#he’s a lot taller than me now so he has to squat
ROTTMNT Headcanons: based on my childhood
The twins used to spread misinformation on purpose 
They told Mikey if he jumped from a tall area he could fly 
Mikey broke both his legs and the twins got grounded for two weeks 
(Jokes on them Mikey can use his mystic powers to levitate)
They also told Raph if he left his allowance under his pillow more money would appear 
Somehow Raph’s money disappeared and the twins had a bag full of candy 
They got grounded for two more weeks and Raph got all their allowance and their candy
(yes these are lies my older siblings told me and yes I did fall for them)
(In my defense I was 5)
The boys hate eye contact 
Absolutely despise it 
Splinter labeled Leo a “little liar” cause his kid could never look him in the eye when he told him a story
And sure Leo did lie about some things but being labeled a liar was kind of harsh in his opinion
The boys quickly came to his aid and told their dad that eye contact made all of them uncomfortable 
And Splinter said it was a damn shame because eye contact can make bonds stronger
He also claimed eye contact brings people closer together
The boys freaked out because they thought they weren’t as close as other siblings 
Mikey cried because he felt that they didn’t have a strong enough bond 
In reality, they’re a lot closer than most siblings and they’re all neurodivergent 
The boys took the whole “bring people closer” a little too seriously
To substitute the whole “eye contact” thing they would just close their eyes and put their foreheads together
They still do it to this day
When they know their siblings are stressed or angry or sad they’ll touch their foreheads together
To remind them “hey I’m here for you” and “whatever you’re going through will pass” or “calm down you got this”
April used to think it was a cute sibling bonding moment that she would never be apart of 
And then one day she came to the lair stressed out after a long day
And Leo took one look at her, gently placed his forehead against hers, and asked “you want some of my calming tea?”
She was a sobbing mess and he had to carry her to the kitchen 
When Splinter dropped the whole “blue you are the leader now” bombshell on them Leo got so overwhelmed he became nonverbal for a week
And once week two hit April decided she had enough
She walked over to him (softly) headbutted him and said “I made your favorite”
Leo broke down sobbing and April had to guide him to the kitchen 
“Thank you” was the first thing he said in nine days
Leo used to be terrified of the dark
He couldn’t sleep alone until he was 13 because he was genuinely worried that some monster would snatch him up 
So Donnie made sure that there was a nightlight in every single outlet
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losing10kgs · 5 months
30 Day Thinspo Challenge All In One Because I’m Bored And Trying To Prevent Cravings
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1. 175cm tall, 54kg, BMI is 17.8
2. 5’9. I like this height, but I wish I were a little taller.
3. Kate Moss. Any explanation needed?
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4. What everyone will say. And how much it will fuck up my metabolism permanently.
5. I have been stuck like this for YEARS, I want to be skinny so bad. And yes, I am doing it for me
6. No, not really. If I ever get really bad cravings, I just chew a heap of food up and spit it out (disgusting, I know, it’s so bad 😭)
7. Yes. I think mum suspects something’s wrong, but dad doesn’t care. Or if he does, he hasn’t mentioned it.
8. 2 minute side plank, 25 left lifts per leg, 50 side-lying left lifts per leg, 25 hip thrusts, 25 Russian twists with a weight, 50 butt-kicks and mb 20 or so squats if I’m up to it. I’m not very fit, I mostly just do walking.
9. I’ve had someone point out after a lost a bit that I was doing it for attention, though that didn’t actually make me feel all that bad.
10. Pizza. And crisps. And chips.
11. Don’t think I have one, tbh. I just scroll on Pinterest or twitter until I come by one I like the look of.
12. A lot of apples, and eggs. Lots of safe-foods, too, which I think definitely sets me back a bit.
13. Very unhealthily I’d say.
14. At LEAST 48 kg. Just until I don’t have to see a psychologist for ADHD meds, because she has to weigh me and if my weight gets too low, she’ll tell my mum.
15. No. I don’t eat a lot of meat in general, but I haven’t cut it out. I rlly like a good few other animal products, so I don’t think I’d ever get away with a vegan label.
16. About three or nearly four years ago
17. I’m guessing so.
18. Chocolate or garlic bread.
19. I actually am not sure. I didn’t eat much of it beforehand either.
20. Again, don’t really have one. I’m starting the ABC diet, though, so I’ll see how that goes.
21. I only really wearing baggy clothes bc I’m quite trans, but as far as I know: a medium in shirts and a UK 28 in pants. Idk
22. I’m at my lowest weight currently.
23. To The Bone didn’t help.
24. I’m not either of them, so not very highly.
25. I tried so hard to, but I don’t think I have a very active gag reflex because it never really worked.
26. I will look fanTASTIC! Honestly, though, it’d probably worry a few people, but that’s the plan.
27. Depends on whether or not I’m with friends. If I see my friends eating, then I’ll want to eat, but if they’re lot with me, I’ll either try to ignore it or (again) chew it then spit it out.
28. Yeah, why not.
29. Don’t have one. I actually think all sizes are lovely, just not on me, but everyone says that so what does it matter.
30. 10 facts:
1) I was born a girl but I don’t think I am one, which is mostly the reason why I’m doing this.
2) My ribs poke out quite clearly but I’m fairly sure that’s because I’ve got a wide ribcage 😭.
3) Skins is one of my favourite TV shows.
4) My safe-foods are garlic bread, chocolate, carbonara, peanut butter, and Nutella - once again, it’s so bad.
5) This is probably the deepest I’ve ever been in an ED, and I’ve been doing this for years now, so it’s getting serious.
6) I take ADHD medication that reduces my appetite, and I’ve only recently started them, which I’m guessing it why my weight has been dropping more than usual. HOORAY
Can’t think of any more facts, I’m not that deep.
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reallygrossstuff · 6 months
can u pls write dirk going into jake's house while jake is like in the bathroom, and picks up some cursed object (maybe like one of those ancient statues that look like a fat woman with big tits) that transforms him into an ultra confident fatty with a huuuuge gut and big milky tits. still goes by he/him, just has big breasts that are absolutely leaking. perhaps with jake also coming out and seeing dirk, and dirk seduces him and jake falls head over heels. thank u!!!
Those Venus of Willendorf statues are really funny, thanks for reminding me about them! I hope you enjoy, there isn't a lot of characterisation just because of the length but hopefully he's confident enough for you!
"Make yourself at home!" Jake smiled wide, waving Dirk off as he left the room. "I'll be out once I've washed up a little, sorry for the delay."
"Don't sweat it, man." Dirk shrugged, watching Jake step into the hall. "I get it, I should've called ahead. Don't rush yourself just for me."
"All the same, I won't be long!" Jake retreated down the hallway and out of sight, leaving Dirk alone in the trophy room as the sound of running water reached his ears.
They hadn't been on Earth C for long, but Jake had already managed to amass a notable collection. It was missing the pelts, heads and horns that he'd bragged to Dirk about collecting on his island - apparently hunting was only fun when the creatures were truly dangerous, and being a god took away from that somewhat - but the space had been more than filled with various cultural artefacts. Running his finger across the edge of a shelf, Dirk could see medallions, casts of wall carvings and other small trinkets taking up every bit of space in the room.
Jake was clearly proud of his collection, but he hadn't done much to keep it untouched. Nothing was behind glass or cordoned off, probably so he could pick up any of his prizes without delay. Dirk had watched Jake heft many of the objects in this room while regaling him with a story of its provenance, almost always ending with Jake relieving it from a lost ruin or rescuing it from being lost under a new development project.
Dirk was familiar with most of the items in the room, but there was always something being swapped in or out that caught his eye. Today it was a statuette still on Jake's work table, apparently so recent it hadn't even been found a place yet.
As Dirk approached to look at it, he was reminded of photographs he'd seen of old Venus statues from his own Earth. The figure was squat and lacking in details, only identifiable as a woman by its large breasts. These breasts sat on top of a round belly, which seemed to be the most carefully carved part of the whole statue. Dirk could see the shape of multiple defined rolls cut into the grainy stone, as well as an indentation for the statue's navel.
There were disposable gloves left on the table next to the statuette, but it looked clean enough. Interested in a closer look, Dirk reached out and grabbed it.
Shutting off the tap, Jake frowned as he dried his hands. He could've sworn he'd heard something, but the sound wasn't familiar and it didn't repeat. Shaking his head, he made sure he was totally clean before opening the bathroom door and walking out.
"Dirk, are you still in the trophy room?" He called out, heading towards the room in question. "I'm all washed up now, so we can get-"
His breath caught in his throat as a figure stepped through the doorway, barely fitting. "Get what? If it isn't 'get food' or 'get to bed', it can probably wait."
The man standing in the hall couldn't possibly have been Dirk, except for all the ways it had to be. He still had the same gelled hair, and the same pointed shades, but everything else was completely changed.
For one, he was taller than Jake now. The two had previously been of a height, with Jake less than an inch taller. Now Jake needed to tip his head up to fix Dirk with a look of disbelief, the other man having more than a full head of height over him.
As tall as Dirk had gotten, though, he'd grown twice as much in width. There was no polite way to say it - in the space of a minute, Dirk had gotten unbelievably fat. His clothes had been reduced to shreds, scraps of denim stuck between his thighs and the remains of a shirt hanging off his shoulders speaking to an explosive growth.
Every part of Dirk was fat, from a round face that wobbled when he spoke to tree-trunk thighs that had dragged against each other as he stepped into the hall. By far his largest feature, though, was his massive doughy gut. It hung in front of him, an apron of flab sagging down to his knees. Jake swallowed thickly, realising that belly was all that currently preserved Dirk's modesty.
Dirk's belly was indulgently round, its surface only marred by the deep navel currently making eyes at Jake. Jake knew Dirk had scars, but the miles and miles of skin on display for him was all perfectly unmarked. Not a single cut or ripple or speck of acne distracted from the most basic fact of how huge Dirk's middle was.
Jake tried to tear his eyes up to Dirk's face, but they got caught along the way. Sitting splayed across the top of Dirk's gut were a pair of equally affecting breasts, larger and more shapely than any he'd seen before. They were fat, yes, but that only meant they were rounder, heavier, sitting more appealingly on top of Dirk's belly. As Jake stared helplessly, he realised that each of Dirk's large, puffy nipples was starting to leak fluid.
Well, he definitely wasn't going to think about that!
"Dirk, what - what on Earth happened to you?!" Jake asked helplessly, taking a step back as if that would make him easier to take in.
"Me? Who knows." Dirk shrugged with an uncharacteristic lack of care, putting his hands on his hips. He looked down, seeming to notice for the first time how wide he was and how much his flabby fingers sank into his body. His only reaction was to smile, leaving his hands where they were. "If I knew I'd do it again, are you seeing me right now?"
"Er, yes, I certainly am 'seeing you'. I could see a little less of you if you wanted to find some clothes that fit?"
"Sounds boring." Reaching up, Dirk began tugging the last scraps of cloth off of his body, even the slight motion causing his breasts and gut to sway from side to side. "I'm not interested in covering up. Is it distracting you?"
"Quite a bit, yes." Jake's voice came out squeakier than he'd intended it, especially when Dirk took a lumbering step closer. Jake could only watch as his body bounced with the motion, Dirk's gut swinging up and plunging down only a foot away from Jake's body.
This close, Jake could just about see Dirk's eyes through his shades. There was all the sharp wit and intellect of normal in them, but as Jake stared, he thought he could see… something else. Something simpler. "Good," he drawled, reaching out and cupping Jake's face in one soft, pudgy hand. "Do you want to let me distract you some more? If you keep acting cute, I might let you have a taste.
Jake swallowed thickly, watching milk pool atop Dirk's gut before dribbling down his front. He knew it was on him to be the voice of reason, to say that something was obviously amiss and Dirk's opinion on the matter couldn't be trusted. He needed to pull the brakes on this whole situation and get things sorted.
Wetting his lips, Jake said, "Do you think you'll still fit on the bed?"
Dirk's lips curled slowly upwards. "Not a chance, but let's try it anyway."
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enderwoah · 2 years
just listen
[or: ranboo is back in the sights of the egg, and if he won't submit, it'll simply have to make him.]
warnings: graphic descriptions of violence, body horror, think 'michael afton getting scooped and replaced with ennard' but delete the scooping part and turn ennard into vines.
main characters: ranboo, badboyhalo
word count: 1.7k
time taken: idk like a day
"Just submit, Ranboo."
"Get out of my face."
Bad rolls his eyes, uncrouching and stretching to full height, far taller than Ranboo even when he isn't being forced to kneel down. The demon's hooded cloak is trimmed with a dangerous red that shifts in front of Ranboo's eyes, undoubtedly alive. His eyes bore holes into Ranboo's figure, his unrelenting staring feeling like two hot coals pressed against his skin. He keeps his eyes trained on the ground, sharply jerking his arms forwards to try and break out of his restraints and crying out sharply when the vines not only don't move but also dig into his wrists with thorns that were not there just a moment ago.
He forces the tears that prick and sting his eyes back. He's not going to show weakness in front of them, he's not. He's not going to let them know how terrified he is. He knows that it'd only make Bad try even harder, so he makes sure his face doesn't even twitch when the vines dig further into his wrists, dangerously close to breaking skin.
"You're being needlessly difficult," Bad remarks, clicking his claws together. "This would be a lot easier if you just took some time to listen to me." He pauses, then glances behind him. Punz has been standing there, unmoving, ever since he woke up. Ranboo suppose he's guarding the exit, but he has no idea why he would do that when it's obvious that he can't move. "To listen to us."
"I don't need to listen to you," Ranboo snaps. "Whatever you're trying to sell, I'm not interested."
"Most of your friends seemed interested," Bad muses. "Tubbo certainly seems interested—maybe you'd rather talk to him instead of me?"
He's not going to show weakness, so he doesn't let Bad see his heart lurch and jump into his throat at the mention of Tubbo. Last time he saw Tubbo, his eyes were red and his veins are tinged with something crimson, writhing just underneath the surface of his skin as if the vines themselves had to puppeteer him around.
He doesn't react with anything but anger. "You kidnapped him and kept him locked down here for days to make him interested," he says, voice slow and dripping with contempt. "You had to starve him to make him interested."
Bad waves his hand dismissively. "He got hungry, so he ate something we prepared for him," he says innocently, as if it isn't damning, as if it doesn't make bile rise in his throat because he quickly realises one way for vines to end up underneath Tubbo's skin. "The Egg didn't do anything but provide."
Ranboo cries out in pain when he feels the vines suddenly tighten, twist, and sharpen all in one go. The thorns now properly dig into his skin, and then it's a battle with his body to make sure he doesn't strain, doesn't move, because he can feel them wriggling into the cuts they've created and it's sapping all of the breath from Ranboo's lungs due to the sheer unfamiliarity and agony it sets alight in his wrists.
He can feel Bad staring at the top of his head when he lets it drop, clicking his tongue and saying in a disappointed voice, "Language. I thought you didn't swear?"
A distant part of Ranboo contemplates dropping a wonderfully timed 'fuck you' but the mere thought somehow makes him feel nauseous—moreso than he already does, that is, with vines pushing further into his wrists, slowly, slowly. He can feel the air grow thick—or is that just his head? His mind getting fuzzy due to the pain?
The vines start to follow the curvature of his wrist, sliding underneath the skin, and he bites his tongue to stop himself from screaming so hard the cuts through it. Bad squats in front of him again, tilting his head up from the chin with a finger of chitin and ashes. He tilts his own head to the side, horns getting caught in the lights being projected from the egg's many glowing warts, and smiles.
Ranboo's heart sinks. This wasn't supposed to happen.
"Ranboo," he says placatingly, as if he really does feel bad. "It wouldn't hurt this much if you stopped fighting it. I mean, take a look at Philza! He was so feisty at the beginning, but then he gave up and...well." Bad's grin widens wickedly. "You've seen him. He can fly again, Ranboo. He wanted that more than anything. Isn't there something you want more than anything in the world?"
My family, is the first thought that comes to mind, and Ranboo can't stop himself from grimacing. Tubbo and Phil were subjugated ages ago. Sam has Michael with him and Techno, hidden away somewhere while they and some other survivors plan. Tommy is nowhere to be found—arguably, his immunity to the egg makes him even more of a target. While everyone else will just get mind controlled, the Eggpire seems dead-set on killing Tommy outright. Ranboo really doesn't want to know where some of them are—clearly, their plan of staying separated works. It's not like they can catch all of them.
Ranboo instead says, through gritted teeth that press against each other so hard they feel on the verge of breaking, "I want you to go shove it."
Bad keeps his gaze fixated on Ranboo, going out of his way to make that direct eye contact that causes his skin to crawl more than it is already. He examines him for just a moment, then clicks his tongue in disappointment. "I don't like hurting you any more than you do, Ranboo. So, I'll tell you what."
He claps his hands together and straightens again, ruffling Ranboo's hair and pulling away his hand so quickly that Ranboo doesn't get a chance to move to bite him. "We can make you're you're a little more woozy for this. You should've heard how Tubbo screamed when The Egg made it's place in him, it was..." He full-body shudders, as if the memory is delightful, and then remembers that Ranboo is watching him and forces the corners of his lips down into a slight frown. "Terrible. He screamed so loud I almost thought someone would hear him." He chuckles, and then it wanes off. "...not really."
Ranboo's heart continues to drop as he speaks, a horrible bile rising in his throat before he chokes out, "What—what are you going to do?"
"If you're not going to submit to The Egg willingly—which would have been in both of our best interests—you'll simply have to be forced to act on The Egg's behalf."
Ranboo internally blinks, images of the writhing and sliding underneath Tubbo's skin bubbling up to the forefront of his mind, and the panic that grips his throat immediately makes him start pulling at his restraints, even trying to use the tension to pull himself to his feet before more vines erupt from the ground with a sickening noise that sounds like tearing muscle and arch over his ankles and force him back into the kneeling position. He can't move outside of uselessly thrashing his upper body and harshly tugging at the vines dug into his wrists and digging further.
The thickness in the air becomes oppressive, paired with a smell that disguises itself with cherries and syrup and truly smells like rot. It makes him dizzy, sluggish, and he feels after only a few seconds like pulling on his restraints may as well be trying to lift lead.
Only then does the pain actually start. The feeling of vines poking at his sinews was already sending sharp spikes of agony up his arms every time they moved, but now they're moving. They, as if given a signal, start to twist and writhe up his arm (under his arm, in his arm, up his bones), more and more of them parting off from the main vine until here are enough going into his wrists to fully surround his arms. If it hurt before, this is indescribable—Ranboo is choked by his own agony before he really, truly screams.
His head is too full of cotton to really resist like he wants to, to thrash and pull away like his body writhes to try—and maybe it's for the best, because the sensation of the vines pulling out slightly every time he tries to move away is enough to make him sick, and when they dig into his tendons to find purchase so he can't just yank them out, the scream that tears from his throat is one of pure, unfettered pain.
Only when he stops moving and just hangs there, trying to regain his breath and his strength despite the world feeling like honey to move in, does it not hurt as much. Yes, the sliding of the vines underneath his skin makes him feel close to vomiting, but it doesn't hurt as much. He tries to resist and its so searingly agonising that he cries and cries and he can't even feel the burn of his tears slipping down his cheeks, and when he stops moving it almost feels pleasant.
The sickly sweet aroma crawls up his nose and into his brain, and then he's absolutely positive it really wouldn't hurt as much if he just...let...go...
"That's right, Ranboo," Bad says distantly, placing a clawed hand in Ranboo's hair. It feels like fire, but he can't lift his head to move against it. "Just submit. Just listen."
The only thing Ranboo can listen to is the roaring of blood in his ears and his internal monologue going on the fritz, but he does lets his body sag against his restraints. The only movement Bad can pick up on is the shaking of the kid's shoulders as he's wracked with shuddering sobs, and the sound of sizzling skin and the smell of burning flesh brings just the smallest trace of a smile to is face.
this fic is part of a series for whumptober 2k22. the prompts used in this were [unconventional restraints], [adverse effects], and ["this wasn't supposed to happen"]. hope you enjoyed!
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kithes4yuta · 2 years
Do You Feel It Too?
Pairing(s): Darby Allin (Samuel Ratsch) x You
Summary: Samuel "Darby" Ratsch, is a dude you have had your eyes on for, like, forever. As you overhear a talk with him and your father, Sting, you realize he feels the same.
Warning(s): tooth rotting fluff, shitty writing. DAD STING!
It was the day of Forbidden Door, meaning you were pretty busy, but thankfully you weren't the only camera-person on duty. Nonetheless, you where prepping your camera, wiping the lens carefully as to not scratch or damage it. A sigh escapes your mouth as you set the camera down, the noise being fueled by frustration.
"God damn it! There's some shit behind the lens that blocks the focus!"
You reach to your messenger bag and grab a screwdriver kit, as you open it a person scares you. You drop the kit, causing all the smaller parts; such as screws, to fly all over the place.
"Jesus Christ, dad! You can't just scare me like that!"
"Sorry, kid. It's like dad logic to pop out and scare your kid like that!"
"It's fine, pops. Just don't forget that I was raised by one of the worlds best wrestlers, I'll uppercut your ass."
Steve rolls his eyes and grins. A small smile weasels it's way onto your face as you shove his shoulder and give him a short hug.
"Now you better help me pick up these screws, old man!"
"Yes, your royalty."
As you squat down to pick up the screws you see someone, well, to you he's more than just someone.
Darby Allin, or as you know him Samuel Ratsch. The former AEW TNT world champ, and the sweetest man you have had the pleasure of calling your best friend.
"Ooohhhhh, Y/N's little boyfriend is coming over!" The rest of the staff that are in the center of the arena say, making you roll your eyes and stand back up, wiping your slacks off. A kind wave is directed to you and your dad, causing a small blush to form on your face. Steve's little smirk and eye roll making you return the eyeroll.
Samuel busts a light jog to get to the two of you, but soon speeding up to give you a harsh, yet friendly hug.
"Hey, Sammie! How was being back in Seattle?" You say as you break the hug, his hands still lingering on your waist.
"Oh, it was nice! I missed hanging with you though."
"I know, cause' I'm just so cool, and awesome, and hot, and did I mention awesome?"
"Well, yes you are all of those things, but mainly because I have never been in an empty apartment by myself, without you, at least."
Your hands wrapping around his neck to pull him into another long hug, nesting your head into his neck
"I missed you a lot, Sammie."
"I missed your dumbass too."
A smile creeps onto your beet red face, you mentally curse yourself out as you remember that he is not only your best friend but also your co-worker.
"Hey, get your ass over here, lover boy." You hear your dad call towards the taller man that has made himself a home in your arms. Samuel's face forms a small frown as he places a small, totally platonic, kiss on the top of your head. The tips of your ears heating up at the small gesture, a line of a smile sneaks its way onto your face as you watch your dad mouth something as he points to Samuel and winks. 'I got this!' are the words you feel like he says, although it looks like he was saying something about pasta.
You picked up all the screws, just like you were doing before Samuel came over to you and Steve. Small sighs and nose exhales exit your body as you hum a small tune, more specifically 'Telephone' by Waterparks. Once you pick all of the screws up and fix the focus on the camera you walk over to catering, as you usually do before setting all the cameras' audio and making sure that you can hear the commentators. This time it was different though.
"You can't hide this from them forever, kid."
"I know, Steve, but I don't think they even picture me in the way I picture them."
"First off, that's my child, I think I know them better than anyone, ever. They definitely like you, hell I would go as far as to say they are infatuated with you. Every time they see you, they come over to me and ramble about how 'handsome' and 'perfect' you are."
"They think I'm handsome?"
"Oh my God. I shouldn't have said anything."
You soon turn the corner and see Samuel and your dad talking. They were talking about you!
"Oh.. Hey, Y/n!"
"Hey, hun. This doofus was admitting how in love he is with you."
"I was not! Don't listen to him, N/N. He's like a master manipulator!"
A chuckle exits your mouth as a small blush forms on your face. Your shoulders sputtering as you laugh your ass off.
"Hey! This isn't funny!" Samuel said, going into a mom stance as he put his hands on his hips. Steve looks at him in pure disbelief, the look on his face spelling disappointment.
"Well, if anything this 'master manipulator'," you say pausing to make air quotes. "says is true, then I like you too, dufus."
Smiles and small laughs exit the men's mouths, Samuel soon walking to you and giving you a kiss. The action makes your dad smile, but slap Samuel away.
"That's my kid! Don't be weird, kiss later."
"Yes, Sir." Samuel says, intimidation lacing his voice.
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beann-e · 4 years
Haikyu! Characters With A Shy Manager
Inarizaki Players With a Shy Manager
Read Part Two Here
- Suna is the type to not really care about what’s going on unless it’s fun , funny, or simply involves him .
-A lot of people say he just doesn’t care and is a smoker ? or is just lazy but I believe that he’s just uninterested in things that he doesn’t want to be put in or has no business in. He’s very chill and just goes with the flow.
-he’d accidentally make you laugh
It’d been 3 weeks since you became the teams manager and you had yet to laugh or actually hold a conversation with anyone.
It wasn’t that you weren’t trying you just didn’t know how to keep a conversation going and no one was very funny on the team
well , except for Atsumu and Osuma when they did their sibling things
You sat on the bench as you watched a fight break out “ Osuma why aren’t yer trying “
“ I am “
“ are not “
“ am too “
“ are not “
“ look we all just can’t jump in head first and dive straight into volleyball like you ‘tsumu “
“ well that doesn’t mean don’t try “
“ agh i’m sick of you — shutup“
“ you don’t tell me to shut up “
“ yes I do — now shut yer trap”
you moved to stand as you watched the two boys fight you’d grown use to it and knew not to step in you wouldn’t know how to stop them anyways.
You watched as Kita moved to break them up Aran watching the fight closely trying to determine the winner while Suna moved quickly taking photos at all angles
Everyone calming down while Kita took the two boys away to talk to them leaving you in charge as everyone turned to you
“ what do we do now y/n-san “
“ oh um — “ your eyebrows furrowed in confusion you didn’t know what to tell them to do and the way they were all staring at you some even hovering near you standing over you like your houses fence had you ready to bolt and cry into kitas arms
You felt as your mouth tightened you biting your lip looking for a way to calm yourself down feeling someone stand next to you.
Your body having a chill run through it looking up at the black haired male who stood next to you not making eye contact and looking straight ahead at the men in front of him
He knew not to make eye contact with you knowing he may intimidate you since he was taller than you and simply a lot bigger he knew girls like you — that were shy tended to be afraid of things like that.
They seemed to get in their head and make themselves anxious which is why he was confused when Kita said he found a manager that was perfect to watch over the boys and keep them in line
he just figured Kita used you as a way to make sure no boys would try to flirt with you though that never stopped Atsumu
Even if he knew you were scared he would continue to bug you until you gave an awkward laugh at the situation and ran to Kita leaving the boy to sulk alone
Your eyes came together in confusion as you saw him thrust his phone out in front of you showing a video that he pressed play to
The fight between the two males playing with sound as the camera slowly zoomed in on your face a small smile playing at it as the video ended “ got you “
you looked over to see him smiling down at you happily “ w-wha—huh “
“ i’ve made it my duty ever since you’ve joined the team to figure out when you would smile and I found it — I finally caught it—i’m quite proud of me if I do say so myself “
you felt as a weight had been lifted off your chest your straight line mouth quirking up into a smile before it broke and turned into a small laugh which only grew when you thought about how dumb his actions were
Sunas mouth opening and eyes widning when he saw the bright smile on your face that would show whenever you stopped laughing to breathe
his heart clenching as he moved through his phone trying to find another funny thing to show you
He didn’t want this to end
He really thought you looked beautiful and in this moment he knew he had a crush on his teams quiet manager
-kita is a leader he has a schedule and only makes time for things that are on it
-he doesn’t mean to make you laugh but his schedule just makes for comedic material
You were standing by the door watching the whole time as the teams captain sat in the volleyball closet finally breaking down
Tears pouring down his face as he set the ball on the ground he had just finished shining. Body shaking as he took a breath
“ k-kita-san are you ok “ your voice hit him fast before he could wipe his tears
“ I-I just — theres “ he took a deep breath as he stared at you
“ A balls missing y/n “ he screeched “ A ball is missing and I can’t figure out if I let someone take it home or if I lost it on accident “
his eyes teared up again “ H-How — I do this every day I don’t know how I lost the ball— how I messed up the count just “ he was pleading with you
“ just please — don’t tell the team we’re missing one — they’ll demote me from captain because I can’t follow a simple schedule “
you didn’t want to but you felt your face break as a laugh ripped through your body that had been bubbling at the surface since the beginning of his speech
“ what — y/n this is not funny I may lose my position“
you laughed harder “ pfft kita-san if you lose your position over a ball I have in my hand right now I will talk to the team myself — no matter if they scare me or not “
his eyes lit up “ y-you have it “
“ yes I do — “
you passed it to him walking over to squat by him as he smiled happily starting to shine the ball “ oh thank god — my schedule may continue — now all I have to do is clean the showers and i’m good to go start practice “
he smiled at you “ y/n where did you find this —- I have to thank you “
you laughed harder “ kita — please there no need“ you smiled at him as you decided to finally sit down next to him turning your bright smile towards him
“ I stayed late last night and helped Aran with his serves so , we used the ball I just brought you —I forgot to bring it back and Aran locked the gym up too fast after we left and I was anxious and scared to ask him to unlock it so I just took it home with me “
you pouted at your words “ i’m actually sorry I didn’t know I was hurting you — I should have sucked it up and asked him “
“ y/n it’s ok I admit my schedule is a bit — but — I thank you for helping me calm down “
he nudged your sad body “ maybe with your help I can stop relying on my schedule all together yeah ? “
you smiled brightly again laughing when you saw his surprised face at your action his face that grew even more confused but interested when you laughed
“ of course i’d love to help you kita — senpai “
he felt as his body went hot and his face grew warm hands shaking at your actions.
He wasn’t sure when it started maybe it began when you initially started helping the team by offering late night volleyball practice to those who need help without all the attention
or maybe it was when you offered your number for those who were too scared to ask questions so, they could text them to you and you would ask for them — even though you’d feel scared yourself and had your hands sweating while you asked
He wasn’t sure but he knew that by the smile on your face that he would always want to see it whenever he looked at you
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wannabe-fic-writer · 3 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader : You Again
Summary: It’s been years since seeing each other and a lot has changed.
Genre: Fluff , Mentions of Smut
Request: Yes / No
Word Count: 2,478
* * * * * * 
Green eyes discreetly watch their surroundings as the redhead makes her way down the street. She purposely avoids stepping too close to anyone.
Her hand shoves into her pocket to retrieve her vibrating phone. A blocked number displayed across the top of the phone telling her exactly who is calling.
Turning down an empty alley, she answers.
As expected it’s Fury requesting that she come in and she agrees without hesitation. The call ending just as she’s on the other side of the alley. 
The second someone collides into her shoulder she tenses and levels them with a glare. 
E/c eyes instantly flicker over her form,“ I’m so sorry I’m in a bit of a rush, are you okay?” The voice belonging to the offender sounds wildly familiar, causing the redhead to frown and look up at their face. 
The woman in front of her raises an eyebrow, a concernedly soft smile tugs at her lips.
“I-I’m fine.” Natasha says, the frown still deep on her face. 
Nodding, the h/c takes a small step to the side, and continues to rush down the sidewalk.
The encounter remains in Natasha’s mind until she gets to the compound. She just can’t shake how familiar the woman looked. Those eyes were ones she swears she’s seen before, that voice pulled at something seemingly buried deep in her memory.
It’s not until she’s standing in front of Fury himself that she let’s the thoughts ghost away.
“You took your sweet time Romanoff.” He says with a stone face, but knowing him for years allows Natasha to detect the teasing in his tone. 
Moving her curls over her shoulder with a shake of her head, the redhead smirks,“ I was in the city Nick.” 
He nods in understanding.“ Well now that you’re here, welcome to your new assignment,” he holds a file out to her.
She accepts it and flips it open. The frown from earlier returns as she looks at the list of recruits, the same familiar face from earlier stares back at her from one of the many pictures. 
“Don’t tell me all your Avenging has made you too hot for recruit training.” Fury teases once more.
“No just- where’s the file on recruit seventeen?” Her inquiry makes Fury raise his eyebrows, head raising in further curiosity. 
However he searches through the stack of files on his desk,“ lucky for you they haven’t been processed yet.” He hands her yet another file and she tries her best to refrain from frantically flipping it open.
The second she sees the name at the top her breath hitches. 
There’s no way it’s you. 
* * * * * * *
Perched behind the ledge on the building’s roof, Natasha once again peaks through the scope of her sniper. 
“I’d truly appreciate if you didn’t kill him. Not until he’s answered my questions at least.” 
The voice put Natasha on guard instantly. She can’t recall the last time someone had snuck up on her.
Spinning around, a stoic expression plastered on her face to hide her true emotions, Natasha comes face to face with a woman nearly four inches shorter than her. An amused smirk plays on the woman’s face and it instantly irritates Natasha. 
“I’m afraid your questions will have to go unanswered.” The redhead replies, just waiting for a challenge. 
The woman’s hands raise in a show of harmlessness,“ I won’t make your job harder, I imagine if you’ve been looking for him as long as I have this is a rare opportunity.” Nonchalantly she comes closer, raising a questioning eyebrow as she points at the sniper’s scope. Natasha frowns but nods, watching as the woman looks through it.“ What if you just took out his legs. I go in, ask my questions and you finish your job after I’m gone.”
“What makes you think I’m willing to help you?” 
“Isn’t that what heroes are supposed to do, help people?” An eyebrow raises at Natasha.“ Come on Black Widow, you scratch my back I scratch yours.” 
Green eyes narrow at the use of her alias. Something tells her that her identity was known before she was approached.“ Who are you?” She asks. 
“Ooo introductions, fun. I’m Y/n but you can call me Ghost.” You hold your hand out to the redhead.“ I work special operations for a private organization. As mentioned, I’m just here to get some answers. Your target is a scientist gone rogue, if I don’t speak to him a lot of people could get hurt, myself included.” 
Natasha’s head raises, eyes scanning your face for any hint of deception.“ I know who he is.” It’s not surprising that someone else is after the doctor, just surprising that someone found him when she did. 
Taking a risk, unlike anything she’d ever do, she agrees to help. 
A plan quickly forms between the two of you that executes perfectly. You get your information and she takes out her target, both of you gone without a trace. 
“You know, we made a pretty decent team.” A teasing smile hits your lips as you glance at the woman beside you. 
“Don’t get used to it.” For the first time tonight, a smirk plays on Natasha’s lips. 
Chuckling, you nod,“ since we’ll never see each other again, how would you feel about a celebratory drink?”
Once again, she finds herself taking a risk.
* * * * * * *
Natasha pulls herself from that train of thought before she can dive into the remaining events of that night, though she can faintly remember the feel of your hands across her heated skin as whispers of her beauty left your lips. That wasn’t even the last night it had happened, what you did to her left her hooked.
So much so that it became a regular occurrence for her to end up in your bed when she was assigned to missions in Canada. Connecting with you in bed inevitably lead to a stronger connection emotionally. 
It stumped Natasha how you’d managed to get through her facades as if it were nothing. Even more so than that, she wasn’t expecting you to understand her so well, not even her closest friend, the man she considers her brother, understood her the way you did. 
But then the Avengers became a thing and she wasn’t sent on missions to Canada anymore. 
“When was she recruited?” Natasha asks, finally looking up from the picture of you.
“A few months ago, she found us and that,” the man chuckles impressively,“ that’s impressive on it’s own.”
With nothing more to say to Fury, Natasha nods non verbally accepting the mission, and leaves out. Heading straight to the elevators that would take her to the training floor. 
Common noises of the compound could be heard: another group of trainees outside with Sam and Steve, faint sounds of orders being shouted, occasional drilling sounds. 
Stepping into the training room, Natasha’s eyes scan the small group of recruits, and land on you. 
No wonder she wasn’t sure if you were familiar or not. Last time she saw you, you were shorter than her, just as skinny. Now you’re almost a foot taller, more meat on your bones as defined muscles. 
Your eyes land on her and you smirk, winking just barely. 
Of course you recognized her, only difference in her is the length of her hair. Those enticing green eyes are still just that, curves still accentuated by the leather catsuit, expression just as stoic as the night you met. 
Calling the recruits into order, Natasha runs through the basic entry speech, words of intimidation and motivation spoken to reach the hearts of those who aren’t ready and those born ready. She can easily detect who won’t last longer than a week, you aren’t one of them.
“Pair up, combat training begins now, if you can’t take down each other you have no business in the field.” She says, then looking you dead in the eyes,“ seventeen you’re with me.”
Nodding, you follow her over to a set of mats near the window, stepping up to face her head on. There’s just enough time to release a single breath and then she’s attacking. To anyone else she does so with movements as calm as the wind, each strike or counter move executed with precision. 
But you, you know her in a way nobody does, nobody ever has. It allows you to see the slight irritation in her punches, the anxiousness and curiosity in her eyes. It’s how you see that her guard is back up in regards to you. 
You let her get the upper hand, yes let, just so she can pin you to the mat, your arm behind your back in her grasp with her mouth to your ear. 
“Whatever you’re worried about Romanova, let it go. I’m not here with any bad intentions.” You speak, voice as smooth as the day she first heard it.
Her eyes narrow,“ so why are you here?” 
“To see you.” You smile only to grunt when her arm presses into the back of your neck.“ Okay okay. I left the last organization once it fell into the wrong hands, HYDRA’s hands. I found out through some reliable sources that the Avengers were hunting down HYDRA. After what they did to me, what they may still be doing to my friends,” Natasha’s grip has long since loosened, allowing you to shift slightly,“ I have to stop them.”
Releasing you completely, Natasha pops up and offers you a hand of assistance.“ What did they do to you?” 
A snort falls from your lips, your arms spreading out,“ don’t tell me it's been so long you don’t notice. Maybe if I-” playfully you squat down to the height you used to be. You smile when you see the slightly amused smirk on Natasha’s lips, accompanied by an eye roll.“ They made me Captain America 2.0 and at first I was with the idea, until I got word of what their true intentions were.”
“They wanted you to be a weapon.” She understands. If no one else ever will, she does. You nod solemnly and the ex-assassin sees how much you’re torn up by the corruption of the organization. It’s like looking in a mirror, that’s exactly how she felt about SHIELD collapsing. 
With present company around, you both agree to talk after training, Natasha telling you to come to her quarters after you’ve checked in. 
So for the time being you focus on training, nailing the hand to hand combat with Natasha before being handed over to Sam Wilson for basic exercises and a run around the compound, where you’re shown the trainee’s residence. 
After checking in with the agent in charge of your training group, you shower, change, and head to the main building in search of Natasha. 
It doesn't take long to find her since you follow her directions perfectly. 
Looking around at her luxury apartment like quarters, you can’t say you expected anything less. Of course Tony Stark made sure his teammates had more than adequate accommodations. 
“Always early L/n.”
The redhead’s familiar sultry voice grabs your attention, causing you to spin around from the window to look at her. 
She’s as gorgeous as she’s ever been. Admittedly the long hair suits her better, still damp from the shower she obviously just took and falling down her bare shoulders. Subconsciously your eyes trail down her tank top and yoga pants covered form. 
“Eyes up here.” She further teases and your eyes snap up to hers.
“Sorry it's just- you look good Romanova. Really good.” You say breathily.
The urge to just dive head first back into your charm hits Natasha hard. She’s seen you for all of a day and apart from your physical, you seem to be the same person she was falling for all those years ago. The only people she’s ever fallen for.
In the next few minutes, Natasha makes coffee, telling you to wait in the living room for her. Only to return shortly after to hand you a cup, and ease on to the sofa. 
Pulling her legs up to tuck underneath her butt, she faces you as you sit beside her, a noticeable distance between you two.
“How long?” She asks almost cautiously, clarifying when you raise your eyebrows.“ How long have you had your abilities?”
“Three years.”
A heavy sigh leaves her lips. Two years after she left HYDRA took over your organization and turned you into a super soldier. She can’t help but wonder what may have happened if she were still around. 
Would you have needed her comfort? Could she have stopped it?
Suddenly a weight lands on her knee, a glance down revealing your hand comfortingly resting there.“ There’s nothing you could’ve done. I wanted the serum, just not for the reasons they gave it to me.”
She silently nods, eyes casting back down to the hand on her leg. 
Whether or not she mentions it out loud, she missed your touch, even the ones as simple as this. Something about the way your touch affected her, be it arousing or calming, occasionally featherlight with the intent to cause laughter from the usually stoic woman. 
A mental sigh brings the thought to the forefront of her mind. It’s not just your touch, it’s you as a whole. Your energy, your aura, your personality, your smile. 
How she’d gone five years without you?
“Can I ask you something?” Your voice pulls Natasha from her thoughts and she looks back up into your soft eyes, hurt hides in them that makes her frown and nod.“ Did you ever consider coming back? Or even contacting me?”
The look that crosses her face is answer enough but she still says,“ more often than you’d think. In the beginning, all I could think about was going back to you and never leaving. I considered finding you just to say goodbye.”
“Talked yourself out of it huh.” It’s a statement not a question. Another nod to how well you read her.“ Figured I was better off without you and the enemies you come with, even if my life was dangerous long before you.”
She shakes her head, chuckling at how easily you saw through her reasoning when she hadn’t even admitted it herself.“ Can I contribute that conclusion to you having mind reading abilities?” 
“You can if it’ll make you feel better but it’s not true,” your thumb smooths across her knee in the same way it always had.“ I never had to read your mind.”
Much like she always had when it came to you, Natasha allows herself to take just one more risk. She let you in the first time, hopefully this time would end better or not at all.
Laying her hand over yours, her fingers wrap around your hand,“ I’m really glad to see you again.”
* * * * *
Taglist: @owloftheshadows @natasha-danvers
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roscgcld · 4 years
INUMAKI TOGE || scary man
request: The little sister ask is so cute is it okay to ask something like it I don't want to bother you, but if it okay then inumaki toge x little sister reader (5 or6), where she is scared of them because he doesn't visit a lot and is quite so whenever he visit she hides under the bed , poor baby would be so sad,also imagine the other 2d years trying to help him,  
I forgot to add this sorry when the other second year try to help him it backfire because she gets attached to maki instead ( string beautiful woman a big sister!) Sorry again for forgetting your writing is so good
note: hello love! no this was not a bother to me at all! I enjoyed writing that imagine! i wouldn’t mind writing a short imagine for this! also, thank you for thinking my writing is good c: it is average at best, but i feel your love~ i hope you enjoy this though!
pronouns: she/her
scene: before yuji’s appearance in the story; since it will be weird to only have maki ><
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"This is going to be your future school, by the way!” A tall white man with a blindfold said to the young girl, who was holding onto his hand tightly as she stared at the school in awe. Today was a special day, the Inumaki clan had revealed to the world another Inumaki heir; one with strong cursed energy that is quite the force to be reckoned with. Even though she doesn’t have the Cursed Speech Ability like her older brother does, she still has all the qualms to be a powerful sorcerer in the future. So, with that, Gojo somehow convinces the Inumaki elders to let the young girl to visit the college.
The main reason? For his own student, of course!
Everyone knows how much Toge misses his family, more specifically, his baby sister. He hasn’t seen her since she was born, besides the odd visit here and there that never seems to end well for the two of them. When she was first born, she loved her older brother to pieces, not minding his tattoos and how quiet the man was. But the older she got, and the more she spends time around others who look relatively normal, it become a shock to her system when she realised that her “onii-chan” has scary tattoos on the side of his face.
And only speaks in onigiri ingredients too! What kind of person talks like that?
Gojo had heard this little ‘issue’ form Yuta one day, after noticing that Toge looking more glum then usual after the school gave students permission to return home over the weekend. So, as the loving sensei he is, why wouldn’t he pull some strings to let the youngest Inumaki heir to come and visit the college? She is going to enroll here in the future anyway; and since her brother was going to be there to keep an eye on her as well, his parents had agreed to let her go with the white haired shaman.
Which was how we found the little girl, wide eyed and dressed in a adorable purple and white kimono, walking beside her guardian for the day. Gojo found the young girl quite adorable, having to hold her tiny hand firmly so she was not running about the school to explore. He didn’t want her to fall and hurt herself, since she was technically under his case; but he also wants to see her reaction to seeing her older brother. “Y/N-chan, shall we go and see the onee-chan and onii-chan I told you about?”
Immediately the girl’s eyes widen as she nodded her head in excitement, soft pigtails bouncing along with her movements. Gojo had to slap a hand over his face to stop his laughter from leaving. He may not want kids, but he does find kids absolutely adorable; and wouldn’t mind taking care of them from time to time. “Let’s go then, cutie!” He said after he took a moment to calm down, laughing when the little girl just tugged on his arm excitedly as she tried to lead the way.
Only to pause when they reached a courtyard and turned to look at the older man with a soft pout; as if silently telling him that she’s lost now. 
Gojo grins and reaches over to pat the top of her head before he led her towards the courtyard, where he was sure the second year students were resting at. The second years were all on break right now, having had 3 hours of lessons earlier in the day. So the man was able to locate them at their usual resting spot - the cherry blossom gardens, resting on the soft grass under the shade of the still budding cherry blossom trees.
“Yo, second years! I have a guest I want you to meet!” Gojo called out as he led the little girl towards them, who now switch to grabbing onto the fabric of his pants as they made their way towards the small group. Maki and Yuta shared a confused look, wondering if Gojo had fathered a child along the way. Panda had opened one lazy eye, his nose twitching a little at the sight of the young girl. Only Inumaki looked like he had an idea on who she is, perking up a little as he got up hastily. “Bonito flakes!”
“That’s right!” Gojo said with a grin as he clapped, gesturing to the girl that was hiding behind the tall man’s legs; peeking over at the group shyly. “Let me introduce you to the youngest Inumaki heir, and younger sister to our dear Toge-kun, Inumaki Y/N!” He introduced before he carefully coax the girl from behind his legs, squatting down before her as he gave the unsure girl a smile. “Now, Y/N-chan - how do we greet people?”
Immediately the young girl pauses before she faces the group once more, folding her hands before her before she gave them a soft bow. “It’s nice to meet you all.” She said in a soft and shy voice, causing both Maki and Yuta to coo at how cute she was. Neither of them have met Toge’s little sister before, besides seeing the odd video and picture from their friend; so seeing the young girl that’s no more than six shyly greeting them definitely causes them to find her adorable.
Toge, on the other hand, was ecstatic. Even though he does not see her as often, due to college and all, he still loves his baby sister to death. Without a fail he will send birthday and christmas presents to the young girl, receiving videos of his baby sister unwrapping them on camera and thanking him with the cutest smile on her face. However, he knows that she still does fear him - so he wasn’t too shocked when she just shyly clutched onto the front of Gojo’s uniform; shaking her head repeated whilst the older man tried to coax her to go and greet the others.
Yuta, as if feeling her distress, decided to get up and gestures for his friend to follow, both boys quietly making their way towards her whilst Maki stayed back to watch with a smile. “Hello there.” Yuta greeted quietly as he bent down to her height, giving the young girl a welcoming smile whilst Toge stood over the two of them. “My name is Yuta, you must be Toge’s younger sister?” He asks in a kind tone as he gestures to the other boy, who just waves at his sister warmly.
At the sight of the two males, the younger girl freezes up before burying herself deeper into Gojo’s jacket, causing the older man to chuckle as he rests his palm on her back soothingly. “Don’t be scared. Like I said, they are nice people.”  He tried to coax the little girl, who refused to pull her face out of his uniform jacket. Her action caused Toge’s shoulders to sag a little, feeling bad that his own baby sister was scared of him. 
It wasn’t his fault that his ability causes him to have tattoos on the side of his mouth and tongue. He remembers crying about it when he was younger too, but had gotten used to it ever since. Plus, a few of his uncles and aunts carry the same markings too, so he didn’t feel too alone.
But when your own baby sister is clearly scared of you, anyone would be sad.
Maki, as if sensing the tension, got up before she made her way towards the two, gently smacking the back of Yuta’s head as she squatted down beside the male; who glared at her in response as he rubbed the back of his head lightly. “You’re hopeless.” She grumbled before she turned to face the little girl with a smile, who had shyly glanced over the new addition to the group. “Y/N-chan, my name is Maki.” The woman greeted in a surprisingly soft tone, causing the little girl to loosen her hold a little on Gojo’s jacket. “Your onii-chan has told us a lot about you, and Yuta and I are quite excited that you came to visit us all the way in Tokyo.”
The three males shared a shocked look, having never expected Maki to be able to converse in such a soft tone with anyone before. But somehow she is doing it - quietly talking and coaxing the girl out of Gojo’s jacket; and soon the two girls joined hands to go to the vending machine to grab a drink. Yuta and Toge both blinked, sharing a look between each other whilst the two girls slowly faded off into the distance. Even Gojo was quite shocked by the outcome, grinning over at the two as he rest his face in his hand, his elbow resting on his bent knee with a grin. “Oya? Seems like you’ve got some competition for attention, Toge-kun.”
“...Tuna.” Toge huffed, and if his zipper was down, there was definitely a pout set on his lips as he looked away from the grinning older man. “Gojo-sensei.” Yuta said with a soft frown as he glances over at his teacher disapprovingly, who only gave a cheeky smile in response. Yuta ignored the older male as he got up, gently patting Toge on the shoulder with a smile as his friend glances over at the slightly taller male. “Don’t mind, Toge - I am sure all we need to do is help her warm up to you a little more. I mean, it’s been awhile since you’ve last saw her. Maybe she just needs more time.”
Toge gave his friend an uncertain look, but it wasn’t like there was any other choice. So he just sighs softly before he nods in defeat, to which Yuta just smiles and squeezes his shoulder reassuringly. “Don’t worry - I am sure she’ll talk to you eventually.
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As the day continue to go by, Toge was pretty sure that there was no way the two of you are going to be bonding anytime soon.
Throughout the entire day, you have been clearly shadowing Maki around; asking her if she can teach you things, following her about as she went to class; clinging onto her every word as she entertained your curious questions. Yuta wasn’t any better then Toge, but she still managed to talk to him without flinching or running away from him; but she’d have to be clutching onto Maki or be close to the older girl whenever she’s conversing with Yuta. Even Panda had some interactions with you - well, it was more so you jumping and climbing all over the panda with the bright smile and loudly giggles whilst Panda laid there, letting you climb about his fluffy body.
However Maki did actually try to get the younger girl to talk to him - asking the young girl to go and ask if her older brother wanted a drink after class, quietly coaxing her to go and ask him for things like snacks or change for snacks. The younger girl though, was not having it - shaking her head with tearful eyes, silently begging the older girl without using her words. This caused Toge to deflate and his mood to drop significantly. It wasn’t like he can control his appearance to begin with.
To be honest, he had never thought much about his appearance. Because of this, he was used to getting comments and hiding his tattoos so he didn’t really stand out - but when it’s his baby sister, who he loves with his entire heart, is the one scared of him? 
Now that was just another low.
Toge whines as he leans back into his seat, watching his baby sister going about following Maki as she went about her day. Yuta, who was seated next to the sulking teen, glances over at him in amusement as he finishes his mouthful of water. “Maybe she just needs some time to warm up to you.” He tried to offer, feeling bad that he was feeling this way. He was sure having your baby sister fear you was probably not the best feeling. Must have been another slap to the face when she ended up falling about your best friend. “I mean, she’s still young. She’ll grow out of this.”
The same boy just whines and tilts his head back with his eyes closed, trying not to think about the entire thing. It was because of this that he didn’t hear soft whispers and footsteps, only looking over curiously when he felt someone gently tapping on his knee. Opening his eyes quietly, he looks pulls his head up just in time to see his baby sister, cheeks rosy and eyes downcast as she held out a crudely picked bunch of flowers. Maki stood beside the young girl with an amused look on her face, looking over at Toge with a raised eyebrow when he looks up as well. “Salmon?”
 “Y/N here said she wanted to make you feel better.” Maki said with a grin as he reaches down to pet the soft girl on the hair whilst the young girl just shyly nods her head. “She felt bad, since I told her that you’re sad that she’s scared of you.” Maki continues whilst Toge blinks before he carefully takes the flowers from the girl’s young hand. Quietly she wrapped her arms around his legs, since he was seated on a few seats higher from the ground. 
Her reaction caused Toge to freeze, watching as she nuzzles closer and tighter her grip even more. “...D-Don’t be sad, Nee-chan.” She mumbles out in a soft voice, one so pure and innocent that it had all the seniors coo at the little girl quietly. “I-I promise to be a g-good girl..”
Toge felt his heart melt, the sadness he felt from the day melting along with him as he reaches over to pat the top of her head gently. He had hoped that his actions spoke louder then words for him, offering the girl a soft chuckle when she just looks up at him with a bright smile. Wordlessly she held her tiny hand out for him, causing Toge to tilt his head as he grabbed it; letting the little girl start to drag him about somewhere.
Maki and Yuta decided to sit back as they watch the two siblings go off to somewhere on campus, probably to the pond located on the temple grounds to feed the fish together. “How did you convince her to approach Toge?” Yuta asks with a raised eyebrow as Maki took Toge’s place on the stone steps, her long sword resting by her side. “Oh, I just explained that her older brother loves her a lot, and ask her who do you think gets you all of those gifts on her birthday.”
“Ah, guilt tripping.” Yuta teases with a grin whilst Maki just rolls her eyes with a chuckle, nudging him softly. “I would say it’s teasing her how to count her blessing.” Was Maki’s reply as they watch the two walk deeper into the campus, Toge nodding his head with an excited look whilst the young girl was talking non-stop about something. 
“But hey, at least both of them look happy.”
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
Life is beautiful and life is cruel. A window into the souls of the victorious and the vanquished. In a way, football did come home during the summer of 2021. Follow along Amelia’s journey, navigating the football world as a tactical analyst for the italian football team, with a brother and father part of the three lions. Will Amelia leave Italy and come back to England? Will she leave the Serie A for the Prem? Will she set aside the bianconeri stripes for new colours, leaving behind friendship for love? Maybe she can have both...
EEEEEEK here's part two!!! Part two sees more of Amelia's beautiful brain, the love she has for her team, and her brother, & her friendship with Kyle Walker. Hope you guys love it as much as i do - please let me know what you think - i'd love to hear from you all!
Love always,
Steph xx
UPDATE as of 31/07: I've made some additional editing changes due to some feedback about the confusion between ben white (her brother) and ben chilwell (not her brother LOL). Nothing has been added to the story, just the addition of either surname has been added where i think it could be more straightforward - for future readers!
Part 2. | seconda parte
warnings; none - just a whole lot of feels.
word count; 1469
writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter.
next update; Wednesday 28/07 5pm AEST. Updates are twice weekly (Sunday & Wednesday)!
Tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex
link to fic masterlist here
11 July 2021 | The Final Match.
The players for both national teams lined up side by side down the tunnel. Chiellini & Kane, both confident in their teams ability, captaining with great authority and mentorship for the ten men stood behind them. Amelia stood at the back of the tunnel, watching the scene ahead of her. Her dad, walking up the centre aisle between the two teams, shaking the hands of his players, confident in his preparation. A gentle hand to her brother's shoulder, saying everything it needs to say. It was the same hand that rubbed the back of her neck as he walked past, communicating the same thing. Go your hardest, you’re ready for this.
It was her turn, she started at the back of the line, and in true Italian style, a kiss was placed to both cheeks of every player up the line. When she reached Jorginho, a player she came to appreciate for his technical mindset and intellectual approach to the game, she kissed his cheek and turned to the player opposite him - her brother, who was trying his hardest to face forward and pay his little sister no mind. She knew what he was doing, but she wasn’t as heartless as the rest of the England squad probably perceived her to be. Reaching out, she rubbed her hand along the back of his neck, just as her father did to her, leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek, before continuing down the line of her players to the front. Shaking hands with Gareth Southgate, who no doubt had come to realise who the girl was in relation to his team, and a kiss to both cheeks of Mr Mancini, she walked out and took her place on the bench, ready for the game of her life.
120 minutes of football later.
Life is both beautiful and cruel. Whilst she hadn’t anticipated the early goal from Shaw, Amelia had predicted every play by the english and made sure her team was there waiting for them to turn and run. They knew to never let Harry Kane have the space to move the ball, to make sure Mason Mount was marked at all times and to pay attention to the silky smooth skills of Raheem Sterling. They knew that every player on the english side had the talent and skill to shoot and score, no matter if they're a striker or full back. In the end, the endless taunts from the british crowd and constant reminder of “it’s coming home” only fuelled the Italians further and pushed them harder, to their limits. Eventually both sides met with equal force and completed extra time at a draw, leading to penalties. All of Amelia’s preparation with Gianluigi Donnarumma would present itself now. She went over the preferred sides of the penalty takers she presumed would be stepping up for their country, and reminded him of all he has achieved & what there is still left to be done. After all, they are the masters of their own fate.
Donnarumma’s block of Bukayo Saka’s penalty rattled her bones and sent a chill down her spine. They had done it. The boys had finally brought football back to Rome for the first time since 1968, and while she can’t take all of the credit, she knows she single handedly played a part in this victory. As soon as happiness filled her body, guilt and sadness flooded her heart. She had been part of the problem that caused her brother so much pain. Her dad knew how to handle rejection, this wasn't his first rodeo, and could see with an open mind just how they had managed to achieve greatness. But her brother had truly believed they had it, that football was coming home to England.
After being surrounded by her boys, cheering and hugging her, screaming in relief that they had done it, Amelia took a step back and took a deep breath in. Looking over to the players in white consoling each other with looks of understanding and pats on the back, hugging those with the unfortunate fate of missing their penalties, she found her brother.
Squatting down with his elbows resting on his knees and hands covering part of his face, his eyes showing disbelief that the moment had escaped them. Jordan Henderson, the figurative big brother to my big brother, leaning down whispering what one can only assume is words of encouragement and strength to him. A voice to my right startles me, not because I wasn't used to the noise, but because it was a voice I haven't heard directed at me with anything other than venom in a very long time.
“He wants you to be there for him, don’t ever think for a second that he doesn’t want you around.” Kyle Walker speaks into the open, whilst looking around at the fans still in the stadium. The fans behind us right now would be watching with speculation, wondering why the english player is talking to an italian so soon after defeat.
“I don’t think he doesn’t want me around, i just don’t think he wants me around right now” I spoke back, trying to reason with myself and Kyle as to why i haven't gone up and offered my condolences to my brother.
“I think the only thing that can pull him out of this is you. He was beating himself up last night after your argument, and while he turned it into motivation for today, it's still weighing on his conscience. He’s happy for you, we aren't that mean so as to deny him the pleasure of being proud of his little sister...even if she is working for the enemy”
“You’ve always been one to be the voice of reason, whilst still being the clown I grew up to know and love”
“Does this mean we’re friends again? I’m sorry about last night” Kyle admitted.
“Last night wasn’t what ended our friendship...we stopped being friends the day you left Spurs.” I joked back to Kyle. I turned to look at his over-expressed shocked face and walked backwards a few steps while giggling, before turning and sauntering over to my brother who was now surrounded by some more teammates. Upon seeing me and noticing my solemn expression, finding comfort in the fact that I wasn't there to rub my win in their faces, the boys left my brother to himself.
I stood there, staring into the eyes of my brother, who after a few minutes reached out and pulled me into him as though I was a life raft and he was stranded in the ocean. We stood there, hugging, saying everything we needed to say through the way we were gripping to the backs of each other's team colours.
“I am so proud of you, you put up one hell of a fight Ben. Certainly made my job harder” I spoke into his shirt. He was the taller of the two, but I wasn't that short. Almost immediately after, I felt him push more weight onto me and sink a bit lower so he was in my neck, shedding a few tears he didn't want seen by those around us. Not even 5 seconds later, he stood up straight, wiping his eyes and offering me a smile.
“God, I wish you weren’t better at your job than I am at mine” he joked back to me. I smiled up at him, shaking my head.
“I would say you’re wrong but the medal that's about to be around my neck would say otherwise” i joke back with him. I was not about to dull my sparkle for someone else's sun to shine, whether he is my brother or not.
“We have to talk about everything that went down last night but i’ll let you enjoy your night with your team” Ben says as we turn and begin to walk toward the stage being set up for the ceremony.
“Thanks Ben, family dinner on Sunday? Tell your friends to come, you and i both know mum will have enough food to feed everyone without even trying”
“Of course, I'll put it in the lads chat & see who’s still around. Kyle will see it in our family chat - who even put him in there anyway!?”
“Honestly...I think it was mum. You know she loves her son, Kyle.”
As I walk back to my team, and into the arms of Fede and Jorginho who wrap me up in an Italian flag and start jumping around, I can't help but smile and laugh at my amazing life. Who knows what the future has to hold, but for tonight, the azzurri are the champions of europe and the trophy is coming home, to Rome.
Part 3. | parte terza
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sgtjbbhasmyheart · 4 years
Drunk Texting Is(n’t) Bad for Your Health- Chapter Seven
Series Summary: Talk about your unconventional meet-cute! Bucky receives a text by mistake requesting he prove he’s not Reader’s sister. The easy dialogue between Reader and Bucky sparks a natural friendship, but could it lead to more? Bucky still deems himself unworthy of any form of affection or love. Reader is hellbent to prove him wrong. With the help of some (meddling) friends along the way, Bucky may get his happily-ever-after after all.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2684
Warnings: ANGST, bad language words
A/N: Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your love and support for this series! Everyone who has liked or reblogged this week after week means the world to me!
A/N 2: I split their date into 2 parts because I wanted to give perspective from both sides. Enjoy Bucky’s POV first!
DO NOT copy or replicate without my permission.
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An anxiousness bubbled up inside Bucky as he and (Y/N) stepped out of her office building and onto the crowded Manhattan sidewalk. It was five o’clock, meaning every other yuppie in New York was trying to get somewhere as well. Walking shoulder to shoulder with her felt like a feat in itself. Everyone around them seemed to be heading in the opposite direction, and they were fighting against the current like a pair of spawning salmon swimming upstream.
With his size and stature, most passers-by gave Bucky a wide berth. But with (Y/N), they didn’t. They jostled her like a small boat caught at sea during a storm; they gave her no mind in their rudeness. She fought to stay astride him as businessmen shouldered past her like a runningback fighting to make it to the endzone.
A feeling of protectiveness washed over him. Longing to whisk (Y/N) away from her place on the dirty cement increased with every step. The defensive surge fizzing right below the surface wanted him to tuck her into his side and glower at anyone who dreamed of coming close.
Bucky couldn’t, of course. He had to play it as if they’d only met a few days ago, no matter how much he wanted to. Instead, he grasped her empty hand and led her through the swarm of fellow New Yorkers.
(Y/N)’s hand was warm inside his, and the very thought of him touching her made his pulse quicken. The reaction wasn’t unpleasant. Though, it fuzzily reminded him of his teenage years. He was nearly one hundred years old! He shouldn’t be acting like a lovesick fool.
But here he was- swooning over a girl like he was fifteen again.
Bucky felt a yanking on his arm as (Y/N) pulled him from the stream of rushing bodies. Unmoving, at the edge of the rush, he found it was easier to breathe again. The fretfulness bled away once they were standing still.
He peered around, questioning why they’d stopped. Wedged between two high-rise buildings was a squat cafe. The shop’s window front beamed onto the footpath like the mecca it was, calling bystanders in from the street. Above the green striped awning over the entrance spelled out Deja Brew in colorful, blocky letters. Bucky chuckled at the play on words.
Towing the door open, (Y/N) tugged him in further.
Stepping inside the brightly lit coffee shop, Bucky was blanketed by the overpowering scent of fresh coffee grounds. It was potent, hanging thick in the air. Taking a deep breath in, he was transported back to a rickety kitchen and a second-hand table, where he and Steve would take their morning coffee and breakfast. The smell reminded him of simpler times. Times before all the trouble Hydra had caused. He let go of a nostalgic sigh.
“Right?” (Y/N) asked, standing at his side. He’d nearly forgotten she was there. “I love it here. It always feels like coming home.”
Bucky grinned down at (Y/N), understanding how she felt. The exposed brick walls, the tidy, destressed floors, and the primary colors being strewn about the space gave him a sense of sentimentality.
“I come in here several times a week,” she explained. “Not just because it’s convenient, but it reminds me of growing up.”
Bucky nodded in agreement, taking in the warm atmosphere of the quaint shop. “I get that.”
The pair strolled up to the counter and, presumably, the barista taking orders. Without looking in their direction, the young man in an apron spoke in a monotone, “Welcome to Deja Brew. What can I get started for you?”
A smile slowly crawled across (Y/N)’s lips. “Hey, Bryson. Didn’t know you were working tonight?”
Bryson’s head whipped up so fast; Bucky thought it might detach from his shoulders. His cheeks dimpled, and the corners of his striking green eyes crinkled into a bright smile. “Hey, beautiful!” Bryson beamed. “I’m doing a double--covering for Kari. I wasn’t expecting you tonight.”
“You know me,” (Y/N) said with a tinkling laugh. “Just can’t stay away.” Bryson replied with his own laughter.
A flare of jealousy twisted unexpectedly in Bucky’s gut. Was (Y/N) flirting?
Bucky supposed he could consider Bryson classically handsome. He was taller than Bucky with short, sandy brown hair and broad shoulders. His muscular frame filled out the black polo shirt he wore, but he wasn’t overly bulky- like he played baseball in college. There was a smattering of light freckles over his high cheekbones and straight nose. And eyelashes to rival Steve’s.
Was this his competition?
Bucky grumbled to himself and gritted his teeth as he watched the two giggle over some inside joke. There was an envious gnawing behind his ribcage as Bryson leaned onto his elbows over the countertop, inching closer to (Y/N). That was his girl!
Without warning, like a shaken soda bottle, his voice exploded from his mouth, dripping annoyance, “I’ll take a medium Americano, a chocolate croissant, and whatever the lady is having.”
Shocked back into the present by Bucky’s gruff words, Bryson shot upright. His startled green eyes shifted from (Y/N) to Bucky and back again. Bucky could barely contain his eye-roll as the other man feigned busyness after being caught slacking. It was apparent Bryson only had eyes for (Y/N), or he would have noticed she wasn’t alone, despite Bucky standing mere centimeters away from her.
Possessiveness tingled at Bucky’s fingertips, and the compulsion to wrap his arm around (Y/N)’s waist was strong. He wanted so badly to reach out and pull her close. Show this punk who she belonged to.
Regardless of his feelings, though, Bucky had no claim over (Y/N). He’d known her as Bucky for a scant three days. He imagined she’d known Bryson a lot longer. He couldn’t profess his desire to be hers in such a short time, no matter the urgency. It would come off as weird and controlling.
So, he resolved to bite the inside of his cheek and grin and bear it. He could bide his time, right? He’d waited seventy years. What’s another seventy more?
Bucky cringed internally at the thought of waiting.
“(Y/N), you know this guy?” Bryson inquired, acting as if he’d finally grown a pair, with a bite to his words.
Bucky’s pulse fluttered as (Y/N) turned to face him, a smile on her lips and something sparkling in her eyes. “I do,” she said. “He’s my date.” She grinned bigger with a cute scrunch to her nose as she said date.
Bryson’s eyes widened in alarm, then quickly narrowed in suspicion as he observed the flowers (Y/N) held. Bucky wondered, momentarily, if he was the first guy (Y/N) had ever brought into the shop. Was Bryson just as jealous as he was?
It wasn’t until he saw the almost imperceivable head tilt to get (Y/N) to step away from Bucky’s side did he realize what Bryson’s genuine concern was about.
(Y/N)’s brow furrowed in confusion as she took a stride to her right.
In a hushed whisper, Bryson asked, “You know who he is, right?” Bucky’s super-hearing picked up every word.
(Y/N) unsuccessfully tried to blink away her uncertainty, causing her eyebrows to pinch together further. “Who exactly is he, Bryson?” (Y/N) pondered, an edge of irritation leaking into her speech. She crossed her arms over her chest, drawing her sweater tighter around her body.
Bucky could hear it in her voice. (Y/N) knew precisely what Bryson had meant and was trying to draw it out of him.
“You know,” Bryson said, not even trying to whisper anymore. “He’s that guy.”
(Y/N) cocked her head to the side a fraction. “You mean the guy who the US government exonerated for any and all crimes he may have committed as The Winter Soldier? You mean that guy?” (Y/N) deadpanned, uncrossing her arms. Bryson stared at her blankly.
“What about the guy who got drafted into a war unwillingly?” (Y/N) continued. “Or the one captured by the enemy and experimented on against his will?” Her hands curled into fists as the tension in her body rose. Bryson’s eye contact suddenly became very jumpy, unable to focus on her now and for a good reason.
“How about the guy who fell from a train- survived- and had his arm barbarically amputated?”
Bucky watched (Y/N)’s hands tighten further, blanching her knuckles of any color. He shuffled forward, ready to jump in if need be. Although, she was doing a good job holding her own.
“Don’t forget about that one guy who was tortured and abused, brainwashed, and forced to commit unspeakable atrocities for over seventy years, all in the name of a cult,” (Y/N) stated, pressing her palms flat against the countertop and ducking her head, trying to catch Bryson’s eye. His face flushed visibly in embarrassment.
“In case you aren’t caught up on your current events, Bryson, that guy’s name is Bucky Barnes,” (Y/N) spit sardonically.
Bryson raised his eyes at this, and the look on his face darkened. “Regardless of whether he was brainwashed or not, he’s an Avenger,” Bryson sneered, his gaze sliding to Bucky. “And that makes him dangerous.”
What the hell was this guy’s problem? Bucky wondered, wanting to wipe the smirk off his smug face.
(Y/N) let out a humorless huff of a laugh. Her lips spread into a thin line. “No more dangerous than the possibility of being struck by lightning or getting hit by a subway train.”
Bucky chuckled inwardly as Bryson flexed his jaw in frustration. (Y/N) was really getting to him.
Bryson’s expression morphed into something more sinister. “I mean, are you really going to take the word of some ‘expert’ from a third-world country that he won’t turn into a murder-bot again?” The air-quotes in his tone punctuated the contempt he undeniably felt.
Anger blossomed in Bucky’s chest at the degrading mention of the Princess of Wakanda. He owed everything to Shuri. If it weren’t for her, he definitely wouldn’t be in New York right now but on the run again. Shuri saved his life.
Bucky took a step toward the counter, intending to do something, anything to shut this jackass up. Instead, (Y/N) placed a calming hand to his sternum, stopping him from doing anything rash. The look of disdain on Bryson’s face amplified the longer (Y/N)’s touch lingered on his body, and that was equally as satisfying as causing this prick bodily harm.
“While your concern is unwarranted,” (Y/N) assured, “it’s also unwanted. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
She gazed up into Bucky’s blue eyes fondly; a charming smile curled at her lips. “Besides, I don’t think he’d hurt a fly now.”
“It’s your funeral,” Bryson mumbled under his breath. (Y/N) didn’t catch it, or she paid it no mind.
The affection Bucky felt for (Y/N) at that moment swelled exponentially. He was in love with her, he realized. It was no longer just a crush.
No one, other than Steve, had ever championed for him as openly or as forcefully as she had just then. The adoration accumulating in his heart felt like it would erupt at any minute. She made him want to believe in love again. She made him think he might be worthy of that love someday.
He’d have to find a way to earn it, somehow.
Staring into her beautiful face and seeing compassion and empathy made him want to press his lips to hers. He still couldn’t believe she’d found him on accident. It was all so serendipitous.
There was one crucial roadblock obstructing his path to happiness, though. One he couldn’t possibly ignore for much longer without consequences— figuring out how to tell (Y/N) he and James were the same. But how?
Until then, he’d enjoy the ride.
“Hey, Bryson,” (Y/N) vocalized, her timbre a saccharine sweet. “I’ll take a medium iced mocha with extra whip and a white chocolate raspberry scone as well.” She winked at Bucky.
A scoff came from low in the pastry case causing Bucky and (Y/N) to titter in laughter.
“Wow. That was-” Bucky started, trying to find the words to explain how her coming to his defense made him feel.
(Y/N)’s pupils dilated, the gravity of the situation sinking in. “Oh, my God!” she said in a near panic. “I’m so sorry!”
Bucky smiled at her warmly. “There’s nothing to be sorry for.” He brushed a stray hair from her cheek delicately, his fingers dallying along the soft skin. The palm of his hand settled just below her ear, on the side of her neck. His thumb bobbed up and down with every clench and unclenching of her jaw.
“You must be so sick of hearing the same argument over and over again. People deciding your guilt or innocence based on first glances,” (Y/N) murmured, finally dropping her hand from his chest.
Bucky wondered if she could feel the pounding of his heart through all the layers of clothes he was wearing. “It’s nice to have a cheerleader, for once,” he answered honestly.
The corner of (Y/N)’s mouth quirked up. “I’ll always be in your corner, Bucky.”
His stomach dipped at her words’ implications. He whole-heartedly believed she would. “Thank you.”
(Y/N) shrugged in response. Over her bouncing shoulder, Bucky caught a glimpse of Bryson scowling at the two of them from his spot at the espresso machine. Bile churned in his belly. Bryson was turning into a nuisance, like a mosquito at a summer barbeque.
Bucky brought the hand at (Y/N)’s neck down to her upper arm and rubbed it gently. “Why don’t you find us a seat. I’ll finish up here,” he said, giving her a lopsided grin. She returned the gesture and nodded her head in acquiescence, sweeping past him.
Bucky followed her movements through the coffeehouse as she picked a cushioned bistro set positioned near the front windows. The waning light of the day cascaded through the clear glass, highlighting her delicate, feminine features. She was breathtaking.
Turning to face the dreadful barista, the grin on Bucky’s lips faded into a frown.
Bryson set their order down roughly on the register counter and proceeded to punch in the items on the touchscreen. He remained silent, mulishly waiting for payment. The death glare he wore seemed to be permanently etched into his features now.
Bucky could tell he was seething; the vein in his forehead throbbed with every beat of his pulse. Instead of engaging, though, Bucky smirked and slid a twenty-dollar bill toward the other man.
Bryson angrily scooped up the money. He bent his head closer to Bucky, gnashing his teeth. “If you hurt a single hair on her head, I will burn you to the ground,” he taunted, reaching into the till for change and tossing it on the counter.
Bucky’s expression never faltered. His exterior remained composed, cool as a cucumber. Inside, he raged like a bull seeing the color red. He wanted nothing more than to mop the floor with this asshole’s face. Alternatively, he gathered the littered change and dumped it all into the tip jar sitting beside the register. He stared Bryson dead in the face, a ghost of a smile still clinging to his mouth. “And if I ever hear of you treating (Y/N) with the blatant disrespect you showed her today…” Bucky paused, his voice calm and controlled. He leaned forward, pushing in closer to Bryson’s ear. “They’ll never find your body.”
The joy he felt coursing through his body as Bryson’s eyes stretched to the size of saucers and his Adam’s apple wobbled as he gulped in fear was indescribable.
Bucky gathered their drinks and pastries, pivoting towards the table where (Y/N) sat. He shouted over his shoulder as he walked away, “Have a good day, Bryson!”
Chapter Six (Part 2) | Chapter Eight
DTIBFYH tag list:
@hommoturttle @courtneychicken @vicmc624 @shawnie--jo @redbarn1995 @learisa @austynparksandpizza @ddowii @comeasyoudar @notsoinnocentrebel @i-have-no-life-charlie @champagneacademiaproblems @oldschoolkiddo @jillweasley @thefridgeismybestie @versacefloors @justab-eautifulmess @the-doctors-fallen-angel @saintsha @artaxerxesthegreat @emmabarnes @captain-asguard @herondalesunsetcurve @holl2712 @rosalynshields @met4no1a @kitkatd7 @broccoli111 @beautifulsweetschaos @strawberrywoman @tlcwrites @aerolanya @socalgem1124 @cminr @fangirl-swagg @broco8 @chook007 @dracris33 @fuxk-no @gudenuph @is-human-i-think @catgirl1321
Permanent Tag List:
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solarwonux · 3 years
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1. “We have to be quiet.”
67.  “You should wear that more often.”
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literary agent!jin x f!reader
genre: slice of life, fluff
w.c: 2.3k
warnings: a little suggestive, nudity, lots of fluff
note: writing this made me soft lolol. I love this couple so much, they’re absolutely adorable tbh lolol. Anyway, let me know your thoughts. Enjoy.xx
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“Come back to mine.” Seokjin flashes you an award winning smile, sending your heart into a frenzy. It fights against the beat of the pop song quietly playing through his car speakers, while he drives through the empty streets, not a car in sight, your hand gripped tightly in his.  
“But your roommates.” You whisper even though you don’t have to as there was no one around except for you and Seokjin. Yet, every time either of you mentioned your roommates your voices would dial down, fade into a whisper like an unspoken rule. Afraid that saying their names out loud would somehow summon them. 
“It’s almost four in the morning.” Seokjin stops at a red light, bringing your palm up to his lips, lingering there for a few seconds before setting it down to his lap. “They’re likely sleeping as we speak.” He states, flooring the gas once the light turns green. The impact makes your body hit his leather seat with a light ‘thud’. 
You groan, Seokjin laughs before easing up, slowing down. He liked to do that; catch you off guard. He showered himself in your reactions only to tease you until you kissed him to shut him up. 
“Please, I leave for my business trip tomorrow night and I want to spend all the time that I can with you before I leave.” Briefly, he takes his eyes off the road, fluttering his eyelashes, winding them into flight. 
You cave, because you also do and he knew that you would have no matter what. “Fine, but you’re only going to be gone for two days.” You roll your eyes, a pretty, soft smile decorating your face. The smile Seokjin first fell in love with five years ago. It’s amazing the two of you have been sneaking around for three of those five years and never once been caught. It’s stupid but he prides himself in keeping up with appearances. 
“But it’s my first one without you.” Seokjin grimaces, pulling into the parking lot in front of his apartment building, setting his car on park and turning the engine off. The penthouse he shared with three of his friends was dark and you let out a sigh of relief. 
He was right. There wasn’t a soul awake in that house. 
You shake your head, letting go of his hand and unbuckling your seat belt. Cringing when it hits the car window. Seokjin sends you a glare, his poor precious car that he saved up for years would break if he left it in your hands. You mumble a low apology before leaning over the middle console and planting a soft kiss against his plump lips to seal the deal. 
Seokjin beams, kissing you once more, “let’s go, I don’t think I can stay awake any longer.” He says and opens his car door, jogging over to your side. You wait, knowing that if you were to take initiative in opening your own door he would throw a mini tantrum, stating: “babe I know you’re an independent woman and don’t need me but let me feed my ego every once in a while.” So you let him. 
He janks the door open, the impulse threatening to knock him off his feet. His body was tired, so was yours. But neither of you had been able to sleep after knowing that there were barely twenty four hours left until Seokjin left for his first business trip without you.
You were promoted to Chief Editor at the publishing company. No longer a literary agent or sharing an office with your boyfriend as you were now a floor higher. It had really sent the two of you off the rails for a few days. He was light years proud of you, but he missed having you around. 
Seokjin offers his hand, leaning nonchalantly against the car door, his eyes drooping, heavy with sleep. He looked adorable, “thanks Jin.” You take his hand and he lazily pulls you out of the car, his arm circling around your waist. 
“Anything for you, my queen.” He mumbles, leaning in and leaving a chaste kiss against your forehead. “Now let's go, remember we have to be quiet.” He winks, placing his index finger above his lips, his hand traveling around your waist to your hand, lacing his fingers in between the spaces of yours.
You roll your eyes and slam the car door making him jump. A knowing glare sent your way making you laugh.
 “Babe.” He whines. 
 “We’re outside and they’re fourteen stories up, asleep. Even if the car door were to wake them up they have no way of knowing it’s us. Don’t worry.” You pat his chest and walk past him pulling him along. “Plus I can be quiet when I need to.” You look over your shoulder sending him a kiss. He shakes his head, pretending to grab it mid air and then placing it above his heart, with a lovesick look on his face. 
“So cheesy.” You say, a sigh of protest leaving his lips. 
“Only for you.” 
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Sneaking into Seokjin’s apartment prompted it to be harder than expected.
For starter’s the second Seokjin and you walked into the dark apartment, he bumped into the coat rack near the front door, knocking it over. It hit the floor with a loud clatter, leaving you frozen, your pulse pounding against your ears. 
Even in the dark you could see Seokjin’s wide eyes. Panic streaked past them replacing the galaxies he kept hidden behind them. The sweat was pooling against your brow when the hallway light turned on. “The kitchen,” Seokjin’s yell is coated in a whisper. His arms signaling to the kitchen in a haste. “They won’t see you if you go into the kitchen.” 
You nod, jumping over the coat rack and running into the kitchen. Squatting down behind the counter for extra precaution. A laugh stifles behind your closed lips, the adrenaline rush waking you up. This is why you and Seokjin still snuck around, not that you needed to. You were more than positive that everyone has known about your relationship for years. The two of you weren’t necessarily careful, but it was still fun. 
“I thought you were sleeping.” Namjoon says. His voice drenched in sleep, arms crossed in front of him looking down at his roommate confused. 
Seokjin stood up, bringing the coat rack with him and leaned against it. “Couldn’t sleep, pre-business trip jitters so I went out for a drive.” He shrugs.
Namjoon raises his eyebrows suspiciously. Surely he was tired as hell and didn’t want to deal with yours and Seokjin’s antics tonight. He knew you were here, your choked laugh had given you away while he made his way into the living room. But for the sake of going back to the bed that was calling out to him. So, he pretended not to know. He’s been pretending for nearly three years. Another night wouldn’t hurt. 
“Alright well good night,” He squints, bringing up his wrist and taps his apple watch, 4:30am, it reads. “Or good morning, do you still need me to drive you to the airport tomorrow night?” He scratches the back of his neck and lets out a tired sigh. 
“Yeah, that would be great, thanks man. And sorry for waking you up. I think your clumsiness is rubbing off on me.” Seokjin drags the coat hanger, the legs screeching against the wooden floor making all three of you cringe at the noise. He sets it against the wall, fixing the coats to buy time. 
Namjoon shakes his head and yawns, stretching his arms above his head. “Whatever.” He says and turns around making his way to the comfort of his room once again. 
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Seokjin closes the door to his room quietly. Letting out a sigh of relief thanking all his angel’s that the only one that woke up was Namjoon and not Hoseok. The ladder would’ve made him sit down on the couch and talk about his troubles. Or if he was in one of his moods - not the bad ones - he would’ve given him a run down on how his day went in full detail. 
“So much for being quiet Jin.” You scoff. 
Seokjin turns around and walks to you bringing you in into a tight hug, “It’s not my fault I forgot the stupid coat rack was there.” He mumbles against your hair, running a soothing hand down your back. 
“It’s your place, how do you forget the way things are set up.” You pull back, tilting your head to look up at him. Maybe it was because you were close to letting the sleep take over your body but he looked more radiant underneath the dim light of his room and somehow taller than earlier. It definitely had to be your sleep deprived delusions. There was no way the man before you could’ve grown another two inches in the last three hours.
“I’m too tired to argue with you so yes baby, my beautiful lover you are right.” He nuzzles his head into your neck, tickling your skin in the process. A tiny laugh falls out of your lips. It sounds like music to Seokjin’s ears. “Do you want to change?” He stands up straight, his brows furrowed in concern, while he takes in your stuffy work attire. 
“Yes, I feel I’ve been wearing these slacks for five days straight.” You huff pulling on the legs of your pants, revealing your lavender painted toenails, wiggling them against his carpeted floor.
At around eight Jin had clocked out and snuck his way into your office asking if you wanted him to take you home. A promise to stop at your favorite burger joint failing to finish escaping his mouth when you had cut him off and told him that you had to finish the re-edits of the novel you were assigned too. Your department was heavily understaffed which meant your work was doubled, biding you to stay late after hours to be able to make all your deadlines. It worried Jin to see you so overworked, but as much as it tired you out. You loved it so he never once complained to the company. 
Plus the two of you had appearances to keep up. Can’t have everyone knowing that he was head over heels for you and vice versa. 
But at around one he started to worry after not hearing from you for nearly two hours. He called you and that’s when he found out you were still at the office. Without a form of hesitation he put on his shirt and walked out the front door, keys in hand. Telling you he would be there in fifteen minutes. Which is how the two of you ended up driving around town for the last two hours sharing fries and caramel sundae from the fast food restaurant down the street of the company. Of course a couple make out sessions here and there after he parked the car at an abandoned Toy’s R’s Us. (The ‘r’ unlit so it read Toy’s Us instead, which for some reason sent the two of you in an uncontrollable fit of laughter.) 
Now you were here, in his room, still wearing your work clothes, shoulders dropping as finally the wave of exhaustion that had been plaguing your boyfriend for a good hour hit you. 
Seokjin untangles his limbs from you and walks to his closet. “They look good on you. I had half a mind to walk into your office this morning and get a good feel.”
“A good feel of what?” You cock your head. Nimble fingers moving up to unbutton your blouse. The annoying Chiffon material scraping against your soft skin. 
“Your ass.” He states throwing you the matching shirt of one of his pajamas. “Do you want the pants?” He turns around holding the striped material in his hands, swallowing thickly as he watches you remove your clothes, leaving you naked in the middle of his room. The only thing protecting you from his prying, hunger filled eyes were the flower patterned panties you kept on. 
“No, they're uncomfortable.” You bend down picking up the pajama shirt and unbutton the first few buttons. Oblivious to the way Seokjin was looking at you right now, burning his heated gaze into your body, loving the way it seemed to glow, shimmer, underneath the moonlight casting through his wide bedroom windows. In about two hours it would disappear for the night so he made sure he imprinted the image into the part of his brain that belonged to you. 
“You should wear that more often.” He throws the pants over his shoulders and stalks over to you.
“I’m not really wearing anything.” 
“Exactly.” He smirks. 
You roll your eyes and shrug on his shirt, leaving the first few buttons undone. You walk to the right of the bed - the one nearest to the window and the wall - and pull back his navy blue comforter. “Let’s go to sleep, I’m too tired to do anything.” You lay down.
Seokjin agrees, as much as he would like to just hold you close and make love to you until the sun rises. His eyes were closing in on him and he was sure the second he felt the heat of your body and your warmth wrap around him, he’d fall asleep. 
It’s not like it hasn’t happened before. 
“I agree, there’s always tomorrow...Well I mean today but in eight hours.” He reassures, laying down on his side and bringing the comforter up to his chin. He wraps his arm around your waist, resting his head against your chest, humming as the comfort overtakes him.
You rake your fingers through his hair, placing your cheek against the crown of it. “I love you, Jin, you make me so happy.” You whisper, closing your eyes. 
Seokjin smiles, bringing you closer, kissing the sliver of skin against his shirt. “I love you angel, you make my life worth living.” 
In seconds the silence and stillness of the night takes over. Your bodies relaxing, tangled up in a mess of limbs, finally welcoming sleep.
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capsironunderoos · 3 years
The Art Teacher and The Winter Soldier - Part One: Morgan Stark’s Secret Plan
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Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: Some stories about Bucky Barnes and an art teacher...
Word Count: 2,061
Warnings: None! Although there are spoilers for Falcon and The Winter Soldier if you haven’t finished that!
Author’s Note: Hey hey! I’m finally writing and posting again! I recently graduated from college with a degree in art education, and I just thought it would be cute to see Bucky Barnes date an art teacher, so here we are! This isn’t going to be a normal series, just kind of little snapshots of Bucky’s life with an art teacher. Also, this series follows the events of Endgame and The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, except Tony lived, other than that it’s pretty much the same. I hope you enjoy! 
Here’s a link to my masterlist: capsironunderoos masterlist
“Captain America, The Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch, and Iron Man walk into an elementary school… sounds like the start of a bad joke.” 
Bucky heard Sam mumble beside him and felt a smirk make its way onto his lips. 
“I thought the minivan was enough for a bad joke,” Bucky added, and Sam had to cover his mouth to hide his laughter, a startling cough erupting from his chest. 
Tony had asked a few of the remaining Avengers to go with him to the opening night of Morgan’s elementary school art show since Pepper had been scheduled for a meeting. 
Morgan’s work had been voted on by the other students in her grade and selected as the best in kindergarten, which didn’t surprise Tony. The Stark’s were always the best at everything they attempted. 
Tony had wanted to invite everyone he knew, but he was under strict instructions from his daughter that only a few could come. 
The girl in question sat contently between her Uncle Sam and her Uncle Bucky, small right hand gripping onto Bucky’s left, as her left hand held a small bouquet of flowers. 
Her smile grew when she felt the minivan take the familiar right turn into her school’s parking lot, and she strained to make herself taller to see the brick building slowly getting bigger as Tony pulled the car into a spot. 
Tony turned the car off as the Avengers piled out and onto the concrete, Bucky turning back to offer his hand to Morgan. She quickly grabbed onto it and jumped out, giggling as she almost dropped the flowers. 
“Here,” he gestured to the flowers, opening his hand. “Let me carry those Moe.” She nodded and handed the flowers to him with no hesitation, leaving his side to run to Tony, who turned just in time to catch her and lift her above his head before propping her onto his hip. Her giggles echoed across the parking lot, and Bucky noticed a few people shooting smiles their way. 
“You comin’ Buck?” Sam called, already climbing up the stairs into the school, and Bucky smiled in response, jogging slightly to catch up with the group. 
“You guys are gonna love it here!” Morgan called from the front of the group, still holding onto her dad as they walked into the building. 
Wanda glanced over at Bucky and Sam, stifling a laugh. 
“Yeah, you two will fit right in.” Bucky smiled and rolled his eyes, and Sam lightly shoved her with his elbow, causing her to let out a small giggle. 
“Alright kiddo, lead the way,” Tony prompted as he placed her back onto the ground. Normally, this would cue a few moments of whining and begging to be picked back up, but she was focused on other things tonight. 
Yes, Morgan Stark had a plan. 
She walked proudly down the decorated hallways, making sure to point out the artworks her friends had made as she marched the small group of Avengers to her artwork. 
Bucky was quiet as they walked, stopping every now and then to look at a few pieces done by older kids. 
He was easily reminded of Steve, and their time growing up in Brooklyn. 
He thought about the journals he’d buy for Steve on his birthday, or a new art material he’d see in a shop while out for a walk that he couldn’t help but buy. Steve would have loved this, would have been right at home talking art with the very animated five year old leading the group. 
Bucky smiled to himself as he began to move with the group again, not missing the various drawings of superheroes plastering the walls. He knew he wouldn’t find himself here, immortalized on paper by a child who saw him as a hero, and his smile drops, but only for a second as he sees Morgan stop before throwing her hands up and screaming. 
Tony jumps to find out what’s wrong, but before he can squat down to her level she is running full speed towards a woman in a skirt with polka-dots all over it, and when she turns to see who is screaming Bucky can see that her shirt reads “Your greatest work of art is you!” He smiles at the sentiment and watches as Morgan launches herself into the arms of the woman, who is now crouching in order to better receive the hug. 
The force of a very enthusiastic five year old knocks the woman onto the floor and she laughs with Morgan as they part. 
“Hello to you too Morgan!” She says through more laughter and Morgan waves, now seemingly shy as she steps back beside her father. 
Tony moves into action now, extending his hand to help the woman off of the floor. She graciously accepts, and Bucky notes the shy smile that washes over her features. 
“You must be the art teacher we hear so much about,” Tony says as she lightly brushes off the back of her dress. 
“Yes, that would be me! And don’t worry, I know who all of you are,” she adds, her smile widening as her eyes meet each Avenger’s. Bucky feels himself starting to blush when her gaze lingers on his for just a bit longer than his counterparts. 
“Even if I lived under a rock it’d be hard not to know who you were. Morgan talks about you all the time, and she tells quite the story.” Tony laughs and lightly ruffles her hair, to which Morgan responds to by swatting at his hand. 
“You’re telling me. I ask her to tell me bedtime stories.” This cues a round of laughter from the group before Tony turns to each member. 
“Well, just to be formal about it, I’m Tony, and this is Sam, Wanda, and James,” Tony says, and the woman shakes all of their hands, making sure to tell each one how wonderful it is to meet them. 
When she slips her hand into Bucky’s, he wonders if she feels the small jolt of electricity that he does, but he ignores it as she smiles at him. 
“Please, call me Bucky,” he tells her, and that same shy smile rests against her lips as she nods. He’s sad to let her out of his grasp, but even he knows that it would probably be weird to sit and hold her hand. 
When she turns back to Morgan after telling the group her name, Bucky catches Sam staring at him out of the corner of his eye, and Wanda too. The duo are standing in similar stances, arms crossed over their chests with their eyebrows raised at his actions. When Morgan has pulled her teacher out of ear-shot, Sam turns to Wanda and takes her hand before dramatically mimicking Bucky. 
“Please, call me Bucky,” he chirps in a lovesick voice, and Wanda gasps as she places her hand over her heart. “Oh, Bucky!” She adds, and Bucky can feel himself blushing as he pushes past both of them to catch up with Tony and Morgan. 
He tries not to smile as he hears their laughter trailing behind him. 
When they catch back up with Morgan, she is proudly standing beside her artwork as Tony is bent down to take a picture of her beside it. 
Bucky smiles, shifting the bouquet of flowers he still holds from one hand to the other as he watches the scene. 
His heart stops though, when he sees the drawing.
 It’s… Him. 
Morgan drew him. 
He remembers the picture the drawing is supposed to resemble, remembers standing very still as Morgan tried to figure out how to use her new kids camera. She had yelled “Don’t move!” each time he tried to shift his weight so that his knees weren’t locked for too long. 
“She was prompted to draw someone she looks up to,” he hears quietly beside him, and the voice of the art teacher pulls him from his thoughts. Bucky turns to her in disbelief, and he sees that she is smiling up at him. 
“I think she picked a pretty good subject for that prompt,” she adds, and Bucky can feel his breathing becoming shallow as he holds back tears. 
He slowly walks over to the drawing to get a better look, and he sinks to his knees, a tear escaping and rolling down his cheek. 
“Uncle Bucky! Why are you crying?” Morgan asks beside him, and all he can do is wrap her in his arms, dropping the flowers on the floor as he squeezes her to him. She giggles but wraps her arms around him too, before wiggling in his grasp to reach for the flowers on the floor. 
“Here, give these to my teacher, they’re her favorite!” She whispers in his ear and he nods. This kid could have asked for a trip to the moon and Bucky would have built the rocket himself. 
He quickly wipes the tear off of his cheek, turning to take a picture with Morgan beside the artwork at Tony’s request before standing and listening to Morgan’s teacher as she begins to speak. 
“I know you probably already know this, but Morgan is very advanced for her age. Most of the other students in her class completed this project in a day, but Morgan worked on this for a few class periods. She even drew from observation, using a picture she brought in. I don’t normally teach that until fourth grade.” 
A moment of silence passed as the group of Avengers stood in awe of the little girl before them. 
“Here, let me take your picture together before you go,” she offers, and Tony gladly hands his phone over to her. The group bends down around the artwork, making sure to keep it, and the artist, in the center. 
“Thank you all for coming,” she adds, as she hands the phone back to Tony, who in turn thanks her before leading the group back out of the building. 
Bucky stands still, watching for a moment as Morgan turns around to wink at Bucky, gesturing to the flowers in his hand. 
Her plan was in motion. 
“Bucky? Is everything okay?” He hears behind him and he turns to see the art teacher, standing with her hands clasped in front of her, a small look of concern sewn into her eyebrows as they arch together. 
“Yes. Sorry, um, I think these are for you. Your favorites, so I’ve heard.” Bucky states as he hands the bouquet over to her. Her face lights up at the gift, and Bucky smiles as their fingers ghost over each other as the bouquet is exchanged. 
“Oh, thank you. And tell Morgan I said thank you as well.” 
Bucky nods and starts to walk away, but finds himself stopping and turning back to the art teacher, who is already looking at him. 
“Hey,” they start at the same time and Bucky laughs as he nervously slips his hands into his pockets. 
“Would you wanna, grab some coffee some time, or something?” He rushes out, and the smile that erupts on her face makes Bucky’s heart speed up. 
“Yes!” She squeaks out, and her excitement catches both of them off guard. “I mean, yes,” she adds, composing herself, which makes Bucky laugh again. 
“Here,” she starts, pulling a pen hanging off her lanyard into her hands and balancing the flowers under her arm. 
She gestures for Bucky’s hand and he holds it out to her. She glances up to him and he blushes again, quickly pulling off the glove. She smiles and grabs his hand, clicking the pen as she carefully holds his palm open to write her number down. 
She pats it gently when she’s done. 
“Just… text me, okay?” She whispers, smiling up at him before releasing his hand to turn to a parent who’s just walked up, flowers still held in her right hand.
The ride back to the compound is relatively quiet, until Morgan catches her Uncle Bucky looking at a string of numbers written on his hand. 
She taps his shoulder and he looks at her as she gestures for him to lean down so she can whisper in his ear, “My plan worked! You’re welcome,” before leaning back against her seat, arms crossed and a look of satisfaction playing on her lips.
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anissanightyoung · 3 years
Of kisses and Roman traditions
[SUMMARY] Where Seungkwan enjoys kissing you and blames it on the Romans.
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Idk what this is. Fluff? Flirty!Seungkwan definitely. Oh and noona!reader😁
3,087 words
You and Seungkwan have already kissed on three occasions. You didn't want to put too much thought into it, and you never mentioned it anyway. But sometimes it's hard to stop thinking about what those kisses mean.
The first kiss was at Seungkwan's house. All your friends were already asleep, tired of playing all his board games, and drunk innumerable bottles of liquor. You had finished cleaning up when Seungkwan came towards you. "Yah, why did you clean? This is my apartment.” You laughed at his half-asleep state, you could see just how tired he was trying to beat Soonyoung with one drunk. He did his best, but Soonyoung kept giving him +2s and +4s of tequila or vodka and mixing alcohol in Seungkwan's system ended badly. He threw up twice overnight.
"Look at you, hangover's gonna bite your ass in the morning. And you know I can't sleep when this place is trashed." You can hear him laughing lazily, trying to stay awake. "Come on, let's get you to bed." Seungkwan grins, "Starving. Creamy cheese bagels. Feed me?" You laughed at his antiques. You met him a year ago, and you know drunk Seungkwan needs to eat before he goes to bed. "This is a way of waking up hangover-free, noona. You should try it." But you know that Seungkwan will still have a headache the following day, with an Americano as a telling sign.
"You're too cute for your own good, do you know that?" You joked to him, shaking your head. You were warming up the bagel when he took your hand. "Happy anniversary, noona."
"Do you think I wouldn't remember? It's the anniversary of the first time we met.”
"What a sappy, sappy man you are." You laugh while finishing his sandwich. You turned around to face him and said "ah" so he could take a bite out of the bagel. When he did, it was as if he had tasted food for the first time. When he had already swallowed his first bite, he suddenly threw his arms into your waist, swallowing you in a cuddle. That surprised you because he's not usually that sweet, and now he's very touchy.
"What are you doing?" You asked him when he set his bagel down on the counter and tugged the ends of your shirt pulling you closer to him. This is the only time you have noticed how he is a few inches taller than you, and that he has long eyelashes a bit like those of a baby. You were that close to notice that. He slowly bent over your face, staring directly at your lips, waiting for you to stop him. When you didn't, he closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you softly.
When he retired, he laid his head upon the counter and slept his intoxication away. You figured he’s too wasted to have done so. When you asked about the kiss the next day, he brushed it off, saying,  “Sorry, got wasted trying to beat that tiger hyung.”  
“Just don’t do it again okay? Friends don’t do that.”
“Yepp,” popping the last letter, “I’ll take you to your favorite burger place to make it up to you.” He drags you to his car while holding your hand. When he was driving, he held your hand still. “Hey, it's not okay to kiss, but it's okay to hold hands?” There was complete silence.
“Friends can hold hands, sure. When did friends start kissing on the lips?
“Friends with benefits do.”
“Ya are you asking me to? Cause you know I’m not into that kind of shit!”
Seungkwan laughed at your outburst. “Joking noona, sheesh. You’re getting old.”
“Shut it, I’m barely a year older than you.”
Throughout the ride, he didn't let go of your hand. However, you didn't seem to mind the extra warmth.
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The second kiss took place around a campfire.
Soonyoung told the three of you that he wanted to go for a drive, and you were shocked when he suddenly parked by a beach. You never asked how Soonyoung got all of your clothes and other belongings, but he seemed to need the view of a peaceful ocean at night, so you all decided. You were already there, and the semester had just ended.
While you and Seungkwan were eating dinner you bought near the store, Seokmin began jamming to a guitar and singing his heart out. Soonyoung was on the lookout for the beach's caretaker to inquire about some wood for a campfire.
“I swear, I know Soonyoung oppa is the most spontaneous of us all, but I never expected him to be this bad. Is it really because of the finals?” 
“He may look carefree, but hyung goes through a lot,” Seokmin chuckled. You understand; everybody has their own way of dealing with their baggage, and Soonyoung's are to be daring and laugh his problems away.
“Minnie, can you play the song you submitted for your music class as a group project?” Campfire?” You believe it is appropriate for the atmosphere of the evening. While Seokmin was singing, you glanced over at Soonyoung to see how he was doing. His smile is beaming, and his eyes are glassy as he takes in the stunning scenery in front of him. You were relieved to see that his plan worked.
You looked at Seungkwan, realizing that this was his first time hearing the track. “Kwannie, pay attention to the next line. It's comforting.” You sang with Seokmin when the part came up. It reminds you of how Seungkwan made getting out of bed easier every day. Your anxiety held you awake at night or made you fearful of what might happen the next day. But Seungkwan, he unintentionally shone on you at a difficult period. Slowly but steadily, you began to anticipate waking up knowing that he would face the day with you.
Soonyoung accompanied Seokmin to the market to buy some food after he finished jamming due to his hunger. It was time for you to jam. Of course, you'd choose Taylor Swift's The Way I Loved You, in honor of her Fearless cover. You've always admired Taylor Swift's music, especially the older songs because you identify with the words she wrote. You were grateful for how her music got you through your childish heartbreaks.
You were so engrossed in Seungkwan's angelic voice that you didn't know he was already squatting in front of you. Both of you were grinning at each other when the last chord was struck, and you kissed him as though it were nothing out of the ordinary. The kiss felt right; it felt like it was what completed the song you were singing; it felt like the happy ending the song promised. To keep your balance, you clutched his arm. When you jerked away from him when you awoke from your daydream, he immediately drew you back in and kissed you again, squeezing your hand three times.
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The four of you had agreed to spend Christmas Day at Seokmin's. Your mother didn't let you hear the end of it when you told them you couldn't come home because your family has always been conventional. Your mother guilt-tripping you to come home, saying, "We're family, we're supposed to spend time together." “Ah, well, families are supposed to support one another, not nag each other to death when one fails to meet one's expectations.” After that, you hang up, assuming that if you don't agree, your mother will say something else that you don't want or need to hear.
Seungkwan was supposed to pick you up, so while you were waiting for him, you double-checked everything you'd packed to make sure you hadn't forgotten anything. Seungkwan's introduction of Soonyoung and Seokmin is one of the things for which you are grateful. You've outgrown your crappy friends from high school, so the trio is a breath of fresh air for you.
You place your bags in the trunk as soon as you see his car, like a little kid heading to Disney World. “Thanks for picking me up, Kwannie,” she said, beaming. You excitedly slid down to the passenger seat. He immediately hugged you once you were sitting, saying, "Ah noona, you're in a good mood?" You can see his smile doesn't reach his eyes when you've broken free from the embrace. He's giving you a fake one.
“This is my first trip away from my home. I already know it'll be a lot of fun.”
“Really? At Seokmin Hyung's house, you'll feel right at home. His mother prepares the most delicious Christmas dinner. My mother's cooking pales in comparison.” Seungkwan once gave you a dish made by her mother, and one bite was enough to make you feel like you'd died and gone peacefully to heaven. The fact that Seokmin's mother cooks better piqued your curiosity. “Ah really? Then I'd really have to give it a taste.” He smiled again, the false smile, and you're starting to get bothered by it.
“What are you doing, Kwannie?” You're giving me this strange grin.”
“What do you mean strange?”
“Fake smile. It's the first time you've feigned a smile at me. What’s up?”
“You can see right through me, can't you?”
“Yes, I do. Would you like to talk about it?”
“Nope. But I'd like to take your hand.”
Seungkwan is holding your hand and exhaling contentedly. He kept it until you arrived at Seokmin's house.
Seokmin's house is warm and inviting. They live in a house on a corner with a vibrant garden surrounding it. The living room has an L-shaped couch that can comfortably seat all four of you, with additional seating available. Seokmin and his sister have a wall full of family photos and accomplishments. You can tell Seokmin's parents are a laid-back, loving family, as shown by his kindness and good humor. You don't know if it was the long ride, but you fell asleep as soon as you sat on their couch after the house tour.
When you first awoke, you chose to visit their garden, which you recall has a swing set. Seungkwan is seated by himself.
You teased, "Where are your twins?"
“They went grocery shopping with Mrs. Lee.”
“What kept you from going?”
“Too exhausted from driving.”
“Then you should've just slept with me.”
Seungkwan swung his head in your direction right away. “I-uh, what?”
Then it dawned on you what you'd said. This is so humiliating. “Sleep!” you exclaimed, “Sleeping, with eyes closed and resting-“
“I never expected you to finally ask me-”
He laughed out loud at your reaction while you chased him around the backyard. He quit running around after you told him that you wouldn't smack him in the head.
“I hate you.”
That made Seungkwan stop laughing.
“Do you regret meeting me?”
You were surprised at his sudden change of tone, no longer joking. “Is this what it’s all about?”
“Well. Yeah.”
“I'm not sure what got you to think like that. You said, “But you know our first meeting was a flop.” When people meet for the first time, they usually ask for each other's names, go through some more tedious formalities, and then seal the deal with a handshake. You had an early class with him, and you didn't mind sharing a seat with him almost every time because you thought he was one of the quiet ones. The year was difficult for you because things didn't go your way, you had a lot of misfortunes, and you had a lot of work piling up that was affecting your mental health.
As you sat down in your chair one fateful morning, you put your cup of coffee on your side of the table. This is where Seungkwan got his drink mixed up with yours because you both have the same coffee taste.
“- flop is an exaggeration for that noona-”
“-you drank my coffee in our 8 a.m. class thinking it was yours, I'll never forgive you.” Reliving that moment made you roll your eyes. “But you know what? You wouldn't have replaced it if you hadn't, and I wouldn't have had the best year of my life.” It may seem to be an exaggeration, but it is true. You were grateful for Seungkwan's carefree and playful personality, which helped you get through your lowest point. He had no idea what you were going through, but you were relieved that someone was taking care of you.
He can be seen chewing his mouth, attempting to conceal his smile. “Ah dumb main character in a drama,” air quotes the phrase, ‘I wish I hadn't met you.' “I instantly thought of you.”
“Huh, that's strange.”
“What is?”
“That. As I previously said, this has been the best year I've had in, what, three years? And it's all thanks to you. I might be harsh with you all of the time, cursing at you whenever I get the chance, but that's just how I am. I'm glad I got you as one of my most reliable friends, my rock, and my go-to person. Even Seokmin and Soonyoung oppa were introduced to me by you. Seungkwan, I'd rather live in a world with you in it. Don’t think otherwise.”
Seungkwan stared at you and felt a combination of emotions. He kissed you when he understood what he felt.  At first, you thought it’ll be quick like the last time, a peck. But he deepened the kiss, and when his tongue touched yours, you hear him groan. He tugged you closer, afraid you’ll get away. He reassuringly held your hands, squeezing them three times just like the second time. I can get used to this. You thought. You focused on his soft lips, how you’ve always felt content while kissing him.
He pulled away, his chest heaving for breath. “Holy shit,” Seungkwan said. You nodded in agreement, apparently unable to concentrate because of your heart beating so loudly.
“I-, uh, I--”
“I thought we’ve talked this through?-”
He sighed deeply before adding, “I-I got cold. Sorry, noona.”
“You dumb shit, if you were cold, I would have made you hot chocolate. I’m nice sometimes you know.”
“I don't mind,” he smirked, “you're hotter anyway.”
“What the heck is wrong with you? I swear to god, you've been flirting with me since that drunk uno shit.”
“It's a Roman thing to kiss under the mistletoe,” he said, pointing to the mistletoe he was carrying.
You both laughed it off, thinking about how ridiculous it sounded. “Roman tradition my ass.”
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You and Seungkwan are both in the hospital on New Year's Eve.
“Ah, what a dumb plan you had there,” you exclaimed, staring at him in disbelief.
“Well, I've always wanted to go out of my comfort zone...”
You give him a light smack on the head. “Shut up. Now I'm trapped in a hospital over New Year's because of your dumb plan.”
It's never a good idea to combine Seungkwan with hiking. Sure, he's fit, but when was the last time he went hiking?
“Then have Seokmin hyung or Soonyoung hyung accompany me.”
“They're still at Seokmin's.” You and Seungkwan both arrived at your dorms earlier than anticipated. After all, you didn't want to overstay your welcome; it was your first time. You were worried that Seokmin's mother would think you were too at ease in their home.
“Well, if you want to go home, you can.”
“Who will look after you if I go home?”
For a moment, Seungkwan didn't dare add a sarcastic comment on that question. So, instead, “Come on y/n, don't be so mad...”
“Where are your manners, I'm your noona?”
“three kisses in and I still can't call you by your name?”
You blushed when you remembered all of the times Boo SeungKwan kissed you and how sweet his soft lips were.
“Noona is blushing, wah.”
“I hope your ankle doesn’t heal you little shit.”
Raising his eyebrows at you. "You don't mean that. You love me."
"Of course I do. I love all three of you."
He reached for your hand. "I bet you love me more." There it was again, Seungkwan surprising you with his sudden seriousness. He was staring straight into your eyes, waiting for your response. Luckily, a nurse came in to check his vitals.
 A few minutes after the nurse came out, both of you were ignoring each other due to that sudden tension. To ease the situation, both of you just watched television until you fell asleep.
"Y/n wake up." Nudging you by your shoulders. "We're nearing the countdown. Cmon," and urged you to stand by the window, waiting for the fireworks.
Seungkwan then leaned in to put an earphone in, with a song already playing in the background. You realized it was a song written by Soonyoung's classmate, Woozi, for a songwriting class. You were bopping your head to the music when the ten-second countdown started. 
You and Seungkwan alternately sang along.
"I promise myself, while drinking a glass of water in the morning, to tell you"
새벽에 물을 마시면서 혼자 다짐해 나는 너에게
"Beautiful words like the lines in a movie"
영화처럼 달콤하고 예쁜 그 말
"The words I've prepared overnight for days"
몇 날 며칠 밤새 연습했던 그 말
"I want to say them to you tomorrow with clenched fists"
내일은 꼭 두 주먹을 꽉 쥐고 말해주고 싶어
Seungkwan turned to face you just in time for the next line.
"You are pretty." 
너 예쁘다
As soon as the clock struck twelve and the fireworks went off, Seungkwan kissed you. What astonished you was how you knew he was about to kiss you and how you returned the kiss with fervor as he deepened it. You can't help but compare this man to fireworks; how dark it was before him, and how awestruck you were when he came into your life.
Seungkwan was the first to back away, touching his forehead to yours and giggling like a joyful little kid. “Did you know that it’s a Roman tradition to kiss on the first minute of the new year?”
“Blaming the Romans again, I see?” playfully raising your eyebrows at him.
He laughed at that, giving you no excuse. "I love you, Y/n."
You grinned as you silently thank the Romans for their weird traditions.
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lovemeleo · 4 years
ok.... hear me out.... evgeni having to get his wisdom teeth taken out and being scared for the procedure and jackson comofrting him (also evgeni on anesthetics afterwards because I feel like that would be really funny)
(also I love your writing so much you're just amazing thx bye)
omg anon! I got so excited when I saw this prompt, I shared it with the whole SW discord server. Such a fantastic idea, and I hope I do it justice! I’m so glad you enjoy my writing, you’re so sweet! Hope you enjoy this fic xx
credit to @lumosinlove for the SW world and of course Nado & Zhenya 
if you’d like to check out my other nuny fics, here are the links:
- Cuddles with Love
- Remus finds out
- A New Dream Come True
- I’ve Got You
- The Same Brainwaves
- All You Need
cw: anesthesia, talking about medicine and dental work
“Zhenya, you’ve gotta get out of the car.” Nado said, his head resting on the steering wheel. The only answer he received was a lot of grumbled Russian that he didn’t understand. 
They had been sitting outside the oral surgeon’s office for 20 minutes. Luckily Jackson had planned in advance, getting them there an hour early. He knew Zhenya was nervous, it had been obvious since he made the appointment a month ago. Jackson could see the slight tremble in his boyfriend’s hands as he gripped at the sleeves of his hoodie.
Jackson reached over, resting a hand over Zhenya’s, “Baby, it’s going to be okay.” He murmured softly, rubbing his thumb over the frayed sleeve edge that covered Zhenya’s knuckles.
“Don’t want to go to sleep,” Zhenya whispered, turning his hand over to intertwine their fingers together. He had been putting it off for awhile now but the pain was getting too bad, struggling to sleep some nights.
Squeezing his hand, Jackson leaned over and resting his head on the taller man’s shoulder, “I know, babe. But it’ll be quick, they’ll sedate you and then when you wake up, it’ll all be over with and we can go home.”
Zhenya took a deep breath as he looked out the window, “Ok, let’s go. Before I lose confidence.” He said, quickly unbuckling his seatbelt and jumping out of the car. Jackson scrambled to follow him, grabbing his keys and phone before running to catch up to Zhenya who had already made it to the door.
After getting checked in, they sat down in the waiting room. The only sounds were Zhenya’s foot tapping nervously on the floor and the quiet music that played over the speaker. Jackson was thankful for that. If there were any type of dentist machine noises, Zhenya would’ve probably booked it right back out to the car.
Less than fifteen minutes later, a doctor came out the door, “Evgeni?” Zhenya’s hand tensed on the arm of the chair before he nodded.
“It’ll be okay, Zhenya. I’ll be waiting.” Jackson murmured, squeezing his hand before letting him go. He watched as Zhenya followed the doctor back, glancing back before the door closed behind them. 
And then he waited.
Around half an hour later, a nurse came out, “Hi, are you here for Evgeni?” She asked, glancing down at her clipboard.
Jackson was up and walking over to her before she finished, “Yeah, that’s me. Is everything okay? Is he okay?”
“Of course. Everything went very smoothly. He should be ready to go within the next couple minutes. We should get back there, he was already asking for you.” She explained, leading him back to one of the rooms.
Before she opened the door, Jackson could already hear Zhenya talking. He couldn’t help the smile that spread on his face.
The nurse opened the door, “Evgeni, I found your Nado for you, hun.” She said, leading Jackson into the room. 
Zhenya turned from where he had been rambling to the doctor in a wheelchair, his chubby cheeked face lighting up, “Котенок! You’re here.” He said. Or at least that’s what Jackson thought he said. He had ice packs strapped to either side of his face, gauze filling his mouth. And fuck, Jackson still thought he was cute as hell. 
“Of course I’m here, Zhenya. Told you I’d be waiting for you.” Jackson said with a smile.
Zhenya smiled, his head flopping slightly to look at the doctor, “видеть? я говорил тебе. I told you. He’s so good.” 
Chuckling softly, the doctor nodded, “Yes, I believe you, Evgeni.” He replied before looking at Nado. “I’ve prescribed him ibuprofen and Vicodin, which you can get from the pharmacy before you go. He can have one of each right away together, but after that it’s one pill of Motrin every six hours and one pill of Vicodin every 4 hours. It’s okay if you don’t remember all this, it’ll be on the bottles and the paperwork. Give us a call if he has any problems, okay?”
“Sounds good. Thanks so much for taking care of him.” Jackson said, shaking the doctor’s hand before he began pushing Zhenya down the hall.
Zhenya stared up at him the whole time, which was fairly comical as he couldn’t close his mouth, but he was still smiling, “Котенок. Hi.” Zhenya mumbled around the gauze.
Running a gentle hand through his hair, Jackson smiled as he made his way to the pharmacy, “Hi babe. You doing okay?” 
“So good. Took nap, now I see you. So good.” Zhenya said with a shrug, his head lolling to the side. Once they got to the pharmacy, Jackson parked Zhenya next to one of the chairs. A hand grabbed his wrist before he could walk away though.
Jackson turned to see Zhenya’s pouting face staring back at him, “I need to go get your medicine, Zhenya.”
To Jackson’s horror, tears started welling up in his boyfriend’s eyes, “You go? You leave me?” Zhenya said, his grip falling from Jackson’s arm.
Squatting down in front of Zhenya, Jackson took his boyfriend’s hand in his, “Hey, don’t cry, babe. I’m right here. Not going anywhere. I’ll bring you with, okay? Please don’t cry.” He blurted out, pressing a kiss to Zhenya’s knuckles.
Zhenya sniffled, his free hand coming to rub at his eyes, “Promise?” 
“Of course, I promise. I got you, Zhenya.” Jackson said quietly. He pushed the wheelchair up with him to the Pharmacy pick-up desk, parking Zhenya right behind him so he could get the medicine.
Just as he was about to hand the pharmacist his card, a large hand grabbed at his butt, making him let out what could only be called a squeak. Quickly whipping his head around, he gave Zhenya a dirty look, “Really?!” 
Zhenya looked completely nonplussed as he leaned back into his wheelchair with the approximate of what Jackson would call a smirk if his face wasn’t so swollen, “What? You put it in my face, how can I not?”
Letting out a sigh, Jackson handed the card to the pharmacist who was now trying to hide their smile. They handed over the bag and finally they were off towards the door, “Do you think you can walk to the car? Or do you want to use the chair?”
“Can I walk? Of course I can walk.” Zhenya said with a huff, carefully pushing himself off the chair. His legs wobbled a bit but after a second, he got his balance, giving Jackson a wide grin. “See? I’m strong. I did so good.”
Chuckling softly, Jackson put the chair back before wrapping an arm around Zhenya’s waist to lead him out, just in case, “Yeah, Zhenya. You did great.”
Zhenya seemed to take Jackson’s arm around his waist as a come-on because the other man felt a hand slowly creeping its way down to the back pocket of his jeans.
“Zhenya, not while we’re trying to walk.” Jackson said with a laugh, squeezing the taller man’s side.
Humming to himself, Zhenya rested his head on top of Jackson’s, “Nutty taught me word for this. Cake. You have nice cake.” He punctuated his statement with another squeeze.
At this point, Jackson was just trying to get them into the car, “Thanks, babe. That’s very nice of you to say.” He said, opening the passenger side door before helping Zhenya in, getting him buckled in. He quickly got in on the drivers side and they were finally heading home. 
Zhenya’s hand made its way over to Jackson’s leg as he drove, his fingers drawing shapes into the material of his pants, “I love you, you know, Котенок?”
A soft smile spread on Jackson’s face as he glanced over at his boyfriend, reaching down to squeeze his hand, “Yeah, Zhenya, I know. I love you too.”
The giant soppy grin was back on Zhenya’s face as he leaned onto the headrest, “I’m cuddle you when we get home. All day.” 
Well. How could Jackson argue with that?
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howdywrites · 3 years
Chapter Zero
→ an In The Woods Somewhere excerpt
This is from my zero draft of ITWS that won't be in the new draft I'm starting for Camp NaNo. I still thought it would be fun to share since it gives a little insight into Jackie (park ranger main) and a side character named Benny who works under her. NOTE: there is a lot of info in this that's changed as I've outlined so some of the locations will be inaccurate.
Warnings: brief mention of recreational drug use (mushrooms)
Length: 2.3k words
[ WIP Intro ]
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Breath burned aching lungs. Boots stomped in slick, dark mud. The icy mist clung to every hair on bare skin and the drumming of heartbeat became the rhythm in which Jackie fell in time with. She jerked, ducking beneath a low hanging branch. Her hair whipped as she cast a worried glance over her shoulder. It wasn’t following her anymore.
A disgruntled skunk and her litter of kits watched her sprint from the home they made in a thicket of bushes. If she had stuck around for just a second longer, Jackie would have paid dearly for her grave mistake. Up on [the mountain], there wasn’t a proper shower to be had at the lookout. In fact, there was almost no running water to be had at all. That’s exactly how she preferred it - being one with nature in every sense of the word.
“Fuck-” A patch of thick mud sent her sliding into the wooden Trail 46 sign that pointed southeast. Jackie held on to it, leaning over with her chest heaving while she caught her breath. A spring of curled hair fell over her forehead from under the brim of her uniform hat. Taking one last deep breath, she swept it back under and ran her hands along her two thick braids to make sure her rubber bands were still attached to the ends.
Static crackled from the radio on her hip. A voice snickered at her from the other end.
“I didn’t know you could run that fast,” the voice teased her, his laughter turning into crackles. Jackie lifted her head and dragged her eyes along the ridge behind her. Ancient trees and wild brush lined the rocky ledge. She squinted, trying to make sense of the map of greens and browns. Despite her year of working in Wyoming, she struggled making out shapes in the woods that weren’t blocky signs. “Surprised you didn’t lose your hat.”
Jackie unhooked her radio and held it up to her mouth. It trilled and went quiet. “Where are you? I swear to god, Benny, if you scare me again you owe me a cone at Marie Bettie’s on Monday.”
She stood there, a hand on her hip and her radio up by her ear. A crease formed between her brows. Birds flit from tree to tree down Trail 42, drawing her eye. Frowning, she didn’t see Benny there. Nor did he respond on the radio. She hesitantly clicked it again. “Benny I’m not playing. Where the hell are you?” She couldn’t hear herself on the other end. Wherever he was hiding, he had turned off his radio so she couldn’t gauge where he was.
Stepping out into the middle of the trail, Jackie circled around like an uneasy horse, feet pressed firmly into the packed dirt. A small creature of amber red and white darted out from a nearby thicket of prickly bushes and skittered across the trail. She gasped, nearly jumping out of her skin. While distracted, a pair of hands touched down on her shoulders, fingers curling over her uniform.
Jackie screeched, launching herself forwards out of the grip of the intruder. The ranger hat on her head tipped off, rolling and bouncing off the gravel. Her arms barely caught her in time to save her face from getting superficial scratches. Squirming, she rolled onto her back and scrambled into a squat. Benny stood there, cackling loud enough to send a few birds flying from their nests in the trees. His smile took up most of his face. Smile lines deepend and the prominent gap between his teeth was on full display.
“I got you good, didn’t I?” He leaned in, holding a hand out for her. Despite the adrenaline soaring through her veins and the annoyance that tumbled within her, Jackie sighed and grasped at it for help off the ground. Freckles splattered his sun-kissed skin, his cheekbones turning to apples with his grin.
“Yeah, yeah. You owe me two cones, now, Wonderbird. Double scoops.”
“Hey, that’s not fair! You know volunteers don’t make squat here-” Benny stooped down to pick up her hat, dusting it off for her. It was true. When he first joined the park just six months ago, Jackie had been assigned as his mentor. The junior program was offered to any college students pursuing their line of work. To get a taste of life as a ranger. They didn’t make a salary, but their summers spent in action were funded by park leadership in the form of bunks and food. A far better deal than what was offered to her in Tennessee. She took up her hat and repositioned it proudly on top of her head. “But I guess it’s the least I could do for doing that.” He pointed down at her green trousers.
A small tear cut across her knee, thankfully protecting her skin from being lacerated by her fall. Sighing, Jackie lifted her leg and inspected the hole. “Luckily I brought my sewing kit with me to the tower. C’mon, let’s finish our rounds. Think the captain has extra radios for tonight? Last thing I want is to not be able to contact anyone - especially this weekend.”
The end of summer break brought in the most guests outside of the spring season. Mostly college students looking to get out of town, but not willing to commit to the cost of going to the Bahamas or Miami all the way down south. Jackie couldn’t remember most of the breaks from her college days. She crunched to get through with her degree as fast as possible. Any break she got was filled with studying or working wherever she could. She would have liked to go somewhere tropical and warm for her breaks, but she preferred the serenity that usually came with visiting state parks instead.
“How many people usually camp here during breaks?” Benny kicked a pale gray pebble into the grass alongside the pack dirt walking trail.
“Could be hundreds. Maybe even close to a thousand or more. Really depends.” Earlier that day, they had already received an influx of campers eager to stake their claim on the best spots in the park before the hoards arrived. Easily several dozen of them, all scattered between RV hookups, the rentable cabins and clearings for tents. “Just be glad you’re not working at any of the offices this weekend. I’d take firewatch over disgruntled campers any day.”
“I can’t thank you enough, you know.” An elbow bumped Jackie’s arm and she glanced at the grinning young man. “If it weren’t for you, Richards probably would’ve never let me take over tower 24. He told me you put in a good word for me.”
Smiling down at the ground, Jackie shrugged and reached out to give him a gentle pat on the shoulder. “It wasn’t all me. You’ve got the passion for this. The drive. Can’t say the same for some of the other volunteers-”
A trill of squealing laughter caught her attention. The two of them paused right at the fork. One path remained wide open with wooden signs encouraging guests to stay on the correct path. The other had overgrowth and a dirt path so narrow, one could hardly call it a trail at all. The usual rope gate meant to block it off had been cut. Both ends laid useless on the ground with frayed edges. Another bark of laughter came from the end it shouldn’t have.
“Damn…” Jackie muttered bitterly under her breath. Just when she thought they could wrap up for the afternoon. Benny puffed out his chest and stood up taller.
“C’mon, ranger,” he chirped, marching towards the rocky side path. “No dilly dallying!”
“You just want to write up a citation.” She snorted and followed alongside him. “You’re starting to sound like the captain.”
Snaking down the path, the trees overhead grew thicker and wider. Branches from lowly pines scraped against their arms. Creatures that remained unseen skittered into their hiding places. The closer they got to the three or four voices chattering away up ahead, the more signs they saw. Brand new, the signs were nailed into the untouched bark of the trees along the path or plastered on wooden signs hammered into the thick dirt.
WARNING: do not proceed! This area has been sanctioned for investigation by the State of Wyoming and local police. Any violations will result in a $500 fine.
“Have these signs always been here?” Benny’s voice lowered to a faint whisper. Jackie stepped carefully around a pile of stones gathered around the base of a thick oak. Her boots slid against their jagged surfaces. “I don’t remember them putting these up.
“I don’t either. I remember some feds were here on Wednesday, but they weren’t up for much small talk.” They stood proudly in their dark suits and shade, holding boxes of flyers and paperwork and speaking in hushed tones to her higher ups. The single chance she had to greet one of them was met with silence. Very rude. “I don’t think this was a missing person’s case, otherwise we would have been informed about it.”
Like something out of a sci-fi movie, bright yellow caution signs littered a shady grove at the end of the short path. The sound of water trickling from a nearby stream joined the quiet voices. The blocky lettering on the big yellow signs yelled at them.
DO NOT DRINK THE WATER! Do not disturb local flora as issued by the governor of Wyoming.
“Dude! You’re going to get us in trouble!” A nervous voice murmured beyond the trees. There, by the creek, four college aged kids stood around a mossy puddle. Two girls and two boys, all wearing their UW school colors. Most likely freshmen given their wide eyes and round faces. One of them stood with his jeans rolled up to his knees in the shallow water, a fist full of curling brown mushrooms that looked like kelp. They went silent at the sight of the two rangers.
“This path is restricted.” Benny took the initiative, his voice wavering just a bit at the end of his statement. Jackie let him take the reins. If he really wanted to do this for a living, he would have to get used to this. As he went over what rules they broke being there, she made her way over to a damp patch of tall grass between two moss covered trees.
Squatting, she spied even more kelp-like mushrooms. They stuck out of the grass like limp, decaying fingers out of a grave. Jackie narrowed her eyes and used a pen from her breast pocket to jab at it with as gentle of a touch as she could manage. It released a pussy substance and a musky scent that reminded her of the single frat party she attended her last year in school. Similar to weed, but different. From looks alone, she couldn’t nail down from which family this fungus derived from. In fact, she couldn’t recall anything remotely similar in all her years of study.
“You can’t do that.” The kid in the water whined, trudging out of the water. He tossed the picked mushrooms. “C’mon, man, we’re just trying to have a little fun! I gotta pay for books next week!”
Jackie looked over her shoulder in time to see Benny’s head fall like a disappointed teacher’s. He sighed and shifted his weight from foot to foot, unable to reply. Tucking her pen back into its spot, she dusted her hands off and stood.
“Here’s what we’re going to do-” She put her hands on her hips and took over for him. She spoke with authority and a rigid stance. “I’ll let you off with a warning, as long as you four keep to the official trails and stay out of trouble. If me or any of my associates catch you out of bounds again, it’ll be a $700 ticket. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am.” The kid slipped his wet feet into his Nike sandals and hung his head. Blonde hair stuck to his pink face and despite his towering height over her, he still looked like a boy. It only made her feel older than she was. The other three murmured in agreement, following behind him. She watched them shuffle up the path until they disappeared behind a thicket of pines.
“I thought I could do it,” Benny sighed, his head swiveling side to side, checking for litter or anything else the rowdy guests may have left behind. Jackie moved to stand beside him and ruffled his mess of red hair. The way his nose scrunched and his shoulders relaxed from the playful exchange reminded her so much of Andre back at home.
“You did better than I did the first time I tried writing a citation - I cried.” Her sidekick blinked, surprised, and chuckled.
“But you’re so good at it. You’ve got a mom voice - in a good way, I mean.”
“Geez, I’m not that old, Wonderbird. First them, and now you? I’m aging by the second. You’ll have to explain to Richards why my knees are bad and my hair is graying when summer’s over, you dingus.”
Benny all but collapsed forward with laughter, holding his stomach and slapping his knee like a cheery grandfather. Jackie smiled so wide her cheeks ached. She had to avert her gaze to not let the homesickness creep in. She would miss him when he had to go back to school. Just like she missed Andre.
The mushrooms among the grass piqued her curiosity again. She stooped down beside them and inspected them without touching. Who knew what they did and who knew why the government and college kids were so interested in them.
“What are they? They were grabbing a lot of them.” Benny squatted next to her, reaching out to touch one. Jackie gently smacked the back of his hand and shook her head.
“I don’t know, but I wouldn’t touch them. Let’s get to the office, the captain’s waiting for us by now.”
ITWS Taglist (let me know if you'd like to be added!): @lordkingsmith @celestialbunnistories @aeslin-writes @writinginslowmotion @chayscribbles @theramwrites @tiredlittleoldme @sapphcon-ic @hazard-writes @lookingmuchimproved @themidnxghtwriter @draculinawrites @aetherwrites @svpphicwrites @maxgraybooks @writeherewaiting @sjjsalamanders @thelittlestspider @ashen-crest @writtendevastation @ravesthewriter @adie-dee @christine-thinks @cream-and-tea @reeseweston
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Ao3 prompt by strwbrystars : my first is to do another chapter focusing on jake protecting amy in a similar situation as the closet one in this chapter pre-relationship or established.
This turned surprisingly long...
(thanks to @dolston17​ for the mafioso names :D)
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They’ve made all the wrong decisions right from the start, Amy thinks later, as she’s trying not to hyperventilate, with Jake’s breathing next to her not much slower than her own. 
Well, maybe not the very first decision. When the radio crackled on in Jake’s car, asking for an EMT and back up for two beat cops a block down from them, there really was no other option but to turn and drive down to join them. But once they did find them, every decision made after that came straight from the ‘What Not To Do’ part of her training manuals.
Officer Rogers was sitting on the ground with his back to a wall, his partner Carols squatting in front of him, and he was obviously injured. Amy noticed the trail of blood leading back into the building behind them as they ran up towards the beat cops.
“Two guys. Possibly gang-related. They were fighting over a drug delivery or sale, we’re not sure, and we tried to separate them and question them when the taller guy pulled out a knife and went for Rogers.” Carols informs them straight away while putting pressure on the large wound in his partner’s thigh. “In the fight the other one, probably Italian background, short and stout, managed to unclip my gun - he must’ve known how to work a holster - god, this so - unprofessional, I’m sorry -”
“S’all good.” Jake interrupts him, and Amy wants to interject that no, it’s obviously not good if a criminal manages to take a gun away from a uniformed officer, but the short relief washing over the young, newly instated beat cop at hearing a detective calm him stops her. “Any more info?”
“They ran deeper into this building. We’ve patrolled it before - this is the only exit, so they must still be holeing up inside. They probably thought I was going to follow them, but I carried Rogers out instead so we could radio-”
“Yes, that was absolutely the right decision.” Amy joins in to support him, and it works maybe half as good as Jake’s casual reaction had before. She squats down too, to inspect the wound that Carols is pressing his jacket onto. “The EMTs are on their way, and this doesn’t look like too deep a cut for any lasting damage, even if it hurts like hell, I’d guess. Good, quick reactions, from both of you.”
“Thank you, detective.” is the first thing Rogers says, but Amy barely hears him when she looks up at Jake. He’s staring straight into the building doors, and she definitely, absolutely doesn’t like the look on his face.
“Jake-” She says with both a questioning and warning tone to her voice.
“This is Mancini territory.” He says out of the blue, and she can see his deducting brain working. “If it’s drug-related, and the other guy looked Italian, must be… Chiellini.”
“Chiellini, like Mafia boss Chiellini?!” Carols asks with shock in his voice, and Rogers hisses as he lets the pressure on his wound go for a second. Amy can’t fault him for that moment of surprise.
Roberto Chiellini, one of the two guys Jake’s undercover sting with the Ianuccis hadn’t been able to pin to any crimes, had quickly worked to establish himself as the new family leader of some Brooklyn areas, focussing on heavy drug trafficking for easy profits. They’d had more and more cases and minor arrests coming across their desks lately that mentioned his name in hushed tones, but had still been unable to actually go after him for any of it. Amy knows it’s been costing Jake sleep, but she still hates to see the conclusion he seems to be coming to right now.
“Jake, even if it is, that goon is way to low-level to have any useful info-”
“Stealing a government-issued gun, and assaulting a police officer? We’d have some leverage-”
“We’ll have absolutely nothing if he decides to use that gun-”
Right at that moment, the sound of a gunshot rips through the air, as if she’d predicted it, and silence falls around them for barely a second before Jake unholsters his own gun and starts moving.
“I’m going in there.”
“Jake you are not- Jake- JAKE!”
She ran after him, of course. He was her partner - she had to be his backup. Backup that could hopefully talk him out of this entirely once she caught up, but still backup. Most of all, though, he was her partner - running gun-first into what was clearly unnecessary danger. She’d be an absolute fool not to go after him.
Even if it did go against the manual.
(She realised a lot of things she was willing to do for Jake went against any manual she’d ever read, but maybe it was too early in their relationship to admit that, even to herself.)
But she has no time to talk some sense into him, or scold him, or really say anything when she rounds the corner of the hallway he’d stopped behind with his gun up, freezing in point for the scenery before her - the ‘tall man’ Carols had described splayed on the floor, with about 70% of his brain blown all over the concrete behind him, the ‘stout Italian’ standing over him with Carol’s gun still smoking from the shot.
Jake’s hands in her periphery, holding his own gun straight up at him. Jake’s hands, shaking.
“Drop the gun, Riva.” 
Gianluigi Riva, Amy’s brain supplies even in her frozen state. The other one of the two men that walked free after the Ianucci wedding. The one that very definitely could’ve been arrested for various things after, if he hadn’t been so perfectly elusive.
The one Jake had a picture of stuck to his computer screen at work ever since he came back from that undercover mission.
“Jakey the Jew.” she hears through her freeze in the most hateful, spite-dripping voice she’s ever heard. “Or should that be Detective Peralta, I guess?”
“Drop. The gun. Riva.” Jake repeats through gritted teeth.
“Wouldn’t you love that.”
She thinks she sees Jake’s finger actually move for the trigger, but that is before Riva’s attention turns towards her , and suddenly all bets are off. And Riva’s gun is on her.
“That your little bitch, Jakey? The one you whined about?”
“I’m not playing this game. Drop your gun.”
“What a shame if she got caught in the crossfires on your mission, huh?”
“One last warning-”
“Get fucked, pig.”
And then, one strong, big hand against her shoulder, pushing her backwards with force before another gunshot sound.
Another hand, pulling her up, pulling her forward, running, dodging, running, slamming into a wall as they round corners, more gunshots behind them, and shouting, curses, screaming, rage-
They dodge around several more corners as the noises trail further and further behind them, Jake running at a speed she didn’t think he was capable of and pulling her along. There’s a barely visible door she notices before him, and uses her full body weight to drag him towards, opening and slamming it closed behind them so quickly she can only hope that even if Riva had followed them close enough, he didn’t see it.
And then complete silence falls over them in the dark room they find themselves in, safe for their ragged, exhausted breathing. Amy can feel her pulse pumping in her ears, even as Jake nexts to her drops against the wall and slides down, not fully hitting the ground with a  quiet ‘Fuck’.  
“What the hell, Jake?!” Is the first thing she manages to whisper-shout through the heaving, and maybe she should pick her words more carefully right now.
“Yeah, I know, but-”
“Ianucci’s torture guy.”
And that certainly shuts up whatever angry rant has been bubbling up in Amy’s throat about following procedure and not running in eyes closed, head first like he always does.
She knows barely anything about Jake’s time undercover, safe for the ‘funny’ stories he’s been willing to share at Shaw’s. Even now, as his girlfriend, there seem to be walls around the subject - for obvious reasons, if she thinks about the many little scars and marks on his skin that her fingers keep trailing over. Some that make his breath hitch when she kisses them. Some that he pulls her hands away from almost on instinct.
“Fuck.” She simply echoes him, and he nods before pressing the back of his hand to his lips, trying to keep from being sick - whether from the unbelievable running they’ve just gone through that is still wrecking his body, or from memories that Riva dredged up, she’s not sure.
She turns to inspect the too dark room instead, trying to gather her bearings as best as she can before her brain can switch into panic mode completely. It’s not as small as other places she’s had to hide in, luckily, so her claustrophobia is yet to rear its ugly head, but it’s not exactly spacious either. She can’t make out much that could be of help, a few shelves that have seen better days, an empty barrel or two in the far corner. A lot of darkness. She can’t exactly retrace their steps through the building, but they must have ended up in a half-basement level, the only light coming from a small set of windows a few metres up the wall. 
“Okay.” She manages to level her voice to a normal whisper. “Carols and Rogers must have heard the shots. They definitely called in more back up. All we need to do is stay hidden and wait-”
“They don’t know it’s him. They won’t send much backup.”
“They know two detectives went into a building with an armed criminal and did not come out yet so yes, they will send heavy backup, Jake.”
His voice is still muffled through his hand near his mouth, strained but for something else.
“He was gonna shoot you.”
She doesn’t have much to say to that.
“Because of me.”
She has even less to say to that. Yes, is pretty much all she can think of. Yes, because you ran into a building without backup, without a vest on, without so much as a plan. Yes, because you didn’t think . But given the wavering of his voice, the way he’s still breathing like they’d only just stopped running, the way she could see his hands shake even in the darkness, she’s not going to say any of that, ever. There’s something else on her mind, anyway.
“He recognised me?” She asks as she sinks down to Jake’s level, squat-sitting against the wall. The one you whined about is stuck in her memory, but Jake only shakes his head before dropping it to stare at the ground.
“They- the guys- they kept pushing me to gossip and trash talk about the ‘pigs I left behind’.” He coughs as quietly as he can, and she tenses for a moment trying to listen to any sounds from outside of their room. “I tried with the others but- I just couldn’t say anything bad about you.”
Her hand finds its way into his hair, sweat-sticky on his forehead.
“They picked up on that and kept teasing me about it. Then they started finding hook-ups for me to ‘forget’. I think I got too drunk once and told them to fuck off, or something.”
She scratches over his scalp down to his ear, rubs a soothing circle into his cheek as best as she can.
“I know it was stupid and I put you in danger and we weren’t even- you were with Teddy and I-”
“Hey.” She drops her hand to his upper arm and squeezes for support, wants to say something calming before he spirals, but is met with a quiet hiss and - a wet patch on her hand, the feeling of ripped fabric and skin and blood.
“You were hit?!” She gasps before easing the pressure she was unwittingly putting on his wound.
“Grazed. It’s okay.”
“It’s not, it-it’s-” Her fingers are shaking as she pats around her suit to find something to wrap around his arm to stop the bleeding and comes up empty until she shrugs off her jacket. She won’t ever get the stain out of the light fabric, she thinks for a second as she bandages his arm as best as she can in the dark, but who cares?
Who the fuck cares when he got hit by a bullet that was aimed at her? When he pushed her out of harm's way instead of following protocol and shooting the attacker instead? He could’ve had Riva down and out for the count, he was in perfect position for it, and even gave him ample warning. But he might’ve had her on the ground as well if that’s the option he’d picked.
Something tells her that simply because of that, it was never even an option for him.
Their eyes meet, close enough in the dark to really see each other, and they’re swimming with emotions before Jake’s flinch shut as a distant “Jakeeey~" echoes through the halls they’ve just run through.
“We need to get out of here. We- you don’t know what he’s willing- if he finds us-” Jake is up, all of a sudden, the motion making her sway and almost topple over. He’s scanning the room just like she did earlier when she stands up next to him, and his eyes lock onto the barrels and windows.
“I can give you a leg up high enough to reach the window if we climb that barrel. You’ll fit through it, and get over to Rogers and Carols and see if the backup-”
“And you stay here?” She finally scolds him with a look. “With the man who wants you dead? The one you called ‘torture guy’?”
He’s quiet at that, but she can see on his face that the decision was clearly made in his mind.
“You got any better ideas?”
“Like I said, we wait until backup gets here.”
Almost as if to prove the faults in her argument, another “Jakey boy! Get out here and face me, bitch!” drifts in from outside - closer than it was before, and Jake throws her the most panicked ‘told you’ look she’s ever seen.
“We’re still two against one. He’s emptied half his magazine earlier. If we corner him right, we get the element of surprise in the room as well-” her mind continues to work as her eyes settle on the door- “hug the wall next to the door, and we can disarm him or get him down before he’s even barged in completely.”
Jake seems to want to protest, even as the logical part of his brain is clearly telling him she’s right and that this is the best way to go at it, so he ends up simply nodding before gripping his gun and leaning against the wall next to the door, Amy following him suit on the other side.
They’re staring at each other while the noises outside the room seem to creep ever closer. ‘Come out and plaaay~' almost makes her snort for its ridiculousness if it wasn’t so terrifying, thinking about the things Jake has probably seen this man ‘play’ with. 
She tries to calm her mind by focusing on him, instead. On his face in the hazy dark, the curls on his forehead she managed to jostle free earlier, the tense line of his neck, the glare of her beige suit jacket tied around his arm. The way he looks at her, even amidst the panic, amidst all the fear and worry stuck in the room with them.
He pushed her out of Riva’s aim. He dragged her close to him as he ran. He ignored his own injury, offering to lift her up to an escape he wouldn’t be able to make after her. It’s… it’s a lot. After barely two months of a relationship, it’s a lot to take in.
Except she knows - she knows deep down that he would’ve done all of this three months ago, too. Six months ago. Maybe years ago, even.
“We need to switch.” He whispers suddenly, pulling her out of her deep thoughts, and is already stepping over to her before she can ask. She feels his hand on her shoulder, nudging her back to where he’d been standing, and squeezing three times while doing so.
Sometimes she almost hates that squeeze. She knows what it means now, even though they haven’t said those three little words his squeezes represent yet, but in situations like these - it never forebodes anything good.
And she realises what it really means now, too, as she sees the hinges on the door on her side. The door that opens inwards. The door that will completely hide her behind it once it opens, and leave Jake alone in -
It opens before she can say anything, and then things happen way too quickly - there’s noise and shouting and she thinks she hears Jake’s “Down on the floor!” in between Riva’s angry screams and then there’s another gunshot. A single gunshot, and all she can see is the back of the door in front of her, frozen to the spot, unable to run around it and see if- see who-
“Fuck, Amy. Help me pin this fucker!” She hears the next moment and breathes out in relief. Her feet find themselves again as she runs over to where Jake is kneeling on Riva’s back, struggling to hold him down even with the gunshot wound in his thigh. He’s shouting obscenities, screaming and thrashing around, and Amy is so, so tempted to embed a bullet into his other thigh to get him quiet, but she joins Jake’s knees on his back instead, yanks his arms back in a way Jake couldn’t with his injury, and they click the handcuffs around him together at the very moment a team of heavily suited up officers rounds the corner.
  He’s sitting on an uncomfortable chair in a brightly lit, wide open room of the hospital, squeezing her hand that is holding onto him while his other arm is propped up on a table and getting stitched up.
The EMTs that were taking care of Rogers checked him, too, but the injury wasn’t bad enough to warrant a ride in their ambulance with him, so Amy took over the keys for his Mustang and drove him after briefing the backup team and handing over a still cussing Riva to be brought into Holding. She put in a whispered request to be the one questioning him - with Rosa as secondary - to Terry, who was part of the backup team, and only gave her a quick look and then a nod after Riva screamed something about how he ‘shoulda offed that snitch when he had a chance’, watching Jake several feet away from them twitch and turn towards the EMT handling his arm.
The young doctor stitching him up seems suitably impressed by both his badge and his injury, remarking something about ‘bravery’ and ‘sacrifice’ he would usually eat up with glee, but all he’s doing is smile at Amy while his fingers intertwine with hers, squeeze only once before his thumb rubs circles across her hand.
They’re left alone soon enough while the doctor gets his painkillers subscription, and Jake takes the chance to lift Amy’s hand up to his lips and kiss it.
“Jake…” she begins when their hands drop again, and she can tell he’s getting ready for a lecture. “You risked too much back there.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone in without backup, and made a lot of wrong decisions, and-”
“No.” She interrupts him, much to his surprise. “I mean, yes, obviously, and I’m glad you see that now, but that’s not what I meant.”
She sighs, deeply, and stares at their still interlocked hands.
“You risked too much for me.”
“Not possible.”
“Jake!” Her eyes dart up again, want to level him with an angry stare, but can’t help but soften when met with the absolute shine in his. “Jake, you got hit because you pushed me, you wanted to bail me out of the room to leave you with even less backup, and then you manoeuvred me into a dead corner to face a Mafioso on your own-”
“Because it would’ve kept you safe.”
“That’s not how police work is supposed to-”
“Am I not supposed to keep my partner safe?”
“Not when it puts you in danger instead!”
“Hm.” He hums and looks at the bandaged up stitches on his arm. “Gotta rework the manual for that, then. Because frankly I don’t give a shit about me when it means helping you.”
“But I do.” She almost whispers, but he still looks back at her immediately, balks at the shimmer of tears in her eyes. “I give a shit about you. You think I want to see you shot on the ground? You think I want to run away from a building when I know you’re stuck in there? You think I want to stand behind a door and only hear you get- get-” She bites back a sob and fixes him with a dedicated stare instead, a look on her face that makes his heart clench and dance at the same time. “We’re a team, Jake. In the field and off it. You can’t- you can’t play the hero and leave me behind.”
Her mind jumps back to an empty parking lot, the cold wind rushing over her flushed cheeks as she watches him walk away with his little box of things in his arms, not even waiting for her answer. Maybe not even hoping for one.
He sighs and nods back in the present, squeezes her hand again, twice.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbles, and she squeezes back once. 
She knows they’ll probably be talking about this again in the future. She knows it’ll come up repeatedly until he learns. But she also knows, with a certainty that should maybe scare her after their short time together, why it’ll happen again in the future - because he’ll still be by her side no matter the situation. Because she’ll still be the one thing on his mind, no matter how panicked he is. Because they’ll go through it all together, as a team. As partners.
And deep down, she knows with an equal certainty that if the roles were reversed - she would probably rework the manual herself in her mind, to keep him safe. Would do anything and everything she could, no matter how many protocols it went against, to help him, save him, protect him, make him feel safe and secure. 
Right now, she’s glad all it takes for that is a little lean into his direction to kiss him before the doctor comes back, and squeeze his hand three times before letting go and holding onto his face instead to deepen the kiss.
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