#he’s literally so babey it’s not even funny
nympippi · 2 years
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Vine BOOM!
S2 c!Dream enderman hybrid.
Idk what clothes to put him in so these will do but he doesn’t remember much other than he likes shinies and that crown is strangely important somehow…
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Sword gays showdown, round 2 of bracket one
For Zoro:
Literally training to be the greatest swordsman in the world. Has a special three swords technique (one blade in each hand plus one with the handle held in his teeth). I haven't read the manga or watched the anime but the live action adaptation gives me extremely gay vibes and based on the fandom things I've seen I'm not the only one
bro uses three swords. has one in his mouth. dont ask how the HELL he manages that. one day he will be the worlds greatest swordsman....after he beats the current greatest for both the titles of greatest swordsman and fruitiest swordsman. he's dramatic as FUUUCK like bro what the hell. has homoerotic fights with the local twink like everyday. directionally challenged, can and will get lost in a paper bag, doesnt know left from right...he probably cant read, too. hes too silly ngl
First of all, im in like episode 250 and so far he hasnt been shown attracted to any woman at all during the whole show so far, not even when one changed clothes in the same room as him and this is anime so you know there were other characters with bloody noses and shit. With that out of the way he wields three swords at once [two in his hands, one is his goddamn mouth dude. Its cool af trust me.] When he was little he made a promise to his best friend that he'd be the best swordsman in the world. Later she died in a tragic accident and left her sword which he still uses today. He also carries a cursed sword but he overpowers the curse with a combination of skill and sheer luck. He got stuck in a chimney. While his crewmates sail their ship he takes naps. He learned how to cut through metal by fighting a guy who could turn his body into metal blades. That's metal. He refuses to fight this liberal marine officer because she looks like his childhood best friend and its just understandably really awkward for him. He's autistic. He's a he/him bisexual lesbian. He's a gay man. He's ace/aro. He's whatever you want him to be babey!!
he has 3 swords, wields one in his mouth sometimes, his dream is to be the greatest swordsman in the world
three swords and big aroace-spec gay vibes
He not only has a sword he has *three* swords. He's absolutely gay there's no way to see this man as straight. Also one time he licked his sword for no reason and that was really funny to me so I had to mention it
Look, this man thinks about three things: Swords, His Captain, and Booze. He’s on a quest to be the worlds greatest swordsman. The Live action has a scene where he declares his undying, unwavering loyalty to his captain WHILE reaffirming his promise to be the worlds greatest swordsman. At this point His dream and his Captain are so intertwined it’s crazy. Man is so sword-y he’s got three of them. When one of his swords broke he carried its empty scabbard until he was able to give it a SWORD FUNERAL. He hears a sword is cursed and takes that as a challenge. He will literally tell his swords off for “bad behavior” when they “act up” due to being straight up cursed. He tests one by throwing it in the air and sticking his arm out to see if it is so blood thirsty and ill tempered that it will cut him. Even though he’s literally the first mate if you ask him what his role is he’s going to answer Swordsman.
He's dedicated his life to two things: becoming the greatest swordsman in the world and his captain, Luffy. 
He mastered the three sword style. Its his style. It would've been more swords but he could only fit one sword in each hand and one in his mouth. He wants to be the world's greatest swordsman, a deal he made with his childhood best frenemy (before she died falling down the stairs). He thought he was All That at the start and was almost completely decimated by the actual Worlds Greatest Swordsman. Now, after two years forced training with that guy, he's probably in the top tier no-doubt, and honestly could already be the best but we just don't know for sure yet. Also, did I mention: he's got the whole demon/devil imagery going on at times. And he has absolutely no sense of direction! plus is a total softie when it comes to Chopper and all the children who somehow gravitate towards him. And he loves naps!
One of the guy's main goals in life is to be the best sword fighter and he fights with three swords which I think is telling enough of his skill.
For Sayaka Miki:
my favourite scene is the one where Sayaka turns off all her pain receptors to battle the shadow witch, uncaring of the damage dealt to her body, because what is a body but a decaying vessel you must eventually abandon anyway? that was very depression of her <3 Also there’s that one time (in the rebellion movie) where Sayaka stabs herself on her own sword to release the witch that dwells within her. and then she immediately gets up to fight back to back with her girlfriend. that moment lives rent free in my head. Sayaka is so depression and I love her for it:)
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
Silly Squad Alignment Charts
Because I thought it would be fun and silly :)
Find out more about the Silly Squad here!
Of course, have to start with the classic:
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Hunter will say they have food at home and it's literally like probably two slices of bread, a bottle of ketchup, and a head of lettuce
Viram KNOWS how to cook so you best be happy to eat her food instead of having Mcdonalds
Khea and Echo it depends on their mood whether they pull up and order a single black coffee before leaving (Echo would never do it if Omega is in the car)
Crosshair doesn't even like their coffee but he does it to be a little shit
Feel like Tech is also kinda in the middle because he'll be like "Technically we have food at home-" but he also needs his caffeine
Phee will ALWAYS pull up to the Mcdonalds, especially when Omega's with her. Then Omega always holds it over Hunter- "Well, PHEE takes ME to Mcdonalds!"
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Tay is the definition of a bastard (no seriously)
Phee is bastard (affectionate) but would technically be more of "Badass" than anything
Khea, Crosshair, and Tech are the Bitch Trio and if you put them in a room together they WILL tear each other apart (emotionally most likely but Tech will goad Crosshair and Khea into physically fighting each other while he records)
Majority of the squad is Babey though
Echo is also "Bad Ass" but he could also be a Bitch if he wanted
Hunter is Bastard just because I think it's funny
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Dumb Bitch Hunter my beloved <3
Echo is sad dick because he has no dick
I use dumb affectionately with Wrecker (not with Hunter and Tay)
Tech just has big dick energy to me idk
Khea's a sad hoe but she'll never admit to it (the being sad part)
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If you've noticed, I really like making fun of Hunter that's why he's there in the dumbass squared category
Wrecker, Khea, and Phee are all smart as fuck but have more fun pretending that they aren't really
Tay is good at pretending that he is smart - he is not
Then of course, Tech, Cross, and Echo are all smartasses
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This fit so perfectly I was dying
Hunter is laughing nervously because he's aroace lmao
Omega would be like "Thanks! :D" and just carry on
Jung would most likely do *thumbs up* instead of finger guns though
When you pair up the couples, it's funnier
If Tay said "I know" after Cross told him that he loved him, Crosshair would dump him on the spot
Khea tells Wrecker she loves him for the first time and he short circuits and probably would say something along the lines of "YEET!"
Viram and Echo both have issues and would not be able to comprehend why someone would love them - I'm sure Echo's got insecurities and Viram knows she's a workaholic and therefore difficult to be in a relationship so she apologies in advance
If Phee told Tech she loved him and he went "a horrible decision, really" she'd probably laugh
And of course, who doesn't love Phee? If you don't, get out of here.
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Crosshair could care less, he ain't dealing with that shit
Tech would say this ominously as if he's seen the future and knows your death is imminent meanwhile Khea's is more of a - "you probably will because everyone close to me has already died" sort of way :/
I feel like Omega might also be "i'd die for you first" too
Hunter, Viram, and Echo don't want to deal with that shit either, they've already got so much loss, guilt, and other things on their plate
Tay's probably not listening when someone tells him they'd die for him while Phee's like, "Oh, neat. Anyways, as I was saying about my last adventure-"
Jung is ready and willing to put his life on the line and Wrecker would probably more like a "Nu uh" because he's got your back and would look out for you
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Phee will also do it for some credits or a cool treasure
Tay is going to fight god (and he's going to lose)
Tech could do so much more than take down the government, but he needs incentives (him and Phee can take down the government together <3)
Khea is a bounty hunter, her job literally requires her to stab people sometimes in order for her to get money
Crosshair would stab without anyone needing to ask him
Echo's taking down the government no matter what, but especially if Rex asks him to come along
Jung is going to fight god if you ask them to (and he'll win)
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Viram is the type of friend who is an excellent tutor and you end up understanding the concept after getting her help meanwhile Omega will explain what she knows and then the homework becomes a group project of figuring out what the fuck it's asking
You can copy Hunter's homework but there is no guarantee that the answers are right (most of them are wrong)
You can copy Jung's homework and there's a high chance the answers are right
Khea had better things to do than homework - like get frustrated over it and cry for a bit before giving up on it
Phee did some of the homework but she'll only help you out if you give her something in exchange
Wrecker and Tay, beloved himbos, they had no idea and even if they did do the homework, you wouldn't want to copy off of them
Crosshair also didn't do the homework but he also doesn't want to respond
Tech and Echo both did the homework and it's correct but they don't tolerate copying work to even have suggested it is offensive so now you're left on read
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yakuzacanons · 21 days
Hello! A smutty Ishin! request please! First time with a virgin s/o (or just first time together) for Nagakura Shinpachi, Todo Heisuke and Inoue Genzaburo 😚 Thank you!
Biiiiiig stretch, Ishin time babey. I love Ishin so much, genuinely it lives in my heart rent free.
Nagakura Shinpachi
He's already aware that he's a tank of a man so generally speaking he tries his best to have a more delicate touch with any romantic or sexual parnters. However, upon finding out you're a virgin, he may as well be acting as if he's trying to carry a dozen eggs with his bare hands.
Genuinely one of the best guys to have for your first time, if I'm being honest. He's experienced enough to know what he's doing and can take the lead if you want him to. Will start you off at a slow pace and will always check in with you to make sure you're doing alright.
Even if you're not a virgin and it's just your first time together, he'll still hold back a LOT. He can be quite a bruiser if he goes full throttle and he wants the first time with you to be a good one, especially for you.
He's got this funny thing with lesser experienced partners where he develops this daddy-esque persona, even though he typically doesn't do that. Tons of "That's my girl/boy" or "Good girl/boy..." from him.
Todo Heisuke
Being one of the younger captains, he's pretty spry. More adventurous and a tease than most of his peers. However, his younger age does mean he's somewhat less experienced in comparison to say Genzaburo.
He gets pretty handsy if he knows his partner is a virgin. Lots of carresses and guiding you with his hands. It's surprisingly intimate.
If it's just the first time you two are together, he won't baby you as much and that more aggressive teasing side of him comes out. He tends to be cockier with partners that he knows have some kind of experience, in a literal and metaphorical sense.
Out of the 3, he's the best with aftercare. Also the least likely to fall asleep quickly after sex.
Inoue Genzaburo
The most experienced of the three, even if only due to his older age. At the same time, he's actually a little hesistant to be with someone who's a virgin because he thinks it may be better for them to be with someone closer to their age. It's also just a self esteem thing for sure.
Good at getting a read on his partners, which results in him not being very talkative. Definitely not a tease, like Todo. He has a general commanding aura that just kind of sweeps you off your feet.
Even if you have had some experience, he's still one of the more gentle of the three. His biggest plus is he's definitely the most sensual of the three. You might not get a pounding like you would from Nagakura but you'll definitely be rolling your eyes back in pleasure.
After his first time with a partner, he'll stay awake until you fall asleep. He's not really sure why he does that, actually. Something something his protective nature and all that. It's kind of sweet to imagine the scarred swordsman watching out for you.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I wanna talk about Star Wars comics and how fucking funny they are??? And how with the power of hindsight, they can make Luke and Leia so obviously twins??? (The finish each others sentences!! They both think about stealing an Imperial fucking Star Destroyer at the exact same time!! Luke says “Han is gonna hate this idea” and Leia replies “All the more reason to do it” !! They are TWINS babey!!)
Darth Vader knowing Luke is his son before Empire Strikes Back is the best move ever. Like, you can read Empire Strikes Back as him knowing (he calls Luke “Skywalker” on Hoth, after all) but making it obvious? Chef’s kiss. Darth Vader sending multiple bounty hunters and Stormtroopers and Aphra all after Luke, but specifically requesting him alive? Every single person who confronts Luke being like “Why the FUCK does Vader want you alive?? Has he even met you??? I met you five seconds ago and I want you dead, Vader is so powerful????” Vader purposefully ruining other Imperial plans to catch Luke because he’s the only Imperial who gets to have Luke? Him calling him exclusively “my son” in his inner dialogue? Him being like “The world and the galaxy and the Empire and everyone I know could literally die right in front of me in a fiery death but that is secondary, can I have my boy or what?”
(Luke over there like “Hmm. For some reason, I feel like I should meet Vader.”
Leia: “Ignore it.”
Luke: “Yeah, okay.”
Vader: “…hello darkness my old friend-“)
I love Sana but I specifically love her relationship with Luke. If you were to tell someone that a smuggler and a princess were friends, you’d be describing Sana and Luke’s relationship instead of Han and Leia’s. What do I mean i’m so glad you asked-
Luke, very excited: “I got to drive the Falcon :D”
Sana, very tired because this is right after the prison break arc and Luke was unconscious and threatened with death five seconds ago: “This child is too young to speak to me.”
Luke: “What do you mean about Han and Leia?”
Sana: “I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
Like!!! Sana!!! Leia is the SAME age as him!!! But no, Luke is the babie one, it matters little that he blew up the Death Star, he is the sheltered princess of the relationship while Sana is the world-weary smuggler who feels dirty just standing next to him. Their dynamic is fucking gold and I will not hear a single thing against it.
Okay but can we talk about Vader Down? The story arc in which Aphra says “Skywalker is on Vrogas Vas” and Vader comes out of hyperspace in the exact area the x-wings are doing drills? The story where Luke is like “hm, how best to deal with Darth Vader… I think I’ll crash my ship directly into his, sending us both plummeting to what might be our deaths, that might work.” (Vader: “Finally, a pilot who is worth facing off against wait a second that feels like-“) The story where Leia is like “Everyone around me is dead except for me, but Vader obviously left me alive in hopes I’d lead him back to the base, but I’m going to do the opposite, actually, and I’m going to stand here and wait for him and then tell the Rebels to blow us both up. Yes, I’ll die, but so will Vader, and that’s worth it.” (Vader is not actually thinking she’ll lead him to the rebel base. He (correctly) assumes that either Leia will find Luke or Luke will come to Leia) Dr. Aphra come over to try and help capture Luke because her options are 1. Capture Skywalker boy and bring him to Vader and Vader maybe won’t torture her to death, or B. Vader definitely tortures her to death.
The actual reason I love Vader Down is actually a combo of two reasons. First and foremost, Luke gets captured or knocked out or otherwise incapacitated (or just passed from one group’s hands to another) like ten times. It’s a running trend in the comcis, actually, Luke’s slipperiness that resembles how impossible it is to catch him in the Thrawn trilogy (Luke should be impossible to capture, it’s really what he deserves). The second reason is because Darth Vader finally commits murder of the person I want to see him murder, “General Grievous 2.0, this time he’s a cephalopod.” Or, Karbin for short. The way he gets him?
1. Big rock bridge
2. Vader pushed Karbin back a bit with the Force
3. Vader walks off of the bridge
4. Aphra rams into the bridge with her ship
5. Murder
It’s a foolproof plan and really, just, very well executed, 10/10 all around, I can’t get over Vader casually just walking off of the bridge
(The comic ends with Luke being like: “I feel like there was something I was supposed to learn in that big ol’ Jedi temple down on Vrogas Vas. Like the Force or something wanted me to know something. Or learn something. Hmm. Guess I’ll never know what it was. ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ “
Vader: “…all around me are familiar faces-“)
Luke and Darth Vader and Vader being like “pleASE just GIVE ME my BOY” and the Force going “haha nope” while Luke accidentally gets lost on his way to literally everywhere is so good. Luke and Obi-Wan, who left Luke his journal that Luke pulls out every once in a while to read is also, I must say, just wonderful.
Obi-Wan is the oldest 40yo ever, give him and his joints a break please and just let him pat the small child’s head once or twice, Owen, please, it might keep him sane, it’s for the good of the galaxy-
No what I actually like are the rock people. The Force rock people. The glowing blue Force rock giant people who were worn down by tiny humans until they became mountain ranges and who Yoda revives. The tiny blue rock baby children who Luke meets for the literal first time in his entire life and is immediately like “I would literally doe to protect these babies. Get behind me children, I am very willing to be stabbed multiple times if it means that baby rock people remain unharmed.”
Luke gets stabbed like eight times, honestly, are the baby rock people worth it? Yes. They are. Thank you for asking-
But, this is all 2015 run stuff, and that’s a bit hnfair since I also love the earlier comics! I promise, I really do!
2004 run had Skippy the Jedi droid, which automatically makes it the best comic ever written, even if Luke does look like he has a haybale on his head. And it had Qui-Gon “I do what the Force tells me to do. Why did it tell me to do this? I don’t know, I did it because it asked and now it’s done. Bang up job, Obi-Wan, let’s go home” Jinn. Space Jesus Darth Vader, anyone? Strangely sexualized female characters? Fucking skirt slits up to everyone’s waist, because the artists have never tried to wear a skirt before? It even has Mara Jade! Truly, this comic has everything.
1977 comic run? Well. I have one thing to prove that this is worth your time. The comic isn’t great, the art is very strange, none of the characters look like their actors (it’s pretty cool that He-Man got his acting start playing Luke Skywalker-), and everything is a little bit off. Not to mention Leia’s strangely prominent breasts. Why are they like that? I’m confused.
Why should you read it?
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Darth Vader floaty a cup.
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terezis · 22 days
look i think you could make a serious case for turning this into an astarion/wyll fic, like it would probably make more sense to give him the role of prince char over tav... but unfortunately i do not ship it. i'm a wyll/karlach girly at heart. sorry lads i know.
but anyways there is just something so compelling (pun intended) to me about the parallels bt ella and her curse and astarion and his whole (gestures) everything…
ella being a little snarky and a little charming and doing everything she can do twist the orders she's given to annoy or inconvenience the ppl bossing her around. yeah that's astarion babey.
that said there are so many antagonists in (book) ella enchanted it's hard to say where u put cazador. giving him lucinda's role (fairy who curses him) seems obvious but then later in the book you have hattie starving ella for the lulz and dame olga making ella scrub the floor until her knuckles bleed and the dad who literally tries to sell ella to a rich old man for profit.
and that's all a lot more willfully malicious (and mirrors astarion's backstory woes more) than lucinda's well-meaning but nasty gifts.
so i think maybe it's not a 1:1 au. but the bones are there. do you see my vision. compare the beat where astarion confesses his plan to tav bc he wants something real with them and they're like "we can be together without sleeping together for as long as u want,"
—to book!ella breaking her curse and declaring that she REFUSES to marry the prince who she loves even if ordered bc she can't bear the thought of hurting him. something something LOVE and AGENCY. it's good
also the ogres from the book are played by the ogres you find in the blighted village. i think it is funny to make halsin the guy from the kingdom of elves. areida (ella's friend from finishing school) is... my first impulse is to say karlach but i think i want it to be shadowheart. i think i need them bond over snarking and that's how they become friends. they're the only ones there who speak elvish and they're real catty about it. mandy is played by withers
astarion says PLEASE can you use some big magic to help me out here idc about the consequences or about the tapestry of fate or w/e make it stop raining so i can go to the gd ball
withers says... no
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pixiecaps · 7 months
Pix i’m so excited that the green gay ninjas are back and more motivated!!! This whole team is so great and i love their interactions with each other so much! It felt great to see them actually have more of a strategy and be on call with each other most of the time to help them out throughout the event :]
I can’t wait for tomorrow!! they’ll get the win tomorrow i believe in them 🙏
literally from the beginning till the end was incredible. fit & forever made so much progress and laid out basically the path to etoiles success today. it was so evident how much he appreciated what they had done. all fits efforts today gathering resources and diamonds so etoiles didnt have to waste as much time grinding and all that shit. bagi off stream playing THE ENTIRE TIME AND DIGGING A FUCKING HOLE. she rlly didnt need to log on but she did and she hung out with the team and helped exchange ideas with forever about the temporary egg. forever fucking went off today building the base & literally going into a singleplayer world testing and researching the mod pack and coming back with so much resourceful information. he & fit literally staying available in call despite not playing was the sweetest thing they could ever do. quackitys entire presence was just nice and an uplifter!!! hes so funny and kept etoiles company for so long along with bagi. then the completely unexpected arrival of roier which was the cherry on top tbh. he did not have to log on nobody on the team expected him to. hes fucking sick and cant even speak but he stayed and waited and grinded and mined with etoiles cracking jokes and etoiles was able to finally spend time with him hanging out!!! red team cannot go unmentioned either they were being as chaotic as usual and they helped green so much and etoiles helped them with pvp which is so fucking cute. and truly i think.. nothing could have been better about today. it was a wonderful day full of so much positive energy and the difference from all the others etoiles streams of this event to today is IMMENSE. the most rewarding part of today was hearing etoiles say he had fun. because thats what its all about<3
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hikennosabo · 8 months
trigun multiple bullets random thoughts
if you thought you saw the last of me in the tag... think again!!!
let's fucking goooooo... it's been a little while, so i feel like i'm rusty LMAO...
showdown with the dodongo brothers at honeycomb village (parts 1 & 2):
wow that's a mouthful of a chapter title. anyway.
seeing manga vash with fully blonde hair is... a little strange, now.
OH, SAME WITH SEEING WOLFWOOD... y'know... alive... i fucking MISSED HIMMMMMMM (<- i literally just saw him, i've been rewatching 98 again)
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this is so fun i love it so much
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oh there are SO many good expressions but if i post them all i'm sure i'll hit the image limit
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vash's pout is so cute and funny but i NEED to draw attention to meryl in the corner... i love her sm
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vash is twiddling his thumbs... he's so cute...
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well these sure are names
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even in the black-and-white manga... even though her hair was brown on the color page... we STILL get a blonde milly jumpscare?!?! really?!?!?
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AAHHHH... HIS SMILE.... TOO BRIGHT......!!!!!!
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they're so silly :( i missed this... waaaah...
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oh my goodness, i am in LOVE with this page.
i love wolfwood scolding vash too, lol. it's a conversation they've had many times before, but it feels... idk, lighter than usual?
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i love this page soooo much... their expressions are cute. i'm getting "he's an idiot, but he's MY idiot" vibes from wolfwood, lol :') they're in love your honor
and the cliffhanger reveal... i don't have that much to say about the plot tbh... hmmmm, i'm not separating these chapters in this post anyway.
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they :)
it wouldn't be a nightow action scene if it was easy to follow, but i'm glad i examined this page in detail instead of letting my eyes just pass over it because
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i LOVE this panel... the one in the middle of the spread is great too but i LOVE the angle of this... vash reaching over wolfwood to shoot, while wolfwood shields him... ugh... thank GOD for vashwood
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oh my god...... he's so cute.......
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OH YEAH, VASHWOOD, BABEY!!!!!!!!!! vash holding on to the punisher... :D
is vash shooting the rockets so they change trajectory... that's so fucking insane. i love it
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man this was a fun one. i loved seeing vashwood being a battle couple again and just having a relatively low-stakes/light-hearted romp was a really nice thing to read after the horrors. which i am now a few weeks removed from, but they still haunt me...
trigun: the lost plant:
as someone who had (has!! i still love it!) an enduring dr stone obsession in 2021-2022, i am IMMUNE to boichi's art!!! this is significantly hornier than dcst though, not that i'm surprised in the slightest, dcst does have its own horny designs/moments unfortunately... this is the difference between shonen and seinen i suppose--hold on, that's not what this post is about!! *deletes entire other paragraph talking about dr stone*
60 years post-canon... vash's lifespan has been significantly shortened, but i do wonder how much he has left in him. he lived 150 years without any visible black appearing in his hair, so even if he has just a few strands of blonde left, they might last him a long time... well i don't think any of these stories are canon anyway so it doesn't matter LOL
as far as the plot goes...
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the explanation for how plants produce matter is interesting but why did it manifest as a child and why is it a black hole and why this specific plant and how did vash even--oh, WHATEVER!! i suppose there is a reason boichi was the artist for dr stone and not the writer.
very cool to see vash drawn in boichi's style though! it's pretty similar to the early dr stone manga, even though dcst came 5+ years later... and the art style of dcst changed over time, although--wait, no, that's NOT what this post is about!!!
the denizens of the sand planet:
okay, this one is by... *googles* wait, this is the guy who did lucifer and the biscuit hammer?? and planet with??? HUHHH... i've only watched planet with, but i've heard VERY good things about biscuit hammer (manga)... anyway
this is a cute story. the found family is cute.
okay sorry this doesn't matter but it is bugging me (ha) a bit. these post-canon stories don't like... actually show us how the world changed after the battle. because it's something i've been wondering about... like, they show a guy cleaning a plant bulb, but would there even be any plants left in bulbs at this point?
and like, this...
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wouldn't the exploitation end. like i suppose plants would still get "worn out" eventually, but i would expect more of a symbiotic relationship at this point. so what's with this imagery?
les enfants:
i. am. in. LOVE!!!! WITH THIS ART STYLE!!!!!!
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legato?!?!?! :D :D :D :D :D
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ohhh i love this redraw!!!!!! oghhhhhh!!!!!! oooooooogh!!!!!
i love this art!!!!! i love this art!!!!!!
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EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP HE'S SLEEPING!!!!!! ohhh i love this. i like the wording too. "decided to slumber"... he's fucking eepy. he's cozy.
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RAZLO (i'm assuming)!!! HE'S SO FUCKING. SHAPED. his GRIN!!! IS SO FUNNY. i'm in tears... i love him...
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the art outside the storybook is also lovely, it's very detailed and delicate...
i would like to believe merylmilly got married and grew old together... yeah...
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DUDE, I'M GONNA CRY...... vashwood image... this is a really lovely story. definitely my favorite of all of them.
milly/meryl satellite tv:
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so they chase him around for 24 hours straight once a week... poor vash LOL
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hey hey hey hey hey this is supposed to be a silly goofy fun time why are you showing me this. i'm so sad. i'm glad the family is being fed at least.
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i always assumed that "eriks" was a name vash chose for himself but this is way funnier
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there is so much going on here
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yeah that was very silly
raijin: rising:
incredibly jarring tone shift from the previous story lol... i really enjoy the rai-dei focus though. he's cool but he didn't get a backstory in the manga so i appreciate this a lot. i wouldn't mind more stories like this focusing exclusively on side characters tbh.
it gets pretty brutal... i don't know what to say about this story besides that. it's an interesting look at what could've made rai-dei the way he is.
cutting is fighting:
we're ending this not with a bang but with a whimper... swapping meryl in for the haircut scene is... blegh. whatever. and they exaggerate her crush on vash too much. like yeah she's kind of tsundere in canon (moreso in the anime imo) but she's not a teenager yknow? the satellite tv story did that too but that one was supposed to be goofy and exaggerated so it was whatever.
the most interesting thing here is the lack of dialogue. that's a fun creative choice. and i like the gag with vash's hair being too nasty to comb LOL... and the haircut options. that's all...
overall i'd give this a... 6.5/10? 'les enfants' was definitely my favorite by far and nightow's story was a lot of fun too. the others ranged from "meh at best" to "sure, it was good" lol. i liked seeing the different art styles... i don't have much else to say.
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stevebabey · 1 year
Stevie with a puppy or a kitten 🥹
ANON I AM SO GLAD U SAID THIS!!! i was literally talkin to a couple peeps bout this a week ago and i know i’m not the first to have this hc cos i’ve seen it bouncing around the fandom but BUT
stevie babey most definitely has a dog :) it’s definitely one of this big people dogs like a golden lab or a retriever that are just big softies (what’s that saying bout dogs lookin like their owners?? hehe)
he ends up keeping the name the pet-store gave her, smth real classic like daisy or maggie — he got her when he first moved out of home, as like a celebratory gift to himself :) and alright, he really really wanted one when he was younger but his mom said they were far too messy to have in the house. but now it’s his space and his mess — and all of maggie’s dog hair too hehe
they 100% go on runs together :) like half the time he doesn’t even leash her, she always wants to keep up and stay by his side, tongue out and panting in a way that always makes him laugh— especially when she gets distracted by a squirrel and steve has to coerce her back to him. it’s always that lil whistle, call of her name, and a slap on his knees to get her to come- though, sometimes he’ll just call her name and boost it ahead because she hates being left behind :( steve learned from the first time tho, if he does that he’s gotta do a funny backwards run otherwise she WILL tackle him from behind like she did the first he tried that shit
they are like best friends tho, like properly bonded and all :’) she sits beside him on the couch and he’ll look at her when there’s something funny on tv, just so she can give that funny dog side-eye she does 👀he talks to her way too much, just because before steve had you, she was always around- trotting around after him in the kitchen, looking for snacks that he always gives up way too easily. he asks her opinion on things when she’s curled up on his bed, her head on her paws, switching shirts in front of himself and taking her big sighs as no’s like, “hmm you’re right magster, the blue is better,”
when you come into the picture, she straight up abandons her loyalty to steve because she just loves all the cuddles, esp form you, and steve is betrayed. u catch him talking to her in the kitchen, his hands holding her head softly as he speaks like, “listen she’s MY girlfriend, okay? u can’t keep giving her all the cuddles and none to me. and i know this sounds crazy, but sometimes i’ll want to cuddle with her, and not you. you get all that? ok good chat :)” and then she licks his nose, which makes him laugh, bcos that’s as good as a yes in his book
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Sword gays showdown, final round of bracket one
For Zoro:
Literally training to be the greatest swordsman in the world. Has a special three swords technique (one blade in each hand plus one with the handle held in his teeth). I haven't read the manga or watched the anime but the live action adaptation gives me extremely gay vibes and based on the fandom things I've seen I'm not the only one
bro uses three swords. has one in his mouth. dont ask how the HELL he manages that. one day he will be the worlds greatest swordsman....after he beats the current greatest for both the titles of greatest swordsman and fruitiest swordsman. he's dramatic as FUUUCK like bro what the hell. has homoerotic fights with the local twink like everyday. directionally challenged, can and will get lost in a paper bag, doesnt know left from right...he probably cant read, too. hes too silly ngl
First of all, im in like episode 250 and so far he hasnt been shown attracted to any woman at all during the whole show so far, not even when one changed clothes in the same room as him and this is anime so you know there were other characters with bloody noses and shit. With that out of the way he wields three swords at once [two in his hands, one is his goddamn mouth dude. Its cool af trust me.] When he was little he made a promise to his best friend that he'd be the best swordsman in the world. Later she died in a tragic accident and left her sword which he still uses today. He also carries a cursed sword but he overpowers the curse with a combination of skill and sheer luck. He got stuck in a chimney. While his crewmates sail their ship he takes naps. He learned how to cut through metal by fighting a guy who could turn his body into metal blades. That's metal. He refuses to fight this liberal marine officer because she looks like his childhood best friend and its just understandably really awkward for him. He's autistic. He's a he/him bisexual lesbian. He's a gay man. He's ace/aro. He's whatever you want him to be babey!!
he has 3 swords, wields one in his mouth sometimes, his dream is to be the greatest swordsman in the world
three swords and big aroace-spec gay vibes
He not only has a sword he has *three* swords. He's absolutely gay there's no way to see this man as straight. Also one time he licked his sword for no reason and that was really funny to me so I had to mention it
Look, this man thinks about three things: Swords, His Captain, and Booze. He’s on a quest to be the worlds greatest swordsman. The Live action has a scene where he declares his undying, unwavering loyalty to his captain WHILE reaffirming his promise to be the worlds greatest swordsman. At this point His dream and his Captain are so intertwined it’s crazy. Man is so sword-y he’s got three of them. When one of his swords broke he carried its empty scabbard until he was able to give it a SWORD FUNERAL. He hears a sword is cursed and takes that as a challenge. He will literally tell his swords off for “bad behavior” when they “act up” due to being straight up cursed. He tests one by throwing it in the air and sticking his arm out to see if it is so blood thirsty and ill tempered that it will cut him. Even though he’s literally the first mate if you ask him what his role is he’s going to answer Swordsman.
He's dedicated his life to two things: becoming the greatest swordsman in the world and his captain, Luffy. 
He mastered the three sword style. Its his style. It would've been more swords but he could only fit one sword in each hand and one in his mouth. He wants to be the world's greatest swordsman, a deal he made with his childhood best frenemy (before she died falling down the stairs). He thought he was All That at the start and was almost completely decimated by the actual Worlds Greatest Swordsman. Now, after two years forced training with that guy, he's probably in the top tier no-doubt, and honestly could already be the best but we just don't know for sure yet. Also, did I mention: he's got the whole demon/devil imagery going on at times. And he has absolutely no sense of direction! plus is a total softie when it comes to Chopper and all the children who somehow gravitate towards him. And he loves naps!
One of the guy's main goals in life is to be the best sword fighter and he fights with three swords which I think is telling enough of his skill.
For Xena:
It is HER! The OG woman with a blade! 
Her show was so iconic that any lesbian over the age of 30 knows her IMMEDIATELY because this show probably helped her have her awakening. Fandom foremothers and fathers rise up and get your gal a title.
An all around badass, bisexual woman, comfortable with many different bladed weapons. Her show was so much better than Hercules people forget his exists.
Xena is one of the OGs: once a baddie who turned good, she's a warrior who uses swords, daggers, and her trusty chakram to defeat evil and defend the innocent, while traveling with her kickass girlfriend Gabrielle. 
She has many skills
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thebuttsmcgee · 5 months
Okay! I've missed out on talking about the past few episodes but the show quite literally finished today as far as we know so it's a good as time as any I suppose to talk!
So yep. Spoilers for The Ghost and Molly Mcgee's possible series finale below!
So! To start off, Jinx vs the human world!
It was alright! Had good moments, bit of a lacking song near the end but the VILLAIN SONG? pretty damn good! Rob Cantor knows how to make a villain song and make them GOOD good. The rest wasn't bad, I liked Molly gaining her power from any kinda positivity, which is boosted by good talk of her forever friend, the Chen family scenes (well, besides that kinda. strange. scene about Mrs Chen asking ollie about kids but disregarding that) were really good!
There had been some light speculation about Geoff being the one who spooked Ruben as a kid but it was mostly in humor, so that ending up being true was neat! Definitely funny but also neat. It was also nice to see more of the Chen family coming to terms with actual ghost stuff and Ruben learning to chill with the ghost hate.
Jinx was a fun villain! Her VA did an amazing job as always! She stole the show in nearly every scene she was in and it was cool to see a ghost actually try to go up against the human world, as the title would suggest. She did go out in a pretty cheesey way but eh I don't really think it was bad, the show's based on friendship anyway.
The overall plot wasn't bad, it took Molly outta the picture for most of it but ya know I guess I do get why. At least it was in an actually reasonable way, by the villain actually being competent. It was cool to see how Ghosts are kinda invincible, but especially with the Chairman's robe, the og Chairman was a good showcase of that terrifying power but was cut short, meanwhile Scratch wasn't really all that a good showcase cause it's just Scratch, who iiiiis lazy lol.
It all felt kinda. Safe. If that makes sense. Like there wasn't really a moment where I felt in suspense. It was still enjoyable mostly, but I didn't really feel myself getting too worried about what could happen.
So yea, like a 6 or 7 outta 10 from me 👍.
Now! For the finale!!! WOO
I'll be honest, a good amount of S2 hasn't been as good as S1 for me. When S2 is good, it's REALLY good like 100% Molly or All in the Mind or Faint of Art. It's just that S1 was just SO good, some of S2 falls flat to me.
That said, The End felt like a season 1 episode to me cause THAT was sooooo good.
I felt actual stuff with most of the scenes, I was actually getting worried while Moll called Adia, I did wanna shed a tear when the truth hit Scratch and they used the exact same line read in Episode 1 when Moll had called Scratch to come back when he ran away MAN IT WAS ALL SO GOOD.
And the songs. MAN. The first one was good, a banger but nothing too extravagant, even if it's about being extravagant. Scratch's song tho? THAT SONG? ABSOLUTELY LOVE. That fucking hit me so hard, I legitimately wanted to cry a bit cause the lyrics, the delivery, the instrumentals, it was all so damn good! And the ending credits song being something that calls back to the usual end credits' theme, man that was so fucking good.
Here comes the heavy truth!
So the most popular theory ended up being true. Scratch is indeed, the Wraith of Todd, the background character who had small resemblances to Scratch.
Honestly I'm not too sure how to feel about it. It wasn't exactly shoved in our faces and wasn't quite hinted at, all that much unless you reaaaally paid attention to certain things. It wasn't completely outta nowhere, but also it did feel a bit, ehhh. The execution of it all was just superb tho, the voice deliveries, the animation, all of it was so well done. So I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it right now, other than the fact they executed it really well.
The whole scene with Moll and Scratch talking about what could happen when Todd is alive again, man. That hit. It hit good. That actually made me feel more nervousness than most of the previous episodes. Man what can I say. They just nailed it.
And the ultimate ending, with Todd having the personality of Scratch and his little quirks, yet supposedly not retaining his memories from when he wasn't in his human body. I say supposedly, cause tbh? His callbacks felt a bit on the nose, almost exactly like how Scratch would be when he was messing with Molly. He is a trickster at heart after all.
Can't say for sure if he doesn't or does remember cause who knows! Maybe he doesn't, maybe he does. For now tho, it seems as tho he doesn't.
And tbh, I still enjoy it.
Is it bittersweet? Yes. Extremely melancholic? YES. But it's done so well. It didn't feel underwhelming, it felt sad yet done so in the right way.
Everyone trying their best to get him to remember got me ngl lol that was. That was sad man.
Also I saw the Bill and Bob's ok adventure book I see yall tgamm crew.
Todd leaves to see the world and see Adia. Leaving Brighton, and Scratch's new family behind. Again, really bittersweet but done right. Todd is happy to live, and so is everyone else for him.
What a good ending. Bittersweet to a T.
Yes. Yes indeed a 9 for me!
Now as most of us know S3 might not happen. Who knows due to what, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't cause of fan demand, cause I'm p sure there was a lotta that for this show. And this was a fairly good way to send off the show! It had a pretty good run and it was usually up there with BCG, TOH and amphibia when discussing disney channel shows thatve come these past years, and for good reason.
I'll be honest. I'm kinda already missing it. I remember fondly of watching it for the first time and the next episodes, especially when it had aired near my nephews birthday and I had been wrapping his presents. I still enjoy listening to the few podcast talks and whatnot the crew have done for the show. It feels so. Sad. To know we'll probably never get a continuation of anything from this show. Not even a book. But all good things as they say.
If they do continue it tho, I wonder how it'd go. Probably trying to convince Todd to remember who he is and was, his time as a Wraith and as a Mcgee.
But who knows! All I can say is, thank you The Ghost and Molly Mcgee. It's been great. Really. Thank you all.
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Love yall ❤️✌️
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Tying the Knot. (Literally)
Summary: Ghost bends down to tie his shoe but you think he's proposing. Pairing: Ghost x GN!Reader
Warnings: none babey !1!!!1
AN: ayy this sucks booty cheeks and it's heckin short but i thought it would be funny. relax from the angsty au's and have a quick laugh ha ha ha
“Oh my god… Simon. Yes. Yes! A million times yes!” You exclaimed happily, jumping up and down in your spot. Your eyes were watering at the sight of Simon on one knee before you. You were too excited to even let him ask you, too excited for your fantasies to become a reality. You have been wondering when he would pop the question. After all, you’ve been together for years. Gone through every hardship you two could face. There was no doubt that you two had an inseparable bond. It was only a matter of time before the wedding bells were ringing. Simon stared up at you wide-eyed, his gloved fingers holding the untied shoelaces he was about to re-tie before your little excited outburst. “Sorry love, m’ just tying my shoe.” He chortled, noticing the horrified expression quickly sprouting on your face. Your red cheeks and parted mouth was adorable to him, he couldn’t help but laugh a little more once he tied his shoe and stood up properly. 
Good thing it was so late at night and no one else was around in the park, otherwise you would’ve gone into a permanent hibernation. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! God, what was I expecting? He’s not like the guys in the romcoms, he’s Ghost! He’s Simon for Christ’s sake! You were mentally face palming yourself at your eagerness to say yes to a question he never even intended on asking you in the first place. You were so lost in your own internal conflicts, you didn’t even notice Simon had gotten up close and personal, encircling his arms around your waist.
“Don’t beat yourself up. It’ll happen soon. I promise.” He pressed his lips to your forehead, a gentle reminder that he wasn’t judging you at all. You cooled down a bit from his reassurance, the corners of your lips turning upwards into a bright smile. Even if it wasn’t happening right now, you knew it would happen eventually. You two were meant to be after all.
Next time you’ll make sure he actually has a small box in his hand before you start jumping to conclusions though.
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kafus · 7 months
i made it through routes 216/217 and got to snowpoint city
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the visual of dawn rummaging in the snow for solid gold but the snow is so high and she is so short that she is THIS buried is really, really funny to meSDFKSFDL
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of course i picked up the rock climb HM and i realized while doing this how funny this interaction is. not only does this guy just give you the HM he was still complaining about losing, but it's... right outside his house? and it's not even something you have to use the dowsing machine for, it's peeking over the snow and is really visible. like did he even try to look for it?? he also gives you an icicle plate for your honesty. it almost feels like he just wanted to give someone a gift but wanted to be "cool" about it. i am looking way too far into this interaction that solely serves a functional purpose but IT'S JUST FUNNY TO THINK ABOUT IT MORE
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as per usual this woman who gives you the spell tag and then disappears when you re-enter the building is a bit unsettling
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and also as per usual in new areas DEX COMPLETION BABEY!! i can't get snorunt until nighttime though :( hopefully i remember to catch both a male and female for evolving later. i'm saying that here so hopefully i remember lmao
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ANYWAYS. BARRY I LITERALLY JUST TREKKED THROUGH A BLIZZARD TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT BEING EATEN ALIVE BY TEAM GALACTIC. I KNOW YOU AREN'T AWARE OF THE DANGER. BUT. (dying noises) OKAY i guess i have to beat the gym to come RESCUE UR ASS (i'm being mean for comedic effect, i actually love barry shhh)
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gee i wonder if i have to come back here later after i beat the pokemon league. also damn is cynthia too good for this man?? smh...
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i am curious about this crane though. i've never thought about it before until i was walking around and taking pictures for this playthrough livepost, but... what is it doing? it looks like it hasn't been used in a while because of the sheer amount of snow on it and in massive bins, though it's constantly snowing here so maybe it hasn't actually been that long. perhaps to keep the city from snowing everyone in they're constantly using the crane to lift massive amounts of snow into the ocean? idk
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also this is a really funny thing to say when regigigas literally lives in your backyard (snowpoint temple) though of course the NPCs here probably don't know that, considering that no one is allowed in other than "the chosen", whatever that means (this is rhetorical, i know what it means but i'm pretending i don't)
i've kind of been glossing over gym fights bc tbh? none of them have been that interesting so far but candice's was really funny so i'm gonna talk about that one. in another post because i think it deserves a separate one
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sebsxphia · 2 years
So it’s v canon to me that bobs favourite holiday is Christmas but he’s never had a proper cold Christmas with snow and when you bring him home the first year and he gets to experience snow for the first time 🥺🥺🥺 I am so in love with him it isn’t even funny
🥹🥹🥹 babey, yes. yes yes yes!! wholesome af!!!!
You first learned that Bob loved Christmas when you told him you lived way up North and you weren’t looking forward to going back home for Christmas, because the planes are always delayed, or worse cancelled, because of the snow.
His face, quite literally, lit up like a Christmas Tree. “I never had snow at Christmas, ever.” he slammed his beer down, proud with his statement. “Holy shit, seriously?” You asked wide eyed. “Yeah, rural Southern states for ya’”
You placed your hand on his forearm, “maybe one day I’ll show you Bob.” A soft smile on your face as you watched Bob grow a rosy pink tint in his cheeks.
One year later, and five months of dating Bob, you were in your home town, albeit late because the planes were delayed because of the snow. You stood outside in your large coats, Bob’s arm wrapped tightly around your shoulder as you looked up at the sky, feeling the wet splatters of the lightest snow fall beginning.
He looked just like a kid, sticking his tongue out to catch it on his mouth, the snow making his glasses wet. Bringing you closer into his chest and kissing your forehead, he sighs, content with the person in his arms right now and the place he’s standing. “Fuckin’ love snow.” “Love ya too Bobby.”
thank you so so much for this dear!! 💌 im so in love with him too omds, i love doing bits for him 🥹💖
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ufonaut · 2 years
Will you please share your black adam thoughts?? I was also very nervous about it and how it would handle the JSA but i actually really liked it! I actually work at a movie theater so i saw it twice already 😂
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i'm putting these together because they're all related to my thoughts on black adam 2022 and i thought it'd be more convenient for everybody (even if they're wildly antithetic povs)! i absolutely loved black adam and i think i'm gonna see it again quite literally as soon as i can. given that i only got back approx ten minutes ago, here's some jumbled thoughts right off the bat:
i think what makes or breaks a superhero movie is whether the people involved think comic books are beneath them or not (as the folks over at the mcu often seem to do) and black adam certainly loves comic books with its entire heart and soul and you can tell. from various black reign panel recreations to carter's picture perfect thanagarian ship from hawkman 2002, this is a very sincere and earnest movie with none of the parodic tone i so often despise in superhero media.
VISUALLY GORGEOUS. SIMPLY GORGEOUS. the fact that 99.9% of the film takes place in daylight immediately resolves the lighting issue of all modern cinema but lawrence sher (of joker 2019 fame) as cinematographer simply changes the game with this one. in fact, i can say the same thing about the magnificent use of cgi -- cyclone's powers, in particular, are one of the most beautiful things i've ever had the pleasure of seeing in action.
while there are certainly a few things i disagree with, such as carter's estate and kent seemingly having a chauffeur/butler, i think most of the major changes were unavoidable either in a lost in translation sort of way or simply in order to make this movie palpable to average audiences used to marvel. over all, i felt the jsa's dynamic was captured perfectly and what drew me to the team in the first place is very much still there in a way that's definitely absent from stargirl, for example. they're still a horrible little family made up almost exclusively of weird uncles.
i thought it was made clear that this isn't the entire team but rather just the members carter chose for this particular mission, which i also enjoyed. and while we're here, to touch on some of the points from the anon, i don't think any marvel-style humour was actually present? or at least, it didn't come across that way to me. i mean, it's a very funny film, i was laughing nearly the whole time (or tearing up! or simply absolutely on the edge of my seat!) but it all felt perfectly natural to me, especially in al's case where it's a clear consequence of powers he's obviously still unused to. the relationship between him & carter is actually exactly the element that made me feel a first spark of recognition like.... man i'm seeing my favourite lil comic book guys up there on the big screen.
considering i was all set on hating this portrayal of kent, i also can't believe how much i ended up completely utterly loving him. the movie definitely has a knack for making you fall in love with its characters nearly instantly (maxine!!!!!!!!! oh maxine!!!!!!!) because it's so well written but kent's random outfit changes for no reason whatsoever, the bit where he's parading around in a dressing gown on carter's ship, "i'm not that kind of doctor", the entire scene in adrianna's apartment... yeah babey. actually i was losing my entire mind at "i remember the day i saw my first aeroplane...", the way pierce plays him might not have been intended to be hilarious but by god, giffen himself couldn't have done a better job. you can tell he's not all there (and i did also enjoy maxine calling him possessed by fate) and it's precisely how kent should be even in the absence of unnatural youth.
the narrative actually allowing carter to be his usual arrogant asshole self-appointed leader with a heart of gold self was also a welcome bonus, i loved seeing him the way he's always been written at his best and i loved that his sharp edges haven't been dulled any by a script that could've easily gone the sanitized route. his black and white thinking is also something that's always been a part of him and i don't think it's necessarily odd to have him say superheroes don't kill -- superheroes certainly don't kill as easily and indiscriminately as black adam does, not even the jsa.
on that point, the jsa's actions are clearly framed to be in the wrong? i loved black adam's arc, i thought mr the rock was acting his little heart out and succeeding like never before but we're also definitely pushed to be on his side to begin with. adrianna and amon are the moral centre of the movie and they certainly stand with black adam! the movie doesn't simply co-opt anti imperialist languages for the hell of it, the jsa is plainly told they're coming here with a us-centric pov and helping nothing & nobody in the name of some nebulous form of justice. i thought it was definitely abundantly clear that the conversation opened around a colonized kahndaq does not condemn adam's actions against intergang etc.
this got long enough but god, i really did love it. i loved black adam. i loved the jsa. a respectful, loving, beautiful cinematic adaptation like i never thought we'd ever get.
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kai-selfships · 1 year
Selfship questions from @salsflore! This is a spectacular idea, and I really think it would be awesome if this format of questions became a trend as opposed to ask games (those are fun and all, but I never get questions 😭). So yeah thanks for making this it’s a great idea!!
I’ll answer for my GOTG selfships because I haven’t stopped thinking about them since the new movie came out 😵‍💫
Also tagging @4i-i0v3-y0u because we talk about GOTG often :)
For context, Rocket and Drax are romantic F/Os, Peter, Groot sr, Mantis, Nebula and Gamora are Platonic F/Os, and Groot jr is a familial F/O. Also I have a silly little crush on Yondu 🤫 so when asked about “them” I’ll usually talk about Rocket or Drax, but sometimes the others too
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what’s something you do to feel closer to them? fanfics, listen to songs, etc.
I love watching the Guardians of the Galaxy movies! I also enjoy watching MVs on YouTube. This is my favorite!
how did you get introduced to your f/o and/or their media? do you like their source?
My brother is a huge fan of Marvel. A couple of years ago, over the summer, he made me watch all the movies with him. I wasn’t too big of a fan of the other ones, but I really really loved the guardians :) there’s actually kind of a funny story about how I got introduced to my F/Os— when I first watched the movie, Rocket was my favorite character, but I knew if I told my family that they would make fun of me, so I instead told everyone Drax was my favorite (he’s actually my SECOND favorite lol) and I’m just now starting to let myself love Rocket :,)
what’s one or two things you especially like about your f/o? can be a headcanon!
I love how creative and smart Rocket is :) he loves to build things and invent new weapons and machines, and I think it’s really cool!
I really really love that Drax is so honest— it may annoy our friends sometimes, but he really likes me and isn’t shy about saying it.
Peter is very affectionate and loves to give hugs!! He and I are really good friends (we’ve known each other since even before the Kyln) so it’s nice to have someone who really knows me.
what’s one or two things your f/os love about you? ( self positivity time babey )
I know Rocket really loves my smile :) my S/I is less angst ridden than the rest of the team, so he’s often the one to keep everyone’s spirits up, and Rocket really appreciates the positivity.
how do you express your love to them? how do they express their love to you?
I express my love to my F/Os by being there for them. There are some things I won’t ever understand, or be able to help with, and that’s okay. But I can be a listening ear if they ever feel like opening up.
My F/Os show their love by caring for me. My S/I is the type to prioritize everyone else first, so they help me out by taking care of me when I need it. We usually make our own food (it’s hard to cook for so many different species with different nutritional needs) but when I feel burned out or particularly morose, Drax cooks for me.
a gift you’d like to give them if you could, and something they’d give to you!
Rocket’s flight suit is obviously good for flying a spaceship and fighting people, but it doesn’t look very comfy (especially for the cybernetics on his back) so I think I would give him some more comfortable clothes to wear. Early on in our relationship I think I would be wayyy to embarrassed for such a grand gesture (spending money is a big deal) so I would just give him one of my shirts. Rocket absolutely loves it.
Omg me and Clyde were literally kinda talking about this earlier but basically Rocket would totally collect a whole bunch of pretty things (shiny rocks, stolen jewelry, etc) and give them as gifts to me.
what do you celebrate together? like halloween, christmas time, easter, etc.
We all celebrate Christmas together! Of course the first time was on Knowhere, much after Vol2 and Endgame and stuff, but it’s become a tradition ever since.
do you sleep together? is it peaceful or filled with snoring? do you both stay up? tell us more! ( how you sleep, when you sleep, do you wake up at the same time? )
Drax has his own bed because he can’t stand sleeping with other people (it’s the sensory processing disorder) but me and Rocket sleep together sometimes :)
Rocket’s sleep schedule is really weird because he’s meant to be nocturnal— he doesn’t sleep much at night, and takes a lot of naps in the daytime. He either snuggles with me anyway, just enjoying the closeness, or stays up building something.
When we lived on the Milano, and Groot was still a baby, he would sometimes come sleep with us (or just me) too if he had a nightmare.
Drax always wakes up earlier than me. Once we start living together in Knowhere, he gets into a habit of cooking breakfast for us all.
what’s one thing you can’t do well that the other can, vice versa ( e.g cooking, playing video games, so on and so forth )
One thing I’m not good at is cooking 😭 I’m bad at managing time, so things tend to end up burned or undercooked. Drax is really good at cooking, though!
And with something I can do well— Rocket isn’t good at writing. Numbers are easy because they’re a lot of sharp lines, but letters that curve and are kind of round (like “s” or “o”) are really difficult. It’s because his hands aren’t very good at holding the pencil, so he’s embarrassed about this, and avoids writing whenever possible. I really enjoy things like fancy lettering, painting, and drawing. It’s one of my hobbies :)
do you have similar tastes in fashion? aesthetic? food? tell us about their taste!
We Guardians kind of wear the same clothing (there’s not much range in the space junker business) but I like pretty things a lot. When not on a job, I like to wear a lot of accessories. As for food— I love all kinds of food. Literally anything.
Rocket doesn’t have a lot of options when it comes to clothes, so he just wears what he can find. He loves eating fresh foods, like fruits and seafood.
Drax’s fashion sense is complicated. Comfort takes priority, but he also is picky with colors. His species sees more colors than the human eye can pick up (hc). His taste in food is simple: he loves things with a lot of flavor, especially meat. You ever watched Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives? That kinda stuff.
how do they tend to comfort you? how do you tend to comfort them?
Everyone knows I love hugs. Drax is so strong and he gives the best hugs 😭 Rocket and I like to cuddle, and he also makes me feel better by making me laugh :) Groot is also really sweet, he and I could talk for hours.
I mostly comfort my loves with reassurance. “It’s not your fault” is a big one, both for Rocket and Drax, and Groot often needs reassurance because he feels like he’s not as good as Groot sr.
if you have a rival or nemesis f/o, why? are there any lore reasons or is it just because?
Obviously all the bad guys we’ve fought (Ronan, Ego, Thanos, the High Evolutionary), but in a more lighthearted sense, I don’t really get along well with the avengers. No real reason, I just don’t like them.
what are some uncommon headcanons you have for them?
I’m not quite sure if these are uncommon or not haha— I headcanon that Rocket likes to play video games. He got into it because Groot wanted someone to play with, and of course it was a lot of fun. I also headcanon that Rocket is hard of hearing from being too close to explosions and gunfire all his life. I headcanon Peter suffered some type of disordered eating growing up because he was always afraid that if he got too big to fit into small spaces to steal things, the Ravagers would kill him. I also headcanon that Peter has synthesia, which is why he loves music so much, but also doesn’t often listen to it when he works— it’s distracting.
what is your favorite fan theory/headcanon about them?
My favorite about Rocket is just about him being a dad to little Groot. Of course it’s practically canon, but it’s really sweet
if you live together, how’s domestic life like for you both?
We live together on Knowhere once it becomes the Guardians of the Galaxy HQ. I think this is my favorite part of our story, it’s so sweet :) that kind of life takes some adjusting to, but it’s really what we’ve all always wanted. (Post vol3) Drax gets to be a loving father figure to the children rescued from the HE, and after finding a home with the Guardians and leading a decade or so of an action-packed life, Rocket really just wants to rest. So he does. And for me, ever since I was young, all I’ve ever wanted is to love and be loved. We keep in contact with our friends and they visit often, of course.
do you have any scent hcs for them? ( sweet, something like coffee, etc )
Unpopular opinion, I think Rocket smells a lot like soap. He washes his hands often, and is kind of a clean freak tbh.
is there anything commonly misunderstood about your f/o?
I kind of like the fandom’s current interpretation of Rocket. My only complaint is that sometimes people portray him as a womanizer, when that’s not him at all.
one thing you don’t have in common, and one thing you do
One thing we don’t have in common is probably, for lack of a better word, toughness? Rocket has no hesitation when he needs to kill someone, but my S/I had a breakdown every freaking time. One thing we do have in common is the deep and profound loneliness and desire to be understood.
how do you resolve conflicts? how do you both typically react when faced with conflict or whilst dealing with an argument?
We don’t heavily disagree on anything important (like morals and ethics and stuff) so conflict is usually pretty surface level annoyance. Sometimes Drax is too loud, or says something mean on accident, or Rocket is having a bad day and snaps at us, or i feel too low energy to get stuff done, etc… usually the solution is to just spend some time away from each other to cool down and feel better. Sometimes an apology is needed, sometimes it’s just mutually understood.
have you met their friends/family? how did that go? do they even keep in contact with their friends/family?
I never met batch 89, or Drax’s late wife and daughter— but I have met Ego! And Thanos! 👍 neither of those went very well. Oh I also met Yondu and the rest of the Ravagers a few times, and Peter considers them family— there was some conflict before, but Yondu was a good friend to us. Also i thought he was kinda hot but don’t tell Peter.
tell us as much (or as little) as you'd like about any of your self ship lore/bg! the timeline!
I’m actually planning on making a timeline post soon!
if they have variations (timelines, skills, voiced languages, etc) which one is your favorite?
The biggest variations are probably their comic book vs movie characters, and while I’ve read a few of the old comics that feature the Guardians, I prefer my F/Os movie versions.
your favorite outfit/costume of theirs! if they don’t have any official skins or anything, show us something you think they’d look good in!
Rocket’s suit in the first Guardians of the Galaxy (the orange one) has a special place in my heart :3 but I also like how he looks in the Kyln’s prison outfit lol— yellow is my favorite color. As for Drax, I really really like his sleeveless shirt outfit in GOTG 3 :D
who confessed first and how did it go?
I confessed first to Drax, I’d say it went well because we ended up dating lmao. Then a little bit later Rocket realized that his feelings for me were more than platonic, but it still took him a long time to find the courage to tell me haha
did anyone know about your f/o’s feelings before they confessed? how did they find out?
Just little Groot. He and Rocket are besties, they tell each other everything.
if you have multiple f/os, do they fit into any “type?” ( e.g coincidentally they’re all smartasses, blonde, villains, etc. lol )
Kind of! Drax and Rocket aren’t very similar, but the common ground is Yondu (a crush of mine) who has a similar personality to Rocket and looks kind of like Drax (bald).
do you have any favorite scenarios you like to imagine your f/os in? ( domestic fluff, angsty, etc. )
I love hurt/comfort!!!!! I’ll get injured in battle and my F/Os will nurse me back to health!! Rocket will experience the emotional turmoil of having to fight a past abuser immediately after having a near death experience and seeing batch 89 in the sky and i’ll be there to help him through it!!!
have you ever thought about ( platonic or not ) marriage? would you consider it a good idea? why or why not?
Yeah :) I would 100% want to get married to both my romantic F/Os, especially Drax. He would be so excited about it! Me and Rocket are kind of just having fun, but it means a lot to him. All our friends would be there, too!
^ if you're planning to get married, then tell us all about your wedding! the honeymoon! the planning!
The wedding wouldn’t be too fancy, just one of the nicer buildings on Knowhere. Nebula, surprisingly, would offer to help plan. She’s very good at things like that. Everyone would be there (maybe Gamora would even swing by) and there’d be lots of good food and drinks. For a honeymoon, we’d probably go to one of the planets less involved in interplanetary crime— ooh, I bet Xandar has some nice vacation places :) we might even get a discount for saving the Galaxy haha.
if you live together, how does your home look like? who decided on the decor?
Knowhere is known for being more functional than pretty, but I just love making things look nice— Drax and Rocket don’t mind if I handle the decor, as long as it’s not too crazy, so I get to put in carpets and nice lighting and stuff! I enjoy paintings of landscapes, since Knowhere doesn’t really have any natural beauty. It’s very colorful.
do you, or plan to, have f/o kids? ( pets and plants count! ) bonus: if you have pets, do they show any favoritism?
Groot is our kid, but he’s pretty much grown up after vol3– we all want kids, but adoption is a big decision. I suppose we could have pets, but Rocket feels kind of weird about having a “lower life form” around.
what was it like when they first said ‘i love you’? how did you reply? where was it?
Drax first said I love you maybe a month after we started living on the Milano as a team. I was super flustered— obviously he meant it, he’s a terrible liar. I said it back, but I was a little embarrassed haha.
When Rocket first said I love you, it was late at night, and he and I were hanging out eating a midnight snack because he couldn’t sleep. We were both dead tired but Rocket was having nightmares and I didn’t want to leave him alone. This was a couple months after Vol2, and we hadn’t even started dating yet.
if you could make one thing 100% canon about them, what would it be?
It’s already implied in very few scenes, but I think it would be more realistic if Rocket’s cybernetics were more of a problem to him. In my canon, he has chronic pain and nerve damage from the surgeries, and needs to take special care to upkeep his metal parts.
how do you kill time with them when bored?
Drax loves to tell stories. I love listening to him. He also tries to tell jokes, which are pretty funny.
Rocket also talks a lot, but he likes to be doing something while we talk. When he and I have down time, he works on his inventions while I just lie down and we talk.
your favorite thing about your f/o, appearance wise
I love Rocket’s eyes 👁️👁️ they r so pretty I love brown eyes— also I like that Drax is taller than me lol. And I like Yondu’s mouth. His teeth are all messed up, but I like how he whistles and grins all pointy >:3 yk?
your favorite thing about your f/o, non-appearance wise
I love how deeply Rocket loves. He cares for his friends so much, it’s beautiful.
This was kind of touched on by Mantis in vol3, but I love Drax’s positivity despite everything he’s gone through.
what’s your dynamic like? any tropes you fit?
“Silly fella that absolutely no one is intimidated by” (me) x “built like a brick shithouse, his name is literally ‘the destroyer’” (Drax)
“Loves the other so deeply, profoundly, and unconditionally” (me) x “thinks he is undeserving of love”
In terms of tropes that actually exist? Probably “sunshine x grumpy” and “best friends to lovers”
the most iconic/memed on/quoted line or event associated with your f/o
For Drax, the one I appreciate most is “nothing goes over my head… my reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.” And for Rocket, probably when he was telling little Groot how to set up the batteries to explode lol.
who’s more likely to be the sappy, cheesy romantic in the relationship?
Me ❤️
who gets flustered the easiest?
Omg Rocket does haha— he doesn’t get compliments often, so whenever I voice how much I love him and what exactly I like about him he kind of doesn’t know what to say. He also things I’m handsome :3
if you were in an emergency or stressful situation, which one of you’s the best at staying level headed keeping the other calm? who is the one absolutely freaking out?
We have emergency situations a lot, so it kind of depends. When threatened, Drax automatically goes into fight or flight (always fight, for him), and I usually try to find a peaceful way out of the situation. Rocket is almost always very good at keeping his cool in high-stakes battles, but some things throw him off.
what nicknames do you call each other?
My nicknames for Rocket: Rocky, love
Rockets nicknames for me: (embarrassing as fuck so only teasingly and in private, but—) Boo
My nicknames for Drax: Honey
Drax’s nicknames for me: none, he doesn’t really get them lol
with phones or modern au : what would your contact names be?
In my phone: Rocket 🚀 and Drax🗡️
But they just have boring old names in their contact list lol
with phones or modern au : how do they use their phone? do they have a billion screenshots in their gallery? whats their wallpaper?
Rocket: has a few apps that Groot used to play games (now he plays them too lol), his wallpaper is a photo of all of the guardians
Drax: his phone is default settings for the wallpaper, ringtone, etc— hasn’t downloaded any apps either. He uses his phone mainly for taking thousands of pictures. Mostly of the stars, and other things he finds pretty, but we’re also in there :)
favorite memory involving them ( whether in your lore as a scenario, a scene from their media, or another physical experience like when you received merch etc )
Irl, my favorite memory is seeing GOTG vol3 in the movie theater :D but in universe, my favorite memory is just any time when we’re all together and happy ❤️
are they physically affectionate? if so, how do they express it? vice versa!
Drax gives big hugs :) he’s strong enough to pick me up and carry me around! And Rocket is more shy, but he likes to cuddle with me.
any funny or awkward moments you've experienced with them?
Actually yeah, with Peter— we worked and lived together for a few months several years before the events of the first movie. Peter asks a lot of questions, like “if you’re a shapeshifter, why is your dick small”.
who’s more likely to get into, or start fights? whether with each other or with others.
Rocket starts fights. He’s insecure, and steals batteries he doesn’t need, and there was a learning curve to living with him. We all love him very much though.
what were your first impressions of each other?
My first Impression of Rocket was that he was someone strong that I’d want to stay with— we were arrested and brought to the Kyln together, and he and Groot were protecting Peter, so I decided to stick around.
His first impression of me was that I was untrustworthy (because I tried to help Peter when he and Groot tried to kidnap him)
My first impression of Drax was that he was scary, so I treated him with respect. His first impression of me was that I was kind :)
do you have an anniversary date? how was it decided & how do you (plan to) celebrate it?
No I don’t lol— maybe I should
.... would you still love them if they turned into a worm
Yeah, lol
how did their personality or lifestyle change after befriending/getting with you?
Rocket used to live his life more… unhealthily. He drank a lot and got in fights and had only Groot to support him. Once he made friends with the rest of us (and me of course) he subconsciously began thinking his life actually had some worth, and for the most part, he wanted to stay alive.
Drax was filled with so much rage after losing his family. He thought killing their killer would make him feel better, but after Ronan was dealt with he didn’t feel any more satisfied. He learned slowly that he could only heal and feel better if he opened up and allowed himself to experience love again. He jokes around more, but also cries more— he’s not “fixed”, or without the bad memories, but rather he allows himself to feel things. Before, he coped with the grief by just destroying.
something you know about them, that many others don’t?
Peter often likes to make fun of Rocket for being afraid of spiders, because once they were exploring a planet with these giant bug creatures, and Rocket froze up and couldn’t kill them. The truth is, something Rocket’s only told me and Groot, is that they reminded him of Floor, with all the hydraulic legs skittering around.
how do they reassure or affirm their love for you?
Words of affirmation mostly, and quality time spent together. I need a lot of affirmation ;-;
what’s your funniest or most embarrassing memory together?
I always love when we’re on a mission and need disguises >:3 very fun. one time we were going to a fancy gala, and we had to dress up in nice fancy clothes, but we didn’t even get halfway through the event before Drax took his shirt off and got in trouble.
what’s their sense of humor like? how easy is it to make them laugh?
Rocket and Drax are both kind of immature with their humor— Drax in a more childish way, and Rocket is just kind of a dick. Like he thinks those videos of people falling down or getting hurt are funny lmao— or, as per canon, stealing people’s prosthetics.
what inside jokes do you share?
Mostly about Gamora and Peter’s will they/won’t they relationship. We placed bets on whether they’d get together or not. I lost.
if necessary, how do you wake them up? how do they wake you up?
I’m the one who gets woken up lol, I sleep wayyy too much. Rocket usually tries to be nice about it but Drax is straight to the point and just shakes me awake lmao
any daily routines or habits you two follow?
Life is busy on Knowhere, so we don’t spend every day together. However, we at least try to have breakfast and dinner together every day :) it’s really great!
what do others in source say about your relationship? do you keep it a secret?
Everyone, for the most part, is supportive. Though there are planets like Earth where polyamory might be considered odd, in space (like businesses where you travel a lot and practically live on your ship) it’s pretty typical. We’re all men, too, but that’s pretty normal— for example, Kraglin’s been married 14 times, and has only one ex-wife.
We’ve never kept it secret.
if you have more than one f/o from the same media, which one were you drawn to first? any lore connection like did they introduce you to the others? did one make you fall for the other?
Irl, I was drawn to Rocket first. Something about his voice and personality 🫣 I thought he was so cute.
In lore, technically Peter introduced me to everyone. It did not take long for me to fall for Drax, but because Rocket was more standoffish at first, we were just friends for a long time.
dream piece of merchandise or f/o-related experience you’d like to have
I don’t even know if they make these, but I’d really like a life size weighted plushie of Rocket :,)
how are they like when vulnerable?
Rocket gets angry. He cries and then hates himself for crying, so he picks fights with Peter and then hates himself more.
Drax is very quiet. He doesn’t like to show his emotions in front of everybody, so he isolated himself.
describe your f/o in 6 words or less
Rocket: dangerous, smart, sarcastic
Drax: honest, powerful, loving
describe your f/o using only emojis
Drax: 🔪💪🪨💥
Rocket: 🩻🚀🔫🔧
would you rather go to their world, or have them come to yours?
I like both ideas, but I’d have to say go to their world because there’s also things there I want to experience that has nothing to do with our relationship— I want to visit Knowhere! I want to meet abilisks! I want to fly in a spaceship!!!!
do you care about ship lore? feel free to tell us about it if you’d like!
It’s important to me :) I love thinking of scenarios for our first kiss, first date, etc :D this post actually made me realize that I’d want a wedding with them, so I’ll have a lot of fun thinking about that!
if you have a s/i, how’d you go about creating their design? what went into their lore? how do the others in the source feel about your s/i?
Well, I just started imagining it— I wanted to be kind of humanoid, but I didn’t want to be Terran like Peter. I settled on a shapeshifter alien because I love the freedom of being able to change things and explain it as “oh lol he just decided to have pointy teeth that day” because he’s a shapeshifter :) I also thought it would be cool if his true form was kind of reptilian, because snakes are my favorite animal!
does your s/i hold similarities to you, is completely like you or completely different from you? do you even have a s/i?
Personality wise, we are very similar. He looks different from me because what human features he has are just kind of how I would want to look (for example, he is bigger than I am and has facial hair, and I want to look like that but I don’t because I’m trans 🥲)
thoughts on AUs/canon divergent things? do you prefer to stick as closely to canon as possible or no?
I love AUs! I’m focusing on canon things right now though; the most canon-divergent things get are the fact that I decided to have Rocket settle down and live with me on Knowhere post vol3 instead of being the new captain.
However, when I was depressed and in 10th grade (as if I’m not still depressed lmao) I kind of coped with the stress and shame of being not “good” enough to go to a normal school by imagining that I went to my weird little school and became friends with the highschool AU Guardians. It was really comforting because they were all also too fucked up for public school, and I felt less lonely. I think I still have some drawings from back then!
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quick! your f/o’s just spawned in front of you, now what do you do?!
Well, I would probably be really embarrassed because I’m in my pajamas, but I guess I’d take them outside so we could talk without waking up my parents haha. After telling them where we are, what year it is, etc, then I’d probably tell my parents. My dad would probably kick them out of the house🥲
do they have any superstitions they believe in?
It seems unfair to call this a superstition, but the only thing Rocket really believes in is the afterlife. He didn’t used to, but after seeing the rest of batch 89 in the sky, he’s not so afraid of death anymore.
would you or your f/o ever get matching things? ( keychains, tattoos, shirts, etc ) do they find it cringy or cute?
Rocket and I would have matching necklaces :) Drax really loves our wedding rings— they were a gift from Peter.
who’s more the scaredy cat out of you two?
Me by a long shot. I don’t get squeamish with blood and gore (kind of a requirement in our line of work) but whenever we fight gross looking monsters it really freaks me out. The hellspawn the HE created were by far the worst.
what kind of things is your f/o into? games, music, decor, whatever!
Rocket kind of adopted Peter’s taste in music :) he also likes to watch movies— horror movies especially. That’s something he and I have in common :) I enjoy them for spooks, but he thinks they’re hilarious.
the most random thing you associate with your f/o (foods, shapes, even textures! anything that’s not an obvious)
For Rocket: having really good muscle memory for driving a vehicle, or doing something with your hands. It’s kind of silly but, like, seeing someone solve a Rubik’s cube super fast reminds me of how he puts together scraps of metal.
For Drax: genuine laughter. It’s so lovely <3
anything your f/o absolutely hates, but you absolutely love?
Rocket can’t stand spicy food, but I absolutely love it 😋 and Drax really doesn’t like heat, but I enjoy it :) summer is my favorite season
any aesthetic or -core you associate with your f/o, whether it be due to their design or personality?
Ummmm space pirate :0 I don’t know if that makes sense, but like— have you seen Treasure Planet? That kinda deal. Danger and adventure and really stylish outfits, but also futuristic technology.
who's more likely to die first in a zombie apocalypse lol
Me 💀
do your f/os have any long term wishes or goals? what about your s/i?
For all of us, probably being in a good place to adopt kids. Right now Rocket is still dealing with his past, and Drax is busy helping Nebula with repairing Knowhere, but maybe a couple years in the future we could think about it :)
your favorite f/o fun fact or bit of lore
Rocket loves dancing. He loves singing. He loves music. Especially with Groot, haha— they have a lot of fun. And with Drax, I absolutely adore that he’s so good with kids. I love Nebula’s quote about how he wasn’t made to be a destroyer, he was made to be a dad. It was tragic that he lost his daughter, but the fact that he still has love in his heart to care for the kids we rescued from the High Evolutionary…
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Drax is such a sad character, and that isn’t recognized enough. When he and Mantis are on Ego’s planet, and she uses her empathic abilities to feel his emotions and is immediately overwhelmed with sadness, all the while Drax is completely calm. He rarely shows on his face how truly sad he is.
which animal represents your f/o the best?
Um. 🦝
does your f/o run hot or cold?
Rocket hot, Drax cold
free space to gush about whatever you want ♡
I was hoping there’s be a question I’d be able to fit this into (something like “what is a way you help your F/O and vice versa”) but I am a huge sucker for non-sexual intimacy. Rocket has cybernetics on his back, and they need special care to upkeep them, and he used to have Groot take care of that, but after he passed away in the first movie… anyway, at that point, I’m Rocket’s closest friend, so even though I’m nervous as hell because I suck at robotics, Rocket asks me to help with occasional tune ups and cleaning. Hmm I guess I could have added this to our domestic routines… lol whatever. Anyway that trust means a lot to me ❤️
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