#he wouldn't mind. more cake and attention for him lmao
dulciedeleche · 2 years
ON THIS DAY, THREE YEARS AGO, Cadence of Hyrule DLC “Octavo’s Ode” released!
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And once again, I couldn’t be happier that it exists. It gave the villain, Octavo, more development and shared his side of the story as well as his own outcome. Not counting the trailer or his boss fight, we finally heard his voice. We found out he may truly be related to Vaati via the locket. And you know what else?
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We saw him reform. WE SAW HIM SMILE. We may never see him again, but I’ll always be grateful and happy for what they gave us
I’ve also decided today’s Octavo’s actual birthday as well so HAPPY BIRTHDAY OCTAVO!!
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
REQUESTTTT The reader is a new teacher at UA and tries getting on all the teachers good side but aizawa is so good at keeping his emotions hidden she doesn’t know if he likes her. After the training camp incident they move into dorms and she lives with aizawa but they have seperate rooms to sleep in but everything else is shared. And during this time Aizawa “hating” her more as he always lectures her and gets mad at her so she’s convinced he practically hates her. She ends up hating him too cause he starts making her do more work. He ends up training her and she hates him even more since he wasn’t going easy and just gave her bruises or something. Then one day she was in the lounge room for their shared dorm area and she was doing something and aizawa helps her do it and BAM. she develops a crush and…. (Add ur own ending and twists because I know I’ll love it 💕💗) (also sorry this is long)
omg this seems so cute in a like, angry old man way if that makes sense LMAO, I hope you don't mind that I gave reader a quirk,,,,I felt it wouldn't make sense if she didn't
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Hating You As Well
PT1(right here ^*^), PT2, PT3
You were honestly just trying to make some friends at work, but this one guy is just soo RRRR, how are you supposed to deal with that?
(i didn't want to make him too mean, but I didn't want to make him nice, obviously, so instead he's socially awkward and stand-offish and dumb, I hope that's not too far off from what you wanted ^-^)
Fem!Reader, She/Her pronouns
TW: slight, very slight angst i guess, arguing, semi depictions of violence and gore, stupid aizawa
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It was the top hero school in all of Japan, and thanks to people like All Might, known in high regard nationally.
So, when you got your call back that you got accepted as the history teacher, you actually screamed. Literally jumping up and down, screaming and crying in pure, unfiltered happiness that you got the job. Of course, you opened your phone to tell someone, anyone, that you got your literal dream job, but you stopped. It's not that you didn't have anyone to tell, it's just that you didn't have anyone who wasn't your family to tell. For a second, it saddened you, but you didn't wallow in your sadness, no! Right then and there, you promised yourself that you'd befriend everyone you could at UA, even the terrifying principle.
So that's how you got here, holding the biggest plate filled with snacks from peanuts to cake while nervously walking into the conference room.
Principal Nedzu had given you a personal tour of the school after he called you, but you had personally never met the other staff members. You can't help but think your principal did that on purpose. After wandering for a short moment, you were still new so you deserved some slack, you found your destination. But something held you back, standing awkwardly in front of the door. You could hear the muffled voices and music coming from the room, its friendly aura spilling out from the hallway.
You were only a little nervous, years of being a high-ranking pro instilled a natural confidence in you, but the small thought of not making any friends slightly unnerved you. Well, better get on with it. You took a deep breath and opened the door, and while the music didn't stop, you felt like it did.
All eyes were on you in an instant, the chatter ceased and everyone turned to look at you.
After a pregnant pause, you spoke up first. "This...is the staff party, right?" Your voice came out squeaker than you wanted to, and the answer to your question seemed rather obvious.
"Yeah it is! You must be the newbie, right?" Present Mic was the first to speak up, his smile wide and infectious. Others giggled around them, all the attention on you was less negative and more positive, a newfound excitement in the air.
"Yes, I'm unfortunately the newbie. Can I set this down anywhere?" You lifted up your large platter of food, and the loud blonde practically drooled.
"I'll take that from you." He swiftly took the food out of your hands and started digging in while trying to find a place to set it down.
Midnight strolled up to you, a small smile on her face. "I'm Nemuri Kayama. Don't worry, you're not the only new staff member this year. Not only do we have All Might, but we have Toshinori Yagi too. Yagis kinda shy, he's just been kinda hanging out in the back." Kayama nodded her head to the far right corner, where the aforementioned man was just...standing alone, almost literally in the corner.
"Oh, well, that makes me feel a little better." You hid your guilty smile with your hands, not only were you glad that you weren't the only new staff member, but that you weren't the most awkward one in the room.
"Plus, it's great to have another girl on the team, it's a real sausage fest in here." She groaned, dramatically holding her head in her hand. Looking around, you realized she was right. There was a 1:9 female-to-male ratio. The male staff members greatly outnumbered the female to an embarrassing degree, but it made sense. Males unfairly dominated the hero field, and even if there was a strong female pro hero, more often than not, she was either treated as a joke or made to be crazy masculine. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but more often than not, it's not by choice, since to be taken seriously, they have to act meaner and tougher than originally wanted.
"I see what you mean, Jesus." There was a playful tone in your voice, showing no real contempt or malice.
"I'm the modern art history teacher, by the way, in case you didn't know." Kayama fully introduced herself, holding out her hand for you to shake. You gratefully took it, marveling at just how soft her hand was.
"Oh! I'll be the new history teacher, guess we're kind of twins. And I'm sorry to fangirl, but I really appreciate all your work." You gushed unashamed.
"Oh I don't mind, I also really appreciate your work! Your quirk is rather interesting, and the way you handle yourself out there is nothing to scoff at." Kayama smiled, giving you the same energy as you put out.
You blushed, compliments like that were not unusual but from one of your idols, no less? It was like a dream come true.
"Thank you, it just comes naturally, you know?" You tried to wave her off, basically saying it's nothing compared to you.
Your quirk was rather unconventional in what it was. You could manipulate the light around you, bending and manipulating the light waves and atoms. You could literally touch rays of light and bend it like a straw, plus you could take it away and 'store it' in your body. It was funny when you took too much because you became a living nightlight. Though to do it, you needed to be physically touching the rays, so you wore a rather lightweight suit with no gloves and no shoes. Hey, who needs to walk on water when you could walk on light?
Your suit was rather skimpy, maybe a reason that both you and Kayama attracted each other. You basically wore a swimsuit, with a crop top shirt that stopped at your shoulders, and basically boy short underwear for a bottom. However, you could barely see your 'pants' because of the pockets that lined the entire thing. Another cool thing you could do with your quirk is you could store the light in physical pockets that you had.
"Well, I'd only assume. I'm glad that someone like you is on the team, and I'm sure I'm not the only one." Kayama looked over your shoulder, and just as you were about to turn to where she was looking, strong arms almost tipped you over.
"Heya newbie!" A light and bubbly voice yelled in your ear, you could only wonder who it was. Peeking over, Present Mic was smiling in your face, spikey hair and sunglasses almost directly in your face. "I'm Hizashi Yamada, and I don't really care for formalities, so you can just call me Hizashi!" He pushed himself off of you and was pumping up his arms in the air. Hizashi still had some crumbs on his face, and you couldn't help but laugh at his outlandish introduction.
Soon after him, one by one each staff member introduced themselves formally, telling you their real names and what they teach. In turn, you gushed and fawned over each one, calm but bright energy attracting everyone to you. Like moths to a light. Heh, get it?
Still, it was great. Even the shy Yagi comes up to you to politely introduce himself, an unspoken bond formed because it was both your first year teaching.
All but one.
A grumpy sleeping bag resting below an open window pointedly ignored all the noise and commotion going on. Determined, you walked over and leaned over the yellow lump to see if a person was even in there.
"Yes?" A dark voice drawled, and in an anti-climatic movement, the sleeping back slowly turned over. You were greeted with the image of a man in his late 20s or early 30s, with dark wild hair and a patchy 5 o'clock shadow. You nearly jumped back, but you kept your composure. You leaned over with your hands on your hips, your stomach pudging at the position.
"I was just checking if you were a person." A heavy cough behind you made you flinch, "If you were a living creature." You could hear a small 'better!' from somewhere in the background. You could swear there was a flash of a smirk on the mysterious man's face. But just as soon as it was there, it was gone in an instant.
"Well, I'm alive if that's what you're wondering." He quickly turned over, but you didn't move away. In fact, you stayed in the same exact position. "What?" His muffled voice made you giggle, and you stood up to stretch your back.
"I don't know your name. I can introduce myself first if you want?" You offered, trying not to seem as stand-offish as he was.
"I'm Ereaserhead. A homeroom teacher." That was all he offered of himself.
Hizashi popped up from behind you, pulling you away from the grump. "That's Shouta Aizawa, don't mind him, he's always this cranky."
You smiled and shook your head, "I don't mind, he seems interesting." Shrugging your shoulders as you walked away, you missed the rustling of his sleeping bag as he turned to watch you walk away.
Turns out, Shouta Aizawa was interesting. Also, a major asshole, give or take.
All the teachers were stationed to watch different cameras for the entrance exam. Of course, there were hundreds of other workers with designated cameras and areas, the teachers were mostly there to get an overview and get a general of the upcoming class of students. You and Hizashi happily discussed what students you both wanted, Aizawa was muttering on how reckless and idiotic they all were.
"Hey c'mon dude, give them a break! Most of them don't even know what they're doing." You tried, leaning back in your rolly chair to take a peek at him. Aizawa barely spared you a glance, angrily sipping at his coffee.
"That's the problem, they're clueless and delusional. Especially that one, he's an idiot for going after the zero-point robot, and it's the only robot he's gone after." He pointed to a glowing student flying up in the air, the boy reeled his arm back to deliver a K.O punch to the thing.
"Hey, but he'll get points for saving a young girl." Hizashi butted in, normally spiked hair down and flowing all over the place.
"Really?" You turned back to the screen to watch a young girl get up to try and thank him, but he was out cold. "Well, even if he is a little clueless, he showed great effort and quick thinking to save a girl." You shrugged, looking back at Aizawa.
He scoffed and turned back to flickering through the cameras, taking notes along the way.
You made a face behind the underground heroes' back, before going back to take your own notes.
Later, Aizawa would review the footage of that mysterious green-haired boy to watch just how 'heroic' he was.
Not soon enough, classes started. You met lots of odd and interesting students, their quirks just as amazing as the next. Each of them was either fascinated or bored with your existence, gushing about the former 30th hero. Teachers and underground heroes were placed on a different scale than billboard heroes since there wouldn't be a fair grading process. Not only did they gush about you, but they also talked about with great vigor their other classes and teachers.
This meant you quickly made aware of how Aizawa decided to conduct his first day as a teacher. Now, you knew Aizawa had been a teacher longer than you, and UA was very free with how a teacher conducted their class, but you were shocked he threatened to expel an entire class of students. His own for god sake!
(Un)Fortunately, both you and Aizawa had a free period at the same time, and you tried to take advantage of this fact.
"Sooo, some of our students talked about their first day." You started awkwardly, fiddling with your papers.
Aizawa looked over at you through a jelly packet and papers, nearly quirking an eyebrow in response.
"Did you really threaten to expel them?" You asked, a little taken aback at the mere mention of it.
"Yes, not only did I see how they performed under duress, but I saw what giving their all looks like." The whole time he spoke he was entirely focused on the papers in front of him, trying to grade the papers he already handed out the first week of school.
"Oh! That's smart, not only can you weed out all the lackluster students, you'll be able to tell when they're slacking." You snapped your fingers in recognition, proud of yourself for figuring out his odd teaching methods.
Aizawa merely grunted in response, ending the conversation with an odd air. You tapped your knees while trying to find another conversation opener.
"Hey, you know, Kayama invited us all for drinks on Friday. Celebrate the new school year, are you coming?" Truly, you did wonder if the mysterious man would go. The R-rated hero made a group chat and already asked everyone. Aizawa had just never responded, and you kinda had a feeling what his answer would be.
"I have better things to do." He grumbled, and he stood up, gathered all his papers, and just left.
"What the hell?"
Turns out, no he didn't.
You had turned up fashionably late, and almost all of the staff were already there when you arrived. Shouta showed up disastrously late, stumbling in sometime after you. He slid into the booth across from you, flagging down a waiter for just a boring beer.
"I thought you had better things to do?" You questioned Aizawa, sipping at whatever fruity drink Hizashi made you try.
"I did, but those two wouldn't stop pestering me." Aizawa nodded to Kayama and Hizashi next to you, who were already buzzed and very happy.
Even at the mere mention of him, Hizashi perked up and grinned mischievously at Aizawa.
"That's not true! You just wanted to find an excuse to hang out with the new teacher!" Hizashi teased, eyebrows wiggling up and down.
Aizawa scoffed, "
"I don’t need to kiss ass with my coworkers. I’m only here to be kept in the loop of the going on here.” He muttered into his cup, face hidden by the large utensil.
Okay, wow, rude much? You rolled your eyes, “You don’t need to be an ass.” You muttered under your breath, more to yourself than anything. 
“No, but I do need to be professional.” Aizawa shot back, face now in full view. He had his hair up, fringe not held down by his messy bun. 
Your shoulders slouched while you gave him a ‘dude what?” look. “I've been nothing but cordial to you and others.” 
“Your carefree attitude is nothing other than annoying.” Aizawa had his arms crossed now, leaning back in the booth. Everyone else was either pointedly ignoring you or just too wrapped up in their conversations to notice or care about you two.
“I've been in the top fifty before I became a teacher, I’ve seen my fair share of blood and glory. I’m sorry I’m not a robot when it comes to my students.” Scoffing, you rolled your eyes and downed the rest of your drink, its sweet flavor dampening your bad mood.
“I’m a realist, bite me.”
“You’re a pessimist, there is a difference.” 
There was a heavy silence after that, Aizawa staring you down while you glared back. Neither of you broke eye contact, even when Hizashi made you get up to use the restroom, you still didn’t quit the staredown.
Fed up with the growing anger in your chest, and feeling the light around you start to bend around you, you slammed down what you owed and left.
You heard a drunk chasting voice as you left, but the steam pouring out of your ears prevented you from hearing it clearly.
The last time you two talked was just as short and snappy as the last time, except now he was definitely on his high horse. He criticized your teaching methods, which pissed you off to no end because it was fucking Shouta Aizawa we were talking about, criticized how you acted, hell, he even criticized how you dressed.
You had been minding your business, making a new pot of coffee to keep you awake during the day. Footsteps behind you caught your attention, but you ignored them because you knew who it was and would rather die than deal with him right now.
“I still don’t understand how they let you walk around like that.”
Okay, ignoring over.
You turned to give him a nasty look. “Like what?”
“With barely any clothes on. What you’re wearing could be considered underwear, not a hero suit. There's no coverage.” Even though he was critiquing what you were wearing, he wasn’t looking at you. Instead, he was digging in the cabinets for a cup.
“And? This is what works best for my quirk, plus,” you laughed, but there was no real humor in it, “I’ve seen worse.”
“I have no idea how you’ve made it this far with such little clothing.” Aizawa shook his head like he was disappointed in you for your clothes. 
“Because clothes don’t matter, it’s who's wearing them that does.” You growled, angrily pouring your cup before stomping out of the room.
That was the last conversation you had before he went off to the USJ trip. Like always it was short and angry, a routine you’d unwillingly created. Truly, Aizawa was the only teacher you didn’t get along with, all the others from Hizashi to even Lunch Rush you had become friends with. Still, now you felt guilty about it. You had arrived late in regards to everyone else, blinding and emancipating a fair amount of stranglers but otherwise caught off guard by the situation. Thankfully, students were mostly unharmed, but the two teachers who had been there had been gravely injured. You only saw a glimpse of Aizawa's injuries, but your mind jumped to conclusions when you saw Kurose’s.
You had visited Kurose earlier, giving her flowers, candy, and books to read while she recovered. For Aizawa, you managed to find out he liked black licorice, so you brought a large bag along with yellow roses. Friendship.
You arrived at his room and stood there for a moment. There was silence on the other end, save for the small and quiet beep beep beep of his heart monitor. So he lives. 
You raised a hand and knocked.
“No more visitors.” He sighed from the other end, already annoyed.
You debated on just leaving, but for some reason, you opened the door and peeked in. 
“It’s just me.” Your voice was small, and your eyes quickly assessed the state your asshole coworker was in. 
“I said no visitors.” Aizawa's voice was just as deadpanned, and even though you couldn’t see his face, you knew he was scowling under all those bandages. His arms were cast, almost like prison cuffs rather than healing objects. Nearly his whole body was covered in white, almost blinding you.
“Well, I’m not a visitor, I’m a coworker.” You set down the flowers and candy at the table next to him and sat down in the chair across from him. Disgustingly, there was still warmth in it, and looking over to the second chair you could see the wrinkles in the seat.
“You’re an annoyance.” His bitterness came naturally, you realized now, that even when he was gravely hurt, he still managed to get under your skin.
"Is it so annoying that I wanted to see if my coworker was alive?" You asked, already pissed off.
"Well, I am, so you can leave." Aizawa tried to sit up fully, but he struggled to do so.
It was too awkward to just watch him struggle so pitifully, a man you've come to know with high pride and honor squirming around. So you got up and pressed a gentle hand on his back to guide him up, neither of you said anything while he adjusted. When Aizawa got comfortably situated, there was an awkward silence.
"How…how long are you gonna be bed-bound?" 
Aizawa didn't reply right away, leaving the question to awkwardly hang in the air.
"Doctor says it typically takes twelve weeks for an arm to heal, but they can cut that time in half." His gruff voice was soft, and it was the most open thing he's said about himself since you've known him.
"I hope it doesn't take that long! I have to give up my lunch to watch your class." You tried to jest, obviously attempting to lighten the mood.
"It won't, wouldn't want you to overload your work schedule." Aizawa's deep voice was back, just as guarded as usual.
That was the breaking point, and before you said something cruel to the injured man you simply got up and headed to the door. "Just get well man." And with that, you left.
"Damn it."
He came back the next day.
"What the hell man?!" You barged into Aizawa's room angrily, greeted by the sight of Hizashi force-feeding him some sort of hearty meal.
Aizawa turned to look at you, eyes visible through the bandages.
"You're back? You said that the doctors said-"
"It would take him a minimum of six weeks to heal! We know!" Hizashi scolded, tense and angry.
"But no one can stop Aizawa, we just have to make him relax." Kayama scolded, going through his class papers. "I'll grade your quizzes, Hizashi can grade your tests and you can grade his assignments, can't you?" The dominatrix was looking at you now, holding stacks of papers that Aizawa had yet to catch up on, now made impossible with his injuries.
"How does a single man have so much work?" You set the tea you had been saving for the aforementioned man. You had barely made it this morning, something healthy to sip on while he healed. Quickly walking over you leafed through all the miscellaneous assignments both he and All Might had assigned. “I can do all of these no sweat.” You shrugged, taking them all under your arm.
“I’m fine. You’re all overreacting-”
“Don’t even say you’re fine! You just got out of the hospital!” All three of you yelled at him in disbelief. The sliding doors slid open once more, and Recoverys girl's small form waddled through, looking just angry and as disappointing as you all felt. 
Wanting to get a jumpstart on grading papers, since you already had your won to grade, you walked out of the room in silence, not wanting to intrude on this unfamiliar song and dance.
The next two weeks the students were buzzing with excitement, and you saw even less of Aizawa. Always just holed up in his room. 
For some reason, you always left him a pot of coffee for him to drink on his desk. He never questioned it or brought it up. You never said anything either.
When Aizawa fully recovered, he immediately took back all his work. He stopped by your classroom during both of your lunches. 
You hadn’t even noticed him walking in, too busy with eating and marking papers with a glitter purple pen, leaving critiques, praises, hearts, and X’s
“You can stop ruining my papers with that horrible pen.” You jumped, almost falling back in your seat at the unexpected sound of Aizawa’s voice.
“Ruining? I’m decorating. I’m sorry you take even grading so seriously.” You shrugged, putting the finishing touches on Shouto Todoroki’s paper. Ending it with a ‘Good job! :D’ 
“It’s a distraction, you could use the effort you put in desecrating these papers into your job.” He took the paper up from your desk, skimming it before he looked at you again and sighed. “Where are the leftovers.” 
“The ones you didn’t finish, the leftovers.” He pressed like you were stupid.
You leaned back, a sense of pride and smugness filling you. “Check the date.” You smirked, eyes sharp and dangerous. 
Aizawa stared at you with an unreadable expression, but you saw his eyebrows furrow just a little. He took a glance down and his eyes widened in surprise.
“Well, then you better catch up on your own work. It’s foolish that you-” 
You cut him off by showing your turn-in/graded basket, the graded side completely full.
“Try again.” Your smirk widened, hands raising in a flourish while you leaned back again.
He said nothing while his eyes flickered between all the papers in front of him, and he lifted his head again. “Then you’re probably behind on reports, those are important-”
You cut him off again, turning your computer towards him so he could see not only your completed progress reports but his as well. 
“Boom bitch.” For once, you had the upper hand, getting to gloat in his face while he had nothing to say back.
“You shouldn’t use such foul language in the workplace.” Was all he could say while he gathered his papers. On his way out you called out to no one in particular.
“You’re welcome! Ah, whatever.”
You stretched your aching hands, and drank your third energy drink for the day, stomach protesting from so much caffeine on an empty stomach. You dreaded your hero shift later.
There was an impromptu meeting, and at first, you were confused about what it was about, but you knew whatever it was, it was serious.
Everyone's somber faces made you nervous, and you leaned over to Hizashi and whispered in his ear. “What happened?”
“Apparently, something happened during the students' work studies, but no one can figure out what happened.” He shrugged, just as lost and unnerved you.
Aizawa stood up from the U-shaped table, going to stand in the middle while he looked off angry at nothing. “There was an incident during our first-year students' work studies. Three studies were put in harms way, coming face to face with the hero killer: Stain.” 
People started to murmur, but Principal Nedzu popped up from the depths of the erasing hero's scarf. 
“Now we understand your concern, as you know the situation has been dealt with. We’ve been asked by the HPSC to keep quiet and have no comment. The affected students will remain anonymous, so even if you do figure out what happened, you are required to keep quiet. You are all dismissed.” The hyperintelligent mouse hopped down and sauntered out of the room. Many staff members followed, murmuring in small groups. You, Kayama, Kurose, Hizashi, and Snipe formed your own group, staying behind to talk within yourselves.
“I knew it was a bad idea for the students to be sent off, I argued with the idea before, and now I see I should’ve fought harder.” Snipe shook his head in both frustration and disappointment.
“Well, what happened was unfortunate, but it gave other students a light into real hero work. Hard times come with drastic measures.” Kayama rebutted, though one could tell to some degree she agreed with the gun hero.
“But they’re so young, such traumatizing events should be saved for their later years.” Yamda’s voice was laced with an old sadness, and Kayama’s face fell crestfallen.
“I agree, I hope those students are well now.” You began, but the conversation was cut short by the sound of everyone's next period beginning. You waved your little group goodbye, turning around to pick up your bag and papers.
“Gossiping is unbecoming.” 
You shook your head, annoyance once again festering at you. It seemed like even when you heard his voice at this point, anger consumed you. “So is lying.” 
“Who lied?” Aizawa’s voice was full of disbelief, taken aback.
“The HPSC. We’re supposed to be quiet that three of our students were put in danger.” You turned around once all your papers were gathered, and you stared the man down.
“That’s not lying, we are merely setting measures to make sure the situation doesn’t get out of hand.” He shook his head like the answer was simple.
“Omitting information is lying under the law, do their parents know?” 
“The affected students' parents were made aware, yes.” His monotone voice was really starting to piss you off.
“So none of the other parents know? And to what degree do they know?” For some reason you dragged out this conversation, it didn’t really matter how long this conversation went on anyway, thanks to the free period.
“That’s not your place to know.” He made no move to leave.
“It is, they’re my students too.” Taking a step forward, encroaching into his personal space, you puffed up your chest. Challenging him.
“You’re an elective teacher, they’re my students, under my care.” Aizawa didn’t back down.
“So then why did it even happen in the first place? Why send out fifteen-year-olds with a murderer on the loose?” You argued back.
“Because I didn’t know. I would’ve never let them out if I had known. Your foolishness will be the death of not only you but the students here as well.” He snapped back, violently grabbing his coffee cup, and stormed out.
His words rang over and over in your ears, and for some reason shame and anger mixed in your stomach, twisting at your insides. Stomping out of the room when you snapped out of your trance, you realized guilt also twisted up inside you.
Last minute, you were invited to the training camp. At first, you were going to refuse, spend your summer break dealing with the chaotic kids that were class 1-A and 1-B? Yeah, hell no. But the promise of a pay raise eventually won you over, even if you deny this. Plus, recently you have been..lacking in your skills. So busy with being a teacher your fighting skills had diminished, and it wasn’t as if you were now suddenly helpless. You just weren’t at your peak anymore, and all you needed was that extra exercise to put that pep back in your step. So thats how you found yourself packing in the early hours of the morning to pack for the four-week-long trip. 
Later in the morning, you found out who you’d be busing with. Class 1-A, or, more specifically, Shouta Aizawa. You immediately turned around at the school gates, but the sounds of students jeering at you stopped you. 
“Where are you going teach?” Kaminari called after you, and Iida chastised him for the informal name. 
“It’s alright Iida, I don't mind.” You placated the blue-haired boy and turned your attention back to the electric student. “Nowhere, I got roped along to the trip.” You sighed bowing your head in defeat. 
“Don’t act that way, we were promised extra pay and you were the first to respond.” Aizawa chastised you, coming up from behind you all, carrying a heavy duffle bag. Even his choice of luggage was bare bones!
Kaminari gasped in hurt, holding a hand over his heart.
“No need to call me out in front of the students!” You growled, shooing him away.
It took nearly an hour to corral all the students on the bus, and you and Aizawa settled at the front of the bus, both in opposite seats. You waited for the bus to get on the road, and for the students to be too distracted to notice the conversation between you and your unspoken hater to bring up a thought that started to nag you.
“Aizawa.” You were facing him, and the dark-haired man simply side-eyed you instead of acknowledging you. You ignored that. “Why am I the only elective teacher here, wouldn’t it make more sense to bring someone like Hizashi or Anan’s or even Ryo? They’re all much better equipped to be here than me.” Genuinely, this had confused you. No diss to Hound Dog, or Ryo as you’d grown to know him the past couple of months, the stress on his name was that he’d be the absolute best option here. Out in an open area where a multitude of students could get lost? Why not bring the literal hound dog? 
“You’ve gotten pretty friendly with the staff.” That was his response, a non-answer, and a deflection. 
“Dude, seriously? That’s what you’re hung up about? Yes, I see and communicate with them every day, and we all go out for drinks once every week. I’m pretty sure all the teachers are on a first-name basis personally except for you.” Shooting back, your hands now rested on your knees, hunched over in a defensive position.
“It’s unprofessional. Teachers shouldn’t know each other on such a personal basis.” Aizawa closed his eyes again, trying to nap his way out of the conversation.
You flung your hands up, “You’re right, god forbid I have friends.” Unwillingly, your voice got tight with emotion. 
Aizawa opened his eyes fully, and faced you fully, also registering the vulnerability that was presenting in your voice and demeanor. 
Even though it’s only been four months, you have grown close with your UA allies. Not only that, but they all welcomed you with open arms and held you in the same regard as you did them. You had especially grown close with Snipe, even if he didn’t tell you his name (or anyone for that matter, you tried looking it up and found articles of his secrecy, mans loves his privacy), along with Anan after USJ, and naturally gravitated towards Hizashi and other elective teachers. The reason you felt so offended by his words, why you got so close with your fellow staff was because you didn’t have other friends. You barely had a family, it was just your dad and estranged siblings, who either didn’t speak to you or didn’t really care for you.
“I just meant you shouldn’t rely so heavily on others, they won’t always be there to save you.” That was reaching, even for Aizawa. 
“I don’t, and I know they won’t. You’ve made that so clear.” You swallowed thickly, a burning feeling crawling up your throat signaled you needed to shut up now or else they would be waterworks. And that would be embarrassing for everyone. Sometimes it kept you up at night that Aizawa was the only teacher you didn’t get along with. The others reassured you that he was aloof with everyone, Hizashi and Kayama just saying he was a big hardass with a big heart. But you just didn’t see it, it seemed like he was just mean to you. With people like Ryo and Anan, he was just quiet and cutthroat, but you? Just straight-up mean, brushing you off, undermining you, constantly nagging and criticizing you for everything that you did. It was annoying and frustrating since you had been nothing but nice. You genuinely wanted to be his friend, his mysterious nature and gruff attitude was cool, badass even. Plus, you couldn’t deny he wasn’t unattractive, stubble and dark hair was just so handsome. But his behavior was not. Still, you couldn’t help but seek out ways to try and get on his good side, making coffee, leaving snacks you’d found out he liked out, and taking his side whenever you could in meetings.
You didn’t bring it up again, spending the rest of the ride blinking back angry tears, or maybe it was the disappointment that he didn’t reassure you. Either way, he didn’t say anything either.
Well fuck. Now you were mad at the school for trying to make the students grow up so fast, figuring out the training camp was usually only for second years due to the rigorous nature, soured your mood further. Not only that, you worried about all the children alone in the woods.
“They’ll be fine.” Aizawa placed a strong hand on your shoulder, and while it made your heart jump, it also pissed you off more. 
“It’s a pretty big fuckin forest, what if they get lost or something not part of the exercise attacks them?” You stepped forward, trying to peek at the mess below you.
“They’ll be fine, they can handle themselves. I have no doubt.” You should trust him, Aizawa was their homeroom teacher and no doubt has seen what they can do, but it still unnerved you that these young kids were just out alone. 
“I’ll just watch over them then.” You crouched on top of the messed-up fence and jumped. 
You heard Mandaly shout in pure fear behind you, but her voice died as you seemingly climbed and crawled through thin air. 
High above you watched their movement, keeping track of every rustle and shout. Lazily swimming in the light, arms, and legs pumping while you focused on slipping through the waves of the light. Your skin softly glowing and your body becoming lighter than air.
Somewhere far away, a dark-haired man realized the reason for such a vulnerable suit was to give you full access to your quirk. Still, you had no protection against sharp talons and dangerous attacks. Maybe, there was a better way?
You didn’t arrive until late, and you were exhausted and hungry. You had almost fallen out of the air multiple times, your body ached and burned, already feeling the sunburn growing on your fingers and knees, places you used your quirk the most.
You were in the private kitchen, searching for something to eat when Mandalay handed you a plate of food.
“You look beat!” 
“I feel like someone dragged me through the mud on a hot summer day.” You sighed, gratefully accepting her food, and flopped down on the plush couches.
“I can imagine. I didn’t know what your quirk was, so you scared me when you just jumped. Thankfully Eraserhead explained it to me.” She sighed, shaking her short brown hair.
That made you perk up, “He did?” 
“Yeah! He seemed to know a lot about it! You must be very close. Oh, the teacher's dorms are just down the hall, we have our own spring and private bathrooms.” She dug into her food and scrolled through her phone.
You were so glad you weren’t a student anymore. 
They were really putting students through the wringer, making them get up early and push themselves to their absolute limits. You and Aizawa stood side by side while you watched over the students, you took notes and he watched dutifully. Your fingers and knees were stinging like a bitch now, skin peeling off quickly, leaving your skin raw and sensitive.
“Looks like you could use endurance training as well.” Here we go.
“Ha ha.” You rolled your eyes. “They’re only like this because towards the end I had to really look for light, it got dark fast and I had been using my quirk nonstop for eight hours. Let me see you do that.” You didn’t see Aizawa's shocked face, and you had stunned him into silence.
“I couldn’t.” 
You looked up, and stared at him in confusion. “Couldn’t what?”
“Use my quirk for that long. I can only use it for thirty minutes to an hour now, even if I strain.” Aizawa shrugged as if that wasn’t absolutely horrifying news. 
“Since when?” You abandoned your notes now, giving Aizawa all of your attention.
“After USJ. Doctor said the more I strain, the worse it gets. Plus, my eyes are dryer than before, so it makes it harder to keep them open for so long.” Aizawa wasn’t looking at you, instead opting to stare ahead, facial expression carefully neutral.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” Your voice was quiet, and his adams apple bobbed. 
“There was no reason to cause unnecessary worry.” 
“Still that’s…really fucking shitty. I’m sorry dude.” 
Aizawa regretted telling you, not being able to stand that sad, kicked puppy look. Hated the reason being him.
“There’s no reason to cause a fuss, such things happen all the time. You should get used to it.” 
“Never mind.” You rolled your eyes, but there was no real bite in your tone. He finally looked at you when you said that, your empathy replaced with slight annoyance. 
The next day was much of the same, with both homeroom teachers pushing and critiquing their classes to do and be better. Aizawa’s speech about being better had warmed your heart, and for the first time since you’d known the closed-off man you saw just how much he cared for his students. All he wanted from them was to grow and be better, he was strict out of love and care. It was beautiful in a weird way, but your moment was broken when Midoriya questioned why they were the only teachers there. When he walked away from the inspired green-haired boy, you stopped him in his tracks.
“Hold on.” You skipped in front of the dark teacher, standing your ground. “If All Might isn’t here to not draw attention, and other staff weren’t invited so as to not leak the location of the new grounds, why am I here?” You questioned, encroaching on his personal space to get him to finally answer you.
“It was thought you’d be a good choice to watch over the students.” Again, deflective and a not good answer. He started to walk away, but you followed closely by his side.
“Okay sure, we’ll go with that. But why me? Again, what about Ryo? Or Ectoplasm? They’re much better for wide search and rescue than I am.” You argued.
“You are also independently efficient, not needing the incentive to work hard. Plus, your relationship with the students is..friendly. You work well with the Pussy Cats with your open nature.” Again, he was pointedly not looking at you.
“It sounds like you asked me to be here.” You started to tease, a sense of pride at the indirect/direct praise.
“You were paid to be here, now are you going to waste my time with pointless questions or are you going to do your job.” Aizawa snapped, and that quickly dampened your mood. Note to self, don't tease Aizawa.
Pixie Bob announced that there would be a test of courage later. You were so-so to the idea, knowing you were probably just going to be hanging out in the hot springs anyway, the dark not really being your strong suit.
It smelt like shit. 
That was the first thought in your head when you stepped outside, seeking fresh air. How weird, 1-B must really be going all out to scare 1-A. You were unfortunately still in your hero suit, only barely getting back to your room. Somewhere in the building, you knew Sekijiro and Aizawa was teaching their remedial class, and outside the Pussy Cats were watching over the courage course. So, lazily you walked to the kitchen, planning on getting a light snack before you took a dip in the hot spring, not being able to yesterday. Suddenly you jumped, a feeling of ice dumping all over you. Everyone! Mandalay’s shrill voice suddenly yelled in your head, you stopped immediately to look up. It’s possible there are more. Everyone who can move, get back to camp immediately! Even if you come across the enemy, retreat and do not engage! You felt the telepath end immediately, and your feet moved faster than your mind. You could hear the echoes of your feet slapping across the tile. Legs pumping and knees screaming in protest as you raced to the entrance. 
You had no idea what was happening, but you knew the students were in danger.
The front door came into your sight, and you burst through the doors and were greeted by a horrifying sight. A half-burnt and rotten man blasted Aizawa in a white-hot flame, and on instinct, you tackled him to the ground. 
He seemed unbothered by all of this and even chuckled. “You guys really are pros.”
You looked up to where he was looking and saw Aizawa crouching in the doorway above the entrance. Momentarily distracted, you missed the villain's hands coming up. He roughly grabbed the side of your face, digging his hot staples into your hair.
“Nothing's coming out.” He pouted, like a child. Knowing you wouldn't have your quirk either, you flipped him over and grabbed the back of his head. You dug your nails as hard as you could, and reeled back. With all your might, you slammed his face into the ground, shoving it down like a dog who pissed on the carpet.
The man dug his dirty fingernails into the innermost sensitive part of your thigh and dug, his staples ripping into you while you squirmed. 
You yelled out, and he used that to his advantage to flip you over. Aizawa quickly came up behind him, swiftly kicking the back of his head to straddle the back of him. Aizawa clutched his head and arm, still using his quirk.
“Tell me your name, purpose, number, and positions.” He growled out.
“Why.” The villain deadpanned.
“Because this-” Aizawa broke his arm in one quick movement, “will happen, your rights next. Let’s do this logically.” He lifted his head up, but his grip and gaze never faltered. “If I get your legs, it’ll be a pain to transport you.”
“Are we in a rush, Eraser,” The man made eye contact when he called out your hero name, and it sent a chill down your spine. The end of his spikey hair caught alight. Aizawa pounded his head in the ground a couple of times to stop him. 
Rustling caught both yours and Aizawa's attention, and an out-of-breath Iida, Mineta, Koda, and Ojiro made you panic.
In a moment of weakness, the man lunged forward, but Aizawa quickly caught him. He strained for a moment before he whipped around to stare you both down. 
“Hey heroes,” His gaze was manic and crazed. “Are your students important?” Then he started to melt. “I hope you can protect them all till the end.” He disappeared through the ground, his body left a mush. 
The group rushed towards you, calling out for both of you.
“Get inside! I’ll be back!” Aizawa took off without you, so you quickly took the porch and hallway light and followed him.
“Wait!” You called out after him, knees still screaming in protest, your fingers now burning with the aftermath of stealing the light.
“What are you doing? You’re better off in the building!” He yelled at you.
“I was a billboard pro before this, I can handle myself!”
“Oh yeah, you really proved that back there. Truly pathetic.” He snarled back, and you ran faster.
“Fuck you! Nothing I do makes you happy!” Your fighting was cut short by Midoriya suddenly appearing, a scared Kota on his back. “Midoriya-”
The boy called out to the both of you, “It’s horrible! There’s so much I need to tell you.” He was out of breath, his arm mangled and red.
“Hey-” Aizawa started, slightly out of breath as well.
“First we need to make Mandalay make an announcement- He has a water quirk, you have to protect him!” Midoriya cut him off, words rushed and slightly panicked.
He’s pumped full of adrenaline. Midoriya needed to calm down.
He tried to run off, but Aizawa stopped him. “Stop! Your arm…you did it again, didn’t you? Did you forget what happened in Hosu?” 
Midorya was lost in thought for a moment, and you and Kota stood confused. Your thigh was starting to have its own heartbeat, and you could feel the heat of the injury. You’ve gotten hurt worse, scars on your back a testament to that, but he had gotten a sweet spot in your leg. It was shaky and losing blood at a moderate pace, still, Midoriya, a student, was in a worse state and still pressing on. You’d live through worse and been fine, this would be no different.
“No, but…” The green-haired boy trailed off.
“So tell Mandalay this, everyone in classes A and B, you are granted permission to engage in combat.” With that, all parties took off, Aizawa turning to the woods and Midoryia back to camp. You followed Aizawa dutifully, pockets full of light providing some light in the darkness.
You could tell thoughts were racing in his mind, but the older man kept his thoughts to himself.
Kota's weak voice broke the tense silence. “Mister, will he be okay? I hurt him, and he still got up hurt to rescue me...I haven't even told him sorry or thank you yet.” Tears were now spilling from his wide eyes, and his grip on Aizawa's scarf tightened as big emotions consumed his small body. Before Aizawa could respond, you replied for him, not trusting him to say something to soothe his emotions.
“Of course, Kota, Midoryia is a strong hero, after all of this is done, you can properly apologize. I’m sure he’s forgiven you already.” You gave him your big winning smile, face lighting up in reassurance.
“Still, after this, we’ll have to scold him for acting without permission, so make sure you put emphasis on your thank you.” Aizawa said, running to find a place to keep the young child safe. 
“Where are we going?” You called out to Aizawa, the chaos around you making you nervous.
“To the camp, I need to get Kota to safety.” While he was talking, you all broke out of the woods and rushed into the building. Aizawa gently set the boy down, and you both took a breather. The sounds of yelling caught both of your attention, and you groaned. “We just can’t catch a break, can we?” 
Aizawa shot you a glare and ran ahead, you still chasing after him. Rushing into the remedial class you saw that burnt man again, Aizawa jumped ahead to try and calm Sekijiro down and disarm the villain. You rushed ahead while his class cheered for him, and started to do horrid damage on the burnt man, smashing his head so hard into the ground it cracked the tile. Students yelled out horrified, but Aizawa cut them off.
“It won’t matter, it’s a fake.” They all watched in horror as the man melted beneath your fingers, but you didn’t stop punching into the ground, taking all your anger out on the slush.
“Is it a villains quirk.” Iida still hadn’t looked away, curious and slightly disgusted by the mess.
“What are you two doing here?” Sekijiro called out to both you and Aizawa, getting both of your guys attention.
“I rushed out to aid in the fight, but I ended up escorting Kota back to base. Please watch over him.” He was pointedly looking at you now, and it pissed you off. “I’m going to help on the front lines.” He tried to rush out, but Sekijiro stopped him.
“Ereaser, we don't know how many there are or how powerful they’re coming at us.” Aizawa turned around.
“You’ll be fine by yourselves, plus look, the fake was merely a diversion. They’re trying to distract us pros to make up for their meager number.” Aizawa shook his head.
“If there isn't that many of them, that’s even more of a reason for me-” Kirishma butted in, voice full of emotion.
“Yes! Nothing beats strength in numbers!” Iida interrupted, filled with the same determination. 
“No.” Aizawa's voice was firm, almost scary at how strong he spoke. “If they’re trying to keep us back, then they’re going after you.” The students deflated at his words. “Bakugo’s just one of them, but there might be others as well. We are still losing by a lot with our lack of information. For now, we’ll win by everyone being safe and sound.” He rushed back out to join the fray, with you not too far behind.
“Why are you still following me? You’re better back there.” Aizawa growled out to you, running through the dark.
“Because I’m a pro. I was accepted to teach at UA for a reason.” You were now frustrated, but now it was hard to tell whether it was because of Aizawa, or because of your fuck up at the beginning. You had been caught off guard by a simple attack, and if it weren’t for Aizawa's erasing quirk, you would have been caught on fire because you got distracted.
“Yeah, I can see that.” 
You said nothing in response, any response died on your lips when you saw the leftover disaster that was left. 
We lost.
The damage that was left behind was both humiliating and haunting. Both a student and a pro went missing, one who had left with a considerable amount of injuries. Fifteen students had poison running through their veins, or were injured and had to be taken to immediate care. You were questioned by the police for hours while they desperately tried to figure out any information they could. You were of no help, and you knew that the only information you could give was of that patchwork-face guy with a weird melting/fire quirk.
You, Sekijiro, and Aizawa sat in silence while the police officer made a phone call to god knows who. Your thigh was really starting to hurt now, but you made no move to complain knowing the students had it worse than you. 
Sekijiro called out to you, and you snapped out of your thoughts to look at him. “Your thigh, are you alright? You look like you’ve lost a lot of blood.” He pointed to your injury, and you didn’t even look down to check.
“It’s fine, just a scratch.” You shook your head, mind filling with self-deprecating thoughts. Even if you had gotten 30th on the billboards, did you deserve it? Popularity had a lot to do with the point system, and your outwardly friendly attitude along with your flashy quirk made good product revenue. Plus, even if you weren’t weak, you realized that now was the first time you faced a real threat. The symbol of peace always being there to pick up the real messes and leave heroes like you to pick up the crumbs.
“It looks infected already.” He wouldn’t drop it, and you finally gave it to look down.
“I’m fine-” You stopped, your innermost thigh caked in dried blood and dirt, and it looked like the villain really got in there.
Later in the hospital, a nurse who was stitching you up pulled out a staple that was lodged deep in your leg.
“Stop fussing, you look a mess.”
“Oh I’m sorry that I’m nervous.” 
For the past few days, all anyone could talk about was the incident at the camp. It wasn’t as if you could blame them, the most prestigious hero school in the country had landed twenty-seven students in the hospital. In response, all teachers involved along with the principal were asked to make an apology, broadcasted all across Japan. The suit you wore was lightly uncomfortable, a little too tight for your liking. Plus, you were constantly pulling down the skirt, someone had gotten you a size too small. Or maybe you were searching for an excuse to fuss and squirm. 
You and Aizawa hadn’t talked about the incident. Not that you needed to, you weren’t a couple, let alone friends, but there was an unknown tension in the air. Sekijiro had checked up on you, and had asked how your leg was.
“It’s fine, just needed stitches and a kiss from Recovery Girl, and now I’m good to go.”
Some part of you was angry that the dark-haired man didn’t reach out to you, but it was fine. It wasn’t but it was.
Aizawa shot you a look, and you quickly shut up. Sekijiro next to you just bumped your knee in reassurance. 
“We’re live.” The man in the middle of the room called out, signaling for you all to stand up and speak. 
“We deeply apologize for our shortcomings during the incident that allowed harm to twenty-seven first years in the hero course because of our shortcomings. We apologize for creating unease in our society because of our negligence in proper defense in our place of learning.” You all bent over in an apology, and you bowed the deepest. “We are truly sorry for the damage we’ve done.” You all stood back up straight, waiting for questions.
A man spoke out from within the crowd. “Since the beginning of the year, the UA students have had four encounters with villains. What specific countermeasures are you taking to ensure the safety of our students?” His voice was growing in volume the more he spoke, getting more and more passionate as he went on. 
“Our students are of top-most importance, we will work even harder as a team to make sure they are strong enough to become great heroes.” A  non-answer, Aizawa really was good at deflecting.
Another man stood up, holding a mic and paper. “During the incident, it appears you encouraged the students to fight. What was your intention behind this?”
Aizawa leaned forward to speak into the mic. 
“I concluded that because we were unable to fully grasp the situation, it had to be done to avoid the worst possible outcome.” 
“What do you mean, ‘worst possible outcome?’” Damn it, now they were gonna dig and pry and use any answer to get under your guys’ skin to try and get the upper hand. “You don’t call twenty-six victims and one abducted the worst possible outcome?” 
“My assumption was that the villains would drive out students to their absolute limit and be killed.” Aizawa replied cooly, but you saw his own hands clench tighter and tighter with every word.
Principle Nedzu spoke up, though he was sitting in his chair with his arms crossed. “The gas attack accounts for most of the injuries. We concluded it was merely a sleeping gas from one of the enemies' quirks’. Thankfully, the quick response of Ms. Kendo and Mr. Tetsutetsue led to no grave injuries in the attack. In addition, mental support is being given to all the students, but at the moment, we see no signs of serious psychological damage done.” His voice was light, and while it wasn’t its usual cheery tone, it was calm and soothing.
“Are you saying this was a bright spot in this tragedy?” The reporter shot back, trying to twist the words of the principal.
“We believed the worst outcome is one that would’ve infringed on the future.” 
“Can you say the same for the kidnapped Bakugo? He enrolled in UA High with excellent marks and won first place at the sports festival. In addition, during the incident with the sludge villain in middle school, he resisted the powerful villain alone. He has a history of showing how tough and heroic he is. On the other hand, the violence he showed in the finals and his attitude during the award ceremony shows that he is not always mentally stable. What if the villains kidnapped him because they had an eye on him? Kidnapping him with deceitful words and dying him with the path of evil?” The reporter's long rant was not only pissing you off but your allies as well. The more and more the reporter went on, the more serious he got like he was uncovering some big truth about a fifteen-year-old. “What evidence do you have for saying he has a future?”
Oh hell no. How dare a stranger assume the life of some kid with anger issues? You’ve spent nearly every day with the kid, even if you don’t have him all day you’ve seen a glimpse into Kastuki Bakugo's life. He was emotionally unstable, but he really did have a hero's heart, even if his asshole-ish nature offset that. Aizawa stood up, and you prayed he wouldn’t pop off and snap at the reporter.
Instead, he bowed down and apologized. “As an educator, I take full responsibility for Kastuki Bakugo's violent behavior. However, his actions at the sports festival originate in what he considers ‘ideal strength’. He is trying harder than anyone in his pursuit of becoming the ‘top hero.’” Aizawa peeked up from his bowed form, eyes hard and sharp. “If the villains thought they had an opening, then I believe they are being short-sighted.”
There was a tense silence, everyone swallowing the weight of Aizawa's words. Even you were amazed at such a declaration of truth and care.
The reporter meekly lifted up his mic once more. “That is not evidence, though. It isn't a question of how you feel-”
You wanted to throw yourself across the table and throttle him. Thankfully your principal spoke up once more before you could ruin your career. “We are not standing around idly by. We will definitely get our student back.” The interview/apology was ended after that, you and Sekijiro mostly there just because you were there. 
“Aizawa wait.” You sighed, heels quickly clicking after him. All you trying to avoid the rush of questions that flew out in response to the abrupt end. “Your speech was inspiring. I have no idea how you kept your cool while that asshole dissed your student.” 
“I had no choice, flying off the handle or having a weak moment would do no good." You couldn’t help but feel like that was a dig to you. “They were only trying to get under our skin.”
You immediately became guarded once more, and you stopped back to leave the other way. “Well, I just came by to praise you, have a good day.” You felt disappointed that all he said to you was something negative, hoping for once to have a decent conversation.
You had to move into dorms for the rest of the school year, possibly longer if Nedzu saw fit. The meeting was awfully boring, Nedzu was currently going over how the dorms will be set up and students expectations as well as teachers. “Blah blah blah dont fuck up the dorms blah blah blah set up good examples for the students blah blah blah don’t bring over random people and please don’t have loud relations with your coworkers-” Wait what-
The meeting ended, and everyone packed up their bags while having light conversations with the others. You walked over to Yamda snickering, face in disbelief.
“Hey Hizashi, what was that last part?” You asked breathlessly, a laugh on your lips.
Hizashi snickered beside you, and Nemuri smiled and shook her head. “Principal Nedzu basically asked us not to not have one-night stands and to not have loud sex with each other.”
“Oh my god.” You covered your mouth with your hand, doubling over in an effort to hide your laughter. Hizashi had no shame was laughing manically, Nemuri was just smiling and shaking her head disappointingly beside you. 
‘Roommates’ were hand-picked by the principal, based on the quiz he had created and forwarded to all the staff members. You had honestly answered all the questions, and were now riding the elevator up into your new home. Someone told you (Hizashi) that the apartments were apparently floor-through plan, a luxury floor plan really. The whole floor was dedicated to the rooming, and it was awesome. You didn’t know who your roomie was, the principal keeping that secret as a ‘Fun surprise!’ The elevator dinged, and you hurriedly pushed all your boxes out in the small hallway, pressing the ‘keep doors open’ button over and over. Luckily it was the last of the boxes, all your clothes, decorations, and miscellaneous cooking wear. Being promised that things like couches, beds/bed frames, and microwaves would be provided. You still brought over things like spoons/forks/butter knives and real knives, plus plates and cups. 
You went to open the door, panting from all the exertion but realized it was already locked. So your roomie was already here..? You fished out the key from the bags you brought and unlocked the door. Opening the door you expected your roomie to have already decorated (you kinda expected it to be Hizashi, both of you bounced off each other pretty well) but the kitchen looked untouched.
Opening the door more, you saw the dining room and living room bare, as well as the hallway. 
Maybe they hadn’t had time to decorate? 
You shrugged and started to push the boxes in, too tired to lift them up and move them again.
“You’ll scratch the floor like that.” Your whole body froze, a dark gloom falling over you. That familiar irritating voice.
You looked up slowly, face contorted in a forced smile. 
Aizawa Shouta.
“What are you doing here?” There was no way, in all of Nedzu's wisdom and knowledge that you and Aizawa were roommates. For the rest of the year. Or maybe, the rest of your career.
“Isn’t it obvious? We’re roommates.” He shrugged like an open admission wasn’t a death sentence. 
“But, how is that allowed, we’re different genders?” You literally wouldn’t have minded if your roomie was the same gender or not, but it was the fact that it was him.
“Gender doesn’t equate to things like sexuality or self-restraint. Are you saying we shouldn’t be roommates because you cannot-” How he said this with a blank face bewildered you.
“No! I’m just saying we don’t work well together, we can’t go a single conversation without going for each other's necks.” You cut him off, now becoming bewildered. 
“Well then, I guess you’ll have to show some self-restraint in other ways.” He shrugged and turned to go back into the room he already chose, which was annoying because why did he get first pick?
“Okay woah wait,” You followed him, the floor changing from kitchen tile to the carpet in the hallway. “I’m the one starting fights? Says the man who always has something negative to say, or who always just cuts me off and criticizes me.” He opened the door, and you saw a glimpse of his bare bedroom. 
“I don’t always have something negative to say, you always have something to improve.” With that, Aizawa closed the door in your face. You growled out and angrily continued unpacking. This will be fun.
Even if you were being sarcastic, living with the man was absolutely not fun. Aizawa's criticism and nagging got worse, and now he's deluded to actually fucking lecturing you like you were a kid.
You were hanging up old pictures of family members, along with scening paintings and newspapers with you in them.  Aizawa came out of his room, baggy clothes as usual and stopped you.
“Are you serious? Not only are you being extremely loud for eleven p.m., but you’re already putting holes in the new walls. You’re not even using the right nails, they’re going to snap after a few months of use.” He grabbed the hammer out of your hands, along with the nails you had in your other hand.
“I’m not even being that loud, plus who cares, I’m going to hang stuff up eventually why does it matter?” You tried to grab your supplies back, but Aizawa leaned away from you so it was out of your grasp.
“Because this is a shared living space, it’s rude to just hang stuff up without permission.” He set the tools on the ground, accidentally kicking over your pictures.
“Oh I’m sorry, do I need to ask you when to take a shit too?” You slightly lunged at him, puffing your chest out.
“Stop acting like a child, is it so hard to respect basic formalities?” Aizawa asked you, staring you down.
“Stop acting like a dick, is it so hard to be nice?” You threw his words back in his face, already pissed off.
“Enough, I’m tired already and you’re only putting a damper on my mood.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, turning back to his room. You found out he stole the larger room, with the walk-in closet and bathroom, leaving you with a tiny closet and no personal bathroom.
That was kinda how you two had been living for the past week, constant bickering over every single thing. Maybe he left stains on the tupperware and cups because of his horrid coffee addiction, or maybe you left your mess in the way of the living space, or maybe one of you just breathed too hard. Whatever it was, it started angry arguing with one or both of you storming out. 
Whatever, recently you started to train in one of the personal gyms at the school, taking out your anger on the environment around you instead of murdering your roommate. That was our only place of solace, being able to jump and crawl around and hone in on your close combat. To be honest, it had been lacking, and the event at the camp left you self-conscious and hesitant. Noting the lights were already on, you walked in and dropped your bag at the door, gathering some light to use as stepping stools later. Quickly swapping your sweatpants and sweater for your hero suit, you walked out of the changing room and froze when you saw a figure right beside you. 
Stepping out of the male changing room.
“Are you stalking me?” You turned to him, already angry.
“I could ask you the same thing, you seem to follow me wherever I go.” He snapped back, adjusting his capturing scarf. 
“Because you’re always there. Like, I can’t even take a piss without you popping out of the corner to tell me the amount of toilet paper I’m using is wrong.”
“That’s an inappropriate example.” He watched you storm off, going to your corner of the gym to start your practice. You quickly climbed in the air, running across the left side of the gym while doing flips and jumps. 
You could feel his cold gaze on you, analyzing your every move and jump. Self-conscious, you tripped mid-jump and panicked, years of hero instincts out the window. Your quirk deactivated, and you could feel yourself free falling through the air. You are fully prepared to hit the hard ground, tensing up your body to prepare for impact. 
Instead of hitting the hard cement, large hands wrapped around you, holding your back and stomach protectively.
“Are you not a hero? What was that?” Aizawa growled, quickly standing you up and holding your shoulders while he looked you over.
“I got nervous! I panicked!” You shocked him away, holding yourself.
“Nervous about what? You were doing fine.” 
“You! I could feel you judging me, so I just tripped and I freaked out!” Yelling at him, you missed his hand clutching over his heart.
“Freaked out? What if there was a student in danger, what if you were in danger?” His voice was getting as loud as yours was.
You clenched your fists, nails digging painfully in your palm. “Why do you care so much?”
Aizawa went silent after that, his face angry but he himself was quiet.
There was a heavy pause, he seemed to mull something over and you just sat angry at him.
“Because I will not let my staff be weak.” You looked away, already done with the conversation, done with him.
“I’m leaving, I’m done.” You tried to stroll past him, but he stuck out a hand.
“Wait.” You glared at him, and the bottom half of his face was engulfed with his scarf. “Train with me, let’s spar together.”
“Why would I ever-”
“Let me finish. It’ll allow me to train you to be better, and would let you get your frustrations out on me.”
That was..odd for Aizawa. You couldn’t deny the idea of beating Aizawa into the ground didn’t seem fun, but the idea of him being a teacher to you made you feel a type of way. You thought about it for a moment, but eventually, your anger won you over.
“Fine, but don’t blame me if you walk into your classroom limpiING-” Your sentence was cut off when Aizawa swept his feet under you, knocking you into the ground. You lay on the ground, arms flexing with the burning desire to knock his teeth out. 
“You’re on asshole.”
His strong hands clutching you, only there for seconds while he threw you to the ground, his dark eyes following your every movement, fast and calculating, the way he was so sure of his movements, fast and strong.
Those were images and thoughts that ran in your head when you stepped into the shower, hands delicate over blooming bruises and scratches. You managed to get a couple of good hits on him, your knuckles still raw when you clocked him right in the jaw and your legs slightly shaking when you pushed him off of you. Aizawa never fully gave you the chance to use your quirk, allowing you to fully focus on hand-to-hand combat, his specialty. 
“You need to work more on your confidence and ability in close combat. Tomorrow we’ll do the same thing.” His monotone voice was a little more tired than usual, and he held an ice pack to the same spot where you punched him. 
“Same time?” Your voice was just as tired, and you barely kept in a yawn. He simply nodded in response, turning in for the night.
Those interactions, those thoughts kept you up all night, wondering why thoughts of him infected your mind.
You turned over, needing sleep to make lesson plans and help with schedule planning.
At first, training with Aizawa was fine, not great, but not exactly bad. But over the recent few weeks, he seemed to get even meaner than before, if that was even possible. You learned quickly he was holding back on you, and it made your class time very awkward.
"Hey, Ms. where'd you get those bruises from?"
"Rough night?"
It was embarrassing, especially the rougher he got.
"Fuck." You coughed, a swift kick in the chest downed you, and now you leaned over on your knees panting for breath. "Jesus dude, this is just training not the real fucking thing." You looked up at him, hand cupping your injury.
"You could have easily avoided that. I overestimated your skills. Get up." He didn't even sound sorry.
"Let me catch my breath first damn." 
"No, get up. Do you think a villain will give you the same opportunity?" He taunted, hands on his hips while he looked down at you. 
"I would've blinded the villain by now, give me a break." You waved him off, and he took the opportunity to grab your hand and haul you up.
"Or they could've killed you by now. You need to be stronger. Get ready." Aizawa quickly got into stance, fists ready to punch you again.
"Aizawa. Give me five fucking minutes, that hurt like a bitch." You backed up, creating a wide berth between the two of you. 
He stood up, and because of his baggy hero suit, you couldn't see he was still flexing his muscles. 
"See, was that so hard?" You sighed, rubbing at your chest. Taking a deep breath in, you looked up and closed your eyes. You yelled out when suddenly he tackled you to the ground, flipping you over to twist your arm.
You scratched at your bandages, fucker gave you a goddamn professional indian burn. A while back some of your advanced kids took their finals, each had to write three different essays about three different historical moments in their lives, in hero history, and Japanese history. You had put off grading them until the summer break since that was what you were originally planning to do at the start of the break. It was hard to grade so many papers when your arms and hands hurt like a bitch, and it was hard to focus with an achy body that hurt all over. 
Groaning, you threw your head back and sighed, feeling a major headache growing on your head.
"What's your problem?" Aizawa's voice came from behind you, opening your eyes you saw his upside-down form sipping from a kitty cat coffee mug.
"Other than you, these goddamn papers. I put them off and now I have too much work to do." You sat back up, picking up your red glitter pen. You heard him sit beside you, the couch dipping under his weight. Aizawa picked up a random paper, skimming over it while he placed down his coffee cup.
"If you can't do it by yourself-"
"I can, thank you very much."
"-then I suppose I could help you. It doesn't seem that complicated." He shrugged, quickly putting his thick hair up in a bun. You watched his hands, and heat pooled in your cheeks at the sight. Even after all this time, you still couldn't deny the aggravating man wasn't attractive. His strong and long neck which was usually hidden was just so…hot. For lack of a better word, it made you feel like a medieval man seeing a woman's ankles for the first time.
"That's because that's one-third of the students' final, and that's the personal essay. If you want, you can do the personal ones while I do the hero and Japanese ones." You pushed the large stack of papers towards him, handing him a black glitter pen. His thick fingers slightly curled around your hand at the contact, making you swallow. 
"Seriously? Do you not have any normal pens?" He asked, deadpanned.
"Nope." You turned away quickly, drinking some water to cool your body. What was wrong with you? 
You scratched at your bandages again, wishing you could just rip them off. Suddenly, hands engulfed your forearm. 
You turned over to your injury, seeing pale olive hands adjusting your bandages. You looked up with wide eyes and watched him fix them for you. 
"Stop messing with them. You're going to agitate it more, and it will be more painful tomorrow." Aizawa's voice was firm, but his hands were so soft. So caring and gentle, fingers kindly moving them so they covered up everything. He looked up at you, awaiting whatever snappy response you had.
"You're agitating." 
And for a moment no one did anything. The only sound was the whirring of the AC and the tick tick ticking of the analog clock above the kitchen doorway.
"You're infuriating." Aizawa responded, but there was no bite in his voice. Subtlety, every so subtlety, you two inched forward. His strong hand left your forearm to your shoulder, and you dropped your pen to inch your hand to his thigh. 
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, eyes solely focused on him.
You didn't know when, or where, or even why but sometime from when you met Aizawa to now, you sought for him everywhere. Even when he pissed you off more than anyone, you still wanted him to look at you, talk to you. You were the one always inviting him for drinks and hangouts with the staff, always tagging him along when you stayed at Hizashi's house. Even if he hated it, you always sent him cat memes and tiktoks, or sent him videos about coffee or teacher hacks. And every time he would grumble or complain something about professionalism or how it was stupid of you to do so. But every time, he'd respond, every time he tagged along, and he would even send you tiktoks back, things he thought you'd like.
It had always been him. And it was always you.
You were so close, your hand on his chest, his heart was hammering, almost as fast as yours, and his hand was splayed on your back, holding you. So close.
That broke you both out of your trance, both of you pulled your hands back like they burned.
You quickly looked at the coffee table in front of you, staring down while your white knuckles your knees.
Aizawa cleared his throat but said nothing.
Hizashi's loud squealing reverberated around the home, and you laughed. Mostly out of nerves, but still laughed.
Aizawa sighed, cursing under his breath. "Fucking Hizashi and his fear of bugs." 
Wiping a tear from your eye, (from embarrassment maybe?) you turned to look at him. Aizawa was also pointedly avoiding eye contact and had already snatched up the pen and paper again.
"I remember watching the footage from your guys' finals, that shit was hilarious." You giggled, face still red. 
"Not so much when he ran to the emergency showers screaming his goddamn head off. I had to follow him to make sure he didn't blow the damn building away." With quick hands he put down his hair again, but not before you saw how red his ears had become. Not only that, but you saw him trying to hide his shaky hands.
Leaning over you also continued your work, like you were supposed to, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach and the raging blush you were sure you had. 
Later that night, laying alone in your bed you screamed into your pillow. A horrifying realization that was going to make your life so much harder.
You hated Shouta Aizawa as much as you loved him. And you were almost sure he felt the same.
HOT DAMN, OVER 11K WORDSSSSS. literally crying /j this is now my magnum opus. i hope this gets at least one like because FUCK lmao
anyways, was planning on writing an alt ending but idk, eat up bitches. reqs are still open lmao. also if yall want specific emojis for anon that's okay
edit; literally pissed, i used the wrong name for present mic, I used his last name instead of his first km, dw I fixed it so his dialogue makes more sense now
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always-andromeda · 2 years
hi! so excited for your valentine’s event! if you’re still accepting requests, could I perhaps get a white chocolate truffle with our dear mr. the riddler?
to keep it fun and seasonal, maybe it’s your first valentine’s day together and all he’s ever seen are movies, commercials, etc. so he’s super flustered and nervous that he has to like make this grand gesture and buy you a bunch of stuff, but maybe whatever he’s planning falls thru for some reason and he’s really upset? but then you comfort him and let him know that you don’t need any of that stuff and you end up eating an entire box of cheap chocolates together and watching a movie or something?
but also if you don’t like that premise, absolutely feel free to go with whatever you want! love your writing!! 💘💚
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– 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮
𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐍𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: don't you worry, anon. I adored this premise. and I genuinely loved writing it. so much so that it came out to a little over a thousand words oops I didn't mean to I promise!!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: this ended up being a bit more angsty than I meant for it to be lmao, bits of fluff, blood mention (nothing graphic), Edward essentially has a meltdown, nothing else I can think of!
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The day was supposed to be perfect. It was supposed to be a chocolate filled, candy coated, heart shaped, ribbon wrapped day of romance. That's how these sorts of holidays worked, right? Edward expected that he'd be planning so much that he'd barely get to feel the gratification of any of his efforts. Your adoring expression when you saw how devoted he was to making everything special would be his reward.
But with the way things were looking, he was losing it. Edward took a shallow breath and closed his eyes, going over the mental checklist for all of the things that had gone wrong that day.
He hadn't gotten the day off even though he'd requested it nearly a month in advance. Edward wouldn't forget the sneer on Zach's face as he chuckled and said, "Don't you need a date in order for that to work, Eddie boy?" Never mind his protest that he did have a date, which was precisely why he needed the day off in the first place. Zach didn't care. It had taken everything in Edward not to tear him to pieces in his stupid corporate office.
He figured he'd deal with it. That just meant his day was going to be a bit busier. At least the restaurant he wanted to take you out to was all set.
At least until he got home from work, flower bouquet in hand and called the restaurant for the fourth time that day, learned that their computer system had crashed, and wiped most of their reservation roster for the night. 
As much as Edward pitied the poor, panicked employee on the other end and the kind of night they were going to face, he had his own worries. He hung up quickly and leaned back against the kitchen wall, making a mental note to call later and see if the issue was fixed.
Alright, Edward. You're already lucky that you got this chance in the first place. And you're screwing it up. Just breathe. And do something.
So he did something. He found a vase in one of the cupboards for the flowers; a nice crystal one that would look perfect displayed on the coffee table, waiting for you when you got back to your apartment as well.
All his life he'd had butterfingers. And once more, they struck at the worst possible moment. As he carried the crystal vase to the coffee table in the living room, before he could quite process it, the vase was slipping from his hands and falling to the floor with a heart shattering crash.
Now he was on the ground, hurriedly sweeping the pieces of broken glass with his bare hands. Among the shards were flowers, now all scattered and already starting to look disheveled. The water was soaking into the knees of his slacks.
And the icing on the cake? Of course he had to slice his finger on a shard of glass when he wasn't paying attention. Without hesitation, he attempted to stop the blood flow...using the sleeve of his white button up. But he was already too far gone. 
You're screwing it up. You can't do anything right, can you? You're going to end up alo–
He clamped his hands around his ears, trying to block out the voice, trying to catch his breath, trying to hold onto something; anything. But it was like he was drowning. Going further and further down, the water clogged all of his senses.
Edward? Eddie? Eddie!
Finally, he felt a hand on his shoulder. And it all stopped. Edward opened his eyes and blinked heavily, catching your scared expression for only a few seconds before you replaced it with a tentative smile.
"Hey, are you with me?"
Edward nodded slowly, only just beginning to feel the waves of hot tears that had started rolling down his cheeks. This wasn't the first meltdown you'd witnessed from him. But it was the first one he'd had on a holiday. As much as they intimidated him, he'd managed to keep it together. Something about this one though pressed him so thin that he felt like he could shatter at any minute. 
And you already seemed so aware of it as you helped him get up and said, "You're home, you're with me."
You caught sight of the bright red blood on his shirt cuff and took his hand in yours tenderly, examining the small cut on the side of his index finger. "Let's take care of this first, alright?”
You took him into your little bathroom and carefully cleaned the wound before rubbing in a small dot of antibiotic ointment and sending him in your room to pick out a set of pajamas from your dresser. Normally, Edward would feel embarrassed, having sets of pajamas at your apartment for all the times he stayed over; he hated being alone at night. But now, he was grateful to get out of the damp slacks and bloodstained button up.
By the time he finished getting dressed, you'd picked the remaining pieces of glass, sopped up the water, and placed all the flowers on paper towels in your kitchen. And when he'd looked at them shamefully, you came up behind him, wrapping your arms around his midsection. Then you spoke, "They're beautiful flowers, Edward. Thank you. Maybe I could press them and use them in a project. That way I can keep them forever."
Edward hummed lightly, "That sounds lovely." You are lovely, he wanted to say. But somehow, he could tell that you already knew it as you walked him out to the living room, a massive box of chocolates and a small bottle of red wine on the coffee table.
"It's not much, but I didn't know if you'd have anything planned. So I figured we could spend the night in," you explained.
Edward didn't have the energy to scold himself for forgetting to tell you about his plan for the evening. None of that mattered anymore. He was tired. Exhausted, actually. But more than that, he was in love. In love with you and your gentle touch and your hopeful eyes as you waited for his reply. Like if the chocolate and the wine wasn't there, you'd probably still be content anyways. Content with him.
"I wouldn't ask for anything else, my angel," Edward said, his lips forming into a small, semi-circular smile as he pulled you into a warm, comforting embrace.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
But he knows Uncle Jace wouldn’t snitch on him. He’s not sure if he can say the same for Tian or Gabriel.
We don't talk enough about the Max/Jace bromance and I'm so here for it
Max knows royal families are just figureheads. Unlike Max’s dad who actually works hard to help the people of their country, these people just look ridiculously pretty and attend ribbon-cutting ceremonies and whatever the fuck else.Max personally doesn’t understand the appeal. But whatever.
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Because what Rafael lacks in experience, he makes up more than enough with his passion. He’s been following dad around since he was a little kid who barely spoke any English. Despite spending all his free time, if there’s any, with bapak and hogging all of bapak’s attention like the unapologetically selfish asshole he is, Rafael is a mini-dad.
A mini-Alec hogging all of Magnus' attention is actually pretty in character I don't know what Max is on about🤷‍♀️
after some random person on TikTok made an edit of him to Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince.
Max in chapter one: I'm better than stupid David
Max a month later: No one's better than David you liar
All I can think while reading the first chapter is that dialogue and I laugh at everything Max says😂
Prince David, Let Me Have Your Children!’
Okay, who is going to tell Max that he'll have David's children? Someone has to tell Max everyone!
Fun fact. Queen Victoria was the first one to have a pure white icing cake made for her wedding, which is why it is known as the royal icing.”
Okay I really really liked this one, fun facts are so cool and we love the hotties that spill them🩷
There are a lot of things Max is not allowed to do – the top one on his list of ‘Do Nots’ right now is not to spit on the prince, which seems to be harder and harder to do with every passing minute
I'm sure David wouldn't mind Max spitting on him in the right setting👀
I don’t know why I have to wish him in French,” Max grumbles. “It’s not like he cares anyway.”
I can just see David chocking simply because Max spoke French to him, RIP David
So, what you’re saying is, this could’ve been an email?” Max rolls his eyes again.
“It’s an important ceremony, Max!”
“Sounds like an excuse for a €75,000 cake.”
This dialogue is perfect and I read it ten times, love Max😂
Also, the whole bit of Max ranting about how beautiful David is and thirsting after him while having the audacity to say he hates him has me weeping on the floor, this is the best damn thing I've ever read
His face is impassive but solemn. He stares at Max as if Max is the last person he expected to see here.
My baby spotted the love of his life, yes my baby he is yours you'll have him soon enough🥹 I felt goosebumps when they saw each other
Also, these early chapters are the funniest to me because when I was reading rwrb, I was laughing at Alex because it was so obvious that he found Henry attractive lmao.
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weekend-whip · 2 years
What are each of their skills with cooking from best to worst?
Additionally, what are each of their skills with making desserts from best to worst?
Cooking from Best To Worst? aaaaah—
Zane: Obviously. Had two parents that adored cooking and were also able to cram FSM-knows how many recipes into his data. He loves cooking, and doesn't mind picking up extra turns because cooking is one more way he still feels connected to his parents, and he likes making the others smile with his food. In a twist of fate, however, the only sweets he can make are muffins (if you count that) and cake. Any other time he attempts a dessert, he becomes too much of a perfectionist to actually finish (whether it be putting it all together perfectly, or painstaking decorating) and thus leads to no dessert at all :(
Kai: You wouldn't think it, but he's the guy that can make the most unrelated leftovers taste like five-star cooking. He prefers not to cook, as he's had to do it so much while growing up (and it was stressful at that), but he doesn't try to pass the buck when it's his turn for meals either. His meals are always flavorful and sometimes a bit spicy, but everyone agrees that he's next best after Zane. For desserts, however, he's far less familiar, as he'd never had to luxury of actually trying anything fancy (beyond the occasional birthday treat for Nya). Once he gets his powers he also becomes lazier at cooking, given that he suddenly believes everything tastes better "instantly flamed and with a bit of char" snksnksnk
Jay: He himself says he's good at cooking, and I believe him—his parents always seemed the type to have lavish home-cooked meals at any and every opportunity, and with Jay being an only (adopted) child, he'd always be eager to help and/or get roped into it. However, as he's gotten older, he's gotten more impatient, especially when hungry. While he could cook if truly motivated, he no longer has the attention span to put up with it, hence why he's always getting Zane to pick up his turns for cooking meals. Desserts require even more time and focus and—Jay just doesn't have the time for that lmao, but he could whip up a quick tasty dessert if the situation called for it.
Cole: Growing up in a house where meals were usually prepared for him, he didn't initially have a lot of hands-on cooking experience, hence why he has some...wild ideas on how cooking is actually done. But when he's not banned from the kitchen, he can make some pretty decent soups and such, as that usually doesn't take much prep and is hard to find a way to mess up (...unless it's duck chowder). Jesse has been trying to help expand his cooking capabilities on the side, but when it comes to desserts, be it cakes, pudding, candies, and whatever else? Cole's the king, and no one could ever really figure out how or why (buuuut it's because his mom drew the line at having attendants make desserts for her—her motherly pride was at stake, and so she used dessert-making as a way to bond with Cole and you know he hung onto that knowledge).
Nya: Kai never let her cook growing up (as to prevent her from really getting a scope on just how scrapped they were for food and supplies growing up, and to hide how uneven their portions were), soooo...um, well, she can't really do it. It drives her nuts, as she's gotta be good at everything and making food is like an essential skill so oh god why is the water on fire—?! ...thus when it's her turn to cook she's usually got someone helping her out. She gets better eventually, and does find a niche in making desserts that comes second to Cole!
Lloyd: ...his magnum opus recipe is microwaving a bag of popcorn and not burning it. Yeah, his mom had him help in the kitchen from time to time, but not often enough for any of the skills to actually stick. He's also super-paranoid about breaking dishes, or accidentally messing up food at the last second. None of the others directly say anything about it, but inverse to someone always helping Nya, they always have Lloyd help someone else, as opposed to giving him cooking duty by himself (until he's a little bit older and forces himself to study a cookbook). Lloyd, ultimately, is just glad to be useful...but his idea of a stellar dessert is always just going to be a bag of good old-fashioned candy.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
right back at you! 35-40 for the ship you're thinking about most!
BJ and Seb are more on my brain, but I don't know Seb too well yet, so I'll do my latest TWC PT as well -- Kendis and Ava.
35) Who's more artistic?
Joeb: Bethany Josnel is. He's a rock star whose stage attire involves shoes like this. His stage name is Nova. He can play the piano. Seb is literally just some guy.
Keva: I mean I can't imagine someone being LESS artistic than Ava -- Rebecca maybe? [After all repairing cars takes some artistry] So, it really isnt hard to be MORE artistic than Ava. But Kendis definitely takes the cake. Not only is their attire more aesthetically vibrant, they're very creative and are open to new creative endeavors. So while they're far from a traditinonal artist [like BJ], they enjoy making and decorating and fashion.
36) Who's more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
Joeb: I feel it could be either, because Josnel is a dad friend and Seb is a dad. So it is probably even, but I feel it leans Seb. Just by a hair. He comes off like a very attentive parent in the asks, and I feel maybe this might have given him a sixth sense. Also, I feel he would be mindful of how much work and stress BJ's career is -- so he's even more hypervigilant to take care of his man. This is my Seb canon til otherwise proven.
Keva: Ava. LMAO, not that Kendis wouldn't. Neither them sleep lmao, so its more who pauses working to get the other a snack. But Ava will take care of Kendis if it kills them both. But Kendis is more likely to be the one sleeping and thus waking up at 2am. Then Ava is faster thus could get Kendis what she needed before she can stop her.
37) Which is more likely to swear?
Joeb: Oh, I don't know. Seb seems like the type to tsk 'language' and he is so goofy, he doesnt seem like a curser? And Josnel was raised in the Church, still has that in him. Maybe BJ but barely/rarely.
Keva: Kendis. Kendis swears and curses. Silly swears [dangnabbit/go suck the toes off a pig, you tucker carlson watching butthole] and at times the "harder" stuff lmao. Usually leans on 'fuck' and 'shit'.
38) Who is more sexually experimental? Who's more vanilla?
Joeb: Sebastian. BJ. Respectively. I remembered that Seb is down to clown. He is also more touchy. BJ is generally more reserved [so far, in my mindplace. Maybe it will change when I play him -- maybe the white man will have him act a fool!]
Keva: Kendis. Ava. Respectively. Kendis has more experience. And Ava is very set, I also don't imagine she's thought about sex much at all. I mean she's demisexual. And she's also Ava. Kendis is also is theoretically down to clown. [As long as they call the shots/boundaries are pre-established].
39) Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
Joeb: Goodness, idk. Maybe Seb? I feel Maya has made him creature rescuer. It must be habit. BJ would judge because he's unaware that he would as well -- but he's more likely to call animal rescue, I feel than try to make himself the next star of Dodo.
Keva: Kendis. All day. Everyday. Ava is ready to move them away to the city -- but with her luck Kendis would find some diseased sewer creature to bring home. Ava is resigned but also not, like she accepts this is who Kendis is but she's gonna point out the follies anyway.
40) Who has an insatiable appetite? And what does the other do to help?
Joeb: I don't think either of them are big eaters? Though, maybe leans on Beth because them post-Black church lunches were about filling the plate. Seb makes sure to just shop more and get the groceries.
Keva: Kendis. Kendis be eating. And theyre a foodie, I feel it is fair to say. Ava isn't big on going out, but she definitely indulges Kendis for the quieter hole-in-a-wall. And she probably knows Kendis' faves from Hayleys and will stop buy to get something when she walk kendis home
Thanks for the ask!!
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sailxrmxrs · 2 years
i hadn't written for bloomic in a hot sec and the first one back was onionthief? ignore that this is being posted after quest djskgls. anyway it is onion boy's birthday so therefore today u are all onion enjoyers bc them's the rules. in celebration have something from the dusty corners of my brain bc onion deserves a little happy as a treat. also bc it gives me an excuse to write bloomic fic again hehe. is this also a little self indulgent bc i want more soft onion content? oh most definitely but that's basically my entire tumblr at this point lmao. and now i guess i go hibernate until quest's birthday goodbye gamers and enjoy the cute onion vibes.
Onion always found this time of year to be his favourite. The passing of summer meant long gone were the painfully hot days and in their place was a persistent breeze that left the tip of his nose and ears permanently flushed a slight tinge of pink from the cold. But he gladly took the chill over humid days stuck inside while working on some summer college project. As the autumn weather crept closer, he felt far more at home. It also happened to be the same time as his birthday, an occasion that Onion was not overly fond of. It wasn't that he disliked the day or what it signified, but he also didn't particularly care about it either. Every year was the same routine, go home to visit his family, eat enough cake to leave him so tired of it that he wouldn't want another slice until his birthday the following year, and then he'd take himself off to his room to finish work for his upcoming semester classes. This year he'd expected to be no different until a certain someone had found their way into the Blooming Panic server he'd also frequented in the last few years. Meeting you had altered many things in Onion's life, his priorities suddenly shifting the closer the two of you became. It took him some getting used to, sharing so much of himself with another. But as his birthday neared, Onion was coarsing with an excitement like no other he'd felt at this time of year.
Due to an unfortunate class schedule, he'd had to delay plans of going home to spend time with his family. It wasn't ideal, but he knew he could cope with the change when he made plans to spend the night on a call with you. After all, what better way to celebrate his birthday than with the person he cares for most? Throughout the entire day he operated on what felt like sheer muscle memory. His mind was elsewhere, drifting away to thoughts of you when he really should have been taking notes. One day of inattention was worth it. But what had started as pure, unadulterated excitement and anticipation soon became restless concern. By now he usually would've seen a message or two displayed on his phone of you sharing what you'd eaten for lunch that day or a photo of you spending time with a friend. Those frequent daily updates were what kept Onion motivated throughout the day—little reminders of affection to combat the physical distance that impeded your relationship. He noticed their absence like a gaping hole in his chest. What started as occasional glances became frequent scrolling of any place you might message, just in case he'd missed something. That was, until the professor noticed his blatant distraction and directly called upon him to pay more attention. Onion's face turned bright red as he pocketed the phone, adamant he wouldn't look until the end of the day. Maybe you were just busy. Or your phone had ran out of battery because you'd forgotten to charge it the night before. While unlikely, these things did happen. And that thought was the only string of thread holding him back from imagining far worse scenarios.
The remainder of the day passed by in a blur, Onion's thoughts half on his classes and half drifting elsewhere, wondering what you might be doing. He hated how clingy he felt, silently willing his phone to buzz with a new message. But every time it happened and he lunged to look at the screen, disappointment would mar his features when he saw yet another ridiculous message from Nightowl or Xyx. The two, it seemed, had been scheming of all the ways they could bother Onion on his birthday. Any other day he would entertain them both with snarky replies and teasing quips but today his heart just wasn't in it. Truthfully all he wanted at this point was to get home and let himself wallow in uncharacteristic self pity for an hour before calling his family and going to bed. His journey home was uneventful as the rest of the day had been, weariness tugging on Onion's limbs as he finally made it past the threshold of his apartment door; his shoes and jacket were gone in an instant, the bag of textbooks dumped unceremoniously on the floor as he made a beeline for his bedroom. He was lying with his face buried in a pillow when his phone buzzed once more in his pocket with incoming birthday messages from the server members, all excited and asking about his plans. Onion scrolled through and sent half-hearted replies, trying to ignore the bitter taste in his mouth when he saw you weren't online and that you hadn't been online all day. He knew it was irrational to be so affected by the possibility that you were busy. But on his birthday? Maybe you'd forgotten, or maybe you were just waiting until he got home from class to see how he was doing.
Before Onion could let his mind dwell on it much longer, he decided to bite the bullet and just text you to see how you were doing. It couldn't hurt, after all, and it would only serve to ease his mind whenever you replied. Onion waited with baited breath as he started at the screen, watching the 'delivered' message turn to 'seen'. He bolted upright with his phone in hand as he waited for an incoming reply that never came. So were you just ignoring him? Was this some mean joke you were playing on him, spurred on by Nightowl or Xyx perhaps? As he was about to toss his phone across the room, a knock sounded at the door. Onion debated just ignoring it and taking a nap but the responsible side of his brain took over and had him dragging himself to answer the door. When he opened it and registered who was stood before him, Onion felt the breath leave his lungs. He'd expected it to be one of his neighbours asking to borrow something or complain about the noisy neighbour down the hall. Never in a thousand years would he have thought he'd see you stood there, beaming with unbridled joy at the genuine surprise on his face.
"Bet you didn't expect this, did you?" You teased, walking past Onion into his apartment as he moved to the side, still stunned by your appearance. Waving a hand in front of him, you laughed as he blinked and his eyes refocused on you.
"What are you doing here?" The question was so genuine, the shock still stinging his fingertips as they instinctively pushed the door closed while Onion's eyes did not leave yours for even a second.
"Last time I checked it was someone's birthday. Kind of an important day, don't you think? Not something I'd really want to miss," you reply as you set down the small suitcase of clothes you'd brought along to stay for the week. "Sorry I didn't text earlier. I wanted to but with the flight and getting over here there wasn't really much time. Plus I didn't want to ruin the surprise."
Onion nodded, everything finally weaving into something that made sense. "Yeah, no danger in that, babe. I was starting to think you'd forgotten me," he added, his voice humourous and joking as he pulled you in close, hands gentle in their approach. Despite how relaxed he tried to seem, it was clear there had been a genuine worry swimming in his thoughts at your silence.
Reaching a hand to cup his cheek, you whispered. "I'd never forget you. Not this birthday or any birthday after this one. You're too special to me."
Tears collected in Onion's eyes as he cleared his throat, moving away so that you wouldn't notice. "Did you eat on the plane? Or do you want to order something in?"
"Ah, ah no subject changing, sir. It's your birthday and therefore it's Onion appreciation hours."
The deadpan look he offered was devoid of any amusement, a pure pretense so as to hopefully escape your honeyed words of adoration that always made him blush. While he certainly loved to hear it, knowing you'd be able to see, and poke fun, at how flustered he really became around you was a mortifying thought. "No. Food. What do you want."
"You're no fun," you pouted, playfully poking his arm before turning to the bags sitting at your feet. "But there's no need to order anything because I'm the bestest partner ever and already picked a little something up on the way here! So you better sit your ass on the couch and eat up before it gets cold."
"You sound like my mom." Despite his complaining, Onion followed your instruction and took up his usual spot in front of the laptop he always kept on the coffee table for late night watching over dinner. It didn't take long for the substantial mass of food to become little more than a small box of leftovers for the following day. Onion was now sunk back into the sofa, an arm lazily hanging around your shoulder with his glasses left on the table. It was rare to see him not wearing them. So much so that he had slight indentations on the side of his nose that were a shade paler than the rest of his face. His eyes were closed, long lashes brushing the very tops of his cheeks as he tried to fight off the sleepiness.
"You're so adorable," you sighed, fingers tangling themselves in his dark hair as you admired him.
He didn't move nor open his eyes to reply. "I don't have the energy to fight you on this right now but know that I would if I did." His voice was lower and his words ever so slightly slurred with the tiredness that crept closer the longer he remained still in his spot on the sofa. It took everything in you not to snap a picture and post it in the server. They knew you were with Onion but even in his satiated sleepiness, he'd still not appreciate them seeing him like this. Though the temptation to pull out your phone and take a picture of his sleepy smile was too pressing and within seconds the image was set as your phone background.
"Don't think I don't know what you're doing," Onion murmured, opening one eye to glare at you though you knew without his glasses you were an unfocused image to him right now.
"If you want to change it, then come and get it," you teased as you stood from the sofa, waving your phone in front of you. Onion's smile grew and he reached for his glasses. However he didn't follow you in rising from the seat and instead leaned back again, a burst of energy spurring his infectious smile.
"Nah. I'll let you keep it. So long as you let me take one of you too." He pondered for a moment, eyes trailing over you still standing. "Or actually..." Onion leaned forward, hand reaching for your wrist as he pulled you in and catching you in his embrace. His lips were warm against yours, a kiss that had your thoughts spinning as it stole your breath away. Then a small camera shutter sounded but the sudden absence of Onion's lips was all you could think about.
His eyes dragged slowly from your lips up to your eyes, surveying every inch of your flushed face. "Perfect." Onion lifted his spare hand, thumb gently dancing over your bottom lip as you remained transfixed under his gaze.
"Hey, guess what," he whispered, voice quiet yet the only sound you could ever wish to hear in that moment.
"I love you." Onion punctuated the confession with another gentle kiss, proclaiming all the words and emotion that lingered in his heart that he couldn't quite say. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, and for Onion, the softness with which he held your face shouted and screamed all the unspoken feelings that flooded every vein of his body; an all-consuming and ever present adoration that he doubted he'd ever be able to truly put into words. The words were never strong enough, never good enough, to accurately depict all that he felt every time he looked at you, touched you, heard your voice calling his name. To even think that he could regard someone like you in this manner felt like some dream promising him a lifetime of eternal happiness. And it was a dream he intended to hold onto, for as long as you reached for his hand.
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ladywinterwitch · 4 years
Run Away (Eight- What You Gotta Do)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Summary: You and Steve complete each other. Your love is that strong and devoted kind of love that pushes people to things like marriage, making a family. You couldn't imagine that a baby would be something you really wished, until the possibility wasn't your choice anymore.
Warnings:  A bit of angst, pregnancy talk, mentions of injuries, mentions of abandonement (mild), fluff, reader is still an emotional rollercoaster, cursing and swearing, smut, unprotected sex (too late for these two lmao), oral sex (f recieving), brief mentions of body insicurities, Bucky’s a puppy dog.
Words Count: 5289
A/n: Part eight! I can’t believe that I’ve actually come this far lmao. Plus, me posting stuff with less than 44827 years of distance with each other? A miracle. I always said that I would wrap it up at 10 chapters,but while writing this chapter I realized that I will need one or two extra chapters + the epilogue. We’ll see. For now I’m happy to be able to write lol. Series masterlist here, main masterlist here. Enjoy <3
ps: Chris’s look in that gif,,,chile 
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                       (gif not mine)
In the following week you saw Steve once a day, just to assure that he was doing fine. He wasn' sleeping in your shared room for the moment, but in a spare bedroom. You knew that you were probably being harsh with him, but you were so mad. It wasn't the first time that he did something stupid to try and save others. Hell, just think about that damned plane crash that put him in the ice in the first place.
You understood the reasons why, and basically everyone tried to talk with you and kinda 'sugar coat it' but the issue wasn't that you didn't understand: the issue was that he couldn't afford to think only about himself. Was it selfish on your behalf to think that way? Maybe. But you couldn't help it. You told yourself that it would've been different if you were just married, or just lovers. His decisions would've still been his. But now it's different. In less than six months he would've become a father. And that comes with responsibility. Wasn't he the first to tell you how important it was for you to put aside your job, for months or maybe even forever, just for the wellbeing of the creature inside you? That kid is yours just as much as he's his.
You and Bucky went out for a shopping trip that afternon. You would've asked Wanda, but she and Vision went to Clint's farm for a few days to see him and his family. Steve still had to be inside the tower, since he wasn't fully healed yet. You knew that he was watching a football game with Sam now, while Tony and Bruce were working on a new project, and Thor went to Asgard for a while to go check that Loki and Odin weren't at each other's throats.
You didn't mind Bucky's company at all. And in any case it wasn't like you felt like going out with Steve, not just yet. The brunette drove you both to the mall where he parked and then you went inside.
-So, what absolutely exciting and girly shops I have to visit today?- he asked while you curled your hand around his bicep. You laughed, looking up at him while you walked.
-Well, this mama is getting bigger every day, so I really can't wear my old clothes. I wouldn't even fit in them, and I can't go on with you guys' hoodies and t-shirts. I mean, I'm still a woman. Who said I can't look good while pregnant?- you responded, dragging him to a maternity clothes shop. As soon as you entered like half of the women in the shop turned to look at Bucky. You glanced at him and saw that he blushed and was looking everywhere except them. You bit you lip to not smile while you started to look around at the clothes. You made sure to engage in conversations with him to try and take the attention away.
-Damn homie, I think you just made those women regret their partners.- you said lowly so only he could hear you, and being a super enhanced supersolier, he did hear you very clearly. He snapped his head towards you with a look of disbelief on his face. His expression was so funny that you couldn't help but laugh. He looked around quickly then got closer to you.
-Stop it! It's already embarassing without you pointing it out.- he whined with a low voice. You stopped laughing but you couldn't help but smile, pressing your lips together.
-It's just so funny to me, because I understand these women. Turns out that pregnancy doesn't only make you sick, but also terribly horny.- you rose an eyebrow and he face palmed himself. You laughed again.
-Too much information, doll.- he groaned. You chuckled, putting in his hands a bunch of clothes. He caught them with both arms and followed you like a puppy to the changing rooms.
-Thank you kind sir, now I'm gonna see if they fit then I promise we're out of here.- you joked, hanging the clothes into the changing room. You closed the tent and he let himself fall delicately on one of the couches. He looked around while he waited but it turned out to be a bad idea when he saw the women from the various isles and even the shop's staff looking at him. He awkwardly smiled and then looked back at the closed changing room, sinking in his seat and covering the side of his face with a hand nonchalantly. He heard a few muffled giggles but no ne bothered him.
-Y/n are you done?- he asked, more embarassed than anything. Suddenly she pulled back the tent and started to gather a few of the garments in her hand. Bucky's gaze got caught on her figure. It was essentially the first time that she wore something fitting and not exaggerately large, so her belly was fully on display, even more so since she was turned to the side. The man felt a mix of emotions all at once and didn't quite catch the first time she called him.
-Buck, did you hear me?- he snapped out of it and stood to his feet, blinking a few times.
-It looks great.- he commented. You had on a nice flowery minidress, the sleeves were short and puffy, the square neckline showed just enough cleavage to remain classy, the breast area was tight but just below the skirt was soft and fell perfectly on your figure, showing the belly. You looked at him with a smile, chuckling slightly.
-Yeah, it fits well doesn't it? I'm getting these,- he gave a three dresses, two shirts, two t-shirts, two pairs of jeans and a pencil skirt to him, while she had other stuff in her own hands. -And I'm leaving these.- she sighed.
-Would you do me a favor? I'm dropping these off, meanwhile could you go to the pay desk? I'll be there in a sec.- he nodded and you thanked him while you walked away to the isles. Bucky walked towards the counter and dropped the garments on the desk, giving a quick smile to the girl behind it. He pulled out from the back pocket of his jeans the wallet and then the credit card, which was obviously Tony's, and put it on the glass above the counter. He waited a few seconds until the clerk, which was a nice girl with black hair and amber like eyes, spoke to him.
-So, how far are you guys?- she asked. Bucky almost choked on air at that phrase.
-Oh we- - he was about to say, but you arrived at his side and saved the situation. You smiled kindly at the girl and gave a pat on Bucky's arm.
-I'll be exactly of five months in a week, and he's more like the uncle than the father.- she tileted her head towards the brunette. The clerk smirked.
-Is he now?- she said rethorically. Then added, -That would be 277$. You're paying with cash or card?- Bucky gave her the Visa and she thanked him, finishing the payment. Y/n glanced at him with a knowing look and a slight smirk. He rolled his eyes and shook his head a little, she furrowed her brows as if to ask 'Why?' and he just mouthed 'No', so she didn't push. For now.
-Thank you for your purchase, congratulations and we hope to see you soon.- the girl said with courtesy, her gaze lingering a bit on the man, whom didn't return the look. You could see the slight disppointment of the girl.
-Thank you, have a nice day.- you saluted her and then headed out with Bucky. An hour had already passed and you still had in mind to buy a few things, but first you needed a break.
-I desperately want a piece of cake. What do you think?- you elbowed him delicately to catch his attention. He turned his head and nodded, still carrying the two bags. You arrived at the mall's cafe and ordered. He picked an iced coffe and you a slice of cheesecake and some tea, knowing that coffe wasn't that good for pregnancy. You took a seat at one of the tables outside, even tho you were still technically inside the mall.
-So, wanna tell me why you didn't accept the clear as the sun advances that the pretty shop assistant did?- you brought the fork to your mouth. He huffed and shrugged.
-Because I am not interested. I don't think I'm in the right mindspace to date right now.- he responded. You exhaled, tilting your head slightly to the side.
-Buck, I know that it didn't end up that smoothly with Nat, but she's gone.- she realized how that sounded like and quickly corrected herself, -I mean, not gone. But...gone, you know?- you cringed at your own words and he snorted.
-Very smooth y/n.- he joked, earning a glare from you.
-Shut up, I'm trying to help here. What I meant that while I understand that things with Nat didn't end up in the best of ways, she went away to give both of you the space you need to get back on your feet.- you paused, drinking a sip of tea, then offring the last bite of cake to him. He shook his head, giving you a lopsided smile.
-Don't worry, it's all yours.- you pointed your finger at him, while chewing the cheesecake. He chuckled.
-Right answer. Anyways, what I'm trying to say here, Buck, is that you have to allow yourself to try again. Because you deserve it. What do you tell me about that person you said you were interested in? I've never seen you with anyone in the last three months.- he looked to the side for a moment casually.
-They're taken so, yeah.- he simply answered, shrugging while taking a sip of coffe. You got sad all of a sudden. You eyebrows knotted in a sad expression and he noticed, giving you a small smile.
-Hey, don't do that. It's okay. I'm not like heartbroken or shit. I'm happy for her.- he assured you, -She.. well she has a family. She deserves it, so I'm happy for her.- he nodded, smiling softly. You smiled at him too, still with a hint of sadness. He took a nother sip of coffe an then raised an eyebrow, looking at you.
-Why are you crying?- he asked confused. You furruwed your brows in confusion and wiped your fingers under your eyes, realizing that a few tears had escaped. At that point without a reason, you started to feel worse and embarassed and a mess, so you sterted to actually sob a little. Bucky got up and moved his chair next to yours, hugging you.
-Hey what's wrong? I promise I'm alright.- he laughed to try and lighten the situation. You hiccupped into his chest.
-I- I know..it's just.. I don't know, these stupid hormones are making me act hysterical.- you had sittle sobs coming out every now and then. He kissed your head while he stroked your back.
-It's okay, you're not hysterical.- he chuckled softly making you smile. You pulled away from him looking in his eyes.
-I'm a mess aren't I?- Bucky wiped a little smudge of mascara under her eye, and then smiled at her lovingly.
-You look just fine, darling.- she hugged him, whispering a 'thank you, I love you' in his ear.
-I love you too- he answered.
After that, they finished their drink and Y/n told Bucky that she wanted to order a few things for the baby so they did just that. They went in a baby-stuff shop and she choose and placed some orders for a crib, a baby seat for both the car and the kitchen and the changing table. You didn't wanted to buy them right away, so you told the shop to bring them at the tower when they wanted.
When you exited the shop, it was already six thirty pm, so you decided to head back at the tower.
In the car, you told Bucky about your idea to get a midwife to help you during your pregnancy and especially when it'll be time to deliver the baby.
-I don't know y/n... I mean I think that you don't need a midwife or some other stranger to take care of you and the baby. You have Steve. You have me, and Sam, Wanda and the rest of the team. Bruce has basically become a doctor of everything, I'm sure that helping to deliver a child isn't that hard.- he shrugged while keeping his eyes on the road.
-I can't and wouldn't expect you all to babaysit me for another four months, Bucky. You have missions, classes, a you know, your own lives.- he glared at you, probably wanting to intervene and contraddict you, but he remained quiet in the end.
-And, you really can't expect Bruce to handle this. He's a fucking physician for God's sake. He's absolutely amazing, but a delivery? No, that would be too much even for him. And I would be kinda embarassed, for crying out loud.- you added with a high pitched voice. You absentmindely started to cradle your belly. He thought about it for a few seconds.
-I don't know y/n, you know how I am with strangers. But in any case it's your and Steve's decision. Please, talk to him. He's been miserable this week without you. He wouldn't shut up about how he was sorry, and stupid and in love with you and that he misses your smile, your belly and I don't know, I stopped listening after a while.- he said exasperatedly. You suppressed a smile.
-Really? - you asked sheepishly. He turned his head to look at you for a second before smiling knowingly.
-You know it's true. Your fucking married, for God's sake.- he said, tired of you two being idiots. He could just imagine how it'll be when you'll become parents. You will be great at it, but also a mess at the same time.
-Hey, Whiny Soldier, how was shopping? - Sam shouted when he saw the two of you coming in the room with your hands full of bags. You didn't see him, but you just knew that he pursed his lips and shook his head.
You came back at the tower just in time for dinner. Vision and Wanda had aprons tied on their chests, while the others were just chilling in the common room. Steve was there too, beside Bruce.
-Shopping was productive, thank you very much.- you answered pointing for Bucky to put down the bags.
-Let me help you take these to your room.- he offered, but you gave him a look and he understood immediately, putting them down. You smiled and kissed his cheek.
-Thank you for being my human cart today.- his jaw dropped, pretending to be offended.
-Oooh- Sam howled and the others laughed. Steve smiled slightly, still mortified by your little 'cold shoulder week'  thing.
-You're lucky I can't tickle you to death right now.- he pointed his finger at you before walking to the fridge to pour himself a glass of water.
-Yeah, yeah, like you say big guy.- you teased him. You paused, shifting your gaze to Steve. He was wearing a blue hoodie and gray sweatpants, his dirty blonde hair were starting to get a bit long at the sides and a few strands fell on his forehead, while his jaw was covered with a slight scruff. His puppy dog eyes met yours and you couln't help but melt a little.
-Steve, are you well enough to help me with these?- you asked and even before you could finish he was on his feet. He almost tripped from how fast he tried to reach you.
-Yes I'm perfectly well I mean I'd love to help you. I mean obv- - you raised an eyebrow and he stopped, looking down. The whole team was watching in silence like it was a damn movie.
-I'm rambling, I'm sorry.- he said lowly. You sighed and places three of the four bags in his hands.
-C'mon. And you all, get a life.- you called them out while you two walked to the elevator. A few minutes later, after the short, silent, trip, you arrived to your room. He placed the bags on the bed and you did the same after closing the door behind you.
-Help me take off the price tags.- you invited him. He grabbed the bag, taking out the first garment. It was a white baby onesie, with Captain America's shield logo on it in white, blue, and red. His breath got caught in his throat and he suddenly let out a sob.
You snapped your head up in confusion, your features softening when you saw him. He sat on the bed, head down, onesie still in his hand. You put down the dress you had in your hands and went to sit next to him, since it would've been really uncomfortable for you to bend on your legs now. You hand went istinctively to rub his back.
-Can we talk?- he asks with broken voice. You tilt your head to the side to look at him with the shadow of a smile on your face.
-Only if you stop crying. Or else none of us will be able to talk at all.- he chuckles slightly making you smile lovingly. He wraps his big arms around you, nuzzling his face in your neck, your collarbones exposed due to the large shirt you were wearing. The wave of relief that washed over you in that moment was hard to describe.
-I missed you so much, baby. I couldn't stand the thought of you being mad at me. I'm sorry for being so impulsive.- he sniffed while he talked. You nodded, cupping his face gently. Steve melted into your touch.
-I know you are. And I'm sorry too. I know that I've been harsh with you these past days, it's just...- he waited patiently, -You're not responsable for only yourself anymore. I understand, please trust me, I understand what you wanted to do and also that you feel like it's your duty to do that. And it kinda is, but my point is- you shook your head realizing that you weren't really explaining yourself.
-What I mean is that you cannot put your life behind other's. Not for me, not even for the team. We're grown ass adults okay? Fow how much you can love us and we can love you, we are our own person. But this- you placed his hand on your belly, -This had been a choice. Your, mine. We both are responsable for this life. The same way I gave up my job, and the lessons. Now, I'm not asking you to stop going on missions, but I'd like you to be with me as much as possible. And that when you go, you'll be careful. Please, Steve.- you say softly, almost in the verge of tears. Again. You've cried more in five months than in your whole life probably.
-You're right. It was pretty hypocritical of me to get mad at you for the same reason in the first place.- he shook his head in disappointment. You rolled your eyes, adding -Work. I think we'll have to rearrange ourselves in this department.- you smiled and he laughed, agreeing.
-So, are we gonna get these off the bed and use the space in a better way or what?- your lips curled in a seductive smirk that quite shocked him. He recovered quickly, jumping on his feet and placing the bags on the ground in a split second. You threw you head back laughing at his eagerness, but you honestly couldn't blame him. Your hormones were a mess and your horniness at level 100, but you often were either sick, tired, hungry or he was. And not to mention the missions that separated you. So let's say that since you got pregnant the sex decreased noticeably, which was something that you wanted to fix. You phisically missed and needed him.
He returned to you and crashed his lips to yours, and soon enough you were a mess of tongues and lip bites and sucks that got interrupeted just briefly to get your clothes off. He didn't have anything under his hoodie, and you happily noticed that he was completely healed and that his weeks in the tower were due to the lack of new missions. You sincerely hoped it would last. After his hoodie, his pants and boxers were next. With you the situation was a bit more complex: first the light material shirt you had on had to be unbuttoned, then your tank top, the jeans' belt and the pants themselves. When you were left in just your underwear, a plain set of cotton white bra and panties, Steve stopped to look at your body.
He was in awe of you. He rose his hand and started a caress that began on your cheek, his thumb on your bottom lip, then descended to your now fuller breasts, to the curve of your waist to to your baby bump. At that point he bent down on his knees and kissed it softly.
-Hey little one, if you want to take a nap, now it would be a good time.- he whispered directly to the stretched skin. You let out a sound that was halfway between of a whine and a laugh.
-Steve, Jesus Christ.- you covered your face with your hands. You heard him laugh and stand on his feet again. He removed your hands gently, kissing you again with slow, agonizing passion that even let escape a ridiculous whine from your lips at the loss.
-Where were we?- he reached behind your back and unclasped the bra, sliding it off your shoulders and freeing your breasts.
-Mrs and Mr. Rogers I'm sorry to disturb, miss Maximoff would like me to inform you that dinner's ready.- you stopped hearing F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice. You groaned, annoyed at the interruption, but Steve suddenly started to push you on the bed and to lick and suck your boobs.
-Tell miss Maximoff that we have dinner here.- he responded biting softly your nipple, making you whimper.
-It will be done, mr Rogers.-
-Geez Steve, couldn't you be more specific?- you sassed with a deep breath, distracted by your husband's mouth. He snorted moving further down to remove your panties.
-You're already pregnant, couldn't be more obvious than that.- you started to laugh, but it soon became a loud moan when you felt his tongue licking a long stripe on your pussy. You closed your eyes and istinctively wanted to bring your hand in his hair, but you found an obstacle. A medium big, round and naked obstacle. You huffed and Steve stopped, tilting his head to the side, since now you couldn't even see him from between your legs.
-Are you okay?- he asked, worry in his voice. You sat on the bed, helping yourself with your hands. He returned beside you, waiting.
-It's just..ugh I'm so awkward and big and not confident if I have to be honest.- you say for the first time out loud. You wanted to cover yourself by curling your knees to you chest, but again, you swollen stomach didn't allow it. At that point you got even more frustrated.
-Damn it.- Steve places his fingers under your chin and made you look at him. His eyes were serious but not mad.
-Hey, none of that. Do you even realize the miracle your beautiful body is doing? You're creating a whole life in there, baby.- he smiled brightly looking in your eyes, -And by the way, you're still hot as fuck.- that made you laugh. He kept smiling while he made you lay down again on the sheets.
-This beautiful face..these cheeks are even sweeter now.- he peppered them with kisses making you giggle uncontrollably.
-Don't get me started on these ones...- his hands cupped your breasts while his mouth attacked your nipples and the soft skin. You moaned softly, your hand immediately in his short hair, your nails delicately scratching his scalp.
-But you know my most favorite thing?- he kept going, -This.- he was now between your legs, kneeled in front of your stomach. He caressed it and kissed it a few times. Then his gaze  locked in yours again. You almost felt hypnotized, both by his velvety voice and his touch.
-I love it because it's round and soft and most importantly because it's giving me a family. A baby. And you know who's giving me all of this? You are. So don't ever be insecure about this wonderful body, please.- you smiled at him softly. Soon enough the mood changed again when he spoke his next words.
-Now, are you gonna let me thank this stunning body like it deserves or not?- you felt the smirk in his voice, his blue eyes hungry. You mirrored his expression propping yourself up on your elbows.
-Would like to see it.- you answer. He huffs out a laugh and reprises what he started doing a few minutes prior. He took good care of you until you came on his tongue, and at that point you grabbed him to crash your lips together. You kept moving and bringing him with you, until he found himself laying down on his back and you straddling his hips. Steve's hands immediately went to your sides, trying to not move and let you do the work, even though all he wanted was to fuck you until you both could't anymore.
You kept you eyes on his while you stroked him a few times before slowly sinking on him. He squeezed both his eyes shut and your hips, huffing a long breath. That could've almost made you laugh if you weren't just as wrecked. Your hips started moving, back and forth, to the sides in painfully slow circular motions. At one point he grabbed your ass, sitting up and making you gasp.
-Doll I'm kinda struggling here- he breathed out kissing your neck while you kept moving. -I want to be delicate but damn.- he nipped at your sweet spot between your neck and shoulder. Your hips started going faster with the help of his hands guiding you and soon enough you were panting and kissing each other passionately and messily.
-Oh, Steve I'm almost there- you moan hugging his head to your chest. He moaned too, reaching in front of you with his hand to circle your clit.
-I'm right behind you baby.- he reassured you while in reality he was trying hard not to come in that exact moment. He craved you more than usual, not only beacause your body was actually so fucking hot to him but also because he hasn't touched you for almost two whole weeks.
Just a few seconds later you gripped his shoulders, hiding your face in his neck. His breath got caught in his troath at the way you clenched around him when you came. And as a cue, he followed you short after, coming inside you. You stayed like that, hugging and cuddling for some minutes, then he kissed you and moved you gently on his side, hissing slightly when you lost contact.
-Be right back.- he said going to the bathroom and returning with a wet wash cloth. He cleaned you up from both of your releases and then went back to throw the dirty fabric in the laundry basket. You looked at him with a lopsided smile, still hazy and quite tired from the recent activity. He mirrored your expression with messy hair, crawling in the bed to you and pulling you on his side after.
-I needed that.- you say. He sighed, -I definetly did too. How come we always end up having sex after we argue or talk?- he asked casually. You shrugged.
-I don't know, the important thing is that the talk comes first and then, the sex.- he agreed with a nod. You chewed on you lip a bit before speaking again.
-Honey- you called, he hummed.
-While you were away last week I started to think about how I will probably need more help in the future, you know. And the fact that you and the others are often away on missions. And I mean it's totally alright, that's work but... I felt so bad when Sam and Wanda were left behind last time. And just to 'babysit' me.- he looked down at you with a frown.
-They offered to stay behind because they wanted to. We're taking turns on missions all the time.- he responded. You barely noticed that he had started to caress your belly.
-That's not the point, you know it. The last mission was quite big. I know my work well enough to know that Fury would've sent all the team, if I weren't left behind. Also by now we both understood that this baby isn't a normal baby and that is why I'm so sick so often. Bruce can't be here all the time, and for how good and skilled he his, he's not an expert in the baby field.- he was listening to you intently, but he wasn't quite sure with where you wanted to go with this.
-What's the point?- he asked, moving a strand of your hair from your face with his fingers.
-The point is,  that I've read a lot in these months, and I think that we should hire a midwife. It would be someone that stays with me most of the day and helps me. An actual expert.-
-And how would you explain that our child has the blood of two super soldiers?- his hand motioned himself and you. You got up, towards the bathroom.
-Steve, we share the house with a god, a giant green monster, enhanced people, a witch, a kid that has the powers of a spider and an intelligent robot. I think it wouldn't be a great surprise.- you closed the door, peed and then refreshed yourself before going back to take some clean clothes. You saw that he was waiting for you to get out, probably wanting to shower.
-Okay then, I guess we can arrange that, if that will make you feel better.- he finally spoke. You kissed his cheek, already in your underwear.
-Thank you. You're showering?- he nods, the raises an eyebrow.
-Wanna join?- you laugh and shake your head.
-No, baby not now. I get tired quite easily and if the bed's already a bit difficult to work with, the shower must be a nightmare.- he pouted.
-You're right.-
-But- he stops the door before it closes, waiting for you to continue. -I want to fix your hair and your beard if you let me.- a lopsided smile opens on his face.
-Be my guest.-
After you sat him down on the edge of the bathtub, you shortened the longer strands on top with tiny scissors. After that you picked up the electric razor and groomed the sides, shortneing them but not removing them completely. You did the same with the beard, leaving a short, barely visible scruff. About twenty minutes later you were done. You put down the razor and took a step back to look at your work.
-Perfect.- you commented, brushing the hair that fell on his chest and shoulders. He stood up and looked at himself in the mirror, smiling.
-Is there anything you can't do?- he asked. You smirked, kissing him before starting to clean up.
-No, I'm a woman.-
Tag list: @polarcrystall​    @a--1--1--3​    @silver-winter-wolf​   @jessyballet​
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longinglambs · 4 years
The,,,boys they fuckinf did this to me yOU WONT BELIEVE THIS SHIT- so I went to a deadzone cabin for a DAY AND I MISS FUCKINF EVERYTHING, anyway SINCE I SAW SOME THINGS WITH ATEEZ AND THEIR NEW HAIR COLORS,,hehe I'M LOOKING- I said fuck it it's been a while why not ;)
Story Name: butterfly kisses
Ship: Poly!Ateez everyone x everyone :] Description: The boys discuss their newest hair colors, but not after catching Seonghwa with a INJURY- worried ramblings happen and comfort for the cure.
Seonghwa recently practiced too hard lately and hurt his hip, Ateez has always been prone to injuries- but it always downed the whole group, especially since it was so CLOSE to comeback. Seonghwa was of course upset he loved Dancing, it was something he held dear to his heart- he met everyone by dancing and singing and he felt blessed that he chose to do what he loved,,and got to meet all of his loves.
The first one to find out of course was Hongjoong, it was impossible he wouldn't- he always has a hawk eye on the group. Immediately he reacted with a soft " Hey Hwa? Does your hips hurt?? " he nervously whispers back " is it obvious? " Hongjoong then widens his eyes and says " Why have you not gotten it CHECKED Seonghwa?? " he knew he was upset by his tone, he wasnt gonna take it personally though because he KNEW how much Hongjoong truly cared. He was just scared for the eldest, worried.
Seonghwa looked up to see they were caught- Wooyoung was staring at them " neh what's wrong with Hyung?? " he asks Hongjoong with a worried frown. Hongjoong and Seonghwa hold a gaze for a second- it was obviously a " we promised to tell eachother everything I can't NOT tell them " it didn't help that Seonghwa knew exactly how that felt, Jongho and Mingi both have got injured and had to sit out and he hated it, he just wanted to dance with them again- Ateez can only be Ateez with all 8 of them.
Seonghwa spoke up to the practice room " I think,,I may have sprained my hip,," all the boys in the room immediately crowded to Seonghwa " Guys I'm sure it's a sprain its nothi- " he was quickly interrupted " yOU KNOW HOW A SPRAIN CAN END UP WORSE WHEN NOT TREATED " Woo shouted obviously upset. Jongho nodded pouting slightly, and Mingi yelled a " YEAH ", Yunho looked down at Seonghwa very very sadly " hyung,,," Yeosang held on lightly to the back of Seonghwa's shirt, he wasn't the best at talking for comfort, he WAS good at giving touch for comfort though. San pouted loudly " Hyung you know we care more about you than the comback!!! Atiny would say so too! " he knew that, he just missed Atiny a lot, and wanted to preform so bad. He looked at his array of boys and said " I'll get it checked out I promise ".
And so he did. He was right. It was a sprain. He came home that night to 7 boys all staring at him " so? " San said rising lightly from the couch of boys, his sweater engulfing the boy. San wasn't tiny, not even a bit but he loved His boyfriends sweaters. " it's a sprain- I knew it was " he sighed walking to the couch, " Come here Hyung, let us give you some love " Seonghwa melted at the thought. He softly fell onto the couch and got absolutely swarmed. It started with the biggest of the boys, softly moving his hair out of his face and smooching his cheeks, he giggled at the sentiment. Hongjoong gave him a peck on the lips and gave him kissed all over his face and hands, Wooyoung wrapped his arm around Seonghwas and said " you know all my teasing is just for fun right? You know I love you a lot right Hyung ?? " he says tearing up lightly " oh Woo I know, I know- " he cups his face and gives Woo a gentle kiss " I'm confident you love me, as I love all of you " Hongjoong wandered over and brought his head to Seonghwa and nuzzled it against his. " I love you Seonghwa,," " I love you too Hongjoong " he kissed Hongjoongs nose, Hongjoong giggled and switched with Jongho. Normally you wouldnt be able to tell this but Jongho was pouting. He never pouted- hes always been the tough it out kind of guy, Seonghwa said sadly " are you upset with Hyung? " Jongho looked into Seonghwa eyes with endearment " I'm not upset with you, I'm upset because you are hurt " San came up beside Jongho and said " None of us are upset with you, we were just worried Hyung ". Seonghwa really wanted to cry, he knew it was dumb but he just was always so full of love and happiness with his boys. He brought both of them into a hug and kissed San on the mouth and Jongho on the cheek. Jongho gave him a small smile before backing off with San to make room for Yeosang.
Yeosang crawled to him and gave Seonghwa a hug making sure to avoid his waist, he laid his head into his Hyungs neck and said " I love you " he brought his head back up and looked into Seonghwas eyes, Seonghwa moved Yeosangs long hair " I love you too Yeosang,, " then Seonghwa noticed " hey what, are we gonna do with our hair for this comeback? " immediately Mingi said " I WANNA DO AN UNDERCUT! " Seonghwa choked " y-you wanna get aN UNDERCUT???? " " I mean last time I checked it looked hot on you " Seonghwa choked again. Yunho said " I kinda wanna try what Hongjoong did in Wave but like when it faded " he smiled " You wanna do pink? Then I'll do your blue from Wave " " OOO MATCHING AGAIN " Yunho exclaimed happily Wooyoung screamed back " I'm keeping my hair black hehe!! " " I'm doing natural too!! " San said back to Woo, Seonghwa said " I'm thinking a softer color then this, maybe a grayish color?" I'll keep my hair long re bleach it blond, maybe,,,,do,,a mullet " Yeosang said softly which got a lot of attention " a- a MULLET HAHA " Mingi laughs, Yeosang totally got karma for making fun of Hongjoongs mullet originally haha. " I wanna dye my hair half red,,like what Mingi did with green way back,," " YOU WANNA DYE YOUR HAIR????? " WOO SHOUTED, Jongho laughed at the outburst " it seems fun why not " " god red?? " what's with us and red " Yeosang questioned " shut up mullet boy " Mingi said " SHUT UP MINGI " " HEY NO FIGHTING DURING CUDDLE TIME " Hongjoong yelled in and got them to quiet not without a few last words" I'll get you back MINGI" " please dont I wanna live, I have so many boyfriends please Yeosang MERCY " Yeosang scoffed and said " buy me chicken then your blood will stay in your body " Mingi smiled back " Deal "
They all took their turns taking showers and wandering to a single room to have a complete cuddle pile, these only happened when all the boys felt really down or really happy- okay so they happened pretty much when anything happened- even when they were angry at eachother BAM cuddle pile. Seonghwa being the last out of the shower to join the boys in Yunho and Sans specially assigned room, at times like this they just blew up inflatable mattresses god knows how long itd take to get a mattress to fit ALL FUCKING 8 OF THEM. BUT it would also be too obvious what all their relationship was if they all shared a bed, or maybe not- Korea was kinda ignorant in that aspect but Hongjoong and Seonghwa were way too nervous that if someone found out it would KILL their reputation and everything they worked for. So a simple inflatable mattress would have to do, and it did well. Yunho crawled out the bed to put a background noise movie on, cuddle piles meant all attention on eachother, you dont need to talk, you can just bask in the touch and get head pats and just slowly drift to sleep or get mind numbed by the touch, it was just a great way to relax for a lot of the groups overthinkers. It started with meaningless talk, Mingi telling childhood stories about how one time he ate a bug and then cried and since then has been scared of all bugs, Yunho talked about his younger sibling, how when they were born everything just came naturally, Seonghwa came in and talked about how he was the youngest and all the things he used to get away with, they all had soft laughs before they got to the affection stage of the cuddle pile.
It starts with one of the members patting ones head, another kissing ones cheek, it's just a surplus of touching and affection and it's fantastic. Yeosang is the one instantly out with these effects, and Hongjoong is as well, he always falls asleep really easily but head rubs knocked him out. All of them slowly fall asleep, San, Woo, Jongho, Yunho,
then it's just Mingi and Seonghwa. Mingi pats his chest, he knows what this means, it means I am here for you, come here. He has seen it in every single one of them, it's a gesture open to only them. He moved into Mingis chest and breathed in deeply. He smelled of Pine trees, from Jonghos body wash no doubt. His brain became numb in the smell and warmth, the only thought being comfort. It was 1 am and they all had to get their hair done at 6, but for now he was home, he was with his lovers.
And then it was, Seonghwa, and Mingi.
Guess who finished this this at 1 am?? ThIS PERSON HAHA- but once i write i dont stop so HAJSJWJ I havent written in a long while and I think this takes the cake??? Anyway it's kind of Seonghwa Centric on total accident, also I'm sure the timing is off- I'm sure Seonghwas injury was known after he dyed his hair and That Yunho filmed his news earlier before they dyed their hair BUT FORGET THAT SHIT I said NO SENSE ONLY SOFT KISSES, will I draw this?? No one knows- i also bet no one knew this account was a personal LMAO THE MORE U KNOW
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