#he’s a poodle mary he’s supposed to look like this
mizjoely · 3 years
Winning A Teddy Bear (And So Much More)
My first fic for the Flufftober 2021 challenge (open to all ships & shows, link here). Sherlolly, rated K, with a side of Warstan and Rosie being adorable.
"Oh dear, Sherlock's pouting. What's wrong, Poodle?"
The consulting detective in question glowered over at Mary, whose expression was just as cloyingly sympathetic (mock sympathy, almost as bad as the real thing!) as her cooed question. "I asked you not to call me that," he grumbled as he threw himself onto the Watson's sofa, arms folded and face set in a frown.
"Sorry, I'm afraid it's my fault." Mary looked over at Molly as she hovered uncertainly in the doorway. "But I told him the games were rigged, which he said he already knew, and then he had to try to prove he was clever enough to compensate for the rigged air gun, but of course he overcompensated, and well…" Her left hand, which had been held behind her back, came into view. Holding an enormous pink-furred teddy bear.
Wearing a deerstalker.
Mary - and John, who had just come downstairs with a sleepy-eyed Rosie - burst into laughter.
"Wait, if he overcompensated, then how did he win the teddy bear?" Mary asked, although she suspected she already knew the answer.
Molly shrugged and looked down modestly. "I, um, might have spent a few summers helping my cousin out with his carnival booth before I started at uni."
"She cheated." Sherlock turned his petulant glower towards his erstwhile help-meet, the woman who was supposed to stand by and support him in every way, the woman he'd bestowed his name upon only a month ago. So much for those emotionally traded wedding vows, for promising to not only love and cherish but to honor him; so much for…
"Oomph!" Sherlock exclaimed as a very sturdy young Miss Watson was plopped onto his mid-section. He turned his glare on John, who was still grinning at him, then changed the glare to a soft smile as he looked up at Rosie. Who smiled happily down at him.
"Unca Lock!" she crowed, awake and alert enough to finally recognize the newcomers. "Aunt Mowwy! Oooh, bear!" She clapped her hands and reached up for the ridiculous pink thing, happily accepting both it and a kiss from her honorary Auntie. She hugged the bear tightly, then thrust it into Sherlock's face. "Wook, bear!"
"Fmfph," Sherlock said, or something very like, around a mouthful of pink fur. "Yes, Rosie, it's a bear," he said as he gently pushed the pink monstrosity away from his face and back into her arms. "We won it just for you." A loud cough from Watson the Younger's mother caused him to add, "That is, Aunt Molly won it just for you."
"And Uncle Sherlock will tell you all about the silly people he deduced today," Molly added dropping a kiss to his forehead. "Especially the one who I saw being taken away in handcuffs as we were leaving! He's just that clever, sweetie, never forget it!"
Sherlock reached up and grasped Molly's wrist as she started to walk away, smiling up at her. "Nope, not today," he declared, all signs of a strop vanished as he once again realized just how fortunate he was in having won this remarkable woman for his own. He tugged Molly closer, until she knelt by his side, her fingers gently stroking his dark curls. "Today it's all about how clever Aunt Molly deduced exactly the right angle to use to shoot all the tin cans off their perches and win this fantastic prize for our favorite god-daughter."
He leaned up and offered his wife an apologetic kiss, which she gladly accepted, while John and Mary beamed at them from across the room - and Rosie, choosing her moment with impeccable timing, waited for the kiss to end before once again smushing the bear into Sherlock's face.
("I wanted to win it for you, you know," Sherlock grumbled as they left the Watsons a few hours later. "Yes, I know," Molly said soothingly, her hand linked in his. "But I think Rosie is very happy with her prize." She looked up at him with a soft, loving smile. "I know I'm happy with mine." "As am I," he agreed, leaning down for a lingering kiss.)
End Notes I take no credit for Mary calling Sherlock "Poodle" but I'm darned if I can remember who did it first!!! Full credit will be given if anyone can point me to the right fic.
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… in the woods somewhere.
What do you know about the Walten Files?
Theater Ahead. I like a good dramatic show, so I’m going to add some flaire. Some will be references, some will be questions, some will just be me being weird. Its all good fun, I assure you. Stuff like this usually is. The song being referenced is Hozier’s “In the Woods”.
Horror Ahead. Do Not Consume after Dark. Do Not Consume until 18+. If you cannot stand blood, body horror, horror and terror, the dark, and murderous robots, this is your final warning. Turn away. For some things should remain in darkness, and we only have a lighter for company…
Spoilers Ahead. If you haven’t seen the Walten Files, I’d watch them. I’d recommend some theory videos then, to make some sense of what you saw. We’re plunging into the dark and the deep, and the story here has both a helpful narrative and a malicious one. Someone is trying to help us, but someone is trying to stop us…
 [Safety in Pills, Sophie]
A brief summary, the Walten Files (made by Martin Walls on Youtube) are a VHS style horror-mystery series on Youtube, taking inspiration from both the Lost VHS FNAF videos and FNAF itself.
Our (Main) Animatronics this time around are: - Bon, the Bonnie-inspired central character. Definitely, explicitly, implied to be possessed by one Jack Walten, who is the center of our supernatural stuff. Whatever is going on, it leads back to Jack. We have not seen Jack Walten’s death scene, and that’s one of our biggest mysteries. Bon is HOSTILE DO NOT TOUCH. - Bannie, a purple female bunny character. Explicitly implied to be possessed by one Susan Woodings. She have a lot of implication of her death, but nothing confirmed. - Boozoo, what appears to be a human(like) circus master looking character. Implied to be possessed by one Charles (Walten?); we have not had any scenes, as of this writing, on when or how Charles died, only implication that he is possessing Boozoo. - Sha, a white female Sheep character (too easily mistaken for a Poodle). We know she’s possessed by one Rosemary Walten. We watched it happen. - Billy, a Clown animatronic. Likely possessed by one Ashley P, as we got to listen to her death screams as Bon stuffed her into the animatronic. Billy the Clown has a list of names on a tape, overriding a birthday party song.
Now, I’m not gonna go through any Mass Story theories and I’m not going to make a timeline, but I am going to point out some things I saw and found. Minitheories, probably, lots of speculation, maybe, and mayhaps, we’ll get some stepping stones. [You do not have all the clues to solve this]
 0. DEATH OF THE AUTHOR (OF THE RECORDING) … I clutched my life, and wished it kept.
Notice how every File ends in a Death? Mostly the Deaths of the Employees who made the ending video? File 3 is going to be interesting…
CONSIDERATIONS: - If the 3D distorting face was Bon’s recognition software, does it also have something to do with why Brian’s face was beyond recognition? A horrifying turn of events, if Bon was actively trying to make his head as the 3D imaging was trying to make the Identification fit some sort of Criteria.
 1. CRYING ANIMATRONICS … I saw new eyes were watching me.
One thing that separates Bon’s Animatronics from FNAF’s is that these guys cry. When in cartoon form, they’ll do one of two kinds of crying: Actual sadness and tears, which is to be expected from cartoons, and the black stream, which is to be expected from horror.
But there is importance here.
For one thing, they only seem to do this (except in one case, but we’ll get to that) when encountering certain entities.
For example, our mystery sprite, which I’m dubbing the “Shadow With Eyes”.
In the cartoon, where Sha introduces us to the K9 Facility, the Shadow With Eyes appeared on the second time we entered the Basement, blocking the bottom doorway. [How odd, I remember we visited this room already]
When she finally appears on screen, Sha starts crying with tears. (Her poster has blacked out eyes). When she attempts to go down to the blocked doorway, either into or through the Shadow With Eyes, the scene glitches / crashes.
The poster is crying the dark streams, and so is Sha.
Not long after, we’re introduced to the story and death of Rosemary.
We are treated with the image of her cartoon dismembered corpse, and to Bon, with bloodied hands (and a bloodied leg?), as he stuffed the pieces into Sha. However… He’s caught in the act, as the screen turns from black to white (lights on?) and the Shadow With Eyes walks through the Employee’s Only door. Sha is distorted…
But Bon is crying Black Streams.
We have been introduced to this before. The first animatronic who “cried” was Bon from the first File, with the dark streams, implied to be blood. And when he did this, it was in the middle of Brian Stells’ video recording.
Is it possible that the Shadow With Eyes is an Employee? Perhaps even a Facility Caretaker? It does appear in the K9 Facility, and the purple uniform is shown being worn by an Employee in the Relocate Project video as they pack Billy into a moving Van.
But wait.
What about Bannie? She cries tears, then cries black streams / blood. But there doesn’t appear to be anyone around.
But her room was glitching too, wasn’t it? She couldn’t leave, the doorways kept her inside. She was trying to get out, trying to get the “Owner’s” attention.
Perhaps… She had a Witness who ignored her.
[There’s something missing here…]
QUESTIONS: - Who is the Shadow With Eyes? Are they a Facility Caretaker? - Who was the poor bastard who walked in on Rosemary’s murder? - Does this give reason why Bon attacked Brian?
 2. LOOKIN’ FOR FRIENDS … I called your name till the fever broke.
Bannie introduced us to the Animatronic expressions, and while it doesn’t appear to be relevant yet. I should note, that when Bon (or someone) called Rosemary backstage at Bon’s Burgers… His eyes were also in “LOOKING FOR FRIENDS” mode, before settling on Rosemary. The same mode Bannie was tested on, before settling on the Viewer / Recorder.
QUESTIONS: - The Mode was introduced by the Revisions, so how the Hell did Bon have it years before? - Bon talks?
3. BACKROOM … I turned and ran, to save a life I didn’t have.
In the introductory cartoon with Sha, Sha tries to explain what the three doors have. But when she gets to the third door [Oh what does it Hide], her face distorts. With small blank black eyes, and a mouth that was clearly edited to be upside down [make that smile turn into a frown].
We do see this later. With Ashley P’s portrait with her friends, as she is being murdered or worse by Bon… After going into the Backrooms.
Every Facility Caretaker (and Tech it seems) is given a small key, and that small key goes to the Backrooms.
The Backrooms hide something, and its possible that it hides Billy (an Animatronic implied to have been on Stage, but not stored with the other Stage Animatronics) and a tape with the names (A hitlist?). But the end text says that Ashley “Saw” something, not listened.
QUESTIONS: - Was the Third Door the Backroom as the editing Implies? - Why are the Main Animatronics stored separately from all the ones in the Backrooms? - If the Techs were supposed to repair the animatronics, why not just take the endoskeletons and other parts from the Backroom, and place them where they can be easily found and thus make things go faster? - What did Ashley see, if it wasn’t the tape? Was it Billy? Another strange animatronic? (the Gray Rabbit?) - If there is something in the Backrooms meant to be hidden, why give a Key to the Employees at all? Why not keep it with those who are “in the Know”? Its almost as if someone wants something to be found… Murderous Bunny notwithstanding.
4. NAMES ARE IMPORTANT ... I prayed my mind be good to me.
The names of the characters all have meanings, and some of them might be important: - JACK - Gracious; Supplanter; Man - WALTEN - Foreigner; Wood; Wall; Stream; Ruler - ROSEMARY - Rose + Mary - SUSAN - Lily Flower; Rose - WOODINGS - Wood Cutting; Mad (?) - CHARLES - Man; Free Man; Warrior; Army - BRIAN - High; Noble - STELLS - Stella? Star. - ASHLEY - Ash Meadow; Ash Tree Meadow - ANTHONY - Son of Herakles; Priceless One; Flower - FELIX - Lucky - KRANKEN - Suffer (... Now that’s an interesting last name) + MARY - Bitter; Beloved; Rebelliousness; Wished-For-Child; Marine; Drop of the Sea. + HERAKLES - Glory of Hera + HERA - Beloved; Air
- SOPHIE - SOPHIA. Wisedom; Skill; Cleverness; Intelligence [Be Wise] CONSIDERATIONS: There are themes of knowledge, light, darkness, blindness, and last I checked... We do have a “holy” entity, Sophia, from Gnosticism and Gnosticism deals in themes of Knowledge, Light, Darkness and Blindness. A demiurge that created a suffering world... A world in darkness... A world where man suffers...
[... With knowledge but never with...]
5. Sy05 (?) [?] … I spoke no words, no sound he made.
 To be continued as the series continues.
How many years I’ll know I’ll bear I found something in the woods somewhere.
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cass-y0inks · 4 years
Anonymous prompt: during an akuma battle Marinette gets turned into a cat and gets adopted by Damian who is on a business trip with Bruce. Mari and Damian BroTP.
I’m sorry anonymous I didn’t save the message and it got deleted. But thank you for your prompt!
What a CATastrophe
If Marinette had to describe this day in one word would be nightmare. It was going great in the morning, she woke up early and it was the weekend. Her friends chose to go to the zoo where Alya’s father worked at and hang out. They were laughing at the lame jokes they cracked up here and there. It was a normal day for them in Paris. Well Paris ‘normal’.
Kim has gotten to cocky again and taunted the animals at the other sides of the cages. Alya’s father heard it and ordered him out of the enclosure. Though his frustration and anger caused him to get akumatized again. He still had animal related abilities but now he was “Animal Tamer”. He turned others onto animals.
So far some of her classmates had been changed. Kim, the cause of all this mess, had been turned into a monkey. Juleka into a crow, Chloe into a poodle, Ivan was changed into a small bear, and Alix into a rabbit. Though they were with someone so no need to worry about them. Right now Marinette’s top priority was to the akumatized object and cast the miraculous cure.
At first everything was going according to plan. Animal Tamer had taken the bait and they were now near the Eiffel Tower. She had casted her lucky charm e few minutes earlier but she was running out of time. Animal Tamer saw her in a rush and called back up. Soon different species of animals were surrounding her. Grabbing her yo-yo she sung away but the akuma managed to blast her when she landed on a roof.
One second she lands on her two feet the next she looks down, and now she’s covered in fur? She was turned into a cat... great. She was smaller that she usually was and had four feet. Her body now covered in fur was a color that almost resembled her hair color and her ears had two different colord patches which she guessed was there in place or her earrings. Her earrings!
She couldn’t exactly feel her ears so she tried calling out for Tikki. “Meow.” Damit. She was a cat now. All she could do was meow and make other kitten sounds. Funny, even as a cat she was still very tiny. Tikki popped up in front of her with her earrings in her hands.
“Marinette, I know what to do. Get down from here and I’ll go to master fu and see what he can do. I think mister bug might be back in commission. Though we’ll need to get you to the masters later and we’ll also have to find the previous lucky charm. But for now try to get down from here.” Before Marinette could do anything Tikki flew away as fast as she could.
Carefully and slowly she made her way back to the bottom on the ground. She wished she had seen the animals around the area because before she knew it she was running away from poodle Chloe. She though Chloe was annoying as herself in human form but animal Chloe’s barking and yapping was driving her crazy. She reached Le Gran Paris Hotel.
She must have been terrified at the moment because near the lobby she jumped on a tall table where a boy around her age was sitting reading a book. Sabrina came in rushing behind Chloe and trying to pull her back as she started babbling an apology. “I’m so sorry, I thought I had her under control. It’ll never happen again. I’m sorry.” Chloe felt Sabrina loosen her hold on her and leaped forward towards Marinette.
Though the boy in the chair had faster reflexes and picked her up seconds before Chloe could get her paws on her. “I suggest that you gain control of your pet.” For a boy around their age his voice was stern.
Getting hold of Chloes neck again Sabrina continued apologizing until she finally bribed Chloe with shoes. Marinette let out a relieved ‘meow’ and let her ears fall down flat on her head. The boy was still holding her but he looked like he was looking for something. “You don’t seem to have a collar, a basic indication of a stray. I doubt you’d survive with living in these streets with owners who have no control over their own pets. I suppose I should take care of you. Let’s go inform father.”
‘You seem to be a natural at this. Do you go around adopting random strays all the time?’ She thought. But she couldn’t think of that. She had to get away from him and get somewhere where tikki could find her. The kid had her tucked in his side and didn’t seem to budge no matter how many times she would try to kick him. Going into what she guessed was his father’s hotel room they met with a strict tall business man. ‘So this is your dad. Good luck on trying to convince him to let you keep a stray cat.’
Bruce looked up at his son and down at the kitten hidden under his arms and let out a tired sigh. Pinching the bridge of this node he said, “Damian we’ve talked about this. You can’t keep it.”
“Father, first off she is not a ‘it’. And she is a stray, she won’t survive with the way the owners here controll their animals.”
“You can’t keep her. End of discussion.” Looks like he was getting a bit frustrated with him.
“You kept Todd. I get to keep her.”
‘Seriously kid, just back down. He’s your dad.’
Narrowing his eyes he started at his son. “Damian don’t talk about your brother like that. And if I let you keep her, will this be the last one?” In return Damian answered him with a nod.
“Now father if you’ll excuse me I have to go get some supplies for her.” He was ready to leave when Bruce stopped him.
“Damian be careful, and remember we will be leaving later today.”
Damian nodded then left. While he was walking Marinette tried to process what was happening. So she was this kids cat now and they were leaving Paris today. This is the worst day in the history of her life as of now. Damian had gotten her a simple collar. Since her fur was dark he got her a light color so for the it to be visible. He also learned very quickly that she didn’t eat cat food. He tried giving her some food at a part but she wouldn’t eat it. So he gave her food considered human food which of course she ate.
Damian had left her for a bit while she finished eating. That was when tikki found her. “Marinette! I’m so glad I found you! Mister bug already defeated the akuma but we are trying to find your lucky charm so you can change back into your original form. Hold on for a bit longer ok?”
“Right I’ll be back. Take care!”
She tried to race after her but felt a tug at her harness. ‘He’s back’.
“Let’s go, father is waiting for us.” Damian noticed how she wasn’t moving so he just picked her up much to her dislike. They made it back to the hotel and Damian made his way back to his room. He placed her on the bed and packed up his clothes and her harness. There was no point in running away, he had closed all the windows and doors and he had even placed a tracker in her collar.
His father called him to his room to say his goodbye to the mayor for treating them well, even if it was because of their status. Tikki came in through the window and she looked worried. “Marinette I heard what was happening, don’t worry we haven’t found the lucky charm but we will. And I know where your going, we can get Kaalki to get you back here and change you back. Ok?”
At this point Marinette was just tired so all she did was nod and lay her head down. Tikki sighed at her chosen and tried to comfort her but heard footsteps coming so she quickly phased back through the glass window.
Damian came through the doors and picked her up and placed her in his jacket and made his way to the lobby. Outside his father and a taxi were waiting for them. “I have already called the airlines and told them about the extra cargo. Since you haven’t gotten her a cage yet they will allow you to take her if you make sure you hold her and manage to keep her under control while on the air. Understood?”
Damian had looked down at her for a moment then looked up at his father and nodded. She hasn’t given him trouble while she was with him, while she proved to be energetic she was also very calm with him. A few hours later they were at the airport and after what felt like a nother few hours they were finally on the plane. She had taken a nap on the plane ride which made it incredibly hard for Damian to move because he didn’t want to wake her up.
Hours later she woke up and panicked. This wasn’t her room, were was she. Oh right she was a cat adopted by some stranger. That wasn’t creepy or crazy at all. She might as well get used to her new life. Master fu must have used something to make it appear like she didn’t just disappear. She felt a pair of hands scratching her behind her ears.
“You know we haven’t picked out a name for you yet.” Marinette sat up and faced him. He was sitting on his bed sketching. “Let’s figure that out. How about Sam?” ‘Hiss’ “No? What about Nala?” What is this the Lion king. ‘Hiss’. “Ok what about... Nette or Netti? That’s kinda original right?” ‘Well it’s the closest you’ve gotten, ‘Meow’.
“Ok then. Netti it is.”
Days went on and Marinette had lost all hope. Maybe she was going to stay in as a for the. Honestly she was starting to except it. She learned that Damian, even though most of the time a brat, he also needed someone to vent to. He had a hard time making friends and had a harder time understanding how to be a “normal” 13 year old. Though she had a hard time understanding him. Language barrier damit. Yet she picked up on the basics and when Damian would read a book she would try to read over his shoulder and she was getting better at understanding it. His words for his age were considered more complex, not of an average 13 year old.
Sometimes he said that he considered her his voice of reason. When he was doing something stupid all she did was lay her ears flat and lightly shake her head at him and he would stop. When he was feeling down though he wouldn’t say it she would purr on his head and that would soothe him. He also introduced her to Titus which she adored. He was a giant compared to her but he was a big teddy bear. When he little paws would get tired he would pick her up like a mama cat with her kitten and carry her somewhere comfortable to rest. And they were both surprisingly energetic so they would play together.
It was past midnight and Marinette was sleeping when a bright light had woken her up. Tikki and Kaalki had emerged from the light. Guessing that they hadn’t see Damian because Tikki quite loudly said, “Marinette come on we can change you back now. Master fu is wa-.” Tikki froze when she saw Damian standing there staring at them.
“What are you? What are you doing here?” He asked, his voice was dangerously calm.
It took Tikki a lot more time than she thought to explain what was happening and what happened to Marinette. In the end Damian wasn’t sure how any on this was real.
“Prove it, prove I’m not dreaming then and change her back. She’s a cat not a person.” Before he knew it ladybug’s where surrounding Marinette and changed her back. To which she was more than great full.
Hugging herself she looked back at Damian who was ready to pass out. “Shh you can’t tell anyone about this.” Her whispering came out as more of a hiss.
Damian mimicking her tone replied, “How do you not expect me to have a reaction? I thought you were a cat for weeks. You lived with me as a cat for weeks! What th-“
“Don’t finish that sentence I already had to listen to you cuss multiple times without saying anything. And I couldn’t tell you I was a person because I was a cat!” He looked down at the floor with a glare displayed on his face. He slided down to the floor.
Marinette hesitantly made her way towards him and sat down next to him. They stayed quiet for a moment until she broke the silence. “You know all of this aside, we can still be friends. I noticed how hard it is for you to make friends, you vented a lot.” A small smile made her way towards her lips when he gave her an annoyed glare but it quickly fell Because he knew she was right. And she was the reason why he didn’t make many idiotic decisions.
He stood up and walked up to his desk. “Do you have a number I can talk to you from?” He sighed out in defeat and gave her a piece of paper and a pencil. She took them and wrote down her phone number on it and gave it back to him when she was done. They both stood awkward silence for a second. Marinette extended her hand to him, she had learned that he wasn’t an affectionate person. Damian shook her hand slightly and let it go. She made her way to were Tikki and Kaalki we’re waiting. Before she stepped into the portal she looked back at Damian.
“Thank you Damian.”
“Your welcome, Netti?” He wasn’t sure that was her actual name so that last part was more of a question.
She let out a small giggle, “it’s Marinette actually. Goodbye”
“Goodbye Marinette.”
Once Marinette had stepped into the portal and closed it. He knew it was the appropriate time to pass out.
Tag list: @the-black-fox
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Highland Destiny Chapter 6 ~Scotch & Rye, Truth or Lies~
James Fraser was looking out his office window when Laoghaire MacKenzie walked in.
"A penny for your thoughts?" she said as she came forward to hand him a cup of coffee.
Jamie turned around looking at his watch, momentarily perplexed. "Oh, good morning, thanks." He took a sip of his hot drink and decided he didn't like the taste. "Is it 8 o'clock already?" He was so deep in his thoughts that he hardly heard her come in.
"Aye. Ye're here early. Making up for some lost work hours yesterday?"
He placed the coffee on his desk and started to shuffle some papers. "I was busy somewhere else."
"I'm sure ye were. I tried to call ye several times, but ye wouldna answer. And ye were no' in the gym. We tried the station and Murtagh said ye left with a Sassenach lassie," she revealed as she sat daintily at the edge of the desk.
Jamie didn't respond. She slid on the desk to face him. "So tell me about the lassie? Is she pretty?" she asked, cocking her brow.
Before he could answer, there was a knock on the door. "I thought it was office hours. Am I disturbing something?" came a mocking voice.
Laoghaire immediately jumped off the desk and was about to admonish the intruder when Jamie waved her to go.
"Tommy! What can I do for you?" Jamie gestured for him to a seat.
Tom Christie walked in, but he didn't bother to sit down.
"Fraser, I'll get to the point. I dinna ken what ye're up tae with the Beauchamp lassie, but I'm here to give ye a word of caution. Treat her right. She's no' like the lassies ye're typically after. If ye plan to fuck her 'bout, here's news for ye...there's plenty more in the sea ye can do that tae. I'm sure ye'll have no bother finding one. Her best mate Joe works in the Infirmary, and I know him. He has only got good words about her. Treat her right Fraser, don't mess her 'bout."
Jamie listened, his face impassive waiting for Tom to finish his diatribe. "Anything else, Tommy?"
"Yes...fuck ye, James Fraser, fuck ye!" Then Tom Christie left the office almost bumping into an eavesdropping Laoghaire.
Not long after Tom Christie left, James Fraser gathered his keys and sports bag and headed out, and stopping by Laoghaire's desk, he said, "I'm out for today. If there are any problems, go see Rupert."
Claire Beauchamp was awoken by a sound of door closing. She raised her head and looked around grimacing as a wave of sharp pain in the head engulfed her, not to mention the throbbing, dull ache between her thighs. She was parched, and her mouth felt like cotton wool. As she adjusted her eyes to the morning light, memories from the previous night came flooding back. She groaned.  Oh, bleeding, pickles!
Despite having a massive hangover, she remembered everything that happened, and her face heated simultaneously at the thought. After Jamie had taken her to bed, she had fallen asleep immediately curled up in his arms to the sound of his Gaelic mutterings. Sometime during the night, they made love twice more. Jamie was insatiable, and even in her drunken stupor, he was able to rouse her, and she responded with unbridled passion.
She compared Frank's and Jamie's lovemaking. While Frank was skilled, sophisticated and refined in the art of love, Jamie was more primal, uninhibited and hedonistic. At this thought, Claire shook her head at the comparison, scolding herself for doing so.  But where is Jamie?   She looked around for a note, and she found none. She slapped her head and thought,  Bloomin' heck, I'm such a damn fool.
Then her bedroom door opened, and Jamie's head popped in. "Sassenach, are ye awake?" 
"Oh! I heard the door closed and I thought you left." Embarrassed, Claire slid under the duvet and pulled the covers up to her neck.
He smiled. "I was out and took ye're keys with me so I can let myself in. May I come in?" He held up a brown paper bag. "I have something for ye."
"Oh! Yes, do come in. I mean, of course, you may. Don't be daft." She patted the bed beside her. "So what's in the bag?" Claire noticed he had changed into fresh clothes and wondered if he had been home. Admiring the sight of him, she thought he looked handsome in his black turtle-neck and black jeans. She touched her hair absently.   Oh Christ, I probably look like a poodle.
Jamie walked over and leaned down to kiss her lingeringly on the lips. As he pulled away slightly, he stared into her eyes for a moment with his intense blue before breaking into a smile. "Good morning Sassenach," he said softly.
"Oh...good morning. Good lord, are you always this chipper in the morning?"
"Mmm, not always depends on the company." He blinked his eyes as though he was winking. He reminded Claire of a sizeable red owl.
He sat on the side of the bed, brought out his offerings and placed them on the bedside table. There were coffees, bottled waters, a couple of croissants and a miniature bottle of Frisealach Whisky. 
"Jamie, you can't be serious!" she exclaimed after seeing the whisky.
"It's called the hair of the dog." He poured the alcohol into the coffee and handed into Claire. "Here, Sassenach drink this. It will get rid of your hangover."
"Don't you think paracetamol would do the trick?" She asked as she eyed the cup dubiously, pulling the bed cover higher above her breast.  
"Trust me Sassenach, this will help."
"Alright then but first, can you please hand over my robe so I can sit up properly."
Jamie grinned. "What do ye need the robe for? Ye look fine the way ye are." Attempting to pull down the sheet from her grasp, he added, "Besides, I've seen them before, Sassenach, and I think they're awesome."
Blushing, she ignored the remark and pulled the bedding higher. "Here, give me the coffee." Taking the cup from Jamie, she took a sip of the hot liquid and smiled. "Mmmm, it's not bad at all. And I'll have a croissant too, please." She realised she was starving.
Jamie handed the croissant and held her coffee while she ate. "So, how are ye feeling?" It amused him that Claire didn't realise the sides of her mouth was covered in pastry flakes and was astonished at how quick she wolfed it down.
"Oh, God, I must look terrible," she started in between big bites. "I woke up feeling like I have been run over by a truck!" Realising what she just said, her face turned crimson. "Oh, no...I don't mean you!" Mortified, her face turned into a darker shade of crimson. "Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ! What I meant to say is, it was the whisky... my head was pounding when I woke up. But this...," she raised the coffee cup, "...you are right. I feel slightly better. And that croissant was heaven." Eyeing the other croissant, she added, "Are you having that?" 
Jamie laughed, handing her another. "I've never seen a woman eat with sae much gusto. I like that. And ye don't look terrible at all...ye look even more beautiful in the morning."
"Hmmm...I didn't realise I was so hungry until I drank...what do you call it again...the hair of the dog? And as for your comment on the way I look, I think you are still intoxicated. Mmmm, this is so good," she said, taking a big bite of the pastry.
"No, I'm not intoxicated at all, Sassenach. I went for a run early this morning. I must have sweated the alcohol off, I suppose. And then I went to work to sort out some papers, and now I'm here."
"Good lord, did you sleep at all?"
Grinning, he replied, "Nah, you wouldna let me sleep." 
Claire coughed in between a mouthful of croissant and coffee, sputtering, she asked, "So what exactly do you do? You never mentioned your day job before."
Jamie cleared his throat, "I work in the administration for Frisealach; hence, I was able to smuggle the whiskies last night." Changing the subject quickly, he offered the second cup of coffee to her.
She shook her head. "No thanks, that'll do."
"Feeling better?"
She nodded, smiling. "Much better."
Jamie chuckled, as he watched her down the last of her coffee and took a swig from the bottled water. "Wow, that was quick! Now it's my turn." He stood up abruptly, making Claire jump.
"Your turn for wot?"
He grinned at her. "My turn for breakfast."
"Oh!" She looked at the empty paper bag. "Sorry, I ate your share. Here, I'll go check in the kitchen..." Before Claire could get out of bed, Jamie had taken his top off already and thrown it on the floor. "Wot!? Jamie, what in heaven's name are you doing?" To her embarrassment, she saw several bite marks on his chest and neck as he took off his shirt.  No bloody wonder he was wearing a turtle neck!
Pulling down his jeans and boxer shorts, he announced, "I'm ravenous. I want my breakfast."
"Jamie, you're crazy!" Her eyes widened when Jamie discarded the last of his clothing. Seeing him stark naked in daylight was something else. He looked like a statue of some Norse Viking that came alive and was ready to claim his plunder. Her eyes travelled down to his lower torso and rested on his growing arousal, making the corpuscles in her vein run riot.   O'Hail Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners.
"And ye Sassenach, ye look delicious enough to eat," he said grinning. He got into bed and yanked the cover off she held securely around her, making her yelp.
"Oh no, you don't, I still feel sore from last night!" She was trying to reach out for the last vestige of her modesty, but he wouldn't let her.
"Aye? I promise to be verra gentle, and I promise to make it better," he coaxed, coming closer and grabbing her by the hips. Noticing her eyes were on the bite marks on his shoulder, he added, "And ye can bite me some more, ye vixen..."
"Jamie!" He was licking off the pastry flakes on the sides of her mouth as he gently pushed her on to her back.  Oh lordy, lordy!   
"Mmmm, ye taste yum, Sassenach." he murmured, smiling as he traced the outline of her lips with his tongue while his thumb did the same on her nipples. Then he raised his head and shifted to his side to glance at her naked body. "Mouthwatering, scrumptious, luscious, yum, " he whispered before lowering his head for a kiss.
She made unintelligible sounds as her fingers dug into his shoulders. "Jamie!"
His lips travelled down her throat as one hand slipped under her arse for a fondle. "Hmmm? Tell me, Sassenach, where is it sore, and I'll kiss it better for ye," he whispered.
Claire didn't say another word as she wrapped her arms around Jamie's neck and did some tasting of her own.  You taste yummy too, carrot top!
Lying together afterwards, basking in the glow of the aftermath of their lovemaking, Jamie cradled Claire's head on his chest. "Sassenach?"
"Mmmm?" Her fingers were doing an exploration of their own on his abdomen.
"I meant to tell ye, ye were wonderful last night."
She smiled. "Me or the sex?"
He turned to face her, smoothing the curls behind her ears. "Sex was mind-blowing, but that's no what I meant. What I was meaning to say is, I had a fabulous time, truly. Ye made me laugh, and ye're truly a wonder. I've never met anyone like ye. Did ye enjoy it too, Mo Nighean Donn?"
"Yes, Jamie, I did. What is Mo Nighean Donn?"
"It means my brown-haired lass." He raised one of her locks and twisted it around it in his fingers. After a long pause, he continued. "It's true I had other women before ye, but with ye it's different. Even after I've just left you shortly this morning after making love, all I can think of is coming back to you."
Claire tried not to laugh, but she could hardly stifle a giggle. "Jaime, that's lust. It means you're a very horny laddie."
He chuckled. "Och Sassenach, I'm finding it challenging already to find the right words and here ye are mocking me. What I'm trying to say is, I've never wanted a woman as much as I wanted ye. When I first laid eyes on ye, I knew I wanted ye. Do ye think that's usual?
After giving it much thought, she answered. "I don't know. Maybe it is or perhaps not. But what I can tell you is this, I've never done this before. Yes, I've been on dates before I met my husband, and after my husband died but I've never slept with anyone on the first date. And last night wasn't really a date was it? And even if it was, then you're the first I've slept with on the first date."
Jaime's arms tightened around her. " Hmm...I dinna like it one bit when ye talk of other men before me."
"Well, you started it! You did mention there were other women before me." She pinched him on the arm.
"Let's forget about it then, Sassenach but whatever this is, I would verra much like to happen again."
"What do you think this is Jaime? Us...now?"
"I dinna ken, but I intend to find out." Jaime lifted Claire on top of him and made love to her all over again,
The next three days went by in a blur. Work was hectic, but Claire enjoyed her new role in the world of medical service. Although it was not Neuroscience, the novelty of being in a different environment that didn't resemble a hospital ward was exhilarating. She quickly made new friends and have grown accustomed to her colleagues' humour and constant banter.  Boys will be boys , after all, she often thought. She learned, to her astonishment that Murtagh was Jaime's god-father, and soon found out that behind the grumpy, cantankerous exterior, he was really a softy at heart. The boys at work often teased him about finding a woman to soften his bearing, to which he would reply with a scowl.
And as for Jaimie, he was a continuous presence that hovered ever since. He was attentive, thoughtful and caring as expected of any normal boyfriend. Whether he was really her boyfriend or not, the subject was never broached. He insisted taking her to and picking her up from work every day, even when her car was returned. He practically lived in the cottage and stayed every night, often cooking for them both when he finished work. Claire sometimes wondered what exactly they were as they never made a public display of their relationship. The longest and only serious relationship she ever had was with Frank, so Claire felt like a novice when it came to the matter of the heart. With so many things occurring, there was little time to ponder. It was less than a week since she arrived, but Claire felt so much have happened already in such a short period of time. It felt like she was caught in some whirlwind that wouldn't let up.
Friday night came, and she met up with Geillis in the Scotch & Rye Pub. It was her first night without Jamie, and although they've only known each other less than a week, it felt odd not to be with him. Nevertheless, it was a welcome change and a chance to enjoy the local culture. 
Instead of waiting for Jamie to drop her off in town, she left with a cab before he could arrive at the cottage, leaving him a note, "See you later."
Geillis and Claire were sat at the bar, enjoying a dinner of Fish & Chips, and after a couple of wine and general chit-chat, Geillis finally blurted the question Claire was dreading and expecting.
"So tell me...ye were wi' a laddie the night ah first called ye. What was that all about? Don't ye dare deny it, Claire Beauchamp, ah ken ye! And ye didne call the followin' day either which was highly unusual. It must hae been a good night."
Claire laughed. "Oh God Geillis, I knew this question will eventually pop up. I suppose there's no avoiding it." She paused and took a deep breath. "Well, there is a lad, of course. His name is Jamie. We met on Monday, we made love that night, and he's basically been...well... sort of living under my roof since then."
Geillis eyes widened, and her hand went to her mouth, "Och Claire...ye bloody tart! It must hae somethin' tae dae with the highland air. The Claire ah ken would hae never dain such a thing."
They were both laughing. 
"Oh God! I know, it's just that one thing led to another. What can I say? "
"The laddie must be bonnie for ye tae jump in the sack wi' him on the first night. So what is he like an' what does he dae?"
"Well, he is bonnie for sure and incredibly sexy." Claire blushed profusely much to her friend's amusement. "He's kind, charming, a notorious flirt, well at least with me. I do wonder if he flirts with other girls. As for his job, he is quite evasive about it. To be honest, we're still in the getting-to-know-each-other phase...well with sex thrown in, of course."
Geillis cheek dimpled. "Weel, Claire, you're nae slack in the looks department sae don't sell yerself short. The laddie must be smitten wi' ye. Look at ye, you're only dressed in jeans an' jumper tonight, nae a smidgen of makeup an' every laddie was lookin' at ye when ye walked in." With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she added, "As for sex, it must be good, eh? Ah thought somethin' was different about ye. At first, ah thought it must be the highland air. It must hae to dae with all the sex you're gettin'. Ah ken the look of lassie that's been weel bedded."
"Oh good God, am I going to get this all evening with you. Geillis Duncan, you are one impossible woman!"
As they sat there giggling, a party of twenty people walked in. A few from the group stopped by to chat with Geillis, and as she was making introductions, Claire heard Jamie's voice from behind her. "Sassenach, I thought it was you." As she turned around, she was met with a resounding kiss on the cheek.
"Jamie, what a pleasant surprise. Sorry, I left before you could arrive...I knew you were at work and I took a cab in case I have a bit too much to drink. What are you doing here?"
"Och don't worry Sassenach. I'm with people from work," he pointed with his thumb to the group of people pushing tables together at the back. Then he looked past Claire. "Geillis! I had no idea that you're friends with Claire. How are ye?" Jamie leaned to her for a hug.
Geillis raised her eyebrows at Claire and grinned. Turning to Jamie, she said, "Weel, weel look at we hae here, it's the wee fox cub. 'Am daein' great an' how about ye? Ay 'course, ye wouldnae hae known am friends wi' Claire...both of ye met only recently." She winked, her cheeks dimpling.
"Oh, you know each other," said Claire somewhat confuse.
"Aye Sassenach, her parents are neighbours with my Uncle Dougal and Aunt Maura from Leoch. As a young lad, I spent my summers with them learning how to ride a horse and taking care of the stables. And Geillis was a proper witch then...she used to throw apples at us and do all sorts of mad stuff to annoy my cousins and me."
Geillis laughed heartily at the memory. "Och, Ah was only causin' some stramash so Jamie's uncle Douggie would come out. Ah used tae fancy the pants off him. He was one big, right lookin' laddie...just like our Jamie here."
"Oh yes, I remember Leoch. I came with you once for Easter weekend." Claire added, looking at Geillis. " So, Jamie, are you joining us?"
"No, I'll let ye girls catch up. I will be over there with the lads." Turning to Claire, he whispered, "See you later?" She nodded.
He left a few pound notes on the bar and signalled the bartender a round of drinks for the girls.
Claire looked over to the table where Jamie headed to. The lads he mentioned included a few lassies.  They must all be from work , she thought.
After Jamie left, Geillis gave her a wide-eyed look and slapped Claire on the hand. "Claire! So that's the Jamie - The Jamie Fraser! Ye never mentioned Fraser. Ye clever boots! Every hen must hate ye now for baggin' the most eligible bachelor in the country."
"Wot? I don't know what you're talking about?"
"What dae ye mean ye don't ken what am talkin' about? Don't ye ken who you're sleepin' wi'?? Christ Claire, don't ye read the news?"
Claire shook her head. "Bloody hell Geillis, out with it for fuck sake. No, I don't know what you're talking about! Who is Jamie Fraser?"
"Oh my God, ye really don't ken. The man ye're sleepin' wi' is James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. He is a business magnate. He owns Frisealach Distellery, My Peak Gym franchise, several horse ridin' schools across the highlands an' he bought his uncle Jared's vineyard in France not tae long ago," Geillis explained in an exasperated tone.
"James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser? I know the name. I know Frisealach, but I thought the owner was an old man. Oh, why do you think he didn't tell me? Not that it would have mattered. I knew he was a part-time firefighter and had a day job at Frisealach. I mean I like him and what he does for a living is irrelevant." Claire was rambling at this point, trying to remember the little details of their short time together. Then she remembered how he never liked to talk about his job. He always spoke of other things but not what he did for a living. 
"Claire, pet, he must hae a good reason. Mebbe he didne tell ye coz he thought ye might treat him differently. Besides, ye said sae yerself, you're still gettin' tae ken each other. Am sure he would tell ye eventually. Ah think Jamie more than likes ye, Claire. He keeps lookin' our way. Sae 'that must mean somethin'. Dae ye hae feelings fur him?"
Claire looked at the mirror on the bar wall, and she can see the reflection of the group Jamie came with. And she also saw a beautiful girl leaning towards him, but he seemed oblivious. When she saw Jamie glanced toward them, she quickly averted her eyes.
"I don't know Geillis. Everything is happening so fast. Ever since I've arrived, it's just one thing after another. The fire at St. Agnes, for instance, then Jamie...to be honest, I haven't had time to even think what I really feel. Sure Jamie is great, and sex is....well that's just another whole different category. Just don't mention to Jaimie I know, ok? I suppose he will tell me on his own time" Claire paused deep in thoughts and after a moment, she said. "Listen, I'll be right back, I need to go to the loo."
"Ye alright, Claire?"
"Yeah, I'm good." She smiled at her friend as an assurance. "It's not every day you find out you're sleeping with a millionaire."
Claire stood up and headed for the toilet, unaware of the many stares that followed her.
Claire looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was flushed from the wine she drank and perhaps from the body heats emanating from the pub. She took big deep breaths and took out a lip balm from her handbag.
"Ye must be the Sassenach everyone is talking about."
Claire looked up to the mirror and saw a pretty girl standing next to her. She had beautiful long blonde hair and wore a grey suit that was probably one size too small for her and had plenty of makeup on.
"Oh, really? I wouldn't know," she said as she applied lip balm on her chapped lips while watching the girl put on a thick lashing of red lipstick.
"I saw Jamie talking to ye. You must ken him well."
"And what is it to you?"
Laoghaire was stunned for a moment. She didn't quite know how to take the Sassenach.
"Weel what I mean to say is, whatever he has for ye, it will pass. He and I go a long way back. Ye're just a Sassenach here...ye're new, so everyone is bound to be intrigued, including Jamie. So don't get yer hopes up."
Claire turned to face the girl. "Umm...what is your name again?"
"Laoghaire." She replied, her red lips breaking into a menacing smile.
"Laoghaire...beautiful name Laoghaire." Smiling sweetly, Claire extended her hand. "I'm Claire. Dr Claire Beauchamp. As a doctor, I have a moral obligation to diagnose and treat patients if I see fit. From my point of observation, I think you might have a debilitating condition. I understand that I may not be your cup of tea but please, allow me to impart to you that I can see something is wrong here. At first glance, my prognosis is, you need to have your head examined." Claire paused, making waving motions in the direction of the girl's head. "I might have an idea what might be inflicting you, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. But if I am right, don't worry, your condition isn't contagious...it's a disease that's usually inherent to a person. If this symptom you have now continues to persist..." Claire took out a card from her handbag and placed in front of Laoghaire. "... please give me a call, and I'll see what I can do. Meanwhile, I am off duty, so I wish you a lovely evening." 
With that, Claire turned around, leaving an open-mouthed Laoghaire staring after her.
Eat my shorts, blondie, or stuff it where the sun doesn't shine!
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ziezie13 · 4 years
Fics of the Week
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Betrayal is a Thorny Crown (You Wear It Well) by Snegurochka
Five years after taking his fifteen-year-old godbrother's virginity, Teddy has done everything he can to avoid James. He is definitely not supposed to look this good when Teddy finally runs into him again, but Teddy is pretty sure the kid will never forgive him for disappearing like that.
Words: 8648, Chapters: 1/1, Fandoms: Harry Potter - Rowling, Ratings: Explicit, Last Update: 04 Mar 2010
Relationship(s): Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter
Characters: Teddy Lupin, James Sirius Potter
Katsudon for Gold by cROAissant
Somewhere along the road, “I might never like you” morphed into “I would die for this child”, and Yuri Plisetsky would be six feet under before Victor fucking Nikiforov would lay his thirsty hands on his precious student.
Words: 4548, Chapters: 1/1, Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Ratings: Teen And Up Audiences, Last Update: 19 May 2017
Relationship(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky, Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin, Yakov Feltsman
Additional Tags: coach yuri au, Younger!Yuuri, Younger!Victor, Aged-Up Character(s), Characters Aged Down, Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Coach Yuri Plisetsky, Mild Language
Twenty-Five Hours by 0lizzybennet0
In which Yuuri spends a 25 hour flight next to Victor Nikiforov, skating legend, and feels it might simultaneously be the best and worst thing that has ever happened to him.
Words: 22861, Chapters: 3/3, Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Last Update: 10 Apr 2017, Relationship(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky, Yakov Feltsman
Additional Tags: Angst, Miscommunication, Getting Together, Flirting at 40000ft in the air
baby photos by drakefeathers
Dick shares his childhood circus photos, and begins to wonder what Damian looked like as a baby.
Words: 2481, Chapters: 1/1, Fandoms: DCU (Comics), Batman (Comics), Rating: General Audiences, Last Update: 02 May 2014
Relationship(s): Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne
Characters: Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Past Child Abuse, (because of bby damian's combat training with assassins)
Behind bars by Sophia96
After spending years gaining control of the prison, Victor has gotten bored with his life. Nothing exciting happens when you're on top.
But one day, a new face comes into the prison and changes Victor's life completely. A pretty face like his couldn't possibly belong in there...
Victor decides to get to the bottom of it, and a love story slowly starts to form in the prison.
Words: 10346, Chapters: 7/?, Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Rating: Mature, Last Update: 16 Apr 2019
Relationship(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Yakov Feltsman, Phichit Chulanont, Minami Kenjirou
Additional Tags: Prison AU, Mafia AU, Russian Mafia, Yakuza, Mafia boss Victor Nikiforov, Mafia Victor Nikiforov, Mafia Yuuri, Mafia heir Yuuri, Pining, Fluff and Angst, Love at First Sight
Expomise by thankyouforexisting
­Expomise: a transformation spell that bonds two objects together. Yuuri is at Hogwarts. So is everyone else.
“Hey,” Yuuri dares to say, voice low, “Maybe we should write this down…?”
“Oh,” Victor blinks in surprise at him, his long fingers wrapped around a long dark brown wand, “Sure, you can take notes.”
Pause. Yuuri doesn’t really want to say anything, but he powers through. He’s going to make new friends and be more outgoing, he has to. “Aren’t you gonna do it, though? Do you have a really great memory?”
The boy stares at him as if he’s from another planet, “I’m Victor Nikiforov.”
Yuuri stares back, uncomprehending, “Yeah, you have a cool name.”
“No, I mean,” Victor purses his lips, frowning in confusion, glancing to check if their Professor’s looking at them, “I’m like, Victor Nikiforov.”
Words: 81356, Chapters: 7/?, Series: Part 1 of Expomise, Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, Last Update: 27 Jun 2017
Relationship(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont, Leo de la Iglesia, Nishigori Yuuko, Nishigori Takeshi, Mari Katsuki, Okukawa Minako, Celestino Cialdini, Yakov Feltsman, Lilia Baranovskaya, Yuri Plisetsky, Mila Babicheva, Seung Gil Lee, Guang-Hong Ji, Kenjiro Minami, Christophe Giacometti, Georgi Popovich, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Otabek Altin
Additional Tags: Hogwarts AU, Harry Potter AU, Humour, Fluff, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, Magic, Magical Figure Skating, Exchanging Culture, Disregards Canon, Friendship, Phichit and Yuuri BROTP, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety, body image issues, Growing Up, Angst, Ballet, Pining, innuendos, Rating May Change, Jealousy, Mutual Pining
learn to love the skies I'm under by LinneaKou
The day after the Sochi GPF banquet, Katsuki Yuuri disappears without a trace.
The day after the Sochi GPF banquet, Viktor Nikiforov finds a stray poodle and takes it home with him.
These two events are, oddly enough, connected.
Words: 37827, Chapters: 3/3, Series: Part 1 of strange beasts (Hopeless Wanderer), Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Rating: Mature, Last Update: 31 Aug 2017
Relationship(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky, Christophe Giacometti & Victor Nikiforov
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Yakov Feltsman, Mila Babicheva, Georgi Popovich, Christophe Giacometti, Phichit Chulanont, Katsuki Mari, Katsuki Hiroko, Katsuki Toshiya, Okukawa Minako, Nishigori Yuuko, Nishigori Takeshi, Nishigori Triplets
Additional Tags: Magical Realism, Curses, Dogs, Animal Transformation, Angst, Fluff and Humor, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Anxiety, Depression, Missing Persons, Presumed Dead, Miscommunication
call you by name by LinneaKou
Drunk, depressed, and lonely, Viktor Nikiforov makes a wish that has unforeseen consequences for himself and many people around him.
(an alternate take on the premise of learn to love the skies I'm under)
Words: 13648, Chapters: 1/1, Series: Part 3 of strange beasts (Hopeless Wanderer), Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, Last Update: 30 Dec 2017
Relationship(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Characters: Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Yakov Feltsman, Katsuki Mari, Katsuki Hiroko, Katsuki Toshiya, Okukawa Minako, Nishigori Yuuko, Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Animal Transformation, Wishes, Magical Realism, Dogs, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Anxiety, Touch-Starved
Uneven Odds by NotMoose67
“Hi, there, little fella. Whatcha doin’ all the way out here in space, huh?” Lance asked the baby as he carefully walked away from the rubble. Keith cleared his path to the door, occasionally getting very distracted by the adorable baby in his husband’s arms. Now was not the right time to find his husband more attractive than ever, but damn it if Lance holding that baby didn’t make Keith’s heart swell with a truckload of feelings.
Basically, Keith and Lance unexpectedly find a baby on a mission and have to channel their inner parent nature while they figure out what to do next.
Words: 9693, Chapters: 1/1, Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Rating: Teen And Up Audiences, Last Update: 24 Dec 2017
Relationship(s): Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Accidental Baby Acquisition, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Future Fic, Married Klance
Jealous by TrisPond
(Spoiler) Hinata definitely wasn't expecting this answer. Unlike he had thought before, Kageyama wasn't very jealous and he could count on his fingers the times that the other had felt like this. Not even when they had to part ways to live on different countries, that has been an issue. But of course if there was one person that could make him like that it was Oikawa. If there was someone who could make him insecure, it was him.
Or Kageyama and Iwaizimu react to Hinata and Oikawa selfie.
Words: 1155, Chapters: 1/1, Series: Part 1 of Hinata in Brazil, Fandoms: Haikyuu!!, Rating: Not Rated, Last Update: 12 Nov 2019
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Characters: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Iwaizumi Hajime, Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Canon - Manga, Established Relationship, Jealousy, Brazil
A Bittersweet Reunion by Sarcastic_Metaphor
A Good Omens AU with Archangel!Toshinori who happens to encounter a very familiar demon from his past.
Unfortunately, said demon wants nothing to do with him.
Words: 3816, Chapters: 2/2, Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Rating: General Audiences, Last Update: 29 Jul 2019
Relationship(s): Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: Good Omens AU, Alternate Universe - Good Omens Fusion, Angel!Yagi Toshinori, Angel!All Might, Demon!Aizawa Shouta, Demon!Eraserhead, Past Relationship(s), Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mild Hurt/Comfort
Study Session by byesweetheart (ConstantComment)
They’re going to fail their test tomorrow.
Words: 1319, Chapters: 1/1, Fandoms: Haikyuu!!, Rating: Explicit, Last Update: 19 Nov 2017
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Characters: Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou
Additional Tags: Underage, Roughhousing, Wrestling, First Years, First Time, Coming In Pants, Frottage
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h-e-l-l-b-r-o-k-e · 5 years
Holding Back The Fool Again [B. Hargrove x you]
Series: part 2 of Galapogos
Summary: This is Billy’s definition of extending an olive branch. Screwed and without shrewdness, kind of like him.
Inspiration: Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness by The Smashing Pumpkins (1995) in its entirety.
Word Count: 3073  Warnings: profanity, angst, and mentions of abuse.
Written Date: 07/24-31/2019  Posted Date: 8/1/2019
[PART 1]< >[PART 2]
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He’s not sure if the breathy sigh actually left his lips or if the rustling leaves toyed with his ears. What he does know for sure is that there’s a cool moisture on his upper lip, the impressive one-fifty he lifts is still no challenge to the old tree outside your window, and that even with sleep-mussed hair you’ve never looked better.
The rays of the sun kiss his skin, warming him up to the bone as if home is trying to plunge some needed coaxing through his thick skull. The sun knows he ran once; any discouragement will send him running again. It’s the way God carved Billy’s mechanics—inside the tough exterior is just a lost boy, a coward who’s on the verge of finally having enough of what’s been granted to him before he could even form a coherent sentence.
A reflection bounces off his Virgin Mary pendant, flashing threateningly close to your pupils. It’s the universe giving him a clue that if there’s ever the right time to make eye contact with the one you love, it’s now. Now, in what could be the final moment he has to prove to himself that he isn’t the man his father said he is and prove to you that he’s not just another copy-cat of David.
Is Billy another David? When he first came to your little town, you would have said yes. When you started riding in his Camaro and showing up to social events with his arm around your waist, David hardly crossed your mind. Now? You aren’t so sure, about anything. You don’t even know why you haven’t slammed the window on his gorgeous face. Your best friend Judilyn would have, so what’s stopping you?
Billy Hargrove has never been a perfect suitor. For heavens sake, the heroism he displayed when he saved your camera was soon followed by insulting you on your first date. And, Billy Hargrove’s relationship skills sometimes make you wonder why he’s even with you, or you with him. He has terrible mood swings, sometimes pushing you away so that he can have some time to himself to lift weights and not have a “woman nag at him all the time.” As if he’s not the one who clings onto you about seventy-percent out of a hundred.
He smokes so much that it has created a force-field around him, made up of cancerous fumes. You swear you’ve never inhaled as much second-hand smoke before getting to know him. The smell penetrates into your hair, your wardrobe, and soon your parents water bills were raising through the roof. After your parents started lecturing you and the scent of nicotine made a surprise appearance in your sheets, you had to lay down some strict rules: Billy can no longer smoke with the windows rolled up, Billy can no longer smoke half-an-hour before entering your house, and Billy had to promise to cut back. Not just for your sake, but his as well.
You’re not an unrealistic idiot though. You’ve seen this addiction before with your own grandfather. You’ve seen the continuous cycle of grandpa crushing the cigarette box in his hands and throwing it out only for you to find fresh cigarettes littered in your grandma’s rose bushes the next week. So, it’s not hard to imagine Billy sparking up an extra cancer stick before he’s supposed to meet with you. Especially when he comes over with an extra spritz of cologne and Binaca spearmint masking his breath.
But, as the breeze tickles your nose and wraps loosely around his dirty-blond curls in gentle tugs, you cannot detect the toxic bubble that embraces him. Nor the hours old musk of his favorite Pour Homme, but just the basic nature of the body detoxifying.
He’s here, without the calming of his disgusting addiction nor the courage of a strong drink on his breath.
And his voice. 
You’ve never heard it so…without its punch of beef-packed testosterone, without the fresh singe of tobacco on his vocal cords. So helpless. So vulnerable. So unlike Billy. But, it’s been inside him all along, waiting to be pulled apart by willing hands. Hands willing to tear apart his skeleton, push past the muck of sticky blood and pulsing intestines, and cradle the most important organ of all.  
And he thinks he’s felt—still feels—that pleasant pain of guts being twisted and torn apart whenever you’re around to mindlessly play with his fingers while you two watch a rented movie. To call out on his bullshit when anger either makes him too quiet or too loud. To wrap your arms around him when his father’s had swung the hour before just because Billy had forgotten to pick up one fucking gallon of milk.
Earlier that day when everyone was beginning to gather around in the school’s parking lot to see who’d win the fight between Billy and David, love’s affliction was still harshly pulling at his heart strings. And only when you’d hit the ground was it slowly being replaced by something else—a cold numbing from a lidocaine needle.
He wants to shake off this empty, suffocating, cushionless envelop made by the devil, and repent under your plum-like palms. Repent until you stop looking at him like he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
He’s Billy, and he’ll always be your Billy. But, maybe that only makes it scarier.
The telephone downstairs begins to ring again—you’ve since disconnected yours after just minutes of continuous phone call after the other. You turn to face your bedroom door in temptation, looking past polaroids and the photographs that Jonathan had taught you to develop in the dark room. Memories of you with Judilyn and your group of friends. Moments in time of you and Billy’s blossoming relationship, featuring his douchy friends. All taped along the smooth surface.
Your fingertips get ready to push off the lower sash of the window.
You turn your head back to Billy.
He licks his pink lips and parts them again. “Don’t leave.”
“Why?” You immediately flinch at the croak in your voice. This isn’t how you imagined the confrontation with Billy to go. Actually, you somehow just thought you’d live in your bed forever with your teddy bear and Billy would fall off the face of the earth.
Instead, he’s just outside your window with bits of bark under his fingernails and the setting sun casting a halo around his crown. The whole view is a magnificent renaissance painting; every detail crafted with expertise and purpose, such as the way pink creeps up on the clouds and how you can count every freckle on Billy’s face.
Yet, you cannot find any of this to mean something. Not when classmates you barely talk to are keeping your line busy just to check up on you while he can’t even form the words that are caught in his throat.
His eyes study the inflamed skin of your palms then cut to the smudges that trail along the side of your right thigh. Through clenched teeth, he sucks in a breath of air. “Can I come in?”
You pause for a moment, even though you hadn’t expected anything else after he decided to claw his way up your window with far less grace than Judilyn’s ladder method (or your ex-boyfriend’s favorite: pounding his fists on your front door at two in the morning and waking up the entire house). Your finger tips weigh the odds by tapping on the painted wood, and only when you take a couple steps away from the window does Billy’s glistening pecks gently deflate.
The poodle designs on your sock-clad feet are more interesting than Billy as he extends a long leg through the opening, or so you convince yourself. But you don’t have to watch him to know that Billy’s glancing around your neat bedroom, checking for ripped up photographs or thrown mixed tapes—any sign that tells him that you’ve terminated things on your end of the hemisphere.
The only thing out of place, as he’s come to conclude, are the messed up sheets. The flannel is crinkled in a way that he’s familiar with; he’d never tell anyone that he’s had his fair share of finding comfort between blankets without a girl writhing in pleasure beneath him. Billy can almost picture you on your side with your knees tucked into your chest and your chin to your neck—he’d rather not focus on that.
You’re still standing by your mirror with eyelashes hiding the prettiest pair of irises he’d come across in Hawkins.
Billy’s never understood your damn patience. There was this time when Billy had walked the couple extra yards from your locker to yearbook class to pick you up for lunch, and he’d walked in on Pam Dubinsky giving you backhanded compliments on your poster designs for the new yearbook while you had stood there without saying a word. He knew about the countless hours you’d spent on your bedroom floor sketching up clever concepts while he would drift off and on on your plush mattress, and he knew all that hard work wasn’t just for some jealous bitch to tell you that her’s was better.
He had taken some loud steps forward and his tongue had been ready to snap away at her when you calmly raised your hand at him, prompting him from getting any closer and intervening, and kindly told the girl who had slept with your ex-boyfriend that no one would appreciate an amateur design on their yearbooks, especially not after such a long school year and that Pam should think about David—mediocre head and a mediocre yearbook? Talk about heartbreak.
It took so much of Billy to keep from laughing and humiliating that bitch any further, but above that he was proud of you for sticking up for yourself without sinking to her level. Malice disguised as a sugar cane had become his new favorite flavor.
Except, he quickly learned that your patience combined with his drastic mood swings brought him an unfamiliar peace that frustrates him just as much. He knows how to spurt out insults and give and receive bruises—that’s easy; that’s second-nature. But, keeping his ears from turning red and his breath under control is a whole other field. How does anyone do that?
But then you sniffle, and he realizes your shoulders are trembling as your hands struggle to clasp together. You’re not just waiting for him to make the first move, but you’re cowering. Over the fact that Billy’s so fucking reckless. Over the fact that Judilyn and your other friends were right, that Billy isn’t capable of anything but serving you pain as dessert on a silver platter. Over the fact that Billy’s anger can blind him of your presence, and has caused him to put his hands on you. Over the fact that just his puppy eyes alone can throw out your free will, and allow him into your bedroom. Over the fact that you’re still willing to hear him out.
“Prove to her that everyone in this shithole is wrong about you.”
Max’s voice still rings clearly in his head, and he doesn’t think he’ll ever forget it. At least not while you shrink into yourself in front of your mirror, but he’s trying to look on the bright side for once: you’re blocking his crumbling tower.
His mouth is so parched that swallowing proves worthless, but he knows he has to keep pushing. The photographs on your door call back to him, and his head rolls on his shoulders towards them.
“Do you remember when your dad almost caught me hiding in your closet?”
Your gaze on the carpet shifts a little closer to him.
A smile almost touches his lips. “You would’ve gotten in trouble if you didn’t have that Mount Everest of stuffed animals piled in there to hide me.”
The stuffed animals from your childhood had been the last thing you wanted Billy to discover about you. You had decided to donate most of them at the local Goodwill on your thirteen birthday, but your sentimental attachment to them kept you from tossing them every time. So you kept them hidden in your closet like a dirty secret, and had meant to never let the tough Billy find them. You were mortified that he’d think you were just some innocent little girl and that he wouldn’t want to be with you anymore, but he didn’t care. Sure it was a little funny, but he revealed he still had a little brown bear of his own that his mother gave him when he was six in his underwear drawer.
“Or that time when my boxers somehow got inside your hamper and your mom washed them, thinking they were your brother’s?” Billy holds in a chuckle. “And your brother was too dumb to realize they weren’t his and wore them for like a week straight.”
A sound leaves your throat. Half-giggle. Half-sob. It’s hard to differentiate whether that’s good or bad. The back of your wrist meets your nose, rubbing softly.
“There was also that one time when no one but Max and Judy knew we had skipped town for a couple days to go see Quiet Riot in Indianapolis,” he scans a particular Polaroid snap shot that was taken at the motel pool, “All we could afford was one night in some sleazy motel room, eating greasy fast food.” He looks at you again, “It was worth it. Never thought you could make a shitty mattress comfortable.”
The corner of your chapped lips tugs up. “Your chest does makes a great pillow, Hargrove.”
The shy smile is gone sooner than it appeared.
His torso appears in front of you as his warm palms find their way to your hair. Thumbs wipe away the sticky streaks on your rosy cheeks, and then gently caresses them.
He wants you to really look at him, but he finds it a small victory when you don’t duck beneath his arms as he envelops you in a desperate hold. When you don’t pull away after he buries his face in your neck. And when you don’t push him away after you hear him suck back the gunk that’s formed in his stuffed nose nor when something wet drips onto your bare collar bones.
“I’m sorry.” His voice is muffled into your shoulder.
Billy knows that your parents have been away, and he guesses by the missing Mustang in your driveway that your older brother must be down at the run-down waterhole with a couple of pig-headed buddies, so he’d been expecting your house to be devoid of its usual mumbling and lively noises that is such an integral part of it. He’d been relieved at first because that meant he wouldn’t have to deal with your angry parents or a careless-yet-overprotective brother, but now that you are keeping quiet Billy has nothing to grasp onto except this energy that’s barely hanging onto life support between you two.
Billy squeezes you a little tighter, praying that you somehow absorb his thoughts, his guilt, his regret, his love, and his fear. “Okay? I’m sorry for…being a piece of shit. I never meant for that to happen—never dreamt of it.”
The saltiness settles on his taste buds. “I promise I’m not David—I’m not my fucking father.”
Your finger nails run up his spine until they’re digging into the curls on the back of his neck. “I know.”
After just moments of softly scratching his scalp, you pull away and bring your arms into your ribs. The apology is left in the stale air around the two of you, but Billy doesn’t blame you. Lord knows that he’d never forgive his father even if he crawled through hell and back and begged him.
Billy untangles your arms from beneath your chest and leads you into the bathroom down the hall with every intention on washing away every negative emotion down the drain, “Come on, I’m gonna take care of you.”
This reluctance that stops you from letting go of the events that transpired in the parking lot is a million time better than being left to choke on the dust of drifting tires. If anything, Billy accepts this as a start in restoring what once was. Your patience taught him that much.
As the cascading water heats up and clothes hit the tiles one by one, Billy swears to himself that the fool inside him will not be in charge of steering the outcome that involves you. And as he takes a washcloth and some Dove soap to your palms, he promises to you he’ll never give you another reason to silence the ugly snort he fell in love with.
To everyone who requested a part 2: @whatthefuckkrichard @basic-fragment @toobsessedsstuff @nightshade7117 @banannie25
A/N: This series has quickly turned into a sort of love note to the album Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness by The Smashing Pumpkins (1995). Give it a listen; it’s so rich and poetic and fit for everyone’s tastes. And, it’s only 28 songs! Anywho, feedback is strongly appreciated. I tried to keep a similar style of narrative as the previous one but struggled to come up with something both realistic and satisfying. Hope I did it justice.
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ewokthrowdown · 5 years
🎃 YOI Spooky Week 🎃 Tuesday 29th of October 🎃
Day 5, Theme A: Wicked Magic ⚡ Curses and spells
Notes: This was inspired by @charminglyantiquated’s cursed comic, which I anon asked them about and luckily it was okay to use as inspiration so I’m very grateful! All their art (and technically writing ‘cos comics and world building) is really great, very spooky and fantastical.
Content warning: past very minor original character death.
“So you think your family’s cursed and the ghost, demon, monster thing comes to steal your breath when you turn of age tomorrow?”
Phichit’s voice was disbelieving. Yuuri sighed, knowing that if he turned around to look at it, his best friend’s face would be torn between confusion, concern and suspicion that this was a prank. He decided to forgo the experience and continued laying more nails carefully under his bed.
“Listen, I know it sounds crazy, you’ll just have to trust me on this one,” he said.
Yuuri sat back on his heels as Phichit went silent, clearly unsure how to respond.
“Yuuri...” he said eventually, his voice filled with a hesitance that told Yuuri exactly what he was about to say. “You don’t think maybe you should speak to someone about this? I mean someone besides me? Like a professional?”
Yuuri sighed again and let his head fall back to gaze blankly at the ceiling.
“I knew you wouldn’t believe me.”
“Well how can I?!” Phichit returned, the understanding patience vanishing from his voice as he strode around Yuuri to throw himself onto the bed. Vicchan, Yuuri’s puppy toy poodle who’d been sat on the bed, climbed into Phichit’s lap for pets.
“You just told me that all the youngest children in your family have been cursed to wear iron at all times once they turn twenty-three, or they’ll be choked to death by the demon that a witch summoned as revenge for one of your ancestors leaving her at the altar!”
“That’s about the gist of it, yeah,” Yuuri agreed, getting to his feet. The motion made the thin iron chain he wore around his neck swing a little.
Yuuri had been given it by his parents when he’d turned twenty-two, one year before he needed to start wearing it. They explained the whole thing to him, why his Aunt Makiko on his mother’s side always wore a similar chain, the curse, the demon. At first Yuuri thought it had been a very bad joke, but then his Aunt’s chain had snapped while she was staying with them, Yuuri also home to visit at the time.
They’d been walking on the beach as a family. Makiko had been adjusting the collar of her jumper, and she tripped as she tugged at it. The slip had caused her to pull on the chain around her neck and her eyes had gone wide, the colour draining from her face as the wind picked up around them. Yuuri had known in that moment that it was all true.
He’d watched his mother turn up ahead, a similar expression of terror dawning on her face to her sister’s as she started sprinting back towards her. But it was too late. Yuuri would never forget the image of Makiko gasping for air as her face turned blue.
Yuuri had been horrified. He’d worn the iron chain ever since. Placed nails under any bed he slept in. Filled his pockets with packets of salt.
Tomorrow would be the first day of being haunted by the demon. Yuuri wasn’t looking forward to some kind of horrible apparition following him around, but at least he had protection.
Vicchan jumped down off Phichit’s lap and nudged Yuuri’s leg with his nose, tail wagging. Yuuri bent and scooped him up in his arms.
“Even if you don’t believe me you’ll see for yourself tomorrow,” he said. After all, it’d be hard for the demon to haunt their flat without Phichit noticing, even if he wouldn’t be able to see the demon himself.
“Well that’s terrifying.”
Yuuri shrugged.
That night, Yuuri awoke in the early hours of the morning to the sound of Vicchan growling. He knew immediately the two of them weren’t alone. For one thing, he’d been born in the early hours of the morning, so was officially twenty-three years old. For another, he had a creeping feeling of being watched. Yuuri sat up.
A storm was raging outside, wind whipping the trees. Moonlight spilled through the curtains he’d left open, illuminating the room in monochrome colours. Vicchan was standing near Yuuri’s knees, growling at something at the foot of his bed. There was something standing there.
Heart beating fast, Yuuri squinted, trying to make out the figure. It seemed to gather the shadows around itself, sucking the light from its surroundings. Yuuri flicked on the lamp on his side table.
The figure was indeed a shadow, even in the light of the lamp. But now Yuuri could make out the lines of a silhouette. It was tall and thin, shaped like a human man with broad shoulders. His hair was short, but when he turned his head to look around the room Yuuri thought he looked like he had a fringe. He had a long, straight nose, high cheekbones and a sharp jawline, though when he turned his head to look back at Yuuri they were impossible to make out in the black void of his face.
“Hello,” Yuuri said, surprised that he was able to keep his voice steady.
He gathered Vicchan up, soothing the puppy with pets as he settled in Yuuri’s lap. Vicchan whined a little before going quiet, but Yuuri could feel him quivering.
The shadow didn’t reply. Yuuri swallowed.
“I know why you’re here,” he said next, feeling his courage return to him. “I saw what happened to my Aunt. But I’m going to be more careful, so you can lurk spookily all you want, you can’t touch me while I’m wearing iron.”
Yuuri glared at the shadow.
The shadow tilted his head, and Yuuri had the oddest feeling that it was smiling at him. Yuuri raised his eyebrows at it.
“Well, if that’s all,” he said, laying back down.
He glanced once more at the shadow, before turning off the light and rolling over. Vicchan snuggled up to him, still on high alert and watching the foot of the bed.
The shadow didn’t make any noise, but Yuuri was sure it was still there. It was sort of hard to get back to sleep with it there, even though he didn’t feel exactly scared of it.
Then, all of a sudden, the window banged open. Vicchan barked and Yuuri shot up in bed, eyes wide as the wind howled through his window, whipping the curtains up into a frenzy. He heard Phichit call, “Yuuri?” from his bedroom, but was too busy scrambling out of bed to close the window before the rain could get in.
The shadow was nowhere to be seen, but Yuuri was sure it was still there. Windows didn’t just throw themselves open on their own.
Yuuri managed to get the window back down and locked. The sound of the storm died and the curtains went still. Yuuri hurried to go scoop Vicchan up, who was standing on the end of his bed and whining. The door of his bedroom opened, light from the hallway spilling in and showing Phichit staring at him.
“What the hell’s going on in here?” he asked, looking around the room as though expecting to see something other than Yuuri and his dog.
“Just your standard cursed haunting,” Yuuri sighed, going to sit on the bed. “No big.”
Phichit was still staring at him. Yuuri wondered if he was going to stand there all night.
Vicchan calmed down after a little while.
“So it’s true then?”
Yuuri looked up at the sound of Phichit’s voice to see him still standing in the doorway and looking sufficiently freaked.
“Yeah. But you have nothing to worry about, it’s after me. It just may be a little disruptive because it likes to throw tantrums when it can’t get to its intended victim.”
Phichit just continued to stare at him. Yuuri sighed.
“Listen, I’ll understand if you want me to move out,” he said.
“What?!” Phichit looked more horrified but the idea of Yuuri moving out than him being cursed with a murderous demon. “Of course you’re not moving out! No. In the morning we’re going to the library and we’re looking up a way to break the curse.”
“We’ve tried,” Yuuri said, but he couldn’t help but smile at how much his friend cared. “My ancestors did everything. Some of them lived until an old age, others met rather sticky endings a little earlier. But we can’t break it. Well, we can if we stop having kids. It’s not like I particularly want kids, but I know Mari does eventually.”
“Well there’s got to be something,” Phichit said decisively, striding into the room. “Budge up, I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.”
Yuuri did as he was told, secretly relieved, and together they climbed under the duvet. It was a lot easier to fall asleep after that.
Yuuri was right in thinking that the library didn’t have anything. They searched both the university one and the one in town, but books about curses weren’t exactly common, and the ones they did find talked about the history of witchcraft as though it wasn’t real. They knew otherwise.
There was a rather exciting moment when the books threw themselves off the shelves around them, but Yuuri just stuck his tongue out at the air around them and carried on.
They searched the internet too, which was a lot more accepting of the supernatural, but it only talked about prevention and true love’s kiss.
“Just start kissing people,” Phichit suggested. “Bound to get it right eventually.”
“I don’t think that’s how it works, Peach. Also I think there’s something in the curse about being unlucky in love because my ancestors never found anyone.”
Phichit gave him a peck on the lips anyway, much to Yuuri’s amusement, then seemed disappointed that he wasn’t the fairytale prince.
“Well I suppose that confirms that we’re very much platonic soulmates,” he allowed.
That evening while they were trying to watch television the screen kept going static filled and the sound was screechy.
“Hey, dickhead,” Yuuri shouted, looking around for the shadow, which he found lurking over by the door to the kitchen. “We’re trying to watch TV here.”
“Yuuri, oh my god, don’t anger it,” Phichit said, horrified.
“It’s fine, he’s a big idiot,” Yuuri huffed, sticking his tongue out at the shadow, which flickered in what was perhaps supposed to be a menacing way.
Phichit was staring at him as he settled back against the cushions.
“How can you be so casual about that thing? Didn’t it murder your aunt?”
Yuuri sighed and grabbed another handful of crisps from the bowl. Honestly he wasn’t entirely sure why he didn’t feel more scared. Maybe it was that he’d spent months being afraid of the moment he’d come of age and see the demon, that he knew his family and generations before him had been terrified. But now he just felt annoyed.
“I suppose I’m just done being afraid,” he said.
That night there was scratching at the door and moaning from the attic. Yuuri yelled at it to shut up and went back to sleep. Phichit spent another night in his bed.
The next morning there were words written in the condensation of the mirror after his shower.
“Yeah well I hate you too,” he said.
The shadow appeared suddenly behind Yuuri when he was making dinner, making him drop the cup of sour cream when he turned around. The cream went everywhere. Yuuri gave the shadow the finger. The shadow gave it back.
Yuuri came out of his room one morning to find the word DIE written on the hallway wall in dark red dripping letters.
“Whose blood is that?!”
The next day his cup of tea trembled on the table all on its own. Yuuri made another one and placed it on the table next to his own.
“This is your mug of tea to rattle ominously,” he said, pointing at it. “And this is mine.” He pointed at the other.
There was a pause, and then the second mug started to rattle.
“Good doing business with you,” Yuuri said, smiling as he settled back with his tea.
“If I put Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural on for you, will you stop making my laptop go weird?” Yuuri asked the shadow. “There’s lots of stuff about ghosts and demons, maybe they’re friends of yours.”
The shadow seemed to consider this, and then nodded in agreement.
“Fantastic,” Yuuri said, relieved.
“Is it boring not being able to interact with the world properly?” Yuuri asked the shadow as it lurked while he was studying.
The shadow shrugged.
“I’ll leave the radio on for you.”
The shadow trembled in a happy sort of way.
“And this move is called the sun salutation,” Yuuri was telling the shadow as he moved into the next yoga position, his mat laid out in the living room. The shadow watched with apparent interest from a few feet away. “And this is the mountain pose.”
“He can roll over,” Yuuri said, making Vicchan roll over for a treat.
Vicchan hopped around on his hind legs.
“And play dead.”
Vicchan flopped to the floor on his back. The shadow trembled.
“Don’t get any ideas,” Yuuri warned it, glaring.
“Yeah I suppose I haven’t spoken to my parents in a little bit,” Yuuri was saying after his shower as he sprayed on deodorant. “I’m sure they worry about me.”
There was a squeaking noise and Yuuri looked up to see words appearing in the fog over the mirror.
Yuuri smiled.
“I will.”
“And this muscle is called your trapezium,” Yuuri said, feeling along the muscle of his neck. “It’s a big one, goes all the way down to here.”
The shadow watched as Yuuri pointed out all the different muscle groups in his arm, then pointed to his shoulder.
“That one’s the deltoid,” Yuuri said, smiling. “Thanks for helping me study.”
The shadow gave a happy tremble.
“Do you want a mug to shake?” Yuuri asked the shadow, who seemed to be watching his mug of tea intensely.
The shadow shook his head. Then seemed to hesitate. Then he leaned forward and blew on Yuuri’s tea. The steam coming off the tea swirled into the shape of a heart.
Yuuri felt his cheeks turn pink, an uncontrollable smile stretching across his face.
“I like you too.”
They went for walks through the park together, which were nice even though they couldn’t hold hands what with Yuuri’s chain. And they went for dinner even though the shadow couldn’t eat. He did draw a heart in the condensation of Yuuri’s wine glass though. Yuuri smiled, utterly charmed.
“It feels weird to keep calling you shadow,” Yuuri said that night once they’d got home. “Do you have a name?”
The shadow seemed to think about it, then shook his head.
“Would you like one?”
The shadow seemed to think about it. Then Yuuri’s laptop screen flickered to life. Written on the screen was one word.
“It’s nice to meet you, Victor,” Yuuri said, and the shadow trembled.
“So I was thinking we could go to the beach sometime,” Yuuri was saying to Victor as he buttoned his shirt up. “It’ll be cold this time of year, but pretty.”
Yuuri bent down as Vicchan ran forward excitedly. When Vicchan jumped up to lick his face his little paw caught on the chain around Yuuri’s neck. And as he came back down Yuuri felt the chain snap. He gasped.
There was silence. Yuuri looked up. Victor was staring at him. Yuuri took a step back. Victor took a step forward. Yuuri could feel how wide his eyes were. His breaths came short. His heart thundered in his chest.
Yuuri backed up until his back hit his bedroom wall. Victor drew closer.
“Victor…” Yuuri managed to choke out, his eyes filling with tears as Victor closed the space between them, looming over him.
Yuuri closed his eyes, not wanting to see Victor turn against him. And then there were lips on his. Soft, pressing, gentle. Yuuri gasped, dizzy with it as he sunk against Victor, his form suddenly feeling very solid, able to touch him.
Then Victor was pulling back, and Yuuri was opening his eyes. Victor’s dark face hovered inches from his own. He touched his fingers to Yuuri’s cheek, and Yuuri was entirely breathless.
There was a beat, and then Yuuri’s hands fell through Victor’s body as though it had turned to smoke. And with a sigh, Victor faded into nothing but air.
Yuuri stood stunned, staring at the spot Victor had vanished from.
There was no reply.
Yuuri broke down sobbing.
Of course, he thought, a hysterical laugh choked from his throat. There’s more than one way to steal a breath. And true love’s kiss breaks all curses.
Yuuri wasn’t sure how long he stayed huddled on the floor, clutching his chest. He felt wrung out by the end of it. Raw and frayed. Vicchan was nuzzling at his hip, trying to comfort him. Yuuri pet him, letting the motion soothe him.
Then he looked up, his jaw set.
“I will get you back,” he swore.
Yuuri returned to the internet for answers, and searched until he was sure he had the right incantation. He ordered the things he needed online too. Crystals, chalk, a scrying bowl, special herbs and a bird’s skull.
He was restless as he waited for the things to arrive. Phichit knew he was heartbroken, but recognised his determination and just let him know that he was there for him if Yuuri needed. Yuuri was grateful, but was determined it wouldn’t be necessary.
Yuuri had to wait for the full moon to perform the spell. He sat in his and Phichit living room, the rug rolled back from the hardwood floor and a summoning circle etched out in chalk onto the floorboards in front of him. Crystals were carefully placed at points around the circle and a bowl was cupped in his hands. A bird skull, some herbs, and a lock of his own hair sat in the bowl. Before him sat the printed piece of paper with the necessary words on it.
Yuuri began to chant.
The words were strange sounding, a little like Latin, but something jagged about them. They struck the ear oddly and sent shivers down the spine.
Yuuri repeated the chant time and time again, feeling something building as he did. He closed his eyes, putting all his will and concentration into the incantation.
The hairs on his arms started to rise as goosebumps sprung up over his skin. There seemed to be a whisper of wind around the room even though none of the windows were open. There was snapping, sizzling sound, a crack like thunder. And then silence.
Yuuri opened his eyes.
Inside the circle stood a man. Tall, thin, with broad shoulders and a sweep of silver hair that fell across one eye in a fringe. The visible eye was a shocking blue. His skin, which was bare of clothes, was pale as marble, and he was so painfully beautiful that it was immediately obvious he wasn’t entirely human. Mortal, maybe, but certainly not human.
He blinked at Yuuri, apparently lost for words. Yuuri smiled.
“Hello, Victor.”
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Assuming that you’re a girl, when you’re on your period do you use tampons or pads? pads
Do you like taking pictures of yourself? funny ones if any 
How much have you won on a lottery ticket? like 2 PLN lol  *I tried few times out of curiosity to see if my strategy works and besides once I was always winning this amount of cash
What is your favorite thing to do on your phone? play Choices <3
Was your first phone a flip phone? nope Have you ever butt dialed someone? from what I remember it happened in the bus one time when I was coming back home from school What is an old website that closed down that you miss? polyvore  If you’re a girl, have you ever had an embarrassing period story? not really Do you watch America’s Got Talent? I watched polish version at the beginning but got annoyed and bored with it, saw some foreign videos on yt tho Which country has the best accent? England? (british) Did you cry at your high school graduation? I don’t think so Who is a former friend that you wish would come back into your life? sigh... Have you ever been in a serious romantic relationship? this one’s serious to me Who was your favorite Spice Girl? I don’t remember Did you ever want to be in a band or music group? if I had a talent... What instrument did you play in the marching band? I wasn’t in the marching band If you could take any one type of dance class right now, what kind you take? vogue or some classic in pairs maybe to remind myself what I learned in middle school but tbh I’m not much into the idea of attending any dance classes Who got kicked off of your favorite talent show that you were mad about? more than one person actually :( Do you own the entire series on DVD of any TV show? If so, what? I wish!  Can you tell the difference between Mary-Kate and Ashley? I can’t  Who is your favorite set of twins? hmm... What is the grossest thing you have ever vomited up? don’t wanna think about it Did you ever take your dog to school? never Name one person you know who had a baby in high school. I don’t know personally anyone like this Do you keep a list of your favorite quotes? I try Describe your dream wedding in three words. small boho rustic Have you ever seen someone throw up on a plane? wasn’t on a plane but if that happened then I’d parachute myself outta there, yeet
Has God ever healed you of anything? If so, what? hope he will now but doubt it Do you believe in God? yes? Do you pray, and if so, to whom? to God, Jesus, Virgin Mary, saints, my brother...
Do you find church fun or boring? irritating and sort of tiring but if I had to choose between fun and boring then I’d go with the second, sorry What is your favorite thing to do in a swimming pool? pee *I’m joking Which part of your body is the most muscular? eyes from rolling them hahaha Have you ever painted a sugar skull on your face? no way Are you an artist? some sort of Did you ever take Latin in school? floristry Do you prefer to run in the street or on the sidewalk? *shrug* Which holiday is closest to your birthday? Valentine’s day if it counts
What’s the weather like for today? similar to yesterday’s Have you eaten breakfast yet? I have What have you accomplished today? nothing What curse word do you use the most? kurwa? Would you ever make out with someone of the same sex? as a lesbian XD What is your mother’s and father’s names? personal Last person you text messaged? dad
Would you ever volunteer to pick up trash around your town? count me in
Do you think desktops are more comfortable than laptops? they’re not Do you freak out when 666 appears somewhere? would say so Do you think it’s gross when you see gay/lesbian couples out in public? excuse me?! Was last night enjoyable for you? not really Can you go in public looking like you do? I suppose
So how are you today? not well
Do you enjoy going to the library? my library is really small and we don’t have lots of interesting books but I don’t mind visiting
Do you know anyone who has a pet bunny? my gf’s bestie and my ex friend had one 
What store or website would you most like a gift card for? uh oh can’t choose :3
Do you use Pinterest? no longer but I thought about making a new account, what do you think?
Do you know any sign language? wanted to learn but then I found out every country has it’s own and gave up
Do you have a favorite poem? Posłanie do nadwrażliwych is one of them, I like just a bunch, prefer to write poems than read ‘em
Describe your favorite scarf, if you have one. I own so many... 
Do you have a dog? yep
Have you ever read the Little House on the Prairie series? I watched a show but I read Mały domek w wielkich lasach
Have you ever performed in front of more than 100 people? in school
What do you do when a man you’re not interested in asks for your number? luckily I’ve never been in such situation and hope I won’t be
Is there anywhere you like to go because you find one of the employees attractive? what? Is there a big age gap between your parents? not big If you watch Glee, what has been your favourite song so far? If you don’t, why do you choose not to watch it? I’m not into musicals Did your parents ever forbid you from hanging out with anyone? oh well... If you drink, why? If you don’t, why not? I don’t like the smell, probably wouldn’t like taste either, my stomach is untolerant to lots of stuff, I don’t want to lose the rest of my health and being drunk might have bad consequences, also it’s expensive and addictive to that
What’s a word that begins with the first letter of your bf/gf/crushes name? monkey :P Have you ever heard a song mash-up? Did you like it? some were nice If you had to choose between being a garden gnome or a gargoyle, which would you be? gnome, yay!
What kind of dog would you get if you could choose any breed? chihuahua, pomeranian, pug, miniature poodle... Do you like to decorate? mhm Have you ever done anything sexual in exchange for something? nah Do you have nice legs?: pfft Do your parents ever try to tell you what or what not to wear?: my mom - she’s always saying my clothes are old or that they don’t match the weather  Has a gf’s sibling ever hit on you?: nooo Do you have a nice butt?: do I? How many cell phones have you gone through in your life? about 5 Do you go to concerts?  wouldn’t say so Do you shop online?  very rarely Are you a fan of dogs?  could say so
Is there a map hanging in your room? there isn’t Would you rather hold hands or link arms with your significant other? depends Did you ever throw up while kissing someone? it’s a fear of mine, it didn’t came true so far  Do you like Batman? yep Who is in the room with you? nobody
What was the last food you put syrup on? I don’t use syrup
Can you see more than one computer from where you are right now? there isn’t any other in my house Ever had paranormal experiences with a OUJIA board? don’t mess with ouija boards Did anyone close to you pass away this year? no one close Have you ever been locked in the trunk of a car? luckily not Does your refrigerator have one or two doors? two: one for the fridge and one for the freezer Are you allergic to any animals? no idea Do you have any friends you like to visit whenever they’re at work? just my father Do you have a bathrobe? but I don’t use it Do you get bored easy or can you find ways to amuse yourself? I find ways, only boring ppl get really bored, I might lack energy or motivation but that’s all Have you ever been submitted to the hospital due to a car-related accident? not accident
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saferincages · 5 years
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Because of the dog’s joyfulness, our own is increased. It is no small gift. It is not the least reason why we should honor as well as love the dog of our own life, and the dog down the street, and all the dogs not yet born. What would the world be like without music or rivers or the green and tender grass? What would this world be like without dogs? - Mary Oliver, Dog Songs
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Today, April 18th, would have been our beloved Angel’s 13th birthday. We were so hoping she would be here to celebrate it, but unfortunately her illness took her far more quickly than we were anticipating, which has us commemorating it without her, and still grieving her terribly.
I’ve talked about her so often that I now struggle to find the proper words to pay tribute to what a miracle she was for me, and what a truly special girl and precious little soul she was. I related some of the story of us getting her here, but wanted to take this last chance to remember. Saying I dreamed of or wanted a dog my entire life doesn’t even fairly capture it - I yearned for a dog, more than anything else that could ever be offered to me. There were multiple obstacles that made this impossible growing up - my mom and I being too busy with work/school to properly care for one, the fact that we were too burdened financially, the limitations on the kind of dog we could bring home given both of our allergies. Thus it remained my fondest continual wish. By 2006, my illness had been breaking me down for over a year. I had no choice but to drop out of school when I could barely function; I had reached what they called a “plateau” in physical therapy, a point where they couldn’t help me or rehabilitate me further from my lingering car accident injuries, and my immune system kept getting worse, my body increasingly frail. I was spending most days entirely alone while my mom worked full-time. It got to the point of quiet desperation, my depression was becoming more serious and we didn’t know what to do.
An e-mail went out in my mom’s office from a family who wanted to rehome their young standard poodle. We decided to go and meet her, and she was lovely, but she was 60 pounds and definitely too rambunctious for us to enclose in our very small living situation. (There’s a happy ending to that story, as her family decided to keep her.) The thought was irrevocably planted in my brain, though, and I fixated on the idea of finally finding a dog. We tried several other times - like a 3 year old Bichon who ended up at our Humane Society (they’re so rarely found at shelters that they did a lottery for people to be able to adopt him; our number did not come up), then a miniature poodle puppy at the shelter in Denver (same story with the lottery). I started scouring the paper, and one night in late July, in the online classifieds, I found a listing for six Bichon puppies. The timing was unbelievably perfect. I excitedly called the number, and the lady told me they had two left, a boy and a girl, and if we would like to see them, could we please come right away, because she and her husband were going out of town for the weekend and someone else was going to come watch the dogs. My mom and I got into the car in the dark of night and drove to the other side of the city. When we got there, we saw four little white fluffy faces in the door - the couple’s two adult Bichons and two babies.
We went inside, and the lady who had them started telling us about them. The little boy was docile and laid-back, the little girl was sweet yet very feisty and stubborn. She had been the smallest in her litter, and her five brothers and sisters pushed her around and never let her eat enough, and so she had to learn to stand up for herself. They were both darling. He laid quietly on the floor waiting for attention. She perseveringly climbed up onto the back of the sofa to be as close to us as possible, to sniff us and kiss our faces. She was silly and affectionate, and of course I instantly fell in love with her. She was meant to be ours. They gave us her papers, and her blanket, I scooped her up in my arms, and she was mine. On the drive home, our normal route ended up being blocked off because of a chemical spill, and the police officer who stopped us glanced into the car and smiled at the sleepy little puppy (”look!,” he said, “a carpet with eyes!” because she was quite fuzzy).
The gate to temporarily keep her in the kitchen overnight didn’t work at all, she was too smart for that. She squeezed out and promptly came into my room, whimpered on my floor until I turned to look at her, and waited for me to pick her up. I put her on the bed, she stole a pillow, and that was our story almost every night for the rest of her life. She was the best puppy, a model puppy, she never made a mess or chewed up anything she wasn’t supposed to (except for a roll of toilet paper, which only made us laugh), and she took to training quickly.
She was the most incredible blessing, and every day, no matter how sick I was, no matter how devastated I felt by anything else happening in my existence or the world, she gave me a reason to get up, to carry on. Not only because she depended on me - and that’s no small thing, having a dear, bright life that needs you to look after her - but because she was so boundless in her exuberance, her light, her love for everything and everyone. She believed all people and animals (I would say obviously other dogs, but honestly she seemed to like kitties most of all) should be her friends, and did her very best to charm them. She was excited to wake up in the morning, and she would bounce on me with her tail wagging in circles. She loved cozy things, pillows and stuffed animals and blankets and warm laundry; she loved soothing instrumental music and would settle right down to sleep when I put her favorites on (near the end of her life, we played a lot from Soothing Relaxation, and we put this one on for her before she died. She enjoyed certain piano pieces on the Soundscapes channel, especially this and this, she’d snuggle up and close her deep brown eyes whenever they played). She loved to play and growl and zoom around from room to room at top speed, she loved to lay in the sun and look out the window, she loved baby carrots and apple slices and was the cutest when she crunched them. She listened to me sing to her with rapt attention, and when we talked to her, she liked to talk back with various small barks and grumbles while inquisitively tilting her head. She had a mind of her own and liked to arrange things however she wanted them; she waved her paws constantly, and it meant different things depending on what she was asking us. She never stopped giving kisses, and this went double whenever one of us was crying, as she saw it as her comforting duty to lick away our tears. In her very last hour, when she hadn’t had anything to eat or drink for almost two days, when I was suddenly forced into making a decision I wasn’t ready to make, when all I wanted was to bring her home and tears were streaming down my face, she still sat up to kiss them away. It’s been hard having so many endless tears to shed since we lost her, and not having her in my lap to take care of me.
I’m convinced she did take care of me, more than I did for her. I called her my little nurse a lot, because she always knew when I was more sick than usual, and she worried and fussed around me, and tucked herself in by my side, and wouldn’t leave me. Even as isolated as I am due to being homebound, I was never lonely while she was in my life, she was always there to reassure me. She sensed so many of our moods, and she was so empathetic that we’d try not to get too upset around her because she would react with concern. When my anxiety and panic attacks began getting worse, and when my POTS became more severe, I truly began to realize how much she helped me, how her being near me calmed my tension, eased my physical pain, how running my fingers through her incredibly soft curls immediately lowered my heart rate, and that’s when I had her certified as my emotional support animal. She’d been doing that job from the start, so she deserved the title officially.
I mentioned here why I named her Angel: I wanted to use the name Angel because I love angels, because it made me think of sweetness and light, and of course she has been my guardian and my salvation and truly my Angel all these years, but she’s something else that word connotes too. She’s a warrior Angel. She was unbelievably strong and courageous, she fought so hard to live, and all she wanted was to stay with us. She was made of that pure goodness, and she was also brave and resilient. We called her bunches of nicknames - our diamond, our flower, our princess, our sugar, our baby, but she was profoundly an Angel most of all.
We had a unique relationship because we were almost always together, every minute, every day, every year. Not everyone understands the depth of connection knitted deep into our spirits that one can have with a beautiful living being, but experiencing it was a gift beyond any measurement words can give. I never left her for more than a few hours at the time. I never spent a night without her, except when she was in the hospital. She was my constant; my warm, fluffy baby, my treasure, and that life and happiness was everything. My dad acknowledged that, for me, losing her was much more like losing a child, because we were so bonded, so unbreakably close, and that is irreplaceable. I’ve mentioned before that I won’t ever be able to have that connection in human form, and getting another dog is once again an impossibility for us due to our current predicament (not that Angel could ever be replaced, but we would open our home and hearts to new love if we could), so she was it for me, the one dream come true, all I had.
I read Dog Songs as we were losing her, and Mary Oliver captured the adoration and the acute sadness exquisitely. So, that deepest sting: sorrow. Still, is she gone from us entirely, or is she part of that other world, everywhere? One of her poems was for her own Bichon, Percy, and these lines conjured Angel: For she was made small but brave of heart. For she could be silly and noble in the same moment. For she listened to poems as well as love-talk. For when she sniffed it was as if she were being pleased by every part of the world. For when she sickened she rallied as many times as she could. For she was a mixture of gravity and waggery. For there was nothing sweeter than her peace when at rest. For there was nothing brisker than her life when in motion. For when I went away she would watch for me at the window. For she loved me. For when she lay down to enter sleep she did not argue about whether or not God made her. For she could fling herself upside down and laugh a true laugh. For I often see her shape in the clouds and this is a continual blessing. She also wrote: It is almost a failure of will, a failure of love, to let them grow old - or so it feels. We would do anything to keep them with us, and to keep them young. The one gift we cannot give.
Despite losing the entire semblance of and hopes for my "normal" life when I became chronically ill, despite mourning people (whether they passed out of my life literally or figuratively), even still I have never undergone this level of grief and heartache. I long to hold her in my arms, to hear the padding of her adorable popcorn paws and the jingling of her tags, to kiss her irresistibly soft head (which smelled like her sugar cookie conditioner). She always had such an exceptionally strong heartbeat - the little heartbeat at my feet - and when it stopped, while I embraced her with my hand against her chest, a huge part of me went with her. She gave me so much purpose and grace and helped me survive. She lit up every day with joy, and we will never stop missing her.
Angel was the truest, most precious love I've ever known, and how lucky I am to have been blessed by such a wondrous girl.
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introvertguide · 6 years
Spontaneous Synchronized Dance
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I want to do a little bit of light ribbing at a genre that I love. Some of my favorite movies are musicals and many of the very best of these have very odd moments in which people just break out into song. Movies like Cabaret and Chicago use the setting to make these outbursts blend in (in the club for Cabaret and in the imaginations of convicts for Chicago) while others have these complex dance numbers and songs where large groups just break out into an obviously rehearsed musical number. There are some film scenes that are especially egregious because the group or setting prevents any chance of previous rehearsal so it just seems hilariously out of place (in the greatest way). Since we are reviewing West Side Story, I wanted to mention a couple of favorites: 
West Side Story (1961): Starting off with my favorite culprit, the dance at the very beginning of this movie is so hilarious when considering the context. These are supposed to be rival gangs divided by race that are on the brink of a rumble. Two things that I had not associated together until I saw this movie were race related gang violence and choreographed ballet leaps. Maybe that it is the ruse: you become so entranced by the dancing that you don’t notice the knife. I can just imagine it; “Hold my switchblade while I intimidate this guy with my high kicks and jazz hands!”
Mary Poppins (1964): I know it is a fantasy musical. I absolutely love it and have seen this film close to a hundred times over my life. I still have a hard time with the “Step in Time” number with the chimney sweeps dancing on the roofs. Somebody would have died. These guys are running around covered in soot and breaking a sweat dancing and doing complicated choreographed numbers. Somebody would have had soot drip in their eyes and either fallen down in a blind fury themselves or knocked somebody else off the roof. Also, roofs are not made for stomping around. Also, chimneys are too thin to fit people, that is why they have the long specialized brushes. Also, how much spare time do these guys have? This seems like a terrible job that would not allow rehearsal time. I am strangely OK with jumping into a chalk drawing and dancing with penguins, but the chimney sweep dance just baffles me. 
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968): I think I have something with Dick Van Dyke characters suddenly knowing how to dance. Here is another fantasy musical where I can suspend my disbelief for something like a factory of dancing workers for toot sweets but I cannot fathom the practical fair number of “The Old Bamboo.” We all know that DVD can dance like a madman. However, he is playing a bumbling professor that forgets all the time and he suddenly is coordinated and can dance along with a bunch of professionals in an attempt to hide from people looking for him. Great call. He is going to hide in a crowd by making a spectacle that everyone is looking at and attempt to join a group of dancers and lead a dance number that his character probably can’t do. Nobody will notice. Did I mention he is a genius professor?
Grease (1978): Huge fan of the movie. I have been known to sing “Summer Nights” in the car when I am in a good mood. I know what you are thinking. Tell me more, tell me more. Well, as much as I love the movie, there is an aspect about the end that always confuses me. Sandy always has poodle skirts and saddle shoes throughout the film and these are great for dancing. She shows up in the end carnival scene with high wasted leather pants and super high heeled platforms and she is dancing on grass. On grass, people. She is dancing in heels that she is just trying for the first time and she does it on grass at a carnival, a place not known for immaculate manicured lawns. She probably drives away into the clouds because she died after taking a nasty fall onto a tent stake. Still a great movie, though. 
Footloose (1984): The premise is already a little weird in that there is a city that doesn’t allow dancing. Kevin Bacon changes their minds and there is a school dance at the end with rock music (well, Kenny Loggins music). Everybody dances and has a good time...but the town has had an ordinance against dancing for 20 years. All the high school kids seem to know how to dance despite presumably being 17 or 18 years old and therefore never had the opportunity to dance. How does this work? Some of them have been taught by the lead at the country music bar out of town, but what about everybody else? These guys should all be dancing like a new born giraffe. Not so much. 
I want to mention that I love all of these movies and definitely recommend watching any and all of them more than once. It just happens that, after watching a movie dozens of times, one notices the little things. Sometimes these things really don’t make sense. Realistically, it doesn’t matter and does not take away from the awesomeness of the film, but it is fun to nitpick a little bit. 
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growliere · 5 years
DnD Recap Part 4: Of Companies and Conclaves
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
More of the dnd campaign I’m in with @ryliceracc and dm’d by @jcdonkey Recap under the cut
Seranian Border
The party reached a fortress at the border of the country of Serania. Teefers and Ru were taken for questioning because they were wanted for murder. ElderRock changed the bounty to dead or alive and listed them as murderers instead of escaped slaves. 
Captain Hornmaul was sympathetic to their situation and warned them about a crime syndicate called the Obsidian Conclave. He asked that Teefers and Ru disguise themselves, and that Teefers fight in the arena at Grand Gorge. Ru used their glamour armor and gave Teefers their magic disguise hat. Teefers’ disguise essentially consisted of color-swapping himself to look like a striped gnoll instead of a spotted one.
Ru sent a locket and a letter about the now dead ogres to Barbas. Two dwarf women at the border looked at Teefers weird, but he didn’t notice.
Ru had recurring dreams about a poodle canid that Quelaana suspects are about a demon, Ru wants to have sex with the demon. Everyone else was worried, Fafgar was afraid Ru will leave him.
Grand Gorge
A dwarf on the sheriff’s staff is a fan of Teefers.
Wyber was furious about the contract renegotiation and wanted to capture Teefers right then, but Po had talked him out of it. Teefers owed her a lifedebt. Po mentioned that Wyber often has illegal fights to the death.
Sheriff Mateo Odornez was concerned about Teefers’ presence and ordered Wyber to house the party at Talon Co hq to delay the townspeople finding out about Teefers being there. He forbade the party from leaving the building until after the fight.
Olly was a jerk who thinks Teefers is all talk. Teefers and Fafgar had crushes on Po, she bushed Fafgar off. Po threatened Olly for disrespecting Teefers and Rorg.
Ru overheard a conversation between Wyber and Olly. The bounty on Teefers and Ru went up because of Count Isaac. Olly wanted Wyber to capture us despite the contract because he needs money for his sick mother in Starfall. Olly also mentioned Po being a problem and heavily implied his desire to kill her. Wyber said he’d honor the contract and ordered Olly to take a vacation.
Teefers told Po about the overheard conversation. He asked her how many of the people Wyber killed in those fights to the death deserved to die, and she said all of them. Teefers asked Po on a date and she said it’d depend on the outcome of the fight.
Teefers won the fight. Wyber took it well and offered Teefers a job in Talon Company. The two dwarven women from the border were Olly’s entourage, they disappeared immediately after the fight. The final member of Wyber’s party introduced himself, Skorg the goliath.
Teefers took a bath after the fight, Quelaana tripped into the tub while bringing him towels. Fafgar, Ru, and Raena had a threesome.
Dreaming of things to come
Ru had another dream about the poodle. This time they were both wearing a matching amulet. The deity Mir (formerly Maris) was taking the form of the poodle Sylvia Moreau, and tasked Ru with being Sylvia’s guardian and keeping the team together. Mir took the form of a dragon and flew Ru over the gnoll homeland Yeensylvania. It was desolate and swarming with deformed and skeletal gnolls. Two demigod liches summoned a 14ft tall demonic gnoll creature, Yeenoghu. Yeenoghu’s presence caused Ru to fall into madness. Mir returned Ru to normal and gave them an amulet that changes their appearance. They had sex.
Quelaana told Teefers that she was actually Bjanka/Imbarcae’s champion and Teefers was merely her bodyguard. She explained her special dream powers. Quelaana, Sylvia, and the other champions U’krot the werebear orc monk and Khufa the tabaxi lioness paladin were tasked with trying to defeat the demigod liches to prevent the summoning of Yeenoghu to this plane. They laid together so she could show Teefers a dream, similar to Ru’s. Mavarr guided Teefers through Yeensylvania. Teefers’ signature weapon flamesmash showed a glowing rune and turned cold. Yeenoghu’s presence caused Teefers to fall into madness, but Mavarr snapped him out of it.
Fafgar misinterpreted things and thinks Teefers and Quelaana had sex.
Ru’s amulet can talk to them and encouraged them to do shenanigans.
Ru and Teefers agreed to the mission. Ru persuaded Fafgar and Rorg to stay with the party. Teefers became very concerned but thinks they need to try. Wyber extended the offer to work for Talon Co to the whole party and said he’d help with the demigod liches if the party does a job for him.
Teefers found Po helping Olly pack and asked her for details about their date that night.
Wyber said he was lying the entire time about wanting the bounty, he thought Teefers wouldn’t want to fight him without proper incentive. Teefers was pissed.
Po took Teefers to a magical noodle cart with amazing food for dinner, run by a tabaxi named Duvanicci/”Doof”. Quelaana was concerned, she and Ru disguised themselves and followed the couple on their date. Teefers told Po about Wyber lying. Po was offered a job running a branch of Talon Co in Yeenora, the new capital of Yeensylvania. She asked Teefers if she should take it. He was hesitant and eventually explained the Yeenoghu situation, which led to her deciding to take the job and giving the party the full support of her Talon Co branch.
Quelaana was crushing on Teefers and admitted faking her clumsiness to fall on him in the bath to Ru, but she realized she took it too far and wasn’t entirely sure of her feelings.
Rorg told Teefers he can’t get married without his mom’s approval. Mavarr explained that Teefers’ maul and Ru’s axe are legendary weapons.
Po had clawed Wyber’s face leaving large scars. Wyber had a complete change of character. He was kind, apologetic, and gave in to the party’s demands with no effort on our part. The job he wanted us to do was to stop ambushes where robbers had been stealing from people, the culprit supposedly being the infamous half-elf outlaw Dax Valero. Dax was a thief but has never been known to kill. The party declined to join Talon Co but agreed to the job. Wyber told us we could take Po if we wanted. He pulled Teefers and Ru aside, if Po dies, he’ll hunt down and kill Teefers and Ru.
Teefers went to get Po and she came on to him too strong and it was awkward. Teefers explained he’s working through trauma and not ready for intimacy with anyone. Po was very embarrassed. Po joined the party.
Po and Quelaana bonded over their awkward attempts to seduce Teefers.
The Dax Valero Disaster
Po upgraded the wagon. At the ambush site 3 kobolds were looting but there was nothing to loot, just a bunch of dead bodies. A wagon had exploded from a bomb under the bench, and two blood trails left in different directions. The party went up the northeast blood trail and sent Mavarr down the southeast trail.
The party followed the trail to a clearing with a farmhouse and a barn. The farmhouse had a frozen corpse tied to a chair. In the barn was Dax,tied to a chair and still alive. He explained that two dwarf women had tied him up. Ru freed him.
As everyone started moving back towards the barn for Dax to identify the corpse, they were attacked by the two dwarf women. They both wore the garments of the Obsidian Conclave. It was a trap and Dax was just the bait. Count Isaac added a bounty on Quelaana too. Dax fought alongside the party. Teefers killed one of the dwarves. Obsidian Conclave reinforcements arrived at the other side of the barn. Po, Quelaana, and Fafgar went to deal with them. The party knocked the other dwarf out.
Ru, Rorg, and Teefers ran to meet the rest of the party to find Fafgar beaten and unconscious, and Quelaana and Po restrained and bloodied. Olly and Skorg had betrayed us and were part of the Obsidian Conclave. Olly put his gun against Po’s head, saying he has to kill her so she can’t tell Wyber. Olly also mentioned that Po wasn’t even supposed to be there. Teefers tried to scare Olly but was unsuccessful. Ru threw their axe and knocked Olly’s gun out of his hand. Dax ran away. Teefers killed Skorg and Olly.
Po (and the rest of the party) was clearly shaken by what transpired. Was the whole job a setup? Was Wyber in on it?
Fafgar was alive but still wouldn’t wake up.
As the party began to leave, knights from the Sanguine Order showed up too late and questioned the party. They offered to escort the party back to Grand Gorge. They healed Fafgar enough that he woke up but he’ll need several days of rest to fully recover.
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azrielkings · 6 years
[Viktuuri AU || Two-Shot] Blind Date
 Yuuri didn’t want a husband. He was perfectly fine living by himself; dependent only on his skill and not other’s. No one can do his job better but himself. But, his parents— surprisingly including Mari— insisted that he needed someone to keep him in check, both mentally and physically. He could slightly understand the mentally part, but physically? He didn’t get that. He didn’t need someone catering to his so-called ‘physical’ desires, same with his mentality. Yuuri was aware that he was overly anxious, and insecure, and it was to a dangerous point. One time, at kindergarten, he was picked on because of his glasses. He had always been insecure, but it was at that moment where it festered to something more. Sometime at elementary, he had confessed to someone… He was rejected.   Yuuri faced many rejections from his personal life to his work life. He also faced many judgments, and no comment, or assurance from his close circle of friends and family could lessen the damage the world had inflicted on him. But so far, he was living perfectly fine. He was still breathing, he still had his job, and that was the definition of ‘perfect’ for Yuuri. Though, Phichit had always argued with him at that point— “It isn’t perfect, Yuuri! It’s a really boring life, and I think you’ve gone a bit wonky if you think living on a routine is perfect,” That was Phichit would always say. Yuuri liked routines, and he liked having it followed. It was organized… Everyone he knew that Yuuri’s life was a mess, and following a routine was the only way to groom and fix that mess.   He was fine, but then again, if he was fine he wouldn’t be sitting at his favorite cafe, his fingers intertwined— a cup in-between them that had his favorite black coffee. Maybe his parents were right that he needed someone… Usually their judgments were more accurate than his—however,  it didn’t mean that he would be fine waiting for a faceless, nameless man.  Phichit was supposed to help him break the predestined engagement with the man that morning but instead, he was greeted by Phichit’s bone-crushing hugs. “Yuuri!” He had cheekily smiled, and Yuuri didn’t need an answer from him to know that Phichit wasn’t going to help.   What he did was make it worse.   “Ahh! Mrs. Katsuki, I heard you planned a blind date for Yuuri?” Phichit was supposed to be quiet, subtle with what he was going to say for the sake of Yuuri’s stress meter, but he knew he was pushing his luck. It was near impossible to wake up his friend, and asking Phichit to be more sincere in his words was pushing that said luck. He understood of course that Phichit was only being like this since he cared, but he really didn’t need a man. “Can I see his photo—” And that was when Yuuri plugged in his headphones. If his parents and Phichit wanted him to go on a date, he would for the sake of his sanity.   But he sure as hell wouldn’t get into a relationship with said “man”.  He may have trusted their judgment on that moment, but the decision to play along with what they dearly wanted lies on him alone. The clock on the wall ticked to seven, letting a soft ring surround the cafe. The man was supposed to be there before seven-thirty. Yuuri was early— he was aware— but he wanted to make a good impression before rejecting proposals to go further in their relationship after the date. —-+—-   The man, however, wasn’t as sincere as Yuuri would’ve thought. By the time eight rolled in, the sun’s rays gazing on him, he decided that the man wasn’t going to come anytime soon. Yuuri had only managed to wait that long since he liked watching people pass by him— analyzing their movements, observing their habits. It helped keep his annoyance at bay as he waited, but the moment it turned eight, Yuuri was packing up.
 “If he didn’t want to come, he should’ve told my parent’s beforehand…” He muttered, closing down his laptop that he had set-up earlier when he couldn’t watch people any longer. But, then again, if the man told his parents that he wouldn’t be able to come, Yuuri would be in the midst of an uncomfortable conversation. Yuuri mentally added a point for the faceless man. He had just unconsciously saved him a lot of time by not telling his parents he wouldn’t be able to come. It gave Yuuri the perfect excuse to delay any further blind dates.  “The man didn’t come,” He’d say “People are too busy these days for blind dates— I’m perfectly fine as of right now, being alone…” But, of course, Yuuri wouldn’t admit that being alone was rather… lonely. He didn’t need them worrying, and he totally knew saying those things honestly would just encourage more blind dates.  Just as he zipped his backpack, a soft bell ring echoed around the shop— unlike the sound the clock gave, this was gentle— a harmonious tune, and Yuuri looked up from organizing his items to meet the most beautiful shade of blue he had ever seen. It was a sin to have those eyes. It was a shade of blue, and slowly turning teal. Yuuri begged whoever gave the man those eyes were to be punished. Yuuri was practically praying— why? His heart was beating too fast, and he feared he might have a stroke.   The man’s eyes widened, spotting Yuuri on the corner, near the window— staring right back at him. Of course, Yuuri internally grumbled, he probably looked like a pig. No, he looked like a waste of time. What gave Yuuri the right to judge others again? None. Yuuri looked away, attempting to hide the blush on his cheeks by feinting a sneeze and using the excuse to take his scarf and wrap it around himself. Usually at these times he would have had his hands do something to keep him busy— to keep him from thinking at the fact he had stared. He probably looked like a pig in front of the man— fat with the most dull shade of brown behind rimmed glasses. He frowned, remembering the array of thoughts he had as he reminisced about the few minutes he spent waiting for his date. Yuuri really sounded unlike him… What made him actually think his date would come, and actually want to take things further with him after the date? He must’ve lost his head.   Shaking away the thought, he stood up— focusing on the soles of his feet to avoid looking at the man. But just as he walked past the man who still stood rooted on the same spot, he heard his name being softly spoken.   “Yuuri Katsuki… Right?” Gosh, whoever made that man needed to be in jail. Yuuri’s legs were going to buckle. It was a different matter altogether to have the most gorgeous eyes, but it was on a different level to have such a husky voice. Yuuri tried to keep his composure as he turned. God— Yuuri was blessed. High cheekbones, a rather chiseled face from afar but it was rather smooth, and rounded up close. He had the most seductive lips Yuuri had ever seen— The world was unfair! Here he was, ugly— totally fat with his thighs, damn, he could never rid himself off the fat there.   He must’ve been in a daze since the moment he regained his thoughts, the man was leaning in, his god-given eyes narrowing on his form. “Yuuri? I’m sorry! I totally forgot about the time and I was preparing and—”  “Excuse me…” Yuuri cut off, his cheeks totally red. He adjusted his scarf, feinting another sneeze for the excuse to just look at his feet. “A-Are you… C-Could you p-possibly be the… Man?” Yuuri glanced up, rather amused. He had been stuttering. S-t-u-t-t-e-r-i-n-g! Yuuri Katsuki, a famed businessmen stuttering in front of a man! And what did he say? Could you possibly be the man?!  Yuuri needed a hole, a ground— somewhere— absolutely anywhere as long as he can hide himself and just rot. Why did he lose his words— his breathe— his sanity, well, Yuuri was pretty sure he had already lost that when he went to attend the blind date. But, thinking about it— he wasn’t regretting anything. If this was his blind date, Yuuri will die a happy man in his coffin. Not anyone could get a handsome man as a blind date.   “Yes… I’m the man.” The so-called ‘man’ gave a smile. Yuuri didn’t know if it was sincere, or fake, or practiced. Surely it wasn’t only Yuuri who had fallen for his looks. Wait—- fallen? Heaven’s no! Yuuri wasn’t a person who’d tail another just because of his looks. Yuuri knew that personality was first before looks. His resolution, and his mind cleared that moment. This man before him was late. Late by half an hour— did he think Yuuri was easy? He must’ve knew how he looked if he had called out his name— no doubt his parent’s showed him. But, despite that, the man was late. And Yuuri wasn’t forgiving to those who didn’t know the meaning of punctuality. “My name is Vikto—-”   “I’m sorry.” Yuuri cut him off with a sweet smile, now loosening his scarf. Why should he be nervous and sweaty in front of this man? All he had was his looks. That was all he had, and that sparked something in Yuuri. Sure, he was rather stupid for confessing to his crush at a young age, but it made him learn that looks always come second— if possible, third! Or even at the very bottom. This man in front of him didn’t deserve to request, or ask him for his sincerity. “I’m quite busy today. I don’t have time for people who doesn’t appreciate the fact that others can’t be as carefree and tardy as you. Good day.” Yuuri gave a small nod of his head, and as he turned to leave, the man whose name he still didn’t know suddenly had his hand on his wrist.   “I’m really sorry!” The man gave a grimace, “My beloved Makkachin is took a lot of my time—” 
 “I understand. You already have a partner?” Yuuri raised a brow. It seemed the man wasn’t single if he had a “beloved Makkachin”. Who names their child Makkachin, Yuuri didn’t know.   The man gaped at him, mouth hung open. “A partner? What? No! I wouldn’t be here if I had—-”   “Who’s Makkachin then?” Yuuri tilted his head to the side, now utterly confused. The man gave a wide smile, his eyes twinkling replacing the earlier panic he had with excitement. “My poodle! Do you like pets, Yuuri?”   The moment the man had said ‘poodle’ Yuuri’s mind ultimately deleted the memory of the man’s tardiness. “I love pets!” Yuuri smiled back. “I have a poodle named Vicchan, you see. I perfectly understand!” Yuuri thought about his small poodle at his parent’s bath house. It had been a long time since Yuuri had last seen Vicchan, but he had kept contact with his dog by using face cam. He sighed dreamily, “I miss him… I’m sorry for being rude…” He was back to being shy, but who wouldn’t be shy after jumping to conclusions, and judging the man. He had been too guarded— but no one could blame Yuuri for that. He had to be guarded. Life attacked when you were vulnerable.   “It’s alright…” His voice snapped Yuuri off his thoughts. “I was being rather rude, and I should’ve called you— I didn’t really have your number though…” The man rubbed a spot behind neck, this thinning white hair looked so soft that Yuuri’s gaze lingered on them for a moment.   “I’ll give you my number—”   “Perfect!” The man gave a cheeky smile, “I’m Viktor Nikiforov! It is an absolute honor to meet you Yuuri Katsuki!”   Yuuri was ready to vomit the moment he heard of Viktor’s name. Viktor? As in the Viktor? Viktor Nikiforov, a businessman originating from Russia, known for his worldwide success in the entertainment industry? Ahh… Yuuri was fucked.  —–+—–   I don’t know what to make of this… Should I write a second part? This is more of a scenario more than anything! I was going to try to write a Viktuuri Cinderella AU one-shot but it just turned to this! This is my first time writing this kind of things. I hope I portrayed the characters right! I’m really sorry if its short, or just… messed up? I don’t know? XD, I’ll see if I can make a part two if you guys want but right now… You’re stuck with a crappy scenario.  also unedited. Excuse the mistakes, I’m too lazy to correct them. XD I’ll correct them in the morning with my sanity attached as I think I’ve lost them writing this one scenario. Meh.
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As I promised in my follower celebration post, I wanted to spread some love through a fic rec post! And now I finally came around to make it! \( ˵´ ♡`˵)/
I’m sorry for not going into detail what I loved about them here or leave comments here, because I’m trying to keep the post’s length under control. All of these 17 fics (and 2 comics) deserve a commentary and a detailed recommendation post of their own and I hope I’ll find the time to do that for all of them one day.
Please share this post (and the love), so more people can see the recommendations. Also if you start reading some of these, please consider leaving the writers a Kudos and maybe even a comment. We writers love feeling recognised and cherished! It motivates us to write on ♡ The order in which I name the fics is random.
My Top Three Favourite Fics (all Multi-Chapters):
Listen, I love all three of them so much. I binge read them all when I found them. They all made me feel so many things and I might have cried now and then while reading any of them (for different reasons). Those are fics I would reread - I don’t even know how often. They are just so incredibly well done.
Empty Spaces Between Stars (WIP) by astudyinrose [ E | creator choose not to use archive warnings (mind the notes to the chapters!) | Victuuri | canon universe / AU canon divergence / fake relationship AU | 17/? | 185k ] Summary: Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids... but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor's sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals...
Dance of the Red Death by Strange and Intoxicating -rsa- [ M | no archive warnings (no MCD, despite the story dealing with AIDS, so read the FAQ and the tags first!) | Victuuri | canon universe / AU canon divergence | 11/11 | 80k ] Summary: Find something to live for.Viktor Nikiforov loved too much. What begins as a cough morphs into something that takes the shape of an unseen monster hiding in his very blood.  With the Russian government scrambling to sweep under the rug the worst of a crisis that's been thirty-five years in the making and a society that sees his disease as a death sentence, Viktor is left with figuring out his own way to survive.It starts as a way to escape— a youtube video of music and color and light, but quickly becomes something he never expected when Yuri Katsuki teaches him that surviving is not living. Yuri teaches him that living is taking the jump into unknown and accepting all that comes with it.This is not a story of anger. This is not a story of fear. This is not even a story of pain. This is a 21st Century love overcoming the obstacles of the 20th Century's politics of fear.This is a story of life. Complete + Epilogue + FAQ
Come Out of Hiding (I’m Right Here Beside You) by osaki_nana_707 [ M/E (not rated by the author) | creator choose not to use archive warnings (check the tags & notes!) | Victuuri | Music AU / Actors AU / Broadway AU | 33/33 | 84k ] Summary: After forgetting the words to his song during a vocal competition as a teenager, Yuuri Katsuki decided singing was not for him. Instead he went to NYU to study English. He never expected Viktor Nikiforov, Broadway star extraordinaire looking to direct his first production on the stage, would ever find his up-and-coming lead... in him.
Humour/Comedy (oneshots):
All of them brought me to tears, made me wheeze and lose my voice completely - that’s how much I had to laugh. If you have difficulties with second-hand embarrassment and it ruins the fun for you, then maybe skip “Bottom’s Up”.
Nikiforov’s Law by LavenderProse [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | CSI AU | 8.1k ] Summary: “I’m a garbage monster,” Yuuri tells Phichit, staring at Viktor through the glass walls of the lab. Viktor has not been in the same room with him since what the denizens of the lab are now calling The Belle Isle Incident. “He looks at me and he thinks dumpster decomp and swamp. I hate my life.” “You’re a very pretty garbage monster,” says Phichit, watching a centrifuge work. “A garbage monster he wants to fuck.” Yuuri Katsuki is a dime a dozen CSI with the Detroit Crime Lab who has never had a conversation with Detective Viktor Nikiforov that did not end in disaster. He's beginning to think that the entire universe is conspiring to make him a fool in front of handsome blond detectives. The universe is doing nothing to prove him wrong.
The Unknown Unknown by opalish [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | Superhero AU | 7.4k ] Summary: Yuuri never meant to become a supervillain.  These things just happen to him.
Night is Young and the Music’s High by opalish [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | post canon | 3k ] Summary: “Best press conference ever,” the Japanese Nationals silver medalist says when asked.  “Ten out of ten, would medal again.” “I would die for Katsuki-kun,” Minami declares, with terrifying sincerity.
The Katsulanont Guide To Life (series of oneshots) by xylophones [ G/T | no warnings | Yuuri & Phichit (friendship) | pre canon | 4.2k / 3k ] Summary: College life shenanigans brought to you by Yuuri and Phichit!
Bottom’s Up by lucycamui and cryingoverspilledvodka [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | Sochi GPF banquet | 3.3k ] Summary: At the Grand Prix banquet, Victor’s been asked to sign an autograph for a very enthusiastic fan. Unfortunately, there’s a distinct lack of paper around. Fortunately, Yuuri has a suggestion. Alternatively titled, “Ever Seen An Ass So Fine You Had To Sign It ‘Mine’? or "Autograph Me (Wherever You’d Like)”
Canon Universe (oneshots): 
Here’s some Fluff-therapy coming your way ღゝ◡╹ )ノ♡
Pink Leopard Print Pajamas by thishasbeencary [ G | no warnings | Victor & Yuri P. (friendship) | pre canon / developing friendship / cute tiny Yura and Victor fluff | 3.3k ] Summary: Yakov told Viktor that he had to socialize with more skaters. He didn't mean the ones who were too young to even compete as juniors. But he wasn't going to stop his top skater from inviting ten-year-old Yuri Plisetsky over to spend the night. He just... sort of thought that Yuri would refuse.
The Boy Who Watched by Rosie_Rues [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | pre canon | 12.5k ] Summary: Despite the fact they've been competing in the same competitions for years, Victor Nikiforov doesn't meet Katsuki Yuuri until the Sochi Grand Prix Final. On the other hand, there's a boy who's been watching him for years and Victor's desperate to know his name.In which Victor pines, everybody drinks too much, and Yakov deserves a sainthood for putting up with these idiots. Basically, it's a decade's worth of near misses, misunderstandings, and pure obliviousness.
Something So Wholesome About You by crossroadswrite [ G | no warnings | Victuuri | canon divergence AU / Vicchan lives | 3.5k ] Summary: It was supposed to be his year. He was supposed to-Celestino stops talking and squeezes his shoulder. Yuuri looks up at him, opens his mouth to say something when someone says his name. He freezes, holds his breath for a full second against the painfully familiar voice, not daring to hope. Then, very slowly, he turns towards the source, eyes going wide with disbelieve. “Mari?” (Or: in which Vicchan lives, Yuuri doesn't quite fail and doesn't quite get drunk, but manages to accidentally woo Victor Nikiforov anyway.)
The Way to a Man’s Heart-Shaped Smile by La_Temperanza [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | post canon | 6.1k ] Summary: In fact, it’s probably faster to list the foods that Viktor doesn’t like than all the ones he does. Except, Yuuri realizes one evening after he and Viktor are sharing a platter of gyoza and play-fighting for the last one--which Viktor wins, only because he cheated by tickling Yuuri’s ribs--he doesn’t know the answer to that, leaving a huge gaping hole in his Viktor Nikiforov database.This obviously needs to be rectified. (Or the one where Yuuri seduces Viktor with food without realizing it.)
Alternate Universe settings (oneshots):
A wild mix, but all are highly recommended!
Duetto Appassionato by astudyinrose [ E | creator chose not to use archive warnings | Victuuri | classical music AU / musician AU | 9.9k ] Summary: Yuuri Katsuki, 23, has been the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s ace pianist for the past two years. Victor Nikiforov, violinist extraordinaire and living legend of the orchestral world, is the guest soloist for the DSO’s winter series. He asks Yuuri to play a duet he composed, titled On Love: Eros. Basically, this is shameless smutty musician au one shot (it was supposed to be a PWP, but I couldn’t resist adding in some plot) based on the Yuri!!! On Concert art that just came out. Enjoy!
Puppy Love by minsyah [ T | no warnings | Victuuri | neighbors AU / meet-cute | 15.7k ] Summary: Vicchan has a crush on their neighbor across the balcony, and so does his owner. Yuuri, certified Dog-Dad™, will do anything for his beloved poodle—even if that means constantly embarrassing himself in front of his devastatingly attractive neighbor.
Send Your Cutest Delivery Boy by domokunrainbowkinz [ G | no warnings | Victuuri | college AU / meet-cute | 2.5k ] Summary: Victor orders pizza and puts "send your cutest delivery boy" in the special instructions box, and Domino's does, indeed, send their cutest delivery boy. Based off this.
If This City Will Bloom by RennieOnIceCream (Hitsugi_Zirkus) [ G | creator chose not to use archive warnings | Victuuri | magical realism / Flower Spirit!Yuuri | 9k ] Summary: “Viktor, do you know what cherry blossoms mean?” “What they mean?” Viktor tilts his head, surprised at the sudden question. “They can mean beauty. Or a good education. Cherry blossoms generally bloom around the time the new school year starts.” Yuuri’s eyes are unwavering on Viktor, and the colors shift in the dark irises again. “But they also mean impermanence.” Impermanence -- transient. Not lasting forever.The word sends a ripple of fear through Viktor. (Or, the story where Viktor accidentally brings home a cherry blossom spirit from Japan, and his life and heart are turned upside-down.)
A Midwinter Night’s Dream (part one of a series, I’m still praying it gets continued) by persephoneggsy [ G | no warnings | Victuuri | fairy AU / fantasy AU | 7.1k ] Summary: Victor Nikiforov, Prince of the Fae Realm, meets a young blue fairy and thinks nothing of it. But then the years pass, and he meets him again.
Because why not?!
My Reasons (WIP) by adreamorasong-art [ T (maybe E in the future) | no warnings | Victuuri | canon compliant / canon retelling ] This is an amazing comic series by my friend Mari. She draws in realistic style and completely retells season 1 (with added, missing scenes).
Bright Star by butleronice [ G | MCD (but apparently not what one would think) | Victuuri | galactic AU ] There is an accompanying fic. (I haven’t read that one yet.) Summary: Yuuri is a star, sparkling brilliantly in some far reaches of the galaxy. One day, his lonely life is changed, when a dazzling and brilliant comet enters his orbit.
Unfortunately I barely had time to read anything lately and my to-read list is... scaringly long by now. I’m thinking of making a similar post to this one, but with fics that I can’t wait to read! Anyway, you can find even more fics in my ao3 bookmarks, which I use to recommend fics. If you want to, you’re more than welcome to read my stuff as well. (ღ ´◡`)ノ♡
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lilyvandersteen · 6 years
Puppy Eyes Chapter 17
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Warning for unapologetic schmoop and cotton candy fluff. Please brush your teeth extra carefully after consuming this :-)
Thank you so much to everyone who sends me feedback - you’re wonderful and you spur me on to keep writing :-)
This story is also on AO3 and on Fanfiction.net.
The other parts can be found here: Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16
Chapter 17: With All My Love
Kurt had gone to sleep happy after getting the macarons and the love letter. Blaine was thinking of him. Blaine wanted him back!
Part of Kurt had wanted to run to Blaine straightaway and lay the world’s most passionate kiss on him, but he remembered what Trent had told him when Kurt had called him, in tears, two days after the Sebastian incident. “Don’t give in too soon. If you do, Blaine will just go back to the way things were before, because it’s convenient for him. Wait it out. Wait until Blaine is ready and willing to give you the kiss that will break the spell. And whatever you do, don’t move back in with him until he’s at least proposed to you.”
So Kurt waited, and to his delight, Blaine sent him a new surprise every day.
The macarons were followed by a Wicked poster signed by the original cast – “No-one will ever sing Defying Gravity better than you. Nothing moves me as much as your singing. There’s so much raw emotion in it that it tears me up every time.”
After that came a book bag with a design printed on it that made Kurt giggle. Blaine had drawn stylised versions of himself as a puppy, sitting, lying, running, jumping, eating, looking up with a doggy smile, tongue hanging out. Kurt marvelled at all the different drawings – none of them were identical, and there were dozens! Around the puppies, there were paths of paw prints, adding a swirling pattern to the design to make it even prettier.
The accompanying note said:
“Dearest Kurt,
I noticed your book bag was getting kind of frayed, so here’s a new one for you. Maybe I should have drawn different kinds of dogs, but… This is from puppy me to you, so I’ve drawn my likeness in the hope that you won’t forget about me.
With all my love,
Professor Scher noticed the book bag the next time he had class with her, and cooed over it. Kurt felt his cheeks heat up and fiddled with his brooch to manage his nerves, but luckily, she didn’t ask where he’d gotten the bag.
A few days later, though, she called him to her office, and as soon as the door was closed, she handed him a package that was clearly from Blaine.
Professor Scher grinned at Kurt’s bafflement, and explained, “I knew that bag was Blaine’s design. I’d recognise his style from miles away. So I asked what was going on, and Blaine said he’d been giving you presents to make up for what happened with Sebastian. He blames me, can you believe it? Thinks that I should never have brought Sebastian here so he could see Blaine and instantly fall in lust with him.”
Professor Scher laughed as if that was an excellent joke, and Kurt felt his face turn into an icy mask.
There’s nothing funny about Sebastian and his inappropriate behaviour. Don’t expect me to laugh it off.
Professor Scher sighed. “But you’re as much of a stick-in-the-mud about it as Blaine. Seb’s harmless, really. A slut, yes, but he’s into consensual sex. He really thought Blaine was agreeing to it.”
“So did I,” Kurt said in clipped tones. “That’s why I left Blaine.”
Professor Scher nodded. “But by now you know better, right? Blaine’s not the kind to have hook-ups. And he’s really cut up about this misunderstanding. So take pity on the guy and take him back. He’s been sulking and whining non-stop and I’m sick of it.”
Kurt squared his jaw. “Thank you for the package, Professor.”
He turned around and left the office without one more word.
That afternoon, Sebastian dropped by the designers’ department to talk to Kurt, not in the least disturbed by Kurt’s arctic glare. “Paula says you’re miffed because I made a move on that hot colleague of hers. I didn’t know he was your boyfriend, man. If I’d known, I swear I’d have backed off.”
Kurt didn’t answer. He just turned back to his computer screen and went back to work.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry,” Sebastian insisted. “And pass that on to the boyfriend, too, will ya?”
Kurt tweaked a circle he’d just drawn and completely ignored Sebastian until he went away. When the door closed behind him, Kurt let out a shaky breath and willed away the tears that were threatening. My boyfriend. I wish.
When he opened the gift that night, it was a balm for his wounded soul. Blaine had sent him a beautifully illustrated fairy tale book, and the note that came with it read,
Dearest Kurt,
Sometimes I feel like I’m in a fairy tale, waiting for my prince to come and rescue me. Only, he was there all along, wasn’t he? I was just too blind to see it.
Kurt, my fair prince, I will dream of you at night and think of you by day and count down the days until you return to me, and we can live our happily ever after.
With all my love,
K & B
Kurt did his best not to let his feelings show when he had class with Blaine, keeping his poker face on and not interacting with Blaine any more than he had to. That became harder week after week, because all Kurt could think of when he saw Blaine was the love notes and the gifts he kept sending Kurt.
The Burberry leash, because “it will go so well with your Burberry rain coat” – and of course it did.
The charming Alice in Wonderland themed tea set, complete with chamomile tea and a pot of organic honey, because “I heard you coughing in class, and I don’t want you to get ill again, please. This will soothe your sore throat and help you fall asleep.”
Blaine had always been attentive and caring, and Kurt had thrilled to that from the very beginning, but now Blaine was taking it to a whole new level, and slowly but surely chipping away at the walls Kurt had put up.
Kurt was starting to look forward to the gifts and the notes, and knew he would miss them when Blaine’s charm offensive ended.
Three weeks into the spring semester, Kurt hummed happily as he came home from R/GA and put leashes on the poodles to take them to the park. It was Friday, so he had the whole weekend to look forward to, and at eight p.m, he’d be picking up three other dogs to go jogging with Trent, who no doubt would have a new surprise for him. Kurt couldn’t wait to see what it was.
In the park, Kurt let the poodles run free for a moment and sat on a bench, day-dreaming. All of a sudden, his phone went off. An unknown number was calling him, and proved quite persistent. The ringing continued for a long time, and as soon as his phone pinged with a missed call notice, the same number called again.
Frowning, Kurt accepted the call. “Hello?”
“Hello, Mr Hummel. This is Denise Peters of the Sweetest Thing Bakery. You had an appointment with us at four p.m. to discuss your wedding cake and taste samples, but neither you nor Mr Anderson showed up.”
Kurt, thinking on his feet, said, “Let me check my agenda, ma’am.”
He rifled through one of his text books for school and then added, “Oh dear, it seems like we got our wires crossed. I have the appointment jotted down for tomorrow, at the same time. I’m so sorry, ma’am. Blaine must have made a mistake writing down the date.”
“So you’re still interested in having your wedding cake made by us?”
“Oh, definitely, ma’am, you were our top pick,” Kurt lied glibly.
Denise seemed mollified by his praise and rang off with a “Oh, all right then, see you tomorrow at four!”
Kurt put his phone back into his pocket, whistled at the poodles to call them to him, and took them back home, fuming inside, and already thinking of what he was going to say to Blaine.
Seriously, who plans a whole wedding for someone he’s not even dating? Was this supposed to be Blaine’s last surprise? “I’ve brought all your friends and family here, and they’re expecting us to get married today. Surprise!” That is just wrong on so many levels!
As soon as the poodles were in the apartment and their food and drink bowls had been topped off, Kurt jogged to Blaine’s apartment, furious clean through.
When he banged on the door, though, it was Trent who answered, explaining that Blaine had turned into a dog again the previous night. Kurt knew the transformation had been involuntary, as always, but still, it incensed him even more that he’d have to wait a week to confront Blaine about this. The anger swirling in his gut exploded, and before Kurt knew it, all his vexation came tumbling out, the words coming so fast and furious that he stumbled over them.
Trent patted him on the arm and led him to the sofa with a, “I’ll make us some coffee and we can talk it over, okay?”
Kurt sank down on the sofa with a sigh. This whole situation is such a mess!
Then, he noticed the state of the coffee table, which was chock-full of books and papers, and he decided to make some room for the coffee tray. But when he crouched down to pick up a few books and put them elsewhere, he recognised the top one as one of his own scrapbooks. How did that get here? He looked at the other books, and yes, they were all his. How did Blaine persuade Burt to give him Kurt’s scrapbooks?
And then Kurt remembered the call from the bakery and gritted his teeth. Of course. Blaine must have called Dad with his wedding spiel, too.
Kurt took the topmost book of the stack. He recognised his most recent wedding scrapbook, compiled when he was about sixteen. He’d used several of these ideas for Burt and Carole’s wedding, but had adapted them to fall colours and a ditto theme.
A few brightly coloured pieces of paper fluttered out of the book, and that tickled Kurt’s curiosity. He picked them up, and read on the first one, “Top three for blue orchids: Stephanotis, Mary Quite Contrary, Top Pick Flowers. See wedding binder for more.” The second one was about venues. “First available date at the Bowery Ballroom: 7th of June. At the NY Public Library: 14th of July. At the Loeb boathouse: 9 September. For more dates and venues: see wedding binder.”
Intrigued now, Kurt sat down again and cracked open the book. It was full of post-its. Each one proved that Blaine had taken note of Kurt’s wedding preferences and researched suppliers that could turn his vision into reality.
Moreover, the post-it notes also contained proposal ideas, each of them so very Blaine that they made Kurt tear up.
Contrary to what Kurt had thought, Blaine hadn’t made any definitive plans yet. Most of the post-its mentioned the top three suppliers and a reference to this ‘wedding binder’.
Kurt looked for the binder on the coffee table, and soon, he was completely engrossed in it. Blaine had thought of everything, making lists of suppliers for every aspect of the wedding, with extensive notes as to whom Blaine would pick and why. “I’d go with Stephanotis. Pricey but quality flowers, wide range on offer, quick delivery, beautiful compositions.”
Soon, Kurt was full-on sobbing, because what Blaine had put together was so perfect that it hurt. It hurt so much, because Kurt wanted it. He wanted it all, and he wanted it now. He was so tired of fighting this. He was done being angry and sad and lonely. His heart yearned for Blaine.
All of a sudden, there was a warm body next to him, and a long tongue licking the tears from his cheek. Blaine! As always when he was a dog, he knew just what Kurt needed. That realisation tipped Kurt over the edge and made him break down completely. He put his forehead against Blaine’s and cried his heart out.
How ironic was it that the puppy version of Blaine was so much more in touch with his emotions than human Blaine? Kurt had never once doubted puppy Blaine’s love and devotion, because it just shone from his eyes and transpired from his every move.
On and on rolled his tears, and on and on, a warm and agile tongue made them disappear. Rather than grossed out, Kurt felt cherished and loved. He closed his eyes and stroked Blaine’s back with the hand not holding the binder. I love you. I never stopped. I wouldn’t know how.
The next thing he knew, there were arms around him, and kisses all over his face, and a voice soft and sweet like honey whispering love declarations.
Blaine! He was human again!
Kurt knew that he had to be strong. That he had to hold out, like Trent had advised him. But Blaine was right there, wanting him. For now, yes. It might not last and it might not work, but he needed to do this. He needed Blaine to know that he felt the same. Still. Always. “I… I love you too.”
That made Blaine’s face light up from within, and he kissed Kurt’s cheek.
How had he transformed again so quickly? Kurt had had class with him only yesterday! And he always stayed a dog for a week. Unless…
And yes, when he asked, Blaine confirmed it. The curse had been broken. By Blaine licking him as a dog.
I’m sorry, what? True love’s kiss is supposed to be a fairy tale moment, and this is what I’m getting? So. Unfair. I wanted a real kiss! With fireworks going off in my head and a popping foot and everything like in the movies. This is such a let-down!
Blaine found Kurt’s indignation hilarious, which made Kurt even angrier, but then Blaine promised him as many kisses as he wanted, and that shut him up at once.
Oh yes, please!
Kurt closed his eyes and leaned in, and soon, Blaine’s lips were brushing his, tentatively at first, and then more firmly. It felt every bit as magical as Kurt had always hoped his first kiss would be, and he sighed happily and drew Blaine in closer.
Kurt could have stayed like this for days on end, the two of them exchanging kisses and sweet nothings and laughing from sheer happiness. But all too soon, his alarm went off to warn him he had dogs to walk. He sighed and got up.
“You’re leaving?” Blaine pouted.
“Duty calls,” Kurt sighed.
“I’ll come with you,” Blaine offered. As he stood up, a dangling motion alerted Kurt to the fact that Blaine was naked as the day he was born, and that sent him into fits of laughter.
“You… You had better… put some clothes on,” Kurt wheezed out as soon as he could speak again, “if you want to come with me.”
Blaine looked down in astonishment, and started laughing too. “I’ll be just a minute.”
Ten minutes later, they were walking the dogs of Kurt’s eight p.m. assignment to the park. That reminded Kurt of his jogging appointment with Trent. “I’m supposed to meet up with Trent. When did he leave, anyway? At some point, I looked up, and he was just… gone.”
Blaine smiled. “Somewhere around our first kiss. I don’t think he’ll show up tonight. Won’t want to be a third wheel.”
“Oh,” said Kurt.
“Do I sense disappointment?” Blaine asked. “What does Trent have that I don’t?”
Kurt felt his cheeks heat up. “No, it’s not… I… It’s just… Whenever we’ve gone jogging together, the past few weeks, Trent always slipped me a gift from you. I’m going to miss that. I looked forward to it every day.”
Blaine grinned. “Wait ‘till we’re in the park.”
As soon as the dogs were running around freely, Blaine took something out of his coat pocket and handed it to Kurt. “For you.”
It proved to be a unicorn brooch, with colours that really popped, and a note that made Kurt’s throat clog up and reach for Blaine with trembling hands. “Never. You’re all I can see, too. You’re it, for me.”
Blaine beamed and kissed him again, so thoroughly that he took Kurt’s breath away.
When he came up for air, Kurt said, “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that. You know, I never understood what all the fuss about kissing was for. Swapping spit doesn’t seem sexy, does it? But I get it now. I love kissing you. I never want to stop.”
That declaration made Blaine reach for Kurt’s face and claim his lips again.
The dogs got less petting and a longer playtime than usual that night, but none of them seemed to mind in the least. Their frolicking showed that they were just as happy as Kurt and Blaine.
After the dogs had been brought back to their respective homes, Blaine took Kurt’s hands in his. “You’re still dog-sitting, right?”
Kurt nodded. “For another three weeks and a half. Until the 20th of February.”
“Can I come with you?” Blaine asked. “Please? I won’t… I promised I won’t try anything. I just… I haven’t slept properly in weeks. I just want to hold you and know that I’m home.”
“Ha! You won’t be. It’s not even my home.”
“Home is not a place, for me,” said Blaine. “It’s the people that I love that make me feel at home. Wherever we are.”
Kurt smiled tremulously. “Aww, you sap!”
“So can I come?”
Blaine unleashed the full force of his puppy eyes on Kurt, and of course Kurt gave in.
Later, when they lay in bed together, Kurt knew exactly what Blaine had meant. He’d clambered into bed and into Blaine’s waiting arms, and it did feel like coming home.
They kissed for a good long while, until they started to nod off.
“Well, we’d best get some sleep,” Kurt sighed. “I have to get up early again tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, beautiful,” Blaine said.
“Goodnight, honey.”
“Kurt? May I take you on a date tomorrow?”
Kurt smiled into the darkness. “Yes. Yes, you may.”
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waltzofthewifi · 6 years
Yposchesi -  A Percy Jackson fanfic
Originally posted on my fanfiction account
"Promise," Mary said, gripping Joe's hands tightly.
"You know I would never do anything to hurt you," Joe replied, but Mary shook her head.
"I need to here you say it," she told him. "Please."
She trembled violently, and Joe wondered what was so important to her.
In the background, the empty forge seemed almost eerie. Everyone at camp was out in the hill, managing and repairing defenses. Only Joe and Mary remained, and only because Mary said she had something important to give him.
"Alright," Joe decided. "I promise. Now what was so important?"
"It's back here," Mary said, leading Joe into the back of the forge.
Even trembling and scared, Mary looked beautiful. Her raven black hair was up in something between a rat's nest and bun, and her skin, clothes, and armor was smeared with oil, but to Joe that only brought out her sky blue eyes.
It was weird for Mary, as a daughter of Zeus, to want to meet Joe in the forgery, even as much as she had helped her stepbrother and his cabin mates out. Joe wondered if maybe this super-important thing she wanted to show him used to be her stepbrother's - he, as head of the Hephaestus cabin and boyfriend to the only child of Hecate at camp, tended to make dangerous things. And ever since he died last week, his inventions were even more dangerous.
Joe wouldn't be surprised if Mary showed him a murderous dragon, or an advanced war plane. Ever since his brother had started advocating for a separate military branch for air support, Joe had been interested in planes.
So he was a little surprised when Mary gave him a dagger.
"He called it Ypóschesi," Mary told him.
"Promise," Joe translated. He ran his fingers along the blade and hilt - definitely Mary's stepbrother's craftsmanship.
"Yes," Mary confirmed. "It wasn't an official name, but he called it that because he promised... he promised that as long as I had it, nothing could ever harm me."
"Then you should keep it," Joe said. "With everything's that's happening. Especially with your sixteenth birthday coming up."
"I can handle that," Mary argued. "I can handle the war, and the stupid prophecy, no problem. But I just can't handle the thought that something might happen to you - that I might lose you. And this knife is so important to me, and you promised."
"Alright," Joe agreed. "For you. But you have to know that I don't want anything happening to you either."
"I know."
Henry looked around, wide-eyed, as he followed his tour guide around camp.
It had been hard, coming all the way from Seattle to New York City, mostly unarmed, but he had managed. And now he was finally here.
His tour guide - and brother, according to Chiron, but Henry didn't know how he could be related to someone so commanding - was explaining how camp wasn't as impressive as it usually was, what with the war just having ended, but it looked impressive enough to Henry.
"And here's the cabins," the tour guide - John? Joe? - said. "This is our cabin, Athena, and where you'll be staying."
"Here?" Henry asked, staring up at the large, gray building. Not for the first time since leaving his family's cabin in Washington, he felt intimidated.
Joe smiled sympathetically. He was at least a foot taller than Henry, with military posture and haircut, but when he looked down at the younger boy, he looked friendly.
And very sad...
"Do you have a weapon?" Joe asked. Henry shook his head.
"I had a dagger for a while, but I lost it in Indiana," Henry explained.
"You like daggers?" Joe asked. Henry nodded - it was the only weapon he had ever used, and being only nine years old he doubted he could lift a sword. "Well, then, how about I give you this one?"
Joe pulled a dagger from his belt and leaned down to give it to Henry.
"Now, this dagger is very special," Joe explained. "It's magic, supposedly. It will protect its owner. Not only that, but it's last owner was very special - one of the smartest and bravest fighters camp's ever known."
"What happened to him?" Henry asked.
"She died recently," Joe replied, his voice cracking. "But as much as I'd like to keep it, I think she'd want you to have it. But you have to promise me you'll take care of it."
"I will."
"Oh, come on Henry," Jessica whined, pushing a piece of blonde hair out of her face. "You're being ridiculous."
"I'm being cautious," Henry replied, crossing his arms. Even when being a stubborn idiot, Henry looked handsome - long, blonde hair that always fell in his gray eyes and curled whenever it got wet, a cute button nose that he hated, and massive biceps that did not in any way make Jessica's crush on him superficial.
"Is there a difference?" Jessica asked, crossing her arms in response. Cute or not, Henry was not going to win this argument. As stubborn as children of Athena were, children of Nike were always worst (and it didn't help that she had to live with Hermes' children either).
"I'm telling you, the quest is suicide," Henry repeated. "Just please, reconsider."
"You don't think I can handle myself?"
"You're impossible." Henry sighed, and Jessica smiled in victory. "Just promise me one thing."
"That you'll be careful."
Jessica snorted. "When am I not?"
"All the time," Henry replied.
He had a point.
"Fine. I'll promise that I'll be careful, and that I'll come back and make your life difficult."
Henry grinned. "I'll be counting on it. And one more thing."
"That was the one more thing." Jessica thought she had a good point, but Henry ignored her. To Jessica's surprise, he unsheathed a dagger - the one he had always had on him.
"Take this." Henry said, holding the dagger out. "It's supposed to protect its owner."
Jessica raised an eyebrow. "All weapons do that."
"I mean, its special. Please, just take it." Henry lifted the dagger up, giving Jessica his puppy-dog eyes.
With a sigh, Jessica took the dagger. "Fine. But you need to stop stressing - I will be fine."
"I know," Henry replied. "But I just can't stand the thought of losing you."
Jessica squeezed his hands. "And you won't."
"I don't understand," Lily said, her feet banging against the side of the Jessica's bunk. "Why don't we have our own cabin?"
"Because," Jessica replied. "There's not enough of us for us to have our own cabin. The two of us don't take up that much room now, do we?"
Lily frowned, obviously not happy with that answer. "But there's several empty cabins."
"Well..." Jessica started, trying to find a good answer.
Even after only knowing her for a day, she knew her little sister would not give up until she had a satisfactory answer. She was, after all, a daughter of Nike, but she had Jessica frustrated beyond belief.
Lily didn't look like much. With beautiful auburn hair and crystal blue eyes, she looked like she belonged in the Aphrodite cabin, even when dressed in active clothes. She was thirteen, but was the size of a ten year old, and she smiled more than she glared.
But she was so insistent.
"You want to know the real reason?" Jessica asked, leaning in towards Lily. Lily nodded eagerly. "I think they're scared of us."
"Really?" Lily replied, eyes lighting up like a bonfire.
"Yes," Jessica said. "And they think that if we had our own cabin, our own space to plan, we'd take over camp. Which is true, of course." Even if it wasn't the real reason.
Lily frowned. "Oh, well I guess that makes sense. So, when do I get my own weapon?"
Did this girl have a book of hard questions (and was it provided by Henry)? After an accident involving two poodle-sized bronze dragons, triplet children of Hephaestus, and a prank by Jessica's cabin mates, there was a concerning lack of weapons at camp. There was no chance a daughter of a minor goddess was going to get her hands on one, unless...
"Actually," Jessica said. "I have one here for you. But you have to promise not to lose it, okay?"
Lily muttered something under her breath. During her trip from Maine (seriously? Who lives in Maine?) to New York, she had destroyed, lost, and otherwise made useless a total of twenty six weapons, and she had a habit of cursing whoever brought it up.
"What's so special about it anyways?" Lily muttered.
"It's magic," Jessica said. "It protects its owner. But you have to take care of it, okay? It was a gift from someone very special."
"I promise I'll take care of it," Lily replied. "But it's not like I purposely destroy things."
"Why do you carry a dagger around?"
The question caught Lily off guard, judging from how fast she spun around.
"What?" She demanded.
Colleen debated keeping her mouth shut, but curiosity won her over. "Why do you carry a dagger around?"
"Why wouldn't I?" Lily asked. She looked murderous, as if Colleen had just insulted her grandmother. Colleen gulped, but didn't back down.
"Because you're so good at archery," Colleen answered. "One of the best, even."
Archery was the reason Colleen and Lily knew each other so well, anyways. Colleen wasn't very violent, liked flowers and skirts, and spent her free time playing on the piano her brother had snuck in. Lily, on the other hand, was about as violent as someone could get, despised anything feminine, despite being a girl herself, and didn't do much else besides train and fight. But they were the best archers at camp, so they somehow became friends.
"Oh," Lily said. "Right. The dagger was a gift from my sister."
"You have a sister?" Colleen asked. As far as she knew, there wasn't any other children of Nike at camp, and the blade was celestial bronze, so it wasn't like a mortal sister could have given it to her.
"I did," Lily replied. "She's - she's gone."
"Oh," Colleen said. "Sorry."
Lily smiled. "No, it's okay. I don't mind talking about her. I would hate for her to be forgotten."
"What happened to her?" Colleen asked.
"She won a game she shouldn't have had, and was murdered for the prize. It was a stupid, mortal way to die." Lily spit the last sentence out.
"There are worse ways to die," Colleen replied. "My mother died because her hair got stuck in a machine. Broke her neck. Probably didn't even realize it was coming until she was dead."
Colleen and Lily lapsed into awkward silence, with the exception of the thunk of arrows hitting the target (almost all bullseyes). When their quivers ran out, they walked down the range in silence.
When they reached the targets, Lily decided to break the silence. "Why all the sudden questions?"
Colleen shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I'm feeling a little underprepared for the quest tomorrow."
"That's stupid," Lily declared. "Chiron wouldn't let you go on the quest if he didn't think you were ready."
"I know." Colleen yanked hard on one of her arrows, almost taking the paper target with her. "But if we get attacked, and it's too close of a range, I'm useless..."
"You can always punch it." Lily wiped the fuzzy target pieces off of her arrows and slid them back into her quiver.
Colleen shook her head. "Most monster have pretty thick skin."
"Then kick it," Lily suggested. "You wear heels, right?"
"Not on quests," Colleen replied.
As Lily and Colleen walked back to the shooting line, Colleen checked her watch. "I need to be going. I'm getting up bright and early tomorrow."
"I thought children of Apollo natural got up at dawn," Lily observed.
Colleen smiled. "It's winter. We'll be in another state before dawn."
Lily laughed her loud, barely laughed that ruined her natural beauty, and Colleen couldn't help but chuckle.
"You know," Lily said. "You could have my knife, if you want."
"Really?" Colleen asked. "But it was your sister's, don't you want to keep it?"
"No, not really," Lily admitted. "A weapon is kind of wasted if it just stays on my belt all the time. At least, if I give it to you, it might get some use." Lily passed the weapon to Colleen.
"Thanks," Colleen said.
"And Coll?" Lily asked.
"What I said about Jessica, about my sister... no one at camp knows who she is anymore, and I meant it when I said I didn't want her forgotten. But I'm leaving this fall and you still have a couple years left..."
"I won't let her be forgotten. I promise."
Elizabeth laughed as the girl, Colleen, tripped and fell over her root and her bow went flying.
Being only twelve years old and a daughter of Demeter, being any help at all during capture-the-flag was a delight, and especially taking down a counselor like Colleen...
Apparently, she laughed a little too loud, because Colleen looked her way as she propped herself up on her elbows. Shoot. Elizabeth was unarmed and in enemy territory, and if Colleen chose to chase her, or retrieved her bow, Elizabeth was dead meat. So she did the smart thing and ran in the other direction.
Colleen was fast and not very silent, and it wasn't long before Elizabeth heard the older girl tearing after her. The string of her bow hummed, and Elizabeth barely ducked away from an arrow. The arrow hit a tree instead, and splattered red paint everywhere.
Elizabeth summoned another tree root, and immediately felt faint. She didn't usually use this much power, but she forced herself to keep running. Behind her, Colleen yelped as she tripped, and cursed a very creative and unladylike string of words.
Elizabeth almost repeated the curses when she heard Colleen stand up again, and the chase resumed. Elizabeth dodged two more arrows, and the fletchings of a third hit her shoulder. She dodged a fourth arrow, but when it lodged itself in a tree, it let loose a horrible sound, and Elizabeth found herself on her knees. Colleen was standing behind her in barely a second, her black hair a mess and shirt covered in sweat marks.
"Just for the record," Colleen said between pants. "I got you with the first arrow." She pulled a knife from her belt and held it out at Elizabeth. "Now, let's go to prison, shall we? No, wait, first give me your weapons."
"I don't have any," Elizabeth replied.
"Nice try," Colleen said. "Now, your weapons."
"I don't have any," Elizabeth repeated.
"Seriously?" Colleen asked, using her left hand to wipe the sweat off of her forehead. "No one has given a fighter like you a weapon?"
"No," Elizabeth replied. Why did she have to keep repeating herself?
"Well, then, after the game how about I give this knife? It's a very good knife, and it has a little magic in it too. Would you like it?" Colleen grinned as Elizabeth rapidly nodded her head. "But first, you have to promise me something. This knife comes with a story, and you have to never let that story be forgotten. You promise you'll do that?"
"I promise!" Elizabeth replied. No one had offered her a weapon before, and the idea of a counselor giving her one - a magical one, too - excited her. "What does the magic do?"
"It protects the owner," Colleen replied.
Elizabeth frowned. "Don't all weapons do that?"
"No," Colleen answered. "Well, yeah, but this one is extra protective. If you keep this, nothing can ever harm you."
Elizabeth's eyes widen. "Really?"
"Yes, but remember, there is a promise that comes with it."
"Don't let the story be forgotten," Elizabeth remembered.
Colleen grinned. "Exactly."
Hal calmly sipped tea from the porch of his mansion, waiting patiently for the demigods to show up.
Apparently, there was a karpoi infestation in Ohio that was causing a lot of problems for farmers, and Chiron had told the demigods that were going on the quest that they could borrow Hal's car.
Hal was annoyed at the assumption, even if he had said that his car was open for use by camp. Chiron should know that he didn't mean it - besides, shouldn't camp have its own vehicle by now?
Hal sighed and leaned back in his chair. He was twenty, he should be free from camp's obligations. But no, he had to give up his pride and joy - his precious car. Chiron should know how possessive children of Apollo were with vehicles - a trait directly inherited from their lovely father.
Right on time - that is, an hour late - three demigods appeared in the plaza. They looked young, not older than fourteen, but then maybe Hal was getting old. Demigods don't usually live to be twenty, anyways.
The leader of the quest was in the stereotypical position of the middle. She was the shortest and the skinniest and the least scariest - she couldn't have been taller than five feet. Her golden brown hair was pulled back into pig tail braids as if she was trying to look younger. The John Lennon glasses that were tilted on her nose didn't take the attention off of her heterochromatic eyes - one eye brown, the other green.
Hal frowned and sat up. Hadn't he had a vision about a girl with different colored eyes?
Even if he had, he shouldn't do anything about it. Apollo had drilled it in his head - don't try to change the future. He wasn't the oracle, he had no right over anyone's, even his own, future. Just shut up, and maybe write it in his diary if he had to get it out.
But those eyes were definitely familiar.
So familiar that after giving his keys over the girl - Elizabeth - he pulled her to the side to read her future.
"Give me your hands," Hal said, holding his own hands out for her to grab. She obliged.
The first thing Hal saw in his vision was evil corn. Karpoi maybe? Visions weren't always straight forward. The corn reached out, grabbing at a car - his car - as it drove down the road. Suddenly, the corn yanked the car backwards, causing it to flip over and -
Hal yanked back, causing Elizabeth to do the same.
"What did you see?" Elizabeth asked.
"Don't go," was all Hal could say.
"What, why?" Elizabeth asked. "I mean, this is a quest for my mother, if she-"
"Don't. You will die."
Elizabeth flinched. "I will?"
Hal nodded. "I-I can not tell you more. Even telling you this was a great risk. But promise me you won't go."
"I won't, don't worry." Elizabeth smiled reassuringly. "I have plenty of siblings that can handle this, I was just the most eager to get out." She moved as if to leave, but stopped. "Why was telling me such a great risk?"
"I am not supposed to divulge what I see," Hal explained. "I have no doubt angered my father already. But as much as I despise getting involve in things like this, I could not let an innocent girl die."
"Thank you, then," Elizabeth replied. "For taking that risk. Maybe I could give you something in return?"
Hal chuckled. "I'm fairly well off, if you haven't noticed."
"I'm not talking about stuff like that," Elizabeth replied. She took a knife out of her bag. "This knife is supposed to protect its owner. Maybe, maybe it will protect you."
"Thank you," Hal said, taking the knife. "And be careful."
"I will. I promise."
Ten years ago
Hal studied the boy in front of him carefully. The vision he'd seen of his future was... discerning. Could the boy - not much older than Elizabeth had been - really go on to cause so much harm?
But Luke did have a point. Hal was already cursed, already punished. He couldn't come right out and say what he saw, but maybe there was some other way to change his future.
Elizabeth's knife, maybe? It was supposed to protect the owner, but she never said from what. Not Hal's curse for sure, but maybe...
And his diary, of course. If Luke could learn from past mistakes...
Annabeth stared at the two people staring down at her. Could they be serious?
No one took her seriously. Not about the monsters, not about the spiders, not about the nightmares... but the boy promised. She could trust a promise, right?
And he was offering her a knife, a weapon. As if she was someone who could be trusted, could be taken seriously. Not an attention-hogging seven-year-old like her parents had treated her.
No, they were treating her differently. And that's what she wanted.
So she took the knife.
“Family, Luke. You promised.”
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80srockher · 6 years
Yuri on Ice Re-watch and Live Commentary, Episode 2: Two Yuris?! Drama at Yu-Topia
Since society is crumbling around me, why not re-watch Ep. 2 of Yuri on Ice?  Seems like a good way to pass the time. *Spoilers ahead.*
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You don’t own any boots, Vitya?  You live in Russia.
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And Yakov has blue eyes. Never noticed that before.
My gosh, the scene where Victor says goodbye to Yakov before leaving for Japan is the personification of ham.  Look it up in the dictionary.  Screencaps of this scene are right next to it.  I love it.
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The first time I watched this scene, I just knew Hiroko was talking about the dead poodle.  Minako’s face is priceless right here, btw.
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Just look at their collective expressions.  LOL. This episode is great.
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Now, I wondered from the start why the ultimate goal was the Grand Prix Final, when other competitions are referenced in the show, such as the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS; which Victor won, like, a MONTH prior.  IRL, the creators had a dozen episodes to tell a story, so I understand the hypothetical cutoff.  In-verse, maybe Victor was still allowing himself a window of opportunity to compete near the end of the upcoming season.   He did sort of pick up and move his entire life on the fly, so having an alternate plan in case things don’t work out with Yuri is feasible.  I like that theory so I’m sticking to it.
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Ah, so it is an Inn. And, Victor has some long toes *snort*.
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I’ve always wondered if Victor’s moving to Japan to coach Yuri was such big news in Russia, as Minako claimed, why the media didn’t catch on earlier to his exact location.  No one outside of Japan knows where Katsuki Yuri is from?
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It appears so, other Yuri.
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Ha, Victor gets especially fanservic-y when he’s jetlagged and hungry.
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This, right here, might be my favorite line in the whole show.  Makes me want to try some katsudon, quite honestly.
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Why must Minako constantly put Yuri’s business in the streets, though?
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And here, we observe Victor in his element: dropping satin-covered truth bombs with a smile. No more pork cutlet bowls for Yuri under his watch.
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One must wonder (well I do, anyway), why Yuri’s bedroom is on the same floor as an unused banquet room.  Perhaps he grew into that room as he got older?  Etc., etc., not important.  Moving on.
Also, I initially wondered if Victor was paying something akin to room and board.  It’s been established that the Katsuki’s run an inn and Victor had intended to stay there, only at the time they were booked (dude, you didn’t call ahead?)  So yes, I surmise that Victor is paying a fee to stay in the only available room.
Hm.  How much do you want to bet Victor politely suggested Yuri haul his luggage up the stairs to jump-start his metabolism.  Hehe.
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And of course, dozens of Cedex boxes (and pork rice bowls) are an aphrodisiac to Victor.  It’s cute (if not a little creepy without proper context) that he tried to flirt.
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"Um, didn’t you just call me a little piggy an hour or so ago?”
So, when I first watched this scene, I surely figured the creators were going for the “flirty, eccentric European” angle with Victor.  And that Yuri would inevitably end up hurt by Vic’s flippancy.  I was happily wrong about that.  
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Somebody will have to tell me: is it typical for coaches to bunk with their students?  Or is Victor trying to patent this method?
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Aww, Yuri likes you Vitya, I promise.
Come to think of it, maybe Victor just didn’t want to sleep on the floor. ;)
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I think it’s cool of Minako to have wanted to foster a love of dance in the children of her hometown after her retirement.  She could have plausibly taught anywhere, but she decided to come home.  Perhaps Yuri will be similarly inclined once he retires.
On the other hand, I did wonder if the show’s creators might explore Minako’s lush-y behavior with respect to her career, retirement, etc., but they did not. 
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Dammit, Yuri.  Victor was about to share his coming-out story with you and I WANTED TO HEAR IT.
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Look at poor, dejected Vitya.  Yuri really is cockblocking him at every turn, LOL.
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This scene makes me giggle because of Victor’s enthusiasm over Ninjas and his “Really?  Ninjas?!” spoken in English (though yes, I realize ‘Ninja’ is a Japanese term.)
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Yeah, so, how did other-Yuri, a MINOR, manage to travel to Japan on his own, anyway?  Don’t you have to be 18+ or so to book a flight?  Etc., etc.  Moving on.
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I wonder how old Yuri was in this flashback.  He looks even more pre-pubescent here and he hasn’t grown his hair out yet.  When did Victor make this deal with him?  As much as a year ago, perhaps, since Yuri just won the Junior World title last season?  You’d think that, as important as this moment was to Yuri, he’d be reminding Victor of it, constantly.
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That’s a no-no, other-Yuri. A big no-no.  This is why I can’t like you.
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You tell him, Yuri. 
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There’s Victor “in-a-class-to-himself” Nikiforov, again.  He just looks like a seasoned skater.  I continue to be impressed with how his skating, in particular, was animated.
So, we find out via other-Yuri that Victor was already choreographing programs for the following season despite lacking motivation.  His ability to surprise the audience was waning; his inspiration “dying,” according to Yuri.  Seeing his routine reflected in JPN Yuri’s viral video, someone else taking his choreography and making it his own rekindled a stuttering flame.  Victor might have been relieved on several levels.
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Exhibit A: witness Victor re-energized.
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So, JPN Yuri views the consequences of losing the figure skating scrimmage – Victor returning to Russia with other Yuri – as punishment.  Kind of sad that he entertains the thought of losing to a 15-year old in some impromptu competition with ambiguous rules.  
And OMG, this ‘Hot Springs on Ice’ competition is the biggest news in town, lol.  Sleepy tourist village, indeed.
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LOL, Mari-neechan has an idol, too.  And other-Yuri looks just like him.  
Gotta say, I’m fond of Mari and JPN Yuri’s relationship.  She doesn’t appear to have teased her brother over the Victor Nikiforov obsession.  But, I suppose that would make her a hypocrite.
Annnnd, I like that she’s the one to nickname other Yuri, Yurio. :D
Didn’t screencap this part, but it’s mentioned that Yurio is staying in a storage closet at Yu-Topia.  How big (or small) is this place?  I think it must be akin to a bed and breakfast; not a lot of rooms but you receive personalized service.
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Minako is a woman of many talents.  Ballerina-turned-bartender.  I also looove the poster of Yuri on the door!
As an aside, it appears Victor might have assumed Yuri goes to tie one on (like Victor tends to do) when he’s feeling stressed or anxious.  He has witnessed him drunk before, after all…
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Now that’s just sad. Yuri had like, two friends growing up and he didn’t even play with them.
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No comment.  This is just a cute screencap.
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Admittedly, I never cared for Agape, the music or the choreography.  I do appreciate how Agape and Eros mirror each other in tune. Agape is slower, but the downbeats are almost identical to Eros.  I hope that term was correct.  Don’t fail me now, middle school band class.
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LOL.  Oh, Victor.  Satin. Covered.  Truth-bombs.
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It just amuses me that Victor is organizing his own ice show in a week.
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Pretty sure if Victor goes back to Russia, Yurio, then he’s skating the season.  He didn’t take a break to coach just anyone.  But that’s a moot point.
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“That’s all I want, bae. Let’s you and I win together and celebrate with the most erotic of cuisines: pork cutlet bowls.”
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I wonder which one will be able to “satisfy” him?
I needed that. I smiled during the whole episode. Thanks for reading.
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