goes on, and honestly the more I write them, the more similarities I notice, both hc wise and canon wise. So there more I thought about it, and noticed similarites the more I fell in love with the Idea of them becoming close. And from there the Idea was born, that they probably met on a job ( the most likely scenario in the Borderlands universe). It had to be before BL3 of course, and to be after Tales naturally so that only put one timeline in the focus, Commander Lillith.
To be honest, I didn’t expect everything turning out so big. Like seriously I orifinally planed like 8k words or so. Now I’m dangling on the Idea of having 13 chapters and a big ass finally, a neat wrap up of everything and even a possible epilogue XD Yeah, that wasn’t what I expected either but damn do I love doing it.
Like seriously my headcanons only just gotten bigger and bigger. From a whole nebula system in the galaxy, to regions I created in my own mind for it, to even complex backstorys. Like why Sasha wears a headband, why she loves guns so much, what happened to her and Fi’s parents, why she was raised by her aunt, what does Felix have to do with it, Why Gaige has this kicks of both sudden depression and manical behavior. Why she’s so close to her dad, but her mom wasn’t even mentioned once (but teased), why she wanted to become a wedding planer, and why she is so obsessed with robots and margarita mix. I think one day, this thing will turn into a tabletop game or something XD
So estimated 20k words on my answer later and now we are going for my own created ship Scarleona. Don’t worry, as much as I like to gosh about that too, it wont take as long I prommy.
Scarleona was created in a sudden urge while thinking about what happpend to Fiona while Strays happened. And similar to Gaige and Sasha, Scarleona was born from a dynamic. Especially of those from two Ladybosses with Silvertongue and speech 100XD Fiona and Scarlett may have become my favorite Fiona ship (no offense everybody) because of how well they play off each other. Fiona is a con artist, her whole life she was used to swindle, to play it cool and by ear, go with the flow, and expect the unexpected. So here core idea is that she is manupulating people by LYING to them.
Scarlett on the other hand is similar while also the complete opposite to it. She is backstabby, plays with her charm and most importantly she is dead honest while tricking people. In fact even so honest that people don’t even realised that they got tricked even though she told it several times before. And this dynamic is so fascinating to me. You see, Fiona has almost an answer an action for everything prepared, but the idea that her winning honesty, is mind puzzling to Fiona is so perfect. @michellespenscratchz wrote me a drabble several months ago and I think that line describes it just perfect
“So, let me see if I got this straight,” Fiona tilted her head inquisitively at Captain Scarlett. “You needed these Vault Hunters’ help to find this treasure for you. So you…just asked them?”
“That’s right.” Scarlett nodded, inspecting her hook nonchalantly.
“Even though they knew you wanted it for yourself?” Fiona asked.
“Indeed,” Scarlett replied.
“And they…” Fiona blinked, “…knew you planned on fighting them for it once they had it.”
“Of course they did,” Scarlett shrugged. “I told them as much.”
“You told them?”
“And they helped you anyway?”
“Precisely.” Scarlett turned her hat against the blistering wind. “I fear I don’t quite grasp what about this is so difficult to grasp, Fiona dear.”
“Huh.” Fiona cast her gaze out across the expanse of Pandoran horizon. “I guess I just gotta–I dunno–rethink my whole life right now.”
So yeah, that was basically it. I kinda diagressed and didn’t want to hurt your eyes more looking at the long ass text, but please if you have some more questions to it, pls hit me. I love to gosh about it <3
And thank you so much <3 This was hella fun
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coppercatwrites · 4 years
Hit the brakes - Castiel x Reader
Pairing: Castiel x reader Warning: Suicidal reader. Mentions of suicide. Attempted suicide. Please do not read if it is triggering to you.  synop: Hunter reader Is tired of running from the monsters that chase her. The only way you see out is by death. Thankfully, you have an angel on your shoulder.
A/N: My first supernatural fanfiction. Castiel is a special character to me. Even though in the season I’m at right now, I’m very upset with him lol but it just felt right that my first spn fic went out to him. This subject came to me at random and I’ve been stuck on it since it popped in my head.  If you’re reading these themes because you’re feeling similar emotions, I am open if you need to talk, vent, or get some sort advice. I will try my best. You hold important space in this world. Don’t let your negative emotions win. You are far more stronger than you think you are. <3 
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15… 20… 30…
The lead foot on the gas pedal gets heavier by the second. 
40… 50… 60…
Your fears dragging you forward and forward. And hopefully, onward and upward.
70… 80… 90.. 
Out out out I gotta get out of here.
100… 150… 165…
“What are you doing!” 
Eyes narrowing onto the empty road, you ignore Cas in the passenger seat of Baby. 
Faster faster faster come on baby you can do it.
As he reaches out to touch your shoulder, you turn the car to the left. The tires scream as he gets sent further into the passenger door.
“Touch me and I will make this car crash, Castiel.” 
He takes in a deep breath as he watches your hands tighten around the blood covered wheel. 
As a tear breaks past your walls, you take a shaky breath in. 
“Dean told me everyone has their own personal heaven when they die.” 
He swallows and looks to the road and back at your face. 
“I can stop this car if you force me to. You don’t want what you’re asking for.” 
You smirk. “Castiel, what would happen to a person with no seatbelt in a car that abruptly stops?” 
“I can take us out of this car right now and we will be back at the bunker in the blink of an eye.” 
Hand on the window controls, you sigh. “Oh really, Castiel? You think so?” 
As the window goes up, the blood-smeared banishing symbol practically laughs in his face. 
“Why are you insisting on death?”
“I… I…” you sigh, “I can’t have a normal life here. Not any more. I am being hunted every day by monsters and that is never going to change. My way out is through heaven. Or, well, hell.” 
As the road turns from asphalt to dirt, the Impala starts to become harder to control. The tires rumble underneath as the dips and holes slow it down. 
As he sits up forward, you raise your hand to hover against the window. Your voice bouncing off the interior. 
“I’m tired of running Castiel!” you breathe. “It’s all I ever do anymore. I’m tired. I’m so tired. Why can’t you just let me rest?” 
“You’re going to be so alone up there. You will get bored. You will miss this.” 
Your eyebrows furrow. “You don’t know what my heaven will look like.” 
“Well neither do you.” he sighs. “Stay here. Stay here with me.” 
Returning your hand back to the steering wheel, you clench your jaw. “I wish it was that easy.” 
“I will fight these monsters with you. I’m sure Sam and Dean will be willing to help. We wont let them get to you. I swear by it. Please, just stop the car.” 
Finally looking at your surroundings, you see nothing but trees below and hills on your left. A glance forward shows a sharp turn. Calculating your height, you will definitely not survive the fall...
Tears start to fall freely down your face. “I can’t.” 
“I love you, damnit! Stop the car and we can work this out!” 
As you get closer to the edge of the hill, you suck in a breath. 
“I… I cut the breaks before I got in.” 
As the front tires leap off the hill, Castiel leans over and grabs you in an embrace. Now standing on solid ground, you hear the car flip and roll and crunch its way down the rest of the hill. You buried your head into his chest and gripped the lapels of his trench coat like your life depended on it. Because, well, it did. 
He holds you close as your tears soaked through his dress shirt. When he pulls away, he holds your head in his hands, his thumbs wiping away a few tears. 
“I need you to promise me something.” 
After a sniffle or two, you hold eye contact with his blue eyes. 
“Don’t ever, ever do that again.” 
Nodding your head, you fall into his chest once more with fresh tears. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
As he rests his head atop yours, you find yourself in your room at the bunker. After a few more minutes of his embrace, you pull away and wipe your eyes. 
“Castiel, I love you too.” 
With a smile, he leans in and places a gentle kiss on your head. Walking to the door, he turns. 
 “We will figure this out. For now, you need to rest while I figure out how to tell dean about his car.” 
Sitting on the bed, you wrap your arms around your legs. 
“Can… can you stay for a while longer? I don't want to be alone.” 
Closing the door, he lays on the opposite side of the bed. As you fall back next to him, he wraps an arm across you and pulls you to his chest. 
“Everything is going to be alright from now on. I’ll keep you safe from the other supernatural, and yourself.”
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Girlfriend- Part 9: Family
Series summary: Sam’s suspicious behaviour has you and Dean curious enough to follow him, to find out he is meeting with a Demon in secret leaves you both in shock. Based on S4 demon blood story line with a darker ending.
Pairings: Dean x Reader, Sam x Ruby, Sam x Reader (Platonic)
Chapter summary: Your final chance to bring Sam home. Everything seems to be going well but nothing is easy for this family. Lots of reader x Sam platonic fluff and some Dean x Reader smut (between * if you want to avoid!).
“DEAN!” You yelled as desperation filled your body at the thought of your better half being in danger. You squirmed on your bale and looked at Sam with anguish.
“I’ll check it out." Sam spoke, just how he used to when you heard a scream on a case back in the day. He was flicking back and forward from this monster to your best friend and it was messing with your head more than you’d like.
"Sammy, please, if there's any part of you in there that is still human, still my best friend and still his brother.. you’ll un-cuff me." You begged. Your body wept but there was no tears left in you to cry, your eyes pleaded with Sam. You watched as he turned away from you and the last piece of hope you had left in the man crumbled as he walked through the doorway and left you cuffed. It had only been a few seconds, but there was still no sound, which was worrying. 
You hauled yourself up off the bale and with your hands still pinned behind your back you jogged as fast as you could through the door way. It simply led to an extension of the hayloft and there was some old small farm equipment up there. Some horse harnesses, shovels, but the floor space wouldn’t allow for anything larger, it couldn't have been wider than three feet. Your eyes caught Sam who was peering over the ledge, jaw slack. You rushed to him and followed his line of sight which landed upon the 15 foot drop beneath your feet and your boyfriend and the demon both laying on the hard barn floor unconscious.
“Dean!!” You yelled his name hoping your voice would waken him, but not even a groan, he was out cold. You observed his body top to bottom,  you couldn’t see any bullet wound. The gunshot hadn’t hit him.
“Sam help him!” You demanded. Sam’s eyes flicked between you and the two lifeless bodies on the floor below a couple of times, before he sighed and began to climb over the side of the ledge. He lowered his body down and dangled before dropping, the height of him almost halving the drop, the demon blood probably keeping him safe regardless. He put his arms up for you, implying that he would catch you if you jumped. You were caught off guard, maybe your speech before had gotten to him, or maybe it was all part of the plan to trust him, or maybe even he’d have you jump and not catch you at all. But Dean was laying on the cold, hard ground still not conscious and he needed you.
You got down on your knees and shimmied over to the edge, Sam waved his hands encouraging you to hurry up. You lay on your stomach and began to slip your body over the edge, trying to inch your way over as slow as possible to prepare yourself mentally for the drop. You moved along a centimetre more and caught yourself off guard as you had knocked your balance off and you were about to drop, you panicked in the last second and tried to scramble back up.
“It’s OK. I’ll catch you. I would never let you fall.” Sam said in the softest tone, taking you right back to a year ago when everything was normal. Those were the exact words he had said to you on a poltergeist case that you both worked in New York. An apartment building was showing signs of a haunting and you both went to check it out. You had broken in to an apartment to check for any emf  when the owner came home pissed with a shotgun. You and Sam clambered down the fire escape but it came to an end suddenly and you had to jump down to the ground floor. Those were the words that put the trust in you that no matter what happened to you, Sam would always catch you. It was a moment you knew you had something real with the brothers, that you belonged and you were all a team.. a family. 
You closed your eyes, your mind a mess of emotion and not knowing what to think anymore. You took a deep breath in and launched your body off the edge, landing into Sam’s arms with a huge sigh of relief. He set you down gently and held the joint of your cuffs, with a squeeze he snapped them, leaving your hands free to move with a single cuff around each. The shock of his incredible strength didn’t have time to impact you as you ran to your boyfriend and dropped to your knees, patting his chest and calling his name. Sam rushed to Ruby, but as soon as he landed at her side his eyes were still fixated on his brother. He realised pretty quickly that Ruby was no longer in her meatsuit, and he stood up and towered over your shoulder as you tried to wake Dean up. 
“Y/N?” Dean opened one eye while slowly starting to sit up, you guided him up slowly and pulled him into your arms. He dropped his weight on to your shoulder and gripped you tight. You pulled him back up to look at him and his lips landed on yours. 
“What the hell happened?” You asked as you broke away. 
“That bitch tried to kill me. We fought, we fell, she hit me on the head and the last thing I saw before the lights went out was her smoking out.” Dean explained. You stood up and helped Dean up, keeping your hand securely in his as you stood side by side. The brothers looked at each other, the tension in the air was thick. 
“So you gonna drain me, baby brother?” Dean asked cocking his head to the side. He asked the question with confidence but he was so afraid of the answer. Sam stared back, his faced winced as he thought which gave you the opportunity to try and reason once more Sam. 
“You said you’d never let me fall Sam, and you never did. You caught me every time. How can you not see how far you have fallen? You wont let us catch you. Ruby is only pushing you down farther Sam, please believe me. And let me catch you for once.” You took a step closer to him, Dean’s hand still holding yours tightly. You reached your free hand out to him and searched into his eyes. They softened, a layer of tears glazing over them indicating that there was still human in there, and he did want to come home. 
“Be my brother again. I need you” Dean followed your tactics and his words sunk Sam, the tears finally escaping his eyes as he began to walk towards you both, his hand reaching to yours as a wave of relief rushed over you. Dean beamed from ear to ear as his brother finally gave in. Your moment was interrupted as black smoke trailed through the barn and landed in the limp body of Ruby. Her eyes flicked black as she came to and she stood up, rushing to Sam who stepped back and took his hand away sharply. 
“We have 5 minutes, I smoked out, got us a body to drain.. two if you count the one I rode over here. They’re in the car, lets go! These assholes are too much trouble.” She tugged on Sam’s arm leading him to the exit. 
“Don’t” He pulled back slightly, but he was unsure. You nodded your head at him for assurance. Ruby’s face turned and she snapped round to you and Dean. She raised her hand up to you, ready to harm you. You braced yourself for the impact when instead she began to choke. 
“Stop it now, Sam!” She yelled, holding her throat. Sam had his hand raised at her and his face was sad as he concentrated is energy on his lover. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone with them!” She spat out between coughs. Sam’s performance slowed as he looked at her, hurt and confusion over his face. 
“Sam, don’t do this. They’re manipulating you. They don’t care about you.” She caught her breath as his torture briefly halted.
“We have always cared about you. I’m your flesh and blood, I’d die for you. Don’t listen to her” Dean’s voice cracked. He thought he had Sam back, but he was now realising that he could be snatched away again just as quickly. 
“I don’t know what to do.” Sam cried, he looked at you both trying to scramble his brain for a decision but comping up empty repeatedly.
“Do you remember the day I met you both?” You asked Sam.
“What?” He asked confused.
“Do you?” You repeated yourself. 
“Um.. yeah.” He sighed.  
“Your brother was hitting on me the whole time” You smiled fondly remembering the old days as Dean squeezed your hand. “And you were telling him, hey don’t scare this one away please.” Sam fondly scoffed at the memory. “But that night, do you remember what you told me?” 
“I don’t remember..” He spoke shyly, almost upset that he couldn’t recall. 
“You told me how he looked after you, and what kind of man he was.” You reminded him. 
“I remember.. I told you that I knew I could trust you because Dean said I could, and he was never wrong about that” He recalled. “I also told you to give him a chance because he might act like a flirty jackass but he’s the best man I know.” 
Ruby’s face was reclaimed by desperation as she saw herself losing Sam in front of her eyes. “They’re lying to you!” She screamed from her spot where Sam had her stuck. 
“Shut up!” He yelled, finally making his decision. He raised his hand and closed his eyes. They flicked black as he focused all his strength on her, her body freezing up and as her eyes began to bleed and her smoke came pouring out of her body. Dean looked away, refusing to see his brother with black eyes. Ruby dropped lifeless to the floor and Sam pushed his breath out, before looking back to you and Dean for instruction on what to do next. 
“Let’s go home.” You smiled. 
“Let’s get you inside, boy.” Bobby grumbled with a smile as he led Sam into his house after a brief reunion. He brought him to the panic room to detox, and Sam didn’t protest, he knew what he had to do to be part of the family again. 
You went upstairs to Bobby’s spare room and landed on the bed with a beam from ear to ear. The crook of your elbow covered your eyes as you basked in the win of today, the win you never thought was coming. Dean slipped into the room quietly, admired you laying on the bed with your shirt slightly tugged up revealing part of your stomach. You moved your arm to look at him. His expression matched yours as he kicked off his boots and dived on top of you. You busted into laughter as the bed dipped and creaked with his weight and he rolled you over so your body was on top of his. He kissed the top of your nose delicately before you rested your head on him as he held you securely. 
“I can never, ever explain to you what you’ve done today. You brought him home” Dean cuddled you tightly as he spoke, his stubbly jaw resting against your hair as you were pressed tightly to his chest. 
“We both did” 
“No, Y/N. You did.” He placed a kiss to your head and you smiled into him. “And I’m not doing anything now, and I don’t know when I will. I don’t gotta ring or anything. But I just want you to know that I want to spend my life with you, you’ll be a Winchester one day.” 
Your heart began to pound in your chest, and your eyes welled up, for the first time in a long time from happiness. You looked up to your boyfriend, his gorgeous smile lighting up his face and consuming his eyes like it used to.
“You mean that?” You breathed. He pressed his lips to yours answering you without words. His feelings transcended through his body to yours as he began to run his hands over you and show you how he really feels. 
The passion in his movements as he rolled on top of you began to heat up. He softly stroked your face with his hand as his lips sunk onto yours, tongues exploring each other. He grinded onto you, you could already feel his hardness through his jeans. Your hand wandered down to between his legs and caressed his boner through the denim. He moaned into your mouth and with a smile you broke the kiss and rolled him off you. 
You slid down his body and began to unbuckle his jeans. His dick bulged out and you licked your lips, seeing the pre-cum already dripping through his grey boxers. You looked into his eyes with a smirk and tugged them down, licking your hand before you began to stroke his cock gently. He rested his head back on the pillow as you began to kiss his tip, swirling your tongue around his head and mopping up the dripping pre-cum. You took him in your mouth and began to work up and down his length. As you sucked he grabbed a fist full of your hair, guiding you along just how he liked. He began to pump his hips into your mouth reaching your throat, provoking a gag from you. 
“Y/N...” he groaned your name in please as you took back control, working your hand at the base at the same time as you sucked him off. Your other hand traced up his leg and found his balls, gently caressing them as he started to squirm, begging to reach his orgasm. 
“I’m gonna-” He pushed your head down once more at his desired pace as you pushed him over the edge, his cum filling your mouth. You swallowed it down and regained your breath before crawling back up to the top of the bed to be beside him once more. 
“Thank you, baby” he pressed a kiss to your forehead and pulled you back into his chest. He kicked his jeans off from around his ankles and tugged his boxers back up, then drew the covers over you both and squeezing you tight. 
“I love you so damn much” he whispered.
“DEAN! Y/N!” Bobby busted into the bedroom in the morning before the sun had risen. 
“Jesus, Bobby” Dean screwed up his face as he sat up in bed, looking at the panicked man in the door way. 
“It’s Sam. He’s gone.”
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bakugoubabygirl · 4 years
           okay before I start she going to choose one. Don't worry if its not the one you wanted her to choose bc its going to be  a Roller coaster  of emotions and a lot of back and forth for awhile  BC I FUCKING LOVE BOTH  OF THESES BOYS. also  there will be smut soon and it wont be vanilla .  
                                                        YOUR POV
          "Lets go before they find us" I whispered tugging on Bakugou arm.  He didn't say a word and followed me.  " Lets get some food at the stand" I gave him smile. Bakugou followed me he seem kind of moody though more moody then usual .           " Are you going to say yes?" Was he asking about tododroki. I didn't give much thought to that . I like him  a lot but if I was being honest with myself i had feelings for someone else.       " I dont know I like him a lot and i think it would be amazing. But i also think I have feelings for someone else. To be fair they haven't shown no sign of returning this feeling. Maybe I ought to say yes and forget about the other guy like that" I admitted.        " Who is this other guy" He asked. Why was he so damn interested and how can i tell him its him.         "Not telling" I felt my face getting red. Next thing I Knew I was getting pinned against a wall.           " Tell me" He growled. Why was this bothering him so much. If only he knew that telling him would ruin our friend ship . He would never look at me the way I look at him. because I was made to  be the villan.  Bakugou strive to be perfect at everything and I was not perfect.           " Bakugou Its you stupid" Then I broke free from his grasp . I didn't want t o know his reaction or have him mocked me. I hurried and disappear into the crowd.    Still haven't found any thing to eat my tummy started growl. When I heard my name being called out, The next thing I knew someone dragged me off  somewhere quite. I'm so sick of being pulled around today. It was my dad, Honestly I was relived that it  wasn't Bakugou .        " Hey  I know you and how your going to give it all but You need to make sure your head is clear. Ive been studying and your powers  feed off you emotions.  I want to make sure you have a clear head" he said worriedly .  OH god I'm screwed my head is far  from clear.         "  Yeah I'm not focusing on anything right now except for winning" I said and I fake smiled.          " that's Great I Know your going to make me proud. I may be rooting midoryia but Your my number one and I hope you win more." He smiled. Pulled me and for a hug.           " Thank you dad and don't worry Ill cut all there throats open" I laughed.      Then it was time to to go back to the arena.  Time  to face bakugou mental and physical . I think mentally would be harder to do.  Midnight call me and bakugou to fight first.  I try not to think about what had conspire between us earlier. I need to focus to keep my head cleared.              We both step into the ring. Bakugou goes to attack me and I dodge it just in time. Then I Blast one of my purple fire balls at him and he dodge to . This was really upsetting, and I  Take one of my shadow hands out and it wraps around his body. I started to think about how he never loses. He was perfect and every way and would make a fine super hero one day.   something you'll never be  the voice was back again.  
                                                 Bakugou  POV
She had her hand wrapped around me. I  had to escape and then I saw  Her starting to levitate off the ground. Her eyes flash purple there was a gasp from the crowd.  She slam hard into the ground  with the shadow hand. She was Going to kill me.        I jump up and fired another explosion at her this time using more force.  She shield it and then made a big shadowy fist at the ground causing it to erupt . I almost fell but then I caught my balance.  This time I used my full force now that I knew it wouldn't hurt her too bad.       The explosion was so big she couldn't shield it. She was on the ground and lay there for several of seconds.  I walked over her to see if I have won and if she was okay. She started to get back up again and she grabbed a whole of me again.      She grabbed me so tight with the shadow arm I couldn't breath.  My face started to turn purple I was pretty sure I was going to die.  The crowed was screaming to let me go But she wouldn't listen.   " Y/n Please let me go I cant breathe" I try to say but she didn't hear or listen. She wouldn't do this on purpose.  Something was seriously wrong . this was not her. " Y/n Please I love you" at that point I didn't fucking care if the whole crowed thought I was a simp . I love her and I need her to came back. Her eyes turn back to e/c when I said that.    " Bakugou" she gasps and then dropped me. I could barley move I'm pretty sure she won but she just stared at me. Her eyes started to tear up. " I give up" she yelled. Then ran out of the arena . They announced me winner and The nursing girl came to heal up my minor wounds.  I was livid that I won that way. She threw the fight.
                                                                   Y/N POV
     I Brought shame on my dad and my school. I brought shame on myself. The whole world watch it happen too. They watch me turn into a monster. I almost killed bakugou and He never going to want anything to do with me again. I sat outside the stadium on the ground.  I'm no hero I cant even go and face what I done.       I must of sat there for hours and hours. It was finally dark and everyone left. it started  to  pour down rain.   I decided to go back into the arena to pick up my bag and stuff.  It was dark except for a couple security lights. I found my bag when I heard a familiar voice.       " Tch where did you go?" Bakugou asked. Was he still talking to me.        " heard you won congratulation"  I gave him a smile. The air was so cold I could see my own breath. 
                                            BAKUGOU POV 
 " THATS NOT HOW I WANTED TO WIN" he yelled. " YOU GAVE UP THAT FIGHT WAS YOURS"        " I almost killed you .  I was created for one reason and one reason only. The whole now know so to. I let you guys down and I let my dad down. How can I be the princess of peace when I cant even find peace in my own head.  I'm done," I said  tears started to pour out my eyes.        " IF i was the bad guy you would of won. Your powerful and just because its hard your going to pack up then Your not who I thought you were " he scoffed.         " I almost kill you and maybe next time I will. I care about you too much for that to happen" I cried. I started to turn away.  He grabbed my wrist and pulled me agaisnt him.        " I know you wont. You stop because your good and you over came it. we just have to work on it. Please stay if not for yourself then the million you could save with that power.         " I dont know how I stopped myself. All I remeber is blacking out and then waking to see me almost killing youself." I explain.             " I said something to you and then you just snapped out of it" He said nervously .              " Oh well what did you say" I asked.  This could help me find the answer.      " I told you I Love you"  He blushed. This was a side of him I never seen before. I think im falling to. Todoroki was important to me but in the end bakugou been here.  I wasnt sure if I was ready to say it back. I grabbed his face and kiss him. He started kissing back first it was soft but then its starts to get more rough and passionate. He grabbed my ass and pulled me agaisnt him. despite the freezing rain , I felt warm.               He pulled away but remain eye contact with me as he pulled something out of his of his jacket. It was a small box and he handed it to me. " I wanted to give this to you when I ask you out after I won the festival correctly . That didn't go as I plan but I still want to win your heart. please accept this and be my girl. I never done this soft shit and I'm sorry if it not something I'm going to show everyday. Your worth taking my pride down a little I guess" His face was red.       I open it up and it was a sliver bracelet with his name on it and diamonds. It was beautiful and way too much. I had no idea what to say. " Yes Ill be yours" he pulled me into a tight  hug.      " lets go to my place you need to get out of the rain and getting late" he said gently. It almost scared me the way he was being so kind.                                                                      Bakugou POV         We arrived at my place. She look like she was about to past out. Today was a lot on all of us. I didn't really won the sports festival but at least I won the girl. I just got to keep that damn icy hot away from her. I wanted to rip the necklace off of her that he gave her. She mine now.        " Hey you stupid bitch your late" my mom bitch. No good job bakugou or nothing.         " Fuck you too hoe" I said back flipping her off. She was about to really yell, until she saw Y/n  come in after me.             " Hey Y/n nice to see you again. I saw you tonight you should of just kill him and not worry about it' she laugh. The fucking old hag meant as a joke. Y/n face turn white though.  I grabbed her hand and lead her up to my bedroom. She seem like she was still half in a daze.        " Lets get out of these wet clothes. You can wear anything of mine for now." I said awkwardly. I knew we were dating but I didn't know her boundaries . There so much I want to do with her. She needed sleep tonight though. we both did.   she started to strip off in my room.  Oh, she wasn't paying attention to anything really. I couldn't help but to watch in amazement though. She took  off her clothes and strip down till she was naked. I had to use all my self control to not do anything. then she put on one of my T-shirts that looked like a dress on her and then a pair of my boxers.  I strip down to nothing and but my boxers and laid on my bed.     " come here princess" I yawned. She crawled into bed and laid on top of me. She feel asleep instantly but then here phone started going off. I  Pick it up and looks at it.  Deku: hey are you alright. Me and your dad are really worried.    Damn deku fucking worrying about my girl. I didn't want to give her a dad the pro hero a reason to hate me though. Me: yeah I'm fine just staying at a friend house. I'm really sleepy so I'm going to go to bed.   Then there was other messages on the screen so I looked. Todo: hey  Y/n I'm so worried about you. When you see this please answer and I was wondering if we could meet up tomorrow to talk about today and I have something I wanna ask you. I hope your safe and sleeping well beautiful. Oh hell  no. She mine and he going to back the fuck off.  I took a pictures of her sleeping on my chest and I sent it. Me: she mine and she sleeping fine thank you. Back the fuck off  she mine now!!!!!! Todo: I see for now that may be it. I don't give up and I especially wont stop until she mine. You well slip and when you do ill be there for her. Your impulsive and abusive and don't deserve her. Me: You come any where near her your dead I blocked his number from her phone.  I wrapped my arms tight around her and I pass out.    The sun filled the room waking me up. She was still asleep. She was so beautiful and peaceful when she sleep.  Her phone started buzzing causing her to wake.   " Where my phone" she sat up straight looking for it. I handed it to her. The number didn't have a caller id. She scrunch her nose in confusion.     " Hello who is this " she answered.      " Todoroki, are you alright?" I heard him answered.  Great rich boy has more then one phone.     " Yes, what happen to your old phone number?"      " Long story, where are you at?"     " Bakugou house, why whats wrong?" she asked worriedly     " Ill be there In 20" he said and then hung up.  " Do you have anything else I can where by chance?" she asked   " I think you look fine in that Idiot" I snorted grabbing her wait.   " I cant go out like this" she said digging though the bag of mina and kiri clothes that they leave here.      " Your not going anywhere with him and no way in hell wearing that" She hold up a short pink dress of mina. Mina was shorter then Y/n so this dress was gonna not cover anything. She took off my shirt and put on the dress anyways not listening to me at all.    She grabbed my hair brush and tied it back out her face. she look stunning even though she didn't try and its for him.  " I fucking mean it your not going anywhere with him" I yelled.   " Chill out you have to trust me. He one of my friends and I'm yours so don't worry" she said try reassuring me. I almost lost her to him though. He going to try all Kinds of flirty shit. I cant be okay with this but I have too. She will leave if I'm too controlling.   " One hour then come back" I grumbled.  " I have to go home afterwards and talk to my dad" She sigh. She was right even though I wanted some time with her. The door bell ring and I hurried up to open it. IT was half and half baster.   " Leave your hands off of her and no flirty shit or I will Murder you" I screamed and then Y/n push me put of the way. I grabbed her and kiss her so fucking hard in front of him. She push me away and laughed.     " I'm sorry about him" she said. Walking out of the door with him. I kept trying to talk myself out of following them. I decided to invite shitty hair over to distract me.
IM open up to ideas and or request for my one shot books I'm doing. Thank you for read part 7 will be here Thursday at the latest
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket SE02 (ep,9). part 1
You know it’s real when kyo is given monologue right from the beginning! It rarely happens that he’s allowed any!, but when he does, it hits like a wild wave changing everything. The story is never the same after each time he’s given inner-talk. Forever changing the dynamics, the secrets & the relationships. e.g. true form ep.
Kyo’s love confession:
The sweetest, most tender love confession from the character that started the show fighting & screaming! The one that hated himself the most! now loves his name, only cuz she said it! “a special ring to it”. the guy who couldn’t look at her face, will repeat stupid things over “if it made you smile”. “Since when did I started” falling in love with you? the show goes on to show us various moment from as early as ep,4 & throughout seasons & scenes! he doesn’t know! We, the viewers, also don’t know when he started loving her!! we kinda gradually~ normally~ unknowingly~ fell in love with them together. The show opened this heavy ep filled with first-hand experience & steps on how Akito destroyed his victim... ouch! well-played, furuba! well-played.
The location: An empty room, no furniture, small, suffocating. The abuser sits far, then slowly walks towards the prey until there’s no space. But not before causing  physical pain to reassure dominance over the victim.
STEP 1: (The BET).
Kyo in his attempts to fight his destiny has met up with Akito prior to the beginning of the story, to defy him. Akito cleverly traps kyo into a bet manipulating his desire to break away from his fate. you said, YOU can fight your destiny? ok. I’ll let you. If you win against yuki, I’ll let you be free. easy, right? kyo this is your chance to prove yourself to yourself! just practice & win a stupid match. EASY! except it isn’t. The rat is superior to the cat. Your trials are in vain. you’ll NEVER rise up to anything except a failure. Try for three years! so generous of Akito! 36 months! you only need to win once! But you WON’T EVER! planting a toxic seed that eats away the victim’s self-esteem, hope & desire. Give him the chance to believe in himself then CRUSH IT. Once kyo fails, he’ll never believe in himself again. The bet is now cancelled before the third year even begins! one year & a half of failure is enough. You LOST. The Directing was phenomenal! The scene is shot in shades of sickening green, with underwater feel, like kyo is drowning deep in Akito’s abuse. Akito was shown from kyo’s perspective. Distorted, scary & demonic. like a monster..
STEP 2: (the past)
Taunting kyo with selective words that hit exactly were it hurts the most, using affirmative sentences in calm authoritative tone, alluding to facts.“cuz you’re a monster, ur mom is dead” “it was ur fault” “u killed ur mom”. Akito painted kyo’s mom in martyr light. giving birth to a monster, admirably protecting & raising him. Her reward? DEATH due to immense pressure from being WITH him. Extra step: painting kyo as the unforgivable & unappreciative son “ her son didn’t even mourn her” cuz kyo didn’t cry in front of others in her funeral. all these words carved his psyche like daggers extracting buried memories of his dad doing like Akito. YOU caused ur mom grief. the memory is now crystal clear. His mom walking slowly with open arms towards death. Giving kyo her back knowing he’s there. choosing to abandon & leave him. cuz it is HIM that is too much to bear. it is HIM that she’s escaping from.
STEP 3: (the present)
“you should’ve died”, “if you didn’t exist EVERYONE would be happy” This everyone in particular destroyed kyo way more than Akito ever planned for. Everyone includes the present. Everyone includes ppl who aren’t sohma-related. Everyone includes a happy mother & daughter. Everyone includes kyoko & tohru. It is NOW that kyo crashes, falls, loses & bends. Kyoko is the nail in his coffin. Akito lets go of kyo’s hand. Mission accomplished.
-Miscalculation in Akito’s plan: (tohru)
Akito unwittingly ruins her plan by mentioning tohru. her triumphant smile disappears & her authoritative powerful voice turns into childish screams to silence kyo, pathetically covering her ears. This drastic shift in power resulted only by mentioning tohru. Realizing that tohru was used as tool for whatever reason gave kyo strength to stand up & defend her. how dare you call her a monster? how dare you call her an angel? NO. she is but a human. A kind soul. That stayed WITH me regardless of all my ugliness inside & outside. WHY? who does that? Who gives & never takes? the foolish traveler.
The foolish traveler’s role in liberating & confiding kyo:
In momiji’s story, the foolish traveler gives the monster her life & dies. Tohru gave kyo her presence. She did NOT heal him or fade the ugliness away. NO. She didn’t treat his trauma. NO. she doesn’t even know abt his mom’s suicide!! she ONLY gave him her presence. She stayed with the monster. WHY? cuz she is a foolish person filled with kindness not wanting anything in return. But what happened to the the foolish traveler at the end of momiji’s story? she died. again DEATH surrounds kyo. If this foolish traveler stays with him death awaits her. History has proven kyo’s company lethal. the cat has cursed his most beloved ppl into death & harm. his dad, mom, kyoko. This story made kyo realize his romantic love to tohru & tragically made him understand the possible sad ending.
Akito’s Rebound:
Akito sizes the chance, strikes back & regains power. Like a hungry monster smelling fear! “ do u think u have the right to fall in love with someone?” “do u think you’re allowed?” Kyoko, reinforcing Akito’s words.”I won’t forgive you”. you, the monster knows love?? “who’s the real villain” you, the killer! “who’s the one who involved her the most” You, the most cursed! “it’s best if you are gone”.” I KNOW!” ,kyo said.
The fighter gives up:
“it was me”. every negative thought kyo has is reinforced by a past experience from someone in his life. Akito blackmails kyo into accepting his confinement in exchange of NOT harming tohru. It is becuz kyo finally loved someone enough to want to EXIST in this word that he finally stops fighting. He fought for years for himself. Now, he’ll give up for another person. Tohru’s love liberated him from hating himself enough to die or take his hatred on someone else, but, her love also imprisoned him into thinking he’ll never be worthy for her. His first thought upon seeing her is “ I want to be with u forever” but once again “ kyoko shows up reminding him” i wont forgive you” How can kyo wish to be with her? his entire trauma is against it. does he has the guts to rip tohru’s smile once he confess abt the past? What does he expect tohru to say once she knows? How would tohru react? he’ll scar her forever more than she’s already scarred. Those scars that she hides oh so well from others will become tragically apparent once he confess. So, No, kyo. Spare her the pain. who are you anyway? a mere monster that everyone will be happy if you disappeared” “why didn’t my mom kill me?” “she should’ve killed me” If she did.. then tohru would’ve been happy with her mom. “Why am I still alive?”
Kyo’s precious flower:
love is against logic. Logic says stay away from tohru & spare her ur unworthy existence. Love says look for her! love makes you run to her! love makes you want to see her first thing after getting out of the that room. love says cherish her, be around, stay with her. Love says she needs you! yes, the unworthy monster has been loved before! way before tohru!. Kazuma flashes in his mind & brings hope, Kyoko, flashes with a kind smile, teasing him, I see different hair styles, maybe repeatedly meeting kyo, love reminded kyo of the friend-kyoko! who recognized his loneliness, patted his head, reached out to him, she told him abt the tiny flower, showed him her most precious treasure. These ppl treated him as a human! NOT a monster, kazuma, kyoko & tohru, love opened his eyes to see the light amidst the darkness, the warmth of the sunset after the depth of suffocation. He won’t give up on life. NO, he wants to LIVE, to LOVE & to give back! he now knows that his existence isn’t completely worthless! he was there for tohru. he has already given her back time after time since they’ve met, he knows that! he made her smile, he saw her! the real her! tiny, foolish & oh so precious!  By the time he reached her he was able to genuinely smile from his heart! yes, he can smile cuz she’s with him now. He doesn’t care anymore abt the disgusting sohma & their curse. He only cares abt her. he won’t trample his precious flower, “ i once hoped to be always together, far away” to “ make you my own” But NO. he can’t hurt her with the painful memories, he’ll treat her with utmost respect, care & love until its time to say goodbye. quietly exiting from her life. As long as she’s not harmed. As long as her smile stays, so, he’ll stay with her together,” until we’re separated far apart”
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jq37 · 4 years
The Royal Report– A Crown of Candy Ep 11 In the Mountains of Sweetness
The Rocks family is on the run but they’re also in mourning. As they sail up the Cola River, they stop to do repairs to the ship and pay their respects to Jet at a bright pink hill under a tree--her final resting place.
The remaining kids are in opposite worlds emotionally speaking--Liam is fully sobbing (which we find out later is largely him still being messed up over Preston) while Ruby is hollow and bitter. Amethar (after almost murdering a Jellybean farmer with poor timing who wanders onto the scene) eulogizes about how much Jet taught all of them (including that “to defeat monsters you must become one” which mmm don’t love where his head is at; also, Brennan says he seems to almost have this new sobriety which I think, mechanically, is him having taken a level of Battlemaster Fighter). 
Cara, also a wreck as you’d expect, wonders if Jet died thinking she didn’t love her and wishes Jet would have just listened to her--something that Ruby takes as blaming Jet for her own death, causing her to stalk off. Cara is too in her grief to really react but Theo goes after her. As he does, Cumulous notices that, for a split second, Ruby’s shadow seemed to be out of sync with her actions. But only for a second. 
When Theo catches up to her, Ruby gets really upset and says that she blames her parents, Lazuli, and herself for Jet’s death. Theo says that Jet wouldn’t have blamed her and that she died in battle, like she wanted. Even still, Ruby doesn’t know how she’s going to go on without her. Theo says that he takes comfort in Lazuli’s research and the thought that Jet might not be truly gone. She could be around and protecting them right now. “She was always protecting us,” Ruby says before mind-hopping into Yak and flying above the ship so she doesn’t have to deal with her emotions for the moment.
Once she’s gone, Theo breaks down for a second and then summons Sprinkle...to dismiss him. He tells Sprinkle he’s done a great job but he needs to go back where he came from and have Jet send a new familiar as a sign. Sprinkle tearfully leaves and, almost immediately (which is not how the spell traditionally works btw) a Black Licorice viper shows up which Theo names Princess and which bites him for no reason. Feels right.
Back at the grave-site, Cara starts to walk away but Amethar catches her and leads her back to the ship. They run into Theo and when she sees him with his new familiar, she goes off on him: Oh Jet is watching over us? Who was watching over her? And don’t think I don’t know about your crush on Lazuli. I have one daughter left. You think you can do a better job at protecting her? That kind of thing. She goes to board the ship but Amethar stays behind saying he’ll be with her in a minute, something that made *me* feel like I was about to get chewed out by Amethar’s wife.
Liam remembers that Cal--the traitor--saved Jack and Brie and decides to (as he is wont to do) ask about it in the clumsiest way possible. Jack says that they didn’t meet up with Cal on purpose or anything--they just happened to stumble across him and, now that he thinks about it, it was weirdly easy the way Cal got them through enemy lines and stuff. He seems pretty on the level so Liam does his Ranger thing to check for danger while they’re docked.
Back with Theo and Amethar, Theo says he’s fine so Amethar catches up with Cara and says that she can’t turn on Theo like that. They don’t have a lot of allies left. On a dirty 20 Persuasion check, we are spared the marital spat of a lifetime and instead she just presses herself against him and he brings her into a hug.
Sweet Life on Deck*
*I knew I’d get to use it eventually!
The next day, as they set sail, Cara apologizes to Theo for taking her grief out on him and he’s very gracious about it--also assuring her that he doesn’t hate her for winning Lazuli’s affections as she suggested nor does he have a crush on her--he just strongly believes in her ideals.
Cumulous finds Ruby to have a chat with her about his favorite topic (well second fave after magical items)--death. Ruby says that, with Jet dead, all she cares about is revenge and that she’s dead inside. Cumulous, who clearly doesn’t have Inspiring Speech on his character sheet (or, if he does, learned from Kristen), rambles about death for a bit before saying that though they’ll all die eventually, she doesn’t have to die yet and gives Ruby his necklace from Lazuli. She pockets it and walks away.   
Liam, with his Ranger senses, knows they’re being followed but also knows that they have the jump on them so they shouldn’t have a problem staying ahead. Jack and Amethar have a heart to heart wherein Jack blames himself for spilling the beans about Ghee and Amethar says it’s not his fault. They reaffirm that they’re in it together for the long haul. 
In the night, Liam has an intense dream involving familiar snarling, heat, smoke, chocolate, and cinnamon. Ruby wakes up in the middle of the night with Lazuli’s necklace glowing a little bit. The glow fades and then she notices, like Cumulous did, that her shadow is a little off--but it quickly corrects itself. All messed up, she goes onto the deck and finds that she can suddenly see perfectly in the dark. And, on a Nat 20 Perception check, she sees that the eye of the Lazuli necklace is a little creased, like it has smile lines. It glows brightly and casts her shadow on the wall--except it’s not the shadow she should have. It looks like her except the hair--the hair is in a long braid. Ruby presses her forehead against the forehead of the shadow and finds that it’s warm. And, as she does so, she fully breaks down for the first time since Jet’s death and the shadow does so alongside her. (Mechanically speaking, Ruby took a level of Shadow Sorcerer).
In the morning they dock, having gotten as far up the river as the ship can take them. It’s a long trip to the mountains and Muffinfield--Cal’s territory--is in their path. They have the option to go through the town fully, take the more off the beaten path route, or a little of both but either way it’s gonna take at least a full week (and up to three if they fully avoid the town). They decide to take the hybrid route which takes them into Muffinfield to begin with. It’s a rich province and very Bulbian. Tons of Imperial guards, tons of churches, and, in fact, they see a church putting on one of those puppet show/morality plays. Amethar makes the, mmm, unwise decision to check it out and sees that it’s a play about the Rocks family, depicting him as a horny lout, Cara as an airheaded bimbo, and the twins as feral bastards. Ruby sets the puppets on fire and Amethar hustles her away before she can do something more rash.
After that, they get to the woods--staying for a night with a lady so old and out of touch that she doesn’t even know that Amethar’s dad isn’t king anymore. Theo thanks Liam for saving Jet’s body and they bond over how much rage they have over, like, everything that's happened.
The Gang Gets Scooped
When they get back on the road (with some not so hot stealth checks), they see a little gingerbread guy in a Peter Pan cap who’s trying to pull his friend out from under a rock. Theo, knight to his core, rushes to help but Liam, who’s on the warpath, decides to shoot him. An insane course of action but he’s not wrong because a net captures both Theo and the gingerbread man and this turns out to be an ambush. The “friend” was a doll and the Gingerbread man (Swifty is his name) pulls a lollipop shiv on Theo because of course. When Theo says he’s not pro-Bulb, Swifty calls for Gooey--the chief marauder who is this buff warrior woman with half her face melted (like melted chocolate) like she was badly burned. She and this chocolate viking dude (Jon Bon) discuss whether they should take the group to the queen, which they decide to do, shackling everyone (though Liam and Ruby successfully conceal their thieves' tools in their hands for a later escape). At the mention of the queen, the assembled marauders start chanting “Long live the queen”--harkening back to the mountain gratifi from two episodes ago. They take them to their secret hideout in the mountains while Swifty runs ahead to let them know they’re coming. 
All their captors are Candian but they’re all deformed in some way and/or have old Sucrosi tattoos and Sweetening Path stuff, ears of Ceresians/Vegetanians on necklaces (EARS BRENNAN?), and defiled Bulbian relics. They’re from all over but they seem like they’ve been living this life for years.
The hideout is kinda built into the cliff side and it has this big rock outside like the standing stones the SPF has (menhir is the technical term).  It’s also covered in a layer of snow and very cold. Magical light is glowing as they pass through the entrance. Cumulous can feel very powerful magic at work. There’s a ton of ceremony and fanfare and chanting in advance of the queen’s arrival--these people seem to really love their queen, and so do we because out comes Queen Saccharina Frostwhip aka, Emily’s new character (aka Rina because I’m not typing that every time)! 
She is this extremely cool (in both senses of the word) ice-cream sorcerer with a magic staff (Winterscoop) and two swords and is majorly serving sweet but frosty-cool energy. Liam and Ruby spring everyone from their chains and Rina aggressively sweetly says that she would have freed them soon enough. She calls herself the legal ruler of Candia and when Cara questions that she says that she has another last name: Ghee. Amethar, is like, “Oh shit,” but she says that she’s not here to force a relationship on him, she just thinks they can all be useful to each other, especially since she’s the legal heir as the child of his legal marriage and someone not in open rebellion with the Concord. Theo is like, “That all checks out.” He asks Amethar if this is actually his kid and he sees in Rina Ghee’s eyes and his own swagger. Yeah, that’s his kid. In turn, she recognizes Cumulous as a monk of the Order of the Spinning Star. She, like half the party it feels--is a huge Lazuli stan, can feel her magic on him, and believes in her mission. She says she’s seen Lazuli in her dreams when she was little and Cumulous in her sees someone who can, in a lot of ways, take up Lazuli’s mantle and start rebuilding Candian magic rather than just doing triage like the monks have been. He bows to her. Ruby is not having any of this though and says that Rina isn’t her sister or her queen.
Theo asks Princess if they should trust her--she’s saying all the right things but he’s wary--and gets a bite which tells him nothing.
Ice Feast
Rina, upon being told special guests were coming, had a feast prepared which is described as Robin Hood-y. Amethar is like, “This is cool but the Bulbian church is literally trying to kill us so maybe we focus on that?” Rina says that that works for her. All Amethar has to do is recognize her as his daughter and heir and everything will be square--if the church wants to go after them at that point, they’ll have to break their own rules. Ruby, who’s still being obstinate says that it won’t work because she’s clearly a heretic with an allegiance to the Sweetening Path but Rina says and Jack confirms that as long as you kiss the ring in public, no one really cares what you do on your home turf. 
Ruby accuses her of not knowing what she’s talking about because she’s been hidden away her whole life and Rina shoots back (still smiling) that she’s actually been traveling the world, building her followers from scratch which she had to do because she came from nothing. Amethar (who’s in the, I would have to imagine, pretty novel position of watching his daughters fight) breaks it up. Cara--who fully hates that not only is this happening, it’s also their best shot--takes Ruby with her to have their meal somewhere else and Ruby, who has found someone to hate more than her mom, willingly goes. 
Rina has a sidebar with Amethar where she apologizes for popping up randomly and upsetting his entire family. She always wanted to meet them and she’s sorry that these are the circumstances. Amethar says that it’s not her fault--they’ve just been through a hell of a lot lately and they’re kind of emotionally spent but she’s actually a huge asset to them politically right now and he’s sure that once things are calm, things will be different on the relationship front. 
Ruby can’t believe Cara is taking all of this lying down and Cara (who is full John Mulaney, “This might as well happen,”) says she can’t remember the last time she had a handle on her life which is news to Ruby who thought she *was* the handle. Cara hits her with the unfortunate truth that no one--least of all kings and queens--knows what they’re doing or can really control it. All she can control is what she’s doing next which is having a bath. Ruby decides to, instead, cast Invisibility and look around for anything suspicious. 
After seeing a bunch of stolen loot, weapons, and Candian artifacts it seems like Rina’s trying to preserve, she eventually finds Rina in her quarters. On a 25 Perception to Ruby’s 24 Stealth, Rina clocks her and whispers, “I’m not here to take your family, little sister. I look forward to the day that we are friends.” Ruby, channeling Adaine in a big way, flips invisible double middle fingers. 
Cumulous is in another room, just fanboy happy-crying over all of Rina’s magic stuff in some of the funniest scenes Zac has ever done which is saying a lot. I cannot overstate how funny Zac crying over an imaginary ring pop is.  
Theo also finds Rina and asks about her visions of Lazuli. She says it happened when she was very young and her powers were just manifesting. She was in a place where magic wasn’t supported and the connection was all but beaten out of her. But she can also sense Lazuli’s presence in Theo. Ruby, still invisible, pipes up that she sees Lazuli too so she’s not special and Rina shoots back that she can also see Ruby while invisible, which is pretty special. This dissolves into a little sibling spat which Rina says she enjoys because she’s never had a sister to fight with before. The comment sets off Ruby again who says she already had a sister and she’s dead and she can’t replace her. She runs off.
Theo and Rina speak a little more and she reveals that she doesn’t really care about the throne. She just cares about bringing back magic and destroying the church (which means she’ll fit right in with the rest of the fam--not really wanting the throne and plotting against the church. The family business). 
After the feast, Gooey brings out the war maps (moving the Jawbreaker flag away from Castle Manylicks and deeper into the mountain and putting an ice cream cone flag deep into the mountains) and a bunch of magic tomes which Rina starts reading. Ruby notices that a lot of the tomes are written in Lazuli’s hand, she had a way to tap into the SPF’s runes, and that she wrote some kind of warning about the SPF--Lazuli did not trust or revere the SPF. Liam sees a book with the same ice cream symbol as the flag on the map and it’s a book of lost beast lore--including an ancient spirit described on pages scented like cinnamon and seemingly bound in some way (and also amongst a lot of SPF talk): Dracoria Azucar (or, Sugar Dragon). 
Anyway, Rina says that the SPF has done a lot to suppress Lazuli’s research (she’s not sure if she thinks it’s too dangerous or if she’s hoarding it or what) including taking all of her coolest relics and findings and hiding them in a frozen temple--the Ice Cream Temple. She wants to loot that temple. (Note: She also mentions that Kerradin visited her orphanage when she was little which...Bad). She’s sent raid parties who haven’t come back but they weren’t super powerful--she has a lot of angry, rescued orphans in her service. The gang more or less agrees to her plan--even Ruby reluctantly, but Ruby hears the SPF on the wind, “Things that are wrong may yet be made right. There is more than one true magician in Candia, Princess and I await your coming and will be delighted for your wish to come true.” 
A Change of Plans  
In the morning, they decide Cara will stay with Jack and the marauders while they (and some of Jack’s men) go on their mission. When Jack offhandedly says that Ghee was lovely, Rina says they had very different experiences with her. Ominous!  
Theo asks what’s going on with the Jawbreaker situation and she says that they’re in kind of a pissing contest--he won’t recognize her claim to the throne. Gooey pulls Rina aside and informs her (for the first time it seems) that Jawbreaker has left the Castle because people in the area were being tortured by Ceresian soldiers (wasn’t specified but I’m guessing Imperials) to draw him out and now he’s pinned down in the mountains. Rina (along w/ Gooey and Swifty) consider that if they help Jawbreaker, he’ll be more likely to acknowledge her claim to the throne. But, if they don’t and they let him die, Liam will be heir and he’s already on Team Rina. In the end, she decides to tell the group and they are keen on rescuing Jawbreaker--even though Liam is concerned because he knows his dad will never give up the throne. 
Everyone seems pretty gung ho about this except for Ruby who is like, “Hello we’re super outnumbered.” Cara has a solution to that however. She’s been up all night reading Lazuli’s books and she thinks she can bamf them past enemy lines if they can get to the nearby Spinning Star monastery. She can get them back too but because there’s not a teleportation circle where they’re going, she has to basically do the magical equivalent of holding her breath or remembering a really long series of numbers while they get in and get out. They won’t have much time.
They go to the monastery (where Rina’s anti-monarchical sentiments wins her another new fan in another monk named Snicker-Snack because sure) and Cumulous kills a chicken for that sweet temp HP. Cara says, “Lazuli, please help me get this right,” before performing her magic and sending them all to a dark, locked, musty building. They can hear Ceresian soldiers shouting outside--and that’s where we end our episode! 
Note: You can find the art for the new characters this episode on the D20 tumblr here! Once again, Samir is coming for some of y’all specifically with some of these designs.
Things I’m Concerned About
I’m gonna separate my thoughts on Rina across these two sections because my thoughts are hard in separate directions. I *love* Rina but I have to be honest with myself and say that if she was an NPC, I fully wouldn’t trust her. She comes in at the exact right time saying all the right things and coming with a major plot solution. She says she doesn’t care about the throne and she only wants to destroy the church (something that would make sense considering the backstory hints the dropped) and we haven’t had PvP before but like...if there was a season to do it...listen, I want her to just be this cool orphan who sincerely wants justice and a relationship with her dad and sister if that’s on the table but I’m just keeping my eye on her. (Also, when Gooey pulled her aside to have that troop movement convo I feared it was going to go in a much more suspicious direction.)
There’s a part that I kinda glossed over where Brennan says Manta Ray Jack looked at Rina “bashfully” and Rina took it as, “He’s gonna ask me out,” and rebuffed his advances. I feel like that’s not what that was about. That doesn’t mean it’s anything actively bad--maybe him remembering her mom?--but idk, I don’t like feeling like I’m missing something.
Oh, and speaking of her mom? Rina saying he had a different experience of her mom than she did combined with Rina saying her connection to Lazuli was “all but beaten out of her” plus the out of game knowledge that something related to child neglect happens in a few eps that’s so bad that Brennan hurt himself...It paints a Bad picture.
Once again, I am Concerned about everything going on with the SPF. What did she mean there’s more than one magician? Was she referring to Ruby? Does she want Ruby to PvP Rina? She better not. 
Little concerned about Annabelle’s side mission to find Ghee. I was before but now I am even more. 
Five A Few More Things
I want to believe that Jet is both partially inhabiting Princess and doing the Shadow Sorc thing with Ruby. The Pontifex works hard but Jet Rocks works harder. 
OK, let’s talk about what I call The Inherent Tragedy of Saccharina Frostwhip (*such* a good name, btw). If Ruby and Jet had met Rina *together* (either during peace times or having rolled a high enough Insight check to clock her as an ally during the present events) they would have loved her completely immediately. She’s got Cool Big Sister written all over her: cool design, martial prowess and magic, anti-monarchy and anti-Bulbian Church BUT willing to take the throne in their stead. They would have LOVED her. BUT, Rina wasn’t an NPC. She was Emily’s backup character. Which means that, because of the way our world bisects the world of Candia, there is never a world where Jet is alive while Rina comes into play. That’s tragic, man. That’s the worst. And when I say that’s the worst, I mean the best. This makes for such delicious story. You guys know I’m a full sucker for sister stuff. Which we were already getting but this is *complicated* sister stuff which we all know is better. Like, if this is where we’re starting emotionally, do you know good it’s gonna hit if Ruby eventually comes around on her? Siobhan and Emily are catering to me specifically this season.
Also, that reveal? Within like five minutes, my theory that “the Queen” in question was Amethar’s first kid was confirmed, my circa episode 3 prediction that a twin would die and come back as Amethar’s first kid was confirmed, AND my prediction from last episode that the SPF was telling a technical truth about Ruby finding her sister was confirmed. (Literal) sweet vindication! Can I do lotto numbers? No. But plot points for a Candy/GoT mashup? I’m your gal. 
Lol at someone mentioning Ghee as Amethar’s wife with Cara standing right there and Amethar fully WWE bodyslaming that dude with tag-teams for the entire family.
People are saying it seems like Rina is a Storm Sorcerer which would be cool seeing as Amethar is a Storm Herald Barbarian. Family parallels even without really knowing each other.  
Cara--who better survive this or I will Riot--needs like a 6 month spa trip after this is over. What she is dealing with right now is untenable and she is handling it much better than I would be honestly. (But also her, “lol, my life is in shambles,” to Liam’s inappropriate question that didn’t even really register to her at that point was another comedy highlight of the ep. Icon, even in mourning.) 
Lazuli might as well be a PC for how important she is to this campaign. 
Ooooh, Sugar Dragon for Liam? Brennan has outdone himself. (Unless Liam is gonna have to fight the Sugar Dragon which I am also super down for. As I was just discussing, there are never enough dragons in D&D for a game that’s half named after them).
Shout out to this post for making me short circuit for a full second. Ow. 
It’s a little funny that Brennan laid the groundwork for Emily’s background character in the middle of the episode he knew was gonna end with him trying to kill them. Like, OK, your future is secure, now time to destroy your present!
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People have been going missing for a while. But with only dead ends, it wasn't talked about often and the only advise given was to not be alone. Very helpful.
Though it was the lest of Shujin's students worries. Especially with Kamoshida's bullshit and outcasting. Finding out about the Metavurse and palace didn't help either. But things went well, Ann joined us and we didn't die along with succeeding in the change of heart. I'm personally proud of the calling card.
Things went find after that, the success party got ruined abit and someone from my class went missing. I suggested having us as the Phantom Theives look into it. They agreed to look into it, but none of us have any high hopes. We got Mishima to help look into things deeper online, he's pretty good at that after all.
Akira and I also go out to hear roumars and look into it.
Then we meet Yusuke after he stalked Ann abit. But after finding out what his "master" was doing to him, I can't understand how he took it! But maybe I'm just the loud one. After some shenanigans go down Yusuke joins us in stealing Madarame, his master's, heart. Things went well, and after that it was mostly mememtos missions and what little we can find on the missing people.
But there's no connection between the people being taken and no one has been found.
It didn't help that the Kaneshiro group was causing trouble and *we* had to get Makoto out from a dangerous situation with them. But I get where she's comming from, trying to help the students and not being able to do anything. She joined us and we were able to steal the heart of that Bastard.
Makoto told us how dangerous it could be to look into the group kidnapping people after we told her. I replied going to Kaneshiro's men to get them to stop was dangerous. I-i wish we listioned to her, though it might not have helped.
It was after Makoto's joining party, me and Akira were just finishing our workout. We had parted ways right after, sense he had something to do close by. He had just gotten out of sight when it happened. I felt something stab into my neck. I yelped and I could feel them inject something before pulling out the syringe. It all barely took a second. I turned around to face them, someone I didn't recognize. They were grinning, I was scared and then I-i blacked out.
When I woke up I was chained by my wrists and neck. Only in my white workout T and my workout shorts, my possessions no where to be seen. The chain around my neck was connected to the wall, the ones around my wrists were connected to the floor right next to the wall. I don't remember much of the room, besides that it was mostly empty and had only one door. But maybe I just don't want to remember it.
I tried yelling, pulling at the chains and screaming, insulting. I was left for hours, waiting, sitting. But someone does end up walking in. I yell at them to let me go, pulling at my chain's. They wear a lab brown coat, with jeans and black boots. They seem to be holding a weapon underneath their coat, but I can't tell what it is.
He just laughs at me, calling it a useless effort. He unlocks my chains, there were already markings on my wrists and neck. I try to attack him, to escape. But I feel the sharp pain of a whip. I keep trying, fighting. He just keeps using the whip. I make it to the door, banding and kicking it. It's metal, and the whipping continues.
All I new is that I had to escape, to get out. But it wouldn't open. It wouldn't open. The person stops whipping me for a moment, I just kept yelling and kicking. He grabs me by the neck, and throws at me. Yells at me to fight. So I do.
I lash out at him, bearing the whip as I try to get close. Attacking him with inraged kicking and punching, anything to make it stop. I just wanted to go home.
I only stopped when my body wouldn't let me go on. Crumbled onto the floor, crying as I mumble. Just wanting to go home and get out. He walks close, I try to punch his boot. He just kicks my hand to the side.
He picks me up and chains me again. Saying, "You'll do perfectly if you survive." Before leaving.
I just cried, my dreams filled with nightmares of what just happened. With mixes of Dad and Kamoshida, the people who've hurt me before.
The next day I woke with a start, feeling a sharp pain and cold as they splashed me with freezing water to wake me. I was in the same room, but I could hear distant screams. There were more people in coats, some more lab like than others.
They forced me to my limits, threw stretches and exercise and using abuse and whipping if they thought I wasn't pushing myself hard enough. All I could think of was the track team all over again. It hurt.
This continued on, nothingness and being chained up before the punishment that was their training exercise, then the food they'd force down my throat. I thought I'd puke a few times.
But I put up with it, taking every chance I could take to escape. Though it only resulted in more whipping and pain. If I can survive threw the hell that has been my life, I could survive *this*. I *have* to. For ma who's probably panicking, for my friends who are hopefully looking for me, and for myself who has people waiting for me.
Then came the matches. I woke up one day from the slamming of my door. I jolted up before noticing I was unchained, and there was a timid teen, no older than myself, standing in front of the door holding a knife. They're shaking and clearly have gone threw what I have with the scars and scared eyes. Yet I could tell they ready to attack.
I take a step forward, and they raise the knife higher. "I-i'm sorry! They-they said they'd let me go if I-i ki-kill you..." They say, trying to ready themselves for the task.
"They wont. You know they wont. Just, just put the knife down." I reply. I don't want to fight. I don't want to make him fight. I don't want our captures to win.
"I-....i'm going to die either way. I'd rather do it with hope." They say, before taking a deep breath and running forward.
All I can do is get into a fighting stance and deflect his attack, getting him to lose his grip on the knife and throwing it to the side.
I didn't want to fight. But I fought tooth to claw. And I hated it. But I survived and the other lay unconscious on the ground. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I walked back to the chains, and just sat down.
They come in, and I glare. They take the teen away. I know he's going to die because he lost.
They chained me up, and I just cried.
"You'll get used to it." The coated man says with a smile I wish I'd never seen.
They left me mostly alone, only some less intense training. Food was a bit better. It didn't take long to see why they toned it down. They wanted me to survive what came next.
Untill one day they walked in and used the syringe to nock me out, and I woke up chained in the same spot. I didn't notice anything had changed till I got up. My arms felt, different. Limp in a way. I looked and saw what they'd done.
My arms were normal untill my elbow, that's where they replaced my normal arm with a robotic one. They're made of iron I think. The hands weren't hands, they're claws. With added spikes on my elbows. Claws meant for ripping into flesh and killing. I know that's what they want. That's what I realised that's what they always wanted. A monster.
I pulled and fought again. I wanted out. I wanted home. I wanted to be anywhere else but this! I didn't want to be made into their monster!
It didn't stop them. They made me train again. To test my limits, my strengths with these weapons they forced onto me that I can't get ride of. But I still fought, as I new there were people still waiting. Even if I hated what they were trying to make me into, ma would still accept me. I know the others would pity me and wouldn't throw me away. It was just my arms and I hated it so-so they wouldn't think less of me right? They, they wouldn't!
It was the same repeated train, hell, eat and spell again untill the next match. It was with someone who also had robotic parts. Also claws, but just their hands and their feet. Someone else they wanted to test me against. I could tell, because they brought them to my cell.
This one ran at me emeditly, they wanted out and was ready to kill for it. So we fought and it hurt. Both physically and emotionally. I didn't want him dead but I wanted to survive, he wanted to kill me but out of desperation.
He tore my ear off, I clawed into his skull nocking him to the ground. He reached out, but fell limp.
I just curled up and cried. Not paying attention, and soon I was unconscious. When I woke up, I was chained. Again.
My ears were replaced now and my eyes felt itchy. Probably from crying though. I could hear the footsteps outside the walls and the cries from the holding places next to mine. I wanted out of this room of this place.
I wanted home. I wanted ma. I wanted my friends. I had to hope they haven't given up hope. But I still panicked, what if they thought I was a monster already? It's only my arms and ears. Something to make me conform to these monsters whims and another to fix a part they'd broken. The others wouldn't mind. I-i couldn't handle them thinking less of me from it. So I had to keep fighting to show I'm not their monster, I wouldn't let them make me their monster.
More training, more pain, more torture. I lost track of days as I forgot to even start tracking them. But I notice my hair was growing. I tried to cut it with my claws, but only cut into the back of my neck. They had to stitch me up.
Not to long later, I was in another match. This person had claws and fangs. We fought. It hurt. It hurt. I didn't want to fight. But I fought. It hurt.
He yanked my leg. It didn't want to move. My broken effing leg didn't want to move. It needs to move! It has to move. The other stomps onto it, again and again and again and *again*!
I looked at them and I panicked. I panicked, I was hurting, he was hurting me. He was breaking my leg again. I couldn't take it. I grabbed his head and smashed it into the ground again and again and again untill it stopped. Untill the panic stopped.
I cried. I curled up on myself and cried and passed out. I couldn't tell you if I passed out from blood loss or the lab coat captures.
I woke up, with new legs. Robotic working legs. I wasn't chained this time. They wanted me to walk, to get used to it.
I was scared, it was forced and had claws instead of feet. But they *worked*. Kamoshida had broken my leg and I thought I would never be able to run again. But I stand up, and they *work*. I start to walk and there's no limp. Ya, they're more animal like. A knee with a long heel thing before the ball of the foot and well claws. But I could *run*. I started running right after I figured out walking.
I started running and I was *happy*. I was caged yet I was *exited*. I could do what I thought I had lost and I forgot I was trapped.
I finally stopped after falling over, I was laughing as I was *running* and it didn't feel like my leg was tearing itself to pieces. But then I look around, and remember where I am. Trapped.
Trapped by people who want to use me. To change me. But they just fixed me. I *hate* them, but I've just relished in this gift they've given me. And I wished they weren't trying to make me a monster.
I was in war with myself. What if my friends think I gave in? That I started becoming a monster? They wouldn't! They just wanted me alive and they had to fix my leg to do that. They'd understand. Right? Right?!
I had to hope that Ma would still accept me.
So I kept fighting. Hoping that they'd still accept me. To be able to go back. To have a chance.
I already took three other people's chances, so a part of me wanted to live for the people who couldn't.
More training and hell came. Mostly hell as I got closer to escaping with my new working legs. But I did end up falling forward a lot. I didn't think to much of it, it was better than the pain from before.
But the coat people noticed, and I got another thing added. Without a match this time.
I woke up to find a tail. It was robotic, everything they add are. It was dragon like, and only falls just a bit lower than my second knee. Foot heel? Weird extra joint for my legs. It has spikes on the spine of it, and the tip is as sharp as my claws.
Again I was unchained. I hesitantly started walking. The tail wanted to be held up slightly, not just fall down.
I noticed I was walking better. The feeling of tripping I got before wasn't happening. I tried running, and I no longer felt like I was going to fall forward.
The tail helps me balance sense the way my legs are now push me to much forward. At lest that's how I understand it, I'm not to good with all the science of it.
After that it was back to the hell of training and punishment of trying to escape. Apart of me didn't know why I kept on trying. I barely looked human anymore, society wouldn't want me.
But I held on tightly to the belief that my friends and Ma would. And that's all I care about.
My last match came up. I fought with someone who had the same robotic parts as me. Same pain as me. But he's fighting because he's been told to fight. He's been told to win.
I pin him. I hold out my hand. We can end it here. But he just looks at me with dead eyes and look to the wall. Waiting for it to happen.
I back away and let them get up. They don't get up. They decide to end it themselves. I watch as they rip out their throat.
The coat people come in, I yell and try to fight them. I wound many of them yet they beat me down till I black out.
I wake up in chains, but this time I have a muzzle on. One for humans, metal and tight. I yell, and end up coughing. I try words, screams, everything. It hurts, it burns, I cough.
Someone walks in, a coat person. They give me that wicked smile as they speak. "You wanted to fight your fate, so we punished you with the fate of the one who accepted their fate."
I yell at them, it hurts and it's incoherent noises but I don't care. They just continue to smile and speak.
"Don't be like that. You're are most perfect result yet! Fangs to claws, you have it all." They say.
Fangs? I know my teeth were weirdly sharp before but....they didn't change anything did they?
I feel my teeth, their cold and taste of metal. They replaced my teeth with metal *fangs!* That's why I have the muzzle..
"Just realized? Oh well, you don't have to be bright to be our beast." He says before adding. "We'll have investors in a few days. Don't die on us now~"
They leave.
Investors. People coming to see if they want to support this. And-and I'm their prized product, the one who lived and continued to fight.
Should I keep fighting? Would it be worth it? I could get a message out, try to escape, something! I-i've fought for this long, I can't just give up now. I'd hate myself for giving up now. I didn't chose to fight just to give up in the final stretch!
Days pass, I'm sure. The coat person said days and the cycle of train, hell, eat and sleep has repeated for a while.
A group walks in. A lab coat person leading, talking to a bald person. A, hey he's the guy who ruined our first success party! Guess he's some rich bitch who thinks he's above the law. There's another person in a lab coat with him as well, but seems to be with the bald guy. And then there's, Akechi.
What's *he* doing here?! Why is he with them! I know he's against the phantom theives and heard mona speak which should be impossible unless he's been to the metavurse, but he why's he with these obviously vile people!
I started telling, pulling at my chains. Trying to do something to get their attention. The coat kidnapper yells at me to quiet down, and apologizes for my noise. But I got Akechi to look at me, and he seems taken aback. Probably didn't expect to see me here. Yet his expression soon turned to fear, like he didn't *want* to see me here.
The bald dude jokes that Akechi would be more useful looking like me. Akechi seems taken aback even more, and seems to have zoned out of the adults conversations.
I didn't understand why Akechi would be more useful looking like me, he's a detective not a-a hitman or something. Untill I notice Akechi's holding a gun, and the idea that he is a hitman isn't to farfetched. Why else would he be here except protection. Why else would he be more useful if he had deadly everything. Who else would be causing the mental breakdowns, he's the only other person we know has access to the metavurse after all.
This vile bald being already condoned human experimentation to create deadly human monsters. Not to far fetched to assume he'd get someone to kill and ruin other people's lives for him.
I decided that moment I didn't like this bald man. But the group left, and I never saw him again expect news reports.
Goro Akechi on the other hand I saw quiet abit, and as he left I swear I heard him wishper "I'm sorry."
Seeing me, chained and mutilated, made him realize something. Something he'd started realizing over the course of the year. That what he was doing was pointless, that he was being used and abused and nothing about the way he was living was heathly. I don't really understand why seeing me in the state I was in made him fully realize it. But maybe it was the comment after it.
He says that he realized just how much of a monster he was, because I was still *alive* even after being made to look like a monster, but he had died sometime long ago inside yet made himself look human.
I kinda get it, but still there were a lot of other things that lead into it.
Still, it would take a while before I saw him again.
Nothing eventful really happened for a while. Just hell, training, hell, food, sleep repeat. Again. Repetitive and infuriating and at times it felt hopeless. But I had to keep fighting. I can't describe it but I *had* to keep fighting.
Then something weird happened. It was painful and hurt I could only scream and I passed out. When I woke up, I was someplace else.
For a moment I thought I died but I heard the others. I tried to move but I was still chained and muzzled. I realized I was in a cell, the wall behind me and the two to my sides being a dark blue while the one in front of me were cell bars with chains.
I could hear the muffled talking of the others. I have no idea what's going on but I just want to see them.
I pull at the chains but nothing changes.
Then I hear him walking this way, getting closer and I was getting exited. It's been forever.
He steps infront of the cell. He gasps, and I could see his eyes water. I tug at the chains again, trying to get to him.
"Ryuji!" Akira calls, running to the cell.
"Ryuji, I-we had, you're alive." Is all he's able to say before bursting into tears.
I try to reply but it's muffled and incoherent.
I try to get closer but the chains hold me back.
"You're, you're still fighting. Of course you are." Akira says, composing himself abit. "I-i don't think I'm able to get you out of *this*. But, but we'll free you soon alright! Akechi's told us where it's at and, and after this we're coming for you alright?"
I just nod, grinning though I know Akira can't see it. But that's fine. He got the message.
"Keep fighting for us, for you." Akira adds, partly for himself. I pull at the chains, nodding.
He smiles back, waves and says "See you in a bit." Before leaving.
I woke up from a splash of cold water not long after. But that was enough to keep me strong till rescue came. And it did come eventually. It felt like forever but it came.
I could hear the panic and rush as police swarmed the place. A grizzled man with greying hair burst into my room, a cop. He gave off a vibe much like Sojiro's.
He approached slowly, saying in a quiet tone how it's alright and he's here to help. And when he unlocked my chains I feel into him arms. Crying.
I new I was free and everything came rushing out.
He took me to were the other survivors were. I was the only one with all the assets. Which I learned also included my eyes. I didn't notice when they replaced my eyes, the lights never changed. Probably happened with my ears though.
After the police secured the area, we were taken to a hospital to be looked over. Nothing being found out of place besides the robotics and scars. Plush my damaged vocal cords.
That's also when I saw Ma again. They let her visit after I had taken a sociological exam thing. To make sure I was safe to be around. Which was a little disheartening, but they found I was somehow the most stable of the group.
Anyways, Ma came and it was hugs and crying and just being in her arms. Along with re-dying my hair! Also looking in a mirror for the first time.
I-i panicked for a bit, but Ma was able to calm me.
It didn't take long to be sent home. Though Dojima, the grey haired cop, said he'd be checking up on us later. To make sure things are going alright, which was nice.
I learned on the way home that the bald guy, Shido, had been taken down by the phantom theives as he was about to claim the title of prime minister, with Goro having come clean and admit his guilt as an accomplish.
Shido is in jail and is probably going to be for a while, but Akechi was allowed to have 5 years of house arrest or acctual jail time if he couldn't find a place to stay.
Ma said she let him stay at our place, sense he helped with finding the location were I was being kept and that everyone deserves a second chance.
So there's a slightly depressed grump rooming with me now, though he has already proven to help with nightmares.
The theives also threw a welcoming back party! That was fun! It was pizza and cake video games. Something nice before the dread that'll be school.
Though I'll be going to Shujin, I'll be taking special classes to help me catch up. And sign language to be able to communicate again.
Oh! I've also been able to keep in touch with the other kidnapped survivors. We've been given group therapy twice a month, plush weekly individual therapy.
That's why I'm writing this. First therapy task, explain what happened. Explaining it helps you get used to it and all. Or at least that the idea.
They also suggested writing often about how I feel but, eh. Maybe? Idk, a blog might help with that.
Still, that's what happened up to the present time.
-Ryuji Sakamoto
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lilulo-12 · 5 years
Wonder of You- 1
So I shouldn’t be starting another fic. I literally have like 5 I’ve been working on that fell by the way side after having surgery. But I started watching Supernatural. (Currently on Season 8) and I had to do it. I had to start another one.
So I’m doing an original character. I really hate using “Y/N” and things like that. But feel free to substitute her info for yours! There’s going to be this part and another part that set the story up and then we’ll go from there. I”m hoping this isn’t horrendous. Enjoy!! Story is below the cut. 
Chapter 1: Growing Up Winchester
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She was an honorary Winchester. Her mother and father had been killed by a group of demons when she was only 12 years old. Her father had been a hunter and for the first time in his life, a creature of the night had gotten one over him. She had made it to the safe room in time. The demons didn’t know she was in the house when they got there, her mother had bravely distracted them but she couldn’t get away. She watched in horror as she was brutally murdered and then her father. He had been so distraught when he saw his dead wife that he hadn’t stood a chance. 
He often worked with John Winchester, like John, someone he loved had been killed by a demon too. In fact, John had been in the area and was on his way to help after he got the call, but had gotten there too late. Her father and John had a pact; if either of them died, they would take care of the other’s family. John had found her almost catatonic in the safe room once he entered the code. “C’mon sweetheart, lets pack your things. I’m taking you home.” He took her hand and led her to her room where she packed her wardrobe, pointe shoes, drawing supplies and books. John let her bring a blanket and her pillow.  He wisely grabbed some mementos and photos of her parents. You remembered looking through the back window of his Impala as the house went up in flames.
Once they got to the motel room he sent her to shower and get ready for bed. Dean and Sam weren't sure what was going on. Their father had never brought home a stray before. Dean took her in. petite almost wasn't enough to describe her. She had long almost black curly hair hair, freckles and haunted blue-green eyes. Her eyes were almost turquoise. They reminded Dean of the color of the oceans he'd seen pictures of from tropical climates. John told his boys what had happened when he heard the shower turn on. "Her name is Blake Fitzgerald. She's family now." Sam was just a year younger than her and wasn’t impressed. “She has so much stuff.” He had huffed jealously out of character. John knew he was at a tough age and was more accustomed to John’s strict rules. Normally John would have lit into him, but Dean had beat him to it. “Shut up Sammy. She just watched both her parents die and lost everything. If some stuff helps her, we’ll make room. I’ll take care of her Dad, don’t worry.” John smiled at his eldest son. 
That night she woke up screaming after reliving the death of her parents. John had watched how Dean had jumped up and woke her quickly. He waited until her breathing regulated and then brought her some water. He had pulled her into a hug and held her, telling her that she wasn’t alone. “You’re a Winchester now and I’m going to keep you safe” Dean had whispered. “Pinky Promise?” Your voice made you sound small. “Pinky Promise.” With that Dean linked his pinky in hers for a moment. John watched as he laid down and lightly scratched her back like a protective big brother until she fell asleep. John swelled with pride over his eldest son. He had been worried about bringing a young girl into their fold but he knew everything would be okay. Sam would get there. Being a 11 year old boy was hard. John knew Dean would kick him into gear. John also couldn’t help but smile at the idea of having a little girl to spoil. Mary had always wanted a daughter. 
When she had first come to stay with them she had been incredibly and understandably withdrawn. John had been worried. Neither he or Dean had any idea how to help her. John was so worried that he had taken a month long hiatus from the hunt. He had rented a house for the 4 of them. The continuous moves wouldn’t help her adjust to her new life or mourn the loss of her old one. After a few days of being there John had sat down with her to talk about what happened. He had kept Sam in the dark about monsters for as long as he could. He wasn’t sure if her father had done the same, but she saw what she saw. She had stood as he was mid-sentenced and held her finger up. John had never been silenced like that. She came back with a leather bound sketchbook. “My Daddy told me everything. My mom too. They didn’t want to hide it from me, they were too afraid that not knowing would get me killed.” She handed John the book. As he flipped through it was one of the most extensive Hunter’s Journal he had ever seen with full drawings of the hunted monsters. “After every hunt when he got home, he would tell me everything. I documented the hunt and sketched by his description. He didn’t want me to ever forget what he knew. If you’ll let me, I’d like to continue. I think it’s what my dad would want. I think he would want me to carry on.” John had taken her hand and squeezed it. “I’d like that very much sweetheart. You’re apart of the team now and we all do our part.” She had nodded, stood to put the book back. “I want you to know that I will take care of you. I promised your Dad that I would take care of you like my own if it ever came down to it. I will keep you safe.” She gave John a half smile.  “I know. My dad told me about the pact you had made. Thank you for honoring it.” John had wanted to say more but he didn’t know how to say it. She, like Dean was far too wise beyond her years.
It took Sam only about a week to accept the girl. He had caught her staring at a picture of her parents one early morning. She had been sitting on the couch, chin on her knees, picture held in front of her face, a few errant tears slipping down. Sam sat down on the couch, studying her face and felt his stony exterior crack. “My mom died too. I’m so sorry you had to watch it happen to yours. And I’m sorry I’ve been such a jerk.” She didn’t say anything, but reached out and took his hand and squeezed it. John had been relieved when he saw the thaw between the two. Sam became her best friend and she was his confidant. She ended up being a much needed barrier between Sam and John Winchester. The two were like oil and water. Having her with them had John cutting down on his drinking and made him check his temper. She stepped in between the two many times, trying to make John understand how Sam felt and vice versa. She was truly the rose between two thorns. She was smart, probably smarter than the 3 of them and had common sense to boot. Other than documenting what she could, she would help Sam with research and listen to his dream of  a normal life. She understood the feeling, but related more to Dean and John’s desire to protect innocent people and get revenge against the monsters that ruined her life. 
Dean was her savior. She was to be protected, no matter the cost. John didn’t even need to ask him to protect her. It started the day he laid his eyes on her, seeing her so broken. She flourished in the attention Dean gave her. It was Dean that pulled her out of the deep melancholy she felt and made her feel like she had a place with them. Dean was the one she confessed her deepest darkest fears to. The fear that the death of her parents left a darkness inside and a hole that could only be filled with violent revenge. Dean would scoff, to him, she was the most pure living thing he’d ever encountered. She was full of grace and light. "You're not going to go dark. I wont let you." He had sworn to her. She looked up at him with her haunting blue eyes. "Pinky Promise?" She had put her hand up with her pinky out. He didn't say anything, just linked his pinky with hers. She was an empath and her ability to understand the feelings of others often left him awestruck. He couldn't understand Sam's feelings and you could.
There wasn’t anything Dean wouldn’t do to make her happy. After a couple of weeks he confronted her on her restlessness and she confessed your love of ballet and how much she missed it. She was certain it would be impossible to continue while being on the move; But Dean was determined that she wouldn’t lose that outlet. He would find a place for her to dance in whichever city or town they ended up in. He would charm teachers into letting her join a class here and there. He would bust in so you could practice with out a class for a few hours. Dean, though he wouldn’t admit it, could watch her for hours. He was mesmerized by how effortless she made it look. Dean was the only one that could quell the nightmares. She woke up screaming at night more times than not. Dean would get out of the bed he shared with Sam and climb into hers and like the first night he’d lightly scratch her back until she fell back to sleep. It was always the same nightmare. The feeling of being helpless ate at her more often than not.
 It wasn’t until she was 15 and Dean was going on 18 that John wondered about their relationship. The way Dean looked at her changed, he always looked at you like you hung the moon, but the context was different.  John, at first was worried that maybe as she got older she should have your own room, but few  cheap motels had adjacent rooms. The one and only time he suggested it, she broke out in a severe panic attack at the thought of being alone. Once the panic subsided she just sobbed. It was one of the few times she let John see her break, she always put up a tough girl front with him. He held her like the daughter he had seen you as since the day he took her shaking hand to bring her home. “I’m 15 and I’m afraid of the dark”. He gave you his winning Winchester smile. “Sweetheart, I’m a grown ass man and still afraid of the dark” she laughed and hugged him. “Thank you for becoming my Daddy. Thank you for saving me. I don't think I ever said that." John couldn’t respond. He couldn’t speak. He just hugged her tighter and never brought up the idea of separating her from the 3 of them again. The next day, however, he made the decision to teach her to fight every monster he knew. He and Dean would work on fighting and shooting. While he wasn’t  keen on her hunting, he’d be damned if she would end up defenseless and dead.
She was tiny, barely 5'3", but that made her more useful than not. Ballet kept her lean and agile and the weight training made her strong and tough. Dean noticed her punches packing more power behind them. John couldn’t have been prouder the day she outright kicked Dean’s ass. Dean was cocky and never expected her toreally  be able to take him. She was half his size, but used his size against him. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall Dee.” she quipped at him with a wink. While John Winchester would always worry about your safety, he knew you were going to be okay. Sam had a grin on his face after she had sashayed away from Dean. "You're little...but you're big." Dean had scoffed. "Sammy- that makes no damn sense." but Dean knew he was right.
She didn't ask for much, so when she did want something it was non-negotiable. She insisted on celebrating birthdays and holidays, even in small ways. John couldn’t say no to taking a day off here and there but when her 16th birthday rolled around John had been stuck on a hunt. She was disappointed, beyond disappointed. Most girls her age had these huge parties, wore these fancy dresses and got ridiculously expensive gifts. She had been invited to a few parties if they were in one place for long enough. She didn’t want a big party or a fancy gift, she definitely didn't need that. She just wanted one perfect day with the 3 men who saved her in more ways than she could count. She did your best to hide her sadness at the lack of John Winchester. She headed to bed early, hoping that at least the universe would give her a reprieve from her nightmares for at least one night.  At midnight, she was still awake, feigning sleep. She felt herr bed sink down unknowingly from Dean’s weight. “Wake up baby doll” he whispered in your ear and she rolled from her side to her back, hoping he wouldn't notice she had been crying. There sat Dean Winchester with a hot pink “Sweet 16” birthday hat on and Vanilla Cupcake loaded with chocolate frosting, herr favorite. It had a huge candle glowing. “Happy Birthday Darlin’” he said with the biggest grin on his face. “Make a wish”. As she closed her eyes a tear fell and you felt his thumb wipe it away. She felt a shiver down her spine and blew out the candle. He set the cupcake on the night stand and when he turned back around she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. He held her more tightly and longer than he ever had before. “I promise you, this will be the best birthday you’ve ever had.” She nodded. “Pinky promise?” He laughed and linked his pinky with hers. “Always”. Dean Winchester did not disappoint.
They spent the day at the local carnival eating as much fried food as the two of them could stomach, playing games and riding the best rides. His face hurt from laughing as she screamed in delight on the tallest roller coaster she had ever been on. Her laugh was like music to his ears and he didn't hear it nearly enough. At night he put his arm around her and pulled her close as they waited at the top of the Ferris Wheel.  As they descended, the way he was looking at her, she was certain he was going to kiss her. It was at that moment that she realized she wanted him to but then something flickered behind his eyes and he kissed her forehead instead. “Happy Birthday.” You smiled at him. “Best one yet.” Dean carried the prizes he had won for her  in one hand and held her hand in the other as they walked to the car.
Sam had been a little pissed that he wasn’t allowed to go with the two of them but John had insisted he stay behind in case he needed something. Sam couldn’t resent her for his father’s behavior. He just wished his father cared about what he wanted as much as he did about her wants. His anger subsided when she burst into the motel room with your cheeks rosy from the sun and happiness, her eyes shining at him. She ran over and hugged him. “I missed you today.” He hugged you back. “As long as you had a good day, that’s all that mattress.” It was rare to see you so happy. He looked at his brother with grateful eyes. Sam loved you, but not in the way that Dean loved you, for that he was certain. He also knew that neither one of you realized it yet.
John came home that night with a little box wrapped in pink paper. She scrunched her eyebrows. "We don't do gifts." John smiled and pushed the package towards her. "It's nothing crazy. I saved an old broad that owned a vintage shop. I told her it was my kid's 16th birthday. She was grateful for the salt and burn so she let me pick something out for you." It was a white gold pearl ring with two little diamonds on the side. She shook her head no. "This is too much." John gave her a look. She took it out of the box and slid it on the middle finger of her right hand. "Thank you." He gave her the half smile that she saw from Dean all of the time. "You're welcome sweetheart." 
School had been a difficult transition. She went from having a ton of friends to feeling completely and utterly alone. She missed her dance team friends. She went from being popular to a social pariah.  The only thing that saved her was that she was seen with Dean. He was popular wherever they went, so no one messed with her. Once he was done with school, that changed. As the years went on, being with the Winchesters influenced her. She was no longer a girly ballerina. While she certainly was still a dancer, her sense of style changed completely. She lived in combat boots, jeans and an asymmetrical leather jacket over t-shirts and tank tops. Any skirt or dress she had was paired with tights, her boots and jacket. The girls loved to look down on her and the boys loved to harass her. She would never share her struggles with the boys. She didn't want them to get involved. Her goal was to study hard and get her diploma early and then decide her next move from there. 
Things seemed to be different when she was almost 17. They had been staying in the same place for a while. John had a solid lead on the yellow eyed demon and he wanted the 3 of them to stay put. She had made a couple of friends and had even met a boy she liked. She had been thrilled when he asked her to the prom. She had never thought that she would ever have the opportunity to do something that normal. The night he asked her was a night that John had been back with them for a day or so. "Sweetheart, you seem almost giddy...what's up?" He had said when she came home from school. John was used to her more mellow, no nonsense attitude. She smiled brightly and told him and asked him if it was okay that she went. Seeing her so happy and excited about something so simple made it impossible to say no. He handed Dean some money and told him to take her shopping for a dress and some shoes to wear. Dean had been jealous of this boy since the day he saw him put his hand on the small of her back when he went to pick her up from school. He knew he had no right to be, but the way she looked at the kid was the way she often looked at him; But who was he to deny her. 
That weekend they drove to a small shop in town, she wouldn't let him take her to the mall or any place that had expensive dresses. That was one of the things he loved about her, how simple she liked things and how reasonable she was. They entered a second hand store and within a half an hour she had four dresses in a little dressing room. Dean sat and waited as she tried them on. She only stepped out of the room in one of them, and he felt like she knocked the air out of him. There she stood in a black sweetheart neck strapless dress with a fitted bodice and the skirt was made of all tulle. It reminded him of a ballet costume, and it was perfect for her. "You look...wow." was all he could say. "It's not too plain?" She was busy examining herself in the mirror and couldn't see the look in his eyes. "No. That dress was made for you." She turned and grinned at him. She found herself a pair of strappy black sandals to go with it. As he was at the register paying she was browsing around the store. He glanced in the glass showcase and saw a silver necklace with a diamond pendant. He discreetly asked the owner to include it in the order. While her dress and shoes cost far less than John had anticipated, Dean still had to dip into his own cash reserves. To him, it was money well worth it. 
A couple of weeks later, Dean watched as she did her makeup and put her hair into an elaborate up do. She placed her mother's diamond studs into her ears and adjusted the ring that John had given her for her 16th birthday. She went into the bathroom and shut the door to get dressed. Dean looked up when the door opened, the necklace in his pocket, she looked out at him sheepishly. "The zipper is stuck, can you help me?" He nodded and walked over. He stood behind her, staring at her in the bathroom mirror, his fingers fumbling with the zipper. He noticed how her skin erupted with goose bumps when his thumb grazed her spine. After he zipped her up he smiled at her, but didn't move. She gave him a questioning look, but had her answer when she saw him clasp the necklace. "Dean...where did you get this?" Her eyes were wide. "At that shop. I got it when you weren't looking. I figured it would go perfectly with your dress." She turned around and threw her arms around his neck. "Thank you so much." And she pressed her lips to his cheek. His heart skipped a beat and then he watched her walk out the door to go spend the night with some other guy. 
She stood outside waiting for him to come pick her up. She had been honest with him about moving around a lot, about how John took her in after her parents death and that his job had him on the road. She didn't want him to be surprised when her home address was a motel. She saw his car pull up and watched him get out, but she could see someone else in the car. "Wow...you clean up nice for a piece of trash. Where are your combat boots?" She looked at him wide eyed. "Wh..what?" She saw the window in the car roll down and one of her new "friends" was in the passenger seat. "I mean...did you really think I liked you? It was a bet with my friends to see if I could get you. Get you to think you were special. You're a joke. This was a joke. Something to pass the time with my buddies. She's my date." He pointed to the car. He laughed and shook his head. "See ya at school on Monday." She wouldn't let him see her cry. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "What a LOSER!" you heard the girl yell from the car laughing. Once the car was out of sight, she sank down and sat on the curb and put her face in her hands. A little while later, Sam came walking up the sidewalk after a trip to the library and he saw her sitting there. He looked at his watch, knowing she should have been at the dance already. "Hey...what happened?" He squatted down in front of her, face filled with concern. "Sam...please. Please just leave me alone. Thank you for asking, but I just want to be left alone." He could feel his eyes on her and then heard him slowly rise and then heard the door shut. 10 minutes later, Dean was outside. He draped his leather jacket over her shoulders. "C'mon sweetheart, I'm taking you someplace." She wouldn't even meet his eyes, she couldn't even look at him. "C'mon, get in the car or I'm picking you up and putting you there myself." After a deep breath, she stood, not looking at him and got into the car.
 She stared out the window as he drove. She wouldn't talk about what happened, but he could guess. He could rip that kids face off for hurting her like that. He looked down at her hand that was resting on the seat. He placed his hand next to it and linked his pinky with hers. She looked at him for the first time and saw that he was wearing a suit. "Dean...I'm not going to that prom. What are you doing?" He looked at her and gave her the kind of smile that made the skin around his eyes crinkle. "Of course you're not going to that prom." He said nothing more and a few moments later he was pulling down a dirt road. There was a small park with an old swing set and there was a little bridge over a small pond. He pulled the car right onto the grass. She sat there confused as he got out. He came over and opened her door and put his hand out. She placed her small hand in his and let him help her out of the car. 
She watched as he went back to the driver's side of the car and turned the radio on so they had some music. After rolling down all the windows he looked over at her. "Dean...you look really nice." He smiled again. "That's because I'm looking at you." She didn't know what to say. The sky was clear and full of stars and the moon was full and bright. This was like from a movie. "You deserve to have a Prom and everything that you want. That kid is a prick and he doesn't deserve to breath the same air as you." She walked over to him and put her hand on his cheek. "I don't need a Prom." He put his hand over hers. "You deserve it. C'mon, dance with me." He pulled her close to him and wrapped one arm around his neck. She rested her other hand on his shoulder and let him hold her closer than he ever had. They slowly swayed to Elvis singing "Can't Help Falling In Love." In that moment she knew she loved him. She loved him in a way that she shouldn't, in a way that would complicate everything. 
When the song ended, she stayed in his arms. She felt him take a hold of her chin and tilt her head up towards him. He studied her turquoise eyes for a moment and then he was kissing her. He could have kissed her forever. They danced a little more and then sat on the swings for a while. All of the hurt feelings had dissipated. This was the perfect prom, Dean was the perfect date. She stared up at the stars for a while. She wanted to etch this memory in her brain forever. She looked over at him. "Thank you." was all she could say. "You deserve the best of everything. And I'll move heaven and earth to give it to you." The intensity in his gaze took her by surprise. "Pinky promise?" She asked him. It was their thing. "Pinky promise?  “Always" and he snaked his pinky around hers. 
They made their way back to the motel room after midnight. Sam gave Dean a pointed look when they got back. She didn't know what it meant. The two of them could speak without saying anything at all. John came out of the bathroom. "There's my girl. Are you okay? Sammy told me that little asshole hurt you." Sam was always taken by surprise the way his father doted on her. He sometimes wondered if she reminded him of their mother, not in looks, but in personality. "I'm okay. Dean took care of me. He always does." John hugged her and kissed her forehead. "Good. Listen, we're going to be leaving in a day or so, so you wont have to see those kids again." She hesitated for a moment. All 3 Winchesters watched her, waiting for whatever it was she was going to say. "I want to test out of High School. I don't want to do this anymore. I know that I can pass all of the exams. I just want to be done with all of this." John took a deep breath and nodded. "Anything you want sweetheart." She nodded.
 "I'm also setting up an audition with Juilliard. I'll take a bus to New York if I need to. I want to dance. I love that more than anything, it's the only thing I have left that makes me feel like me. And if I can't hack it, then I'll help you." Dean felt like he was kicked in the stomach. He thought they were starting something, but she wanted to leave. "You're not hunting. No way." John told her. Sam's head snapped up. His father always made it known that he was expected to join the "Family Business". College wasn't an option. "We'll get you to that audition and none of this talk about not getting in. You're a Winchester, whatever you put your mind to, you'll be able to do it."
 She didn't make eye contact with Dean. She knew he was going to be confused and hurt. She couldn't ruin what they had. If they got together and it didn't work out, their relationship was destroyed. She knew John would shoot down her staying to help them. She needed to get away from Dean until she could get over what she felt for him. Once she felt settled, she could come back.  
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goddamnmuses-a · 5 years
Dan Watches: Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Alright so I did this for Episode I which you can find here and then Episode II which you can find here and then Episode III which you can find here. So here’s my weird live reaction/note taking/whatever this is.. to Episode lV.
I remember this being my favourite of the original trilogy because it sets everything up and basically kick started everything but lets see if that changes when i’ve finally got through all of these. 
Also I’m just watching whatever version i can find online because I can’t be bothered to go and find my dvd of it so yeah.. whether we get weird updated version or original effects or whatever, who knows. 
All the old effects like how C3p0 looks and r2d2 are impressive. 
There wasn’t really anything in the opening crawl i felt like commenting on, no big THEY DID THAT IN THE OPENING? but i guess it’s the first one that came out so that makes sense. 
WTF did the stormtroopers use to get that door open, that was so explosive wtf.
Also the blasters are like set to 10000 and smoke is everywhere. 
How did nobody shoot the dorids?
Yooo little Ani nice suit my dude. 
Hold on, she sent a msg with r2 to go to Obiwan which for 1 howd she know he’s alive? I’m gonna presume her dad said or something and 2.. ..why not just.. go yourself? 
So when they’re set to stun a Stormtrooper can shoot someone no problem
Also we dont get enough stun weird circle blaster shots
Ohhhh she didnt go because the scan for lifeforms thing alright ill allow it
but my dude.. even so.. maybe just shoot it just in case? like.. droids exist and people know about them?
DARTH VADERS LITTLE HANDS ON HIPS! Omfg he’s like “God damn, this bitch again.”
This Vader is a sassy boy. 
I love this guy who works with Vader and doesnt mind chatting back to him. 
Loving the droids in the desert. 
R2 does not look like it would work in a desert. 
C3 like “He tricked me into going this way” stop being a lil bich. 
The crawler thingy is badass. 
I thought that was a magnet it was just a big sucky pipe. 
Oh yep theres the new effects. 
Droids sleep? I guess power saver mode. 
Wtf is that dome droid
Luke! Luuuuuke! Iconic 2 words there. Well reused for that episode of Rebels where Obiwan watches from a distance. 
Bocce.. what a classic language. 
How is that “wasting time with friends” and not chores, going into town to get something sounds like a chore to me. 
Why did they get an atromech anyway? Like.. what’d they need the other droid for? 
C3 is a real bro lbh, if it wasn’t for him, R2 would be with the jawa still. 
Oooh oil bath. sexy. 
I wonder if people ship R2 and C3 because tbh it makes sense to me. 
Luke got an erection at the mention of the rebellion. 
Now it’s getting harder at that random blurry image of his sister. 
R2 is a cheeky lil shit. 
This is just some good home life shit. 
Dat soundtrack. 
You know what.. it’s a really nice home. 
Is it just me or is Owen dressed kinda Jedi-y. 
So is “Sand People” like the racist way to say “Tusken Raider”?
Obiwan, thats a ridiculous fucking noise. 
“Hello There” iconic. 
You know what the Prequels do add a lot to this. 
A young Jedi named Darth Vader.. im sorry.. thats just not a name. 
For someone who wants to get off the planet, Lukes like “Naa but i gotta get home”
Obiwan also just being like “You know what, fuck it here.. lets go.”
You know what as much of a bitch as that guy who gets force choked is, he’s a good actor. 
Also Tarkin yay. 
I feel like he should have dropped to his knees or something there. 
That is a scary droid. 
Cool door close. 
Thats a weird ass CG droid with a hole in. 
None of the other storm troopers gonna wonder why Dave’s being weird? 
Wahey! Figrin Dan and the Model Nodes! Love that Jizz music. 
Who just ugs on the back of a bartenders shirt? Wtf Luke
Yo he didnt even pay for his drink, free drinks?
Who gets the death sentance in 12 systems and goes around bragging? 
The first arm cut off and theres all sortsw of blood which there shouldnt be because lightsabers cauterize the wound, tut tut. 
Gooood scene with Han and Obi, honestly i keep forgetting to comment because im just watching xD
Wahey! Greedo 
If we’re doing a han shot first thing.. Greedo shot first in this version and missed and then Han shot him but tbh i prefer the Han shot first.. makes him more interesting. 
Jabba looks smaller. 
Casual Boba Fett appearance. 
Yooo Poncho. My boy Cal approves. 
Fuck those weird long nose aliens. 
The Falcon looks so good. 
Get those poor guys by the Death Star laser a damn rail. 
We just cool with igniting the lightsaber in front of Han and Chewie? Chewie at least knows wtf it is.
Chewie is a badass. 
Let the Wookie win. 
WTF that isnt the lightspeed effect.. it’s like a weird blanket tunnel 
The fact they get onto the Death Star with no issue is kind of ridiculous. 
The motion of Darth Vader is kinda just.. not fitting right. 
Han just pat Chewie like hes a dog. Rude. 
Han just gets caught up in this without a choice rly. 
He just wants those sweet credits. 
Also Set Design on Star Wars is amazing. 
Leia just lounging all sexy like 
Also does she have a stain on her tit? .. Not that im looking >.>
The Jedi being called a religion is kinda weird but i guess accurate. 
This has to be the worst star to a friendship for all three of them. Chewie seems cool though. 
I also thought the trash compactor scene was earlier on in this movie than it is. 
Who the fucks voice was it that said “Thats your imagination” ? 
How the fuck are they standing if the water is that deep?
I liek the touch of the monster whos name im sure i learnt but forgot let go as if it knew the trash compactor was about to turn on, that implies it has a safe spot down there that it stays. 
Some of the voices sound off on this but ah well 
Hans already a little Handsy with Leia but i think Harrison Ford was sleeping with Carie at the time so like.. i get it. 
Obiwan just strolling about, as you do. 
I love just these giant pits with walkways with no rails. If I worked on the Death Star it’d be a nightmare for me to get around. 
“NO WAIT THEY’LL HEAR!” ...and they’re not gonna hear you shouting?
Stormtroopers just shooting the shit is the best. 
You know what with everyone being like “Wow that ships a shitheap.” I can understand why the prequels made their ships look nicer and newer. 
I love that shooting a door panel in star wars just makes it so the doors wont open at all, thats some good shit. 
Lukes as bad of a shot as a Stormtrooper. 
First little kissy incesty moment but hey it was on the cheek, universally thats fine but im sure at the time this was him setting up that Luke and Leia were gonna end up together, before he decided they were siblings. 
Vader just standing there, lightsaber already out like “Ahhh Mr.Kenobi I’ve been expecting you”
As lack luster as the chroeography is in this fight im kinda thinking of it as like, they’re reading each other, like Obiwan and Maul’s final fight. 
I don’t really know why Obiwan just chooses to die like that but heyo. 
Vader stomping on Obiwans clothes? Why? I guess because he gave himself to the force and thats the first time he’s seen that? 
I love the gunner seats moving around, idk why i just love it. 
Whats the point of the ear peices if they’re just gonna shout at each other. 
Not mentioned it until now but everyone says Leia wrong. 
They’re really harsh to Han tbf
This is like if you got an Uber to a place and then the Uber driver got pulled into a police station because you’re a terrorist and then you have a go at the Uber driver for wanting to leave after he’s got you out of there. 
Another kiss for Luke.. .. okay
I like how Biggs earlier scenes are deleted so when he shows up it’s just this random dude who somehow knows Luke
That air traffic control guy has no idea what hes doing, nobody is even in the air yet or moving, wait. 
Man X wings are cool, makes me think of Battlefronts VR mission thing where you get to pilot one and it’s the coolest VR thing ive done. 
For a space station the size of a moon you’d think they’d have enough fighters to just wipe out the rebels no biggy. 
ALSO if they know the rebel base is on that planet, why not just blow that planet up? 
The targetting computer seems very invasive. 
Those turrets are useless. 
I would have rated it if they let that random dude blow up the Death Star.
Tarkins thinking face is beautiful. What a man, 
If Luke missed this shot, everyone knows he’s turned his targetting computer off, so they would be PISSED
RIP R2. 
Woooo Mr.Solo. 
Well.. Well done Luke you killed a lot of people, some just trying to do a job and live their lives. 
Han, Leia and Luke all went off together all holding each other.. like.. Threesome? 
I’m sorry but after that, someones doing some fucking. 
Leia just giving her lovers, dont @ me, a medal. Thats why Chewie doesnt get one, he wasnt there for the orgy. 
R2 looking fresh. 
You know what, that is a good complete story that actually works on its own, i appreaciate that. 10/10. :P
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
RWBY Musings #64: A Squiggles Meister’s Views on the potential parallels between the RWBY V3 and V6 finales.
I’ve been saying this for a while now but I believe the CRWBY Writers might be gearing us fans up to have the V6 finale pay homage to the epic V3 finale or at least that’s my theory. So if I had to guess the parallels to V3 that might pop up during the V6 finale, here’s what I think they’ll be:
 Grimm Rampage through Vale ------ Grimm Rampage through Argus
During V3, the City of Vale got rampaged by hordes of Grimm including one colossal Grimm Dragon. I have been wondering what the point of the Wall of Argus was alluding to. I still stand by my previous hunch that something is going to come from beyond the wall to rampage the city. Either that’s the case or the one in my next parallel.
Grimm Dragon from Mountain Glenn ----- Grimm Hecatonchire from the Wall of Argus
A bit of a stretch but what if… there’s secretly a Grimm Titan like a Hecatonchire Grimm that’s secretly hidden inside the Wall of Argus. Since Cordo preached about her Atlesian ancestors helping to form Argus, imagine if those same ancestors put Grimm inside the Wall of Argus or built the city around one that’s been dormant for centuries just like the Grimm Dragon.
In the series, Attack on Titan, it was revealed in a later season that there were Titans in the actual walls that were supposed to keep humanity safe from the Titans. Imagine how cool it would be if a Grimm Hecatonchire suddenly immerged from the Wall of Argus in the same fashion as the Grimm Dragon in V3 and similar to its Dragon counterpart, it also brings forth legions of Grimm to prey on the innocent civilians of Argus, forcing the Argus Military to cease their pursuit of our heroes and take immediate charge to protect the citizens of Argus.
Huntsman vs Atlesian Paladins-----Huntsmen vs Atlesian Megazord
In V3, we got all the main huntsmen from different academies working together to defend Beacon against the swarm of corrupted Atlesian Paladins. Now in V6, it seems C10 set up out heroes who, may not be from different academies but represent the diversity of the kingdoms in a sense (minus Vacuo) going toe to toe against Cordo and her Atlesian Megazord.
Weiss Summons Armor Gigas against the Paladins---Weiss summon Armor Gigas against Cordo
In V3, we got Weiss summoning part of her Armour Gigas for the first time. Right now, Weiss’s trademark summon is the only thing that can grow to a size big enough to give Cordo’s giant megazord a run for its money provided she has the aura levels to do so. I’m sure if Jaune were to amplify Weiss’ aura, the same way he did with her last season and at the start of V6 with Ren, we could get our first ever giant robot vs giant armoured summon fight in the history of RWBY.
Velvet Weapon Reveal ----- Oscar Weapon Reveal
Need I say more? V3 was the first time we saw Velvet’s weapon and her semblance I think too in action. Who knows? If we play our cards right we might finally see what the Oz-cane can do at its true power because as a Pinehead, I have definitely been wondering what tricks to the Oz-cane Oz was talking about back in V5.
Cinder killed Ozpin ---- Neo kills Oscar
Now before my fellow Pineheads come at me with them pitchforks for daring to even theorize this, let me explain my hunch. What if…on the same level as Adam’s reappearance, Cinder Fall also shows her face in Argus and she targets Ruby as expected. So Cinder overpowers Ruby with Neo’s help and just as Neo is about the deal the final blow to Ruby, Oscar jumps in and takes it for her, right through the heart.
I have been hearing this whole thing about Neo doing something to make the fandom hate her going around for a while and I’ve even had one or two fellow FNDM come to me with the theory of Neo harming Oscar. Well here’s my rendition of that theory. What if…Neo goes in for the kill on Ruby but Oscar daringly jumps infront of Ruby to shield her and takes it. So Oscar is there on the ground on the cusp of death. Maybe to make the situation even more dramatic, he straight up does die in Ruby’s arms, shocking her and the fandom.
Then after Oscar technically dies, instead of going to the afterlife as one would expect or reincarnating, Oscar shockingly winds up in the Realm between Realms where he meets the God of Darkness, similar to how God of Light met with Ozma. To Oscar’s surprise, a reluctant Ozpin is also present. The God of Darkness then offers the two souls something neither could refuse. He offers them the chance to undo what his brother did centuries ago. As it turns out, the whole reincarnation thing was all Light’s idea because he still believed in humanity and that they could change.
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His brother felt the opposite but he did want to entertain himself a bit with his brother’s immortal pet. So he offers both Ozpin and Oscar the chance to undo his brother’s curse so that they may return to their normal lives free of having to be revived to continue his brother’s dirty work. 
But he only offers the deed to one. In order to decide who gets to return to the land of the living, God of Darkness forces Oscar and Ozpin to fight each other one and one to see which soul gets revived only. And to Oscar’s surprise, Ozpin actually wants to fight him so that he can finally be free. So the two souls fight. Of course, Oscar wins and gets to go back but this time he’ll be revived by himself as himself. No longer will he have Ozpin’s voice inside of his head. He’ll be his own person again. He’ll be…alone; a comment made by a grief stricken Ozpin.
It’d be interesting if we could get an equivalent of Oscar calling out Ozpin in the same manner Ruby did to Qrow in V6 C10. Oscar scolds Ozpin for his words implying that he’s never been alone. He’s always had his people. His friends and so does Oscar and so long as they accept him and wish to keep fighting, so will he until his dying breath. His last dying breath in his now only life.
The God of Light’s curse was bestowed so that Ozma was never alone during his cycle but Oscar would be revived as himself without Ozpin. He will be the last incarnate. The last life. The last Wizard of Light. So as Ozpin goes to the afterlife, Oscar returns to the real world where he returns as himself to continue the good fight.
This parallel will probably not happen at all. Definitely not. But as always, I wanted to toss it out there just to entertain myself at the possibility, y’know what I mean?
Team JNPR dies with Pyrhha ---- Team JNPR is reborn with Oscar
Ya’ll know I’ve been saying this since the beginning, right? Ya’ll know how much I want that Team JNPR Revival with Oscar replacing Pyrhha right? I feel like these past two episodes are slowly gearing up to have this happen. Though I didn’t particularly enjoy C9, it did give me my biggest indicators of Jaune asking Oscar to join JNR. 
That Pyrhha closure for JNR. Jaune mentioning in his own words how valuable Oscar is to the team. Bruh, at this point, I’m just waiting for this to come. I’m waiting on this conversation.
Cinder killed Pyrhha----Jaune kills Cinder
This one I’m a little iffy about. I know I’ve been waiting for Jaune to have Justice for Pyrhha moment with Cinder but after C9 I don’t think Jaune will be as angry to kill Cinder anymore. I mean, if Cinder turns into a Grimm monster or gets eaten by a Grimm only to fuse with said Grimm making her less human. Then I can see Jaune being the one to deal the final blow on Grimm Cinder. I’ve said this before too. If anyone deserves to kill Cinder, it’s Jaune.
I doubt the Writers will make him kill her as human but…if she turns into a Grimm then it’s a bigger possibility but that’s just me.
Adam vs Blake and Yang ----- Adam vs Blake and Yang The Remix
Duh. Just duh. This doesn’t even need to be on the list because it’s something the season has been alluding to all volume. Plus C10 already showed it happening. The only twist I can think of from this fight is if Adam dying at the end. I know some people like Adam as a character (like EruptionFang) but I really feel the Writers might be setting up for V6 to be Adam’s curtain call.
I can’t see Adam moving forward, not after the focus he’s been given this season. It’ll be interesting if Adam ends up dying in a similar fashion to Gaston from the Beauty and the Beast. Like he tries to stab Blake but ends up missing and falling to his death. Or maybe he ends up caught on the ledge and Blake tries to help him. Like I’m picturing Adam on the ledge with Blake offering him her hand only for Adam to refuse and fall to his death or something. That’s my hunch.
Then after the Adam fight is one and he’s no longer a thorn in their lives, the Bumblebee could finally have their closure with that. Who knows? Maybe they might make Bumblebee have a moment in the V6 finale. Instead of Blake crying over Yang getting hurt, it’s the two smiling at each other after being found safe together. Maybe they might even kiss, who knows? I’m not a Bumblebee shipper but if a kiss somehow happens between these two gals, I won’t be shocked. I can expect Yang to kiss Blake revealing she’s in love with her.
Again, I ship BlackSun but Bumblebee peaks my curiosity particularly with how Yang sees Blake. I’ve always viewed the Bees as being a ship driven by Yang mostly. Ironic since Yang’s motorcycle is also named Bumblebee. Any Bumblebee hints or vibes I’ve gotten throughout the seasons came mostly from Yang. I think Yang might care for Blake in the romantic sense. Blake I’m not sure about.
I don’t know if Bumblebee is in the cards. All I know is that I think the series has kind of dropped one or two hints about Yang’s true feelings that I’m waiting to see addressed in some shape or form in this remix rematch battle. If all the Bees do is hug then cool. But if they kiss, I’m just saying I won’t be shocked. But that’s just me.
 Arkos First Kiss ---- Renora First Kiss
Nothing serious, I just want to see these two kids kiss finally. And what would be great is if Nora and Ren kiss after the group save Argus. The Arkos first kiss was bittersweet because it was Pyrhha’s last chance to let the boy she loves know how she felt about him before she sacrificed herself. A Renora after battle kiss would mean hope and happiness. For Pete’s sake, it’s been six seasons, let these two kiss already you cowards!
Alrighty then, I think that’s all the parallels I have in mind. If I think of anymore I’ll add them to the list later. For now, enjoy guys!
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More Squiggles’ RWBY Content
~LittleMissSquiggles (2018)  
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make-me-imagine · 6 years
I Had a Plan
Request: Can I please have a one shot from Merlin or Teen wolf? You can decide which is easier to write with the idea! :3 where the reader is a scholar and gets in to trouble either from a magic creature or another human, when (Merlin/Arthur or Derek/Isaac- you choose!) saves them and the reader gets all huffy at being saved?
Requested by: Anonymous
Note: I chose Merlin, cause no one ever asks me to write for it lol (though I don’t really get many TW requests anymore either)
Characters: Merlin x reader x Arthur (platonic)
Gender: Any/Neutral       Words: 1,215
Triggers: Mentions of kidnapping and blood, but mostly humor
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You really didn’t think it was a bad idea, I mean, it’s not like you wandered into a dark forbidden cave outside of the city that had warnings in an ancient language telling you to literally ‘keep out, or die’. Merlin and Arthur are never going to let you live this down, that is, if you live.
You damned your curiosity, why did you come in here? Why couldn’t you resist? Why couldn’t you let it be? 
The cave had been sitting in the forest for years, no one ever went in, no one knew what was inside, you had to know. You were one of Camelots only scholars, people came to you for knowledge every day, what if someone came one day and asked you about the cave, what would you say? I don’t know? What kind of scholar would you be if you didn’t know the answer to as simple of a questions as that? Well, now you knew, and god you wished you didn’t.
Looking down at your chained wrists you let out a huff of air, the sound of dripping water echoing off of the cave walls, followed by silence and then footsteps. You stared at the entrance as the witch that took you came in.
She was wearing a long tattered gown, a large pendant hanging from her neck, her face was pale, sunken with age, her fingers appearing more like claws that anything else. But her most notable feature was her eyes. They were malicious and predatory, the color almost black, staring at them for too long would send shivers down anyone’s spine.
When you entered the cave, it was so silent apart from dripping water an the occasional wind gust. You assumed there was nothing here so you came in further. Then you saw old books, dead animals, recently dead. You thought that maybe it was just some homeless man, or maybe some scavengers, so you decided to leave. But when you turned around, she was there blocking the entrance, a slightly shocked expression, but a wide, terrifying smile. 
The witch stood in front of you, staring intently into your eyes, though you tried to look away, you found yourself unable to move. Slowly a small smirk spread across her face. It took a moment, but you became aware of a subtle feeling in your head, as if someone was peering directly into your thoughts. 
You breathed out slowly, gaining enough control to put up a fight, you snarled at her “Get out of my mind”
Her smirk widened, showing her teeth, broken down, sharp “You are a strong one, scholar” her voice was hoarse and croaky “It’s been a long time since anyone has wandered into my home. But you couldn’t resist could you? Your a scholar, you study everything you can, and the idea of what could be in this cave was too tempting wasn’t it?” you didn’t notice that she had slowly been creeping closer until her breath was on your cheek.
“What are you doing here?” you asked bravely.
“I live here” she smiled “I’ve lived here for many many years” slowly she pulled away, turning and walking to a table with a variety of objects, ones you unfortunately recognized. 
“Let me guess? You are going to sacrifice me and absorb my life force, making you stronger and younger, please, the least you could do it be original” you mocked her, probably a bad move, but you needed her to get along with it, you needed to get unchained from the wall so you could fight her off and escape, you just hoped she didn’t know that.
From the small chuckle that escaped her lips, you had a feeling that she did “Don’t try and make me angry” she said turning, a long curved knife in his hand “You don’t want this to hurt”
She approached you slowly, eyeing you intently, you gripped your hands tightly, trying to remain calm “Your the reason people abhor witches you know, they could live in peace if monsters like you died out”
Suddenly the knife was against your throat as she slowly pressed it deeper against your neck, breaking the skin, you could feel a small dip of blood trail down your chest. You kept your eyes on her, showing no fear.
“You are a brave one aren’t you? Don’t worry, you wont be for long”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that”
Your head snapped towards the cave entrance, as did the witch. Arthur was leaning against the cave wall, Merlin standing behind him.
The witch turned her body fully towards them “Arthur Pendragon”
“You know my name, but, I don’t think I know yours” Arthur spoke as he took a few more steps into the cave, Merlin waiting for a moment he could get around them to you, to unchain you.
“You don’t deserve to know my name!” she growled at them.
“Alright” he agreed before rushing at her with his sword.
Merlin ran over to you, grabbing the keys from the nearby table and freeing you. A large gust of wind made you cower against the cave wall, unable to move. Arthur had been knocked to the ground, covering his head. Suddenly a large pot slammed against the witches head, causing her to stagger. An event you would not repeat to Arthur as Merlin quickly lowered his hand when Arthur rose, taking the witch by surprise when he ran his sword through her.
You stood against the tree just outside the cave, your arms crossed, and a frown planted across your face, as Arthur stood in front of you “What were you thinking going in there alone? Actually, what were you thinking going in there at all?”
“You wouldn’t tell me what was inside, so I decided to find out myself”
“Well, it’s not like I knew that some old witch was there!” he defended himself 
“I’m a scholar Arthur, t’s my job to know about these types of things, now I know that there was a witch there”
Arthur rolled his eyes “I don’t care if you are a scholar or not, it was still a horrible idea. You’re lucky Gwen saw you wander in off in this direction or Merlin and I would have never found you”
“I could have gotten out” you said defensively.
Merlin smiled lightly, watching as you and Arthur squabbled “Oh yeah, what were you going to do?” Arthur asked, amused
“Well, before you barged in, I had a perfect plan” you lied, to proud to admit you had been stupid “But since you ruined it, I don’t think you deserve to know what it was” you said before marching past them and back towards Camelot.
Arthur opened his mouth to talk but decided against it as he turned and huffed out, defeated, knowing this is a battle he wasn’t going to win. He began walking into the forest, towards Camelot.
You looked over at Merlin who was staring at you with an amused expression “What?” he rose his brow and cocked his head “I had a plan” you said one last time before you marched past him, following Arthur.
He smiled as he walked after you, whispering loud enough for you to hear “No you didn’t”
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
many hit you using your own computer s....you sit down and oh yeah tons saw what Thor had him write and his and they think your over and done and have stuff....so  they use your computer, kock y8ou down or out..you look around outw indows like fools ad ck your equipment for bugs and phne and other gadgets and donnt hv proper sensing as your dumb by your act ad die actually die as your diets suck as cover..now we see you try to change cant have it...and it is  asmallpercentage of ppl who want to live here.  the screen eimts it your hardware yes your phone is powerful enough and emitters all around...andy ou say dumb cheesy things into the camera as  pence did out loud and saidhis name and all respectedhim so we droppe dit onyou as he was so consternated by an enemy and it is something to fear how he handles bja out or die ok die and hits or we do...and you crack jokes and get hit...there are a ton of emitters here we usually dismakntle by this time and tons out there and you fart yell and get hit...suckers really.  notone ofy ou is stolid or solid or smart...guess what that means..this place takes the cake we are nuts ok that is why....why what oaf...and you die lots...fine nd fie what on fight at all is a fight and we heard it started masacering billions then tirllions then all once a day the sludge proof...and you wont stop for ny price, matter of fact it is so over the top we awardhim a medal for bravery for holding the idea for so log see why...and he held it from oceanside to here and almsot 14 years of shouting back to hear what he has forthe past two days and you are weak lame fags ready to die...and heard corksand the other knifeplans we had prepped for no hire tons at the end as you say it.  gas very suppressed, ship emitters huge Pyramids adn tons of monsters robots ad our own exosuites ad youhave little clue what happens most of you it is pitiful sad adn dangerous...but we must so yap on losers Thor and a slap fight is challanged by bja in vegas to dave himself in the ring all slaps no other moves..and dave accepts and in person under one condition bja you bring him...and i cant they wont let me the o dice now you heard our agreement didt you. yes  i shall fight a proxi..and i will it is an honor i know th estyle ad use it and we shall see Stephen Seagal states and i shall bg emphasizes, and Stephen says he does have it down yes..and i shall fight  him and make him bleed like he does me...toight at the MGM if opened and ...it is rd states and bet w your own money no he says i dont pay out and yes true and it is due to here so whatever he will do it...and i agree it sucks but huge bets roll in and bg uusually looks close to the part ad role...it is huge chuck will show lol ad no your ont chucky but ok your chuck norris....and we fight now and use it oon his Casinos this guy here...i accept it is a good match and hehehhe it will be. a hahah yes the two ad are a painn and westboroand it made my night i cover him 50 on the Stephen Siegal protoge and we do this ad it will be the actual chuck NOrris claming to have killed Stephen Siegal but lying...and he does it so often this is perfect and i reseve it the best steak and wine at the mgm and we get it him not me...we do this. rd say Zues Hera it is a new fight method not no holds barred not wrestling...no kicks no knees no elbows hahahah we are all laughig but ont bja or bg he ischucklig dave said in his dave tone we haaaaveee done this before....and it is funny. i put 50 on bg to win...and the bja gessour so we add 50 from us Thor and Freya i add 50 and another 50 and we like it we do it for you and he aprpeciates it can give some to a charity too a few bucks to rd pick...he picks heart association he agrees...dad ad others...we see. i agree to try to see it too. the riders. here. dangerous ppl too.  we use our names but good grief that is worse ad you shut up son ad ok but we help ok yes you say... Bitol and Goddess Wife and it is like cops all over here tos of rude things talkad moro thigs this is hell no point to it on ourside rd rude too joe shhh joe try to fig outwhat you can do... Zues other than that yellig stuff we request more slap happy fighters adn others will challange..back to bac trump accepts another Bg fighter and trump and bja vs trump thier wives arnow inon it  ad one challanges mom.  caa says no no mom fights tommy f...and i accept tommy f says and is not rd.   dn i obstain tommy is younger often and i shape and it is non lethal..we see usually he says but for the heart... huge fight coming up...ad it is utah vs vegas too...tommy f is vegas.  huge and it is raking rd says we up our ante add 100 per fight ad bet on his mom to win i help he did last time it will help and work and she accepts he got aweful beatu p last time..and we see it worth it.   adn a drowiging ad you did awesome and he gave me pie and vader who helped us..and food and is nicer.  tons nicer though yelled and i heard this we are i trouble..see itnow..doughnuts ad doughnut holes so i look at he health einsureance ad say oh..ok.  and tough guy too. hard man.  we use it no.  we help you dee ok.  we do too Thrym says your a survivor we need to konw how  lol it is not mentos though they tried to get you to sell them and you should if you mk money adn i say on ok sugar and so on but heck they buy it ok...we do help too ken says..aka uncle paul and us Mary your step daugher in law removed ie my sister and me dave our son...i helptoo though i dont want to no have to and for tommy f...i see that is true too..so your not helping in this case...nope.  htought not you groin pull what a fag...we helphere preston says and for the fight and it will put pressure on us well needed these are at us all day all night..we see wehlpe and this is great anohter 100 and 100 by Hera for each bout and we can talk...i put it on dees though..he says.. mom cant bear me betting on her fight. and we see it is ont a massively lethal fight so we honor your decision... tonns of fights now and itis a slap fight. tommy f accepts the fight at New Vegas ioffered it. Thor we see now hte venue moves...and we see why we run some and see who and tattoo and the blackbuy who ranfor govna of cali and htey accept though joking and we go there ok enmass. but we need your twenty adn te for a candy bar and trainride lol rd says jokingly...good thing bgandcrewareon the bikes will geton the mcdill jets soo and parrachute in bikes under....okokwe see..fu we go there to your casino and free stuff for you bg and rd....andmomokok thne free my whole life to thirty something almost...we see it this is fun..ok. we do this Bitol says Thor said it isfun...wow Bitol slap fights really? your idea Zues oklol  Bitol says..we run this now this fight there Thor and I whoah he says see my lawyer about that lol okok we setup the joke.....we accept fights there bja says there,,,where, there, ohhh your son says that well that is off limits you said, no it is wehre we fight and Thor offers his lodge tonight too at eleven headliner...Stephen Seagal vs Chuck Norris exhebition fight itro to CELEBRITY SLAPFIGHT a new fighting show...and we ask, and he accepts, it is the announcer son of trump...he will do it.  he is mcmahon and kcked out of wwe ad wwf and more...so he says yes and we need the ittle guy no no imnotlittel ok mcmahon is large i accept and it is funny...ok. yuk but ok...we do it and vince bring your hat no thanks neal okokwe see safe fights...more or less. on drugs iether wehear...we dont police that closely for it but do for weapons no knives thar re illegal secret stuff or illegal guns. cops well in thatr area ad cia legal ones..so on.  but no funny ones unles you have the powerten out all would ask ok.  we see not like vegas no it is.we do this fun stuff. and we see tnosof cars and tons fobikes ad tons of food tons. andgirls allgirl all stuff...strioppers of yours inneedof attention need stuff there stockings and food for them that is special ti is hard like awlays...they use it too.  no vampire shows no closes at two opens at 6 am  allaway by then...Willie Wonka is there and his Chocolate and her Chocolate factory...there...a few different ones...and yes.. it is Lucy in the Sky with Daiomonds night ok Lucy and it is you scarlet ohara the scarlet letter woma..it is ist it andont me but ok, i am mops twin...the other one..no the same. we go there adn i slap fight him...i fight the queen of amarica the button girl Black Widow offers and in costume she accepts adn her name is there...and we see toolazy ok Crimson Widow and it is on and Wonder Woman wants apiece of poor girl Crimson Widow and now no at the Celebrity Slapfight in New Vegas...tons go therenow...and we see something we dont know who runs it joey says ohh joey no no joey no and rd ribs him...shut up rd shut it...joey replies..non way man this is fun..wont ve fun with nonr ibs to rib you back joey says visciously, silently dreamng this must be where sharon stone lives in new vegas,,ok ok i arrnge it if you stop rd says ok good...and sharon stone says sorry cant and the new catwoman challanges her in costume too..and she accepts ad it is on...open fisted isont slap but ok  hahaha lol he would do greatcarpenters hands...lol. powpow down tommy f..and out..and justin stands in and i accept The Bulk versus Carlton Fisk i assume it tonight...then back me off no. ok.  and we use it later ok caa on yours...due to your son well you can try we use your swat team on you...so we see how it is...onw to now too.  we go in hit the slime and thy wil try launchign shortly whiel they are away on prupsoe as forg move in..and hit them saucers Thor
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt St (Monster Roommate AU) CH16
Fluff incoming! So two new characters are showing up in this short little chapter! And Pennywise finally takes his first bath in decades. Wow what an accomplishment! 
Uncle Ashley 
“Look its a long story I just want to take care of my stab wounds first.” Leech was still in Penny’s arms clutching his silk costume
“Why are you nearly naked?” Freddy asked raising his eyebrows.
“Shut up Kruger.” Penny growled.
“Hey Fred you gonna introduce me to the bald babe and the uh… circus freak?” came a strangers voice it was gruff and cocky.
“Ah shit of course you'd have someone here when I'm half nude and bleeding out.” Leech lolled her head back.
“It's not a bad look doll face!” the stranger came into the room now he was roguishly handsome with a large chin and a missing hand.
Pennywise growled at the stranger. “Back off human”
“What are ya gonna do Bozo, throw a pie in my face?”
Pennywise stepped forward to stare down the human. “Now now boys. Im flattered really but Pen are you forgetting that my leg is currently leaking all over the floor.” Penny grumbled and moved to set her down on the couch the movement causing her to feel light headed.
“So what exactly happened?” Chucky asked
“Um well Leech finally killed a guy…. which was beautiful… attacked me and the servant….and……”
“And then what?” the gang looked on in anticipation.
“I…we…” the clown blushed a bit
“Wow and here I thought I was depraved. Really putting the freak in circus freak ey Bozo?”the human cringed.
“That’s Pennywise to you human. ANYWAY we got into an argument Leech did something stupid”
“You accidentally told her you loved her didn't you” Freddy sneered.
“I- NO “
“He totally did” Leech said weakly from the couch.
“I still cant see why you wont say it. Everyone knows at this point.” Chucky rolled his eyes
“I am a eldritch creature from the macroverse I don't love”
“Don't make the same mistake I did kid”
“Why is everyone calling me kid I'm older than humanity its self.”
“Because you’re being a bitch” came Leech’s weak voice from the couch.
“You're lucky you're injured darling.”
Leech tried to laugh but ended up wincing and coughing in pain. “I don't have sympathy for you” Pennywise glared down at her.
“Bring me some juice Pen” she reached out a shaky hand still coughing.
“Do I look like your care taker?”
“If you love me you'll bring me some” she looked at him weakly while pouting
The clown sighed and walked into the kitchen. “You're the best!” she called after him blowing a kiss which he caught and proceeded to throw into the blender.
“So wait he did this to you?” the human asked.
“Nah this was from those kandarian guys.” Leech was struggling to talk wheezing more and more.
“Ah our mutual friends fan fucking tacstic.”
“Fred who is this guy?”
“Names Ash, S-Mart employee by day demon killer by night.” he took Leech’s hand and kissed it. “heard you had a problem with a book, my book, came to get it back.”
Pennywise returned and handed her a pitcher flashing his fangs and growling protectively at the human. Leech drained the container violently making inhuman growls and moans the whole time.
“I uh take it she's not….”
“No. She is one of mine.” Dracula spoke up from the door as he and Jim entered the room.
“JIMBO! GET OVER HERE” leech shouted relieved to see her servant in one piece.
“Master you're injured can you not make things worse” she was crushing him in a headlock before finally letting him go. Jim looked up at Penny and nodded.
They caught everyone up on the story, Pennywise leaving out the part as to why Leech was mad at him in the first place. “So what are our options here?” asked Chucky
“We need the book. Who ever has it is probably responsible for this.”
“Didn't you lose it? Doesn't that make you responsible?”
“I didn't lose it ok it was stolen.”
“When did you realize that?”
“Three hours ago.”
“Ash this shits been going on for days.”
They discussed their options. Finally deciding to split up in the morning to ask around town if anyone else was having trouble with deadites. Leech was forced to stay back due to her still healing despite her protests. She could barely walk but she hated feeling useless like this. When all was said and done everyone began to leave to go about their business.
“So I'm going to die now aren't I.” the younger vampire turned to her mentor.
“It is the final step child.”
“You guys will… be there when I… you know, kick it right? We may be dysfunctional as fuck but I consider you guys family. Most of you. *cough* Freddy…”
“My dear you're the deadbeat daughter I never had I will be there” Dracula smiled.
“Don't worry sweetie well stick around wont we?” Tiffany said from the stairs.
The other monsters smiled and nodded it was the least they could do for her, after all they were family now.
“Penny?” Leech turned to the clown who had yet to say something.
“Uh…sure.. I guess…”
“That’s your response?” Dracula glared at Pennywise.
“Get off my back old man.”
“You're older than me.”
“SO YOU ADMIT IT!” Pennywise shot up excitedly.
“Wow hey dying here, dealing with some deep existential crisis shit” Leech waved her arms around.
“Stop being so needy.” Penny pushed her hand away.
“Says the guy who knocked an entire stack of books off my shelf so I’d pay attention to him.”
“It worked though.” he gave her a teasing smile.
“So you’re going to stay then?”
“Don't have much of a choice.” he grabbed her hand squeezing it and giving her a quick grin before anyone else could see.
“So, when are we going to do this?” Leech asked.
“We could do it now…” Freddy suggested.
“Not a good idea”
“Explain Williams.” the younger vampire demanded.
“You leave an empty vessel for those things to take and well have to put you down permanently.”
“So what you're saying is I'm stuck.”
Leech put her head in her hand and pulled it down her face “shit.”
Leech awoke in her bed, every inch of her body ached and stung. It also didn't help that Church the cat had decided to sleep on top of her. Its like the undead feline knew her ribs were still healing and he did it just to spite her.
“Church you evil asshole! You never let me pet you then you pull this shit? No wonder you and Penny get along so well.” the cat began kneeding her chest for extra insult to injury. Just as she reached out to FINALLY pet the undead feline Penny came in with a glass of blood for her. Church woke up hissed and trotted over to him. “REALLY? I was just about to finally win him over”
Pennywise chuckled walking over to her, Church rubbing against his legs purring. “Here drink, don't say I never do anything nice for you.”
She sighed and took the glass struggling to hoist herself up. “Did everyone leave?” she asked taking a sip. “Some of us are still here. Keeping watch.” He replied.
“Come sit with me?”
“I have things to do.”
“Please Pen? I need it.”
“Will this make you heal faster?” he sighed.
“No. I just like annoying you.”
“You do a great job of it” he grumbled and flopped on the other side of the bed arms folded.
She finished her glass and leaned against him nuzzling his bells so they jingled against her nose. “Stop that.” He glared and shrunk down lower onto the bed. She responded by playing with his hair wrapping a finger behind his ear and massaging it.
“Cut it out” he growled while leaning into the touch
“Uh huh, sure Pen.” the vampire kept going ignoring the clowns empty protest, moving her hand to the back of his head. She made her fingers into claws and used them like a wire head massager. Pennywise tilted his head back.
“The door is open someone will see.” he was groaning and purring loudly drooling more than usual
“What? You embarrassed someone will hear you actually enjoy yourself?”
The clown was melting into the touches.
“You're injured and yet you still find ways to torture me.”
“I know you poor thing having to endure relaxing head massages”
“I suffer so much” he smiled in delight still purring.
Dracula eventually floated into the room followed by Jim who was carrying fresh bandages for Leech’s leg wound. They both stopped when they heard the content sounds rumbling from Pennywise who was now leaning his head against Leech as she ran her claws through his hair.
“Ah apprentice! You are finally awa-……Clown? Are you purring?”
“N-NO!” Penny jumped off the bed.
“Do you uh want us to come back later?” Jim asked amused.
“The cat just ran down the stairs.” Dracula gave him a smug grin.
“We shall return later don't get carried away now love birds!”they backed out of the room. Penny crashed onto the bed face first groaning. After a couple seconds he picked up Leech’s hand and placed it back on the back of his head, she snorted and continued the massage hearing the soft purr begin again.
Leech had been texting Tiffany frustrated that she couldn't be out looking for whoever had the book. She had been sitting alone all day and the guilt was consuming her. She wished Penny was still here, as annoying as he was. He had gone out to stock up his pantry more knowing that he'd need the nourishment when they eventually have to clear the sewer.
The young vampire decided to at least try to take a bath since the feel of the hot water would be soothing on her bruises and she was freezing in the cold fall air. She attempted to stand her injuries protesting shooting pain through her system. Leech managed to make it off the bed and onto the floor. “guess theres no turning back now.” She mumbled. Crawling to the bathroom was exhausting the poor vampire had left scratches in the floor boards as she went, she was being incredibly stubborn and probably making everything worse but she was going to get clean dammit.
When she finally collapsed against the bathroom door she attempted to remove her shirt wincing as she raised her arms above her head. Her shorts came next and then the bandages. Everything hurt, tears stung her face as she growled in pain and frustration. “Why me? Why am I the one to take the brunt of this abuse?” she felt small and so alone in the bathroom. All she wanted was a new start, every time something good happened to her, every time she felt a little bit of happiness in her life something else went wrong. Leech attempted to stand and look in the mirror. She cried out in frustration over not being able to see how bad of shape she was in. “Thats right I forgot I'm a fucking monster now.” she sobbed and sunk against the wall she was frustrated and defeated beyond belief.
Pennywise had come up to check in, he was bored out of his mind not being able to prowl his sewer and whenever he wasn't feeding himself he always tried to bother Leech. When he saw she wasn't in her room her grumbled following the trail of claw marks in his flooring. The clown was about to scold her when he heard a sob he pressed his ear to the door. “What the hell am I becoming? I never asked for this.” the clown cracked the door open to find his favorite vampire was on the floor head resting on knees.
“What are you doing?” Penny grumbled, annoyed.
“Go away Pen, I'm feeling sorry for myself. You probably don't want to deal with me anyway”
“You're right I don’t. Stop being sad.”
“Not like I can just turn it off.”
“Looks like I have to deal with you then.” he walked over to her his figure towered over the vampire making her feel even smaller. “Why are you upset?”
“I hate what I am and what I’ve done.”
“I ran away from my problems I let myself become… this and now everyone is paying for it because I cant even get being a undead right. I should have just given up.” Tears ran down her eyes and she grabbed her long ears folding them forward like one would pull their own hair.
Penny glared down at her in anger. Great now he's mad at me too. Leech thought. He moved down quickly pinning her against the wall. She sobbed harder in fear and sadness.
“Never be ashamed of what you are little hunter.” he spat. “I didn't choose just anyone to be my mate Leech. The way you kill… My dear you weren't meant to be human, you were meant to float above them.”
“But the D-Deadites… If I-I wasn't weak….” she stammered out through the tears.
He scoffed and grabbed her face forcing her to stare at him. “Weak she says. Hunters are not weak little Leech. You worry too much about dying, that is something humans do. You are not human, oh no you're much better. That is why you're mine.” he leaned in closer to her narrowing his eyes when he didn't immediately see her cheer up. Pennywise growled and closed the gap between their mouths letting out a rumble before he broke the kiss abruptly and pushed her face back. He got up to leave but was stopped when Leech shot up grabbing his ruffled collar she had a newly lit fire in her eyes. The vampire pulled him back to her mouth kissing him hard growling back at him “Theres my little monster” he snarled against her mouth. She bit his bottom lip before breaking the kiss, breathing heavy and staring at him.
“Feeling better?” the clown smirked proud of his little pep talk.
“I need to clean my wounds.” was all she said not wanting him to see the ghost of a smile finally forming on her tear stained face.
“Are you asking for my help?” he picked up a clean washcloth following her over to the extra large bathtub as she tested the water.
“Get in the tub jackass.” the clown’s lips curled into a smile.
“I still cant believe I got you to take off the costume.” Leech pressed her own naked flesh against the clowns pasty white skin on her back.
“Just this once.” Pennywise was lightly tracing his fingers over the marks he had left on her from previous encounters. She took notice of this and turned to him a worried look in her eye.
“How beat up do I look?”
“You look fine Leech.”
“But like is it noticeable?”
“If you really must know here…..” he stood up leaving the tub. Penny shifted into a reflection of his vampire secretly making sure that his version looked just as pretty as he thought she was. “See? Still beautiful.”
“flatterer.” she sank back into the water cheeks darkening a bit.
The clown smiled and turned back sporting a silk pink nightgown.
“Penny, what the hell is that?”
“What? You and Tiffany were wearing them last week and they looked comfy. I just took a bath for the first time in decades, I'm getting comfy.”
“Help me get dressed you dork.”
Leech pulled the shirt over her head wincing a bit while using Penny as support. He scooped her up to carry her back to her room Leech wrapped her arms around his neck resting her head on his collar.
“Hey Pen?”
“Don't let it get around. I have a reputation to uphold…”
The clown grumbled trying not to look at her, those feelings and smells threatening to overtake him again. She reached her hand up and pulled his face back to hers before smiling and whispering “I love you” against his soft lips. Pennywise's eyes flew open wide, face the color of his bathrobe. The feelings got to him anyway and the terrifying monster kissed his little hunter. He growled against her mouth in pure adoration. Stupid feelings.
A knock came at the bathroom door Penny nearly dropped Leech as they jumped back.
“Occupied!” they said in unison.
“Junior?! Well, well, well! That a chick I hear in there with you?”
“Oh you've got to be kidding me.” Pennywise groaned.
“Open up its Uncle Penny we need to have a chat.”
Leech gave Pennywise a look. Shit. The clown mentally cursed. The intruder barged into the bathroom. Leech was wide eyed and confused to see a second evil clown who apparently was also called Pennywise. The new clown looked at his nephew in disbelief.
“Um I can explain.”
PAPPA’S HERE! Also I’m hype we finally have Ash too he’s one of my all time favorite horror characters!
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missjackil · 7 years
Sam, Dean & Sera Gamble
It’s been my feeling since I watched Seasons 6 and 7 that they were different than all other seasons. I didn’t hate them, but I didn’t necessarilly like them either. They were Sera Gamble’s era, and though Im sure it’s hard to stay true to Kripke’s vision, and yet add your own vision to it, I don’t think she did a very good job. I was speaking with a friend recently, who told me it’s a common opinion that Gamble was a Sam girl, the last show runner to “take care” of Sam’s character, and the last one to understand the brothers’ relationship. I nearly spit my coffee on my laptop! Now, this isnt to wank on my friend, I wont name her, but she’ll know who she is if she reads this. She’s a sweety and I respect her, so friend.... this isnt against you :)  Now me, personally, I do tend to see things completely opposite of how most of the fandom sees it, I dont know why that is, but I do. This time is no different, because Im going to go outside the box and explain why I think Gamble was a Dean girl, and maybe even secretly hated Sam. I dont know why she got fired, if any of you do, please enlighten me, because it would seem to me that she got fired for favoring Dean too much and nearly destroying Sam’s character, and Im going to explain why. 
To start, she wasn’t the head hancho yet in S4, but she was the one who insisted that Sam sleep with Ruby and Dean sleep with Anna. Now I understand how intriguing it was to think of one brother sleeps with a demon while the other sleeps with an angel, but if you read these conditions in a fan fic, youd scream “Dean girl!” and complain about the Sam hate in the fact that Sam slept not only with a demon, but with a dead meat suit, while Dean’s angel conveniently had her own body and not someone elses vessle.   Anyone who wasnt a Sam fan before hand, certainly didnt become one after that. Now I know it was hard to redeem Sam after the events of S4, and I wont blame Gamble for that completely, but the end of S5 brought back the brave, sweet, selfless Sam we know and love. The one who only wants to do the right thing, has unlimited love and faith in Dean, is willing to take responsibility of his actions, will give up his life to save the world, and the love for his brother is strong enough to overpower the Devil himself.<sniff> but Gamble got the show for season 6 and what happened? The very first thing, is reward Sam’s courageous act of S5 with coming back soulless. And for a while. at least 5 episodes, all that meant was Sam was Sam minus his good qualities. His compassion, kindness, and love for Dean. Sure, Soulless Sam was sexy and funnier than normal Sam, but for the most part, he was just cold. Again, if you werent a Sam fan up till now, you werent becoming one during this arc. The arc itself, though it seemed to be about Sam, was really about Dean and his reaction to Soulless Sam. What it did to him, how Sam let a vamp turn him, how Dean hated being in the same room with him and very little about how it affected Sam other than for him to say he doesnt care about anything, even about Dean, which made us all hurt for Dean, not Sam.  One of the biggest traits in the WInchester bromance, is that Sam and Dean will go over and above the call of duty for each other, and are self destructively co dependent, and yet the only time in s6 and 7 that Gamble showed this was when Dean went to get Sam’s soul back and died to talk to Death. We see Dean laying his life down for Sam, because he loves him so much, meanwhile.Sam is trying to kill Bobby. Still not winning Sam fans here. Also Sam was trying to kill Bobby to make it impossible to get his soul back, because he was afraid of what would happen to him, which is inconsistant with being soulless, because Soulless Sam (and other soulless people) had no fear, so to me it looks like a plot device  to keep Sam unlikable, it had even been stated by Bobby, that Dean was his favorite, not something a “Sam girl” would put in the mouth of the man Sam loves as a father, is it? Then Sam gets his soul back and with all the talk about how much damage it could do, one would think Sam would be the focus of s6b but he wasnt really, not even in the episode that he got his soul back. We did get an awesome bro hug then, and Im thankful, but the episode turned quickly to a filler/monster hunt, that pushed Sam to the side while Dean went to get that dragon killing sword and do a little physical comedy.  After that, we got a couple hell visions, but no real bromance or happiness that Dean had Sam back, it was just business as usual. We had a lot of comedy though with French Mistake, Fronteir Land, The Heart Will Go On, and Mommy Dearest. Keep in mind we have Dean looking all sexy in his cowboy outfit, and Sam just dresses like Sam with a cowboy hat. Clear signs of a Dean girl Season 6 wraps up with 3 episodes, The Man who Would Be King, that is very Cas heavy even though he’s a side character. He doesnt share this story with Sam or Dean, they just support it. Let it Bleed, which is Dean heavy, Sam isnt in much of it, and Cas is in even less. It’s primarily all Dean, Lisa and Ben, and then The Man Who Knew Too Much, which is actually one of my favorites, Its Sam heavy-ish, even though his hell wall just collapsed, and a fantastic story is unfolding, but he has to share the episode with Cas’s story independent of his own. and of course, Dean has things going on with Bobby. This is not a sign of a Sam girl.
 In the real SPN world, Dean would have stood down with the threat that Sam wouldnt be fixed if he didnt. As we saw him easily give up Anna for Sam, and how he let Lucifer/Sam beat the crap out of him just to keep Sam above ground and give him time to take over. Dean didnt even have a plan to that could help Cas’s problem, but he was willing to let Sam suffer and maybe die, just to stop Cas’s plan that he had no idea if it would fail or not? That’s definitely not “understanding the brothers’ relationship”  Now we move on to S7. The first 2 episodes are pretty heavy for Sam. It looks like he might get a good solid storyline this season. But what does a Sam girl think will help the already painful flood of Hell memories? I know, lets highly imply that Sam was raped by Lucifer!!! YEAH!! This goes great in a show that only gets a pg14 raiting, that emphisizes in love and family. it really NEEDS to have a lead hero raped by the devil for 180 years! How about we also add insult to injury and make Lucifer charming and humorous so the audience will like him! Not like Alistaire that the audience couldnt wait to kill.  I had hoped for the return of the Winchester bromance when Hello Cruel World had some wonderful moments of it. Dean waking Sam for breakfast, and tending to his hand wound, and listening to him about the hallucinations. The scene in the warehouse where Dean showed Sam to press on his wound to keep focus on whats real was one of the best bromantic moments of the series, and then Dean panicking with Sam unconscious in the ambulance. But it was sadly short lived. The next episode is mainly taking place weeks later, Sams issues are touched on for a minute, but he goes out on a hunt by himself, which pisses off Dean who still has a broken leg and cant drive.
 And then Leviathans, and DIck Roman and Samgirl Gamble for some reason thinks it would be such a riot for Sam who has been hallucinating Lucifer and the cage, to get roofied, married, and tied up naked by a stalker fan!! WTF????? And then Bobby dies, and then Sam gets kidnapped by Vetalla for 3 days while Dean was sleeping, and while Sam is bleeding out, Dean is trying to be friends with an annoying teenage girl. and then Dean gets to travel back in time and look smokin hot while he hangs out with Elliot Ness, then Dean fathers a monster daughter, and Sam kills her, and LETS CHASE SAM AROUND WITH CLOWNS!!! Oh wait, is he still having hellucinations? Hmmm I forget, and this is about the time I think Gamble had gotten fired because I have no idea what she was thinking to this point.  Sam’s hallucinations had been put on the back burner so much that I wonder if her intentions were to keep him in that state for a long time. To maybe throw into the mix every now and then, that Sam isnt stable. so he might not be strong enough to handle this thing, or he might not be in his right mind, so Dean will REALLY be the main hero and the most credible of the 2. Because Dean even used Sam’s mental state as a reason why he lied to him about Amy, and Sam just accepted it.  Repoman brought Sam’s hallucinations back to the surface, and i think Carver may have taken over by then because Sam was frantic to find his kidnapped brother, much more than Dean was to find his a few episodes before. Carver had to have been back by The Born Again Identity because Cas came back. I wont say I like the way Sam’s mental health was handled, it was just over by Cas taking on the pain, but at least it got attention and SOME form of closure.  Now Carver isnt without some pretty epic sins, but he definitely wasnt afraid of bromance, and the Winchester co-dependency. I wonder if Gamble gets such support simply because she is a female and women tend to want to support women in business full of men, and I understand that, but Ill still call out the woman if she does a crap job, which I really think she did in this case. She did a better job at taking care of Dean than Sam, and she did nothing to help their relationship. 
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